Uxbridge Historical Centre: in This Issue..

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Uxbridge Historical Centre

Monthly E-Newsletter

Councillors Pat Molloy and Pam Beach planting tulip bulbs at the Centres Canada 150 Tulip Planting Ceremony.

November 2016

Become a Volunteer

In This Issue...

Online Collection
Virtual Tour
Facility Rentals

Goodbye, For Now

Page 2

Follow us on Facebook
Follow us on Twitter


Pages 3-7

Follow us on Instagram

From the Uxbridge-Scott

Historical Society

Pages 8-9

Become a Member

Join the Historical Society Board

Page 9

New Acquisitions to the Centre

Page 10

Vintage Nook Gift Shop

Page 11

Hold Your Next Event at Uxbridge

Historical Centre

Page 12

Become a Member

Page 13

Getting Married? Uxbridge

Historical Centre offers beautiful
grounds, gardens, and heritage
buildings. Rent for photos,
ceremony, reception, or all three!
Contact us for details and to book
your viewing. Click Here for rates
and more information.

Goodbye, for now

Well, its that time of year again. Were closing down the museums buildings for the winter, finishing projects and
reports, and planning next years events and programs. The museum will soon be closed for the winter, and will
await our return in the spring.
We are proud to say that we have had one of our busiest years in recent memory. Highlights of the year include
displays such as the Uxbridge Story in Stone project being carved on the Musuem grounds by artist Fly Freeman, the ARTifacts exhibit created by the North Durham Photographers Association on display in the Lodge
Hall, and enhanced displays in the Gould-Carmody House. Popular events such as the Family Kite Festival, Heritage Challenge Car Rally, Art on the Fringe, Rev-it-up Car Show, and Fright at the Museum were a big hit and
brought a lot of visitors to the Museum. We also hosted local author Bob Henderson for a public talk on his books
about heritage trails and travel in Canada.

Other historical organizations visited the Centre this year: the Canadian Friends (Quakers) Historical Association
came to the Centre for their AGM and conference (which included a bus tour of local Quaker sites and keynote
speech by Allan McGillivray), and the Brampton Historical Society brought a bus load of members who toured the
Historical Centre as well as the Foster Memorial and Uxbridge Quaker Meeting House.
This was the first year that the Centre hosted the local Uxbridge Secondary Schools Grade 12 Canadian History
class for a special program learning about the behind-the-scenes workings of a museum. The students developed
special exhibits using artifacts from the Museums collection and hosted an open house in the Schoolhouse. They
did a wonderful job presenting their research on their artifacts and creating captivating displays. We look forward
to this becoming a yearly program. Thank you to USS History teacher Dan Amenta and USS administration for
the great support for this program.
The Centre was also the lucky recipient of a Canada 150 Celebration Garden, which is comprised of 500 red and
500 white tulips, donated by Veseys Bulbs and the Canadian Garden Council. After conducting a public poll, the
garden was planted on the west side of the Kydd House in a Trillium design at a public Planting Ceremony. A
Bloom Celebration will be held in the Spring.
Rentals at the Museum are increasing each year. Weddings, photography, club meetings, and birthday parties
took place at the Centre this year, and we already have four weddings booked for 2017
The Centres staff are now trained to deliver Wayfinding/Orienteering programs, with a professional course and
topographical maps of the Centre created by local company ChrisMar Mapping. We will be able to offer Wayfinding programs to local schools, clubs, and other organizations.
What all of these events, programs, tours, rentals, and improvements to the Centre mean is that we are taking
every opportunity to engage the public and our local community and bringing variety to our program offerings to
appeal to various interests. If you like to be involved with the Museum or any of the events and programs we offer
throughout the year, please consider volunteering, even if its just for a few hours. We have volunteer opportunities for all interests. The support you can offer will assist us in continuing to offer great programming, and help us
continue to be a relevant and important part of our historic local community.
Next year marks a few very important anniversaries: Canadas 150th birthday, the 45 th anniversary of the Museum, and the 200th anniversary of the townships first schoolhouse built by Quaker settler Ezekial James on what is
now the Museums grounds. We will be holding events to celebrate all of these anniversaries in 2017, and hope
to see you there. Its going to be an exciting year!

Nancy and Rachel

(Curator & Assistant Curator of Uxbridge Historical Centre)

Canada 150 Celebration Garden Planted at Tulip Planting Ceremony
Approximately 40 members of our community attended the Tulip Planting Ceremony and helped to plant 500 red and
500 white tulips in the Canada 150 Celebration Garden at Uxbridge Historical Centre. The new Celebration Garden has
been planted on the west side of the Kydd House (main office and gallery) and is visible to visitors and passers-by.
We asked members of our community to vote on their favourite garden design through Facebook, and gave three
choices. The majority voted for the Ontario Trillium design.
The Centre will be holding a Bloom Celebration in May 2017 in conjunction with the Centres 45th anniversary. Everyone will be invited to attend the event and enjoy the Celebration Garden in bloom. The final date of the event will be announced in the Spring. Thank you to the Townships Communications Coordinator, Colleen Baskin, for the following

Grade 12 History Students from USS Host A Night at the Museum
For the first time this Fall, the Centre hosted the local Uxbridge Secondary Schools Grade 12 Canadian History class for a special program learning about the behind-the-scenes workings of a museum. The students developed special exhibits using artifacts from the Museums collection and hosted an open house in the Schoolhouse called A Night at the Museum, which was very well attended with over 100 guests. They did a wonderful job presenting their research on their artifacts and creating captivating displays. Thank you to USS History
teacher Dan Amenta and USS administration for the great support for this program.

