Summary Report of The Exposure Visit of North East Team

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Summary Report of the Exposure Visit of North East Team

Duration of Visit: 17th October to 20th October 2016

There were 8 participants from different northeast regions SRLMs like Nagaland, Arunachal
Pradesh, Meghlaya, and Sikkim. They works on creating financially sustainable and effective
institutional platforms of the rural poor to increase household income through sustainable
livelihood enhancements. The core program of these SRLMs is livelihoods based poverty
reduction programmes which microfinance, capacity building, skills development, livelihood
generation etc. Participations of these exposure programme were:


Mr. K. Shekiho
Mr. Lansothung Yanthan
Mr. Tabin Siga
Mr. Rakesh Srivastava
Mr. Augustus Suiting
Mr B. Plain
Mr. Daniel Ingty
Mr. Tenzing Gelay

Add. Mission Director, NSRLM
PM Finance
COO (Programs), ArSRLM
COO (Programs), MSRLS
SPM Livelihoods, MSRLS
State Anchor, Garo Hills,MSRLS

Objective of Exposure visit: The main objectives of the Exposure Visit Program includes the
1. Observe, understand and learn the various activities of JEEViKA (BRLPS) including
the functioning of Savings groups, market linkages etc and explore the possibilities of
replication in their own states.
2. Understand the CBO's structure, their management practices and involvement of
members in planning and implementation.
3. To understand Jeevika's CBOs MIS system..
Summary of the Exposure Visit:
The program was designed in resonance with the objectives of the visit. During the 2 day
program, the participants have visited SHG, Village organization(VO), CLF, Producer group,
livestock and nonfarm, DCS, poultry etc and interaction with bankers.
The team had arrived in Bihar on dated 17/10/2016 at evening, next day on 18/10/2016 the
team were welcomed by SPM RC on behalf of BRLPS, In the briefing session, SPM - RC
explained the origin, growth and structure of BRLPS. There was a film on Jeevika
as well. SPM RC explained how Jeevika which was started 8 years ago on dated 2/10/2016
with two blocks and now it is working in all 38 district of Bihar and also supporting other

SRLMs like Rajasthan, Jharkhand, Uttarpradesh and Assam as a NRO in community based
institution development, capacity building, microfinance and livelihoods activities
generation. He also narrated about organization and CBOs structure and there are more than
35000 cadres are working at CBOs level. Right now BRLPS has 5.5 lakhs SHGs and it not
doing only microfinance also work on livelihood generation, social development,
convergence, health and nutrition, skill development, market linkages of produces, new
technology input and how these inhance the rural people life economically and socially. The
participants were curious to know about how semi educated or literate cadres facilitated the
CBOs very well. There were also discussions on linkages with government and local their
agencies, the need based approach, the process of linking of banks with SHGs etc.


10:00 AM to 12:00
12:00 to 2:00 PM
2:00 to 3:00 PM
03:00 to 6:00 PM
10:00 to 12:00 PM
12:00 to 2:00 PM


2:00 to 3:00 PM
3:00 to 5 PM
5 PM Onwards


10:00 to 12:00 PM
12 :00 Onwards

Arrival at Patna by evening and Night stay in Patna
Briefing Session
About Jeevika
Departure for Nalanda
Lunch and Check In at Nalanda
SHG meeting and Household Interaction
Visit to Bank Branch and Interaction with Bank Mitra
Visit to Dairy Cooperative Society (DCS)
Visit to Livelihood activities - PC/Goatry/Poultry
Visit to a Village Organization and Interaction with Village level
Attending a Cluster Level Federation meeting and Interaction with
CLF Leaders and Cadres
Departure for Patna
Debriefing and Experience Sharing Session
Presentation on Resource Block Strategy
Query Session
Lunch and Concluding of the Visit




