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Dave posted Message 1235 in Message Board

Dated : February 17, 1999 at 03:59:36 EST

Subject: release outbound
When releasing the outbound (tdilc4202m000) the system also
prints a message. Now, at the last column of this message
you can find the "blocked" quantity for a certain order.
I've tested this, and the blocked order I had did not have anything to do with t
he location that was blocked, neither did my article had a sympton code, neither
was it a control item.
Is there anyone that knows what exactly this blocking stands for?
Since it causes a lot of trouble, that is the data stay in the Maintain outbound
session and so the list are printed as long as the outbound is in there.
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John posted Message 1236 in Message Board
Dated : February 17, 1999 at 08:45:22 EST
Subject: Re: Generating inbound advice....
Your DBA should be able to work this out.

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Stephen Monroe posted Message 1237 in Message Board
Dated : February 17, 1999 at 17:23:05 EST
Subject: Partial delivery of a sales order
is there a way to Deliver a partial quantity from a sales order and then cancel
the remaining quantity? I have a customer who has delivered 1 item to a customer
off of a line with quantity 10( the other 9 are backordered ). The customer does
not want the final nine delivered.
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Ashutosh Apte posted Message 1238 in Message Board
Dated : February 17, 1999 at 18:27:05 EST
Subject: Multiple Delivery Addresses for a Sales Line !!
Our Business requirement is as follows ..
The Customer Sends a Purchase Order for an Item to the tune of say 1 million pie
ces. And also gives a break-up of this quantity with its delivery address. Such
Break-up runs into hundreds of lines since quantity on each break-up line is sma

We want to process these breakup lines as each sales line but we r facing proble
m because baan doesn't have delivery address stored at Deliveries Level (tdsls04
5). But at sales lines (tdsls041) level.
We can't make a sales line of 1 million qty and keep doing a partial delivery af
ter making change to delivery address !!!!
Anyone has a better solution to this ????
Thanks in Advance
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Ashutosh Apte posted Message 1239 in Message Board
Dated : February 17, 1999 at 18:31:34 EST
Subject: Re: Partial delivery of a sales order
: is there a way to Deliver a partial quantity from a sales order and then cance
: the remaining quantity? I have a customer who has delivered 1 item to a custom
: off of a line with quantity 10( the other 9 are backordered ). The customer do
: not want the final nine delivered.
Dear Stephen
Which Baan version are you using. If its less than Baan IVc then the user can ea
sily do this. Simply "Force Close" the order. That is in Maintain/Confirm Back O
rders, put new qty as Zero and Set Confirm flag to Yes. This will "Force Close"
that Sales Line !!!
For Baan IVc on wards, the Maintain/Confirm Back Orders step is done automatical
ly (its no longer necessary part of the sales order processing) but user can ver
y do the same which I expained above.
Hope this works
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Jason posted Message 1240 in Message Board
Dated : February 17, 1999 at 19:52:44 EST
Subject: Re: release outbound
The only time I have ever seen an amount blocked on the outbound advice report w
as when the order was blocked in the Quality Management System (QMS).
: Hi,

When releasing the outbound (tdilc4202m000) the system also

prints a message. Now, at the last column of this message
you can find the "blocked" quantity for a certain order.
I've tested this, and the blocked order I had did not have anything to do with

the location that was blocked, neither did my article had a sympton code, neith
er was it a control item.
: Is there anyone that knows what exactly this blocking stands for?
: Since it causes a lot of trouble, that is the data stay in the Maintain outbou
nd session and so the list are printed as long as the outbound is in there.
: regards,
: -Dave

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Praveen sharma posted Message 1241 in Message Board
Dated : February 18, 1999 at 03:05:33 EST
Subject: Re: raising orders from purchase contracts.
I have tried taking out purchase orders from the purchase order schedule. Noth
ing of that sort is happening. In the session tdpur3535m000 I could see that the
invoiced quantity is '0' which is correct. I think there is some other problem.
Praveen Sharma

when generating a purchase order from a purchase contract schedule i am gettin

an invoiced quantity of '1' displayed in the the session tdpur3535m000 (displa
turnover history by purchase contract). it is doing this on all purchase order
generated in this way. can anybody suggest why this is happening.

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Sandra Van Asch posted Message 1242 in Message Board
Dated : February 18, 1999 at 08:18:28 EST
Subject: Calculation in EDI conversion setup
Does anybody know whether it is possible to put a 'calculated' field in a conver
sion setup ? e.g. if you want to send the result of field a - field b in your ED
I message
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Jon posted Message 1243 in Message Board
Dated : February 18, 1999 at 08:59:55 EST
Subject: Cost Items and Maintain Deliveries
We are currently working without ILC and need to add a freight cost to a sales o
rder from time to time. Unfortunately they do not want shipping to enter sales o
rder lines, so we have decised a proces where after printing the packing slip, s
hipping will stamp the slip with the correct tracking information and freight co
sts then send it back to sales. Sales will then enter a line with cost item frei
ght and the price. Unfortunately after they enter this, the status is at Maintai

n Deliveries but the order is at print sales invoice. Is there anyway to bypass
maintain deliveries for cost items? Sales shouldn't have to into this field also
.. Is there a way to do a global update of maintain deliveries with only cost it
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Jon posted Message 1244 in Message Board
Dated : February 18, 1999 at 10:37:29 EST
Subject: Inventory handling with
Maintain Approvals

(Without ILC)

The receiving and inspection function in Baan do not appear to provide the neces
sary visibility to the approval / rejection transaction.
When a qty is received through Maintain Receipts the inventory shows the qty recei
ved in the warehouse and the qty as On Hand and On Hold .
If a portion of the material is accepted and a portion is rejected, the accepted
material is released from On Hold , but the rejected material
disappears from the i
nventory and the system automatically does a negative receipt for the original q
ty and inserts a new receipt only for the accepted material.
We need to be able to leave the original receipt qty in the system and dispositi
on the accepted and rejected material to separate warehouses. The rejected mate
rial should be visible in the selected warehouse. When the material is returned
to the supplier or scrapped the material should be transacted out of the wareho
use and the qty added to the backorder. We also do not want to lose the functio
nality of the Return Note generation.
The premise is that all material that is on location should be visible in a ware
house. Since we have legally signed for the material, it needs to show.
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Merv Carr posted Message 1245 in Message Board
Dated : February 18, 1999 at 14:43:31 EST
Subject: Re: Inventory handling with
Maintain Approvals

(Without ILC)

Your only other real alternative (without getting into Mods) is to receive the e
ntire qty (forget about inspection) transfer the "reject" qty to a non-nettable
warehouse, and then when a decision has been made to return the goods, perform a
negative PO for the "reject" qty. You will still be able to print the return no
te (so long as this is a step in the order type selected)
Hope this helps
Mervyn Carr
: The receiving and inspection function in Baan do not appear to provide the nec
essary visibility to the approval / rejection transaction.
: When a qty is received through Maintain Receipts the inventory shows the qty rec
eived in the warehouse and the qty as On Hand and On Hold .
: If a portion of the material is accepted and a portion is rejected, the accept
ed material is released from On Hold , but the rejected material
disappears from the
inventory and the system automatically does a negative receipt for the original
qty and inserts a new receipt only for the accepted material.

: We need to be able to leave the original receipt qty in the system and disposi
tion the accepted and rejected material to separate warehouses. The rejected ma
terial should be visible in the selected warehouse. When the material is return
ed to the supplier or scrapped the material should be transacted out of the ware
house and the qty added to the backorder. We also do not want to lose the funct
ionality of the Return Note generation.
: The premise is that all material that is on location should be visible in a wa
rehouse. Since we have legally signed for the material, it needs to show.

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John Roberts posted Message 1246 in Message Board
Dated : February 18, 1999 at 15:37:24 EST
Subject: Turning off "Signal Insufficient Inventory"
I am working in a MTO environment, so when I am entering
sales order lines I never have the inventory to meet the
sales order, and the "signal Insufficient Inventory"
session opens on every line (very annoying). Does anyone
know how to turn this zoom session off?
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Martin posted Message 1247 in Message Board
Dated : February 19, 1999 at 03:25:24 EST
Subject: Re: Cost Items and Maintain Deliveries
Does it have to go on the same (original) sales order?
If not you may as well set up a new Order Type for Sales which is 'collect' requ
iring only 'Print sales invoices' and 'Process Delivered Sales Orders'. This wil
l go straight to invoice in saving the line requiring no maintaining of deliveri
Hope this helps.

: We are currently working without ILC and need to add a freight cost to a sales
order from time to time. Unfortunately they do not want shipping to enter sales
order lines, so we have decised a proces where after printing the packing slip,
shipping will stamp the slip with the correct tracking information and freight
costs then send it back to sales. Sales will then enter a line with cost item fr
eight and the price. Unfortunately after they enter this, the status is at Maint
ain Deliveries but the order is at print sales invoice. Is there anyway to bypas
s maintain deliveries for cost items? Sales shouldn't have to into this field al
so.. Is there a way to do a global update of maintain deliveries with only cost

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Colin Marriott posted Message 1248 in Message Board

Dated : February 19, 1999 at 04:14:42 EST
Subject: Re: release outbound
The items you refer to may be blocked because they reside in the inspection loca
tion of your goods-in/store. In order to move them to your required storage loca
tion during the Gen Inbound session you need to use order type Inventory Transfe
r, not Purchase Order, this should then enable you to move the goods past the bl
ocked stage.
Hope this helps
: Hi,

When releasing the outbound (tdilc4202m000) the system also

prints a message. Now, at the last column of this message
you can find the "blocked" quantity for a certain order.
I've tested this, and the blocked order I had did not have anything to do with
the location that was blocked, neither did my article had a sympton code, neith
er was it a control item.
: Is there anyone that knows what exactly this blocking stands for?
: Since it causes a lot of trouble, that is the data stay in the Maintain outbou
nd session and so the list are printed as long as the outbound is in there.
: regards,
: -Dave

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Sherry Strohmeyer posted Message 1249 in Message Board
Dated : February 19, 1999 at 09:27:22 EST
Subject: Multiple acct nos for one P.O. line
Is it possible to charge one P.O. line to multiple account numbers?
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Phil Shipley posted Message 1250 in Message Board
Dated : February 19, 1999 at 10:17:54 EST
Subject: Re: Turning off "Signal Insufficient Inventory"

I am working in a MTO environment, so when I am entering

sales order lines I never have the inventory to meet the
sales order, and the "signal Insufficient Inventory"
session opens on every line (very annoying). Does anyone
know how to turn this zoom session off?


If the item is an MPS item then set timps000.atpu to NO and it will never check.
If it is not MPS then set Time phased inventory check in Sales Order Parameters
to Yes (tdsls000,tpsc.4) and then it comes down to the Planned Delivery date and
the value of the order lead time on item master (tiitm001.oltm)and todays date.
That is to say:
if Planned Del Date - TODAY > tiitm001.oltm then no message.
Hope that helps
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Carol Schmidt posted Message 1251 in Message Board
Dated : February 19, 1999 at 15:28:16 EST
Subject: Order Types
I have order types within a test company that require modification.
I do not want to create new order types, just modify the existing ones.
I have transactions in process for these order types which I can remove if neces
What tools maintenance can be utilized to allow modifications to these order typ
es, or the quick removal of any outstanding orders, without processing them?
Thank you in advance for your input.
Carol Schmidt
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Ryan Miller posted Message 1252 in Message Board
Dated : February 19, 1999 at 16:18:11 EST
Subject: Re: Order Types
File --> run

ttaad4100 (General Table Maintenance).

: I have order types within a test company that require modification.

: I do not want to create new order types, just modify the existing ones.
: I have transactions in process for these order types which I can remove if nec
: What tools maintenance can be utilized to allow modifications to these order t
ypes, or the quick removal of any outstanding orders, without processing them?
: Thank you in advance for your input.
: Carol Schmidt

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Jeanne Ploshay posted Message 1253 in Message Board
Dated : February 19, 1999 at 16:25:22 EST
Subject: Re: Multiple Delivery Addresses for a Sales Line !!

: Our Business requirement is as follows ..

: The Customer Sends a Purchase Order for an Item to the tune of say 1 million p
ieces. And also gives a break-up of this quantity with its delivery address. Suc
h Break-up runs into hundreds of lines since quantity on each break-up line is s
: We want to process these breakup lines as each sales line but we r facing prob
lem because baan doesn't have delivery address stored at Deliveries Level (tdsls
045). But at sales lines (tdsls041) level.
: We can't make a sales line of 1 million qty and keep doing a partial delivery
after making change to delivery address !!!!
: Anyone has a better solution to this ????
: Thanks in Advance
: Ashutosh

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Jeanne Ploshay posted Message 1254 in Message Board
Dated : February 19, 1999 at 16:28:27 EST
Subject: Re: Multiple Delivery Addresses for a Sales Line !!
: : Our Business requirement is as follows ..
: : The Customer Sends a Purchase Order for an Item to the tune of say 1 million
pieces. And also gives a break-up of this quantity with its delivery address. S
uch Break-up runs into hundreds of lines since quantity on each break-up line is
: : We want to process these breakup lines as each sales line but we r facing pr
oblem because baan doesn't have delivery address stored at Deliveries Level (tds
ls045). But at sales lines (tdsls041) level.
: : We can't make a sales line of 1 million qty and keep doing a partial deliver
y after making change to delivery address !!!!
: : Anyone has a better solution to this ????
: : Thanks in Advance
: : Ashutosh
I know of no other way other
their own delivery address.
would be time consuming but
very addresses linked to the
ering multiple lines anyway,
Jeanne Ploshay

than entering multiple sales order lines, each with

If you know up front what the releases will be, it
at least Baan allows as many as 999 different deli
customer master. Your message says you plan on ent
so I am not sure where you are having the problem.

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John Crystal posted Message 1255 in Message Board

Dated : February 20, 1999 at 19:53:19 EST
Subject: Re: Order Types
I wouldn't use ttaad4100 to remove the orders unless you're comfortable with doi
ng, and know all the other table that have on order quantities, the history tabl
es, etc. Once a type has been used it's normally there to stay.
You might get away with changing the order type and also the order line status a
nd mask in pur045 on existing orders. Be very sure you know how Baan works befor
e attempting that one though.
The best way would really be to create new order types particularly since you're
just in a test company.
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Mark posted Message 1256 in Message Board
Dated : February 21, 1999 at 12:57:02 EST
Subject: Re: Partial delivery of a sales order
Another solution is to set the 'Back Order' flag on the customer record to 'No'.
This will force the back order to zero when you maintain a partial delivery.
: : is there a way to Deliver a partial quantity from a sales order and then can
: : the remaining quantity? I have a customer who has delivered 1 item to a cust
: : off of a line with quantity 10( the other 9 are backordered ). The customer
: : not want the final nine delivered.
: Dear Stephen
: Which Baan version are you using. If its less than Baan IVc then the user can
easily do this. Simply "Force Close" the order. That is in Maintain/Confirm Back
Orders, put new qty as Zero and Set Confirm flag to Yes. This will "Force Close
" that Sales Line !!!
: For Baan IVc on wards, the Maintain/Confirm Back Orders step is done automatic
ally (its no longer necessary part of the sales order processing) but user can v
ery do the same which I expained above.
: Hope this works
: Ashutosh

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Colin Marriott posted Message 1257 in Message Board

Dated : February 22, 1999 at 06:25:20 EST

Subject: Using barcoding with BaaN
Does any body have any experience of implementing a barcode system within the Ba
aN environment, I have been tasked to look at this area with a view to using in
the near future. Any contacts or information would be gratefully received.
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Guido posted Message 1258 in Message Board
Dated : February 22, 1999 at 09:18:35 EST
Subject: Re: quantity on td inv and td ilc module different!
: in case of diffreneces, but this is not the end solution. Main goal must be fi
nding out where these differences are comming
: from. Running the session daily might give you some very
: specific examples where it goes wrong.
Hi there,
did anyone come up with an explanation yet?
I am to dig deeply into the solution which delivers all those correctionsessions
and its follower, which replaces half of ilc again, regarding the number of obj
ects involved.
Anyone got any hint? I'm just putting everything together to start of...
Thankfull for anything,
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Mark posted Message 1259 in Message Board
Dated : February 22, 1999 at 11:37:07 EST
Subject: Re: Using barcoding with BaaN
We looked at this a short while ago - below are the people we
as we could see no one in Europe has done this on 3.1bx (our
ve a very good relationship with Baan (apparently they worked
e DDC product in Baan IV) and can provide reference sites for

looked at. As far

version). Epic ha
very closely on th
Baan IV.

Hope this helps, if I can give you any more info then let me know.
Epic Data
01635 521140
Jocelyn Pearce

01274 741860
<no contact>
0118 923 0800
Trish Gaunt
Symbol Technologies
Winnersh Triangle
0118 945 7000
Dave Sharratt
01773 713311
<no contact>

: Does any body have any experience of implementing a barcode system within the
BaaN environment, I have been tasked to look at this area with a view to using i
n the near future. Any contacts or information would be gratefully received.
: Regards
: Colin

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Julian Lyne posted Message 1260 in Message Board
Dated : February 22, 1999 at 11:57:12 EST
Subject: SMI Marketing Project - Last transaction date
Does anyone know what causes the field tdsmi110.ltdt to be updated, and with wha
t value?
I am working with customised versions of tdsmi1103m000 (Maintain Marketing Proje
cts by Relation) and tdsmi2101s000 (Maintain Activities). Customisations consist
of re-organisation of forms, with some fields omitted, program script is untouc
I expect tdsmi110.ltdt to be updated with either current date, or max date from
associated activities when a new or amended activity record is written.
The sessions with customised forms do not produce a change in tdsmi110.ltdt.
The standard sessions sometimes do and sometimes don't.
Any suggestions?

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Garrett Sulzman posted Message 1261 in Message Board

Dated : February 22, 1999 at 13:55:59 EST

Subject: Comsumable Items
Is anyone using Baan to purchase their Consumable Items such as Office supplies
and how are you doing this????
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Alex Palma posted Message 1262 in Message Board
Dated : February 22, 1999 at 17:30:28 EST
Subject: Error 305 Wrong Row Returned
When I use the same quantity in the purchase orders lines, than in the Maintain
Prices by Supplier and Item session, in the moment that I press TAB, the error 3
05 Wrong Row Returned appears, and freeze my Baan session. Im using Baan IV b2.
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance
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Carol posted Message 1263 in Message Board
Dated : February 22, 1999 at 18:38:48 EST
Subject: Return Notes
We need help in using return notes for purchased items. We are using both QMS a
nd ILC, and have included return notes as a step in our order types, but cannot
get a return note to print. Does anyone have any advice on this?
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Colin Marriott posted Message 1264 in Message Board
Dated : February 23, 1999 at 09:42:33 EST
Subject: Re: Return Notes
In order to print a returns note you need to have rejected a quantity in the Mai
ntain Approvals session first, then on form 2 of this session enter a reason for
rejection, you can also add text to be more specific if you want.
If you now go to print returns note session you can either print by Receipt numb
er, Supplier, order number etc. Choose the returns note option and you should ge
t your returns note to print.
hope this helps
: We need help in using return notes for purchased items. We are using both QMS
and ILC, and have included return notes as a step in our order types, but canno
t get a return note to print. Does anyone have any advice on this?

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Herman posted Message 1265 in Message Board

Dated : February 23, 1999 at 13:13:29 EST

Subject: Error during printing after upgrade to Baan IVc4
We have upgraded from c2 to c4. Now we have problems during printing of some (no
t all) reports to either screen or our HP8000 laserjet. These reports all give o
ne empty page first. We re-installed printer drivers, but this does not solve th
e problem. Does any one have any clue of what might go wrong?
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jeff wahal posted Message 1266 in Message Board
Dated : February 23, 1999 at 13:40:25 EST
Subject: help!! it's a phantom
i am trying to use a phantom as an end item (top level of the BOM)and the items
directly underneath are manufactured. i want to be able to inventory the undern
eath (lower level of the BOM) and put the end item (that is not inventoried) on
a sales order.
i created a project, a sales oder (with the phantom on it) and ran prp. BaaN cr
eated planned prp production orders for the second level of the BOM, which is ok
and also for the phantom which is NOT ok. i am using BaaN 4c.
i maintained the item data correctly and selected "phantom" = yes
can someone please help me? i would very much appreciate it.
basically, i want to be able to insert one part number on a sales order and have
inventory withdrawn for the underneath/second level items that make up the end

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Gilles Grondin posted Message 1267 in Message Board
Dated : February 23, 1999 at 14:14:58 EST
Subject: Re: Error when specifying distance between cities
: When using ACS and maintaining distances between cities I get the error "tccom
99129.I ????????????????????????" when an address is selected from the zoom. Doe
s anyone know why this is and how the problem can be avoided. I am not using the
transport module but want to maintain this table in order that the data can be
used by custom code we have developed.
This message occur when the format used is not the same as the one entered in Ma
ster Data. In many cases the city name should be followed by a state: exemple <
NEW YORK CITY, NY>. I recommend that you enter the city name in upper case, this
is the defaulted format used by Baan when your implementing Transportation. You
reduce the risk of message error.
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Gilles Grondin posted Message 1268 in Message Board
Dated : February 23, 1999 at 14:21:31 EST
Subject: Re: Transportation Implementation

: Hello Friends,
: We are in the process of Implementing BaaN Transportation for
: one of our clients.
: There are certain issues we are facing in Transport order
: planning and integration related areas.
: Please get in touch with me at, incase
: you would be able to help.
: Thanks,
: Ashish Anand
: ISC Consultancy, India

I am working in Baan Transportation for ICS Canada. I can be reach 1-800-580-78
82 ext 8443 (voice mail)
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Tom posted Message 1269 in Message Board
Dated : February 23, 1999 at 14:24:26 EST
Subject: Re: help!! it's a phantom
: i am trying to use a phantom as an end item (top level of the BOM)and the item
s directly underneath are manufactured. i want to be able to inventory the unde
rneath (lower level of the BOM) and put the end item (that is not inventoried) o
n a sales order.
: i created a project, a sales oder (with the phantom on it) and ran prp. BaaN
created planned prp production orders for the second level of the BOM, which is
ok and also for the phantom which is NOT ok. i am using BaaN 4c.
: i maintained the item data correctly and selected "phantom" = yes
: can someone please help me? i would very much appreciate it.
: basically, i want to be able to insert one part number on a sales order and ha
ve inventory withdrawn for the underneath/second level items that make up the en
d item
You should be able to set the salesorder to "ship components"
instead of "main item". Manufacturing will see only the requirements for the low
er level items.
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Gilles Grondin posted Message 1270 in Message Board
Dated : February 23, 1999 at 14:45:05 EST
Subject: Re: Transportation Planning

I don't know if you fixed theses issues, but that might help:
1. Yo do not need all these set up to create a trip. The procedure should allow
you the automatic trips and stops creation
- the procedure should have : stop created automatically set to YES
- loading and unloading during same trip set to yes
- Assign stops to trips set to yes
The other set up will enhance or modify the type of combination
2. The second part seems to be a bug. I experience that one before
3. The capacity constraint will be launch when you predefine trip (as per a STD
Route) will reach the capacity of the MoT that you default to the STD Route. As
per that you can loimit the trip capacity
4. The fixed trips/firm planned trip cannot be modified by new stops, if that ha
ppen check the procedure and ypour line code default. If you are in a MULTI_MUL
TI, that depends of you table sharing.
If any question please fill free
ICS Canada

: dear srinivas,
: I am facing certain issues pertaining to TOP which are: i) For a company which is forming its own trip for internal
despatch requirements, but subcontracting outside, why is
it mandatory to maintain Employee, Mean of Transport and
standard route for automatic trip generation and capacity check.
Since the clients route will be decided on case to case basis
it won't be possible to predefine the time and date etc. for standard
: ii) Generate trips based on stops session is giving me no response when i
indicate continue through special, even though i have defined correct
selection range.Have you encountered similar problem.
: iii) Like automatic trip creation is done on the basis of same standard
route, compatibility code and order procedure, can I also make my
trips based on capacity defined for MOT, right now I make trip, then do
capacity check, can I make trip based on capacity constraint defined
prior to trip creation.
: iv) Also can fixed and firm planned trips be touched by planning while
system assigning stops to existing trips.
: see if you can assist me in these.
: thanks,
: ashish


: Dear Ashish,
: I have been working on transportation but not in areas related to third part
inventory control. Would be glad if i can be of help.
: : I am working in Transportation Planning
: : and I have certain queries regarding
: : Trip Formation and Assigning Stops to
: : trips. etc.

: : : Please let me know if anyone has exhaustively

: : : worked in this area.
: : : Thanks
: : : Ashish

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MEP posted Message 1271 in Message Board
Dated : February 23, 1999 at 20:48:23 EST
Subject: EDI pricing
How/when/where does Baan read the pricing and discount structure when generating
incoming 850 messages? Does it simply accept the pricing entered by the custom
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Jason posted Message 1272 in Message Board
Dated : February 24, 1999 at 08:42:14 EST
Subject: Re: Comsumable Items
Consumble items are typically set-up in teo different ways depending on whether
you want to keep track of the inventory of the goods (i.e. use SIC setting for r
1. Item is not held in inventory
-use a cost item called "office supplies" on the purchase order and record in th
e line item text exacty what you are purchasing. The receiver can see this line
text when receiving the goods to make sure that we have received what we ordered
. Baan also allows you to enter the financial dimension data on the purchase ord
er (i.e department/cost center) when you are using a cost item.
2. Item that is held in inventory
-use an item code for each specific item that you purchase. Receive the goods as
normal. When the goods are removed from the warehouse complete an inventory adj
ustment with a reason code which books the costs to the appropriate place. Or th
e items as needs or according to SIC settings.
Hope this helps.

: Is anyone using Baan to purchase their Consumable Items such as Office supplie
s and how are you doing this????

***************** End Of Article ******************

J. Cronin posted Message 1273 in Message Board
Dated : February 24, 1999 at 09:43:31 EST
Subject: Re: help!! it's a phantom
How about defining the 2nd level assemblies as Phantoms (Don't forget to mark 'Y
es' in the phantom field in the BOM of the Main Item)
This should be OK if you don't need to have separate production Orders for each
of the second level assemblies.
Parts will be issued collectively from the 3rd level, to produce your end item.
Hope this helps,
Regards, Jeremy
: : i am trying to use a phantom as an end item (top level of the BOM)and the it
ems directly underneath are manufactured. i want to be able to inventory the un
derneath (lower level of the BOM) and put the end item (that is not inventoried)
on a sales order.
: : i created a project, a sales oder (with the phantom on it) and ran prp. Baa
N created planned prp production orders for the second level of the BOM, which i
s ok and also for the phantom which is NOT ok. i am using BaaN 4c.
: : i maintained the item data correctly and selected "phantom" = yes
: : can someone please help me? i would very much appreciate it.
: : basically, i want to be able to insert one part number on a sales order and
have inventory withdrawn for the underneath/second level items that make up the
end item
: You should be able to set the salesorder to "ship components"
: instead of "main item". Manufacturing will see only the requirements for the l
ower level items.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Peter van Lint posted Message 1274 in Message Board
Dated : February 24, 1999 at 12:38:50 EST
Subject: Purchasing manufactured items
We often have to make "make-or-buy" decisions for manufactured items but we don'
t want to change them into purchased items. Baan allowes us to purchase these ma
nufactured items but unfortunatly the purchase results are unusable. Can anyone
recommend an alternative solution?
***************** End Of Article ******************
BNB posted Message 1275 in Message Board
Dated : February 24, 1999 at 13:01:35 EST
Subject: Printing a PO w/o lines

I have not been able to find a way to print a PO if there are no lines attached.
We need this for several reasons. Does anyone have a workaround for this?
Thank You.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Gary Pancoast posted Message 1276 in Message Board
Dated : February 24, 1999 at 14:44:00 EST
Subject: Re: quantity on td inv and td ilc module different!
: Hi,
: quantity on td inv and td ilc module different!
: My problem is this:
: We are working in a process industry so that we have the ilc module set on.
: The edp manager of this industry used session ttaad4100 (on td inv 001) to del
ate or correct the quantity on inventory on hand.
: My great proble is that he forgot to update also the td ilc 101 session. The r
eality is that i have wrong inventory data.
: In fact i go on td inv 0510m000 and i see that for my item X the inventory on
hand quantity is 0.
: Then for the same item i go on td ilc 1541m000 and i see that the inventory qu
antity is 100.
: But this is wrong.
: What can i do to repair this sistuation.
: This fact cause a lot of problem. In fact i have on td inv001 negative quanti
ty when i issue materials from production order. (even if on tdinv0100m000 the n
egative quantity are not allowed). this is because on td ilc 101 i have not zero
but 100.
: Please let me know.
: Bets regards
: Marco
We had a similar problem. We turned on ILC after using INV for a year. When we t
urned on ILC we also turned FIFO on. Problem was created because ILC with FIFO t
urned on looks for a transaction date for the lot in the ILC table. The earlier
INV transactions did not have a "lot" date in the table. Therefore INV recognize
d and showed inventory on hand and ILC did not. If you have FIFO turned on you c
an turn it off by running session tdilc0232m (Maintain Outbound Priority System)
and selecting the outbound priority as "By Location." when we did this QOH in I
NV and ILC were back in synch. We haven't gotten back to turning FIFO on (this a
ll happened just 2 weeks ago). I suspect when we try it again we're going to hav
e to load a "lot" date into the table for those old inv transactions to make eve
rything work right. If this doesn't help its at least something to be aware of.
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Jo-Anne Church posted Message 1277 in Message Board

Dated : February 24, 1999 at 15:57:23 EST
Subject: Frequency of Rebuild jobs
From time to time, I have discovered that we need to run the following jobs to m
aintain the accuracy of inventory data:
tdinv0250m000 tdilc0250m000 tdinv0252m000 hat can only be

Rebuild Planned Inventory Transactions

Rebuild Inventory Data (ILC)
Check Inventory Data (in version 4C2, this is a hidden session t
accessed from the Run Program session)

Should these sessions be run on a regular basis and if so, how often??
All comments are appreciated.
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Muhammad Faisal posted Message 1278 in Message Board
Dated : February 24, 1999 at 19:46:48 EST
Subject: Re: EDI pricing
When receiving incoming PO Baan reads the pricing from the price structure and c
ompares it against the customer price. If the customer price is not zero and not
equal to price calculated and the price unit and conversion factor is correct,
it accepts the customer price. If customer price is 0 it will accept the calcula
ted price from the price structure. This calculation and comparision is done on
second pass.
Hopefully this may help...
***************** End Of Article ******************
Muhammad Faisal posted Message 1279 in Message Board
Dated : February 24, 1999 at 19:53:45 EST
Subject: Re: Frequency of Rebuild jobs
The sole purpose of these sessions are to provide you the ability to rebuild dat
a which has been damaged because of misadventure.
If this incident happens very often in your company then my advice is to run the
se session as a batch job at the end of the day.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Muhammad Faisal posted Message 1280 in Message Board
Dated : February 24, 1999 at 20:04:12 EST
Subject: Re: Printing a PO w/o lines
I am afraid to say that there is no way to print an PO acknowledgment if there a
re no receipt lines for any PO.
You will have to customize this session to print PO's without any lines.

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Inventory not tally after error recovery posted Message 1281 in Message Board
Dated : February 24, 1999 at 20:22:58 EST
Subject: Re: Frequency of Rebuild jobs
Even after running those sessions, for ILC implemented . The inventory on-hand a
nd location inventory is still not tally. Does anyone have any idea.
: The sole purpose of these sessions are to provide you the ability to rebuild d
ata which has been damaged because of misadventure.
: If this incident happens very often in your company then my advice is to run t
hese session as a batch job at the end of the day.
: Thanks

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Inventory not tally after error recovery posted Message 1282 in Message Board
Dated : February 24, 1999 at 20:23:04 EST
Subject: Re: Frequency of Rebuild jobs
Even after running those sessions, for ILC implemented . The inventory on-hand a
nd location inventory is still not tally. Does anyone have any idea.
: The sole purpose of these sessions are to provide you the ability to rebuild d
ata which has been damaged because of misadventure.
: If this incident happens very often in your company then my advice is to run t
hese session as a batch job at the end of the day.
: Thanks

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Muhammad Faisal posted Message 1283 in Message Board
Dated : February 24, 1999 at 20:28:53 EST
Subject: Re: Using barcoding with BaaN
Barcoding in Baan can be done using DDC and without DDC. We have done it both wa
ys. We have also done Barcoding with Triton 3.1xx.
Mark is right about the vendors. There are few vendors who can help you buy thei
r hardware and routers(software) but you will still need some consulting help on
setting up DDC driver, DDC server and function servers.
If you need any further help, please let me know
***************** End Of Article ******************
JJ posted Message 1284 in Message Board

Dated : February 24, 1999 at 20:29:30 EST

Subject: Re: Purchasing manufactured items
I don't know whether answer yours question or not. For pricing issue, you can se
t buying price on maintain prices and discount by supplier and items. Another me
thod is issue the subcontract order which allow us add in the surcharge.
: We often have to make "make-or-buy" decisions for manufactured items but we do
n't want to change them into purchased items. Baan allowes us to purchase these
manufactured items but unfortunatly the purchase results are unusable. Can anyon
e recommend an alternative solution?

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shaun stephenson posted Message 1285 in Message Board
Dated : February 25, 1999 at 02:44:00 EST
Subject: identification of works order shortages when recieving goods
when recieving goods from a purchase order is it possible to have a signal code
that identifies that there are outstanding shortages on current works orders.
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Andrew posted Message 1286 in Message Board
Dated : February 25, 1999 at 03:53:52 EST
Subject: Replenishment Order Receipts (Triton 3 / Baan 4)
When making a receipt for a replenishment order, it is possible to book "losses"
as inventory corrections. For example, a replenishment order is created for one
item with a quantity of 10. When the goods arrive at the destination warehouse,
there are only 5 on the truck (5 were lost during transit). When 5 are booked a
s a receipt, the remaining 5 are booked out of stock as an inventory correction.
What happens if all 10 go missing? It does not appear to be possible to make a r
eceipt of 0 so that the remaining 10 are booked out of stock. Does anyone have a
solution to this problem?
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Andrew posted Message 1287 in Message Board
Dated : February 25, 1999 at 09:27:37 EST
Subject: MRP Reschedule-Out Messages (BAAN IV)
In the BAAN IV session "Generate MRP Orders" (timrp1210m000) there are two input
fields which look very interesting :
- "Reschedule-Out messages for manufactured items if greater than [ ] days"
- "Reschedule-Out messages for purchased items if greater than [ ] days"
Unfortunately, these options do not appear to have any impact on the MRP results
, and there is no online help availble. In addition, these labels are only ever
shown in English, regardless of the user language.

Does anyone know what these fields actually do (or are supposed to do)?
Many thanks,
---------------------------------------------In der BAAN-IV-Session "MRP-Vorschlge generieren" (timrp1210m000) stehen zwei Ein
gabefelder, die sehr ntzlich aussehen (siehe oben).
Leider scheinen diese Optionen keine Auswirkung auf die MRP-Ergebnisse zu haben,
und Online-Hilfe gibt es hierfr auch nicht. Auerdem erscheinen diese Labels nur a
uf Englisch, trotz anderweitig eingestellter Benutzersprache.
Wei jemand, was diese Felder berhaupt machen (sollen)?
Vielen Dank,
***************** End Of Article ******************
Tina posted Message 1288 in Message Board
Dated : February 25, 1999 at 12:31:07 EST
Subject: Re: MRP Reschedule-Out Messages (BAAN IV)
: In the BAAN IV session "Generate MRP Orders" (timrp1210m000) there are two inp
ut fields which look very interesting :
: - "Reschedule-Out messages for manufactured items if greater than [ ] days"
: - "Reschedule-Out messages for purchased items if greater than [ ] days"
: Unfortunately, these options do not appear to have any impact on the MRP resul
ts, and there is no online help availble. In addition, these labels are only eve
r shown in English, regardless of the user language.
: Does anyone know what these fields actually do (or are supposed to do)?
: Many thanks,
: Andrew
: ---------------------------------------------Andrew,
these fields will not have any effect on the MRP results (ie- production or purc
hase orders). They are used as a tolerance on the rescheduling messages only.
So if you put in a tolerance of 7 days, MRP will not generate a rescheduling if
the reschedule date would've been within that 7 days.
hope that helps
: In der BAAN-IV-Session "MRP-Vorschlge generieren" (timrp1210m000) stehen zwei E
ingabefelder, die sehr ntzlich aussehen (siehe oben).
: Leider scheinen diese Optionen keine Auswirkung auf die MRP-Ergebnisse zu habe
n, und Online-Hilfe gibt es hierfr auch nicht. Auerdem erscheinen diese Labels nur
auf Englisch, trotz anderweitig eingestellter Benutzersprache.
: Wei jemand, was diese Felder berhaupt machen (sollen)?

: Vielen Dank,
: Andrew

***************** End Of Article ******************

Joe posted Message 1289 in Message Board
Dated : February 25, 1999 at 14:43:48 EST
Subject: backorders
After going to the session "Maintain Approvals" and entering the appropriate acc
epted and rejected quantities, the back order field defaults to the amount of th
e rejected quanity.
I am wondering what the procedure is to turn this back order into another purcha
se order!!!
Also, once a quantity is rejected, it is regarded as scrap and is no longer seen
in the system, correct??
***************** End Of Article ******************
John Crystal posted Message 1290 in Message Board
Dated : February 25, 1999 at 16:27:05 EST
Subject: Additional cost sets on sales orders
Can you somehow hook cost sets to items not customers?
Can I have a packaging charge automatically calculated from the weight of the it
em shipped? Reading the help text it looks like it, But I'm stumped how to set
it up?
***************** End Of Article ******************
mary fish posted Message 1291 in Message Board
Dated : February 26, 1999 at 01:45:32 EST
Subject: production issue
hello ;
in Enter Inventory Transaction (tdilc1120m000) session,
there is transaction type field,
one of these options is "production issue".When should we use
this transaction?We want to issue materials which not found in
is that true?

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Colin Marriott posted Message 1292 in Message Board
Dated : February 26, 1999 at 03:05:57 EST
Subject: Re: backorders

Hi Joe, I have been working in this area this week and maybe able to assist.
When you report a reject it does as you say identify a back order quantity, if y
ou also look at the receipt session I think it identifies a back order quantity
there as well. What this does is identify to the system that you still have a qu
antity to deliver, this can be done at any time provided your purchasing departm
ent do not go and remove/delete the back order quantity. There is no proceedure
to turn it into another purchase order because the system is still waiting for i
t on the original line. You can go and view all the back orders within purchase
orders, and they can be managed from here.
Hope this helps

: After going to the session "Maintain Approvals" and entering the appropriate a
ccepted and rejected quantities, the back order field defaults to the amount of
the rejected quanity.
: I am wondering what the procedure is to turn this back order into another purc
hase order!!!
: Also, once a quantity is rejected, it is regarded as scrap and is no longer se
en in the system, correct??

***************** End Of Article ******************

John Crystal posted Message 1293 in Message Board
Dated : February 26, 1999 at 08:32:08 EST
Subject: Re: production issue
That's not the way to do it. That session is to be used to issue material to a g
eneral "production" account if you don't have the SFC module turned on.
To issue something not on the BOM or extra material;
1. use the SFC session ticst0101m000 "Enter material issue for production orders
" to add the item to the SFC BOM
2. then do a gen and release outbound to actually issue the material
this will add the material to the production order where it will show up as a v
ariance during the costing.
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Anshoom Jain posted Message 1294 in Message Board
Dated : February 26, 1999 at 11:54:36 EST
Subject: Re: backorders
Backorders are still very much the Purchase orders as the system is expecting mo
re receipts.
As regards to reject handling, if you want to keep track of the rejected materia
l, you might like to create a separate warehouse as "reject warehouse" and do yo

ur tracking. Reject the material only when it is ready to be shipped out.

***************** End Of Article ******************
Anshoom Jain posted Message 1295 in Message Board
Dated : February 26, 1999 at 12:06:21 EST
Subject: Re: Additional cost sets on sales orders
Cost sets are linked to sales orders which in turn are linked to customers and h
ence cost sets are linked to customers. To best of my knowledge you can't link t
hem to items.
: Can you somehow hook cost sets to items not customers?
: Can I have a packaging charge automatically calculated from the weight of the
item shipped? Reading the help text it looks like it, But I'm stumped how to se
t it up?

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Anshoom Jain posted Message 1296 in Message Board
Dated : February 26, 1999 at 12:20:03 EST
Subject: Re: Inbound steps not working in P.O. cycle .Why?
One of the main objectives for switching on ILC is to track items together with
their storage locations. Maintain Receipts just dumps the items at a default rec
eipt location. Maintain inbound and release inbound actually put the item in the
storage location for retrieval during outbound session.
: Using BaaN 4c. Switched ILC on. No locations setup within warehouses.
: On the Sales Order cycle, instead on "Maintain Deliveries" we must use "Genera
te Outbound Advice + Release Outbound Data" to pull items from invetory and ship
: However, on the Purchase Order cycle, the sessions "Generate Inbound Advice +
Release Inbound Data" are not needed. Running session "Maintain receipts" does t
he trick. Shouldn't we need to use the 2 ILC functions instead? Why the Inbound/
Outbound discrepancy between Sales & Purchasing?
: Appreciate any help
: Ovi

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Thieu Franken posted Message 1297 in Message Board
Dated : February 26, 1999 at 13:46:44 EST
Subject: Re: Replenishment Order Receipts (Triton 3 / Baan 4)
There is no automatic solution for this problem. The only thing you can do is to

book the total quantity as a receipt and then to correct the stock with an norm
al stockcorrection (but you probably figured that one out yourself)
Further more, you should fire the driver or go to another transporter.
Good luck
***************** End Of Article ******************
N.Rambabu posted Message 1298 in Message Board
Dated : February 27, 1999 at 06:59:39 EST
Subject: Re: URGENT: EDI - Error in 850
Please check the following fields:
Our identification filed in 'Maintain neetworks' session of the company 677 shou
ld have the same value as 'Network address' in the session 'maintain Relation da
ta by network' in the company 678 and vice versa.
The error comes if these fields have different values.

: Have you defined a network for your relation (tcedi0128m000).

: : We have a multisite setup with company 677 being the buyer and 678 the selle
r. We have been trying to configure Internal EDI for this.
: : When we run Direct network communication to transfer Purchase Order from 677
to 678, We get an error message "tcedi702.reno Relation 677 not found".
: : We feel we have missed out something while setting up the scheme.
: : Has anyone faced a similar problem ?
: : Help Please....
: : TIA
: : Rambhak

***************** End Of Article ******************

Herman posted Message 1299 in Message Board
Dated : February 27, 1999 at 10:56:37 EST
Subject: Re: help!! it's a phantom
We tried to do this also. But it does not work, not in Baan IV c2 or in Baan IV
c4. It is a bug in the program and Baan Support (EMEA markets) does not consider
this bug as a main problem and will not fix it. The only way how you can get th
is going is by putting another phantom on top of the phantom. But this is a sill
y work-around.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Andrew posted Message 1300 in Message Board
Dated : February 27, 1999 at 15:21:12 EST

Subject: Re: MRP Reschedule-Out Messages (BAAN IV)

Thanks for your response, Tina. I did in fact expect the result of these fields
to be effective only on the re-schedule messages. Unfortunate, in my tests, the
reschedule messages are not "filtered out" by the value in these fields. Have yo
u used these tolerances with a successful outcome?
: : In the BAAN IV session "Generate MRP Orders" (timrp1210m000) there are two i
nput fields which look very interesting :
: : - "Reschedule-Out messages for manufactured items if greater than [ ] days
: : - "Reschedule-Out messages for purchased items if greater than [ ] days"
: : Unfortunately, these options do not appear to have any impact on the MRP res
ults, and there is no online help availble. In addition, these labels are only e
ver shown in English, regardless of the user language.
: : Does anyone know what these fields actually do (or are supposed to do)?
: : Many thanks,
: : Andrew
: : ---------------------------------------------: Andrew,
: these fields will not have any effect on the MRP results (ie- production or pu
rchase orders). They are used as a tolerance on the rescheduling messages only.
So if you put in a tolerance of 7 days, MRP will not generate a rescheduling i
f the reschedule date would've been within that 7 days.
: hope that helps
: : In der BAAN-IV-Session "MRP-Vorschlge generieren" (timrp1210m000) stehen zwei
Eingabefelder, die sehr ntzlich aussehen (siehe oben).
: : Leider scheinen diese Optionen keine Auswirkung auf die MRP-Ergebnisse zu ha
ben, und Online-Hilfe gibt es hierfr auch nicht. Auerdem erscheinen diese Labels n
ur auf Englisch, trotz anderweitig eingestellter Benutzersprache.
: : Wei jemand, was diese Felder berhaupt machen (sollen)?
: : Vielen Dank,
: : Andrew

***************** End Of Article ******************

Steve posted Message 1301 in Message Board
Dated : February 27, 1999 at 16:28:29 EST
Subject: Re: MRP Reschedule-Out Messages (BAAN IV)
Yeah I have used this tolorence field and there seems to be no problem about thi
s.As tina put it it is the allowable tolarance for generation/nongeneration of r

escheduling message.
You could take a specfic example that you have tested and tell me about it and i
would be able to help you.
: Thanks for your response, Tina. I did in fact expect the result of these field
s to be effective only on the re-schedule messages. Unfortunate, in my tests, th
e reschedule messages are not "filtered out" by the value in these fields. Have
you used these tolerances with a successful outcome?
: Andrew
: : : In the BAAN IV session "Generate MRP Orders" (timrp1210m000) there are two
input fields which look very interesting :
: : : - "Reschedule-Out messages for manufactured items if greater than [ ] da
: : : - "Reschedule-Out messages for purchased items if greater than [ ] days"
: : : Unfortunately, these options do not appear to have any impact on the MRP r
esults, and there is no online help availble. In addition, these labels are only
ever shown in English, regardless of the user language.
: : : Does anyone know what these fields actually do (or are supposed to do)?
: : : Many thanks,
: : : Andrew
: : : ---------------------------------------------: : Andrew,
: : these fields will not have any effect on the MRP results (ie- production or
purchase orders). They are used as a tolerance on the rescheduling messages onl
y. So if you put in a tolerance of 7 days, MRP will not generate a rescheduling
if the reschedule date would've been within that 7 days.
: : hope that helps
: : : In der BAAN-IV-Session "MRP-Vorschlge generieren" (timrp1210m000) stehen zw
ei Eingabefelder, die sehr ntzlich aussehen (siehe oben).
: : : Leider scheinen diese Optionen keine Auswirkung auf die MRP-Ergebnisse zu
haben, und Online-Hilfe gibt es hierfr auch nicht. Auerdem erscheinen diese Labels
nur auf Englisch, trotz anderweitig eingestellter Benutzersprache.
: : : Wei jemand, was diese Felder berhaupt machen (sollen)?
: : : Vielen Dank,
: : : Andrew

***************** End Of Article ******************

Tony Baker posted Message 1302 in Message Board
Dated : February 27, 1999 at 23:47:43 EST

Subject: Re: Importing external invoices into Baan tables

We've done this using Exchange. Although Exchange is often a poor choice for an
ongoing integration, it can be used in this case. We've automated the export o
f daily invoices from our legacy system to flat files and then a program manipul
ates the invoices into Exchange-ready flat files. Our Exchange scheme hits the
tfacr400, tfacr401, tfacr402, and tfgld018 tables.
The invoices are added as miscellaneous invoices in a printed status and our A/R
staff does the posting. Since Exchange allows us to hammer in the invoice numb
ers that we want, we keep them in sync with the invoice numbers on our legacy sy
***************** End Of Article ******************
shishir kale/ ananthakrishnan posted Message 1303 in Message Board
Dated : March 01, 1999 at 02:01:46 EST
Subject: Problem in maintain approvals.
for an item (oil) purchase unit is in KL (kilo litres) and inventory unit is in
ltrs. at the time of making approvals there is problem in conversion though con
version factor has been properly maintained.
e.g. if 10KL are purchased then it shoud approve 10000 ltrs but it is approving
10 ltrs and showing back order of 9990.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Otto Buurman posted Message 1304 in Message Board
Dated : March 01, 1999 at 04:18:02 EST
Subject: Re: Calculation in EDI conversion setup
: Does anybody know whether it is possible to put a 'calculated' field in a conv
ersion setup ? e.g. if you want to send the result of field a - field b in your
EDI message
Hi Sandra,
only from Baan Series on there is the possibility to have calculated fields in y
our EDI message. For doing this a so called assignment expression is used.
The result of the expression is written to the ASCII file (outgoing messages), w
hich is updated into the BaanERP application (incoming messages).
For example, if you want to set the Planned Delivery Date (tdsls400.ddat) to a v
alue two days prior to the Planned Receipt Date (tdsls400.prdt), you can assign
the following assignment expression to the Planned Delivery Date (tdsls400.ddat)
field: tdsls400.prdt - 2.
Any table fields referenced in an assignment expression must be processed before
the field to which that assignment expression is assigned. The field referenced
in the assignment expression must have a lower processing sequence, as defined
in the conversion setup definitions. For example, in the preceding example, fiel
d tdsls400.prdt must have a lower processing sequence than field tdsls400.ddat,
as defined in the conversion setup definitions.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Vivek Bharti posted Message 1305 in Message Board
Dated : March 01, 1999 at 06:39:55 EST
Subject: Re: Negative Inventory
Hi! Another practical reason for using negative inventory is when u r using theo
retical conversion units - due to the difference in theoretical and actual conve
rsions u may have a situation where the book shows that u have no inventory but
u may actuaLLY HAVE PHYSICAL INVENTORY. This was a big issue in one of my implem
entation s . Feel free to e-mail me on detailed discussion on this topic.
Vivek Bharti (Sark Systems India Limited)
: Hope you get the answers
: Uday
: : : I have 2 questions .
: : : 1. Why would anyone want Negative Inventory Allowed as YES
: : : 2. Why is Negative Inventory allowed in the INV module but not allowed in
the ILC module.
: : I can offer a bit on information on No.1. It is sometimes required to issue
materials that have not been booked in, especially in the early days of an imple
mentation where mistakes on enterring information often occur. For example if a
purchased item is received and the PO issued has certain errors the item cannot
be booked in until the PO is ammended. If you need to use the item on a sunday o
r late night on a 'rush job' no one will be available to correct the PO. The dec
ision now is do you book the item out and have negative inventory or do you not
book it out and so have two errors on the system (ie erroneous PO and an issued
item without a record). This is one of many scenarios that require neg inv set a
t least for a short while after going live.
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Vivek Bharti posted Message 1306 in Message Board
Dated : March 01, 1999 at 07:45:16 EST
Subject: Supply Chain Tracking
Has any one done a FMCG supply chain on Baan IVc2- I have a very specific requir
ement. My supply chain comprises 3 levels in a channel. The company sells and in
voices the first level channel partner and passes on the legal title of goods to
them. However, for effective planning I need to know the stock levels at the lo
wer level partners who are not a part of my company. The inventory levels at the
se places help me taking decisions regarding my production planning. if anyone h
as any ideas on this please let me know urgently.
Vivek bharti
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T.I posted Message 1307 in Message Board
Dated : March 01, 1999 at 08:14:21 EST
Subject: About calculating delivery date on DRP
DRP calculates the delivery dates of planned replenishment orders by using backw
ard schedule.
Why does DRP allow to calculate the past delivery dates without any errors?

Does anyone know the reason?

Please help me?

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Michael Laurette posted Message 1308 in Message Board
Dated : March 01, 1999 at 11:33:36 EST
Subject: Re: Frequency of Rebuild jobs
: From time to time, I have discovered that we need to run the following jobs to
maintain the accuracy of inventory data:
: tdinv0250m000 - Rebuild Planned Inventory Transactions
: tdilc0250m000 - Rebuild Inventory Data (ILC)
: tdinv0252m000 - Check Inventory Data (in version 4C2, this is a hidden session
that can only be accessed from the Run Program session)
: Should these sessions be run on a regular basis and if so, how often??
: All comments are appreciated.
We have experienced similar problems on our system and when the two "rebuild" se
ssions are run only certain things are fixed. It seems that only the "block" pr
oblems are repaired.
When you execute the tdinv0252m000 session do you have the flags set to yes or d
o you use it only to report the problems?
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J. Cronin posted Message 1309 in Message Board
Dated : March 01, 1999 at 12:01:38 EST
Subject: Re: Problem in maintain approvals.
: for an item (oil) purchase unit is in KL (kilo litres) and inventory unit is
in ltrs. at the time of making approvals there is problem in conversion though c
onversion factor has been properly maintained.
: e.g. if 10KL are purchased then it shoud approve 10000 ltrs but it is approvin
g 10 ltrs and showing back order of 9990.
: thanks,
: shishir/ananth.
The quantity waiting for 'Maintain Approvals' is Invariably the Quantity receive
d in 'Maintain Receipts' so it sounds to me like you have a confusion in the Rec
When receiving an item which has different inventory and storage units, Baan sen
ds you in to a second window where you must make sure that the quantities and un
its you are receiving are typed correctly. Check this first.
If not, then maybe the units were entered incorrectly in your Purchase Order.
Hope this helps you,

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J. Cronin posted Message 1310 in Message Board
Dated : March 01, 1999 at 12:14:07 EST
Subject: Re: backorders
Regarding Rejects - If they are rejected during the Session 'Maintain Approvals'
This material is deemed as belonging to the vendor, as if you never received it
, and rejecting the quantity assumes you have returned it to the vendor and will
receive different goods instead (The Back Order).
A separate warehouse for handling rejects can be used for goods rejected in proc
ess, or obsolete items.
: Backorders are still very much the Purchase orders as the system is expecting
more receipts.
: As regards to reject handling, if you want to keep track of the rejected mater
ial, you might like to create a separate warehouse as "reject warehouse" and do
your tracking. Reject the material only when it is ready to be shipped out.
: Anshoom

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Jo-Anne Church posted Message 1311 in Message Board
Dated : March 01, 1999 at 13:20:21 EST
Subject: Re: Frequency of Rebuild jobs
: We have experienced similar problems on our system and when the two "rebuild"
sessions are run only certain things are fixed. It seems that only the "block"
problems are repaired.
: When you execute the tdinv0252m000 session do you have the flags set to yes or
do you use it only to report the problems?
We used to run this with all flags set to No to see what the adjustments would b
e, then we would verify what changes would be made, and then run the same sessio
n with flags set to Yes. We have since decided to set the flags to Yes as it do
es what we need it to do (there is no impact accounting-wise as it just corrects
the value in the tables).
Just to warn you, tdinv0252m000 does not pick up differences between warehouse i
nventory and inventory by lot/location if there is no record for the item/wareho
use in the warehouse inventory table (but there are records for the item/warehou
se in the inventory by lot and location table). I have had to create the item/w
arehouse record in the warehouse inventory table and then re-run this job for th
e particular item in order for everything to match.
I'm curious - how often do you have to run this session and what situations usua

lly cause you to run this?? We have had instances where we are finishing a prod
uction order for 20 pieces and the system only books 16 in the inventory by ware
house table (but updates everything else correctly).
***************** End Of Article ******************
cn posted Message 1312 in Message Board
Dated : March 02, 1999 at 04:57:08 EST
Subject: EDI vs. Generic items
We have observed a problem at a customer, who is going to use EDI to generate sa
les orders for generic items. The EDI interface is prepared for this, but the pr
oduct variant is not validated, and therefor is the sales order not complete. Th
ere are two major problems in this.
1. There is no sessions nor functions to validate, without using the session tip
2. Using this session will take at least 30 sec., and the customer have more tha
n 30.000 order lines / week with generic items. The customer needs 30 * 30.000 /
3600 = 250 hours/week to validate this way.
Please respond with a solution - we do not think, we are the only one, using EDI
vs. PCF in the world.
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Justin Condon posted Message 1313 in Message Board
Dated : March 02, 1999 at 07:49:45 EST
Subject: Re: EDI pricing
I experienced a problem with this - if your incoming price is zero, it will be w
hat is placed into the newly generated sales order line, and the auto - price ca
lculation will serve no purpose. We had to deal with this on a client site, and
had to remove the conversion setup mapping for the price field (tdsls041.pric) t
o ensure that the calculated price always was entered on the SO.
: When receiving incoming PO Baan reads the pricing from the price structure and
compares it against the customer price. If the customer price is not zero and n
ot equal to price calculated and the price unit and conversion factor is correct
, it accepts the customer price. If customer price is 0 it will accept the calcu
lated price from the price structure. This calculation and comparision is done o
n second pass.
: Hopefully this may help...

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kumar posted Message 1314 in Message Board
Dated : March 02, 1999 at 10:54:17 EST
Subject: Differences between Distribution and wholesale distribution

Can anyone throw some light on functional differences between Distribution and W
holesale distribution.
Your help would be appreciated.
***************** End Of Article ******************
isen posted Message 1315 in Message Board
Dated : March 03, 1999 at 02:13:05 EST
Subject: Approved vendor list
We have a requirement of maintaining approved vendors for every purchased items.
We are planning to use maintain alternate supplier session to achieve this. But
how can we restrict our purchase orders for items to only these suppliers.I woul
d be thankful if somebody can show some direction on this.
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shishir kale posted Message 1316 in Message Board
Dated : March 03, 1999 at 02:27:10 EST
Subject: Re: Problem in maintain approvals.
hello Mr. cronin,
we are entering the right quantities in the second wi
ndow and the units entered in the purchase order are correct .I think it's a bug
thanks for the input and keep me posted.
: Hello,
: The quantity waiting for 'Maintain Approvals' is Invariably the Quantity recei
ved in 'Maintain Receipts' so it sounds to me like you have a confusion in the R
: When receiving an item which has different inventory and storage units, Baan s
ends you in to a second window where you must make sure that the quantities and
units you are receiving are typed correctly. Check this first.
: If not, then maybe the units were entered incorrectly in your Purchase Order.
: Hope this helps you,
: Regards,
: Jeremy

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isen posted Message 1317 in Message Board
Dated : March 03, 1999 at 04:21:30 EST
Subject: Approved vendor
We have a practice of maintaining approved vendor list for every purchased item
.We are planning to use alternate supplier session to achieve this. But the purc
hase orders should be restricted to these suppliers only.How can we achieve this

. We dont want to use supply chain also . I should be very thankful if somebody
can show some direction on this.
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narendra kumar c posted Message 1318 in Message Board
Dated : March 03, 1999 at 07:07:09 EST
Subject: related to promotions
can anybody having a document related to promotion.
please send the document.
thanks in advance
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Kalyan posted Message 1319 in Message Board
Dated : March 03, 1999 at 14:59:29 EST
Subject: Re: Calculation in EDI conversion setup
Yes you can do Calculated Fields in Conversion Setup in
Baan for that you need to do a very minor modification in
the source of the transaction dll, if it's fine I can tell
you how to do that.
: Does anybody know whether it is possible to put a 'calculated' field in a conv
ersion setup ? e.g. if you want to send the result of field a - field b in your
EDI message

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Kris Allu posted Message 1320 in Message Board
Dated : March 03, 1999 at 16:18:25 EST
Subject: EDI 850 In ( receiving Customer PO as Sales Order)
We have problem in receiving 850s IN ( Customer POs in single file format). The
error we are getting is tdsls040.eono - Table field is not supported by conversi
on program.
Do we have wrong conversion set ups (EDI defaults) ?
The table field 'eono' is customer purchase Order number. When we produce ASCII
file using 850s out, it creates ASCII file with out any problem and we tried to
modify to fit the 850 In set up and data, but still not able to make create Sale
s order from 850 IN.

I appreciate very much, if you can provide some guidence or some tips.
Kris Allu
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Bob Zahniser posted Message 1321 in Message Board
Dated : March 03, 1999 at 19:19:34 EST
Subject: Physical Inventory done by a single day cycle count?
On our legacy system we conducted physical inventory twice yearly. We shut down
the plant, issued count tickets (which were issued in batches), verified the co
unts, entered the data into the system and began looking into the causes and amo
unts of discrepancies. We have been told we can use the Baan Location Cycle Co
unting system in a similar fashion by doing a complete cycle count on a single day
(ILC is turned on.) Is anyone doing this (or something similar?) Any suggest
ions or information on this would be greatly appreciated. We are using Baan 4 C3
***************** End Of Article ******************
Michael Laurette posted Message 1322 in Message Board
Dated : March 03, 1999 at 23:07:40 EST
Subject: Re: Frequency of Rebuild jobs
: : We have experienced similar problems on our system and when the two "rebuild
" sessions are run only certain things are fixed. It seems that only the "block
" problems are repaired.
: : When you execute the tdinv0252m000 session do you have the flags set to yes
or do you use it only to report the problems?
: We used to run this with all flags set to No to see what the adjustments would
be, then we would verify what changes would be made, and then run the same sess
ion with flags set to Yes. We have since decided to set the flags to Yes as it
does what we need it to do (there is no impact accounting-wise as it just correc
ts the value in the tables).
: Just to warn you, tdinv0252m000 does not pick up differences between warehouse
inventory and inventory by lot/location if there is no record for the item/ware
house in the warehouse inventory table (but there are records for the item/wareh
ouse in the inventory by lot and location table). I have had to create the item
/warehouse record in the warehouse inventory table and then re-run this job for
the particular item in order for everything to match.
: I'm curious - how often do you have to run this session and what situations us
ually cause you to run this?? We have had instances where we are finishing a pr
oduction order for 20 pieces and the system only books 16 in the inventory by wa
rehouse table (but updates everything else correctly).
We have not run the yet. I have been trying to find out more information before
running the recovery sessions. At this point we do not know what is causing th
e issues to arise other than the fact that they are growing week by week (by app
rox. 5 issues)

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B.KrishnaKumar posted Message 1323 in Message Board
Dated : March 04, 1999 at 04:22:31 EST
Subject: Maintain Delivery for Lot Controlled RPL Order
I am unable to copy outbound data for RPL order in case of lot controlled item.
I need to add lines one by one which is impossible if lot is by unit.
Can anyone help me. ( Or is there a bug in IVb2 )
Looking forward to ur help.
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Pramod posted Message 1324 in Message Board
Dated : March 04, 1999 at 06:56:46 EST
Subject: Shelf Life
We are facing a problem with handling shelf life.Our understanding of this funct
ionality is that when the shelf life of an item expires then Baan should not all
ow me to issue that material from inventory for sale or production.However, the
help says that outbound can be generated for the expired item and the expiry dat
e shall be indicated which is not happening when we sell material whose shelf li
fe has expired.
Can someone please help?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Pramod posted Message 1325 in Message Board
Dated : March 04, 1999 at 06:59:45 EST
Subject: Safety Stock Calculations
Our objective is to calculate safety stock as per the demand forecast for respec
tive periods in my planning horizon. The system is giving a safety stock based o
n expected annual consumption. Can this safety stock be broken up into relevant
quantities for respective periods in my planning horizon . If yes then how?
Thank you
***************** End Of Article ******************
Ted posted Message 1326 in Message Board
Dated : March 04, 1999 at 12:38:05 EST
Subject: Re: Shelf Life
By default Baan will not prevent you from generating outbound for expired invent
ory. You must first run the session "(Un)block Inventory by Product Expiry Date
"(tdilc0221m000). This inventory will remain blocked until you run the session a
gain to unblock it.

Hope this helps.

: We are facing a problem with handling shelf life.Our nderstanding of this func
tionality is that when the shelf life of an item expires then Baan should not al
low me to issue that material from inventory for sale or production.However, the
help says that outbound can be generated for the expired item and the expiry da
te shall be indicated which is not happening when we sell material whose shelf l
ife has expired.
: Can someone please help?

***************** End Of Article ******************

Ted posted Message 1327 in Message Board
Dated : March 04, 1999 at 12:55:52 EST
Subject: Re: Physical Inventory done by a single day cycle count?
Bob, yes this is very easy to do, assuming you only use the cycle counting sessi
on twice a year. If you run daily cycle counts in addition to the twice yearly p
hysicals, then this can pose a problem when using ABC analysis.
With ILC turned on, Baan sorts the data on each count sheet by Location rather t
han by Item. You can specify the maximum number of locations per cycle count ord
er and break it up into batches that way.
: On our legacy system we conducted physical inventory twice yearly. We shut do
wn the plant, issued count tickets (which were issued in batches), verified the
counts, entered the data into the system and began looking into the causes and a
mounts of discrepancies. We have been told we can use the Baan Location Cycle
Counting system in a similar fashion by doing a complete cycle count on a single d
ay (ILC is turned on.) Is anyone doing this (or something similar?) Any sugge
stions or information on this would be greatly appreciated. We are using Baan 4

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Rashmi Ranjan Routray posted Message 1328 in Message Board
Dated : March 04, 1999 at 13:19:38 EST
Subject: Baan IV/ERP in wholesale ind. and Baan IV/ERP interface to credit card
authorization automation software
Has anybody implemented Baan IV/BaanERP in a wholesale kind of scenario ? Any po
sitive/negative features/implementation references/documentation etc.
Does anybody know of any software recommended/certified by Baan for credit card
authorization automation or, anyother software that's being used for this purpos
e with Baan IV/BaanERP at any client site ?
Thanks a ton in advance for your

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Ted posted Message 1329 in Message Board
Dated : March 04, 1999 at 13:20:15 EST
Subject: Re: identification of works order shortages when recieving goods
No. It is not possible to have a signal code for P.O. Receipts specifically. One
thing we did was to create a "Hot Board" on the receiving dock which had to be
updated manually. The receiving folks knew to check this board for any "Hot" mat
erials so they could expidite them once they finally arrived.
: when recieving goods from a purchase order is it possible to have a signal cod
e that identifies that there are outstanding shortages on current works orders.

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Leone Dieter posted Message 1330 in Message Board
Dated : March 04, 1999 at 15:13:41 EST
Subject: Sales Statistic Groups
We do a lot of reporting of sales by product line. Some of our items are used a
cross multiple product lines. We have statistic groups to all saleable items in
the master item file.
The problem is how can we determine sales by product line when only one statisti
c group can be assigned to each individual item? Our legacy systems has a field
in the sales order line that defaults the statistic group from the master item
file into the sales order line. Then, if required, the order entry person can c
hange the statistic group on the sales order.
Does anyone have any ideas how this can be handled in BaaN?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Kalyan posted Message 1331 in Message Board
Dated : March 04, 1999 at 20:11:50 EST
Subject: Re: EDI 850 In ( receiving Customer PO as Sales Order)
: We have problem in receiving 850s IN ( Customer POs in single file format). Th
e error we are getting is tdsls040.eono - Table field is not supported by conver
sion program.
: Do we have wrong conversion set ups (EDI defaults) ?
: The table field 'eono' is customer purchase Order number. When we produce ASCI
I file using 850s out, it creates ASCII file with out any problem and we tried t
o modify to fit the 850 In set up and data, but still not able to make create Sa
les order from 850 IN.
: I appreciate very much, if you can provide some guidence or some tips.

: Thanks,
: Kris Allu
Reply to Query
-------------When baan gives an error saying "Table field not supported by the
conversion program" means that this field is not suported in
the standard 850-IN message in Baan, if you have to get this
data into Baan then you have to do a minor customization to the
dll attached to this transaction.
Whereas in Outgoing messages you can define any field
be written to ascii file because the Outgoing message
deals with the table not the field as specific, means
define any field data of tdsls040/41 to be written to
file because these two tables are alredy supported in

data to
you can
Baan EDI.

any futher questions pl. mail me.


***************** End Of Article ******************

Admin posted Message 1332 in Message Board
Dated : March 04, 1999 at 22:31:23 EST
Subject: Forum Archived.
This forum was full. Please select ARCHIVE1 link next to the current forum to vi
ew the old messages.
Please start using this forum.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Vivek Bharti posted Message 1333 in Message Board
Dated : March 05, 1999 at 00:28:27 EST
Subject: Safety Stock Calculations
Our objective is to calculate safety stock for respective periods in the plannin
g horizon based on the demand forecast which itself should be generated from the
sales budget. The system is generating a safety stock calculation based on annu
al consumption which i guess is the safety stock for the entire year. Is there a
way of breaking this up into respective periods on my planning horizon based on
the demand forecast in various periods. If yes then how?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Andrew posted Message 1334 in Message Board
Dated : March 05, 1999 at 05:39:03 EST
Subject: Re: Safety Stock Calculations
In MRP and INV you can use the field in the item data Seasonal Safety Stock Adju
stment (it may have a slightly different name as I am using the German version).

You'll find it on tab 2 below maximum stock.

In MPS there is a similar field in the MPS Plan Item Data.
Basically you can manipulate the safety stock in % per period.
Hope this helps!
: Our objective is to calculate safety stock as per the demand forecast for resp
ective periods in my planning horizon. The system is giving a safety stock based
on expected annual consumption. Can this safety stock be broken up into relevan
t quantities for respective periods in my planning horizon . If yes then how?
: Thank you

***************** End Of Article ******************

Rashmi Ranjan Routray posted Message 1335 in Message Board
Dated : March 05, 1999 at 09:47:26 EST
Subject: Baan IV/ERP in wholesale ind. and Baan IV/ERP interface to credit card
authorization automation software
Has anybody implemented Baan IV/BaanERP in a wholesale kind of scenario ? Any po
sitive/negative features/implementation references/documentation etc.
Does anybody know of any software recommended/certified by Baan for credit card
authorization automation or, anyother software that's being used for this purpos
e with Baan IV/BaanERP at any client site ?
Thanks a ton in advance

***************** End Of Article ******************

Carol Schmidt posted Message 1336 in Message Board
Dated : March 05, 1999 at 10:34:58 EST
Subject: Configured Items in a Multisite Environment
Following sales order entry of a configured item in a satelite company, PRP crea
tes a purchase order in the satelite company. EDI transfers the information and
creates a sales order in the manufacturing company.
Currently, we must manually validate the product variant in the new sales order
in the manufacturing company.
Can the validation of the product variant in the manufacturing company be automa
tically done?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Ron D. Bailey posted Message 1337 in Message Board

Dated : March 05, 1999 at 14:18:48 EST

Subject: Random Weight Invoicing
o We sell random weight products.
o Customers order this product by case.
o We pick from the warehouse by case.
o The order pickers record the actual of each case (Until this time only an es
timated weight is known).
o We invoice by weight (Both the number of cases and the weight must appear on
the invoice by line item).
o Both units of measure (weight and case) and quantities of each unit of measu
re must print on the sales invoice with minimal input due to a large daily sales
order volume.
Does anyone have any helpful hints/suggestions/condemnations?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Gene Phares posted Message 1338 in Message Board
Dated : March 06, 1999 at 11:22:15 EST
Subject: Extracting Non-Invoiced Orders
I'm trying to extract to an external system a list of all sales orders that has
at least one detail line not yet invoiced. Is there a Baan session to do this or
a field/table I can use to determine if the order has any remaining "open" line
s. I know I can key off the tdsls045 table to check the line status of each lin
e but the volume of records I would have to sort through will kill my on-line pr
ocess. Any help appreciated.
Gene Phares
***************** End Of Article ******************
winnie posted Message 1339 in Message Board
Dated : March 07, 1999 at 20:48:48 EST
Subject: Changed nettable warehouse to non-nettable
Dear all,
If I want to modify nettable warehouse to non-nettable, how can I do. Altho
ugh the corresponding warehouse has no inventory already, I still can't change.
Maybe it had some inventory transactions. So I don't know what will happen wheth
er I delete inventory transactions history. Or you could suggest me any soluti
***************** End Of Article ******************

Pamela posted Message 1340 in Message Board

Dated : March 08, 1999 at 02:19:01 EST
Subject: Re: Changed nettable warehouse to non-nettable
You should be able to change the warehouse from nettable to non-nettable or vice
-versa if the following fields are set to 0 in 'Item Inventory by Warehouse'.
Fields to be set to 0 are 'Inventory on Hand', 'Allocated Inventory' and 'Invent
ory on Order'.
Hope this serves ur purpose !!
Bye !!
***************** End Of Article ******************
Phil Shipley posted Message 1341 in Message Board
Dated : March 08, 1999 at 02:27:17 EST
Subject: Re: Changed nettable warehouse to non-nettable
In Baan IV (but I don't think that it has changed for a long time).
a) If the Warehouse id a transit warehouse you cannot change the flag
b) If for the warehouse concerned their is stock present or has been issued from
the warehouse concerned then you cannot change the status, thus:
( tdinv001.stoc <> 0 or (Inventory on hand)
tdinv001.ordr <> 0 or (Inventory on Order)
tdinv001.allo <> 0 or (Allocated Inventory)
tdinv001.uscu <> 0 )
(Cum. Issued)
Hope that helps.

: Dear all,
If I want to modify nettable warehouse to non-nettable, how can I do. Alt
hough the corresponding warehouse has no inventory already, I still can't change
. Maybe it had some inventory transactions. So I don't know what will happen whe
ther I delete inventory transactions history. Or you could suggest me any solu
: Regards,
: winnie

***************** End Of Article ******************

Phil Shipley posted Message 1342 in Message Board
Dated : March 08, 1999 at 02:41:37 EST
Subject: Re: Extracting Non-Invoiced Orders
If you are using standard sales order steps then the records you require are tho
se in tdsls045 where ssls < 6. If this was the case then I would use EzSQL (I as
sume you do not have source) to select the fields you want and print them to fil
Then in order to speed up the search I would change the genereated SQL which ref
erences ssls ie
where tdsls045.ssls <6
where tdsls045._index2 < 6
Hope that helps.

: Question:
: I'm trying to extract to an external system a list of all sales orders that ha
s at least one detail line not yet invoiced. Is there a Baan session to do this
or a field/table I can use to determine if the order has any remaining "open" li
nes. I know I can key off the tdsls045 table to check the line status of each l
ine but the volume of records I would have to sort through will kill my on-line
process. Any help appreciated.
: Thanks,
: Gene Phares

***************** End Of Article ******************

Phil Shipley posted Message 1343 in Message Board
Dated : March 08, 1999 at 02:48:55 EST
Subject: Re: Extracting Non-Invoiced Orders
I just realised that this advise is not 100%. There are other status numbers pos
sible > 6 ie Generate Outbound Advice. so you would need to modify the query to
consider these also.
: If you are using standard sales order steps then the records you require are t
hose in tdsls045 where ssls < 6. If this was the case then I would use EzSQL (I
assume you do not have source) to select the fields you want and print them to f

: Then in order to speed up the search I would change the genereated SQL which r
eferences ssls ie
: where tdsls045.ssls <6
: to
: where tdsls045._index2 < 6
: Hope that helps.
: : Question:
: : I'm trying to extract to an external system a list of all sales orders that
has at least one detail line not yet invoiced. Is there a Baan session to do thi
s or a field/table I can use to determine if the order has any remaining "open"
lines. I know I can key off the tdsls045 table to check the line status of each
line but the volume of records I would have to sort through will kill my on-lin
e process. Any help appreciated.
: : Thanks,
: : Gene Phares
: :

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ROHIT GAMBHIR posted Message 1344 in Message Board
Dated : March 08, 1999 at 06:43:04 EST
***************** End Of Article ******************
ROHIT GAMBHIR posted Message 1345 in Message Board
Dated : March 08, 1999 at 06:44:50 EST
ly FREIGHT,FORWARDING etc. manually

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John Crystal posted Message 1346 in Message Board

Dated : March 08, 1999 at 09:36:12 EST

Subject: Possibility for Random Weight Invoicing
Would this scenario work for you?
Set the parts up with pounds (or Kg.) as the inventory unit since that is what y
ou want to be billed. Set "case" up as the storage unit with no decimals ( whole
numbers only.) Create a conversion factor based on an average weight per case.
After weighing the cases do an inventory adjustment to the exact weight of the c
ases being shipped. Either as one lot or case by case depending on what you need
to see on the invoice. If your variance isn't too great the whole number roundi
ng of the case quantity may work for you.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Baris Kilic posted Message 1347 in Message Board
Dated : March 09, 1999 at 09:35:39 EST
Subject: EDI
Using EDI the data of the packing slip printed by the selling company can be tra
nsferred to the purchasing company. There, the data is written on the "Dispatch
Advice(EDI) Interim table". Is there any easy way of transferring this data to t
he session "Maintain Recaipts" automatically?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Mark S. posted Message 1348 in Message Board
Dated : March 09, 1999 at 10:35:55 EST
Subject: Discount only part of line item price.
Say I enter a unit price of $10.00 for a sales order line item.
$9.00 of the price is the actual item pice.
$1.00 of the price is actually a freight charge. This has the affect of "hiding
" freight charges in the item price.
Is there a way to allow / calculate the discount on the $9.00 portion of the pri
ce only and not calculate the discount on the $1.00 portion?
Strange requirement, but true.
Mark S.
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Minh posted Message 1349 in Message Board
Dated : March 09, 1999 at 12:19:53 EST
Subject: Generated EDI message

When create new Purchase Order field "Generated for EDI" on form 2 shown "No". W
here should I go to change in order to generated EDI (External). I already creat
e relation and network for that supplier. I also check supplier table but nothin
g about EDI setup.
Thank in advance
***************** End Of Article ******************
Justin Condon posted Message 1350 in Message Board
Dated : March 09, 1999 at 13:59:56 EST
Subject: Re: Generated EDI message
The "Generated for EDI" field on the PO (tdpur040.egen) is set when an EDI messa
ge has been generated, and is not used as a toggle for generated EDI messages on
a per-PO basis.
If you are using external EDI, and are having problems generating the 850 out you should firstly check standard issues:
- is the 850 out supported by your defined relation.
- is the BAAN order type (PD1, CR1, etc.) in code and conversion tables as a sup
ported outgoing message.
- check your XT-NET definition - what values are you using for the "Suppress Sta
ndard Communication" field? Bear in mind that if you say "Yes", you must remove
the command.fil file from the edi/xt-net/command directory before the EDI messag
e will be generated.
Hope this helps - if you email me details of how far you have got, perhaps I can
help more.

: Hi
: When create new Purchase Order field "Generated for EDI" on form 2 shown "No".
Where should I go to change in order to generated EDI (External). I already cre
ate relation and network for that supplier. I also check supplier table but noth
ing about EDI setup.
: Thank in advance
: Minh

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Osman posted Message 1351 in Message Board
Dated : March 09, 1999 at 14:03:02 EST
Subject: Consignment Sales Order
Can anyone provide information on what is required to create Consignment Sales O
rders (Orders delivered to customers but not paid for until used) in Baan IVc.
Is there additional order steps that may be required outside of the normal steps

and is there a certain type of terms of payment that should be used?

Awaiting your response(s)...Thanks
***************** End Of Article ******************
NOKM posted Message 1352 in Message Board
Dated : March 09, 1999 at 14:46:02 EST
Subject: Consignment Sales Orders
Hello. Is there anyone who has experience in setting up Consignment Sales Order
s in Baan IVc? We'd like to be able to create consignment orders where payment
is not received from the customer until the product is sold. Can anyone comment
. Thanks.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Andrew posted Message 1353 in Message Board
Dated : March 10, 1999 at 05:09:53 EST
Subject: Currency in Sales Order Header
In Triton 2.x and 3.x it was possible to change the currency of a sales order, e
ven when sales order lines (undelivered) were present. The change of currency ca
used the sales prices of the individual sales order lines to be recalculated cor
rectly according to the exchange rate.
In Baan IV this is no longer possible. According to the online help, a change of
currency is not possible once sales order lines are present, or an installment
scheme is present.
Does anyone know a way around this problem?
Many thanks,
***************** End Of Article ******************
martin posted Message 1354 in Message Board
Dated : March 10, 1999 at 07:20:47 EST
Subject: Re: Sales Statistic Groups
Firstly, you should look at the other ways you can analyse sales stats - line of
business, item group, etc
But, if you would like to make the decision at point of order entry then conside
r setting up different order types (which may contain the same steps) but which
you can report on in sales stats.
This will give you the same functionality you have now..

: We do a lot of reporting of sales by product line. Some of our items are used
across multiple product lines. We have statistic groups to all saleable items
in the master item file.

: The problem is how can we determine sales by product line when only one statis
tic group can be assigned to each individual item? Our legacy systems has a fie
ld in the sales order line that defaults the statistic group from the master ite
m file into the sales order line. Then, if required, the order entry person can
change the statistic group on the sales order.
: Does anyone have any ideas how this can be handled in BaaN?
: Thanks.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Minh posted Message 1355 in Message Board
Dated : March 10, 1999 at 14:02:12 EST
Subject: Re: Generated EDI message
Thank you for your help
In Network maintenance, I change "Process Outgoing message before Connection" to
Yes and it works
: The "Generated for EDI" field on the PO (tdpur040.egen) is set when an EDI mes
sage has been generated, and is not used as a toggle for generated EDI messages
on a per-PO basis.
: If you are using external EDI, and are having problems generating the 850 out
- you should firstly check standard issues:
: - is the 850 out supported by your defined relation.
: - is the BAAN order type (PD1, CR1, etc.) in code and conversion tables as a s
upported outgoing message.
: - check your XT-NET definition - what values are you using for the "Suppress S
tandard Communication" field? Bear in mind that if you say "Yes", you must remov
e the command.fil file from the edi/xt-net/command directory before the EDI mess
age will be generated.
: Hope this helps - if you email me details of how far you have got, perhaps I c
an help more.
: Justin
: : Hi
: : When create new Purchase Order field "Generated for EDI" on form 2 shown "No
". Where should I go to change in order to generated EDI (External). I already c
reate relation and network for that supplier. I also check supplier table but no
thing about EDI setup.
: : Thank in advance
: : Minh

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Test posted Message 1356 in Message Board
Dated : March 10, 1999 at 14:52:00 EST
Subject: Test
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Jim posted Message 1357 in Message Board
Dated : March 10, 1999 at 15:29:56 EST
Subject: Split commissions
I need to have a commisssion based on the retail selling price and when neces
sary, an additional "overage" (When the item is sold above the listed retail pri
ce). The retail price and below is handled on a sliding scale, but the additiona
l amount over the retail price (overage) is handled at a 80/20 split in addition
to the regular commission (sliding scale).
***************** End Of Article ******************
Muhammad Faisal posted Message 1358 in Message Board
Dated : March 10, 1999 at 19:34:56 EST
Subject: Re: Extracting Non-Invoiced Orders
To find out if a sales delivery record is not invoiced you can use the invoice n
umber field from tdsls045 table. If the field is 0, it means this deliver is not
invoiced yet.
Hope this helps

***************** End Of Article ******************

Young Feng posted Message 1359 in Message Board
Dated : March 11, 1999 at 01:06:42 EST
Subject: Issue item not in BOM
We have some small amount of comsumed items used at work- centers for makeing pr
oduct. Those items are not linked to BOM. However, we like to include the cost t
o the product. If it is possible we can issue these items and add the cost to pr
oduct, or some way we can work around. Please help. Thank you.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Baris Kilic posted Message 1360 in Message Board
Dated : March 11, 1999 at 02:15:48 EST
Subject: Re: EDI
: Using EDI the data of the packing slip printed by the selling company can be t
ransferred to the purchasing company. There, the data is written on the "Dispatc
h Advice(EDI) Interim table". Is there any easy way of transferring this data to

the session "Maintain Recaipts" automatically?

OK Guys.I found it out myself.Thanks.
***************** End Of Article ******************
su posted Message 1361 in Message Board
Dated : March 11, 1999 at 03:32:08 EST
Subject: search item code
I have item code "1000" in item master data but I can not find code by function
search in many session ex. Maintain, Print, Sale, Purchase. I tried to reindex b
y tools but it still the same.
Anyone can help me
Thank you.
***************** End Of Article ******************
su posted Message 1362 in Message Board
Dated : March 11, 1999 at 03:33:17 EST
Subject: search item code
I have item code "1000" in item master data but I can not find code by function
search in many session ex. Maintain, Print, Sale, Purchase. I tried to reindex b
y tools but it still the same.
Anyone can help me
Thank you.
***************** End Of Article ******************
RAD posted Message 1363 in Message Board
Dated : March 11, 1999 at 04:17:37 EST
Subject: Rebate Control
The nature of rebate that is given on the sales order is of the type amount/ton/
day. how do you attach time frames to the rebate master data???
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Loke posted Message 1364 in Message Board
Dated : March 11, 1999 at 07:25:23 EST
Subject: Slow response speed in the Order Blocking session
The session tdsls4225m000 is extremely slow when I scroll the screen forward/bac
kward or after invoking the refresh option.
How I can increase the response speed?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Tony Quizi posted Message 1365 in Message Board
Dated : March 11, 1999 at 07:58:53 EST

Subject: EDI purchase changes (860) will not handle configured item
We are working in a multisite environment using EDI to transfer information to t
he manufacturing company. We have EDI set up to automatically make sales order
changes in the manufacturing company if the purchase order has been changed. Th
is works fine for standard items. However, if we modify a purchase order in the
satelite company for a configured item, an EDI error message is given to the us
er which states: change not allowed for Custom Item, Direct Delivery or Actual I
Why is this happening?
I am registering this case on behalf of Tony Quizi of our firm.
If you reply to this message via email, please send the reply to Tony Quizi at t
Thank you,
Carol Schmidt
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John Crystal posted Message 1366 in Message Board
Dated : March 11, 1999 at 09:06:11 EST
Subject: Re: Issue item not in BOM
One thing you didn't say is if these items are in inventory or are cost items...
. if inventory you can always add them to the production order using the "sessio
m enter material issue" and then issue them or.... if cost items....determine an
"average" cost of the small items as a percentage of either BOM material cost o
r router labor cost and set up a surcharge to be added to the order to cover the
cost of the small items
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paul van Eijk posted Message 1367 in Message Board
Dated : March 11, 1999 at 09:45:32 EST
Subject: copying quotation with variant
When copying a quotation which includes a product variant to a new quotation for
a different customer, the system does not allow us to change the variant becaus
e of reference errors. We would like to change the variant by zooming from the q
uotation line and not by going to the variant itself (tipcf5101m000).
When copying the quotation, the customer code from the 'old' quotation is copied
to the new variant, while we expected the 'new' customer code to appear on the
When copying the quotation to the same customer everything works fine.
Is there a solution to this problem?
Please help me

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David Allton posted Message 1368 in Message Board
Dated : March 11, 1999 at 10:51:50 EST
Subject: Re: Split commissions
I need to have a commisssion based on the retail selling price and when nec
essary, an additional "overage" (When the item is sold above the listed retail p
rice). The retail price and below is handled on a sliding scale, but the additio
nal amount over the retail price (overage) is handled at a 80/20 split in additi
on to the regular commission (sliding scale).
The only way I can think of is use a discount amount on the lline item rather th
an a percentage
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Merv Carr posted Message 1369 in Message Board
Dated : March 11, 1999 at 11:08:11 EST
Subject: Re: Issue item not in BOM
I would go with the second option. That way you would be setting up the surcharg
e once only and not editing every production order. Now if only we could add cos
t items to BOM's......Hmmmmm
: One thing you didn't say is if these items are in inventory or are cost items.
... if inventory you can always add them to the production order using the "sess
iom enter material issue" and then issue them or.... if cost items....determine
an "average" cost of the small items as a percentage of either BOM material cost
or router labor cost and set up a surcharge to be added to the order to cover t
he cost of the small items

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Arif Syed posted Message 1370 in Message Board
Dated : March 11, 1999 at 11:29:58 EST
Subject: EDI Issues
We are implenting EDI-856(ASN) with Baan 4C3 and Gentran translator. Questions c
ame up on how to handle rejections. If a trading partner rejects our transaction
because of data problem, how we can re-process that data in baan.
Also the 856 allows for a transaction purpose code 00 = original, 01 = cancellat
ion etc. is there a way to cancel an ASN through BaaN.
Thanks in advance for your help.
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Rambhak posted Message 1371 in Message Board
Dated : March 12, 1999 at 00:14:18 EST
Subject: Re: Safety Stock Calculations

One way is to give seasonal pattern for safety stock calculation.

: Our objective is to calculate safety stock for respective periods in the plann
ing horizon based on the demand forecast which itself should be generated from t
he sales budget. The system is generating a safety stock calculation based on an
nual consumption which i guess is the safety stock for the entire year. Is there
a way of breaking this up into respective periods on my planning horizon based
on the demand forecast in various periods. If yes then how?

***************** End Of Article ******************

Tester posted Message 1372 in Message Board
Dated : March 12, 1999 at 00:30:55 EST
Subject: Re: Test
Tested ?

: Test

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Tester posted Message 1373 in Message Board
Dated : March 12, 1999 at 00:31:44 EST
Subject: Re: Test
Tested ?

: Test

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k.venkata raja posted Message 1374 in Message Board
Dated : March 12, 1999 at 06:24:20 EST
Hello Rohit,
It is possible to post the other charges. The procedure is as
possible. In purchase module we can maitain cost set
and maintain costitems by cost set and link the cost set to
login user or to the supplier.

***************** End Of Article ******************

k.venkata raja posted Message 1375 in Message Board

Dated : March 12, 1999 at 06:31:30 EST
Subject: Re: Discount only part of line item price.
What is the price that is displayed once you enter the
item at the line level whether it is $9 or $10.Your
requirement is not clear , can you elaborate with example
***************** End Of Article ******************
Mark S. posted Message 1376 in Message Board
Dated : March 12, 1999 at 07:09:19 EST
Subject: Re: Discount only part of line item price.
The unit price of $10.00 will appear on all documents. This client knows "in hi
s head" that $1.00 of that $10.00 is actually the cost of delivering the item.
So, he wants the discount applied to only the $9.00 of the actual item's price.
He does not want the discount applied to the $1.00 delivery cost.
Thank you for your time.

What is the price that is displayed once you enter the

item at the line level whether it is $9 or $10.Your
requirement is not clear , can you elaborate with example

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Alfredo Peratla posted Message 1377 in Message Board
Dated : March 12, 1999 at 10:42:20 EST
Subject: EDI - Generating EDI Messages
After printing the pur. order acknowledment I get the message: EDI messages prep
ared... When running the Direct Network Communication session, prepared messages
are not generated. I parametrisized two companies, 410 as client and 401 as sup
plier. I used the Baan IV b/c EDI manual and followed all instructions. I would
appreciate any solutions that you can provide.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Muhammad Faisal posted Message 1378 in Message Board
Dated : March 12, 1999 at 12:12:36 EST
Subject: Re: EDI - Generating EDI Messages
It seems like you have edi setup problems. Check your network, relations, outgoi
ng session by messages, and may be conversion setup. This is definitely a setup
problem. If you need more help email me your contact number.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Gary Heberling posted Message 1379 in Message Board
Dated : March 12, 1999 at 12:25:24 EST
Subject: Changes to Sales Order Headers
Whenever there is a shipment made against a sales order or an installment is inv
oiced, all the header information of a sales order is locked. We have need to c
hange customer purchase order, forwarding agent, and reference fields. Does any
one have a solution????
***************** End Of Article ******************
Thomas Castro posted Message 1380 in Message Board
Dated : March 12, 1999 at 17:36:08 EST
Subject: Any way to link Replenishment order to Purchase order?
I am using the distribution functionality of Baan V4.2c. We are using a combina
tion of DRP (to determine Distribution Center demand) and SIC (to sum demand fro
m all DC's) to develop a single centrally planned purchase order. Is anybody aw
are of any functionality in Baan (or captured in the database) that would link a
ll replenishemnt orders to the single Purchase order?
It will be a challenge to manipulate all of the replenishment orders if for some
reason the Purchase order quantity changes. In my business it is more the rule
than the exception that the PO quantity will change.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Manish,RSA posted Message 1381 in Message Board
Dated : March 12, 1999 at 18:40:11 EST
Subject: Re: Changes to Sales Order Headers
: Whenever there is a shipment made against a sales order or an installment is i
nvoiced, all the header information of a sales order is locked. We have need to
change customer purchase order, forwarding agent, and reference fields. Does a
nyone have a solution????
The way Baan looks at sales orders is one sales order for a purchase order. Thta
's why we have customer purchase order in header and purchase order line number
in sales order line.
I think, you should be using system this way too. Anyway, unless you customize,
there is no way to change thos fields.
good luck,
***************** End Of Article ******************
Su posted Message 1382 in Message Board
Dated : March 15, 1999 at 04:21:20 EST
Subject: Sale Contract Status

I create 1 normal coantrat and 1 special contract. I can change normal contrat f
rom FREE to ACTIVE, but I can not do with special contract. Infact both of them
have to active the same time.
Thank in advance.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Ajay Batra posted Message 1383 in Message Board
Dated : March 15, 1999 at 08:17:04 EST
Subject: Re: Issue item not in BOM
After You have released the production order, go to session " Maintain Estimated
Materials" and enter your items there. System will consider those items while i
ssuing and also include the same in the costing
: We have some small amount of comsumed items used at work- centers for makeing
product. Those items are not linked to BOM. However, we like to include the cost
to the product. If it is possible we can issue these items and add the cost to
product, or some way we can work around. Please help. Thank you.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Usha Murli posted Message 1384 in Message Board
Dated : March 15, 1999 at 09:43:45 EST
Subject: Process Delivered Sales Orders(Urgent)
Hi Baanfans,
when I try to run the session"Process Delivered Sales Orders",the following mess
age is flashed "Invoice data could not be written to Finance for Invoice 0"and I
am unable to proceed further.Can someone tell what does this mean and how to sol
ve the same?
***************** End Of Article ******************
tina posted Message 1385 in Message Board
Dated : March 15, 1999 at 11:38:24 EST
Subject: text on bill of lading
Does anyone know how to attach text to the Bill of Lading?
Also - other than manually entering it, does anyone know how to include the tare
weight of the packaging on the Bill of Lading?
***************** End Of Article ******************

yvind Monrad-Krohn posted Message 1386 in Message Board

Dated : March 15, 1999 at 13:26:47 EST
Subject: Re: Rebate control, Agreement Search Priorities
You can try to set up the Commission Agreement Search Priorities in the CMS-Para
meters so that your set up of agreements are covered. The same goes for Rebates.
***************** End Of Article ******************
yvind Monrad-Krohn posted Message 1387 in Message Board
Dated : March 15, 1999 at 13:33:25 EST
Subject: Re: Rebate Control, Periods
The only time framing of rebates are through the use of Periods which can be set
up per day and you can define the rebate agreements as cumulative, with the rel
ation linked to the period table.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Manish posted Message 1388 in Message Board
Dated : March 15, 1999 at 18:13:05 EST
Subject: Re: Process Delivered Sales Orders(Urgent)
: Hi Baanfans,
: when I try to run the session"Process Delivered Sales Orders",the following me
ssage is flashed "Invoice data could not be written to Finance for Invoice 0"and
Iam unable to proceed further.Can someone tell what does this mean and how to s
olve the same?
: Regards,
: Usha
It looks like one of your sales order delivery line is at the step of process sa
les order but the sales invoice value is zero.
Check out the tdsls045 -delivery table.
good luck
***************** End Of Article ******************
Su posted Message 1389 in Message Board
Dated : March 15, 1999 at 21:07:15 EST
Subject: Re: Currency in Sales Order Header
: In Triton 2.x and 3.x it was possible to change the currency of a sales order,
even when sales order lines (undelivered) were present. The change of currency
caused the sales prices of the individual sales order lines to be recalculated c

orrectly according to the exchange rate.

: In Baan IV this is no longer possible. According to the online help, a change
of currency is not possible once sales order lines are present, or an installmen
t scheme is present.
: Does anyone know a way around this problem?
: Many thanks,
: Andrew
In order header you can specify type of exchange rate to Invoice date. So when s
ystem will find exchange rate from the date that you print sale invoice to creat
e transaction to link finance.
I hope it can help you.
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k.venkata raja posted Message 1390 in Message Board
Dated : March 16, 1999 at 01:27:45 EST
Subject: Re: Sale Contract Status
Hi ,
Please check the Parmater settings in Purchase contracts
change the Contract status field should be set yes.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Sujoy posted Message 1391 in Message Board
Dated : March 16, 1999 at 02:28:28 EST
Subject: Replenishment Order Receipts
I'vea ILC & LTC implemented co. where I replenish the WIP w/h from the BOM w/h t
hrough RPL orders. RPL order step contain 'Maintain RPL Order Receipts', but for
ILC implemeneted co. 'Maintain Receipts(ILc)(tdilc4113s000) has to be run but w
hich is essentially meant for PO reciepts, so how do I run it for RPL orders?
Can anyone help out on this?
Thanks in advance.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Enrico Scuratti posted Message 1392 in Message Board
Dated : March 16, 1999 at 08:21:00 EST
Subject: Blocking and unblocking orders

When I create a sales order, it can be blocked if my client exced its credit lim
it. The problem comes out when it pays me or the due date for an invoice is reac
hed. I want to update the order status automatically. In other words, if I rece
ive the payment I want to automatically unblock the pending orders it has accord
ing with its credit limit. On other hand, if an invoice is due today (plus any g
race period) I want block the orders. I already know that Baan has a bloqued ord
ers report but in my case the order's volumme is to big to do this procedure dai
Thanks in advance
Enrico Scuratti
***************** End Of Article ******************
Ajay Batra posted Message 1393 in Message Board
Dated : March 16, 1999 at 08:40:42 EST
Subject: Customized items in DRP
Is it possible to use Cutomized Item in DRP.
If yes, how!

***************** End Of Article ******************

Arif Syed posted Message 1394 in Message Board
Dated : March 16, 1999 at 14:25:40 EST
Subject: EDI Question
After generating EDI message, is there a way to look at data and may be modify i
t before sending it to the translator.
Thanks for your help.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Charles posted Message 1395 in Message Board
Dated : March 16, 1999 at 15:14:49 EST
Subject: Parameters questions
Hi All:
My question is that I am running a Baan Company from zero, when I tried to acces
s to the maintain sls orders, I got an error message:
parameters not filled for module TRTOC.
so, Where can I initialise this parameters.
Thanks for your support,
***************** End Of Article ******************
Paul posted Message 1396 in Message Board

Dated : March 16, 1999 at 16:23:41 EST

Subject: Graphical Info
I have a user that needs a graphical representation of the measure or our 'On Ti
me' performance. The measure would be a comparison of the actual delivery date v
s the planned delivery date. I suspect I can get the raw data out of Baan and pu
t it in an Excel spreadsheet, but is there an existing session in Baan that woul
d give me a jump start on this project?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Vicki Benne-Isco posted Message 1397 in Message Board
Dated : March 16, 1999 at 18:15:34 EST
Subject: Re: Slow response speed in the Order Blocking session
We're having the same problem. If you get a solution please let me know.
: The session tdsls4225m000 is extremely slow when I scroll the screen forward/b
ackward or after invoking the refresh option.
: How I can increase the response speed?

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vicki posted Message 1398 in Message Board
Dated : March 16, 1999 at 18:16:39 EST
Subject: Re: Slow response speed in the Order Blocking session
We're having the same problem. If you get an answer please let me know.
: The session tdsls4225m000 is extremely slow when I scroll the screen forward/b
ackward or after invoking the refresh option.
: How I can increase the response speed?

***************** End Of Article ******************

vicki posted Message 1399 in Message Board
Dated : March 16, 1999 at 18:21:41 EST
Subject: export numbers
We export our product and must provide export schedule B #'s for the items that
are exporting. This number is a 10 digit number. Our exporting agents tell us
the NAFTA requires the entire 10 digit # to be on all export documentation. We
need to load this data into baan by item. The commodity code field in the item
master is only 8 digits. Where is everyone storing these #'s in baan?
***************** End Of Article ******************
vicki posted Message 1400 in Message Board

Dated : March 16, 1999 at 18:25:14 EST

Subject: returns
We need to return phantom items. We are using phantom items to allow us to ship
out items without building to the highest level prior to generating outbound.
This works for the outbounding fine but can't seem to get the system to allow us
to return the phantom level item. You'd think this would work just the same as
the shipment process but it doesn't. I'm I doing something wrong or what are t
he other options.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Su posted Message 1401 in Message Board
Dated : March 17, 1999 at 00:53:18 EST
Subject: Re: Sale Contract Status
: Hi ,
: Please check the Parmater settings in Purchase contracts
: change the Contract status field should be set yes.
: bye
: raja
Thank you for your help.
When I already active normal contract and I create special after and want to act
ive special contract, I have to deactive first, then active special contract. af
ter all finished, I must active normal contract again. Any one can explain this
? Is a bug or anyting else ?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Tim Ling posted Message 1402 in Message Board
Dated : March 17, 1999 at 01:58:14 EST
Subject: Inv. Adj. for Project item?
Does anyone has any idea to do inventory adj for a customized/project item in BA
Thanks a lot!
***************** End Of Article ******************
Phil Shipley posted Message 1403 in Message Board
Dated : March 17, 1999 at 03:21:51 EST
Subject: Re: Process Delivered Sales Orders(Urgent)
Have a look at baan solution 13348.
tdB40b5, tdB40b5_glo0, tdB40b5_gls0, tdB40b5_mcr0, tdB40b5_sch0, tdB40c3

SITUATION IDENTIFIED IN:"Process delivered sales orders" (tdsls4223m000)

When executing "Process delivered sales orders" (tdsls4223m000) the system shows
an error-message (tdsls42238): "Invoice data for invoice 0 could not be written
to Finance". The invoice-no is not shown (always 0). This message is not giving
actual information for this critical session.
The system now shows the actual invoice-no in the message.
Modifications in software components have been marked with DF15494-1.
Session code
t Code
tdsls4223m000 Function Source
tdsls4223m000 Program object
tdsls4224s000 Program object
tdB40L_b5_glo0 tdsls4223m000 Function Source sls4223
tdB40L_b5_glo0 tdsls4223m000 Program object sls4223
tdB40L_b5_gls0 tdsls4223m000 Function Source sls4223
tdB40L_b5_gls0 tdsls4223m000 Program object sls4223
tdB40L_b5_mcr0 tdsls4223m000 Function Source sls4223
tdB40L_b5_mcr0 tdsls4223m000 Program object sls4223
tdB40L_b5_mcr0 tdsls4224s000 Program object sls4224
tdB40L_b5_sch0 tdsls4223m000 Function Source sls4223
tdB40L_b5_sch0 tdsls4223m000 Program Source sls4223
tdsls4223m000 Function Source
tdsls4223m000 Program object
tdsls4224s000 Program object

Component Type Componen




If your Current VRC is B40_b1 or B40_b2 or B40_b3 or B40_b4:
B40L_b1_glo0 or B40L_b2_glo0 or B40L_b3_glo0 or B40L_b4_glo0:
B40L_b1_gls0 or B40L_b2_gls0 or B40L_b3_gls0 or B40L_b4_gls0:
B40L_b1_mcr0 or B40L_b2_mcr0 or B40L_b3_mcr0 or B40L_b4_mcr0:
B40L_b1_sch0 or B40L_b2_sch0 or B40L_b3_sch0 or B40L_b4_sch0:
B40_c1 or B40_c2:
: Hi Baanfans,
: when I try to run the session"Process Delivered Sales Orders",the following me
ssage is flashed "Invoice data could not be written to Finance for Invoice 0"and
Iam unable to proceed further.Can someone tell what does this mean and how to s

olve the same?

: Regards,
: Usha

***************** End Of Article ******************

J. Cronin posted Message 1404 in Message Board
Dated : March 17, 1999 at 07:45:33 EST
Subject: Index Calculation Type Error in Sales Order
Hi Fans,
When trying to save a Sales Order Header, I get the message 'Index Calculation T
ype not Allowed', and I cannot save the Order.
When Generating an identical Sales Order from a Contract, there is no problem, a
nd copying such an Order causes no trouble either.
I couldn't find any field or table which has anything to do with 'Index Calculat
ion Type', and there is no mention in the Help.
We are running Baan IVc2 on NT without Finance, and haven't yet had any Sales so problem only discovered now.
Hope one of you can help,
Thanks in Advance,
***************** End Of Article ******************
John Crystal posted Message 1405 in Message Board
Dated : March 17, 1999 at 09:28:33 EST
Subject: Re: export numbers
How about using the sales text on the item master.
***************** End Of Article ******************
John Crystal posted Message 1406 in Message Board
Dated : March 17, 1999 at 09:35:38 EST
Subject: Re: Parameters questions
I ran into this once at a client, Baan said it's because of including one of the
sales order steps that could interact with the transportation module, even if t
hat module is not turned on.
Go to the transportation module parameters and under that menu you will find the
TOC parameters. Filling those out should take care of your problem.
***************** End Of Article ******************
John Crystal posted Message 1407 in Message Board
Dated : March 17, 1999 at 09:43:16 EST
Subject: Re: returns

I haven't had this exact situation and am not at a client site to have access to
a machine to try it out, but a couple of things I'd try;
1. try maintaining the outbound for the phantom item and see if your components
come in or
2. try maintaining the outbound for the component items directly
***************** End Of Article ******************
Gary Heberling posted Message 1408 in Message Board
Dated : March 17, 1999 at 11:11:23 EST
Subject: Let me restate my problem.
I agree that one customer purchase order per sales order.
The problem is when the purchase order number was entered in error! We need to
change the field. I would like to have an understand of why some fields can't b
e changed.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Manish posted Message 1409 in Message Board
Dated : March 17, 1999 at 18:24:51 EST
Subject: Re: Let me restate my problem.
: I agree that one customer purchase order per sales order.
: The problem is when the purchase order number was entered in error! We need t
o change the field. I would like to have an understand of why some fields can't
be changed.
I guess the logic is that, since you have done delivery against atleast one line
, you have produced documents. For the sake of integrity of data, some data can
not be changed. Well, we may not agree with all that, but only way to solve that
is to do customization.
good luck,
***************** End Of Article ******************
Alfredo posted Message 1410 in Message Board
Dated : March 18, 1999 at 10:02:13 EST
Subject: Automate the maintain receipt
After printint the packing lists and generating the edi messages, is it possible
to automate the maintain receipts session?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Charles posted Message 1411 in Message Board

Dated : March 18, 1999 at 13:25:38 EST

Subject: Some sessions not working properly
Dear all:
I have a problem here:
I am using the session tdpur4223m000 this session is supposed to delete the PO f
rom my actual company and put them on the archiving company, the problem is that
when we have a PO with backorders and ILC on, this session is not working prope
rly, I think that this is a standard mistake??? any comments will be helpful.
Thanks in advance
***************** End Of Article ******************
Genie Engels posted Message 1412 in Message Board
Dated : March 18, 1999 at 14:59:35 EST
Subject: Re: Automate the maintain receipt
: After printint the packing lists and generating the edi messages, is it possib
le to automate the maintain receipts session?
If you are saying that the receipt will ALWAYS be equal to the order quantity, f
or any given line, YES it would be possible to automate, provided the items are
not lot controlled and you need to add the suppliers lot number at time of recei
***************** End Of Article ******************
Genie Engels posted Message 1413 in Message Board
Dated : March 18, 1999 at 15:02:18 EST
Subject: Re: Inv. Adj. for Project item?
: Hi,
: Does anyone has any idea to do inventory adj for a customized/project item in
: Thanks a lot!
If you are trying to add a customized item to a project, you must first adjust o
n the item, into inventory, and then transfer the item to the project. The firs
t session is in the inventory module (or ILC depending what you have on). The s
econd is within projects.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Genie Engels posted Message 1414 in Message Board
Dated : March 18, 1999 at 15:02:22 EST
Subject: Re: Inv. Adj. for Project item?
: Hi,
: Does anyone has any idea to do inventory adj for a customized/project item in
: Thanks a lot!

If you are trying to add a customized item to a project, you must first adjust o
n the item, into inventory, and then transfer the item to the project. The firs
t session is in the inventory module (or ILC depending what you have on). The s
econd is within projects.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Genie Engels posted Message 1415 in Message Board
Dated : March 18, 1999 at 15:04:03 EST
Subject: Re: Customized items in DRP
: Is it possible to use Cutomized Item in DRP.
: If yes, how!
Absolutely! If you are running your planning systems in the correct order, DRP
is run prior to running PRP so that requirements from other warehouses are picke
d up! You would have to have your DRP chain pointing to the warehouse that supp
lies the customized item(s).
***************** End Of Article ******************
Genie Engels posted Message 1416 in Message Board
Dated : March 18, 1999 at 15:06:20 EST
Subject: Re: Blocking and unblocking orders
: When I create a sales order, it can be blocked if my client exced its credit l
imit. The problem comes out when it pays me or the due date for an invoice is re
ached. I want to update the order status automatically. In other words, if I re
ceive the payment I want to automatically unblock the pending orders it has acco
rding with its credit limit. On other hand, if an invoice is due today (plus any
grace period) I want block the orders. I already know that Baan has a bloqued o
rders report but in my case the order's volumme is to big to do this procedure d
Have you considered automating this or, not recommended, customizing this? You
could automate so that the system goes out and looks to see if any orders, for t
his particular customer, are blocked and give you the option, at time of payment
, to unblock.
: Thanks in advance
: Enrico Scuratti

***************** End Of Article ******************

Rita posted Message 1417 in Message Board
Dated : March 18, 1999 at 16:08:08 EST
Subject: Re: SMI Marketing Project - Last transaction date
Based on your question, I am assuming that you company is using the sales and m
arketing info module for salespeople. How effective has this been in meeting the
needs of the sales staff?
Did you/mgmt ever consider using a third party software for sales.
Thanks for your response.

: Does anyone know what causes the field tdsmi110.ltdt to be updated, and with w
hat value?
: I am working with customised versions of tdsmi1103m000 (Maintain Marketing Pro
jects by Relation) and tdsmi2101s000 (Maintain Activities). Customisations consi
st of re-organisation of forms, with some fields omitted, program script is unto
: I expect tdsmi110.ltdt to be updated with either current date, or max date fro
m associated activities when a new or amended activity record is written.
: The sessions with customised forms do not produce a change in tdsmi110.ltdt.
: The standard sessions sometimes do and sometimes don't.
: Any suggestions?

***************** End Of Article ******************

RANDY posted Message 1418 in Message Board
Dated : March 18, 1999 at 16:29:22 EST
Subject: Inventory/material issue.
We have a warehouse that stores material for design and prototype work. We want
to be able to track and monitor correct inventory. We need to be able to withd
raw material for stock that is used in this warehouse but we will not be working
from production orders since this is still in the conceptual phase of a possibl
e project. We want prototype department to be able to use the system to see what
inventory they have on hand, need etc.
We are going to make this warehouse non-nettable, so planning does not look at a
nd allocate the stock but can we set a safety stock and have the system kick off
automatic planned purchase. orders.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Doreen posted Message 1419 in Message Board
Dated : March 18, 1999 at 20:44:44 EST
Subject: reprinting packing slips &amp; storage lists
We have been trying to reprint packing lists and storage lists. We get no packi
ng slips to reprint, and only a select few storage lists... Does anyone know wh
at our problem might be?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Manish posted Message 1420 in Message Board
Dated : March 18, 1999 at 20:52:59 EST
Subject: How to search for an Item by Alternative item code?
How can I search for an item in item master by "alternative item code" when I do
not have supplier's name.

***************** End Of Article ******************
John Crystal posted Message 1421 in Message Board
Dated : March 18, 1999 at 20:58:23 EST
Subject: Re: Inventory/material issue.
You can set up reorder points for the items in that warehouse and generate plann
ed INV purchase orders. You'll still have to get the items out of inventory some
way as they are used...could be an inventory adjustment...could be a production
order used just to capture the material used.
***************** End Of Article ******************
John Crystal posted Message 1422 in Message Board
Dated : March 18, 1999 at 21:03:57 EST
Subject: Re: reprinting packing slips &amp; storage lists
I'm assuming you're filling out the printing screen correctly, putting reprint "
yes." If they still aren't printing check the order steps and see if the "repri
nt at" step#'s are set to allow reprinting. I also noticed you used the terms "p
acking slips" and "packing lists" interchangeably, they are two different things
***************** End Of Article ******************
John Crystal posted Message 1423 in Message Board
Dated : March 18, 1999 at 21:08:45 EST
Subject: Re: How to search for an Item by Alternative item code?
"Usually" you'll have one alternative item code system for suppliers and one for
customers. Then you don't need to know the supplier. If you've set up item code
systems by supplier then you'll have to know which supplier to choose the syste
***************** End Of Article ******************
Colin Marriott posted Message 1424 in Message Board
Dated : March 19, 1999 at 08:25:03 EST
Subject: Re: Inventory/material issue.
You could use Replenishment Orders to move stock from your stocking warehouse to
a prototype warehouse, you will not need to raise production orders and the s
tock is traceable through your system. Make the Prototype warehouse non nettable
and the stock within it will not be taken into consideration when Mrp runs.
hope this is of some help

: We have a warehouse that stores material for design and prototype work. We wa
nt to be able to track and monitor correct inventory. We need to be able to wit
hdraw material for stock that is used in this warehouse but we will not be worki
ng from production orders since this is still in the conceptual phase of a possi
ble project. We want prototype department to be able to use the system to see wh
at inventory they have on hand, need etc.
: We are going to make this warehouse non-nettable, so planning does not look at
and allocate the stock but can we set a safety stock and have the system kick o
ff automatic planned purchase. orders.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Lori McCorison posted Message 1425 in Message Board
Dated : March 19, 1999 at 10:10:23 EST
Subject: Packing Lists
I have noticed that the packing slip does not print any information about a line
item if zero quantity is shipping. Does this sound right?? My customers are d
riving us crazy calling asking if we forgot to add the item to their sales order
. Has anybody figured out how to get a packing list to print as follows:




Every other packing list I have ever seen will show all items ordered and their
delivery status.
Anybody have a solution?
***************** End Of Article ******************
RANDY posted Message 1426 in Message Board
Dated : March 19, 1999 at 10:45:24 EST
Subject: Re: Inventory/material issue.
: You could use Replenishment Orders to move stock from your stocking warehouse
to a prototype warehouse, you will not need to raise production orders and the
stock is traceable through your system. Make the Prototype warehouse non nettab
le and the stock within it will not be taken into consideration when Mrp runs.
: hope this is of some help
: Colin
: : We have a warehouse that stores material for design and prototype work. We
want to be able to track and monitor correct inventory. We need to be able to w
ithdraw material for stock that is used in this warehouse but we will not be wor
king from production orders since this is still in the conceptual phase of a pos
sible project. We want prototype department to be able to use the system to see
what inventory they have on hand, need etc.
: : We are going to make this warehouse non-nettable, so planning does not look
at and allocate the stock but can we set a safety stock and have the system kick
off automatic planned purchase. orders.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Doreen posted Message 1427 in Message Board
Dated : March 19, 1999 at 11:58:31 EST
Subject: Re: reprinting packing slips &amp; storage lists
Yes, we're telling it to reprint, and we've checked the order steps and the 'reexecute after' steps to make sure everything's in sync, but still no luck... Oh
, and it's the Print Packing Lists, and the Print Storage Lists that I'm referri
ng to... Thanks!
: I'm assuming you're filling out the printing screen correctly, putting reprint
"yes." If they still aren't printing check the order steps and see if the "rep
rint at" step#'s are set to allow reprinting. I also noticed you used the terms
"packing slips" and "packing lists" interchangeably, they are two different thin

***************** End Of Article ******************

Oshur lebewel posted Message 1428 in Message Board
Dated : March 19, 1999 at 12:15:31 EST
Subject: Re: Inventory/material issue.
I have dificult time understand question. Maybe you use non netable warehouse an
d issue stock aginst MRP lew Order.
Can lew elaborate?
that stores material for design and prototype work. We want to be able to track
and monitor correct inventory. We need to be able to withdraw material for sto
ck that is used in this warehouse but we will not be working from production ord
ers since this is still in the conceptual phase of a possible project. We want p
rototype department to be able to use the system to see what inventory they have
on hand, need etc.
: We are going to make this warehouse non-nettable, so planning does not look at
and allocate the stock but can we set a safety stock and have the system kick o
ff automatic planned purchase. orders.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Merv Carr posted Message 1429 in Message Board
Dated : March 19, 1999 at 13:43:31 EST
Subject: Re: Inv. Adj. for Project item?
We managed to work out a little routine to adjust custom items downward (not re
ally an adjustment), which involves creating a dummy production order for custom
ised item and then "issueing" the offending article to the production order. Can
not remember the exact details right now (Iam on vacation) but if you care to email me I would be more than happy to provide more detail.

Merv Carr
: Hi,
: Does anyone has any idea to do inventory adj for a customized/project item in
: Thanks a lot!

***************** End Of Article ******************

Merv Carr posted Message 1430 in Message Board
Dated : March 19, 1999 at 13:47:49 EST
Subject: Re: Customized items in DRP
I am a little puzzled by the question, if you are building customised items then
by their very nature, you would not be building them for inventory. Why then wo
uld you want to have them as part of a DRP structure ?
: : Is it possible to use Cutomized Item in DRP.
: : If yes, how!
: Absolutely! If you are running your planning systems in the correct order, DR
P is run prior to running PRP so that requirements from other warehouses are pic
ked up! You would have to have your DRP chain pointing to the warehouse that su
pplies the customized item(s).

***************** End Of Article ******************

Carol Schmidt posted Message 1431 in Message Board
Dated : March 19, 1999 at 14:41:35 EST
Subject: PRP and non-nettable warehouses
I understand that if a warehouse is set to a non-nettable type, the items are no
t recognized by MRP.
Is this the same logic for PRP? If a warehouse is set to non-nettable, will PRP
not recognize the demand as well?
Any responses are appreciated.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Mick Andrus posted Message 1432 in Message Board
Dated : March 19, 1999 at 15:18:23 EST
Subject: Timing of inventory history update
We have a user reporting significant time lags between the time an inventory tra
nsaction is entered and the time it shows in inventory history. As far as I know

, the actions and updates are real-time. Does anyone know of any intrinsic lag-t
imes in the update of inventory transaction history?
***************** End Of Article ******************
JR posted Message 1433 in Message Board
Dated : March 19, 1999 at 16:12:32 EST
Subject: Sales Order Updates
Does anybody know of a way to update a sales order in batch, besides using the E
DI interface.
***************** End Of Article ******************
John Crystal posted Message 1434 in Message Board
Dated : March 19, 1999 at 19:52:59 EST
Subject: Re: Timing of inventory history update
Nothing that I know of. The only thought I have is if you are writing the financ
ial integration transactions real time, not in batch, it may be waiting for that
. I have seen that take a while.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Tina posted Message 1435 in Message Board
Dated : March 22, 1999 at 10:50:11 EST
Subject: Reworking portion of finished product
For many of out item numbers, we do not sell partials of the finished good. Con
sequently, we rework the partial as a material in the next batch of the same ite
m number. It seems that Baan does not allow this. I have tried to have the par
tial be a co-product - hoping that I could then reuse this as a material - but I
have not been successful. I get an error message that an item is not allowed to
be a material in a formula of the same name. I would prefer not to have to ren
ame the partial as a different item in order to reuse it. Does anyone have any
other options that I might try?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Merv Carr posted Message 1436 in Message Board
Dated : March 22, 1999 at 11:47:41 EST
Subject: Re: PRP and non-nettable warehouses
I would say you are correct (in both cases). As far as I can make out, PRP doesn
't care what kind of warehouse is involved. MRP on the other hand does not recog
nise demand being placed on a non-nettable warehouse.
: I understand that if a warehouse is set to a non-nettable type, the items are
not recognized by MRP.
: Is this the same logic for PRP? If a warehouse is set to non-nettable, will P
RP not recognize the demand as well?
: Any responses are appreciated.

***************** End Of Article ****************** posted Message 1437 in Message Board
Dated : March 22, 1999 at 14:22:59 EST
Subject: Re: Maintaining Sales Order
Although Baan will not let you change the shipping address at the sales order he
ader once you have outbound against the order, you can assign different delivery
codes (addresses) at each line level. First you have to Maintain Delivery Addr
ess in the Common Data table and assign a code number. Then..simply link the ne
w delivery code to the line and the outbound, packing list, etc will print with
the correct data.
: Standard Baan 4c3 will not allow you to maintain the date, price and ship to a
ddress field on a partially shipped / invoiced order. Client has business requir
ements that call for the changing of the price, ship to address at the header le

***************** End Of Article ******************

John Crystal posted Message 1438 in Message Board
Dated : March 22, 1999 at 14:40:44 EST
Subject: Re: Reworking portion of finished product
Hi Tina,
It's not particularly pretty, but it works. If you change the production order t
ype to "rework" you can then add back in a quantity of the same item being produ
***************** End Of Article ******************
John Crystal posted Message 1439 in Message Board
Dated : March 22, 1999 at 14:43:31 EST
Subject: Re: Sales Order Updates
S.E. Tech did this customization for a previous client of mine. If customization
is an option you might contact them.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Satya posted Message 1440 in Message Board
Dated : March 23, 1999 at 07:44:00 EST
Subject: Re: Inventory/material issue.

I guess your question has two parts.

1)you need correct inventories shown for material used for prototyping.You could
raise a manual Production order for the prototype and Issue material for that p
roduction order.This way you could keep track and monitor the raw material inven
tory and also your finished goods.The advantage is that you can set your account
s so that you can capture the financial implication of prototyping.For example y
ou company would like to know the total costs incurred for prototying during the
year.Alternately this prototype could be a subproject attached to the main proj
ect.So when you you do the project costing you could get more accurate costs.Of
course factors that decide if it should be subproject will depend on the prototy
pe/project cost.
This part relates to ordering raw material for prototyping.You can do it thro SI
C ordering priciple and set the ROP and Safety stock.Of course this depend on th
e cost for the Raw material.If prototyping itself is expensive then other system
s need to be followed.
Hope this answers your question.I have been on similar project as yours about a
year back and its from my experiences that i am writing to you.

: We have a warehouse that stores material for design and prototype work. We wa
nt to be able to track and monitor correct inventory. We need to be able to wit
hdraw material for stock that is used in this warehouse but we will not be worki
ng from production orders since this is still in the conceptual phase of a possi
ble project. We want prototype department to be able to use the system to see wh
at inventory they have on hand, need etc.
: We are going to make this warehouse non-nettable, so planning does not look at
and allocate the stock but can we set a safety stock and have the system kick o
ff automatic planned purchase. orders.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Frdric Tourniaire posted Message 1441 in Message Board
Dated : March 23, 1999 at 07:50:52 EST
Subject: EDI relations
My question is :
Is there a possibility in Baan to use one EDI relation for several customers and
/ or suppliers ?
As a matter of fact, for using EDI with a customer or a supplier, the standard w
ay is to create an EDI relation linked to this customer or supplier. You also ha
ve to link this EDI relation to the EDI messages and the network you want to use
. That means 3 sessions (at least) to fill with data for one relation and one ED
I message.
In one hand, if you have just a few customers or supplier who use EDI, it's doab
le but on the other hand if you have 2000 customers or suppliers, it's a lot of
work and a lot of records in the tables (at least 6000 !!!) = errors and difficu
lties to maintain the data.
Thanks for your help.
***************** End Of Article ******************

Tomaz Saje posted Message 1442 in Message Board

Dated : March 23, 1999 at 08:54:06 EST
Subject: Sale Invoice with more than one Sales Order
I have a folowing problem:
I tried to print one Invoice, which contains 3 different
Sales Orders, all of them with 2 Sales Order Lines. All of them belongs to the s
ame Customer.
The Invoicing metod on the customer is set correctly.
On the first order I set the Terms of payment different than
on other two. When I try to print Sales Invoice for the
customer, the system generates 3 Invoices. First Invoice with Sales Order No.1 (
with 2 Sales Order Line), second Invoice
with Sales Order No.2 (with only 1 Sales Order Line), third
Invoice with Sales Order No.2 (with second Sales Order Line)
and with Sales Order No.3 (all 2 Sales Order Lines).
As I understand logic, there should be only 2 Invoices (because
of different Terms of payment).
Is this a bug, or I have done something wrong?
Thanks in advance, Tomaz
***************** End Of Article ******************
Suresh posted Message 1443 in Message Board
Dated : March 23, 1999 at 09:01:32 EST
Subject: Re: Packing Lists
Packing slip will not have a item with delivered quantity as zero. Have a look
at the techincal definition of Packing slip:
Packing Slip:
An order document that shows in detail the contents of a particular package or c
ontainer for shipment to a customer. The details include a decription of the ite
ms, the shipper's or customers's part number,the quantity shipped and the stockk
eeping unit of items shipped.
Hence from the above describtion, the back order quantity does not comes into pi
cture at all and hence those should be printed.
Hence the option is to customize ( ..but that will not be a document called "Pac
king Slip" )
Instead what I recommend is to use the session " Print Sales Orders by Customer
" which prints the remaining quantity the customer has to receive (i.e the back
order quantity incase if it is).
Hope this information will help you.
***************** End Of Article ******************

Rozlynn Smith posted Message 1444 in Message Board

Dated : March 23, 1999 at 11:31:10 EST
Subject: Reschedule Message in Generate MRP Session
We have several purchased parts with reschedule messages for their purchase orde
rs. We have not been able to find the requirements that are causing MRP to gene
rate the reschedule messages. I have looked at everything that I can think to l
ook at. Any help would be appreciated.
***************** End Of Article ******************
lambert posted Message 1445 in Message Board
Dated : March 23, 1999 at 12:22:51 EST
Subject: Re: EDI relations
In my opinion not,
the company I am now working for
had more or less the same situation.
In order to import sales orders from
an own developed program they use the
EDI functionality in Baan. However for each
new customer, all the relation data must be set too.
We have chosen to insert the necessairy
relation data each time a new customer
is created with Baan-Exchange. In our situation
it concerns inserting records in three tables:
Messages by Relation
and Relation by Network.
***************** End Of Article ******************
John Crystal posted Message 1446 in Message Board
Dated : March 23, 1999 at 16:26:18 EST
Subject: Re: Reschedule Message in Generate MRP Session
The usual cause for this is overlooking a safety stock being set on a part. One
clue is if the reschedule message suggests the reschedule in date to be the date
of the MRP run you're most likely seeing it due to a safety stock requirement.
The report to run to check why Baan is calculating the message is "Planned inven
tory movements by item" under the MRP section.
John Crystal
Crystal Consulting
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Warren George posted Message 1447 in Message Board
Dated : March 23, 1999 at 19:06:02 EST
Subject: List Items - Menu &amp; Options

Fairly new to Baan, and trying to learn quickly.

A question on list items - Menus & Options.
Example: A company is a car dealer. It takes orders for cars which have a choic
e of colour, transmission, plus options such as power steering. It buys these c
ars to order specification from Chrysler.
The variations of Cars are too numerous to have each combination as a seperate p
roduct number, so they make up menu items & options, below the generic List item
Where do you create the link between a Generic "Car", and the choice of transmis
sion, and whether or not they have a power steering?
If you know DELL's on-line order screens, you'll know the concept I'm looking fo
I would have thought it would have been done in a BOM, but that's in manufacturi
ng and the company don't do manufacturing.
many thanks
***************** End Of Article ******************
Satya posted Message 1448 in Message Board
Dated : March 23, 1999 at 22:23:43 EST
Subject: Re: List Items - Menu &amp; Options
The link is created in the Product Configurator and is in manufacturing.You need
to create option and features linked to the generic item.You also need to write
the constraints for various parametres.
Hope this answers your question.
: Fairly new to Baan, and trying to learn quickly.
: A question on list items - Menus & Options.
: Example: A company is a car dealer. It takes orders for cars which have a cho
ice of colour, transmission, plus options such as power steering. It buys these
cars to order specification from Chrysler.
: The variations of Cars are too numerous to have each combination as a seperate
product number, so they make up menu items & options, below the generic List it
em "Car".
: Where do you create the link between a Generic "Car", and the choice of transm
ission, and whether or not they have a power steering?
: If you know DELL's on-line order screens, you'll know the concept I'm looking
: I would have thought it would have been done in a BOM, but that's in manufactu
ring and the company don't do manufacturing.
: many thanks
: Warren

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Pitt posted Message 1449 in Message Board
Dated : March 24, 1999 at 01:23:03 EST
Subject: The asterick in Order Acknowledment
Dear all,
When I printed Order Acknowledment sometime has asteric in
the last colume of detail line , sometime does not. Why ?
Thank in advance.
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Neetu Dhawan posted Message 1450 in Message Board
Dated : March 24, 1999 at 05:57:46 EST
Subject: Re: Reworking portion of finished product
defining it a by-product would work.
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Dimitris Tzanakakis posted Message 1451 in Message Board
Dated : March 24, 1999 at 07:10:46 EST
Subject: Consuming a Purchase Contract with no delivery schedule
Hello everybody,
I am facing the following problem. I have set up a purchase contract with no del
ivery schedule and I am trying to find out how this contract is being traced by
BAAN. I am working on BAAN IV_c_4 with Purchase Requisition Control. I tried the
following three cases:
1. Maintain a Purchase Order for the same item and supplier that are declared on
the contract. BAAN then attaches this Purchase Order to the contract and consum
es the quantity from the contract.
2. Maintain a Purchase Order for the same item and for a different supplier. BAA
N then does not informs the user that there exists a contract for the item and d
oes not consume the delivered quantity from the contract.
3. Maintain a Purchase Requisition Order for the same item and supplier, confirm
the requisition and transfer it to a purchase order. Again BAAN does not inform
s the user that there exists a contract for the item and does not consume the de
livered quantity from the contract.
Does anybody if it is possible to link cases 2 and 3 to the relevent contract?
Normally, BAAN should at least inform the user whenever he makes a Purchase Orde
r for an item that is included in a contract, that there exists a contract for t
hat item. Moreover, there should be a link between purchase requisitions and pur
chase contracts, so that all requisitions that are transfered to purchase orders
will consume the contracts.

Thanking you in advance,

Dimitris Tzanakakis
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Frdric Tourniaire posted Message 1452 in Message Board
Dated : March 24, 1999 at 08:49:57 EST
Subject: Re: EDI relations
Thanks for your answer.
Exchange is a good solution but it's still a lot of work especially if you use s
ome code and conversion tables linked to the relation codes. It this case it's n
ot 3 tables but much more that you have to fill with data.
***************** End Of Article ******************
CHARLES posted Message 1453 in Message Board
Dated : March 24, 1999 at 09:06:14 EST
Subject: How to create a warehose with locations
Dear all:
I am currently working in TRITON 3.1, I need to create a warehouse with locatio
ns (ILC), Does anyboby could exlain me how to do it?
Thanks for your time,
***************** End Of Article ******************
Jim Burke posted Message 1454 in Message Board
Dated : March 24, 1999 at 10:03:32 EST
Subject: Sales Orders for Duplicate Purchase Orders
We are experiencing occasions were a duplicate purchase orders will come in from
customers. When we key these as
sales orders there is no warning message or blocking mechanism to let us know th
at the purchase order has already been entered and is on another sales order. W
e are use Baan 4b2 has found this to be problem?? Are there any fixs available??
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Bert Kortenoeven posted Message 1455 in Message Board
Dated : March 24, 1999 at 10:15:22 EST
Subject: Re: The asterick in Order Acknowledment
"An * is printed after modified lines on the order acknowledgement" (source: hel
ptext session tdsls4401m000).

Bert Kortenoeven
Cap Gemini Nederland

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Dave Smeulders posted Message 1456 in Message Board
Dated : March 24, 1999 at 11:11:32 EST
Subject: Re: How to create a warehose with locations
: Dear all:
: I am currently working in TRITON 3.1, I need to create a warehouse with locat
ions (ILC), Does anyboby could exlain me how to do it?
: Thanks for your time,
: Charles
Hi Charles,
try this:
go to location control, inventory locations, misc.
there you'll find the session Change Location System by Warehouse & Generate Loc
ation System which will put you on your way.
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John CRystal posted Message 1457 in Message Board
Dated : March 24, 1999 at 12:22:51 EST
Subject: Re: Sales Orders for Duplicate Purchase Orders
There is nothing available in Baan that I am aware of to do this checking. It wo
uld only be a small customization to do this if that is an option for you.
***************** End Of Article ******************
John Crystal posted Message 1458 in Message Board
Dated : March 24, 1999 at 13:46:26 EST
Subject: Partial answer and a question
Your case #2....since you have selected a different supplier than does not have
a contract it doesn't have anything to hook to. It would take a customization to
have it search by item only and warn of of the existance of a contract for that
item with another supplier. It wouldn't be hard to do though.
I'm puzzled by your case #3...I understood that requisitions was in SERIES not I
V_c_4 or did you just add that module?
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Pierre Kesler posted Message 1459 in Message Board

Dated : March 25, 1999 at 03:18:08 EST
Subject: Differences between Baan IV and Baan ERP for Purchase
Could you tell me more about the differences of functionnality for the purchase
package between Baan IV b and Baan ERP.
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Sam Dharmasiri posted Message 1460 in Message Board
Dated : March 25, 1999 at 12:08:19 EST
Subject: Fatal error when altering an existing Sales order line
I am having problems when attempting to alter the details of a sales order line
(even adding text).
I get the message "session tdinv2201m000" not defined and then a BW message: Fat
al error : recursion not possible refcount=2 . trhe session then freezes
the session it refers to is the Generate hard allocations sessions which i dont
want to include in my order type.
I have tried using the same order type on another system (IVc3)
and i do not get this error.
I am using IVc4 without ILC.
Many thanks in Advance
Sam Dharmasiri
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Horacio Sosa posted Message 1461 in Message Board
Dated : March 25, 1999 at 12:28:43 EST
Subject: Sales price calculation
How I can calculate the sales price list in other currency different at the home

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Barbara Bailey posted Message 1462 in Message Board
Dated : March 25, 1999 at 14:30:37 EST
Subject: direct shipments
Whenever I have a direct ship sales order, I generate a direct ship P.O.

If th

ere are any changes to this sales order before delivery, I have to cancel the P.
O. , change the sales order, then recreate a new P.O. with a new # (confusing fo
r suppliers).
Has anyone managed to have sales order changes automatically reflected in the li
nked direct P.O.?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Warren George posted Message 1463 in Message Board
Dated : March 25, 1999 at 15:19:08 EST
Subject: Re: List Items - Menu &amp; Options
Thanks for the pointer and information.
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Arif Syed posted Message 1464 in Message Board
Dated : March 25, 1999 at 16:40:03 EST
Subject: How to handle cancellations and changes in EDI
Wanted to know how companies are handling EDI cancellations and changes using Ba
an. We are implementing 4C3 with Sterling's Gentran translator.
Thanks in advance for your input.
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Mick Andrus posted Message 1465 in Message Board
Dated : March 26, 1999 at 09:04:13 EST
Subject: Unable to close production orders
Using Baan IVc2 we are unable to close several completed production orders. When
running ticst0201m000 - Close Production Orders, the session is telling us that
the orders have "Goods already issued, or included in outbound." All materials
have been issued to these orders and there are no outbound records pending. The
orders have been fully received and put into inventory (inbounded).
I've logged a case with Baan on this but am hoping someone has seen a similar si
tuation and can advise.
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John Crystal posted Message 1466 in Message Board
Dated : March 26, 1999 at 10:58:46 EST
Subject: Re: Unable to close production orders
Hi Mick,
The first thing I'd check is to run "Location Inventory transaction history", un
der location inventory history ,for that order nunber. See that all the inventor
y movements have occurred.

Also check under SFC enter material issue and be sure that nothing is left in an
y of the "issue" or "subsequent delivery fields".
If both of these look clean, I'd look at the individual records in the outbound
table using ttaad4500, General table Inquiry, and see if you've got a bad record
. I haven't run into a bug in this area but have seen an individual record get c
orrupted occosionally, but very rarely.
The biggest problem I usually encounter in this area is a company not having the
Receipt location blocked for transfer. Then when a production order gets finish
ed and the goods are in the receipt location someone needs them and transfers th
em to a regular location rather than inbounding them and then ships them. Now th
e production order won't close because the inbound process hasn't been completed
and the goods have been shipped to a customer. Messy to fix but possible withou
t resorting to table maint.
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James Kim posted Message 1467 in Message Board
Dated : March 26, 1999 at 12:12:10 EST
Subject: Modifying BOL after printing
Is there any way to modify a bill of lading after it has been printed?
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Satya posted Message 1468 in Message Board
Dated : March 26, 1999 at 12:35:29 EST
Subject: Re: Unable to close production orders
This is in addtions to John Crystals check list.Check the integration transactio
n with finance module.A question here, has your production order has subcontract
ed operation????If so have you run the session Process del orders,before closing
the production order.Do let me know if you are still facing the problem.
: Using Baan IVc2 we are unable to close several completed production orders. Wh
en running ticst0201m000 - Close Production Orders, the session is telling us th
at the orders have "Goods already issued, or included in outbound." All material
s have been issued to these orders and there are no outbound records pending. T
he orders have been fully received and put into inventory (inbounded).
: I've logged a case with Baan on this but am hoping someone has seen a similar
situation and can advise.

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Phil Pucci posted Message 1469 in Message Board
Dated : March 26, 1999 at 13:50:35 EST
Subject: Wholesale Distribution Reference Model for BaanERP (BaanV)
I have just learned that the Wholesale Distribution
Reference Model for BaanERP will be released by
TriArch ( on 01-Apr-99.

Have any of you had any experience with the

Wholesale Distribution Reference Model in DEM for
any earlier Baan release?
What would you recommend to wholesale distributors
considering BaanERP that plan to use the TriArch
WSL DEM model?
Where can I find more information on how it works
_and_ how it has helped other wholesale distributors?
Is there a separate Baan developer community that
has specialized in serving wholesale distribution
***************** End Of Article ******************
Tina posted Message 1470 in Message Board
Dated : March 26, 1999 at 15:56:46 EST
Subject: freight charges on sales invoice
I am sure I am missing something obvious - but how do I maintain the sales order
invoice? We need to add freight charges to the invoice since they are not incl
uded in the item price. Cannot find anywhere to do that. I would appreciate so
me input on this.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Tina posted Message 1471 in Message Board
Dated : March 26, 1999 at 15:59:45 EST
Subject: formating of text
I added a new text window to be bold with a box
I asssigned by text groups to the new text window
and when I created new text - I also assigned the text window
Why does it not print out correctly (bold with a box) when I attach the text to
my sales orders?
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Wilfred Dunnewind posted Message 1472 in Message Board
Dated : March 27, 1999 at 10:06:46 EST
Subject: Re: Error during printing after upgrade to Baan IVc4
: We have upgraded from c2 to c4. Now we have problems during printing of some (
not all) reports to either screen or our HP8000 laserjet. These reports all give
one empty page first. We re-installed printer drivers, but this does not solve
the problem. Does any one have any clue of what might go wrong?
We have the same (annoying) problem here. We did a clean install of Baan IVc4 an
d every print we make, an empty page (or a page with just a header) is printed.
Any solution would be greatly appreciated.

***************** End Of Article ******************

abraham panicker posted Message 1473 in Message Board
Dated : March 27, 1999 at 21:50:57 EST
Subject: Re: EDI - Generating EDI Messages
Go to maintain networks and flag YES to Generate EDI messages before connection
Abraham Panicker
: After printing the pur. order acknowledment I get the message: EDI messages pr
epared... When running the Direct Network Communication session, prepared messag
es are not generated. I parametrisized two companies, 410 as client and 401 as s
upplier. I used the Baan IV b/c EDI manual and followed all instructions. I woul
d appreciate any solutions that you can provide.

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John Crystal posted Message 1474 in Message Board
Dated : March 27, 1999 at 22:55:09 EST
Subject: Re: freight charges on sales invoice
Hi Tina,
You need to define a "cost" type item called "freight", then add a line to your
sales order for "freight". You'll deliver it then it will show up on the invoice
***************** End Of Article ******************
Perry Murphy posted Message 1475 in Message Board
Dated : March 28, 1999 at 23:49:19 EST
Subject: Re: formating of text

I added a new text window to be bold with a box

I asssigned by text groups to the new text window
and when I created new text - I also assigned the text window
Why does it not print out correctly (bold with a box) when I attach the text t
my sales orders?

Setting the characteristics of a text window only controls how it appears on the
screen; it has nothing to do with the appearance of the text when you print. If
you want to change the appearance of printed text for a standard Baan report, y
ou will have to use Baan Tools to Maintain Reports. Then, you can add a box arou
nd a text field and change the font to bold.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Dimitris Tzanakakis posted Message 1476 in Message Board
Dated : March 29, 1999 at 02:09:39 EST
Subject: Re: Partial answer and a question
: Your case #2....since you have selected a different supplier than does not hav
e a contract it doesn't have anything to hook to. It would take a customization
to have it search by item only and warn of of the existance of a contract for th
at item with another supplier. It wouldn't be hard to do though.
: I'm puzzled by your case #3...I understood that requisitions was in SERIES not
IV_c_4 or did you just add that module?
No, requisition is available also in Baan IV_c_4 with Supply Chain Control, whic
h is the version I am working on. Do you think it is possible to consume a contr
act via purchase orders coming from requisition orders?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Gary Rozendaal posted Message 1477 in Message Board
Dated : March 29, 1999 at 02:32:44 EST
Subject: Differences between Baan IV and Baan ERP for Purchase
: Could you tell me more about the differences of functionnality for the purchas
e package between Baan IV b and Baan ERP.
: Thanks.
I have sent you a document explaining the differences. What was once called Dist
ribution in BaanIV has now been divided into several packages called Order Manag
ement, Warehousing and Electronic Commerce. If you need to more info let me know
***************** End Of Article ******************
Sandeep posted Message 1478 in Message Board
Dated : March 29, 1999 at 08:09:56 EST
Is there any table (or a session) which stores all transactions against a item w
ith value information of that transaction. I had gone through the table tdinv700
, but it doesn't have the value information. I am using BaaN IV b2.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Nathalie posted Message 1479 in Message Board
Dated : March 29, 1999 at 09:26:57 EST
Subject: Re: Error during printing after upgrade to Baan IVc4
Dear all,

The empty first page is a Baan problem (not the printer). Patch no: 17791 can be
installed to solve this problem. Good luck.
Kind regards
: : We have upgraded from c2 to c4. Now we have problems during printing of some
(not all) reports to either screen or our HP8000 laserjet. These reports all gi
ve one empty page first. We re-installed printer drivers, but this does not solv
e the problem. Does any one have any clue of what might go wrong?
: We have the same (annoying) problem here. We did a clean install of Baan IVc4
and every print we make, an empty page (or a page with just a header) is printed
. Any solution would be greatly appreciated.
: Greetings,
: Wilfred

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Ivan Matejovic posted Message 1480 in Message Board
Dated : March 29, 1999 at 11:22:09 EST
Subject: Multiple invoices per one sales order
I have the following problem:
System (Baan IV c3 on AIX) sometimes prints more sales invoices per one sales or
der. Actually it prints one invoice per one sales order line. I need to print on
e invoice per one sales order.
Has anybody experienced such or similar system behaviour?
Is it a problem of incorrect parameter setting, or is it a bug?
Thanks in advance,
***************** End Of Article ******************
Sat posted Message 1481 in Message Board
Dated : March 29, 1999 at 20:25:12 EST
Subject: Re: Multiple invoices per one sales order
: I do not have the system in front of me. Please check Sales Order parameter s
ettings or one of the forms in Customer master (or customer delivery address). T
his is not a bug.
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SV Patankar posted Message 1482 in Message Board
Dated : March 30, 1999 at 03:40:44 EST

Subject: Transportation with EDI

We are implementing Baan IVb2 in multilogistic environment with centralized deli
very department. I will like to know if anybody has used transportation with EDI
. 'defaults.edi' does not contain any data related to transportation. Thanks.
- PS
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Chris Jamison posted Message 1483 in Message Board
Dated : March 30, 1999 at 08:43:23 EST
Subject: Installment Invoicing / Receipts Schedule
We are trying to do the following: Deliver goods & invoice the customer, then a
llow the customer to pay in installments, with the installments aged properly in
We would like to setup the installments in advance, with as little manual entry
as possible. We only want to send one invoice.
I know we can setup the installment schedule in SLS, and send a single invoice.
The problem is that this still comes over to finance as a single aging entry.
Has anyone see a way (apart from manual entry of a Receipts Schedule in AR) to h
ave the installments hit finance as separate entries?
Thanks in advance
***************** End Of Article ******************
Doug Woeste posted Message 1484 in Message Board
Dated : March 30, 1999 at 08:47:53 EST
Subject: Eliminating backordered quantities from PO's
Is there a way to reduce the quantity on a PO line once receipts have been maint
ained. We ordered 5 and received 4 but no longer want the backordered quantity
. How do I get rid of this?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Eliza posted Message 1485 in Message Board
Dated : March 30, 1999 at 09:24:46 EST
Subject: Interview guideline
Hi everyone.
I am going to start a project on Distribution and Manufacturing, I need some gui
delines, or standard questions to ask in order to achieve the mapping phase.
If anyone of you has standard questionnaire (or something like this) about sales
, purchase, invetory, ..
Please send it to me, as soon as possible.
***************** End Of Article ******************

Eliza posted Message 1486 in Message Board

Dated : March 30, 1999 at 09:31:12 EST
Subject: Interview guidelines
Hi everyone,
I am starting a new project on Distribution ans manufacturing modules. I need so
me guidelines i order to interview different people, in the mapping phase.
So, if any of you has somme standard questionnaire or something like this, pleas
e send it to me as soon as possible.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Merv Carr posted Message 1487 in Message Board
Dated : March 30, 1999 at 09:49:47 EST
Subject: Re: Eliminating backordered quantities from PO's
Simply go to the session "Maintain Backorders" and change the backorder qty to z
: Is there a way to reduce the quantity on a PO line once receipts have been mai
ntained. We ordered 5 and received 4 but no longer want the backordered quanti
ty. How do I get rid of this?

***************** End Of Article ******************

John Crystal posted Message 1488 in Message Board
Dated : March 30, 1999 at 11:42:58 EST
Subject: Re: Interview guidelines
For mapping just think in terms of the tables you will need to populate within B
aan, make printouts even, then talk with people to determine who can tell you wh
ere the data is located in your existing systems.
A simple form might contain:
Baan table name:
Baan field name:
Person responsible:
Date for mapping test:
Date for final conversion:
Existing system name:
Existing system table name:
Existing system field name:
Mapping logic: ie. direct import or is come conversion logic needed
Person responsible for data in existing system:
Date data is to be clean and ready for conversion:

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Phil Sipley posted Message 1489 in Message Board
Dated : March 30, 1999 at 12:08:02 EST
Subject: Re: Partial answer and a question
: No, requisition is available also in Baan IV_c_4 with Supply Chain Control, wh
ich is the version I am working on. Do you think it is possible to consume a con
tract via purchase orders coming from requisition orders?
HAAAaaaa of course not!!
Sorry to sound so flippant but I have just logged 16 cases today concerning PRQ
bugs. This excludes some serious short comings with the module. I've emailed yo
u a document that might be of interest.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Steve Applegate posted Message 1490 in Message Board
Dated : March 30, 1999 at 12:36:43 EST
Subject: Re: formating of text
If, when maintaining the text, you get the Toggle-Graphics option from the mode
pull-down menu - you can toggle into a line-drawing mode - which will allow you
to 'draw' line-based graphics in/around your character text.
If you have a standard box - you could set up a 'template' which is really just
a saved baan text which you have already created the graphical box in. Then, whe
n creating a new text you would choose 'duplicate' and copy this template as the
basis for your new text.

I added a new text window to be bold with a box

I asssigned by text groups to the new text window
and when I created new text - I also assigned the text window
Why does it not print out correctly (bold with a box) when I attach the text t
my sales orders?

***************** End Of Article ******************

Ron D. Bailey posted Message 1491 in Message Board
Dated : March 30, 1999 at 13:20:28 EST
Subject: Re: Possibility for Random Weight Invoicing
Thanks for the suggestion. We gave it a shot but the variance was just too larg
e for the quantities were are working with. I did, however come up with a solut
ion so that anyone else looking at this can check it out. Here goes....
1) We modified the tdsls041 table to add 2 fields (one for original quantity, th
e other for original unit of measure).

2) We modified the maintain sales order lines session to add the fields as displ
ay only.
3) We created a job (for the job daemon) with a script that would check all sale
s order lines every 5 minutes (as this is the fastest we could ever process a ra
ndom weight order). Any order lines where the original UOM is blank, the script
then updates the tdsls041 table with duplicates of the original values (entered
by the order desk). This now allows you to change the standard qty and uom and
still retain what was originally in the system.
4) When the weights have been measured, they are then entered by our order desk
5) Both the original and "current" qty and uom are printed on the sales invoice,
the calculations recalculate based on the qty that is "current" and everyone is
One drawback of this solution (which we are still waiting to see if it will happ
en) is that if the sales order lines database (tdsls041) gets too large, the job
could really start chewing up cpu time and bogging down the server. We do betw
een 300-700 orders per day so I am sure we will find out soon.
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Carlos Aguilar Roldan posted Message 1492 in Message Board
Dated : March 30, 1999 at 14:42:50 EST
Subject: Baan en mensajeria
Alguien me puede informar si conocen alguna empresa que se dedique a la distribu
cion de paqueteria y mensajeria en donde se halla implantado Baan del tipo UPS,
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christoph posted Message 1493 in Message Board
Dated : March 30, 1999 at 15:12:43 EST
Subject: EDI conversion / suppress comma-sign
Could anybody tell me how to suppress the comma-sign in numbers that I select fr
om numeric field in the database. In my edi file comma-signs are not expected an
d so I have to erase them somehow.
The edi-standard sign-conversion function haven't done this correct respectivly
it also erases wanted points. I think this conversion can not be used on a singl
e selected field ( is this correct ?)
Has anyone a solution or input for this problem
***************** End Of Article ******************
Satya posted Message 1494 in Message Board
Dated : March 30, 1999 at 15:50:46 EST
Subject: Re: Interview guidelines

If you need questions on product knowledge you could contact me.apart from mappi
ng situations and table lookup you need to ascertain that the guy has product kn
: Hi everyone,
: I am starting a new project on Distribution ans manufacturing modules. I need
some guidelines i order to interview different people, in the mapping phase.
: So, if any of you has somme standard questionnaire or something like this, ple
ase send it to me as soon as possible.
: Thanks,
: Eliza

***************** End Of Article ******************

Saha posted Message 1495 in Message Board
Dated : March 30, 1999 at 16:37:52 EST
Subject: Sales Ledger Account Field in PO
There's a field "Sales Ledger Account Number" in the 3rd form of Maintain Purch
ase Order. It can only be entered for Cost & Service Items only. I have 2 questi
1. Why is it limited to Cost & Service ietms only.
2. What would be the impact if the check is removed so that user can
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Steve Weber posted Message 1496 in Message Board
Dated : March 30, 1999 at 16:56:24 EST
Subject: Re: How to create a warehose with locations
: : Dear all:
: : I am currently working in TRITON 3.1, I need to create a warehouse with loc
ations (ILC), Does anyboby could exlain me how to do it?
: : Thanks for your time,
: : Charles
: Hi Charles,
: try this:
: go to location control, inventory locations, misc.
: there you'll find the session Change Location System by Warehouse & Generate L
ocation System which will put you on your way.
: regards,
: -Dave
Just remember that it is a generation session and you have to press Y at the cho
ice field (I have had a few people "E" out and wonder why they had no location c
ontrol on).

***************** End Of Article ******************

tbaanfan posted Message 1497 in Message Board
Dated : March 31, 1999 at 07:59:46 EST
Subject: Maintain Customer Session - tccom
Hi All gurus,
I am facing a problem here with my Maintain Customers session (tccom1101m000).
The problem is that if I run this session i.e the main session then I cannot see
any records. However if I go to the subsession i.e tccom1510s000 then I can se
e all the customers which were added. It also does not allow me to add any cus
tomers into the Maintain Cusotmers. Also, if we I try to run the session tccom
1501m000 then again I cannot see any customers. I can see the customers in all
the subsessions but no customers are being seen in the main sessions.
If any one of you guys have faced similar problem and know what is going on plea
se let me know as soon as possible.
Thanks a lot in advance.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Johnty posted Message 1498 in Message Board
Dated : March 31, 1999 at 09:17:23 EST
Subject: reprinting a sales picking list (non SCH).
I am running into difficulties with the Sales picklist (non supply chain).
I printed the picklist once then went in and changed the order quantity of one o
f the lines. I am unable to get the list to reprint. I have selected both Y an
d N under the question "Print already printed documents". It is very likely tha
t this is operator error, Who can see if you can re print the picklist and advis
***************** End Of Article ******************
Doug posted Message 1499 in Message Board
Dated : March 31, 1999 at 13:40:59 EST
Subject: Re: Maintain Customer Session - tccom
Are you in a multi-company environment? If so check the sharing of this table.
: Hi All gurus,
: I am facing a problem here with my Maintain Customers session (tccom1101m000).
The problem is that if I run this session i.e the main session then I cannot s
ee any records. However if I go to the subsession i.e tccom1510s000 then I can
see all the customers which were added. It also does not allow me to add any c
ustomers into the Maintain Cusotmers. Also, if we I try to run the session tcc
om1501m000 then again I cannot see any customers. I can see the customers in al
l the subsessions but no customers are being seen in the main sessions.
: If any one of you guys have faced similar problem and know what is going on pl

ease let me know as soon as possible.

: Thanks a lot in advance.
: Regards
: tbaanfan

***************** End Of Article ******************

Doug posted Message 1500 in Message Board
Dated : March 31, 1999 at 13:42:56 EST
Subject: Re: Sales Ledger Account Field in PO
It is limited to cost and service items because account integraations handles th
ings for inventory transactions. Don't know the implications of overriding this
, but you are messing with a bunch of finance stuff if you do try.

: There's a field "Sales Ledger Account Number" in the 3rd form of Maintain Pur
chase Order. It can only be entered for Cost & Service Items only. I have 2 ques
: 1. Why is it limited to Cost & Service ietms only.
: 2. What would be the impact if the check is removed so that user can

***************** End Of Article ******************

tbaanfan posted Message 1501 in Message Board
Dated : March 31, 1999 at 14:47:09 EST
Subject: Re: Maintain Customer Session - tccom
No we are not in a multi-company environment. It is a single logistics single f
inance company.
Thanks anyway.
: Are you in a multi-company environment? If so check the sharing of this table
: : Hi All gurus,
: : I am facing a problem here with my Maintain Customers session (tccom1101m000
). The problem is that if I run this session i.e the main session then I cannot
see any records. However if I go to the subsession i.e tccom1510s000 then I ca
n see all the customers which were added. It also does not allow me to add any
customers into the Maintain Cusotmers. Also, if we I try to run the session t
ccom1501m000 then again I cannot see any customers. I can see the customers in
all the subsessions but no customers are being seen in the main sessions.
: : If any one of you guys have faced similar problem and know what is going on
please let me know as soon as possible.

: : Thanks a lot in advance.

: : Regards
: : tbaanfan

***************** End Of Article ******************

pascal posted Message 1502 in Message Board
Dated : April 01, 1999 at 08:36:43 EST
Subject: Re: reprinting a sales picking list (non SCH).
This can be a problem with code alignment if data was imported via exchange or f
rom another system.
Check tccom010.cuno alignment, and real alignment in ttaad4100.
: I am running into difficulties with the Sales picklist (non supply chain).
: I printed the picklist once then went in and changed the order quantity of one
of the lines. I am unable to get the list to reprint. I have selected both Y
and N under the question "Print already printed documents". It is very likely t
hat this is operator error, Who can see if you can re print the picklist and adv

***************** End Of Article ******************

pascal posted Message 1503 in Message Board
Dated : April 01, 1999 at 08:38:40 EST
Subject: Re: reprinting a sales picking list (non SCH).
Ignore this. Solution for another problem.
: : I am running into difficulties with the Sales picklist (non supply chain).
: : I printed the picklist once then went in and changed the order quantity of o
ne of the lines. I am unable to get the list to reprint. I have selected both
Y and N under the question "Print already printed documents". It is very likely
that this is operator error, Who can see if you can re print the picklist and a

***************** End Of Article ****************** posted Message 1504 in Message Board
Dated : April 01, 1999 at 08:39:39 EST
Subject: Re: Maintain Customer Session - tccom
This can be a problem with code alignment if data was imported via exchange or f
rom another system.
Check tccom010.cuno alignment in Baan Tools, and real alignment in ttaad4100.

: No we are not in a multi-company environment. It is a single logistics single

finance company.
: Thanks anyway.
: tbaanfan
: : Are you in a multi-company environment? If so check the sharing of this tab
: :
: : : Hi All gurus,
: : : I am facing a problem here with my Maintain Customers session (tccom1101m0
00). The problem is that if I run this session i.e the main session then I cann
ot see any records. However if I go to the subsession i.e tccom1510s000 then I
can see all the customers which were added. It also does not allow me to add an
y customers into the Maintain Cusotmers. Also, if we I try to run the session
tccom1501m000 then again I cannot see any customers. I can see the customers i
n all the subsessions but no customers are being seen in the main sessions.
: : : If any one of you guys have faced similar problem and know what is going o
n please let me know as soon as possible.
: : : Thanks a lot in advance.
: : : Regards
: : : tbaanfan

***************** End Of Article ******************

Johnty posted Message 1505 in Message Board
Dated : April 01, 1999 at 10:52:42 EST
Subject: reprinting a sls picking list;
I am running into difficulties with the Sales picklist (non supply chain).
I printed the picklist once then went in and changed the order quantity of one o
f the lines. I am unable to get the list to reprint. I have selected both Y and
N under the question "Print already printed documents". It is very likely that t
his is operator error, Who can see if you can re print the picklist and advise.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Dominique Lenoir posted Message 1506 in Message Board
Dated : April 01, 1999 at 12:37:09 EST
Subject: Re: reprinting a sls picking list;
Have you checked the order status? The status could have been reset to 'Print or
der acknowledgement' if that was part of the procedure.
Dominique Lenoir
: I am running into difficulties with the Sales picklist (non supply chain).
: I printed the picklist once then went in and changed the order quantity of one
of the lines. I am unable to get the list to reprint. I have selected both Y an

d N under the question "Print already printed documents". It is very likely that
this is operator error, Who can see if you can re print the picklist and advise

***************** End Of Article ******************

Duzy posted Message 1507 in Message Board
Dated : April 01, 1999 at 15:11:31 EST
Subject: URGENT!
EDI / select data from aditional table /External EDI URG
I'm preparing a Purchase Order for external EDI. Mostly I choose fields from the
tdpur040 and tdpur041. Also from the tiitm001. This works quite good.
I have a problem to get data from a additional table, that we added to the table
item data (tiitm001, reference form 001 to this tabel exists).
If I choose a field of this added table in the EDI conversion list no or wrong d
ata is selected. Fields from tiitm001 (e.g. dsca) are selected but not from the
added table.
Has anyone a clue what I'm doing wrong or how such fields could be selected.
And has anyone a defaults.edi file for fixed length for me??
This is very important for me!!
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Stephanie Kroese posted Message 1508 in Message Board
Dated : April 01, 1999 at 19:21:34 EST
Subject: Re: Eliminating backordered quantities from PO's
If you are running on 4c2 or 4c3 there is a bug where the Maintain backorder se
ssion does not allow you to zero out a backorder. There is a patch from Baan yo
u can download if you are running on 4c3 or 4c2. The path is
: Simply go to the session "Maintain Backorders" and change the backorder qty to
: : Is there a way to reduce the quantity on a PO line once receipts have been m
aintained. We ordered 5 and received 4 but no longer want the backordered quan
tity. How do I get rid of this?

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Stephanie Kroese posted Message 1509 in Message Board
Dated : April 01, 1999 at 19:28:36 EST
Subject: Special price program
I am trying to implement a special price program where a customer can order a
ecific dollar amount of certain items (thinking of using price group to group
ese items) each month without being charged for it. Once that dollar limit is
ceeded during the course of the month of orders, the items will be charged at
e price assigned to that customer.


Any suggestions on how to handle this in Baan 4c3?

***************** End Of Article ******************
Brian Bodendein posted Message 1510 in Message Board
Dated : April 02, 1999 at 10:35:36 EST
Subject: Re: reprinting a sls picking list;
A common error is after selecting Y to "Print already printed
d to enter the pick list document number, not the sales order
n't know the pick list number, zoom on that field, change the
ales order and then you can search for the pick list by order

documents" you nee

number. If you do
sort order to by s

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Brian posted Message 1511 in Message Board
Dated : April 02, 1999 at 10:59:34 EST
Subject: Re: Packing Lists
We have the same problem. The reason the line with zero quantity will not show
up on the packing slip is that the line order status for that line is still at M
aintain Deliveries since you haven't released any inventory for the line. We ha
d to modify the report.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Brian posted Message 1512 in Message Board
Dated : April 02, 1999 at 11:04:14 EST
Subject: Re: Replenishment Order Receipts
To receive replenishment orders you need to use the session Maintain Replenishme
nt Order Receipts which is in the RPL module. The session Maintain Receipts (in
the ILC module) will not work for Replenishment Orders.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Brian Vellmure posted Message 1513 in Message Board
Dated : April 02, 1999 at 11:05:10 EST
Subject: Printing Labels
Has anyone done anything with printing labels from Baan? We have a current need
to print labels for product, and/or pallets of goods. In the future, we will mov
e toward bar code labels. I know that there are label printing programs availabl
e (bar tender, etc.).
Has anyone found a way to print from Baan directly through an interface, or othe
r wise?
Thanks for your help,

***************** End Of Article ******************

Ycchan posted Message 1514 in Message Board
Dated : April 04, 1999 at 03:28:48 EST
Subject: 1 packing slip 1 invoice basis
Can we print sales invoice based on packing slip number without immediately prin
t sales invoice right after packing slip? In other word, customer may receive on
e invoice for each packing slip or Delivery Order they receive. If they receive
2 D/O, 2 invoices should be issued to them instead of 1 summary invoice.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Polly posted Message 1515 in Message Board
Dated : April 04, 1999 at 19:01:32 EST
Subject: Re: freight charges on sales invoice
: Hi Tina,
: You need to define a "cost" type item called "freight", then add a line to you
r sales order for "freight". You'll deliver it then it will show up on the invoi
: John

***************** End Of Article ******************

Polly posted Message 1516 in Message Board
Dated : April 04, 1999 at 19:06:00 EST
Subject: Re: freight charges on sales invoice
: Hi Tina,
: You need to define a "cost" type item called "freight", then add a line to you
r sales order for "freight". You'll deliver it then it will show up on the invoi
: John
Tina, John is correct but many times when entering the cost item for freight, th
e total freight charges are not known. (probably isn't determined until time of
shipping)The shipper can either go back into the order and add the cost line ite
m prior to maintaining deliveries or there in a session under the invoicing fold
er called change prices/discounts after delivery. In this session, the user sees
all the line items and can change the price. The line item must exist. So at sa
les order entry time enter a "zero" cost line then maintain prior to invoicing.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Thermo posted Message 1517 in Message Board
Dated : April 06, 1999 at 07:49:05 EST
Subject: Deleting Warehouses

I am trying to delete obsolete warehouses from Baan IV. I have archived all item
/warehouse/issue information as well as purchase and production orders. When I t
ry to delete the warehouse the system says "operation cancelled". What is stoppi
ng the deletion? I have no Bills of distribution or references in BOMs.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Margo Kates posted Message 1518 in Message Board
Dated : April 06, 1999 at 10:21:34 EST
Subject: BOL only priints 10 lines???
We are an automotive supplier. The trading partners require the packing informa
tion on the BOL with each SO line item. We have found a way to enter more than
10 lines into the BOL in Baan, you enter 10 lines, save and exit and then go and
insert more lines. We CANNOT figure out how to print more than 10 lines and ca
lls to other clients who have tried to workaround this have proven futile. Is t
here ANYONE out there who has worked around this that could share the informatio
n? PLEASE :-))))
PS - We can see all the lines we have entered in the Baan tables, even though th
ere are more than 10, we just can't print.
THANKS in advance for any possible help.
Margo Kates vm (800)759-2250 X3371
work(814)781-4448 or 781-4456
***************** End Of Article ******************
Dimitris Tzanakakis posted Message 1519 in Message Board
Dated : April 06, 1999 at 10:33:06 EST
Subject: How can I move an item from Inspection location to another location?
Hello everybody,
I am facing the following problem. I have run a purchase order with inspection i
n a location controlled warehouse and the item I received is stuck in inspection
location as inventory on hold and I cannot move it from there.
I generated an inbound advice but there was no advice for the item under inspect
Then I tried to move the inventory via an inventory transaction, but then again
the system does not allow me to do this transaction, because inventory is on hol
Does anybody know how I can change the status of the inventory from on hold to o
n hand or how I can move the inventory to another location?
Thanking you in advance,
Dimitris Tzanakakis
***************** End Of Article ******************
Dominique Lenoir posted Message 1520 in Message Board
Dated : April 06, 1999 at 10:42:12 EST
Subject: Re: URGENT!
EDI / select data from aditional table /External EDI

The fields that can be used in EDI are programmed into DLLs (in Baan IV and Trit
on). The Purchase order out is generated through tdpurdll4280. The source code s
hould be modified if the table is not already included in it.
Dominique Lenoir
: I'm preparing a Purchase Order for external EDI. Mostly I choose fields from t
he tdpur040 and tdpur041. Also from the tiitm001. This works quite good.
: I have a problem to get data from a additional table, that we added to the tab
le item data (tiitm001, reference form 001 to this tabel exists).
: If I choose a field of this added table in the EDI conversion list no or wrong
data is selected. Fields from tiitm001 (e.g. dsca) are selected but not from th
e added table.
: Has anyone a clue what I'm doing wrong or how such fields could be selected.
: And has anyone a defaults.edi file for fixed length for me??
: This is very important for me!!

***************** End Of Article ******************

Merv Carr posted Message 1521 in Message Board
Dated : April 06, 1999 at 10:44:12 EST
Subject: Re: How can I move an item from Inspection location to another location
To rule out the obvious, have you "approved" the PO line in the session "Maintai
n Approvals"? Until you do that, if you try to outbound, the only place it can g
o to is a "normal" location which is flagged as "inspection" (as opposed to a "R
eceipt/Inspection" location), but until it is approved it will remain as "on hol
: Hello everybody,
: I am facing the following problem. I have run a purchase order with inspection
in a location controlled warehouse and the item I received is stuck in inspecti
on location as inventory on hold and I cannot move it from there.
: I generated an inbound advice but there was no advice for the item under inspe
: Then I tried to move the inventory via an inventory transaction, but then agai
n the system does not allow me to do this transaction, because inventory is on h
: Does anybody know how I can change the status of the inventory from on hold to
on hand or how I can move the inventory to another location?
: Thanking you in advance,
: Dimitris Tzanakakis

***************** End Of Article ******************

Dimitris Tzanakakis posted Message 1522 in Message Board
Dated : April 06, 1999 at 11:29:55 EST
Subject: Re: How can I move an item from Inspection location to another location

: To rule out the obvious, have you "approved" the PO line in the session "Maint
ain Approvals"? Until you do that, if you try to outbound, the only place it can
go to is a "normal" location which is flagged as "inspection" (as opposed to a
"Receipt/Inspection" location), but until it is approved it will remain as "on h
I do have approved all the quantity in the Maintain Approvals session!!!
***************** End Of Article ******************
David Elliott posted Message 1523 in Message Board
Dated : April 06, 1999 at 12:03:02 EST
Subject: Re: How can I move an item from Inspection location to another location
: Hello everybody,
: I am facing the following problem. I have run a purchase order with inspection
in a location controlled warehouse and the item I received is stuck in inspecti
on location as inventory on hold and I cannot move it from there.
: I generated an inbound advice but there was no advice for the item under inspe
: Then I tried to move the inventory via an inventory transaction, but then agai
n the system does not allow me to do this transaction, because inventory is on h
: Does anybody know how I can change the status of the inventory from on hold to
on hand or how I can move the inventory to another location?
: Thanking you in advance,
: Dimitris Tzanakakis
If you have maintained approvals successfully, then the inventory will now be a
vailable to move to a normal stocking location. However when you generate inboun
d, you must set the order type to Inventory Transfer. This will then create the
inbound. If you are still having problems, then you could set the parameter "Pri
nt Inbound Advice Steps" to yes, and retry. You can the print the steps, which s
hould explain why no locations are suitable for the item in question
***************** End Of Article ******************
Adrian Frost posted Message 1524 in Message Board
Dated : April 06, 1999 at 12:09:02 EST
Subject: Deleting a sales order raised using the proforma order type
We have a number of customers who pay on receipt of a proforma invoice, before g
oods are shipped. We are using standard Baan functionality - the proforma order
If a customer chooses not to pay the proforma invoice and cancels the order we c
annot delete the order from the system. This means that there is a continual de
mand through MRP which we can do nothing about.
Does anyone have any suggestions as to how to delete the order? (We have logged
a call with Baan who have come up with an unacceptable workaround).
***************** End Of Article ******************

Margo Kates posted Message 1525 in Message Board

Dated : April 06, 1999 at 14:57:02 EST
Subject: Re: How can I move an item from Inspection location to another location
If you can maintain the approvals through the "fast approval" process it works b
etter. Select the line you want to approve. Go up to applications, do fast app
roval. Then generate inbound advice and release the inbound advice. You should
get a message "no data found". If you can't do the fast approval, there is a w
ay around it. E-mail me back if you need more help.
: : To rule out the obvious, have you "approved" the PO line in the session "Mai
ntain Approvals"? Until you do that, if you try to outbound, the only place it c
an go to is a "normal" location which is flagged as "inspection" (as opposed to
a "Receipt/Inspection" location), but until it is approved it will remain as "on
: I do have approved all the quantity in the Maintain Approvals session!!!

***************** End Of Article ******************

Dan Felack posted Message 1526 in Message Board
Dated : April 06, 1999 at 16:04:38 EST
Subject: Re: freight charges on sales invoice
One other useful tip. If you are shipping a partial order, have the personnel d
oing the shipping show one (1) freight shipped and one (1) freight back ordered.
This will save you from having to add another line on your sales order. Remem
ber to maintain and confirm the back order.

: : Hi Tina,
: : You need to define a "cost" type item called "freight", then add a line to y
our sales order for "freight". You'll deliver it then it will show up on the inv
: : John

***************** End Of Article ******************

Fan posted Message 1527 in Message Board
Dated : April 06, 1999 at 16:12:15 EST
Subject: Re: How can I move an item from Inspection location to another location
When you generate inbound advice for an inspected item, do not forget that you m
ust generate for an Inventory Transfer, not a Purchase Order.
Let us know the solution.

A Fan
: Hello everybody,
: I am facing the following problem. I have run a purchase order with inspection
in a location controlled warehouse and the item I received is stuck in inspecti
on location as inventory on hold and I cannot move it from there.
: I generated an inbound advice but there was no advice for the item under inspe
: Then I tried to move the inventory via an inventory transaction, but then agai
n the system does not allow me to do this transaction, because inventory is on h
: Does anybody know how I can change the status of the inventory from on hold to
on hand or how I can move the inventory to another location?
: Thanking you in advance,
: Dimitris Tzanakakis

***************** End Of Article ******************

Genie posted Message 1528 in Message Board
Dated : April 06, 1999 at 22:45:48 EST
Subject: Re: Deleting Warehouses
: I am trying to delete obsolete warehouses from Baan IV. I have archived all it
em/warehouse/issue information as well as purchase and production orders. When I
try to delete the warehouse the system says "operation cancelled". What is stop
ping the deletion? I have no Bills of distribution or references in BOMs.
First off, have your tools persons run a session (not sure the name) to see wher
e this field is used. See if anything has this field active with the entry you
are trying to delete. Also do this for history. It can be performed via unix se
arches, I am sure of this ... but somewhere, in your current database, this ware
house is being utilized.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Genie posted Message 1529 in Message Board
Dated : April 06, 1999 at 22:50:22 EST
: Is there any table (or a session) which stores all transactions against a item
with value information of that transaction. I had gone through the table tdinv7
00, but it doesn't have the value information. I am using BaaN IV b2.
There is a session in Inventory, I believe it's either reports or history, which
by time period, you can see values, quantity, po / sls order/ prod order.. etc,
where an item was issued. I beleive the session is called Inventory Valuation
.. but it does give you the values of the transaction, this I will say !
***************** End Of Article ******************
Marcus Cooman posted Message 1530 in Message Board
Dated : April 07, 1999 at 02:21:43 EST
Subject: Demand Forecasting and Annual Issue

Using session tdinv4230m000 (Baan IVc4) we can calculate the expected annual iss
ue for an item. Allowing Baan to update the 'Annual Issue' in the Item Master, I
would have expected Baan to fill in the same quantity as we find on the printed
form that goes with the session run. On that form the 'Annual Issue' is printed
, but apparently the two fields (one on the form, the other in the Item Master)
which carry the same name have a different meaning. Could anyone explain to me w
hat exactly they mean and how they are calculated ?
Marcus R. Cooman
***************** End Of Article ******************
Wilfred posted Message 1531 in Message Board
Dated : April 07, 1999 at 02:40:09 EST
Subject: Shelf live
Is it possible to make a relationship between Process and Manufacturing by means
of the shelf period of an item?
We are not looking for a solution with lot tracking.
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nandkumar posted Message 1532 in Message Board
Dated : April 07, 1999 at 05:20:59 EST
Subject: Purchase Requisitions bug
Hi !
I am running BIVc3..which has the Purch Req. module. I am unabme to open the Mai
ntiain System Parameters(tdprq0100m000)
session within this module. Does anyone know of a fix for this ?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Dimitris Tzanakakis posted Message 1533 in Message Board
Dated : April 07, 1999 at 05:27:37 EST
Subject: Found what went wrong
Hello everybody,
First of all thank you for your feedback. Actually you were right. Items should
be moved from the inspection location via the generation of inbound advice. But,
I had some parameters in Maintain ILC parameters misdefined and furthermore I h
ad maintained some storage conditions that did not allow for the items to be tra
nsfered to any other locations than the inspection location.
In a few words, the way I had set up the system, there was no location suitable
for transfering the goods from the inspection location.
Again thanks for your feedback
***************** End Of Article ******************
Tomca posted Message 1534 in Message Board

Dated : April 07, 1999 at 07:29:48 EST

Subject: Return orders with lot control
Hi !!
I'm using Lot Control and return orders. When I'm executing the Outbound ("negat
ive", outbound with return orders), Baan asks for a lot number to associate with
the quantity being "negatively" extracted from the ubications (in fact, the qua
ntity will be introduced into the warehouse). If i select an existing lot (say,
the lot has stock) it works well: The goods are shown in the stock. The problem
appears when the original lot from wich the quantity to be returned belongs to h
as already dissapeared (the whole lot has been sold, and i don't have an existin
g lot to relate with the returned goods).
The lots to be selected in the Outbound Session must have stock, so:
How can i create a lot without stock to be selected in the Outbound Session?
How can i solve this problem with return orders'
***************** End Of Article ******************
Merv Carr posted Message 1535 in Message Board
Dated : April 07, 1999 at 09:05:44 EST
Subject: Re: How can I move an item from Inspection location to another location
Interesting point you make about the fast approvals. I ran into the same problem
at my client site wherby the fast approval would remove the "on-hold" flag, but
the normal "maintain approval" session wouldn't. Accordingly the inbound advice
wouldn't work either. Thought maybe we had a glitch caused by some customisatio
ns, but if you have found the same thing then it must be a bug of sorts.
: If you can maintain the approvals through the "fast approval" process it works
better. Select the line you want to approve. Go up to applications, do fast a
pproval. Then generate inbound advice and release the inbound advice. You shou
ld get a message "no data found". If you can't do the fast approval, there is a
way around it. E-mail me back if you need more help.
: : : To rule out the obvious, have you "approved" the PO line in the session "M
aintain Approvals"? Until you do that, if you try to outbound, the only place it
can go to is a "normal" location which is flagged as "inspection" (as opposed t
o a "Receipt/Inspection" location), but until it is approved it will remain as "
on hold".
: : I do have approved all the quantity in the Maintain Approvals session!!!

***************** End Of Article ******************

Wilfred posted Message 1536 in Message Board
Dated : April 07, 1999 at 11:04:13 EST
Subject: Shelf life
We like to make use of the shelf-live functionality. After some investigation af
ter the functionality of shelf-live we have one big question left.

We produce paint wich has a limited shelf live of 1 year.

We produce lager amounts of paint in one batch. This paint has a shelf live of 1
This paint is put on stock in large containers. After three months we repack som
e of this paint in smaller containers and put thgose on finished goods inventory
. The shelf live of these goods is normaly one year.
Since the quality of the paint counts we would like to have the shelf-live corre
cted from 12 months to 9 months because the paint is already three months old. T
he problem is that we cannot tell how long paint normaly is put on stock before
re-packaging. Is Baan capable to handle these kind of situations?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Arif posted Message 1537 in Message Board
Dated : April 07, 1999 at 16:00:55 EST
Subject: Re: URGENT!
EDI / select data from aditional table /External EDI
: I'm preparing a Purchase Order for external EDI. Mostly I choose fields from t
he tdpur040 and tdpur041. Also from the tiitm001. This works quite good.
: I have a problem to get data from a additional table, that we added to the tab
le item data (tiitm001, reference form 001 to this tabel exists).
: If I choose a field of this added table in the EDI conversion list no or wrong
data is selected. Fields from tiitm001 (e.g. dsca) are selected but not from th
e added table.
: Has anyone a clue what I'm doing wrong or how such fields could be selected.
: And has anyone a defaults.edi file for fixed length for me??
: This is very important for me!!
We have same issue here. What we are doing is adding additional fields to existi
ng tables. Answer to your question is add these new fields to tiitm001. Maintain
in a new session. Then attach the new fields to the EDI transaction.
Hope this helps.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Merv Carr posted Message 1538 in Message Board
Dated : April 07, 1999 at 16:06:03 EST
Subject: Found the answer to my problem also
THis is what I eventually found out (Thanks for the reminder Margo)
The answer is deceptively simple and goes as follows. If you define a separate "
Inspection" location in the warehouse, then after receipt you will generate and
release the inbound, which will then move the item to the "inspection" location.
(The transaction type is "Purchase order" in "Generate Inbound").
Once the item is approved, you will then generate another inbound, which then mo
ves the item to a "normal" storage location. (The key in this case, which was el
uding me all along, is the transaction type which must be "Inventory Transfer")
If the above procedure is too lengthy, then omit the creation of
nspection" location, and do the approval while the item is still
/inspection" location, the key to success in this case though is
e transaction type "inventory transfer". This will then move the
Insp" location to normal storage. This is the step I got hung up

the separate "I

in the "receipt
to still use th
item from "rec/

Hope this helps to clarify things further.

Merv Carr
***************** End Of Article ******************
SLK posted Message 1539 in Message Board
Dated : April 08, 1999 at 00:30:13 EST
Subject: Re: Return orders with lot control
This sounds like a bug to me. Have you reported this to Baan?
: Hi !!
: I'm using Lot Control and return orders. When I'm executing the Outbound ("neg
ative", outbound with return orders), Baan asks for a lot number to associate wi
th the quantity being "negatively" extracted from the ubications (in fact, the q
uantity will be introduced into the warehouse). If i select an existing lot (say
, the lot has stock) it works well: The goods are shown in the stock. The proble
m appears when the original lot from wich the quantity to be returned belongs to
has already dissapeared (the whole lot has been sold, and i don't have an exist
ing lot to relate with the returned goods).
: The lots to be selected in the Outbound Session must have stock, so:
: How can i create a lot without stock to be selected in the Outbound Session?
: How can i solve this problem with return orders'

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Tomca posted Message 1540 in Message Board
Dated : April 08, 1999 at 06:26:13 EST
Subject: Back orders date
Hi !!
This is another question: When i've delivered one part of the total quantity to
be sold i've a back order.I want to communicate the planned delivery date of th
e back order to the costumer but i can't find a way to do that.
Thank you all!!
***************** End Of Article ******************
Tomca posted Message 1541 in Message Board
Dated : April 08, 1999 at 06:32:13 EST
Subject: Re: Return orders with lot control
: This sounds like a bug to me. Have you reported this to Baan?
Thank you, but i don't think it's a bug, because you can't select a lot you don'
t have in stock. Maybe my question could be more general: How do you manage with
return orders and lot control (say, creating the order, receiving the goods, st
ocking them, and
invoicing, always using lots)

Thank you again !!

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Yannick Thebault posted Message 1542 in Message Board
Dated : April 08, 1999 at 10:13:21 EST
Subject: BW login dialog box appears when running tdsls4404m000
Hi Baan Fans,
When I'm using session tdsls4404m000 ("Print sales invoices"), if the field "Pro
cess delivered orders sales" is set to "Yes" then the BW login dialog box appear
s and the session tdsls4404m000 hangs.
Now, the session tdsls4223m000 ("Process delivered sales orders") doesn't work.
note : We doesn't use the performances boosters
Thanks in advance.
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Brian posted Message 1543 in Message Board
Dated : April 08, 1999 at 12:29:50 EST
Subject: Proforma Invoicing Functionality
I see numerous items in here discussing printing proforma invoices, attaching an
advance receipt, maintaining an advance receipt. . .
My question is - what is the intended functionality of print proforma invoice?
we are trying to use it for one department to be able to print out a proforma (p
reliminary) invoice before billing prints the final invoice. Due to security re
asons we want them to do this through the Print Proforma Invoice session and not
by changing Final Invoice to No in Print Sales Invoices.
There is no advance receipt, we don't want to process anything through finance,
it is only a view.
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baan fan posted Message 1544 in Message Board
Dated : April 08, 1999 at 13:08:10 EST
Subject: Re: Proforma Invoicing Functionality
The intent of proforma invoicing is that cash is received prior to actually
ping the goods. A couple of the differences with using an order type with a
orma invoicing step is that you must create a receipt schedule in the sales
r header, the system will not let you maintain deliveries until the cash is
ived and linked to the proforma invoice, etc


I see numerous items in here discussing printing proforma invoices, attaching a
n advance receipt, maintaining an advance receipt. . .
: My question is - what is the intended functionality of print proforma invoice?
we are trying to use it for one department to be able to print out a proforma
(preliminary) invoice before billing prints the final invoice. Due to security
reasons we want them to do this through the Print Proforma Invoice session and n

ot by changing Final Invoice to No in Print Sales Invoices.

: There is no advance receipt, we don't want to process anything through finance
, it is only a view.

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Lambert posted Message 1545 in Message Board
Dated : April 09, 1999 at 12:23:23 EST
Subject: Re: Transportation with EDI: not for use in multi-company
as far as I know EDI in Baan-Transportation can only be used
by a forwarder itself. You can receive a transport order
by EDI and send the transport order acknowledgement. The same applies for outbou
nd and inbound orders. In standard Baan there
is no possibility for creating transport order EDI messages or
receiving the transport order acknowledgement messages. Perhaps
it is possible by sending the sales order acknowledgement message, but I do noty
know this for sure.
Regards, Lambert

***************** End Of Article ******************

Vernon Anderson posted Message 1546 in Message Board
Dated : April 09, 1999 at 13:19:25 EST
Subject: Re: Discount only part of line item price.
: KVR:
: The unit price of $10.00 will appear on all documents. This client knows "in
his head" that $1.00 of that $10.00 is actually the cost of delivering the item.
So, he wants the discount applied to only the $9.00 of the actual item's price
. He does not want the discount applied to the $1.00 delivery cost.
: Thank you for your time.
I have seen this situation in the past and have usually sugegsted to my clients
that they NOT include the freight cost in the price. The main reason for not do
ing it is that the freight cost can vary with the customer to whom the item is b
eing sold. If the customer is close then the $1.00 is OK but if the customer is
further away, then the cost could be more.
Also, how does he distribute these costs in the GL?


What is the price that is displayed once you enter the

item at the line level whether it is $9 or $10.Your
requirement is not clear , can you elaborate with example

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Baan posted Message 1547 in Message Board
Dated : April 09, 1999 at 13:39:02 EST
Subject: EDI &quot;Printing&quot;
When we are setting up EDI etc. and entering a PO, when we go to Print Purchase
Orders, for the Device type, do we need to select any particular device type to
be able to facilitate EDI processing?
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Jason posted Message 1548 in Message Board
Dated : April 09, 1999 at 14:28:59 EST
Subject: Re: EDI &quot;Printing&quot;
: When we are setting up EDI etc. and entering a PO, when we go to Print Purchas
e Orders, for the Device type, do we need to select any particular device type t
o be able to facilitate EDI processing?
No, you do not need to select any particular device to facilitate the processing
. If your settings are correct then you should get a message like "New EDI Messa
ges have been prepared" no matter what device you choose. Whether or not you act
ually get a paper report is dependant on the your setting in "Maintain EDI Messa
ges Supported by Relations" where you indicate if you would like a paper copy IN
ADDITION TO the electronic message. Hope this helps.
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Ravindra H S posted Message 1549 in Message Board
Dated : April 10, 1999 at 01:10:51 EST
Subject: Purchase order acknowledgement registration
We are implementing BaaN IVC3. I would like to know is there any scope for regis
tring the purchase order acknowledgements. We need this to be a mandatory step f
or all imports purchase orders and unless purchase order is acknowledged, paymen
t activities cannot happen. Purchase contract acknowledgement is supported and I
could not see any information about purchase order acknowledgement.
Is it possible in BaaN?
Can any one thro' some idea in this regards
Thanx in advance!
***************** End Of Article ******************
Ravindra HS posted Message 1550 in Message Board
Dated : April 10, 1999 at 01:31:51 EST
Subject: Imports module in India Localisation
I would like to know whether Supply chain purchase control can be used with IMpo
rts module in India localisation. Since there is no link between these two areas

, I am interested in knowing any body using this concept. We do have specific ap

plication and any suggestion would be most useful
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Ajay K Jain posted Message 1551 in Message Board
Dated : April 12, 1999 at 00:49:52 EST
Subject: BAAN IV in a FMCG company
Dear Friends , Dabur India Ltd is FMCG company, while implementing BAAN IV we fi
nd lots of issues related to single finance, multi logistic DRP,MRP front and al
so sales schemes , automatic calculaton of invoice as per lot price / featrures
We would welcome any assistance related to any previous implementation of BAAN i
n FMCG companies ,
***************** End Of Article ******************
Brian Bodendein posted Message 1552 in Message Board
Dated : April 12, 1999 at 09:17:06 EST
Subject: Re: BOL only priints 10 lines???
We ran into the same problem with the BOL and could not find a workaround within
Baan. Our solution was to create a customized report that prints all of the SO
lines from the deliveries table.
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Brian Bodendein posted Message 1553 in Message Board
Dated : April 12, 1999 at 09:24:02 EST
Subject: Re: Printing Labels
My client is printing pallet labels directly from Baan through an interface to a
program called EasyLabel. They are also using EasyLabel to print product label
s, but this is a standalone process.
Feel free to email me your questions.
: Has anyone done anything with printing labels from Baan? We have a current nee
d to print labels for product, and/or pallets of goods. In the future, we will m
ove toward bar code labels. I know that there are label printing programs availa
ble (bar tender, etc.).
: Has anyone found a way to print from Baan directly through an interface, or ot
her wise?
: Thanks for your help,
: Brian

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Phil posted Message 1554 in Message Board
Dated : April 13, 1999 at 05:29:32 EST
Subject: sch0 and sch1
Does anyone know the difference between sch0 and sch1. I know that sch0 is the
Automotice Supply Chain extension.
Thanks in advance
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Joe Young posted Message 1555 in Message Board
Dated : April 13, 1999 at 10:05:11 EST
Subject: Invoice Problem
Has anyone ever had a problem printing sales invoices while using commissions?
I am getting an error "Not able to determine invoice for order #". I am sure th
at the problem is commission related but I can not pin down the problem. Thanks
in advance.
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Jeanne Ploshay posted Message 1556 in Message Board
Dated : April 13, 1999 at 11:18:01 EST
Subject: Re: Changes to Sales Order Headers
This problem annoyed me from day one. One thing you can do is use text to store
any information you may need to change, as Header Text is about the only thing y
ou can modify once a shipment has been made. We chose this option to store Ship
Via and Freight forwarder information, because we change this type of info all
the time. Stuff's late, customer's change their mind, material is too heavy, et
c. Changing a ship via has NOTHING to do with integrity, and it annoys me that
Baan prevents changes to this field! As far as the PO goes, we store PO inform
ation in the "Reference A" field (not the PO# field located on the last form) fo
r ease of searching by customer PO#. If stored the PO# as text, you could not d
o this. We therefore have reinforced our procedures to require very careful edit
ing of this field to help minimize typos. In the event of a mistake or customer
change, we (reluctantly) use tools ttaad4100 and make changes to the tdsls040 t
able. Hope this helps.
: Whenever there is a shipment made against a sales order or an installment is i
nvoiced, all the header information of a sales order is locked. We have need to
change customer purchase order, forwarding agent, and reference fields. Does a
nyone have a solution????

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Jeanne Ploshay posted Message 1557 in Message Board

Dated : April 13, 1999 at 11:30:07 EST
Subject: Item Revisions on Sales Orders
We manufacture standard, catalog items which our customers purchase per descript
ion. The customers do not buy per a revision, and are not even aware a revision
Internally, we have revision control turned on so we can use Baan to issue ECO
's and track any changes that are made to processes. How do we turn off the "li
nk" so that when a sales order is entered, no revision is "assigned" to the sale
s order line? We thought this was controlled by the sales order parameter "Revi
sion Control Active in Sales" but all this parameter controls is whether or not
you can change the revision from within the sales order. This is really causing
delays and extra work for everyone, as we constantly have to go in and maintain
our sales order lines to reflect the current revision prior to shipping.
Can anyone help? Thanks!
***************** End Of Article ******************
FMY posted Message 1558 in Message Board
Dated : April 13, 1999 at 21:31:08 EST
Subject: Extra purchase receipt
Baan's Maintain Receipts allows for delivered quantity > ordered quantity. Say,
a user wrongly keyed-in an extra delivered quantity for a purchase order and on
ly discovered the mistake after the PO has been approved and inbound has been ge
nerated and released. How can we cancel/maintain the receipt to the correct qua
ntity ? Anyone can help with this ?
Thank you very much in advance.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Mohan posted Message 1559 in Message Board
Dated : April 13, 1999 at 22:27:14 EST
Subject: Re: BAAN IV in a FMCG company
: Dear Friends , Dabur India Ltd is FMCG company, while implementing BAAN IV we
find lots of issues related to single finance, multi logistic DRP,MRP front and
also sales schemes , automatic calculaton of invoice as per lot price / featrur
: We would welcome any assistance related to any previous implementation of BAAN
in FMCG companies ,
: thanks
: Hi! I have experience implementing Baan for more then last 3 yr. in India and
US. Can you please specify the problems. I might be able to answer your question
***************** End Of Article ******************
Ivan Matejovic posted Message 1560 in Message Board

Dated : April 14, 1999 at 05:45:55 EST

Subject: Re: Multiple invoices per one sales order
: : I do not have the system in front of me. Please check Sales Order parameter
settings or one of the forms in Customer master (or customer delivery address).
This is not a bug.
I checked parameter parameters settings. They were O.K. What I found strange was
that in the session Display Deliveries (tdsls4531m000)there were different sale
s currency rates for the same delivery date. Each sales order line was delivered
at the same day.(parameter is set that currency depends on delivery date. What
I found next was that this was probably localisation bug because I did not find
the sales currency column in the standard version.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Ivan Matejovic posted Message 1561 in Message Board
Dated : April 14, 1999 at 06:25:01 EST
Subject: More sales invoices per one sales order
: Hello,
: I have the following problem:
: System (Baan IV c3 on AIX) sometimes prints more sales invoices per one sales
order. Actually it prints one invoice per one sales order line. I need to print
one invoice per one sales order.
: Has anybody experienced such or similar system behaviour?
: Is it a problem of incorrect parameter setting, or is it a bug?
: Thanks in advance,
: Ivan
: : : I do not have the system in front of me. Please check Sales Order paramet
er settings or one of the forms in Customer master (or customer delivery address
). This is not a bug.
I checked parameter parameters settings. They were O.K. What I found strange was
that in the session Display Deliveries (tdsls4531m000)there were different sale
s currency rates for the same delivery date. Each sales order line was delivered
at the same day.(parameter is set that currency depends on delivery date. What
I found next was that this was probably localisation bug because I did not find
the sales currency column in the standard version.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Francisco Arias posted Message 1562 in Message Board

Dated : April 14, 1999 at 06:43:03 EST

Subject: Session trpac0100m000 does not work
Hello, baan fans!
I have a rare problem in package "transport", module PAC.
When I try to execute the session trpac0100m000 (Maintain parametres PAC, table
trpac000) then session seems to start, viewing the initial window "starting sess
ion" but in one second the session logout before i can see the form. I can not l
ogin and maintain the session! What's the problem? Maybe any parametres then doe
s not allow me to start this session?
Thanks in advance
Francisco Arias, Kerney consulting
***************** End Of Article ******************
Ivan Matejovic posted Message 1563 in Message Board
Dated : April 14, 1999 at 08:36:55 EST
Subject: Re: More sales invoices per one sales order - Solution
: : Hello,
: : I have the following problem:
: : System (Baan IV c3 on AIX) sometimes prints more sales invoices per one sale
s order. Actually it prints one invoice per one sales order line. I need to prin
t one invoice per one sales order.
: : Has anybody experienced such or similar system behaviour?
: : Is it a problem of incorrect parameter setting, or is it a bug?
: : Thanks in advance,
: : Ivan
: : : : I do not have the system in front of me. Please check Sales Order param
eter settings or one of the forms in Customer master (or customer delivery addre
ss). This is not a bug.
: I checked parameter parameters settings. They were O.K. What I found strange w
as that in the session Display Deliveries (tdsls4531m000)there were different sa
les currency rates for the same delivery date. Each sales order line was deliver
ed at the same day.(parameter is set that currency depends on delivery date. Wha
t I found next was that this was probably localisation bug because I did not fin
d the sales currency column in the standard version.
: Ivan
I found solution for this problem I think.
Here it is:
The problem is that users change currency rate after delivery.

The wrong sequence looks probably like this:

1) Salesman enters 2 order lines. One for manufactured item and one cost item.
2) Salesman delivers cost item. Lets say it is 9th April.
3)Currency rate for 9th April is changed in session tcmcs0108m000.
4)Guy from expedition delivers manufactured item lets say on 14th April.
5)Salesman changes delivery date to 9th April. So he gets two delivery lines wit
h the same date but with the different currency rates.
6)When he prints invoices he gets two invoices. One invoice per each order line.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Sundeep S posted Message 1564 in Message Board
Dated : April 14, 1999 at 08:49:47 EST
Subject: Direct Deliveries in Supply Chain
Any clues on how to map the scenario of Supplier sends the goods directly to Cus
tomer in Supply Chain version? (Baan IV c2 sch 0)
What is the purpose of fields 'Third party warehouse' in Sales Contract and 'Dea
ler Direct' in Maintain Delivery Addresses.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Merv Carr posted Message 1565 in Message Board
Dated : April 14, 1999 at 08:58:29 EST
Subject: Re: Extra purchase receipt
Once you have released the inbound you have passed the point of no return. All y
ou can do at this stage is create a return PO (negative PO line). You may want t
o add the negative line to the same PO to ease tracability. (You do not have to
use a "return order" type)
Bear in mind that to "negative receive" the extra quantity, the item has to be f
irst transferred to the "REC" location.
: Baan's Maintain Receipts allows for delivered quantity > ordered quantity. Sa
y, a user wrongly keyed-in an extra delivered quantity for a purchase order and
only discovered the mistake after the PO has been approved and inbound has been
generated and released. How can we cancel/maintain the receipt to the correct q
uantity ? Anyone can help with this ?
: Thank you very much in advance.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Jason posted Message 1566 in Message Board
Dated : April 14, 1999 at 09:24:39 EST
Subject: Re: Session trpac0100m000 does not work
Somehow in the standard load of Baan some of the Transportation parameter sessio
ns do not get set up properly. You need to go into the session "Assign Tables to

Databases" (Tools/Database Mgmnt/Maintenance) and add the missing tables to a d

atabase to a database that has audit capabilities. After that do a "Convert to R
untime" and you should be ready to go. Good luck.

: Hello, baan fans!

: I have a rare problem in package "transport", module PAC.
: When I try to execute the session trpac0100m000 (Maintain parametres PAC, tabl
e trpac000) then session seems to start, viewing the initial window "starting se
ssion" but in one second the session logout before i can see the form. I can not
login and maintain the session! What's the problem? Maybe any parametres then d
oes not allow me to start this session?
: Thanks in advance
: Francisco Arias, Kerney consulting

***************** End Of Article ******************

James Kim posted Message 1567 in Message Board
Dated : April 14, 1999 at 11:32:56 EST
Subject: Bill of Lading
Is there any way possible to generate a manual bill of lading without any type o
f sales or replenishment order?
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Shakash veejay posted Message 1568 in Message Board
Dated : April 14, 1999 at 11:59:11 EST
Subject: Re: Bill of Lading
: Is there any way possible to generate a manual bill of lading without any type
of sales or replenishment order?
Yes. If you use transportation and turn on Bill of Ladings you can create a dut
ch bill of lading. However, You first need to contact Baan and request the Upda
ted 3/15/99 multinational bill of lading upgrade patch object you will be able t
o manually create a bill of lading from the zoom session in the sales order and
print it directly from there without having to go into transportation, or having
to create a sales order.
***************** End Of Article ******************
James Kim posted Message 1569 in Message Board
Dated : April 14, 1999 at 14:45:12 EST
Subject: Re: Bill of Lading
: : Is there any way possible to generate a manual bill of lading without any ty
pe of sales or replenishment order?
: Yes. If you use transportation and turn on Bill of Ladings you can create a d
utch bill of lading. However, You first need to contact Baan and request the Up

dated 3/15/99 multinational bill of lading upgrade patch object you will be able
to manually create a bill of lading from the zoom session in the sales order an
d print it directly from there without having to go into transportation, or havi
ng to create a sales order.
Thank you so much for the solution! I will call and request the object and test
the scenario.
***************** End Of Article ******************
FMY posted Message 1570 in Message Board
Dated : April 14, 1999 at 21:26:32 EST
Subject: Re: Extra purchase receipt
Thanks for the tip.
I've tried Maintain Receipts for a negative PO quantity. However, the delivered
quantity (tdpur045.dqua) became double the packing slip quantity (tdpur045.diqu
). Why does it happen that way ?
: Once you have released the inbound you have passed the point of no return. All
you can do at this stage is create a return PO (negative PO line). You may want
to add the negative line to the same PO to ease tracability. (You do not have t
o use a "return order" type)
: Bear in mind that to "negative receive" the extra quantity, the item has to be
first transferred to the "REC" location.
: : Baan's Maintain Receipts allows for delivered quantity > ordered quantity.
Say, a user wrongly keyed-in an extra delivered quantity for a purchase order an
d only discovered the mistake after the PO has been approved and inbound has bee
n generated and released. How can we cancel/maintain the receipt to the correct
quantity ? Anyone can help with this ?
: : Thank you very much in advance.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Francisco Arias posted Message 1571 in Message Board
Dated : April 15, 1999 at 05:41:33 EST
Subject: Re: Session trpac0100m000 does not work
A lot of thanks, Mr Jason, the problem is over!

***************** End Of Article ******************

Merv Carr posted Message 1572 in Message Board
Dated : April 15, 1999 at 10:16:41 EST
Subject: Re: Extra purchase receipt
No tit shouldn't happen that way. Just tested it out again taking careful notice

of the table fields you mention but couldn't duplicate the error you mention. P
erhaps you could elaborate with the exact procedure you are following ?
: Thanks for the tip.
: I've tried Maintain Receipts for a negative PO quantity. However, the deliver
ed quantity (tdpur045.dqua) became double the packing slip quantity (tdpur045.di
qu). Why does it happen that way ?
: : Once you have released the inbound you have passed the point of no return. A
ll you can do at this stage is create a return PO (negative PO line). You may wa
nt to add the negative line to the same PO to ease tracability. (You do not have
to use a "return order" type)
: : Bear in mind that to "negative receive" the extra quantity, the item has to
be first transferred to the "REC" location.
: :
: : : Baan's Maintain Receipts allows for delivered quantity > ordered quantity.
Say, a user wrongly keyed-in an extra delivered quantity for a purchase order
and only discovered the mistake after the PO has been approved and inbound has b
een generated and released. How can we cancel/maintain the receipt to the corre
ct quantity ? Anyone can help with this ?
: : : Thank you very much in advance.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Farhad Saloojee posted Message 1573 in Message Board
Dated : April 15, 1999 at 12:14:45 EST
Subject: Cost Items, ABC analysis...How to handle?
I have a problem with the way cost items are treated. Let me explain...
A cost item when purchased can be costed to a ledger account. How do I handle it
if I buy a cost item and keep it in stock and then later issue it to a cost cen
tre (i.e. on use). Is an inventory adjustment the only way of handling this, or
is there some other
If I use inventory adjustments, I cannot obtain results from an ABC analysis nor
do I have any hardcopy that the items were issued to the persons (department).
I also do
not get a cumulative (Graph) as with issues.
Please help with this issue...What am I doing wrong?

***************** End Of Article ******************

finance posted Message 1574 in Message Board

Dated : April 15, 1999 at 13:04:29 EST
Subject: Re: Cost Items, ABC analysis...How to handle?
: Hi
: I have a problem with the way cost items are treated. Let me explain...
: A cost item when purchased can be costed to a ledger account. How do I handle
it if I buy a cost item and keep it in stock and then later issue it to a cost c
entre (i.e. on use). Is an inventory adjustment the only way of handling this, o
r is there some other
The item should not be a cost item if you are going to inventory it. Cost items
are typically expensed items only which are not inventoriable. Your item proba
bly should be a purchased item if you are going to inventory it.
: way?
: If I use inventory adjustments, I cannot obtain results from an ABC analysis n
or do I have any hardcopy that the items were issued to the persons (department)
. I also do
: not get a cumulative (Graph) as with issues.
: Please help with this issue...What am I doing wrong?
: ______________________
: Farhad

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Genie posted Message 1575 in Message Board
Dated : April 15, 1999 at 21:41:39 EST
Subject: Re: Item Revisions on Sales Orders
: We manufacture standard, catalog items which our customers purchase per descri
ption. The customers do not buy per a revision, and are not even aware a revisi
on exists!
: Internally, we have revision control turned on so we can use Baan to issue E
CO's and track any changes that are made to processes. How do we turn off the "
link" so that when a sales order is entered, no revision is "assigned" to the sa
les order line? We thought this was controlled by the sales order parameter "Re
vision Control Active in Sales" but all this parameter controls is whether or no
t you can change the revision from within the sales order. This is really causi
ng delays and extra work for everyone, as we constantly have to go in and mainta
in our sales order lines to reflect the current revision prior to shipping.
: Can anyone help? Thanks!
: Jeanne
Form 3, I believe, also says whether a revision is printed on the sales order.
Turn that off, as well. Then no revision is printed.
***************** End Of Article ******************
FMY posted Message 1576 in Message Board

Dated : April 15, 1999 at 22:43:34 EST

Subject: Re: Extra purchase receipt
I've created a purchase order line with negative order quantity (not Return Orde
r Type)(eg. -10). In our system, ILC is implemented. 10 units of item is trans
ferred to REC location.
In Maintain Receipts, packing slip qty is keyed-in as -10. In subsession Mainta
in Receipts(ILC), both inventory and storage units are maintained as -10. Once
this subsession is ended by pressing 'E', the delivered quantity in Maintain Rec
eipts became -20.
Does this happen because of some parameter settings ?
Would appreciate any help on this.
Thank you.

: No tit shouldn't happen that way. Just tested it out again taking careful noti
ce of the table fields you mention but couldn't duplicate the error you mention.
Perhaps you could elaborate with the exact procedure you are following ?
: : Thanks for the tip.
: : I've tried Maintain Receipts for a negative PO quantity. However, the deliv
ered quantity (tdpur045.dqua) became double the packing slip quantity (tdpur045.
diqu). Why does it happen that way ?
: : : Once you have released the inbound you have passed the point of no return.
All you can do at this stage is create a return PO (negative PO line). You may
want to add the negative line to the same PO to ease tracability. (You do not ha
ve to use a "return order" type)
: : : Bear in mind that to "negative receive" the extra quantity, the item has t
o be first transferred to the "REC" location.
: : :
: : : : Baan's Maintain Receipts allows for delivered quantity > ordered quantit
y. Say, a user wrongly keyed-in an extra delivered quantity for a purchase orde
r and only discovered the mistake after the PO has been approved and inbound has
been generated and released. How can we cancel/maintain the receipt to the cor
rect quantity ? Anyone can help with this ?
: : : : Thank you very much in advance.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Fran. A.Arnedo posted Message 1577 in Message Board
Dated : April 16, 1999 at 05:40:03 EST
Subject: Multiple invoicing per one purchase order
Hello, baanfans, we have a problem that seems "little"
We want to invoice a % of the amount of the purchase order to the supplier ( of
the order) and a second % to another supplier (transport supplier) but he haven'

t got any order. ( We don't use the transport module)

Is it possible to link two invoices to one purchase order?
Or do we need to do this by us (developing)?
Thanks for all.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Merv Carr posted Message 1578 in Message Board
Dated : April 16, 1999 at 09:32:36 EST
Subject: Re: Extra purchase receipt
You state that when you maintain (neg) receipts, you go into the subsession "Mai
ntain Receipts(ILC). This would imply that there is an alternative unit defined
for the item. You also state that you enter both the "Storage" and "Inventory" u
nits as -10. If there is a conversion factor (say .5) between the storage and in
ventory units, that would then have the effect you describe (If the user is over
riding the qty on the Inventory unit in the session "Maintain Receipts (ILC)). F
ollowing this scenario I have just described I can duplicate your problem.
Perhaps therefore, make sure that you are not overriding the Inventory unit when
maintaining receipts and also check what is the conversion factor between the i
nventory and storage units.
: I've created a purchase order line with negative order quantity (not Return Or
der Type)(eg. -10). In our system, ILC is implemented. 10 units of item is tra
nsferred to REC location.
: In Maintain Receipts, packing slip qty is keyed-in as -10. In subsession Main
tain Receipts(ILC), both inventory and storage units are maintained as -10. Onc
e this subsession is ended by pressing 'E', the delivered quantity in Maintain R
eceipts became -20.
: Does this happen because of some parameter settings ?
: Would appreciate any help on this.
: Thank you.
: : No tit shouldn't happen that way. Just tested it out again taking careful no
tice of the table fields you mention but couldn't duplicate the error you mentio
n. Perhaps you could elaborate with the exact procedure you are following ?
: : : Thanks for the tip.
: : : I've tried Maintain Receipts for a negative PO quantity. However, the del
ivered quantity (tdpur045.dqua) became double the packing slip quantity (tdpur04
5.diqu). Why does it happen that way ?
: : : : Once you have released the inbound you have passed the point of no retur
n. All you can do at this stage is create a return PO (negative PO line). You ma
y want to add the negative line to the same PO to ease tracability. (You do not
have to use a "return order" type)
: : : : Bear in mind that to "negative receive" the extra quantity, the item has
to be first transferred to the "REC" location.
: : : :
: : : : : Baan's Maintain Receipts allows for delivered quantity > ordered quant

ity. Say, a user wrongly keyed-in an extra delivered quantity for a purchase or
der and only discovered the mistake after the PO has been approved and inbound h
as been generated and released. How can we cancel/maintain the receipt to the c
orrect quantity ? Anyone can help with this ?
: : : : : Thank you very much in advance.

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Merv Carr posted Message 1579 in Message Board
Dated : April 16, 1999 at 09:37:41 EST
Subject: Re: Special price program
If you could make the special price program qty driven, then you could make use
of contracts to drive the pricing i.e. when the customer exceeds the contract qt
y, then revert to normal pricing.
: I am trying to implement a special price program where a customer can order a
specific dollar amount of certain items (thinking of using price group to group
these items) each month without being charged for it. Once that dollar limit is
exceeded during the course of the month of orders, the items will be charged at
the price assigned to that customer.
: Any suggestions on how to handle this in Baan 4c3?
: Tx

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Sly posted Message 1580 in Message Board
Dated : April 16, 1999 at 15:48:04 EST
Does anyone know why BaaN generate automatically INBOUND ones in a while but alw
ays at 23:59:59 for some parts.
We notice that is appening for no reason on some parts that we received at the r
eceiving dept. on the same day.
It is not always on the same supplier !
It is not always on the same parts !
We look in the Job Management module and there is nothing running around this ti
Thanks for your help !

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Gene Phares posted Message 1581 in Message Board
Dated : April 19, 1999 at 01:12:06 EST

Subject: Need Price/Discount Quote Form

My users want a form where they can enter a customer number, an item number, and
a quantity and have Baan return the price, discount, and the level where it cam
e from -- essentially what the customer will pay for the item assuming no order
discounts. Currently, they enter the order with the item, get the price and then
delete the order. There's got to be a better way. Does Baan have anything like
this? Is there at least a better workaround?
Gene Phares
***************** End Of Article ******************
Gene Phares posted Message 1582 in Message Board
Dated : April 19, 1999 at 01:42:13 EST
Subject: Re: Consignment Sales Orders
We set up each of our external sales force as a separate warehouse and treat all
consignment sales as a warehouse transfer. When the item is resold to the enduser, it is treated as a regular order but shipped from a different warehouse th
an our standard finished goods warehouse. It also allows us to track consignmen
t by running the standard warehouse reports. Hope the idea helps.
Gene Phares
: Hello. Is there anyone who has experience in setting up Consignment Sales Ord
ers in Baan IVc? We'd like to be able to create consignment orders where paymen
t is not received from the customer until the product is sold. Can anyone comme
nt. Thanks.

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kumar posted Message 1583 in Message Board
Dated : April 19, 1999 at 03:11:45 EST
Subject: Suggestion pls on location control
Hi everybody,
I am prsently working in a single finance, multi logistic company environment. C
an I have suggestion on the following.
Frankly I do not want to have location control. But every unit has two or three
warehouses attached to it. I need to maintain the inspection approval, rejection
as well as approved stock areas. In that case
1. Can I define the warehouses as inspection ware house, approved ware house, et
c to each unit and store the material in respective ware houses at respective st
2. Alternatively, within the ware house, I define the locations as inspection, r
eceipt etc and transfer. In this case, will the transfer of goods from one locat
ion to another location is atomatic on completion of the transaction?
i want a simple way by which i can have inspection, rejection, approved ware hou

ses without the hassle of location control being implemented.

Thanks /regards
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Merv Carr posted Message 1584 in Message Board
Dated : April 19, 1999 at 09:17:12 EST
Subject: Re: Need Price/Discount Quote Form
If you are on BaanIV or earlier (dunno about ERP), go to Sales/Sales Orders/Misc
el. There you will find the session "Simulate calculation of price and discount"
. From what you describe, that should do exactly what you are asking for.
: My users want a form where they can enter a customer number, an item number, a
nd a quantity and have Baan return the price, discount, and the level where it c
ame from -- essentially what the customer will pay for the item assuming no orde
r discounts. Currently, they enter the order with the item, get the price and th
en delete the order. There's got to be a better way. Does Baan have anything lik
e this? Is there at least a better workaround?
: Thanks,
: Gene Phares

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Dave posted Message 1585 in Message Board
Dated : April 19, 1999 at 11:46:00 EST
Subject: Re: Return orders with lot control
In order to return goods to a supplier using a return order with Lot Control tur
ned on, you have to have the goods in your receiving location within the warehou
se your are returning the goods from. If the goods were originally issued to a
production order, then the production order must be reduced by the qty you wish
to ship out. Reducing the goods from the production order will transfer them to
their original warehouse, which then need to be transferred to the receiving lo
cation. Once in the received location, Maintain Receipts by the negative qty to
reflect shipping to the supplier. If you expect the goods to return (repaired,
for example), you will need to create a new line on the PO for the expected rec
Keep in mind you must always select the lot you wish to transfer by choosing the
specific lot and date of transaction.
Hope I'm right and that this helps...
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Jerry Alverson posted Message 1586 in Message Board
Dated : April 19, 1999 at 13:33:28 EST
Subject: MRP &amp; PRP Purchase Cancel Messages
How does BaaN tell you to cancel an already placed order when the demand for it

has been taken away?

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duzy posted Message 1587 in Message Board
Dated : April 19, 1999 at 15:28:43 EST
Subject: Ext. EDI : Conv. Setup Incoming Purchase Ackknowledgement, fixed length
Has anybody a conversion setup of a incoming purchase ackknowledgement for fixed
I have no idea how it works and so I need a example of an Incoming Purchase Ackn
owledgement for fixed length to see how the conversion setup have to look like.
Also a discription of how to process the incoming files would be quite good. But
for me the important thing is the conversion setup of a incoming data.
It is very important for me and I would be very glad if someone has such an exam
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Janakinath posted Message 1588 in Message Board
Dated : April 20, 1999 at 04:38:09 EST
Subject: Purchase Requisitions
Hi every body,
I am working in distribution package of BaaN IVb2. Is there any way to maintain
purchase requisition, through which after sanction the PO can be raised. or else
we have to customize inorder to solve that problem.
Thanks in advance
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rambhak posted Message 1589 in Message Board
Dated : April 20, 1999 at 07:44:39 EST
Subject: Same problem
I have faced the same problem. Couldn't find the cause
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rambhak posted Message 1590 in Message Board
Dated : April 20, 1999 at 07:55:12 EST
Subject: Re: Invoice Problem
Have U checked if the order type has a transaction type and series defined in
Maintain order types ?

: Has anyone ever had a problem printing sales invoices while using commissions?
I am getting an error "Not able to determine invoice for order #". I am sure
that the problem is commission related but I can not pin down the problem. Than
ks in advance.
: Joe

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sundar posted Message 1591 in Message Board
Dated : April 20, 1999 at 08:10:55 EST
Subject: Online control over budgeted figures
Hi friend,
During posting a financial transaction, the system has to automatically verify t
he transaction amount with that of the budgeted amount and signal the user from
posting the transaction.
Can such a control be built into BaaN software through non-source code customisa
tion. Or is there any existing work around.
Soliciting your view.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Merv Carr posted Message 1592 in Message Board
Dated : April 20, 1999 at 10:37:05 EST
Subject: Re: MRP &amp; PRP Purchase Cancel Messages
Have you had a look at "Exception Messages" in MRP?(e.g.Exception messages by ex
ception message and order- choose message type "cancel")
In PRP, you would look under "Rescheduling messages". Therein hide the cancel me
: How does BaaN tell you to cancel an already placed order when the demand for i
t has been taken away?

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Justin Condon posted Message 1593 in Message Board
Dated : April 20, 1999 at 10:43:28 EST
Subject: Matching Freight Charges with Original PO
We have an EDI setup here where the external customer sends an EDI order to our
buyer company (505) which then orders in turn off our seller company (504). In 5

04, freight charges are added to the sales invoice and then the EDI 810 message
is sent back to 505. But, there is a problem.....
The freight charges which have been added to the sales invoice cannot be matched
with the originating BAAN customer PO. I assume that when the BAAN matching pro
cess kicks in (505) it has a problem since the freight line does not exist on th
e originating PO, and the invoice is rejected. Is there any way to overcome this
***************** End Of Article ******************
Justin Condon posted Message 1594 in Message Board
Dated : April 20, 1999 at 11:06:55 EST
Subject: Re: BW login dialog box appears when running tdsls4404m000
: Hi Baan Fans,
: When I'm using session tdsls4404m000 ("Print sales invoices"), if the field "P
rocess delivered orders sales" is set to "Yes" then the BW login dialog box appe
ars and the session tdsls4404m000 hangs.
: Now, the session tdsls4223m000 ("Process delivered sales orders") doesn't work
: note : We doesn't use the performances boosters
: Thanks in advance.
We have experienced the smae problems on the client development box. BAAN typica
lly calls it "standard functionality" and do not have a patch available to corre
ct this. They say this is a security measure to validate when the users company
is not the same as the company the the printing is being done out of. It appears
that there is no way to avoid this when it occurs.
As regards the Process Delivered Sales order session - when we set this option t
o "Yes" on tdsls4404m000, the session appears to hang, but eventually we receive
a timeout message, and the invoice is then printed and processed.
We have not experienced this on out production box, and it has only started rece
ntly (out of the blue) on development.
Contact BAAN for more information - they are aware of the problem.
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Michael Campisi posted Message 1595 in Message Board
Dated : April 20, 1999 at 11:07:21 EST
Subject: Generating Inbound Advice
I am working with a client who has ILC turned on, and is interested in including
the inbounding steps in there order types. When we try to follow an order throu
gh, using the purchase order type including inbounding, the system fails to Gene
rate inbound advice. When following an order through that uses a Purchase order
type not including inbounding as steps in the order type, the system generates i

nbound advice just fine. Has anyone encountered this problem?

***************** End Of Article ******************
TF posted Message 1596 in Message Board
Dated : April 20, 1999 at 14:08:31 EST
Subject: Re: Purchase Requisitions
Try using the "offering procedure"...
good luck
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Dinesh Chakka posted Message 1597 in Message Board
Dated : April 20, 1999 at 15:48:35 EST
Subject: Re: Purchase Requistions
: : No, requisition is available also in Baan IV_c_4 with Supply Chain Control,
which is the version I am working on. Do you think it is possible to consume a c
ontract via purchase orders coming from requisition orders?
: HAAAaaaa of course not!!
: Sorry to sound so flippant but I have just logged 16 cases today concerning PR
Q bugs. This excludes some serious short comings with the module. I've emailed
you a document that might be of interest.
I was playing around with the purchase requistions module this morning and it is
certainly very disappointing to say the least. It's not surprising that you log
ged in 16 cases. Anyway, I saw your note above and I was wondering about the doc
ument that you mentioned. Could you email me a copy also ?
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DA posted Message 1598 in Message Board
Dated : April 20, 1999 at 20:35:34 EST
Subject: Cost Price Calculation
I'm trying to enter a sales order prior to creating a BOM. I can "trick" baan b
y entering the manufactured item as a purchased item, do a cost price calculatio
n, then change the item back to manufactured. But when I create the BOM and the
n do a cost price calculation, I get the message that there are already allocati
ons for this item and the cost price calculation aborts. Does anyone have anymo
re "tricks" to solve this one. I do not want to use projects.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Jonathan Spies posted Message 1599 in Message Board
Dated : April 21, 1999 at 05:24:05 EST

Subject: Duplicating delivery lines

When releasing outbound data - runnning ILC and lot control - the ILC transactio
n seem to process correctly, but some of the lines are duplicated in the sales d
elivery table (tdsls045) and the invoice is printed with double the amount that
was actually shipped. This also results in negative inventory when viewed via t
he Inventory control module (although we do not allow negative inventory), but t
he ILC module shows the correct inventory transactions - we are running Baan IVC
4. Has anybody had similar problems and can shed some light.
***************** End Of Article ******************
janakinath posted Message 1600 in Message Board
Dated : April 21, 1999 at 06:58:13 EST
Subject: Re: Purchase Requisitions
Thank you very much for the response. Can you please elaborate on "offering proc
edure". Actually what i meant was, in a shop floor, people will be raising purch
ase requisitions(indents) for tools,spares etc which on further sanction PO will
be raised against the respective requisition. How to map this situation on to B
: Try using the "offering procedure"...
: good luck

***************** End Of Article ******************

wweglin posted Message 1601 in Message Board
Dated : April 21, 1999 at 08:36:41 EST
Subject: Re: Cost Price Calculation
: I'm trying to enter a sales order prior to creating a BOM. I can "trick" baan
by entering the manufactured item as a purchased item, do a cost price calculat
ion, then change the item back to manufactured. But when I create the BOM and t
hen do a cost price calculation, I get the message that there are already alloca
tions for this item and the cost price calculation aborts. Does anyone have any
more "tricks" to solve this one. I do not want to use projects.
You are creating a planned inventory transaction of the item. If your looking f
or a trick you can go into Table TDINV150 Planned inventory transactions by item
and delete the record.
***************** End Of Article ******************
David Huette posted Message 1602 in Message Board
Dated : April 21, 1999 at 11:46:18 EST
Subject: Re: Generating Inbound Advice
Hi Michael,

I too have run across this same problem. If you search for 'order steps' on thi
s forum you will find some useful postings. Here is one I came across(below).
It seems that it is best to leave these order steps out of the procedure because
Baan will not function properly with them in. For outbounding you should use m
aintain deliveries as an order step. You can however change the description but
put the session code for maintain deliveries in there. Baan assumes that once
you generate advice Inb/Outb that it will be released. Hope this helps!
Earlier Posting:
I am unhappy with Baan's response to this. In the implementations I'm involved
in I have the client just LEAVE IT OUT. Baan has it in there as a viable step i
n the order process, but it does not work properly. The only "outbound/inbound"
step that can be included in an Order Type is "Generate Outbound". From a proc
edural standpoint, it's a training issue for the end-user to understand Generate
Inbound, Release Inbound, and Release Outbound. Hope that helps.

***************** End Of Article ******************

kumar posted Message 1603 in Message Board
Dated : April 21, 1999 at 14:05:14 EST
Subject: Re: Need Price/Discount Quote Form
: In Baan ERP, the user can simulate the prices/discounts by entering the custom
er number, item, quantity, currency and date in the session "Price Simulator".
: If you are on BaanIV or earlier (dunno about ERP), go to Sales/Sales Orders/Mi
scel. There you will find the session "Simulate calculation of price and discoun
t". From what you describe, that should do exactly what you are asking for.
: : My users want a form where they can enter a customer number, an item number,
and a quantity and have Baan return the price, discount, and the level where it
came from -- essentially what the customer will pay for the item assuming no or
der discounts. Currently, they enter the order with the item, get the price and
then delete the order. There's got to be a better way. Does Baan have anything l
ike this? Is there at least a better workaround?
: : Thanks,
: : Gene Phares
: :

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Ravindra HS posted Message 1604 in Message Board
Dated : April 22, 1999 at 02:59:39 EST
Subject: Re: Purchase Requisitions
: Thank you very much for the response. Can you please elaborate on "offering pr
ocedure". Actually what i meant was, in a shop floor, people will be raising pur
chase requisitions(indents) for tools,spares etc which on further sanction PO wi
ll be raised against the respective requisition. How to map this situation on to
: : Try using the "offering procedure"...

: : good luck
As it is, B4B2 purchase requisition is not supported. In fact our group company
who have gone live with b4b2 has customised this application. However, the same
is very much supported completely in b4c3 including raising PR, Budget checking,
authorising and generating purchase orders.
This is for your information
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Nadeem Usmani posted Message 1605 in Message Board
Dated : April 22, 1999 at 04:35:51 EST
Subject: Generate Cycle Counting program abort
I am using Baan IV c3 with MicroSoft SQL Server Database under NT environment.
When we run Generate Cycle counting Orders (from Location Control) it take me ou
t from program.
Can somebody guide me what is the problem and how to resolve it?
Nadeem Usmani
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janakinath posted Message 1606 in Message Board
Dated : April 22, 1999 at 05:18:00 EST
Subject: Re: Purchase Requisitions
Thank you for immediate response. Can you please elaborate on "offering procedur
e". Where is this session? Actually what i meant was, usually incharges of vario
us sections in a shopfloor will be raising purchase requisitions for tools,spare
s etc which on further approval, Purchase orders for the respective requisitions
will be raised. Is there any solution for this problem or should we go for cust
: Try using the "offering procedure"...
: good luck

***************** End Of Article ******************

Tomca posted Message 1607 in Message Board
Dated : April 22, 1999 at 06:07:30 EST
Subject: URGENT !!! Printing Claim Notes
Hi everybody!!
I've a strange case. I've included steps Print Claim Notes and Print Returns int
o my PO procedure. I know that when there is no back order in Mantain Receipts,
step "Print Claim Notes" is not shown as an order step in the procedure when i'm
consulting the status. BUT the X-File is when I actually have a back-order in M
aintain Receipts. In this case, step "Print Claim Notes" should be shown in the
procedure, however, it has dissapeared from it, just remaining "Print Returns".
We've been updated from c2 to c4 and maybe it's a BUG.

Please, send me a solution as soon as possible !!!

***************** End Of Article ******************
rambhak posted Message 1608 in Message Board
Dated : April 22, 1999 at 07:16:08 EST
Subject: Re: URGENT !!! Printing Claim Notes
I think claim notes are printed when there is a difference between the packing s
lip quantity and the actual received quantity. The step may have been skipped in
your case because although there is a back order there may not have been a diff
erence between the packing slip and delivered quantity during Maintain Receipts.

: Hi everybody!!
: I've a strange case. I've included steps Print Claim Notes and Print Returns i
nto my PO procedure. I know that when there is no back order in Mantain Receipts
, step "Print Claim Notes" is not shown as an order step in the procedure when i
'm consulting the status. BUT the X-File is when I actually have a back-order in
Maintain Receipts. In this case, step "Print Claim Notes" should be shown in th
e procedure, however, it has dissapeared from it, just remaining "Print Returns"
. We've been updated from c2 to c4 and maybe it's a BUG.
: Please, send me a solution as soon as possible !!!
: Thanks
: Tomca

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GGM posted Message 1609 in Message Board
Dated : April 22, 1999 at 09:29:21 EST
I have an error when creating order lines on Baan V. It says something like:
"Adress XXXX is not valid for today. Can not calculate lead time"
Can you help me?
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Flemming Carlsen posted Message 1610 in Message Board
Dated : April 22, 1999 at 10:51:36 EST
Subject: Re: Automate the maintain receipt
Can you elaborate on how to automate? . We are in the same situation and we are
trying to set up an automatic process.

Flemming Carlsen
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Justin Condon posted Message 1611 in Message Board
Dated : April 22, 1999 at 10:59:40 EST
Subject: Re: Ext. EDI : Conv. Setup Incoming Purchase Ackknowledgement, fixed le
: Has anybody a conversion setup of a incoming purchase ackknowledgement for fix
ed length.
: I have no idea how it works and so I need a example of an Incoming Purchase Ac
knowledgement for fixed length to see how the conversion setup have to look like
: Also a discription of how to process the incoming files would be quite good. B
ut for me the important thing is the conversion setup of a incoming data.
I do not have an example of a conversion setup for the 855 incoming (fixed lengt
h). However, it is relatively easy to change a delimited file to fixed length. Y
ou must do the following:
1. Make a copy of the 855 message that you want to alter.
2. In tcedi0120m000 (Maintain Networks) you will need to either change the "Fiel
d Type" field (form 2) to fixed length, or define a new network that uses fixed
length fields.
3. In tcedi5112s000 (Maintain Conversion Setups [Relationships]) you will need t
o change the "Pos Key", "Key Length" and "Start Pos Key" fields to their actual
physical length (i.e. no of chars, etc.) as opposed to the field numbers that ar
e currently used.
4. In tcedi5115s000 (Maintain Definitions of Conversion Setups) you will need to
do as in 3, except for the fields "Start Pos" and "Length".
This should give you a fixed length 855 file.
As regards processing incoming files - this is usually done via tcedi7205m000 (D
irect Network Communication), where you process both incoming and and outgoing f
iles for a given network. This will also depend on whether you are using interna
l or external EDI? you are using a full EDI order cycle?
Hope this helps some - email me if you need more info.
: It is very important for me and I would be very glad if someone has such an ex

***************** End Of Article ******************

Michael Campisi posted Message 1612 in Message Board
Dated : April 22, 1999 at 15:45:31 EST
Subject: Re: URGENT !!! Printing Claim Notes

Print Claim notes are for discrepiancies in packing slip quantity with what shou
ld actually be received. Print Return Notes would be used in conjunction with Ma
intain Approvals. If any of the shipment received was rejected, you would print
return notes then.
: I think claim notes are printed when there is a difference between the packing
slip quantity and the actual received quantity. The step may have been skipped
in your case because although there is a back order there may not have been a di
fference between the packing slip and delivered quantity during Maintain Receipt
: : Hi everybody!!
: : I've a strange case. I've included steps Print Claim Notes and Print Returns
into my PO procedure. I know that when there is no back order in Mantain Receip
ts, step "Print Claim Notes" is not shown as an order step in the procedure when
i'm consulting the status. BUT the X-File is when I actually have a back-order
in Maintain Receipts. In this case, step "Print Claim Notes" should be shown in
the procedure, however, it has dissapeared from it, just remaining "Print Return
s". We've been updated from c2 to c4 and maybe it's a BUG.
: : Please, send me a solution as soon as possible !!!
: : Thanks
: : Tomca

***************** End Of Article ******************

baan posted Message 1613 in Message Board
Dated : April 22, 1999 at 18:33:07 EST
Subject: Re: More sales invoices per one sales order
: : Hello,
: : I have the following problem:
: : System (Baan IV c3 on AIX) sometimes prints more sales invoices per one sale
s order. Actually it prints one invoice per one sales order line. I need to prin
t one invoice per one sales order.
: : Has anybody experienced such or similar system behaviour?
: : Is it a problem of incorrect parameter setting, or is it a bug?
: : Thanks in advance,
: : Ivan
: : : : I do not have the system in front of me. Please check Sales Order param
eter settings or one of the forms in Customer master (or customer delivery addre
ss). This is not a bug.
: I checked parameter parameters settings. They were O.K. What I found strange w
as that in the session Display Deliveries (tdsls4531m000)there were different sa
les currency rates for the same delivery date. Each sales order line was deliver

ed at the same day.(parameter is set that currency depends on delivery date. Wha
t I found next was that this was probably localisation bug because I did not fin
d the sales currency column in the standard version.
: Ivan
Have you checked the customer master. Within the customer master, you can set "
invoicing method". This will determine how the customer will be invoiced. This
could be why it only happens sometimes.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Gene Phares posted Message 1614 in Message Board
Dated : April 23, 1999 at 10:29:44 EST
Subject: How to Capture Order Service Rep taking order
We want to automatically capture the userid (or employee number) of the order se
rvice rep who enter the sales order. Essentially, we want the rep's "userid" aut
omatically placed in a data field somewhere on the order header file for later r
eporting purposes. Since Baan has no such field, has anybody done anything like
this. Again, the key it to have this field loaded automatically. Thanks.
Gene Phares
***************** End Of Article ******************
Steve Weber posted Message 1615 in Message Board
Dated : April 23, 1999 at 16:01:05 EST
Subject: Re: Generate Cycle Counting program abort
: I am using Baan IV c3 with MicroSoft SQL Server Database under NT environment.
: When we run Generate Cycle counting Orders (from Location Control) it take me
out from program.
: Can somebody guide me what is the problem and how to resolve it?
: Nadeem Usmani
When you generate cycle counting orders, the system will automatically exit you
from the session when it is complete (like a G/L rebuild). If you are being boo
ted out of Baan, then it is something more serious.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Jason posted Message 1616 in Message Board
Dated : April 23, 1999 at 16:52:29 EST
Subject: Re: How to Capture Order Service Rep taking order
If you are using Baan IV then there is no standard way to have the system displa
y the userid. However, the information is captured by the system in the TDSLS051
table which is the sales order line history. A record gets written here as soon
as the order is entered. You could easily base custom reports on that table and
get the information you need. If you want the userid to display on the lines sc
reen then you would also have to customize the screen to look to the 051 table f

or the info. Good luck.

: We want to automatically capture the userid (or employee number) of the order
service rep who enter the sales order. Essentially, we want the rep's "userid" a
utomatically placed in a data field somewhere on the order header file for later
reporting purposes. Since Baan has no such field, has anybody done anything lik
e this. Again, the key it to have this field loaded automatically. Thanks.
: Gene Phares

***************** End Of Article ******************

janakinath posted Message 1617 in Message Board
Dated : April 24, 1999 at 02:00:34 EST
Subject: Purchase requisiton module not found in BaaN IVc3
Hi Friends!
We have recently installed BaaN IV c3 in our organisation but could not find Pur
chase Requisition module. Is it bundled with the standard software or has to be
acquired at extra cost?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Phil posted Message 1618 in Message Board
Dated : April 24, 1999 at 05:10:31 EST
Subject: Re: Purchase requisiton module not found in BaaN IVc3
As far as I am aware PRQ is part of the SCH/SCC extention.
: Hi Friends!
: We have recently installed BaaN IV c3 in our organisation but could not find P
urchase Requisition module. Is it bundled with the standard software or has to b
e acquired at extra cost?
: regards
: janakinath

***************** End Of Article ******************

nick posted Message 1619 in Message Board
Dated : April 25, 1999 at 17:23:30 EST
Subject: Re: Purchase requisiton module not found in BaaN IVc3
i am afraid this is true, i heard bbs uk were extracting this so that pur reqs c

ould be added without purchasing sch xtension.

: As far as I am aware PRQ is part of the SCH/SCC extention.
: : Hi Friends!
: : We have recently installed BaaN IV c3 in our organisation but could not find
Purchase Requisition module. Is it bundled with the standard software or has to
be acquired at extra cost?
: : regards
: : janakinath

***************** End Of Article ******************

lambert posted Message 1620 in Message Board
Dated : April 26, 1999 at 04:04:58 EST
Subject: Re: Matching Freight Charges with Original PO
a possibility might be adding the purchase order line with the freight costs wit
h the order response message. After inserting the purchase order line with the f
reight costs, matching should be possible.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Lambert posted Message 1621 in Message Board
Dated : April 26, 1999 at 04:09:48 EST
Subject: Re: Back orders date
: Hi !!
: This is another question: When i've delivered one part of the total quantity
to be sold i've a back order.I want to communicate the planned delivery date of
the back order to the costumer but i can't find a way to do that.
: Thank you all!!
After confirming the back order in tdsls4125m000 it is again
possible to change the planned delivery date in 'Maintain Sales Order Lines' (e.
g. tdsls4102s000). This changed planned delivery date only applies for the 'open
' delivery line (the other lines re already delivered)
***************** End Of Article ******************
James Kim posted Message 1622 in Message Board
Dated : April 26, 1999 at 10:07:38 EST

Subject: Re: Bill of Lading

: : : Is there any way possible to generate a manual bill of lading without any
type of sales or replenishment order?
: : Yes. If you use transportation and turn on Bill of Ladings you can create a
dutch bill of lading. However, You first need to contact Baan and request the
Updated 3/15/99 multinational bill of lading upgrade patch object you will be ab
le to manually create a bill of lading from the zoom session in the sales order
and print it directly from there without having to go into transportation, or ha
ving to create a sales order.
: Thank you so much for the solution! I will call and request the object and te
st the scenario.
I called Baan about the object and no one at support have heard of the multinati
onal bill of lading object. Do you by chance have the object number that I can
download and tell me where I can get it myself? Thanks.
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Vasco Cavalheiro posted Message 1623 in Message Board
Dated : April 26, 1999 at 10:32:07 EST
Subject: Misterious Inbounds
Some people working in a BAAN consulting company
here in Portugal have told me one of the possible causes
for those strange inbounds:
If a person declares an inbound in one day and prints the
necessary reports in the next day, the date of the inbound
is changed and the time of inbound becomes 23:59.
This is not completely relliable information, i will try to know
more and inform you people. See you around.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Herman posted Message 1624 in Message Board
Dated : April 26, 1999 at 13:55:13 EST
Subject: Error 305 in session tccom1101m000
Any user who wants to search for any debtor with "Mu" gets an error 305. The ses
sion cannot be started by this user any more. (No application locks) What could
be the cause but, better yet, what is the solution?
Your help is highly appreciated!
***************** End Of Article ******************
Justin Condon posted Message 1625 in Message Board
Dated : April 26, 1999 at 13:58:11 EST
Subject: Re: Matching Freight Charges with Original PO
Unfortunately, even if an 855 (PO Acknowledgment) is sent back to the buyer comp
any with the extra freight line, this will not be added to the original PO on 50

From the opposite side - if when the original external customer PO is read into
505 and the freight line added to the resulting sales order, that line addition
will not carry over to the PO that is then sent from 505 to 504.
It doesn't seem to work no matter which way you look at it.

: Hi,
: a possibility might be adding the purchase order line with the freight costs w
ith the order response message. After inserting the purchase order line with the
freight costs, matching should be possible.
: Regards,
: Lambert

***************** End Of Article ******************

John Elliott posted Message 1626 in Message Board
Dated : April 27, 1999 at 02:07:00 EST
Subject: Re: Which version of Baan IVC has Purc.Requisitions????
: : A fully featured Purchase Requisitions Module is available in Baan IVc. Thi
s includes the ability to raise requisitions where the supplier, item code and p
rice is not known, authorization levels and ability to create Purchase Orders fr
om Authorized Requisitions, merge new requisitions nto existing purchase orders,
consolidate multiple requisitions for the same item into one purchase order etc
: Which version of Baan IVc are we talking about??? I am using IVc2 and this fun
ctionality of Requisitions is NOT there!!!!
: As per as my knowledge goes - it'll coming with Baan Series for sure. Is it th
ere is IVC3? Please let me know the session names..
: : : A commonly required feature is a "Purchase Request" (or Indent) which allo
ws different departments to lodge a request for an item with the purchase dept.
: : : Unfortunately this is not available in Baan.
: : : Has anyone done any customisation / thought of a way of handling the above
From John Elliott - I was just involved in a 4c3 implementation (but not on the
purchasing team) where we used the purchase inquiries functionality to complete
a requisition. I'm not real familiar with it, but I believe an inquiry can then
be copied over to a PO if approved.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Nokie posted Message 1627 in Message Board
Dated : April 27, 1999 at 03:40:17 EST
Subject: Report on item transaction with value
Hi!..anybody out there know where I can print a report for all transaction toget
her with the value. The report "Print Inventory History by Location" is perfect

but I need the value of items as well. Any idea??

Domo arigato gozaimasu
***************** End Of Article ******************
fawaz al-fawaz posted Message 1628 in Message Board
Dated : April 27, 1999 at 07:56:37 EST
Subject: system date &amp; order date
As we are in parallel run situation, we had set the system date to be 1/1/99 to
capture all back log of transactions occurred prior to the start of our usage a
nd data entry of orders into the system, but for certain processes like maintain
receipt couldn't be processed for a future date, that is if we are planning to
receive and ship the material on a futuristic date, therefore we need the expe
rts and BaaN consultants to advise on the affect if we switch on the date to be
according to actual date, yet to be allowed to enter yesterday's or last week or
ders into the system. We know that in maintaining a sales or purchase order ther
e is a field called order date instigate it's value from current date which if a
previous or older date than current date there would be a message preventing th
e acceptance of the value, but we could easily stop the message. The question if
we did allow the reassignment of this field, Would it affect any other calcula
tion which assumes the current date to be similar to order date? please contribu
te to this matter as soon as possible.
your hlep is highly appreciated.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Eddie Wierts posted Message 1629 in Message Board
Dated : April 27, 1999 at 08:31:43 EST
Subject: Re: Cost Price Calculation
: : I'm trying to enter a sales order prior to creating a BOM. I can "trick" ba
an by entering the manufactured item as a purchased item, do a cost price calcul
ation, then change the item back to manufactured. But when I create the BOM and
then do a cost price calculation, I get the message that there are already allo
cations for this item and the cost price calculation aborts. Does anyone have a
nymore "tricks" to solve this one. I do not want to use projects.
: :
: You are creating a planned inventory transaction of the item. If your looking
for a trick you can go into Table TDINV150 Planned inventory transactions by it
em and delete the record.
When you have inventory of an item you cannot update the cost price via the zoom
session calculate standard costprices by item
In you're case you should update the cost price via the following sessions: ticp
r2210m000 and ticpr2220m000. The first session calculates the cost price, the se
cond one updates the new costprice
***************** End Of Article ******************
s.khosla posted Message 1630 in Message Board
Dated : April 27, 1999 at 08:46:32 EST
Subject: Rebate control - Multiple customer-single agreement

I want to know whether we can maintain single rebate agreement for multiple cust
omer of same group. If yes, how ?
Also please help me in setting perameter. Although single customer - single agre
ement is working properly, but I am getting
error in case of multiple customer- single agreement.
New Delhi
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fawaz al-fawaz posted Message 1631 in Message Board
Dated : April 27, 1999 at 08:56:02 EST
Subject: sys date and order date
As we are in parallel run situation, we had set the system date to be 1/1/99 to
capture all back log of transactions occurred prior to the start of our usage a
nd data entry of orders into the system, but for certain processes like maintain
receipt couldn't be processed for a future date, that is if we are planning to
receive and ship the material on a futuristic date, therefore we need the expe
rts and BaaN consultants to advise on the affect if we switch on the date to be
according to actual date, yet to be allowed to enter yesterday's or last week or
ders into the system. We know that in maintaining a sales or purchase order ther
e is a field called order date instigate it's value from current date which if a
previous or older date than current date there would be a message preventing th
e acceptance of the value, but we could easily stop the message. The question if
we did allow the reassignment of this field, Would it affect any other calcula
tion which assumes the current date to be similar to order date? please contribu
te to this matter as soon as possible.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Delaware, Nathalie Eddie posted Message 1632 in Message Board
Dated : April 27, 1999 at 09:26:59 EST
Subject: Re: Return orders with lot control
: Hi !!
: I'm using Lot Control and return orders. When I'm executing the Outbound ("neg
ative", outbound with return orders), Baan asks for a lot number to associate wi
th the quantity being "negatively" extracted from the ubications (in fact, the q
uantity will be introduced into the warehouse). If i select an existing lot (say
, the lot has stock) it works well: The goods are shown in the stock. The proble
m appears when the original lot from wich the quantity to be returned belongs to
has already dissapeared (the whole lot has been sold, and i don't have an exist
ing lot to relate with the returned goods).
: The lots to be selected in the Outbound Session must have stock, so:
: How can i create a lot without stock to be selected in the Outbound Session?
: How can i solve this problem with return orders'
The lots don't need to have stock! Only lots in the outbound sessions need to ha

ve stock. But you have to choose your lot already in the sales order lines on fo
rm 2. Here we can choose a specific lot for an item, Baan displays also the lots
without stock. When you go to the maintain outbound data the lot number will al
reay be filled!
***************** End Of Article ******************
Bob Wible posted Message 1633 in Message Board
Dated : April 27, 1999 at 13:36:30 EST
Subject: Customs Documents
We need a document to send with overseas shipments to customs. A non-final invo
ice does somewhat fit the bill but a document is also needed for replenishment o
rders to a foreign hub. Seems like others should have faced this issue. Any id
***************** End Of Article ******************
Doug posted Message 1634 in Message Board
Dated : April 27, 1999 at 13:55:02 EST
Subject: Re: Customs Documents
: We need a document to send with overseas shipments to customs. A non-final in
voice does somewhat fit the bill but a document is also needed for replenishment
orders to a foreign hub. Seems like others should have faced this issue. Any
Another issue that you face is that if you try to use Pro-forma invoices, the nu
mbering starts over at 1 every time you run the session. This was not acceptabl
e to our international department. As a result they are looking into the use of
a product called Spex.
***************** End Of Article ******************
TF posted Message 1635 in Message Board
Dated : April 27, 1999 at 14:24:47 EST
: I have an error when creating order lines on Baan V. It says something like:
: "Adress XXXX is not valid for today. Can not calculate lead time"
: Can you help me?
: Thanks
Please elaborate on your problem!!!
Session name, standard item or customized? orderprocedure?
cost price calculation date of item etc...

***************** End Of Article ******************

TF posted Message 1636 in Message Board
Dated : April 27, 1999 at 14:31:21 EST
Subject: Similar problems
we had a similar problem with a customer under Baan IV b2.
When generating an outbound advice for the first time, the advice was correct. A
fter changing the amount for some locations delivering the amounts, and generati
ng an advice for the backorder, all the available inventory was advised by the s
ystem (not the needed quantities).
When backflushing from productionorders, we also had negative inventory which sh
ouldn't be possible.
Both cases were reported to Baan and solved with a different Patches.
My advise therefore is to submitt the call (and hope for the best..)
Good luck
Thieu Franken
***************** End Of Article ******************
TF posted Message 1637 in Message Board
Dated : April 27, 1999 at 14:38:01 EST
Subject: Re: Customs Documents can be done
: : We need a document to send with overseas shipments to customs. A non-final
invoice does somewhat fit the bill but a document is also needed for replenishme
nt orders to a foreign hub. Seems like others should have faced this issue. An
y ideas?
: ****************************************************
: Another issue that you face is that if you try to use Pro-forma invoices, the
numbering starts over at 1 every time you run the session. This was not accepta
ble to our international department. As a result they are looking into the use
of a product called Spex.
If you use the "official" proforma, not the "definite = no" in tdsls4404m000, yo
u should get unique numbers. However in order to ship the delivery, the customer
has to pay the invoice in advance! (a real transaction in Finance is needed)
You could try to customize the pakking slip to a different layout and ad all the
information as a text order line or a seprate text block which you add to the r
eport. (this can and has been done)
You can also add text fioelds to the form where you print the packing slip and a
dd these to your report.
A consultant with "tools" experience should be able to help you with that.
Good luck
Thieu Franken

***************** End Of Article ******************

Michael Campisi posted Message 1638 in Message Board
Dated : April 27, 1999 at 17:05:49 EST
Subject: Planned Inventory Movement Issue
When making a change to the delivery date or order date on a saved purchase orde
r line, the "On Order" quantity displayed on Form 2 changes by the quantity of t
he item being purchased. Has anyone run into this problem, or is it not a proble
m at all and I just don't understand Baan's logic?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Voigt posted Message 1639 in Message Board
Dated : April 28, 1999 at 02:42:30 EST
Subject: Informations about Archive company
Informations about Archive company in the inventory module
***************** End Of Article ******************
Gruber Gerlinde posted Message 1640 in Message Board
Dated : April 28, 1999 at 03:04:45 EST
Subject: Can not copy Sales Order (tdsls4201s000)in BaanIVc4
When copying a sales
ed orderlines. It is
es from one order to
says that there are
Who can help me?
Thank you,

order using tdsls4201s000 it is not possible to copy select

only possible to copy one whole order with ALL its orderlin
another. If I try to select an orderline, then the programm
no orderlines available for copying.

***************** End Of Article ******************

mark peeters posted Message 1641 in Message Board
Dated : April 28, 1999 at 03:31:10 EST
Subject: sales statistics
I'm searching more information on how statistics works, for example wich tables
the system uses
***************** End Of Article ******************
Vijay posted Message 1642 in Message Board
Dated : April 28, 1999 at 08:34:13 EST
Subject: Vendor rating
Hi All,
Which Vsion of BaaN supports Vendor rating?

***************** End Of Article ******************

mpeeters posted Message 1643 in Message Board
Dated : April 28, 1999 at 08:42:43 EST
Subject: Re: Error 305 in session tccom1101m000
Check in log files witch table is related ti this error or if you work with Baan
Base use tbase6.1 to check the table related to this error. Probably the table
index is corrupt

: Any user who wants to search for any debtor with "Mu" gets an error 305. The s
ession cannot be started by this user any more. (No application locks) What coul
d be the cause but, better yet, what is the solution?
: Your help is highly appreciated!

***************** End Of Article ******************

mpeeters posted Message 1644 in Message Board
Dated : April 28, 1999 at 08:43:00 EST
Subject: Re: Error 305 in session tccom1101m000
Check in log files witch table is related ti this error or if you work with Baan
Base use tbase6.1 to check the table related to this error. Probably the table
index is corrupt

: Any user who wants to search for any debtor with "Mu" gets an error 305. The s
ession cannot be started by this user any more. (No application locks) What coul
d be the cause but, better yet, what is the solution?
: Your help is highly appreciated!

***************** End Of Article ******************

Kumar posted Message 1645 in Message Board

Dated : April 28, 1999 at 09:18:34 EST

Subject: External EDI Fundamental Doubt
Hi All,
For implementing External EDI between two companies is it mandatory to have baan
running at both the places or is it possible with a traditional business packag
e running at one place.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Jonathan Sunberg posted Message 1646 in Message Board
Dated : April 28, 1999 at 11:30:28 EST
Subject: Picking List Problems
We have entered a sales order for 100 units of an item and marked the order as s
hip complete (no). That item shows 91 units on hand and no other orders for that
When we try to print a picking list for a sales order that has insufficient inve
ntory, based on our parameters a picking list should be printed for the availabl
e inventory and a shortage list should be printed for the rest. Unfortunately on
ly the shortage list is being printed and the status remains at
print picking list.
We have set the field in Sales Order Parameters as follows:
Method of Printing Item on Picking List (Sufficient Inventory)
Could you please advise? Thank you.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Anshoom Jain posted Message 1647 in Message Board
Dated : April 28, 1999 at 11:58:24 EST
Subject: Re: Picking List Problems
Please set the field in Sales Order Parameters as follows:
: Method of Printing Item on Picking List as "All lines" for all lines in the or
der or "those on hand" allowing you partial delivery.
"Sufficient Inventory" option will print pick list only if inventory available f
or issue is greater or equal to order quantity.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Anshoom Jain posted Message 1648 in Message Board
Dated : April 28, 1999 at 12:01:26 EST

Subject: Re: External EDI Fundamental Doubt

It is not necessary to have Baan running at both the ends. You have to interface
Baan at your end with external EDI software like Harbinger, which will transmit
appropriate EDI transactions based on your Baan transactions.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Anshoom Jain posted Message 1649 in Message Board
Dated : April 28, 1999 at 12:03:21 EST
Subject: Re: Vendor rating
It is working for me for Baan IV b and Baan IV c versions.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Michael Campisi posted Message 1650 in Message Board
Dated : April 28, 1999 at 12:20:38 EST
Subject: Sales contract prompt
Shouldn't Baan prompt me that a sales contract exist on a contracted item that I
am creating a normal sales order for? I thought that when I attempted to enter
a sales order line for a contracted item, the system would tell me that a contra
ct exists for it.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Jonathan Sunberg posted Message 1651 in Message Board
Dated : April 28, 1999 at 13:01:40 EST
Subject: Re: Picking List Problems
Thanks for the reply. I have changed the parameter to inventory on hand, but now
it is not coming up with a shortage list but instead printing a picking list fo
r the complete order.
: Please set the field in Sales Order Parameters as follows:
: : Method of Printing Item on Picking List as "All lines" for all lines in the
order or "those on hand" allowing you partial delivery.
: "Sufficient Inventory" option will print pick list only if inventory available
for issue is greater or equal to order quantity.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Satish posted Message 1652 in Message Board
Dated : April 28, 1999 at 13:33:13 EST
Subject: Re: Vendor rating
Vendor Ratings are based on factors like quality, delivery, price and service. B

aan only considers the delivery dates in version IVb2 (that I worked on). It is
not very useful.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Anshoom Jain posted Message 1653 in Message Board
Dated : April 28, 1999 at 14:08:55 EST
Subject: Re: Picking List Problems
Please fill in "yes" in the field "print shortages" in the print pick list sessi
on, No. tdsls4402m000.
: Thanks for the reply. I have changed the parameter to inventory on hand, but n
ow it is not coming up with a shortage list but instead printing a picking list
for the complete order.

: Please set the field in Sales Order Parameters as follows:
: : Method of Printing Item on Picking List as "All lines" for all lines in th
order or "those on hand" allowing you partial delivery.

: : "Sufficient Inventory" option will print pick list only if inventory availab
le for issue is greater or equal to order quantity.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Jonathan Sunberg posted Message 1654 in Message Board
Dated : April 28, 1999 at 14:13:32 EST
Subject: Re: Picking List Problems
That was marked yes the whole time. It may be a bug. I've put in a request to Ba
an Support. Thanks for your help, though...
: Please fill in "yes" in the field "print shortages" in the print pick list ses
sion, No. tdsls4402m000.
: anshoom
: : Thanks for the reply. I have changed the parameter to inventory on hand, but
now it is not coming up with a shortage list but instead printing a picking lis
t for the complete order.
: :
: :
: :
: :

: Please set the field in Sales Order Parameters as follows:
: : Method of Printing Item on Picking List as "All lines" for all lines in
order or "those on hand" allowing you partial delivery.

: : : "Sufficient Inventory" option will print pick list only if inventory avail
able for issue is greater or equal to order quantity.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Dave posted Message 1655 in Message Board
Dated : April 28, 1999 at 14:14:29 EST
Subject: Sales contract prompt
Sales Contract data(Called Quantity) will get updated if the existing contract i
s effective on your Sales order Delivery date(If the contract is selected in the
Baan Doesn't prompt that a Contract exists.
: Shouldn't Baan prompt me that a sales contract exist on a contracted item that
I am creating a normal sales order for? I thought that when I attempted to ente
r a sales order line for a contracted item, the system would tell me that a cont
ract exists for it.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Anshoom Jain posted Message 1656 in Message Board
Dated : April 28, 1999 at 14:19:04 EST
Subject: Re: Multiple invoicing per one purchase order
Are you trying to raise a purchase invoice in finance or sales invoice in sales?
: Hello, baanfans, we have a problem that seems "little"
: We want to invoice a % of the amount of the purchase order to the supplier ( o
f the order) and a second % to another supplier (transport supplier) but he have
n't got any order. ( We don't use the transport module)
: Is it possible to link two invoices to one purchase order?
: Or do we need to do this by us (developing)?
: Thanks for all.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Baan V posted Message 1657 in Message Board
Dated : April 28, 1999 at 17:09:34 EST
We have also gotten various errors similar to that at order entry time and are s
till working on them. What release are you on? What Service Pack. (We are on Gri

: I have an error when creating order lines on Baan V. It says something like:
: "Adress XXXX is not valid for today. Can not calculate lead time"
: Can you help me?

: Thanks

***************** End Of Article ******************

Merv Carr posted Message 1658 in Message Board
Dated : April 28, 1999 at 17:57:08 EST
Subject: Re: Sales contract prompt
I must disagree with the previous respondent.
Baan will indeed tell you in so many words(not nessarily a warning)that the orde
r line is linked to a contract (if of course there is a valid contract for the c
ombination of customer and item and the contract is active etc). This happens as
soon as you enter the qty on a sales order line. Depending on your sales contra
ct parameters, you may or may not get a warning and the system may or may not un
link the sales order line if the sales order line is changed.
The "contract" field on the sales order header is intended only for "Special con
tracts" especially if you have more than 1 special contract for the customer and
item. If you do not specify the special contract on the header, and your parame
ters allow it, the system will ask you on the order line which special contract
you would like to link the order line to.
: Shouldn't Baan prompt me that a sales contract exist on a contracted item that
I am creating a normal sales order for? I thought that when I attempted to ente
r a sales order line for a contracted item, the system would tell me that a cont
ract exists for it.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Chris T. posted Message 1659 in Message Board
Dated : April 28, 1999 at 23:02:20 EST
Subject: Normal Warehouse vs WIP warehouse
Hi Fans
What`s the normal procedure of the WIP warehouses when PCS is used concerning th
e item bought directly for a project.
Should we buy those items in a normal warehouse and then issue them into product
ion orders, or buy them directly in a WIP warehouse ?
On the financial integration side, the normal procedure is to map the purchase d
irectly in the WIP material. But, how can we balance our inventory if we buy to
a normal warehouse ?
Thanks for your help !

***************** End Of Article ******************

bm posted Message 1660 in Message Board

Dated : April 29, 1999 at 06:38:06 EST

Subject: Future dated orders disallowed
Hi there
This problem has been bugging me for some days.
In session 'Maintain Purchse Orders(tdpur4101m000)'I am not allowed to create a
future dated order date 10 days from today.Orders for prevoius dates ar
e allowed with a message.
Help solicited.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Boby posted Message 1661 in Message Board
Dated : April 29, 1999 at 06:42:40 EST
Subject: Future Dated orders disallowed
Hi there
In the maintain purchase orders session I am unable to create a Purchase order w
ith an in future orderdate ie. 10 days from today(say).I am allowed pre dated or
ders with a warning.
Help solicited.
***************** End Of Article ******************
David Elliott posted Message 1662 in Message Board
Dated : April 29, 1999 at 07:52:45 EST
Subject: Re: Normal Warehouse vs WIP warehouse
It is not possible to buy items directly into a WIP warehouse. They must go thro
ugh a normal warehouse first. Hope this helps
: Hi Fans
: What`s the normal procedure of the WIP warehouses when PCS is used concerning
the item bought directly for a project.
: Should we buy those items in a normal warehouse and then issue them into produ
ction orders, or buy them directly in a WIP warehouse ?
: On the financial integration side, the normal procedure is to map the purchase
directly in the WIP material. But, how can we balance our inventory if we buy t
o a normal warehouse ?
: Thanks for your help !

***************** End Of Article ******************

Jonathan Sunberg posted Message 1663 in Message Board

Dated : April 29, 1999 at 11:23:10 EST
Subject: When generating purchase order from contract get warning message
When generating a purchase order from a normal contract in session tdpur3201m000
, we get the message Order not found at point of recalculating price and discoun
ts. Although when the user his ok, the order continues and gets generated.
Any ideas? Thanks....

***************** End Of Article ******************

Herman posted Message 1664 in Message Board
Dated : April 29, 1999 at 13:41:25 EST
Subject: Re: When generating purchase order from contract get warning message
Check if in session tdpur4100m000 (maintain purchase order parameters) the date
for prices is set on order date instead of system date. If date is set to system
date the link to a purchase contracr will be broken.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Jonathan Sunberg posted Message 1665 in Message Board
Dated : April 29, 1999 at 14:18:51 EST
Subject: Re: When generating purchase order from contract get warning message
: Check if in session tdpur4100m000 (maintain purchase order parameters) the dat
e for prices is set on order date instead of system date. If date is set to syst
em date the link to a purchase contracr will be broken.
Thanks, but actually our paramter gives us the option of order date, system date
, and delivery date. I've chosen delivery date because we want the price to be r
eflected based on when the item is going to be delivered.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Michael Campisi posted Message 1666 in Message Board
Dated : April 29, 1999 at 14:59:21 EST
Subject: Hey Merv!
What specific parameters affect whether I receive that prompt or not. I could n
ot relate any sales contract parameter, or sales order parameter to this functio
: I must disagree with the previous respondent.
: Baan will indeed tell you in so many words(not nessarily a warning)that the or
der line is linked to a contract (if of course there is a valid contract for the
combination of customer and item and the contract is active etc). This happens
as soon as you enter the qty on a sales order line. Depending on your sales cont
ract parameters, you may or may not get a warning and the system may or may not
unlink the sales order line if the sales order line is changed.

: The "contract" field on the sales order header is intended only for "Special c
ontracts" especially if you have more than 1 special contract for the customer a
nd item. If you do not specify the special contract on the header, and your para
meters allow it, the system will ask you on the order line which special contrac
t you would like to link the order line to.
: : Shouldn't Baan prompt me that a sales contract exist on a contracted item th
at I am creating a normal sales order for? I thought that when I attempted to en
ter a sales order line for a contracted item, the system would tell me that a co
ntract exists for it.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Merv Carr posted Message 1667 in Message Board
Dated : April 29, 1999 at 23:00:45 EST
Subject: Re: Hey Merv!
If you are referring to the prompts regarding warnings etc. if a sales order lin
e is changed, then refer to the Sales contract parameter "Terminate relation aft
er order line transaction". The choices here are :Yes/No. If set to yes, and you
change something (i.e. price and or discount) The system will then give you a m
essage "Link with contract no. xxxx broken" (or words to that effect).
The other parameter I was referring to was the parameter "Several special contra
cts allowed by sales order". If set to yes, then when entering a qty on the Sale
s order line, the system will automatically zoom to a subsession which displays
the special contracts for the combination of customer and item. The user can the
n select which contract to link the order line to.
The other parameter of interest here is "Action on exceeding maximum qty", choic
es are "Accept Contract/Interactive/Skip contract" (also in sales contract param
eters). This comes into play if a sales contract line is set to "Qty binding" =

: What specific parameters affect whether I receive that prompt or not. I could
not relate any sales contract parameter, or sales order parameter to this funct
: : I must disagree with the previous respondent.
: : Baan will indeed tell you in so many words(not nessarily a warning)that the
order line is linked to a contract (if of course there is a valid contract for t
he combination of customer and item and the contract is active etc). This happen
s as soon as you enter the qty on a sales order line. Depending on your sales co
ntract parameters, you may or may not get a warning and the system may or may no
t unlink the sales order line if the sales order line is changed.
: : The "contract" field on the sales order header is intended only for "Special
contracts" especially if you have more than 1 special contract for the customer
and item. If you do not specify the special contract on the header, and your pa
rameters allow it, the system will ask you on the order line which special contr
act you would like to link the order line to.

: :
: : : Shouldn't Baan prompt me that a sales contract exist on a contracted item
that I am creating a normal sales order for? I thought that when I attempted to
enter a sales order line for a contracted item, the system would tell me that a
contract exists for it.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Vijay posted Message 1668 in Message Board
Dated : April 30, 1999 at 08:17:41 EST
Subject: Re: Vendor rating
I am loking for comprehensive Vendor Rating like what sap does, I mean which con
siders Quantities, Delivery Dates, Quality etc rather delivery date only which i
s supported by versions till BaaN 1V C2.
***************** End Of Article ******************
TonyL posted Message 1669 in Message Board
Dated : April 30, 1999 at 14:58:23 EST
Subject: Printing limitations only 10 sales invoices or PO's
What can be done to increase the number of sales invoices or purchase orders at
each printing. We can only print 10 sales invoices or purchase orders at a time
. This is slow and cumbersome. Any one have any ideas or solutions.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Merv Carr posted Message 1670 in Message Board
Dated : April 30, 1999 at 16:55:06 EST
Subject: Re: Printing limitations only 10 sales invoices or PO's
Are you perhaps using the option "Print specific Orders" ?
If so, this would limit you to printing 10 orders at a time only. If this is wha
t you are doing, then rather answer "No" to this field and enter the range of PO
numbers on the field "Order No. From and To". (I presume you are referring to P
O's and Sales Orders, and not sales invoices)
Let us know how you get on.
Merv Carr
This should then allow you to print an unlimited number of orders at once. : Wha
t can be done to increase the number of sales invoices or purchase orders at eac
h printing. We can only print 10 sales invoices or purchase orders at a time. T
his is slow and cumbersome. Any one have any ideas or solutions.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Merv Carr posted Message 1671 in Message Board

Dated : April 30, 1999 at 17:01:08 EST
Subject: Re: Planned Inventory Movement Issue
Never seen this one before, care to elaborate a little on the problem. Just trie
d to duplicate this but had no success.
: When making a change to the delivery date or order date on a saved purchase or
der line, the "On Order" quantity displayed on Form 2 changes by the quantity of
the item being purchased. Has anyone run into this problem, or is it not a prob
lem at all and I just don't understand Baan's logic?

***************** End Of Article ******************

Ajaz, Syed posted Message 1672 in Message Board
Dated : May 01, 1999 at 03:38:26 EST
Subject: Alternative Items
We are using BaanIVc on Windows NT with SQL*Server as backend.
One of Our company sells spare parts of motor engines.
Periodically they receive notification from the supplier of spare parts that an
item "X" is superceeded by item "Y" i.e item "X" will be referred to as item "Y"
from now onwards. and sometime later another notification says item "Y" is supe
rceeded by item "Z" and this is an ongoing process. In this way some items may h
ave been superceeded 10 times.
My understanding is BaaN handles Alternative Items, but I am wondering how can I
fit the above requirement in Alternative Item. At the same time I have to maint
ain the history of all the items i.e. when I perform a transaction with item Z,
it should consider the history of Y and X also (e.g in DRP, MPS).
Could anybody help me out of this problem. Thanks in Advance.
Ajaz, Syed
***************** End Of Article ******************
fawaz posted Message 1673 in Message Board
Dated : May 01, 1999 at 08:38:45 EST
Subject: number of sales statistics sort codes that wouldn't have any drawback o
n performance of the system
Hi everybody :
We would like to know what is the possible number of sales statistics sort codes
that wouldn't have any drawback on performance of the system, as we are definin
g the sort codes for defining Operational plan "rolling budget purposes" in com
parison for annual budget plan. We were advised to use sort codes but nobody cou
ld tell on how many possible sort codes could savely be defined.
***************** End Of Article ******************

Boby Mohan posted Message 1674 in Message Board

Dated : May 03, 1999 at 01:49:50 EST
Subject: Order disallowed
Hi There
I work on BaaN IV c3.
While trying to raise a Purchase order the system disalows me by giving a messag
e - 'Cost Price Structure Not Available For This Date'.
Help solicited for solving this quagmire.
Thanks in Advance

***************** End Of Article ******************

Ajaz, Syed posted Message 1675 in Message Board
Dated : May 03, 1999 at 02:37:17 EST
Subject: Re: Order disallowed
Hi Body Mohan,
You made me recall that I faced the same problem when I started my carrier in Ba
aN. This is fairly a simple problem.
Select "Calculate Standard Cost Prices by Item" from zoom menu options. You can
run this session once in a day/24 hours if economic stock is present for this it
Ajaz, Syed
: Hi There
: I work on BaaN IV c3.
: While trying to raise a Purchase order the system disalows me by giving a mess
age - 'Cost Price Structure Not Available For This Date'.
: Help solicited for solving this quagmire.
: Thanks in Advance
: Boby

***************** End Of Article ******************

Ajaz, Syed posted Message 1676 in Message Board
Dated : May 03, 1999 at 02:40:43 EST
Subject: Re: Order disallowed
Hi Boby Mohan,
Try running "Calculate Standard Cost Prices by Item" from zoom of Item Master. I
t should solve your problem. You can run this session from Cost Accounting Packa
ge also.

If economic stock is present for any item, you can run this session once in a da
y only.
Hope this will help you.
Ajaz, Syed
: Hi There
: I work on BaaN IV c3.
: While trying to raise a Purchase order the system disalows me by giving a mess
age - 'Cost Price Structure Not Available For This Date'.
: Help solicited for solving this quagmire.
: Thanks in Advance
: Boby

***************** End Of Article ******************

boby mohan posted Message 1677 in Message Board
Dated : May 03, 1999 at 04:31:38 EST
Subject: Re: Order disallowed
Thanks ajaz.
: Hi Boby Mohan,
: Try running "Calculate Standard Cost Prices by Item" from zoom of Item Master.
It should solve your problem. You can run this session from Cost Accounting Pac
kage also.
: If economic stock is present for any item, you can run this session once in a
day only.
: Hope this will help you.
: Ajaz, Syed
: : Hi There
: : I work on BaaN IV c3.
: : While trying to raise a Purchase order the system disalows me by giving a me
ssage - 'Cost Price Structure Not Available For This Date'.
: : Help solicited for solving this quagmire.
: : Thanks in Advance
: : Boby

***************** End Of Article ******************

Mine posted Message 1678 in Message Board
Dated : May 03, 1999 at 04:51:08 EST
Subject: Re: It should be a bug

It is recvered when you run Error Recovery Session, but it is not a pleasant sol
ution, because all "on order quantity" figures and all the reports receiving dat
a from those figures are not reliable then.
: When making a change to the delivery date or order date on a saved purchase or
der line, the "On Order" quantity displayed on Form 2 changes by the quantity of
the item being purchased. Has anyone run into this problem, or is it not a prob
lem at all and I just don't understand Baan's logic?

***************** End Of Article ******************

Jonathan Sunberg posted Message 1679 in Message Board
Dated : May 03, 1999 at 10:38:25 EST
Subject: Purchase Orders with Project
We would like to track our purchase order for given projects. We don't however w
ant to fully use the Project Module. Really we just want to create a project and
use it as a tag for PO's. I believed I could just create a project in Maintain
Projects and then when creating a PO Line I would just have to attach the projec
t. Unfortunately when I do this I receive the error Item not found. Is this beca
use I have to create parts for the given project? Is there anyway to get around
***************** End Of Article ******************
Merv Carr posted Message 1680 in Message Board
Dated : May 03, 1999 at 11:43:58 EST
Subject: Re: Purchase Orders with Project
You are getting this message because, by virtue of entering the project number,
the system is looking for a customised item (and obviously you haven't created t
hem). Exception to this rule is if you enter a cost type item. The system will w
arn you that the item is not a customised item but will allow you to carry on. T
his will then update the project costs appropriately. Another alternative is to
use "general Project costs (estimated or actual) or "Project surcharges"
Hope this helps.
: We would like to track our purchase order for given projects. We don't however
want to fully use the Project Module. Really we just want to create a project a
nd use it as a tag for PO's. I believed I could just create a project in Maintai
n Projects and then when creating a PO Line I would just have to attach the proj
ect. Unfortunately when I do this I receive the error Item not found. Is this be
cause I have to create parts for the given project? Is there anyway to get aroun
d this?
: Thanks..

***************** End Of Article ******************

Delaware, Eddie Wierts posted Message 1681 in Message Board
Dated : May 03, 1999 at 12:22:22 EST

Subject: Re: Purchase Orders with Project

I have managed to do it just for a purchase item. You don't have to create parts
for the project, altough you can with the session tppdm6110m000. The only thing
I did was make a project, controlled on elements, but you can choose another co
ntrol level in the session tppdm6102s000, a subsession of maintain projects. I c
reated one element and defined it as the top element. When I created an PO I onl
y had to fill the field 'element' in form 3 of the PO lines. Why you get the mes
sage I don't know but you can check you're item data, do they have the additiona
l project data in form 1? This form is created when you fill the parameter proje
ct implemented on yes.
: You are getting this message because, by virtue of entering the project number
, the system is looking for a customised item (and obviously you haven't created
them). Exception to this rule is if you enter a cost type item. The system will
warn you that the item is not a customised item but will allow you to carry on.
This will then update the project costs appropriately. Another alternative is
to use "general Project costs (estimated or actual) or "Project surcharges"
: Hope this helps.
: : We would like to track our purchase order for given projects. We don't howev
er want to fully use the Project Module. Really we just want to create a project
and use it as a tag for PO's. I believed I could just create a project in Maint
ain Projects and then when creating a PO Line I would just have to attach the pr
oject. Unfortunately when I do this I receive the error Item not found. Is this
because I have to create parts for the given project? Is there anyway to get aro
und this?
: : Thanks..

***************** End Of Article ******************

TonyL posted Message 1682 in Message Board
Dated : May 03, 1999 at 12:49:02 EST
Subject: Re: Printing limitations only 10 sales invoices or PO's
:It does not matter if we enter a range of 100 PO's or sales orders, we only get
10 sales invoices or PO's from the appropriate Sales or Purchases session. We
are not printing specific orders.
Are you perhaps using the option "Print specific Orders" ?
: If so, this would limit you to printing 10 orders at a time only. If this is w
hat you are doing, then rather answer "No" to this field and enter the range of
PO numbers on the field "Order No. From and To". (I presume you are referring to
PO's and Sales Orders, and not sales invoices)
: Let us know how you get on.
: Merv Carr
: This should then allow you to print an unlimited number of orders at once. : W
hat can be done to increase the number of sales invoices or purchase orders at e
ach printing. We can only print 10 sales invoices or purchase orders at a time.
This is slow and cumbersome. Any one have any ideas or solutions.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Steve posted Message 1683 in Message Board
Dated : May 03, 1999 at 14:28:55 EST
Subject: Re: Commission &amp; Rebate - Urgent
I ran into the same problem with rebates until I changed the parameters to work
properly. For commissions, go to the session Maintain Commission Parameters (tdc
ms0100m000), click on form2 and ensure you have the priorities set right.
: Hi Amy,
: I have just run into the exact same problem. I have created the relations and
agreements exactly the same way you have, but am receiving the same error messag
e. Did you get your hands on this patch, if so can you tell me what it is or whe
re I can retrieve it? Did you get it from Baan support.
: I would greatly appreciate your help.
: Jonathan Sunberg
: : : While calculating commission for employee/supplier I am getting error mess
age "Accounts not found". Ledger accounts have been defined in "Maintain transac
tion accounts by commission". The version is Baan IV c3. Can anybody explain ?
: : We are implementing version Baan IV 4c. We have come across a similar issue
withing Commissions and Rebates. We have set up our representatives as supplie
rs in order to pay them commissions. We have established a relation as a suppli
er, an agreement for that relation and linked the relation to a sales order. Wh
en we try to calculate the commission based on the sales order header. Once we
run session "calculate commissions/rebates) for that specific sales order we get
the error message "agreement not foun" for that specific relation.
Same thin
g applies to rebates. I do not know if the two relate, but I have been informed
there is a patch that needs to be put into place before we can calculate commis

***************** End Of Article ******************

Steve Ross posted Message 1684 in Message Board
Dated : May 03, 1999 at 14:33:26 EST
Subject: Re: Freight Charges
Why not setup a commission group where all parts, finished goods, etc. sold to c
ustomers belong to this commission group (Maintain Item Data form 3) then use th
is group when defining your agreements.
: : 1. How do you bill freight charges to a sales orde? I have found that if y
ou enter a cost item for freight charges, commissions are applied to those charg
es. We do not want that.

: : 2. If we do not prepay and add freight, and request the carrier to bill dire
ctly, how do you show on the sales order on the system, on the acknowledgement,
sales invoice and most importantly the bill of lading, who is paying for the fre
ight charges. eg: consignor, consignee, third party?
: Another way is in Maintain Commissions Parameters (tdcms01000m000) set the com
mission link to "Order Line" instead of "Order". When a Sales Order is created,
zoom at the line level to session Maintain Relations by Order Line and delete t
he link to pay commissions on freight.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Steve Ross posted Message 1685 in Message Board
Dated : May 03, 1999 at 14:38:47 EST
Subject: Re: Commission &amp; Rebate
I ran into the same problem with rebates until I changed the parameters to work
properly. For commissions, go to the session Maintain Commission Parameters (tdc
ms0100m000), click on form2 and ensure you have the priorities set right.
: :
: : Hello Guys,
: : I have some problems on commission & rebates.
: : I tried to set everything from the master data down to the agreements and li
nking the commisions to a sales order. But once I calculated it it prompts me an
error states that "NO AGREEMENT FOUND" but i've check everything and it seems t
o be complete.
: : Can anyone give me a help on this.
: : Thanks,
: : Cesz
: We are implementing version Baan IV 4c. We have come across a similar issue wi
thing Commissions and Rebates. We have set up our representatives as suppliers i
n order to pay them commissions. We have established a relation as a supplier, a
n agreement for that relation and linked the relation to a sales order. When we
try to calculate the commission based on the sales order header. Once we run ses
sion "calculate commissions/rebates) for that specific sales order we get the er
ror message "agreement not foun" for that specific relation. Same thing applies
to rebates. I have been informed there is a patch that needs to be put into pla
ce before we can calculate commissions.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Steve posted Message 1686 in Message Board
Dated : May 03, 1999 at 14:42:33 EST
Subject: Re: Rebate control
I ran into the same problem with rebates until I changed the parameters to work
properly. For commissions, go to the session Maintain Commission Parameters (tdc

ms0100m000), click on form2 and ensure you have the priorities set right.
We have implemented the PMC module (Product Maintenance Control)for updating our
Baan environment and we are up-to-date to Feb 15/99 so we may have installed wh
atever patch affected this already. If someone can get me a patch ID, I can chec
k it out.
: : : After setting up the CMS master data I tried to calculate rebates. Whateve
r I do I get the fault message in my report that states: 'No agreement available
'. I do have entered agreements for rebates. Can anyone tell me what the problem
could be. By the way I'm working in BaanIVc2
: We are implementing version Baan IV 4c. We have come across a similar issue wi
thing Commissions and Rebates. We have set up our representatives as suppliers i
n order to pay them commissions. We have established a relation as a supplier, a
n agreement for that relation and linked the relation to a sales order. When we
try to calculate the commission based on the sales order header. Once we run ses
sion "calculate commissions/rebates) for that specific sales order we get the er
ror message "agreement not foun" for that specific relation. Same thing applies
to rebates. I have been informed there is a patch that needs to be put into plac
e before we can calculate commissions.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Steve Ross posted Message 1687 in Message Board
Dated : May 03, 1999 at 14:49:21 EST
Subject: Multiple Relations for One Customer
We need to configure multiple relations for a single customer where they will re
ceive a 15% discount as a rebate and also receive a 3% rebate to go towards a ma
rketing fund account. Unfortunately, Baan only seems to allow 1 relation per cus
tomer. Anyone have any ideas? Thanks for your help...
***************** End Of Article ******************
Pmo posted Message 1688 in Message Board
Dated : May 03, 1999 at 15:16:55 EST
Subject: Sales Statisitics Layouts
I want to define a column for Year to Date figure (YTD). How can I do this to al
low a Shift in column periods to update it correctly?
eg period 99, 1 ,1 to 99 1,1,5 . Update shifts both columns
99, 1 ,1 to 99 1,1,6
***************** End Of Article ******************
John Smith posted Message 1689 in Message Board
Dated : May 03, 1999 at 17:36:57 EST

Subject: EDI - Interim Tables

I am experimenting some difficulties testing some Internal EDI transactions...
I am using Internal Edi in a Multi Logistic/Single Finance environment.
I am able to generate and receive 850/ Purchase Order and 856/ Purchase Order Ch
ange Acnowledgment.
I can even generate the 856/ advance Shipping Notice.
However when I do the "Direct Network Communicating" the system is unnable to re
ad the "856" file. It doesn't generate errors neither...
So, when I print the packing slip, appears the message "New edi message prepared
The interim table (tdpur400) is empty. Why???
Every help will be highly appretiated.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Mathieu Nellestein posted Message 1690 in Message Board
Dated : May 04, 1999 at 04:51:15 EST
Subject: cumulatives and discrete netting for sales schedules (SCH)
I am currently assisting a client with implementing Baan EDI and Sales Supply Ch
ain. We were planning to use the VDA/ODETTE message for the creation of sales sc
hedules via EDI (using the DLL tdsscdll4905). However, the EDI message does not
handle cumulative quantities nor does it allow discrete netting. The alternative
would be to use the standard library for the X12 830 and EDIFACT equivalent. Th
is poses a different problem since it assumes the rather awkward file format whe
re daily quantities are all stores in one record in daily buckets which is not s
upported by third part translators. So it seems where out of standard options. I
would appreciate any suggestions/comments from folks who have experienced a sim
ilar problem.
Best Regards,
Mathieu Nellestein
***************** End Of Article ******************
Mathieu Nellestein posted Message 1691 in Message Board
Dated : May 04, 1999 at 04:56:37 EST
Subject: Re: EDI - Interim Tables
If you are using the default Baan conversion setups, this may happen since the o
utbound and inbound layouts do not always match exactly. I would suggest to go t
o the menu for conversion setups and to print out the mapping information for th
e inbound and outbound setup for the X12-856. Then compare the two and check if
position and type of information for each field matches. If not, you would have
to modify the conversion setup. If you don't get any print outs when EDI tries t
o load the message, it points at the fact that someting is either wrong with the
message overhead or the header section. You could try to check this by looking
into the trace file. Feel free to drop me a note if you need more info.
Mathieu Nellestein

: I am experimenting some difficulties testing some Internal EDI transactions...

