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Character list

This novel is not a quick read. It will take you into the lives of two
very different and important people who are meant to be together.
From the beginning we enter into their lives at crucial moments that
shape them as a person. We travel with them on their journey to
shaping their careers and aim for happiness. There are times they
meet briefly with each other but never realize the first instance
being when Taylor is 18.
Main Female Taylor Bradley
Age: from 18 at the beginning of the book to the age of 26
D:O:B 14.01.1988
Black Brown hair
Light Brown eyes
Talented sketch artist and painter of landscapes
Taylors name often causes confusion among those who recognize
her work as it mistakenly belived that she is male until of course
they finally meet.
Her parents died when she was 3 years old and with no other family
to look after he she was sent to be under the care of her maternal
aunt who traveled across the world as a model.
Her mother (lily) was half thai and half English with her grandfather
having been an influential man in the financial industry and his wife
was a housewife. Lily had a great upbringing and had a passion for
Her father was the partner of a law firm and met her mother when
she was performing in America with her ballet company.
They drowned after a boating accident occurred while they were
celebrating their wedding anniversary alone in Australia.
Taylors educational background wasnt recorded but she is a very
bright and met many people through her aunts connections who all
took her under their wing and took care of her (thus she had many
parental figures) and has a very open and trusting personality as a
result. She wasnt around children of her own age and so she grew
up with adults and thus her understanding of another human was
very acute. She is very observant (as can be expected from
someone with a keen eye for beauty to draw) and only speaks when
she has believes what she has to say is useful.
She has had rarely any occasions of being angry, but not because
she was spoilt but because she was very good at reading a person

and was always good and understanding what would anger or upset
She has a loving relationship with her aunt but also very distant.
(She has always lived in her own world) but somehow people fall in
love and adore her as she is really kindhearted.
Main Male Lee Lanson
Age Starts of at the age of 23 and then reaches the age of 31
D:O:B 26.07. 1983
Long black straight hair (Cherokee roots) always keeps it out of his
face by tying the top half back and letting the rest of it loose
He keeps his hair like this because he likes the cherooke roots to
hime it represents freedom and his deepest wish was being brought
up with those distant relatives.
Grey eyes Deep dark grey with flecks of black
He is a famous photographer and world renowned and wanted by
many in the industry to shoot for their magazines and promotional
videos. But he also loves to photograph natural features of the world
and this photography skills of landscapes have made him quite
famous as an artist as he is able to capture some truly great images.
Him and his brother were born to the Lanson family. A wealthy
family where money travelled through the last 3 generations.
They have some Cherokee ancestors but since their family has
gained wealth this relationship has been strained. These ancestors
are on the fathers side with the mother being a Swedish aristocrat
who has married beneath her in order to gain financial stability for
her family.
The mother loved the father (he is a very handsome man) but he
broke her heart again and again with his political games that
involved her as a pawn and after the loss of a child during
pregnancy she became weak and passed away when the boys
where 5 years old.
After this the father who was already distant from his children
further distanced himself and left them in the care of his household
staff. Under strict instructions his household staff were forbidden
from showing any act of kindness or love to these children and
hence they grew up in a cold environment with only each other for
company and guidance.
Lee is the oldest of the twins and has always protected his younger
brother and thus received the brunt of punishments his father gave
as he always took the blame and always riled his fathers anger up
when his fathers attentions slipped to Chris.

Main Male Family:

Identical Twin brother Chris Lanson
He also has the same hairstyle and eye color as his brother.
He doesnt like his hair in the same style but he likes to look
identical to his brother it reminds him of the close link that they
have to each other
Chris having his brothers protection meant he had some free spirit
left in him and thus was the one people liked straight away as he
had an easy demeanor about him. Although, inside he was really a
cold man who knew the only person who would ever have his back
was his brother and thus he never let anyone close.
Works as a model and is quite famous in the industry as his looks
are quite unique
His personality also matched the industry where he has a face for
outsiders and has a talent for keeping people at a distance.

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