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[EY 2292690 - SAP HANA DB: Recommended OS settings for RHEL 7.2 Version 13 Validity: 20.06.2016 - active Language English (Master) Header Data ReleasedOn — 20.00.20100854:34 Release Status Released for Customer Component _HAN-DB SAP HANA Detabase Other Components | 8C-OP-LNX-RH Red Hal Linux Priority Recommendations (Additonal Ivo Category Consulting ‘Symptom You want io configure optimal settings for runsing HANA on RHEL for SAP HANA 7.2. Other Terms. HANA, DB, BW on HANA, Suite on HANA, RHEL 7.2, RHEL for SAP HANA 7.2, speed, performance, Linux Reason and Prerequisites You are running SAP HANA SPS12 on RHEL for SAP HANA 7.2 and you want to configure optimal Linux settings Solution To optimize the use of HANA DB with RHEL for SAP HANA 7.2, apply the following settings. + Supported Kernel versions and patches to use with certified Hardware for SAP HANA on RHEL 7.2 You can use all oficial RHEL 7.2 Linux Kemels and packages shipped by Red Hat, including secunty and bug fixes provided via "Extended Update Suppor for RHEL 7-2. Using updated Linux Keres and packages from RHEL 7.3 or higher is not supported and will break the certficaton, To ensure thal systems do not get accidental updated al RHEL 7.2 servers running SAP HANA must be subscribed o the "Eatended Update Support” channels for "RHEL 7 2 for SAP HANA" Please refer to the folowing Red Hal knowledge base atic for how to contour your system accornoy ed a Esterase | nu fr SAP HANA sytem undaesand unnarably (Red Ha isto poral login requir ‘Additional 3rd-party kernel modules | adtional "party binary kernel modules are loaded that complicate support for bath SAP and the O'S vendor (RedHat), then the folowang SAP Note apples Configure tuned to use profile “sap-hana’ ‘The tuned profile "sap-hana’, which is provided by RedHat as part of RHEL for SAP HANA 7.2, contains many ofthe settings menoned below. +# yum install tuned-profiles-sap-hana +# system start tuned # systemel enable tuned +# tuned-adm profile sap-hana ‘Turn off auto-numa balancing SAP HANAs a NUMA (non-uniform memory access) aware database. Thus itdoes not rely onthe Linux kernet's features to optimize NUMA, age automaticaly. Depending on the workioad, it can be beneficial o tun off automatical NUMA baiancing, For this purpose, add cemel numa_balancing = 0"tofetc'sysct d'sap_hana conf and reconfigure the kernel by unning +# sysctl -p /etc/syscildisap_hana cont Disable transparent hugepages ‘With RHEL 72 the usage of transparent hugepages (THP) is generally activated forthe Linux kernel. THP allow the handling of multiple ages as hugepages reducing the translation lookaside bufer footprint (LB), in situations where it might be useful. Due tothe special manner of HANA's memory management, the usage of THP may lead to hanging situalions and performance degradations, {you use me .Sap-nana nea prome 2s cescnosa above. iransparent rugeragas (IMF) wi De atsaD\ea via ine prone ana you aon ‘need to additional change this setting manually To disable the usage of transparent hugapages during runtime, se the kemel setings at runime with the command +# echo never > /sysikemelimmtransparent_hugepage/enabled ‘There is no need to shut down the database to apply this configuration This seting is then valid until the net system start To persist his option, itis nessesary to edit the OS bootloader configuration. The location of the bootloader configuration file isin the file Jetcdefaut grub, First, modify the file Jete/defautigrub and append the folowing parameter tothe ne stating with “GRUB_CMDLINE._ LINUX” ‘ransparent_hugepage=never ‘Then, in case of a non-UEFI configuration, activate the new configuration by issuing the command # grub2-mkconiig 0 bootarub2larub cia Or, incase of an UEFI configuration use # grub2-mkconfig-o bootelEFUtedhationub cfg ‘Adlerwards a teboots required. na scale-out environment, those changes have to be dane on evety server ofthe landscape. Configure C-States for lower latency in Linux ‘The Linux kemel shipped with RHEL 7-2 includes a cpuidle driver for recent intel CPUS. itel_ide. This driver leads to 2 different behaviour in Cates switching. The normal opereraling state is CO, wien the processor is pul to a higher C state will save pawer. But for low latency