: I am using Internal Edi in a Multi Logistic/Single Finance environment.
: I am able to generate and receive 850/ Purchase Order and 856/ Purchase Order
Change Acnowledgment.
: I can even generate the 856/ advance Shipping Notice.
: However when I do the "Direct Network Communicating" the system is unnable to
read the "856" file. It doesn't generate errors neither...
: So, when I print the packing slip, appears the message "New edi message prepar
: The interim table (tdpur400) is empty. Why???
: Every help will be highly appretiated.

***************** End Of Article ******************

fawaz posted Message 1692 in Message Board
Dated : May 04, 1999 at 07:20:13 EST
Subject: PRP
In our implementation we are getting two or three purchase orders generated for
one sales order, I think this is resulting whenever the user prompted for gener
ating prp order and then makes a confirm and transfere for that prp order and st
ill get back to sales order and changes some data, in this case another Prp will
be generated and if confirmed and transfered another purchase order will be gen
erated. If there is no parameter ensures an update to the purchase order hold th
e same project number I think We will try a customization to first check if ther
e is a purchase order that holds the same project number if there is, an update
to the same record should occur or a deletion for the old purchase order if main
tain receipt was not done. Pls contribute to this matter ASAP, since upto now w
e have encoutered 28 orders with the same situation.
best regards.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Pete Nohre posted Message 1693 in Message Board
Dated : May 04, 1999 at 16:22:28 EST
Subject: discounting cost items
I am placing an order discount percentage for a price list. However, it is taki
ng the percentage off all items including cost items (such as freight). How can
I get the disc. to apply to everything but cost items?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Bonnie Brown posted Message 1694 in Message Board
Dated : May 04, 1999 at 17:08:05 EST
In Display Capacity Data by Trip - actual capacity data does not get displayed e
ven though the units and data get copied to the transport order.
***************** End Of Article ******************

Merv Carr posted Message 1695 in Message Board

Dated : May 04, 1999 at 19:53:46 EST
Subject: Re: discounting cost items
If I am reading your question right, then you should be able to place your cost
items into "Discounts by Price List and Price Group" and specify a zero discount
(net) for the cost items (The price group field would link the cost items). The
system would then find the "zero" discount for the cost items and would not sea
rch any further for a discount for these items. Alternatively you could specify
a price (net) for the cost items in "prices by price list and item". The trick i
n both cases is to specify price and / or discount at a higher (more specific) l
evel for the cost items.(If the price is specified as "net" the system will not
look any further for a discount)
Hope this helps.
: I am placing an order discount percentage for a price list. However, it is ta
king the percentage off all items including cost items (such as freight). How c
an I get the disc. to apply to everything but cost items?
: Regards,
: Pete

***************** End Of Article ******************

Nokie posted Message 1696 in Message Board
Dated : May 04, 1999 at 20:46:01 EST
: Does anyone know why BaaN generate automatically INBOUND ones in a while but a
lways at 23:59:59 for some parts.
: We notice that is appening for no reason on some parts that we received at the
receiving dept. on the same day.
: It is not always on the same supplier !
: It is not always on the same parts !
: We look in the Job Management module and there is nothing running around this
: Thanks for your help !
i post this query long time ago, but no response. I'm glad someone raise back t
he issue.
Anyway, based on my simulation
I notice that the date of purchase receipt and the date of release inbound is al
ways the
same even if you release inbound on the other day. And if you notice the time of
the release(if you release on other day than the receipt day) is always 23:59:5
9. I had a big argument with my user on this. It seems like the system is
assuming that we always release the inbound on the same day as receipt.
***************** End Of Article ******************

fawaz posted Message 1697 in Message Board

Dated : May 05, 1999 at 05:08:30 EST
Subject: easy SQL query / Multi Logistics and multi Finance
Two questions : First :We would like to get help from any tools expert who had e
xperienced Calling an easy SQL query from a session. Can that be accomplished.
Second : In a Multi Logistics and multi Finance setup Can the Customer Master da
ta and delivery addresses be shared between two companies?.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Genie posted Message 1698 in Message Board
Dated : May 05, 1999 at 07:28:47 EST
Subject: Re: Alternative Items
Alternative items are only read via PRP. This is the only planning system which
reads them. The only thing you can do is make sure, as part of your process, i
s for the user to reference this tables information.
: We are using BaanIVc on Windows NT with SQL*Server as backend.
: One of Our company sells spare parts of motor engines.
: Periodically they receive notification from the supplier of spare parts that a
n item "X" is superceeded by item "Y" i.e item "X" will be referred to as item "
Y" from now onwards. and sometime later another notification says item "Y" is su
perceeded by item "Z" and this is an ongoing process. In this way some items may
have been superceeded 10 times.
: My understanding is BaaN handles Alternative Items, but I am wondering how can
I fit the above requirement in Alternative Item. At the same time I have to mai
ntain the history of all the items i.e. when I perform a transaction with item Z
, it should consider the history of Y and X also (e.g in DRP, MPS).
: Could anybody help me out of this problem. Thanks in Advance.
: Ajaz, Syed

***************** End Of Article ******************

rambhak posted Message 1699 in Message Board
Dated : May 06, 1999 at 00:37:16 EST
Subject: Re: Future Dated orders disallowed
What is the error message ?

: Hi there

: In the maintain purchase orders session I am unable to create a Purchase order

with an in future orderdate ie. 10 days from today(say).I am allowed pre dated
orders with a warning.
: Help solicited.
: Boby

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Janakinath posted Message 1700 in Message Board
Dated : May 06, 1999 at 07:36:03 EST
Subject: How to restrict a buyer as per the budget
There are different (purchase)buyers in a company who have been alloted a budget
amount above which he can't purchase items. How one can restrict a buyer so tha
t he cannot cross the budget limit
For example:
x person can maintain purchase order value upto $50,000. Above this if he mai
ntains a PO the system should not accept.
Is there any solution or should we go for customisation
Thanks in advance
***************** End Of Article ******************
Peter Donnan posted Message 1701 in Message Board
Dated : May 06, 1999 at 09:18:58 EST
Subject: Rebilling Invoices with Inventory items
We do what we call Credit/Rebills in our current system (we are switching to BAA
N this month). The reason for doing the credit re-bill is if we make an error a
nd bill the wrong dealer for the goods, or if we bill an incorrect dollar amount
and the dealer would like a new invoice that is 'corrected'. Currently we do a
credit/rebill (using parts numbers that are inventoried) but we do not have to
go through the steps of going through bringing the items back into a whse (BAAN
demands this-as they are inventoried items)then 'reshipping' it. We can use the
part numbers, and credit the wrong original invoice, and re-bill correctly. In
BAAN we now need to do 'negative' outbound and fool the system that the items w
ere brought back into a QC WHSE, then ship them out again. Is there any way to
skip these steps, but still use the original part numbers? The parts are NEVER
going to really be coming back here, and are credited and re-billed the same bus
iness day. It would save us ALOT of time.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Peter Donnan posted Message 1702 in Message Board
Dated : May 06, 1999 at 09:27:41 EST
Subject: Re: Sales Orders for Duplicate Purchase Orders

: There is nothing available in Baan that I am aware of to do this checking. It

would only be a small customization to do this if that is an option for you.
: John
Hi.We got this customized for our company. It works GREAT, and even tells you t
he previous sales order # the PO# was used for. A warning-the PO# area is case
sensative-so internally you will need to make a judgement call in regards to usi
ng all upper case or lower case for customers PO#'s that contain alpha character
***************** End Of Article ******************
Doug posted Message 1703 in Message Board
Dated : May 06, 1999 at 09:38:23 EST
Subject: Re: Rebilling Invoices with Inventory items
: We do what we call Credit/Rebills in our current system (we are switching to B
AAN this month). The reason for doing the credit re-bill is if we make an error
and bill the wrong dealer for the goods, or if we bill an incorrect dollar amou
nt and the dealer would like a new invoice that is 'corrected'. Currently we do
a credit/rebill (using parts numbers that are inventoried) but we do not have t
o go through the steps of going through bringing the items back into a whse (BAA
N demands this-as they are inventoried items)then 'reshipping' it. We can use t
he part numbers, and credit the wrong original invoice, and re-bill correctly.
In BAAN we now need to do 'negative' outbound and fool the system that the items
were brought back into a QC WHSE, then ship them out again. Is there any way t
o skip these steps, but still use the original part numbers? The parts are NEVE
R going to really be coming back here, and are credited and re-billed the same b
usiness day. It would save us ALOT of time.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Doug posted Message 1704 in Message Board
Dated : May 06, 1999 at 09:44:57 EST
Subject: Re: Rebilling Invoices with Inventory items
We have the same situation. We created a new order type "SOC - Sales Order Corr
ections". The order type is set to Collect =yes and has Print Sales Invoices an
d Process Delivered Sales Orders as its order steps. The correction is made by
entering two line items, one negative and one positive quantity to keep the quan
tities straight. The pricing is then done to effectively do the credit and rebi
ll. When you exit the sales order the outbound sessions run automatically since
it is a collect order. We have a nightly batch that prints and processes our in
Hope this helps.

: We do what we call Credit/Rebills in our current system (we are switching to B

AAN this month). The reason for doing the credit re-bill is if we make an error
and bill the wrong dealer for the goods, or if we bill an incorrect dollar amou
nt and the dealer would like a new invoice that is 'corrected'. Currently we do
a credit/rebill (using parts numbers that are inventoried) but we do not have t
o go through the steps of going through bringing the items back into a whse (BAA
N demands this-as they are inventoried items)then 'reshipping' it. We can use t
he part numbers, and credit the wrong original invoice, and re-bill correctly.
In BAAN we now need to do 'negative' outbound and fool the system that the items
were brought back into a QC WHSE, then ship them out again. Is there any way t
o skip these steps, but still use the original part numbers? The parts are NEVE
R going to really be coming back here, and are credited and re-billed the same b
usiness day. It would save us ALOT of time.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Peter Donnan posted Message 1705 in Message Board
Dated : May 06, 1999 at 09:54:04 EST
Subject: Re: Rebilling Invoices with Inventory items
Doug-how did you get past Maintain Deliveries (a step that is mandatory in BAAN
when using inventory items?) You said you put the steps as print invoice and pr
ocess sales orders? Is it because you put it in as collect? I am very curious t
o see how this was accomplished, and hope it will cut down on some steps for us
as well.
: We have the same situation. We created a new order type "SOC - Sales Order Co
rrections". The order type is set to Collect =yes and has Print Sales Invoices
and Process Delivered Sales Orders as its order steps. The correction is made b
y entering two line items, one negative and one positive quantity to keep the qu
antities straight. The pricing is then done to effectively do the credit and re
bill. When you exit the sales order the outbound sessions run automatically sinc
e it is a collect order. We have a nightly batch that prints and processes our
: Hope this helps.
: ******************************************************

: : We do what we call Credit/Rebills in our current system (we are switching to
BAAN this month). The reason for doing the credit re-bill is if we make an err
or and bill the wrong dealer for the goods, or if we bill an incorrect dollar am
ount and the dealer would like a new invoice that is 'corrected'. Currently we
do a credit/rebill (using parts numbers that are inventoried) but we do not have
to go through the steps of going through bringing the items back into a whse (B
AAN demands this-as they are inventoried items)then 'reshipping' it. We can use
the part numbers, and credit the wrong original invoice, and re-bill correctly.
In BAAN we now need to do 'negative' outbound and fool the system that the ite
ms were brought back into a QC WHSE, then ship them out again. Is there any way
to skip these steps, but still use the original part numbers? The parts are NE
VER going to really be coming back here, and are credited and re-billed the same
business day. It would save us ALOT of time.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Peter Donnan posted Message 1706 in Message Board

Dated : May 06, 1999 at 10:16:02 EST
Subject: No Price Invoice Blocking
Is there any way to block a sales order from Invoicing if there is a part (inven
toried) that has not yet been assigned a List Price? I know-I know...why are we
setting up parts for sale without a list price at the time of set up? It is a
matter of discipline here, but the request is the same. The invoice would have
to eventually be maintained to assign the correct list price, then invoiced. Th
anks for the help on this.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Vernon Anderson posted Message 1707 in Message Board
Dated : May 06, 1999 at 11:19:02 EST
Subject: Customer revision levels and internal revision levels
I have a client who manufactures fasteners to a customer's revision level. The
customer may generate a new revision level for their part for which my client ma
y or may not create a new internal revision level. To further complicate the ma
tter, the customer revision levels may have effective and expiry dates.
During sales order entry, the sales order entry person needs to be able to selec
t the appropriate customer item number AND revision level for the order. We are
thinking of using item codes by item code system (session tiitm0112m000) to acc
omodate the customer item cross-reference but that does not allow us to do the r
evision level tracking or selection.
Any ideas would be appreciated!
Vernon Anderson, CPIM
***************** End Of Article ******************
Matthias Mertes posted Message 1708 in Message Board
Dated : May 06, 1999 at 11:38:06 EST
Subject: reference projects on transportation and/or warehouse?
I am desperately searching any reference projects in transportation and warehous
e issues. What is Baan able to do in this respect and what are the advantages/di
Thank you for an answer.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Merv Carr posted Message 1709 in Message Board
Dated : May 06, 1999 at 12:24:20 EST
Subject: Re: No Price Invoice Blocking
If you do have a realistic standard cost for the item, then you could probably u
se Baan "Margin Control" for that purpose. Worth looking at.

: Is there any way to block a sales order from Invoicing if there is a part (inv
entoried) that has not yet been assigned a List Price? I know-I know...why are
we setting up parts for sale without a list price at the time of set up? It is
a matter of discipline here, but the request is the same. The invoice would hav
e to eventually be maintained to assign the correct list price, then invoiced.
Thanks for the help on this.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Merv Carr posted Message 1710 in Message Board
Dated : May 06, 1999 at 12:46:55 EST
Subject: Re: Rebilling Invoices with Inventory items
Hi Guys
There is a little additional thing you can do to make life a little easier. Do e
verything you were talking about, but leave the qty on the order line as zero. Y
ou will then skip straight past the "price" field and go directly to "amount", m
ake sure it is for the correction amount (be that negative or positive), and the
n you can skip the steps of bringing the item in and then out of inventory (You
shouldn't use a "return" order as the amount may be neg or positive. The collect
order type will skip the "maintain deliveries" step and additionally because th
ere are no qty's involved, you can also skip the "outbound" portion.
Hope this helps
: Doug-how did you get past Maintain Deliveries (a step that is mandatory in BAA
N when using inventory items?) You said you put the steps as print invoice and
process sales orders? Is it because you put it in as collect? I am very curious
to see how this was accomplished, and hope it will cut down on some steps for u
s as well.
: : We have the same situation. We created a new order type "SOC - Sales Order
Corrections". The order type is set to Collect =yes and has Print Sales Invoice
s and Process Delivered Sales Orders as its order steps. The correction is made
by entering two line items, one negative and one positive quantity to keep the
quantities straight. The pricing is then done to effectively do the credit and
rebill. When you exit the sales order the outbound sessions run automatically si
nce it is a collect order. We have a nightly batch that prints and processes ou
r invoices.
: : Hope this helps.
: : ******************************************************
: :
: : : We do what we call Credit/Rebills in our current system (we are switching
to BAAN this month). The reason for doing the credit re-bill is if we make an e
rror and bill the wrong dealer for the goods, or if we bill an incorrect dollar
amount and the dealer would like a new invoice that is 'corrected'. Currently w
e do a credit/rebill (using parts numbers that are inventoried) but we do not ha
ve to go through the steps of going through bringing the items back into a whse
(BAAN demands this-as they are inventoried items)then 'reshipping' it. We can u
se the part numbers, and credit the wrong original invoice, and re-bill correctl
y. In BAAN we now need to do 'negative' outbound and fool the system that the i
tems were brought back into a QC WHSE, then ship them out again. Is there any w
ay to skip these steps, but still use the original part numbers? The parts are

NEVER going to really be coming back here, and are credited and re-billed the sa
me business day. It would save us ALOT of time.

***************** End Of Article ******************

L. McCorison posted Message 1711 in Message Board
Dated : May 06, 1999 at 14:12:14 EST
Subject: Re: Multiple Relations for One Customer
EAMS and link the team to the customer.
You may need to define the percentages after you calculate the commission unless
you set the item up correctly.
: We need to configure multiple relations for a single customer where they will
receive a 15% discount as a rebate and also receive a 3% rebate to go towards a
marketing fund account. Unfortunately, Baan only seems to allow 1 relation per c
ustomer. Anyone have any ideas? Thanks for your help...
: Steve

***************** End Of Article ******************

L. McCorison posted Message 1712 in Message Board
Dated : May 06, 1999 at 14:22:38 EST
Subject: Re: Can not copy Sales Order (tdsls4201s000)in BaanIVc4
To copy only specific lines, you first change the "Copy All Lines" to No.
This will bring you to a screen listing all the lines on the original sales orde
r. To copy only specific lines you hold the CTRL key while you select the line
and click the "Select to Copy" button after you select each line. Once have com
pleted selecting the lines to copy, click "Select to Copy" one more time and the
n OK.
I struggled with this myself. Contact me if I have not explained myself well.
: When copying a sales
cted orderlines. It is
ines from one order to
mm says that there are
: Who can help me?
: Thank you,
: Gerlinde

order using tdsls4201s000 it is not possible to copy sele

only possible to copy one whole order with ALL its orderl
another. If I try to select an orderline, then the progra
no orderlines available for copying.

***************** End Of Article ******************

L. McCorison posted Message 1713 in Message Board
Dated : May 06, 1999 at 14:30:48 EST
Subject: Re: Return orders with lot control

In our company, if we are returning a lot control item that shipped in our Pre-B
aan world, we are able to Maintain Lots for the item and then link the lot to th
e negative outbound in the maintain outbound session. Seems to work smoothly, e
xcept for the additional transaction required.
: In order to return goods to a supplier using a return order with Lot Control t
urned on, you have to have the goods in your receiving location within the wareh
ouse your are returning the goods from. If the goods were originally issued to
a production order, then the production order must be reduced by the qty you wis
h to ship out. Reducing the goods from the production order will transfer them
to their original warehouse, which then need to be transferred to the receiving
location. Once in the received location, Maintain Receipts by the negative qty
to reflect shipping to the supplier. If you expect the goods to return (repaire
d, for example), you will need to create a new line on the PO for the expected r
: Keep in mind you must always select the lot you wish to transfer by choosing t
he specific lot and date of transaction.
: Hope I'm right and that this helps...

***************** End Of Article ******************

rambhak posted Message 1714 in Message Board
Dated : May 06, 1999 at 22:59:27 EST
Subject: Re: No Price Invoice Blocking
We have a similar problem. Margin control blocks orders . We have a problem
if the order has other parts. Then the entire order is blocked. The other proble
m is that blocking step has to set as the invoicing step. When we have different
order types with different blocking steps, the user has to choose the correct o
rder type. Looks like V have to customize. Do U think there is any other way out
: If you do have a realistic standard cost for the item, then you could probably
use Baan "Margin Control" for that purpose. Worth looking at.
: : Is there any way to block a sales order from Invoicing if there is a part (i
nventoried) that has not yet been assigned a List Price? I know-I know...why ar
e we setting up parts for sale without a list price at the time of set up? It i
s a matter of discipline here, but the request is the same. The invoice would h
ave to eventually be maintained to assign the correct list price, then invoiced.
Thanks for the help on this.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Boby Mohan posted Message 1715 in Message Board
Dated : May 07, 1999 at 02:22:58 EST
Subject: Re: Future Dated orders disallowed

Hi rambhak
A very curt message which says
Thanks & Regards
: What is the error message ?
: : Hi there
: : In the maintain purchase orders session I am unable to create a Purchase ord
er with an in future orderdate ie. 10 days from today(say).I am allowed pre date
d orders with a warning.
: : Help solicited.
: : Boby

***************** End Of Article ******************

N.Srinivasa Rao posted Message 1716 in Message Board
Dated : May 07, 1999 at 05:06:03 EST
Subject: Customer P.O number
I wanted to know the significance of the field "CUSTOMER P.O number" in the Sale
s order lines, in the 5th form session tdsls4102s000 . can any one throw light o
n it.
N.srinvasa rao
***************** End Of Article ******************
genie posted Message 1717 in Message Board
Dated : May 07, 1999 at 06:45:13 EST
Subject: Re: Normal Warehouse vs WIP warehouse
WIP warehouses are tied to your work center, and if you have established a relat
ionship of item by warehouse, the bill of material when tied to a production ord
er and printed / released, will flip the warehouse to the WIP warehouse.
: It is not possible to buy items directly into a WIP warehouse. They must go th
rough a normal warehouse first. Hope this helps
: : Hi Fans
: : What`s the normal procedure of the WIP warehouses when PCS is used concernin
g the item bought directly for a project.

: : Should we buy those items in a normal warehouse and then issue them into pro
duction orders, or buy them directly in a WIP warehouse ?
: : On the financial integration side, the normal procedure is to map the purcha
se directly in the WIP material. But, how can we balance our inventory if we buy
to a normal warehouse ?
: : Thanks for your help !

***************** End Of Article ******************

genie posted Message 1718 in Message Board
Dated : May 07, 1999 at 06:49:58 EST
Subject: Re: Shelf life
Shelf Life is a manually management process in Baan. You must run the program f
or items due to expire, specify the date range, and decide if you want to expire
these items via blocking.
: We like to make use of the shelf-live functionality. After some investigation
after the functionality of shelf-live we have one big question left.
: Example;
: We produce paint wich has a limited shelf live of 1 year.
: We produce lager amounts of paint in one batch. This paint has a shelf live of
1 year.
: This paint is put on stock in large containers. After three months we repack s
ome of this paint in smaller containers and put thgose on finished goods invento
ry. The shelf live of these goods is normaly one year.
: Since the quality of the paint counts we would like to have the shelf-live cor
rected from 12 months to 9 months because the paint is already three months old.
The problem is that we cannot tell how long paint normaly is put on stock befor
e re-packaging. Is Baan capable to handle these kind of situations?

***************** End Of Article ******************

Naveed Khan posted Message 1719 in Message Board
Dated : May 07, 1999 at 10:53:12 EST
Subject: Re: Customer P.O number
Dear Srinivasa,
The field "Customer P.O" is not accessible. This field is automatically populat
ed by a system when you use "Direct deliver".
I hope this explanation will help you .
Good Luck,

: I wanted to know the significance of the field "CUSTOMER P.O number" in the Sa
les order lines, in the 5th form session tdsls4102s000 . can any one throw light
on it.
: N.srinvasa rao

***************** End Of Article ******************

Naveed Khan posted Message 1720 in Message Board
Dated : May 07, 1999 at 11:31:28 EST
Subject: Re: When generating purchase order from contract get warning message
Hi Jonathan,
You can only generate PO directly from a contract if you have defined a delivery
schedule. If there is no delivery schedule defined a PO cannaot be generated vi
a the session
"tdpur3201m000". You can attach a contract to a PO in session tdpur "4102s000".
Hope this answer your question.
Good Luck,
: : Check if in session tdpur4100m000 (maintain purchase order parameters) the d
ate for prices is set on order date instead of system date. If date is set to sy
stem date the link to a purchase contracr will be broken.
: Thanks, but actually our paramter gives us the option of order date, system da
te, and delivery date. I've chosen delivery date because we want the price to be
reflected based on when the item is going to be delivered.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Carol Schmidt posted Message 1721 in Message Board
Dated : May 07, 1999 at 12:56:56 EST
Subject: Can the customized item code be entered w/o conf.steps
When keying in a sales order line for a previously configured customized item, i
s there a way for the user to enter the configured code rather than executing th
e procedure for the configurator. We do not want to copy the item to standard
Thanks in advance for any assistance.
***************** End Of Article ******************
carol schmidt posted Message 1722 in Message Board

Dated : May 07, 1999 at 13:34:18 EST

Subject: discounting cost items
I have read the message and subsequent reply by Pete Nohre and Merv Carr. I hav
e the exact same issue and had previously attempted to set up the structure as p
er Merv's instructions. I have re-attempted based on this posting but the cost
item when entered on the sales order line is still discounted based on the set u
p "Maintain Discounts by Price List".
I did indeed change the gross/net flag to net but still searched to the next lev
Can the two of you or anyone else help me also with this issue?
Carol Schmidt
***************** End Of Article ******************
Charlie Turgeon posted Message 1723 in Message Board
Dated : May 07, 1999 at 13:48:30 EST
Subject: Re: Customer P.O number
Srinivasa, this is very important to many customers as this PO number along with
your sales order number is printed on your packing slip. Most of our customers,
including us, receive buy PO number. If the PO number is not referenced on the
packing slip, a buyer needs to be contacted to determine what the PO number is.

: Dear Srinivasa,
: The field "Customer P.O" is not accessible. This field is automatically popul
ated by a system when you use "Direct deliver".
: I hope this explanation will help you .
: Good Luck,
: Naveed
: : I wanted to know the significance of the field "CUSTOMER P.O number" in the
Sales order lines, in the 5th form session tdsls4102s000 . can any one throw lig
ht on it.
: : N.srinvasa rao

***************** End Of Article ******************

Charlie Turgeon posted Message 1724 in Message Board
Dated : May 07, 1999 at 14:21:44 EST
Subject: Country of Origin

We want to use the country of origin (CO) in the item data to maintain inport
port compliance accuracy on incoming and outgoing documentation. Our issue is
at you can only put one country code in the field for items that are supplied
om many countries, i.e. electrical components purchased through distribution.
s anyone developed a process for addressing multiple CO's for an item?


***************** End Of Article ******************

john posted Message 1725 in Message Board
Dated : May 07, 1999 at 14:43:47 EST
Subject: Re: Country of Origin
'm working on it.
: We want to use the country of origin (CO) in the item data to maintain inport
export compliance accuracy on incoming and outgoing documentation. Our issue is
that you can only put one country code in the field for items that are supplied
from many countries, i.e. electrical components purchased through distribution.
Has anyone developed a process for addressing multiple CO's for an item?

***************** End Of Article ******************

TF posted Message 1726 in Message Board
Dated : May 07, 1999 at 14:58:32 EST
Subject: Re: Country of Origin
: We want to use the country of origin (CO) in the item data to maintain inport
export compliance accuracy on incoming and outgoing documentation. Our issue is
that you can only put one country code in the field for items that are supplied
from many countries, i.e. electrical components purchased through distribution.
Has anyone developed a process for addressing multiple CO's for an item?
You can maintain the country of origin in the session tccom7171m000.
The countrycode in the item masterdata is the default, sort of like you have a
default supplier for an item (as far as i understand it).
Throug a report or a query, you can make a report where the country of the suppl
ier and the country of origin in the item master are printed when they are diffe
rent from one another.
That's the best I can come up with for you.
Good luck
***************** End Of Article ******************
TF posted Message 1727 in Message Board
Dated : May 07, 1999 at 15:10:37 EST
Subject: Re: How to restrict a buyer as per the budget: Alternative procedure
: Hi,
: There are different (purchase)buyers in a company who have been alloted a budg

et amount above which he can't purchase items. How one can restrict a buyer so t
hat he cannot cross the budget limit
: For example:
x person can maintain purchase order value upto $50,000. Above this if he m
aintains a PO the system should not accept.
I've been asked about this many times, but up till now haven't found a solution
in Baan Standard purchase orders.
What we have done with a customer is the following:
we've restricted most of the user's menu's to only to maintaining purchase order
We've customized a report in the standard printing session purchase orders per o
rder (i believe it is tdpur4408m000 or something like that NOT tdpur4401m000
This report has to be authorised by the manager when it goes over the amount set
for the user
After authorisation the purchasing department prints the purchase order and make
s sure it goes out to the supplier and prints the "goods receiving note"
Perhaps there is a Third party program that interfaces with baan that can deal d
irectly with amounts for users, but i don't know of any.
Good luck

: Is there any solution or should we go for customisation

: Thanks in advance
: Bye
: Janakinath

***************** End Of Article ******************

TF posted Message 1728 in Message Board
Dated : May 07, 1999 at 15:15:52 EST
Subject: Re: easy SQL query / Multi Logistics and multi Finance
: Two questions : First :We would like to get help from any tools expert who had
experienced Calling an easy SQL query from a session. Can that be accomplished.
: Second : In a Multi Logistics and multi Finance setup Can the Customer Master
data and delivery addresses be shared between two companies?.
: regards.
In regards to your first question:
In the future, submit these questions in the tool User forums.
You can define a menu option in which you can execute a specific query. Under ma
intaining Menu's, select query instead of menu or session and define the name of
your query.

If you want to execute a query from a standard session, I can't help you with th
at. I don't believe it is possible with customisation.
Good luck TF

***************** End Of Article ******************

Ashish posted Message 1729 in Message Board
Dated : May 07, 1999 at 15:35:32 EST
: In Display Capacity Data by Trip - actual capacity data does not get displayed
even though the units and data get copied to the transport order.
>>>It does, if you define means of transport in maintain means of transport and
define capacity there.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Jon Eldersveld posted Message 1730 in Message Board
Dated : May 07, 1999 at 19:03:41 EST
Subject: Display Planned Inv Transactions by Item
In Display Planned Inventory Transactions by Item (tdinv1550m000), why do Planne
d MRP transactions not show?
This is a very powerful session. When you want to know what is going on with a
particular item, this is your place. It shows where demand is coming from (Sale
s Order number, Service Order number, Planned PRP Warehouse Order, Planned PRP P
roduction Order, as well as actual Production Order number). It also shows wher
e supply is coming from (actual Purchase Orders).
However, for some reason it does not show Planned MRP Purchase Orders or Planned
MRP Production Orders. Does any one understand why?
***************** End Of Article ******************
rambhak posted Message 1731 in Message Board
Dated : May 08, 1999 at 04:27:33 EST
Subject: Re: easy SQL query / Multi Logistics and multi Finance
Answer to your second question is "Yes".

: Two questions : First :We would like to get help from any tools expert who had
experienced Calling an easy SQL query from a session. Can that be accomplished.
: Second : In a Multi Logistics and multi Finance setup Can the Customer Master
data and delivery addresses be shared between two companies?.
: regards.


***************** End Of Article ******************

F.Arias posted Message 1732 in Message Board
Dated : May 10, 1999 at 03:59:44 EST
Subject: Re: Multiple invoicing per one purchase order
: Are you trying to raise a purchase invoice in finance or sales invoice in sale
: anshoom
I'm trying to this in finance for a purchase order. Thanks.
I seem it is a very difficult task, isn't it?

***************** End Of Article ******************

Nadeem Usmani posted Message 1733 in Message Board
Dated : May 10, 1999 at 05:34:13 EST
Subject: Cycle Counting can run daily
Can I run cycle counting daily. Because in Parameter file I found minimum it can
run once in a week. But for the time being I want to run it daily, even though
I do not want to change the system date
Nadeem Usmani
***************** End Of Article ******************
Marc Schrikkema posted Message 1734 in Message Board
Dated : May 10, 1999 at 06:29:09 EST
Subject: Re: Cycle Counting can run daily
I'm affraid you need some customisation on the cycle count.
I'm currently at one of my customers and the had the customisation written for t
his problem.
There is no other alternative.
Greetings Marc
: Can I run cycle counting daily. Because in Parameter file I found minimum it c
an run once in a week. But for the time being I want to run it daily, even thoug
h I do not want to change the system date
: Nadeem Usmani

***************** End Of Article ******************

Marc Schrikkema posted Message 1735 in Message Board

Dated : May 10, 1999 at 06:30:34 EST

Subject: Re: Cycle Counting can run daily
I'm affraid you need some customisation on the cycle count.
I'm currently at one of my customers and the had the customisation written for t
his problem. What you might want to do is deleting the cycle count data.
There is no other alternative.
Greetings Marc
: Can I run cycle counting daily. Because in Parameter file I found minimum it c
an run once in a week. But for the time being I want to run it daily, even thoug
h I do not want to change the system date
: Nadeem Usmani

***************** End Of Article ******************

Roy posted Message 1736 in Message Board
Dated : May 10, 1999 at 07:21:34 EST
Subject: Company 812
is there any chance that somebody could send me Company 812, for the Default EDI
I would highly appreciate it.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Pete posted Message 1737 in Message Board
Dated : May 10, 1999 at 11:28:48 EST
Subject: Re: discounting cost items
you may want to check to make sure the cost items are a seperate price group and
give that price group a 0% disc. for all price lists. This should fall higher
up on the pricing structure hierarchy so the cost item should get a 0% disc.

: Can the two of you or anyone else help me also with this issue?
: Carol Schmidt

***************** End Of Article ******************

Peter Rademaker posted Message 1738 in Message Board

Dated : May 10, 1999 at 11:43:18 EST

Hi all,
as it's not posible to reprint sales invoices once the order data is removed fro
m the database, we would like to print our invoices to a file and store them on
CD-ROM or optical disk in order to be able (if needed one day) to reprint them.
Anyone any suggestions how I could do this?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Eddie Wierts posted Message 1739 in Message Board
Dated : May 10, 1999 at 11:58:31 EST
Subject: Sales and marketing information
Hi BaanFans! Does somebody have experience with the sales and marketing(SMI) mod
ule in BaaNIV? I want to use it to plan the daily visits of sales people to thei
r customers/relations. The only way to this is to make activities and put them i
n an agenda of a sales rep? When anybody has something on this subject please se
nd is to:
***************** End Of Article ******************
Eddie Wierts posted Message 1740 in Message Board
Dated : May 10, 1999 at 12:23:41 EST
I would print a proforma sales invoice and instead of printing it you select an
output file (txt?)on your harddisk. Later you can store it on a CD-ROM. Hopefull
y you can read the output file with word or WP, must be possible in case of a tx
t file.
: Hi all,
: as it's not posible to reprint sales invoices once the order data is removed f
rom the database, we would like to print our invoices to a file and store them o
n CD-ROM or optical disk in order to be able (if needed one day) to reprint them
: Anyone any suggestions how I could do this?

***************** End Of Article ******************

Jeanne Ploshay posted Message 1741 in Message Board
Dated : May 10, 1999 at 13:57:43 EST
Subject: Re: Customer revision levels and internal revision levels
: Hello!
: I have a client who manufactures fasteners to a customer's revision level. Th

e customer may generate a new revision level for their part for which my client
may or may not create a new internal revision level. To further complicate the
matter, the customer revision levels may have effective and expiry dates.
: During sales order entry, the sales order entry person needs to be able to sel
ect the appropriate customer item number AND revision level for the order. We a
re thinking of using item codes by item code system (session tiitm0112m000) to a
ccomodate the customer item cross-reference but that does not allow us to do the
revision level tracking or selection.
: Any ideas would be appreciated!
: Vernon Anderson, CPIM

***************** End Of Article ******************

Jeanne Ploshay posted Message 1742 in Message Board
Dated : May 10, 1999 at 13:58:09 EST
Subject: Re: Customer revision levels and internal revision levels
: Hello!
: I have a client who manufactures fasteners to a customer's revision level. Th
e customer may generate a new revision level for their part for which my client
may or may not create a new internal revision level. To further complicate the
matter, the customer revision levels may have effective and expiry dates.
: During sales order entry, the sales order entry person needs to be able to sel
ect the appropriate customer item number AND revision level for the order. We a
re thinking of using item codes by item code system (session tiitm0112m000) to a
ccomodate the customer item cross-reference but that does not allow us to do the
revision level tracking or selection.
: Any ideas would be appreciated!
: Vernon Anderson, CPIM

***************** End Of Article ******************

Jeanne Ploshay posted Message 1743 in Message Board
Dated : May 10, 1999 at 14:02:08 EST
Subject: Re: Customer revision levels and internal revision levels
We had the same predicament, as much of what we sell is per customer prints. Si
nce rev control and eco's really only apply to BOM, what we did was set up a "pu
rchased item" in the bill of material specifically to store the customer drawing
number and rev. If the item number is 3435, we set up a item called 3435CD (fo
r customer drawing) using a purchased item type (otherwise we would need a routi
ng). We then just add this to the bill of material. You can then have the rev
of the item be one thing and the rev of the CD item be something else.
This is the only way we could figure out to do this without tons of customizatio
ns. It is cumbersome but is working.
Good luck!

: Hello!
: I have a client who manufactures fasteners to a customer's revision level. Th
e customer may generate a new revision level for their part for which my client
may or may not create a new internal revision level. To further complicate the
matter, the customer revision levels may have effective and expiry dates.
: During sales order entry, the sales order entry person needs to be able to sel
ect the appropriate customer item number AND revision level for the order. We a
re thinking of using item codes by item code system (session tiitm0112m000) to a
ccomodate the customer item cross-reference but that does not allow us to do the
revision level tracking or selection.
: Any ideas would be appreciated!
: Vernon Anderson, CPIM

***************** End Of Article ******************

TF posted Message 1744 in Message Board
Dated : May 10, 1999 at 16:09:41 EST
Subject: PRINTING INVOICES: another option under windows and BW-print
: I would print a proforma sales invoice and instead of printing it you select a
n output file (txt?)on your harddisk. Later you can store it on a CD-ROM. Hopefu
lly you can read the output file with word or WP, must be possible in case of a
txt file.
: : Hi all,
: : as it's not posible to reprint sales invoices once the order data is removed
from the database, we would like to print our invoices to a file and store them
on CD-ROM or optical disk in order to be able (if needed one day) to reprint th
: : Anyone any suggestions how I could do this?
Another suggestion:
When working with BW print under GUI:
Create a printer under Windows 95/98/NT with output to file instead of LPT1.
Mark "print on screen" under GUI and select your new "text" printer as device.
Print txt file to any location on your network.
Text files can be read by Words, but don't expect to much from the layout. It's
quite primitive.
Good luck

***************** End Of Article ******************

Merv Carr posted Message 1745 in Message Board

Dated : May 10, 1999 at 16:10:53 EST
Subject: Re: Cycle Counting can run daily
I presume you are referring to the INV parameters. If you care to read the help
text in the INV parameters, you would very quickly find out that this parameter
determines how often a class of item is counted (i.e. the counting interval) and
has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with how often cycle count orders can b
e generated. No customisation is needed, perhaps a little bit of research though
to find out what you don't know.
"No alternative" ?? I don't think so.
: I'm affraid you need some customisation on the cycle count.
: I'm currently at one of my customers and the had the customisation written for
this problem.
: There is no other alternative.
: Greetings Marc
: : Can I run cycle counting daily. Because in Parameter file I found minimum it
can run once in a week. But for the time being I want to run it daily, even tho
ugh I do not want to change the system date
: : Nadeem Usmani

***************** End Of Article ******************

Merv Carr posted Message 1746 in Message Board
Dated : May 10, 1999 at 16:13:55 EST
Subject: Re: Display Planned Inv Transactions by Item
Go to the session "Display planned inventory movements by item"(timrp1510m000) a
nd planned MRP orders will be visible.
: In Display Planned Inventory Transactions by Item (tdinv1550m000), why do Plan
ned MRP transactions not show?
: This is a very powerful session. When you want to know what is going on with
a particular item, this is your place. It shows where demand is coming from (Sa
les Order number, Service Order number, Planned PRP Warehouse Order, Planned PRP
Production Order, as well as actual Production Order number). It also shows wh
ere supply is coming from (actual Purchase Orders).
: However, for some reason it does not show Planned MRP Purchase Orders or Plann
ed MRP Production Orders. Does any one understand why?

***************** End Of Article ******************

TF posted Message 1747 in Message Board

Dated : May 10, 1999 at 16:16:31 EST

Subject: Re: Display Planned Inv Transactions by Item
: In Display Planned Inventory Transactions by Item (tdinv1550m000), why do Plan
ned MRP transactions not show?
: This is a very powerful session. When you want to know what is going on with
a particular item, this is your place. It shows where demand is coming from (Sa
les Order number, Service Order number, Planned PRP Warehouse Order, Planned PRP
Production Order, as well as actual Production Order number). It also shows wh
ere supply is coming from (actual Purchase Orders).
: However, for some reason it does not show Planned MRP Purchase Orders or Plann
ed MRP Production Orders. Does any one understand why?
When it's still a "planned" order, it's not calculated in tdinv150. The concept
is that Human intervention is nescecarry to turn the planned orders into real pr
oduction orders.
Try maintaining a Purcahse advice (SIC) maually and check the planned inventory
transactions. Then turn the advice into a real Purchase order and check again. Y
ou'll know what I'm talking about.
Good luck

***************** End Of Article ******************

Merv Carr posted Message 1748 in Message Board
Dated : May 10, 1999 at 16:31:56 EST
Subject: Re: discounting cost items
Sounds like you have hit the nail on the head Pete ! The cost items will have to
belong to their own price group.
: you may want to check to make sure the cost items are a seperate price group a
nd give that price group a 0% disc. for all price lists. This should fall highe
r up on the pricing structure hierarchy so the cost item should get a 0% disc.
: : Can the two of you or anyone else help me also with this issue?
: : Carol Schmidt

***************** End Of Article ******************

Amber posted Message 1749 in Message Board
Dated : May 10, 1999 at 16:44:10 EST
Subject: Re: Mass Delete of Storage Locations
: : Hi,

: : I went overboard with COPY RANGES OF LOCATIONS (tdilc0210m000) and created a

whole bunch of locations unnecessarily.
: : How do I mass delete them?
: : Thanks.
: : Manish
: -----------------------: You could ask you system administrator to go into "General Table Maintenance".
There is no global delete of locations session.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Merv Carr posted Message 1750 in Message Board
Dated : May 10, 1999 at 17:06:15 EST
Subject: Re: Can the customized item code be entered w/o conf.steps
What about copying the project structure from a previous order ? Just a thought
If I remember correctly, after you have done that than you would run the session
: When keying in a sales order line for a previously configured customized item
, is there a way for the user to enter the configured code rather than executing
the procedure for the configurator. We do not want to copy the item to standar
: Thanks in advance for any assistance.
: CS

***************** End Of Article ******************

Jeff posted Message 1751 in Message Board
Dated : May 10, 1999 at 23:55:27 EST
Subject: Supplier Phone Numbers
When you zoom to suppliers from the purchase order session, not all of the phon
e number is visible. The screen scolls left and right, but not enough to displa
y the last four digits of the phone number. Have alter PC's resolution to no av
ail. Most of the PC's are running on windows 95 although the same problem was e
xperienced on a new NT laptop.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Nadeem Usmani posted Message 1752 in Message Board
Dated : May 11, 1999 at 05:30:50 EST
Subject: Installment procedure
Can somebody guide me hw installment works in Baan and what are
they effect on Customer aging.

I have tried to run a session Maintain Installment data through

sales order. It gives error Option can be activated only for installment orders.
Nadeem Usmani
***************** End Of Article ******************
Marc posted Message 1753 in Message Board
Dated : May 11, 1999 at 07:21:41 EST
Subject: Re: Cycle Counting can run daily
Hi Merv Carr,
Did you ever tried it? or are you just translating the standard Baan help text i
nto normal English?
Off course you could generate the cycle count orders as often as you like but do
you get the right Data??????????????
The money isn't growing on trees here and you know what a costumisation costst,
this problem was researched very good and in Baan IVc4 we did run into the same
problems as Nadeem.
After a customisation in whitch we resetting the last cycle count date the probl
em was solved.
Greetings Marc
: I presume you are referring to the INV parameters. If you care to read the hel
p text in the INV parameters, you would very quickly find out that this paramete
r determines how often a class of item is counted (i.e. the counting interval) a
nd has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with how often cycle count orders can
be generated. No customisation is needed, perhaps a little bit of research thou
gh to find out what you don't know.
: "No alternative" ?? I don't think so.
: : I'm affraid you need some customisation on the cycle count.
: : I'm currently at one of my customers and the had the customisation written f
or this problem.
: : There is no other alternative.
: : Greetings Marc
: : : Can I run cycle counting daily. Because in Parameter file I found minimum
it can run once in a week. But for the time being I want to run it daily, even t
hough I do not want to change the system date
: : : Nadeem Usmani

***************** End Of Article ******************

N.Srinivasa Rao posted Message 1754 in Message Board
Dated : May 11, 1999 at 07:44:15 EST
Subject: Re: Customer P.O number
hi Naveed,

I have already tried your option. when we use direct delivery the P.O no will re
flect on form no 4 (not on form 5) as "purchase order". pl. confirm.
N.Srinivasa Rao
***************** End Of Article ******************
Adrian Platt posted Message 1755 in Message Board
Dated : May 11, 1999 at 07:47:22 EST
Subject: Cannot invoice
When trying to print a final invoice for an order at the Print Sales Invoice sta
ge, we receive the following messages: "no data present" followed by "not able t
o print invoice for order number ......."
Any ideas?
***************** End Of Article ******************
N.Srinivasa Rao posted Message 1756 in Message Board
Dated : May 11, 1999 at 07:50:59 EST
Subject: Customer P.O number
hi Charlie Turgeon ,
I am fully convinced with your suggestion. when we give P.O number on Sales orde
r header in the Reference field, it is reflecting on the print Packing slips. i
think this what u wanted to say. but when this field is reflecting ?
can pl. help me.
N.Srinivasa Rao
***************** End Of Article ******************
N.Srinivasa Rao posted Message 1757 in Message Board
Dated : May 11, 1999 at 08:27:17 EST
Subject: Customer P.O number
hi Naveed,
What You say is correct in case of Direct Delivery and the same is reflection on
form 4 of Sales order lines as
Purchase order. But when the field "customer p.o" on the form No. 5 is reflected
N.Srinivasa Rao

***************** End Of Article ******************

Merv Carr posted Message 1758 in Message Board
Dated : May 11, 1999 at 09:17:34 EST
Subject: Re: Cycle Counting can run daily
Yes I have "tried it" and just maybe I do know what I am talking about. If you w
ish to correspond directly I will be happy to answer any questions you may have
and perhaps explain some of the finer points of cycle counting, but I absolutely
refuse to get into a slanging match with you or anybody else in this forum.
If you look at the original question, it states "Can I run cycle counting daily"
..."I do not want to change the system date".
Why would you want to run cycle counting daily for a particular item ? Or perha
ps you and I both missed the entire point of the question. The information was s
omewhat limited. Perhaps you want to expand on your question Nadeem ?
: Hi Merv Carr,
: Did you ever tried it? or are you just translating the standard Baan help text
into normal English?
: Off course you could generate the cycle count orders as often as you like but
do you get the right Data??????????????
: The money isn't growing on trees here and you know what a costumisation costst
, this problem was researched very good and in Baan IVc4 we did run into the sam
e problems as Nadeem.
: After a customisation in whitch we resetting the last cycle count date the pro
blem was solved.
: Greetings Marc
: : I presume you are referring to the INV parameters. If you care to read the h
elp text in the INV parameters, you would very quickly find out that this parame
ter determines how often a class of item is counted (i.e. the counting interval)
and has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with how often cycle count orders c
an be generated. No customisation is needed, perhaps a little bit of research th
ough to find out what you don't know.
: : "No alternative" ?? I don't think so.
: : : I'm affraid you need some customisation on the cycle count.
: : : I'm currently at one of my customers and the had the customisation written
for this problem.
: : : There is no other alternative.
: : : Greetings Marc
: : : : Can I run cycle counting daily. Because in Parameter file I found minimu
m it can run once in a week. But for the time being I want to run it daily, even
though I do not want to change the system date
: : : : Nadeem Usmani

***************** End Of Article ******************

Naveed Khan posted Message 1759 in Message Board

Dated : May 11, 1999 at 09:19:14 EST
Subject: Re: Installment procedure
Dear Nadeem,
The procedure for Installment Invoicing is as follows.
1) First in Sales Order parameter you have to define if Installment is applicabl
2) Now you may go to "tdsls4146m000" Maintain Default installment schedule" and
set a instalment schedule
3) Next you may create a SO with installment type as : "Direct OR Indirect sett
lement". You need to attach the schedule you created in step two to this SO. T
his is done via selecting a choice under application from menu option.
4) As a final step you should be able to print your final Invoice.
If you have any problem feel free to drop me an e-mail.
Good Luck,
: Can somebody guide me hw installment works in Baan and what are
: they effect on Customer aging.
: I have tried to run a session Maintain Installment data through
: sales order. It gives error Option can be activated only for installment order
: Nadeem Usmani

***************** End Of Article ******************

Merv Carr posted Message 1760 in Message Board
Dated : May 11, 1999 at 09:27:44 EST
Subject: Re: Installment procedure
Look to the field "Invoice by instalment" on the sales order header. Options the
re are "No", "Direct/Indirect" instalement. If this field is set to anything oth
er than "No", the invoicing is then effectively uncoupled from delivery of physi
cal goods. (Presuming you are on release 3x or higher), once you create the sale
s order lines and the invoicing schedule in "Maintain Instalment data" you will
then see in the session "Display Order line status" that there are additional li
nes for invoicing. These lines have to be released for invoicing in the instalme
nt data (this can happen automatically or manually), I would suggest thought tha
t you read up on the help text as the subject can get fairly involved in as much
as the closing of the order and so forth (Particularly in relation to indirect/
direct invoicing and "guarantee instalments)
Have fun!

: Can somebody guide me hw installment works in Baan and what are

: they effect on Customer aging.
: I have tried to run a session Maintain Installment data through
: sales order. It gives error Option can be activated only for installment order
: Nadeem Usmani

***************** End Of Article ******************

Nadeem Usmani posted Message 1761 in Message Board
Dated : May 11, 1999 at 09:39:12 EST
Subject: Re: Cycle Counting can run daily
Actually we are transferring data for On Hand stock in Baan. So we are tryig to
use Cycle counting instead of transferring the data into 4 to 5 tables, So it wi
ll save our time. So is there any harm or not.
Nadeem Usmani
: Hi Merv Carr,
: Did you ever tried it? or are you just translating the standard Baan help text
into normal English?
: Off course you could generate the cycle count orders as often as you like but
do you get the right Data??????????????
: The money isn't growing on trees here and you know what a costumisation costst
, this problem was researched very good and in Baan IVc4 we did run into the sam
e problems as Nadeem.
: After a customisation in whitch we resetting the last cycle count date the pro
blem was solved.
: Greetings Marc
: : I presume you are referring to the INV parameters. If you care to read the h
elp text in the INV parameters, you would very quickly find out that this parame
ter determines how often a class of item is counted (i.e. the counting interval)
and has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with how often cycle count orders c
an be generated. No customisation is needed, perhaps a little bit of research th
ough to find out what you don't know.
: : "No alternative" ?? I don't think so.
: : : I'm affraid you need some customisation on the cycle count.
: : : I'm currently at one of my customers and the had the customisation written
for this problem.
: : : There is no other alternative.
: : : Greetings Marc
: : : : Can I run cycle counting daily. Because in Parameter file I found minimu
m it can run once in a week. But for the time being I want to run it daily, even
though I do not want to change the system date
: : : : Nadeem Usmani

***************** End Of Article ******************

Nadeem Usmani posted Message 1762 in Message Board
Dated : May 11, 1999 at 10:57:34 EST
Subject: Re: Installment procedure
Dear Naveed and Merv Thanks for your help.
Naveed, Now I am getting different error i.e Item for normal installment not efi
ne initem file.
Can you send me your email id. So that I can ask you further questions because m
ost of my questions may be very elementary as I am a new user of Baan.
My email id is
Nadeem Usmani
: Dear Nadeem,
: The procedure for Installment Invoicing is as follows.
: 1) First in Sales Order parameter you have to define if Installment is applica
: 2) Now you may go to "tdsls4146m000" Maintain Default installment schedule" an
d set a instalment schedule
: 3) Next you may create a SO with installment type as : "Direct OR Indirect se
ttlement". You need to attach the schedule you created in step two to this SO.
This is done via selecting a choice under application from menu option.
: 4) As a final step you should be able to print your final Invoice.
: If you have any problem feel free to drop me an e-mail.
: Good Luck,
: Naveed
: : Can somebody guide me hw installment works in Baan and what are
: : they effect on Customer aging.
: : I have tried to run a session Maintain Installment data through
: : sales order. It gives error Option can be activated only for installment ord
: : Nadeem Usmani

***************** End Of Article ******************

Doreen posted Message 1763 in Message Board
Dated : May 11, 1999 at 10:59:32 EST

Subject: Shipped , not yet Invoiced Report

Does anyone know Baan's logic or the tables they use in this report? We have or
ders on this report that have not even been shipped!
***************** End Of Article ******************
baanfan posted Message 1764 in Message Board
Dated : May 11, 1999 at 12:10:05 EST
Subject: Re: Cannot invoice
: When trying to print a final invoice for an order at the Print Sales Invoice s
tage, we receive the following messages: "no data present" followed by "not able
to print invoice for order number ......."
: Any ideas?
check your sales order line status ?? This tells you the next step of the order
. Is it ready to invoice yet or is there another step which needs to be complet
ed ???
Also, you might want to check the customer master for invoice method/interval.
This customer may have something different.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Pete Nohre posted Message 1765 in Message Board
Dated : May 11, 1999 at 12:37:57 EST
Subject: zero price items
I'm trying to stop an item with a selling price of zero from being invoiced (or
even entered). I have tried using Margin Control, but it seems to let the item
through when the price is $0. (which seems strange because i can stop it when i
t is $.01)
Anybody know why the $0 is allowed to go through?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Merv Carr posted Message 1766 in Message Board
Dated : May 11, 1999 at 13:29:20 EST
Subject: Re: zero price items
I guess the simple answer is x% of $0 is nil. The margin control parameters (by
item) are percentage based. How about if your upper and lower margins are set to
0% ? Does it still let it through then ? You may want to investigate the data
field authorizations as an option. It is possible, for instance, to specify by u
ser what the allowable values are for a particular field. Can't tell you for sur
e how well it works, have heard differing reports as to it's effectiveness. (I d
id perform some limited testing some time back and on the face of things it seem
ed to work OK)

: I'm trying to stop an item with a selling price of zero from being invoiced (o
r even entered). I have tried using Margin Control, but it seems to let the ite

m through when the price is $0. (which seems strange because i can stop it when
it is $.01)
: Anybody know why the $0 is allowed to go through?
: Thanks.

***************** End Of Article ******************

AL.Chandhramohan posted Message 1767 in Message Board
Dated : May 11, 1999 at 14:41:34 EST
Subject: Purchase Discount
Is there any way by which a amount discount can be given for the total order and
split up between items.As some orders wee place for 3 to 4 items combined and w
e get a discount baased on amount andd not ass percentage.If any workaround is p
ossible pl let us know.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Jeanne Ploshay posted Message 1768 in Message Board
Dated : May 11, 1999 at 16:14:23 EST
Does anyone out there use acknowledgement codes?
We are a mid-size manufacturing company with a large percentage of made-to-order
items. (We presently store all items under the standard item database, and are
not using the PCS module). When a new order is entered, we enter the "planned
delivery date" as 08/08/2049 which is a "dummy" date and alerts our Production P
lanning department that they must review the data and confirm back to the sales
department a "real" date that we can acknowledge to the customer. This use of a
"fake" date does not allow management to get a realistic picture of the upcomin
g months shipments, because it lumps everything into 08/08/2049. It sometimes ta
kes weeks for planning to come up with a true ship date. We would like to start
entering a "planned delivery date" at time of order entry which would be based
on the quoted leadtime, but we don't want to send the acknowledgment to the cust
omer until planning "agrees" the date is OK. Could acknowledgment codes help us
do this?
Thanks in advance,
Jeanne Ploshay
***************** End Of Article ******************
Baan Fan posted Message 1769 in Message Board
Dated : May 11, 1999 at 23:57:23 EST
Subject: Re: Installment procedure
In the Sales Order parameters you need to maintain the Item (Cost type) for Inst

: Dear Naveed and Merv Thanks for your help.

: Naveed, Now I am getting different error i.e Item for normal installment not e
fine initem file.
: Can you send me your email id. So that I can ask you further questions because
most of my questions may be very elementary as I am a new user of Baan.
: My email id is
: Thanks
: Nadeem Usmani
: : Dear Nadeem,
: : The procedure for Installment Invoicing is as follows.
: : 1) First in Sales Order parameter you have to define if Installment is appli
: : 2) Now you may go to "tdsls4146m000" Maintain Default installment schedule"
and set a instalment schedule
: : 3) Next you may create a SO with installment type as : "Direct OR Indirect
settlement". You need to attach the schedule you created in step two to this SO
. This is done via selecting a choice under application from menu option.
: : 4) As a final step you should be able to print your final Invoice.
: : If you have any problem feel free to drop me an e-mail.
: : Good Luck,
: : Naveed
: : : Can somebody guide me hw installment works in Baan and what are
: : : they effect on Customer aging.
: : : I have tried to run a session Maintain Installment data through
: : : sales order. It gives error Option can be activated only for installment o
: : : Nadeem Usmani

***************** End Of Article ******************

Baanfan posted Message 1770 in Message Board
Dated : May 12, 1999 at 00:02:39 EST
Subject: Re: Supplier Phone Numbers
Go to the form "tccom2510s0001" from session maintain forms(ttadv3100m000) and t
hen Change the form size. Then increase the display lenght of filed
p to 15 from 11. Thi s may solve your problem.

: When you zoom to suppliers from the purchase order session, not all of the ph
one number is visible. The screen scolls left and right, but not enough to disp
lay the last four digits of the phone number. Have alter PC's resolution to no
avail. Most of the PC's are running on windows 95 although the same problem was
experienced on a new NT laptop.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Mathieu Nellestein posted Message 1771 in Message Board
Dated : May 12, 1999 at 08:41:22 EST
I am not a distribution consultant by nature and am more technically inclined so
hopefully some other people can come up with a better work around. No to my kno
wledge, acknowledgement codes will not help solve this since the purpose of thos
e codes is to indicate what type of change will trigger the printing of the sale
s order acknowledgement. In most cases this is used in combination with EDI wher
e you can use this to trigger a response to a change order. So it won't put the
order "on hold" as per your requirement. I did come across this issue before but
it was solved via a (small) customization. A field "confirmed" was added to the
sales order header and the session to print the sales order acknowledgement was
modified to check this new field and to ignore the order until it was confirmed
. But as mentioned, maybe there is a better solution out there.
Mathieu Nellestein
: Does anyone out there use acknowledgement codes?
: We are a mid-size manufacturing company with a large percentage of made-to-ord
er items. (We presently store all items under the standard item database, and a
re not using the PCS module). When a new order is entered, we enter the "planne
d delivery date" as 08/08/2049 which is a "dummy" date and alerts our Production
Planning department that they must review the data and confirm back to the sale
s department a "real" date that we can acknowledge to the customer. This use of
a "fake" date does not allow management to get a realistic picture of the upcom
ing months shipments, because it lumps everything into 08/08/2049. It sometimes
takes weeks for planning to come up with a true ship date. We would like to sta
rt entering a "planned delivery date" at time of order entry which would be base
d on the quoted leadtime, but we don't want to send the acknowledgment to the cu
stomer until planning "agrees" the date is OK. Could acknowledgment codes help
us do this?
: Thanks in advance,
: Jeanne Ploshay

***************** End Of Article ******************

Mathieu Nellestein posted Message 1772 in Message Board
Dated : May 12, 1999 at 08:41:30 EST

I am not a distribution consultant by nature and am more technically inclined so

hopefully some other people can come up with a better work around. No to my kno
wledge, acknowledgement codes will not help solve this since the purpose of thos
e codes is to indicate what type of change will trigger the printing of the sale
s order acknowledgement. In most cases this is used in combination with EDI wher
e you can use this to trigger a response to a change order. So it won't put the
order "on hold" as per your requirement. I did come across this issue before but
it was solved via a (small) customization. A field "confirmed" was added to the
sales order header and the session to print the sales order acknowledgement was
modified to check this new field and to ignore the order until it was confirmed
. But as mentioned, maybe there is a better solution out there.
Mathieu Nellestein
: Does anyone out there use acknowledgement codes?
: We are a mid-size manufacturing company with a large percentage of made-to-ord
er items. (We presently store all items under the standard item database, and a
re not using the PCS module). When a new order is entered, we enter the "planne
d delivery date" as 08/08/2049 which is a "dummy" date and alerts our Production
Planning department that they must review the data and confirm back to the sale
s department a "real" date that we can acknowledge to the customer. This use of
a "fake" date does not allow management to get a realistic picture of the upcom
ing months shipments, because it lumps everything into 08/08/2049. It sometimes
takes weeks for planning to come up with a true ship date. We would like to sta
rt entering a "planned delivery date" at time of order entry which would be base
d on the quoted leadtime, but we don't want to send the acknowledgment to the cu
stomer until planning "agrees" the date is OK. Could acknowledgment codes help
us do this?
: Thanks in advance,
: Jeanne Ploshay

***************** End Of Article ******************

Mathieu Nellestein posted Message 1773 in Message Board
Dated : May 12, 1999 at 09:10:53 EST
Subject: labels and packaging in supply chain
Standard Baan Supply Chain allows you to enter two levels of packaging for plann
ed deliveries and to print labels for them. Unfortunately, the labels are printe
d as a batch i.e. Baan does not store the relation between the labels to the eff
ect that you can determine which pack/container label belongs to which pallet la
bel. This is a requirement for Automotive EDI when sending the ASN message and s
o far I have had to create a new set of tables to store this information per lab
el. Has anybody with automotive experience come accross this issue and managed t
o solve it without customizations ?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Kevin Scott posted Message 1774 in Message Board

Dated : May 12, 1999 at 10:44:35 EST

Subject: Landed Cost
If anyone has experience dealing with either of these issues, your help would be
greatly appreciated:
How can we credit the purchased item amount to the supplier and the additional c
osts to the forwarding company or the overheads to that specific purchase order?
Is there a way of allocating the additional costs on a purchase order to the ite
ms purchased, based on their weight, volume and/or amount? (To be reflected on t
he standard cost price of the item)
Kind Regards,

***************** End Of Article ******************

Naveed I. Khan posted Message 1775 in Message Board
Dated : May 12, 1999 at 13:16:17 EST
Subject: Direct Delivery without default Supplier in Item Master
Dear friends,
I want to generate a direct delivery without a default supplier number in Item m
aster. I am able to generate a planned purchase ordr, but for some reason I cann
ot transfer that planned PO into a real PO. If any of you can help me, I will r
eally appreciate that.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Naveed I. Khan posted Message 1776 in Message Board
Dated : May 12, 1999 at 13:40:30 EST
Subject: Re: Purchase Discount
Dear Mohan,
In my opinion you can achieve this by switching the Discount by order/line/both
parameter to order(Under Application in sales Dicount parameters). This will fa
cilitate you to calculate the discount on the total order. Let me know if this i
s what you was looking for.
Good Luck,
: Is there any way by which a amount discount can be given for the total order a
nd split up between items.As some orders wee place for 3 to 4 items combined and
we get a discount baased on amount andd not ass percentage.If any workaround is
possible pl let us know.

: Regards,

***************** End Of Article ******************

Jason posted Message 1777 in Message Board
Dated : May 12, 1999 at 14:03:00 EST
Subject: Re: Direct Delivery without default Supplier in Item Master
Unfortunately, you must have a supplier in the item master if you want the syste
m to automatically confirm and transfer the planne Purchase Order for direct del
iveries. This is necessary since you are unable to change the supplier on a PO o
nce it is created. You will need to have someone regularly reviewing the planned
INV purchase orders to put a supplier in if you are unable to have accurate def
aults. You may want to try to print the planned orders by buyer or planner if di
fferent people have supplier information for different commodities. Confirming a
nd transferring the planned PO's could be manual or set-up as a tools job to run
automatically at a certain frequency. Good luck.
: Dear friends,
: I want to generate a direct delivery without a default supplier number in Item
master. I am able to generate a planned purchase ordr, but for some reason I ca
nnot transfer that planned PO into a real PO. If any of you can help me, I will
really appreciate that.
: Regards,
: Naveed

***************** End Of Article ******************

Bob Padilla posted Message 1778 in Message Board
Dated : May 12, 1999 at 18:28:14 EST
Subject: Re: Cycle Counting can run daily
Can I add my $0.02?
You can run Generate Cycle Count Orders daily. For that matter... We run every
night (early, early AM) scheduled through the job daemon such that all we need
to do is print orders in the morning.
The INV parameters are there to define the interval between countings for any gi
ven items. This is of course depended upon what the last counted date is for a
given item (reference Maintain Item Master - TIITM0101M000 - Form 2)
Another note about Cycle Counting... There is a Last COunted Date in three tabl
es (TDITM001), TDINV001, and TDILC101). They may not all be the same. Generate
Cycle Count Orders is based upon TDINV001. If an item is in multiple warehouse
s (identified in TDINV001 - and for the matter of this discussion there are two
warehouses 001 and 002), and only one warehouse is counted, the Item Master will

reflect that most recent last counted date regardless of which warehouse is cou
nted. Thus, TDINV001 could have two different last counted dates for a single i
tem in two different warehouses. Just something to keep in mind.
To re-iterate a comment from a previous poster... The help text is very helpful
on this matter.

: Hi Merv Carr,
: Did you ever tried it? or are you just translating the standard Baan help text
into normal English?
: Off course you could generate the cycle count orders as often as you like but
do you get the right Data??????????????
: The money isn't growing on trees here and you know what a costumisation costst
, this problem was researched very good and in Baan IVc4 we did run into the sam
e problems as Nadeem.
: After a customisation in whitch we resetting the last cycle count date the pro
blem was solved.
: Greetings Marc
: : I presume you are referring to the INV parameters. If you care to read the h
elp text in the INV parameters, you would very quickly find out that this parame
ter determines how often a class of item is counted (i.e. the counting interval)
and has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with how often cycle count orders c
an be generated. No customisation is needed, perhaps a little bit of research th
ough to find out what you don't know.
: : "No alternative" ?? I don't think so.
: : : I'm affraid you need some customisation on the cycle count.
: : : I'm currently at one of my customers and the had the customisation written
for this problem.
: : : There is no other alternative.
: : : Greetings Marc
: : : : Can I run cycle counting daily. Because in Parameter file I found minimu
m it can run once in a week. But for the time being I want to run it daily, even
though I do not want to change the system date
: : : : Nadeem Usmani

***************** End Of Article ******************

Jeff posted Message 1779 in Message Board
Dated : May 12, 1999 at 20:15:22 EST
Subject: Suppliers Phone Number
The suppliers entire phone is not visible when zooming to suppliers from "mainta
in purchase orders". There is a scroll area for the table but it does not scrol
l far enough to the right to display all of the suppliers phone number.

The customers computers are primarily using windows '95 but I have seen the same
problem a with new laptop using NT. I have tried adjusting the computer resolu
Any ideas if this is a Baan problem or PC problem.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Suhas Sakalikar posted Message 1780 in Message Board
Dated : May 12, 1999 at 23:09:50 EST
Subject: Default Routing
Dear Sir,
Presently we are undergoing training for BaaN implementation.
Wea are finding problem in Selection of Deafult Routing.
If no routing is selected for manufacturing item, it should select default routi
ng and costing to be available on that routing. Is there any other way to do cos
ting for default routing.
Awaiting response.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Nadeem Usmani posted Message 1781 in Message Board
Dated : May 13, 1999 at 04:56:26 EST
Subject: Alternative Item
We are using Baan IVc3 under SQL 6.5 and Window NT 4.0
We have defined two items say A and B. Item B is alternative to A. In alernativ
e item session (in Item master zoom), we set Interchange and Reverse flags as "Y
Now we have the stock in item B and no stock in item A. When we make a sales ord
er for item A, it says insufficient inventory and allows to select an alternativ
e item.
Now my question is Can Baan select the alternative item automatically. If not th
en what is the use of priority definition in maintain alternative item session?
Thanks in advance
Nadeem Usmani
***************** End Of Article ******************
Boby Mohan posted Message 1782 in Message Board
Dated : May 13, 1999 at 06:18:26 EST
Subject: Credit To Stores - Is It Possible

Hi There
Is there a way that material drawn excess can be returned back to inventory.Thou
gh this may not seem particularly good manufacturing practice the customer deman
ds this feature.Is it possible in BaaN or is customisation required.
Thanks in advance
***************** End Of Article ******************
wweglin posted Message 1783 in Message Board
Dated : May 13, 1999 at 08:38:19 EST
Subject: Re: Credit To Stores - Is It Possible
: Hi There
: Is there a way that material drawn excess can be returned back to inventory.Th
ough this may not seem particularly good manufacturing practice the customer dem
ands this feature.Is it possible in BaaN or is customisation required.
: Thanks in advance
: Boby
If your using location control enter the session "Enter material issue for produ
ction orders (ticst0101) and find your production order, put a negative qty in t
he issue column of the item you want to return to inventory. Maintain Outbound
Data (tdilc4101) and enter this negative qty on the outbound then release the ou
tbound advice (tdilc4202). This will put the material back into inventory.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Naveed I. Khan posted Message 1784 in Message Board
Dated : May 13, 1999 at 09:09:26 EST
Subject: Re: Alternative Item
Dear Nadeem,
Alternative Item works automatically for PCS module.
I hope this explains your question.
: We are using Baan IVc3 under SQL 6.5 and Window NT 4.0
: We have defined two items say A and B. Item B is alternative to A. In alernat
ive item session (in Item master zoom), we set Interchange and Reverse flags as
: Now we have the stock in item B and no stock in item A. When we make a sales o
rder for item A, it says insufficient inventory and allows to select an alternat
ive item.
: Now my question is Can Baan select the alternative item automatically. If not

then what is the use of priority definition in maintain alternative item session
: Thanks in advance
: Nadeem Usmani

***************** End Of Article ******************

Merv Carr posted Message 1785 in Message Board
Dated : May 13, 1999 at 09:15:11 EST
Subject: Re: Alternative Item
To the best of my knowledge (and no, this is not something I recall ever trying,
this is based purely on my recollections of Baan training material), the only t
ime that automatic selection of alternative items takes place is during a PRP ru
n.(I do not recall the exact details) My guess would be that the system would th
en use the priority codes at this time e.g. alternative item A has no inventory,
look then to item B, has it got inventory and so on.
Let us know if you have any success in this area.

: We are using Baan IVc3 under SQL 6.5 and Window NT 4.0
: We have defined two items say A and B. Item B is alternative to A. In alernat
ive item session (in Item master zoom), we set Interchange and Reverse flags as
: Now we have the stock in item B and no stock in item A. When we make a sales o
rder for item A, it says insufficient inventory and allows to select an alternat
ive item.
: Now my question is Can Baan select the alternative item automatically. If not
then what is the use of priority definition in maintain alternative item session
: Thanks in advance
: Nadeem Usmani

***************** End Of Article ******************

Naveed Khan posted Message 1786 in Message Board
Dated : May 13, 1999 at 09:16:29 EST
Subject: Re: Default Routing
Dear Suhas,
Cost price rollup is always calculated on basis of deafualt routing, unless you
have alternative or quantity dependent routing. Check your CPR parameter and ma

ke sure that you have defined same routing code which you are using as a default
Good Luck,
: Dear Sir,
: Presently we are undergoing training for BaaN implementation.
: Wea are finding problem in Selection of Deafult Routing.
: If no routing is selected for manufacturing item, it should select default rou
ting and costing to be available on that routing. Is there any other way to do c
osting for default routing.
: Awaiting response.
: Suhas

***************** End Of Article ******************

Anshoom Jain posted Message 1787 in Message Board
Dated : May 13, 1999 at 10:33:56 EST
Subject: Re: Suppliers Phone Number
Please do the following to solve this problem.
Zoom to display suppliers.
Click on Options, select 'Extend field', note that the cursor changes, then clic
k on the phone number. A extended field window will pop up showing the full numb
***************** End Of Article ******************
Baanfan posted Message 1788 in Message Board
Dated : May 13, 1999 at 23:56:02 EST
Subject: Re: Vendor rating
The functionality you are looking for is present in Baan Series.
: Hi
: I am loking for comprehensive Vendor Rating like what sap does, I mean which c
onsiders Quantities, Delivery Dates, Quality etc rather delivery date only which
is supported by versions till BaaN 1V C2.
: Vijay.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Nadeem Usmani posted Message 1789 in Message Board

Dated : May 15, 1999 at 01:46:31 EST
Subject: Re: Installment procedure
I am successful to Proces the Installment sales order But when I prin Sales invo
ice it give me an error
tdsls440403000 Variant Data on Sales order is missing.
Can somebody guide me?
Nadeem Usmani
: Hi,
: In the Sales Order parameters you need to maintain the Item (Cost type) for In
: Baanfan
: : Dear Naveed and Merv Thanks for your help.
: : Naveed, Now I am getting different error i.e Item for normal installment not
efine initem file.
: : Can you send me your email id. So that I can ask you further questions becau
se most of my questions may be very elementary as I am a new user of Baan.
: : My email id is
: : Thanks
: : Nadeem Usmani
: : : Dear Nadeem,
: : : The procedure for Installment Invoicing is as follows.
: : : 1) First in Sales Order parameter you have to define if Installment is app
: : : 2) Now you may go to "tdsls4146m000" Maintain Default installment schedule
" and set a instalment schedule
: : : 3) Next you may create a SO with installment type as : "Direct OR Indirec
t settlement". You need to attach the schedule you created in step two to this
SO. This is done via selecting a choice under application from menu option.
: : : 4) As a final step you should be able to print your final Invoice.
: : : If you have any problem feel free to drop me an e-mail.
: : : Good Luck,
: : : Naveed
: : : : Can somebody guide me hw installment works in Baan and what are
: : : : they effect on Customer aging.
: : : : I have tried to run a session Maintain Installment data through
: : : : sales order. It gives error Option can be activated only for installment

: : : : Nadeem Usmani

***************** End Of Article ******************

Thomas Frei posted Message 1790 in Message Board
Dated : May 15, 1999 at 15:39:22 EST
Subject: HOWTO close purchase orders without receiving expected qty's
How can I terminate a purchase order when my supplier did not send me the quanti
ty of parts I ordered.
As far as I know there is no possibility to change the quantity when I already r
eceived a quantitiy less than I ordered before.
Do you have a workaround?
thanks .-((
***************** End Of Article ******************
AL.Chandhramohan posted Message 1791 in Message Board
Dated : May 15, 1999 at 16:00:20 EST
Subject: Rreturn Order
Can anyone explain the concept and proceduree of the return order after defining
the order step as return order what are all the sessions normally used for a re
turn order in BaaN IV.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Naveed I. Khan posted Message 1792 in Message Board
Dated : May 15, 1999 at 18:00:25 EST
Subject: Re: Rreturn Order
Dear Mohan,
Once you define the order step for return order, the procedure is straight forwa
rd. If return order is for sales you have to use "maiantain deliveries", "Print
Sales Invoices" and "Process SO". These are the mandatory SO steps.
Once create the return order, the quantity and amount in order is automatically
defaulted to negative.
Mohan, one thing you have to be careful about. If you choose the option collect
order in addition to return order, the system will automatically generate and r
elease outbound for you.
In case if you are doing return order for Purchasing, you have to first move the
inventory to the receipt location and then you can do return order. Mandatory
steps in return PO are "maintain recceipts" and "Processand/or delete PO"

I hope this answers your question.

Good Luck,
: Can anyone explain the concept and proceduree of the return order after defini
ng the order step as return order what are all the sessions normally used for a
return order in BaaN IV.
: Regards,

***************** End Of Article ******************

Naveed I. Khan posted Message 1793 in Message Board
Dated : May 15, 1999 at 18:03:23 EST
Subject: Re: HOWTO close purchase orders without receiving expected qty's
: How can I terminate a purchase order when my supplier did not send me the quan
tity of parts I ordered.
: As far as I know there is no possibility to change the quantity when I already
received a quantitiy less than I ordered before.
: Do you have a workaround?
: thanks .-((
: Thomas

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Naveed I. Khan posted Message 1794 in Message Board
Dated : May 15, 1999 at 18:07:52 EST
Subject: Re: HOWTO close purchase orders without receiving expected qty's
Dear Thomas,
You can close the PO without recceiving the full ordered qty. In maintain recei
pt session, under speccial select the option which says confirm and select yes.
This should workout your problem. If you have any problem let me know.
: : How can I terminate a purchase order when my supplier did not send me the qu
antity of parts I ordered.
: : As far as I know there is no possibility to change the quantity when I alrea
dy received a quantitiy less than I ordered before.
: : Do you have a workaround?

: : thanks .-((
: : Thomas

***************** End Of Article ******************

Naveed I. Khan posted Message 1795 in Message Board
Dated : May 15, 1999 at 21:10:43 EST
Subject: Re: Cannot invoice
You may also want to select "all lines" when you are in the print sales Invoice
Good Luck,

: When trying to print a final invoice for an order at the Print Sales Invoice s
tage, we receive the following messages: "no data present" followed by "not able
to print invoice for order number ......."
: Any ideas?

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AL.Chandramohan posted Message 1796 in Message Board
Dated : May 16, 1999 at 03:43:22 EST
Subject: Deleting a Warehouse
We have something called scrap warehouse which has inventory.We cannot transfer
the material to another warehouse or make a sale order for these items,still we
want to get rid of the inventory and delete the ware house totally.
Please suggest some solution in this regard.

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sak posted Message 1797 in Message Board
Dated : May 16, 1999 at 07:04:07 EST
Subject: EDI set up
Can anybody explain me how do the edi setup? can anybody send me the details?
***************** End Of Article ******************
lisa posted Message 1798 in Message Board

Dated : May 16, 1999 at 14:17:08 EST

Subject: Re: Deleting a Warehouse
: We have something called scrap warehouse which has inventory.We cannot transfe
r the material to another warehouse or make a sale order for these items,still w
e want to get rid of the inventory and delete the ware house totally.
: Please suggest some solution in this regard.
Have you tried using a warehouse adjustment to write off the inventory to a gene
ral ledger account ???
***************** End Of Article ******************
AL.Chandhramohan posted Message 1799 in Message Board
Dated : May 16, 1999 at 23:51:56 EST
Subject: Re: Deleting a Warehouse
As the material in the ware house has no value and should not be done thro inven
tory adjustment also.

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Nadeem Usmani posted Message 1800 in Message Board
Dated : May 17, 1999 at 02:29:18 EST
Subject: Can I chane a customer number
I am using Baan IVc3 withSQL 6.5.
Is it Possible in Baan to change a customer number in future. So that all his pr
evious history of A/R should connect to new number.
Nadeem Usmani

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Mine posted Message 1801 in Message Board
Dated : May 17, 1999 at 03:41:03 EST
Subject: Re: HOWTO close purchase orders without receiving expected qty's
You can arrange quantity from session Maintain Back Orders.
: How can I terminate a purchase order when my supplier did not send me the quan
tity of parts I ordered.
: As far as I know there is no possibility to change the quantity when I already
received a quantitiy less than I ordered before.
: Do you have a workaround?
: thanks .-((

: Thomas

***************** End Of Article ******************

Frdric Tourniaire posted Message 1802 in Message Board
Dated : May 17, 1999 at 05:06:49 EST
Subject: EDI Supply-Chain - message SC830(S) Schedules In
I'm working on EDI Supply-Chain and I have some problems to integrate the messag
e SC830(S) :
* the system doesn't use the session : Maintain Customer Item Numbers - tdssc011
0m000 to find the Baan Item code corresponding to the item code sent by the cust
omer. To do so, I have to set up the code and conversion tables which is quite a
lot of useless work. Is there a mean to use supply-chain cusotmer item number i
nstead of the code and conversion tables ?
* When I process a EDI message, I get an error report with lines such as : tdssc
4280.20 ???????, tdssc4280.21 ???????, ... tdssc4280.25 ??????
What do they mean ?
* Some fields are not filled with data during the message processing such as : t
dssc003.iedi, tdssc002.schr or tdssc002.iedi. (the conversion set up seems corre
ct). Why ?
Thanks for your help
***************** End Of Article ******************
Doug Woeste posted Message 1803 in Message Board
Dated : May 17, 1999 at 10:01:41 EST
Subject: Re: Deleting a Warehouse
Whether or not the inventory has value, an inventory adjustment will reduce the
quantity on hand to zero. As for deleting the warehouse once this has been done
, good luck. Generally if something (like a warehouse) has any history against
it, Baan won't allow you to delete it. I have not specifically tried warehouses
, but htis is the case with everything else I have tested in Baan.
: As the material in the ware house has no value and should not be done thro inv
entory adjustment also.

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Gary Goulet posted Message 1804 in Message Board
Dated : May 17, 1999 at 10:55:36 EST
Subject: How to maintain a 1:1 ratio among invoices and packing slips

Many of our customers are now paying upon receipt and require that every packing
slip have an individual invoice. Our company does not want to have to "delete"
outbound advice and process each line individually. Also, timing in performing
the invoice print is too difficult to keep current and ahead of possible multip
le packing slips against a single order. We looked at having the packing slip d
etails print on the invoice (only a single does currently) but it does not meet
our customer needs. We need to maintain a 1:1 ratio. Unfortunately Baan does no
t have a "Maximum # of packing slips per invoice" feild. Does anyone have a sol
ution without resorting to source code?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Nuno Guilherme posted Message 1805 in Message Board
Dated : May 17, 1999 at 11:01:36 EST
Subject: Multi supplier Purchase Orders
Hey !!!
Does anyone know how can we assign several suppliers to a purchase ?
This is the situation: if we are purchasing some item from one supplier, but sev
eral others must act as well, as transportation companies, customs agents, etc,
how can I keep everything under a single entity ? In fact, all the costs along t
he process should be reflected in the item standard cost... Any ideas on how to
do it ?
***************** End Of Article ******************
lisa posted Message 1806 in Message Board
Dated : May 17, 1999 at 12:55:24 EST
Subject: Re: Deleting a Warehouse
: As the material in the ware house has no value and should not be done thro inv
entory adjustment also.
An inventory adjustment can be used for any part with a quantity on hand. It do
es not matter that the "value" is 0.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Thomas Frei posted Message 1807 in Message Board
Dated : May 17, 1999 at 14:19:21 EST
Subject: can you send purchase orders (Supply Chain) autom via fax/internet?
do you have a proper solution to send your delivery notes from supply chain auto
matically via fax or internet to your supplier?
I' have written a PERL tool which converts the orders from ASCII-Format to fax-g
3 file an sends it to your supplier. If the fax fails or succeeds you get a mail
-message and protocolls.
Is there anybody interested ?

Thomas ;-))
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Carol Schmidt posted Message 1808 in Message Board
Dated : May 17, 1999 at 16:12:27 EST
Subject: Picking Lists/Sufficient Inventory
Please explain the parameter setting " Method of Printing Items on Picking List"
under sessions tdsls4100m000.
All Items Those on Hand Sufficient Inventory I was under the assumption that if this parameter was set to "sufficient invento
ry", a picking list would not print unless there was inventory to cover the full
quantity of any order line on a sales order.
In other words if there are two
ne has sufficient inventory but
nventory, the picking list will
does have sufficient inventory

order lines on a sales order, the first order li

the second order line does not have sufficient i
not print. It seems however, that the item that
does print.

Please confirm this and if so, is there a way to supress printing of a picking l
ist until there is sufficient inventory for all order lines on the sales order?
An urgent response is required.
Thank you,
Carol Schmidt
Egan Visual Inc.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Merv Carr posted Message 1809 in Message Board
Dated : May 17, 1999 at 16:27:59 EST
Subject: Re: Picking Lists/Sufficient Inventory
You are correct on the first part (the line with sufficient inventory will print
). On the second part (if you are in Baan IV) there is a field on form 2 of the
sales order header "ship complete yes/no". If set to yes, then all lines have to
ship simultaneously (according to the help text anyway) I haven't played with t
his one for a long time so cannot testify to it's effectiveness, but it would be
worth your whikle trying it out anyway).
Let us know how you get on
: Please explain the parameter setting " Method of Printing Items on Picking Lis
t" under sessions tdsls4100m000.
: All Items : Those on Hand : Sufficient Inventory : I was under the assumption that if this parameter was set to "sufficient inven

tory", a picking list would not print unless there was inventory to cover the fu
ll quantity of any order line on a sales order.
: In other words if there are two
line has sufficient inventory but
inventory, the picking list will
at does have sufficient inventory

order lines on a sales order, the first order

the second order line does not have sufficient
not print. It seems however, that the item th
does print.

: Please confirm this and if so, is there a way to supress printing of a picking
list until there is sufficient inventory for all order lines on the sales order
: An urgent response is required.
: Thank you,
: Carol Schmidt
: Egan Visual Inc.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Clark Colvin posted Message 1810 in Message Board
Dated : May 17, 1999 at 17:09:58 EST
Subject: Anyone on BAAN 5.0B?
ANYONE ELSE ON SERIES? We're looking to go live in a few months. Wish to share e
***************** End Of Article ******************
Rock posted Message 1811 in Message Board
Dated : May 17, 1999 at 20:37:44 EST
Subject: RPL PICKING LISTS/Transportation
We are also using replenishment orders to move materials between our raw materia
ls warehouse, and our WIP warehouse. When we try to print a replenishment order
picking list, we get the error message:
"Session trtoc2202m000 not defined as order step"
Is there any way that we can use replenishment orders as if we do not have trans
portation implemented?
Thanks for your help.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Marc posted Message 1812 in Message Board
Dated : May 18, 1999 at 04:28:47 EST
Subject: Re: Multi supplier Purchase Orders
Hi Nuno,

The only way to do so is to my best knowledge to create projects in the pcs (man
ufacturing). This way you can combine all the cost Shipping/custom agents thru t
he transportation module.
I don't know the precise procedure for this problem.
Currently I'm at a customer (who went live on May 1st) and I have no access to m
y laptop on which I have the email address of a Indian consultant who did create
a simular solution for a big Arabic company.
Next weekend I can look up his email address and I will send it to you.
Greetings Marc
: Hey !!!
: Does anyone know how can we assign several suppliers to a purchase ?
: This is the situation: if we are purchasing some item from one supplier, but s
everal others must act as well, as transportation companies, customs agents, etc
, how can I keep everything under a single entity ? In fact, all the costs along
the process should be reflected in the item standard cost... Any ideas on how t
o do it ?
: Thanks

***************** End Of Article ******************

Jason posted Message 1813 in Message Board
Dated : May 18, 1999 at 08:12:45 EST
Subject: Re: RPL PICKING LISTS/Transportation
I believe that all you need to do is create "trtoc2202m00" as an order step, you
don't actually have to use it in any particular order type. It is just a system
requirement that somehow gets missed in the installation. You should not have t
o turn Transportation on to use Replenishment Orders! Good luck.
------: We are also using replenishment orders to move materials between our raw mater
ials warehouse, and our WIP warehouse. When we try to print a replenishment orde
r picking list, we get the error message:
: "Session trtoc2202m000 not defined as order step"
: Is there any way that we can use replenishment orders as if we do not have tra
nsportation implemented?
: Thanks for your help.
: Rock

***************** End Of Article ******************

Clark Colvin posted Message 1814 in Message Board
Dated : May 18, 1999 at 10:12:40 EST
Subject: Baan 5.0b Sales Cost Orders

We are experiencing an "awaiting delivery" on cost items. Any suggestions?

***************** End Of Article ******************
Merv Carr posted Message 1815 in Message Board
Dated : May 18, 1999 at 12:04:55 EST
Subject: Re: Multi supplier Purchase Orders
If you want shipping costs etc. to be reflected in the item standard cost as an
estimate, then the "normal" route would be to define surcharges in cost accounti
ng (based on the item purchase price).
If you then place a PO for an item, the PO price would not include the surcharge
s and you then get a variance (PO result) which can be posted (automatically) to
a suspense account.
When the invoices for the shipping etc. come in, these entries in the suspense a
ccount would then be offset.
Assigning several suppliers to a single PO can not be done.
Referring to Marc's reply, Yes, if you need to record actual costs for an item,
for a shipment, against multiple suppliers, probably the only way you could do i
t is through a PCS project. It would be kind of cumbersome though.
: Hey !!!
: Does anyone know how can we assign several suppliers to a purchase ?
: This is the situation: if we are purchasing some item from one supplier, but s
everal others must act as well, as transportation companies, customs agents, etc
, how can I keep everything under a single entity ? In fact, all the costs along
the process should be reflected in the item standard cost... Any ideas on how t
o do it ?
: Thanks

***************** End Of Article ******************

TF posted Message 1816 in Message Board
Dated : May 18, 1999 at 16:08:14 EST
Subject: Re: RPL PICKING LISTS/Transportation
All you have to do is to define orderserie numbers and STANDARD" ordersteps like
you do in purchase orders.
"Delivery of items" from your raw materials warehouse is a mandatory step.
We use it to replenish the warhouses of our service techniscians who drive aroun
d the country to maintain installations in SMA.
Good Luck TF
: I believe that all you need to do is create "trtoc2202m00" as an order step, y
ou don't actually have to use it in any particular order type. It is just a syst

em requirement that somehow gets missed in the installation. You should not have
to turn Transportation on to use Replenishment Orders! Good luck.
: ------: : We are also using replenishment orders to move materials between our raw mat
erials warehouse, and our WIP warehouse. When we try to print a replenishment or
der picking list, we get the error message:
: : "Session trtoc2202m000 not defined as order step"
: : Is there any way that we can use replenishment orders as if we do not have t
ransportation implemented?
: : Thanks for your help.
: : Rock

***************** End Of Article ******************

TF posted Message 1817 in Message Board
Dated : May 18, 1999 at 16:15:37 EST
Subject: Re: How to maintain a 1:1 ratio among invoices and packing slips
The only solution i can think of is to print the packingslip for the delivered o
rder and the "definite invoice" immediatly after printing the packing slip using
the order number as input. However, when there are multiple users who deliver a
nd print you have a problem. Try to organize that only one user prints the packi
ng slip and invoice.
Sorry i can't be of more help. good luck TF
: Many of our customers are now paying upon receipt and require that every packi
ng slip have an individual invoice. Our company does not want to have to "delet
e" outbound advice and process each line individually. Also, timing in performi
ng the invoice print is too difficult to keep current and ahead of possible mult
iple packing slips against a single order. We looked at having the packing slip
details print on the invoice (only a single does currently) but it does not mee
t our customer needs. We need to maintain a 1:1 ratio. Unfortunately Baan does
not have a "Maximum # of packing slips per invoice" feild. Does anyone have a s
olution without resorting to source code?

***************** End Of Article ******************

Samir posted Message 1818 in Message Board
Dated : May 18, 1999 at 17:25:17 EST
Subject: Impact of Deleting history using gtm
I need to clean my test company, but can't delete the change type codes (tcmcs05
7), since there is links to mandatory parent references. So I want to delete few
records from the history tables (tdpur050, tdpur051, tdsls050, tdsls051, tdpur7
03). What is the impact of deleting the few records using general table maintena
***************** End Of Article ******************

Mark E.Terrington posted Message 1819 in Message Board

Dated : May 19, 1999 at 00:10:33 EST
Subject: Re: Impact of Deleting history using gtm
This isn't much help ---- but don't do it.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Ilan Kiperman posted Message 1820 in Message Board
Dated : May 19, 1999 at 09:29:33 EST
Subject: Minimum Sales Order Qty for an item
Is there a way to set a minimum Sales Order Qty for an item?
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ANSHOOM JAIN posted Message 1821 in Message Board
Dated : May 19, 1999 at 10:18:41 EST
Subject: Re: Minimum Sales Order Qty for an item
You can set the default/minimum value for the field by way of customization.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Baan Sales posted Message 1822 in Message Board
Dated : May 19, 1999 at 10:31:42 EST
Subject: Re: Baan 5.0b Sales Cost Orders
: We are experiencing an "awaiting delivery" on cost items. Any suggestions?
Have you generated outbound advice/created and confired the shipment? You need t
o do this on the warehousing side, based upon warehouse activities/warehouse ord
er types before you can invoice.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Laila Kamoun posted Message 1823 in Message Board
Dated : May 19, 1999 at 10:38:09 EST
Subject: Re: labels and packaging in supply chain
: There is a module which handles packages very well and which is ineterfaced wi
th Baan Supply chain, that is package management. It was developed by Baan Germa
ny. I actually have the course and the exercices that go with it.
Renault used it because they were handling packages and not items. It was availa
ble on Baan IV c2.
: Standard Baan Supply Chain allows you to enter two levels of packaging for pla
nned deliveries and to print labels for them. Unfortunately, the labels are prin
ted as a batch i.e. Baan does not store the relation between the labels to the e
ffect that you can determine which pack/container label belongs to which pallet

label. This is a requirement for Automotive EDI when sending the ASN message and
so far I have had to create a new set of tables to store this information per l
abel. Has anybody with automotive experience come accross this issue and managed
to solve it without customizations ?

***************** End Of Article ******************

Mathieu Nellestein posted Message 1824 in Message Board
Dated : May 19, 1999 at 11:38:48 EST
Subject: Re: EDI Supply-Chain - message SC830(S) Schedules In
I'll try to give some answers from past experience.
Unfortunately, you are correct with regards to the item conversion. We did use t
he item code and conversion tables to do item, code conversion.
Baan has a patch available to get rid of the question marks when loading a messa
ge. This was due to the fact that not all software components were present on th
e installation tape.
The "iedi" fields were not loaded. Baan has a patch to solve this problem. That
is if you are using the DLL tdsscdll4281. I am not sure if the similar library f
or VDA/ODETTE has the fix as well.
Hope this helps,
Mathieu Nellestein
: Hi,
: I'm working on EDI Supply-Chain and I have some problems to integrate the mess
age SC830(S) :
: * the system doesn't use the session : Maintain Customer Item Numbers - tdssc0
110m000 to find the Baan Item code corresponding to the item code sent by the cu
stomer. To do so, I have to set up the code and conversion tables which is quite
a lot of useless work. Is there a mean to use supply-chain cusotmer item number
instead of the code and conversion tables ?
: * When I process a EDI message, I get an error report with lines such as : tds
sc4280.20 ???????, tdssc4280.21 ???????, ... tdssc4280.25 ??????
: What do they mean ?
: * Some fields are not filled with data during the message processing such as :
tdssc003.iedi, tdssc002.schr or tdssc002.iedi. (the conversion set up seems cor
rect). Why ?
: Thanks for your help
: FT

***************** End Of Article ******************

Peter Donnan posted Message 1825 in Message Board

Dated : May 19, 1999 at 12:21:50 EST
How can you make back orders(sales orders) more unique/identifiable after the it
ems become available-and the picking slips print? To add to this question-we ha
ve an agreement with one of our dealers that all their back orders will ship via
AIR, no charge freight to them. However-with no identifying number, or series
on the paper work-it makes it next to impossible. Is there a way in BAAN to cha
nge the route??
***************** End Of Article ******************
Merv Carr posted Message 1826 in Message Board
Dated : May 19, 1999 at 12:39:09 EST
Subject: Re: Minimum Sales Order Qty for an item
How about using an alternative sales unit for the item e.g. box, with a conversi
on factor of 5. 1 box then = 5 pieces. That way you would never sell less than 5
, disadvantage is you would also always sell in multiples of 5 (in this example)
. If that is not a problem (or if desired) that is the route I would go.
: Is there a way to set a minimum Sales Order Qty for an item?
: Ilan

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joe posted Message 1827 in Message Board
Dated : May 19, 1999 at 12:54:21 EST
Subject: Need the customer PO to appear on a sales invoice
Does anyone know how to get a customer PO to appear on a sales invoice?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Peter Donnan posted Message 1828 in Message Board
Dated : May 19, 1999 at 13:42:27 EST
Subject: Re: Need the customer PO to appear on a sales invoice
Joe-We got the PO# field to print on our invoices. I will check & see if it was
a customization. We also had the PO# field moved up to form 1 of the Maintain
Sales Orders, and we had a customization done for duplicate PO# check. (it works
great!) I will let you know what I found out about getting it to print. Peter.
: Hello,
: Does anyone know how to get a customer PO to appear on a sales invoice?

: Joe

***************** End Of Article ******************

Joe posted Message 1829 in Message Board
Dated : May 19, 1999 at 14:32:20 EST
Subject: Re: Need the customer PO to appear on a sales invoice
Thanks Pete - We are anxiously awaiting your solution........

: Joe-We got the PO# field to print on our invoices. I will check & see if it w
as a customization. We also had the PO# field moved up to form 1 of the Maintai
n Sales Orders, and we had a customization done for duplicate PO# check. (it wor
ks great!) I will let you know what I found out about getting it to print. Peter
: : Hello,
: : Does anyone know how to get a customer PO to appear on a sales invoice?
: :
: : Joe

***************** End Of Article ******************

dskumar posted Message 1830 in Message Board
Dated : May 20, 1999 at 03:16:03 EST
Subject: locations in wip ware house
i am working on baanivb2 i implemented location control.
i can maintain locations for normal warehouse.but i cannot
maintain for wip to maintain locations for
thanks in advance
***************** End Of Article ******************
Marc posted Message 1831 in Message Board
Dated : May 20, 1999 at 03:24:32 EST
Subject: Re: Need the customer PO to appear on a sales invoice
Hi Joe,
You might want to put the customer P.O. on form 3 from maintain cSales order (td
sls4101m000), normally this number should appear on the invoices.
Hope this helps.

Greetings Marc.

: Hello,
: Does anyone know how to get a customer PO to appear on a sales invoice?
: Joe

***************** End Of Article ******************

Volker Kraska posted Message 1832 in Message Board
Dated : May 20, 1999 at 03:27:43 EST
Subject: Sales Invoice
As a matter of fact, one of our customers printed definitve sales invoices for t
he complete range of orders, though this has to be done only at the end of a mon
Is there a way to reset this in a clean way without recovering data from databas
e ? (reset tdsls045, tdsls050, tdsls051, what else ?)
***************** End Of Article ******************
Laila Kamoun posted Message 1833 in Message Board
Dated : May 20, 1999 at 08:07:27 EST
Subject: Dependencies between the EDI setup and the standard EDI DLLs
I am trying to find out whether changing the EDI setup delivered by BAAN (for ed
ifact and X12) from multi-level messages to single level messages.
This has impacts on the conversion setup, that I can change. But what I am wonde
ring is do the standard DLLS (tdpurdll4280, tdpurdll4281, tdslsdll4281 ...) supp
ort this change?
In other words, can I switch to single files without customizing?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Mathieu Nellestein posted Message 1834 in Message Board
Dated : May 20, 1999 at 09:21:40 EST
Subject: Re: Dependencies between the EDI setup and the standard EDI DLLs
The short answer to this would be, no you do not have to customize any of the li
braries if you convert a default Baan multi-file conversion setup to single file
i.e. multi level. As you mentioned you would have to modify the conversion setu
p to include the level identifiers and shift all the positions by one to make ro
om for the identifier as well as changing the file names to be all the same per

conversion setup.
There is a dependancy though between the library and the conversion setup which
is often overlooked. The fields in the conversion setup for which you perform a
"read record" or "write record" and the key fields per level/file trigger action
s in the library. So any of these events in the conversion setup need a correspo
nding piece of programming in the library. What that effectively means is that w
hen you change the key fields or read/write flags to now operate on a different
field or table, the risk exists that the message will not be generated properly
thus a customization is needed.
Sorry for the long answer but I hope it answers the question.

: I am trying to find out whether changing the EDI setup delivered by BAAN (for
edifact and X12) from multi-level messages to single level messages.
: This has impacts on the conversion setup, that I can change. But what I am won
dering is do the standard DLLS (tdpurdll4280, tdpurdll4281, tdslsdll4281 ...) su
pport this change?
: In other words, can I switch to single files without customizing?
: Thanks

***************** End Of Article ******************

Nuno S Pereira posted Message 1835 in Message Board
Dated : May 20, 1999 at 10:14:55 EST
Subject: Inspection of Goods
I would like to do a purchase order, but i would like to do a inspection of all
goods.I would like to know if is possible to do an inspection of all goods becau
se when i do a purchase order and after print purchase order step, the next step
is mantain receipts and when i do a receipt i have a quantity of purchase order
and quantity delivered.If i put more quantity in the quantity delivered(more th
an purchase order quantity)the system agree and don't do inspection.I would lik
e do know why?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Peter Donnan posted Message 1836 in Message Board
Dated : May 20, 1999 at 13:21:17 EST
Subject: Re: Need the customer PO to appear on a sales invoice
Hi. I see there was some input from Marc. The
uested to print on your forms as necessary. It
t you may have to speak to your tools people to
our forms. If your company is like ours-we use

PO# field from form 3 can be req

is standard to have available-bu
make sure they include this on y
PO#'s all the time-I would sugge

st having this moved to form 1, and maybe something you do not use moved FROM fo
rm 1. Again, they (your tools people, or even BAAN implementing people) can do
this very easily. Also, as I stated before-we had a customization done to check
on duplicate PO#'s. This enhancement will save us numerous errors. I hope BAA
N will make this standard....
: Thanks Pete - We are anxiously awaiting your solution........
: Joe
: : Joe-We got the PO# field to print on our invoices. I will check & see if it
was a customization. We also had the PO# field moved up to form 1 of the Maint
ain Sales Orders, and we had a customization done for duplicate PO# check. (it w
orks great!) I will let you know what I found out about getting it to print. Pet
: : : Hello,
: : : Does anyone know how to get a customer PO to appear on a sales invoice?
: : :
: : : Joe

***************** End Of Article ******************

Carol Schmidt posted Message 1837 in Message Board
Dated : May 20, 1999 at 14:31:50 EST
Subject: Maintain Receipts
When in session "Maintain Receipts" for a multiple purchase order lines, I want
to back order one of the purchase order lines, I am able to accomplish that. Th
e subsequent Receipts Report indicates that the line was indeed backordered. Ho
wever, the purchase order line status for the backordered line advances from the
status Maintain Receipts status to the next step in the order.
This is an issue as Processed Delivered Purchase Orders is conducted for items t
hat have not been received.
Thank you in advance for any input.
Carol Schmidt

***************** End Of Article ******************

Carol Schmidt posted Message 1838 in Message Board
Dated : May 20, 1999 at 14:38:50 EST
Subject: Re: Picking Lists/Sufficient Inventory
: You are correct on the first part (the line with sufficient inventory will pri
nt). On the second part (if you are in Baan IV) there is a field on form 2 of th
e sales order header "ship complete yes/no". If set to yes, then all lines have
to ship simultaneously (according to the help text anyway) I haven't played with

this one for a long time so cannot testify to it's effectiveness, but it would
be worth your whikle trying it out anyway).
: Let us know how you get on
: : Please explain the parameter setting " Method of Printing Items on Picking L
ist" under sessions tdsls4100m000.
: : All Items : : Those on Hand : : Sufficient Inventory : : I was under the assumption that if this parameter was set to "sufficient inv
entory", a picking list would not print unless there was inventory to cover the
full quantity of any order line on a sales order.
: : In other words if there are two
r line has sufficient inventory but
nt inventory, the picking list will
that does have sufficient inventory

order lines on a sales order, the first orde

the second order line does not have sufficie
not print. It seems however, that the item
does print.

: : Please confirm this and if so, is there a way to supress printing of a picki
ng list until there is sufficient inventory for all order lines on the sales ord
: : An urgent response is required.
: : Thank you,
: : Carol Schmidt
: : Egan Visual Inc.
Yes, you were correct and I also knew about the flag in the customer file (ship
complete and back order). I temporarily forgot about it!! If this flag is set
to ship complete "Yes" then a picking list will not print until inventory for al
l lines of the sales order is present.
Thanks for jogging my memory. It needs it
***************** End Of Article ******************
ricardo vera posted Message 1839 in Message Board
Dated : May 20, 1999 at 14:58:45 EST
Subject: Re: In Pricing matrix type have Transfer price where ecxactly it is usf
: hi,
please any one tell me In pricing we have Matrix type is of Transfer under
that matrix definition is defined, but i donot know where this transfer type mat
rix and its definion is usefull to use, any one of them know please inform to me

***************** End Of Article ******************

TF posted Message 1840 in Message Board

Dated : May 20, 1999 at 15:10:14 EST

Subject: Re: Maintain Receipts
In the table tdpur041, you have one line for each position of your purchase orde
r. in tdpur045, you start with one line: sequence number 0. When you have backor
ders on a postion, a new line is created in tdpur045, sequence number 1,2, etc.
The status of the former line changes to the next step. You wont't see the newly
created line in tdpur045 until you have printed the goods receiving note.
If you need more information, you can e-mail me at
Good luck TF
When you "backorder a line"
: When in session "Maintain Receipts" for a multiple purchase order lines, I wan
t to back order one of the purchase order lines, I am able to accomplish that.
The subsequent Receipts Report indicates that the line was indeed backordered.
However, the purchase order line status for the backordered line advances from t
he status Maintain Receipts status to the next step in the order.
: This is an issue as Processed Delivered Purchase Orders is conducted for items
that have not been received.
: Thank you in advance for any input.
: Regards,
: Carol Schmidt

***************** End Of Article ******************

TF posted Message 1841 in Message Board
Dated : May 20, 1999 at 15:13:28 EST
Subject: Re: Inspection of Goods
Is the step "inspection" included in your order steps?
Is the field "quality check" in the suppliers record filled with Yes?
Is the field wuality check in the item record filled with yes?
When all of these are correctly filled, it should work.
Good luck TF
: I would like to do a purchase order, but i would like to do a inspection of al
l goods.I would like to know if is possible to do an inspection of all goods bec
ause when i do a purchase order and after print purchase order step, the next st
ep is mantain receipts and when i do a receipt i have a quantity of purchase ord
er and quantity delivered.If i put more quantity in the quantity delivered(more
than purchase order quantity)the system agree and don't do inspection.I would l
ike do know why?

***************** End Of Article ******************

TF posted Message 1842 in Message Board

Dated : May 20, 1999 at 15:18:33 EST
Subject: Re: Sales Invoice
I wouldn't reccomend it, but IF you have no financial integration, you can clean
up the database. This is very tricky and should only be done by an expert. (Baa
n proclaims, that you may NEVER alter the database)
For future problems: customize the form printing sales invoice and let the defau
lts of the fields "order from" and "order to" be set to "0".
Good luck TF
: As a matter of fact, one of our customers printed definitve sales invoices for
the complete range of orders, though this has to be done only at the end of a m
: Is there a way to reset this in a clean way without recovering data from datab
ase ? (reset tdsls045, tdsls050, tdsls051, what else ?)
: Volker

***************** End Of Article ******************

Tom Lair posted Message 1843 in Message Board
Dated : May 20, 1999 at 15:23:32 EST
Subject: Re: Fatal error when altering an existing Sales order line
We experienced the same problem and after some investigation realized that the '
Generate Hard Allocations' order step did not exist in the Maintain Order Steps
session (tcmcs0139m000). After adding this step the problem went away. Note th
at this step does not actually have to be used in an order type to solve the pro
: Hello
: I am having problems when attempting to alter the details of a sales order lin
e (even adding text).
: I get the message "session tdinv2201m000" not defined and then a BW message: F
atal error : recursion not possible refcount=2 . trhe session then freezes
: the session it refers to is the Generate hard allocations sessions which i don
t want to include in my order type.
: I have tried using the same order type on another system (IVc3)
: and i do not get this error.
: I am using IVc4 without ILC.

: Many thanks in Advance

: Sam Dharmasiri

***************** End Of Article ******************

Merv Carr posted Message 1844 in Message Board
Dated : May 20, 1999 at 16:07:05 EST
Subject: Re: Sales Invoice
You don't have to customise the form by the way, to avoid people printing the fi
nal invoice by mistake. Go into the session "Print Invoices", set the defaults a
s suggested to "0" from and to, and also fields like "Final Invoice" set to "No"
. escape to choice and press the - key. This sets the default for the user in th
at company. The next time that user goes into the session the defaults will auto
matically be "remembered. (This same functionality is available in any "process"
type session)
: I wouldn't reccomend it, but IF you have no financial integration, you can cle
an up the database. This is very tricky and should only be done by an expert. (B
aan proclaims, that you may NEVER alter the database)
: For future problems: customize the form printing sales invoice and let the def
aults of the fields "order from" and "order to" be set to "0".
: Good luck TF
: : As a matter of fact, one of our customers printed definitve sales invoices f
or the complete range of orders, though this has to be done only at the end of a
: : Is there a way to reset this in a clean way without recovering data from dat
abase ? (reset tdsls045, tdsls050, tdsls051, what else ?)
: : Volker

***************** End Of Article ******************

Genie posted Message 1845 in Message Board
Dated : May 21, 1999 at 06:48:34 EST
Subject: Re: locations in wip ware house
WIP Warehouses can never have locations. They are not ment to. This is a locat
ion on the floor / line used to backflush materials.

i am working on baanivb2 i implemented location control.
i can maintain locations for normal warehouse.but i cannot
maintain for wip to maintain locations for
thanks in advance

***************** End Of Article ******************

Genie posted Message 1846 in Message Board
Dated : May 21, 1999 at 06:53:09 EST
Subject: Re: Rreturn Order
One other point to consider, if you are doing a return order with cost items for
, example, restocking charges, in order to get the number to be positive, in oth
er words a charge, you should use the session "Maintain Prices and Discounts aft
er Maintain Deliveries" to add the costs, provided the cost line is already on t
he sales order. Same would apply for purchase order.
: Dear Mohan,
: Once you define the order step for return order, the procedure is straight for
ward. If return order is for sales you have to use "maiantain deliveries", "Pri
nt Sales Invoices" and "Process SO". These are the mandatory SO steps.
: Once create the return order, the quantity and amount in order is automaticall
y defaulted to negative.
: Mohan, one thing you have to be careful about. If you choose the option colle
ct order in addition to return order, the system will automatically generate and
release outbound for you.
: In case if you are doing return order for Purchasing, you have to first move t
he inventory to the receipt location and then you can do return order. Mandator
y steps in return PO are "maintain recceipts" and "Processand/or delete PO"
: I hope this answers your question.
: Good Luck,
: Naveed
: : Can anyone explain the concept and proceduree of the return order after defi
ning the order step as return order what are all the sessions normally used for
a return order in BaaN IV.
: : Regards,

***************** End Of Article ******************

isen posted Message 1847 in Message Board
Dated : May 22, 1999 at 00:46:56 EST
Subject: defaults.edi
Where can i find defaults.edi file in for baanIVc on NT?I
would be greatful if somebody could help me out. Thanks in advance.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Shibasis posted Message 1848 in Message Board

Dated : May 22, 1999 at 02:55:30 EST

Subject: Safety stock and order parameter calculation
For calculating the safety stock and reorder point for SIC items in BaaN, there
is a formula given like this in BaaN:
Safety stock =k*1.25*MAD Sqrt((Oint*5/7+Oltm+Sftm)/Period Length)
where it is said that K is a factor which is based on the service level. But how
does the system calculate this factor and the MAD is not clear.
Further how does one decide the servce level in the first place?
What are the criteria of deciding this level?
Is there any industry standard in this regard, we are working in a engineering g
oods mfg. company.
Can anyone help out on this?
Thanks in anticipation.

***************** End Of Article ******************

AL.Chandramohan posted Message 1849 in Message Board
Dated : May 22, 1999 at 06:32:53 EST
Subject: Supplier text by item
We have introduced a supplier text by item and in the P.O in some lines the actu
al text is coming but in some lines it is changed with other texts.
Basically we think some kind of entry error.As the materials are delivered, we w
ere not able to do any changes.
Can any one help in this regard

***************** End Of Article ******************

AL.Chandhramohan posted Message 1850 in Message Board
Dated : May 23, 1999 at 00:00:49 EST
Subject: Deleting a ware house
We have a scrap warehouse in which we transfer the scrap without any financial i
It has huge quantity,we want to delete the warehouse without any financial impli
cation as in order to reduce the stock if we do inv adjustment then there will b
e a financial implication which wwe dont want .Pl help uss in this regard

***************** End Of Article ******************

dskumar posted Message 1851 in Message Board
Dated : May 24, 1999 at 04:33:09 EST
Subject: Re: locations in wip ware house
hi genie,

thanks for your reply.unfortunatly in our company we have a WIP warehouse where
we have two locations with specific storage conditions which are used to store s
ubassemblies required to be sent to next process. So how to solve this problem?
I think it is not advisable to store this in a normal warehouse.

***************** End Of Article ******************

dskumar posted Message 1852 in Message Board
Dated : May 24, 1999 at 04:33:42 EST
Subject: Re: locations in wip ware house
hi genie,
thanks for your reply.unfortunatly in our company we have a WIP warehouse where
we have two locations with specific storage conditions which are used to store s
ubassemblies required to be sent to next process. So how to solve this problem?
I think it is not advisable to store this in a normal warehouse.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Jason Dunn posted Message 1853 in Message Board
Dated : May 24, 1999 at 06:29:41 EST
Subject: Multiple Packing Slip Numbers for one EDI delivery
When I print the Packing Slip for an order, each delivery line is given a unique
packing slip number (delivery dates etc are the same).
Is there some way that all the lines with the same delivery date can be given th
e same packing slip number, so that when doing receipts from the interim table,
all the received lines can be loaded from the one packing slip number.
I assume that this is caused because the order is an EDI order type with an EDI
relation, but it may not be the case. Non-EDI orders work as expected with the o
ne packing slip number.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Jonathan Sunberg posted Message 1854 in Message Board
Dated : May 24, 1999 at 10:17:07 EST
Subject: Add new line to sales order
We have just migrating sales orders and when we try to enter a new line by click
ing insert, it will not allow us. We do not receive an error message or anything

. Does anyone have any ideas?

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Pete Nohre posted Message 1855 in Message Board
Dated : May 24, 1999 at 11:34:50 EST
Subject: Disccount From NET Price
I have a level 3 order discount where a disc. needs to be applied based on the d
ollar amount of an order. (i.e. if $15000-$25000 then 1% disc.). Each line in t
he order has a List Price, a level 1 disc., and a Net Price. Currently, the sys
tem is looking at the sum of the LIST amount of each line to see if it qualifies
for the level 3 discount (between $15-$25000). I don't want this. I want to h
ave the system look at the sum of the NET price from each line to see if it qual
ifies for the level 3 order discount.
Any ideas??
Pete N.
***************** End Of Article ******************
J. Cronin posted Message 1856 in Message Board
Dated : May 24, 1999 at 11:47:41 EST
Subject: Re: locations in wip ware house
If you only have 2 such locations - define 2 separate WIP Warehouses.
Regards, Jeremy
: hi genie,
: thanks for your reply.unfortunatly in our company we have a WIP warehouse wher
e we have two locations with specific storage conditions which are used to store
subassemblies required to be sent to next process. So how to solve this problem
? I think it is not advisable to store this in a normal warehouse.
: Bye
: DSKumar

***************** End Of Article ******************

J. Cronin posted Message 1857 in Message Board
Dated : May 24, 1999 at 11:54:38 EST
Subject: Re: Multi supplier Purchase Orders
Hello Nuno,
You can Link 1 other supplier to a purchase Order, using the field 'Forwarding A
gent'. Each Forwarding Agent Code is linked to a Supplier (tcmcs0180m000) but
to the best of my knowledge it doesn't enable the costs to be posted.

: If you want shipping costs etc. to be reflected in the item standard cost as a
n estimate, then the "normal" route would be to define surcharges in cost accoun
ting (based on the item purchase price).
: If you then place a PO for an item, the PO price would not include the surchar
ges and you then get a variance (PO result) which can be posted (automatically)
to a suspense account.
: When the invoices for the shipping etc. come in, these entries in the suspense
account would then be offset.
: Assigning several suppliers to a single PO can not be done.
: Referring to Marc's reply, Yes, if you need to record actual costs for an item
, for a shipment, against multiple suppliers, probably the only way you could do
it is through a PCS project. It would be kind of cumbersome though.
: : Hey !!!
: : Does anyone know how can we assign several suppliers to a purchase ?
: : This is the situation: if we are purchasing some item from one supplier, but
several others must act as well, as transportation companies, customs agents, e
tc, how can I keep everything under a single entity ? In fact, all the costs alo
ng the process should be reflected in the item standard cost... Any ideas on how
to do it ?
: : Thanks

***************** End Of Article ******************

baan fan posted Message 1858 in Message Board
Dated : May 24, 1999 at 13:52:21 EST
Subject: Re: Deleting a ware house
: We have a scrap warehouse in which we transfer the scrap without any financial
: It has huge quantity,we want to delete the warehouse without any financial imp
lication as in order to reduce the stock if we do inv adjustment then there will
be a financial implication which wwe dont want .Pl help uss in this regard
If you delete the warehouse, your inventory reports will not agree to the genera
l ledger - - that in itself is a financial implication which must be dealt with
Once you have quantity in a warehouse, any kind of movement generates some sort
of financial implication.
***************** End Of Article ******************
martin posted Message 1859 in Message Board
Dated : May 24, 1999 at 18:58:02 EST
Subject: EDI - Item Converison By Relation Not Working

We have maintained Conversion of Item Codes By Relation[in]

(tcedi3106m000) using Organization X12 and Item code ID ZZ(mutually defined). Wh
ile we recive the message 850[IN]we get error
1) Item Not found
2) Conversion Factor Not found for this unit
3) Conversion factor for alternative unit xxx of item xxxxx not found
we have maintained the unit and the conevrison factor in
we have maintained the code in message and in the application in
The Ascii file 850.5 qualifier is ZZ.
Do we miss anything else? We expect some help from you.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Jason posted Message 1860 in Message Board
Dated : May 24, 1999 at 21:36:34 EST
Subject: Re: Add new line to sales order
When creating sales orders you need to also create records in tdsls045, tdsls050
, and tdsls050. I am not to sure if this is causing the problem, but if you havn
't done this it would be a good place to start.
: We have just migrating sales orders and when we try to enter a new line by cli
cking insert, it will not allow us. We do not receive an error message or anythi
ng. Does anyone have any ideas?
: Thanks,
: Jonathan

***************** End Of Article ******************

J. Cronin posted Message 1861 in Message Board
Dated : May 25, 1999 at 02:20:23 EST
Subject: Changing Purchased Item to Cost Item
Hello BaanFans,
I want to change some Purchased Items to Cost Items (Disposable Office/Laborator
y equipment which has turned out to be a pain in the....).
Baan doesn't allow this, so I intend to change the data using General Table Main
Obviously, I need to change the Cost Price Component, Delete the contents of Inv
/Storage Units and Warehouse fields, and presumably - Zero all the Order Data fi
elds, BOM & Routing units.
Are there any other fields or tables which need to be updated or changed at the

same time?
Or is there perhaps a workaround that anybody knows?
Thanks for your help,
***************** End Of Article ******************
Mathieu Nellestein posted Message 1862 in Message Board
Dated : May 25, 1999 at 03:02:32 EST
Subject: Re: defaults.edi
As far as I know, you don't need a specific NT defaults file. For my current pro
ject, we develop and create the defaults file at the client site using UNIX and
then import it on an NT server.
: Where can i find defaults.edi file in for baanIVc on NT
?I would be greatful if somebody could help me out. Thanks in advance.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Mathieu Nellestein posted Message 1863 in Message Board
Dated : May 25, 1999 at 03:13:09 EST
Subject: Re: EDI - Item Converison By Relation Not Working
It does sound like you have maintained it correctly. Have you entered the positi
on of the qualifier and/or a default qualifier in the conversion setup (second f
orm) for the field item code. The errors regarding the conversion factor are the
result of the item not being found so you can ignore these for the moment. Baan
did change the item code conversion to work by relation so if all fails, you co
uld check if you are using the latest object for the library tdslsdll4280. Bit o
f a poor answer but I hope it helps.
: We have maintained Conversion of Item Codes By Relation[in]
: (tcedi3106m000) using Organization X12 and Item code ID ZZ(mutually defined).
While we recive the message 850[IN]we get error
: report.
: 1) Item Not found
: 2) Conversion Factor Not found for this unit
: 3) Conversion factor for alternative unit xxx of item xxxxx not found

we have maintained the unit and the conevrison factor in

we have maintained the code in message and in the application in
The Ascii file 850.5 qualifier is ZZ.

: Do we miss anything else? We expect some help from you.

: regds
: martin

***************** End Of Article ******************

Mathieu Nellestein posted Message 1864 in Message Board
Dated : May 25, 1999 at 03:13:30 EST
Subject: Re: EDI - Item Converison By Relation Not Working
It does sound like you have maintained it correctly. Have you entered the positi
on of the qualifier and/or a default qualifier in the conversion setup (second f
orm) for the field item code. The errors regarding the conversion factor are the
result of the item not being found so you can ignore these for the moment. Baan
did change the item code conversion to work by relation so if all fails, you co
uld check if you are using the latest object for the library tdslsdll4280. Bit o
f a poor answer but I hope it helps.
: We have maintained Conversion of Item Codes By Relation[in]
: (tcedi3106m000) using Organization X12 and Item code ID ZZ(mutually defined).
While we recive the message 850[IN]we get error
: report.
: 1) Item Not found
: 2) Conversion Factor Not found for this unit
: 3) Conversion factor for alternative unit xxx of item xxxxx not found

we have maintained the unit and the conevrison factor in

we have maintained the code in message and in the application in
The Ascii file 850.5 qualifier is ZZ.

: Do we miss anything else? We expect some help from you.

: regds
: martin

***************** End Of Article ******************

John Elliott posted Message 1865 in Message Board
Dated : May 25, 1999 at 03:17:02 EST
Subject: Re: Multisite EDI and Transit Times
I don't have experience with multi-site, but one thought came to mind at the las
t company with which I worked. They had separate item numbers at each location
(don't know if this is the case with your company) then to manufacture products
at one location, we included the item from the other location plus the cost of t
he item at your location as well as a routing of "transportation" this also allo
wed us to add the transportation cost in. You can then build in a lead time on
the item so that when MRP runs it factors that in. Let me know if you haven't f
ixed it and need further help. I can contact the guy that was closer to this an

d may be able to give a few more pointers on how to do.


: Houston, we have a problem....

: We have two BaaN companies, one in New York, the other in Virginia. The actua
l travel time between the two locations is approx. 2 days. We have set up EDI b
etween the two companies.
: Hypothetical situation: The NY facility places a PO for some items to be suppl
ied by the Virginia facility dated for delivery February 1. EDI sends the order
over to the Virginia company and creates a sales order THERE, but the ship date
is February 1. NOWHERE does the system allow for transit time, so we are alway
s screaming at each other for parts that BaaN will not let us schedule correctly
: We have other BaaN facilities going online soon which are even farther away an
d will pose an even GREATER obstacle.
: Does anyone have an idea how we can solve this problem?? PLEASE???

***************** End Of Article ******************

John Elliott posted Message 1866 in Message Board
Dated : May 25, 1999 at 03:20:19 EST
Subject: Re: EDI pricing
One control point you may want to implement is a report that is printed whenever
the price on an incoming EDI order and that in your system differs. In many ca
ses, if you accept and acknowledge, your committed.
: I experienced a problem with this - if your incoming price is zero, it will be
what is placed into the newly generated sales order line, and the auto - price
calculation will serve no purpose. We had to deal with this on a client site, an
d had to remove the conversion setup mapping for the price field (tdsls041.pric)
to ensure that the calculated price always was entered on the SO.
: Regards,
: Justin
: : When receiving incoming PO Baan reads the pricing from the price structure a
nd compares it against the customer price. If the customer price is not zero and
not equal to price calculated and the price unit and conversion factor is corre
ct, it accepts the customer price. If customer price is 0 it will accept the cal
culated price from the price structure. This calculation and comparision is done
on second pass.
: : Hopefully this may help...

***************** End Of Article ******************

Mathieu Nellestein posted Message 1867 in Message Board
Dated : May 25, 1999 at 04:27:51 EST
Subject: Re: Multiple Packing Slip Numbers for one EDI delivery
As you wrote, the cause of this is that your suppliers will include different pa
cking slip numbers for the receipts so EDI will populate these in the interim ta
ble. To solve this without customizations, I would suggest to discuss this with
the vendor that you use for the translation i.e. Sterling, Harbinger, etc. They
may be able to map only the first packing slip number to all receipt lines. This
way they would be loaded into Baan as you require. Caution must be taken tha
: When I print the Packing Slip for an order, each delivery line is given a uniq
ue packing slip number (delivery dates etc are the same).
: Is there some way that all the lines with the same delivery date can be given
the same packing slip number, so that when doing receipts from the interim table
, all the received lines can be loaded from the one packing slip number.
: I assume that this is caused because the order is an EDI order type with an ED
I relation, but it may not be the case. Non-EDI orders work as expected with the
one packing slip number.
: Thanks
: Jason

***************** End Of Article ******************

Mathieu Nellestein posted Message 1868 in Message Board
Dated : May 25, 1999 at 04:27:52 EST
Subject: Re: Multiple Packing Slip Numbers for one EDI delivery
As you wrote, the cause of this is that your suppliers will include different pa
cking slip numbers for the receipts so EDI will populate these in the interim ta
ble. To solve this without customizations, I would suggest to discuss this with
the vendor that you use for the translation i.e. Sterling, Harbinger, etc. They
may be able to map only the first packing slip number to all receipt lines. This
way they would be loaded into Baan as you require. Caution must be taken tha
: When I print the Packing Slip for an order, each delivery line is given a uniq
ue packing slip number (delivery dates etc are the same).
: Is there some way that all the lines with the same delivery date can be given
the same packing slip number, so that when doing receipts from the interim table
, all the received lines can be loaded from the one packing slip number.
: I assume that this is caused because the order is an EDI order type with an ED

I relation, but it may not be the case. Non-EDI orders work as expected with the
one packing slip number.
: Thanks
: Jason

***************** End Of Article ******************

Mathieu Nellestein posted Message 1868 in Message Board
Dated : May 25, 1999 at 04:27:52 EST
Subject: Re: Multiple Packing Slip Numbers for one EDI delivery
As you wrote, the cause of this is that your suppliers will include different pa
cking slip numbers for the receipts so EDI will populate these in the interim ta
ble. To solve this without customizations, I would suggest to discuss this with
the vendor that you use for the translation i.e. Sterling, Harbinger, etc. They
may be able to map only the first packing slip number to all receipt lines. This
way they would be loaded into Baan as you require. Caution must be taken tha
: When I print the Packing Slip for an order, each delivery line is given a uniq
ue packing slip number (delivery dates etc are the same).
: Is there some way that all the lines with the same delivery date can be given
the same packing slip number, so that when doing receipts from the interim table
, all the received lines can be loaded from the one packing slip number.
: I assume that this is caused because the order is an EDI order type with an ED
I relation, but it may not be the case. Non-EDI orders work as expected with the
one packing slip number.
: Thanks
: Jason

***************** End Of Article ******************

Mathieu Nellestein posted Message 1869 in Message Board
Dated : May 25, 1999 at 04:30:40 EST
Subject: Re: Multiple Packing Slip Numbers for one EDI delivery
As you wrote, the cause of this is that your suppliers will include different pa
cking slip numbers for the receipts so EDI will populate these in the interim ta
ble. To solve this without customizations, I would suggest to discuss this with
the vendor that you use for the translation i.e. Sterling, Harbinger, etc. They
may be able to map only the first packing slip number to all receipt lines. This
way they would be loaded into Baan as you require. Caution must be taken that y
ou do not receive multiple lines from the same supplier for the same order and p
osition since this would result in duplicate records in the interim table if the
packingslip number is the same.
PS: Appologies for the multiple posts, my web browser was upto some strange thin

gs !
: :
: : When I print the Packing Slip for an order, each delivery line is given a un
ique packing slip number (delivery dates etc are the same).
: : Is there some way that all the lines with the same delivery date can be give
n the same packing slip number, so that when doing receipts from the interim tab
le, all the received lines can be loaded from the one packing slip number.
: : I assume that this is caused because the order is an EDI order type with an
EDI relation, but it may not be the case. Non-EDI orders work as expected with t
he one packing slip number.
: : Thanks
: : Jason

***************** End Of Article ******************

Jonathan Sunberg posted Message 1870 in Message Board
Dated : May 25, 1999 at 07:42:51 EST
Subject: Re: Add new line to sales order
Thanks Jason. Actually we figured out the problem. The order headers were sent o
ver as ship complete and some of the invoices for the lines had been printed. Th
us we weren't able to change or add anything.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Doug Woeste posted Message 1871 in Message Board
Dated : May 25, 1999 at 09:04:57 EST
Subject: Installation Credits - URGENT REQUEST
We currently sell a certain group of our products with installation included in
the pricing. For revenue recognition purposes however, the service office recei
ves the revenue credit for the installation amounts and the sales group receives
the revenue for the product sale. We have considered two alternatives:
1. Using two items to segregate the revenue, but we are having difficulty keepin
g the order line for the product and the installation matched to invoice at the
same time. Another requirement is to roll the two invoice lines into one on the
invoice so the customer does not see the imbedded installation dollars.
2. Somehow split the revenue transaction in integrations to give credit to both
Has anyone else run into this situation and how was it handled? Any suggestions
are welcome. I apologize in advance for posting this in two places, but this i
s an urgent request.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Garrett A Sulzman posted Message 1872 in Message Board

Dated : May 25, 1999 at 12:10:32 EST

Subject: Canceling Back Orders
We have a number of PO's that will not be fulfilled by the vendor for one reason
or another. The Item QTY that had not ben shipped was Back Ordered and an Invoi
ce was paid on the Items Received. We now have multiple Back Orders in our syste
m and would like to know if there is a was to cancel the Back Orders. We have no
t found a Good way to do it yet.
Thank you...
***************** End Of Article ******************
Garrett A Sulzman posted Message 1873 in Message Board
Dated : May 25, 1999 at 12:10:46 EST
Subject: Canceling Back Orders
We have a number of PO's that will not be fulfilled by the vendor for one reason
or another. The Item QTY that had not ben shipped was Back Ordered and an Invoi
ce was paid on the Items Received. We now have multiple Back Orders in our syste
m and would like to know if there is a was to cancel the Back Orders. We have no
t found a Good way to do it yet.
Thank you...
***************** End Of Article ******************
genie posted Message 1874 in Message Board
Dated : May 25, 1999 at 23:27:45 EST
Subject: Re: Canceling Back Orders
You must go to the actual reciept and zero out the back order quantity. You can
not do it from the maintain backorders session.
: We have a number of PO's that will not be fulfilled by the vendor for one reas
on or another. The Item QTY that had not ben shipped was Back Ordered and an Inv
oice was paid on the Items Received. We now have multiple Back Orders in our sys
tem and would like to know if there is a was to cancel the Back Orders. We have
not found a Good way to do it yet.
: Thank you...

***************** End Of Article ******************

Peter Rademaker posted Message 1875 in Message Board
Dated : May 26, 1999 at 02:33:26 EST
Subject: Expiry date on sales contract
We are often faced with the fact that sales contracts are "extended" in time, me
aning that we have to adopt the expiry date on a contract.
Standard BaaN does not allow to do this once transactions have been made on the
We think about making a customized session for changing this date.
Can anyone tell me if there's a reason for NOT doing this? And of course what th
at reason might be :-)

Really appreciate your help.


***************** End Of Article ******************

L.Mc Corison posted Message 1876 in Message Board
Dated : May 26, 1999 at 02:40:09 EST
Subject: Re: Can not copy Sales Order (tdsls4201s000)in BaanIVc4
Thank you for your answer, but nevertheless I have the same problems, because:
- It`s possible to change the "Copy All Lines" to No.
- Then I also got the screen listing all the lines on the original sales order.
Then I hold the CTRL key for selecting my order lines. And then I have two probl
ems: It is notz possible to click the "Select to Copy" button after selecting ea
ch line because there is no such button. I only can click the button OK. And if
I do so, the old massage"there are no orderlines available for copying".
- And then the second problem is that if I have selected more then one line anot
her message appears telling that e.g. two lines are marked and there is no end p
Maybe I misunderstood something in your explanation. If it is so, please help me
once again.
: : When copying a sales
lected orderlines. It is
rlines from one order to
ramm says that there are
: : Who can help me?
: : Thank you,
: : Gerlinde

order using tdsls4201s000 it is not possible to copy se

only possible to copy one whole order with ALL its orde
another. If I try to select an orderline, then the prog
no orderlines available for copying.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Gruber Gerlinde posted Message 1877 in Message Board
Dated : May 26, 1999 at 02:43:00 EST
Subject: Re: Can not copy Sales Order (tdsls4201s000)in BaanIVc4
: Thank you for your answer, but nevertheless I have the same problems, because:
: - It`s possible to change the "Copy All Lines" to No.
: - Then I also got the screen listing all the lines on the original sales order
. Then I hold the CTRL key for selecting my order lines. And then I have two pro
blems: It is notz possible to click the "Select to Copy" button after selecting
each line because there is no such button. I only can click the button OK. And i
f I do so, the old massage"there are no orderlines available for copying".
: - And then the second problem is that if I have selected more then one line an
other message appears telling that e.g. two lines are marked and there is no end

: Maybe I misunderstood something in your explanation. If it is so, please help

me once again.
: : : When copying a sales
selected orderlines. It is
derlines from one order to
ogramm says that there are
: : : Who can help me?
: : : Thank you,
: : : Gerlinde

order using tdsls4201s000 it is not possible to copy

only possible to copy one whole order with ALL its or
another. If I try to select an orderline, then the pr
no orderlines available for copying.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Nadeem Usmani posted Message 1878 in Message Board
Dated : May 26, 1999 at 04:42:18 EST
Subject: User can access to a particular ware house only
We are using Baan IVc3 on MS SQL 6.5 and we have single finnance/single logistic
s setup of company.
I want to restrict the user who is entring sales order to a particular ware hous
e. So that he should not be able to enter item from other than his defined ware
house in sales ordr line.
Can some body guide me how is it possible?
Nadeem Usmani
***************** End Of Article ******************
Frederick posted Message 1879 in Message Board
Dated : May 26, 1999 at 09:42:52 EST
Subject: Re: User can access to a particular ware house only
Defenitely it is possible. It is done in tools/database and restrict the range i
n that table for that user. It is really simple.
Good luck

: We are using Baan IVc3 on MS SQL 6.5 and we have single

finnance/single logistics setup of company.
: I want to restrict the user who is entring sales order to a particular ware ho
use. So that he should not be able to enter item from other than his defined war
e house in sales ordr line.
: Can some body guide me how is it possible?
: Thanks
: Nadeem Usmani

***************** End Of Article ******************

Ajaz, Syed posted Message 1880 in Message Board
Dated : May 26, 1999 at 09:44:58 EST
Subject: Re: User can access to a particular ware house only
There are whole lot of sessions available in
Tools-User Management-Authorizations-Database Authorizations
where you can restrict the user to access certain table data by Package/Module/T
able. But beware of the performance, if you define lot of security restrictions.
Try it out and let me know if you have a problem.
Ajaz, Syed
: We are using Baan IVc3 on MS SQL 6.5 and we have single finnance/single logist
ics setup of company.
: I want to restrict the user who is entring sales order to a particular ware ho
use. So that he should not be able to enter item from other than his defined war
e house in sales ordr line.
: Can some body guide me how is it possible?
: Thanks
: Nadeem Usmani

***************** End Of Article ******************

William Adger posted Message 1881 in Message Board
Dated : May 26, 1999 at 10:04:45 EST
Subject: Re: Pitney Bowes
I am about to launch a new web site. Among other things will will include online
purchasing from variuos companies in South Africa.
We will require an efficient courier system. I thought of using DHL, but I have
had problems with them in the past.
If this is in your area of interest please send me any information you find rele
My present web site is It is fairly dorment at this time but u
nder construction is my new site that you can visit at

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Anshoom Jain posted Message 1882 in Message Board
Dated : May 26, 1999 at 12:22:00 EST
Subject: Baan Transportation module
Could someone please share his/her experience with me on implementing Baan Trans
portation module. On the face of it seems rich in fucntionality but it seems sha
llow. Secondly, there are just too many bugs and one has to resort to Baan Tools
for populating some of the mandatory parameter tables. Thirdly, it shares the w
arehouse tables with distribution but doesn't share location informtion or even
item information.
Thanks in advance
***************** End Of Article ******************
Anshoom Jain posted Message 1883 in Message Board
Dated : May 26, 1999 at 12:25:32 EST
Subject: Re: Canceling Back Orders
One solution is to go to tdpur4130m000 (maintain Back Orders) and for the specif
ic purchase order number make the back order quantity as zero.
Second option is just to short close the purchase order.
hope this helps
***************** End Of Article ******************
Anshoom Jain posted Message 1884 in Message Board
Dated : May 26, 1999 at 12:34:53 EST
Subject: Re: Installation Credits - URGENT REQUEST
You may try setting up a 'Kit' (product + installation) as a phantom item with t
wo components underneath, one being product (type purchase) and other being inst
allation (type cost). You can then set up the parameters to have only Kit item a
ppearing in the invoices and other documents but the system keeps track at the c
omponent level which can then be posted into financials separately.
Hope that helps
***************** End Of Article ******************
J. Cronin posted Message 1885 in Message Board
Dated : May 26, 1999 at 13:08:24 EST
Subject: Re: Canceling Back Orders
You can do it from the maintain Backorders session - Call your local baan suppor
t and ask for patch 13873std.dmp .
Installing this will enable you to zero the Back order Qty. in tdpur4130m000
Genie's solution won't work if you've already invoiced the received quantity - a

t that stage you can't update the receipt anymore.

: You must go to the actual reciept and zero out the back order quantity. You c
annot do it from the maintain backorders session.
: : We have a number of PO's that will not be fulfilled by the vendor for one re
ason or another. The Item QTY that had not ben shipped was Back Ordered and an I
nvoice was paid on the Items Received. We now have multiple Back Orders in our s
ystem and would like to know if there is a was to cancel the Back Orders. We hav
e not found a Good way to do it yet.
: : Thank you...

***************** End Of Article ******************

Doreen posted Message 1886 in Message Board
Dated : May 26, 1999 at 13:36:47 EST
Subject: Rebuild Inventory Data error
Whenever we try and run this session (tdilc0250m000) we get the following error:
"Cannot open correction file for tdltc001"
Anybody have any ideas????
***************** End Of Article ******************
N Uday posted Message 1887 in Message Board
Dated : May 26, 1999 at 18:31:21 EST
Subject: How to use RPL in multisite environment ?
Can we use RPL orders in multi finance multi logistic setup for transfer of good
s between warehouse of one company to warehouse of another company.
If yes, What is the procedure? do we need to share any logistic tables in TD pac
We are using BaanIVc2
***************** End Of Article ******************
Jason posted Message 1888 in Message Board
Dated : May 26, 1999 at 22:25:33 EST
Subject: Re: How to use RPL in multisite environment ?
One of the main drawbacks of a multi-site set-up is that you need to use purchas
e orders and sales orders to move goods between logistic companies. There is the
potential to use Multi-site (Internal) EDI in order to speed up this process bu
t it is still transaction intensive and a little difficult for users to grasp. U
nfortunately, this is the only way that I know of without customization. Good lu
: Can we use RPL orders in multi finance multi logistic setup for transfer of go
ods between warehouse of one company to warehouse of another company.
: If yes, What is the procedure? do we need to share any logistic tables in TD p

: We are using BaanIVc2

***************** End Of Article ******************

Joe posted Message 1889 in Message Board
Dated : May 27, 1999 at 14:22:18 EST
Subject: Line item pricing
We are in an ETO environment and accomplish our pricing within Project Budgets.
Our pricing roll-up is done on an end item basis. Although we desire to print
end items on our sales quotation, we do not want to show end item pricing on all
quotations. For some customers/projects, we would like to only print the total
quotation price for all items. At the end of the process, we would like the sa
me format for sales invoices. Although we've searched through parameeter set-up
s and Knowledge Quest, no solution has been apparent. Anyone have any experienc
e we this option.
***************** End Of Article ******************
zaid posted Message 1890 in Message Board
Dated : May 27, 1999 at 20:35:41 EST
Subject: Re: Rebuild Inventory Data error
: Whenever we try and run this session (tdilc0250m000) we get the following erro
"Cannot open correction file for tdltc001"
: Anybody have any ideas????
You could try to check the permission of the file or directory in your $BSE/dict
***************** End Of Article ******************
pam posted Message 1891 in Message Board
Dated : May 27, 1999 at 23:23:47 EST
Subject: Sales Invoice problem
I create two sales orders No. from two customers , and after
I confirm delivery from session tdsls4120m000 for both of
sales orders.
The problem is , when I print sales invoice , it combine
both of sales orders into one sales invoice No.
How can I print sales invoice from lots of confirmed sales orders into differ
ent sales invoice No. ???
( Or I must confirm by one sales order and follow by printing
sales invoice immediately ??)

***************** End Of Article ******************

janakinath posted Message 1892 in Message Board
Dated : May 27, 1999 at 23:53:01 EST
Subject: Lot tracking unit wise--problem
I am working on BaaN IVc3.I have a problem in LOT TRACKING. Can anyone tell me h
ow to link components or subassemblies to a manufactured items unit wise.

Lot codes



I must be able to link in the following fashion during the manufacture of item'A
Item 'A'

Lot code

component lot code


But when i manufacture item 'A' and try to track a particular unit of 'A' by usi
ng the session 'tdltc1430m000'-print origin by order the report is displayed as




Can anyone tell me the solution

Thanks in advance

***************** End Of Article ******************

Janakinath posted Message 1893 in Message Board

Dated : May 28, 1999 at 00:06:25 EST

Subject: Significance of Re-execute field in Session Maintain Order steps
There is a field called "Re-execute" in the session-Maintain Order Steps(tcmcs01
39m000) which says that the step number can be entered after which the session m
ay be carried out again. But its not re-executing. Can any one tell me the solut
ion for the above problem.
Thanks in advance
***************** End Of Article ******************
dskumar posted Message 1894 in Message Board
Dated : May 28, 1999 at 01:20:47 EST
Subject: Re: Safety stock and order parameter calculation
service level is a factor which determines the level upto which
you want to carry inventory.if you say service level of 100% you never want to l
ose order for stock out ,the invt you have to carry is very if service l
evel is 90% you means 90% of time you meet customer requirement.10% of time stoc
k general service level is maintained as 98%.:
For calculating the safety stock and reorder point for SIC items in BaaN, there
is a formula given like this in BaaN:
: Safety stock =k*1.25*MAD Sqrt((Oint*5/7+Oltm+Sftm)/Period Length)
: where it is said that K is a factor which is based on the service level. But h
ow does the system calculate this factor and the MAD is not clear.
: Further how does one decide the servce level in the first place?
: What are the criteria of deciding this level?
: Is there any industry standard in this regard, we are working in a engineering
goods mfg. company.
: Can anyone help out on this?
: Thanks in anticipation.

***************** End Of Article ******************

dskumar posted Message 1895 in Message Board
Dated : May 28, 1999 at 01:21:59 EST
Subject: Re: Safety stock and order parameter calculation
service level is a factor which determines the level upto which
you want to carry inventory.if you say service level of 100% you never want to l
ose order for stock out ,the invt you have to carry is very if service l
evel is 90% you means 90% of time you meet customer requirement.10% of time stoc
k general service level is maintained as 98%.:
For calculating the safety stock and reorder point for SIC items in BaaN, there
is a formula given like this in BaaN:
: Safety stock =k*1.25*MAD Sqrt((Oint*5/7+Oltm+Sftm)/Period Length)
: where it is said that K is a factor which is based on the service level. But h

ow does the system calculate this factor

: Further how does one decide the servce
: What are the criteria of deciding this
: Is there any industry standard in this
goods mfg. company.
: Can anyone help out on this?

and the MAD is not clear.

level in the first place?
regard, we are working in a engineering

: Thanks in anticipation.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Marc posted Message 1896 in Message Board
Dated : May 28, 1999 at 04:05:04 EST
Subject: Re: Sales Invoice problem
Hi Pam,
Hmmmmmmm Baan keeps amazing me. Even though I don't know all the details from yo
ur problem, I can tell that we are experiencing the revers problems.
We work with Baan IVc4 and we'd create two companies. In one company the system
will generate one invoice for several Sales Orders for the same customer, but in
the other company it wouldn't do that.
All the settings are exactly the same in our companies.
I'm looking forward for somebody to explane these problems to us.
Meanwhile keep up the good spirit about Baan, besides the (minor) problems every
body is having it is a good package!!!
Best regards/Greetings Marc
***************** End Of Article ******************
Jason posted Message 1897 in Message Board
Dated : May 28, 1999 at 08:18:21 EST
Subject: Re: Sales Invoice problem
In the case where multiple orders for the SAME customer are being included on on
e invoice this is controlled by the "Invoicing Method" on the customer master. I
f the invoicing method you have has the "Collect" flag set to yes then Baan will
combine orders on an invoice. If you are getting one invoice for orders from DI
FFERENT customers then that is an entirely different problem that simply should
not ever happen. Give Baan a call if that is the case. Good luck.
: I create two sales orders No. from two customers , and after
: I confirm delivery from session tdsls4120m000 for both of
: sales orders.
The problem is , when I print sales invoice , it combine
: both of sales orders into one sales invoice No.
How can I print sales invoice from lots of confirmed sales orders into diff
erent sales invoice No. ???
: ( Or I must confirm by one sales order and follow by printing
: sales invoice immediately ??)

***************** End Of Article ******************

BaaN Fan posted Message 1898 in Message Board
Dated : May 28, 1999 at 11:38:27 EST
Subject: BaaN Top Management Shakeout(Future of BaaN market)
With in a year their has been a shakeout in BaaN Top Management. How would be th
e prospects for BaaN Consultants. Any comments about BaaN market this year and n
ext year ? ?
BaaN Fan

***************** End Of Article ******************

BaanRyan posted Message 1899 in Message Board
Dated : May 28, 1999 at 15:56:33 EST
Subject: Re: Baan 5.0b Sales Cost Orders
: We are experiencing an "awaiting delivery" on cost items. Any suggestions?
When setting up the Cost Item, don't flag the "Release to warehouse" box in Item
Sales Data (tdisa001).
***************** End Of Article ******************
BaanRyan posted Message 1900 in Message Board
Dated : May 28, 1999 at 16:03:20 EST
Subject: Re: Anyone on BAAN 5.0B?
: ANYONE ELSE ON SERIES? We're looking to go live in a few months. Wish to share
Been using Baan 5 since August (?) 98

***************** End Of Article ******************

barry burns posted Message 1901 in Message Board
Dated : May 28, 1999 at 16:09:29 EST
: If you approved the goods you have to generate inbound advice with Order type
Inventory Transfer. The system will recommend you a location.

: : If an item is an inspected item, it must be approved and then transfered to
its appropriate location. Is there a way to approve the goods, and then have the
system generate advice recommending a location where the item should be transfe
rred to?
: : Thanks,
: : Brian

***************** End Of Article ******************

Francis posted Message 1902 in Message Board
Dated : May 28, 1999 at 17:46:43 EST
Subject: EDI 810 - X12 format?
I had set up an external EDI network and imported defaults.edi from Baan ftp sit
e. Even though I was able to generate an EDI message using organization X12, bu
t the message is something like this (invoice with 1 item):
HDR|20019990325001|200|SAL|98000631|510256||990325|990325||||0|||||||N30|Net 30
LIN|20019990325001|200|SAL|98000631|510256|10|||BP|WAU168660B|ELEMENT OIL|WAU168
From my understanding, this is quite different from the X12 format (ie, there's
no Interchange Control Header/Trailer, Functional Group Header/Trailer, Segments
... etc). So, am I missing something here or this is what it's supposed to be?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Munesh Bhat posted Message 1903 in Message Board
Dated : May 29, 1999 at 14:01:07 EST
Subject: Free Quantity
We are in distribution of snack food ite,s e.g. biscuits etc. IN our industry, w
e offer free quantity to the customer in case he buys particular quantity of th
e goods. For exp. buy 2 packs get 1 pack free. We want to have separate display
in the invoice for purchased quantity(which have a value) as well as Free Quant
ity which has nil value. We also want to have information 'how much free of a pa
rticular product has been given in period and other related information. PLease
let me know how this situation can be handled in the Baan.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Manjeet Singh posted Message 1904 in Message Board
Dated : May 30, 1999 at 03:45:12 EST
Subject: Re: Expiry date on sales contract

A possible work around to this is to copy the existing sales contract (for which
you want to extend the expiry date) to a new contract. Copy everything as it is
except the expiry date which you might want to enter manually. After this you m
ay deactivate your old contract and use the new one. This would save you on the
time taken for data and delivery schedule entry but the disadvantage is that the
contract no. would necessarily change.
try this. Good luck,

: We are often faced with the fact that sales contracts are "extended" in time,
meaning that we have to adopt the expiry date on a contract.
: Standard BaaN does not allow to do this once transactions have been made on th
e contract.
: We think about making a customized session for changing this date.
: Can anyone tell me if there's a reason for NOT doing this? And of course what
that reason might be :-)
: Really appreciate your help.
: Peter

***************** End Of Article ******************

Pam posted Message 1905 in Message Board
Dated : May 31, 1999 at 03:28:47 EST
Subject: Confirm Delivery
I confirmed wrong postion of sales delivery
line in session m/t deliveries ( because we have some
customers that told us to separate their one sales order
to many sales invoices when we'll ship goods)
So I confirm delivery by each line that they
wanted , but I confirmed wrong line and already
saved it ,and the application not allow me to change it
back from 'yes' to 'no' again.
Does anyone help me, how could I do with this ??
***************** End Of Article ******************
Pam posted Message 1906 in Message Board
Dated : May 31, 1999 at 03:33:29 EST
Subject: Re: Sales Invoice problem
Hi Jason :)
Thank you so much for your answer.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Mathieu Nellestein posted Message 1907 in Message Board

Dated : May 31, 1999 at 03:35:39 EST

Subject: Re: EDI 810 - X12 format?
Thanks for posting this question Francis because this is an area that is often n
ot clear to clients that are implementing Baan EDI. If you are implementing Baan
EDI with the purpose of exchanging messages with external trading partners, you
have to understand that Baan indeed does not provide messages that conform to X
12, EDIFACT or Odette/VDA standards. In stead Baan provides a generic (Baan) for
mat which does contain all the information that is required to build a standard
message. Therefore if a client is planning to implement EDI for external communi
cation, you will have to implement software that will translate (map) the Baan m
essage to the standard format. Besides selecting a translator software package,
you are likely to also require their consulting services because one of the task
s to be done is the mapping from ANSI X12 to/from Baan. Sometimes this may resul
t in having to change the Baan conversion setup or customizations. Some vendors
that have ties with Baan and provide such services are Sterling, Harbinger, GEIS
, Schmitt and Seeburger. To select a reliable vendor, focus on how flexible thei
r software is, if they can provide default Baan maps, etc. Your Baan integrator
will have to provide a resource to work with the vendor and that resource should
be knowledgable in functional areas (distribution, finance), EDI and would have
some technical background as well. Depending on the complexity of the message,
the number of maps and the knowledge of the implementor, the mapping phase may t
ake anything from 4 weeks to six months to complete. Well, a long winded answer
but I hope it helps.
Mathieu Nellestein

: Hi,
: I had set up an external EDI network and imported defaults.edi from Baan ftp s
ite. Even though I was able to generate an EDI message using organization X12,
but the message is something like this (invoice with 1 item):
: ENV|20019990325001|200|SAL|98000631|510256|100644|X12|810S|NE||990325|0959
: HDR|20019990325001|200|SAL|98000631|510256||990325|990325||||0|||||||N30|Net 3
0 days|30|0|0|CAD|CAN|||||||990325|20.18|18.86|0|0|18.86|1.32
: HTX|20019990325001|200|SAL|98000631|510256
: TAX|20019990325001|200|SAL|98000631|510256|GST|18.86|1.32
: LIN|20019990325001|200|SAL|98000631|510256|10|||BP|WAU168660B|ELEMENT OIL|WAU1
: From my understanding, this is quite different from the X12 format (ie, there'
s no Interchange Control Header/Trailer, Functional Group Header/Trailer, Segmen
ts ... etc). So, am I missing something here or this is what it's supposed to b
: Francis.

***************** End Of Article ******************

brent posted Message 1908 in Message Board

Dated : May 31, 1999 at 22:49:56 EST

Subject: Alternative Item Code
Hi All,
I was just wondering if anybody here knows if it's possible or in any function i
n BAAN which prints the Alternative Item Code in Sales Acknowledgement and Sales
Invoice aside from doing a report customization customization?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Macky posted Message 1909 in Message Board
Dated : June 01, 1999 at 04:06:23 EST
Subject: Need help badly with Allocated items in BAAN IV
Several items on the system is allocated, i have tried to print outboud data's b
ut the items i was looking for aren't there anymore, what are the other possibil
ities for those items to be allocated and is there a such case where they can be
just system bugs? pls help.
***************** End Of Article ******************
N Uay posted Message 1910 in Message Board
Dated : June 01, 1999 at 04:32:51 EST
Subject: Can we use RPL in multisite environment?
Can we use RPL in multi site environment to transfer materials from ware house o
f one company to warehouse of other company?
Please help.
***************** End Of Article ******************
dskumar posted Message 1911 in Message Board
Dated : June 01, 1999 at 05:23:50 EST
Subject: how to generate lot id structure as per supplier
i am working on baan Iv b2.i want to generate lot id as per
item and actual supplier.if i give item and supplier it is taking default suppli
er in item table.but i want to have actual supplier,how to do it?
thanks in advance
***************** End Of Article ******************
Sai posted Message 1912 in Message Board
Dated : June 01, 1999 at 05:35:54 EST
Subject: Sales Proforma Invoice
Hi all,
For one of our Project we need to have the process of Proforma Invoicing. If any
one gives the full Functionality of it will be very helpful. After including th
e step of Print Proform Invoice & Link advance receipt what else has to be done?

***************** End Of Article ******************
dskumar posted Message 1913 in Message Board
Dated : June 01, 1999 at 05:38:18 EST
Subject: how to generate outbound advice
i am working on baan Iv b2.i am maintaing variable lot feature values.can i gene
rate out bound advice based on these values
or otherwise what is significance of this business object.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Jason posted Message 1914 in Message Board
Dated : June 01, 1999 at 08:55:41 EST
Subject: Re: Can we use RPL in multisite environment?
One of the main drawbacks of a multi-site set-up is that you need to use purchas
e orders and sales orders to move goods between logistic companies. There is the
potential to use Multi-site (Internal) EDI in order to speed up this process bu
t it is still transaction intensive and a little difficult for users to grasp. U
nfortunately, this is the only way that I know of without customization. Good lu
: Can we use RPL in multi site environment to transfer materials from ware house
of one company to warehouse of other company?
: How?
: Please help.

***************** End Of Article ******************

martine posted Message 1915 in Message Board
Dated : June 01, 1999 at 10:23:40 EST
Subject: first free numbers
i am working on baan4c4 and here is my problem:
my customer, a music cd distributor, wants to identify its various types of sale
s orders using the first free numbers. but because of many orders a year, they c
an only use one digit, but then it allows only 9 possibilities although they hav
e at least 10 different types of sales. do you know if it is possible to create
series numbers by order type for example, if yes, how?
if no, do you have any other idea to help me ?
***************** End Of Article ******************

jason posted Message 1916 in Message Board

Dated : June 01, 1999 at 10:36:45 EST
Subject: Re: first free numbers
My suggestion is to use the 2 digit series but to set aside blocks of series for
a particulr type of order. For example, the first type could employ the series
10 through 19 (start with 10 and then move to 11 once the first 10000 are used)t
he second type could be 20 through 23 etc. depending on the forecast for a certa
in type of order. In this way you are still able to use the full million numbers
and have more than 9 series. The only problems should be deciding in how big th
e series groupings should be and creating a smooth transition each time a series
shifts over. Good luck.
: hi,
: i am working on baan4c4 and here is my problem:
: my customer, a music cd distributor, wants to identify its various types of sa
les orders using the first free numbers. but because of many orders a year, they
can only use one digit, but then it allows only 9 possibilities although they h
ave at least 10 different types of sales. do you know if it is possible to creat
e series numbers by order type for example, if yes, how?
: if no, do you have any other idea to help me ?
: thanks
: martine

***************** End Of Article ******************

B.Krishnakumar posted Message 1917 in Message Board
Dated : June 02, 1999 at 02:50:03 EST
Subject: Cancelling Sales Ordes &amp; back Orders at different stages of order p
I would like to cancel a sales order at different stages of Order Processing.

Order Acknowledgement
Release OUtbound
Confirm Delivery
Partial Shipment with Back Orders generated and discount applied on the amoun
After invoicing the partial quantity.

After cancellation of the back orders what will happen to the discount given on
ordre value.?
Request ur help.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Jason Dunn posted Message 1918 in Message Board

Dated : June 02, 1999 at 03:20:25 EST
Subject: EDI 855 IN not reading and comparing all lines
When I receive the 855 message (receiving SO ack from supplier) only the header
and the first line are compared and printed. All subsequent lines are not compar
I am also receiving the same problem in 865 IN. In this case only the header and
the first changed line are compared.
Any ideas on what I am doing wrong?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Mathieu Nellestein posted Message 1919 in Message Board
Dated : June 02, 1999 at 03:49:21 EST
Subject: Re: EDI 855 IN not reading and comparing all lines
It would help to know if you made changes to the conversion setup that could cau
se this problem. So far, I have not come accross this issue. The fact that it ha
ppens for both messages would give an indication that there is a bug in the libr
ary so if the conversion setup is standard or you are sure this is not the probl
em, I would report it as an error to Baan. I checked the source code and the onl
y possible fix in B40c4 that could be related is :
|* DF 11882-1, Her van de Vliert, 1997-07-30
|* After receiving a new orderline no updates of next orderlines were being
|* done.
I'll try to do some testing since it would be interesting for me to see if the s
ame happens for my client.
: When I receive the 855 message (receiving SO ack from supplier) only the heade
r and the first line are compared and printed. All subsequent lines are not comp
: I am also receiving the same problem in 865 IN. In this case only the header a
nd the first changed line are compared.
: Any ideas on what I am doing wrong?

***************** End Of Article ******************

Jason Dunn posted Message 1920 in Message Board
Dated : June 02, 1999 at 05:14:49 EST
Subject: Re: EDI 855 IN not reading and comparing all lines
Hi Mathew,
Thanks for the prompt reply. I went back and looked at my changes to the convers
ion. The tax code had been deleted from the comparison. This field had a Sequenc
e Iteration (it is the last field for the line level), and I believe by deleting

this line the conversion did not know where to go.

I am not to clear about this field. Can you provide any information?
Thanks again
Jason Dunn
: It would help to know if you made changes to the conversion setup that could c
ause this problem. So far, I have not come accross this issue. The fact that it
happens for both messages would give an indication that there is a bug in the li
brary so if the conversion setup is standard or you are sure this is not the pro
blem, I would report it as an error to Baan. I checked the source code and the o
nly possible fix in B40c4 that could be related is :
: |* DF 11882-1, Her van de Vliert, 1997-07-30
: |* After receiving a new orderline no updates of next orderlines were being
: |* done.
: I'll try to do some testing since it would be interesting for me to see if the
same happens for my client.
: : When I receive the 855 message (receiving SO ack from supplier) only the hea
der and the first line are compared and printed. All subsequent lines are not co
: : I am also receiving the same problem in 865 IN. In this case only the header
and the first changed line are compared.
: : Any ideas on what I am doing wrong?

***************** End Of Article ******************

Mathieu Nellestein posted Message 1921 in Message Board
Dated : June 02, 1999 at 07:38:44 EST
Subject: Re: EDI 855 IN not reading and comparing all lines
It would be fine to remove the tax code for the line level. The result is that t
his field will then not be read and compared and/or updated if you receive an 85
5/865 message. The iteration (the sequence number for the iterative column in th
e conversion setup) must be done as you mentioned since otherwise, the conversio
n will stop. If you can find what the iterative sequence number originally was,
you can put this into what is now the last field for that level in your conversi
on setup and then it should work fine. For iterative levels, there are two seque
nce numbers. The first (key) is used to determine where the processing must cont
inuo if all relevant records for the level are processed. This is triggered if a
ny of the key fields for the level change their value. The second sequence numbe
r is used for creating the looping for iterative levels i.e. where to continuo a
fter processing one record. The latter could be seen as a "goto" statement.

: Hi Mathew,

: Thanks for the prompt reply. I went back and looked at my changes to the conve
rsion. The tax code had been deleted from the comparison. This field had a Seque
nce Iteration (it is the last field for the line level), and I believe by deleti
ng this line the conversion did not know where to go.
: I am not to clear about this field. Can you provide any information?
: Thanks again
: Jason Dunn
: :
: : It would help to know if you made changes to the conversion setup that could
cause this problem. So far, I have not come accross this issue. The fact that i
t happens for both messages would give an indication that there is a bug in the
library so if the conversion setup is standard or you are sure this is not the p
roblem, I would report it as an error to Baan. I checked the source code and the
only possible fix in B40c4 that could be related is :
: : |* DF 11882-1, Her van de Vliert, 1997-07-30
: : |* After receiving a new orderline no updates of next orderlines were being
: : |* done.
: : I'll try to do some testing since it would be interesting for me to see if t
he same happens for my client.
: :
: : : When I receive the 855 message (receiving SO ack from supplier) only the h
eader and the first line are compared and printed. All subsequent lines are not
: : : I am also receiving the same problem in 865 IN. In this case only the head
er and the first changed line are compared.
: : : Any ideas on what I am doing wrong?

***************** End Of Article ******************

Carol Schmidt posted Message 1922 in Message Board
Dated : June 02, 1999 at 08:11:21 EST
Subject: Sales Order Acknowledgements
When printing a large batch of sales order acknowledgements, all acknowledgement
s first print, then all annex reports.
Is there a setting that will instruct the sales order acknowledgement to print,
then the affliated annex report immediately following the acknowledgement.
Your prompt response would be appreciated.
Carol Schmidt
Egan Visual Inc.
***************** End Of Article ******************
martine posted Message 1923 in Message Board

Dated : June 02, 1999 at 08:57:33 EST

Subject: sales budget
hi all,
I am working on the Sales Statistics module
does anybody know the use of the session called "maintain sales budget" ? what c
an you do with the budgets after having created them?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Nadeem Usmani posted Message 1924 in Message Board
Dated : June 02, 1999 at 09:05:21 EST
Subject: Order Discounts
We are using Baan IVc3 with MS SQL 6.5 under Windows NT.
- When we assign Order Discount in Sales Order header, it does
nd show on the invoice.
How is it possible? Can somebody guide me?

not calculate a

- We assigned line discount in sales order and our parameter in Sales Order Para
meter is Method of printing discounts on invoice is "Net Amount/No Discount".
When we print the invoice, it still showing the discount but I don't want to sho
w discount on invoice.
Can somebody guide me?
Nadeem Usmani

***************** End Of Article ******************

martine posted Message 1925 in Message Board
Dated : June 02, 1999 at 09:07:13 EST
Subject: packing slip
hi everybody,
when I use the session " print packing slip" and try to print a document already
printed (with the parameter set to yes and the number of the document ), baan s
ays "no data within selection"
someone told me it was a wellknown bug .
does anybody does if a patch exist for this problem ?
***************** End Of Article ******************

martine posted Message 1926 in Message Board

Dated : June 02, 1999 at 10:05:54 EST
Subject: Re: first free numbers
hi jason,
thank you very much for your answer

: My suggestion is to use the 2 digit series but to set aside blocks of series f
or a particulr type of order. For example, the first type could employ the serie
s 10 through 19 (start with 10 and then move to 11 once the first 10000 are used
)the second type could be 20 through 23 etc. depending on the forecast for a cer
tain type of order. In this way you are still able to use the full million numbe
rs and have more than 9 series. The only problems should be deciding in how big
the series groupings should be and creating a smooth transition each time a seri
es shifts over. Good luck.
: _______________________________________
: : hi,
: : i am working on baan4c4 and here is my problem:
: : my customer, a music cd distributor, wants to identify its various types of
sales orders using the first free numbers. but because of many orders a year, th
ey can only use one digit, but then it allows only 9 possibilities although they
have at least 10 different types of sales. do you know if it is possible to cre
ate series numbers by order type for example, if yes, how?
: : if no, do you have any other idea to help me ?
: : thanks
: : martine

***************** End Of Article ******************

Lambert posted Message 1927 in Message Board
Dated : June 02, 1999 at 12:53:54 EST
Subject: Re: Confirm Delivery

I confirmed wrong postion of sales delivery

line in session m/t deliveries ( because we have some
customers that told us to separate their one sales order
to many sales invoices when we'll ship goods)
So I confirm delivery by each line that they
wanted , but I confirmed wrong line and already
saved it ,and the application not allow me to change it
back from 'yes' to 'no' again.
Does anyone help me, how could I do with this ??

maintaining the delivery causes several transactions on the background and can n
ot easily be set back. I would say that the

only solution is create an extra sales order line with same item and price but w
ith a negative quantity and process this line also completely. Insert a second e
xtra sales order line with the same item and price but now with the positive qua
ntity and execute this sales order line.

***************** End Of Article ******************

leslie martins posted Message 1928 in Message Board
Dated : June 02, 1999 at 14:30:26 EST
Subject: Re: Add new line to sales order
Try hitting control I, make sure that the sales order is active and the lien it
ems have not been processed or delivered. I'm pretty sure that the sales order h
as been removed and the delivery date is past-due. Check the delivery date on th
e sales order
***************** End Of Article ******************
Nick Rovenko posted Message 1929 in Message Board
Dated : June 02, 1999 at 15:45:37 EST
Subject: Re: sales budget
If you created a budget for a certain sales rep or territory then print and send
to responsible person to achieve this budget. Use this same budget in your Sal
es Stattistics Reports as the measurement of actual vs. budget (how well the res
ponsible person is doing on a period to period basis). Hope this is what you ar
e looking for, otherwise send more detail.
: hi all,
: I am working on the Sales Statistics module
: does anybody know the use of the session called "maintain sales budget" ? what
can you do with the budgets after having created them?
: thanks
: martine

***************** End Of Article ******************

Vernon Anderson, CPIM posted Message 1930 in Message Board
Dated : June 02, 1999 at 16:09:58 EST
Subject: Use of Purchase Orders with Non-Inventory Items
Here's a scenario: we need to enter a purchase order for a service or for an it
em that does not exist in the item master. Baan Purchase Order entry seems to n
ot allow this and forces you to have an item for each and every item that you ne
ed to purchase.

Is this true? Has anyone ever overcome this problem and how?
Thanks in advance,
***************** End Of Article ******************
Vernon Anderson, CPIM posted Message 1931 in Message Board
Dated : June 02, 1999 at 16:21:18 EST
Subject: Manually entered Subcontracting Purchase Orders
Whenever I try to manually create a purchase order for a subcontracting item, I
get a message in PO line entry that a subcontract item is not allowed.
We are attemtpting to do this so we can generate subcontracting purchase orders
for items that need outside processing as production continues. The current Baa
n functionality insists that the operator generate a subcontracting PO for the e
ntire amount of the production order. In reality, we do not send all 100,000+ p
arts to the subcontractor all at the same time but do it in stages. We had hope
d that we could manually add a subcontracting PO.
Any help would be appreciated!
***************** End Of Article ******************
AL.Chandhramohan posted Message 1932 in Message Board
Dated : June 02, 1999 at 23:23:19 EST
Subject: Re: Manually entered Subcontracting Purchase Orders

You can subcontract operations by defining routing in SFC and subcontract only t
he operations not the entire order.
Best of luck.

: Whenever I try to manually create a purchase order for a subcontracting item,

I get a message in PO line entry that a subcontract item is not allowed.
: We are attemtpting to do this so we can generate subcontracting purchase order
s for items that need outside processing as production continues. The current B
aan functionality insists that the operator generate a subcontracting PO for the
entire amount of the production order. In reality, we do not send all 100,000+

parts to the subcontractor all at the same time but do it in stages. We had ho
ped that we could manually add a subcontracting PO.
: Any help would be appreciated!
: Vernon

***************** End Of Article ******************

dskumar posted Message 1933 in Message Board
Dated : June 03, 1999 at 01:00:00 EST
Subject: full quantity to be received againest purchase order
i am working on baan IVc3.i want to receive only full order
qty againest a purchase to do it?
can any body help.
thanks in advance
***************** End Of Article ******************
Janet posted Message 1934 in Message Board
Dated : June 03, 1999 at 02:50:50 EST
Subject: alternative items
what is the functionallity of the alternative items. after i enter them, how doe
s the system use them?
i hope somebody can help me.
***************** End Of Article ******************
BaanRyan posted Message 1935 in Message Board
Dated : June 03, 1999 at 10:40:13 EST
Subject: Re: alternative items
: what is the functionallity of the alternative items. after i enter them, how d
oes the system use them?
: i hope somebody can help me.
Within BaanERP (5), Alternative Items (tcibd0505m000) is available in Sales Orde
r Entry and in Shop Floor Control. When entering an item in Sales OE, when ther
e is not enough in stock, a pop-up appears with several options. One of them is
Alternative Items. With this the salesperson can select an alternate for the i
tem that is being ordered. The alternate takes the place of the original order.

***************** End Of Article ******************

BaanRyan posted Message 1936 in Message Board
Dated : June 03, 1999 at 10:43:33 EST
Subject: Re: Use of Purchase Orders with Non-Inventory Items

: Hello,
: Here's a scenario: we need to enter a purchase order for a service or for an
item that does not exist in the item master. Baan Purchase Order entry seems to
not allow this and forces you to have an item for each and every item that you
need to purchase.
: Is this true? Has anyone ever overcome this problem and how?
Yes, you must have the item in the Item Master. However, instead of entering ev
ery item, maybe use one "generic" item over and over again. Example: "Service
Item". However, with this approach, you loose all tracebility for the items.
: Thanks in advance,
: Vernon

***************** End Of Article ******************

BaanRyan posted Message 1937 in Message Board
Dated : June 03, 1999 at 10:46:25 EST
Subject: Re: packing slip
: hi everybody,
: when I use the session " print packing slip" and try to print a document alrea
dy printed (with the parameter set to yes and the number of the document ), baan
says "no data within selection"
: someone told me it was a wellknown bug .
: does anybody does if a patch exist for this problem ?
: thanks
Click on the flag for "Reprint Items" in Print Packing Slip session whinh4475m00
: martine

***************** End Of Article ******************

Vernon Anderson posted Message 1938 in Message Board
Dated : June 03, 1999 at 13:02:11 EST
Subject: Use of dimension codes on PO line entry
To all,
On form 3 of the purchase order line entry session, there are fields available f
or the entry of the GL account number and the dimension codes for which the line
is to be posted.
However, I cannot access thsoe fields although I have purchasing and inventory l

ink to finance parameters set to yes. Any ideas would be appreciated!

***************** End Of Article ******************
Kevin Scott posted Message 1939 in Message Board
Dated : June 03, 1999 at 14:54:45 EST
Subject: Pick/Pack List - define series?
Anyone know where you define a two digit series for a pick/pack list? Thanks.
***************** End Of Article ******************
TF posted Message 1940 in Message Board
Dated : June 03, 1999 at 16:13:48 EST
Subject: Re: Sales Order Acknowledgements
: When printing a large batch of sales order acknowledgements, all acknowledgeme
nts first print, then all annex reports.
: Is there a setting that will instruct the sales order acknowledgement to print
, then the affliated annex report immediately following the acknowledgement.
: Your prompt response would be appreciated.
: Carol Schmidt
Probably Yes, but I don't know how.
Post your question in the tools forum or mail your question to Kevin Brock kbroc
He will know if it can be done.
Good Luck TF
: Egan Visual Inc.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Roger posted Message 1941 in Message Board
Dated : June 03, 1999 at 22:49:33 EST
Subject: Re: Manually entered Subcontracting Purchase Orders
I've spent many moons on this one. The basic principal is one work order, one s
ubcontract operation, one purchase order. Your situation is exactly one I've st
ruggled with for one of my clients. You can add a couple of additional routing
steps, but that should be when you split the subcontracting process to 2 supplie
rs. Otherwise, it becomes a nightmare. My clients have gone as far as add (onc
e the production order is released) 10-15 additional routings just to get a purc
hase order.
Anyway, we finally changed the process to remove the subcontracting process from

the routing and created an item for the subcontracting service and added it to
the BOM. Then it gets treated like any other purchased part. Not something I h
eartily recommend, but it works.
Otherwise, another solution is to reduce the quantities.
Drop me an email if you would like some additional information.'
***************** End Of Article ******************
Roger posted Message 1942 in Message Board
Dated : June 03, 1999 at 22:53:58 EST
Subject: Location-to-Location transfers
Is anyone working with BaanERP and performing location-to-location transfers wit
hin the same warehouse? In BaanIV, it is extremely straightforward, but ERP, do
n't know.
The documentation refers to 'intra-warehouse' transfer functionality, but I'll b
e damned if I can find it.
I've logged a case with Baan, but it's gone on for several weeks and not much he
lp there.
Anyway, thought I'd try the good ole 'Baanfans'

***************** End Of Article ******************

Vejas posted Message 1943 in Message Board
Dated : June 03, 1999 at 23:40:25 EST
Subject: EDI Multiple External Networks For Single Relation
Our setup has multiple networks (i.e. xt-nt1, xt-nt2, xt-nt3) for each relation
(customer) due to different network addresses, (different sender IDs for the sam
e customer). On the outbound (i.e. 810S & 856S) only the first network is chosen
(i.e. xt-nt1). References to this network was removed from Maintain Relations,
(result: chose the value from the Maintain EDI Messages Supported by Relations),
then references to the network was removed from EDI Messages Supported by Relat
ions, (result: session hanged until network value was reinserted). How do we get
the messages (810S & 856S) to end up in the appropriate directories from which
they originated, (xt-nt1/appl_to TO xt-nt1/appl_from AND xt-nt2/appl_to TO xt-nt
***************** End Of Article ******************
Douglas.K.B.Courlas posted Message 1944 in Message Board
Dated : June 03, 1999 at 23:53:52 EST
Subject: Re: Cancelling Sales Ordes &amp; back Orders at different stages of ord
er processing?
: I would like to cancel a sales order at different stages of Order Processing.
: 1) Order Acknowledgement
: 2) Release OUtbound

: 3) Confirm Delivery
: 4) Partial Shipment with Back Orders generated and discount applied on the amo
: 6) After invoicing the partial quantity.
: After cancellation of the back orders what will happen to the discount given
on ordre value.?
: Request ur help.
: Regards,
: Krishnakumar
----------------------------------------------------------------I would like to cancel a sales order at different stages of Order Processing.
1) Order Acknowledgement - s.o can be cancelled(deleted) since discount is immat
2) Release OUtbound - once outbound is released,deletion of sls order line canno
t be done.
3) Confirm Delivery - once in the "Maintain ILC parameter(tdilc0100m000)
the field "confirm outbound data in SLS/RPL Modules" is set to NO
then there is no "Confirm Delivery" step.
4) Partial Shipment with Back Orders generated and discount applied
on the amount.-Order quantity dependent line discount will be taken
as the rate defined for the full quantity only even though a partial
shipment is made (for invoicing).In order to alter the discount
for the back order quantity, after confrimation of backorder and
doing the outbound u'll have to go to session"change prices and
discounts after Maintain deliveries" and change the rates manually.
6) After invoicing the partial quantity. ---After delivery of sales
order there is no way u can delete sale order.
7)After cancellation of the back orders what will happen to the
discount given on ordre value.?
As far as order discount is concerned, since the back order is also
created as an extra line entry with the same sales order header,there
will be no change in the order discount value.
Any further help feel free to contact..
Hurly Burly Information systems, London
***************** End Of Article ******************
Douglas.K.B.Courlas posted Message 1945 in Message Board
Dated : June 03, 1999 at 23:56:16 EST
Subject: Re: Cancelling Sales Ordes &amp; back Orders at different stages of ord
er processing?
: I would like to cancel a sales order at different stages of Order Processing.
: 1)
: 2)
: 3)
: 4)
: 6)

Order Acknowledgement
Release OUtbound
Confirm Delivery
Partial Shipment with Back Orders generated and discount applied on the amo
After invoicing the partial quantity.

: After cancellation of the back orders what will happen to the discount given
on ordre value.?
: Request ur help.
: Regards,
: Krishnakumar
----------------------------------------------------------------I would like to cancel a sales order at different stages of Order Processing.
1) Order Acknowledgement - s.o can be cancelled(deleted) since discount is immat
2) Release OUtbound - once outbound is released,deletion of sls order line canno
t be done.
3) Confirm Delivery - once in the "Maintain ILC parameter(tdilc0100m000)
the field "confirm outbound data in SLS/RPL Modules" is set to NO
then there is no "Confirm Delivery" step.
4) Partial Shipment with Back Orders generated and discount applied
on the amount.-Order quantity dependent line discount will be taken
as the rate defined for the full quantity only even though a partial
shipment is made (for invoicing).In order to alter the discount
for the back order quantity, after confrimation of backorder and
doing the outbound u'll have to go to session"change prices and
discounts after Maintain deliveries" and change the rates manually.
6) After invoicing the partial quantity. ---After delivery of sales
order there is no way u can delete sale order.
7)After cancellation of the back orders what will happen to the
discount given on ordre value.?
As far as order discount is concerned, since the back order is also
created as an extra line entry with the same sales order header,there
will be no change in the order discount value.
Any further help feel free to contact..
Hurly Burly Information systems, London
***************** End Of Article ******************
Conrad posted Message 1946 in Message Board
Dated : June 04, 1999 at 02:01:06 EST
Subject: Re: Pick/Pack List - define series?
Try to go to Maintain First Free Numbers and click "?" help and point it to Type
of Number. Now it give you a better idea unto which reports you can define seri
es number. It is represented by "*" star sign.
Hope this help.
: Anyone know where you define a two digit series for a pick/pack list? Thanks.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Mathieu Nellestein posted Message 1947 in Message Board

Dated : June 04, 1999 at 04:14:51 EST

Subject: Re: EDI Multiple External Networks For Single Relation
I did come across this issue and could not get it to work properly either i.e. t
rying to distribute outbound messages for the same relation across different net
works. Can you tell me perhaps if the need to do this is related to the fact tha
t one relation represents different sites i.e. one 856 may be send to different
network addresses for the same relation or does it have to do with the fact that
the ship to (856) and invoice (810) addresses are different. If that latter is
the case, then you could use the same network for all but (mis)use another field
on the sales order to indicate to the translator/communication software where i
t has to be send to.

: Our setup has multiple networks (i.e. xt-nt1, xt-nt2, xt-nt3) for each relatio
n (customer) due to different network addresses, (different sender IDs for the s
ame customer). On the outbound (i.e. 810S & 856S) only the first network is chos
en (i.e. xt-nt1). References to this network was removed from Maintain Relations
, (result: chose the value from the Maintain EDI Messages Supported by Relations
), then references to the network was removed from EDI Messages Supported by Rel
ations, (result: session hanged until network value was reinserted). How do we g
et the messages (810S & 856S) to end up in the appropriate directories from whic
h they originated, (xt-nt1/appl_to TO xt-nt1/appl_from AND xt-nt2/appl_to TO xtnt2/appl_from)?

***************** End Of Article ******************

Mathieu Nellestein posted Message 1948 in Message Board
Dated : June 04, 1999 at 04:23:19 EST
Subject: Re: EDI Multiple External Networks For Single Relation
Another work around may be to map the sender ID to a table field in Baan. The fi
eld tcedi702.prno (reference) could perhaps be used for that. You could then ret
urn this field on outbound messages again to indicate to the translator where th
e message should go to, using only one network.

: Our setup has multiple networks (i.e. xt-nt1, xt-nt2, xt-nt3) for each relatio
n (customer) due to different network addresses, (different sender IDs for the s
ame customer). On the outbound (i.e. 810S & 856S) only the first network is chos
en (i.e. xt-nt1). References to this network was removed from Maintain Relations
, (result: chose the value from the Maintain EDI Messages Supported by Relations
), then references to the network was removed from EDI Messages Supported by Rel
ations, (result: session hanged until network value was reinserted). How do we g
et the messages (810S & 856S) to end up in the appropriate directories from whic
h they originated, (xt-nt1/appl_to TO xt-nt1/appl_from AND xt-nt2/appl_to TO xtnt2/appl_from)?

***************** End Of Article ******************

Mathieu Nellestein posted Message 1949 in Message Board

Dated : June 04, 1999 at 04:23:30 EST

Subject: Re: EDI Multiple External Networks For Single Relation
Another work around may be to map the sender ID to a table field in Baan. The fi
eld tcedi702.prno (reference) could perhaps be used for that. You could then ret
urn this field on outbound messages again to indicate to the translator where th
e message should go to, using only one network.

: Our setup has multiple networks (i.e. xt-nt1, xt-nt2, xt-nt3) for each relatio
n (customer) due to different network addresses, (different sender IDs for the s
ame customer). On the outbound (i.e. 810S & 856S) only the first network is chos
en (i.e. xt-nt1). References to this network was removed from Maintain Relations
, (result: chose the value from the Maintain EDI Messages Supported by Relations
), then references to the network was removed from EDI Messages Supported by Rel
ations, (result: session hanged until network value was reinserted). How do we g
et the messages (810S & 856S) to end up in the appropriate directories from whic
h they originated, (xt-nt1/appl_to TO xt-nt1/appl_from AND xt-nt2/appl_to TO xtnt2/appl_from)?

***************** End Of Article ******************

martine posted Message 1950 in Message Board
Dated : June 04, 1999 at 04:39:26 EST
Subject: Re: packing slip
thanks for your answer but i don't know where to find this session (whinh4475m00

: : hi everybody,
: : when I use the session " print packing slip" and try to print a document alr
eady printed (with the parameter set to yes and the number of the document ), ba
an says "no data within selection"
: : someone told me it was a wellknown bug .
: : does anybody does if a patch exist for this problem ?
: : thanks
: Click on the flag for "Reprint Items" in Print Packing Slip session whinh4475m
: : martine

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Marc van Kessel posted Message 1951 in Message Board

Dated : June 04, 1999 at 09:16:54 EST
Subject: Re: Baan Transportation module
: Could someone please share his/her experience with me on implementing Baan Tra
nsportation module. On the face of it seems rich in fucntionality but it seems s
The package was first developed for logistical service
providers (public warehousing and transport) and later
(since Triton 3 I believe) attatched to BaaN distribution.
I think Transportation is mainly usefull for production /
distribution companies that plan their own transport
manually. In that case the graphical planning board
offers added value. The link between td and tr is
one-way, i.e. changes in the sales order /delivery do
effect the transport planning, but changes in the transport planning do not infl
uence distribution nor manufacturing,
i.e. warehouse / production planning is leading,
not transport planning.
: Secondly, there are just too many bugs and one has to resort to Baan Tools for
populating some of the mandatory parameter tables.
I have not had this problem. And for bugs I think the
same thing applies to all packages that are not used
by 80% of the BaaN customers.
: Thirdly, it shares the warehouse tables with distribution but doesn't share lo
cation informtion or even item information.
Yes, there is no usefulll link between public warehousing and distribution.
: Thanks in advance

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Marc van Kessel posted Message 1952 in Message Board
Dated : June 04, 1999 at 10:31:40 EST
Subject: Re: reference projects on transportation and/or warehouse?
: Hello,
: I am desperately searching any reference projects in transportation and wareho
use issues. What is Baan able to do in this respect and what are the advantages/
: Thank you for an answer.
: Mat
I know there are customers in CH and D that use Transportation.
BaaN should be able to provide those references.
Public Warehousing is only usefull for logistic service

As for Transportation see my comments:

Posted by [IP Address:] 'Marc van Kessel' on June 04, 1999 at 09:1
6:54 EST:
In Reply to: Baan Transportation module posted by [IP Address:] 'A
nshoom Jain' on May 26, 1999 at 12:22:00 EST:

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Dimitris Tzanakakis posted Message 1953 in Message Board
Dated : June 04, 1999 at 11:33:19 EST
Subject: GL Account in Purchase Requisitions
Hi everybody,
Two questions regarding requisitions.
In form 2 of Maintain Purchase Requisition Header the system requires to fill in
a General Ledger Account.
1. Is it necessary to fill in the GL code, or is it a parameter value that can b
e changed in order not to be necessary to fill in the GL code?
2. If it is really necessary to fill in the GL code, then how is this data manip
ulated (used) by the system. When generating the PO Order the data regarding the
GL code are not transferred in the PO Order.
Thanking you in advance,

***************** End Of Article ******************

John M. Sutherland posted Message 1954 in Message Board
Dated : June 04, 1999 at 14:21:31 EST
Subject: Re: Changes to Sales Order Headers
Just curious are when we say "shipments" are we talking generating outboud or re
leaseing outbound. We are having a problem with generating outbound.

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Anshoom Jain posted Message 1955 in Message Board
Dated : June 04, 1999 at 17:12:14 EST
Subject: Re: full quantity to be received againest purchase order
I am interpreting your question as that you don't want to have a backorder situa
tion with your Purchase Order.

If this is the case then in session tdpur4100m000, please enter "No" for the par
ameter "Back Orders Allowed".
Do contact me, should you require any further clarification.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Ravindra HS posted Message 1956 in Message Board
Dated : June 05, 1999 at 02:10:41 EST
Subject: Re: GL Account in Purchase Requisitions
: Hi everybody,
: Two questions regarding requisitions.
: In form 2 of Maintain Purchase Requisition Header the system requires to fill
in a General Ledger Account.
: 1. Is it necessary to fill in the GL code, or is it a parameter value that can
be changed in order not to be necessary to fill in the GL code?
: 2. If it is really necessary to fill in the GL code, then how is this data man
ipulated (used) by the system. When generating the PO Order the data regarding t
he GL code are not transferred in the PO Order.
: Thanking you in advance,
: Dimitris
GL code is asked in Form 2 of purchase requisition lines and in the Header. I su
ppose you are meaning the same.
GL code is a mandatory field and not driven by any parameter. Apart from GL code
, you have to fill up one of the dimension which is assigned as departments in t
he parameters. That department should have been attached to the GL code you want
to use. These two are mandatory requirements. Just key in the codes and save. D
ont press TAB key. Codes will disappear otherwise.
Purpose of the GL code;
You are right that when you generate the PO, GL code is not transferred. logical
ly it is correct that it should not display it in PO. ONce receipts are made, ba
sed on the integration parameter you have setup, the finance posting will happen
automatically. After posting, you can in Finance module, that the PO is posted
into the GL code you have entered in the PRQ.
Remember you cannot attach a Fixed asset GL code to a PRQ.
Hope this is clear to you.
Please confirm
Bye and Have a nice day
***************** End Of Article ******************
Ravindra HS posted Message 1957 in Message Board
Dated : June 05, 1999 at 02:12:57 EST
Subject: Re: GL Account in Purchase Requisitions

: Hi everybody,
: Two questions regarding requisitions.
: In form 2 of Maintain Purchase Requisition Header the system requires to fill
in a General Ledger Account.
: 1. Is it necessary to fill in the GL code, or is it a parameter value that can
be changed in order not to be necessary to fill in the GL code?
: 2. If it is really necessary to fill in the GL code, then how is this data man
ipulated (used) by the system. When generating the PO Order the data regarding t
he GL code are not transferred in the PO Order.
: Thanking you in advance,
: Dimitris
GL code is asked in Form 2 of purchase requisition lines and not in the Header.
I suppose you are meaning the same.
GL code is a mandatory field and not driven by any parameter. Apart from GL code
, you have to fill up one of the dimension which is assigned as departments in t
he parameters. That department should have been attached to the GL code you want
to use. These two are mandatory requirements. Just key in the codes and save. D
ont press TAB key. Codes will disappear otherwise.
Purpose of the GL code;
You are right that when you generate the PO, GL code is not transferred. logical
ly it is correct that it should not display it in PO. ONce receipts are made, ba
sed on the integration parameter you have setup, the finance posting will happen
automatically. After posting, you can in Finance module, that the PO is posted
into the GL code you have entered in the PRQ.
Remember you cannot attach a Fixed asset GL code to a PRQ.
Hope this is clear to you.
Please confirm
Bye and Have a nice day
***************** End Of Article ******************
Ravindra HS posted Message 1958 in Message Board
Dated : June 05, 1999 at 02:15:51 EST
Subject: Re: Use of dimension codes on PO line entry
: To all,
: On form 3 of the purchase order line entry session, there are fields available
for the entry of the GL account number and the dimension codes for which the li
ne is to be posted.
: However, I cannot access thsoe fields although I have purchasing and inventory
link to finance parameters set to yes. Any ideas would be appreciated!
: Vernon
You cannot access these fields. Posting takes place to the GL account and dimens
ion combination based on the integration defined for Purchase control.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Ravindra HS posted Message 1959 in Message Board
Dated : June 05, 1999 at 02:19:55 EST
Subject: Re: Significance of Re-execute field in Session Maintain Order steps
: Hi,
: There is a field called "Re-execute" in the session-Maintain Order Steps(tcmcs
0139m000) which says that the step number can be entered after which the session
may be carried out again. But its not re-executing. Can any one tell me the sol
ution for the above problem.
: Thanks in advance
: Bye
: Janakinath
It means, that a particular step can be reexecuted as many times aas defined her
e. If a step is defined with re-execute 3,4,6,8 that means that step can be re-e
xecuted after completing step 3 or 4 or 6 or 8 only.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Ravindra hs posted Message 1960 in Message Board
Dated : June 05, 1999 at 02:34:31 EST
Subject: Splitting of PO across Mutliple suppliers
Hi Guys..!
We have a situation where one item is being procured from multiple suppliers. On
ly one supplier can be attached to an item by default in the item master and so
MRP/MPS will generate planned orders only for that supplier irrespective of the
supplier priority and business percentage set in the supplier master.
If set priorities to 3 suppliers as 1,2,3 and split the %age busisiness as 50-(s
up 1), 25- (sup2), 25 (Sup-3), is there any waty that the orders can be automati
cally be generated for an item based these supplier Parameters.
Any idea / solution is most welcome.
Thanks in advace
***************** End Of Article ******************
janakinath posted Message 1961 in Message Board
Dated : June 07, 1999 at 00:55:16 EST
Subject: Re: Significance of Re-execute field in Session Maintain Order steps
: : Hi,

: : There is a field called "Re-execute" in the session-Maintain Order Steps(tcm

cs0139m000) which says that the step number can be entered after which the sessi
on may be carried out again. But its not re-executing. Can any one tell me the s
olution for the above problem.
: : Thanks in advance
: : Bye
: : Janakinath
: It means, that a particular step can be reexecuted as many times aas defined h
ere. If a step is defined with re-execute 3,4,6,8 that means that step can be re
-executed after completing step 3 or 4 or 6 or 8 only.
: Bye
: Ravi
hi ravi,
we tried to re-execute a particular step after defining order step as u mentione
d. but still it's not re-executing. can u clarify further with real practical ex
***************** End Of Article ******************
janakinath posted Message 1962 in Message Board
Dated : June 07, 1999 at 01:00:24 EST
Subject: Re: Significance of Re-execute field in Session Maintain Order steps
: : Hi,
: : There is a field called "Re-execute" in the session-Maintain Order Steps(tcm
cs0139m000) which says that the step number can be entered after which the sessi
on may be carried out again. But its not re-executing. Can any one tell me the s
olution for the above problem.
: : Thanks in advance
: : Bye
: : Janakinath
: It means, that a particular step can be reexecuted as many times aas defined h
ere. If a step is defined with re-execute 3,4,6,8 that means that step can be re
-executed after completing step 3 or 4 or 6 or 8 only.
: Bye
: Ravi
hi ravi,
we tried to reexecute a particular order step, after mentioning the order step w
ith re-execute options as u mentioned. still it's not re-executed. can u clarify
further with live example where it is required and how we can achieve that.
bye for now
***************** End Of Article ******************
Chee Wei-han posted Message 1963 in Message Board
Dated : June 07, 1999 at 03:12:28 EST

Subject: Re: Use of Purchase Orders with Non-Inventory Items

you won't loose traceability of the item under the pseudo item Service Item
because the Order Line Text can be use to key in the respectiveitem description
or specifications. Reference A or B can be also used to specifically indicate t
he Type of P/O which is a non-inventorized item. hope this is useful.
Yours sincerely,
Deloitte Consulting / ICS
: : Hello,
: : Here's a scenario: we need to enter a purchase order for a service or for a
n item that does not exist in the item master. Baan Purchase Order entry seems
to not allow this and forces you to have an item for each and every item that yo
u need to purchase.
: : Is this true? Has anyone ever overcome this problem and how?
: Yes, you must have the item in the Item Master. However, instead of entering
every item, maybe use one "generic" item over and over again. Example: "Servic
e Item". However, with this approach, you loose all tracebility for the items.
: : Thanks in advance,
: : Vernon

***************** End Of Article ******************

Gina posted Message 1964 in Message Board
Dated : June 07, 1999 at 17:20:18 EST
Subject: Re: Use of dimension codes on PO line entry
It will stop on these fields for cost items (not purchased items) that have no G
L mapping.
: : To all,
: : On form 3 of the purchase order line entry session, there are fields availab
le for the entry of the GL account number and the dimension codes for which the
line is to be posted.
: : However, I cannot access thsoe fields although I have purchasing and invento
ry link to finance parameters set to yes. Any ideas would be appreciated!
: : Vernon
: You cannot access these fields. Posting takes place to the GL account and dime
nsion combination based on the integration defined for Purchase control.

***************** End Of Article ******************

dskumar posted Message 1965 in Message Board

Dated : June 08, 1999 at 02:05:03 EST

Subject: Re: full quantity to be received againest purchase order
hi jain,
thanks for your response.but what i need is in generalorders should
be accepted with back addition to that a few orders
which cannot be accepted with to do it?
thanks in advance
***************** End Of Article ******************
adeline posted Message 1966 in Message Board
Dated : June 08, 1999 at 05:49:07 EST
Subject: error of dll
When I start the session tdpur4401m000 with the option All lines
I have this error
process 4 - fatal error : undefined symbol dd_name 'tipcs021.fcpe'
process 4 - fatal error : cant not continue in tdpur4401m000 in DLL: otdpurdll00
12 (
process 4 - fatal error : undefined symbol dd_name 'tipcs021.mcpe'
process 4 - fatal error : cant not continue in tdpur4401m000 in DLL: otdpurdll00
12 (

***************** End Of Article ******************

Mathieu Nellestein posted Message 1967 in Message Board
Dated : June 08, 1999 at 08:02:10 EST
Subject: Re: error of dll
The cause of the error is because of the fact that the library uses a table fiel
d that does not exist in the data dictionary. You can try to solve the error by
running create runtime data dictionary for the package combination for which the
error occurs with reconfugure tables = yes and no users that are working. Also
check if the library you are using is compatible with your Baan release i.e. if
the DLL is more recent, it may use a field that was introduced at a later time i
n which case you wull have to contact Baan to get a different object for the DLL
. Not a very distrubution related answer but I hope it helps.

: When I start the session tdpur4401m000 with the option All lines
: I have this error
: process 4 - fatal error : undefined symbol dd_name 'tipcs021.fcpe'
: process 4 - fatal error : cant not continue in tdpur4401m000 in DLL: otdpurdll
0012 (
: process 4 - fatal error : undefined symbol dd_name 'tipcs021.mcpe'
: process 4 - fatal error : cant not continue in tdpur4401m000 in DLL: otdpurdll
0012 (

***************** End Of Article ******************

Gina E posted Message 1968 in Message Board
Dated : June 08, 1999 at 08:43:31 EST
Subject: Bill of Lading
We are in the chemical manufacturing industry and need to print the legal descri
ption of products on the bill of lading. We also need net and gross weights pri
nted for the freight.
My question: No one can possibly be using the Bill of Lading as it stands right
from Baan. What are you using - a third party package or just modifying the re

***************** End Of Article ******************

Dimitris Tzanakakis posted Message 1969 in Message Board
Dated : June 08, 1999 at 09:38:03 EST
Subject: Problems with Requisition Module
Hi everybody,
For those who are thinking of starting using Requisitions and for all those who
have used them I am posting some of the problems I have faced up to date (If any
body has any clue on how we can deal with any of these problems, or has some mor
e problems to mention please post a new message).
1. There is no link between Purchase Requisitions and Purchase Inquiries. So if
you receive Purchase Inquiries from suppliers for a specific Purchase Requisitio
n you cannot trace back which Purchase Inquiries are linked to a specific Purcha
se Requisition. Furthermore it is not possible to transfer the data of a Purchas
e Requisition to a Purchase Inquiry and the other way round.
2. Each requisition must include only one line, since confirmations of suppliers
take place by supplier. Therefore if we enter a requisition with multiple lines
and we assign the items to multiple suppliers then how can we confirm in sessio
n &#8220;Confirm Supplier Item Price&#8221;. Then we need to split the requisiti
on to as many parts as the suppliers selected (am I right or not?). Maybe this h
as to do with field &#8220;Multiple Suppliers&#8221; which is in &#8220;Maintain
System Parameters&#8221; session and will be used in a later version (as the he
lp text states).
3. In &#8220;Maintaining Departments&#8221; session of Requisitions, when I try
to enter a new department I get the message &#8220;Dimension not set up for Depa
rtment&#8221; and I cannot enter a new department. What`s wrong?
4. If we confirm once the supplier in &#8220;Confirm Supplier Item Price&#8221;
then it is not possible to change the supplier.
5. What is the use of the parameter &#8220;Compare with GL Budget&#8221;?
6. It is not possible to complete a Requisition Order.

7. Some times during the generation of a purchase order from a requisition an ap

plication log happens. Do you happen to know why?
8. You can cancell a Requisition independing its status. For example you can can
cell a requisition with status P.O. raised, even if this order has been received
. This is quite unreasonable.
Any solutions or extra problems of requisitions are highly welcomed,
Thanking you in advance,
***************** End Of Article ******************
Prasad Moghe posted Message 1970 in Message Board
Dated : June 08, 1999 at 10:25:12 EST
Subject: Transport order Invoice
Hi Everyone
***************** End Of Article ******************
Prasad Moghe posted Message 1971 in Message Board
Dated : June 08, 1999 at 10:25:13 EST
Subject: Transport order Invoice
Hi Everyone
***************** End Of Article ******************
Prasad Moghe posted Message 1972 in Message Board
Dated : June 08, 1999 at 10:32:21 EST
Subject: Storage order Invoice - Tranportation (Urgent)
Hi Everyone
I am trying to generate a "Definitive Invoice" for Storage, Inbound and Out
bound orders. I am getting a message "Cannot reserve Document Number" . I have s
et Link to finance as "NO". in "trtcd000" parameter table. Also when I looked at
the code it looks like it is generating the Finance document number irrespectiv
e of the parameter "trtcd000.litf". I am using Baan IV b2. Is it a bug or you sh
ould always have Link to finance as Yes for Transportation.
Please advice.
Thanks a lot in advance.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Leslie Martins posted Message 1973 in Message Board
Dated : June 08, 1999 at 11:06:55 EST
Subject: Zooming into delivery address on a sales order

Once the delivery address has been manually keyed in (spec. del.address), the s
ystem won't allow user to go back into the sales order and zoom into the deliver
y address field. If the delivery address was selected by zooming in, the user is
able to zoom in and modify the delivery address.
Is there any way that the user is able to zoom into the delivery address??
***************** End Of Article ******************
Gianni posted Message 1974 in Message Board
Dated : June 08, 1999 at 12:21:25 EST
Subject: Different amount on pro forma and final invoice
Hello Baan Fans,
Does any of you know how to print a different price on the pro forma invoice and
on the final invoice. I know there is a session "Maintain prices and discounts
after delivery", but this will mean that someone has to be alert and I want it t
o happen automatically.
Any help will be appreciated.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Gianni posted Message 1975 in Message Board
Dated : June 08, 1999 at 12:21:54 EST
Subject: Different amount on pro forma and final invoice
Hello Baan Fans,
Does any of you know how to print a different price on the pro forma invoice and
on the final invoice. I know there is a session "Maintain prices and discounts
after delivery", but this will mean that someone has to be alert and I want it t
o happen automatically.
Any help will be appreciated.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Mark Kovatch posted Message 1976 in Message Board
Dated : June 08, 1999 at 20:33:25 EST
Subject: Re: Location-to-Location transfers
We are, and we agree with you %100.
If we find out anything we will post it at once.

: Is anyone working with BaanERP and performing location-to-location transfers w

ithin the same warehouse? In BaanIV, it is extremely straightforward, but ERP,
don't know.
: The documentation refers to 'intra-warehouse' transfer functionality, but I'll
be damned if I can find it.
: I've logged a case with Baan, but it's gone on for several weeks and not much
help there.
: Anyway, thought I'd try the good ole 'Baanfans'

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Ron posted Message 1977 in Message Board
Dated : June 09, 1999 at 08:26:28 EST
Subject: Re: Splitting of PO across Mutliple suppliers
Have you looked at alternate supplier by item?? Before you would confirm your pl
anned order you could go in and choose an alternate supplier?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Mark Kovatch posted Message 1978 in Message Board
Dated : June 09, 1999 at 13:44:16 EST
Subject: Generate Inbound from INSP to WH Location in BaanERP
Running BaanERP 5.0b
We have a Warehouse with Locations, including a Rec, Insp, Staging, along with P
ick and Bulk. Some with capacity, some without. We also are a using Lot Control.
When processing a PO everything goes good up to the point of getting it out of
Inspection. After confirming, we generate advise,it gives advice from Rec to Ins
p, we put-away advice, we approve, then we "generate advice" again. Message is P
O XXX is fully advised. Go to Inbound Advice and message is "unable to find any
location for remaining qty of xx ea".
We have matched everything from BaanIV that we know. We have also tried many typ
es of WH orders/procedures/activities. The inv show up in the WH, but without a
location On top of that we are unable to transfer out of Rec or Insp, and when w
e try an Item Transfer it wants us to change the P/N and does not ask for a Lot
No. Anybody know where to find the "intra-warhouse" transfer that BaanERP refers
to ?
***************** End Of Article ******************
rON posted Message 1979 in Message Board
Dated : June 09, 1999 at 14:43:24 EST
Subject: Re: Zooming into delivery address on a sales order
I would think the locigal thinking behind it was if you have gone in and changed
the default address under spec del, why would you have to go back into the zoom
under code if it was not there to begin with.
I would make sure that I would enter the new del address under common data.
I am not saying this is right just a possible reason.

***************** End Of Article ******************
Randy G posted Message 1980 in Message Board
Dated : June 09, 1999 at 14:53:32 EST
Subject: Re: Generate Inbound from INSP to WH Location in BaanERP
: Running BaanERP 5.0b
: We have a Warehouse with Locations, including a Rec, Insp, Staging, along with
Pick and Bulk. Some with capacity, some without. We also are a using Lot Contro
l. When processing a PO everything goes good up to the point of getting it out o
f Inspection. After confirming, we generate advise,it gives advice from Rec to I
nsp, we put-away advice, we approve, then we "generate advice" again. Message is
PO XXX is fully advised. Go to Inbound Advice and message is "unable to find an
y location for remaining qty of xx ea".
: We have matched everything from BaanIV that we know. We have also tried many t
ypes of WH orders/procedures/activities. The inv show up in the WH, but without
a location On top of that we are unable to transfer out of Rec or Insp, and when
we try an Item Transfer it wants us to change the P/N and does not ask for a Lo
t No. Anybody know where to find the "intra-warhouse" transfer that BaanERP refe
rs to ?

***************** End Of Article ******************

Randy posted Message 1981 in Message Board
Dated : June 09, 1999 at 15:03:10 EST
Subject: Re: Generate Inbound from INSP to WH Location in BaanERP
: : Running BaanERP 5.0b
: : We have a Warehouse with Locations, including a Rec, Insp, Staging, along wi
th Pick and Bulk. Some with capacity, some without. We also are a using Lot Cont
rol. When processing a PO everything goes good up to the point of getting it out
of Inspection. After confirming, we generate advise,it gives advice from Rec to
Insp, we put-away advice, we approve, then we "generate advice" again. Message
is PO XXX is fully advised. Go to Inbound Advice and message is "unable to find
any location for remaining qty of xx ea".
: : We have matched everything from BaanIV that we know. We have also tried many
types of WH orders/procedures/activities. The inv show up in the WH, but withou
t a location On top of that we are unable to transfer out of Rec or Insp, and wh
en we try an Item Transfer it wants us to change the P/N and does not ask for a
Lot No. Anybody know where to find the "intra-warhouse" transfer that BaanERP re
fers to ?
Do you have Generate Inbound Advice as an activity step after approvals? If not,
the second you approve a Qty. it immediately moves the Qty to the advised locat
ion. When you Query the Item, does it display a Location? If not, could it be
possible that you have inadvertantly created a blank location? If no other locat
or restrictions match item restrictions, it will be advised to the lowest alphanumeric location i.e., blank.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Randy G posted Message 1982 in Message Board

Dated : June 09, 1999 at 16:28:17 EST
Subject: Re: Location-to-Location transfers
To perform an Intra-Warehouse/Location Transfer you need to set-up a Warehouse o
rder Type=Transfer. We use LTR.
InboundReceipt Proc.-a Proc. with no activities
Inspect. Proc.-also a Proc. w/o activities
OutboundOutbound Proc.-Proc. with only Generate Outbound Advice
Shipment Proc.-a Proc. with no activities
Then from your Warehousing Orders session-whinh2500m000 select New.
Enter order origin as Transfer(manual)
Transaction type= Transfer
Then select your LTR Order Type
On your Shipping Data Tab enter your warehouse number in the Ship From Code and
Ship To Code fields. In the Ship From Location field enter the Warehouse locatio
n the product is Transferring From and in the Ship To Location field enter the D
estination Location. Select Save.
The outbound lines Tab will activiate. Select it and it will take you to the Out
bound Order Lines session whinh2520m000.
From there select new and enter the Item number and Quantity to Transfer. Select
Save and Close.
Then highlight the Order Line, select Specific, then Direct Release. The item is
then moved. It sounds cumbersome but once you get the hang of it, it can happe
n pretty quickly.
One added note: You can only move one item number per order unless you are movin
g multiple items from and to the same locations because you capture those locati
ons on the order header.
Hope this is helpful. If you have any other questions or aren't sure of somethi
ng, I have left my E-mail address. Don't hesitate to ask. We've been discoverin
g Baan ERP for the last year. I can be of the most assistance in Warehousing.
: Is anyone working with BaanERP and performing location-to-location transfers w
ithin the same warehouse? In BaanIV, it is extremely straightforward, but ERP,
don't know.
: The documentation refers to 'intra-warehouse' transfer functionality, but I'll
be damned if I can find it.
: I've logged a case with Baan, but it's gone on for several weeks and not much
help there.
: Anyway, thought I'd try the good ole 'Baanfans'

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Mark Kovatch posted Message 1983 in Message Board
Dated : June 09, 1999 at 21:24:29 EST
Subject: Re: To Randy

1) YES generate outbound and put-away advice is after approvals.

2) Yes INSP is the location that shows up in the various reports.
3) No we have no item restrictions in place.
( should we have some ? )
4) Question about your last statement ?
"advised to the lowest alpha-numeric location, i.e. BLANK
If all the locations have the same priority, and all have
infinite capa
city. Are you saying BaanERP would not be able to
find a location ?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Ravindra HS posted Message 1984 in Message Board
Dated : June 10, 1999 at 00:08:13 EST
Subject: Re: Splitting of PO across Mutliple suppliers
: Have you looked at alternate supplier by item?? Before you would confirm your
planned order you could go in and choose an alternate supplier?
WIth that we can just change the supplier but we cannot split a purchase order b
ased on the priority and percentage of business
This is for your information

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Mathieu Nellestein posted Message 1985 in Message Board
Dated : June 10, 1999 at 07:44:39 EST
Subject: handling of mixed loads in supply chain deliveries
I am reviewing the handling of mixed load packaging for my client and am finding
some unusual results. I have two positions for the supply chain sales contract
and have defined one as the parent and the other as the child in the default pac
After running automatically create planned deliveries, the result is that the de
livery line for the second contract position now has the same planned quantity a
s the first. This looks like a bug.
The packaging lines that were generated for this delivery line should be marked
as children but the parent position number is left blank in the table (tdssc019)
and also it inputs a label type for these lines though these should be empty fo
r the child lines. The only option now is to correct this manually but we may ha
ve upto 50 lines of packaging. Anybody noticed this ?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Reply to Mark K posted Message 1986 in Message Board
Dated : June 10, 1999 at 08:04:25 EST
Subject: Re: To Randy
Mark, I was referring to the fact that, if no restrictions or conditions exist b

etween Items and Locations, including no Fixed Locations, BaaN will advise an it
em and qty. to the lowest alpha/numeric location.
I can't think of any other circumstances that would prevent the quantity, if ful
ly approved, from advisement to at least that location.
We have only Approvals in our Inspection Procedures within our warehouse order t
ypes. This allows immediate placement in the advised location(we also use fixed
locations) after approvals.

: 1) YES generate outbound and put-away advice is after approvals.

: 2) Yes INSP is the location that shows up in the various reports.
: 3) No we have no item restrictions in place.
( should we have some ? )
: 4) Question about your last statement ?
"advised to the lowest alpha-numeric location, i.e. BLANK
If all the locations have the same priority, and all have
infinite ca
pacity. Are you saying BaanERP would not be able to
find a location ?

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Mathieu Nellestein posted Message 1987 in Message Board
Dated : June 10, 1999 at 08:07:25 EST
Subject: EDI map repository ?
After being involved with Baan EDI now for quite a while, it seems to me that we
can maybe try to reduce the time involved in the development of the maps betwee
n a Baan EDI message and the ANSI/Odette/Edifact equivalent. This is usually an
excercise that must be done very precisely but it is tedious and time consuming.
Also a lot of similar work is repeated at different client sites. Would it perh
aps be a good suggestion to start building a repository with the help of the BWU
or Baan so customers can upload/download maps perhaps in the form of a spreadsh
eet so the workload is reduced. Tuning to specific situations would still have t
o be done of course.
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Ilan Kiperman posted Message 1988 in Message Board
Dated : June 10, 1999 at 10:22:44 EST
Subject: Average Purchase Price (APP) is wrong
Average Purchase Price the is done after Purchase Process Delivery, There is a t
ime interval from the receipt date, the inventory then is different.
The APP is wrong.
Is somebody solve this issue?

Ilan Kiperman
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Jeanne Ploshay posted Message 1989 in Message Board
Dated : June 10, 1999 at 10:27:06 EST
Subject: Re: Zooming into delivery address on a sales order
: Once the delivery address has been manually keyed in (spec. del.address), the
system won't allow user to go back into the sales order and zoom into the deliv
ery address field. If the delivery address was selected by zooming in, the user
is able to zoom in and modify the delivery address.
: Is there any way that the user is able to zoom into the delivery address??
: Thanks

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Jeanne Ploshay posted Message 1990 in Message Board
Dated : June 10, 1999 at 10:29:09 EST
Subject: Re: Zooming into delivery address on a sales order
: Once the delivery address has been manually keyed in (spec. del.address), the
system won't allow user to go back into the sales order and zoom into the deliv
ery address field. If the delivery address was selected by zooming in, the user
is able to zoom in and modify the delivery address.
: Is there any way that the user is able to zoom into the delivery address??
: Thanks
If you go back into the specific delivery address session and delete everything
that's there, then save and exit, it will "reset" the address so you can then zo
om to the list of delivery addresses.
If you have any further questions, please feel free to email me at jeploshay@mic
Best regards,
Jeanne Ploshay

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wimzi posted Message 1991 in Message Board
Dated : June 10, 1999 at 12:24:06 EST
Subject: how to insert companies tccom0100m000
Can anyone tell me how can I insert companies in table tccom000?
I have to prepar a new company and I need help for this question.We have several
(baan)companies, all companies are single logistics and finance. If I use sessi

on tccom0400m000 or tccom0500m000 in a company which we already use, I can see a

ll our (Baan)companies which are excist on our system. (This is necessary for ou
r company to do EDI, company X and Y buy their goods by company Z all running
on 1 server)
Please tell me which session I have to use?
Thanks for your reply
***************** End Of Article ******************
Jefferson posted Message 1992 in Message Board
Dated : June 10, 1999 at 16:18:26 EST
Subject: Commission / Rebate Agreement search parameters
If I have agreements defined by for example a combination of Customer / Relation
and Item. Say for example customer C1, Relation R1 and item I1.
And I have agreement search priority defined as follows:

1 Customer / Relation / Item

2 Relation / Agreement group
3 Relation
4-10 blank

If I am linking agreements at the order line level and I enter an invoice to cus
tomer C1 with two order lines the first is item I1 and second is item I2. Baan
will find the agreement defined by Customer (C1), Relation (R1) and item (I1) fo
r the first order line. No problem -- But it does not find the agreement for th
e second item. I thought it would because the priority 3 search criteria define
d is by relation only. However, when a rebate is calculated the message "no agr
eement found" is returend for the second order line -- the one containing item I
2? I'm not sure if this is an error or if it necessary to define another agreem
ent; only define the agreement by relation only.
Can anyone provide any feedback ? Thanks
***************** End Of Article ******************
Jefferson posted Message 1993 in Message Board
Dated : June 10, 1999 at 16:19:38 EST
Subject: Commission / Rebate Agreement search parameters
If I have agreements defined by for example a combination of Customer / Relation
and Item. Say for example customer C1, Relation R1 and item I1.
And I have agreement search priority defined as follows:

1 Customer / Relation / Item

2 Relation / Agreement group
3 Relation
4-10 blank

If I am linking agreements at the order line level and I enter an invoice to cus
tomer C1 with two order lines the first is item I1 and second is item I2. Baan
will find the agreement defined by Customer (C1), Relation (R1) and item (I1) fo
r the first order line. No problem -- But it does not find the agreement for th
e second item. I thought it would because the priority 3 search criteria define

d is by relation
eement found" is
2? I'm not sure
ent; only define

only. However, when a rebate is calculated the message "no agr

returend for the second order line -- the one containing item I
if this is an error or if it necessary to define another agreem
the agreement by relation only.

Can anyone provide any feedback ? Thanks

***************** End Of Article ******************
Mark posted Message 1994 in Message Board
Dated : June 10, 1999 at 17:06:32 EST
Subject: Roger
Hello Roger,
Location to Location transfers within one warehouse.
This can be done with a Warehouse Order type of Transfer.
It will let you transfer form a location to another in the same warehouse, "Exce
pt" you can not transfer out of a REC. or an INSP. area in a location control wa
rhouse that have had these areas set up. But say like from loc AA01 to AA02, thi
s seems to work fine for us here.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Gianni posted Message 1995 in Message Board
Dated : June 11, 1999 at 02:23:07 EST
Subject: Re: how to insert companies tccom0100m000
: Can anyone tell me how can I insert companies in table tccom000?
: I have to prepar a new company and I need help for this question.We have sever
al (baan)companies, all companies are single logistics and finance. If I use ses
sion tccom0400m000 or tccom0500m000 in a company which we already use, I can see
all our (Baan)companies which are excist on our system. (This is necessary for
our company to do EDI, company X and Y buy their goods by company Z all runni
ng on 1 server)
: Please tell me which session I have to use?
: Thanks for your reply
If I'm correct and you will make a new company, you have to use session ttaad110
0m000. But you will also have to create tables by session ttaad4230m000, or to c
opy a company e.g create sequential file from tables and next create tables from
sequential file (be careful with this!!). Remmember always convert to runtime.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Ed posted Message 1996 in Message Board
Dated : June 11, 1999 at 09:35:24 EST
Subject: Urgent - Invoices from Supply Chain Sales Contr/Schdules
We are using Baan IV c2 with the Supply Chain extension along with EDI. When in
voices from the schedules are generated they are not integrated into finance. A

ll the order steps are followed. The invoices can be re-printed in tdsls4404m00
0; however, that same invoice is not seen in the tfacr2520m000. We are NOT usin
g the Self-Billed invoicing in Supply Chain. The Self-billing parameter in tdss
c0195m000 is set to yes and the self billing parameter in tccom1102m000 is set t
o no.
Is there a set-up missing. Does the Order type need to be set-up in a different
way. We are using 3 order types for Supply chain with EDI. They are set-up wi
th collect order set to yes and order steps that vary.
We go live in 3 weeks, any information is greatly appreciated.
***************** End Of Article ******************
mccorila posted Message 1997 in Message Board
Dated : June 11, 1999 at 10:42:36 EST
Subject: Re: packing slip
: thanks for your answer but i don't know where to find this session (whinh4475m

: : : hi everybody,
: : : when I use the session " print packing slip" and try to print a document a
lready printed (with the parameter set to yes and the number of the document ),
baan says "no data within selection"
: : : someone told me it was a wellknown bug .
: : : does anybody does if a patch exist for this problem ?
In the session Maintain Order Steps (tcmcs0139m000) be sure you have re-exicute
after steps xx,xx etc. If you do not have this setting correct, you will not be
able to re-exicute (re-print) already printed documents.
: : : thanks
: : Click on the flag for "Reprint Items" in Print Packing Slip session whinh447
: :
: : : martine

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mccorila posted Message 1998 in Message Board
Dated : June 11, 1999 at 10:45:50 EST
Subject: Re: sales budget
Created sales budgets are BAAN versions of your orders/shipment forecast. Use t
hem is sales statistics to measure actual/plan activity. Be sure in your layout
code to include budgets and use the column operation function to calculate vari

***************** End Of Article ******************

mccorila posted Message 1999 in Message Board
Dated : June 11, 1999 at 10:46:03 EST
Subject: Re: sales budget
Created sales budgets are BAAN versions of your orders/shipment forecast. Use t
hem is sales statistics to measure actual/plan activity. Be sure in your layout
code to include budgets and use the column operation function to calculate vari
***************** End Of Article ******************
Mark Kovatch posted Message 2000 in Message Board
Dated : June 11, 1999 at 12:13:27 EST
Subject: Solution to Problem
In a location controled warehouse,
Item with Insp. can only have inbound generated to a BULK location.
Item without Insp. needs at least one Bulk location in it's warehouse.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Bill Petro posted Message 2001 in Message Board
Dated : June 11, 1999 at 13:31:01 EST
Subject: Report Sales Deliveries by State
For tax reporting purposes, how can we report on sales by state where the produc
t was delivered ???? In the customer master, the state code is not a seperate f
ield. Also, how do we report on sales by country delivered ??
***************** End Of Article ******************
Anshoom Jain posted Message 2002 in Message Board
Dated : June 11, 1999 at 13:39:42 EST
Subject: Re: full quantity to be received againest purchase order
In this case, you can control the receipts by going through the session "Maintai
n Back orders" and making the backorder qty "zero" for the selected orders.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Nick Rovenko posted Message 2003 in Message Board
Dated : June 11, 1999 at 15:19:16 EST
Subject: Re: Report Sales Deliveries by State
On Sales Order session tdsls4101m000 form 3 includes fields for country and area
. If you've set up areas to include each state then both fields could be used i
n a report you can create in Sales Statistics.

: For tax reporting purposes, how can we report on sales by state where the prod
uct was delivered ???? In the customer master, the state code is not a seperate
field. Also, how do we report on sales by country delivered ??

***************** End Of Article ******************

S Krishnan posted Message 2004 in Message Board
Dated : June 13, 1999 at 06:05:55 EST
Subject: Planned Inventory transactions
When a production order is released, planned inventory transactions are created
for the end item & input items.
Then if using Production order planning the dates are changed.
The planned inventory transactions for the end item is changed but the dates for
the input items do not reflect this change.
(my input items are SIC items)
And ideas why?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Pattrick posted Message 2005 in Message Board
Dated : June 14, 1999 at 06:35:51 EST
Subject: Re: Report Sales Deliveries by State
If I try to update Sales Statistics, it says Period Table not found. How do I cr
eate period table?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Andrew posted Message 2006 in Message Board
Dated : June 14, 1999 at 08:53:15 EST
Subject: Sets and Kits (Baan IV)
Does anyone know how to deal with sets and kits in Sales Orders without using Pr
We need effectively a "real" sales bill of material which can be altered in the
Sales Order. The price of the set or kit is calculated from the individual price
s of the components.
Any ideas? Or any third-party solution?
Many thank!
***************** End Of Article ******************
Philippe GASPARI posted Message 2007 in Message Board
Dated : June 14, 1999 at 09:36:12 EST
Subject: Requirement types SCH/EDI
I am implementing EDI with Baan SCH and i met the following issue :
Manually, in the sales schedule, for a weekly requirement, you can not have, the
1st week a firm requirement, the second week a forecast requirement, the third
week a firm requirement.

In EDI, with BEMIS, you can receive this type of sales schedule.
I would like to know, which one is wrong ?
does someone have ever meet this issue ?
Thanks for your answers,
***************** End Of Article ******************
BaanFan posted Message 2008 in Message Board
Dated : June 14, 1999 at 11:02:05 EST
Subject: Re: Sets and Kits (Baan IV)
I have an idea for you that is not very elegant but works in Purchasing. If you
create the item with a Bill of Material (i.e. it must be identified as a Manufa
ctured item) you can on the Sales Order Line session (Form 2) identify how the i
tem is to be recorded (Main item or elements). I have not tested this on the sa
les side but it does work well on the purchasing side.
Let us know how it works out.
: Does anyone know how to deal with sets and kits in Sales Orders without using
: We need effectively a "real" sales bill of material which can be altered in th
e Sales Order. The price of the set or kit is calculated from the individual pri
ces of the components.
: Any ideas? Or any third-party solution?
: Many thank!

***************** End Of Article ******************

Bob Bartel posted Message 2009 in Message Board
Dated : June 14, 1999 at 12:33:34 EST
Subject: Change PO Line Qty
For various reasons, we may need to reduce the orginal PO line quantity and re-p
rint the PO and send to our supplier. But we have found that once an item has be
en partially received we are unable to change this quantity. We realize that we
can reduce the requirment by Maintaining Backorders. But this does not update th
e PO quantity and therefore when we re-print the PO, the orginal quantity still
appears. Is there another way to change the original PO quantity ??
***************** End Of Article ******************
Merv Carr posted Message 2010 in Message Board
Dated : June 14, 1999 at 12:44:25 EST
Subject: Re: Change PO Line Qty
What if you zero out the backorder qty and then insert a new line for the new re
maining balance? You could then print out "unprinted lines" as per normal.

: For various reasons, we may need to reduce the orginal PO line quantity and re
-print the PO and send to our supplier. But we have found that once an item has
been partially received we are unable to change this quantity. We realize that w
e can reduce the requirment by Maintaining Backorders. But this does not update
the PO quantity and therefore when we re-print the PO, the orginal quantity stil
l appears. Is there another way to change the original PO quantity ??

***************** End Of Article ******************

Nick Rovenko posted Message 2011 in Message Board
Dated : June 14, 1999 at 15:16:36 EST
Subject: Re: Report Sales Deliveries by State
Period Table is part of the Sales Statistics (SST) Module. If you got to SST on
the Menu Browser then you'll see a folder for Maintain Sales Statistics Period
Tables (tdsst0190m000). First decide how you want your periods, by week, month,
quarter. Then enter the year and the start date of each subsequent period. If
monthly leave the 13th period blank and in the last field of the form enter 1231-99.
: If I try to update Sales Statistics, it says Period Table not found. How do I
create period table?

***************** End Of Article ******************

Momento posted Message 2012 in Message Board
Dated : June 15, 1999 at 01:54:35 EST
Subject: Re: Sets and Kits (Baan IV)
Answer this question and I might have some solution to you:
1st. Do you only consider components to be accounted in your
s their any Operation Involve that you need to account?

set/kits Cost? I

2nd. DO you need to monitor all the set/kits inventory?

3rd. Do you purchase all component's in you set/kits?

: I have an idea for you that is not very elegant but works in Purchasing. If y
ou create the item with a Bill of Material (i.e. it must be identified as a Manu
factured item) you can on the Sales Order Line session (Form 2) identify how the
item is to be recorded (Main item or elements). I have not tested this on the
sales side but it does work well on the purchasing side.
: Let us know how it works out.
: : Does anyone know how to deal with sets and kits in Sales Orders without usin
g Project?
: : We need effectively a "real" sales bill of material which can be altered in
the Sales Order. The price of the set or kit is calculated from the individual p
rices of the components.

: : Any ideas? Or any third-party solution?

: : Many thank!

***************** End Of Article ******************

S Krishnan posted Message 2013 in Message Board
Dated : June 15, 1999 at 04:54:01 EST
Subject: Re: Sets and Kits (Baan IV)
Why don't you make a BOM for the Kit and use the "Copy BOM lines to Sales order"
option is maintain sales order lines.
***************** End Of Article ******************
KianHaur posted Message 2014 in Message Board
Dated : June 15, 1999 at 09:48:29 EST
Subject: Stock and Debtor Aging
I am
t in
rt ?
ng ?

new in Baan IV, i would like to know where can i have the Stock aging repor
Baan system ? and which table should i call if i wanna modify my aging repo
and what are the tables name for Stock Aging ,Debtor Aging and Creditor Agi

***************** End Of Article ******************

Ganaraja posted Message 2015 in Message Board
Dated : June 15, 1999 at 10:42:25 EST
Subject: Invoicing Method
Can any one expalin why is it mandatory for proforma invoicing????
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Peter Rademaker posted Message 2016 in Message Board
Dated : June 15, 1999 at 11:13:20 EST
Subject: Cummulative commissions graded on QUANTITY
Want to setup a commission for a relation based upon the total quantity (kgs) so
ld in a month. E.g.
up to 500.000 kgs 1
up to 1.000.000 kgs 1.1 etc.
BaaN (4c2) does not allow me to select grade by quantity in the subsession "Main
tain Commission Agreement Parameters" tdcms0135s000.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Justin Condon posted Message 2017 in Message Board
Dated : June 15, 1999 at 11:24:58 EST
Subject: EDI 810s (out) refuse to generate
I have a strange problem which I am hoping someone might recognize, or have a su
ggestion for:
I have 8 invoices sitting in tcedi700 (EDI messages to be generated) - these wer
e newly created as usual by tdsls4404m000. When I click on either Generate or DN
C, these messages refuse to generate the corresponding EDI 810 files.
I have checked both the relations and the messages by relation, and they are fin
e - several invoices for thh same relation have been printed and generated since
. The same 8 invoices get left behind unprocessed each time. There is no obvious
solution to this.
Any ideas / suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance,

***************** End Of Article ******************

Gianni posted Message 2018 in Message Board
Dated : June 15, 1999 at 11:53:51 EST
Subject: Edit procedure mask
Hello BaaN-fans,
I defined the session "maintain prices and discounts after deliveries" as orders
tep and put it in an ordertype just before printing the final invoice.
However the status of this session is never updated and I can not finish the ord
Is there a way to edit the procedure mask and take care that it will be updated
when I run this session?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Bill Petro posted Message 2019 in Message Board
Dated : June 15, 1999 at 12:40:53 EST
Subject: Re: Report Sales Deliveries by State
However, What if the Area was used for Sales Rep Areas ??? Is there another fie
ld ?

: On Sales Order session tdsls4101m000 form 3 includes fields for country and ar
ea. If you've set up areas to include each state then both fields could be used
in a report you can create in Sales Statistics.
: : For tax reporting purposes, how can we report on sales by state where the pr
oduct was delivered ???? In the customer master, the state code is not a sepera
te field. Also, how do we report on sales by country delivered ??

***************** End Of Article ******************

Merv Carr posted Message 2020 in Message Board
Dated : June 15, 1999 at 14:32:34 EST
Subject: Re: Edit procedure mask
ALthough you can insert a new step into the order steps table, the system will n
ot recognize or it (the new step)without getting into customization. I also don'
t think it would be a great idea to start fooling around with the procedure mask
on a regular basis (not sure if this would even work, haven't tried it out but
I doubt it)
: Hello BaaN-fans,
: I defined the session "maintain prices and discounts after deliveries" as orde
rstep and put it in an ordertype just before printing the final invoice.
: However the status of this session is never updated and I can not finish the o
: Is there a way to edit the procedure mask and take care that it will be update
d when I run this session?
: Thanks,
: Gianni

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Randy Corley posted Message 2021 in Message Board
Dated : June 15, 1999 at 16:15:11 EST
Subject: Re: Baan &amp; Kanban
: : We are currently using Kanban to initiate orders, we are implementing Baan 4
c, and plan to use MRP. We don't believe they will both initiate the ordering p
rocess at the same time and therefor think we have to pick one or the other meth
od. Does anyone have experience with this issue
: Hi ,
: KANBAN is a visual ordering system. When you are the shopfloor operator and s

ee that the BIN is empty you will manually enter a Purchase order or a Productio
n order. As far as the ordering system is concerned, it does not matter if you
set the items to MRP or manual since you will be ordering them manually. The on
ly difference is that if you set them to MRP, you will see planned MRP orders fo
r those items.
: Regardless of the order system, the allocated amounts will appear in the item
: Hope this helps !
: Andr

***************** End Of Article ******************

Johny posted Message 2022 in Message Board
Dated : June 15, 1999 at 21:39:48 EST
Subject: Sales order Delivery Date .
Hi All ,
Does anyone know , what is different between the field
tdsls040.ddta and tdsls041.ddta ?????
I wondered if I have many delivery date in one sales
order ,which date I should fill in tdsls040.ddta ???
Thanks in advance.
***************** End Of Article ******************
alon dar posted Message 2023 in Message Board
Dated : June 16, 1999 at 00:37:18 EST
Subject: warranty
how can we define a warranty periods in sale order without using
the service module.
does baan soport the warranty periods, and how can we follow the
warranty period when a product come to repair.
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Ralf Nicholls posted Message 2024 in Message Board
Dated : June 16, 1999 at 05:43:26 EST
Subject: Sales promotions
I am implementing Baan at a wholesale company, they do certain promotions where
the offer customers 'buy one get one free' - i cant figure out how this could be
done in Baan ic4. They also need to be able to control the dates for which thes
e promotions apply.
many thanks in advance

***************** End Of Article ******************

fred posted Message 2025 in Message Board
Dated : June 16, 1999 at 08:26:23 EST
Subject: item group change
Do to a new administration my company would like to change the names and create
new item groups. It is not possible to change it in the item master. Does anybod
y has an idea of how to re group this field or the possible counsecuences?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Manjeet posted Message 2026 in Message Board
Dated : June 16, 1999 at 08:29:38 EST
Subject: What is the procedure mask used for?
In the maintain order steps TABLE there is a field called procedure mask what is
this used for?
Also how is it different from the step number also stored in the same table

***************** End Of Article ******************

Doug posted Message 2027 in Message Board
Dated : June 16, 1999 at 08:48:09 EST
Subject: Re: item group change
: Do to a new administration my company would like to change the names and creat
e new item groups. It is not possible to change it in the item master. Does anyb
ody has an idea of how to re group this field or the possible counsecuences?
It is possible to change the item group on an item master. We did it last year
when some of our item groups changed. Some of the implications you will run int
o depend on how you have used item groups for financial purposes. We had item g
roups as the main integration field for our product dimension. All of our inven
tory general ledger accounts carried this dimension. As a result of the change
we needed to move the inventory from one dimension to another. The dimension ta
ble itself would need updated (tfgld010). All of the relations in the session m
aintain options by itegration element will need updated. These are in tables tfg
ld422 - tfgld425.
Thsi entore exercise needs to happen after the normal monthly close activities s
o that you get a good cutoff.
Hope all of this helps. Email me directly if you have additional questions.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Yma posted Message 2028 in Message Board
Dated : June 16, 1999 at 09:23:04 EST

Subject: Period Table in Commission Module

What is the Period Table used for in the commission module?
The reports in Baan are based on transaction dates and never refer to periods?
Is this only relevant if the Link to Finance is on?
***************** End Of Article ******************
alexander posted Message 2029 in Message Board
Dated : June 16, 1999 at 09:45:01 EST
Subject: two projects with different financial companies in sales order
Hi fans,
I want to enter two sales order lines with two different projects belonging to t
wo different financial companies.
The first line is no problem, but if I want to enter the second line I get the m
Project belongs to different financial company.
Why can't BaaN handle two projects with different financial companies. It should
be no problem, because you can use two items out of warehouses belonging to dif
ferent financial companies.
Does someone have any idea or solution ????

***************** End Of Article ******************

Jim posted Message 2030 in Message Board
Dated : June 16, 1999 at 12:48:35 EST
Subject: Re: item group change
: : Do to a new administration my company would like to change the names and cre
ate new item groups. It is not possible to change it in the item master. Does an
ybody has an idea of how to re group this field or the possible counsecuences?
: *************************************************************
: It is possible to change the item group on an item master. We did it last yea
r when some of our item groups changed. Some of the implications you will run i
nto depend on how you have used item groups for financial purposes. We had item
groups as the main integration field for our product dimension. All of our inv
entory general ledger accounts carried this dimension. As a result of the chang
e we needed to move the inventory from one dimension to another. The dimension
table itself would need updated (tfgld010). All of the relations in the session
maintain options by itegration element will need updated. These are in tables t
fgld422 - tfgld425.
: Thsi entore exercise needs to happen after the normal monthly close activities
so that you get a good cutoff.
: Hope all of this helps. Email me directly if you have additional questions.

We,too, recently changed the Item Group on many of our items, and Doug is right.
The biggest implications are in the financial arena.
I would like to add a couple of notes, however. If you can't change the Item Gro
up in the engineering item master (tiedm0110m000), you probably don't have any d
efault data set up for the new Item Groups. Go to Maintain Item Default Data (ti
itm0110m000) and set up the default for any combinations of Item Group and Item
Type that you may be using. After that, you should be able to change the Item Gr
oup field at will.
Note also that you will have to manually change the Item Group field in both ite
m masters (tiedm0110m000 & tiitm0101m000). If you only change it on the engineer
ing side and try to copy the items over to the manufacturing side, the new Item
Group code will not be copied with it.
Good luck, and make sure that all the players are involved and ready to make the
changes and adjustments in one orchestrated move.
***************** End Of Article ******************
TF posted Message 2031 in Message Board
Dated : June 16, 1999 at 16:19:57 EST
Subject: Re: procedure mask?take a look at the tools forum
: In the maintain order steps TABLE there is a field called procedure mask what
is this used for?
: Also how is it different from the step number also stored in the same table
Look at the question and answer in the "tools" forum...
***************** End Of Article ******************
KianHaur posted Message 2032 in Message Board
Dated : June 16, 1999 at 21:42:21 EST
Subject: Economic Stock already Present.
hi, whenever i wanna recalculate my cost price at the Maintain Item Master, it w
ill prompt my the message "Economic Stock Already Present", may i know why this
happen ? and how to solve this problem ? thanks
***************** End Of Article ******************
Sambasiva Rao.R posted Message 2033 in Message Board
Dated : June 17, 1999 at 04:51:18 EST
Subject: Shelf Life
Hi BaaN Fans,
Request solutions for the following.
1)Has BaaN got the functionality of blocking the expired items
from being issued.?


I could only find that this functionality can be handled by blocking the loc
ation manually after going through the report generated regularly.

2)What does the fields 'Shelf life period' and the 'number of
Master serve.? Are they only information fields.?

periods' in Item

As far as I know the values given in these fields are taken for
lt value in the 'date' field of 'Maintain Lots'.

giving defau

Sambasiva Rao,CPIM
***************** End Of Article ******************
martine posted Message 2034 in Message Board
Dated : June 17, 1999 at 05:08:16 EST
Subject: Re: Sales promotions
: Hello,
: I am implementing Baan at a wholesale company, they do certain promotions wher
e the offer customers 'buy one get one free' - i cant figure out how this could
be done in Baan ic4. They also need to be able to control the dates for which th
ese promotions apply.
: many thanks in advance
----------------------------hi ralph,
I'm implementing baan4c4 on a music cd distributor in england and of course I ha
ve the same problem. There are more than one solution, depending on how you want
to treat the information in finance. Up to now, I have the following solution:
when creating the sales order, you put a 100% discount to the item you want to g
ive free. Of course, it is not automatic. Tell me more about your problem and I
will try to help you
good luck
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Sambasiva Rao posted Message 2035 in Message Board
Dated : June 17, 1999 at 05:41:06 EST
Subject: Re: Economic Stock already Present.
The solution for this problem is not to run 'Calculate cost price calculation' f
rom the zoom at 'Maintain Item Data'.
You have to run the sessions in 'Cost Accounting' module.
First run 'Calculate cost prices' session stating No at 'Update Cost Prices'.
Then separately run the 'Update Cost Prices' session giving the relavant item.
This will solve the problem.
Pl revert in case u have any problem.

Sambasiva rao, CPIM

***************** End Of Article ******************

PeterS posted Message 2036 in Message Board
Dated : June 17, 1999 at 08:22:51 EST
Subject: Tdilc4202m000: Long transaction vs. wrong algorithm?
My consultants and users are having the big troubles with
the session tdilc4202m000.
At first glance the authors tried to avoid the long transaction
and divided it into parts.
Because no actions had been taken to handle the db roll-back (printer error,
session break, system shutdown...) there is no data consistency (tdinv001
and tdilc101 tables).
How are you dealing that stuff with?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Hille posted Message 2037 in Message Board
Dated : June 17, 1999 at 08:28:56 EST
Subject: Negative inventory adjustment gives an error&quot;Item in Inspection&qu
When we are trying to do a negative inventory adjustment to a item which should
have "free" inventory in stock the Baan gives an error "Item is in inspection" a
nd in reality we dont have anything to do with inspections. Bug ?
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Suresh Manohar posted Message 2038 in Message Board
Dated : June 17, 1999 at 11:55:17 EST
Subject: Re: Shelf Life
Shelf Life Period is not an information field. When you store the items in the i
nventory after the shelf period, you can't use them any more. When you do Genera
te Outbound Advice that stock crossing the shelf life period will not be conside
red by the system.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Suresh Manohar posted Message 2039 in Message Board
Dated : June 17, 1999 at 11:59:05 EST
Subject: Re: What is the procedure mask used for?
Procedure mask, nick named as pmask is an very important field throughout the ba
an session. For example,when you create a sales order with 10 different steps, o
nly pmask indicates to every session at what stage your sales order is.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Martin posted Message 2040 in Message Board

Dated : June 17, 1999 at 12:18:12 EST

Subject: Re: Sales order Delivery Date .
The sales order delivery dates use a hierachy.
If there is no date in the Sales Order Line (041) then the delivery date for rep
orts etc will use the header date.
If there is a date in lines then this will be used.
The benefit is that you might have a multi line sales order where many lines sha
re the same delivery date (header) but the occasional line has a different deliv
ery date.
The same goes for delivery address!

: Hi All ,
Does anyone know , what is different between the field
: tdsls040.ddta and tdsls041.ddta ?????
I wondered if I have many delivery date in one sales
: order ,which date I should fill in tdsls040.ddta ???
: Thanks in advance.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Jeff Moon posted Message 2041 in Message Board
Dated : June 17, 1999 at 15:03:34 EST
Subject: Re: Tdilc4202m000: Long transaction vs. wrong algorithm?
Our times here for Releasing Outbound Data are not prohibitively long. We do no
tice that with our larger BOM's that it does take a while... how many items are
on your typical BOM?
Please remember that, in addition to the inventory transactions, BaaN is buildi
financial transactions behind the scenes. This takes time as well. Perhaps the
space your IT staff has allotted for the GL tables is beginning to run low or t
hey need to re-organize the GL tables? We've run into that particular wall a co
uple of times.

My consultants and users are having the big troubles with

the session tdilc4202m000.
At first glance the authors tried to avoid the long transaction
and divided it into parts.
Because no actions had been taken to handle the db roll-back (printer error,
session break, system shutdown...) there is no data consistency (tdinv001
and tdilc101 tables).
How are you dealing that stuff with?

***************** End Of Article ******************

Jeff Moon posted Message 2042 in Message Board

Dated : June 17, 1999 at 15:08:25 EST
Subject: Re: two projects with different financial companies in sales order
I'm assuming that you are sharing the project table between your financial compa
nies. You may want to re-visit your reasons for doing that (needing to share th
e first free number table, etc). If the project table is not shared, you can en
ter the same project number in both companies, and BaaN will see them as unrelat
ed. Unfortunately, if you decide that sharing the project table is necessary, t
hen I know of no solution.
: Hi fans,
: I want to enter two sales order lines with two different projects belonging to
two different financial companies.
: The first line is no problem, but if I want to enter the second line I get the
: Project belongs to different financial company.
: Why can't BaaN handle two projects with different financial companies. It shou
ld be no problem, because you can use two items out of warehouses belonging to d
ifferent financial companies.
: Does someone have any idea or solution ????

***************** End Of Article ******************

Domingo Otatti posted Message 2043 in Message Board
Dated : June 17, 1999 at 16:04:17 EST
Subject: Especial Contrat
Why are not the special contracts considered in the moment to create a sales quo

***************** End Of Article ******************

Bombie posted Message 2044 in Message Board
Dated : June 18, 1999 at 01:12:49 EST
Subject: Packing Transactions from Sales Order
I'm trying to work on the automatic generation of packing transactions from Sale
s Orders. The Order Type's 'create packing' was set to automatic. 'Maintain Del
iveries' session was defined in trpac0120m000. Packing items and by items are
all defined. But after doing Maintain Deliveries, no packing were generated. I
still need to run the Generate Packing transactions.
We don't have this problem when our Transport is implemented.

Please help. Thanks.

***************** End Of Article ******************
PeterS posted Message 2045 in Message Board
Dated : June 18, 1999 at 03:03:46 EST
Subject: Tdilc4202m000: has it the potential errors?
Hi, Jeff!
The problem is that the session is handling all records by turns with separate t
ables commitments.
Will the database data be consistent if a user for some reasons is cancelling th
e session?
May I correct it by restarting the session?
Best regards.
: Peter,
: Our times here for Releasing Outbound Data are not prohibitively long. We do
notice that with our larger BOM's that it does take a while... how many items a
re on your typical BOM?
: Please remember that, in addition to the inventory transactions, BaaN is build
i financial transactions behind the scenes. This takes time as well. Perhaps t
he space your IT staff has allotted for the GL tables is beginning to run low or
they need to re-organize the GL tables? We've run into that particular wall a
couple of times.


My consultants and users are having the big troubles with

the session tdilc4202m000.
At first glance the authors tried to avoid the long transaction
and divided it into parts.
Because no actions had been taken to handle the db roll-back (printer error,
session break, system shutdown...) there is no data consistency (tdinv001
and tdilc101 tables).
How are you dealing that stuff with?

***************** End Of Article ******************

Nokie posted Message 2046 in Message Board
Dated : June 18, 1999 at 03:32:48 EST
Subject: Rebuild ILC &amp; Check item never works!!
We always had this problem with data inconsistency, and was told by our vendor t
o run the rebuild inventory, and check item session. But in most cases, it fai
led to update the data in table tdilc101. Normally, we end up adjusting the dat
a at General Table Maintenance. Can anybody tell me why it never works?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Jan Bosman posted Message 2047 in Message Board
Dated : June 18, 1999 at 04:26:17 EST
Subject: Re: Negative inventory adjustment gives an error&quot;Item in Inspectio

Try to install Baan Solution 71608 for session tdilc1121s000. I just delivered t
his solution to a customer that had the same problem.
Good luck,
A Baan-man
***************** End Of Article ******************
Jan Bosman posted Message 2048 in Message Board
Dated : June 18, 1999 at 04:34:37 EST
Subject: Re: packing slip
if you are working in Baan IV, goto session tcmcs0139m000 (Maintain Order Steps)
and check if the re-execute fields are filled in for the steps that come after
the step 'print packing slip' in the order type that you use. If this is filled
in it should work.
Good luck,
a Baan-man
***************** End Of Article ******************
Merv Carr posted Message 2049 in Message Board
Dated : June 18, 1999 at 08:11:17 EST
Subject: Re: Economic Stock already Present.
Just as a "by the way", you do not have to run the "update" as a seperate sessio
n, the calculation and update can be performed simultaneously. (Although persona
lly I would run the calculation first, then review the results of that calculati
on using the reports and displays available, and if satisfactory, would then run
the update.)
: Hi,
: The solution for this problem is not to run 'Calculate cost price calculation'
from the zoom at 'Maintain Item Data'.
: You have to run the sessions in 'Cost Accounting' module.
: First run 'Calculate cost prices' session stating No at 'Update Cost Prices'.
: Then separately run the 'Update Cost Prices' session giving the relavant item.
: This will solve the problem.
: Pl revert in case u have any problem.
: Bye...
: Sambasiva rao, CPIM

***************** End Of Article ******************

Tammy Osborn posted Message 2050 in Message Board

Dated : June 18, 1999 at 15:36:26 EST
Subject: Re: Anyone on BAAN 5.0B?
: We are working on implementing Baan 5.0B - our target roll out date is October

***************** End Of Article ******************

Tammy posted Message 2051 in Message Board
Dated : June 18, 1999 at 15:55:39 EST
Subject: Re: Matching Freight Charges with Original PO
: We are looking at doing the same thing and I was wondering if you ever figured
out a method of doing this?

***************** End Of Article ******************

Tammy Osborn posted Message 2052 in Message Board
Dated : June 18, 1999 at 15:59:01 EST
Subject: Re: direct shipments
: Whenever I have a direct ship sales order, I generate a direct ship P.O. If
there are any changes to this sales order before delivery, I have to cancel the
P.O. , change the sales order, then recreate a new P.O. with a new # (confusing
for suppliers).
: Has anyone managed to have sales order changes automatically reflected in the
linked direct P.O.?

***************** End Of Article ******************

Tammy osborn posted Message 2053 in Message Board
Dated : June 18, 1999 at 16:00:39 EST
Subject: Re: direct shipments
I would love to know how to do this as well. Any luck?

***************** End Of Article ******************

Chris Jamison posted Message 2054 in Message Board
Dated : June 18, 1999 at 16:09:03 EST
Subject: Re: how to generate outbound advice
I don't think generate o/b advice will use these values at all.

We have used VLF in the past to hold information specific to the lot of the item
: physical dimensions other than the UOM, or physical properties such as elasti
city, density, etc.
Good Luck
***************** End Of Article ******************
Chris Jamison posted Message 2055 in Message Board
Dated : June 18, 1999 at 16:13:43 EST
Subject: Sales Order Line Status REPORT
Has anyone out there written a report version of the sales order line status dis
play session? I'd be interested to see how it turned out. Thanks in advance.
***************** End Of Article ******************
yaya posted Message 2056 in Message Board
Dated : June 18, 1999 at 16:49:29 EST
Subject: Consolidate purchase orders
I need to find a way to consolitade multiple purchase orders for one supplier.
For example, when I run the MRP it gives me all the advises for every item and t
hen I can convert this to a PO.
I want to get all the item for a particular supplier and put the in the same ord
ANY Idea will be highly appreciated
***************** End Of Article ******************
Ravindra HS posted Message 2057 in Message Board
Dated : June 19, 1999 at 04:09:39 EST
Subject: Re: Consolidate purchase orders
By default, after MRP Run, if you confirm and transfer the MRP Planned purchase
orders, system will group all the items for a given supplier under one order. Bu
t you cannot see in the same way in Display planned MRP purchase orders session
after MRP run before confirming and transferring
: Hi:
: I need to find a way to consolitade multiple purchase orders for one supplier.
For example, when I run the MRP it gives me all the advises for every item and
then I can convert this to a PO.
: I want to get all the item for a particular supplier and put the in the same o
: ANY Idea will be highly appreciated

***************** End Of Article ******************

Ulrich posted Message 2058 in Message Board
Dated : June 19, 1999 at 08:21:30 EST
Subject: Re: Bill of Lading
: We are in the chemical manufacturing industry and need to print the legal desc
ription of products on the bill of lading. We also need net and gross weights p
rinted for the freight.
: My question: No one can possibly be using the Bill of Lading as it stands rig
ht from Baan. What are you using - a third party package or just modifying the
hi gina, we are using always third party products, its easier to solve these pro
blems in this way than producing such reports with BaaN in the products are i.e
"Format" or "IFS - Traffic" for more information contact us greetings

***************** End Of Article ******************

jean-michel Godfrin posted Message 2059 in Message Board
Dated : June 19, 1999 at 11:40:05 EST
Subject: transportation
Hello everybody,
Can you give me full information on how to make logistic units and to collect th
em, how to generate stops and trajects, and how to generate sub-contracting cost
Further, in the transport order, the rate code doen't come automatically, but is
defined in Baan.
For packing transactions, is it possible to do the packing at inbound movement.
If yes How ?
For packaging again, is it possible to maintain packing items with order system
SIC and re-order point ?
This would help me a lot.
Contact in french or english.
My thanks in anticipation,
***************** End Of Article ******************
yaya posted Message 2060 in Message Board
Dated : June 19, 1999 at 12:52:27 EST
Subject: Re: Consolidate purchase orders
***************** End Of Article ******************
Manjeet posted Message 2061 in Message Board
Dated : June 20, 1999 at 06:50:35 EST
Subject: Error in Commissions and Rebates

I set CMS Master Data and Parameters (with agreement search priorities), Maintai
ned Commissions and Rebate Agreements.
When I calculate Commission/Rebate on a Sales Order, I get the error "Commission
amount is zero" or "No agreement found" as per the agreement defined by me, com
mission should not be zero. Can anyone tell me what is the reason for this error
or Is there any patch for this.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Prasad Moghe posted Message 2062 in Message Board
Dated : June 21, 1999 at 15:07:02 EST
Subject: Storage order Invoice - Tranportation (Urgent)
: Hi Everyone
I am trying to generate a "Definitive Invoice" for Storage, Inbound and O
utbound orders. I am getting a message "Cannot reserve Document Number" . I have
set Link to finance as "NO". in "trtcd000" parameter table. Also when I looked
at the code it looks like it is generating the Finance document number irrespect
ive of the parameter "trtcd000.litf". I am using Baan IV b2. Is it a bug or you
should always have Link to finance as Yes for Transportation.
: Please advice.
: Thanks a lot in advance.
: Prasad

***************** End Of Article ******************

Prasad Moghe posted Message 2063 in Message Board
Dated : June 21, 1999 at 15:09:22 EST
Subject: Storage Orders Invoice (Transportation) Urgent
: Hi Everyone
: I am trying to generate a "Definitive Invoice" for Storage, Inbound and Outbou
nd orders. I am getting a message "Cannot reserve Document Number" . I have set
Link to finance as "NO". in "trtcd000" parameter table. Also when I looked at th
e code it looks like it is generating the Finance document number irrespective o
f the parameter "trtcd000.litf". I am using Baan IV b2. Is it a bug or you shoul
d always have Link to finance as Yes for Transportation.
: Please advice.
: Thanks a lot in advance.
: Prasad

***************** End Of Article ******************

Prasad Moghe posted Message 2064 in Message Board

Dated : June 21, 1999 at 15:09:28 EST

Subject: Storage Orders Invoice (Transportation) Urgent
: Hi Everyone
: I am trying to generate a "Definitive Invoice" for Storage, Inbound and Outbou
nd orders. I am getting a message "Cannot reserve Document Number" . I have set
Link to finance as "NO". in "trtcd000" parameter table. Also when I looked at th
e code it looks like it is generating the Finance document number irrespective o
f the parameter "trtcd000.litf". I am using Baan IV b2. Is it a bug or you shoul
d always have Link to finance as Yes for Transportation.
: Please advice.
: Thanks a lot in advance.
: Prasad

***************** End Of Article ******************

Prasad Moghe posted Message 2065 in Message Board
Dated : June 21, 1999 at 15:11:50 EST
Subject: Storage Orders - Transportation
Hi Everyone
I am trying to generate a "Definitive Invoice" for Storage, Inbound and Outbound
orders. I am getting a message "Cannot reserve Document Number" . I have set Li
nk to finance as "NO". in "trtcd000" parameter table. Also when I looked at the
code it looks like it is generating the Finance document number irrespective of
the parameter "trtcd000.litf". I am using Baan IV b2. Is it a bug or you should
always have Link to finance as Yes for Transportation.
Please advice.
Thanks a lot in advance.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Osama Kort posted Message 2066 in Message Board
Dated : June 21, 1999 at 19:59:18 EST
Subject: Route Plan in Transport Order
HI All,
I want to get information on how a route plan in Tranport Order is used and if a
nybody has used it?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Billy posted Message 2067 in Message Board
Dated : June 22, 1999 at 11:33:56 EST
Subject: Re: Cycle Counting can run daily

Other option could be put the parameter in O trought the ttaad4100 modifying the
parameters in the correspondent table. Ive used this option and I havent had prob
: Greetings...
: Can I add my $0.02?
: You can run Generate Cycle Count Orders daily. For that matter... We run eve
ry night (early, early AM) scheduled through the job daemon such that all we nee
d to do is print orders in the morning.
: The INV parameters are there to define the interval between countings for any
given items. This is of course depended upon what the last counted date is for
a given item (reference Maintain Item Master - TIITM0101M000 - Form 2)
: Another note about Cycle Counting... There is a Last COunted Date in three ta
bles (TDITM001), TDINV001, and TDILC101). They may not all be the same. Genera
te Cycle Count Orders is based upon TDINV001. If an item is in multiple warehou
ses (identified in TDINV001 - and for the matter of this discussion there are tw
o warehouses 001 and 002), and only one warehouse is counted, the Item Master wi
ll reflect that most recent last counted date regardless of which warehouse is c
ounted. Thus, TDINV001 could have two different last counted dates for a single
item in two different warehouses. Just something to keep in mind.
: To re-iterate a comment from a previous poster... The help text is very helpf
ul on this matter.

: : Hi Merv Carr,
: : Did you ever tried it? or are you just translating the standard Baan help te
xt into normal English?
: : Off course you could generate the cycle count orders as often as you like bu
t do you get the right Data??????????????
: : The money isn't growing on trees here and you know what a costumisation cost
st, this problem was researched very good and in Baan IVc4 we did run into the s
ame problems as Nadeem.
: : After a customisation in whitch we resetting the last cycle count date the p
roblem was solved.
: : Greetings Marc
: :
: : : I presume you are referring to the INV parameters. If you care to read the
help text in the INV parameters, you would very quickly find out that this para
meter determines how often a class of item is counted (i.e. the counting interva
l) and has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with how often cycle count orders
can be generated. No customisation is needed, perhaps a little bit of research
though to find out what you don't know.
: : : "No alternative" ?? I don't think so.
: : : : I'm affraid you need some customisation on the cycle count.
: : : : I'm currently at one of my customers and the had the customisation writt
en for this problem.
: : : : There is no other alternative.

: : : : Greetings Marc
: : : : : Can I run cycle counting daily. Because in Parameter file I found mini
mum it can run once in a week. But for the time being I want to run it daily, ev
en though I do not want to change the system date
: : : : : Nadeem Usmani

***************** End Of Article ******************

Doug Howardell posted Message 2068 in Message Board
Dated : June 22, 1999 at 18:34:51 EST
Subject: Return goods to supplier with ILC
How can I return goods from inventory to the supplier and take a credit with ILC
Without ILC, I would enter a new line on the PO for a negitive quantity. Then I
could maintain receipts for the negative quantity. This would decrement the inve
ntory and set up a credit in A/P.
With ILC on I can receive the negative quantity.
***************** End Of Article ******************
S Krishnan posted Message 2069 in Message Board
Dated : June 23, 1999 at 00:59:51 EST
Subject: How to handle Purchase requisitions?
In our company we have each department raising purchase requisitions for items w
e dont normally carry in stock.
The purchase officer clubs these requests & raises one or many POs depending on
the items & quantiies. Once they are received he then allocates it to the respec
tive requesting departments.
Since Baan doesnot have a Purchase requisition module, and this being a very sta
ndard functionality required across industries, how do you hjandle it?
Any ideas will be appreiated.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Hille posted Message 2070 in Message Board
Dated : June 23, 1999 at 01:41:56 EST
Subject: Re: Negative inventory adjustment gives an error&quot;Item in Inspectio
: Try to install Baan Solution 71608 for session tdilc1121s000. I just delivered
this solution to a customer that had the same problem.
: Good luck,
: A Baan-man
Our problem was that there is nothing under inspection, and even then we get an
error. Do you think that the solution is ok also in this case ?

***************** End Of Article ******************

Jan Bosman posted Message 2071 in Message Board
Dated : June 23, 1999 at 02:42:23 EST
Subject: Re: Negative inventory adjustment gives an error
You should just give it a try, this is the last modification on the script for s
ession tdilc1121s000, probably the problem is solved by that.
Good luck!

***************** End Of Article ******************

Gianni posted Message 2072 in Message Board
Dated : June 23, 1999 at 02:43:29 EST
Subject: Integrating sls
Hi BaaNfans,
I want to integrate sls and finance, but revenue may not be posted to the P&L be
fore a project is closed and it should be booked on different general ledgers de
pending on the type of product sold.
does anybody has an idea how to accomplish this?
Thanks in advance.
***************** End Of Article ******************
martine posted Message 2073 in Message Board
Dated : June 23, 1999 at 04:15:02 EST
Subject: Re: Return goods to supplier with ILC
hi doug,
when you want to return goods to a supplier with ILC implemented, you create a p
uchase order with order type "return" (you have then negative quantity on it), t
hen you maintain receipts as normally. Do not try to Generate Inbound Advice bec
ause this session does not allow negative quantities but use Maintain Inbound Da
ta and choose the right warehouse. Release Inbound Data afterwards and you shoul
d be able now to see your items out of the stock
good luck and let me know

: How can I return goods from inventory to the supplier and take a credit with I
LC on?

: Without ILC, I would enter a new line on the PO for a negitive quantity. Then
I could maintain receipts for the negative quantity. This would decrement the in
ventory and set up a credit in A/P.
: With ILC on I can receive the negative quantity.
: Doug

***************** End Of Article ******************

alon dar posted Message 2074 in Message Board
Dated : June 23, 1999 at 06:01:54 EST
Subject: negetive sales order
after openning negetive sales ordrers with lots(entering items)
is it posible to make generete outbound advice to this sales order (not maintain
thanks for your help
***************** End Of Article ******************
Leo posted Message 2075 in Message Board
Dated : June 23, 1999 at 06:42:25 EST
Subject: Re: Can we use RPL in multisite environment?
when working within single logistical, multiple finance, no problem.
When using mulptiple logistical companies, you need to use purchase and sales or
ders, in combination with EDI. This needs to explained very carefully to the end
users. Especially the mandatory steps concerning invoicing and receiving.
The good thing is that this allows you to setup transfer prices per Baan company
, thus enabling cross border storage.
We just finished the implementation at a customer where 11 companies are connect
ed this way!
Also when using MPS you can set up a multicompany 'DRP' structure.
If you need more explanation, feel free to contact me.
Kind regards,
: Can we use RPL in multi site environment to transfer materials from ware house
of one company to warehouse of other company?
: How?
: Please help.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Merv Carr posted Message 2076 in Message Board
Dated : June 23, 1999 at 06:44:13 EST

Subject: Re: negetive sales order

No, you have to amintain the (negative) outbound. Sorry!
: hello
: after openning negetive sales ordrers with lots(entering items)
: is it posible to make generete outbound advice to this sales order (not mainta
in outbound).
: thanks for your help

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Humberto Saenz posted Message 2077 in Message Board
Dated : June 23, 1999 at 09:09:22 EST
Subject: Re: EDI Issues
Hello Arif,
To cancel an ASN run session tdssc3217m000. You have to know the Advice Note
Number that you want to cancel. Unfortunately, you cannot reprocess most of the
data in BAAN once you have confirmed your shipment. What data were you looking
to reprocess. I usually don't have time to log on to BAAN FANS as I would like
. E-mail questions to

: Hi;
: We are implenting EDI-856(ASN) with Baan 4C3 and Gentran translator. Questions
came up on how to handle rejections. If a trading partner rejects our transacti
on because of data problem, how we can re-process that data in baan.
: Also the 856 allows for a transaction purpose code 00 = original, 01 = cancell
ation etc. is there a way to cancel an ASN through BaaN.
: Thanks in advance for your help.
: Arif.

***************** End Of Article ******************

the beginer posted Message 2078 in Message Board
Dated : June 23, 1999 at 12:30:23 EST
Subject: locally &amp; overseas purchases
How can I manage one item that is purchased locally and internationally without
creating two part numbers. The problem is when the item has a surcharge defined,
when you buy it locally dont need to add any surcharge, but the system does it a
utomatically due to its cost structure.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Naveed Khan posted Message 2079 in Message Board

Dated : June 23, 1999 at 16:23:05 EST

Subject: Re: negetive sales order
Hi there,
You can completely by pass the process of maintaining outbound if you select a c
heck box for "Collect Order".
: hello
: after openning negetive sales ordrers with lots(entering items)
: is it posible to make generete outbound advice to this sales order (not mainta
in outbound).
: thanks for your help

***************** End Of Article ******************

Doug Howardell posted Message 2080 in Message Board
Dated : June 23, 1999 at 19:45:41 EST
Subject: Re: Return goods to supplier with ILC
I can not maintain receipts. In the main Maintain Receipts session (tdpur4120m00
0) I enter the negative quantity in the pack slip field. Baan then takes me to t
he Maintain Receipts (ILC) sub session (tdilc4113s000).
This session will not take a negative quantity. I select the lot against which I
want to make the return. When I enter a negative number in the quantity field
I get the message "Available Inventory 0.0" even though there is inventory.
I can not maintain a negative inbound either. The maintain inbound session wa
Merv Carr posted Message 2083 in Message Board
Dated : June 23, 1999 at 21:41:10 EST
Subject: Re: Return goods to supplier with ILC
FIrst of all, before you maintain(neg) receipts, make sure the inventory is tran
sferred to the "REC" location, otherwise you will always run into this situation
The second part of your posting, re thr inbound advice, you are quite correct, t
he only step you have to carry out is the "Maintain Receipt" the inbound is not
necessary and in fact cannot be performed. (In reality you have already performe
d that half of the transaction by transferring the inventory from a "normal" loc
ation to the "REC" location:
I can not maintain receipts. In the main Maintain Receipts session (tdpur4120m0
00) I enter the negative quantity in the pack slip field. Baan then takes me to
the Maintain Receipts (ILC) sub session (tdilc4113s000).
: This session will not take a negative quantity. I select the lot against which
I want to make the return. When I enter a negative number in the quantity fiel
d I get the message "Available Inventory 0.0" even though there is inventory.
: I can not maintain a negative inbound either. The maintain inbound session wan
ts to see receipts it can inbound. There are none for the new Return PO.

: Still looking for help,

: Doug
: : hi doug,
: : when you want to return goods to a supplier with ILC implemented, you create
a puchase order with order type "return" (you have then negative quantity on it
), then you maintain receipts as normally. Do not try to Generate Inbound Advice
because this session does not allow negative quantities but use Maintain Inboun
d Data and choose the right warehouse. Release Inbound Data afterwards and you s
hould be able now to see your items out of the stock
: : good luck and let me know
: : martine
: : : How can I return goods from inventory to the supplier and take a credit wi
th ILC on?
: : : Without ILC, I would enter a new line on the PO for a negitive quantity. T
hen I could maintain receipts for the negative quantity. This would decrement th
e inventory and set up a credit in A/P.
: : : With ILC on I can receive the negative quantity.
: : : Doug

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Merv Carr posted Message 2084 in Message Board
Dated : June 23, 1999 at 21:47:39 EST
Subject: Re: locally &amp; overseas purchases
You pays your money and takes your choice, the key to the question is understand
ing that the item has one standard, i.e You normally buy this part from vendor X
who is local (or overseas or wherever). If you then buy it from a different ven
dor, you are then differing from standard and therefore will get either a favour
able or unfavourable purchase result depending upon what the "norm" is. If you n
ormally buy it from an overseas vendor but you manage to source it locally now a
nd again, then that is a bonus (in Baan terms) and that bonus is reflected as a
favourable result.
: How can I manage one item that is purchased locally and internationally withou
t creating two part numbers. The problem is when the item has a surcharge define
d, when you buy it locally dont need to add any surcharge, but the system does it
automatically due to its cost structure.
: Thanks

***************** End Of Article ******************

alon dar posted Message 2085 in Message Board
Dated : June 24, 1999 at 07:14:56 EST
Subject: Re: negetive sales order
hello Naveed

if we open the sales order (order type collect order = yes)

the step wuch comes after openning the sales order is maintain outbound data and
not generate outbound data wich meens we have to over the lines of the sales or
what i am asking is how can we ignore the step of maintain outbound data and mak
e generate outbound data.
thanks for your help
***************** End Of Article ******************
Gianni posted Message 2086 in Message Board
Dated : June 24, 1999 at 12:12:21 EST
Subject: Re: Integrating sls / still got questions
I still got some questions,
If set the parameter to "No", does it book to the balance or does it absolutely
not book any transactions.
I tried to fill in cost price components, but when i select revenue, I cannot se
lect a cost price component. Please can you tell me in which session a can enter
the cost price components for integration. Or do I need a patch?
Thanks in advance,
: Not posting until the project is closed - There is a field on the Maintain pro
jects session, form tw0, "Post cost price turnover and cost price when not close
d." Yes that's the field name. I thinks it's the longest field name in the syste
m. Anyway, set that to no and your costs and revenuewill not be posted until you
change the project status to closed.
: Different accounts for different products - Use a different cost price compone
nt for each account you want to hit. Set up the project integrations to hit a di
fferent sales revenue account for each cost price component.
: : Hi BaaNfans,
: : I want to integrate sls and finance, but revenue may not be posted to the P&
L before a project is closed and it should be booked on different general ledger
s depending on the type of product sold.
: : does anybody has an idea how to accomplish this?
: : Thanks in advance.
: : Gianni.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Terry Goerdt posted Message 2087 in Message Board
Dated : June 24, 1999 at 15:44:30 EST
Does anyone know how to do this?? (ie. change the route field on the order afte

r the order has partially shipped)??? Please help!

: How can you make back orders(sales orders) more unique/identifiable after the
items become available-and the picking slips print? To add to this question-we
have an agreement with one of our dealers that all their back orders will ship v
ia AIR, no charge freight to them. However-with no identifying number, or serie
s on the paper work-it makes it next to impossible. Is there a way in BAAN to c
hange the route??

***************** End Of Article ******************

Genie posted Message 2088 in Message Board
Dated : June 24, 1999 at 19:21:59 EST
Subject: Re: Requirement types SCH/EDI
The ranking for how these should be received are as follows:
Immediate, Released, Firm and then Forecasted. When receiving EDI, you can forc
e anything into these fields as there's no validity checking for them.
: I am implementing EDI with Baan SCH and i met
: Manually, in the sales schedule, for a weekly
he 1st week a firm requirement, the second week
d week a firm requirement.
: In EDI, with BEMIS, you can receive this type
: I would like to know, which one is wrong ?

the following issue :

requirement, you can not have, t
a forecast requirement, the thir
of sales schedule.

: does someone have ever meet this issue ?

: Thanks for your answers,


***************** End Of Article ******************

Genie posted Message 2089 in Message Board
Dated : June 24, 1999 at 19:26:23 EST
Subject: Re: Urgent - Invoices from Supply Chain Sales Contr/Schdules
:The delivery address must be set as self billed.
: We are using Baan IV c2 with the Supply Chain extension along with EDI. When
invoices from the schedules are generated they are not integrated into finance.
All the order steps are followed. The invoices can be re-printed in tdsls4404m
000; however, that same invoice is not seen in the tfacr2520m000. We are NOT us
ing the Self-Billed invoicing in Supply Chain. The Self-billing parameter in td
ssc0195m000 is set to yes and the self billing parameter in tccom1102m000 is set
to no.
: Is there a set-up missing. Does the Order type need to be set-up in a differe
nt way. We are using 3 order types for Supply chain with EDI. They are set-up
with collect order set to yes and order steps that vary.
: We go live in 3 weeks, any information is greatly appreciated.

: Thanks,
: Ed

***************** End Of Article ******************

G Janke posted Message 2090 in Message Board
Dated : June 27, 1999 at 06:51:53 EST
Subject: Re: How to handle Purchase requisitions?
: ... Since Baan doesnot have a Purchase requisition module, and this being a ve
ry standard functionality required across industries, how do you handle it?
: Any ideas will be appreciated.
purchase requisitions are standard in BaanSeries. Assuming you currently use B
aanIV, I can explain our approach to patch that functional lag. Please provide a
ny email address...
***************** End Of Article ******************
alon dar posted Message 2091 in Message Board
Dated : June 27, 1999 at 10:50:27 EST
Subject: Re: warranty

how can we define a warranty periods in sale order without using

the service module.
does baan soport the warranty periods, and how can we follow the
warranty period when a product come to repair.

***************** End Of Article ******************

KianHaur posted Message 2092 in Message Board
Dated : June 28, 1999 at 01:43:31 EST
Subject: Purchase R. to Purchase Order ..
I have met a problem. When the Purchase Requisition raised by the user have been
approved. After converted into PO, some of the line have been amended by the sy
stem. and the quantity has been changed by the system too.
Why this happened ?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Rajesh posted Message 2093 in Message Board
Dated : June 28, 1999 at 03:23:00 EST
Subject: Print Packing Slips; tdsls4403m000

Hi Friends,
Can anyone tell me if it is possible to print weight of the items in packing sli
p? can I link a text to the packing slip and if I have 2-3 different formats of
packing slips (for different products), can I use them in my order type, will it
update the line status in procedure mask?
any views, ideas are welcome
Thanks in advance,
***************** End Of Article ******************
Tomaz Saje posted Message 2094 in Message Board
Dated : June 28, 1999 at 04:34:53 EST
Subject: Wrong sales price in sales order line-URGENT!
I have a price defined in Maintain Prices by Customer
and Item. Currency is DEM and entered in 4 decimal places.
However, when I insert sales order line, the price is
calculated only in 2 decimal places (second is rounded),
the third and fourth is 0. I have defined currency format
for DEM as ZZZZZZ9VD9999 in format %A003.
Any answer will bw apprisihiated.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Gruber Gerlinde posted Message 2095 in Message Board
Dated : June 28, 1999 at 05:38:05 EST
Subject: URGENT!EDI!
We are using BAAN for a very long time. Now we have change the version and are n
ow running BAAN IVc04. For that reason we also want to run EDI.
Can anybody give or send me information how to start EDI and how EDI works.
Thank you a lot
***************** End Of Article ******************
S Krishnan posted Message 2096 in Message Board
Dated : June 28, 1999 at 06:27:25 EST
Subject: Re: How to handle Purchase requisitions?
: : ... Since Baan doesnot have a Purchase requisition module, and this being a
very standard functionality required across industries, how do you handle it?
: : Any ideas will be appreciated.
: Hi,
: purchase requisitions are standard in BaanSeries. Assuming you currently use
BaanIV, I can explain our approach to patch that functional lag. Please provide

any email address...

: George

***************** End Of Article ******************

olivier rozenblat posted Message 2097 in Message Board
Dated : June 28, 1999 at 06:37:21 EST
Subject: Inventory module.URGENT
Currently,we have a problem regarding to the picking list and the hard allococat
ion. The picking list give us the material available at thjis moment but if a g
ood comes after the printing of the picking list, we do not have it. Then, the h
ard allocation consider that the good is delivered and the inventory is totally
wrong because a lot of goods come during the day. How can I fix That?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Sambasiva Rao posted Message 2098 in Message Board
Dated : June 28, 1999 at 07:41:23 EST
Subject: Yes..There is a solution
Hi Tomaz,
After maintaining the formats by Generic Units in the session
" Maintain formats by Generic Units " one has to run the " Convert Run time Data
dictionary " and there after come out and log in once again.
Pl verify if you have followed the above step.
If there is any difficulty , you can revert.
Sambasiva Rao, CPIM

***************** End Of Article ******************

Gruber Gerlinde posted Message 2099 in Message Board
Dated : June 28, 1999 at 10:39:09 EST
Subject: Impossible to change amount of positions
In Module sales orderlines (tdsls 4102m000) it is impossible to change the amou
nt of orderlines after some invoices are made. I only want to change the amounts
of the seperate orderlines but the amount in the end for the invoice would be t
he same.
but if I do, the message apears: "Code of Project is not the same for all positi
Can anybody offer me some help?
***************** End Of Article ******************

Gruber Gerlinde posted Message 2100 in Message Board

Dated : June 28, 1999 at 10:39:20 EST
Subject: Impossible to change amount of positions
In Module sales orderlines (tdsls 4102m000) it is impossible to change the amou
nt of orderlines after some invoices are made. I only want to change the amounts
of the seperate orderlines but the amount in the end for the invoice would be t
he same.
but if I do, the message apears: "Code of Project is not the same for all positi
Can anybody offer me some help?
***************** End Of Article ******************
KianHaur posted Message 2101 in Message Board
Dated : June 28, 1999 at 11:16:49 EST
Subject: Looking for Dialogue.
I am looking to set up a dialogue with other BaaN users operating
in the cable manufacturing environment.
Thanks in advance.
***************** End Of Article ******************
KianHaur posted Message 2102 in Message Board
Dated : June 28, 1999 at 11:27:30 EST
Subject: Tables to retrieve.
I would like to use my Report Writing Tool -- Safari to design :
1. stock aging report.
2. Debtor aging report by Sales Person.
, may i know which tables should i take care of? thanks.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Eddie Wierts posted Message 2103 in Message Board
Dated : June 28, 1999 at 11:45:58 EST
Subject: Re: Error in Commissions and Rebates
: I set CMS Master Data and Parameters (with agreement search priorities), Maint
ained Commissions and Rebate Agreements.
: When I calculate Commission/Rebate on a Sales Order, I get the error "Commissi
on amount is zero" or "No agreement found" as per the agreement defined by me, c
ommission should not be zero. Can anyone tell me what is the reason for this err
or or Is there any patch for this.
: Thanks

It is possible you forgot to mention the agreement in the Commission parameters

(tdcms0100m000) form 2. Here you have to give in all the types of agreements you
use. So if you have an agreement for a relation and an article, you have to fil
l only relation and article so Baan knows what kind of agreement has to be found
***************** End Of Article ******************
Shailesh posted Message 2104 in Message Board
Dated : June 28, 1999 at 12:11:15 EST
Subject: Printing problem with PO line text.
I am currently facing a problem while printing lines text on PO. It skips one bl
ank line after every printed line. It is a baan standard program (Baan IV C3). W
hen i see it on display it looks good, even if i print it on Laser printer it pr
ints good. But if i print it to the file or dot matrix printer it gives this pro
blem. Is there anything wrong with device settings ??
Any help is greatly appreciated.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Marc van Kessel posted Message 2105 in Message Board
Dated : June 28, 1999 at 12:25:05 EST
Subject: Re: Route Plan in Transport Order
: HI All,
: I want to get information on how a route plan in Tranport Order is used and if
anybody has used it?
The Route Plan defines the structure of a transport order-line,
i.e. pre- main- and after-cariage. If goods are delivered
via certain transhipment points you can define this as a
route plan. E.g.
pre-carriage: from warehouse to transhipment point 1
main-carrigage: from transhipment point 1 to transhipment point 2
after-carriage: from transhipment point 2 to delivery-point.
If this is defined as one transport route plan, then every
Sales / Transport Order Line with this plan automatically gets
three "parts" that can be planned / subcontracted seperately.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Shailesh posted Message 2106 in Message Board

Dated : June 28, 1999 at 15:04:10 EST

Subject: Re: EDI 810s (out) refuse to generate
: I have a strange problem which I am hoping someone might recognize, or have a
suggestion for:
: I have 8 invoices sitting in tcedi700 (EDI messages to be generated) - these w
ere newly created as usual by tdsls4404m000. When I click on either Generate or
DNC, these messages refuse to generate the corresponding EDI 810 files.
: I have checked both the relations and the messages by relation, and they are f
ine - several invoices for thh same relation have been printed and generated sin
ce. The same 8 invoices get left behind unprocessed each time. There is no obvio
us solution to this.
: Any ideas / suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
: Thanks in advance,
: Justin
If you have verified the setup and it has worked with other invoice then nothing
else is but running it in Debug Mode and it will be clear.
Good Luck

***************** End Of Article ******************

Gianni posted Message 2107 in Message Board
Dated : June 29, 1999 at 06:30:09 EST
Subject: Update print acknowledgement
Hi BaaNfans,
I want that the orderprocedure is reset to "print order acknowledgement" when I
change something in the salesorder.
Is this possible and how?
Is is a parametersetting?
If it isn't possible how do you manage to remember the sales staff to send a new
***************** End Of Article ******************
Carol Schmidt posted Message 2108 in Message Board
Dated : June 29, 1999 at 09:41:51 EST
Subject: Deleting of sales order header and sales order lines

In session tdsls4101m000, if the user attempts to delete sales order header and
there are existing sales order lines, a pop up message appears. This message no
tifies the user that there are still order lines present.
My understanding was that if the user continued and deleted the header, the sale
s order lines would remain present and become what has been referred to as "orph
an lines". However, I have tested this and it seems that if the header is delet
e before the sales order lines are deleted, the sales order lines are also delet
Can you provide me with further explanation to this as I am not sure exactly wha
t happens and how MRP and/or PRP are affected.
Your prompt response is appreciated.
Carol Schmidt
***************** End Of Article ******************
Merv Carr posted Message 2109 in Message Board
Dated : June 29, 1999 at 10:23:37 EST
Subject: Re: Deleting of sales order header and sales order lines
You are quite correct in saying that both the header and lines are deleted. As f
ar as I know, in the background, the system deletes the lines first and then the
header. I have used it often (in purchasing and sales) with no ill effects that
I can see. It is a lot easier than deleting the lines individually and then del
eting the header.
: In session tdsls4101m000, if the user attempts to delete sales order header an
d there are existing sales order lines, a pop up message appears. This message
notifies the user that there are still order lines present.
: My understanding was that if the user continued and deleted the header, the sa
les order lines would remain present and become what has been referred to as "or
phan lines". However, I have tested this and it seems that if the header is del
ete before the sales order lines are deleted, the sales order lines are also del
: Can you provide me with further explanation to this as I am not sure exactly w
hat happens and how MRP and/or PRP are affected.
: Your prompt response is appreciated.
: Carol Schmidt

***************** End Of Article ******************

Merv Carr posted Message 2110 in Message Board
Dated : June 29, 1999 at 10:25:38 EST
Subject: Re: Update print acknowledgement
You could always have a seperate run to print out "Changed lines only". In this
case, then only changed lines are printed out.
: Hi BaaNfans,

: I want that the orderprocedure is reset to "print order acknowledgement" when

I change something in the salesorder.
: Is this possible and how?
: Is is a parametersetting?
: If it isn't possible how do you manage to remember the sales staff to send a n
ew orderacknowledgement
: Bye,
: Gianni

***************** End Of Article ******************

leslie martins posted Message 2111 in Message Board
Dated : June 29, 1999 at 10:55:52 EST
Subject: Re: Update print acknowledgement
Did you try changing your print lines status to: ALL Lines,
this will print the entire document.
: You could always have a seperate run to print out "Changed lines only". In thi
s case, then only changed lines are printed out.
: : Hi BaaNfans,
: : I want that the orderprocedure is reset to "print order acknowledgement" whe
n I change something in the salesorder.
: : Is this possible and how?
: : Is is a parametersetting?
: : If it isn't possible how do you manage to remember the sales staff to send a
new orderacknowledgement
: : Bye,
: : Gianni

***************** End Of Article ******************

Merv Carrq posted Message 2112 in Message Board
Dated : June 29, 1999 at 13:26:41 EST
Subject: Re: Update print acknowledgement
One small problem with that approach is that then ALL lines will print out, incl
uding those thgat were printed out 6 months ago (if they have not as yet been de
A point I forgot to mention, you could also try printing "Changed and other line
s", lines that have changed will be printed with an * next to them.
: Did you try changing your print lines status to: ALL Lines,

: this will print the entire document.