These are just a few of the many great displays created by the USS students, using artifacts from the Historical Centres collection.

Uxbridge Secondary Schools 2017 Vimy Ridge Tour Students Visit the Historical Centre
The USS 2017 Vimy Ridge Tour students visited the Historical Centre in October to attend a talk given by
local historian Allan McGillivray on Uxbridges role in WWI. This talk was part of a day-long event where
the students visited significant WWI sites around town. After the Centre, the students were next visited
the Uxbridge Masonic Hall, among other sites, to learn about Lieut. Col. Samuel Sharpe. We wish the
students well in their fundraising efforts for their trip which is happening during the 100th anniversary
of the Battle of Vimy Ridge in Spring 2017.

Fright at the Museum! Halloween Haunted Village and Scavenger Hunt
On Friday, October 21st the Centre held its 4th annual Fright at the Museum! Halloween Haunted Village
and Scavenger Hunt. Despite the cold weather and rain, the Museum had almost 400 visitors at the event.
Thank you to all of our volunteers for helping to make this event possible, and to Uxbridges Zehrs Market,
Tim Hortons, Walmart and McDonalds who supplied refreshments and treats for our visitors. This popular
family event will return for its 5th year on October 27th and 28th, 2017.

Wayfinding/Orienteering Programming Now Available at the Centre
This past summer all Historical Centre staff participated in special training, facilitated by local company
ChrisMar Mapping Services, to learn how to deliver Wayfinding programming at the Centre. This staff development course was part of a bigger project, funded by the Townships Recreation Department, to develop
topographical maps and wayfinding programs at Uxbridge Historical Centre and Elgin Park. All of the maps,
materials, and permanent wayfinding markers were created by ChrisMar Mapping Services.
Staff will be available to deliver Wayfinding programs to local schools, clubs, and other groups between May
and October on the Centre grounds. The grounds are a great place to learn wayfinding as they are easy to
navigate and have the best view in town.

Wayfinding Markers

Canadian Friends Historical Association Student Essay Award and Scholarship Program
The Canadian Friends (Quaker) Historical Association has two scholarships available for high school students to apply for. One CFHA student essay scholarship is available to junior high school students
(Grades 9-10) in the amount of $200, and one award is available to senior high school students (Grades
11-12) in the amount of $300. In addition, one scholarship in the amount of $1500 per year for each of two
years is available to be awarded to a university student who is undertaking a program in relevant Canadian Quaker research. The essay topic should further the understanding of the experience and contribution
of the Quakers in Canada. For more information, please visit http://www.cfha.info/founders.html

From the Uxbridge-Scott Historical Society...

It has been a fun year and I wanted to share some of the highlights. Thank you to our members for renewing their memberships, donating and volunteering their time and energy to the Society and the Museum! Without your support, we wouldnt be able to function and do all the things needed. I would also like
to thank the hard working Board of Directors for their passion, thoughts and positive go forward direction. We are also grateful to the Centres Curator Nancy Marr and Assistant Curator Rachel Sutherland. Both are very dedicated and continue to provide world-class programs and community engagement
from our lovely community Museum, the Uxbridge Historical Centre.
It was another year of firsts for us in many ways and at the same time, continuing the important traditions
that keep our history alive and vital in the Township. We worked with new individuals and partner organizations throughout the Township and this was well received by our attendees.
Some of the highlights included:
The Jody Mitic book talk Unflinching held in the Spring at the Legion with Ted Barris. Jody is a bestselling Canadian author with an amazing story of his experience as a Canadian sniper in Afghanistan, being severely injured and the heartwarming story of his rehabilitation and success now as a happy husband, father of 2 beautiful girls and a City Councilor in Ottawa. We filled the Legion as local historian (and
reknowned author as well) Ted Barris interviewed Jody and took questions.
A revision to the Heritage Days format with the addition of our 1st Annual Hoedown Bryan Watts, Jim
Williamson, and Cindy Wood were the organizers great to have prominent members of our community
help us especially ones with such rich connection and history in Town. We look forward to the next Hoedown! I want to the thank Gloria Eng, Society Vice President, who coordinated this years event and did a
wonderful job!

