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Adaptive synchronization of chaotic systems with multiple time

Wang Lia,b, , Youquan Liua and Hongjun Shi

School of Science, China University of Mining and Technology,Xuzhou, 221008, PR China

Jiangsu Xuzhou Medical College, Xuzhou 221116, PR China

Abstract In this paper, adaptive synchronization between two between two unidirectionally coupled
chaotic systems with multiple time delays is investigated. Sucient conditions for complete synchronization are rigorously established by means of the Lyapunov functional and the linear matrix inequality
approach. Finally, the corresponding numerical simulations are presented to demonstrate the eectiveness
of the theoretical results.
Key words: Chaotic Synchronization; Adaptive control; Time delays
PACS: 05.45.Xt


Since the pioneer work of Pecora and Carroll[1], increased interest has been devoted
to the study of varieties of synchronization phenomena in many chaotic systems. Many
signicant real applications have been found in dierent areas including biological systems,
chemical reactions, information processing, secure communications, economical systems
and power convertors[2]-[4]. During the past decades, many methods and experimental
techniques have been presented to realize the synchronization of master-slave chaotic
systems, such as optimal control [5, 6], adaptive control [7]-[11], nite-time control[12, 13,
14], and pinning control [15].
Time-delayed systems are ubiquitous in nature, technology, and society because of
nite signal transmission times, switching speeds, and memory eects[16]. Dynamics of
multi-feedback systems are representative examples of the multi-delay systems. Prominent examples of such dynamics can be found in biological and biomedical systems, laser
physics, integrated communications. In laser physics such a situation arises in lasers subject to two or more optical or electro-optical feedback. Second optical feedback could
be useful to stabilize laser intensity [17]. Semiconductor lasers with two delay times can
oer a higher complexity of dynamics than achievable in more conventional single delay
time systems [18]. The high complexity of such multiple time delay systems can provide
a new architecture for enhancing message security in chaos based encryption systems.
Recently, the synchronization of the laser systems has attracted much attention [19][24]. Complete synchronization, phase synchronization, anticipating synchronization, and
generalized synchronization are considered in the time-delayed coupled systems [24]-[27].

Corresponding Author. Email: Li).

According to the Krasovskii- Lyapunov theory, some sucient conditions for dierent
types of synchronization are given to ensure synchronization in the coupled systems with
both single and multiple delays[27]-[30].
In this paper, we investigate the complete synchronization between two coupled optical systems with multiple time delays. By designing an eective adaptive controller, we
realize the synchronization between two systems with constant and time-varying delays.
Based on the Lyapunov stability theory, sucient conditions guaranteeing the complete
synchronization are developed. We support the analytical results with numerical simulations.
The rest of this Paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we introduce two unidirectionally coupled Ikeda systems with multiple delays, and sucient conditions for
the complete synchronization are rigorously established. The case of time-varying delays
are also investigated . The simulation results are presented in Section 3. Finally, some
conclusions are given in Section 4.

Adaptive synchronization between the multi-feedback

Ikeda systems

In this section, we rst consider the driving systems and response systems of the
following form:
x = x + m1 sin x(t 1 ) + m2 sin x(t 2 ),
y = y + m3 sin y(t 1 ) + m4 sin y(t 2 ) + u(t),


The adaptive controller u(t) is designed as follows:

u(t) = ke,

k = re2 ,


where e = y x is the synchronization error between systems (1) and (2), r is a positive
This investigation is of considerable practical importance, as the equations of class
B lasers with feedback can be reduced to an equation of the Ikeda type[31]. The Ikeda
model was introduced to describe the dynamics of an optical bistable resonator, plays an
important role in electronics and physiological studies and is well-known for delay-induced
chaotic behavior[32]. Physically x is the phase lag of the electric eld across the resonator;
is the relaxation coecient for the driving x and driven y dynamical variables; m1,2 and
m3,4 are the laser intensities injected into the driving and driven systems, respectively.
1,2 are the feedback delay times in the coupled systems; For a suciently large laser
intensity and feedback delay time the system is hyperchaotic.
To study the complete synchronization between system (1) and (2) it is convenient to
analyze the dynamics of error system. Thus under the condition m1 = m3 , m2 = m4 , it

yields the error system:

e = e + m1 cos x1 e1 + m2 cos x2 e2 + u(t),


where xi = x(ti ), ei = e(ti ), i > 0(i = 1, 2) are xed delays. Thus, synchronization
between system (1) and network (2) is equivalent to stability of the zero solution of system
To this end, construct the following LyapunovKrasovskii functional:
1 2
V = e (t) + d1
e (s)ds + d2
e2 (s)ds + (k k)
where d1 > 0, d2 > 0, and k is a suciently large positive constant which is to be
determined. Then, we get the derivative of V along (4) as

= e2 + m1 cos x1 e1 e + m2 cos x2 e2 e
ke2 + d1 e2 (t) d1 e21 + d2 e2 (t) d2 e22
+ 1r (k k)
( + k d1 d2 |m21 | |m22 | )e2
(d1 |m21 | )e21 (d2 |m22 | )e22
= z T (t)z(t)

where z(t) = (e, e1 , e2 )T ,

+ d1 + d2 +
( + k)


|m1 |

|m2 |

d1 +

|m1 |

|m1 |
|m2 |
d2 >
+ k > d1 + d2 + |m1 | + |m2 |,

d2 +

|m2 |

d1 >


then matrix is denitely negative and its maximal eigenvalue , denoted by max () is
negative. Therefore,
V (t) max ()z T (t)z(t),
which implies that the trivial solution of the error system (4) is asymptotically stable.
That is systems (1) and (2) are synchronized. Then, summarizing the above argument, we
obtain the following result on the sucient condition of complete synchronization between
systems (1) and (2).
m1,2 , d1,2 such that inequalities (6)
Theorem 1. If there exist positive numbers , k,
hold. Then systems (1) and (2) are synchronized for any initial data.