: : You could always have a seperate run to print out "Changed lines only". In t
his case, then only changed lines are printed out.
: : : Hi BaaNfans,
: : : I want that the orderprocedure is reset to "print order acknowledgement" w
hen I change something in the salesorder.
: : : Is this possible and how?
: : : Is is a parametersetting?
: : : If it isn't possible how do you manage to remember the sales staff to send
a new orderacknowledgement
: : : Bye,
: : : Gianni

***************** End Of Article ******************

Jan G posted Message 2113 in Message Board
Dated : June 29, 1999 at 16:11:40 EST
Subject: Order Unblocking
We have a high volume of blocked orders for credit reasons (set to block in the
Sales Order parameters). Credit manually unblocks orders and every time they ar
e maintained (for any reason) Baan re-blocks them. Has anyone run across a solu
tion to this?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Jan G posted Message 2114 in Message Board
Dated : June 29, 1999 at 16:13:09 EST
Subject: Blocked Orders
The Blocked Orders report does not print any detail for the order (i.e. orders/i
nvoices outstanding for the customer). Is there another Baan report that would
show us blocked orders with the customer detail included?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Marilyn posted Message 2115 in Message Board
Dated : June 29, 1999 at 16:50:32 EST
Subject: Re: Order Unblocking
Yeah, the solution is getting your debtors to pay up (on time). Why bother havin
g blocking in place at all if all that is going to happen is that the orders are
merely unblocked anyway. Either enforce your credit control procedures or ease
up on the blocking criteria (they seem to be meaningless anyway).
: We have a high volume of blocked orders for credit reasons (set to block in th
e Sales Order parameters). Credit manually unblocks orders and every time they
are maintained (for any reason) Baan re-blocks them. Has anyone run across a so
lution to this?

***************** End Of Article ******************

Jonathan Sunberg posted Message 2116 in Message Board
Dated : June 29, 1999 at 17:21:51 EST
Subject: Sales Statistics
Can anyone tell me where cost of sales and gross profit % are derived from?
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nicole posted Message 2117 in Message Board
Dated : June 29, 1999 at 17:31:58 EST
Subject: Re: Urgent - Invoices from Supply Chain Sales Contr/Schdules
Ed and I just solved this problem but in case anyone else has the same situation
There needs to be an order type for the self-billing parameters in SSC parameter
s. This order type must also link to a financial transaction type for self-bill
ing, which was our problem.
Hope this helps someone else!
***************** End Of Article ******************
Roger posted Message 2118 in Message Board
Dated : June 29, 1999 at 19:55:53 EST
Subject: Re: HELP !!! Error when confirming warehousing receipts (BaaN V b)
Please let me know what the error message is. I have run into some problems con
firming receipts, but I need some detailed information.

: When I have to confirm a warehousing receips, BaaN V gives an error. I have tr

y it in 3 diferent companies!
: I don't know why because when I started to use the demo company that is instal
led with BaaN V, was working fine.
: Can you help me please !!!!

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KianHaur posted Message 2119 in Message Board
Dated : June 29, 1999 at 21:09:05 EST
Subject: How S.O without Invoice Number.
Hi, may i know how to print those not yet
invoiced Sales Order ?

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KianHaur posted Message 2120 in Message Board
Dated : June 30, 1999 at 02:09:34 EST
Subject: Purchase Order... Deleted ?
When i try to convert the Purchase Inquiry to Purchase Order,
the system printed an error message show "Cost price structure
not present for this date"
So i try to enter the cost price at the Maintain Item Master. It seemed like par
tial item have been converted into Purchase
Order. Ok!
however, those item cannot be converted into Purchase Order are still at the Pur
chase Inquiry. and the Status Assigned by system showed "Returned".
as a result, when i try to delete item (those cannot be converted into Purchase
Order), the system don't allow me to delete those item.
May i know why ? and how to tackle this problem ?
***************** End Of Article ******************
S Krishnan posted Message 2121 in Message Board
Dated : June 30, 1999 at 03:33:40 EST
Subject: Purchase Order... Deleted
You cannot enter cost price in item master!!!!!!
You will have to calculate Cost Price. Enter purchase price in item master and t
hen zoom to calculate cost prie for item.
Then you can transfer the inquiry to PO!!

: When i try to convert the Purchase Inquiry to Purchase Order,

: the system printed an error message show "Cost price structure
: not present for this date"
: So i try to enter the cost price at the Maintain Item Master. It seemed like p
artial item have been converted into Purchase
: Order. Ok!
: however, those item cannot be converted into Purchase Order are still at the P
urchase Inquiry. and the Status Assigned by system showed "Returned".
: as a result, when i try to delete item (those cannot be converted into Purchas
e Order), the system don't allow me to delete those item.
: May i know why ? and how to tackle this problem ?
: thanks

***************** End Of Article ******************

Phil Shipley posted Message 2122 in Message Board
Dated : June 30, 1999 at 04:38:59 EST
Subject: Re: How to handle Purchase requisitions?
PRQ also exists in the SCH extension for Baan IV. We have successfully extracte
d just PRQ from SCH although one or two customisations were required.
: : ... Since Baan doesnot have a Purchase requisition module, and this being a
very standard functionality required across industries, how do you handle it?
: : Any ideas will be appreciated.
: Hi,
: purchase requisitions are standard in BaanSeries. Assuming you currently use
BaanIV, I can explain our approach to patch that functional lag. Please provide
any email address...
: George

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Phil Shipley posted Message 2123 in Message Board
Dated : June 30, 1999 at 04:41:47 EST
Subject: Re: Sales Order Line Status REPORT
: Has anyone out there written a report version of the sales order line status d
isplay session? I'd be interested to see how it turned out. Thanks in advance.
This requirement sounds ideal for an EzSQL report. A few minutes work and it ca
n look like anything you want (within reason of course!!).
***************** End Of Article ******************
Phil Shipley posted Message 2124 in Message Board
Dated : June 30, 1999 at 04:48:49 EST
Subject: Re: Purchase R. to Purchase Order ..
What version of Baan are you using?
: I have met a problem. When the Purchase Requisition raised by the user have be
en approved. After converted into PO, some of the line have been amended by the
system. and the quantity has been changed by the system too.

: Why this happened ?

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S Krishnan posted Message 2125 in Message Board
Dated : June 30, 1999 at 05:55:33 EST
Subject: Authorisations for PO
We want to set a restriction on the maximum amount of a PO by user id.
I am able to set a limit at the orderline level through tools, but I want to set
this limit at order level.
How can we do this
***************** End Of Article ******************
Merv Carr posted Message 2126 in Message Board
Dated : June 30, 1999 at 07:51:43 EST
Subject: Re: Purchase Order... Deleted
By the way!
The item master purchase price is not the only basis one can
ice calculation. (There are in fact 3 purchase prices in the
n also use the "simulated Purchase Price" in Cost Accounting
st price calculation code you choose which purchase price to
the calculation.

use for the cost pr

item master) You ca
Master data). By co
use as a basis for

The zoom function from the item master is also not the only method of cost price
calculation. If you choose (and if there is any economic stock present), you c
an go to the cost accounting module and perform the calculation and update in th
e appropriate sessions (you can if you wish perform the calculation there withou
t updating the standard).
You will also get the error message that is mentioned in the original question i
f the order date of the PO predates the "Last Calculated" date for the item in q
: You cannot enter cost price in item master!!!!!!
: You will have to calculate Cost Price. Enter purchase price in item master and
then zoom to calculate cost prie for item.
: Then you can transfer the inquiry to PO!!
: SK
: : When i try to convert the Purchase Inquiry to Purchase Order,
: : the system printed an error message show "Cost price structure
: : not present for this date"
: : So i try to enter the cost price at the Maintain Item Master. It seemed like
partial item have been converted into Purchase
: : Order. Ok!
: : however, those item cannot be converted into Purchase Order are still at the
Purchase Inquiry. and the Status Assigned by system showed "Returned".

: : as a result, when i try to delete item (those cannot be converted into Purch
ase Order), the system don't allow me to delete those item.
: : May i know why ? and how to tackle this problem ?
: : thanks

***************** End Of Article ******************

Merv Carr posted Message 2127 in Message Board
Dated : June 30, 1999 at 07:59:31 EST
Subject: Re: Authorisations for PO
I have heard the story many times (in various formats from many different people
) of how users have circumvented PO limits by merely placing more than one PO in
smaller amounts. The point is "why bother trying to automate business rules ?".
A little training and discipline can save an awful lot of programming cost. If
you like create a report (probably SQL will be just fine) listing PO's and their
total amounts by buyer and make sure that this report is looked at on a regular
As a by the way, does anone perhaps know if Baan ERP has anything in this regard
: We want to set a restriction on the maximum amount of a PO by user id.
: I am able to set a limit at the orderline level through tools, but I want to s
et this limit at order level.
: How can we do this

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Colin Marriott posted Message 2128 in Message Board
Dated : June 30, 1999 at 10:19:42 EST
Subject: early deliveries
I have been asked to find out if anyone has managed to get BaaN to give a warnin
g if a supplier is trying to deliver a Purchase Order earlier than the planned o
rder date. There are manual checks that can be used like displaying the order de
tail in the receipt session as well as using Print GRN but nothing I can see tha
t would automatically flag up the problem. Has anyone got any bright ideas?
thanks in advance
***************** End Of Article ******************
Merv Carr posted Message 2129 in Message Board
Dated : June 30, 1999 at 10:54:31 EST
Subject: Re: early deliveries
Not a direct solution but...
What about including "Print Goods receipt note" as an order step. If the goods r

eceipt note is printed for only receipts due in the next e.g. 2days (or whatever
margin decided upon), if the user then tries to receive something that is not d
ue until e.g. 3 days in the future, then the receipt won't be able to be perform
ed. What i have also seen, is to link an "error message" to the effect of "Conta
ct buyer" or something to that effect if the receiver tries to select an order l
ine out of the parameters specified. Waddya think?
: I have been asked to find out if anyone has managed to get BaaN to give a warn
ing if a supplier is trying to deliver a Purchase Order earlier than the planned
order date. There are manual checks that can be used like displaying the order
detail in the receipt session as well as using Print GRN but nothing I can see t
hat would automatically flag up the problem. Has anyone got any bright ideas?
: thanks in advance
: Colin

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Bunny posted Message 2130 in Message Board
Dated : June 30, 1999 at 16:34:25 EST
Subject: Supplier currency
Hi all:
This is my problem:
I generate the MRP Orders automatically, for a specific supplier, the thing is t
hat based on the product I will need to pay them in dollars or in the local curr
ency, however, the MRP order is always in the currency that I defined for the su
pplier, is any way to go through this????
Thanx in advance
***************** End Of Article ******************
Bunny posted Message 2131 in Message Board
Dated : June 30, 1999 at 16:37:18 EST
Subject: Supplier currency
Hi all:
This is my problem:
I generate the MRP Orders automatically, for a specific supplier, the thing is t
hat based on the product I will need to pay them in dollars or in the local curr
ency, however, the MRP order is always in the currency that I defined for the su
pplier, is any way to go through this????
Thanx in advance
***************** End Of Article ******************
Peter Galan posted Message 2132 in Message Board
Dated : June 30, 1999 at 17:16:32 EST
Subject: Re: Sales promotions
We have a similar problem, and if you already foun out several solutions, maybe

one or more can work for us. First, our sales reps are not allowed to change pri
ces or discounts, that is we have a price set by price group and/or price list a
nd this is the way we created price profiles for the customers. Now, if we have
an offer, lets say buy 5 and get 1 free, our sales manager, which is the only per
son that can change prices and discounts has to change the price every time an o
ffer sells. He is going crazy with the offers. So how can we invoice 5 at a pric
e and then 1 (or maybe more) free (zero price) in the same invoice and without h
aving to change anything in the sales order? I appreciate your help.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Peter Galan posted Message 2133 in Message Board
Dated : June 30, 1999 at 17:24:01 EST
Subject: Re: warranty
I am sorry this is not an answer but rather is a question: I presume you are usi
ng serial numbers with the products you sell. Did you find a way to integrate th
e serial numbers in Baan? If yes, can you briefly tell me how? I was told we cou
ld implement using lots as serial numbers, the problem is that in the printed in
voice, the serial numbers (lot numbers) take a line each.
***************** End Of Article ******************
peter posted Message 2134 in Message Board
Dated : June 30, 1999 at 17:34:35 EST
Subject: Re: can you send purchase orders (Supply Chain) autom via fax/internet?
: do you have a proper solution to send your delivery notes from supply chain au
tomatically via fax or internet to your supplier?
: I' have written a PERL tool which converts the orders from ASCII-Format to fax
-g3 file an sends it to your supplier. If the fax fails or succeeds you get a ma
il-message and protocolls.
: Is there anybody interested ?
: Thomas ;-))

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Peter Galan posted Message 2135 in Message Board
Dated : June 30, 1999 at 17:40:53 EST
Subject: Re: can you send purchase orders (Supply Chain) autom via fax/internet?
We are interested. We currently use BaanIVc2 Win NT and SQL7.0. We would like to
sned quotes and POs with Castelle Faxpress 4.0, which is the faxserver we use. W
e tried to integrate the faxservers driver as a printer but no luck. So now basic
ally we are printing to an ACSI file and then run the faxserve software or attac
h the file to an email. If you have a solution to do it faster we are interested

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Merv Carr posted Message 2136 in Message Board
Dated : June 30, 1999 at 19:14:13 EST
Subject: Re: Supplier currency
I would say define a second supplier with the appropriate (other) currency(only
the supplier number would be different, everything else would remain the same) a
nd then link this "second" supplier to the item in question.
: Hi all:
: This is my problem:
: I generate the MRP Orders automatically, for a specific supplier, the thing is
that based on the product I will need to pay them in dollars or in the local cu
rrency, however, the MRP order is always in the currency that I defined for the
supplier, is any way to go through this????
: Thanx in advance
: Bunny

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KianHaur posted Message 2137 in Message Board
Dated : July 01, 1999 at 00:13:44 EST
Subject: Re: Purchase R. to Purchase Order ..
We are using B40C2 version.
Purchase Requisition = Purchase Inquiry.
: What version of Baan are you using?
: : I have met a problem. When the Purchase Requisition raised by the user have
been approved. After converted into PO, some of the line have been amended by th
e system. and the quantity has been changed by the system too.
: : Why this happened ?

***************** End Of Article ******************

mine posted Message 2138 in Message Board
Dated : July 01, 1999 at 04:13:05 EST
Subject: Re: early deliveries
If you use Purchase Schedule Contracts, you can arrange if you allow early deliv
eries or not, if yes, number of days you allow for early delivery, etc.
: Not a direct solution but...

: What about including "Print Goods receipt note" as an order step. If the goods
receipt note is printed for only receipts due in the next e.g. 2days (or whatev
er margin decided upon), if the user then tries to receive something that is not
due until e.g. 3 days in the future, then the receipt won't be able to be perfo
rmed. What i have also seen, is to link an "error message" to the effect of "Con
tact buyer" or something to that effect if the receiver tries to select an order
line out of the parameters specified. Waddya think?
: : I have been asked to find out if anyone has managed to get BaaN to give a wa
rning if a supplier is trying to deliver a Purchase Order earlier than the plann
ed order date. There are manual checks that can be used like displaying the orde
r detail in the receipt session as well as using Print GRN but nothing I can see
that would automatically flag up the problem. Has anyone got any bright ideas?
: : thanks in advance
: : Colin

***************** End Of Article ******************

Carol Schmidt posted Message 2139 in Message Board
Dated : July 01, 1999 at 08:19:49 EST
Subject: Modifying Contract History Details
We have a scenario in which we have a contract set-up for Customer "A". However
we will never process sales orders for Customer "A". We have other multiple cu
stomers for who we will process sales orders and these orders will use Customer
"A" contract details by entering Customer "A" customer number in the field "Cust
omer Prices and Discounts" (tdsls040.pcpr). These other customers then resell th
e items to Customer "A" themselves. This way contract information can be captur
ed for Customer "A" even though sales orders are not received from Customer "A"
but are received from a multitude of other customers.
If the user forgets to input the customer "A" account in the above mentioned fie
ld, the contract details are then not captured yet the sale of the product has b
een processed to the correct customer.
Is there a manual way of modifying the contract information and history ( ie: ca
lled quantity, called amount, invoiced quantity, invoiced amount)? Or can you su
ggest a workaround?
Your prompt response would be appeciated.
Carol Schmidt
***************** End Of Article ******************
Tom R posted Message 2140 in Message Board
Dated : July 01, 1999 at 09:13:43 EST
Subject: Re: How to handle Purchase requisitions?
: In our company we have each department raising purchase requisitions for items
we dont normally carry in stock.
: The purchase officer clubs these requests & raises one or many POs depending o
n the items & quantiies. Once they are received he then allocates it to the resp
ective requesting departments.

: Since Baan doesnot have a Purchase requisition module, and this being a very s
tandard functionality required across industries, how do you hjandle it?
We had the same problem. First we put a default employee on all items. Our solu
tion was to create a report using a report writer that would select confirmed or
ders. we would print out each GRP order with distribution and assign it to buye
rs when the drawing package was made available, by changing the buyer and time s
tamping the GRP print out. This then gives the buyer and manager a requisition
can be audited and the time is stamped so that regardless of the planned order d
ate, we know when the requirement hit the buyers desk.
Email me if you have any other question,
: Any ideas will be appreiated.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Merv Carr posted Message 2141 in Message Board
Dated : July 01, 1999 at 11:21:22 EST
Subject: Re: early deliveries
Care to explain this one a little further? Are you perhaps talking about the fun
ction on Contract Delivery Schedules which allows you to generate orders xx numb
er of days into the future?
: If you use Purchase Schedule Contracts, you can arrange if you allow early del
iveries or not, if yes, number of days you allow for early delivery, etc.
: : Not a direct solution but...
: : What about including "Print Goods receipt note" as an order step. If the goo
ds receipt note is printed for only receipts due in the next e.g. 2days (or what
ever margin decided upon), if the user then tries to receive something that is n
ot due until e.g. 3 days in the future, then the receipt won't be able to be per
formed. What i have also seen, is to link an "error message" to the effect of "C
ontact buyer" or something to that effect if the receiver tries to select an ord
er line out of the parameters specified. Waddya think?
: : : I have been asked to find out if anyone has managed to get BaaN to give a
warning if a supplier is trying to deliver a Purchase Order earlier than the pla
nned order date. There are manual checks that can be used like displaying the or
der detail in the receipt session as well as using Print GRN but nothing I can s
ee that would automatically flag up the problem. Has anyone got any bright ideas
: : : thanks in advance
: : : Colin

***************** End Of Article ******************

Merv Carr posted Message 2142 in Message Board
Dated : July 01, 1999 at 11:57:55 EST

Subject: Re: Sales promotions

Hi Guys
Haven't really thought this one through properly, but was just wondering if Sale
s Contracts (Promotional Contracts) with a specific time period would be of any
help, in conjunction with an alternative sales unit (where e.g. 1 unit = 5 cd's
?) As I say I haven't really thought it through properly, I don't have access to
a system right now, but it might be an avenue worth investigating.
Keep us posted as to how you get on.
: : Hello,
: : I am implementing Baan at a wholesale company, they do certain promotions wh
ere the offer customers 'buy one get one free' - i cant figure out how this coul
d be done in Baan ic4. They also need to be able to control the dates for which
these promotions apply.
: : many thanks in advance
: ----------------------------: hi ralph,
: I'm implementing baan4c4 on a music cd distributor in england and of course I
have the same problem. There are more than one solution, depending on how you wa
nt to treat the information in finance. Up to now, I have the following solution
: when creating the sales order, you put a 100% discount to the item you want to
give free. Of course, it is not automatic. Tell me more about your problem and
I will try to help you
: good luck
: martine

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Merv Carr posted Message 2143 in Message Board
Dated : July 01, 1999 at 12:06:55 EST
Subject: Re: warranty
Have you looked at using "Variable Lot Features" perhaps ? That would let you re
cord specific details about a serial numbered item (Things like sale date etc.)

how can we define a warranty periods in sale order without using

the service module.
does baan soport the warranty periods, and how can we follow the
warranty period when a product come to repair.

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Saqib Mahmood posted Message 2144 in Message Board
Dated : July 01, 1999 at 16:04:13 EST
Subject: Inventory transfers

My question is that a company is implementing distribution and finace modules of

BaaN4c2. Since there is no manufacuring module, and the client is in the busine
ss of manufacturing Food stuff and beverages, how would the finished goods from
the WIP be transfered to the finished goods warehouse, without production issues
and production transfers?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Mark Kovatch posted Message 2145 in Message Board
Dated : July 01, 1999 at 17:36:17 EST
Subject: Multi PO's linked to a Sales Order
BaanERP, Does anyone know of a way to link multi PO's to one (1) Sales Order wit
h one (1) line item ?
We are trying to avoid having multi lines on the Sales Order.
We are testing if we can fool the purchase advise, by creating the PO's and at t
he PO Advice, we enter a Po # and qty. This we hoped would allow us to generate
PO Advice again from the SO for the balance.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Merv Carr posted Message 2146 in Message Board
Dated : July 01, 1999 at 18:01:04 EST
Subject: Re: Multi PO's linked to a Sales Order
Why are you wanting to do this, what are you trying to achieve ? If the type of
item dictates only a certain qty per po then perhaps play with the item ordering
parameters ?
: BaanERP, Does anyone know of a way to link multi PO's to one (1) Sales Order w
ith one (1) line item ?
: We are trying to avoid having multi lines on the Sales Order.
: We are testing if we can fool the purchase advise, by creating the PO's and at
the PO Advice, we enter a Po # and qty. This we hoped would allow us to generat
e PO Advice again from the SO for the balance.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Mark posted Message 2147 in Message Board
Dated : July 01, 1999 at 21:16:07 EST
Subject: Re: Multi PO's linked to a Sales Order
We are a distribution type of company, but more of commodities type of distribut
or. This case is as such. We take an order for say 500 ea of item X. We then go
out and find the best price to fill the order. 80% of the time the total qty nev
er comes from one vendor. We have on average 2-4 PO's per SO. With more then one
PO open at a time. Plus 90% of our business is this way, were we take a SO then
Link a PO.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Mark posted Message 2148 in Message Board

Dated : July 01, 1999 at 21:23:52 EST

Subject: Inbound Advice based on SIZE of storage container
Would like to generate inbound advice base on the size of container the received
goods are going to be stored in. At receiving this size is determined, so any t
ime after the PO Line Item is linked to a receiver, we can enter the info. After
receipt all items go through inspection, then we generate inbound to a Location
Controled Warehouse.
Note: we can not use package definition, the qty's are nerver the same to have a
set conversion factor.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Wim posted Message 2149 in Message Board
Dated : July 02, 1999 at 03:25:32 EST
Subject: print salesstatistcs in a archivecompany
Does anybody know how can I print salesstatistcs in an archivecompany. I have ar
chive data from an (live-)company to an archivecomapny with session tdsst0202m00
0, then activate sortcodes and check the layoutcodes which are ok.
(Procedure according Baan archivedocument U7046A US)
But when I want to print salesstatistics in the archivecompany I get the message
"No data within selection"
Number of records in table tdsst010 400.000 (340MB) and tdsst030 32.000 records.
Baan can't solve/explain this problem.
If anyone has sugesstions what I have to do please reply
Thank you

***************** End Of Article ******************

KianHaur posted Message 2150 in Message Board
Dated : July 02, 1999 at 05:11:39 EST
Subject: Purchase Order Modified !
I have a query. If i order 10 unit of PC in a purchase order, but
when i received the goods, the supplier only gave me 9 units instead of 10. so .
.. when i do Maintain Receipt,
-What should i do ?
-and may i know how it affected my Account site.
-should i amend my PO or the system will automatic update the
PO for me ?
Thanks in advance
***************** End Of Article ******************
Troy Winsett posted Message 2151 in Message Board
Dated : July 02, 1999 at 10:14:50 EST
Subject: Re: EDI 810s (out) refuse to generate

: I have a strange problem which I am hoping someone might recognize, or have a

suggestion for:
: I have 8 invoices sitting in tcedi700 (EDI messages to be generated) - these w
ere newly created as usual by tdsls4404m000. When I click on either Generate or
DNC, these messages refuse to generate the corresponding EDI 810 files.
: I have checked both the relations and the messages by relation, and they are f
ine - several invoices for thh same relation have been printed and generated sin
ce. The same 8 invoices get left behind unprocessed each time. There is no obvio
us solution to this.
: Any ideas / suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
: Thanks in advance,
: Justin

***************** End Of Article ******************

Troy Winsett posted Message 2152 in Message Board
Dated : July 02, 1999 at 10:16:39 EST
Subject: Re: EDI 810s (out) refuse to generate
: I have a strange problem which I am hoping someone might recognize, or have a
suggestion for:
: I have 8 invoices sitting in tcedi700 (EDI messages to be generated) - these w
ere newly created as usual by tdsls4404m000. When I click on either Generate or
DNC, these messages refuse to generate the corresponding EDI 810 files.
: I have checked both the relations and the messages by relation, and they are f
ine - several invoices for thh same relation have been printed and generated sin
ce. The same 8 invoices get left behind unprocessed each time. There is no obvio
us solution to this.
: Any ideas / suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
: Thanks in advance,
: Justin
I had this happen once. What I discovered was that setting a relation up for th
e parent customer for EDI took care of the problem. I also found that if the in
voice has been deleted for some reason after it was printed then it will not sen
d it EDI. Maybe this will help.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Naveed I. Khan posted Message 2153 in Message Board
Dated : July 02, 1999 at 10:37:51 EST
Subject: Re: Purchase Order Modified !
Dear Kian,
When you recive quantity less then you ordered, it automatically go to back orde

r quantity. You dont need to make any changes to your PO. If you dont want to
receive the remaining back order)quantity, you may zero the back order field. T
he invoice will only be printed for the quantity you are receiving.
Hope this answers you question
Good Luck,
: I have a query. If i order 10 unit of PC in a purchase order, but
: when i received the goods, the supplier only gave me 9 units instead of 10. so
... when i do Maintain Receipt,

-What should i do ?
-and may i know how it affected my Account site.
-should i amend my PO or the system will automatic update the
PO for me ?

: Thanks in advance

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Naveed I. Khan posted Message 2154 in Message Board
Dated : July 02, 1999 at 10:49:17 EST
Subject: Re: Inventory transfers
Dear Saqib,
If your client is not using mmanufacturing module, your best bet is to use "tdin
v1101m00", if they are not using location control. You may use "tdilc1120m000",
if they have location control turned on.
Good Luck,
: My question is that a company is implementing distribution and finace modules
of BaaN4c2. Since there is no manufacuring module, and the client is in the busi
ness of manufacturing Food stuff and beverages, how would the finished goods fro
m the WIP be transfered to the finished goods warehouse, without production issu
es and production transfers?

***************** End Of Article ******************

Jeff Reger posted Message 2155 in Message Board
Dated : July 02, 1999 at 13:39:09 EST
Subject: &quot;Currency of office 1 not found&quot;
Hello All I get the following message when trying to save a sales order line in Baan ERP (

"Currency of office 1 not found".
I have looked at the Business Partner and their associated address records and i
nsured that the appropriate currencies are specified. I have checked the sellin
g company data to insure that the proper currencies are there as well. I can no
t find an "office 1" anywhere in the system. I have checked the sales and purch
asing office definitions and there are no currency fields available to be set in
these tables.
Any help or ideas would be appreciated.
Thanks Jeff Reger
Advanced Creative Computer Solutions, LLC
***************** End Of Article ******************
Pamela posted Message 2156 in Message Board
Dated : July 02, 1999 at 20:20:51 EST
Subject: Process Sales-Data to A/R.
Hi all ,
Does anyone know what tables of F/N module that
Baan insert data to after we do step "Process Delivered
Sales order" ???
Thanks in advance.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Mine posted Message 2157 in Message Board
Dated : July 05, 1999 at 08:34:39 EST
Subject: Re: early deliveries, reply to Merv
I am working with Purchase Schedules and don't know the situation with Delivery
While creating Purchase Schedule Contracts, There are some questions like :
- Allow Non -Released Shipments?
(A schedule may consist of 3 status Released, Planned and Forecast. When the ans
wer to above question is "No", in Maintain Receipts session, you can see only s
cheduled quantities with Released Status , and you cannot receive the quantities
with Planned and Forecast Status as you cannot see them.)
- Allow Early Delivery ?
If the answer is "Yes", you need to reply,
- Number of Days.
If you allow Non-Released Shipments, and allow early delivery, e.g. for 15 days
; in Maintain Receipts, you can see and receive the quantities scheduled until 1
5 days even if they are not in Released Status.
Hope I could be clear.

: Care to explain this one a little further? Are you perhaps talking about the f
unction on Contract Delivery Schedules which allows you to generate orders xx nu
mber of days into the future?
: : If you use Purchase Schedule Contracts, you can arrange if you allow early d
eliveries or not, if yes, number of days you allow for early delivery, etc.
: :
: : : Not a direct solution but...
: : : What about including "Print Goods receipt note" as an order step. If the g
oods receipt note is printed for only receipts due in the next e.g. 2days (or wh
atever margin decided upon), if the user then tries to receive something that is
not due until e.g. 3 days in the future, then the receipt won't be able to be p
erformed. What i have also seen, is to link an "error message" to the effect of
"Contact buyer" or something to that effect if the receiver tries to select an o
rder line out of the parameters specified. Waddya think?
: : : : I have been asked to find out if anyone has managed to get BaaN to give
a warning if a supplier is trying to deliver a Purchase Order earlier than the p
lanned order date. There are manual checks that can be used like displaying the
order detail in the receipt session as well as using Print GRN but nothing I can
see that would automatically flag up the problem. Has anyone got any bright ide
: : : : thanks in advance
: : : : Colin

***************** End Of Article ******************

Mike posted Message 2158 in Message Board
Dated : July 05, 1999 at 08:41:02 EST
Subject: Re: &quot;Currency of office 1 not found&quot;
We have seen this a lot as well. What is your multi-site setup? If you are in a
multi-logistic, single-finance, if you try to run any logistic transactions (sal
es orders etc.) in this company you will get this error. Also, make sure that yo
u have your EU's set up correctly on your operational enterprise structure model
. If you look in Departments (tcmcs0565m000) check to see that the EU's are prop
erly set up for Office 1.

: Hello All : I get the following message when trying to save a sales order line in Baan ERP
: "Currency of office 1 not found".
: I have looked at the Business Partner and their associated address records and
insured that the appropriate currencies are specified. I have checked the sell
ing company data to insure that the proper currencies are there as well. I can
not find an "office 1" anywhere in the system. I have checked the sales and pur
chasing office definitions and there are no currency fields available to be set
in these tables.

: Any help or ideas would be appreciated.


Thanks Jeff Reger

Advanced Creative Computer Solutions, LLC

***************** End Of Article ******************

Merv Carr posted Message 2159 in Message Board
Dated : July 05, 1999 at 10:38:17 EST
Subject: Re: early deliveries, reply to Merv
Now I get it! You are working with Supply Chain and not "normal" purchase orders
. Correct ? I guess for users with "normal" purchase orders they would still be
up the creek !
: I am working with Purchase Schedules and don't know the situation with Deliver
y Schedules.
: While creating Purchase Schedule Contracts, There are some questions like :
: - Allow Non -Released Shipments?
: (A schedule may consist of 3 status Released, Planned and Forecast. When the a
nswer to above question is "No", in Maintain Receipts session, you can see only
scheduled quantities with Released Status , and you cannot receive the quantiti
es with Planned and Forecast Status as you cannot see them.)
: - Allow Early Delivery ?
: If the answer is "Yes", you need to reply,
: - Number of Days.
: If you allow Non-Released Shipments, and allow early delivery, e.g. for 15 da
ys; in Maintain Receipts, you can see and receive the quantities scheduled until
15 days even if they are not in Released Status.
: Hope I could be clear.
: : Care to explain this one a little further? Are you perhaps talking about the
function on Contract Delivery Schedules which allows you to generate orders xx
number of days into the future?
: : : If you use Purchase Schedule Contracts, you can arrange if you allow early
deliveries or not, if yes, number of days you allow for early delivery, etc.
: : :
: : : : Not a direct solution but...
: : : : What about including "Print Goods receipt note" as an order step. If the
goods receipt note is printed for only receipts due in the next e.g. 2days (or
whatever margin decided upon), if the user then tries to receive something that
is not due until e.g. 3 days in the future, then the receipt won't be able to be
performed. What i have also seen, is to link an "error message" to the effect o
f "Contact buyer" or something to that effect if the receiver tries to select an
order line out of the parameters specified. Waddya think?
: : : : : I have been asked to find out if anyone has managed to get BaaN to giv
e a warning if a supplier is trying to deliver a Purchase Order earlier than the

planned order date. There are manual checks that can be used like displaying th
e order detail in the receipt session as well as using Print GRN but nothing I c
an see that would automatically flag up the problem. Has anyone got any bright i
: : : : : thanks in advance
: : : : : Colin

***************** End Of Article ******************

Morgan posted Message 2160 in Message Board
Dated : July 05, 1999 at 12:53:49 EST
Subject: Lot Pricing - Process Manufacturing
I have created a Manufactured Process item with Lot Control turned on, and have
selected Lot Price as it's Inventory Valuation method.
However, when I manufacture and post a lot of this item to inventory, it does no
t pick up batch-specific costing. Rather, the lot adopts the current Cost Price
(i.e. FTP).
Knowledge Quest reads:
For production lots which are valued against lot price, the current standard cos
t price structure (FTP) is fixed as lot price at the moment the lot is posted to
Has anyone been able to have BaaN IV store lot inventories at actual batch costs
? I think this may not be possible based upon the above.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Merv Carr posted Message 2161 in Message Board
Dated : July 05, 1999 at 16:32:56 EST
Subject: Re: Lot Pricing - Process Manufacturing
Any inventory movement will always be at FTP, the difference between Lot Price a
nd FTP though will create a "result". If you look at the lot data (Maintain Lots
or Display Lots)you should be able to see the lot price and therefore verify th
at the "Lot Pricing" is working.
: I have created a Manufactured Process item with Lot Control turned on, and hav
e selected Lot Price as it's Inventory Valuation method.
: However, when I manufacture and post a lot of this item to inventory, it does
not pick up batch-specific costing. Rather, the lot adopts the current Cost Pri
ce (i.e. FTP).
: Knowledge Quest reads:
: For production lots which are valued against lot price, the current standard c
ost price structure (FTP) is fixed as lot price at the moment the lot is posted
to inventory.

: Has anyone been able to have BaaN IV store lot inventories at actual batch cos
ts? I think this may not be possible based upon the above.
: Thanks,
: Morgan

***************** End Of Article ******************

Chris Ross posted Message 2162 in Message Board
Dated : July 05, 1999 at 16:55:54 EST
Subject: Invoicing Reports
We are using Lot Control and are looking for a report (preferably within BaaN) t
hat will give us a list of items invoiced by Lot # (or lot #'s invoiced by item)
with details.
Any comments would be appreciated.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Ron posted Message 2163 in Message Board
Dated : July 05, 1999 at 18:44:31 EST
Subject: Re: Order Unblocking
A client I am at now is having problems with Baan re-blocking orders after certa
in changes have been made. It seems to be a bug that has been turned over to Baa
***************** End Of Article ******************
Carol Schmidt posted Message 2164 in Message Board
Dated : July 06, 1999 at 09:08:11 EST
Subject: Deleting records from Maintain Customers tccom1101m000
I am attempting to delete customers from the session tccom1101m000 Maintain Cust
omers". The session is prohibiting the deletion of these accounts.
The accounts do not have Order Balances or Invoice Balances.
Please advise other restrictions that would disallow these deletions.
Thank you in advance for your comments.
Carol Schmidt
***************** End Of Article ******************
Mike B posted Message 2165 in Message Board
Dated : July 06, 1999 at 11:42:01 EST
Subject: Business Partners
We are looking at the setup of the various roles for a business partner and have

run into some problems. With our business, a dealer will have the ship-to BP ro
le, but no other roles. The sold-to, invoice-to, and pay-from roles will be a "p
arent" dealer. However, this ship-to BP can have a parent/child relationship wit
h multiple sold-to BP's. It looks like the only way to handle this is to actuall
y have multiple Ship-to BP codes set up for the same ship-to BP and attach diffe
rent parents to each of them. When we create a sales order, if we select a soldto BP we can only ship to that same BP or its children. So it seems we have to h
ave a parent/child relationship for each of the scenarios. Has anyone else encou
ntered limitations of the BP functionality?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Dave Huette posted Message 2166 in Message Board
Dated : July 06, 1999 at 15:52:20 EST
Subject: Re: How S.O without Invoice Number.
One way you could print orders that have not been invoiced would be to use Displ
ay Sales Order Line Status. Go to Tools pull down menu and run a query with Sal
es Status Code(operator '<' and expression would be '6' for invoicing sales step
Hope this helps.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Barb G posted Message 2167 in Message Board
Dated : July 06, 1999 at 22:23:54 EST
Subject: Finance company on sales order header
When I try to enter a sales order header, I get the message
"company not found". The finance company defaults in and skips down to order da
te. The company that defaults in, is not a financial company. Where do I chang
e/link this to the correct finance company?
***************** End Of Article ******************
venkat posted Message 2168 in Message Board
Dated : July 06, 1999 at 23:09:18 EST
Subject: Re: Finance company on sales order header
: When I try to enter a sales order header, I get the message
: "company not found". The finance company defaults in and skips down to order
date. The company that defaults in, is not a financial company. Where do I cha
nge/link this to the correct finance company?
go to the session "Maintain logistic companies by financial companies" tfgld0100
m000 and maintain your company. this setup has to be done by the finance consult
***************** End Of Article ******************
venkat posted Message 2169 in Message Board
Dated : July 06, 1999 at 23:18:15 EST

Subject: Re: Deleting records from Maintain Customers tccom1101m000

: I am attempting to delete customers from the session tccom1101m000 Maintain Cu
stomers". The session is prohibiting the deletion of these accounts.
: The accounts do not have Order Balances or Invoice Balances.
: Please advise other restrictions that would disallow these deletions.
: Thank you in advance for your comments.
: Carol Schmidt
please check the other tables in customer master like "maintain postal addresses
", "maintain Delivery addresses", "maintain banks by customers", etc. then, you
can delete the customer from the customer master.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Devarajan posted Message 2170 in Message Board
Dated : July 07, 1999 at 04:23:03 EST
Subject: Negative Inventory parameter Triton 3.1a:
We had set the "Negative Inventory allowed" parameter to NO at a live site.
But this doesn't seem to be working . The picking list shows the Inventory on h
and as negative. Despite this the user was able to maintain deliveries for this
item which was not in inventory in that w/h.
Now the warehouse inventory by item shows the Inventory on Hand as negative.
Please give your valuable comments/suggestions.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Bombie posted Message 2171 in Message Board
Dated : July 07, 1999 at 04:51:28 EST
Subject: Re: Deleting records from Maintain Customers tccom1101m000
: I am attempting to delete customers from the session tccom1101m000 Maintain Cu
stomers". The session is prohibiting the deletion of these accounts.
: The accounts do not have Order Balances or Invoice Balances.
: Please advise other restrictions that would disallow these deletions.
You may also check the Sales Prices by Customer and Item table. And if your Tra
nsport module is implemented, check the transport address table.
: Thank you in advance for your comments.
: Carol Schmidt

***************** End Of Article ******************

Nelson posted Message 2172 in Message Board
Dated : July 07, 1999 at 07:02:08 EST
Subject: URGENT- Order steps(Procedure Mask) not updated
My Sales order type has got 5 order steps. I am able to generate sales orders us
ing that only for the items available stock and can print the sales orders too a
s per the order type but I'm not able to execute other steps because the order l
ine status is not updated after printing the sales orders.
Does anyone have any clue why the system is behaving this way.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Ashish posted Message 2173 in Message Board
Dated : July 07, 1999 at 07:08:39 EST
Subject: Error &quot;calendar not defined for forward planning as on date&quot;
If I try to enter a sales order for an item without sufficient inventory on hand
I get a message "calendar not defined for forward planning as on date" and henc
e cannot proceed further.
Is it some parameter setting?
Any ideas/ views will be appreciated

***************** End Of Article ******************

Nelson posted Message 2174 in Message Board
Dated : July 07, 1999 at 07:17:25 EST
Subject: URGENT- Order steps not updated
My order type has got 5 order steps. I am able to generate sales orders using th
at only for items avl in stock and can print sales orders as per the order type
but I am not able to execute other steps because the order line status is not up
dated after printing the sales orders. Can anyone tell me why system is behaving
this way?
***************** End Of Article ******************
adeline posted Message 2175 in Message Board
Dated : July 07, 1999 at 07:18:31 EST
Subject: les magasins avec emplacement
when I create a warehouse with location, do I have create a recept location and
a control location

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Praveen Sharma posted Message 2176 in Message Board
Dated : July 07, 1999 at 07:25:14 EST
Subject: Re: URGENT- Order steps not updated
Could you please give the order steps. So that i can the see the problem.
Praveen Sharma
: My order type has got 5 order steps. I am able to generate sales orders using
that only for items avl in stock and can print sales orders as per the order typ
e but I am not able to execute other steps because the order line status is not
updated after printing the sales orders. Can anyone tell me why system is behavi
ng this way?
: Thanks,
: Nelson

***************** End Of Article ******************

Oliver Kleindienst posted Message 2177 in Message Board
Dated : July 07, 1999 at 08:06:56 EST
Subject: Purchase-Contracts and MRP (BAAN IV c 4)
How does the MRP react if I try to release an MRP Purchase Order whith more than
one free Purchase-Contracts? I found out that in the Purchase Header the last f
ree Contract-Number is inserted, while in the Orderline the first Number is in u
What has to be the normal reaction and what is the logic behind it?
Thanks for sollutions!
***************** End Of Article ******************
Nelson posted Message 2178 in Message Board
Dated : July 07, 1999 at 08:39:29 EST
Subject: Re: URGENT- Order steps not updated
Sure indeed, the order steps are :
1. Print Sales Order by Order No.
2. Print Picking List
3. Maintain Deliveries
4. Print Packing Slips
5. Print Sales Invoice
6. Process Delivered Sales Order
Please look into it and let me know if there is someting wrong in it.
: Hello
Could you please give the order steps. So that i can the see the problem.

: Regards
: Praveen Sharma
: : My order type has got 5 order steps. I am able to generate sales orders usin
g that only for items avl in stock and can print sales orders as per the order t
ype but I am not able to execute other steps because the order line status is no
t updated after printing the sales orders. Can anyone tell me why system is beha
ving this way?
: : Thanks,
: : Nelson

***************** End Of Article ******************

Naveed I. Khan posted Message 2179 in Message Board
Dated : July 07, 1999 at 11:48:04 EST
Subject: Re: les magasins avec emplacement
Dear Adeline,
You have to generate both receipt and inspection location, when you generate loc
ation for a warehouse.
Good Luck,
: when I create a warehouse with location, do I have create a recept location an
d a control location
: Regards

***************** End Of Article ******************

Doug Woeste posted Message 2180 in Message Board
Dated : July 07, 1999 at 13:12:27 EST
Subject: Re: Process Sales-Data to A/R.
It depends on the settings in the Integration with other modules parameters. If
you have both of these set to No, then process delivered sales invoices moves i
ntegration transactions into the tfgld410 through tfgld419. It may update other
logistic tables, but these are the main Finance tables.

: Hi all ,
Does anyone know what tables of F/N module that
: Baan insert data to after we do step "Process Delivered
: Sales order" ???

: Thanks in advance.

***************** End Of Article ******************

David Elliott posted Message 2181 in Message Board
Dated : July 07, 1999 at 13:23:54 EST
Subject: Re: URGENT- Order steps not updated
Are you using location control? If so then you will not be able to print the Pic
king lists until you have Generated Outbound
***************** End Of Article ******************
Bunny posted Message 2182 in Message Board
Dated : July 07, 1999 at 13:23:59 EST
Subject: SLS invoices table??
Hi all:
I need your help here:
I need to know in which table are stored the invoices that come from distributio
n? I do not know if really exists one table, since I was looking for it and I ca
nnot find it.
Anyway if somebody could help me it will be very appreciated!!!
Thanx in advance for your help!!!!
***************** End Of Article ******************
JMorton posted Message 2183 in Message Board
Dated : July 07, 1999 at 14:08:17 EST
Subject: Pedimento document
Does anyone know of a third-party product useful for printing a pedimento (an ex
port declaration document)?
We have a Maquiladora company in Mexico and have a need to create these document
s for the export of goods.
I wanted to see if something already existed before tackling writing something i
n Tools.
Thank you. - Jeff
***************** End Of Article ******************
Naveed I. Khan posted Message 2184 in Message Board
Dated : July 07, 1999 at 14:28:23 EST
Subject: Re: Negative Inventory parameter -

Dear Devarajan,
One way of turning the flag for -ive inventory "No", is to generate location con
trol. This can be achieved by runinng "tdilc0230m000".
Good Luck
: Triton 3.1a:
: We had set the "Negative Inventory allowed" parameter to NO at a live site.
: But this doesn't seem to be working . The picking list shows the Inventory on
hand as negative. Despite this the user was able to maintain deliveries for thi
s item which was not in inventory in that w/h.
: Now the warehouse inventory by item shows the Inventory on Hand as negative.
: Please give your valuable comments/suggestions.
: Devarajan

***************** End Of Article ******************

Carol Schmidt posted Message 2185 in Message Board
Dated : July 07, 1999 at 14:31:53 EST
Subject: Change Prices and Discounts after Maintain Deliveries
While in session "Change Prices and Discounts after "Maintain Deliveries", if th
e user wishes to modify the discount structure under the field "Changed Discount
", the session "Maintain Discount Structure" ( tdsls0130s000) is executed. The
user is able to modify the Discount Percentage but is unable to modify the disco
unt method. Why?
Carol Schmidt
***************** End Of Article ******************
Merv Carr posted Message 2186 in Message Board
Dated : July 07, 1999 at 20:25:48 EST
Subject: Re: URGENT- Order steps not updated
Just looking at the order steps you mentioned, I would say your very first step
is incorrect, it should be "print order documents" (as opposed to the report whi
ch I think you are trying to include as a step), don't have a system in front of
me to verify the session number, but if you are trying to add in a "non-standar
d" session into the order procedure then your order status will definitely not b
e updated. I will follow up to this note to-morrow and pin down the session numb
ers for you.
: Sure indeed, the order steps are :
1. Print Sales Order by Order No.
2. Print Picking List
3. Maintain Deliveries
4. Print Packing Slips
5. Print Sales Invoice


: 6. Process Delivered Sales Order

: Please look into it and let me know if there is someting wrong in it.
: : Hello
: :
Could you please give the order steps. So that i can the see the problem.
: : Regards
: : Praveen Sharma
: : : My order type has got 5 order steps. I am able to generate sales orders us
ing that only for items avl in stock and can print sales orders as per the order
type but I am not able to execute other steps because the order line status is
not updated after printing the sales orders. Can anyone tell me why system is be
having this way?
: : : Thanks,
: : : Nelson

***************** End Of Article ******************

Peter posted Message 2187 in Message Board
Dated : July 08, 1999 at 03:34:41 EST
Subject: Picking List and Packing Slip for Sales Order
Can I define the series for my Picking List and Packing Slip?
Session Maintain First Free Nos. shows these options but when you select any of
them it says "No series in use, adding not allowed". I have checked all SLS para
meters but couldn't find a field where you say whether you want to have your own
series for these documents(for Sales). I would appreciate any help on this
***************** End Of Article ******************
Marc posted Message 2188 in Message Board
Dated : July 08, 1999 at 07:10:58 EST
Subject: Re: SLS invoices table??
Hi Bunny,
I have no Baan system on hand at this moment but
you could try to go to the session print invoices and then click on the question
mark and go to the field invoicenumber.
In the appearing help box you can see the table in the (blue) header.
Hope this helps
: Hi all:
: I need your help here:
: I need to know in which table are stored the invoices that come from distribut
ion? I do not know if really exists one table, since I was looking for it and I
cannot find it.
: Anyway if somebody could help me it will be very appreciated!!!
: Thanx in advance for your help!!!!
: Bunny

***************** End Of Article ******************

Merv Carr posted Message 2189 in Message Board
Dated : July 08, 1999 at 09:12:59 EST
Subject: Re: Picking List and Packing Slip for Sales Order
You cannot use series numbers for these documents mentioned for the simple reaso
n that there is nowhere to select a series in the print sessions. Just because y
ou can see the first free numbers in the table does not necessarily mean you can
define a series for them. All you can do is override the first available number
: Can I define the series for my Picking List and Packing Slip?
: Session Maintain First Free Nos. shows these options but when you select any o
f them it says "No series in use, adding not allowed". I have checked all SLS pa
rameters but couldn't find a field where you say whether you want to have your o
wn series for these documents(for Sales). I would appreciate any help on this

***************** End Of Article ******************

Merv Carr posted Message 2190 in Message Board
Dated : July 08, 1999 at 09:17:21 EST
Subject: Re: URGENT- Order steps not updated
The session "Print Order acknowledgements" (tdsls4401m000) should be the first s
tep in your procedure and NOT the session "Print sales orders by order number" tdsls4410m000. Using this session in your order steps will definitely not allow
the order status to be updated.
: Just looking at the order steps you mentioned, I would say your very first ste
p is incorrect, it should be "print order documents" (as opposed to the report w
hich I think you are trying to include as a step), don't have a system in front
of me to verify the session number, but if you are trying to add in a "non-stand
ard" session into the order procedure then your order status will definitely not
be updated. I will follow up to this note to-morrow and pin down the session nu
mbers for you.

: Sure indeed, the order steps are :

1. Print Sales Order by Order No.
2. Print Picking List
3. Maintain Deliveries
4. Print Packing Slips
5. Print Sales Invoice
6. Process Delivered Sales Order
Please look into it and let me know if there is someting wrong in it.


: :
: : : Hello
: : :
Could you please give the order steps. So that i can the see the proble
: : : Regards
: : : Praveen Sharma

: : : : My order type has got 5 order steps. I am able to generate sales orders
using that only for items avl in stock and can print sales orders as per the ord
er type but I am not able to execute other steps because the order line status i
s not updated after printing the sales orders. Can anyone tell me why system is
behaving this way?
: : : : Thanks,
: : : : Nelson

***************** End Of Article ******************

Merv Carr posted Message 2191 in Message Board
Dated : July 08, 1999 at 09:21:23 EST
Subject: Re: Negative Inventory parameter BTW, if (and when) you attempt to generate location control, the system will tel
l you to first correct the negative inventories before it will allow you to proc
: Dear Devarajan,
: One way of turning the flag for -ive inventory "No", is to generate location c
ontrol. This can be achieved by runinng "tdilc0230m000".
: Good Luck
: : Triton 3.1a:
: : We had set the "Negative Inventory allowed" parameter to NO at a live site.
: : But this doesn't seem to be working . The picking list shows the Inventory
on hand as negative. Despite this the user was able to maintain deliveries for t
his item which was not in inventory in that w/h.
: : Now the warehouse inventory by item shows the Inventory on Hand as negative.
: : Please give your valuable comments/suggestions.
: : Devarajan

***************** End Of Article ******************

Merv Carr posted Message 2192 in Message Board
Dated : July 08, 1999 at 10:38:47 EST
Subject: Re: Pedimento document
The only one I know of offhand is called "Vestera", that is about as much as I k
now about it though.
: Does anyone know of a third-party product useful for printing a pedimento (an
export declaration document)?
: We have a Maquiladora company in Mexico and have a need to create these docume
nts for the export of goods.

: I wanted to see if something already existed before tackling writing something

in Tools.
: Thank you. - Jeff

***************** End Of Article ******************

Bunny posted Message 2193 in Message Board
Dated : July 08, 1999 at 11:56:53 EST
Subject: Re: Pedimento document
This is just an idea:
since we dont use lots, we use the lot number to represent the pedimento number,
an this number will be printed in the invoice, because that the law in Mexico.
Hope it is useful.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Praveen Sharma posted Message 2194 in Message Board
Dated : July 09, 1999 at 01:32:11 EST
Subject: Re: URGENT- Order steps not updated
The reason given by Mary carr is absolutely correct. I do not understand how u
r able to link the session tdsls4410m000 (Print sales orders by order number).
Since it will not be available in the session order steps.
I checked up, you have to change u r first step to print order acknowledgeme
nts(tdsls4401m000) which is easily be selected from the session tcmcs0539m000.
This way u will be able to update the procedure mask and subsequently execute th
e rest of the order steps.
Praveen Sharma
: The session "Print Order acknowledgements" (tdsls4401m000) should be the first
step in your procedure and NOT the session "Print sales orders by order number"
- tdsls4410m000. Using this session in your order steps will definitely not all
ow the order status to be updated.
: : Just looking at the order steps you mentioned, I would say your very first s
tep is incorrect, it should be "print order documents" (as opposed to the report
which I think you are trying to include as a step), don't have a system in fron
t of me to verify the session number, but if you are trying to add in a "non-sta
ndard" session into the order procedure then your order status will definitely n
ot be updated. I will follow up to this note to-morrow and pin down the session
numbers for you.


: Sure indeed, the order steps are :

: 1. Print Sales Order by Order No.
: 2. Print Picking List
: 3. Maintain Deliveries




4. Print Packing Slips

5. Print Sales Invoice
6. Process Delivered Sales Order
Please look into it and let me know if there is someting wrong in it.

: : :
: : : : Hello
: : : :
Could you please give the order steps. So that i can the see the prob
: : : : Regards
: : : : Praveen Sharma
: : : : : My order type has got 5 order steps. I am able to generate sales order
s using that only for items avl in stock and can print sales orders as per the o
rder type but I am not able to execute other steps because the order line status
is not updated after printing the sales orders. Can anyone tell me why system i
s behaving this way?
: : : : : Thanks,
: : : : : Nelson

***************** End Of Article ******************

praveen Sharma posted Message 2195 in Message Board
Dated : July 09, 1999 at 01:35:05 EST
Subject: Re: URGENT- Order steps not updated
U can select order steps from the session tcmcs0539s000 and not from tcmcs053
9m000 as mentioned in my earlier follow up.
sorry for typing wrongly.
: Hi
: The reason given by Mary carr is absolutely correct. I do not understand how
u r able to link the session tdsls4410m000 (Print sales orders by order number)
. Since it will not be available in the session order steps.
I checked up, you have to change u r first step to print order acknowledge
ments(tdsls4401m000) which is easily be selected from the session tcmcs0539m000
. This way u will be able to update the procedure mask and subsequently execute
the rest of the order steps.
: Regards
: Praveen Sharma
: : The session "Print Order acknowledgements" (tdsls4401m000) should be the fir
st step in your procedure and NOT the session "Print sales orders by order numbe
r" - tdsls4410m000. Using this session in your order steps will definitely not a
llow the order status to be updated.
: : : Just looking at the order steps you mentioned, I would say your very first
step is incorrect, it should be "print order documents" (as opposed to the repo
rt which I think you are trying to include as a step), don't have a system in fr
ont of me to verify the session number, but if you are trying to add in a "non-s

tandard" session into the order procedure then your order status will definitely
not be updated. I will follow up to this note to-morrow and pin down the sessio
n numbers for you.



: Sure indeed, the order steps are :

1. Print Sales Order by Order No.
2. Print Picking List
3. Maintain Deliveries
4. Print Packing Slips
5. Print Sales Invoice
6. Process Delivered Sales Order
Please look into it and let me know if there is someting wrong in it.


: : : :
: : : : : Hello
: : : : :
Could you please give the order steps. So that i can the see the pr
: : : : : Regards
: : : : : Praveen Sharma
: : : : : : My order type has got 5 order steps. I am able to generate sales ord
ers using that only for items avl in stock and can print sales orders as per the
order type but I am not able to execute other steps because the order line stat
us is not updated after printing the sales orders. Can anyone tell me why system
is behaving this way?
: : : : : : Thanks,
: : : : : : Nelson

***************** End Of Article ******************

Roy posted Message 2196 in Message Board
Dated : July 09, 1999 at 07:35:01 EST
Subject: Re: Picking List and Packing Slip for Sales Order
I think you can use session tcmcs0147m000 to Maintain First Free Numbers
: You cannot use series numbers for these documents mentioned for the simple rea
son that there is nowhere to select a series in the print sessions. Just because
you can see the first free numbers in the table does not necessarily mean you c
an define a series for them. All you can do is override the first available numb
: : Can I define the series for my Picking List and Packing Slip?
: : Session Maintain First Free Nos. shows these options but when you select any
of them it says "No series in use, adding not allowed". I have checked all SLS
parameters but couldn't find a field where you say whether you want to have your
own series for these documents(for Sales). I would appreciate any help on this

***************** End Of Article ******************

Merv Carr posted Message 2197 in Message Board
Dated : July 09, 1999 at 10:39:20 EST

Subject: Re: URGENT- Order steps not updated

THe name is MERV not MARY :)
(The last time I looked things hadn't changed in the chromosome dept!)
: Hi
U can select order steps from the session tcmcs0539s000 and not from tcmcs0
539m000 as mentioned in my earlier follow up.
: sorry for typing wrongly.
: regards
: Praveen
: : Hi
: : The reason given by Mary carr is absolutely correct. I do not understand h
ow u r able to link the session tdsls4410m000 (Print sales orders by order numbe
r). Since it will not be available in the session order steps.
: :
I checked up, you have to change u r first step to print order acknowled
gements(tdsls4401m000) which is easily be selected from the session tcmcs0539m0
00. This way u will be able to update the procedure mask and subsequently execut
e the rest of the order steps.
: : Regards
: : Praveen Sharma
: : : The session "Print Order acknowledgements" (tdsls4401m000) should be the f
irst step in your procedure and NOT the session "Print sales orders by order num
ber" - tdsls4410m000. Using this session in your order steps will definitely not
allow the order status to be updated.
: : : : Just looking at the order steps you mentioned, I would say your very fir
st step is incorrect, it should be "print order documents" (as opposed to the re
port which I think you are trying to include as a step), don't have a system in
front of me to verify the session number, but if you are trying to add in a "non
-standard" session into the order procedure then your order status will definite
ly not be updated. I will follow up to this note to-morrow and pin down the sess
ion numbers for you.




: Sure indeed, the order steps are :

1. Print Sales Order by Order No.
2. Print Picking List
3. Maintain Deliveries
4. Print Packing Slips
5. Print Sales Invoice
6. Process Delivered Sales Order
Please look into it and let me know if there is someting wrong in it.


: : : : :
: : : : : : Hello
: : : : : :
Could you please give the order steps. So that i can the see the
: : : : : : Regards
: : : : : : Praveen Sharma
: : : : : : : My order type has got 5 order steps. I am able to generate sales o
rders using that only for items avl in stock and can print sales orders as per t
he order type but I am not able to execute other steps because the order line st
atus is not updated after printing the sales orders. Can anyone tell me why syst
em is behaving this way?

: : : : : : : Thanks,
: : : : : : : Nelson

***************** End Of Article ******************

Merv Carr posted Message 2198 in Message Board
Dated : July 09, 1999 at 10:49:48 EST
Subject: Re: Picking List and Packing Slip for Sales Order
Yes you can, but that still doesn't allow you to create series no's.
: I think you can use session tcmcs0147m000 to Maintain First Free Numbers
: : You cannot use series numbers for these documents mentioned for the simple r
eason that there is nowhere to select a series in the print sessions. Just becau
se you can see the first free numbers in the table does not necessarily mean you
can define a series for them. All you can do is override the first available nu
: : : Can I define the series for my Picking List and Packing Slip?
: : : Session Maintain First Free Nos. shows these options but when you select a
ny of them it says "No series in use, adding not allowed". I have checked all SL
S parameters but couldn't find a field where you say whether you want to have yo
ur own series for these documents(for Sales). I would appreciate any help on thi

***************** End Of Article ******************

yaya posted Message 2199 in Message Board
Dated : July 09, 1999 at 14:39:50 EST
Subject: Re: Pedimento document
There are several ways to do this.
Novatech (a consulting comany form Ecuador) has develop an Importacion module fo
r Baan in spanish with the pedimento and all the good things you need in the Mex
ican Importation procedure. They seel the entire module (unlimited use)for 8,000
Sensormatic Mexico had a customization done by HSO to do that...
I'm in Mexico if you need any help let me know.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Mathew Frank posted Message 2200 in Message Board
Dated : July 11, 1999 at 19:02:54 EST
Subject: Check this tables:

tdsls040 - header
tdsls041 - Detail lines (order)
tdsls045 - detail lines - complete, including back-orders.
You might actually want to walk through from 40-50, as there's a lot of other st
uff, too.
This is true for Baan IVc2-4
***************** End Of Article ******************
Mathew Frank posted Message 2201 in Message Board
Dated : July 11, 1999 at 19:09:18 EST
Subject: Trouble adding Back Orders to sls-invoices (repost)
I want to add back orders to the standard invoice report, and the field is avail
able (bqua), so it can be added to a report, but if I do, it will only print the
back order qty if there is also a delevered qty.
I need to print B/Os if there is or isn't anthing being delivered for that line.
I've been all over the code, and can't find the right place to change. It seems
to just look up tdsls041 for the lines and that's it - obviously I'm missing som
ething basic here.
Any ideas?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Paul van Eijk posted Message 2202 in Message Board
Dated : July 12, 1999 at 03:59:54 EST
Subject: Re: Trouble adding Back Orders to sls-invoices (repost)
Each orderline in Baan has its own status. You can view these statusses in tdsls
4533m000. The status of an orderline is maintained by the system in tdsls045. To
be more specific: the system uses the fields tdsls045.ssls and tdsls045.pmsk. T
hese fields determine for example if a delivery line is taken into account for p
rinting on the sales invoice. A delivery line will only be selected if the statu
s is ready for 'print sales invoices'. The program script which is attatched to
the session 'Print sales invoices' will only select delivery lines which have th
e status 'ready for print sales invoices' and sends them to the report. Now, if
a delivery line does not have this status it will not be send to the report.
In your case the lines which have a partial delivery will be send to the report.
If the total quantity to be delivered is in back order the line will not be sen
d to the report. Probably the status of such a line will be 'Confirm backorder'.
If you want to print these lines you'll have to program the reportscript in such
a way that it will read tdsls045 and select the lines which are in backorder. i
f you are handy you can do it yourself. If not, you'll need a good tools program
Hope this helps


: I want to add back orders to the standard invoice report, and the field is ava
ilable (bqua), so it can be added to a report, but if I do, it will only print t
he back order qty if there is also a delevered qty.
: I need to print B/Os if there is or isn't anthing being delivered for that lin
: I've been all over the code, and can't find the right place to change. It seem
s to just look up tdsls041 for the lines and that's it - obviously I'm missing s
omething basic here.
: Any ideas?

***************** End Of Article ******************

Paul van Eijk posted Message 2203 in Message Board
Dated : July 12, 1999 at 04:18:19 EST
Subject: Re: Error &quot;calendar not defined for forward planning as on date&qu
The Actual Calendar not found, occurs when an order is being entered or if MRP
or PRP is trying to plan outside the calendar horizon. The reason that it may
be going outside the planning horizon may be because the order quantity is so
large or a routing runtime is large against a large quantity requiring an
unusual order lead time or a bad date was entered by the user. It will first
use the calendar defined in the routing parameters and then go to the default
company calendar. If the order is still outside these calendar horizons then
this error will occur.
The date that MRP and SFC are referring to does not exist in the calendar for
the company/work center (depending on the field 'Company calendar type' in
'Maintain ROU Parameters' (tirou0100m000)).
Use 'Create Default Company Calendar' (tirou4204m000) to create a calendar that
will be used when planning the order lead time for purchased items or
manufactured items. Having a default company calendar is MANDATORY when setting
up calendars. Please see the session help in this session for more information
on this subject.
If you have already maintained a "Default Company Calendar" and are still
receiving the same error message, you might try and increase the scope of the
Default Company Calendar.
Hope this helps
: If I try to enter a sales order for an item without sufficient inventory on ha
nd I get a message "calendar not defined for forward planning as on date" and he
nce cannot proceed further.
: Is it some parameter setting?
: Any ideas/ views will be appreciated

***************** End Of Article ******************

Guido posted Message 2204 in Message Board

Dated : July 12, 1999 at 09:33:20 EST
Subject: Re: SLS invoices table??
Hi Bunny,
have a look at the following tables:
tdsls050 - the invoice headers
tdsls051 - the invoice positions
(the field .ckor = 3 means the position is invoiced)
tdsls045 - deliveries including backorders
Good luck.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Pat Comer posted Message 2205 in Message Board
Dated : July 12, 1999 at 10:37:30 EST
Subject: Re: Pedimento document
We are about to purchase 'SPEX' or'TRAX'. both offer full export documentation f
acilities including all thiose required for customs authorities. I know they op
erate form the UK and the USA. Search the net for local references to these name

: Does anyone know of a third-party product useful for printing a pedimento (an
export declaration document)?
: We have a Maquiladora company in Mexico and have a need to create these docume
nts for the export of goods.
: I wanted to see if something already existed before tackling writing something
in Tools.
: Thank you. - Jeff

***************** End Of Article ******************

Mine Z. posted Message 2206 in Message Board
Dated : July 12, 1999 at 11:04:36 EST
Subject: Re: Purchase-Contracts and MRP (BAAN IV c 4)
You have to write the Supplier Code of preferred contract on Item Data. If there
is another supplier code on the item, MRP does not see your contract and plans

the order for the supplier on the item data using the price on the item data.
: How does the MRP react if I try to release an MRP Purchase Order whith more th
an one free Purchase-Contracts? I found out that in the Purchase Header the last
free Contract-Number is inserted, while in the Orderline the first Number is in
: What has to be the normal reaction and what is the logic behind it?
: Thanks for sollutions!

***************** End Of Article ******************

debolina posted Message 2207 in Message Board
Dated : July 12, 1999 at 12:08:33 EST
Subject: Approvals
I am not able to do approvals since the quantity to be appoved is already gettin
g filled up in the session. If i go and make the approved qty in the receipts ta
ble to 0 i can carry out the process.
Can anyone tell me as to why the approved qty is getting filled before approvals
in Reciepts table (sequence Number 1)
Thanks in advance
***************** End Of Article ******************
Gianni posted Message 2208 in Message Board
Dated : July 12, 1999 at 13:56:33 EST
Subject: !!!!!URGENT-Order lines on installment invoice!!!!!!
Hi Baanfans,
Does anybody have experience with invoicing installments on separate invoices an
d printing the orderlines on all invoices.
If not, how do you inform the customer about the order contents at time of deliv
ery (important for custom purposes and partial deliveries). Do you use a kind of
appendix, a report-customization (and how) or some other means, not being a pac
king list.
Thanks in advance.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Lesley Kitchens posted Message 2209 in Message Board
Dated : July 12, 1999 at 16:18:42 EST
Subject: Purchase order prices can't be changed
I need to be able to go into a purchase order and override the default purchase
price for line items (which comes from the item master). I change the price for

a particular item and save and exit the purchase order. However, once I enter
back in the po and check that line item, the price is back to the price for that
item in the item master. Is this confusing, or can anyone help?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Mathew Frank posted Message 2210 in Message Board
Dated : July 12, 1999 at 18:56:17 EST
Subject: Thanks heaps! Now I know where to look in the code.
: Matthew,
: Each orderline in Baan has its own status. You can view these statusses in tds
ls4533m000. The status of an orderline is maintained by the system in tdsls045.
To be more specific: the system uses the fields tdsls045.ssls and tdsls045.pmsk.
These fields determine for example if a delivery line is taken into account for
printing on the sales invoice. A delivery line will only be selected if the sta
tus is ready for 'print sales invoices'. The program script which is attatched t
o the session 'Print sales invoices' will only select delivery lines which have
the status 'ready for print sales invoices' and sends them to the report. Now, i
f a delivery line does not have this status it will not be send to the report.
: In your case the lines which have a partial delivery will be send to the repor
t. If the total quantity to be delivered is in back order the line will not be s
end to the report. Probably the status of such a line will be 'Confirm backorder
: Conclusion:
: If you want to print these lines you'll have to program the reportscript in su
ch a way that it will read tdsls045 and select the lines which are in backorder.
if you are handy you can do it yourself. If not, you'll need a good tools progr
: Hope this helps
: Paul
: : I want to add back orders to the standard invoice report, and the field is a
vailable (bqua), so it can be added to a report, but if I do, it will only print
the back order qty if there is also a delevered qty.
: : I need to print B/Os if there is or isn't anthing being delivered for that l
: : I've been all over the code, and can't find the right place to change. It se
ems to just look up tdsls041 for the lines and that's it - obviously I'm missing
something basic here.
: : Any ideas?

***************** End Of Article ******************

J. Cronin posted Message 2211 in Message Board

Dated : July 13, 1999 at 10:17:13 EST

Subject: Re: Purchase order prices can't be changed
Hello Lesley,
I'm not sure about this, but try changing the Parameter 'Automatic recalculation
of Prices &discounts' in tdpur4100m000, form 3 to 'Interactive' or 'No'.
This parameter activates the session tdpur4810s000 which searches for the system
defaults (In your case - the Item Master) and plants them back into the P.O. Li
Have you considered using the other various Price/Discount Maintenance sessions?
All these sessions take precedence over the Item Master.
Hope this helps,
: I need to be able to go into a purchase order and override the default purchas
e price for line items (which comes from the item master). I change the price f
or a particular item and save and exit the purchase order. However, once I ente
r back in the po and check that line item, the price is back to the price for th
at item in the item master. Is this confusing, or can anyone help?
: Thanks,
: Les

***************** End Of Article ******************

J. Cronin posted Message 2212 in Message Board
Dated : July 13, 1999 at 10:21:01 EST
Subject: Re: Approvals
Have you defined 'Maintain Approvals' as a step in the Order Type?
: Hi,
: I am not able to do approvals since the quantity to be appoved is already gett
ing filled up in the session. If i go and make the approved qty in the receipts
table to 0 i can carry out the process.
: Can anyone tell me as to why the approved qty is getting filled before approva
ls in Reciepts table (sequence Number 1)
: Thanks in advance
: Debolina

***************** End Of Article ******************

Merv Carr posted Message 2213 in Message Board
Dated : July 13, 1999 at 11:11:36 EST
Subject: Re: !!!!!URGENT-Order lines on installment invoice!!!!!!
What about printing the "Order Acknowledgement", the whole point of the instalme
nt invoice is that you are invoicing the instalment and not the physical goods.
: Hi Baanfans,

: Does anybody have experience with invoicing installments on separate invoices

and printing the orderlines on all invoices.
: If not, how do you inform the customer about the order contents at time of del
ivery (important for custom purposes and partial deliveries). Do you use a kind
of appendix, a report-customization (and how) or some other means, not being a p
acking list.
: Thanks in advance.
: Gianni

***************** End Of Article ******************

Merv Carr posted Message 2214 in Message Board
Dated : July 13, 1999 at 11:13:58 EST
Subject: Re: Approvals
Yup, you are right Jeremy, just to add to it though, if "Maintain Approvals" is
not part of the order steps, or if the line does not have the field "Inspection"
set to "Yes" then the step will be skipped over and "approved" is always = rece
ived in tdpur045.
: Have you defined 'Maintain Approvals' as a step in the Order Type?
: : Hi,
: : I am not able to do approvals since the quantity to be appoved is already ge
tting filled up in the session. If i go and make the approved qty in the receipt
s table to 0 i can carry out the process.
: : Can anyone tell me as to why the approved qty is getting filled before appro
vals in Reciepts table (sequence Number 1)
: : Thanks in advance
: : Debolina

***************** End Of Article ******************

C Marriott posted Message 2215 in Message Board
Dated : July 13, 1999 at 12:07:31 EST
Subject: lineside stock
Does any one have experiences of dealing with lineside stock within a lot contro
lled environment. We currently have on a legacy system agreements for suppliers
(fixtures and fittings, bolts etc)to deliver straight to the production line, th
ey then invoice at a later date. We do not book these goods in so no batch is re
corded, traceability is reliant on supplier records and is time based. On BaaN b
ecause we are lot controlled and because the components are going to fly they ha
ve to have a lot number generated which also means they need to be booked in. Ha
s anyone come up against or expierienced a similar situation.
Thanks in advance

***************** End Of Article ******************

Merv Carr posted Message 2216 in Message Board
Dated : July 13, 1999 at 13:16:13 EST
Subject: Re: lineside stock
Logic says that if an item is lot controlled, then it shouldn't be used as lines
ide stock as then it is extremely doubtful that anyone will record the lot numbe
r issued to any particular production order. Lineside stock items are typically
backflushed as well which would only excacerbate matters.
You could always use the Baan counter order to "book" the items in, which would
then lead you through the Lot and location control routine, but the items will d
efinitely have to be booked in no matter what, and also booked out (recording th
e appropriate lot numbers.) I don't see how you could get around it.
: Does any one have experiences of dealing with lineside stock within a lot cont
rolled environment. We currently have on a legacy system agreements for supplier
s (fixtures and fittings, bolts etc)to deliver straight to the production line,
they then invoice at a later date. We do not book these goods in so no batch is
recorded, traceability is reliant on supplier records and is time based. On BaaN
because we are lot controlled and because the components are going to fly they
have to have a lot number generated which also means they need to be booked in.
Has anyone come up against or expierienced a similar situation.
: Thanks in advance
: Colin

***************** End Of Article ******************

John Lewis posted Message 2217 in Message Board
Dated : July 13, 1999 at 15:00:58 EST
Subject: sales order priority
Backordered material coming in from our vendors is being allocated to the lowest
customer number instead of the oldest sales order. I thought there was a parame
ter to set this but I can't find it. Does anyone know how to make Baan version B
40c allocate incoming material to the oldest order?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Kian posted Message 2218 in Message Board
Dated : July 14, 1999 at 00:32:25 EST
Subject: Proloq -- Error 601
We just inserted the 4 licensed users to our Baan system yesterday.(from 16 to 2
0 now).and we tried to do routine job this morning. eg, Maintain Sales Order...
However, users always got the following error message !
Process 7 - Fatal Error - Error 601 (Reference Table is Locked) on tdsls041901 (
Max retries (10) exceeded).
Cannot continue in tdsls4105s000 in DLL ottstpstandard.
Cannot continue in tdlra0141s000 in DLL ottstpstandard.
May i know why, and it is a urgent case.

Fyi, i have tried to do a vmstat at my server site. my CPU idle show 91 to 92 so

, that means my server is performance well.
and I have tried to remove the application lock at the Baan Tools site, and let
the users tried again, but it happens again !
We are using Proloq System !!!
***************** End Of Article ******************
Colin Marriott posted Message 2219 in Message Board
Dated : July 14, 1999 at 03:01:41 EST
Subject: Re: lineside stock
Thanks Merv, you confirmed what we have been telling people all along.

: Logic says that if an item is lot controlled, then it shouldn't be used as lin
eside stock as then it is extremely doubtful that anyone will record the lot num
ber issued to any particular production order. Lineside stock items are typicall
y backflushed as well which would only excacerbate matters.
: You could always use the Baan counter order to "book" the items in, which woul
d then lead you through the Lot and location control routine, but the items will
definitely have to be booked in no matter what, and also booked out (recording
the appropriate lot numbers.) I don't see how you could get around it.
: : Does any one have experiences of dealing with lineside stock within a lot co
ntrolled environment. We currently have on a legacy system agreements for suppli
ers (fixtures and fittings, bolts etc)to deliver straight to the production line
, they then invoice at a later date. We do not book these goods in so no batch i
s recorded, traceability is reliant on supplier records and is time based. On Ba
aN because we are lot controlled and because the components are going to fly the
y have to have a lot number generated which also means they need to be booked in
. Has anyone come up against or expierienced a similar situation.
: : Thanks in advance
: : Colin

***************** End Of Article ******************

Paul van Eijk posted Message 2220 in Message Board
Dated : July 14, 1999 at 06:16:09 EST
Subject: Re: sales order priority

Have you considered 'Priority Simulation Codes'

Sales Control/Deliveries/Miscel.
Here you can set priorities the way you like to (ascending/descending). The syst
em is very flexible here, so take care you only select fields which are related
to the sales order (in your case tdsls040.cuno or tccom010.cuno)
You can simulate the priorities. When you agree to the priorities generated bt t
he system, you can process the priorities.
The system will write the priorities in tdsls045.opri.
The Picking Lists will be printed in order of the priorites set.
Hope this helps
: Backordered material coming in from our vendors is being allocated to the lowe
st customer number instead of the oldest sales order. I thought there was a para
meter to set this but I can't find it. Does anyone know how to make Baan version
B40c allocate incoming material to the oldest order?

***************** End Of Article ******************

Paul van Eijk posted Message 2221 in Message Board
Dated : July 14, 1999 at 06:23:54 EST
Subject: Re: Proloq -- Error 601
In general these means indeed that the table is locked. Maybe you can remove the
lock by using session ttstpdellocks.
Baan Tools/Database Management/Miscell/Remove Application Locks.
If this doesn't work reorganise your tables ttaad4225m000. Please be sure to rea
d the helptext first.
If this doesn't work place a call.
Please post your message in de tools discussion database
: We just inserted the 4 licensed users to our Baan system yesterday.(from 16 to
20 now).and we tried to do routine job this morning. eg, Maintain Sales Order..
: However, users always got the following error message !
: Process 7 - Fatal Error - Error 601 (Reference Table is Locked) on tdsls041901
(Max retries (10) exceeded).
: Cannot continue in tdsls4105s000 in DLL ottstpstandard.
: Cannot continue in tdlra0141s000 in DLL ottstpstandard.
: May i know why, and it is a urgent case.
: Fyi, i have tried to do a vmstat at my server site. my CPU idle show 91 to 92
so, that means my server is performance well.
: and I have tried to remove the application lock at the Baan Tools site, and le
t the users tried again, but it happens again !

: We are using Proloq System !!!

***************** End Of Article ******************

John Lewis posted Message 2222 in Message Board
Dated : July 14, 1999 at 09:37:49 EST
Subject: Re: sales order priority
I tried to use the session 'Priority Simulation Codes' but I get the message, "C
urrent Package VRC unknown" and I do not know what this means. Any additional su
ggestions would be appreciated.

: John,
: Have you considered 'Priority Simulation Codes'
: Sales Control/Deliveries/Miscel.
: Here you can set priorities the way you like to (ascending/descending). The sy
stem is very flexible here, so take care you only select fields which are relate
d to the sales order (in your case tdsls040.cuno or tccom010.cuno)
: You can simulate the priorities. When you agree to the priorities generated bt
the system, you can process the priorities.
: The system will write the priorities in tdsls045.opri.
: The Picking Lists will be printed in order of the priorites set.
: Hope this helps
: Paul
: : Backordered material coming in from our vendors is being allocated to the lo
west customer number instead of the oldest sales order. I thought there was a pa
rameter to set this but I can't find it. Does anyone know how to make Baan versi
on B40c allocate incoming material to the oldest order?

***************** End Of Article ******************

Suresh Kapoor posted Message 2223 in Message Board
Dated : July 14, 1999 at 20:08:23 EST
Subject: Re: sales order priority
I tried this on our system and it resulted in multiple picks for the same Sales
Orders. The pick-lists were numbered based on the Order Line priorirty. If the l
ines had different priorirty, they were given a different pick number. Are we mi
ssing some parameter ?
***************** End Of Article ******************

Anatoli posted Message 2224 in Message Board

Dated : July 15, 1999 at 08:29:19 EST
Subject: Indirect access locations
Hi all
My client has a warehouse with a combination of locations with direct access (pi
cking zone) and indirect access (storage zone). I tried to model the situation s
pecifying that picking locations are the only ones used for outbound movement an
d storage locations are only valid for inbound and transhipment. However when I
generate an Outbound Advice BAAN always says that there is a shortage of goods d
espite the fact that they are available at storage location.
Question: is there a way to make Outbound Advice show me what transhipments (tra
nsfers from one location to another) should be made to be able to realease it fr
om the picking zone to the customer?
***************** End Of Article ******************
KianHaur posted Message 2225 in Message Board
Dated : July 15, 1999 at 09:11:06 EST
Subject: Purchase Order !
I have a case, for example.
I purchase of 100 sets of TV from supplier. And i have
received 30 sets in the first shipment. Then i have done
the Maintain Receipt session. Then i received 50 sets more
from the supplier, so i issued another receipt. and it left
20 sets of back order.
At last, the supplier decided not to send the rest of the
20 sets to us. However, we need to modify the Purchase Order
from 100 sets to 80 sets in Maintain Purchase Order session.
But, the system not allowed us to modify due to the transaction
is done before.
So what should i do in order to modify the quantity in the
particular Purchase Order ?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Mark K. posted Message 2226 in Message Board
Dated : July 15, 1999 at 09:12:50 EST
Subject: Re-Pricing a Lot after a Transfer in a LC WH
BaanERP Within a Location Controled Warehouse.
If we do an Item Transfer the price of the Lot does not follow to the new item.
During the transaction, we can see no place that allows the entry of a price. Th
ere is a field on the header screen of a Item Transfer Warehouse Order, but when
you fill in the info on the next screen, the price is set to 0.00. I belive it
trying to get the price form the item master. In this company all of there items
have a cost of 0.00, due to the fact they only price Lot's. Where can you repri
ce a lot that was brought into inventory by way of a Item Transfer Warehouse Ord

er ?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Naveed I. khan posted Message 2227 in Message Board
Dated : July 15, 1999 at 16:17:41 EST
Subject: Re: Purchase Order !
Dear KianHaur,
I mentioned earlier that you cannot modify a PO, once you do a transaction again
st it. You may zero out the remaining qty from the "Maintain Receipt" session.
Let me know if you have any problem.
: I have a case, for example.

I purchase of 100 sets of TV from supplier. And i have

received 30 sets in the first shipment. Then i have done
the Maintain Receipt session. Then i received 50 sets more
from the supplier, so i issued another receipt. and it left
20 sets o

f back order.

At last, the supplier decided not to send the rest of the

20 sets to us. However, we need to modify the Purchase Order
from 100 sets to 80 sets in Maintain Purchase Order session.
But, the system not allowed us to modify due to the transaction
is done before.

: So what should i do in order to modify the quantity in the

: particular Purchase Order ?
: thanks

***************** End Of Article ******************

Merv Carr posted Message 2228 in Message Board
Dated : July 15, 1999 at 17:13:21 EST
Subject: Re: Purchase Order !
Go to "Maintain Back Orders" and zero out the back order there, especially if lo
cation control is implemented. If the inbound advice is generated and/or release
d you cannot change anything in "Maintain Receipts".
: I have a case, for example.
: I purchase of 100 sets of TV from supplier. And i have
: received 30 sets in the first shipment. Then i have done
: the Maintain Receipt session. Then i received 50 sets more

: from the supplier, so i issued another receipt. and it left

: 20 sets of back order.

At last, the supplier decided not to send the rest of the

20 sets to us. However, we need to modify the Purchase Order
from 100 sets to 80 sets in Maintain Purchase Order session.
But, the system not allowed us to modify due to the transaction
is done before.

: So what should i do in order to modify the quantity in the

: particular Purchase Order ?
: thanks

***************** End Of Article ******************

Paul posted Message 2229 in Message Board
Dated : July 15, 1999 at 19:38:34 EST
Subject: Adjust/Delete PO Receipt
How can we make corrections to a PO Receipt if the line has already been closed
by running the session Process Delivered PO's?
User wishes to delete a PO recepit that they processed in error, but are unable
to do so. i.e. The receipt record is not available to adjust or delete. ILC is t
unred on but we have NOT generated/maintained inbound advice for this PO. What h
as occured is the session Processed Delivered PO's has been processed, and the l
ine status for the PO is ready for Deleting line. It appears running the Proces
sed Delivered Purchase Orders session, is what is preventing us from going back
and modifying the PO receipt. Since we use Direct Delivery SO's and PO's extensi
vely, we may run this session many times thruout the day. But for regular PO's t
hat come into our receiving area, it appears that users have NO chance to make a
ny necessary changes to incorrect receipts.
***************** End Of Article ******************
KianHaur posted Message 2230 in Message Board
Dated : July 16, 1999 at 00:10:07 EST
Subject: Re: Purchase Order !
Dear Naveed,
But in our account department, they need the purchase order match with the Suppl
ier Invoice, so what should i do then ?
Thanks for the prompt reply.
: Dear KianHaur,
: I mentioned earlier that you cannot modify a PO, once you do a transaction aga
inst it. You may zero out the remaining qty from the "Maintain Receipt" session
. Let me know if you have any problem.
: Regards,

: Naveed
: : I have a case, for example.


I purchase of 100 sets of TV from supplier. And i have

received 30 sets in the first shipment. Then i have done
the Maintain Receipt session. Then i received 50 sets more
from the supplier, so i issued another receipt. and it left
20 sets o

: f back order.


At last, the supplier decided not to send the rest of the

20 sets to us. However, we need to modify the Purchase Order
from 100 sets to 80 sets in Maintain Purchase Order session.
But, the system not allowed us to modify due to the transaction
is done before.

: : So what should i do in order to modify the quantity in the

: : particular Purchase Order ?
: : thanks

***************** End Of Article ******************

Youngsam Khee posted Message 2231 in Message Board
Dated : July 16, 1999 at 02:43:14 EST
Subject: Re: sales order priority
Contact your Tool person. He (or She) can set current distribution pacakge VRC f
or you. VRC is a method to control package version, release and customization se
ries in Baan system.
: I tried to use the session 'Priority Simulation Codes' but I get the message,
"Current Package VRC unknown" and I do not know what this means. Any additional
suggestions would be appreciated.
: : John,
: : Have you considered 'Priority Simulation Codes'
: : Sales Control/Deliveries/Miscel.
: : Here you can set priorities the way you like to (ascending/descending). The
system is very flexible here, so take care you only select fields which are rela
ted to the sales order (in your case tdsls040.cuno or tccom010.cuno)
: : You can simulate the priorities. When you agree to the priorities generated
bt the system, you can process the priorities.
: : The system will write the priorities in tdsls045.opri.
: : The Picking Lists will be printed in order of the priorites set.
: : Hope this helps

: : Paul
: : : Backordered material coming in from our vendors is being allocated to the
lowest customer number instead of the oldest sales order. I thought there was a
parameter to set this but I can't find it. Does anyone know how to make Baan ver
sion B40c allocate incoming material to the oldest order?

***************** End Of Article ******************

Richard Dorado posted Message 2232 in Message Board
Dated : July 16, 1999 at 07:40:37 EST
Subject: Return order and additional order cost
Additional order cost seems not to work with return orders
My problem is that I use orders with additional order cost to invoice transport
cost, but when a customer returns me the goods I must return also the price of t
ransport, like that the total of my credit note will be the same of my invoice.
How can I do that automatically in Baan VI c3-4
***************** End Of Article ******************
Richard Dorado posted Message 2233 in Message Board
Dated : July 16, 1999 at 08:56:09 EST
Subject: Re: Automate the maintain receipt
How do you that
Extension of the problem IN RPL with ILC and LTC I need to receive aotmatically
what I have sended from the other wharehouse.
But with lot conbtrol I must make the reception lot by lot, and at my customer t
hey have a lot of lots in a truck. The procedure is heavy.
How can I accept all the lots sended in once.
: : After printint the packing lists and generating the edi messages, is it poss
ible to automate the maintain receipts session?
: If you are saying that the receipt will ALWAYS be equal to the order quantity,
for any given line, YES it would be possible to automate, provided the items ar
e not lot controlled and you need to add the suppliers lot number at time of rec

***************** End Of Article ******************

Richard Dorado posted Message 2234 in Message Board
Dated : July 16, 1999 at 08:57:55 EST
Subject: Global Reception in RPL with lot control
IN RPL with ILC and LTC I need to receive automatically what I have sended from
the other wharehouse.
But with lot conbtrol I must make the reception lot by lot, and at my customer t
hey have a lot of lots in a truck. The procedure is heavy.

How can I accept all the lots sended in once.

***************** End Of Article ******************
Vernon Anderson posted Message 2235 in Message Board
Dated : July 16, 1999 at 17:22:49 EST
Subject: Packing slips must be after release outbounds?
Hello all!
here's the situation...
It appears Baan forces the release of the outbounds before the packing slips can
be printed. This process seems to preclude the prior staging of the shipment o
f the order as the inventory has been updated prior to it actually leaving the s
hipping dock.
Since the packing slip needs to be packed with the items on the order, it would
be nice if we could print them beforehand and put them with the shipment. But s
ince the outbounds have already been released and inventory updated, we get into
a timing issue if the truck doesn't come as expected to pick up the parts.
I've tried moving the packing slip step before the release but it doesn't work.
Any ideas would be appreciated!!!
***************** End Of Article ******************
Mark K. posted Message 2236 in Message Board
Dated : July 16, 1999 at 19:32:38 EST
Subject: Re: Packing slips must be after release outbounds?
I agree 100%, We are trying to work this problem also at the moment. Soon as we
come up with something, it will be posted.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Sudhakar posted Message 2237 in Message Board
Dated : July 17, 1999 at 22:44:07 EST
Subject: Re: Packing slips must be after release outbounds?
Packing slips are printed after the deliveries are maintained thro the "release
outbound advice" .Packing slip is the document that accompanies the shipment whi
ch states the item and its quantity.This has to be printed after the outbound to
obviate the possible changes to the outbound advice itself.
However if you are looking for the listing of the parts in the order you may asw
ell print the picking list which gives the same information along with the other
: Hello all!
: here's the situation...

: It appears Baan forces the release of the outbounds before the packing slips c
an be printed. This process seems to preclude the prior staging of the shipment
of the order as the inventory has been updated prior to it actually leaving the
shipping dock.
: Since the packing slip needs to be packed with the items on the order, it woul
d be nice if we could print them beforehand and put them with the shipment. But
since the outbounds have already been released and inventory updated, we get in
to a timing issue if the truck doesn't come as expected to pick up the parts.
: I've tried moving the packing slip step before the release but it doesn't work
. Any ideas would be appreciated!!!
: Thanks!
: Vernon

***************** End Of Article ******************

S Krishnan posted Message 2238 in Message Board
Dated : July 19, 1999 at 05:53:09 EST
Subject: What is Sales order Bill of Material?
There are two tables tdsls047 Sales Order Bill of Material & tdsls017 Sales Quot
ation Bill of Material, in distribution, But I have not come across any session
where I can maintain information in these tables.
Is anyone aware of what is the use of these tables?
***************** End Of Article ******************
S Krishnan posted Message 2239 in Message Board
Dated : July 19, 1999 at 06:02:04 EST
Subject: Convert Planned INV Purchase Orders to Inquiries
Our purchase department raises a Purchase Inquiry each time it gets a demand for
certain items, and then converts one of them into a PO. In Baan I can convert a
demand (Planned. Purchase INV order), into PO but is it possible to convert it
into a Purchase Inquiry?
***************** End Of Article ******************
devarajan posted Message 2240 in Message Board
Dated : July 19, 1999 at 07:24:55 EST
Subject: Re: What is Sales order Bill of Material?
: There are two tables tdsls047 Sales Order Bill of Material & tdsls017 Sales Qu
otation Bill of Material, in distribution, But I have not come across any sessio
n where I can maintain information in these tables.
: Is anyone aware of what is the use of these tables?
While maintaininig a sales order , at the sales order line level , we have an op
tion of Issuing main item or Issuing components. If the user chooses to Issue co

mponents of the main item , then the sales order bill of material table(tdsls047
) will be populated with the BOM of the main item on the sales order line.
The same is applicable for quotations also.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Merv Carr posted Message 2241 in Message Board
Dated : July 19, 1999 at 09:32:01 EST
Subject: Re: Return order and additional order cost
In the session "Maintain Items by Cost Set", have you tried making the lower lim
it a negative qty/amount ? If the rangess are set to e.g. "0 - 999", then the ne
gative qty's/amounts on the sales order total will not trigger the correct calcu

: Additional order cost seems not to work with return orders

: My problem is that I use orders with additional order cost to invoice transpor
t cost, but when a customer returns me the goods I must return also the price of
transport, like that the total of my credit note will be the same of my invoice
: How can I do that automatically in Baan VI c3-4
: Thanks

***************** End Of Article ******************

Sandeep Mohapatra posted Message 2242 in Message Board
Dated : July 20, 1999 at 00:38:16 EST
Subject: Generating Trips in BaaN Transportation
I am unable to Generate Trips using either "generate trips based on stops" or "g
enerate trips for means of transportation(combination)" . Could someone help me
out please.
Also, which session should i use. I am generating stops from transport order lin
es ( which are generated from Sales orders)
Thanks in advance
***************** End Of Article ******************
julia posted Message 2243 in Message Board
Dated : July 20, 1999 at 09:59:15 EST
Subject: archiving
i have tried to archive the item issue by period, but i could not. what is the p
rocedure of archiving? do i need to have the same item data in the archiving com
pany ?
thanks in advance.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Gianni posted Message 2244 in Message Board
Dated : July 21, 1999 at 04:17:10 EST
Subject: Rouning prices to nearest 5 in sls
Hi BaaNfans,
I would like to round my sales prices in sales orders to the nearest amount 5 in
all currencies.
For example: 1246,65 will be rounded to 1245 and 1237,8 should be rounded to 124
I think I should use the session rounding codes (tcmcs0153m00), but little help
is given on this session.
Can somebody give me tips?
Thanks in advance,
***************** End Of Article ******************
Justin Condon posted Message 2245 in Message Board
Dated : July 21, 1999 at 08:43:06 EST
Subject: Finance company on Sales Order
Can anyone tell me exactly how the finance company field on the sales order head
er (tdsls040.comp) is assigned when either using EDI or manually creating the sa
les order (I assume they are similar)?
Thanks in advance,
***************** End Of Article ******************
J. Cronin posted Message 2246 in Message Board
Dated : July 21, 1999 at 09:56:27 EST
Subject: Re: Purchase Order !
You need to explain to the accounts dep't that they need the Receipts/Proforma i
nvoice to match with the supplier invoice, and not the Purchase Order.
These reports take into account the zeroing of backorder quantities as Naveed an
d Merv described.
: Dear Naveed,
: But in our account department, they need the purchase order match with the Sup
plier Invoice, so what should i do then ?
: Thanks for the prompt reply.

: KianHaur
: : Dear KianHaur,
: : I mentioned earlier that you cannot modify a PO, once you do a transaction a
gainst it. You may zero out the remaining qty from the "Maintain Receipt" sessi
on. Let me know if you have any problem.
: : Regards,
: : Naveed
: :
: : : I have a case, for example.



I purchase of 100 sets of TV from supplier. And i have

received 30 sets in the first shipment. Then i have done
the Maintain Receipt session. Then i received 50 sets more
from the supplier, so i issued another receipt. and it left
20 sets o

: : f back order.



At last, the supplier decided not to send the rest of the

20 sets to us. However, we need to modify the Purchase Order
from 100 sets to 80 sets in Maintain Purchase Order session.
But, the system not allowed us to modify due to the transaction
is done before.

: : : So what should i do in order to modify the quantity in the

: : : particular Purchase Order ?
: : : thanks

***************** End Of Article ******************

Doug Woeste posted Message 2247 in Message Board
Dated : July 21, 1999 at 10:34:45 EST
Subject: Re: Finance company on Sales Order
On the SLS parameters there is a Y/N question about allowing multi-site transact
ions. If you turn that to yes then you can set the priorities for determining t
he financial company. If I remember correctly it is fin co number on the custom
er, settings in first free numbers, and then user default company. Ours are pri
oritized in that order. Make sure that you go to the first free numbers session
and put a default financial company on any that will allow it (not all of them
will). There are similar setups in the other parameters for purchasing, etc.

: Can anyone tell me exactly how the finance company field on the sales order he
ader (tdsls040.comp) is assigned when either using EDI or manually creating the
sales order (I assume they are similar)?
: Thanks in advance,

: Justin

***************** End Of Article ******************

Anna posted Message 2248 in Message Board
Dated : July 21, 1999 at 11:27:09 EST
***************** End Of Article ******************
Jeanne Ploshay posted Message 2249 in Message Board
Dated : July 21, 1999 at 15:12:54 EST
Subject: Re: Deleting records from Maintain Customers tccom1101m000
: I am attempting to delete customers from the session tccom1101m000 Maintain Cu
stomers". The session is prohibiting the deletion of these accounts.
: The accounts do not have Order Balances or Invoice Balances.
: Please advise other restrictions that would disallow these deletions.
: Thank you in advance for your comments.
: Carol Schmidt
If you did any quotations for the customer in question you will not be able to d
elete the customer either. If you are using the commission module and have a de
fault relation linked to the customer that will also disallow deletion.
We have found that it is nearly impossible to locate every single link and "wipe
the slate clean" unless you have just entered the customer and immediately dele
te it!
***************** End Of Article ******************
Pamela posted Message 2250 in Message Board
Dated : July 21, 1999 at 20:31:15 EST
Subject: Sales Invoice Problem.
Hi all,
My company just implement Baan for Sales Module.
My problem is I 've created one sales order that have many order lines in it
according to customer's P/O , but my customer told us to separate those ord

er lines to
many sales invoices when shipping goods.I solve this problem
by confirm delivery one by one line and follow by printing sales invoice immedia
tely. I think it's difficult to work.
What is the best way to solve this problem ?
Thanks in advanced.
***************** End Of Article ******************
murthy posted Message 2251 in Message Board
Dated : July 22, 1999 at 07:00:18 EST
Subject: Re: Indirect access locations
Outbound is done only based on the outbound priority mentioned in the item mast
er data. The reason for not generating the outbound from storage locations could
be that these locations are blocked for outbound. For the items which are to be
picked up from picking zone, please set the outbound priority to location code.
Please use the session tdilc0130m000(maintain locations by item) to fill up the
minimum storage quantity and minimum replenishment quantity for all these items
. You may use the session tdilc2410m000 (Print replenishments list) to get the q
uantities to be replenished to these locations.
In order to reduce the workaround procedure of transferring goods, please declar
e the picking zones as fixed locations for these items assigning highest inbound
priority, so that when inbound is generated the material is stored in these loc
ations first. This can also be done in the session tdilc0130m000

***************** End Of Article ******************

Charlie Gowing posted Message 2252 in Message Board
Dated : July 22, 1999 at 11:11:33 EST
Subject: Re: EDI map repository ?
What ever became of the repository idea? I am in need of the basic "defaults.edi
" file.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Charlie Gowing posted Message 2253 in Message Board
Dated : July 22, 1999 at 11:31:02 EST
Subject: Re: EDI - Interim Tables
: What ever happened to the idea of a user repository?
: I am trying to establish EDI and have yet to generate the "defaults.edi" table

***************** End Of Article ******************

Charlie Gowing posted Message 2254 in Message Board

Dated : July 22, 1999 at 11:37:28 EST

Subject: EDI in Triton 3.1b - 'defaults.edi' file
Has anyone ever created or imported or obtained from BaaN the EDI file called 'd
efaults.edi'? I am looking for the file layout expected by BaaN's EDI so that in
coming 850 Tx's can be translated correctly.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Merv Carr posted Message 2255 in Message Board
Dated : July 22, 1999 at 11:38:04 EST
Subject: Re: Sales Invoice Problem.
Lose the customer ! Can you not convince the customer that their request is unre
asonable ?
: Hi all,
My company just implement Baan for Sales Module.
: My problem is I 've created one sales order that have many order lines in
it according to customer's P/O , but my customer told us to separate those o
rder lines to
: many sales invoices when shipping goods.I solve this problem
: by confirm delivery one by one line and follow by printing sales invoice immed
iately. I think it's difficult to work.

What is the best way to solve this problem ?

: Thanks in advanced.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Justin Condon posted Message 2256 in Message Board
Dated : July 22, 1999 at 12:45:45 EST
Subject: Re: EDI in Triton 3.1b - 'defaults.edi' file
Give BAAN a call and they will provide you with the defaults.edi file. You need
to Import this file so that the conversion setups (mappings) for all of the EDI
transactions are present.
I have a defaults.edi file for 4b and 4c on my laptop, if it is any use - email
me if necessary. Otherwise, contact BAAN.
: Has anyone ever created or imported or obtained from BaaN the EDI file called
'defaults.edi'? I am looking for the file layout expected by BaaN's EDI so that
incoming 850 Tx's can be translated correctly.

***************** End Of Article ******************

radh posted Message 2257 in Message Board

Dated : July 22, 1999 at 14:29:56 EST

Subject: Maintain PSC parameter
When maintaining the Supply chain parameter for the first time and attempting to
save it the system keep giving out an error message "sequence number not allowe
d". The tdpsc000 table has a field sequence number, that is not visible inthe p
arameter session. The help for that field says "Auxillary number identifying the
parameter set". When I changed the value for this field from 0 to 1 inthe tabl
e, and then went into the session, I was able to save and exit the session.
What is the purpose of this field and how is it supposed to get set?
***************** End Of Article ******************
SHOE posted Message 2258 in Message Board
Dated : July 22, 1999 at 18:25:13 EST
Subject: Back Orders
Having difficulty maintaining back orders on item type "purchased" items that ha
ve their outbound priority set to "location" in the Item Master. I have no probl
em with items that are FIFO as the maintain receipts session takes you to the ap
propriate screen to maintain back orders (ILC). Is it possible to do back orders
on "purchased" / "location" items.
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Merv Carr posted Message 2259 in Message Board
Dated : July 23, 1999 at 18:58:14 EST
Subject: Re: Back Orders
Go to the session "Maintain Back orders", suggest also you read through some of
the older postings. This topic has come up a few times recently
: Having difficulty maintaining back orders on item type "purchased" items that
have their outbound priority set to "location" in the Item Master. I have no pro
blem with items that are FIFO as the maintain receipts session takes you to the
appropriate screen to maintain back orders (ILC). Is it possible to do back orde
rs on "purchased" / "location" items.

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Ulrich posted Message 2260 in Message Board
Dated : July 24, 1999 at 06:55:05 EST
Subject: Re: Deleting records from Maintain Customers tccom1101m000
: I am attempting to delete customers from the session tccom1101m000 Maintain Cu
stomers". The session is prohibiting the deletion of these accounts.
: The accounts do not have Order Balances or Invoice Balances.
: Please advise other restrictions that would disallow these deletions.

: Thank you in advance for your comments.

: Carol Schmidt
hi Carol
if you want to find out why it is restricted to delete records in general you ha
ve to run the program Print references to Parent. This program is located under
Tools, database management, reports. in this session you choose the table in whi
ch you want to delete a record and the system will show you every relationship i
n other tables which will suppres the deletion of your selected record greetings
***************** End Of Article ******************
Luis posted Message 2261 in Message Board
Dated : July 24, 1999 at 11:56:17 EST
Subject: Maintaining outbound on items returned from customer
We are a Dairy Company and receive a great amount of items returned from our cus
tomers (due to expiration date in our fresh products).
Since we have ILC and TLC implemented, we have to maintain outbound manualy and
that is a heavy task (we need a person working on this fulltime).
On the other hand, our storage unit (cases) is different from our stock unit (un
its). Since normally we get units and not whole cases we have to introduce deci
mals in the quantity field.
Is there a way to maintain outbound automatically for client returns. And is it
possible to enter the outbound data in stock units instead of storage units?
***************** End Of Article ******************
KianHaur posted Message 2262 in Message Board
Dated : July 26, 1999 at 04:59:54 EST
Subject: Cycle Counting Problem.
When i try to do Generate Cycle Counting Orders in Lot Control, the system only
count those Raw Material item.
May i know why it won't print out the entire items in the Item Master file ?
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Gianni posted Message 2263 in Message Board
Dated : July 26, 1999 at 06:21:08 EST
Subject: price per item based on total order value
Hi BaaNfans,
Is it possible to determine a price of an item based on the total order value (t
he order consist of several items). E.g if the total order value is larger than
100.000 then the item will cost 100, if it is lower the item will cost 150.
Thanks in advance,
***************** End Of Article ******************

Rob posted Message 2264 in Message Board

Dated : July 26, 1999 at 08:00:29 EST
Subject: Re: price per item based on total order value
By using the sessions within Sales Prices and Discounts (dependent on the method
that you prefer ie by customer)you can set the quantity discount levels.

your worry after that is that it does not display as a unit price then you ha
several workarounds that you can use. For the reports especially those that a
sent out to your customers simple changes to (or new) report script can be us
to get the new price on to the document.

Assuming that you do not have source code (program script) there is nothing that
you can do to the sales order screen directly. But I have in the past added zo
oms to new subsessions that afford you a view of discounted prices. This may me
an a new table if you want to keep a history of actual unit prices.
Good luck,
***************** End Of Article ******************
Merv Carr posted Message 2265 in Message Board
Dated : July 26, 1999 at 09:41:43 EST
Subject: Re: price per item based on total order value
Before diving in and customising your system how about trying a couple of differ
ent approaches.
The first and most obvious one, as suggested by Rob, is to use an order discount
based on order total value. That is a pretty normal business approach in my opi
nion. Maybe try it out (with the customer)and see if it flies.
A slightly different approach, and I have not tried this out, which I think may
be worth investigating, is to try using additional order costs (obviously with a
negative value). The additional order costs can be based on a few different par
ameters, one of which is "Amount". Seeing that the additional order costs are al
ways based on order totals anyway it might just work.
As I say I haven't tried it out, if I get a chance I will, but if you do have an
y success in the meantime, please post the results here.
Regards, Merv Carr

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Christine Johansen posted Message 2266 in Message Board
Dated : July 26, 1999 at 09:53:46 EST
Subject: Re: Misterious Inbounds
: Some people working in a BAAN consulting company

: here in Portugal have told me one of the possible causes

: for those strange inbounds:
: If a person declares an inbound in one day and prints the
: necessary reports in the next day, the date of the inbound
: is changed and the time of inbound becomes 23:59.
: This is not completely relliable information, i will try to know
: more and inform you people. See you around.
If you do not process delivered PO's or Delivered SO's Baan will complete your t
ransactions for you at 23:59 look at Baan solution number 10735.

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Christine Johansen posted Message 2267 in Message Board
Dated : July 26, 1999 at 09:56:56 EST
Subject: Re: Same problem
The problem lies with not processing delivered sales orders and delivered purcha
se orders. Baan does not see this process run and tries to complete the process
ing for you.

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Naveed I. Khan posted Message 2268 in Message Board
Dated : July 26, 1999 at 15:10:02 EST
Subject: Re: Cycle Counting Problem.
Their could be couple of different reason that your generqtion of cycle count is
not giving you list of all items. You may need to check your Inventory Control
parameter and check if you have defined items in classification of A, B and C.
Also check their duration i.e. How often you want to count them.
Good Luck,
: When i try to do Generate Cycle Counting Orders in Lot Control, the system onl
y count those Raw Material item.
: May i know why it won't print out the entire items in the Item Master file ?

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Naveed I. Khan posted Message 2269 in Message Board
Dated : July 26, 1999 at 15:15:49 EST

Subject: Re: Maintaining outbound on items returned from customer

The solution is easy. In your Purchase order type, select the check box which s
ays "Collect Order". As far as stock and storage units are concerned you have t
o maintain conversion factor on the Item level. Let me if you need further assi
Good Luck,
: We are a Dairy Company and receive a great amount of items returned from our c
ustomers (due to expiration date in our fresh products).
: Since we have ILC and TLC implemented, we have to maintain outbound manualy an
d that is a heavy task (we need a person working on this fulltime).
: On the other hand, our storage unit (cases) is different from our stock unit (
units). Since normally we get units and not whole cases we have to introduce de
cimals in the quantity field.
: Is there a way to maintain outbound automatically for client returns. And is
it possible to enter the outbound data in stock units instead of storage units?

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murthy posted Message 2270 in Message Board
Dated : July 27, 1999 at 09:16:10 EST
Subject: additional costs
Our company collects different additional costs on the different sales order lin
es depending on product type. At present the additional costs are declared based
on sales unit and are being added interactively with 0 quantities. I am request
ing the client to change the quantities of additional costs based on the orders
lines. Since my client maintains about 200 orders a day it is a laborious proces
s to change addditional cost quantities. precisely what i need is
Pono: 10 qty:5 additonal cost item1 qty:5
Pono: 20 qty:3 additonal cost item2 qty:3
I might have several orderlines of same product type where the additional costs
have to be consolidated.
Any cut short procedure for achieving this. I can not add the addional costs in
the pricing as it has to be shown as seperate item in finance.
Any help appreciated
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Naveed I. Khan posted Message 2271 in Message Board
Dated : July 27, 1999 at 09:36:12 EST
Subject: Re: additional costs
Dear Murthy,
You may consider using additional cost functionality on item level.
Good Luck,

: Our company collects different additional costs on the different sales order l
ines depending on product type. At present the additional costs are declared bas
ed on sales unit and are being added interactively with 0 quantities. I am reque
sting the client to change the quantities of additional costs based on the order
s lines. Since my client maintains about 200 orders a day it is a laborious proc
ess to change addditional cost quantities. precisely what i need is
: Pono: 10 qty:5 additonal cost item1 qty:5
: Pono: 20 qty:3 additonal cost item2 qty:3
: I might have several orderlines of same product type where the additional cost
s have to be consolidated.
: Any cut short procedure for achieving this. I can not add the addional costs i
n the pricing as it has to be shown as seperate item in finance.
: Any help appreciated

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murthy posted Message 2272 in Message Board
Dated : July 27, 1999 at 10:53:35 EST
Subject: Re: additional costs
Dear Navid,
Thanks for the reply. I am not very clear how to add additional cost to the item
. Can u pl elaborate on this procedure.

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Luis posted Message 2273 in Message Board
Dated : July 27, 1999 at 11:08:40 EST
Subject: Re: Maintaining outbound on items returned from customer
Thank you very much for your fast response to my message at
We tried the solution you suggested, but it didn't work, so I guess I misunderst
ood your advise or well didn't explain very well myself.
The problem is that everyday we receive about 1,200 lines of sales-returns order
s from our clients. Since we have ILC and TLC implemented, we have to maintain
outbound manually, that is:
We have to identified the order and line number
Maintain the lot information
Enter the quantity returned by the customer in storage units.
This takes a lot of time from the person responsible for entering this data to t
he system. But, till now we find that there's no way that we could skip this in
formation and generate automatically the outbound data.
The other problem related is the following:
Our stock unit is the unit (for example U62= 1/2 gallon icecream cup), but our
storage unit is cases (C62= case with 6 units of U62). When you maintain outbo
und for return orders, you have to enter the quantity in storage units, and the
system converts it to stock units. So if you receive 1 cup of ice cream (U62) y
ou have to enter:



and the systems converts it to 1 U62 in the line below.

This is non practical since we have a lot of different units and cases, and this
person has to enter decimals. If he goes directly to the field with stock units
, the system enters "0" in the storage unit field and creates a unbalance in th
e table tdilc101.
If you have any idea how we can overcome this little problem, I will appreciate
your help.
Thank you again
: The solution is easy. In your Purchase order type, select the check box which
says "Collect Order". As far as stock and storage units are concerned you have
to maintain conversion factor on the Item level. Let me if you need further as
: Good Luck,
: Naveed
: : We are a Dairy Company and receive a great amount of items returned from our
customers (due to expiration date in our fresh products).
: : Since we have ILC and TLC implemented, we have to maintain outbound manualy
and that is a heavy task (we need a person working on this fulltime).
: : On the other hand, our storage unit (cases) is different from our stock unit
(units). Since normally we get units and not whole cases we have to introduce
decimals in the quantity field.
: : Is there a way to maintain outbound automatically for client returns. And i
s it possible to enter the outbound data in stock units instead of storage units

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Dale posted Message 2274 in Message Board
Dated : July 27, 1999 at 11:14:25 EST
Subject: Re: Adjust/Delete PO Receipt
As long as the item has not been inbounded and that inbound released, you will b
e able to delete the position(s) or receipt number. The items should still be l
ocated in location REC after maintaining the receipt. If the inbound is generat
ed and released, the item is now in inventory and therefore cannot be pulled out
of inventory except by a negative PO line. Hope that answers your problem.
***************** End Of Article ******************
pmoss posted Message 2275 in Message Board
Dated : July 27, 1999 at 12:19:57 EST
Subject: Transport &amp; Multi-site
Who out there knows the Transport Module?
1. can you operate a centralized transport module for several logistics companie

s. Shipping several BAAN company's product on one truck. From what I have seen t
his does not seem possible?
2. I do not want to invoice customers for transport cost but to record cost and
allocate them to the appropriate BAAN company who's goods were delivered. Ideas
***************** End Of Article ******************
Vernon Anderson posted Message 2276 in Message Board
Dated : July 27, 1999 at 16:46:06 EST
Subject: Back order Fill report (?)
A long time ago in a system far far away, I had a neat little report called a ba
ckorder fill report that would list the backorders I could fill based upon a rec
ent receipt of finished goods. Does anyone know of such a report in Baan? I'd
love it whenenver I do an inbound from production (or purchasing for that matter
) that a list of backorders for that item be produced.
Any assistance will be greatly appreciated.
***************** End Of Article ******************
pramod posted Message 2277 in Message Board
Dated : July 28, 1999 at 02:05:45 EST
Subject: sales order priorities ---- clarification
after maintaining simulation codes, generating, and processing the order priorit
ies, iam still able to perform "maintain deliveries" for the least priority sls
order. ihave not used picking lists. i feel that system should atleast signal th
at the sls order considered for delivery is not on highest priority.
can any one please help me.
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Paul van eijk posted Message 2278 in Message Board
Dated : July 28, 1999 at 04:06:17 EST
Subject: Re: sales order priorities ---- clarification
priorities generated by simulation codes are only used to print the picking list
in order of priority. There's no link between maintain deliveries and prioritie
Good luck
: after maintaining simulation codes, generating, and processing the order prior
ities, iam still able to perform "maintain deliveries" for the least priority sl
s order. ihave not used picking lists. i feel that system should atleast signal
that the sls order considered for delivery is not on highest priority.

: can any one please help me.

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Paul van EIjk posted Message 2279 in Message Board
Dated : July 28, 1999 at 04:15:05 EST
Subject: Re: additional costs
This is a dead end.
Additional costs in Baan are linked to Customer, Customer/pricelist or costset (
all Customers). I beleive there's no link to seperate items.
: Dear Navid,
: Thanks for the reply. I am not very clear how to add additional cost to the it
em. Can u pl elaborate on this procedure.
: murthy

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Puneet posted Message 2280 in Message Board
Dated : July 28, 1999 at 04:33:48 EST
Subject: Order Series not Defined in Maintain Receipts
When i try to maintain receipts for a item (for which inspection=Yes) system is
giving a message "Order Series not Defined"; Although in QMS all parameters have
been defined properly.System is not generating the Standard inspection Orders.
If anybody know of any patch or solution to this please Help
***************** End Of Article ******************
murthy posted Message 2281 in Message Board
Dated : July 28, 1999 at 05:17:07 EST
Subject: Re: additional costs
Thanks Paul,
Any other solution for my problem???
***************** End Of Article ******************
Paul van Eijk posted Message 2282 in Message Board
Dated : July 28, 1999 at 06:14:11 EST

Subject: Re: Order Series not Defined in Maintain Receipts

Assuming that you are able to enter the receipt:
Are you working with series in QMS? If so, check your parameters tcqms0100m000 f
orm 2. If you have entered 'one digit' or 'two digits' on the field 'Series in I
nspection order numbering' you must define series on the next fields.
If you're not working with order series you'll have to define an order series '0
', because the system will store the first free number in tcmcs0147m000.
Good luck!
: When i try to maintain receipts for a item (for which inspection=Yes) system i
s giving a message "Order Series not Defined"; Although in QMS all parameters ha
ve been defined properly.System is not generating the Standard inspection Orders
: If anybody know of any patch or solution to this please Help
: Thanx
: Puneet

***************** End Of Article ******************

warren george posted Message 2283 in Message Board
Dated : July 28, 1999 at 08:57:26 EST
Subject: Bom requires qty 1.1, but must issue 2 units.
The BOM requires 0.11 of a piece of timber. If a production order is entered for
quantity 10, this will create a requirement, based on the BOM, of 1.1 boards. T
imber can only be issued in whole units. So in this case 2 pieces would have to
be issued. But the qty allocated in warehousing is 1.1, a qty that can never be
issued. Is there a way to force warehousing to deal only in whole numbers? It wo
uld always have to round up. For example in the case of 1.1 boards required it w
ould have to be 2 , as if it rounded down, there would not be enough board.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Puneet posted Message 2284 in Message Board
Dated : July 28, 1999 at 09:15:30 EST
Subject: Re: Order Series not Defined in Maintain Receipts
I think i have done all whatever you have mentioned but still i am getting the
problem.My Baan version is Baan IV c3;may be its a bug.But i have searched in w i couldn't find anything.

: Puneet,

: Assuming that you are able to enter the receipt:

: Are you working with series in QMS? If so, check your parameters tcqms0100m000
form 2. If you have entered 'one digit' or 'two digits' on the field 'Series in
Inspection order numbering' you must define series on the next fields.
: If you're not working with order series you'll have to define an order series
'0', because the system will store the first free number in tcmcs0147m000.
: Good luck!
: Paul
: : When i try to maintain receipts for a item (for which inspection=Yes) system
is giving a message "Order Series not Defined"; Although in QMS all parameters
have been defined properly.System is not generating the Standard inspection Orde
: : If anybody know of any patch or solution to this please Help
: : Thanx
: : Puneet

***************** End Of Article ******************

Anand posted Message 2285 in Message Board
Dated : July 28, 1999 at 12:48:12 EST
Subject: Re: Order Series not Defined in Maintain Receipts
Even I was facing the same problem.However I was able to
manitain receipt after defining series '0' for inspection for purchased items.
However I am getting the error - Series Not Defined when I try
to release production order for a item (For which inspection = Yes and have qual
ity combination defined ).
I also get the same error If I try to do storage inspection of the item whose qu
ality combination with "storage inspection"
as origin is defined.
This is inspite of defining QMS parameters correctly.
Any help ?
: When i try to maintain receipts for a item (for which inspection=Yes) system i
s giving a message "Order Series not Defined"; Although in QMS all parameters ha
ve been defined properly.System is not generating the Standard inspection Orders
: If anybody know of any patch or solution to this please Help
: Thanx
: Puneet

***************** End Of Article ******************

Laurie L posted Message 2286 in Message Board
Dated : July 28, 1999 at 14:32:58 EST
Subject: Commissions/Triton3.1
I cannot get this sstem to calculae commissions...I have link with finance = yes
, sales order history = yes, comm. cal. method = gross, and have input appropria
te periods. I linked rep to sales order.
Today we input a sales order and delivered it...the current line status = "delet
ing line".
When we calculate the commission it says "process completed" however when we try
to "Maintain Commission Calculated by Order" the system cannot find the order..
.therefore we cannot "globally Approve" or ' Print Commission Notes". So we are
Thanks in advance for any help..
***************** End Of Article ******************
Kevin J. Rell posted Message 2287 in Message Board
Dated : July 28, 1999 at 15:42:29 EST
Subject: Visibility to alternate unit of measure
I work for a window manufacturer that purchases aluminum extrusions as one of it
s raw materials. The purchase unit for the extrusion items is pcs but the purch
ase price unit is lbs.
Is it possible to view on order quantities in lbs anywhere in Baan. The convers
ion factors are entered in the system.
We need to have visibility to the number of units in pounds because we use this
value to plan loads and capacities with our suppliers.
***************** End Of Article ******************
rmoore posted Message 2288 in Message Board
Dated : July 28, 1999 at 17:08:04 EST
Subject: Margin Control
Is there anyone out there that is using Margin Control?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Phil Cole posted Message 2289 in Message Board
Dated : July 28, 1999 at 17:36:24 EST
Subject: Quotation History Standard Cost (tdsls011.copr)
Quick Question:
When a quotation is processed to an order and the quotation contains a calculati
on part, should the field Standard Cost Price in Sales Quotation History (tdsls0
11.copr) be set to the last cost price calculated for the calculation part if th

e destination project has the budget calculation code filled? It isn't - is it

intended functionality?
Long explanation & reasoning:
I would like the above to happen because then the point of order margins are sti
ll known for each quotation line after the sales quotation and sales order histo
ry has been removed.
I've tested the following situations:
Test 1
1. Create quotation
2. Insert quotation line for a standard purchased item with a standard cost of 8
.72 GBP.
As expected tdsls011.copr = 8.72 GBP on both inserting the line and after proces
sing to a sales order.
Test 2
1. Create budget, setup calculation codes, etc.
2. Add purchased calculation part to budget for 10 GBP
3. Perform "Calculate Cost Prices by Budget" (tipcs1250m000)
4. Run "Generate Sales Quotation from Budget" (tipcs0240m000)
Here tdsls011.copr is set to 10 GBP (depends on the calculation code used in tip
cs0240m000) upon generation of the quotation line, but when processed to an orde
r tdsls011.copr is set to 0 GBP !!
Test 3
1. Create sales quotation
2. Manually insert a calcuation part
Here tdsls011.copr is set to 0 GBP upon insertion of the sales quotation line an
d when processed to an order.
Because of test 2, I do expect the cost price for calculation parts to be stored
in tdsls011.copr. So why, when the sales quotation is processed to a sales ord
er, and so long as the project has the budget calculation code (tipcs020.bccd) f
illed is tdsls011.copr not updated with the current cost price for that calculat
ion part and calculation code?
Should I be asking for a patch?
***************** End Of Article ******************
jason posted Message 2290 in Message Board
Dated : July 28, 1999 at 20:44:53 EST
Subject: Re: Visibility to alternate unit of measure
I would suggest having a different invetnory and storage unit for the item. I be
lieve that when you are displaying the inventory by an item there are sessions f
or both units where an on order quantity can be found. This may not provide you
with the detailed visibility to plan loads but it could be a start. Good luck.
: I work for a window manufacturer that purchases aluminum extrusions as one of
its raw materials. The purchase unit for the extrusion items is pcs but the pur

chase price unit is lbs.

: Is it possible to view on order quantities in lbs anywhere in Baan. The conve
rsion factors are entered in the system.
: We need to have visibility to the number of units in pounds because we use thi
s value to plan loads and capacities with our suppliers.
: Thanks,

***************** End Of Article ******************

Paul van Eijk posted Message 2291 in Message Board
Dated : July 29, 1999 at 07:02:07 EST
Subject: Re: Margin Control
It works faster if you post your question in more depth...
: Is there anyone out there that is using Margin Control?

***************** End Of Article ******************

Hezel, Frank posted Message 2292 in Message Board
Dated : July 29, 1999 at 07:24:37 EST
Subject: Re: Informations about Archive company
: Informations about Archive company in the inventory module

***************** End Of Article ******************

Sandeep Mohapatra posted Message 2293 in Message Board
Dated : July 29, 1999 at 08:17:06 EST
Subject: Transportation Planning
Can anyone help me with certain queries regarding transportation planning? Has
anyone done extensive work in this field
Thanks in advance
***************** End Of Article ******************
Jan posted Message 2294 in Message Board

Dated : July 29, 1999 at 09:26:01 EST

Subject: Product Configurator &amp; Sales Pricing
I'm using product configurator but do not really want to use generic price lists
as pricing by customer & item is ideal for my needs. I would be applying the pr
ice at the Generic item level. Does anybody know if I can get round this ???

***************** End Of Article ******************

pramod posted Message 2295 in Message Board
Dated : July 30, 1999 at 02:04:15 EST
Subject: Re: sales order priorities ---- clarification
thanks mr paul.
: priorities generated by simulation codes are only used to print the picking li
st in order of priority. There's no link between maintain deliveries and priorit
: Good luck
: Paul
: : after maintaining simulation codes, generating, and processing the order pri
orities, iam still able to perform "maintain deliveries" for the least priority
sls order. ihave not used picking lists. i feel that system should atleast signa
l that the sls order considered for delivery is not on highest priority.
: : can any one please help me.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Dave Smeulders posted Message 2296 in Message Board
Dated : July 30, 1999 at 08:36:14 EST
Subject: process quotations
We recently played in a patch in Baan_c4 (solution nr 71511) that
prevents merging quotations with different customers/sales order types into ONE
sales order. (session tdsls1202s000 to be found at zooming in on session tdsls1
This works fine. But, in the solution description Baan stated that the merging
now will be done on the basis of the following fields (same header information :
same customer, order type, currencies).
The problem now is that the moment we have an identical sls quotation-header exc
ept for e.g. a different reference, it does not merge the different sls quotatio
ns into ONE sales order but into two different ones.
Is this how it is supposed to
ly like to find a solution to
nt the following three fields
his doesn't seem to work like

work, or did Baan made a mistake there? We'd real

merge sales quotations to one sales order the mome
are identical : customer/order type/currency but t

help is welcome
-Dave Smeulders

***************** End Of Article ******************

Arthur posted Message 2297 in Message Board
Dated : July 30, 1999 at 13:52:06 EST
Subject: Re: Commissions/Triton3.1
: I cannot get this sstem to calculae commissions...I have link with finance = y
es, sales order history = yes, comm. cal. method = gross, and have input appropr
iate periods. I linked rep to sales order.
: Today we input a sales order and delivered it...the current line status = "del
eting line".
: When we calculate the commission it says "process completed" however when we t
ry to "Maintain Commission Calculated by Order" the system cannot find the order
...therefore we cannot "globally Approve" or ' Print Commission Notes". So we a
re stopped....
: Thanks in advance for any help..
When you run the session Calculate Commisiions/Rebates (tdcms0240m000) are you s
etting the Print Errors to 'YES'... and getting a 'No dat found.' ?
Have you followed all other steps, such as Maintain Relations, Maintain Agreemen
ts, Link Relations to Sales Order Lines.
Hope this helps :)
***************** End Of Article ******************
Manjeet posted Message 2298 in Message Board
Dated : July 31, 1999 at 04:04:07 EST
Subject: How to update the Average Purchase Price
We are using Average Purchase price as the basis for calculating the Cost price
of Purchase items. When begining to use the system, I update average purchase pr
ice in Item master. And put the opening stock using inventory adjustments.
But when I make the first purchase the average purchase price & latest purchase
price are updated to the same rate ie. the the rate of the PO just created.
This is because the total purchase quatity is taken as zero and the average purc
hase price calculation logic is applied.
Does some one know where this information (the total purchase quantity) is store
d? And if we can update it using the Exchange module. This will allow the Averag
e purchase price calculation to be in line with thatof the history.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Naveed I. Khan

posted Message 2299 in Message Board

Dated : July 31, 1999 at 17:55:39 EST

Subject: Re: How to update the Average Purchase Price
Dear Manjeet,
In order to update the average purchase price, change the priority in the cost p
rice calculation code. their you will find four priorities, put average purchas
e price as priority number one. If you have any problem feel free to drop me an
Good Luck,
: We are using Average Purchase price as the basis for calculating the Cost pric
e of Purchase items. When begining to use the system, I update average purchase
price in Item master. And put the opening stock using inventory adjustments.
: But when I make the first purchase the average purchase price & latest purchas
e price are updated to the same rate ie. the the rate of the PO just created.
: This is because the total purchase quatity is taken as zero and the average pu
rchase price calculation logic is applied.
: Does some one know where this information (the total purchase quantity) is sto
red? And if we can update it using the Exchange module. This will allow the Aver
age purchase price calculation to be in line with thatof the history.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Manjeet posted Message 2300 in Message Board
Dated : August 02, 1999 at 06:04:42 EST
Subject: Re: How to update the Average Purchase Price
I know that and have set the Priority to Average Purchase Price.
But the problem is that when I raise the first PO for an item the Average purcha
se price is replaced with the price of that PO directly. This is because it does
not "weight" Average Purch. Price with the stock on hand but with the cumulative
purchases for that item, (which in this case will be zero).
So I need to know where this information (cumulative purchase quantity) is store
d so that I can update it with the stck on hand.
: Dear Manjeet,
: In order to update the average purchase price, change the priority in the cost
price calculation code. their you will find four priorities, put average purch
ase price as priority number one. If you have any problem feel free to drop me
an e-mail.
: Good Luck,
: Naveed
: : We are using Average Purchase price as the basis for calculating the Cost pr
ice of Purchase items. When begining to use the system, I update average purchas
e price in Item master. And put the opening stock using inventory adjustments.

: : But when I make the first purchase the average purchase price & latest purch
ase price are updated to the same rate ie. the the rate of the PO just created.
: : This is because the total purchase quatity is taken as zero and the average
purchase price calculation logic is applied.
: : Does some one know where this information (the total purchase quantity) is s
tored? And if we can update it using the Exchange module. This will allow the Av
erage purchase price calculation to be in line with thatof the history.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Albert posted Message 2301 in Message Board
Dated : August 02, 1999 at 09:36:29 EST
Subject: Re: &quot;Currency errors&quot;
These messages like 'currency of warehouse not found' are misleading,its not mon
ey currency,but rather the relationship between Enterprise units and various dep
artments,ex:Purchase office,Warehouse etc.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Ashish Saboo posted Message 2302 in Message Board
Dated : August 02, 1999 at 12:35:50 EST
Subject: Problems with inbound on production receipt on Baan V
When I try to generate inbound advise for a production item, the system says
'cannot genrate inbound adivse, see inbound advise log,
The inbound advise log reads ' unable to find any location for remaining
quantity of 100 ea' . The order is for 100 items only.
I have multi-lot, multi-item locations with no storage conditions turned on.
I can inbound the same part on a purchase order without any problem.
Any ideas on what may be the problem ??
***************** End Of Article ******************
Jeanne Ploshay posted Message 2303 in Message Board
Dated : August 02, 1999 at 13:31:09 EST
Subject: Re: Margin Control
: Is there anyone out there that is using Margin Control?
We are using on a very limited basis. What specifically do you want to know?
Jeanne Ploshay
***************** End Of Article ******************

Jeanne Ploshay posted Message 2304 in Message Board

Dated : August 02, 1999 at 14:07:30 EST
Subject: Changing Planned Dely. Date on Sales Orders
We are a manufacturing company and have a high rate of orders which are late for
various reasons. Even though we have a high number of "custom items" we are cu
rrently using MRP and MPS but do not use Projects/Custom Items.
We use the Plan. Del. Date to store what we call the "Original Promise Date" whi
ch is the date we originally promised to the customer when the order was first e
ntered. We use the "Plan. Rec. Date" to store what we call the "Current Promise
Date" which is shows the current date we have told the customer the material wi
ll ship. We need two dates because we need a way to measure our on time deliver
y performance (ship date - original promise) as well as a place to "look up" whe
n the material is "really going to ship". Our procedure is to NEVER change the
original promise date (unless the customer pushes their required date out!)so th
is is the date that drives the planning system. It has been suggested that we s
hould reverse usage of these dates - and change the Planned Delivery date to ref
lect the current, realistic ship date. Since this date drives just about everyt
hing is Baan, I am concerned that frequent changes to this date will not allow t
he planning system to function efficiently. Shouldn't the system be planning ba
sed on what the leadtimes should be not a "padded" leadtime?
I'd like some input from other users as to how they handle date changes when ord
ers are late.
Thanks is advance!
Jeanne Ploshay
***************** End Of Article ******************
Ashish posted Message 2305 in Message Board
Dated : August 02, 1999 at 15:14:06 EST
Subject: Re: Transportation Planning
What are the queries?
: Hi,
: Can anyone help me with certain queries regarding transportation planning? Ha
s anyone done extensive work in this field
: Thanks in advance
: Sandeep

***************** End Of Article ******************

Ashish posted Message 2306 in Message Board
Dated : August 02, 1999 at 15:17:23 EST
Subject: Re: Transport &amp; Multi-site
You can handle both the cases in Transportation

: Who out there knows the Transport Module?

: 1. can you operate a centralized transport module for several logistics compan
ies. Shipping several BAAN company's product on one truck. From what I have seen
this does not seem possible?
: 2. I do not want to invoice customers for transport cost but to record cost an
d allocate them to the appropriate BAAN company who's goods were delivered. Idea
s please!
: Thanks
: pmoss

***************** End Of Article ******************

Ashish posted Message 2307 in Message Board
Dated : August 02, 1999 at 15:22:03 EST
Subject: Re: Generating Trips in BaaN Transportation
Entire planning set up for transportation needs to be
configured before you get stops and trips.
: Hi,
: I am unable to Generate Trips using either "generate trips based on stops" or
"generate trips for means of transportation(combination)" . Could someone help m
e out please.
: Also, which session should i use. I am generating stops from transport order l
ines ( which are generated from Sales orders)
: Thanks in advance
: Sandeep

***************** End Of Article ******************

Ashish posted Message 2308 in Message Board
Dated : August 02, 1999 at 15:32:26 EST
Subject: Re: Route Plan in Transport Order
Besides what Marc mentioned.......
its relevance occurs in Sales order to calculate
delivery and receipt date
: : HI All,
: : I want to get information on how a route plan in Tranport Order is used and
if anybody has used it?

The Route Plan defines the structure of a transport order-line,

i.e. pre- main- and after-cariage. If goods are delivered
via certain transhipment points you can define this as a
route plan. E.g.

: pre-carriage: from warehouse to transhipment point 1

: main-carrigage: from transhipment point 1 to transhipment point 2
: after-carriage: from transhipment point 2 to delivery-point.
: If this is defined as one transport route plan, then every
: Sales / Transport Order Line with this plan automatically gets
: three "parts" that can be planned / subcontracted seperately.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Genie posted Message 2309 in Message Board
Dated : August 02, 1999 at 21:32:26 EST
Subject: Re: Bom requires qty 1.1, but must issue 2 units.
Be sure your rounding factor, for this unit, is in whole numbers. If you are li
ve, you cannot change this without using table maintenance. If you do this, be
sure all of your inventory is removed, change it, then put your inventory back,
for that unit of measure and all corresponding units which have conversions set
: The BOM requires 0.11 of a piece of timber. If a production order is entered f
or quantity 10, this will create a requirement, based on the BOM, of 1.1 boards.
Timber can only be issued in whole units. So in this case 2 pieces would have t
o be issued. But the qty allocated in warehousing is 1.1, a qty that can never b
e issued. Is there a way to force warehousing to deal only in whole numbers? It
would always have to round up. For example in the case of 1.1 boards required it
would have to be 2 , as if it rounded down, there would not be enough board.
: thanks

***************** End Of Article ******************

Pamela posted Message 2310 in Message Board
Dated : August 03, 1999 at 05:00:57 EST
Subject: Confirm Delivery Problem!!
Hi all,
After I released outbound and the sales order line status
is ready for 'confirm delivery'.
When I m/t delivery and insert sales order number , it
showed the order line for confirmed , but I can't do it.
The error was "Recommended quantity not fully confirmed"
Can anyone help me ? What is different between delivered
quantity and recommended quantity in tdsls045 ??
Thanks in advance.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Rambhak posted Message 2311 in Message Board
Dated : August 03, 1999 at 07:43:15 EST
Subject: Re: How to update the Average Purchase Price

I have cut and pasted the Baan help for this field.
""Each time a final purchase invoice is posted to 'Baan Finance', the system wil
l update the latest purchase price in the item file. The new average purchase pr
ice is then recalculated on the basis of :
- the old average purchase price of the item and the total quantity received;
- the new purchase price for the actual quantity delivered""
Based on my knowledge of Binglish I interpret this to imply that this is a calcu
lation done during the posting of final purchase invoice.
I am eager to know if U have any other ideas.
: We are using Average Purchase price as the basis for calculating the Cost pric
e of Purchase items. When begining to use the system, I update average purchase
price in Item master. And put the opening stock using inventory adjustments.
: But when I make the first purchase the average purchase price & latest purchas
e price are updated to the same rate ie. the the rate of the PO just created.
: This is because the total purchase quatity is taken as zero and the average pu
rchase price calculation logic is applied.
: Does some one know where this information (the total purchase quantity) is sto
red? And if we can update it using the Exchange module. This will allow the Aver
age purchase price calculation to be in line with thatof the history.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Rambhak posted Message 2312 in Message Board
Dated : August 03, 1999 at 07:52:04 EST
Subject: Re: Confirm Delivery Problem!!
More details required.
For example, What order steps do U have in Ur order type? Did U generate outboun
d twice for the same order,position,sequence ? If yes, did U use the same run nu
mber on both occasions ? If no, have U released outbound for both the run number
s ? If yes, R U able to print outbound for this order position ?


Hi all,
After I released outbound and the sales order line status
is ready for 'confirm delivery'.
When I m/t delivery and insert sales order number , it
showed the order line for confirmed , but I can't do it.
The error was "Recommended quantity not fully confirmed"
Can anyone help me ? What is different between delivered
quantity and recommended quantity in tdsls045 ??

: Thanks in advance.

***************** End Of Article ******************

arthur posted Message 2313 in Message Board
Dated : August 04, 1999 at 03:46:39 EST
Subject: Re: Changing Planned Dely. Date on Sales Orders
I won't begin to answer all your questions in this reply but I am happy to make
a couple of suggestions.
You are right the Planned delivery date drives everything and this is what I wou
ld use.
To establish your delivery performance it might be better to do a report which l
ooks at sales order history. Everytine you make a change a record is written. Th
erefore you could look at a series of changes to orders and determine if the ori
ginal delivery date was met (comparing maintain deliveries table as well!)
This would make your reporting more accurate (not relying on people changing or
maintaining certain fields) and may incur less maintenance from your order entry
Ensure that the business is not getting its knickers in a twist about measuring
delivery performance when that effort would be better channelled into solving th
e bottlenecks or problems (suppliers etc) which are causing the symptoms!

: We are a manufacturing company and have a high rate of orders which are late f
or various reasons. Even though we have a high number of "custom items" we are
currently using MRP and MPS but do not use Projects/Custom Items.
: We use the Plan. Del. Date to store what we call the "Original Promise Date" w
hich is the date we originally promised to the customer when the order was first
entered. We use the "Plan. Rec. Date" to store what we call the "Current Promi
se Date" which is shows the current date we have told the customer the material
will ship. We need two dates because we need a way to measure our on time deliv
ery performance (ship date - original promise) as well as a place to "look up" w
hen the material is "really going to ship". Our procedure is to NEVER change th
e original promise date (unless the customer pushes their required date out!)so
this is the date that drives the planning system. It has been suggested that we
should reverse usage of these dates - and change the Planned Delivery date to r
eflect the current, realistic ship date. Since this date drives just about ever
ything is Baan, I am concerned that frequent changes to this date will not allow
the planning system to function efficiently. Shouldn't the system be planning
based on what the leadtimes should be not a "padded" leadtime?
: I'd like some input from other users as to how they handle date changes when o
rders are late.
: Thanks is advance!
: Jeanne Ploshay
: Micro-Coax

***************** End Of Article ******************

arthur posted Message 2314 in Message Board

Dated : August 04, 1999 at 03:55:30 EST
Subject: Re: Product Configurator &amp; Sales Pricing
Try using a sales contract for the generic item and set the 'Link to PCS'parame
ter in Sales Contract Parameters to 'Yes'
Then spend the next six months seeing how this works!
: I'm using product configurator but do not really want to use generic price lis
ts as pricing by customer & item is ideal for my needs. I would be applying the
price at the Generic item level. Does anybody know if I can get round this ???
: Cheers

***************** End Of Article ******************

J. Cronin posted Message 2315 in Message Board
Dated : August 04, 1999 at 10:36:07 EST
Subject: Re: How to update the Average Purchase Price
Hello Manjeet,
I rather assume that the cumulative purchases are calculated whilst updating the
But if you adjust the average price in the item master after the first time you
close an order - the next time round will give you the results you want.
: I know that and have set the Priority to Average Purchase Price.
: But the problem is that when I raise the first PO for an item the Average purc
hase price is replaced with the price of that PO directly. This is because it do
esnot "weight" Average Purch. Price with the stock on hand but with the cumulati
ve purchases for that item, (which in this case will be zero).
: So I need to know where this information (cumulative purchase quantity) is sto
red so that I can update it with the stck on hand.
: : Dear Manjeet,
: : In order to update the average purchase price, change the priority in the co
st price calculation code. their you will find four priorities, put average pur
chase price as priority number one. If you have any problem feel free to drop m
e an e-mail.
: : Good Luck,
: : Naveed
: : : We are using Average Purchase price as the basis for calculating the Cost
price of Purchase items. When begining to use the system, I update average purch
ase price in Item master. And put the opening stock using inventory adjustments.
: : : But when I make the first purchase the average purchase price & latest pur

chase price are updated to the same rate ie. the the rate of the PO just created
: : : This is because the total purchase quatity is taken as zero and the averag
e purchase price calculation logic is applied.
: : : Does some one know where this information (the total purchase quantity) is
stored? And if we can update it using the Exchange module. This will allow the
Average purchase price calculation to be in line with thatof the history.

***************** End Of Article ******************

John Smith posted Message 2316 in Message Board
Dated : August 04, 1999 at 10:41:28 EST
Subject: Planned Deliveries at Supply Chain (Baan IV c4)
We recently migrated from Baan IV b2 to Baan IV c4.
We are facing the following problem due to (we think!) the big differences betwe
en the versions:
When we try to create manual planned deliveries (tdssc0117m000) the system doesn
allow us, since we have no stock.
Usually we post the Inventory to stock after the later production.
So there is a lag time between the time when we plan the deliveries and the prod
We are seeking to plan with no stock on hand.
Could you give us a hint?
Is there a set-up missing?
We go live in 1 week, any information is greatly appreciated.
John Smith.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Peter D posted Message 2317 in Message Board
Dated : August 04, 1999 at 10:43:25 EST
Subject: Not Allow Item on order without List Price
We want to block items from being entered into a sales order if there is no list
price. Is there a parameter that can be set for this purpose?
***************** End Of Article ******************
arthur_lehuquet posted Message 2318 in Message Board
Dated : August 04, 1999 at 11:23:20 EST
Subject: Re: Not Allow Item on order without List Price
No. But you
and have a
in a price
and removes

could attach a signal code to the item with blocking for sales on it
manual process which removes the signal code when the item is placed
list. Alternatively, design a session that looks at the price lists
the signal code.

: We want to block items from being entered into a sales order if there is no li
st price. Is there a parameter that can be set for this purpose?

***************** End Of Article ******************

Jeanne Ploshay posted Message 2319 in Message Board
Dated : August 04, 1999 at 11:34:06 EST
Subject: Adding a delivery address to a sales order line
We often have to link a delivery address to a sales order line. Sometimes this
address prints on the sales order acknowledgment (right below the other line it
em info) and sometimes it doesn't! I have an example of one order where we prin
ted it once (the address showed up) and when we printed the same order acknowled
gment 10 minutes later, the address did NOT print. There is no difference in th
e way we call for the acks, as we always choose exactly the same options from th
e Print Order Acknowledgments session. Has anyone else run across this problem
and if so is there a fix? We know that the correct address always prints on the
packing slip but if a customer is reviewing their acknowledgment it is difficul
t to tell them "oh, don't worry, we promise it will ship to the correct address
even though you don't see it!"
Thanks in advance.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Jeanne Ploshay posted Message 2320 in Message Board
Dated : August 04, 1999 at 11:45:46 EST
Subject: Re: Confirm Delivery Problem!!
: Hi all,
After I released outbound and the sales order line status
: is ready for 'confirm delivery'.
When I m/t delivery and insert sales order number , it
: showed the order line for confirmed , but I can't do it.
: The error was "Recommended quantity not fully confirmed"
Can anyone help me ? What is different between delivered
: quantity and recommended quantity in tdsls045 ??
: Thanks in advance.
We used to have this problem occur fairly regularly. We never really figured ou
t for sure why it occurred, but were pretty sure it had to do with the "Maintain
Outbound" session not being done correctly. Baan lets you confirm the release
for more than what the release actually calls for - you can actually release the
outbound more than once. We think that is what happened in our case. In order
to allow the material to ship we had to go into at least some of the following
tables via Tools (depending upon exactly what happened):
tdsls045, tdsls041, tdilc101, tdltc001, tdilc401, tdilc301 and tdinv150. The ma
in one to check to allow you to complete the transaction is tdsls045. Make the
"delivered qty" equal the "recommended qty" (change to match what you really are
shipping) and double check the $amount on Form 3 to make sure the extended valu
e is correct for the actual quantity you shipped. You will need to check some o
r all of the other tables as well but hopefully fixing this one table will at le
ast allow you to complete the transaction. Hope this helps!
Jeanne Ploshay

***************** End Of Article ******************

Jeanne Ploshay posted Message 2321 in Message Board
Dated : August 04, 1999 at 11:53:19 EST
Subject: Re: Changing Planned Dely. Date on Sales Orders
Thanks for your input. Using history would work if the first date we enter was
the actual "original promise date" but unfortunately it is not. We use a coded
date that reflects the month we think we will ship plus the year 2049 when we fi
rst enter a sales order. We then wait for production control to confirm back to
us what the date will be and we then make it a "real" date. This is only the c
ase on manfactured items - on sold from stock items (we don't have too many but
we do have some!) we enter a real date from the get go. That's why we do our re
porting the way we do...Not to mention the fact that we make so many changes to
our orders that the history file is super messy.
I appreciate your input about the Planned Del Date, though, as you have at least
supported my feelings that this date should not be changed.
: I won't begin to answer all your questions in this reply but I am happy to mak
e a couple of suggestions.
: You are right the Planned delivery date drives everything and this is what I w
ould use.
: To establish your delivery performance it might be better to do a report which
looks at sales order history. Everytine you make a change a record is written.
Therefore you could look at a series of changes to orders and determine if the o
riginal delivery date was met (comparing maintain deliveries table as well!)
: This would make your reporting more accurate (not relying on people changing o
r maintaining certain fields) and may incur less maintenance from your order ent
ry people.
: Ensure that the business is not getting its knickers in a twist about measurin
g delivery performance when that effort would be better channelled into solving
the bottlenecks or problems (suppliers etc) which are causing the symptoms!

: : We are a manufacturing company and have a high rate of orders which are late
for various reasons. Even though we have a high number of "custom items" we ar
e currently using MRP and MPS but do not use Projects/Custom Items.
: : We use the Plan. Del. Date to store what we call the "Original Promise Date"
which is the date we originally promised to the customer when the order was fir
st entered. We use the "Plan. Rec. Date" to store what we call the "Current Pro
mise Date" which is shows the current date we have told the customer the materia
l will ship. We need two dates because we need a way to measure our on time del
ivery performance (ship date - original promise) as well as a place to "look up"
when the material is "really going to ship". Our procedure is to NEVER change
the original promise date (unless the customer pushes their required date out!)s
o this is the date that drives the planning system. It has been suggested that
we should reverse usage of these dates - and change the Planned Delivery date to
reflect the current, realistic ship date. Since this date drives just about ev
erything is Baan, I am concerned that frequent changes to this date will not all
ow the planning system to function efficiently. Shouldn't the system be plannin
g based on what the leadtimes should be not a "padded" leadtime?
: : I'd like some input from other users as to how they handle date changes when

orders are late.

: : Thanks is advance!
: : Jeanne Ploshay
: : Micro-Coax

***************** End Of Article ******************

Gianni posted Message 2322 in Message Board
Dated : August 04, 1999 at 12:02:04 EST
Subject: Re: Adding a delivery address to a sales order line
Hi Jeanne,
We did not yet experience the problem, but if you say that you print the acks tw
ice in a row, you must be aware to select the right option to print all the line
s, else you will not see anything.
Good luck,
: We often have to link a delivery address to a sales order line. Sometimes thi
s address prints on the sales order acknowledgment (right below the other line
item info) and sometimes it doesn't! I have an example of one order where we pr
inted it once (the address showed up) and when we printed the same order acknowl
edgment 10 minutes later, the address did NOT print. There is no difference in
the way we call for the acks, as we always choose exactly the same options from
the Print Order Acknowledgments session. Has anyone else run across this proble
m and if so is there a fix? We know that the correct address always prints on t
he packing slip but if a customer is reviewing their acknowledgment it is diffic
ult to tell them "oh, don't worry, we promise it will ship to the correct addres
s even though you don't see it!"
: Thanks in advance.
: Jeanne

***************** End Of Article ******************

Gary Pancoast posted Message 2323 in Message Board
Dated : August 04, 1999 at 15:02:13 EST
Subject: DRP/Replenishment/Pull Notes
Were doing hybrid material movement whereby we have point of use mfg material an
d kitted material. We feed the point of use from the stockroom to WIP using a Bi
ll of Distribution and running DRP and generating replenishment orders. We are u
sing work orders, traditional kitting and pull notes of the type "to shop floor"
to feed wip with the big and bulky. The problem is the manual effort involved w
ith sorting this mess out. Seems to me we could do everything using DRP, Repleni
shment and pull notes of the type "Replenishment" if we could simply get the wor
k order # and the work order's assembly part # to appear on the replenishment or
ders, the pick list, the shortage list and the replenishment pull note. No can d
o! I know from my research that DRP reads the work order qty and due date for th
e parts from the shop floor table (which obviously has the info I want)and loads
it to the replenishment order line table. Any ideas on how to get the work orde

r number and the part number to appear on the replenishment order line, on the p
ick list, on the shortage report and on the replenishment pull note? Thanks In A
***************** End Of Article ******************
Sandeep Mohapatra posted Message 2324 in Message Board
Dated : August 04, 1999 at 23:49:53 EST
Subject: Re: Transportation Planning
the queries are:
1) how exactly does BaaN optimize trips ( combine stops). is it based on lowest
cost/minimum distance etc. Or is it that combination of stops is done only if I
have defined Standard Routes
2) What is the difference between the sessions "Generate Trips based on Stops" a
nd "Generate trips based on means of transport".
3) Does baan do any kind of capacity constrained planning or is it that i have t
o do it manually using capacity reports of baaN.
Thanks a lot for your help in advance
: What are the queries?
: :
: : Hi,
: : Can anyone help me with certain queries regarding transportation planning?
Has anyone done extensive work in this field
: : Thanks in advance
: : Sandeep

***************** End Of Article ******************

Ashish posted Message 2325 in Message Board
Dated : August 05, 1999 at 01:59:36 EST
Subject: Re: Transportation Planning
: hi,
: the proposed solution is :: 1) how exactly does BaaN optimize trips ( combine stops). is it based on lowes
t cost/minimum distance etc. Or is it that combination of stops is done only if
I have defined Standard Routes
Ans. Combination of sstops is based on matching standard route,
order procedure and combination code besides overlapping date

and time. SSelection of std. route is based on that like

cheapest/shortest but that gets decided at transport order level.
Not at combination of stops level.
: 2) What is the difference between the sessions "Generate Trips based on Stops"
and "Generate trips based on means of transport".
Ans. The second option could be more appropriate for capacity check. the first
option does not take that into account while
combining stops to trip.
: 3) Does
to do it
Ans. This

baan do any kind of capacity constrained planning or is it that i have

manually using capacity reports of baaN.
has been answered in second query, it does both,
as well as capacity constrained planning.

: Hope this would be helpful

Ashish Anand
: :
: : What are the queries?
: : :
: : : Hi,
: : : Can anyone help me with certain queries regarding transportation planning?
Has anyone done extensive work in this field
: : : Thanks in advance
: : : Sandeep

***************** End Of Article ******************

Paul van Eijk posted Message 2326 in Message Board
Dated : August 05, 1999 at 05:35:30 EST
Subject: Re: DRP/Replenishment/Pull Notes
DRP works anonymous, therefore there's no link between DRP and SFC. DRP simply l
ooks at the planned inventory movements in your (WIP) warehouse. When the planne
d inventory drops below the safety stock, DRP will simply generate a planned rep
lenishment order. Also look at the helptext linked to the session trdrp0212m000.
Planned inventory movements are a result of planned issues & receipts. These pla
nned issues & receipts can be found in table tdinv0150. There you'll information
on the planned inventory movements. In theory you should be able to identify th
e right production orders there. In practice I have never done it.
Please let me know if this was of any help to you
Good Luck!

: Were doing hybrid material movement whereby we have point of use mfg material
and kitted material. We feed the point of use from the stockroom to WIP using a
Bill of Distribution and running DRP and generating replenishment orders. We are
using work orders, traditional kitting and pull notes of the type "to shop floo
r" to feed wip with the big and bulky. The problem is the manual effort involved
with sorting this mess out. Seems to me we could do everything using DRP, Reple
nishment and pull notes of the type "Replenishment" if we could simply get the w
ork order # and the work order's assembly part # to appear on the replenishment
orders, the pick list, the shortage list and the replenishment pull note. No can
do! I know from my research that DRP reads the work order qty and due date for
the parts from the shop floor table (which obviously has the info I want)and loa
ds it to the replenishment order line table. Any ideas on how to get the work or
der number and the part number to appear on the replenishment order line, on the
pick list, on the shortage report and on the replenishment pull note? Thanks In

***************** End Of Article ******************

Pamela posted Message 2327 in Message Board
Dated : August 05, 1999 at 05:45:39 EST
Subject: Re: Confirm Delivery Problem!!
Hi Jeanne Ploshay,
Thanks so much for your reply.
I can solve this problem now.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Luiz posted Message 2328 in Message Board
Dated : August 05, 1999 at 08:50:12 EST
Subject: Replenishment orders not finding currency
Replenishment orders aren't picking up the home currency and arr therefore creat
ing items in the Integration log which then need to be cleared. Does anyone know
if something needs to be checked in the replenishment order setup so that these
orders don't create integration logs?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Des Moran posted Message 2329 in Message Board
Dated : August 05, 1999 at 09:23:48 EST
Subject: Unable to inbound from inspection location
Hello all,
For one particular order, I cannot generate an inbound from an INSP location aft
er approvals have been fully maintained.
In tdinv001 Item data by warehouse the full ordered/approved quantity is 'on ho
I think I've checked every possible reason why this may happen, but haven't foun
d any reason why inbound would not be generated.
- There is no existing inbound on the order/item (ran ptint/delete inbound)
- When generating inbound used Inventory transfer (no data) then left the range

fully open, still 'no data'

- Approvals have been fully maintained (Yes in order procedure, correct quantiti
es in tdpur045 & tdilc111)
- Tried to print Inbound advice steps - 'no data' even though parameter set to '
- Item is not linked to a particular location, lot is not blocked, should be pos
sible for the item to be inbounded anywhere.
Have I left anything out ?!?
Any suggestions would be much appreciated !!
PS This is on B40_c4
***************** End Of Article ******************
Luis posted Message 2330 in Message Board
Dated : August 05, 1999 at 11:08:52 EST
Subject: Defining the purchase order maximum value by user
Our company has different levels of permission for the officers in our purchase
department. For example: one of them is only allowed to issue purchase orders u
p to $600 per order, while purchase orders over $10,000 require a special proced
Is it possible to include this parameters in Baan and actually limit the maximum
purchase order value by user?
Thank you
***************** End Of Article ******************
Manish posted Message 2331 in Message Board
Dated : August 05, 1999 at 12:25:49 EST
Subject: Purchase items with raw matl. goint to supplier
Hi all,
I have a situation where I am sending three parts (A,B,C) to a supplier and he i
s assembling it and sending it back to me as a sub-assembly (X). What is the eas
iest way to handle this situation in Baan?
I can release a production order for X and have a subcontracting operation in th
ere with proper material issue. However, that seems to be a long process.
***************** End Of Article ******************
jim gweedaman posted Message 2332 in Message Board
Dated : August 05, 1999 at 15:08:22 EST
Subject: shipping reports
Does anyone know how or where to print a report that will print shipments by sal
es rep or a range of dates.
cannot find one need help. merv help me.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Jeanne Ploshay posted Message 2333 in Message Board
Dated : August 05, 1999 at 16:18:56 EST
Subject: Re: shipping reports
: Does anyone know how or where to print a report that will print shipments by s
ales rep or a range of dates.
: cannot find one need help. merv help me.
Don't Baan reports stink? As far as I know, there are no reports which will eff
iciently give you the information you want to know. (We gave up on Baan reports
and do all of our report writing through Access!!!) You can try Sales Orders by
Sales Rep and call for the "Detailed" version of the report. This will show yo
u every sales order for a particular sales rep with the ordered and delivered am
ounts for each item. Unfortunately it also shows you orders that have not shipp
ed. The other idea would be to run the "Print Sales Order History by Item" whic
h at least allows you to enter a transaction date range. Choosen "Transaction T
ype" of "Invoiced" which will give you a print out, by item, of anything invoice
d (and therefore shipped) within the dates specified. If they had "Print Sales
Order History by Order" this might not be a bad report, but as it is...
Hope these ideas help.
Jeanne Ploshay
***************** End Of Article ******************
Jeff posted Message 2334 in Message Board
Dated : August 05, 1999 at 18:31:27 EST
Subject: Picking Phantoms on Replenishment Orders
We have a wide range of Kits set up as Phantoms, generally with a single level B
OM below. When replenishement orders are raised for the Kits the Picking List re
ports a shortage at the Phantom level, even if there is sufficient inventory of
the components. This is completly different to what occurs for Sales Orders wher
e the Picking List breaks down to the BOM level for picking purposes.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Pamela posted Message 2335 in Message Board
Dated : August 05, 1999 at 20:08:33 EST
Subject: Re: Confirm Delivery Problem!!
: Hi Jeanne Ploshay,
Thanks so much for your reply.
: I can solve this problem now from your help :)

***************** End Of Article ******************

Linda posted Message 2336 in Message Board
Dated : August 06, 1999 at 01:52:07 EST
Subject: Mistake from Sales order step !!!

Hi all,
I put non-standard sales order step into my order type as below :
order acknowledgement
2.Generate Outbound Advise
3.M/T delivery
4.Print packing slip
5.Change Price and discount after m/t deliveries
6.Print Sales Invoice
7.Process Delivered S/O
But after I do step 5 already , my order step didn't change.
It still showed at 'Change Price and discount.....'
I want to modify the step in this order type or delete this
sales order for solving this problem , but I can't because I'd
already m/t deliveries. Could anyone give me any suggestions ??


Thanks in advanced.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Paul van Eijk posted Message 2337 in Message Board
Dated : August 06, 1999 at 10:02:31 EST
Subject: Re: Mistake from Sales order step !!!

Hi all,
I put non-standard sales order step into my order type as below :
order acknowledgement
2.Generate Outbound Advise
3.M/T delivery
4.Print packing slip
5.Change Price and discount after m/t deliveries
6.Print Sales Invoice
7.Process Delivered S/O
But after I do step 5 already , my order step didn't change.
It still showed at 'Change Price and discount.....'
I want to modify the step in this order type or delete this
sales order for solving this problem , but I can't because I'd
already m/t deliveries. Could anyone give me any suggestions ??


: Thanks in advanced.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Paul van Eijk posted Message 2338 in Message Board
Dated : August 06, 1999 at 10:10:55 EST
Subject: Re: Mistake from Sales order step !!!
You should be able to go back to tdsls4120m000 - maintain deliveries and set all
the lines back to delivered quantity 0.
If the delivery lines don't show go to the session maintain order steps (tcmcs01
39m000) and fill in the re-exexute steps, in your case probably 3, 4 and 5. You
can find the right numbers in session tcmcs0139m000 (field step number).
Now you should be able to see the delivery lines in tdsls4120m000. Set them to 0
Next, select the first line to be deleted and mark it (mouse click). Then, press

shift and select the last line to be deleted.

Delete the lines.
Note, not only the delivery lines will be deleted (tdsls045), but also the order
lines (tdsls041).
Now go to the order (tdsls4101m000), go to the lines. You'll notice that all the
lines are gone. Now you can delete the order itself. Be ware that this order wi
ll show up in history and statistics as cancellation
Hope this helps
Good luck
: :
: :
: :
: :
: :
: :
: :
: :
: :
: :
: :
: :
: :

Hi all,
I put non-standard sales order step into my order type as below :
order acknowledgement
2.Generate Outbound Advise
3.M/T delivery
4.Print packing slip
5.Change Price and discount after m/t deliveries
6.Print Sales Invoice
7.Process Delivered S/O
But after I do step 5 already , my order step didn't change.
It still showed at 'Change Price and discount.....'
I want to modify the step in this order type or delete this
sales order for solving this problem , but I can't because I'd
already m/t deliveries. Could anyone give me any suggestions ??


: : Thanks in advanced.
: :

***************** End Of Article ******************

Scott Moorman posted Message 2339 in Message Board
Dated : August 06, 1999 at 15:59:22 EST
Subject: Re: Picking Phantoms on Replenishment Orders
Make sure the kits set up as phantom in the Bill of Material and that you do not
have inventory in any warehouse on the kits when creating the Replenishment ord
: We have a wide range of Kits set up as Phantoms, generally with a single level
BOM below. When replenishement orders are raised for the Kits the Picking List
reports a shortage at the Phantom level, even if there is sufficient inventory o
f the components. This is completly different to what occurs for Sales Orders wh
ere the Picking List breaks down to the BOM level for picking purposes.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Linda posted Message 2340 in Message Board
Dated : August 06, 1999 at 21:23:42 EST
Subject: I still can't do it !!!

Hi Paul,
I follow as your advice already , but I can't re-execute
my step .It 'll show error 'This step defined for current step number in proced
ure My Order Type'
Can anyone give me any suggestion ??

: You should be able to go back to tdsls4120m000 - maintain deliveries and set a

ll the lines back to delivered quantity 0.
: If the delivery lines don't show go to the session maintain order steps (tcmcs
0139m000) and fill in the re-exexute steps, in your case probably 3, 4 and 5. Yo
u can find the right numbers in session tcmcs0139m000 (field step number).
: Now you should be able to see the delivery lines in tdsls4120m000. Set them to
: Next, select the first line to be deleted and mark it (mouse click). Then, pre
ss shift and select the last line to be deleted.
: Delete the lines.
: Note, not only the delivery lines will be deleted (tdsls045), but also the ord
er lines (tdsls041).
: Now go to the order (tdsls4101m000), go to the lines. You'll notice that all t
he lines are gone. Now you can delete the order itself. Be ware that this order
will show up in history and statistics as cancellation
: Hope this helps
: Good luck
: Paul
: : :
: : :
: : :
: : :
: : :
: : :
: : :
: : :
: : :
: : :
: : :
: : :
: : :

Hi all,
I put non-standard sales order step into my order type as below :
order acknowledgement
2.Generate Outbound Advise
3.M/T delivery
4.Print packing slip
5.Change Price and discount after m/t deliveries
6.Print Sales Invoice
7.Process Delivered S/O
But after I do step 5 already , my order step didn't change.
It still showed at 'Change Price and discount.....'
I want to modify the step in this order type or delete this
sales order for solving this problem , but I can't because I'd
already m/t deliveries. Could anyone give me any suggestions ??


: : : Thanks in advanced.
: : :

***************** End Of Article ******************

Yaron posted Message 2341 in Message Board
Dated : August 07, 1999 at 04:23:07 EST
Subject: Re: Purchase items with raw matl. goint to supplier
: Hi all,
: I have a situation where I am sending three parts (A,B,C) to a supplier and he

is assembling it and sending it back to me as a sub-assembly (X). What is the e

asiest way to handle this situation in Baan?
: I can release a production order for X and have a subcontracting operation in
there with proper material issue. However, that seems to be a long process.
: Thanks,
: Manish
Hi Manish,
You can use backfloosh. This will save the issue steps. When you receive part X,
and report production/operation order complete, just say backfloosh material no
w = YES.
If you don't care for managing the material at the subcontractors premises, you
can even backfloosh from your own warehouse, even without transferring A, B, C t
o the subcont.
***************** End Of Article ******************
J. Cronin posted Message 2342 in Message Board
Dated : August 08, 1999 at 02:47:30 EST
Subject: How to set up distribution subsidiary
Hello Fans
The situation is as follows: Our company is setting up a sister company in the U
S for the marketing of our product. The goods will be supplied to the US in bul
k consignations, and stored there until sales orders are received, upon which th
e goods are transferred directly to the customer.
What is the best way to set this up in Baan IV c2 ? Multi-Finance Single-Logis
tic? How would this work?
How are the transfers controlled? Is it by direct deliveries in the US company a
nd replenishment orders in the parent? How do direct deliveries work?
I would appreciate any help and advice on how to set up for this situation.
Thank you,
***************** End Of Article ******************
Adnan posted Message 2343 in Message Board
Dated : August 09, 1999 at 04:46:37 EST
Subject: Sales Orders which exceeds the maximum amount of Sales Contract
Can we control the sum of sales orders amounts created from a specific contract
not to exceed the maximum amount of the sales contract .
In Baan, one can use standard contract option to check maximum quantitiy but I n
eed this control for the maximum amount.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Baris posted Message 2344 in Message Board
Dated : August 09, 1999 at 04:58:44 EST

Subject: Re: Sales Orders which exceeds the maximum amount of Sales Contract
It is not possible to manage amount control in Contract.
Hope it helps
: Can we control the sum of sales orders amounts created from a specific contrac
t not to exceed the maximum amount of the sales contract .
: In Baan, one can use standard contract option to check maximum quantitiy but I
need this control for the maximum amount.
: Bye

***************** End Of Article ******************

Paul van Eijk posted Message 2345 in Message Board
Dated : August 09, 1999 at 07:35:35 EST
Subject: Re: I still can't do it !!!
They only solution I can come up with is to trick the system into believing that
the step you have to execute is not tdsls4122m000, but tdsls4404m000.
Now this is very tricky business and involves changing the procedure mask in tds
ls045 using ttaad4100.
I know how to do this, but I cannot and dare not take responsibility if somethin
g goes wrong.
So, the only thing left to do is place a call. Those guys know exactly what to d
o (and if they don't, they can contact me...)
Good luck
: Hi Paul,
I follow as your advice already , but I can't re-execute
: my step .It 'll show error 'This step defined for current step number in proc
edure My Order Type'
Can anyone give me any suggestion ??
: : You should be able to go back to tdsls4120m000 - maintain deliveries and set
all the lines back to delivered quantity 0.
: : If the delivery lines don't show go to the session maintain order steps (tcm
cs0139m000) and fill in the re-exexute steps, in your case probably 3, 4 and 5.
You can find the right numbers in session tcmcs0139m000 (field step number).
: : Now you should be able to see the delivery lines in tdsls4120m000. Set them
to 0.
: : Next, select the first line to be deleted and mark it (mouse click). Then, p
ress shift and select the last line to be deleted.
: : Delete the lines.

: : Note, not only the delivery lines will be deleted (tdsls045), but also the o
rder lines (tdsls041).
: : Now go to the order (tdsls4101m000), go to the lines. You'll notice that all
the lines are gone. Now you can delete the order itself. Be ware that this orde
r will show up in history and statistics as cancellation
: : Hope this helps
: : Good luck
: : Paul
: : : :
: : : :
: : : :
: : : :
: : : :
: : : :
: : : :
: : : :
: : : :
: : : :
: : : :
: : : :
: : : :

Hi all,
I put non-standard sales order step into my order type as below :
order acknowledgement
2.Generate Outbound Advise
3.M/T delivery
4.Print packing slip
5.Change Price and discount after m/t deliveries
6.Print Sales Invoice
7.Process Delivered S/O
But after I do step 5 already , my order step didn't change.
It still showed at 'Change Price and discount.....'
I want to modify the step in this order type or delete this
sales order for solving this problem , but I can't because I'd
already m/t deliveries. Could anyone give me any suggestions ??

: : : : Thanks in advanced.
: : : :

***************** End Of Article ******************

Ricky Chu posted Message 2346 in Message Board
Dated : August 09, 1999 at 22:38:22 EST
Subject: How to block order type ????
I created lots of order-types for testing data, and
I don't want to use it now , but Baan not allow me
to delete this order-type .
Does anyone how could I delete it ?? Or How to block order type ??
Richy Chu
***************** End Of Article ******************
Des posted Message 2347 in Message Board
Dated : August 10, 1999 at 03:17:28 EST
Subject: Re: How to block order type ????
: Hello,
I created lots of order-types for testing data, and
: I don't want to use it now , but Baan not allow me
: to delete this order-type .
Does anyone how could I delete it ?? Or How to block order type ??

: Cheers,
: Richy Chu
Hi Richy,
Once you've created an Order Type you can't delete it, even if the order type ha
s not been used in any transactions.
All you can do is to change the description of the order type to 'Do not Use' or
something similar so that users will not use it in future.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Max Lai posted Message 2348 in Message Board
Dated : August 10, 1999 at 04:44:38 EST
Subject: Re: Margin Control
: Is there anyone out there that is using Margin Control?
If you are talking about BaanERP, I've used the Margin Control of it right now.
Firstly, define the actions BaanERP should take when the selling price of an ite
m in a Sales order exceeds the margin limit, i.e. block, signal or log, in the M
argin Control Parameters (tdsls0120m000) session.
You then have to define the Sales Margin limit for an item in the Item Sales Dat
a (tdisa0501m000) session.
Don't forgot to enable the Margin Control function in Sales Order Business Objec
t by checking the box Margin Control in the Sales Order Parameter (tdsls0100s400
Also define the hold reason in the same session if you want to hold the SO as de
fined in Margin Control Parameters session.
Hold this will not be too late.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Max Lai posted Message 2349 in Message Board
Dated : August 10, 1999 at 04:48:36 EST
Subject: Re: How to block order type ????

: Hello,
I created lots of order-types for testing data, and
: I don't want to use it now , but Baan not allow me
: to delete this order-type .
Does anyone how could I delete it ?? Or How to block order type ??

: : Cheers,
: : Richy Chu
: Hi Richy,
: Once you've created an Order Type you can't delete it, even if the order type
has not been used in any transactions.
: All you can do is to change the description of the order type to 'Do not Use'

or something similar so that users will not use it in future.

: Des
You can't delete order types created because you have tested it with data and cr
eated transactions linked to the order types.
You can delete it if you also delete the sales orders/purchase orders linked to
it. This requires some effort but it's not very difficult. All it needs is tim
e and patience.
Try to find out the linkage of data!!!

***************** End Of Article ******************

Bombie posted Message 2350 in Message Board
Dated : August 10, 1999 at 05:14:54 EST
Subject: Re: Unable to inbound from inspection location
: Hello all,
: For one particular order, I cannot generate an inbound from an INSP location a
fter approvals have been fully maintained.
: In tdinv001 Item data by warehouse the full ordered/approved quantity is 'on
: I think I've checked every possible reason why this may happen, but haven't fo
und any reason why inbound would not be generated.
: - There is no existing inbound on the order/item (ran ptint/delete inbound)
: - When generating inbound used Inventory transfer (no data) then left the rang
e fully open, still 'no data'
: - Approvals have been fully maintained (Yes in order procedure, correct quanti
ties in tdpur045 & tdilc111)
: - Tried to print Inbound advice steps - 'no data' even though parameter set to
: - Item is not linked to a particular location, lot is not blocked, should be p
ossible for the item to be inbounded anywhere.
: Have I left anything out ?!?
: Any suggestions would be much appreciated !!
: PS This is on B40_c4
Have you already run generate inbound for Purchase order? Please check if your
item/part is defined in Locations by Item. And that particular location is not
Hope this helps.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Dilip posted Message 2351 in Message Board

Dated : August 10, 1999 at 05:25:25 EST

Subject: Re: Unable to inbound from inspection location
I had faced similar problem in BaanIVb2.
The problem was resolved using option "Inventory Transfer" while running session
"Generate inbound advice".
Use option inventory transfer and in order no. field give your purchase order no
. , system will generate inbound advice.
Hope this works in c4.
: : Hello all,
: : For one particular order, I cannot generate an inbound from an INSP location
after approvals have been fully maintained.
: : In tdinv001 Item data by warehouse the full ordered/approved quantity is 'o
n hold'.
: : I think I've checked every possible reason why this may happen, but haven't
found any reason why inbound would not be generated.
: : - There is no existing inbound on the order/item (ran ptint/delete inbound)
: : - When generating inbound used Inventory transfer (no data) then left the ra
nge fully open, still 'no data'
: : - Approvals have been fully maintained (Yes in order procedure, correct quan
tities in tdpur045 & tdilc111)
: : - Tried to print Inbound advice steps - 'no data' even though parameter set
to 'yes'
: : - Item is not linked to a particular location, lot is not blocked, should be
possible for the item to be inbounded anywhere.
: : Have I left anything out ?!?
: : Any suggestions would be much appreciated !!
: : PS This is on B40_c4
: Have you already run generate inbound for Purchase order? Please check if you
r item/part is defined in Locations by Item. And that particular location is no
t blocked.
: Hope this helps.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Max Lai posted Message 2352 in Message Board
Dated : August 10, 1999 at 05:52:29 EST
Subject: Inventory Commitment for Indent Sales Order
I got a problem in Inventory committment of BaanERP. As far as I know, BaanERP
can hard allocate the inventory to a sales order.

I try to use the Inventory committment session to allocate the inventory to a Sa

les order. But the company doesn't have any stock on hand. It's an indent sale
s order and the company ordered it after she received the PO. A message saying
insufficient inventory on hand and I can't generate inventory commitment for th
at indent sales order.
However, it's a usual commercial practice to assign the inventory ordered to a i
ndent Sales order, i.e. inventory ordeded for that particular sales order.
It will be a problem if the stock-ordered arrived are sold to another customer b
y mistake, as Baan doesn't block these stocks for that particular SO.
If anyone have faced similar situation, please give me some advice.
***************** End Of Article ******************
SP Kumar posted Message 2353 in Message Board
Dated : August 10, 1999 at 06:16:02 EST
Subject: Urgent Help!!! INventory / Stock Ageing
Is there a way to get Inventory / Stock Ageing in Baan. ie, how to find out the
age of stock. 30 days, 60 days, more than 60 days etc.
Thanks in advance
***************** End Of Article ******************
rambhak posted Message 2354 in Message Board
Dated : August 10, 1999 at 06:29:06 EST
Subject: Re: Urgent Help!!! INventory / Stock Ageing
U can use the field inventory date

: Is there a way to get Inventory / Stock Ageing in Baan. ie, how to find out th
e age of stock. 30 days, 60 days, more than 60 days etc.
: Thanks in advance

***************** End Of Article ******************

Des posted Message 2355 in Message Board
Dated : August 10, 1999 at 06:47:19 EST
Subject: Re: Urgent Help!!! INventory / Stock Ageing
You can use Lot Control to do this.
Each time a lot is created a date will be assigned to the lot.
You can also use Product expiry dates - Period for shelf life/Shelf life (Period
s) in the Item data. Lot control doesn't have to be implemented to use this.

: Is there a way to get Inventory / Stock Ageing in Baan. ie, how to find out th
e age of stock. 30 days, 60 days, more than 60 days etc.
: Thanks in advance

***************** End Of Article ******************

mohan posted Message 2356 in Message Board
Dated : August 10, 1999 at 06:59:16 EST
Subject: Distribution Requirements Planning
We have implemented DRP to transfer goods from the raw material/component wareho
use to the WIP warehouses.
When the session "Generate Planned DRP Orders" is run for the entire range of it
ems / item groups, it does not execute completely. All the baan sessions get ki
lled, and the process stops execution.
No RPL orders are generated.
However, if the DRP is run for a single item, it executes successfully and gener
ates RPL orders.
Is there any solution for this problem?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Rob posted Message 2357 in Message Board
Dated : August 10, 1999 at 08:41:15 EST
Subject: Re: shipping reports
I hate to see someone saying that Baan reports stink after all just how many fie
ld/reports combinations can be included in a standard ERP package.
Baan includes both the Easy SQL which can quickly make a report which can be add
ed to a menu as well as the ability to create new print sessions. Both of which
may not be as slick as other reporting mechanisms but they are not that difficu
lt to use.
As for the report on Sales Reps/Shipping there are serveral ways to go about it
depending on the way that you want to access it and all the info that you requir
The easiest way to go about a customization would be to copy one of the reports

off of Print Sales Order Deliveries session and add the Sales Rep. You could th
en sort by it but without the program script selecting by the Rep would be diffi
cult. The result could then be added to the same session.
(Keep in mind though whether you are using location control or not. It may make
a difference in how you need to report the data)
My preference would be to make a new session that would look to the user like a
standard report.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Thomas Frei posted Message 2358 in Message Board
Dated : August 10, 1999 at 12:52:44 EST
Subject: howto inbound to production stock by prod. number
we have the problem that we want to supply our production stock (e.g. 721) with
all parts missing for our production order (e.g.600000) from our main stock 700.
Is there any possibility to get an inbound suggestion for our production stock
(721) automatically???
Thomas .-(((
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Gary Pancoast posted Message 2359 in Message Board
Dated : August 10, 1999 at 12:54:39 EST
Subject: Re: DRP/Replenishment/Pull Notes
Hi Paul!
Thanks for your help. You did point me to several possibilities.However, upon fu
rther investigation we decided the easiest method was to use a hybrid of DRP/Rep
lenishment orders to restock the point of use material and classic shop floor pu
ll notes to notify the stock room to pull the kitted items. We accomplished this
by setting up the item master and our BOM's to not generate pull notes for the
point of use items. I would have preferred to use a single method, but this hybr
id approach does work and seemed to be the simplest solution.
Thanks Again!
: Gary,
: DRP works anonymous, therefore there's no link between DRP and SFC. DRP simply
looks at the planned inventory movements in your (WIP) warehouse. When the plan
ned inventory drops below the safety stock, DRP will simply generate a planned r
eplenishment order. Also look at the helptext linked to the session trdrp0212m00
: Planned inventory movements are a result of planned issues & receipts. These p
lanned issues & receipts can be found in table tdinv0150. There you'll informati
on on the planned inventory movements. In theory you should be able to identify
the right production orders there. In practice I have never done it.
: Please let me know if this was of any help to you

: Good Luck!
: Paul
: : Were doing hybrid material movement whereby we have point of use mfg materia
l and kitted material. We feed the point of use from the stockroom to WIP using
a Bill of Distribution and running DRP and generating replenishment orders. We a
re using work orders, traditional kitting and pull notes of the type "to shop fl
oor" to feed wip with the big and bulky. The problem is the manual effort involv
ed with sorting this mess out. Seems to me we could do everything using DRP, Rep
lenishment and pull notes of the type "Replenishment" if we could simply get the
work order # and the work order's assembly part # to appear on the replenishmen
t orders, the pick list, the shortage list and the replenishment pull note. No c
an do! I know from my research that DRP reads the work order qty and due date fo
r the parts from the shop floor table (which obviously has the info I want)and l
oads it to the replenishment order line table. Any ideas on how to get the work
order number and the part number to appear on the replenishment order line, on t
he pick list, on the shortage report and on the replenishment pull note? Thanks
In Advance!

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Noemi posted Message 2360 in Message Board
Dated : August 10, 1999 at 14:42:56 EST
Subject: Re: How to block order type ????
Hi there,
You can block a sales order through tcmcs0142m000 form2, field
block as of step so put 1
Hope this will help
: Hello,
I created lots of order-types for testing data, and
: I don't want to use it now , but Baan not allow me
: to delete this order-type .
Does anyone how could I delete it ?? Or How to block order type ??
: Cheers,
: Richy Chu

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Jennife posted Message 2361 in Message Board
Dated : August 10, 1999 at 16:04:37 EST
Subject: Re: Product Configurator &amp; Sales Pricing
Were you successful using this?
: Try using a sales contract for the generic item and set the 'Link to PCS'para
meter in Sales Contract Parameters to 'Yes'

: Then spend the next six months seeing how this works!
: : I'm using product configurator but do not really want to use generic price l
ists as pricing by customer & item is ideal for my needs. I would be applying th
e price at the Generic item level. Does anybody know if I can get round this ???
: : Cheers

***************** End Of Article ******************

Jennifer posted Message 2362 in Message Board
Dated : August 10, 1999 at 16:37:36 EST
Subject: Prices by Price List and Item -- Expiry Dates
Hi. Has anyone else had difficulty with keying off the expiry dates from this t
able (tdsls032?) We have data extractions that we need to do based on "non expi
red" prices and we have been unable to get our report writer (Crystal) or BaaN's
exchange to identify the expiration dates that are housed in this table. On th
e Oracle level, the date that resides in this field is a strange date (9/9/99) t
hat is not visible anywhere even in General Table Maintenance. We have reported
this to BaaN, but wonder if anyone else has experienced/resolved this problem.
Your help would be appreciated! Thanks. Jen
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Gonzalo Baquero posted Message 2363 in Message Board
Dated : August 10, 1999 at 16:48:52 EST
Subject: Replenishment Orders Planning with locations
I can't conclude the process of maintain Replenishment Orders Planning because t
he session: transfer the order (trdrp0230m000) the system shows me the followin
g error message: "Warehouse for location is not allowed"
Somebody know if this is a parameter, I'm working with location, and I'm need th
is functionality.
Baan IV B2
***************** End Of Article ******************
Paul van Eijk posted Message 2364 in Message Board
Dated : August 11, 1999 at 03:31:37 EST
Subject: Re: How to block order type ????
If you want to find out which to which tables the ordertype refers (tcmcs042.cot
p) use session ttadv4430m000 with detail level table level. The system then will
show a list of tables. For example sales history and sales statistics. You can
only remove an order type when there's no reference to a table whatsoever.
if your ordertype appears in statistics, you'll have to wait until statistics ar
e archived. If it only appears in sales history you'll have to wait until histor
y is deleted etc.




: Hello,
I created lots of order-types for testing data, and
: I don't want to use it now , but Baan not allow me
: to delete this order-type .
Does anyone how could I delete it ?? Or How to block order type ??

: : : Cheers,
: : : Richy Chu

: Hi Richy,
: Once you've created an Order Type you can't delete it, even if the order typ
has not been used in any transactions.
: All you can do is to change the description of the order type to 'Do not Use
or something similar so that users will not use it in future.

: : Des
: You can't delete order types created because you have tested it with data and
created transactions linked to the order types.
: You can delete it if you also delete the sales orders/purchase orders linked t
o it. This requires some effort but it's not very difficult. All it needs is t
ime and patience.
: Try to find out the linkage of data!!!

***************** End Of Article ******************

Paul van Eijk posted Message 2365 in Message Board
Dated : August 11, 1999 at 03:33:24 EST
Subject: Re: howto inbound to production stock by prod. number
: Hello,
: we have the problem that we want to supply our production stock (e.g. 721) wit
h all parts missing for our production order (e.g.600000) from our main stock 70
0. Is there any possibility to get an inbound suggestion for our production stoc
k (721) automatically???
: Thanks
: Thomas .-(((

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Wilfred Dunnewind posted Message 2366 in Message Board
Dated : August 11, 1999 at 04:09:24 EST
Subject: One picking list for several sales orders
We have several sales orders for one customers. We would like to print one picki
ng list that combines those sales order into one picking list. Is this somehow p
***************** End Of Article ******************
Max Lai posted Message 2367 in Message Board
Dated : August 11, 1999 at 06:41:36 EST
Subject: Warehouse design
I got a problem of designing warehouses in BaanERP.
A company receives shipment of stocks at dockyard, then she will move the stock
to company's warehouse (another location) for inspection. However, she want to
maintain receipts when the stocks arrive the dockyard, not at company's warehous
Please give me some advice on this situation as I am not very good in warehouse
Thanks in advance.

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Florian Vladutu posted Message 2368 in Message Board
Dated : August 11, 1999 at 08:17:00 EST
Subject: Receipt and Aproval in Location Warehouse; Help!
I have to receive, control and approve a purchase order for a lot controlled pur
chased item.
My actions were:
-1 way: receiving (Maintain Receipts)
carrying out inspection order( in QMS),
approving (Maintain Approval)
generating inbound advice (Inbound Movement)
release inbound data (I tried with Maintain Inbound Data
I got all of these articles blocked in the inspection
location without
any possibility to move them in a normal
-2 way: receiving (Maintain Receipts)
carrying out inspection order( in QMS),
generating inbound advice (Inbound Movement)
release inbound data (I tried with Maintain Inbound Data

approving (Maintain Approval)

The same result.
-3 way: receiving (Maintain Receipts)
carrying out inspection order(in QMS),
generating inbound advice (Inbound Movement)
approving (Maintain Approval)
release inbound data (I tried with Maintain Inbound Data
The same result.
How could I get these articles out from the inspection location ?
I would be grateful to receive an answer.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Merv Carr posted Message 2369 in Message Board
Dated : August 11, 1999 at 08:55:49 EST
Subject: Re: Receipt and Aproval in Location Warehouse; Help!
When generating the inbound advice, bear in mind that it is a "transfer" transac
tion from Inspection to "normal" locations. Try opening up the ranges for "type
of transaction" when generating.
: I have to receive, control and approve a purchase order for a lot controlled p
urchased item.
: My actions were:
: -1 way: receiving (Maintain Receipts)
carrying out inspection order( in QMS),
approving (Maintain Approval)
generating inbound advice (Inbound Movement)
release inbound data (I tried with Maintain Inbound Data
I got all of these articles blocked in the inspection
location witho
ut any possibility to move them in a normal
: -2 way: receiving (Maintain Receipts)
carrying out inspection order( in QMS),
generating inbound advice (Inbound Movement)
release inbound data (I tried with Maintain Inbound Data
approving (Maintain Approval)
The same result.
: -3 way: receiving (Maintain Receipts)
carrying out inspection order(in QMS),
generating inbound advice (Inbound Movement)
approving (Maintain Approval)
release inbound data (I tried with Maintain Inbound Data
The same result.
: How could I get these articles out from the inspection location ?
: I would be grateful to receive an answer.

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Jeanne Ploshay posted Message 2370 in Message Board
Dated : August 11, 1999 at 09:43:44 EST
Subject: Commission Lines with a &quot;closed&quot; status

We have been processing commissions since 2/99. We pay commissions to employees

through payroll as well as paying sales reps via accounts payable. We run the
Print and/or Delete Commissions/Rebates session (tdcms0251m000) once a month aft
er processing our commissions. This session effectively deletes those commissio
n lines with a status of "closed" for sales reps (non-employees set up as suppli
ers), but does nothing to closed commission lines for employees. We now have as
many as 1,050 closed commission lines appearing on the Maintain Commissions Cal
culated by Relation (tdcms1150m000) session. This makes it nearly impossible to
review the commission reports. How can we get rid of the closed lines and move
them to history?
Thanks in advance.
Jeanne Ploshay
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Steve Applegate posted Message 2371 in Message Board
Dated : August 11, 1999 at 09:58:35 EST
Subject: tdilc1120m000 Inventory Transactions (Fast vs Slow)
We run the session tdilc1120m000 Maintain Inventory Transactions and sometime it
executes in < 10 seconds while at other times it takes 2-3 minutes (using simil
ar data in each case). We have run an SQL trace with timing turned on and saw no
significant differences. We also used an Informix tool to watch lock requests,
lock waits etc. generated while the session is running and didn't see anything a
bnormal there either.
Has anyone else experienced (and resolved) this situation?
Thanks ..
***************** End Of Article ******************
john posted Message 2372 in Message Board
Dated : August 11, 1999 at 10:36:00 EST
Subject: Baan V:sales order line
After inputting the item the system responds with:
Calender 5DAYWK,'blank' availability type - availability type not defined.
--------What is a 'blank' availability type?
***************** End Of Article ******************
MPP posted Message 2373 in Message Board
Dated : August 11, 1999 at 13:46:20 EST
Subject: Sales Order History
There is a field in the sales order history table called "Customer Request Date"
(tdsls051.curd). Does anyone know how this field is populated.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Leslie Martins posted Message 2374 in Message Board
Dated : August 11, 1999 at 14:39:40 EST
Subject: Accounting Reference

I entered information on the field "accounting reference" (Form 3, maintain cust

omers). A sales order was entered under the customer with the above mentioned in
fo. When all documentation was printed, the accounting reference information did
not appear.
I also looked at the popup help for this field and it states that the informatio
n added would appear on various external documents.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Leslie Martins posted Message 2375 in Message Board
Dated : August 11, 1999 at 14:40:11 EST
Subject: Accounting Reference
I entered information on the field "accounting reference" (Form 3, maintain cust
omers). A sales order was entered under the customer with the above mentioned in
fo. When all documentation was printed, the accounting reference information did
not appear.
I also looked at the popup help for this field and it states that the informatio
n added would appear on various external documents.
Can anyone help??
***************** End Of Article ******************
Jeanne Ploshay posted Message 2376 in Message Board
Dated : August 11, 1999 at 17:10:10 EST
Subject: Re: shipping reports
: Hi,
: I hate to see someone saying that Baan reports stink after all just how many f
ield/reports combinations can be included in a standard ERP package.
: Baan includes both the Easy SQL which can quickly make a report which can be a
dded to a menu as well as the ability to create new print sessions. Both of whi
ch may not be as slick as other reporting mechanisms but they are not that diffi
cult to use.
: As for the report on Sales Reps/Shipping there are serveral ways to go about i
t depending on the way that you want to access it and all the info that you requ
: The easiest way to go about a customization would be to copy one of the report
s off of Print Sales Order Deliveries session and add the Sales Rep. You could
then sort by it but without the program script selecting by the Rep would be dif
ficult. The result could then be added to the same session.
: (Keep in mind though whether you are using location control or not. It may ma
ke a difference in how you need to report the data)
: My preference would be to make a new session that would look to the user like
a standard report.
: Rob

While I agree that there are only so many standard reports that can be included
in a package I still think that Baan missed some very obvious combinations. It
is pretty clear that the folks who designed the reports were 1. from another cou
ntry 2. never worked in sales in their lives. The best example of this is that
they did not include a specifically searchable field for "Purchase Order"! It is
all very well and good to suggest customizations or Easy SQL options if you are
a programmer or technically inclined or have the Baan source code but what abou
t us regular slugs? When someone asks for ideas I always try to suggest someway
of using existing Baan sessions for the very reason that many people are forced
to use what Baan has given us!
Jeanne Ploshay
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Gianni posted Message 2377 in Message Board
Dated : August 12, 1999 at 02:49:45 EST
Subject: Re: Accounting Reference
It may be a bug, but I also had to customize the external documents in order to
let it appear.
: I entered information on the field "accounting reference" (Form 3, maintain cu
stomers). A sales order was entered under the customer with the above mentioned
info. When all documentation was printed, the accounting reference information d
id not appear.
: I also looked at the popup help for this field and it states that the informat
ion added would appear on various external documents.
: Can anyone help??

***************** End Of Article ******************

Paul van Eijk posted Message 2378 in Message Board
Dated : August 12, 1999 at 05:14:44 EST
Subject: Re: Sales Order History
I'have never seen it. There's also no reference to this field. Moreover, there's
no field like it in tdsls040, tdsls041 and tdsls045. Maybe Development put it i
n there for future use, but never finished it.
I'm curious if anyone has a suggestion.
: There is a field in the sales order history table called "Customer Request Dat
e" (tdsls051.curd). Does anyone know how this field is populated.

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Sandeep Mohapatra posted Message 2379 in Message Board

Dated : August 12, 1999 at 05:45:33 EST
Subject: Re: Transportation Planning
Hi Ashish,
Thanks a lot for your help. It has been of great use to me.
If u don't mind, can u tell me your e-mail address so that i can communicate dir
Thanks a lot again.
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Wilfred Dunnewind posted Message 2380 in Message Board
Dated : August 12, 1999 at 07:50:31 EST
Subject: Allocated stock through Outbound
Is there a table in Baan that contains a field with the TOTAL allocated stock? I
want the allocated stock that is used in outbound.
I'm writing a query where I need that field, I just can't find it anywhere. It i
s either the 'soft' allocated stock in tdinv001.allo or tiitm001.allo (present i
n e.g. sales orders)or the allocated stock for just one location (tdilc101.stka)
***************** End Of Article ******************
Des posted Message 2381 in Message Board
Dated : August 12, 1999 at 08:43:03 EST
Subject: Re: Receipt and Aproval in Location Warehouse; Help!
Ensure that the lot which the goods belong to is not blocked.
I had a similar problem which could only be solved when Baan Support dialed in a
nd fixed some data in tdilc402.
: I have to receive, control and approve a purchase order for a lot controlled p
urchased item.
: My actions were:
: -1 way: receiving (Maintain Receipts)
carrying out inspection order( in QMS),
approving (Maintain Approval)
generating inbound advice (Inbound Movement)
release inbound data (I tried with Maintain Inbound Data
I got all of these articles blocked in the inspection
location witho
ut any possibility to move them in a normal
: -2 way: receiving (Maintain Receipts)
carrying out inspection order( in QMS),
generating inbound advice (Inbound Movement)
release inbound data (I tried with Maintain Inbound Data
approving (Maintain Approval)
The same result.
: -3 way: receiving (Maintain Receipts)

carrying out inspection order(in QMS),
generating inbound advice (Inbound Movement)
approving (Maintain Approval)
release inbound data (I tried with Maintain Inbound Data
The same result.
: How could I get these articles out from the inspection location ?
: I would be grateful to receive an answer.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Tommy L. Bacon, CPIM posted Message 2382 in Message Board
Dated : August 12, 1999 at 09:31:26 EST
Subject: Re: Allocated stock through Outbound
Table tdilc401 Outbound data will have all Allocated Outbound. You would also n
eed to check to make sure it's not delivered yet.
This is the only place you can find the Hard Allocations for the Items. (609) 6
***************** End Of Article ******************
Genie posted Message 2383 in Message Board
Dated : August 12, 1999 at 11:24:34 EST
Subject: Re: One picking list for several sales orders
When you print your picking lists, set the summary picking list line to "Yes".
This will put all items for the ranges you specified, on one picking list.
: We have several sales orders for one customers. We would like to print one pic
king list that combines those sales order into one picking list. Is this somehow
: Greetings,
: Wilfred.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Genie posted Message 2384 in Message Board
Dated : August 12, 1999 at 11:26:46 EST
Subject: Re: Distribution Requirements Planning
It sounds as if your Bill of Distribution may have a loop in it or was not set u
p correctly to execute. Recheck this to be sure. Also be sure that WIP warehou
ses are tied correctly to the work centres.
: We have implemented DRP to transfer goods from the raw material/component ware
house to the WIP warehouses.
: When the session "Generate Planned DRP Orders" is run for the entire range of
items / item groups, it does not execute completely. All the baan sessions get
killed, and the process stops execution.

: No RPL orders are generated.

: However, if the DRP is run for a single item, it executes successfully and gen
erates RPL orders.
: Is there any solution for this problem?
: Thanks
: Mohan

***************** End Of Article ******************

Genie posted Message 2385 in Message Board
Dated : August 12, 1999 at 11:28:08 EST
Subject: Re: Distribution Requirements Planning
Also be sure your system has enough space to run this program. This I have also
seen before and the process will either hang or not run at all or run for hours
on end.
: It sounds as if your Bill of Distribution may have a loop in it or was not set
up correctly to execute. Recheck this to be sure. Also be sure that WIP wareh
ouses are tied correctly to the work centres.
: :
: : We have implemented DRP to transfer goods from the raw material/component wa
rehouse to the WIP warehouses.
: : When the session "Generate Planned DRP Orders" is run for the entire range o
f items / item groups, it does not execute completely. All the baan sessions ge
t killed, and the process stops execution.
: : No RPL orders are generated.
: : However, if the DRP is run for a single item, it executes successfully and g
enerates RPL orders.
: : Is there any solution for this problem?
: : Thanks
: : Mohan

***************** End Of Article ******************

Allen posted Message 2386 in Message Board
Dated : August 12, 1999 at 11:36:06 EST
Subject: Purchase orders and UM
I have an item with Inv UM as Sq.Ft. and Purchase UM as Yard. Most of the times,
I order the item in Yard but sometimes, I have to order in Sq.FT. as well.

In "Maintain PO lines session", I saw that the system lets me change the Ordered
UM from yard to Sq.Ft. but it does not let me change the Price UM. As a result,
my PO prints with Quantity in Sq.Ft., UM as Yard, and Price in Yards.
Is it possible to change the price UM to Sq.Ft. as well, so that it prints corre
ctly on the PO?

***************** End Of Article ******************

Mike B posted Message 2387 in Message Board
Dated : August 12, 1999 at 17:04:55 EST
Subject: PCS Purchases - BaanERP
We are looking at some alternatives to handling Construction in Progress fixed a
ssets, and one of the things we are looking at is running this through PCS and c
reating an investment project to help track all of the parts that make up the ev
entual end asset, such as a machine. What I have done is create a cost item and
a new project. I ran a Purchase Order for this item and linked the project to it
. When we ran the receipt through 'Purchase Order Receipts' and processed delive
red purchase orders, we get an integration Purchase/General Costs to occur. I th
en matched and approved the invoice. When we went and matched the order in tfacp
2541m000, under Specific one of teh options is "Cost Item" and I tried this to s
ee what this might do, but I get an error :"Item is no member of group "Cost Ite
ms to be Specified" but am not sure what this means.
If we look out in General Actual Project Costs (tipcs3540m000) we do not see any
of the costs related to the PO or invoice. However, if we enter a cost invoice,
at the transaction line level if we select an account that has teh integration
indicator set to "PCS Project" we can go under specific and enter the general co
sts, updating General Costs by Project.
If we go out to look at Cost Prices by Project (tipcs3560m000) after we run the
update of the project cost, we see the total that includes the amount from our P
My questions are:
Shouldn't there be a way to track the invoice to a project when we run a PO and
match the invoice to the order?
If we can track Cost invoices to a project, why can't we track invoices related
to PO's??
Are there any other ways to track PO's/Invoices related to a project?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Leslie Satenstein posted Message 2388 in Message Board
Dated : August 12, 1999 at 21:50:03 EST
Subject: When is LIFO used
The subject line says it all. If I use fifo, I presume the goods I am going to c
onsume or inventory will have some type of shelf life.
Why and When would I use LIFO? Is it really for accounting?

Is it used without location control? What happens when it is used with location
control? Since Lot Control is usually date based, I believe that I know the ans
I know it's theory, but It's a question about distribution. And I want to learn.
Thank you in advance
***************** End Of Article ******************
Carol Schmidt posted Message 2389 in Message Board
Dated : August 13, 1999 at 06:16:49 EST
Subject: Customer Status - Blocked and Order Blocking
Please confirm if this seems like the correct functionality.
Parameter settings are set to block if doubtful, block if credit limited exceede
d, block is invoice overdue.
The order type used has a block as of step 2 (print picking lists).
All new orders for the customer are indeed blocked at the picking list, however
existing orders for the same customer are not automatically blocked. Is this co
rrect? If so, any suggestions on the most efficient way to locate all orders th
at have not have picking list printed or maintain deliveries for that same custo
Parameters and order types are set the same as above.
Order is entered for a customer that has a "Normal Status" in Maintain Customers
. An order is entered for this customer using the order type which blocks at pr
int picking list. The lines of this order are all positioned at a line status o
f "Print Acknowledgements". The customer status is now changed from Normal to B
locked. Obviously, any new order is not permitted to be entered. However, an ac
knowledgement cannot be printed for the existing order ( or any step performed)
but the system does not flag this order as blocked or send the order to the sess
ion "Unblock Sales Orders- tdsls4225m000). How does this make sense?
I appreciate your responses.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Leslie Martins posted Message 2390 in Message Board
Dated : August 13, 1999 at 10:59:34 EST
Subject: Default Financial Company
If a sales order is entered for a project with the incorrect financial cumpany.
How can the financial company be modified for the order and the project?
This would occur when the customer (tccom1101m000) is entered with the incorrect
financial company.

Any suggestions?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Genie posted Message 2391 in Message Board
Dated : August 13, 1999 at 16:52:35 EST
Subject: Re: When is LIFO used
LIFO is used with location control. It would be used for consumable type items
or those that should be used on the receipt date (oldest first). The system, wh
ich is invisible to you but in a table, date stamps your receipts into the syste
m. It then uses this to determine which is the last receipt (last in) and issue
it, when you generate outbound, as first out. Hope this helps!
: The subject line says it all. If I use fifo, I presume the goods I am going to
consume or inventory will have some type of shelf life.
: Why and When would I use LIFO? Is it really for accounting?
: Is it used without location control? What happens when it is used with locatio
n control? Since Lot Control is usually date based, I believe that I know the a
: I know it's theory, but It's a question about distribution. And I want to lear
: Thank you in advance
: Leslie

***************** End Of Article ******************

Genie posted Message 2392 in Message Board
Dated : August 13, 1999 at 16:57:40 EST
Subject: Re: Default Financial Company
As you've probably figured out, once you have lines on the sales order you canno
t change the financial company. You would have to delete the lines so that the
header of the order can be modified and then re-enter the lines. You may want t
o consider setting up a special series with a default financial company, if this
is your normal way of operation. Hope this helps!
: If a sales order is entered for a project with the incorrect financial cumpany
. How can the financial company be modified for the order and the project?
: This would occur when the customer (tccom1101m000) is entered with the incorre
ct financial company.
: Any suggestions?

***************** End Of Article ******************

Alaa Jaber posted Message 2393 in Message Board

Dated : August 14, 1999 at 22:53:13 EST

Subject: Cash Sales
Did anyone implemented cash sales system using Baan.
How the following problems are solved :
1. Link payment to proforma can only be done after finalization.
2. Payment could be a cheque or credit note voucher. It is not necessarly be a r
eal cash voucher.
3. Returns, there is no relation to the original sales order. People can return
items not purchased from me.
4. Are you using one time customer for cash customers ? if yes, how can you hand
le several transactions by the same customer. Can you print a statment for one s
pecific postal address ?
Thanks for you if you reply yo me.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Yaron posted Message 2394 in Message Board
Dated : August 15, 1999 at 11:13:14 EST
Subject: Re: Warehouse design
: Hi,
: I got a problem of designing warehouses in BaanERP.
: A company receives shipment of stocks at dockyard, then she will move the stoc
k to company's warehouse (another location) for inspection. However, she want t
o maintain receipts when the stocks arrive the dockyard, not at company's wareho
: Please give me some advice on this situation as I am not very good in warehous
e design.
: Thanks in advance.
If you are using location control, then your warehouse is defined automatically
with a receiving and/or inspection location.
purchase receipt is done automatically (according to you definition of Inspectio
n= Yes/No for the iten and for the supplier) into one of these locations. After
finishing inspection/receipt, you must inbound the goods into a warehouse locati
on which you choose.
The goods are recognized by the location inventory after receipt at the inspecti
on/ receipt location.
I hope this helps.
Tel: 972-9-9591878
***************** End Of Article ******************
Sandeep Mohapatra posted Message 2395 in Message Board
Dated : August 16, 1999 at 02:07:10 EST
Subject: Transport order subcontracting

My client has an agreement for subcontracting transportation activities. The agr
eement has penalty/incentive clauses based on whether the time for actual delive
ry is more/less than estimated time and whether there have been any damages whil
e transportation.
Although i can record actual data by stop lines, how do i link this to payment t
o subcontractor.
Thanks in advance
***************** End Of Article ******************
Eddie Wierts posted Message 2396 in Message Board
Dated : August 16, 1999 at 10:05:26 EST
Subject: Cannot open maintain parameters PAC, TFM, TOC
I have a problem: when starting the sessions mentioned above nothing happens. I
think this problem happened since we installed the PMC tool but I'am not sure. O
ur Baan version is BaanIVc4. What can it be?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Jan posted Message 2397 in Message Board
Dated : August 16, 1999 at 10:35:15 EST
Subject: Re: Product Configurator &amp; Sales Pricing
No, But I discovered that using Generic price lists and using the description fi
eld for the customer name and having a constraint which said "if customer = -cus
tomer name or code here - then price = - price herethis gives me a fairly simple price list to maintain and can be easily understoo
d when printed.
: Were you successful using this?
: : Try using a sales contract for the generic item and set the 'Link to PCS'pa
rameter in Sales Contract Parameters to 'Yes'
: : Then spend the next six months seeing how this works!
: :
: : : I'm using product configurator but do not really want to use generic price
lists as pricing by customer & item is ideal for my needs. I would be applying
the price at the Generic item level. Does anybody know if I can get round this ?
: : : Cheers

***************** End Of Article ******************

Doug Woeste posted Message 2398 in Message Board

Dated : August 16, 1999 at 17:19:47 EST
Subject: Re: Default Financial Company
If you are in a multi-site environemnt then there are settings in the Sales Para
meters that control how the default financial company is assigned. These settin
gs basically allow you to rpioritize how the finance company number is obtained.
Our current setup is to obtain it from the customer first, then from the order
series second and lastly from the user login.

: If a sales order is entered for a project with the incorrect financial cumpany
. How can the financial company be modified for the order and the project?
: This would occur when the customer (tccom1101m000) is entered with the incorre
ct financial company.
: Any suggestions?

***************** End Of Article ******************

Jan Bosman posted Message 2399 in Message Board
Dated : August 17, 1999 at 02:34:40 EST
Subject: Re: Cannot open maintain parameters PAC, TFM, TOC
To use a parameter session, audit is required.
You have to assign the parameter table to an Audit Database.
You have to do the following steps :
- Go to Tools
- Database Management
- Assign Tables to Databases (ttaad4111m000)
- Select your company
- Table Selection = Specified Table
- Select in table/module trtod000
- Select your Audit Database
- Save
- After that you have to convert to Runtime via option
CTRL- D. This is very IMPORTANT.
- Log out of the system.
- Log in again.
Now you can start the session trtod0100m000.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Wilfred Dunnewind posted Message 2400 in Message Board
Dated : August 17, 1999 at 03:10:17 EST
Subject: Re: Allocated stock through Outbound

: Table tdilc401 Outbound data will have all Allocated Outbound. You would also
need to check to make sure it's not delivered yet.
: This is the only place you can find the Hard Allocations for the Items. (609)
This table only contains the allocated stock for one location or one lot. Can I
somehow use this in an SQL Query, so that it displays the total allocated stock?

***************** End Of Article ******************

Eddie Wierts posted Message 2401 in Message Board
Dated : August 17, 1999 at 09:10:03 EST
Subject: First free numbers, no entry in Type of Number
Our session maintain first free numbers is not correct, I cannot enter the field
where you choose the type of number. It's now impossible to define series! Does
anybody know the solution for this?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Neal Mulvenna posted Message 2402 in Message Board
Dated : August 17, 1999 at 10:57:16 EST
Subject: Re: Changing Planned Dely. Date on Sales Orders
Another alternative would be to customize the sales order header table and sessi
on (or lines/session if you are looking for that detail) to add an "original del
ivery date" field which could store your measurement date and would not be used
in other Baan logic. The date you want to store could then be entered manually,
or if you want to get fancy, could automatically be filled in by additional sess
ion logic (or a database trigger if you want to stay away from modifying the sou
rce code) to capture the first non-zero or non-2049-year planned delivery date.
One note on the SO header planned delivery date: it doesn't appear to get used a
s much by other parts of Baan as the SO line's planned delivery date.
-------------------------------------------------: Thanks for your input. Using history would work if the first date we enter wa
s the actual "original promise date" but unfortunately it is not. We use a code
d date that reflects the month we think we will ship plus the year 2049 when we
first enter a sales order. We then wait for production control to confirm back
to us what the date will be and we then make it a "real" date. This is only the
case on manfactured items - on sold from stock items (we don't have too many bu
t we do have some!) we enter a real date from the get go. That's why we do our
reporting the way we do...Not to mention the fact that we make so many changes t
o our orders that the history file is super messy.
: I appreciate your input about the Planned Del Date, though, as you have at lea
st supported my feelings that this date should not be changed.
: Thanks!
: Jeanne
: : I won't begin to answer all your questions in this reply but I am happy to m
ake a couple of suggestions.
: : You are right the Planned delivery date drives everything and this is what I
would use.

: : To establish your delivery performance it might be better to do a report whi

ch looks at sales order history. Everytine you make a change a record is written
. Therefore you could look at a series of changes to orders and determine if the
original delivery date was met (comparing maintain deliveries table as well!)
: : This would make your reporting more accurate (not relying on people changing
or maintaining certain fields) and may incur less maintenance from your order e
ntry people.
: : Ensure that the business is not getting its knickers in a twist about measur
ing delivery performance when that effort would be better channelled into solvin
g the bottlenecks or problems (suppliers etc) which are causing the symptoms!
: : : We are a manufacturing company and have a high rate of orders which are la
te for various reasons. Even though we have a high number of "custom items" we
are currently using MRP and MPS but do not use Projects/Custom Items.
: : : We use the Plan. Del. Date to store what we call the "Original Promise Dat
e" which is the date we originally promised to the customer when the order was f
irst entered. We use the "Plan. Rec. Date" to store what we call the "Current P
romise Date" which is shows the current date we have told the customer the mater
ial will ship. We need two dates because we need a way to measure our on time d
elivery performance (ship date - original promise) as well as a place to "look u
p" when the material is "really going to ship". Our procedure is to NEVER chang
e the original promise date (unless the customer pushes their required date out!
)so this is the date that drives the planning system. It has been suggested tha
t we should reverse usage of these dates - and change the Planned Delivery date
to reflect the current, realistic ship date. Since this date drives just about
everything is Baan, I am concerned that frequent changes to this date will not a
llow the planning system to function efficiently. Shouldn't the system be plann
ing based on what the leadtimes should be not a "padded" leadtime?
: : : I'd like some input from other users as to how they handle date changes wh
en orders are late.
: : : Thanks is advance!
: : : Jeanne Ploshay
: : : Micro-Coax

***************** End Of Article ******************

Tommy L. Bacon, posted Message 2403 in Message Board
Dated : August 17, 1999 at 12:01:39 EST
Subject: Re: Allocated stock through Outbound
: : Table tdilc401 Outbound data will have all Allocated Outbound. You would al
so need to check to make sure it's not delivered yet.
: : This is the only place you can find the Hard Allocations for the Items. (60
9) 631-6052
: This table only contains the allocated stock for one location or one lot. Can
I somehow use this in an SQL Query, so that it displays the total allocated stoc

***************** End Of Article ******************

Tommy L. Bacon, posted Message 2404 in Message Board

Dated : August 17, 1999 at 12:02:52 EST
Subject: Re: Allocated stock through Outbound
You can write a query to sum the item totals by locations.
***************** End Of Article ******************
bryan posted Message 2405 in Message Board
Dated : August 17, 1999 at 14:10:05 EST
Subject: Picking Ticket
Looking for specifics on what fields print from a sales order onto the picking t

***************** End Of Article ******************

Bryan posted Message 2406 in Message Board
Dated : August 17, 1999 at 15:54:53 EST
Subject: Sales Ordre Types
Looking for good documentation for sales order types in Baan Series
***************** End Of Article ******************
yaya posted Message 2407 in Message Board
Dated : August 17, 1999 at 18:36:03 EST
Subject: Re: Cash Sales
have you tried collect order types?

***************** End Of Article ******************

Mary Lu. posted Message 2408 in Message Board
Dated : August 18, 1999 at 03:13:20 EST
Subject: Sales Order History Problem !!!
Hi all,
I don't know what's wrong , when I print sales order history report and c
hoose 'transaction type = invoiced'
it is no data found !! But my report will have data when I choose 'transaction
type = created'.
Can anyone help me ??? Every sales orders I 've already
printed sales invoice and process delivered sales order.
Thanks in advanced,
Mary Lu.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Ashwin posted Message 2409 in Message Board
Dated : August 18, 1999 at 04:12:32 EST
Subject: Print Receipt Step in Order Types.

Print Receipt Step in Order Types is not getting updated despite

printing the same.
Has anyone faced similar problem or has a solution to offer.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Ashish posted Message 2410 in Message Board
Dated : August 18, 1999 at 04:14:53 EST
Subject: Re: Transport order subcontracting
In my oipinion this cannot be done directly and has to be handled
manually through 'Maintain Costs' by attaching cost codes.
Hope this would help.
: Hi,
: My client has an agreement for subcontracting transportation activities. The a
greement has penalty/incentive clauses based on whether the time for actual deli
very is more/less than estimated time and whether there have been any damages wh
ile transportation.
: Although i can record actual data by stop lines, how do i link this to payment
to subcontractor.
: Thanks in advance
: Sandeep

***************** End Of Article ******************

Ashish posted Message 2411 in Message Board
Dated : August 18, 1999 at 04:16:42 EST
Subject: Re: Transport order subcontracting
In my opinion this cannot be handled directly and has to be done manually by 'Ma
intain costs' session where cost code needs to be attached.
Hope this helps.

: Hi,
: My client has an agreement for subcontracting transportation activities. The a
greement has penalty/incentive clauses based on whether the time for actual deli
very is more/less than estimated time and whether there have been any damages wh
ile transportation.
: Although i can record actual data by stop lines, how do i link this to payment
to subcontractor.
: Thanks in advance
: Sandeep

***************** End Of Article ******************

arthur_lehuquet posted Message 2412 in Message Board
Dated : August 18, 1999 at 04:22:36 EST
Subject: Re: First free numbers, no entry in Type of Number
Is this true of all first free numbers or just some?
: Our session maintain first free numbers is not correct, I cannot enter the fie
ld where you choose the type of number. It's now impossible to define series! Do
es anybody know the solution for this?

***************** End Of Article ******************

Ashish posted Message 2413 in Message Board
Dated : August 18, 1999 at 04:24:20 EST
Subject: Contact Info
You may get in touch at
: Hi Ashish,
: Thanks a lot for your help. It has been of great use to me.
: If u don't mind, can u tell me your e-mail address so that i can communicate d
: Thanks a lot again.
: sandeep

***************** End Of Article ******************

Rostislav posted Message 2414 in Message Board
Dated : August 18, 1999 at 04:59:44 EST
Subject: Distribution implementation

The problem has arisen at implementation of Distribution (td). Customer used to

keep account by Excel files yet. Therefore, we need to import huge portions of i
nitial data (references) into Baan database. For example we need to import the f
ile of items (4000 records), file of storage places (800 records), file of the s
uppliers (600 items). Also we need to import the open balance of items (by consi
gnments and by storage places too) as 6000 invoices and purchase orders.
Does anybody know about utility exists for our purpose? Or may be somebody has a
technique (a way) to resolve our problem?
Any hint will be appreciated.
Best regards
***************** End Of Article ******************
Paul van Eijk posted Message 2415 in Message Board
Dated : August 18, 1999 at 05:14:21 EST
Subject: Re: First free numbers, no entry in Type of Number
You have to tell the system if you use series. This is done in parameters, for e
xample tdsls4100m000 for sales orders, first form, third field.
For each type of number you can define it seperately.
: Is this true of all first free numbers or just some?
: : Our session maintain first free numbers is not correct, I cannot enter the f
ield where you choose the type of number. It's now impossible to define series!
Does anybody know the solution for this?

***************** End Of Article ******************

Paul van Eijk posted Message 2416 in Message Board
Dated : August 18, 1999 at 05:19:24 EST
Subject: Re: Picking Ticket
Go to session ttadv3130m000 - maintain reports and click on 'input fields'.
: Looking for specifics on what fields print from a sales order onto the picking

***************** End Of Article ******************

Leslie Martins posted Message 2417 in Message Board
Dated : August 18, 1999 at 10:07:18 EST
Subject: Re: Sales Order History Problem !!!

Hi all,
I don't know what's wrong , when I print sales order history report and
choose 'transaction type = invoiced'
: it is no data found !! But my report will have data when I choose 'transactio
n type = created'.
Can anyone help me ??? Every sales orders I 've already
: printed sales invoice and process delivered sales order.
: Thanks in advanced,
: Mary Lu.
On Print sales order history by customer and item, verify that the transaction d
ate is correct or simply key 01-01-0001 on "from" field and 18-08-1999 on "to" f
ield. Also ensure that the finance company is correct, you may also key 000 on f
rom field and 999 on to field.
Good luck
***************** End Of Article ******************
Gianni posted Message 2418 in Message Board
Dated : August 18, 1999 at 12:11:44 EST
Subject: Re: Distribution implementation
I think that you should use the Exchange-module in BaaN.
: The problem has arisen at implementation of Distribution (td). Customer used t
o keep account by Excel files yet. Therefore, we need to import huge portions of
initial data (references) into Baan database. For example we need to import the
file of items (4000 records), file of storage places (800 records), file of the
suppliers (600 items). Also we need to import the open balance of items (by con
signments and by storage places too) as 6000 invoices and purchase orders.
: Does anybody know about utility exists for our purpose? Or may be somebody has
a technique (a way) to resolve our problem?
: Any hint will be appreciated.
: Best regards

***************** End Of Article ******************

Shannon Moree posted Message 2419 in Message Board
Dated : August 18, 1999 at 12:21:31 EST
Subject: History of Generated Invoices
When using the session tcedi7480m000 (Print History of Generated Invoices)no mat

ter what parameters I input the session always returns no data. Is there a tric
k to setting this up? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Shannon Moree
SCB Enterprise Solutions

***************** End Of Article ******************

Adrian G. posted Message 2420 in Message Board
Dated : August 18, 1999 at 16:44:31 EST
Subject: Re: Inventory Commitment for Indent Sales Order
You should be able to us the inventory buffer functionality. Inventory reserved
in this way can be directly committed to an order line by using the "Consumption
of the Inventory Buffers" session
***************** End Of Article ******************
Waqas posted Message 2421 in Message Board
Dated : August 18, 1999 at 16:52:41 EST
Subject: Price and Disount structure !
Can anyone explain, How does field "Gross/Net" works in Price and Discount sessi
ons. According to Baan help if you inset zero discount and opt for Net, serarch
should stop at that level. I am unable to make it work. Even after putting ze
ro and choosing "net" I get price in my PO from next level
Thanking You in advance,
***************** End Of Article ******************
Suresh Kapoor posted Message 2422 in Message Board
Dated : August 18, 1999 at 19:58:30 EST
Subject: Sales Order prioritizations
We are using BaaN B40c.044. We are having problems with Allocation of inventory
to Backorders. The system allocates inventory to the lowest customer number irre
spective of the Planned delivery date or backorders or previously existing order
s. Can somebody suggest the solution ?
What is the significance of Simulation of priority Codes session in the Distribu
tion/Sales Control/Deliveries/Misc folder(tdsls4124m000, tdsls4126m000 and tdsls
4129m000) ? Do these sessions have anything to do with the way system allocates
invnetory ?
I know I will get the answer.
Thanks for the help in advance.
***************** End Of Article ******************

Linda posted Message 2423 in Message Board

Dated : August 19, 1999 at 00:11:33 EST
Subject: Sequence Number in S/O history .
Hi all,
I don't know what the field Sequence Number in table tdsls051-sales order li
ne history is .
Could anyone help me ???
Thanks in advanced,
***************** End Of Article ******************
arthur_lehuquet posted Message 2424 in Message Board
Dated : August 19, 1999 at 03:46:07 EST
Subject: Re: Sequence Number in S/O history .
If a sales order line goes into back order the new line retains the same positio
n number but gains a sequence number.
: Hi

I don't know what the field Sequence Number in table tdsls051-sales order
history is .
Could anyone help me ???

: Thanks in advanced,
: Linda

***************** End Of Article ******************

Paul van Eijk posted Message 2425 in Message Board
Dated : August 19, 1999 at 05:22:35 EST
Subject: Re: Sales Order prioritizations
Sales order priorities are used for printing the picking list in order of user-d
efined priorities. You can give backorders a higher priority (tdsls4100m000 - fo
rm 4) and you can give customers a priority (tccom1101m000). Note that in tdsls4
100m000 you can also set a parameter for printing items on you picking list. Tak
e care of this parameter, it influences whether an item is printed on you pickin
g list or not (set it to 'On Hand').
Setting priorities is indeed done using the sessions you mention.
When you process the priorities for a certain simulation code the priority is wr
itten to tdsls045.opri (order priority).
Picking lists are printed in the order of priority in tdsls045.
Hope this helps.
: We are using BaaN B40c.044. We are having problems with Allocation of inventor
y to Backorders. The system allocates inventory to the lowest customer number ir

respective of the Planned delivery date or backorders or previously existing ord

ers. Can somebody suggest the solution ?
: What is the significance of Simulation of priority Codes session in the Distri
bution/Sales Control/Deliveries/Misc folder(tdsls4124m000, tdsls4126m000 and tds
ls4129m000) ? Do these sessions have anything to do with the way system allocate
s invnetory ?
: I know I will get the answer.
: Thanks for the help in advance.
: Suresh

***************** End Of Article ******************

Helen posted Message 2426 in Message Board
Dated : August 19, 1999 at 06:54:47 EST
Subject: Proforma Invoices
I am having a problem in proforma invoicing. I have finished the print proforma
invoice step in sales and I have to do link advance receipts to proforma invoice
. In that session, no lines are displayed. I have raised an advance receipt for
this customer for the exact amount specified in the proforma invoice and i have
finalised it. Should i do anything else to get a line in this session (tfcmg6200
Can anyone of u help me?
Thank You.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Ron Bissland posted Message 2427 in Message Board
Dated : August 19, 1999 at 08:42:38 EST
Subject: Ship to address change
In BaaN ERP, When you enter an order you enter all the business partner informat
ion and then start to enter the lines on the order. After you enter the lines o
n an order and then go back to the header and change the business partner "SHIP
TO ADDRESS" you get a pop-up message"Adjust All Lines Ship To Address Code" and
"Adjust All Lines Tax Codes". This logic applys only in the following condition
1. The order MUST have lines.
2. The Business Partner MUST be taxable.
This makes NO sense.. The logic should state:
1A. If there are lines present then display POP-UP " Adjust All Lines To Ship To
Address Code"
2A. If the Business Partner is Taxable then Display POP-UP "Adjust All Line Tax

A taxable or NON-taxable should not dictate if you are allowed to change the shi
p to address once the lines have been written.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Justin Condon posted Message 2428 in Message Board
Dated : August 19, 1999 at 10:07:52 EST
Subject: SO Order Line Delivery Dates / Delivery Addresses / EDI
Hi all,
Two questions - we are running intercompany EDI and for some reason, the individ
ual PO delivery dates are not being transferred to the generated SO. Rather, the
SO lines all have the delivery date of the SO header delivery date.
I have checked the conversion setups, and according to them, the individual line
delivery dates should transfer okay. I also thought this might have to do with
the ship complete flag for the order being set to yes - it was set to no.
Any ideas - is there another field that I am forgetting that influences this, or
how exactly shoudl standard BAAN work (or not work, if that is the case)?
The second question involves the incoming EDI 850 (PO) again - when we have a he
ader delivery address in the PO, it is read in correctly, but then is overwritte
n on the generated SO by the default delivery address from the customer master (
tccom010.cdel). I know when you manually enter the SO the correct address can be
entered - how is this achieved in BAAN EDI?
Surely there is some way, other than simply blanking the delivery address code o
n the customer master?
As usual, thanks for your help,
***************** End Of Article ******************
Waqas posted Message 2429 in Message Board
Dated : August 19, 1999 at 11:06:58 EST
Subject: URGENT ! Price and Discount structure
Can anyone explain, How does field "Gross/Net" works in Price and Discount sessi
ons. According to Baan help if you inset zero discount and opt for Net, serarch
should stop at that level. I am unable to make it work. Even after putting zero
and choosing "net" I get price in my PO from next level
Thanking You in advance,

***************** End Of Article ******************

Suresh Kapoor posted Message 2430 in Message Board

Dated : August 19, 1999 at 13:11:42 EST

Subject: Re: Sales Order prioritizations
Hi Paul..
Thanks for replying to my posting at I still did
r I was looking for(Perhaps my question was not very clear).
You are correct that the Priority Simulation sessions populate
field. But does that drive the Generate Outbound or Not ? Our
he customers with lowest number get most of the material(which
ur own subsidiaries). This is even true in case of Backorders.

not get the answe

the tdsls045.opri
problem is that t
in our case are o

Example :A customer orders 10 and gets 5 because of insufficient inventory. Rest

5 is backordered.
An invnetory of 5 comes . Meanwhile a new order from another customer (customer
number lower than previous one) comes for 5. This new inventory of 5 will get al
located to the second customer even though this order was placed later.
I am wondering if priority Simulations can help us this. Is that true? Our Order
steps are :

Generate Outbound
Print Pick-list
Maintain Deliveries
Print Sales Invoices
Process Delivered Sales Orders

I will appreciate if you can suggest some other ways of getting around this.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Milton Flores posted Message 2431 in Message Board
Dated : August 19, 1999 at 17:25:02 EST
Subject: BaaN IV - EDI - 860 Problem
I'm running BaaN B40C, and whenever I try to generate an 860 it only works if I
make changes to the first line in the PO. I I modify other lines but I don't tou
ch the line number 1 it doesn't work.
Does anybody know why?
Thank you.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Linda posted Message 2432 in Message Board
Dated : August 20, 1999 at 00:40:13 EST
Subject: I don't think so .
But I noticed that the sales order line history sequence number
is different from looking at display sales order line status .

Does anyone have any Idea ???

***************** End Of Article ******************

Ashish Sapre posted Message 2433 in Message Board
Dated : August 20, 1999 at 09:33:44 EST
Subject: Re: URGENT ! Price and Discount structure
I think when one defines gross discounts then it searches the discounts mentione
d at all levels in your price structure. And in case of net discounts it stops a
t the first level of discounts.
Try it!

: Can anyone explain, How does field "Gross/Net" works in Price and Discount ses
sions. According to Baan help if you inset zero discount and opt for Net, serarc
h should stop at that level. I am unable to make it work. Even after putting zer
o and choosing "net" I get price in my PO from next level
: Thanking You in advance,
: Naveed

***************** End Of Article ******************

Eddie Wierts posted Message 2434 in Message Board
Dated : August 20, 1999 at 09:43:36 EST
Subject: Cannot change purchase price on PO lines
When I try to change the purchase price on the order lines, the price changes. B
ut when I quit the order lines and go back to the lines the old price returns on
the line. How can I change my price?
***************** End Of Article ******************
L. McCorison posted Message 2435 in Message Board
Dated : August 20, 1999 at 09:48:28 EST
Subject: default data by customer
Does anyone know how I can link addition default data, such as notes, account nu
mbers, etc, that will print on sales orders and invoices from a specific custome
r when the customer number is entered on the sales header session of 4c?
***************** End Of Article ******************

Waqas posted Message 2436 in Message Board

Dated : August 20, 1999 at 10:10:27 EST
Subject: Re: URGENT ! Price and Discount structure
Hi Ashish,
I tried using "net", but in vain. My search for price still goes on the next le
Any suggestion please

: I think when one defines gross discounts then it searches the discounts mentio
ned at all levels in your price structure. And in case of net discounts it stops
at the first level of discounts.
: Try it!
: Ashish
: : Can anyone explain, How does field "Gross/Net" works in Price and Discount s
essions. According to Baan help if you inset zero discount and opt for Net, sera
rch should stop at that level. I am unable to make it work. Even after putting z
ero and choosing "net" I get price in my PO from next level
: : Thanking You in advance,
: : Naveed

***************** End Of Article ******************

arthur lehuquet posted Message 2437 in Message Board
Dated : August 20, 1999 at 10:36:30 EST
Subject: Re: Cannot change purchase price on PO lines
Are you saying 'Yes' to recalculate prices and discounts?
: When I try to change the purchase price on the order lines, the price changes.
But when I quit the order lines and go back to the lines the old price returns
on the line. How can I change my price?

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Tom posted Message 2438 in Message Board
Dated : August 20, 1999 at 10:43:13 EST
Subject: Delete Sales Orders

Looking for infomation on when to and the process of deleting sales orders. Typi
cally what function in a company runs "Process deliv sales ordres?" When should
this be run? When can sales orders be deleted? WHy?
***************** End Of Article ******************
arthur posted Message 2439 in Message Board
Dated : August 20, 1999 at 10:54:31 EST
Subject: Re: Sequence Number in S/O history .
Sorry, I was thinking of deliveries tdsls045.
What I think it is in history is a record addition after a record insertion to c
ancel a previous transaction.
To demonstrate; put on a sales order and then save the line. Then change the dat
e on the line then save - do this half a dozen times and then look in the histor
: Hi

I don't know what the field Sequence Number in table tdsls051-sales order
history is .
Could anyone help me ???

: Thanks in advanced,
: Linda

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Suresh Kapoor posted Message 2440 in Message Board
Dated : August 20, 1999 at 13:27:04 EST
Subject: I did not the answer
: Hi Paul..
: Thanks for replying to my posting at I still did
wer I was looking for(Perhaps my question was not very clear).
: You are correct that the Priority Simulation sessions populate
ri field. But does that drive the Generate Outbound or Not ? Our
the customers with lowest number get most of the material(which
our own subsidiaries). This is even true in case of Backorders.

not get the ans

the tdsls045.op
problem is that
in our case are

: Example :A customer orders 10 and gets 5 because of insufficient inventory. Re

st 5 is backordered.
: An invnetory of 5 comes . Meanwhile a new order from another customer (custome
r number lower than previous one) comes for 5. This new inventory of 5 will get
allocated to the second customer even though this order was placed later.
: I am wondering if priority Simulations can help us this. Is that true? Our Ord
er steps are :


Generate Outbound
Print Pick-list
Maintain Deliveries
Print Sales Invoices
Process Delivered Sales Orders

: I will appreciate if you can suggest some other ways of getting around this.
: Regards
: Suresh

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Suresh Kapoor posted Message 2441 in Message Board
Dated : August 20, 1999 at 13:31:50 EST
Subject: Can the Sales Order prioritizaton sessions help in Allocating ?
I know that the Priority Simulation sessions(tdsls4124m000, tdsls4126m000 and td
sls4129m000) populate the tdsls045.opri field(once it is processed). But does th
at drive the Generate Outbound or Not ? Our problem is that the customers with l
owest number get most of the material(which in our case are our own subsidiaries
). This is even true in case of Backorders.
Example :A customer orders 10 and gets 5 because of insufficient inventory. Rest
5 is backordered.
An invnetory of 5 comes . Meanwhile a new order from another customer (customer
number lower than previous one) comes for 5. This new inventory of 5 will get al
located to the second customer even though this order was placed later.
I am wondering if priority Simulations can help us this. Is that true? Our Order
steps are :

Generate Outbound
Print Pick-list
Maintain Deliveries
Print Sales Invoices
Process Delivered Sales Orders

I will appreciate if you can suggest some other ways of getting around this.
We don't have the source code and the Sales Order, Generate Outbound and print p
ick-lists have been modified by our consulting partners.
Please HELP !

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Scott Moorman posted Message 2442 in Message Board
Dated : August 20, 1999 at 17:34:05 EST
Subject: Re: Can the Sales Order prioritizaton sessions help in Allocating ?
Simulation will help to prioritize the outbound data. You will need to set up t
he simulation code(s) in the Maintain Priority Simulation Code session. You wi
ll then need to go to Maintain Priority Simulations and 'zoom' to Generate Simul
ations. Priorities will be assigned (in a simulation mode) to all sales orders
based on the code and priority sequence selected. You then have the ability to m
aintain the simulation or Process to apply the priorities to the orders. After
the simulations are processed, the outbound will adhere to the 'new' priorities.
Feel free to contact me if you need more information.

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Sudhakar posted Message 2443 in Message Board
Dated : August 20, 1999 at 20:26:24 EST
Subject: Re: Distribution implementation
There are couple of ways of importing the excel spreadsheets into baan as one ti
me measure.As Gianni pointed out Exchange is one of the ways.However the easy fa
stest way is thro the sequential dump program.
1) create sequential dump from the relavent empty table
2)the excel file should be saved as CVS file.
3)open the earlier created sequential file and cut and paste the the CVS file in
this file.
3)you should ensure that the data definition structure of the table and your fil
e are in sync.
4)use the session create table from sequential dump for the actual upload.
This process if things are ready on the excel file will take couple of days.Let
me know if i could be of help to you.
: Hi,
: I think that you should use the Exchange-module in BaaN.
: Regards,
: Gianni
: : The problem has arisen at implementation of Distribution (td). Customer used
to keep account by Excel files yet. Therefore, we need to import huge portions
of initial data (references) into Baan database. For example we need to import t
he file of items (4000 records), file of storage places (800 records), file of t
he suppliers (600 items). Also we need to import the open balance of items (by c
onsignments and by storage places too) as 6000 invoices and purchase orders.
: : Does anybody know about utility exists for our purpose? Or may be somebody h
as a technique (a way) to resolve our problem?
: : Any hint will be appreciated.
: : Best regards

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Abhijeet Joshi posted Message 2444 in Message Board
Dated : August 21, 1999 at 06:28:53 EST
Subject: DRP Run not possible
We are facing one problem. Whenever DRP run is on after some time application lo
ck takes place and you log out of BaaN. This happens especialy when run is regen
erative & item range is big.

Any solution, patch ?

- Abhijeet
***************** End Of Article ******************
Banny posted Message 2445 in Message Board
Dated : August 21, 1999 at 22:11:26 EST
Subject: Importing Text Data to Triton Sales Order
As of this time, we are experiencing several downtime on our server. Our Triton
user cannot enter Sales Order transactions. What we are doing right now to gener
ate sales order and sales invoice was to create small application for that. Sal
es order data are now converted into text data. Our problem now is how could we
import the text data to Triton Sales Order. If this problem is possible to resol
ve, we would not experiencing double encoding and its a great help for us.
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Sandeep mohapatra posted Message 2446 in Message Board
Dated : August 22, 1999 at 04:09:43 EST
Subject: Re: Transport order subcontracting
hi ashish,
thanks for the reply. There is one more query.
1) Is the quantity on transport order line anyway related to the actual quantity
delivered on a sales order ( assuming that the transport order has been created
for the sales order) . That is, if i make a sales order for quantity 100, the t
ransport order created for 100. If i despatch 50, do i have to go to the transpo
rt order and change the quantity there to 50 manually.
The same query is for transport orders created from purchase orders. After the t
ransport order is created , is there any more link.
Thanks a lot
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J. Cronin posted Message 2447 in Message Board
Dated : August 22, 1999 at 04:52:18 EST
Subject: Re: Cannot change purchase price on PO lines
If the PUR parameters have 'automatic' in the field 'automatic recalculation...'
you won't even get that question, so you should change the parameter (tdpur4100
m000 form 2) to 'No' or 'Interactive'.
: Are you saying 'Yes' to recalculate prices and discounts?
: : When I try to change the purchase price on the order lines, the price change
s. But when I quit the order lines and go back to the lines the old price return
s on the line. How can I change my price?

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TF posted Message 2448 in Message Board
Dated : August 22, 1999 at 07:28:56 EST
Subject: Re: Delete Sales Orders
: Looking for infomation on when to and the process of deleting sales orders. Ty
pically what function in a company runs "Process deliv sales ordres?" When shoul
d this be run? When can sales orders be deleted? WHy?
Process deliv sales orders normally transfers the data to Baan Finance. Determin
ing the time to delete sales orders (actual) depends on the company. To my best
of knowlegde, there is no general rule or best practise for this. The companys I
have implemented, delete actual orders that haven been processed between 2 and
6 months back from the actual date. Deleting the actual orders which are proeces
sed f.e. means that you can't reprint the invoice.
Hope this helps you somewhat.
good luck.
***************** End Of Article ******************
TF posted Message 2449 in Message Board
Dated : August 22, 1999 at 07:37:14 EST
Subject: Re: Proforma Invoices
: Hi,
: I am having a problem in proforma invoicing. I have finished the print proform
a invoice step in sales and I have to do link advance receipts to proforma invoi
ce. In that session, no lines are displayed. I have raised an advance receipt fo
r this customer for the exact amount specified in the proforma invoice and i hav
e finalised it. Should i do anything else to get a line in this session (tfcmg62
: Can anyone of u help me?
: Thank You.
I've been struggling with this also. There is a session you have to run under th
e "special" menu in the sales order head. I don't know the session number (it's
sunday right now so I can't look it up for you). It's like when customer's pay i
n terms. You have to make a "Term" payment for the specific order.
Hope this helps you
Good Luck

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Mary Ann posted Message 2450 in Message Board
Dated : August 22, 1999 at 14:28:00 EST

Subject: Invoice costs lines

Is posible to invoice costs lines?, if I set in trird screen of maintain order p
rocedures in field Generate invoice lines from cost set Automatic or interactive
, how can I print this aditional cost in the invoice, for example:
Line O/T
10 standar item, customer XXX, costs set AAA, when I print the invoice only I ca
n print the amount of calcule of rate, but dont the line of the aditional cost. H
ow I can do it
Ideas please!
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Supratik posted Message 2451 in Message Board
Dated : August 23, 1999 at 04:02:02 EST
Subject: How to use re-execute in maintain order steps
Dear Paul Van Eijk
Maintain order steps
How is the field reexecute in maintain order steps (tcmcs0139m000) used please g
ive an example.

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jim posted Message 2452 in Message Board
Dated : August 23, 1999 at 08:51:49 EST
Subject: Returns on generic items with selected options
I have no problems doing returns on manufactured and purchased items, but I do n
ot have any luck on returns concerning generic items with selected options(ILC).
When I try to manually maintain outbound for the generic items the line sequenc
e is not recognized. What method would be best to try and get returns on generic
***************** End Of Article ******************
Ashish Sapre posted Message 2453 in Message Board
Dated : August 23, 1999 at 08:53:03 EST
Subject: Re: URGENT ! Price and Discount structure
Hi Waqas,
There is another dimension to the discounts if you closely look at the Parameter
s. I tried to simulate yor situation & faced the same problem. In Parameters jus
t shift your discount field from Parallel to Cumulative & then notice the change
. I observed that in either of the cases it considers the discounts at all level
s but there is a different methodology behind calculating the discounts. In Para
llel it calulates discounts separately & in Cumulative, as the name suggests it
cumulates all the discount.
And as far as Gross & Net are concerned there are these combinations possible wi

th either of these two discount types.

Try now! And do let me know!!

: Hi Ashish,
: I tried using "net", but in vain. My search for price still goes on the next
: Any suggestion please
: Thanks
: : I think when one defines gross discounts then it searches the discounts ment
ioned at all levels in your price structure. And in case of net discounts it sto
ps at the first level of discounts.
: : Try it!
: : Ashish
: :
: : : Can anyone explain, How does field "Gross/Net" works in Price and Discount
sessions. According to Baan help if you inset zero discount and opt for Net, se
rarch should stop at that level. I am unable to make it work. Even after putting
zero and choosing "net" I get price in my PO from next level
: : : Thanking You in advance,
: : : Naveed

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Ashish Sapre posted Message 2454 in Message Board
Dated : August 23, 1999 at 09:00:01 EST
Subject: Re: Invoice costs lines
Have attached that cost set to a particular custmer? Does the system ask you whi
le saving the order line "Additional Costs?"
If not then there is some mistake in defining the cost sets.

: Is posible to invoice costs lines?, if I set in trird screen of maintain order

procedures in field Generate invoice lines from cost set Automatic or interacti
ve, how can I print this aditional cost in the invoice, for example:

: Line O/T
: 10 standar item, customer XXX, costs set AAA, when I print the invoice only I
can print the amount of calcule of rate, but dont the line of the aditional cost.
How I can do it
: Ideas please!

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Rostislav Kouznetsov posted Message 2455 in Message Board
Dated : August 23, 1999 at 11:04:00 EST
Subject: Re: Distribution implementation
Whell, but it's not easy to locate all the tables to import open balances correc
tly in conditions of sofisticated links of data. After several days of thinking
I've decided to use BaanConnect Kit (BOIs) to emulate the manual work with appro
priate maintainance sessions. That could help me to keep original logic of sessi
ons and all data could be imported correctly.
But now, I have several problems with BaanConnect Kit and its behaviour on Digit
al UNIX platform ;-)
: There are couple of ways of importing the excel spreadsheets into baan as one
time measure.As Gianni pointed out Exchange is one of the ways.However the easy
fastest way is thro the sequential dump program.
: 1) create sequential dump from the relavent empty table
: 2)the excel file should be saved as CVS file.
: 3)open the earlier created sequential file and cut and paste the the CVS file
in this file.
: 3)you should ensure that the data definition structure of the table and your f
ile are in sync.
: 4)use the session create table from sequential dump for the actual upload.
: This process if things are ready on the excel file will take couple of days.Le
t me know if i could be of help to you.
: Sudhakar
: : Hi,
: : I think that you should use the Exchange-module in BaaN.
: : Regards,
: : Gianni
: :
: : : The problem has arisen at implementation of Distribution (td). Customer us
ed to keep account by Excel files yet. Therefore, we need to import huge portion
s of initial data (references) into Baan database. For example we need to import
the file of items (4000 records), file of storage places (800 records), file of
the suppliers (600 items). Also we need to import the open balance of items (by
consignments and by storage places too) as 6000 invoices and purchase orders.
: : : Does anybody know about utility exists for our purpose? Or may be somebody
has a technique (a way) to resolve our problem?
: : : Any hint will be appreciated.
: : : Best regards

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Janny posted Message 2456 in Message Board
Dated : August 23, 1999 at 11:45:12 EST
Subject: Re: default data by customer
We have a similar problem at present with standard information by customer. we h
ave not found a way of solving this with standard baan functionality and are loo
king at customisation.
: Does anyone know how I can link addition default data, such as notes, account
numbers, etc, that will print on sales orders and invoices from a specific custo
mer when the customer number is entered on the sales header session of 4c?

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mike posted Message 2457 in Message Board
Dated : August 23, 1999 at 15:10:51 EST
Subject: purchasing statistics
wonder if you could point me in the right direction..............
we have bann running in oracle 7.3.4 on a unix machine. i am trying to run se
ssion tdpst0201m000 - purchasing statistics. it errors out because it reaches ma
ximum extents. i have modified the tables in question (TTDPST010,015,018,020,02
5,028 and 030). i have increased the size of the next_extent and increase the n
umber of max extents. when i rerun the session, it changes the next_extent size
back to what it was (default). the other tables in the TTDPST% area are ok.
any hints??????????????
thank you ...................mike..................
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Bunny posted Message 2458 in Message Board
Dated : August 23, 1999 at 17:35:56 EST
Subject: receptions planning
Hi all:
I need to be able to plan in advance (with a calendar,maybe)my receptions, how c
an I do this in BaaN, Is this is possible?
Any help will be appreciatted.
Thanks in advance
***************** End Of Article ******************
Don posted Message 2459 in Message Board
Dated : August 23, 1999 at 18:32:43 EST
Subject: Deleting all Planned Purchase Orders

Is there a way to "mass" delete all planned purchase orders prior to confirming
I have thought about deleting and rebuilding table tdinv130 but have not tested
it yet.
Anyone have any experience with this?

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Manish posted Message 2460 in Message Board
Dated : August 23, 1999 at 20:02:40 EST
Subject: Cannot transfer inv. between locations. URGENT!!
We have location control implemented. We fed in inventory for items using exchan
ge script in to a fixed location. But when I go to transfer inventory to a diffe
rent location, I get an error message "No inv. or insufficient inv." However I c
an see the On Hand, on order and allocated inv. as present.
Are we missing any step in the exchange script part?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Eddie Wierts posted Message 2461 in Message Board
Dated : August 24, 1999 at 06:57:13 EST
Subject: Re: First free numbers, no entry in Type of Number
I have told the system I use series, that's no problem. I just cannot define the
sesries because the session maintain first free numbers got some kind of form d
ump error.
: You have to tell the system if you use series. This is done in parameters, for
example tdsls4100m000 for sales orders, first form, third field.
: For each type of number you can define it seperately.
: Paul
: : Is this true of all first free numbers or just some?
: : : Our session maintain first free numbers is not correct, I cannot enter the
field where you choose the type of number. It's now impossible to define series
! Does anybody know the solution for this?

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Scott Moorman posted Message 2462 in Message Board

Dated : August 24, 1999 at 09:02:31 EST

Subject: Re: Cannot transfer inv. between locations. URGENT!!
Make sure you have populated the storage unit quantity as well as the inventory
unit quantity.
: Hi,
: We have location control implemented. We fed in inventory for items using exch
ange script in to a fixed location. But when I go to transfer inventory to a dif
ferent location, I get an error message "No inv. or insufficient inv." However I
can see the On Hand, on order and allocated inv. as present.
: Are we missing any step in the exchange script part?
: Thanks,
: Manish

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Justin Condon posted Message 2463 in Message Board
Dated : August 24, 1999 at 09:35:56 EST
Subject: Invoice Cost Items / EDI
Hi all,
Any idea why EDI (and standard) invoices for cost items only will not print (gen
erate). We have no problems with invoices for a standard item and a cost item just with cost only.
Thanks in advance,
***************** End Of Article ******************
Ed posted Message 2464 in Message Board
Dated : August 24, 1999 at 11:29:26 EST
Subject: Multiple remittance address for suppliers
My client has suppliers where they buy from one location but pay to another. Th
e address they send is dependant upon where the supplier has shipped the goods f
rom. It appears the only way to solve this is by either using the factoring com
pany session as a different address or create a new supplier for each address.
If anyone has run into, I would appreciate hearing your solution.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Ed posted Message 2465 in Message Board

Dated : August 24, 1999 at 12:51:12 EST

Subject: Inventory Report by Reason Code

We are looking for an inventory report by reason code and can not find one. Doe
s one exist? If so, where can I find it.
Thanks in advance,
***************** End Of Article ******************
Jeff Kendell posted Message 2466 in Message Board
Dated : August 24, 1999 at 17:44:15 EST
Subject: Maintain Approvals
How can we correct a qty, either rejected or approved, in Maintain Approvals? Fo
r standard purchase item and for a subcontracted item. We have tried to maintain
the qtys and will not permit. How do we handle this?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Onno Schenk posted Message 2467 in Message Board
Dated : August 24, 1999 at 21:57:20 EST
Subject: Re: Picking Phantoms on Replenishment Orders
: We have a wide range of Kits set up as Phantoms, generally with a single level
BOM below. When replenishement orders are raised for the Kits the Picking List
reports a shortage at the Phantom level, even if there is sufficient inventory o
f the components. This is completly different to what occurs for Sales Orders wh
ere the Picking List breaks down to the BOM level for picking purposes.
Reason why could be that Sales Orders allow for "shipping" components (ie next l
evel down from phantom) and replenisment orders do not... Am currently facing sa
me issue and curious whether you resolved and if so how?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Onno Schenk posted Message 2468 in Message Board
Dated : August 24, 1999 at 22:03:51 EST
Subject: KITS and RPL orders
How can I ensure that I can pick and ship KITS (phantom) on a replenishment orde
r. Sales has ability to issue components on form 2 of order lines session, but R
PL doesn't have same facility. Please let me know..
***************** End Of Article ******************
Margit posted Message 2469 in Message Board
Dated : August 25, 1999 at 06:37:02 EST
Subject: Re: Maintain Approvals
you cannot change the quantity anymore, if ILC is implemented and you made the a

pproval for a warehouse without locations. In that case the ILC-part is done and
"rien ne va plus". In other configurations it is possible to change the quantit
I fear you have to create a return order to give the quantity.
If you get a better way, please let me know.
: How can we correct a qty, either rejected or approved, in Maintain Approvals?
For standard purchase item and for a subcontracted item. We have tried to mainta
in the qtys and will not permit. How do we handle this?

***************** End Of Article ******************

margit. posted Message 2470 in Message Board
Dated : August 25, 1999 at 06:55:00 EST
Subject: Re: Cannot transfer inv. between locations. URGENT!!
Hi ,
Your problem can be the result of several reasons:
If the outbound priority for the item is FIFO or LIFO, there must a be a date in
/on tdilc101.
Did you create a cycle counting order? Perhaps the according flag on tdilc101 is
YES and the stock is locked.
Are you sure, that the quantity you want to move is not greater than the differe
nce between stock and allocated stock.
And are you sure, that you have filled both quantities in tdilc101 (stks and str
Perhaps you have overseen one of these details.
: Hi,
: We have location control implemented. We fed in inventory for items using exch
ange script in to a fixed location. But when I go to transfer inventory to a dif
ferent location, I get an error message "No inv. or insufficient inv." However I
can see the On Hand, on order and allocated inv. as present.
: Are we missing any step in the exchange script part?
: Thanks,
: Manish

***************** End Of Article ******************

margit posted Message 2471 in Message Board
Dated : August 25, 1999 at 07:06:05 EST
Subject: Re: Deleting all Planned Purchase Orders
: Is there a way to "mass" delete all planned purchase orders prior to confirmin


I have thought about deleting and rebuilding table tdinv130 but have not teste
it yet.
Anyone have any experience with this?

***************** End Of Article ******************

margit posted Message 2472 in Message Board
Dated : August 25, 1999 at 07:13:30 EST
Subject: Re: Deleting all Planned Purchase Orders
I don' t understand, what effect that deletion should have! If you start the ses
sion tdinv3220m000, the planned pur orders will be created again, if the data fo
r the items are the same as before.
But if the data are changed in a way, that the pur-orders are not necessary anym
ore, they will be deleted anyway, when you start that session.
: :
: :
: :

Is there a way to "mass" delete all planned purchase orders prior to confirm
I have thought about deleting and rebuilding table tdinv130 but have not tes
it yet.
Anyone have any experience with this?

***************** End Of Article ******************

Stevej posted Message 2473 in Message Board
Dated : August 25, 1999 at 10:33:13 EST
Subject: Re: units of measure
We have this same problem. After configuring an item in PCF and generating the
product variant structure for sales orders we maintain a conversion on the custo
mized item. The conversion works to convert inventory units to storage units bu
t never changes the conversion for sales units or sales price units for that cus
tomized item. We found this conversion factor stored in the sales order lines t
able. Baan seems to copy the conversion factor from the generic item and then th
ere is no place to maintain the sales unit or price unit conversion. Looking at
the maintain conversions for a customized item the sales section on form 3 is n
o longer there.
Apart from having our tools folks poke in and change it in the sales order we ha
ve found no solution.
: In case of Standard Item, Flip may be right, you can chage any unit of measure
in sales order line (ordered field) as long as it is defined on unit set and co
nversion factor table. But if you want to change UOM (customized item) ,as long
as I know , it seems that there is no way.
: I might say it may be concept problem.
: Usually, Customized items are designed per specific project or customer. So Wh
en we enter customized item, Baan system assumes that there is no change in sale
s unit. That's why we cann't change UOM in sale order.
: On the other hand, It is possible to change UOM in purchase order.

: Is there anybody can come up with better solutions?

: regards
: : : When entering sales order, normally unit of measure if ft. We have establ
ished this as the standard in the item master. When a customer requests less th
an 1 foot, are we forced to enter the length in decimals or is there a way to ch
ange the unit on the customized item master for this project?
: :
: : Have you tried setting up a conversion factor?
: : Use inch or any other unit smaller than foot and enter that unit in your sal
es order.

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Jeanne Ploshay posted Message 2474 in Message Board
Dated : August 25, 1999 at 11:38:13 EST
Subject: Re: default data by customer
: We have a similar problem at present with standard information by customer. we
have not found a way of solving this with standard baan functionality and are l
ooking at customisation.
: : Does anyone know how I can link addition default data, such as notes, accoun
t numbers, etc, that will print on sales orders and invoices from a specific cus
tomer when the customer number is entered on the sales header session of 4c?
We also have the same problem - I am sure it is a pretty common request among us
ers. We tried just about everything we could think of including some ideas rega
rding using "Parent Company" functionality. Nothing from standard baan helped u
s. What we eventually ended up doing is adding text to the customer master whic
h refers to a text number. This text block contains the standard information th
at we always include on the sales orders for this customer. Our procedure now r
equires the sales clerks to take a quick peek at the customer master, if they se
e text "yes", they open the text and read the notes. This is somewhat tedious b
ut is better than relying on pulling old orders, etc. (or using your memory) whe
n it comes to notes. This is really helpful when you have someone entering an o
rder for a customer they are not familiar with (someone's out sick or on vacatio
n). Don't know if this would work in your case but it's something to think abou
Jeanne Ploshay
***************** End Of Article ******************
Jeanne Ploshay posted Message 2475 in Message Board
Dated : August 25, 1999 at 11:55:48 EST
Subject: Re: Commission Lines with a &quot;closed&quot; status
: We have been processing commissions since 2/99. We pay commissions to employe
es through payroll as well as paying sales reps via accounts payable. We run th
e Print and/or Delete Commissions/Rebates session (tdcms0251m000) once a month a
fter processing our commissions. This session effectively deletes those commiss
ion lines with a status of "closed" for sales reps (non-employees set up as supp

liers), but does nothing to closed commission lines for employees. We now have
as many as 1,050 closed commission lines appearing on the Maintain Commissions C
alculated by Relation (tdcms1150m000) session. This makes it nearly impossible
to review the commission reports. How can we get rid of the closed lines and mo
ve them to history?
: Thanks in advance.
: Jeanne Ploshay
We have solved this problem ourselves. We were not using any of the "Pay Commis
sion to Employees" sessions and once we did, in the proper sequence, it worked.
If anyone else runs into similar problems, let me know and I will supply you wit
h the steps.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Tommy Bacon posted Message 2476 in Message Board
Dated : August 25, 1999 at 12:38:35 EST
Subject: Re: Deleting all Planned Purchase Orders
Anytime you run using regen all planned orders should be deleted and replanned i
f needed.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Steve Applegate posted Message 2477 in Message Board
Dated : August 25, 1999 at 12:41:02 EST
Subject: Slow Transfer of Item to location in same warehouse
When we transfer an item from a location in a warehouse to another location in t
he same warehouse - it takes apporx. 3 min. for session to execute.
If we move an item to a different warehouse, and then back to the original wareh
ouse (but a different location), this work-around takes < 10 seconds per transfe
r ..
Why ???
***************** End Of Article ******************
Scott Moorman posted Message 2478 in Message Board
Dated : August 25, 1999 at 16:36:46 EST
Subject: Re: Inventory Report by Reason Code
We are using Oracle Discoverer as a reporting tool and generated a custom report
to capture inventory adjustment value by reason code, warehouse, month, etc. I
am not aware of a report within Baan.
: We are looking for an inventory report by reason code and can not find one. D
oes one exist? If so, where can I find it.
: Thanks in advance,
: Ed

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Bill posted Message 2479 in Message Board
Dated : August 25, 1999 at 19:24:08 EST
Subject: Re: Multiple remittance address for suppliers
: My client has suppliers where they buy from one location but pay to another.
The address they send is dependant upon where the supplier has shipped the goods
from. It appears the only way to solve this is by either using the factoring c
ompany session as a different address or create a new supplier for each address.
If anyone has run into, I would appreciate hearing your solution.
: Thanks,
: Ed

***************** End Of Article ******************

Bill posted Message 2480 in Message Board
Dated : August 25, 1999 at 19:32:36 EST
Subject: Re: Multiple remittance address for suppliers
: My client has suppliers where they buy from one location but pay to another.
The address they send is dependant upon where the supplier has shipped the goods
from. It appears the only way to solve this is by either using the factoring c
ompany session as a different address or create a new supplier for each address.
If anyone has run into, I would appreciate hearing your solution.
: Thanks,
: Ed
The original supplier address in Baan is owned by A/P.
It is always the address where they make payment.
Purchasing can create optional postal addresses
linked to the original supplier code.
This is the address where you send the purchase order
or the address where you return material etc.
These addresses are maintained by the buyer as needed.
Within the session called
Maintain Supplier Postal Address
***************** End Of Article ******************
Sudhakar posted Message 2481 in Message Board
Dated : August 25, 1999 at 21:09:55 EST
Subject: Re: Distribution implementation

Well, if you are talking about importing the supplier,Customers

and other static data thay can be done easily.BaaN table structure for these are
not complicated.However if you are planning the Inventory Upload they can be do
ne thro the cycle counting table tdinv120.Upload thro these tables takes care of
finincial integration and relavent accounts of finance are automatically update
d.Sophisticated links with finance thus pose no problems.
let me know if this solves your problem

: Whell, but it's not easy to locate all the tables to import open balances corr
ectly in conditions of sofisticated links of data. After several days of thinkin
g I've decided to use BaanConnect Kit (BOIs) to emulate the manual work with app
ropriate maintainance sessions. That could help me to keep original logic of ses
sions and all data could be imported correctly.
: But now, I have several problems with BaanConnect Kit and its behaviour on Dig
ital UNIX platform ;-)
: : There are couple of ways of importing the excel spreadsheets into baan as on
e time measure.As Gianni pointed out Exchange is one of the ways.However the eas
y fastest way is thro the sequential dump program.
: : 1) create sequential dump from the relavent empty table

: 2)the excel file should be saved as CVS file.

: 3)open the earlier created sequential file and cut and paste the the CVS fil
in this file.
: 3)you should ensure that the data definition structure of the table and your
file are in sync.
: : 4)use the session create table from sequential dump for the actual upload.
: : This process if things are ready on the excel file will take couple of days.
Let me know if i could be of help to you.
: : Sudhakar
: : : Hi,
: : : I think that you should use the Exchange-module in BaaN.
: : : Regards,
: : : Gianni
: : :
: : : : The problem has arisen at implementation of Distribution (td). Customer
used to keep account by Excel files yet. Therefore, we need to import huge porti
ons of initial data (references) into Baan database. For example we need to impo
rt the file of items (4000 records), file of storage places (800 records), file
of the suppliers (600 items). Also we need to import the open balance of items (
by consignments and by storage places too) as 6000 invoices and purchase orders.
: : : : Does anybody know about utility exists for our purpose? Or may be somebo
dy has a technique (a way) to resolve our problem?
: : : : Any hint will be appreciated.

: : : : Best regards

***************** End Of Article ******************

Max posted Message 2482 in Message Board
Dated : August 26, 1999 at 02:47:22 EST
Subject: Re: Customer Status - Blocked and Order Blocking
I'm sorry that I can answer part of the 1st question.
The reason why all the existing orders for the same customer are not automatical
ly blocked is because Baan will check for customer status (overdue invoice, cred
it limit, credit rating) when Sales order line is created. If these limits are
exceeded, Baan will block the relevant S.O. line.
Baan will not block previously created S.O. as those limits were not exceeded du
ring the time of S.O. creation.
To block those old S.O., I'm afraid you have to block it manually.
Hope this helps.
: Please confirm if this seems like the correct functionality.
: Parameter settings are set to block if doubtful, block if credit limited excee
ded, block is invoice overdue.
: The order type used has a block as of step 2 (print picking lists).
: All new orders for the customer are indeed blocked at the picking list, howeve
r existing orders for the same customer are not automatically blocked. Is this
correct? If so, any suggestions on the most efficient way to locate all orders
that have not have picking list printed or maintain deliveries for that same cus
: Secondly,
: Parameters and order types are set the same as above.
: Order is entered for a customer that has a "Normal Status" in Maintain Custome
rs. An order is entered for this customer using the order type which blocks at
print picking list. The lines of this order are all positioned at a line status
of "Print Acknowledgements". The customer status is now changed from Normal to
Blocked. Obviously, any new order is not permitted to be entered. However, an
acknowledgement cannot be printed for the existing order ( or any step performed
) but the system does not flag this order as blocked or send the order to the se
ssion "Unblock Sales Orders- tdsls4225m000). How does this make sense?
: I appreciate your responses.
: CS

***************** End Of Article ******************

J. Cronin posted Message 2483 in Message Board

Dated : August 26, 1999 at 07:49:09 EST
Subject: Re: Slow Transfer of Item to location in same warehouse
10 seconds? twice?? Not to mention 3 minutes?!?!?!?!?
That's a hell of a long time to wait for your transaction to be completed. Filli
ng an old fashioned form would be more cost effective....
I would have the hardware examined and upgraded.
: When we transfer an item from a location in a warehouse to another location in
the same warehouse - it takes apporx. 3 min. for session to execute.
: However,
: If we move an item to a different warehouse, and then back to the original war
ehouse (but a different location), this work-around takes < 10 seconds per trans
fer ..
: Why ???

***************** End Of Article ******************

Ed posted Message 2484 in Message Board
Dated : August 26, 1999 at 08:47:00 EST
Subject: Re: Multiple remittance address for suppliers
: :Bill, Thanks for the information. What happens when one has multiple addres
ses that they could send payment to?
There is no option to choose remittance address for supplier? It is a one for o
ne relationship?
: : My client has suppliers where they buy from one location but pay to another.
The address they send is dependant upon where the supplier has shipped the goo
ds from. It appears the only way to solve this is by either using the factoring
company session as a different address or create a new supplier for each addres
s. If anyone has run into, I would appreciate hearing your solution.
: : Thanks,
: : Ed
: Ed,
: The original supplier address in Baan is owned by A/P.
: It is always the address where they make payment.
: Purchasing can create optional postal addresses
: linked to the original supplier code.
: This is the address where you send the purchase order
: or the address where you return material etc.
: These addresses are maintained by the buyer as needed.

: Within the session called

: Maintain Supplier Postal Address

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Marcel Bron posted Message 2485 in Message Board
Dated : August 26, 1999 at 11:00:40 EST
Subject: Re: KITS and RPL orders
If you're doing it for production reasons, e.g. moving materials from the BOM wa
rehouse to the WIP warehouses, why make it a phantom if you want the subassembly
to move instead of the underlying components?
If it's not for production reasons, but for moving materials between warehouses
fopr whatever reason, it will work with phantoms when there is stock available o
f the phantom.

: How can I ensure that I can pick and ship KITS (phantom) on a replenishment or
der. Sales has ability to issue components on form 2 of order lines session, but
RPL doesn't have same facility. Please let me know..

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gm posted Message 2486 in Message Board
Dated : August 26, 1999 at 13:02:50 EST
Subject: tdsls045.txam.1
There is a field tdsls045.txam.1 in the standard baan table.
Can any one tell me where this field is updated and under what circumstances?
Thank you for any help

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Albert Kilcline posted Message 2487 in Message Board
Dated : August 26, 1999 at 13:11:00 EST
Subject: Re: tdsls045.txam.1
It's updated by a 3rd party tax provider such as Vertex.
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gm posted Message 2488 in Message Board
Dated : August 26, 1999 at 13:59:57 EST
Subject: Re: tdsls045.txam.1
Thank you very much

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Gianni posted Message 2489 in Message Board
Dated : August 27, 1999 at 02:50:51 EST
Subject: urgent!! Adjust terms of payment on sales order
Hi BaaNfans,
We have accedently put the wrong terms of payment on the sales order and have re
leased the installment and printed the invoice. Now th wrong text is printed for
terms of payment.
I would like to make the right text appear by entering the right terms of paymen
t code via ttaad4100. The payment period of both payment terms is the same. Is t
his possible and what is the risk?
If it is not possible how can I cancel this sales order?
Thanks in advance,
***************** End Of Article ******************
Wilfred Dunnewind posted Message 2490 in Message Board
Dated : August 27, 1999 at 03:43:19 EST
Subject: Allocated for picking list
Can't print picking list although there is enough stock.
This is caused because of "Allocated for picking list" (alpl) in Item data by wa
rehouse (tdinv001) is too high. This field has been created to prevent picking l
ists from being printed when there is no inventory left to be allocated. So to p
revent that, for a specific item, the cumulative quantity on all picking lists d
oesn't exceed the available inventory. In this case at least one picker will get
Every time an original picking list (no reprint) is printed "Allocated for picki
ng list" is increased. Depending on SLS-parameter "Method of printing items on p
icking list" and whether or not the order(-line) has to be shipped completely th
e system determines if the picking list will be printed:
No ship complete sales order(-line)
- 'Those on hand'
Orderlines are only printed on the pickinglist when there is any stock on hand a
vailable for the item concerned. Even if the stock isn't sufficient to satisfy t
he complete orderline quantity, the orderline will be printed. On the pickinglis
t always the complete orderline quantity will be printed. Item data by warehouse
(tdinv001): On hand - Blocked - Allocated for picking list > 0
- 'Sufficient inventory'
The only difference with "Those on hand" is that only those orderlines are print
ed wherefor the complete quantity can be picked. Item data by warehouse (tdinv00
1): On hand - Blocked - Allocated for picking list >= sales orderline quantity
- 'All items'
All orderlines are printed regardless of the fact if there is inventory or not.

Ship complete sales order(-line)

Since the order(-line) has to be shipped completely only those lines are printed
which can be picked completely. So the system always checks for sufficient inve
ntory regardless of the value of SLS-parameter "Method of printing items on pick
ing list".
Item data by warehouse (tdinv001): On hand - Blocked - Allocated for picking lis
t >= sales orderline quantity
As from June 1998 on the system will allow you, when "Method of printing items o
n picking list" = 'All items', to print the pickinglist even when there isn't en
ough inventory. Changes have been marked with "DF 3421-1".
Now how can you create inventory to be allocated (decrease "Allocated for pickin
g list") in order to print an important picking list?
The option to delete the sales order or put it in back order is no option for us
***************** End Of Article ******************
Ashish posted Message 2491 in Message Board
Dated : August 27, 1999 at 04:54:08 EST
Subject: ILC Queries
Hi Friends,
I had some queries related to ILC, Let me know if you have encountered such case
and appropriate solution.
1. In what cases the 'on order' field related to item in
maintain item data would show a negative quantity. Is it only in
case of purchase return order or could be for any other case too.
2. If a location is marked as inspection and inventory lying there is blocked, h
ow to remove the on hold status of the inventory. In my opinion, I was thinking
of raising a inspection order for the inventory and consequently do inbound proc
edure to take it in normal location.
I tried using unblock locations or unblock locations by transaction. But it did
not yield desired result.
3. Continuing from above case incase of purchase approval, after
maintain receipt, if inspection is part of order type, i find the
inventory lying in inspection location of the warehouse (without any inbound pro
cedure). Later when i carry out maintain approval, inventory still remains block
ed and i am not able to cary out release inbound etc. to transfer inventory in n
ormal location.
4. The inventory date which takes importance in case of FIFO, while maintaining
inbound or maintaining inventory transaction by lot and location, when I mention
date in certain cases I get error pertaining to invalid date.
5. For an inspection location if inventory is lying in it, i can't change the lo
cation to non-inspection unless i purge the location of the inventory. Is there
any other way for it.
Thanks in Advance.
Would await to hear from you.

***************** End Of Article ******************
Herbert van de Ridder posted Message 2492 in Message Board
Dated : August 27, 1999 at 07:03:49 EST
Subject: Determine Invoice number
WE are having problems with determining the right Invoice series.
In the sls parameters (tdsls4100m000) you can determine wether or not you want u
se series for invoice numbering. In tcmcs0147m000 you can define the series.
The point is that we are not able to define when to use which serie.
Note: this a different series then the series for for Financial Documents, these
are linked to an Order Type in tcmcs0142m000.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Kevin posted Message 2493 in Message Board
Dated : August 27, 1999 at 10:23:42 EST
Subject: Sales Statistics
I have defined the periods but when i run update sales statistics, system gives
an error message "period table not found". also it does not pick up all the sale
s orders in reports. I am struggling to get my Sales Statistics right. Can anyon
e help me on that? why it says period table not found?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Nick Rovenko posted Message 2494 in Message Board
Dated : August 27, 1999 at 19:48:14 EST
Subject: Re: Sales Statistics
A common mistake is setting up periods incorrectly. If you desire monthly perio
ds for a calendar year enter the 1st day of each month, starting with January, i
n each consequtive field until you have entered 12 dates, and 12-31-99 should be
entered as the ending date of the above periods. Once you have defined Jan-Dec
1999 you can copy periods for years 2000 and beyond. Hope this helps, if not r
: I have defined the periods but when i run update sales statistics, system give
s an error message "period table not found". also it does not pick up all the sa
les orders in reports. I am struggling to get my Sales Statistics right. Can any
one help me on that? why it says period table not found?
: thanks

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Alfredo posted Message 2495 in Message Board

Dated : August 29, 1999 at 01:04:06 EST
Subject: Inventory Valuation
Hi !
I am not able to print the Inventory Valuation (tdinv6230m000) for items with in
ventory valuation method set to "Lot Price" in Maintain Item Master. For other i
tems with valuation at FTP, system prints the report but for Lot Price it does n
ot. Is there any patch for this or is it some parameter setting?
Any comments/suggestions would be highly appreciated
***************** End Of Article ******************
Saqib Mahmood posted Message 2496 in Message Board
Dated : August 29, 1999 at 11:11:28 EST
Subject: Items with expiry dates
Will the system stop the transaction of an item if it had approached its expiry
life.Or will the user have to manually block such lots through sessions like Glo
bal (Un)blocking of lots.
Kindly reply aasap.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Saqib Mahmood posted Message 2497 in Message Board
Dated : August 29, 1999 at 11:14:12 EST
Subject: Allocated Inventory
Is it possible to issue allocated inventory? This inventory is not issued by the
system. Is there a way to unallocate thsi inventory?
Pls reply asap.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Chris posted Message 2498 in Message Board
Dated : August 29, 1999 at 12:40:08 EST
Subject: Unable to Generate Outbound Advice
Dear BaaNFans,
We are working with BaaN IVc3 and we are facing an inconsistent problem with Gen
eration of Outbound Advice in Location Control ofcourse sometimes we are able to
generate. The error we are getting is "Duplicate value in First Free Numbers Ta
bles", Hence aborting the action. Alternatively if we try with Maintain Outbound
data samething we we are getting. I appreciate your help.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Claus Thers posted Message 2499 in Message Board
Dated : August 30, 1999 at 07:02:24 EST
Subject: Commission - change af manual status to approved
When entering a manual rebate line in session tdcms2150m000, it will automatical
ly get status "Manual". Thereafter I would like to make a reserve to Baan Financ
e like the other rebates on the same order.
What am I going to do to make the above mentioned happend, and
change rebate status from "Manual" to "Approved"?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Max posted Message 2500 in Message Board
Dated : August 30, 1999 at 09:14:58 EST
Subject: Unable to generate inbound advice to move stock from receipt location t
o inspection location
I face a problem of unable to generate inbound advice to move stock from receipt
location to inspection location.
First, my warehouse set up is:
-receipt location
-inspeciton location
-bulk location A 01 001 to B 02 001, 8 locations in total.
Warehouse activities by procedures:
Receipt procedure - Receipts
Inspection procedure - Approval, Generate Inbound Advice, Release Inbound Advice
When I add a new receipt in Receipt (whinh3520m000) session, I define the locati
on as Receipt location. After I confirm the Receipt line, I see from the inboun
d advice log (whinh2530m000) session that it says "Unable to find any remaining
location for remaning quantity of X units".
When I try to create a inbound advice manually, it says "unable to advice order
line". I have looked up the inventory by warehouse, location, item and lot sess
ion. The stocks are now at Receipt location.
And at location (whwmd3500m000)session, I can see the Receipt location and Inspe
ction location's occupied location check box is checked. But I have made them h
ave infinite capacity already.

***************** End Of Article ******************

martine posted Message 2501 in Message Board
Dated : August 30, 1999 at 10:37:56 EST

Subject: Change location system by warehouse

Hi everybody,
could anybody help me with this error message:
I'm currently working on c4 with Oracle Database trying to create locations for
a warehouse.
When I use tdilc0231m000, Change Location System by Warehouse, I have the follow
ing error message "Detected Database termination" !! After that, all my warehous
es are blocked !!!
Thank you for your help !!
***************** End Of Article ******************
Fan posted Message 2502 in Message Board
Dated : August 30, 1999 at 11:03:32 EST
Subject: Re: Unable to generate inbound advice to move stock from receipt locati
on to inspection location
normally,the receipt location is for non-inspection procedure and inspection loc
ation is for items needed inspection. For your case, it should use the inspectio
n procedure for inspection items.
: Hi,
: I face a problem of unable to generate inbound advice to move stock from recei
pt location to inspection location.

First, my warehouse set up is:

-receipt location
-inspeciton location
-bulk location A 01 001 to B 02 001, 8 locations in total.

: Warehouse activities by procedures:

: Receipt procedure - Receipts
: Inspection procedure - Approval, Generate Inbound Advice, Release Inbound Advi
: When I add a new receipt in Receipt (whinh3520m000) session, I define the loca
tion as Receipt location. After I confirm the Receipt line, I see from the inbo
und advice log (whinh2530m000) session that it says "Unable to find any remainin
g location for remaning quantity of X units".
: When I try to create a inbound advice manually, it says "unable to advice orde
r line". I have looked up the inventory by warehouse, location, item and lot se
ssion. The stocks are now at Receipt location.
: And at location (whwmd3500m000)session, I can see the Receipt location and Ins
pection location's occupied location check box is checked. But I have made them
have infinite capacity already.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Nick Rovenko posted Message 2503 in Message Board

Dated : August 30, 1999 at 11:56:00 EST

Subject: Re: Allocated Inventory
I m not sure which allocation you are concerned about so I ll explain both.
There is a distinction between (soft) and hard allocations. Normal (soft) alloc
ated inventory is anonymous and can be used for every sales order. The total al
located inventory can be viewed at Item Master level (tiitm0101m000) and is soft
allocated through one of the following sessions: "Sales Control (SLS)" for qua
ntities sold; "Shop Floor Control (SFC)" for quantities required for production
orders; "BAAN Service" for quantities required for service orders.
However, hard allocations require the user to create a linkage of inventory quan
tity to a sales order. Execution of the Generate Hard Allocations (tdinv2201m00
0) session results in a binding link of selected orders and allocated inventory.
Allocated inventory can not be used for other orders.
If this isn t clear please respond.
: Is it possible to issue allocated inventory? This inventory is not issued by t
he system. Is there a way to unallocate thsi inventory?
: Pls reply asap.
: Regards
: Saqib

***************** End Of Article ******************

Tommy Bacon,CPIM posted Message 2504 in Message Board
Dated : August 30, 1999 at 13:59:57 EST
Subject: Re: Allocated Inventory
Hard Allocations
is released and
ete the Outbound
m is in Outbound

are also created if you Generate Outbound Data. The allocation

inventory moved when you release the Outbound data. If you del
Data the allocation will also be freed. You can see if you ite
by printing/displaying outbound data for that item.

: Is it possible to issue allocated inventory? This inventory is not issued by t

he system. Is there a way to unallocate thsi inventory?
: Pls reply asap.
: Regards
: Saqib

***************** End Of Article ******************

Tommy Bacon, CPIM posted Message 2505 in Message Board
Dated : August 30, 1999 at 14:05:29 EST
Subject: Re: Unable to Generate Outbound Advice
Check table tcmcs047 First Free Numbers for outbound Data. Have you gone thru t
he series or justing starting to use it.
: Dear BaaNFans,
: We are working with BaaN IVc3 and we are facing an inconsistent problem with G
eneration of Outbound Advice in Location Control ofcourse sometimes we are able

to generate. The error we are getting is "Duplicate value in First Free Numbers
Tables", Hence aborting the action. Alternatively if we try with Maintain Outbou
nd data samething we we are getting. I appreciate your help.
: Thanks&Regards,
: Chris.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Genie posted Message 2506 in Message Board
Dated : August 30, 1999 at 15:49:14 EST
Subject: Re: Items with expiry dates
This is a manual process. The system will not block the expired items automatic
ally. Reasons for this is expired items could be reclassified as something else
once they reach their date (i.e. Vitamins for humans versus animals). You need
to run the program to see what is due to expire and make manual decisions as to
which items should be expired / blocked.
: Will the system stop the transaction of an item if it had approached its expir
y life.Or will the user have to manually block such lots through sessions like G
lobal (Un)blocking of lots.
: Kindly reply aasap.
: Regards.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Angella posted Message 2507 in Message Board
Dated : August 30, 1999 at 22:41:04 EST
Subject: I want more detail.
Hi Genie,
Could you tell me what session I must run for this ???
***************** End Of Article ******************
Max posted Message 2508 in Message Board
Dated : August 31, 1999 at 03:23:44 EST
Subject: Re: Unable to generate inbound advice to move stock from receipt locati
on to inspection location
In BaanERP, both receipt procedure and inspection procedure are needed for Recei
pts process. I can't catch your point exactly, please tell me in more details.
: normally,the receipt location is for non-inspection procedure and inspection l
ocation is for items needed inspection. For your case, it should use the inspect
ion procedure for inspection items.

: : Hi,
: : I face a problem of unable to generate inbound advice to move stock from rec
eipt location to inspection location.


First, my warehouse set up is:

-receipt location
-inspeciton location
-bulk location A 01 001 to B 02 001, 8 locations in total.

