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articulated lorry

to jack-knife
police statement
to take a bend
to be forced
to swing out
to realise
coupled with
to cause
to slide

lorry with sections connected by flexible joints

to bend sharply into a V-shape
a formal, usually written, record of facts about e.g. a
crime, an accident, etc.
to turn round a bend
to have to do sg, to have no other choice but do sg
a line of people waiting for sg
not permanent
to change direction and move suddenly
(Brit) on the right-hand side
coming from the opposite direction, toward
to notice, to understand suddenly
possible, probable
together with sg
to be the reason of sg
to move along on a slippery surface

1. Read the article.

Death of a coach driver
A coach driver was killed on 10
August when an articulated lorry jackknifed and hit the front of his vehicle.
Mr James Small suffered multiple
injuries in the crash and died 14 hours later
in St. Mary Hospital.
Four passengers were injured on the
coach which was taking workers home
from a factory in Garlic.
Mr Small, aged 28, suffered severe
head and leg injuries and died.
Lorry driver Mr Tom Knuckle, of
Cambridge, said he was going to the

Carball Institute along A5 when the

accident happened.
In a police statement he said he took
a left-hand bend and was forced to brake
because there was a queue of traffic
waiting at temporary lights.
He saw his trailer start to swing out
into the offside lane and although he took
his foot off the brake it hit the oncoming
A coach passenger said: I saw the
back end of the lorry trailer coming to our
side of the road and realised it was going to

hit us. I closed my eyes and tried not to

feel anything.
The trailer was unladen which would
make it more likely to swing out. This fact

coupled with the wet road conditions and

the drivers braking probably caused the
trailer to slide out.

2. True or False?
1. Two coaches crashed.
2. The coach driver had more than one serious injuries.
3. The coach was taking factory workers to their workplace.
4. Mr Small died in the hospital.
5. Some passengers died, too.
6. The lorry driver had to brake after a right turn.
7. The coach was going behind the lorry.
8. A coach passenger saw what was going to happen, and he was terrified.
9. There was no cargo on the trailer.
10. One of the reasons of the accident was wet road.
3. Answer the questions.
1. Milyen jrmvek s hogyan tkztek ssze az A5-s ton?
2. A baleset sorn megsrlt-e valaki, illetve volt-e hallos ldozat?
3. Az eddigi felttelezsek alapjn milyen okok vezettek a balesethez?
4. Translate.
a) Egy Budapestrl Sifokra tart autbusz, mely dikokat szlltott, sszetkztt egy
szemlygpkocsival. A Golf szablytalanul prblt elzni, az estl vizes ton megcsszott s
frontlisan tkztt a tvolsgi busszal. Szerencsre senki nem srlt meg. A rendrsg
flrn bell megrkezett, a helysznels mg tart.
b) Hallos kimenetel kzti baleset trtnt kedd reggel Tolna megyben. Egy gpkocsikat
szllt teheraut sszetkztt egy Trabanttal. A balesetet az okozta, hogy az t jobb oldaln
kzleked Trabant vezetje hirtelen kikanyarodott az autjt elzni kszl teheraut el. A
nehz gpjrm mr nem tudta elkerlni az tkzst. A szemlyaut teljesen
sszeroncsoldott. A gpkocsi utasa lbtrssel, a msik utas kisebb fejsrlssel kerlt
krhzba. A sofr lett mr nem lehetett megmenteni.
5. Choose one of the above situations and write a dialogue based on it.

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