pplcations, the additional ime needed to start the execution of the code again wil cause performance degradations. ‘Tosee ifthe recommended driver's enabled, execute +# cat Isysidevicestsystemvcpucpuidlevcurent_ driver ‘The correct value should be "acpi_idle" {this is not the case, itis possible to fall back on the recommended diver by disabling the inte_idle diver in the keel commandine ‘by modifying fetldefautigrub. Append the folowing parameter ta the ine starting wit “GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX" intel esmax_cstate=0 | C-States are enabied in BIOS you might stil see performance degradations. In this case either disable them in he BIOS or set the folowing ‘paramoter in adition to the previous one in the “GRUB_CMDLINE LINUX" ine in felcidefaul/grub processor:max_cstate To enable these changes, the GRUB2 configuration needs o be rebut Onnon-UEFI systems run # ghub2-mkconiig 0 bootirub2iarub cla © Onnon-UEFI systems tun +# grub2-mkconiig-o boovelvEFVedhaborub.cfg ‘Afterwards a reboot is required. In a scale-out environment, those changes have to be done on every server ofthe landscape. Formore information on setting C-States see hips /access.cedhat comisite'solutions/202749 (Red Hat customer portal ogin required), + SELinux RHEL 72 is delvered with SELinux enabled by defaut Since there is no SELinux policy available for SAP HANA, leaving SELinux enabled can lead to problems when running SAP HANA on RHEL. To disable SELinux change the ine SELINUX=enforcing to SELINUX=disabled In/etcisysconfigiselinux and reboot the systern + Update systemd to avoid HANA cra oe queues) Due to incorrect default settings in the systemd package shipped with RHEL? 2, HANA can crash ater insalation when the adm user end. To avoid this issue, please ensure thatthe systemd package gets \pdatto atleast version systemd 219 8.72.4 Please reboot the system ater updating the packge forthe changes into take eek See hllos./access redhal comsolutions/2062273 for more information, (Red Hat customer portal login required), ‘due to unintended deletion of IPC segments (semaphores, shared memory, me: «+ Distributed installation of HANA falls ‘The current version of ibssi2 provided with RHEL tiggers an incompatibility with the ibssl and lipaypto versions that are used to bull SAP HANA which causes distibuied installations of SAP HANA toil when using HDBLCM. It's therefore recommended to install scale-out Scenavios using SAPHOSTAGENT instead. More detallad information can be found in he flowing Red Hat Knowledgebase Avticle nls Jaccess fedhal. com/solutons/ 1370033 (Red Hat customer portal login required). + Database startup falls with an error message “/etcisudoers mismatch for required permissions of Storage Connector” when Using hdb_ha¥feClientLVM Append the following lines tothe ie /etcisudoers file, replacing by the respective user name: (Gmnd_Alias SIDALIAS sbinmutipath,‘sbivimutipathd,/usrbin'sg_persist,/binmoun,fbinfumourt, bivkl,fust/sbinisof, sbinvachange, sbinvgscan Defauls!SIDALIAS trequiretty ALL=NOPASSWD: SIDALIAS. + Message "ERROR: object optith/SAPNib64icompat' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded: ignored. ‘when running commands as <8ID>adm user on commandline ‘Due to @ bug in he SAP HANA installer the environment configuration ofthe adm user: 1 setenv LD_PRELOAD /opt//sAP/ibee/compat-sap-ct.s0 ‘2 Ramove the fllowing linen the file nbeny.'n the home crecory ofthe acm vee + LD_PRELOAD=/optttiSAPmbédicompat-sap-c++ 50, + export LD_PRELOAD Please note: All mentioned changes require root access on operating system level. Fulure implementations might lead to changes of these recommendations. Validity This documents not restricted to a software component or sofware component version References This document refers to: SAP Notes. 2296581 SAP HANA. Supported Operating Systems 2228381 Linu: SAP HANA Database SPS 11 revision 110 (or higher) on RHEL or SLES 11 200987 SAP HANA Guidetnes for Red Hal Enferpise Linux (RHEL) Operating System 2002167 Red Hat Enlerprise Linux 7x Installation and Uparade 41943097 Hardware Confiquration Check Too! - Central Note 1800444 Slow HANA system due to CPU power save mode 1986072 SAP i cash in 1828397 SAP HANA Dalabase 100 Central Note 1614967 SAP al

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