: : Warehouse activities by procedures:

: : Receipt procedure - Receipts
: : Inspection procedure - Approval, Generate Inbound Advice, Release Inbound Ad
: : When I add a new receipt in Receipt (whinh3520m000) session, I define the lo
cation as Receipt location. After I confirm the Receipt line, I see from the in
bound advice log (whinh2530m000) session that it says "Unable to find any remain
ing location for remaning quantity of X units".
: : When I try to create a inbound advice manually, it says "unable to advice or
der line". I have looked up the inventory by warehouse, location, item and lot
session. The stocks are now at Receipt location.
: : And at location (whwmd3500m000)session, I can see the Receipt location and I
nspection location's occupied location check box is checked. But I have made th
em have infinite capacity already.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Amily posted Message 2509 in Message Board
Dated : August 31, 1999 at 04:58:50 EST
Subject: Strange problem from Release Outbound Data!
Hi all,
After I generated outbound and print picking list , my data
were completely. But when I released outbound data ,some order lines in my relea
se outbound report were lost , then I see my sales order line status , they were
changed into 'confirm delivery' already.
Does anyone know why my data were lost ???
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Jo-Anne posted Message 2510 in Message Board
Dated : August 31, 1999 at 10:39:57 EST
Subject: Rounding sales prices to the nearest dollar
Without customizations, is there any way to tell the system to round sales price
s to the nearest dollar? For example, the base price for a product that we sell
is $2950 and the discount for quantity 50 is 25% - $2950 less 25% = $2212.50, b
ut I would like this to be $2213 for the customer (as that is what they were quo
ted) without having to override the prices calculated.

I cannot find anywhere where the rounding codes are linked to sales pricing.
Any help would be appreciated.
***************** End Of Article ******************
shajee posted Message 2511 in Message Board
Dated : September 01, 1999 at 00:36:23 EST
Subject: How to use re-execute in maintain order steps

: How can the field reexecute in maintain order steps (tcmcs0139m000) be used pl
ease give an example
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Barb Mitchell posted Message 2512 in Message Board
Dated : September 01, 1999 at 08:36:53 EST
Subject: Problems with Printing Sales Invoices
We are currently running Baan IVc3 and we are having problems with the printing
of sales invoices.
We enter a sales order with the type of SPN (Normal Sales Order). This order typ
e has the following steps:
&#61623; Print Order Acknowledgements
&#61623; Print Picking Lists
&#61623; Maintain Deliveries
&#61623; Print Packing Slips
&#61623; Print Sales Invoices
&#61623; Process Delivered Sales Orders
We follow the steps through to - Print Sales Invoices (tdsls4404m000). We set "F
inal Invoice" to YES. The Sales Invoice prints correctly. If we display Sales Or
der Line Status, it still says Print Sales Invoice . It will allow us to print the
sales invoice again and again and again
as many times, as we like. Everytime the
sales invoice is printed, a new invoice number is assigned.
We set-up a sales order type of TST (test sales order). This order type has the
following steps:
&#61623; Maintain Deliveries
&#61623; Print Sales Invoices
&#61623; Process Delivered Sales Orders
It works fine!
Does anybody have any ideas of why the first Sales Order Type allows us to Print
Sales Invoices over and over again?
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Tommy Bacon posted Message 2513 in Message Board
Dated : September 01, 1999 at 10:16:09 EST
Subject: Re: Problems with Printing Sales Invoices

Check session tcmcs0139m000 Maintain Order Steps and see what the Re-execute is
set at. It should be set for the step after your Print Sales Invoices, (Process
Delivered Sales Orders).
: We are currently running Baan IVc3 and we are having problems with the printin
g of sales invoices.
: We enter a sales order with the type of SPN (Normal Sales Order). This order t
ype has the following steps:
: &#61623; Print Order Acknowledgements
: &#61623; Print Picking Lists
: &#61623; Maintain Deliveries
: &#61623; Print Packing Slips
: &#61623; Print Sales Invoices
: &#61623; Process Delivered Sales Orders
: We follow the steps through to - Print Sales Invoices (tdsls4404m000). We set
"Final Invoice" to YES. The Sales Invoice prints correctly. If we display Sales
Order Line Status, it still says Print Sales Invoice . It will allow us to print th
e sales invoice again and again and again
as many times, as we like. Everytime t
he sales invoice is printed, a new invoice number is assigned.

We set-up a sales order type of TST (test sales order). This order type has th
following steps:
&#61623; Maintain Deliveries
&#61623; Print Sales Invoices
&#61623; Process Delivered Sales Orders

: It works fine!
: Does anybody have any ideas of why the first Sales Order Type allows us to Pri
nt Sales Invoices over and over again?

***************** End Of Article ******************

Tommy Bacon, CPIM posted Message 2514 in Message Board
Dated : September 01, 1999 at 10:24:14 EST
Subject: Re: How to use re-execute in maintain order steps
What the re-execute means is that you can re-execute the current step again afte
r the step listed in the re-execute field on this session.
: : How can the field reexecute in maintain order steps (tcmcs0139m000) be used
please give an example
: Shajee

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Colin Marriott posted Message 2515 in Message Board
Dated : September 01, 1999 at 11:17:01 EST
Subject: Re: I want more detail.
: Hi Genie,

Could you tell me what session I must run for this ???



You can run a report tdilc1417m000 to view item and product expiry date, you can
also run session tdilc0221m000 (un)block inventory by product expiry date which
will block items that are at your determined date.
Hope this helps

***************** End Of Article ******************

Svein posted Message 2516 in Message Board
Dated : September 01, 1999 at 11:33:33 EST
Subject: Re: Rounding sales prices to the nearest dollar
: Without customizations, is there any way to tell the system to round sales pri
ces to the nearest dollar? For example, the base price for a product that we se
ll is $2950 and the discount for quantity 50 is 25% - $2950 less 25% = $2212.50,
but I would like this to be $2213 for the customer (as that is what they were q
uoted) without having to override the prices calculated.
: I cannot find anywhere where the rounding codes are linked to sales pricing.
: Any help would be appreciated.
In Baan IV c4 there are two places I know of :
Global update of salesprices and discounts (tdsls0201m000)
Calculate salesprices by item (ticpr2250m000)

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Eric Kuijper posted Message 2517 in Message Board
Dated : September 01, 1999 at 13:55:10 EST
Subject: Re: Inventory Valuation
Hi Alfredo,
No patch is needed while there is a standard session for inventory valuation for
"lot price"-items! Within "Lot Control" you can find the session "Stock valuati
on by lot item". With tdinv6230m000 you can only print FTP-items, with this othe
r session (unfortunately I don't have a Baan-system at the moment and I don't re
member the session code, tdltc6230m000 ???) you can only print lot-items.
Good luck, Eric.
: Hi !
: I am not able to print the Inventory Valuation (tdinv6230m000) for items with
inventory valuation method set to "Lot Price" in Maintain Item Master. For other

items with valuation at FTP, system prints the report but for Lot Price it does
not. Is there any patch for this or is it some parameter setting?
: Any comments/suggestions would be highly appreciated
: Thanks,
: Alfredo

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Mark posted Message 2518 in Message Board
Dated : September 01, 1999 at 14:00:18 EST
Subject: Re: Unable to generate inbound advice to move stock from receipt locati
on to inspection location
Inspection items do not need to be transferd from receit location to inspection.
If defined as inspection item at (Supplier Master, Item Master, Line on PO), th
e the default receipt location will be inspection. After Maintain receipts have
been completed then naturally Maintain Approvals if this complets your order typ
e steps, you are then able to generate inbound advice using Inventory Transfer a
s your order Type. Maintain, or release data as appropriate.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Vernon Anderson posted Message 2519 in Message Board
Dated : September 01, 1999 at 17:37:52 EST
Subject: Weights and numebr of cartons on Bills of LAding
Can anyone tell me how Baan captures (or even if it does capture) the gross, net
and tare weights as well as the number of cartons/containers and pallets for a
bill of lading?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Barb posted Message 2520 in Message Board
Dated : September 01, 1999 at 20:32:23 EST
Subject: Legacy system have partial perpetuals
Has anybody experienced or have any creative ideas on getting inventories into B
aaN with a minimal plant shut down? Our physical inventory will use in excess o
f 50,000 tags. (& they are hand written)
Any "real" life expereinces?
***************** End Of Article ******************

Leslie posted Message 2521 in Message Board

Dated : September 01, 1999 at 21:40:49 EST
Subject: Re: Legacy system have partial perpetuals
: Hi,
: Has anybody experienced or have any creative ideas on getting inventories into
BaaN with a minimal plant shut down? Our physical inventory will use in excess
of 50,000 tags. (& they are hand written)
: Any "real" life expereinces?
: Thanks,
: Barb
Hello Barb
Baan has a software migration tool called exchange. It takes as input a sequenti
al file.
If you have written, a small pc based application whereby the inventory tag item
s can be entered, then all that has to be done is to create the sequential file(
s) and pass the file to exchange.
If you get a 25 people on PC's to enter the data using a simple program that can
also edit the data, then you are well on your way. That's about 2000 items apie
ce, not too much to tire a person out.
There will still be the requirements in Baan for item default and item type data
, as well as usets etc... etc... etc...
Using Exchange with a test company as a pilot is a good way to evaluate the proc
edure I mentioned.
Will you be able to avoid a plant shutdown. Probably not, but then if the conver
sion is done on a weekend, there should be enough time.
If your tags are bar coded, it might be even less effort.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Angy posted Message 2522 in Message Board
Dated : September 01, 1999 at 23:14:27 EST
Subject: Thank you so much.
: : Hi Genie,
: :

Could you tell me what session I must run for this ???

: :


: :


: You can run a report tdilc1417m000 to view item and product expiry date, you c
an also run session tdilc0221m000 (un)block inventory by product expiry date whi
ch will block items that are at your determined date.
: Hope this helps

: Colin

***************** End Of Article ******************

Shajee posted Message 2523 in Message Board
Dated : September 02, 1999 at 00:25:44 EST
Subject: please give an example
What does this mean suppose i have a purchase order with
1)Print P.O
2)maintain receipts
3)Print purchase Invoice
as the order steps
and i have already executed maintain receipts then the session tdpur4533m000 sa
ys the said order no is ready for print purchase invoice.
Now will i be able to do maintain receipts again if reexecute is used.
please try to give an example if this one is not appropriate

: What the re-execute means is that you can re-execute the current step again af
ter the step listed in the re-execute field on this session.
: : : How can the field reexecute in maintain order steps (tcmcs0139m000) be use
d please give an example
: : Shajee

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Nicolas posted Message 2524 in Message Board
Dated : September 02, 1999 at 05:33:29 EST
Subject: Generate purchase order from purchase contract
Why does the system give the message "Relation with the contract number ###### i
s broken off", when we want to generate the purchase order.
Thank you
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arthur lehuquet posted Message 2525 in Message Board
Dated : September 02, 1999 at 07:56:46 EST
Subject: Re: Generate purchase order from purchase contract
Check in PUR parameters (tdpur3100m000), form 2, 'Terminate Contract after order
line transaction Yes/No'
If it's 'Yes' then that will be the reason.

If it's 'no' then I haven't a clue!

: Why does the system give the message "Relation with the contract number ######
is broken off", when we want to generate the purchase order.
: Thank you

***************** End Of Article ******************

Eddie Wierts posted Message 2526 in Message Board
Dated : September 02, 1999 at 08:23:15 EST
Subject: Re: Rounding sales prices to the nearest dollar

: : Without customizations, is there any way to tell the system to round sales p
rices to the nearest dollar? For example, the base price for a product that we
sell is $2950 and the discount for quantity 50 is 25% - $2950 less 25% = $2212.5
0, but I would like this to be $2213 for the customer (as that is what they were
quoted) without having to override the prices calculated.
: : I cannot find anywhere where the rounding codes are linked to sales pricing.
: : Any help would be appreciated.
: In Baan IV c4 there are two places I know of :
: Global update of salesprices and discounts (tdsls0201m000)
: Calculate salesprices by item (ticpr2250m000)
This can be done in the following session;
In this session you can say that prices have to be rounded to anything you want,
read the help tekst for details

***************** End Of Article ******************

jean-Michel posted Message 2527 in Message Board
Dated : September 02, 1999 at 08:45:07 EST
Subject: message error
In transportation, in the session "Maintain Transport Rates by Quantity and Zone
s"(trtrc1111m000), I get the following error message when I try to open the sess
ion : "Currecy/Date format%A002 is not available". Does someone knows how to man
age this problem ?

***************** End Of Article ******************

Tommy L. Bacon, CPIM posted Message 2528 in Message Board
Dated : September 02, 1999 at 09:17:57 EST
Subject: Re: please give an example

The re-execute means that you could add
5) Print purchase Invoice. If you needed to reprint the Purchase Invoice you
should be able to ask for a duplicate. The
re-execute means you are going to execute that step twice.
: Tommy
: What does this mean suppose i have a purchase order with
: 1)Print P.O
: 2)maintain receipts
: 3)Print purchase Invoice
: 4)P.D.P.O
: as the order steps
: and i have already executed maintain receipts then the session tdpur4533m000
says the said order no is ready for print purchase invoice.
: Now will i be able to do maintain receipts again if reexecute is used.
: please try to give an example if this one is not appropriate
: Shajee
: : What the re-execute means is that you can re-execute the current step again
after the step listed in the re-execute field on this session.
: : : : How can the field reexecute in maintain order steps (tcmcs0139m000) be u
sed please give an example
: : : Shajee

***************** End Of Article ******************

Ryan Miller posted Message 2529 in Message Board
Dated : September 02, 1999 at 11:38:23 EST
Subject: Re: Weights and numebr of cartons on Bills of LAding
BaanERP does not do this. Baan will store the weight of the item, but does not
calculate to total wieght of an order/line. Baan also does not know cartons/con
tainers. How are you shipping product? We are using our shipping system to do
these calculations.

: Hello!
: Can anyone tell me how Baan captures (or even if it does capture) the gross, n
et and tare weights as well as the number of cartons/containers and pallets for
a bill of lading?
: Thanks!

***************** End Of Article ******************

Ryan Miller posted Message 2530 in Message Board
Dated : September 02, 1999 at 11:41:38 EST

Subject: Re: Rounding sales prices to the nearest dollar

In Baan ERP, you can assign rounding codes to a unit. If you set the rounding c
ode on the unit of the sales item to 1.0000 the system will always round to the
nearest price.

: : : Without customizations, is there any way to tell the system to round sales
prices to the nearest dollar? For example, the base price for a product that w
e sell is $2950 and the discount for quantity 50 is 25% - $2950 less 25% = $2212
.50, but I would like this to be $2213 for the customer (as that is what they we
re quoted) without having to override the prices calculated.
: : : I cannot find anywhere where the rounding codes are linked to sales pricin
: : : Any help would be appreciated.
: : In Baan IV c4 there are two places I know of :
: : Global update of salesprices and discounts (tdsls0201m000)
: : Calculate salesprices by item (ticpr2250m000)
: This can be done in the following session;
: ttaad1108m000
: In this session you can say that prices have to be rounded to anything you wan
t, read the help tekst for details

***************** End Of Article ******************

R Loh posted Message 2531 in Message Board
Dated : September 02, 1999 at 14:14:07 EST
Subject: Print invoice to screen
I am trying to do away with printing and filing a hardcopy of invoices. An optio
n I would like to have is for all users to be able to print to screen quickly an
y invoices sent out without involving session tdsls4404m000 (Print sales invoice
s. I would like to restrict access to that session to one authorised user. Any i
***************** End Of Article ******************
Chris Kiehl posted Message 2532 in Message Board
Dated : September 02, 1999 at 17:28:07 EST
Subject: Re: Strange problem from Release Outbound Data!
Have you set the following parameter to YES or NO ?
Maintain ILC Parameters tdilc01001m000
Confirm Outbound Data in SLS/RPL modules Yes/No ?
If it is set to YES, then this would explain why your order positions are moving

to Confirm Delivery. Your next step in this case would be to use session Mainta
in Deliveries (tdsls4120m000) to set the Confirmed Yes/No field to Yes.
The other option is to set the aforementioned parameter to NO. This would force
the order positions to skip the Confirm Delivery step.
However, if your problem is that SOME positions are going to Confirm Delivery an
d SOME OTHERS are not, then this would not explain your problem.
Good Luck,

***************** End Of Article ******************

Dan the Man posted Message 2533 in Message Board
Dated : September 02, 1999 at 19:38:07 EST
Subject: P.O tracking
Is there any electronic means by which you can trace who actually created a P.O.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Luke posted Message 2534 in Message Board
Dated : September 03, 1999 at 00:14:30 EST
Subject: Consignments/Loaners of generic items
Does anyone know of a good way to consign a generic item to a customer and not h
it Cost of Sales? The item must remain inventory that is owned by the corporatio
n and may either be returned or purchased by the customer.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Luke posted Message 2535 in Message Board
Dated : September 03, 1999 at 00:31:14 EST
Subject: Generic Items in Non-Nettable location and ATP
When I have a generic item in a non-nettable location the item appears to be ava
ilable if there is no sales order for that generic item. Does anyone know how to
get around this? I would like to have a Generic (configured) item in a non-nett
able warehouse.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Jan Bosman posted Message 2536 in Message Board
Dated : September 03, 1999 at 03:15:37 EST
Subject: Re: message error
try to fill the session ttaad1107m000(Maintain Formats by Generic Unit), for the
Format code '002'.

Good luck,
Jan Bosman
***************** End Of Article ******************
Eddie Wierts posted Message 2537 in Message Board
Dated : September 03, 1999 at 03:37:15 EST
Subject: Sales Orders on deleting line
I wonder how I can remove my sales orders out of the table with Display sales or
der line status. All the sales orders are displayed here with the status "deleti
ng line", even when I process the sales orders with delete on yes they remain in
the table? I don't want to archive just remove them.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Eddie Wierts posted Message 2538 in Message Board
Dated : September 03, 1999 at 08:30:59 EST
Subject: Baan Project and Purchase order lines form3
When I implement Baan Project, the form of the purchase order lines gets another
format. Instead of tdpur4102s000 we get tdpur4107s000. On form 2 we cannot give
in the ledger account number and the dimensions. Is is possible to use the norm
al form anyway or can we change the format of the form tdpur4107. I want to use
the data on form 2 and I want Baan Project to be implemented, what should I do?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Eddie Wierts posted Message 2539 in Message Board
Dated : September 03, 1999 at 08:35:01 EST
Subject: Re: Print invoice to screen
: I am trying to do away with printing and filing a hardcopy of invoices. An opt
ion I would like to have is for all users to be able to print to screen quickly
any invoices sent out without involving session tdsls4404m000 (Print sales invoi
ces. I would like to restrict access to that session to one authorised user. Any
: Thanks
Maybe you should use proforma invoices for this matter.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Nienke van Elst posted Message 2540 in Message Board
Dated : September 03, 1999 at 08:42:55 EST
Subject: Re: additional costs
: Thanks Paul,
: Any other solution for my problem???
: Murthy

I once considered the following (but did not implement it, because it is quite c
In stead of adding a quantity to the add. cost line, you can try to get the righ
t price for the add.cost.
Example: instead of 10 pieces add.cost at USD 5 per piece (=50)
you can get 1 piece with price USD 50.
In 'maintain items by cost set' you have to give in the right 'unit for limits'.
E.g. when the amount of add.cost depends on the weight of the order, you fill i
n 'weight'.
build a pricelist for the add.cost item, with every possible quantity (in this c
ase weight) as a grade with the right price in the list (1 piece = 5; 2 pcs = 10
; etc.) This might become a very long price list.
In the sales order this has to result in the following:
when the weigth of the total order is 9 kg, the price will be taken form the lis
t at grade with 9 kg in it. This price has to be USD 45 from the list.
Try it for your specific situation

***************** End Of Article ******************

Manish posted Message 2541 in Message Board
Dated : September 03, 1999 at 11:36:14 EST
Subject: Automatic confirmation of back orders
Is it possible to automate the backorder confirmation step so that we don't have
to manually confirm partially shipped sales orders ?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Tommy L. Bacon, CPIM posted Message 2542 in Message Board
Dated : September 03, 1999 at 12:50:56 EST
Subject: Re: P.O tracking
The user id of the person that created a P. O. is captured in the P. O. History
table. Table is tdpur050.
: Is there any electronic means by which you can trace who actually created a P.

***************** End Of Article ******************

randy posted Message 2543 in Message Board
Dated : September 03, 1999 at 14:37:14 EST
Subject: inventory transaction
We just went live! I am trying to adjust(subtracat) a standard item and getting
an message that says, "Inventory already taken for inspection". This is not an
inspected item and the units of measure are INV= ft, STORAGE=rl, PUR=rl, etc.
***************** End Of Article ******************
John posted Message 2544 in Message Board
Dated : September 04, 1999 at 00:20:33 EST
Subject: Re: inventory transaction
The P.O. may have set the item to inbound to INSP or the supplier could be set u
p as all items go to INSP. You likely wil have to 'maintain aprovals' to get it
back into play.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Balaji Munikrishnan posted Message 2545 in Message Board
Dated : September 04, 1999 at 07:13:33 EST
Subject: Invoices not posted to Finance
The session tdsls4223m000 ( Process Delivered Sales Orders ) does not post the i
nvoices to Finance. It gives a message 'Invoice data could not be written to Fi
nance for invoice 0'.
There is a patch only to correct the error message, but it does not isolate the
All the steps have been completed...
Can someone help?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Carlos Rodrguez posted Message 2546 in Message Board
Dated : September 04, 1999 at 20:22:20 EST
Subject: Generation of SIC orders
At the generation of SIC Orders, in session tdinv3201m000 "Generate SIC Orders",
we obtain the message "There are no data in selection". What are the parameters
and data that have to be entered to be able to run the generation of SIC orders
Thanks for your help.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Saqib Mahmood posted Message 2547 in Message Board
Dated : September 05, 1999 at 16:07:44 EST
Subject: Re: Allocated Inventory
: Is it possible to issue allocated inventory? This inventory is not issued by t
he system. Is there a way to unallocate thsi inventory?
: Pls reply asap.
: Regards
: Saqib

***************** End Of Article ******************

Saqib Mahmood posted Message 2548 in Message Board
Dated : September 05, 1999 at 16:14:01 EST
Subject: Re: Allocated Inventory
: Is it possible to issue allocated inventory? This inventory is not issued by t
he system. Is there a way to unallocate this inventory?I have tried the session
"delete outbound data", but of no avail.At the time of maintaining sales order l
ines, the system will issue a warning "insufficient inventory available"if in th
e selected warehouse the on hand inventory is less than required, but there exis
ts allocated inventory. This will accept the ordered quantity if the option "No
Action" is used. Bit at the time of generating outbound data, it will only outbo
und the available inventory on hand and the remaining quantities is put on back
order.How can I utilize the allocated quantities (reserved for other orders, but
not yet delivered). Kindly look into this possibility...
: Pls reply asap.
: Regards
: Saqib

***************** End Of Article ******************

Fan posted Message 2549 in Message Board
Dated : September 05, 1999 at 20:56:31 EST
Subject: Re: Unable to generate inbound advice to move stock from receipt locati
on to inspection location
When you release,change order type to inventory transfer and try it again.
: In BaanERP, both receipt procedure and inspection procedure are needed for Rec
eipts process. I can't catch your point exactly, please tell me in more details
: Thanks.
: : normally,the receipt location is for non-inspection procedure and inspection
location is for items needed inspection. For your case, it should use the inspe

ction procedure for inspection items.

: : : Hi,
: : : I face a problem of unable to generate inbound advice to move stock from r
eceipt location to inspection location.



First, my warehouse set up is:

-receipt location
-inspeciton location
-bulk location A 01 001 to B 02 001, 8 locations in total.

: : : Warehouse activities by procedures:

: : : Receipt procedure - Receipts
: : : Inspection procedure - Approval, Generate Inbound Advice, Release Inbound
: : : When I add a new receipt in Receipt (whinh3520m000) session, I define the
location as Receipt location. After I confirm the Receipt line, I see from the
inbound advice log (whinh2530m000) session that it says "Unable to find any rema
ining location for remaning quantity of X units".
: : : When I try to create a inbound advice manually, it says "unable to advice
order line". I have looked up the inventory by warehouse, location, item and lo
t session. The stocks are now at Receipt location.
: : : And at location (whwmd3500m000)session, I can see the Receipt location and
Inspection location's occupied location check box is checked. But I have made
them have infinite capacity already.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Nicolus posted Message 2550 in Message Board
Dated : September 05, 1999 at 22:03:41 EST
Subject: Print order Acknowledgements.
Hi all,
I modified some sales order line and print order
acknowledgements again,I choose "orderline type to print= only
changed line" but it was no data found.
Does anyone know , this is bug or I set something
wrong ???
How could I do if I want to print only modified line ??
Thanks in advanced,

***************** End Of Article ******************

randy posted Message 2551 in Message Board
Dated : September 05, 1999 at 22:24:57 EST
Subject: Re: inventory transaction
: The P.O. may have set the item to inbound to INSP or the supplier could be set
up as all items go to INSP. You likely wil have to 'maintain aprovals' to get i

t back into play.

In response to John- The item was not received off of a P.O.- I am trying to do
a regular inventory transaction in the session "Enter Inventory Transactions".
That is where I am getting the message.
Paul van Eijk posted Message 2555 in Message Board
Dated : September 06, 1999 at 04:36:05 EST
Subject: Re: Can the Sales Order prioritizaton sessions help in Allocating ?
I also mailed this to you, but maybe it can add to 'common knowledge'.
Take a look at tdsls4100m000 form 4.
Note the fields 'Constant 1 for back order Priorities' and 'Constant 2 for back
order Priorities'. Look at the helptext. You'll find a formula there.
Assume that both parameters have a constant of 10 filled in.
In your example it works as follows:
Customer 1 orders 10 and gets 5.
The priority of the 5 in backorder will change from 999999 to (999999/1*10) - 10
= 99989 when you confirm the backorder.
5 pieces are inbound. Meanwhile customer with lower number orders 5. Priority of
these 5 will be 999999.
Now when generating outbound, the first back order preceeds the second order. Se
cond order will be on the shortages list.
This works, I tested it myself!
Note that you are not using the sessions for simulating priority codes. You jus
t need to set the parameters in tdsls4100m000 right.
I'm not sure what the impact is of the field 'Customer priority' in tccom1101m00
0 will have on this routine. Maybe you can test it yourself!
Good luck!
: Simulation will help to prioritize the outbound data. You will need to set up
the simulation code(s) in the Maintain Priority Simulation Code session. You
will then need to go to Maintain Priority Simulations and 'zoom' to Generate Sim
ulations. Priorities will be assigned (in a simulation mode) to all sales order
s based on the code and priority sequence selected. You then have the ability to
maintain the simulation or Process to apply the priorities to the orders. Afte
r the simulations are processed, the outbound will adhere to the 'new' prioritie
s. Feel free to contact me if you need more information.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Paul van eijk posted Message 2556 in Message Board
Dated : September 06, 1999 at 04:54:29 EST

Subject: Re: How to use re-execute in maintain order steps

For example tdsls4120m000 is step 3. If you do not enter re-execution steps, aft
er you maintain the delivery and you leave the session, you cannot change your d
elivery (for example when someone drops a crate and half of the goods are broken
Now, if you enter re-execution step 3 and 4 (let's assume this is the Packing Sl
ip). You can still maintain your delivery, but as soon as the Packing Slip is pr
inted you cannot see and/or change your delivery.
Now let's also put step 6 (which is in my case the invoice) as a re-execution st
ep of tdsls4120m000. In this case you can even change the delivery AFTER the Pac
king Slip has been printed!
Try to find out for yourself what happens when applying this logic to other sess
Good luck
: Dear Paul Van Eijk
: Maintain order steps
: How is the field reexecute in maintain order steps (tcmcs0139m000) used please
give an example.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Paul van Eijk posted Message 2557 in Message Board
Dated : September 06, 1999 at 05:25:31 EST
Subject: Re: Change location system by warehouse
This is a nice one for you system administrator.
He/she has to create runtime dictionary (ttadv5210m000) again. But take care, wh
en the system exits in this way processes are not killed.
Good luck
: Hi everybody,
: could anybody help me with this error message:
: I'm currently working on c4 with Oracle Database trying to create locations fo
r a warehouse.
: When I use tdilc0231m000, Change Location System by Warehouse, I have the foll
owing error message "Detected Database termination" !! After that, all my wareho
uses are blocked !!!
: Thank you for your help !!
: martine

***************** End Of Article ******************

Paul van eijk posted Message 2558 in Message Board
Dated : September 06, 1999 at 05:29:29 EST
Subject: Re: But is it of any use when i can otherwise also do the same
For example tdsls4120m000 is step 3. If you do not enter re-execution steps, aft
er you maintain the delivery and you leave the session, you cannot change your d
elivery (for example when someone drops a crate and half of the goods are broken
Now, if you enter re-execution step 3 and 4 (let's assume this is the Packing Sl
ip). You can still maintain your delivery, but as soon as the Packing Slip is pr
inted you cannot see and/or change your delivery.
Now let's also put step 6 (which is in my case the invoice) as a re-execution st
ep of tdsls4120m000. In this case you can even change the delivery AFTER the Pac
king Slip has been printed!
Try to find out for yourself what happens when applying this logic to other sess
Good luck

: Tommy
: tdpur4404m000 or most of the print sessions anyway give you the option of repr
inting the already printed report.
: So what is rhe practical use of the reexecute
: shajee
: : Shajee
: :
The re-execute means that you could add
: :
5) Print purchase Invoice. If you needed to reprint the Purchase Invoice
you should be able to ask for a duplicate. The
: : re-execute means you are going to execute that step twice.
: :
: :
: :
: :
: :
: :
: :
: :
: :
: :

: Tommy
: What does this mean suppose i have a purchase order with
: 1)Print P.O
: 2)maintain receipts
: 3)Print purchase Invoice
: 4)P.D.P.O
: as the order steps
: and i have already executed maintain receipts then the session tdpur4533m
says the said order no is ready for print purchase invoice.
: Now will i be able to do maintain receipts again if reexecute is used.
: please try to give an example if this one is not appropriate

: : : Shajee

: :
: : : : What the re-execute means is that you can re-execute the current step ag
ain after the step listed in the re-execute field on this session.
: : : : : : How can the field reexecute in maintain order steps (tcmcs0139m000)
be used please give an example
: : : : : Shajee

***************** End Of Article ******************

Paul van Eijk posted Message 2559 in Message Board
Dated : September 06, 1999 at 05:36:41 EST
Subject: Re: Generation of SIC orders
Read the helptext
: At the generation of SIC Orders, in session tdinv3201m000 "Generate SIC Orders
", we obtain the message "There are no data in selection". What are the paramete
rs and data that have to be entered to be able to run the generation of SIC orde
: Thanks for your help.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Paul van Eijk posted Message 2560 in Message Board
Dated : September 06, 1999 at 05:40:20 EST
Subject: Re: Sales Orders on deleting line
Read the help text.
: I wonder how I can remove my sales orders out of the table with Display sales
order line status. All the sales orders are displayed here with the status "dele
ting line", even when I process the sales orders with delete on yes they remain
in the table? I don't want to archive just remove them.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Paul van Eijk posted Message 2561 in Message Board
Dated : September 06, 1999 at 08:42:18 EST
Subject: Re: Allocated for picking list
What I would like to know is how your parameters are set.
: Can't print picking list although there is enough stock.
: This is caused because of "Allocated for picking list" (alpl) in Item data by

warehouse (tdinv001) is too high. This field has been created to prevent picking
lists from being printed when there is no inventory left to be allocated. So to
prevent that, for a specific item, the cumulative quantity on all picking lists
doesn't exceed the available inventory. In this case at least one picker will g
et disappointed.
: Every time an original picking list (no reprint) is printed "Allocated for pic
king list" is increased. Depending on SLS-parameter "Method of printing items on
picking list" and whether or not the order(-line) has to be shipped completely
the system determines if the picking list will be printed:

No ship complete sales order(-line)

- 'Those on hand'
Orderlines are only printed on the pickinglist when there is any stock on hand
available for the item concerned. Even if the stock isn't sufficient to satisfy
the complete orderline quantity, the orderline will be printed. On the pickingl
ist always the complete orderline quantity will be printed. Item data by warehou
se (tdinv001): On hand - Blocked - Allocated for picking list > 0
: - 'Sufficient inventory'
: The only difference with "Those on hand" is that only those orderlines are pri
nted wherefor the complete quantity can be picked. Item data by warehouse (tdinv
001): On hand - Blocked - Allocated for picking list >= sales orderline quantity
: - 'All items'
: All orderlines are printed regardless of the fact if there is inventory or not
: Ship complete sales order(-line)
: ===========================
: Since the order(-line) has to be shipped completely only those lines are print
ed which can be picked completely. So the system always checks for sufficient in
ventory regardless of the value of SLS-parameter "Method of printing items on pi
cking list".
: Item data by warehouse (tdinv001): On hand - Blocked - Allocated for picking l
ist >= sales orderline quantity
: As from June 1998 on the system will allow you, when "Method of printing items
on picking list" = 'All items', to print the pickinglist even when there isn't
enough inventory. Changes have been marked with "DF 3421-1".
: Now how can you create inventory to be allocated (decrease "Allocated for pick
ing list") in order to print an important picking list?
: The option to delete the sales order or put it in back order is no option for

***************** End Of Article ******************

TF posted Message 2562 in Message Board
Dated : September 06, 1999 at 13:52:41 EST
Subject: Re: Automatic confirmation of back orders
: Hi,
: Is it possible to automate the backorder confirmation step so that we don't ha
ve to manually confirm partially shipped sales orders ?
: Thanks,

: Manish
Check your parameter settings!!!
There's a field wich will let you bypass this step.
Good Luck

***************** End Of Article ******************

TF posted Message 2563 in Message Board
Dated : September 06, 1999 at 13:58:53 EST
Subject: Re: Print invoice to screen NO PROFORMA!!
: : I am trying to do away with printing and filing a hardcopy of invoices. An o
ption I would like to have is for all users to be able to print to screen quickl
y any invoices sent out without involving session tdsls4404m000 (Print sales inv
oices. I would like to restrict access to that session to one authorised user. A
ny idea?????
: : Thanks
: Maybe you should use proforma invoices for this matter.
DON'T USE PROFORMA INVOICES FOR THIS. When you use this, The customer has to pay
foor the goods, before you can deliver them. Only applicable when dealing with
countries like the Russia...
Let a tools specialist change your user's access and security, so that they can'
t print a definite invoice. Or customize another report (acknowledgement) which
can be used as an autorisation sheet.
The step tdsls4404m000 has to be taken!!
Good luck TF

***************** End Of Article ******************

Manish posted Message 2564 in Message Board
Dated : September 06, 1999 at 17:00:04 EST
Subject: Re: Automatic confirmation of back orders
: : Hi,
: : Is it possible to automate the backorder confirmation step so that we don't
have to manually confirm partially shipped sales orders ?
: : Thanks,
: : Manish
: :

: Check your parameter settings!!!

: There's a field wich will let you bypass this step.
: Good Luck
: TF
Exactly my point... I checked them but could not find one which affects the back

***************** End Of Article ******************

Nicolus posted Message 2565 in Message Board
Dated : September 06, 1999 at 20:30:30 EST
Subject: It 's no data found.
Hi Gianni,
My problem is no data found when I choose "orderline type
to print= only changed line"
Did you have this problem ????
: Hi Nicolus,
: If you want to reprint the order acknowledgement, you have to choose the optio
n "print all lines". If you want to print only the modified lines, you have to c
hoose the option "changed lines only".
: Regards,
: Gianni


Hi all,
I modified some sales order line and print order
acknowledgements again,I choose "orderline type to print= only
changed line" but it was no data found.
Does anyone know , this is bug or I set something
wrong ???
How could I do if I want to print only modified line ??

: : Thanks in advanced,
: : Nicolus

***************** End Of Article ******************

Goh Hock Keat posted Message 2566 in Message Board

Dated : September 07, 1999 at 01:41:20 EST

Subject: tdilc301 corrupted
i would like someone to answer this question:
my tdilc301 table is corrupted accidently.
we created a new index on the table - index on warehouse and item
but we did not check the duplicate check box.
after converting to runtime, we found out that our table has been
greatly reduced in size. i think the duplicate records has been
deleted or missing.
is there any way to rebuild this table again. i have tried running tdilc0250m000
but am unsuccessful in getting back the missing transactions.
please help!!!
***************** End Of Article ******************
goh hock keat posted Message 2567 in Message Board
Dated : September 07, 1999 at 01:45:23 EST
Subject: stock aging
my second question :
is there a stock aging analysis report in baan?
we need to find out which is our slow-moving stocks.
if not, is there a table where i can retrieve to get the data
i want, so that i can find out which is the slow-moving stocks.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Gianni posted Message 2568 in Message Board
Dated : September 07, 1999 at 02:07:47 EST
Subject: Re: It 's no data found.
Hi Nicolus,
I do not have that problem. What happens when you choose option "print all lines
"? Did you really change anything (amount, quantity, etc.) in the sales order li
Can you try this?
Good luck,

: Hi Gianni,
My problem is no data found when I choose "orderline type
: to print= only changed line"
Did you have this problem ????

: Regards,
: Nicolus
: : Hi Nicolus,
: : If you want to reprint the order acknowledgement, you have to choose the opt
ion "print all lines". If you want to print only the modified lines, you have to
choose the option "changed lines only".
: : Regards,
: : Gianni



Hi all,
I modified some sales order line and print order
acknowledgements again,I choose "orderline type to print= only
changed line" but it was no data found.
Does anyone know , this is bug or I set something
wrong ???
How could I do if I want to print only modified line ??

: : : Thanks in advanced,
: : : Nicolus

***************** End Of Article ******************

goh hock keat posted Message 2569 in Message Board
Dated : September 07, 1999 at 04:32:16 EST
Subject: report needed
users and auditors need the report which shows the item, warehouse order for
inventory adjustment, and the cost at time of adjustment. i tried linking
tdinv700 with tfgld410 but the report hangs because the order no in table tfgld4
10 could be the
same for sales order, purchase order or warehouse order.
so how can i can the result. is there any other way to get the report that is ne
***************** End Of Article ******************
Nicolus posted Message 2570 in Message Board
Dated : September 07, 1999 at 04:41:04 EST
Subject: Re: It 's no data found.
Hi Gianni,
I modified 1 order line (quantity and delivery date) from
5 order lines and reprint. I fill order number and choose
"only changed line" but it was no data found.
If I choose all lines , it shows all 5 lines but I want to reprint only line
that I modified. I don't know why I can't .


***************** End Of Article ******************

Fan posted Message 2571 in Message Board
Dated : September 07, 1999 at 05:59:47 EST
Subject: Re: stock aging
You have to set something in inv. parameter and perform slow-moving analysis to
output the report.
: my second question :
: is there a stock aging analysis report in baan?
: we need to find out which is our slow-moving stocks.
: if not, is there a table where i can retrieve to get the data
: i want, so that i can find out which is the slow-moving stocks.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Fan posted Message 2572 in Message Board
Dated : September 07, 1999 at 06:02:28 EST
Subject: Re: report needed
Try the inv transaction report type - inventory adjustmemnt
: users and auditors need the report which shows the item, warehouse order for
: inventory adjustment, and the cost at time of adjustment. i tried linking
: tdinv700 with tfgld410 but the report hangs because the order no in table tfgl
d410 could be the
: same for sales order, purchase order or warehouse order.
: so how can i can the result. is there any other way to get the report that is

***************** End Of Article ******************

Adam posted Message 2573 in Message Board
Dated : September 07, 1999 at 08:33:05 EST
Subject: Re: Sales , Finance and Cost Accounting Integration
: In one of our live site , we are facing a interesting problem.
: Item : A , Standard cost at 01/01/1998 = 10
: Create Sales order on 02/01/1998.The standard cost price is updated as 10 in t
dsls045(Deliveries table).There is no Allocation entry in finance in our case).
: on 04/01/1998 change the standard cost price to 20.

: Do Maintain Deliveries on 06/01/1998.

: Issue transaction to finance is based on new standard cost price 20 but tdsls0
45 still has old standard cost price which is 10.
: As a result when process Delivered Sales order is done , goods to be received
ledger account is based on standard cost price 10.
: Now we have case when Same ledger account is updated with 2 different cost pri
: we traced the audit files in production environment and found the entry on 06/
01/1998 , standard cost price in tdsls045.copr is not updated in Audit Files.
: what can be the reason for this ?
: Finance only shows the Issue transaction and Invoice transaction.There is no R
evaluation entry incase during Maintain Deliveries the Delivery date is changed.
: If you have any solution to this , please write.
: Thank you.
: Hiten.
We have been having problems recently that are the same as you described in your
12/02/98 posting regarding sales revaluation. I realize that this is some time
ago, but I have been unable to find anything else regarding this problem using
the search of baanfans.
Were you able to resolve this problem of sales costs being recorded upon sales/i
ssue then as the cost price is revalued, NO posting for the sales/revaluation to
the new standard cost. This leaves a balance in the sales clearing account.
I hope you can help. Was there a specific patch or setup problem.
Thank you in advance for your help.
***************** End Of Article ******************
shajee Mathew posted Message 2574 in Message Board
Dated : September 07, 1999 at 09:56:30 EST
Subject: Re: But is it of any use when i can otherwise also do the same
yeah paul
This seems to be a logical example and all maintain sessions which are input int
o the system like deliveries and receipts can be usefully reexecuted .
I was feelinf the uselessness of the print session.
: For example tdsls4120m000 is step 3. If you do not enter re-execution steps, a
fter you maintain the delivery and you leave the session, you cannot change your
delivery (for example when someone drops a crate and half of the goods are brok
: Now, if you enter re-execution step 3 and 4 (let's assume this is the Packing
Slip). You can still maintain your delivery, but as soon as the Packing Slip is
printed you cannot see and/or change your delivery.
: Now let's also put step 6 (which is in my case the invoice) as a re-execution
step of tdsls4120m000. In this case you can even change the delivery AFTER the P
acking Slip has been printed!
: Try to find out for yourself what happens when applying this logic to other se

: Good luck
: Paul
: : Tommy
: : tdpur4404m000 or most of the print sessions anyway give you the option of re
printing the already printed report.
: : So what is rhe practical use of the reexecute
: : shajee
: : : Shajee
: : :
The re-execute means that you could add
: : :
5) Print purchase Invoice. If you needed to reprint the Purchase Invoi
ce you should be able to ask for a duplicate. The
: : : re-execute means you are going to execute that step twice.
: : :
: : :
: : :
: : :
: : :
: : :
: : :
: : :
: : :
: : :

: Tommy
: What does this mean suppose i have a purchase order with
: 1)Print P.O
: 2)maintain receipts
: 3)Print purchase Invoice
: 4)P.D.P.O
: as the order steps
: and i have already executed maintain receipts then the session tdpur453
says the said order no is ready for print purchase invoice.
: Now will i be able to do maintain receipts again if reexecute is used.
: please try to give an example if this one is not appropriate

: : : : Shajee
: : :
: : : : : What the re-execute means is that you can re-execute the current step
again after the step listed in the re-execute field on this session.
: : : : : : : How can the field reexecute in maintain order steps (tcmcs0139m000
) be used please give an example
: : : : : : Shajee

***************** End Of Article ******************

Chris Kiehl posted Message 2575 in Message Board
Dated : September 07, 1999 at 10:13:03 EST
Subject: Replenishment List
Has anyone had success using session tdilc2410m000 Print Replenishment List?
The list seems to be a tool for replenishing locations within a warehouse from o
ther locations within that warehouse.
But once the list is printed, what do I do with it? Enter a manual replenishment

Any advice would be appreciated.


version 4.0C

***************** End Of Article ******************

Paul van Eijk posted Message 2576 in Message Board
Dated : September 07, 1999 at 10:37:52 EST
Subject: Re: report needed
I think you need the following combination in tfgld410:
Tfgld410.tror = tctror.wrh.order
tfgld410.fitr = tcfitr.adjustment
Good luck
: Try the inv transaction report type - inventory adjustmemnt
: : users and auditors need the report which shows the item, warehouse order for
: : inventory adjustment, and the cost at time of adjustment. i tried linking
: : tdinv700 with tfgld410 but the report hangs because the order no in table tf
gld410 could be the
: : same for sales order, purchase order or warehouse order.
: : so how can i can the result. is there any other way to get the report that i
s needed

***************** End Of Article ******************

Paul van Eijk posted Message 2577 in Message Board
Dated : September 07, 1999 at 10:42:26 EST
Subject: Re: Replenishment List
You cannot do anything with this list. There's no functionality which follows it
BaanIV cannot generate automatically advises to move items from for example bulk
to pick within the same warehouse. The only solution is to define your bulk and
pick in different warehouses, but this is not a good solution. For example: a s
ales order is entered with a warehouse code. If you use different warehouses the
stock is not correct.
You might use your replenishment list as a picking list and then manually enter
a transfer.
Good luck
: Has anyone had success using session tdilc2410m000 Print Replenishment List?

: The list seems to be a tool for replenishing locations within a warehouse from
other locations within that warehouse.
: But once the list is printed, what do I do with it? Enter a manual replenishme
nt order?
: Any advice would be appreciated.
: Thanks,
: -Chris-

version 4.0C

***************** End Of Article ******************

Linda posted Message 2578 in Message Board
Dated : September 07, 1999 at 11:07:07 EST
Subject: Re: inventory transaction
: : The P.O. may have set the item to inbound to INSP or the supplier could be s
et up as all items go to INSP. You likely wil have to 'maintain aprovals' to get
it back into play.
: In response to John- The item was not received off of a P.O.- I am trying to
do a regular inventory transaction in the session "Enter Inventory Transactions"
. That is where I am getting the message.
: The message indicates inventory is allocated to an order.
Once outbound has been generated against item/location, inventory
cannot be adjusted until outbound has been cleared. The message
confused us at go live as well. We went live on January 1,1999.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Linda posted Message 2579 in Message Board
Dated : September 07, 1999 at 11:10:22 EST
Subject: Re: Automatic confirmation of back orders
: Hi,
: Is it possible to automate the backorder confirmation step so that we don't ha
ve to manually confirm partially shipped sales orders ?
: Thanks,
: Manish
: Manish, the easiest way would be to have MIS/Tools set the
session to run as a Chron Job by tools. However, because Baan
does not offer this Confirmation Session as Main Session only
a sub-session it cannot be done. When and if they give us a
Main Session, setting up in Chron job is the answer! We are
using DRP, and it works great for Confirmation of Backorders
on replenishment orders!

***************** End Of Article ******************

Linda posted Message 2580 in Message Board
Dated : September 07, 1999 at 11:15:09 EST
Subject: Re: Sales Orders on deleting line
: I wonder how I can remove my sales orders out of the table with Display sales
order line status. All the sales orders are displayed here with the status "dele
ting line", even when I process the sales orders with delete on yes they remain
in the table? I don't want to archive just remove them.
: I need to know this also. Paul said to read help text.
What help text, on what session. I have no session or field
text on session tdsls4533m000???
***************** End Of Article ******************
Linda posted Message 2581 in Message Board
Dated : September 07, 1999 at 11:20:03 EST
Subject: Re: Print invoice to screen NO PROFORMA!!
: : : I am trying to do away with printing and filing a hardcopy of invoices. An
option I would like to have is for all users to be able to print to screen quic
kly any invoices sent out without involving session tdsls4404m000 (Print sales i
nvoices. I would like to restrict access to that session to one authorised user.
Any idea?????
: : : Thanks
: : Maybe you should use proforma invoices for this matter.
: DON'T USE PROFORMA INVOICES FOR THIS. When you use this, The customer has to p
ay foor the goods, before you can deliver them. Only applicable when dealing wit
h countries like the Russia...
: Let a tools specialist change your user's access and security, so that they ca
n't print a definite invoice. Or customize another report (acknowledgement) whic
h can be used as an autorisation sheet.
: The step tdsls4404m000 has to be taken!!
: Good luck TF
: We ship export as well as domestic and hard copy of invoice
is required. However, there are a couple of options. We are
also using DEM's to control authorizations. By user, you can
session authorize tdsls4404m000 or not. Also, if you are printing to screen, yo
u might also elect to have session set up
as a Chron Job in Tools, to run on a regular basis without any
user intervention. This will not disallow your "one" user to
run when they want, but can reduce the number of users and insure
session is generated regularaly.
***************** End Of Article ******************

Linda posted Message 2582 in Message Board

Dated : September 07, 1999 at 11:35:16 EST
Subject: Re: Print order Acknowledgements.

Hi all,
I modified some sales order line and print order
acknowledgements again,I choose "orderline type to print= only
changed line" but it was no data found.
Does anyone know , this is bug or I set something
wrong ???
How could I do if I want to print only modified line ??

: Thanks in advanced,
: Nicolus
: Hi Nicolus, Are you sure you "SAVED" changes before you
generated "Print Order Acknowledgements". I sometimes get
this message when I make change, leave Sales Lines Window open
Open Acknowledgement and try to generate but have not saved
changes in Lines???
***************** End Of Article ******************
Linda posted Message 2583 in Message Board
Dated : September 07, 1999 at 11:48:32 EST
Subject: Re: Cannot transfer inv. between locations. URGENT!!
: Make sure you have populated the storage unit quantity as well as the inventor
y unit quantity.
: : Hi,
: : We have location control implemented. We fed in inventory for items using ex
change script in to a fixed location. But when I go to transfer inventory to a d
ifferent location, I get an error message "No inv. or insufficient inv." However
I can see the On Hand, on order and allocated inv. as present.
: : Are we missing any step in the exchange script part?
: : Thanks,
: : Manish
: :
:Manish, location is not blocked?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Linda posted Message 2584 in Message Board
Dated : September 07, 1999 at 11:56:08 EST
Subject: Re: Can the Sales Order prioritizaton sessions help in Allocating ?
: Suresh,
: I also mailed this to you, but maybe it can add to 'common knowledge'.

: Take a look at tdsls4100m000 form 4.

: Note the fields 'Constant 1 for back order Priorities' and 'Constant 2 for bac
k order Priorities'. Look at the helptext. You'll find a formula there.
: Assume that both parameters have a constant of 10 filled in.
: In your example it works as follows:
: Customer 1 orders 10 and gets 5.
: The priority of the 5 in backorder will change from 999999 to (999999/1*10) 10 = 99989 when you confirm the backorder.
: 5 pieces are inbound. Meanwhile customer with lower number orders 5. Priority
of these 5 will be 999999.
: Now when generating outbound, the first back order preceeds the second order.
Second order will be on the shortages list.
: This works, I tested it myself!
: Note that you are not using the sessions for simulating priority codes. You j
ust need to set the parameters in tdsls4100m000 right.
: I'm not sure what the impact is of the field 'Customer priority' in tccom1101m
000 will have on this routine. Maybe you can test it yourself!
: Good luck!
: : Simulation will help to prioritize the outbound data. You will need to set
up the simulation code(s) in the Maintain Priority Simulation Code session. Yo
u will then need to go to Maintain Priority Simulations and 'zoom' to Generate S
imulations. Priorities will be assigned (in a simulation mode) to all sales ord
ers based on the code and priority sequence selected. You then have the ability
to maintain the simulation or Process to apply the priorities to the orders. Af
ter the simulations are processed, the outbound will adhere to the 'new' priorit
ies. Feel free to contact me if you need more information.
: Suresh, also, our company had priority releasing of Sales order
problems. Lowest customer number consumed material regardless
of when orders was received. Baan has a patch. Unfortunately
when they gave us patch, it messed up our backflushing on
Production Orders. We are still waiting for final solution.
When we applied patch, it corrected all problesm with Order
release. We do not use Sales Order Prioritizations Sessions.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Linda posted Message 2585 in Message Board
Dated : September 07, 1999 at 12:26:56 EST
Subject: Re: Return order and additional order cost
: Additional order cost seems not to work with return orders
: My problem is that I use orders with additional order cost to invoice transpor
t cost, but when a customer returns me the goods I must return also the price of
transport, like that the total of my credit note will be the same of my invoice
: How can I do that automatically in Baan VI c3-4

: Thanks
:Richard - you can add additional cost to Return order via
Maintain Deliveries session. "Find" Return Sales Order No.
Zoom to Maintain Sales Order Lines, Insert Cost Item with a
negative qty. and the $ amount of credit, save and exit, global
cost item, and it will print on Sales Invoice. Test to insure
your Finance Module is Mapped to receive this transaction.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Barb Mitchell posted Message 2586 in Message Board
Dated : September 07, 1999 at 16:05:05 EST
Subject: Turning location control &quot;off&quot;
Has anybody turned location control "off"? We are in the process of turning loca
tion control off and I was looking for some helpful hints.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Tom 1 posted Message 2587 in Message Board
Dated : September 07, 1999 at 18:08:13 EST
Subject: Credit Memo
I am looking for the process of generatinng a sales credit memo in Baan
***************** End Of Article ******************
Suresh Kapoor posted Message 2588 in Message Board
Dated : September 07, 1999 at 19:30:59 EST
Subject: How do we cancel Backorders even when we confirmed it ?
We are on BaaN - c4. We run the Global Confirmation of Backorders(Sales) everyda
y. Sometimes the customers call-up and say that donot need the rest of the quant
ity and want to cancel the remaining quantity of the Sales order. Or sometimes t
hey want to change the lot number on the order(many of our orders are lot-specif
ic). How do we do that ?
Please advise.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Suresh Kapoor posted Message 2589 in Message Board
Dated : September 07, 1999 at 19:50:43 EST
Subject: Re: inventory transaction
In addition to the above mentioned situations, another could be that the item is
on cycle count.

We also encountered the same problem. It sometimes did not allow us to take out
inventory in large quantities. However, when i tried the same item with smaller
quantities(starting with 1 and incrementing with 1). We found it to be a BaaN bu
g. We asked our consultants to fix it and they fixed it for us almost six months
back. I am pretty sure BaaN has a solution for it now.
Good Luck.
***************** End Of Article ******************
portia posted Message 2590 in Message Board
Dated : September 07, 1999 at 21:51:03 EST
Subject: URGENT! - Return Orders to Warehouse W/o Location
Hi! We are currently using Location control. However, we have some warehouses s
et to "No Location" since we are not particular in monitoring the location for t
hese warehouses. My problem is when I Maintain Outbound Data for a return order
, I encounter the message "Conversion factor not found for this unit" when I sav
e the line.
Hope somebody help me. This problem is greatly affecting our implementation.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Max posted Message 2591 in Message Board
Dated : September 08, 1999 at 01:03:07 EST
Subject: Calendar settings (&quot;Blank&quot; Availability Type - Availability n
ot defined)
After inputting the item code in Sales Order Line session:
the system responds with:
Calender 020,'blank' availability type - availability type not defined
When I change calendar code for warehouse (whwmd2500m000 > whwmd2100s000 session
), the code 020 change to the new calendar code I defined.
I believe it's something wrong with Calendar settings. During creation of Sales
Order, BaanERP will check the Calendar codes and their settings for Warehouse,
Address etc.
I heard that for calendar code of Address, we have to define them with Blank Ava
ilability Type, which means no availability type is used.
* Could someone tell me more about Blank Availability Type?
* The details of its uses.
* How can I define a calendar code used Blank Availability Type in tcccp0510m000
> tcccp0110s000 session, i.e. settings in different tabs?
* Should Warehouse use calendar code with Blank Availability?
* The steps needed to make new settings worked, e.g. update actual calendar.
Many thanks.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Paul van Eijk posted Message 2592 in Message Board
Dated : September 08, 1999 at 03:28:58 EST
Subject: Re: How do we cancel Backorders even when we confirmed it ?
After globally confirming your backorders you can still change a backorder manua
lly. First you have to select 'no' in the confirm column. Then just set the back
order quantity to zero and set confirm to 'yes'. You'll notice that the backorde
r dissapears. Note that there's no way back. When you look at your orderline sta
tus (tdsls4533m000) your backorderline will be gone. When you go back to your or
derline (tdsls4102s000) you'll still see that the ordered quantity is still the
original quantity. When you look at the history the delivered quantity will be c
Good luck!
: Greetings;
: We are on BaaN - c4. We run the Global Confirmation of Backorders(Sales) every
day. Sometimes the customers call-up and say that donot need the rest of the qua
ntity and want to cancel the remaining quantity of the Sales order. Or sometimes
they want to change the lot number on the order(many of our orders are lot-spec
ific). How do we do that ?
: Please advise.

***************** End Of Article ******************

J. Cronin posted Message 2593 in Message Board
Dated : September 08, 1999 at 03:33:35 EST
Subject: Re: tdilc301 corrupted
Don't you have some kind of a backup somewhere? This might mean reverting to old
er data and having to redo all transactions since the error.
When doing drastic things to tables, you should always create a data dump for th
at table so that you can reconstruct it easily if anything goes wrong.
: i would like someone to answer this question:
: my tdilc301 table is corrupted accidently.
: we created a new index on the table - index on warehouse and item
: but we did not check the duplicate check box.

: after converting to runtime, we found out that our table has been
: greatly reduced in size. i think the duplicate records has been
: deleted or missing.
: is there any way to rebuild this table again. i have tried running tdilc0250m0
00 but am unsuccessful in getting back the missing transactions.
: please help!!!

***************** End Of Article ******************

Paul van eijk posted Message 2594 in Message Board
Dated : September 08, 1999 at 06:46:03 EST
Subject: Re: Credit Memo
If also the goods are returned to you, you can use a return order procedure. You
can define this procedure in the "Maintain Order Types" session (tcmcsmcs0142m0
00). The system will then automatically print a Credit Note invoice.
If goods are not returned you can use a cost item or use Baan Finance.
Good luck!
: I am looking for the process of generatinng a sales credit memo in Baan

***************** End Of Article ******************

Paul van Eijk posted Message 2595 in Message Board
Dated : September 08, 1999 at 07:06:00 EST
Subject: Re: But is it of any use when i can otherwise also do the same
You cannot fe reprint a picking list if you have not defined re-execute steps. S
ame goes for the packing slip
: yeah paul
: This seems to be a logical example and all maintain sessions which are input i
nto the system like deliveries and receipts can be usefully reexecuted .
: I was feelinf the uselessness of the print session.
: Shajee
: : For example tdsls4120m000 is step 3. If you do not enter re-execution steps,
after you maintain the delivery and you leave the session, you cannot change yo
ur delivery (for example when someone drops a crate and half of the goods are br
: : Now, if you enter re-execution step 3 and 4 (let's assume this is the Packin

g Slip). You can still maintain your delivery, but as soon as the Packing Slip i
s printed you cannot see and/or change your delivery.
: : Now let's also put step 6 (which is in my case the invoice) as a re-executio
n step of tdsls4120m000. In this case you can even change the delivery AFTER the
Packing Slip has been printed!
: : Try to find out for yourself what happens when applying this logic to other
: : Good luck
: : Paul
: : : Tommy
: : : tdpur4404m000 or most of the print sessions anyway give you the option of
reprinting the already printed report.
: : : So what is rhe practical use of the reexecute
: : : shajee
: :
: : : : Shajee
: : : :
The re-execute means that you could add
: : : :
5) Print purchase Invoice. If you needed to reprint the Purchase Inv
oice you should be able to ask for a duplicate. The
: : : : re-execute means you are going to execute that step twice.
: : : :
: : : :
: : : :
: : : :
: : : :
: : : :
: : : :
: : : :
: : : :
: : : :

: Tommy
: What does this mean suppose i have a purchase order with
: 1)Print P.O
: 2)maintain receipts
: 3)Print purchase Invoice
: 4)P.D.P.O
: as the order steps
: and i have already executed maintain receipts then the session tdpur4
says the said order no is ready for print purchase invoice.
: Now will i be able to do maintain receipts again if reexecute is used.
: please try to give an example if this one is not appropriate

: : : : : Shajee
: : : :
: : : : : : What the re-execute means is that you can re-execute the current ste
p again after the step listed in the re-execute field on this session.
: : : : : : : : How can the field reexecute in maintain order steps (tcmcs0139m0
00) be used please give an example
: : : : : : : Shajee

***************** End Of Article ******************

Sunil posted Message 2596 in Message Board
Dated : September 08, 1999 at 07:13:29 EST

Subject: Re: Transport order subcontracting

Hi Sandeep,
I am facing same problem as you have mentioned (as following)
1) Is the quantity on transport order line anyway related to the actual quantit
y delivered on a sales order ( assuming that the transport order has been create
d for the sales order) . That is, if i make a sales order for quantity 100, the
transport order created for 100. If i despatch 50, do i have to go to the transp
ort order and change the quantity there to 50 manually.
: The same query is for transport orders created from purchase orders. After the
transport order is created , is there any more link.
Did you get any solution for this problem.
Can you please forward the solution to me
Thanks in advance

***************** End Of Article ******************

r posted Message 2597 in Message Board
Dated : September 08, 1999 at 12:07:31 EST
Subject: Re: Calendar settings (&quot;Blank&quot; Availability Type - Availabili
ty not defined)
You have to actually create a blank record for each day in the tcccp0540m000 ses
sion. Then when you generate you calendar, a blank line is created for each day
As I understand it, sales does not use real availability types for dates, but ne
eds a blank availability type.
Anyway, not sure how it works, but when you add the blank record and generate yo
ur calendar, you no longer get the message.
: After inputting the item code in Sales Order Line session:
: the system responds with:
: Calender 020,'blank' availability type - availability type not defined
: When I change calendar code for warehouse (whwmd2500m000 > whwmd2100s000 sessi
on), the code 020 change to the new calendar code I defined.
: I believe it's something wrong with Calendar settings. During creation of Sal
es Order, BaanERP will check the Calendar codes and their settings for Warehouse
, Address etc.
: I heard that for calendar code of Address, we have to define them with Blank A
vailability Type, which means no availability type is used.
: * Could someone tell me more about Blank Availability Type?
: * The details of its uses.
: * How can I define a calendar code used Blank Availability Type in tcccp0510m0
00 > tcccp0110s000 session, i.e. settings in different tabs?
: * Should Warehouse use calendar code with Blank Availability?

: * The steps needed to make new settings worked, e.g. update actual calendar.
: Many thanks.

***************** End Of Article ******************

r posted Message 2598 in Message Board
Dated : September 08, 1999 at 12:14:52 EST
Subject: Confirming Purchase Order Backorders
Is anyone else having problems with purchase order backorder quantities in BaanE
I'm trying to change or delete backorder quantities and I've not been able to fi
nd a solid method or explanation on how to do this.
The parameter setting is to automatically confirm backorders.
When you do a purchase order receipt, if you check the final receipt box (even a
fter a partial receipt), the system generates a new record in session tdpur4501m
300. I've been told that deleting the new record also deletes the backorder qua
Does anyone have a handle on how to effectively manage purchase order backorders
***************** End Of Article ******************
Rick posted Message 2599 in Message Board
Dated : September 08, 1999 at 13:04:31 EST
Subject: Sls Line Status
At what point in the sales order entry do each of teh following "ready for" acti
vities change status?:
release to warehouse
awaiting delivery
release to invoicing
awaiting definite invoice
deleting line
***************** End Of Article ******************
Kevin Dunn posted Message 2600 in Message Board
Dated : September 08, 1999 at 16:07:55 EST
Subject: Price Management - Baan Series
I am working with a pharmaceutical and medical equipment wholesale/distribution
client who has a requirement to maintain multiple prices for a customer, for the
same item. Being a distributor they often sell to end-users (their customer),ma
ny of which have price agreements directly with the manufacturer, as well with m

y client, and that the distributor must honor. To complicate the issue even furt
her the end-user may be part of a buying group that has additional special prici
ng agreements with both manufacturer and distributor. The bottom line; they want
the system to choose the lowest sales price for all the item/customer sales ord
ers. Can anyone help me map this problem to functionality within Baan Series/Ord
er Management/Price Management??? Much obliged
***************** End Of Article ******************
Suresh Kapoor posted Message 2601 in Message Board
Dated : September 08, 1999 at 16:18:43 EST
Subject: Re: Sls Line Status
Whenever the Sales Order goes to through a step, the Line Status changes. It cur
rent step depends on the order type and the steps defined in that order type. Ty
pically, it would be whenever Generate Outbound runs(if that's a step), pick-lis
t prints, release outbound is done, sales invoices is printed etc.
Hope I have answered your question.
Feel free to send me an e-mail if you still have questions.
Good Luck.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Sameer Mehdiratta posted Message 2602 in Message Board
Dated : September 08, 1999 at 19:10:12 EST
Subject: Warehouse Order Status- Baan ERP
Can anyone give a clue on how can one track the status of the Warehouse orders i
n Baan ERP?
Without the status tracking, it becomes very inconvenient for the user to know h
ow many steps have already been executed. The Purchase order and Sales order Sta
tus in the order Management module is of little help in this.
Thanks in Advance,
***************** End Of Article ******************
Devin posted Message 2603 in Message Board
Dated : September 08, 1999 at 20:19:20 EST
Subject: Re: I did not the answer
We have the same problem. We contacted ISC and they gave us a new object. It f
ix the prioritization problem, but....unfortunately it broke Backflushing. We a
re waiting for them to correct it.
: : Hi Paul..
: : Thanks for replying to my posting at I still did not get the a
nswer I was looking for(Perhaps my question was not very clear).
: : You are correct that the Priority Simulation sessions populate the tdsls045.
opri field. But does that drive the Generate Outbound or Not ? Our problem is th

at the customers with lowest number get most of the material(which in our case a
re our own subsidiaries). This is even true in case of Backorders.
: : Example :A customer orders 10 and gets 5 because of insufficient inventory.
Rest 5 is backordered.
: : An invnetory of 5 comes . Meanwhile a new order from another customer (custo
mer number lower than previous one) comes for 5. This new inventory of 5 will ge
t allocated to the second customer even though this order was placed later.
: : I am wondering if priority Simulations can help us this. Is that true? Our O
rder steps are :



Generate Outbound
Print Pick-list
Maintain Deliveries
Print Sales Invoices
Process Delivered Sales Orders

: : I will appreciate if you can suggest some other ways of getting around this.
: : Regards
: : Suresh

***************** End Of Article ******************

goh hock keat posted Message 2604 in Message Board
Dated : September 09, 1999 at 00:17:27 EST
Subject: Re: tdilc301 corrupted
the backup would
sers do not want
a new index but
so we did not
know the records

not work because the error was detected three days later. the u
to re-key in the data for the three days. all we did was create
baan deleted the duplicate records without any questions asked,
were deleted until it was highlighted by the user.

: Don't you have some kind of a backup somewhere? This might mean reverting to o
lder data and having to redo all transactions since the error.
: When doing drastic things to tables, you should always create a data dump for
that table so that you can reconstruct it easily if anything goes wrong.
: Regards,
: Jeremy
: : i would like someone to answer this question:
: : my tdilc301 table is corrupted accidently.
: : we created a new index on the table - index on warehouse and item
: : but we did not check the duplicate check box.
: : after converting to runtime, we found out that our table has been
: : greatly reduced in size. i think the duplicate records has been
: : deleted or missing.
: : is there any way to rebuild this table again. i have tried running tdilc0250
m000 but am unsuccessful in getting back the missing transactions.
: : please help!!!

***************** End Of Article ******************

TF posted Message 2605 in Message Board
Dated : September 09, 1999 at 03:04:30 EST
Subject: Re: Automatic confirmation of back orders possible solution
: : : Hi,
: : : Is it possible to automate the backorder confirmation step so that we don'
t have to manually confirm partially shipped sales orders ?
: : : Thanks,
: : : Manish
: : :
: : Check your parameter settings!!!
: : There's a field wich will let you bypass this step.
: : Good Luck
: : TF
: Exactly my point... I checked them but could not find one which affects the ba
: Manish
If you work with location control, check your parameter in ILC (confirm backorde
r in sls/rpl).
Then add step tdsls4402m000 (print inventorye sheet?)to your procedure including
backorders and create a job to run every day/evening.
I'm not sure it will work, bur you can try.
Good luck.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Max posted Message 2606 in Message Board
Dated : September 09, 1999 at 03:30:42 EST
Subject: Dear r, thanks a lot, you are an expert!
Dear r,
You are an expert, if possible, give me an email, I would like to thank you in a
n personal way.

: You have to actually create a blank record for each day in the tcccp0540m000 s
ession. Then when you generate you calendar, a blank line is created for each d
: As I understand it, sales does not use real availability types for dates, but
needs a blank availability type.
: Anyway, not sure how it works, but when you add the blank record and generate
your calendar, you no longer get the message.
: : After inputting the item code in Sales Order Line session:
: : the system responds with:
: : Calender 020,'blank' availability type - availability type not defined
: : When I change calendar code for warehouse (whwmd2500m000 > whwmd2100s000 ses
sion), the code 020 change to the new calendar code I defined.
: : I believe it's something wrong with Calendar settings. During creation of S
ales Order, BaanERP will check the Calendar codes and their settings for Warehou
se, Address etc.
: : I heard that for calendar code of Address, we have to define them with Blank
Availability Type, which means no availability type is used.
: : * Could someone tell me more about Blank Availability Type?
: : * The details of its uses.
: : * How can I define a calendar code used Blank Availability Type in tcccp0510
m000 > tcccp0110s000 session, i.e. settings in different tabs?
: : * Should Warehouse use calendar code with Blank Availability?
: : * The steps needed to make new settings worked, e.g. update actual calendar.
: : Many thanks.
: :
: :

***************** End Of Article ******************

Svein posted Message 2607 in Message Board
Dated : September 09, 1999 at 06:22:14 EST
Subject: Re: Sales Orders on deleting line
: Read the help text.
: : I wonder how I can remove my sales orders out of the table with Display sale
s order line status. All the sales orders are displayed here with the status "de
leting line", even when I process the sales orders with delete on yes they remai
n in the table? I don't want to archive just remove them.
Hi there!
If you use the help text in tdsls4223m000 "Process delivered sales order", you w
ill get some explanation.
If you choose to delete SO up to date, you remove all data for the SO. This mean

you wan't be able to run history ore statistic for these SO.
If the "deleting line" still is present after a new log on, it might indicate th
at the SO still got some unfinished postings in finance...
***************** End Of Article ******************
Svein posted Message 2608 in Message Board
Dated : September 09, 1999 at 06:41:48 EST
Subject: Re: Determine Invoice number
: WE are having problems with determining the right Invoice series.
: In the sls parameters (tdsls4100m000) you can determine wether or not you want
use series for invoice numbering. In tcmcs0147m000 you can define the series.
: The point is that we are not able to define when to use which serie.
: Note: this a different series then the series for for Financial Documents, the
se are linked to an Order Type in tcmcs0142m000.
Hi there!
The series in sls parameters are for the financial documents (Invoice number), a
nd together with the transaction type (XXX) it will be shown on the invoice (as
well as in finance).
In tcmcs0147m000 you are defining the "first free number" for different orders.
If you define f.e. three series for sales orders : 10 Normal sales order, 20 Pro
ject order, 30 Spare parts
You choose one of these when you enter the order in the field "sales order".
After inserting a new sales order, you hit f4 button and get a popup window. her
e you choose the "display first free number", and you will be able to choose fro
m the series you've defined in tcmcs0147m000
Good luck!
***************** End Of Article ******************
Svein posted Message 2609 in Message Board
Dated : September 09, 1999 at 07:21:51 EST
Subject: Re: URGENT ! Price and Discount structure
: Can anyone explain, How does field "Gross/Net" works in Price and Discount ses
sions. According to Baan help if you inset zero discount and opt for Net, serarc
h should stop at that level. I am unable to make it work. Even after putting zer
o and choosing "net" I get price in my PO from next level
: Thanking You in advance,
: Naveed
Hello Naveed!
In Prices & discounts you might have different levels for prices/discounts on th
e same item/customer combination.
Gross means the system will search all levels for that specific line item.
Net means that it stops at first level.
In Sales Orders - miscellaneos - "Simulate calculation of price & discounts", yo
u may see where the discount is taken from (also the different levels).
In price parameters you can also choose parallell or cumulative (as another dime

nsion) but this is for the entire order (all order lines) the gross/net is for t
hat single Item line.
By the way, in Baan IV c4 there is a bug that inflicts the parameter Order/line/
both. This bug will go away with service pack 3. I don't know if this bug inflic
ts the Gross/Net but
then again, I have'nt tried it.....
Good Luck
***************** End Of Article ******************
Paul van Eijk posted Message 2610 in Message Board
Dated : September 09, 1999 at 09:10:59 EST
When you delete your sales orders using tdsls4223m000 history and statistics are
NOT removed!
Sorry for my angry reply, but please let's not make any mistakes here!
PS: if you need further explanation contact me.
: : Read the help text.
: : : I wonder how I can remove my sales orders out of the table with Display sa
les order line status. All the sales orders are displayed here with the status "
deleting line", even when I process the sales orders with delete on yes they rem
ain in the table? I don't want to archive just remove them.
: Hi there!
: If you use the help text in tdsls4223m000 "Process delivered sales order", you
will get some explanation.
: If you choose to delete SO up to date, you remove all data for the SO. This me
an you wan't be able to run history ore statistic for these SO.
: If the "deleting line" still is present after a new log on, it might indicate
that the SO still got some unfinished postings in finance...
: Svein

***************** End Of Article ******************

Doug Woeste posted Message 2611 in Message Board
Dated : September 09, 1999 at 09:18:37 EST
Subject: Problem with delivery dates and blanket orders
We are experiencing a situation with blanket type of orders. The total quantity
is initially booked on a line item with a due date way out in the future. As t
he customer wants the products, we would go into the blanket line and reduce the

quantity, add a new line for the quantity that the customer wants delivered. W
here we are having troubles is with the deliveries side. Somehow a delivery dat
e is populated in the tdsls045 table for the blanket line. The delivery quantit
y is 0. Baan then prints an invoice for the total of the blanket line (blanket
qty * price). Process delivered sales invoices runs fine.
We are trying to determine if the practice of reducing the quantities is possibl
y causing this situation. Does anyone else handle the process similarly? Is th
ere another approach to handling blanket orders when the release dates and quant
ities are not known? Has anyone seen this delivery date anomoly with release ou
tbound? We are running 4C4 on Unix with Oracle.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Des posted Message 2612 in Message Board
Dated : September 09, 1999 at 10:46:08 EST
Subject: Re: Turning location control &quot;off&quot;
There is a procedure for doing this (albeit very long and complicated). You can
get it from Baan, but as far as I know they do not accept any liability should t
he prodcedure not work.
It may not be so bad, however, if you have not yet entered any ILC trancations.
If you have, you may want to think twice about turning ILC off.
: Has anybody turned location control "off"? We are in the process of turning lo
cation control off and I was looking for some helpful hints.
: Thanks

***************** End Of Article ******************

Eddie Wierts posted Message 2613 in Message Board
Dated : September 09, 1999 at 11:04:03 EST
Subject: He has to processed in Finance first?
Your history will always be stored in the table sls050+sls051 thats no problem. B
ut is it true that the SO has to be totally processed in Finance that means the
invoice has to be paid before I can remove the sales order? The help text doesnt
say so much
: When you delete your sales orders using tdsls4223m000 history and statistics a
re NOT removed!
: Sorry for my angry reply, but please let's not make any mistakes here!
: Paul
: PS: if you need further explanation contact me.
: : : Read the help text.

: : : : I wonder how I can remove my sales orders out of the table with Display
sales order line status. All the sales orders are displayed here with the status
"deleting line", even when I process the sales orders with delete on yes they r
emain in the table? I don't want to archive just remove them.
: : Hi there!
: : If you use the help text in tdsls4223m000 "Process delivered sales order", y
ou will get some explanation.
: : If you choose to delete SO up to date, you remove all data for the SO. This
mean you wan't be able to run history ore statistic for these SO.
: : If the "deleting line" still is present after a new log on, it might indicat
e that the SO still got some unfinished postings in finance...
: : Svein

***************** End Of Article ******************

erice posted Message 2614 in Message Board
Dated : September 09, 1999 at 11:39:01 EST
Subject: How to change an errant quantity on a purchase receipt after inbounding
After an item has been inbounded from a purchase receipt a duplicate entry of a
lot controlled item is discovered. How can I delete the receipt. I have tried do
ing an inventory transfer to the receipt location but that has not helped. Thank
s in advance.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Linda posted Message 2615 in Message Board
Dated : September 09, 1999 at 12:12:25 EST
Subject: Re: Credit Memo
: Tom,
: If also the goods are returned to you, you can use a return order procedure. Y
ou can define this procedure in the "Maintain Order Types" session (tcmcsmcs0142
m000). The system will then automatically print a Credit Note invoice.
: If goods are not returned you can use a cost item or use Baan Finance.
: Good luck!
: Paul
: : I am looking for the process of generatinng a sales credit memo in Baan
Paul is correct. Use following order steps on a Credit Memo order
Print Order Acknowledgement
Maintain/Release Outbound (if cost use Maintain Deliveries to global prior to in
Print Sales Invoice

Process Delivered Sales Orders

It is important to note that the quantities on these orders are to be entered as
"negative". Print Sales Invoice will generate a
"Credit Note".
More questions? feel free to email?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Justin Ali posted Message 2616 in Message Board
Dated : September 09, 1999 at 18:55:10 EST
Subject: Backorder's Stuck!
After confirming backorders, The backorder gets "stuck" on Print Order Acknowled
gment(tdsls4401m000). I print OAK. yet the status never changes and I cannot Ge
nerate Outbound advice, or do the other steps involved in shipping the backorder
Note: The Order Acknowledgment has been customized. I suspect this might be the
problem, Im not sure however.
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b posted Message 2617 in Message Board
Dated : September 09, 1999 at 18:57:32 EST
Subject: Cancel Sales Order
Looking for general info on cancelling sales orders. How far along in the proces
s can a sales order be cancelled, and what is the impact on transactions which
have already occured regarding this order? can a cancelled order be shipped?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Tom posted Message 2618 in Message Board
Dated : September 09, 1999 at 19:31:57 EST
Subject: Sales backorders
Looking on information on how backorders work with sales orders. What does the p
arameter "automatic confirmation of backorders" exactly do?
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Paul van Eijk posted Message 2619 in Message Board
Dated : September 10, 1999 at 03:04:01 EST
Subject: Re: He has to processed in Finance first?
You can remove the sales order before the invoice is paid.
This in contrary to purchase. You need the purchase order lines to be able to ma
tch in finance.

: Your history will always be stored in the table sls050+sls051 thats no problem.
But is it true that the SO has to be totally processed in Finance that means th
e invoice has to be paid before I can remove the sales order? The help text does
nt say so much
: Svein,
: : When you delete your sales orders using tdsls4223m000 history and statistics
are NOT removed!
: : Sorry for my angry reply, but please let's not make any mistakes here!
: : Paul
: : PS: if you need further explanation contact me.
: : : : Read the help text.
: : : : : I wonder how I can remove my sales orders out of the table with Displa
y sales order line status. All the sales orders are displayed here with the stat
us "deleting line", even when I process the sales orders with delete on yes they
remain in the table? I don't want to archive just remove them.
: : : Hi there!
: : : If you use the help text in tdsls4223m000 "Process delivered sales order",
you will get some explanation.
: : : If you choose to delete SO up to date, you remove all data for the SO. Thi
s mean you wan't be able to run history ore statistic for these SO.
: : : If the "deleting line" still is present after a new log on, it might indic
ate that the SO still got some unfinished postings in finance...
: : : Svein

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Paul van Eijk posted Message 2620 in Message Board
Dated : September 10, 1999 at 03:10:10 EST
Subject: Re: Problem with delivery dates and blanket orders
How can you get an invoice for a blanket line? you do not deliver this line. Wha
t is your sales procedure? Why not use sales contracts?
: We are experiencing a situation with blanket type of orders. The total quanti
ty is initially booked on a line item with a due date way out in the future. As
the customer wants the products, we would go into the blanket line and reduce t
he quantity, add a new line for the quantity that the customer wants delivered.
Where we are having troubles is with the deliveries side. Somehow a delivery d
ate is populated in the tdsls045 table for the blanket line. The delivery quant

ity is 0. Baan then prints an invoice for the total of the blanket line (blanke
t qty * price). Process delivered sales invoices runs fine.
: We are trying to determine if the practice of reducing the quantities is possi
bly causing this situation. Does anyone else handle the process similarly? Is
there another approach to handling blanket orders when the release dates and qua
ntities are not known? Has anyone seen this delivery date anomoly with release
outbound? We are running 4C4 on Unix with Oracle.

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Nienke van elst posted Message 2621 in Message Board
Dated : September 10, 1999 at 05:26:22 EST
Subject: Which Dutch Bill of Lading paper document fits the Baan standard BOL re
I am trying to find out which Dutch standard paper document (e.g. from the 'beur
tvaartadres') fits the standard Baan BOL report. I assume there are Dutch Baan c
ustomers currently working with the BOL from Baan without any third party softwa
re. Would you please explain me how you realised this?
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Jim posted Message 2622 in Message Board
Dated : September 10, 1999 at 05:44:34 EST
Subject: Customer has overdue Invoice Problem !!
Hi all,
Does anyone know when 'll baan show message "Customer has
overdue Invoice" ????
When I fill customer-code in m/t sales order session , it showed this mes
sage . But I checked term of payment
of this customer , it wasn't overdue yet . Please help me.
Thanks in advanced,
***************** End Of Article ******************
Paul van Eijk posted Message 2623 in Message Board
Dated : September 10, 1999 at 07:41:42 EST
Subject: Re: Customer has overdue Invoice Problem !!
Zoom from the field customer in your sales order. You can choose in the menu 'di
splay sales invoices' (tfacr2520s000). On the second form it will show you the d
ue date.
Good luck
: Hi all,
Does anyone know when 'll baan show message "Customer has
: overdue Invoice" ????
When I fill customer-code in m/t sales order session , it showed this m
essage . But I checked term of payment

: of this customer , it wasn't overdue yet . Please help me.


Thanks in advanced,

***************** End Of Article ******************

Robert posted Message 2624 in Message Board
Dated : September 10, 1999 at 11:16:26 EST
Subject: Jobwork receipts(Localization)
Dear BaaNfans,
Where should I start to process a jobwork receipt(For the job work done by the c
It has been told that we have to begin with normal production order functionalit
y. What are the Mandatory sessions involved here?
Thanks in advance
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Srinivas posted Message 2625 in Message Board
Dated : September 10, 1999 at 11:25:08 EST
Subject: Re: Sls Line Status
The sales order delivery line status always depends on Order type defined in sal
es order.
There are three mandatory steps for any order type i.e. Maintain deliveries, Pri
nt Sales Invoice and Process delivered sales order. Remaining all other steps ar
e non mandatory.
And following is the point of change of sales order delivery line status.
Release to warehouse: There is no such step.
Awaiting deliveries: This status is set when sales order and sales order lines a
re entered and if Maintain deliveries is the first step in order type of sales ord
Release to invoicing: There is no such step.
Awaiting definite invoicing: The next step is Print Sales Invoice once the main
tain deliveries step is completed. So, the status is set to Print Sales Invoice . Y
ou can print both non-final invoice and final invoice. The status is set to Proce
ss delivered sales order after completing the invoice printing,
Deleting line : After executing the session Process delivered sales order , the sta
tus of the sales order is set to deleting line.
Hope, I have answered your question.
Feel free to contact for further help.
: At what point in the sales order entry do each of teh following "ready for" ac

tivities change status?:

: release to warehouse
: awaiting delivery
: release to invoicing
: awaiting definite invoice
: deleting line

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Tommy Bacon, CPIM posted Message 2626 in Message Board
Dated : September 10, 1999 at 14:32:35 EST
Subject: Re: URGENT! - Return Orders to Warehouse W/o Location
BaaN help on outbound data says that it is looking for Location and is located i
n the Location Control Module. For non location Warehouses I think you should b
e using the Inventory Module.
Outbound Data
Outbound movement is the allocation of (unblocked) inventory from inventory loca
tions in order to (ultimately) retrieve those from the locations. Depending on t
he location, the outbound movement may be based on the FIFO or LIFO system.

: Hi! We are currently using Location control. However, we have some warehouses
set to "No Location" since we are not particular in monitoring the location for
these warehouses. My problem is when I Maintain Outbound Data for a return ord
er, I encounter the message "Conversion factor not found for this unit" when I s
ave the line.
: Hope somebody help me. This problem is greatly affecting our implementation.
: Thanks!

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Tommy Bacon,CPIM posted Message 2627 in Message Board
Dated : September 10, 1999 at 14:39:29 EST
Subject: Re: Backorder's Stuck!
I would check your customization and make sure that its updating the Order Line
Status after you do your print.
: After confirming backorders, The backorder gets "stuck" on Print Order Acknowl
edgment(tdsls4401m000). I print OAK. yet the status never changes and I cannot
Generate Outbound advice, or do the other steps involved in shipping the backord
: Note: The Order Acknowledgment has been customized. I suspect this might be t
he problem, Im not sure however.

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Steve posted Message 2628 in Message Board
Dated : September 10, 1999 at 16:21:32 EST
Subject: Re: Warehouse Order Status- Baan ERP
: Hi,
: Can anyone give a clue on how can one track the status of the Warehouse orders
in Baan ERP?
: Without the status tracking, it becomes very inconvenient for the user to know
how many steps have already been executed. The Purchase order and Sales order S
tatus in the order Management module is of little help in this.
: Thanks in Advance,
: Sameer
Inbound and Outbound Order lines should give you status information!
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Seema posted Message 2629 in Message Board
Dated : September 10, 1999 at 16:43:06 EST
Subject: Can I copy Sales orders from one company to other
I want to ask something related to Sales orders..
Can I copy Sales orders from one company to other.. There is copy option <CTRL
in the Maintain Sales Order ( tdsls4101m000) which opens the Copy Sales order (
Can I copy the Sales Order by customising copy sales order session . If so
how? . I have the source code
for this session.. Can you please have a look at this session and let me know..?
Thanks and Regards
***************** End Of Article ******************
steve posted Message 2630 in Message Board
Dated : September 10, 1999 at 16:45:13 EST
Subject: Freight Charges
Does anyone know how to add "freight" charges to Sales Orders/Purchases Orders i
n Baan ERP?
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Chris Kiehl posted Message 2631 in Message Board
Dated : September 10, 1999 at 18:48:00 EST
Subject: Re: Backorder's Stuck!

: After confirming backorders, The backorder gets "stuck" on Print Order Acknowl
edgment(tdsls4401m000). I print OAK. yet the status never changes and I cannot
Generate Outbound advice, or do the other steps involved in shipping the backord
: Note: The Order Acknowledgment has been customized. I suspect this might be t
he problem, Im not sure however.
There are three fields you may want to "play" with in this session:
"Order Line Types to Print"
You have 5 choices here and may want to try "All Lines" at first
"Quantity to Print"
You can choose from "Ordered Quantity" or "Backorder Quantity" and may want to
try each one.
"Print Final Order Confirmation"
Choose "Yes"
Hopefully this will help, although it does sound strange and may be due to the c
ustomization as you said.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Max posted Message 2632 in Message Board
Dated : September 10, 1999 at 23:57:02 EST
Subject: Method to reserve (hard allocate) stock on Order
Dear all,
I'm using BaanERP.
My client needs to hard allocate the stock ordered from suppliers but not yet re
ceived. How can BaanERP do this?
Cause when received the stock ordered, other salesmen may accidentally sold thos
e ordered stock.
Can anybody suggest me? Any direct or indirect solutions?
Many thanks.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Max posted Message 2633 in Message Board
Dated : September 11, 1999 at 00:11:39 EST
Subject: Purchase Order (restrict amount ordered)

Dear all,
Can BaanERP restrict the amount user ordered during creation of purchase order?
That is, limit the amount user can order per order / order line basis. As this
is a control to prevent overbuying.
Many thanks.
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froid posted Message 2634 in Message Board
Dated : September 11, 1999 at 11:59:57 EST
Subject: Re: Turning location control &quot;off&quot;
You can do it using General Table Maintenance(ttaad4100) session In Tools get in
touch with tools consultant he would do it for you
Good Luck
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Mauro Garza posted Message 2635 in Message Board
Dated : September 11, 1999 at 17:03:33 EST
Subject: Re: Rebuild ILC &amp; Check item never works!!
: We always had this problem with data inconsistency, and was told by our vendor
to run the rebuild inventory, and check item session. But in most cases, it f
ailed to update the data in table tdilc101. Normally, we end up adjusting the d
ata at General Table Maintenance. Can anybody tell me why it never works?

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Mauro posted Message 2636 in Message Board
Dated : September 11, 1999 at 17:06:09 EST
Subject: Re: Rebuild ILC &amp; Check item never works!!
You should run when no one is making transactions in the systems.
(You may already tried this )
Hope this helps.

: We always had this problem with data inconsistency, and was told by our vendor
to run the rebuild inventory, and check item session. But in most cases, it f
ailed to update the data in table tdilc101. Normally, we end up adjusting the d
ata at General Table Maintenance. Can anybody tell me why it never works?

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Doug Woeste posted Message 2637 in Message Board
Dated : September 12, 1999 at 13:07:08 EST
Subject: Re: Problem with delivery dates and blanket orders
Somehow a delivery date is being populated in the tdsls045 table for the balnket
line. As well the status code is being changed to 6 (Print Sales Invoice). I'
m trying to see if anyone else has encountered this.

: How can you get an invoice for a blanket line? you do not deliver this line. W
hat is your sales procedure? Why not use sales contracts?
: Greetings,
: Paul
: : We are experiencing a situation with blanket type of orders. The total quan
tity is initially booked on a line item with a due date way out in the future.
As the customer wants the products, we would go into the blanket line and reduce
the quantity, add a new line for the quantity that the customer wants delivered
. Where we are having troubles is with the deliveries side. Somehow a delivery
date is populated in the tdsls045 table for the blanket line. The delivery qua
ntity is 0. Baan then prints an invoice for the total of the blanket line (blan
ket qty * price). Process delivered sales invoices runs fine.
: : We are trying to determine if the practice of reducing the quantities is pos
sibly causing this situation. Does anyone else handle the process similarly? I
s there another approach to handling blanket orders when the release dates and q
uantities are not known? Has anyone seen this delivery date anomoly with releas
e outbound? We are running 4C4 on Unix with Oracle.

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Eric Kuijper posted Message 2638 in Message Board
Dated : September 12, 1999 at 16:24:38 EST
Subject: Re: Sales backorders
When you set this parameter to 'no' you have to confirm each backorder. For each
sales order a back order is generated when the deliverd qty is less than the or
dered qty. If this backorder is confirmed, a new delivery is created (Display Or
der Line Status). If it is not confirmed, no new line is generated.
By setting the parameter to 'yes', a new order line is automatically generated w
hen the delivered qty is less than the ordered qty (Display Order Line Status).
Regards, Eric.
: Looking on information on how backorders work with sales orders. What does the

parameter "automatic confirmation of backorders" exactly do?

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GT posted Message 2639 in Message Board
Dated : September 12, 1999 at 21:31:31 EST
Subject: Historical Data Retention for Legal Purposes
The Tonsley Park Production Purchasing Blue Print included retention and recover
y of archival data from BaaN.
Some data contained in Contracts and Purchase Orders and their lines (Supplier C
odes, Item numbers etc) is retained by the BaaN ERP Software in tables which are u
pdated independently of the Contract & Purchase Order. In effect, the detail re
covered in Contracts & Purchase Orders can change with time and could be rendere
d unusable for legal purposes.
Obviously, Contracts & Purchase Orders will need to be retained, either in HARD
COPY or SOFT COPY (electronic) format.
OR is there a BaaN provided archiving the answer? Will archive pro
cess hold Header & Footer Text?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Svein posted Message 2640 in Message Board
Dated : September 13, 1999 at 04:04:59 EST
Subject: Purchase order lines
When entering purchase order lines (on a regular purchase order), we suddenly ge
t an error message we don't understand
The Pop up reads :
tdsls00028 : Maintain Purchase Order Lines (Project)
"Position number becomes larger than first position additional costs"
I noticed it is pointing to a sales order session (tdsls), and obviously somethi
ng in project as well, although this is a regular PO.
Has anyone experienced anything similar to this??
***************** End Of Article ******************
Paul van Eijk posted Message 2641 in Message Board
Dated : September 13, 1999 at 06:42:14 EST
Subject: Re: Purchase order lines
This message refers to additional order costs in purchase. It's a little confusi

ng because you would suspect that this message refers to sales.

Look at tdpur4100m000, Form 2 the field 'First position number for additional co
sts sets'. No position number can be entered on a purchase order line which are
equal or higher than this parameter.
Good luck
: Hello!
: When entering purchase order lines (on a regular purchase order), we suddenly
get an error message we don't understand
: The Pop up reads :
: tdsls00028 : Maintain Purchase Order Lines (Project)
: "Position number becomes larger than first position additional costs"
: I noticed it is pointing to a sales order session (tdsls), and obviously somet
hing in project as well, although this is a regular PO.
: Has anyone experienced anything similar to this??
: Thank's!

***************** End Of Article ******************

J. Cronin posted Message 2642 in Message Board
Dated : September 13, 1999 at 06:53:32 EST
Subject: Re: Purchase order lines
I seem to remember getting that message once.
I had changed the Purchase Order line step to 80 in order to limit the number of
lines in an order to 12, and when trying to manually enter the 12th line, I got
that message.
I changed the increment to 78, and that solved the problem.
Don't ask me why, but it worked.
Hope this helps,
: Hello!
: When entering purchase order lines (on a regular purchase order), we suddenly
get an error message we don't understand
: The Pop up reads :
: tdsls00028 : Maintain Purchase Order Lines (Project)
: "Position number becomes larger than first position additional costs"
: I noticed it is pointing to a sales order session (tdsls), and obviously somet
hing in project as well, although this is a regular PO.
: Has anyone experienced anything similar to this??
: Thank's!

***************** End Of Article ******************

J. Cronin posted Message 2643 in Message Board
Dated : September 13, 1999 at 07:07:47 EST
Subject: Aha...
: Svein,
: This message refers to additional order costs in purchase. It's a little confu
sing because you would suspect that this message refers to sales.
: Look at tdpur4100m000, Form 2 the field 'First position number for additional
costs sets'. No position number can be entered on a purchase order line which ar
e equal or higher than this parameter.
: Good luck
: Paul

: Hello!
: When entering purchase order lines (on a regular purchase order), we suddenl
get an error message we don't understand
: The Pop up reads :

: : tdsls00028 : Maintain Purchase Order Lines (Project)

: : "Position number becomes larger than first position additional costs"
: : I noticed it is pointing to a sales order session (tdsls), and obviously som
ething in project as well, although this is a regular PO.
: : Has anyone experienced anything similar to this??
: : Thank's!

***************** End Of Article ******************

Gerry Walter posted Message 2644 in Message Board
Dated : September 13, 1999 at 08:09:42 EST
Subject: Purchase schedules not showing up
At Maintain receipts, items scheduled (in Purchase Schedule) for delivery are no
t showing up. All these items are for the same supplier, but I cannot find any o
ddities on the supplier data, or on the Purchase contracts.
Any ideas???
***************** End Of Article ******************
Ron Perelka posted Message 2645 in Message Board
Dated : September 13, 1999 at 16:48:03 EST
Subject: Re: Freight Charges

You have to add an additional line to order.

***************** End Of Article ******************
B posted Message 2646 in Message Board
Dated : September 13, 1999 at 17:09:17 EST
Subject: simulate orders in enterprise planning
Looking for information on session "simulate orders in enterprise planning" whic
h pops up when creating a project for a sales order. When does this session acti
vate itself, why, and what exactly will it do?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Chuck posted Message 2647 in Message Board
Dated : September 13, 1999 at 18:44:30 EST
Subject: Re: Back order Fill report (?)
There is a report Under Manufacturing/Shop Floor Control?Production Order Contro
l/Print Subsiquent Deliveries. It will Id any material "On Hand" where there is
a Shortage on a production order.
Good Luck
***************** End Of Article ******************
Rob posted Message 2648 in Message Board
Dated : September 13, 1999 at 22:36:53 EST
Subject: Re: Allocated for picking list
We recently went live and discovered this to by a definite problem; therefore, w
e created a new session Correct Allocated to Picklist which checks all lines for
an item which are at Maintain Deliveries status (tdsls045.ssls) and adds up the
recommended quantity in 045. This quantitiy then becomes the new allocated for
picklist quantity in tdinv001. It was a very simple session to create.
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alaa jaber posted Message 2649 in Message Board
Dated : September 14, 1999 at 00:39:53 EST
Subject: Re: Cash Sales
The collect order type does not have any control over payment.
----------------------: Alan:
: have you tried collect order types?

***************** End Of Article ******************

alaa jaber posted Message 2650 in Message Board
Dated : September 14, 1999 at 00:42:25 EST
Subject: Re: Profarma invoiceing
Please read my message "CASH SALES".

: maybe u know all this, but proforma invoicing is all about sending a dummy inv
oice to the cust before receiving an advance from the chap. so after printing th
e inv. u have to maintain a advance transaction for the exact amount, specified
in the invoice. then only the system allows this linking. baki, there are some o
ther problems associated with the proforma invoicing. in case u have also observ
ed them then do put them on this site.
: thanx
: :

In the profarma invoicing i could do till the printing the proforma invoice
could se the order in the session link advanced receipts in cash management
in the link advanced receipts i am struck at the filen line number and not a
to proceed further. Can any body help me in this regard.

: : Thanks In advance
: : Uday S

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Julie posted Message 2651 in Message Board
Dated : September 14, 1999 at 02:40:07 EST
Subject: Stock Movement/Ledger Report
Hai, this is my first time surfing BaaN Fan Club and I hope
that somebody can help me regarding these :
Is there any report in BaaN that can show the item, cost,
qty in & out ie. Stock Movement Report ? Or which tables
can be extracted if doing a customized report ?
Waiting for reply & Thanks.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Pop posted Message 2652 in Message Board
Dated : September 14, 1999 at 11:05:12 EST
Subject: Re: Stock Movement/Ledger Report

I don't think having the stock movement, obsolete item and stock aging report !
If anyone having those solution, pls share with us. thanks
: Hai, this is my first time surfing BaaN Fan Club and I hope
: that somebody can help me regarding these :
: Is there any report in BaaN that can show the item, cost,
: qty in & out ie. Stock Movement Report ? Or which tables
: can be extracted if doing a customized report ?
: Waiting for reply & Thanks.

***************** End Of Article ******************

B posted Message 2653 in Message Board
Dated : September 14, 1999 at 11:22:25 EST
Subject: Recording Defect Info When Reject Quantities in Production Order
When reporting operations complete in a production rework order, when rejecting
a quantity, is there a way to record defect info (ie. reasons for rejection)?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Ron Perelka posted Message 2654 in Message Board
Dated : September 14, 1999 at 14:01:11 EST
Subject: Re: Customer has overdue Invoice Problem !!
Does it block you from continuing? Check your settings for the credit limits. Yo
ur flag is set to alert you when they reach their limit. There is several ways o
f setting the flags.
***************** End Of Article ******************
L. McCorison posted Message 2655 in Message Board
Dated : September 14, 1999 at 14:24:25 EST
Subject: Re: Cancel Sales Order
I also am looking for information on cancelling sales order. I know that once t
he outbound has been released, we have to complete the order and then do a retur
n sales order to put the goods back into inventory and generate a credit memo to
offset the invoice from the original order.
I have found that the best way to handle cancellation, prior to releasing outbou
nd is to delete any outbound that may have been generated. Then go back to the
sales order and change the quantities on each line to zero (0).
If Maintain Deliveries is part of your order steps, you must go to that session
under deliveries and release every line for invoicing and have a zero dollar val
ue invoice printed to close the order. I suppose you can also just delete the s
ales order, but we wanted a record of the order and we use text to document the
reason for cancellation etc.
: Looking for general info on cancelling sales orders. How far along in the proc
ess can a sales order be cancelled, and what is the impact on transactions whic
h have already occured regarding this order? can a cancelled order be shipped?

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Manish posted Message 2656 in Message Board
Dated : September 14, 1999 at 16:02:12 EST
Subject: Re: Recording Defect Info When Reject Quantities in Production Order
: When reporting operations complete in a production rework order, when rejectin
g a quantity, is there a way to record defect info (ie. reasons for rejection)?
Have you tried Production Order Text?
***************** End Of Article ******************
A Baan Fan posted Message 2657 in Message Board
Dated : September 15, 1999 at 00:34:24 EST
Subject: Stock Movement/Ledger Report
There is a session under
Warehouse Inventory Analysis -> Perform Inventory Valuation by Item (tdinv6230m0
00), which gives you the item stock / cost breakup. This session generates the r
eport from tdinv700 (inventory transactions by item).
Unfortunately there is no such session in Baan which gives the monthly stock mov
ements / costs of items / ledger accounts / dimensions. Many clients have asked
for this report and I have done this using the tables tdinv700 / tdilc301. Depe
nding on the transaction dates, opening / closing balances can be calculated, al
ong with the issues, receipts and adjustments for the month (along with the cost
The calculation of opening / closing balances can take a lot of time depending o
n the size of these tables tdinv700 / tdilc301. If that is the case, then a bett
er solution could be to create a table(s) for maintaining opening / closing bala
nces, along with issues / receipts / adjustments etc. and update this table at t
he end of each month.
Hope this will help.

***************** End Of Article ******************

A baan fan posted Message 2658 in Message Board
Dated : September 15, 1999 at 00:54:39 EST
Subject: Re: tdilc301 corrupted
We had the same problem with sales order lines (sls041), but we recreated the li
nes from sales deliveries (sls045) / sales order lines history (sls051). after d

oing some investigation we could calculate how many lines were missing.
You can do the same for your case. Restore the table from the backup (make backu
ps of existing tables in case something goes wrong). As you mentioned that 3 day
s of entries will be missing, so use the table tdinv700 and find out how many re
cords were created for those 3 days. This will tell you the number of records (w
ithout locations) missing. Then from inv700 try to trace these transactions in t
ables tdilc101-tdilc402 and get the transaction details. Once you have the trans
action details, update them back in the history table (tdilc301). My guess is th
at the missing transactions should be under 1000, so should be able to rebuild.
Hope this will help.

: the backup would

users do not want
te a new index but
d, so we did not
: know the records

not work because the error was detected three days later. the
to re-key in the data for the three days. all we did was crea
baan deleted the duplicate records without any questions aske
were deleted until it was highlighted by the user.

: : Don't you have some kind of a backup somewhere? This might mean reverting to
older data and having to redo all transactions since the error.
: : When doing drastic things to tables, you should always create a data dump fo
r that table so that you can reconstruct it easily if anything goes wrong.
: : Regards,
: : Jeremy
: : : i would like someone to answer this question:
: : : my tdilc301 table is corrupted accidently.
: : : we created a new index on the table - index on warehouse and item
: : : but we did not check the duplicate check box.
: : : after converting to runtime, we found out that our table has been
: : : greatly reduced in size. i think the duplicate records has been
: : : deleted or missing.
: : : is there any way to rebuild this table again. i have tried running tdilc02
50m000 but am unsuccessful in getting back the missing transactions.
: : : please help!!!

***************** End Of Article ******************

svein posted Message 2659 in Message Board
Dated : September 15, 1999 at 05:49:58 EST
Subject: Re: Purchase order lines
: Hello!
: When entering purchase order lines (on a regular purchase order), we suddenly
get an error message we don't understand
: The Pop up reads :
: tdsls00028 : Maintain Purchase Order Lines (Project)

: "Position number becomes larger than first position additional costs"

: I noticed it is pointing to a sales order session (tdsls), and obviously somet
hing in project as well, although this is a regular PO.
: Has anyone experienced anything similar to this??
: Thank's!
Thanks again!
***************** End Of Article ******************
Manish posted Message 2660 in Message Board
Dated : September 15, 1999 at 08:08:09 EST
Subject: Cycle counting in what UM?
We plan to do a physical inv. and load inventory in to Baan using Exchange scrip
ts for cycle counting. We have some items that have UM different for Inventory a
nd Storage.
We would prefer to use Storage UM to count items. However do we have to perform
a manual (non-baan) conversion for Inventory Qty before we load it in or we can
just load in the Storage Qty and baan will do conversion?
If you can shed more light on this exchange script process, I would appreciate i
Thank you,

***************** End Of Article ******************

svein posted Message 2661 in Message Board
Dated : September 15, 1999 at 09:59:17 EST
Subject: Thanks
: Svein,
: This message refers to additional order costs in purchase. It's a little confu
sing because you would suspect that this message refers to sales.
: Look at tdpur4100m000, Form 2 the field 'First position number for additional
costs sets'. No position number can be entered on a purchase order line which ar
e equal or higher than this parameter.
: Good luck
: Paul
: : Hello!
: : When entering purchase order lines (on a regular purchase order), we suddenl

y get an error message we don't understand

: : The Pop up reads :
: : tdsls00028 : Maintain Purchase Order Lines (Project)
: : "Position number becomes larger than first position additional costs"
: : I noticed it is pointing to a sales order session (tdsls), and obviously som
ething in project as well, although this is a regular PO.
: : Has anyone experienced anything similar to this??
: : Thank's!
***************** End Of Article ******************
Merv Carr posted Message 2662 in Message Board
Dated : September 15, 1999 at 13:00:20 EST
Subject: Re: Turning location control &quot;off&quot;
The procedure is definitely longwinded (not really that complicated. You first o
f all have to "Change location system" for each warehouse in turn, in Location c
ontrol, locations, miscellaneous,(i.e. make the warehouses "non location control
led) and once you have done this, you can then go into the ILC parameter tables
and switch the parameter "ILC Implemented" from "Yes" to "N0".
You absolutely do not want to switch this parameter before running the previousl
y mentioned session. Please also note that I have run this procedure successfull
y in NON production companies only. I have not tried it out in a live environmen
t. No reason I can think of why it shouldn't work though.
: Barb,
: There is a procedure for doing this (albeit very long and complicated). You ca
n get it from Baan, but as far as I know they do not accept any liability should
the prodcedure not work.
: It may not be so bad, however, if you have not yet entered any ILC trancations
. If you have, you may want to think twice about turning ILC off.
: : Has anybody turned location control "off"? We are in the process of turning
location control off and I was looking for some helpful hints.
: : Thanks

***************** End Of Article ******************

qtp posted Message 2663 in Message Board
Dated : September 15, 1999 at 18:41:35 EST
Subject: Urgent : historical cycle count data
I have two questions:

1) Is there a report in Baan that has historical cycle count information?

2) If not, where (in what table) is historical cyscle count data stored.
Thanks in advance.
***************** End Of Article ******************
qtp posted Message 2664 in Message Board
Dated : September 15, 1999 at 18:52:02 EST
Subject: Urgent : historical cycle count data
: Greetings,
: I have two questions:
: 1) Is there a report in Baan that has historical cycle count information?
: 2) If not, where (in what table) is historical cyscle count data stored.
Historical information that we are looking for:
1) number of items counted and adjusted
2) total dollars counted
3) net and gross dollars adjusted
4) accuracy percentage for items and dollars counted
: Thanks in advance.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Paul van Eijk posted Message 2665 in Message Board
Dated : September 16, 1999 at 03:40:55 EST
Subject: Re: Turning location control &quot;off&quot; - watch out!
This is pretty straightforward. But consider this. Before your follow your proce
dure there are some things to consider:
- What about your order types which contain ILC steps? There should be no actual
orders containing these steps.
- What about not yet released outbound/inbound?
- etc.
: The procedure is definitely longwinded (not really that complicated. You first
of all have to "Change location system" for each warehouse in turn, in Location
control, locations, miscellaneous,(i.e. make the warehouses "non location contr
olled) and once you have done this, you can then go into the ILC parameter table
s and switch the parameter "ILC Implemented" from "Yes" to "N0".

: You absolutely do not want to switch this parameter before running the previou
sly mentioned session. Please also note that I have run this procedure successfu
lly in NON production companies only. I have not tried it out in a live environm
ent. No reason I can think of why it shouldn't work though.

: Barb,

: : There is a procedure for doing this (albeit very long and complicated). You
can get it from Baan, but as far as I know they do not accept any liability shou
ld the prodcedure not work.
: : It may not be so bad, however, if you have not yet entered any ILC trancatio
ns. If you have, you may want to think twice about turning ILC off.
: :
: : : Has anybody turned location control "off"? We are in the process of turnin
g location control off and I was looking for some helpful hints.
: : : Thanks

***************** End Of Article ******************

Joyce posted Message 2666 in Message Board
Dated : September 16, 1999 at 07:43:53 EST
Subject: Outbound Priority : FIFO -> Location
We went live with Baan, with our inventory items set in our item file to have an
outbound priority of FIFO. We see more benefit having this set to "By Location
Has anyone out there ever try to change this field after they went live? If so,
was it successful? Any helpful hints?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Merv Carr posted Message 2667 in Message Board
Dated : September 16, 1999 at 07:47:25 EST
Subject: Re: Turning location control &quot;off&quot; - watch out!
Hi Paul,
Yeah, you are absolutely right. As I mentioned though, I have only done this on
non-production environments and it worked fine, wouldn't be able to say for sure
if there were any unreleased advices hanging around or not. Very good point tho
ugh, definitely something to bear in mind for future reference.
: Merv,
: This is pretty straightforward. But consider this. Before your follow your pro
cedure there are some things to consider:
: - What about your order types which contain ILC steps? There should be no actu
al orders containing these steps.
: - What about not yet released outbound/inbound?

: - etc.
: Paul
: : The procedure is definitely longwinded (not really that complicated. You fir
st of all have to "Change location system" for each warehouse in turn, in Locati
on control, locations, miscellaneous,(i.e. make the warehouses "non location con
trolled) and once you have done this, you can then go into the ILC parameter tab
les and switch the parameter "ILC Implemented" from "Yes" to "N0".
: : You absolutely do not want to switch this parameter before running the previ
ously mentioned session. Please also note that I have run this procedure success
fully in NON production companies only. I have not tried it out in a live enviro
nment. No reason I can think of why it shouldn't work though.
: :

: Barb,

: : : There is a procedure for doing this (albeit very long and complicated). Yo
u can get it from Baan, but as far as I know they do not accept any liability sh
ould the prodcedure not work.
: : : It may not be so bad, however, if you have not yet entered any ILC trancat
ions. If you have, you may want to think twice about turning ILC off.
: : :
: : : : Has anybody turned location control "off"? We are in the process of turn
ing location control off and I was looking for some helpful hints.
: : : : Thanks

***************** End Of Article ******************

Siva posted Message 2668 in Message Board
Dated : September 16, 1999 at 09:00:32 EST
Subject: Workaround
: : Greetings,
: : I have two questions:
: : 1) Is there a report in Baan that has historical cycle count information?
: : 2) If not, where (in what table) is historical cyscle count data stored.
: Historical information that we are looking for:
: 1) number of items counted and adjusted
: 2) total dollars counted
: 3) net and gross dollars adjusted
: 4) accuracy percentage for items and dollars counted
: : Thanks in advance.

If you have set 'Link to Finance' to yes in the Distribution parameters, then th
e data is written to the Financial Integration table tfgld410; you may write a q
uery or report based on this table, and draw necessary information. This of cour
se is only a workaround; I am sure a more starightforward solution should be ava

***************** End Of Article ******************

Siva posted Message 2669 in Message Board
Dated : September 16, 1999 at 09:03:49 EST
Subject: Re: Recording Defect Info When Reject Quantities in Production Order
: : When reporting operations complete in a production rework order, when reject
ing a quantity, is there a way to record defect info (ie. reasons for rejection)
: Hi,
: Have you tried Production Order Text?
: HTH,
: Manish
If you've implemented QMS, you can subject the Production Order to inspection th
rough QMS and record data thereof.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Another Baan fan posted Message 2670 in Message Board
Dated : September 16, 1999 at 09:09:14 EST
Subject: Re: Stock Movement/Ledger Report
If you have Financial Integration set to Yes, then each & every logistical trans
action gets writen to the Integration table tfgld410. Here you get all data like
Item code, Project, Warehouse, Standard Cost (as on the date of the transaction
), quantity, transaction type (issue or receipt) etc.
: Hai, this is my first time surfing BaaN Fan Club and I hope
: that somebody can help me regarding these :
: Is there any report in BaaN that can show the item, cost,
: qty in & out ie. Stock Movement Report ? Or which tables
: can be extracted if doing a customized report ?
: Waiting for reply & Thanks.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Siva posted Message 2671 in Message Board
Dated : September 16, 1999 at 09:21:15 EST
Subject: Re: Invoices not posted to Finance
I've encountered this error frequently & its a pretty serious & lousy one! It ne
eds lot of patches. It occurs because of reasons like:
* 'Excise applicable set to No, but Excise category is not
null, in the Localized header data
* Sales Tax is set to Not applicable in the localized order
lines. In this case you need to specify a dummy sales tax
* Check out if the ledger accounts have been defined for the
Finacial Customer Group of the Customer
: The session tdsls4223m000 ( Process Delivered Sales Orders ) does not post the
invoices to Finance. It gives a message 'Invoice data could not be written to
Finance for invoice 0'.
: There is a patch only to correct the error message, but it does not isolate th
e error.
: All the steps have been completed...
: Can someone help?
: Balaji

***************** End Of Article ******************

Tommy Bacon, CPIM posted Message 2672 in Message Board
Dated : September 16, 1999 at 09:39:27 EST
Subject: Re: Cycle counting in what UM?
I believe that Cycle Counting of Orders Table has both the Inventory and Storage
Unit Of Measures in it with the Quanities. If you have Location Control on you
would have to identify a cycle count record for each item by location. I'm in
change of a project where we are doing Physical Inventory and updating the value
s using Cycle Count Orders. If you would like to discuss this more contact me a
t Novasoft Information Tech Corp, Phone (609) 588-5500 Ext 327.
: Hi,
: We plan to do a physical inv. and load inventory in to Baan using Exchange scr
ipts for cycle counting. We have some items that have UM different for Inventory
and Storage.
: We would prefer to use Storage UM to count items. However do we have to perfor
m a manual (non-baan) conversion for Inventory Qty before we load it in or we ca
n just load in the Storage Qty and baan will do conversion?
: If you can shed more light on this exchange script process, I would appreciate

: Thank you,
: Manish

***************** End Of Article ******************

Tommy L. Bacon, CPIM posted Message 2673 in Message Board
Dated : September 16, 1999 at 09:43:28 EST
Subject: Re: Urgent : historical cycle count data
All Cycle Count Orders are deleted after they are process. However all Cycle Co
unt Orders usuall Begin with Order Series like 700000 and continue up from there
. You should be able to pull this information from your inventory history looki
ng only all the 700000 series Order Number. If you need more information contac
t me at (609) 588-5500 Ext 327. Tommy Bacon.
: Greetings,
: I have two questions:
: 1) Is there a report in Baan that has historical cycle count information?
: 2) If not, where (in what table) is historical cyscle count data stored.
: Thanks in advance.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Bhaarat posted Message 2674 in Message Board
Dated : September 17, 1999 at 00:12:33 EST
Subject: Installment Orders
Can anyone tell me what is the difference between the Direct and Indirect Instal
lments in Sales Orders.
Please don't send me the Help provided.
Tell me differences in the Sales order/ Finance processing differences.
Thanx a lot
***************** End Of Article ******************
Baan Fan posted Message 2675 in Message Board
Dated : September 17, 1999 at 02:44:43 EST
Subject: Re: Urgent : historical cycle count data
As mentioned in earlier message - all Cycle Count Orders are from 700000 - 79999
9. Using this series, all the information can be derived from the location contr
ol history (ilc301) / inventory control history (inv700) tables, using the follo
wing :
Trans Type (kost) = Stock Correction (
Order Type (koor) = Warehouse Order (tckoor.wrh.order)

Use the last counting date for the transaction dates. If you are not familiar wi
th tools, you can use SQL queries to write a qrery using this selection and get
the report.
Also the last couonting dates are also updated in tables tiitm001, tdinv001, tdi
: Historical information that we are looking for:
: 1) number of items counted and adjusted
: 2) total dollars counted
: 3) net and gross dollars adjusted
: 4) accuracy percentage for items and dollars counted
: : Thanks in advance.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Paul van Eijk posted Message 2676 in Message Board
Dated : September 17, 1999 at 03:03:49 EST
Subject: Re: Installment Orders
Billed installments are directly subtracted from the goods amount on the sales i
nvoice when the goods are delivered. If the amount on the installment line is le
ss than the value of the delivered goods, the difference is invoiced when the go
ods are delivered.
The revenue from the sale of goods is immediately visible in Baan Finance
Delivered goods are not invoiced until the installment order is closed. The sold
-to business partner can be invoiced for one or more installments in advance. Wh
en the order is closed, the invoiced amounts on the installment lines are subtra
cted from the goods amount on the invoice.
The revenue from the sale of goods is only visible in Baan Finance after the ins
tallment order is closed.
: Can anyone tell me what is the difference between the Direct and Indirect Inst
allments in Sales Orders.
: Please don't send me the Help provided.
: Tell me differences in the Sales order/ Finance processing differences.
: Thanx a lot

***************** End Of Article ******************

B1 posted Message 2677 in Message Board

Dated : September 17, 1999 at 10:49:20 EST
Subject: Add Sales Order Lines
How far along in the sales order process can new line items be added?
***************** End Of Article ******************
TF posted Message 2678 in Message Board
Dated : September 17, 1999 at 14:24:22 EST
Subject: Re: Outbound Priority : FIFO -> Location
: We went live with Baan, with our inventory items set in our item file to have
an outbound priority of FIFO. We see more benefit having this set to "By Locati
: Has anyone out there ever try to change this field after they went live? If s
o, was it successful? Any helpful hints?
There is a special session for this tdilc0232m000. Look under location control o
r Lotcontrol. Try it with one item and see what happens. It should work.
Good Luck
***************** End Of Article ******************
billy posted Message 2679 in Message Board
Dated : September 17, 1999 at 15:04:40 EST
Subject: Re: URGENT! - Return Orders to Warehouse W/o Location
: Hi! We are currently using Location control. However, we have some warehouses
set to "No Location" since we are not particular in monitoring the location for
these warehouses. My problem is when I Maintain Outbound Data for a return ord
er, I encounter the message "Conversion factor not found for this unit" when I s
ave the line.
: Hope somebody help me. This problem is greatly affecting our implementation.
: Thanks!

***************** End Of Article ******************

B posted Message 2680 in Message Board
Dated : September 19, 1999 at 15:53:43 EST
Subject: Sales Order on hold- items can still be built!
When a sales order is blocked for a credit hold etc, you can specify at which po
int in the process to stop from processing any further. However- while you can s
top the item from being shipped (rel to warehouse), by selecting "simulate plan
ned orders" the sales item can still be transferred to a production order and th
erefore built even though the order is on hold and could eventually be cancelled
I am looking for a way to stop an item on a sales order which is blocked from no

t only being shipped (release to warehouse) but also being built. Any thoughts a
re appreciated!
***************** End Of Article ******************
Mathew Frank posted Message 2681 in Message Board
Dated : September 19, 1999 at 21:52:22 EST
Subject: Re: Add Sales Order Lines
Depends on if you are using customisations, really.
If you are using customised sessions, you could still add everything up to the "
Process Delivered Sales Orders" process (which will take orders with ssls = 7 an
d put them into the general ledger tables, and normally delete the non-history o
rder tables.
You might wish to have a look at maintain order types, as the procedure is deter
mined by this session - as in what things have to happen in what order.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Jeanne Ploshay posted Message 2682 in Message Board
Dated : September 20, 1999 at 08:30:52 EST
Subject: Re: Freight Charges
: Does anyone know how to add "freight" charges to Sales Orders/Purchases Orders
in Baan ERP?
: Steve
You can either add a line as Ron said (which is what we do) or you can use Addit
ional Cost Sets. Our consultants recommended costs sets but they would not work
for the way our shipments run. (Don't even ask me how cost sets work - I didn'
t understand them when they were first presented to us and I still don't - I jus
t know it wouldn't work for us!).

***************** End Of Article ******************

Gregory posted Message 2683 in Message Board
Dated : September 20, 1999 at 08:41:32 EST
Subject: Re: Sales Statistic Groups
Thank you for your site. I would like to know about DVD sales in 1999 and 2002.
Would you advise me, where I can get this information!
Thanks !

***************** End Of Article ******************
Jayant Keskar posted Message 2684 in Message Board
Dated : September 20, 1999 at 11:01:30 EST
Subject: Re: Method to reserve (hard allocate) stock on Order
: Dear all,
: I'm using BaanERP.
: My client needs to hard allocate the stock ordered from suppliers but not yet
received. How can BaanERP do this?
: Cause when received the stock ordered, other salesmen may accidentally sold th
ose ordered stock.
: Can anybody suggest me? Any direct or indirect solutions?
: Many thanks.
: Max
Hi Max
I am not familiar with Baan ERP but in Baan IV what you can do is at the time of
releasing the PO in Form 2 of PO Lines give a unique lot code. Block this lot c
ode for outbound. Unblock the lot only when sales to the intended customers are
to be effected.
Hope this helps
***************** End Of Article ******************
Serge posted Message 2685 in Message Board
Dated : September 21, 1999 at 00:41:26 EST
Subject: blocking item's change
Who knows reason of blocking the changing item in session tiitm0101m000 in case
of some "Inventory on Hand"<>0.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Vinay posted Message 2686 in Message Board
Dated : September 21, 1999 at 03:37:16 EST
Subject: Help required on Receipts &amp; Approvals
I am facing a very typical problem in the BaaN Distribution module.
after the receipts are maintained for a particular purchase order in the session
maintain receipts, the recieved quantity is seen in the allocated warehouse in
the Inspection location as Blocked quantities.
Next I run the Maintain Approvals session to approve the recieved quantities in
the Inspection location, but after maintaining approvals, the approved goods are

still seen to be lying in the Inspection location as blocked quantities.

How can I transfer them to the Normal Location?
now if instead of running the maintain approval session, if I fast approve the g
oods by running the Fast Approval in the application of the Maintain Reciepts se
ssion, then the approved quantity gets transfered to the Receipt location from t
he Inspection location.
Can someone help me as to after what step should I run the Inbound advice sessio
Thanking you in advance.
***************** End Of Article ******************
1petter posted Message 2687 in Message Board
Dated : September 21, 1999 at 04:09:10 EST
Subject: Re: Help required on Receipts &amp; Approvals
: I am facing a very typical problem in the BaaN Distribution module.
: after the receipts are maintained for a particular purchase order in the sessi
on maintain receipts, the recieved quantity is seen in the allocated warehouse i
n the Inspection location as Blocked quantities.
: Next I run the Maintain Approvals session to approve the recieved quantities i
n the Inspection location, but after maintaining approvals, the approved goods a
re still seen to be lying in the Inspection location as blocked quantities.
: How can I transfer them to the Normal Location?
: now if instead of running the maintain approval session, if I fast approve the
goods by running the Fast Approval in the application of the Maintain Reciepts
session, then the approved quantity gets transfered to the Receipt location from
the Inspection location.
: Can someone help me as to after what step should I run the Inbound advice sess
: Thanking you in advance.
:: The steps should be like this, if the purchased item has the
flag "Inspection=Yes" set.
1. Maintain receipts
2. Maintain approvals
3. Generate inbound, Ordertype
= Inventory Transfer
Order number = Purchase Order Number

***************** End Of Article ******************

David Allton posted Message 2688 in Message Board
Dated : September 21, 1999 at 07:33:32 EST
Subject: Re: Sales Order on hold- items can still be built!

: When a sales order is blocked for a credit hold etc, you can specify at which
point in the process to stop from processing any further. However- while you can
stop the item from being shipped (rel to warehouse), by selecting "simulate pl
anned orders" the sales item can still be transferred to a production order and
therefore built even though the order is on hold and could eventually be cancell
: I am looking for a way to stop an item on a sales order which is blocked from
not only being shipped (release to warehouse) but also being built. Any thoughts
are appreciated!
The order can be stopped at order entry....there is a parmenter that selects whe
re you want the order stopped...we selected the one at the Print Order Acknowled
gment which stops the order from even going to manufacturing
***************** End Of Article ******************
David Allton posted Message 2689 in Message Board
Dated : September 21, 1999 at 07:37:05 EST
Subject: Re: Add Sales Order Lines
: How far along in the sales order process can new line items be added?
We are set up to add a new line item to ANY order regardless of the where we are
in the process...up to and including processed delivered sales orders. You, h
owever, can not CHANGE any line after Maintain Deliveries has been completed
***************** End Of Article ******************
Merv Carr posted Message 2690 in Message Board
Dated : September 21, 1999 at 10:43:11 EST
Subject: Re: Help required on Receipts &amp; Approvals
You can, if you wish, run inbound after "Maintain Receipts" for an inspection it
em, if, and only if, you have special "Inspection Locations" setup (Different to
the REC/INSP location) This has the effect of transferring your items from the
REC/INSP location to a seperate INSP location, wherafter you would then perform
the inspection and run a new inbound to transfer to a "Normal" location. (Two st
age inbounds). Not recommending it as a procedure, but it is available if you ch
: : I am facing a very typical problem in the BaaN Distribution module.
: : after the receipts are maintained for a particular purchase order in the ses
sion maintain receipts, the recieved quantity is seen in the allocated warehouse
in the Inspection location as Blocked quantities.
: : Next I run the Maintain Approvals session to approve the recieved quantities
in the Inspection location, but after maintaining approvals, the approved goods
are still seen to be lying in the Inspection location as blocked quantities.
: : How can I transfer them to the Normal Location?
: : now if instead of running the maintain approval session, if I fast approve t
he goods by running the Fast Approval in the application of the Maintain Reciept
s session, then the approved quantity gets transfered to the Receipt location fr
om the Inspection location.

: : Can someone help me as to after what step should I run the Inbound advice se
: : Thanking you in advance.

:: The steps should be like this, if the purchased item has the
flag "Inspection=Yes" set.
1. Maintain receipts
2. Maintain approvals
3. Generate inbound, Ordertype
= Inventory Transfer
Order number = Purchase Order Number

***************** End Of Article ******************

Merv Carr posted Message 2691 in Message Board
Dated : September 21, 1999 at 10:52:49 EST
Subject: Re: Sales Order on hold- items can still be built!
How is blocking the order acknowledgement going to prevent an allocation from be
ing created ? The only way to prevent allocations from being created that I am a
ware of, is to stop the order from being entered in the first place, i.e. set yo
ur customer record to "blocked". This will then not allow the user to proceed an
y further.
: : When a sales order is blocked for a credit hold etc, you can specify at whic
h point in the process to stop from processing any further. However- while you c
an stop the item from being shipped (rel to warehouse), by selecting "simulate
planned orders" the sales item can still be transferred to a production order an
d therefore built even though the order is on hold and could eventually be cance
: : I am looking for a way to stop an item on a sales order which is blocked fro
m not only being shipped (release to warehouse) but also being built. Any though
ts are appreciated!
: The order can be stopped at order entry....there is a parmenter that selects w
here you want the order stopped...we selected the one at the Print Order Acknowl
edgment which stops the order from even going to manufacturing

***************** End Of Article ******************

Frank posted Message 2692 in Message Board
Dated : September 21, 1999 at 11:01:55 EST
Subject: Inventory Valuation
Could someone help me with this problem:
I import some of my items, and since the exact landed cost cannot be known at th
e time of raising the Purchase order, I guess a rough figure as other expenses o
ver the material costs.
I want to issue all my items at a daily average purchase cost for which I know t
hat I will have to update the item's standard cost everyday. (Is this an accepta

ble practice?)
secondly I have to update the average price as soon as I recieve materials so th
at they can be issued at the average purchase cost. for which I will have to mat
ch the purchase invoice and close the purchase order.
Now I come to know about the item's actual landed cost only after a few days, by
which time the PO is already closed and some materials already issued.
How can I take care of this price difference in terms of inventory valuation and
also for the materials issued.
***************** End Of Article ******************
David posted Message 2693 in Message Board
Dated : September 21, 1999 at 11:09:35 EST
Subject: Writing off the value of a item at the time of purchase
I would like to write off the value of the concerned item at it's time of purcha
se and maintain the item in the inventory at zero cost.
can someone help me as to how can this be achieved in BaaN
Thanks in advance
***************** End Of Article ******************
Linda Kern posted Message 2694 in Message Board
Dated : September 21, 1999 at 11:43:45 EST
Subject: Re: Inventory Valuation
: Could someone help me with this problem:
: I import some of my items, and since the exact landed cost cannot be known at
the time of raising the Purchase order, I guess a rough figure as other expenses
over the material costs.
: I want to issue all my items at a daily average purchase cost for which I know
that I will have to update the item's standard cost everyday. (Is this an accep
table practice?)
: secondly I have to update the average price as soon as I recieve materials so
that they can be issued at the average purchase cost. for which I will have to m
atch the purchase invoice and close the purchase order.
: Now I come to know about the item's actual landed cost only after a few days,
by which time the PO is already closed and some materials already issued.
: How can I take care of this price difference in terms of inventory valuation a
nd also for the materials issued.
: Thanks

***************** End Of Article ******************

Linda Kern posted Message 2695 in Message Board

Dated : September 21, 1999 at 11:59:17 EST
Subject: Replenishment Backorders
Does anyone know of a way that Replenishment Backorders can be turned off? Than
ks in advance...
***************** End Of Article ******************
B posted Message 2696 in Message Board
Dated : September 21, 1999 at 12:01:45 EST
Subject: Re: Sales Order on hold- items can still be built!
Yes but is there a way for the system to not allow the sales rep to save a sale
s order which is on credit hold? It sounds like the process you suggest is for t
he salesman to manually go to the customer record after the sales order is enter
ed and then block the customer? Is there a way (parameter etc) which will not l
et the sales rep enter an order for a customer on hold. What if the actual order
being entered is the one which will take it over the limit???
***************** End Of Article ******************
elaine posted Message 2697 in Message Board
Dated : September 21, 1999 at 12:11:36 EST
Subject: Effect on average price of changing purchase units
I have had to change purchase unit type for an item ,when i ran the cost price r
ecalculation the standard price and average price are incorrect. Did anyone else
handle this situation
***************** End Of Article ******************
Merv Carr posted Message 2698 in Message Board
Dated : September 21, 1999 at 17:09:02 EST
Subject: Re: Sales Order on hold- items can still be built!
First things first.The process I was suggesting was for the Customer record to b
e blocked before the order is entered. In that case the system will not allow th
e order.
For blocking of orders which go over the credit limit you are pretty much out of
luck. There is a nice bit of functionality with the Margin COntrol functionalit
y which will allow varying degrees of blocking by user (i.e. log, warn, refuse),
but it is based on the "profitability" of an order line and not on the customer
criteria. It would be nice if you had similiar functionality for credit/overdue
invoice checking, but that is as good as it gets unfortunately.
: Yes but is there a way for the system to not allow the sales rep to save a s
ales order which is on credit hold? It sounds like the process you suggest is fo
r the salesman to manually go to the customer record after the sales order is en
tered and then block the customer? Is there a way (parameter etc) which will no
t let the sales rep enter an order for a customer on hold. What if the actual or
der being entered is the one which will take it over the limit???

***************** End Of Article ******************

Merv Carr posted Message 2699 in Message Board
Dated : September 21, 1999 at 17:17:46 EST
Subject: Re: Replenishment Backorders
I don't think there is a way, not that I have come across anyway. All I can sugg
est is zero'ing out the back order qty at time of receipt. Love to hear of any o
ther methods.
: Does anyone know of a way that Replenishment Backorders can be turned off? Th
anks in advance...

***************** End Of Article ******************

B posted Message 2700 in Message Board
Dated : September 21, 1999 at 18:20:45 EST
Subject: Re: Sales Order on hold- items can still be built!
Any suggestions on how to handle this process in the cleanest manner?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Jayant Keskar posted Message 2701 in Message Board
Dated : September 22, 1999 at 01:53:50 EST
Subject: Re: Effect on average price of changing purchase units
: I have had to change purchase unit type for an item ,when i ran the cost price
recalculation the standard price and average price are incorrect. Did anyone el
se handle this situation
: Regards
Once you change the purchase unit the APP will be incoreect and to that extent y
our standard cost will be incorrect.
There are two ways to handle this situation
1. Change your cost calculation priorities to si and then ap. You simulate the p
urchase price only for the product where you are facing the problem. Over a peri
od of time your app will be corrected when you can delete the simulation. The dr
awback is that you will have to keep on working out the app outside the system a
nd insert this as your simulated price priod after period till the app finally c
orrects itself.
2. Using GTM change the app in tiitm001. Othjer tables are not affected by this
change. Suggest you first simulate this in your test company.
Hope this helps.

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Jayant Keskar posted Message 2702 in Message Board

Dated : September 22, 1999 at 02:02:17 EST

Subject: Re: Writing off the value of a item at the time of purchase
: I would like to write off the value of the concerned item at it's time of purc
hase and maintain the item in the inventory at zero cost.
: can someone help me as to how can this be achieved in BaaN
: Thanks in advance
or cost price calculation give priority si and ap. Simulate the price of the pro
duct which you want to write of at $.01. Define the integration trnasactions so
that both purchase receipt and result both hit the 'item consumed account' in th
e GL
If you do not simulate the price at $.01 and set up integrations as above you wi
ll get a large difference between the inventory values in Disrtibution & Finance
Hope this helps
***************** End Of Article ******************
Nico vR posted Message 2703 in Message Board
Dated : September 22, 1999 at 02:31:35 EST
Subject: Re: Baan Project and Purchase order lines form3
Yes, for some reason Baan dropped ledger acc from form 3 when PRI module is on (
probably just an oversight). We had to customize the Lines forms to get ledger a
cc working. Have fun !
: When I implement Baan Project, the form of the purchase order lines gets anoth
er format. Instead of tdpur4102s000 we get tdpur4107s000. On form 2 we cannot gi
ve in the ledger account number and the dimensions. Is is possible to use the no
rmal form anyway or can we change the format of the form tdpur4107. I want to us
e the data on form 2 and I want Baan Project to be implemented, what should I do

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Andrea Perini posted Message 2704 in Message Board
Dated : September 22, 1999 at 07:27:21 EST
Subject: Re: Calculation of Safety Stock
: : Apart from what is offered in the Baan help text, does anyone know how Baan
exactly calculates Safety stock in the Item Master table. It seems a slight myst
ery and no one in Baan has been able to explain the formula to me.
: : thanks
: ----------------------------:

The safety stock is calculated as follows
: 1. Calculate period length in working days (PL)
52*(no of working days)/number of periods
Number of periods is dependent on the INV parameter setting
iod Length for Item History" :
Possible values:
4 Weeks

If "Period Length for Item History" = 4 weeks

number of periods = 13


If "Period Length for Item History" = Month

number of periods = 12

: 2. Determine stock replenishment time (SRT)
(Order Interval * 5/7) + Lead Time + Safety Time
I don't know why 5/7 is being used?
Any idea? If so please let me know.
Probably it's for getting the no. of working days.
If so, why is it not being applied to the other times

for "Per

(Lead&Safety) ?

: 3. Determine Safety factor (SF)

using normal deviation
: 4. Calculate spread of Item usage during stock replenishment
1.25 * squareroot ((SRT/PL)) * MAD

time (SPREAD)

MAD = Mean Actual Deviation

: 5. Determine Safety Stock

Safety Stock = SF * SPREAD

-----Madhu Nair
Baan Connect
Baan Company
Bombay, India

------------------------------------------Hello Madhu,
regarding your question at point (2) the answer is that the order lead time and
the safety time have to be in working days while the order interval is in calend
ar days (check it on the help text in the item data).
My colleague and I are trying to understand the safety stock formula:
Safety Stock = SF * SPREAD
where SPREAD = 1.25 * squareroot ((SRT/PL)) * MAD
We partially understood this formula:
1.25 MAD is approximately the standard deviation (SD) with the assumption that M
AD = 0.8 SD.

MAD is the average error per period in the forecast calculation.

SRT/PL represents the procurement time in number of periods.
So the Safety Stock should be the quantity required to cover the error in the fo
recast during the procurement interval.
We don't understand the square root in the SPREAD formula.
If you check the unit of measure you see that:
Safety stock : quantity
Safety factor : number
MAD : quantity /period
SRL : days
PL : days/perid
so Squareroot (SRL/PL) : squareroot (period)
Could you please try to explain the formula and why the units of measure are not
Thank you in advance.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Andy posted Message 2705 in Message Board
Dated : September 22, 1999 at 15:15:42 EST
Subject: Customized Item Text
Hi We are running Version B40c3 of Baan.
Item Text for Customized Items is not printing on Purchase
Orders. There is no problem with standard items.
Has anyone else run into this? Anyone know of a solution?
Baan suggested a patch but it has had no effect to this

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Jayant Keskar posted Message 2706 in Message Board
Dated : September 23, 1999 at 06:06:23 EST
Subject: Re: Inventory Valuation
: Could someone help me with this problem:
: I import some of my items, and since the exact landed cost cannot be known at
the time of raising the Purchase order, I guess a rough figure as other expenses
over the material costs.
: I want to issue all my items at a daily average purchase cost for which I know
that I will have to update the item's standard cost everyday. (Is this an accep
table practice?)
: secondly I have to update the average price as soon as I recieve materials so
that they can be issued at the average purchase cost. for which I will have to m

atch the purchase invoice and close the purchase order.

: Now I come to know about the item's actual landed cost only after a few days,
by which time the PO is already closed and some materials already issued.
: How can I take care of this price difference in terms of inventory valuation a
nd also for the materials issued.
: Thanks
Hi Frank
You can take care of the landed cost by adding an esitmated surcharge to the ite
ms which you import. The standard cost will now include materials cost and surch
rge. At the time of integrartion track the surchrge to a provision account. When
you actually incur the expenses debit them to the provision account. The balanc
e in this account will indicate excess/ short provision made thru surchrge. Base
d on this you may be able to fine tune your surcharge.
Adding this surchrge will help you in inventoru valuation as well as in the valu
e of materials issued.
I would say that updating the standard cost every day is not necessary unless yo
ur prices are very volatile. Updating on daily basis will generate a lot of reva
luations which you will have to analyse in detail at least initially.
Hope this meets you requirements
***************** End Of Article ******************
Ashruf posted Message 2707 in Message Board
Dated : September 23, 1999 at 06:19:02 EST
Subject: Re: blocking item's change
Only the developer of that session in BAAN Company.

: Who knows reason of blocking the changing item in session tiitm0101m000 in cas
e of some "Inventory on Hand"<>0.

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Jason Dunn posted Message 2708 in Message Board
Dated : September 23, 1999 at 06:53:23 EST
Subject: Transport Questions
Hi Everyone,
I have a few questions in transport. Appreciate any help.
I am creating transport orders from within transport. If I also want to charge f
or additional items (such as a fee for completing customs forms) how do I attach
this to a transport order, or the fee schedule?
Is it possible to have the functionality available with standard routes without
the time schedule. In effect I would like to manually create a trip and assign (
automatically) all the stops from other transport orders which are along the rou

te to the trip(via postcodes for example).

Is there a logical reason why standard orders cannot be created? We are thinking
of using these as a quotation (by enabling the insert button). Any other ways t
o handle quotations. Again we would like to include other charges like customs f
orms fees.
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Ken Bohl posted Message 2709 in Message Board
Dated : September 23, 1999 at 13:05:54 EST
Subject: Re: Customized Item Text
We had the same problem. We resolved it by modifying the Print Purchase Orders
report. If you have someone in your organization who is working with Tools and
is familiar with customizing reports and scripts it is not too dificult. You ju
st need to decide where you want the text to print and insert the text field in
the appropriate section of the layout. You may also have to modify the script.
If you would like I could send you a copy of the script we use.
Ken Bohl
IDL Inc.
: Hi : We are running Version B40c3 of Baan.
: Item Text for Customized Items is not printing on Purchase
: Orders. There is no problem with standard items.
: Has anyone else run into this? Anyone know of a solution?
: Baan suggested a patch but it has had no effect to this
: point.

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Kevin D. posted Message 2710 in Message Board
Dated : September 24, 1999 at 12:44:28 EST
Subject: Containerized Process Item Cost Price Calc. Not Working
We have added a number of new containers to existing items, updated containers,
added formulas, routings, materials etc.. The cost price calculation will not co
mplete. At present all values for machines, operations, tasks and cost prices fo
r component items is set to zero. Any suggestions?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Manish posted Message 2711 in Message Board
Dated : September 24, 1999 at 13:07:38 EST
Subject: How to convert non-lot item to lot control by Unit

I can covert a non-lot item to lot control by Lot. How can I do the same to get
a Lot control by Unit?
Thank you,
***************** End Of Article ******************
cherian posted Message 2712 in Message Board
Dated : September 24, 1999 at 13:32:36 EST
Subject: Re: Cycle counting in what UM?
: Hi,
: We plan to do a physical inv. and load inventory in to Baan using Exchange scr
ipts for cycle counting. We have some items that have UM different for Inventory
and Storage.
: We would prefer to use Storage UM to count items. However do we have to perfor
m a manual (non-baan) conversion for Inventory Qty before we load it in or we ca
n just load in the Storage Qty and baan will do conversion?
You have to convert it in the ascii file or have the exchange script do it for y
: If you can shed more light on this exchange script process, I would appreciate
: Thank you,
: Manish

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cherian posted Message 2713 in Message Board
Dated : September 24, 1999 at 13:38:44 EST
Subject: Re: simulate orders in enterprise planning
: Looking for information on session "simulate orders in enterprise planning" wh
ich pops up when creating a project for a sales order. When does this session ac
tivate itself, why, and what exactly will it do?
It is almost equialent to old prp.

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Cherian Kadookunnel posted Message 2714 in Message Board
Dated : September 24, 1999 at 13:44:10 EST
Subject: Re: Help required on Receipts &amp; Approvals

: I am facing a very typical problem in the BaaN Distribution module.

: after the receipts are maintained for a particular purchase order in the sessi
on maintain receipts, the recieved quantity is seen in the allocated warehouse i
n the Inspection location as Blocked quantities.
: Next I run the Maintain Approvals session to approve the recieved quantities i
n the Inspection location, but after maintaining approvals, the approved goods a
re still seen to be lying in the Inspection location as blocked quantities.
: How can I transfer them to the Normal Location?
: now if instead of running the maintain approval session, if I fast approve the
goods by running the Fast Approval in the application of the Maintain Reciepts
session, then the approved quantity gets transfered to the Receipt location from
the Inspection location.
: Can someone help me as to after what step should I run the Inbound advice sess
: Thanking you in advance.
Have u solved this problem? Could be due to ilc parameters. What is the value o
f your ilc parameter "inbound for free loc alloowed"

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Suresh Manohar posted Message 2715 in Message Board
Dated : September 25, 1999 at 12:16:19 EST
Subject: Re: Print order Acknowledgements.

Hi all,
I modified some sales order line and print order
acknowledgements again,I choose "orderline type to print= only
changed line" but it was no data found.
Does anyone know , this is bug or I set something
wrong ???
How could I do if I want to print only modified line ??

: Thanks in advanced,
: Nicolus
For the first time printing the sales order acknowlegment, the session tdsls4401
m000 need not be in the order step. But, in case you are printing "only changed
lines", the changes lines will be printed only if tdsls4401m000 is a part of the
order step.
Change your order step accordingly and try out. In case of further clarification
, pls feel free to mail.
Suresh Manohar.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Suresh Manohar posted Message 2716 in Message Board

Dated : September 25, 1999 at 12:24:51 EST

Subject: Re: ILC Queries
* As you have said, the On Order quantity can be negative only in case of Return
* ON HOLD status can be reversed only if the inspection procedure is complete fo
r the goods.
* Even after approval, the inventory will be blocked. You have generate inbound
advice and release inbound advice. Only then it will move to inspection location
to non-inspection location and good are released from ON HAND. This precautions
is because, even if you inspected now, there is every flexibility to change the
approved / rejected quantity as long as they are in the inspection location.
Suresh Manohar.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Suresh Manohar posted Message 2717 in Message Board
Dated : September 25, 1999 at 12:25:00 EST
Subject: Re: ILC Queries
* As you have said, the On Order quantity can be negative only in case of Return
* ON HOLD status can be reversed only if the inspection procedure is complete fo
r the goods.
* Even after approval, the inventory will be blocked. You have generate inbound
advice and release inbound advice. Only then it will move to inspection location
to non-inspection location and good are released from ON HOLD. This precautions
is because, even if you inspected now, there is every flexibility to change the
approved / rejected quantity as long as they are in the inspection location.
Suresh Manohar.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Suresh Manohar posted Message 2718 in Message Board
Dated : September 25, 1999 at 12:35:18 EST
Subject: Re: Customized Item Text
Hi Andy
I entered a purchase order for my customised item (tipcs2121m000 entry). I added
text in the purchase order line. When i printed, it is printing fine. The text
is present.
Is this the procedure to be followed or ?
Hi Ken, if you sending your script please mark a copy to me also.
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Suresh manohar posted Message 2719 in Message Board

Dated : September 25, 1999 at 12:41:40 EST
Subject: Re: How to convert non-lot item to lot control by Unit
Could you give me the procedure how you convert a non-lot item into lot by lot,
when there is inventory present for that item.
Suresh Manohar.
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mark jones posted Message 2720 in Message Board
Dated : September 25, 1999 at 20:42:22 EST
Subject: how a indent is raised for consumable items
Hi Guys,
I like to understand how the indent is raised for consumable
items. say one department needs a bundle of paper and some
pens. do we raise in inventory adjustment.
Also i want to keep the records of the issue and the cost
department wise. also the line items will be more than one,
i want to complete the transaction in one go.
thanks in advance
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mark jones posted Message 2721 in Message Board
Dated : September 25, 1999 at 20:48:02 EST
Subject: DRP/RPL
Hi Guys
I am working on a single site and multilogistic,
implementation. can we run drp / rpl for the branch
warehouse requirement. i understand drp is run only for single
finace and single with in one company.
i my case what should be the aproach
thanks in advance
***************** End Of Article ******************
Ashish posted Message 2722 in Message Board
Dated : September 26, 1999 at 07:00:07 EST
Subject: Re: Containerized Process Item Cost Price Calc. Not Working
Kevin I suppose that because the component prices are set to zero, you might be
facing this problem of zero prices for the containers. try putting some prices f
or the components and then running the cost price calculation.
: We have added a number of new containers to existing items, updated containers
, added formulas, routings, materials etc.. The cost price calculation will not
complete. At present all values for machines, operations, tasks and cost prices
for component items is set to zero. Any suggestions?

***************** End Of Article ******************

Julie posted Message 2723 in Message Board
Dated : September 26, 1999 at 09:39:41 EST
Subject: Re: how a indent is raised for consumable items
This could be achived in BaaN very easily but with a little work arround. Try us
ing the session Inventory Adjustments ther are many reports available for tracki
ng the same. If you need more clarifications please feel free to get in touch wi
th me.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Hings posted Message 2724 in Message Board
Dated : September 26, 1999 at 09:44:50 EST
Subject: Re: DRP/RPL
with single finance and Multi Logistic you can achive DRP functionality using th
e session Bill of Enterprise. Explore this if not getback to me.
***************** End Of Article ******************
mick posted Message 2725 in Message Board
Dated : September 27, 1999 at 03:18:04 EST
Subject: Generate cycle intervals in weeks
Anyone can clarify the inv parameter cycle count generated in weeks whether is n
umbers of days in week or weeks number. thanks
***************** End Of Article ******************
patterson posted Message 2726 in Message Board
Dated : September 27, 1999 at 13:33:06 EST
Subject: Re: how a indent is raised for consumable items
Please attend a grammar school as early as possible.I am almost fainted by read
ing your doubts.Are u really a consultant.I pity the customers who are bearing y
ou.Let their soul reach happy abode.You may need oxford dictionary to understand
Happy learning
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Dan posted Message 2727 in Message Board

Dated : September 27, 1999 at 19:39:30 EST
Subject: Re: Add Sales Order Lines
As long as you do not delete the order at 'process delivered sales orders' you c
an continue to add lines indefinitely.
except that the header is blocked from change as soon as the first line is 'deli
***************** End Of Article ******************
mark jones posted Message 2728 in Message Board
Dated : September 27, 1999 at 23:26:48 EST
Subject: Re: how a indent is raised for consumable items
: Hi
: This could be achived in BaaN very easily but with a little work arround. Try
using the session Inventory Adjustments ther are many reports available for trac
king the same. If you need more clarifications please feel free to get in touch
with me.
: Julie
: Gujarath.
HI Julie
I did thru inventory adjustment, but i could do at every time
with one item.
if i want to issue, say 10 items should i have to do inventory
adjustment 10 times.
can u be very specific to answer the work arround

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Riaz posted Message 2729 in Message Board
Dated : September 28, 1999 at 02:27:26 EST
Subject: Re: Generate cycle intervals in weeks
Hai pal,
It is number of weeks.
Best of luck
: Anyone can clarify the inv parameter cycle count generated in weeks whether is
numbers of days in week or weeks number. thanks

***************** End Of Article ******************

Max posted Message 2730 in Message Board
Dated : September 28, 1999 at 04:21:30 EST

Subject: How to handle reject in Approval session?

I'm using BaanERP. After I maintain receipt for the goods, I inspect them and a
pprove the quantity in the Approval session. However, if I only approve part of
them, they are stuck in the Approval session.
The receipt line is still in the Approval session and wait for my next approval.
Even if I confirm the receipt line, the stock still stucks there.
My question is:
How can I move these rejected goods out of warehouse as Purchase Returns?
Please advise me in a bit details as I am green in Baan.
Many thanks.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Nokie posted Message 2731 in Message Board
Dated : September 28, 1999 at 04:57:35 EST
Subject: Problem Generating Purchase Order from Purchase Contract
Hi all,
I'm trying to get myself familiar with the Purchase Contract cycle. I creat
ed one special contract which last for a year.
When I tried to Generate Purchase Order from this Purchase Contract, it given me
'no data found, report not printed'. The purchase contract status is 'active'
and I've specified the delivery schedule. I've put 0 days for generate order af
ter the current date, so by right, I should be able to print the generated order
s. Any other things that I have overlook??
Thanks for the help
***************** End Of Article ******************
Max posted Message 2732 in Message Board
Dated : September 28, 1999 at 05:22:04 EST
Subject: How to print Bill of Lading?
Hi all,
I face a problem in printing the bill of lading. I always get no data within se
lection for a Sales Order?
I create a sales order with a Sales order type which point to a warehouse order
type which requires the activities "print bill of lading".
I then create a sales order and define the delivery carrier as sea carrier.
I generate and release outbound in warehouse, then I confirm shipment in shipmen
t lines (whinh4531m000) session. I then create a new cluster of bill of lading
by choosing Option Specific and new bill of lading cluster.

I then confirm the shipments/loads.

After that, I goto Print Bill of Lading session. But I always get the result NO
Have I missed out some important steps?
Please suggest.
Many thanks.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Riaz posted Message 2733 in Message Board
Dated : September 28, 1999 at 06:34:27 EST
Subject: Re: Problem Generating Purchase Order from Purchase Contract
Hai Nokie,
Try putting 30 days instead of 0. The Purchase Orders will be generated that man
y days from the date which you have given provided the delivery schedule falls w
ithin that interval.
: Hi all,
I'm trying to get myself familiar with the Purchase Contract cycle. I cre
ated one special contract which last for a year.
: When I tried to Generate Purchase Order from this Purchase Contract, it given
me 'no data found, report not printed'. The purchase contract status is 'active
' and I've specified the delivery schedule. I've put 0 days for generate order
after the current date, so by right, I should be able to print the generated ord
ers. Any other things that I have overlook??
: Thanks for the help

***************** End Of Article ******************

Eric Kuijper posted Message 2734 in Message Board
Dated : September 28, 1999 at 06:35:46 EST
Subject: Re: how a indent is raised for consumable items
Hi Mark,
If you don't wnat to use inventory transactions try the following (more complex)
1) Define a PCS-project per department and define a Manufactured item without a
BOM or routing. Next, create a production order with a particular project (depar
tment) for the newly created (fake) item. Add the consumable items to the BOM of
the production order (BOM was empty). Complete the production order; the consum
able items will be subtracted from inventory and you will get a production resul
t since the cost price of M-item is zero. With the PCS-project you will get a go
od overview of the costs per department. Per PCS-project different ledger accoun
ts can be specified if needed.
2) In fact the same but without a PCS-project. Define a M-item per department. U

se this item for cost overview or financial integrations.

By the way, you can also use a sales order or service order but then you need a
fake customer.
The above is somewhat more complex than inventory adjustments but it makes it po
ssible to create just one order for ten consumable items. So in the end, it is q
Kind regards, Eric.
Korade BV (Netherlands)
: : Hi
: : This could be achived in BaaN very easily but with a little work arround. Tr
y using the session Inventory Adjustments ther are many reports available for tr
acking the same. If you need more clarifications please feel free to get in touc
h with me.
: : Julie
: :
: : Gujarath.

HI Julie
I did thru inventory adjustment, but i could do at every time
with one item.
if i want to issue, say 10 items should i have to do inventory
adjustment 10 times.
can u be very specific to answer the work arround

***************** End Of Article ******************

Riaz posted Message 2735 in Message Board
Dated : September 28, 1999 at 06:56:29 EST
Subject: Re: How to print Bill of Lading?
Did you maintain Bill of lading fro the Maintain Deliveries session?
: Hi all,
: I face a problem in printing the bill of lading. I always get no data within
selection for a Sales Order?
: I create a sales order with a Sales order type which point to a warehouse orde
r type which requires the activities "print bill of lading".
: I then create a sales order and define the delivery carrier as sea carrier.
: I generate and release outbound in warehouse, then I confirm shipment in shipm
ent lines (whinh4531m000) session. I then create a new cluster of bill of ladin
g by choosing Option Specific and new bill of lading cluster.
: I then confirm the shipments/loads.
: After that, I goto Print Bill of Lading session. But I always get the result
: Have I missed out some important steps?

: Please suggest.
: Many thanks.
: Max

***************** End Of Article ******************

Riaz posted Message 2736 in Message Board
Dated : September 28, 1999 at 06:58:39 EST
Subject: Re: How to print Bill of Lading?
Hai max,
Did u maintain Bill of lading from the Maintain Deliveries session ?
: Hi all,
: I face a problem in printing the bill of lading. I always get no data within
selection for a Sales Order?
: I create a sales order with a Sales order type which point to a warehouse orde
r type which requires the activities "print bill of lading".
: I then create a sales order and define the delivery carrier as sea carrier.
: I generate and release outbound in warehouse, then I confirm shipment in shipm
ent lines (whinh4531m000) session. I then create a new cluster of bill of ladin
g by choosing Option Specific and new bill of lading cluster.
: I then confirm the shipments/loads.
: After that, I goto Print Bill of Lading session. But I always get the result
: Have I missed out some important steps?
: Please suggest.
: Many thanks.
: Max

***************** End Of Article ******************

Jason posted Message 2737 in Message Board
Dated : September 28, 1999 at 10:31:07 EST
Subject: Re: How to convert non-lot item to lot control by Unit
It's not possible to convert a non-lot item to a unit controlled item in Baan IV
. The procedure that we use is to adjust out the inventory, change the flag on t
he item master to unit controlled, then adjust it back in with the specific lot
numbers. Not real smooth but it gets the job done. A lot more difficult with cus
tomized items though since you can't make an adjustment fo that.

: Hi,
: I can covert a non-lot item to lot control by Lot. How can I do the same to ge
t a Lot control by Unit?
: Thank you,
: Manish

***************** End Of Article ******************

Bob posted Message 2738 in Message Board
Dated : September 28, 1999 at 16:48:10 EST
Subject: change address on sales order to disfferent country
Does anyone know how to change a taxable address on a sales order from one count
ry to another. I get the message that tax code lines don't match the sales orde
r, but can't figure a way to get around this. Thanks
***************** End Of Article ******************
Nokie posted Message 2739 in Message Board
Dated : September 28, 1999 at 23:07:53 EST
Subject: Re: Problem Generating Purchase Order from Purchase Contract
Yes, it works!!. Thank you!
: Hai Nokie,
: Try putting 30 days instead of 0. The Purchase Orders will be generated that m
any days from the date which you have given provided the delivery schedule falls
within that interval.
: Riaz
: : Hi all,
: :
I'm trying to get myself familiar with the Purchase Contract cycle. I c
reated one special contract which last for a year.
: : When I tried to Generate Purchase Order from this Purchase Contract, it give
n me 'no data found, report not printed'. The purchase contract status is 'acti
ve' and I've specified the delivery schedule. I've put 0 days for generate orde
r after the current date, so by right, I should be able to print the generated o
rders. Any other things that I have overlook??
: : Thanks for the help

***************** End Of Article ******************

Nokie posted Message 2740 in Message Board
Dated : September 29, 1999 at 00:11:06 EST
Subject: Subcontract item
I haven't try raising P/O for the subcontract item
before. I created one item to record the subcon.operation, but
when I tried to insert the subcontract item in the P/O order line, it gave me a

message, "Subcontract item not allowed"

Any explanation for that?

***************** End Of Article ******************

Leo van den Ende posted Message 2741 in Message Board
Dated : September 29, 1999 at 03:39:36 EST
Subject: supplier reliability (delivery time)
I would like to which date determines the supplier reliability.
In purchase orders I've got 4 dates
Order data
Planned delivery date
Acknowledged date
Changed delivery date
Baan doesn't explain which reference date is used in order to calculate the reli
ability factor.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Riaz posted Message 2742 in Message Board
Dated : September 29, 1999 at 06:01:45 EST
Subject: Re: Subcontract item
Hai Nokie,
Create a Sub-Contracting Item with item type Cost. Now try to raise a Purchase O
rder for this order.
Get back
: Hi!
I haven't try raising P/O for the subcontract item
: before. I created one item to record the subcon.operation, but
: when I tried to insert the subcontract item in the P/O order line, it gave me
a message, "Subcontract item not allowed"
: Any explanation for that?
: thanks

***************** End Of Article ******************

Riaz posted Message 2743 in Message Board
Dated : September 29, 1999 at 06:12:57 EST
Subject: Re: supplier reliability (delivery time)
Hai Leo,
If u are working on BaaN IVc, the answer is the 'Confirmed Delivery date' in the
first form of Purchase Orders.Click on the help of this field for further detai
ls. I am not sure what the answer is for BaaN ERP.
Check up and respond.

Good luck
: I would like to which date determines the supplier reliability.
: In purchase orders I've got 4 dates
: Order data
: Planned delivery date
: Acknowledged date
: Changed delivery date
: Baan doesn't explain which reference date is used in order to calculate the re
liability factor.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Arun posted Message 2744 in Message Board
Dated : September 29, 1999 at 07:08:55 EST
Subject: Re: Can I copy Sales orders from one company to other
This must work:
Use the following function at the point where you want to change companies: long new_compnr )
This switches to another company and sets the read-only variable COMPNR to the s
pecified company number. It performs several checks before switching company and
switches company only if the checks are successful. For example, it checks if t
he user is authorized to change to the new company, it checks if the package com
bination corresponds with the new company number, and it checks if the old and n
ew companies have the same first day of the week.

company not available
no permission to change to this company
package combination does not correspond with new company number
first day of the week does not correspond to first day of the week of or

All the best

: I want to ask something related to Sales orders..
: Can I copy Sales orders from one company to other.. There is copy option <CTR
: C>
: in the Maintain Sales Order ( tdsls4101m000) which opens the Copy Sales order
: tdsls4201m000)
: session.
: Can I copy the Sales Order by customising copy sales order session . If
: how? . I have the source code
: for this session.. Can you please have a look at this session and let me know.
: Thanks and Regards
: Seema

***************** End Of Article ******************

Linda Kern posted Message 2745 in Message Board
Dated : September 29, 1999 at 10:34:24 EST
Subject: Multiple deliveries with location control
We are running Baan B40c3 with location control. When we ship items we need to p
ull inventory multiple times in preparation for shipping goods. For example, if
a customer orders 100 of an item on Monday, we may pull 50 from the warehouse on
Wednesday, and manufacture the other 50 and then send out the total quantity on
Thursday. The problem that we are having is that when we release outbound for t
he first 50 the system considers 50 the final delivery. Is there anyway to do mu
ltiple deliveries without using sales backorders? We were told that the only way
to do this was to use sales backorders. However, the backorder process is not w
orking well for us. It really messes up our invoicing. We do not think we should
have to backorder when the product hasn't even left the building.. Any help on
this would be greatly appreciated!!!!
***************** End Of Article ******************
Ashish Anand posted Message 2746 in Message Board
Dated : September 29, 1999 at 11:06:24 EST
Subject: BaaN ERP Backorder Handling
Incase where PO confirmed Receipt and subsequent Approval leads to reject of cer
tain quantity. How can I receive the backorder qty for the rejected item.
Also incase on linking return order with the above PO, does backorder
handling gets facilitated.
Thanks in advance,
Ashish Anand
***************** End Of Article ******************
pop posted Message 2747 in Message Board
Dated : September 29, 1999 at 11:19:19 EST
Subject: Re: Subcontract item
Hi Nokie,
You are back in business , tips pls consider the PBOM.
: Hai Nokie,
: Create a Sub-Contracting Item with item type Cost. Now try to raise a Purchase
Order for this order.
: Get back
: Riaz
: : Hi!
: :
I haven't try raising P/O for the subcontract item



before. I created one item to record the subcon.operation, but

when I tried to insert the subcontract item in the P/O order line, it gave m
message, "Subcontract item not allowed"
Any explanation for that?

: : thanks

***************** End Of Article ******************

mick posted Message 2748 in Message Board
Dated : September 29, 1999 at 11:28:13 EST
Subject: Purchase statistic
I never use purchase statistic before, any fan can help me on how to bring up th
e master data and what are steps are involve. thanks
***************** End Of Article ******************
Mick posted Message 2749 in Message Board
Dated : September 29, 1999 at 11:31:52 EST
Subject: Baan EDI
I trying find out more information about EDI from you all whether support ASCII
file format or not. thanks
***************** End Of Article ******************
Jo-Anne posted Message 2750 in Message Board
Dated : September 29, 1999 at 12:13:20 EST
Subject: Re: Multiple deliveries with location control
Don't release outbound until you are ready to ship the entire quantity - ie. mai
ntain/generate outbound for the first 50, but don't finish the shipping process
in Baan until you are ready to ship the entire quantity.
This will result in the first 50 being booked/allocated to the sales order (a ha
rd allocation rather than a soft allocation) so that they can't be used elsewher
e (also inventory will not be drawn down). You won't have to deal with backorde
rs and your invoice will only show one shipment.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Jo-Anne posted Message 2751 in Message Board
Dated : September 29, 1999 at 12:15:28 EST
Subject: Re: change address on sales order to disfferent country
: Does anyone know how to change a taxable address on a sales order from one cou
ntry to another. I get the message that tax code lines don't match the sales or
der, but can't figure a way to get around this. Thanks
I think that you have to delete the lines that are on the sales order (since the
tax code is applied to the order lines), then change the address in the header
and re-add the lines.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Saqib Mahmood posted Message 2752 in Message Board
Dated : September 29, 1999 at 16:08:23 EST
Subject: How to link commission details with sales statistics...URGENT
1.Upon generating sales statistics I am unable to see the commission amount be d
isplayed in the report.Can someone answer?
2. Iam unable to get the order header discount on the order type "cost order". T
he system dsiplays the discount % set in the purchase order but doesnot calculat
es this discount. However the orderline discount is calculated.Any ideas!
3.I was processing an export order which includes 'linking advance receipts to p
roforma invoice" as a order step. After receiving advance from the customer (in
finance), the sales invoice printed at the end, doesnot show the advance amount
received from that customer, but shows the full amount to be received. URGENT ..
***************** End Of Article ******************
B posted Message 2753 in Message Board
Dated : September 29, 1999 at 19:08:13 EST
Subject: Gross Profit Amount Sales
Is there a way to display the gross profit amount in dollars(not %) for a sales
***************** End Of Article ******************
Mike posted Message 2754 in Message Board
Dated : September 29, 1999 at 20:44:35 EST
Subject: Charge restocking fee?
Has anyone had any exp. in charging a restocking fee to a customer so that it re
verses commissions?
For example: I enter an item on a sales order. System calculates commission. The
n customer returns items which I enter as a return order. But the restocking fee
(a cost item) ends up trying to give the customer a credit instead of charging
them for the fee.
I guess I could enter a separate order, but it would be nice to do it on one ord
Any help is appreciated.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Mike posted Message 2755 in Message Board
Dated : September 29, 1999 at 20:48:07 EST
Subject: How to change forwarding agent?
I am looking for info on how to change a forwarding agent (ie. UPS) for a line a
fter lines have already been delivered on an order?

For example, I have two lines on a sales order with agent being UPS. I ship one
line, backorder the other. I then want to ship the second line Fedx but the syst
em will not allow me to change this because I have already delivered one line.
This really messes up our forwarding docs.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Mike posted Message 2756 in Message Board
Dated : September 29, 1999 at 20:50:52 EST
Subject: Re: Commission Lines with a
I would be interested in knowing how you do this.
: We have been processing commissions since 2/99. We pay commissions to employe
es through payroll as well as paying sales reps via accounts payable. We run th
e Print and/or Delete Commissions/Rebates session (tdcms0251m000) once a month a
fter processing our commissions. This session effectively deletes those commiss
ion lines with a status of "closed" for sales reps (non-employees set up as supp
liers), but does nothing to closed commission lines for employees. We now have
as many as 1,050 closed commission lines appearing on the Maintain Commissions C
alculated by Relation (tdcms1150m000) session. This makes it nearly impossible
to review the commission reports. How can we get rid of the closed lines and mo
ve them to history?
: Thanks in advance.
: Jeanne Ploshay

***************** End Of Article ******************

Samuel Pramod posted Message 2757 in Message Board
Dated : September 30, 1999 at 04:34:20 EST
Subject: DRP Forcast..
Ours is a trading organisation.Right now we are going for implementation of DRP
for sales branches.We have around 30000
items and approx 15 Sales Branches.If we try to enter forcast it will take too m
uch time ,is there any work around to overcome this problem
Thanks in advance
***************** End Of Article ******************
Riaz posted Message 2758 in Message Board
Dated : September 30, 1999 at 04:35:54 EST

Subject: Re: Purchase statistic

Dear Mick,
Purchase Statistics data is taken from the Purchase Order History Business objec
First of you have to specify a sort code. This is the most important part.
Then specify the period data, the layout data and other necessary data.
Before running the Print Purchase Statistics do not forget to run the Update PST
Get back if you have any problem.
Best of Luck
: I never use purchase statistic before, any fan can help me on how to bring up
the master data and what are steps are involve. thanks

***************** End Of Article ******************

Riaz posted Message 2759 in Message Board
Dated : September 30, 1999 at 04:50:29 EST
Subject: Re: URGENT! - Return Orders to Warehouse W/o Location
Dear Portia,
Try to maintain one single location for the whole warehouse.This single location
will in fact act as the whole warehouse and will not make much of a difference
in the operations.You can then maintain outbound data.
Do get back after you try it out.
Best of luck
: Hi! We are currently using Location control. However, we have some warehouses
set to "No Location" since we are not particular in monitoring the location for
these warehouses. My problem is when I Maintain Outbound Data for a return ord
er, I encounter the message "Conversion factor not found for this unit" when I s
ave the line.
: Hope somebody help me. This problem is greatly affecting our implementation.
: Thanks!

***************** End Of Article ******************

Ravi Kumar posted Message 2760 in Message Board
Dated : September 30, 1999 at 12:10:25 EST
Subject: MUltisite Question
I am a going to this site for the first time, i like to understand how and what
parameters i need to setup for DRP in a
multisite(single finance and Multi Logistic) company.
How DRP and RPL should be run.
Pls reply ASAP
***************** End Of Article ******************

Frank posted Message 2761 in Message Board

Dated : September 30, 1999 at 12:22:23 EST
Subject: Competitor Information
I like to maintain competitors information in Baan,
and get reports in comparison to my sales.
for ex: My total sale and My compititor Sale and to get
a chart or graph.
also i want to store competitor information, so that when
i give the competitor Model number, the baan system should give
the respective model equivelent to the compititor model.
where can i feed this information.
there are some specification for the items which we manufacture
like size, diameter etc, atleast on one field it should give the
equivelent model
pls help
***************** End Of Article ******************
yaya posted Message 2762 in Message Board
Dated : September 30, 1999 at 12:57:04 EST
Subject: Re: Competitor Information
You can have an several alternative coding for an article. So you can have your
competitiors code and see what article of yours is comparable yours. You can do
this in session tcmcs0127m000 and the fill up the list in tiitm0112m000.
Good luck


I like to maintain competitors information in Baan,
and get reports in comparison to my sales.
for ex: My total sale and My compititor Sale and to get
a chart or graph.
also i want to store competitor information, so that when
i give the competitor Model number, the baan system should give
the respective model equivelent to the compititor model.
where can i feed this information.
there are some specification for the items which we manufacture
like size, diameter etc, atleast on one field it should give the
equivelent model
pls help

***************** End Of Article ******************

Jo-Anne posted Message 2763 in Message Board
Dated : September 30, 1999 at 15:10:15 EST
Subject: Re: Charge restocking fee?

Your order type for returns indicates that it is a return order so it will only
allow negative quantities on your sales order. For your return order type (tcmc
s0142m000), change Return Order to No. This will force you to enter your return
s as negative quantities but it will allow you to enter order lines with positiv
e quantities (for restocking charges) if you need to.
You will likely have to set up a new return order type (as I recall the only ite
ms that you can change on the order types are the transaction type and series).
Hope this helps.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Cherian Kadookunnel posted Message 2764 in Message Board
Dated : September 30, 1999 at 19:42:37 EST
Subject: Re: Baan EDI
Your message was not very clear. If you want to know if Baan EDI can read from
and write to in asciii file format the answer is yes. Infact that is the format
in which the input and output files should be.
: I trying find out more information about EDI from you all whether support ASCI
I file format or not. thanks

***************** End Of Article ******************

Riaz posted Message 2765 in Message Board
Dated : October 01, 1999 at 01:46:43 EST
Subject: Re: How to link commission details with sales statistics...URGENT
ASAK Saqib,
Regarding Commission amount to be displayed in Sales statistics, can you tell me
what initial steps you have made and then the problem has come up? Maybe i can
then tell you if you have missed out any particular step.
: 1.Upon generating sales statistics I am unable to see the commission amount be
displayed in the report.Can someone answer?
: 2. Iam unable to get the order header discount on the order type "cost order".
The system dsiplays the discount % set in the purchase order but doesnot calcul
ates this discount. However the orderline discount is calculated.Any ideas!
: 3.I was processing an export order which includes 'linking advance receipts to
proforma invoice" as a order step. After receiving advance from the customer (i
n finance), the sales invoice printed at the end, doesnot show the advance amoun
t received from that customer, but shows the full amount to be received. URGENT

***************** End Of Article ******************

STPI alumni posted Message 2766 in Message Board
Dated : October 01, 1999 at 02:01:07 EST
Subject: Are you Samuel Pramod from STPI.

Hai Pramod,
Are you from STPI ?
: Hi,
: Ours is a trading organisation.Right now we are going for implementation of DR
P for sales branches.We have around 30000
: items and approx 15 Sales Branches.If we try to enter forcast it will take too
much time ,is there any work around to overcome this problem
: Thanks in advance
: samuel

***************** End Of Article ******************

Riaz posted Message 2767 in Message Board
Dated : October 01, 1999 at 02:22:45 EST
Subject: How to track PO/SO users?
Dear friends,
I am working on BaaN IVc2. How do I find out who created a PO/SO?
The PO History gives details about 'Header change' and not about the original.
Help would be highly appreciated.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Riaz posted Message 2768 in Message Board
Dated : October 01, 1999 at 02:39:37 EST
Subject: Re: Problems with Printing Sales Invoices
Hai Tommy,
The re-execute step would be the same for both the Order types. Then how does th
e problem occur?
: Check session tcmcs0139m000 Maintain Order Steps and see what the Re-execute i
s set at. It should be set for the step after your Print Sales Invoices, (Proces
s Delivered Sales Orders).
: : We are currently running Baan IVc3 and we are having problems with the print
ing of sales invoices.
: : We enter a sales order with the type of SPN (Normal Sales Order). This order
type has the following steps:
: : &#61623; Print Order Acknowledgements
: : &#61623; Print Picking Lists
: : &#61623; Maintain Deliveries
: : &#61623; Print Packing Slips
: : &#61623; Print Sales Invoices
: : &#61623; Process Delivered Sales Orders
: : We follow the steps through to - Print Sales Invoices (tdsls4404m000). We se
t "Final Invoice" to YES. The Sales Invoice prints correctly. If we display Sale
s Order Line Status, it still says Print Sales Invoice . It will allow us to print
the sales invoice again and again and again
as many times, as we like. Everytime
the sales invoice is printed, a new invoice number is assigned.

: :
: :
: :
: :

We set-up a sales order type of TST (test sales order). This order type has
following steps:
&#61623; Maintain Deliveries
&#61623; Print Sales Invoices
&#61623; Process Delivered Sales Orders

: : It works fine!
: : Does anybody have any ideas of why the first Sales Order Type allows us to P
rint Sales Invoices over and over again?

***************** End Of Article ******************

Paul van Eijk posted Message 2769 in Message Board
Dated : October 01, 1999 at 02:59:09 EST
Subject: Re: How to track PO/SO users?
Sales and Purchase order history is created real time. This means that when you
enter an order history is created. So not only changes are logged. In tdsls051/p
ur051 you can find the user.
Good Luck!

Dear friends,
I am working on BaaN IVc2. How do I find out who created a PO/SO?
The PO History gives details about 'Header change' and not about the original.
Help would be highly appreciated.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Max posted Message 2770 in Message Board
Dated : October 01, 1999 at 06:00:50 EST
Subject: How inventory committmen works?
Hi all,
I have a question about inventory committment.
After generating an inventory committment for a sales order, how it works to set
aside the stock committed?
Cause when I look at the inventory position by warehouse, I can't see any invent
ory allocated or on hold for that inventory committment.
Could someone kindly explain me how inventory committment work? When outbound t
he inventory, what's its effect on it?

***************** End Of Article ******************

Riaz posted Message 2771 in Message Board
Dated : October 01, 1999 at 07:07:41 EST
Subject: Re: How to track PO/SO users?
Hi Paul,
Thanks for the info.
: Sales and Purchase order history is created real time. This means that when yo
u enter an order history is created. So not only changes are logged. In tdsls051
/pur051 you can find the user.
: Good Luck!
: Paul
: :
: :
: :
: :

Dear friends,
I am working on BaaN IVc2. How do I find out who created a PO/SO?
The PO History gives details about 'Header change' and not about the origina
Help would be highly appreciated.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Suresh Manohar posted Message 2772 in Message Board
Dated : October 01, 1999 at 09:11:58 EST
Subject: Re: How to change forwarding agent?
: I am looking for info on how to change a forwarding agent (ie. UPS) for a line
after lines have already been delivered on an order?
: For example, I have two lines on a sales order with agent being UPS. I ship on
e line, backorder the other. I then want to ship the second line Fedx but the sy
stem will not allow me to change this because I have already delivered one line.
: This really messes up our forwarding docs.
: Thanks,
Once the delivery is made the Sales Header is can't be changed. It is logical be
cause at the time of order creation, you create two sales lines under one order
header because the terms and conditions mentioned in the order matches both the
For after delivering one line you can change the details common to both lines. F
or example,you are allowed to change the details in the header after delivery. Y
ou change the forwarding agent from "001" to "002" just for the sake of backorde
r number ( position 20). Let the similar things make you to change forwarding ag
ent from "002" to "003" for backorder of position 30. At the end of all processi
ng when you come to sales order, you won't have the data which forwarding agent
you have used for this order. The header shows "003", but "001" and "002" is als
o involved in it. So, logically it should not be allowed.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Suresh Manohar posted Message 2773 in Message Board
Dated : October 01, 1999 at 09:41:19 EST
Subject: Re: How inventory committmen works?
: Hi all,
: I have a question about inventory committment.
: After generating an inventory committment for a sales order, how it works to s
et aside the stock committed?
: Cause when I look at the inventory position by warehouse, I can't see any inve
ntory allocated or on hold for that inventory committment.
: Could someone kindly explain me how inventory committment work? When outbound
the inventory, what's its effect on it?
: Thanks.
: Max
-------------------In ILC company, Inventory Commitment is the important part.
For example, in case of sales order, when the generated outbound advice session
run, the inventory is allocated for that sales order. The allocation is very spe
cific ( Particular Warehouse, Particular Location, Particular Lot - which ever i
s applicable). This can be seen in the table tdilc402 for that order.
The inventory allocations can also be seen in the table tdilc101.
The value of the allocated iventory goes up during the generate outbound. This v
alue goes down when release outbound is done.
For further questions,please feel free to ask.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Suresh Manohar posted Message 2774 in Message Board
Dated : October 01, 1999 at 09:58:04 EST
Subject: Re: How to track PO/SO users?

Dear friends,
I am working on BaaN IVc2. How do I find out who created a PO/SO?
The PO History gives details about 'Header change' and not about the original.
Help would be highly appreciated.

-------------A small addition to what Paul has said.

For SO Headers: Table tdsls050 Field Username

For SO Lines : Table tdsls051 Field Logname
( I wanted to add this because after reading Paul's answers I was searching for
Username in tdsls051 which was blank for all records )
Suresh Manohar.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Merv Carr posted Message 2775 in Message Board
Dated : October 01, 1999 at 10:16:44 EST
Subject: Re: DRP Forcast..
THe question I would ask is, "Why do you particularly want to use a DRP forecast
As you rightly say it will take forever to create a forecast for every item for
every warehouse. The DRP forecast is not the strongest part of DRP by any means.
There are other tools available to you such as Safety stock and re-order point b
y warehouse. This works pretty much like SIC ordering, except MPS/MRP will carry
on looking after demand and re-ordering for you main (nettable) warehouses and
DRP will look after the distribution (non-nettable) warehouses.

Ours is a trading organisation.Right now we are going for implementation of DR
for sales branches.We have around 30000
items and approx 15 Sales Branches.If we try to enter forcast it will take too
much time ,is there any work around to overcome this problem

: Thanks in advance
: samuel

***************** End Of Article ******************

Merv Carr posted Message 2776 in Message Board
Dated : October 01, 1999 at 10:20:01 EST
Subject: Re: Charge restocking fee?
Nothing to stop you using one of your existing "normal" order types for entering
negative quantities. WIll work just the same as a "special" order type.
: Your order type for returns indicates that it is a return order so it will onl
y allow negative quantities on your sales order. For your return order type (tc
mcs0142m000), change Return Order to No. This will force you to enter your retu
rns as negative quantities but it will allow you to enter order lines with posit
ive quantities (for restocking charges) if you need to.
: You will likely have to set up a new return order type (as I recall the only i
tems that you can change on the order types are the transaction type and series)
: Hope this helps.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Suresh Manohar posted Message 2777 in Message Board
Dated : October 01, 1999 at 10:26:28 EST
Subject: Re: Gross Profit Amount Sales
: Is there a way to display the gross profit amount in dollars(not %) for a sale
s order?
Could you give me your question in bit more clear way. Which field in Sales Orde
r Line becomes % and at what value.
Suresh Manohar.

***************** End Of Article ******************

B posted Message 2778 in Message Board
Dated : October 01, 1999 at 11:00:41 EST
Subject: Re: Gross Profit Amount Sales
The sales reps want to see the gross amount in dollars for each sales order they
complete. In sales history, they can now view gross profit %, but they need to
see amount in dollars, not %, for each order. Where can they accomplish this? A
ny suggestions would be great!

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Cherian Kadookunnel posted Message 2779 in Message Board
Dated : October 01, 1999 at 11:30:17 EST
Subject: Re: How inventory committmen works?
When you enter an order, soft allocation is done. It means the system knows you
need the quantity in that order, but it has not allocated any specific inventory
to it. This requirement can be seen by MPS MRP etc..
When you generate OB data (in case of ILC) hard allocation is done. This means a
specific lot (if LTC) form a specific location is allocated to that order. This
specific inventory can not be used for any other order till the OB data is dele
When you release the OB data the actual reduction of invnetory takes place.
So, in essence only when you have generated OB data have you made sure that the
order gets the required invnetory.
: Hi all,
: I have a question about inventory committment.
: After generating an inventory committment for a sales order, how it works to s

et aside the stock committed?

: Cause when I look at the inventory position by warehouse, I can't see any inve
ntory allocated or on hold for that inventory committment.
: Could someone kindly explain me how inventory committment work? When outbound
the inventory, what's its effect on it?
: Thanks.
: Max

***************** End Of Article ******************

MICK posted Message 2780 in Message Board
Dated : October 01, 1999 at 12:01:35 EST
Subject: Re: Baan EDI
Thanks for your replied. You already answered my question.further to know more E
DI. please share some your experince about the EDI modules implementation on pur
chase oders message.
: Your message was not very clear. If you want to know if Baan EDI can read from
and write to in asciii file format the answer is yes. Infact that is the form
at in which the input and output files should be.
: : I trying find out more information about EDI from you all whether support AS
CII file format or not. thanks

***************** End Of Article ******************

Fan posted Message 2781 in Message Board
Dated : October 01, 1999 at 12:07:14 EST
Subject: Procedure issuing the non-inventory purchase order
I would to make use the purchase order module to order non-inventory items. How
the master data setting and purchase order procedures. thanks all Baanfan out th
***************** End Of Article ******************
Saqib Mahmood posted Message 2782 in Message Board
Dated : October 01, 1999 at 15:09:56 EST
Subject: Re: How to link commission details with sales statistics...URGENT
: : 1.Upon generating sales statistics I am unable to see the commission amount
be displayed in the report.Can someone answer?
***************** End Of Article ******************

Saqib Mahmood posted Message 2783 in Message Board

Dated : October 01, 1999 at 15:11:37 EST
Subject: Advance from customer is not displayed in the sales invoice
: : 2. Iam unable to get the order header discount on the order type "cost order
". The system dsiplays the discount % set in the purchase order but doesnot calc
ulates this discount. However the orderline discount is calculated.Any ideas!
***************** End Of Article ******************
Saqib Mahmood posted Message 2784 in Message Board
Dated : October 01, 1999 at 15:12:07 EST
Subject: Order header discount not calculated
: : 2. Iam unable to get the order header discount on the order type "cost order
". The system dsiplays the discount % set in the purchase order but doesnot calc
ulates this discount. However the orderline discount is calculated.Any ideas!
***************** End Of Article ******************
Saqib Mahmood posted Message 2785 in Message Board
Dated : October 01, 1999 at 15:13:32 EST
Subject: Customer advance cannot be printed on sales invoice
: : 3.I was processing an export order which includes 'linking advance receipts
to proforma invoice" as a order step. After receiving advance from the customer
(in finance), the sales invoice printed at the end, doesnot show the advance amo
unt received from that customer, but shows the full amount to be received. URGEN
T ....
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Linda posted Message 2786 in Message Board
Dated : October 01, 1999 at 16:57:09 EST
Subject: Cycle Counting Work In Process
Can anyone tell me where I can get information on cycle counting WIP for an Annu
al Cycle Count situation? We want to do our 1st inventory wide cycle count for
our company, but are not sure how to handle WIP. Please Help!
***************** End Of Article ******************
Milton Flores posted Message 2787 in Message Board
Dated : October 01, 1999 at 17:57:29 EST
Subject: Re: SO Order Line Delivery Dates / Delivery Addresses / EDI
It is not enogh to have the Conv. Setup, there is a field in the conversion setu
p which is the Evaluation Expression. This evaluation expressions are the ones t
hat determine whether or not a field in the Conv. Setup is written to the file o

r not.
My suggestion: read a little bit more about the Evaluation Expressions. If you h
ave any questions send me an email.
: Hi all,
: Two questions - we are running intercompany EDI and for some reason, the indiv
idual PO delivery dates are not being transferred to the generated SO. Rather, t
he SO lines all have the delivery date of the SO header delivery date.
: I have checked the conversion setups, and according to them, the individual li
ne delivery dates should transfer okay. I also thought this might have to do wit
h the ship complete flag for the order being set to yes - it was set to no.
: Any ideas - is there another field that I am forgetting that influences this,
or how exactly shoudl standard BAAN work (or not work, if that is the case)?
: The second question involves the incoming EDI 850 (PO) again - when we have a
header delivery address in the PO, it is read in correctly, but then is overwrit
ten on the generated SO by the default delivery address from the customer master
(tccom010.cdel). I know when you manually enter the SO the correct address can
be entered - how is this achieved in BAAN EDI?
: Surely there is some way, other than simply blanking the delivery address code
on the customer master?
: As usual, thanks for your help,
: Justin

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Chris posted Message 2788 in Message Board
Dated : October 01, 1999 at 18:36:52 EST
Subject: Maintain Approval Error message
Customer is receiving a message "Advice Already Generated, Cannot Inspect" when
trying to maintain approval on a customized item that required inspection. To fi
x this, they have to go into Delete inbound data and delete the advice. Then the
y can approve.
Does anyone know why they are getting this message and how it can be prevented?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Ashish Anand posted Message 2789 in Message Board
Dated : October 02, 1999 at 04:24:28 EST
Subject: BaaN ERP-Work Flow Management

While setting work flow attributes in business process and fixed date and time f
ormula definitions, I have certain issues unresolved.
If someone has been working on the same and would be willing to assist, I would
like to get in touch with you.
Ashish Anand
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Ashish posted Message 2790 in Message Board
Dated : October 02, 1999 at 04:51:52 EST
Subject: BaaN ERP-Company Calendar for Workflow
While opening worrkflow client "tgwmsclient", I get error message
"No Actual Calendar data for user".
From BaaN documents I was informed that I need to define the calendar in 2.2.5 M
aintain Company Calendar (tgwms1170m000), but does not seem to be loaded in stan
dard VRC.
Has anyone else faced this isssue and found a fix?
Ashish Anand
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samuelpramod posted Message 2791 in Message Board
Dated : October 02, 1999 at 07:04:24 EST
Subject: Re: Are you Samuel Pramod from STPI.
Yes i am samuel pramod from STPI.By the way my mail id is a mail to me
samuel pramod

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samuelpramod posted Message 2792 in Message Board
Dated : October 02, 1999 at 07:11:01 EST
Subject: Re: DRP Forcast..
Hi Merv,
Thanks for your response.70% Of our items are MRP as we are purchasing from outs
ide.Any suggestions ??
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Jeff Henslee posted Message 2793 in Message Board

Dated : October 02, 1999 at 12:25:34 EST
Subject: Re: inventory transaction
: In addition to the above mentioned situations, another could be that the item
is on cycle count.
: We also encountered the same problem. It sometimes did not allow us to take ou
t inventory in large quantities. However, when i tried the same item with smalle
r quantities(starting with 1 and incrementing with 1). We found it to be a BaaN
bug. We asked our consultants to fix it and they fixed it for us almost six mont
hs back. I am pretty sure BaaN has a solution for it now.
: Good Luck.
: Suresh
Did anyone locate get a solution for this problem from Baan? I have been poking
around in the Baan Web Site and have been unable to locate a similar problem/so
lution. Please advise!!!!
Thank you.
***************** End Of Article ******************
baan fan posted Message 2794 in Message Board
Dated : October 02, 1999 at 12:30:04 EST
Subject: Re: Customer advance cannot be printed on sales invoice
: : : 3.I was processing an export order which includes 'linking advance receipt
s to proforma invoice" as a order step. After receiving advance from the custome
r (in finance), the sales invoice printed at the end, doesnot show the advance a
mount received from that customer, but shows the full amount to be received. URG
ENT ....
In addition to the normal receipt processed by finance, they will also have to p
rocess the receipt back to distribution if you want to see the invoice balance r
educed by the advance. I don't have a system in front of me but there are other
sessions that need to be run --check out cash mgnt/proforma invoice. I believe
the last session is process advance to sales order or something like that.

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Saqib Mahmood posted Message 2795 in Message Board
Dated : October 02, 1999 at 16:50:03 EST
Subject: Order header discount on cost orders
: : : 2. Iam unable to get the order header discount on the order type "cost ord
er". The system dsiplays the discount % set in the purchase order but doesnot ca
lculates this discount. However the orderline discount is calculated.Any ideas!

***************** End Of Article ******************

T posted Message 2796 in Message Board
Dated : October 02, 1999 at 21:16:37 EST
Subject: Warehouse Purchase Orders Baan Series
Looking for information on the process of handelling warehouse purchase orders (
p.o.s without the purchasing module) How are these created, what is teh process
flow etc?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Vinay posted Message 2797 in Message Board
Dated : October 03, 1999 at 08:26:23 EST
Subject: Help required on Rejects &amp; Return Order
Say I have maintained receipts for 100 pcs of an item at US$ 10 each. Now at thi
s moment there is a impact in Finance for 100 items, where the material inventor
y is debited and the Invoices from the supplier is credited.
Now at the inspection stage I reject 40 pcs, now the impact in Finance is in suc
h a way that Invoices from supplier is credited for 600$ ie. the approved quanti
But in actual, the supplier has send me invoice for $1000 for 100 pcs.
How do I
match the invoices?
raise a debit note?
Do I have to sent back the goods using a return order
Please advise
thanks in advance
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b posted Message 2798 in Message Board
Dated : October 03, 1999 at 16:03:36 EST
Subject: Change Customized to no customized item Baan 5
I have created a project for a certain item (customized). I am trying to figure
out how to change the part number to another part # without a project(item trans
fer) When I do an item transfer, it says" customized items are not allowed"
How can I accomplish this
***************** End Of Article ******************
500HP posted Message 2799 in Message Board
Dated : October 03, 1999 at 22:28:48 EST

Subject: What are the strengths and weaknesses in the BAAN ERP product?>>>
I am doing extensive research on BAAN ERP products. I need a general overview of
the inherent strengths and weaknesses in the product such as how it compares to
other ERP products. I am also in need of a demo of the product which i did not
see on the website.
Thank you for any help

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Eric Kuijper posted Message 2800 in Message Board
Dated : October 04, 1999 at 02:37:46 EST
Subject: Re: Maintain Approval Error message
Have you checked the purchase order steps? 'Maintain Approvals' should go first
and the 'Generarte Inbound Advices'.
Regards, Eric.
: Customer is receiving a message "Advice Already Generated, Cannot Inspect" whe
n trying to maintain approval on a customized item that required inspection. To
fix this, they have to go into Delete inbound data and delete the advice. Then t
hey can approve.
: Does anyone know why they are getting this message and how it can be prevented
: Thanks,
: Chris

***************** End Of Article ******************

Eric Kuijper posted Message 2801 in Message Board
Dated : October 04, 1999 at 02:41:24 EST
Subject: Re: Procedure issuing the non-inventory purchase order
Hi Fan,
You should define cost items for purchasing non-inventory items. When you purcha
se a cost item no inventory is created. The only difference is that you cannot m
aintain approval for such a cost item.
Regards, Eric.
Korade BV
: I would to make use the purchase order module to order non-inventory items. Ho
w the master data setting and purchase order procedures. thanks all Baanfan out

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RAS posted Message 2802 in Message Board
Dated : October 04, 1999 at 02:42:01 EST
Subject: What is the difference between PO Lines and PO Lines(Wholesale)
Hi pals,
Can anyone tell me what is the difference between PO Lines and PO Lines (Wholesa
At certain times I get the former,and at other times the latter?
Help will be highly apreciated.
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M.P. Roy posted Message 2803 in Message Board
Dated : October 04, 1999 at 11:30:22 EST
Subject: Baan IVc3 / PRP Demand &amp; RFQ process
Is there a way to link confirmed PRP demand with a manually confirmed/transfered
See, our purchasing department gets a confirmed PRP demand. Needs to go in an R
FQ process to determine the price and supplier. So they manually pump the infor
mation to create an RFQ. Once they find a supplier that meets the requirements
they confirm/transfer it - placing a purchase order. Unfortunately, the origina
l prp demand stays outstanding.
Is this behavior normal? What are others doing?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Jeanne Ploshay posted Message 2804 in Message Board
Dated : October 04, 1999 at 13:38:52 EST
Subject: Re: How to change forwarding agent?
: I am looking for info on how to change a forwarding agent (ie. UPS) for a line
after lines have already been delivered on an order?
: For example, I have two lines on a sales order with agent being UPS. I ship on
e line, backorder the other. I then want to ship the second line Fedx but the sy
stem will not allow me to change this because I have already delivered one line.
: This really messes up our forwarding docs.
: Thanks,
We came up against the same problem, as we often change "ship vias" numerous tim
es during shipment of a sales order, based on how late we are! Baan does allow
individual delivery addresses for each line item, so you'd think they would allo
w individual forwarding information as well! At any rate, we handled this probl
em by using header text to store this information (and anything else that we kno
w might change). Text is the only thing you can continue to change from the hea
der area once an order has been shipped.
Obviously if the person who wrote the program for this session had ever worked i

n sales they would have allowed for this kind of change!

Hope this helps.

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Jeanne Ploshay posted Message 2805 in Message Board
Dated : October 04, 1999 at 14:05:16 EST
Subject: Purchasing Inquiry - session tdpur1401m000
Baan IVc2 - It appears as though once results have been entered into tdpur1103m0
00, one can no longer print the original inquiry via Print Inquiries (tdpur1401m
000). This would be OK if the "Display Inquiries" subsession tdpur1501s000 was
accessible from the Inquiry module - but the only way you can get to this "Displ
ay Inquiries" session (this is the one that shows you an exact "copy" of the wha
t the inquiry looks like) is from "Maintain Inquiries" session. We have many pe
ople that need to see the printed details of the inquiry but should not have acc
ess to the Maintain Inquiries session. Other than adding tdpur1501s000 to the
Application menu of the "other" Display Inquiries (tdpur1503m000) session, does
anyone have any ideas for me?
Thanks in advance.
Jeanne Ploshay
***************** End Of Article ******************
linda Kern posted Message 2806 in Message Board
Dated : October 04, 1999 at 14:43:28 EST
Subject: How to handle finished goods within a display
We have products that are finished good products that are displayed in a display
case for the holidays. We have a bill of material set up that denotes how many
of each kind of finished goods are in the display. A job is created to assemble
the displays. However, when a sales order is entered it only shows the display a
nd does not include the finished good products that are contained in the display
. Consequently, the invoice also only shows the display. Our old system used to
show the display and a detail of each item included in it. Not seeing the detail
products, makes our sales history inaccurate for the products contained in the
displays. Does anyone know how to handle this type of situation differently? Th
anks in advance.
***************** End Of Article ******************
B posted Message 2807 in Message Board
Dated : October 04, 1999 at 16:55:11 EST
Subject: Autimate Sales Order Process Baan Series
The sales reps here will always simulate orders via "cprrp1210m000" after
generating a project for a sales order. Instead of having them go to simulate
orders and release to warehouse every time they enter a sales order, we need
this to be anautomated process.
So in attempting to accomplish this I have tried to add cprrp1210m000 to the
sales order type so I can set it to automatic and have the session run this
every time a sales order is entered.

BUT- when adding cprrp1210m000 to the activities by order type tdsls0560m000, I

receive the message "activity not allowed within sales order type procedure"
Where can I define the activities which are allowed by sales order type
My thoughts are to have the following steps set up for sales orders:
Release to warehousing tdsls4246m000
Simulate Orders cprrp1210m000
Release to Invoicing tdsls4247m000
Process Delivered Sales Orders tdsls4223m000
Next I will set the execution mode to automatic, so that upon saving the sales
order the system will release to warehousing and simulate orders etc...
How can I make this happen?

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Paul van Eijk posted Message 2808 in Message Board
Dated : October 11, 1999 at 04:37:04 EST
Subject: Re: What is the difference between PO Lines and PO Lines(Wholesale)
It all depends on the parameter Direct Order Line Entry per user - tdpur4123m000
. Wholesale means that you go directly to the order lines (without entering a he
Good luck
: Hi pals,
: Can anyone tell me what is the difference between PO Lines and PO Lines (Whole
: At certain times I get the former,and at other times the latter?
: Help will be highly apreciated.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Paul van Eijk posted Message 2809 in Message Board
Dated : October 11, 1999 at 04:42:31 EST
Subject: Re: Baan IVc3 / PRP Demand &amp; RFQ process
The procedure is correct. But do they enter a project number on the RFQ?
If not, the system doesn't know there's a request for the project and will treat
it as anonymous on order.
Good luck
Paul van Eijk
: Is there a way to link confirmed PRP demand with a manually confirmed/transfer
ed RFQ?

: See, our purchasing department gets a confirmed PRP demand. Needs to go in an

RFQ process to determine the price and supplier. So they manually pump the inf
ormation to create an RFQ. Once they find a supplier that meets the requirement
s they confirm/transfer it - placing a purchase order. Unfortunately, the origi
nal prp demand stays outstanding.
: Is this behavior normal? What are others doing?
: M.P.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Paul van Eijk posted Message 2810 in Message Board
Dated : October 11, 1999 at 04:51:32 EST
Subject: Re: Purchasing Inquiry - session tdpur1401m000
Well, customize your session tdpur1503m000. In the 'application' menu add sessio
n display inquiries (tdpur1501s000). Or copy the session tdpur1501s000 to a main
session (f.e. tdpur1501m000). When it's a main session you can start it from th
e meny. Ask your system administrator to do this.
Good luck!
: Baan IVc2 - It appears as though once results have been entered into tdpur1103
m000, one can no longer print the original inquiry via Print Inquiries (tdpur140
1m000). This would be OK if the "Display Inquiries" subsession tdpur1501s000 wa
s accessible from the Inquiry module - but the only way you can get to this "Dis
play Inquiries" session (this is the one that shows you an exact "copy" of the w
hat the inquiry looks like) is from "Maintain Inquiries" session. We have many
people that need to see the printed details of the inquiry but should not have a
ccess to the Maintain Inquiries session. Other than adding tdpur1501s000 to th
e Application menu of the "other" Display Inquiries (tdpur1503m000) session, doe
s anyone have any ideas for me?
: Thanks in advance.
: Jeanne Ploshay

***************** End Of Article ******************

klicken posted Message 2811 in Message Board
Dated : October 11, 1999 at 08:28:47 EST
Subject: Sales Order Line..Plan Del.Date ?????ERP 5.0b
When I try to calculate Plan.Del.Date, I receive a message :
"New date cannot be calculated". I think my calendar is OK, with blank availabil
ity type and so on.Can anyone help me ??
***************** End Of Article ******************
vasudha posted Message 2812 in Message Board
Dated : October 11, 1999 at 15:16:06 EST

Subject: Mean absolute deviation- How to calculate?

Hellow friends,
Can you please explain me how do we arrive at the value of
MAD (mean absolute deviation) while calculating the Safety
stock of an Item. As you know this is used in the formula
for calculating the safety stock for an item.And also please
let me know how to arrive at a reliable service factor 'K'in
this formula. What can be the criteria?
Thanks in advance
***************** End Of Article ******************
Manish posted Message 2813 in Message Board
Dated : October 12, 1999 at 09:15:16 EST
Subject: Re: How to change forwarding agent?
: : I am looking for info on how to change a forwarding agent (ie. UPS) for a li
ne after lines have already been delivered on an order?
: : For example, I have two lines on a sales order with agent being UPS. I ship
one line, backorder the other. I then want to ship the second line Fedx but the
system will not allow me to change this because I have already delivered one lin
: : This really messes up our forwarding docs.
: : Thanks,
: Once the delivery is made the Sales Header is can't be changed. It is logical
because at the time of order creation, you create two sales lines under one orde
r header because the terms and conditions mentioned in the order matches both th
e lines.
: For after delivering one line you can change the details common to both lines.
For example,you are allowed to change the details in the header after delivery.
You change the forwarding agent from "001" to "002" just for the sake of backor
der number ( position 20). Let the similar things make you to change forwarding
agent from "002" to "003" for backorder of position 30. At the end of all proces
sing when you come to sales order, you won't have the data which forwarding agen
t you have used for this order. The header shows "003", but "001" and "002" is a
lso involved in it. So, logically it should not be allowed.
I am not
et's say
ound and
e reason

sure if I agree with the logic behind the above explanation. For e.g, l
I am shipping 1 piece each on two sales order lines but one goes UPS Gr
the second one needs to be air freighted. In that case, I have a genuin
to change Forwarding agents midway thru sales shipments.

Has anyone out there customized this functionality?

***************** End Of Article ******************
Kumar posted Message 2814 in Message Board

Dated : October 12, 1999 at 09:39:46 EST

Subject: SIC
Can anybody exolain how SIC works and what are the parameters to be set.
Thanks in advance
***************** End Of Article ******************
vamsi posted Message 2815 in Message Board
Dated : October 12, 1999 at 14:57:35 EST
Subject: Re: Approvals
Hellow friend,
You might have not given the inspection field in the concerned
supplier Master data (form 3) or in the concerned item Master data.At both the p
laces the inspection field should be "yes".
: Hi,
: I am not able to do approvals since the quantity to be appoved is already gett
ing filled up in the session. If i go and make the approved qty in the receipts
table to 0 i can carry out the process.
: Can anyone tell me as to why the approved qty is getting filled before approva
ls in Reciepts table (sequence Number 1)
: Thanks in advance
: Debolina

***************** End Of Article ******************

RAS posted Message 2816 in Message Board
Dated : October 13, 1999 at 01:43:43 EST
Subject: Collect Orders!!!
Hi pals,
Can anyone give me an example of a Collect Order and how it works.
Help highly appreciated.
Thanks a heap in advance.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Paul van Eijk posted Message 2817 in Message Board
Dated : October 13, 1999 at 03:27:27 EST
Subject: Re: SIC
Read the helptext: tiitm0101m000 - field Order system, tdinv3201m000

Good luck!
: Can anybody exolain how SIC works and what are the parameters to be set.
: Thanks in advance
: kumar

***************** End Of Article ******************

Paul van Eijk posted Message 2818 in Message Board
Dated : October 13, 1999 at 03:40:53 EST
Subject: Re: Collect Orders!!!
A collect order is an order which the customer comes to collect (what's in a nam
e). Example a shop. Customer collects the items himself and pays at the counter.
Set up: Define an Order type with the parameter collect order set to yes. The on
ly steps necessary are Print Sales Invoice and Process Delivered Sales Orders.
Now, when you enter a sales order line, the system will also deliver the goods.
So it's a combination of entering and delivering the order. After you enter the
sales order you can select in the header application - Direct processing of sale
s collect orders which will print the invoice.
Good luck

Hi pals,
Can anyone give me an example of a Collect Order and how it works.
Help highly appreciated.
Thanks a heap in advance.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Silva posted Message 2819 in Message Board
Dated : October 13, 1999 at 06:23:18 EST
Subject: Sales Order Minimum value
I want to set up a minimum order value of say 25. If a customer orders parts belo
w that value, then the order is automatically increased to 25
How can I do this?
***************** End Of Article ******************
RAS posted Message 2820 in Message Board
Dated : October 13, 1999 at 07:24:32 EST
Subject: Thanks!!!
Thanks Paul. The funda is clear now.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Tomaszek posted Message 2821 in Message Board
Dated : October 13, 1999 at 08:27:20 EST
Subject: Baan Transportation - Packing Control
I have problem in Baan Transportation - Packing transactions. I used only Packin
g Control module without Transport Control and another. After Maintain Packing T
ransactions (Manual Input) I can't Update balances and Display Inventories . I h
ave no data.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Mark posted Message 2822 in Message Board
Dated : October 13, 1999 at 09:40:51 EST
Subject: BaanERP calculated shipping dates in sales orders
Hi all,
We have the following problem. May be you can help us out.
In the session tdsls4100s000 Sales orders are two shipping dates: calculated pla
nned shipped date and planned received date.
When you look in the help text there is only an explanation of the purchase side
of the story and no explanation of the sales side.
It seems that this field is just a blind copy of the purchase order screen with
no specific use of calculation in sales (may be transportation time is calculate
I ve checked parameters, general item data, etc.
The Urgent Question Now Is:
Who can explain the used calculation rules and use of these fields for sales ord
***************** End Of Article ******************
jason posted Message 2823 in Message Board
Dated : October 13, 1999 at 12:33:52 EST
Subject: Switching Nettable to Non-Nettable
We currently have two of our warehouses set-up as nettable but would like to cha
nge them to non-nettable. However, once there is any economic stock in a warehou
se we are no longer able to change the nettable flag through the application. Ha
ve others had this same situation?
Can anyone think of an negative implication of changing this flag through Genera

l Table Maintenance (of course Baan does not recommend this) and then re-running
the planning engines? We are not using DRP and that seems to me to be the only
sensitive area when it comes allowing you to select only a certain type of wareh
Any help would be appreciated.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Gianluca posted Message 2824 in Message Board
Dated : October 14, 1999 at 04:07:39 EST
Subject: PRQ GL budget control
I am tryng to use GL budget control for purchase requisition with Baan IV c4.
Do someone have suggestions ?
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serela posted Message 2825 in Message Board
Dated : October 14, 1999 at 05:38:54 EST
Subject: Pcs projects and allocation
We are using PCS and we want to see the shortages of projects after allocate all
standart items for projects ? How can it possible ? Hard allocations can be use
d probably but how ?
Any idea ? Thanks !

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Johan posted Message 2826 in Message Board
Dated : October 14, 1999 at 07:21:31 EST
Subject: Re: Switching Nettable to Non-Nettable
: We currently have two of our warehouses set-up as nettable but would like to c
hange them to non-nettable. However, once there is any economic stock in a wareh
ouse we are no longer able to change the nettable flag through the application.
Have others had this same situation?
: Can anyone think of an negative implication of changing this flag through Gene
ral Table Maintenance (of course Baan does not recommend this) and then re-runni
ng the planning engines? We are not using DRP and that seems to me to be the onl
y sensitive area when it comes allowing you to select only a certain type of war
: Any help would be appreciated.
We had a similar problem and I did exactly what you suggest - I changed the fiel
d in ttaad410 - without any problems - go for it!

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Ulrich Fuchs posted Message 2827 in Message Board
Dated : October 14, 1999 at 07:43:04 EST
Subject: Re: How to change forwarding agent?
: Has anyone out there customized this functionality?
Yes. Me.
Had the same trouble once at a customers site.
- any historical information on what line I shipped with what forwarding agent,
- to reprint invoices etc. too (that's important, otherwise, in your above examp
e, when you deliver line 1 with agent 001, change the order header, deliver line
2 with sales agent 002, reprint invoice for line 1, then you have agent 002 on
- the forwarding agent for Intrastat statistics.
That's for the prerequsites.
You have to customize the session Maintain sales order (tdsls4101m000). Unfortun
atly the check, if the order is already delivered is done on a per record basis,
not on a per field basis. So you have to change it this way:
Remove the check if the order is already partially delivered from the record (se
ction choice.modify.set).
Put the check in every field you want NOT to be updated in case of partial deliv
ery already done.
You need the source code and a development license to do this.
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Martin posted Message 2828 in Message Board
Dated : October 14, 1999 at 14:37:55 EST
Subject: EDI - Item Conversion (Urgent)
Hi ,
Can Anyone help me to convert our item to CustomerItem in
810( out) message in BaanSeries(Baan5b2).
I have Itemcode system, and Linked the Customer,Customeritem with our Item in
the session tcibd0504m000.
In the Code table , I have ItemcodeId(BP) linked to the
Itemcode system in the session(ecedi2132m000)
In the conversion setup for the field
cisli245.item , the conversion table is Itemcode ID.
But in the Ascii file I could not see the customer Item. Only
My item is there at that position.
Am I missing something ?
Your help will be appreciated

Thanks in advance.

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Tina posted Message 2829 in Message Board
Dated : October 14, 1999 at 15:01:20 EST
Subject: Re: How to handle finished goods within a display
Try your sales order parameters, specifically "manufactured item or components o
n packing slip". This may help.
: We have products that are finished good products that are displayed in a displ
ay case for the holidays. We have a bill of material set up that denotes how man
y of each kind of finished goods are in the display. A job is created to assembl
e the displays. However, when a sales order is entered it only shows the display
and does not include the finished good products that are contained in the displ
ay. Consequently, the invoice also only shows the display. Our old system used t
o show the display and a detail of each item included in it. Not seeing the deta
il products, makes our sales history inaccurate for the products contained in th
e displays. Does anyone know how to handle this type of situation differently?
Thanks in advance.

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Max posted Message 2830 in Message Board
Dated : October 14, 1999 at 22:10:01 EST
Subject: Safety stock at Sales Office (cluster)
Hi all,
I am using BaanERP, I have a manufacturing product produced at a nettable wareho
use (manufacturing warehouse) and this supplies the stock to sales offices (nonnettable warehouse and clusters).
I run Order based planning (means MRP in BaanIV) for this item. I also run DRP
to supply the stocks to sales office.
However, I noted that for DRP, the supply (planned distribution order) is driven
by demand forecast or actual sales order. And you can't specify safety stock l
evel in these non-nettable warehouses (because it's not nettable).
All you can do is specifying the min and max amount per distribution orders.
If we need to keep safety stock at sales office. What can we do to get around t
his in planning (hopefully in DRP)? I know DRP should be driven by demand but h
ow to make it suitable to real situations?
Thanks in advance.

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KianHaur posted Message 2831 in Message Board
Dated : October 14, 1999 at 23:28:38 EST
Subject: Set a new Item Group
I have set a new Item Group at the Tables - Maintain Item Group.
May i know which session should i go insert the General Ledger
code for this New Item Group ?
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Paul van Eijk posted Message 2832 in Message Board
Dated : October 15, 1999 at 03:59:44 EST
Subject: Re: Sales Order Minimum value
I suppose this is due to handling costs? Look into the functionality of addition
al costs.
Other option: add negative discount on the sales order header, but then you have
to make sure this discount is not printed on you order acknowledgement and invo
ice (check parameters tdsls4100m000)
Good luck!
: I want to set up a minimum order value of say 25. If a customer orders parts be
low that value, then the order is automatically increased to 25
: How can I do this?

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Murali posted Message 2833 in Message Board
Dated : October 15, 1999 at 08:12:28 EST
Subject: Returnable items
Hi ,
I would like to know how you can handle returnable items in BaaN distribution .R
eturnable items are items which have been
sent out of the Factory for some repair work and are expected
back in the stipulated time.I also need to have details of the
transaction of the above items.
Kindly help me

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Jefferson posted Message 2834 in Message Board
Dated : October 15, 1999 at 12:24:53 EST
Subject: Returning custimized items:
I'm trying to return a customized item using a return sales order.
I'm trying two different scenarios: 1) with the project still open and 2) with
the project closed (copy original project to a new project and activate it. The
financial entries for A/R and Revenue are fine. But Baan attempts to return th
e entire value of the project (estimated cost price) into project inventory and
Cost of goods sold. Eventhough I'm only returning a portion of what was shipped
. This seems to be a bug -- does anyone have any experience with returning cust
omized items ?
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Domingo posted Message 2835 in Message Board
Dated : October 15, 1999 at 14:04:47 EST
Subject: 7 digit convertion factor dont work!!!
Hello everyone, I try to use a 7 digits convertion factor to control the locatio
n capacity and when I run the sesion "generate inbound advice tdilc4203m000", th
e system dont advice the right location (the location has available capacity to r
eceipt the items). If I change the convertion factor to a smaller one (5 digits)
, the system advice the right location.
The questions is...Why the system do that?
NOTE: I am using ILC with limited capacity locations and the convertion factor u
nit is "cm3": physical quantity=volumen
We are using Baan IV c2.
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Eric Kuijper posted Message 2836 in Message Board
Dated : October 15, 1999 at 14:50:47 EST
Subject: Re: Set a new Item Group
With the session tdinv8150m000 'Maintain Inventory and WIP Transactions' you can
specify on which General Ledger Account the different combinations (Purchase Or
der + Receipt, Warehouse Order + Inventory Transfer etc.) concerning this New It
em Group should be booked. If that's not what you mean then please explain what
you do want to kwow.
Regards, Eric.
Korade BV, The Netherlands
: I have set a new Item Group at the Tables - Maintain Item Group.
: May i know which session should i go insert the General Ledger
: code for this New Item Group ?
: thanks

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Terry McCollum posted Message 2837 in Message Board
Dated : October 15, 1999 at 18:05:39 EST
Subject: Printing Invoices
Has anyone had any problems printing invoices? We are having to execute "Print I
nvoices" (tdsls4404m000) twice to get output from the session. Baan's solution i
s to reboot the server. Although it appears to help once in a while, it has extr
emely painfull to schedule the downtime. We would like to fix the problem rather
than constantly rebooting the server.
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Bunny posted Message 2838 in Message Board
Dated : October 15, 1999 at 19:13:52 EST
Subject: Location question
Hi all:
I know that in the inbound process, we can define a location priority for that;
but what about the outbound, I mean, if a define a locations from 1 to 20 and 2
0 is the farest, and I need that the 20 be the first to supply the elements, how
can I handle this??
Thanks for your help!!!!!

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patcomer posted Message 2839 in Message Board
Dated : October 16, 1999 at 09:44:44 EST
Subject: Re: Charge restocking fee?
We have been discounting the 'cost item' by 200 %. It then shows as a chargeabl
e item on the credit.

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Mark posted Message 2840 in Message Board
Dated : October 18, 1999 at 08:42:44 EST
Subject: Re: Sales Order Line..Plan Del.Date ?????ERP 5.0b
Go to the com paramater and check the distance table is not set on None. Should
be working then.
Good Luck
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Bunny posted Message 2841 in Message Board

Dated : October 18, 1999 at 15:23:29 EST
Subject: BaaN IV and Microsoft outlook integration?
Hi all:
I need to do the following:
I need to integrate baan and outlook, the people here want to set
some flags, for example, if they are running out of item one, they want a messag
e, or mail, to be send to the logistics manager
advicing him about that. Is this possible? any turnaround? any idea?
Your help will be appreciated.
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Don posted Message 2842 in Message Board
Dated : October 18, 1999 at 16:09:30 EST
Subject: Effectivity period of sales quotations
In Sales quotation parameters tdsls0100s100, you can set an effectivity period
which is "the validity of a quotation in days is calculated from the quotation
date, and determines the default expiry date of a quotation."
When a quote passes this period, how does the system warn you (if at all) and
what exactly happens to the quotation? Are you warned by a signal at all?

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Richard Loh posted Message 2843 in Message Board
Dated : October 18, 1999 at 21:24:54 EST
Subject: back order not printing on packing slip
We would like to have undelivered order lines printed on the packing slip so tha
t customer could see that their order is taken and is considered for back order.
We do not have a problem with partial deliveries. Does anyone know how to corre
ct this?
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Johan posted Message 2844 in Message Board
Dated : October 19, 1999 at 05:22:47 EST
Subject: Re: But is it of any use when i can otherwise also do the same
: Shajee,
: You cannot fe reprint a picking list if you have not defined re-execute steps.
Same goes for the packing slip

: Paul
: : yeah paul
: : This seems to be a logical example and all maintain sessions which are input
into the system like deliveries and receipts can be usefully reexecuted .
: : I was feelinf the uselessness of the print session.
: : Shajee
: : : For example tdsls4120m000 is step 3. If you do not enter re-execution step
s, after you maintain the delivery and you leave the session, you cannot change
your delivery (for example when someone drops a crate and half of the goods are
: : : Now, if you enter re-execution step 3 and 4 (let's assume this is the Pack
ing Slip). You can still maintain your delivery, but as soon as the Packing Slip
is printed you cannot see and/or change your delivery.
: : : Now let's also put step 6 (which is in my case the invoice) as a re-execut
ion step of tdsls4120m000. In this case you can even change the delivery AFTER t
he Packing Slip has been printed!
: : : Try to find out for yourself what happens when applying this logic to othe
r sessions!
: : : Good luck
: : : Paul

: : : Tommy
: : : tdpur4404m000 or most of the print sessions anyway give you the option o
reprinting the already printed report.

: : : : So what is rhe practical use of the reexecute

: : : : shajee
: : :
: : : : : Shajee
: : : : :
The re-execute means that you could add
: : : : :
5) Print purchase Invoice. If you needed to reprint the Purchase I
nvoice you should be able to ask for a duplicate. The
: : : : : re-execute means you are going to execute that step twice.
: : : : :
: : : : :
: : : : :
: : : : :
: : : : :
: : : : :
: : : : :
: : : : :
: : : : :
: : : : :

: Tommy
: What does this mean suppose i have a purchase order with
: 1)Print P.O
: 2)maintain receipts
: 3)Print purchase Invoice
: 4)P.D.P.O
: as the order steps
: and i have already executed maintain receipts then the session tdpu
says the said order no is ready for print purchase invoice.
: Now will i be able to do maintain receipts again if reexecute is use
: please try to give an example if this one is not appropriate

: : : : : : Shajee

: : : : :
: : : : : : : What the re-execute means is that you can re-execute the current s
tep again after the step listed in the re-execute field on this session.
: : : : : : : : : How can the field reexecute in maintain order steps (tcmcs0139
m000) be used please give an example
: : : : : : : : Shajee
The re-execute field provides important security functionality - we had a case a
t a client where deliveries were changed back to zero after the delivery documen
tation was printed and the stock moved off the premises! This was stopped by se
tting proper re-execute values.

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Tommy Bacon,CPIM posted Message 2845 in Message Board
Dated : October 19, 1999 at 08:45:38 EST
Subject: Re: Cycle Counting Work In Process
There is no Cycle Count for WIP, I'm on a project where we will be creating
Outbound Records to adjust WIP balances for Production Orders Based upon where t
he BOM Operation says the Material Should be issued and the Last completed Opera
tion of the Order. We then can adjust the Issue Quantity based upon the BOM Qua
ntity and Order Quantity either Minus or Positive amount.
: Can anyone tell me where I can get information on cycle counting WIP for an An
nual Cycle Count situation? We want to do our 1st inventory wide cycle count fo
r our company, but are not sure how to handle WIP. Please Help!
: Thanks
: Linda

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B posted Message 2846 in Message Board
Dated : October 19, 1999 at 17:07:34 EST
Subject: Sales Text Query
Customer needs to be able to reference certain text linked to sales order line,
without knowing the sales order number.
Example: Sales rep enters an order, and links text "xyz" to the third line item
on the order. 3 months later, he needs to be able to do a query on text "xyz"
and find the sales order it was linked to.
Is there any way (i.e. sales history or TOOLS etc) to accomplish this. This is C
so any advice would help ASAP.

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Heikki Jokinen posted Message 2847 in Message Board
Dated : October 20, 1999 at 02:59:22 EST
Subject: Combined Invoice
We have recently implemented Baan IVc. We have a lot of problems with printing i
nvoices. In Baan IV you cannot make a combined invoice, which includes deliverie
s from several orders. Baan simply prints an invoice of all deliveries, which ha
ve not yet been invoiced, all orders on separate invoices. Therefore we have to
print a lot more invoices then we printed in our old system. What we would like
to have, is an invoicing session, which lets you select the deliveries to be inc
luded on a single invoice.
Have others similar problems or needs? Is invoicing more flexible in versions af
ter IVc? Do we have to order a customization or are there any "add-ins" availabl
***************** End Of Article ******************
Lisa posted Message 2848 in Message Board
Dated : October 20, 1999 at 09:35:47 EST
Subject: Re: Combined Invoice
: We have recently implemented Baan IVc. We have a lot of problems with printing
invoices. In Baan IV you cannot make a combined invoice, which includes deliver
ies from several orders. Baan simply prints an invoice of all deliveries, which
have not yet been invoiced, all orders on separate invoices. Therefore we have t
o print a lot more invoices then we printed in our old system. What we would lik
e to have, is an invoicing session, which lets you select the deliveries to be i
ncluded on a single invoice.
: Have others similar problems or needs? Is invoicing more flexible in versions
after IVc? Do we have to order a customization or are there any "add-ins" availa
don't know if you have looked at this or not. On the customer master you can de
fine how you want to invoice - - ie combine multiple invoices on one invoice, in
voice once every month etc.
This allows you to invoice customers who may have different requirments.
***************** End Of Article ******************
steve posted Message 2849 in Message Board
Dated : October 20, 1999 at 09:58:16 EST
Subject: Re: BaaN IV and Microsoft outlook integration?
: Hi all:
: I need to do the following:
: I need to integrate baan and outlook, the people here want to set
: some flags, for example, if they are running out of item one, they want a mess

age, or mail, to be send to the logistics manager

: advicing him about that. Is this possible? any turnaround? any idea?
: Your help will be appreciated.
: Thanks
: bunny
I cant understand why you would wish to do this because if you are running and e
ffective prp/mrp/mps system and have the item data set correctly then you will g
et suggested orders to replenish any potential shortfall. in addition an except
ion will be generated to detail any potential problem.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Steve Applegate posted Message 2850 in Message Board
Dated : October 20, 1999 at 14:15:17 EST
Subject: Re: Sales Text Query
Try the session tttxt1430m000 (Find and Print Patterns in Texts). This will let
you search all texts for a string. You cam limit the search by text group etc.
: Customer needs to be able to reference certain text linked to sales order line
: without knowing the sales order number.
: Example: Sales rep enters an order, and links text "xyz" to the third line ite
: on the order. 3 months later, he needs to be able to do a query on text "xyz"
: and find the sales order it was linked to.
: Is there any way (i.e. sales history or TOOLS etc) to accomplish this. This is
: so any advice would help ASAP.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Merv Carr posted Message 2851 in Message Board
Dated : October 20, 1999 at 18:23:25 EST
Subject: Re: Sales Text Query
If I remember correctly, one of the search keys on the text file does reference
the sales order number. I think it is keyword 2 or 3. So if you find the text fi
le you want then by referencing the text number you should be able to find the o
rder number
Good luck
: Try the session tttxt1430m000 (Find and Print Patterns in Texts). This will l
et you search all texts for a string. You cam limit the search by text group etc
: : Customer needs to be able to reference certain text linked to sales order li
: : without knowing the sales order number.

: : Example: Sales rep enters an order, and links text "xyz" to the third line i
: : on the order. 3 months later, he needs to be able to do a query on text "xyz
: : and find the sales order it was linked to.
: : Is there any way (i.e. sales history or TOOLS etc) to accomplish this. This
: : so any advice would help ASAP.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Muhammad Usman posted Message 2852 in Message Board
Dated : October 21, 1999 at 02:45:08 EST
Subject: Sales Statistics with containerized item
We are using containerized items. How can we get item with containers in sales s
tatistics. Any suggesstions?
Muhammad Usman
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Paul van Eijk posted Message 2853 in Message Board
Dated : October 21, 1999 at 03:05:00 EST
Subject: Re: Effectivity period of sales quotations
You will have to track the quotatoions by expiry date yourself using tdsls1407m0
: In Sales quotation parameters tdsls0100s100, you can set an effectivity period
: which is "the validity of a quotation in days is calculated from the quotation
: date, and determines the default expiry date of a quotation."
: When a quote passes this period, how does the system warn you (if at all) and
: what exactly happens to the quotation? Are you warned by a signal at all?

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Heikki posted Message 2854 in Message Board
Dated : October 21, 1999 at 09:54:05 EST
Subject: Re: Combined Invoice, Summary Invoice with multiple orders
Baan IVc does not let you make a summary invoice. Summary Packing Slips can be p

rinted, though.
Anybody know of customizations for that purpose?
Any information will be apreciated.

***************** End Of Article ******************

L. McCorison posted Message 2855 in Message Board
Dated : October 21, 1999 at 10:09:52 EST
Subject: Re: back order not printing on packing slip
: We would like to have undelivered order lines printed on the packing slip so t
hat customer could see that their order is taken and is considered for back orde
r. We do not have a problem with partial deliveries. Does anyone know how to cor
rect this?
: Thanks
Since BAAN does not concider any line that has a delivered quantity of zero (0)
a backorder, the packing list will not pick it up. We had the same issue and ha
d to customize a new print packing list session to include any line that had no
delivery date associated with it. Wish I could tell you more, but since we do n
ot own the code and paid for this customization, I am afraid that is all I can t
ell you.
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Ashish Anand posted Message 2856 in Message Board
Dated : October 21, 1999 at 10:40:16 EST
Subject: BaanERP- Calendar/Planning Horizon
In BaanERP while defining plan data cprpd1500m000, the period mentioned as order
and planning horizon are not being considered
accurately in item master plan, in actual scenario.
The company is linked to central calendar where there seems to be some bug while
setting up calendar based on standard template
link of avl type and time interval.
Also in horizon period does 'capacity interval and percent'flag in time interva
l types definition,Session is tcccp0503m000, has
any impact.
Thanks in advance
Ashish Anand
***************** End Of Article ******************
Ashish posted Message 2857 in Message Board

Dated : October 21, 1999 at 10:43:22 EST

Subject: BaanERP-Purchase Schedule
While Simulating purchase schedule, after linking it to contract, I am able to m
anually create a schedule line and give date range putting it to released segmen
t. However on running
regenerate schedule, it does not lead to order generation on same day. Next day,
it does but leads to cancelling of one order line and status as frozen. Are the
se results confusing or they am I missing a link?
Thanks in advance
***************** End Of Article ******************
Steve Applegate posted Message 2858 in Message Board
Dated : October 21, 1999 at 17:02:22 EST
Subject: Re: BaaN IV and Microsoft outlook integration?
A couple of thoughts:
1). We are using Baan IV in a UNIX environment. We have written some UNIX script
s that call some database tools (dbaccess for Informix, in our case) and can che
ck on most anything in the Baan tables. Based upon some result this script can s
end e-mail messages to our Windows NT users (who are in an MS-Exchange/MS-Outloo
k environment). We use the UNIX job scheduler to run the script as often as we w
ant to check some value in Baan.
2). I've used Baan's OLE interface with MS-Excel and was able to query baan tabl
es and send the results to an MS-Excel worksheet. I would imagine that MS-Outloo
k also supports VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) and that something could be
do to integrate MS-Outlook and Baan in a way that provide what you need. I am no
t too familiar with Winat (the Windows job scheduler), so I don't know how you'd
periodically check the value you need to check in baan. It would be ugly - but
you could leave some VBA-enabled application running all of the time (which woul
d [under VBA control] periodically check Baan.
If you have a high payback situation, it may be worth looking at having someone
write something for you that would fulfill your needs.
: Hi all:
: I need to do the following:
: I need to integrate baan and outlook, the people here want to set
: some flags, for example, if they are running out of item one, they want a mess
age, or mail, to be send to the logistics manager
: advicing him about that. Is this possible? any turnaround? any idea?
: Your help will be appreciated.
: Thanks
: bunny

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David posted Message 2859 in Message Board
Dated : October 21, 1999 at 19:27:39 EST

Subject: Generation of purchase invoice in a fuel admission

Is it possible to automatically generate a purchase invoice by registering a fue
l admission using the session trtfc2100m000?
Thanks in advance.
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Suresh Manohar posted Message 2860 in Message Board
Dated : October 22, 1999 at 09:54:32 EST
Subject: Re: Effectivity period of sales quotations
In addition to what Paul has said, if you are in the latest service pack,the fol
lowing warning appears:
The sales quotation has expired. You convert the quotation to sales order. In th
e report, a warning is given that the quotation has expired on this date ( thoug
h baan allows the flexibility of converting it into an order).
***************** End Of Article ******************
Suresh Manohar posted Message 2861 in Message Board
Dated : October 22, 1999 at 10:05:19 EST
Subject: Re: back order not printing on packing slip
Packing slip will not have a item with delivered quantity as zero. Have a look a
t the techincal definition of Packing slip:
Packing Slip:
An order document that shows in detail the contents of a particular package or c
ontainer for shipment to a customer. The details include a decription of the ite
ms, the shipper's or customers's part number,the quantity shipped and the stockk
eeping unit of items shipped.
Hence from the above describtion, the back order quantity does not comes into pi
cture at all and hence those should be printed.
Hence the option is to customize ( ..but that will not be a document called "Pac
king Slip" )
Instead what I recommend is to use the session " Print Sales Orders by Customer
" which prints the remaining quantity the customer has to receive (i.e the back
order quantity incase if it is).

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Teresa posted Message 2862 in Message Board
Dated : October 22, 1999 at 13:15:39 EST
Subject: Desincorporation of a transport mean
What is the way to register in Baan the sell or disincorporation of a transporte
mean, so it will not be able to news fuel intakes.

Cuando un vehculo es vendido o es desincorporado de una flota como se puede regis

trar esto en Baan, de tal forma que al vehculo no se le puedan hacer admisiones d
e combustible posteriores a la fecha de venta
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Teresa posted Message 2863 in Message Board
Dated : October 22, 1999 at 13:25:17 EST
Subject: Exist some link between transport and services?
There is some link on Baan standard between transport and services?, if I want t
o control the maintain activities trough services module I need to create the tr
ansport mean in transport and in services (instalations) too. Another question,
I will go to create warnings in transport, Is possible to it generate an service
s order automatically
------------Existe algn enlace en el estandar de Baan que permita conectar el mdulo de transpo
rte con servicios?, ya que si se quiere llevar mantenimiento por el mdulo de serv
icios se necesitan definir los vehculos como instalaciones (en la sesin tssma1102m
000) e igualmente en transporte existe la tabla respectiva donde se registran (s
esin trtfm1110m000), vemos entonces duplicacin de informacin. Igualmente, si defini
mos avisos en transporte, estos podran activar automticamente de alguna manera una
orden de servicio?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Ashish posted Message 2864 in Message Board
Dated : October 22, 1999 at 23:43:04 EST
Subject: Re: Exist some link between transport and services?
No link between Service and Transportation, in terms of what
you said, means of transport linkage with installation, has
to be done manually, also service order and warnings not linked.
: There is some link on Baan standard between transport and services?, if I want
to control the maintain activities trough services module I need to create the
transport mean in transport and in services (instalations) too. Another question
, I will go to create warnings in transport, Is possible to it generate an servi
ces order automatically
: Thanks
: ------------: Existe algn enlace en el estandar de Baan que permita conectar el mdulo de trans
porte con servicios?, ya que si se quiere llevar mantenimiento por el mdulo de se
rvicios se necesitan definir los vehculos como instalaciones (en la sesin tssma110
2m000) e igualmente en transporte existe la tabla respectiva donde se registran
(sesin trtfm1110m000), vemos entonces duplicacin de informacin. Igualmente, si defi
nimos avisos en transporte, estos podran activar automticamente de alguna manera u
na orden de servicio?
: Gracias

***************** End Of Article ******************

Thomas posted Message 2865 in Message Board
Dated : October 23, 1999 at 11:07:27 EST
Subject: fax &amp; eMail solutions for SupplyChain
There's a new solutions available for companies who want to send their demands (
SupplyChain) via fax or eMail to their suppliers!
visit me at:
***************** End Of Article ******************
Thomas posted Message 2866 in Message Board
Dated : October 25, 1999 at 05:11:55 EST
Subject: Devices per supplier
Does anyone know a solution to define different output devices per supplier (pri
nter, fax, EDI etc.) ?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Bunny posted Message 2867 in Message Board
Dated : October 25, 1999 at 09:43:29 EST
Subject: Re: BaaN IV and Microsoft outlook integration?
: : Hi all:
: : I need to do the following:
: : I need to integrate baan and outlook, the people here want to set
: : some flags, for example, if they are running out of item one, they want a me
ssage, or mail, to be send to the logistics manager
: : advicing him about that. Is this possible? any turnaround? any idea?
: : Your help will be appreciated.
: : Thanks
: : bunny
: I cant understand why you would wish to do this because if you are running and
effective prp/mrp/mps system and have the item data set correctly then you will
get suggested orders to replenish any potential shortfall. in addition an exce
ption will be generated to detail any potential problem.
I was only asking something that the user asks me, I imagine that the thing is t
hat they want the info going to their desktops, without going to look for them i
n the BaaN systems.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Stephen Clarke posted Message 2868 in Message Board
Dated : October 25, 1999 at 09:54:47 EST
Subject: Not enough Sales order numbers
Is there anyone out there who has to deal with over 1000 sales orders a day?
We are presently set up with multiple logistic companies. And I am told
that for financial mapping reasons we have to differentiate between these compan
ies by using the first two digits of the sales orders, unfortunately this then r
estricts us to 10,000 sales orders before archiving. We have a site which could
get up to 2,000 orders a day and this would eat this up in no time.
Does anyone have any suggestions?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Teresa posted Message 2869 in Message Board
Dated : October 25, 1999 at 11:24:42 EST
Subject: To Ashish
Ashish, thinking about your answer, may I understand to in other terms or by oth
er situation there is some link?
Could you tell me about it?
: No link between Service and Transportation, in terms of what
: you said, means of transport linkage with installation, has
: to be done manually, also service order and warnings not linked.
: Ashish
: : There is some link on Baan standard between transport and services?, if I wa
nt to control the maintain activities trough services module I need to create th
e transport mean in transport and in services (instalations) too. Another questi
on, I will go to create warnings in transport, Is possible to it generate an ser
vices order automatically
: : Thanks
: : ------------: : Existe algn enlace en el estandar de Baan que permita conectar el mdulo de tra
nsporte con servicios?, ya que si se quiere llevar mantenimiento por el mdulo de
servicios se necesitan definir los vehculos como instalaciones (en la sesin tssma1
102m000) e igualmente en transporte existe la tabla respectiva donde se registra
n (sesin trtfm1110m000), vemos entonces duplicacin de informacin. Igualmente, si de
finimos avisos en transporte, estos podran activar automticamente de alguna manera
una orden de servicio?
: : Gracias

***************** End Of Article ******************

Teresa posted Message 2870 in Message Board

Dated : October 25, 1999 at 11:31:17 EST
Subject: To Ashish part 2
Hi Asish,
I prefer to writte directly to you, because I supose that you know the transport
ation module good.
The cuestion is if you know how can I desincorporate a transport mean in Baan, f
or sale, for example, or for change in all the fleet. How can I do to in the zoo
ms dont see any more those means that was desincorated. Excuse me if my language
is bad, but I'm latin and my native language is spanish.
Please tell abouth the question,
***************** End Of Article ******************
Hans de Kok posted Message 2871 in Message Board
Dated : October 25, 1999 at 13:10:15 EST
Subject: Order Changes
In Baan IVc there are some sessions for Order changes. Related to EDI but I thin
k they can also be used for other purposes. Does anyone know how to use this fun
ctionality. I can't find it in documentation.
Or,. does anyone know another method of creating sales order changes or cancella
tions. The standard orderconfirmation will be printed again if you change the sa
les order, but without a notification of change.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Hans de Kok posted Message 2872 in Message Board
Dated : October 25, 1999 at 13:10:38 EST
Subject: Order Changes
In Baan IVc there are some sessions for Order changes. Related to EDI but I thin
k they can also be used for other purposes. Does anyone know how to use this fun
ctionality. I can't find it in documentation.
Or,. does anyone know another method of creating sales order changes or cancella
tions. The standard orderconfirmation will be printed again if you change the sa
les order, but without a notification of change.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Geert Muylle posted Message 2873 in Message Board
Dated : October 26, 1999 at 06:53:25 EST
Subject: Printing invoices from different companies
We have about 8 companies.
How can we print different layouts of an invoice from each company.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Ashish posted Message 2874 in Message Board
Dated : October 26, 1999 at 09:23:09 EST
Subject: Your Query-Transportation
Hi Teresa,
I am not very clear about "desincorporating a transport mean for sale" , as you
mention, however what I have understood is that
probably you wish to know if I can express unavailability of
Means of transport for sales purpose.
I can suggest an option of maintaining calendar for the vehicle
and under non-availability code, insert a record in the calendar
blocking it for the desired time period.
Hope this helps,

: Hi Asish,
: I prefer to writte directly to you, because I supose that you know the transpo
rtation module good.
: The cuestion is if you know how can I desincorporate a transport mean in Baan,
for sale, for example, or for change in all the fleet. How can I do to in the z
ooms dont see any more those means that was desincorated. Excuse me if my languag
e is bad, but I'm latin and my native language is spanish.
: Please tell abouth the question,
: Thanks
: Teresa

***************** End Of Article ******************

Ashish posted Message 2875 in Message Board
Dated : October 26, 1999 at 09:28:52 EST
Subject: Re: To Ashish
All the means of Transport, on which service needs to be carried out would have
to be defined as installations in service. This
cannot be automated in standard Baan. Also the service bom for
the vehicle would only be one level deep.
Warning, service order linkage would be substantial customisation effort.
Hope this helps.

: Ashish, thinking about your answer, may I understand to in other terms or by o

ther situation there is some link?

: Could you tell me about it?

: Thanks,
: Teresa
: : No link between Service and Transportation, in terms of what
: : you said, means of transport linkage with installation, has
: : to be done manually, also service order and warnings not linked.
: : Ashish
: :
: : : There is some link on Baan standard between transport and services?, if I
want to control the maintain activities trough services module I need to create
the transport mean in transport and in services (instalations) too. Another ques
tion, I will go to create warnings in transport, Is possible to it generate an s
ervices order automatically
: : : Thanks
: : : ------------: : : Existe algn enlace en el estandar de Baan que permita conectar el mdulo de t
ransporte con servicios?, ya que si se quiere llevar mantenimiento por el mdulo d
e servicios se necesitan definir los vehculos como instalaciones (en la sesin tssm
a1102m000) e igualmente en transporte existe la tabla respectiva donde se regist
ran (sesin trtfm1110m000), vemos entonces duplicacin de informacin. Igualmente, si
definimos avisos en transporte, estos podran activar automticamente de alguna mane
ra una orden de servicio?
: : : Gracias

***************** End Of Article ******************

Ashish Anand posted Message 2876 in Message Board
Dated : October 26, 1999 at 09:36:39 EST
Subject: BaanERP Workflow
While configuring workflow, after making client and manager's worksheet and defi
ning properties and attaching appropiate roles
to activity in project model, I am getting a problem:While intiating the first instance by going to client workshet
and choosing 'initiate' in edit menu, I expect to see list of
activity defined in the dem flow, but i do not see it.
How do I make the workflow trigger first object, does it have any
linkage with atrributes or attributes are just for information,
which is what it is in my opinion.
Schedule parameters have been set to 'pull type'.
Anyone who could lend assistance here?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Iris Porat posted Message 2877 in Message Board

Dated : October 26, 1999 at 12:51:37 EST

Subject: Drop table tfgld410 and afterwards create it empty
We implemented Baan 4b2 without the finance module.
Nevertheless table tfgld410 is being updated all the time.
Now the table is too large and we are planning to drop it and create it with no
Is there any danger in doing this procedure?
Thanks in advance
Iris Porat

***************** End Of Article ******************

Suresh_Kapoor posted Message 2878 in Message Board
Dated : October 26, 1999 at 17:10:43 EST
Subject: Preventing an item to be shipped to a particular customer/country
We have some products which cannot be shipped to certain countries. And for cert
ain hazardous products, the customer needs to have some approval certificates. H
ow do we handle this in BaaN(IVc2) ?
Currently, we are using the item master pop-up text for this. Is there a better
way of doing this ?
Suresh Kapoor
***************** End Of Article ******************
TC LIM posted Message 2879 in Message Board
Dated : October 26, 1999 at 21:42:06 EST
Subject: Defaults.edi incompatible with.
Hi all,
I try to import data via Baan's standard edi module, and i always encounter the
defaults.edi incompatible with.
The Baan version that we are using is Baan 40b4, and we do try to use the defaul
ts.edi for this version of Baan, but not successful.
If anybody have the correct version of defaults.edi, pls foward to this email ad
dress (
Thank you.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Patti posted Message 2880 in Message Board
Dated : October 27, 1999 at 00:36:01 EST

Subject: SLS Quotes @ Status &quot;processed&quot; Can U Delete?

Status of "processed", with a quotation copied to a sales order.
vis "print & delete quotations" we cannot delete any quotations with status of p
rocessed. Error message relates to "status"/
Is is possible? Is this a bug?
***************** End Of Article ******************
vamsi posted Message 2881 in Message Board
Dated : October 27, 1999 at 12:48:12 EST
Can any of you tell me how to arrive at the exact calculation of
of sales price including paise.It is getting rounded off when
I am trying to raise a sales order to the nearest 5 or 10
thanks in advance
***************** End Of Article ******************
Merv Carr posted Message 2882 in Message Board
Dated : October 27, 1999 at 21:14:55 EST
Subject: Re: SLS Quotes @ Status &quot;processed&quot; Can U Delete?
There is a bug in this and also a fix available. There is a patch available on t
he Baan support website.
: Situation"
: Status of "processed", with a quotation copied to a sales order.
: vis "print & delete quotations" we cannot delete any quotations with status of
processed. Error message relates to "status"/
: Is is possible? Is this a bug?
: Thanks

***************** End Of Article ******************

Nokie posted Message 2883 in Message Board
Dated : October 27, 1999 at 21:45:19 EST
Subject: Alternative Item Code System
Hi all!
Has anybody use alternative item code system before? I tried to create one
sales order using the item code system, but later I found out that the sales in
voice printed the
internal item code instead of the alternative item code system. This shouldn't

be the correct
way right? Or is there any specific setting that I need to do besides the Maint
ain Item Code by Item
System. Any help is much appreciated.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Nokie posted Message 2884 in Message Board
Dated : October 27, 1999 at 21:48:20 EST
Subject: Containerized Item
Hi all!
Anybody has any idea on how to use a containerized item. I've defined all
the conatiners, and
the conversion factors. I need to capture an idividual cost for item with diffe
rent packing. Are there any setting that I need to do in Baan Process?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Ashish posted Message 2885 in Message Board
Dated : October 28, 1999 at 01:19:14 EST
Subject: Workflow Enabled Sessions-BaanERP
Would like to get in touch with someone who has configured
While doing it, I am having certain queries, one of them being,
if I include session whinh3520m000 receipts, during syntax check
at run time, i get error, session not workflow enabled. What is the
Also while including PO creation session, for lines subsession
access, do I have to attach utility permission to PO creation
Ashish Anand
***************** End Of Article ******************
Murali posted Message 2886 in Message Board
Dated : October 28, 1999 at 07:32:54 EST
Subject: Re: Location question

You have to first define the Outbound priority for the item in
the Item Master(FIFO,LIFO,By Loc)
Based on above you can generate Outbound advice which the system
will take care of.But if you want to specifically pick from
one particular location then you may have to use the session
Maintain Outbound advice.
This could solve your problem

: Hi all:
: I know that in the inbound process, we can define a location priority for that
; but what about the outbound, I mean, if a define a locations from 1 to 20 and
20 is the farest, and I need that the 20 be the first to supply the elements, h
ow can I handle this??
: Thanks for your help!!!!!

***************** End Of Article ******************

Fabio Dal Colletto posted Message 2887 in Message Board
Dated : October 28, 1999 at 08:41:41 EST
Subject: Returnable Packing Itens
Does anyone have a great idea on how to deal with returnable packing itens, such
as bottles or gas cilinders? I thought about using the PAC module of Baan Trans
portation, but it seems to have no integration with Production Orders. That mean
s that I can not distinguish between an empty bottle, or cilinder, and a full on
e. I understood that the packing item is issued only after sales delivery, not a
llowing Baan to consider packing itens as critical ones to production. Is there
any feature that I might be missing?
***************** End Of Article ******************
KianHaur posted Message 2888 in Message Board
Dated : October 28, 1999 at 21:25:42 EST
Subject: Block Customer
Could i block the particular customer code ? may i know how to block particular
customer code been used in Sales Order ?

***************** End Of Article ******************
KianHaur posted Message 2889 in Message Board
Dated : October 28, 1999 at 21:31:07 EST
Subject: Purchase Inquiry
If i have the Purchase Inquiry Number on hand, but this purchase inquiry has bee
n converted (Copied) to Purchase Order, could i check what is that Purchase Orde
r Number ?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Ulrich Fuchs posted Message 2890 in Message Board
Dated : October 29, 1999 at 08:56:25 EST
Subject: Re: Drop table tfgld410 and afterwards create it empty
For some other reasons I tried to trap an error today within calculation of actu
al project costs (tipcs3250m000).
First thing I discovered is that this program is basically using the integration
table as input.
I also have to delete my whole finance data at the end of this year, since then
we are starting with finance. I also intended to delete tfgld410,11,12 and so on
tables. But now I will have to check first on what will happen with the project
Stay by, I will give you further information as soon as I'll have it!


We implemented Baan 4b2 without the finance module.

Nevertheless table tfgld410 is being updated all the time.
Now the table is too large and we are planning to drop it and create it with n
Is there any danger in doing this procedure?

: Thanks in advance
: Iris Porat

***************** End Of Article ******************

Pablo Leon posted Message 2891 in Message Board
Dated : October 29, 1999 at 16:40:37 EST
Subject: Re: Not enough Sales order numbers

: Is there anyone out there who has to deal with over 1000 sales orders a day?
We are presently set up with multiple logistic companies. And I am told
that for financial mapping reasons we have to differentiate between these compan
ies by using the first two digits of the sales orders, unfortunately this then r
estricts us to 10,000 sales orders before archiving. We have a site which could
get up to 2,000 orders a day and this would eat this up in no time.

Does anyone have any suggestions?

***************** End Of Article ******************

Pablo Leon posted Message 2892 in Message Board
Dated : October 29, 1999 at 16:45:49 EST
Subject: Re: Not enough Sales order numbers
Es una prueba
***************** End Of Article ******************
Minh Le posted Message 2893 in Message Board
Dated : October 30, 1999 at 00:52:22 EST
Subject: Re: Multiple deliveries with location control
: Don't release outbound until you are ready to ship the entire quantity - ie. m
aintain/generate outbound for the first 50, but don't finish the shipping proces
s in Baan until you are ready to ship the entire quantity.
: This will result in the first 50 being booked/allocated to the sales order (a
hard allocation rather than a soft allocation) so that they can't be used elsewh
ere (also inventory will not be drawn down). You won't have to deal with backor
ders and your invoice will only show one shipment.
If you don't release outbound for first 50 units, second pick list (with pick li
st number) will show you need to pick 100 to fulfill your order.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Minh Le posted Message 2894 in Message Board
Dated : October 30, 1999 at 01:09:38 EST
Subject: Re: inventory transaction
: We just went live! I am trying to adjust(subtracat) a standard item and getti
ng an message that says, "Inventory already taken for inspection". This is not
an inspected item and the units of measure are INV= ft, STORAGE=rl, PUR=rl, etc.
: help

I think this is a bug in Baan! If you try to TAB through quantity field, you get
that message. Try to click on next field using your mouse and it's OK
Hope this help
***************** End Of Article ******************
Guy shachar posted Message 2895 in Message Board
Dated : October 30, 1999 at 07:35:32 EST
Subject: Cycle counting problem
I have generated some cycle counting orders,
ng, for all the company warehouses, and when
pages) i noticed that not all the items that
e lists !!!
Did anybody experienced this kind of problem
I would appreciate any help.

in order to make total cycle counti

i printed the orders (the counting
are on stock , where included in th

2. After geneating cycle counting order, do I must press the "Initialize" ? Beca
use, I prefer that if something is not counted phisically (not found in the ware
house)- it will get the value zero ("0").

***************** End Of Article ******************

Cindy Blachly posted Message 2896 in Message Board
Dated : October 30, 1999 at 14:39:47 EST
Subject: Customer Serivce
My company implemented BaaN without good business processes built in, therefore
we are having some difficulty in getting timely information to our customers, i.
e. sales order status, delivery dates, production dates, without going to a mult
itude of modules and sometimes not getting the information correct to tell our c
Have any of you had this problem and how did you find a solution?
***************** End Of Article ******************
ishai ginzberg posted Message 2897 in Message Board
Dated : October 31, 1999 at 04:38:32 EST
Subject: cancel invoice after printing draft
***************** End Of Article ******************
Christiano posted Message 2898 in Message Board

Dated : October 31, 1999 at 07:26:11 EST

Subject: Problemas com o Cadastro de fornecedores.
Fiz uma customizao no cadastro de fornecedores, e ele comeou a gravar o cdigo com 5
posies ao invs de 6, como no domais, o problema que ele ficou com o espao em branco
aps o cdigo, e agora no consigo localiz-lo com o auxlio da lupa, somente pela chave d
e busca.
Estou pensando em fazer o alinhamento do domain para a esquerda e depois voltar
para a direita, j que temos muitas tabelas com vinculo pelo cdigo do fornecedor, g
ostaria de saber se est seria a melhor opo, ou se tenho uma maneira mais fcil de ace
rtar este problema ?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Jeremy Cronin posted Message 2899 in Message Board
Dated : October 31, 1999 at 11:01:46 EST
Subject: Re: Cycle counting problem
: Hi,
: 1.
: I have generated some cycle counting orders,
ting, for all the company warehouses, and when
g pages) i noticed that not all the items that
the lists !!!
: Did anybody experienced this kind of problem
: I would appreciate any help.

in order to make total cycle coun

i printed the orders (the countin
are on stock , where included in

: 2. After geneating cycle counting order, do I must press the "Initialize" ? Be

cause, I prefer that if something is not counted phisically (not found in the wa
rehouse)- it will get the value zero ("0").
: thanks
: guy
1.This is not a problem, Items are classified to A, B and C groups, with a speci
fied counting interval for each. If an item was last counted within the interval
, it will not appear on the next count.
Check out session tdinv0100m000 form 2 (maintain INV parameters)
2. Clicking on 'initialize' will report cycle count results as if everything is
correct - so if any system values are incorrect, you will have to enter them ind
***************** End Of Article ******************
Jeremy Cronin posted Message 2900 in Message Board
Dated : November 01, 1999 at 02:13:57 EST
Subject: Lot Price and Cost Price Calculation
Hello Fans,
We changed some items to Lot Control, but failed to change the 'inventory valuat
ion' field to Lot price, so now the Standard Cost Price can't be calculated/upda
ted.(we did ILC transactions on the lots)

What is Lot Price Inventory Valuation and how does it work?

How is it different from FTP?
What can I do change the field on my problem items?
If I use General Table Maintenance, what other fields/tables do need updating?
Thanks in advance,
***************** End Of Article ******************
Paul van Eijk posted Message 2901 in Message Board
Dated : November 01, 1999 at 05:22:40 EST
Subject: Re: Block Customer
If you are using BaanIV, you can block the customer using session tccom1101m000,
first form second field.
Good luck!
: Could i block the particular customer code ? may i know how to block particula
r customer code been used in Sales Order ?
: Thanks

***************** End Of Article ******************

Paul van Eijk posted Message 2902 in Message Board
Dated : November 01, 1999 at 05:34:40 EST
Subject: Re: Problemas com o Cadastro de fornecedores.
So, how's your english?
Paul van Eeijk
: Fiz uma customizao no cadastro de fornecedores, e ele comeou a gravar o cdigo com
5 posies ao invs de 6, como no domais, o problema que ele ficou com o espao em branc
o aps o cdigo, e agora no consigo localiz-lo com o auxlio da lupa, somente pela chave
de busca.
: Estou pensando em fazer o alinhamento do domain para a esquerda e depois volta
r para a direita, j que temos muitas tabelas com vinculo pelo cdigo do fornecedor,
gostaria de saber se est seria a melhor opo, ou se tenho uma maneira mais fcil de a
certar este problema ?
: Obrigado,
: Christiano

***************** End Of Article ******************

Lori posted Message 2903 in Message Board
Dated : November 01, 1999 at 06:46:16 EST

Subject: Why are the job variables different btw the Production &amp; Developmen
t box?
In development, why would the job variable for ttaad503.rcrd be "018orno.f in bo
th the standard sessions Confirm Planned INV Purchase Orders(tdinv3220m000)
and Transfer Planned INV Purchase Orders(tdinv3260m000) and in production the jo
b variable for ttaad503.rcrd is 014orno.f.
We are running B4IV b2.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Christiano posted Message 2904 in Message Board
Dated : November 01, 1999 at 10:16:31 EST
Subject: Re: Problemas com o Cadastro de fornecedores.
I make a customization in the table of suppliers, and he began to record the cod
e with 5 positions instead of 6, as in you domain, the problem is that he was wi
th the space in white after the code, and now I don't get to locate it with the
aid of the find, only for the search key.
Am I thinking about doing the alignment of the domain for the left and later to
return for the right, since we have many tables with I link for the code of the
supplier, would he like to know if it is the best option it would be, or am I ha
d a way easier to solution this problem?
Thank you,
***************** End Of Article ******************
Jayant Keskar posted Message 2905 in Message Board
Dated : November 01, 1999 at 11:02:35 EST
Subject: Re: Lot Price and Cost Price Calculation
: Hello Fans,
: We changed some items to Lot Control, but failed to change the 'inventory valu
ation' field to Lot price, so now the Standard Cost Price can't be calculated/up
dated.(we did ILC transactions on the lots)
: What is Lot Price Inventory Valuation and how does it work?
: How is it different from FTP?
: What can I do change the field on my problem items?
: If I use General Table Maintenance, what other fields/tables do need updating?
: Thanks in advance,
: Jeremy
Hi Jeremy
Even if you changed the items to lot controlled, the cost price calculation meth
od can still be FTP. What is the error report you get when you try to update cos
t prices of these items?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Jeremy posted Message 2906 in Message Board

Dated : November 01, 1999 at 11:24:36 EST

Subject: Re: Lot Price and Cost Price Calculation
: : Hello Fans,
: : We changed some items to Lot Control, but failed to change the 'inventory va
luation' field to Lot price, so now the Standard Cost Price can't be calculated/
updated.(we did ILC transactions on the lots)
: : What is Lot Price Inventory Valuation and how does it work?
: : How is it different from FTP?
: : What can I do change the field on my problem items?
: : If I use General Table Maintenance, what other fields/tables do need updatin
: : Thanks in advance,
: : Jeremy
: Hi Jeremy
: Even if you changed the items to lot controlled, the cost price calculation me
thod can still be FTP. What is the error report you get when you try to update c
ost prices of these items?
: Jayant
Hello Jayant, thanks for your response.
We don't get any error, just the message 'No data found for report, no report is
printed', and the Standard Cost price is not calculated or updated for those it
The Cost Price for the same calculation code is calculated though.
Any ideas?
Also, can you explain to me what is the basic idea of Lot Price?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Hank posted Message 2907 in Message Board
Dated : November 01, 1999 at 11:26:22 EST
Subject: Purchase Order is still open.
When trying to close Production Order we get the message 'Purchase Order is stil
l open. Yet everything appears to be OK. It has been received, matched and appro
ved. Line status is 'Deleting Line'. Anyone know what is wrong ?
***************** End Of Article ******************
stanleyVictor Collymore posted Message 2908 in Message Board
Dated : November 01, 1999 at 14:20:38 EST
Subject: Time phased Inventory check not working (sls lines)
WHen checking system inventory at sales order line - Time-phased check is not wo
Seems to be comparing allocated vs. on hand to reach "available"
tdsls4100m000 sales order paramaters
Field "time phased INV check" flag = YES

Planned delivery date for SLS line is "less than" value of the
ITM Lead time (tiitm001.oltm) from the item master.
Printing Inventory movements by warehouse & ITM
(trdrp0515m000) clearly shows all transactions for this item & warehouse combina
Comparing manually calculated "available" from On-Hand +/- all order types gi
ves "time-phased" Inventory amount.
Yet when entering SLS orders - check see
ms to ignore "time phasing"
Any ideas or help would be great. Client is using 4.0c

***************** End Of Article ******************

mark jones posted Message 2909 in Message Board
Dated : November 01, 1999 at 21:26:44 EST
Subject: trasfer the stock
i want to transfer the stock from one warehouse to another but
i need to do maintaining the discount structure, and adding how we ma
intain in any sales order.(but this is only a repelminhment order) and some time
to add additional cost like packing and handling
thanks in advance
***************** End Of Article ******************
Clark posted Message 2910 in Message Board
Dated : November 01, 1999 at 23:49:54 EST
Subject: Re: BaanERP calculated shipping dates in sales orders
The calculated I believe comes from the distances by city and zip code that you
can find in the common area. I'm not using it. So this is a hint at best.

: Hi all,
: We have the following problem. May be you can help us out.
: In the session tdsls4100s000 Sales orders are two shipping dates: calculated p
lanned shipped date and planned received date.
: When you look in the help text there is only an explanation of the purchase si
de of the story and no explanation of the sales side.
: It seems that this field is just a blind copy of the purchase order screen wit
h no specific use of calculation in sales (may be transportation time is calcula
: I ve checked parameters, general item data, etc.

: The Urgent Question Now Is:

: Who can explain the used calculation rules and use of these fields for sales o

***************** End Of Article ******************

Clark posted Message 2911 in Message Board
Dated : November 01, 1999 at 23:53:30 EST
Subject: Re: Autimate Sales Order Process Baan Series
See Sales Master Data sales order types for the activities button or lower in th
e menu see the activities.


The sales reps here will always simulate orders via "cprrp1210m000" after
generating a project for a sales order. Instead of having them go to simulate
orders and release to warehouse every time they enter a sales order, we need
this to be anautomated process.

: So in attempting to accomplish this I have tried to add cprrp1210m000 to the

: sales order type so I can set it to automatic and have the session run this
: every time a sales order is entered.
: BUT- when adding cprrp1210m000 to the activities by order type tdsls0560m000,
: receive the message "activity not allowed within sales order type procedure"
: WHY???
: Where can I define the activities which are allowed by sales order type
: procedure?
: My thoughts are to have the following steps set up for sales orders:
Release to warehousing tdsls4246m000
Simulate Orders cprrp1210m000
Release to Invoicing tdsls4247m000
Process Delivered Sales Orders tdsls4223m000
: Next I will set the execution mode to automatic, so that upon saving the sales
: order the system will release to warehousing and simulate orders etc...
: How can I make this happen?

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Paul van Eijk posted Message 2912 in Message Board
Dated : November 02, 1999 at 02:09:55 EST
Subject: Re: Purchase Inquiry

Sorry, you cannot. In Sales you can.

Good luck
: If i have the Purchase Inquiry Number on hand, but this purchase inquiry has b
een converted (Copied) to Purchase Order, could i check what is that Purchase Or
der Number ?
: Thanks

***************** End Of Article ******************

Paul van Eijk posted Message 2913 in Message Board
Dated : November 02, 1999 at 02:12:29 EST
Subject: Re: cancel invoice after printing draft
If you are using BaanIV. You must still be able to delete the delivery, then de
lete the order. Take care you defined your re-execute steps correctly in Order S
Good luck

***************** End Of Article ******************

Paul van Eijk posted Message 2914 in Message Board
Dated : November 02, 1999 at 02:23:58 EST
Subject: Re: Purchase Order is still open.
If you are talking about subcontracting it's a bug. Get a patch.
Good luck
: When trying to close Production Order we get the message 'Purchase Order is st
ill open. Yet everything appears to be OK. It has been received, matched and app
roved. Line status is 'Deleting Line'. Anyone know what is wrong ?

***************** End Of Article ******************

Paul van Eijk posted Message 2915 in Message Board
Dated : November 02, 1999 at 02:42:14 EST
Subject: Re: trasfer the stock

This is not possible. You are moving goods between warehouses in the same compan
y. In Finance there will only be a transaction for moving the goods.
Good luck
: hi
: i want to transfer the stock from one warehouse to another but
: i need to do maintaining the discount structure, and adding how we
maintain in any sales order.(but this is only a repelminhment order) and some ti
me to add additional cost like packing and handling
: thanks in advance

***************** End Of Article ******************

Merv Carr posted Message 2916 in Message Board
Dated : November 02, 1999 at 09:41:12 EST
Subject: Re: Lot Price and Cost Price Calculation
Hi Jeremy
If you are talking about the report generated as a result of running the seesion
calculate cost prices, this is an error report so no news is generally good new
s. Couple of points to cover (under the "dumb mistakes" heading).
When calculating cost prices, are you using the "live" cost price calculation co
de? If so are you entering "Yes" on the field "Update standard Costs". If you ar
e getting a result if you view "cost prices by item" then it tells me that you a
re simply not updating the standard cost. (This can also be run seperately of co
urse). Does the item master have a value for standard cost?
On to Lot costing. If the valuation method for the item is set to "Lot costing"
then you have the ability to track "actual costs" by lot. The inventory will als
o be valued at a total of all the lots for the item (I am going on memory here b
ut that is my understanding of it).
: : : Hello Fans,
: : : We changed some items to Lot Control, but failed to change the 'inventory
valuation' field to Lot price, so now the Standard Cost Price can't be calculate
d/updated.(we did ILC transactions on the lots)
: : : What is Lot Price Inventory Valuation and how does it work?
: : : How is it different from FTP?
: : : What can I do change the field on my problem items?
: : : If I use General Table Maintenance, what other fields/tables do need updat
: : : Thanks in advance,
: : : Jeremy
: : Hi Jeremy
: : Even if you changed the items to lot controlled, the cost price calculation
method can still be FTP. What is the error report you get when you try to update
cost prices of these items?
: : Jayant

: Hello Jayant, thanks for your response.

: We don't get any error, just the message 'No data found for report, no report
is printed', and the Standard Cost price is not calculated or updated for those
: The Cost Price for the same calculation code is calculated though.
Any idea
: Also, can you explain to me what is the basic idea of Lot Price?
: Regards,
: Jeremy

***************** End Of Article ******************

Laura Vechione posted Message 2917 in Message Board
Dated : November 02, 1999 at 18:42:08 EST
Subject: Cycle Counting
When you perform a cycle count, and a location lists the inventory of Item "A",
however, you find you have Item "B" in the location, can you correct via cycle c
Or do you have to do an inventory adjustment to correct?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Laura Vechione posted Message 2918 in Message Board
Dated : November 02, 1999 at 18:45:21 EST
Subject: Re: Cycle counting problem
: : Hi,
: : 1.
: : I have generated some cycle counting orders,
unting, for all the company warehouses, and when
ing pages) i noticed that not all the items that
n the lists !!!
: : Did anybody experienced this kind of problem
: : I would appreciate any help.

in order to make total cycle co

i printed the orders (the count
are on stock , where included i

: : 2. After geneating cycle counting order, do I must press the "Initialize" ?

Because, I prefer that if something is not counted phisically (not found in the
warehouse)- it will get the value zero ("0").
: : thanks
: : guy
: 1.This is not a problem, Items are classified to A, B and C groups, with a spe
cified counting interval for each. If an item was last counted within the interv
al, it will not appear on the next count.
: Check out session tdinv0100m000 form 2 (maintain INV parameters)
: 2. Clicking on 'initialize' will report cycle count results as if everything i
s correct - so if any system values are incorrect, you will have to enter them i

We also had this problem at one point.

Check your item master and see what th
e value of the "last counting date" is in this; make sure it is outside of your
cycle counting range.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Baan Fan posted Message 2919 in Message Board
Dated : November 02, 1999 at 19:33:50 EST
Subject: Re: Cycle Counting
The only step required will be to complete the cycle count, making sure to inica
te zero quantity on hand of the item in question and then add aline to your cycl
e count order with the "found" item and quantity.
Remember not to process the cycle count right away. Always print your check rep
ort first.
Good Luck!!!

: When you perform a cycle count, and a location lists the inventory of Item "A"
, however, you find you have Item "B" in the location, can you correct via cycle
Or do you have to do an inventory adjustment to correct?
: Any help would be greatly appreciated.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Lars Van Dam posted Message 2920 in Message Board
Dated : November 02, 1999 at 21:01:36 EST
Subject: Setup, Configuration, Demo Companies
Can anyone answer the following questions:
When you initially install baan, does it come with demo companies (with data l
ike suppliers, items etc.)?
I'm wondering how much setup work is needed to do distribution transactions li
ke creating a basic sales order/porder?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Ashish posted Message 2921 in Message Board
Dated : November 03, 1999 at 01:32:25 EST
Subject: BaanERP- Replenish Matrix
While setting up 'Replenishment location matrix by item', the picking location n
eeds to be defined as fixed location by item or error is displayed ' location da

ta by item not found for item'. Why is it imperative to define location as fixed
Thnx in adv.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Ashish posted Message 2922 in Message Board
Dated : November 03, 1999 at 01:40:27 EST
Subject: Baan V Certification
I am looking for information on BaanERP Certification.
Course content, fee structure and wether it can be taken in India?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Jeremy posted Message 2923 in Message Board
Dated : November 03, 1999 at 03:32:17 EST
Subject: Re: Lot Price and Cost Price Calculation
: Hi Jeremy
: If you are talking about the report generated as a result of running the seesi
on calculate cost prices, this is an error report so no news is generally good n
ews. Couple of points to cover (under the "dumb mistakes" heading).
: When calculating cost prices, are you using the "live" cost price calculation
code? If so are you entering "Yes" on the field "Update standard Costs". If you
are getting a result if you view "cost prices by item" then it tells me that you
are simply not updating the standard cost. (This can also be run seperately of
course). Does the item master have a value for standard cost?
: On to Lot costing. If the valuation method for the item is set to "Lot costing
" then you have the ability to track "actual costs" by lot. The inventory will a
lso be valued at a total of all the lots for the item (I am going on memory here
but that is my understanding of it).
Thanks Merv,
I am using the 'live' cost price calculation code. The update field is set to 'y
es' (I also tried the independent session - with no results) and the item has ze
ro in the standard cost field, and the last CP transaction date is not updated.
This problem is only with items which were changed to Lot control, and have FTP
Inv. val. method.
Any more ideas?
Otherwise, what other fields/tables do I need to check/change if I want to chang
e the inventory Valuation field in ttaad4100?

***************** End Of Article ******************

rupert bodisch posted Message 2924 in Message Board
Dated : November 03, 1999 at 06:59:16 EST
Subject: Re: Why are the job variables different btw the Production &amp; Develo
pment box?
: In development, why would the job variable for ttaad503.rcrd be "018orno.f in
both the standard sessions Confirm Planned INV Purchase Orders(tdinv3220m000)
: and Transfer Planned INV Purchase Orders(tdinv3260m000) and in production the
job variable for ttaad503.rcrd is 014orno.f.
: We are running B4IV b2.
Hi Lori,
When you submit the session to the job manager it checks to see how many charact
ers the field name and it's contents are made up out of. For example : item grou
p from and item group to would be
17 characters
19 characters
hope this helps you,
***************** End Of Article ******************
Lori posted Message 2925 in Message Board
Dated : November 03, 1999 at 08:44:31 EST
Subject: Re: Why are the job variables different btw the Production &amp; Develo
pment box?

: In development, why would the job variable for ttaad503.rcrd be "018orno.f i

both the standard sessions Confirm Planned INV Purchase Orders(tdinv3220m000)
: and Transfer Planned INV Purchase Orders(tdinv3260m000) and in production th
job variable for ttaad503.rcrd is 014orno.f.

: : We are running B4IV b2.

: Hi Lori,
: When you submit the session to the job manager it checks to see how many chara
cters the field name and it's contents are made up out of. For example : item gr
oup from and item group to would be
: 017citg.f:="
: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
: 17 characters
19 characters
: hope this helps you,
: rupert
Hi Rupert!
Thank you for responding. I am not sure of how you came up with the amount char
acters or where is Baan getting this number from?

***************** End Of Article ******************
Laura Vechione posted Message 2926 in Message Board
Dated : November 03, 1999 at 12:23:41 EST
Subject: Re: Cycle Counting
Thank you for the previous answer.
Only, we were unable to do this. After we entered zero quantity on hand of the
item, and then added the line, we receive an error message that indicates anoth
er item is already in the location. Our location control parameters show that
only one item can be in a location at a time. Even though we enter the zero qu
antity, it seems that Baan still sees the other item in the location so we are u
nable to add a different item.
Any other help?
: The only step required will be to complete the cycle count, making sure to ini
cate zero quantity on hand of the item in question and then add aline to your cy
cle count order with the "found" item and quantity.
: Remember not to process the cycle count right away. Always print your check r
eport first.
: Good Luck!!!
: : When you perform a cycle count, and a location lists the inventory of Item "
A", however, you find you have Item "B" in the location, can you correct via cyc
le counting?
Or do you have to do an inventory adjustment to correct?
: : Any help would be greatly appreciated.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Karin Espelage posted Message 2927 in Message Board
Dated : November 03, 1999 at 19:09:57 EST
Subject: Re: Customer Serivce
Hi Cindy,
I'm a BaaN consultant and this is a common problem that most of my clients had.
Usually BaaN provides you with all information you need but unfortunately it's n
ot easy to access and you have to "jump around" between sessions and enter infor
mation like item and customer a couple of times which takes to much time - espec
ially when you've got a customer at the phone.
One way to improve things a bit is to design your desktop in a way that you've g
ot all important sessions right in front of you. The desktop manager (located in
tools) is a very helpful tool for that.
Otherwise it needs some development. (Precondition is that your company has got
a developer license.) In this case it's possible to build an information session
where you can -starting with the basic information about the customer- zoom dow

n to the other information you need e.g. sales

tion planning etc. without having to enter the
y customization/add on. Existing BaaN sessions
st linking them together. It requires app. one
your special needs.

orders, order line

information again.
can be utilized by
to three days work

status, produc
This is an eas
copying and ju
- depending on

If you've got BaaN consultants, they should be able to build such a "search engi
If you don't have someone to do that - well, I'm happy to help out.
Karin Espelage
(Mobile: 703 628 9396)

: My company implemented BaaN without good business processes built in, therefor
e we are having some difficulty in getting timely information to our customers,
i.e. sales order status, delivery dates, production dates, without going to a mu
ltitude of modules and sometimes not getting the information correct to tell our
: Have any of you had this problem and how did you find a solution?

***************** End Of Article ******************

mark jones posted Message 2928 in Message Board
Dated : November 03, 1999 at 19:52:22 EST
Subject: Re: trasfer the stock
OK I agree, if i create a diffrent company and i make a single finance and multi
logistic senario: will i be able to trasfer the goods from one warehouse to ano
ther with all discount structure and taxes, i dontwant to raise a sales order fr
om the other company, as these two company belong to the same group,the other co
mpany which i can create is a distributor or a godown
This is not possible. You are moving goods between warehouses in the same compan
y. In Finance there will only be a transaction for moving the goods.
: Good luck
: Paul

***************** End Of Article ******************

rupert bodisch posted Message 2929 in Message Board
Dated : November 04, 1999 at 02:43:11 EST
Subject: Re: Why are the job variables different btw the Production &amp; Develo
pment box?
: : : In development, why would the job variable for ttaad503.rcrd be "018orno.f
in both the standard sessions Confirm Planned INV Purchase Orders(tdinv3220m000

: : : and Transfer Planned INV Purchase Orders(tdinv3260m000) and in production

the job variable for ttaad503.rcrd is 014orno.f.
: : : We are running B4IV b2.
: : Hi Lori,
: : When you submit the session to the job manager it checks to see how many cha
racters the field name and it's contents are made up out of. For example : item
group from and item group to would be
: : 017citg.f:="
: : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
: : 17 characters
: :
19 characters
: : hope this helps you,
: : rupert
: Hi Rupert!
: Thank you for responding. I am not sure of how you came up with the amount ch
aracters or where is Baan getting this number from?
: Lori
Hi again Lori,
Lets assume your session prints item groups. You specify the item group range. I
n your first company you use item groups of two characters and in the second com
pany you use 3 characters.
Company #1
ttaad503.rcrd will contain:
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ = 15 characters in total
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ = 15 characters in total
Company #2
Company #1
ttaad503.rcrd will contain:
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ = 16 characters in total
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ = 16 characters in total
When the job manager runs it uses the '015' and '016' as a checksum to see that
it uses the right string length.
Hope this helps,
***************** End Of Article ******************

Paul van Eijk posted Message 2930 in Message Board

Dated : November 04, 1999 at 03:07:17 EST
Subject: Re: trasfer the stock
If you give me your e-mail address I'll send you the information you need.
: OK I agree, if i create a diffrent company and i make a single finance and mul
ti logistic senario: will i be able to trasfer the goods from one warehouse to a
nother with all discount structure and taxes, i dontwant to raise a sales order
from the other company, as these two company belong to the same group,the other
company which i can create is a distributor or a godown
: thanks
: This is not possible. You are moving goods between warehouses in the same comp
any. In Finance there will only be a transaction for moving the goods.
: : Good luck
: : Paul

***************** End Of Article ******************

Roger Grytten posted Message 2931 in Message Board
Dated : November 04, 1999 at 06:45:40 EST
Subject: Re: Order header discount on cost orders
: : : : 2. Iam unable to get the order header discount on the order type "cost o
rder". The system dsiplays the discount % set in the purchase order but doesnot
calculates this discount. However the orderline discount is calculated.Any ideas
The order type, cost order, is applicable only for cost items, and discount on c
ost items has to be registered on the purchase order line / sales order line.
***************** End Of Article ******************
AL.Chadramohan posted Message 2932 in Message Board
Dated : November 04, 1999 at 07:27:01 EST
Subject: Lot Control
We are using partially lot control in one warehouse and one warehouse without lo
t control we are planning to change both the wrehouse to lot items in order to c
hange the NON-LOT items to lot items the seesion will be useful only for items l
ike compressor and which is staright forward.
But for scertain items like Copper which we store it according to weight like 1
kg, 2 kg etc which we want to give sepearte lot numbers.
The existing stock is say 2000 kgs and is purchased in 2 or 3 purchase orders bu

t we want it to be stored in diff lots according to our requirement like 1 kgs s

o may lots nd 2 kgs so many lots .
Any stright forward solution is available pls let us know.
Thanks and regards,
***************** End Of Article ******************
Neta dekel posted Message 2933 in Message Board
Dated : November 04, 1999 at 10:36:56 EST
Subject: Deleting Sales Draft Invoices.
We are using BaaNERP - Baan V. Is there any option to delete a draft invoice aft
er it was printed, and before final invoice is Issued ? As far as I know, The pr
ocess is different from Baan IV.
Thanks for your help.
***************** End Of Article ******************
nicole posted Message 2934 in Message Board
Dated : November 04, 1999 at 11:46:37 EST
Subject: Re: Cycle counting problem
I am also having this problem. My problem occurred on the very first cycle coun
t so it has nothing to do with the A,B,C. I have found that if the items are FI
FO in the item master and there are multiple inventory dates of that item in the
same location, it will only print the earliest date. Like FIFO. I have no sol
ution. Has anyone else seen this? Is this your problem too?
***************** End Of Article ******************
nicole posted Message 2935 in Message Board
Dated : November 04, 1999 at 12:00:43 EST
Subject: return sales orders in ILC
Hello! I hope someone can help me. How do I process a return sales order in ILC
? The next step on my order steps is Maintain Outbound, which I have done. Howe
ver, I can't release it. I am trying to outbound a negative number to put inven
tory back into the warehouse so I have to specify a REC location? Why do I have
to specify an inventory date if it is incoming material?
I would really appreciate any help!!!!
***************** End Of Article ******************
Tommy L. Bacon,CPIM posted Message 2936 in Message Board
Dated : November 04, 1999 at 15:00:16 EST
Subject: Re: return sales orders in ILC

Go to Maintain Outbound data and try and create it Manually. System won't gener
ate negative outbounds.
: Hello! I hope someone can help me. How do I process a return sales order in I
LC? The next step on my order steps is Maintain Outbound, which I have done. Ho
wever, I can't release it. I am trying to outbound a negative number to put inv
entory back into the warehouse so I have to specify a REC location? Why do I ha
ve to specify an inventory date if it is incoming material?
: I would really appreciate any help!!!!
: Thanks!
: Nicole

***************** End Of Article ******************

Tommy L. Bacon,CPIM posted Message 2937 in Message Board
Dated : November 04, 1999 at 15:05:28 EST
Subject: Re: return sales orders in ILC
Try using the Maintain Outbound Sesson. System doesn't want to generate any Neg
ative Outbounds.
: Hello! I hope someone can help me. How do I process a return sales order in I
LC? The next step on my order steps is Maintain Outbound, which I have done. Ho
wever, I can't release it. I am trying to outbound a negative number to put inv
entory back into the warehouse so I have to specify a REC location? Why do I ha
ve to specify an inventory date if it is incoming material?
: I would really appreciate any help!!!!
: Thanks!
: Nicole

***************** End Of Article ******************

Thomas posted Message 2938 in Message Board
Dated : November 05, 1999 at 13:43:20 EST
Subject: DRP per productions no???
unfortunatly it is not possible to use DRP for a single production number. There
fore Im developing a perl-script which will be able replenish the production stoc
Anyone interested to help me?
visit me at
or eMail me :
bye thomas
***************** End Of Article ******************
Kian Haur posted Message 2939 in Message Board

Dated : November 05, 1999 at 20:39:49 EST

Subject: Product Code System
I have a product code problem.
We design a product code system such a way that manufacturer source we put a pre
fix in front of the product code, example:
Manufacture in China : C123XXXXXXX
Manufacture in USA
Manufacture in Africa : F123XXXXXXX
we design in this way because we want to differenciate the individual manufactur
er source has their unique cost price. However, this will create another problem
when generating report. for example when we want to search for the 123XXXXXX in
ventory level, then we have to search for the three different reports to total t
he amount. and when generating MRP report, this will create more problem for us!
i am wondering is BaaN has a wild card system that i can generate a query by ign
oring the first Alphabet. example i want to search for the goods inventory of 12
3XXXXXX, i just type 123XXXXXX (no matter where the manufacture source from, jus
t total amount) ??
Thanks in advance, this is crucial for me now!
***************** End Of Article ******************
kumar shanker posted Message 2940 in Message Board
Dated : November 05, 1999 at 21:36:52 EST
Subject: proforma Invoice
i am a baan user
i want to print proforma invoice, before delivery of goods.
can u explain me how to do that what are the steps i should use in the order ste
p and order type
***************** End Of Article ******************
mark jones posted Message 2941 in Message Board
Dated : November 05, 1999 at 21:44:14 EST
Subject: Re: trasfer the stock
My mail id is
pls reply back
: If you give me your e-mail address I'll send you the information you need.
: Paul
: : OK I agree, if i create a diffrent company and i make a single finance and m
ulti logistic senario: will i be able to trasfer the goods from one warehouse to
another with all discount structure and taxes, i dontwant to raise a sales orde
r from the other company, as these two company belong to the same group,the othe
r company which i can create is a distributor or a godown
: : thanks
: : This is not possible. You are moving goods between warehouses in the same co
mpany. In Finance there will only be a transaction for moving the goods.