So far we have considered the case of constant feedback delay time. One of the most
important elds where chaos has been practically applied is in communication. Because
chaos systems with time-varying delay can provide more secure chaos-based communication systems. Hence, it is necessary to study chaos synchronization in time-delayed
systems with time-varying delay. For the case of time-varying delay, we have the following proposition.
Theorem 2. Consider coupled time-delayed systems (1) and (2) with time-varying
delay, i.e., 1 = 1 (t), 2 = 2 (t). Based on the adaptive control scheme (3), synchronization between coupled systems (1) and (2) can be achieved if there exist positive constant
ri , di (i = 1, 2) such that
, k,
(i) 0 < i (t) < ri < 1, i = 1, 2;
(ii) (1 r1 )d1 > |m21 | , (1 r2 )d2 > |m22 | , + k > d1 + d2 + |m1 | + |m2 |.
Proof. In the case of time-varying delay, the error dynamics equation is of the form:
= e + m1 cos x1 (t) e1 (t) + m2 cos x2 (t) e2 (t) + ui ,


Take the following LyapunovKrasovskii functional:

1 2
V (t) = e + d1
e(t)ds + d2
e(t)ds + (k k)
t1 (t)
t2 (t)


Thus, the derivative of the LyapunovKrasovskii functional along the solution of system
(7) is
V (t) = ( + k d1 d2 )e2 + m1 cos x1 (t) e1 (t) e + m2 cos x2 (t) e2 (t) e
(1 1 (t))d1 e21 (t) (1 2 (t))d2 e22 (t)
( + k d1 d2 |m21 | |m22 | )e2 ((1 r1 )d1
|m21 | )e21 ((1 r2 )d2 |m22 | )e22
= z T (t)z(t)

+ d1 + d2 +
( + k)


|m1 |

|m2 |

(1 r1 )d1 +

|m1 |

(1 r2 )d2 +

|m2 |

If the assumptions in Theorem 2 holds, then matrix is denitely negative and its
maximal eigenvalue , denoted by max () is negative. Therefore,
V (t) max ()z T (t)z(t),
which implies that the trivial solution of the error system (7) is asymptotically stable.
This completes the proof.

Simulation results

In this section, numerical simulations are provided to illustrate the eectiveness of

the obtained results.
First, consider the case of constant time-delay. Consider the parameters in Eqs.(1)-(2)
as = 5, m1 = m3 = 10, m2 = m4 = 12, r = 9, k = 5, and 1 = 1, 2 = 2. We clearly see
that inequalities (6) are satised, which, due to Theorem 1, is a sucient condition of the
complete synchronization between systems (1) and (2) with above-mentioned parameters
for any initial state. In Fig. 1, we depict dierent sample paths of systems (1)-(2) and
(4), respectively. As is clearly from Figs.1(a) and (b), complete synchronization between
system (1) and (2) is achieved.















Fig. 1. Numerical simulations of coupled systems (1) and (2) with constant timedelay. Time series of the driver x(t, 1 ) (solid line) and the driven y(t, 2 ) (dotted line)
systems. Time series of the error e(t) is plotted in (b). The parameters are = 10, m1 =
m3 = 10, m2 = m4 = 12, r = 9, k = 5, and 1 = 1, 2 = 2. The initial functions are
1 = 1 + sin t, 2 = 1 + cos t(2 6 t 6 0).
Next, consider the case of time-varying delay. Take the parameters in Eqs.(1) and (2)
as = 10, m1 = m3 = 10, m2 = m4 = 10, r = 13, k = 5, and 1 (t) = 1 + 0.2| cos t|, 2 (t) =
2 + 0.2| sin t|. It is from Theorem 2 that the synchronization between systems (1) and (2)
could be realized for any initial data. As is clearly from Figs. 2 (a) and (b), the complete
synchronization is achieved.















Fig. 2. Numerical simulations of coupled systems (1) and (2) with time-varying delay.
Time series of the driver x(t, 1 ) (solid line) and the driven y(t, 2 ) (dotted line) systems.
Time series of the error e(t) is plotted in (b). The parameters are = 10, m1 = m3 =
10, m2 = m4 = 10, r = 13, k = 5, and 1 (t) = 1 + 0.2| cos t|, 2 (t) = 2 + 0.2| sin t|. The
initial functions 1 = 2 + sin t, 2 = 1 + et (2.2 6 t 6 0).


In this paper, synchronization between two coupled Ikeda systems with multiple time
delays has been investigated theoretically and numerically. First we consider the synchronization between coupled multi-feedback Ikeda systems with constant delays. By designing an eective adaptive controller, we have shown that the complete synchronization
could be realized. Then we studied the synchronization between coupled multi-feedback
Ikeda systems with time-varying delays and obtained the sucient conditions for the
synchronization. Numerical simulations fully verify our main results.
Acknowledgments: This work is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation
of China (Grant No. 61403393) and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central
Universities(Grant Nos. 2014QN034, 2015XKMS076).

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