Erik Erikson Stages 1-2

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Slid number 14


About Erikson

Erikson theory in general

What is psychosocial theory

What is psychosocial crisis

Infancy stage

Infancy stage Description

Infancy stage Examples

Infancy stage Videos

Early childhood stage


Early childhood Description


Early childhood Examples


Early childhood videos


The weakness in Erikson's theory



About Erikson :

Erik H. Erikson (19021994) is perhaps Best known

for his work on developmental theory(Social and
emotional) .
He teaches at Harvard: 1960-1970 The
Psychosocial Environment. (Myers, 2015)

Eriksons theory in general:

As people grow they face a series of psychosocial

crisis that shape personality, according to Erik
Erikson .Each crisis focuses on a particular aspect of
personality and involves the persons relationship
with other people.

Psychosocial theory :

A set of principles that relate social environment to

psychological development.

Psychosocial crisis :

According to Erikson, the set of crisis issues that

individual must address as they pass through each
of the eight life stages.

Stage1: Infancy

Conflict(crisis): trust vs. mistrust

Approximate age: From Berth 18 months
Psychosocial emphasis: to get /to give in return


In this stage the first psychological challenge faced involves

developing a sense of trust in others.
According to Erikson, if infant passes through this stage
successfully, they learn to trust that their basic needs will be
available. They also develop a hopeful attitude toward life.
If babies do not pass this stage successfully, they come to
mistrust others. Then they will see the world as basically
unsupportive and hostile.


Trust :To the infant, the mother is usually the first important
person in the childs world. She is the one who satisfies the
childs needs for food and affection. Affection is when the
mother closes her baby to warm him this lead feels of
protection to the baby.
Mistrust : when infant cried for in unpredictable way such as
not being fed, diapered, or comforted when necessary, this
infant would develop basic mistrust of others, which lead to
fear and suspicion. Sometimes childs mistrust the new people
to him.


Stage2: Early childhood

Conflict(crisis): autonomy vs shame and doubt

Approximate age: From 2 to 3 years
Psychosocial emphasis: To hold on to let go


children at this stage were focused on developing a greater sense of selfcontrol.

Kids in this stage of development often feel the need to do things
independently and adults should encourage them.
Toilet training is the most important event at this stage.
Successful growth at this stage gives the child strength of will by accepting
childrens swings between dependence.
Unsuccessful growth in this juncture will make child feels unconfident about
themselves by shout them.



Shame and doubt

- Allow the child to play outside and if - Allow the child to play outside, but if
they dirty their clothes and parents tell they dirty their clothes, parents will
them to change their clothes.
shout them.

- If child forget to go to the toilet and

they do it in themselves, parents tell
them to go to the toilet and change

- If child forget to go to the toilet and

they do it in themselves, parents hit


The weakness in Erikson's theory:

Other psychologists have criticized Eriksons
concepts because human development does not fit
accurately into eight stages.


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Myers, W. (2015). Teaching Elder: Erik H. Erickson. Teaching Theology & Religion, 18(4), 343-358.

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