: : : Good luck
: : : Paul

***************** End Of Article ******************

Yaron posted Message 2942 in Message Board
Dated : November 07, 1999 at 12:28:46 EST
Subject: Re: DRP per productions no???
: unfortunatly it is not possible to use DRP for a single production number. The
refore Im developing a perl-script which will be able replenish the production st
oc for.
: Anyone interested to help me?
: visit me at
: or eMail me :
: bye thomas
If you only have one production order per day to one destination, you can genera
te a separate RPL order for a specific production date.
It's not always practical, but it helps in some cases.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Yaron posted Message 2943 in Message Board
Dated : November 07, 1999 at 12:42:03 EST
Subject: Re: Cycle Counting
Maybe it will help to create two counting orders. The first tocreate the zero qt
y and the second to create the qty of the new item.
: Thank you for the previous answer.
: Only, we were unable to do this. After we entered zero quantity on hand of t
he item, and then added the line, we receive an error message that indicates ano
ther item is already in the location. Our location control parameters show tha
t only one item can be in a location at a time. Even though we enter the zero
quantity, it seems that Baan still sees the other item in the location so we are
unable to add a different item.
: Any other help?
: : The only step required will be to complete the cycle count, making sure to i
nicate zero quantity on hand of the item in question and then add aline to your
cycle count order with the "found" item and quantity.

: : Remember not to process the cycle count right away. Always print your check
report first.
: : Good Luck!!!
: : : When you perform a cycle count, and a location lists the inventory of Item
"A", however, you find you have Item "B" in the location, can you correct via c
ycle counting?
Or do you have to do an inventory adjustment to correct?
: : : Any help would be greatly appreciated.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Arvind Patil, CPIM posted Message 2944 in Message Board
Dated : November 07, 1999 at 21:19:34 EST
Subject: Re: Lot Control
When u are convertig a non-lot item into a lot item system will convert the inev
ntory to one lot. If you want to convert the inventory to different lots it can
be doen in various ways. Firts make all the inventory zero. Then convert the ite
m to lot control. Then bring the inventory through cycle counting with lot numbe
rs. This will balance the accounting side also.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Arvind Patil, CPIM posted Message 2945 in Message Board
Dated : November 07, 1999 at 21:22:39 EST
Subject: Re: return sales orders in ILC
I think you have some problems with your order step also. Are u by any chnace ha
s "Release O/B data" as part of your order step. It should not be. I suggest you
to use a collect order type for retutrn order as this will be much easier. I do
not see any problems with releae O/B data.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Judy posted Message 2946 in Message Board
Dated : November 08, 1999 at 00:37:55 EST
Subject: Error Invoicing (Urgent!!)
Hi all,
my company has implemented Baan for 2 months , but today I got error messag
e from printing sales invoice of one customer.
The message is "No data within selection" and then " Not able to determin
e invoice number for order (order no.)" and when I click OK , it close session
print sales invoice immediately.

But I can print sales invoices of the other customers .

I already checked transaction type, last used document by transaction type and c
ustomer data , they 're not wrong.
Could anyone help me ???
***************** End Of Article ******************
mondo posted Message 2947 in Message Board
Dated : November 08, 1999 at 01:48:42 EST
Subject: cycle counting (urgent!!!)
I just want to know why is it i generated cycle counting orders (using the INV c
ycle count because i am not with locations)but not all my items are included in
the cycle count report. this was my first time to generate cycle counting order.
.. so i think abc analysis of inventory does not have any effect on it...
can i generate cycle counting orders though i haven't performed yet abc analysis
or abc analysis must be performed before performing any cycle counting orders i
n baan. please give me some insights and solutions about this.
thanks in advance...
***************** End Of Article ******************
Alex posted Message 2948 in Message Board
Dated : November 08, 1999 at 04:36:36 EST
Subject: Lot inventory initialization ???
Hello everyone,
How the inventory initialization (for a new implementation), is made in Baan for
the lot items regarding lot price? Considering we have a warehouse for which mu
st to enter all the stock lots and also the value of every lot for every Item.
In case we haven't any inventory enter in warehouse for the lot's item, when ent
er the new lots through inventory adjustment session, the system put at the lot
value the cost standard calculated in the item master data. It is any procedure,
which me let to alter the value of lots?
Thank you very much!
Bye Bye,
***************** End Of Article ******************
Ashish posted Message 2949 in Message Board
Dated : November 08, 1999 at 05:07:59 EST
Subject: Help required on Location Control
For a particular order after the inspections are done I need to transfer these g
oods from the insp. location to a normal location. now I go and Generate Inbound
Advice, next the system advises the normal location based on the various locati
on priorities and parameters. I want to change the location from what the system
has advised me. I tried doing it from the maintain Inbound advice but the syste
m does not allow me to access the location field. Can someone help me as to how

can I change this position before releasing this inbound advice

***************** End Of Article ******************
Paul van Eijk posted Message 2950 in Message Board
Dated : November 08, 1999 at 05:26:04 EST
Subject: Re: proforma Invoice
if you also want the invoice to be paid before delivery you can follow the follo
wing procedure:
Define an order type as follows:
1. Print proforma invoice tdsls4435m000
2. Link advance receipt to proforma invoice tfcmg6200m000
3. Maintain deliveries
Good luck!
: hi
: i am a baan user
: i want to print proforma invoice, before delivery of goods.
: can u explain me how to do that what are the steps i should use in the order s
tep and order type
: thanks

***************** End Of Article ******************

Jayant Keskar posted Message 2951 in Message Board
Dated : November 08, 1999 at 05:27:42 EST
Subject: Re: Lot Price and Cost Price Calculation
: : Hi Jeremy
: : If you are talking about the report generated as a result of running the see
sion calculate cost prices, this is an error report so no news is generally good
news. Couple of points to cover (under the "dumb mistakes" heading).
: : When calculating cost prices, are you using the "live" cost price calculatio
n code? If so are you entering "Yes" on the field "Update standard Costs". If yo
u are getting a result if you view "cost prices by item" then it tells me that y
ou are simply not updating the standard cost. (This can also be run seperately o
f course). Does the item master have a value for standard cost?
: : On to Lot costing. If the valuation method for the item is set to "Lot costi
ng" then you have the ability to track "actual costs" by lot. The inventory will
also be valued at a total of all the lots for the item (I am going on memory he
re but that is my understanding of it).
: Thanks Merv,
: I am using the 'live' cost price calculation code. The update field is set to

'yes' (I also tried the independent session - with no results) and the item has
zero in the standard cost field, and the last CP transaction date is not updated
. This problem is only with items which were changed to Lot control, and have FT
P Inv. val. method.
: Any more ideas?
: Otherwise, what other fields/tables do I need to check/change if I want to cha
nge the inventory Valuation field in ttaad4100?
: Regards,
: Jeremy
Hi Jeremy
Sorry I coold not reply earlier. If 'Calculate Cost Prices' comes out with 'No d
ata within selection' means that there are no errors.
Can you check the 'Average Purchase Price' field on form III of Item data. The s
ystem calculates the APP and stores it in this field which gets updated to stand
ard cost when you run the session Updtae Cost Prices. Has this field value chang
ed since you changed the items to lot controlled? If so the average price is bei
ng calculated by the system, only it is not getting updated. If your link to Fin
ance is 'Yes' then the price will get updated only when the invoice is mateched
and approved in finance.You can check whether this has been done.
Re Lot PricingIf you have two lots One say of 2,000 units at $2 and second of 1,000 units at $
2.50, then the system will not work out a weighted av price but will be valued b
y lots only. Thus when you issue quantity upto 2,000 units the issue will be val
ued at $2.00 each and therefater the issue rate will change to $ 2.50.
Please let me know f the above helps

***************** End Of Article ******************

Merv Carr posted Message 2952 in Message Board
Dated : November 08, 1999 at 07:13:47 EST
Subject: Re: Help required on Location Control
All you have to do is , in the session "Maintain Inbound advice" is delte the in
bound line and re-insert it withthe correct location. This is standard functiona
lity, not a bug.
: For a particular order after the inspections are done I need to transfer these
goods from the insp. location to a normal location. now I go and Generate Inbou
nd Advice, next the system advises the normal location based on the various loca
tion priorities and parameters. I want to change the location from what the syst
em has advised me. I tried doing it from the maintain Inbound advice but the sys
tem does not allow me to access the location field. Can someone help me as to ho
w can I change this position before releasing this inbound advice
: Thanks
: Ashish

***************** End Of Article ******************

kumar shanker posted Message 2953 in Message Board

Dated : November 08, 1999 at 07:19:45 EST
Subject: Re: proforma Invoice-- urgent
dear paul
i have tried this but when i print proforma invoice, it say no data selected, no
report printed
do i need to do any parameter setting or should i have to do any thing in financ
e for advance payment collection.
pls reply -- very urgent
thanks in advance
: if you also want the invoice to be paid before delivery you can follow the fol
lowing procedure:
: Define an order type as follows:
: 1. Print proforma invoice tdsls4435m000
: 2. Link advance receipt to proforma invoice tfcmg6200m000
: 3. Maintain deliveries
: etc.
: Good luck!

: hi
: i am a baan user
: i want to print proforma invoice, before delivery of goods.
: can u explain me how to do that what are the steps i should use in the order
step and order type
: : thanks

***************** End Of Article ******************

Tommy L. Bacon,CPIM posted Message 2954 in Message Board
Dated : November 08, 1999 at 09:49:51 EST
Subject: Re: cycle counting (urgent!!!)
5.2.1 Generate Cycle Counting Orders (tdinv1220m000)
In a normal situation, a company count its inventory regularly. This can be done
for the total inventory or by warehouse. It can also be done only for the fast
movers. The Generate Cycle Counting Orders (tdinv1220m000) session covers all of
those situations. Running this session results in a number of orders with items
and inventory which must be counted. The Generate Cycle Counting Orders (tdinv1
220m000) session reads the ABC analysis and Cycle Counting parameters in the Mai
ntain INV Parameters (tdinv0100m000) session. The Counting Interval in Weeks Cla
ss A parameter gives the number of weeks that must be between the Last Counting
Date parameter in the Maintain Item Data (tiitm0101m000) session and the system
date. The Inventory parameters determine the Counting Interval in weeks by A ite
m, B item and C item. Therefore, generating cycle counting orders means checking
if the interval in weeks is less than the interval between the last counting da
te and the system date. All the inventory to be counted is blocked if the Block
During Warehouse Cycle Counting parameter is set to yes.
5.2.2 Print Cycle Counting Orders (tdinv1420m000)
Before the last generated cycle counting is performed, orders must be printed. T
his ensures that the latest data is used. It is therefore mandatory to use the P
rint Cycle Counting Orders (tdinv1420m000) session. Counting data can be written

down on the printouts.

5.2.3 Enter Warehouse Cycle Counting Data (tdinv1120m000)
Entering warehouse cycle counting data means entering the latest inventory quant
ities. This is checked through the Enter Warehouse Cycle Counting Data (tdinv112
9m000) session. Cycle counting order lines must be changed before the data can b
e processed. The easiest way to enter data is to use <Ctrl> [G] in the Enter War
ehouse Cycle Counting Data (tdinv1220m000), so as to change only the differences
between the BAAN IV inventory and the physical inventory.
5.2.4 Process Cycle Counting Data (tdinv1221m000)
Processing data involves:
logging the newly counted inventory by item
logging the newly counted inventory by item by warehouse
logging the difference between counted and administrative inventory; thi
s is an inventory transaction as described in chapter 3 (Warehouse Inventory bus
iness object)
After processing the order, BAAN IV deletes it. All inventory is unblocked if th
e Block During Warehouse Cycle Counting parameter is set to yes. Otherwise the i
nventory has not been blocked at all.
Other sessions
5.3.1 Print Cycle Counting Check Report (tdinv1421m000)
After cycle counting and entering the data in BAAN IV, companies usually prefer
to perform a final check. To ensure that the data entered is correct and ready t
o be processed, the print report can be used as a checklist. It is printed befor
e running the Process Cycle Counting Data (tdinv1421m000) session.
5.3.2 Delete Cycle Counting Order Data (tdinv1222m000)
A cycle counting order is created to record the inventory. It is recommended to
block the inventory associated with that cycle counting order. This is realized
by setting the Block During Warehouse Cycle Counting parameter to yes in the Mai
ntain INV Parameters (tdinv0100m000) session. In this session, the inventory is
unblocked, because a cycle counting order is deleted. It is possible that due to
organizational changes, the inventory is not counted, for example, next weekend
but a week later. Then it is necessary to unblock the inventory by running the
Delete Cycle Counting Order Data (tdinv1222m000) session.
Hope this help explain Cycle Counting for you.
: I just want to know why is it i generated cycle counting orders (using the INV
cycle count because i am not with locations)but not all my items are included i
n the cycle count report. this was my first time to generate cycle counting orde
r... so i think abc analysis of inventory does not have any effect on it...
: can i generate cycle counting orders though i haven't performed yet abc analys
is or abc analysis must be performed before performing any cycle counting orders
in baan. please give me some insights and solutions about this.
: thanks in advance...

***************** End Of Article ******************

AL.Chandramohan posted Message 2955 in Message Board
Dated : November 08, 1999 at 10:30:53 EST
Subject: Re: Lot Control
: Hi,
: When u are convertig a non-lot item into a lot item system will convert the in
evntory to one lot. If you want to convert the inventory to different lots it ca
n be doen in various ways. Firts make all the inventory zero. Then convert the i
tem to lot control. Then bring the inventory through cycle counting with lot num
bers. This will balance the accounting side also.

: Arvind
We dont want to do inv adjustment and make the inevntory zero and generate the l
Is there any other workaround.If it is a FIFO or LIFO then lot numbers are gener
ated according to the location and recipt dte,like wise any other way for non LI
FO nd FIFO items.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Bill Percival posted Message 2956 in Message Board
Dated : November 08, 1999 at 11:02:12 EST
Subject: Locations by Item
We have set up locations for all anonymous items. Does anybody out there do the
same thing for to-order items? Seems like a contradiction, (especially since w
e "make-custom" our to-order items), to give a non-stock item a standard/default
location. Any thoughts?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Veeru. posted Message 2957 in Message Board
Dated : November 08, 1999 at 13:01:51 EST
Subject: Re: Locations by Item
: We have set up locations for all anonymous items. Does anybody out there do t
he same thing for to-order items? Seems like a contradiction, (especially since
we "make-custom" our to-order items), to give a non-stock item a standard/defau
lt location. Any thoughts?
:Sometimes it might be required to sotck "To-Order" items, when customer amends
the order qty i.e., decreases the order qty. By then, if the items are already m
anufactured, you may want to stock the excess qty in a fixed location and it mak
es sense to do so,if ILC is implemented.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Veeru. posted Message 2958 in Message Board
Dated : November 08, 1999 at 13:09:59 EST
Subject: Re: Product Code System
: I have a product code problem.
: We design a product code system such a way that manufacturer source we put a p
refix in front of the product code, example:
: Manufacture in China : C123XXXXXXX

: Manufacture in USA
: Manufacture in Africa : F123XXXXXXX
: we design in this way because we want to differenciate the individual manufact
urer source has their unique cost price. However, this will create another probl
em when generating report. for example when we want to search for the 123XXXXXX
inventory level, then we have to search for the three different reports to total
the amount. and when generating MRP report, this will create more problem for u
: i am wondering is BaaN has a wild card system that i can generate a query by i
gnoring the first Alphabet. example i want to search for the goods inventory of
123XXXXXX, i just type 123XXXXXX (no matter where the manufacture source from, j
ust total amount) ??
: Thanks in advance, this is crucial for me now!
:You can manually re-type in the field "Search Key II", in session "Maintain Ite
m Data"(tiitm0101m000), as 123XXXXXX. Basically, system by default takes the ite
m code as search key II. The user has to edit and change it to 123XXXXXX, for al
l the C123XXXX, U123XXXX and F123XXXX. Now, you'll be able to generate a query,
using the menu option "Tools" in all relevant display & maintain sessions.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Veeru. posted Message 2959 in Message Board
Dated : November 08, 1999 at 13:20:49 EST
Subject: Re: Error Invoicing (Urgent!!)
: Hi all,
my company has implemented Baan for 2 months , but today I got error mess
age from printing sales invoice of one customer.
The message is "No data within selection" and then " Not able to determ
ine invoice number for order (order no.)" and when I click OK , it close sessio
n print sales invoice immediately.
But I can print sales invoices of the other customers .
: I already checked transaction type, last used document by transaction type and
customer data , they 're not wrong.
Could anyone help me ???
: REgards,
: Judy
:Make sure the session "Maintain Customers", for the Sales Order that you're fac
ing problem, has the field setting "Invoice Intervals" as "0" days. Also, please
check if the order status has "Print Sales Invoice". Check the order type, if i
t's the normal order tpye as other Sales Orders. It should go through.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Laura Vechione posted Message 2960 in Message Board

Dated : November 08, 1999 at 13:46:41 EST
Subject: Re: Cycle counting problem
: I am also having this problem. My problem occurred on the very first cycle co
unt so it has nothing to do with the A,B,C. I have found that if the items are
FIFO in the item master and there are multiple inventory dates of that item in t
he same location, it will only print the earliest date. Like FIFO. I have no s
olution. Has anyone else seen this? Is this your problem too?
We just discovered this problem also, where only the earliest date prints. If
it helps, we have a case filed with Baan (Case #464455). If you will send me y
our e-mail address, I will advise you when we have an answer (and hopefully, a p
atch) from Baan.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Lora Franceschina posted Message 2961 in Message Board
Dated : November 08, 1999 at 14:03:38 EST
Subject: Order Method in Item Master
Can anyone tell me what effects choosing "Economic Order Quantity" in the field
"Order Method" in Maintain Item Data (tiitm0101m000) will have. Does it effect M
RP and Production reporting? We are currently using "Lot for Lot" with values en
tered into the "Economic Order Quantity" field, and are wondering if changing th
e "Order Method" would be better for us.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Dan posted Message 2962 in Message Board
Dated : November 08, 1999 at 14:11:36 EST
Subject: Re: Error Invoicing (Urgent!!)
This sometimes occurs when two or more people have 'Print Sales Invoices' sessio
n open.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Percival posted Message 2963 in Message Board
Dated : November 08, 1999 at 14:50:30 EST
Subject: Re: Locations by Item
: : We have set up locations for all anonymous items. Does anybody out there do
the same thing for to-order items? Seems like a contradiction, (especially sin
ce we "make-custom" our to-order items), to give a non-stock item a standard/def
ault location. Any thoughts?
: :Hi,
: :Sometimes it might be required to sotck "To-Order" items, when customer amend
s the order qty i.e., decreases the order qty. By then, if the items are already
manufactured, you may want to stock the excess qty in a fixed location and it m
akes sense to do so,if ILC is implemented.
: Regards.

That's helpful, thanks. It sounds like you would create the location/item assoc
iation for the to-order item only when
there is a need, like a "leftover" to-order item. That sounds right.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Dan posted Message 2964 in Message Board
Dated : November 08, 1999 at 15:19:49 EST
Subject: Process Delivered Sales Orders
We're considering a customisation to process delivered sales orders tdsls4223m00
0 to cope with a specific sales tax problem.
What values does this session create? What table/s are they stored in? How do In
tegration Transactions use these values?
Any help much appreciated
***************** End Of Article ******************
jakob posted Message 2965 in Message Board
Dated : November 08, 1999 at 19:26:31 EST
Subject: Re: Process Delivered Sales Orders
: We're considering a customisation to process delivered sales orders tdsls4223m
000 to cope with a specific sales tax problem.
: What values does this session create? What table/s are they stored in? How do
Integration Transactions use these values?
: Any help much appreciated
: Dan

***************** End Of Article ******************

jakob posted Message 2966 in Message Board
Dated : November 08, 1999 at 19:28:09 EST
Subject: Re: Sequence Number in S/O history .
: If a sales order line goes into back order the new line retains the same posit
ion number but gains a sequence number.

: Hi

I don't know what the field Sequence Number in table tdsls051-sales orde
history is .
Could anyone help me ???

: : Thanks in advanced,
: : Linda

***************** End Of Article ******************

jakob posted Message 2967 in Message Board
Dated : November 08, 1999 at 19:29:40 EST
Subject: Re: Sequence Number in S/O history .
: : If a sales order line goes into back order the new line retains the same pos
ition number but gains a sequence number.
: :
: :
: :

: Hi

I don't know what the field Sequence Number in table tdsls051-sales or
history is .
Could anyone help me ???

: : : Thanks in advanced,
: : : Linda
: hallo

***************** End Of Article ******************

Judy posted Message 2968 in Message Board
Dated : November 08, 1999 at 19:49:32 EST
Subject: Re: Error Invoicing (Urgent!!)
I 'd already checked everything that you said , they were
correct .
Does anyone has any suggestions ???
: : Hi all,
: :
my company has implemented Baan for 2 months , but today I got error me
ssage from printing sales invoice of one customer.
: :
The message is "No data within selection" and then " Not able to dete
rmine invoice number for order (order no.)" and when I click OK , it close sess
ion print sales invoice immediately.
: :
But I can print sales invoices of the other customers .
: : I already checked transaction type, last used document by transaction type a
nd customer data , they 're not wrong.
: :
Could anyone help me ???
: : REgards,
: : Judy
: :Hi,
: :Make sure the session "Maintain Customers", for the Sales Order that you're f
acing problem, has the field setting "Invoice Intervals" as "0" days. Also, plea
se check if the order status has "Print Sales Invoice". Check the order type, if
it's the normal order tpye as other Sales Orders. It should go through.
: Regards.

***************** End Of Article ******************

nicole posted Message 2969 in Message Board
Dated : November 08, 1999 at 20:58:33 EST
Subject: Re: Cycle counting problem
I have also logged a case with Baan 201749.(Please contact me directly if you ha
ve any solutions. There is a patch on the Baan website but it did not change an
ything for us. You might try it, though! Please let me know-- ntrowbridge@hsoma
: We just discovered this problem also, where only the earliest date prints. I
f it helps, we have a case filed with Baan (Case #464455). If you will send me
your e-mail address, I will advise you when we have an answer (and hopefully, a
patch) from Baan.

***************** End Of Article ******************

nicole posted Message 2970 in Message Board
Dated : November 08, 1999 at 21:04:23 EST
Subject: Re: return sales orders in ILC
I tried another order with Collect=Yes and it worked perfectly! Thank you all!
***************** End Of Article ******************
mondo posted Message 2971 in Message Board
Dated : November 08, 1999 at 23:35:56 EST
Subject: Re: cycle counting (urgent!!!)
Thanks for the lenghty reply but i think it didn't clearly and completely answer
my problem. Also, FYI i know the cycle counting procedure of Baan.
My problem is simple, this is the first i generated a cycle counting order and i
t did not include all items...
I haven't performed ABC analysis yet so i think it shouldn't have any effect on
my cycle count.
Or do i have to perform ABC analysis first before cycle counting inventory.
So if anybody out there who can give me an answer to my predicament.... please..
Thanks in advance...

: 5.2.1 Generate Cycle Counting Orders (tdinv1220m000)

: In a normal situation, a company count its inventory regularly. This can be do
ne for the total inventory or by warehouse. It can also be done only for the fas
t movers. The Generate Cycle Counting Orders (tdinv1220m000) session covers all
of those situations. Running this session results in a number of orders with ite
ms and inventory which must be counted. The Generate Cycle Counting Orders (tdin
v1220m000) session reads the ABC analysis and Cycle Counting parameters in the M
aintain INV Parameters (tdinv0100m000) session. The Counting Interval in Weeks C
lass A parameter gives the number of weeks that must be between the Last Countin
g Date parameter in the Maintain Item Data (tiitm0101m000) session and the syste
m date. The Inventory parameters determine the Counting Interval in weeks by A i
tem, B item and C item. Therefore, generating cycle counting orders means checki
ng if the interval in weeks is less than the interval between the last counting
date and the system date. All the inventory to be counted is blocked if the Bloc
k During Warehouse Cycle Counting parameter is set to yes.
: 5.2.2 Print Cycle Counting Orders (tdinv1420m000)
: Before the last generated cycle counting is performed, orders must be printed.
This ensures that the latest data is used. It is therefore mandatory to use the
Print Cycle Counting Orders (tdinv1420m000) session. Counting data can be writt
en down on the printouts.
: 5.2.3 Enter Warehouse Cycle Counting Data (tdinv1120m000)
: Entering warehouse cycle counting data means entering the latest inventory qua
ntities. This is checked through the Enter Warehouse Cycle Counting Data (tdinv1
129m000) session. Cycle counting order lines must be changed before the data can
be processed. The easiest way to enter data is to use <Ctrl> [G] in the Enter W
arehouse Cycle Counting Data (tdinv1220m000), so as to change only the differenc
es between the BAAN IV inventory and the physical inventory.
: 5.2.4 Process Cycle Counting Data (tdinv1221m000)
: Processing data involves:
: n
logging the newly counted inventory by item
: n
logging the newly counted inventory by item by warehouse
: n
logging the difference between counted and administrative inventory; thi
s is an inventory transaction as described in chapter 3 (Warehouse Inventory bus
iness object)
: After processing the order, BAAN IV deletes it. All inventory is unblocked if
the Block During Warehouse Cycle Counting parameter is set to yes. Otherwise the
inventory has not been blocked at all.
: 5.3 Other sessions
: 5.3.1 Print Cycle Counting Check Report (tdinv1421m000)
: After cycle counting and entering the data in BAAN IV, companies usually prefe
r to perform a final check. To ensure that the data entered is correct and ready
to be processed, the print report can be used as a checklist. It is printed bef
ore running the Process Cycle Counting Data (tdinv1421m000) session.
: 5.3.2 Delete Cycle Counting Order Data (tdinv1222m000)
: A cycle counting order is created to record the inventory. It is recommended t
o block the inventory associated with that cycle counting order. This is realize
d by setting the Block During Warehouse Cycle Counting parameter to yes in the M
aintain INV Parameters (tdinv0100m000) session. In this session, the inventory i
s unblocked, because a cycle counting order is deleted. It is possible that due
to organizational changes, the inventory is not counted, for example, next weeke
nd but a week later. Then it is necessary to unblock the inventory by running th
e Delete Cycle Counting Order Data (tdinv1222m000) session.
: Hope this help explain Cycle Counting for you.
: : I just want to know why is it i generated cycle counting orders (using the I
NV cycle count because i am not with locations)but not all my items are included
in the cycle count report. this was my first time to generate cycle counting or
der... so i think abc analysis of inventory does not have any effect on it...
: : can i generate cycle counting orders though i haven't performed yet abc anal
ysis or abc analysis must be performed before performing any cycle counting orde

rs in baan. please give me some insights and solutions about this.

: : thanks in advance...

***************** End Of Article ******************

Paul van Eijk posted Message 2972 in Message Board
Dated : November 09, 1999 at 02:42:56 EST
Subject: Re: proforma Invoice-- urgent
Zoom from tdsls4101m000 and go to 'Maintain advanced payment schedules'
Good luck
: dear paul
: i have tried this but when i print proforma invoice, it say no data selected,
no report printed
: do i need to do any parameter setting or should i have to do any thing in fina
nce for advance payment collection.
: pls reply -- very urgent
: thanks in advance
: : if you also want the invoice to be paid before delivery you can follow the f
ollowing procedure:
: : Define an order type as follows:
: : 1. Print proforma invoice tdsls4435m000
: : 2. Link advance receipt to proforma invoice tfcmg6200m000
: : 3. Maintain deliveries
: : etc.
: : Good luck!
: : Paul
: : : hi
: : : i am a baan user
: : : i want to print proforma invoice, before delivery of goods.
: : : can u explain me how to do that what are the steps i should use in the ord
er step and order type
: : : thanks

***************** End Of Article ******************

Kate posted Message 2973 in Message Board
Dated : November 09, 1999 at 03:53:26 EST
Subject: Error from process delivered S/O.
Hi all,
When I
t doesn't

run session process delivered sales order (delete order data = NO) i
success. I get error message in BW message as below....
5-Fatal error:Error 606(Reference does not exists) on tdsls051504 in S
5-Fatal error:Can not continue in tdsls4223m000

process 5-tdsls4223m000:A not terminated transaction is aborted

Could anyone help me to solve this problem ??

***************** End Of Article ******************

Jayant Keskar posted Message 2974 in Message Board
Dated : November 09, 1999 at 05:21:55 EST
Subject: Re: Error Invoicing (Urgent!!)
: Hi,
I 'd already checked everything that you said , they were
: correct .
Does anyone has any suggestions ???
: Regards,
: Judy
: : : Hi all,
: : :
my company has implemented Baan for 2 months , but today I got error
message from printing sales invoice of one customer.
: : :
The message is "No data within selection" and then " Not able to de
termine invoice number for order (order no.)" and when I click OK , it close se
ssion print sales invoice immediately.
: : :
But I can print sales invoices of the other customers .
: : : I already checked transaction type, last used document by transaction type
and customer data , they 're not wrong.
: : :
Could anyone help me ???
: : : REgards,
: : : Judy
: : :Hi,
: : :Make sure the session "Maintain Customers", for the Sales Order that you're
facing problem, has the field setting "Invoice Intervals" as "0" days. Also, pl
ease check if the order status has "Print Sales Invoice". Check the order type,
if it's the normal order tpye as other Sales Orders. It should go through.
: : Regards.
Hallo Judy
You may also get this message if there is an 'Application Lock' against the SO P
ls Check
***************** End Of Article ******************
mail to paul posted Message 2975 in Message Board
Dated : November 09, 1999 at 05:23:17 EST
Subject: Re: trasfer the stock

dear paul, i still didnot recieve the mail from u kindly can u make it fast
: My mail id is
: pls reply back
: : If you give me your e-mail address I'll send you the information you need.
: : Paul
: : : OK I agree, if i create a diffrent company and i make a single finance and
multi logistic senario: will i be able to trasfer the goods from one warehouse
to another with all discount structure and taxes, i dontwant to raise a sales or
der from the other company, as these two company belong to the same group,the ot
her company which i can create is a distributor or a godown
: : : thanks
: : : This is not possible. You are moving goods between warehouses in the same
company. In Finance there will only be a transaction for moving the goods.
: : : : Good luck
: : : : Paul

***************** End Of Article ******************

mail to paul posted Message 2976 in Message Board
Dated : November 09, 1999 at 05:23:41 EST
Subject: Re: trasfer the stock
dear paul, i still didnot recieve the mail from u kindly can u make it fast
: My mail id is
: pls reply back
: : If you give me your e-mail address I'll send you the information you need.
: : Paul
: : : OK I agree, if i create a diffrent company and i make a single finance and
multi logistic senario: will i be able to trasfer the goods from one warehouse
to another with all discount structure and taxes, i dontwant to raise a sales or
der from the other company, as these two company belong to the same group,the ot
her company which i can create is a distributor or a godown
: : : thanks
: : : This is not possible. You are moving goods between warehouses in the same
company. In Finance there will only be a transaction for moving the goods.
: : : : Good luck
: : : : Paul

***************** End Of Article ******************

mail to paul posted Message 2977 in Message Board

Dated : November 09, 1999 at 05:24:02 EST
Subject: Re: trasfer the stock
dear paul, i still didnot recieve the mail from u kindly can u make it fast
: My mail id is
: pls reply back
: : If you give me your e-mail address I'll send you the information you need.
: : Paul
: : : OK I agree, if i create a diffrent company and i make a single finance and
multi logistic senario: will i be able to trasfer the goods from one warehouse
to another with all discount structure and taxes, i dontwant to raise a sales or
der from the other company, as these two company belong to the same group,the ot
her company which i can create is a distributor or a godown
: : : thanks
: : : This is not possible. You are moving goods between warehouses in the same
company. In Finance there will only be a transaction for moving the goods.
: : : : Good luck
: : : : Paul

***************** End Of Article ******************

MervCarr posted Message 2978 in Message Board
Dated : November 09, 1999 at 15:22:09 EST
Subject: Re: Order Method in Item Master
FIrst off I would suggest reading the help text associated with that field in th
e item master. It is fairly extensive and gives quite a few examples of differen
t sceanrios. In broad terms though, MRP will first determine the net requirement
for an item and then refer to the ordering policies for the item to determine o
rder qty etc. in conjunction with fields such as order multiple, minimum order q
ty and economic order qty. For a manufactured item it can also affect the stand
ard cost calculation as the system will determine the standard cost for a "batch
" as opposed to a singular qty.
: Can anyone tell me what effects choosing "Economic Order Quantity" in the fie
ld "Order Method" in Maintain Item Data (tiitm0101m000) will have. Does it effec
t MRP and Production reporting? We are currently using "Lot for Lot" with values
entered into the "Economic Order Quantity" field, and are wondering if changing
the "Order Method" would be better for us.

***************** End Of Article ******************

roger posted Message 2979 in Message Board
Dated : November 09, 1999 at 15:41:09 EST
Subject: Blocked Warehouse Orders

In BaanERP, a warehouse order is created when a production order is released. D

oes anyone know how it gets blocked? Or better yet, how to unblock the order.
There is no active cycle count orders so nothing apparent is blocking the outbou
nd transactions.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Judy posted Message 2980 in Message Board
Dated : November 09, 1999 at 19:08:45 EST
Subject: Thank you Jayant,it has an application lock as u said.

: Hi,
I 'd already checked everything that you said , they were
: correct .
Does anyone has any suggestions ???

: : Regards,
: : Judy
: : : : Hi all,
: : : :
my company has implemented Baan for 2 months , but today I got erro
r message from printing sales invoice of one customer.
: : : :
The message is "No data within selection" and then " Not able to
determine invoice number for order (order no.)" and when I click OK , it close
session print sales invoice immediately.
: : : :
But I can print sales invoices of the other customers .
: : : : I already checked transaction type, last used document by transaction ty
pe and customer data , they 're not wrong.
: : : :
Could anyone help me ???
: : : : REgards,
: : : : Judy
: : : :Hi,
: : : :Make sure the session "Maintain Customers", for the Sales Order that you'
re facing problem, has the field setting "Invoice Intervals" as "0" days. Also,
please check if the order status has "Print Sales Invoice". Check the order type
, if it's the normal order tpye as other Sales Orders. It should go through.
: : : Regards.
: Hallo Judy
: You may also get this message if there is an 'Application Lock' against the SO
Pls Check
: Jayant

***************** End Of Article ******************

Linda posted Message 2981 in Message Board
Dated : November 09, 1999 at 19:19:32 EST
Subject: Re: Blocked Warehouse Orders

: In BaanERP, a warehouse order is created when a production order is released.

Does anyone know how it gets blocked? Or better yet, how to unblock the order.
There is no active cycle count orders so nothing apparent is blocking the outb
ound transactions.
Are there any signal codes?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Linda posted Message 2982 in Message Board
Dated : November 09, 1999 at 19:32:27 EST
Subject: Re: Cycle Counting Work In Process
: Linda,
There is no Cycle Count for WIP, I'm on a project where we will be creatin
g Outbound Records to adjust WIP balances for Production Orders Based upon where
the BOM Operation says the Material Should be issued and the Last completed Ope
ration of the Order. We then can adjust the Issue Quantity based upon the BOM Q
uantity and Order Quantity either Minus or Positive amount.
: : Can anyone tell me where I can get information on cycle counting WIP for an
Annual Cycle Count situation? We want to do our 1st inventory wide cycle count
for our company, but are not sure how to handle WIP. Please Help!
: : Thanks
: : Linda
Tommy Thank you so much for your reply. I forwarded it to our Inventory people.
Could we contact you for more infor if necessary?
Thanks again,
***************** End Of Article ******************
jane posted Message 2983 in Message Board
Dated : November 10, 1999 at 02:47:16 EST
Subject: Re: Blocked Warehouse Orders
The Order line may be blocked , expecting the Quality control Inspection.
so first do the inspection in quality Control , then ware house line will become
any other doubts get back
: In BaanERP, a warehouse order is created when a production order is released.
Does anyone know how it gets blocked? Or better yet, how to unblock the order.
There is no active cycle count orders so nothing apparent is blocking the outb
ound transactions.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Gianni posted Message 2984 in Message Board
Dated : November 10, 1999 at 04:57:54 EST

Subject: Change supplier after receipts

Hello BaaNfans,
My case is that I ordered items from one supplier and received them and receive
the invoice from a second one. The supplier from the invoice is the correct one,
so I should correct the purchase order.
Does anybody knows how to do this?
Thanks in advance,
***************** End Of Article ******************
Michel posted Message 2985 in Message Board
Dated : November 10, 1999 at 07:37:46 EST
Subject: Stock transfer vs. ILC inbound movement
In case you've received goods of a purchase order, the goods are stored in the d
efault "receipt" location of my warehouse. From there the goods can be distribut
ed in the warehouse using ILC inbound movement (maintain + release inbound advic
e). Can anybody tell me if there are disadvantages to using the ordinary stock t
ransfer for distributing the goods through the warehouse?
***************** End Of Article ******************
J. Cronin posted Message 2986 in Message Board
Dated : November 10, 1999 at 10:17:49 EST
Subject: Use Postal Address
: Hello BaaNfans,
: My case is that I ordered items from one supplier and received them and receiv
e the invoice from a second one. The supplier from the invoice is the correct on
e, so I should correct the purchase order.
: Does anybody knows how to do this?
: Thanks in advance,
: Gianni
Hi Gianni,
You can't make changes to the purchase order header after receipt of goods, so t
his specific case is a lost one.
However, in the future you can use Postal Address codes for your suppliers so th
at the invoice goes to the supplier on the purchase order, but the postal addres
s code describes the supplier who receives the order from you (a local agent?)
Hope this helps,

***************** End Of Article ******************

J. Cronin posted Message 2987 in Message Board

Dated : November 10, 1999 at 10:19:18 EST

Subject: Ignore the other response
: Hello BaaNfans,
: My case is that I ordered items from one supplier and received them and receiv
e the invoice from a second one. The supplier from the invoice is the correct on
e, so I should correct the purchase order.
: Does anybody knows how to do this?
: Thanks in advance,
: Gianni
Hi Gianni,
You can't make changes to the purchase order header after receipt of goods, so t
his specific case is a lost one.
However, in the future you can use Postal Address codes for your suppliers so th
at the invoice comes from the supplier on the purchase order, but the postal add
ress code describes the supplier who receives the order from you (a local agent?
Hope this helps,

***************** End Of Article ******************

J. Cronin posted Message 2988 in Message Board
Dated : November 10, 1999 at 10:30:05 EST
Subject: Re: Product Code System
: : I have a product code problem.
: : We design a product code system such a way that manufacturer source we put a
prefix in front of the product code, example:
: : Manufacture in China : C123XXXXXXX
: : Manufacture in USA
: : Manufacture in Africa : F123XXXXXXX
: : we design in this way because we want to differenciate the individual manufa
cturer source has their unique cost price. However, this will create another pro
blem when generating report. for example when we want to search for the 123XXXXX
X inventory level, then we have to search for the three different reports to tot
al the amount. and when generating MRP report, this will create more problem for
: : i am wondering is BaaN has a wild card system that i can generate a query by
ignoring the first Alphabet. example i want to search for the goods inventory o
f 123XXXXXX, i just type 123XXXXXX (no matter where the manufacture source from,
just total amount) ??
: : Thanks in advance, this is crucial for me now!
: :Hi,
: :You can manually re-type in the field "Search Key II", in session "Maintain I
tem Data"(tiitm0101m000), as 123XXXXXX. Basically, system by default takes the i

tem code as search key II. The user has to edit and change it to 123XXXXXX, for
all the C123XXXX, U123XXXX and F123XXXX. Now, you'll be able to generate a query
, using the menu option "Tools" in all relevant display & maintain sessions.
: Regards.
You could also use the selection code field to define the source country, and qu
ery by that.
***************** End Of Article ******************
J. Cronin posted Message 2989 in Message Board
Dated : November 10, 1999 at 10:43:11 EST
Subject: Re: Lot Price and Cost Price Calculation
: : : Hi Jeremy
: : : If you are talking about the report generated as a result of running the s
eesion calculate cost prices, this is an error report so no news is generally go
od news. Couple of points to cover (under the "dumb mistakes" heading).
: : : When calculating cost prices, are you using the "live" cost price calculat
ion code? If so are you entering "Yes" on the field "Update standard Costs". If
you are getting a result if you view "cost prices by item" then it tells me that
you are simply not updating the standard cost. (This can also be run seperately
of course). Does the item master have a value for standard cost?
: : : On to Lot costing. If the valuation method for the item is set to "Lot cos
ting" then you have the ability to track "actual costs" by lot. The inventory wi
ll also be valued at a total of all the lots for the item (I am going on memory
here but that is my understanding of it).
: : Thanks Merv,
: : I am using the 'live' cost price calculation code. The update field is set t
o 'yes' (I also tried the independent session - with no results) and the item ha
s zero in the standard cost field, and the last CP transaction date is not updat
ed. This problem is only with items which were changed to Lot control, and have
FTP Inv. val. method.
: : Any more ideas?
: : Otherwise, what other fields/tables do I need to check/change if I want to c
hange the inventory Valuation field in ttaad4100?
: : Regards,
: : Jeremy
: Hi Jeremy
: Sorry I coold not reply earlier. If 'Calculate Cost Prices' comes out with 'No
data within selection' means that there are no errors.
: Can you check the 'Average Purchase Price' field on form III of Item data. The
system calculates the APP and stores it in this field which gets updated to sta
ndard cost when you run the session Updtae Cost Prices. Has this field value cha
nged since you changed the items to lot controlled? If so the average price is b
eing calculated by the system, only it is not getting updated. If your link to F
inance is 'Yes' then the price will get updated only when the invoice is mateche
d and approved in finance.You can check whether this has been done.
: Re Lot Pricing-

: If you have two lots One say of 2,000 units at $2 and second of 1,000 units at
$2.50, then the system will not work out a weighted av price but will be valued
by lots only. Thus when you issue quantity upto 2,000 units the issue will be v
alued at $2.00 each and therefater the issue rate will change to $ 2.50.
: Please let me know f the above helps
: Regards
: Jayant
Thanks Jayant,
Regarding the APP - my items are manufactured, so the price field has zero, and
the APP did not receive the value of the Cost Price. But the last APP calculatio
n date does seem to have been updated when I tried calculating the Standard CP.
We are not linked to finance.
Does this mean anything to you?
Regarding the lot pricing - what you say checks out logical if using FIFO method
- which is what we do. But what happens if I generate outbound for 2000 pcs (f
ollowing your example) and then adjust the outbound data for 1000 from each lot?
Will Baan value this correctly?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Naveed I. Khan posted Message 2990 in Message Board
Dated : November 10, 1999 at 11:12:00 EST
Subject: Re: Stock transfer vs. ILC inbound movement
Dear Michel,
There is really no disadvantage fo using inventory transfer session instead of u
sing generate and release outbound. It is going to be little more work for you.
You will still have to use outbounding on sales side.
: In case you've received goods of a purchase order, the goods are stored in the
default "receipt" location of my warehouse. From there the goods can be distrib
uted in the warehouse using ILC inbound movement (maintain + release inbound adv
ice). Can anybody tell me if there are disadvantages to using the ordinary stock
transfer for distributing the goods through the warehouse?

***************** End Of Article ******************

Chris posted Message 2991 in Message Board
Dated : November 10, 1999 at 12:53:08 EST
Subject: &quot;Receipts already recorded, changing not possible&quot;
I have a P.O. that has seven lines on it. If I receive one of those lines in, an
d try to modify the delivery dates on the P.O. Lines for any other line item on
the order, I get the message "Receipts already recorded, changing not possible".

The only way I am able to fix this is by going into Maintain Receipts, and see i
f Baan has generated a zero line item for the unreceived item. Once I verify tha
t it has, I pull it up on Maintain Receipts and delete it. Then I can change the
dates back in the P.O.
My question is why do I have to go through this process and what can I do to pre
vent it from happening.
I am using ILC.
Thank you in advance.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Veeru. posted Message 2992 in Message Board
Dated : November 10, 1999 at 15:42:17 EST
Subject: Re: &quot;Receipts already recorded, changing not possible&quot;
: I have a P.O. that has seven lines on it. If I receive one of those lines in,
and try to modify the delivery dates on the P.O. Lines for any other line item o
n the order, I get the message "Receipts already recorded, changing not possible
: The only way I am able to fix this is by going into Maintain Receipts, and see
if Baan has generated a zero line item for the unreceived item. Once I verify t
hat it has, I pull it up on Maintain Receipts and delete it. Then I can change t
he dates back in the P.O.
: My question is why do I have to go through this process and what can I do to p
revent it from happening.
: I am using ILC.
: Thank you in advance.
: Chris
:Certainly, you don't have to go through the process as described above. Even if
the session "Maintain Receipts" has some lines with zero qty, you don't have to
delete, in order to amend the PO delivery date. Straight away you can get into
PO line item and go to form-4, to specify the "Changed delivery date", for those
line items which has no receipt transactions, which will be captured as the new
planned inventory transaction. This will also serve the purpose of reminding th
e supplier for the new delivery date.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Veeru. posted Message 2993 in Message Board
Dated : November 10, 1999 at 15:59:42 EST
Subject: Re: Change supplier after receipts

: Hello BaaNfans,
: My case is that I ordered items from one supplier and received them and receiv
e the invoice from a second one. The supplier from the invoice is the correct on
e, so I should correct the purchase order.
: Does anybody knows how to do this?
: Thanks in advance,
: Gianni
:In the first place, Baan will NOT allow changing the supplier, after receipt tr
ansactions are recorded. The suggestion is, release the PO to the supplier who'
s supplying the materials. And in parallel, you should've already specified the
"Factoring Company" in session "Maintain Suppliers" in form-3. The basic factori
ng company codes have to be defined under the "Financial Tables" of Baan Common.
Once, the goods are received, and when you receive the invoice from the other e
ntity, Baan Finance is capable of releasing the payment to the factoring company
and not to the supplier, provided the financial tables are defined with adequat
e data.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Max posted Message 2994 in Message Board
Dated : November 10, 1999 at 21:41:07 EST
Subject: Seek help on item &amp; warehouse
Hi all,
My boss imagined that BaanERP can restrict the warehouse to store specific list
of items only. And each Item can only be put in specific list of warehouses. A
ny transfer to unauthorized warehosue will be rejected.
Can anyone help me on this? Anyone has faced similar situations or anyone know
how to do it in Baan (if possible)?
Many many thanks.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Max posted Message 2995 in Message Board
Dated : November 11, 1999 at 01:13:11 EST
Subject: Re: Setup, Configuration, Demo Companies

Can anyone answer the following questions:

When you initially install baan, does it come with demo companies (with data
like suppliers, items etc.)?

I'm wondering how much setup work is needed to do distribution transactions

like creating a basic sales order/porder?



You can install the demo tables under Tools / software installation / installati
on / install demo tables.
After that, you can create so and po.
Hope this helps.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Jayant Keskar posted Message 2996 in Message Board
Dated : November 11, 1999 at 02:14:48 EST
Subject: Re: Lot Price and Cost Price Calculation
: : Hi Jeremy
: : If you are talking about the report generated as a result of running the see
sion calculate cost prices, this is an error report so no news is generally good
news. Couple of points to cover (under the "dumb mistakes" heading).
: : When calculating cost prices, are you using the "live" cost price calculatio
n code? If so are you entering "Yes" on the field "Update standard Costs". If yo
u are getting a result if you view "cost prices by item" then it tells me that y
ou are simply not updating the standard cost. (This can also be run seperately o
f course). Does the item master have a value for standard cost?
: : On to Lot costing. If the valuation method for the item is set to "Lot costi
ng" then you have the ability to track "actual costs" by lot. The inventory will
also be valued at a total of all the lots for the item (I am going on memory he
re but that is my understanding of it).
: Thanks Merv,
: I am using the 'live' cost price calculation code. The update field is set to
'yes' (I also tried the independent session - with no results) and the item has
zero in the standard cost field, and the last CP transaction date is not updated
. This problem is only with items which were changed to Lot control, and have FT
P Inv. val. method.
: Any more ideas?
: Otherwise, what other fields/tables do I need to check/change if I want to cha
nge the inventory Valuation field in ttaad4100?
: Regards,
: Jeremy
Hi Jeremy
I can't imagine why you are facing the problem. Looks to be an issue to be refer
red to Baan Support. I would not advise changing in GTM. However I would suggest

the following.
1. Calcualte the cost price of the same items under the simulation code and see
whether the system is calculating the correct cost price.
2. Calculate the cost price under the actual cost price calculation code. Print
the cost price calculation to see whether the system is calculating the cost pri
ce but not updating it.
3. Simulate the situation in your test company and see the results.
I will be happy if you let me know the results.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Jayant Keskar posted Message 2997 in Message Board
Dated : November 11, 1999 at 02:26:44 EST
Subject: Re: Combined Invoice
: We have recently implemented Baan IVc. We have a lot of problems with printing
invoices. In Baan IV you cannot make a combined invoice, which includes deliver
ies from several orders. Baan simply prints an invoice of all deliveries, which
have not yet been invoiced, all orders on separate invoices. Therefore we have t
o print a lot more invoices then we printed in our old system. What we would lik
e to have, is an invoicing session, which lets you select the deliveries to be i
ncluded on a single invoice.
Hi Heikki
I saw your message on Baanfans only today. Re summary invoice for several deliv
eries/ Sales Orders- You can do that by maintaining 'Invoicing Method' COLLECT U
nder 'Maintain Invoicing Methods' Session tcmcs0155m000.
Hope this helps
: Have others similar problems or needs? Is invoicing more flexible in versions
after IVc? Do we have to order a customization or are there any "add-ins" availa

***************** End Of Article ******************

Michel posted Message 2998 in Message Board
Dated : November 11, 1999 at 07:43:49 EST
Subject: Re: Stock transfer vs. ILC inbound movement
Cheerio Naveed! I'll just use Stock Xfers then.
: Dear Michel,
: There is really no disadvantage fo using inventory transfer session instead of
using generate and release outbound. It is going to be little more work for yo
u. You will still have to use outbounding on sales side.

: Regards,
: Naveed
: : In case you've received goods of a purchase order, the goods are stored in t
he default "receipt" location of my warehouse. From there the goods can be distr
ibuted in the warehouse using ILC inbound movement (maintain + release inbound a
dvice). Can anybody tell me if there are disadvantages to using the ordinary sto
ck transfer for distributing the goods through the warehouse?

***************** End Of Article ******************

bill posted Message 2999 in Message Board
Dated : November 11, 1999 at 10:09:52 EST
Subject: Canceling Receipts
Is there a way to cancel a purchase receipt after it has been finalized?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Jayant Keskar posted Message 3000 in Message Board
Dated : November 11, 1999 at 11:10:02 EST
Subject: Re: Canceling Receipts
: Is there a way to cancel a purchase receipt after it has been finalized?
: thanks
Hi Bill
To my knowledge no. You have to maintain a purchase return order to cancel the r
***************** End Of Article ******************
Tommy L. Bacon,CPIM posted Message 3001 in Message Board
Dated : November 11, 1999 at 13:47:07 EST
Subject: Re: Seek help on item &amp; warehouse
Multi-Item Locations
For each warehouse, you can indicate which items may be stored at a location: ei
ther items with the same item code or items with different item codes. You can s
Different items may be stored at one location.
At each location, only one item may be stored.
Multi-Lot by Item Locations
For items subject to lot control, you must indicate whether many lots of the sam

e items may be stored at a location. Yes

Different lots of one item may be stored at one location.
At each location, only one lot of a specific item may be stored.
In combination with the field "Multi-Item Locations", four variant are possible:
Different items and different lots of each item are allowed.
Different items are allowed, but only one lot of each item.
Only one item is allowed at the location, but of this item, more than one lot m
ay be stored.
Only one lot of one item is allowed at the location.
Hope this information helps. This is for a BaaN 4 Site.
: Hi all,
: My boss imagined that BaanERP can restrict the warehouse to store specific lis
t of items only. And each Item can only be put in specific list of warehouses.
Any transfer to unauthorized warehosue will be rejected.
: Can anyone help me on this? Anyone has faced similar situations or anyone kno
w how to do it in Baan (if possible)?
: Many many thanks.
: Max

***************** End Of Article ******************

Chris posted Message 3002 in Message Board
Dated : November 11, 1999 at 15:05:54 EST
Subject: Re: &quot;Receipts already recorded, changing not possible&quot;
We are not able to access the date field to change the date. We get the message
"Recepts already Recorded, changing not possible. This happens on the order line
that has not been received yet.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Scott Moorman,CPIM posted Message 3003 in Message Board
Dated : November 11, 1999 at 16:31:46 EST
Subject: Re: Seek help on item &amp; warehouse
You can use storage conditions to restrict items to specific warehouse/location
: Hi all,
: My boss imagined that BaanERP can restrict the warehouse to store specific lis
t of items only. And each Item can only be put in specific list of warehouses.
Any transfer to unauthorized warehosue will be rejected.
: Can anyone help me on this? Anyone has faced similar situations or anyone kno
w how to do it in Baan (if possible)?
: Many many thanks.
: Max

***************** End Of Article ******************

Scott Moorman,CPIM posted Message 3004 in Message Board
Dated : November 11, 1999 at 16:38:19 EST
Subject: Re: Stock transfer vs. ILC inbound movement
We've encounted no adverse effects from using the transfer vs inbound for purcha
se receipts. However, you must use the inbound for production receipts. In ord
er to make all put-away moves consistent, we've forced the use of the inbound se
ssion by blocking the receipt locations for transshipment.
: In case you've received goods of a purchase order, the goods are stored in the
default "receipt" location of my warehouse. From there the goods can be distrib
uted in the warehouse using ILC inbound movement (maintain + release inbound adv
ice). Can anybody tell me if there are disadvantages to using the ordinary stock
transfer for distributing the goods through the warehouse?

***************** End Of Article ******************

Veeru. posted Message 3005 in Message Board
Dated : November 11, 1999 at 22:47:19 EST
Subject: Re: &quot;Receipts already recorded, changing not possible&quot;
: We are not able to access the date field to change the date. We get the messag
e "Recepts already Recorded, changing not possible. This happens on the order li
ne that has not been received yet.
:As I said before, you cannot change a date that has been already specified, eit
her in the header or on the PO lines, once the item appear in the session "Maint
ain Receipts". I don't find a message from your note against my suggestion, to a
ttempt in going to the form-4 and type in the new date in the field "Changed Del
ivery date". Did you try to type the new date in form-4? Please let me know. Ple
ase remember, you cannot change the existing date, but you can type the new date
in the field called "Changed Dely date".

***************** End Of Article ******************

Michael Vogi posted Message 3006 in Message Board
Dated : November 12, 1999 at 04:31:58 EST
Subject: timrp1510m000 missing data
Hi all,
I would like to ask if anyone out there has experienced a probel allready with t
hat. If you generate MPS the MPS erases existing demand lines from table timrp01
0 and it is not reinserting the records into the table. As a result of that purc
hasing does not see anything in timrp1510m000 session. How did you work arround
that, or is it a baan bug ??

Micahel Vogi
***************** End Of Article ******************
Chris posted Message 3007 in Message Board
Dated : November 12, 1999 at 08:53:19 EST
Subject: Re: &quot;Receipts already recorded, changing not possible&quot;
This must be a bug, because I cannot change any of the dates in any of the field
***************** End Of Article ******************
William posted Message 3008 in Message Board
Dated : November 12, 1999 at 09:27:16 EST
Subject: General matter about transportation
I need to find a method to create general shipment for different sales orders, t
hese sales orders are for the same zone and they could be with different custome
rs. I don't know if trasportation package have something to allow me to make thi
s. I should also be able to understand how much the load is, the maximun weight
or the maximun quantity, to continue to add sales order line to the shipment. Wh
en I reach the maximun level for the shipment loading I 'd like to manage an onl
y one transport order to delivery. Thanks in advance. William Nanni.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Chin posted Message 3009 in Message Board
Dated : November 12, 1999 at 12:02:28 EST
Subject: How do I acheive price discounts without firm POs
Supplier gives a discount on every 100 pieces purchased.
We would like the discount but only have demand for 10
If we cut a PO for 100, the next day a cancellation message appears to cancele t
he other 90!
What is the best way to get a purchase price discount but only receive the items
in to stock when required.????
We don't want to keep access stock!

***************** End Of Article ******************

Chris Kiehl posted Message 3010 in Message Board
Dated : November 12, 1999 at 13:35:11 EST
Subject: Re: Canceling Receipts
: Is there a way to cancel a purchase receipt after it has been finalized?

: thanks
It depends on what you mean by "finalized".
Assuming you are in Baan IVC or similar, and assuming that you have location con
trol turned on, you should be able to select and delete the line in question.
You can do this up until the point that Inbound Data has been Released. After th
at, it cannot be undone.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Veeru. posted Message 3011 in Message Board
Dated : November 12, 1999 at 18:12:10 EST
Subject: Re: &quot;Receipts already recorded, changing not possible&quot;
: This must be a bug, because I cannot change any of the dates in any of the fie
:Possible. Because, I'm able to access in my site, the field "Changed Dely Date"
, when item is appearing in "Maintain Receipts" session without any receipt tran
sactions. Get in touch with support center for a possible patch.

***************** End Of Article ******************

making money posted Message 3012 in Message Board
Dated : November 12, 1999 at 18:24:39 EST
Subject: honest money



LIFE! IT DOES WORK! I found this on a bulletin board and decided to try it. Ali
ttle while back, I was browsing through newsgroups, just like you are now, and c
ame across an article similar to this that said you could make thousands of doll
ars within weeks with only an initial investment of $6.00! So I thought, "Yeah r
ight, this must be a scam", but like most of us, I was curious, so I kept readin
g. Anyway, it said that you send $1.00 to each of the 6 names and address stated
in the article. You then place your own name and address in the bottom of the l
ist at #6. Post the article (with your name in the #6 spot) in at least 200 news

groups. (There are thousands). No catch, that was it. So after thinking it over,
and talking to a few people first, I thought about trying it. I figured: "what
have I got to lose except 6 stamps and $6.00, right?" Then I invested the measly
$6.00. Well GUESS WHAT!? Within 7 days, I started getting money in the mail! I
was shocked! I figured it would end soon, but the money just kept coming in. In
my first week, I made about $25.00. By the end of the second week I had made a t
otal of over $1,000.00! In the third week I had over $10,000.00 and it's still g
rowing. This is now my fourth week and I have made a total of just over $42,000.
00 and it's still coming in rapidly. It's certainly worth $6.00, and 6 stamps, I
have spent more than that on lunch!! Let me tell you how this works and most im
portantly, WHY it works... Also, make sure you print a copy of this article NOW,
so you can get the information off of it as you need it. I promise you that if
you follow the directions exactly, that you will start making more money than yo
u thought possible by doing something so easy!
Suggestion: READ THIS ENTIRE MESSAGE CAREFULLY!! Print it out or download it. Fo
llow the simple directions and watch the money come in!
It's easy. It's legal. And, your investment is only $6.00 (Plus postage)
IMPORTANT: This is not a rip-off; it is not indecent; it is not illegal; and, it
's 99% risk-free. Best of all-- it really works!
If all of the following instructions are adhered to, you will receive extraordin
ary dividends.
PLEASE NOTE: Please follow these directions EXACTLY, and $50,000 or more can be
yours in 20 to 60 days. This program remains successful because of the honesty a
nd integrity of the participants. PLEASE CONTINUE IN ITS SUCCESS BY CAREFULLY AD
You will now become part of the Mail Order business. In this business your produ
ct is not solid and tangible, it's a service. You are in the business of develop
ing Mailing Lists. Many large corporations are happy to pay big bucks for qualit
y lists. However, the money made from the mailing lists is secondary to the inco
me which is made from people like you and me asking to be included in that list.
Here are the 4 easy steps to success:
STEP 1: Get 6 separate pieces of paper and write the following on each piece of
paper "PLEASE PUT ME ON YOUR MAILING LIST." Now get 6 US $1.00 bills and place O
NE inside EACH of the 6 pieces of paper so the bill will not be seen through the
envelope (to prevent thievery). Next, place one paper in each of the 6 envelope
s and seal them. You should now have 6 sealed envelopes, each with a piece of pa
per stating the above phrase, your name and address, and a $1.00 bill. What you
are doing is creating a service. THIS IS ABSOLUTELY LEGAL! You are requesting a
legitimate service and you are paying for it! Like most of us I was a little ske
ptical and a little worried about the legal aspects of it all. So I checked it o
ut with the U.S. Post Office (1-800-725-2161) and they confirmed that it is inde
ed legal. Mail the 6 envelopes to the following addresses:

#1) Mike Schude

893 S. Roanoke
Gilbert, AZ 85296
#2) David Freeman
11045 Harbour Springs Circle

Boca Raton, Fl 33428

#3) T. Shelp
7513 Redcliff Road
Indianapolis, IN 46256
#4) Tim Beaudoin
5362 Greenplain Road
Norolk, VA 23502
#5) Ambrose Costanzo
2777 Briargrove Dr. #839
Houston, TX 77057
#6) Wallace Debo
301 Thomas Nolan Dr.
Lafayette, La. 70508
STEP 2: Now take the #1 name off the list that you see above, move the other nam
es up (6 becomes 5, 5 becomes 4, etc...) and add YOUR name as #6 on the list.
STEP 3: Change anything you need to, but try to keep this article as close to or
iginal as possible. Now, post your amended article to at least 200 newsgroups. (
I think there are close to 24,000 groups) All you need is 200, but remember, the
more you post, the more money you make! You won't get very much unless you post
like crazy. :) This is perfectly legal! If you have any doubts, refer to Title
18 Sec. 1302 & 1341 of the Postal lottery laws. Keep a copy of these steps for y
ourself and, whenever you need money, you can use it again, and again. PLEASE RE
MEMBER that this program remains successful because of the honesty and integrity
of the participants and by their carefully adhering to the directions. Look at
it this way: if you are of integrity and honesty, the program will continue and
the money that so many others have received will come your way. NOTE: You may wa
nt to retain every name and address sent to you, either on a computer or hard co
py and keep the notes people send you. This VERIFIES that you are truly providin
g a service. (Also, it might be a good idea to wrap the $1 bill in dark paper to
reduce the risk of mail theft.) So, as each post is downloaded and the directio
ns carefully followed, six members will be reimbursed for their participation as
a List Developer with one dollar each. Your name will move up the list geometri
cally so that when your name reaches the #1 position you will be receiving thous
ands of dollars in CASH!!! What an opportunity for only $6.00 - $1.00 for each o
f the first six people listed above. Send it now, add your own name to the list
and you're in business!
---DIRECTIONS ----- FOR HOW TO POST TO NEWSGROUPS-----------Step 1) You do not need to re-type this entire letter to do your own posting. Si
mply put your cursor at the beginning of this letter and drag your cursor to the
bottom of this document, and select 'copy' from the edit menu. This will copy t
he entire letter into the computer's memory.
Step 2) Open a blank 'notepad' file and place your cursor at the top of the blan
k page. From the 'edit' menu select 'paste'. This will paste a copy of the lette
r into notepad so that you can add your name to the list. Step 3) Save your new
notepad file as a .txt file. If you want to do your postings in different settin
gs, you'll always have this file to go back to.
Step 4) Use Netscape or Internet Explorer and try searching for various newsgrou
ps (on-line forums, message boards, chat sites, discussions.)
Step 5) Visit these message boards and post this article as a new message by hig
hlighting the text of this letter and selecting paste from the edit menu. Fill i
n the Subject, this will be the header that everyone sees as they scroll through
the list of postings in a particular group, click the post message button. You'

re done with your first one! Congratulations!!! THAT'S IT! All you have to do is
jump to different newsgroups and post away, after you get the hang of it, it wi
ll take about 30 seconds for each newsgroup!
That's it! You will begin receiving money from around the world within days! You
may eventually want to rent a P.O.Box due to the large amount of mail you will
receive. If you wish to stay anonymous, you can invent a name to use, as long as
the postman will deliver it. **JUST MAKE SURE ALL THE ADDRESSES ARE CORRECT.**
Now, each of the 5 persons who just sent me $1.00 make the MINIMUM 200 postings,
each with my name at #5 and only 5 persons respond to each of the original 5, t
hat is another $25.00 for me, now those 25 each make 200 MINIMUM posts with my n
ame at #4 and only 5 replies each, I will bring in an additional $125.00! Now, t
hose 125 persons turn around and post the MINIMUM 200 with my name at #3 and onl
y receive 5 replies each, I will make an additional $625.00! OK, now here is the
fun part, each of those 625 persons post a MINIMUM 200 letters with my name at
#2 and they each only receive 5 replies, that just made me $3,125.00!!! Those 3,
125 persons will all deliver this message to 200 newsgroups with my name at #1 a
nd if still 5 persons per 200 newsgroups react I will receive $15,625,00! With a
n original investment of only $6.00! AMAZING! When your name is no longer on the
list, you just take the latest posting in the newsgroups, and send out another
$6.00 to names on the list, putting your name at number 6 again. And start posti
ng again. The thing to remember is: do you realize that thousands of people all
over the world are joining the internet and reading these articles everyday?, JU
ST LIKE YOU are now!! So, can you afford $6.00 and see if it really works?? I th
ink so... People have said, "what if the plan is played out and no one sends you
the money? So what! What are the chances of that happening when there are tons
of new honest users and new honest people who are joining the internet and newsg
roups everyday and are willing to give it a try? Estimates are at 20,000 to 50,0
00 new users, every day, with thousands of those joining the actual internet. Re
member, play FAIRLY and HONESTLY and this will really work.

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***************** End Of Article ******************

Arvind Patil, CPIM posted Message 3013 in Message Board
Dated : November 13, 1999 at 11:19:16 EST
Subject: Re: timrp1510m000 missing data
This is standard Baan functionality. When MPS is run for an item it deleted reco
rds in mrp010. You have to again run MRP for MPS item and mrp will put back thos
e records. You can run either net change or regen, bith will work
***************** End Of Article ******************
Arvind Patil, CPIM posted Message 3014 in Message Board
Dated : November 13, 1999 at 13:08:19 EST
Subject: Re: How do I acheive price discounts without firm POs
I thik your case can be handled through rebates. It seems your requirment is to
get discount from supplier after evry 100 pieces, I think that is possible throu
gh rebate control system. You will not get this kind og pricing from pricing mod
ile of Baan.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Arvind Patil, CPIM posted Message 3015 in Message Board
Dated : November 13, 1999 at 13:11:49 EST
Subject: Re: &quot;Receipts already recorded, changing not possible&quot;
The problem you have is a bug. The new oatch will relove your issue.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Arvind Patil, CPIM posted Message 3016 in Message Board
Dated : November 13, 1999 at 13:16:29 EST
Subject: The Disadvantage

There is no disadvantage as long as you never do a purchase I/B. But if by mistk
ae do an Purchase I/B then your I/B advice will show wrong qty. When you do a re
ceipt a record is created in ilc401(I/B). As long as this record is valid you ca
n get an I/B advice. So if you are folowing the procedure of doing inventory tra
nfer then follow it consistently, ottherwise you may get confused if an I/B advi
ce is generated for the item.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Arvind Patil, CPIM posted Message 3017 in Message Board
Dated : November 13, 1999 at 13:21:04 EST
Subject: Re: Lot Control
The FIFO and LIFO is only applicable if you are registering inventory by date- S
helf life. There is no other way of converting the non-lot inventory to lot inve
ntory, as system does not no how to allocate the lot inventory.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Ashish Anand posted Message 3018 in Message Board
Dated : November 14, 1999 at 04:01:44 EST
Subject: Re: General matter about transportation
Your requirements are mapped directly by using transportation functionality in B
aan, by defining route, creating trips etc.
: I need to find a method to create general shipment for different sales orders,
these sales orders are for the same zone and they could be with different custo
mers. I don't know if trasportation package have something to allow me to make t
his. I should also be able to understand how much the load is, the maximun weigh
t or the maximun quantity, to continue to add sales order line to the shipment.
When I reach the maximun level for the shipment loading I 'd like to manage an o
nly one transport order to delivery. Thanks in advance. William Nanni.

***************** End Of Article ******************

J. Cronin posted Message 3019 in Message Board
Dated : November 14, 1999 at 10:22:26 EST
Subject: Re: &quot;Receipts already recorded, changing not possible&quot;
: : This must be a bug, because I cannot change any of the dates in any of the f
: :Possible. Because, I'm able to access in my site, the field "Changed Dely Dat

e", when item is appearing in "Maintain Receipts" session without any receipt tr
ansactions. Get in touch with support center for a possible patch.
: Regards.
Hi Chris and Veeru,
Our installation has the same problem Chris describes. What happens is that if t
he receipt form has lines which were not received, they have the value zero in t
he delivered qty field, and in table tdpur045 there is a receipt record for that
item with zero qty, which obviously triggers the flag which prevents updating t
he delivery date field.
We simply delete all unreceived lines from the receipts session whilst entering
the receipts.
Veeru - is this a known bug that I should get a patch for?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Boby Mohan posted Message 3020 in Message Board
Dated : November 15, 1999 at 02:59:04 EST
Subject: Amendments to PO
Am in a small problem.
We are implementing Baan IV c4 and our customers want to maintain a specific num
ber against each PO amendment.A PO may be amended many number of times.the Uniqu
e No has to be inremental.
How can this be solved.Any help would be appreciated.
Am at customer site and they want the answer fast so please help me out friends.
thanks in advance
***************** End Of Article ******************
John McKnight posted Message 3021 in Message Board
Dated : November 15, 1999 at 05:50:57 EST
Subject: Re: Amendments to PO - Solution
I am part of a team which has just implemented IVc4 (went live on 1/9/99 in 7 mo
Projects/DEM & Safari Reporting in a SME around 30M T/O
I have a few ideas on how to solve you problem could you please contact me direc
tly. I hope I can help.
Look forward to hearing from you.

: Hi
: Am in a small problem.
: We are implementing Baan IV c4 and our customers want to maintain a specific n
umber against each PO amendment.A PO may be amended many number of times.the Uni
que No has to be inremental.
: How can this be solved.Any help would be appreciated.
: Am at customer site and they want the answer fast so please help me out friend
: thanks in advance
: boby

***************** End Of Article ******************

William Nanni posted Message 3022 in Message Board
Dated : November 15, 1999 at 09:04:33 EST
Subject: Re: General matter about transportation
Thank you very much Ashish for your answer.
I Tried to take a look about these package and I didn't understand something abo
ut some modules.
I transferred some sales orders from distribution to trasportation feeding some
trasport orders. I can't understand the meaning of the field "planner" in the he
ader of the session "maintenance trasport order (trtoc1100m000)" becouse it isn'
t really a customer in relation for each line I could have different customers.
I don't also understand the meaning and how to use the buttons "Back", "structur
e", "packing", "copy items", "split lines" into the session "maintenance traspor
t order lines (trtoc1188m000)".
After a correct creation of the trasport orders should I connect them, throught
the module planned trasport order, creating only one planned trasport order for
each delivery ?
What is the specific session to connect these transport orders checking the load
ing value (weight)?
Thank you very much in advance.

: Your requirements are mapped directly by using transportation functionality in

Baan, by defining route, creating trips etc.
: Ashish

: : I need to find a method to create general shipment for different sales order
s, these sales orders are for the same zone and they could be with different cus
tomers. I don't know if trasportation package have something to allow me to make
this. I should also be able to understand how much the load is, the maximun wei
ght or the maximun quantity, to continue to add sales order line to the shipment
. When I reach the maximun level for the shipment loading I 'd like to manage an
only one transport order to delivery. Thanks in advance. William Nanni.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Rocky Sanghvi posted Message 3023 in Message Board
Dated : November 15, 1999 at 12:24:33 EST
Subject: Physical Inventory
NovaSoft has just completed a Physical Inventory System for a client of ours. C
lient went live with system on Nov 3rd. Its is a system in Visual Basic that se
amlessly integrates with Baan. Our client tells us that there are many Baan cli
ents who need such a system. If you're interested please let me know and I can
email you the whitepaper.
Rocky Sanghvi
NovaSoft Information Technology
Baan Practice Manager
609 . 588 . 5500 x 235
609 . 631 . 6075 (Direct)
***************** End Of Article ******************
Veeru. posted Message 3024 in Message Board
Dated : November 15, 1999 at 19:34:22 EST
Subject: Re: &quot;Receipts already recorded, changing not possible&quot;
: : : This must be a bug, because I cannot change any of the dates in any of the
: : :Possible. Because, I'm able to access in my site, the field "Changed Dely D
ate", when item is appearing in "Maintain Receipts" session without any receipt
transactions. Get in touch with support center for a possible patch.
: : Regards.
: Hi Chris and Veeru,
: Our installation has the same problem Chris describes. What happens is that if
the receipt form has lines which were not received, they have the value zero in
the delivered qty field, and in table tdpur045 there is a receipt record for th
at item with zero qty, which obviously triggers the flag which prevents updating
the delivery date field.
: We simply delete all unreceived lines from the receipts session whilst enterin
g the receipts.
: Veeru - is this a known bug that I should get a patch for?

: Regards,
: Jeremy
:Hi Chris & Jeremy,
:Before we go any further & assume it as a bug, here's the clear path that I wou
ld like both of you to do a sample testing by creating a PO.
1)After creating a PO, you may print, if the order steps calls for. Make sure th
at the PO consists of more than 2 lines, which is the typical scenario, mentione
d in Chris's note.
2)Please make receipts only for the position 10 and now comes the main part. Now
, the user needs to zero out the packing slip qty field, against position 20 and
fill in the back order qty field. This step is necessary to set the system free
/clear for position 20 for any amendments in PO. By this, we understand that onl
y position 10 has undergone receipt transaction and NOT the item which has posit
ion 20.
3)Now, change the delivery date on form-4 of PO Lines and NOT on the header and
you'll be able to.
Note: I just now did this at my client site in testing company and it allowed me
to change the dely date. Please let me know after your testing. If it goes thro
ugh, then there is no bug, else that confirms a bug.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Arvind Patil, CPIM posted Message 3025 in Message Board
Dated : November 15, 1999 at 19:57:58 EST
Subject: Re: Amendments to PO
We have done it through a small customisation. Every time a PO is changed the PO
i sprinted with changed order sequence. It is not a difficult customisation may
be a day or two. Other option you have is to use chnage codes, but that will not
give you the incremnetal sequence you are looking for.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Ashish Anand CPIM posted Message 3026 in Message Board
Dated : November 16, 1999 at 03:40:13 EST
Subject: Transportation
Hi William,
If you have some basic exercises on transportation, go through them. Most of the
buttons you mentioned like split lines and
package won't figure in cases of simple TO making.
Also attaching TO lines to trip is something what planning engine
capability lets you do in transportation.
Also attempt discerning difference between customer, principal, owner and other
terms relating to master data settings before delving into the transactions.
Ashish Anand

ISC Consultancy Services

SEEPZ Mumbai
Phone: +91 022 8290100
: Thank you very much Ashish for your answer.
: I Tried to take a look about these package and I didn't understand something a
bout some modules.
: I transferred some sales orders from distribution to trasportation feeding som
e trasport orders. I can't understand the meaning of the field "planner" in the
header of the session "maintenance trasport order (trtoc1100m000)" becouse it is
n't really a customer in relation for each line I could have different customers
: I don't also understand the meaning and how to use the buttons "Back", "struct
ure", "packing", "copy items", "split lines" into the session "maintenance trasp
ort order lines (trtoc1188m000)".
: After a correct creation of the trasport orders should I connect them, through
t the module planned trasport order, creating only one planned trasport order fo
r each delivery ?
: What is the specific session to connect these transport orders checking the lo
ading value (weight)?
: Thank you very much in advance.
: William.

: : Your requirements are mapped directly by using transportation functionality
in Baan, by defining route, creating trips etc.
: :
: : Ashish
: :
: : : I need to find a method to create general shipment for different sales ord
ers, these sales orders are for the same zone and they could be with different c
ustomers. I don't know if trasportation package have something to allow me to ma
ke this. I should also be able to understand how much the load is, the maximun w
eight or the maximun quantity, to continue to add sales order line to the shipme
nt. When I reach the maximun level for the shipment loading I 'd like to manage
an only one transport order to delivery. Thanks in advance. William Nanni.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Sergiy Galagan posted Message 3027 in Message Board
Dated : November 16, 1999 at 04:15:16 EST
Subject: SLS - DRP - RPL - PUR?
Hello, all!
I entered sales order with delivery from one warehouse, but this warehouse had n
ot enough items quantity, then I generated replenishment orders to delivery ite
ms from central warehouse. BUT my central warehouse have not enough items quanti
ty, HOW I MAY generate purshase orders for replanish central warehouse first?

Thank you
***************** End Of Article ******************
Paul van Eijk posted Message 3028 in Message Board
Dated : November 16, 1999 at 08:05:51 EST
Subject: Re: SLS - DRP - RPL - PUR?
Use SIC on you central Warehouse (tdinv3201m000) and follow the procedure in the
help text
Good luck
: Hello, all!
: I entered sales order with delivery from one warehouse, but this warehouse had
not enough items quantity, then I generated replenishment orders to delivery i
tems from central warehouse. BUT my central warehouse have not enough items quan
tity, HOW I MAY generate purshase orders for replanish central warehouse first?
: Thank you

***************** End Of Article ******************

Paul van Eijk posted Message 3029 in Message Board
Dated : November 16, 1999 at 08:06:59 EST
Subject: Re: Physical Inventory
Does NovaSoft also support customers in Europe?
Please mail me the whitepaper
: NovaSoft has just completed a Physical Inventory System for a client of ours.
Client went live with system on Nov 3rd. Its is a system in Visual Basic that
seamlessly integrates with Baan. Our client tells us that there are many Baan c
lients who need such a system. If you're interested please let me know and I ca
n email you the whitepaper.

Rocky Sanghvi
NovaSoft Information Technology
Baan Practice Manager
609 . 588 . 5500 x 235
609 . 631 . 6075 (Direct)

***************** End Of Article ******************

slveig sa tryggvadttirtryggviar posted Message 3030 in Message Board

Dated : November 16, 1999 at 08:17:57 EST

Subject: Re: Amendments to PO
: Hi
: Am in a small problem.
: We are implementing Baan IV c4 and our customers want to maintain a specific n
umber against each PO amendment.A PO may be amended many number of times.the Uni
que No has to be inremental.
: How can this be solved.Any help would be appreciated.
: Am at customer site and they want the answer fast so please help me out friend
: thanks in advance
: boby

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Matjaz Savnik posted Message 3031 in Message Board
Dated : November 17, 1999 at 05:15:37 EST
Subject: Re: Sales Statistics with containerized item
We have the same problem. Have you discovered the way out? My suggestion is that
solution must exist (look at the; solution 10745) Here sta
nds that Print sales statistics shows up with containerised items (with some min
or problem regarding code) So ... solution must be ... somewhere
***************** End Of Article ******************
Eric Kuijper posted Message 3032 in Message Board
Dated : November 17, 1999 at 10:35:11 EST
Subject: Re: How do I acheive price discounts without firm POs
Why don't you try using a purchase contract. You can create a contract for 100 p
ieces and schedule only 10 each time. When you create a PO for 10 pieces be sure
you specify the right contract.
Commission and Rebate Control (CMS) will certainly not work, while CMS should be
used for giving rebates and commissions and not receiving them.
Regards, Eric Kuijper
Korade BV, The Netherlands

: Scenario,

: Supplier gives a discount on every 100 pieces purchased.

: We would like the discount but only have demand for 10
: If we cut a PO for 100, the next day a cancellation message appears to cancele
the other 90!
: What is the best way to get a purchase price discount but only receive the ite
ms in to stock when required.????
: We don't want to keep access stock!

***************** End Of Article ******************

Eric Kuijper posted Message 3033 in Message Board
Dated : November 17, 1999 at 11:02:29 EST
Subject: Re: Lot inventory initialization ???
When you use LTC there are two tables which contain the lot price. First of all
you have the the table TDLTC001 with all the lots and their lot prices. The seco
nd table is TDLTC004 if i'm correct (I don't have a Baan system at the moment) a
nd this table contains the lot price by cost price component. This table is used
for the finance integrations.
When you create a new lot with inventory transactions the cost price is automati
cally chosen as the lot price. When you want to alter this price afterwards, you
have to be very careful.
1) remove inventory on lot with inventory transactions
2) change lot price in TDLTC001 and TDLTC004
3) add inventory on lot (with new price) with inventory transactions
If you don't follow this procedure you will get false finance integrations!! The
following procedure could be used for a new implementation

create lots with zero inventory

change lot prices in TDLTC001 and TDLTC004 with ttaad4100
generate cycle count orders for the created inventory
enter correct quantities in cycle count orders
process cycle count orders

Of course, with the use of Exchange things are much easier as long as you use th
e same procedure.
I have done this before for a customer and it works OK.
Regards, Eric Kuijper
Korade BV, The Netherlands
: Hello everyone,

: How the inventory initialization (for a new implementation), is made in Baan f

or the lot items regarding lot price? Considering we have a warehouse for which
must to enter all the stock lots and also the value of every lot for every Item.
In case we haven't any inventory enter in warehouse for the lot's item, when e
nter the new lots through inventory adjustment session, the system put at the lo
t value the cost standard calculated in the item master data. It is any procedur
e, which me let to alter the value of lots?
: Thank you very much!
: Bye Bye,

***************** End Of Article ******************

Eric Kuijper posted Message 3034 in Message Board
Dated : November 17, 1999 at 11:07:48 EST
Subject: Re: cycle counting (urgent!!!)
I guess you figured this out yourself, but cycle counting orders are only genera
ted for items with inventory. So if you don't get all your items on the list, ma
ybe not all items have inventory.
Regards, Eric Kuijper
Korade BV, The Netherlands
: Thanks for the lenghty reply but i think it didn't clearly and completely answ
er my problem. Also, FYI i know the cycle counting procedure of Baan.
: My problem is simple, this is the first i generated a cycle counting order and
it did not include all items...
: I haven't performed ABC analysis yet so i think it shouldn't have any effect o
n my cycle count.
: Or do i have to perform ABC analysis first before cycle counting inventory.
: So if anybody out there who can give me an answer to my predicament.... please
: Thanks in advance...
: mondo
: : bla bla <help text> bla bla
: : : I just want to know why is it i generated cycle counting orders (using the
INV cycle count because i am not with locations)but not all my items are includ
ed in the cycle count report. this was my first time to generate cycle counting
order... so i think abc analysis of inventory does not have any effect on it...
: : : can i generate cycle counting orders though i haven't performed yet abc an
alysis or abc analysis must be performed before performing any cycle counting or
ders in baan. please give me some insights and solutions about this.
: : : thanks in advance...

***************** End Of Article ******************

AJM posted Message 3035 in Message Board

Dated : November 17, 1999 at 13:18:06 EST
Subject: Re: What is the difference between PO Lines and PO Lines(Wholesale)
PO Lines(Wholesale) will also be the default if you have both PCS and PCF turned
off in your system configuration parameters.
We found this answer in the Baan Support website.
: It all depends on the parameter Direct Order Line Entry per user - tdpur4123m0
00. Wholesale means that you go directly to the order lines (without entering a
: Good luck
: Paul
: : Hi pals,
: : Can anyone tell me what is the difference between PO Lines and PO Lines (Who
: : At certain times I get the former,and at other times the latter?
: : Help will be highly apreciated.

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Arvind Patil, CPIM posted Message 3036 in Message Board
Dated : November 17, 1999 at 18:50:06 EST
Subject: Re: SLS - DRP - RPL - PUR?
Use SIC with warehouase advice set to no. Run SIC on item level, this will resul
t in PO generation deliverd to item master warehouse.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Arvind Patil, CPIM posted Message 3037 in Message Board
Dated : November 17, 1999 at 18:56:13 EST
Subject: Re: Order Method in Item Master
Theses are standard ordering methods as described in APICS book. If you are chan
ging an item from L4L to EOQ you are going to increase the batch qty which will
have rippling effect down the structure. As you know there is nothing economic a
bout EOQ. This method of ordering is slowly going out of fashion as it do not go
in hand with keeping inventory low. THE EOQ as rightly indicated by our friend
is used in Cost price calculation. But this it will use irrespective of ordering
***************** End Of Article ******************

Alex posted Message 3038 in Message Board

Dated : November 18, 1999 at 02:41:37 EST
Subject: Re: Lot inventory initialization ???
Thank you very much Eric.
What did you say seems to be OK, but I though other procedure which seems more e
asily and tell me your opinion.
First, I'll calculate an standard cost for item (e.g. average price =average pri
ce recorded in accounting for that day), after that, I'll make an PO, I need o
ne pc for every price lot, make the reception and put every line from PO as an l
ot with own lot price, I'll go in inventory transaction and I'll grow the invent
ory as my need for every lot.
At the final I'll delete the integration table with Finance, and they taken the
account sold for the same date as my inventory.
I don't know if I make my self-clear and I'll give you an example.
We presume:
1. The Item = X
Inventory = Lot

which has as inventory 1000 pcs.

1000 = 300 pcs with 50$/pc
1001 = 250 pcs with 53$/pc
1002 = 450 pcs with 56$/pc

Considering we have a single supplier for the all lots and we'll make a single P
The lines of PO will be:
1 Item X, Qty 1 pc, Price 50$/pc.
2 Item X, Qty 1 pc, Price 53$/pc.
3 Item X, Qty 1 pc, Price 56$/pc.
I'll make the receipts and I'll have the Price lots desired, and after that, I'l
l make my inventory as my need and I'll delete all the trace regarding these PO'
What do you say?
Have a nice day, and thank you very much again.
Best Regards,
ITC S.A, Alexandru Corbu

: Hi,
: When you use LTC there are two tables which contain the lot price. First of al
l you have the the table TDLTC001 with all the lots and their lot prices. The se
cond table is TDLTC004 if i'm correct (I don't have a Baan system at the moment)
and this table contains the lot price by cost price component. This table is us
ed for the finance integrations.

: When you create a new lot with inventory transactions the cost price is automa
tically chosen as the lot price. When you want to alter this price afterwards, y
ou have to be very careful.
: 1) remove inventory on lot with inventory transactions
: 2) change lot price in TDLTC001 and TDLTC004
: 3) add inventory on lot (with new price) with inventory transactions
: If you don't follow this procedure you will get false finance integrations!! T
he following procedure could be used for a new implementation


create lots with zero inventory

change lot prices in TDLTC001 and TDLTC004 with ttaad4100
generate cycle count orders for the created inventory
enter correct quantities in cycle count orders
process cycle count orders

: Of course, with the use of Exchange things are much easier as long as you use
the same procedure.
: I have done this before for a customer and it works OK.
: Regards, Eric Kuijper
: Korade BV, The Netherlands
: : Hello everyone,
: :
: : How the inventory initialization (for a new implementation), is made in Baan
for the lot items regarding lot price? Considering we have a warehouse for whic
h must to enter all the stock lots and also the value of every lot for every Ite
m. In case we haven't any inventory enter in warehouse for the lot's item, when
enter the new lots through inventory adjustment session, the system put at the
lot value the cost standard calculated in the item master data. It is any proced
ure, which me let to alter the value of lots?
: : Thank you very much!
: : Bye Bye,

***************** End Of Article ******************

Raja Mohan posted Message 3039 in Message Board
Dated : November 18, 1999 at 04:30:55 EST
Subject: Urgent:Outbound released with inventory physically lying in the warehou
By mistake the outbound data were generated released for a number of sales order
s .But it was not the desired action.
How can we restore the outbound information to normalcy?
Right now all the sales orders are awaiting confirm delivery.
Your quick feedback will be appreciated.

Thanks in advance
Raja Mohan
***************** End Of Article ******************
wweglin posted Message 3040 in Message Board
Dated : November 18, 1999 at 10:12:58 EST
Subject: Re: Urgent:Outbound released with inventory physically lying in the war
You will have to go to the sales order lines add a line to the sales order for a
negative quantity of what you shipped. Maintain the outbound for the negative q
uantity and then release the outbound. This will put the items back into invent
ory. You will then need to maintain and confirm a back order quantity on the li
nes you shipped erroneously so that you can ship on those lines again. Then you
need to look at how you want to print out the invoices on the sales order. ie.
you can print a sales invoice for the positive delivery and the negative return
to stock which would net out to $0, then go ahead and ship the line again with
the correct invoice amount. Hope this helps.
: Hi
: By mistake the outbound data were generated released for a number of sales ord
ers .But it was not the desired action.
: How can we restore the outbound information to normalcy?
: Right now all the sales orders are awaiting confirm delivery.
: Your quick feedback will be appreciated.
: Thanks in advance
: regards
: Raja Mohan

***************** End Of Article ******************

Chris posted Message 3041 in Message Board
Dated : November 18, 1999 at 11:11:02 EST
Subject: Re: &quot;Receipts already recorded, changing not possible&quot;
Just to update everyone, Baan has informed me that this is standard baan as long
as the parameter in purchasing "Record receipts by" PO number or receipt number
is set to PO number.
If you switch this parameter to receipt number, then you dont have this problem.
I dont think this is to helpful to the customer since most people receive by PO
number. Maybe Baan addressed this in Baan 4c3, we are running 4c2.
: : : This must be a bug, because I cannot change any of the dates in any of the
: : :Possible. Because, I'm able to access in my site, the field "Changed Dely D
ate", when item is appearing in "Maintain Receipts" session without any receipt
transactions. Get in touch with support center for a possible patch.
: : Regards.

: Hi Chris and Veeru,

: Our installation has the same problem Chris describes. What happens is that if
the receipt form has lines which were not received, they have the value zero in
the delivered qty field, and in table tdpur045 there is a receipt record for th
at item with zero qty, which obviously triggers the flag which prevents updating
the delivery date field.
: We simply delete all unreceived lines from the receipts session whilst enterin
g the receipts.
: Veeru - is this a known bug that I should get a patch for?
: Regards,
: Jeremy

***************** End Of Article ******************

Arvind Patil, CPIM posted Message 3042 in Message Board
Dated : November 18, 1999 at 13:29:17 EST
Subject: Re: Urgent:Outbound released with inventory physically lying in the war
You can fix the order, but it will require table maintainenace. This can be done
occassionaly to fix th eproblem.
The tables affected are
ilc401,ilc101,ilc300, inv750,inv760,inv001,itm001,gld410,ltc001,
ltc102(incase lot controlled), sls045,sls041, sls051,inv700.
Otherwise the option is as suggested by our freind. We have some time has done t
able maintainenace to avoid invocing problem.
In short fix all inventory table, SLS and Finace table
***************** End Of Article ******************
Lesley Kitchens posted Message 3043 in Message Board
Dated : November 18, 1999 at 14:19:11 EST
Subject: Number of receipts
Is there anyway to make Baan allow for more than 99 receipts per line item on a
Purchase Order? Some of our po's have line items that we may receive well over
100 times. This has been a hassle and I was just curious if anyone had tackled
this problem before.
Thanks in advance!
***************** End Of Article ******************
Veeru. posted Message 3044 in Message Board
Dated : November 18, 1999 at 15:21:28 EST
Subject: Re: Number of receipts
: Is there anyway to make Baan allow for more than 99 receipts per line item on
a Purchase Order? Some of our po's have line items that we may receive well ove

r 100 times. This has been a hassle and I was just curious if anyone had tackle
d this problem before.
: Thanks in advance!
: Les
:Nope! No packages can afford to define the field length to accomodate infinite
times of receipts. Hence, in case of Baan, the limitation is upto 99 receipt lin
es. However, there is a way get around this. If a PO line item, say position 10,
has undergone receipt transactions upto 99, you may insert & open a new positio
n 11 for the same item/part number, on PO lines, to start making receipts agains
t the new position 11, for the item in question.
Hope this helps!
***************** End Of Article ******************
Rocky Sanghvi posted Message 3045 in Message Board
Dated : November 18, 1999 at 17:32:50 EST
Subject: Re: Physical Inventory
Yes through our Milton Keynes UK office.
: Does NovaSoft also support customers in Europe?
: Please mail me the whitepaper
: Thanks,
: Paul
: : NovaSoft has just completed a Physical Inventory System for a client of ours
. Client went live with system on Nov 3rd. Its is a system in Visual Basic tha
t seamlessly integrates with Baan. Our client tells us that there are many Baan
clients who need such a system. If you're interested please let me know and I
can email you the whitepaper.


Rocky Sanghvi
NovaSoft Information Technology
Baan Practice Manager
609 . 588 . 5500 x 235
609 . 631 . 6075 (Direct)

***************** End Of Article ******************

Lesley Kitchens posted Message 3046 in Message Board
Dated : November 18, 1999 at 17:36:37 EST
Subject: Re: Number of receipts

: :
n a

Is there anyway to make Baan allow for more than 99 receipts per line item o
Purchase Order? Some of our po's have line items that we may receive well o
100 times. This has been a hassle and I was just curious if anyone had tack
this problem before.

: : Thanks in advance!
: : Les
: :Hi,
: :Nope! No packages can afford to define the field length to accomodate infinit
e times of receipts. Hence, in case of Baan, the limitation is upto 99 receipt l
ines. However, there is a way get around this. If a PO line item, say position 1
0, has undergone receipt transactions upto 99, you may insert & open a new posit
ion 11 for the same item/part number, on PO lines, to start making receipts agai
nst the new position 11, for the item in question.
: Hope this helps!
: Regards.
Thanks for your help. I'll try that!
***************** End Of Article ******************
Arvind Patil, CPIM posted Message 3047 in Message Board
Dated : November 18, 1999 at 18:02:47 EST
Subject: Re: Number of receipts
It is very surprising that you will have more than 99 backorders for a line. Thi
s seems to be too high. The suggestion as suggested by our friend is correct, yo
u have to create a new line and receive the remaining part of it. It does not se
em correct that you have more than 99 backorders.
***************** End Of Article ******************
mark jones posted Message 3048 in Message Board
Dated : November 18, 1999 at 21:33:41 EST
Subject: Unique Price and Discount structure-urgent
I am facing a problem at site, i need to achieve a unique price and discount str
I need to explain in detail
Baan provided 3 level of discount
after all these discount i like to add freight on the net valu but baan is calcu
lating on the list valu
say my list price is 5000$ and after a discount of 3 levels (30% in the first le
vel, 50$ amount in 2nd level, and 4% discount in 3rd level say i get a net value
of 3500$, i need to calculate 4% freight(it is 140$, pls keep a note of this 14
0$ as it is going to be used in next step)
on the subtotal i calculate a tax of 16% and on this total after the tax we need
to subtract the 140$ as special discount (it is actually what ever the amount w
e get on freight)
can u tell me how to achieve the discount structure we are using Baan IV c3

thanks in advance
***************** End Of Article ******************
shanker posted Message 3049 in Message Board
Dated : November 18, 1999 at 21:39:59 EST
Subject: additional cost item
I am working on Baan IVc3 on
i like to define the freight
efine in itemmaster data, if
net total weight the system
where can i see this

additional cost.
cost depending on the weight, also unit weight is d
i raise a sales order for 50 numbers, can i get the
should take the unit weight and calculate,

***************** End Of Article ******************

Juli posted Message 3050 in Message Board
Dated : November 19, 1999 at 01:29:21 EST
Subject: Advance receipt is zero in sales invoice.
Hi all ,
I process an export order include step 'link advance receipt to proforma
invoice' in my order type . After I success
receiveing advance receipt in F/N and follow my step
to print sales invoice at the end , my sales invoice
show 'Advance amount Adjusted = 0.00 and the field total invoice
show whole amount included advance receipt amount too.
Could anyone help me ???
Thanks in advanced,
***************** End Of Article ******************
Amanda posted Message 3051 in Message Board
Dated : November 19, 1999 at 01:55:44 EST
Subject: Cycle count problem.
Hi all,
Does anyone know how we can see who has run session 'generate cycle cou
nt (tdilc5210m000)' ??
(I mean if he only generated cycle count but doesn't
enter cycle counting data yet. )
best regards,
***************** End Of Article ******************
Raja Mohan posted Message 3052 in Message Board
Dated : November 19, 1999 at 05:20:33 EST
Subject: Thanks Arvind and Wweglin!I hope this should solve the problem.

: Hi
: By mistake the outbound data were generated released for a number of sales ord
ers .But it was not the desired action.
: How can we restore the outbound information to normalcy?
: Right now all the sales orders are awaiting confirm delivery.
: Your quick feedback will be appreciated.
: Thanks in advance
: regards
: Raja Mohan

***************** End Of Article ******************

Sergiy Galagan posted Message 3053 in Message Board
Dated : November 19, 1999 at 06:21:50 EST
Subject: Re: SLS - DRP - RPL - PUR?
Well, it has not worked.
: Hi,
: Use SIC with warehouase advice set to no. Run SIC on item level, this will res
ult in PO generation deliverd to item master warehouse.
: Arvind

***************** End Of Article ******************

Chris posted Message 3054 in Message Board
Dated : November 19, 1999 at 13:21:17 EST
Subject: Item Already Taken by Inspection
I am trying to adjust some stock out of inventory, I keep getting this message "
Item Already Taken by Inspection". The funny thing is that these items were rece
ived on a PO that did not require inspection. Has anyone experience this before?
Thanks in advance
***************** End Of Article ******************
Chris posted Message 3055 in Message Board
Dated : November 19, 1999 at 14:26:53 EST
Subject: Re: Number of receipts
I can confirm that Baan does not allow this as I just got off the phone with the
m regarding another issue, and they mentioned the 99 receipt max.
: : : Is there anyway to make Baan allow for more than 99 receipts per line item
on a Purchase Order? Some of our po's have line items that we may receive well

over 100 times. This has been a hassle and I was just curious if anyone had ta
ckled this problem before.
: : : Thanks in advance!
: : : Les
: :
: : :Hi,
: : :Nope! No packages can afford to define the field length to accomodate infin
ite times of receipts. Hence, in case of Baan, the limitation is upto 99 receipt
lines. However, there is a way get around this. If a PO line item, say position
10, has undergone receipt transactions upto 99, you may insert & open a new pos
ition 11 for the same item/part number, on PO lines, to start making receipts ag
ainst the new position 11, for the item in question.
: : Hope this helps!
: : Regards.
: Thanks for your help. I'll try that!

***************** End Of Article ******************

Chris posted Message 3056 in Message Board
Dated : November 19, 1999 at 14:29:13 EST
Subject: Re: additional cost item
The Weight field in the item master is used in Baan for Bill of Lading to calcul
ate the total weight of the order going on the truck. So I guess the Bill of Lad
ing is your answer.
: Hi
: I am working on Baan IVc3 on
: i like to define the freight
define in itemmaster data, if
he net total weight the system
: where can i see this
: thanks

additional cost.
cost depending on the weight, also unit weight is
i raise a sales order for 50 numbers, can i get t
should take the unit weight and calculate,

***************** End Of Article ******************

Veeru posted Message 3057 in Message Board
Dated : November 19, 1999 at 18:30:04 EST
Subject: Re: Cycle count problem.
: Hi all,
Does anyone know how we can see who has run session 'generate cycle c
ount (tdilc5210m000)' ??
(I mean if he only generated cycle count but doesn't
: enter cycle counting data yet. )
: best regards,

: Amanda
:One way of finding the user who has run cycle count order generation, is to con
duct an Audit Trail, using Baan Tools. This gives appropriate results only if th
e user has used his/her own logon id and password. Another way, is to find from
those limited users who have been given authorization. Anticipating such situati
on, it would be wise enough for your client to decide on having access authoriza
tion only to 2 users.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Arvind Patil, CPIM posted Message 3058 in Message Board
Dated : November 19, 1999 at 20:08:05 EST
Subject: Re: Item Already Taken by Inspection
These items may be used in storage Inspection. You may chek this
***************** End Of Article ******************
Arvind Patil, CPIM posted Message 3059 in Message Board
Dated : November 19, 1999 at 20:10:38 EST
Subject: Re: Cycle count problem.
If you are so much concerned then add some filefd to tdilc501 (cycle counting or
der table) like user login,date etc and do s small customisation do get these ca
***************** End Of Article ******************
Arvind Patil, CPIM posted Message 3060 in Message Board
Dated : November 19, 1999 at 20:16:38 EST
Subject: Re: Unique Price and Discount structure-urgent
If I understanf your question correctly you want to achieve 4% on net value and
not on list value. Try using discount type cumulative(you may have maintained it
parallel) for 4% as you maintain the discount parameter for third level.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Arvind Patil, CPIM posted Message 3061 in Message Board
Dated : November 20, 1999 at 23:39:23 EST
Subject: Re: SLS - DRP - RPL - PUR?
If you are short in inventory, it should have given you a PO. Check for order sy
stem while running. Also I think at item level you were not short that is why it
will not work
***************** End Of Article ******************
akash posted Message 3062 in Message Board
Dated : November 21, 1999 at 23:30:16 EST
Subject: EDI set up procedure /
Hi there,
we would like to know procedure to set up EDI ?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Eric Kuijper posted Message 3063 in Message Board
Dated : November 22, 1999 at 04:56:18 EST
Subject: Re: Item Already Taken by Inspection
Hi Chris,
We have had the same problem for one of our customers. They use ILC and LTC and
when they try to enter a stock adjustment for a certain location/lot the system
displays the same message.
The solution is in fact very simple. Just click with the mouse pointer on the ne
xt field of the particular row. The error message will be neglected and you can
continue with the adjustment.
I hope this solves your problem. If not, please let me know. I don't know whethe
r a Baan-call was created for this problem by our customer, but I would advise y
ou to do so.
Kind regards, Eric.
Korade BV, The Netherlands
: I am trying to adjust some stock out of inventory, I keep getting this message
"Item Already Taken by Inspection". The funny thing is that these items were re
ceived on a PO that did not require inspection. Has anyone experience this befor
: Thanks in advance
: Chris

***************** End Of Article ******************

Eric Kuijper posted Message 3064 in Message Board
Dated : November 22, 1999 at 05:12:37 EST
Subject: Re: Urgent:Outbound released with inventory physically lying in the war
This problem occurs very often. I always advise customers to change the defaults
of the selection made in the sessions 'Generate Outbound/Inbound advises' and '
Release Outbound/Inbound advises'. Normally the selection is made for all orders
'0' to '999999', all warehouses ' ' to 'ZZZ' and so on. The best and simplest
way to avoid the problem you had is to change the default for the 'to' fields,
e.g. selection of orders '0' to '0', warehouses ' ' to ' '. Users now have t
o enter the specific range they want.
Kind Regards, Eric Kuijper
Korade BV, The Netherlands

: Hi
: By mistake the outbound data were generated released for a number of sales ord
ers .But it was not the desired action.
: How can we restore the outbound information to normalcy?
: Right now all the sales orders are awaiting confirm delivery.
: Your quick feedback will be appreciated.
: Thanks in advance
: regards
: Raja Mohan

***************** End Of Article ******************

Eric Kuijper posted Message 3065 in Message Board
Dated : November 22, 1999 at 05:29:47 EST
Subject: Re: Lot inventory initialization ???
Hi Alexandru,
Sounds OK to me. The result will be the same. The only difference is that your p
rocedure should be executed manually and that you have to delete records in tfgl
If you're familiair with Exchange I would advise you to use the procedure I sugg
ested since this can be done completely automatic.
1) Lots with the correct prices can be
2) Cycle count orders with the correct
3) 'Process cycle count orders' should
e result will be that the inventory is

created using Exchange

qunaitities can also be created using Exc
be started for all cycle count orders. Th
corrected automatically in all the necess

ary tables and the correct financial are generated.

Of course this only works if you have experience with Exchange. But then again,
the solution you suggested also works fine.
Kind Regards, Eric Kuijper
Korade BV, The Netherlands

: Thank you very much Eric.

: What did you say seems to be OK, but I though other procedure which seems more
easily and tell me your opinion.
: First, I'll calculate an standard cost for item (e.g. average price =average p
rice recorded in accounting for that day), after that, I'll make an PO, I need
one pc for every price lot, make the reception and put every line from PO as an
lot with own lot price, I'll go in inventory transaction and I'll grow the inve
ntory as my need for every lot.
: At the final I'll delete the integration table with Finance, and they taken th
e account sold for the same date as my inventory.
: I don't know if I make my self-clear and I'll give you an example.
: We presume:
: 1. The Item
: Inventory =

= X

which has as inventory 1000 pcs.

1000 = 300 pcs with 50$/pc
1001 = 250 pcs with 53$/pc
1002 = 450 pcs with 56$/pc

: Considering we have a single supplier for the all lots and we'll make a single
: The lines of PO will be:
: 1 Item X, Qty 1 pc, Price 50$/pc.
: 2 Item X, Qty 1 pc, Price 53$/pc.
: 3 Item X, Qty 1 pc, Price 56$/pc.
: I'll make the receipts and I'll have the Price lots desired, and after that, I
'll make my inventory as my need and I'll delete all the trace regarding these P
: What do you say?
: Have a nice day, and thank you very much again.
: Best Regards,
: ITC S.A, Alexandru Corbu
: Romania
: : Hi,
: : When you use LTC there are two tables which contain the lot price. First of

all you have the the table TDLTC001 with all the lots and their lot prices. The
second table is TDLTC004 if i'm correct (I don't have a Baan system at the momen
t) and this table contains the lot price by cost price component. This table is
used for the finance integrations.
: : When you create a new lot with inventory transactions the cost price is auto
matically chosen as the lot price. When you want to alter this price afterwards,
you have to be very careful.
: : 1) remove inventory on lot with inventory transactions
: : 2) change lot price in TDLTC001 and TDLTC004
: : 3) add inventory on lot (with new price) with inventory transactions
: : If you don't follow this procedure you will get false finance integrations!!
The following procedure could be used for a new implementation



create lots with zero inventory

change lot prices in TDLTC001 and TDLTC004 with ttaad4100
generate cycle count orders for the created inventory
enter correct quantities in cycle count orders
process cycle count orders

: : Of course, with the use of Exchange things are much easier as long as you us
e the same procedure.
: : I have done this before for a customer and it works OK.
: :
: : Regards, Eric Kuijper
: : Korade BV, The Netherlands
: :
: : : Hello everyone,
: : :
: : : How the inventory initialization (for a new implementation), is made in Ba
an for the lot items regarding lot price? Considering we have a warehouse for wh
ich must to enter all the stock lots and also the value of every lot for every I
tem. In case we haven't any inventory enter in warehouse for the lot's item, wh
en enter the new lots through inventory adjustment session, the system put at th
e lot value the cost standard calculated in the item master data. It is any proc
edure, which me let to alter the value of lots?
: : : Thank you very much!
: : : Bye Bye,

***************** End Of Article ******************

Eric Kuijper posted Message 3066 in Message Board
Dated : November 22, 1999 at 06:01:37 EST
Subject: Re: Order Method in Item Master
Hi Arvind,
I'm sorry but I don't agree with your opinion. A lot of research is done concern

ing ordering methods and EOQ is still being advised in certain situations. Since
you're familiair with the literature on this subject, you will probably know th
at L4L is not the best solution when ordering costs are relatively high. L4L can
result in a 'very nervous' ordering system, with frequent orders and small quan
tities. Low inventory with very high ordering costs, set-up costs and so on, is
not very economic either.
The EOQ is only 'economic' under certain (strong) assumptions, but in the real l
ife these assumptions are never correct. There a lot of alternatives for the not
economic EOQ (Wagner-Whitin, Silver-Meal, Silver-Miltenburg) but they are all m
uch more complicated and therefore not useful for many companies. EOQ has proofe
d (in extensive simulations with probabilistic demand) not to be 'economic' but
very robust and easy to understand.
There are too many variables when choosing the optimal ordering methods. Therefo
re, there is no optimal method and I never advise customers to use a specific me
thod without considering the customer environment and the level of education.
EOQ may be going out of fashion but there is nothing wrong with it when it is ap
plied in the correct situation. The same applies for L4L.
Kind regards, Eric Kuijper
Korade BV, The Netherlands
: Hi,
: Theses are standard ordering methods as described in APICS book. If you are ch
anging an item from L4L to EOQ you are going to increase the batch qty which wil
l have rippling effect down the structure. As you know there is nothing economic
about EOQ. This method of ordering is slowly going out of fashion as it do not
go in hand with keeping inventory low. THE EOQ as rightly indicated by our frien
d is used in Cost price calculation. But this it will use irrespective of orderi
ng method.
: Arvind

***************** End Of Article ******************

Alex posted Message 3067 in Message Board
Dated : November 22, 1999 at 07:49:25 EST
Subject: Re: Lot inventory initialization ???
Hi Eric,
Thank you very much that you gave me a solution for this problem and also that y
ou confirmed my idea. Now, I have another problem which is artificial created, b
ecause in Baan IV C4 with MCR, the session tdpur4122m000 (in standard is OK, the
procedure works properly) gives the following errors:
Process 70 - Fatal error: Use of NULL pointer on ' '
Process 70 - Fatal error: Can not continue in tdpur4122m000 in DLL: otdltcdll000
Process 70 - Error: tdpur4122m000: A not terminated transaction is aborted.
And, also these errors appear just for the items which are inventory valuation w
ith "Lot price", which in my case represent all that I purchase.

Now I tell you why I need for this session. The client wants that the customs ta
x and the customs commission to be enter in the lot price of the raw material. W
e have a particularity (the customs exchange rate is fixed for a week in the eve
ry Thursday for the next week), that's why I have thought the order steps as fol
3. Change exchange rate, written in tdpur045, with customs exchange rate written
in Customs clearance Document. That's need for localization.
4. Maintain Receipts
6. Change price/discount after 'Maintain Receipts' (tdpur4122m000) - in this ses
sion I'll alter the order price with the order price + Customs tax + customs com
mission for every line of the PO's. That's made depending of the value of the it
ems on the import invoice and the Customs tax and Customs commission written in
the Customs Clearance Document.
In this case, in Financial, they can link a payment to the supplier in conformit
y of the order, and the difference can be linked to customs and paid. The lot pr
ice will contain beside the supplier price and the quantum of customs tax and cu
stoms commission. All these are working in Baan IV standard but in version with
MCR I receive the errors listed up. Can you tell me if I can obtain the same res
ults but with other procedure steps until this session will be repair???
Have a nice day and thank you very much again,
Best Regards,
Alexandru Corbu

: Hi Alexandru,
: Sounds OK to me. The result will be the same. The only difference is that your
procedure should be executed manually and that you have to delete records in tf
: If you're familiair with Exchange I would advise you to use the procedure I su
ggested since this can be done completely automatic.
: 1) Lots with the correct prices can be created using Exchange
: 2) Cycle count orders with the correct qunaitities can also be created using E
: 3) 'Process cycle count orders' should be started for all cycle count orders.
The result will be that the inventory is corrected automatically in all the nece
ssary tables and the correct financial are generated.
: Of course this only works if you have experience with Exchange. But then again
, the solution you suggested also works fine.
: Kind Regards, Eric Kuijper
: Korade BV, The Netherlands

: : Thank you very much Eric.

: : What did you say seems to be OK, but I though other procedure which seems mo
re easily and tell me your opinion.
: : First, I'll calculate an standard cost for item (e.g. average price =average
price recorded in accounting for that day), after that, I'll make an PO, I nee
d one pc for every price lot, make the reception and put every line from PO as
an lot with own lot price, I'll go in inventory transaction and I'll grow the in
ventory as my need for every lot.
: : At the final I'll delete the integration table with Finance, and they taken
the account sold for the same date as my inventory.
: : I don't know if I make my self-clear and I'll give you an example.
: : We presume:

: 1. The Item
: Inventory =

= X

which has as inventory 1000 pcs.

1000 = 300 pcs with 50$/pc
1001 = 250 pcs with 53$/pc
1002 = 450 pcs with 56$/pc

: : Considering we have a single supplier for the all lots and we'll make a sing
le PO.
: : The lines of PO will be:
: : 1 Item X, Qty 1 pc, Price 50$/pc.
: : 2 Item X, Qty 1 pc, Price 53$/pc.
: : 3 Item X, Qty 1 pc, Price 56$/pc.
: : I'll make the receipts and I'll have the Price lots desired, and after that,
I'll make my inventory as my need and I'll delete all the trace regarding these
: : What do you say?
: : Have a nice day, and thank you very much again.
: : Best Regards,
: : ITC S.A, Alexandru Corbu
: : Romania
: :
: : : Hi,
: : : When you use LTC there are two tables which contain the lot price. First o
f all you have the the table TDLTC001 with all the lots and their lot prices. Th
e second table is TDLTC004 if i'm correct (I don't have a Baan system at the mom
ent) and this table contains the lot price by cost price component. This table i
s used for the finance integrations.
: : : When you create a new lot with inventory transactions the cost price is au
tomatically chosen as the lot price. When you want to alter this price afterward
s, you have to be very careful.
: : : 1) remove inventory on lot with inventory transactions
: : : 2) change lot price in TDLTC001 and TDLTC004

: : : 3) add inventory on lot (with new price) with inventory transactions

: : : If you don't follow this procedure you will get false finance integrations
!! The following procedure could be used for a new implementation




create lots with zero inventory

change lot prices in TDLTC001 and TDLTC004 with ttaad4100
generate cycle count orders for the created inventory
enter correct quantities in cycle count orders
process cycle count orders

: : : Of course, with the use of Exchange things are much easier as long as you
use the same procedure.
: : : I have done this before for a customer and it works OK.
: : :
: : : Regards, Eric Kuijper
: : : Korade BV, The Netherlands
: : :
: : : : Hello everyone,
: : : :
: : : : How the inventory initialization (for a new implementation), is made in
Baan for the lot items regarding lot price? Considering we have a warehouse for
which must to enter all the stock lots and also the value of every lot for every
Item. In case we haven't any inventory enter in warehouse for the lot's item,
when enter the new lots through inventory adjustment session, the system put at
the lot value the cost standard calculated in the item master data. It is any pr
ocedure, which me let to alter the value of lots?
: : : : Thank you very much!
: : : : Bye Bye,

***************** End Of Article ******************

Dino posted Message 3068 in Message Board
Dated : November 22, 1999 at 08:41:22 EST
Subject: Report Production Order Completed
Is there a way to cancel (modify) the complete quantity a order production aft
er it has been finalized (complete)?(tisfc0202m000)
***************** End Of Article ******************
Chris posted Message 3069 in Message Board
Dated : November 22, 1999 at 09:01:12 EST
Subject: Re: Item Already Taken by Inspection
: Eric,
That certainly did it. I didnt expect it to be so simple. Thank you.

Hi Chris,
: We have had the same problem for one of our customers. They use ILC and LTC an
d when they try to enter a stock adjustment for a certain location/lot the syste
m displays the same message.
: The solution is in fact very simple. Just click with the mouse pointer on the
next field of the particular row. The error message will be neglected and you ca
n continue with the adjustment.
: I hope this solves your problem. If not, please let me know. I don't know whet
her a Baan-call was created for this problem by our customer, but I would advise
you to do so.
: Kind regards, Eric.
: Korade BV, The Netherlands
: : I am trying to adjust some stock out of inventory, I keep getting this messa
ge "Item Already Taken by Inspection". The funny thing is that these items were
received on a PO that did not require inspection. Has anyone experience this bef
: : Thanks in advance
: : Chris

***************** End Of Article ******************

Eric Kuijper posted Message 3070 in Message Board
Dated : November 22, 1999 at 09:59:18 EST
Subject: Re: Lot inventory initialization ???
Hi Alexandru,
Still happy with BaanIV c4 and MCR ??
With tdpur4122m000 you can change the purchase price and the invoice can be matc
hed automatically. If you don't change the price, the invoice cannot be matched
automatically (since the customs tax and the customs commission are not included
in the order). Now you have two possibilities in the matching procedure(I'm not
a Finance Consultant, so please be gentle with me if I'm making a mistake):
1) complete matching, book price difference on a differences ledger account
2) partial matching for entire amount, book price difference on lot and get a pu
rchase result
If you book the price difference on the corresponding lot, the lot price will be
adjusted. Should give the same result (I hope).
The above results in more work for the financial guys !
Hope this helps you, Alexandru.
Kind Regards, Eric Kuijper
Korade BV, The Netherlands

: Hi Eric,
: Thank you very much that you gave me a solution for this problem and also that
you confirmed my idea. Now, I have another problem which is artificial created,
because in Baan IV C4 with MCR, the session tdpur4122m000 (in standard is OK, t
he procedure works properly) gives the following errors:
: Process 70 - Fatal error: Use of NULL pointer on ' '
: Process 70 - Fatal error: Can not continue in tdpur4122m000 in DLL: otdltcdll0
: Process 70 - Error: tdpur4122m000: A not terminated transaction is aborted.
: And, also these errors appear just for the items which are inventory valuation
with "Lot price", which in my case represent all that I purchase.
: Now I tell you why I need for this session. The client wants that the customs
tax and the customs commission to be enter in the lot price of the raw material.
We have a particularity (the customs exchange rate is fixed for a week in the e
very Thursday for the next week), that's why I have thought the order steps as f
: 1.
: 2.
: 3. Change exchange rate, written in tdpur045, with customs exchange rate writt
en in Customs clearance Document. That's need for localization.
: 4. Maintain Receipts
: 5.
: 6. Change price/discount after 'Maintain Receipts' (tdpur4122m000) - in this s
ession I'll alter the order price with the order price + Customs tax + customs c
ommission for every line of the PO's. That's made depending of the value of the
items on the import invoice and the Customs tax and Customs commission written i
n the Customs Clearance Document.
: 7.
: 8.
: In this case, in Financial, they can link a payment to the supplier in conform
ity of the order, and the difference can be linked to customs and paid. The lot
price will contain beside the supplier price and the quantum of customs tax and
customs commission. All these are working in Baan IV standard but in version wit
h MCR I receive the errors listed up. Can you tell me if I can obtain the same r
esults but with other procedure steps until this session will be repair???
: Have a nice day and thank you very much again,
: Best Regards,
: Alexandru Corbu
: : Hi Alexandru,
: : Sounds OK to me. The result will be the same. The only difference is that yo
ur procedure should be executed manually and that you have to delete records in
: : If you're familiair with Exchange I would advise you to use the procedure I
suggested since this can be done completely automatic.

: : 1) Lots with the correct prices can be created using Exchange

: : 2) Cycle count orders with the correct qunaitities can also be created using
: : 3) 'Process cycle count orders' should be started for all cycle count orders
. The result will be that the inventory is corrected automatically in all the ne
cessary tables and the correct financial are generated.
: : Of course this only works if you have experience with Exchange. But then aga
in, the solution you suggested also works fine.
: :
: : Kind Regards, Eric Kuijper
: : Korade BV, The Netherlands
: :
: : : Thank you very much Eric.
: : : What did you say seems to be OK, but I though other procedure which seems
more easily and tell me your opinion.
: : : First, I'll calculate an standard cost for item (e.g. average price =avera
ge price recorded in accounting for that day), after that, I'll make an PO, I n
eed one pc for every price lot, make the reception and put every line from PO a
s an lot with own lot price, I'll go in inventory transaction and I'll grow the
inventory as my need for every lot.
: : : At the final I'll delete the integration table with Finance, and they take
n the account sold for the same date as my inventory.
: : : I don't know if I make my self-clear and I'll give you an example.
: : : We presume:


: 1. The Item
: Inventory =

= X

which has as inventory 1000 pcs.

1000 = 300 pcs with 50$/pc
1001 = 250 pcs with 53$/pc
1002 = 450 pcs with 56$/pc

: : : Considering we have a single supplier for the all lots and we'll make a si
ngle PO.
: : : The lines of PO will be:
: : : 1 Item X, Qty 1 pc, Price 50$/pc.
: : : 2 Item X, Qty 1 pc, Price 53$/pc.
: : : 3 Item X, Qty 1 pc, Price 56$/pc.
: : : I'll make the receipts and I'll have the Price lots desired, and after tha
t, I'll make my inventory as my need and I'll delete all the trace regarding the
se PO's.
: : : What do you say?
: : : Have a nice day, and thank you very much again.
: : : Best Regards,
: : : ITC S.A, Alexandru Corbu
: : : Romania

: :
: : :
: : : : Hi,
: : : : When you use LTC there are two tables which contain the lot price. First
of all you have the the table TDLTC001 with all the lots and their lot prices.
The second table is TDLTC004 if i'm correct (I don't have a Baan system at the m
oment) and this table contains the lot price by cost price component. This table
is used for the finance integrations.
: : : : When you create a new lot with inventory transactions the cost price is
automatically chosen as the lot price. When you want to alter this price afterwa
rds, you have to be very careful.
: : : : 1) remove inventory on lot with inventory transactions
: : : : 2) change lot price in TDLTC001 and TDLTC004
: : : : 3) add inventory on lot (with new price) with inventory transactions
: : : : If you don't follow this procedure you will get false finance integratio
ns!! The following procedure could be used for a new implementation





create lots with zero inventory

change lot prices in TDLTC001 and TDLTC004 with ttaad4100
generate cycle count orders for the created inventory
enter correct quantities in cycle count orders
process cycle count orders

: : : : Of course, with the use of Exchange things are much easier as long as yo
u use the same procedure.
: : : : I have done this before for a customer and it works OK.
: : : :
: : : : Regards, Eric Kuijper
: : : : Korade BV, The Netherlands
: : : :
: : : : : Hello everyone,
: : : : :
: : : : : How the inventory initialization (for a new implementation), is made i
n Baan for the lot items regarding lot price? Considering we have a warehouse fo
r which must to enter all the stock lots and also the value of every lot for eve
ry Item. In case we haven't any inventory enter in warehouse for the lot's item
, when enter the new lots through inventory adjustment session, the system put a
t the lot value the cost standard calculated in the item master data. It is any
procedure, which me let to alter the value of lots?
: : : : : Thank you very much!
: : : : : Bye Bye,

***************** End Of Article ******************

Olav posted Message 3071 in Message Board

Dated : November 22, 1999 at 11:11:40 EST

Subject: Re: Report Production Order Completed
: Is there a way to cancel (modify) the complete quantity a order production a
fter it has been finalized (complete)?(tisfc0202m000)
1. Through "General Table Maintenance", change the status from "Completed(6) to
Active(5). The field "Completion Date" must also be be cleared.
2. Enter the negative qty. for the items you want to "pull back" from the wareho
3. If you use location control, be sure that the items you want to "pull back" a
re in your receipt location.
BUT, take care when using "General Table Maintenance", you can really mess thing
s up from here.....

***************** End Of Article ******************

N posted Message 3072 in Message Board
Dated : November 22, 1999 at 12:33:02 EST
Subject: S
***************** End Of Article ******************
Suresh_Kapoor posted Message 3073 in Message Board
Dated : November 22, 1999 at 18:36:23 EST
Subject: When do we use tdilc0250m000 ?
How do we use this session ? Currently, we have some reservations(Outbound Data)
in the ilc401 table. Will this session disturb any of that ?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Veeru. posted Message 3074 in Message Board
Dated : November 22, 1999 at 21:00:44 EST
Subject: Re: When do we use tdilc0250m000 ?
: Greetings;
: How do we use this session ? Currently, we have some reservations(Outbound Dat
a) in the ilc401 table. Will this session disturb any of that ?
:This session is basically an error recovery process session. This session shoul
d be used ONLY when every users have logged out of the system, to avoid any poss
ible database corruptions. One can use this session preferably during every week
end, to eliminate any wrong allocations created due to negative outbounding in S
FC or any other -ive transactions, for the week.
Once the session is activated, at first it deletes all allocations and recreates
correct allocations. So, you don't have to worry about your ilc401 table record
s wih open outbound lines.

***************** End Of Article ******************
Gianni posted Message 3075 in Message Board
Dated : November 23, 1999 at 03:18:02 EST
Subject: Block warehouse
Does anybody knows how to block a warehouse for posting or releasing inventory?
Thanks in advance,
***************** End Of Article ******************
S.Seenivas posted Message 3076 in Message Board
Dated : November 23, 1999 at 03:39:04 EST
Subject: Cycle couting for items in WIP warehouse
We can generate Cycle counting orders for posting
physical qty of Normal warehouse(eg, store w/h) items.
To my knowledge, BaaN is not allowing to generate
cycle counting orders for WIP warehouse items.
Is there anyway to do Cycle counting(physical verification)
for items in WIP warehouse?
Request your solution please!
***************** End Of Article ******************
Alex posted Message 3077 in Message Board
Dated : November 23, 1999 at 06:06:02 EST
Subject: Re: Lot inventory initialization ???
Hi Eric,
Thank you very much for your quickly answer, what did you say works fine but, pl
ease excuse me, I'm not my-self clear, the problem is as following example:
1 Purchase order:
Supplier = Y
Item x = Qty 30 pcs, price 10$/pc.
Customs tax = 10%
Customs commission = 0.5
Then I'll have:
Item X = 30 pcs x 11.05 $ => lot price will be 11.05$

The problem is that in a particular report I'll must obtain duties as follows:
Supplier Y = 300$ has the invoice 999
Supplier Customs = 31.5$ has invoice 99
You see, the difference must be linked to the other invoices (provided from the
using tdpur 4122m000 we made this as follows:
After maintain receipts, using tdpur4122m000 we change the price to 11.05/pc. an
d then, in Financial we partial matched the same receipt with two different sup
pliers (Y and Customs) and I'll obtain two separate debts' evidence for those tw
o suppliers.
Thank you again.
Have a nice day,
Best regards,
Alexandru Corbu
P.S. Regarding your question you'll find a message in your personal e-mail

: Hi Alexandru,
: Still happy with BaanIV c4 and MCR ??
: With tdpur4122m000 you can change the purchase price and the invoice can be ma
tched automatically. If you don't change the price, the invoice cannot be matche
d automatically (since the customs tax and the customs commission are not includ
ed in the order). Now you have two possibilities in the matching procedure(I'm n
ot a Finance Consultant, so please be gentle with me if I'm making a mistake):
: 1) complete matching, book price difference on a differences ledger account
: 2) partial matching for entire amount, book price difference on lot and get a
purchase result
: If you book the price difference on the corresponding lot, the lot price will
be adjusted. Should give the same result (I hope).
: The above results in more work for the financial guys !
: Hope this helps you, Alexandru.
: Kind Regards, Eric Kuijper
: Korade BV, The Netherlands
: : Hi Eric,
: : Thank you very much that you gave me a solution for this problem and also th
at you confirmed my idea. Now, I have another problem which is artificial create
d, because in Baan IV C4 with MCR, the session tdpur4122m000 (in standard is OK,
the procedure works properly) gives the following errors:
: : Process 70 - Fatal error: Use of NULL pointer on ' '

: : Process 70 - Fatal error: Can not continue in tdpur4122m000 in DLL: otdltcdl

: : Process 70 - Error: tdpur4122m000: A not terminated transaction is aborted.
: : And, also these errors appear just for the items which are inventory valuati
on with "Lot price", which in my case represent all that I purchase.
: : Now I tell you why I need for this session. The client wants that the custom
s tax and the customs commission to be enter in the lot price of the raw materia
l. We have a particularity (the customs exchange rate is fixed for a week in the
every Thursday for the next week), that's why I have thought the order steps as
: : 1.
: : 2.
: : 3. Change exchange rate, written in tdpur045, with customs exchange rate wri
tten in Customs clearance Document. That's need for localization.
: : 4. Maintain Receipts
: : 5.
: : 6. Change price/discount after 'Maintain Receipts' (tdpur4122m000) - in this
session I'll alter the order price with the order price + Customs tax + customs
commission for every line of the PO's. That's made depending of the value of th
e items on the import invoice and the Customs tax and Customs commission written
in the Customs Clearance Document.
: : 7.
: : 8.
: : In this case, in Financial, they can link a payment to the supplier in confo
rmity of the order, and the difference can be linked to customs and paid. The lo
t price will contain beside the supplier price and the quantum of customs tax an
d customs commission. All these are working in Baan IV standard but in version w
ith MCR I receive the errors listed up. Can you tell me if I can obtain the same
results but with other procedure steps until this session will be repair???
: : Have a nice day and thank you very much again,
: : Best Regards,
: : Alexandru Corbu
: :
: : : Hi Alexandru,
: : : Sounds OK to me. The result will be the same. The only difference is that
your procedure should be executed manually and that you have to delete records i
n tfgld410/415/417.
: : : If you're familiair with Exchange I would advise you to use the procedure
I suggested since this can be done completely automatic.
: : : 1) Lots with the correct prices can be created using Exchange
: : : 2) Cycle count orders with the correct qunaitities can also be created usi
ng Exchange
: : : 3) 'Process cycle count orders' should be started for all cycle count orde
rs. The result will be that the inventory is corrected automatically in all the
necessary tables and the correct financial are generated.
: : : Of course this only works if you have experience with Exchange. But then a
gain, the solution you suggested also works fine.

: : :
: : : Kind Regards, Eric Kuijper
: : : Korade BV, The Netherlands
: : :
: : : : Thank you very much Eric.
: : : : What did you say seems to be OK, but I though other procedure which seem
s more easily and tell me your opinion.
: : : : First, I'll calculate an standard cost for item (e.g. average price =ave
rage price recorded in accounting for that day), after that, I'll make an PO, I
need one pc for every price lot, make the reception and put every line from PO
as an lot with own lot price, I'll go in inventory transaction and I'll grow th
e inventory as my need for every lot.
: : : : At the final I'll delete the integration table with Finance, and they ta
ken the account sold for the same date as my inventory.
: : : : I don't know if I make my self-clear and I'll give you an example.
: : : : We presume:



: 1. The Item
: Inventory =

= X

which has as inventory 1000 pcs.

1000 = 300 pcs with 50$/pc
1001 = 250 pcs with 53$/pc
1002 = 450 pcs with 56$/pc

: : : : Considering we have a single supplier for the all lots and we'll make a
single PO.
: : : : The lines of PO will be:
: : : : 1 Item X, Qty 1 pc, Price 50$/pc.
: : : : 2 Item X, Qty 1 pc, Price 53$/pc.
: : : : 3 Item X, Qty 1 pc, Price 56$/pc.
: : : : I'll make the receipts and I'll have the Price lots desired, and after t
hat, I'll make my inventory as my need and I'll delete all the trace regarding t
hese PO's.
: : : : What do you say?
: : : : Have a nice day, and thank you very much again.
: : : : Best Regards,
: : : : ITC S.A, Alexandru Corbu
: : : : Romania
: : :
: : : :
: : : : : Hi,
: : : : : When you use LTC there are two tables which contain the lot price. Fir
st of all you have the the table TDLTC001 with all the lots and their lot prices
. The second table is TDLTC004 if i'm correct (I don't have a Baan system at the
moment) and this table contains the lot price by cost price component. This tab
le is used for the finance integrations.

: : : : : When you create a new lot with inventory transactions the cost price i
s automatically chosen as the lot price. When you want to alter this price after
wards, you have to be very careful.
: : : : : 1) remove inventory on lot with inventory transactions
: : : : : 2) change lot price in TDLTC001 and TDLTC004
: : : : : 3) add inventory on lot (with new price) with inventory transactions
: : : : : If you don't follow this procedure you will get false finance integrat
ions!! The following procedure could be used for a new implementation






create lots with zero inventory

change lot prices in TDLTC001 and TDLTC004 with ttaad4100
generate cycle count orders for the created inventory
enter correct quantities in cycle count orders
process cycle count orders

: : : : : Of course, with the use of Exchange things are much easier as long as
you use the same procedure.
: : : : : I have done this before for a customer and it works OK.
: : : : :
: : : : : Regards, Eric Kuijper
: : : : : Korade BV, The Netherlands
: : : : :
: : : : : : Hello everyone,
: : : : : :
: : : : : : How the inventory initialization (for a new implementation), is made
in Baan for the lot items regarding lot price? Considering we have a warehouse
for which must to enter all the stock lots and also the value of every lot for e
very Item. In case we haven't any inventory enter in warehouse for the lot's it
em, when enter the new lots through inventory adjustment session, the system put
at the lot value the cost standard calculated in the item master data. It is an
y procedure, which me let to alter the value of lots?
: : : : : : Thank you very much!
: : : : : : Bye Bye,

***************** End Of Article ******************

Thomas Furler posted Message 3078 in Message Board
Dated : November 23, 1999 at 06:44:27 EST
Subject: BaanIVc4 tdsls4102s000 Phantom Item
We fill in tdsls4102s000 an Phantom Item (the item has a bom). Then we want chan
ge the Warehouse, BaanIVc4 said it is not possible to have an other Warehouse as
in the Bom. I testet this Problem in BaanIVb2 there is no problem. So I think t
his must be a bug in BaanIVc4. Knows someone a Solution for this Bug
Thanks and Regards

***************** End Of Article ******************
txeko posted Message 3079 in Message Board
Dated : November 23, 1999 at 11:55:05 EST
Subject: status = 0
What does status = 0 on sales order means ? Is that an error BaaN or is an error
on sales order .....
***************** End Of Article ******************
Scott Moorman, CPIM posted Message 3080 in Message Board
Dated : November 23, 1999 at 13:14:06 EST
Subject: Re: Cycle couting for items in WIP warehouse
We encountered the same problem when we converted from 4a to 4c. The solution n
umber is 993 and can be found on the Baan Support web site.
: Hi,
: We can generate Cycle counting orders for posting
: physical qty of Normal warehouse(eg, store w/h) items.
: To my knowledge, BaaN is not allowing to generate
: cycle counting orders for WIP warehouse items.
: Is there anyway to do Cycle counting(physical verification)
: for items in WIP warehouse?
: Request your solution please!
: Regards,
: Seenivas

***************** End Of Article ******************

Y posted Message 3081 in Message Board
Dated : November 23, 1999 at 13:42:23 EST
Subject: Re: S
: M

***************** End Of Article ******************

Paul posted Message 3082 in Message Board
Dated : November 23, 1999 at 13:47:49 EST
Subject: Maintain Approval
Scenario : Order 10 pcs of item "A" (req. inspection). I only got 5 from my supp
lier ( 5 pcs in Backorder). These 5 I have to approve to use them futher on in m
y production.
Problem : These 5 pcs is NOT comming up in session "Maintain Approval". I have t
o receipt the last 5 pcs to automatical get the order line in session "Maintain

Approval" !!. The 5 pcs that I have receive is still "On hold" Idont want that..
Do somebody know how to get around this ???
***************** End Of Article ******************
Chris posted Message 3083 in Message Board
Dated : November 23, 1999 at 14:37:05 EST
Subject: Re: Allocated for picking list
We did the same here, I am curious to see
y. Who ran it? How often did they have to
y running it everytime he has to generate
thing to do, it is just one more session

how the session was ran at your compan

run it? We have a sales order entry gu
outbound advice. Though it is a simple
to run.

: We recently went live and discovered this to by a definite problem; therefore,
we created a new session Correct Allocated to Picklist which checks all lines f
or an item which are at Maintain Deliveries status (tdsls045.ssls) and adds up t
he recommended quantity in 045. This quantitiy then becomes the new allocated f
or picklist quantity in tdinv001. It was a very simple session to create.
: Rob

***************** End Of Article ******************

Suresh Kapoor posted Message 3084 in Message Board
Dated : November 23, 1999 at 14:39:57 EST
Subject: Re: status = 0
This means that the order is in Confirm Backorder Status. You can confirm the ba
ckorders vai Maintain and Confirm Backorders(tdsls4125m000).
Hope that helps.
***************** End Of Article ******************
KianHaur posted Message 3085 in Message Board
Dated : November 24, 1999 at 00:20:26 EST
Subject: Supplier Info gone!!
Does anyone has the experience that supplier information in table tccom020 gone
by itself... and it always starts to delete the last record.
Help !!!
***************** End Of Article ******************

Alex posted Message 3086 in Message Board

Dated : November 24, 1999 at 01:45:47 EST
Subject: Re: Lot inventory initialization ???
Hi Eric,
My message sended to you at your email address was returned today by the system.
I forwarded again the message. If you have another email please indicate direct
to me (of corse, if you want).
Have a nice day.
Best regards,
Alexandru Corbu

: Hi Eric,
: Thank you very much for your quickly answer, what did you say works fine but,
please excuse me, I'm not my-self clear, the problem is as following example:
: 1 Purchase order:
: Supplier = Y
: Item x = Qty 30 pcs, price 10$/pc.
: Customs tax = 10%
: Customs commission = 0.5
: Then I'll have:
: Item X = 30 pcs x 11.05 $ => lot price will be 11.05$
: The problem is that in a particular report I'll must obtain duties as follows:
: Supplier Y = 300$ has the invoice 999
: Supplier Customs = 31.5$ has invoice 99
: You see, the difference must be linked to the other invoices (provided from th
e customs),
: using tdpur 4122m000 we made this as follows:
: After maintain receipts, using tdpur4122m000 we change the price to 11.05/pc.
and then, in Financial we partial matched the same receipt with two different s
uppliers (Y and Customs) and I'll obtain two separate debts' evidence for those
two suppliers.
: Thank you again.
: Have a nice day,
: Best regards,
: Alexandru Corbu
: P.S. Regarding your question you'll find a message in your personal e-mail

: : Hi Alexandru,
: : Still happy with BaanIV c4 and MCR ??
: : With tdpur4122m000 you can change the purchase price and the invoice can be
matched automatically. If you don't change the price, the invoice cannot be matc
hed automatically (since the customs tax and the customs commission are not incl
uded in the order). Now you have two possibilities in the matching procedure(I'm
not a Finance Consultant, so please be gentle with me if I'm making a mistake):
: : 1) complete matching, book price difference on a differences ledger account
: : 2) partial matching for entire amount, book price difference on lot and get
a purchase result
: : If you book the price difference on the corresponding lot, the lot price wil
l be adjusted. Should give the same result (I hope).
: : The above results in more work for the financial guys !
: : Hope this helps you, Alexandru.
: :
: : Kind Regards, Eric Kuijper
: : Korade BV, The Netherlands
: : : Hi Eric,
: : : Thank you very much that you gave me a solution for this problem and also
that you confirmed my idea. Now, I have another problem which is artificial crea
ted, because in Baan IV C4 with MCR, the session tdpur4122m000 (in standard is O
K, the procedure works properly) gives the following errors:
: : : Process 70 - Fatal error: Use of NULL pointer on ' '
: : : Process 70 - Fatal error: Can not continue in tdpur4122m000 in DLL: otdltc
: : : Process 70 - Error: tdpur4122m000: A not terminated transaction is aborte
: : : And, also these errors appear just for the items which are inventory valua
tion with "Lot price", which in my case represent all that I purchase.
: : : Now I tell you why I need for this session. The client wants that the cust
oms tax and the customs commission to be enter in the lot price of the raw mater
ial. We have a particularity (the customs exchange rate is fixed for a week in t
he every Thursday for the next week), that's why I have thought the order steps
as follows:
: : : 1.
: : : 2.
: : : 3. Change exchange rate, written in tdpur045, with customs exchange rate w
ritten in Customs clearance Document. That's need for localization.
: : : 4. Maintain Receipts
: : : 5.
: : : 6. Change price/discount after 'Maintain Receipts' (tdpur4122m000) - in th
is session I'll alter the order price with the order price + Customs tax + custo
ms commission for every line of the PO's. That's made depending of the value of
the items on the import invoice and the Customs tax and Customs commission writt
en in the Customs Clearance Document.
: : : 7.

: : : 8.
: : : In this case, in Financial, they can link a payment to the supplier in con
formity of the order, and the difference can be linked to customs and paid. The
lot price will contain beside the supplier price and the quantum of customs tax
and customs commission. All these are working in Baan IV standard but in version
with MCR I receive the errors listed up. Can you tell me if I can obtain the sa
me results but with other procedure steps until this session will be repair???
: : : Have a nice day and thank you very much again,
: : : Best Regards,
: : : Alexandru Corbu
: :
: : :
: : : : Hi Alexandru,
: : : : Sounds OK to me. The result will be the same. The only difference is tha
t your procedure should be executed manually and that you have to delete records
in tfgld410/415/417.
: : : : If you're familiair with Exchange I would advise you to use the procedur
e I suggested since this can be done completely automatic.
: : : : 1) Lots with the correct prices can be created using Exchange
: : : : 2) Cycle count orders with the correct qunaitities can also be created u
sing Exchange
: : : : 3) 'Process cycle count orders' should be started for all cycle count or
ders. The result will be that the inventory is corrected automatically in all th
e necessary tables and the correct financial are generated.
: : : : Of course this only works if you have experience with Exchange. But then
again, the solution you suggested also works fine.
: : : :
: : : : Kind Regards, Eric Kuijper
: : : : Korade BV, The Netherlands
: : : :
: : : : : Thank you very much Eric.
: : : : : What did you say seems to be OK, but I though other procedure which se
ems more easily and tell me your opinion.
: : : : : First, I'll calculate an standard cost for item (e.g. average price =a
verage price recorded in accounting for that day), after that, I'll make an PO,
I need one pc for every price lot, make the reception and put every line from
PO as an lot with own lot price, I'll go in inventory transaction and I'll grow
the inventory as my need for every lot.
: : : : : At the final I'll delete the integration table with Finance, and they
taken the account sold for the same date as my inventory.
: : : : : I don't know if I make my self-clear and I'll give you an example.
: : : : : We presume:





: 1. The Item
: Inventory =

= X

which has as inventory 1000 pcs.

1000 = 300 pcs with 50$/pc
1001 = 250 pcs with 53$/pc
1002 = 450 pcs with 56$/pc

: : : : : Considering we have a single supplier for the all lots and we'll make
a single PO.
: : : : : The lines of PO will be:
: : : : : 1 Item X, Qty 1 pc, Price 50$/pc.
: : : : : 2 Item X, Qty 1 pc, Price 53$/pc.
: : : : : 3 Item X, Qty 1 pc, Price 56$/pc.
: : : : : I'll make the receipts and I'll have the Price lots desired, and after
that, I'll make my inventory as my need and I'll delete all the trace regarding
these PO's.
: : : : : What do you say?
: : : : : Have a nice day, and thank you very much again.
: : : : : Best Regards,
: : : : : ITC S.A, Alexandru Corbu
: : : : : Romania
: : : :
: : : : :
: : : : : : Hi,
: : : : : : When you use LTC there are two tables which contain the lot price. F
irst of all you have the the table TDLTC001 with all the lots and their lot pric
es. The second table is TDLTC004 if i'm correct (I don't have a Baan system at t
he moment) and this table contains the lot price by cost price component. This t
able is used for the finance integrations.
: : : : : : When you create a new lot with inventory transactions the cost price
is automatically chosen as the lot price. When you want to alter this price aft
erwards, you have to be very careful.
: : : : : : 1) remove inventory on lot with inventory transactions
: : : : : : 2) change lot price in TDLTC001 and TDLTC004
: : : : : : 3) add inventory on lot (with new price) with inventory transactions
: : : : : : If you don't follow this procedure you will get false finance integr
ations!! The following procedure could be used for a new implementation







create lots with zero inventory

change lot prices in TDLTC001 and TDLTC004 with ttaad4100
generate cycle count orders for the created inventory
enter correct quantities in cycle count orders
process cycle count orders

: : : : : : Of course, with the use of Exchange things are much easier as long a
s you use the same procedure.
: : : : : : I have done this before for a customer and it works OK.
: : : : : :
: : : : : : Regards, Eric Kuijper

: : : : : : Korade BV, The Netherlands

: : : : : :
: : : : : : : Hello everyone,
: : : : : : :
: : : : : : : How the inventory initialization (for a new implementation), is ma
de in Baan for the lot items regarding lot price? Considering we have a warehous
e for which must to enter all the stock lots and also the value of every lot for
every Item. In case we haven't any inventory enter in warehouse for the lot's
item, when enter the new lots through inventory adjustment session, the system p
ut at the lot value the cost standard calculated in the item master data. It is
any procedure, which me let to alter the value of lots?
: : : : : : : Thank you very much!
: : : : : : : Bye Bye,

***************** End Of Article ******************

txeko posted Message 3087 in Message Board
Dated : November 24, 1999 at 04:26:08 EST
Subject: Re: status = 0
: This means that the order is in Confirm Backorder Status. You can confirm the
backorders vai Maintain and Confirm Backorders(tdsls4125m000).
: Hope that helps.
: Suresh

! that could be a reason but my problem becomes when I invoice my sales order
previously in correct status = 6 ), the process generate the invoice number a
the rest of the fields ok, but the status becomes 0 and in the mask y's becom
c's. So the correct question should be that what is then reason it becomes ze
at invoicing process.

thanks in advance
***************** End Of Article ******************
HA posted Message 3088 in Message Board
Dated : November 24, 1999 at 05:50:37 EST
Subject: HA
: O
: : M

***************** End Of Article ******************

Suresh_Kapoor posted Message 3089 in Message Board
Dated : November 24, 1999 at 09:33:27 EST
Subject: Re: status = 0
If this is happening always then check the order steps of the order type. Otherw
ise, it should happen only in case of a partial delivery. If this does not answe
r your question, please feel free to call me at (510)-741-6254(Pacific time).
Good Luck.
***************** End Of Article ******************
alfredo posted Message 3090 in Message Board
Dated : November 24, 1999 at 11:30:09 EST
Subject: proforma invoice
When do use the invoice proforma?
What is the procedure (sequence)the order type?
Thanks for the help.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Vernon Anderson, CPIM posted Message 3091 in Message Board
Dated : November 24, 1999 at 12:07:54 EST
Subject: Turning an ILC company to non-ILC
Here's the situation . We copied an ILC company to another company but we do no
t want the new company to be ILC. How can I shut down ILC in the new company ea
***************** End Of Article ******************
Vernon Anderson posted Message 3092 in Message Board
Dated : November 24, 1999 at 12:14:23 EST
Subject: Deleting sales history
We copied one company to another and then deleted all but one customer from the
tables. The last custoemr ahd some orders entered for it but these orders were
never invoiced and they were deleted from the sales order files.
We still cannot delete the customer. I think it might be because we have sales
history for that customer.
I tried running the session "Print and/or Delete Sales Order History" (tdsls5201
m000) and it prints the report fine but does not delete the sales order history
records. Any ideas on this?

***************** End Of Article ******************
Terry Prasher posted Message 3093 in Message Board
Dated : November 24, 1999 at 13:59:28 EST
Subject: Back Flushing with Location control
With component items on a bill of material that are set to be back flushed, we d
o not get an outbound transaction for these items. As far as I can tell all the
flags in the item master file, shop floor and location control are set properly
, but still not back flushing of any items...
Any suggestions?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Veeru. posted Message 3094 in Message Board
Dated : November 24, 1999 at 20:06:51 EST
Subject: Re: Back Flushing with Location control
: With component items on a bill of material that are set to be back flushed, we
do not get an outbound transaction for these items. As far as I can tell all t
he flags in the item master file, shop floor and location control are set proper
ly, but still not back flushing of any items...
: Any suggestions?
: Terry
:Please make sure of the following settings:
1)Item Data form-5 to be set as "Yes" for "Backflush Materials" and "Backflush i
f Materials", if the item is a child item. If it's an end item, then the former
alone need to be set as "Yes".
2)When you create a SFC Production Order, make sure to set the field in form-3 "
Backflushing" as "Yes".
3)This will populate the estimated materials with the child line items as "Yes"
for backflushing.
4)Once the order is released, then the session "Enter Material Issues for Produc
tion Order" also, will have the lines with settings as "Yes" for backflushing.
Now, when you report order completed, either partially or fully, system will aut
omatically backflush, ONLY for those items which has been set as "Yes" for backf
lush in above mentioned sessions, and ONLY if the corresponding warehouse has mi
nimum inventory to issue.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Veeru. posted Message 3095 in Message Board

Dated : November 24, 1999 at 20:14:27 EST

Subject: Re: Deleting sales history
: We copied one company to another and then deleted all but one customer from th
e tables. The last custoemr ahd some orders entered for it but these orders wer
e never invoiced and they were deleted from the sales order files.
: We still cannot delete the customer. I think it might be because we have sale
s history for that customer.
: I tried running the session "Print and/or Delete Sales Order History" (tdsls52
01m000) and it prints the report fine but does not delete the sales order histor
y records. Any ideas on this?
: Thanks!
: Vernon
:Just try after setting the Sales Order History Parameters "Log Sales Order Hist
ory" and "Log Sales Order Acknowledgements History" to "No".
If not, try deleting the history through general table maintenance. The Sales hi
story tables are;
1)tdsls050 Sales Order History,
2)tdsls051 Sales Order Line History and
3)tdsls704 Sales Acknowledgement History.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Arvind Patil, CPIM posted Message 3096 in Message Board
Dated : November 24, 1999 at 20:17:12 EST
Subject: Re: Back Flushing with Location control
Check the SFC parameter- O/b priority( I do not exactly remember). If the inveno
try is not in the warehouse it will be coming as shortage and you will see entry
in issue field in session - "Enter Material issue". You should never see a O/B
record for Backflushed item.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Cindy YD Harjanto posted Message 3097 in Message Board
Dated : November 24, 1999 at 22:55:42 EST
Subject: sales invoice per packing slip
dear all,
There were already several deliveries for a sales order, but we want to print sa
les invoices separately (one sales invoice per delivery/packing slip). Does anyo
ne know how to do it?
tks in adv,

***************** End Of Article ******************
York Huang posted Message 3098 in Message Board
Dated : November 25, 1999 at 03:47:05 EST
Subject: ABC analysis
Hi, all
I am testing ABC analysis in Baan IV. I found that the following transaction iss
ue data will be consided by the system:
A, Sales issue data 3 periods ago
B, "Expected annual issue" maintained in "Item master data"
C, If there is without A or B data, the annual issue of last year will be consid
D, If C, when you enter a new warehouse sales order for the item, the "annual is
sue" and "turnover" of the item in the ABC analysis report will be all set to ZE
RO. Why?
If anybody can explain the internal logic of ABC analysis in Baan IV, Please kin
dly reply to me. Thanks in advance!
***************** End Of Article ******************
Wadee R. posted Message 3099 in Message Board
Dated : November 25, 1999 at 03:48:25 EST
Subject: Delete Item Data
Dear all,
I would like to deleted item code within item master file. What is the
procedure to delete that item ? when I deleted item the system display message s
uch as ' Inventory Data Still exist' , Still Inventory data avaliable by warehou
Thanks in advance
***************** End Of Article ******************
mondoh posted Message 3100 in Message Board
Dated : November 25, 1999 at 05:33:52 EST
Subject: Re: Delete Item Data
hi there!
deleting item record in item master data makes it difficult especially if there
are already transactions made with regards to the item.
you can't delete it any more because it has existing inventory already and histo
ry transactions unless you deleted in GTM all the tables updated by the transact
i hope this helps u!!
: Dear all,

I would like to deleted item code within item master file. What is th
e procedure to delete that item ? when I deleted item the system display message
such as ' Inventory Data Still exist' , Still Inventory data avaliable by wareh
: Thanks in advance
: Wadee.

***************** End Of Article ******************

mondo posted Message 3101 in Message Board
Dated : November 25, 1999 at 05:37:02 EST
Subject: Re: sales invoice per packing slip
hi there!
release outbound data by picking list or packing slip.
then it would print invoice by picking list or packing slip also.
: dear all,
: There were already several deliveries for a sales order, but we want to print
sales invoices separately (one sales invoice per delivery/packing slip). Does an
yone know how to do it?
: tks in adv,
: Cindy

***************** End Of Article ******************

mondo posted Message 3102 in Message Board
Dated : November 25, 1999 at 05:39:21 EST
Subject: Re: Turning an ILC company to non-ILC
There is no way u can change the value of the parameter ILC implemented but in G
: Here's the situation . We copied an ILC company to another company but we do
not want the new company to be ILC. How can I shut down ILC in the new company
: Thanks!
: Vernon

***************** End Of Article ******************

Paulo Areias posted Message 3103 in Message Board
Dated : November 25, 1999 at 10:00:30 EST
Subject: Cross Docking

Anyone come up with an easy way of doing Cross Docking ??

***************** End Of Article ******************
Cindy posted Message 3104 in Message Board
Dated : November 25, 1999 at 20:24:30 EST
Subject: Re: sales invoice per packing slip
Hi, Mondo.
Thanks for your answer. But I'm afraid it haven't solved the problem yet. Maybe
I didn't explain the problem clear enough, sorry!
We did release the outbound data by packing slip. The problem is: we print the s
ales invoice after several packing slips was delivered, so the system takes all
the deliveries that have already been made for the order and makes one invoice;
but the finance people want to have one invoice per packing slip.
Is is possible to do that?
: hi there!
: release outbound data by picking list or packing slip.
: then it would print invoice by picking list or packing slip also.
: mondo
: : dear all,
: : There were already several deliveries for a sales order, but we want to prin
t sales invoices separately (one sales invoice per delivery/packing slip). Does
anyone know how to do it?
: : tks in adv,
: : Cindy

***************** End Of Article ******************

Jayant Keskar posted Message 3105 in Message Board
Dated : November 28, 1999 at 00:51:42 EST
Subject: Re: sales invoice per packing slip

Hi, Mondo.
Thanks for your answer. But I'm afraid it haven't solved the problem yet. Mayb
I didn't explain the problem clear enough, sorry!
We did release the outbound data by packing slip. The problem is: we print the
sales invoice after several packing slips was delivered, so the system takes al
l the deliveries that have already been made for the order and makes one invoice
; but the finance people want to have one invoice per packing slip.
: Is is possible to do that?
: tks,
: Cindy
: : hi there!
: : release outbound data by picking list or packing slip.
: : then it would print invoice by picking list or packing slip also.
: : mondo

: : : dear all,
: : : There were already several deliveries for a sales order, but we want to pr
int sales invoices separately (one sales invoice per delivery/packing slip). Doe
s anyone know how to do it?
: : : tks in adv,
: : : Cindy
Hi Cindy
If you have already released outbound for several deliveries of one order, it is
not possible to print one invoice for each packing slip. If you want to do that
the only way is to release outbound for the first delivery, print an invoice fo
r that packing slip then release the outbound for the next delivery and print th
e invoice for that delivery.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Roland van de Boel posted Message 3106 in Message Board
Dated : November 28, 1999 at 05:57:58 EST
Subject: edm
Who can give me some information about the EDM-product. I would like to use it f
or MIS-purpose.
***************** End Of Article ******************
manjeet posted Message 3107 in Message Board
Dated : November 28, 1999 at 06:56:27 EST
Subject: URGENT- Error 1000
I am not able to make any changes in my item master. Whatever field I click on,
I get a message " fatal error: Error 1000 (bdb_err no 1000) on tiitm0101m000909
in db_eq" . I can't add new item also.
Any help on this would be highly appreciated.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Dutch posted Message 3108 in Message Board
Dated : November 28, 1999 at 22:19:48 EST
Subject: Delivered quantity exceed order quantity.
Hi all,
I have sales order with many partial shipments , but my users always m/
t outbound data exceed of order quantity.

I don't know why Baan allow to ship goods more than order quantity.
Does anyone know how can I control the delivered quantity can't be excee
d order quantity ???
Thanks in advanced.
***************** End Of Article ******************
R.McClam posted Message 3109 in Message Board
Dated : November 28, 1999 at 22:24:48 EST
Subject: Mo Money$$$ No problems with jus a Invesment of $6
A little while back, I was browsing these newsgroups, just like you are now, and
came across an article similar to this, that said you could make thousands of d
ollars within weeks with only an initial investment of $6.00!
-------------------------IS THIS ILLEGAL?
-------------------------Now I know you might be thinking, this is some sort of illegal chain letter, rig
ht? Wrong! Let me explain.
You send $1.00 to each of the 6 names and address stated below. You then place y
our own name and address in the bottom of the list at #6, and post the article t
o at least 200 newsgroups. (There are thousands) No catch, that was it.
The main differences between this LEGAL system and other illegal systems are.
When you send the US $1 in the envelope, you also include a piece of paper askin
g the receiver of the envelope, to put you on their mailing list. And don&#8217;
t forget to include your details. There is nothing illegal about that! In other
words you ARE paying for a service.
You also have a mailing list of 6 instead of 5... This means that your average g
ain will be app. 15 times higher!!!
So after thinking it over, and talking to a few people first, I thought about tr
ying it. I
figured what have I got to lose except 6 stamps and $6.00, right? Like most of u
s, I too was a little skeptical and a little worried about the legal aspects of
it all.
So I checked it out with the U.S. Post Office (1-800-725-2161) and they confirme
d that it is indeed legal!
Then I invested the measly $ postage.
Well GUESS WHAT!!... within 7 days, I started getting money in the mail!
I was shocked! I still figured it would end soon, and didn't give it another tho
ught. But the money just kept coming in.
In my first week, I made about $20.00 to $30.00 dollars. By the end of the secon
week I had made a total of over $1,000.00!!! In the third week I had over $10,00
0.00 and it's still growing. This is now my fourth week and I have made a total
of just over $42,000.00 and it's still coming in rapidly.
It's certainly worth $6.00, and 6 stamps, I spent more than that on the lottery!
Let me tell you how this works and most importantly, why it works.... also, make
sure you print a copy of this article NOW, so you can get the information off o
f it as you need it.
The process is very simple and consists of 5 easy steps:
STEP 1: Get 6 separate pieces of paper and write the following on each piece of
STEP 2: Now get 6 US$1.00 bills (or equivalent in your local currency) and place
inside EACH of the 6 pieces of paper so the bill will not be seen through the en
velope, to prevent thievery.

STEP 3: Place one paper in each of the 6 envelopes and seal them.
You should now have 6 sealed envelopes, each with a piece of paper stating the a
phrase, your name and address, and a $1.00 bill.
What you are doing is creating a service by this. THIS IS ABSOLUTELY LEGAL!
STEP 4: Mail the 6 envelopes to the following addresses:
#1: B.J. Mauray
210 Herr St.
Lebanon, PA 17042
#2: Antoine Lafontant
P.O. Box 729444
Tallahassee,Florida 32307
#3: CJ McMichael
12160 NW McDainel RD
Portland, OR 97229
#4: P. Stefan
46 Havenhand Way
Bathurst NSW Australia 2795
#5: M. Fernandez
5/357 Rankin St
Bathurst NSW Australia 2795
#6: R. McClam
170 S. Bway # 4A
Yonkers, NY 10701
STEP 4: Now take the #1 name off the list that you see above, move the other nam
es up (6 becomes 5, 5 becomes 4, etc...) and add YOUR name as number 6 on the li
st. (Use your &#8220;delete&#8221; key to remove name #1 and move all other name
s up. Then change numbers and add your name as #6)
You may change anything you need to, but try to keep this article as close to or
iginal as possible.
STEP 5: Now, post your amended article to at least 200 newsgroups. (I think ther
e are close to 24,000 groups) All you need is 200, but remember, the more you po
st, the more money you make!
Don't know HOW to post in the newsgroups? Well do exactly the following:
---------------------------------------------------------------------DIRECTIONS - HOW TO POST TO NEWSGROUPS
---------------------------------------------------------------------: : : : Step 1. You do not need to re-type this entire letter to do your
: : : : own posting. Simply put your cursor at the beginning of this
: : : : letter and click and hold down your mouse button. While
: : : : continuing to hold down the mouse button, drag your cursor to the
: : : : bottom of this document and over to just after the last
: : : : character, and release the mouse button. At this point the entire
: : : : letter should be highlighted. Then, from the 'edit' pull down
: : : : menu at the top of your screen select 'copy'. This will copy
: : : : the entire letter into the computers memory.
: : : : Step 2. Open a blank 'notepad' file and place your cursor at the
: : : : top of the blank page. From the 'edit' pull down menu select
: : : : 'paste'. This will paste a copy of the letter into notepad so
: : : : that you can add your name to the list. Remember to eliminate the
: : : : #1 position, move everyone up a spot (re-number everyone else's
: : : : positions), and add yourself in as #6.
: : : : Step 3. Save your new notepad file as a .txt file. If you want





to do your postings in different sittings, you'll always have

this file to go back to.
-------------------------------------------INTERNET EXPLORER USERS:
-------------------------------------------Step 4. Go to newsgroups and select 'Post an Article'.
Step 5. Fill in the subject.
Step 6. Same as #6 above
Step 7. Hit the 'Post' button.

THAT'S IT! All you have to do is jump to different newsgroups and post away, aft
er you get the hang of it, it will take about 30 seconds for each newsgroup!
That's it! You will begin receiving money from around the world within day's! Yo
u may eventually want to rent a P.O. Box due to the large amount of mail you rec
eive. If you wish to stay anonymous, you can invent a name to use, as long as th
e postman will deliver it.
Now the WHY part: Out of 200 postings, say you receive only 5 replies (a very lo
example). So when you made $5.00 with your name at #6 on the letter. Now each of
the 5 persons who just sent you $1.00 make the MINIMUM 200 postings, each with
your name at #5 and only 5 persons respond to each of the orginal 5, that is ano
ther $25.00 for you. Now those 25
each make 200 MINIUM posts with your name at #4 and only 5 replies each, you wil
l bring in an additional $125.00, Now, those 125 persons turn
around and post the MINIMUM 200 with your name at #3 and only receive 5 replies
each, you will make an additional $626.00! OK, here&#8217;s the fun part, each o
f those 625 persons post a MINIMUM 200 letters with your name at #2 and they eac
h only receive 5 replies, that just made you $3,125.00!!! Those 3,125 persons wi
ll all deliver this message to 200 newsgroups with your name at #1 and if still
5 persons per 200 newsgroups react you will receive $15,625,00! With an original
investment of only $6.00! AMAZING!
And as I said 5 responses is actually VERY LOW! Average is probable 20 to 30!
So lets put those figures at just 15 responses per person. Here is what you will
: : : : at #6 $15.00
: : : : at #5 $225.00
: : : : at #4 $3,375.00
: : : : at #3 $50,625.00
: : : : at #2 $759,375.00
: : : : at #1 $11,390,625.00
When your name is no longer on the list, you just take the latest posting in the
newsgroups, and send out another $6.00 to names on the list, putting your name
at number 6 again. And start posting again.
The thing to remember :is, do you realize that thousands of people all over the
world are joining
the internet and reading these articles everyday, JUST LIKE YOU are now!!
So can you afford $6.00 and see if it really works?? I think so... People have s
aid, "what if the plan is played out and no one sends you the money?
So what! What are the chances of that happening when there are tons of new hones
t users
and new honest people who are joining the internet and newsgroups everyday and a
re willing to give it a try? Estimates are at 20,000 to 50,000 new users, everyd
ay, with thousands of those
joining the actual internet. Remember, play FAIRLY and HONESTLY and this
will work. You just have to be honest. Make sure you print this article out
RIGHT NOW, also. Try to keep a list of everyone that sends you money and
always keep an eye on the newsgroups to make sure everyone is playing


You don't need to cheat the basic idea to make the money!! GOOD LUCK to all AND

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Follow Ups:


***************** End Of Article ******************

Shashidhar Shettar posted Message 3110 in Message Board
Dated : November 28, 1999 at 23:22:35 EST
Subject: Procedure &amp; order steps for collect orders
hi all Baan fans
We are using Baan VI B40 B2 in8 version, we want to know what should
be ideal order steps (including india localisation)
and procedure for execution for collect orders .
Ohter settings are :
Lot control implemented.
Location defined.
Shashidhar Shettar
***************** End Of Article ******************
Troy Dawson posted Message 3111 in Message Board
Dated : November 29, 1999 at 16:00:26 EST
Subject: Transfer to RFQ
Inablity to transfer multiple planned orders to a single rfq. Can we transfer al
l confirmed planned orders into a single rfq?
In Baan 5.0b
***************** End Of Article ******************
Cindy YD Harjanto posted Message 3112 in Message Board
Dated : November 30, 1999 at 00:49:23 EST

Subject: Re: Delivered quantity exceed order quantity.

Yes, in BaaN we can deliver below or exceed order quantity. As far as I know, we
can't control it.
This is also a problem in my site since in the old system they can determine the
limit (say 10% above & below) and the software will give warning when those lim
its are reached.
: Hi all,
I have sales order with many partial shipments , but my users always
m/t outbound data exceed of order quantity.
: I don't know why Baan allow to ship goods more than order quantity.
Does anyone know how can I control the delivered quantity can't be exc
eed order quantity ???

Thanks in advanced.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Henri Wevers posted Message 3113 in Message Board
Dated : November 30, 1999 at 03:07:44 EST
Subject: Re: EDI map repository ?
I'm from the other side (the finance side) and curious how the Baan EDIFact crea
tion works. Is it easy fast etc. Does it create payext, paymul etc.
: What ever became of the repository idea? I am in need of the basic "defaults.e
di" file.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Pedro Paz y Mio posted Message 3114 in Message Board
Dated : November 30, 1999 at 09:19:54 EST
Subject: DRP problem
Hi everyone.
I'm having a big problem with DRP: if I generate it when no RPL orders exist, it
works OK; this means it generates DRP planned orders to cover my sales forecast
s and my safety stock. But if I have RPL orders for the future (within the plann
ing horizon) and generate DRP, it assumes all the RPL receptions are today, so m
y "today stock" is increased. The result is that the first days within my planni
ng horizon may get negative stocks, since no DRP orders are generated (the syste
m thinks I have more stock than the real one).
Has anyone experienced this problem? Any help is welcome.
Thanks in advance.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Jason Grendahl posted Message 3115 in Message Board

Dated : November 30, 1999 at 11:40:26 EST

Subject: Physical Inventory/Cycle Counting
I am preparing for a physical inventory with Baan 4C3 freshly implemented. I ha
ve been looking into the Baan cycle counting process. I have a question that st
ems from the following scenario: Baan prints out a ticket for Part A qty 10. Af
ter performing the count, I find zero of Part A, but 10 of Part B. If I underst
and the process correctly; Baan would now like me to enter the quantity zero fou
nd for Part A, and then insert a new line for Part B and enter a quantity found
of 10 (via the session Enter Location Cycle Counting Data).
With the above scenario, the printed ticket would need to be modified by the cou
nter and entered into the system. I am wondering if blank orders can be set up
to do this as well. The original order would show the count being zero for Part
A, and a different order could then be used to enter the quantity found of Part
The reason that I am concerned is due to the integrity of the printed tickets.
Rather than having the counters scratch out the old part number and write a new
one, I would like to be able to utilize a blank ticket (different order).
***************** End Of Article ******************
Suresh Kapoor posted Message 3116 in Message Board
Dated : November 30, 1999 at 14:01:10 EST
Subject: Data for cycle counting orders/items processed in IVc2
We have implemented BaaN 4c2 and are doing cycle counting(ILC implemented). We c
ount A items four times a year, B items twice a year and C items once time a yea
Our management wants a report telling how many times an item was counted during
a year.
Tables like tdilc101 and tdinv001 contain a last cycle count date. But this date
gets overwritten each time the item is cycle counted from that location. I beli
eve that tdilc301 and tfgld410 contains transactions only for adjustments(means
only if the physical count <> system count). Can you suggest any other table whi
ch contains all the cycle count data which was processed during the year.
Thanks in Advance.
Suresh Kapoor
***************** End Of Article ******************
Genie posted Message 3117 in Message Board
Dated : November 30, 1999 at 16:49:35 EST
Subject: Re: Physical Inventory/Cycle Counting
One solution for adding lines is to set up an order with a "dummy" number that c
reates it. You cannot just create an order from scratch. In this way this orde
r could be used as the "collector" order of odd finds.
: I am preparing for a physical inventory with Baan 4C3 freshly implemented. I
have been looking into the Baan cycle counting process. I have a question that

stems from the following scenario: Baan prints out a ticket for Part A qty 10.
After performing the count, I find zero of Part A, but 10 of Part B. If I under
stand the process correctly; Baan would now like me to enter the quantity zero f
ound for Part A, and then insert a new line for Part B and enter a quantity foun
d of 10 (via the session Enter Location Cycle Counting Data).
: With the above scenario, the printed ticket would need to be modified by the c
ounter and entered into the system. I am wondering if blank orders can be set u
p to do this as well. The original order would show the count being zero for Pa
rt A, and a different order could then be used to enter the quantity found of Pa
rt B.
: The reason that I am concerned is due to the integrity of the printed tickets.
Rather than having the counters scratch out the old part number and write a ne
w one, I would like to be able to utilize a blank ticket (different order).

***************** End Of Article ******************

Genie posted Message 3118 in Message Board
Dated : November 30, 1999 at 16:53:41 EST
Subject: Re: ABC analysis
Are you storing history by item and warehouse or just by item? This is in your
INV parameters. Sounds like you are doing just item. If this is true, you cann
ot use ABC Analysis.
: Hi, all
: I am testing ABC analysis in Baan IV. I found that the following transaction i
ssue data will be consided by the system:
: A, Sales issue data 3 periods ago
: B, "Expected annual issue" maintained in "Item master data"
: C, If there is without A or B data, the annual issue of last year will be cons
: D, If C, when you enter a new warehouse sales order for the item, the "annual
issue" and "turnover" of the item in the ABC analysis report will be all set to
ZERO. Why?
: If anybody can explain the internal logic of ABC analysis in Baan IV, Please k
indly reply to me. Thanks in advance!

***************** End Of Article ******************

Genie posted Message 3119 in Message Board
Dated : November 30, 1999 at 16:56:06 EST
Subject: Re: proforma invoice
Proforma is meant as a proofing stage of the invoice or billing. Or it can be u
sed as a sign off, within the company, prior to printing a final invoice. It is
run before printing of the final invoice and is not a step in vanilla Baan, per
: When do use the invoice proforma?
: What is the procedure (sequence)the order type?
: Thanks for the help.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Arvind Patil, CPIM posted Message 3120 in Message Board
Dated : November 30, 1999 at 20:42:07 EST
Subject: Re: Data for cycle counting orders/items processed in IVc2
I am not sure if ilc501 gets deleted once cycle counting orders are processed. M
ay be you would loke to store this information and can do some customisation.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Arvind Patil, CPIM posted Message 3121 in Message Board
Dated : November 30, 1999 at 20:46:20 EST
Subject: Re: DRP problem
DRP does comsider the RPL orders before generating RPL orders. It does time phas
ed calculation. May be all of your orders are past due. I do not think there is
any problem with DRP. It must be generating rescheduling messages, because syste
m assumes that it makes more sense to expedite an order rather than creating a n
ew one. See the DRP messages after running DRP. This may be the reason you are n
ot getting the DRP orders. This is standard DRP planning functionality.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Arvind Patil, CPIM posted Message 3122 in Message Board
Dated : November 30, 1999 at 20:50:14 EST
Subject: Re: BaanIVc4 tdsls4102s000 Phantom Item
It does not matter what warehouse you mentioned in BOM. The allocation always go
es to PBOM warehouses. May be you are having a net qty of zero in your product s
tructure. I have got this message some time when phantom has phantom beneath it
and the second phantom qty was zero in PBOM.
***************** End Of Article ******************
viv posted Message 3123 in Message Board
Dated : November 30, 1999 at 23:18:44 EST
Subject: Re:Multi company levels for customer
Would anybody please advise information on how to implement multi company levels
for customers (in fact we just want 2levels), so that all invoices will be bill
ed against the parent customer while sales statistics are still grouped under ea

ch individual child customer.

***************** End Of Article ******************
Suresh Kapoor posted Message 3124 in Message Board
Dated : December 01, 1999 at 11:33:40 EST
Subject: Re: Data for cycle counting orders/items processed in IVc2
Thanks Arvind..
Yes the data from tdilc501 gets deleted after cycle counting. I think that BaaN
is storing the information somewhere else before it deletes it from tdilc501. Ma
y be somebody knows the table name.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Suresh Kapoor posted Message 3125 in Message Board
Dated : December 01, 1999 at 11:38:25 EST
Subject: Item Master related tables in BaaN 4c2
Our company has just acquired another company. We are on BaaN4c2. We are trying
to load the item master table in with the items from other company. I am interes
ted in knowing all the related tables that need to be updated or the ones in whi
ch records need to be created. Apart from tiitm001, I know that tiitm100 also ne
eds to be updated simultaneously. If the item has a supplier, a new record needs
to be created in tdpur021.
Are there any other tables which need to be updated ?
Thanks in advance.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Vitaliy posted Message 3126 in Message Board
Dated : December 01, 1999 at 12:04:42 EST
Subject: Trial
***************** End Of Article ******************
Andres posted Message 3127 in Message Board
Dated : December 01, 1999 at 12:22:51 EST
Subject: Doubts in EDI &amp; ANSI X12
Hello everybody;
I have 3 questions to do, I will apreciate somebody answer partial o totaly.

1.) Does BAAN IV b2 support all the standard ANSI X12 and UN-EDIFACT messages ?
I mean, Only Purchase Order,Order ack,Adv Ship notice,PO Change,Order Change Ac
k,Invoice and Remittance Adv are listed at present.
Can the other standard messages be added ?
If so, what is the procedure ?
2.What are the current versions of ANSI X12 and UN-EDIFACT supported by BAAN IV
b2 and c4 ?
I mean what Version, Release and sub-release. Where I can found that into BaaN a
3.) ANSI X12 drive transactions but in BaaN IV b2 is called messages. Is it true
? what else?
Best Regards
Valencia, Venezuela
***************** End Of Article ******************
Vitaliy posted Message 3128 in Message Board
Dated : December 01, 1999 at 12:25:47 EST
Subject: Top 1000 sites
This place was added to top 1000 of AEC(Israel) . We'll forward our clients to t
his site in future. To add another guestbook , forum or chat place to our top 10
00 or with any questions , please contact us by e-mail :
l . Only e-mail messages will be replied . Have a good day !
***************** End Of Article ******************
meenakshi posted Message 3129 in Message Board
Dated : December 01, 1999 at 15:06:57 EST
Subject: sales acknowledgement information
Does anyone know of a session which prints the same information as the Sales ack
nowledgement in a report without altering the order steps and updating any statu
s fields. I want some thing like the Display Order Acknowledgement but want the
flexibility to print it to a printer or a file rather than just display. Any ses
sion which prints the sales header info, including the delivery address informat
ion and sales lines information would work.
Thank you
***************** End Of Article ******************
Veeru. posted Message 3130 in Message Board
Dated : December 01, 1999 at 15:36:44 EST
Subject: Re: sales acknowledgement information
: Hi,
: Does anyone know of a session which prints the same information as the Sales a

cknowledgement in a report without altering the order steps and updating any sta
tus fields. I want some thing like the Display Order Acknowledgement but want th
e flexibility to print it to a printer or a file rather than just display. Any s
ession which prints the sales header info, including the delivery address inform
ation and sales lines information would work.
: Thank you
: M
:From standard report stand point, there is no session as a counter part for the
display session "Display Sales Order Acknowledgement". However, you may choose
to define the session "Maintain Order Steps"(tcmcs0139m000) for the session code
"tdsls4401m000" which is "Print Sales Order Acknowledgement" with a repetitive
step for printing. If you don't feel ok with this, then on the other hand, you m
ay customize (very low level) to prepare a sub-session for "tdsls4401m000" as "t
dsls4401s000", and bring up within Sales Order main session, which will not affe
ct your order status.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Alex posted Message 3131 in Message Board
Dated : December 01, 1999 at 23:50:49 EST
Subject: NEW NEW NEW !!! BIG SEARCH !!!
You will find working input forms of all most important
Internet search systems here. You may search with more
than 60 biggest search engines & Web meta search utilites.
World - 10 forms , MP3 - 30 forms ,
FTP - 12 forms , CRACK - 6 forms!
ONLY here:
***************** End Of Article ******************
Max posted Message 3132 in Message Board
Dated : December 02, 1999 at 03:57:35 EST
Subject: Re: Cross Docking
: Anyone come up with an easy way of doing Cross Docking ??
If you are using BaanERP, it got a session called "Generate Purchase Order Advic
e" which is specailly designed for cross-dock sales orders.
After maintain a new sales order, you then generate a PO advice for that order.
In Maintain PO Advice session, you can confirm and transfer the PO advice creat
ed to Purchase Order. The resulting PO created will be linked to that particula
r sales order.
Hope this helps.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Tobias posted Message 3133 in Message Board
Dated : December 02, 1999 at 05:33:04 EST
Subject: Item Data by Warehouse in BaanERP
Hi there, theres a short question. In BaanERP normally the item data by warehouse
is set up when you move items in warehouses. My problem is that my system does
not insert this data automatically. An error message comes up "Item xyz is not i
n warehouse abc!" when I want to sell anything. If I insert this data manually i
n whwmd2510m000 I can sell it without any problems. But as I said, normally the
system should set it up automatically. Can anybody help me, please.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Jeanne Ploshay posted Message 3134 in Message Board
Dated : December 02, 1999 at 09:09:56 EST
Subject: Re: sales acknowledgement information
: Hi,
: Does anyone know of a session which prints the same information as the Sales a
cknowledgement in a report without altering the order steps and updating any sta
tus fields. I want some thing like the Display Order Acknowledgement but want th
e flexibility to print it to a printer or a file rather than just display. Any s
ession which prints the sales header info, including the delivery address inform
ation and sales lines information would work.
: Thank you
: M
I'm sure you thought through the order steps you wanted to include in your stand
ard order types, but have you considered using an order type that does not inclu
de Print Order Acknowledgment as one of its steps? Is is critical for you to kn
ow that an acknowledgment has been printed (via Baan)? We did not include Print
Order Acknowledgment as an order step in any of our order types because we need
to be able to print the ack "on demand" and over and over again as changes are
made to an order. We did not want to be locked into specific timing on this ste
p. It's worked out fine for us - the first time we print the ack it is an "audi
t copy" and just on plain paper. When we are ready to send it to the customer,
we print it on full color letterhead and keep a photocopy of same with the order
packet. That way anyone who looks at the order knows the customer copy has bee
n sent (since the photocopy shows the letter head and the audit copy is just a p
lain piece of paper).
Don't know if this will work for you, but thought I'd at least throw the idea ou
Best regards,

***************** End Of Article ******************

Jeanne Ploshay posted Message 3135 in Message Board
Dated : December 02, 1999 at 09:14:43 EST
Subject: Re: Delivered quantity exceed order quantity.

: Yes, in BaaN we can deliver below or exceed order quantity. As far as I know,
we can't control it.
: This is also a problem in my site since in the old system they can determine t
he limit (say 10% above & below) and the software will give warning when those l
imits are reached.
: Rgds,
: Cindy
: : Hi all,
: :
I have sales order with many partial shipments , but my users always
m/t outbound data exceed of order quantity.
: : I don't know why Baan allow to ship goods more than order quantity.
: :
Does anyone know how can I control the delivered quantity can't be e
xceed order quantity ???
: :
Thanks in advanced.
: :
Hi Dutch:
We also have complained about the lack of ability to control over/undershipments
and have not found anyway to handle this. It has caused real problems when the
overshipment was a typo - at least a warning message would give people a chance
to rethink what they did. I'd be a happy camper if someone knows a way to cont
rol this....
Jeanne Ploshay

***************** End Of Article ******************

Jeanne Ploshay posted Message 3136 in Message Board
Dated : December 02, 1999 at 09:38:44 EST
Subject: Re: proforma invoice
: When do use the invoice proforma?
: What is the procedure (sequence)the order type?
: Thanks for the help.
The session labelled "Print Proforma Invoices" (tdsls4435m000)is used in conjunt
ion with Pre-payment of a shipment. We have an order type called "Cash in Advan
ce of Shipment" ("Yes" to Proforma Invoicing when setting up the order type) whi
ch has the following steps:
Print Order Ack
Print Proforma Invoice
Link Advance Receipts to Profo
Generate Outbound Advice
Maintain Deliveries
Print Packing Slip
Print Sales Invoices
Process Delivered Sales Orders
If you just want to print a preliminary invoice (also called proforma but not th
e same as the "real" proforma described above) you can do this from within the r
egular "Print Sales Invoices" session. Just say "no" to final invoices and the
system will create and print something it lables as "proforma" but this is just
for review prior to printing the final invoice and does nothing system wise.
Hope this helps!
***************** End Of Article ******************

Helmut posted Message 3137 in Message Board

Dated : December 02, 1999 at 10:19:45 EST
Subject: minimum purchase order-values
with several suppliers we have agreements for minimum purchase
order values.
How can we realize this with BaaN ?
(Version 4c3)

***************** End Of Article ******************

Baan fan posted Message 3138 in Message Board
Dated : December 02, 1999 at 15:12:09 EST
Subject: Release outbound data
There are many production orders for which issue was yet to be done.(The fields
Issue and estimated quantity in the session show quantities more than zero with
actual quantity remaining zero.)When we tried to issue inventory thru location
control 'No data found' message was coming and the issue status is remaining sam
Orders are released.
We tried to generate outbound advice and also Maintain outbound data but in the
later we are facing another message "Stock not present at date ' ' of location"
.But we cant enter the date because the outbound priority was by Location only.
Can any body give some clue?
we are on Baan IVc3.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Arvind Patil, CPIM posted Message 3139 in Message Board
Dated : December 02, 1999 at 19:24:51 EST
Subject: Re: Release outbound data
The message is I think because you do not have the inventory at the location whi
ch you are entering in Maintain O/B data. When you are generating O/B data you s
hould get a O/B shortage report.
Bring inevntory in correct warehouse
***************** End Of Article ******************
Baa Fan posted Message 3140 in Message Board
Dated : December 03, 1999 at 03:07:45 EST
Subject: Re: Release outbound data
: Hi,
: The message is I think because you do not have the inventory at the location w
hich you are entering in Maintain O/B data. When you are generating O/B data you
should get a O/B shortage report.
: Bring inevntory in correct warehouse

: Arvind
Thanks for help but...
WE found inventory in the location
How to find the areas to which the inventory of item is allocated?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Cindy YD Harjanto posted Message 3141 in Message Board
Dated : December 03, 1999 at 03:46:26 EST
Subject: Re: minimum purchase order-values
You have to choose one supplier as default, then input the min order in Maintain
Item Data. For the other suppliers you can use session Maintain Alternative Sup
pliers (tdpur4150) to define the min orders.

with several suppliers we have agreements for minimum purchase
order values.
How can we realize this with BaaN ?
(Version 4c3)

***************** End Of Article ******************

Cindy YD Harjanto posted Message 3142 in Message Board
Dated : December 03, 1999 at 03:55:46 EST
Subject: Re: Physical Inventory/Cycle Counting
I also have the same problem like Jason, but I didn't quite understand the solut
ion offered by Genie.
Could you explain it in more details, please. Thanks in adv!
: One solution for adding lines is to set up an order with a "dummy" number that
creates it. You cannot just create an order from scratch. In this way this or
der could be used as the "collector" order of odd finds.
: : I am preparing for a physical inventory with Baan 4C3 freshly implemented.
I have been looking into the Baan cycle counting process. I have a question tha
t stems from the following scenario: Baan prints out a ticket for Part A qty 10.
After performing the count, I find zero of Part A, but 10 of Part B. If I und
erstand the process correctly; Baan would now like me to enter the quantity zero
found for Part A, and then insert a new line for Part B and enter a quantity fo
und of 10 (via the session Enter Location Cycle Counting Data).
: : With the above scenario, the printed ticket would need to be modified by the
counter and entered into the system. I am wondering if blank orders can be set
up to do this as well. The original order would show the count being zero for
Part A, and a different order could then be used to enter the quantity found of
Part B.

: : The reason that I am concerned is due to the integrity of the printed ticket
s. Rather than having the counters scratch out the old part number and write a
new one, I would like to be able to utilize a blank ticket (different order).

***************** End Of Article ******************

Koen De Coninck posted Message 3143 in Message Board
Dated : December 03, 1999 at 10:14:03 EST
Subject: Re: EDI set up procedure /
: Hi there,
: we would like to know procedure to set up EDI ?
: regards
: akash
Hi akash,
There is a very good user manual, delivered together with the Software CD, it is
named "EDI User guide" (in our case for BaaNERP) an has as product code U7100BU
***************** End Of Article ******************
wweglin posted Message 3144 in Message Board
Dated : December 03, 1999 at 10:37:39 EST
Subject: Re: Release outbound data
: There are many production orders for which issue was yet to be done.(The field
s Issue and estimated quantity in the session show quantities more than zero wi
th actual quantity remaining zero.)When we tried to issue inventory thru locatio
n control 'No data found' message was coming and the issue status is remaining s
: Orders are released.
: We tried to generate outbound advice and also Maintain outbound data but in th
e later we are facing another message "Stock not present at date ' ' of locatio
n".But we cant enter the date because the outbound priority was by Location only
: Can any body give some clue?
: we are on Baan IVc3.
Try kicking out the production date in session tdilc4201m000 generate outbound a
dvice. Try something like +30 and running the session. This should take care o
f your problem.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Arvind Patil, CPIM posted Message 3145 in Message Board
Dated : December 03, 1999 at 18:34:43 EST
Subject: Re: Release outbound data
Try printing O/B data for the item. Also Try printing I/B data for the item as b
oth of them creates allocation. I/B creates allocation in REC location.

***************** End Of Article ******************
sKrishnan posted Message 3146 in Message Board
Dated : December 06, 1999 at 05:59:50 EST
Subject: How to record a RFP?
I have a requirement
ers or prospects.
Basically we want to
(number & date) when
Is there a provision

to record RFPs (request for proposals) received from custom

record the receipt of the request and the actual quotation
it is sent. And a report of RFPs which have not yet been qu
to handle this in Baan either in Distribution or TP project

***************** End Of Article ******************

Smith posted Message 3147 in Message Board
Dated : December 06, 1999 at 06:16:28 EST
Subject: Transport Order
What is the difference between customer, principal, owner in transport order.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Matt Ford posted Message 3148 in Message Board
Dated : December 06, 1999 at 06:45:40 EST
Subject: &quot;Mervyn Carr&quot;- Where R U ???
All Baan users in the Canadian region,
I am looking for, or would appreciate some contact details for Mr Mervyn Carr, w
ho lives ( lived ) in the Toronto area and has been "practising" the Baan magic
for many years.
Can anyone pass this e-mail on to him, or reply to my address with his contact d
etails ?
Looking forward to ANY leads.
Matthew Ford
Johannesburg, South Africa
e-mail -
***************** End Of Article ******************
Ashish Anand posted Message 3149 in Message Board
Dated : December 06, 1999 at 07:05:46 EST

Subject: Re: Transport Order

Customer-entity that is invoiced for the order.
Principal-entity that requisitions for the despatch
Owner-entity that receives the goods
They could all be different and they could be same wrt a
specific transport order.
Hope this helps
Ashish Anand
ISC Consultancy Services Pvt Ltd
SEEPZ Mumbai India
Phone +91 22 8290100
Fax +91 22 8291541
: What is the difference between customer, principal, owner in transport order.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Merv Carr posted Message 3150 in Message Board
Dated : December 06, 1999 at 10:29:28 EST
Subject: Re: &quot;Mervyn Carr&quot;- Where R U ???
Hey Buddy
You came to the right place, here I am alive and kicking (and still practising I 'spose I'll get it right one of these days :-))
E-mail me at (and then I'll give you my private e-mail addr
Rgeards, Merv
: All Baan users in the Canadian region,
: I am looking for, or would appreciate some contact details for Mr Mervyn Carr,
who lives ( lived ) in the Toronto area and has been "practising" the Baan magi
c for many years.
: Can anyone pass this e-mail on to him, or reply to my address with his contact
details ?
: Looking forward to ANY leads.
: Regards,
: Matthew Ford
: Johannesburg, South Africa
: e-mail -

***************** End Of Article ******************

Robin Handelman posted Message 3151 in Message Board

Dated : December 06, 1999 at 16:30:48 EST
Subject: BaaN database mirroring software.
Q: Does anyone know of a product that is capable of mirroring the database under
lying BaaN? In our case we are using Oracle and want to mirror it with delayed
Please reply via email.
Robin Handelman
***************** End Of Article ******************
Cindy YD Harjanto posted Message 3152 in Message Board
Dated : December 06, 1999 at 19:58:16 EST
Subject: Re: Release outbound data
Sometimes we also got the message "Stock not present at date", but it's because
the outbound system was FIFO and the user didn't input the inventory date during
maintain receipt (ILC). In your case, is it possible that the item's outbound s
ystem has been changed recently? Maybe previously the outbound system was FIFO,
you got stock w/ inventory date, then later the outbound system is changed to 'b
y location'...?? If that's the case, maybe you'd like to try to change the outbo
und system to FIFO, then you can maintain outbound and pick up the right invento
ry date. Afterwards you can change it back to 'by location'.
Hope it works.
: There are many production orders for which issue was yet to be done.(The field
s Issue and estimated quantity in the session show quantities more than zero wi
th actual quantity remaining zero.)When we tried to issue inventory thru locatio
n control 'No data found' message was coming and the issue status is remaining s
: Orders are released.
: We tried to generate outbound advice and also Maintain outbound data but in th
e later we are facing another message "Stock not present at date ' ' of locatio
n".But we cant enter the date because the outbound priority was by Location only
: Can any body give some clue?
: we are on Baan IVc3.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Cindy YD Harjanto posted Message 3153 in Message Board
Dated : December 06, 1999 at 23:48:31 EST
Subject: Can't print final invoice - not able to determine invoice number
dear BaaN fans,
We've encountered a problem with sales invoice. Previously it was okay (we went
live 2 mos ago), but now we couldn't print final invoice. The message was "No da

ta found. Not able to determine invoice number." It happened to 1 transaction ty

pe. When we tried to use another transaction type, it worked. We have compared t
he setting between the 2 transaction types, both use the same series and fixed s
equence of number. The last used doc no was also looked okay.
I've post the problem in Finance area, but it comes to my mind that some of the
Distb fans might knew it as well.
Any assistance would be highly appreciated. Thanks in adv!!
***************** End Of Article ******************
Aseem Saxena posted Message 3154 in Message Board
Dated : December 07, 1999 at 03:56:19 EST
Subject: Outbound data for components not being released.
We sell sealkits for our valves to our customers.Assume the BOM to be thus:
SKM - manufactured item with BOM:
10/1 SP1 - 1 NO. (pur)
10/2 SP2 - 2 NO. (pur)
We have defined SKM as phantom item as we do not manufacture the same. The seals
are purchased from our vendor and we only put the seals together to make the ki
Another reason for defining the SKM as phantom is that we do not post the invent
ory of our sealkits in finished goods inventory (as the same is not registered b
y us under excise)
When we maintain a sales order for item SKM, issue component field is selected a
When we generate outbound advise for the sales order, the advise is created for
item SP1 and SP2.
However, when we try to release the outbound data for the sales order before mai
ntaining deliveries, we get this message:
"Item is not a component of the order line item"
Please advise.
Aseem Saxena
***************** End Of Article ******************
Baan Bob posted Message 3155 in Message Board
Dated : December 07, 1999 at 09:10:34 EST
Subject: Re: Can't print final invoice - not able to determine invoice number
: Generally this is due to a lock situation. Make sure there are no users logge
d into the sales orders you are trying to print. Go to session Remove Applicati
on Locks (Tools/Database Management/Miscell) and delete any locks related to tds
ls. Run the Print Sales Invoices again. I have to admit sometimes it works if y
ou just run it again!

Note that if you do set up another order type for sales the transaction type f
ield must be filled in. Also integration setup problems could, in some cases, c
ause this message.
: dear BaaN fans,
: We've encountered a problem with sales invoice. Previously it was okay (we wen
t live 2 mos ago), but now we couldn't print final invoice. The message was "No
data found. Not able to determine invoice number." It happened to 1 transaction
type. When we tried to use another transaction type, it worked. We have compared
the setting between the 2 transaction types, both use the same series and fixed
sequence of number. The last used doc no was also looked okay.
: I've post the problem in Finance area, but it comes to my mind that some of th
e Distb fans might knew it as well.
: Any assistance would be highly appreciated. Thanks in adv!!
: Cindy

***************** End Of Article ******************

kris posted Message 3156 in Message Board
Dated : December 07, 1999 at 09:39:48 EST
Subject: Deliverytimes pretty urgent
Is there anyone who knows if there is a difference between the deliverytimes in
production used by INV in baan b2 and C4. It seems that in b2 he uses the order
time and in C4 he uses the time that takes the routing into account.
***************** End Of Article ******************
John posted Message 3157 in Message Board
Dated : December 07, 1999 at 13:31:49 EST
Subject: Standard cost price on DD
We want to use actual cost from the purchase order instead of standard cost pric
e from the item master for direct deliveries. We enter a Sales order with a dire
ct delivery item and then generate a purchase order automatically. We want to be
able to debit the inventory at the actual cost instead of the standard cost and
eliminate any variance. So far we have found no way to set it up this way.
Any suggestions?
***************** End Of Article ******************
a posted Message 3158 in Message Board
Dated : December 07, 1999 at 15:33:16 EST
Subject: EARN $$$$$$ FAST!!!!!! EASY!!!!!!!!!
I found this on a bulletin board and decided to try it. A little while
back, I was browsing through news groups, just like you are now, and came
across an article similar to this that said you can make thousands of dollars
within weeks
with only an initial investment of $6.00!! So, I thought, "Yeah right,
this must be
a scam," but like most of us, I was curious, so I kept reading. Anyway,
it said that

you send $1.00 to each of the six names and addresses stated in the
article. You
then place your own name and address in the bottom of the list at $6.00,
post the article in at least 200 news groups. (There are thousands) No
catch that
was it. So after thinking it over, and talking to a few people first, I
thought about
trying it. I figured, "What have I got to lose; except six stamps and
$6.00 right,
right?" Then I invested the measly $6.00. WELL GUESS
WHAT!!!...............Within seven days, I started getting money in the
I was shocked!! I figured it would end soon, but the money just kept
coming in. In my first week, I made about $25.00. By the end of the
week I had made a total of more than $1000.00!! In the third week I had
than $10,000.00 and it's still growing!! This is now my fourth week and
I have
made a total of $42,000.00 and it's still coming rapidly. It's certainly
$6.00 and six stamps, but I have spent more than on the lottery!! Let me
tell you
this works and most important, why it works..........also make sure you
print this
out NOW, so you can get the information off of it, as you need it. I
promise you
that if you follow the directions exactly that you will start making
more money
than you thought possible by doing something so easy!! Suggestion: Read
entire message carefully!! (Print it out or download it) Follow the
directions and watch the money come in!! It's easy. It's legal. And,
investment is only $6.00 (Plus postage) !
IMPORTANT: This is not a rip-off, it is decent; it's legal; and it is
no risk - it really works!! If all the following instructions are
adhered to, you will
receive extraordinary dividends. PLEASE NOTE: Please follow the
EXACTLY, and $50,000 or more can be yours in 20 to 60 days. This program
remains successful because of the honesty and integrity of the
Please continue its success by carefully adhering to the instructions.
You will now
become apart of the Mail Order business. You are in the business of
Mailing Lists. Many large corporations are happy to pay bug bucks for
lists. However, the money made from the mailing lists is secondary to
which is made from people like you and me asking to be included in that
list. Here
are the four easy steps to success.
STEP one: Get six separate pieces of paper and write the following on

piece of paper: your name, your home address, and "PLEASE PUT ME ON YOUR
MAILING LIST." Now get 6
U.S. $1.00 bills and place ONE inside of EACH of the six pieces of paper
the bill will not be seen through the envelope (to prevent thievery).
Next, place
paper in each of the six envelopes and seal them. You now should have
sealed envelopes, each with a piece of paper stating the above phrase,
name and address, and a $1.00 bill. What you are doing is creating a
You are requesting a legitimate service and you are paying for it!! Like
most of
us I was a little skeptical and little worried about the legal aspects
of it all. So I
checked it out with the U.S. Post Office (1-800-125-2161) and they
that it is indeed legal!!
Mail the six envelopes to the following addresses:

#1 Billy Edwards
635 Lorraine Circle
Lake Wales, FL 33853
#2 Jorge Covarrubias
10112 Crestberry PL.
Bethesda, MD 20817
#3 Charles Mizrahi
49 Hamilton Avenue
Atlantic Beach, NY 11509
#4 Cory Mann
111 Hillside Dr.
Thomasville, N.C. 27360
#5 Tamara Mangano
93 Holly Place
Monroe, CT
#6 Daniel Csuka
11 Sherwood Place
Monroe, CT 06468
STEP two: Now take the #1 name off the list that you see above, move the
other names up (six becomes 5, 5 becomes 4, and etc.) and add YOUR NAME
as number 6 on the list.
STEP three: Change anything you need to but try to keep this article as
to original as possible. Now post your amended article to at least 200
groups. (I think there are close to 24,000 groups) All you need is 200,
remember, the more you post, the more money you make!! This is perfectly

If you have any doubts, refer to Title 18 Sec. 1302 & 1341 of the Postal
laws. Keep a copy of these steps for yourself and whenever you need
you can use it again, and again. PLEASE REMEMBER that this program
remains successful because of the honesty and integrity of the
participants and by
their carefully adhering to directions. Look at it this way. If you were
integrity, the program will continue and the money that so many others
received will
come your way.
NOTE: You may want to retain every name and address sent to you, either
a computer or hard copy and keep the notes people send you. This
that you are truly providing a service. (Also, it might be a good idea
to wrap the
$1 bill in dark paper to reduce the risk of mail theft). So, as each
post is
downloaded and the directions carefully followed, all members will be
reimbursed for their participation as a List Developer with one dollar
each. Your
name will
move up the list geometrically so that when your name reaches the #1
you will be receiving thousands of dollars in CASH!!! What an
opportunity for
only $6.00 ($1.00 for each of the first six people listed above) Send it
now, add
your own name to the list and you're in business!!!
STEP one: You do not need to retype this entire letter to do your own
posting. Simply put your cursor at the beginning of this letter and drag
cursor to the bottom of this document, and select 'copy' from the edit
This will copy the entire letter into the computer's memory.
STEP two: Open a blank 'notepad' file and place your cursor at the top
theblank page. From the 'edit' menu select 'paste'. This will paste a
copy of the
letter into the notepad so that you will add your name to the list.
STEP three: Save your new notepad file as a txt. File. If you want to do
posting in different settings, you'll always have this file to go back
STEP four: Use Netscape or Internet explorer and try searching for
new groups (on- line forums, message boards, chat sites, discussions.)
STEP five: Visit these message boards and post this article as a new
by highlighting the text of this letter and selecting paste from the
edit menu. Fill in
the subject, this will be the header that everyone sees as they scroll
through the
list of postings in a particular group, click the post message button.
You're done.

You're done with your first one!! Congratulations..........THAT'S IT!!

All you
have to do is jump news groups and post away, after you get the hang of
it, and
it will take about 30 seconds for each news group.
That's it!! You will begin receiving money from around the world within
You may eventually want to rent a PO Box due to large amounts of mail
you will
receive. If you wish to stay anonymous, you can invent another name to
use, as
long as the postman will deliver it.
Now the why part: Assume for example you get a 7.5% return, which is
1) When you mail 200 letters, 15 people will send you $1.00
2) Those 15 mails out 200 letters, 225 people will mail you $1.00
3) Those 225 mails out 200 letters, 3,375 people will mail you $1.00
4) Those 3,375 mails out 200 letters, 50,625 people will mail you $1.00
5) Those 50,625 mails out 200 letters, 759,375 people will mail you
By now your name has dropped off the list, but so far you have received
at least
With an original investment of only $6.00!! AMAZING!! When your name is
longer on the list, you take the latest posting in the news groups, and
send out
another $6.00 to names on the list, putting your name at number 6 again.
start posting again. You have to remember and realize that thousands of
all over the world are joining the Internet and reading these articles
every day,
JUST LIKE YOU right now!!! So, you can $6.00 and see if it really
People have said, "What if the plan is played out and no one sends you
money?" So what!!! What are the chances of that happening when there are
tons of new honest people who are joining every day and are willing to
give it a
try? Estimates are at 20,000 to 50,000 new users, every day, with
thousands of
those joining the actual Internet. Remember, play FAIRLY AND HONESTLY
and this will really work.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Cindy YD Harjanto posted Message 3159 in Message Board
Dated : December 07, 1999 at 22:37:33 EST
Subject: yes, it's true!! thanks 'BaaN Bob'
It's true, we got application locks.

Tks a lot,
***************** End Of Article ******************
Cindy YD Harjanto posted Message 3160 in Message Board
Dated : December 07, 1999 at 22:54:56 EST
Subject: Re: Deliverytimes pretty urgent
Hi Kris!
When you said order time, is it order lead time in item data that you meant?
We're using IVc4, the delivery time is always determined based on routing, excep
t when we use MRP and we set the parameter as using LTO outside CRP horizon then
beyond CRP horizon it uses order lead time.
Unfortunately I have no experience with c2.
: Is there anyone who knows if there is a difference between the deliverytimes i
n production used by INV in baan b2 and C4. It seems that in b2 he uses the ord
er time and in C4 he uses the time that takes the routing into account.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Mary posted Message 3161 in Message Board
Dated : December 08, 1999 at 03:02:33 EST
Subject: How to remove inventory checked from S/O ??
Hi all,
When I created sales order that have insufficient inventory , baan alw
ays pop-up message " Insufficient Inventory available " with the screen
'Maintain Sales order line (wholesales) - Zoom' .
Because my company always makes to order and customers always send a
dvanced P/O . Does anyone know how can I remove this inventory-checked messag
e ????
Thanks in advanced,
***************** End Of Article ******************
Eilish posted Message 3162 in Message Board
Dated : December 08, 1999 at 06:38:12 EST
Subject: Report: Approved Supplier List for an item / items
Does anyone know if it is possible to extract an approved supplier list for item
s in BaaN. I have gone through item data and suppliers information. This infor
mation does not seem to be available in a BaaN report. Has anybody extracted th
is information from BaaN in the past, if so could you please let me know where y
ou found this information.

***************** End Of Article ******************
Eric Kuijper posted Message 3163 in Message Board
Dated : December 08, 1999 at 08:57:39 EST
Subject: Re: sales acknowledgement information
The simplest way to achieve this is to link the report 'Sales Order Acknowledgem
ent' to a different print session for sales orders (where the status is not upda
Regards, Eric.
Korade BV, The Netherlands
: Hi,
: Does anyone know of a session which prints the same information as the Sales a
cknowledgement in a report without altering the order steps and updating any sta
tus fields. I want some thing like the Display Order Acknowledgement but want th
e flexibility to print it to a printer or a file rather than just display. Any s
ession which prints the sales header info, including the delivery address inform
ation and sales lines information would work.
: Thank you
: M

***************** End Of Article ******************

Eric Kuijper posted Message 3164 in Message Board
Dated : December 08, 1999 at 09:07:26 EST
Subject: Re: Standard cost price on DD
Use PCS and/or Lot Price Inventory Valuation.
Regards, Eric.
Korade BV, The Netherlands.
: We want to use actual cost from the purchase order instead of standard cost pr
ice from the item master for direct deliveries. We enter a Sales order with a di
rect delivery item and then generate a purchase order automatically. We want to
be able to debit the inventory at the actual cost instead of the standard cost a
nd eliminate any variance. So far we have found no way to set it up this way.
: Any suggestions?

***************** End Of Article ******************

Eric Kuijper posted Message 3165 in Message Board
Dated : December 08, 1999 at 09:11:02 EST
Subject: Re: Report: Approved Supplier List for an item / items
You can define a preferred supplier per item and next you can define alternative
suppliers per item. You can use this functionality to register approved supplie
rs (= alternative suppliers) and create a new report/form to list the approved s
Regards, Eric.
Korade BV, The Netherlands
: Hi,
: Does anyone know if it is possible to extract an approved supplier list for it
ems in BaaN. I have gone through item data and suppliers information. This inf
ormation does not seem to be available in a BaaN report. Has anybody extracted
this information from BaaN in the past, if so could you please let me know where
you found this information.
: Thanks,
: Eilish

***************** End Of Article ******************

Wouter de Koster posted Message 3166 in Message Board
Dated : December 08, 1999 at 10:37:51 EST
Subject: Outbound advise quantities
On what base (which stock-quantities: economic/ real/ to be deliverd etc.) does
Baan(ERP) calculate the quantity available for outbound when generating an outbo
und advise?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Patrick (Schmenge) posted Message 3167 in Message Board
Dated : December 08, 1999 at 13:32:26 EST
Subject: Re: Cross Docking
You pull the goods off the receiving truck and put them onto the shipping truck.
Worry about the paperwork later. Cheers

***************** End Of Article ******************

Marcel posted Message 3168 in Message Board
Dated : December 08, 1999 at 14:52:35 EST

Subject: Re: Standard cost price on DD

Perhaps this:
With normal delivery you allways have a warehous and you can specify the account
s for the result posting in tdinv8150 for every warehous for this.
With direct delivery you don't have a warehous and you specify other accounts fo
r this in tdinv8150, so you can post the standard cost price posting and the res
ult posting to the same accounts.
With regards Marcel
: We want to use actual cost from the purchase order instead of standard cost pr
ice from the item master for direct deliveries. We enter a Sales order with a di
rect delivery item and then generate a purchase order automatically. We want to
be able to debit the inventory at the actual cost instead of the standard cost a
nd eliminate any variance. So far we have found no way to set it up this way.
: Any suggestions?

***************** End Of Article ******************

Veeru. posted Message 3169 in Message Board
Dated : December 08, 1999 at 17:35:24 EST
Subject: Re: Report: Approved Supplier List for an item / items
: Hi,
: Does anyone know if it is possible to extract an approved supplier list for it
ems in BaaN. I have gone through item data and suppliers information. This inf
ormation does not seem to be available in a BaaN report. Has anybody extracted
this information from BaaN in the past, if so could you please let me know where
you found this information.
: Thanks,
: Eilish
:Yes. You can take a print out for listing approved suppliers using the session
"Print Suppliers" provided the methodology of maintaining the supplier master fo
r approved suppliers has the status as "Actual" and for non-approved suppliers a
s "Potential". If this is the case then it's possible to get a listing.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Veeru. posted Message 3170 in Message Board
Dated : December 08, 1999 at 17:46:18 EST
Subject: Re: How to remove inventory checked from S/O ??
: Hi all,
When I created sales order that have insufficient inventory , baan a
lways pop-up message " Insufficient Inventory available " with the screen
'Maintain Sales order line (wholesales) - Zoom' .

Because my company always makes to order and customers always send

advanced P/O . Does anyone know how can I remove this inventory-checked mess
age ????
: Thanks in advanced,
: Mary
:Please change your Sales Order parameter, form-1, for the field "Time-Phased In
ventory Check" to "No". Now, you'll get rid of that little nagging thing!
***************** End Of Article ******************
Veeru. posted Message 3171 in Message Board
Dated : December 08, 1999 at 17:50:53 EST
Subject: Re: Outbound advise quantities
: On what base (which stock-quantities: economic/ real/ to be deliverd etc.) doe
s Baan(ERP) calculate the quantity available for outbound when generating an out
bound advise?
:It's always based on the demand, either from the Shop Floor Orders (based on th
e qty in Enter materials Issues) and/or from the Sales Orders (from Sales Order
lines referred through BOM) or any other Sales demands.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Mary posted Message 3172 in Message Board
Dated : December 08, 1999 at 19:02:45 EST
Subject: Re: How to remove inventory checked from S/O ??
Hi Veeru,
I also set "Time-Phased Inventory Check" to "No" already ,
but it still get this message. ( My item is MPS item and order-leadtime=0)
Does anyone has any suggestion ???
: : Hi all,
: :
When I created sales order that have insufficient inventory , baan
always pop-up message " Insufficient Inventory available " with the scre
en 'Maintain Sales order line (wholesales) - Zoom' .
: :
Because my company always makes to order and customers always sen
d advanced P/O . Does anyone know how can I remove this inventory-checked me
ssage ????
: : Thanks in advanced,
: : Mary

: :Hi,
: :Please change your Sales Order parameter, form-1, for the field "Time-Phased
Inventory Check" to "No". Now, you'll get rid of that little nagging thing!
: Regards.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Marcel posted Message 3173 in Message Board
Dated : December 08, 1999 at 19:18:19 EST
Subject: Re: BaaN database mirroring software.
Please see
***************** End Of Article ******************
Anita posted Message 3174 in Message Board
Dated : December 08, 1999 at 20:22:44 EST
Subject: Advance Amount Adjusted = 0.00 in sales invoice ??
Hi Baan fan ,
After I successed receiveing advance receipt in F/N and follow my step to
print sales invoice , my sales invoice showed the line Advance Amount Adjus
ted = 0.00
and the line totals show whole amount included advance receipt too.
Have anyone used proforma invoice as your step and how
can I solve this problem ???
***************** End Of Article ******************
Nokie posted Message 3175 in Message Board
Dated : December 09, 1999 at 00:34:19 EST
Subject: Insurance during delivery of goods
HI all!
How does Baan capture the insurance for goods on
***************** End Of Article ******************
Eilish posted Message 3176 in Message Board
Dated : December 09, 1999 at 03:38:05 EST
Subject: Date an item was added to BaaN

When an item is added to BaaN in "Maintain Item Data" does this date get stored
somewhere in Item Data that you check at a later date. Or do you have to write
a query to extract this information from BaaN.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Diego posted Message 3177 in Message Board
Dated : December 09, 1999 at 12:11:24 EST
Subject: Cycle counting problem
Dear all:
I have a problem:
Running the cycle counting, the process does not take in count a specific wareho
use, the funny thing is that I can run the cycle counting only once, and for the
second time I can not.
Any ideas???
***************** End Of Article ******************
Veeru. posted Message 3178 in Message Board
Dated : December 09, 1999 at 14:44:58 EST
Subject: Re: Date an item was added to BaaN
: Hi,
: When an item is added to BaaN in "Maintain Item Data" does this date get store
d somewhere in Item Data that you check at a later date. Or do you have to writ
e a query to extract this information from BaaN.
: Thanks,
: Eilish
:There is no feature in Baan to register the date of an item creation. But, ther
e're many other dates which gets registered based on the transactions, that too
is very dynamic when updated.
You may want to think of a low level customization.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Veeru. posted Message 3179 in Message Board
Dated : December 09, 1999 at 14:53:33 EST
Subject: Re: How to remove inventory checked from S/O ??
: Hi Veeru,
I also set "Time-Phased Inventory Check" to "No" already ,

: but it still get this message. ( My item is MPS item and order-leadtime=0)
Does anyone has any suggestion ???
: Mary
:Hi Mary,
:Since now you say that the item is an MPS item, please change the MPS Parameter
, form-1 field "Check Available-To-Promise" for Sales Orders" to "No". Now, defi
niltey it should stop popping up.
: : : Hi all,
: : :
When I created sales order that have insufficient inventory , baa
n always pop-up message " Insufficient Inventory available " with the sc
reen 'Maintain Sales order line (wholesales) - Zoom' .
: : :
Because my company always makes to order and customers always s
end advanced P/O . Does anyone know how can I remove this inventory-checked
message ????
: : : Thanks in advanced,
: : : Mary

: :Hi,
: :Please change your Sales Order parameter, form-1, for the field "Time-Phase
Inventory Check" to "No". Now, you'll get rid of that little nagging thing!

: : Regards.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Veeru. posted Message 3180 in Message Board
Dated : December 09, 1999 at 15:43:56 EST
Subject: Re: How to remove inventory checked from S/O ??
: Hi Veeru,
I also set "Time-Phased Inventory Check" to "No" already ,
: but it still get this message. ( My item is MPS item and order-leadtime=0)
Does anyone has any suggestion ???
: Mary
:I forgot to add one more point in my note. Even after setting the MPS parameter
"Check Available to Promise" to "No", and still if your sales order lines pops
up with insufficient inventory, then, it's because of the order policy. Your fir
st note says that all items are made to order. Then, only when you set the order
policy in item data session from "Anonymous" to "To Order", this message would
not appear.
Hope this helps.
: : : Hi all,
: : :
When I created sales order that have insufficient

inventory , baa

n always pop-up message " Insufficient Inventory available " with the sc
reen 'Maintain Sales order line (wholesales) - Zoom' .
: : :
Because my company always makes to order and customers always s
end advanced P/O . Does anyone know how can I remove this inventory-checked
message ????
: : : Thanks in advanced,
: : : Mary

: :Hi,
: :Please change your Sales Order parameter, form-1, for the field "Time-Phase
Inventory Check" to "No". Now, you'll get rid of that little nagging thing!

: : Regards.

***************** End Of Article ******************

yaya posted Message 3181 in Message Board
Dated : December 09, 1999 at 16:33:29 EST
Subject: Re: Report: Approved Supplier List for an item / items
In Baan 5 that functionality is standard

: Hi,
: You can define a preferred supplier per item and next you can define alternati
ve suppliers per item. You can use this functionality to register approved suppl
iers (= alternative suppliers) and create a new report/form to list the approved
: Regards, Eric.
: Korade BV, The Netherlands
: : Hi,
: : Does anyone know if it is possible to extract an approved supplier list for
items in BaaN. I have gone through item data and suppliers information. This i
nformation does not seem to be available in a BaaN report. Has anybody extracte
d this information from BaaN in the past, if so could you please let me know whe
re you found this information.
: : Thanks,
: : Eilish

***************** End Of Article ******************

Dan posted Message 3182 in Message Board
Dated : December 09, 1999 at 19:51:49 EST
Subject: Re: Cycle counting problem

We had similar problem, there is a baan support solution for this 77202

***************** End Of Article ******************

Cindy YD Harjanto posted Message 3183 in Message Board
Dated : December 09, 1999 at 21:05:28 EST
Subject: Re: How to remove inventory checked from S/O ??
: :Hi Mary,
: :Since now you say that the item is an MPS item, please change the MPS Paramet
er, form-1 field "Check Available-To-Promise" for Sales Orders" to "No". Now, de
finiltey it should stop popping up.
: Regards.
Hi Veeru & Mary,
If I'm not mistaken, if the parameter "Check ATP for SO" is set as Yes, the syst
em won't allow us to input the SO in case of insufficient inv. If it's No, it wi
ll only give a warning - so I'm afraid the window will still pop up.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Gianni posted Message 3184 in Message Board
Dated : December 10, 1999 at 04:23:39 EST
Subject: Project code not the same for all sales order lines
When I want to enter or change a projectnumber in the sales order, I get the err
or message "Projectcode not the same for all order lines". This also happens wit
h one sales order line. We use installments.
Does anybody also experience this problem? And if so how did you solve it?
Is it possible to enter the projectnumbers in the sales order by the tables (tta
ad4100)? What tables should I use?
Thanks in advance.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Baan Bob posted Message 3185 in Message Board
Dated : December 10, 1999 at 15:08:31 EST
Subject: Re: Allocated for picking list
There is already a 'hidden' Baan session to accomplish this - 'Rebuild Allocated
for Picking List' (tdinv0251m000).
: We did the same here, I am curious to see how the session was ran at your comp

any. Who ran it? How often did they have to run it? We have a sales order entry
guy running it everytime he has to generate outbound advice. Though it is a simp
le thing to do, it is just one more session to run.
: Hi,
: : We recently went live and discovered this to by a definite problem; therefor
e, we created a new session Correct Allocated to Picklist which checks all lines
for an item which are at Maintain Deliveries status (tdsls045.ssls) and adds up
the recommended quantity in 045. This quantitiy then becomes the new allocated
for picklist quantity in tdinv001. It was a very simple session to create.
: : Rob

***************** End Of Article ******************

dan posted Message 3186 in Message Board
Dated : December 10, 1999 at 15:22:11 EST
Subject: Maintain Receipts
When we try to maintain receipts we get the error "Insufficient Inventory for it
em 'abcd'"
The PO type is used on other orders with different items and it works fine.
We tried to enter a new PO for the item and we get the same message. Any ideas?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Vitaliy posted Message 3187 in Message Board
Dated : December 12, 1999 at 11:44:55 EST
Subject: Israel-Syria Peace Process
Israel-Syrian Peace Process - let us know what do you think about it . Should Is
rael return Golan heights to Syria ? Please , enter the site and vote : http://i
***************** End Of Article ******************
Chad posted Message 3188 in Message Board
Dated : December 12, 1999 at 17:37:47 EST
Subject: Need Some Spare Change???
THIS REALLY WORKS! Follow the link below to earn $$$ while you surf the net! A c
heck is mailed to you at the end of each month! Be sure you keep the ref ID as H
***************** End Of Article ******************
Tanweer Ahmed posted Message 3189 in Message Board
Dated : December 12, 1999 at 19:11:13 EST

Subject: Line Level discounts

As far I know we can not track order line level discounts in finance. what is th
e logic behind this or there is any other way to handle this issue?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Tanweer Ahmed posted Message 3190 in Message Board
Dated : December 12, 1999 at 19:19:27 EST
Subject: Line Level discounts
As far I know we can not track sales order line level discount in Finance. What
is the logic behind this or there is any oter way to handle this?
***************** End Of Article ******************
akash posted Message 3191 in Message Board
Dated : December 12, 1999 at 23:27:07 EST
Subject: DRP for main assemblies !!!
Hi there,
We are live without DRP.
We woule like to run DRP for main assemblies.
Please advice us how to go !!
***************** End Of Article ******************
shettar posted Message 3192 in Message Board
Dated : December 12, 1999 at 23:39:01 EST
Subject: DRP
Hi there,
We are live on Manufacturing/Distribution.
We are getting lot of problems in RM - WIP goods transfer.
We want to use DRP for transfering material from RM to WIP warehouse.
At present we are transferring through " Enter Inve. Location Transactions "
We would like to know detailed procedure for defining masters for warehouse
and Bill of distributions etc.

***************** End Of Article ******************
Norway posted Message 3193 in Message Board
Dated : December 13, 1999 at 02:09:06 EST
Subject: What's the link to Baan????
: Israel-Syrian Peace Process - let us know what do you think about it . Should
Israel return Golan heights to Syria ? Please , enter the site and vote : http:/

***************** End Of Article ******************

Wim posted Message 3194 in Message Board
Dated : December 13, 1999 at 03:26:24 EST
Subject: print salesinvoices to a file
Is there a possibility to print salesinvoices (tdsls4405m000) to a file, and the
n to open the file with Word or any other programm running on a PC. In that case
it is always possible to reprint salesinvoices, also after running tdsls4223m00
0 to delete orders.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Mags posted Message 3195 in Message Board
Dated : December 13, 1999 at 08:00:45 EST
Subject: Display PO line status
Is anyone suffering problems in trying to see the staus of a PO line since Baan
changed the way Purchase Receipts work in 4C4? Now, after a partial receipt, you
cannot see that the Purchase Order line still has expected receipts. The line a
ppears to be at status 'deleting line' even though there is a back order.
This makes the display session for Purchase Order line status pretty meaningless
to me. What do you think?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Mags posted Message 3196 in Message Board
Dated : December 13, 1999 at 10:01:44 EST
Subject: Re: Purchase Order is still open.
: When trying to close Production Order we get the message 'Purchase Order is st
ill open. Yet everything appears to be OK. It has been received, matched and app
roved. Line status is 'Deleting Line'. Anyone know what is wrong ?

If you are 4C4, then it may be that there is a back order on the purchase line.
The software was changed so that it no longer outputs a new sequence record for
a back order when there is a partial receipt. This is very confusing! However, B
aan will not accept that this is a problem.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Eva Ma. Bonell posted Message 3197 in Message Board
Dated : December 13, 1999 at 17:21:52 EST
Subject: Status of SO dont change
Sometimes, in some articles, when i release outbound data after mantain and gene
rate outbound data, the status of a sales order don't change, it remains on stat
us 3 (Mantain deliveries). Can anyone tell me why? What is the problem?
Thanks a lot
***************** End Of Article ******************
Veeru. posted Message 3198 in Message Board
Dated : December 13, 1999 at 19:06:10 EST
Subject: Re: Status of SO dont change
: Sometimes, in some articles, when i release outbound data after mantain and ge
nerate outbound data, the status of a sales order don't change, it remains on st
atus 3 (Mantain deliveries). Can anyone tell me why? What is the problem?
: Thanks a lot
:Check if the "Maintain ILC Parameters" session has the field "Confirm Outbound
Data in SLS/RPL modules" set to "Yes". If it's set to "yes", then the status wil
l not change unless you confirm the delivery line in session "Maintain Deliverie
form-1, the last field. If the parameter is set to "No", then the status g
ets updated after releasing the outbound data.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Veeru. posted Message 3199 in Message Board
Dated : December 13, 1999 at 19:22:15 EST
Subject: Re: Display PO line status
: Is anyone suffering problems in trying to see the staus of a PO line since Baa
n changed the way Purchase Receipts work in 4C4? Now, after a partial receipt, y
ou cannot see that the Purchase Order line still has expected receipts. The line
appears to be at status 'deleting line' even though there is a back order.
: This makes the display session for Purchase Order line status pretty meaningle
ss to me. What do you think?

:If you've already set the Purchase Order Parameter, the field "Back Orders Allo
wed" to "Yes", this should generate a new line with a new sequence number for th
e position in question, as a back order with the status as "Maintain Receipts".
The session "Display PO line status", is widely being used and is informative fo
r Finance and Stores users.
You should be able to see for the same position with new sequence numbers in thi
s session.

***************** End Of Article ******************

mags posted Message 3200 in Message Board
Dated : December 14, 1999 at 05:33:48 EST
Subject: Re: Display PO line status
: : :
: :Hi,
: :If you've already set the Purchase Order Parameter, the field "Back Orders Al
lowed" to "Yes", this should generate a new line with a new sequence number for
the position in question, as a back order with the status as "Maintain Receipts"
. The session "Display PO line status", is widely being used and is informative
for Finance and Stores users.
: You should be able to see for the same position with new sequence numbers in t
his session.
: Regards.
That ir certainly what used to happen - BUT Baan have changed the logic in 4C4 a
nd it now does not! That is exactly my problem - as we relied quite heavily on t
hat mechanism.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Veeru. posted Message 3201 in Message Board
Dated : December 14, 1999 at 10:25:12 EST
Subject: Re: Display PO line status
: : : :
: : :Hi,
: : :If you've already set the Purchase Order Parameter, the field "Back Orders
Allowed" to "Yes", this should generate a new line with a new sequence number fo
r the position in question, as a back order with the status as "Maintain Receipt
s". The session "Display PO line status", is widely being used and is informativ
e for Finance and Stores users.
: : You should be able to see for the same position with new sequence numbers in
this session.

: : Regards.
: That ir certainly what used to happen - BUT Baan have changed the logic in 4C4
and it now does not! That is exactly my problem - as we relied quite heavily on
that mechanism.
: Regards
:Why not you contact Baan Support Center to confirm that it's a new functionalit
y? Else, it might be a bug.
***************** End Of Article ******************
J. Grendahl posted Message 3202 in Message Board
Dated : December 14, 1999 at 10:43:27 EST
Subject: Cumulative Issue
When does the Cumulative Issue value get reset? Is it yearly? After a cycle co
unt? Is there any wat to do it manualy?
***************** End Of Article ******************
mags posted Message 3203 in Message Board
Dated : December 14, 1999 at 10:46:01 EST
Subject: Re: Display PO line status
: : : : :
: : : :Hi,
: : : :If you've already set the Purchase Order Parameter, the field "Back Order
s Allowed" to "Yes", this should generate a new line with a new sequence number
for the position in question, as a back order with the status as "Maintain Recei
pts". The session "Display PO line status", is widely being used and is informat
ive for Finance and Stores users.
: : : You should be able to see for the same position with new sequence numbers
in this session.
: : : Regards.
: : That ir certainly what used to happen - BUT Baan have changed the logic in 4
C4 and it now does not! That is exactly my problem - as we relied quite heavily
on that mechanism.
: : Regards
: :Why not you contact Baan Support Center to confirm that it's a new functional
ity? Else, it might be a bug.
: :Regards.
I have!
This is the reason I want to see if anyone has problems as a result. Baan say th
ey will not change the logic back as all other cutomers but me want it this way.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Scott posted Message 3204 in Message Board
Dated : December 14, 1999 at 14:15:17 EST
Subject: Table Authorizations
Would like to get some help on setting up table authorizations to restrict users
for example allow user to insert sales orders where the order number is between
a certain range.
I will appreciate your help on this.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Suresh Kapoor posted Message 3205 in Message Board
Dated : December 14, 1999 at 16:00:29 EST
Subject: Data for cycle counting orders/items processed in IVc2
We have implemented BaaN 4c2 and are doing cycle counting(ILC implemented). We h
ave implemented the location control(ILC). We count A items four times a year, B
items twice a year and C items one time a year.
Our management wants a report telling how many times an item was counted during
a year.
Tables like tdilc101 and tdinv001 contain a last cycle count date. But this date
gets overwritten each time the item is cycle counted from that location. The da
ta from tdilc501(Cycle Count orders) gets deleted after the cycle count orders a
re processed. I believe that tdilc301 and tfgld410 contains transactions only fo
r adjustments(means only if the physical count <> system count). Can you suggest
any other table which contains all the cycle count data which was processed dur
ing the year.
Thanks in Advance.
Suresh Kapoor

***************** End Of Article ******************

Eva Ma. Bonell posted Message 3206 in Message Board
Dated : December 14, 1999 at 19:13:46 EST
Subject: Re: Status of SO dont change
: : Sometimes, in some articles, when i release outbound data after mantain and
generate outbound data, the status of a sales order don't change, it remains on

status 3 (Mantain deliveries). Can anyone tell me why? What is the problem?
: : Thanks a lot
: :Hi,
: :Check if the "Maintain ILC Parameters" session has the field "Confirm Outboun
d Data in SLS/RPL modules" set to "Yes". If it's set to "yes", then the status w
ill not change unless you confirm the delivery line in session "Maintain Deliver
form-1, the last field. If the parameter is set to "No", then the status
gets updated after releasing the outbound data.
: Regards.
Thank you very much, but the field "Confirm outbound data in SLS/RPL modules" is
set to "Yes". I think there is a bug about it in Baan iV c2 version.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Maistran posted Message 3207 in Message Board
Dated : December 14, 1999 at 22:33:12 EST
Subject: Re: Line Level discounts
: Hi,
: As far I know we can not track sales order line level discount in Finance. Wha
t is the logic behind this or there is any oter way to handle this?
: regards,
: Tanweer
Yes, Line level discounts are not posted to finance. You can only define one led
ger account for discounts at the order header level.
Line level discounts are useful in some instance. To obtain reports on the disco
unts, use discount codes and then set up reports in sales stats. The sales amoun
t will always be posted net of discount to the GL.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Maistran posted Message 3208 in Message Board
Dated : December 14, 1999 at 22:39:06 EST
Subject: Re: Cycle counting problem
: Dear all:
: I have a problem:
: Running the cycle counting, the process does not take in count a specific ware
house, the funny thing is that I can run the cycle counting only once, and for t
he second time I can not.
: Any ideas???
: D.
Check your INV parameters, form 2. Here you state the frequency of cycle count i

n weeks, minimum allowed is 1 week. One way to over come this is to do table mai
ntenance and change the frequency to zero. You will then be able to do cycle cou
nting as often as you like. Take into consideration the logic when setting count
ing frequencies for the different product classes.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Sibel posted Message 3209 in Message Board
Dated : December 15, 1999 at 01:45:46 EST
Subject: contracts based on price groups
I am trying to implement purchase contracts , define a contract based on price g
roup , then create p.o manually , it takes price from contract seems OK, but
we run PRP ,and have planned PRP orders transfer to purchase control , price lev
el is manually
note: link with PCS parameter is Yes
Does anybody have idea on this issue ?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Dua,Manoj posted Message 3210 in Message Board
Dated : December 15, 1999 at 07:09:28 EST
Subject: Sales order line status not getting changed
We have got the following sales order steps:
1.print order acknowledgements
2.print picking lists
3.maintain deliveries
4.process excise invoice
5.print sales cum excise invoice
6.process delivered sales order
now,inspite of processing the excise invoice as well as printing the sales cum e
xcise invoice,the sales order status is not getting changed .It is stuck at the
process excise invoice.Also,this is happening mostly in the case of EDI generate
d orders.Pls. help.Your cooperation shall be appreciated.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Dua,Manoj posted Message 3211 in Message Board
Dated : December 15, 1999 at 07:14:16 EST
Subject: Sales order line status not getting changed
We have got the following sales order steps:
1.print order acknowledgements
2.print picking lists
3.maintain deliveries
4.process excise invoice
5.print sales cum excise invoice
6.process delivered sales order
now,inspite of processing the excise invoice as well as printing the sales cum e
xcise invoice,the sales order status is not getting changed .It is stuck at the
process excise invoice.Also,this is happening mostly in the case of EDI generate
d orders.Pls. help.Your cooperation shall be appreciated.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Numpty Hunter posted Message 3212 in Message Board
Dated : December 15, 1999 at 09:14:49 EST
Subject: Re: Returnable items
: Hi ,
: I would like to know how you can handle returnable items in BaaN distribution
.Returnable items are items which have been
: sent out of the Factory for some repair work and are expected
: back in the stipulated time.I also need to have details of the
: transaction of the above items.
: Kindly help me
: Thanks
: Murali
Use Subcontract functionality
***************** End Of Article ******************
Eilish posted Message 3213 in Message Board
Dated : December 15, 1999 at 09:43:19 EST
Subject: Finished Goods Report
Has anybody extracted a finished goods report from the standard BaaN reports in
BaaN iv c4. I have extracted one from item data
but this is very detailed. It shows far too much detail when you are dealing wi
th a large volume of items. Essentially all I want to see is the item number, i
tem group, inventory levels for each item and the warehouse. Has anyone come ac
ross a tidier version of this in BaaN without doing a customisation.
***************** End Of Article ******************
J. Cronin posted Message 3214 in Message Board
Dated : December 15, 1999 at 09:48:40 EST
Subject: Superfluous record in tdilc401 (Outbound Data)
Hi All,
How is it possible for a sequence to be created in table tdilc401 without a run
number? This record has the flag 'delivered' marked as 'no', the entire planned
quantity has been issued, and 'delete outbound' does not clear this record.
As a result of this record, the production order cannot be closed (message:Goods
already issued or included in outbound).
Is GTM the only way to clear this?

On a personal note, following the demise of my previous employer, I am now on th

e application support desk with VBS Israel.
Hope I can be of some help on occasions.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Jeanne Ploshay posted Message 3215 in Message Board
Dated : December 15, 1999 at 09:54:41 EST
Subject: Re: Date an item was added to BaaN
: Hi,
: When an item is added to BaaN in "Maintain Item Data" does this date get store
d somewhere in Item Data that you check at a later date. Or do you have to writ
e a query to extract this information from BaaN.
: Thanks,
: Eilish
Here's a couple of ideas for you to consider (I always try to suggest things tha
t don't involve customization as not all of us have that luxury!) If you are us
ing Engineering Items and copy eitems to items, there is a field in the Engineer
ing Item/Item Relationship table (ttiedm101) called e-item copy date. If you ma
ke sure that your initial rev (when an item is entered) is something unique (lik
e always use a "-"?, you could run a report (Access or Safari?) off of these fie
lds anytime you wanted to know the date an item is entered. The other idea woul
d be to make sure of the "First Allowed Order Date" on the item master. (Of cou
rse if you are actually using this date "for real", this won't work). You could
make your procedure to use this field for the date the item is entered.
These are kind of work arounds but at least it's food for thought.

***************** End Of Article ******************

J. Cronin posted Message 3216 in Message Board
Dated : December 15, 1999 at 09:55:24 EST
Subject: Re: Finished Goods Report
: Hi,
: Has anybody extracted a finished goods report from the standard BaaN reports i
n BaaN iv c4. I have extracted one from item data
: but this is very detailed. It shows far too much detail when you are dealing
with a large volume of items. Essentially all I want to see is the item number,
item group, inventory levels for each item and the warehouse. Has anyone come
across a tidier version of this in BaaN without doing a customisation.
: Thanks,
: Eilish
Hi Eilish

That depends on what you define as a customisation.

It is quite simple to access the report layout, and to delete all the fields you
do not need, and reorganise the layout to suit you.
This can be done with minimum effort and cost, and I did this extensively on my
previous, very low budget project.
Another possibility is Easy SQL, for simple reports.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Giorgio Passerini posted Message 3217 in Message Board
Dated : December 15, 1999 at 11:07:29 EST
Subject: Discard Order line in incoming EDI messages
Hi Everybody,
I need a suggestion for EDI dll developing for
Message: Purchase order response
How can I discard a single order line without discarding the entire EDI message?
For example, if I had the following input file for order 404042 and lines 10 and
20 with a wrong date on the fist line:

404042 10 11690
404042 20 001058572-01/502


Could I discard only the first line and import the second one.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Jeff posted Message 3218 in Message Board
Dated : December 15, 1999 at 14:07:01 EST
Subject: Supply Chain - Return Order Type
Is there is a special order type for supply chain return orders? One that would
go back and alter the cum delivered Qty on contracts.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Mick posted Message 3219 in Message Board
Dated : December 16, 1999 at 00:29:47 EST
Subject: inbound transaction is not update the Inventory by location/item/wareh
Hi Baanfans out there,
I having problems about inbound p/o transaction is not update the Inventory by
location/item/warehouse/lot but updated in item data. From investigation, there
is something unusual happens such transaction was updated at 23:59:59 close to m
idnigth which no users used at that time. Does anyone having or encounter this p
roblem before.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Lakshmi Narayanan posted Message 3220 in Message Board

Dated : December 16, 1999 at 03:42:38 EST
Subject: Re: print salesinvoices to a file
: Is there a possibility to print salesinvoices (tdsls4405m000) to a file, and t
hen to open the file with Word or any other programm running on a PC. In that ca
se it is always possible to reprint salesinvoices, also after running tdsls4223m
000 to delete orders.
U can define a device of type ascii file and then give the device name when prin
ting it, instead of the regular printer.
This can be done in Maintain Device Data (ttaad3100m000) by defining Device Type
/Appropriate device driver and the path/file name u want to store.
Lakshmi Narayanan

***************** End Of Article ******************

Eva posted Message 3221 in Message Board
Dated : December 16, 1999 at 19:59:15 EST
Subject: Re: Table Authorizations
To allow user to insert sales orders where the order number is between certain r
ange, in session ttaad4134m000 you can insert a register as follows:
Table: tdsls040 and table tdsls045
Table authorization: delete/insert/modify
Data table authorization: no authorization
cond seq

field operator value 1

orno between 100000
orno between 300000

value 2


: Hi,
: Would like to get some help on setting up table authorizations to restrict use
rs for example allow user to insert sales orders where the order number is betwe
en a certain range.
: I will appreciate your help on this.
: Scott

***************** End Of Article ******************

Elaine posted Message 3222 in Message Board

Dated : December 16, 1999 at 23:04:07 EST
Subject: Error in deleting lines under maintain deliveries
When i try to delete lines under "Maintain Deliveries" this error messages appea
Error 605 (Canno delete record, because reference exists) on tdsls045101 in SELE
Cannot continue in tdsls4125m000 ()
tdsls4125m000: A not terminated transaction is aborted.
Thanx in advance
***************** End Of Article ******************
Liz posted Message 3223 in Message Board
Dated : December 17, 1999 at 09:56:49 EST
Subject: Slow Moving Analysis and INV parameters
The Slow Moving Analysis is based on the information populated in form 3 of the
"Maintain INV Parameters". In regards to how the turnrate is calculated in that
What is the time frame for "Annual Issue", is it based on the last 12 months or
the current calendar?
What transactions are included in the "Annual Issue" quantity, does it include i
nventory adjustments, sales orders, production issues, etc.?
***************** End Of Article ******************
John Crystal / Crystal Consulting posted Message 3224 in Message Board
Dated : December 17, 1999 at 15:49:14 EST
Subject: Re: Status of SO dont change
Another thing to inventory transaction history, be sure that the sal
es delivery transaction actuslly did take place. I've seen occasions where the s
tock was available to generate the outbound but when the time came to release it
there wasn't enough stock available.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Willy posted Message 3225 in Message Board
Dated : December 17, 1999 at 17:19:55 EST
Subject: Re: inbound transaction is not update the Inventory by location/item/w
: Hi Baanfans out there,
: I having problems about inbound p/o transaction is not update the Inventory b
y location/item/warehouse/lot but updated in item data. From investigation, ther
e is something unusual happens such transaction was updated at 23:59:59 close to
midnigth which no users used at that time. Does anyone having or encounter this
problem before.

Oh Ya, I've seen it. Way to often. There are some bugs in Baan, and seems somewh
at related to the storage units not equalling the inventory units. What appears
to fix most is running 2 sessions under Common/Error Recovery/ Rebuild planned
inventory transactions and Rebuild ILC Data. This must be run when no one is on
the system. Baan also suggests running PRP if you are using PCS projects. They
say to run it when you have a calamity or every night. It prints out a report t
hat tells you what it fixed. We are on 4C0 and upgrading to Baan4C4 and service
pack 5, with the hope of minimzing these issues. GOOD LUCK

***************** End Of Article ******************

Willy posted Message 3226 in Message Board
Dated : December 17, 1999 at 17:24:25 EST
Subject: Re: Cumulative Issue
: When does the Cumulative Issue value get reset? Is it yearly? After a cycle
count? Is there any wat to do it manualy?
I hope it is yearly, I'll know Jan 3rd. It's definitely not after cycle counting
, so far it's YTD.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Evelyne posted Message 3227 in Message Board
Dated : December 18, 1999 at 16:20:54 EST
Subject: Re: Slow Moving Analysis and INV parameters
The annual Issue is based on the last 12 month.
Inventory adjustment are not included but sales order, service order are. Produc
tion I do not know.
: The Slow Moving Analysis is based on the information populated in form 3 of th
e "Maintain INV Parameters". In regards to how the turnrate is calculated in th
at view:
: What is the time frame for "Annual Issue", is it based on the last 12 months o
r the current calendar?
: What transactions are included in the "Annual Issue" quantity, does it include
inventory adjustments, sales orders, production issues, etc.?

***************** End Of Article ******************

MICk posted Message 3228 in Message Board
Dated : December 19, 1999 at 19:59:16 EST
Subject: Re: inbound transaction is not update the Inventory by location/item/w
Hi Willy,

Thanks for you help but you metioned two recovery won't solve my problems becaus
e item data is correct inventory and inventory by location/lot/item/warehouse is
not updated.
: : Hi Baanfans out there,
: : I having problems about inbound p/o transaction is not update the Inventory
by location/item/warehouse/lot but updated in item data. From investigation, th
ere is something unusual happens such transaction was updated at 23:59:59 close
to midnigth which no users used at that time. Does anyone having or encounter th
is problem before.
: Oh Ya, I've seen it. Way to often. There are some bugs in Baan, and seems some
what related to the storage units not equalling the inventory units. What appea
rs to fix most is running 2 sessions under Common/Error Recovery/ Rebuild planne
d inventory transactions and Rebuild ILC Data. This must be run when no one is o
n the system. Baan also suggests running PRP if you are using PCS projects. The
y say to run it when you have a calamity or every night. It prints out a report
that tells you what it fixed. We are on 4C0 and upgrading to Baan4C4 and servi
ce pack 5, with the hope of minimzing these issues. GOOD LUCK

***************** End Of Article ******************

Arvind Patil, CPIM posted Message 3229 in Message Board
Dated : December 19, 1999 at 23:56:25 EST
Subject: Re: Superfluous record in tdilc401 (Outbound Data)
This situation can happen if the item is backflushed and the inventory is not pr
esent and some one ran Generate O/B advice and the inventory came afterwards. Th
is is not an error.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Riaz Ahmed posted Message 3230 in Message Board
Dated : December 20, 1999 at 06:23:32 EST
Subject: Collect ordres....
Hi Baan Fans,
We are using Baan IVc3. We are planing to immplement collect order procedure for
our Showrooms. We have found some problem in this procedure, while modifying th
e sales order line system is not fetching the sales price. i.e showing Zero. (fo
r Inserting line system is working properly).
Any solution in this regard is highly appreceate.
Thanks in Advance...

***************** End Of Article ******************
Marcel posted Message 3231 in Message Board
Dated : December 20, 1999 at 07:59:24 EST
Subject: Re: Advance Amount Adjusted = 0.00 in sales invoice ??
Before you print the final invoice, you have to execute session tfcmg6100m000.
: Hi Baan fan ,
After I successed receiveing advance receipt in F/N and follow my step
to print sales invoice , my sales invoice showed the line Advance Amount Adj
usted = 0.00
: and the line totals show whole amount included advance receipt too.
Have anyone used proforma invoice as your step and how
: can I solve this problem ???
: regards,
: Anita

***************** End Of Article ******************

Baan Bob posted Message 3232 in Message Board
Dated : December 20, 1999 at 14:16:21 EST
Subject: Re: Slow Moving Analysis and INV parameters
Ans: Be careful! The field you are talking about is the 'Cumulative Issue' fiel
d. This field is updated by the system but is NOT used in the Slowmoving or ABC
calculations. The field used in those calculations is 'Expected Annual Issue'.
This field is user-enterable but also can be calculated by the system by sessi
on 'Calculate Demand Forecast by Item' if the field 'Update Inventory Parameters
' is set to Yes. The calculation is based on the values of 'Trend' and 'Forecas
t Period Demand' fields. (Most of the above info is directly from KnowledgeQues
t documentation).
: The annual Issue is based on the last 12 month.
: Inventory adjustment are not included but sales order, service order are. Prod
uction I do not know.
: : The Slow Moving Analysis is based on the information populated in form 3 of
the "Maintain INV Parameters". In regards to how the turnrate is calculated in
that view:
: : What is the time frame for "Annual Issue", is it based on the last 12 months
or the current calendar?
: : What transactions are included in the "Annual Issue" quantity, does it inclu
de inventory adjustments, sales orders, production issues, etc.?

***************** End Of Article ******************

Baan Bob posted Message 3233 in Message Board

Dated : December 20, 1999 at 14:25:50 EST

Subject: Re: Collect ordres....
Where is your pricing supposed to come from? There is a hierarchy of price
retrieval: contracts, prices by customer and item, prices by item, item master
: Hi Baan Fans,
: We are using Baan IVc3. We are planing to immplement collect order procedure f
or our Showrooms. We have found some problem in this procedure, while modifying
the sales order line system is not fetching the sales price. i.e showing Zero. (
for Inserting line system is working properly).
: Any solution in this regard is highly appreceate.
: Thanks in Advance...
: Riaz.

***************** End Of Article ******************

J. Grendahl posted Message 3234 in Message Board
Dated : December 20, 1999 at 14:56:42 EST
Subject: Re: Cumulative Issue
: : When does the Cumulative Issue value get reset? Is it yearly? After a cycl
e count? Is there any wat to do it manualy?
: I hope it is yearly, I'll know Jan 3rd. It's definitely not after cycle counti
ng, so far it's YTD.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Anita posted Message 3235 in Message Board
Dated : December 20, 1999 at 21:18:21 EST
Subject: Thanks Marcel !!
: Before you print the final invoice, you have to execute session tfcmg6100m000.
: : Hi Baan fan ,
: :
After I successed receiveing advance receipt in F/N and follow my ste
p to print sales invoice , my sales invoice showed the line Advance Amount A
djusted = 0.00
: : and the line totals show whole amount included advance receipt too.
: :
Have anyone used proforma invoice as your step and how
: : can I solve this problem ???
: : regards,
: : Anita

***************** End Of Article ******************

Ibrahim posted Message 3236 in Message Board
Dated : December 21, 1999 at 01:22:05 EST
Subject: Can we add an additional Level of Selection in Sales Statistics ?
Can we add an addtional level of selection ? Standard sales statistics functiona
lity has 17 levels( from Country to Finanace
Company).I want to add one more level ,for example "Product Type"
or "Commodity Code" from the item master into the levels ?
Further, Can we generate & update sales statistics with the new levels and be ab
le to print the sales statisticsreports.
Thanx in advance,
***************** End Of Article ******************
akash posted Message 3237 in Message Board
Dated : December 21, 1999 at 03:59:26 EST
Subject: Re: EDI set up procedure /
Hi Koen,
I don't have those CDs if you have the documentation in .doc format, can you sen
d it to me ?
thanks in advance
: : Hi there,
: : we would like to know procedure to set up EDI ?
: : regards
: : akash
: Hi akash,
: There is a very good user manual, delivered together with the Software CD, it
is named "EDI User guide" (in our case for BaaNERP) an has as product code U7100
: Koen

***************** End Of Article ******************

akash posted Message 3238 in Message Board
Dated : December 21, 1999 at 04:04:40 EST
Subject: Re: Error in deleting lines under maintain deliveries
run session ttaad4229m000 with tdsls045 and the required delivery no. delete ref
erences printed by the session and then try deleting.

: When i try to delete lines under "Maintain Deliveries" this error messages app
: Error 605 (Canno delete record, because reference exists) on tdsls045101 in SE
: Cannot continue in tdsls4125m000 ()
: tdsls4125m000: A not terminated transaction is aborted.
: Thanx in advance

***************** End Of Article ******************

Riaz posted Message 3239 in Message Board
Dated : December 21, 1999 at 05:29:49 EST
Subject: Re: Collect ordres....
Thanks for the response,We are using sales price from Item master.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Riaz posted Message 3240 in Message Board
Dated : December 21, 1999 at 05:39:35 EST
Subject: Re: Collect ordres....
Thanks for you response,we are using sales price from Item master which system i
s picking up when inserting the line.When modifying i.e default price is not com
Thanks and Regards
***************** End Of Article ******************
Lora Franceschina posted Message 3241 in Message Board
Dated : December 21, 1999 at 08:48:11 EST
Subject: Re: Error in Commissions and Rebates
: : I set CMS Master Data and Parameters (with agreement search priorities), Mai
ntained Commissions and Rebate Agreements.
: : When I calculate Commission/Rebate on a Sales Order, I get the error "Commis
sion amount is zero" or "No agreement found" as per the agreement defined by me,
commission should not be zero. Can anyone tell me what is the reason for this e
rror or Is there any patch for this.
: : Thanks
: It is possible you forgot to mention the agreement in the Commission parameter
s (tdcms0100m000) form 2. Here you have to give in all the types of agreements y
ou use. So if you have an agreement for a relation and an article, you have to f
ill only relation and article so Baan knows what kind of agreement has to be fou

I have been expereincing the exact same problem, and I do have the search priori
ties set up in the commission parameters. Does anyone have any other suggestions
***************** End Of Article ******************
Gesine posted Message 3242 in Message Board
Dated : December 21, 1999 at 12:29:35 EST
Subject: Re: MUltisite Question

I am a going to this site for the first time, i like to understand how and wha
parameters i need to setup for DRP in a
multisite(single finance and Multi Logistic) company.
How DRP and RPL should be run.
Pls reply ASAP

DRP and RPL are only possible in one logistic company. So you can set it up like
a singele/singele environment. If you need stock movements from one company to
another logistic company, you have to use customer/supplier relations between th
e two logistic companies (for e.g using EDI).
***************** End Of Article ******************
Chris posted Message 3243 in Message Board
Dated : December 21, 1999 at 13:46:44 EST
Subject: Getting Baan to Allocate based on Delivery Date
Does anyone know how to make Baan Allocate inventory when running Generate Outbo
und Advice to base the allocations on Delivery Date? Currently it looks like it
bases it on Order Date.
Thanks in advance.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Tommy L. Bacon,CPIM posted Message 3244 in Message Board
Dated : December 21, 1999 at 17:38:49 EST
Subject: Re: Data for cycle counting orders/items processed in IVc2
Cycle counts are in in Inventory Transactions as Inventory Adjustments but you s
hould be able to identify them by the Cycle Count Order Series that you are usin
: Greetings;
: We have implemented BaaN 4c2 and are doing cycle counting(ILC implemented). We
have implemented the location control(ILC). We count A items four times a year,
B items twice a year and C items one time a year.

: Our management wants a report telling how many times an item was counted durin
g a year.
: Tables like tdilc101 and tdinv001 contain a last cycle count date. But this da
te gets overwritten each time the item is cycle counted from that location. The
data from tdilc501(Cycle Count orders) gets deleted after the cycle count orders
are processed. I believe that tdilc301 and tfgld410 contains transactions only
for adjustments(means only if the physical count <> system count). Can you sugge
st any other table which contains all the cycle count data which was processed d
uring the year.
: Thanks in Advance.
: Suresh Kapoor

***************** End Of Article ******************

riaz posted Message 3245 in Message Board
Dated : December 23, 1999 at 03:41:34 EST
Subject: Purchase Order Lines(Wholesale)
Hi BaaNFans,
Can anyone tell me the difference between just "Purchase Order Lines and Purchas
e Order Lines(Wholesale)" and also under what conditions the latter appears?
Thanks in advance
***************** End Of Article ******************
Nick Rovenko posted Message 3246 in Message Board
Dated : December 23, 1999 at 09:37:59 EST
Subject: Re: Can we add an additional Level of Selection in Sales Statistics ?
You can add the functionality you want if you have Baan source code. Adding the
two new constants is more than just changing the domain/enum set to include mor
e sort choices. There are several function calls that must be changed as well,
which requires access to source code.
: Can we add an addtional level of selection ? Standard sales statistics functio
nality has 17 levels( from Country to Finanace
: Company).I want to add one more level ,for example "Product Type"
: or "Commodity Code" from the item master into the levels ?
: Further, Can we generate & update sales statistics with the new levels and be
able to print the sales statisticsreports.
: Thanx in advance,
: Regards,
: Ibrahim

***************** End Of Article ******************

Nick Rovenko posted Message 3247 in Message Board

Dated : December 23, 1999 at 10:01:00 EST

Subject: Re: Purchase Order Lines(Wholesale)
PO Lines Wholesale means you may go directly to order lines w/o entering header.
Check user default settings in session tdpur4123m000 (Direct Order Line Entry)
: Hi BaaNFans,
: Can anyone tell me the difference between just "Purchase Order Lines and Purch
ase Order Lines(Wholesale)" and also under what conditions the latter appears?
: Thanks in advance
: Riaz

***************** End Of Article ******************

yaya posted Message 3248 in Message Board
Dated : December 23, 1999 at 12:55:17 EST
Subject: DRP
: Hi there,
: We are live on Manufacturing/Distribution.

We are getting lot of problems in RM - WIP goods transfer.

We want to use DRP for transfering material from RM to WIP warehouse.
At present we are transferring through " Enter Inve. Location Transactions "

: We would like to know detailed procedure for defining masters for warehouse
: and Bill of distributions etc.
: regards
: Shettar
: 020-774481-262

***************** End Of Article ******************

yaya posted Message 3249 in Message Board
Dated : December 23, 1999 at 12:57:56 EST
Subject: DRP
What is wrong with your transfers? DRP can be a good option but you have to thi
nk in two things, you always need to defina a transit warehouse and two all the
demand has to be feeded manually. I guess it can help using the DRP ( I conside
r it to be a good module myself)

Hi there,
: We are live on Manufacturing/Distribution.
: We are getting lot of problems in RM - WIP goods transfer.
: We want to use DRP for transfering material from RM to WIP warehouse.

: At present we are transferring through " Enter Inve. Location Transactions "
: tdilc1120m00.
: We would like to know detailed procedure for defining masters for warehouse
: and Bill of distributions etc.
: regards
: Shettar
: 020-774481-262

***************** End Of Article ******************

Scott Moorman posted Message 3250 in Message Board
Dated : December 23, 1999 at 13:39:51 EST
Subject: Re: Getting Baan to Allocate based on Delivery Date
Look at priority simulations. There you have the ability to deterimine the prio
rity of allocations. Feel free to contact me to review this in detail.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Gene Phares posted Message 3251 in Message Board
Dated : December 23, 1999 at 17:16:32 EST
Subject: Deleting Obsolete Sales Statistics Codes
We redesigned our sales statistics codes assigned in the item master. Some of th
e new code values are very close in description to the old obsolete codes. Unfor
tulately, the system will not allow us to delete these obsolete codes using the
"Maintain Statistics Groups" even though I removed all references of the obsolet
e code in the item master. I suspect there must be other sales statistic tables
holding the referential integrity from previous orders even though we do not hav
e the sales statistics modules turned on. Is there way to get a list of tables t
hat this field is referenced so we can purge these old codes out of our system.
What is essentially happening is that new items are incorrectly being coded to
obsolete codes and misreported in our sales reports.
Gene Phares
***************** End Of Article ******************
Nick Rovenko posted Message 3252 in Message Board
Dated : December 23, 1999 at 20:37:07 EST
Subject: Re: Deleting Obsolete Sales Statistics Codes
The domain for that field on the Item Master and Maintain Statistics Groups is "
tccsgp". Go to session ttadv4410m000 and Print Where Used Domains for a list of
tables where that domain is used. Hope this helps.
: We redesigned our sales statistics codes assigned in the item master. Some of
the new code values are very close in description to the old obsolete codes. Unf
ortulately, the system will not allow us to delete these obsolete codes using th

e "Maintain Statistics Groups" even though I removed all references of the obsol
ete code in the item master. I suspect there must be other sales statistic table
s holding the referential integrity from previous orders even though we do not h
ave the sales statistics modules turned on. Is there way to get a list of tables
that this field is referenced so we can purge these old codes out of our system
. What is essentially happening is that new items are incorrectly being coded t
o obsolete codes and misreported in our sales reports.
: Thanks,
: Gene Phares

***************** End Of Article ******************

Jeff posted Message 3253 in Message Board
Dated : December 23, 1999 at 23:02:17 EST
Subject: Drop Shipment for purchase material
The Baan knowledge base uses direct delivery and drop ship interchangeably, but
how does that apply to suppliers. The case being where you buy material from on
e supplier to deliver to another supplier for some up front processing before be
ing delivered to your site. Is there an order type or procedure for handling th
is type of &#8220;Drop Shipment&#8221;. What&#8217;s the best way of getting
the &#8216;ship to&#8217; information across to the first supplier? Do you have
to receive in the original purchase order before you actually get the material?
I&#8217;m think about using the item purchase text to get the second supplier ad
dress communicated to the first supplier and leaving one of my warehouses as the
ship to address. Then have the second supplier call when deliveries are made s
o I can process the purchase order and show in my on hand inventory. The implem
entation is using automotive supply chain which means that the item purchase tex
t does not show up on the purchase schedules, that would have to be customized!
Is there a better, simpler solution???
***************** End Of Article ******************
Mercia posted Message 3254 in Message Board
Dated : December 24, 1999 at 03:59:59 EST
Subject: Back order in purchase order .
Hi all,
I zero out back order when I maintain receipt and
process my order to deleting line already , but when I look
at session tdpur4130m000 this order still show the
back order and I can't delete this line or zero it as step of
sales module.
I wonder what is the session m/t back order (tdpur4130m000) in purchase mo
dule used for ???
Please help !

***************** End Of Article ******************

J. Cronin posted Message 3255 in Message Board
Dated : December 27, 1999 at 08:00:38 EST
Subject: Re: Back order in purchase order .
: Hi all,
I zero out back order when I maintain receipt and
: process my order to deleting line already , but when I look
: at session tdpur4130m000 this order still show the
: back order and I can't delete this line or zero it as step of
: sales module.
I wonder what is the session m/t back order (tdpur4130m000) in purchase
module used for ???
Please help !
: regards,
: Mercia
Ask your local support for solution 13873. This enables to update the back order
***************** End Of Article ******************
G.Murali Mohan posted Message 3256 in Message Board
Dated : December 27, 1999 at 10:21:01 EST
Subject: Commissions calculation ....URGENT
I am able to calculate the commission on the amount which
is arrived by multiplying Qty and net price.Net price
includes E.D,S.T etc as you might be aware of.But I would
like the system to calculate the commission on the Qty and
basic price only not taking any taxes into account.
Your immediate solution to the above query may be
highly helpful.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Chris Jamison posted Message 3257 in Message Board
Dated : December 28, 1999 at 10:32:29 EST
Subject: Re: Drop Shipment for purchase material
You could make up a new warehouse, with the address set up to be the second supp
lier's address. Reference this new warehouse code on the PO to the first suppli
er. This would not be an inventory warehouse, just an address placeholder to fa

cilitate PO entry.
Or just type in a specific delivery address on each PO.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Vamsi posted Message 3258 in Message Board
Dated : December 28, 1999 at 11:35:26 EST
Subject: Re: inbound transaction is not update the Inventory by location/item/w
Dear Mr.Mick,
Have you been trying to inbound thru "inventory transfer" (in the menu while gen
erating the inbound advise) incase of inbound from an inspection location to nor
mal storage location? In that case only it works. If it is from an receipt locat
ion to normal storage location it can be thru the" purchase order" while generat
ing an inbound advise.
We don't have any problems in genrating inbound as above.
Hope this would help you
: Hi Baanfans out there,
: I having problems about inbound p/o transaction is not update the Inventory b
y location/item/warehouse/lot but updated in item data. From investigation, ther
e is something unusual happens such transaction was updated at 23:59:59 close to
midnigth which no users used at that time. Does anyone having or encounter this
problem before.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Chris posted Message 3259 in Message Board
Dated : December 28, 1999 at 13:21:50 EST
Subject: Re: Getting Baan to Allocate based on Delivery Date
Thank you,
Looks like that did the trick.
Happy Holidays
: Look at priority simulations. There you have the ability to deterimine the pr
iority of allocations. Feel free to contact me to review this in detail.

***************** End Of Article ******************

TF posted Message 3260 in Message Board
Dated : December 29, 1999 at 15:27:51 EST
Subject: Re: Maintain Receipts
: When we try to maintain receipts we get the error "Insufficient Inventory for
item 'abcd'"
: The PO type is used on other orders with different items and it works fine.
: We tried to enter a new PO for the item and we get the same message. Any ideas
: Thanks
Are returning the goods to the supplier? (negative amount?)
Whar are the order steps, what is the amount of the order,
chack tabel tdinv150(baan IV) and your Parameters of INV.
Good luck TF
***************** End Of Article ******************
Saiprasad.K.S posted Message 3261 in Message Board
Dated : December 30, 1999 at 02:25:29 EST
Subject: Inventory valuation for a customised item (Baan -Manufacturing - Projec
Hi Fans,
In the site that I am working, we have Baan IV c4 installed. Every transaction i
s handled through Baan - Manufacturing - projects modules ( PRP run - PRP Produc
tion/Purchase/Warehouse Orders). Since the raw materials are all customized, whe
n I tried to print the inventory valuation report using the session " Print Inve
ntory Valuation by Lot" (tdltc0408m000) inserting a Project code or a range of p
rojects , no report is beinbg displayed where as a report for standard items is
generated without a problem.
Please let me know if this is a bug or is there any other session where I can ge
t the inventory valuation for project related (customised) items. I'll be extrem
ely thankful for an ealrly response.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Jeff posted Message 3262 in Message Board
Dated : December 30, 1999 at 10:29:56 EST
Subject: Re: Drop Shipment for purchase material
: You could make up a new warehouse, with the address set up to be the second su
pplier's address. Reference this new warehouse code on the PO to the first supp
lier. This would not be an inventory warehouse, just an address placeholder to

facilitate PO entry.
: Or just type in a specific delivery address on each PO.
This method has been tried. Purchase contracts were created using the second ve
nder as the ship address. A large percent of the purchased items are processed
in this fashion. It has been reported that when they used these vender warehous
es they had problems generating requirements. I have not actually verified this
This problem relates to supply chain and purchase schedules are created instead
of purchase orders. The vehicle for communicating to the supplier is a purchase
schedule rather than a purchase order. The deliver address comes from the purc
hase contract. To make this more interesting, the implementation has multiple p
roduction sites (plants) but multi site was not implimented. They want to keep
track of each sites inventory. Multiple sites may have inventory at the same se
cond vender and they would like to count/assign the inventory to one of the plan
The second vender address is currently loaded in the purchase contract text. Th
e problem with this is that this information doesn't come accross to purchase sc
hedules which is what the vender uses for shipping information.
This process is very important since a majority of the material is acquired in t
his fashion. There just doesn't seem to be a automated way to get this informat
ion to come accross without customizing.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Jeff posted Message 3263 in Message Board
Dated : December 30, 1999 at 10:56:21 EST
Subject: Packing Control
Can you use Packing Control without using the transportation module?
My guess is no. The issue at the heart of the question is how to manage reusabl
e, variable consumption packing materials when you are not trying to manage flee
t operations.
My thoughts are to set up inventory locations to represent a customer&#8217;s si
te. Then transfer packing material to this location as it is being used. This
way I can tell how much they have at their site. As the material is returned yo
u&#8217;d just transfer the material back. If some of the material were consume
d, you would put the items on the next sales order to that customer.
Are there any options available that lie between using the full blown transporta
tion module and using location control?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Tom D posted Message 3264 in Message Board
Dated : December 30, 1999 at 16:23:19 EST
Subject: Re: Inventory valuation for a customised item (Baan -Manufacturing - Pr
The session to get project inventory value is tipcs8410m000. For financial repo
rting purposes, all PCS inventory is considered work-in-process. For version IV

c2 this session can be found under manufacturing\project control\link with finan

ce\print financial project transactions.
You are correct that the "perform inventory valuation" session only reports stan
dard items.

: Hi Fans,
: In the site that I am working, we have Baan IV c4 installed. Every transaction
is handled through Baan - Manufacturing - projects modules ( PRP run - PRP Prod
uction/Purchase/Warehouse Orders). Since the raw materials are all customized, w
hen I tried to print the inventory valuation report using the session " Print In
ventory Valuation by Lot" (tdltc0408m000) inserting a Project code or a range of
projects , no report is beinbg displayed where as a report for standard items i
s generated without a problem.
: Please let me know if this is a bug or is there any other session where I can
get the inventory valuation for project related (customised) items. I'll be extr
emely thankful for an ealrly response.
: Regards,
: Sai

***************** End Of Article ******************

Dinesh Dhingra posted Message 3265 in Message Board
Dated : January 03, 2000 at 04:30:03 EST
Subject: Baan First Free Numbers
There is a serious problem.
There are two logistic companies 200,400 attached to one financial Comapny 100.
To have consolidated Purchase History we have shared tables tdpur050,051 with co
mpany 100. Now in few of the P.O. series in one company is taking the first free
no. of other compnay. e.g. in company 200 the first free no. of series 10 is 43
6 and in compnay 400 the first free no. of P.O. series is 26, but while creating
P.O. in compny 400 the p.o. is being creted as 100436 insted of 100026. table t
cmcs047 is not shared accross companies.
***************** End Of Article ******************
yaya posted Message 3266 in Message Board
Dated : January 03, 2000 at 11:35:29 EST
Subject: Re: Packing Control
You can do that in Baan ERP (Baan 5)
Good luck
: Can you use Packing Control without using the transportation module?
: My guess is no. The issue at the heart of the question is how to manage reusa
ble, variable consumption packing materials when you are not trying to manage fl
eet operations.

: My thoughts are to set up inventory locations to represent a customer s site. T

hen transfer packing material to this location as it is being used. This way I
can tell how much they have at their site. As the material is returned you d just
transfer the material back. If some of the material were consumed, you would p
ut the items on the next sales order to that customer.
: Are there any options available that lie between using the full blown transpor
tation module and using location control?

***************** End Of Article ******************

Willy posted Message 3267 in Message Board
Dated : January 03, 2000 at 16:53:00 EST
Subject: Re: inbound transaction is not update the Inventory by location/item/w
: Hi Willy,
: Thanks for you help but you metioned two recovery won't solve my problems beca
use item data is correct inventory and inventory by location/lot/item/warehouse
is not updated.
: : : Hi Baanfans out there,
: : : I having problems about inbound p/o transaction is not update the Inventor
y by location/item/warehouse/lot but updated in item data. From investigation,
there is something unusual happens such transaction was updated at 23:59:59 clos
e to midnigth which no users used at that time. Does anyone having or encounter
this problem before.
: : Oh Ya, I've seen it. Way to often. There are some bugs in Baan, and seems so
mewhat related to the storage units not equalling the inventory units. What app
ears to fix most is running 2 sessions under Common/Error Recovery/ Rebuild plan
ned inventory transactions and Rebuild ILC Data. This must be run when no one is
on the system. Baan also suggests running PRP if you are using PCS projects. T
hey say to run it when you have a calamity or every night. It prints out a repo
rt that tells you what it fixed. We are on 4C0 and upgrading to Baan4C4 and ser
vice pack 5, with the hope of minimzing these issues. GOOD LUCK
Did you try both recovery programs? We had lot controlled items in multiple war
ehouses that did get updated. Infact Baan produced a report and told which lots
were updated in each warehouse. This I believe was so the user can validate it.
There have been cases loged regarding this, have you reviewed or queeried baans
"solved" cases?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Murali posted Message 3268 in Message Board
Dated : January 04, 2000 at 11:29:20 EST
Subject: Proforma Invoicing

I am able to link advance receipts with proforma Invoice in

cash management and a report is generated for successfully
processing the same.But the status of the sales order remains
unchanged ie it shows that the link proforma invoice with
advance receipts is not done.I am unable to proceed further.
How do I proceed??Kindly let me know at the earliest.

***************** End Of Article ******************

martin r posted Message 3269 in Message Board
Dated : January 04, 2000 at 13:00:00 EST
Subject: Re: Packing Control
If you are not using 5 then you could consider the following;
Just make them standard items and 'sell' them at zero cost. Sales Stats would th
en tell you how much the customer had.
You could make the return of the items easier by using a 'collect' and 'return'
order type.
This way I wouldn't use transportation at all!
: Can you use Packing Control without using the transportation module?
: My guess is no. The issue at the heart of the question is how to manage reusa
ble, variable consumption packing materials when you are not trying to manage fl
eet operations.
: My thoughts are to set up inventory locations to represent a customer s site. T
hen transfer packing material to this location as it is being used. This way I
can tell how much they have at their site. As the material is returned you d just
transfer the material back. If some of the material were consumed, you would p
ut the items on the next sales order to that customer.
: Are there any options available that lie between using the full blown transpor
tation module and using location control?

***************** End Of Article ******************

martin r posted Message 3270 in Message Board
Dated : January 04, 2000 at 13:02:19 EST
Subject: Re: contracts based on price groups
Have you tried re-calculating prices and discounts on orders which have been tra
: Hi,
: I am trying to implement purchase contracts , define a contract based on price
group , then create p.o manually , it takes price from contract seems OK, but

: we run PRP ,and have planned PRP orders transfer to purchase control , price l
evel is manually
: note: link with PCS parameter is Yes
: Does anybody have idea on this issue ?

***************** End Of Article ******************

Baanfans posted Message 3271 in Message Board
Dated : January 05, 2000 at 04:01:02 EST
Subject: ILC Locations
In mono-item locations, we can manage two different items ?
Did someone already meet this issue ?
Some help, please ...
Thanks very much
***************** End Of Article ******************
Kevin Rell posted Message 3272 in Message Board
Dated : January 05, 2000 at 08:57:09 EST
Subject: Discounted price; not discount amount
Some of the members of management in my company are asking me how they can get a
discounted price to print on the order acknowledgement instead of the price wit
h the discount amount calculated separately. They say that when they list price
is $5.00 and a 20% discount is applied, the price should print on the OA as $4.
What is the industry standard on discounting?
Can Baan do what they are asking me?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Jeff posted Message 3273 in Message Board
Dated : January 05, 2000 at 12:18:42 EST
Subject: Re: Packing Control
: If you are not using 5 then you could consider the following;
: Just make them standard items and 'sell' them at zero cost. Sales Stats would
then tell you how much the customer had.
: You could make the return of the items easier by using a 'collect' and 'return
' order type.
: This way I wouldn't use transportation at all!
: : Can you use Packing Control without using the transportation module?
: : My guess is no. The issue at the heart of the question is how to manage reu
sable, variable consumption packing materials when you are not trying to manage
fleet operations.
: : My thoughts are to set up inventory locations to represent a customer s site.

Then transfer packing material to this location as it is being used. This way
I can tell how much they have at their site. As the material is returned you d ju
st transfer the material back. If some of the material were consumed, you would
put the items on the next sales order to that customer.
: : Are there any options available that lie between using the full blown transp
ortation module and using location control?
Thanks for input. This site is using Baan IV c4
***************** End Of Article ******************
Merv Carr posted Message 3274 in Message Board
Dated : January 05, 2000 at 13:55:11 EST
Subject: Re: Discounted price; not discount amount
Go to your sales parameters and you will find a parameter "Method of printing pr
ice and discount" (or words to that effect). Should do the trick for you
: Some of the members of management in my company are asking me how they can get
a discounted price to print on the order acknowledgement instead of the price w
ith the discount amount calculated separately. They say that when they list pri
ce is $5.00 and a 20% discount is applied, the price should print on the OA as $
: What is the industry standard on discounting?
: Can Baan do what they are asking me?
: Thanks.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Jeff posted Message 3275 in Message Board
Dated : January 05, 2000 at 14:50:24 EST
Subject: Multiple positions on SCH Sales Contracts
Are there potential problems with loading multiple items\positions on SCH Sales
Contracts &#8211; tdssc0101m000 Baan IV. Is this practice to be avoided becau
se of potential problems in managing the items. Problems related to EDI, terms
, dates, or just plain change management?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Jeff posted Message 3276 in Message Board
Dated : January 05, 2000 at 14:52:19 EST
Subject: Splitting requirements between suppliers supply chain
Splitting requirements between suppliers supply chain - SCH Purchase Contracts t
dpsc0101m000 Baan IV
Is there any other way to split resourcing between two suppliers other than usin
g a percentage? What if you want to use one supplier up to a fixed quantity pe
r period, and than purchase the remainder from a second supplier.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Jeff posted Message 3277 in Message Board
Dated : January 05, 2000 at 14:53:11 EST
Subject: Variable pricing on SCH Purchase Contracts
Variable pricing on SCH Purchase Contracts - tdpsc0101m000 Baan IV
Although it is ideal to negotiate a fixed price from a supplier for a SCH Purcha
se Contracts, what if the supplier is unwilling to commit to a fixed price. Is
there anything that can be done? Are you stuck with dealing with price variance
s or is the only option to remove this item/supplier form supply chain schedulin

***************** End Of Article ******************

Marc Wels posted Message 3278 in Message Board
Dated : January 05, 2000 at 15:16:58 EST
Subject: Maintain Receipts Codes
Baan IVc4: On the Maintain Receipts session there appear a single letter code af
ter the the unit of measure. It's either blank, A,I,or P. Can someone define the
se codes for me? Baan help was no help! Thanks in Advance,
***************** End Of Article ******************
Marc Wels posted Message 3279 in Message Board
Dated : January 05, 2000 at 15:23:26 EST
Subject: Maintain Receipts - when can the receipt record no longer be accessed?
Baan IVc4: One last question, I noticed that some receipt numbers can no longer
be retrieved within the Maintain Receipts session. I assume that after the Proce
ss Received Purchase Orders is run, then this occurs. Is this correct? Thanks!
***************** End Of Article ******************
Jeff posted Message 3280 in Message Board
Dated : January 05, 2000 at 16:59:16 EST
Subject: Adding additional costs to SCH Sales Contracts
Issue: Charging for shipping material when using supply chain without transporta
How can you charge for shipping material when using SCH sales contracts tdpsc010
1m000 in Baan IV. On regular sales orders you can set it up to add additional c
osts. These costs get added automatically to the sales. Is this same functiona
lity available in supply chain for sales contracts? Want to add the shipping m
aerial/dunnage as a cost item.
***************** End Of Article ******************

Baris Kilic posted Message 3281 in Message Board

Dated : January 06, 2000 at 07:35:01 EST
Subject: SST-cancellation calculation
I have doubts about our system's cancellation calculation. Although the paramete
r for both "cancellation" and "intake" is "order date", in some periods, the cal
culation results for cancellation are much higher than intake? Is it possible? H
P.S.Does Anybody know the algorithm of calculation of cancellation?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Bunny posted Message 3282 in Message Board
Dated : January 06, 2000 at 08:12:43 EST
Subject: Two types of invoices
Hi all:
Depending on the client, we must print a different kind of invoice, for example
depending on the country which the client is located, my questions is, how, if t
here are any way, can I manage this?
Thanks for your time,
***************** End Of Article ******************
TF posted Message 3283 in Message Board
Dated : January 06, 2000 at 13:55:22 EST
Subject: Re: Two types of invoices
: Hi all:
: Depending on the client, we must print a different kind of invoice, for exampl
e depending on the country which the client is located, my questions is, how, if
there are any way, can I manage this?
: Thanks for your time,
: Bunny
With standard Customizing under Tools, you can make additional invoice "types" s
uitable for your needs and add them to the invoice printing session so you can c
hoose or edit the standard report script so that it fits your needs.
Get a tools specialist for this.
Good Luck TF

***************** End Of Article ******************

TF posted Message 3284 in Message Board

Dated : January 06, 2000 at 13:59:08 EST

Subject: Re: Maintain Receipts - Almost Correct
: Baan IVc4: One last question, I noticed that some receipt numbers can no longe
r be retrieved within the Maintain Receipts session. I assume that after the Pro
cess Received Purchase Orders is run, then this occurs. Is this correct? Thanks!
With no invoice in the ordertype: YES
With the invoice as a step in the ordertype, after you have printed the invoice
With ILC on after you have finished the inbound procedure.
Good Luck TF

***************** End Of Article ******************

PB posted Message 3285 in Message Board
Dated : January 06, 2000 at 14:54:01 EST
Subject: Re: Display PO line status
: : : : : :
: : : : :Hi,
: : : : :If you've already set the Purchase Order Parameter, the field "Back Ord
ers Allowed" to "Yes", this should generate a new line with a new sequence numbe
r for the position in question, as a back order with the status as "Maintain Rec
eipts". The session "Display PO line status", is widely being used and is inform
ative for Finance and Stores users.
: : : : You should be able to see for the same position with new sequence number
s in this session.
: : : : Regards.
: : : That ir certainly what used to happen - BUT Baan have changed the logic in
4C4 and it now does not! That is exactly my problem - as we relied quite heavil
y on that mechanism.
: : : Regards
: :
: : :Why not you contact Baan Support Center to confirm that it's a new function
ality? Else, it might be a bug.
: : :Regards.
: I have!
: This is the reason I want to see if anyone has problems as a result. Baan say
they will not change the logic back as all other cutomers but me want it this wa
There is definitely a 'fix' since we had the same problem at our company. I'm n
ot sure if they gave us a patch or what.. but definitely hound the Baan help des
k for a fix. You might have to switch who you go through there.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Chris Kiehl posted Message 3286 in Message Board
Dated : January 07, 2000 at 12:25:45 EST
Subject: Re: Maintain Receipts Codes
: Baan IVc4: On the Maintain Receipts session there appear a single letter code
after the the unit of measure. It's either blank, A,I,or P. Can someone define t
hese codes for me? Baan help was no help! Thanks in Advance,
Once the lines of inventoried items have been saved, the items appear in either
Receipt or
Inspection location.
I have always assumed the following...
A letter will appear to the right of the line when that line is saved:
*P for non-inspection items that are *Posted to inventory
*I for items that are posted to the *Inspection location
An *I will change to an *A after it has been *Approved
Again, this is just an assumption. I've never found a concrete answer in any man
-Chris***************** End Of Article ******************
Chris posted Message 3287 in Message Board
Dated : January 07, 2000 at 13:03:57 EST
Subject: Re: Maintain Receipts Codes
: Baan IVc4: On the Maintain Receipts session there appear a single letter code
after the the unit of measure. It's either blank, A,I,or P. Can someone define t
hese codes for me? Baan help was no help! Thanks in Advance,
Once the lines of inventoried items have been saved, the items appear in either
Receipt or
Inspection location.
I have always assumed the following about the letter that appears to the right o
f the line when it is saved:
*P for non-inspection items that are *Posted to inventory
*I for items that are posted to the *Inspection location
An *I will change to an *A after it has been *Approved
Again, this is just an assumption. I've never found a concrete answer in any man

***************** End Of Article ******************

Eva posted Message 3288 in Message Board
Dated : January 07, 2000 at 15:35:56 EST
Subject: Print an invoice before deliver sales order
I need print invoice before deliver sales order. Invoice must contain data such
as quantity, item code, unit price, and whatever especification about it.
Can anyone tell me how i can do this? What sales order type i must use?????
Thanks a lot.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Tom D posted Message 3289 in Message Board
Dated : January 07, 2000 at 18:37:35 EST
Subject: Re: Print an invoice before deliver sales order
: I need print invoice before deliver sales order. Invoice must contain data suc
h as quantity, item code, unit price, and whatever especification about it.
: Can anyone tell me how i can do this? What sales order type i must use?????
: Thanks a lot.
We have the same problem. I don't believe there is any standard Baan functional
ity for this (delivery always needs to come before invoice).
The way we handled this was to modify the sales order acknowledgement form look
like an invoice. We just print the S.O. acknowledgement and send it as the invo
ice. When the customer pays, we post an advance receipt.
After we actually deliver product, we print the "real" invoice for our files onl
y (not sent to customer) and apply the advance receipt to the invoice.
Hope this helps. Maybe others have a better solution.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Hank Russell posted Message 3290 in Message Board
Dated : January 10, 2000 at 11:20:11 EST
Subject: Float Exception Errors when Maintain Items
We have got one item record that gives Float Exception error when trying to main
tain or view it and also when accessing the record in General Table maintenance/
This error only comes when viewing/maintaining form 3 detail.
Anyone seen this problem before ?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Linda posted Message 3291 in Message Board

Dated : January 10, 2000 at 16:12:42 EST

Subject: Problems reconciling GL inventory amount to inventory value report
We are having problems reconciling the total amount in the ledger for inventory
with the amounts that show up on the inventory value report. Does anyone know ho
w to go about reconciling the differences or where there may be either a Baan pr
oblem or an integration problem? Thanks in advance
***************** End Of Article ******************
Andres posted Message 3292 in Message Board
Dated : January 11, 2000 at 08:28:35 EST
Subject: EDI
My name is: Andres Uzcategui, I live and work in Venezuela South America. I
am working with BaaN Software for 2 years in the customization area.
I have the following doubt.can you clarify ? We have installed BAAN IV b2.
What are the current versions of ANSI X12 is supported by BAAN IV b2 ?
What versions are going to be supported by BAAN IV c4 ? I mean, what Version
Release and Subrelease, We need this information because we would like to
find codification (segments, messages) handled by BaaN IV b2 Software.
Somebody told to try find it in to the file default.edi but, I am not lucky.
At the following parragraf, I sended to you a piece of the mentionated file
for you to try if you can identify the Version Release Subrelease.
Could you Help me?
Thank you
! File with defaults for EDI-module! Created : 06-10-99 [10:42]! By
mcordova! Contents:
Organisation/Messages : S!
Code Tables
Message Specification : S!
tcediB40_b_____#tcedi003#data#|X12|2|3|ANSI X12|X12|||#tcedi005#data#red
message|2|0|0|001|2|1|||#tcedi005#data#This is an outgoing
message|2|0|0|777|1|1|otfacpdll1250|otdslsdll4282|#tcedi005#data#This is an
Advice|2|1|0|820|2|2|otfcmgdll5201||#tcedi005#data#Planning Schedule with
Release|2|1|0|830|2|0|||#tcedi005#data#X12 Purchase
Order|2|1|0|850|2|2|otdslsdll4280|otdpurdll4280|#tcedi005#data#X12 PO
Despatch Advice
(ASN)|2|1|0|856|2|2|otdpurdll4282|otdslsdll4283|#tcedi005#data#ICM Dispatch
/ Receipt
***************** End Of Article ******************
Andres posted Message 3293 in Message Board
Dated : January 11, 2000 at 08:51:22 EST
Subject: EDI Doubts
Hi BaaN Fans
My name is: Andres Uzcategui, I live and work in Venezuela South America. I
am working with BaaN Software for 2 years in the customization area.