After the briefing session the team moved to Nalanda district for their upcoming field visits.
Nalanda's DPM welcomed the participants and briefed them about Jeevika presence in
Banker's Interaction
Respective DPM had called a meeting of bankers where participants could met with them
(bankers)and understand the role of banks in SHGs development. Participants asked many
question to bankers like What are the credit risks come in the current SHG operations and
how banks mitigate these risks, what is the process of micro financing to a SHG, what is
monitoring process of SHGs credits. Bankers explained that SHGs are good source for
financing money because members repay their loan on time.
SHG visit: They interacted with the group members and tried to elicit responses from them
regarding the very purpose of group formation, age and number of members, savings and
credit status, need and purpose for loans that they take from Banks, how they utilize and

repay the loan on time, which type income generating activities they are doing. The SHG
members undertake various household economic activities with the credit and technical
support received from Jeevika. Some members are assisting their husbands in income
generation activities like while some are improving their household business (Kirana shop).
some of members helping their husband in agriculture with technical support provided by
jeevika while some of members family benefited by skill development The members
explained how the association with and support from Jeevika has changed their economic
status of family. One of the representatives asked about the impact felt after and before
joining Jeevika. The women members replied that before joining SHG their life was restricted
into four walls of their house and now they can lead a life by own with social status and
economic security. Secondly, JEEVIKA had provided several skill building training which
has lead to increase in income and livelihood security of the poor women.
Visit to Janani VO
After exposure visit to Vishnu Jeevika SHG, the Team proceeded to Jannani Village
orhanization for understanding the next level of community institution. The participants were
curious to know about concept of village organization. they asked many questions to
members like what was the need for making next level institution. how it is functioning,
what is it structure. how it is helpful in poverty irradication. women shared the concept of
VO and replied that it is the next level of our unity which made us more empowered and self
confident. they shered the concept of HRF, FSF and different type of convergences and which
made them not only economically fit, is also made them socially active.
Visit to Poultry Mother Unit
The participants were visited to the working of the community driven poultry which was
working with more than 300 household. They were keen to know about, books of records
,role of PRPs , the money share of individual and CLF, profit of individual member,
shareholders benefits and above all the sustainability of the entire concept. they also
interacted with beneficiaries for knowing about their profit related to backyard poultry.
Nari shakti CLF Visit : An informal meeting of Narishakti CLF was organized at
Lahur where Team interacted with their respective members. in Meeting Leaders

shared the concept of CLF, which is upper level of community institution at cluster level and
its members are village organization. Rightnow Nari shakti is working with 4406 households,
326 SHGs linked with banks and benefited with bank credits, 2625 members are insured with
AABY scheme. Participants were impressed to see the working of the CLF and they asked

many questions about their functioning and working structure. There was discussion about
the committees of CLF and their functionality, Monitoring and service provided by the CLF
to VO, queries were raised about various types of loans, rate of interest etc. The members
replied that there are two types of loans- to get back mortgaged land and to repair houses.
There were detailed questions of Loaning process of SHG to member, VO to SHG and CLF
to VO, loan duration, maximum amount; repayment tenure etc.
Participants also interacted with different types of cadres and knew that in Jeevika had
different type of cadres at different community institution level for different work process.
they surprised to know that cadres appraisal is doing by the women.
DCS visit
The participants were keen to know about the working of the DCS, books of records, role of
DCS secretary and DRP(dairy resource person) linkage with COMFED etc. They were keen
to know about the supply chain, profit of DCS, shareholders benefits and above all the
sustainability of the entire concept
In all the visits, participants learnt about the struggle faced by members to reach the stage
where they are today and the efforts that they have put in and sacrifices they have made to
achieve the success. The participants were amazed to see the oneness and unity amongst
community members. they understood that this unity comes from the mutual trust and the
strong bond that they share. The group was very much impressed by the huge membership
base that Jeevika has and the network Jeevika members have. During different visits, they
interacted with members and they learnt about the different scientific agro practices and
farming techniques that are being used by the farmers, supply chain, structure CBOs and also
learnt about backward-forward linkages and supply chain of all the activities the groups
Feedback from Participants:

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