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Mrs Benham it has been 5 years since I left UK and a lot of thing have happened

during that period of time. Some of it I have emailed it to you awhile back after I
received your letter. I dont know if you have received it since I can no longer
access my email. First my sister have to take an exam which is called sijil
pelajaran Malaysia (spm) a month after our arrival in Malaysia. It was chaotic
when my sister have only one month of studying syllabus that people take two
years to study. But somehow she managed it with the support of my father and
my mother. My father was actually a former teacher at a boarding school so he
can ask for classes from the teacher at that boarding school. So that was a big
help for her. As for me I too have to sit for an exam which is called penilaian
menengah rendah (pmr). I too face the same problem as my sister I have to
cover three years of syllabus in one year. However it did not work out for me.
Pmr is to determine which school you can enter for middle high. For pmr I only
got 2A, 5B, 1C. My dad was hoping that I would have scored in pmr so that I am
qualified to enter his former school which is sekolah menengah teknik kuala
lumpur (SMTKL). That was in year 2013. Then in the year 2014 I enter a daily
routine school (Smtkl is actually a boarding school) In Malaysia it is considered
form 4. During that time I met a lot of friends that I couldnt believe I met. This is
because they taught me something that I couldnt forget which is I have to
choose which is good and bad. I and my friends have been called to the
discipline room every single day at least one of us. My class even got the
nicknamed the worst class in the whole school. Even though we got that
nicknamed we dont really mind because it acts as a label of who we are. During
that time we werent matured enough to think which is good and which is bad.
We were all thinking of having fun. After that comes our senior year or last year
in the school. This was in 2014. During this time our class was mixed up and
shambles with other classes. Even if the class is shambles up it didnt changed
much. The nickname stayed at my class. However as the spm dates closing in we
started to change in a good way. The nickname eventually lifted of my class. Its
kind of sarcastic really when I looked back at it. But it was a great time. But it still
cant beat the class that I went to back in shenley. After spm there was a special
holiday given to the student which was about 6 months. During that time I
thought about working part time, however my mom was against it. Turns out I
have to work with my mom as a house cleaner instead. I also took driving license
test. I took me about a year just to get a license. The reason being because I
failed the test numerous time. It was hard especially with the tester sitting next
to me and has a grumpy face all the time. Im not only took driving license for car.
I took both motorcycle and car at the same time. After the spm results was
announced I got 3A, 6B. Which is not quite as what I was hoping for. Again I let
my dad hopes down because he thought if I could get 9A so that I could go to
further my study overseas. Then my father consulted me on taking diploma in
mechanical engineering at a local university UiTM. At first I thought I mechanical
engineering was not an interesting course at all. My interest is more on robotics
then he said that if I want to take robotic I have to further my study outside of
Malaysia in country such as Germany and uk. So from there I had a thought that
this program is like a redemption for myself after I have failed my dad multiple
times. But in order to achieve that I have to get dean award for all the semester
during diploma. I have received dean award for the first and second semester.
Currently im in the third semester. The course that im taking right now is quite
tough because of certain subjects such as static, dynamics, fluid mechanics,

mechanics of materials and basic electrical engineering. Those subjects are all
for the third semester that im currently in right now. Even though the subject are
tough my dad I am able to cope with them. The reason being is because when I
looked back at my achievement so far I have not been doing too well. So I am
trying to fix that mistakes. After all this time that I left shenley I wish that I can
just go back and go to form class in the morning like we used to. Stay in the form
have a great time when we have form period. Now I realised that the way of
education here in Malaysia is totally different from the uk. At first it was a culture
shock for me. I have always been looking at shenley new building through google
since I saw it on facebook picture of my friends account. It looked big and seems
like a lot of facility has been added. I hope that one day if I got the chance I want
to visit shenley and meet you. I also hope that I can go to university of
Birmingham to get the robotic engineering course.

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