I have the following doubt.can you clarify ? We have installed BAAN IV b2.
What are the current versions of ANSI X12 is supported by BAAN IV b2 ?
What versions are going to be supported by BAAN IV c4 ? I mean, what Version
Release and Subrelease, We need this information because we would like to
find codification (segments, messages) handled by BaaN IV b2 Software.
Somebody told to try find it in to the file default.edi but, I am not luky.
At the following parragraf, I sended to you a piece of the mentionated file
for you to try if you can identify the Version Release Subrelease.
Could you Help me?
Thank you
! File with defaults for EDI-module! Created : 06-10-99 [10:42]! By
mcordova! Contents:
Organisation/Messages : S!
Code Tables
Message Specification : S!
tcediB40_b_____#tcedi003#data#|X12|2|3|ANSI X12|X12|||#tcedi005#data#red
message|2|0|0|001|2|1|||#tcedi005#data#This is an outgoing
message|2|0|0|777|1|1|otfacpdll1250|otdslsdll4282|#tcedi005#data#This is an
Advice|2|1|0|820|2|2|otfcmgdll5201||#tcedi005#data#Planning Schedule with
Release|2|1|0|830|2|0|||#tcedi005#data#X12 Purchase
Order|2|1|0|850|2|2|otdslsdll4280|otdpurdll4280|#tcedi005#data#X12 PO
Despatch Advice
(ASN)|2|1|0|856|2|2|otdpurdll4282|otdslsdll4283|#tcedi005#data#ICM Dispatch
/ Receipt

***************** End Of Article ******************

richard williams posted Message 3294 in Message Board
Dated : January 11, 2000 at 11:31:20 EST
Subject: Re: Print an invoice before deliver sales order
: I need print invoice before deliver sales order. Invoice must contain data suc
h as quantity, item code, unit price, and whatever especification about it.
: Can anyone tell me how i can do this? What sales order type i must use?????
: Thanks a lot.

***************** End Of Article ******************

richard williams posted Message 3295 in Message Board
Dated : January 11, 2000 at 11:33:54 EST
Subject: Re: Print an invoice before deliver sales order
: :
: : I need print invoice before deliver sales order. Invoice must contain data s
uch as quantity, item code, unit price, and whatever especification about it.
: : Can anyone tell me how i can do this? What sales order type i must use?????

: : Thanks a lot.
for these types of orders and if we know before hand we use a seperate order typ
e and the baan functionality for creating proforma invoicing. This allows the c
ustomer to pay in advance deposits etc. and apply to the standard invoicing once
the order is delivered.
***************** End Of Article ******************
bunny posted Message 3296 in Message Board
Dated : January 11, 2000 at 20:29:56 EST
Subject: Exclusive products
Hi all,
I have an easy one here:
how can I define if I want to sell a product only to an specific customer?
Thanks for your time,
***************** End Of Article ******************
RAS posted Message 3297 in Message Board
Dated : January 12, 2000 at 05:47:54 EST
Subject: Purchase Return Orders
Hi BaaN fans,
I have a doubt in purchase returns. Whenever a purchase material has to be retu
rned, I make a purchase order with order type return( which has collect order an
d return order as 'yes') and then process the PO Lines. After this how do I proc
eed. After PO Lines the procedure does not go any further. In the Order type I h
ave only two Order steps ie. PrintPurchase Invoice and Process delivered PO. Can
some baan fan help me out.
Thanks in advance.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Rowena Erlano posted Message 3298 in Message Board
Dated : January 12, 2000 at 06:16:03 EST
Subject: Re: Purchase Return Orders
I believe you've done your part.
That's the end of the process...
Check the status of your purchase order to make it sure..
Hope this helps!
Rowena Mamang Erlano
: Hi BaaN fans,
: I have a doubt in purchase returns. Whenever a purchase material has to be re
turned, I make a purchase order with order type return( which has collect order

and return order as 'yes') and then process the PO Lines. After this how do I pr
oceed. After PO Lines the procedure does not go any further. In the Order type I
have only two Order steps ie. PrintPurchase Invoice and Process delivered PO. C
an some baan fan help me out.
: Thanks in advance.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Bruce Thornhill posted Message 3299 in Message Board
Dated : January 12, 2000 at 09:22:29 EST
Subject: DRP stopped working
I recently migrated some items from order method="Replenish to Max" to "Lot for
Suddenly, DRP has stopped working unless the item has less than zero economic st
ock. I expected DRP to plan an order to restock back up to the reorder point.
Any suggestions are appreciated (BaanIVc3)
***************** End Of Article ******************
Arvind Patil posted Message 3300 in Message Board
Dated : January 12, 2000 at 10:42:50 EST
Subject: Re: DRP stopped working
The DRP will not work for ROP. If you have safety stock then it will work for L4
L method. ROP only works for SIC planning engine
***************** End Of Article ******************
Merv Carr posted Message 3301 in Message Board
Dated : January 12, 2000 at 12:13:11 EST
Subject: Re: Purchase Return Orders
If your order type is also a "collect" order type, then as soon as the order lin
e is "saved" the "negative" receipt is complete. If ILC is implememnted you will
have to maintain and release the negative inbound advice also. (more or less th
e same procedure applies to negative sales orders too)
: Hi BaaN fans,
: I have a doubt in purchase returns. Whenever a purchase material has to be re
turned, I make a purchase order with order type return( which has collect order
and return order as 'yes') and then process the PO Lines. After this how do I pr
oceed. After PO Lines the procedure does not go any further. In the Order type I
have only two Order steps ie. PrintPurchase Invoice and Process delivered PO. C
an some baan fan help me out.
: Thanks in advance.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Bruce Thornhill posted Message 3302 in Message Board
Dated : January 12, 2000 at 14:37:11 EST
Subject: Re: DRP stopped working
Arvind: That was exactly the problem.
Thank-you very much!
***************** End Of Article ******************
Anny posted Message 3303 in Message Board
Dated : January 12, 2000 at 16:54:58 EST
Subject: How to change item from 'By Lot' to 'By unit' when there are inventorie
s on hand?
as title. we are using Baan 4b. Thanks.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Anny posted Message 3304 in Message Board
Dated : January 12, 2000 at 17:01:05 EST
Subject: Inventory on hand
When using session tdilc1512m000 (Display Inventories by Item and
warehouse), I found that the sum of the inventories on all warehouse is not equa
l to the total inventories on hand. Any
reason can cause that?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Ruby posted Message 3305 in Message Board
Dated : January 12, 2000 at 21:17:01 EST
Subject: URGENT!!Supply Chain EDI Conv. Setup
Hi there,
Is anybody have the Supply Chain EDI Conversion Setup document (Message Specif
ication)? If you have, then could you please send it to me as soon as possible s
ince I need it urgently.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Ruby posted Message 3306 in Message Board
Dated : January 12, 2000 at 21:28:09 EST
Subject: Re: URGENT!!Supply Chain EDI Conv. Setup

: Hi there,
: Is anybody have the Supply Chain EDI Conversion Setup document (Message Spec
ification)? If you have, then could you please send it to me as soon as possible
since I need it urgently.
: Thanks.
Sorry, I didn't mention the version in my previous message.So the Supply Chain E
DI Conversion Setup document is for version Baan4b4.
***************** End Of Article ******************
RAS posted Message 3307 in Message Board
Dated : January 13, 2000 at 06:20:38 EST
Subject: Re: Purchase Return Orders
Hi pal,
The problem is ILC is implemented and I should return the material from some loc
ation.In sales return as soon as the sales order lines is saved the screen goes
into "maintain inbound" so that we can store the material somewhere. Should we n
ot have something similar here also ie. "Maintain Outbound".? Or Should we do ma
intain Inbound seperately?
: I believe you've done your part.
: That's the end of the process...
: Check the status of your purchase order to make it sure..
: OK.
: Hope this helps!
: Rowena Mamang Erlano
: : Hi BaaN fans,
: : I have a doubt in purchase returns. Whenever a purchase material has to be
returned, I make a purchase order with order type return( which has collect orde
r and return order as 'yes') and then process the PO Lines. After this how do I
proceed. After PO Lines the procedure does not go any further. In the Order type
I have only two Order steps ie. PrintPurchase Invoice and Process delivered PO.
Can some baan fan help me out.
: : Thanks in advance.
: : RAS

***************** End Of Article ******************

RAS posted Message 3308 in Message Board
Dated : January 13, 2000 at 06:21:33 EST
Subject: Re: Purchase Return Orders
Thanks pal. I think this should work.
: If your order type is also a "collect" order type, then as soon as the order l
ine is "saved" the "negative" receipt is complete. If ILC is implememnted you wi
ll have to maintain and release the negative inbound advice also. (more or less
the same procedure applies to negative sales orders too)

: : Hi BaaN fans,
: : I have a doubt in purchase returns. Whenever a purchase material has to be
returned, I make a purchase order with order type return( which has collect orde
r and return order as 'yes') and then process the PO Lines. After this how do I
proceed. After PO Lines the procedure does not go any further. In the Order type
I have only two Order steps ie. PrintPurchase Invoice and Process delivered PO.
Can some baan fan help me out.
: : Thanks in advance.
: : RAS

***************** End Of Article ******************

RAS posted Message 3309 in Message Board
Dated : January 13, 2000 at 06:21:43 EST
Subject: Re: Purchase Return Orders
Thanks pal. I think this should work.
: If your order type is also a "collect" order type, then as soon as the order l
ine is "saved" the "negative" receipt is complete. If ILC is implememnted you wi
ll have to maintain and release the negative inbound advice also. (more or less
the same procedure applies to negative sales orders too)
: : Hi BaaN fans,
: : I have a doubt in purchase returns. Whenever a purchase material has to be
returned, I make a purchase order with order type return( which has collect orde
r and return order as 'yes') and then process the PO Lines. After this how do I
proceed. After PO Lines the procedure does not go any further. In the Order type
I have only two Order steps ie. PrintPurchase Invoice and Process delivered PO.
Can some baan fan help me out.
: : Thanks in advance.
: : RAS

***************** End Of Article ******************

RAS posted Message 3310 in Message Board
Dated : January 13, 2000 at 06:29:30 EST
Subject: Direct delivery returns
Hi pals,
Can anyone tell me what is the procedure to handle direct delivery returns? I th
ink it is not handled by BaaN and the returns from the customer should be sent d
irectly to the customer .Am I right in my thinking?
Thanx a lot in advance.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Kevin Rogers posted Message 3311 in Message Board
Dated : January 13, 2000 at 07:58:41 EST
Subject: Open Order Reports
We are implementing Baan IV and I'm ready to start specing out a Open Order Repo

rt that I could sort by BUYER and only show the open Purchase Orders not the P.O
.'s already received or at least have the option of looking at all or just the o
nes not delivered yet. Is there anything in Baan that will give me this info wi
thout having to customize a session such as "Print Purchase Orders by Item tdpur
Regards, Kevin
***************** End Of Article ******************
Dave Elliott, Noblestar Systems Limited posted Message 3312 in Message Board
Dated : January 13, 2000 at 08:03:34 EST
Subject: Re: Open Order Reports
: We are implementing Baan IV and I'm ready to start specing out a Open Order Re
port that I could sort by BUYER and only show the open Purchase Orders not the P
.O.'s already received or at least have the option of looking at all or just the
ones not delivered yet. Is there anything in Baan that will give me this info
without having to customize a session such as "Print Purchase Orders by Item tdp
: Regards, Kevin
There is no standard open order report in Baan. The possibilities are to customi
se as you suggest, or perhaps use a report writer in order to analyse table tdpu
r041 to show what items are still awaiting delivery. Also possible would be to e
xtract the table via exchange and use some other product such as EXCEL to analys
e the data
***************** End Of Article ******************
David Elliott, Noblestar Systems Limited posted Message 3313 in Message Board
Dated : January 13, 2000 at 08:08:53 EST
Subject: Re: Inventory on hand
: When using session tdilc1512m000 (Display Inventories by Item and
: warehouse), I found that the sum of the inventories on all warehouse is not eq
ual to the total inventories on hand. Any
: reason can cause that?
: Thanks.
: Anny
This can sometimes happen if the release outbound does not complete successfully
. I have seen cases where the release outbound has appeared to work, but in actu
al fact has not been successful.The unfortunate thing is that the session does n
ot seem to roll back all of the tables. therefore you can get discrepancies betw
een tables tdilc101 and tdinv001.
Also check out the inventory location history for the item you have problems wit
h. You may find that the time of a transaction is shown as 23;59. This indicates
either a deleted record or a problem with the processing.
Call Baan support and see if they can advise of any patches.

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Devesh R. Agarwal posted Message 3314 in Message Board
Dated : January 13, 2000 at 08:39:57 EST
Subject: Automatic Sales Order Delivery Date
We are in the process of implementing BaaN IVc4 and have just run in to what we
would consider a big problem.
We are a semiconductor distribution organisation.
We receive Sales Orders from various customers. We may have uncommitted stock to
offer, or may have incoming stock due for delivery from supplier (with staggere
d delivery dates), or may have to place a fresh order.
We have to issue a Sales Order Ack to our customer.
We would like to have the S/O Ack delivery date on the line item be entered auto
matically by BaaN based on the information that will be housed in the purchase O
rder and Purchase Order acknowledgements received from suppliers, or in the even
t of having to place a fresh purchase order, when that PO is acked by the suppli
Our implementers tell us it cannot be done. We find it hard to believe that a Ti
er 1 product like BaaN will not have the ability to do this.
Would appreciate some inputs on if what we want to do can be done and also if ye
s how. If not, alternate solutions, workarounds, BaaN ERP V or some other ERP ?
The concept of being able to display in real time the inventory status with ETA
***************** End Of Article ******************
Arvind Patil CPIM posted Message 3315 in Message Board
Dated : January 13, 2000 at 11:31:20 EST
Subject: Re: Automatic Sales Order Delivery Date
The only way you can get a Planned delivery date is if the planning engine is MP
S for the item. In case of a shortage system gives lot of option as each industr
y has their own sets of rule. If you want to automatically calculate the Planned
delivery date without any manual option then you can go for little bit of custo
misation. Otherwise you can choose the options which Baan gives in case of ATP i
s zero.
For any other planning engine this option is not available.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Arvind Patil CPIM posted Message 3316 in Message Board
Dated : January 13, 2000 at 11:35:09 EST

Subject: Re: How to change item from 'By Lot' to 'By unit' when there are invent
ories on hand?
This process will be some what manual. First of all do the inventory adjustment
for LOts. Then bring the inventory into respective Lots. This takes care of fina
ncial and logistics side. Then through GTM change the Lot method.
***************** End Of Article ******************
KJones posted Message 3317 in Message Board
Dated : January 13, 2000 at 14:14:20 EST
Subject: Blanket Purchase Orders
I am pretty new to this site (great one, by the way!), so I apologize if this is
sue has been well discussed. How can Blanket Purchase Orders be conveniently ha
ndled in Baan IVc4? My purchasing people are nervous issuing a PO to a supplier
for a large quantity in case we change items before it is completed. They are
also reluctant to keep adding lines to the PO each time a release is given. Any
Kelly Jones
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Richard Lametto posted Message 3318 in Message Board
Dated : January 13, 2000 at 14:18:18 EST
Subject: Sales order status and tracking
We have a need to provide sales order status to our customers and to track these
orders during processing and to audit these orders versus a schedule. These ord
ers are all customized items generated thru the configurator. Some of these orde
rs require engineering and we require status before we generate outbound advice
on the customized item. I realize this may have to be a customized system. has a
nyone had to face this?
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Adrie Oudhuis posted Message 3319 in Message Board
Dated : January 13, 2000 at 15:33:48 EST
Subject: Re: Blanket Purchase Orders
For blanket orders you could perfectly use the purchase contracts. When you do s
o, you will be able or to generate PO from the contract or to enter PO that will
be updated the contract.
: Hello,
: I am pretty new to this site (great one, by the way!), so I apologize if this
issue has been well discussed. How can Blanket Purchase Orders be conveniently

handled in Baan IVc4? My purchasing people are nervous issuing a PO to a suppli

er for a large quantity in case we change items before it is completed. They ar
e also reluctant to keep adding lines to the PO each time a release is given. A
ny suggestions/hints?
: Thanks,
: Kelly Jones

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Adrie Oudhuis posted Message 3320 in Message Board
Dated : January 13, 2000 at 15:36:27 EST
Subject: Re: Direct delivery returns
"Negative" direct deliveries are not possible. The only way to handle them is by
means of a normal order. Which means by handling them via a warehouse. You migh
t use a special "dummy"-warehouse for this.
: Hi pals,
: Can anyone tell me what is the procedure to handle direct delivery returns? I
think it is not handled by BaaN and the returns from the customer should be sent
directly to the customer .Am I right in my thinking?
: Thanx a lot in advance.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Arvind Patil CPIM posted Message 3321 in Message Board
Dated : January 13, 2000 at 16:07:32 EST
Subject: Re: Blanket Purchase Orders
People often confuse Purchase contract with Blanket order. Actually in Blanket o
rder you need to recive the item witout creating lines every time. This is noy p
ossible through standard Baan. We have done the customisation for Blanket PO han
dling. If you want more information email to me.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Arvind Patil CPIM posted Message 3322 in Message Board
Dated : January 13, 2000 at 16:14:16 EST
Subject: Re: Discounted price; not discount amount
See the SLS order parameter for printing order acknowledgement.
***************** End Of Article ******************

Bunny posted Message 3323 in Message Board

Dated : January 13, 2000 at 20:43:39 EST
Subject: Price lists expiration warning?
Hi all:
Is there any way which I can set the SLS and PUR parameters, so that the system
can generate a warning when a price list is going to expire.
Thanks for your time,
***************** End Of Article ******************
Devesh R. Agarwal posted Message 3324 in Message Board
Dated : January 14, 2000 at 03:08:02 EST
Subject: Re: Automatic Sales Order Delivery Date
: Hi,
: The only way you can get a Planned delivery date is if the planning engine is
MPS for the item. In case of a shortage
Thanks for the reply Arvind. I think my quandry was not explained adequately by
Lets look at most distribution companies and even e-commerce sites.
When a customer enquires for stock or places a sales order, he puts a requested
delivery date and then we will respond with a confirmed delivery date. The CDD i
s based on the ETA of incoming material which in turn is based on our PO's to ou
r supplier and their acks of those PO's. That coupled with existing planned outf
lows (based on existing SO's already booked and acks issued to customers) will b
e able to give the system a material flow and hence indicate the operator the fi
rst available date(s) when we can deliver to the customer.
I want to be able to enter only the ETA date of our PO's and then let the system
give the sales dept. the best possible delivery dates as and when the customer
sends an enquiry for quote or places a sales order.
If there is a change in the ETA date of the PO's incoming then obviously there w
ill be a change in the SO delivery dates to the customers and that the system sh
ould do automatically and generate a revised SO Ack.
***************** End Of Article ******************
RAS posted Message 3325 in Message Board
Dated : January 14, 2000 at 05:26:05 EST
Subject: Re: Direct delivery returns
Thanks Adrie. I guess it must work the way you have put it across.
: "Negative" direct deliveries are not possible. The only way to handle them is

by means of a normal order. Which means by handling them via a warehouse. You mi
ght use a special "dummy"-warehouse for this.
: : Hi pals,
: : Can anyone tell me what is the procedure to handle direct delivery returns?
I think it is not handled by BaaN and the returns from the customer should be se
nt directly to the customer .Am I right in my thinking?
: : Thanx a lot in advance.
: : RAS

***************** End Of Article ******************

Baan Fan posted Message 3326 in Message Board
Dated : January 14, 2000 at 09:52:09 EST
Subject: Re: Open Order Reports
Depending on your purchasing process, you could use the series number of the pur
chase orders to generate such a report. Each purchase order series number would
be allocated to a buyer thus allowing you to report by series, therefore by buye

: : We are implementing Baan IV and I'm ready to start specing out a Open Order
Report that I could sort by BUYER and only show the open Purchase Orders not the
P.O.'s already received or at least have the option of looking at all or just t
he ones not delivered yet. Is there anything in Baan that will give me this inf
o without having to customize a session such as "Print Purchase Orders by Item t
: : Regards, Kevin
: There is no standard open order report in Baan. The possibilities are to custo
mise as you suggest, or perhaps use a report writer in order to analyse table td
pur041 to show what items are still awaiting delivery. Also possible would be to
extract the table via exchange and use some other product such as EXCEL to anal
yse the data

***************** End Of Article ******************

L. McCorison posted Message 3327 in Message Board
Dated : January 14, 2000 at 10:17:37 EST
Subject: Period Tables in Relations
In maintain relations, we have input period table 1999 fiscal year. Now that th
e year has changed, do we need to update to 2000 fiscal year? What is the funct
ion of this field? What reports will be affected? What happens if we don't cha
nge it?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Raja Mohan posted Message 3328 in Message Board
Dated : January 14, 2000 at 11:08:28 EST

Subject: What happens for back flushed materials with ILC on?
When materials are back flushed with ILC ON how are their inventory adjusted?
Thanks and regards
***************** End Of Article ******************
Raja Mohan posted Message 3329 in Message Board
Dated : January 14, 2000 at 11:10:50 EST
Subject: How to handle the descrepancy between ILC and INV inventory details ?
How to handle the descrepancy between ILC and INV inventory details ?
Thanks and regards
***************** End Of Article ******************
Raja Mohan posted Message 3330 in Message Board
Dated : January 14, 2000 at 11:18:19 EST
Subject: Re: Automatic Sales Order Delivery Date
: : Hi,
: : The only way you can get a Planned delivery date is if the planning engine i
s MPS for the item. In case of a shortage
: Thanks for the reply Arvind. I think my quandry was not explained adequately b
y me.
: Lets look at most distribution companies and even e-commerce sites.
: When a customer enquires for stock or places a sales order, he puts a requeste
d delivery date and then we will respond with a confirmed delivery date. The CDD
is based on the ETA of incoming material which in turn is based on our PO's to
our supplier and their acks of those PO's. That coupled with existing planned ou
tflows (based on existing SO's already booked and acks issued to customers) will
be able to give the system a material flow and hence indicate the operator the
first available date(s) when we can deliver to the customer.
: I want to be able to enter only the ETA date of our PO's and then let the syst
em give the sales dept. the best possible delivery dates as and when the custome
r sends an enquiry for quote or places a sales order.
: If there is a change in the ETA date of the PO's incoming then obviously there
will be a change in the SO delivery dates to the customers and that the system
should do automatically and generate a revised SO Ack.
: Regards
As it is obvious the scenario is MTO and so in Baan it is handled thru PCS.
You can use simulations using PCS module to find the reasonably fair delivery da
te for any ETA of purchase order.
For more details contact me at my E-Mail id.
***************** End Of Article ******************

Bala posted Message 3331 in Message Board

Dated : January 15, 2000 at 10:03:48 EST
Subject: cycle counting issue for free of cost items
We are using BaaNIVc3 with single logistic and multifinance. When we do cycle c
ounting adjustments, the system picks up values for free of cost items. Can any
one has answer for this?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Adnan Metin posted Message 3332 in Message Board
Dated : January 16, 2000 at 01:49:54 EST
Subject: Re: How to handle the discrepancy between ILC and INV inventories
: How to handle the descrepancy between ILC and INV inventory details ?
: Thanks and regards
Here is the procedure to correct discrepancies between ILC and INV tables...
Inventory tables
Inventory values are available in the following tables;
Inventory Data by Location and Lot
Item Data by Warehouse
Inventory Transactions by Item
General data flow in inventory tables
Sorry I could not put the drawing here. (You can ask for it)
Tdilc101 is the main table to be taken into
Tdinv001 should have value equals to sum of
101 for the same item and warehouse.
Tiitm001 should have value equals to sum of
001 for the same item and warehouse
Tdltc001 should have value equals to sum of
101 for the same item and lot.
Last record from table Tdinv700 should have
tdinv001 for the same item and warehouse.
In case inconsistencies
be run;

the records from table tdilc
the records from table tdinv
the records from table tdilc
value equals to the value of

between inventory tables the following sessions needs to

Rebuild planned inventory transactions
Rebuild Inventory Data (ILC)
Check Inventory Data

Session Code
Transaction tables
Updated Fields
Allocated quantity & Inventory on order

Session code
Updated fields
Allocated quantity
Session code
Updated fields
Inventory on hand
Inventory on hold
Procedure to correct inconsistencies in inventory tables
-Sessions tdinv0250m000 and tdilc0250m000 will be run with daily scheduled jobs.
No transactions while these sessions are running.
-Session odco079 will be run daily to find any inconsistency between tables tdil
c001 and tdinv001.
-In case any inconsistencies; the session tdinv0252m000 will be run to check the
inconsistencies between inventory tables (tdilc101, tdinv001, tiitm001, and tdl
tc001) and update the tables with correct inventory data that is available in td
-Note that; inventory after transaction value in table tdinv700 is calculated by
inventory value from tdinv001 plus the transaction quantity in tdinv700.

Adnan Metin
gsm: +972-(0)54-611525
***************** End Of Article ******************
Adnan Metin posted Message 3333 in Message Board
Dated : January 16, 2000 at 01:54:56 EST
Subject: Re: Rebuild ILC &amp; Check item never works!!
: We always had this problem with data inconsistency, and was told by our vendor
to run the rebuild inventory, and check item session. But in most cases, it f
ailed to update the data in table tdilc101. Normally, we end up adjusting the d
ata at General Table Maintenance. Can anybody tell me why it never works?
Here is the procedure to correct discrepancies between ILC and INV tables...


values are available in the following tables;
Inventory Data by Location and Lot
Item Data by Warehouse
Inventory Transactions by Item

General data flow in inventory tables

Sorry I could not put the drawing here. (You can ask for it)
1. Tdilc101 is the main table to be taken into
2. Tdinv001 should have value equals to sum of
or the same item and warehouse.
3. Tiitm001 should have value equals to sum of
or the same item and warehouse
4. Tdltc001 should have value equals to sum of
or the same item and lot.
5. Last record from table Tdinv700 should have
v001 for the same item and warehouse.

the records from table tdilc101 f
the records from table tdinv001 f
the records from table tdilc101 f
value equals to the value of tdin

In case inconsistencies between inventory tables the following sessions needs to

be run;
Tdinv0250m000, Rebuild planned inventory transactions
Tdilc0250m000, Rebuild Inventory Data (ILC)
Tdinv0252m000, Check Inventory Data
Session Code
Transaction tables
Updated Fields
Allocated quantity & Inventory on order
Session code
Updated fields
Allocated quantity
Session code
Updated fields
Inventory on hand
Inventory on hold

Procedure to correct inconsistencies in inventory tables

-Sessions tdinv0250m000 and tdilc0250m000 will be run with daily scheduled jobs.
No transactions while these sessions are running.
-Session odco079 will be run daily to find any inconsistency between tables tdil
c001 and tdinv001.
-In case any inconsistencies; the session tdinv0252m000 will be run to check the
inconsistencies between inventory tables (tdilc101, tdinv001, tiitm001, and tdl
tc001) and update the tables with correct inventory data that is available in td
-Note that; inventory after transaction value in table tdinv700 is calculated by
inventory value from tdinv001 plus the transaction quantity in tdinv700.
Adnan Metin
gsm: +972-(0)54-611525
Added on Date: 01:49:54 1/16/00 EST

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J. Cronin posted Message 3334 in Message Board
Dated : January 16, 2000 at 05:23:46 EST
Subject: Re: Inventory on hand
: : When using session tdilc1512m000 (Display Inventories by Item and
: : warehouse), I found that the sum of the inventories on all warehouse is not
equal to the total inventories on hand. Any
: : reason can cause that?
: : Thanks.
: : Anny
: This can sometimes happen if the release outbound does not complete successful
ly. I have seen cases where the release outbound has appeared to work, but in ac
tual fact has not been successful.The unfortunate thing is that the session does
not seem to roll back all of the tables. therefore you can get discrepancies be
tween tables tdilc101 and tdinv001.
: Also check out the inventory location history for the item you have problems w
ith. You may find that the time of a transaction is shown as 23;59. This indicat
es either a deleted record or a problem with the processing.
: Call Baan support and see if they can advise of any patches.
Try asking for patch number 70182 from your support.
This should solve the problem.
***************** End Of Article ******************
J. Cronin posted Message 3335 in Message Board
Dated : January 16, 2000 at 10:25:51 EST
Subject: Re: Inventory on hand

After looking in to this further, I found that the sum value is drawn from the i
tem data and not from the sum of the inv/ilc tables, so you will need to run the
error recovery sessions.
(See Adnan's posting above)
***************** End Of Article ******************
Adnan Metin, CPIM posted Message 3336 in Message Board
Dated : January 16, 2000 at 13:02:42 EST
Subject: Re: How to handle the discrepancy between ILC and INV inventories
Session odcor079 should be changed to otdcor0079.
: : How to handle the descrepancy between ILC and INV inventory details ?
: : Thanks and regards
: Hi,
: Here is the procedure to correct discrepancies between ILC and INV tables...
: Inventory tables
: Inventory values are available in the following tables;
Tdilc101, Inventory Data by Location and Lot
Tdinv001, Item Data by Warehouse
Tiitm001, Items
Tdltc001, Lots
Tdinv700, Inventory Transactions by Item
: General data flow in inventory tables
: Sorry I could not put the drawing here. (You can ask for it)
: 1.
Tdilc101 is the main table to be taken into consideration.
: 2.
Tdinv001 should have value equals to sum of the records from table tdilc
101 for the same item and warehouse.
: 3.
Tiitm001 should have value equals to sum of the records from table tdinv
001 for the same item and warehouse
: 4.
Tdltc001 should have value equals to sum of the records from table tdilc
101 for the same item and lot.
: 5.
Last record from table Tdinv700 should have value equals to the value of
tdinv001 for the same item and warehouse.
: In case inconsistencies between inventory tables the following sessions needs
to be run;
Rebuild planned inventory transactions
Rebuild Inventory Data (ILC)
Check Inventory Data
: Session Code
: Source
Transaction tables

: Target
: Updated Fields
Allocated quantity & Inventory on order

Session code
Updated fields
Allocated quantity


Session code
Updated fields
Inventory on hand
Inventory on hold

: Procedure to correct inconsistencies in inventory tables

: -Sessions tdinv0250m000 and tdilc0250m000 will be run with daily scheduled job
s. No transactions while these sessions are running.
: -Session otdcor0079 will be run daily to find any inconsistency between tables
tdilc001 and tdinv001.
: -In case any inconsistencies; the session tdinv0252m000 will be run to check t
he inconsistencies between inventory tables (tdilc101, tdinv001, tiitm001, and t
dltc001) and update the tables with correct inventory data that is available in
: -Note that; inventory after transaction value in table tdinv700 is calculated
by inventory value from tdinv001 plus the transaction quantity in tdinv700.
: Adnan Metin
: gsm: +972-(0)54-611525
: E-mail:

***************** End Of Article ******************

Raja Mohan posted Message 3337 in Message Board
Dated : January 17, 2000 at 10:20:53 EST
Subject: Safety stock in warehouses?
We want to plan as per the safety stock maintained in the session Maintain Items
by Warehouse.The field Use item parameters was kept No. and separate SS was mai
ntainedfor the item in that warehouse.The item doesnt exists in only one more WH
where again the field use item parameters was kept No.
STill MRP does consider the safety stocks in the item master only.
In the help for the field use item parameters it was mentioned that the value of

this field is relevant only while generating INV Orders.However the help of saf
ety stock in the session says that safety stock is used in the modules MRP and M
PS in addition to INV.
Which is correct?
Thanks in advance.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Reddy PT posted Message 3338 in Message Board
Dated : January 17, 2000 at 11:24:10 EST
Subject: How to block a warehouse with out locations
How to block/unblock a warehouse with out locations, when ILC is implemented
***************** End Of Article ******************
Raju posted Message 3339 in Message Board
Dated : January 17, 2000 at 11:28:29 EST
Subject: How to BLOCK a WAREHOUSE with out locations
How to Block/Unblock a WAREHOUSE with out locations for the inventory transactio
ns, when ILC is Implemented.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Carol Schmidt posted Message 3340 in Message Board
Dated : January 17, 2000 at 11:33:57 EST
Subject: Quantity Printed on Picking List
Regardless of the parameter setting in session tdsls4100m000 "Method of Printing
Items on Pick List", when a pick list is generated" tdsls4402m000", the item qu
antity is always that of the ordered quantity.
If the parameter setting was set to "Those On Hand", is it possible for the pick
ing list quantity to produce the quantity equal the available inventory rather t
han the ordered quantity?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Thomas posted Message 3341 in Message Board
Dated : January 17, 2000 at 11:35:33 EST
Subject: one purchase contract linked to n companies
We want to link tables for purchase contracts. Idea: The contract is maintained
only once, while a number of logistical companies can order from this contract.
Has anybody experience with it?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Denise posted Message 3342 in Message Board
Dated : January 17, 2000 at 11:45:27 EST
Subject: Re: Quantity Printed on Picking List
: Regardless of the parameter setting in session tdsls4100m000 "Method of Printi
ng Items on Pick List", when a pick list is generated" tdsls4402m000", the item

quantity is always that of the ordered quantity.

: If the parameter setting was set to "Those On Hand", is it possible for the pi
cking list quantity to produce the quantity equal the available inventory rather
than the ordered quantity?
If you have the parameter set to "Those on Hand" the picking list will print onl
y the line items that the total order quantity is available for. If there is not
enough inventory to fill the line item, then it will not print at all.
Hope this helps.
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Murali posted Message 3343 in Message Board
Dated : January 17, 2000 at 11:50:55 EST
Subject: Re: Period Tables in Relations
The field period table in Maintain relations is important
for calculating commissions in that particular period which
you define as master data.The commissions pertaining to
the sales order are paid to the relation as per the
agreements defined for that relation taking the reference
date of the sales order and matching the period table for
which the commissions are defined.
I hope to have made you understood!!

: In maintain relations, we have input period table 1999 fiscal year. Now that
the year has changed, do we need to update to 2000 fiscal year? What is the fun
ction of this field? What reports will be affected? What happens if we don't c
hange it?

***************** End Of Article ******************

Denise posted Message 3344 in Message Board
Dated : January 17, 2000 at 12:50:39 EST
Subject: Veeru: &quot;Receipts already recorded, changing not allowed&quot; prob
I have just read your message to Chris & Jeremy on 11/15/99, and I am having the
same problem. I ran a sample test and it did not work.
We are having a major problem being able to edit a PO after Maintain Receipts. W
e need to be able to revise price and/or quantity and BaaN will not allow this.
Someone here has suggested that we add an order step "Print Purchase Invoices" p
rior to Process Delivered Purchase Orders. Does anyone know if this will work, o
r what will? Is this a bug?

Any help would be appreciated.


***************** End Of Article ******************

Merv Carr posted Message 3345 in Message Board
Dated : January 17, 2000 at 13:49:10 EST
Subject: Re: What happens for back flushed materials with ILC on?
If the question is "when", then the inventory values are adjusted when the outbo
und advice is released. This can happen automatically/manually/semi-automaticall
y based on parameter settings.
: When materials are back flushed with ILC ON how are their inventory adjusted?
: Thanks and regards

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Merv Carr posted Message 3346 in Message Board
Dated : January 17, 2000 at 13:51:56 EST
Subject: Re: Blanket Purchase Orders
Have you considered using Supply Chain contracts? (SCH). With a supply chain con
tract you receive against a schedule rather than discrete PO's. At receipt time
the system then creates a PO in the background.
: For blanket orders you could perfectly use the purchase contracts. When you do
so, you will be able or to generate PO from the contract or to enter PO that wi
ll be updated the contract.
: : Hello,
: : I am pretty new to this site (great one, by the way!), so I apologize if thi
s issue has been well discussed. How can Blanket Purchase Orders be convenientl
y handled in Baan IVc4? My purchasing people are nervous issuing a PO to a supp
lier for a large quantity in case we change items before it is completed. They
are also reluctant to keep adding lines to the PO each time a release is given.
Any suggestions/hints?
: : Thanks,
: : Kelly Jones
: :

***************** End Of Article ******************

Veeru posted Message 3347 in Message Board
Dated : January 17, 2000 at 14:32:06 EST
Subject: Re: Veeru: &quot;Receipts already recorded, changing not allowed&quot;

: I have just read your message to Chris & Jeremy on 11/15/99, and I am having t
he same problem. I ran a sample test and it did not work.
: We are having a major problem being able to edit a PO after Maintain Receipts.
We need to be able to revise price and/or quantity and BaaN will not allow this
. Someone here has suggested that we add an order step "Print Purchase Invoices"
prior to Process Delivered Purchase Orders. Does anyone know if this will work,
or what will? Is this a bug?
: Any help would be appreciated.
: Thanks,
: Denise
:Hi Denise,
:Basically, it's Baan's standard functionality to not allow any amendments of qu
antity after receipts are made against a specific PO line position, directly in
the session maintain PO. Instead, the user has the choice to make changes to the
qty ONLY at the time of posting the receipts. Thereafter, the user can use the
session "Maintain Back Orders". As far as the price amendments are concerned, th
e user can make directly in the session maintain PO. However, you may have to re
print the PO with "Back Order Qty" as the option in the print session to spit ou
t the latest amended price.
One need not include the print purchase invoice as a step to get these done. It
has no impact.
If the above approach doesn't work, I'm sure there is a bug.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Veeru posted Message 3348 in Message Board
Dated : January 17, 2000 at 14:32:20 EST
Subject: Re: Veeru: &quot;Receipts already recorded, changing not allowed&quot;
: I have just read your message to Chris & Jeremy on 11/15/99, and I am having t
he same problem. I ran a sample test and it did not work.
: We are having a major problem being able to edit a PO after Maintain Receipts.
We need to be able to revise price and/or quantity and BaaN will not allow this
. Someone here has suggested that we add an order step "Print Purchase Invoices"
prior to Process Delivered Purchase Orders. Does anyone know if this will work,
or what will? Is this a bug?
: Any help would be appreciated.
: Thanks,
: Denise
:Hi Denise,
:Basically, it's Baan's standard functionality to not allow any amendments of qu

antity after receipts are made against a specific PO line position, directly in
the session maintain PO. Instead, the user has the choice to make changes to the
qty ONLY at the time of posting the receipts. Thereafter, the user can use the
session "Maintain Back Orders". As far as the price amendments are concerned, th
e user can make directly in the session maintain PO. However, you may have to re
print the PO with "Back Order Qty" as the option in the print session to spit ou
t the latest amended price.
One need not include the print purchase invoice as a step to get these done. It
has no impact.
If the above approach doesn't work, I'm sure there is a bug.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Adnan Metin posted Message 3349 in Message Board
Dated : January 17, 2000 at 15:31:27 EST
Subject: &quot;Receipts already recorded, changing not allowed&quot; problem
Hi Denise,
Previous suggestion should be related to the modifying purchase receipts not to
the purchase order line (price and quantity).
Modifying purchase receipts;
You can edit(modify) the purchase receipt if and only if your purchase order lin
e status is just after he Maintain Receipt. It could be "Print Purchase Invoice"
or "Process Delivered Purchase Order". In case status is "Process Delivered Pur
chase Order" it should not be processed yet.
Note that, if you are in location controlled (ILC) environment then you first sh
ould enter to the receipt(ILC) session then make modifications there.
: I have just read your message to Chris & Jeremy on 11/15/99, and I am having t
he same problem. I ran a sample test and it did not work.
: We are having a major problem being able to edit a PO after Maintain Receipts.
We need to be able to revise price and/or quantity and BaaN will not allow this
. Someone here has suggested that we add an order step "Print Purchase Invoices"
prior to Process Delivered Purchase Orders. Does anyone know if this will work,
or what will? Is this a bug?
: Any help would be appreciated.
: Thanks,
: Denise

***************** End Of Article ******************

Raja Mohan posted Message 3350 in Message Board

Dated : January 17, 2000 at 15:57:54 EST
Subject: Re: What happens for back flushed materials with ILC on?
: If the question is "when", then the inventory values are adjusted when the out
bound advice is released. This can happen automatically/manually/semi-automatica
lly based on parameter settings.
: : When materials are back flushed with ILC ON how are their inventory adjusted
: : Thanks and regards
My question is this.
When the end item is posted in to inventory by inbound movement,the components m
ust be back flushed.But with Location Control ON; do the sessions 'Generate outb
ound and release outbound data' run in the back ground or should we run one or b
oth of them?
In case both sessions are run automatically[If parameter is set] than from which
location the inventory will be reduced?
What the system will do if the default location dont contain sufficient stock?
Thanks in advance
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Rvind Babu Kavuru posted Message 3351 in Message Board
Dated : January 18, 2000 at 00:23:57 EST
Subject: Database disconnection - Purchase Orders/Inquiries
We have a very peculiar situation arising since a week. One of our users was try
ing to logon to a specific session in BAAN. And when he was trying to logon it
was logging out giving a disconnect message. I place before you the exact situat
The user logs on with his id and pwd.
The user tries to open the BAAN IV Distribution - Purchase Control - Inquiries Display Purchase Orders.
The user is pulled out giving a message
1 : Fatal Error : Detected database server termination
2 : Connection with server lost.
He has to login again. This is happening only in specific sessions. The rest of
the sessions are fine. And also when some other user is trying to access the sam
session, hez able to do so. If you can help me out with the solution, I think wo
uld be doing me great favor.
For Salalah Port Services

***************** End Of Article ******************

Rvind Babu Kavuru posted Message 3352 in Message Board

Dated : January 18, 2000 at 00:37:00 EST

Subject: Disconnection - Purcahse Orders/Inquiries
We have a very peculiar situation arising since a week. One of our users was try
ing to logon to a specific session in BAAN. And when he was trying to logon it w
as logging out giving a disconnect message. I place before you the exact situati
The environment is BAAN IV with oracle database running with UNIX
The user logs on with his id and pwd.
The user tries to open the BAAN IV Distribution - Purchase Control - Inquiries Display Purchase Orders.
The user is pulled out giving a message
1 : Fatal Error : Detected database server termination
2 : Connection with server lost.
He has to login again. This is happening only in specific sessions. The rest of
the sessions are fine. And also when some other user is trying to access the sam
e session, hez able to do so. The environment is BAAN IV with oracle database ru
nning with UNIX. If you can help me out with the solution, I think would be doin
g me great favor.
For Salalah Port Services

***************** End Of Article ******************

Rvind posted Message 3353 in Message Board
Dated : January 18, 2000 at 01:18:16 EST
Subject: Disconnection/PurchaseOrders/Inquiries
We have a very peculiar situation arising since a week. One of our users was try
ing to logon to a specific session in BAAN. And when he was trying to logon it w
as logging out giving a disconnect message. I place before you the exact situati
The environment is BAAN IV/ORACLE/UNIX.
The user logs on with his id and pwd.
The user tries to open the BAAN IV Distribution - Purchase Control - Inquiries Display Purchase Orders.
The user is pulled out giving a message
1 : Fatal Error : Detected database server termination
2 : Connection with server lost.
He has to login again. This is happening only in specific sessions. The rest of
the sessions are fine. And also when some other user is trying to access the sam
e session, hez able to do so. The environment is BAAN IV/ORACLE/UNIX. If you can
help me out with the solution, I think would be doing me great favor. Please co
nsider the matter most urgent.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Karen Tan posted Message 3354 in Message Board
Dated : January 18, 2000 at 05:34:27 EST
Subject: Why is the ABC Code a display only field?
Does anyone have any idea why the ABC code in Maintain Item Master is a display
only field? Our users have requested to be able to enter their own ABC codes in
case they want to override those calculated by the ABC analysis. The only way
we can do this now is to use ttaad4100 (General Table Maintenance). I wonder if
it is alright to customise the form to allow input for this field.
Any advice is much appreciated. Thanx.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Raja Mohan posted Message 3355 in Message Board
Dated : January 18, 2000 at 09:44:43 EST
Subject: Re: Why is the ABC Code a display only field?
: Does anyone have any idea why the ABC code in Maintain Item Master is a displa
y only field? Our users have requested to be able to enter their own ABC codes
in case they want to override those calculated by the ABC analysis. The only wa
y we can do this now is to use ttaad4100 (General Table Maintenance). I wonder
if it is alright to customise the form to allow input for this field.
: Any advice is much appreciated. Thanx.
The reason could be probably because the ABC analysis is done by Finance/materia
ls department and the item master is maintained usually by Engineering departmen
t.Even if the ABC code is accessible for maintaining, it will be overwritten aft
er the next run.
The ABC COde can be manipulated by adjusting the criteria in parameters and then
running the session for those items which should be A for you.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Nick Ginger posted Message 3356 in Message Board
Dated : January 18, 2000 at 12:21:03 EST
Subject: Re: Disconnection/PurchaseOrders/Inquiries
: Hi
: We have a very peculiar situation arising since a week. One of our users was t
rying to logon to a specific session in BAAN. And when he was trying to logon it
was logging out giving a disconnect message. I place before you the exact situa
: The environment is BAAN IV/ORACLE/UNIX.
: Steps:
: The user logs on with his id and pwd.
: The user tries to open the BAAN IV Distribution - Purchase Control - Inquiries
- Display Purchase Orders.

: The user is pulled out giving a message

: 1 : Fatal Error : Detected database server termination
: 2 : Connection with server lost.
: He has to login again. This is happening only in specific sessions. The rest o
f the sessions are fine. And also when some other user is trying to access the s
ame session, hez able to do so. The environment is BAAN IV/ORACLE/UNIX. If you c
an help me out with the solution, I think would be doing me great favor. Please
consider the matter most urgent.
: Thanx
: Rvind
You could try checking which porting set you're using. There have been some repo
rted faults on this one with IVc4. As an adjunct we have experienced a similar p
roblem with BaanERP which appears to be a corrupted Data Dictionary
***************** End Of Article ******************
Mick posted Message 3357 in Message Board
Dated : January 18, 2000 at 19:41:42 EST
Subject: Re: EDI Doubts
pls try export from baan training such 812 company. During the export, it will c
reate the default.edi file.
: Hi BaaN Fans
: My name is: Andres Uzcategui, I live and work in Venezuela South America. I
: am working with BaaN Software for 2 years in the customization area.
: I have the following doubt.can you clarify ? We have installed BAAN IV b2.

What are the current versions of ANSI X12 is supported by BAAN IV b2 ?

What versions are going to be supported by BAAN IV c4 ? I mean, what Version
Release and Subrelease, We need this information because we would like to
find codification (segments, messages) handled by BaaN IV b2 Software.
Somebody told to try find it in to the file default.edi but, I am not luky.
At the following parragraf, I sended to you a piece of the mentionated file
for you to try if you can identify the Version Release Subrelease.
Could you Help me?
Thank you
! File with defaults for EDI-module! Created : 06-10-99 [10:42]! By
mcordova! Contents:
Organisation/Messages : S!
Code Tables
Message Specification : S!
tcediB40_b_____#tcedi003#data#|X12|2|3|ANSI X12|X12|||#tcedi005#data#red
message|2|0|0|001|2|1|||#tcedi005#data#This is an outgoing
message|2|0|0|777|1|1|otfacpdll1250|otdslsdll4282|#tcedi005#data#This is an
Advice|2|1|0|820|2|2|otfcmgdll5201||#tcedi005#data#Planning Schedule with
Release|2|1|0|830|2|0|||#tcedi005#data#X12 Purchase
Order|2|1|0|850|2|2|otdslsdll4280|otdpurdll4280|#tcedi005#data#X12 PO
Despatch Advice
(ASN)|2|1|0|856|2|2|otdpurdll4282|otdslsdll4283|#tcedi005#data#ICM Dispatch
/ Receipt

***************** End Of Article ******************

Rvind Babu Kavuru posted Message 3358 in Message Board
Dated : January 18, 2000 at 23:52:04 EST
Subject: Re: Disconnection/PurchaseOrders/Inquiries
As u've asked me, the porting set that we're using is BAAN IVc4. U've said that
some faults are reported on this issue, can u gimme a thorough solution as im re
cently handling BAAN at a customer site.
: : Hi
: : We have a very peculiar situation arising since a week. One of our users was
trying to logon to a specific session in BAAN. And when he was trying to logon
it was logging out giving a disconnect message. I place before you the exact sit
: : The environment is BAAN IV/ORACLE/UNIX.
: : Steps:
: : The user logs on with his id and pwd.
: : The user tries to open the BAAN IV Distribution - Purchase Control - Inquiri
es - Display Purchase Orders.
: : The user is pulled out giving a message
: : 1 : Fatal Error : Detected database server termination
: : 2 : Connection with server lost.
: : He has to login again. This is happening only in specific sessions. The rest
of the sessions are fine. And also when some other user is trying to access the
same session, hez able to do so. The environment is BAAN IV/ORACLE/UNIX. If you
can help me out with the solution, I think would be doing me great favor. Pleas
e consider the matter most urgent.
: : Thanx
: : Rvind
: You could try checking which porting set you're using. There have been some re
ported faults on this one with IVc4. As an adjunct we have experienced a similar
problem with BaanERP which appears to be a corrupted Data Dictionary

***************** End Of Article ******************

Charlie Morden posted Message 3359 in Message Board
Dated : January 19, 2000 at 10:45:14 EST
Subject: EDI Sales Schedules loading on Cancelled Contracts
I am trying to load an incoming EDI 830 and it loading the requirements on a can
celled schedule rather than the live schedule. Any thoughts as to why this would
be happening?
***************** End Of Article ******************

MPP posted Message 3360 in Message Board

Dated : January 19, 2000 at 11:17:26 EST
Subject: Location Control
We have been using location control for sometime now and would like to turn it o
ff. Has anyone done this, if yes, what steps did you take to do so?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Mike Berends posted Message 3361 in Message Board
Dated : January 19, 2000 at 16:33:38 EST
Subject: Purchase Price Two Decimal Places
Problem with purchase price being only two decimal places.
Without using conversion factors,what are the impacts of customizing to Four dec
imal places?. Anyone else have this problem. Thanks in advance
***************** End Of Article ******************
Arvind Patil, CPIM posted Message 3362 in Message Board
Dated : January 19, 2000 at 18:19:16 EST
Subject: Re: Purchase Price Two Decimal Places
I do not think u require to customizse it. We are using Italian Lira which has 4
decimals. If you require more info email me.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Arvind Patil, CPIM posted Message 3363 in Message Board
Dated : January 19, 2000 at 18:22:14 EST
Subject: Re: Location Control
Turning of location control affects lot of things like
1. Lot control
2. Sales order processing
3. RPL processing
4. Open picklist on floor
So you may have to give some thinking in this.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Arvind Patil, CPIM posted Message 3364 in Message Board
Dated : January 19, 2000 at 18:24:20 EST
Subject: Re: Safety stock in warehouses?
MRP planning engine always uses Item parameters to do planning. Hope this answer
s your question

***************** End Of Article ******************

Karen Tan posted Message 3365 in Message Board
Dated : January 19, 2000 at 19:45:19 EST
Subject: Perform ABC Analysis (tdinv6210m000)
Has anyone customised the above session before? Any advice about the implicatio
ns of customising it. I believe it should only affect the ABC codes alone which
only affects the cycle count orders generated.
Any advice is much appreciated. Thanx.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Rui Marques posted Message 3366 in Message Board
Dated : January 20, 2000 at 06:36:53 EST
Subject: Re: Veeru: &quot;Receipts already recorded, changing not allowed&quot;
You can change prices and discounts after you entered receipts just before you p
rint purchase invoices.
right now I dont have BaaN in front of me, but tomorrow Ill tell you the name of t
he session.
this session works if the print purchase invoices step is part of the order type
Rui Marques
: : I have just read your message to Chris & Jeremy on 11/15/99, and I am having
the same problem. I ran a sample test and it did not work.
: : We are having a major problem being able to edit a PO after Maintain Receipt
s. We need to be able to revise price and/or quantity and BaaN will not allow th
is. Someone here has suggested that we add an order step "Print Purchase Invoice
s" prior to Process Delivered Purchase Orders. Does anyone know if this will wor
k, or what will? Is this a bug?
: : Any help would be appreciated.
: : Thanks,
: : Denise
: :Hi Denise,
: :Basically, it's Baan's standard functionality to not allow any amendments of
quantity after receipts are made against a specific PO line position, directly i
n the session maintain PO. Instead, the user has the choice to make changes to t
he qty ONLY at the time of posting the receipts. Thereafter, the user can use th
e session "Maintain Back Orders". As far as the price amendments are concerned,
the user can make directly in the session maintain PO. However, you may have to
reprint the PO with "Back Order Qty" as the option in the print session to spit
out the latest amended price.
: One need not include the print purchase invoice as a step to get these done. I
t has no impact.

: If the above approach doesn't work, I'm sure there is a bug.

: Regards,
: Veeru.

***************** End Of Article ******************

TERRY W posted Message 3367 in Message Board
Dated : January 20, 2000 at 08:52:58 EST
Subject: How can I close out Sales Orders that have been overallocated?
Lets say inventory has 5pc on hand. Generate outbound was done on 2 orders. Orde
r A is for 4pc and Order B is for 3pc. Generate was done, Order A was first in l
ine and all 4 pcs allocated to it. Order B got 1pc allocated. Shipping deceided
to ship Order B complete because the customer was down. No one maintained the
outbound advise to reallocate the parts and release outbound was done. Order A
is now appearing to have shipped complete when in reality we only shipped 2pc.
Order B only shows 1pc shipped but all 3 shipped. The problem I have is really
with Order A. How can I ship the remaining 2pcs owed the customer? When I ente
r a forced b/o for 2pc the order will let me ship but will not let me close and
complete the order. Is there anything I can do other than lynch my Shippers?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Arvind Patil, CPIM posted Message 3368 in Message Board
Dated : January 20, 2000 at 10:53:49 EST
Subject: Re: How can I close out Sales Orders that have been overallocated?
The cleanest way is to take back the pieces shipped via a negative Sales order l
ine and again create a SO line for the balance qty. Customer will see in the inv
oice the correct value.
***************** End Of Article ******************
B posted Message 3369 in Message Board
Dated : January 20, 2000 at 11:28:19 EST
Subject: Re: Purchase Price Two Decimal Places
: Problem with purchase price being only two decimal places.
: Without using conversion factors,what are the impacts of customizing to Four d
ecimal places?. Anyone else have this problem. Thanks in advance
Try session tcmcs0101m000 and adjust the decimals (only for increacing the decim
al space!)

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B posted Message 3370 in Message Board

Dated : January 20, 2000 at 11:39:16 EST

Subject: Re: What happens for back flushed materials with ILC on?
: : If the question is "when", then the inventory values are adjusted when the o
utbound advice is released. This can happen automatically/manually/semi-automati
cally based on parameter settings.
: : : When materials are back flushed with ILC ON how are their inventory adjust
: : : Thanks and regards
: My question is this.
: When the end item is posted in to inventory by inbound movement,the components
must be back flushed.But with Location Control ON; do the sessions 'Generate ou
tbound and release outbound data' run in the back ground or should we run one or
both of them?
: In case both sessions are run automatically[If parameter is set] than from whi
ch location the inventory will be reduced?
: What the system will do if the default location dont contain sufficient stock?
: Thanks in advance
The materials will be backflushed from the locations you inserted in the BOM. If
there isn't enough stock you will get a shortage list. After you adjusted your
invertory you have to run the session: tisfc0220m000 to reduce the stock.
***************** End Of Article ******************
muriel posted Message 3371 in Message Board
Dated : January 20, 2000 at 11:41:49 EST
Subject: Print origin by lot
Do you know how to use this session and how to link material with lot.
I would like to know more about lots, if you have any information about it, plea
se send them to me
***************** End Of Article ******************
Arvind Patil, CPIM posted Message 3372 in Message Board
Dated : January 20, 2000 at 11:46:45 EST
Subject: Re: Print origin by lot
Your question is not clear. The Print origin by lot will give the source of lot
- Purchase production order.
***************** End Of Article ******************
muriel posted Message 3373 in Message Board
Dated : January 20, 2000 at 11:56:06 EST
Subject: Re: Print origin by lot

: Hi,
: Your question is not clear. The Print origin by lot will give the source of lo
t - Purchase production order.
: Arvind
Yes what I mean is how to track lots
The steps I did are the following :
- production order is released
- outbound advice is generated and remains in active
in this session, I give a lot to the reserved material
- After that, I complete the order
- after that I go to tdilc4202s000 to release the outbound
- Once I want to track the lot with the material in the tdltc1420m000, i have th
e wrong results.
Instead of being able to track only the lot, it gives me the information about a
ll the lots .
Did I use the right session to get this information.
Thanks for your help

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Tom posted Message 3374 in Message Board
Dated : January 20, 2000 at 13:52:54 EST
Subject: Re: Location Control
: We have been using location control for sometime now and would like to turn it
off. Has anyone done this, if yes, what steps did you take to do so?
If you are using BaanIV -> forget about it. It is not possible. Once using lot c
ontrol you have to use it forever.
If you are using BaanERP it is possible. There is no switch to turn it on or off
. You only have to define a new warehouse without locations, because I think it
is not possible to delete locations which were used in a present warehouse.
You have to calculate that you warehousing procedures could change also.
***************** End Of Article ******************
bill posted Message 3375 in Message Board
Dated : January 20, 2000 at 14:54:21 EST
Subject: Re: Purchase Price Two Decimal Places
: Problem with purchase price being only two decimal places.
: Without using conversion factors,what are the impacts of customizing to Four d
ecimal places?. Anyone else have this problem. Thanks in advance
we used session ttaad1107, format code 003 and changed the mask
of US dollars to use 4 decimal places which the domain tcpric will allow.

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Arvind Patil, CPIM posted Message 3376 in Message Board
Dated : January 20, 2000 at 16:28:24 EST
Subject: Re: Print origin by lot
It used to give the lot used in which production order in the session you mentio
ned but I think this functionality is no more there. You can go for Baan patch.
Logically if you think Print origin by lot should only give the origin and not t
he where used. There are other sessions for lot tracking whcih can be used for
the purpose you required
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Boby Mohan posted Message 3377 in Message Board
Dated : January 21, 2000 at 07:44:01 EST
Subject: Insurance Control
We have a problem at a customer site. They want to maintain details with regards
to insurance of goods (Purchased as well as sold) viz. premium paid,insurance r
ecd for damaged goods and have the related financial integrations done while mat
erial accounting.
We are running baan IV c4 there a way it can be handled,if not then what
is the best way to do it???
This is an URGENT problem and any help will be appreciated.
Thanks in Advance
***************** End Of Article ******************
Terry W posted Message 3378 in Message Board
Dated : January 21, 2000 at 09:38:44 EST
Subject: Error: Recommended Qty not fully confirmed
I keep getting the error message: Recommended Qty not fully confirmed on an ord
er that I over shipped. What can I do to fix this error and confirm delivery of
that line? The session # that comes up in the error box is: tdsls41206. Than
***************** End Of Article ******************
Vengsarkar posted Message 3379 in Message Board
Dated : January 21, 2000 at 12:24:17 EST
Subject: Baan report showing total amount spent for each supplier through purcha

Is there any Baan report showing total amount spent through purchases for each s
upplier ?
Thanks and regards
***************** End Of Article ******************
Anala Schweiker posted Message 3380 in Message Board
Dated : January 21, 2000 at 17:07:33 EST
Subject: First free number &quot;order stock&quot; finish (urgent please)
: Hi, What happen when the first free numbers for the transaccions "Order Stock"
***************** End Of Article ******************
Boby Mohan posted Message 3381 in Message Board
Dated : January 21, 2000 at 23:56:29 EST
Subject: Re: First free number
: : Hi, What happen when the first free numbers for the transaccions "Order Stoc
k" finish?
Usually for all order types of transactions except lot numbers,baan gives you a
message that series is full and you cannot input .But for lot numbers,when the s
eries is defined in the session 'maintain lot id structure',the series is automa
tically incremented by one and the first free number becomes a five digit number
viz 10001.
Hope this helps
***************** End Of Article ******************
Boby Mohan posted Message 3382 in Message Board
Dated : January 22, 2000 at 00:01:33 EST
Subject: Re: Error: Recommended Qty not fully confirmed
: I keep getting the error message: Recommended Qty not fully confirmed on an o
rder that I over shipped. What can I do to fix this error and confirm delivery
of that line? The session # that comes up in the error box is: tdsls41206. Th
Have you tried maintaing outbound data for the overshipped qty jus to see if any
line is pending and releasing it against the order...This would update the main
tained deliveries screen and you can confirm delivery.(Of course if yre using IL

***************** End Of Article ******************

Boby Mohan posted Message 3383 in Message Board
Dated : January 22, 2000 at 00:06:45 EST
Subject: Re: Baan report showing total amount spent for each supplier through pu

: Is there any Baan report showing total amount spent through purchases for each
supplier ?
: Thanks and regards
The existence of a report am not sure of but the supplier opening balance shown
on maintain purchase order lines 'form will give you the figure.You could probab
ly customise a report drawing data from the relevant tables.

***************** End Of Article ******************

dinesh posted Message 3384 in Message Board
Dated : January 22, 2000 at 01:08:08 EST
Subject: Re: Table Authorizations
: Hi,
: Would like to get some help on setting up table authorizations to restrict use
rs for example allow user to insert sales orders where the order number is betwe
en a certain range.
: I will appreciate your help on this.
: Scott
yes you can do this by going into databasemanagement and then go to maintain tab
le field data authorisation and give there range of sales order against table fi
eld name it will definitly work

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Nokia posted Message 3385 in Message Board
Dated : January 23, 2000 at 09:44:02 EST
Subject: How to remove order line after delivery with ILC
I need to find the best way to negate an order without going through all order s
teps after releasing outbound with ILC turned on.
After releasing outbound, the order needs to be confirmed. Once that occurs, I t
hen need to print a packing list. But at that point I need to delete the order l
ine all together. Any thoughts?
Thanks in Advance
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Rui Marques posted Message 3386 in Message Board
Dated : January 23, 2000 at 10:44:11 EST
Subject: Re: Veeru: &quot;Receipts already recorded, changing not allowed&quot;
The session to change prices and discounts is tdpur4122m000

I know that after you print the purchase invoice you cant change prices and disco
unts. (but you can always print a non-final purchase invoice and then change the
Rui Marques
: : I have just read your message to Chris & Jeremy on 11/15/99, and I am having
the same problem. I ran a sample test and it did not work.
: : We are having a major problem being able to edit a PO after Maintain Receipt
s. We need to be able to revise price and/or quantity and BaaN will not allow th
is. Someone here has suggested that we add an order step "Print Purchase Invoice
s" prior to Process Delivered Purchase Orders. Does anyone know if this will wor
k, or what will? Is this a bug?
: : Any help would be appreciated.
: : Thanks,
: : Denise
: :Hi Denise,
: :Basically, it's Baan's standard functionality to not allow any amendments of
quantity after receipts are made against a specific PO line position, directly i
n the session maintain PO. Instead, the user has the choice to make changes to t
he qty ONLY at the time of posting the receipts. Thereafter, the user can use th
e session "Maintain Back Orders". As far as the price amendments are concerned,
the user can make directly in the session maintain PO. However, you may have to
reprint the PO with "Back Order Qty" as the option in the print session to spit
out the latest amended price.
: One need not include the print purchase invoice as a step to get these done. I
t has no impact.
: If the above approach doesn't work, I'm sure there is a bug.
: Regards,
: Veeru.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Anala Schweiker posted Message 3387 in Message Board
Dated : January 23, 2000 at 12:21:30 EST
Subject: Re: First free number
: : : Hi, What happen when the first free numbers for the transaccions "Order St
ock" finish?
: Usually for all order types of transactions except lot numbers,baan gives you
a message that series is full and you cannot input .But for lot numbers,when the
series is defined in the session 'maintain lot id structure',the series is auto
matically incremented by one and the first free number becomes a five digit numb
er viz 10001.
: Hope this helps
Your answer is OK but when a normal series finish I can create another, but whit
order stock I can't because these are a fixed series for each kind of order sto


***************** End Of Article ******************

Anala Schweiker posted Message 3388 in Message Board
Dated : January 23, 2000 at 12:24:34 EST
Subject: Re: How to remove order line after delivery with ILC
: Hello:
: I need to find the best way to negate an order without going through all order
steps after releasing outbound with ILC turned on.
: After releasing outbound, the order needs to be confirmed. Once that occurs, I
then need to print a packing list. But at that point I need to delete the order
line all together. Any thoughts?
: Thanks in Advance
For normal way you cant delete the recepcion after release inbound, you have to
make a return order to correct a mistake. Sorry.
***************** End Of Article ******************
faalof posted Message 3389 in Message Board
Dated : January 24, 2000 at 05:02:00 EST
Subject: Re: Variable pricing on SCH Purchase Contracts
: Variable pricing on SCH Purchase Contracts - tdpsc0101m000 Baan IV
: Although it is ideal to negotiate a fixed price from a supplier for a SCH Purc
hase Contracts, what if the supplier is unwilling to commit to a fixed price. I
s there anything that can be done? Are you stuck with dealing with price varian
ces or is the only option to remove this item/supplier form supply chain schedul
e part
is not

chain market is close relation between customer/supplier. Fixed prices ar

of this. There is no possibillity to have variable prices. Only solution
to use schedules but use orders and change price (defaulted from contract
list/item data) on orderline level

***************** End Of Article ******************
Faalof posted Message 3390 in Message Board
Dated : January 24, 2000 at 05:03:44 EST
Subject: Re: Splitting requirements between suppliers supply chain
: Splitting requirements between suppliers supply chain - SCH Purchase Contracts
tdpsc0101m000 Baan IV
: Is there any other way to split resourcing between two suppliers other than us

ing a percentage? What if you want to use one supplier up to a fixed quantity
per period, and than purchase the remainder from a second supplier.
Make a contract for item/supplier with long fixed period and define prurchase sc
hedule manually. The remaining qty will be ordered for the other item/supplier c

***************** End Of Article ******************

Wim Embsen posted Message 3391 in Message Board
Dated : January 24, 2000 at 05:16:55 EST
Subject: Maintain approvals
After goods have been inspected we always got the letter "G"
to confirm that we inspectewd the goods.
Now we get the letter "A" and BAAN doesn't say what it stands for
someone any ideas ????
***************** End Of Article ******************
Ana posted Message 3392 in Message Board
Dated : January 24, 2000 at 06:18:11 EST
Subject: Defining Series for Packing Lists
I need to define different series numbers for Packing Lists, but I am not able t
o find the way to do it. The session to define the First Free Numbers exists, bu
t the Print Packing List session (tdsls4403m000) does not permit any kind of ser
ies number.
Does anybody know how to resolve this problem?
Thanks in advance
***************** End Of Article ******************
Richard posted Message 3393 in Message Board
Dated : January 24, 2000 at 10:18:04 EST
Subject: Sales Order Number Series
I am working with a customer whom is running to the end of their Sales Order Num
ber Series. Is there a way to re-use a series?
People are telling me that Archiving Sales Data will achieve this but I am not s
o sure as the History tables will still exist.... can you be of any assistance?

***************** End Of Article ******************

Kris Verbruggen posted Message 3394 in Message Board
Dated : January 24, 2000 at 10:58:39 EST

Subject: Sales Price based on Receipt Date

In the standard BaaN functionality, the sales price can be based on three criter
ia: system date, order date and delivery date.
However, another crucial moment (namely the exact moment that the customer becom
es the judicial holder of the goods) is the RECEIPT DATE.
Is there a possibility to have the defaulted sales price in sales order lines to
be triggered by receipt date (without having to put planned delivery date equal
to planned received date)?
Thanks in advance!
Kris Verbruggen.
***************** End Of Article ******************
frank posted Message 3395 in Message Board
Dated : January 24, 2000 at 11:07:28 EST
Subject: Re: Maintain approvals
Could it mean Approved?? at a guess
***************** End Of Article ******************
Josh posted Message 3396 in Message Board
Dated : January 24, 2000 at 17:45:39 EST
Subject: Free
Subject: pIggy! The Minibrowser that Pays You to Surf!
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MemberID: PhoaM
***************** End Of Article ******************
Boby Mohan posted Message 3397 in Message Board
Dated : January 25, 2000 at 00:36:09 EST
Subject: Re: First free number
: : : : Hi, What happen when the first free numbers for the transaccions "Order
Stock" finish?
: : Usually for all order types of transactions except lot numbers,baan gives yo
u a message that series is full and you cannot input .But for lot numbers,when t
he series is defined in the session 'maintain lot id structure',the series is au
tomatically incremented by one and the first free number becomes a five digit nu
mber viz 10001.
: : Hope this helps
: Your answer is OK but when a normal series finish I can create another, but wh
it order stock I can't because these are a fixed series for each kind of order s
In that case baan should increment the series to the next digit and/or increment
the first free number too.could you specify which version you are working on b2
,c3 or c4

***************** End Of Article ******************

Boby Mohan posted Message 3398 in Message Board
Dated : January 25, 2000 at 00:36:32 EST
Subject: Re: First free number

: : : : Hi, What happen when the first free numbers for the transaccions "Order
Stock" finish?
: : Usually for all order types of transactions except lot numbers,baan gives yo
u a message that series is full and you cannot input .But for lot numbers,when t
he series is defined in the session 'maintain lot id structure',the series is au
tomatically incremented by one and the first free number becomes a five digit nu
mber viz 10001.
: : Hope this helps
: Your answer is OK but when a normal series finish I can create another, but wh
it order stock I can't because these are a fixed series for each kind of order s
In that case baan should increment the series to the next digit and/or increment
the first free number too.could you specify which version you are working on b2
,c3 or c4

***************** End Of Article ******************

Raja Mohan posted Message 3399 in Message Board
Dated : January 25, 2000 at 05:45:42 EST
Subject: Cycle Counting?
I am somehow not convinced about the way cycle counting will be done.Is it same
as the stock checking ?
I mean does the cycle counting differs from stock checking only in the fact that
it is done throughout the year at regular intervals with different priorites fo
r counting intervals and accuracy etc.?
Or is there also difference in the way of counting like using sampling instead o
f whole physical verification etc.?
I am asking these questions because I saw a few companies which used separate co
nsultants to do the cycle counting for the first year and than their staff start
ed doing the same at regular intervals.If it is just checking the inventory as p
er schedule than why should they call external consultants perhaps so caled expe
Before coming to Baan fans I asked the people who are good on ERP basics[because
it is relevant to general concept and not specific to Baan] and got no answer.
Thanks and regards all who help me.
Raja Mohan
***************** End Of Article ******************
RandyG posted Message 3400 in Message Board
Dated : January 25, 2000 at 12:43:24 EST
Subject: Re: Cycle Counting?

I am not sure if you're using BaaN V Greig or not, but you have the option when
creating a Cycle Count to process the count or not. Selecting the Process Count
will, after Approvals, update the location balances on hand. Removing the Proc
ess Count Check mark will allow the system to be used as a Stock check.
Further, You can define the frequency of Cycle Counts for ABC Codes that will de
fine the Items and frequency of Cycle Counting.
Re. Outside Counters, it sounds as though these Companies are trying to use inde
pendant Auditors to review and support transition from annual or semi-annual Phy
sical Inventories to periodic Cycle Counts. Incidently, I think BaaN V supports
this transition very well.
: I am somehow not convinced about the way cycle counting will be done.Is it sam
e as the stock checking ?
: I mean does the cycle counting differs from stock checking only in the fact th
at it is done throughout the year at regular intervals with different priorites
for counting intervals and accuracy etc.?
: Or is there also difference in the way of counting like using sampling instead
of whole physical verification etc.?
: I am asking these questions because I saw a few companies which used separate
consultants to do the cycle counting for the first year and than their staff sta
rted doing the same at regular intervals.If it is just checking the inventory as
per schedule than why should they call external consultants perhaps so caled ex
: Before coming to Baan fans I asked the people who are good on ERP basics[becau
se it is relevant to general concept and not specific to Baan] and got no answer
: Thanks and regards all who help me.
: Raja Mohan

***************** End Of Article ******************

Baan Dist Fan posted Message 3401 in Message Board
Dated : January 25, 2000 at 15:54:52 EST
Subject: EDI ASN Messages
Looking for any help available regarding the use of the temporary table used whe
n electronic ASNs are received into the temporary table viewed via session tdpur
4580m000 in the Receiving menu. My main point of interest is if someone could c
onfirm when the records created by the ASN are DELETED. We have processed the P
O through all steps and yet the record exists still in the temporary table.
Any and all help is appreciated (have logged a case with baan but they have not
***************** End Of Article ******************
Bunny posted Message 3402 in Message Board
Dated : January 25, 2000 at 19:25:32 EST
Subject: warehouse name
Hi all:
I want to change the name of a warehouse, the problem is that the original wareh
ouse has a lot of locations, so when I tried to copy I need to copy the location
s too!!

Thanks for all

***************** End Of Article ******************
Mark Bezuidenhout posted Message 3403 in Message Board
Dated : January 26, 2000 at 03:52:28 EST
Subject: Cycle Counting -Suppress zero quantities
I would like to know if it is possible to suppress zero quanties when generating
a cycle count order for a particular warehouse in BaaN IV.The reason being that
if there is no inventory on hand the cycle count still requires a zero quantity
to be entered which is quite time consuming when your item list increases in si
ze on a daily basis.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Merv Carr posted Message 3404 in Message Board
Dated : January 26, 2000 at 10:02:41 EST
Subject: Re: Baan report showing total amount spent for each supplier through pu
: : Is there any Baan report showing total amount spent through purchases for ea
ch supplier ?
: : Thanks and regards
: The existence of a report am not sure of but the supplier opening balance show
n on maintain purchase order lines 'form will give you the figure.You could prob
ably customise a report drawing data from the relevant tables.
Have you tried looking at Purchase statistics? I think that should give you what
you want.
***************** End Of Article ******************
bill posted Message 3405 in Message Board
Dated : January 26, 2000 at 10:55:02 EST
Subject: Re: Cycle Counting -Suppress zero quantities
: Hi
: I would like to know if it is possible to suppress zero quanties when generati
ng a cycle count order for a particular warehouse in BaaN IV.The reason being th
at if there is no inventory on hand the cycle count still requires a zero quanti
ty to be entered which is quite time consuming when your item list increases in
size on a daily basis.
: Thanx
If you run the rebuild programs (tdinv0250 & tdilc0250) on a regular basis, zero
on hand records will be removed from tdilc101. Also if their are records in td
ilc007 they will be included on the cyclecount order.
***************** End Of Article ******************

Gary Laundry posted Message 3406 in Message Board

Dated : January 26, 2000 at 12:46:20 EST
Subject: Re: Sales backorders
: When you set this parameter to 'no' you have to confirm each backorder. For ea
ch sales order a back order is generated when the deliverd qty is less than the
ordered qty. If this backorder is confirmed, a new delivery is created (Display
Order Line Status). If it is not confirmed, no new line is generated.
: By setting the parameter to 'yes', a new order line is automatically generated
when the delivered qty is less than the ordered qty (Display Order Line Status)
: Regards, Eric.
: : Looking on information on how backorders work with sales orders. What does t
he parameter "automatic confirmation of backorders" exactly do?
Where is this parameter? I can't find it....Maybe it was introduced after versio
n 4.0A??
***************** End Of Article ******************
Bruce Yen posted Message 3407 in Message Board
Dated : January 26, 2000 at 13:09:11 EST
Subject: Can not confirm receipt line
When our the warehouse trys to confirm one receipt line, they get the Fatal erro
r message
Fatal error: Error 205 (Out of range) on ticst004099 in db_insert(51)
Fatal error: Can not continue in whinh3520m000in DLL: ottstpamdll (
Error: whinh3520m000 : A not terminated transaction is aborted.
We are on BaanERP SP5, Oracle 734 and HPUX 10.20
Any help will be appreciated.
Bruce Yen
***************** End Of Article ******************
glaundry posted Message 3408 in Message Board
Dated : January 26, 2000 at 15:21:23 EST
Subject: Automatically create sales order backlog
Does anyone know of a way to automatically create a Ssles Order backlog at the t
ime the sales order line is created?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Gary Laundry posted Message 3409 in Message Board
Dated : January 26, 2000 at 15:23:45 EST

Subject: Re: Automatically create sales order back order

: Does anyone know of a way to automatically create a Ssles Order backlog at the
time the sales order line is created?
That should be back order, not backlog....
***************** End Of Article ******************
Sridhar posted Message 3410 in Message Board
Dated : January 27, 2000 at 04:08:20 EST
Subject: urgent...INV diff
Is there any correction program which will read all inv transactions from tdinv7
00 and the correct the inv values stored in other tables i.e tdinv001,tditm001,t
The correction prog like tdinv0250,tdilc0250 and tdinv0252 has already been run
but these correction prog do not read the transacns in tdinv700.
immed response would be highly appreciated.
Thanks in advance
***************** End Of Article ******************
bill posted Message 3411 in Message Board
Dated : January 27, 2000 at 09:01:45 EST
Subject: Re: urgent...INV diff
: Is there any correction program which will read all inv transactions from tdin
v700 and the correct the inv values stored in other tables i.e tdinv001,tditm001
: The correction prog like tdinv0250,tdilc0250 and tdinv0252 has already been ru
n but these correction prog do not read the transacns in tdinv700.
: immed response would be highly appreciated.
: Thanks in advance
There's no guarantee that tdinv700 is 100% accurate. I have seen tdilc301 parti
ally updated during a disconnect.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Kelly posted Message 3412 in Message Board
Dated : January 27, 2000 at 11:00:01 EST
Subject: Sales Statistics Reports
We have a 52 year part period table which makes it difficult for our sales reps
to tell what dates the reports are being run for (For instance, January 31st = 2
000-5-3). Is there a way to tell the report to print the field tdsls090.psdt (t
he actual date) instead of the period. Thanks in advance for your help.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Tim Fleming, CPIM posted Message 3413 in Message Board
Dated : January 27, 2000 at 11:31:48 EST
Subject: Re: cycle counting issue for free of cost items
: We are using BaaNIVc3 with single logistic and multifinance. When we do cycle
counting adjustments, the system picks up values for free of cost items. Can an
y one has answer for this?
Check to see what cost is associated with the items in the item master. If you
have not set up a cost price the default is 0. When ever you change a price be
sure you do the cost price roll up using the correct cost calculation code.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Noemi posted Message 3414 in Message Board
Dated : January 28, 2000 at 00:56:48 EST
Subject: Re: Baan report showing total amount spent for each supplier through pu
: Is there any Baan report showing total amount spent through purchases for each
supplier ?
: Thanks and regards
Try /Finance/GL/Tax Analysis/Reports "Print Yearly Tax Report (Supplier)"
Another way is to dump check master to excel or Print Purchase Statistics.

***************** End Of Article ******************

noemi posted Message 3415 in Message Board
Dated : January 28, 2000 at 01:34:45 EST
Subject: Re: EDI Doubts
: Hi BaaN Fans
: My name is: Andres Uzcategui, I live and work in Venezuela South America. I
: am working with BaaN Software for 2 years in the customization area.
: I have the following doubt.can you clarify ? We have installed BAAN IV b2.

What are the current versions of ANSI X12 is supported by BAAN IV b2 ?

What versions are going to be supported by BAAN IV c4 ? I mean, what Version
Release and Subrelease, We need this information because we would like to
find codification (segments, messages) handled by BaaN IV b2 Software.
Somebody told to try find it in to the file default.edi but, I am not luky.
At the following parragraf, I sended to you a piece of the mentionated file
for you to try if you can identify the Version Release Subrelease.
Could you Help me?
Thank you


! File with defaults for EDI-module! Created : 06-10-99 [10:42]! By

mcordova! Contents:
Organisation/Messages : S!
Code Tables
Message Specification : S!
tcediB40_b_____#tcedi003#data#|X12|2|3|ANSI X12|X12|||#tcedi005#data#red
message|2|0|0|001|2|1|||#tcedi005#data#This is an outgoing
message|2|0|0|777|1|1|otfacpdll1250|otdslsdll4282|#tcedi005#data#This is an
Advice|2|1|0|820|2|2|otfcmgdll5201||#tcedi005#data#Planning Schedule with
Release|2|1|0|830|2|0|||#tcedi005#data#X12 Purchase
Order|2|1|0|850|2|2|otdslsdll4280|otdpurdll4280|#tcedi005#data#X12 PO
Despatch Advice
(ASN)|2|1|0|856|2|2|otdpurdll4282|otdslsdll4283|#tcedi005#data#ICM Dispatch
/ Receipt

Try to get the latest edi.defaults at for your Baan Version. T
hen import this using the Import Facility of the EDI Module. From here you can
Hope this will help you!
***************** End Of Article ******************
noemi posted Message 3416 in Message Board
Dated : January 28, 2000 at 01:37:34 EST
Subject: Re: EDI
: My name is: Andres Uzcategui, I live and work in Venezuela South America. I
: am working with BaaN Software for 2 years in the customization area.
: I have the following doubt.can you clarify ? We have installed BAAN IV b2.
: What are the current versions of ANSI X12 is supported by BAAN IV b2 ?
Baan does not support the ANSI X12. You have to have a subsystem for this e.g.
St. Paul Software, Harbinger, Gentran and there are a lot more available in the
market. These are EDI software that can interface to Baan.
: What versions are going to be supported by BAAN IV c4 ? I mean, what Version
: Release and Subrelease, We need this information because we would like to
: find codification (segments, messages) handled by BaaN IV b2 Software.
: Somebody told to try find it in to the file default.edi but, I am not lucky.
: At the following parragraf, I sended to you a piece of the mentionated file
: for you to try if you can identify the Version Release Subrelease.
: Could you Help me?
: Thank you
: 'default.edi'
: ! File with defaults for EDI-module! Created : 06-10-99 [10:42]! By
: mcordova! Contents:
Organisation/Messages : S!
Code Tables
: :
Message Specification : S!
: tcediB40_b_____#tcedi003#data#|X12|2|3|ANSI X12|X12|||#tcedi005#data#red
: message|2|0|0|001|2|1|||#tcedi005#data#This is an outgoing
: message|2|0|0|777|1|1|otfacpdll1250|otdslsdll4282|#tcedi005#data#This is an
: incoming


Advice|2|1|0|820|2|2|otfcmgdll5201||#tcedi005#data#Planning Schedule with
Release|2|1|0|830|2|0|||#tcedi005#data#X12 Purchase
Order|2|1|0|850|2|2|otdslsdll4280|otdpurdll4280|#tcedi005#data#X12 PO
Despatch Advice
(ASN)|2|1|0|856|2|2|otdpurdll4282|otdslsdll4283|#tcedi005#data#ICM Dispatch
/ Receipt

***************** End Of Article ******************

Clark posted Message 3417 in Message Board
Dated : January 28, 2000 at 23:04:06 EST
Subject: Re: Automatically create sales order back order
: : Does anyone know of a way to automatically create a Ssles Order backlog at t
he time the sales order line is created?
: That should be back order, not backlog....
In Baan5 you set it up in sales order parameters.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Clark posted Message 3418 in Message Board
Dated : January 28, 2000 at 23:08:04 EST
Subject: Re: Can not confirm receipt line
What service pack have you installed? 5.0b?

: When our the warehouse trys to confirm one receipt line, they get the Fatal er
ror message
: Fatal error: Error 205 (Out of range) on ticst004099 in db_insert(51)
: Fatal error: Can not continue in whinh3520m000in DLL: ottstpamdll (
: Error: whinh3520m000 : A not terminated transaction is aborted.
: We are on BaanERP SP5, Oracle 734 and HPUX 10.20
: Any help will be appreciated.
: Bruce Yen

***************** End Of Article ******************

Boby Mohan posted Message 3419 in Message Board
Dated : January 29, 2000 at 06:39:06 EST

Subject: Discrepancy In Help Info

Baan IVc4......The help given for calculation of economic stock in 'Maintain Ite
m Data' is
Inv.On Hand+Inv.On Order - Inv.Allocated.
And that inventory on hold is a part of Inv.on Hand.
Wheras in the session tdinv0510s000 which can be zoomed from session tisfc0101m0
00 thru tisfc0516s000 thru tdinv0510s000 gives the calculation for economic stoc
k warehouse wise as
Inv.On Hand+Inv.On Order - Inv.Allocated.-Inv on Hold.
This statement is not substantiated by the figures shown in the session.
Is this a problem in my understanding or is it an error in the help file...
Help solicited
Thanks & Regards
***************** End Of Article ******************
Tim Fleming, CPIM posted Message 3420 in Message Board
Dated : January 29, 2000 at 20:47:51 EST
Subject: Re: Discrepancy In Help Info
: Experts
: Baan IVc4......The help given for calculation of economic stock in 'Maintain I
tem Data' is
: Inv.On Hand+Inv.On Order - Inv.Allocated.
: And that inventory on hold is a part of Inv.on Hand.
: Wheras in the session tdinv0510s000 which can be zoomed from session tisfc0101
m000 thru tisfc0516s000 thru tdinv0510s000 gives the calculation for economic st
ock warehouse wise as
: Inv.On Hand+Inv.On Order - Inv.Allocated.-Inv on Hold.
: This statement is not substantiated by the figures shown in the session.
: Is this a problem in my understanding or is it an error in the help file...
: Help solicited
: Thanks & Regards
MRP considers both nettable and non-nettable warehouses in it's calculations so
any inventory on hold is included as available inventory. Economic Stock is On
Hand + On Order MINUS ALLOCATIONS. Are you sure you are not confusing ATP (avai
lable to promise) with Economic stock?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Ruby posted Message 3421 in Message Board

Dated : January 30, 2000 at 02:17:28 EST

Subject: Re: EDI Sales Schedules loading on Cancelled Contracts
: I am trying to load an incoming EDI 830 and it loading the requirements on a c
ancelled schedule rather than the live schedule. Any thoughts as to why this wou
ld be happening?
: Thanks
Charlie, you are using Baan EDI Standard or Baan Supply Chain EDI?
***************** End Of Article ******************
faalof posted Message 3422 in Message Board
Dated : January 30, 2000 at 08:42:18 EST
Subject: Re: Sales Order Number Series
: I am working with a customer whom is running to the end of their Sales Order N
umber Series. Is there a way to re-use a series?
: People are telling me that Archiving Sales Data will achieve this but I am not
so sure as the History tables will still exist.... can you be of any assistance
: Richard
Before archiving you need to delete the sales orders from the actual table (proc
ess with option delete marked). The history will still be available to retreive
nec. info. If you archive this history data, the data will be stored in an archi
ve company (under the sales order number) When you reuse the sales order serie,
there is no unique number to identify the sales order anymore. Ordernumber 70000
01 in the archive company and ordernumber 7000001 in the live company are not th
e same order. Off course the correct order is identiefied by date. First check w
ith financial department (legally mandatory to store the data 5 years?). And don
't archive the reused serie in the same company as the original serie (more arch
ive companies.
Good luck; Faalof

***************** End Of Article ******************

faalof posted Message 3423 in Message Board
Dated : January 30, 2000 at 08:43:00 EST
Subject: Re: Sales Order Number Series
: I am working with a customer whom is running to the end of their Sales Order N
umber Series. Is there a way to re-use a series?
: People are telling me that Archiving Sales Data will achieve this but I am not
so sure as the History tables will still exist.... can you be of any assistance
: Richard
Before archiving you need to delete the sales orders from the actual table (proc

ess with option delete marked). The history will still be available to retreive
nec. info. If you archive this history data, the data will be stored in an archi
ve company (under the sales order number) When you reuse the sales order serie,
there is no unique number to identify the sales order anymore. Ordernumber 70000
01 in the archive company and ordernumber 7000001 in the live company are not th
e same order. Off course the correct order is identiefied by date. First check w
ith financial department (legally mandatory to store the data 5 years?). And don
't archive the reused serie in the same company as the original serie (more arch
ive companies.
Good luck; Faalof

***************** End Of Article ******************

Boby Mohan posted Message 3424 in Message Board
Dated : January 30, 2000 at 23:57:43 EST
Subject: Nope Tim am not confusing ATP
: : Experts
: : Baan IVc4......The help given for calculation of economic stock in 'Maintain
Item Data' is
: : Inv.On Hand+Inv.On Order - Inv.Allocated.
: : And that inventory on hold is a part of Inv.on Hand.
: : Wheras in the session tdinv0510s000 which can be zoomed from session tisfc01
01m000 thru tisfc0516s000 thru tdinv0510s000 gives the calculation for economic
stock warehouse wise as
: : Inv.On Hand+Inv.On Order - Inv.Allocated.-Inv on Hold.
: : This statement is not substantiated by the figures shown in the session.
: : Is this a problem in my understanding or is it an error in the help file...
: : Help solicited
: : Thanks & Regards
: MRP considers both nettable and non-nettable warehouses in it's calculations s
o any inventory on hold is included as available inventory. Economic Stock is O
n Hand + On Order MINUS ALLOCATIONS. Are you sure you are not confusing ATP (av
ailable to promise) with Economic stock?
: Regards,
: Tim
Thanks for the suggestion but...
This poblem is about discrepancy in the on-line help information given and am pr
etty sure that I am not confusing Economic Stock with ATP.....
Any other probabilities....
***************** End Of Article ******************

J. Cronin posted Message 3425 in Message Board

Dated : January 31, 2000 at 05:06:39 EST
Subject: VBS Israel can sell Baan to Assad and make money...
: : Israel-Syrian Peace Process - let us know what do you think about it . Shoul
d Israel return Golan heights to Syria ? Please , enter the site and vote : http

***************** End Of Article ******************

Tim Fleming, CPIM posted Message 3426 in Message Board
Dated : January 31, 2000 at 09:26:03 EST
Subject: Re: Nope Tim am not confusing ATP
: : : Experts
: : : Baan IVc4......The help given for calculation of economic stock in 'Mainta
in Item Data' is
: : : Inv.On Hand+Inv.On Order - Inv.Allocated.
: : : And that inventory on hold is a part of Inv.on Hand.
: : : Wheras in the session tdinv0510s000 which can be zoomed from session tisfc
0101m000 thru tisfc0516s000 thru tdinv0510s000 gives the calculation for economi
c stock warehouse wise as
: : : Inv.On Hand+Inv.On Order - Inv.Allocated.-Inv on Hold.
: : : This statement is not substantiated by the figures shown in the session.
: : : Is this a problem in my understanding or is it an error in the help file..
: : : Help solicited
: : : Thanks & Regards
: : MRP considers both nettable and non-nettable warehouses in it's calculations
so any inventory on hold is included as available inventory. Economic Stock is
On Hand + On Order MINUS ALLOCATIONS. Are you sure you are not confusing ATP (
available to promise) with Economic stock?
: : Regards,
: : Tim
: Tim/Experts
: Thanks for the suggestion but...
: This poblem is about discrepancy in the on-line help information given and am
pretty sure that I am not confusing Economic Stock with ATP.....
: Any other probabilities....
From what you tell me I think you should contact Baan to see if a patch has been

initiated, or if someone has filed a case with the same problem. Sorry the eas
y answer didn't work.

***************** End Of Article ******************

bill posted Message 3427 in Message Board
Dated : January 31, 2000 at 10:35:57 EST
Subject: DRP
We run PRP, MRP then DRP all regen on the weekend. Can someone tell me why if I
run MRP a second time right after DRP so many planned replenishment orders are
rescheduled. I run MRP a second time so at least the reschedule message for the
replenishment order is the current order number and not the week
befores order number. Also, can anyone explain how DRP determines the replenish
ment warehouse if there is not any stock,
does it go the the top of the bill of distribution, does it get the warehouse of
f the item master or does it go to the warehouse
that has some on order?
thanks in advance
***************** End Of Article ******************
Bunny posted Message 3428 in Message Board
Dated : January 31, 2000 at 16:50:43 EST
Subject: MRP question
Hi all:
This is my problem:
Right now I am working with baan IV c4, when I want to use the MRP to create pla
nned purchase orders, it works properly if I do not try to do it for specific it
ems, I mean, I need to run the MRP always for all the items, but if I want to ru
n it only with one item I cant.
Any ideas?
Thanks for your time,
***************** End Of Article ******************
Anala Schweiker posted Message 3429 in Message Board
Dated : January 31, 2000 at 18:40:47 EST
Subject: Re: First free number
: : : : : Hi, What happen when the first free numbers for the transaccions "Orde
r Stock" finish?
: : : Usually for all order types of transactions except lot numbers,baan gives
you a message that series is full and you cannot input .But for lot numbers,when

the series is defined in the session 'maintain lot id structure',the series is

automatically incremented by one and the first free number becomes a five digit
number viz 10001.
: : : Hope this helps
: :
: : Your answer is OK but when a normal series finish I can create another, but
whit order stock I can't because these are a fixed series for each kind of order
: In that case baan should increment the series to the next digit and/or increme
nt the first free number too.could you specify which version you are working on
b2,c3 or c4
The version that we have is b2. Baan didnt increment the series, do you think I
have to report it to BaaN?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Boby Mohan posted Message 3430 in Message Board
Dated : February 01, 2000 at 00:03:32 EST
Subject: Thanks Tim....
: : : : Experts
: : : : Baan IVc4......The help given for calculation of economic stock in 'Main
tain Item Data' is
: : : : Inv.On Hand+Inv.On Order - Inv.Allocated.
: : : : And that inventory on hold is a part of Inv.on Hand.
: : : : Wheras in the session tdinv0510s000 which can be zoomed from session tis
fc0101m000 thru tisfc0516s000 thru tdinv0510s000 gives the calculation for econo
mic stock warehouse wise as
: : : : Inv.On Hand+Inv.On Order - Inv.Allocated.-Inv on Hold.
: : : : This statement is not substantiated by the figures shown in the session.
: : : : Is this a problem in my understanding or is it an error in the help file
: : : : Help solicited
: : : : Thanks & Regards
: : : MRP considers both nettable and non-nettable warehouses in it's calculatio
ns so any inventory on hold is included as available inventory. Economic Stock
is On Hand + On Order MINUS ALLOCATIONS. Are you sure you are not confusing ATP
(available to promise) with Economic stock?
: : : Regards,
: : : Tim
: : Tim/Experts
: : Thanks for the suggestion but...

: : This poblem is about discrepancy in the on-line help information given and a
m pretty sure that I am not confusing Economic Stock with ATP.....
: : Any other probabilities....
: From what you tell me I think you should contact Baan to see if a patch has be
en initiated, or if someone has filed a case with the same problem. Sorry the e
asy answer didn't work.
: Regards,
Thanks a lot for trying buddy......Hopw to see you around here

***************** End Of Article ******************

Boby Mohan posted Message 3431 in Message Board
Dated : February 01, 2000 at 01:34:42 EST
Subject: Re: First free number
: : : : : : Hi, What happen when the first free numbers for the transaccions "Or
der Stock" finish?
: : : : Usually for all order types of transactions except lot numbers,baan give
s you a message that series is full and you cannot input .But for lot numbers,wh
en the series is defined in the session 'maintain lot id structure',the series i
s automatically incremented by one and the first free number becomes a five digi
t number viz 10001.
: : : : Hope this helps
: : :
: : : Your answer is OK but when a normal series finish I can create another, bu
t whit order stock I can't because these are a fixed series for each kind of ord
er stock.
: : In that case baan should increment the series to the next digit and/or incre
ment the first free number too.could you specify which version you are working o
n b2,c3 or c4
: The version that we have is b2. Baan didnt increment the series, do you think
I have to report it to BaaN?
Hi Ana
c4 increments....b2 I've never worked on...
Looks like youll need a patch or help from baan on this .Youre right in your tho
uht of posting it to Baan support-but then those guys take their sweet time.
Best of luck

***************** End Of Article ******************

Boby Mohan posted Message 3432 in Message Board
Dated : February 01, 2000 at 01:46:01 EST
Subject: Re: MRP question
: Hi all:
: This is my problem:
: Right now I am working with baan IV c4, when I want to use the MRP to create p
lanned purchase orders, it works properly if I do not try to do it for specific
items, I mean, I need to run the MRP always for all the items, but if I want to
run it only with one item I cant.
: Any ideas?
: Thanks for your time,
That is the biggest problem with MRP in c4.
Selective MRP is next to impossible..unless your items in the BOM occur in the s
ame order one after another in the ite data file..which essentially means that a
ll items in your BOM are in sequence(the way baan does it....right aligned) as i
n the item file.
You wanna run for a few items then put them in the range but the MRP for all ite
ms in between in the item file is run too.
So you cld try some workarounds based on this info..hopw it helps

***************** End Of Article ******************

Boby Mohan posted Message 3433 in Message Board
Dated : February 01, 2000 at 01:46:15 EST
Subject: Re: MRP question
: Hi all:
: This is my problem:
: Right now I am working with baan IV c4, when I want to use the MRP to create p
lanned purchase orders, it works properly if I do not try to do it for specific
items, I mean, I need to run the MRP always for all the items, but if I want to
run it only with one item I cant.
: Any ideas?
: Thanks for your time,
That is the biggest problem with MRP in c4.
Selective MRP is next to impossible..unless your items in the BOM occur in the s
ame order one after another in the ite data file..which essentially means that a
ll items in your BOM are in sequence(the way baan does it....right aligned) as i
n the item file.
You wanna run for a few items then put them in the range but the MRP for all ite

ms in between in the item file is run too.

So you cld try some workarounds based on this info..hopw it helps

***************** End Of Article ******************

Cilla M posted Message 3434 in Message Board
Dated : February 01, 2000 at 04:17:09 EST
Subject: Error in Process Delivered Sales Order
When running the Process Delivered Sales Order, an error message ("Invoice Heade
r could not be written to Finance for invoice 60002266") was displayed. What can
I do to solve this?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Boby Mohan posted Message 3435 in Message Board
Dated : February 01, 2000 at 06:11:56 EST
Subject: Re: Error in Process Delivered Sales Order
: When running the Process Delivered Sales Order, an error message ("Invoice Hea
der could not be written to Finance for invoice 60002266") was displayed. What c
an I do to solve this?
Which version baan are you running and do you have a localization loaded???
Did it give you a report right after the error message???
It would also be good to check whether your integration with finance is set prop
oerly for the sales order whose invoice is 60002266.
The crudest solution is to go to table tdsls049 and delete data corresponding to
the SO.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Jan Bosman posted Message 3436 in Message Board
Dated : February 01, 2000 at 08:37:19 EST
Subject: Re: Error in Process Delivered Sales Order
: When running the Process Delivered Sales Order, an error message ("Invoice Hea
der could not be written to Finance for invoice 60002266") was displayed. What c
an I do to solve this?
Please check if there is an application lock on the table tdsls045 for this reco
***************** End Of Article ******************

Thirumal posted Message 3437 in Message Board

Dated : February 01, 2000 at 14:16:07 EST
Subject: Is there any work around to block/unblock a warehouse with out location
s(WIP) when ilc is implemented
Is there any way/work around to block/unblock a warehouse with out locations(exa
mple WIP warehouse) when ilc is implemented.
Thanks in advance
***************** End Of Article ******************
Tommy L. Bacon,CPIM posted Message 3438 in Message Board
Dated : February 01, 2000 at 15:15:12 EST
Subject: Re: MRP question
I assume that you are running a REGENATIVE MRP for one specific item. In or
der to create a Purchase Order you would also have had to create the requirement
s for a new order or requirements exists on a planned order that will be replann
If you need more information on this please E-Mail me with your phone number and
we can discuss your problem more.
Tom Bacon
: Hi all:
: This is my problem:
: Right now I am working with baan IV c4, when I want to use the MRP to create p
lanned purchase orders, it works properly if I do not try to do it for specific
items, I mean, I need to run the MRP always for all the items, but if I want to
run it only with one item I cant.
: Any ideas?
: Thanks for your time,
: Bunny

***************** End Of Article ******************

Raja Mohan posted Message 3439 in Message Board
Dated : February 01, 2000 at 16:55:46 EST
Subject: Re: urgent...INV diff
Recently I got this info:
If ILC is implemented tdilc700 will beused as the basic reference and correction
is done with respect to this table.tdinv0252m000 is the session.
You can run the session otdcor0079 for checking the discrepancy.
: : Is there any correction program which will read all inv transactions from td
inv700 and the correct the inv values stored in other tables i.e tdinv001,tditm0

: : The correction prog like tdinv0250,tdilc0250 and tdinv0252 has already been
run but these correction prog do not read the transacns in tdinv700.
: : immed response would be highly appreciated.
: : Thanks in advance
: There's no guarantee that tdinv700 is 100% accurate. I have seen tdilc301 par
tially updated during a disconnect.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Boby Mohan posted Message 3440 in Message Board
Dated : February 01, 2000 at 23:57:58 EST
Subject: Re: Is there any work around to block/unblock a warehouse with out loca
tions(WIP) when ilc is implemented
: Is there any way/work around to block/unblock a warehouse with out locations(e
xample WIP warehouse) when ilc is implemented.
: Thanks in advance
: Regards
: Thirumal
Have you tried generated cycle counting orders for the warehouse while the param
eter for blocking is 'yes'.This works..dunno if it will help you

***************** End Of Article ******************

Peter Wong posted Message 3441 in Message Board
Dated : February 02, 2000 at 08:26:45 EST
Subject: Performance Problem - Sales Order Lines
We are using BaanERP and experiencing a severe performance problem when tabbing
through the Item Code field. The time lag is about 30 secs before the next field
is activated or a message appears.
We have run the program in profiler and debug bshell and have determined that th
is problem is a result of default price calculation. There are multiple reads of
the Matrix Definition, Matrix Sequence and Price Matrices tables.
We are wondering if the is a way to get around this problem.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Thirumal posted Message 3442 in Message Board

Dated : February 02, 2000 at 09:48:01 EST

Subject: Re: Is there any work around to block/unblock a warehouse with out loca
tions(WIP) when ilc is implemented
we creted a annaul physical count package in baan, for a warehouse when annual p
hysical count is working, we can't genarate a cycle count orders, that is the de
sign and requirement.
we have a issue when item/combination doesn't exist in tdilc101
table. (baan removes zero quantity records from tdilc101 table). so if the item/
warehouse combination doesn't exist it can't block meaning tdilc10.take:yes.
so we have a requirement to block the warehouse for all the bl
ocking range of locations for a warehouse,
is there a way to block WIP warehouse.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Bunny posted Message 3443 in Message Board
Dated : February 02, 2000 at 10:01:43 EST
Subject: SLS permitted without inventory
Hi all:
This is my problem:
I am trying to sell an specific item without stock, but the systems allows me to
enter the SLS order with out any warning, the typical window "insufficient stoc
I checked the parameters for -ive inventory, etc., they all look fine. Maybe is
something in the item master but I tested with a lot of items with different opt
ion. what else can be? any ideas?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Ross the Boss posted Message 3444 in Message Board
Dated : February 02, 2000 at 13:40:58 EST
Subject: Re: SLS permitted without inventory
: Hi all:
: This is my problem:
: I am trying to sell an specific item without stock, but the systems allows me
to enter the SLS order with out any warning, the typical window "insufficient st
: I checked the parameters for -ive inventory, etc., they all look fine. Maybe i
s something in the item master but I tested with a lot of items with different o
ption. what else can be? any ideas?
: Thanks,

: Bunny
Hi Bunny,
Check the parameter for time phased inventory in the distribution parameters, sa
les Form 1. It should be set to "yes".

***************** End Of Article ******************

Tom Rossberg posted Message 3445 in Message Board
Dated : February 02, 2000 at 16:01:31 EST
Subject: Purchase Order Changes
We are currently using Baan Base 40c3 and A&D 22B3. Once a partial of an item h
as been received we cannot change the balance. Therefore, if a supplier deliver
s half the quantity ordered and loses stock on the balance. I can not modify th
e order and print out a change notice, if I choose to cancell the amount he lost
stock on.
Does anyone have a solution for this?
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Tom Rossberg posted Message 3446 in Message Board
Dated : February 02, 2000 at 16:06:37 EST
Subject: milestone payments
Has anyone found a way to pay a supplier milestone payments against a purchase o
rder. Baan requires a purchase order line item and a receipt to pay an item.
If you wish to pay a milestone, say "receipt of material", I can add an item for
the material but then must reduce the recurring value to maintain the total pur
chase order value. When the item is subsequently received, it's value is then m
Any answers?
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Boby Mohan posted Message 3447 in Message Board
Dated : February 03, 2000 at 00:09:36 EST
Subject: Re: Purchase Order Changes
: We are currently using Baan Base 40c3 and A&D 22B3. Once a partial of an item
has been received we cannot change the balance. Therefore, if a supplier deliv
ers half the quantity ordered and loses stock on the balance. I can not modify
the order and print out a change notice, if I choose to cancell the amount he lo
st stock on.
: Does anyone have a solution for this?

These might work..

1)Maintain receipts (dummy recpt) and make back order 'zero'(0).This will bring
allow you to close the order before the whole qty is delivered.
2)Maintain back orders make backorder qty 'zero'
Hope it helps.

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Boby Mohan posted Message 3448 in Message Board
Dated : February 03, 2000 at 00:16:05 EST
Subject: Re: milestone payments
: Has anyone found a way to pay a supplier milestone payments against a purchase
order. Baan requires a purchase order line item and a receipt to pay an item.
: If you wish to pay a milestone, say "receipt of material", I can add an item f
or the material but then must reduce the recurring value to maintain the total p
urchase order value. When the item is subsequently received, it's value is then
Try adding additional costs (as many as the number of payments you have to make)
....evry payment you have to make maintain one cost item and pay/.
But this will have to be done by making the value of the main item (item bought)
zero (which seems to be quite impossible).
But another way out is that after paying ..
You have to raise a return order on the supplier for a cost item and maintain du
mmy receipt so that reversal entries are made for the extra amount paid.

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TF posted Message 3449 in Message Board
Dated : February 03, 2000 at 14:12:12 EST
Subject: Re: Sales Statistics Reports
I'm guessing you are working with Baan ERP. (please state so in future questions
Your problem can't be fixed. the sales statistics moduele is a dynamic reportwri
ter and can't be altered even with customizations. The only way is when you have
the development kit. Ask a tools specialist in this case.
Another solution to your sales statisctics is to rename the periods on your layo
utcode. You are not obligated to uses the headers, but can alter them to your ow

n needs (f.e. "January week 3" instead of the standard. (just try it.)
Good luck TF

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Maximilian posted Message 3450 in Message Board
Dated : February 03, 2000 at 21:06:00 EST
Subject: Can't show up parent customer stats
Hi all,
I tried to set up parent customer stats in Sales Stats Module. First, I created
new customer as parent customer in the Maintain Customer Data. Then I inserted t
he new customer in the field Customer for Statistics Update and Parent Customer
(Finance)in the form 2. In form 4 in the Maintain SST Parameter , I set the Pare
nt Customer Levels to Update to 'Both Single Level'.
I also created Sort Codes for the Parent Customer but I didn't get anything. Wha
t should I do?
Thank you.
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Mike Berends posted Message 3451 in Message Board
Dated : February 04, 2000 at 14:43:48 EST
Subject: Item Descripton by Supplier
Baan4 had a session tdpur4106m000 Maintain tiem descripton by supplier. Does any
one know if this same funtionality exists in BaanV.? Thanks in advance.
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Bunny posted Message 3452 in Message Board
Dated : February 04, 2000 at 20:01:04 EST
Subject: Additionas costs Zero?
Hi all:
I am trying to add an additional costs to a sales order, I put in the parameters
that I want to add them interactively, I create a cost set, I add items to that
set, and finally I link the customer with the cost set.
When I did the order, the system automatically adds the add.cost, but with price
equal to zero?
What did I do wrong?
Any ideas...
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Dan Niswander posted Message 3453 in Message Board
Dated : February 05, 2000 at 10:57:03 EST
Subject: Re: Sales Statistic Groups

: We do a lot of reporting of sales by product line. Some of our items are used
across multiple product lines. We have statistic groups to all saleable items
in the master item file.
: The problem is how can we determine sales by product line when only one statis
tic group can be assigned to each individual item? Our legacy systems has a fie
ld in the sales order line that defaults the statistic group from the master ite
m file into the sales order line. Then, if required, the order entry person can
change the statistic group on the sales order.
: Does anyone have any ideas how this can be handled in BaaN?
: Thanks.
I was searching for something else when I ran across your posting. It appears t
hat you have a product configuration situation, where an item (or option) is use
d in one or more product lines. If this is the case, perhaps the best solution
is to consider these dependent item and independent for the purpose of statistic
al tracking and/or compose options groups for statistical reporting.
Although I work extensively with an Oracle base application, I have some experi
ence with Bann in consulting several manufacturing companies on purchase recomme
ndations. My experience with systems in general is that the manner in which the
database is constructed is the key to almost every informatin requirement. Baa
n seemed very flexible in its ability to configure products, however, I do not k
now how the information is stored and could the product condigurations be querie
d later for their individual makeup into statistical group?
It would help to know what type of product you are referring to in order to crea
te a visual image of the situation you are facing. Hope this gives you another
Best Regards"

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Boby Mohan posted Message 3454 in Message Board
Dated : February 07, 2000 at 01:32:08 EST
Subject: Re: Additionas costs Zero?
: Hi all:
: I am trying to add an additional costs to a sales order, I put in the paramete
rs that I want to add them interactively, I create a cost set, I add items to th
at set, and finally I link the customer with the cost set.
: When I did the order, the system automatically adds the add.cost, but with pri
ce equal to zero?
: What did I do wrong?
: Any ideas...
: Bunny
Hi There
You have to enter the price,in the item data against sales Price for the cost it

em.This will cause the amount to be attached.

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Ferdy posted Message 3455 in Message Board
Dated : February 07, 2000 at 04:41:13 EST
Subject: Re: Is there any work around to block/unblock a warehouse with out loca
tions(WIP) when ilc is implemented
: : Is there any way/work around to block/unblock a warehouse with out locations
(example WIP warehouse) when ilc is implemented.
: : Thanks in advance
: : Regards
: : Thirumal
: Hi
: Have you tried generated cycle counting orders for the warehouse while the par
ameter for blocking is 'yes'.This works..dunno if it will help you
: regards
: boby
We have the same problem with blocking the locations for transactions during cyl
ec counting. Eventhough we block the locations by putting the parameter on 'yes'
, BaaN is still generating outbound-advices. This means that people are going to
outbound these articles while at the same time someone is going to count that l
So: de location is blocked for actualisation but not for outbound-advices. Does
anyone know if there's a possibility to achieve this ?

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bill posted Message 3456 in Message Board
Dated : February 07, 2000 at 15:51:24 EST
Subject: What does DRP do when their isn't any inventory
Can anyone explain how DRP determines the replenishment warehouse if there is no
t any stock, does it go the the top of the bill of distribution, does it get the
warehouse off the item master or does it go to the first warehouse in the bill
of distribution that has some inventory on order?
thanks baanfans
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Boby Mohan posted Message 3457 in Message Board
Dated : February 08, 2000 at 02:02:37 EST
Subject: Re: What does DRP do when their isn't any inventory

DRP follows the Bill Of Distribution.

It looks for warehouses just above the destination warehouse for inventory .If n
ot found it will generate a demand as per the sales forecast and this demand wil
l translate into a demand on the central warehouse (Nettable) the one at top.
Hope this helps.
: Can anyone explain how DRP determines the replenishment warehouse if there is
not any stock, does it go the the top of the bill of distribution, does it get t
he warehouse off the item master or does it go to the first warehouse in the bil
l of distribution that has some inventory on order?
: thanks baanfans

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Ranjith posted Message 3458 in Message Board
Dated : February 08, 2000 at 04:24:08 EST
Subject: Re: What happens for back flushed materials with ILC on?
The items will be backflushed from the default location. In case you have multil
ocation for an item then , backflushing will be done based on outbound priority
, ie if locations are 1 to 99999 outbound will happen from 1 location
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Kris Verbruggen posted Message 3459 in Message Board
Dated : February 08, 2000 at 10:58:24 EST
Subject: Re: Item Descripton by Supplier
Have you checked the text functionality (description or internal texts) in sessi
on tdipu0510m000 yet? This might be a solution...
Kris Verbruggen.
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James posted Message 3460 in Message Board
Dated : February 08, 2000 at 15:56:45 EST
Subject: Re: Inbound Advice based on SIZE of storage container
: BaanERP,
: Would like to generate inbound advice base on the size of container the receiv
ed goods are going to be stored in. At receiving this size is determined, so any
time after the PO Line Item is linked to a receiver, we can enter the info. Aft
er receipt all items go through inspection, then we generate inbound to a Locati
on Controled Warehouse.
: Note: we can not use package definition, the qty's are nerver the same to have
a set conversion factor.

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Stephen Clarke posted Message 3461 in Message Board
Dated : February 08, 2000 at 19:05:00 EST
Subject: Multiple Customers with one common Item Code
We as a company do not sell our own manufactured products, we manufacture for ot
her customers and store their goods and distribute when required. Therefore we
do not control the Item Codes requested by the clients. We only input them as t
hey are given to us.
We have used another field to distinguish between customers for inventory purpos
A problem has arrived whereby two customers have the same Item Code. BaaN will
not allow this and therefore a solution has to be brought to the table. Aside f
rom changing one of the part numbers, which is not an option, I can think of not
hing else. Can anyone come up with something to help?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Boby Mohan posted Message 3462 in Message Board
Dated : February 09, 2000 at 01:23:15 EST
Subject: Re: Multiple Customers with one common Item Code
From what I could gather from yr writeup...The situation cld be solved by defini
ng the new customer's item as an alternate item code to the first customer's ite
m in the session 'Maintain Item Codes By Item Code System'.
If this is of no help to you pls do email me a detailed writeup at bobymohan@yah
: We as a company do not sell our own manufactured products, we manufacture for
other customers and store their goods and distribute when required. Therefore w
e do not control the Item Codes requested by the clients. We only input them as
they are given to us.
: We have used another field to distinguish between customers for inventory purp
: A problem has arrived whereby two customers have the same Item Code. BaaN wil
l not allow this and therefore a solution has to be brought to the table. Aside
from changing one of the part numbers, which is not an option, I can think of n
othing else. Can anyone come up with something to help?

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Anton Schauer posted Message 3463 in Message Board
Dated : February 09, 2000 at 05:06:42 EST
Subject: Re: EDI ASN Messages
: Looking for any help available regarding the use of the temporary table used w

hen electronic ASNs are received into the temporary table viewed via session tdp
ur4580m000 in the Receiving menu. My main point of interest is if someone could
confirm when the records created by the ASN are DELETED. We have processed the
PO through all steps and yet the record exists still in the temporary table.
: Any and all help is appreciated (have logged a case with baan but they have no
t responded).
Start the program tdpur4120m000 zooming to the program tdpur4580s000. After mark
ing the lines and pressing continue, the quantities of the packing slip are tran
sferred to the receipt lines, instead of the order line quantities. This will im
prove the accuaracy of the receipts.
***************** End Of Article ******************
J. Cronin posted Message 3464 in Message Board
Dated : February 09, 2000 at 05:40:17 EST
Subject: Re: Multiple Customers with one common Item Code
: : We as a company do not sell our own manufactured products, we manufacture fo
r other customers and store their goods and distribute when required. Therefore
we do not control the Item Codes requested by the clients. We only input them
as they are given to us.
: : We have used another field to distinguish between customers for inventory pu
: : A problem has arrived whereby two customers have the same Item Code. BaaN w
ill not allow this and therefore a solution has to be brought to the table. Asi
de from changing one of the part numbers, which is not an option, I can think of
nothing else. Can anyone come up with something to help?
If I understand your problem correctly, the items with the same item code are no
t the same item.
The solution for this is to maintain your own item code system for all items in
stock, and maintain customer item codes using sessions tcmcs0127m000 and tiitm01
This way you can maintain unlimited combinations of items and customer item numb
ers, where each customer has his own part number for each item you hold in stock
***************** End Of Article ******************
Shaf posted Message 3465 in Message Board
Dated : February 09, 2000 at 07:16:56 EST
Subject: unblocking phone (Nokia 503)
will you please tell me how to unblock the Nokia 503 and its on orange network.
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Traci Baldwin posted Message 3466 in Message Board
Dated : February 09, 2000 at 08:01:16 EST
Subject: Speed at Remote Locations

I was wondering if anyone is having speed problems at remote locations. We have

3 branches located in Illinois, Georgia, and California. Illinois is fine but
Georgia and especiallly California experience very slow processing times. We we
re thinking about using Metaframe. Has anyone had any experience in this area?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Tom Horne posted Message 3467 in Message Board
Dated : February 09, 2000 at 09:56:23 EST
Subject: Receiving Service items without requiring receipt step
We would like to be able to receive services from consultants, misc technicians
etc. without having to Maintain Receipts. These types of things typically do not
have a packing slip, or any of the normal receiving paperwork. We were told by
Baan that the only other way to do this was to manually enter it into Finance.
It is hard to believe that there is no other way within the system to receive th
ese service items. Any ideas?
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Bunny posted Message 3468 in Message Board
Dated : February 09, 2000 at 17:12:01 EST
Subject: Back-orders
Here is my question:
When I sell my items, if I do not have stock, it will generate a backorder, how
can I control, that when I receive new items for my warehouses, the clients in b
ackorders have priority over new Sales Orders.
Any ideas?
Thanks Bunny
***************** End Of Article ******************
mondo posted Message 3469 in Message Board
Dated : February 10, 2000 at 07:03:59 EST
Subject: negative purchase backorder
What causes negative (-) backorders?
I am encountering this situation right now?
Even though the entire PO qty. has been completely delivered a negative quantity
of back orders still appear?
Can somebody help me out here?
Also sometimes Baan calculated a wrong value of back orders...
Why is it like that?
Can somebody suggest a correction for this?
Thanks in advance!!!
***************** End Of Article ******************
Charles Gomba posted Message 3470 in Message Board
Dated : February 10, 2000 at 07:05:39 EST
Subject: Re: Error from process delivered S/O.

: Hi all,
: When I run session process delivered sales order (delete order data = NO)
it doesn't success. I get error message in BW message as below....
: process 5-Fatal error:Error 606(Reference does not exists) on tdsls051504 in
: process 5-Fatal error:Can not continue in tdsls4223m000
: process 5-tdsls4223m000:A not terminated transaction is aborted
: Could anyone help me to solve this problem ??


***************** End Of Article ******************

Charles Gomba posted Message 3471 in Message Board
Dated : February 10, 2000 at 07:47:57 EST
Subject: Re: Error from process delivered S/O.
Download solution 1340std.dmp from Baan support site. If not use ful, the repost
message as I can advise on a temp fix. Is ACR (custmer balances, statements) be
ing updated ??? How about goods delivered to be invoiced. Remove offending invoi
ce from tdsls049 and re-run tdsls4223m000.
Please emai- for more detail as I keep getting disconnected
: : Hi all,
: : When I run session process delivered sales order (delete order data = NO
) it doesn't success. I get error message in BW message as below....
: : process 5-Fatal error:Error 606(Reference does not exists) on tdsls051504
: : process 5-Fatal error:Can not continue in tdsls4223m000
: : process 5-tdsls4223m000:A not terminated transaction is aborted
: :
: : Could anyone help me to solve this problem ??
: :
: :


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Charlie posted Message 3472 in Message Board
Dated : February 10, 2000 at 11:48:55 EST
Subject: Supply Chain EDI
I am trying to pull in values in the tdssc002.iedi fields. I am making use of th
e first two. Rather than get each value in its own field, baan is putting the va
lue in just the first field and truncating everything beyond 30 characters. What
is strange about this is that Baan is even putting the field delimiters in the
field value. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

I am using Baan IVc3sch0 with c4 and c5 patches.

***************** End Of Article ******************
bill posted Message 3473 in Message Board
Dated : February 10, 2000 at 13:56:32 EST
Subject: Re: Back-orders
: Here is my question:
: When I sell my items, if I do not have stock, it will generate a backorder, ho
w can I control, that when I receive new items for my warehouses, the clients in
backorders have priority over new Sales Orders.
: Any ideas?
: Thanks Bunny
Under Deliveries/Miscell you can set up priority simulations.
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Clark posted Message 3474 in Message Board
Dated : February 10, 2000 at 15:15:25 EST
Subject: Baan V Pur Schedule
I'm looking to start a discussion on Baan 5.0b pur schedules. I recently found t
hat we had to input days in the pattern code (beneath edi checkbox) in order for
regenerate schedules to create a purchase order. Our discussion today revolves
around why to tie contracts to schedules. I'd rather just have the schedule.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Marcel Colemont posted Message 3475 in Message Board
Dated : February 10, 2000 at 16:45:51 EST
Subject: Re: Speed at Remote Locations
: I was wondering if anyone is having speed problems at remote locations. We ha
ve 3 branches located in Illinois, Georgia, and California. Illinois is fine bu
t Georgia and especiallly California experience very slow processing times. We
were thinking about using Metaframe. Has anyone had any experience in this area
We have a remote location with leased line between Belgium and
France. We used in the beginning Frame relay but it was very
slow. We have now a leased line with compression on the routers
It is very good. We are using Baan IVc on NT and informix
***************** End Of Article ******************
A posted Message 3476 in Message Board
Dated : February 10, 2000 at 20:27:35 EST
Subject: Re: Receiving Service items without requiring receipt step

one way to handle is to do a collect order.
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Arvind Patil posted Message 3477 in Message Board
Dated : February 10, 2000 at 20:27:51 EST
Subject: Re: Receiving Service items without requiring receipt step
one way to handle is to do a collect order.
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Martijn van Asperen posted Message 3478 in Message Board
Dated : February 11, 2000 at 01:14:57 EST
Subject: e-mail from Baan IV
How do I send email out of Baan IV ????
Thanks alot for your reply.
Martijn van Asperen.
Hage International BV
The Netherlands
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MMudd posted Message 3479 in Message Board
Dated : February 11, 2000 at 08:03:25 EST
Subject: Inventory Allocations with Outbound Advice vs. Inv. Committments
These questions refer to Baan V. What is the difference between the inventory a
llocation that takes place when outbound advice is generated and the inventory a
llocation that takes place in the inventory committment session? Does "hard" al
location take place in both cases? Is the inventory committment session needed
if outbound advice is generated? I don't understand the difference here.
Also, after inventory is allocated with the generation of outbound advice, is it
excluded from the MPS and MRP for planning purposes? In otherwords, does this a
llocated inventory become non-nettable?
***************** End Of Article ******************
TF posted Message 3480 in Message Board
Dated : February 11, 2000 at 13:34:49 EST
Subject: Re: e-mail from Baan IV
Try printing with "BW-print" under the GUI interface. Select print on screen so
that BW-print will start up. Then select Send file...
Good Luck TF

***************** End Of Article ******************

Asad Haider posted Message 3481 in Message Board
Dated : February 11, 2000 at 13:36:03 EST
Subject: Re: DRP/Replenishment/Pull Notes
Hi Paul,
My name is Asad, I am working at the Procter & Gamble company as Demand Manager.
I would like to learn about DRP basics, concepts, and then advance theories and
examples. Can you please refer me to a website or books I can read to build my
knowldge on the topic ?
: Hi Paul!
: Thanks for your help. You did point me to several possibilities.However, upon
further investigation we decided the easiest method was to use a hybrid of DRP/R
eplenishment orders to restock the point of use material and classic shop floor
pull notes to notify the stock room to pull the kitted items. We accomplished th
is by setting up the item master and our BOM's to not generate pull notes for th
e point of use items. I would have preferred to use a single method, but this hy
brid approach does work and seemed to be the simplest solution.
: Thanks Again!
: Gary
: : Gary,
: : DRP works anonymous, therefore there's no link between DRP and SFC. DRP simp
ly looks at the planned inventory movements in your (WIP) warehouse. When the pl
anned inventory drops below the safety stock, DRP will simply generate a planned
replenishment order. Also look at the helptext linked to the session trdrp0212m
: : Planned inventory movements are a result of planned issues & receipts. These
planned issues & receipts can be found in table tdinv0150. There you'll informa
tion on the planned inventory movements. In theory you should be able to identif
y the right production orders there. In practice I have never done it.
: : Please let me know if this was of any help to you
: : Good Luck!
: : Paul
: : : Were doing hybrid material movement whereby we have point of use mfg mater
ial and kitted material. We feed the point of use from the stockroom to WIP usin
g a Bill of Distribution and running DRP and generating replenishment orders. We
are using work orders, traditional kitting and pull notes of the type "to shop
floor" to feed wip with the big and bulky. The problem is the manual effort invo
lved with sorting this mess out. Seems to me we could do everything using DRP, R
eplenishment and pull notes of the type "Replenishment" if we could simply get t
he work order # and the work order's assembly part # to appear on the replenishm
ent orders, the pick list, the shortage list and the replenishment pull note. No
can do! I know from my research that DRP reads the work order qty and due date
for the parts from the shop floor table (which obviously has the info I want)and
loads it to the replenishment order line table. Any ideas on how to get the wor
k order number and the part number to appear on the replenishment order line, on
the pick list, on the shortage report and on the replenishment pull note? Thank
s In Advance!

***************** End Of Article ******************

Tanweer Ahmed posted Message 3482 in Message Board
Dated : February 13, 2000 at 10:13:43 EST
Subject: Outbound Priority
Hi all,
I am facing problem in fixing outboud priorities. As we do not have maintaining
outboud priority choice in maintain locations. What is the alternative solutaion
to Generate Outbound Advice based on Location Priority.

Location= 1

***************** End Of Article ******************

Tanweer Ahmed posted Message 3483 in Message Board
Dated : February 13, 2000 at 10:15:15 EST
Subject: Outbound Priority
Hi all,
I am facing problem in fixing outboud priorities. As we do not have maintaining
outboud priority choice in maintain locations. What is the alternative solutaion
to Generate Outbound Advice based on Location Priority.
I want to deliver my goods based location priorities as we are doing for Inbound
. Can we do that? Please clarify.


Location= 1

***************** End Of Article ******************

Tanweer Ahmed posted Message 3484 in Message Board
Dated : February 13, 2000 at 10:15:59 EST
Subject: Outbound Priority
Hi all,
I am facing problem in fixing outboud priorities. As we do not have maintaining
outboud priority choice in maintain locations. What is the alternative solutaion
to Generate Outbound Advice based on Location Priority.
I want to deliver my goods based location priorities as we are doing for Inbound
. Can we do that? Please clarify.

***************** End Of Article ******************

John Crystal posted Message 3485 in Message Board
Dated : February 13, 2000 at 12:52:55 EST
Subject: Re: negative purchase backorder
One thing to check is that your receiving clerks are aren't entering wrong numbe
rs in the back order field in error. Baan calculates a back order quantity but t
hat field can be overwritten by the receiving clerk.
One other possible scenario to try in your test company would be. Set up an orde
r for 100 pcs. Receive 70 pcs. Baan should calculate a B/O of 30. Then over rece
ive the B/O by receiving 45 pcs. See what the B/O quantity does. The problem cou
ld be the receiving clerks over receiving the line.
John Crystal
Crystal Consulting
***************** End Of Article ******************
John Crystal posted Message 3486 in Message Board
Dated : February 13, 2000 at 12:59:01 EST
Subject: Re: Speed at Remote Locations

Another solution some of my clients like is using Citrix.
John Crystal
Crystal Consulting
***************** End Of Article ******************
John Crystal posted Message 3487 in Message Board
Dated : February 13, 2000 at 13:15:36 EST
Subject: Re: Receiving Service items without requiring receipt step
Arvind's suggestion about the collect order causes the P.O. to be considered rec
eived the minute it is created. This eliminates the maintain receipt step comple
tely. Hopefully this will work for you.
One potential problem with this is when you issue a P.O. for say $20,000 of cons
ulting work and you want to pay as you go and only for the work received. The c
ollect P.O. way will let an invoice be paid immediately for the full $20,000.
Your last line in your original post asks "no other way within the system to rec
eive these service items?" There is no other receipt session, just maintain rec
John Crystal
Crystal Consulting
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Max posted Message 3488 in Message Board
Dated : February 14, 2000 at 05:06:05 EST
Subject: Definition of Turnover in Sales Statistics
Hi all,
Could anyone tell me the definition of Turnover in Sales Statistics?
When will an order intake be considered as Sales Statistics?
Many Thanks.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Anton Schauer posted Message 3489 in Message Board
Dated : February 14, 2000 at 07:03:31 EST
Subject: Re: Definition of Turnover in Sales Statistics
: Hi all,
: Could anyone tell me the definition of Turnover in Sales Statistics?

: When will an order intake be considered as Sales Statistics?

: Many Thanks.
: Max
Hallo Max,
Turnover includes the delivered and paid orders(Orderstatus = Delete Position) a
nd the program "tdsst0201m000" has to be executed.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Tanweer Ahmed posted Message 3490 in Message Board
Dated : February 14, 2000 at 07:06:45 EST
Subject: test
***************** End Of Article ******************
Tanweer Ahmed posted Message 3491 in Message Board
Dated : February 14, 2000 at 07:07:38 EST
Subject: test
***************** End Of Article ******************
bill posted Message 3492 in Message Board
Dated : February 14, 2000 at 11:55:25 EST
Subject: Wrong date on sales invoice
Hello Baanfans
We have a slight problem. Friday's invoices were printed with January in the da
te (01/11/2000) and process delivered sales orders has yet to be run. What woul
d happen if process delivered sales orders is run and what can be done to correc
t the date before is run.
thanks very much
***************** End Of Article ******************
bill posted Message 3493 in Message Board
Dated : February 14, 2000 at 11:55:45 EST
Subject: Wrong date on sales invoice
Hello Baanfans

We have a slight problem. Friday's invoices were printed with January in the da
te (01/11/2000) and process delivered sales orders has yet to be run. What woul
d happen if process delivered sales orders is run and what can be done to correc
t the date before it is run.
thanks very much
***************** End Of Article ******************
BaaN Guru posted Message 3494 in Message Board
Dated : February 14, 2000 at 12:23:16 EST
Subject: Re: e-mail from Baan IV
: Try printing with "BW-print" under the GUI interface. Select print on screen s
o that BW-print will start up. Then select Send file...
: Good Luck TF
When we try doing this, it opens the Outlook and attaches the file as .bpf , whi
ch in our case is not recognized by the receiving user. Anythoughts on how can i
t be changed to Word or notepad (i.e. txt) format.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Max posted Message 3495 in Message Board
Dated : February 14, 2000 at 20:50:41 EST
Subject: Will credit note in FIN affect the turnover value
: : Hi all,
: : Could anyone tell me the definition of Turnover in Sales Statistics?
: : When will an order intake be considered as Sales Statistics?
: : Many Thanks.
: : Max
: Hallo Max,
: Turnover includes the delivered and paid orders(Orderstatus = Delete Position)
and the program "tdsst0201m000" has to be executed.
: greetings
: anton
Hi Anton and other fans
Will credit note created in Finance module (e.g. adjustment to sales amount) aff
ect the turnover value in Sales Statistics?


***************** End Of Article ******************

Mick posted Message 3496 in Message Board
Dated : February 15, 2000 at 00:04:41 EST
Subject: Unable remove purchase from history
Hi all,
Unable to remove the p/o from print and/or delete purchase order history with de
lete order history "yes" eventhough all history report already printed. Any help
out there. Thanks in advance
***************** End Of Article ******************
Max posted Message 3497 in Message Board
Dated : February 15, 2000 at 01:54:32 EST
Subject: How to use Sales Statistics with Parent Customers
Hi all,
I create a hierachy of customers in Maintain customers session. With 2 child cu
stomers specifying their parent customer in Form 2.
However, when I create a sort code with Parent customers and a layout code using
parent customers, I only got a report of total sales turnover instead of amount
for individual parent customers.
Any suggestion, please help!!!
Many thanks.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Syed and Acment posted Message 3498 in Message Board
Dated : February 15, 2000 at 05:09:26 EST
Subject: Gross Profit Rounded upto Two decimal Places
Please can anyone suggest why BaaN is rounding up the gross profit in the below
mentioned session to whole figure.
Eg. 15
Print Sales Statistics (Tdsst0401m000)
My customer requires to show two decimal places . Eg. 15.25 . Because the cust
omer is dealing in millions and the figures after the decimal point provides a r
eal picture. I have checked all the places from where the system is taking the
figures, specially generic units. But still the system is rounding the gross pro
fit to a whole figure.

Please suggest.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Andr Ribeiro posted Message 3499 in Message Board
Dated : February 15, 2000 at 06:05:36 EST
Subject: EDI defaults.edi file
I do not have access to the defaults.edi file because the demo company 812 is no
t (and will be not) installed. Is there any possibility for my to get this file?
I'm having problems with the conversion setup tables. I've seen the EDI User Gui
de but it has about 100 pages of conversion setups tables. If I do not get the d
efaults.edi file, do I really need to do all this configuration "by hand"?
I'm using the EDIFACT standard for the messages and the BaaN version that I'm us
ing is the B40c.043.
I would really appreciate if someone could give me some kind of help, if possibl
e sending me the defaults.edi file.
Andr, Portugal.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Raja Mohan posted Message 3500 in Message Board
Dated : February 15, 2000 at 06:12:12 EST
Subject: Re: e-mail from Baan IV
Hi Baan Guru,
You can direc t the output to word pad/winword/excel as follows:
create a device with type as reqwrite file.
Program : ttstpconv
argument : RTF:[path to word pad/winword] or ASCII:[Path to Excel]
path : [path where temp files must be stored]
Program : ttstpconv
argument : RTF:C:/winNT/sys32/write
: /temp
rest are OK for you.

........ For word pad

However you have to load the latest ttstpconv which is available from Baan suppo
rt site.
We loaded the solution patches 79017 and 14885 for the version Baan tools 4c1 bu
t the case may be different for you depending on your version. Contact Baan for
the correct patches to get latest ttstpconv.
You can even divert the output to HTML.
: : Try printing with "BW-print" under the GUI interface. Select print on screen
so that BW-print will start up. Then select Send file...

: : Good Luck TF
: When we try doing this, it opens the Outlook and attaches the file as .bpf , w
hich in our case is not recognized by the receiving user. Anythoughts on how can
it be changed to Word or notepad (i.e. txt) format.
: Thnx

***************** End Of Article ******************

Marc Watts posted Message 3501 in Message Board
Dated : February 15, 2000 at 07:50:25 EST
Subject: delivered not equal to recommended qty on tdsls045
We are using Baan IVc4 here. I have a situation where the sales order status wil
l not change from Maintain Deliveries when the Release Outbound is performed. I
verified that there are no unprocessed outbounds at the time. However, the recom
mended quantity reads 1 although the delivered quantity on reads 2 on the tdsls0
45 table. Any ideas on how this situation occurs would be appreciated!
***************** End Of Article ******************
Anton Schauer - Schartner Consulting posted Message 3502 in Message Board
Dated : February 15, 2000 at 08:58:38 EST
Subject: Re: EDI defaults.edi file
: I do not have access to the defaults.edi file because the demo company 812 is
not (and will be not) installed. Is there any possibility for my to get this fil
: I'm having problems with the conversion setup tables. I've seen the EDI User G
uide but it has about 100 pages of conversion setups tables. If I do not get the
defaults.edi file, do I really need to do all this configuration "by hand"?
: I'm using the EDIFACT standard for the messages and the BaaN version that I'm
using is the B40c.043.
: I would really appreciate if someone could give me some kind of help, if possi
ble sending me the defaults.edi file.
: Andr, Portugal.
Hallo Andr
Look in the folder /baan/lib/edi maybe there are some defaults.edi.
I will also send you the defaults.edi.
***************** End Of Article ******************

Max posted Message 3503 in Message Board

Dated : February 15, 2000 at 20:27:15 EST
Subject: Will credit note created in Finance affect the Turnover in Sales statis
Hi all,
I have a question about credit note. If a credit note is created to reduce the
sales amount due to sales return, will that amount be taken into account by Sale
s Statistics' turnover value?
Many thanks.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Boby Mohan posted Message 3504 in Message Board
Dated : February 16, 2000 at 01:48:03 EST
Subject: Re: How to use Sales Statistics with Parent Customers
Try checking in SST Parameters 'tdsst0100m000' form 4 -Parent Customer Levels to
update.A correct setting here may help you.

: Hi all,
: I create a hierachy of customers in Maintain customers session. With 2 child
customers specifying their parent customer in Form 2.
: However, when I create a sort code with Parent customers and a layout code usi
ng parent customers, I only got a report of total sales turnover instead of amou
nt for individual parent customers.
: Any suggestion, please help!!!
: Many thanks.
: Max

***************** End Of Article ******************

Ulrich Fuchs posted Message 3505 in Message Board
Dated : February 16, 2000 at 07:14:14 EST
Subject: Re: Will credit note created in Finance affect the Turnover in Sales st
: Hi all,
: I have a question about credit note. If a credit note is created to reduce th

e sales amount due to sales return, will that amount be taken into account by Sa
les Statistics' turnover value?
: Many thanks.
: Max
Hi Max,
No it won't.
To have your credit note show up in sales statistics, you have to enter a return
order in sales module, "issue" it, "invoice" it (Baan will print "credit note"
instead of "invoice" on the report), and process it.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Chris posted Message 3506 in Message Board
Dated : February 16, 2000 at 12:52:14 EST
Subject: Outbounding PRP to a location rather then REC
Has anyone had any luck Outbounding a PRP Project to Project Warehouse order fro
m one fixed location to another fixed location thus avoiding inbounding from REC
Order Qty
Current On hand
Current on hand

The problem I am having is that everytime complete the transaction, the d12342 p
art ends up in REC, and then I have to inbound it to its fixed location. Is the
re a way to get it to go directly into its fixed location the first time?
thanks in advance,
***************** End Of Article ******************
Sat posted Message 3507 in Message Board
Dated : February 16, 2000 at 17:27:22 EST
Subject: Clarity regarding Planned RPL Orders after MRP and DRP
After the DRP run followed by MRP run and DRP run again - we are able to see th
e right number of Planned MRP orders however the planned RPL orders are not tall
ying with manual our calculations.

We have checked the DRP parameters, The Bill of Distribution and Bill of materia
What are we missing?
Thanks in advance
***************** End Of Article ******************
Boby Mohan posted Message 3508 in Message Board
Dated : February 17, 2000 at 01:50:45 EST
Subject: Heirarchy Of Customers
Hi Experts..
There is a problem,on which I want your inputs.
We want to maintain a sales contract with a customer 1.But the Sales order will
be placed on another customer 2 (who in real life is a child of customer 1).Is t
here any way in Baan to maintain a relation between the two customers so that th
e order placed on Customer 2 will be linked to the contract with customer 1.
Thanks in Advance
***************** End Of Article ******************
senthil posted Message 3509 in Message Board
Dated : February 17, 2000 at 03:01:05 EST
Subject: Sales invoice generation
I have a problem generating sales invoice.THe steps prior to print sales invoice
are done annd the current order step for the order is print sales invoice only.
But the message got while printing sales invoice is "Not able to determine sales
invoice no for order no######"
This happens only for one customer.Would anyone help out . Thanks in advance
***************** End Of Article ******************
Tanweer Ahmed posted Message 3510 in Message Board
Dated : February 17, 2000 at 04:17:32 EST
Subject: Re: Sales invoice generation
"Not Able to determine the Invoice no for the Order No"
Soem time I also face this problem. The Solution for this is first of all Remove
Application Locks and then you go to Order Types Just Refresh the Transaction T
ype Zoom the Field and select the transcation type again.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Tobias posted Message 3511 in Message Board
Dated : February 17, 2000 at 05:44:40 EST
Subject: Re: Heirarchy Of Customers

: Hi Experts..
: There is a problem,on which I want your inputs.
: We want to maintain a sales contract with a customer 1.But the Sales order wil
l be placed on another customer 2 (who in real life is a child of customer 1).Is
there any way in Baan to maintain a relation between the two customers so that
the order placed on Customer 2 will be linked to the contract with customer 1.
: Thanks in Advance
: Boby
Hi Boby,
in which version do you work? ERP or BaanIV??
***************** End Of Article ******************
Boby Mohan posted Message 3512 in Message Board
Dated : February 17, 2000 at 07:53:00 EST
Subject: Re: Heirarchy Of Customers
: : Hi Experts..
: : There is a problem,on which I want your inputs.
: : We want to maintain a sales contract with a customer 1.But the Sales order w
ill be placed on another customer 2 (who in real life is a child of customer 1).
Is there any way in Baan to maintain a relation between the two customers so tha
t the order placed on Customer 2 will be linked to the contract with customer 1.
: : Thanks in Advance
: : Boby
: Hi Boby,
: in which version do you work? ERP or BaanIV??
Hi There Tobias
We are on Baan IV c4

***************** End Of Article ******************

Dave Trayers posted Message 3513 in Message Board
Dated : February 17, 2000 at 09:18:11 EST
Subject: Item Substitution
We are on Baan IVc4 with ILC.
I am curious if anyone has made a customization for automatically substituting c
urrent items for obsolete items when entered in sales orders. We have lot of ev
olution in our products, and parts are regularly replaced by other parts. A par
t may no longer be a salable item, but it is used in manufacturing. An example w

ould be of an item replaced by a kit (one item replaced by several). We would w

ant the old item automatically replaced by the new when entering on the sales or
der, and then printed on the pack list a message indicating that what was ordere
d was replaced by something else. We are using signal codes and alternative ite
m code system to find the replacement item, and item text for the message, but i
t is a poor work around. I would be interested if anyone has made a customizati
on for this.
Dave Trayers
***************** End Of Article ******************
Mayank Singh posted Message 3514 in Message Board
Dated : February 17, 2000 at 09:18:43 EST
Subject: maintain reasons for inventory adjustment
hi baan fans,
i am a finance guy and i am perplexed by this feature in distribution
the BaaN IVc4 Distribution session tdinv1105m000 "maintain reasons for inventory
adjustment" what are the ledger accounts to be defined there? what is the purpo
se of that and why can we not define both debit and credit account for a particu
lar reason code. anybody ever used this feature to his/her advantage.
thanks in advance.
***************** End Of Article ******************
bill posted Message 3515 in Message Board
Dated : February 17, 2000 at 09:53:56 EST
Subject: Re: Clarity regarding Planned RPL Orders after MRP and DRP
: After the DRP run followed by MRP run and DRP run again - we are able to see
the right number of Planned MRP orders however the planned RPL orders are not ta
llying with manual our calculations.
: We have checked the DRP parameters, The Bill of Distribution and Bill of mater
: What are we missing?
: Thanks in advance
I have problems with DRP also - are you using it to replenish you WIP warehouses
***************** End Of Article ******************
Clark posted Message 3516 in Message Board
Dated : February 17, 2000 at 11:03:04 EST
Subject: Baan 5.0b Purchase Contracts
I'm experiencing that a purchase order is not linked unless the po contract date
is backdated one day and/or the po contract startdate is today. Also, what real

ly is functional difference between special and normal contracts?

***************** End Of Article ******************
sat posted Message 3517 in Message Board
Dated : February 17, 2000 at 13:13:00 EST
Subject: Re: Clarity regarding Planned RPL Orders after MRP and DRP
: : We are using it for replenishing the sub contractor's raw material warehouse
I discovered that after the DRP run and the MRP run we should confirm and transf
er the planned mrp production orders. Only after that is done should we run DRP
again for planned RPL orders to be generated. I am yet to test it.
I need to confirm about the types of demands that DRP and MRP consider???
The latest info i had was that DRP does not consider planned MRP Prodn orders as
a demand. (However MRP does consider planned drp orders)
: : Thanks in advance
: I have problems with DRP also - are you using it to replenish you WIP warehous

***************** End Of Article ******************

sat posted Message 3518 in Message Board
Dated : February 17, 2000 at 13:14:25 EST
Subject: Does DRP consider Planned MRP Prodn orders?
I need to confirm about the types of demands that DRP and MRP consider???
The latest info I had was that DRP does not consider planned MRP Prodn orders as
a demand. (However MRP does consider planned drp orders).
Help please
***************** End Of Article ******************
bill posted Message 3519 in Message Board
Dated : February 17, 2000 at 13:24:24 EST
Subject: Re: Clarity regarding Planned RPL Orders after MRP and DRP
: : : We are using it for replenishing the sub contractor's raw material warehou
: I discovered that after the DRP run and the MRP run we should confirm and tran
sfer the planned mrp production orders. Only after that is done should we run DR
P again for planned RPL orders to be generated. I am yet to test it.
: I need to confirm about the types of demands that DRP and MRP consider???
: The latest info i had was that DRP does not consider planned MRP Prodn orders
as a demand. (However MRP does consider planned drp orders)

: : : Thanks in advance
: :
: : I have problems with DRP also - are you using it to replenish you WIP wareho
We use PRP and DRP does see the planned PRP production orders.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Linda posted Message 3520 in Message Board
Dated : February 17, 2000 at 16:22:36 EST
Subject: Replenishment of locations
Our warehouse would like to change the way our warehouse is defined to set up pr
imary fixed locations for picking finished goods. They would like the system to
automatically replenish the primary location from secondary locations when the p
rimary location inventory reaches a certain level. Does anyone know how this cou
ld be accomplished? Thanks in advance
***************** End Of Article ******************
Mongkol posted Message 3521 in Message Board
Dated : February 18, 2000 at 05:07:11 EST
Subject: Issue Purchase order with Different Currency
For supplier data, we fix one currency to each supplier.
When we would like to issue Purchase order with different currency from Supplier
Master data...How to?
Case: Supplier currency is US$
We want to issue purchase order for Item with Japanese Yen...or
Singapore dollars

***************** End Of Article ******************

Arvind Patil posted Message 3522 in Message Board
Dated : February 18, 2000 at 07:31:10 EST
Subject: Delete Outbond data
Earlier if the sales order steps wer
1. Generate O/B
2. Print Picklist
3. Maintain deliveries
4. Print packing slip etc...
and O/B was delted after picklist printing, the status of sales order was resett
ed to Generta O/B. Now Baan is saying it no more does. In my previous implementa
tions I had never experienced this. Does any one aware of any such solution ID i
n recent future which has removed such a good functionality.
Thanks for your suggestions in advance

***************** End Of Article ******************
Ismo Koykka posted Message 3523 in Message Board
Dated : February 18, 2000 at 09:16:25 EST
Subject: inventory turnover
Could anyone tell, how is it possible to print inventory turnover for several i
tem codes at the same time? I have tried to do it by TDINVC601m000-command in p
rogram session, but so far I have got mentioned information just for 1 item at
the time.I have typied into the item block examinee item range, but still BaanI
V is giving me turnover just for one item code.
Thanks in advance

***************** End Of Article ******************

Rmi Taulemesse posted Message 3524 in Message Board
Dated : February 18, 2000 at 09:17:48 EST
Subject: Third party Warehouse on Supply Chain
Does anyone know that is the use of the third party warehouse entered in the ses
sion "Sales contract SCH". I cannot find out where we can use this information.
Is it only an informative data ?
Thank you for your help.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Arvind posted Message 3525 in Message Board
Dated : February 18, 2000 at 14:40:34 EST
Subject: Re: Does DRP consider Planned MRP Prodn orders?
I think you have some confusion there. For DRP the only source of demand is fro
m non-nettable warehouses or WIP warehouses and since MRP order are not for any
of these warehouses there is no reason for DRP to consider the demand for these
***************** End Of Article ******************
Adrie Oudhuis posted Message 3526 in Message Board
Dated : February 18, 2000 at 15:23:49 EST
Subject: Re: maintain reasons for inventory adjustment
The reason is that you could only register one side of the financial transaction
, is because you are using this reasoncode for an inventory adjustment. The othe

r side of the fin. transaction is filled by the ledgeraccount to which stock of

the item is related.
: hi baan fans,
: i am a finance guy and i am perplexed by this feature in distribution module.i
n the BaaN IVc4 Distribution session tdinv1105m000 "maintain reasons for invento
ry adjustment" what are the ledger accounts to be defined there? what is the pur
pose of that and why can we not define both debit and credit account for a parti
cular reason code. anybody ever used this feature to his/her advantage.
: thanks in advance.
: mayank.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Adrie Oudhuis posted Message 3527 in Message Board
Dated : February 18, 2000 at 15:30:01 EST
Subject: Re: Item Substitution
Maybe a workaround is also possible.
If the item that is replaced by an new one it could be changed from a purchase i
tem into a manufacturing item. Put the part that replaces it, into the BOM of th
e item and make the replaced item a phantom. Print both on the picking- and pack
: We are on Baan IVc4 with ILC.
: I am curious if anyone has made a customization for automatically substituting
current items for obsolete items when entered in sales orders. We have lot of
evolution in our products, and parts are regularly replaced by other parts. A p
art may no longer be a salable item, but it is used in manufacturing. An example
would be of an item replaced by a kit (one item replaced by several). We would
want the old item automatically replaced by the new when entering on the sales
order, and then printed on the pack list a message indicating that what was orde
red was replaced by something else. We are using signal codes and alternative i
tem code system to find the replacement item, and item text for the message, but
it is a poor work around. I would be interested if anyone has made a customiza
tion for this.
: Dave Trayers

***************** End Of Article ******************

Adrie Oudhuis posted Message 3528 in Message Board
Dated : February 19, 2000 at 06:19:16 EST
Subject: Re: Heirarchy Of Customers
This can be arranged by adding the parent customer into the field "price/discoun
t customer" of the child relation (customer data and/or sales order header).
Be aware that if you enter the parent customer into this field in the session "m
aintain customers"in this case all price/discount agreements set up in the price
/discountlists and contract for the parent will be active for this child custorm

It it for only this order, than you can enter the parent customer into this fiel
d only in this salesorder.
: Hi Experts..
: There is a problem,on which I want your inputs.
: We want to maintain a sales contract with a customer 1.But the Sales order wil
l be placed on another customer 2 (who in real life is a child of customer 1).Is
there any way in Baan to maintain a relation between the two customers so that
the order placed on Customer 2 will be linked to the contract with customer 1.
: Thanks in Advance
: Boby

***************** End Of Article ******************

John Crystal posted Message 3529 in Message Board
Dated : February 20, 2000 at 00:20:34 EST
Subject: Re: maintain reasons for inventory adjustment
You may want to assign different accounts based on the reason for the adjustment
. An adjustment caused by a vendor might be charged to a purchasing account. An
adjustment caused by parts being ruined while in the warehouse might be charged
to another account while adjustments caused by "lost" items might becharged to a
shrinkage account.
***************** End Of Article ******************
John Crystal, Crystal Consulting posted Message 3530 in Message Board
Dated : February 20, 2000 at 00:33:54 EST
Subject: DRP and Planned MRP Prodn orders?
If you are using WIP warehouses and DRP for replenishment..... the demand for ma
terials on a planned MRP production order is placed on the warehouse indicated i
n the BOM. This is usually a nettable warehouse where the goods will be coming f
rom to supply the production floor. MRP will see this and plan accordingly.
When the planned order is transferred to the SFC module and becomes a planned SF
C production order the demand logic remains the same.
When the SFC production order is released the demand is transferred to the WIP w
arehouse related to the work center(s) on the router. When DRP is run it will cr
eate planned replenishment orders for the WIP warehouse(s) if there isn't enough
stock in the WIP warehouse to cover the needs. MRP will see this demand on the
nettable warehouse and plan accordingly.
This is a very good example to set up in your test company and run through the p
rocess watching what happens at each step.
If I can be of help feel free to call 409-449-4171.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Sonja posted Message 3531 in Message Board

Dated : February 20, 2000 at 07:41:44 EST
Subject: Re: delivered not equal to recommended qty on tdsls045
We had this intermittent problem for a long time.
The problem actually occurs in Generate Outbound.
After Maintain Sales Order Line:
tdsls045.oqua= 20
------------------After Generate Outbound TWO lines are generated:
(total qty in outbound for orno=xxx and pono=1 is 20+20!!!)
tdsls045.oqua= 20
--------------------------After release Outbound:
As a consequence, Release Outbound would release total qty in outbound for orno=
xxx and pono=1 (40) and update tdsls045.dqua accordingly:
tdsls045.oqua= 20
tdsls045.dqua=40 ( xxx,1,0,1 : 20 + xxx,1,0,2:20)
Because of the mismatch between tdsls045.dqua and tdsls045.recq
order status/mask is not updated
---------------------------------------------------------To deal with the problem before it was fixed, we had to
1. run SQL query to detect double outbound lines BEFORE release, 2. delete ext
ra lines (Maintain outbound). The result:
tdsls045.oqua= 20
(*)when tdilc401:xxx,1,0,2 20 is deleted, tdsls045.recq is decreased by 20
3. Release Outbound
After release, tdsls045 status was still wrong, but at least all quantities were
right (except tdsls045.recq)
To fix, SQL Query was run to detect all (tdsls045.dqua not equal
tdsls045.recq)and we used GTM to set tdsls045.recq= tdsls045.dqua

To resolve, we eliminated Generate Outbound from Order Type
and modified Print Picking List (1 line of code) to print picking list only if o
utbound qty is present.
The number of double outbounds fell from ~20/day to 1-2/month.
It never happened after upgrade to Oracle 8 (5 mths ago)!!!

***************** End Of Article ******************

Sonja posted Message 3532 in Message Board
Dated : February 20, 2000 at 07:53:25 EST
Subject: Re: delivered not equal to recommended qty on tdsls045
We had this intermittent problem for a long time.
Reason is (most likely) related to Order Type (if both Generate Outbound and Pri
nt Picking List are in order steps)
The problem actually occurs in Generate Outbound.
After Maintain Sales Order Line:
tdsls045.oqua= 20
------------------After Generate Outbound TWO lines are generated:
tdilc401.orno=xxx tdilc401.orno=xxx
tdilc401.pono=1 tdilc401.pono=1
tdilc401.sera=0 AND tdilc401.sera=0
TDILC401.qsts=20 TDILC401.qsts=20
(total qty in outbound for orno=xxx and pono=1 is 20+20!!!)
tdsls045.oqua= 20
--------------------------After release Outbound:
As a consequence, Release Outbound would release total qty in outbound for orno=
xxx and pono=1 (40) and update tdsls045.dqua
tdsls045.oqua= 20
tdsls045.dqua=40 ( xxx,1,0,1 : 20 + xxx,1,0,2:20)
Because of the mismatch between tdsls045.dqua and tdsls045.recq

order status/mask is not updated ---------------------------------------------------------To deal with the problem before it was fixed, we had to
1. run SQL query to detect double outbound lines BEFORE release, 2. delete extra
lines (Maintain outbound). The result:
tdsls045.oqua= 20
tdsls045.dqua=0 tdsls045.
(*)when tdilc401:xxx,1,0,2 20 is deleted, tdsls045.recq is decreased by 20
3. Release Outbound
After release, tdsls045 status was still wrong, but at least all quantities were
right (except tdsls045.recq)
To fix, SQL Query was run to detect all (tdsls045.dqua not equal
tdsls045.recq)and we used GTM to set tdsls045.recq= tdsls045.dqua
To resolve, we eliminated Generate Outbound from Order Type
and modified Print Picking List (1 line of code) to print picking list only if o
utbound qty is present.
The number of double outbounds fell from ~20/day to 1-2/month.
It never happened after upgrade to Oracle 8 (5 mths ago)!!!
Added on Date: 07:41:44 2/20/00 EST
---------------------------------------------------: We are using Baan IVc4 here. I have a situation where the sales order status w
ill not change from Maintain Deliveries when the Release Outbound is performed.
I verified that there are no unprocessed outbounds at the time. However, the rec
ommended quantity reads 1 although the delivered quantity on reads 2 on the tdsl
s045 table. Any ideas on how this situation occurs would be appreciated!

***************** End Of Article ******************

Sonja posted Message 3533 in Message Board
Dated : February 21, 2000 at 00:17:22 EST
Subject: Re: Unable remove purchase from history
Hi Mick,
PO History can be deleted if :
a) History Company for archiving exists (time and space consuming exercise, but
straight forward)
b) After Process Delivered Purchase Orders was run with Delete set to "Yes"
o delete PO headers and lines and all related data)


P.S. A question: If you want to delete PO history without archiving, why don't y
ou just switch it off?

: Hi all,
: Unable to remove the p/o from print and/or delete purchase order history with
delete order history "yes" eventhough all history report already printed. Any he
lp out there. Thanks in advance

***************** End Of Article ******************

Sonja posted Message 3534 in Message Board
Dated : February 21, 2000 at 03:12:06 EST
Subject: Re: Unable remove purchase from history
To be able to remove p/o history (or any other history in Baan), you need to:
1) set History Company for archiving history (time/space consuming, but straight
2) run Process Delivered Purchased Orders (Delete: Yes), to delete PO headers, l
ines and all related data
: Hi all,
: Unable to remove the p/o from print and/or delete purchase order history with
delete order history "yes" eventhough all history report already printed. Any he
lp out there. Thanks in advance

***************** End Of Article ******************

Chris posted Message 3535 in Message Board
Dated : February 21, 2000 at 13:56:05 EST
Subject: Awaiting Direct Delivery
I have a Sales Order Line which is ready for step "Awaiting Direct Delivery".
The Sales Order in question correctly generated a Purchase Order. I have Maintai
n Receipts on this Purchase Order, but how do I advance the Sales Order status?
How do I inform it that the Direct Delivery has taken place?
Version Baan4B
Thanks in advance, -Chris***************** End Of Article ******************
Tommy L. Bacon, CPIM posted Message 3536 in Message Board
Dated : February 21, 2000 at 14:05:18 EST

Subject: Re: Replenishment of locations

Bill of Distribution (trdrp010)
A bill of distribution is a distribution system in which one or more warehouses
at lower levels of the structure are stocked from one or more central warehouses
. In practice, the former are often regional sales branches whereas the central
warehouse is a purchasing or production site.
Bills of distribution determine how "Non-Nettable" warehouses are supplied. This
feature is assigned to the warehouse in the field "Nettable Warehouse" in the s
ession "Maintain Warehouses (tcmcs0103m000)".
In the DRP module, "Non-Nettable" warehouses are called destination warehouses.
They may be supplied from several replenishing warehouses. Depending on the prio
rity assigned to each replenishment warehouse and the inventory level, the syste
m determines which replenishing warehouse should supply the destination warehous
Maintain Bill of Distribution (trdrp0110m000)
I believe that this assume you are using the Transportation Module in BaaN IV.
: Our warehouse would like to change the way our warehouse is defined to set up
primary fixed locations for picking finished goods. They would like the system t
o automatically replenish the primary location from secondary locations when the
primary location inventory reaches a certain level. Does anyone know how this c
ould be accomplished? Thanks in advance

***************** End Of Article ******************

Adrie Oudhuis posted Message 3537 in Message Board
Dated : February 21, 2000 at 14:58:58 EST
Subject: Re: Awaiting Direct Delivery
Try to process your purchase order and see the result at your sales order.
: Hello,
: I have a Sales Order Line which is ready for step "Awaiting Direct Delivery".
: The Sales Order in question correctly generated a Purchase Order. I have Maint
ain Receipts on this Purchase Order, but how do I advance the Sales Order status
? How do I inform it that the Direct Delivery has taken place?
: Version Baan4B
: Thanks in advance, -Chris-

***************** End Of Article ******************

Mark Huizinga posted Message 3538 in Message Board
Dated : February 22, 2000 at 04:22:51 EST
Subject: Purchase budget control during order entry(Vb)
Does anyone know if it is possible to define a purchase budget on 'purchase offi

ce' level. If the budget is exceeded, the system should warn/block during order
entry. I looked at statistics but this will not give the warning/block, also the
update is not real time but after update statistics.
I looked at project functionality. This works but the procedure gets very comple
x + requisitions can not be used than. I prefer not to use project so a procedur
e within ordermanagement would be perfect
***************** End Of Article ******************
marleen lefevere posted Message 3539 in Message Board
Dated : February 22, 2000 at 10:48:32 EST
Subject: Adding address to terms of delivery
We are currently using BaaN Erp and we have the following problem. When creating
purchase/and or sales order we need additionally to selecting the term of deliv
ery, to add the city in case of delivery ex works or fob.
For example term of delivery fob should be fob Zaventem.
Did anyone has the same problem and how did you solve it.
thanks in advance
***************** End Of Article ******************
John McComb posted Message 3540 in Message Board
Dated : February 22, 2000 at 13:23:34 EST
Subject: Cycle counting, Last count date. Baan IVc4
We are generating daily cycle count orders by range of locations (Lot control is
implemented) and want to stop the system selecting stock for cycle counting tha
t has just been received. Any ideas?
***************** End Of Article ******************
TF posted Message 3541 in Message Board
Dated : February 22, 2000 at 17:07:47 EST
Subject: Re: Cycle counting, Last count date. Baan IVc4
I don't know of a way of only counting "older" items. What you could do is adjus
t the report for counting and add the latest count date of the specific article.
This way you have an indication wether it is a new article (just received) or a
n older one but its only an indication.
That's the bet I can do for you, Good luck TF
***************** End Of Article ******************
TF posted Message 3542 in Message Board
Dated : February 22, 2000 at 17:12:28 EST
Subject: Re: Adding address to terms of delivery
In Baan IV you have to create a "text" on a term of delivery. This text can be m
ade in more than 1 language and the purchase order or sales order will print the
text in the language of the customer/supplier.

I imagine in Baan ERP this hasn't changed.

Just try it (remember to make the text in all the language codes you company use
If this works, please answer back.
Good Luck TF

***************** End Of Article ******************

TF posted Message 3543 in Message Board
Dated : February 22, 2000 at 17:18:42 EST
Subject: Re: Issue Purchase order with Different Currency
In baan IV you can change the currency in the order header.
It is not possible to have multiple orderlines with differnet currencies.
Good Luck TF

***************** End Of Article ******************

John Crystal posted Message 3544 in Message Board
Dated : February 23, 2000 at 01:03:35 EST
Subject: Re: Cycle counting, Last count date. Baan IVc4
Are you open to a customization? I don't know of a way to do what you want witho
ut one. It should be fairly simple to design a modification to the generate cycl
e counting order session to ignore lots received recently.
John Crystal
Crystal Consulting

***************** End Of Article ******************

ishai ginzberg posted Message 3545 in Message Board
Dated : February 23, 2000 at 04:17:15 EST
Subject: additional costs in baan 5
is someone is using additional costs in sales baan 5, why the system doesnt add
an extra line to the order?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Husson Gilles posted Message 3546 in Message Board
Dated : February 23, 2000 at 09:33:25 EST
Subject: Problem with tdinv3201m000

When i start session tdinv3201m000, the message "domain tcreop not 'float' or 'd
ouble'" rdi.domain" appears.
in data dictionnary tcreop is 'long'
I made a create runtime for domains, but the message still appears.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Paul van Eijk posted Message 3547 in Message Board
Dated : February 23, 2000 at 09:34:55 EST
Subject: Re: Awaiting Direct Delivery
Adrie is right,
When you process the purchase order (tdpur4223m000) this program will change the
status of the related sales order.
: Try to process your purchase order and see the result at your sales order.
: : Hello,
: : I have a Sales Order Line which is ready for step "Awaiting Direct Delivery"
: : The Sales Order in question correctly generated a Purchase Order. I have Mai
ntain Receipts on this Purchase Order, but how do I advance the Sales Order stat
us? How do I inform it that the Direct Delivery has taken place?
: : Version Baan4B
: : Thanks in advance, -Chris-

***************** End Of Article ******************

Paul van Eijk posted Message 3548 in Message Board
Dated : February 23, 2000 at 09:44:43 EST
Subject: Re: Replenishment of locations
This only works if you are replenishing from one warehouse to the other. It does
not work for replenishing one location to another in the same warehouse.
BaanIV only helps you determining when and how much to replenish. Take a look at
session tdilc2410m000 and read the helptext there.
One often mentioned, but in practise not workable solution is to define two ware
houses: one for bulk and one for pick. Disadvantage for example is in order entr
y. You have to define a warehouse in the orderline. Which one to take? Other dis
advantages are obvious.

Good luck
: 1.30 Bill of Distribution (trdrp010)
: A bill of distribution is a distribution system in which one or more warehouse
s at lower levels of the structure are stocked from one or more central warehous
es. In practice, the former are often regional sales branches whereas the centr
al warehouse is a purchasing or production site.
: Bills of distribution determine how "Non-Nettable" warehouses are supplied. Th
is feature is assigned to the warehouse in the field "Nettable Warehouse" in the
session "Maintain Warehouses (tcmcs0103m000)".
: In the DRP module, "Non-Nettable" warehouses are called destination warehouses
. They may be supplied from several replenishing warehouses. Depending on the pr
iority assigned to each replenishment warehouse and the inventory level, the sys
tem determines which replenishing warehouse should supply the destination wareho
Maintain Bill of Distribution (trdrp0110m000)
: I believe that this assume you are using the Transportation Module in BaaN IV.
: : Our warehouse would like to change the way our warehouse is defined to set u
p primary fixed locations for picking finished goods. They would like the system
to automatically replenish the primary location from secondary locations when t
he primary location inventory reaches a certain level. Does anyone know how this
could be accomplished? Thanks in advance

***************** End Of Article ******************

TF posted Message 3549 in Message Board
Dated : February 23, 2000 at 13:34:45 EST
Subject: Re: Problem with tdinv3201m000
: Hello,
: When i start session tdinv3201m000, the message "domain tcreop not 'float' or
'double'" rdi.domain" appears.
: in data dictionnary tcreop is 'long'
: I made a create runtime for domains, but the message still appears.
: Thanks
Could be a problem on a form field.
Do you have customizations(only tools) or "real" customizations (tools developme
Perhaps a Branche model? They can cause a great deal of problems...
good luck

***************** End Of Article ******************

Gary posted Message 3550 in Message Board

Dated : February 23, 2000 at 13:49:02 EST

Subject: purchased assembly in MRP
We have a need to purchase an assembly that we then receive and stock as the com
ponents. I can get this to work manually but MRP creates planned orders for the
components. We need the planned order to be for the assembly. Any suggestions?

***************** End Of Article ******************

Joy Conner posted Message 3551 in Message Board
Dated : February 23, 2000 at 15:13:12 EST
Subject: Blocked Sales Orders
I have a Blocked Sales Order report which states a reason for blocking = "Wareho
use Belongs to Other Company". The blocking value in tdsls040 table = 64.
I'd like to know why this order was blocked. Perhaps a parameter is set inappro
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Chris posted Message 3552 in Message Board
Dated : February 23, 2000 at 17:18:54 EST
Subject: Re: Awaiting Direct Delivery
Thanks, That worked!!!

: Adrie is right,
: When you process the purchase order (tdpur4223m000) this program will change t
he status of the related sales order.
: Greetings,
: Paul
: : Try to process your purchase order and see the result at your sales order.
: : : Hello,
: : : I have a Sales Order Line which is ready for step "Awaiting Direct Deliver
: : : The Sales Order in question correctly generated a Purchase Order. I have M
aintain Receipts on this Purchase Order, but how do I advance the Sales Order st
atus? How do I inform it that the Direct Delivery has taken place?
: : : Version Baan4B
: : : Thanks in advance, -Chris-

***************** End Of Article ******************

John Crystal posted Message 3553 in Message Board
Dated : February 23, 2000 at 20:18:40 EST
Subject: Re: Blocked Sales Orders
Hi Joy,
Several places to check...
1st..look up the default warehouse on the item master for the item on the sales it the warehouse specified on the sales order? if not, was the wareho
use changed purposely by someone or is it just a typo to be corrected?
2nd... look at the warehouse specified on the sales order then look that warehou
se up in the tables and see which company it is linked with? possibility of a t
ypo or error here also...are you multi company?
See if one of these helps...if not drop me an e-mail or call 409-449-4171
John Crystal
Crystal Consulting

***************** End Of Article ******************

John Crystal posted Message 3554 in Message Board
Dated : February 23, 2000 at 20:20:29 EST
Subject: Re: Blocked Sales Orders
Hi Joy,
Several places to check...
1st..look up the default warehouse on the item master for the item on the sales it the warehouse specified on the sales order? if not, was the wareho
use changed purposely by someone or is it just a typo to be corrected?
2nd... look at the warehouse specified on the sales order then look that warehou
se up in the tables and see which company it is linked with? possibility of a t
ypo or error here also...are you multi company?
See if one of these helps...if not drop me an e-mail or call 409-449-4171
John Crystal
Crystal Consulting
***************** End Of Article ******************
Tobias posted Message 3555 in Message Board
Dated : February 24, 2000 at 05:14:22 EST
Subject: Re: additional costs in baan 5

: is someone is using additional costs in sales baan 5, why the system doesnt ad
d an extra line to the order?
Hi Ishai,
please tell me in detail what youve done. Maybe we can specify the error then.
If the explanation is too long, you can write me an email.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Gary Laundry posted Message 3556 in Message Board
Dated : February 24, 2000 at 09:21:37 EST
Subject: Open Sales Order Report
Is there such a thing in Baan as an Open Sales Order Report? We're running Baan
4a and there doesn't appear to be anything that simply prints out only the open
sales orders. Has anyone found this report without doing a customization?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Joy Conner posted Message 3557 in Message Board
Dated : February 24, 2000 at 13:51:33 EST
Subject: Re: Open Sales Order Report
We wrote our own report.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Rakesh Khare posted Message 3558 in Message Board
Dated : February 24, 2000 at 13:57:44 EST
Subject: RE: Text gets printed for Terms of Delivery/Payment Terms
In BaanERP, the description of Terms of Delivery does not get printed on Reports
. Sales/Purchase Order will print the Text associated with Terms of Delivery.
Payment Terms also works the same way.
Try and print Sales/Purchase Order after adding Text to Terms of Delivery or Ter
ms of Payment.
***************** End Of Article ******************
John Crystal posted Message 3559 in Message Board
Dated : February 24, 2000 at 20:13:44 EST
Subject: Open Order Reports -- Sales and Purchasing
Hi Gary,
Joy is right. Most people write their own, either from scratch or using a report
writer package. Each one we've done has had something unique to it, maybe that'

s why a generic one wasn't included.

John Crystal
Crystal Consulting

***************** End Of Article ******************

Sat posted Message 3560 in Message Board
Dated : February 25, 2000 at 12:22:05 EST
Subject: Sales Forecasts using sales budgets?
In order to have more details about customer wise and item wise sales forecasts
we are using the Sales Budgets since we cannot use Sales Forecast (as it only ca
ptures Item and forecast qty as compared to sales budget which has warehouse,ite
m and qty.)
We then copy the sales budgets to sales forecasts.
Any comments about the pros and cons of doing this?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Paul van Eijk posted Message 3561 in Message Board
Dated : February 25, 2000 at 17:04:41 EST
Subject: Re: Problem with tdinv3201m000
Interesting statement you make... Tell me more about branche models and particul
arly their problems.
: : Hello,

: When i start session tdinv3201m000, the message "domain tcreop not 'float' o
'double'" rdi.domain" appears.
: in data dictionnary tcreop is 'long'
: I made a create runtime for domains, but the message still appears.
: Thanks

: Could be a problem on a form field.

: Do you have customizations(only tools) or "real" customizations (tools develop
: Perhaps a Branche model? They can cause a great deal of problems...
: good luck
: TF

***************** End Of Article ******************

Buuny posted Message 3562 in Message Board

Dated : February 25, 2000 at 19:27:38 EST
Subject: Print invoice again
Hi all
Here is my question
I need to send my items with an invoice, but sometimes, when the items arrive to
the client, they return me some of them, because in that moment they realize th
at they do not want them, I do not want to use a return order, bcause of the sta
tistics, is there anayway, using ILC that I may print and invoice again.
Thax for your time.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Ark Noahfrgtme posted Message 3563 in Message Board
Dated : February 25, 2000 at 19:39:43 EST
Subject: Re: Print invoice again
We have a similar situation.
I can undersatnd why you do not want to use return orders.
We have developed couple of sessions.
Basically we send a "pre" invoice called the Customer Shipper.
So we do the outbound etc only after the Customer Shipper has been approved.
If not we just ignore it.
If are interested in the session/table structures lemme know.
Rather put up a posting ... I'll reply.
- Ark

***************** End Of Article ******************

Boby Mohan posted Message 3564 in Message Board
Dated : February 26, 2000 at 07:19:29 EST
Subject: Inventory REFUSES to move
I am facing a particularly STUPID problem.
There is inventory of 2 pcs of an item in the Receipt location of a warehouse.It
s the resultant of 2 inventory adjustments.This location has an allocation of 2
pcs .
The source of the allocation is unknown.And the item now cannot be moved from it
s present location .
Can anybody throw some light as to what's causin the deadlock.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Rakesh Khare posted Message 3565 in Message Board
Dated : February 26, 2000 at 11:40:45 EST
Subject: Re: Inventory REFUSES to move

It is possible for some reasons, that inventory could be corrupted in particular

locations. In BaanERP, we have sessions in Warehouse Management that can correc
t the corrupted inventory. These sessions are avialable in service pack 7 or 8.
Service Pack 7 is due to be release in March, but you can download the solution
from Baan Global Support. I had installed these solutions, but don't remember th
e solution numbers. If you search on Corrupt inventory, you will find these solu
Apply these solutions, run correct corrupted inventory on Item and Location, the
n try to move the inventory. Most probably that should take care of your problem
Let us know how it goes. Good Luck
***************** End Of Article ******************
Sat posted Message 3566 in Message Board
Dated : February 28, 2000 at 09:32:29 EST
Subject: Thanks Arvind &amp; John
I am clear about non-nettable warehouses for DRP.
I have a sub contracting scenario here where RM (Raw Material) is sent from the
main company's RM warehouse (nettable) to the sub-cont's RM warehouse (non-netta
ble).Production Orders in the Sub-cont's FG (Finished Goods) warehouse are the s
ource of demand to pull the raw materials from the main company's RM warehouse v
ia DRP.
We run MRP first and see the planned MRP production orders. Then before confirmi
ng these orders if we run DRP it appears that is does not recognize the planned
MRP orders as a source of demand and no planned RPl orders are generated to move
the RM from the main company's RM warehouse to the sub-cont's RM warehouse.
Are WIP warehouses essential in this set-up?
Thanks for the responses.
***************** End Of Article ******************
John Mc posted Message 3567 in Message Board
Dated : February 28, 2000 at 10:15:20 EST
Subject: Display Warehouse Inventory by PBOM
The session tdinv0520m000 shows the component availability for X qty of a produc
tion item.. Unfortunately it shows inventory shortages against phantoms!
Does anyone know of a way of ignoring phantoms? In this session as they will al
ways show as shortages?
John Mc
***************** End Of Article ******************

Bunny posted Message 3568 in Message Board

Dated : February 28, 2000 at 13:27:47 EST
Subject: Re: Print invoice again
ARK thanks for your reply, I am interested in that new session, however here we
are trying to be attached to the standard, the solucion that I was managing, was
to work with the re-execute order steps session, but I need to test it first.
I tried to write to your e-mail irectly but I could not find it.
Thanks again.

: We have a similar situation.

: I can undersatnd why you do not want to use return orders.

We have developed couple of sessions.

Basically we send a "pre" invoice called the Customer Shipper.
So we do the outbound etc only after the Customer Shipper has been approved.
If not we just ignore it.

: If are interested in the session/table structures lemme know.

: Rather put up a posting ... I'll reply.
: - Ark

***************** End Of Article ******************

Bunny posted Message 3569 in Message Board
Dated : February 28, 2000 at 19:29:29 EST
Subject: Returns with ILC on
Hi all:
How can I return items with ILC and Locations ON?
I am using the correspondient order type.
but when I try to receive it seems that there is no stock,Is necessary to do inb
ound when and how?
Thanks for your time,
***************** End Of Article ******************
Paul van Eijk posted Message 3570 in Message Board
Dated : February 29, 2000 at 03:10:17 EST
Subject: Re: Returns with ILC on
If you are talking about returning items to customers:
Enter the sales order using a return procedure, for example:
Print order acknowledgement

Print picking slip

maintain deliveries
After printing the order acknowledgement, you have to maintain outbound for the
return order tdilc4101m000. THen print the picking slip and release the outbound
You have to maintain the outbound manually, because the system doesn't know in w
hich location the returnable items are (they might be in more locations).
Good luck
: Hi all:
: How can I return items with ILC and Locations ON?
: I am using the correspondient order type.
: but when I try to receive it seems that there is no stock,Is necessary to do i
nbound when and how?
: Thanks for your time,
: B.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Sat posted Message 3571 in Message Board
Dated : February 29, 2000 at 09:08:47 EST
Subject: Impact of Changing Nett. to Non Nett. warehouse in Baan Tables
We have created plenty of extra warehouses and would like to make use of them in
stead of creating some more new ones. However this would require us to convert N
on Nettable warehouses to Nettable and vice-versa.
Obviously there is no session to do that and therefore a modification in the Baa
n Tables would be required.
Has anyone tried this succesfully before? If we look at the Bill of Distribution
to make sure that all destination warehouses are non nettable, the item master
to make sure that the default warehouse in nettable and maybe entries in the Mtn
. items by warehouse session - would that ensure that no errors would appear?
Please let me have some suggestions, comments.
Thanks in advance
***************** End Of Article ******************
Raja Mohan posted Message 3572 in Message Board
Dated : February 29, 2000 at 11:31:11 EST
Subject: Re: Impact of Changing Nett. to Non Nett. warehouse in Baan Tables

You have the answer with yourself.

Clear the stock of items in the warehouses you want to change.Also clear all the
pending transactions with involvement of these warehouses.
As you said default warehouses in the item master must be changed if you are cha
nging from nettable to nonnettable.SImilarly BOD has to be changed if change is
from Nonnettable to nettable.
Even after clearing the transactions you cant change from maintain sessions.You
have to do from GTM.
But personally I feel this practice is not recommended because you will loose th
e information on the transactions you did earlier with the same warehouses.
If the extra warehouses are not used anywhere change them to nettable or nonnett
able as per requirement thru GTM but it is better to leave the warehouses that w
ere used for some time(Even if you feel they are no longer required. )
We handled similar problem in one of our client sites and if you are interested
about the details e-mail me.
: We have created plenty of extra warehouses and would like to make use of them
instead of creating some more new ones. However this would require us to convert
Non Nettable warehouses to Nettable and vice-versa.
: Obviously there is no session to do that and therefore a modification in the B
aan Tables would be required.
: Has anyone tried this succesfully before? If we look at the Bill of Distributi
on to make sure that all destination warehouses are non nettable, the item maste
r to make sure that the default warehouse in nettable and maybe entries in the M
tn. items by warehouse session - would that ensure that no errors would appear?
: Please let me have some suggestions, comments.
: Thanks in advance

***************** End Of Article ******************

Raja Mohan posted Message 3573 in Message Board
Dated : February 29, 2000 at 11:35:42 EST
Subject: Re: Sales Forecasts using sales budgets?
WHat you are doing is excellent practice.SAles people know the forecast and it s
hould reflect in the Production Plan.
This happens when you copy sales budget to MPS sales forecast .
I dont see any problem in that.
Raja Mohan
: In order to have more details about customer wise and item wise sales forecast
s we are using the Sales Budgets since we cannot use Sales Forecast (as it only
captures Item and forecast qty as compared to sales budget which has warehouse,i
tem and qty.)
: We then copy the sales budgets to sales forecasts.
: Any comments about the pros and cons of doing this?

***************** End Of Article ******************

Pere Ll. posted Message 3574 in Message Board
Dated : February 29, 2000 at 12:12:28 EST
Subject: EU Tax Handling in BaanERP
I'm trying to implement Import/Export Statistics in BaanERP, but when I run the
Process Delivered Sales Order (tdsls4223m000) session, the sytem doesn't charge
the tccom710 table (Import/Export Statistics) as BaanIV does.Do I have to do any
thing more to install this subject in BaanERP?
Thanks a million
***************** End Of Article ******************
Lars posted Message 3575 in Message Board
Dated : February 29, 2000 at 13:45:33 EST
Subject: Replenishment of goods in BaanERP
We have two warehouses (and two factories) defined and they are located 40 miles
from each other. When we produce goods in one of the factories, we often needs
items, that are normally stored in the other warehouse. Is there a way to setup
BaanERP, so that transfer orders are automatically created between the two wareh
ouses? or do we need to define cluster?
Thanks in Advance
***************** End Of Article ******************
TF posted Message 3576 in Message Board
Dated : February 29, 2000 at 13:54:47 EST
Subject: No critisizing, simply trying to locate the problem...
: TF,
: Interesting statement you make... Tell me more about branche models and partic
ularly their problems.
: Greetings,
: Paul
Hi Paul,
I'm not critisizing branche models or customizations, because I know how difficu
lt it is to really make a program work and making software without problems is i
The reason i made thhis statement in this case is, that the session already exis
ts for a long time and I don't know of any problems in the standard software. Le
ads me to conclude there's something wrong with the session in either a customiz

ation or branche model or ..??

As to your question...
The problems with branche models, i'm referring are not specific but a very wide
area such as:
Form field domains which haven't been created,
Form fields where the input should be 16 and you can only see 8 characters.
Adjusted reports which say " no data" found and when you check the table through
ttaad4500, they really should print.
Sessions which do not respond to parameters, ..
and so on ...
Some of the branchemodels/customizations haven't been tested as well as others a
nd therefore can craeate a great deal of problems
Hope this answers your question...
greetings TF
***************** End Of Article ******************
TF posted Message 3577 in Message Board
Dated : February 29, 2000 at 14:05:36 EST
Subject: Re: Replenishment of locations
The already offered solution, with 2 wharehouses is the only solution which can
be automatically genreated throught DRP and RPL orders.
Two different wharehouses, only on paper and in Baan, where wharehouse 2 supplie
s wharehouse 1. In order entry always select wharehouse 1 and in the item data,
also select whare house 1.
Assign a distribution structure and run DRP, and your RPL advises will follow, b
this wil cause a great deal of administration for the wharehouse people.....
Good Luck TF

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John Crystal posted Message 3578 in Message Board
Dated : February 29, 2000 at 18:19:10 EST
Subject: Re: Inventory REFUSES to move
I'd check the planned inventory movement by item for that item and see if that w
on't identify the source of the allocation.
Also if you're running ILC give me a call and I'll explain another common way th
is happens.....too long to type out here.

John Crystal
Crystal Consulting
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Sat posted Message 3579 in Message Board
Dated : February 29, 2000 at 18:22:10 EST
Subject: Raja, thanks for the response

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Sat posted Message 3580 in Message Board
Dated : February 29, 2000 at 18:24:00 EST
Subject: Thanks again Raja
Thanks for the reassurance.
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John Crystal posted Message 3581 in Message Board
Dated : February 29, 2000 at 18:26:21 EST
Subject: Re: Print invoice again
What about just printing a Pro Forma invoice to go with the shipment. If they ac
cept all the goods follow up by printing a final invoice. If they send some prod
uct back maintain the delivery to show only what was kept and then print the fin
al invoice.
Your situation definately doesn't sound like "best business practices" but if it
is a fact of life in your industry that procedure should handle it.
John Crystal
Crystal Consulting

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Pere Ll. posted Message 3582 in Message Board
Dated : March 01, 2000 at 03:43:21 EST
Subject: Re: Replenishment of goods in BaanERP
: Hi
: We have two warehouses (and two factories) defined and they are located 40 mil
es from each other. When we produce goods in one of the factories, we often need

s items, that are normally stored in the other warehouse. Is there a way to setu
p BaanERP, so that transfer orders are automatically created between the two war
ehouses? or do we need to define cluster?
: Thanks in Advance
: Lars

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Pere Ll. posted Message 3583 in Message Board
Dated : March 01, 2000 at 03:45:20 EST
Subject: Re: Replenishment of goods in BaanERP
: : Hi
: : We have two warehouses (and two factories) defined and they are located 40 m
iles from each other. When we produce goods in one of the factories, we often ne
eds items, that are normally stored in the other warehouse. Is there a way to se
tup BaanERP, so that transfer orders are automatically created between the two w
arehouses? or do we need to define cluster?
: : Thanks in Advance
: : Lars
The only thing you could do is a Supply Chain Planning, that is, DRP in BaanIV a
nd you have to create clusters for that.
Hope that helps you

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Narasimha Rao posted Message 3584 in Message Board
Dated : March 01, 2000 at 07:26:58 EST
Subject: Cost &amp; Service items
Cost & service items in baan are for modelling the administrative items like sta
tionary etc, which need not be stored in warehouse. so these items are non inven
toriable items. Also these items can be used to post extra costs while procuring
and selling goods.
Now is there any meaning in defining units like price unit and purchasing unit s
eperately?? If yes then conversion factors should be present between these units
. OR prcice unit and purchase unit should be same ? I will appereciate if anyone
has business case .
Narasimha Rao
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S grub posted Message 3585 in Message Board
Dated : March 01, 2000 at 12:07:07 EST

Subject: Re: Display Warehouse Inventory by PBOM

Hi Jon Grove,
It can be done only by customisation.
As such there is no functionality available to skip phantoms in this session.the
re are users who use Phantom items as the end items and sell them individually f
or reasons known to them.In such cases those phantoms will be having their own s
tocks,as well as individual routings.So the system can not understand whether th
e phantom item in the BOM is of such category or not.
: The session tdinv0520m000 shows the component availability for X qty of a prod
uction item.. Unfortunately it shows inventory shortages against phantoms!
: Does anyone know of a way of ignoring phantoms? In this session as they will
always show as shortages?
: Thanks
: John Mc

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Raja Mohan posted Message 3586 in Message Board
Dated : March 01, 2000 at 13:24:53 EST
Subject: Re: Cost &amp; Service items
An example:
For a machine tools factory we used to get the supply of 20 MWH( Purchase Unit)/
day from a captive power plant and the payment is based on the KWH(Price unit).
This expenses have to be handled thru cost items if Baan is used.
Hope this answered your query.
Raja Mohan
: Cost & service items in baan are for modelling the administrative items like s
tationary etc, which need not be stored in warehouse. so these items are non inv
entoriable items. Also these items can be used to post extra costs while procuri
ng and selling goods.
: Now is there any meaning in defining units like price unit and purchasing unit
seperately?? If yes then conversion factors should be present between these uni
ts. OR prcice unit and purchase unit should be same ? I will appereciate if anyo
ne has business case .
: Thanks
: Narasimha Rao

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John Mc posted Message 3587 in Message Board
Dated : March 02, 2000 at 04:09:38 EST
Subject: Re: Display Warehouse Inventory by PBOM
This session does not appear to blow through phantoms either!
And therefore offers very limited use to us, or anybody who has phantoms in thei
r BOMs & wishes to find out 'Warehouse Inventory by PBOM' Does anyone know of a
way around this?

: Hi Jon Grove,
: It can be done only by customisation.
: As such there is no functionality available to skip phantoms in this session.t
here are users who use Phantom items as the end items and sell them individually
for reasons known to them.In such cases those phantoms will be having their own
stocks,as well as individual routings.So the system can not understand whether
the phantom item in the BOM is of such category or not.
: : The session tdinv0520m000 shows the component availability for X qty of a pr
oduction item.. Unfortunately it shows inventory shortages against phantoms!
: : Does anyone know of a way of ignoring phantoms? In this session as they wil
l always show as shortages?
: : Thanks
: : John Mc

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John Crystal posted Message 3588 in Message Board
Dated : March 02, 2000 at 10:32:38 EST
Subject: Pricing and purchasing units
One case where this feature is used quite a bit is in manufacturing where steel
is involved. The cost is usually in hundred weight, the inventory/issue unit may
be in inches for bar or sq in for plate, and storage unit may be bars.
John Crystal
Crystal Consulting
***************** End Of Article ******************
Paul Nauf posted Message 3589 in Message Board
Dated : March 02, 2000 at 11:24:22 EST
Subject: Different Cost Price in Warehouse Baan V
How could I set up different cost price on one item in two warehouses. This in c
ase og B-Items (little damaged goods)
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Lars posted Message 3590 in Message Board
Dated : March 02, 2000 at 14:15:39 EST
Subject: Re: Different Cost Price in Warehouse Baan V
: How could I set up different cost price on one item in two warehouses. This in
case og B-Items (little damaged goods)
You can have different valuation prices, depending of the warehouse, where the g
oods are stored. This can be done by adding a surcharge. I don't know if it's po

ssible to add a negative surcharge

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Narasimha rao KVVL posted Message 3591 in Message Board
Dated : March 03, 2000 at 06:45:07 EST
Subject: Re: Cost &amp; Service items
Thanks Raja Mohan and Crystal
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Narasimha rao KVVL posted Message 3592 in Message Board
Dated : March 03, 2000 at 06:51:57 EST
Subject: Re: Different Cost Price in Warehouse Baan V
cost price per warehouse can be setup by defining valuation method for the ite
m differently for different warehouses in item data by warehouse.After that val
uation price for the item should be calculated in CPR module. Price differs only
interms of surcharges only.
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G.vijayasree posted Message 3593 in Message Board
Dated : March 03, 2000 at 23:35:17 EST
Subject: Currency Convertion in Maintain sales excise invoice
We are Currently working on BaaN IV c4 & in1 as the
localisation Package.
When I maintain an Export Order and use USD as the transaction
Currency, then the Rg register is updated with the home
currency without any conversion taking place i.e., 22US$
becomes 22Rs. and updates the Rg registor with 22 Rs. ,is there any correction p
atch or any procedure to be followed.
Thanks in advance
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Bruce Thornhill posted Message 3594 in Message Board
Dated : March 03, 2000 at 23:50:13 EST
Subject: First Allowed Order date.
I am trying to create purchase cycles by using "First Allowed Order Date" (tdinv
001.fotd and tiitm001.fotd). My items are set to use the item by warehouse para
meters and they do for everything but this field.
When I transfer planned INV orders, the item/warehouse FOTD is not updated, but
the item master FOTD is.
Can anyone explain this?

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Raja Mohan posted Message 3595 in Message Board
Dated : March 04, 2000 at 12:15:18 EST
Subject: Re: First Allowed Order date.
: I am trying to create purchase cycles by using "First Allowed Order Date" (tdi
nv001.fotd and tiitm001.fotd). My items are set to use the item by warehouse pa
rameters and they do for everything but this field.
: When I transfer planned INV orders, the item/warehouse FOTD is not updated, bu
t the item master FOTD is.
: Can anyone explain this?
Please ensure whether the flag Update Inventory Parameters is set to Yes in the
session Maintain Items by Warehouse. for all warehouses where the item is stored
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Alaa Jaber posted Message 3596 in Message Board
Dated : March 05, 2000 at 23:19:45 EST
Subject: Order Number... Consumption
The order numbers in Baan are of Six digits. Two of them could be used for serie
s. I would like to hear from anybody who faced a problem in consuming all the re
maining four digits. What can be done.
Did any body changed the order numbers to be 8 digits...
Please if you have ever faced, or heard about someone else who faced this proble
m, call me.
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Jacek Pietras posted Message 3597 in Message Board
Dated : March 06, 2000 at 03:49:23 EST
Subject: Can't save sls order line changes
Baan IV c2; c4.
I can't change sales order line. Sometimes you have to verify sls line details a
s price, quantity, delivery date,.. When I try to save any changes the only resu
lt is error message( no 100) and disconecting. If somebody knows how to fix this
problem - drop me a line please.
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Christian Mengede posted Message 3598 in Message Board
Dated : March 06, 2000 at 05:45:31 EST
Subject: Re: EDI defaults.edi file
: I do not have access to the defaults.edi file because the demo company 812 is
not (and will be not) installed. Is there any possibility for my to get this fil

: I'm having problems with the conversion setup tables. I've seen the EDI User G
uide but it has about 100 pages of conversion setups tables. If I do not get the
defaults.edi file, do I really need to do all this configuration "by hand"?
: I'm using the EDIFACT standard for the messages and the BaaN version that I'm
using is the B40c.043.
: I would really appreciate if someone could give me some kind of help, if possi
ble sending me the defaults.edi file.
: Andr, Portugal.
I tried to import the defaults.edi file which is present in
/baan/lib/edi with tcedi6220m000 but got the error message
tcedis0051. Where does Baan expect the defaults.edi file
to be ?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Christian Mengede posted Message 3599 in Message Board
Dated : March 06, 2000 at 05:47:03 EST
Subject: Re: EDI defaults.edi file
: : I do not have access to the defaults.edi file because the demo company 812 i
s not (and will be not) installed. Is there any possibility for my to get this f
: : I'm having problems with the conversion setup tables. I've seen the EDI User
Guide but it has about 100 pages of conversion setups tables. If I do not get t
he defaults.edi file, do I really need to do all this configuration "by hand"?
: : I'm using the EDIFACT standard for the messages and the BaaN version that I'
m using is the B40c.043.
: : I would really appreciate if someone could give me some kind of help, if pos
sible sending me the defaults.edi file.
: : Andr, Portugal.
: Hallo Andr
: Look in the folder /baan/lib/edi maybe there are some defaults.edi.
: I will also send you the defaults.edi.
: greetings
: toni
I tried to import the defaults.edi file which is present in
/baan/lib/edi with tcedi6220m000 but got the error message
tcedis0051. Where does Baan expect the defaults.edi file

to be ?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Christian Mengede posted Message 3600 in Message Board
Dated : March 06, 2000 at 06:53:25 EST
Subject: defaults.edi file
I tried to import the defaults.edi file which is present in
/baan/lib/edi with tcedi6220m000 but got the error message
Where does BaanIVc4 expect the defaults.edi file to be ?
Christian, Germany
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Murali posted Message 3601 in Message Board
Dated : March 06, 2000 at 10:04:27 EST
Subject: Printing Purchase Order
When generating print purchase order in Distribution
(i.e purchase control/purchase order/procedures/print purchase order) the screen
which asks for (entering enter specific order etc is getting hanged even after
the print report is previewed/printed instead of getting closed. Also some error
message it is giving
Fatal error: 'No more pty's available (e=0) press <return>
Presently i am killing the process using option dialog box.
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RO posted Message 3602 in Message Board
Dated : March 06, 2000 at 10:18:07 EST
Subject: Re: Clarity regarding Planned RPL Orders after MRP and DRP
We use PRP and DRP does see the planned PRP production orders.
The reason for this is replenishment is also possible between warehouses and pro
jects or between projects. Inventory transfers between warehouses and locations
within warehouses can also be done by means of replenish orders if location con
trol is response to an earlier posting. Form 2 of the repl ord
er lines allows you to input location of issue, lot, destination location and in
ventory date.

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RO posted Message 3603 in Message Board

Dated : March 06, 2000 at 10:34:05 EST

Subject: Re: Outbounding PRP to a location rather then REC
: The problem I am having is that everytime complete the transaction, the d12342
part ends up in REC, and then I have to inbound it to its fixed location. Is t
here a way to get it to go directly into its fixed location the first time?
Set up a direct inventory transfer order type with order steps, Maintain repl or
der and process/delete delivered rpl order. Do not include receive and deliver.
However, negative inventory is not allowed and rpl parameters should have inve
ntory check in rpl whse and destination whse to either on hand or time-phased.
This will make sure the inventory is available for demand.
If you have a test environment, set it up first in there and see if it does what
you want.
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RO posted Message 3604 in Message Board
Dated : March 06, 2000 at 10:47:59 EST
Subject: Re: Inventory Allocations with Outbound Advice vs. Inv. Committments
: These questions refer to Baan V. What is the difference between the inventory
allocation that takes place when outbound advice is generated and the inventory
allocation that takes place in the inventory committment session? Does "hard"
allocation take place in both cases? Is the inventory committment session neede
d if outbound advice is generated? I don't understand the difference here.
: Also, after inventory is allocated with the generation of outbound advice, is
it excluded from the MPS and MRP for planning purposes? In otherwords, does this
allocated inventory become non-nettable?
Yes, they are both hard allocations. Inventory commitment is available only in
a non-ilc company. Generating outbound is the same functionality for an ilc com
pany. And when you say, is it exculded from MPS or reduces the invento
ry from what is available. It is seen by those planning engines as inventory no
longer available.
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Jonathan Spies posted Message 3605 in Message Board
Dated : March 06, 2000 at 10:54:39 EST
Subject: Re: Returns with ILC on
If you are trying to return the item back to the supplier;
You have to go through the inbound procedure, but you can only inbound to a reci
ept location, therefore move the items into the receipt location inbound the neg
ative quantity i.e. return to supplier.
Hope this helps

: Hi all:
: How can I return items with ILC and Locations ON?
: I am using the correspondient order type.
: but when I try to receive it seems that there is no stock,Is necessary to do i
nbound when and how?
: Thanks for your time,
: B.

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Jane posted Message 3606 in Message Board
Dated : March 06, 2000 at 16:08:09 EST
Subject: Sales History
I would like to use the Sales history lines table tdsls051 to create reports thr
ough our report writer software. To do this, I need to have a complete understa
nding of what happens when a sales order line is changed, created, deleted.
* How do I identify the record type ? Is there a way to identify a creation fr
om a change (New and old lines) from a cancelled record in tdsls051? a status co
de ?
*How are order dates and transaction dates handled ?
*BaaN Help describes a change order line; what does a creation or deletion(cance
l) look like ?
I would appreciate any help - thank you in advance.

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Ulrich Fuchs posted Message 3607 in Message Board
Dated : March 07, 2000 at 03:45:39 EST
Subject: Re: Sales History
: I would like to use the Sales history lines table tdsls051 to create reports t
hrough our report writer software. To do this, I need to have a complete unders
tanding of what happens when a sales order line is changed, created, deleted.
: * How do I identify the record type ? Is there a way to identify a creation fr
om a change (New and old lines) from a cancelled record in tdsls051? a status co
de ?
: *How are order dates and transaction dates handled ?
: *BaaN Help describes a change order line; what does a creation or deletion(can
cel) look like ?
: I would appreciate any help - thank you in advance.

Question 1/3)
The Most important field to look for is tdsls051.ckor meaning:
1) creation / change (in the latter case you will find one entry with a negative
quantitity "removing" the old line followed by one with a positive quantitiy wi
th the new data)
2) deletion
3) invoice
If you have more than one invoice line and if you are using pcs module, watch th
e field .pcsr (PCS Revaluation). Only use the lines with pcsr = The
other records are "old" invoice lines which get overwritten every time you calcu
late other costs for the sold items.
Question 2)
You find the transaction date in key: It's the field .trdt
The order date is the field .odat

Hope this helps a bit,

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Jacek Pietras posted Message 3608 in Message Board
Dated : March 07, 2000 at 05:32:55 EST
Subject: More details
This occurs only if:
1. sls order line is linked to contract schedule line
2. parameter "Update planned inv transactions'=Yes

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Shane posted Message 3609 in Message Board
Dated : March 07, 2000 at 06:23:39 EST
Subject: Controlling fuel in Transport module
Standard baan config is for consignment stock of fuel.
In our case, the fuel is owned. Is there any way to control this other than cust
omising. We still want to use standard fleet management functions for fuel usage
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Enrico Catucci posted Message 3610 in Message Board
Dated : March 07, 2000 at 10:31:34 EST
Subject: Error in triangulation
Hi and thank !!
I have a specific problem related to the EURO triangulation in processing delive

red sales orders. The amount

EMU and not-EMU currencies.
packages. It seems that the
rency is not called from the

sent to Finance is badly calculated both in case of

Triangulation looks like well working in other BAAN
function tdsls4223.

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Sat posted Message 3611 in Message Board
Dated : March 07, 2000 at 10:53:02 EST
Subject: Does MRP look at only the Item Master default w/h?
1. We have 2 different production warehouses that manufacture the same Finished
Each Production warehouse independently replenishes may destination warehouses.
We are getting proper planned RPL orders after DRP run.
However the MRP run is generating planned MRP Production orders on only one ware
house (the w/h that is specified in the item master).
We are on Baan IVc3. Does Baan MRP and MPS only generate planned orders on item
default w/h??
2. I'd also like more clarity on the nettable warehouses that MRP considers for
an item during the MRP run. Does it look at stock in all nettable w/h for that i
tem or only those nettable w/h that are indicated in the BOM?
I would appreciate any responses.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Sat posted Message 3612 in Message Board
Dated : March 07, 2000 at 11:08:33 EST
Subject: Does Cycle Counting look at WIP warehouses?
Does it look at inventory in all warehouses? OR only normal warehouses.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Joy Conner posted Message 3613 in Message Board
Dated : March 07, 2000 at 14:40:45 EST
Subject: February 29, 2000
Did anyone have trouble with transactions on 2/29/2000? My credit manager repor
ted to me that orders were blocked inappropriately on 2/29. I cannot replicate
this problem but I'm wondering if I'm the only site with this issue.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Sat posted Message 3614 in Message Board
Dated : March 07, 2000 at 17:41:30 EST
Subject: Bill of Distb Lead Time + Item master lead time??
We have a scenario where 3 diff. non-nettable destination warehouses are being r
eplenished by one Nettable w/h. It is the same item that is being replenished.

The Item Master has a lead time and the default w/h in the item master is the Ne
ttable Replenishing w/h.
The Bill of distb. for the destination w/hs have diff replenishment times entere
After DRP run we are getting planned RPL orders that are taking the replenisment
time into consideration. However after MRP run we are getting related planned P
urchase orders which are not taking any item master lead time into consideration
Has this got anything to do with any parameter?

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Laura posted Message 3615 in Message Board
Dated : March 07, 2000 at 18:20:42 EST
Subject: Outbound Priority of Locations
We are running Baan B40c3...
We'd like to be able to have the outbound advice generation look at a certain lo
cation first (assuming the lots are all the same). For example, if you have th
e same lot number with inventory in location 3C, 4D, 5A - we would like the "A"
locations to have priority over the "C" and "D" locations.
Is there any way to set this up?
Please advise - and thank you for your help!
***************** End Of Article ******************
Rama posted Message 3616 in Message Board
Dated : March 08, 2000 at 01:29:37 EST
Subject: One Invoice to two different customer for two different orders.
Dear BaaNfans,

have an interesting case. We have two sales orders for two different customers
When we printed the invoice using session"Print Sales Invoices", we found tha
the system has created one invoice only for both the customers. How can we sen
the same invoice to two customers. Why and how this has happened.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Lars posted Message 3617 in Message Board
Dated : March 08, 2000 at 06:03:28 EST
Subject: Outbound of components for Transfer Order
If we create a sales order for a phantom item, BaanERP outbounds the components.
If we create a transfer order, BaanERP only tries to outbound the phantom item.
Do anyone have a good solution for this?

Thank you in advance

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Ulrich Fuchs posted Message 3618 in Message Board
Dated : March 08, 2000 at 07:22:04 EST
Subject: Re: Will credit note in FIN affect the turnover value
: : : Hi all,
: : : Could anyone tell me the definition of Turnover in Sales Statistics?
: : : When will an order intake be considered as Sales Statistics?
: : : Many Thanks.
: : : Max
: :
: : Hallo Max,
: : Turnover includes the delivered and paid orders(Orderstatus = Delete Positio
n) and the program "tdsst0201m000" has to be executed.
: : greetings
: : anton
: :
: Hi Anton and other fans
: Will credit note created in Finance module (e.g. adjustment to sales amount) a
ffect the turnover value in Sales Statistics?
: Thanks.
: Max
Awnser is short: NO.
Sorry for that...

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Pere Ll. posted Message 3619 in Message Board
Dated : March 08, 2000 at 08:57:14 EST
Subject: Planned Inventory Movements. Stock problems
Hi all,
When I'm going to see the "Display Planned MRP movements" session (or the List s
ession), in form 2 the stock field is allways zero or negative (for all the item
s). Then the stock in the different dates and movements is not real.

Thanks a lot to everybody.

***************** End Of Article ******************
Sat posted Message 3620 in Message Board
Dated : March 08, 2000 at 10:11:45 EST
Subject: Thinking aloud helps
I realized that the planned del date on the MRP Planned purchase order is the sa
me as the RPL order date bcoz there was sufficient lead time between the Pl orde
r date and the planned del date on the MRP Planned PO to accomodate the item mas
ter lead time.
Sorry about that
***************** End Of Article ******************
Tommy L. Bacon, CPIM posted Message 3621 in Message Board
Dated : March 08, 2000 at 13:52:57 EST
Subject: Re: Outbound Priority of Locations
When issuing goods from inventory, BAAN IV can recommend a location from which t
o pick based on the outbound priority (FIFO, LIFO or by location) defined in the
Item Data (tiitm0101m000) session. If an item has an on hand balance, the Maint
ain Outbound System by Item session must be used to change the priority.
: We are running Baan B40c3...
: We'd like to be able to have the outbound advice generation look at a certain
location first (assuming the lots are all the same). For example, if you have
the same lot number with inventory in location 3C, 4D, 5A - we would like the "A
" locations to have priority over the "C" and "D" locations.
: Is there any way to set this up?
: Please advise - and thank you for your help!

***************** End Of Article ******************

Tommy L. Bacon, CPIM posted Message 3622 in Message Board
Dated : March 08, 2000 at 14:03:16 EST
Subject: Re: Does MRP look at only the Item Master default w/h?
If the inventory warehouse is a nettable warehouse, the MRP module uses on hand
data from this module in its calculations. The MRP module will ignore any on han
d quantities stored in non-nettable warehouses.
BAAN IV determines when a planned MRP order needs to be generated by calculating
a projected inventory balance and comparing it to the part s safety stock quantit
y. The projected inventory balance is based on the part s on hand quantity, in net
table warehouses; the required quantities, which include sales order and product
ion order allocations; material requirements from planned MPS/MRP production ord
ers; and any supply, which includes actual production or purchase orders and fir
m-planned MRP purchase or production orders.
***************** End Of Article ******************

Sat posted Message 3623 in Message Board

Dated : March 08, 2000 at 15:19:56 EST
Subject: Thanks! But any suggestion about 2 diff. warehouses scenario?
Even if the DRP demand is on one warehouse the Planned MRP purchase order is get
ting generated for the nett (across all nettable warehouses)requirement on the i
tem default warehouse only.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Arvind Patil posted Message 3624 in Message Board
Dated : March 08, 2000 at 17:00:25 EST
Subject: Re: Planned Inventory Movements. Stock problems
Whenever you reveiw the Olanned movement after running MRP you will always get i
nventory zero as MRP would have generated the order. So I do not think any thing
is wrong in your MRP.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Max posted Message 3625 in Message Board
Dated : March 09, 2000 at 06:19:21 EST
Subject: About SIC, when will Baan compare econ qty with reorder qty, how it det
ermine order date in planned inv order?
Hi all,
Could anyone kindly tell me on which date will Baan compare reorder point with e
conomic quantity to determine the planned inv order qty?
And how it determine the planned inv order date? Use order lead time in Maintai
n Item data?
Pleaes suggest.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Gerry walter posted Message 3626 in Message Board
Dated : March 09, 2000 at 07:00:20 EST
Subject: Sales invoice lines .... help!!!
I have several items which have been despatched, and appear on the advice note.
However, the items are not appearing on the sales invoice, and when I check the
sales order line status, it is ready for "Maintain outbound". When i generate ou
tbound, and release, the status does not change. Any ideas???

***************** End Of Article ******************
Paul van Eijk posted Message 3627 in Message Board
Dated : March 09, 2000 at 09:23:37 EST
Subject: Re: About SIC, when will Baan compare econ qty with reorder qty, how it
determine order date in planned inv order?
It all depends on one parameter. Take a look at session tdinv0100m00 form 4 Read
the helptext on the field 'Time-Phased Order Point'.
If you have more questions about this please post a reply.
: Hi all,
: Could anyone kindly tell me on which date will Baan compare reorder point with
economic quantity to determine the planned inv order qty?
: And how it determine the planned inv order date? Use order lead time in Maint
ain Item data?
: Pleaes suggest.
: Regards.
: Max

***************** End Of Article ******************

Bruce Thornhill posted Message 3628 in Message Board
Dated : March 09, 2000 at 13:03:54 EST
Subject: Re: First Allowed Order date.
The flag is set correctly, but it still only updates in the item data table (tii
tm001). I would expect it to update only in the Item by warhouse table (tdinv00
: : I am trying to create purchase cycles by using "First Allowed Order Date" (t
dinv001.fotd and tiitm001.fotd). My items are set to use the item by warehouse
parameters and they do for everything but this field.
: : When I transfer planned INV orders, the item/warehouse FOTD is not updated,
but the item master FOTD is.
: : Can anyone explain this?
: Please ensure whether the flag Update Inventory Parameters is set to Yes in th
e session Maintain Items by Warehouse. for all warehouses where the item is stor
: regards

***************** End Of Article ******************

Bruce Thornhill posted Message 3629 in Message Board
Dated : March 09, 2000 at 13:12:30 EST
Subject: &quot;Use Item Parameters&quot;
On the Item by Warhouse record (tdinv001) there is a field called "Use Item Para
meters" which I always want set to "No" because I want to establish my reorder p
oints by warehouse and not company wide.
Unfortunately, when the item record is created, it always defaults this field to
"Yes". I ahve to run a query to find these records, and then use GTM to correc
t. (it can be dozens of pages)
Is there a better way?
***************** End Of Article ******************
AJM posted Message 3630 in Message Board
Dated : March 09, 2000 at 13:43:34 EST
Subject: Re: defaults.edi file
: Hi,

I tried to import the defaults.edi file which is present in

/baan/lib/edi with tcedi6220m000 but got the error message
Where does BaanIVc4 expect the defaults.edi file to be ?

: Thanks
: Christian, Germany
Did you set up that path in the EDI Parameters? Also, try /baan/bse/lib/edi or
/baan/bse/lib/edi/sch if you're using Supply Chain.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Alaa Jaber posted Message 3631 in Message Board
Dated : March 09, 2000 at 19:45:39 EST
I am facing a problem that the order numbers in Baan are 6 digits. We used two d
igits for the series number and now some series are exceeding 9999.
Did anyone faced a similar problem. The one million order numbers limit in Baan
is very small in large organizations...
Is there any idea how this situation can be resolved.

***************** End Of Article ******************
Alaa Jaber posted Message 3632 in Message Board
Dated : March 09, 2000 at 19:57:51 EST
Subject: Re: Sales invoice lines .... help!!!
It is clear to me that you placed the step : Maintain outbound
in your order type. Remove that step and use Generate OutBound and Maintain Deli
veries ( Which is equal to Release outBound )
***************** End Of Article ******************
Alaa Jaber posted Message 3633 in Message Board
Dated : March 09, 2000 at 20:13:25 EST
Q1. Is there any way to change a cash order ( Proforma type ) after printing the
proforma invoice.
Q2. Is there any way to cancell an order
Q3. How can I issue non-production material for different cost centers and charg
e there ledger accounts.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Alaa Jaber posted Message 3634 in Message Board
Dated : March 09, 2000 at 20:16:40 EST
Subject: Outbound of components for SalesOrder.... Warehouse problem

I would like to add to your problem..

In Sales Order outbound, the components are outbound'ed from the warehouse defin
ed in the BOM. How can I issue the components from different warehouses....
: Lars

***************** End Of Article ******************

Ulrich Fuchs posted Message 3635 in Message Board
Dated : March 10, 2000 at 03:11:24 EST
Subject: Re: Sales invoice lines .... help!!!
: It is clear to me that you placed the step : Maintain outbound
: in your order type. Remove that step and use Generate OutBound and Maintain De
liveries ( Which is equal to Release outBound )
Be careful with adding "generate outbound" to the order steps. There are some pr
oblems connected to this step (when deleting generated outbound advices and re-g
enerating). Maintain Deliveries alone should do it .

***************** End Of Article ******************
Ulrich Fuchs posted Message 3636 in Message Board
Dated : March 10, 2000 at 03:14:02 EST
Subject: Re: Sales invoice lines .... help!!!
: I have several items which have been despatched, and appear on the advice note
: However, the items are not appearing on the sales invoice, and when I check th
e sales order line status, it is ready for "Maintain outbound". When i generate
outbound, and release, the status does not change. Any ideas???
: Gerry.
Is it a counter order?

***************** End Of Article ******************

Holger Klett posted Message 3637 in Message Board
Dated : March 10, 2000 at 05:05:25 EST
Subject: Re:
: On the Item by Warhouse record (tdinv001) there is a field called "Use Item Pa
rameters" which I always want set to "No" because I want to establish my reorder
points by warehouse and not company wide.
: Unfortunately, when the item record is created, it always defaults this field
to "Yes". I ahve to run a query to find these records, and then use GTM to corr
ect. (it can be dozens of pages)
: Is there a better way?

first, why u use GTM?
The field is freely accessable by standard session.
If your sure that this field have always be set to no, u
can use a standard print session of the table tdinv001.
Take tdinv0401m000.
copy the session to another.
copy the report to another.
Asign your new report to your new session.
(This because your standard report should not do this things.

Maintain the report.

Create a report script.
Add following code to the script:
select tdinv001.*
from tdinv001 for update
where tdinv001._index1 = { :tdinv001.cwar, :tdinv001.item , :tdinv001.cntr }
order by tdinv001._index1
if tdinv001.uidt = tcyesno.yes then
tdinv001.uidt =
db.update( ttdinv001, db.retry )
select tdinv001.*
from tdinv001 for update
where tdinv001._index1 = { :tdinv001.cwar, :tdinv001.item , :tdinv001.cntr }
order by tdinv001._index1
if tdinv001.uidt = tcyesno.yes then
tdinv001.uidt =
db.update( ttdinv001, db.retry )
If you have baan development, its also possible to generate a update session for
table tdinv001, in wich u can easaly modifie the records.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Govind posted Message 3638 in Message Board
Dated : March 10, 2000 at 07:37:13 EST
Subject: Re: Third party Warehouse on Supply Chain
: Does anyone know that is the use of the third party warehouse entered in the s
ession "Sales contract SCH". I cannot find out where we can use this information

: Is it only an informative data ?

: Thank you for your help.
: Rmi

***************** End Of Article ******************

Govind posted Message 3639 in Message Board
Dated : March 10, 2000 at 07:40:42 EST
Subject: Re: Third party Warehouse on Supply Chain
If the third party warehouse is set to "yes", then the goods will be temporarity
stored in that warehouse. You have to enter the third party code(ie supplier) i
n the next field.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Govind posted Message 3640 in Message Board
Dated : March 10, 2000 at 08:02:00 EST
Subject: Re: Does Cycle Counting look at WIP warehouses?
: Does it look at inventory in all warehouses? OR only normal warehouses.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Govind posted Message 3641 in Message Board
Dated : March 10, 2000 at 08:03:36 EST
Subject: Re: Does Cycle Counting look at WIP warehouses?
cycle count will look the inventory in all warehouses not only in normal warehou
ses. It looks the inventory in WIP also.

***************** End Of Article ******************

John Crystal posted Message 3642 in Message Board
Dated : March 10, 2000 at 09:16:39 EST
If the first numbers in your series are old enough you should archive the data a
nd free up the numbers for re-use. If the orders in question are still needed in
the live company you need to reevaluate your use of two diget series.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Bruce Thornhill posted Message 3643 in Message Board

Dated : March 10, 2000 at 11:29:04 EST

Subject: Re:
Agreed, but I am hoping there is a setup issue whereby I can prevent the problem
from happening in the first place.
Thanks for the script, BTW.
: : On the Item by Warhouse record (tdinv001) there is a field called "Use Item
Parameters" which I always want set to "No" because I want to establish my reord
er points by warehouse and not company wide.
: : Unfortunately, when the item record is created, it always defaults this fiel
d to "Yes". I ahve to run a query to find these records, and then use GTM to co
rrect. (it can be dozens of pages)
: : Is there a better way?
: Hi,
: first, why u use GTM?
: The field is freely accessable by standard session.
: If your sure that this field have always be set to no, u
: can use a standard print session of the table tdinv001.

Take tdinv0401m000.
copy the session to another.
copy the report to another.
Asign your new report to your new session.
(This because your standard report should not do this things.

: Maintain the report.

: Create a report script.
: Add following code to the script:
: detail.1:
: before.layout:
select tdinv001.*
from tdinv001 for update
where tdinv001._index1 = { :tdinv001.cwar, :tdinv001.item , :tdinv001.cntr
order by tdinv001._index1

if tdinv001.uidt = tcyesno.yes then

tdinv001.uidt =
db.update( ttdinv001, db.retry )


: detail.2:
: before.layout:
select tdinv001.*
from tdinv001 for update
where tdinv001._index1 = { :tdinv001.cwar, :tdinv001.item , :tdinv001.cntr
order by tdinv001._index1

if tdinv001.uidt = tcyesno.yes then

tdinv001.uidt =
db.update( ttdinv001, db.retry )

: If you have baan development, its also possible to generate a update session f
or table tdinv001, in wich u can easaly modifie the records.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Holger Klett posted Message 3644 in Message Board
Dated : March 10, 2000 at 11:40:41 EST
Subject: Re:
: Agreed, but I am hoping there is a setup issue whereby I can prevent the probl
em from happening in the first place.
: Thanks for the script, BTW.
: Bruce
: : : On the Item by Warhouse record (tdinv001) there is a field called "Use Ite
m Parameters" which I always want set to "No" because I want to establish my reo
rder points by warehouse and not company wide.
: : : Unfortunately, when the item record is created, it always defaults this fi
eld to "Yes". I ahve to run a query to find these records, and then use GTM to
correct. (it can be dozens of pages)
: : : Is there a better way?
: : Hi,
: : first, why u use GTM?
: : The field is freely accessable by standard session.

: :
: : If your sure that this field have always be set to no, u
: : can use a standard print session of the table tdinv001.


Take tdinv0401m000.
copy the session to another.
copy the report to another.
Asign your new report to your new session.
(This because your standard report should not do this things.

: : Maintain the report.

: : Create a report script.
: : Add following code to the script:

: detail.1:
: before.layout:
select tdinv001.*
from tdinv001 for update
where tdinv001._index1 = { :tdinv001.cwar, :tdinv001.item , :tdinv001.cnt
order by tdinv001._index1

: :

if tdinv001.uidt = tcyesno.yes then




: detail.2:
: before.layout:
select tdinv001.*
from tdinv001 for update
where tdinv001._index1 = { :tdinv001.cwar, :tdinv001.item , :tdinv001.cnt
order by tdinv001._index1

: :


tdinv001.uidt =
db.update( ttdinv001, db.retry )

if tdinv001.uidt = tcyesno.yes then

tdinv001.uidt =
db.update( ttdinv001, db.retry )

: :
: : If you have baan development, its also possible to generate a update session
for table tdinv001, in wich u can easaly modifie the records.
The problem is that "use item parameter" is set in the script
of tiitm0101m000.

I have verified this.

There is no parameter to set, sorry ....

***************** End Of Article ******************

Alaa Jaber posted Message 3645 in Message Board
Dated : March 10, 2000 at 23:21:39 EST
: If the first numbers in your series are old enough you should archive the data
and free up the numbers for re-use. If the orders in question are still needed
in the live company you need to reevaluate your use of two diget series.
What will happen to the history. What are the consequences on integration to fin
ance and customer statements... Are all going to be OK.
Does that means Baan cannot support more than two years of data to be live...
***************** End Of Article ******************
kim yon gyoon posted Message 3646 in Message Board
Dated : March 12, 2000 at 08:59:48 EST
Subject: Re: Generic Items in Non-Nettable location and ATP
: When I have a generic item in a non-nettable location the item appears to be a
vailable if there is no sales order for that generic item. Does anyone know how
to get around this? I would like to have a Generic (configured) item in a non-ne
ttable warehouse.

***************** End Of Article ******************

John Crystal posted Message 3647 in Message Board
Dated : March 12, 2000 at 19:10:01 EST
Baan keeps the "open order" file and the "history" file in the live company, "a
rchived" data is stored in a separate company.
After invoiced are paid for purchase orders or monies received from your custome
rs for AR invoices it is possible to "process and delete" open orders. The order
s still stay in the "history" files till "archived."
"What are the consequences on integration to finance and customer statements...?
"....Baan won't let you "process and delete" till the integrations are completed
...however I would keep the open orders for at least 6 months, preferably a year
. Then keep two year's worth of data in the history files.
Does that means Baan cannot support more than two years of data to be live...? T
hat's just my "usual" scenario. If you've got the disk space keep as many years
of history as you want...remembering the caveat about order numbers and series.

***************** End Of Article ******************

John posted Message 3648 in Message Board
Dated : March 13, 2000 at 09:07:20 EST
Subject: Multiple Sales Reps on Order
Baan only allows one sales rep to be assigned to a Sales Order. We have a number
of situations where an order is to be split between multiple sales reps for a v
ariety of reasons. We need to be able to split the commission and the volume on
reports based on a specific split on the order. How do people do this with Baan?
Thanks in advance for your help.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Gene Phares posted Message 3649 in Message Board
Dated : March 13, 2000 at 16:11:28 EST
Subject: Where does tccom011 get updated?
There is a table in Baan IvC3 - tccom011 - "Maintain Customer Balances by Compan
y". I can't find any documentation regarding this table. Are the fields automa
tically updated or do we need to run a session periodically to keep this table u
p-to-date? Any sort of documentation and/or info would be helpful.
Gene Phares
***************** End Of Article ******************
John Crystal posted Message 3650 in Message Board
Dated : March 13, 2000 at 21:36:00 EST
Subject: Re: answers
: Q2. Is there any way to cancell an order...go to maintain deliveries and delet
e the order line
: Q3. How can I issue non-production material for different cost centers and cha
rge there ledger an inventory adjustment with a reason code that
is hooked to the cost center's account number
Crystal Consulting

***************** End Of Article ******************

John Crystal posted Message 3651 in Message Board

Dated : March 13, 2000 at 21:38:16 EST

Subject: Re: answers...followup
: Q2. Is there any way to cancell an order...go to maintain deliveries and delet
e the order line (assumes a partial delivery has been made)...if no delivery has
been made just delete the line(s) and either delete the header or leave the hea
der and attach text to show that the order was cancelled.

Crystal Consulting

***************** End Of Article ******************

Alaa Jaber posted Message 3652 in Message Board
Dated : March 13, 2000 at 23:51:37 EST
Subject: Re: answers
: : Q2. Is there any way to cancell an order...go to maintain deliveries and del
ete the order line
: : Q3. How can I issue non-production material for different cost centers and c
harge there ledger an inventory adjustment with a reason code tha
t is hooked to the cost center's account number
John, I did that. But after 6 months the series number is completely consumed. I
reached the 99999 limit and I had to restart from one until I find a solution.
: John
: Crystal Consulting

***************** End Of Article ******************

Angel Alonso posted Message 3653 in Message Board
Dated : March 14, 2000 at 04:17:05 EST
Subject: Re: Not enough Sales order numbers
Could you get a right answer to your problem, I have the similar case.
: Is there anyone out there who has to deal with over 1000 sales orders a day?
We are presently set up with multiple logistic companies. And I am told
that for financial mapping reasons we have to differentiate between these compan
ies by using the first two digits of the sales orders, unfortunately this then r
estricts us to 10,000 sales orders before archiving. We have a site which could
get up to 2,000 orders a day and this would eat this up in no time.

Does anyone have any suggestions?

***************** End Of Article ******************

SOnja posted Message 3654 in Message Board
Dated : March 14, 2000 at 05:24:26 EST
Subject: Re: Where does tccom011 get updated?
tccom011 is updated automatically.
If something is wrong (due to e.g. system
failure) or you just want to verify everything is OK, you run session Rebuild C
ustomer Balances (in main menu, Common, Error Recovery).
Does this help?
: There is a table in Baan IvC3 - tccom011 - "Maintain Customer Balances by Comp
any". I can't find any documentation regarding this table. Are the fields auto
matically updated or do we need to run a session periodically to keep this table
up-to-date? Any sort of documentation and/or info would be helpful.
: Thanks,
: Gene Phares

***************** End Of Article ******************

Raja Mohan posted Message 3655 in Message Board
Dated : March 14, 2000 at 05:43:08 EST
Subject: Forun for ERP/Supply Chain Management
Please visit the site for having discussion on ERP general
concepts rather than product specific discussions.
I hope this benifits all of us in the way Baanfans web site is helping.
Thanks and regards
***************** End Of Article ******************
Gene Phares posted Message 3656 in Message Board
Dated : March 14, 2000 at 10:49:27 EST
Subject: Re: Where does tccom011 get updated?
First, thanks - I found the order rebalance function and am running it today. N
early every customer was way out of balance. The turnover field is also not even
close. Is there a balancing field for the turnover field or do I have to write
Gene Phares
: Hi,
: tccom011 is updated automatically.
If something is wrong (due to e.g. syste
m failure) or you just want to verify everything is OK, you run session Rebuild
Customer Balances (in main menu, Common, Error Recovery).
: Does this help?

: Regards,
: Sonja
: : There is a table in Baan IvC3 - tccom011 - "Maintain Customer Balances by Co
mpany". I can't find any documentation regarding this table. Are the fields au
tomatically updated or do we need to run a session periodically to keep this tab
le up-to-date? Any sort of documentation and/or info would be helpful.
: : Thanks,
: : Gene Phares
: :

***************** End Of Article ******************

Tom posted Message 3657 in Message Board
Dated : March 15, 2000 at 12:07:23 EST
Subject: How to chnage the purchase order dates for a Back order
I have a PO line which is backordered. I want to give the different delivery dat
e for the Back order qty. Is there any way to change this rather than cancelling
the BO and creating a nw line
***************** End Of Article ******************
Baan posted Message 3658 in Message Board
Dated : March 16, 2000 at 12:49:54 EST
Subject: Re: How to chnage the purchase order dates for a Back order
: Hi,
: I have a PO line which is backordered. I want to give the different delivery d
ate for the Back order qty. Is there any way to change this rather than cancelli
ng the BO and creating a nw line
: Arvind
:You don't have to create a new PO line. Instead, you can highlight the relevant
line item and go to form 3 of PO line sub-session and change the delivery date.
After this is done, you can take a print out of the PO by setting up the field
"Order Qty" as "Back Order Qty".
***************** End Of Article ******************
Al posted Message 3659 in Message Board
Dated : March 16, 2000 at 14:46:58 EST
Subject: P.O. line with cero quantity and price.
In a Purchase order line you can add a line with an item, purchased class or any
other, with value cero in quantity & price, but you can enter amount freely.

You can also mantain receipts for this item but no inspection.
In Finance you can link this order, that can contain lines for that item with qu
antity not null (of course), to the supplier's invoice.
So, procedure for these order lines seems to be the same as "normal not cero qua
ntity lines".
Questions are:
Using FTP
1.- How this line affect calculation of standard cost for this item? (seems not
2.- Can this lines be used as not standard surcharges?
3.- Is possible to link these lines only to specific order type?
(do not permit it use in any others types)
4.- Possibilities of use these lines in S.O. too?
5.- If BaaN let me use a line of this type and introduce manually amount, which
is it first purpose?
6.- It is a bug?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Chuck Broyles posted Message 3660 in Message Board
Dated : March 16, 2000 at 15:20:15 EST
Subject: 'Directory does not exist' in tcedi6220m000
Hello, I am running B40C supply chain and we are trying to import default edi d
ata into 1 of our companies. However, I get the message 'directory does not ex
ist' when running session tcedi6220m000. I have verified that the path is corre
ct and I have tried several different directories with different unix permission
s. Is there a specific place the default files need to be? All of my documenta
tion doesn't specify a location but it looks like it is looking in 1 place. Any
help would be appreciated. Thanks!!!
***************** End Of Article ******************
Chuck Broyles posted Message 3660 in Message Board
Dated : March 16, 2000 at 15:20:16 EST
Subject: 'Directory does not exist' in tcedi6220m000
Hello, I am running B40C supply chain and we are trying to import default edi d
ata into 1 of our companies. However, I get the message 'directory does not ex
ist' when running session tcedi6220m000. I have verified that the path is corre
ct and I have tried several different directories with different unix permission
s. Is there a specific place the default files need to be? All of my documenta
tion doesn't specify a location but it looks like it is looking in 1 place. Any
help would be appreciated. Thanks!!!

***************** End Of Article ******************

bill posted Message 3661 in Message Board
Dated : March 16, 2000 at 17:13:31 EST
Subject: DRP and Order Interval
Hello all,
Does DRP look at the items order interval? If not will MRP come
behind DRP and suggest that planned replenishment orders be combined so the orde
r interval is not violated.
***************** End Of Article ******************
paul posted Message 3662 in Message Board
Dated : March 17, 2000 at 02:28:06 EST
Subject: Re: Problems reconciling GL inventory amount to inventory value report
: We are having problems reconciling the total amount in the ledger for inventor
y with the amounts that show up on the inventory value report. Does anyone know
how to go about reconciling the differences or where there may be either a Baan
problem or an integration problem? Thanks in advance
bottom line is if you have set up your ledger accounts by itm gr them you need a
report in distrubution that has SCP totals by ITM GR . If discrepancies exist c
1. WIP Transactions ( you may need to do WIP account change over)2. Check SCP fr
om in your inventory reports (where is it comming from, when does it get updated
in finance)
3. make sure no transactions are taking place on those accounts when you try to
reconcile those reports (log everybody out - do all processes and postings to fi
nance, and make sure you do not have any integration errors. if you do fix them)
Tread carefully. Good luck

***************** End Of Article ******************

Ernest posted Message 3663 in Message Board
Dated : March 17, 2000 at 17:22:26 EST
: I am facing a problem that the order numbers in Baan are 6 digits. We used two
digits for the series number and now some series are exceeding 9999.
: Did anyone faced a similar problem. The one million order numbers limit in Baa
n is very small in large organizations...
: Is there any idea how this situation can be resolved.

: Thanks
Why dont you try with a new series of number??? that could be a good possible ins
tead thar you use the same series

***************** End Of Article ******************

Sonja posted Message 3664 in Message Board
Dated : March 18, 2000 at 00:10:36 EST
Subject: Re: Where does tccom011 get updated?
The correction program for customer/supplier turnover is tfcot0216m000. It uses
ascii form ("white on black").
Customer.:-xxx-- (enter)
..........-yyy-- (enter)
Group Comp:-zzz- (enter)
Key in "Y" on Choice field (bottom right corner) to run.
It may take time so it is better to run for a smaller range at a time.
PS Session rebuilds balances from Open entries (tfacp200 or tfacr200)
: Sonja:
: First, thanks - I found the order rebalance function and am running it today.
Nearly every customer was way out of balance. The turnover field is also not ev
en close. Is there a balancing field for the turnover field or do I have to wri
te one?
: Thanks,
: Gene Phares
: : Hi,
: : tccom011 is updated automatically.
If something is wrong (due to e.g. sys
tem failure) or you just want to verify everything is OK, you run session Rebui
ld Customer Balances (in main menu, Common, Error Recovery).
: : Does this help?
: : Regards,
: : Sonja
: : : There is a table in Baan IvC3 - tccom011 - "Maintain Customer Balances by
Company". I can't find any documentation regarding this table. Are the fields
automatically updated or do we need to run a session periodically to keep this t
able up-to-date? Any sort of documentation and/or info would be helpful.
: : : Thanks,

: : : Gene Phares
: : :

***************** End Of Article ******************

Alaa JAber posted Message 3665 in Message Board
Dated : March 18, 2000 at 05:03:23 EST
Subject: Re: Sales invoice lines .... help!!!
: : It is clear to me that you placed the step : Maintain outbound
: : in your order type. Remove that step and use Generate OutBound and Maintain
Deliveries ( Which is equal to Release outBound )
: Be careful with adding "generate outbound" to the order steps. There are some
problems connected to this step (when deleting generated outbound advices and re
-generating). Maintain Deliveries alone should do it .
: Yours,
: Uli
What kind of problems are you expecting ?
I am using generate outbound and assigning it to the salesmen all over the count
ry as a hard allocation step. The sales man creates an order and allocate it. Th
is ensures their commitments to customers are confirmed.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Alaa Jaber posted Message 3666 in Message Board
Dated : March 18, 2000 at 05:08:51 EST
Subject: Re: Multiple Sales Reps on Order
: Baan only allows one sales rep to be assigned to a Sales Order. We have a numb
er of situations where an order is to be split between multiple sales reps for a
variety of reasons. We need to be able to split the commission and the volume o
n reports based on a specific split on the order. How do people do this with Baa
: Thanks in advance for your help.
: John
Have you looked at specifying relations.

***************** End Of Article ******************

D Pankaj posted Message 3667 in Message Board
Dated : March 18, 2000 at 05:39:08 EST
Subject: EDI - Questions

I am trying to implement EDI in a multi company environment and I have the follo
wing questions to be answered 1. Is it possible to transfer the variable lot feature values thru EDI?
2. What is the setup required to transfer amendments to a purchase order so that
the corresponding sales order is updated?
3. is it possible to use only one lot code in the sales order (selling co) for m
ultiple lot codes in the purchase order (buying co) ?
COuld anyone answer my queries asap? Or if possible, send me a mail !
Thanks in advance,
***************** End Of Article ******************
Adrie Oudhuis posted Message 3668 in Message Board
Dated : March 18, 2000 at 09:46:09 EST
Subject: Re: Multiple Sales Reps on Order
For calculating the commission in Baan IV you should use Commission and Rebate m
odule. By creating relations for your sales people and defining which sales rep.
should get commission for selling a product to a customer, you are able to link
automatically an relation (=sales rep.)to a sales order line.
: : Baan only allows one sales rep to be assigned to a Sales Order. We have a nu
mber of situations where an order is to be split between multiple sales reps for
a variety of reasons. We need to be able to split the commission and the volume
on reports based on a specific split on the order. How do people do this with B
: : Thanks in advance for your help.
: : John
: Have you looked at specifying relations.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Sonja posted Message 3669 in Message Board
Dated : March 19, 2000 at 06:32:52 EST
Subject: Re: Where does tccom011 get updated?
Sorry, the session is tfcor0216m000 (not "cot"!)
PS To exit ASCII form, you press Esc (brings cursor to the choice field), follow
ed by "e" (to exit the session)

: The correction program for customer/supplier turnover is tfcot0216m000. It us

es ascii form ("white on black").
: Customer.:-xxx-- (enter)
: ..........-yyy-- (enter)
: Group Comp:-zzz- (enter)
: ...........0
: ...........0
: ...........0
: ...
: Key in "Y" on Choice field (bottom right corner) to run.
: It may take time so it is better to run for a smaller range at a time.

PS Session rebuilds balances from Open entries (tfacp200 or tfacr200)
: Sonja:

: : First, thanks - I found the order rebalance function and am running it today
. Nearly every customer was way out of balance. The turnover field is also not
even close. Is there a balancing field for the turnover field or do I have to w
rite one?
: : Thanks,
: : Gene Phares
: : : Hi,
: : : tccom011 is updated automatically.
If something is wrong (due to e.g. s
ystem failure) or you just want to verify everything is OK, you run session Reb
uild Customer Balances (in main menu, Common, Error Recovery).
: : : Does this help?
: : : Regards,
: : : Sonja
: : : : There is a table in Baan IvC3 - tccom011 - "Maintain Customer Balances b
y Company". I can't find any documentation regarding this table. Are the field
s automatically updated or do we need to run a session periodically to keep this
table up-to-date? Any sort of documentation and/or info would be helpful.
: : : : Thanks,
: : : : Gene Phares
: : : :

***************** End Of Article ******************

Alaa Jaber posted Message 3670 in Message Board
Dated : March 19, 2000 at 23:23:54 EST
Subject: Re: P.O. line with cero quantity and price.
: In a Purchase order line you can add a line with an item, purchased class or a
ny other, with value cero in quantity & price, but you can enter amount freely.
: You can also mantain receipts for this item but no inspection.
: In Finance you can link this order, that can contain lines for that item with
quantity not null (of course), to the supplier's invoice.

: So, procedure for these order lines seems to be the same as "normal not cero q
uantity lines".
: Questions are:
: Using FTP
: 1.- How this line affect calculation of standard cost for this item? (seems no
t affected)
: 2.- Can this lines be used as not standard surcharges?
: 3.- Is possible to link these lines only to specific order type?
: (do not permit it use in any others types)
: 4.- Possibilities of use these lines in S.O. too?
: 5.- If BaaN let me use a line of this type and introduce manually amount, whic
h is it first purpose?
: 6.- It is a bug?
: Al
This way is used for the following purposes :
1. If there is a price difference for any purchased/sold items and you want to c
harge your customer/supplier with the diffrence.
2. It is not a bug. It can be used also for non standard surcharges.
3. It can be used to sell/purchase service items ( non tangible items ) like "Tr
aining, maintenance, support, cleaning services...."...
Regarding std cost, I did not check this poing.
Alaa Jaber
***************** End Of Article ******************
Alaa Jaber posted Message 3671 in Message Board
Dated : March 19, 2000 at 23:42:17 EST
I need your help regarding the standard unit cost.
When I receive new goods, I need need the std unit cost to be updated using the
weghted average cost formula. Is there a way to implement this ?
The material should not be issued from the warehouse without being properly cost
I need to add some extra charges to the item, like "Shipping, Customs,..." These
charges cannot be placed in the same PO because it is invoiced by different sup
pliers. How can this situation be implemented.
Thanks for your help.
Alaa Jaber

***************** End Of Article ******************

Andr Ribeiro posted Message 3672 in Message Board
Dated : March 20, 2000 at 05:21:42 EST
Subject: Cancellation of a purchase order with EDI
Hi everybody,
right now in order to cancel a purchase order I must process all the order lines
as a change (line by line which takes a lot of time when we are talking about 1
00 or 200 lines). What I want to know is if there is some way to automate this p
rocess of cancellation.
Thanks for your time,
Andr Ribeiro
***************** End Of Article ******************
Andr Ribeiro posted Message 3673 in Message Board
Dated : March 20, 2000 at 06:32:17 EST
Subject: EDI Invoice message
I would like to know if there is any way to automate the procedure after receivi
ng the Invoice message.
The procedure at the time is:
Is it possible to automate this procedure or a part of it?
If so tell me how.
Andr Ribeiro

***************** End Of Article ******************

Elang posted Message 3674 in Message Board
Dated : March 20, 2000 at 10:55:20 EST
Subject: Re: Order Unblocking
Ive got a nokia 3210, but ive forgotten the security code that ive put on the fo
ne, can sumone tell me what i can do

***************** End Of Article ******************

Al posted Message 3675 in Message Board
Dated : March 20, 2000 at 11:52:51 EST
Subject: Re: P.O. line with cero quantity and price.
: : In a Purchase order line you can add a line with an item, purchased class or
any other, with value cero in quantity & price, but you can enter amount freely
: : You can also mantain receipts for this item but no inspection.
: : In Finance you can link this order, that can contain lines for that item wit
h quantity not null (of course), to the supplier's invoice.
: : So, procedure for these order lines seems to be the same as "normal not cero
quantity lines".
: : Questions are:
: : Using FTP
: : 1.- How this line affect calculation of standard cost for this item? (seems
not affected)
: : 2.- Can this lines be used as not standard surcharges?
: : 3.- Is possible to link these lines only to specific order type?
: : (do not permit it use in any others types)
: : 4.- Possibilities of use these lines in S.O. too?
: : 5.- If BaaN let me use a line of this type and introduce manually amount, wh
ich is it first purpose?
: : 6.- It is a bug?
: : Al
: This way is used for the following purposes :
: 1. If there is a price difference for any purchased/sold items and you want to
charge your customer/supplier with the diffrence.
: 2. It is not a bug. It can be used also for non standard surcharges.
: 3. It can be used to sell/purchase service items ( non tangible items ) like "
Training, maintenance, support, cleaning services...."...
: Regarding std cost, I did not check this poing.
: Alaa Jaber
Thank you very much, Alaa.
I have checked standard cost calculation. These lines are considered in this cal

***************** End Of Article ******************

Raja Mohan posted Message 3676 in Message Board
Dated : March 20, 2000 at 12:46:56 EST
If u r using Baan IV you cant get the solution to first part of your query with
out customisation.In Baan IV valuation can be only by standard cost and Lot pri
ce.You cant do weighed averages.
Regarding addition of shipping costs etc I am not clear about your requirement.S
ingle po invoiced by many suppliers etc.
: I need your help regarding the standard unit cost.
: When I receive new goods, I need need the std unit cost to be updated using th
e weghted average cost formula. Is there a way to implement this ?
: The material should not be issued from the warehouse without being properly co
: I need to add some extra charges to the item, like "Shipping, Customs,..." The
se charges cannot be placed in the same PO because it is invoiced by different s
uppliers. How can this situation be implemented.
: Thanks for your help.
: Alaa Jaber

***************** End Of Article ******************

Dan posted Message 3677 in Message Board
Dated : March 20, 2000 at 14:53:57 EST
Subject: Accel &amp; Decel Purchase Order
Hi All,
Someone know how to automatize Accel & Decel of purchase order.
Thanks in advance.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Charles Gomba posted Message 3678 in Message Board
Dated : March 21, 2000 at 04:42:26 EST
I agree with Raja Mohan that Baan IV valuatioon can only be by standard cost. Ho
wever this does not mean that your standard cost cannot be based on weighted ave
rage. You determine how standard cost is arrived at (current, average, latest.In
the session "maintain cost price calculation codes" (ticpr1101m000)you determin
e how your standard cost price (for valuation)is calculated. The are four option

s, Latest Purhase Price (Lp), Current Purchase Price (CP), Average (weighted)Pur
chase Price (AP) and Simulated Purchase Price (Si). The order in which you enter
these codes in the above session determines how your standard cost is arrived a
t depending on available data for example, if your order is Ap,Cp,Lp,Si, the sys
tem will attempt to calculate the cost price based on the average purchase pric
e. If it cannot find an average on the item master file, the it will attempt to
arrive at the cost based on the current purchase price and so on and so on. The
system searches from left to right. Your standard cost price is only updated by
running the session "calculate cost prices" (ticpr2210m000) with the update cost
price flag set to yes or by running the session "update cost prices" (ticpr2220
m000). It is most important to remember that matching and approving of final inv
oices is crucial for the updating of average prices.
2. Additional charges can be added to items through the session "maintain surcha
rges by item" (ticpr1130m000). In this session you define the surcharges either
as surcharges or as subtotals which can either be percentages or fixed amounts b
ased on sesective cost price components ot material costs.
Please feel free to e-maol at I keep getting disconnecte
d and there is a lot of detail to cover. I would not advise a sudden change in c
osting policy.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Charles Gomba posted Message 3678 in Message Board
Dated : March 21, 2000 at 04:44:09 EST
I agree with Raja Mohan that Baan IV valuatioon can only be by standard cost. Ho
wever this does not mean that your standard cost cannot be based on weighted ave
rage. You determine how standard cost is arrived at (current, average, latest.In
the session "maintain cost price calculation codes" (ticpr1101m000)you determin
e how your standard cost price (for valuation)is calculated. The are four option
s, Latest Purhase Price (Lp), Current Purchase Price (CP), Average (weighted)Pur
chase Price (AP) and Simulated Purchase Price (Si). The order in which you enter
these codes in the above session determines how your standard cost is arrived a
t depending on available data for example, if your order is Ap,Cp,Lp,Si, the sys
tem will attempt to calculate the cost price based on the average purchase pric
e. If it cannot find an average on the item master file, the it will attempt to
arrive at the cost based on the current purchase price and so on and so on. The
system searches from left to right. Your standard cost price is only updated by
running the session "calculate cost prices" (ticpr2210m000) with the update cost
price flag set to yes or by running the session "update cost prices" (ticpr2220
m000). It is most important to remember that matching and approving of final inv
oices is crucial for the updating of average prices.
2. Additional charges can be added to items through the session "maintain surcha
rges by item" (ticpr1130m000). In this session you define the surcharges either
as surcharges or as subtotals which can either be percentages or fixed amounts b
ased on sesective cost price components ot material costs.
Please feel free to e-maol at I keep getting disconnecte
d and there is a lot of detail to cover. I would not advise a sudden change in c
osting policy.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Martin posted Message 3679 in Message Board
Dated : March 21, 2000 at 05:54:17 EST
Subject: Transportation Distribution on Baan IVc4
is there anybody who is working with Transportation on BaanIVc4? We have great p
erformance problems when copying salesorders to Transportation. Especially the s
etting "Orders Modified" in trtoc2200m000 causes great problems with the perform
Note: we run BaanIVc4 on an Oracle( Level 2 environment.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Raja Mohan posted Message 3680 in Message Board
Dated : March 21, 2000 at 13:01:47 EST
Hi GOmba,
Thanks for the inputs.
I understood the weihted average price as the price calculated based on differen
t weightages for prices of items purchased at different times.
In case of average price the price is average with weightages with 1.
In the second part surcharges are maintained but can be used for the standard co
sts and not when ever you make the purchases.
: I agree with Raja Mohan that Baan IV valuatioon can only be by standard cost.
However this does not mean that your standard cost cannot be based on weighted a
verage. You determine how standard cost is arrived at (current, average, latest.
In the session "maintain cost price calculation codes" (ticpr1101m000)you determ
ine how your standard cost price (for valuation)is calculated. The are four opti
ons, Latest Purhase Price (Lp), Current Purchase Price (CP), Average (weighted)P
urchase Price (AP) and Simulated Purchase Price (Si). The order in which you ent
er these codes in the above session determines how your standard cost is arrived
at depending on available data for example, if your order is Ap,Cp,Lp,Si, the s
ystem will attempt to calculate the cost price based on the average purchase pr
ice. If it cannot find an average on the item master file, the it will attempt t
o arrive at the cost based on the current purchase price and so on and so on. Th
e system searches from left to right. Your standard cost price is only updated b
y running the session "calculate cost prices" (ticpr2210m000) with the update co
st price flag set to yes or by running the session "update cost prices" (ticpr22
20m000). It is most important to remember that matching and approving of final i
nvoices is crucial for the updating of average prices.
: 2. Additional charges can be added to items through the session "maintain surc
harges by item" (ticpr1130m000). In this session you define the surcharges eithe
r as surcharges or as subtotals which can either be percentages or fixed amounts
based on sesective cost price components ot material costs.
: Please feel free to e-maol at I keep getting disconnec
ted and there is a lot of detail to cover. I would not advise a sudden change in
costing policy.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Jeanne Ploshay posted Message 3681 in Message Board
Dated : March 21, 2000 at 14:30:07 EST
Subject: Re: Multiple Sales Reps on Order
: Baan only allows one sales rep to be assigned to a Sales Order. We have a numb
er of situations where an order is to be split between multiple sales reps for a
variety of reasons. We need to be able to split the commission and the volume o
n reports based on a specific split on the order. How do people do this with Baa
: Thanks in advance for your help.
: John
We have the same situation you described. The Sales Rep field on the Sales Order
"header" is really just informational in nature; we use this field so we know w
hich sales person to send copies of the orders and invoices to (for their files)
. Since this field pulls from the Employee table, the only way you can show two
names here would be to set up a "fake" employee called "Joe/Bob". We considere
d doing this, because we it's a pain to manually remember to send a copy to some
one. We decided against doing it, however, and now try to select the "primary"
rep and hope we can remember to send a copy to the other guy! If you referring
to splitting commissions, that is a whole other story. The Sales Rep field has
nothing to do with commissions. You will have to go into the Commission Rebate
module and set up relations, agreements, as well as make sure the parameters are
set up correctly in CMS. Once all of the basic info is set up, you can then se
t up relation teams that consist of more than one employee/rep. You can then se
t up special agreements to cover whatever the commission arrangement is. Unfort
unately, you cannot link an agreement to a specific order, only a customer and o
r item combination. This can be a real pain, if you just have one order where t
he salesmen are splitting the commission, but all other orders are commissioned
differently. Also, there is no way that I know of in Baan to show the total dol
lar amount split between multiple reps. The total invoice amount shows, with th
e appropriate %, but if you wanted to show 1/2 of the total $ for one person and
1/2 of the total $ for another person, I haven't a clue as to how to do this (u
nless you use Access or Safari).
This is an awful lot of babble, but the commission module is one very few people
understand (I am NOT claiming to be an expert). It has taken us months to get
things movely somewhat smoothly, and we still have bugs and open cases with Baan
that they cannot figure out.
If you would like more details, please email me and I can possibly fax u copies
of our parameters etc. if u think that would help.
Jeanne P.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Jeanne Ploshay posted Message 3682 in Message Board
Dated : March 21, 2000 at 14:39:21 EST
Subject: Re: Open Sales Order Report

: Is there such a thing in Baan as an Open Sales Order Report? We're running Baa
n 4a and there doesn't appear to be anything that simply prints out only the ope
n sales orders. Has anyone found this report without doing a customization?
: Thanks
We also wrote our own report using Access. I spent months trying to find someth
ing in Baan (I couldn't get it through my head that Baan has no concept of "open
" versus "complete" on a sales order!). We pulled the info from tdsls045 table.
If you would like to know the criteria we used in Access, just let me know.
Jeanne P.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Alaa Jaber posted Message 3683 in Message Board
Dated : March 21, 2000 at 15:22:46 EST
Do you agree with me that this part of Baan is very weak.
I worked with smaller systems and they provide several methods for costing. ( Li
fo, Fifo, Average, Std, Last .. ) The cost should be automatically calculated at
the receipt time not at the matching and approval of invoices.
-----------------------------------------------: Hi GOmba,
: Thanks for the inputs.
: I understood the weihted average price as the price calculated based on differ
ent weightages for prices of items purchased at different times.
: In case of average price the price is average with weightages with 1.
: In the second part surcharges are maintained but can be used for the standard
costs and not when ever you make the purchases.
: regards
: Rajj
: : I agree with Raja Mohan that Baan IV valuatioon can only be by standard cost
. However this does not mean that your standard cost cannot be based on weighted
average. You determine how standard cost is arrived at (current, average, lates
t.In the session "maintain cost price calculation codes" (ticpr1101m000)you dete
rmine how your standard cost price (for valuation)is calculated. The are four op
tions, Latest Purhase Price (Lp), Current Purchase Price (CP), Average (weighted
)Purchase Price (AP) and Simulated Purchase Price (Si). The order in which you e
nter these codes in the above session determines how your standard cost is arriv
ed at depending on available data for example, if your order is Ap,Cp,Lp,Si, the
system will attempt to calculate the cost price based on the average purchase
price. If it cannot find an average on the item master file, the it will attempt
to arrive at the cost based on the current purchase price and so on and so on.
The system searches from left to right. Your standard cost price is only updated
by running the session "calculate cost prices" (ticpr2210m000) with the update
cost price flag set to yes or by running the session "update cost prices" (ticpr
2220m000). It is most important to remember that matching and approving of final
invoices is crucial for the updating of average prices.
: : 2. Additional charges can be added to items through the session "maintain su
rcharges by item" (ticpr1130m000). In this session you define the surcharges eit
her as surcharges or as subtotals which can either be percentages or fixed amoun
ts based on sesective cost price components ot material costs.
: : Please feel free to e-maol at I keep getting disconn
ected and there is a lot of detail to cover. I would not advise a sudden change

in costing policy.
: :

***************** End Of Article ******************

jonathan mergy posted Message 3684 in Message Board
Dated : March 21, 2000 at 17:34:14 EST
Subject: IVc3 - lot expiration dates anyone?
Is anyone out there using expiration dates for lot controlled items? If so, how
and can you link an expiration date to a lot number and have that date drive FIF
***************** End Of Article ******************
Martin posted Message 3685 in Message Board
Dated : March 22, 2000 at 03:20:39 EST
Subject: Re: Order Number... Consumption
: The order numbers in Baan are of Six digits. Two of them could be used for ser
ies. I would like to hear from anybody who faced a problem in consuming all the
remaining four digits. What can be done.
: Did any body changed the order numbers to be 8 digits...
: Please if you have ever faced, or heard about someone else who faced this prob
lem, call me.
believe it or don't, but we are consuming one series every year, although our se
ries have only one digit.
What you can do is to set up a very good archiving strategy. Hands off from chan
ging the number of digits!!!
Good luck!
***************** End Of Article ******************
land posted Message 3686 in Message Board
Dated : March 22, 2000 at 03:55:24 EST
Subject: &quot;Unable to retrieve price&quot; in SO Lines, BaanERP
The message
" Unable to retrieve price"
appears whenever I create a sales order line. When I checked the price in the i
tem sales data, it was not 0.
When I zoom into the price field in the sales order lines,
there is a base price which is the same as that of in the item sales data. But
the unit price field is 0 [zero].

Has anyone encountered this message before.

Of course, I have to manually enter the price.
Thanks in advance.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Samir posted Message 3687 in Message Board
Dated : March 22, 2000 at 08:46:48 EST
Subject: Re: IVc3 - lot expiration dates anyone?
: Is anyone out there using expiration dates for lot controlled items? If so, ho
w and can you link an expiration date to a lot number and have that date drive F
You need to specify the following fields in the form 2 of item data: lot control
by lot, issue priority by FIFO and the shelf life. When you issue a new lot (re
ceipt in production or purchasing) the system will take the date of issue and ca
lculate then the expiration date based on the shelf life in the item data.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Raja Mohan posted Message 3688 in Message Board
Dated : March 23, 2000 at 04:13:59 EST
Hi Akbar,
I already said that your requirement cant be fulfilled directly from Existing Ba
an Functionality. Even the work around will not solve the problem completely.
There was similar requirement for a Big company in India and Baan provided custo
misation for the same.My feedback is based on the fact that Baan itself went for
custmisation when the need was same.
Hope this makes everything clear from my side.
: Gentlemen,
: Do you agree with me that this part of Baan is very weak.
: I worked with smaller systems and they provide several methods for costing. (
Lifo, Fifo, Average, Std, Last .. ) The cost should be automatically calculated
at the receipt time not at the matching and approval of invoices.
: -----------------------------------------------: : Hi GOmba,
: : Thanks for the inputs.
: : I understood the weihted average price as the price calculated based on diff
erent weightages for prices of items purchased at different times.
: : In case of average price the price is average with weightages with 1.
: : In the second part surcharges are maintained but can be used for the standar
d costs and not when ever you make the purchases.
: : regards

: : Rajj
: : : I agree with Raja Mohan that Baan IV valuatioon can only be by standard co
st. However this does not mean that your standard cost cannot be based on weight
ed average. You determine how standard cost is arrived at (current, average, lat
est.In the session "maintain cost price calculation codes" (ticpr1101m000)you de
termine how your standard cost price (for valuation)is calculated. The are four
options, Latest Purhase Price (Lp), Current Purchase Price (CP), Average (weight
ed)Purchase Price (AP) and Simulated Purchase Price (Si). The order in which you
enter these codes in the above session determines how your standard cost is arr
ived at depending on available data for example, if your order is Ap,Cp,Lp,Si, t
he system will attempt to calculate the cost price based on the average purchas
e price. If it cannot find an average on the item master file, the it will attem
pt to arrive at the cost based on the current purchase price and so on and so on
. The system searches from left to right. Your standard cost price is only updat
ed by running the session "calculate cost prices" (ticpr2210m000) with the updat
e cost price flag set to yes or by running the session "update cost prices" (tic
pr2220m000). It is most important to remember that matching and approving of fin
al invoices is crucial for the updating of average prices.
: : : 2. Additional charges can be added to items through the session "maintain
surcharges by item" (ticpr1130m000). In this session you define the surcharges e
ither as surcharges or as subtotals which can either be percentages or fixed amo
unts based on sesective cost price components ot material costs.
: : : Please feel free to e-maol at I keep getting disco
nnected and there is a lot of detail to cover. I would not advise a sudden chang
e in costing policy.
: : :

***************** End Of Article ******************

Narasimha Rao posted Message 3689 in Message Board
Dated : March 23, 2000 at 05:16:12 EST
Subject: Back order handling in purchase
back order is placed by a buyer , whenever there is a short supply or whenever t
here are some rejects . in BaaN back order is creatyed as a new sequence number
under the same position number in purchase order lines.
Now the issue is , if the full quantity is received againest a purchase order an
d if there are no rejects , then is there any business case for creating a back
order using the same position in purchase order line. This is currently possible
in BaaN.Even after receiving full quantity , back order can be generated for sa
me purchase order line. Is this a normal practice in industry ??
Narasimha Rao
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Colin Marriott posted Message 3690 in Message Board
Dated : March 23, 2000 at 07:40:13 EST
Subject: Re: IVc3 - lot expiration dates anyone?
: : Is anyone out there using expiration dates for lot controlled items? If so,

how and can you link an expiration date to a lot number and have that date drive
: You need to specify the following fields in the form 2 of item data: lot contr
ol by lot, issue priority by FIFO and the shelf life. When you issue a new lot (
receipt in production or purchasing) the system will take the date of issue and
calculate then the expiration date based on the shelf life in the item data.
Even though you have identified a lot with a shelf life/expiry date BaaN will no
t automatically stop you from issuing the expired lot. You need to run the sessi
on tdltc0220m000 and base it on the expiry date, all lots falling within the dat
e will then be blocked and will not appear within any outbound. You can then go
and remove from stock the blocked lots as and when you get time.
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Shane Kiernan posted Message 3691 in Message Board
Dated : March 23, 2000 at 08:40:48 EST
Subject: Re: Transportation Distribution on Baan IVc4
i am busy implementing transportation on IVc3, but uniquely from the fleet manag
ement side rather than transport orders.
will advise if anything similar occurs.
: Hi,
is there anybody who is working with Transportation on BaanIVc4? We have great p
erformance problems when copying salesorders to Transportation. Especially the s
etting "Orders Modified" in trtoc2200m000 causes great problems with the perform
: Note: we run BaanIVc4 on an Oracle( Level 2 environment.

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Jack posted Message 3692 in Message Board
Dated : March 23, 2000 at 19:37:54 EST
Subject: Should we use WIP Warehouses?
we are using backflushing, and are struggling over the decision to use wip wareh
ouses or not
looking for reasons to go with a wip warehouse of type = 'wip" instead of using
a regular warehouse called wip
what benefits do you get from having an actual wipo warehouse? Looking for advan
tages/disadvanteges of going either way.

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Jeanne Ploshay posted Message 3693 in Message Board

Dated : March 24, 2000 at 07:19:45 EST
Subject: Showing meters as well as feet on packing slip
Is there any way in standard Baan (IVc2) that you can have the delivered quantit
y on the packing slip show in both feet (our standard) and meters? Our European
customers "must" now work in metric only and this is causing many problems for
them as they have to convert all of our orders. It is NOT an option for us to s
ell to them in meters, we must sell in feet and want only to show the total deli
vered quantity on the packing slip in both units of measure.
I'm sure we can do a customization of sorts, but if there is anyone out there wh
o knows of an easier way, please let me know.
Thanks for your input!
Jeanne Ploshay
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Lars posted Message 3694 in Message Board
Dated : March 24, 2000 at 08:32:01 EST
Subject: EDI Error
We have added some new customers to our system and now when we creates EDI files
(tdedi7205m000), we get an error: Error 11 by opening level 8.
Does anyone have an idea of, what this error means?
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Dimitrios Tzanakakis posted Message 3695 in Message Board
Dated : March 24, 2000 at 09:43:06 EST
Subject: Budget Control of Purchase Requisitions in BaanIV
Has anybody worked successfully with budget control in Purchase Requisitions? Pl
ease just let me know and I will contact you via email or telephone. On the next
lines I am describing what I have done up to date and what is the problem.
I am trying to find out how is budget control working with purchase requisitions
. I have set up a budget, I have declared that this is the actual budget of the
company, I can see actual vs budgeted amounts, I can see there is free budget, b
ut when I try to authorize the requisition line I get the message "not enough bu
Can anyone tell me if budget control of requisitions is working or not?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Andres posted Message 3696 in Message Board
Dated : March 24, 2000 at 10:25:56 EST
Subject: Troubles with Location blocked for cicle counting

I hope you can Help me, I am trying to enter an inventory transaction with I
LC, But when i try to put the quantities by location, a message is displayed "Lo
cation is blocked for cicle counting". I found nothing in Cicle counting orders
and nothing in Cicle counting data. I reviewed the table tdilc101 (Inventory Dat
a for Location and Lot) and i found a field Blocked for cicle counting, whose va
lue is YES for most of the articles in the warehouse. I don't know how can updat
e this field by the correct way in BaaN.
Thanks in advance
Andres Uzcategui
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Andres posted Message 3697 in Message Board
Dated : March 24, 2000 at 10:31:53 EST
Subject: Re: EDI Error
I am no sure, but did you reviewed if the user have all the permissions nece
sary to write, update read, etc. the files in the EDI directory?. Once upon a ti
me i had a similar error and it was i didn't permissions in UNIX for update a ED
I file in the current directory.
I hope helped you
: Hi
: We have added some new customers to our system and now when we creates EDI fil
es (tdedi7205m000), we get an error: Error 11 by opening level 8.
: Does anyone have an idea of, what this error means?
: Regards
: Lars

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Tom posted Message 3698 in Message Board
Dated : March 24, 2000 at 11:44:36 EST
Subject: Inventory Authorizations limited to certain warehouses
we have set user authorizations for inventory transfers.
We want certain users to only be able to transfer material between certain wareh
ouses but not others
example: user 1 should only be able to move material between whrs xxx and yyy, b
ut not whrs aaa. How can this be done? We are on Baan4
***************** End Of Article ******************
Bunny posted Message 3699 in Message Board
Dated : March 24, 2000 at 12:42:14 EST

Subject: sales Invoices , only ten lines long when printing

Hi all
I am working on BaanIVc4, the problem is that if I have a 20 lines long sales or
der, when I try to print the invoice, that invoice only print the first ten line
s, however all the order lines chenge the status to the next.
I was looking for somethin in tools, but nothing looks extrange, I was looking i
n the SLS parameters but I have no idea.
Any help will be highly appreciatted.
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Sonja posted Message 3700 in Message Board
Dated : March 25, 2000 at 00:20:27 EST
Subject: Re: Inventory Authorizations limited to certain warehouses
You can set table fields authorizations (in Tools, User Mgt, Authorizations, Dat
abase Authorizations...)
-----------------------------------: we have set user authorizations for inventory transfers.
: We want certain users to only be able to transfer material between certain war
ehouses but not others
: example: user 1 should only be able to move material between whrs xxx and yyy,
but not whrs aaa. How can this be done? We are on Baan4

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Eddy Croezen posted Message 3701 in Message Board
Dated : March 25, 2000 at 10:35:02 EST
Subject: Re: Transportation Distribution on Baan IVc4
Hi Martin,
We are having the same problems !!
In my opinion the problems are caused by the difference between Distribution and
( Distribution has more records for one salesorder line, but transprotation has
only one record and can't update this record al the time there is a change )
The problem is also that there are very few company's that use both distribution
and transportation and the priority to solve these problems are low! Also, in t
he future, the transportation module is beeing deleted from the Baan software!
Futhermore we are discussing with Baan over this problem so if you want to be in
this discussion please send a email to Baan at

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Gary posted Message 3702 in Message Board
Dated : March 25, 2000 at 22:10:59 EST
Subject: Re: Back order handling in purchase
Normal industry practice would be to create a new Purchase order if the terms of
the current PO have been satisfied, that is the correct quantity of the correct
parts have been received, thus completing the terms of the contract.
: back order is placed by a buyer , whenever there is a short supply or whenever
there are some rejects . in BaaN back order is creatyed as a new sequence numbe
r under the same position number in purchase order lines.
: Now the issue is , if the full quantity is received againest a purchase order
and if there are no rejects , then is there any business case for creating a bac
k order using the same position in purchase order line. This is currently possib
le in BaaN.Even after receiving full quantity , back order can be generated for
same purchase order line. Is this a normal practice in industry ??
: Regards,
: Narasimha Rao

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Gary posted Message 3703 in Message Board
Dated : March 25, 2000 at 22:27:09 EST
Subject: Re: Returns with ILC on
I would suggest creating an MRB warehouse which would be non-nettable and have n
o locations. Rejected parts should be transfered to this warehouse, into the Rec
eipt location. Then set up a return PO with MRB as the Warehouse. Run Maintain R
eceipts and send the parts back
: Hi all:
: How can I return items with ILC and Locations ON?
: I am using the correspondient order type.
: but when I try to receive it seems that there is no stock,Is necessary to do i
nbound when and how?
: Thanks for your time,
: B.

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Charles Gomba posted Message 3704 in Message Board
Dated : March 27, 2000 at 07:18:08 EST
I am not quite clear on what you are trying to do. Have you looked at additional

order costs??? We import a lot of products into Zimbabwe adn so have a requirem
ent for cost breakdown. Confirm that you are including the surcharges (transport
etc in your standard cost price)?? Can you supply more detail on your objective

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Rmi Taulemesse posted Message 3705 in Message Board
Dated : March 27, 2000 at 08:05:21 EST
Subject: Re: Third party Warehouse on Supply Chain
Thanks for your help, Govind.
Does this warehouse is maintain in Baan or is it only inforamtive ??
: If the third party warehouse is set to "yes", then the goods will be temporari
ty stored in that warehouse. You have to enter the third party code(ie supplier)
in the next field.
: Govind.

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Rmi Taulemesse posted Message 3706 in Message Board
Dated : March 27, 2000 at 08:18:09 EST
Subject: Re: Troubles with Location blocked for cicle counting
Hi Andres,
You may have generate cycle counting order but you cannot visualize them if you
have not print documents by session tdilc5410m000.
Try in this way to check if you really have cycle counting existing.
: Hello,
I hope you can Help me, I am trying to enter an inventory transaction with
ILC, But when i try to put the quantities by location, a message is displayed "
Location is blocked for cicle counting". I found nothing in Cicle counting order
s and nothing in Cicle counting data. I reviewed the table tdilc101 (Inventory D
ata for Location and Lot) and i found a field Blocked for cicle counting, whose
value is YES for most of the articles in the warehouse. I don't know how can upd
ate this field by the correct way in BaaN.
: Thanks in advance
: Andres Uzcategui

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Charles Gomba posted Message 3707 in Message Board
Dated : March 27, 2000 at 08:20:59 EST
Subject: Re: Troubles with Location blocked for cicle counting

The field you are referring to in tdilc101 is automatically updated when you pri
nt cycle count orders. The system intentionally blocks all inentory transactions
as inventiry is being counted. At this stage, you may only update your inventor
y by running "Enter Location Cycle Counting Data" - tdilc5110m000 and then updat
ing that data through "Process Cycle Counting Data" - tdilc5211m000. The invento
ry lines are the unblocked automatically and you can then enter transactions thr
ough ILC. I presume you must have generated cycle counting orders that are yet t
o be processed on those locations - hence this problem.
***************** End Of Article ******************
mags posted Message 3708 in Message Board
Dated : March 27, 2000 at 08:53:04 EST
Subject: Internal EDI - mutiple networks
HAs anyone successfully used more than one network for trading with sister compa
nies via internal EDI. If so, are there any pitfalls to be aware of ?
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John Crystal posted Message 3709 in Message Board
Dated : March 27, 2000 at 14:05:37 EST
Subject: Wip warehouses....
If you are actually holding goods in a line side warehouse for production to dra
w from...these warehouses can be disignated as wip warehouses and can be repleni
shed using the DRP module. A wip warehouse is the only nettable warehouse tpe th
at can be replenished by DRP.
Another potential advantage depending on your business process is that while MRP
production orders and SFC planned orders are in existence their demand shows on
the BOM warehouse and then shifts to the WIP warehouse when the SFC order is re
leased. I'd sugest running through this scenario in your test company to observe
the demand shifting.
Feel free to call if I can help with further information in this area, 409-597-5
John Crystal
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John Crystal posted Message 3710 in Message Board
Dated : March 27, 2000 at 14:21:26 EST
Subject: CAVEAT lot expiration dates !!
Lot expiration dates can be created upon receipt, will be used in the FIFO outbo
und process and can be used for blocking as the other people explained.

Once the lot record with expiration date has been created and the data from it p
assed to the inventory records with lot number and expiration date ... THESE REC
You can go into the lot record and change the expiration date and the inventory
records will still contain the original expiration date. You will still need to
go into the inventory records and change the expiration date there also.
Conversely it is possible to change the expiration date in the inventory record
and this does not change the lot record.
Just be aware of how this functionality works.
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Sandeep posted Message 3711 in Message Board
Dated : March 28, 2000 at 07:35:55 EST
Subject: Unblocking Ericsson
I'm trying to Unblock my Ericsson PF768 Mobile phone please give me some advice
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Gerry Walter posted Message 3712 in Message Board
Dated : March 28, 2000 at 07:42:02 EST
Subject: Re: Sales invoice lines .... help!!!
: : : It is clear to me that you placed the step : Maintain outbound
: : : in your order type. Remove that step and use Generate OutBound and Maintai
n Deliveries ( Which is equal to Release outBound )
: : Be careful with adding "generate outbound" to the order steps. There are som
e problems connected to this step (when deleting generated outbound advices and
re-generating). Maintain Deliveries alone should do it .
: : Yours,
: : Uli
: What kind of problems are you expecting ?
: I am using generate outbound and assigning it to the salesmen all over the cou
ntry as a hard allocation step. The sales man creates an order and allocate it.
This ensures their commitments to customers are confirmed.
: Alaa
It is not a counter order.
The step is not in the order steps.
Thanks so far,
Any other ideas?

***************** End Of Article ******************

quickresponse posted Message 3713 in Message Board

Dated : March 28, 2000 at 11:49:28 EST

Subject: Re: Unblocking Ericsson
: I'm trying to Unblock my Ericsson PF768 Mobile phone please give me some advic
You can put in your assssssssss
***************** End Of Article ******************
quickresponse posted Message 3714 in Message Board
Dated : March 28, 2000 at 11:54:52 EST
Subject: Re: Inventory Authorizations limited to certain warehouses
It is not table field authorization. It should be table data authorization.
ex. user 1, table ... inventory transactions , not authorized
cwar(from) field is not equal xxx and
cwar(to) field is not equal yyy and
trx type = transfer

: Hi,
: You can set table fields authorizations (in Tools, User Mgt, Authorizations, D
atabase Authorizations...)
: Sonja
: -----------------------------------: : we have set user authorizations for inventory transfers.
: : We want certain users to only be able to transfer material between certain w
arehouses but not others
: : example: user 1 should only be able to move material between whrs xxx and yy
y, but not whrs aaa. How can this be done? We are on Baan4

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Kevin posted Message 3715 in Message Board
Dated : March 28, 2000 at 14:34:20 EST
Subject: Commission Set Up
I would appreciate any help in the set up a simple agents commission based on gr
oss $ amount of final invoice. A list of required steps would be most helpful.
Thanks in advance
***************** End Of Article ******************
Javier posted Message 3716 in Message Board
Dated : March 28, 2000 at 15:27:07 EST
Subject: Lot Control

we have been running lot control for a few months, want to turn off completely.
how to do this and what should the plan be? Any implications?
muchas gracias
***************** End Of Article ******************
James posted Message 3717 in Message Board
Dated : March 28, 2000 at 16:26:05 EST
Subject: Re: Commission Set Up
Please send more information, for example, how many reps on
an order, commission splitting, fixed com % per order or can the
% change?
: I would appreciate any help in the set up a simple agents commission based on
gross $ amount of final invoice. A list of required steps would be most helpful.
: Thanks in advance

***************** End Of Article ******************

Jeanne Ploshay posted Message 3718 in Message Board
Dated : March 28, 2000 at 16:41:01 EST
Subject: Re: Commission Set Up
: I would appreciate any help in the set up a simple agents commission based on
gross $ amount of final invoice. A list of required steps would be most helpful.
: Thanks in advance
The commission module in Baan is one of the "least understood" modules - I think
because there are no real experts out there. I can give you a list of the gene
ral steps you need to go through for initial set up of commissions, but many of
the steps can be set up different ways, depending upon your needs. I would be g
lad to email you specifics on what we did for any of the sections listed below (
we are running Baan IVc2 and have been processing commissions since 1/99)
1. Set up CMS parameters, including the extremely critical Form 2
2. Set up commission groups, if necessary. (Used to group items together). You
must also fill in the appropriate field on the item master
3. Set up Aggreement Groups, if necessary. Agreement groups are used to group
reps together that get paid the same commission. This helps to minimize the num
ber of agreements you need to set up.
4. Verify the relation you want to pay commission to is set up as a Supplier or
an Employee. (You can also pay "Customers" but then you must use rebates, not co
5. Maintain Period Tables (Per Baanhelp, you don't need period tables unless you
are doing cumulative agreements. Our consultants advised us to enter them anyw
6..Maintain Periods by Period table (Per Baanhelp, you only need this if you wan
t to calculate commissions for different relations at different intervals)
7. Maintain Relations (Enter the people you are going to pay commission to into
the Commission Module)
8. Maintain Relation Teams (if you need to do split commissions)
9. Maintain Discount Codes - you must have these in order to enter agreements even if you don't pay discounts!
10. Maintain Agreements - This session is where you set up the % getting paid ou

11. Maintain Default Relations by Customer - this session is how Baan knows who
gets commission for a particular customer's orders.
We still have ongoing open cases with Baan regarding several problems. Some of
the cases have been open for months, but we are able to get through commissions
fairly well (we cannot do manual entries - they won't post) each month.
This is an awful lot of detail, and there is actually more if you want to get in
to real specifics. If there is any area I help you with, let me know and I can
send you copies of examples of how we filled things out on our end.
Good luck!
Jeanne Ploshay

***************** End Of Article ******************

Kevin posted Message 3719 in Message Board
Dated : March 28, 2000 at 18:16:48 EST
Subject: Re: Lot Control
: we have been running lot control for a few months, want to turn off completely
. how to do this and what should the plan be? Any implications?
: muchas gracias
My understanding is that if you are running any version prior to Baan V, locatio
n control and lot control are inextricably linked. You can convert lot items to
non lot items in the Lot Control/lots/Miscel/ Convert Lot Item to Non-Lot Item s
ession but you will not be able to turn off location control.
Good luck
***************** End Of Article ******************
Jonathan posted Message 3720 in Message Board
Dated : March 28, 2000 at 19:49:43 EST
Subject: Re: IVc3 - lot expiration dates anyone?
: : : Is anyone out there using expiration dates for lot controlled items? If so
, how and can you link an expiration date to a lot number and have that date dri
ve FIFO?
: : You need to specify the following fields in the form 2 of item data: lot con
trol by lot, issue priority by FIFO and the shelf life. When you issue a new lot
(receipt in production or purchasing) the system will take the date of issue an
d calculate then the expiration date based on the shelf life in the item data.
: Even though you have identified a lot with a shelf life/expiry date BaaN will
not automatically stop you from issuing the expired lot. You need to run the ses
sion tdltc0220m000 and base it on the expiry date, all lots falling within the d
ate will then be blocked and will not appear within any outbound. You can then g
o and remove from stock the blocked lots as and when you get time.
: Regards

: Colin
I guess my question then is - the date that I put into the lot at the time the l
ot is created and we maintain receipts into inventory is the expiration date? It
seems in the help that BAAN wants to calculate a PED - I don't want it to calcu
late ANYTHING? Should I just set the shelf life at zero? I want the guys in rece
iving to be able to enter the date at the time of receipt.
Also, it is possible that we might be receiving items/lots in with exp dates ear
lier that ones that have already been received and we want those to be the first
in line out the door - is BAAN capable of dealing with that as long as the date
is entered correctly at receipt?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Olav posted Message 3721 in Message Board
Dated : March 29, 2000 at 03:10:15 EST
Subject: Item stuck in inspection location
Concider the following case:
Baan IVc4, location control ON.
1. We order 10 m of an item(inspection=Yes)
2. Maintain Receipts for 10.2 m
3. Maintain Approvals for 10.2 m
4. Generate/Release Inbound
The problem is that the last 0.2 m seems to get stuck in the Inspection location
. The ordered 10 m are inbounded and released OK, but what about the last 0.2 m?
? Anybody got any ideas?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Gary Pancoast posted Message 3722 in Message Board
Dated : March 29, 2000 at 08:08:10 EST
Subject: Point Of Use and Rec'g
We have recently implemented a point of use stocking program. The parts bypass i
nspection as ship to stock items and are physically received directly to the man
ufacturing area. We are on Baan4b and we cannot receive directly into a WIP war
ehouse! I can't change the warehouse to "normal" because we also use DRP/Repleni
shment to feed WIP from our main stockroom on other items. BaaN DRP only allows
a Bill of Distribution from a Nettable to a Non-Nettable or WIP warehouse. We ha
ve so much material in WIP I have to net off it for MRP purposes. Any ideas on h
ow to eliminate a transaction and receive directly into WIP? Does a later releas
e allow this?
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Chris Kiehl posted Message 3723 in Message Board
Dated : March 29, 2000 at 08:50:36 EST
Subject: Re: Transportation Distribution on Baan IVc4
I am curious about Eddy's comment regarding the future of Transportation in Baan

. My understanding was that parts of Transportation have been incorporated into

the Distribution Module in Baan Series.
In what release of Baan will the Transporation Module be deleted?
-ChrisBaan IVC
: Hi Martin,
: We are having the same problems !!
: In my opinion the problems are caused by the difference between Distribution a
nd Transportation.
: ( Distribution has more records for one salesorder line, but transprotation ha
s only one record and can't update this record al the time there is a change )
: The problem is also that there are very few company's that use both distributi
on and transportation and the priority to solve these problems are low! Also, in
the future, the transportation module is beeing deleted from the Baan software!
: Futhermore we are discussing with Baan over this problem so if you want to be
in this discussion please send a email to Baan at

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Jack posted Message 3724 in Message Board
Dated : March 29, 2000 at 10:37:18 EST
Subject: RPL Orders vs Inv transfers to replenish wip whr
looking for advantages/disadvantages of using replenishment orders vs inventory
warehouse transfers to fill WIP warehouses
***************** End Of Article ******************
Olav posted Message 3725 in Message Board
Dated : March 29, 2000 at 11:28:34 EST
Subject: Just figured it out.........