The 1st Rev-it-Up Car show was held at the Museum in the Fall and was a big hit. This was a new group
who chose to support the Society and want to return and planning will take place to improve the next
We had wonderful support and were chosen as the charity to receive donations by 100 Men who Care
http://www.100menuxbridge.com/ after being nominated by Dave Leuschner one of our members and donors. This is a group of men (there is also a 100 women group) who meet quarterly to hear from local
charities and pick one to support.
Special thanks to two strong contributors Lew Gregor and Virginia Dawson for all their help over the past
several years. Lew has stepped down from the Society Board due to time commitments but we suspect
will still be involved especially at Heritage Days helping keep the agricultural back field vibrant. Alongside her gardening team, Virginias leadership and unbelievable physical work and beautiful touch with the
gardens helped transform the Museum Grounds over the last 3 years. She is leaving the gardens in the
capable hands of Rachelle Hamlin, Township gardener.
The anticipated dog park is making more progress as many can see from the heavy machinery moving
dirt. It is planned to have the ground properly leveled and grassed with the park opening in the Spring of
2017. We look forward to having this open and more people enjoying the grounds.
We are actively looking for new Board of Directors especially a Membership Director. Please see the details of this position on the next page.
This has been an open position for a while and our Memberships have lagged as a result. For those who
are not aware, we sell joint memberships with the Uxbridge Historical Centre and split the revenue with
the Township. In addition, the Society makes contributions to specific projects throughout the year and a
major project. For next year, we have committed $ 4,000 towards the repairs of the Kydd House
roof. The past two years we also contributed to Carmody House roof, and Schoolhouse school bell restoration.

We would love your help. Get involved please consider helping the Society out and volunteering! Nancy
Emo is our Director of Volunteers and can be reached at emoln@hotmail.com She can help you to find a
good fit for your interests. Talk up the Society. Ask your friends and family to join the Society please
contact me to get a membership form or download a form from our website at http://bit.ly/2ev9cbN
Please feel free to contact the Board at board@uxbridgescotthistoricalsociety.ca You can also call myself
at 416 209 2354 or email at bgbuss@hotmail.com
Yours truly,
Brad Buss
Uxbridge-Scott Historical Society

Join the Historical Society Board

Membership Director: OPEN
Role Description:
The Membership Director fulfills a key contact role with existing and potential members of the Uxbridge
Historical Society, ensuring clear and accurate information is provided and active participation in the organization is encouraged. Collection and tracking of annual fees along with production of membership
cards for each member is essential to the organizations success and image as a well-run Charitable organization.
A close working relationship with the Volunteers Director is essential to ensure contact with all members
about participation is professional and welcoming.
This list of activities is not to be considered exhaustive and other activities as needed will be undertaken
from time to time.
Activities undertaken by Incumbent and expected results:

Maintain accurate database of all members contact information, preferred communication method,
membership status

Send out thank-you letters/emails for joining

Send out reminders to members, receive and process replies (send out cards and receipts as appropriate)

Prepare information sheets detailing memberships and take to Treasurer with cheques/cash

Assist with design and production membership cards and forms, donation forms and receipt books, etc.

Assist with design and production of invitation and other documents for AGM

Send out to members, family and LIFE members


New Acquisitions to the Centre

Glen Major Angling Club 100th Anniversary Commemorative Plaque and Paddle
This unique donation features a 100th anniversary (1895-1995) commemorative plaque and paddle, gifted to
a member of the Glen Major Angling Club. The plaque includes a copy of the original plan drawings for the
Glen Major dam and accompanying letter regarding its construction from 1906. The Glen Major Angling Club
is one of the few remaining structures of Glen Major (Concession 7), once a bustling little village with mills
and dams, schools, stores, hotels, a church, blacksmith, post office, and train station.

Above: the commemorative plaque and paddle, Below, left: close-up of the paddle handle, Below, right:
close-up of the paddle decoration


Visit the Vintage Nook Gift Shop

It is hard to believe that we have come to the end of yet another season. I hope you had a chance to visit
the Vintage Nook gift shop and pick up some wonderful gift for others and of course a little something for
yourself. We had a successful season and I want to thank all that have supported the Historical Society
through their gift shop purchases. I have already begun gathering new items for the spring opening, so look
forward to checking it out. Once again thank you for all your support and have a wonderful winter.
-Amber Scaife, Uxbridge-Scott Historical Society

The Vintage Nook Gift Shop will re-open at the Centre on the first Saturday in June, 2017.



Enjoy Great Benefits as a Member

Your membership and donations help maintain and improve the Uxbridge Historical Centre keeping our heritage
alive for present and future generations. Your support allows us to preserve and enrich the collection, bring in
interesting guest speakers, and hold special events such as Heritage Days.
Your annual membership provides benefits such as:

Direct financial support to Uxbridge Historical Centre

Free guided tours of the Museum site

10% discount in the Kydd House gift shop

10% discount for use of Historical Centre grounds for private functions

Reduced rates for workshops, special events and use of Historical Centre Archives


Invitations to members-only events (such as exhibit openings)

Advance notice of upcoming events

Enjoyable Historical Society and Museum public meetings and events

You can download a membership form from the Society website at http://uxbridgescotthistoricalsociety.ca/wp-content/

Uxbridge Historical Centre

(Uxbridge-Scott Museum & Archives)
7239 Concession Road 6, Uxbridge, ON (905) 852-5854 museum@town.uxbridge.on.ca

Uxbridge-Scott Historical Society



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