Concider the following case:

Baan IVc4, location control ON.
1. We order 10 m of an item(inspection=Yes)
2. Maintain Receipts for 10.2 m
3. Maintain Approvals for 10.2 m
4. Generate/Release Inbound

: The problem is that the last 0.2 m seems to get stuck in the Inspection locati
on. The ordered 10 m are inbounded and released OK, but what about the last 0.2
m?? Anybody got any ideas?
If anyone is interested, the trick was that the remaining 0.2 m had to be manual
ly inboundet through "Maintain Inbound Data".

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Scott Moorman posted Message 3726 in Message Board

Dated : March 29, 2000 at 13:35:57 EST
Subject: Re: RPL Orders vs Inv transfers to replenish wip whr
RPL orders allow for the allocation of inventory and generation of a picking doc
ument. The RPL orders can be generated automatically using DRP (if desired). D
epending on your organization/processes, RPL orders may or may not offer advanta
ges over transfers. You can contace me via e-mail for more details.
: looking for advantages/disadvantages of using replenishment orders vs inventor
y warehouse transfers to fill WIP warehouses

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Rob posted Message 3727 in Message Board
Dated : March 30, 2000 at 05:25:38 EST
1 - EDI - What does the EDI modul of BaaN ? Its is a translator ? need some exte
rnal aplication to conect to external entities ? How does it work ?
2 - When i got a database with 5 years of data, i wish to pass that data to an h
istorical company. How can we do it ? by BaaN standard ? by database tools ? the
re are some filters, to filter data that we dont wish to pass ?
3 - Last but not the least, Does BaaN ERP Transport module makes planification b
y the best way (cheapest) comparing alternative routes and transporters? i.e., d
oes it choose the best transporter company comparing all the others with the rou
ting ?
Thanks a lot
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Ernest posted Message 3728 in Message Board
Dated : March 30, 2000 at 13:37:38 EST
Subject: DRP vs Cycle Counting
Hi everybody
Could anyone help me with this issue??
We generate DRP everyday at 5:00 P.M. but we want to Generate Cycle Countings al
l days from 7:00 P.M. to 10:00 P.M. and with this Cycle Countings we pretend Blo
ck all Transfers. If we do this. The Generation of Cycle Counting Orders process
could affect somehow my DRP process???
Ill really appreciate if somebody can Help me
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Daniel C posted Message 3729 in Message Board

Dated : March 30, 2000 at 17:13:13 EST
Subject: Re: Accel &amp; Decel Purchase Order in batches
: Hi All,
: Someone know how to automatize Accel & Decel of purchase order lines.
The goal is to accel and decel P.O. lines by batches, without any human interven
tion. Also, the goal, is to print these P.O.S' with a change order increment and
: Thanks in advance.
: Dan.

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John Crystal posted Message 3730 in Message Board
Dated : March 30, 2000 at 23:56:33 EST
Subject: Re: DRP vs Cycle Counting
DRP generates "planned" replenishment orders. Blocks for cycle counting will hav
e no effect on it. The cycle counting block would only effect deliveries you mak
e against released replenishment orders.
John Crystal
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Lars posted Message 3731 in Message Board
Dated : March 31, 2000 at 02:48:45 EST
Subject: BaanERP Bolts and Nuts
Our vendors of bolts and nuts refills our stock once a month and then sends us a
n invoice for the refill.
How do I model this in BaanERP?
I do not want to keep bults and nuts in stock, since I do not own them. I tried
to setup a Consignment Stock Not Owned, but I am not able to issue via backflush
ing from the consignment stock. I Also tried to use Floor Stock, but I then get
a shortage list.
Any help would be appricitiated
***************** End Of Article ******************
Baan Global Support posted Message 3732 in Message Board
Dated : March 31, 2000 at 09:34:00 EST
Subject: Re: Transportation Distribution on Baan IVc4
Today (31/March/2000) a solution has been sent

to the customer for solving the performance issue

when copying modified sales orders to Transportation.
For more info you can contact your support partner
***************** End Of Article ******************
John Crystal posted Message 3733 in Message Board
Dated : March 31, 2000 at 18:13:54 EST
Subject: Re: BaanERP Bolts and Nuts
To "issue" an item to a production order whether manually, by backflushing, or a
s floor stock the items must be in inventory. If you aren't receiving them into
inventory there is no stock to draw from and that is why you are getting the sh
If you'd like to discuss this further feel free to e-mail or call.
John Crystal
Crystal Consulting
***************** End Of Article ******************
Kip posted Message 3734 in Message Board
Dated : April 01, 2000 at 22:04:15 EST
Subject: Re: Should we use WIP Warehouses?
: we are using backflushing, and are struggling over the decision to use wip war
ehouses or not
: looking for reasons to go with a wip warehouse of type = 'wip" instead of usin
g a regular warehouse called wip
: what benefits do you get from having an actual wipo warehouse? Looking for adv
antages/disadvanteges of going either way.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Kip posted Message 3735 in Message Board
Dated : April 01, 2000 at 22:09:27 EST
Subject: Re: Should we use WIP Warehouses?
: : we are using backflushing, and are struggling over the decision to use wip w
arehouses or not
: : looking for reasons to go with a wip warehouse of type = 'wip" instead of us
ing a regular warehouse called wip
: : what benefits do you get from having an actual wipo warehouse? Looking for a
dvantages/disadvanteges of going either way.
The WIP warehouses will work fine providing you have extremely acurate BOMs. Mak
e sure you make the warehouse cover a large target area. If you think of backflu
shing as a sharp shooter's match, it is easier to hit a larger target. Example,
Make your wip warehouse equal to sizable square footage of floor space. As appos
sed to one of several parts bins on a work bench.

***************** End Of Article ******************

K posted Message 3736 in Message Board
Dated : April 01, 2000 at 22:22:07 EST
Subject: Re: RPL Orders vs Inv transfers to replenish wip whr
: looking for advantages/disadvantages of using replenishment orders vs inventor
y warehouse transfers to fill WIP warehouses
If the Action of transfering inventory is repetative enougn the RPL orders will
process the transfers faster than can be keyed manually. This is specifically ef
fect when transfering product from wip warehouse to wip warehouse. Email if you
need additional input.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Peter Alexander posted Message 3737 in Message Board
Dated : April 03, 2000 at 09:29:49 EST
Subject: Purchase Order Header Discount
I cannot get Purchase Order Header Discount (Percentage) to work. I have invest
igated Purchase Order Parameters but cannot see a setting there which would affe
ct this. Purchase Order Line Discounts (Both Percentage and Amount) function co
rrectly. Why doesn't the Purchase Order Header Discount?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Frdric Tourniaire posted Message 3738 in Message Board
Dated : April 03, 2000 at 11:18:50 EST
Subject: EDI SCH : BEMIS message LFAVIS
I try to generate the BEMIS message LFAVIS but nothing works. I get the message
that EDI messages have been prepared but when I run session 'tcedi7201m000 - Gen
erate EDI messages' the session is closed immediately and no message is generate
There's probably a specific setting for the ASN with MBOL that I forgot to set u
p but what ?
Everything is working well for the Bemis messages : sales schedules ABRUF, shipp
ing schedules FEINAB and invoices RECHNU.
Thanks in advance for your help.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Chris posted Message 3739 in Message Board
Dated : April 03, 2000 at 14:00:35 EST
Subject: Re: Outbounding PRP to a location rather then REC

How does a RPL order type affect PRP warehouse orders? I dont understand.

: : The problem I am having is that everytime complete the transaction, the d123
42 part ends up in REC, and then I have to inbound it to its fixed location. Is
there a way to get it to go directly into its fixed location the first time?
: Chris,
: Set up a direct inventory transfer order type with order steps, Maintain repl
order and process/delete delivered rpl order. Do not include receive and delive
r. However, negative inventory is not allowed and rpl parameters should have in
ventory check in rpl whse and destination whse to either on hand or time-phased.
This will make sure the inventory is available for demand.
: If you have a test environment, set it up first in there and see if it does wh
at you want.
: RO

***************** End Of Article ******************

Chris posted Message 3740 in Message Board
Dated : April 03, 2000 at 14:12:07 EST
Subject: Re: Outbounding PRP to a location rather then REC
You cannot use RPL orders to move Project items. Thank you anyway.
: : The problem I am having is that everytime complete the transaction, the d123
42 part ends up in REC, and then I have to inbound it to its fixed location. Is
there a way to get it to go directly into its fixed location the first time?
: Chris,
: Set up a direct inventory transfer order type with order steps, Maintain repl
order and process/delete delivered rpl order. Do not include receive and delive
r. However, negative inventory is not allowed and rpl parameters should have in
ventory check in rpl whse and destination whse to either on hand or time-phased.
This will make sure the inventory is available for demand.
: If you have a test environment, set it up first in there and see if it does wh
at you want.
: RO

***************** End Of Article ******************

E. Lai posted Message 3741 in Message Board
Dated : April 03, 2000 at 17:51:57 EST
Subject: DRP Forecast

Can someone tell me whether DRP consumes forcast or not? It doesn't seem like it
is but I just want to make sure it's working properly.
Thanks in advance!
E Lai
***************** End Of Article ******************
Ark Noahfrgtme posted Message 3742 in Message Board
Dated : April 03, 2000 at 18:58:22 EST
Subject: To be delivered quantity = ?
Hi !
What's the formula for determining the "to be delivered"
quantity in the PUR module?
Is the following formula correct?
If receipts have been maintained then
to be deilvered qty = back order qty
to be deilvered qty = ordered quantity
***************** End Of Article ******************
Jacobo A. posted Message 3743 in Message Board
Dated : April 04, 2000 at 05:04:18 EST
Subject: Re: Purchase Order Header Discount
: I cannot get Purchase Order Header Discount (Percentage) to work. I have inve
stigated Purchase Order Parameters but cannot see a setting there which would af
fect this. Purchase Order Line Discounts (Both Percentage and Amount) function
correctly. Why doesn't the Purchase Order Header Discount?
Are you sure that the order line item is not a cost or service item?. The Order
Header Discount work only if the items aren't
cost or service item, like in the Sales Order.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Jacobo A. posted Message 3744 in Message Board
Dated : April 04, 2000 at 05:39:06 EST
Subject: Re: Purchase Order Header Discount
: I cannot get Purchase Order Header Discount (Percentage) to work. I have inve
stigated Purchase Order Parameters but cannot see a setting there which would af
fect this. Purchase Order Line Discounts (Both Percentage and Amount) function
correctly. Why doesn't the Purchase Order Header Discount?
Could you see if the item in the order line is a cost or service item?.
The Order Header Discount (sales or purchase) aren't applicable to a cost or ser

vice item.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Peter Alexander posted Message 3745 in Message Board
Dated : April 04, 2000 at 06:19:24 EST
Subject: Re: Purchase Order Header Discount
The item I am testing against is not a Service or a Cost item. Thanks for your
***************** End Of Article ******************
Ann - Marie posted Message 3746 in Message Board
Dated : April 04, 2000 at 08:06:08 EST
Subject: Sales order status
What causes sales orders to stop appearing on the session tdsls4533m000?
Thanks for your help.
***************** End Of Article ******************
bill posted Message 3747 in Message Board
Dated : April 04, 2000 at 09:07:02 EST
Subject: Re: Sales order status
: What causes sales orders to stop appearing on the session tdsls4533m000?
: Thanks for your help.
Do you delete order data when you process delivered sales orders?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Frdric Tourniaire posted Message 3748 in Message Board
Dated : April 04, 2000 at 09:34:41 EST
Subject: Re: Sales order status
Bill is right, you have to set the option 'Delete order data' to 'Yes' when usin
g session 'Process delivered sales order - tdsls4223m000'.
But don't forget to update the sales statictics first otherwise the order data a
re not deleted even if you set the option 'Delete order data' to 'Yes'.
There's also a sales parameter which can influence the functionality of the opti
on 'Delete order data'. It's the parameter 'Order data deleting method' in sessi
on 'Maintain sales order parameters - tdsls4100m000'. See help for more detail a
bout this field.
Hope that this will help you.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Frdric Tourniaire posted Message 3749 in Message Board

Dated : April 04, 2000 at 09:37:37 EST

Subject: Re: EDI SCH : BEMIS message LFAVIS
I found the reason why no EDI message was generated. It was due to the field 'td
ssc013.ldmd' in session 'Maintain delivery addresses - tccom1102m000 which has t
o be set to 'Yes'.

: I try to generate the BEMIS message LFAVIS but nothing works. I get the messag
e that EDI messages have been prepared but when I run session 'tcedi7201m000 - G
enerate EDI messages' the session is closed immediately and no message is genera
: There's probably a specific setting for the ASN with MBOL that I forgot to set
up but what ?
: Notes
: Everything is working well for the Bemis messages : sales schedules ABRUF, shi
pping schedules FEINAB and invoices RECHNU.
: Thanks in advance for your help.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Ernest posted Message 3750 in Message Board
Dated : April 04, 2000 at 17:01:33 EST
Subject: Can anybody help me?
Ill like to know where I can Find information about DRP
Ill really appreciate your help
***************** End Of Article ******************
Ernest posted Message 3751 in Message Board
Dated : April 04, 2000 at 17:19:15 EST
Subject: ILC vs INV
Hi everybody
Can anyone help me with this issue??
I compare my inventory in the ILC and INV tables, but i notice that Im not have
the same quantity in this tables, Does anyone know why???
Thanks in advance
***************** End Of Article ******************
Borris posted Message 3752 in Message Board

Dated : April 04, 2000 at 19:00:40 EST

Subject: ABC vs Location Cycle Count
Looking for advantages/ disadvantages of using ABC to cycle count vs cycle count
ing by location?
***************** End Of Article ******************
John Crystal posted Message 3753 in Message Board
Dated : April 04, 2000 at 23:19:55 EST
Subject: Re: ILC vs INV
Hi Ernesto,
These two tables can get out of sync occasionally due to aborted transactions, l
ine problems etc. The error recovery routines under the common area will bring t
hem back into agreement. One of the sessions corrects planned inventory activity
anrd the other sync's up the ILC and INV tables. Run these sessions when no one
else is on the system.
John Crystal
Crystal Consulting
***************** End Of Article ******************
John Crystal posted Message 3754 in Message Board
Dated : April 04, 2000 at 23:51:09 EST
Subject: Re: Can anybody help me?
Hi Ernesto,
The KnowledgeQuest CD has information on the DRP package. It is usually used for
one of two uses.
Either to create planned orders to resupply distribution warehouses from central
warehouses OR to create planned orders to resupply WIP warehouses from a main w
DRP will look at the warehouse max, min, mults etc. You can specify the time it
takes to get the goods from the supplying warehouse to the wip or distribution w
arehouse. You can specify how many days out you want the relpenishment order to
Replenishment orders are like purchase or sales orders in the respect of having
to do shipments packing lists, and receipts. They have a significant overhead in
terms of transactions to do but they do the intended task well.
John Crystal
Crystal Consulting
***************** End Of Article ******************
John Crystal posted Message 3755 in Message Board
Dated : April 05, 2000 at 00:01:17 EST
Subject: Re: ABC vs Location Cycle Count
Generating your cycle count orders by ABC code permits counting your high dollar

usage items more often than the low dollar items.

It doesn't make sense to count washers with $100 annual usage more than once or
twice a year while a $1000 item that has a ready market on the street and you us
e 800 pieces annually you may want to count every month.
Usually you use both ABC and location selection criteria. ABC code to select whi
ch items to count overall, and the location to create lists that are easily coun
ted in a day, possibly rotating the location areas around the warehouse each wee
***************** End Of Article ******************
Kian posted Message 3756 in Message Board
Dated : April 05, 2000 at 01:33:16 EST
Subject: Delete Item grouping ?
May i know how to delete the date in the Item Group ?
how come when i try to delete a record in Item Group, it prompted me a dialog bo
x showing "Update Cancelled", what should i do to permanently delete a record in
Item Group table?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Kian posted Message 3757 in Message Board
Dated : April 05, 2000 at 01:34:19 EST
Subject: Sales Discount
Can i set the discount structure at dollar way instead of percentage? how ?
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ciphos posted Message 3758 in Message Board
Dated : April 05, 2000 at 02:37:33 EST
Subject: BaaN IV c2>c4 migration!!!
we are at the beginning of c2>c4 migration (starting from an heavily customized
c2)because our consultats say that c2 does not support currency changeover(inter
nal conversion).
Do you think is it a simple process? Do you know how long BaaN will support c4 (
bug fixing)?Is it the c4 a stable version?
Thanks in advance.
***************** End Of Article ******************
ruediger posted Message 3759 in Message Board
Dated : April 05, 2000 at 05:17:42 EST
Subject: Re: Controlling fuel in Transport module

: Standard baan config is for consignment stock of fuel.

: In our case, the fuel is owned. Is there any way to control this other than cu
stomising. We still want to use standard fleet management functions for fuel usa
ge etc.
hi shane,
may be I misunderstood your problem, it seems very easy to me to maintain and us
e owned patrol, please give me further information
***************** End Of Article ******************
John Mc posted Message 3760 in Message Board
Dated : April 05, 2000 at 05:29:31 EST
Subject: Re: To be delivered quantity = ?
In order to calculate the quantity outstanding at purchase order line level, I u
se the following calculation:
I hope this helps
: Hi !
What's the formula for determining the "to be delivered"
quantity in the PUR module?

Is the following formula correct?


If receipts have been maintained then

to be deilvered qty = back order qty
to be deilvered qty = ordered quantity

: Thanks.
: Ark

***************** End Of Article ******************

Duane posted Message 3761 in Message Board
Dated : April 05, 2000 at 09:23:15 EST
Subject: Anyone confirming back orders as a cron job?
I'd like to run 'Confirm Back Orders' (tdsls4210s000) as a cron job. Normally th
is session is run from tdsls4125m000 by entering <ctrl>Z at the choice prompt an
d taking the defaults. Unfortunately neither session can be run as a job and cha
nging the tdsls4120s000 form option 'Make Job' to yes didn't help (hey, I am des
perate :)
Anyone have any idea how I can confirm back orders in a job?

***************** End Of Article ******************

Bob posted Message 3762 in Message Board
Dated : April 05, 2000 at 10:10:37 EST
Subject: Re: BaaN IV c2>c4 migration!!!
: Hi,
: we are at the beginning of c2>c4 migration (starting from an heavily customize
d c2)because our consultats say that c2 does not support currency changeover(int
ernal conversion).
: Do you think is it a simple process? Do you know how long BaaN will support c4
(bug fixing)?Is it the c4 a stable version?
: Thanks in advance.
: ciphos
We planned to convert in mid Feb. and ran into all sorts of issues, from informi
x version to loading service packs and all patches. We hope to convert this wee
kend 4/8.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Ark posted Message 3763 in Message Board
Dated : April 05, 2000 at 12:02:08 EST
Subject: Re: To be delivered quantity = ?
Hi John,
Thanks for the post.
But ... what happens in the following scenario?
Ordered = 57
Delivered = 0
Back Order = 0
Now I maintain a receipt for 0 wty then the status is
Ordered = 57
Delivered = 0
Back Order = 57
Now I make Back Order = 0 (I want to cancel the order)
Now the status is
Ordered = 57
Delivered = 0
Back Order = 0
As per your formula, expected qty = 57.
But I am not expecting any coz I zeroed out the Back Order

: In order to calculate the quantity outstanding at purchase order line level, I

use the following calculation:

: I hope this helps

: Hi !
What's the formula for determining the "to be delivered"
quantity in the PUR module?

: :

Is the following formula correct?


If receipts have been maintained then

to be deilvered qty = back order qty
to be deilvered qty = ordered quantity


: : Thanks.
: : Ark

***************** End Of Article ******************

jim posted Message 3764 in Message Board
Dated : April 05, 2000 at 12:11:53 EST
Subject: Re: Delete Item grouping ?
: May i know how to delete the date in the Item Group ?
: how come when i try to delete a record in Item Group, it prompted me a dialog
box showing "Update Cancelled", what should i do to permanently delete a record
in Item Group table?
: Thanks
If you can't delete the record, it's probably still being used somewhere. Run so
me queries, or print some reports, looking only for items using the Item Group c
ode you want to delete and change them accordingly. They could be in use on Item
s, E-Items or Customized Items.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Martin posted Message 3765 in Message Board
Dated : April 05, 2000 at 12:35:43 EST
Subject: Re: Delete Item grouping ?
: May i know how to delete the date in the Item Group ?
: how come when i try to delete a record in Item Group, it prompted me a dialog
box showing "Update Cancelled", what should i do to permanently delete a record
in Item Group table?
: Thanks

Before you can delete an item, all references in other tables have to be deleted
. Use the session 'Print References to Parent' (Database Management -> Reports)
to find out, which references still exist.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Martin posted Message 3766 in Message Board
Dated : April 05, 2000 at 12:42:41 EST
Subject: Re: Transportation Distribution on Baan IVc4
The performance is excellent now!
***************** End Of Article ******************
Gonzalo Martinez posted Message 3767 in Message Board
Dated : April 05, 2000 at 19:47:24 EST
Subject: Problem with Stock Orders
Hi !,
A have a little problem. I'm using the session trwoc1100m000 (Maintain Stock Ord
ers) in Transport Module. This session calls the session trwoc1210s000, that is
used to calculate quantities & imports of my stock orders.
The problem is that the session doesn't work for any range.
Does anybody know what is missing in my process or if this session has a bug ?
Thanks in advance

***************** End Of Article ******************

Gonzalo Martinez posted Message 3768 in Message Board
Dated : April 05, 2000 at 20:31:27 EST
Subject: Re: Anyone confirming back orders as a cron job?
: I'd like to run 'Confirm Back Orders' (tdsls4210s000) as a cron job. Normally
this session is run from tdsls4125m000 by entering <ctrl>Z at the choice prompt
and taking the defaults. Unfortunately neither session can be run as a job and c
hanging the tdsls4120s000 form option 'Make Job' to yes didn't help (hey, I am d
esperate :)
: Anyone have any idea how I can confirm back orders in a job?
: Duane
Hi Duane,
What I see is that you have to make your own back order session to make it works

You have to take the standard code and make it work without any manual input. If
you now all defaults values the session needs each time is executed, I don't se
e the problem to convert a standard session in an automatic session.
Have you programming in BaaN ?
Good Luck

***************** End Of Article ******************

Kian posted Message 3769 in Message Board
Dated : April 05, 2000 at 23:23:21 EST
Subject: Sales Contract, how it works?
May i know how Sales Contract module works in Baan? because when i try to create
a sales order to link with the particular sales contract, it didn't deduct the
item quantity in that contract?? why?
because i was thinking to keep track of the contract movement and what is the ou
tstanding item that we have not delivered ??
***************** End Of Article ******************
Kian posted Message 3770 in Message Board
Dated : April 05, 2000 at 23:26:52 EST
Subject: Margin Control, how it works?
May i know where should i set the lowest selling price for the item? and how it
works in Margin Control?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Charles Gomba posted Message 3771 in Message Board
Dated : April 06, 2000 at 01:59:50 EST
Subject: Re: Margin Control, how it works?
In sales order parameters you must define the basis for margin control i.e sales
price, cost price, recommended retail etc. The %age variation is the defined pe
r item on the item master file and by user under margin control parameters
***************** End Of Article ******************
Kian posted Message 3772 in Message Board
Dated : April 06, 2000 at 03:08:50 EST
Subject: Re: Margin Control, how it works?
: In sales order parameters you must define the basis for margin control i.e sal
es price, cost price, recommended retail etc. The %age variation is the defined
per item on the item master file and by user under margin control parameters

may i have the session number for the Sales Order Parameters ?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Charles Gomba posted Message 3773 in Message Board
Dated : April 06, 2000 at 04:56:42 EST
Subject: Re: Margin Control, how it works?
The session number is tdsls4100m000
***************** End Of Article ******************
Charles Gomba posted Message 3774 in Message Board
Dated : April 06, 2000 at 05:06:08 EST
Subject: Re: Sales Discount
Yes you surely can. On the sales order line your have a discount %age field and
a discount amount field. Entering a discount amount allows you to offer a dollar
value discount as opposed to a %age.
***************** End Of Article ******************
John Mc posted Message 3775 in Message Board
Dated : April 06, 2000 at 10:02:53 EST
Subject: Re: To be delivered quantity = ?
Why would you maintain a receipt of zero? if you want to cancel the order why no
t just delete the line.
If reciever is raised in error - just delete it.
A point to note - we delete unused/unrecieved lines on each & every reciept - th
ereby not generating backorders unless a P/O line has been partially recieved.
I hope this helps

: Hi John,
Thanks for the post.
But ... what happens in the following scenario?

Ordered = 57
Delivered = 0
Back Order = 0

: Now I maintain a receipt for 0 wty then the status is

Ordered = 57
Delivered = 0
Back Order = 57
: Now I make Back Order = 0 (I want to cancel the order)
Now the status is
Ordered = 57
Delivered = 0
Back Order = 0
: As per your formula, expected qty = 57.
: But I am not expecting any coz I zeroed out the Back Order
: Regards,
: Ark
: : In order to calculate the quantity outstanding at purchase order line level,
I use the following calculation:
: : I hope this helps


: Hi !
What's the formula for determining the "to be delivered"
quantity in the PUR module?

: : :

Is the following formula correct?


If receipts have been maintained then

to be deilvered qty = back order qty
to be deilvered qty = ordered quantity



: : : Thanks.
: : : Ark

***************** End Of Article ******************

Merv Carr posted Message 3776 in Message Board
Dated : April 06, 2000 at 12:17:48 EST
Subject: Re: Just figured it out.........
Did you manage to find out WHY the remaining .2 m did not get inbounded? Just cu
: : Concider the following case:
: : Baan IVc4, location control ON.
: : 1. We order 10 m of an item(inspection=Yes)

: : 2. Maintain Receipts for 10.2 m

: : 3. Maintain Approvals for 10.2 m
: : 4. Generate/Release Inbound
: : The problem is that the last 0.2 m seems to get stuck in the Inspection loca
tion. The ordered 10 m are inbounded and released OK, but what about the last 0.
2 m?? Anybody got any ideas?
: If anyone is interested, the trick was that the remaining 0.2 m had to be manu
ally inboundet through "Maintain Inbound Data".
: Strange..........

***************** End Of Article ******************

BC posted Message 3777 in Message Board
Dated : April 06, 2000 at 22:34:41 EST
Subject: Commissions/Rebates
How do I get the commission and rebate values into GL accounts. I have setup the
commission and rebate exactly the same in addition to the priorities. Could som
ebody please advise me on what to do. Thanks in advance
***************** End Of Article ******************
Kian posted Message 3778 in Message Board
Dated : April 07, 2000 at 00:50:05 EST
Subject: Thanks very much
: The session number is tdsls4100m000
Thank you very much... cheers!

***************** End Of Article ******************

Heikki Jokinen posted Message 3779 in Message Board
Dated : April 07, 2000 at 06:22:50 EST
Subject: Change quantity delivered after printing Packing Slips?
We use Baan IVc.
Is there any way to change the quantity delivered after printing packing slips?
After that an up to date packing slip would be fine. What we are looking for is
a draft of the packing slip with the final packing slip number.
***************** End Of Article ******************
tim posted Message 3780 in Message Board
Dated : April 07, 2000 at 10:20:03 EST
Subject: edi
I'm trying to use baan edi with an outside translator software package. The P.O
.'s come in through this software and I can get them into a flat file. I then n
eed to get these flat files into baan. This is my understanding of baan edi: I

have to take this flat file and convert it into the multiple file (850.1, 850.2
, 850.3, etc) structure. Then run the communication to transfer into baan. Thi
s seems like there are a lot of hoops to jump through before the flat file is re
ady for baan to use. Is there an easier way to do this edi conversion. Please
let me know.
Thanks in advance.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Chris posted Message 3781 in Message Board
Dated : April 07, 2000 at 10:58:30 EST
Subject: Location not printing on Picking List
Can anybody think of a reason why a location would not print on a picking list?
There is stock for the part, the item is defined with a fixed location.
Thank you in advance.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Chris Kiehl posted Message 3782 in Message Board
Dated : April 07, 2000 at 11:23:33 EST
Subject: Re: Location not printing on Picking List
A couple of off the wall possibilities:
Is your inventory in a warehouse where Location Control has not been turned
Have you maybe created a location with no characters (it is possible to sim
ply hit the spacebar on your keyboard when creating locations in session tdilc01
10m000 Maintain Locations, and instead of creating location "12345" to create lo
cation " ")?
Also, I'm assuming you're talking about the Sales Order Pick List and not the Re
plenishment Order Pick List (which is a little buggy).
-Chris: Can anybody think of a reason why a location would not print on a picking list
? There is stock for the part, the item is defined with a fixed location.
: Thank you in advance.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Marc Watts posted Message 3783 in Message Board
Dated : April 07, 2000 at 15:20:56 EST

Subject: inventory in inspection location not inbounding

Hi Baans Fans,
I have a situation where a receipt for PO line requiring inspection is received
properly. I approve the entire quantity in Maintain Approvals (I get my 'A' next
to the line. Now when I run the generate inbound session I get no data within s
election nor can I add an outbound manually in the Maintain Outbound Data sessio
n. When I inquire about the item in the item/lot/location session, the item is s
till in INSPECT and the quantity is blocked. Any ideas about why this occurs? We
are running Baan IVc4.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Marc Watts posted Message 3784 in Message Board
Dated : April 07, 2000 at 15:22:39 EST
Subject: Re: Location not printing on Picking List
: Can anybody think of a reason why a location would not print on a picking list
? There is stock for the part, the item is defined with a fixed location.
: Thank you in advance.
Does the correct item and quantity show up, just not the location?

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Marc Watts posted Message 3785 in Message Board
Dated : April 07, 2000 at 15:22:39 EST
Subject: Re: Location not printing on Picking List
: Can anybody think of a reason why a location would not print on a picking list
? There is stock for the part, the item is defined with a fixed location.
: Thank you in advance.
Does the correct item and quantity show up, just not the location?

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Sat posted Message 3786 in Message Board
Dated : April 07, 2000 at 16:07:10 EST
Subject: Re: Location not printing on Picking List
In the case of Replenishment Orders. (Provided you have entered location in Form
2 of Mtn RPL Orders)
You have to 'Generate Outbound' or 'Maintain Outbound' first and then Print the
Picking List. The locations will show up.

Warehouse personnel can hunt for the items and if there are any discrepancies th
ey can inform the 'Baan guy in the warehouse' to manually edit the Inbound advic
e and make the inventory adjustments/ transfers to correct the discrepancy.
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Sat posted Message 3787 in Message Board
Dated : April 07, 2000 at 16:19:05 EST
Subject: Re: inventory in inspection location not inbounding
When you are receiving an item you have to Generate or Maintain Inbound. (You ha
ve mentioned Gen Inbound and Mtn. Outbound..maybe it is a typographic error). In
ILC situations after Mtn Approval the item moves from Inspection location to Re
ceipt location.
The Gen/Mtn Inbound session followed by Release Inbound session moves the item f
rom Receipt location to the Storage location.
Are you using lot control? Maybe you are blocking the lots for Inbound (You can
block lots for inbound, outbound and/or transhipment)
***************** End Of Article ******************
sat posted Message 3788 in Message Board
Dated : April 07, 2000 at 16:40:00 EST
Subject: Pick list sequence
Does the Picking list just get sorted alpha-numerically by warehouse or location
depending upon the Print options chosen?

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Sat posted Message 3789 in Message Board
Dated : April 07, 2000 at 16:58:54 EST
Subject: Correction
If ILC is implemented and teh warehouse has locations then- after mtn receipts : An item will be in the Inspection location if Inspection is applicable. If it
is a non-insp item it will be in the Receipt location.
Mtn/Gen Inbound followed by Release Inbound will move the item from Insp/Rec loc
ation to the storage location
***************** End Of Article ******************
eswar posted Message 3790 in Message Board
Dated : April 08, 2000 at 00:18:13 EST
Subject: Re: inventory in inspection location not inbounding
: Hi Baans Fans,
: I have a situation where a receipt for PO line requiring inspection is receive
d properly. I approve the entire quantity in Maintain Approvals (I get my 'A' ne
xt to the line. Now when I run the generate inbound session I get no data within

selection nor can I add an outbound manually in the Maintain Outbound Data sess
ion. When I inquire about the item in the item/lot/location session, the item is
still in INSPECT and the quantity is blocked. Any ideas about why this occurs?
We are running Baan IVc4.
You may try the following solution:
While Generating outbound advice, enter the tranaction type as 'Inventory Transf
er' and not 'Purchase Order' and the type of location as 'Inspection'. You shoul
d be getting an inbound advice for the items in inspection location to Receipt l
ocation or a normal location according to your setup. Then you will be able to m
ake outbound as the inventory is no more blocked in the inspection location.
This is a typical problem.
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Charles Gomba posted Message 3791 in Message Board
Dated : April 08, 2000 at 02:13:06 EST
Subject: Inspection Item
I know this is basic but have you checked that the item is maintained by locatio
n and that if another item exists at that location that the location is a multi
item location? If so is it a fixed (limited) quantity location
***************** End Of Article ******************
k posted Message 3792 in Message Board
Dated : April 09, 2000 at 17:47:27 EST
Subject: Looping in Parent-Child customer relationship
Does anybody know of any existing reports or efficient way to scan the customer
master and find out all looping parent-child customer relationship? For instance
, customer 1000 is having parent customer 2000. Meanwhile the parent customer fi
eld of 2000 is filled with 1000.
I need an efficient way because we have 46k records in the customer master!
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Martin posted Message 3793 in Message Board
Dated : April 10, 2000 at 08:40:45 EST
Subject: Re: Change quantity delivered after printing Packing Slips?
: We use Baan IVc.
: Is there any way to change the quantity delivered after printing packing slips
? After that an up to date packing slip would be fine. What we are looking for
is a draft of the packing slip with the final packing slip number.
You can define the orderstep "Maintain Deliveries" re-executable after "Print Pa
cking Slip". I'm not sure whether this work-around might have some disadvantages
for you. Normaly the Picking List is the draft for the Packing Slip.
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sat posted Message 3794 in Message Board

Dated : April 10, 2000 at 10:22:58 EST
Subject: Lots without dates - problems during RPL
When moving a specific lot from a specific location to another warehouse we are
specifying the lot #, replenishing location and lot date in form 2 of Mtn RPL Or
We have completed Order Step 'Mtn RPL Order Deliveries'. Now we are unable to 'M
tn RPL Order receipts'.
When I tab on the date it opens subsession tdilc4113s000 Mtn ILC receipts. I zoo
med and selected the lot. In the date field I zoomed and selected the same lot (
no date appears there in field but the present date is getting se
lected. Now this is a mandatory field so I am not able to proceed further.
I have tried entering a date via 'Mtn Lots'. However since RPL order deliveries
have already been completed the blank lot date may already be in the RPL Order d
eliveries data table.
Has anyone seen such a scenario before? What next? I can do an inventory transfe
Thanks in advance.
'Inventory date was not issued from replenishing warehouse'
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Steve posted Message 3795 in Message Board
Dated : April 10, 2000 at 10:56:48 EST
Subject: Re: Sales order status
: : What causes sales orders to stop appearing on the session tdsls4533m000?
: : Thanks for your help.
: Do you delete order data when you process delivered sales orders?
If you're goping to delete order data, first ensure that you can replicate from
Sales Order History any documents you need to be able to re-create such as a sal
es invoice. It is not a meneal task to get a sales invoice from history and must
usually be done by a Baan programming consultant.

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Chris Kiehl posted Message 3796 in Message Board
Dated : April 10, 2000 at 13:15:22 EST
Subject: Re: Pick list sequence
The Sales Order Pick List is sorted alphanumerically first by warehouse and THEN
by location.
If you've chosen "Location Code" as your SORT SEQUENCE, then the locations under
the warehouse will appear alphanumerically. This logic is overridden, however,
if you choose "Sequence No. of Location" as your SORT SEQUENCE.

The "Sequence Number" for each location can be assigned in session tdilc0110m000
Maintain Locations.
Does that answer the question?
-Chris: Does the Picking list just get sorted alpha-numerically by warehouse or locati
on depending upon the Print options chosen?

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Dan Stietz posted Message 3797 in Message Board
Dated : April 10, 2000 at 17:24:42 EST
Subject: Maintaining inventory at the location level AND allowing WIP invetory t
o go negative
We need to find a means to allow our WIP inventory to go negative. We currently
have ILC implemented. The timing errors of reporting and backflushing between
the levels of our bills are causing thousands of shortages! How can we allow WI
P inventory to go negative (and therefore not have shortages)while still maintai
ning control of our raw material inventory at the row/rack/bin level??? We would
entertain any creative suggestions, or would be intersted to know if anyone has
developed a modification to allow this to occur.
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Bruce Thornhill posted Message 3798 in Message Board
Dated : April 10, 2000 at 17:53:40 EST
Subject: Future Demand Forecasts
I want to have my demand forecast tdinv4230m000 calculate a forecast for May, ev
en though it's now only April. The reason for this is that I need DRP to calcul
ate next months requirements for lower level warehouses now, so that SIC will se
e the planned movement and purchase for the top-level warehouse.
My problem is that the system will only produce a forecast for the current perio
d. If I specify period 2000-5, it comes back empty-handed.
Can this be done? Is it the correct approach? Thanks in advance.
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Patrick van Loon posted Message 3799 in Message Board
Dated : April 11, 2000 at 03:42:01 EST
Subject: Re: Transportation Distribution on Baan IVc4
: I am curious about Eddy's comment regarding the future of Transportation in Ba
an. My understanding was that parts of Transportation have been incorporated int
o the Distribution Module in Baan Series.
Baan Transportation as is available in Baan IV will not become available in Baan
ERP. Instead, parts of Transportation have been moved to the Warehouse Managemen

t package and most of it will become available with the new Freight Management p
ackage we are finalizing at this moment. It will have a somewhat different set-u
p and focus (more geared at shippers instead of carriers) but it will be more in
tegrated in the rest of BaanERP.
: In what release of Baan will the Transporation Module be deleted?
see above
: -Chris: Baan IVC
: : Hi Martin,
: : We are having the same problems !!
: : In my opinion the problems are caused by the difference between Distribution
and Transportation.
: : ( Distribution has more records for one salesorder line, but transprotation
has only one record and can't update this record al the time there is a change )
: : The problem is also that there are very few company's that use both distribu
tion and transportation and the priority to solve these problems are low! Also,
in the future, the transportation module is beeing deleted from the Baan softwar
: : Futhermore we are discussing with Baan over this problem so if you want to b
e in this discussion please send a email to Baan at

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Marc Watts posted Message 3800 in Message Board
Dated : April 11, 2000 at 08:31:44 EST
Subject: Re: Inspection Item
: I know this is basic but have you checked that the item is maintained by locat
ion and that if another item exists at that location that the location is a mult
i item location? If so is it a fixed (limited) quantity location
Good suggestion. But the item is not maintained by location.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Marc Watts posted Message 3801 in Message Board
Dated : April 11, 2000 at 08:36:21 EST
Subject: Re: Correction
: If ILC is implemented and teh warehouse has locations then- after mtn receipts
: : An item will be in the Inspection location if Inspection is applicable. If i
t is a non-insp item it will be in the Receipt location.
: Mtn/Gen Inbound followed by Release Inbound will move the item from Insp/Rec l
ocation to the storage location
I agree with you, and that is the nature of my problem. When I run the Generate

Inbound Advice, I get no data within selection.... Also, I cannot set it up manu
ally via the Maintain Inbound Data session. The session cannot find the order/re
ceipt record in the Inspection location.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Marc Watts posted Message 3802 in Message Board
Dated : April 11, 2000 at 08:38:53 EST
Subject: Re: inventory in inspection location not inbounding
: When you are receiving an item you have to Generate or Maintain Inbound. (You
have mentioned Gen Inbound and Mtn. Outbound..maybe it is a typographic error).
In ILC situations after Mtn Approval the item moves from Inspection location to
Receipt location.
: The Gen/Mtn Inbound session followed by Release Inbound session moves the item
from Receipt location to the Storage location.
: Are you using lot control? Maybe you are blocking the lots for Inbound (You ca
n block lots for inbound, outbound and/or transhipment)
The items are not lot controlled. Also currently the items are still in the insp
ection location even though they have been approved. Should they be in the Inspe
ction location or receipt location at this point?

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marc watts posted Message 3803 in Message Board
Dated : April 11, 2000 at 08:44:38 EST
Subject: Re: inventory in inspection location not inbounding
: : Hi Baans Fans,
: : I have a situation where a receipt for PO line requiring inspection is recei
ved properly. I approve the entire quantity in Maintain Approvals (I get my 'A'
next to the line. Now when I run the generate inbound session I get no data with
in selection nor can I add an outbound manually in the Maintain Outbound Data se
ssion. When I inquire about the item in the item/lot/location session, the item
is still in INSPECT and the quantity is blocked. Any ideas about why this occurs
? We are running Baan IVc4.
: Hi
: You may try the following solution:
: While Generating outbound advice, enter the tranaction type as 'Inventory Tran
sfer' and not 'Purchase Order' and the type of location as 'Inspection'. You sho
uld be getting an inbound advice for the items in inspection location to Receipt
location or a normal location according to your setup. Then you will be able to
make outbound as the inventory is no more blocked in the inspection location.
: This is a typical problem.
I tried your solution (thank you for responding). I get an inbound advice printe
d. However the recommended location still displays the inspection location any i

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bill posted Message 3804 in Message Board
Dated : April 11, 2000 at 10:04:45 EST
Subject: Re: Maintaining inventory at the location level AND allowing WIP inveto
ry to go negative
: We need to find a means to allow our WIP inventory to go negative. We current
ly have ILC implemented. The timing errors of reporting and backflushing betwee
n the levels of our bills are causing thousands of shortages! How can we allow
WIP inventory to go negative (and therefore not have shortages)while still maint
aining control of our raw material inventory at the row/rack/bin level??? We wou
ld entertain any creative suggestions, or would be intersted to know if anyone h
as developed a modification to allow this to occur.
You can use DRP to replenish your wip warehouses before you backflush or generat
e and release outbound.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Charles Gomba posted Message 3805 in Message Board
Dated : April 11, 2000 at 10:05:22 EST
Subject: Re: Inspection Item
If ILC is implemented then it will not know where to inbound the item to if the
item is not maintained by location. Maintain the item by location and give it a
***************** End Of Article ******************
Eric Kuijper posted Message 3806 in Message Board
Dated : April 11, 2000 at 10:11:25 EST
Subject: Re: Future Demand Forecasts
: I want to have my demand forecast tdinv4230m000 calculate a forecast for May,
even though it's now only April. The reason for this is that I need DRP to calc
ulate next months requirements for lower level warehouses now, so that SIC will
see the planned movement and purchase for the top-level warehouse.
: My problem is that the system will only produce a forecast for the current per
iod. If I specify period 2000-5, it comes back empty-handed.
: Can this be done? Is it the correct approach? Thanks in advance.
When the system generates a forecast in period 4, it is not the forecast for per
iode 4 itself but the forecast for an unspecified period. That means, the genera
ted forecast is the best possible forecast for the coming periods. This forecast
can be used for extrapolating.
forecast in period 4 = 100

forecast for period 4,5,6,7,8,9,10,... = 100

forecast for next year = 12(13) * 100 = 1200(1300)
Therefore, the system only generates one forecast. This forecast can be used for
all coming periods (maybe corrected for trend and seasonal pattern). I hope thi
s helps you.
Kind regards, Eric Kuijper
Korade BV, The Netherlands
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Sat posted Message 3807 in Message Board
Dated : April 11, 2000 at 12:07:16 EST
Subject: Thanks Chris
Yes. That answered my question.
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Sat posted Message 3808 in Message Board
Dated : April 11, 2000 at 12:10:30 EST
Subject: Materials will remain in Insp location
The materials will remain in Inspection location after you 'Mtn Approval)
Now you will have to Mtn or Gen Inbound and then Release Inbound for the materia
l to move from Insp location to a Storage location
***************** End Of Article ******************
Sat posted Message 3809 in Message Board
Dated : April 11, 2000 at 12:20:35 EST
Subject: Inbounding entire range
Try generating inbound for the entire range of transactions and dates.
***************** End Of Article ******************
sat posted Message 3810 in Message Board
Dated : April 11, 2000 at 12:55:15 EST
Subject: Yes DRP Forecast is consumed by RPL orders.
: Hi,
: Can someone tell me whether DRP consumes forcast or not? It doesn't seem like
it is but I just want to make sure it's working properly.
: Thanks in advance!
: E Lai

***************** End Of Article ******************

George Anderson posted Message 3811 in Message Board

Dated : April 11, 2000 at 12:58:49 EST
Subject: Re: BaaN IV c2>c4 migration!!!
: We planned to convert in mid Feb. and ran into all sorts of issues, from infor
mix version to loading service packs and all patches. We hope to convert this w
eekend 4/8.
I'm curious, what version of Informix were you on, and what did you have to conv
ert up to?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Gerardo Arias posted Message 3812 in Message Board
Dated : April 11, 2000 at 19:01:31 EST
Subject: Problems with sesin tdsls4223m000
(In Baan IV b2)
We have problems with this session,
this session can be run at same time for many users
We have a lot invoices every day (more less 2000).
And some times we have dupplicate records in table tdsls051
(duplicate records are records about lines invoiced type 3)
reviewing the duplicate records we can see that are created at same day, at diff
erent time (little difference) and different user.
That is a problem because some reports about this table give erroneous informati
I see at Baan Support and installed the solution 15965 but the problem continue,
Also I put a Order Support at Baan and I am waiting for an answer.
Please if anybody can help me.

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Hille Luostarinen posted Message 3813 in Message Board
Dated : April 12, 2000 at 01:14:01 EST
Subject: Re: ILC vs INV
Hi ! Im fighting with similar problems. Sometimes sessions tdilc0250m000 and tdin
v0250m000 helps you, but not allways. I have found that there is correction scri
pts from Baan to this problem. Go to file/run program and key in the otdcor0079
and youll get the list of differences between tables tdinv001 & tdilc101 and afte

r that you shoul

he correction, I
t of corrections
ilar problems in

run the otdcor0081 to correct this problem. NOTE I haventt run t

just opened to case to Baan to check the details (finance effec
etc.). Hopefully this helps ! PS In overall there is lot of sim
ILC area...

***************** End Of Article ******************

Marc Watts posted Message 3814 in Message Board
Dated : April 12, 2000 at 10:28:35 EST
Subject: Re: Inbounding entire range
: Try generating inbound for the entire range of transactions and dates.
I tried your suggestion already. What is happening is that when Maintain Approva
ls was performed the tdilc402 records were not updated or created. The order typ
e 'purchase order' record was not zeroed out, and the order type 'inventory tran
sfer' was not created so that inbound location could be recommended. When this s
ituation was corrected, it worked like a champ.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Kian posted Message 3815 in Message Board
Dated : April 13, 2000 at 01:31:42 EST
Subject: Sales Contract Problem
i have some problem in implementing Sales Contract module!
I have a question in Sales Contract module, for you information, our product cod
e system is design as the first alphabet is to represent the source of manufactu
S-Calendar2000Blue === manufactured in Singapore
M-Calendar2000Blue === manufactured in Malaysia
C-Calendar2000Blue === manufactured in China
they are the same products...
When creating a sales contract, if user call the "S" item... then when delivery
date reach, the inventory left only "M" item, what should we do to reduce the re
maining "S" quantity in the sales contract ? (The sales contract is already Acti
Solution 1
To transfer the "M" inventory to "S" inventory, then do the adjustment to make "
S" item available at the moment.
Solution 2
To create a buffer program that telling the system to deduct the remaining "S" q
uantity in the particular Sales Contract.
or do you have better suggestion, please help!

***************** End Of Article ******************

Schauer Anton Schartner Consulting posted Message 3816 in Message Board

Dated : April 13, 2000 at 05:59:03 EST
Subject: Re: edi
: I'm trying to use baan edi with an outside translator software package. The P
.O.'s come in through this software and I can get them into a flat file. I then
need to get these flat files into baan. This is my understanding of baan edi:
I have to take this flat file and convert it into the multiple file (850.1, 850
.2, 850.3, etc) structure. Then run the communication to transfer into baan. T
his seems like there are a lot of hoops to jump through before the flat file is
ready for baan to use. Is there an easier way to do this edi conversion. Pleas
e let me know.
: Thanks in advance.
: -Tim
Hallo Tim,
Can you send me the file from the outside translation maybe this translater in b
ased on EDIFACT.
regard toni

***************** End Of Article ******************

Schauer Anton Schartner Consulting posted Message 3817 in Message Board
Dated : April 13, 2000 at 05:59:31 EST
Subject: Re: edi
: I'm trying to use baan edi with an outside translator software package. The P
.O.'s come in through this software and I can get them into a flat file. I then
need to get these flat files into baan. This is my understanding of baan edi:
I have to take this flat file and convert it into the multiple file (850.1, 850
.2, 850.3, etc) structure. Then run the communication to transfer into baan. T
his seems like there are a lot of hoops to jump through before the flat file is
ready for baan to use. Is there an easier way to do this edi conversion. Pleas
e let me know.
: Thanks in advance.
: -Tim
Hallo Tim,
Can you send me the file from the outside translation maybe this translater in b
ased on EDIFACT.
regard toni

***************** End Of Article ******************

Mick posted Message 3818 in Message Board
Dated : April 13, 2000 at 13:45:44 EST
Subject: Warehouse Cluster

what are clusters and how do they work in baan ERP?

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Adrie Oudhuis posted Message 3819 in Message Board
Dated : April 13, 2000 at 14:53:57 EST
Subject: Re: Sales Contract Problem
You might use one of the following suggestion:
1. Give the items the same pricegroup and make a sales contract by pricegroup in
stead of by item
2. You can put item M into the BOM of item S; when S is not available you change
the status of the orderline to "issue components"
: i have some problem in implementing Sales Contract module!
: I have a question in Sales Contract module, for you information, our product c
ode system is design as the first alphabet is to represent the source of manufac
: Example
: S-Calendar2000Blue === manufactured in Singapore
: M-Calendar2000Blue === manufactured in Malaysia
: C-Calendar2000Blue === manufactured in China
: they are the same products...
: Problem
: When creating a sales contract, if user call the "S" item... then when deliver
y date reach, the inventory left only "M" item, what should we do to reduce the
remaining "S" quantity in the sales contract ? (The sales contract is already Ac
: Solution 1
: To transfer the "M" inventory to "S" inventory, then do the adjustment to make
"S" item available at the moment.
: Solution 2
: To create a buffer program that telling the system to deduct the remaining "S"
quantity in the particular Sales Contract.
: or do you have better suggestion, please help!

***************** End Of Article ******************

Andres posted Message 3820 in Message Board
Dated : April 13, 2000 at 14:57:32 EST
Subject: Bar Code wiith BaaN
I am investigating about references implementing Bar Code with BaaN. Does somebo
dy know important information to consider fo any implementation. And if somebody
know about any succes instalation and emails or phone number to contact.
Thanks in advice

***************** End Of Article ******************

T Giridhar posted Message 3821 in Message Board
Dated : April 16, 2000 at 06:19:06 EST
Subject: how to change prices after &quot;process delivered sales orders&quot; i
s over?!!
Hi baan fans,
My client has a strange problem:
I will raise sales order with installment invoice. Invoiced in two
installments, first 95% of total goods and remaining 5% as second
installment for guarantee period of 1 year.
Material is delivered to customer(which is government dept)
and the first instalment invoice is sent. After receiving the first
installment money, process delivered sales order session is to be run for 1st i
so that it will be visible in finance.
After 2 or 3 months government anounces the price
of raw material and in turn price of the finished goods will also
change. The new invoice with changed price has to be sent to customer.
If the price increases the customer will send the difference otherwise
if price decreases we have to adjust in our next invoice. How to
handle this situation. It cannot be done through the session
"Change prices and discounts after maintain deliveries". If you are
not making final invoice and process sales order, it is not reflected
in finance.
Please advice the solution for this situation as we cannot control
the price variation announced by the government and we have to send
the invoice second time.
Thanks in advance.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Svein posted Message 3822 in Message Board
Dated : April 17, 2000 at 01:38:11 EST
Subject: Installment
Hi there!
We are trying to use Indirect settlement (installment) in Baan IVc (Nordic).
We have registered the cost item in sls parameters, and everything seems to work
fine. According to the help file, nothing is supposed to show in finance before
we close the installment line, but it does!!
Can anyone help me?
Is this a bug, or is the helpfiles wrong??
(Latest service pack installed....)
Thanks in advance!!!
***************** End Of Article ******************

ciphos posted Message 3823 in Message Board

Dated : April 17, 2000 at 06:36:28 EST
Subject: Baan and e-procurement tools.
Hi Fans,
I've a question for you about the possibility of integration of Baan with e-proc
urement tools.
Is it Baan compliant with any of these suites:
-SAP b2b
-Commerce one
Do you know about any project of this kind?
Thanks and regards.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Colin Marriott posted Message 3824 in Message Board
Dated : April 17, 2000 at 08:20:29 EST
Subject: Re: Bar Code wiith BaaN
: I am investigating about references implementing Bar Code with BaaN. Does some
body know important information to consider fo any implementation. And if somebo
dy know about any succes instalation and emails or phone number to contact.
: Thanks in advice
Hi my company is currently going through a barcode implementation, it is due to
go live in the next few weeks. The product we are using is made by a company cal
led Connectware, if you have any specific questions please feel free to email me
and I will try to help.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Rocky Sanghvi posted Message 3825 in Message Board
Dated : April 17, 2000 at 10:05:30 EST
Subject: Physical Inventory Solution
Does Baan IV Cycle Counting cut it for you? Do you need a better solution for y
our Physical Inventory including WIP? Please contact me for a case study on a P
hysical Inventory Solution. Serious inquiries from end customers only!!
Best Wishes,
Rocky Sanghvi

NovaSoft - Baan Group

(609) 631-6075
***************** End Of Article ******************
baan fan posted Message 3826 in Message Board
Dated : April 18, 2000 at 03:58:06 EST
Subject: Re: how to change prices after &quot;process delivered sales orders&quo
t; is over?!!
please update me also
: Hi baan fans,

My client has a strange problem:

I will raise sales order with installment invoice. Invoiced in two
installments, first 95% of total goods and remaining 5% as second
installment for guarantee period of 1 year.
Material is delivered to customer(which is government dept)
and the first instalment invoice is sent. After receiving the first
installment money, process delivered sales order session is to be run for 1st
: so that it will be visible in finance.
: After 2 or 3 months government anounces the price
: of raw material and in turn price of the finished goods will also
: change. The new invoice with changed price has to be sent to customer.
: If the price increases the customer will send the difference otherwise
: if price decreases we have to adjust in our next invoice. How to
: handle this situation. It cannot be done through the session
: "Change prices and discounts after maintain deliveries". If you are
: not making final invoice and process sales order, it is not reflected
: in finance.
: Please advice the solution for this situation as we cannot control
: the price variation announced by the government and we have to send
: the invoice second time.
: Thanks in advance.
: giridhar

***************** End Of Article ******************

baan fan posted Message 3827 in Message Board
Dated : April 18, 2000 at 03:59:30 EST
Subject: Re: how to change prices after &quot;process delivered sales orders&quo
t; is over?!!
please update me too
thanks in advance
baan fan

: Hi baan fans,

My client has a strange problem:

I will raise sales order with installment invoice. Invoiced in two
installments, first 95% of total goods and remaining 5% as second
installment for guarantee period of 1 year.
Material is delivered to customer(which is government dept)
and the first instalment invoice is sent. After receiving the first
installment money, process delivered sales order session is to be run for 1st
: so that it will be visible in finance.
: After 2 or 3 months government anounces the price
: of raw material and in turn price of the finished goods will also
: change. The new invoice with changed price has to be sent to customer.
: If the price increases the customer will send the difference otherwise
: if price decreases we have to adjust in our next invoice. How to
: handle this situation. It cannot be done through the session
: "Change prices and discounts after maintain deliveries". If you are
: not making final invoice and process sales order, it is not reflected
: in finance.
: Please advice the solution for this situation as we cannot control
: the price variation announced by the government and we have to send
: the invoice second time.
: Thanks in advance.
: giridhar

***************** End Of Article ******************

baan fan posted Message 3828 in Message Board
Dated : April 18, 2000 at 04:01:36 EST
Subject: Re: how to change prices after &quot;process delivered sales orders&quo
t; is over?!!
please update me too
thanks in advance
baan fan

: Hi baan fans,

My client has a strange problem:

I will raise sales order with installment invoice. Invoiced in two
installments, first 95% of total goods and remaining 5% as second
installment for guarantee period of 1 year.
Material is delivered to customer(which is government dept)
and the first instalment invoice is sent. After receiving the first
installment money, process delivered sales order session is to be run for 1st
: so that it will be visible in finance.


After 2 or 3 months government anounces the price

of raw material and in turn price of the finished goods will also
change. The new invoice with changed price has to be sent to customer.
If the price increases the customer will send the difference otherwise
if price decreases we have to adjust in our next invoice. How to
handle this situation. It cannot be done through the session
"Change prices and discounts after maintain deliveries". If you are
not making final invoice and process sales order, it is not reflected
in finance.
Please advice the solution for this situation as we cannot control
the price variation announced by the government and we have to send
the invoice second time.

: Thanks in advance.
: giridhar

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Patrick van Loon posted Message 3829 in Message Board
Dated : April 18, 2000 at 10:56:01 EST
Subject: Re: Baan and e-procurement tools.
: Hi Fans,
: I've a question for you about the possibility of integration of Baan with e-pr
ocurement tools.
: Is it Baan compliant with any of these suites:

-SAP b2b
-Commerce one

: Do you know about any project of this kind?

: Thanks and regards.
: ciphos
Baan has its own E-procurement solution, that is fully compatible to our ERP-app
lication. The Baan E-enterprise team can tell you more about this.
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MEHN posted Message 3830 in Message Board
Dated : April 18, 2000 at 12:27:39 EST
Subject: Problem Sales contract Price groups
Hi everyone,
I'm having trouble with sales contracts for items of a price group. (BaaN IV c3)
This is what I did; First I created a price group (in MCS), then I assiged the p
rice group to an item (in ITM). Finally I entered a sales contract for that pric
e group.
In line 10 of the contract I entered the price group (100 pieces) with a sales p
rice (both units: pieces).

In line 20 I entered 100 pieces of another item (not part of the price group).
If I insert a sales order and I put the item (from the price group) in line 10 (
25 pieces) I'm asked if I want to use line 10 of the sales contract. If I select
the contract line the salesorder line is 'connected' to the sales contact line.
For testing I also entered the second item of the contract (not part of the pric
e grout) in line 20 (also 25 pieces) of the same sales order. This line is of co
urse 'connected' to line 20 of the sales contract.
If I print the order confirmation it says that both lines are 'connected' to the
However, in the text box below line 10 it says that the number of items consumed
from the sales contract is 0 (in stead of 25). Line 20 correctly says 25 items
are consumed.
Does anyone know if (and how) I can resolve this?
Thanks for your time.
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Bruce Thornhill posted Message 3831 in Message Board
Dated : April 18, 2000 at 16:42:04 EST
Subject: Re: Future Demand Forecasts
Eric, I now see what you mean, but I had to apply solution #78831 before it woul
d work on my vanilla installation. The problem was a defect whereby the future
period would not forecast at all.
: : I want to have my demand forecast tdinv4230m000 calculate a forecast for May
, even though it's now only April. The reason for this is that I need DRP to ca
lculate next months requirements for lower level warehouses now, so that SIC wil
l see the planned movement and purchase for the top-level warehouse.
: : My problem is that the system will only produce a forecast for the current p
eriod. If I specify period 2000-5, it comes back empty-handed.
: : Can this be done? Is it the correct approach? Thanks in advance.
: Hi,
: When the system generates a forecast in period 4, it is not the forecast for p
eriode 4 itself but the forecast for an unspecified period. That means, the gene
rated forecast is the best possible forecast for the coming periods. This foreca
st can be used for extrapolating.
: Example:
: forecast in period 4 = 100
: forecast for period 4,5,6,7,8,9,10,... = 100
: forecast for next year = 12(13) * 100 = 1200(1300)

: Therefore, the system only generates one forecast. This forecast can be used f
or all coming periods (maybe corrected for trend and seasonal pattern). I hope t
his helps you.
: Kind regards, Eric Kuijper
: Korade BV, The Netherlands

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Bruce Thornhill posted Message 3832 in Message Board
Dated : April 18, 2000 at 16:45:18 EST
Subject: SIC does not see future demand of lower level warehouse.
I currently have a demand forecast in place for the next future period. The pro
blem is that DRP will not create the future order to satisfy that upcoming deman
d in the lower-level whse.
On the other hand, if a DRP sales forecast is in place, then the future planned
DRP order is created.
Any ideas?
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Alex Bieber - Schartner Consulting posted Message 3833 in Message Board
Dated : April 19, 2000 at 17:23:26 EST
Subject: Re: ILC vs INV
: Hi ! Im fighting with similar problems. Sometimes sessions tdilc0250m000 and td
inv0250m000 helps you, but not allways. I have found that there is correction sc
ripts from Baan to this problem. Go to file/run program and key in the otdcor007
9 and youll get the list of differences between tables tdinv001 & tdilc101 and af
ter that you shoul run the otdcor0081 to correct this problem. NOTE I haventt run
the correction, I just opened to case to Baan to check the details (finance eff
ect of corrections etc.). Hopefully this helps ! PS In overall there is lot of s
imilar problems in ILC area...
Session tdinv0250m000 just rebuild planned stock transactions and Session tdilc0
250m000 is doing so similar on the ILC. But both don t correct the stock!
Usually the INV stock is the one which is used for finance transaction. So it is
better to correct the ILC stock.
But the interesting point is the reason for the difference. I found two position
s producing differences between INV and ILC stock:
1) Using the session tdrpl0114m000 for maintain the back order of a replenishmen
t order when ILC is active cause this session doesn t actualize ILC stock . Use se
ssion tdrpl0120m000 instead.
2) There is a bug in the porting set in the baan-oracle interface. By the use of
the old fashioned SQL Statments db.eq etc. there may happen a wrong handling of
errors. The library tisfcdll0100 uses lot of them and as a central place of pro
cessing the stock transaction for SFC it may leads to a difference of INV and IL
C (mainly by report complete orders).
This error should be repaired in the porting set but wasn t done by BAAN till now.

I made a work around which seems to work:

Replace the db.eq construct in function
.warehouse() of Script tisfcdll0100 with a corresponding SELECT statement. Now t
he insert will only be done when no row exists which isn t guaranteed by the db.eq
I hope this will help you
Alex Bieber Schartner Consulting

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Jeremy posted Message 3834 in Message Board
Dated : April 20, 2000 at 11:37:23 EST
Subject: Pick List steps
I'm trying to print a pick list. Problem is, I can't even create one. Here are
the steps I've taken.
1. Create a warehouse order (transfer)
2. Generate Outbound.
3. Release Outbound.
4. Generate Picklist (No data within selection)
All steps seem to work fine up until this last part. Any suggesions? I'm not f
unctional, so please any recommendations would be great!

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Tommy L. Bacon, CPIM posted Message 3835 in Message Board
Dated : April 20, 2000 at 12:54:32 EST
Subject: Re: Pick List steps
You need to make sure that Pick List is a step within the order Type that you ar
e using.
: I'm trying to print a pick list. Problem is, I can't even create one. Here a
re the steps I've taken.
: 1. Create a warehouse order (transfer)
: 2. Generate Outbound.
: 3. Release Outbound.
: 4. Generate Picklist (No data within selection)
: All steps seem to work fine up until this last part. Any suggesions? I'm not
functional, so please any recommendations would be great!

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mervcarr posted Message 3836 in Message Board

Dated : April 20, 2000 at 13:10:34 EST

Subject: Re: Pick List steps
Just to expand slightly on Tommy's posting, refer to the order status (and zoom
on the order line). If "Print pick lists" is not in your order steps you will ne
ver be able to print.
: You need to make sure that Pick List is a step within the order Type that you
are using.
: : I'm trying to print a pick list. Problem is, I can't even create one. Here
are the steps I've taken.
: : 1. Create a warehouse order (transfer)
: : 2. Generate Outbound.
: : 3. Release Outbound.
: : 4. Generate Picklist (No data within selection)
: : All steps seem to work fine up until this last part. Any suggesions? I'm n
ot functional, so please any recommendations would be great!

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leslie Satenstein posted Message 3837 in Message Board
Dated : April 20, 2000 at 22:38:09 EST
Subject: Sales Statistics and Sales Booking report
The baan scm product has a sales statistics module which makes reference to turn
over. Since we are dealing with sales, and not inventory, we were wondering what
was meant by turnover.
Also, has someone written a sales booking report that would show the sales order
dollars that were booked in a period, and would be able to also identify adjust
ments, RMA's and cancellations.
Any information would be appreciated.
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John Crystal posted Message 3838 in Message Board
Dated : April 20, 2000 at 22:55:03 EST
Subject: Re: Sales Statistics and Sales Booking report
Hi Leslie,
Sales turnover is basically sales in dollars.
I've done a similar sales booking report to what you want, but several years ago
. It was based on the tdsls051 table.
John Crystal
Crystal Consulting

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Pat Gryske posted Message 3839 in Message Board
Dated : April 21, 2000 at 09:34:55 EST
Subject: Purchase Orders entered without a Ledger Account
I need to know if there is anyway I can stop the save of a purchase order if a L
edger Account or price has not been entered. We are having a problem when misc.
items are ordered, and the user neglects to put in the above information. This
is causing problems in the A/P department.
Thank you.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Sonja posted Message 3840 in Message Board
Dated : April 22, 2000 at 22:57:32 EST
Subject: Re: SIC does not see future demand of lower level warehouse.
Can you be more specific? What is the problem and where does SIC fit into the pi
: I currently have a demand forecast in place for the next future period. The p
roblem is that DRP will not create the future order to satisfy that upcoming dem
and in the lower-level whse.
: On the other hand, if a DRP sales forecast is in place, then the future planne
d DRP order is created.
: Any ideas?

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MarkS posted Message 3841 in Message Board
Dated : April 23, 2000 at 00:56:32 EST
Subject: Documentation
I would appreciate any input as to outstanding sources of documentation on Baan
Distribution/Manufacturing individuals have reviewed. I have the Baan IV "textbo
ok", but it is limited.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Gary posted Message 3842 in Message Board
Dated : April 24, 2000 at 13:52:39 EST
Subject: tdinv0252m000
What causes inventory totals to get out of sync so much that we need to run this
session regularly?
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Bob Showalter posted Message 3843 in Message Board

Dated : April 24, 2000 at 14:03:00 EST
Subject: Re: tdinv0252m000
: What causes inventory totals to get out of sync so much that we need to run th
is session regularly?
Two comments:
1. Mismatches are caused by Baan bugs, pure and simple. I encourange you to pest
er Baan about it and try and get latest patches to everything. In our case, it w
as primarily dll's in tdilc and tisfc areas. We still get the occasional mismatc
2. Running tdinv0252m000 is NOT always the correct solution to a mismatch. tdinv
0252m000 always adjusts INV balance to match ILC balance. However, I have found
that INV is not always wrong. In some cases, INV is correct and ILC is wrong. Fi
nancial integrations always track INV transactions, so if INV transactions do no
t match ILC balance, then running tdinv0252m000 will have a financial impact.
Refer to Baan solution 16250 on their website for a longer description. It shows
you how to correct when ILC is wrong and INV is right.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Mond posted Message 3844 in Message Board
Dated : April 24, 2000 at 17:44:01 EST
Subject: Purchasing Cost Items
I am at a plant that puchases many mro items and is hesitant to do this in baan
. it looks like cost items never go into inventory...does this mean that they ne
ver need to be received in??? In other words, when setting up the p.o. type for
cost items should maintain receipts be a step in the procedure? If so why, why n
ot? What is teh standard procedure for this?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Merv Carr posted Message 3845 in Message Board
Dated : April 24, 2000 at 21:08:39 EST
Subject: Re: Purchasing Cost Items
The answer is "Yes" on both scores. Cost items do not go into inventory (cost an
d service items are "non stock"). This does not, however, mean that they are not
"received". ALL po's in Baan go thrrough the receiving procedure, BUT, it is po
ssible to perform the receiving step automatically by making use of "collect" ty
pe orders. If you create an order type and check the "collect order" box, then t
hat step is effectively skipped in the order procedure. It is still performed in
the background, but as soon as the order line is "saved" the line is "received"
. This can also BTW be used for inventoried items. The only real limitation is t
hat the planned receipt date cannot be a future date.

: I am at a plant that puchases many mro items and is hesitant to do this in ba

an. it looks like cost items never go into inventory...does this mean that they
never need to be received in??? In other words, when setting up the p.o. type fo

r cost items should maintain receipts be a step in the procedure? If so why, why
not? What is teh standard procedure for this?

***************** End Of Article ******************

Wilfred posted Message 3846 in Message Board
Dated : April 25, 2000 at 02:18:49 EST
Subject: Ordersteps scrambled
Is there anyone who has the same annoying problem we have?
In session tfcmg0139m000 Maintain Order Steps, when browsing with <N> and <P> (i
n ASCII) the field "Re-execute" is not updated correctly.
The first Order step has "Re-execute" on "2, 9", the following has "2, 3, 4, 5,
6, 7, 8, 9", when we scroll back to the first order step, it says "Re-execute" "
2, 9, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9".
The field is incorrectly updated. Hitting <F6> "rebuild displays" doesn't help,
only exiting the session helps.
Baan Support had us install the latest Portingset, reorganize tables, verify in
standard VRC, but nothing helped.
We both work with Baan IVb2 and IVc4. This problem only occurs in Baan IVc4.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Sat posted Message 3847 in Message Board
Dated : April 25, 2000 at 12:09:06 EST
Subject: Re: SIC does not see future demand of lower level warehouse.
: DRP recognizes demand from DRP Sales Forecasts and existing Production Orders
and Production batches (not even planned Prodn orders/ batches).
If you have MRP forecasts then you have to run MRP to translate the demand downw
ards. Then you have to confirm and transfer the MRP Planned Production Orders/ b
Only then if you run DRP will it effectively recognize traces of that MRP foreca
st which will now be reflected by the Prodn Orders/ Batches.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Pat Comer posted Message 3848 in Message Board
Dated : April 25, 2000 at 14:32:54 EST
Subject: speed of maintain receipts
Anyone else find that maintain receipts seems to take forever. Have looked on Ba
aN knowledge base and no problem is listed. Is there a known solution
***************** End Of Article ******************
Pat Comer posted Message 3849 in Message Board
Dated : April 25, 2000 at 14:49:38 EST
Subject: mulitple items occurrance on purchase order

Have situation where a purcahse order generated from MRP has the same item numbe
r due for delivery the same day appearing many times with differnet quantities.
We run mrp daily but have an order interval of 7 days on this item. Any ideas is there a flag we should setting somewhere to consilidate the demand
***************** End Of Article ******************
Muhammad Faisal posted Message 3850 in Message Board
Dated : April 25, 2000 at 16:56:12 EST
Subject: Re: mulitple items occurrance on purchase order
Please check on "Maximum order quantity" field in item master for that item. If
this quantity is lower, then multiple orders will be generated for the same item
regardless of order interval.
***************** End Of Article ******************
AlaaJaber posted Message 3851 in Message Board
Dated : April 25, 2000 at 23:55:32 EST
Subject: Re: Purchasing Cost Items
The cost item should go to the receiving procedure, however, it is not really re
ceived into inventory. Once you receive them in the maintain receipts, it will g
o to the following step defined in the po. And it will appear in the PO invoice.
Do it using baan. We are receiving shipping and packing costs as part of the PO
items and it is working fine.
In sales module, the same thing happens. You just go to the delivery session and
mark that item as shipped. Nothing is reduced from the inventory, it is only in
---------: I am at a plant that puchases many mro items and is hesitant to do this in ba
an. it looks like cost items never go into inventory...does this mean that they
never need to be received in??? In other words, when setting up the p.o. type fo
r cost items should maintain receipts be a step in the procedure? If so why, why
not? What is teh standard procedure for this?

***************** End Of Article ******************

AlaaJaber posted Message 3852 in Message Board
Dated : April 26, 2000 at 00:07:42 EST
We need to sell sets.
When I use the Product Configurator, I face a problem that the system creates a
project number.
When I use the BOM and copy the BOM, the warehouse if fixed on the BOM. I have b
ranches and their warehouses are different. The user has to go to each component
and change its warehouse. This is not practical solution at all.

When I use Phantom item and define its BOM, the warehouse problems also comes up
How do you think Sets cab sold through baan, without the need to enter all the c
***************** End Of Article ******************
Sat posted Message 3853 in Message Board
Dated : April 26, 2000 at 10:29:29 EST
Subject: Also check Fixed Order Qty. in Item master
If the fixed order qty. is say 20 then a demand for 100 will show up as 5 orders
for 20 units each.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Sat posted Message 3854 in Message Board
Dated : April 26, 2000 at 10:51:13 EST
Subject: Purchase requisitions
1. Does any version of Baan (other than Baan ERP) handle Purchase Requisitions?
Is it available as an add on to the sch module in Baan IVb or c??
2. I'd appreciate it if someone can share their experiencees with using Purchase
Inquiries or RPL orders or any other 'workarounds' inplace of Purchase Requisit
We are using a cost item with Std Desc 'No' to create P.O's for every requisitio
n item. In Form3 of Mtn. P.O we enter the ledger # for accounting purposes.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Bob Showalter posted Message 3855 in Message Board
Dated : April 26, 2000 at 16:39:18 EST
Subject: Re: Purchase requisitions
: 1. Does any version of Baan (other than Baan ERP) handle Purchase Requisitions
? Is it available as an add on to the sch module in Baan IVb or c??
We are using tdprq module (purchase requisitions) under
B40L c2 sch0 it works pretty well for us.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Arthur L posted Message 3856 in Message Board
Dated : April 27, 2000 at 04:15:07 EST
Subject: Re: how to change prices after &quot;process delivered sales orders&quo
t; is over?!!

I would suggest that you don't use installment orders.

Why don't you put one order on for the actual goods with the appropriate deliver
y date and 'now' price and then a second order with a delivery date of one year
(or whenever) for a cost item called 'difference' (or something like that.
You deliver the first order, invoice and process.
You keep a track of future orders with the item 'difference'.
When you know the value of the change you can maintain the order for the 'differ
Then go to invoice.
You will then be able to see the original cost and then the difference in any re

: Hi baan fans,

My client has a strange problem:

I will raise sales order with installment invoice. Invoiced in two
installments, first 95% of total goods and remaining 5% as second
installment for guarantee period of 1 year.
Material is delivered to customer(which is government dept)
and the first instalment invoice is sent. After receiving the first
installment money, process delivered sales order session is to be run for 1st
: so that it will be visible in finance.
: After 2 or 3 months government anounces the price
: of raw material and in turn price of the finished goods will also
: change. The new invoice with changed price has to be sent to customer.
: If the price increases the customer will send the difference otherwise
: if price decreases we have to adjust in our next invoice. How to
: handle this situation. It cannot be done through the session
: "Change prices and discounts after maintain deliveries". If you are
: not making final invoice and process sales order, it is not reflected
: in finance.
: Please advice the solution for this situation as we cannot control
: the price variation announced by the government and we have to send
: the invoice second time.
: Thanks in advance.
: giridhar

***************** End Of Article ******************

Frdric Tourniaire posted Message 3857 in Message Board
Dated : April 27, 2000 at 05:38:43 EST
Subject: Definition of turnover in purchase statistics - Finance implemented
Regarding the quantities and amounts, the updating of the purchase statistics fo
r the turnover seems to work in 2 times when Finance is implemented :
1. When we process the purchase order in the purchase module, the purchase order
line history is updated with a record of type 3 (=invoiced). The quantities and

amounts are the ones of the receipts and are the ones taken into account for th
e statistics.
2. An invoice is received from the supplier for the receipts done.
is recorded into the system and processed. The purchase order line
en updated with new records of the type 3 if the quantities and/or
ifferent from the values of the receipts.
These new values are then taken into account by the statistics and
nes of the step 1.

This invoice
history is th
amounts are d
replace the o

So, when you print the turnover, you have a mix between purchase orders which ar
e still are the step 1 and purchase orders which are the step 2. The turnover is
so not a real turnover but an estimated one !!!!
Do you have an idea to not update the statitits with purchase orders which are a
t the step 1 ?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Ken Belt posted Message 3858 in Message Board
Dated : April 27, 2000 at 09:30:18 EST
Subject: Re: Bar Code wiith BaaN
: : I am investigating about references implementing Bar Code with BaaN. Does so
mebody know important information to consider fo any implementation. And if some
body know about any succes instalation and emails or phone number to contact.
: : Thanks in advice
: Hi my company is currently going through a barcode implementation, it is due t
o go live in the next few weeks. The product we are using is made by a company c
alled Connectware, if you have any specific questions please feel free to email
me and I will try to help.
: regards
: Colin
My Company manufactures soft drink despensing equipment, we are strongly conside
ring Connectware for data collection. I would like to be able to exchange email
s with you or speak to you on the phone. We are running BaaN IV c 3 and are not
yet bar coding but will implement barcoding with Connectware. My name is Ken B
elt and am Sr. industrial Engineer with Lancer Corp. Phone # = (210) 310 - 7192
, Email =
If you dont mind drop me an email so we can chat.
Ken Belt
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Stefan Riedl posted Message 3859 in Message Board
Dated : April 27, 2000 at 10:24:01 EST
Subject: Re: Sales Contract, how it works?
Hi Kian,

when you inserted the sales order, did you get the confirmation that the order w
as linked to the contract?
If not, then check if the conract is active (or if the contract confirmation is
printed or if customer and article are correct or if the date of entry is befor
your sales order and the exploration date is after the sales order, these are th
e usual mistakes I know)
If yes, then you can see the called off quantity and amount in tdsls3513m000 (or
tdsls3535m000). What you will not see is the remaining quantity.
Hope this helps
Feel free to contact me if you have any further questions
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Jan posted Message 3860 in Message Board
Dated : April 28, 2000 at 05:27:34 EST
Subject: Problems with Generating Prod Variant Structure for Budget tipcf5270m00
Please can anyone help me ?
After I have created a sales quotation for a generic item and generated Prod Var
iant Structure for Sales Quotation I occasionally have cause to amend the varian
t options, for example an input error or customer change to options.
I have been using the session generate prod variant structure for budget, select
ing the created budget and variant, reopening the product configurator, amending
the selected options and finally regenerating the product structure on closure
of the configurator.
This seems to work fine, the variant is updated, the budget parts are updated bu
t the product code remains unchanged. This is causing us quite a problem.
The functionality for Sales Orders and Projects is basically the same and works
just fine !
Has anyone else got this problem, or indeed any suggestions ?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Sadka Aviv posted Message 3861 in Message Board
Dated : April 30, 2000 at 04:38:09 EST
Subject: Negative Inventory using Locatios in BAAN 5
Hello all,
As I know, in BAAN 4 , the parameter "Negative Inventory allowed" can't be set t
o "YES" as long as the location control is implemented.

Can this paraneter be set to "YES" and work properly in BAAN 5 using locations ?
Thank you for your help,
***************** End Of Article ******************
Merv Carr posted Message 3862 in Message Board
Dated : May 01, 2000 at 08:09:29 EST
My client has the same problem, we have come to the conclusion that the only pra
ctical way to get around this is to customize (unfortunately).
The reason for getting into this in the first place was so that we could have cu
stomer dedicated warehouses (for the big customers) and of course as soon as you
attempt to sell a "kit", the warehouse from the BOM line gets used and not the
warehouse from the sales order line (the parent)
Alternatives evaluated were to have a multicompany environment (allowing you to
have different warehouses on the bom lines) or to have customer specific BOM's.
We also looked at using the configurator (using 3gl code in the constraints it i
s possible to code it in such a way that the sales order lines for the kit will
revert to the original warehouse specified for the parent. All of these alternat
ives were ruled out as being either too costly to implement (versus customizatio
n) or having limited functionality.
In my opinion it is a bit of an oversight on Baan's part but is unlikey to be ad
ressed anytime in the near future.
: We need to sell sets.
: When I use the Product Configurator, I face a problem that the system creates
a project number.
: When I use the BOM and copy the BOM, the warehouse if fixed on the BOM. I have
branches and their warehouses are different. The user has to go to each compone
nt and change its warehouse. This is not practical solution at all.
: When I use Phantom item and define its BOM, the warehouse problems also comes
: How do you think Sets cab sold through baan, without the need to enter all the
: Thanks.

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Jeff posted Message 3863 in Message Board
Dated : May 01, 2000 at 10:24:03 EST
Subject: FedEx Interface
Does anyone know of software (Baan or third party) that can interface FedEX and

Looking at being able to bring shipper numbers, status and shipping charges back
into Baan.
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Sat posted Message 3864 in Message Board
Dated : May 01, 2000 at 12:15:41 EST
Subject: Customer Priority field in Customer Master
Where is the field 'Customer Priority' in Form 6 of Customer Master (Baan IV) us
Is it in any way related to the Sales Order Priorities, apart from being used as
one of the fields for sorting the sales Order priorities??
In the absence of Sales Order priorities does the Customer Priority get referred
while printing picking lists??
Thanks in advance for any clarifications
***************** End Of Article ******************
Mo posted Message 3865 in Message Board
Dated : May 01, 2000 at 13:03:27 EST
Subject: Re: Pick List steps
If all prior responses do not work, you may want to try to print the Pick List b
efore releasing the outbound. ( Do step #4 before #3.)
Please advise if this works!
: Just to expand slightly on Tommy's posting, refer to the order status (and zoo
m on the order line). If "Print pick lists" is not in your order steps you will
never be able to print.
: : You need to make sure that Pick List is a step within the order Type that yo
u are using.
: : : I'm trying to print a pick list. Problem is, I can't even create one. He
re are the steps I've taken.
: : : 1. Create a warehouse order (transfer)
: : : 2. Generate Outbound.
: : : 3. Release Outbound.
: : : 4. Generate Picklist (No data within selection)
: : : All steps seem to work fine up until this last part. Any suggesions? I'm
not functional, so please any recommendations would be great!

***************** End Of Article ******************

Chris Kiehl posted Message 3866 in Message Board
Dated : May 01, 2000 at 16:28:03 EST
Subject: Re: Customer Priority field in Customer Master

With ILC, the Customer Priority field in the Customer File is the primary select
ion field for Generating Outbound Advice.
Inventory will always go to that Customer's sales order which has the higher pri
ority (lower priority number).
If you choose to implement Priority Simulations(tdsls4126m000), then THESE would
take precidence over the Customer Priority field.
Good Luck,


: Where is the field 'Customer Priority' in Form 6 of Customer Master (Baan IV)
: Is it in any way related to the Sales Order Priorities, apart from being used
as one of the fields for sorting the sales Order priorities??
: In the absence of Sales Order priorities does the Customer Priority get referr
ed while printing picking lists??
: Thanks in advance for any clarifications

***************** End Of Article ******************

Chris posted Message 3867 in Message Board
Dated : May 01, 2000 at 17:12:31 EST
Subject: Automatic confirmation of RPL/SLS Orders
Does anyone know how to set up Baan to where the step "Confirm Back Orders" in s
ales or RPL is done automatically or bypassed?
We always confirm our back orders here, yet the end user has to key in each orde
r. I know we can use the Global confirm, but is there a way to globally confirm
ALL orders with one session or is there a parameter that will make the eliminate
the Confirm Back orders step?
Thanks in advance.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Martin posted Message 3868 in Message Board
Dated : May 02, 2000 at 05:34:11 EST
Subject: Re: speed of maintain receipts
: Anyone else find that maintain receipts seems to take forever. Have looked on
BaaN knowledge base and no problem is listed. Is there a known solution
How do you maintain receipts? By order or by receipt number? Which Baan version
do you run? On which database?
There are some performance solutions (for example: #16064). We had similar probl
ems, but since running Baan IVc4 the performance is really excellent.

***************** End Of Article ******************

James Childs posted Message 3869 in Message Board
Dated : May 02, 2000 at 05:56:34 EST
Subject: Blocking Sales Orders
Is it possible to block a sales order by customer and item number
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Jenna posted Message 3870 in Message Board
Dated : May 02, 2000 at 06:26:49 EST
Subject: Re: Blocking Sales Orders
: Is it possible to block a sales order by customer and item number
Not as I have yet discovered. Although you could try blocking the customer, and
independantly blocking the item. I'm not too sure if this would be useful though
as it sounds like you do not want the customer blocked for all movements. Alter
nativley you could put a manual block on the sales order which may be closer to
what you are looking for.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Chrisa Zervaki posted Message 3871 in Message Board
Dated : May 02, 2000 at 07:28:35 EST
Subject: Problem with the P.O. Receipts (ILC)
When I receive a P.O. line or lines I can no longer change the receipt I 've jus
t made.I do not execute any other session , I just close and open again the Sess
ion Maintain Receipts and the received lines have disappeared.
Maybe it's a parameter or something.
I would be grateful if somebody could help.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Adrian Frost posted Message 3872 in Message Board
Dated : May 02, 2000 at 09:55:06 EST
Subject: Transportation
We have a small operation that wants to raise sales orders & invoices with the f
ollowing information:
1. From destination
2. To destination
3. Date
4. Weight
5. Customer reference
Does transportation provide a user friendly order entry screen?
What is the link between Distribution sales orders and transportation?
How easy is it to set up the transportation module?

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Martin Roberts posted Message 3873 in Message Board

Dated : May 02, 2000 at 09:57:15 EST
Subject: Re: Blocking Sales Orders
You could always set up a price list by customer and item and put a 'silly' pric
e on it and that would bust the credit limit.
: : Is it possible to block a sales order by customer and item number
: Not as I have yet discovered. Although you could try blocking the customer, an
d independantly blocking the item. I'm not too sure if this would be useful thou
gh as it sounds like you do not want the customer blocked for all movements. Alt
ernativley you could put a manual block on the sales order which may be closer t
o what you are looking for.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Jenna posted Message 3874 in Message Board
Dated : May 02, 2000 at 10:34:37 EST
Subject: Re: Pick List steps
I would add to this, If you are using PRP for you warehouse order the steps shou
ld be :After confirming PRP orderGenerate Outbound - PRP Order
Release Outbound - PRP Order
These steps confirm & Transfer the PRP Warehouse Order
Generate Outbound - Sales Order
Print Pick List - Sales Order (make sure you have the correct date range)
Release Outbound - Sales Order
This should work ok !
: If all prior responses do not work, you may want to try to print the Pick List
before releasing the outbound. ( Do step #4 before #3.)
: Please advise if this works!
: : Just to expand slightly on Tommy's posting, refer to the order status (and z
oom on the order line). If "Print pick lists" is not in your order steps you wil
l never be able to print.
: : : You need to make sure that Pick List is a step within the order Type that
you are using.
: : : : I'm trying to print a pick list. Problem is, I can't even create one.
Here are the steps I've taken.
: : : : 1. Create a warehouse order (transfer)
: : : : 2. Generate Outbound.
: : : : 3. Release Outbound.
: : : : 4. Generate Picklist (No data within selection)

: : : : All steps seem to work fine up until this last part. Any suggesions? I
'm not functional, so please any recommendations would be great!

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Chris posted Message 3875 in Message Board
Dated : May 02, 2000 at 18:42:39 EST
Subject: Re: Blocking Sales Orders
Here are a few ways to Block Sales Orders from Shipping
You can add order blocking to the appropriate step number. We added it to step 8
Generate Outbound. This will allow you to block any sales order manually.Be sur
e this is what you want because you cant remove it.
You can block by customer by changing the customer status in the Customer master
to "Blocked"
To block by item, you could create a signal code and have it blocked for all sal
es orders. Then attach the signal code to the item.
Hope this helps.
: : Is it possible to block a sales order by customer and item number
: Not as I have yet discovered. Although you could try blocking the customer, an
d independantly blocking the item. I'm not too sure if this would be useful thou
gh as it sounds like you do not want the customer blocked for all movements. Alt
ernativley you could put a manual block on the sales order which may be closer t
o what you are looking for.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Edward Lai posted Message 3876 in Message Board
Dated : May 02, 2000 at 22:26:48 EST
Subject: No data shown in sales statistics

My colleague is generating a report using Sales Statitics (SST), however not all
the data from the periods selected appeared. Example : Data from Sept 99 to Feb
2000 didn't show but only March and April 2000 shown.
We have make sure the period table is correct and also do a full update on the s
ales statistics.
Another question : Archive/Delete Sales Statistics (tdsst0202m000)
- Does anyone know the cause & effect of using this session, will the data in SS
T be deleted causing the problem i faced above.
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chris posted Message 3877 in Message Board

Dated : May 03, 2000 at 08:04:54 EST
Subject: Re: Transportation
transportation can be painful to use, but if used simply it can add a lot of val
ue to your distribution channel. the order entry screen can be made to look very
simple, but if you use the links between distribution and transportation correc
tly transport orders can be automatically created from your sales orders giving
you the info. you need.
but beware of the number of patches you need to make transportation work !
if you want more info, pls drop me a mail -

: We have a small operation that wants to raise sales orders & invoices with the
following information:
: 1. From destination
: 2. To destination
: 3. Date
: 4. Weight
: 5. Customer reference
: Does transportation provide a user friendly order entry screen?
: What is the link between Distribution sales orders and transportation?
: How easy is it to set up the transportation module?

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chris posted Message 3878 in Message Board
Dated : May 03, 2000 at 08:12:26 EST
Subject: Re: mulitple items occurrance on purchase order
have a look at the fixed order quantity, max. order quantity and economic order
qty fields on both the item master and also on maintain items by warehouse (or l
ocations !)
: Have situation where a purcahse order generated from MRP has the same item num
ber due for delivery the same day appearing many times with differnet quantities
. We run mrp daily but have an order interval of 7 days on this item. Any ideas
- is there a flag we should setting somewhere to consilidate the demand
: Thanks

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Mark posted Message 3879 in Message Board
Dated : May 03, 2000 at 09:25:38 EST
Subject: Re: Problem with the P.O. Receipts (ILC)
You should go the the session "display receipts" which will alow you to bring up
your prior receipts. You may select from purchase order number, receipt number,
item, etc..
At "maintain receipts", use the magnifying glass to zoom into receipt number, an
d you will get the window for the selection of "display receipts" Select order f
rom the header and search as required. Hope this helps!
***************** End Of Article ******************
Gene Phares posted Message 3880 in Message Board
Dated : May 03, 2000 at 11:03:03 EST
Subject: Can't &quot;Process Delivered Sales Orders&quot; with 100+ lines
Baan IVc3:
The Process Delivered Sales Orders (tdsls4223m000) session will not run when we
have more than 100 detail lines on an order. We get an error "sls050 in db_inse
rt - Specification: [Reference does not exist: tdsls050-> tcmcs042.cotp [ ]]....
aborted ... 0 in db_insert(51) otfglddll4011 (itfgld.dll4011.write.lines)".
Everything on the order is correct and will run if we reduce the number of line
s. Any ideas, help, or work-arounds appreciated.
Gene Phares
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Denise Pillette posted Message 3881 in Message Board
Dated : May 03, 2000 at 18:55:37 EST
Subject: Pick List/Pack Slip Processing
We would like to use the pick list/pack slip function in BaaN and are having pro
blems getting started. We can see that both processes require a sales order but
we have bulk product that we ship to outside processing suppliers. Is there a wa
y to use this function without a sales order but perhaps a work order? Also, we
sometimes ship items to more than one customer location. Is there a way to chang
e the address for multiple deliveries to different locations?
Thank you in advance!
***************** End Of Article ******************
Dan posted Message 3882 in Message Board
Dated : May 04, 2000 at 01:14:31 EST
Subject: Tracking down bad receipters

How can you tell which login a purchase line was receipted under?
I suspect that tdpur051 purch ord line history holds the info, but i can't see h
ow to decipher the record types etc
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SP Kumar posted Message 3883 in Message Board
Dated : May 04, 2000 at 03:47:58 EST
Subject: Consolidation .... Very Urgent
Has any one done consolidation of inventory, sales statistics qty and val in baa
n4c4 with a distributed database environment... each company is in a different s
erver and a different currency.
we need to do this consolidation. any help appreciated..
thanks in advance
sp kumar
***************** End Of Article ******************
Jenna posted Message 3884 in Message Board
Dated : May 04, 2000 at 04:51:26 EST
Subject: Re: Pick List/Pack Slip Processing
The pick & pack slips need to be used in conjunction with a sales order.
You cannot apply multiple delivery addresses to a single line on an order withou
t customisation. We have customised the functionality to fit this purpose.
Have you thought about Subcontracting as a possible solution ?

: We would like to use the pick list/pack slip function in BaaN and are having p
roblems getting started. We can see that both processes require a sales order bu
t we have bulk product that we ship to outside processing suppliers. Is there a
way to use this function without a sales order but perhaps a work order? Also, w
e sometimes ship items to more than one customer location. Is there a way to cha
nge the address for multiple deliveries to different locations?
: Thank you in advance!
: Denise

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Clark Colvin posted Message 3885 in Message Board
Dated : May 04, 2000 at 12:19:06 EST
Subject: Re: &quot;Unable to retrieve price&quot; in SO Lines, BaanERP

Depends on which service pack. But I found that you have to at least create a m
atrix name in the order mgt pricing parameter.

: The message
: " Unable to retrieve price"
: appears whenever I create a sales order line. When I checked the price in the
item sales data, it was not 0.
: When I zoom into the price field in the sales order lines,
: there is a base price which is the same as that of in the item sales data. Bu
t the unit price field is 0 [zero].
: Has anyone encountered this message before.
: Of course, I have to manually enter the price.
: Thanks in advance.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Denise Pillette posted Message 3886 in Message Board
Dated : May 04, 2000 at 12:35:59 EST
Subject: Re: Pick List/Pack Slip Processing
Thank you Jenna! Where can we find the Subcontracting sessions? Also, is there a
ny way to change a sales order code so that we can add the pack slip function?

***************** End Of Article ******************

borris posted Message 3887 in Message Board
Dated : May 04, 2000 at 13:38:51 EST
Subject: Multi Site Whs transfers
we have multi site, Baan erp, and want to knoiw how to exchange goods between wa
rehouses in 2 companies. RPL, SLS orders??? We do not see replenishment orders i
n ERP, do they exist..?
many thanks in advance,
***************** End Of Article ******************
Chris Kiehl posted Message 3888 in Message Board

Dated : May 04, 2000 at 16:50:42 EST

Subject: Re: Tracking down bad receipters
The login code can be seen in session tdinv7520m000 (Display Inventory Transacti
ons by Order).
Choose "Purchase Order" as your Order Type.
-Chris: How can you tell which login a purchase line was receipted under?
: I suspect that tdpur051 purch ord line history holds the info, but i can't see
how to decipher the record types etc

***************** End Of Article ******************

Bruce Thornhill posted Message 3889 in Message Board
Dated : May 04, 2000 at 23:17:09 EST
Subject: Re: SIC does not see future demand of lower level warehouse.
MRP is currently not an option, because I would require three nettable warehouse
s that need to be planned separately, and MRP would combine their requirements.
I don't have the option of going multi-logistic/single-finance.
: : DRP recognizes demand from DRP Sales Forecasts and existing Production Order
s and Production batches (not even planned Prodn orders/ batches).
: If you have MRP forecasts then you have to run MRP to translate the demand dow
nwards. Then you have to confirm and transfer the MRP Planned Production Orders/
: Only then if you run DRP will it effectively recognize traces of that MRP fore
cast which will now be reflected by the Prodn Orders/ Batches.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Jenna posted Message 3890 in Message Board
Dated : May 05, 2000 at 03:49:03 EST
Subject: Re: Pick List/Pack Slip Processing
Denise I have emailed you a reply to this as it is quite lengthly !
Let me know if you need anything else.
: Thank you Jenna! Where can we find the Subcontracting sessions? Also, is there
any way to change a sales order code so that we can add the pack slip function?
: Denise

***************** End Of Article ******************

Jenna posted Message 3891 in Message Board
Dated : May 05, 2000 at 03:56:30 EST
Subject: Re: Pick List/Pack Slip Processing
Have emailed you a response Denise. Let me know if you need any more information
: We would like to use the pick list/pack slip function in BaaN and are having p
roblems getting started. We can see that both processes require a sales order bu
t we have bulk product that we ship to outside processing suppliers. Is there a
way to use this function without a sales order but perhaps a work order? Also, w
e sometimes ship items to more than one customer location. Is there a way to cha
nge the address for multiple deliveries to different locations?
: Thank you in advance!
: Denise

***************** End Of Article ******************

Chris Kiehl posted Message 3892 in Message Board
Dated : May 08, 2000 at 16:30:59 EST
Subject: Re: Pick List/Pack Slip Processing
I have to disagree with Jenna on both counts.
1st, to say that the Pick List and Pack Slip need to be used in conjunction with
a SALES ORDER is a little misleading. I think that a REPLENISHMENT ORDER Pick L
ist and REPLENISHMENT ORDER Pack Slip might work for Denise's problem. Denise co
uld bulk ship via a Replenishment Order to a WIP warehouse where the inventory c
ould then be alleviated thru a production order (which, based on Denise's origin
al post, is how the work is actually being done anyway). The sessions used would
be tdrpl0412m000 Print Replenishment Order Pick Lists and tdrpl0416m000 Print R
eplenishment Order Pack Slips.
2nd, to say that you cannot apply multiple delivery addresses to a single line o
n a sales order without customization is just plain wrong. You can tie multiple
delivery addresses to a single Customer Account number in session tccom1102m000
Maintain Delivery Addresses and reference any of these Delivery Address codes pe
r line in sub-session tdsls4105s000 Maintain Sales Order Lines (Form 3). This wi
ll kick out a separate Packing Slip for each line entered. Also, the Sales Order
Acknowledgment will reference each of the different delivery addresses.
Hope this leads you in the right direction.
-Chris: The pick & pack slips need to be used in conjunction with a sales order.

: You cannot apply multiple delivery addresses to a single line on an order with
out customisation. We have customised the functionality to fit this purpose.
: Have you thought about Subcontracting as a possible solution ?
: Jenna
: : We would like to use the pick list/pack slip function in BaaN and are having
problems getting started. We can see that both processes require a sales order
but we have bulk product that we ship to outside processing suppliers. Is there
a way to use this function without a sales order but perhaps a work order? Also,
we sometimes ship items to more than one customer location. Is there a way to c
hange the address for multiple deliveries to different locations?
: : Thank you in advance!
: : Denise

***************** End Of Article ******************

Jenna posted Message 3893 in Message Board
Dated : May 09, 2000 at 04:39:05 EST
Subject: Re: Pick List/Pack Slip Processing
: Hello,
Of course Seperate deliverys can be made, However each delivery reqiuires to be
fully processed before the next can take place, also once the first delivery has
been made from the line updating the delivery address is not possible.
the reason (in short) for customisation is to allow several deliveries to be org
anised at once, ie on a Monday organising from one order line deliveries for tue
morning, tue afternoon, Wed morn. each need to be processed for differing addre
sses and you cannot wait till one has been processed before moving onto the next
Therefore Customisation is required.
Chris this is a very short explanation for a large problem.
: I have to disagree with Jenna on both counts.
: 1st, to say that the Pick List and Pack Slip need to be used in conjunction wi
th a SALES ORDER is a little misleading. I think that a REPLENISHMENT ORDER Pick
List and REPLENISHMENT ORDER Pack Slip might work for Denise's problem. Denise
could bulk ship via a Replenishment Order to a WIP warehouse where the inventory
could then be alleviated thru a production order (which, based on Denise's orig
inal post, is how the work is actually being done anyway). The sessions used wou
ld be tdrpl0412m000 Print Replenishment Order Pick Lists and tdrpl0416m000 Print
Replenishment Order Pack Slips.
: 2nd, to say that you cannot apply multiple delivery addresses to a single line
on a sales order without customization is just plain wrong. You can tie multipl
e delivery addresses to a single Customer Account number in session tccom1102m00

0 Maintain Delivery Addresses and reference any of these Delivery Address codes
per line in sub-session tdsls4105s000 Maintain Sales Order Lines (Form 3). This
will kick out a separate Packing Slip for each line entered. Also, the Sales Ord
er Acknowledgment will reference each of the different delivery addresses.
: Hope this leads you in the right direction.
: -Chris: : The pick & pack slips need to be used in conjunction with a sales order.
: : You cannot apply multiple delivery addresses to a single line on an order wi
thout customisation. We have customised the functionality to fit this purpose.
: : Have you thought about Subcontracting as a possible solution ?
: : Jenna
: :
: : : We would like to use the pick list/pack slip function in BaaN and are havi
ng problems getting started. We can see that both processes require a sales orde
r but we have bulk product that we ship to outside processing suppliers. Is ther
e a way to use this function without a sales order but perhaps a work order? Als
o, we sometimes ship items to more than one customer location. Is there a way to
change the address for multiple deliveries to different locations?
: : : Thank you in advance!
: : : Denise

***************** End Of Article ******************

G.Galteland posted Message 3894 in Message Board
Dated : May 09, 2000 at 08:27:36 EST
Subject: EDI - invoices out, date function returns 6 digit date
In the global header of invoices out there is beeing used a function date(), thi
s function returns the date in the output as 000509. Does anyone know how i can
change this to use 8 digits date like 20000509. (Or adding my own date function
which i can use in the field section in stead off the original date() function,
we do have Triton Tools)
In the parameters the date format has been set with century although this does n
ot yield the required result.
thank you,
***************** End Of Article ******************
Thomas posted Message 3895 in Message Board
Dated : May 09, 2000 at 13:06:44 EST
Subject: Procces delivered sales order
when trying to execute session tdsls4223m000 "Procces delivered sales order, not

hing happens!!! the session close down and no error message is shown. The settin
gs are
Proccess order: YES
Delete Order Data: NO
Please help urgent need to close all sales orders....
Thansk in advance
***************** End Of Article ******************
MEHN posted Message 3896 in Message Board
Dated : May 09, 2000 at 15:11:21 EST
Subject: Again...Please help!
Hi everyone,
I'm having trouble with sales contracts for items of a price group. (BaaN IV c3)
This is what I did; First I created a price group (in MCS), then I assiged the p
rice group to an item (in ITM). Finally I entered a sales contract for that pric
e group.
In line 10 of the contract I entered the price group (100 pieces) with a sales p
rice (both units: pieces).
In line 20 I entered 100 pieces of another item (not part of the price group).
If I insert a sales order and I put the item (from the price group) in line 10 (
25 pieces) I'm asked if I want to use line 10 of the sales contract. If I select
the contract line the salesorder line is 'connected' to the sales contact line.
For testing I also entered the second item of the contract (not part of the pric
e group) in line 20 (also 25 pieces) of the same sales order. This line is of co
urse 'connected' to line 20 of the sales contract.
If I print the order confirmation it says that both lines are 'connected' to the
However, in the text box below line 10 it says that the number of items consumed
from the sales contract is 0 (in stead of 25). Line 20 correctly says 25 items
are consumed.
Does anyone know if (and how) I can resolve this?
Thanks for your time.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Jack Ngao posted Message 3897 in Message Board
Dated : May 09, 2000 at 22:02:45 EST
Subject: Tax country of lines doesn't match with country code of delivery addres
I am using BaanIVc4. I created a sales order with a customer who has a country
code of "PRC" (sales header form 3).
In the sales order line, the country code of the specific delivery address is "H

K" (sales detail form 3). The system prompts "Tax country of lines doesn't matc
h with country code of delivery address". My client does not implement Baan's T
ax features.
Is there any flag or parameter to turn off this validation?

***************** End Of Article ******************

Tanweer Ahmed posted Message 3898 in Message Board
Dated : May 10, 2000 at 10:59:26 EST
Subject: Lot Price
Hi every one,
My company is Distribution company and we are the sole dealer for national panas
onic for Saudi Arabia.
Our management wants to use "LOT PRICE" for the valuation of finished Goods but
by using this we facing a problem incase of Phantom items the items which are co
nsists of more than one component. Let me make it clear by putting as example,
Manaufactured Item = CS/CU-1800TS

= 1) CS-1800TS
2) CU-1800TS

CS/CU-1800TS is our main item and we are using it while maintaining purchase as
well as sales order but we are issuing and receiving it by components because ou
r purchase is by component. All the reports we need as per main item and as per
my knowledge we can follow this procedure if we use FTP for the valuation of the
Goods.BaaN does not allow us to issue or receipt by component if we use LOT PRI
CE for the valuation of stock.
so i would like to request you to furnish your comments and advise me to tackle
this problem and also can someone tell me what is the logic behind this why BaaN
does not allow us to issue or receive by component if we use LOT PRICE.
Thanking in Advance.
Tanweer Ahmed
***************** End Of Article ******************
Samir posted Message 3899 in Message Board
Dated : May 10, 2000 at 12:50:51 EST
Subject: Re: Procces delivered sales order

: when trying to execute session tdsls4223m000 "Procces delivered sales order, n

othing happens!!! the session close down and no error message is shown. The sett
ings are
: Proccess order: YES
: Delete Order Data: NO
: Please help urgent need to close all sales orders....
: Thansk in advance
I think it's OK what you have done, to be sure that you closed the orders check
the status line of the orders if they are on "deleting line". Then it's OK !

***************** End Of Article ******************

Salina posted Message 3900 in Message Board
Dated : May 10, 2000 at 22:55:36 EST
Subject: Changing Exc. Rates from Existing PO#
Is there any other way to change the Exchange(Exc.) Rates of Existing Purchase O
I have tried to create 2 PO which is using diffrent Exc. 4.15 and 3.65 but using
the same item. I complete this PO in the different days. Luckly all landed in
the SAME cost. I already check in finance site, the cost is okay also but just
to make sure whether is there will give any impact to Finance before i proceed
this to the LIVE company.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Thomas Sundberg posted Message 3901 in Message Board
Dated : May 11, 2000 at 03:30:01 EST
Subject: Re: Procces delivered sales order IT DOESN'T WORK
Hi Samir I looked at the status and it is Ready for: deleting line so it has'nt
done it...
ANy more help would be appriciated.
: : when trying to execute session tdsls4223m000 "Procces delivered sales order,
nothing happens!!! the session close down and no error message is shown. The se
ttings are
: : Proccess order: YES
: : Delete Order Data: NO
: : Please help urgent need to close all sales orders....
: : Thansk in advance
: I think it's OK what you have done, to be sure that you closed the orders chec
k the status line of the orders if they are on "deleting line". Then it's OK !

***************** End Of Article ******************

Thomas Sundberg posted Message 3902 in Message Board

Dated : May 11, 2000 at 03:52:01 EST
Subject: Re: Location not printing on Picking List
We have the same problem and beleive that the reason is that there is a sales te
xt on the item. This text is the one genereted from Item master. This is probabl
y a bug. Delete the sales text and see if the location is printed.
/Thomas S
: Can anybody think of a reason why a location would not print on a picking list
? There is stock for the part, the item is defined with a fixed location.
: Thank you in advance.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Thomas posted Message 3903 in Message Board
Dated : May 11, 2000 at 04:44:26 EST
Subject: Again Doesn't work &quot;procces delivered sales order&quot;
Hi again
need help on procces deliverd sales order.
All ordes are in status Ready for: Deleting line...
and when trying to execute session procces delivered so it doesn't do anything i
t closes automatic and nothing happens.
Urgen need of help
***************** End Of Article ******************
Thomas posted Message 3904 in Message Board
Dated : May 11, 2000 at 04:45:01 EST
Subject: Again Doesn't work &quot;procces delivered sales order&quot;
Hi again
need help on procces deliverd sales order.
All ordes are in status Ready for: Deleting line...
and when trying to execute session procces delivered so it doesn't do anything i
t closes automatic and nothing happens.
Urgen need of help
***************** End Of Article ******************
Tommy L. Bacon, CPIM posted Message 3905 in Message Board
Dated : May 11, 2000 at 12:40:09 EST
Subject: Re: Tax country of lines doesn't match with country code of delivery ad
On the Customer Information if you have tax as yes it will ask you to populate t
he tax field on the Sales Order Line. If you change this to No it will skip ove

r the field and not be required.

Hope this helps.
: I am using BaanIVc4. I created a sales order with a customer who has a countr
y code of "PRC" (sales header form 3).
: In the sales order line, the country code of the specific delivery address is
"HK" (sales detail form 3). The system prompts "Tax country of lines doesn't ma
tch with country code of delivery address". My client does not implement Baan's
Tax features.
: Is there any flag or parameter to turn off this validation?

***************** End Of Article ******************

Mike Stramba posted Message 3906 in Message Board
Dated : May 11, 2000 at 15:25:08 EST
Subject: cannot approve commissions for blocked sales orders
We have run into a situation, where we cannot approve commissions
(tdcms0250m000) for some sales orders.
After some investigation, it appears that Baan will block a sales order accordin
g to the sales order blocking parameters even if the order type does NOT have a
non-zero "block as of step" set.
We only want the orders that DO have a blocking step set, to be actually blocked
according to the sales orders parameters.
Are we experiencing "standard" baan behavior ?
Has anyone else here run into this problem ?
***************** End Of Article ******************
cowboy posted Message 3907 in Message Board
Dated : May 11, 2000 at 16:00:28 EST
Subject: Re: Again Doesn't work &quot;procces delivered sales order&quot;
if the sales order line status says deleting line you have processed delivered s
ales orders. the job is done move on to the next order. review your order type a
nd note that process delivered sales order should be the last step for the order


Hi again
need help on procces deliverd sales order.
All ordes are in status Ready for: Deleting line...
and when trying to execute session procces delivered so it doesn't do anything
it closes automatic and nothing happens.
: Urgen need of help

: Thanks!!!
: Thomas

***************** End Of Article ******************

Salina Daud posted Message 3908 in Message Board
Dated : May 11, 2000 at 19:46:00 EST
Subject: Maintain another location use the same customer will prompt record alre
ady exist!!!
When i do a testing in testing company it enable me to insert in many location u
sing the same customer but in Live company the message will prompt me "Record al
ready exist!".
I already check the location but it is not in the table yet. Anybody have any i
dea on this, please Help.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Jack Ngao posted Message 3909 in Message Board
Dated : May 11, 2000 at 22:53:48 EST
Subject: Re: Tax country of lines doesn't match with country code of delivery ad
I did set the field Tax in customer table as "No" but the same error still occur
Any idea?

: On the Customer Information if you have tax as yes it will ask you to populate
the tax field on the Sales Order Line. If you change this to No it will skip o
ver the field and not be required.
: Hope this helps.
: : I am using BaanIVc4. I created a sales order with a customer who has a coun
try code of "PRC" (sales header form 3).
: : In the sales order line, the country code of the specific delivery address i
s "HK" (sales detail form 3). The system prompts "Tax country of lines doesn't
match with country code of delivery address". My client does not implement Baan
's Tax features.
: : Is there any flag or parameter to turn off this validation?

***************** End Of Article ******************

Tommy L. Bacon, CPIM posted Message 3910 in Message Board
Dated : May 12, 2000 at 12:39:41 EST

Subject: Re: Tax country of lines doesn't match with country code of delivery ad
When the Order was created on the header their is also a field for Tax Yes/No an
d it Yes it will require that at the Item Level that a Tax Code is required. Ho
pe this helps if not send me an e-mail.
: I did set the field Tax in customer table as "No" but the same error still occ
: Any idea?
: : On the Customer Information if you have tax as yes it will ask you to popula
te the tax field on the Sales Order Line. If you change this to No it will skip
over the field and not be required.
: : Hope this helps.
: :
: : : I am using BaanIVc4. I created a sales order with a customer who has a co
untry code of "PRC" (sales header form 3).
: : : In the sales order line, the country code of the specific delivery address
is "HK" (sales detail form 3). The system prompts "Tax country of lines doesn'
t match with country code of delivery address". My client does not implement Ba
an's Tax features.
: : : Is there any flag or parameter to turn off this validation?

***************** End Of Article ******************

Jack Ngao posted Message 3911 in Message Board
Dated : May 12, 2000 at 21:29:32 EST
Subject: Re: Tax country of lines doesn't match with country code of delivery ad
: When the Order was created on the header their is also a field for Tax Yes/No
and it Yes it will require that at the Item Level that a Tax Code is required.
Hope this helps if not send me an e-mail.
: : I did set the field Tax in customer table as "No" but the same error still o
: : Any idea?
: :
: : : On the Customer Information if you have tax as yes it will ask you to popu
late the tax field on the Sales Order Line. If you change this to No it will sk
ip over the field and not be required.
: : : Hope this helps.
: : :
: : : : I am using BaanIVc4. I created a sales order with a customer who has a
country code of "PRC" (sales header form 3).

: : : : In the sales order line, the country code of the specific delivery addre
ss is "HK" (sales detail form 3). The system prompts "Tax country of lines does
n't match with country code of delivery address". My client does not implement
Baan's Tax features.
: : : : Is there any flag or parameter to turn off this validation?

***************** End Of Article ******************

Jack Ngao posted Message 3912 in Message Board
Dated : May 12, 2000 at 21:31:22 EST
Subject: Re: Tax country of lines doesn't match with country code of delivery ad
Hi Tommy,
thanks for your reply...
However, I also set the tax code = "No" in sales header form 2 (actually it is d
efault from customer table) but the warning message still prompt.
Any more ideas?

: When the Order was created on the header their is also a field for Tax Yes/No
and it Yes it will require that at the Item Level that a Tax Code is required.
Hope this helps if not send me an e-mail.
: : I did set the field Tax in customer table as "No" but the same error still o
: : Any idea?
: :
: : : On the Customer Information if you have tax as yes it will ask you to popu
late the tax field on the Sales Order Line. If you change this to No it will sk
ip over the field and not be required.
: : : Hope this helps.
: : :
: : : : I am using BaanIVc4. I created a sales order with a customer who has a
country code of "PRC" (sales header form 3).
: : : : In the sales order line, the country code of the specific delivery addre
ss is "HK" (sales detail form 3). The system prompts "Tax country of lines does
n't match with country code of delivery address". My client does not implement
Baan's Tax features.
: : : : Is there any flag or parameter to turn off this validation?

***************** End Of Article ******************

Leslie posted Message 3913 in Message Board
Dated : May 14, 2000 at 14:59:47 EST
Subject: Re: EDI - invoices out, date function returns 6 digit date
: In the global header of invoices out there is beeing used a function date(), t
his function returns the date in the output as 000509. Does anyone know how i ca
n change this to use 8 digits date like 20000509. (Or adding my own date functio
n which i can use in the field section in stead off the original date() function
, we do have Triton Tools)
: In the parameters the date format has been set with century although this does
not yield the required result.
: thank you,
: G.Galteland
In producing the output date, you can write a function that takes the date.num()
and creates the variables for year, month, and day. After which you can output
this in any format you desire.
If you use sprintf$() function, there is, within the format string, an ability t
o output the date to a similar format, vis:
target = sprintf$("%Date(Y,d,M) ", date.num() )

***************** End Of Article ******************

Sam posted Message 3914 in Message Board
Dated : May 15, 2000 at 04:53:04 EST
Subject: Sales Contracts
Hi We need to change the end date on sales contracts - but can't. It is possible to
do so provided the status is free and no sales orders have been placed against
the contract. As soon as orders have been place, we can still deactivate the con
tract but we cant change the dates.
Any ideas?
***************** End Of Article ******************
sam posted Message 3915 in Message Board
Dated : May 15, 2000 at 04:56:47 EST
Subject: Re: speed of maintain receipts
: Anyone else find that maintain receipts seems to take forever. Have looked on
BaaN knowledge base and no problem is listed. Is there a known solution
Have you been deleting old purchase orders from the system?

***************** End Of Article ******************

Merv Carr posted Message 3916 in Message Board
Dated : May 15, 2000 at 15:43:25 EST
Subject: Re: Sales Contracts
: Hi : We need to change the end date on sales contracts - but can't. It is possible
to do so provided the status is free and no sales orders have been placed agains
t the contract. As soon as orders have been place, we can still deactivate the c
ontract but we cant change the dates.
: Any ideas?
In Sales Contract parameters there is a parameter called "Maintaining Sales Cont
racts always allowed Yes/No". Set it to "Yes" and you should be OK.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Merv Carr posted Message 3917 in Message Board
Dated : May 15, 2000 at 15:47:51 EST
Subject: Re: Procces delivered sales order IT DOESN'T WORK
: Hi Samir I looked at the status and it is Ready for: deleting line so it has'n
t done it...
: ANy more help would be appriciated.
: : : when trying to execute session tdsls4223m000 "Procces delivered sales orde
r, nothing happens!!! the session close down and no error message is shown. The
settings are
: : : Proccess order: YES
: : : Delete Order Data: NO
: : : Please help urgent need to close all sales orders....
: : : Thansk in advance
: : I think it's OK what you have done, to be sure that you closed the orders ch
eck the status line of the orders if they are on "deleting line". Then it's OK !
In the session "Display Order line status", mark the line in question and zoom t
o the details behind the line. In the subsession that is brought up, you will be
able to see all the steps for the order and if the step has been executed or no
t. If the line says "deleting line" then process must have been executed. To dou
ble check go through the steps as mentioned above.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Rob Weinstock posted Message 3918 in Message Board
Dated : May 15, 2000 at 17:59:30 EST
Subject: DRP &amp; Economic Stock
How can I set up DRP & Item Data by Warehouse such that DRP only generates advis
e to raise the inventory in the WIP Warehouse to be greater than or equal to som
e target inventory level?

This needs to be independent of the production order quantity, e.g., no time-pha

sing. This would be similar to the SIC principle, except that the output needs t
o be an RPL order, and not PUR or SFC order.
***************** End Of Article ******************
hnhghndd posted Message 3919 in Message Board
Dated : May 15, 2000 at 22:08:36 EST
Subject: Re: Print an invoice before deliver sales order
: :
: : I need print invoice before deliver sales order. Invoice must contain data s
uch as quantity, item code, unit price, and whatever especification about it.
: : Can anyone tell me how i can do this? What sales order type i must use?????
: : Thanks a lot.

***************** End Of Article ******************

hnhghndd posted Message 3920 in Message Board
Dated : May 15, 2000 at 22:08:38 EST
Subject: Re: Print an invoice before deliver sales order
: :
: : I need print invoice before deliver sales order. Invoice must contain data s
uch as quantity, item code, unit price, and whatever especification about it.
: : Can anyone tell me how i can do this? What sales order type i must use?????
: : Thanks a lot.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Sam posted Message 3921 in Message Board
Dated : May 16, 2000 at 03:39:07 EST
Subject: Re: Sales Contracts
: : Hi : : We need to change the end date on sales contracts - but can't. It is possibl
e to do so provided the status is free and no sales orders have been placed agai
nst the contract. As soon as orders have been place, we can still deactivate the
contract but we cant change the dates.
: : Any ideas?
: In Sales Contract parameters there is a parameter called "Maintaining Sales Co
ntracts always allowed Yes/No". Set it to "Yes" and you should be OK.

Thanks for your reply

: This is set to 'Yes' and I can change everything within the contract (items, p
rices,qty) except the dates - once orders have been called from the contract.
If orders have not been sent then it is possible to change.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Ashok Agrawal posted Message 3922 in Message Board
Dated : May 16, 2000 at 10:29:31 EST
Subject: Re: mulitple items occurrance on purchase order
: pat
: have a look at the fixed order quantity, max. order quantity and economic orde
r qty fields on both the item master and also on maintain items by warehouse (or
locations !)
: cheers
: chris
: : Have situation where a purcahse order generated from MRP has the same item n
umber due for delivery the same day appearing many times with differnet quantiti
es. We run mrp daily but have an order interval of 7 days on this item. Any ide
as - is there a flag we should setting somewhere to consilidate the demand
: : Thanks

***************** End Of Article ******************

Clark posted Message 3923 in Message Board
Dated : May 17, 2000 at 00:37:59 EST
Subject: Re: Procces delivered sales order IT DOESN'T WORK
: : Hi Samir I looked at the status and it is Ready for: deleting line so it has
'nt done it...
: : ANy more help would be appriciated.
: : : : when trying to execute session tdsls4223m000 "Procces delivered sales or
der, nothing happens!!! the session close down and no error message is shown. Th
e settings are
: : : : Proccess order: YES
: : : : Delete Order Data: NO
: : : : Please help urgent need to close all sales orders....
: : : : Thansk in advance
: : : I think it's OK what you have done, to be sure that you closed the orders
check the status line of the orders if they are on "deleting line". Then it's OK

Mark is correct in that deleting line status is the final status you will see. T
he order has been processed.

: In the session "Display Order line status", mark the line in question and zoom
to the details behind the line. In the subsession that is brought up, you will
be able to see all the steps for the order and if the step has been executed or
not. If the line says "deleting line" then process must have been executed. To d
ouble check go through the steps as mentioned above.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Stefan Riedl - Schartner Consulting posted Message 3924 in Message Board
Dated : May 17, 2000 at 08:50:27 EST
Subject: Re: Sales Contracts
Hello Sam,
can you really change itmes in a contract, after you have already sold some?
Regarding your problem: may I suggest that you set up a follow-up contract whith
this customer? I am quite sure that you cant change the dates of a contract (ex
cept direct on database).
Stefan Riedl <A HREF="http:\\">Schartner Consulting</A>
***************** End Of Article ******************
Dov Lancer posted Message 3925 in Message Board
Dated : May 17, 2000 at 10:09:27 EST
Subject: Re: Again Doesn't work &quot;procces delivered sales order&quot;

Hi again
need help on procces deliverd sales order.
All ordes are in status Ready for: Deleting line...
and when trying to execute session procces delivered so it doesn't do anything
it closes automatic and nothing happens.
: Urgen need of help
: Thanks!!!
: Thomas
If you run the session procces delivered sales order with Delete order data = No
, so you get the status "Deleting line". If you want to delete the line you have
to set Delete order data = Yes, and enter the Date. This deleting is from sls04
0, sls041, sls045.
If you have more questions, don't hestitate to ask.
Dov Lancer
***************** End Of Article ******************

Sam posted Message 3926 in Message Board

Dated : May 17, 2000 at 10:47:40 EST
Subject: Re: Sales Contracts
Thanks Stefan,
No I cant change items - but i can change expected volumes and add additional it
It appears that the only way is to go straight to the table - which is not a nic
e option.
Thanks for your help
***************** End Of Article ******************
Deevan posted Message 3927 in Message Board
Dated : May 17, 2000 at 20:16:01 EST
Subject: Records are missing from &quot;ticpr300' table (URGENT)
When I try to create a Sales or Purchase Order for some items I get a message (
Cost Price not find for that date). There were lot of transactions done for t
hese items in past.
Any suggestion.
Thank You,
***************** End Of Article ******************
Jeanne Ploshay posted Message 3928 in Message Board
Dated : May 18, 2000 at 11:49:38 EST
Subject: Inspection of Goods/Maintain Approvals
We would like to make use of the Inspection of Goods Module in Baan and have bee
n testing. We can get through the "Maintain Approval" Step but we cannot then m
ove the material to a regular location. It just sits there as "blocked". We ar
e not sure if this is a bug or if we are doing something incorrectly. Is there
anyone out there who is using this successfully who would be willing to share th
e order steps they have set up and also exactly which sessions you go through?
We have ILC turned on and we are running IVC2. Thanks in advance,
***************** End Of Article ******************
Rui Marques posted Message 3929 in Message Board
Dated : May 18, 2000 at 12:13:05 EST
Subject: Re: Again Doesn't work &quot;procces delivered sales order&quot;

Hi again
need help on procces deliverd sales order.
All ordes are in status Ready for: Deleting line...
and when trying to execute session procces delivered so it doesn't do anything

it closes automatic and nothing happens.

: Urgen need of help
: Thanks!!!
: Thomas
There are several reasons why the orders are not processed:
1 The process orders step is not part of the order type (IT MUST BE)
2 Some table or session maybe locked. Go to "TOOLS/DATABASE/MISC/Remove Applicat
ion Locks" and see if some table or session is locked. Idf it is just remove the
lock. Beware that BaaN locked the table or session for some reason and it could
happen again. Dont remove the locks that should be currently active. (Ex: If som
eone is calculating costs the cost calculation session should be temporarily loc
ked to guarantee that nobody can start that session again)
3 Their can be technical problems with the logspace of the database. (The log ca
n get full and abort the transaction)
Ask the Database Admin.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Rui Marques posted Message 3930 in Message Board
Dated : May 18, 2000 at 12:35:44 EST
Subject: Re: Procces delivered sales order IT DOESN'T WORK
: : : Hi Samir I looked at the status and it is Ready for: deleting line so it h
as'nt done it...
: : : ANy more help would be appriciated.
: : : : : when trying to execute session tdsls4223m000 "Procces delivered sales
order, nothing happens!!! the session close down and no error message is shown.
The settings are
: : : : : Proccess order: YES
: : : : : Delete Order Data: NO
: : : : : Please help urgent need to close all sales orders....
: : : : : Thansk in advance
: : : : I think it's OK what you have done, to be sure that you closed the order
s check the status line of the orders if they are on "deleting line". Then it's
OK !
: Mark is correct in that deleting line status is the final status you will see.
The order has been processed.
: : In the session "Display Order line status", mark the line in question and zo
om to the details behind the line. In the subsession that is brought up, you wil
l be able to see all the steps for the order and if the step has been executed o
r not. If the line says "deleting line" then process must have been executed. To
double check go through the steps as mentioned above.
There are several reasons why the orders are not processed:
1 The process orders step is not part of the order type (IT MUST BE)
2 Some table or session maybe locked. Go to "TOOLS/DATABASE/MISC/Remove Applicat
ion Locks" and see if some table or session is locked. Idf it is just remove the
lock. Beware that BaaN locked the table or session for some reason and it could

happen again. Dont remove the locks that should be currently active. (Ex: If som
eone is calculating costs the cost calculation session should be temporarily loc
ked to guarantee that nobody can start that session again)
3 Their can be technical problems with the logspace of the database. (The log ca
n get full and abort the transaction)
Ask the Database Admin

***************** End Of Article ******************

Dave posted Message 3931 in Message Board
Dated : May 18, 2000 at 12:55:20 EST
Subject: Application of material surcharges (purchase) to integrations
We are having an issue with the way that the 'material surcharge' portion of the
standard cost price is applied to integrations during purchase receipt. We hav
e two items with the same purchase cost and standard cost price -- the only diff
erence is that one of the items uses a material surcharge (percentage) as part o
f the standard cost price. In both cases, the purchase price is less than the s
tandard cost price.
A receipt of the first item (no surcharge) applies the standard cost price as a
credit to integrations (tfgld410) under "purchase receipt". The difference betw
een the standard cost price and purchase price (also the P.O. price) is applied
as a debit to "tfgld410" under "purchase result" (this is eventually applied to
finance as a purchase price variance).
A receipt of the second item (incl. surcharge) applies the material (fixed) port
ion standard cost price as a credit to integrations (tfgld410) under "purchase r
eceipt". The difference between the standard cost price and purchase price (als
o the P.O. price) is also applied as a credit to "tfgld410" under "purchase rece
ipt". Since nothing is applied to "purchase result", a purchase price variance
is never applied to finance.
Is this an item setup/costing problem or a potential defect?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Stefan Riedl - Schartner Consulting posted Message 3932 in Message Board
Dated : May 19, 2000 at 04:19:05 EST
Subject: Re: Inspection of Goods/Maintain Approvals
Hello Jeanne,
when you finished the order inspection your item is probably still in the inspec
tion lot (that`s why it is blocked). You have to generate inbound with order typ
e "stock transaction". If you wish to transfer the item to a specific lot, you c
an also maintain inbound (ordertype "stock transaction").
hope this helps
feel free to contact me
<A HREF="">Schartner Consulting</A>

***************** End Of Article ******************

Oleg posted Message 3933 in Message Board
Dated : May 19, 2000 at 04:55:16 EST
Subject: Data merging
Problem: Users created several item codes for one real item, and now need merge
data and delete extra codes. They use only Distribution and Finance in BAAN4c3.
Question: Is any third party software to do that? Or any suggestion?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Rudolf Richtsfeld - Schartner Consulting posted Message 3934 in Message Board
Dated : May 19, 2000 at 05:22:32 EST
Subject: Re: Data merging
: Problem: Users created several item codes for one real item, and now need merg
e data and delete extra codes. They use only Distribution and Finance in BAAN4c3
: Question: Is any third party software to do that? Or any suggestion?
Hi Oleg !
I dont think that there exists a "standard" third party software that meets your
However, i think that it is no problem to create a new baan-programm in short ti
me, which meets exactly your requirements.
Our Company - Schartner Consulting - for example has much experience in creating
Take a look at our Homepage.
Rudolf Richtsfeld
<A HREF="">Schartner Consulting</A>

***************** End Of Article ******************

Gary Edbrooke posted Message 3935 in Message Board
Dated : May 19, 2000 at 13:47:42 EST
Subject: purchase a std item to a project
I am trying to purchase a std item to a pcs project but Baan will only accept a
customized item on the po line. The help says this is possible but only if the f
ield "link to project is on yes". what and where is this field?
***************** End Of Article ******************
J. Cronin posted Message 3936 in Message Board
Dated : May 21, 2000 at 04:18:22 EST
Subject: Re: Inspection of Goods/Maintain Approvals

I think you meant Order Type 'Inventory Transfer'

***************** End Of Article ******************
Neerja posted Message 3937 in Message Board
Dated : May 21, 2000 at 23:55:08 EST
Subject: Assembly Orders
I am trying to creat assembly order in BaaN IV without invoking transportation m
odule. In this case will FAS help? If yes how?
***************** End Of Article ******************
tookz posted Message 3938 in Message Board
Dated : May 22, 2000 at 03:03:22 EST
Subject: stock sheet
How come there are multiple lines ( ranging from 2 - 3 transaction lines) for on
e "Replenishment Order Delivery"? in Stocksheet Report?
for example:
| Date
| Number |
|03-09-2000 | 540005 |Replenishment Delivery|
| 500 |
|03-09-2000 | 540005 |Replenishment Delivery|
| 500 |
|03-09-2000 | 540005 |Replenishment Delivery|
| 500 |
* There should only be one line in the stocksheet for this transaction RPL# 5400
***************** End Of Article ******************
SD posted Message 3939 in Message Board
Dated : May 23, 2000 at 01:12:05 EST
Subject: Re: Records are missing from &quot;ticpr300' table (URGENT)
: When I try to create a Sales or Purchase Order for some items I get a message
( Cost Price not find for that date). There were lot of transactions done for
these items in past.
Have you check the parameters settings for CPR, Number of Years to Retain Standa
rd Cost Price History. If set only 1 years, the previous record has deleted and
that is why you get the message. Set it to 2 or 3 years so that the another re
cords still retain in the table.
***************** End Of Article ******************
BillC posted Message 3940 in Message Board
Dated : May 23, 2000 at 11:02:28 EST
Subject: JIT/Lean and Baan

I'm looking for basic functionality in Dist and MFG to convert our production en
vironment to Lean. We are currently a batch and que environment using MPS,MRP,a
nd typical "push" functioanlity in Baan. We are moving to Rept Mfg,Kanban signal
s and a "pull" environment.
Please advise on the following:
Kanban signals, Planning/Scheduling(pull),Rept Mfg,Routing,BOM,Cust pull signals
,Inventory Rpl,and Purchasing. I'm looking for parameters,"undocumented features
",functioanlity, and or general experineces.
Any information or advice would be greatly appreciated. Please email,post a mess
age,or call me @7087638887.
Thank you very much in advance

***************** End Of Article ******************

Mayank Singh posted Message 3941 in Message Board
Dated : May 24, 2000 at 02:49:57 EST
Subject: India Localisation :Actual Costing calculations?!
my email:
hi friends,
we are about to go parallel in a week and i have not yet figured out the actual
costing calculations. can you please take out some time and help me with this pr
We are running the session - 'perform actual costing'at the end of every day.The
inventory valuation method is "monthly moving average".In the report"Costing de
tails by item and warehouse" for a particular item and warehouse, suppose there
are 10 goods receipts during the day.the results of actual costing are something
like this:
pur.order no. rate net of modvat clos bal.qty. clos.bal.val.
------------ ------------------ ------------- ---------1000001
for the 1st receipt, the calculation is okay(i.e., 41.47 * 40) but thereon syste
m is adding up the closing bal quanties and multiplying with 41.47(this rate rem
ains constant). Is this correct? if not, is there some patch for it.
Moreover i print the session"print inventory valuation details" every day after
post actual costing. here too the calculations are confusing. for the above item
the report for each successive day looks like this:

closing inventory qty.

closing bal val.
-----------------------------------85(see above report)


here the closing inventory qty. on 11-01 is valued at rs. 41.47 which is correct

but theron the calculations are confusing.No new receipts have been added on 12
-01 for this item, but the closing balance value gets incremented by 3524.95 for
each successive day that i print the report.
is there some manual which is helpful for actual costing?!!
eagerly awaiting solution,
***************** End Of Article ******************
Mayank Singh posted Message 3942 in Message Board
Dated : May 24, 2000 at 03:18:25 EST
Subject: Re: corrected problem-India Localisation :Actual Costing calculations?!
hi friends,
we are about to go parallel in a week and i have not yet figured out the actual
costing calculations. can you please take out some time and help me with this pr
We are running the session - 'perform actual costing'at the end of every day.The
inventory valuation method is "monthly moving average".In the report"Costing de
tails by item and warehouse" for a particular item and warehouse, suppose there
are 10 goods receipts during the day.the results of actual costing are something
like this:
pur.order no.| rate net of modvat
------------ | -----------------1000001

| clos bal.qty.| clos bal.val

| -------------| -----------|

for the 1st receipt, the calculation is okay(i.e., 41.47 * 40) but thereon syste
m is adding up the closing bal quanties and multiplying with 41.47(this rate rem
ains constant). Is this correct? if not, is there some patch for it.
Moreover i print the session"print inventory valuation details" every day after
post actual costing. here too the calculations are confusing. for the above item
the report for each successive day looks like this:


closing inventory qty. |

--------------------- |
85(see above report)|

closing bal val.|

10574.85 |


here the closing inventory qty. on 11-01 is valued at rs. 41.47 which is correct
but theron the calculations are confusing.No new receipts have been added on 12
-01 for this item, but the closing balance value gets incremented by 3524.95 for
each successive day that i print the report.
is there some manual which is helpful for actual costing?!!
eagerly awaiting solution,

***************** End Of Article ******************

tookz posted Message 3943 in Message Board
Dated : May 24, 2000 at 04:55:59 EST
Subject: confirmation of backorder/delivery
Why is it that sometimes we cant confirm a line in Maintain Deliveries (tdsls412
0m000), eventhough there is no backorder for that line. The error message is "R
ecommended quantity not fully confirmed."
In our Maintain ILC Parameter (tdilc0100m000) our option in "Confirm outbound da
ta in SLS/RPL modules" is YES in order to avoid allocations in our stock.
***************** End Of Article ******************
John Mc posted Message 3944 in Message Board
Dated : May 24, 2000 at 10:31:32 EST
Subject: Re: JIT/Lean and Baan
We are a Baan IVc4 (ILC on
very few mods) site who have just completed a success
ful pilot of External Kanbans pulling parts from our supply chain with great resul
ts this can be achieved by an inventive use of std Baan Functionality. If you woul
d like further details please email me directly.
We are trailing one piece flow & looking for another inventive use
ne has any ideas I would be very interested.

of Baan of anyo

John McKnight

: I'm looking for basic functionality in Dist and MFG to convert our production
environment to Lean. We are currently a batch and que environment using MPS,MRP
,and typical "push" functioanlity in Baan. We are moving to Rept Mfg,Kanban sign
als and a "pull" environment.
: Please advise on the following:
: Kanban signals, Planning/Scheduling(pull),Rept Mfg,Routing,BOM,Cust pull signa
ls,Inventory Rpl,and Purchasing. I'm looking for parameters,"undocumented featur
es",functioanlity, and or general experineces.
: Any information or advice would be greatly appreciated. Please email,post a me
ssage,or call me @7087638887.
: Thank you very much in advance

***************** End Of Article ******************

Tommy L. Bacon, CPIM posted Message 3945 in Message Board
Dated : May 25, 2000 at 13:07:34 EST
Subject: Re: Data merging
You can combine your information into one Item Code but if you have had any tran

saction on the one's that you want to delete you can't delete them but you can s
et a signal code on them so they won't be used.
: : Problem: Users created several item codes for one real item, and now need me
rge data and delete extra codes. They use only Distribution and Finance in BAAN4
: : Question: Is any third party software to do that? Or any suggestion?
: Hi Oleg !
: I dont think that there exists a "standard" third party software that meets yo
ur requirements.
: However, i think that it is no problem to create a new baan-programm in short
time, which meets exactly your requirements.
: Our Company - Schartner Consulting - for example has much experience in creati
ng Baan-Add-Ons.
: Take a look at our Homepage.
: Rudolf Richtsfeld
: <BR>
: <A HREF="">Schartner Consulting</A>

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Oleg posted Message 3946 in Message Board
Dated : May 26, 2000 at 03:47:41 EST
Subject: Re: Data merging
Thank you for suggestion, but I think the problem is bigger.
Users created codes like 2600100100, 2600100300 for the same item. Then they mak
e transactions for both codes (purchased, sold, stocked etc.). Thus the data are
putted in many tables, which difficult to figure out. Now they need not only de
lete extra data, but merge its before. For example, sold 10 pieces 2600100300 an
d 10 pieces 2600100300. They have to get 20 pieces 2600100100 and delete record
about 2600100300.
Another problem is that no warranty that the users don't do it again.
So, it is desirable to find easy solution.
: You can combine your information into one Item Code but if you have had any tr
ansaction on the one's that you want to delete you can't delete them but you can
set a signal code on them so they won't be used.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Thomas posted Message 3947 in Message Board
Dated : May 26, 2000 at 05:32:11 EST
Subject: Sales statistics
In sales statistic there are three columns, Intake turnover and cancalation have
the cancaliton been deducted from turnover or should that be done after?

Thanks in advance!
***************** End Of Article ******************
baan posted Message 3948 in Message Board
Dated : May 26, 2000 at 09:53:28 EST
Subject: Re: Data merging
: Thank you for suggestion, but I think the problem is bigger.
: Users created codes like 2600100100, 2600100300 for the same item. Then they m
ake transactions for both codes (purchased, sold, stocked etc.). Thus the data a
re putted in many tables, which difficult to figure out. Now they need not only
delete extra data, but merge its before. For example, sold 10 pieces 2600100300
and 10 pieces 2600100300. They have to get 20 pieces 2600100100 and delete recor
d about 2600100300.
: Another problem is that no warranty that the users don't do it again.
: So, it is desirable to find easy solution.
: Oleg
: : You can combine your information into one Item Code but if you have had any
transaction on the one's that you want to delete you can't delete them but you c
an set a signal code on them so they won't be used.
I don't know how many transactions were done with the wrong parts but it is not
so easy to just adjust the history. It sounds like you need to do transactions.
for example, on a sale to the wrong part do a return against the wrong part an
d at the same time you have to do a sale for the right part. this will put the
inventory and sale amounts correctly in all the tables. the net financial effect
of this transaction is 0.
as mentioned by another user, using a signal code will prevent further transacti
ons against the wrong part.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Neeraj Singh posted Message 3949 in Message Board
Dated : May 29, 2000 at 05:07:44 EST
Subject: Purchase Module query
How can we locate the link between Purchase Inquiry and Purchase order at field
level? Can we see this link in any of the Purchase sessions?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Baan Fan posted Message 3950 in Message Board
Dated : May 30, 2000 at 12:00:27 EST
Subject: What the difference between cost item and service item?
What the difference between cost item and service item and how does it effect on
the sales procedure?
For example ours standard procedure is :


Maintain deliveries
Print packing slip
Print sales invoice
Process delivered sales orders

The question is:

When we enter a sales order with cost item, then after we did step no.1 the baan
jumps to no.3
BUT with service item it goes to no.2 although it&#8217;s not an inventory item
and we expect from the baan to jump also to no.3.
Thanks on advance

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Reply posted Message 3951 in Message Board
Dated : May 30, 2000 at 12:17:31 EST
Subject: Re: What the difference between cost item and service item?
Take a look a the salesorder parameters.

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K. Dickey posted Message 3952 in Message Board
Dated : May 30, 2000 at 13:08:15 EST
Subject: Sales order delivery dates
We are looking for a way to maintain the original Sales Order line planned deliv
ery date while entering a new date. We want to track the delivery performance of
when we originally planned to ship the line. I see no place to put a reschedule
d delivery date.
***************** End Of Article ******************
K.Dickey posted Message 3953 in Message Board
Dated : May 30, 2000 at 13:14:03 EST
Subject: Re: speed of maintain receipts

: Anyone else find that maintain receipts seems to take forever. Have looked on
BaaN knowledge base and no problem is listed. Is there a known solution
We had problems in Maintain Receipts with deleting the lines not being received
taking "forever". There was a solution we found in BaaN's knowledge search to ch
ange a table and apply a patch 3641 that eliminates some, what we deemed to be,
useless data checking before deleting receipts. We have had dramatic improvement
s since. One thing funny happened that we cannot explain. We did not see the imp
rovement immediately after installing the fixes. We think it may have been after
we re-booted or something. Not sure.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Baan Fan posted Message 3954 in Message Board
Dated : May 31, 2000 at 02:19:53 EST
Subject: Re: What the difference between cost item and service item?

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Baan Fan posted Message 3955 in Message Board
Dated : May 31, 2000 at 02:20:48 EST
Subject: Thanks

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Stefan Riedl posted Message 3956 in Message Board
Dated : May 31, 2000 at 08:05:15 EST
Subject: Re: Sales statistics
: In sales statistic there are three columns, Intake turnover and cancalation ha
ve the cancaliton been deducted from turnover or should that be done after?
: Thanks in advance!
Hello Thomas!
Cancalation statistic is not part of the turnover statistic, but it is part of t
he intake statistic.
Hope this helps
Best wishes
<A HREF="">Schartner Consulting</A>

***************** End Of Article ******************

Stefan Riedl posted Message 3957 in Message Board
Dated : May 31, 2000 at 10:02:13 EST
Subject: Re: confirmation of backorder/delivery
: Why is it that sometimes we cant confirm a line in Maintain Deliveries (tdsls4
120m000), eventhough there is no backorder for that line. The error message is
"Recommended quantity not fully confirmed."
: In our Maintain ILC Parameter (tdilc0100m000) our option in "Confirm outbound
data in SLS/RPL modules" is YES in order to avoid allocations in our stock.
Hello tookz!
The message is set, when the recomended quantity is unequal to the delivered qua
ntity and the delivered quantity <> 0.
This could happen when not all outbound is released. Try to delete the maintain
deliveries and the outbound still in the system. Then generate outbound again. I
think it is a baan bug.
Hope this helps. If you have any further questions, feel free to contact me.
best wishes
<A HREF="">Schartner Consulting</A>

***************** End Of Article ******************

Tommy L. Bacon,CPIM posted Message 3958 in Message Board
Dated : May 31, 2000 at 13:18:36 EST
Subject: Re: Tax country of lines doesn't match with country code of delivery ad
On the tccom0000m000 Maintian COM Paramaters you have a line that states "Des
tination Sales Tax Applicable" is your's yes or no. This could be your problem
: : When the Order was created on the header their is also a field for Tax Yes/N
o and it Yes it will require that at the Item Level that a Tax Code is required.
Hope this helps if not send me an e-mail.
: : : I did set the field Tax in customer table as "No" but the same error still
: : : Any idea?
: :
: : :
: : : : On the Customer Information if you have tax as yes it will ask you to po

pulate the tax field on the Sales Order Line. If you change this to No it will
skip over the field and not be required.
: : : : Hope this helps.
: : : :
: : : : : I am using BaanIVc4. I created a sales order with a customer who has
a country code of "PRC" (sales header form 3).
: : : : : In the sales order line, the country code of the specific delivery add
ress is "HK" (sales detail form 3). The system prompts "Tax country of lines do
esn't match with country code of delivery address". My client does not implemen
t Baan's Tax features.
: : : : : Is there any flag or parameter to turn off this validation?

***************** End Of Article ******************

Luis posted Message 3959 in Message Board
Dated : May 31, 2000 at 17:52:59 EST
Subject: Re: Purchase Module query
: How can we locate the link between Purchase Inquiry and Purchase order at fiel
d level? Can we see this link in any of the Purchase sessions?
***************** End Of Article ******************
NSD posted Message 3960 in Message Board
Dated : June 01, 2000 at 00:01:14 EST
Subject: Re: Purchase Module query
The link can be seen is session tdpur1203s000
***************** End Of Article ******************
shailendra posted Message 3961 in Message Board
Dated : June 01, 2000 at 03:08:59 EST
Subject: learn BAAN V
where can i learn BAAN V distribution.
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Balaji Munikrishnan posted Message 3962 in Message Board
Dated : June 01, 2000 at 06:16:16 EST
Subject: Updation of stock on a prior date
We are in the process of finalising accounts and the physical inventory of 31st
March has been taken, but not yet keyed in the system. We have gone ahead with
the transactions of the current year. Is there a way to update the stocks using

the session for inventory transactions by entering the input date as 31032000.
What will be the impact of my current inventory position if I do this.
Can someone help
***************** End Of Article ******************
Ken posted Message 3963 in Message Board
Dated : June 01, 2000 at 12:15:38 EST
Subject: Sales by Day Report
Is there a report in Baan that will total sales by day? If so, what is it and h
ow do I run it?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Ken posted Message 3964 in Message Board
Dated : June 01, 2000 at 12:21:39 EST
Subject: Sales by Day Report
Is there a report in Baan that will total sales by day? If so, what is it and h
ow do I run it?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Dave posted Message 3965 in Message Board
Dated : June 02, 2000 at 11:47:02 EST
Subject: Unwanted Backorders
I have an order where 10 items were delivered and 4 items placed on backorder.
2 weeks later, 2 of the 4 items were delivered, and the remaining 2 items on bac
korder were unwanted. There is still showing the 2 item demand. How can this b
e cleared/deleted since its no longer wanted?
Thanks in advance!
***************** End Of Article ******************
Chris Kiehl posted Message 3966 in Message Board
Dated : June 02, 2000 at 11:55:54 EST
Subject: 2 Cycle Count Questions
We are on Baan IV B with Location Control implemented.
1. When I use session tdilc5210m000 Generate Cycle Counting Orders, I specify an
Item Group range. However, the system generates the cycle count for ALL items..
. even those outside the item group range. Is this is a bug or am I missing some
2. We've specified our "A", "B", & "C" items (the bulk of which are "C"). We hav
e a self-imposed rule to count "A" items every 13 weeks, "B" items every 26 week
s, & "C" items every 52 weeks. Any one of our locations could conceivably hold a
n "A", "B", & "C". When the 52 weeks roll around, we generate a huge cycle count
order for the "C" items. As we see it, we will be forced to count these "C"s in
a 13 week period... otherwise we may miss some "A"s within the same locations.

Is there a way for us to spread the "C" count out evenly throughout the year whi
le maintaining our own timetable?
Your responses are greatly appreciated. The more the better! ! !
-Chris***************** End Of Article ******************
Kelly Jones posted Message 3967 in Message Board
Dated : June 02, 2000 at 13:42:35 EST
Subject: Supplier Text on Purchase Order
Is it possible to have text printing on purchase orders that is supplier specifi
c? Can text from the supplier master be pulled rather that having to add header
/footer text to each individual purchase order for that supplier?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Kelly Jones posted Message 3968 in Message Board
Dated : June 02, 2000 at 14:04:35 EST
Subject: Re: Unwanted Backorders
When we want to change a Purchase backorder to zero we actually go into Maintain
Receipts (tdpur4120m000). The packing slip and delivered quantity are entered
as zero. Backorder quantity then defaults to our existing backorder amount. We
change that amount to zero also, and then run Process Delivered Purchase Orders
as normal. This doesn't post anything to finance, but it updates the planned t
ransaction and backorder tables. I'm not sure if this is the best way, but it h
as worked for us.
: I have an order where 10 items were delivered and 4 items placed on backorder.
2 weeks later, 2 of the 4 items were delivered, and the remaining 2 items on b
ackorder were unwanted. There is still showing the 2 item demand. How can this
be cleared/deleted since its no longer wanted?
: Thanks in advance!

***************** End Of Article ******************

William posted Message 3969 in Message Board
Dated : June 02, 2000 at 14:57:14 EST
Subject: Rept Mfg Scheduling

I'm looking for assistance in setting up scheduling, kanban(pull notes), purchas

ing for Rept Mfg in Baan.
Thanks in advance
***************** End Of Article ******************
Steve Baker posted Message 3970 in Message Board
Dated : June 02, 2000 at 21:49:21 EST
Subject: Re: Unwanted Backorders
: I have an order where 10 items were delivered and 4 items placed on backorder.
2 weeks later, 2 of the 4 items were delivered, and the remaining 2 items on b
ackorder were unwanted. There is still showing the 2 item demand. How can this
be cleared/deleted since its no longer wanted?
: Thanks in advance!
We use session tdpur4130m000 - Maintain Backorders. This allows you to zero out
the backorder quantity.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Sharon posted Message 3971 in Message Board
Dated : June 04, 2000 at 07:54:37 EST
Subject: Process purchase order
Don't know why the purchase orders that are in "deleting line" statuses are not
benign deleted after running "process delivered purchase order".

***************** End Of Article ******************

BAAN posted Message 3972 in Message Board
Dated : June 04, 2000 at 17:51:58 EST
Subject: Re: Process purchase order
: Don't know why the purchase orders that are in "deleting line" statuses are no
t benign deleted after running "process delivered purchase order".
Check the date of deleting in process purchase order.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Baan posted Message 3973 in Message Board
Dated : June 04, 2000 at 17:53:15 EST
Subject: Re: Process purchase order
: Don't know why the purchase orders that are in "deleting line" statuses are no
t benign deleted after running "process delivered purchase order".

Check DATE for process Purchase Order

***************** End Of Article ******************
NSD posted Message 3974 in Message Board
Dated : June 05, 2000 at 01:27:15 EST
Subject: Re: Sales by Day Report
: Is there a report in Baan that will total sales by day? If so, what is it and
how do I run it?
Total sales by day can be confirmed to total deliveries by day or total invoices
If the Sales are confirmed to deliveries made in BaaN then query by date of sess
ion tdsls4531m000 can solve the purpose. And if Sales are confirmed by Invoices
the above report can be taken through session tfacr2520m000 or tfacr2421m000.
***************** End Of Article ******************
NSD posted Message 3975 in Message Board
Dated : June 05, 2000 at 04:55:18 EST
Subject: Re: 2 Cycle Count Questions
: We are on Baan IV B with Location Control implemented.
: 1. When I use session tdilc5210m000 Generate Cycle Counting Orders, I specify
an Item Group range. However, the system generates the cycle count for ALL items
... even those outside the item group range. Is this is a bug or am I missing so
: 2. We've specified our "A", "B", & "C" items (the bulk of which are "C"). We h
ave a self-imposed rule to count "A" items every 13 weeks, "B" items every 26 we
eks, & "C" items every 52 weeks. Any one of our locations could conceivably hold
an "A", "B", & "C". When the 52 weeks roll around, we generate a huge cycle cou
nt order for the "C" items. As we see it, we will be forced to count these "C"s
in a 13 week period... otherwise we may miss some "A"s within the same locations
. Is there a way for us to spread the "C" count out evenly throughout the year w
hile maintaining our own timetable?
: Your responses are greatly appreciated. The more the better! ! !
: -ChrisCheck the parameters tdinv0100m000 and the put the counting intevals for the thr
ee classes of items.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Thomas posted Message 3976 in Message Board
Dated : June 05, 2000 at 07:59:18 EST
Subject: Re: Sales statistics
What you are saying is:
Intake 10 milj

Cacelation 1 milj that means that intake is 9 milj

correct ????
: : In sales statistic there are three columns, Intake turnover and cancalation
have the cancaliton been deducted from turnover or should that be done after?
: : Thanks in advance!
: Hello Thomas!
: Cancalation statistic is not part of the turnover statistic, but it is part of
the intake statistic.
: Hope this helps
: Best wishes
: Stefan
: <A HREF="">Schartner Consulting</A>

***************** End Of Article ******************

NSD posted Message 3977 in Message Board
Dated : June 05, 2000 at 08:09:52 EST
Subject: Re: 2 Cycle Count Questions
: We are on Baan IV B with Location Control implemented.
: 1. When I use session tdilc5210m000 Generate Cycle Counting Orders, I specify
an Item Group range. However, the system generates the cycle count for ALL items
... even those outside the item group range. Is this is a bug or am I missing so
: 2. We've specified our "A", "B", & "C" items (the bulk of which are "C"). We h
ave a self-imposed rule to count "A" items every 13 weeks, "B" items every 26 we
eks, & "C" items every 52 weeks. Any one of our locations could conceivably hold
an "A", "B", & "C". When the 52 weeks roll around, we generate a huge cycle cou
nt order for the "C" items. As we see it, we will be forced to count these "C"s
in a 13 week period... otherwise we may miss some "A"s within the same locations
. Is there a way for us to spread the "C" count out evenly throughout the year w
hile maintaining our own timetable?
: Your responses are greatly appreciated. The more the better! ! !
: -ChrisCheck the parameters in session tdinv0100m000 and put the counting intervals in
cycle counting parameters as defined for each class of items.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Tommy Bacon,CPIM posted Message 3978 in Message Board

Dated : June 05, 2000 at 09:49:10 EST
Subject: Re: Updation of stock on a prior date
Baan will not let you make adjustments to inventory based upon a previous date.
Cycle Count will update the inventory to be what you counted.
: We are in the process of finalising accounts and the physical inventory of 31s
t March has been taken, but not yet keyed in the system. We have gone ahead wit
h the transactions of the current year. Is there a way to update the stocks usi
ng the session for inventory transactions by entering the input date as 31032000
. What will be the impact of my current inventory position if I do this.
: Can someone help

***************** End Of Article ******************

Borris Yan posted Message 3979 in Message Board
Dated : June 05, 2000 at 20:07:17 EST
Subject: Purchase Maintenance/Office Supplies
Should items such as pencils, paper, maintenance supplies, nuts, botls, etc be
purchased through Baan. If so, How...cost order? Collect Order? Misc invoice? Or
not at all?
***************** End Of Article ******************
BAAN posted Message 3980 in Message Board
Dated : June 05, 2000 at 22:58:28 EST
Subject: Re: Purchase Maintenance/Office Supplies
: Should items such as pencils, paper, maintenance supplies, nuts, botls, etc b
e purchased through Baan. If so, How...cost order? Collect Order? Misc invoice?
Or not at all?
You can use baan to Purchase this Items, and as probably as a Cost Item coz' I t
hink you just monitor the Purchase and Payments of this Items.
You can create so many items to identify each of this stationaries or create an
Item which is stationaries and create text to identify it's real purpose or desc
iption. And again as Cost Item

***************** End Of Article ******************

ban user posted Message 3981 in Message Board
Dated : June 05, 2000 at 23:09:07 EST
Subject: Re: Purchase Maintenance/Office Supplies
: : Should items such as pencils, paper, maintenance supplies, nuts, botls, etc
be purchased through Baan. If so, How...cost order? Collect Order? Misc invoice
? Or not at all?

You can use baan to Purchase this Items, and probably as a Cost Item coz' I thin
k you just want to monitor Purchases and Payments of this Items.
You can create so many items to identify each of this stationaries or create an
Item which is stationaries and create text to identify it's real purpose or desc
iption. And again as Cost Item

***************** End Of Article ******************

Dov Lancer posted Message 3982 in Message Board
Dated : June 07, 2000 at 09:00:06 EST
Subject: Re: Can't &quot;Process Delivered Sales Orders&quot; with 100+ lines
: Baan IVc3:
: The Process Delivered Sales Orders (tdsls4223m000) session will not run when w
e have more than 100 detail lines on an order. We get an error "sls050 in db_in
sert - Specification: [Reference does not exist: tdsls050-> tcmcs042.cotp [ ]]..
.. aborted ... 0 in db_insert(51) otfglddll4011 (itfgld.dll4011.write.lines)"
. Everything on the order is correct and will run if we reduce the number of li
nes. Any ideas, help, or work-arounds appreciated.
: Thanks
: Gene Phares
I think it's a bug and you sould open a case in the BGS.
Dov Lancer

***************** End Of Article ******************

Chris Kiehl posted Message 3983 in Message Board
Dated : June 07, 2000 at 15:21:19 EST
Subject: Re: 2 Cycle Count Questions
Yes, thanks. We have done that (to no effect).
How about question 1?
When I use session tdilc5210m000 Generate Cycle Counting Orders, I specify an It
em Group range. However, the system generates the cycle count for ALL items... e
ven those outside the item group range. Why is this?
: : We are on Baan IV B with Location Control implemented.
: : 1. When I use session tdilc5210m000 Generate Cycle Counting Orders, I specif
y an Item Group range. However, the system generates the cycle count for ALL ite
ms... even those outside the item group range. Is this is a bug or am I missing

: : 2. We've specified our "A", "B", & "C" items (the bulk of which are "C"). We
have a self-imposed rule to count "A" items every 13 weeks, "B" items every 26
weeks, & "C" items every 52 weeks. Any one of our locations could conceivably ho
ld an "A", "B", & "C". When the 52 weeks roll around, we generate a huge cycle c
ount order for the "C" items. As we see it, we will be forced to count these "C"
s in a 13 week period... otherwise we may miss some "A"s within the same locatio
ns. Is there a way for us to spread the "C" count out evenly throughout the year
while maintaining our own timetable?
: : Your responses are greatly appreciated. The more the better! ! !
: : -Chris: Check the parameters in session tdinv0100m000 and put the counting intervals i
n cycle counting parameters as defined for each class of items.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Kian posted Message 3984 in Message Board
Dated : June 08, 2000 at 10:01:20 EST
Subject: Order Balance in Maintain Customer
anyone know how Baan calculate the order balance figure in Maintain Customer ses
sion. I found it quite strange, and i am trying to figure out how it calculate !
***************** End Of Article ******************
Ernesto posted Message 3985 in Message Board
Dated : June 08, 2000 at 11:36:43 EST
Subject: Difference between INV-ILC
Could anybody tell me Why when I check a part number in the sesion (tdilc1512m00
0) the system show me one qty on my inventory, but when I give the zoom and I se
e the sesion (tdilc1518s000) the system brings me another qty??
***************** End Of Article ******************
Holger posted Message 3986 in Message Board
Dated : June 09, 2000 at 06:21:22 EST
Subject: Re: Difference between INV-ILC
: Hi
: Could anybody tell me Why when I check a part number in the sesion (tdilc1512m
000) the system show me one qty on my inventory, but when I give the zoom and I
see the sesion (tdilc1518s000) the system brings me another qty??
there are some bugs in Baan about this, and there are several solutions form baa

We have had the same problem , installed the solutions, and the problem doesnt a
ppears so often.
There is also a baan correction program.
Its very diffcult to handle and timeconsuming.
The best way, as we do it, is to change the differences using GTM.
Good Luck

***************** End Of Article ******************

Olav posted Message 3987 in Message Board
Dated : June 09, 2000 at 08:05:46 EST
Subject: Don't use GTM!!!!
: : Hi
: : Could anybody tell me Why when I check a part number in the sesion (tdilc151
2m000) the system show me one qty on my inventory, but when I give the zoom and
I see the sesion (tdilc1518s000) the system brings me another qty??
: Hi,
: there are some bugs in Baan about this, and there are several solutions form b
: We have had the same problem , installed the solutions, and the problem doesnt
appears so often.
: There is also a baan correction program.
: Its very diffcult to handle and timeconsuming.
: The best way, as we do it, is to change the differences using GTM.
: Good Luck
: Holger
Instead of using GTM you should try Baan session tdinv0252m000, it will most lik
ely fix it!!!!!!!!!

***************** End Of Article ******************

Tommy L. Bacon,CPIM posted Message 3988 in Message Board
Dated : June 09, 2000 at 08:25:07 EST
Subject: Re: Difference between INV-ILC
ILC and INV can get out of sync for various reasons. One is that we a productio
n order is completed the Complete Flag is left at no and then when it's changed
to yes it actually receives it twice in ILC. If you use GTM don't use it on the
INV tables as that is what finance used. The ILC tables don't send transactio
n to finance.
: Hi
: Could anybody tell me Why when I check a part number in the sesion (tdilc1512m
000) the system show me one qty on my inventory, but when I give the zoom and I
see the sesion (tdilc1518s000) the system brings me another qty??

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samuel pramod posted Message 3989 in Message Board
Dated : June 09, 2000 at 09:04:34 EST
Subject: Parent child relation in commission
I am facing the problem with linking of parent relation during
commission calculation,ie data is not accumulating at parent level, i have gone
through all the parameters and are perfectly set,can any body suggest solution i
n this regard, ie how to maintain commission agreements data.
thanks in advance
***************** End Of Article ******************
Riky from Roma posted Message 3990 in Message Board
Dated : June 10, 2000 at 01:44:21 EST
Subject: How can I add a Logo on the reposts? Which editor can I use to create a
I know that I have to create a font for the logo of the company
and than add it in the reports, but how can I create the font?
and... do I have to install it in all the computers that need to print those rep
Thank to all can give me an avice.
Riky from Roma
***************** End Of Article ******************
Holger posted Message 3991 in Message Board

Dated : June 10, 2000 at 09:47:27 EST

Subject: Re: Don't use GTM!!!!
: : : Hi
: : : Could anybody tell me Why when I check a part number in the sesion (tdilc1
512m000) the system show me one qty on my inventory, but when I give the zoom an
d I see the sesion (tdilc1518s000) the system brings me another qty??
: : Hi,
: : there are some bugs in Baan about this, and there are several solutions form
: : We have had the same problem , installed the solutions, and the problem does
nt appears so often.
: : There is also a baan correction program.
: : Its very diffcult to handle and timeconsuming.
: :
: : The best way, as we do it, is to change the differences using GTM.
: :
: : Good Luck
: : Holger
: Instead of using GTM you should try Baan session tdinv0252m000, it will most l
ikely fix it!!!!!!!!!

Hi , the problem of the session tdinv0252m000 is that it will correct the inv-st
ock data according the ilc-data.
But we found in most cases ( or even in nearly every cases the )
inv data correct and the ilc-data corrupt.
Baan has for this problem a correction program which will make a stocktaking ord
It is very difficult to handle and the program to generate the stocktaking order
is very very slow.
I think you have take a look in the history tables of inv and ilc to see wich da
ta are correct.
Good Luck

***************** End Of Article ******************

Bruce Thornhill posted Message 3992 in Message Board
Dated : June 10, 2000 at 11:52:56 EST
Subject: tdinv7550 table name

The session tdinv7550 shows item issue by period. What table is this informatio
n drawn from?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Holger posted Message 3993 in Message Board
Dated : June 10, 2000 at 12:14:38 EST
Subject: Re: tdinv7550 table name
: The session tdinv7550 shows item issue by period. What table is this informat
ion drawn from?
If the session is according the baan naming convention the table should be tdinv
the baan naming convention for sessions is:
pp stands for the package ( here td )
mod stand for the module ( here inv )
XXX stands for the tablenumber ( 750 )
Y represent the kind of session
1: maintain
2: update
4: print
5: display
( and a few other numbers for conversion ,graph etc. but I am in the moment not
aware )
m stands for main ( m ) or sub ( s ) -session
ZZZ means the customer code and should be in baan standard sessions "000"
Hope this will help you

***************** End Of Article ******************

kumars posted Message 3994 in Message Board
Dated : June 12, 2000 at 09:59:49 EST
Subject: Demand forecast
I want to have a demand forecast for selected purchased items. To begin with the
items are set to SIC items. They also have issue history of 6 months. Using pas
t issue data can get demand forecast for items also update the safety stock of t
he item? please advice step by step approach to be taken.

***************** End Of Article ******************
Eric posted Message 3995 in Message Board
Dated : June 12, 2000 at 11:24:59 EST
Subject: Re: Don't use GTM!!!!
: : : : Hi
: : : : Could anybody tell me Why when I check a part number in the sesion (tdil
c1512m000) the system show me one qty on my inventory, but when I give the zoom
and I see the sesion (tdilc1518s000) the system brings me another qty??
: : : Hi,
: : : there are some bugs in Baan about this, and there are several solutions fo
rm baan.
: : : We have had the same problem , installed the solutions, and the problem do
esnt appears so often.
: : : There is also a baan correction program.
: : : Its very diffcult to handle and timeconsuming.
: : :
: : : The best way, as we do it, is to change the differences using GTM.
: : :
: : : Good Luck
: : : Holger
: :
: : Instead of using GTM you should try Baan session tdinv0252m000, it will most
likely fix it!!!!!!!!!
: Hi , the problem of the session tdinv0252m000 is that it will correct the invstock data according the ilc-data.
: But we found in most cases ( or even in nearly every cases the )
: inv data correct and the ilc-data corrupt.
: Baan has for this problem a correction program which will make a stocktaking o
: It is very difficult to handle and the program to generate the stocktaking ord
er is very very slow.
: I think you have take a look in the history tables of inv and ilc to see wich
data are correct.
: Good Luck
: Holger
If you use ILC then you are probably taking inventory and correcting inventory b

y location, which means that your ILC inventory is accurate. If this is the case
, you are best off running tdinv0252m000 (run from file, run program as this ses
sion does not appear on your menu anywhere). This session will change your inv i
nventory, your lot inventory, and your item master inventory to match what is sh
owing in ILC. On this session there are three yes/no boxes. if you run the sessi
on with these boxes set to no, it will print a report showing which items are of
f without changing them. Good luck!
***************** End Of Article ******************
BAAN Implementor User posted Message 3996 in Message Board
Dated : June 12, 2000 at 22:05:24 EST
Subject: Re: How can I add a Logo on the reposts? Which editor can I use to crea
te a font?
What are this report that you want to put your logo?
With the company I'm working in now they had develope a tool to grab information
to baan report and transfer it to another report that have your own layout and
logo aswell. We tend to use this for P.O. , S.O, Customer Financial Statement an
d more....

: I know that I have to create a font for the logo of the company
: and than add it in the reports, but how can I create the font?
: and... do I have to install it in all the computers that need to print those r
: Thank to all can give me an avice.
: Riky from Roma

***************** End Of Article ******************

Riky posted Message 3997 in Message Board
Dated : June 13, 2000 at 00:46:07 EST
Subject: P.O S.O and Trasportation documents
They are normal Baan Reports P.O, S.O, but where I work they do not like, moreov
er they intend to fax the reports to some suppliers and they need a Logo on them

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Chrisa Zervaki posted Message 3998 in Message Board
Dated : June 13, 2000 at 10:44:19 EST
Subject: SMI Documentation

I would very grateful if someone could send me any documentation

about SMI (what it does and how we use it).My e-mail is written above.
Thanks in advance
***************** End Of Article ******************
Nicole posted Message 3999 in Message Board
Dated : June 13, 2000 at 16:09:53 EST
Subject: Re: Don't use GTM!!!! - tdinv0252m000
: : : : : Hi
: : : : : Could anybody tell me Why when I check a part number in the sesion (td
ilc1512m000) the system show me one qty on my inventory, but when I give the zoo
m and I see the sesion (tdilc1518s000) the system brings me another qty??
: : : : Hi,
: : : : there are some bugs in Baan about this, and there are several solutions
form baan.
: : : : We have had the same problem , installed the solutions, and the problem
doesnt appears so often.
: : : : There is also a baan correction program.
: : : : Its very diffcult to handle and timeconsuming.
: : : :
: : : : The best way, as we do it, is to change the differences using GTM.
: : : :
: : : : Good Luck
: : : : Holger
: : :
: : : Instead of using GTM you should try Baan session tdinv0252m000, it will mo
st likely fix it!!!!!!!!!
: : Hi , the problem of the session tdinv0252m000 is that it will correct the in
v-stock data according the ilc-data.
: : But we found in most cases ( or even in nearly every cases the )
: : inv data correct and the ilc-data corrupt.
: : Baan has for this problem a correction program which will make a stocktaking
: : It is very difficult to handle and the program to generate the stocktaking o
rder is very very slow.
: : I think you have take a look in the history tables of inv and ilc to see wic
h data are correct.
: : Good Luck
: : Holger

: If you use ILC then you are probably taking inventory and correcting inventory
by location, which means that your ILC inventory is accurate. If this is the ca
se, you are best off running tdinv0252m000 (run from file, run program as this s
ession does not appear on your menu anywhere). This session will change your inv
inventory, your lot inventory, and your item master inventory to match what is
showing in ILC. On this session there are three yes/no boxes. if you run the ses
sion with these boxes set to no, it will print a report showing which items are
off without changing them. Good luck!
Running tdinv0252m000 will change your inv001 but does not have any financial in
tegrations so your Inventory Valuation (tdinv6230m000) will not equal your Stock
room Inventory account. Does anyone know the correct procedure and sessions for
auditing differences in INV & ILC, running the fixes AND ensuring that finance
is properly adjusted as well?

***************** End Of Article ******************

Nicole posted Message 4000 in Message Board
Dated : June 13, 2000 at 18:28:58 EST
Subject: tdinv0256m000 - Check Inventory &amp; Integration Transactions
I came across this checking session. Does anyone know what this session is chec
king and what the results mean? Is there a correction program that is to be use
d after the check?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Borris Yan posted Message 4001 in Message Board
Dated : June 14, 2000 at 00:05:17 EST
Subject: Baan 5 Kanban Replenish
We are on baan 5. We have WIP warehouses set up, and when the WIP warehouse inve
ntory is not sufficient to cover a production order, we want Baan tp generate 'k
anban' replenishment orders to move material from the pick/bulk whs to the WIP w
hs. Wondering the best way to handle this. We see the session "Enter KANBAN orde
rs". What about DRP, or pull notes? Any suggestions?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Johan posted Message 4002 in Message Board
Dated : June 14, 2000 at 09:35:38 EST
Subject: Re: Order Balance in Maintain Customer
Customer order balance is being updated with the nett order amount:
nett order amount = gross order amount (quantity x unit price) minus discount at
line level minus discount at header level plus tax

***************** End Of Article ******************

Johan posted Message 4003 in Message Board

Dated : June 14, 2000 at 09:47:12 EST
Subject: Re: Parent child relation in commission
You have to check a number of parameters:
1. Check session "Maintain Commission Parameters" (tdcms0100m000), parameter "Pa
rent Commission for Child"
2. Build relationship between parent en children using session "Maintain Relatio
ns" (tdcms0110m000)
3. Create child agreements using session "Maintain Commission Agreements" (tdcms
***************** End Of Article ******************
Johan posted Message 4004 in Message Board
Dated : June 14, 2000 at 09:52:19 EST
Subject: Re: learn BAAN V
Maybe the reason why you cannot find anything of Baan V is because this product
officially does not exist. During development it was originally called Baan V, b
ut later it has been renamed into BaanERP, as a part of BaanSeries. Maybe you sh
ould focus on BaanERP instead of Baan V...

***************** End Of Article ******************

sridhar posted Message 4005 in Message Board
Dated : June 14, 2000 at 17:07:34 EST
Subject: API 1526 - HELP HELP!
I am unable to process delivered sales orders. When I run this process the syste
m gives me a error message error 1526 and kicks me off the system. Do you have a
ny solution on how to fix this stuff.
Thanks and regards
***************** End Of Article ******************
Alice Engle posted Message 4006 in Message Board
Dated : June 15, 2000 at 10:47:09 EST
Subject: Purchase Backorders
Several of us are working with a client using Baan IV with A&D 2.0. We have run
into a situation on purchase backorders not creating a record in the tdpur045 t
able, thus, not status line of Maintain Receipts, and receiving can not receive
against it. The client has done some frontend and backend around this session,
so it is unclear as to whether something they did is causing this. The problem
is that some lines do get created while others don't. Has anyone seen this prob
lem elsewhere? Have there been patches which may have caused this problem?

***************** End Of Article ******************
Tim posted Message 4007 in Message Board
Dated : June 15, 2000 at 10:57:37 EST
Subject: EDI Relation
I am trying to test an incoming 850 EDI transaction and receiving the following
error message after running the direct network communication session:
tcedi702.reno (relname) Relation (relname) not found - message aborted
I looked back in session tcedi0110m000 Maintain Relations and it IS defined here
It is also defined in tcedi0111m000 Maintain EDI messages supported by relation
and tcedi0128m000 Maintain relation data by network.
Is there something I'm missing. I'm confused.
Thanks in advance!
***************** End Of Article ******************
Stefan Riedl posted Message 4008 in Message Board
Dated : June 15, 2000 at 11:47:49 EST
Subject: Re: Sales statistics
Sorry, you got me wrong.
What I mean is:
Intake 10 mio
cancelation 1 mio
Intake is still 10 mio but turnover is 9 mio
<A HREF="">Schartner Consulting</A>

What you are saying is:
Intake 10 milj
Cacelation 1 milj that means that intake is 9 milj
correct ????

: Thanks!

***************** End Of Article ******************

Ron D. Bailey posted Message 4009 in Message Board
Dated : June 15, 2000 at 14:01:16 EST

Subject: Costing of short-shipped orders (back-orders turned off)

We have discovered an interesting situation with the way Baan handles costing in
sales deliveries.
We are using Baan IVc3 with porting set 6.1c.04.04.
If back-orders are turned off and an item on the order is short-shipped (10 orde
red &#8211; 8 shipped), the costing for that delivery line (in tdsls045.t_copr)
shows as zero! In short, the system ignores costs for incomplete orders.
Any assistance with this would be greatly appreciated.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Rudolf Richtsfeld - Schartner Consulting posted Message 4010 in Message Board
Dated : June 16, 2000 at 05:15:33 EST
Subject: Re: Supplier Text on Purchase Order
: Hi,
: Is it possible to have text printing on purchase orders that is supplier speci
fic? Can text from the supplier master be pulled rather that having to add head
er/footer text to each individual purchase order for that supplier?
: Thanks,
: Kelly
: B40c4
you have only to print the supplier text from the table tccom020.txta on the rep
ort. this is only a little customizing.
hope mit helps
Rudolf Richtsfeld
<A HREF="">Schartner Consulting</A>

***************** End Of Article ******************

Eddy Croezen posted Message 4011 in Message Board
Dated : June 16, 2000 at 06:00:00 EST
Subject: Re: Sales order delivery dates
: We are looking for a way to maintain the original Sales Order line planned del
ivery date while entering a new date. We want to track the delivery performance
of when we originally planned to ship the line. I see no place to put a reschedu
led delivery date.
If you change an orderdate a new record wil be made in the table tdsls051 so you
can read back those records.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Christian Burzala posted Message 4012 in Message Board

Dated : June 16, 2000 at 06:01:42 EST

Subject: Aborted session tdsls4223m000
Every month, we are running the session tdsls4223m000 "Process delivered sales o
rder" in order to use statistics.
This month, an error occured with this session for one invoice, apparently, the
other invoices have no problems.
When the session raises the "failed" invoice, it is aborted with the following m
essage :
1 : process 30 - Fatal error : Error 100 (Duplicate value) on tfgld415680 (Max r
etries (10) exceeded)
2 : process 30 - Fatal error : Can not continue in tdsls4223m000 (itfgldll4010.w
Our problem is very urgent, thanks in advance for your support.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Gary E posted Message 4013 in Message Board
Dated : June 16, 2000 at 09:21:51 EST
Subject: sls order line gross profit calculation does not work
The sls order line display gross profit subsession tdsls4808s000 does not appear
to consider any conversion factors when doing the calculation. It shows a gross
profit based on cost in the inv u/m and the sales price based on sales u/m. Is
this a bug or is Baan just stupid?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Holger posted Message 4014 in Message Board
Dated : June 16, 2000 at 12:06:52 EST
Subject: Re: Aborted session tdsls4223m000
: Hi,
: Every month, we are running the session tdsls4223m000 "Process delivered sales
order" in order to use statistics.
: This month, an error occured with this session for one invoice, apparently, th
e other invoices have no problems.
: When the session raises the "failed" invoice, it is aborted with the following
message :
: 1 : process 30 - Fatal error : Error 100 (Duplicate value) on tfgld415680 (Max
retries (10) exceeded)
: 2 : process 30 - Fatal error : Can not continue in tdsls4223m000 (itfgldll4010
: Our problem is very urgent, thanks in advance for your support.

The problem can occur when there corrupted records in the table tfgld415.
In this situation a reorganize of the table may help.
Good Luck

***************** End Of Article ******************

Joe posted Message 4015 in Message Board
Dated : June 16, 2000 at 13:10:49 EST
Subject: &quot;Sales Price Unit&quot; field in Sales Order Lines
Can anyone running Baan IVc4 or BaanERP tell me if the "Sales Price Unit" fiel
d is display or input on the form in the Maintain Sales Order Lines subsession?
We are running an earlier version of Baan and planning some customizations. It
would be helpful to know if this field has changed to "input" in later releases
Thanks in advance.
***************** End Of Article ******************
tookz posted Message 4016 in Message Board
Dated : June 18, 2000 at 22:26:21 EST
Subject: Re: confirmation of backorder/delivery
: : Why is it that sometimes we cant confirm a line in Maintain Deliveries (tdsl
s4120m000), eventhough there is no backorder for that line. The error message i
s "Recommended quantity not fully confirmed."
: : In our Maintain ILC Parameter (tdilc0100m000) our option in "Confirm outboun
d data in SLS/RPL modules" is YES in order to avoid allocations in our stock.
: Hello tookz!
: The message is set, when the recomended quantity is unequal to the delivered q
uantity and the delivered quantity <> 0.
: This could happen when not all outbound is released. Try to delete the maintai
n deliveries and the outbound still in the system. Then generate outbound again.
I think it is a baan bug.
: Hope this helps. If you have any further questions, feel free to contact me.
: best wishes
: Stefan
: <A HREF="">Schartner Consulting</A>

Good day Stefan,

thanks for your response,
is this also effective if my error message (also for the above problem)is "Inven
tory for position XX not available"

***************** End Of Article ******************

tookz posted Message 4017 in Message Board
Dated : June 18, 2000 at 22:29:18 EST
Subject: Re: confirmation of backorder/delivery
: : Why is it that sometimes we cant confirm a line in Maintain Deliveries (tdsl
s4120m000), eventhough there is no backorder for that line. The error message i
s "Recommended quantity not fully confirmed."
: : In our Maintain ILC Parameter (tdilc0100m000) our option in "Confirm outboun
d data in SLS/RPL modules" is YES in order to avoid allocations in our stock.
: Hello tookz!
: The message is set, when the recomended quantity is unequal to the delivered q
uantity and the delivered quantity <> 0.
: This could happen when not all outbound is released. Try to delete the maintai
n deliveries and the outbound still in the system. Then generate outbound again.
I think it is a baan bug.
: Hope this helps. If you have any further questions, feel free to contact me.
: best wishes
: Stefan
: <A HREF="">Schartner Consulting</A>
Good day Stefan,
is this also true if my error message is "Inventory for position XX not availabl
e" (for the same problem above)
thanks for your response.
***************** End Of Article ******************
JUAN MEGIAS posted Message 4018 in Message Board
Dated : June 19, 2000 at 12:14:59 EST
Subject: The system make stock movement by itself
The system make stock movement by itself and the row on the table tdsls045 is de
leted so we can loose a line sale order. It is very dangerous for anyone of us.
Plese I am in a harry.

***************** End Of Article ******************

JUAN MEGIAS posted Message 4019 in Message Board
Dated : June 19, 2000 at 12:29:56 EST
Anyone can tell me how to introduce points in the formats printed by statistics.
It is dificult to see a quantity like this 23000000 units. If would be better t
his one 23.000.000 units.
Thanks you.
***************** End Of Article ******************
JUAN MEGIAS posted Message 4020 in Message Board
Dated : June 19, 2000 at 12:34:28 EST
Subject: where are de statistics tables?
I would like to get information from the statistic tables by ODBC. I have a prob
lem because I don't kown where are the tables with the result of the statistic.
I hope someone know the name of these tables.
Thanks you,
***************** End Of Article ******************
Adrian Platt posted Message 4021 in Message Board
Dated : June 20, 2000 at 06:42:31 EST
Subject: Purchase Stats
When updating purchase statistics, the following error message appears:
"Error 606 (reference does not exist)on tccom021100 in db_insert (51)
Cannot continue in tdpst0201m000"
The session then hangs and no statistics are updated
Anybody any ideas
***************** End Of Article ******************
Holger posted Message 4022 in Message Board
Dated : June 20, 2000 at 08:00:53 EST
Subject: Re: Purchase Stats
: When updating purchase statistics, the following error message appears:
: "Error 606 (reference does not exist)on tccom021100 in db_insert (51)
: Cannot continue in tdpst0201m000"
: The session then hangs and no statistics are updated
: Anybody any ideas

take a look in $BSE/log.bshell and in the $BSE/log.bisam for
information about the missing reference.
You may have corrupt data in soma tales.
Good Luck

***************** End Of Article ******************

kc posted Message 4023 in Message Board
Dated : June 20, 2000 at 11:31:24 EST
Subject: Re: The system make stock movement by itself
: The system make stock movement by itself and the row on the table tdsls045 is
deleted so we can loose a line sale order. It is very dangerous for anyone of us
: Plese I am in a harry.
: bye
I am not sure, but in Purchasing if the order is collect (on the order type), th
e system will process the order immediately.
If the same functionality is in sales, that might explain the immediate shipping
of your order. Since you also probably run the invoicing and process delivered
sales order sessions at night, that would explain the deleting of the sales lin
You should
1) check sales history to see if the sales line is being shipped, or deleted wit
hout shipping
2) check the sales order type you are using to see if the type is "collect" or s
omething like that. If it is and you do not want to have it collect, you will h
ave to set up a new order type, since these cannot be changed after they have be
en used.
***************** End Of Article ******************
JUAN MEGIAS posted Message 4024 in Message Board
Dated : June 22, 2000 at 03:13:02 EST
I am trying use the marketing module. I have seen that this part of baan is not

very useful because the only thing you can do is mailing.

I would like to know all the utilities of this module and if it is worth to work
with it
thanks you
***************** End Of Article ******************
Eran posted Message 4025 in Message Board
Dated : June 22, 2000 at 03:41:51 EST
Subject: Re: How can I add a Logo on the reposts? Which editor can I use to crea
te a font?
: I know that I have to create a font for the logo of the company
: and than add it in the reports, but how can I create the font?
: and... do I have to install it in all the computers that need to print those r
: Thank to all can give me an avice.
: Riky from Roma
Hi Riky,
You can download from the internet a font mngmnt tool and replace one of the let
ters of the font with the company logo.
Next, insert a new layout to the report using user font. In the layout insert th
e letter that has been used as logo.
You have to install the new font in every machine the report is to be used (via
control panel/fonts). This has to be done once for every machine.
The first time you print the report in a specific machine, preview it and change
the layout font to the one used for the logo (check font size also). Next time
you print this report on this machine it should work automaticlly.
This is true for NT, for unix there is a different way to print logos (using esc
ape sequence).
Test this solution carefuly, we expirienced some printer problems.
Good luck.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Eran posted Message 4026 in Message Board
Dated : June 22, 2000 at 03:45:14 EST
Subject: ABC Analysis
How is Annual Issue calculated in the ABC analysis?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Eran posted Message 4027 in Message Board
Dated : June 22, 2000 at 03:56:47 EST

Subject: Re: Don't use GTM!!!! - tdinv0252m000

: : : : : : Hi
: : : : : : Could anybody tell me Why when I check a part number in the sesion (
tdilc1512m000) the system show me one qty on my inventory, but when I give the z
oom and I see the sesion (tdilc1518s000) the system brings me another qty??
: : : : : Hi,
: : : : : there are some bugs in Baan about this, and there are several solution
s form baan.
: : : : : We have had the same problem , installed the solutions, and the proble
m doesnt appears so often.
: : : : : There is also a baan correction program.
: : : : : Its very diffcult to handle and timeconsuming.
: : : : :
: : : : : The best way, as we do it, is to change the differences using GTM.
: : : : :
: : : : : Good Luck
: : : : : Holger
: : : :
: : : : Instead of using GTM you should try Baan session tdinv0252m000, it will
most likely fix it!!!!!!!!!
: :
: : : Hi , the problem of the session tdinv0252m000 is that it will correct the
inv-stock data according the ilc-data.
: : : But we found in most cases ( or even in nearly every cases the )
: : : inv data correct and the ilc-data corrupt.
: : : Baan has for this problem a correction program which will make a stocktaki
ng order.
: : : It is very difficult to handle and the program to generate the stocktaking
order is very very slow.
: : : I think you have take a look in the history tables of inv and ilc to see w
ich data are correct.
: : : Good Luck
: : : Holger
: :
: : If you use ILC then you are probably taking inventory and correcting invento
ry by location, which means that your ILC inventory is accurate. If this is the
case, you are best off running tdinv0252m000 (run from file, run program as this
session does not appear on your menu anywhere). This session will change your i
nv inventory, your lot inventory, and your item master inventory to match what i
s showing in ILC. On this session there are three yes/no boxes. if you run the s
ession with these boxes set to no, it will print a report showing which items ar
e off without changing them. Good luck!
: _____________________________________________________

: Running tdinv0252m000 will change your inv001 but does not have any financial
integrations so your Inventory Valuation (tdinv6230m000) will not equal your Sto
ckroom Inventory account. Does anyone know the correct procedure and sessions f
or auditing differences in INV & ILC, running the fixes AND ensuring that financ
e is properly adjusted as well?
What about Error Recovery sessions? (tdinv0250m000 tdilc0250m000)
***************** End Of Article ******************
Charles Gomba posted Message 4028 in Message Board
Dated : June 22, 2000 at 04:36:54 EST
Subject: Re: Sales by Day Report
At the end of each day run Process Delivered Sales Orders (tdsls4223m000). You c
an the the use the reports under Sales Order History with a date selection
1. tdsls5401m000
2. tdsls5402m000
***************** End Of Article ******************
Charles Gomba posted Message 4029 in Message Board
Dated : June 22, 2000 at 04:38:00 EST
Subject: Re: Sales by Day Report
At the end of each day run Process Delivered Sales Orders (tdsls4223m000). You c
an then use the reports under Sales Order History with a date selection
1. tdsls5401m000
2. tdsls5402m000
***************** End Of Article ******************
Charles Gomba posted Message 4030 in Message Board
Dated : June 22, 2000 at 04:42:05 EST
Subject: Re: Sales by Day Report
I presume you want invoiced sales.

the end of each day run Process Delivered Sales Orders (tdsls4223m000). You c
then use the sales order history reports (enter required date to select) to g
daily sales.

Select transaction type=invoiced

***************** End Of Article ******************
Charles Gomba posted Message 4031 in Message Board
Dated : June 22, 2000 at 09:09:32 EST
Subject: Re: No data shown in sales statistics

Even if the sales stats are deleted it should still be possible to do a full upd
ate to rebuild them as long as the sales order history has NOT been deleted. Che
ck that sales order history has not been deleted up to date concerned
***************** End Of Article ******************
Willy posted Message 4032 in Message Board
Dated : June 22, 2000 at 09:10:17 EST
Subject: Re: ABC Analysis
It is calculated in the session tdinv4230m000, Calculate demand forecast by item
. It uses the forecasting method that you have assigned to the item, in the ite
m master. If you have said "YES" to "Update Inv. Order Data" in the item master
it will also calculate the safety stock and reorder point, useing the service le
vel factor that is also in the item master.
Test it before using it, we are having some problems with calculations.
good luck.
: How is Annual Issue calculated in the ABC analysis?

***************** End Of Article ******************

BC posted Message 4033 in Message Board
Dated : June 22, 2000 at 16:08:59 EST
Subject: Re: Baan 5 Kanban Replenish
: We are on baan 5. We have WIP warehouses set up, and when the WIP warehouse in
ventory is not sufficient to cover a production order, we want Baan tp generate
'kanban' replenishment orders to move material from the pick/bulk whs to the WIP
whs. Wondering the best way to handle this. We see the session "Enter KANBAN or
ders". What about DRP, or pull notes? Any suggestions?
Would also, like the same information. If you hear of anything post it, I'll do
the same. Thanks in advance
***************** End Of Article ******************
BC posted Message 4034 in Message Board
Dated : June 22, 2000 at 16:15:49 EST
Subject: Rept Mfg
Looking for the proper MFG/DST parameter settings and Setup Data in the Rept Mfg
Module. We run 5 lines 5x24 20 products. Operations include stamp,weld,wash,ht
treat, assembly. Occasional outside processing.
Thanks in advance

***************** End Of Article ******************

NSD posted Message 4035 in Message Board
Dated : June 23, 2000 at 07:54:43 EST

Subject: Re: &quot;Sales Price Unit&quot; field in Sales Order Lines

: Can anyone running Baan IVc4 or BaanERP tell me if the "Sales Price Unit" fi
eld is display or input on the form in the Maintain Sales Order Lines subsession
? We are running an earlier version of Baan and planning some customizations.
It would be helpful to know if this field has changed to "input" in later releas
: Thanks in advance.
The field is displayed in S.O. lines which is picked from Item Data.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Agha Sikandar posted Message 4036 in Message Board
Dated : June 23, 2000 at 11:44:37 EST
Subject: Sales Orders Priorities
Does any one know how to use the sales order priorites "tdsls4129m000" session?.
I dont want to prioritize sales order based on simulation code.
Is there any way where I can manually set my sales order priority in tdsls4129m0
00 session.
Thanks in advance
Baan Fan
***************** End Of Article ******************
Bernard Marleen posted Message 4037 in Message Board
Dated : June 26, 2000 at 03:51:11 EST
Subject: Locations - how to swith it off
When we implemented BaaN, we started
uld like to stop using it. This will
Question : What actions do you have
ation system ? What are the possible
s and what is your experience ?

using the ILC module (locations). Now we wo

reduce the amount of work in our warehouse.
to undertake in order to switch off the loc
pitfalls ? Has anyone already performed thi

***************** End Of Article ******************

Wendy Jones posted Message 4038 in Message Board
Dated : June 26, 2000 at 15:15:13 EST
Subject: Message Overhead
I have files 850.1, 850.2, 850.3, 850.4, 850.5, and 850.6 in the directory appl_
to. These files are delimited and contain valid test purchase orders. I run th
e Direct Network Communication (tcedi7205m000) session and it completes. No sal
es order is created from the purchase orders received and when I look in Maintai
n Saved Messages to be Received (tcedi7150m000) there are errors for this partic
ular batch. When I try to highlight the error I get the error message "Invalid
Data in Overhead Record. The batch record with destination Message Overhead mus
t be corrected." I have tried to correct some of the errors in this batch, but
no matter which record you click on you always get the same error message and yo
u can not edit any of the records. I have also looked in Display Received Messa
ge Errors (tcedi7551m000) and I can see the correct data in each of the fields l
isted for table tcedi702, but when I look at the table tcedi702 in general table

maintenance the table is empty. There seems to be no way to correct the messag
e overhead.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Borris posted Message 4039 in Message Board
Dated : June 26, 2000 at 18:13:31 EST
Subject: Receipt to WIP warehouse
Baan 4 would not allow receipt of purchased parts into a WIP warehpouse. Baan 5
will allow for it. I have seen problems at clients on Baan 4 who are backflushin
g out of WIP- they constantly get shortages when backflushing from the WIP wareh
ouse. So they are constantly doing warehouse transfers to asjust for this and th
ere inventory is a mess. Is there any problems receiving raw materials directly
into the WIP warehouse in Baan 5? This seems like a good alternative.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Riky posted Message 4040 in Message Board
Dated : June 27, 2000 at 01:55:18 EST
Subject: Thank you Eran !
Grazie mille, Thank you,
Riky from Roma
***************** End Of Article ******************
Andy posted Message 4041 in Message Board
Dated : June 27, 2000 at 02:55:16 EST
Subject: Sales/Purchase Statistics
Both Sales and Purchase statistics print directly to the windows print device. D
oes anyone have a way to present the printer selection screen (ttstpsplopen) or
change the default to and ascii file for use in other applications??
NB. B40c4
***************** End Of Article ******************
Juan Megias posted Message 4042 in Message Board
Dated : June 27, 2000 at 04:07:08 EST
Subject: Re: Sales by Day Report
If you see the session tdsls5401m000 you can check the sales order by day becaus
e you can see from today to today.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Tommy L. Bacon, CPIM posted Message 4043 in Message Board

Dated : June 27, 2000 at 08:07:31 EST

Subject: Re: Sales/Purchase Statistics
Go to the Session Maintain Purchase Statistics Layout Codes
tdpst0196m000 and you can enter your printer instead of screen display for Purch
ase Statistics. Go to Session Maintain Sales Statistics Layout Codes tdsst0196m
000 for Sales Statistics.
: Both Sales and Purchase statistics print directly to the windows print device.
Does anyone have a way to present the printer selection screen (ttstpsplopen) o
r change the default to and ascii file for use in other applications??
: NB. B40c4
: Andy

***************** End Of Article ******************

Ron D. Bailey posted Message 4044 in Message Board
Dated : June 27, 2000 at 09:15:38 EST
Subject: Re: Locations - how to swith it off
As I understand it, location control is a one way street (once it is on, the onl
y way to turn it off is to restore from a backup prior to turning it on). From
your question, I believe you started out with location control and are therefore
stuck with it. There may be a way to manually go through table maintenance to
remove all records using ILC, removing the links to it and changing the paramete
r back to "no", but this would be extremely tedious and dangerous. You may want
to consult with your implementation partner on this one. If you don't have an
implementation partner I can highly recommend Price-Waterhouse Coopers. They di
d a SUPERB job with us, and they might be able to help you out.
: When we implemented BaaN, we started
would like to stop using it. This will
e. Question : What actions do you have
ocation system ? What are the possible
his and what is your experience ?
: Thanks.

using the ILC module (locations). Now we

reduce the amount of work in our warehous
to undertake in order to switch off the l
pitfalls ? Has anyone already performed t

***************** End Of Article ******************

Ron D. Bailey posted Message 4045 in Message Board
Dated : June 27, 2000 at 11:29:44 EST
Subject: Re: Sales Orders Priorities
: Does any one know how to use the sales order priorites "tdsls4129m000" session
?. I dont want to prioritize sales order based on simulation code.
: Is there any way where I can manually set my sales order priority in tdsls4129
m000 session.
: Thanks in advance
: Baan Fan

From what I can tell that session only allows you to adjust priority by Project,
by Item. You would probably rather set the priority on a per-Customer basis.
To do that, go into customer maintenance and adjust the priority there (I am not
sure which tab it will show up in for you, as this depends on whether or not yo
u have modified the screen). The lower the number the higher priority that cust
omer would automatically get when sales orders are created.
I hope this helps.
***************** End Of Article ******************
John posted Message 4046 in Message Board
Dated : June 27, 2000 at 16:35:49 EST
Subject: sales reporting - multicompany
Is anyone out there doing consolidated sales reporting for MULTIPLE COMPANIES th
rough sales statistics? What is the best way?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Boris Glatzkow posted Message 4047 in Message Board
Dated : June 28, 2000 at 02:32:37 EST
Subject: Order Priorities (tdsls4129m000)
How does Maintain Order Priorities work?
We would like to make use of this functionality in the hope of addressing our or
der and delivery prioritization, in the light of stock shortages. We're looking
forward that this session can help us in this regard.
We have already maintained priority simulation codes. We have also generated and
processed order simulations. We have also tried processing the sales order as p
er priority number, but apparently, the system still allows SO with higher prior
ity no.(let say no. 100) to be delivered first over the SO with lower priority n
o. (let say no. 2)
Our understanding of this functionality is that the SO with lower priority no. s
hould be delivered first, and that the higher priority nos. will have to wait un
til such time that the number is due.
If this should be the case, then our inventory will be allocated to the order in
priority, thus eliminating the case where certain SO is delivered first over th
e other (which normally happens when our stock is running out, thus making our c
ustomers pull-in the delivery date earlier than what was agreed in the SO)
Thank you.
***************** End Of Article ******************
gwen posted Message 4048 in Message Board
Dated : June 28, 2000 at 03:12:18 EST
Subject: URGENT !! EDI BaaNERP Need some help !!

I'm working on EDI for BaaNERP with the incoming message ORDERS(850 Single File)
On Level 2 (Header), there is an error 205(Out of range) on tdsls400 .
The log.bshell message says that "tdsls400.odat not according to MUST_BE_FILLED
(value 0)".
But, the field tdsls400.odat is correctly filled in the file and correctly defi
ned in the conversion setup.
I think that the issue is elsewhere, not on that field but on another one...
Did someone already meet the problem ?
Could someone help me please ?
very urgent !!!!
thanks a lot
Best regards
***************** End Of Article ******************
Adel Sharnouby posted Message 4049 in Message Board
Dated : June 28, 2000 at 09:14:51 EST
Subject: Change Surcharge Cost after Receipt
You can Change Price/Discount after Maintain Receipt , OK .
But How could you change Surcharge after Maintain Receipt & selling of Received
goods .
***************** End Of Article ******************
Adel Sharnouby posted Message 4050 in Message Board
Dated : June 28, 2000 at 11:25:18 EST
Subject: Re: Inspection of Goods/Maintain Approvals
: We would like to make use of the Inspection of Goods Module in Baan and have b
een testing. We can get through the "Maintain Approval" Step but we cannot then
move the material to a regular location. It just sits there as "blocked". We
are not sure if this is a bug or if we are doing something incorrectly. Is ther
e anyone out there who is using this successfully who would be willing to share
the order steps they have set up and also exactly which sessions you go through?
We have ILC turned on and we are running IVC2. Thanks in advance,
: Jeanne

***************** End Of Article ******************

Adel Sharnouby posted Message 4051 in Message Board
Dated : June 28, 2000 at 11:37:23 EST
Subject: Re: Inspection of Goods/Maintain Approvals
Sorry for the previouse empty e-mail .
Also,you can use the function : ( Fast Approval ) which is part of applications

of ( Maintain Receipts ) in case of no need to use the function ( Maintain Appro

val ) . ( Fast Approval ) is also freeing the blocked items .
***************** End Of Article ******************
Adel Sharnouby posted Message 4052 in Message Board
Dated : June 28, 2000 at 11:58:34 EST
Subject: Re: Lot Price
: Hi every one,
: My company is Distribution company and we are the sole dealer for national pan
asonic for Saudi Arabia.
: Our management wants to use "LOT PRICE" for the valuation of finished Goods bu
t by using this we facing a problem incase of Phantom items the items which are
consists of more than one component. Let me make it clear by putting as example,
: Manaufactured Item = CS/CU-1800TS
: Component

= 1) CS-1800TS
2) CU-1800TS

: CS/CU-1800TS is our main item and we are using it while maintaining purchase a
s well as sales order but we are issuing and receiving it by components because
our purchase is by component. All the reports we need as per main item and as pe
r my knowledge we can follow this procedure if we use FTP for the valuation of t
he Goods.BaaN does not allow us to issue or receipt by component if we use LOT P
RICE for the valuation of stock.
: so i would like to request you to furnish your comments and advise me to tackl
e this problem and also can someone tell me what is the logic behind this why Ba
aN does not allow us to issue or receive by component if we use LOT PRICE.
: Thanking in Advance.
: Regards,
: Tanweer Ahmed
Hi , Tanweer
The natural way in BaaN to sell the manufactured items is as follows :
1- Purchase the components & receive it in your stock
2- Open a sales order with the manufactured item
3- Convert the sales order to production order
4- Register the time consumed in assempling the components
5- Close the production order
6- Continue the procedure of sales : Outbound - Delivery Invoice
Best Regards

***************** End Of Article ******************

Nick Cassimatis posted Message 4053 in Message Board
Dated : June 29, 2000 at 01:04:55 EST
Subject: SST out of balance with GL for COGS
Has anone out there implemented Sales Statistics in Baan 4c4 and has had an imba
lance between SST and GL for cost of Goods Sold ?
What was the cause of the problem ?
How was it corrected ?
Appreciate an answer soon.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Merv Carr posted Message 4054 in Message Board
Dated : June 29, 2000 at 09:58:18 EST
Subject: Re: Locations - how to swith it off
Location control CAN be turned off. This is something I have carried out in TEST
companies, and which seemed to be successful. (I make no warranties as to it's
reliability in LIVE companies though. I strongly recommend you try this out in a
"shadow" company first if you would like to proceed)
You will first have to convert all warehouses back to "non-location controllled"
(in locations , miscellaneous), then delete all location history. Once you have
done that you can go into general table maintenance and change the location con
trol parameter. (if memory serves me correctly it is tdilc000)
Give it a bash in a test company, there might be a few details I have forgotten
about (I am doing this from memory) but that is the general scheme of things to
Merv Carr
: As I understand it, location control is a one way street (once it is on, the o
nly way to turn it off is to restore from a backup prior to turning it on). Fro
m your question, I believe you started out with location control and are therefo
re stuck with it. There may be a way to manually go through table maintenance t
o remove all records using ILC, removing the links to it and changing the parame
ter back to "no", but this would be extremely tedious and dangerous. You may wa
nt to consult with your implementation partner on this one. If you don't have a
n implementation partner I can highly recommend Price-Waterhouse Coopers. They
did a SUPERB job with us, and they might be able to help you out.
: : When we implemented BaaN, we started using the ILC module (locations). Now w
e would like to stop using it. This will reduce the amount of work in our wareho
use. Question : What actions do you have to undertake in order to switch off the

location system ? What are the possible pitfalls ? Has anyone already performed
this and what is your experience ?
: : Thanks.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Norbert Wimmer posted Message 4055 in Message Board
Dated : June 30, 2000 at 04:07:05 EST
Subject: which prices are taken into consideration
Hi there,
if a pricelist is created for a customer which contains special prices for a cer
tain period and an order is created for this customer, the date of the order-cre
ation is taken into consideration, not the delivery-date. Is there any possibili
ty to change this behaviour so that the date for the pricelist is the delivery-d
We are using Baan4c.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Mr Bear posted Message 4056 in Message Board
Dated : June 30, 2000 at 04:27:52 EST
Subject: Inventory Out of Balance in tdinv &amp; tiitm
Dear all,
It is found that the inventory on order quantities in the following session/tabl
e are different:(a) in Maintain Item Data (tiitm0101m000), ie. table : tiitm001 (b) in Display W
arehouse Inventory by Item (tdinv0510m000), ie table: tdinv001.
It there any correction program to check or automatically balance them.
I'll not using ILC.
Best Regards,

***************** End Of Article ******************

Merv Carr posted Message 4057 in Message Board
Dated : June 30, 2000 at 11:28:16 EST
Subject: Re: which prices are taken into consideration
: Hi there,
: if a pricelist is created for a customer which contains special prices for a c
ertain period and an order is created for this customer, the date of the order-c
reation is taken into consideration, not the delivery-date. Is there any possibi
lity to change this behaviour so that the date for the pricelist is the delivery
: We are using Baan4c.

Look in Sales parameters/Sales order parameters. THere is one there, which if me

mory serves me correctly, lets you choose which date the system should use.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Ron D. Bailey posted Message 4058 in Message Board
Dated : June 30, 2000 at 14:09:03 EST
Subject: Re: Costing of short-shipped orders (back-orders turned off)
We have a solution from Baan support to fix this. It was indead a bug (am I all
owed to say that?) in the Baan IVc3 system. The patch to fix it is 82117. Than
k you to those who took a look at it.
: We have discovered an interesting situation with the way Baan handles costing
in sales deliveries.
: We are using Baan IVc3 with porting set 6.1c.04.04.
: If back-orders are turned off and an item on the order is short-shipped (10 or
8 shipped), the costing for that delivery line (in tdsls045.t_copr) shows
as zero! In short, the system ignores costs for incomplete orders.
: Any assistance with this would be greatly appreciated.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Ron D. Bailey posted Message 4059 in Message Board
Dated : June 30, 2000 at 14:28:17 EST
Subject: Re: Inventory Out of Balance in tdinv &amp; tiitm
We had this exact same problem. What is probably happening at your site is one
of two things.
1 - You don't have backorders turned on and have backordered inventory (which is
recorded as allocated)
2 - You do have backorders turned on but have not run the maintain backorders se
ssion (tdsls4125m000 - Distribution, Sales Control, Sales Orders, Procedure, Mai
ntain and Confirm Backorders) to clear them out (if that is what you want to do)
For situation #1, you must turn on backorders for the customers in question (thr
ough customer maintenance - one of the last tabs). Proceed with clearing the ba
ckorders (as stated in situation #2). Maintain the customers again to turn the
backorders back off.
Once the backorders are cleared out, the problem is solved (for us anyway)
: Dear all,
: It is found that the inventory on order quantities in the following session/ta
ble are different:: (a) in Maintain Item Data (tiitm0101m000), ie. table : tiitm001 (b) in Display
Warehouse Inventory by Item (tdinv0510m000), ie table: tdinv001.
: It there any correction program to check or automatically balance them.

: I'll not using ILC.

: Best Regards,

***************** End Of Article ******************

J. Cronin posted Message 4060 in Message Board
Dated : July 02, 2000 at 03:46:05 EST
Subject: Re: ABC Analysis
: How is Annual Issue calculated in the ABC analysis?
The annual issue is calculated by taking the total issued qty over a number of p
eriods, dividing that by the number of periods in which there were issues of the
material, and multiplying that by the total number of periods.
Hope this helps,
***************** End Of Article ******************
Noorul Haq posted Message 4061 in Message Board
Dated : July 02, 2000 at 08:31:49 EST
Subject: Order priorites
Hi there,
In Baan IV c4, I am getting error message "ILC Not implemented" when I run Main
tain order priorities tdsls4129m000. Earlier we were using this session many t
ime without ILC implemented. Also It was ok before install service pack 4. Can
any one please help me on this problem ???
thanks in advance.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Noorul Haq posted Message 4062 in Message Board
Dated : July 02, 2000 at 08:54:16 EST
Subject: Problem after installing service pack 4 (Baan IV c4)
Hi friends,
We are facing some strange problem after installing servicepack4. We are restri
cting all the sales persons to see only their customer invoices thru authorizati
on. They can print only their own customer invoice details using the session
tfacr2421m000 print customer sales invoices.
But after service pack4, the re
port which they are getting is totally mess. The report shows all the customer
invoices details and code and customer names are entirely different. This happe
ns only for Normal user and we did not make any changes in authorization.
Can anyone please help me in this matter.
Thanks in advance.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Frank Johansen posted Message 4063 in Message Board
Dated : July 05, 2000 at 04:58:05 EST
Subject: rebate reservation
I have a customer with this problem!
Rebate reservation are posted to wrong financial period. The system post the res
ervation based on transaction date of reservation instead of invoice date of ord
er. This cause problem around switch of fiscal period.
a) A sales order is created with invoice date medio December.
b) Calculation and allocation of rebate is done i December.
c) The Commission/rebates are processed in February.
The field "Commission/rebate calculation Method" (tdcms000.cmcm) is set to "invo
ice". The determination of the financial period of CMS-reservation in finance is
based on the date on which the session "Process Commission/rebates (tdcms2201m0
00) us being executed. This has the consequence that the turnover of the sales i
nvoice might be booked in another fiscal period than the CMS-reservation are boo
ked. This leads to an incorrect financial result over certain fiscal period.
Does any one had this approach of situation?
In what way have you solved this?
Looking forward to your answer!
***************** End Of Article ******************
Johan Lindvall posted Message 4064 in Message Board
Dated : July 05, 2000 at 09:48:35 EST
Subject: Inbound advice
I have a warehouse where the capacity of the locations are expressed in the item
s storage unit.
There are a conversion factor defined between inventory and storage unit.
When I generate an inbound advice the system fills up the location accordeing to
the inventory unit, which means that the storage unit is split into parts. For
example pallets are split into 0,1 pallets in one location and 0,9 in another.
How can I avoid this?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Boris posted Message 4065 in Message Board
Dated : July 05, 2000 at 18:19:31 EST
Subject: Backflush Shortages from WIP Whs
I am working with a client who is moving from Baan 4 to Baan 5. In Baan 4, they
were backflushing out of a WIP warehouse. This caused them several problems
because of the numerous warehouse transfers needed to move components from raw
material warehouse to the WIP warehouse- due to outbound shortages at time of
We are going to continue to backflush out of a wip warehouse in Baan 5. Looking

for a way to flag the movement of material from raw mtl warehouse to the wip war
ehouse before the time of backflush- to avoid shortages at time of backflush. We
have tried pullnotes, but they are not working. Any suggestions here?
***************** End Of Article ******************
BAAN Consultant posted Message 4066 in Message Board
Dated : July 05, 2000 at 21:58:50 EST
Subject: Re: Locations - how to swith it off
As per Standard is concern, once you turn location control it is none reversable
as it create transaction with location details. But on the other hand we can st
ill change location control MANUALly meaning you have to fix all links and depen
dencies. This would be a little bit complicated.
Good Luck

: When we implemented BaaN, we started

would like to stop using it. This will
e. Question : What actions do you have
ocation system ? What are the possible
his and what is your experience ?
: Thanks.

using the ILC module (locations). Now we

reduce the amount of work in our warehous
to undertake in order to switch off the l
pitfalls ? Has anyone already performed t

***************** End Of Article ******************

BAAN Consultant posted Message 4067 in Message Board
Dated : July 05, 2000 at 22:01:54 EST
If you want this kind of set-up you have to change the standard report format.

: Hi,
: Anyone can tell me how to introduce points in the formats printed by statistic
s. It is dificult to see a quantity like this 23000000 units. If would be better
this one 23.000.000 units.
: Thanks you.

***************** End Of Article ******************

J. Cronin posted Message 4068 in Message Board
Dated : July 06, 2000 at 04:46:36 EST
Subject: Re: Inbound advice

I assume you have locations with 0.9 pallets because you issued part of its cont
ent at some point.
To avoid inbounding 0.1 pallets to the location in this case, you could transfer
each pallet which is to be dismantled to a non-inbound location before issuing
part of it.
This would avoid your problem.
Another possibility is to Maintain location data when dismantling a pallet, and
reduce the inbound priority, so that the inbound goes elsewhere.
If the problem is in isolated instances, you could simply maintain inbound data
to suit yourself.
Hope this helps,
***************** End Of Article ******************
Neil posted Message 4069 in Message Board
Dated : July 06, 2000 at 09:51:21 EST
Subject: Re: ABC Analysis
To add further to this...there are 2 issues tables (tdinv750 and tdinv760) tdinv
750 is issues by item and period and 760 by item and warehouse and period. These
are both updated from the item transactions table tdinv 700 in the session ment
ioned before (tdinv4230m000). If this is not run as part of your normal procedur
es and you archive your inventory transactions you will loose the ability to do
accurate ABC - you will loose your history. The ABC code for each item is calcul
ated using the ABC parameters set in the INV parameter table and whether you cho
ose sales or cost price or quantity for the basis of the calculation.
Test it first..
: How is Annual Issue calculated in the ABC analysis?

***************** End Of Article ******************

Bunny posted Message 4070 in Message Board
Dated : July 07, 2000 at 11:33:44 EST
Subject: BaaN in a Clothing Company
Hi all:
I am trying to use the SLS, work in a clothing company, the use a curve (Quantit
y Vs. Size) to sell the items, you buy a number of curves.
for expample:
I want to buy 3 curves 1, and this curve is composed by:
Curve 1
3 shoes size 8
3 shoes size 8.5
4 shoes size 9
5 shoes size 9.5
3 shoes size 10
how I can handle this?
Any ideas,
Thanks for your time.

***************** End Of Article ******************

TF posted Message 4071 in Message Board
Dated : July 07, 2000 at 14:00:13 EST
Subject: Re: where are de statistics tables?
: Hi,
: I would like to get information from the statistic tables by ODBC. I have a pr
oblem because I don't kown where are the tables with the result of the statistic
. I hope someone know the name of these tables.
: Thanks you,
The tables are tdsst... and tdpst... in baan IV, however i don't think you can d
o anything with those tables.
Just take a look at them and you'll see.
good luck TF

***************** End Of Article ******************

Laura Thomas posted Message 4072 in Message Board
Dated : July 07, 2000 at 18:38:10 EST
Subject: FIFO - Across Warehouses
Does anyone know a way for Baan to issue raw materials using FIFO over multiple
warehouses (instead of the default warehouse)?
Thank you!
***************** End Of Article ******************
BAAN Consultant posted Message 4073 in Message Board
Dated : July 07, 2000 at 21:29:34 EST
Subject: Re: BaaN in a Clothing Company
Try checking out Containers.

: Hi all:
: I am trying to use the SLS, work in a clothing company, the use a curve (Quant
ity Vs. Size) to sell the items, you buy a number of curves.
: for expample:
: I want to buy 3 curves 1, and this curve is composed by:
: Curve 1
: 3 shoes size 8
: 3 shoes size 8.5
: 4 shoes size 9
: 5 shoes size 9.5
: 3 shoes size 10

: how I can handle this?

: Any ideas,
: Thanks for your time.
: B.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Holger.Klett posted Message 4074 in Message Board
Dated : July 08, 2000 at 10:12:08 EST
Subject: Re: BaaN in a Clothing Company
: Hi all:
: I am trying to use the SLS, work in a clothing company, the use a curve (Quant
ity Vs. Size) to sell the items, you buy a number of curves.
: for expample:
: I want to buy 3 curves 1, and this curve is composed by:
: Curve 1
: 3 shoes size 8
: 3 shoes size 8.5
: 4 shoes size 9
: 5 shoes size 9.5
: 3 shoes size 10
: how I can handle this?
: Any ideas,
: Thanks for your time.
: B.
Maybee you can handle it with phantom items.
Good Luck
***************** End Of Article ******************
Sharon Smith posted Message 4075 in Message Board
Dated : July 09, 2000 at 00:26:15 EST
Subject: BaaN for Logistics and SAP for Finance
Does anyone know of any companies using BaaN for logistics and manufacturing and
SAP for finance?
Thanks in advance for any leads.

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Viktorija Petrena posted Message 4076 in Message Board
Dated : July 10, 2000 at 08:29:28 EST
Subject: Sales order management in BaanERP
I tried to create a sales order with installments with the installment type 'adv

ance'. I also posted an advance payment for this order, but I don't know where t
o connect the payment and the order. In Baan IV this happened in session tfcmg62
00m000. Where did this session dissapear??
***************** End Of Article ******************
Willy posted Message 4077 in Message Board
Dated : July 10, 2000 at 14:28:24 EST
Subject: Re: Inventory Out of Balance in tdinv &amp; tiitm
We had a similar problem, 4C-4, with ILC turned on. The solution was to reguarl
y run the error recovery programs under the common menue selection tdinv0250m00
0 we also run the other 3 selections on a weekly basis. Baan will print out a
report showing what has changed, befor and after.
: We had this exact same problem. What is probably happening at your site is on
e of two things.
: 1 - You don't have backorders turned on and have backordered inventory (which
is recorded as allocated)
: 2 - You do have backorders turned on but have not run the maintain backorders
session (tdsls4125m000 - Distribution, Sales Control, Sales Orders, Procedure, M
aintain and Confirm Backorders) to clear them out (if that is what you want to d
: For situation #1, you must turn on backorders for the customers in question (t
hrough customer maintenance - one of the last tabs). Proceed with clearing the
backorders (as stated in situation #2). Maintain the customers again to turn th
e backorders back off.
: Once the backorders are cleared out, the problem is solved (for us anyway)
: : Dear all,
: : It is found that the inventory on order quantities in the following session/
table are different:: : (a) in Maintain Item Data (tiitm0101m000), ie. table : tiitm001 (b) in Displ
ay Warehouse Inventory by Item (tdinv0510m000), ie table: tdinv001.
: : It there any correction program to check or automatically balance them.
: : I'll not using ILC.
: : Best Regards,

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Noorul Haq posted Message 4078 in Message Board
Dated : July 11, 2000 at 00:16:43 EST
Subject: probelm after Service pack IV
: : Hi friends,
: : We are facing some strange problem after installing servicepack4. We are re

stricting all the sales persons to see only their customer invoices thru authori
zation. They can print only their own customer invoice details using the sessi
on tfacr2421m000 print customer sales invoices.
But after service pack4, th
e report which they are getting is totally mess. The report shows all the custo
mer invoices details and code and customer names are entirely different. This h
appens only for Normal user and we did not make any changes in authorization.
: : Can anyone please help me in this matter.
: : Thanks in advance.

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Deyanira Azamar posted Message 4079 in Message Board
Dated : July 11, 2000 at 10:30:41 EST
Subject: Baan IVb Ubications
We need your help....
We have BaanIV b, and we being implemented ubications.
When you create a new item purchased into session "titm0101m000"
and When we make a purchase order and when we reicive it, the item send into de
correct ubication, but wher you make a new purchase order with the same item, th
e system send the next message "The suggest inbond has been generated, Can not m
If somebody have any idea, pleased I would like to know it.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Baan Fan posted Message 4080 in Message Board
Dated : July 11, 2000 at 10:48:08 EST
Subject: Running out of series numbers
We have a client who is running out of production order numbers. Currently they
are using two digit series.
What are the possible solutions.?
Thanks in advance.
***************** End Of Article ******************
lmccorison posted Message 4081 in Message Board
Dated : July 11, 2000 at 10:49:43 EST
Subject: Installment Payments on Sales Orders
We are using DIRECT installments for some of our sales order. My problem is, if
the sales order is associated to a project, unless ALL items on the order are l
inked to the project, the system won't let me add them once the installment sche
dule is set up. I need to keep cost type items (freight, etc) disconnected from

the project for my Finance department. Any ideas?

***************** End Of Article ******************
BOC posted Message 4082 in Message Board
Dated : July 11, 2000 at 17:02:45 EST
Subject: Process-Rept
Which module has the least maintenance, provides the most scheduling flexibility
, and the most scheduling visibility? Process or Rept.
***************** End Of Article ******************
RAF posted Message 4083 in Message Board
Dated : July 11, 2000 at 17:05:25 EST
Subject: Kanban
Does anybody know how to setup kanban in Baan? Are their other methods?
***************** End Of Article ******************
J. Cronin posted Message 4084 in Message Board
Dated : July 12, 2000 at 03:59:55 EST
Subject: Re: Running out of series numbers
: Hi,
: We have a client who is running out of production order numbers. Currently the
y are using two digit series.
: What are the possible solutions.?
: Thanks in advance.
You can archive the production orders which have been closed, and then start ove
r with the first free numbers.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Debra Noone posted Message 4085 in Message Board
Dated : July 12, 2000 at 09:22:28 EST
Subject: Real Time Web Connection to Baan
Interested in hearing from anyone who has accomplished or is attempting a real t
ime connection with Baan over the internet specifically pertaining to sales orde
r entry.
Please contact me via e-mail
***************** End Of Article ******************
Yesy posted Message 4086 in Message Board
Dated : July 12, 2000 at 17:18:13 EST

Subject: Re: Sales Statistics and Sales Booking report

: yesy
***************** End Of Article ******************
Linda posted Message 4087 in Message Board
Dated : July 12, 2000 at 20:44:39 EST
Subject: Re: How can I add a Logo on the reposts? Which editor can I use to crea
te a font?
: I know that I have to create a font for the logo of the company
: and than add it in the reports, but how can I create the font?
: and... do I have to install it in all the computers that need to print those r
: Thank to all can give me an avice.
: Riky from Roma
At our company we also wanted logo on external documents. PO SO Pick Slip, Pack
List etc. We did not modify "Baan" Report to add logo, we created a master blan
k document with logo on form, and allowed Baan Report to print "around" it. When
we print PO SO etc, we just put form in printer.
It worked for us.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Linda posted Message 4088 in Message Board
Dated : July 12, 2000 at 20:58:07 EST
Subject: Re: Unwanted Backorders
: I have an order where 10 items were delivered and 4 items placed on backorder.
2 weeks later, 2 of the 4 items were delivered, and the remaining 2 items on b
ackorder were unwanted. There is still showing the 2 item demand. How can this
be cleared/deleted since its no longer wanted?
: Thanks in advance!
Purchase or Sales?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Linda posted Message 4089 in Message Board
Dated : July 12, 2000 at 21:11:08 EST
Subject: Re: Sales by Day Report
: : Is there a report in Baan that will total sales by day? If so, what is it a
nd how do I run it?
: Total sales by day can be confirmed to total deliveries by day or total invoic
es raised.

: If the Sales are confirmed to deliveries made in BaaN then query by date of se
ssion tdsls4531m000 can solve the purpose. And if Sales are confirmed by Invoice
s the above report can be taken through session tfacr2520m000 or tfacr2421m000.
after session tdsls4223m000 we generate tdsls5401m000 for current date Transacti
on Type Invoiced.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Linda posted Message 4090 in Message Board
Dated : July 12, 2000 at 21:20:57 EST
Subject: Re: Procces delivered sales order
: when trying to execute session tdsls4223m000 "Procces delivered sales order, n
othing happens!!! the session close down and no error message is shown. The sett
ings are
: Proccess order: YES
: Delete Order Data: NO
: Please help urgent need to close all sales orders....
: Thansk in advance
This session does not give error message when NO INVOICES ARE BEING PROCESSED.
Session just closes! If invoices have been generated and you use parameters as
you describe, session should process then session will just close. If you attem
pt to execute again on same day, session will just close. It has nothing to Pro
Hope this helps.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Linda posted Message 4091 in Message Board
Dated : July 12, 2000 at 21:31:18 EST
Subject: Re: Automatic confirmation of RPL/SLS Orders
: Does anyone know how to set up Baan to where the step "Confirm Back Orders" in
sales or RPL is done automatically or bypassed?
: We always confirm our back orders here, yet the end user has to key in each or
der. I know we can use the Global confirm, but is there a way to globally confir
m ALL orders with one session or is there a parameter that will make the elimina
te the Confirm Back orders step?
: Thanks in advance.
Would be nice if we could use a chron job on Sales orders, but cannot due to ses
sion acutally runs on sub-session. The same for RPL orders, only worse. No "gl
obal", must do one at a time!
***************** End Of Article ******************
EiEi posted Message 4092 in Message Board
Dated : July 13, 2000 at 01:55:15 EST

Subject: Auto volume calculation of shipment

Hi,This is question regarding BAAN-ERP (5.0b).
One of our customer who are in consumer Electornics industry
(Making TV, CDROM etc), wants the system to auto-calculate the
Shipment volume based on the Packing Slip or Bill of Lading;
so that they can easily know how many containers need to be reserved for the shi
I know that we can make use of the Package Defination.
For example : We can define package as "Pallet" and attach Pallet
to the FG. We can define lenght, height and weight of the pallet
and possible to calculate the volume.
But the problem is that , I could not find any Baan sessions
in WH/Outbound Procedure where I can see the volume even for
each O/B advise line. I've checked in session
Outbound Advice, Shipment Line and Load but nowhere can be found.
If you have any idea, I will very much appreciate for your help.
Thanks in advance.
Ei Ei
***************** End Of Article ******************
Chris Kiehl posted Message 4093 in Message Board
Dated : July 13, 2000 at 08:48:38 EST
Subject: Re: Order Priorities (tdsls4129m000)
The key here may be the date range that you use when Generating Outbound Advice
If your planned Delivery Date range in this session is FROM: "blank" TO: "today"
, then you are in effect NARROWING your potential window for outbound... essenti
ally you are lmiting Baan to allocate outbound on only those orders that fall wi
thin that range.
If you were to Generate Outbound FROM "blank" TO "12-31-9999" (in other words, A
LL sales orders)then the Priority Simulations WOULD be the determining factor.
You may or may not see this as a realistic solution.
Good luck,
-Chris: Hi!
: How does Maintain Order Priorities work?
: We would like to make use of this functionality in the hope of addressing our
order and delivery prioritization, in the light of stock shortages. We're lookin
g forward that this session can help us in this regard.
: We have already maintained priority simulation codes. We have also generated a

nd processed order simulations. We have also tried processing the sales order as
per priority number, but apparently, the system still allows SO with higher pri
ority no.(let say no. 100) to be delivered first over the SO with lower priority
no. (let say no. 2)
: Our understanding of this functionality is that the SO with lower priority no.
should be delivered first, and that the higher priority nos. will have to wait
until such time that the number is due.
: If this should be the case, then our inventory will be allocated to the order
in priority, thus eliminating the case where certain SO is delivered first over
the other (which normally happens when our stock is running out, thus making our
customers pull-in the delivery date earlier than what was agreed in the SO)
: Thank you.

***************** End Of Article ******************

bunny posted Message 4094 in Message Board
Dated : July 13, 2000 at 09:19:32 EST
Subject: BaaN in a clothing company, Again!!!
Hi all:
Now this is my problem:
The same item, based on its quality may be classified as first quality item or s
econd quality item, how I can carry on both prices? is there any way that I can
handle this two prices for the same item??
Thanks for your time,
***************** End Of Article ******************
RR posted Message 4095 in Message Board
Dated : July 13, 2000 at 11:14:37 EST
Subject: Re: Order Priorities (tdsls4129m000)
Before you get to far into Order Priorities you might want to look at Solution 3
980 on The Generate Outbound priority sequencing was fixed by
this solution to order by planned delivery date (tdsls041.ddta).
Good luck,
***************** End Of Article ******************
dave posted Message 4096 in Message Board
Dated : July 13, 2000 at 13:45:46 EST
Subject: Mass update of Sales Statistics Groups

The users want to revise the Sales Statistics Groups. They want to add over 600
groups and then convert 80,000 items to the new groups. I can do this through
exchange, but I want to know any dangers. Is the statistics groups used other t
han the item master? I know statistics reports use the groups, but they get the
m from the item master. Are statistics groups used in financial integrations an
ywhere? I simulated this through GTM in the test company for several items and
found no ill effects.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Ei Ei posted Message 4097 in Message Board
Dated : July 13, 2000 at 20:55:29 EST
Subject: Follow up for baan in cloting company
Hi Bunny, What Baan version are you using ? In Baan ERP,
you can use the "Product Class" in combination with "Part No"
using Price Matrix.
It means same part no attached to the different product class.
I've not tested but you may try this way.
- Define Price Matrix tdpcg0510m000
Matrix Segment = Item + Product Class
Matrix = 001, By Item + Product Class
- Create Price Book
P.Book = 001 (Sales 1st class)
P.Book = 002 (Sales 2nd class)
- price Matrix tdpcg0530m000
Attach the Item No with product class and also attache the price
matrix with the price book.
Add new records :
Matrix = 001
Book = 001
Item = A
Product Class = 1
Matrix = 001
Book = 002
item = A
Product Class = 2
- Enter the price in price book using session Price Book By
Item tdpcg0531m000
Will it work ?
Pls let all know whether it will work for your scenario.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Kayna posted Message 4098 in Message Board

Dated : July 13, 2000 at 21:52:54 EST
Subject: Display Planned Inventory Transaction-URGENT
Hi all,
We received a message
"Actual calendar not found when planning (forward) for work center on 1307-2000 with 0 time units of planning time"
whenever we tried to scroll for the next record in session
Display Planned Inventory Transaction (tdinv1550m000). FYI, we
are not implementing Manufacturing module, thus we didn't maintain the company c
alendar. Any suggestion? Thanks

***************** End Of Article ******************

Bunny posted Message 4099 in Message Board
Dated : July 14, 2000 at 09:05:09 EST
Subject: Re: Follow up for baan in cloting company
Thanks for your reply, but here we are using BaaN IV 2c, so we do not still hava
that product matrix.
Other ideas,
Thanks again,

Hi Bunny, What Baan version are you using ? In Baan ERP,

you can use the "Product Class" in combination with "Part No"
using Price Matrix.
It means same part no attached to the different product class.
I've not tested but you may try this way.

: - Define Price Matrix tdpcg0510m000

: Matrix Segment = Item + Product Class
: Matrix = 001, By Item + Product Class
: - Create Price Book
: P.Book = 001 (Sales 1st class)
: P.Book = 002 (Sales 2nd class)

- price Matrix tdpcg0530m000

Attach the Item No with product class and also attache the price
matrix with the price book.
Add new records :


Matrix = 001
Book = 001
Item = A
Product Class = 1

: Matrix = 001
: Book = 002
: item = A

: Product Class = 2

- Enter the price in price book using session Price Book By

Item tdpcg0531m000
Will it work ?
Pls let all know whether it will work for your scenario.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Martin R posted Message 4100 in Message Board
Dated : July 14, 2000 at 10:47:32 EST
Subject: Re: Display Planned Inventory Transaction-URGENT
: Hi all,
We received a message
You still need to generate a company calender all the same.
Use Create Default Company Calender tirou4204m000 and setthe end date way into
the future.
"Actual calendar not found when planning (forward) for work center on 1
3-07-2000 with 0 time units of planning time"
: whenever we tried to scroll for the next record in session
: Display Planned Inventory Transaction (tdinv1550m000). FYI, we
: are not implementing Manufacturing module, thus we didn't maintain the company
calendar. Any suggestion? Thanks

***************** End Of Article ******************

Martin R posted Message 4101 in Message Board
Dated : July 14, 2000 at 10:50:09 EST
Subject: Re: Mass update of Sales Statistics Groups
No, just do a full update of sales statistics - integrations don't use these.
: The users want to revise the Sales Statistics Groups. They want to add over 6
00 groups and then convert 80,000 items to the new groups. I can do this throug
h exchange, but I want to know any dangers. Is the statistics groups used other
than the item master? I know statistics reports use the groups, but they get t
hem from the item master. Are statistics groups used in financial integrations
anywhere? I simulated this through GTM in the test company for several items an
d found no ill effects.
: Dave.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Martin R posted Message 4102 in Message Board
Dated : July 14, 2000 at 10:57:21 EST
Subject: Re: BaaN in a Clothing Company
Set up an item, put your 'curve' or ration into the BOM.
At sales order lines zoom and use the option 'Copy Bill Of Materials to Order' T
his will put all the items on your bill as separate lines on the order. You can
then maintain deliveries for each seprate item resulting in the possibility of b
ack orders. Hope this helps
: Hi all:
: I am trying to use the SLS, work in a clothing company, the use a curve (Quant
ity Vs. Size) to sell the items, you buy a number of curves.
: for expample:
: I want to buy 3 curves 1, and this curve is composed by:
: Curve 1
: 3 shoes size 8
: 3 shoes size 8.5
: 4 shoes size 9
: 5 shoes size 9.5
: 3 shoes size 10
: how I can handle this?
: Any ideas,
: Thanks for your time.
: B.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Martin R posted Message 4103 in Message Board
Dated : July 14, 2000 at 10:59:39 EST
Subject: Re: SST out of balance with GL for COGS
The general ledger is working on tight integrations (hopefully) whereas the sst
is updated. What may happen is that finance are doing manual invoices with integ
rations and these will not hit SST at all.
: Has anone out there implemented Sales Statistics in Baan 4c4 and has had an im
balance between SST and GL for cost of Goods Sold ?
: What was the cause of the problem ?
: How was it corrected ?
: Appreciate an answer soon.
: thanks
: Nick

***************** End Of Article ******************

John Crystal posted Message 4104 in Message Board
Dated : July 16, 2000 at 14:19:18 EST
Subject: Re: BaaN in a clothing company, Again!!!
Hi Bunny,
I'll throw out a scenario....not quite what you are looking for but a possibilit
Create a second part number for the second quality item, say add an s sufix
Selling prices can now be set at a different level
Use production orders as the vehicle to move goods from first to second quality.
Issue the first quality goods and receive the second quality goods. Zero labor
or just labor to re-grade/tag the goods. The production result will be your writ
e down amount.
John Crystal

***************** End Of Article ******************

John Crystal posted Message 4105 in Message Board
Dated : July 16, 2000 at 14:31:29 EST
Subject: Re: Backflush Shortages from WIP Whs
Use DRP or replenishment orders to replenish your wip warehouse they will time p
hase so that the goods are there when they need to be backflushed.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Kayna posted Message 4106 in Message Board
Dated : July 16, 2000 at 23:12:04 EST
Subject: works!

: Hi all,
We received a message
You still need to generate a company calender all the same.
Use Create Default Company Calender tirou4204m000 and setthe end date way int
the future.

: :
"Actual calendar not found when planning (forward) for work center on
13-07-2000 with 0 time units of planning time"
: : whenever we tried to scroll for the next record in session
: : Display Planned Inventory Transaction (tdinv1550m000). FYI, we
: : are not implementing Manufacturing module, thus we didn't maintain the compa
ny calendar. Any suggestion? Thanks

***************** End Of Article ******************

Max posted Message 4107 in Message Board
Dated : July 16, 2000 at 23:48:33 EST
Subject: How to check inventory balance in the past?
HI all,
I want to look up the inventory on hand qty in the past dates. Will there be an
y tables or session can show me the actual inventory quantity in the past?
Many thanks.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Haytham posted Message 4108 in Message Board
Dated : July 17, 2000 at 07:23:11 EST
Subject: Sales Statistics for Containers
Containers statistics is not available in sales statistics, is there any other w
ay to get my statistics per container?
Thank you in advance

***************** End Of Article ******************

Dave T posted Message 4109 in Message Board
Dated : July 17, 2000 at 12:02:39 EST
Subject: Re: How to check inventory balance in the past?
Use tdinv6230m000, Perform Inventory Valuation by Item. Pick a date, it will gi
ve you inventory units and dollars as of that date.
: HI all,
: I want to look up the inventory on hand qty in the past dates. Will there be
any tables or session can show me the actual inventory quantity in the past?
: Many thanks.
: Max

***************** End Of Article ******************

TF posted Message 4110 in Message Board

Dated : July 17, 2000 at 13:51:26 EST
Subject: Re: Follow up for baan in cloting company: use Baan Proces
: Thanks for your reply, but here we are using BaaN IV 2c, so we do not still ha
va that product matrix.
: Other ideas,
: Thanks again,
: B


Hi Bunny, What Baan version are you using ? In Baan ERP,

you can use the "Product Class" in combination with "Part No"
using Price Matrix.
It means same part no attached to the different product class.
I've not tested but you may try this way.

: : - Define Price Matrix tdpcg0510m000

: : Matrix Segment = Item + Product Class
: : Matrix = 001, By Item + Product Class
: : - Create Price Book
: : P.Book = 001 (Sales 1st class)
: : P.Book = 002 (Sales 2nd class)


- price Matrix tdpcg0530m000

Attach the Item No with product class and also attache the price
matrix with the price book.
Add new records :



Matrix = 001
Book = 001
Item = A
Product Class = 1



Matrix = 001
Book = 002
item = A
Product Class = 2



- Enter the price in price book using session Price Book By

Item tdpcg0531m000
Will it work ?
Pls let all know whether it will work for your scenario.

: :
Perhaps the use of Baan Proces can solve your problem. You can define the same a
rticle with different containers, where the container defines the quality and th
us the price.
Good Luck TF
***************** End Of Article ******************

bill posted Message 4111 in Message Board

Dated : July 17, 2000 at 15:26:22 EST
Subject: Cycle Counting/Inv Adj
Could somebody explain what happens if a cycle counting order is entered on 6/30
and processed on 7/12. At the same time normal inventory transactions are occur
ing. Should both effect final on hand inv at the end of this period? Does one ta
ke precedence over the other. What is the end result???
***************** End Of Article ******************
feathers posted Message 4112 in Message Board
Dated : July 17, 2000 at 17:45:50 EST
Subject: Re: Aborted session tdsls4223m000
Could be that someone is changing the item group code in the item master. Might
be a good idea to do field level security and lock almost everyone offf that fie
: Hi,
: Every month, we are running the session tdsls4223m000 "Process delivered sales
order" in order to use statistics.
: This month, an error occured with this session for one invoice, apparently, th
e other invoices have no problems.
: When the session raises the "failed" invoice, it is aborted with the following
message :
: 1 : process 30 - Fatal error : Error 100 (Duplicate value) on tfgld415680 (Max
retries (10) exceeded)
: 2 : process 30 - Fatal error : Can not continue in tdsls4223m000 (itfgldll4010
: Our problem is very urgent, thanks in advance for your support.

***************** End Of Article ******************

feathers posted Message 4113 in Message Board
Dated : July 17, 2000 at 18:04:56 EST
Subject: Purchase Order Line Status
tdpur4533m000 is not creating a new sequence number when a partial shipment is r
eceived. The line status goes to 'deleting line' but the planned inventory movem
ents can still be seen in tdinv1550m000 for the remaining balance. When the bala
nce is received, then the new sequence number is visible. The indication from pu
r4533 is that the line is closed. This is on IVC3.
On the other hand, in tdsls4533m000, when a partial shipment is made, a new sequ
ence number is automatically created and shows the status that the oder line is
ready for. Any ideas?
***************** End Of Article ******************

Mr. Bear posted Message 4114 in Message Board

Dated : July 18, 2000 at 01:16:20 EST
Subject: Meaning of Directory Structure
I get three directory for storing EDM program objects as follows:.../application/tiB40_c4/otiedm
Q1 : Anybody can tell me what is the usage and meaning of these directories.
Q2 : If I get a program object to install into my system, in what directory I ha
ve to store into?
Thanks & Regards,

***************** End Of Article ******************

Mr. Bear posted Message 4115 in Message Board
Dated : July 18, 2000 at 02:43:07 EST
Subject: Tax Country of Lines doesn't match with...
When I try to check the Delivery Address to another country in Maintain Sales Or
der (tdsls4101m000),I get the following error message: "Tax Country of lines doe
sn't match with country code of delivery address; this is not allowed".
How can I change the delivery address to another country?
What is the workaround method?
Please help! Thanks!
***************** End Of Article ******************
EiEi posted Message 4116 in Message Board
Dated : July 18, 2000 at 04:35:33 EST
Subject: Re: Sales Statistics for Containers
Hi, One of our customers is also using Process (PMG) and I've already checked wi
th Baan on this. Not possible to get the
sales statistics at the container level. Sorry to tell you that
this is the standard baan functionality.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Linda posted Message 4117 in Message Board
Dated : July 18, 2000 at 12:19:29 EST
Subject: Re: Cycle Counting/Inv Adj
: Could somebody explain what happens if a cycle counting order is entered on 6/
30 and processed on 7/12. At the same time normal inventory transactions are occ
uring. Should both effect final on hand inv at the end of this period? Does one
take precedence over the other. What is the end result???
I understand that once a cycle count order has been generated against an item/lo

cation, no transactions can be performed until Cycle Count order has been proces
sed. What transactions are occuring?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Doug posted Message 4118 in Message Board
Dated : July 19, 2000 at 09:46:54 EST
Subject: Re: Purchase Order Line Status
: tdpur4533m000 is not creating a new sequence number when a partial shipment is
received. The line status goes to 'deleting line' but the planned inventory mov
ements can still be seen in tdinv1550m000 for the remaining balance. When the ba
lance is received, then the new sequence number is visible. The indication from
pur4533 is that the line is closed. This is on IVC3.
: On the other hand, in tdsls4533m000, when a partial shipment is made, a new se
quence number is automatically created and shows the status that the oder line i
s ready for. Any ideas?

This is Baan standard functionality. It is not a bug.

***************** End Of Article ******************

. posted Message 4119 in Message Board
Dated : July 19, 2000 at 09:50:31 EST
Subject: Re: Meaning of Directory Structure
Q2 as this is most important - you don't load it into your base VRC!!!!
Q1 - otiedm - this is where the session object sit
otiedm2 - this is where your report object sit
otiedmo - never heard of it


I get three directory for storing EDM program objects as follows:.../application/tiB40_c4/otiedm


: Q1 : Anybody can tell me what is the usage and meaning of these directories.
: Q2 : If I get a program object to install into my system, in what directory I
have to store into?
: Thanks & Regards,

***************** End Of Article ******************

Diane posted Message 4120 in Message Board
Dated : July 19, 2000 at 14:07:13 EST
Subject: Delivered quantities can be greater than ordered quantities.

Can this be turned off, so you can deliver quantities only equal
to or less than the quantity ordered?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Thomas posted Message 4121 in Message Board
Dated : July 19, 2000 at 16:01:07 EST
Subject: Want to fax / email demands /supplychain???????
if you want to fax/email your supplychain demands to your customer automatically
please visit
and download cs, fs getlab and have fun!
***************** End Of Article ******************
Chris Kiehl posted Message 4122 in Message Board
Dated : July 19, 2000 at 16:23:34 EST
Subject: Return Purchase Orders
I have attempted to set up a RETURN Purchase Order type:
Direct Delivery - No
Cost Order - No
Return Order - Yes
Proforma Invoicing - No
Collect Order - Yes
Subcontracting Order - No
Transaction Type - (blank)
Series - 0
When I place a purchase order for, say, -5 pieces of an item I receive the follo
wing message in Maintain Receipts ILC:
"Available Inventory is

0.00 EA"

What am I doing wrong? Why does this message claim that 0 are available when the
re are actually some in stock?
Running on Baan 4b

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Martin R posted Message 4123 in Message Board
Dated : July 20, 2000 at 04:18:35 EST
Subject: Re: Return Purchase Orders
Don't put a minus sign in front of your number. By putting one in you are effect

ively trying to take it out of stock.

: I have attempted to set up a RETURN Purchase Order type:

Direct Delivery - No
Cost Order - No
Return Order - Yes
Proforma Invoicing - No
Collect Order - Yes
Subcontracting Order - No
Transaction Type - (blank)
Series - 0

: When I place a purchase order for, say, -5 pieces of an item I receive the fol
lowing message in Maintain Receipts ILC:
: "Available Inventory is

0.00 EA"

: What am I doing wrong? Why does this message claim that 0 are available when t
here are actually some in stock?
: Running on Baan 4b
: -Chris-

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Arstides Jos Romero Rivas posted Message 4124 in Message Board
Dated : July 20, 2000 at 04:20:43 EST
Subject: EDI
Hi baanfans!
Does anyone know where i can find information about EDI in BaaN?
Does exist any internet pages about that?
Thanks in advance!
***************** End Of Article ******************
Chris Kiehl posted Message 4125 in Message Board
Dated : July 20, 2000 at 08:52:14 EST
Subject: Re: Return Purchase Orders
Yes, I AM trying to take the pieces out of stock. I'm trying to remove the piece
s from my stock so that I can RETURN them to the supplier.
Unfortunately my problem is the same whether I enter -1 or +1. Quoting from the
help text (tcmcs042.reto):
"Only negative quantities (returns) can be
entered in return orders. When positive
quantities are entered, they will be automatically
be changed into negative ones."

So even when I key in a positive number, the system changes it to a negative one
-Chris: Don't put a minus sign in front of your number. By putting one in you are effe
ctively trying to take it out of stock.
: : I have attempted to set up a RETURN Purchase Order type:


Direct Delivery - No
Cost Order - No
Return Order - Yes
Proforma Invoicing - No
Collect Order - Yes
Subcontracting Order - No
Transaction Type - (blank)
Series - 0

: : When I place a purchase order for, say, -5 pieces of an item I receive the f
ollowing message in Maintain Receipts ILC:
: : "Available Inventory is

0.00 EA"

: : What am I doing wrong? Why does this message claim that 0 are available when
there are actually some in stock?
: : Running on Baan 4b
: : -Chris-

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K K Jha posted Message 4126 in Message Board
Dated : July 20, 2000 at 09:03:01 EST
Subject: Re: Delivered quantities can be greater than ordered quantities.
: Can this be turned off, so you can deliver quantities only equal
: to or less than the quantity ordered?
No, Baan is rigid here.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Steve Rossiter posted Message 4127 in Message Board
Dated : July 20, 2000 at 09:26:08 EST
Subject: Location Cycle Counting
I am trying to use the cycle count option in location control.(Baan IV) But the
system wants me to count the product by the date associated with that item. How
do I get the system to give me total inventory on hand by warehouse for cycle co

Thanks, Steve
***************** End Of Article ******************
Vivek. posted Message 4128 in Message Board
Dated : July 20, 2000 at 18:40:58 EST
Subject: Re: Delivered quantities can be greater than ordered quantities.
: Can this be turned off, so you can deliver quantities only equal
: to or less than the quantity ordered?
It's possible to have the ordered qty as the top line, using the ILC module. If
this module has been implemented then you've to generate outbound lines to make
any deliveries, where the system will come out the suggested qty, equivalent to
the ordered qty or pending qty.
This will work provided there is a discipline among the users not to change the
outbound lines through the session "Maintain Outbound Data", after generating ou
tbound lines.
Regards, Veera.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Vivek. posted Message 4129 in Message Board
Dated : July 20, 2000 at 18:48:35 EST
Subject: Re: Return Purchase Orders
: I have attempted to set up a RETURN Purchase Order type:

Direct Delivery - No
Cost Order - No
Return Order - Yes
Proforma Invoicing - No
Collect Order - Yes
Subcontracting Order - No
Transaction Type - (blank)
Series - 0

: When I place a purchase order for, say, -5 pieces of an item I receive the fol
lowing message in Maintain Receipts ILC:
: "Available Inventory is

0.00 EA"

: What am I doing wrong? Why does this message claim that 0 are available when t
here are actually some in stock?
: Running on Baan 4b
: -Chris:Hi,
All you've been doing is correct, except for one thing. When you're returning so
me of the defective items back to the supplier, you need to make sure that the d

efective qty is transferred from the location taken in (thru Inventory transfer)
, to the receipt location of the warehouse mentioned in the PO lines.
Now, you can try and am sure it should go through.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Naveed Khan posted Message 4130 in Message Board
Dated : July 20, 2000 at 19:17:34 EST
Subject: Re: Location Cycle Counting
Dear Steve,
If you have categorize your items as A, B and C you don't have choice except to
do the cycle count based on those categories. Let me know if your have any othe
r question.
Good Luck,
: I am trying to use the cycle count option in location control.(Baan IV) But th
e system wants me to count the product by the date associated with that item. Ho
w do I get the system to give me total inventory on hand by warehouse for cycle
: Thanks, Steve

***************** End Of Article ******************

Chris Kiehl posted Message 4131 in Message Board
Dated : July 21, 2000 at 09:22:39 EST
Subject: Re: Return Purchase Orders
That's it!
-Chris: :Hi,
: All you've been doing is correct, except for one thing. When you're returning
some of the defective items back to the supplier, you need to make sure that the
defective qty is transferred from the location taken in (thru Inventory transfe
r), to the receipt location of the warehouse mentioned in the PO lines.
: Now, you can try and am sure it should go through.
: Regards.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Steve Rossiter posted Message 4132 in Message Board

Dated : July 21, 2000 at 11:00:50 EST

Subject: Re: Location Cycle Counting
Dear Naveed'
Thanks for the input. My actual question is, when I do an adjustment or receipt,
the system gives that transaction a default date (the date of receipt+shelf lif
e). Well, the system wants me to perform counts, not based on actual on hand bal
ances, rather by that default date. Is there any way to change it so it will let
me count and reconcile the entire on hand balance for a particular item?:
Thanks for everything
: If you have categorize your items as A, B and C you don't have choice except t
o do the cycle count based on those categories. Let me know if your have any ot
her question.
: Good Luck,
: Naveed
: : I am trying to use the cycle count option in location control.(Baan IV) But
the system wants me to count the product by the date associated with that item.
How do I get the system to give me total inventory on hand by warehouse for cycl
e counting?
: : Thanks, Steve

***************** End Of Article ******************

nageswara rao posted Message 4133 in Message Board
Dated : July 22, 2000 at 02:16:53 EST
Subject: Re: EDI
: Hi baanfans!
: Does anyone know where i can find information about EDI in BaaN?
: Does exist any internet pages about that?
: Thanks in advance!
: Arstides
Dear Ariticides,
I am Nageswara Rao one of the BaaN key user from Distribution
module, I saw your question in user forum. Now i would like to
SESSION NAME, (tcedi0100m000)
I am nos expert in english please try to my language.
Thanking you,
Yours friendly


***************** End Of Article ******************

Baan Mfg Consultant posted Message 4134 in Message Board
Dated : July 23, 2000 at 09:50:38 EST
Subject: Re: Location Cycle Counting
You are looking the functionlaity of stock check where you want to count all the
inventory of items in all or warehouses and locations. Baan cycle counting can
do this, but you need to manipulate before generation of cycle counting orders.
Make the last counting date of all locations same or blank out in ilc101 and the
n generate cycle counting order for it. This customization I have done in my pre
vious implementations. If you want I develop it for you remotley.
***************** End Of Article ******************
James Matthews posted Message 4135 in Message Board
Dated : July 24, 2000 at 04:07:25 EST
Subject: Cost of Sales on Return Cost Orders
The client has sales returns which are not booked back into stock. To do this, t
hey use a cost item on the return sales order to credit the customer. This works
fine but there is no contra on the Cost of Sales account (Cost items have no st
andard cost). Is there a way to force an entry into the COS account against a co
st item? The client does not want to return physical stock and adjust it back ou
***************** End Of Article ******************
Forbes Hamilton posted Message 4136 in Message Board
Dated : July 24, 2000 at 07:16:47 EST
Subject: Insufficient Inventory Problem in Maintain Sales Order Lines
Baan Version: BIV_c4 Service Pack 5
When trying to enter a sales order line, where a particular item has insufficien
t inventory instead of the normal menu that pops up, Baan is now kicking me out
of the sales order line and back to the maintain sales order screen. When I the
n try to re-enter the lines I received the message:
process 17 &#8211; Fatal error : Function &#8216;&#8217;; Recursion not possible
process 17 &#8211; Fatal error : can not continue in tdsls4105s000 in DLL: ottst

process 17 &#8211; Fatal error : Recursion not yet implemented

process 17 &#8211; Fatal error : can not continue in tdsls4105s000 in DLL: ottst
So far my solution searching has identified solutions for other sessions in whic
h the recursion error has been identified but not in the &#8216;Maintain sales o
rder lines&#8217;. This problem has only been a problem since we installed Serv
ice Pack 5. If anyone has experienced or knows of this problem your advice/help
would be gratefully accepted.
***************** End Of Article ******************
mervcarr posted Message 4137 in Message Board
Dated : July 24, 2000 at 08:57:51 EST
Subject: Re: Cost of Sales on Return Cost Orders
: The client has sales returns which are not booked back into stock. To do this,
they use a cost item on the return sales order to credit the customer. This wor
ks fine but there is no contra on the Cost of Sales account (Cost items have no
standard cost). Is there a way to force an entry into the COS account against a
cost item? The client does not want to return physical stock and adjust it back
Try using the "normal" item, but leave the qty as 0, and enter in the price only
so as to credit the customer.
***************** End Of Article ******************
J. Cronin posted Message 4138 in Message Board
Dated : July 24, 2000 at 09:40:09 EST
Subject: Re: Location Cycle Counting
It sounds to me like your items may be LIFO/FIFO controlled.
If so then each differently dated inventory must be counted separately.
This figures, because otherwise there would be no point in FIFO/LIFO.
If there is no importance to the inventory date, then manage your inventory by l
***************** End Of Article ******************
Ernest posted Message 4139 in Message Board
Dated : July 24, 2000 at 12:15:54 EST
Subject: Inventory on Hold
Hello Everybody,
In the company where I work we use a special software to receipt material, The p
roblem that I have in this moment is that we Receipt two Materials and those mat
erials are actually in Status ON HOLD in the Item Master but, the strange thing

is that, we don't manage any Inspection Location that could Blocked that materia
l, I don't know what other reasons could Block material or if someone could tell
me when a material could be blocked?
Thanks in advance for your help
***************** End Of Article ******************
feathers posted Message 4140 in Message Board
Dated : July 24, 2000 at 17:52:43 EST
Subject: Re: Inventory on Hold
: Hello Everybody,
: In the company where I work we use a special software to receipt material, The
problem that I have in this moment is that we Receipt two Materials and those m
aterials are actually in Status ON HOLD in the Item Master but, the strange thin
g is that, we don't manage any Inspection Location that could Blocked that mater
ial, I don't know what other reasons could Block material or if someone could te
ll me when a material could be blocked?
: Thanks in advance for your help
If all of the following 3 things are set to inspection, the items would probably
block whether or not you have an inspection location. 1) inspection field in it
em master set to 'yes', 2) supplier set to 'yes' in the supplier master and 3) t
he order type you use has the 'Maintain Approvals' step built into it.
***************** End Of Article ******************
borris posted Message 4141 in Message Board
Dated : July 24, 2000 at 19:47:00 EST
Subject: Delete Activity by Order Type
We are on baan 5.0
In Warehouse Order Types, I have Warehouse procedure Receipt 100, with the follo
wing activities defined:


Print Goods Received Note

Generate Inbound Advice
Put Away Inbound Advice

I want to delete Print Goods Received Note from the procedure, but the only way
to do so is by General Table Maintenance. We are live and I an wondering if this
is safe. I have tested it in a test company and it appears safe. Any thoughts,
***************** End Of Article ******************
Mr. Bear posted Message 4142 in Message Board
Dated : July 24, 2000 at 23:51:36 EST
Subject: How to refer to same TEXT by two diff languages?
Dear all,

We are using English and Simplified Chinese in BAAN. They refer to different TE
XT boxes.
It is very troublesome: when we printing Order Acknowledgment, say, we will get
different results by different users, depending on whether the Text is prepared
by English or Simplified Chinese users.
Anyone know how can we refer to same TEXT box by all users?
Thanks in advance.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Kayna posted Message 4143 in Message Board
Dated : July 25, 2000 at 05:14:23 EST
Subject: Understanding Sales Statistic Report
Hi all,
We created 3 columns in the layout to print the turnover,
intake order, and the cancellation order. For the turnover the
posted date is based on the invoice date, whilst the intake is based on the tran
saction date.
The report shows that few number of customers have 0 amount of intake order
. But the same customers have some amount of turnover. Anyone care to shed som
e light here? Thanks
***************** End Of Article ******************
Arndt posted Message 4144 in Message Board
Dated : July 26, 2000 at 11:19:39 EST
Subject: Hard allocations
I have a problem with hard allocations in Sales Orders. (Baan4c4 SP5)
When a hard allocation for a sales order is generated it is still possible to pr
int picking lists for other orders but the system will give an error message whi
le trying to maintain the delivery. Is there any possibility to avoid printing t
he picking lists if the stock is allocated? (We are not using the ILC-Module!)
***************** End Of Article ******************
Debangshu Chakraborty posted Message 4145 in Message Board
Dated : July 27, 2000 at 07:43:33 EST
Subject: Recovery after Sudden Interruption
We faced a serious problem. Accidentaly UPS power to server was cut-off when som
e baan sessions were running. After restarting of server we found inconsistency
in many of the areas( specially print sessions). Is there any way to recover the
system? Any help?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Sba posted Message 4146 in Message Board
Dated : July 27, 2000 at 10:21:26 EST
Subject: Re: Hard allocations

: I have a problem with hard allocations in Sales Orders. (Baan4c4 SP5)

: When a hard allocation for a sales order is generated it is still possible to
print picking lists for other orders but the system will give an error message w
hile trying to maintain the delivery. Is there any possibility to avoid printing
the picking lists if the stock is allocated? (We are not using the ILC-Module!)
Maybe this:
Session: tdsls4100m000 (Sales order parameters)
Form : 3
Field : 4
Value : Check if your actual value is "All Items", then change it to "Sufficien
t Inventory"
Take a look at the online help:
Method of Printing Items on Picking List
This parameter determines whether items of which there is insufficient inventory
will be printed in the session "Print Picking Lists (tdsls4402m000)".
- All Items: All order lines are printed.
- Those on Hand : Only the order lines for which inventory is (partly) available
are printed.
- Sufficient Inventory: Only order lines for which there is sufficient inventory
are printed.
Good Luck.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Arndt posted Message 4147 in Message Board
Dated : July 27, 2000 at 10:49:42 EST
Subject: Re: Hard allocations
: Maybe this:
: Session: tdsls4100m000 (Sales order parameters)
: Form : 3
: Field : 4
: Value : Check if your actual value is "All Items", then change it to "Suffici
ent Inventory"
: Take a look at the online help:
Method of Printing Items on Picking List
: This parameter determines whether items of which there is insufficient invento
ry will be printed in the session "Print Picking Lists (tdsls4402m000)".
: - All Items: All order lines are printed.
: - Those on Hand : Only the order lines for which inventory is (partly) availab
le are printed.
: - Sufficient Inventory: Only order lines for which there is sufficient invento
ry are printed.
: Good Luck.
Thanks for your anwser but the parameter is set to "those on hand". Do you have
any further ideas?


***************** End Of Article ******************

Sba posted Message 4148 in Message Board
Dated : July 27, 2000 at 10:57:20 EST
Subject: Re: Hard allocations
: : Maybe this:
: : Session: tdsls4100m000 (Sales order parameters)
: : Form : 3
: : Field : 4
: : Value : Check if your actual value is "All Items", then change it to "Suffi
cient Inventory"
: : Take a look at the online help:
: :
Method of Printing Items on Picking List
: : This parameter determines whether items of which there is insufficient inven
tory will be printed in the session "Print Picking Lists (tdsls4402m000)".
: : - All Items: All order lines are printed.
: : - Those on Hand : Only the order lines for which inventory is (partly) avail
able are printed.
: : - Sufficient Inventory: Only order lines for which there is sufficient inven
tory are printed.
: : Good Luck.
: Thanks for your anwser but the parameter is set to "those on hand". Do you hav
e any further ideas?
: Thanks!
Try "Sufficient Inventory". And check if session tdinv2201m00 belongs to your sa
les order's step. I cannot tell you any more.

***************** End Of Article ******************

John Crystal posted Message 4149 in Message Board
Dated : July 27, 2000 at 12:13:00 EST
Subject: Re: Hard allocations
Check your "allocated for pick ticket" quantity in the tdinv001 table. I've seen
instances where this quantity has become corrupt and allowed pick tickets to be
printed when they should not print. If you need to discus this further our phon
e # is 936-597-5151.
john Crystal
***************** End Of Article ******************
John Crystal posted Message 4150 in Message Board

Dated : July 27, 2000 at 12:49:04 EST

Subject: Re: Understanding Sales Statistic Report
Hi Kayna,
Some of the statistics data isn't written to the tables till the sales orders ar
e "processed" or closed. You really need to read the docs on this area or create
some test situations in your test company to see when/where this data is coming
from. It's not very intuitive.
***************** End Of Article ******************
WKC posted Message 4151 in Message Board
Dated : August 01, 2000 at 12:32:57 EST
Subject: Re: Delete Activity by Order Type
Deleteing it via table maintenance could be a problem if you
a)have orders pending with that procedure linked, or b) have processed orders al
ready. Once that procedure is written and used, the best thing I've found is to
create a new one and use that one from now on. Hope that helps.
: We are on baan 5.0
: In Warehouse Order Types, I have Warehouse procedure Receipt 100, with the fol
lowing activities defined:



Print Goods Received Note

Generate Inbound Advice
Put Away Inbound Advice

: I want to delete Print Goods Received Note from the procedure, but the only wa
y to do so is by General Table Maintenance. We are live and I an wondering if th
is is safe. I have tested it in a test company and it appears safe. Any thoughts
, advice?

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Kyokee posted Message 4152 in Message Board
Dated : August 02, 2000 at 02:23:21 EST
Subject: Log date, Transaction date &amp; Order date
Out of curiosity, what's the actual diferrent between
the transaction date, and log date in Sales statistic parameter
setting. Further, what about the order date? Is there a lot
of different between this 2 dates ( transaction date vs order date)
***************** End Of Article ******************
Thomas posted Message 4153 in Message Board
Dated : August 02, 2000 at 05:22:56 EST

Subject: Change sales order number to 10 digit

If any one changes the domain for sales order from 6 to 10 digits ? Is there any
BaaN solution for this ?
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Arvind Patil CPIM posted Message 4154 in Message Board
Dated : August 02, 2000 at 20:19:32 EST
Subject: Re: Change sales order number to 10 digit
Practically this is possible. You need to change all forms, reports, program scr
ipt, functions, DLL, tables etc where the order number is used. We had incresed
Work center field. It is laborious job.
***************** End Of Article ******************
At posted Message 4155 in Message Board
Dated : August 02, 2000 at 22:03:18 EST
Subject: How does Sales Statistics being updated?
Does anyone know how does the sales statistics being updated?
I have some problem for Sales order partial delivery. Whenever there is a parti
al delivery, the Finance Integration would be short of a pair of transactions, i
.e. the Goods to be invoiced and the Cost of sales. However, when i printed out
the sales statistics report to show the Cost of Sales figure by item group, the
figure actually tally with the Finance cost of sales figure. Any idea?
Thank you in advance
***************** End Of Article ******************
Dovi posted Message 4156 in Message Board
Dated : August 03, 2000 at 12:46:59 EST
Subject: Re: Cycle Counting/Inv Adj
: : Could somebody explain what happens if a cycle counting order is entered on
6/30 and processed on 7/12. At the same time normal inventory transactions are o
ccuring. Should both effect final on hand inv at the end of this period? Does on
e take precedence over the other. What is the end result???
: I understand that once a cycle count order has been generated against an item/
location, no transactions can be performed until Cycle Count order has been proc
essed. What transactions are occuring?
: Linda
The final results are the quantities that are been reporeted in the cycle counti
ng. The system ignores from the transactions that took place between the day tha

t you generate the cycle counting order and the day you process the order.
I hope it answer your problem.
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Holger Klett posted Message 4157 in Message Board
Dated : August 04, 2000 at 02:46:36 EST
Subject: Re: Change sales order number to 10 digit
: If any one changes the domain for sales order from 6 to 10 digits ? Is there a
ny BaaN solution for this ?
I think it is a very hard do do this.
Not only that you have to change all forms and reports ,
but the sales order number are used in much more tables even with
different domain ( take a look on the field tfgld410.orno with the domain tfgld.
orno ), so maybee you have to change this domains too(and reports and so on).
I think its better to find a solution for your problem without changing the doma
in of the sales order.
Good Luck

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VJK posted Message 4158 in Message Board
Dated : August 04, 2000 at 12:15:32 EST
Subject: Is there a parameter to set to default picking list printing to 2 copie
s ?
Can some one please let me know whether there is a parameter to set to default p
icking list printing to 2 copies ?
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Arvind Patil, CPIM posted Message 4159 in Message Board
Dated : August 05, 2000 at 19:31:22 EST

Subject: Re: Delivered quantities can be greater than ordered quantities.

Un fortnately there i sno such parameter to acheive this. But a very simple cust
moization can achieve this.
***************** End Of Article ******************
ASC posted Message 4160 in Message Board
Dated : August 06, 2000 at 08:02:43 EST
Subject: To delete PO Line takes more than 25 Min.
Hi there,
I am having a typical problem. Maintain Purchase Orders Session takes half an ho
ur to delete a PO Line. It creates PO Line as fast as it creates a sales Order l
ine. All other sessions are normal. But most customized sessions are taking long
time to run.
We are running NT 4.0 SP6,1GB RAM, 30 Users,800MHz Dual Processor, BaaN IV - c4.
Thanks in advance,
***************** End Of Article ******************
Jenna posted Message 4161 in Message Board
Dated : August 07, 2000 at 05:36:51 EST
Subject: Re: Is there a parameter to set to default picking list printing to 2 c
opies ?
: Hi:
: Can some one please let me know whether there is a parameter to set to default
picking list printing to 2 copies ?
I think you can set this in the maintain order steps session. find the order ste
p print picking list and change the number of additional copies to 1 to give 2 c
opies each time.
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Dads Torrico posted Message 4162 in Message Board
Dated : August 08, 2000 at 00:14:26 EST
Subject: DRP
Why does DRP does not consider items with "manual"
as order system...
I think its illogical...
Can somebody enlighten me up here!!!
Thanks in advance...
***************** End Of Article ******************
Baanfan posted Message 4163 in Message Board
Dated : August 08, 2000 at 00:43:11 EST
Subject: Cycle Counting Question

Is initializing cycle counting ordrs in session

"Enter Warehouse Cycle Counting Data" mandatory before I can process the cycle c
ounting order.
Because I have a situation that I was not used to initializing
the cycle counting orders, what I'd do was just to enter
the physical then tab then the column SP would be updated to
"Y" then all of a sudden I couldn't update the SP column by just
pressing the tab key I had to initialize the orders firs..
I want to know if initializing is mandatory so I can change my
standard procedure of processing a cycle count order.
Thanks in advance...
***************** End Of Article ******************
J. Cronin posted Message 4164 in Message Board
Dated : August 08, 2000 at 01:43:11 EST
Subject: Re: DRP

Why does DRP does not consider items with "manual"

as order system...
I think its illogical...
Can somebody enlighten me up here!!!
Thanks in advance...

It sounds logical to me.

DRP generates orders for items.
If the order system is 'manual' this means DRP should not generate orders for it
, because DRP is not a manual system.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Bunny posted Message 4165 in Message Board
Dated : August 08, 2000 at 14:51:32 EST
Subject: Credit limit against invoice amount
Hi all:
When BaaN IV checks the credit limit of a client, it check against the SO amount
, but did not against the invoice amount.
*Client A, Credit limit 1000
*I introduce a SO for 2000 (a Message appears about the credit limit)
*But I only delivery products for 750, that means that he still have a +1250 cre
dit balance and not -1000 like BaaN says.
Any idea or turnaround?
Thanks for your time,
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Arvind Patil, CPIM posted Message 4166 in Message Board
Dated : August 08, 2000 at 18:43:39 EST

Subject: Re: Credit limit against invoice amount

Your problem is not clear. In our example you shipped goods worfth 750 out of 20
00. But customer has not paid the invoice. Hence Baan is correctly showing -1000
. If you want to block the order because of invoice you can block by setting the
parameter -Block if invoice is over due. All unpai invoices are automatically i
ncluded in credit limit. I do not see what is your problem
***************** End Of Article ******************
Betty Wilson posted Message 4167 in Message Board
Dated : August 08, 2000 at 19:26:30 EST
Subject: Postal Addresses
I have a problem with Postal Addresses.
The problem is that if we have a Postal Address or Ship To Address change, Baan
will not let you change the Sales Order if there have been shipments (invoiced)
I do not want to delete all open backlog items and re-enter the Sales Order with
the new information.
I do not want to use the GTM either.
Is there a session or some other way to solve this problem.
Betty Wilson
***************** End Of Article ******************
Baan Consultancy posted Message 4168 in Message Board
Dated : August 08, 2000 at 20:42:56 EST
Subject: Remote customisation
Fed up with Baan Business partners, poor quality, high cost work. We are group o
f professional with diversified experience in various functional, technical area
s specifically targetting small clients that cannot afford such work. We support
any client at fraction of cost remotely. Because of no over head we cut down ou
r cost to minimal. As the work is done remotely our charges are low. And top of
all we are group of people with multi-implementation experience. If you need us
email at
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Arvind Patil CPIM posted Message 4169 in Message Board
Dated : August 08, 2000 at 20:45:19 EST
Subject: Re: Postal Addresses
This is standard Baan fuctionality. The solution is to either create a new sessi
on for this.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Lai Hong Kok posted Message 4170 in Message Board
Dated : August 09, 2000 at 04:50:31 EST
Subject: HELP! Suddenly all inventory is out!! (ILC is implemented)
Will anyone know why suddenly the inventories figures are wrong, it's like a glo
bal replacement been executed. Fyi, we are using ILC. Any chance to run a global
transactions in ILC..example..cycle counting?

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WKC posted Message 4171 in Message Board
Dated : August 09, 2000 at 09:29:31 EST
Subject: Re: DRP
Actually, it's very logical. Basically you're telling the system that you want
to "manually" create orders for that particular part. It would be illogical for
any of the planning engines to automatically generate a requirement.

Why does DRP does not consider items with "manual"

as order system...
I think its illogical...
Can somebody enlighten me up here!!!
Thanks in advance...

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Willy posted Message 4172 in Message Board
Dated : August 09, 2000 at 09:33:45 EST
Subject: Duplicate PRP Purchase Orders when orig. is back ordered
Baan IVC4, Situation, PRP generates order, Purchase order placed, Partial Delive
ry is made, ie. some lines are received others are not. Orig. Pur Order quantit
y now shows as Back Order. If PRP is re-run on the project, Baan is generating
another Planned PRP order for the quantity shown as " back order".
The on-order quantity does not show, in the PCS customized item master, but if y
ou look in purchasing sessions it does show on-order.
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Susanne Tolle posted Message 4173 in Message Board
Dated : August 09, 2000 at 10:13:41 EST
Subject: Did anyone use transportationorder-planningboards (trtop7200m000)
Did anyone use the transportorder-planningsboards?
How can I create the planningboards?
Is the board usefull to plan trips with it?

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PATRICIA REYES posted Message 4174 in Message Board
Dated : August 09, 2000 at 10:17:38 EST
Subject: How can I have stock quantity with three decimals in non-recep location
I'am spanish speaker.
In our non-recep locations, we can't have stock quantity with three decimals if
its centecimal digit is less than fuve (5) (i.e. 0.005).
Help me...please!!!!

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Bunny posted Message 4175 in Message Board
Dated : August 09, 2000 at 12:05:05 EST
Subject: Re: Credit limit against invoice amount
: Hi,
: Your problem is not clear. In our example you shipped goods worfth 750 out of
2000. But customer has not paid the invoice. Hence Baan is correctly showing -10
00. If you want to block the order because of invoice you can block by setting t
he parameter -Block if invoice is over due. All unpai invoices are automatically
included in credit limit. I do not see what is your problem
: Arvind
The problem is that baan is checking the credit limit against the SO amount, but
not against the invoice amount. Remember that in the invoice appears only the
already deliveried items, and this is the amount against I want to affectthe cre
dit limit.
Hope it helps, thanks for your answer,
***************** End Of Article ******************
Charles Gomba posted Message 4176 in Message Board
Dated : August 10, 2000 at 03:16:53 EST
Subject: Re: Credit limit against invoice amount
Depending on your SLS parameters Baan wil or will not invoice beyond the credit
limit. In session tfacr2521 -"Display Customer's Sales Invoices" you will note t
hat there is a customer odre balance as well as an invoice balance. The order ba
lance relates to uninvoiced sales orders against that customer and is used for t
he puposes of applying credit limit parameters.

You will not be able to invoice +250 if you still have 1250still on your order b
alance (depending on sls credit parameters).
Hope this makes sense
***************** End Of Article ******************
Charles Gomba posted Message 4177 in Message Board
Dated : August 10, 2000 at 03:25:24 EST
Subject: Re: HELP! Suddenly all inventory is out!! (ILC is implemented)
Has anyone run any of the following sesssions
Can you provide more detail on your situation?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Naveed Khan posted Message 4178 in Message Board
Dated : August 10, 2000 at 17:53:39 EST
Subject: Re: Cycle Counting Question
It is not mandatory to initialize cycle counting order. It only meant to equate
the system and counted inventory. Let me know if you have anyquestions.
Anoher Baan fan
: Is initializing cycle counting ordrs in session
: "Enter Warehouse Cycle Counting Data" mandatory before I can process the cycle
counting order.
: Because I have a situation that I was not used to initializing
: the cycle counting orders, what I'd do was just to enter
: the physical then tab then the column SP would be updated to


"Y" then all of a sudden I couldn't update the SP column by just

pressing the tab key I had to initialize the orders firs..
I want to know if initializing is mandatory so I can change my
standard procedure of processing a cycle count order.
Thanks in advance...

: baanfan

***************** End Of Article ******************

Pam posted Message 4179 in Message Board

Dated : August 10, 2000 at 19:32:59 EST
Subject: Matching One Invoice to two purchase orders
Ordered three, received two. Invoice for 3. Blocked invoice for payment.
ad to put through another PO for the remaining 1.
How can one invoice be matched to two POs

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Baanfan posted Message 4180 in Message Board
Dated : August 11, 2000 at 08:27:33 EST
Subject: Re: Cycle Counting Question
Initializing becomes my workaround so i can process
the cycle counting orders...
Because i just can't simply tab the fields and the SP
column will change to "Y".
Do you thing there's a problem in my system and I need
a patch or help from Baan support...
What do u think!?
: It is not mandatory to initialize cycle counting order. It only meant to equa
te the system and counted inventory. Let me know if you have anyquestions.
: Regards,
: Anoher Baan fan
: : Is initializing cycle counting ordrs in session
: : "Enter Warehouse Cycle Counting Data" mandatory before I can process the cyc
le counting order.
: : Because I have a situation that I was not used to initializing
: : the cycle counting orders, what I'd do was just to enter
: : the physical then tab then the column SP would be updated to


"Y" then all of a sudden I couldn't update the SP column by just

pressing the tab key I had to initialize the orders firs..
I want to know if initializing is mandatory so I can change my
standard procedure of processing a cycle count order.
Thanks in advance...

: : baanfan

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Roberts posted Message 4181 in Message Board
Dated : August 11, 2000 at 13:19:15 EST
Subject: Re: Print an invoice before deliver sales order
: : : You can use Sales order of type- Proforma Invoicing.But I am not sure of

the order steps.

: : : I need print invoice before deliver sales order. Invoice must contain data
such as quantity, item code, unit price, and whatever especification about it.
: : : Can anyone tell me how i can do this? What sales order type i must use????
: : : Thanks a lot.

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Roberts posted Message 4182 in Message Board
Dated : August 11, 2000 at 13:40:01 EST
Subject: Order steps for Sales order of type -Proforma Invoicing
We are using Baan 4b2.We want to raise Proforma Invoice on our customer.In baan
session "Maintain order type" there is a option for proforma invoicing.But we a
re unable to define the order steps to be followed.Can anybody help?
Thanks in advance.
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NIck posted Message 4183 in Message Board
Dated : August 11, 2000 at 19:28:37 EST
Subject: EDI for transport
Does anybody have an example of an EDI message for transport orders, incoming an
d outbound ....
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Neerja posted Message 4184 in Message Board
Dated : August 14, 2000 at 05:50:47 EST
Subject: Re: Order steps for Sales order of type -Proforma Invoicing
: We are using Baan 4b2.We want to raise Proforma Invoice on our customer.In ba
an session "Maintain order type" there is a option for proforma invoicing.But we
are unable to define the order steps to be followed.Can anybody help?
: Thanks in advance.
Check if the session tdsls4435m000 is maintained in session Maintain Order Steps
. Then only you will be able to maintain order type of performa invoicing (with
additional steps.)
***************** End Of Article ******************
Neerja posted Message 4185 in Message Board
Dated : August 14, 2000 at 05:59:08 EST

Subject: Re: Matching One Invoice to two purchase orders

: Ordered three, received two. Invoice for 3. Blocked invoice for payment.
Had to put through another PO for the remaining 1.
: How can one invoice be matched to two POs
Take the instant of matching partial invoice (on delivered / approved quantity)
and keep it open till back order for balance quantity is received (and approved)
, then completely match and close and do the payments.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Charles Gomba posted Message 4186 in Message Board
Dated : August 14, 2000 at 09:28:23 EST
Subject: Re: To delete PO Line takes more than 25 Min.
Is this only happening with POs??
What is the value of "Transaction Real Time to Finanace" in session tfgld4150m00
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Charles Gomba posted Message 4187 in Message Board
Dated : August 14, 2000 at 09:39:28 EST
Subject: Re: Order steps for Sales order of type -Proforma Invoicing
I am on Baan IVb4. It should be thesame.
1. Make sure that you have the following order steps defined.
-Print proforma invoices - tdsls4435m000
-Link advance receipts to proforma invoices - tfcmg6200m000
-Maintain Deliveries - tdsls4120m000
-Print sales invoices - tdsls4404m000
-Process delivered sales orders - tdsls4223m000.
2. Create your order type and assign these steps in the order that they appear a
bove. Ensure that field "Proforma Invoicing" is set to "Yes"
You should be OK.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Amyn Chauthani posted Message 4188 in Message Board
Dated : August 14, 2000 at 12:51:20 EST
Subject: Stock Transfer DLL call

We have a customized package "tk" which creates Sales Orders in BaaN std. tables
I need to do a stock transfer from warehous 201 (location "001") to warehouse 2
02 (without locations) when a customized session is used to insert a record in a
customized table. I have some idea about DLL "tcmcsdll0101" which has an exter
n function to process.stock.transaction(...) I do not know what arguments to pas
s. I have the source code for this DLL. I see 35 arguments to this function call
. There is only one argument for Warehouse. Does this mean I need to call this
function twice with 2 warehouses?
How to handle transaction at Location level . I am not able to figure out correc
t way of calling this DLL function.
Thanks for Help
***************** End Of Article ******************
Arvind Patil CPIM posted Message 4189 in Message Board
Dated : August 14, 2000 at 17:15:04 EST
Subject: Re: Stock Transfer DLL call
No transactions are generated at location level when a sales order is created.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Amyn Chauthani posted Message 4190 in Message Board
Dated : August 14, 2000 at 20:37:37 EST
Subject: Found it!!!
Thanks Arvind for quick response.
I need not do stock transfer while createing Sales ORders.
I think my message was misleading. I need to do the stock transfer when another
Customized session in "tk" adds labor or parts to the Sales Order Lines.
"tk" is a service & maint. package. It creates serive orders
which get transferred to BaaN as Sales Orders for Invoicing purposes. When Shop
floor adds a part to the repair, a stock transaction needs to be processed simil
ar to WIP.
This is where DLL comes in picture. Anyway... I found a Function
Server in Std. BaaN called "execute_stock_transfer" which does the same thing. I
had to modify the code little bit but now it works fine. This is good for Trans
fers only! tdilc1122b000.
: Hi,
: No transactions are generated at location level when a sales order is created.
: Arvind

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Tommy L. Bacon, CPIM posted Message 4191 in Message Board

Dated : August 15, 2000 at 09:41:59 EST
Subject: Re: Location Cycle Counting
Is this Lot Control information because you mentioned shelf life. If Lot Con
trol you must cycle count based upon the lot date and must be don for each lot.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Tommy L. Bacon, CPIM posted Message 4192 in Message Board
Dated : August 15, 2000 at 09:45:37 EST
Subject: Re: Tax Country of Lines doesn't match with...
The Tax Country is set at the Line level of the Sales ORder. I belive before yo
u can change the Delivery Address you need to reset the Sales Order Lines to the
New Country or change the Sales Order Header to No Tax save and then reenter an
d change your delivery address.
: When I try to check the Delivery Address to another country in Maintain Sales
Order (tdsls4101m000),I get the following error message: "Tax Country of lines d
oesn't match with country code of delivery address; this is not allowed".
: How can I change the delivery address to another country?
: What is the workaround method?
: Please help! Thanks!

***************** End Of Article ******************

No Name posted Message 4193 in Message Board
Dated : August 16, 2000 at 13:29:09 EST
Subject: Cycle Counting In Non Real Time Environment
We operate Baan 4c3 in a non real time environment. We are trying to get a cycle
count program going, but a major hurdle is trying to cycle count without transa
ctions operating in real time. The reconciliation process would be signifianct.
Has anyone else had this issue and how did you resolve it? Thanks
***************** End Of Article ******************
Ernesto posted Message 4194 in Message Board
Dated : August 16, 2000 at 15:36:51 EST
Subject: Past Due
Hello Everybody
Could anybody explain me the function of the Past Due in the Purcharse Schedules
??? Does anyone how to erase a Purcharse Schedule?? and how to get back the Pas
t Due????
Thanks in advance for your help

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MarkS posted Message 4195 in Message Board
Dated : August 16, 2000 at 16:03:00 EST
Subject: cycle counting in non real time envinronment
We are currently operating Baan 4c3 in a non real time environment. We would lik
e to begin cycle counting, but struggle with how to do that without real time tr
ansactions taking place. The reconciliation effort would be significant.
If anyone has any experience with this situation, please let me know your soluti
on. Thanks
***************** End Of Article ******************
Willy posted Message 4196 in Message Board
Dated : August 16, 2000 at 17:33:11 EST
Subject: Re: cycle counting in non real time envinronment
: We are currently operating Baan 4c3 in a non real time environment. We would l
ike to begin cycle counting, but struggle with how to do that without real time
transactions taking place. The reconciliation effort would be significant.
: If anyone has any experience with this situation, please let me know your solu
tion. Thanks
How far behind "Real Time" are you? Are all transacdtions done by the end of
the day? end of the week? Do you have anytime that the transactions are current
***************** End Of Article ******************
G1 posted Message 4197 in Message Board
Dated : August 20, 2000 at 19:43:49 EST
Subject: Non Delivery on Non Working Day
As is in manufacturing - Where a MPS & MRP order can not be delivered on a date
not defined as a working day in the Routing Company Calender. Is there the same
functionality in distribution to restrict a Purchase order from being the same.
If not where can this be done.
Gordon Sharp
***************** End Of Article ******************
Lai Hong Kok posted Message 4198 in Message Board
Dated : August 20, 2000 at 21:49:57 EST
Subject: Re: HELP! Suddenly all inventory is out!! (ILC is implemented)
Thanx Charles for your concern..but at the moment i couldn't get hold on what ha
ve happened? The problem was rectified through a physical count again but until
the reason why the quantities were off, it will happen again in the future. In t
he meanwhile i will try to get as much details as possible. If i have something
i will let u know.

: Has anyone run any of the following sesssions


Can you provide more detail on your situation?

***************** End Of Article ******************

bill posted Message 4199 in Message Board
Dated : August 21, 2000 at 08:57:58 EST
Subject: Re: Non Delivery on Non Working Day
: As is in manufacturing - Where a MPS & MRP order can not be delivered on a dat
e not defined as a working day in the Routing Company Calender. Is there the sa
me functionality in distribution to restrict a Purchase order from being the sam
e. If not where can this be done.
: Thanks
: Gordon Sharp
Are you using safety time?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Borris Yan posted Message 4200 in Message Board
Dated : August 21, 2000 at 11:37:17 EST
Subject: Cycle Count Baan ERP
I generate Cycle count orders in whinh5200m000
I then go into Cycle Count/ Adjustment orders, and select one of my new orders a
nd zoom to Cycle Count/ Adjustment order lines whinh5501m000. Here I cannot chan
ge the order...every field (including the quantity field) is greyed out. Need to
make quantity adjustments at this point to correct the inventory then process t
he order. What step am I missing here?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Tommy L. Bacon,CPIM posted Message 4201 in Message Board
Dated : August 21, 2000 at 14:03:12 EST
Subject: Re: Cycle Count Baan ERP
Have you printed tghe Cycle Count Orders. I believe that step has to be complet
ed before you can do any modifications.
: I generate Cycle count orders in whinh5200m000
: I then go into Cycle Count/ Adjustment orders, and select one of my new orders
and zoom to Cycle Count/ Adjustment order lines whinh5501m000. Here I cannot ch
ange the order...every field (including the quantity field) is greyed out. Need
to make quantity adjustments at this point to correct the inventory then process

the order. What step am I missing here?

***************** End Of Article ******************

Borris posted Message 4202 in Message Board
Dated : August 21, 2000 at 15:07:49 EST
Subject: Re: Cycle Count Baan ERP
is there a way to force a cycle count to generate orders for every stockpoint in
the system (i.e a wall to wall inventory?)
***************** End Of Article ******************
Rob posted Message 4203 in Message Board
Dated : August 21, 2000 at 23:35:30 EST
Subject: Re: Non Delivery on Non Working Day
Which one are you using BaanERP or BaanIV ?
I dont how it can be handled in BaanIV.This is possible if you are using Purchas
e schedules for procurement in BaanERP. Non-delivery moments can be defined in t
he form of delivery patterns.
: : As is in manufacturing - Where a MPS & MRP order can not be delivered on a d
ate not defined as a working day in the Routing Company Calender. Is there the
same functionality in distribution to restrict a Purchase order from being the s
ame. If not where can this be done.
: : Thanks
: : Gordon Sharp
: Are you using safety time?

***************** End Of Article ******************

bill posted Message 4204 in Message Board
Dated : August 22, 2000 at 10:40:32 EST
Subject: Re: Cycle Count Baan ERP
: is there a way to force a cycle count to generate orders for every stockpoint
in the system (i.e a wall to wall inventory?)
In 4c, you can use GTM and change all the count intervals in the inv parameters
to zero.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Kian posted Message 4205 in Message Board
Dated : August 23, 2000 at 08:15:29 EST
Subject: Consignment Stock

May i know how should i assign consignment stock in Baan Inventory? For those we
have already sold, we need to invoice to Customer. However, for those have not
been sold, our supplier will not bill us yet. So how should i treat them in Fina
nce and Inventory module ? please help !
***************** End Of Article ******************
John Crystal posted Message 4206 in Message Board
Dated : August 23, 2000 at 13:05:40 EST
Subject: Re: Consignment Stock
To answer we need to know if you are on Baan ERP or Baan 4.0.
There would be two different scenarion depending on your version.
***************** End Of Article ******************
John Crystal posted Message 4207 in Message Board
Dated : August 23, 2000 at 13:13:06 EST
Subject: Re: Past Due
The Past Due is deliveries that your supplier has missed. I'm mot sure I underst
and your question to get back the Past Due????
***************** End Of Article ******************
hertiza posted Message 4208 in Message Board
Dated : August 23, 2000 at 20:44:07 EST
Subject: Maintain Item Description by supplier (tdpur4106m000)
When i maintain text under this session, and print PO, the message doesn't appea
r on my PO order line. Any suggestions.
Thanks you.
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Hertiza posted Message 4209 in Message Board
Dated : August 23, 2000 at 20:55:40 EST
Subject: Maintain Item Description by supplier (tdpur4106m000)
Item Description and text in the Text Windows session does not appear on PO. Our
implementation consultant tested out this session in BaanIVc3 and it appear on
PO. We are using BaanIVc4. Is there a bug for this session in this version? If y
es, please provide a patch to fix this ASAP.
Thanks you.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Thomas posted Message 4210 in Message Board
Dated : August 24, 2000 at 10:18:38 EST
Subject: supplier reliability analysis
the supplier reliability analysis uses the delivery time compared to order date
to calculate reliability factor however I cant find wheter it uses planned deliv
ery date or confirmed delivery date. Does any one know witch one it is???
***************** End Of Article ******************
Arvind Patil, CPIM posted Message 4211 in Message Board
Dated : August 24, 2000 at 20:09:28 EST
Subject: Re: supplier reliability analysis
If you look into tdpur041 table there are 4 dates - Planned Delivery date, Confi
rmed Delivery date, Changed Delivery date and Delivery date. The first three fie
lds are visible on form. It is the fourth field that gets updated with values in
these fields and is used in supplier reliabilty analysis. The order of preceden
ce is Changed Delivery date, Confirmed Delivery date and Planned delivery date.
You can now figure out your answer.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Kian posted Message 4212 in Message Board
Dated : August 24, 2000 at 21:47:27 EST
Subject: Re: Consignment Stock
: To answer we need to know if you are on Baan ERP or Baan 4.0.
: There would be two different scenarion depending on your version.
: John
We are running on Baan IVc2 version.
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Kumar posted Message 4213 in Message Board
Dated : August 25, 2000 at 11:00:17 EST
Subject: On what circumstances procedure mask step would become 'c'
I have a Replenishment Order, which have the following order steps (Generate Out
bound Advice, Print Replenishment Order Picklist, Maintain Replenishment Order D
eliveries, Maintain Replenishment Order Receipts, Process/Delete Delivered Reple
nishment Orders).

The Replenishment Order has 25 lines, and an outbound was generated for all the
lines. When the Pick List was printed, position 18 (which had a quantity of 24)
got printed with a quantity of 60. In fact, position 18 did not even had an outb
ound as enough stock does not exist. Further investigation indicates that positi
on 17 had a quantity of 60 and while printing the picklist the position 18 prin
ted the same quantity
as that of position 17 for the picklist. However, upon reprinting the same pickl
ist position 18 did not get printed (which is correct). In fact this picklist i
s not attached to position 18 at all (picklist field for position 18 in tdrpl100
table is empty)
Further investigation shows that the status code for position 18 became 3 (print
picklist) although it never had an outbound and procedure mask became ncyynnnyn
ynnnnnnn). For some reason the step 2 which is generate outbound advice became '
c' (which according to Baan's help - "must be reexecuted").
Did anyone come across this situation before or could anyone throw some light on
situations in which this procedure mask would become 'c'. Thanks in advance for
the help.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Noblestar ripped me off posted Message 4214 in Message Board
Dated : August 26, 2000 at 13:45:05 EST
Don't use Noblestar, I have been ripped off by Noblestar on 2 projects and I wou
ldn't trust Noblestar for any ecommerce work at all. I know other clients and th
ey lie consistently and foul up on their projects. Noblestar cannot be trusted.
***************** End Of Article ******************
noblestar posted Message 4215 in Message Board
Dated : August 26, 2000 at 13:45:25 EST
: Don't use Noblestar, I have been ripped off by Noblestar on 2 projects and I w
ouldn't trust Noblestar for any ecommerce work at all. I know other clients and
they lie consistently and foul up on their projects. Noblestar cannot be trusted

***************** End Of Article ******************

noblestar posted Message 4216 in Message Board
Dated : August 26, 2000 at 13:45:43 EST
: : Don't use Noblestar, I have been ripped off by Noblestar on 2 projects and I
wouldn't trust Noblestar for any ecommerce work at all. I know other clients an
d they lie consistently and foul up on their projects. Noblestar cannot be trust

***************** End Of Article ******************

Mike posted Message 4217 in Message Board
Dated : August 28, 2000 at 09:54:55 EST
Subject: Re: URGENT !! EDI BaaNERP Need some help !!
Look at your trace file and see what is getting passed to Baan. Maybe the date
is just in the wrong format.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Mike posted Message 4218 in Message Board
Dated : August 28, 2000 at 10:38:13 EST
Subject: EDI outbound extra files
Testing outbound 850, single file purchase order. I set up tables, and ran test
. In the Network path Apple_from folder, I found my 850s file and 13 tmp files.
Are these temp files that did not get deleted or do I have something set up wr
***************** End Of Article ******************
Gianni posted Message 4219 in Message Board
Dated : August 29, 2000 at 01:31:51 EST
Subject: Cancel backorder for purchase
Hello BaaNfans,
I have the following problem: I have created a purchase backorder, however later
on I decide to cancel it. Does anybody knows how to cancel the backorder?
Thanks in advance,
***************** End Of Article ******************
J. Cronin posted Message 4220 in Message Board
Dated : August 29, 2000 at 08:15:45 EST
Subject: Re: Cancel backorder for purchase
: Hello BaaNfans,
: I have the following problem: I have created a purchase backorder, however lat
er on I decide to cancel it. Does anybody knows how to cancel the backorder?
: Thanks in advance,
: Gianni
Yes, you use session tdpur4130m000 (Maintain Backorders) and change the backorde
r qty to zero.
If the system doesn't allow zero, then it's a bug and you need patch number 1387
3 from your friendly neighbourhood support center.

Good luck,
***************** End Of Article ******************
steve posted Message 4221 in Message Board
Dated : August 29, 2000 at 08:34:58 EST
Subject: purchase item text overwriting item description
does anyone have any experience of the problem i am having?
when i apply purchase text to an item in the item file and then raise and print
a purchase order, the purchase item text then overwrites the item description.
thanks in advance
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Lora China posted Message 4222 in Message Board
Dated : August 29, 2000 at 13:31:53 EST
Subject: Bill and Hold Sales Orders
Our company will often follow a procedure which we refer to as "Bill and Hold".
We will make an agreement with our customer to bill them for material made with
extended terms, but hold the material in our warehouse until they are ready for
it. This allows our company to show sales for the month even though the customer
has not yet received or paid for the product as yet. So, in Baan we are enterin
g in a sales order with extended terms and shipping and invoicing the order in B
aan, thus relieving our inventory in the system, but not physically. Once the cu
stomer is ready for the material, we ship it to them using a hand written bill o
f lading. This process, however, is causing problems for our warehouse personnel
, in that it is difficult for them to track the material once it is taken out of
We are hoping that perhaps someone may have come up with a better way of
handling this type of situation. We would prefer not taking the inventory out o
f the system, but still show a sale to the customer. Any suggestions?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Bruno Zanchetta posted Message 4223 in Message Board
Dated : August 30, 2000 at 03:31:40 EST
Subject: Performance problem in session tdpur4120
For some suppliers with a lot of pur. orders, session in object is very very slo
w. 5' for a registration.
I've run tdpur4223 with order delete but problem persist.
Please help me.
Bruno Zanchetta
***************** End Of Article ******************
Rob posted Message 4224 in Message Board
Dated : August 30, 2000 at 07:05:07 EST
Subject: Re: purchase item text overwriting item description

This happens when we uncheck the box "standard description" in Purchase orders /
Sales Orders. This means that we dont want to print standrad item description b
ut instead want to print purchase order text instead.
There is an interesting hierarchy behind this. If Purchase order text is not ava
ilable, then searches for item - supplier info, if not then item purchase data.
This is same for sales orders too.

: does anyone have any experience of the problem i am having?

: when i apply purchase text to an item in the item file and then raise and prin
t a purchase order, the purchase item text then overwrites the item description.
: thanks in advance

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Rob posted Message 4225 in Message Board
Dated : August 30, 2000 at 07:16:28 EST
Subject: Re: Bill and Hold Sales Orders
I am not very sure whether this workaround will work for you. Nevertheless give
it a try. The solution works only if you are using Baan V.
Make a dummy warehouse ( let it be non-nettable and cluster it) and attach an ex
clusive entity to it. All sales orders of your customers should use this dummy w
arehouse. Make a goods transfer relationship between dummy warehouse and normal
warehouses ( triangular invoicing). Also make a supply relationship between the
two warehouses.
Ship the goods from your normal warehouse to dummy warehouse. Since both belong
to different entities, an internal invoice will be raised. Treat these invoices
as a part of sale. Finally ship the goods from your dummy warehouse. However you
should take care not to treat thye shippments from dummy warehouse as sales.
Hope this helps. If someone got a better idea, please suggest.
: Our company will often follow a procedure which we refer to as "Bill and Hold"
. We will make an agreement with our customer to bill them for material made wit
h extended terms, but hold the material in our warehouse until they are ready fo
r it. This allows our company to show sales for the month even though the custom
er has not yet received or paid for the product as yet. So, in Baan we are enter
ing in a sales order with extended terms and shipping and invoicing the order in
Baan, thus relieving our inventory in the system, but not physically. Once the
customer is ready for the material, we ship it to them using a hand written bill
of lading. This process, however, is causing problems for our warehouse personn
el, in that it is difficult for them to track the material once it is taken out
of Baan.
We are hoping that perhaps someone may have come up with a better way of
handling this type of situation. We would prefer not taking the inventory out o
f the system, but still show a sale to the customer. Any suggestions?

***************** End Of Article ******************

Arvind Patil, CPIM posted Message 4226 in Message Board
Dated : August 30, 2000 at 11:26:57 EST
Subject: Re: Bill and Hold Sales Orders
One work around can be Generate the Outbound, but do not relase the outbound. Yo
u can modify the Order acknowledgement to print the recommended quantity on the
OA and treat this as an invoice. May be you can use Proforma Invoice option of B
aan. In proforma Invocie you bill the customer, receive the payment. Then you ca
n generate the outbound and keep it at print picking list stage. May be you can
set the order blocking at print picking list stage. Once you are ready to ship,
print the picking list and do normal processing.
If you need more explaination then email me.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Merv Carr posted Message 4227 in Message Board
Dated : August 31, 2000 at 12:49:43 EST
Subject: Re: Bill and Hold Sales Orders
I would imagine that instalment invoicing would be a good fit for your situation
. Basically it uncouples the invoicing procedure from the delivery. i.e you can
invoice the instalment (only has to be one) and deliver later, after which you p
rint a "final invoice".

: Our company will often follow a procedure which we refer to as "Bill and Hold"
. We will make an agreement with our customer to bill them for material made wit
h extended terms, but hold the material in our warehouse until they are ready fo
r it. This allows our company to show sales for the month even though the custom
er has not yet received or paid for the product as yet. So, in Baan we are enter
ing in a sales order with extended terms and shipping and invoicing the order in
Baan, thus relieving our inventory in the system, but not physically. Once the
customer is ready for the material, we ship it to them using a hand written bill
of lading. This process, however, is causing problems for our warehouse personn
el, in that it is difficult for them to track the material once it is taken out
of Baan.
We are hoping that perhaps someone may have come up with a better way of
handling this type of situation. We would prefer not taking the inventory out o
f the system, but still show a sale to the customer. Any suggestions?

***************** End Of Article ******************

Mike Berends posted Message 4228 in Message Board
Dated : September 01, 2000 at 09:42:19 EST
Subject: Vendor Managed Inventory with ERP
I'm looking for any best practice methods, suggestions or ideas on how to handle
vendor managed purchased items in BaanErp.

The items are on the BOM and need to posted to inventory and have po created for
the payment process. Thanks in advance.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Terry McCollum posted Message 4229 in Message Board
Dated : September 01, 2000 at 12:06:16 EST
Subject: What EDI Transactions are supported by Baan Series
What EDI Transactions are supported by Baan Series?

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Shannon Moree posted Message 4230 in Message Board
Dated : September 01, 2000 at 12:09:41 EST
Subject: Re: EDI outbound extra files
: Testing outbound 850, single file purchase order. I set up tables, and ran te
st. In the Network path Apple_from folder, I found my 850s file and 13 tmp file
s. Are these temp files that did not get deleted or do I have something set up
These temp file are created by baan when the EDI messages are being generated ou
t of Baan. They should have been deleted.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Neil posted Message 4231 in Message Board
Dated : September 04, 2000 at 07:08:24 EST
Subject: EDI with Finance - missing Purchase Invoices
When the edi transactions are processed, not all of the finance purchase invoice
transactions are being posted. It seems to be completly random.
This is using internal EDI between 2 Baan companies on a sales/purchase relation
ship where the sales in company A are direct deliveried from company B.
Any ideas?
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Neeraj posted Message 4232 in Message Board
Dated : September 04, 2000 at 09:06:32 EST
Subject: Managing data with History Tables
I need some information on maintaining of History Tables in Distribution.
1. What is the best practice in North America and Europe of
maintaining History Tables. (tdsls050 & tdsls051).
2. How long the data is maintained in History Table before it is
packed off to Archiving Company?
3. How long the data is maintained in tdsls040 & tdsls041?
4. And lastly howz the performance of the system by maintaining
History Tables?
I would request the BaaN consultants especially from North America and Europe to
kindly respond at the earliest as these are few urgent points we are addressing

right now.
Thanking you all in advance.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Nuno Sa posted Message 4233 in Message Board
Dated : September 05, 2000 at 06:34:37 EST
Subject: Invoice for other client.
I would like to know if it's possible to do a sales order for a client and make
a correspondent invoice to another client.
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Animesh posted Message 4234 in Message Board
Dated : September 05, 2000 at 23:31:36 EST
Subject: Discount level not allowed
Will someone help me on this In the maintain sales order session (tdsls4101m000) while creating a new line an
d after adding localisation details, when I try to save the line, it gives the m
essage "Discount level not allowed" and doesn't save the line.
This error has cropped up only after loading the SP4 and some of the weekly dump
s sent by BaaN.
If anyone of you has come across this problem and sorted it out, pl let me know
of the solution no.
Thanxxx in advance
***************** End Of Article ******************
Rob posted Message 4235 in Message Board
Dated : September 07, 2000 at 07:14:25 EST
Subject: Re: Invoice for other client.
This is possible in Baan V. Maintain an Invoice to BP role and declare the clien
t to whom material is being sent as parent BP of the invoice to BP. Do you need
further details please post it.

***************** End Of Article ******************

bill posted Message 4236 in Message Board
Dated : September 07, 2000 at 11:53:47 EST
Subject: Re: Discount level not allowed
: Will someone help me on this : In the maintain sales order session (tdsls4101m000) while creating a new line
and after adding localisation details, when I try to save the line, it gives the
message "Discount level not allowed" and doesn't save the line.

: This error has cropped up only after loading the SP4 and some of the weekly du
mps sent by BaaN.
: If anyone of you has come across this problem and sorted it out, pl let me kno
w of the solution no.
: Thanxxx in advance
We had the same problem 6 weeks ago after a C2 patch, it also happened on P.O.'s
. We had to install two additional patchs to fix the problem.
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Chris Hapgood posted Message 4237 in Message Board
Dated : September 07, 2000 at 12:43:10 EST
Subject: Re: Sales order delivery dates
I've opened a case with Baan regarding the lack of a metric for on time deliveri
es to our Customer. This is a signifigant shortcoming in Baan. tdsls051 only a
ddresses half the problem. You need to associate deliveries with the Original p
lanned delivery date.
Funny thing. There is a field in tdsls051 (.curd) that is labeled "Original Cus
tomer Request Date." I have never seen it populated and nowhere can I see it in
sessions and reports. Anybody have any ideas?
: : We are looking for a way to maintain the original Sales Order line planned d
elivery date while entering a new date. We want to track the delivery performanc
e of when we originally planned to ship the line. I see no place to put a resche
duled delivery date.
: If you change an orderdate a new record wil be made in the table tdsls051 so y
ou can read back those records.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Laura Thomas posted Message 4238 in Message Board
Dated : September 07, 2000 at 15:47:02 EST
Subject: Re: EDI outbound extra files
: Testing outbound 850, single file purchase order. I set up tables, and ran te
st. In the Network path Apple_from folder, I found my 850s file and 13 tmp file
s. Are these temp files that did not get deleted or do I have something set up
This does happen - no solution but to regularly clean out the tmp files from the
***************** End Of Article ******************
R.Yulia posted Message 4239 in Message Board
Dated : September 10, 2000 at 04:30:38 EST
Subject: How to save and delete from the system after 'deleting line' in PUR mod

Purchasing transaction are many, so maybe can make the memory in our server is f
ull. I wonder, after 'deleting line' process, Can we save and delete data from s
ystem or transfer that data history to some diskette maybe.
Thanks in advance.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Rob posted Message 4240 in Message Board
Dated : September 10, 2000 at 23:25:30 EST
Subject: Re: What EDI Transactions are supported by Baan Series
Following EDI messages are supported by Baan Series:

Remittance Advice
Error notification
Planning Releases
Shipping releases
Sequence shipping releases
Purchase Orders / Sales Orders
Order Acknowledgements
Advance Shippment Notices
PO changes
Receipt Discrepancy Notifications
Order Change acknowledgments
Sales Invoices

Anybody can add further to this list ?

***************** End Of Article ******************
BaanFire posted Message 4241 in Message Board
Dated : September 12, 2000 at 13:14:20 EST
Subject: ERP corrupt inventory?

Out of curiousity, is anyone else having major problems with

corrupt inventory in ERP? In particular, the whinr140 and
whinr150 tables seem to get out of sync.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Jeanne Ploshay posted Message 4242 in Message Board
Dated : September 13, 2000 at 09:42:25 EST
Subject: Re: Postal Addresses
This annoys us as well. Obviously the person who designed this session had no b

usiness experience or they would have known that customers change things all the
time and there needs to be something to accomodate a customer's request! What
we do is first make sure that we have set up the appropriate postal or delivery
address code via the customer master. We then go into the tdsls040 table via Ma
intenance via Tools/Database Management/General Table Maintenance and change the
code manually on Form 1.
We have done this several times with no adverse affects. Please note that we on
ly do this if we have an order with many releases - if we have a small order wit
h only one or two releases we will update any delivery address changes from with
in the sales order lines itself. For postal address changes we, of course, have
to take the Tools option since there is not a postal address option for each or
der line.
Hope this helps!
Feel free to email me with any questions.
Jeanne Ploshay
: I have a problem with Postal Addresses.
: The problem is that if we have a Postal Address or Ship To Address change, Baa
n will not let you change the Sales Order if there have been shipments (invoiced
) made.
: I do not want to delete all open backlog items and re-enter the Sales Order wi
th the new information.
: I do not want to use the GTM either.
: Is there a session or some other way to solve this problem.
: Thanks.
: Betty Wilson

***************** End Of Article ******************

Jeanne Ploshay posted Message 4243 in Message Board
Dated : September 13, 2000 at 09:53:42 EST
Subject: Re: Tax Country of Lines doesn't match with...
We have an open case with Baan right now on this issue; as we have proof that we
used to be able to do exactly what you are trying to do. The way it used to wo
rk was - make sure you have the order set to show "tax" as "no" (you can set thi
s field to "no" on the customer master as well if you have a customer that you a
lways need to be able to do this for). You could then make the lines show whate
ver country you wanted to - regardless of the country shown on the order header.
Baan Support asked me to send them all kinds of information like our order ste
ps, screen prints, etc. and I'm sure they were hoping I'd be too busy and just g
o away...Guess they were surprised when I sent them those 14 pages of info, eh?
The only work around that I have found is that you can, on the quote side, enter
any combination of countries - as long as the tax field is set to "no". The sy
stem will allow you to process the quote into an order and it will reflect the d
ifferent countries exactly how they appeared on the quote. This doesn't help us
much, because often we don't know what the delivery addresses are going to be u
ntil after the quote has been converted. It may, however, help you in your situ
Feel free to email me for more information and I will try and remember to let yo
u know what happens with Baan support.

Jeanne Ploshay
: The Tax Country is set at the Line level of the Sales ORder. I belive before
you can change the Delivery Address you need to reset the Sales Order Lines to t
he New Country or change the Sales Order Header to No Tax save and then reenter
and change your delivery address.
: : When I try to check the Delivery Address to another country in Maintain Sale
s Order (tdsls4101m000),I get the following error message: "Tax Country of lines
doesn't match with country code of delivery address; this is not allowed".
: : How can I change the delivery address to another country?
: : What is the workaround method?
: : Please help! Thanks!

***************** End Of Article ******************

Jeanne E. Ploshay posted Message 4244 in Message Board
Dated : September 13, 2000 at 15:04:27 EST
Subject: Consignment Billing
We would like to set something up where we do not recognize a sale until our cus
tomer tells us they used the material. We need to ship the material to the custom
er but not invoice until used. Does anyone have a solution on how to set up Con
signment shipments like this in the sales module? This is not the same thing as
installments, so we can't use that idea.
Please advise, thanks!
Jeanne Ploshay
***************** End Of Article ******************
Jeanne E. Ploshay posted Message 4245 in Message Board
Dated : September 13, 2000 at 15:05:08 EST
Subject: Consignment Billing
We would like to set something up where we do not recognize a sale until our cus
tomer tells us they used the material. We need to ship the material to the custom
er but not invoice until used. Does anyone have a solution on how to set up Con
signment shipments like this in the sales module? This is not the same thing as
installments, so we can't use that idea.
Please advise, thanks!
Jeanne Ploshay
***************** End Of Article ******************
Jeanne Ploshay posted Message 4246 in Message Board
Dated : September 13, 2000 at 15:20:50 EST
Subject: Re: Sales order delivery dates

This was a problem for us as we wanted to be able to store not only the original
and "current" promise date but also a customer request date. We came up with t
he following work around:
We use the Planned Delivery Date to store the "Current Promised Ship Date" - or
when we currently plan on shipping the material. We then use the Planned Receip
t Date field to store the "Original Promise Date". Baan always gives a message
stating that "Planned Receipt Date earlier than Planned Delivery Date" but it do
es NOT prohibit you from entering the date. We then stole a field we weren't us
ing (t_eseq or Customer Line Item field) and relabelled it as "Customer Request
Date". It's not date formatted, but we don't care because we don't run any repo
rts off of it. We use Access to generate an "on time delivery report" which com
pares the actual delivery date from tdsls045 to the Planned Receipt Date and cal
culates on time info.
Hope this helps; email me if you have any other questions. It's worked OK for u
We are looking for a way to maintain the original Sales Order line planned deli
very date while entering a new date. We want to track the delivery performance o
f when we originally planned to ship the line. I see no place to put a reschedul
ed delivery date.

***************** End Of Article ******************

John Crystal posted Message 4247 in Message Board
Dated : September 13, 2000 at 19:28:02 EST
Subject: Re: Consignment Billing
Before we answer that question we need to know what version you are on, it makes
a difference as to how you do this.
John Crystal
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Arvind Patil, CPIM posted Message 4248 in Message Board
Dated : September 13, 2000 at 19:59:53 EST
Subject: Re: Consignment Billing
If you are on Baan IV you don't have much option. The best way to handle is RPL
and Sales order route. Create a RPL order and store the items in a new consignme
nt warehouse. Then when customer used those items, create a Sales order and invo
ice the customer. Based on number of customer you can go one warehouse with mult
iple location or multiple warehouses. This is pretty much standard procedure fol
If you want to go multiple location route then when entering the RPL order you n
eed the ability of defining the address as customers will have different address
. I have done customization for my client to have the address functionality simi
lar to that present in sales order. If you need assistance email me.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Rob posted Message 4249 in Message Board

Dated : September 13, 2000 at 23:45:35 EST

Subject: Re: Consignment Billing
In Baan V series, you can make use of consignment orders for handling this.
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Ashish Vohra posted Message 4250 in Message Board
Dated : September 14, 2000 at 09:46:48 EST
Subject: Amendments to purchase orders
1.How do you handle chnage in a purchase order afetr making
part receipts.
2.How can a amendment to a purchase order be handled with out the use the change
reason code.
3.How to keep track of the changes taking place in the order before or after mak
ing receipts.
4.How can the revised purchase order be printed keeping track of the original or
der placed.
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Jeanne Ploshay posted Message 4251 in Message Board
Dated : September 14, 2000 at 15:56:36 EST
Subject: Re: Consignment Billing
:I should have stated this in my original message; sorry! We are on Baan IVc.
From the other responses, it appears we are SOL. We don't use RPL at all and I
don't think we'd want to start doing so just for this one customer.
If anyone has any other creative ideas (no customization suggestions, please!) I
'd appreciate it.
Jeanne Ploshay
Before we answer that question we need to know what version you are on, it make
s a difference as to how you do this.
: John Crystal

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test posted Message 4252 in Message Board
Dated : September 18, 2000 at 07:17:34 EST
Subject: test
***************** End Of Article ******************
Hank posted Message 4253 in Message Board
Dated : September 18, 2000 at 08:50:19 EST

Subject: Update Sales Prices in tiitm001

Does anyone regularly update the Sales Price field in their Standard Items table
. We want to do this from a spreadsheet of items and new prices. How do people d
o this. We have Baan IV4b3.
Grateful for any advice.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Robiburns posted Message 4254 in Message Board
Dated : September 18, 2000 at 10:06:33 EST
Subject: Re: Update Sales Prices in tiitm001
: Does anyone regularly update the Sales Price field in their Standard Items tab
le. We want to do this from a spreadsheet of items and new prices. How do people
do this. We have Baan IV4b3.
: Grateful for any advice.
We use exchange to fill a new Baan table (one that we had used during data migra
tion) then a new session to update the prices. It did not take a lot of work to
set up and is no problem to run.

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kyrokee posted Message 4255 in Message Board
Dated : September 19, 2000 at 04:58:21 EST
Subject: Sales Statistic - Urgent
Hi all,
How do I explain the sales report that shows some figure
for the T (turnover) and blank for the I (intake) for the same
customer?? Is it due to certain process ??
Thank you
***************** End Of Article ******************
Kumar posted Message 4256 in Message Board
Dated : September 19, 2000 at 08:52:13 EST
Subject: Can you try Baan solutions 77520, 80051 and 102166
The above three are Baan solutions helps in improving
the performance. I am not sure whether you still have
performance problem in maintain receipts. If you still have
it, may be you might want to install those solutions and
give it a try. I hope it might be of help.

***************** End Of Article ******************

martin roberts posted Message 4257 in Message Board

Dated : September 19, 2000 at 09:30:11 EST

Subject: Re: Sales Statistic - Urgent
Within the period that you are reporting Turnover may be invoiced sales and Inta
ke will be orders taken.
It is quite possible to deliver and invoice something to a customer this month b
ut not receive any new orders.

Hi all,
How do I explain the sales report that shows some figure
for the T (turnover) and blank for the I (intake) for the same
customer?? Is it due to certain process ??
Thank you

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John Crystal posted Message 4258 in Message Board
Dated : September 21, 2000 at 15:15:15 EST
Subject: Re: Sales Statistic - Urgent
How the sales statistics and purchasing statistics work is a common question.
The best way to really understand how these areas work is to set up a sales(purc
hase) order for a dummy customer(supplier) in your test company and follow it th
rough the whole sales order process clear to the posting the A/R receipt and pro
cessing of the sales order so that it is at the "9-Ready for delete" status. Run
the sales statistics reports at each step and watch the results.
John Crystal
Crystal Consulting
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Pablo posted Message 4259 in Message Board
Dated : September 21, 2000 at 16:31:46 EST
Subject: Cleaning Sales Orders
Hi everyone!!!
We have actually several sales orders that have not been processed and want to d
elete them, all of them have links to transportation orders. The issue is that w
e want to delete this information that doesn't work for us any more. Any ideas??
***************** End Of Article ******************
Chris Kiehl posted Message 4260 in Message Board
Dated : September 21, 2000 at 17:11:04 EST
Subject: Re: Consignment Billing

I think that RPL is your very best bet. Shipping inventory without billing is wh
at RPL is all about. It does not need to be a complicated process (no DRP needed
). Simply place an RPL order for what you send your customer and a SLS order for
what that customer uses.
Your only other option as I see it would be to print 2 copies of the Pick List (
use one as the picking list and one as the packing slip) and don't release outbo
und data until the customer uses the product. But then it looks like you've got
all that inventory in your warehouse. Very ugly.
RPL is your simple / non-customized solution !
-Chris: :I should have stated this in my original message; sorry! We are on Baan IVc.
From the other responses, it appears we are SOL. We don't use RPL at all and
I don't think we'd want to start doing so just for this one customer.
: If anyone has any other creative ideas (no customization suggestions, please!)
I'd appreciate it.
: Thanks!
: Jeanne Ploshay
: Before we answer that question we need to know what version you are on, it ma
kes a difference as to how you do this.
: : John Crystal

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Martin Roberts posted Message 4261 in Message Board
Dated : September 22, 2000 at 04:31:19 EST
Subject: Re: Cleaning Sales Orders
Try; Maintain delivery for the sales order to zero with a back order for the who
le quantity.
Then in mainatin and confirm backorders delete the appropriate order.
The order will then be removed from a sls point of view.
: Hi everyone!!!
: We have actually several sales orders that have not been processed and want to
delete them, all of them have links to transportation orders. The issue is that
we want to delete this information that doesn't work for us any more. Any ideas
: Thanks!!

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BaaN Consultant posted Message 4262 in Message Board
Dated : September 22, 2000 at 05:23:44 EST
Subject: Re: Managing data with History Tables

What a cheap attempt to get free consulting time

: I need some information on maintaining of History Tables in Distribution.
: 1. What is the best practice in North America and Europe of
maintaining History Tables. (tdsls050 & tdsls051).
: 2. How long the data is maintained in History Table before it is
packed off to Archiving Company?
: 3. How long the data is maintained in tdsls040 & tdsls041?
: 4. And lastly howz the performance of the system by maintaining
History Tables?
: I would request the BaaN consultants especially from North America and Europe
to kindly respond at the earliest as these are few urgent points we are addressi
ng right now.
: Thanking you all in advance.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Teresa posted Message 4263 in Message Board
Dated : September 22, 2000 at 12:47:37 EST
Subject: blocked sales orders
I've noticed that even if a sales order is blocked, when the MPS/MRP orders are
generated, a planned requirement is created for the item in the blocked sales or
der. We don't want this to happen. We don't want the item to be planned for prod
uction if the sales order may remain blocked forever. How can we get this done?
Is there any way of generating MPS/MRP orders only for unblocked sales orders?
Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
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Arvind Patil posted Message 4264 in Message Board
Dated : September 22, 2000 at 20:07:11 EST
Subject: Re: blocked sales orders
This is standard functionality in Baan. This is the first time I am coming acros
s such reqmt. after spending six years in Baan implementation. You may have to g
o for work around solution and if possible a customization. One solution that co
mes to my mind is cresting the order in non-nettable warehouse if the order is b
locked and once the order is unblocked then change the warehouse. With customiza
tion you can handle this seamlessly to user and one will not notice the differen
Arvind Patil
***************** End Of Article ******************
Arvind Patil posted Message 4264 in Message Board
Dated : September 22, 2000 at 20:07:11 EST
Subject: Re: blocked sales orders

This is standard functionality in Baan. This is the first time I am coming acros
s such reqmt. after spending six years in Baan implementation. You may have to g
o for work around solution and if possible a customization. One solution that co
mes to my mind is cresting the order in non-nettable warehouse if the order is b
locked and once the order is unblocked then change the warehouse. With customiza
tion you can handle this seamlessly to user and one will not notice the differen
Arvind Patil
***************** End Of Article ******************
lambert posted Message 4265 in Message Board
Dated : September 25, 2000 at 06:45:42 EST
Subject: Re: How to save and delete from the system after 'deleting line' in PUR
In B40: just run tdpur4223m000 with delete order data = yes.
No possibility exist to archive data from pur040, pur041,
pur045, pur050 and pur051. Alternative might be copy records of tables to anothe
r company or dump the tables to a file and after
this just delete the records with tdpur4223m000 with delete order data = yes.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Carol Schmidt posted Message 4266 in Message Board
Dated : September 25, 2000 at 12:25:40 EST
Subject: Sales Contracts/Configurator
We are using the configurator and projects for better control through our manufa
cturing process. Approximately 60% of our standard product line is configured.
We also maintain sales contracts with customers who purchase these configured i
tems at contractual pricing or discounting.
How can I utilize the contract module with configured items? Yes, the generic i
tem can be issued into a sales contract, but this is not what is required.
Suggestions on any other work arounds would be appreciated.
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lucymae posted Message 4267 in Message Board
Dated : September 25, 2000 at 13:59:11 EST
Subject: Re: How to check inventory balance in the past?
: HI all,
: I want to look up the inventory on hand qty in the past dates. Will there be
any tables or session can show me the actual inventory quantity in the past?
: Many thanks.
: Max

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lucymae posted Message 4268 in Message Board
Dated : September 25, 2000 at 14:13:53 EST
Subject: Re: How to check inventory balance in the past?
I have found that I can only use the Inventory Valuation tdinv6230m000 for our f
inished goods. For raw materials, I have to use the lot valuation. Unfortunate
ly, using the lot valuation is not date specific. We are not into the habit of
printing both of these reports at the close of each month for reference.
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lucymae posted Message 4269 in Message Board
Dated : September 25, 2000 at 14:16:46 EST
Subject: Re: How to check inventory balance in the past?
: I have found that I can only use the Inventory Valuation tdinv6230m000 for our
finished goods. For raw materials, I have to use the lot valuation. Unfortuna
tely, using the lot valuation is not date specific. We are now into the habit o
f printing both of these reports at the close of each month for reference.
: regards,
: lucymae

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lucymae posted Message 4270 in Message Board
Dated : September 25, 2000 at 14:35:04 EST
Subject: Re: Purchase Orders entered without a Ledger Account
purchase orders can be deleted as long as they are not received.
You need to get with your purchaser and check the Purchase order type. We have
set up "Purchase Cost Orders" (PCO). This will allow an expense to be entered a
nd does not relate the order to any raw material purchases. On Form 3 of the li
nes section of the purchase order, you can enter a G/L code. (that would be if y
ou need to be more specific that what code is already attached to the line item.
) I have not found that you can use dimension codes here.
If the receipt is a "Cost Order" and is not related to a lot number, the receipt
can be deleted, the PO can be altered, and then re-received with the correct in
formation so the flow to AP will be better. (you can only delete the receipt as
long as the "process delivered purchase orders" has not been ran)
We have found that comunication between the purchasing and AP is essential both
needing to understand each others processes. I am a purchaser and I had to work
on AP stuff for 9 months. It has helped with knowing what the AP needs to do t
heir job. :)

***************** End Of Article ******************
lucymae posted Message 4271 in Message Board
Dated : September 25, 2000 at 14:43:33 EST
Subject: Display inventories by item and whse &quot;on order&quot;
We are coming up with values "on order" in screen tdilc1512m000, and when you c
heck to see if this item is "on order," or "on backorder," or anywhere, it isn't
. The main problem that this is causing is that our MRP is now almost obsolete.
(We are BaaN IV)
So, we painstakenly have to manually check every item that MRP suggests to see i
f the item really needs to be ordered, or have we already ordered it, etc. We h
ave positive and negative values in the "On Order" field. We have turned this p
roblem into our consultants who have not given us a response to this. This has
been an ongoing problem now for almost a year with no help...
Does anyone have any suggestions? I am willing to try just about anything at th
is point...
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Jayant Keskar posted Message 4272 in Message Board
Dated : September 26, 2000 at 01:44:52 EST
Subject: Re: Display inventories by item and whse &quot;on order&quot;
Hi Lucymae
Re 'on order' quantities, have you checked thru tdinv1450m000, or tdinv1550m000.
These sessions show the order numbers and quantities for items on order.
However we have also had the problem that sometimes 'on order' quantities are no
t updated tho receipts have been maintained. For correcting this we run the sess
ion tdinv0250m000 and tdilc0250m000 periodically. Tho the session help des not s
ay so we prefer to run it when nobody is working on the system.
Hope this helps
: We are coming up with values "on order" in screen tdilc1512m000, and when you
check to see if this item is "on order," or "on backorder," or anywhere, it isn
't. The main problem that this is causing is that our MRP is now almost obsolet
e. (We are BaaN IV)
: So, we painstakenly have to manually check every item that MRP suggests to see
if the item really needs to be ordered, or have we already ordered it, etc. We
have positive and negative values in the "On Order" field. We have turned this
problem into our consultants who have not given us a response to this. This ha

s been an ongoing problem now for almost a year with no help...

: Does anyone have any suggestions? I am willing to try just about anything at
this point...
: Thanks,
: Lucymae

***************** End Of Article ******************

G posted Message 4273 in Message Board
Dated : September 26, 2000 at 07:21:51 EST
Subject: Re: Display inventories by item and whse &quot;on order&quot;
If you run sessions tdinv0250m000/tdilc0250m000/tdinv0252m000 it is MOST importa
nt that no one is using Baan!!!!!!!!!!
: Hi Lucymae
: Re 'on order' quantities, have you checked thru tdinv1450m000, or tdinv1550m00
0. These sessions show the order numbers and quantities for items on order.
: However we have also had the problem that sometimes 'on order' quantities are
not updated tho receipts have been maintained. For correcting this we run the se
ssion tdinv0250m000 and tdilc0250m000 periodically. Tho the session help des not
say so we prefer to run it when nobody is working on the system.
: Hope this helps
: Jayant
: : We are coming up with values "on order" in screen tdilc1512m000, and when y
ou check to see if this item is "on order," or "on backorder," or anywhere, it i
sn't. The main problem that this is causing is that our MRP is now almost obsol
ete. (We are BaaN IV)
: : So, we painstakenly have to manually check every item that MRP suggests to s
ee if the item really needs to be ordered, or have we already ordered it, etc.
We have positive and negative values in the "On Order" field. We have turned th
is problem into our consultants who have not given us a response to this. This
has been an ongoing problem now for almost a year with no help...
: : Does anyone have any suggestions? I am willing to try just about anything a
t this point...
: : Thanks,
: : Lucymae

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LUCYMAE posted Message 4274 in Message Board

Dated : September 27, 2000 at 08:29:16 EST

Subject: Re: Display inventories by item and whse &quot;on order&quot;
***************** End Of Article ******************
AK posted Message 4275 in Message Board
Dated : September 27, 2000 at 12:20:09 EST
Subject: Outbound Priority
I have two production orders and when outbound advice is generated , priority is
given to the second production order and not the first which was created. ie th
e qty gets hard allocated for the second order and not the first one for the sam
e item.
I would like to know why?. There is only one location ie norm
***************** End Of Article ******************
Lowell Magneson posted Message 4276 in Message Board
Dated : September 27, 2000 at 15:49:09 EST
Subject: Subcontracting
I'm looking for information on this module and how it works.
***************** End Of Article ******************
LSPLANNER posted Message 4277 in Message Board
Dated : September 27, 2000 at 17:55:02 EST
Subject: Re: Subcontracting
: I'm looking for information on this module and how it works.
Subcontracting allows a shop floor control order to send parts to an outside sub
-contractor for services(plating, welding, engraving, testing). the work order c
arries all the pegging data and upon receipt, the parts are delivered back to th
e work order. You must have a sub-contract work center for each vendor and the v
endor record must be checked off on vendor record form 4
***************** End Of Article ******************
Al Spira posted Message 4278 in Message Board
Dated : September 27, 2000 at 19:22:30 EST
Subject: Re: Sales Statistic - Urgent
: Within the period that you are reporting Turnover may be invoiced sales and In
take will be orders taken.
: It is quite possible to deliver and invoice something to a customer this month
but not receive any new orders.

: Hi all,
How do I explain the sales report that shows some figure
: for the T (turnover) and blank for the I (intake) for the same
: customer?? Is it due to certain process ??

: : Thank you
We are having this problem and we think it is the result of a bug in the program
that builds the sales statistics. We have an open case with Baan Support on th
is. The symptom may be linked to bad entries in table tdsst030, the sales stati
stics sort file. We think bad entries in the sort file are being created by an
error in the program script.
It may be worth further investigation on your system. If you do indeed have thi
s problem, reporting it to Baan Support may help speed up a solution for both of
***************** End Of Article ******************
System Administrator posted Message 4279 in Message Board
Dated : September 27, 2000 at 19:27:03 EST
Subject: Re: Managing data with History Tables
: What a cheap attempt to get free consulting time
Why not. After all, the consultants use the information from this forum, pass i
t of as their own, and make the money while the system administrators do all the
***************** End Of Article ******************
Carol Schmidt posted Message 4280 in Message Board
Dated : September 28, 2000 at 06:56:28 EST
Subject: Change Code Prompts/Maintain Sales Order/Sales Order Lines
Although there is a change type code called Add Order Line and the parameter in
tdsls5100m000 is set to "prompt for changes", when adding a new sales order line
in session "Maintain Sales Order Lines" the change prompt session does not laun
ch. Is this correct? If so, please explain the logic.
Carol Schmidt
***************** End Of Article ******************
Robiburns posted Message 4281 in Message Board
Dated : September 28, 2000 at 10:06:05 EST
Subject: Re: Outbound Priority
: I have two production orders and when outbound advice is generated , priority
is given to the second production order and not the first which was created. ie
the qty gets hard allocated for the second order and not the first one for the s
ame item.
: I would like to know why?. There is only one location ie norm
The Generate Outbound script uses Index 5 (priority, production order) in the ta
ble Maintain Production Orders (tisfc001).That is in c3 (last fix 1998-03-02).

***************** End Of Article ******************

Lowell Magneson posted Message 4282 in Message Board
Dated : September 28, 2000 at 10:38:10 EST
Subject: Re: Subcontracting
: : I'm looking for information on this module and how it works.
: Subcontracting allows a shop floor control order to send parts to an outside s
ub-contractor for services(plating, welding, engraving, testing). the work order
carries all the pegging data and upon receipt, the parts are delivered back to
the work order. You must have a sub-contract work center for each vendor and the
vendor record must be checked off on vendor record form 4
Thanks for the info. Just a few questions, would this create a Purchase Order f
or the subcontracting? If so when? Before the product ships to the subcontract
er or after receipt of the finished product? LM.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Rui Marques posted Message 4283 in Message Board
Dated : September 28, 2000 at 12:07:47 EST
Subject: Re: Subcontracting
: : : I'm looking for information on this module and how it works.
: : Subcontracting allows a shop floor control order to send parts to an outside
sub-contractor for services(plating, welding, engraving, testing). the work ord
er carries all the pegging data and upon receipt, the parts are delivered back t
o the work order. You must have a sub-contract work center for each vendor and t
he vendor record must be checked off on vendor record form 4
: Thanks for the info. Just a few questions, would this create a Purchase Order
for the subcontracting? If so when? Before the product ships to the subcontra
cter or after receipt of the finished product? LM.
This creates a purchase order before the product ships to de subcontracter. Then
you must follow a purchase order procedure with the steps you find are necessar
y. Upon declaring receipts you can go on with your production order. Attention:
You can only close your production order after the invoice from your subcontract
er has been approved in the Finance Module.
Rui Marques

***************** End Of Article ******************

Lowell Magneson posted Message 4284 in Message Board
Dated : September 29, 2000 at 09:47:22 EST
Subject: Re: Subcontracting
: : : : I'm looking for information on this module and how it works.
: : : Subcontracting allows a shop floor control order to send parts to an outsi
de sub-contractor for services(plating, welding, engraving, testing). the work o
rder carries all the pegging data and upon receipt, the parts are delivered back
to the work order. You must have a sub-contract work center for each vendor and
the vendor record must be checked off on vendor record form 4

: : Thanks for the info. Just a few questions, would this create a Purchase Ord
er for the subcontracting? If so when? Before the product ships to the subcont
racter or after receipt of the finished product? LM.
: This creates a purchase order before the product ships to de subcontracter. Th
en you must follow a purchase order procedure with the steps you find are necess
ary. Upon declaring receipts you can go on with your production order. Attention
: You can only close your production order after the invoice from your subcontra
cter has been approved in the Finance Module.
: Rui Marques
Thank you very much. LM.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Steve Rossiter posted Message 4285 in Message Board
Dated : September 29, 2000 at 11:09:35 EST
Subject: batch changes in PMG
Is there anyway to change the ordered amount for a batch once it is released.
All replies are welcome
***************** End Of Article ******************
bill posted Message 4286 in Message Board
Dated : September 29, 2000 at 11:30:45 EST
Subject: Invoice Split
Does anybody know how to split an invoice?
Thanks in advance
***************** End Of Article ******************
Jayant Keskar posted Message 4287 in Message Board
Dated : October 01, 2000 at 09:13:36 EST
Subject: Re: batch changes in PMG
: Is there anyway to change the ordered amount for a batch once it is released.
: All replies are welcome
: Steve
After releasing a batch for production the quantity ordered can not be changed

***************** End Of Article ******************

sharf posted Message 4288 in Message Board
Dated : October 02, 2000 at 06:43:30 EST
Subject: Re: EDI with Finance - missing Purchase Invoices
Please look at the session "Display Received Message Errors""tcedi7551m000". You
might find some clues why the system has not processed the transactions. Please
also check the conversion tables and check if the data is consistent or the con
version set up is defined for all the required fields in both the companies. May
be the Terms of Payment or terms of delivery is not defined in one the companie
s or the conversion set up is wrong.
Good luck.
: When the edi transactions are processed, not all of the finance purchase invoi
ce transactions are being posted. It seems to be completly random.
: This is using internal EDI between 2 Baan companies on a sales/purchase relati
onship where the sales in company A are direct deliveried from company B.
: Any ideas?

***************** End Of Article ******************

Diane Weir posted Message 4289 in Message Board
Dated : October 02, 2000 at 12:03:58 EST
Subject: tdinv700 not correct
We have several item codes with values in the "inventory after transaction" fiel
d which are incorrect. It appears that a record was "skipped" and the activity
on it never added into the "inventory after transaction" field. As a result, ou
r "inventory valuation report" (tdinv6230m000) doesn't agree with the "print inv
entory transactions by item" report (tdinv7410m000).
Baan recommends running session tdinv0253m000 "rebuild historical inventory bala
nce" which populates tdinv001.hstb with the difference. This doesn't help us mu
ch since the inventory valuation report (tdinv6230m000) doesn't pick up this fie
Does anyone have any experience with this problem?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Nagendra posted Message 4290 in Message Board
Dated : October 02, 2000 at 12:54:33 EST
Subject: Transportation module
Is Transportation module part of BaanERP (Baan V) ? If not, what is the alternat
ive avaialable ?
***************** End Of Article ******************

TF posted Message 4291 in Message Board

Dated : October 02, 2000 at 16:36:36 EST
Subject: Re: tdinv700 not correct
We have trouble with the same table, but due to corrections made by Baan after t
he integration with finance.
We have a lot of records with the famous "23.59" time added to it.
We placed a call to baan, but haven't had a solution yet.
Seems to me, the tabel and sessions involving the table are a bit of a mess.
Good Luck TF
***************** End Of Article ******************
kyrokee posted Message 4292 in Message Board
Dated : October 02, 2000 at 22:15:33 EST
Subject: Re: Sales Statistic - Urgent
: : Within the period that you are reporting Turnover may be invoiced sales and
Intake will be orders taken.
: : It is quite possible to deliver and invoice something to a customer this mon
th but not receive any new orders.



Hi all,
How do I explain the sales report that shows some figure
for the T (turnover) and blank for the I (intake) for the same
customer?? Is it due to certain process ??
Thank you

: We are having this problem and we think it is the result of a bug in the progr
am that builds the sales statistics. We have an open case with Baan Support on
this. The symptom may be linked to bad entries in table tdsst030, the sales sta
tistics sort file. We think bad entries in the sort file are being created by a
n error in the program script.
: It may be worth further investigation on your system. If you do indeed have t
his problem, reporting it to Baan Support may help speed up a solution for both
of us.
I already checked and it seems that there's no order intake within that period b
ut there are orders invoiced within the period. It is not a bug as far as my ca
se is concerned.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Kyrokee posted Message 4293 in Message Board
Dated : October 02, 2000 at 22:25:06 EST
Subject: Allocated order
Hi all,
I have investigate the derivation of allocated quantity in Item Master data.
But it puzzles me when there are certain items, do not have the allocated quan
tity updated even there is

a sales order for that particular items. I believe the column

'allocated' in Maintain Sales Order Line (form 2) is similar to that of in Item
Master Data (form 2). Anyone care to shed some light here? Thanks
***************** End Of Article ******************
Tanweer Ahmed posted Message 4294 in Message Board
Dated : October 03, 2000 at 04:29:21 EST
Subject: Gross Sales Report
Hi Friends,
Can anyone tell me the procedure to have or print Gross Sales Value Report becua
se Turnover in Sales Statistics means your Net Sales Value.

***************** End Of Article ******************

transportation consultant posted Message 4295 in Message Board
Dated : October 03, 2000 at 05:26:38 EST
Subject: Re: Transportation module
Freight Management will become available in Baan Reger
***************** End Of Article ******************
Girish posted Message 4296 in Message Board
Dated : October 03, 2000 at 11:35:44 EST
Subject: Re: Allocated order
: Hi all,
I have investigate the derivation of allocated quantity in Item Master dat
a. But it puzzles me when there are certain items, do not have the allocated qu
antity updated even there is
: a sales order for that particular items. I believe the column
: 'allocated' in Maintain Sales Order Line (form 2) is similar to that of in Ite
m Master Data (form 2). Anyone care to shed some light here? Thanks
Item master shows the cumulative data from nettable and non nettable warehouses.
Where as in sales orders it is showing only from nettable warehouses.
Hope this will help.
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Girish posted Message 4297 in Message Board

Dated : October 03, 2000 at 11:37:47 EST
Subject: Re: Invoice Split
: Does anybody know how to split an invoice?
: Thanks in advance
Can you give little more explanation about split.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Steve posted Message 4298 in Message Board
Dated : October 03, 2000 at 12:34:45 EST
Subject: containers
Hi again,
Is there anyway to make an already established non-containerized item a containe
r item. I cannot access the field "containerized" in the item master without cre
ating a totally new item.
Thanks in advance,
***************** End Of Article ******************
Arvind Patil posted Message 4299 in Message Board
Dated : October 03, 2000 at 18:32:27 EST
Subject: Re: Gross Sales Report
Add discount to get gross sales.
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Arvind Patil, CPIM posted Message 4300 in Message Board
Dated : October 03, 2000 at 18:34:31 EST
Subject: Re: Allocated order
The sal;es can be drop ship sales order or a KIT sales order or a cost Item sale
s order. In all these cases there will be no allocation for the item in sales or
***************** End Of Article ******************

Kyrokee posted Message 4301 in Message Board

Dated : October 04, 2000 at 00:00:58 EST
Subject: Inventory valuation Vs General Ledger
Hi all,
Normally we will use the Inventory Valuation report as a
reference to our GL (Trial Balance). We noted that sometimes the
report do not tally. Anyone care to highlight some of the possibilities that cau
se this?
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Henrik Nilsson posted Message 4302 in Message Board
Dated : October 04, 2000 at 02:46:33 EST
Subject: WIP warehouse?
Does anyone have a good explanation of what a WIP warehouse is and why you shoul
d use it?
The question is for Baan 5!!
Thank you in advance!
***************** End Of Article ******************
Henrik Nilsson posted Message 4303 in Message Board
Dated : October 04, 2000 at 03:09:57 EST
Subject: WIP warehouse?
What is the dif. between WIP warehouse and Normal warehouse. What is really the
reason for using WIP warehouse?
***************** End Of Article ******************
ghy posted Message 4304 in Message Board
Dated : October 04, 2000 at 03:11:31 EST
Subject: Re: WIP warehouse?
: What is the dif. between WIP warehouse and Normal warehouse. What is really th
e reason for using WIP warehouse?
The question is for Baan5!
: Regards
: /Henrik

***************** End Of Article ******************

Tanweer Ahmed posted Message 4305 in Message Board
Dated : October 04, 2000 at 04:19:18 EST
Subject: Gross Sales Report
Dear Arvind,
Thank you very much for your response. I know that if we add discount to net sal
es it will be our Gross Sales report. My question is can we have Gross sales rep
ort from the system or we have to add manually.
Hoping to hear from you.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Mondo posted Message 4306 in Message Board
Dated : October 04, 2000 at 06:24:54 EST
Subject: Cycle Counting in INV
We are not in ILC.
During generation of INV cycle counting orders, I don't want
to include certain items (because their inventories are already zero, some are o
bsolete items and haven't any transactions for
a long time)in the order.
I know generation is per warehouse and if I range the items
and the obsolete items belong to the warehouse and within
the range of items. It will be included in the cycle count order.
Please help!
***************** End Of Article ******************
Girish posted Message 4307 in Message Board
Dated : October 04, 2000 at 09:27:20 EST
Subject: Re: Change Code Prompts/Maintain Sales Order/Sales Order Lines
: Although there is a change type code called Add Order Line and the parameter i
n tdsls5100m000 is set to "prompt for changes", when adding a new sales order li
ne in session "Maintain Sales Order Lines" the change prompt session does not la
unch. Is this correct? If so, please explain the logic.
: Regards,
: Carol Schmidt
Hi Carol
The change code functionality is only if any changes happens for the existing sa
les order line. It will not prompt the change code session if creates a new sale

s order line.
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Phil Shipley posted Message 4308 in Message Board
Dated : October 04, 2000 at 09:57:58 EST
Subject: Re: Cycle Counting in INV
Hi Mondo,
Assuming you are using tdinv1220m000 to generate the cycle count orders then I a
m afraid that you cannot.
The selection criteria is
For each ABC classifaction, take the last count date (tdinv001.lcod) and add on
the count interval (tdinv000.cfr(x) * 7. If this is less than todays date or la
st count date = 0 then it is marked for counting. If there is no ABC code then
it uses the C interval.
Items considered are those from the selection screen and tdinv001.wist (Cycle co
unt generate ) = NO and item is not generic and tdinv001.qbsi (Quantity blocked
for storage) = 0.
The sort criteria is tdinv001._index1 = Warehouse, Item, Container.
So two options either customise tdinv1220m000 or change the tdinv001.lcod to be
a big date in the future either by a new session or less preferable GTM.
: We are not in ILC.
: During generation of INV cycle counting orders, I don't want
: to include certain items (because their inventories are already zero, some are
obsolete items and haven't any transactions for
: a long time)in the order.
: I know generation is per warehouse and if I range the items
: and the obsolete items belong to the warehouse and within
: the range of items. It will be included in the cycle count order.
: Please help!
: Thanks
: mondo

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Ron D. Bailey posted Message 4309 in Message Board
Dated : October 04, 2000 at 11:03:09 EST
Subject: Re: Cycle Counting in INV
Hi Phil,
This may sound a little too simplistic but could get around your issue. Cre

ate a dummy warehouse for obsolete items, and another for no-count items.
e the inventory movement transactions to move the items in question to the
ummy warehouses then generate your cycle counting orders. After the cycle
, you could always move the items back if you wanted to, or just keep them
until you can purge them.

new d

Like I said, it is simplistic, but it just might do the trick for you. I ho
pe this helps.
Ron D. Bailey
The Bright Cheese House
478 Industrial Ave.
Woodstock, Ontario
N4S 8A3
: We are not in ILC.
: During generation of INV cycle counting orders, I don't want
: to include certain items (because their inventories are already zero, some are
obsolete items and haven't any transactions for
: a long time)in the order.
: I know generation is per warehouse and if I range the items
: and the obsolete items belong to the warehouse and within
: the range of items. It will be included in the cycle count order.
: Please help!
: Thanks
: mondo

***************** End Of Article ******************

Sharma posted Message 4310 in Message Board
Dated : October 04, 2000 at 22:36:27 EST
Subject: WIP warehouse?
In BaanERP WIP warehouses are mainly used to store intermediate inventory requir
ed by production lines or workcenters. Supply to Assembly lines is from WIP ware
houses and in turn these WIP warehouses can be replinished by various supply sys
tems like TPOP, Kanban, Order controlled Batch and Order Controlled SILS. WIP wa
rehouses cannot have locations.
Normal warehouses are warehouses which store raw material or finished goods. The
y can also be used to store intermediate semi-finished goods. But normal warehou
ses can never feed assembly lines. However they can feed normal production work
***************** End Of Article ******************
Kyrokee posted Message 4311 in Message Board
Dated : October 04, 2000 at 22:37:46 EST

Subject: Re: Gross Sales Report

: Dear Arvind,
: Thank you very much for your response. I know that if we add discount to net s
ales it will be our Gross Sales report. My question is can we have Gross sales r
eport from the system or we have to add manually.
: Hoping to hear from you.
As far as I am concerned it is always net sales report in the system. Yes, you
have to add it manually. Not that difficult
, done it so many times.:)

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Sharma posted Message 4312 in Message Board
Dated : October 04, 2000 at 22:46:52 EST
Subject: Gross Sales Report
You can try this way in BaanERP using display codes:
Use Cloumn content 1 : Turnover statistics
Use Column content 2 : Turnover discount
Use Column content 3 : Sum
Column 3 will be gross sales report
Column 1 will be your net sales.
Hope this helps.
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Tanweer Ahmed posted Message 4313 in Message Board
Dated : October 05, 2000 at 04:41:00 EST
Subject: Average Sales Report
Hi Friends,
We are using BaaN4c3. Is there any way to know or print average selling price fo
r a particular Item or group of items.
Best Wishes & Regards,

***************** End Of Article ******************

Tanweer Ahmed posted Message 4314 in Message Board

Dated : October 05, 2000 at 04:43:27 EST
Subject: Average Selling Price Report
Hi Friends,
We are using BaaN4c3. Is there any way to know or print average selling price fo
r a particular Item or group of items.
Best Wishes & Regards,

***************** End Of Article ******************

Clark0429 posted Message 4315 in Message Board
Dated : October 05, 2000 at 16:14:54 EST
Subject: Re: WIP warehouse?
In Baan 4a, I setup wip warehouses to control what lot got backflushed at the ma

: Hello!
: Does anyone have a good explanation of what a WIP warehouse is and why you sho
uld use it?
: The question is for Baan 5!!
: Thank you in advance!
: Regards
: /Henrik

***************** End Of Article ******************

Robiburns posted Message 4316 in Message Board
Dated : October 05, 2000 at 17:27:54 EST
Subject: Re: Average Selling Price Report
: Hi Friends,
: We are using BaaN4c3. Is there any way to know or print average selling price
for a particular Item or group of items.
: Best Wishes & Regards,
I just did a Easy SQL query on tdsls041 with tdsls041.item on a selection form a
nd tdsls041.pric with function average. You could add more to the selection form
if you want. (ie date range). Pretty simple and easy to make available to a use


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AK posted Message 4317 in Message Board
Dated : October 05, 2000 at 20:25:45 EST
Subject: Cycle Count
I have an item where the last cycle count date is 09/28/00.
It is a c class item and in the inv parameters the value is 52 weeks. A cycle co
unt order is getting generated for the item. It shold be only on 9/28/01. Any su
***************** End Of Article ******************
Mondo posted Message 4318 in Message Board
Dated : October 05, 2000 at 23:44:37 EST
Subject: Re: Cycle Counting in INV
Hi Ron and Phil!
Does Baan prevent items with 0 inventory to be included
in a cycle counting order?
Is Performing ABC analyis a mandatory/requirement before
generating cycle counting order? Because we haven't used
ABC analysis yet but we can process cycle counting orders
: Hi Phil,
This may sound a little too simplistic but could get around your issue. C
reate a dummy warehouse for obsolete items, and another for no-count items. Cre
ate the inventory movement transactions to move the items in question to the new
dummy warehouses then generate your cycle counting orders. After the cycle cou
nt, you could always move the items back if you wanted to, or just keep them the
re until you can purge them.
Like I said, it is simplistic, but it just might do the trick for you. I
hope this helps.
: Sincerely,

Ron D. Bailey
The Bright Cheese House
478 Industrial Ave.
Woodstock, Ontario
N4S 8A3

: : We are not in ILC.
: : During generation of INV cycle counting orders, I don't want
: : to include certain items (because their inventories are already zero, some a
re obsolete items and haven't any transactions for
: : a long time)in the order.
: : I know generation is per warehouse and if I range the items
: : and the obsolete items belong to the warehouse and within
: : the range of items. It will be included in the cycle count order.
: : Please help!
: : Thanks
: : mondo

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Per Frederiksen posted Message 4319 in Message Board
Dated : October 06, 2000 at 03:07:25 EST
Subject: How to find relation between Production Order and Sales Order
Is there a way to track from witch sales order and line a specific production or
der was generated?
I'm not able to find any relations between tisfc001 and tdsls040 / tdsls041.
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Juckrich K. posted Message 4320 in Message Board
Dated : October 06, 2000 at 05:44:20 EST
Subject: Want to change warehouse to be nettable.
Hi everyone
I want to chang some information in the maintain warehouse.
The nettable field is Yes/No, and I try to change from No to Yes.
But cannot, the system not allow to chang and not provide any message. How to ch
ange the field to yes. This warehouse have many transaction. and want to use MRP
Thank very much in advance.
Juckrich K.
***************** End Of Article ******************
pt posted Message 4321 in Message Board
Dated : October 06, 2000 at 08:51:38 EST
Subject: DRP and Sales Order Fulfillment

Does anyone know if Baan customer-item-location setup allows one to map a custom
er location-item combination to a fulfillment location/warehouse?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Vivek. posted Message 4322 in Message Board
Dated : October 06, 2000 at 08:52:15 EST
Subject: Re: Want to change warehouse to be nettable.
: Hi everyone
: I want to chang some information in the maintain warehouse.
: The nettable field is Yes/No, and I try to change from No to Yes.
: But cannot, the system not allow to chang and not provide any message. How to
change the field to yes. This warehouse have many transaction. and want to use M
RP Module.
: Thank very much in advance.
: Juckrich K.
:Once a warehouse undergoes transactions, system will not allow the user to chan
ge the setting "Nettable - Yes/No". That's Baan Logic. Perhaps, if you're so des
parate to change, my recommendation is to define a new warehouse and transfer al
l items/inventory to the new warehouse with appropriate definition for nettable
flag and all necessary sessions like item data, PBOM, etc., as well.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Vivek. posted Message 4323 in Message Board
Dated : October 06, 2000 at 09:09:51 EST
Subject: Re: How to find relation between Production Order and Sales Order
: Hi
: Is there a way to track from witch sales order and line a specific production
order was generated?
: I'm not able to find any relations between tisfc001 and tdsls040 / tdsls041.
:You've two methods to get this relation, between a Sales order and a Production
Method 1: If the item in question is a "Made to Order" type, then you will have
to implement Project Control (PCS module) in which case you'll be creating a spe
cific project number for every Sales Order and/or every Sales order line, which
gets transferred to SFC Production order as well (for the end Sales item). By th
is method, you can find out all SFC Orders related to a Sales Order through the
project number.
Method 2: If PCS is not implemented/required, then you may choose to implement L
ot Control and assign lot numbers at the time of creating a Sales Order, in Sale
s Order line form-2, for every line item. But, the relation between Sales order

and Production order is not established until the Production order is completed
during which when the inventory is posted, you'll assign the same lot number tha
t has been specified in SO Line. Then to track the relationship, you can go to s
ession "Display Where-Used Lots"(tdltc1510m000) under lot tracking folder of Lot
Control module. This will list, for a given item and lot number, all relevant o
rder numbers and movements.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Vivek. posted Message 4324 in Message Board
Dated : October 06, 2000 at 09:33:31 EST
Subject: Re: containers
: Hi again,
: Is there anyway to make an already established non-containerized item a contai
ner item. I cannot access the field "containerized" in the item master without c
reating a totally new item.
: Thanks in advance,
: Steve
:Once an item has been defined in item data as "Process Item - No", then no long
er you can access the field "Containerized" on form-5. This field can be accesse
d ONLY when the field "Process Item" has been set to "Yes" in form-1. The field
"Process Item" can no longer be accessed either, once its set to "No". So, you'v
e no other choice other than to create a new item. For your kind info, all conta
inrized items are basically a process item, which are packaged in different capa
cities of containers. For example, if you take Lemonade or Detergent Soap, these
are process items that are packed in different containers of various sizes. Aft
er defining a containerized item, you've define the "Units" and "Units by Unit S
ets" and the "Conversion factors" appropriately to get the cost calculations, in
ventory data, etc., correctly. However, all these items are handled only in Baan
Process package.
***************** End Of Article ******************
bill posted Message 4325 in Message Board
Dated : October 06, 2000 at 10:30:48 EST
Subject: Re: Cycle Count
: I have an item where the last cycle count date is 09/28/00.
: It is a c class item and in the inv parameters the value is 52 weeks. A cycle
count order is getting generated for the item. It shold be only on 9/28/01. Any
Do you use Location Control?
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ak posted Message 4326 in Message Board

Dated : October 06, 2000 at 12:04:58 EST
Subject: Re: Cycle Count

: I have an item where the last cycle count date is 09/28/00.

: It is a c class item and in the inv parameters the value is 52 weeks. A cycl
count order is getting generated for the item. It shold be only on 9/28/01. An

: Do you use Location Control?

Location control is implemented

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Diane Snyder posted Message 4327 in Message Board
Dated : October 06, 2000 at 18:27:23 EST
Subject: Steps for Proforma Invoicing in BaaN 4c3
We are having difficulty using Proforma Invoicing. We are running BaaN 4c3. Wh
at BaaN sessions, and in what in order, should be used, including the posting of
cash to the order?
Thank you.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Arvind PAtil, CPIM posted Message 4328 in Message Board
Dated : October 06, 2000 at 18:41:33 EST
Subject: Re: Want to change warehouse to be nettable.
Change the flag through GTM. It is not a problem at all. I have done sevral time
in past.
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Arvind Patil, CPIM posted Message 4329 in Message Board
Dated : October 06, 2000 at 18:46:30 EST
Subject: Re: How to find relation between Production Order and Sales Order
In the absence of PCS there is no way to link production order and sales order e
ven if it is lot controlled. You can only what i sthe origin of lotand where it
is delivered. Also making lot control makes the process very lethargic. If you s
ee Baan item master it says the order policy is Anonymous which itelf means that
it can have many orgin. If you are in MTO or ATO environment then only PCS is u

***************** End Of Article ******************
Max posted Message 4330 in Message Board
Dated : October 09, 2000 at 02:43:00 EST
Subject: Re: How to find relation between Production Order and Sales Order
: Hi
: Is there a way to track from witch sales order and line a specific production
order was generated?
: I'm not able to find any relations between tisfc001 and tdsls040 / tdsls041.
It's not a complete solution but can help if the order no. is not huge.
You can view from Planned Inventory Movement by Item to see the + and - sign mov
ements. The + & - sign will be in a order that you can trace which production o
rder or purchase order is related to sales order.
Hope this helps.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Max posted Message 4331 in Message Board
Dated : October 09, 2000 at 02:51:14 EST
Subject: Re: Cycle Count
: I have an item where the last cycle count date is 09/28/00.
: It is a c class item and in the inv parameters the value is 52 weeks. A cycle
count order is getting generated for the item. It shold be only on 9/28/01. Any
The best way to do is to force the system to generate cycle count orders again i
mmediately for the c class items.
In theory, you can set the value for c class item in Maintain INV parameters tdi
nv0100m000 to 0 weeks, however, the system will not allow you to enter 0 as doma
in for this field disallows zero value.
To get around this, you can goto table tdinv000 to change the value to 0 and gen
erate cycle orders again. The system will generate cycle count orders for c cla
ss items. You can then change back the value later.
Regards, Max

***************** End Of Article ******************

Max posted Message 4332 in Message Board
Dated : October 09, 2000 at 02:56:13 EST
Subject: Re: Amendments to purchase orders

Many users in Asian countries faces this problem, it can't be done without heavy
customization... Standard Baan can't handle PO amendment or keep track of deta
ils of amendment as it got no tables to stored original data before amendment.
Sorry to disappoint you.
: 1.How do you handle chnage in a purchase order afetr making
: part receipts.
: 2.How can a amendment to a purchase order be handled with out the use the chan
ge reason code.
: 3.How to keep track of the changes taking place in the order before or after m
aking receipts.
: 4.How can the revised purchase order be printed keeping track of the original
order placed.
: Thanks

***************** End Of Article ******************

Diane Weir posted Message 4333 in Message Board
Dated : October 09, 2000 at 08:34:15 EST
Subject: Re: Inventory valuation Vs General Ledger
We've had this problem almost from the time we went live. Baan recommends runni
ng session tdinv0253m000 but that hasn't solved our problem to our satisfaction.
See my posting referencing tdinv700 for more details.
I'd appreciate hearing from you if you're able to make any progress on this issu
***************** End Of Article ******************
bill posted Message 4334 in Message Board
Dated : October 09, 2000 at 09:08:30 EST
Subject: Re: Cycle Count
: :
: :

: I have an item where the last cycle count date is 09/28/00.

: It is a c class item and in the inv parameters the value is 52 weeks. A cy
count order is getting generated for the item. It shold be only on 9/28/01.

: : Do you use Location Control?

: Location control is implemented
I believe it looks at the dates by warehouse, so if you move an item to a new wa
rehouse it starts out without a count date.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Krishan Raman posted Message 4335 in Message Board
Dated : October 10, 2000 at 00:55:39 EST
Subject: Re: How to find relation between Production Order and Sales Order

Well, guys I am just putting an idea on the table and I am hoping you'll get som
e idea to find out if this is the direction you'd like to take. I do not have ac
cess to baan right at this very moment so I will be talking in a general way.
Basically, in addition to what other gentlemen have suggested, you can use the t
ables that contains the "planned prod. order" generated by the MRP and or PRP pr
ocess, in conjunction with planned inventory movements by item).
Using the multi-level pegging technique you can figure out what is the source of
demand of type "sales order" for a planned production order. I do not know how
to link a confirmed prod. order with a planned prod. order but I think it must b
e present somewhere.
The logic of traversing the above tables to recursively determine the parent sou
rce of demand is slightly involved and requires a reporting toOl that supports r
ecursion and dynamic queries. I have done this with informix 4gl. If that can he
lp I can give you the code for multi level pegging. It is working perfectly at o
ur site.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Krishan Raman posted Message 4336 in Message Board
Dated : October 10, 2000 at 01:08:28 EST
Subject: Re: Sales Statistic - Urgent
You are better off by writing a query off of tdsls051.
If you need some help let me know. I have constructed an OLAP style cube by link
ing appropriate master tables with this table.
The results work so great that you will end up satisfying your whole organizatio
ns sales related reporting needs. In addition users will be able to get more ins
ight into the sales data due to the inherent characteristics of sliceing and dic
ing an olap cube using pivot tables in EXCEL.
Pl. let me know if you need more details.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Krishan Raman posted Message 4337 in Message Board
Dated : October 10, 2000 at 01:50:06 EST
Subject: Re: speed of maintain receipts
Yes, there is a solution I have developed that you can deloy easily. I will desc
ribe what I did in our situation just so you can get some idea.
Basically, our receiving staff worked off of a document from the supplier which
contained the po number and item. There is no supplier code or baan's po line it
em number on that documnet.
So we did 3 things: First I added the session "maintain receipts" to the shared
memory. This improved the session loading time. Then I changed the default order
of the screen that comes up to let you select the lines to be recvd. to an inde
x starting with leading columns as PO AND LINE instead of
supplier. Also I changed the default start up option of this (the latter) sessio
n to def.find which pops up a small dialogue box to put in the po number. So the
whole process works very fast as follows:
As soon as you go into the session it loads up fast being in the shared memory.

Then when you hit insert and go into a sesion to pick a po line to be recvd. the
n instead of waiting to let the session populate all the records itinstantly pre
sents a screen to specify the po numeb rto received (due to start up option bein
g def.find). Then when a user enters a po number the system immediately brings u
p the po and the lines to be recvd. due to hash index already present. I also re
placed the main field on this session from supplier code to the po number so one
can see all the lines to be received for a given PO in a master detail style. T
o keep the supplier info avl. This was done by making the po numeb field a NON-M
ULTI OCCURENCE field. and supplier field a multi-occurence field (quite opposite
to what baan has now).
So users can receive a po directly without first find the supplier code in seve
ral steps.
Hope you will get some idea. If you have questions pls. call me at 858 674 5100
xt. 4326 and I will walk you thru the process.
This process is more than 10 times faster.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Merv Carr posted Message 4338 in Message Board
Dated : October 10, 2000 at 09:32:40 EST
Subject: Re: How to find relation between Production Order and Sales Order
HI all
The long and short of the issue is that unless you are using PCS(and the item in
question is MTO) then you are trying to defeat the logic of the system. If an i
tem is classified as anonymous, then by definition you "don't care" where the de
mand is coming from, you are making to stock. If it is imperative that a SFC ord
er is "tied" to a sales order, then go the PCS route.
Merv Carr
: Hi
: Is there a way to track from witch sales order and line a specific production
order was generated?
: I'm not able to find any relations between tisfc001 and tdsls040 / tdsls041.

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TF posted Message 4339 in Message Board
Dated : October 10, 2000 at 17:30:16 EST
Subject: Re: Steps for Proforma Invoicing in BaaN 4c3
: We are having difficulty using Proforma Invoicing. We are running BaaN 4c3.
What BaaN sessions, and in what in order, should be used, including the posting
of cash to the order?
: Thank you.
The step "Print proforma invoices" (the real session, not the print invoices wit

h definite set to no) has to be in your ordertype. After that, in Finance the am
ount has to be received on the order before you can deliver the items on the sal
es orderline.
these are the steps...
Proforma invoices printen (tdsls4435m000)
Paymaents to proforma invoice... (tfcmg6200m000)
Good Luck TF

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Henrik posted Message 4340 in Message Board
Dated : October 11, 2000 at 14:57:04 EST
Subject: Re: WIP warehouse?
Hello Sharma!
Do you have any documentation on how to set up replensihment from normal WH to W
If you do please send it me on
Thank you in advance!

***************** End Of Article ******************

Henrik posted Message 4341 in Message Board
Dated : October 11, 2000 at 16:27:26 EST
Subject: Replenishment from normal WH to WIP WH?
Anyone have a good desc. or document about replenishment, from a normal warehous
e to a WIP warehouse in Baan ERP (5.0b)?
I do not want use DRP!
Thank you in advance!
***************** End Of Article ******************
Rob posted Message 4342 in Message Board
Dated : October 12, 2000 at 05:07:50 EST
Subject: Replenishment from normal WH to WIP WH?
You can try this.
In Item - warehouse supplier info for WIP warehouse, put supply system as "TPOP"
and then supply warehouse as normal warehouse. Run generate warehouse orders (T
POP). This will generate replinishment orders from normal warehouse to WIP wareh

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Jerry posted Message 4343 in Message Board
Dated : October 12, 2000 at 07:44:34 EST
Subject: Re: Cycle Count
: : :
: : :
. Any

: I have an item where the last cycle count date is 09/28/00.

: It is a c class item and in the inv parameters the value is 52 weeks. A
count order is getting generated for the item. It shold be only on 9/28/01

: : : Do you use Location Control?

: : Location control is implemented
: I believe it looks at the dates by warehouse, so if you move an item to a new
warehouse it starts out without a count date.
It sounds like you have a lot control problem..I've seen the same situation beca
use the OUTBOUND PRIORITY (form 2 in ITEM DATA) was set to FIFO. the system crea
tes cycle count orders for each lot..
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Izabela posted Message 4344 in Message Board
Dated : October 12, 2000 at 09:48:18 EST
Subject: History in Transportation
Tour has status: ended. Do you know how to change it?
(without tabeles?)
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Henrik posted Message 4345 in Message Board
Dated : October 16, 2000 at 09:39:30 EST
Subject: Re: Replenishment from normal WH to WIP WH?
: You can try this.
: In Item - warehouse supplier info for WIP warehouse, put supply system as "TPO
P" and then supply warehouse as normal warehouse. Run generate warehouse orders
(TPOP). This will generate replinishment orders from normal warehouse to WIP war
:I am using Baan5b.
Could you please tell me a bit more detailed what to do. I do not know what TPOP
Thank you in advance!

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Rob posted Message 4346 in Message Board

Dated : October 16, 2000 at 22:49:49 EST
Subject: Re: Replenishment from normal WH to WIP WH?
TPOP = Time Phased Ordering Point.
I am talking about functionality available in Baan Vb.
In Item - warehouse information for WIP warehouse, put supply system as "TPOP" a
nd then supply warehouse as normal warehouse. Run generate warehouse orders (TPO
P). This will generate replinishment orders from normal warehouse to WIP warehou
se. I guess I am clear.
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DM posted Message 4347 in Message Board
Dated : October 17, 2000 at 10:58:00 EST
Subject: Re: Cycle Count
Is Lot Control Implemented?
If so, the way Baan determines whether to generate a cycle counting order for a
particular stock point is by warehouse/lot/date/location (not in that order!). T
herefore, although that particular item has already been counted, the Lot specif
ied on the cycle counting order probably has not been counted before. You can ch
eck this in GTM by looking at the field 'Last Counting Date' [tdilc101.coun]. It
may also be that that Lot has already been counted, but in a different warehous
e/location - in this case Baan will also generate a new cycle counting order.

: I have an item where the last cycle count date is 09/28/00.

: It is a c class item and in the inv parameters the value is 52 weeks. A cycle
count order is getting generated for the item. It shold be only on 9/28/01. Any

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Ana posted Message 4348 in Message Board
Dated : October 17, 2000 at 12:21:56 EST
Subject: Alternative item description in BaanERP
Does anybody know how to get an alternative item description by supplier in Baan
ERP? I know how to do it in BaaN IV, but not in BaanERP.
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David Snailham posted Message 4349 in Message Board
Dated : October 17, 2000 at 14:39:49 EST
Subject: BaaNERP Purchase Schedules

is anyone using Purchase Schedules in BaaNERP?

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Rob posted Message 4350 in Message Board
Dated : October 17, 2000 at 23:52:04 EST
Subject: Re: Alternative item description in BaanERP
You need to maintain Item code systems by Business Partner and use Item code sys
tems in raising the PO. This prints the alternative item code instead of Normal
item code.
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Ana posted Message 4351 in Message Board
Dated : October 18, 2000 at 03:15:55 EST
Subject: Re: Alternative item DESCRIPTION in BaanERP
My doubt was about the alternative DESCRIPTION (not the alternative code.
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Siadige posted Message 4352 in Message Board
Dated : October 19, 2000 at 13:50:27 EST
Subject: About Inventories
It's possible to negative inventories at tdilc1512m000 session. There are 3 item
taht have negative inventory at this session. And at the same time, we can sea
negative allocations on this screen. How can i solve it? Any body can help me?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Siadige posted Message 4353 in Message Board
Dated : October 19, 2000 at 13:57:22 EST
Subject: Negative Inventories
What is the mean of negative inventries at tdilc1512m000 session.
Is it possible to see negative inventory and negative allocaiton or negative "On
Order" values. How can i solve this problem?

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Arvind Patil, CPIM posted Message 4354 in Message Board
Dated : October 19, 2000 at 18:26:39 EST
Subject: Re: Negative Inventories
This is quite posiblel. On order can be negative if you have a -ve open PO. Allo
cated can be negative if a sales order is negative. Look for plan transaction in
Inventory control session. That will give u insight.

***************** End Of Article ******************
Sally Berger posted Message 4355 in Message Board
Dated : October 19, 2000 at 19:08:29 EST
Subject: Cycle Count - customized Items
Hi !
We are using Baan IV c.
We have implemented PCs (Project Control System).
Hence most of the items are customized items.
Which sessions do we use for cycle counting customized items?
- Sally Berger
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George Gerentes posted Message 4356 in Message Board
Dated : October 20, 2000 at 03:15:21 EST
Subject: Re: Purchase requisitions - Procedures
: : 1. Does any version of Baan (other than Baan ERP) handle Purchase Requisitio
ns? Is it available as an add on to the sch module in Baan IVb or c??
: We are using tdprq module (purchase requisitions) under
: B40L c2 sch0 it works pretty well for us.
Hi guys
Can you explain how you managedto set up the requisitions? I know that by level
I am limited up to corresponding amount levels. I want to use the Departments
but anyone can authorize each other steps in the authorize req. by number sessio
n. Is this a bug ??
Please Be specific if you're willing to explain.
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George Gerentes posted Message 4357 in Message Board
Dated : October 20, 2000 at 03:18:28 EST
Subject: Purchase requisitions - PRQ - Procedures - Baan IV c4
Hi guys
If anyone usees the PRQ module, could you explain how you managed to set up the
requisitions in your company? I know that by level I am limited up to 5 corresp
onding amount levels. I want to use the Departments but anyone can authorize ea
ch other steps in the authorize req. by number session. Is this a bug ??
Please Be specific if you're willing to explain.
Thank you

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George Gerentes posted Message 4358 in Message Board
Dated : October 20, 2000 at 03:21:29 EST
Subject: Purchase requisitions - PRQ - Procedures - Baan IV c4
Hi guys
If anyone usees the PRQ module, could you explain how you managed to set up the
requisitions in your company? I know that by level I am limited up to 5 corresp
onding amount levels. I want to use the Departments but anyone can authorize ea
ch other steps in the authorize req. by number session. Is this a bug ??
Please Be specific if you're willing to explain.
Thank you

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G posted Message 4359 in Message Board
Dated : October 20, 2000 at 03:55:42 EST
Subject: Re: Cycle Count - customized Items
: Hi !
We are using Baan IV c.
We have implemented PCs (Project Control System).
Hence most of the items are customized items.
Which sessions do we use for cycle counting customized items?
: - Sally Berger
It's not possible to cycle count cust. items!!
The logic is: You purchase/manufactured only the customized items you really nee
d for your project. If done right they're all gone when the project is finished,
so why should u want to count them in their limited lifetime??
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Siadige posted Message 4360 in Message Board
Dated : October 20, 2000 at 05:34:24 EST
Subject: Re: Negative Inventories
: Hi,
: This is quite posiblel. On order can be negative if you have a -ve open PO. Al
located can be negative if a sales order is negative. Look for plan transaction
in Inventory control session. That will give u insight.
: Arvind
Hi Arvind,
OK. i will check all possible negative orders.

But as i said before , you can see negative inventory on hands at inventory inqu
iry sessions. I couldn't solve what is the ptoblem for this items.
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VJK posted Message 4361 in Message Board
Dated : October 20, 2000 at 11:33:19 EST
Subject: Cycle counting dos and don'ts..... Urgent
We are doing cycle counting for our site and noticed in the system(tdilc1514m000
) that for 2 items there exists an "Allocation" for a qunatity of 1. But there a
re no corresponding records in the tdilc1512m000 session. We had similar problem
earlier at another site and we got rid of the allocation(after making sure that
no orders exist against that allocation) by running the session "Rebuild Invent
ory Data(ILC)tdilc0250m000" session. But in the present scenario, we are running
the cycle counting and the items under question are "Blocked for Cycle counting
Does any one know whether running the "Rebuild Inventory Data(ILC)tdilc0250m000)
" session will have any impact, given the fact that the 2 items are "Blocked for
Cycle Counting".
Any help in this regard is much appreicated.
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Denise posted Message 4362 in Message Board
Dated : October 20, 2000 at 11:37:55 EST
Subject: Customer A/R Balance/Process Delivered Sales Inv.
Currently we run Process Delivered Sales Orders at the end of every transaction.
We want to move to batching invoices at night, or at least running this sessio
n at night. However, the customer a/r balances are updated here. Is anyone doi
ng anything to get around this? We DO want to have accurate a/r balances for cr
edit checking throughout the business day.
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Frode Lervik posted Message 4363 in Message Board
Dated : October 20, 2000 at 11:56:47 EST
Subject: Re: Sales order delivery dates
I agree: It's a significant and in my view, almost unbelievable shortcoming.
In my opinion, the sls051 table doesn't even cover half the problem because you
never know for sure which of the dates in the history table you should look at.
Theoretically one could make rules like "measure against the date of the first r
ecord in the table", etc. However, this really doesn't work in a live situation.
The reason for this is that the sales order record is (more or less automatical
ly) saved several times before you complete entering the whole order header.
I opened a case on this
tdsls051.curd. I don't
was told that this was
here is also no program

topic a long time ago, including a question on the field

know what respons you got on your case, but in my case I
an old field that would be removed in future versions. T
logic linked to it.

I'm wondering how many customers have had to make a customisation on this point.
: I've opened a case with Baan regarding the lack of a metric for on time delive
ries to our Customer. This is a signifigant shortcoming in Baan. tdsls051 only
addresses half the problem. You need to associate deliveries with the Original
planned delivery date.
: Funny thing. There is a field in tdsls051 (.curd) that is labeled "Original C
ustomer Request Date." I have never seen it populated and nowhere can I see it
in sessions and reports. Anybody have any ideas?
: : : We are looking for a way to maintain the original Sales Order line planned
delivery date while entering a new date. We want to track the delivery performa
nce of when we originally planned to ship the line. I see no place to put a resc
heduled delivery date.
: : If you change an orderdate a new record wil be made in the table tdsls051 so
you can read back those records.

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Arvind Patil, CPIM posted Message 4364 in Message Board
Dated : October 20, 2000 at 20:07:40 EST
Subject: Re: Customer A/R Balance/Process Delivered Sales Inv.
In Baan credit limit is checked against both invoice and order balance. If you w
ant to go to batch invoicing then PDSO needs to be batched invoice.
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Arvind Patil, CPIM posted Message 4365 in Message Board
Dated : October 20, 2000 at 20:15:12 EST
Subject: Re: Negative Inventories
As you know Baan has more than one table for inventory- tdinv001 and tdilc101.
Negative on hand is a problem. tdinv001 and tdilc101 should not and cannot have
negtaive value. If it is negative it means there is some problem. It can happen
if Baan was trying to update say a release I/B and system crashed in between as
a result some of the tables are not updated.
Negative on order and allocation in tdinv001 is possible but not in tdillc101. T
he session "tdilc1520m000" uses tdinv001 table.

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Tanweer Ahmed posted Message 4366 in Message Board

Dated : October 21, 2000 at 15:38:52 EST

Subject: Installment Invoicing

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Denise posted Message 4367 in Message Board
Dated : October 24, 2000 at 07:35:48 EST
Subject: Re: Customer A/R Balance/Process Delivered Sales Inv.
I'm sorry, I don't understand, can you explain again? I want to print all my in
voices (and run PDSO)at the end of the day, but without sacrificing my current c
ustomer balances.
: In Baan credit limit is checked against both invoice and order balance. If you
want to go to batch invoicing then PDSO needs to be batched invoice.
: Arvind

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Robiburns posted Message 4368 in Message Board
Dated : October 24, 2000 at 08:34:21 EST
Subject: Re: About Inventories
: It's possible to negative inventories at tdilc1512m000 session. There are 3 it
em taht have negative inventory at this session. And at the same time, we can s
ea negative allocations on this screen. How can i solve it? Any body can help me
There are a couple of inventory corrections sessions available. Sorry I can't lo
ok them up right now but if you look around tdinv1200m000 or tdilc1200m000 (or e
ven tdinv9...) you should find them. Make sure no one is in the system when you
run them.

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Anturo Vias posted Message 4369 in Message Board
Dated : October 24, 2000 at 17:26:48 EST
Subject: Lots and projects
I need some help:
Our Baan Distribution has lots and locations implemented and all the items are i
n lots (tiitm001.kltc).
I have a purchase order and its lines belong to a TP project. About it, one item
from that purchase order is received normally, but Baan Distribution don &#8216
;t let us to create the respective lot.
Thanks in advance for your soon help.
Arturo Vias

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chris posted Message 4370 in Message Board
Dated : October 25, 2000 at 09:02:26 EST
Subject: Re: ERP corrupt inventory?
: Out of curiousity, is anyone else having major problems with
: corrupt inventory in ERP? In particular, the whinr140 and
: whinr150 tables seem to get out of sync.
: Thanks,
: BaanFire
It does seem to be a common problem. I am currently working on an implementatio
n and am having considerable problems with this. Can i ask what version / servi
ce pack your system is???
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baanfan posted Message 4371 in Message Board
Dated : October 26, 2000 at 23:03:00 EST
Subject: Re: Negative Inventories
Try to contact your support center.
There's an available patch for your problem.
: Hi,


As you know Baan has more than one table for inventory- tdinv001 and tdilc101.
Negative on hand is a problem. tdinv001 and tdilc101 should not and cannot hav
negtaive value. If it is negative it means there is some problem. It can happe
if Baan was trying to update say a release I/B and system crashed in between a
a result some of the tables are not updated.

: Negative on order and allocation in tdinv001 is possible but not in tdillc101.

The session "tdilc1520m000" uses tdinv001 table.
: Arvind

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BillyBaan posted Message 4372 in Message Board
Dated : October 27, 2000 at 16:27:38 EST
Subject: Calculating Demand Forecst by Item
I'm looking for some advice on using this baan feature. My understanding is thi
s session creates the "Expected Annual Issue", for items that are anonymous and
are flagged Yes, for the field "update Inv.-Order Data" form 4 on the item maste
Also, my understanding is this field is what Baan uses when calculating the ABC
codes. Which Baan uses for cycle counting, and maybe other sessions.
I am trying to use a simple forecaste method, "Moving Average". But sometime I c
an't figure out, how the system calculates the safety stock and re-order points.
For example I have an Item that was last used twice in March of 1999, and once
in Jan of 1999,Baan has calculated the expected annual issue to be -0- but it i
s calculating a safety stock of .0419.
I recognize that maybe this item should not be anonymous, but I need to know if
the calculation is working correctly or not. Generally it is easier on a part w
ith little demand than one with lots of transactions.
I've got a service level of 95% on this item.
This issue is important, because our ABC codes are currently based on 1998 usage
, prior to cut-over to Baan. We know that what happened in 1998 is significantl
y different than 2000.
Even if you can't answer this question let me know that you are out there, and I
'll ask other questions.

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Anand Bajaj posted Message 4373 in Message Board
Dated : October 30, 2000 at 06:39:35 EST
Subject: Commission and Rebates calculation
IN "Maintain commision parameters" tdcms0100m000
Commission Calculation method parameter is "Paid Invoice" and
Linking of relations on is "Order Line" and in

"Maintain Rebate Parameters" tdcms1100m000 --Rebate Calculation method parameter is "Paid Invoice" and
Linking of relations on is "Order Line".
In Sales order procedure once the sales invoices are printed and Process Deliver
ed Sales Order (PDSO) session is executed. After this the invoices are posted in
Finance and payments are made through "MAintain Transactions" in BAan Finance.A
fter this when go to session "Calculate Commisions and Rebates" tdcms0240m000 a
nd execute it, it gives "NO agreement found" error message even when agreement i
s maintained in "Maintain commissions Agreements" tdcms0130m000 and "maintain Re
bate agreements" tdcms1130m000.
Secondly when we try to execute session "Maintain commissions calculaated by ord
er" tdcms0150m000 and "Maintain Rebates calculated by order" tdcms2150m000; it
says "Invoice not fully paid" and does not allow to maintain commissions or reba
tes. (In Baan finance invoices are fully paid and the balance against the invoic
e is Zero).

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Rosalba Perez posted Message 4374 in Message Board
Dated : October 30, 2000 at 12:10:00 EST
Subject: Blocking Purchase Order
We're trying to find a parameter or field under "Suppliers" or ACP that will let
us block the creation of a new purchase order if we owe the supplier an amount
greater than $999,999.
Rosalba Perez
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Ilan Kiperman posted Message 4375 in Message Board
Dated : October 31, 2000 at 03:48:13 EST
Subject: Over delivery on maintain reciepts
How can we stop over delivery on maintain reciepts?
Without customization, can we use the authorization?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Ron D. Bailey posted Message 4376 in Message Board
Dated : October 31, 2000 at 09:49:32 EST
Subject: Re: Blocking Purchase Order
: We're trying to find a parameter or field under "Suppliers" or ACP that will l
et us block the creation of a new purchase order if we owe the supplier an amoun
t greater than $999,999.
: Thanks.
: Rosalba Perez
Hi Rosalba,

I believe you are going to need custom coding for that scenario. It does not ti
e into straight purchasing, nor is it based on any type of fixed contract. Sinc
e it is independant of these functions (mainly based in Finance with Purchasing
qualifiers), it would be custom.
A work around could be a periodic report to list all suppliers with large outsta
nding balances (at whatever threshold you choose), then mark the supplier (in su
pplier maintenance tccom2102m000) as "Purchase Entry Blocked". It is possible t
o write a tools script for this that runs as a periodic job. The script could a
utomatically do the blocking for you by writing the new status code. You would
still have to unblock them when appropriate. It isn't pretty, but it could reso
lve your issue. I hope this helps.
Ron D. Bailey
The Bright Cheese House
478 Industrial Avenue
Woodstock, Ontario
N4S 8A3
***************** End Of Article ******************
Gianni posted Message 4377 in Message Board
Dated : October 31, 2000 at 10:58:41 EST
Subject: Documentation about PRQ (BaaN IV sch0?
Could someone send me documentation about PRQ (Purchase requisition) or tell me
where i can find it?
BaaN IV supply chain.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Ken posted Message 4378 in Message Board
Dated : October 31, 2000 at 12:06:20 EST
Subject: Wrong order type used for sales order
I am wondering how to correct a sales order that was created using a "Self Billi
ng" order type. This was a mistake, as we are not setup for self Billing. Curr
ently, the sales order line status is at "Process Delivered Sales Orders." When
we try to process the order in this session, we get the error message "tfsbis00
38 ?????????????????????????????"
Is there a program that can reverse this sales order line back to where we can c
hange the "Order Type" on the sales order (correction program, patch, etc.)? If
not, I would greatly appreciate it if someone could tell me about a procedure t

o correct this problem.

***************** End Of Article ******************
Rosalba Perez posted Message 4379 in Message Board
Dated : October 31, 2000 at 13:33:57 EST
Subject: Re: Blocking Purchase Order
: : We're trying to find a parameter or field under "Suppliers" or ACP that will
let us block the creation of a new purchase order if we owe the supplier an amo
unt greater than $999,999.
: : Thanks.
: : Rosalba Perez
: Hi Rosalba,
: I believe you are going to need custom coding for that scenario. It does not
tie into straight purchasing, nor is it based on any type of fixed contract. Si
nce it is independant of these functions (mainly based in Finance with Purchasin
g qualifiers), it would be custom.
: A work around could be a periodic report to list all suppliers with large outs
tanding balances (at whatever threshold you choose), then mark the supplier (in
supplier maintenance tccom2102m000) as "Purchase Entry Blocked". It is possible
to write a tools script for this that runs as a periodic job. The script could
automatically do the blocking for you by writing the new status code. You woul
d still have to unblock them when appropriate. It isn't pretty, but it could re
solve your issue. I hope this helps.
: Sincerely,

Ron D. Bailey
The Bright Cheese House
478 Industrial Avenue
Woodstock, Ontario
N4S 8A3

Thank you very much for your idea, I think It would work.
Rosalba Perez
***************** End Of Article ******************
Enrique posted Message 4380 in Message Board
Dated : October 31, 2000 at 16:26:15 EST
Subject: WIP Warehouse?
Does somebody knows how can I sell from a WIP warehouse?. Is it possible?

Thanks a lot
***************** End Of Article ******************
Girish posted Message 4381 in Message Board
Dated : November 01, 2000 at 15:42:17 EST
Subject: Re: Wrong order type used for sales order
: All,
: I am wondering how to correct a sales order that was created using a "Self Bil
ling" order type. This was a mistake, as we are not setup for self Billing. Cu
rrently, the sales order line status is at "Process Delivered Sales Orders." Wh
en we try to process the order in this session, we get the error message "tfsbis
0038 ?????????????????????????????"
: Is there a program that can reverse this sales order line back to where we can
change the "Order Type" on the sales order (correction program, patch, etc.)?
If not, I would greatly appreciate it if someone could tell me about a procedure
to correct this problem.
: Thanks,
: Ken
You have to change the order type in General Table Maintanence.
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Bernard Shaw posted Message 4382 in Message Board
Dated : November 01, 2000 at 16:22:26 EST
Subject: Backorders / Sales Order line Status
I am looking for information. How can I make Maintain and Confirm Back Orders ap
pear in the sales order line status without making the step a part of the order
type? Adding it to the order type makes it a mandatory step.
Thanks in advance.

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Arvind Patil posted Message 4383 in Message Board
Dated : November 01, 2000 at 17:02:19 EST
Subject: Re: Backorders / Sales Order line Status
No you cannot make maintain and confirm as back order step. To resolve the issue
you can run the session in a job. Also since this is a subsession, one has to c
reate a main session first. That i show we have resolved in various sites.
***************** End Of Article ******************

MAC posted Message 4384 in Message Board

Dated : November 01, 2000 at 18:07:29 EST
Subject: EDI Item Conversion
Hi everyone,
We're implementing BAAN IV c4 EDI and everything seems to be workign but when we
we start doing the real thing meaning the actual data we had a problem. This p
roblem is due to the Customer Part Number agaist our internal part number.
eg. Customer number is 1234
Internal Number is abcd
SO what we did is to do the set-up for conversion in Maintain Conversion of Item
Codes by Relation & check also Maintain COnversion of Item Codes (General), an
d after setting this up I tested another and it's saying that part number is not
recognize as the converion is not working.
Have any idea on how to set this Item COnverion???
Help really needed.
Thanks in advance
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M.Levoranta posted Message 4385 in Message Board
Dated : November 02, 2000 at 02:17:48 EST
Subject: Changing item's warehouse
I need to change existing inventories for many items to new warehouse. And also
update this new warehouse info to all the tables containing warehouse data.
What is the best way to make the transaction, the normal inventory transfer mayb
e? But what are all the tables/sessions where I have to update new warehouse in
fo by hand, that is not updated automatically by BAAN.
Has anyone done this? The amount of items is 1000, ILC is not implemented.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Girish posted Message 4386 in Message Board
Dated : November 02, 2000 at 11:22:58 EST
Subject: Re: Changing item's warehouse
: I need to change existing inventories for many items to new warehouse. And al
so update this new warehouse info to all the tables containing warehouse data.
: What is the best way to make the transaction, the normal inventory transfer ma
ybe? But what are all the tables/sessions where I have to update new warehouse
info by hand, that is not updated automatically by BAAN.
: Has anyone done this? The amount of items is 1000, ILC is not implemented.
Create a customized session which reads the ascii file(warehouse data) call the
"Maintain Inventory Adjustments" session. In this way it will take care of all t
he BaaN sessions.

***************** End Of Article ******************

SP Kumar posted Message 4387 in Message Board
Dated : November 03, 2000 at 03:44:18 EST
Subject: Return Purchase Order type not reducing inventory
We are using BaanIvc4 and we made a return purchase order. However, this does no
t reduce the inventory. Any suggestions.
Thanks in advance
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Tommy L. Bacon, CPIM posted Message 4388 in Message Board
Dated : November 03, 2000 at 13:11:21 EST
Subject: Re: Return Purchase Order type not reducing inventory
In order to reduce the inventory you must do all of the function required for a
return order. You would have to do the Receipt for the Return Order to reduce t
he inventory.
: Hello,
: We are using BaanIvc4 and we made a return purchase order. However, this does
not reduce the inventory. Any suggestions.
: Thanks in advance

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NSD posted Message 4389 in Message Board
Dated : November 06, 2000 at 05:59:48 EST
Subject: Re: Return Purchase Order type not reducing inventory
: In order to reduce the inventory you must do all of the function required for
a return order. You would have to do the Receipt for the Return Order to reduce
the inventory.
: : Hello,
: : We are using BaanIvc4 and we made a return purchase order. However, this doe
s not reduce the inventory. Any suggestions.
: : Thanks in advance
Also note that the inventory that has to be returned should be transferred to re
ceipt location and then a return P.O. has to be executed. (If ilc is implemented
***************** End Of Article ******************
Tanweer Ahmed posted Message 4390 in Message Board

Dated : November 06, 2000 at 08:29:07 EST

Subject: BaaN Training in India
Hi every one,
This is tanweer from saudi arabia. I just wanted to know is there training cente
r in india for BaaN CRM applications.
Thanking in advance
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dgodin posted Message 4391 in Message Board
Dated : November 06, 2000 at 10:27:14 EST
Subject: Re: Changing item's warehouse
I don't understand your solution. Where would I create the customized session ?

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Gregory posted Message 4392 in Message Board
Dated : November 06, 2000 at 10:34:09 EST
Subject: Replenishment

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girish posted Message 4393 in Message Board
Dated : November 06, 2000 at 10:36:06 EST
Subject: Re: Changing item's warehouse
: I don't understand your solution. Where would I create the customized session
You need a programmer to create a new session which calls the standard Inventory
adjustmens session. The new session will read the data from ASCII file and send
the data to standard Inventory adjustments session. In this fashion it automati
cally take care of standard BaaN functionality.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Gregory posted Message 4394 in Message Board
Dated : November 06, 2000 at 10:38:44 EST
Subject: Replenishment

can anybody hemp me? I need to control the replenishment in my warehouse. I have
about 14000 artikels on about 6000 locations and ofcourse, the daily replenishm
ent list is way to big!! It's a day work for one employee to complete it. I need
to increase the capacity of the picklocations but I can only do that if I start
moving artikels to other places. I need to have an overview of, for example al
the artikels that, based on the salesnumbers, have to be replenished more than o
nce a week. Where can I find this info?
thanks in advance
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Gregory posted Message 4395 in Message Board
Dated : November 06, 2000 at 11:45:32 EST
Subject: Allocated inventory
I experience the following problem : I use BaaN ERP and as far as I know when a
salesorder is released to the warehouse, a warehouse order is then created and t
he artikels and quantities can then be seen in the session of the planned invent
ory transaction. When the pickinglist and the shipment are confirmed the invento
ry should decrease and the planned inventory transactions table cleared. The pro
blem that i have is that sometimes the planned inventory is NOT cleared. The inv
entory is then decreased but then the quantity on the salesorder remains allocat
ed... does anybody know a solution for this?
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ignacio aguerrevere posted Message 4396 in Message Board
Dated : November 06, 2000 at 15:57:57 EST
Subject: turning off nettable flag
To implement DRP I need to turn off the nettable flag for several warehouses but
Baan requires that I empty all inventory and close all open transactions (proba
bly impossible due to business environment)
Can we turn off the flag through GTM? We don't use MRP/MPS so we think it should
n't have any impacts
Thanks a lot
PS: Any ideas why Baan has this strange flag? It looks like any company with Baa
n DRP will have excess inventory as it will only plan purchases based on nettabl
e warehouses inventory (far from best practices...)
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Arvind Patil, CPIM posted Message 4397 in Message Board
Dated : November 06, 2000 at 18:52:51 EST
Subject: Re: turning off nettable flag
There are reasons for this flag. Any way you can turn off this flag through GTM.

In fact when the warehouses were set up it was set up wrong, and this is the res
ult why you want to change now. Baan is very clear on nettable and non-nettableMPS/MRP planned warehouses should be set up as nettable and DRP planned non-net
table and also BOD should be nainatined. SO while setting up thewarehouses and p
lanning structure some thought should be given. I do not see your problem as Baa
n problem. Any way you have got your answer.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Ignacio posted Message 4398 in Message Board
Dated : November 07, 2000 at 10:06:54 EST
Subject: Re: turning off nettable flag
: Hi,
: There are reasons for this flag. Any way you can turn off this flag through GT
: In fact when the warehouses were set up it was set up wrong, and this is the r
esult why you want to change now. Baan is very clear on nettable and non-nettabl
e- MPS/MRP planned warehouses should be set up as nettable and DRP planned non-n
ettable and also BOD should be nainatined. SO while setting up thewarehouses and
planning structure some thought should be given. I do not see your problem as B
aan problem. Any way you have got your answer.
: Arvind

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Denise posted Message 4399 in Message Board
Dated : November 07, 2000 at 12:27:48 EST
Subject: Zip Code/County verificiation
We have a need to get accurate reporting of shipments by county and zip code/cit
y. Is anyone currently using or heard of any product that integrates a zip code
/city/county verification into Baan?
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Eric Stotz posted Message 4400 in Message Board
Dated : November 08, 2000 at 17:19:31 EST
Subject: EDI throughput (inbound) - very slow.
I am at a client site where the customer is experiencing a little over 7 seconds
for inbound generation of a Sales Order (850).
That wouldn't be so bad except the customer is expecting approx. 10,000 orders a
day which would mean just importing EDI and generating the sales orders will ta
ke approx. 21 hours.
The client has a db server/app server on R6000 and does not seem to be CPU or da
tabase bound.

Is this as quick as Baan can get? What are some typical experiences with Baan i
nbound EDI. ANY ballpark expecting numbers would be appreciated.
Please advise as this is a grave problem.
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Sonja posted Message 4401 in Message Board
Dated : November 09, 2000 at 05:04:51 EST
Subject: Re: turning off nettable flag
RE:": PS: Any ideas why Baan has this strange flag? It looks like any company wi
th Baan DRP will have excess inventory as it will only plan purchases based on n
ettable warehouses inventory (far from best practices...)"
In Baan terms:
NON_NETTABLE whs is replenished from another warehouse, based on bill of distrib
ution (i.e. by planned Replenishment Orders).
NETTABLE whs is replenished by bying/making the item (i.e. by Purchase/Manufactu
ring Orders, NOT from another warehouse)
DRP does not plan based on nettable whs's - on the contrary, it pushes demand to
nettable warehouse, based on demand from non-nettable warehouses.
Bill of Distribution:
A - nettable whs
Inv.levels of (e.g) item X (MRP item)0 safety stock:
1.Before DRP run;
A: 5 on hand, 0 on order, 1 allocated (economic stock 4)
B: 3 on hand, 0 on order, 20 allocated (economic stock -17)
C: 0 on hand, 0 on order, 30 allocated (economic stock -30)
D: 2 on hand, 5 on order, 10 allocated (economic stock -3)
2.If you run MRP, it will ignore demands for B,C and D(non-nettable) and conside
r A only (NETTABLE). No planned orders generated (because economic stock is posi
3.After DRP run a number of planned DRP orders are generated for B,C,D (NON_NETT
ABLE), A is ignored (it will be planned by MRP):
DRP order for 17 from A to B, for 3 from C to D, for 33 from A to C (30 for C an
d 3 to replenish D from C)
The result:
A:5 on hand,0 on order, 1+33+17=51 allocated (economic stock -46)
B: 3 on hand, 17 on order, 20 allocated (economic stock 0)
C: 0 on hand, 30 on order, 30 allocated (economic stock 0)
D: 2 on hand, 5+3 on order, 10 allocated (economic stock 0)
DRP generated planned Replenishment orders will cater for shortages in non-netta
ble warehouses
4.If you run MRP,it will ignore B,C,D and generate planned (e.g.) Purchase Order

, qty 46, to satisfy demand for 1 (e.g.sales from whs A) + 17 (to replenish Bfo
r e.g sales from b) + 33 (to replenish C)
Does this answer your question?
: To implement DRP I need to turn off the nettable flag for several warehouses b
ut Baan requires that I empty all inventory and close all open transactions (pro
bably impossible due to business environment)
: Can we turn off the flag through GTM? We don't use MRP/MPS so we think it shou
ldn't have any impacts
: Thanks a lot
: Ignacio
: PS: Any ideas why Baan has this strange flag?

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Weijland posted Message 4402 in Message Board
Dated : November 09, 2000 at 10:37:11 EST
Subject: Re: tdinv700 not correct
:This is not a bug. In sesion tdilc4204m000 you have to fil a 2 in the field cur
rent date. The system give you always the current date and time instead off "23.
: We have trouble with the same table, but due to corrections made by Baan after
the integration with finance.
: We have a lot of records with the famous "23.59" time added to it.
: We placed a call to baan, but haven't had a solution yet.
: Seems to me, the tabel and sessions involving the table are a bit of a mess.
: Good Luck TF

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Dave Godin posted Message 4403 in Message Board
Dated : November 09, 2000 at 10:49:27 EST
Subject: Re: Changing item's warehouse
Thanks for the information..we don't have a 'baan programmer' in house but our s
ystems whizzos may be able to help..they have access to baan tools.
We actually have a few projects where it would be much more efficient to make a
global change than using baan sessions to do a one at a time update. We have saf
ari, which I only use for the ODBC server. It lets me make custom reports in Ac
cess via pass-through queries into Baan tables. I had wondered if I could use th
e same pass-through queries to update baan tables directly. I don't have enough

t tech information to know if this is possible.

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Dave GOdin posted Message 4404 in Message Board
Dated : November 09, 2000 at 10:56:40 EST
Subject: Re: About Inventories
: : It's possible to negative inventories at tdilc1512m000 session. There are 3
item taht have negative inventory at this session. And at the same time, we can
sea negative allocations on this screen. How can i solve it? Any body can help
: Siadige,
: There are a couple of inventory corrections sessions available. Sorry I can't
look them up right now but if you look around tdinv1200m000 or tdilc1200m000 (or
even tdinv9...) you should find them. Make sure no one is in the system when yo
u run them.
: Rob
The inventory correction sessions (inventory Rebuild) will usually crash if you
try to run them with users in the system. Also, you might want to look at your i
nventory parameters (maintain inventory parameters tdinv0100m000). There is a s
witch YES/NO for "negative inventory allowed". This switch doesn't appear in th
e Location control parameters.

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Dave Godin posted Message 4405 in Message Board
Dated : November 09, 2000 at 11:00:58 EST
Subject: Re: Cycle Count
: : : :
: : : :
A cycle
01. Any

: I have an item where the last cycle count date is 09/28/00.

: It is a c class item and in the inv parameters the value is 52 weeks.
count order is getting generated for the item. It shold be only on 9/28/

: : : : Do you use Location Control?

: : : Location control is implemented
: : I believe it looks at the dates by warehouse, so if you move an item to a ne
w warehouse it starts out without a count date.
: It sounds like you have a lot control problem..I've seen the same situation be
cause the OUTBOUND PRIORITY (form 2 in ITEM DATA) was set to FIFO. the system cr
eates cycle count orders for each lot..
I have had this happen when the quantity counted in location is zero. It doesn'
t always set the last counted date. I have been entering a 0 in the block even w
hen it already reads 0 in the enter cycle counting data session. I get a message

, "set inventory to zero". Then I know it is being updated.

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Dave Godin posted Message 4406 in Message Board
Dated : November 09, 2000 at 11:11:27 EST
Subject: Re: Display inventories by item and whse &quot;on order&quot;
: If you run sessions tdinv0250m000/tdilc0250m000/tdinv0252m000 it is MOST impor
tant that no one is using Baan!!!!!!!!!!
: : Hi Lucymae
: : Re 'on order' quantities, have you checked thru tdinv1450m000, or tdinv1550m
000. These sessions show the order numbers and quantities for items on order.
: : However we have also had the problem that sometimes 'on order' quantities ar
e not updated tho receipts have been maintained. For correcting this we run the
session tdinv0250m000 and tdilc0250m000 periodically. Tho the session help des n
ot say so we prefer to run it when nobody is working on the system.
: : Hope this helps
: : Jayant
: :
: : : We are coming up with values "on order" in screen tdilc1512m000, and when
you check to see if this item is "on order," or "on backorder," or anywhere, it
isn't. The main problem that this is causing is that our MRP is now almost obs
olete. (We are BaaN IV)
: : : So, we painstakenly have to manually check every item that MRP suggests to
see if the item really needs to be ordered, or have we already ordered it, etc.
We have positive and negative values in the "On Order" field. We have turned
this problem into our consultants who have not given us a response to this. Thi
s has been an ongoing problem now for almost a year with no help...
: : : Does anyone have any suggestions? I am willing to try just about anything
at this point...
: : : Thanks,
Check to see if you have an outbound or inbound partially processed. (generated
but not released). Print outbound data and/or inbound data with everything wide
open. I have seen this for items in a 'pending' status..On Order in baan doesn't
always mean on order for purchasing or a production order.
: : : Lucymae

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Merv Carr posted Message 4407 in Message Board

Dated : November 09, 2000 at 15:24:12 EST
Subject: Re: Installment Invoicing
Hope this helps you
Billed installments are directly subtracted from the goods amount on the sales i
nvoice when the goods are delivered. If the amount on the installment line is le
ss than the value of the delivered goods, the difference is invoiced when the go
ods are delivered.
The revenue from the sale of goods is immediately visible in Baan Finance
Delivered goods are not invoiced until the installment order is closed. The sold
-to business partner can be invoiced for one or more installments in advance. Wh
en the order is closed, the invoiced amounts on the installment lines are subtra
cted from the goods amount on the invoice.
The revenue from the sale of goods is only visible in Baan Finance after the ins
tallment order is closed.
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Salina posted Message 4408 in Message Board
Dated : November 09, 2000 at 20:38:24 EST
Subject: How To Rectify Negative On Order for Item?
This is caused by the Purchase Order(PO) Deliver More than the Order quantity.
However there is no Backorder remain for the affected PO.
I get the "Negative On Order for item" by using SQL query from table tiitm001(It
em) and the "PO affected by item' i get from table tdinv150(Planned Inventory Tr
ansaction - by Item).
If you have any idea how to rectify the problem please help me.

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Sal posted Message 4409 in Message Board
Dated : November 10, 2000 at 00:29:41 EST
Subject: Re: Allocated inventory
Check table tdilc401(outbound) whether it is released or not.
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sal posted Message 4410 in Message Board
Dated : November 10, 2000 at 00:35:41 EST
Subject: Re: Replenishment
If in BaaN doesn't have the options, Create an SQL Query to manipulate the detai
ls you need. Please Use the right table where to get such info.
You may check table begin from tdrpl* under Tools/Application Development/Domain
s and Tables/ Inquiries>Display Table Definitions
***************** End Of Article ******************
Sonja posted Message 4411 in Message Board
Dated : November 10, 2000 at 02:41:20 EST
Subject: Re: How To Rectify Negative On Order for Item?
Did you review planned inventory transactions (Inventory Control, Inv Inquiries
& Reports, Display/Print planned inv transactions by Item, table tdinv150)?
If there is a return purchase order, it would make On Order qty negative.
If there are no planned inv. transactions (total equal to On Order in tiitm001),
it means your planned inv. transactione (and totals on Item and Item by Warehou
se) are out of order and to fix the mismatch you need to run session Rebuild Pla
nned Inventory Transactions (Common, Error Recovery, Rebuild Planned Inventory T
ransactions). Please read the help text carefully and run the session after hou
rs, when there are no other users on the system).
: This is caused by the Purchase Order(PO) Deliver More than the Order quantity.
However there is no Backorder remain for the affected PO.
: I get the "Negative On Order for item" by using SQL query from table tiitm001(
Item) and the "PO affected by item' i get from table tdinv150(Planned Inventory
Transaction - by Item).
: If you have any idea how to rectify the problem please help me.

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Ryan Miller posted Message 4412 in Message Board

Dated : November 10, 2000 at 13:35:28 EST
Subject: Re: Commission and Rebates calculation

IN "Maintain commision parameters" tdcms0100m000

Commission Calculation method parameter is "Paid Invoice" and
Linking of relations on is "Order Line" and in
"Maintain Rebate Parameters" tdcms1100m000 --Rebate Calculation method parameter is "Paid Invoice" and
Linking of relations on is "Order Line".

: In Sales order procedure once the sales invoices are printed and Process Deliv
ered Sales Order (PDSO) session is executed. After this the invoices are posted
in Finance and payments are made through "MAintain Transactions" in BAan Finance
.After this when go to session "Calculate Commisions and Rebates" tdcms0240m000
and execute it, it gives "NO agreement found" error message even when agreement
is maintained in "Maintain commissions Agreements" tdcms0130m000 and "maintain
Rebate agreements" tdcms1130m000.
: Secondly when we try to execute session "Maintain commissions calculaated by o
rder" tdcms0150m000 and "Maintain Rebates calculated by order" tdcms2150m000; i
t says "Invoice not fully paid" and does not allow to maintain commissions or re
bates. (In Baan finance invoices are fully paid and the balance against the invo
ice is Zero).
You must also finalize the batch where the payment was applied for the order to
be recognized as "fully paid".
***************** End Of Article ******************
Anil posted Message 4413 in Message Board
Dated : November 10, 2000 at 15:33:54 EST
Subject: Is the Outbound order lines are included in MPS/MRP run
Hi Friends,
For the sales order when the outbound order advice is done but not shipped ,is t
his sales order is included in the MPS/MRP planning ? Could you please confirm u
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Leslie Satenstein posted Message 4414 in Message Board
Dated : November 10, 2000 at 18:20:57 EST
Subject: Using a Baan session via BW to start an application on the PC
I have a requirement to start WORD, EXCEL, etc on the PC from a Baan session. Ca
n anyone tell me the name of the function to use, and what has to be in place (c
o-requisites or prerequisites)?
Currently, as a developer, I have set Baan to start my text editor on the pc aft
er transfering the source to it. If I can do that operation as a developer, the

n surely I should be able to do the other part too, (my needs).

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Leslie Satenstein posted Message 4415 in Message Board
Dated : November 10, 2000 at 18:21:22 EST
Subject: Using a Baan session via BW to start an application on the PC
I have a requirement to start WORD, EXCEL, etc on the PC from a Baan session. Ca
n anyone tell me the name of the function to use, and what has to be in place (c
o-requisites or prerequisites)?
Currently, as a developer, I have set Baan to start my text editor on the pc aft
er transfering the source to it. If I can do that operation as a developer, the
n surely I should be able to do the other part too, (my needs).
***************** End Of Article ******************
Leslie Satenstein posted Message 4416 in Message Board
Dated : November 10, 2000 at 18:21:27 EST
Subject: Using a Baan session via BW to start an application on the PC
I have a requirement to start WORD, EXCEL, etc on the PC from a Baan session. Ca
n anyone tell me the name of the function to use, and what has to be in place (c
o-requisites or prerequisites)?
Currently, as a developer, I have set Baan to start my text editor on the pc aft
er transfering the source to it. If I can do that operation as a developer, the
n surely I should be able to do the other part too, (my needs).
***************** End Of Article ******************
Leslie Satenstein posted Message 4417 in Message Board
Dated : November 10, 2000 at 18:28:58 EST
Subject: Re: Sales Statistic - Urgent
: You are better off by writing a query off of tdsls051.
: If you need some help let me know. I have constructed an OLAP style cube by li
nking appropriate master tables with this table.
: The results work so great that you will end up satisfying your whole organizat
ions sales related reporting needs. In addition users will be able to get more i
nsight into the sales data due to the inherent characteristics of sliceing and d
icing an olap cube using pivot tables in EXCEL.
: Pl. let me know if you need more details.
: Thanks
I have developed three reports in this area and I would like to trade ideas. I u
se the SO lines, SO history, etc, to arrive at a management report that tells th
em how things are going.

Please email me to start a healthy exchange of ideas.

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Eric posted Message 4418 in Message Board
Dated : November 11, 2000 at 19:18:17 EST
Subject: Re: Consignment Billing
: :I should have stated this in my original message; sorry! We are on Baan IVc.
From the other responses, it appears we are SOL. We don't use RPL at all and
I don't think we'd want to start doing so just for this one customer.
: If anyone has any other creative ideas (no customization suggestions, please!)
I'd appreciate it.
: Thanks!
: Jeanne Ploshay
: Before we answer that question we need to know what version you are on, it ma
kes a difference as to how you do this.
: : John Crystal
The last client I was at, I customized a new "consignment" module for them. I
know that's not what you want to hear, but that's what you have to do sometimes.
It was based on using specific sales order types to distinguish sales orders. W
e would keep track of any material on consignment and which sales rep was respon
sible for it, and the value etc. When it was ready to be delivered or sold to a
n actual customer, tehy would do a return consignment sales order and then a reg
ular order to the customer.
You can reach me at my email if you want more details.

***************** End Of Article ******************

BaaNFan posted Message 4419 in Message Board
Dated : November 12, 2000 at 14:49:58 EST
Subject: Re: Using a Baan session via BW to start an application on the PC
Many ways:
- Using DEM (tgwms1140m000). There you define the application path. When you lin
k an activity to that helper application in tgbrg5122m000, you can define the `s
pecific file to open in field 6 Argument. If you are not implementing DEM to you
r customer, they are loosing it's great functionality.
You will have many problems if the application is instaled in different windows
directories in each user's PC.
- Try execute ttstpwordlink. There is another session for powerpoint. I do not r
emember it's name. List ttstp sessions name and descriptions. There is no one fo
r Excel. This session looks for Word or Powerpoint path in the user PC.

- If you want to make transactions in both directions (BaaN to Windows and Windo
ws to BaaN) use functions in dll ottdllbw. One is app_start. Use bic_info6.1 for
that object and you will have some explanations of it's use. Name functions wil
l tell you what they can do.
Prerequisites: As a developer, no other that some short scripts and work. It is
very easy. Results can be... You will tell us.
Good Luck.
: I have a requirement to start WORD, EXCEL, etc on the PC from a Baan session.
Can anyone tell me the name of the function to use, and what has to be in place
(co-requisites or prerequisites)?
: Currently, as a developer, I have set Baan to start my text editor on the pc a
fter transfering the source to it. If I can do that operation as a developer, t
hen surely I should be able to do the other part too, (my needs).
: Leslie

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siadige posted Message 4420 in Message Board
Dated : November 13, 2000 at 00:47:08 EST
Subject: About SMI module
i cannot run session "Global Addition Of Features(tdsmi1201m000)".
Report is generating output , but no fature is adding on the Customer or Prospe
cts when i check the customers or features.
And my second question is select code is important for running this session. Bec
ause, selectins may include some expressions about feature.

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Andrew Lindsay posted Message 4421 in Message Board
Dated : November 15, 2000 at 15:54:59 EST
Subject: Failing a Sales Quotation
I had thought to "Fail" a quote that you went to Enter Quotation Results (tdsls1
108m000), changed the line to "Cancelled", entered a "Reason Code", and (optiona
lly) entered a "Competitor". Then when running "Print Sales Quotation History b
y Reason for Success/Failure" you would see the "failed" quotation in the report
However, this is not happening for me. Am I missing something? Am I experienci
ng a bug?
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

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Jim posted Message 4422 in Message Board
Dated : November 15, 2000 at 17:52:56 EST
Subject: Re: Zip Code/County verificiation
: We have a need to get accurate reporting of shipments by county and zip code/c
ity. Is anyone currently using or heard of any product that integrates a zip co
de/city/county verification into Baan?
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joydeep bhar posted Message 4423 in Message Board
Dated : November 16, 2000 at 05:40:03 EST
Subject: Re: ABC Analysis
: How is Annual Issue calculated in the ABC analysis?

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Mags posted Message 4424 in Message Board
Dated : November 16, 2000 at 11:28:07 EST
Subject: Re: Backorders / Sales Order line Status
: Hi,
: No you cannot make maintain and confirm as back order step. To resolve the iss
ue you can run the session in a job. Also since this is a subsession, one has to
create a main session first. That i show we have resolved in various sites.
: Arvind
We would like to run this session as a job - but there is no 'make job' option.
How have you achieved this.

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Ronald Haantjes posted Message 4425 in Message Board
Dated : November 16, 2000 at 14:30:55 EST
Subject: Baan Services
We have over 400 Baan consultants and many modified services for the Baan commun
ity. contact us for help in your implementation project Technical and Functional
, also available is our Archiving solution, as well as our Web based Datamining
Call 414 289 9100
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salina posted Message 4426 in Message Board
Dated : November 17, 2000 at 02:43:51 EST
Subject: Re: How To Rectify Negative On Order for Item?
thanks sonja, actually i have rectify the problem already..anyway thanks for you
r advice.
The problem is caused by the order deliver more and not reflect from the return
PO. However, after i run the rebuild inv. trx, somehow the backorder for po is
appear. Before that it is hidden . I just rectify it using maintain back order
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Randim posted Message 4427 in Message Board
Dated : November 17, 2000 at 03:27:40 EST
Subject: Re: Did anyone use transportationorder-planningboards (trtop7200m000)

Did anyone use the transportorder-planningsboards?
How can I create the planningboards?
Is the board usefull to plan trips with it?

Our company has just started using Baan in a transport company and the planning
boards. We have frankly found it to be a complete failure and have gone to manua
l planning after just over a week. We are very unhappy and as our company accoun
tant would say we are about to kick the thing out of here
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Randim posted Message 4428 in Message Board
Dated : November 17, 2000 at 03:30:19 EST
Subject: Re: Transportation
: We have a small operation that wants to raise sales orders & invoices with the
following information:
: 1. From destination
: 2. To destination
: 3. Date
: 4. Weight
: 5. Customer reference
: Does transportation provide a user friendly order entry screen?
: What is the link between Distribution sales orders and transportation?
: How easy is it to set up the transportation module?
1 NO!!!! it is not user friendly I believe it is a step back by years
2 the transportation module is almost unworkable and prone to constant freezing

***************** End Of Article ******************

Gregory posted Message 4429 in Message Board
Dated : November 17, 2000 at 04:48:08 EST
Subject: Distribution
scenario : the company has two shops and one warehouse. The first shop is in the
same building as the warehouse and the second shop is in the next town. The sho
wroom of the second shop is also indentified as a seperate warehouse without loc
ations. I use BaaN ERP and wonder if anybody knows how I can send automatically
artikels to the second showroom. I have heard something about a "distribution li
st" but I cannot find anything... anybody?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Odon posted Message 4430 in Message Board
Dated : November 17, 2000 at 10:33:04 EST
Subject: Approvals problem
Sometimes I have error:
Transaction is on can't continue.
during Maintain Approvals (tdpur4121m000)
I think this is base problem. Does anybody can halp me?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Cilla M posted Message 4431 in Message Board
Dated : November 19, 2000 at 21:48:34 EST
Subject: Inventory transaction reason code
How is the ledger a/c attached to a reason code used for Inventory trasaction ac
tually used? Will the integration transaction used this ledger a/c for the Dr an
d Cr?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Bill posted Message 4432 in Message Board
Dated : November 20, 2000 at 14:20:17 EST
Subject: Costs Distribution in PO
How can I sell services inside the same companyn but no to invocing but cost dis
tribution in diferent departments. The idea is that one dept. sales to another o
ne (in the same company)service (fax, phone, courier, transp, etc) but they only
charge the value to the cost center and it doesn't generate invoice.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Thien posted Message 4433 in Message Board
Dated : November 21, 2000 at 04:17:17 EST
Subject: Sales order lines and delivery updated but not in inventory history and
finance - URGENT

2 of the items in a sales order had already Maintain Delivery and Printed Sales
Invoice. The funny thing is there is no inventory history, and there is no fina
ncial integration for the Maintain Delivery. Integration transactions were foun
d for sales invoice.
I've tried to changed tdsls041 and tdsls045 to status Maintain Delivery so that
i can do another time of Maintain Delivery to update the inventory history and i
ntegration. Delivery is updated, but inventory history and finance still not up
Anyone has any experience similar to mine? Any solution. Thanks
***************** End Of Article ******************
Thien posted Message 4434 in Message Board
Dated : November 21, 2000 at 04:26:34 EST
Subject: Re: Inventory transaction reason code
: How is the ledger a/c attached to a reason code used for Inventory trasaction
actually used? Will the integration transaction used this ledger a/c for the Dr
and Cr?
The ledger a/c in the reason code is only used for inventory adjustment. How th
e system picks up the ledger a/c is first, it will check is there any reason cod
e to the inventory adjustment, if there is, then whether is there any ledger a/c
attached to that. The system will pick up the ledger a/c if ledger a/c is atta
ched. Otherwise, system will pick up the ledger a/c in the Maintain Inventory a
nd WIP Transaction A/c in integration.
By default, system picks up the debit entry (normally is the inventory a/c) from
the Maintain Inventory and WIP Transaction A/c. As for the Credit entry, the p
riority is the ledger a/c in the reason code, then the credit side in the Mainta
in Inventory and WIP Transaction A/c. No need to worry where the value is increa
se/decrease as system knows how to adjust it.
Hope this will help u.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Denise posted Message 4435 in Message Board
Dated : November 21, 2000 at 08:55:57 EST
Subject: Re: Zip Code/County verificiation
: : We have a need to get accurate reporting of shipments by county and zip code
/city. Is anyone currently using or heard of any product that integrates a zip
code/city/county verification into Baan?
: Taxware
Can you elaborate? What does Taxware do? How did you integrate it with Baan?
***************** End Of Article ******************

Kumar posted Message 4436 in Message Board

Dated : November 21, 2000 at 16:25:56 EST
Subject: Table Maintenance in tdsls045 for creating extra sequence
Hi Thien:
I am not sure, what were the order steps for your
SO. If you are certain that there was no inventory
transactions posted for this sales issue, one of
the option I can think of is doing table maintenance.
Please see below, if you would like to implement this.
Please find the SO line (in tdsls045) table and then
copy it into a new seqence. For the old sequence,
change the back order quantity value from '0' to
original order quantity, and for the new sequence
change the line status to '3' i.e. maintain deliveries,
and the procedure mask third position to 'y'. Then
generate outbound and release the outbound for
this position, post this "issue" to finance
(tfgld4201m000), and then go back to table tdsls045,
change the status to 7 for the newly created sequence.
It should take care of creating the missing financial
integration transactions for the issue.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Raghu Kowshik posted Message 4437 in Message Board
Dated : November 21, 2000 at 18:17:50 EST
Subject: BaanERP (Baan Vc) questions
1) When entering Item Sales Data in tdisa0101s000 for a List Item, system gives
an error message "No conversion factor found for unit 'ea '." All the units, bas
e units, conversion factors etc. have been maintained correctly. This happens on
ly for a List Item.
2)Three operations are linked to a production item. When I Report Operations Com
plete for the first operation, system completes the operation but does not print
the "Outbound Data" Report. When I report the second operation complete the sys
tem gives an error message "Fatal Error 206 (Record is not Locked) on whinh22020
1 in db_update (51)cannot continue in tisfc0130s000 in DLL: ottstpamdll (g.dal.u
pdate)[exec_function]tisfc0130s000: A not terminated transaction is aborted"
3)In tdsls0100s000, Sales Order Parameters: Fields: Maximum holding days (in the
Blocking tab) and Commitment Lead Time Factor (Miscellaneous tab), what is the
effect of entering data in these fields. There is no help anywhere about this.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Arvind Patil, CPIM posted Message 4438 in Message Board
Dated : November 21, 2000 at 19:11:37 EST
Subject: Re: Sales order lines and delivery updated but not in inventory history

and finance - URGENT

By any chance the sales order is for Cost Item, Service item or direct delivery
Sales Order. In such case there are no issue transaction and no inventory histor
Arvind Patil
***************** End Of Article ******************
Baan User posted Message 4439 in Message Board
Dated : November 22, 2000 at 10:32:32 EST
Subject: Re: SMI Documentation
: I would very grateful if someone could send me any documentation
: about SMI (what it does and how we use it).My e-mail is written above.
: Thanks in advance
: Chrisa
I'm interested in the same information. Could someone send the documentation to
me too?
***************** End Of Article ******************
DANCES WITH WOLVES posted Message 4440 in Message Board
Dated : November 22, 2000 at 11:58:07 EST
Subject: Re: BaanERP (Baan Vc) questions
: 1) When entering Item Sales Data in tdisa0101s000 for a List Item, system give
s an error message "No conversion factor found for unit 'ea '." All the units, b
ase units, conversion factors etc. have been maintained correctly. This happens
only for a List Item.
: 2)Three operations are linked to a production item. When I Report Operations C
omplete for the first operation, system completes the operation but does not pri
nt the "Outbound Data" Report. When I report the second operation complete the s
ystem gives an error message "Fatal Error 206 (Record is not Locked) on whinh220
201 in db_update (51)cannot continue in tisfc0130s000 in DLL: ottstpamdll (g.dal
.update)[exec_function]tisfc0130s000: A not terminated transaction is aborted"
: 3)In tdsls0100s000, Sales Order Parameters: Fields: Maximum holding days (in t
he Blocking tab) and Commitment Lead Time Factor (Miscellaneous tab), what is th
e effect of entering data in these fields. There is no help anywhere about this.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Raghu Kowshik posted Message 4441 in Message Board

Dated : November 22, 2000 at 12:58:57 EST

Subject: Re: BaanERP (Baan Vc) questions
: : 1) When entering Item Sales Data in tdisa0101s000 for a List Item, system gi
ves an error message "No conversion factor found for unit 'ea '." All the units,
base units, conversion factors etc. have been maintained correctly. This happen
s only for a List Item.
ANSWER: For a List Item, the Inventory Unit field is disabled. When a sales orde
r is entered for a List Item, type Menu for example, system will pop up the List
Components. The sales order lines are entered for the List Components. The Top
Level List Item is only a container for the List components. Therefore, I am thi
nking that the List Item should not require a sales unit and inventory unit. I a
m not sure if this is a bug.
: : 2)Three operations are linked to a production item. When I Report Operations
Complete for the first operation, system completes the operation but does not p
rint the "Outbound Data" Report. When I report the second operation complete the
system gives an error message "Fatal Error 206 (Record is not Locked) on whinh2
20201 in db_update (51)cannot continue in tisfc0130s000 in DLL: ottstpamdll (g.d
al.update)[exec_function]tisfc0130s000: A not terminated transaction is aborted"
ANSWER: Yes, I have D (display) as the default device. Actually, when I complete
the second operation, system prints the Outbound Data for the first operation.
But the second operation remains in the "started" state. I have to go into the R
eport Operations Completed screen and click on the completed button. Then if I c
omplete the third operation, system will print the outbound data for the second
operation, but the third operation will hang. Then I have to go to the third ope
ration screen and click on the completed button. This may be a bug. I am looking
to see if there already a solution for this.
:: 3)In tdsls0100s000, Sales Order Parameters: Fields: Maximum holding days (in
the Blocking tab) and Commitment Lead Time Factor (Miscellaneous tab), what is t
he effect of entering data in these fields. There is no help anywhere about this
ANSWER: Thank you very much for the clarification.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Ilan Kiperman posted Message 4442 in Message Board
Dated : November 22, 2000 at 14:00:00 EST
Subject: tdinv0250m000 - Rebuild Planned Inventory tranaction
The session fails when it start to calculate the production orders.

How can we solve it or is there another way to Rebuild the Planned Inventory tra
Now we have just part of the planned transactions.
Ilan Kiperman
***************** End Of Article ******************
Salina posted Message 4443 in Message Board
Dated : November 22, 2000 at 23:57:49 EST
Subject: Difference between Inv on hand (storage unit) and Inventory
Under Session Display Inventories by Item/Lot/Warehouse/Location ( tdilc1514m00
0 ), What is the difference between Inventory Unit and Storage Unit. Table invo
lve is tdilc101.
Why there is a difference qty between under tdilc101.strs( Inventory on hand-sto
rage unit) and tdilc101.stks(Inventory)?
Because when i pull the item list majority showing the same qty for tdilc101.str
s and tdilc101.stks, however some data show the difference between both of this
Please guide...
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Jayant Keskar posted Message 4444 in Message Board
Dated : November 23, 2000 at 01:55:45 EST
Subject: Re: Difference between Inv on hand (storage unit) and Inventory
The inventory unit and storage unit for each item are defined in the Item Master
. e.g. you may have an item for which you want to keep the inventory in kgs, but
the item may be stored in bags of 50 kg each. In this case you can have invento
ry unit as 'kgs' and storage unit as 'bag'. If you have let us say 50kgs in stoc
k the session will show you quantity in inventory unit as 50 and in storage unit
as 1.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Naveed I. Khan posted Message 4445 in Message Board
Dated : November 23, 2000 at 17:45:00 EST
Subject: Re: tdinv0250m000 - Rebuild Planned Inventory tranaction
: The session fails when it start to calculate the production orders.
Hi Ilan,
Try running tdinv0252m000. Hope this will rebuild your inventory. You have to
run this session from file menu.
Good Luck,

: How can we solve it or is there another way to Rebuild the Planned Inventory t
: Now we have just part of the planned transactions.
: Ilan Kiperman

***************** End Of Article ******************

Salina posted Message 4446 in Message Board
Dated : November 24, 2000 at 01:32:49 EST
Subject: Re: Difference between Inv on hand (storage unit) and Inventory
: The inventory unit and storage unit for each item are defined in the Item Mast
er. e.g. you may have an item for which you want to keep the inventory in kgs, b
ut the item may be stored in bags of 50 kg each. In this case you can have inven
tory unit as 'kgs' and storage unit as 'bag'. If you have let us say 50kgs in st
ock the session will show you quantity in inventory unit as 50 and in storage un
it as 1.
: Jayant
If you say like that how come this item has inventory 27 but the qty on storage
unit is 20, the unit is under PCS can the 27 per 20 PCS?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Maarten posted Message 4447 in Message Board
Dated : November 25, 2000 at 10:47:01 EST
Subject: Re: Zip Code/County verificiation
: : : We have a need to get accurate reporting of shipments by county and zip co
de/city. Is anyone currently using or heard of any product that integrates a zi
p code/city/county verification into Baan?
: : Taxware
: Can you elaborate? What does Taxware do? How did you integrate it with Baan?
--> You can use Baan Transportation which integrates the functionality of Distri
bution with Transportation. Transportation has several addresstables, this can b
e defined on Zip-code / Postalcode / City / etc...
***************** End Of Article ******************
Jayant Keskar posted Message 4448 in Message Board
Dated : November 26, 2000 at 09:32:08 EST
Subject: Re: Difference between Inv on hand (storage unit) and Inventory
: : The inventory unit and storage unit for each item are defined in the Item Ma
ster. e.g. you may have an item for which you want to keep the inventory in kgs,

but the item may be stored in bags of 50 kg each. In this case you can have inv
entory unit as 'kgs' and storage unit as 'bag'. If you have let us say 50kgs in
stock the session will show you quantity in inventory unit as 50 and in storage
unit as 1.
: : Jayant
: If you say like that how come this item has inventory 27 but the qty on storag
e unit is 20, the unit is under PCS can the 27 per 20 PCS?
I presume that you have checked up that inventory unit and storage unit are the
same in the item master. In which case for some reason a mismatch has occurred b
etween your inv and ilc tables. Run session tdinv0252m000 to check. You can upda
te the corrections. However do not update initially as you may want to reason fo
r the mismatch as also because the system takes the ilc tables as correct and up
dates inv tables accordingly. This may not be necessarily so. Therefore please i
nvestigate before updating.
Hope this helps.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Virendra Rai posted Message 4449 in Message Board
Dated : November 27, 2000 at 01:17:31 EST
Subject: Item Potency problem
Hello Fans,
We are implementing BaaN Process in Paper industry. Here the raw material change
s potency with time. That mean say we receive 5mt of RM today at standard potenc
y but if it is used one month later that 5mt becomes 4.5mt. Now we tries to cha
nge the potnacy of that lot. BaaN allowed but no change in invenory was found. A
lso when we went back to session maintain lots the original potency fugure was n
ot changed.
It looks funny if BaaN does not have facility to change Potency after sometime.
Is it really not possible we we are doing some procedural mistake. Please help.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Virendra Rai posted Message 4450 in Message Board
Dated : November 27, 2000 at 01:24:19 EST
Subject: Item Potency problem
Hello Fans,
We are implementing BaaN Process in Paper industry. Here the raw material change
s potency with time. That mean say we receive 5mt of RM today at standard potenc
y but if it is used one month later that 5mt becomes 4.5mt. Now we tries to cha

nge the potnacy of that lot. BaaN allowed but no change in invenory was found. A
lso when we went back to session maintain lots the original potency fugure was n
ot changed.
It looks funny if BaaN does not have facility to change Potency after sometime.
Is it really not possible we we are doing some procedural mistake. Please help.

***************** End Of Article ******************
Virendra Rai posted Message 4451 in Message Board
Dated : November 27, 2000 at 01:24:31 EST
Subject: Item Potency problem
Hello Fans,
We are implementing BaaN Process in Paper industry. Here the raw material change
s potency with time. That mean say we receive 5mt of RM today at standard potenc
y but if it is used one month later that 5mt becomes 4.5mt. Now we tries to cha
nge the potnacy of that lot. BaaN allowed but no change in invenory was found. A
lso when we went back to session maintain lots the original potency fugure was n
ot changed.
It looks funny if BaaN does not have facility to change Potency after sometime.
Is it really not possible we we are doing some procedural mistake. Please help.

***************** End Of Article ******************
Girish posted Message 4452 in Message Board
Dated : November 27, 2000 at 10:40:26 EST
Subject: Re: tdinv0250m000 - Rebuild Planned Inventory tranaction
: The session fails when it start to calculate the production orders.
: How can we solve it or is there another way to Rebuild the Planned Inventory t
: Now we have just part of the planned transactions.
: Ilan Kiperman
What is the error you are getting. Check at the time of running this session the
re should not be any other transaction.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Naveed I. Khan posted Message 4453 in Message Board

Dated : November 27, 2000 at 15:55:23 EST

Subject: Re: Item Potency problem
: Hello Fans,
: We are implementing BaaN Process in Paper industry. Here the raw material chan
ges potency with time. That mean say we receive 5mt of RM today at standard pote
ncy but if it is used one month later that 5mt becomes 4.5mt. Now we tries to c
hange the
Dear Virendra,
Are you using QMS module?
In case if you are not using QMS, check to see if the flag for QMS implemented u
nder storage inspection is turned off.
This flag should only be on "YES," if you are using QMS.
Hopefully this will help.
Good Luck,

potnacy of that lot. BaaN allowed

we went back to session maintain
: It looks funny if BaaN does not
. Is it really not possible we we

but no change in invenory was found. Also when

lots the
have facility to change Potency after sometime
are doing some procedural mistake. Please help

: Virendra

***************** End Of Article ******************

Edward posted Message 4454 in Message Board
Dated : November 27, 2000 at 20:55:54 EST
Subject: Record is locked!!
Lately, each time our staffs tries to enter purchase order line, they will face
with a BW message that goes like this :"Error 107 - (Record is locked)on tccom021102 (Max retries...
Can not continue in tdpur4102s000 (g_check_input..."
We suspect that the matching process in finance dept somehow have locked the sup
piler table. Anyway the order entry staff has to click 'output to console' hence
causing application lock to himself.
Does anyone encounter this problem b4? Any solution? Fyi, we didn't do anything
to our tdpur tables yet (not deleting since 1.5 years ago).
***************** End Of Article ******************
Guy Vickery posted Message 4455 in Message Board

Dated : November 28, 2000 at 12:02:00 EST

Subject: EDI - Tradacoms/Tradanet
I am currently implementing BaaNIVc4 on NT4.0, and am having great difficulty s
etting up the EDI interface.
We use INS Tradanet to communicate with the major retailers in the UK, using TR
ADACOMS Order and Invoice standards.
While BaaN seems to cope well with Edifact and AnsiX12, there are no defaults s
upplied for Tradacoms.

***************** End Of Article ******************

ANS posted Message 4456 in Message Board
Dated : November 28, 2000 at 20:43:43 EST
Subject: Re: Record is locked!!
Please check BAAN tools / Database management - Misc. and Record Lock Check if t
hat user is lock and delete the lock file.

: Lately, each time our staffs tries to enter purchase order line, they will fac
e with a BW message that goes like this :: "Error 107 - (Record is locked)on tccom021102 (Max retries...
: Can not continue in tdpur4102s000 (g_check_input..."
: We suspect that the matching process in finance dept somehow have locked the s
uppiler table. Anyway the order entry staff has to click 'output to console' hen
ce causing application lock to himself.
: Does anyone encounter this problem b4? Any solution? Fyi, we didn't do anythin
g to our tdpur tables yet (not deleting since 1.5 years ago).
: thanx

***************** End Of Article ******************

Edward posted Message 4457 in Message Board
Dated : November 29, 2000 at 04:36:14 EST
Subject: Re: Record is locked!!
Yes, the user is locked due to the reason i have mentioned earlier. I am wonderi
ng any way to prevent the lock to occur in the first place. As i suspect the ma
tching of purchase order done by the finance staff could have locked whoever is
doing maintain purchase order. Pls help

: Please check BAAN tools / Database management - Misc. and Record Lock Check if
that user is lock and delete the lock file.

: : Lately, each time our staffs tries to enter purchase order line, they will f
ace with a BW message that goes like this :: : "Error 107 - (Record is locked)on tccom021102 (Max retries...
: : Can not continue in tdpur4102s000 (g_check_input..."
: : We suspect that the matching process in finance dept somehow have locked the
suppiler table. Anyway the order entry staff has to click 'output to console' h
ence causing application lock to himself.
: : Does anyone encounter this problem b4? Any solution? Fyi, we didn't do anyth
ing to our tdpur tables yet (not deleting since 1.5 years ago).
: : thanx

***************** End Of Article ******************

Thomas posted Message 4458 in Message Board
Dated : November 29, 2000 at 09:30:06 EST
Subject: Process purchase orders not working FATAL ERROR
When trying to process purchase orders tdpur4223m000 I get error message "float
exception in tdpur4223m000"
Need urgent help due to direct shippment so I cant send invoicec to customer.
***************** End Of Article ******************
prashant singh posted Message 4459 in Message Board
Dated : November 29, 2000 at 09:54:42 EST
Subject: Re: Item Potency problem
Hi Naveed,
yes you are right,whenever u try to change the lot potency your inventory won't
get updated.Even if u know while receiving the lot different then standerd poten
cy,in the tdltc table it will be taken at actual potency,but in tdilc table it w
ill be taken at standard potency.
The only solution is to do storage inspection.
***************** End Of Article ******************
prashant singh posted Message 4460 in Message Board
Dated : November 29, 2000 at 10:02:06 EST
Subject: Re: Difference between Inv on hand (storage unit) and Inventory

The problem is when you do outbound you mostly define the quantity in storage qu
antity,and your inventory unit quantity gets calculated automatically.But you ca
n manupulate with your storage unit without disturbing inventory unit or vice ve
there are chances it could happen.try tdinv0252m000 by selecting this item.

***************** End Of Article ******************

prashant singh posted Message 4461 in Message Board
Dated : November 29, 2000 at 10:10:45 EST
Subject: Re: Record is locked!!
Do you have any localization coming into effect at the time of PO making ?
: Yes, the user is locked due to the reason i have mentioned earlier. I am wonde
ring any way to prevent the lock to occur in the first place. As i suspect the
matching of purchase order done by the finance staff could have locked whoever i
s doing maintain purchase order. Pls help
: : Please check BAAN tools / Database management - Misc. and Record Lock Check
if that user is lock and delete the lock file.
: :
: : : Lately, each time our staffs tries to enter purchase order line, they will
face with a BW message that goes like this :: : : "Error 107 - (Record is locked)on tccom021102 (Max retries...
: : : Can not continue in tdpur4102s000 (g_check_input..."
: : : We suspect that the matching process in finance dept somehow have locked t
he suppiler table. Anyway the order entry staff has to click 'output to console'
hence causing application lock to himself.
: : : Does anyone encounter this problem b4? Any solution? Fyi, we didn't do any
thing to our tdpur tables yet (not deleting since 1.5 years ago).
: : : thanx

***************** End Of Article ******************

prashant singh posted Message 4462 in Message Board
Dated : November 29, 2000 at 10:22:58 EST
Subject: Re: Costs Distribution in PO
One way is by defining no of reasons code for your cost center and attaching it
with appropriate GL code.Do inventory transaction.
If the items are service items then,you may have to implement baan servie,define

all your cost center as installation,define service items,Define integration ba

sed on installation,define service order,define cost element by service order,ge
nerate planned inventory purchase order..and go on.
: How can I sell services inside the same companyn but no to invocing but cost d
istribution in diferent departments. The idea is that one dept. sales to another
one (in the same company)service (fax, phone, courier, transp, etc) but they on
ly charge the value to the cost center and it doesn't generate invoice.
: William

***************** End Of Article ******************

prashant posted Message 4463 in Message Board
Dated : November 29, 2000 at 10:39:34 EST
Subject: Re: Cycle counting dos and don'ts..... Urgent
No,there woud be no problem if u ru this session.
: Hi:
: We are doing cycle counting for our site and noticed in the system(tdilc1514m0
00) that for 2 items there exists an "Allocation" for a qunatity of 1. But there
are no corresponding records in the tdilc1512m000 session. We had similar probl
em earlier at another site and we got rid of the allocation(after making sure th
at no orders exist against that allocation) by running the session "Rebuild Inve
ntory Data(ILC)tdilc0250m000" session. But in the present scenario, we are runni
ng the cycle counting and the items under question are "Blocked for Cycle counti
: Does any one know whether running the "Rebuild Inventory Data(ILC)tdilc0250m00
0)" session will have any impact, given the fact that the 2 items are "Blocked f
or Cycle Counting".
: Any help in this regard is much appreicated.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Arvind Patil posted Message 4464 in Message Board
Dated : November 29, 2000 at 20:09:25 EST
Subject: Re: Process purchase orders not working FATAL ERROR
Could you see the PO number when PDPO is run. If you have source run PDPO in deb
ug so that it will stop at the PO that is giving problem. Some where there is di
vide by zero and there can be lot of factor. Do you have any customization in Pu
rchasing? That may be creating the problem.
***************** End Of Article ******************

Edward posted Message 4465 in Message Board

Dated : November 29, 2000 at 20:17:12 EST
Subject: Re: Record is locked!!
Hi Prashant
If your localization meant a country version then the answer is no. We are actua
lly on BaaN 4c3. One possible reason could be the table tdpur050 & tdpur051 is t
oo large. We never delete any records since a year & the half ago. Thanx

: Do you have any localization coming into effect at the time of PO making ?
: : Yes, the user is locked due to the reason i have mentioned earlier. I am won
dering any way to prevent the lock to occur in the first place. As i suspect th
e matching of purchase order done by the finance staff could have locked whoever
is doing maintain purchase order. Pls help
: : : Please check BAAN tools / Database management - Misc. and Record Lock Chec
k if that user is lock and delete the lock file.
: :
: : :
: : : : Lately, each time our staffs tries to enter purchase order line, they wi
ll face with a BW message that goes like this :: : : : "Error 107 - (Record is locked)on tccom021102 (Max retries...
: : : : Can not continue in tdpur4102s000 (g_check_input..."
: : : : We suspect that the matching process in finance dept somehow have locked
the suppiler table. Anyway the order entry staff has to click 'output to consol
e' hence causing application lock to himself.
: : : : Does anyone encounter this problem b4? Any solution? Fyi, we didn't do a
nything to our tdpur tables yet (not deleting since 1.5 years ago).
: : : : thanx

***************** End Of Article ******************

Thomas posted Message 4466 in Message Board
Dated : November 30, 2000 at 02:52:28 EST
Subject: Re: Process purchase orders not working FATAL ERROR
No customization done at all.
What do you mean with source run? Is there a way to trace whitch order that is c
ausing the problem?
: Hi,
: Could you see the PO number when PDPO is run. If you have source run PDPO in d
ebug so that it will stop at the PO that is giving problem. Some where there is
divide by zero and there can be lot of factor. Do you have any customization in

Purchasing? That may be creating the problem.

: Arvind

***************** End Of Article ******************

Salina posted Message 4467 in Message Board
Dated : November 30, 2000 at 21:15:28 EST
Subject: Maintain Receipt For New Parts Item
When i maintain receipts for new parts item, when i check finance under IPR (pu
rchase Receipt) it will show Nil but correct figure under IPS (purchase Result).
The Item group have the GL number dedicate to it.
This is a new item. When first calculate the cost, standard cost price is Nil(0
.00). Is it because maintain the first time will captured the zero value? Beca
use when i maintain another Receipt using the same item for the second time, the
n the cost will captured.
Pls check and revert . I am interested to find out how the system work.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Mike posted Message 4468 in Message Board
Dated : December 01, 2000 at 12:09:46 EST
Subject: Re: EDI - Tradacoms/Tradanet
Don't try to create EDI standards direct from Baan, there is not enough flexabil
In conversion set-ups, we map fields to a single flat file, with each line havin
g and ID of what data is on that line. For example: HDR for Header Line, ENV is
the overhead line.
We then use a translation software package to convert to EDI and send out to the
We are on Baan IVB2 on NT and plan to upgrade next year to BaanIVC4 (testing thi
s year). Please let me know of any quirks you encounter, and I will do the same
Hope this helps,
***************** End Of Article ******************
Mike posted Message 4469 in Message Board
Dated : December 01, 2000 at 12:41:41 EST
Subject: Re: EDI Item Conversion
In the conversion set-up, the item field has a qualifier in the field before it.
This qualifier needs to match as the item code Id Maintain of Item code by re

What we did was the following:

We use single file delimited, but should also work for you.
In item control, Maintain Item code system. We created a CUS(customer) and UPC(
general). We then use Maintain Item Codes by Item Code System for the cross ref
erence list. Customer needs to be tied to a customer, but general does not beca
use it is for all customers and suppliers.
In Maintain Item Code(code and Conv. code tables) , we then cross the qualifer t
o the item code system. For example: BP(Buyer Part is attached to CUS) and UP is
attached to UPC.
In Conversion set-up, on the line for the item, go to form 2, under qualifier 1
POS is the field for the qualifer(ours is 8, since item is field 9) and no conv
ersion is VN(Vendor Part Number)
The result: In the file to be converted, qualifer VN is ourpart number(no conver
sion), BP is buyer part number(convert using CUS) and UP is a UPC Code(convert u
sing General).
Hope this helps,
***************** End Of Article ******************
Neche posted Message 4470 in Message Board
Dated : December 01, 2000 at 17:09:06 EST
Subject: How to handle CKD's in BaaN
Does anyone have implemented BaaN in an automotive firm. We would like to know
how to handle CKD's, for instance, if you treat it as one item or explode it. t
hanks for your help
***************** End Of Article ******************
ANS posted Message 4471 in Message Board
Dated : December 01, 2000 at 21:16:40 EST
Subject: Re: How to handle CKD's in BaaN
Iam implementing BAAN in an automotive industry.
Please explain more what you need, I might give an instance on how you can handl
e it

: Does anyone have implemented BaaN in an automotive firm. We would like to kno
w how to handle CKD's, for instance, if you treat it as one item or explode it.
thanks for your help

***************** End Of Article ******************

Dave Godin posted Message 4472 in Message Board
Dated : December 04, 2000 at 14:02:58 EST
Subject: Re: tdinv0250m000 - Rebuild Planned Inventory tranaction
This session should be run at night or off time when there are no users on. Any
transaction processing while the program is running will crash it..Also, we hav

e recently discovered a problem with this session..It was wiping out backorder q
ty from planning for PROJECT Purchased items (only)...not standard parts. We co
uld see the backorder in the Purchasing sessions but it wasn't part of the requi
rements calculation. Baan sent us a patch.
: : The session fails when it start to calculate the production orders.
: Hi Ilan,
: Try running tdinv0252m000. Hope this will rebuild your inventory. You have t
o run this session from file menu.
: Good Luck,
: Naveed
: : How can we solve it or is there another way to Rebuild the Planned Inventory
: : Now we have just part of the planned transactions.
: : TIA
: : Ilan Kiperman

***************** End Of Article ******************

Kian posted Message 4473 in Message Board
Dated : December 05, 2000 at 08:29:27 EST
Subject: How to trigger the Cost of Sales in Sales Statistics report.
May i know what should i set in order to make the Cost of Sales column in Sales
Statistics report function? I have both purchase and manufacturer item. please h
elp, thanks!
***************** End Of Article ******************
Kelly Jones posted Message 4474 in Message Board
Dated : December 05, 2000 at 15:13:44 EST
Subject: Supplier Purchase Information
My purchasing group are looking at reducing our supplier base. They have asked
for a listing of suppliers who have had no purchase or payment activity for a ye
ar. Has anyone come across a standard report in IVc4 to give me this type of an
alysis? I seem to find reports to include transactions, but not one that will in
dicate when there isn't activity. Is there some kind of 'last purchase order da
te' held in a table somewhere that IO could create a query to pull the info out?
Thanks for your help,
Kelly Jones
Alloy Wheels International (Canada) Ltd.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Ignacio posted Message 4475 in Message Board
Dated : December 05, 2000 at 18:58:20 EST
Subject: Re: turning off nettable flag
Sonja, Thanks for your thorough answer !
Still, the process is rather odd as it assumes that:
1- The allocations needs to happen in the non-nettable Whs. In a retail environm
ent if you don't have stock you loose the sale without the ability to have an op
en SO that will create the allocation
2- DRP must run before MRP, which assumes central DRP planning. Our business mod
el calls for store managers to run their own DRP and review the quantities accor
ding to market feel.
3- It still assumes that Non-nettable inventories are carefully managed to be as
low as possible
Maybe in an industrial environment with central DRP and MRP planning and the abi
lity to book SOs it works fine, but in our environment we can't garantee that MR
P/MPS will capture all demand. Even worst, as noted in 3 above, in a retail envi
ronment MRP/MPS will assume that all inventory in non-nettables WHSs will be sol
d in the short term, while in reality you need to stock the stores to avoid any
stockouts as you loose the sale
Thanks again,
***************** End Of Article ******************
Jayant Keskar posted Message 4476 in Message Board
Dated : December 06, 2000 at 02:09:41 EST
Subject: Re: How to trigger the Cost of Sales in Sales Statistics report.
: May i know what should i set in order to make the Cost of Sales column in Sale
s Statistics report function? I have both purchase and manufacturer item. please
help, thanks!
You can trigger cost of sales by including it in 'columns' in the session tdsst0

***************** End Of Article ******************

Jayant Keskar posted Message 4477 in Message Board
Dated : December 06, 2000 at 03:03:03 EST
Subject: Re: Maintain Receipt For New Parts Item
: When i maintain receipts for new parts item, when i check finance under IPR (
purchase Receipt) it will show Nil but correct figure under IPS (purchase Result
). The Item group have the GL number dedicate to it.

: This is a new item. When first calculate the cost, standard cost price is Nil
(0.00). Is it because maintain the first time will captured the zero value? Be
cause when i maintain another Receipt using the same item for the second time, t
hen the cost will captured.
: Pls check and revert . I am interested to find out how the system work.
: Rgds
: Salina
Yes. That is how it will work. If you do not want that to happen you will have t
o put in standard cost and update before raising the PO
***************** End Of Article ******************
Elaine posted Message 4478 in Message Board
Dated : December 06, 2000 at 10:48:12 EST
Subject: Subcontracting p.o.'s
Sometimes when a subcontracted purchase order has been fully received and
matched, we receive more products from our subcontractor due to extra yields of
materials or other reasons. Currently Baan will not allow us to add another
purchase order line on a subcontracted purchase order in Maintain Purchase
Order session. Is there anyway we can increase the purchase order quantity or
create another production order and link the production order back to the same
subcontracted purchase order? Any other suggestions of work arounds?
thanks in advance!
***************** End Of Article ******************
Victor posted Message 4479 in Message Board
Dated : December 06, 2000 at 18:25:42 EST
Subject: No Record in tdilc101
I am confronted with a strange situation (Baan IVc).
The session tdilc1512m000 shows all the information about
one item, where as I don't see any information for this item
in the session tdilc1514m000. Upon further investigation, I found
that the table tdinv001 has all the information about this
item, but the table tdilc101 has no record at all for this item
(very strange). I was wondering whether anyone has seen this problem before, and
can suggest a solution. Can we repair this
with any rebuild inventory session/correction program.
Thanks in advance,

***************** End Of Article ******************

Virendra Rai posted Message 4480 in Message Board
Dated : December 07, 2000 at 00:01:01 EST
Subject: Re: How to handle CKD's in BaaN
If understand correctly CKD are imported kits where car components are packed to
say 24 car requirements. Now for 24 cars you may have say 6 CKDs. When CKDs rea
ch your factory there openened items are counted and are stored in shelves. Afte
r that these are used as usual by production.
1.So in this case the opening of CKDs is actually a production activity. Declar
e CKDs as item with componenents inside in BOM with negative net quantity.
2.When a CKD is to be opened put a manual production order and complete this ord
er. Also isssue those componenet witgh negatice qty. This way inventory will inc
3.Later they may be used as usual.
I hope that will solve your problem.

: Does anyone have implemented BaaN in an automotive firm. We would like to kno
w how to handle CKD's, for instance, if you treat it as one item or explode it.
thanks for your help

***************** End Of Article ******************

Pierre posted Message 4481 in Message Board
Dated : December 07, 2000 at 09:07:36 EST
Subject: Lot controling on sales orders
is anyone knowing how is put the lot controling methode (specific,same,generic)
on the sales order?
I don't fount it on general data on item master. We want to force it to specific
for some items? is it a way without customizations?
***************** End Of Article ******************
G posted Message 4482 in Message Board
Dated : December 07, 2000 at 09:44:36 EST
Subject: Re: No Record in tdilc101
: Hi:

: I am confronted with a strange situation (Baan IVc).

: The session tdilc1512m000 shows all the information about
: one item, where as I don't see any information for this item
: in the session tdilc1514m000. Upon further investigation, I found
: that the table tdinv001 has all the information about this
: item, but the table tdilc101 has no record at all for this item
: (very strange). I was wondering whether anyone has seen this problem before, a
nd can suggest a solution. Can we repair this
: with any rebuild inventory session/correction program.
: Thanks in advance,
: Victor
Might be this:
The tdilc1512m000 reads from table tdinv001
The tdilc1514m000 reads from table tdilc101
These two tables sometimes are messed up and gets out of 'sync'. You might try t
o run the cleanup session tdinv0252m000 wich fixes most such problems. The sessi
on should be run after hours, it is most important that everone is 'out' of Baan
when you run it.
Good luck!!
***************** End Of Article ******************
Arvind Patil, CPIM posted Message 4483 in Message Board
Dated : December 07, 2000 at 21:56:38 EST
Subject: Re: No Record in tdilc101
What informatiom are you seeing in tdinv001. Tdinv001 never gets deleted for ite
m while ilc101 gets deleted. It is probably correct. There is no session to buil
e ilc101. But you can rebuild tdinv001 from ilc101.
Arvind PAtil

***************** End Of Article ******************

bill posted Message 4484 in Message Board
Dated : December 08, 2000 at 11:24:08 EST
Subject: Re: No Record in tdilc101
: Hi:
: I am confronted with a strange situation (Baan IVc).
: The session tdilc1512m000 shows all the information about
: one item, where as I don't see any information for this item
: in the session tdilc1514m000. Upon further investigation, I found
: that the table tdinv001 has all the information about this
: item, but the table tdilc101 has no record at all for this item
: (very strange). I was wondering whether anyone has seen this problem before, a
nd can suggest a solution. Can we repair this
: with any rebuild inventory session/correction program.
: Thanks in advance,
: Victor

When the ILC record goes to zero it gets deleted.

***************** End Of Article ******************
Mary posted Message 4485 in Message Board
Dated : December 08, 2000 at 14:11:03 EST
Subject: Picking lists
I am having a problem getting the system to produce a picking list for a sales o
I get a message that there is a stock shortage when I try to print a picking lis
t for a particular sales order.
We have the item in stock, it is in the correct warehouse, the sales order is
not blocked, the item is not on backorder, the sales order does not say ship co
mplete, the sales order status is saying the next step is to print the picking
We have rebuilt the planned inventory transactions etc. we have entered more sto
ck via inventory adjustment to see if it will pick the order and it still tells
me that we are short of this stock. Has anyone experienced this before.
Thanks Mary

***************** End Of Article ******************

gary posted Message 4486 in Message Board
Dated : December 08, 2000 at 14:26:03 EST
Subject: output management software
What is the best output management software? We want to be able to create better
looking PO's and invoices etc. Also be able to add direct faxing capability.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Merv Carr posted Message 4487 in Message Board
Dated : December 08, 2000 at 14:33:55 EST
Subject: Re: Picking lists
: I am having a problem getting the system to produce a picking list for a sales
: I get a message that there is a stock shortage when I try to print a picking l
ist for a particular sales order.
: We have the item in stock, it is in the correct warehouse, the sales order i
s not blocked, the item is not on backorder, the sales order does not say ship
complete, the sales order status is saying the next step is to print the pickin
g list.
: We have rebuilt the planned inventory transactions etc. we have entered more s
tock via inventory adjustment to see if it will pick the order and it still tell
s me that we are short of this stock. Has anyone experienced this before.

: Thanks Mary
I ran into this problem a long time ago (back in the days of Triton version 1 or
2!). What the cause was is that there is a (hidden) field, called "allocated fo
r picking lists" (or something like that) and if memory seves me correctly it is
in tdsls045 (pr perhaps in tdinv001). What happens is that when you print a pic
king list this field gets updated with the order qty, and then when maintain del
iveries is completed it gets relieved again. It only comes into play when the sa
les order parameters for "print picking list" are set to anything except "print
all lines" (or something like that, I am working purely from memory at present s
o bear with me). If the on hand balance less the allocated for picking list qty
= less than the new order qty to be delivered then the picking list will not pri
nt. (particularly if the picking list parameter reads "only the lines with suffi
cient inventory", try as you might, although there is sufficient on hand, the pi
cking list will not print.
To get back to the original problem I mentioned, in this case the "allocated for
picking list" qty was not being relieved when the delivery was completed and ju
st kept on building up. The short term solution was tpo set the picking list par
ameter to "print all lines" (in sales order parameters).
Hope this helps, feel free to e-mail me directly if you want to chat further.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Gregory posted Message 4488 in Message Board
Dated : December 09, 2000 at 03:59:10 EST
Subject: Re: Picking lists
: I am having a problem getting the system to produce a picking list for a sales
: I get a message that there is a stock shortage when I try to print a picking l
ist for a particular sales order.
: We have the item in stock, it is in the correct warehouse, the sales order i
s not blocked, the item is not on backorder, the sales order does not say ship
complete, the sales order status is saying the next step is to print the pickin
g list.
: We have rebuilt the planned inventory transactions etc. we have entered more s
tock via inventory adjustment to see if it will pick the order and it still tell
s me that we are short of this stock. Has anyone experienced this before.
: Thanks Mary
i had the same problem yesterday and I am also still looking for an answer. I wi
ll let you know when I solved the problem. Anyway... check also if somebody bloc
ked the location, where the goods are in, for outbound.
***************** End Of Article ******************
gregory posted Message 4489 in Message Board

Dated : December 09, 2000 at 04:01:10 EST

Subject: Re: output management software
: What is the best output management software? We want to be able to create bett
er looking PO's and invoices etc. Also be able to add direct faxing capability.
We work with OPTIO. It's perfect. We also send automatically faxes when pickingl
ists are printed, or when purchase orders are confirmed etc.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Pankaj B. Pandit posted Message 4490 in Message Board
Dated : December 10, 2000 at 05:15:04 EST
Subject: Landed cost
We need system to calculate the landed cost for our basic raw material by includ
ing freight/ customs duty. Then it should distribute this freight/ customs duty
etc on the standard cost of the raw material after we match and approve the invo
ices and run the standard cost price update session.
Can anyone suggest a solution?
So far we have found that standard BaaN does not support landed cost.
***************** End Of Article ******************
John Crystal posted Message 4491 in Message Board
Dated : December 10, 2000 at 14:55:34 EST
Subject: Re: Picking lists
Hi Mary,
Merv is on the right track below. The field "Allocated for Pick Lists" field in
the table tdinv001 can become corrupted or it simply can be reflecting the fact
that you have some outstanding pick lists for the part that have not yet been sh
ipped and in fact would consume your inventory if shipped.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Arvind Patil, CPIM posted Message 4492 in Message Board
Dated : December 10, 2000 at 17:02:42 EST
Subject: Re: Picking lists
Allocated for picking list as sugessted by John and Merc is the problem. This fi
eld is present in tdinv001. What happens say the inventory on hand is 100. And s
ales order is also of 100 qty. Then one generates O/B. The allocated for picking
list becomes 100. Now when one deleted the O/B this field is not resetted back.
This is true in ilc environment. What we have done in past is modify delete O/B
to reset the picking list or modify the Print Picing List program to exclude al

located for picking list from this calculation.


***************** End Of Article ******************

Arvind Patil, CPIM posted Message 4493 in Message Board
Dated : December 10, 2000 at 17:07:10 EST
Subject: Re: Landed cost
Hi Pankaj,
I believe your company wants to work with more on actual costing system. Baan ha
ve some thing which can come some close to what you want. This is present in Baa
n Finance. The ABC costing. The ABC costing uses cost drivers and it right baks
as a surcharge in cost accounting. The set up is quite involved. Otherwise one h
as to customize it. I do not think customization will be difficult once we spec
***************** End Of Article ******************
Sharon posted Message 4494 in Message Board
Dated : December 12, 2000 at 04:46:58 EST
Subject: subcontracting purchase order
My question is:
We have a production order for subcontractor.
The problem is with the subcontractor purchase order.
We are charged by batch. If we are sending 3000 pcs, divided into batches contai
ning 648 pcs we have 4.6 batches equal to 5.
Is it possible that the purchase order line will be by batch and automatically c
alculate the number of batches required for completing the production order quan
tity and rounding the result up?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Sharon posted Message 4495 in Message Board
Dated : December 12, 2000 at 05:02:02 EST
Subject: Re: Landed cost
We had the same problem and our solution was adding two cost price components, o
ne for custom and one for transportation.
Than we added a surcharge for those items putting the exact amount or percentage
of the surcharge.
On the other hand you will also have to do some financial setup at the general l
You will have to do separate setup for each such component indicating the debit
and credit ledger account.

It worked for us.

: HI,
: We need system to calculate the landed cost for our basic raw material by incl
uding freight/ customs duty. Then it should distribute this freight/ customs dut
y etc on the standard cost of the raw material after we match and approve the in
voices and run the standard cost price update session.
: Can anyone suggest a solution?
: So far we have found that standard BaaN does not support landed cost.
: regards,
: Pankaj

***************** End Of Article ******************

Merv Carr posted Message 4496 in Message Board
Dated : December 13, 2000 at 09:32:50 EST
Subject: Re: subcontracting purchase order
: Hi,
: My question is:
: We have a production order for subcontractor.
: The problem is with the subcontractor purchase order.
: We are charged by batch. If we are sending 3000 pcs, divided into batches cont
aining 648 pcs we have 4.6 batches equal to 5.
: Is it possible that the purchase order line will be by batch and automatically
calculate the number of batches required for completing the production order qu
antity and rounding the result up?
: Thanks,
: Sharon
I think you are out of luck with this one, reason being the Purchase Order gener
ated is for "cost" type item (the subcontracting item), for non-inventory items
you cannot specify order qty's etc, therefore by default it is a "lot for lot" t
ype order qty.
Would it not be possible to modify the manufactured item's order qty to tie in w
ith the subcontacted operation's order qty?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Willy posted Message 4497 in Message Board
Dated : December 13, 2000 at 15:22:48 EST
Subject: Cycle Count history of actual counts
Is there any way to find out when a part was last cycle counted and find out wha
t was entered as the actual count, and what adjustment was made if any?
I would like to be able to view the last 3 counts on a particular part, or even
run a report.
***************** End Of Article ******************

Jon Hargett posted Message 4498 in Message Board

Dated : December 13, 2000 at 15:27:59 EST
Subject: Generate Planned INV Orders - Safety Stock
Can someone tell me what safety stock has to do with session tdinv3201m000? The
documentation I have says two different things. Here is a copy of what I have:
Safety Stock
The safety stock of an item in a specific warehouse. The purpose of safety stock
is to cushion the effect of deviations between expected and actual demand and b
etween expected and actual delivery time. It determines whether or not planned p
urchase or production orders are created in the following modules:
&#8226; Master Production Scheduling (MPS)
&#8226; Material Requirements Planning (MRP)
&#8226; Inventory Control (INV)
&#8226; Project Control (PCS)
This would seem to indicate that it does have some affect on the Generate Planne
d INV Orders session.
I also have this:
Generate Planned INV Orders (tdinv3201m000)
The quantity ordered and the moment of ordering depends on the following paramet
ers in the session "Maintain Item Data (tiitm0101m000)":
&#8226; Order Policy
&#8226; Order System
&#8226; Order Method
&#8226; Order Quantity Multiple of
&#8226; Minimum Order Quantity
&#8226; Maximum Order Quantity
&#8226; Fixed Order Quantity
&#8226; Economic Order Quantity
&#8226; Re-Order Point
&#8226; Order Interval
&#8226; Order Lead Time
&#8226; Safety Time
&#8226; First Allowed Order Date
Which says nothing about safety stock. So which is it?
***************** End Of Article ******************
han posted Message 4499 in Message Board
Dated : December 13, 2000 at 21:38:27 EST
Subject: Re: Generate Planned INV Orders - Safety Stock
: Can someone tell me what safety stock has to do with session tdinv3201m000? Th
e documentation I have says two different things. Here is a copy of what I have:
: Safety Stock
: The safety stock of an item in a specific warehouse. The purpose of safety sto
ck is to cushion the effect of deviations between expected and actual demand and
between expected and actual delivery time. It determines whether or not planned
purchase or production orders are created in the following modules:
: &#8226;
Master Production Scheduling (MPS)
: &#8226;
Material Requirements Planning (MRP)

: &#8226;
: &#8226;

Inventory Control (INV)

Project Control (PCS)

: This would seem to indicate that it does have some affect on the Generate Plan
ned INV Orders session.
: I also have this:
: 13.1 Generate Planned INV Orders (tdinv3201m000)
: The quantity ordered and the moment of ordering depends on the following param
eters in the session "Maintain Item Data (tiitm0101m000)":
: &#8226;
Order Policy
: &#8226;
Order System
: &#8226;
Order Method
: &#8226;
Order Quantity Multiple of
: &#8226;
Minimum Order Quantity
: &#8226;
Maximum Order Quantity
: &#8226;
Fixed Order Quantity
: &#8226;
Economic Order Quantity
: &#8226;
Re-Order Point
: &#8226;
Order Interval
: &#8226;
Order Lead Time
: &#8226;
Safety Time
: &#8226;
First Allowed Order Date
: Which says nothing about safety stock. So which is it?
Both are right, reorder point is related with safety stock,i.e reorder point it
must greater than safety stock, if the quantity of reorder point less safety sto
ck, then Baan will find quantity of safety stock as basis.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Max posted Message 4500 in Message Board
Dated : December 14, 2000 at 02:53:33 EST
Subject: Re: No Record in tdilc101
: Hi:
: I am confronted with a strange situation (Baan IVc).
: The session tdilc1512m000 shows all the information about
: one item, where as I don't see any information for this item
: in the session tdilc1514m000. Upon further investigation, I found
: that the table tdinv001 has all the information about this
: item, but the table tdilc101 has no record at all for this item
: (very strange). I was wondering whether anyone has seen this problem before, a
nd can suggest a solution. Can we repair this
: with any rebuild inventory session/correction program.
: Thanks in advance,
: Victor
You shouldn't use tdinv0252m000 to rebuild the inventory cause it rebuilds tdinv
001 from tdilc101, if data in tdilc101 is missing, after the rebuild, the invent
ory level in tdinv001 will be lowered than actual qty.

I encounter similar problem and what I do is to manually create the record in td

ilc101. Before you do that, pls make sure tdilc301 got records for that invento
ry. Otherwise, data are not in sync.
Rgds, Max

***************** End Of Article ******************

Des posted Message 4501 in Message Board
Dated : December 14, 2000 at 10:29:41 EST
Subject: EDI Sales sessions
I was wondering does anyone know which SLS session in BIVc4 can be used to gener
ate outgoing EDI messages? I know tdsls4401m000 (Acknowledgements) & tdsls4403m0
00 (Packing Slips) will generate - are there any others??
Thanks in advance,
***************** End Of Article ******************
Merv Carr posted Message 4502 in Message Board
Dated : December 14, 2000 at 10:39:49 EST
Subject: Re: Cycle Count history of actual counts
: Is there any way to find out when a part was last cycle counted and find out w
hat was entered as the actual count, and what adjustment was made if any?
: I would like to be able to view the last 3 counts on a particular part, or eve
n run a report.
THe solution is deceptively simple (for the inventory adjustment qty's), run the
inventory history report "Print Inventory Transaactions by item" (tdinv7410m000
) and select the "order type" to be "warehouse orders" only. For the order numbe
r field, type in the series for cycle count orders (i.e. 700000 - 799999), obvio
usly also fill in any appropriate date ranges and item number ranges. This will
give you any adjustments that were made for a particular item resulting from cyc
le counts.
As far as what the original count qty was, the only thing I can think of is to e
nsure you print out the "check report" before processing the count. (as soon as
the count is processed it is deleted).
For the last counted date, this is held in the item table, as well as in the "it
ems by warehouse" table (tdinv001?)You could easily create a little report to ex
tract that data.
THe short answer to this long story, is that unless you customise a little, that
is about as good as it gets.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Merv Carr posted Message 4503 in Message Board

Dated : December 14, 2000 at 10:47:44 EST
Subject: Re: Generate Planned INV Orders - Safety Stock
SIC ordering does not use safety stock directly, it will always compare the ROP
to the economic stock figure. However it will use the safety stock number to cal
culate the ROP, based on the formula that ROP = SS + leadtime usage. It will cal
culate this value in the session tdinv4230m000 (calculate demand forecast by ite
m)THis session will also calculate the SS figure for you (refer to the help text
in this session for the exact explanation of how this is done)
: Can someone tell me what safety stock has to do with session tdinv3201m000? Th
e documentation I have says two different things. Here is a copy of what I have:
: Safety Stock
: The safety stock of an item in a specific warehouse. The purpose of safety sto
ck is to cushion the effect of deviations between expected and actual demand and
between expected and actual delivery time. It determines whether or not planned
purchase or production orders are created in the following modules:
Master Production Scheduling (MPS)
Material Requirements Planning (MRP)
Inventory Control (INV)
Project Control (PCS)
: This would seem to indicate that it does have some affect on the Generate Plan
ned INV Orders session.
: I also have this:
: 13.1 Generate Planned INV Orders (tdinv3201m000)
: The quantity ordered and the moment of ordering depends on the following param
eters in the session "Maintain Item Data (tiitm0101m000)":
Order Policy
Order System
Order Method
Order Quantity Multiple of
Minimum Order Quantity
Maximum Order Quantity
Fixed Order Quantity
Economic Order Quantity
Re-Order Point
Order Interval
Order Lead Time
Safety Time
First Allowed Order Date
: Which says nothing about safety stock. So which is it?

***************** End Of Article ******************

Mary posted Message 4504 in Message Board
Dated : December 14, 2000 at 14:21:01 EST
Subject: Re: Picking lists
: Hi,
: Allocated for picking list as sugessted by John and Merc is the problem. This
field is present in tdinv001. What happens say the inventory on hand is 100. And

sales order is also of 100 qty. Then one generates O/B. The allocated for picki
ng list becomes 100. Now when one deleted the O/B this field is not resetted bac
k. This is true in ilc environment. What we have done in past is modify delete O
/B to reset the picking list or modify the Print Picing List program to exclude
allocated for picking list from this calculation.
: Arvind
: :

***************** End Of Article ******************

Mary posted Message 4505 in Message Board
Dated : December 14, 2000 at 14:22:13 EST
Subject: Re: Picking lists
: Hi,
: Allocated for picking list as sugessted by John and Merc is the problem. This
field is present in tdinv001. What happens say the inventory on hand is 100. And
sales order is also of 100 qty. Then one generates O/B. The allocated for picki
ng list becomes 100. Now when one deleted the O/B this field is not resetted bac
k. This is true in ilc environment. What we have done in past is modify delete O
/B to reset the picking list or modify the Print Picing List program to exclude
allocated for picking list from this calculation.
: Arvind
: :

***************** End Of Article ******************

Mary posted Message 4506 in Message Board
Dated : December 14, 2000 at 14:22:38 EST
Subject: Re: Picking lists
: : Hi,
: : Allocated for picking list as sugessted by John and Merc is the problem. Thi
s field is present in tdinv001. What happens say the inventory on hand is 100. A
nd sales order is also of 100 qty. Then one generates O/B. The allocated for pic
king list becomes 100. Now when one deleted the O/B this field is not resetted b
ack. This is true in ilc environment. What we have done in past is modify delete
O/B to reset the picking list or modify the Print Picing List program to exclud
e allocated for picking list from this calculation.
: : Arvind
: : :

***************** End Of Article ******************

Mary posted Message 4507 in Message Board

Dated : December 14, 2000 at 14:23:52 EST
Subject: Re: Picking lists
: : Hi,
: : Allocated for picking list as sugessted by John and Merc is the problem. Thi
s field is present in tdinv001. What happens say the inventory on hand is 100. A
nd sales order is also of 100 qty. Then one generates O/B. The allocated for pic
king list becomes 100. Now when one deleted the O/B this field is not resetted b
ack. This is true in ilc environment. What we have done in past is modify delete
O/B to reset the picking list or modify the Print Picing List program to exclud
e allocated for picking list from this calculation.
: : Arvind
: : :

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Michele Jusczak posted Message 4508 in Message Board
Dated : December 18, 2000 at 16:28:39 EST
Subject: Direct Delivery Sales Orders
We currently are looking for a solution that involves creating a Direct Deliver
Sales order in one company that will create a Direct Delivery Purchase Order in
another company and have the good shipped to the second company. Any assistance
that you can give me if you have tried ths before would be appreciated.
***************** End Of Article ******************
baan posted Message 4509 in Message Board
Dated : December 18, 2000 at 17:25:46 EST
Subject: Re: Picking lists
: I am having a problem getting the system to produce a picking list for a sales
: I get a message that there is a stock shortage when I try to print a picking l
ist for a particular sales order.
: We have the item in stock, it is in the correct warehouse, the sales order i
s not blocked, the item is not on backorder, the sales order does not say ship
complete, the sales order status is saying the next step is to print the pickin
g list.
: We have rebuilt the planned inventory transactions etc. we have entered more s
tock via inventory adjustment to see if it will pick the order and it still tell
s me that we are short of this stock. Has anyone experienced this before.
: Thanks Mary
Baan does have a rebuild program for this problem - tdinv0251m000

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Chris posted Message 4510 in Message Board
Dated : December 19, 2000 at 05:23:35 EST
Subject: Re: Direct Delivery Sales Orders
Which release of Baan are you using ?
In BaanERP, this is possible. But not as mentioned. Direct delivery Sales order
results in PO in first company. Then this PO results in a SO in the second compa
ny (thru EDI) and Goods can be shipped to the second company using the sales ord
In BaanERP 5.0c there is further enhancement to this. One can ship the goods dir
ectly from the second company to the customer mentioned in the first company. An
Invoice can be raised by the second company on the first company for the shippm
ent which in turn triggers an invoice from the first company to the customer.
So, it all depends which release you are using.

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Ivan posted Message 4511 in Message Board
Dated : December 19, 2000 at 14:30:34 EST
Subject: OLE - Sales budgets
Has anyone out there ever successfully used the sample OLE xls spreadsheets in y
our client Baan/Samples directory? This seems to be a very powerful tool for up
loading data. We are trying to use the sales budgets spreadsheet.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Gregory posted Message 4512 in Message Board
Dated : December 20, 2000 at 05:56:56 EST
Subject: KANBAN (Baan ERP)
can anybody help me on finding some help on KANBAN orders? I am interesting in a
utomatically refill a certain warehouse through out a main warehouse and I dont'
t know how to do it.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Pierre posted Message 4513 in Message Board
Dated : December 21, 2000 at 11:11:03 EST
Subject: table whltc300 &quot;lot transaction for lot tracking&quot;:
table whltc300 "lot transaction for lot tracking":
in table whltc300 there is a field: "time in milliseconds" it seems it is not us
ed to store what the namefield means. Most of time i have 1... sometimes i have
i try to do a link from table whinr110 "inventory transactions" to find what lot
is used for transaction.

someone has an idea?

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Raja posted Message 4514 in Message Board
Dated : December 27, 2000 at 21:41:24 EST
Subject: How to use Series in Picking list,Pack slip &amp; Invoice?
In Maintain First free Nos, we can maintain different series for Sales orders,Pi
cking list,Packing slip & Sales Invoice. While the system asks for series in Sal
es order & allot the Order no,
but for the other three, there is no field asking the series. how to use the fac
ility? Have anyone used this feature?
Thanks in advance.
***************** End Of Article ******************
macle zhang posted Message 4515 in Message Board
Dated : December 28, 2000 at 04:33:05 EST
Subject: print sale invoice to another customer
when i maintain sales order , in fact the customer is not clear
only when i print sales invoice ,this is certain, so i just
want to if there is any way or work around can do this job
thans in advance
***************** End Of Article ******************
Raja posted Message 4516 in Message Board
Dated : December 28, 2000 at 21:14:00 EST
Subject: How to use Series in Picking list,Pack slip &amp; Invoice?
While we can maintain different series for Sales order,Picking list,Packing slip
& Sales Invoice, the system doesn't ask for the
series in the session for printing pick list etc, but it does so for mainraining
the Sales order.
How to use this facility
***************** End Of Article ******************
Raja posted Message 4517 in Message Board
Dated : December 28, 2000 at 21:35:19 EST
Subject: How to use Series in Picking list,Pack slip &amp; Invoice?
While we can maintain different series for Sales order,Picking list,Packing slip
& Sales Invoice, the system doesn't ask for the
series in the session for printing pick list etc, but it does so for mainraining
the Sales order.
How to use this facility

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Sai Naresh posted Message 4518 in Message Board
Dated : December 29, 2000 at 11:58:04 EST
Subject: Re: To delete PO Line takes more than 25 Min.
By now, you might have already resolved the problem but in case if you have not,
please refer to baan solution#13672. We had this problem and it is resolved aft
er applying this solution.
Good luck.
Sai Naresh
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Vireendra Rai posted Message 4519 in Message Board
Dated : December 31, 2000 at 02:18:03 EST
Subject: Re: How to use Series in Picking list,Pack slip &amp; Invoice?
Picking List number is selected when you manitain and sales invoice number is ta
ken from Order Types/Transactions Type.
: In Maintain First free Nos, we can maintain different series for Sales orders,
Picking list,Packing slip & Sales Invoice. While the system asks for series in S
ales order & allot the Order no,
: but for the other three, there is no field asking the series. how to use the f
acility? Have anyone used this feature?
: Thanks in advance.
: Raja

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Pankaj B. Pandit posted Message 4520 in Message Board
Dated : January 01, 2000 at 00:26:38 EST
Subject: Problem with inventory table updates.
We are using BaaN 4 c3 and are live for 14 months.
We have detected problems in our inventory tables. The system has failed to upda
te tables tdilc101 or tdinv001 during some transactions.
eg An inventory adjustment transaction was executed for an item. System carried
out the transactions successfully with entries posted to finance. It updated tdi
nv001 showing the total stock .But strangely, it did not update tdilc101! So the

re is no stock at the locations at all, effectively making the inventory zero.

But it appears in the inventory valuation.
In other case the system updated tdilc101 but did not update tdinv001. Thus the
stock at the locations does not match the stock the system is showing for the wa
There are problems of similar nature. BAAN ERROR RECOVERY SESSIONS DO NOT RESOLV
Does any one have solution?
Also how to rebuild tdinv001 from tdilc101? Is there any way other than using er
ror recovery sessions?
Thanks & regards,
***************** End Of Article ******************
macle zhang posted Message 4521 in Message Board
Dated : January 02, 2001 at 07:53:03 EST
Subject: Re: Problem with inventory table updates.
this is a old problem of baan system , i believe each might
s problem . in face baan have sessions can help u to update
o tdilc101, or uodate tdilc101 according to tdinv001. u can
upport (if u have), the problem u might spend a lot of time
rrect ,loction or inventory

have already met thi

tdinv001 according t
get that from baan s
to check which is co

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gary posted Message 4522 in Message Board
Dated : January 03, 2001 at 13:11:17 EST
Subject: cycle count
How does baan determine how many items to include in a cycle count? Does baan sp
read the quantity to be counted over the time period? If for example we have 120
items, a count interval of 12 months and generate count orders on a monthly bas
is we should get 10 items each time. Is this how it should and/or does work?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Salina posted Message 4523 in Message Board
Dated : January 03, 2001 at 19:09:43 EST
Subject: Thanks Guys

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Jayant Keskar posted Message 4524 in Message Board
Dated : January 04, 2001 at 04:14:47 EST

Subject: Re: cycle count

That is not how it works. You set a count interval of say one month for "A" Clas
s items 2 months for "B" Class items and 3 months for "C" Class items.
Then when you generate cycle counting orders the orders would be generated every
month for A Class.
Every two months orders would be for A & B Class and every 3 months orders would
be generated for all the items.
: How does baan determine how many items to include in a cycle count? Does baan
spread the quantity to be counted over the time period? If for example we have 1
20 items, a count interval of 12 months and generate count orders on a monthly b
asis we should get 10 items each time. Is this how it should and/or does work?

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Kumar posted Message 4525 in Message Board
Dated : January 04, 2001 at 08:47:36 EST
Subject: Baan Solution Summary
Please see below solution description and I hope it might be of partial help if
ILC is implemented.
The correction sessions tdilc0250m000 and tdinv0250m000 would resolve the proble
m in that inv0250 is only concerned with rebuilding planned inventory transactio
ns(table tdinv150) and tdilc0250 is used to rebuild the 'expected' inventory
transactions on the basis of inbound and outbound data.
Session tdinv0252m000 - Check Inventory Data
This session Check Inventory Data (tdinv0252m000) to notice and correct inventor
y data inconsistency. To see if there is any it is necessary to run this session
Check Inventory Data (tdinv0252m000).
When adjust is put on 'Yes' corrections will be made only on inventory level. Th
is session does NOT create any financial bookings !!
When Inventory Location Control (ILC) is on this session shows the differences b
- table tdilc101 and tiitm001,
- table tdilc101 and tdinv001,
- table tdilc101 and tdltc001,
- table tdilc101 and tipcs021.
The 'new' inventory in the report is always the tdilc101 value. The 'old' invent
ory is the other table.
When Inventory Location Control (ILC) is off this session shows the differences
- table tdinv001 and tiitm001,

- table tdinv001 and tipcs021.

The 'new' inventory in the report is then always the tdinv001 value. The 'old' i
nventory is the other table.
When there are differences in the blocked stock they should be fixed by running
session Rebuild Planned Inventory Transactions (tdinv0250m000). When ILC is impl
emented it is wise to run Rebuild Inventory Data (ILC)
(tdilc0250m000) first.
When there are differences between the stock on hand the correction cycle count
procedures described in Baan solutions 70138 and 72033 or 76723 should befollowe
d up.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Baan, James Baan posted Message 4526 in Message Board
Dated : January 04, 2001 at 08:56:43 EST
Subject: Item Cost Revaluations
Just wondering, is there an easy way to revalue your inventory in Baan for items
that have decreased only (leaving out all items that have increased in cost)?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Kim Kunze posted Message 4527 in Message Board
Dated : January 04, 2001 at 17:18:07 EST
Subject: Cycle Counting with ILC
We have Baan 4c 3 and have an environment using Inventory Location Control (ILC)
. There is a field in the item data called Last Counting Date (tiitm001.locd) wh
ich apparently is only updated via Warehouse Cycle counting which is not used in
an ILC environment. Using Location Cycle Counting does not update the tiitm001
.locd field. Should it? If not, where in in tdilc (specific field) can I find
the count date captured? Is this a bug or by design?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Jacob posted Message 4528 in Message Board
Dated : January 05, 2001 at 07:36:39 EST
Subject: Maintain outbound data
In the session maintain outbound dta (tdilc4101m000), when I zoom and select a p
articular lot , is there any way that the weight of that particular lot is displ
ayed in the weight field of the session by default

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tim,chen posted Message 4529 in Message Board
Dated : January 08, 2001 at 02:37:48 EST
Subject: icon in session become english character
Dear All,

I don't know why, all of the users' icon were became english description, e.g. "
>" became "next record". Does anybody know what's going on?
Tim Chen
***************** End Of Article ******************
Ulrich Fuchs posted Message 4530 in Message Board
Dated : January 08, 2001 at 04:05:17 EST
Subject: Re: print sale invoice to another customer
Hi !
Do you have always the same customers or do they change with every order? In the
latter case, you could probably use a one-time-customer, and maintain the adres
s in the sales order header just before you print the invoice.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Anne Malone posted Message 4531 in Message Board
Dated : January 08, 2001 at 14:45:41 EST
Subject: Re: Cycle Counting with ILC
: We have Baan 4c 3 and have an environment using Inventory Location Control (IL
C). There is a field in the item data called Last Counting Date (tiitm001.locd)
which apparently is only updated via Warehouse Cycle counting which is not used
in an ILC environment. Using Location Cycle Counting does not update the tiitm0
01.locd field. Should it? If not, where in in tdilc (specific field) can I fin
d the count date captured? Is this a bug or by design?
: In Location cycle counting, tdilc101.coun is updated with the last count date.
Tiitm001.locd should also be updated but it will be the last date that the ite
m has been counted regardless of warehouse/location/lot. If you have items fixe
d to locations in table tdilc007 then you can find a last count date there (tdil
***************** End Of Article ******************
Anne Malone posted Message 4532 in Message Board
Dated : January 08, 2001 at 14:55:36 EST
Subject: Re: cycle count
The main thing to remember is that cycle count orders will not be generated unti
l they are DUE to be counted again based on the last count date and the counting
intervals that you specified by ABC class. So if you set up your C's to be coun
ted once a year and you initially counted all of your C's in the same month ...
you will get hit with them all the same time every year.
: Hi
: That is not how it works. You set a count interval of say one month for "A" Cl
ass items 2 months for "B" Class items and 3 months for "C" Class items.
: Then when you generate cycle counting orders the orders would be generated eve

ry month for A Class.

: Every two months orders would be for A & B Class and every 3 months orders wou
ld be generated for all the items.
: Jayant
: : How does baan determine how many items to include in a cycle count? Does baa
n spread the quantity to be counted over the time period? If for example we have
120 items, a count interval of 12 months and generate count orders on a monthly
basis we should get 10 items each time. Is this how it should and/or does work?

***************** End Of Article ******************

Anne Malone posted Message 4533 in Message Board
Dated : January 08, 2001 at 15:06:27 EST
Subject: Re: Cycle Count history of actual counts
I am not sure what version of Baan you are using or if you have ilc implemented
but the deceptively simple solution mentioned will only give you history if ever
y time you counted the part you had a variance (though it is the correct way of
pulling all of your cycle count adjustments :O) ). In Baan 4c3 using location c
ycle counting we have to do monthly extracts to an external database in order to
keep a cycle count history over a period of time. If a cycle count was done on
a part/location/lot and there was no variance then the qty at the time of the c
ount is not kept anywhere. Still waiting on an enhancement from Baan for this ca
: : Is there any way to find out when a part was last cycle counted and find out
what was entered as the actual count, and what adjustment was made if any?
: : I would like to be able to view the last 3 counts on a particular part, or e
ven run a report.
: THe solution is deceptively simple (for the inventory adjustment qty's), run t
he inventory history report "Print Inventory Transaactions by item" (tdinv7410m0
00) and select the "order type" to be "warehouse orders" only. For the order num
ber field, type in the series for cycle count orders (i.e. 700000 - 799999), obv
iously also fill in any appropriate date ranges and item number ranges. This wil
l give you any adjustments that were made for a particular item resulting from c
ycle counts.
: As far as what the original count qty was, the only thing I can think of is to
ensure you print out the "check report" before processing the count. (as soon a
s the count is processed it is deleted).
: For the last counted date, this is held in the item table, as well as in the "
items by warehouse" table (tdinv001?)You could easily create a little report to
extract that data.
: THe short answer to this long story, is that unless you customise a little, th
at is about as good as it gets.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Anne Malone posted Message 4534 in Message Board

Dated : January 08, 2001 at 15:20:20 EST

Subject: Re: Cycle Count
: I have an item where the last cycle count date is 09/28/00.
: It is a c class item and in the inv parameters the value is 52 weeks. A cycle
count order is getting generated for the item. It shold be only on 9/28/01. Any
:: You mentioned that location control was implemented. In Baan 4c3, the last c
ount date is on tdilc101 (Inventory by Location, Lot). If the inventory on hand
goes down to zero then the tdilc101 record goes away. If you replenish that st
ock, the tdilc101 record is created without a last count date and therefore it i
s due to be counted again. This is one way. If the part is lot controlled and
you are receiving in multiple lots to the same location then it looks at each lo
t separately. Hope this helps.
***************** End Of Article ******************
richard williams posted Message 4535 in Message Board
Dated : January 08, 2001 at 19:39:17 EST
Subject: Additional Cost Sets on Sales Orders
I am looking into adding additional costs on a sales orders with cost sets. I h
ave created a cost item in the item master, created a cost set, maintained the c
ost set attaching the item to it, and cost set by customer and item. I also, pu
t a negative percentage based upon quantity (this cost set will be based upon we
ight) Additionally, I have set the parameter for cost set to be interactive wit
h the first position for the cost set to be 950. I was expecting upon leaving th
e line entry of the sales order i had to add position 950. BaaN asks do i want
to add a cost set and I say yes but BaaN takes me completely out of the order.
Is anyone utilizing costs sets effectively? If so, please let me know. I can b
e reached at by phone at 330.342.2245 or by cell: 330.352.2467. In advance, th
ank you.
***************** End Of Article ******************
richard williams posted Message 4536 in Message Board
Dated : January 08, 2001 at 19:41:22 EST
Subject: Re: Additional Cost Sets on Sales Orders
: I am looking into adding additional costs on a sales orders with cost sets. I
have created a cost item in the item master, created a cost set, maintained the
cost set attaching the item to it, and cost set by customer and item. I also,
put a negative percentage based upon quantity (this cost set will be based upon
weight) Additionally, I have set the parameter for cost set to be interactive w
ith the first position for the cost set to be 950. I was expecting upon leaving
the line entry of the sales order i had to add position 950. BaaN asks do i wan
t to add a cost set and I say yes but BaaN takes me completely out of the order.
Is anyone utilizing costs sets effectively? If so, please let me know. I can
be reached at by phone at 330.342.2245 or by cell: 330.352.2467. In advance,
thank you.
Note: We are using BaaN IVc2
***************** End Of Article ******************
Kostas posted Message 4537 in Message Board

Dated : January 09, 2001 at 05:06:23 EST

Subject: Is it possible to have budget controlled Purchase Requisitions (BaaN ER
P) using ledger accounts or dimensions, or both?
Is it possible to attach to each requisition a general ledger and dimension code
that will check total actual amounts of requisitions against budgeted amounts a
nd issue alerts in case a requisition exceeds budget?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Kim Kunze posted Message 4538 in Message Board
Dated : January 09, 2001 at 09:00:18 EST
Subject: ILC cycle counting w/no fixed item locations
: : We have Baan 4c 3 and have an environment using Inventory Location Control (
ILC). There is a field in the item data called Last Counting Date (tiitm001.locd
) which apparently is only updated via Warehouse Cycle counting which is not use
d in an ILC environment. Using Location Cycle Counting does not update the tiit
m001.locd field. Should it? If not, where in in tdilc (specific field) can I f
ind the count date captured? Is this a bug or by design?
: : In Location cycle counting, tdilc101.coun is updated with the last count dat
e. Tiitm001.locd should also be updated but it will be the last date that the i
tem has been counted regardless of warehouse/location/lot. If you have items fi
xed to locations in table tdilc007 then you can find a last count date there (td
Thank you for the follow up.
All of our locations are multi item location. No items are associated to fixed
I use tdinv7510m000 Display Inventory Transactions by Item and Whse to see the c
ycle count orders and associated dates as well as any other activity for an item
. I have spot checked many items for correlation between cycle count order date
s and the date found for the item in tiitm001.locd Last Counting Date and have f
ound none. Furthermore I don't even find activity dated with the same date as f
ound in the item data tiitm001.locd.
I have a work around as a result of creating an Oracle Discover report but am pu
zzled by what is updating my Last Counting date field.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Kevin posted Message 4539 in Message Board
Dated : January 09, 2001 at 12:10:15 EST
Subject: Bar coding ERP
I am looking for a supllierin the Toronto area for bar code software who has exp
erience with Baan ERP .
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Pankaj B. Pandit posted Message 4540 in Message Board
Dated : January 10, 2001 at 07:03:52 EST
Subject: Re: Baan Solution Summary

Hi Kumar,
Many thanks for your solution!!! We badly needed this.
I am sure everyone checking this site will benefit from this solution.
Only one thing. Where in BaaN documentation do they mention these things? These
sessions are not included in the error recovery module for unknown and unthinka
ble reasons.
Best regards,
: Please see below solution description and I hope it might be of partial help i
f ILC is implemented.
: The correction sessions tdilc0250m000 and tdinv0250m000 would resolve the prob
lem in that inv0250 is only concerned with rebuilding planned inventory transact
ions(table tdinv150) and tdilc0250 is used to rebuild the 'expected' inventory
: transactions on the basis of inbound and outbound data.
: Session tdinv0252m000 - Check Inventory Data
: This session Check Inventory Data (tdinv0252m000) to notice and correct invent
ory data inconsistency. To see if there is any it is necessary to run this sessi
on Check Inventory Data (tdinv0252m000).
: When adjust is put on 'Yes' corrections will be made only on inventory level.
This session does NOT create any financial bookings !!
: When Inventory Location Control (ILC) is on this session shows the differences
: - table tdilc101 and tiitm001,
: - table tdilc101 and tdinv001,
: - table tdilc101 and tdltc001,
: - table tdilc101 and tipcs021.
: The 'new' inventory in the report is always the tdilc101 value. The 'old' inve
ntory is the other table.

When Inventory Location Control (ILC) is off this session shows the difference
- table tdinv001 and tiitm001,
- table tdinv001 and tipcs021.
The 'new' inventory in the report is then always the tdinv001 value. The 'old'
inventory is the other table.

: When there are differences in the blocked stock they should be fixed by runnin
g session Rebuild Planned Inventory Transactions (tdinv0250m000). When ILC is im
plemented it is wise to run Rebuild Inventory Data (ILC)
: (tdilc0250m000) first.
: When there are differences between the stock on hand the correction cycle coun
t procedures described in Baan solutions 70138 and 72033 or 76723 should befollo
wed up.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Colin Marriott posted Message 4541 in Message Board
Dated : January 10, 2001 at 07:22:24 EST
Subject: Re: Bar coding ERP
Hi Kevin try Epic Data on, we currently are implementing their
Connectware product into our live sites, there are several others I will forward
to you when I find the info.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Ken posted Message 4542 in Message Board
Dated : January 10, 2001 at 14:27:49 EST
Subject: Changing Terms of Delivery
I have a question regarding the implications of changing the "Terms of Delivery"
on existing sales orders. I realize that it maybe too late to change the Terms
of Delivery on invoiced orders, but can this be done on "Created" orders? If s
o, how can this be done? More specifically, how can this be done in the tables?
I know this can be changed in the session "Maintain Terms of Delivery," but th
is is for all future sales orders.
I am not quite sure of how the terms of delivery is used other then for document
ation purposes. Does this create any finanical transactions when the "Carriage
Paid" field is "No" and the "Cash on Delivery" field is also set to "No." As fa
r as I can tell, it doesn't, but if anyone has any information on this, I would
appreciate it if you would let me know.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Jane posted Message 4543 in Message Board
Dated : January 10, 2001 at 16:07:25 EST
Subject: Sales Tax on Sales Order
I am wondering why I cannot modify the Tax flag to YES on the
Sales Order Header after the Order Header has been saved. If this marked to NO,
we can not use a tax code on the sales order lines.
How is the tax code tied to the delivery/postal addresses ?

What tables are affected by the sales tax code ?


***************** End Of Article ******************

'Baan'dage posted Message 4544 in Message Board
Dated : January 10, 2001 at 17:13:39 EST
Subject: ILC Cycle Count Orders Processed
Baan 4C3 Inventory Location Control (ILC) multiple warehouses.
Should processing a Cycle count order for Items where the counts match still upd
ate the tiitm001.locd (Last Counting Date) field in the item data for each of th
e items?

***************** End Of Article ******************

Chris posted Message 4545 in Message Board
Dated : January 11, 2001 at 22:51:16 EST
Subject: Re: Changing Terms of Delivery
Hi Ken,
"Carriage paid" field has an implication. Additional cost set of type frieght wi
ll not be applied if carriage paid field is set to yes in terms of delivery. Oth
erwise, I agree that it is for documentation purposes.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Robert posted Message 4546 in Message Board
Dated : January 12, 2001 at 16:55:38 EST
Subject: Cancelled and blocked orders
On sales order entry if you cancel a sales order that has also been blocked you
are unable to go back to the order to correct it to release the block. How do y
ou unblock the order if it has already been cancelled? Any help would be apprec
***************** End Of Article ******************
bunny posted Message 4547 in Message Board
Dated : January 14, 2001 at 05:33:03 EST
Subject: rebate
If we maintain agreement for rebate group, and we have slabs.
Is slab applicable for each item in that rebate group or slab

is for total sales of that group,

Thanks in advance
***************** End Of Article ******************
Reg posted Message 4548 in Message Board
Dated : January 15, 2001 at 06:32:34 EST
Subject: Re: rebate
: If we maintain agreement for rebate group, and we have slabs.
: Is slab applicable for each item in that rebate group or slab
: is for total sales of that group,
: Thanks in advance
: bunny
What is a Slab - and I might be able to help
***************** End Of Article ******************
Ken posted Message 4549 in Message Board
Dated : January 15, 2001 at 15:08:54 EST
Subject: Re: Changing Terms of Delivery
: All,
: I have a question regarding the implications of changing the "Terms of Deliver
y" on existing sales orders. I realize that it maybe too late to change the Ter
ms of Delivery on invoiced orders, but can this be done on "Created" orders? If
so, how can this be done? More specifically, how can this be done in the table
s? I know this can be changed in the session "Maintain Terms of Delivery," but
this is for all future sales orders.
: I am not quite sure of how the terms of delivery is used other then for docume
ntation purposes. Does this create any finanical transactions when the "Carriag
e Paid" field is "No" and the "Cash on Delivery" field is also set to "No." As
far as I can tell, it doesn't, but if anyone has any information on this, I woul
d appreciate it if you would let me know.
: Thanks,
: Ken
Would anyone recommending changing the Terms of Delivery on existing sales order
s, i.e., ones that have already been invoiced? I realize that this is not possi
ble with standard Baan functionality, but has anyone tried to do a mass change i
n the tables? If so, what tables need to be changed? Is the risk worth the ben
Thanks for your help,
***************** End Of Article ******************

Abhijeet posted Message 4550 in Message Board

Dated : January 16, 2001 at 02:41:28 EST
Subject: Re: KANBAN (Baan ERP)
Have u used DRP. If u use order policy as SIC. I hope this will serve ur purpose
: can anybody help me on finding some help on KANBAN orders? I am interesting in
automatically refill a certain warehouse through out a main warehouse and I don
t't know how to do it.

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Abhijeet Joshi posted Message 4551 in Message Board
Dated : January 16, 2001 at 03:19:23 EST
Subject: Subcontracting order with zero approval
Some times we approve zero quantity in maintain approval for subcontracting orde
r. This results in zero amount payable. Purchase order status becomes print purc
hase invoice. As quantity is zero I get "No data found" message when I print pur
chase invoice. Due to this related production order can not get closed which sho
ws message Print purchase invoice not done. Is it a bug or std. logic. How to cl
ose prod order in such situation.
Thanks in advance....
***************** End Of Article ******************
bunny posted Message 4552 in Message Board
Dated : January 17, 2001 at 04:14:26 EST
Subject: Re: rebate
: : If we maintain agreement for rebate group, and we have slabs.
: : Is slab applicable for each item in that rebate group or slab
: : is for total sales of that group,
: : Thanks in advance
: : bunny
: What is a Slab - and I might be able to help
Example for slab
10000 1% rebate
20000 2% rebate
99999 5%
thanks in advance

***************** End Of Article ******************

bunny posted Message 4553 in Message Board

Dated : January 17, 2001 at 04:18:37 EST

Subject: Re: rebate
Example for slab:
up to 10000


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David Read posted Message 4554 in Message Board
Dated : January 17, 2001 at 04:37:49 EST
Subject: Re: Vendor Managed Inventory with ERP
Hi there
Did you resolve this?
Usual approach with an ERP system is to define a logical company, to identify go
ods that don't legally belong to you yet for the nasty auditors, define a VMI fa
cility, logical warehouses, and then when you want to draw the stuff off you boo
k the goods out of the one warehouse into your own legally owned warehouse.
Either book in with goods receipt or with transfer, then do summary purchase ord
er at month end.
And then a planning run in the VMI facility will tell you/the vendor what else y
ou need to make or draw down from the feeding plant.
That's the basic idea.
Hope it helps

***************** End Of Article ******************

miya posted Message 4555 in Message Board
Dated : January 17, 2001 at 23:52:54 EST
Subject: Re: ABC Analysis
What are the Advantages and disadantage of ABC?
What are the procedures and practices of performing ABC?

***************** End Of Article ******************

Deena posted Message 4556 in Message Board
Dated : January 19, 2001 at 05:22:13 EST
Subject: Cost Price Update - URGENT....
Can anyone advise what effect a cost price update (session ticpr2220m000) has on
Finance specifically the accounting entries.

***************** End Of Article ******************

r mcleod posted Message 4557 in Message Board
Dated : January 19, 2001 at 17:41:50 EST
Subject: Re: Sales Tax on Sales Order
That field is determined by the Customer Data form 5. The tax is set either yes
or no. Use the Help button in the upper right of the sales order header and clic
k on the sales tax field and it will show you what session that you may have to
I am wondering why I cannot modify the Tax flag to YES on the
: Sales Order Header after the Order Header has been saved. If this marked to NO
, we can not use a tax code on the sales order lines.
: How is the tax code tied to the delivery/postal addresses ?
: What tables are affected by the sales tax code ?
: Thanks
: Jane

***************** End Of Article ******************

Inder posted Message 4558 in Message Board
Dated : January 20, 2001 at 03:40:12 EST
Subject: Help-Urgent (Maintain Outbound Data)
In Distribution->Location Control->Maintain
> Outbound Data Suppose for one Production Order I
> entered five items , i want it to be copied to another
> Production Order all items (Order Wise). We tried by going through
> Special->Copy Outbound Data but it gives an error
> "Warehouse does not Correspond". Can anybody help me
***************** End Of Article ******************
Gianni posted Message 4559 in Message Board
Dated : January 22, 2001 at 02:34:34 EST
Subject: Re: Cost Price Update - URGENT....
The effect will be that a revaluation will take place of the inventory, running
purchase orders, running production orders and running sales orders. A general j
ournal transaction is:
debet Warehouse (goods)

credit to revaluation result

: Can anyone advise what effect a cost price update (session ticpr2220m000) has
on Finance specifically the accounting entries.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Dinesh Dhingra posted Message 4560 in Message Board
Dated : January 22, 2001 at 13:22:16 EST
Subject: Check This out
In estimated materials for the second warehouse, please check out the issuing wa
rehouse of all the materials. They should be same as in the production order no.
Try It A guess?

***************** End Of Article ******************

Dinesh Dhingra posted Message 4561 in Message Board
Dated : January 22, 2001 at 13:25:52 EST
Subject: Warehouse Order with series '8'
These entries are passed by creation of a warehouse order, with no inventory tra
nsaction but with an financial impact only.
: Hello,
: The effect will be that a revaluation will take place of the inventory, runnin
g purchase orders, running production orders and running sales orders. A general
journal transaction is:
: debet Warehouse (goods)
: credit to revaluation result
: Regards,
: Gianni
: : Can anyone advise what effect a cost price update (session ticpr2220m000) ha
s on Finance specifically the accounting entries.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Trythis posted Message 4562 in Message Board
Dated : January 22, 2001 at 16:21:05 EST
Subject: Re: EDI Sales sessions
Check the session tcedi0115m000,
This will give you a list of the outgoing sessions with the
corresponding messages.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Angela Woods posted Message 4563 in Message Board
Dated : January 23, 2001 at 04:31:54 EST
Subject: Identifying blocked sales orders in history
We want to develop an OTIF (on time in full) report, but need to be able to excl
ude or at least identify sales orders that were blocked at some time in their li
fe cycle. We cannot locate the relevant field on the sales order history table.
Any suggestions?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Juergen posted Message 4564 in Message Board
Dated : January 23, 2001 at 05:54:10 EST
Subject: Re: Identifying blocked sales orders in history
: We want to develop an OTIF (on time in full) report, but need to be able to ex
clude or at least identify sales orders that were blocked at some time in their
life cycle. We cannot locate the relevant field on the sales order history table
. Any suggestions?
This informations are not stored in the table tdsls050 (Sales Order History). BA
AN stores this informations in the table
tdsls044 (Unblocked Sales Orders), but only for those orders that were unblocked
during their life cycle.
If you delete old orders (with Session "Process Delivered Sales
Orders") this informations will lost.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Inder posted Message 4565 in Message Board
Dated : January 24, 2001 at 09:18:49 EST
Subject: Re: Still Not Working . It is O.K
: In estimated materials for the second warehouse, please check out the issuing
warehouse of all the materials. They should be same as in the production order n
o. one
: Try It A guess?

***************** End Of Article ******************

Kelly Welch posted Message 4566 in Message Board
Dated : January 24, 2001 at 18:10:43 EST
Subject: Default Locations - Location Control
When we implemented Baan, if a item did not have a location associated with it,
it defaulted into location 100. Then, the default location changed to 107. Now
, it is 108. Does anyone have any idea where you can set a default location if
a location does not exist for the item. Thanks in advance for all of your help.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Prashanth posted Message 4567 in Message Board
Dated : January 25, 2001 at 01:52:06 EST
Subject: Discount
We are using BaaN IV c3 and we are making use of sales discount structure.
we are having slabs for the eligibility of discount
Ex: item xyz
up to qty/amt 5 ------ No discount
100------- 5%
sales order is maintaned for 6 qty and 5% discount is eligible
and at the time of delivery only 1 qty delivered and remaining
are not delivered back order zero.When printed invoice discount
is applied for one quantity. We don't want to give discount for one qty, is ther
e any method to arrest this problem.
Thanks in advance
BaaN Fans
***************** End Of Article ******************
bill posted Message 4568 in Message Board
Dated : January 25, 2001 at 10:54:36 EST
Subject: Re: Default Locations - Location Control
: When we implemented Baan, if a item did not have a location associated with it
, it defaulted into location 100. Then, the default location changed to 107. N
ow, it is 108. Does anyone have any idea where you can set a default location i
f a location does not exist for the item. Thanks in advance for all of your hel
This is how I believe it works in 4C.
The tdilc001 record has an inbound priority field and the lower the number the h
igher the priority. The receipt location should always be zero and when the inb
ound is released it will go from receipt to the first location with the highest
priority (lowest number). If there is a default location for the item then that

would override the inbound priority.

***************** End Of Article ******************
Dr. No posted Message 4569 in Message Board
Dated : January 25, 2001 at 12:58:20 EST
Subject: Re: Item Cost Revaluations
: Just wondering, is there an easy way to revalue your inventory in Baan for ite
ms that have decreased only (leaving out all items that have increased in cost)?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Arvind Patil posted Message 4570 in Message Board
Dated : January 25, 2001 at 20:38:29 EST
Subject: Re: Discount
You have option, but it requires manual input. You can change discoint after del
iveries. But the real problem is how do you know the line is shipped as they are
different department. MAy be a little bit of customization can be your answer.
The back order can be confirmed even after the previous sequence is invoiced. Ho
w do you want to handle such situation and so on. You need to identify all such
scenarios then only a workable solution is possible. Ofcourse this will require
***************** End Of Article ******************
John Crystal posted Message 4571 in Message Board
Dated : January 26, 2001 at 08:32:26 EST
Subject: Re: Default Locations - Location Control
Hi Kelly,
Baan will default to the lowest alphanumberic location that is available. It sou
nds like your locations 100-107 have become "full" or "blocked" by one of the at
tributes you have assigned to them. Do you have them set for infinate capacity?
multiple part numbers allowed? or have they possibly becomed blocked?
There are several possibilities for you to check out. I'd start with the locatio
n data then check for blocking. Feel free to e-mail or call if you need further
help. cell 281-802-3692
John Crystal
***************** End Of Article ******************
dragonkatie posted Message 4572 in Message Board
Dated : January 26, 2001 at 15:27:21 EST
Subject: Re: Item Cost Revaluations
try sessions tdslsc201m000 and tdpur0201m000 if you can find a range in your ite

m numbers or product types etc its bulky but its better than changing by hand an
d creates a small revalation report.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Pankaj B. Pandit posted Message 4573 in Message Board
Dated : January 28, 2001 at 09:05:48 EST
Subject: Re: Inventory valuation Method
The system does not pass the revaluation entry if the inventory valuation method
for the item is by lot.
: Hello,
: These entries are passed by creation of a warehouse order, with no inventory t
ransaction but with an financial impact only.
: : Hello,
: : The effect will be that a revaluation will take place of the inventory, runn
ing purchase orders, running production orders and running sales orders. A gener
al journal transaction is:
: : debet Warehouse (goods)
: : credit to revaluation result
: : Regards,
: : Gianni
: :
: : : Can anyone advise what effect a cost price update (session ticpr2220m000)
has on Finance specifically the accounting entries.

***************** End Of Article ******************

dvjain posted Message 4574 in Message Board
Dated : January 29, 2001 at 02:44:11 EST
Subject: Inventory valuation method Lot Price
We wish to adopt inventory valuation method as Lot Price for all the items. what
are the consequences for the same and what precautions should we take in taking
that decision. Reason for this is in FTP system calculates variance at the time
of Purchase Receipt. but all the purchases are not necessarily be consumed and
can be carried forward in the inventory. How to allocate the total variance on t
he materials consumed.
***************** End Of Article ******************

Lime Pickle posted Message 4575 in Message Board

Dated : January 30, 2001 at 05:42:01 EST
Subject: Re: Default Locations - Location Control
: : When we implemented Baan, if a item did not have a location associated with
it, it defaulted into location 100. Then, the default location changed to 107.
Now, it is 108. Does anyone have any idea where you can set a default location
if a location does not exist for the item. Thanks in advance for all of your h
: Hello,
: This is how I believe it works in 4C.
: The tdilc001 record has an inbound priority field and the lower the number the
higher the priority. The receipt location should always be zero and when the i
nbound is released it will go from receipt to the first location with the highes
t priority (lowest number). If there is a default location for the item then th
at would override the inbound priority.
You should also check ILC parameters - there is a flag which directs inbound adv
ice to only consider unoccupied locations. this is probably why you are getting
the advices stated.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Peter Smith posted Message 4576 in Message Board
Dated : January 30, 2001 at 06:18:07 EST
Subject: Prices by Supplier and Item in BaaN ERP
Can anyone please tell me how do you set up specific price agreements by Supplie
r and Item in BaaN ERP. Thanks in advance.
***************** End Of Article ******************
B posted Message 4577 in Message Board
Dated : January 30, 2001 at 16:56:02 EST
Subject: Baan ERP Purchase Schedule Questions
What exactly are schedule releases? if we are not using EDI, are these applicabl
e? How
If we are not using schedule releases, what would be the best method to update t
he vendor when to ship the material?
What is the difference between Simulating Orders in EP and running Regenerate Sc
What EXACTLY is the difference between firm & forecast segments?
***************** End Of Article ******************

Gregory Mazarakis posted Message 4578 in Message Board

Dated : February 01, 2001 at 05:10:00 EST
Subject: Automatic confirmation of pickinglist in BaaNERP
I found out that confirming a shipment in BaaNERP can go automatically, but now
I wonder if the confimation of a pickinglist (previous step) can go also automat
ically. That would solve a lot of my logistic problems... does anybody know???
***************** End Of Article ******************
Kim Kunze posted Message 4579 in Message Board
Dated : February 01, 2001 at 15:55:31 EST
Subject: Slow Moving Analysis - Turnover Rate Baan IVC3
Baan indicates that turn over rate is a ratio of the annual usage to inv on hand
. How does one determine a difference in significance between two parts with a
turnover rate of 2 when one was all purchased 10 months ago (100 pc) with 3 rema
ining today in inventory and the second being purchase 10 each month for the las
t ten months and having 3 remaining in inventory. The Turnover rate formula wil
l produce the same rate for both or so it appears.
I want to be able to use this report as a tool to help me identify items that sh
ould be scrapped out. In this case where I purchased the item 10 months ago and
none since, I should be looking to reduce inventory by scrapping this out but t
he percentage assigned to this rate shows it as one with a low slow moving perce
Any suggestions as to what others are using for turnover rates and associated pe
rcentages will be helpful.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Roy posted Message 4580 in Message Board
Dated : February 01, 2001 at 17:47:50 EST
Subject: Reason for blocking for cycle counting orders
I tried to make an inventory adjustment (tdilc1120m000) and when I hit continue
to go to tdilc1121s000 and hit tab to Qty Store.unit field, usually I get the qu
antion i put on tdilc1120m000 session but this time I got "Reason for blocking f
or cycle counting orders" message and I can't do anything else but to get out...
..What does the message mean?? when do we get this message? and how can I correc
t this?? any helps would be welcome..We're using Baan4b2
***************** End Of Article ******************
Tpalle posted Message 4581 in Message Board
Dated : February 01, 2001 at 20:28:33 EST
Subject: Re: Reason for blocking for cycle counting orders
There is cycle count order present fo this warehouse and location
.while doing a cycle count inventory gets blocked.

1)you can delete the cycle count order

2)you can process the cycle count orders
if you are a production user then contact cycle count prime to process the cycle
count order.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Bill posted Message 4582 in Message Board
Dated : February 02, 2001 at 09:02:05 EST
Subject: Different Buy-from &amp; Ship-from B.P. in Purchase Order (BaaN ERP)
Can anyone please explain me how is it possible to have different Buy-from & Shi
p-from Suppliers in a single Purchase Order? For example we buy goods from suppl
ier A, but supplier B will deliver the goods to our warehouse and he will also i
ssue an invoice for his services (case of a forwarder). When I try to use differ
ent Buy-from & Ship-from suppliers within the same PO I get the message "Ship-fr
om BP is not related to Buy-from BP". How do I get them related?
Thanks in advance
***************** End Of Article ******************
Roy posted Message 4583 in Message Board
Dated : February 02, 2001 at 09:27:57 EST
Subject: Re: Reason for blocking for cycle counting orders
Thanks for the info. It was very question though...
How can you tell if that warehouse and/or location is being cycle counted?? sinc
e when I tried to print the cycle count order (tdilc5410m000), I got "No data wi
thin selection"??? Actually when I first ran this session, I got something (howe
ver that item that I had trouble is not on the list), the second time I ran, I g
ot "No data within selection".....I tried back and try the inven. adjustment and
still get the same message...??
: There is cycle count order present fo this warehouse and location
: .while doing a cycle count inventory gets blocked.
: 1)you can delete the cycle count order
: else
: 2)you can process the cycle count orders
: if you are a production user then contact cycle count prime to process the cyc
le count order.
: Thiru

***************** End Of Article ******************

iyengar-RSA posted Message 4584 in Message Board
Dated : February 02, 2001 at 13:44:06 EST
Subject: Re: Different Buy-from &amp; Ship-from B.P. in Purchase Order (BaaN ERP
This is possible in BaanErp and is well documented in the documentation that Baa
n provides.
The relationship is defined when you set up the business partners.
There is a field called parent b.p which links the bp's.
For example a business partner who is 'stand alone' will have the parent bp fiel
d as blanks.
in your case define supplier b as the parent bp with only the ship from and invo
ice roles defined and the parent bp field as blanks.
Now define another suplier (supplier A) with the parent BP as supplier A. Now fo
r the roles can be defined for supplier A and used in PO's. Alternatively the ro
les defined for the parent supplier can also be used.
Setting this up requires some amount of planning ahead of time but increases the
flexibility to a great extend.
: Can anyone please explain me how is it possible to have different Buy-from & S
hip-from Suppliers in a single Purchase Order? For example we buy goods from sup
plier A, but supplier B will deliver the goods to our warehouse and he will also
issue an invoice for his services (case of a forwarder). When I try to use diff
erent Buy-from & Ship-from suppliers within the same PO I get the message "Shipfrom BP is not related to Buy-from BP". How do I get them related?
: Thanks in advance

***************** End Of Article ******************

liyengar-RSA posted Message 4585 in Message Board
Dated : February 02, 2001 at 13:56:49 EST
Subject: Re: Prices by Supplier and Item in BaaN ERP
: Can anyone please tell me how do you set up specific price agreements by Suppl
ier and Item in BaaN ERP. Thanks in advance.
The pricing and discount setting up in Baanerp is quite different from the earli
er releases. You do not have specific set up menus/options like you used to. Now
it is totally up to you to specify what criteria you want to use to set up the
pricing structure.
You need to set up Price books which have the actual 'base' prices. You then nee
d to define Matrix definitions for each of your pricing and discount types eg sa
les, order discount, orderline discount, and similarly for purchase. Each matrix
definition can have a maximum of 6 attributes. For example, the sales price agg
rement for supplier and item will be set up as matrix definition with type sales
and attributes as business partner and item code. You can addtionally have matr
ix definitions for business partner and item group. Now by specifying matrix seq
uences you can get the prices from the item group level for those items that do
not have prices defined at the item level. The business partner - item and busin
ess partner - item group specified above are just one way of defining the matrix
definitions and sequence. The hierarchial structure that was predefined earlier
is totally user defined now and flexible.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Tafaghodi posted Message 4586 in Message Board
Dated : February 04, 2001 at 02:47:09 EST
Subject: Re: FIFO - Across Warehouses
: Does anyone know a way for Baan to issue raw materials using FIFO over multipl
e warehouses (instead of the default warehouse)?
: Thank you!

***************** End Of Article ******************

Ken posted Message 4587 in Message Board
Dated : February 05, 2001 at 12:42:53 EST
Subject: Changing the &quot;Inventory Unit&quot; in the Item Master
Baan Fans I have a question regarding how I can change the "Inventory Unit" field on the "
Maintain Item Data" session (Form 2). The "Storage Unit" is set for "PCS," but
for some reason the "Inventory Unit" is set at "LBS." It is unclear how this ca
me about, but was probably setup this way from the creation of the item.
I have called this into Baan Support, but they say that there is no way that the
"Inventory Unit" can be changed. If this is the answer, I can accept it, but i
t seems extreme not to be able to change this field. This item is a finished go
od, witht the "Item Type" of "Manufactured."
If anyone has any ideas on how to change the "Inventory Unit" from "LBS" to "PCS
," I would appreciate it if you would let me know.
***************** End Of Article ******************
B posted Message 4588 in Message Board
Dated : February 05, 2001 at 19:15:09 EST
Subject: Vendor Rating Delivery Calculation
Enter a PO with 1 line, quantity = 10
Receive 9 of the 10
Update vendor rating, delivery rating = 90 (this makes sense)
Now I receive the backorder quantity of 1
Update vendor rating, delivery rating = 91. How does it calculate 91?
Shouldnt it be the 2 ratings (100 + 90 / 2 = 95?)
***************** End Of Article ******************

tim, chen posted Message 4589 in Message Board

Dated : February 06, 2001 at 00:44:32 EST
Subject: Re: Changing the &quot;Inventory Unit&quot; in the Item Master
: Baan Fans Dear Ken,
According to my experience, the inventory unit in item data can only be changed
under the circustance of which item has no order allocation or imcoming, in anot
her word, if you delete all of the order regarding to the item, then you can cha
nge its unit again. Hope it is the answer you want.
Tim Chen
: I have a question regarding how I can change the "Inventory Unit" field on the
"Maintain Item Data" session (Form 2). The "Storage Unit" is set for "PCS," bu
t for some reason the "Inventory Unit" is set at "LBS." It is unclear how this
came about, but was probably setup this way from the creation of the item.
: I have called this into Baan Support, but they say that there is no way that t
he "Inventory Unit" can be changed. If this is the answer, I can accept it, but
it seems extreme not to be able to change this field. This item is a finished
good, witht the "Item Type" of "Manufactured."
: If anyone has any ideas on how to change the "Inventory Unit" from "LBS" to "P
CS," I would appreciate it if you would let me know.
: Thanks,
: Ken

***************** End Of Article ******************

tim, chen posted Message 4590 in Message Board
Dated : February 06, 2001 at 01:06:16 EST
Subject: How to avoid generating 860 message while reprinting edi po?
After edi po has been generated and sent out, if we want to reprint the edi po,
the system always regenerates edi 860 message. How can I avoid this kind of unne
cessary message?
Thanks in advance.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Mike Blaine posted Message 4591 in Message Board
Dated : February 06, 2001 at 09:18:42 EST
Subject: Re: Default Locations - Location Control
: When we implemented Baan, if a item did not have a location associated with it
, it defaulted into location 100. Then, the default location changed to 107. N
ow, it is 108. Does anyone have any idea where you can set a default location i
f a location does not exist for the item. Thanks in advance for all of your hel
To determine why the specific location is being adviced, set the ILC parameter "

Log Inbound Advice Steps for Report" to "Yes". You will then have the ability to
print the report "Inbound Advice Steps" in the session tdilc4404m000. The repor
t will show the process the system went through to chose the advised location. B
e sure to change parameter back when logging of advice steps is not needed.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Juan Pablo Corrales posted Message 4592 in Message Board
Dated : February 06, 2001 at 09:43:50 EST
Subject: Bill and Hold processing
Hello Everybody:
Im Juan from Colombia.
I am almost finishing my university career as Bussines Administrator. I need to
investigate about "Bill and Hold Processing" but I have not enough information a
bout it.
Could you please help me?
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samuelpramod posted Message 4593 in Message Board
Dated : February 06, 2001 at 10:21:56 EST
Subject: Purchase contract
We are using BaaN IV C3,
While generating purchase orders from Purchase contract, System is taking
Item Lead time in to consideration for calculating the date for generating Purch
ase orders from delivery schedule of contract, Why item lead time has to be take
n in to consideration, is there any logic behind
Thanks in advance
***************** End Of Article ******************
B posted Message 4594 in Message Board
Dated : February 06, 2001 at 11:06:56 EST
Subject: Re: Automatic confirmation of pickinglist in BaaNERP
: I found out that confirming a shipment in BaaNERP can go automatically, but no
w I wonder if the confimation of a pickinglist (previous step) can go also autom
atically. That would solve a lot of my logistic problems... does anybody know???
Try creating a outbound warehouse procedure without picklist as one of the activ
ities. this way you generate & release outbound and it will go directly to shipm

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Gianni posted Message 4595 in Message Board

Dated : February 07, 2001 at 03:04:17 EST

Subject: Re: Changing the &quot;Inventory Unit&quot; in the Item Master
Another (illegal) way is when you use EDM to transfer itagain from EDM to ITM wi
th an adjusted inventory unit. But be careful, because purcahse prices sales pri
ces and the quantity on stock are not changed.
: : Baan Fans : Dear Ken,
: According to my experience, the inventory unit in item data can only be change
d under the circustance of which item has no order allocation or imcoming, in an
other word, if you delete all of the order regarding to the item, then you can c
hange its unit again. Hope it is the answer you want.
: Tim Chen
: : I have a question regarding how I can change the "Inventory Unit" field on t
he "Maintain Item Data" session (Form 2). The "Storage Unit" is set for "PCS,"
but for some reason the "Inventory Unit" is set at "LBS." It is unclear how thi
s came about, but was probably setup this way from the creation of the item.
: : I have called this into Baan Support, but they say that there is no way that
the "Inventory Unit" can be changed. If this is the answer, I can accept it, b
ut it seems extreme not to be able to change this field. This item is a finishe
d good, witht the "Item Type" of "Manufactured."
: : If anyone has any ideas on how to change the "Inventory Unit" from "LBS" to
"PCS," I would appreciate it if you would let me know.
: : Thanks,
: : Ken

***************** End Of Article ******************

Ken posted Message 4596 in Message Board
Dated : February 07, 2001 at 13:47:40 EST
Subject: Purchase Receipts Question
Baan Fans:
Dear Sir or Madam:
I am having a problem with creating a Crystal Report to give me purchase receipt
information. In particular, I am trying to get purchase receipt information fo
r a particular supplier for a given item group. The current "Purchase History b
y Supplier and Item" report does not allow you to specify a date range. We need
to have date range information which is a major reason on
why we are trying to create a purchase receipts report using Crystal.

However, verifying this report is difficult. What I was wondering is what is th

e best method in Baan to get all purchase receipt information for a supplier (th
at is Invoiced and Created)? If it is the "Purchase History by Supplier and Ite
m" report, should it be run by "Created" or "Invoiced?" It appears if you run t
he report by "Created," that you get a report showing all purchase receipt infor
mation (purchased and created). Is this true? If so, does this report contain
any price changes that are made for the receipt?
I know that when a receipt is invoiced, you can no longer change the data. Thus
, it has the latest information. Will the "Purchase History by Supplier and Ite
m" report contain the changes to the PO line when it is made? By the way, we de
lete our order data in the session "process Delivered Purchase
Thanks for your help,
***************** End Of Article ******************
LSPLANNER posted Message 4597 in Message Board
Dated : February 07, 2001 at 20:32:57 EST
Subject: Re: Changing the &quot;Inventory Unit&quot; in the Item Master
Create a conversion record under the specific part number that converts LBS to P
CS on a one-for-one conversion factor. This will allow you to make the inventory
conversion in edm and transfer it to manufacturing. You will also have to zero
out any material on hand. Keep in mind that any existing bom values will not be
changed, only the unit of measure "word" will change.( in a change from feet to
inch, 12 inches in a bom will be 12 ft after the unit change). After you get the
proper inventory unit in the item master, remove the specific conversion record
you set up and put any stock qty back in that you removed prior to conversion
***************** End Of Article ******************
Peter Smith posted Message 4598 in Message Board
Dated : February 08, 2001 at 04:50:50 EST
Subject: Tracking of PO and related forwarding costs when delivered by forwarder
(BaaN ERP)
Hi everybody,
I am trying to find a solution to the following case:
I issue a PO to a supplier in a far location. He will notify me when goods are r
eady for shipment. Goods will be shipped via a forwarder. Forwarder will deliver
goods at my warehouse.
Issues to be controlled:
1. How do I know who is the forwarder of the PO (Will this work if I declare the
forwarder as Ship-from BP for the specific PO? Is this the meaning of Ship-from

2. Forwarder will issue a notice when he ships the goods (bill of lading, airway
bill number, packaging information, volume, kilos, etc). Is it possible to recor
d and track all this information through Shipment Notices (whinh3500m000)?
3. Forwarder will issue an invoice for his services. Can I relate the invoice to
the Shipment Notice he issued (in the shipment notice there exists charging inf
ormation) ? However when I print pro forma invoice for the specific PO I only ge
t pro forma invoice related to the Buy-from and not for the Ship-from supplier.
If anyone has any suggestions in that pls contact me in my email,
Thanks in advance
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Rajeev posted Message 4599 in Message Board
Dated : February 08, 2001 at 04:52:14 EST
Subject: Print Sales Invoices
I have one problem in respect of printing of sales invoices, I have maintained d
elivery for the all sales orders., but I have problem in printing of those sales
inovices where deliverd quantity is equal to back order quantity.
If any one came across such a situation pls let me know
thanks in advance

***************** End Of Article ******************

J. Cronin posted Message 4600 in Message Board
Dated : February 08, 2001 at 05:14:16 EST
Subject: Re: Changing the &quot;Inventory Unit&quot; in the Item Master
: Create a conversion record under the specific part number that converts LBS to
PCS on a one-for-one conversion factor. This will allow you to make the invento
ry conversion in edm and transfer it to manufacturing. You will also have to zer
o out any material on hand. Keep in mind that any existing bom values will not b
e changed, only the unit of measure "word" will change.( in a change from feet t
o inch, 12 inches in a bom will be 12 ft after the unit change). After you get t
he proper inventory unit in the item master, remove the specific conversion reco
rd you set up and put any stock qty back in that you removed prior to conversion
Make sure first that there is no inventory, and no planned transactions of any k
ind for the old inventory unit.
***************** End Of Article ******************
J. Cronin posted Message 4601 in Message Board
Dated : February 08, 2001 at 05:15:53 EST
Subject: Re: Reason for blocking for cycle counting orders
: Thanks for the info. It was very question though...
: How can you tell if that warehouse and/or location is being cycle counted?? si
nce when I tried to print the cycle count order (tdilc5410m000), I got "No data

within selection"??? Actually when I first ran this session, I got something (ho
wever that item that I had trouble is not on the list), the second time I ran, I
got "No data within selection".....I tried back and try the inven. adjustment a
nd still get the same message...??
: thanks
: : There is cycle count order present fo this warehouse and location
: : .while doing a cycle count inventory gets blocked.
: : 1)you can delete the cycle count order
: : else
: : 2)you can process the cycle count orders
: : if you are a production user then contact cycle count prime to process the c
ycle count order.
: : Thiru
If a cycle counting order has been printed once already, you need to set the fie
ld 'reprint items' to yes in order to print it again.
***************** End Of Article ******************
J. Cronin posted Message 4602 in Message Board
Dated : February 08, 2001 at 05:42:51 EST
Subject: Re: Slow Moving Analysis - Turnover Rate Baan IVC3
: Baan indicates that turn over rate is a ratio of the annual usage to inv on ha
nd. How does one determine a difference in significance between two parts with
a turnover rate of 2 when one was all purchased 10 months ago (100 pc) with 3 re
maining today in inventory and the second being purchase 10 each month for the l
ast ten months and having 3 remaining in inventory. The Turnover rate formula w
ill produce the same rate for both or so it appears.
: I want to be able to use this report as a tool to help me identify items that
should be scrapped out. In this case where I purchased the item 10 months ago a
nd none since, I should be looking to reduce inventory by scrapping this out but
the percentage assigned to this rate shows it as one with a low slow moving per
: Any suggestions as to what others are using for turnover rates and associated
percentages will be helpful.
The turnover rate is affected by the onhand qty, and the annual issue.
In your example the onhand qty is identical, but the annual issue may be differe
If you enter this value manually, you can influence your results, but if not, th
e annual issue is calculated by dividing the total issued qty over n periods by
the total number of periods, and then multiplying by the number of periods in wh
ich there were issues.
It follows that if the 97 pieces of the first item were all issued 10 months ago
, the annual issue will be 9.7 (assuming n=10), but the second item will receive
annual issue value of 97, thus giving very different results in the slowmoving
The final conclusion is that the slow moving analysis is not affected by the rec
eipts of the goods, but is affected by the issuing of the item over time.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Ken posted Message 4603 in Message Board
Dated : February 08, 2001 at 08:07:56 EST
Subject: Re: Changing the &quot;Inventory Unit&quot; in the Item Master
Wow, I'm impressed. I want to thank everyone for their excellent feedback. It
appears that it is possible with a little creativeness.
Thanks again,
***************** End Of Article ******************
Dina posted Message 4604 in Message Board
Dated : February 08, 2001 at 11:04:18 EST
Subject: Projects
We are looking into using projects at our company and I'd like to know what impa
ct that will have since most of the items we build are stored in the warehouse.
What impact will projects have if we cycle count the finished products and there
are discrepancies.
If there's anyone out there who can throw some more light to this, I'd be thrill
ed to hear from them.
***************** End Of Article ******************
bailey posted Message 4605 in Message Board
Dated : February 08, 2001 at 11:19:32 EST
Subject: Statistically Random Cycle Count
Is it possible to input a series (or data file) of randomly generated item numbe
rs to cycle count within BaaN? We do not want to cycle count based on location,
but rather a random sample of the item numbers.
***************** End Of Article ******************
gary posted Message 4606 in Message Board
Dated : February 08, 2001 at 12:29:20 EST
Subject: Re: Slow Moving Analysis - Turnover Rate Baan IVC3
: : Baan indicates that turn over rate is a ratio of the annual usage to inv on
hand. How does one determine a difference in significance between two parts wit
h a turnover rate of 2 when one was all purchased 10 months ago (100 pc) with 3
remaining today in inventory and the second being purchase 10 each month for the
last ten months and having 3 remaining in inventory. The Turnover rate formula
will produce the same rate for both or so it appears.

: : I want to be able to use this report as a tool to help me identify items tha
t should be scrapped out. In this case where I purchased the item 10 months ago
and none since, I should be looking to reduce inventory by scrapping this out b
ut the percentage assigned to this rate shows it as one with a low slow moving p
: : Any suggestions as to what others are using for turnover rates and associate
d percentages will be helpful.
: The turnover rate is affected by the onhand qty, and the annual issue.
: In your example the onhand qty is identical, but the annual issue may be diffe
: If you enter this value manually, you can influence your results, but if not,
the annual issue is calculated by dividing the total issued qty over n periods b
y the total number of periods, and then multiplying by the number of periods in
which there were issues.
: It follows that if the 97 pieces of the first item were all issued 10 months a
go, the annual issue will be 9.7 (assuming n=10), but the second item will recei
ve annual issue value of 97, thus giving very different results in the slowmovin
g analysis.
: The final conclusion is that the slow moving analysis is not affected by the r
eceipts of the goods, but is affected by the issuing of the item over time.
Where can you enter the annual issue manually? Is this not calculated by Baan ba
sed on released outbound?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Roy posted Message 4607 in Message Board
Dated : February 08, 2001 at 15:09:33 EST
Subject: Re: Reason for blocking for cycle counting orders
Is there anyway we can tell who did the "cycle count" and when it was done??? a
history maybe??....I am not a distribution person, so please be patient.
thanks for all the helps.
: : Thanks for the info. It was very question though...
: : How can you tell if that warehouse and/or location is being cycle counted??
since when I tried to print the cycle count order (tdilc5410m000), I got "No dat
a within selection"??? Actually when I first ran this session, I got something (
however that item that I had trouble is not on the list), the second time I ran,
I got "No data within selection".....I tried back and try the inven. adjustment
and still get the same message...??
: :
: : thanks
: : : There is cycle count order present fo this warehouse and location
: : : .while doing a cycle count inventory gets blocked.
: : : 1)you can delete the cycle count order
: : : else
: : : 2)you can process the cycle count orders
: : : if you are a production user then contact cycle count prime to process the

cycle count order.

: : : Thiru
: If a cycle counting order has been printed once already, you need to set the f
ield 'reprint items' to yes in order to print it again.

***************** End Of Article ******************

. posted Message 4608 in Message Board
Dated : February 09, 2001 at 06:37:53 EST
Subject: Re: Statistically Random Cycle Count
: Is it possible to input a series (or data file) of randomly generated item num
bers to cycle count within BaaN? We do not want to cycle count based on locatio
n, but rather a random sample of the item numbers.
Nope - not in standard
***************** End Of Article ******************
baan-fan posted Message 4609 in Message Board
Dated : February 09, 2001 at 11:46:23 EST
Subject: Re: Print Sales Invoices
: Hi,
: I have one problem in respect of printing of sales invoices, I have maintained
delivery for the all sales orders., but I have problem in printing of those sal
es inovices where deliverd quantity is equal to back order quantity.
: If any one came across such a situation pls let me know
: thanks in advance
-----------------------------------Would you please elaborate the nature of the problem ?

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Julie Silsby posted Message 4610 in Message Board
Dated : February 09, 2001 at 13:45:13 EST
Subject: Re: Subcontracting p.o.'s
We have the same problem at our facility. There is no way to increase the purch
ase order quantity once the line has been fully received nor can you open a new
production order and have the two tie together. There are a couple of options:
1. You can go into maintain production planning and add another subcontracting
step to the production order - generate your subcontracting purchase order - go
into the purchase order and adjust the quantity to the quantity that is needed t
o be recevied in (the purchase order will again give the quantity that the produ
ction order is for). The only problem with this route is that when you look at

costing reports for the production order, it will appear that you sent the entir
e production order quantity through subcontracting twice.
2. Your second option (and the way we now handle it) is to just send paperwork
up to Accounting (or whoever does adjustments) and inventory adjust the quantity
into the system.
We have also tried working with our suppliers to try to reduce the amount of tim
es that extra product comes back after a completed receipt.

Sometimes when a subcontracted purchase order has been fully received and
matched, we receive more products from our subcontractor due to extra yields o
materials or other reasons. Currently Baan will not allow us to add another
purchase order line on a subcontracted purchase order in Maintain Purchase
Order session. Is there anyway we can increase the purchase order quantity or

: create another production order and link the production order back to the same
: subcontracted purchase order? Any other suggestions of work arounds?
: thanks in advance!
: Elaine

***************** End Of Article ******************

Joy Conner posted Message 4611 in Message Board
Dated : February 12, 2001 at 10:58:13 EST
Subject: Maintain Sales Orders
I have 2 sessions for maintain sales orders. tdsls4110m000 and tdsls4101m000.
Has anyone ever seen this before?
What is the difference?
Thanks in advance.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Kumar posted Message 4612 in Message Board
Dated : February 12, 2001 at 15:12:21 EST
Subject: How to find the Receipt quantity.
When some quantity is received for a purchase order through inbound process, how
to determine the total receipt quantity for the purchase order and position num
ber. Currently we are using the table whinh210 for this purpose, but when the en
tire quantity is received, the table doesn't store those orders (they are remove
d) and in some situations for partial receipts too, the records doesn't exist in
whinh210. Alternately, we started looking into the table whinh260 and whinh270,
which stores the history of all the inbound process, but here too, if we need t
o calculate the total received quantity for a PO and position, what is the crite
ria ? (Every time a record is modified, whinh260 has a new record in it, so if w
e just cumulate all the records for that order and pos, it gives incorrect value
s like double, triple values etc..). There are several status fields in whinh260
like 'Line status', 'History status', advised quantity, packing slip quantity,
approved quantity etc... we used combination of these fields to filter out the d

uplicate records, but couldn't satisfy those conditions for all records.
Can someone please answer this as how to calculate the exact total receipt quan
tity for a PO and pos(thru inbound process) and what is the table to use for thi
s ?? (tdpur401 doesn't seem to store correct value all times)
Thanks in advance,
***************** End Of Article ******************
Jim posted Message 4613 in Message Board
Dated : February 12, 2001 at 19:17:06 EST
Subject: Re: EDI Sales sessions
This session will also allow you to define other sessions that will prepare edi
messages. However, not all sessions will work, so you might have to do some exp
***************** End Of Article ******************
Phil Shipley posted Message 4614 in Message Board
Dated : February 13, 2001 at 06:34:34 EST
Subject: Re: Maintain Sales Orders
Hi Joy,
tdsls4110m000 is a session that ensures that the correct Sales Order Header prog
ram is called (there are 3 in total)
What tdsls4110 does is as follows:
if Direct Sales Order Entry in user defaults (tdsls039.dole) is set to no or not
defined then run tdsls4101m000
if PCS implemented (tipcs000.ipcs) or PCF implemented (tipcf000.ppcf) then run t
run tdsls4105m000
Hope that helps
: I have 2 sessions for maintain sales orders. tdsls4110m000 and tdsls4101m000.
: Has anyone ever seen this before?
: What is the difference?
: Thanks in advance.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Lowell Magneson posted Message 4615 in Message Board
Dated : February 14, 2001 at 10:31:44 EST
Subject: Cancel Orders at Maintain Deliveries Stage
How do I cancel orders that are at Stage Maintain Deliveries? LM
***************** End Of Article ******************
Peter Smith posted Message 4616 in Message Board
Dated : February 14, 2001 at 10:45:39 EST
Subject: BaaN ERP Manuals or Training Material
Does anybody know if BaaN has produced and is selling any training material or m
anuals for BaaN ERP? (like Knowledge Quest for BaaN IV?)
Thanks in advance
***************** End Of Article ******************
Merv Carr posted Message 4617 in Message Board
Dated : February 14, 2001 at 15:14:56 EST
Subject: Re: How to find the Receipt quantity.
: When some quantity is received for a purchase order through inbound process, h
ow to determine the total receipt quantity for the purchase order and position n
umber. Currently we are using the table whinh210 for this purpose, but when the
entire quantity is received, the table doesn't store those orders (they are remo
ved) and in some situations for partial receipts too, the records doesn't exist
in whinh210. Alternately, we started looking into the table whinh260 and whinh27
0, which stores the history of all the inbound process, but here too, if we need
to calculate the total received quantity for a PO and position, what is the cri
teria ? (Every time a record is modified, whinh260 has a new record in it, so if
we just cumulate all the records for that order and pos, it gives incorrect val
ues like double, triple values etc..). There are several status fields in whinh2
60 like 'Line status', 'History status', advised quantity, packing slip quantity
, approved quantity etc... we used combination of these fields to filter out the
duplicate records, but couldn't satisfy those conditions for all records.
: Can someone please answer this as how to calculate the exact total receipt qu
antity for a PO and pos(thru inbound process) and what is the table to use for t
his ?? (tdpur401 doesn't seem to store correct value all times)
: Thanks in advance,
: Kumar
Have you tried looking at inventory history, transactions by order. That should
give you everything you need.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Merv Carr posted Message 4618 in Message Board
Dated : February 14, 2001 at 15:17:37 EST
Subject: Re: Cancel Orders at Maintain Deliveries Stage

: How do I cancel orders that are at Stage Maintain Deliveries? LM

If you mean that the order is "Ready for" maintain deliveries (status 3) then al
l you have to do is delete the lines on the PO. If you have already maintained d
eliveries, but not invoiced, then you should first "zero out" the delivered qty'
s and then you should be able to delete the lines.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Kumar posted Message 4619 in Message Board
Dated : February 15, 2001 at 15:03:33 EST
Subject: Re: How to find the Receipt quantity.
Thank you very much, it helped me !
***************** End Of Article ******************
Joalrei posted Message 4620 in Message Board
Dated : February 19, 2001 at 09:04:03 EST
Subject: How change waherouse when I receive purchase order?
I need to know how I can change the waherouse when I receive the purchase order.
Now I change in line of the purchase order
Best Regards
***************** End Of Article ******************
Merv Carr posted Message 4621 in Message Board
Dated : February 19, 2001 at 22:16:44 EST
Subject: Re: How change waherouse when I receive purchase order?
: I need to know how I can change the waherouse when I receive the purchase orde
: Now I change in line of the purchase order
: Best Regards
You are doing it correctly (the only way to my knowledge)
***************** End Of Article ******************
Jagjit posted Message 4622 in Message Board
Dated : February 21, 2001 at 09:34:05 EST
Subject: Help Urgent : Cycle Counting
I have done cycle counting for one item. I ran following
sessions. tdilc5210m000 Generate Cycle COunting Order
tdilc5410m000 print Cycle Counting Order
tdilc5110m000 Enter Location Cycle Counting Data
tdilc5211m000 Process Cycle Counting Data
Can anybody tell me in which table data gets stored after doing all this steps .
I want item & quantity information that how much quantity was changed .

Thanks in Advance
***************** End Of Article ******************
Baan.guy posted Message 4623 in Message Board
Dated : February 21, 2001 at 12:36:26 EST
Subject: Re: Help Urgent : Cycle Counting
: Hai
I have done cycle counting for one item. I ran following
: sessions. tdilc5210m000 Generate Cycle COunting Order
tdilc5410m000 print Cycle Counting Order
tdilc5110m000 Enter Location Cycle Counting Data
tdilc5211m000 Process Cycle Counting Data
: Can anybody tell me in which table data gets stored after doing all this steps
. I want item & quantity information that how much quantity was changed .
: Thanks in Advance
: Jagjit
Hi Jagjit
I find the best way to review the results of the cycle count is in the following
" Print Inventory history by location "
Choose your date ranges
select order type at " warehouse order " from and to
select order number from 700000 to 799999
This will give you a print out of all cycle count results as per
your selection.
Note: all cycle count adjustments are considered "Warehouse Orders" and the orde
r number range "700000 to 799999" is reserved for cycle count adjustments.
Hope this helps
The Baan Guy

***************** End Of Article ******************

Baan Guy posted Message 4624 in Message Board
Dated : February 21, 2001 at 12:58:05 EST
Subject: Re: ILC Cycle Count Orders Processed
: Baan 4C3 Inventory Location Control (ILC) multiple warehouses.
: Should processing a Cycle count order for Items where the counts match still u
pdate the tiitm001.locd (Last Counting Date) field in the item data for each of
the items?

Hi KKunze
Yes the "Last Count Date" is still updated when you process the cycle count orde
r.The reason for this is so the
system can keep track of the last date counted for use in the generation of the
cycle count sheets. The entry
of counts that match are still considered a count on that date.
The Baan Guy

***************** End Of Article ******************

John Crystal posted Message 4625 in Message Board
Dated : February 21, 2001 at 13:27:38 EST
Subject: Re: Help Urgent : Cycle Counting
: Hai
I have done cycle counting for one item. I ran following
: sessions. tdilc5210m000 Generate Cycle COunting Order
tdilc5410m000 print Cycle Counting Order
tdilc5110m000 Enter Location Cycle Counting Data
tdilc5211m000 Process Cycle Counting Data
: Can anybody tell me in which table data gets stored after doing all this steps
. I want item & quantity information that how much quantity was changed .
: Thanks in Advance
: Jagjit
The recommendation to print from the inventory history file will work to get the
changes made as a result of processing the cycle counting orders.
To see what will happen prior to processing the cycle counts you need to print t
he cycle counting check report. This will show you the differences between the c
ount data and the system inventory. You use this to identify items needing recou
nts or other checking prior to accepting the new counts and processing the cycle
counting orders.
John Crystal
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maris posted Message 4626 in Message Board
Dated : February 22, 2001 at 09:23:57 EST
Subject: Fastest way to process a Sales Order
Hi baanfans!
Can you suggest me the fastest way to process a sales order.

far I have come to the following scenario:

Maintain Sales Order (tdsls4101 or 4105)
Generate Outbound Advice (tdilc4201) and Release Outbound Data (tdilc4202)
Maintain Deliveries (tdsls4120), from "Special" choose "Global" confirmation
Print Sales Invoices (tdsls4404)
Process Delivered Sales Orders (tdsls4223).

Within this scenario the only session where user have to enter data is the first
one. My aim is to eliminate all time-consuming steps and reduce them so far as
possible. Any ideas?
Thanks in advance,
***************** End Of Article ******************
Merv Carr posted Message 4627 in Message Board
Dated : February 22, 2001 at 14:51:37 EST
Subject: Re: Fastest way to process a Sales Order
: Hi baanfans!
: Can you suggest me the fastest way to process a sales order.


far I have come to the following scenario:

Maintain Sales Order (tdsls4101 or 4105)
Generate Outbound Advice (tdilc4201) and Release Outbound Data (tdilc4202)
Maintain Deliveries (tdsls4120), from "Special" choose "Global" confirmatio

4) Print Sales Invoices (tdsls4404)

5) Process Delivered Sales Orders (tdsls4223).

: Within this scenario the only session where user have to enter data is the fir
st one. My aim is to eliminate all time-consuming steps and reduce them so far a
s possible. Any ideas?
: Thanks in advance,
: maris
The fastest way that I know of is to make use of the collect order type, and als
o make sure the parameter "Confirm outbound advice" is set to "No". You probably
(if location control is implemented) also want to sell from a non-location cont
rol warehouse.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Lena posted Message 4628 in Message Board
Dated : February 22, 2001 at 23:00:33 EST
Subject: Re: Inventory valuation Method
: Hi...
can i ask u that what are the factors that lead a company to choose different va
luation method..
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Rinus de Rouw posted Message 4629 in Message Board
Dated : February 23, 2001 at 02:14:41 EST
Subject: Reprinting packing list
I cannot reprint the pacing slip if the status of the sales order is 6 (Print in

voice). Even if I set in session tdsls4403m000 "Reprint printed packing slip" to

How can I reprint this packing slip?
Kind regards
Rinus de Rouw
***************** End Of Article ******************
Fan posted Message 4630 in Message Board
Dated : February 23, 2001 at 10:47:47 EST
Subject: Virtual Warehouses
Pl. put your thinking caps on.
Our users have created virtual locations in warehouses. Now as part of our annua
l clean-up, we want to delete all such virtual locations which are not occupied
but Baan is not letting us do this. Any creative Baan gurus out resp
***************** End Of Article ******************
Gustavo posted Message 4631 in Message Board
Dated : February 23, 2001 at 11:27:20 EST
Subject: Warehouse for Leftovers
I produce 105 items "X" which have a standard cost price of $2 each. I sell 100
of the 105 and have 5 left. I want to send these 5 to a "leftover" warehouse. I
may get an order for these 5 in 2 0r 3 years but I may Not. When I valuate the i
nventory of warehouse "leftover" I want it to be $2.5 ($0.5 x 5), this means tha
t I want each item to have a cost of $0.5 instead of the original $2. I want to
be able to do this without changing the BOM and Routing (standard cost price) of
the items back and forth. If in 2 or 3 years I have an order for the 5 leftover
s I will sell them for $2 or more.
Is there a way to do this? To have 2 different standard costs for the same item?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Merv Carr posted Message 4632 in Message Board
Dated : February 23, 2001 at 12:25:58 EST
Subject: Re: Warehouse for Leftovers
: I produce 105 items "X" which have a standard cost price of $2 each. I sell 10
0 of the 105 and have 5 left. I want to send these 5 to a "leftover" warehouse.
I may get an order for these 5 in 2 0r 3 years but I may Not. When I valuate the
inventory of warehouse "leftover" I want it to be $2.5 ($0.5 x 5), this means t
hat I want each item to have a cost of $0.5 instead of the original $2. I want t
o be able to do this without changing the BOM and Routing (standard cost price)
of the items back and forth. If in 2 or 3 years I have an order for the 5 leftov
ers I will sell them for $2 or more.
: Is there a way to do this? To have 2 different standard costs for the same ite

: Thanks
Sorry pal, one company one cost price. Your options would be to create a seperat
e company, in which this item would be a purchased item. THe first company could
then sell this item to the second company at the reduced price.
Otherwise you would have to have a seperate item, and then adjust item 1 down an
d item 2 up. You can of course have reason codes with the appropriate financial
buckets setup.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Merv Carr posted Message 4633 in Message Board
Dated : February 23, 2001 at 12:28:14 EST
Subject: Re: Reprinting packing list
: I cannot reprint the pacing slip if the status of the sales order is 6 (Print
invoice). Even if I set in session tdsls4403m000 "Reprint printed packing slip"
to yes.
: How can I reprint this packing slip?
: Kind regards
: Rinus de Rouw
Have a look at the "order steps" table and pay particular attention the the sect
ion "repeat after step". This governs up to which point a step can be repeated.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Merv Carr posted Message 4634 in Message Board
Dated : February 23, 2001 at 12:30:01 EST
Subject: Re: Virtual Warehouses
: Pl. put your thinking caps on.
: Our users have created virtual locations in warehouses. Now as part of our ann
ual clean-up, we want to delete all such virtual locations which are not occupie
d but Baan is not letting us do this. Any creative Baan gurus out re
I would imagine that all history etc. would first have to be deleted (location h
istory that is). Haven't researched it much, but that is pretty much the way the
rest of the system works.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Suresh posted Message 4635 in Message Board
Dated : February 23, 2001 at 20:49:29 EST
Subject: Company Calender and Planning Calender - How and why?
We are using BaaN IVc2(Distribution primarily). I am trying to extend the Planni
ng Calender stored in table tirou410. The parameter for Company Calender Type in

session Maintain Routing Parameters(tirou0100m000) is "By Company". Currently,

the Company Calender(stored in table tirou400) maintenance session(tirou4101m000
) shows that it is defined upto Year 2010(beginning from 10/04/1998) for work ce
nter "999". Whereas the Planning Calender(stored in tirou410 with work center =
"") is populated only upto 07/07/2001(beginning from 10/04/1998).
My questions are:
1. Why the Planning Calender and the Company Calender go upto different time int
2. How do we extend the Planning Calender? Is it using the Create Default Compan
y Calender session(tirou4204m000)? I tried using it with the default values(02/2
6/1993 - 06/20/2013) and it has extended the Planning Calender. Is this the corr
ect way? Now the Planning Calender is upto middle of Year 2013 but the Comapny C
alender is still unchanged(upto 2010 only).
3. Is there a session by which both of them can be populated upto the same inter
vals. Our company operates on a 5-weekday basis. How are these calenders initial
4. I tried using the session Update Company Calender(tirou4201m000) but it stops
midway and gives the message "Transaction is on, can't continue". All I can see
is that it is working on "Updating work center utilization...." and the text ap
pearing at the bottom left of the screen shows "clearing tables", Work center =
"ZZZ" and Prod. Order/Prod. Batch = "SFC 0".
Also, note that we do not have any calender which has a work center of "ZZZ". Th
e only work enter defined is "999".
Thanks in advance.

***************** End Of Article ******************

divakar posted Message 4636 in Message Board
Dated : February 26, 2001 at 07:15:43 EST
Subject: Re: Virtual Warehouses
: : Pl. put your thinking caps on.
: : Our users have created virtual locations in warehouses. Now as part of our a
nnual clean-up, we want to delete all such virtual locations which are not occup
ied but Baan is not letting us do this. Any creative Baan gurus out
: I would imagine that all history etc. would first have to be deleted (location
history that is). Haven't researched it much, but that is pretty much the way t
he rest of the system works.
dear friend,
pls check if any items have been linked to those locations. even if there are n
o physical stocks in those locations, system will not allow you to delete them.

i will appreciate a reply if this solves your problem.

***************** End Of Article ******************
Anad Misra posted Message 4637 in Message Board
Dated : February 26, 2001 at 07:37:16 EST
Subject: return of subcontracting items
We send various Raw Materials and Packaging materials to our subcontractors. Whi
le sending these materials, many of them are used inhouse too, we don't maintain
special lot for them. When these items are sent corresponding modvat benefits a
re also passed to subcontractor.
Now suppose we wish to return one particular item which was rejected at subcontr
actor's end to our original supplier there is no way possible. We can take the i
tem back and adjust inventory at subcontractor but what will be the excise proce
dure and how this item can be returned to the original supplier because while re
turning the item to supplier the lots to be mentioned which is not possible for
us where rejection may occur quite late.
pl help us so that we can clarify the matter.
***************** End Of Article ******************
divakar posted Message 4638 in Message Board
Dated : February 26, 2001 at 07:54:53 EST
Subject: Re: Reprinting packing list
: I cannot reprint the pacing slip if the status of the sales order is 6 (Print
invoice). Even if I set in session tdsls4403m000 "Reprint printed packing slip"
to yes.
: How can I reprint this packing slip?
: Kind regards
: Rinus de Rouw
in the session maintain sales order steps , for step " print packing slip", a
dd reprint order steps 4, 6,7 so that you can reprint packing slip after any o
f those steps.

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Peter Rademaker posted Message 4639 in Message Board
Dated : February 26, 2001 at 08:45:30 EST

Subject: Reason For Blocking Sales Order

Table tdsls040 contains the field tdsls040.cblc, in which the reason for the blo
cking of a salesorder is stored. I've noticed that various values exist e.g. 4,
19, 32, 128 each reprensenting a different reason or combination of reasons for
Can somebody tell me how I should translate these codes into a more readable rea
***************** End Of Article ******************
Kumar posted Message 4640 in Message Board
Dated : February 26, 2001 at 11:37:57 EST
Subject: Try running the session tdsls4426m000
If you run the session tdsls4426m000, you should be able to see
the reason for blocking for the SO in question. That will correspond to the reas
on code you see in tdsls040 table.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Gustavo posted Message 4641 in Message Board
Dated : February 26, 2001 at 14:26:00 EST
Subject: Negative Inventory
If I modify the inventory parameter NOT to allow negative inventories, do you kn
ow If I can still have negative allocated inventory by setting negative quantiti
es in the BOMS.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Merv Carr posted Message 4642 in Message Board
Dated : February 27, 2001 at 09:27:56 EST
Subject: Re: Negative Inventory
: If I modify the inventory parameter NOT to allow negative inventories, do you
know If I can still have negative allocated inventory by setting negative quanti
ties in the BOMS.
: Thanks
This parameter is only concerned with On hand inventory. It will still allow you
to have negative economic stock values, and/or negative allocated qty's. SOmeth
ing to be aware of though, when you try and switch the setting the system will l
ook for any existing negative inventory levels and will force you to correct the
se before allowing the setting to change.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Gene posted Message 4643 in Message Board

Dated : February 27, 2001 at 12:44:59 EST

Subject: Delete Suppliers
When we installed Baan 4C2 we migrated a large number of suppliers into Baan tha
t have not been used to date. I would like to do a mass deletion of all supplie
rs that do not have a transaction in Baan since our start up of December 1998.
Does anyone know where this can be done in Baan, or has anyone created a custom
job to do this? Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!
***************** End Of Article ******************
Peter Rademaker posted Message 4644 in Message Board
Dated : February 28, 2001 at 08:11:42 EST
Subject: Re: Try running the session tdsls4426m000
Thanks, using this session sure gives a clue, however this will give me a link b
etween the codes in tdsls040 and the descriptions as they exist today. I'm not s
ure that all possibilities are covered, therefore I was hoping someone knew the
logic as used in tdsls4426m000.
***************** End Of Article ******************
John posted Message 4645 in Message Board
Dated : February 28, 2001 at 09:00:18 EST
Subject: Compare Quotations (BaaN ERP)
Hello everybody,
I am comparing two quotations from suppliers using only the price criterion. The
first supplier is offering a price of 45 and the second one 50 with 50% discoun
t (final price 25). The system doesn't take into account the discount and propos
es the supplier who is offering the price of 45 giving him the rate of 100, whil
e the other supplier takes the rating of 90, just as if he offered no discount.
Does anybody know if this is a bug, or if depends on the value of a parameter?
Best regards,
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Kumar posted Message 4646 in Message Board
Dated : February 28, 2001 at 09:16:27 EST
Subject: Re: Try running the session tdsls4426m000
To my knowledge this is the explanation for the blocking codes
1 - Doubtful Customer
2 - Credit Limit Exceeded
4 - Unpaid Invoices
8 - EOR Order/Electronically Received (EDI)
16 - Margin Exceeded/Not Reached
32 - Manually Blocked
64 - Warehouse belongs to other company

I haven't come across the reason codes '19 and 128'. I hope it helps.

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prashant singh posted Message 4647 in Message Board
Dated : February 28, 2001 at 09:51:41 EST
Subject: Re: return of subcontracting items
If you are sending material to subcontractor through RPL order it's possible for
you to get back the same lot and do the purchase order return.
: We send various Raw Materials and Packaging materials to our subcontractors. W
hile sending these materials, many of them are used inhouse too, we don't mainta
in special lot for them. When these items are sent corresponding modvat benefits
are also passed to subcontractor.
: Now suppose we wish to return one particular item which was rejected at subcon
tractor's end to our original supplier there is no way possible. We can take the
item back and adjust inventory at subcontractor but what will be the excise pro
cedure and how this item can be returned to the original supplier because while
returning the item to supplier the lots to be mentioned which is not possible fo
r us where rejection may occur quite late.
: pl help us so that we can clarify the matter.

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Kim Kunze posted Message 4648 in Message Board
Dated : February 28, 2001 at 10:44:03 EST
Subject: Baan 4c3 Routing unit
My question concerns the Operation Cost at an item. If I get 67 pc's of an item
as a result of cutting one BOM component why isn't my 15 minute setup time in m
y routing divided by 67 so that the cost is spread accross all 67 of the individ
ual parts? My BOM unit is 67 and routing unit at the item is 1.
Will changing the Routing unit at the item to 67 "spread" the setup time/cost ac
ross all 67 parts?
If I change the Routing Unit to 67 will I have to change the other operation run
times to the total time for 67 parts?
Thanks in advance for your time.
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Will Threet posted Message 4649 in Message Board
Dated : March 01, 2001 at 11:09:31 EST
Subject: Warehouse Transfers
In Baan 5.0b - Warehouse transfers has many step if you are using location contr

ol. Has anybody found a better way to minimize steps. We are using adjustment or
ders. Thanks
***************** End Of Article ******************
Kim posted Message 4650 in Message Board
Dated : March 01, 2001 at 12:56:39 EST
Subject: Re: Projects
: We are looking into using projects at our company and I'd like to know what im
pact that will have since most of the items we build are stored in the warehouse
. What impact will projects have if we cycle count the finished products and the
re are discrepancies.
We us PCS projects in Baan 4c3.
Be aware that any raw material ordered to a project becomes WIP as soon as it is
The only Inventory transaction (transfer to another project)that you can do with
project inventory is Transfer. In other words no adjustment from the inventory
side. Even the Inventory transfers don't work as you'd expect regarding the co
sts associated.
If it is important for you to know the total purchases of a raw material item fo
r all of your projects, don't make these items customized. As customized you wi
ll only be able to see purchases by individual project.
We use both MRP and PRP planning systems because on our projects we use both sta
ndard Baan Items and Customized Baan items.
Hope this helps.
: If there's anyone out there who can throw some more light to this, I'd be thri
lled to hear from them.
: Thanks.
: Dina

***************** End Of Article ******************

Tools posted Message 4651 in Message Board
Dated : March 01, 2001 at 13:49:06 EST
Subject: Re: Delete Suppliers
You can use Table Maintenance session ttaad4100 to perform a delete range of the
records in table tccom020. If you truly haven't used (referenced) the suppliers
on any other tables in Baan, then they will be deleted.
Good luck.

: When we installed Baan 4C2 we migrated a large number of suppliers into Baan t

hat have not been used to date. I would like to do a mass deletion of all suppl
iers that do not have a transaction in Baan since our start up of December 1998.
Does anyone know where this can be done in Baan, or has anyone created a custo
m job to do this? Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!

***************** End Of Article ******************

Rudhi Yulia posted Message 4652 in Message Board
Dated : March 02, 2001 at 08:30:16 EST
Subject: How do we know for Purchase Order has been paid eventhough item hasn't
been delivered yet (advance payment to supplier)
If we make a Purchase Order (PO), in item master data : inventory on order will
increase as quantity in PO for particular item. But in practice, we have two typ
es of inventory on order, which are : PO that has been paid, and PO that haven't
been paid yet. BEcause we allowed to pay in advance for payment to supplier eve
nthough the items haven't been delivered yet to us. How can we distinguish betwe
en inventory on order that have been paid and haven't been paid yet. We want to
know how many our account payable for next period, and don't want to make repaym
ent for PO that have been paid. How many quantity that we have to pay..
Thanks in advance...
***************** End Of Article ******************
KAK posted Message 4653 in Message Board
Dated : March 02, 2001 at 11:41:17 EST
Subject: Erroneous Cycle Count Advice ??
Baan 4c3 with ILC
The problem as I see it is that Baan feels that I need to count items whose tiit
m001.lcod last count date at the item does not fall within the parameters that w
e have established for our ABC codes.
With ILC I understand that a transfer from one location to another flags the par
t as "not having been counted" so to speak and will probably show up as an item
that needs to be counted.
An example of an item that I feel Baan is giving me bad advice is as follows: T
he item is a B item and we count them every 180 days per our parameter. Its las
t count date at the item (tiitm001.lcod) show 2/15/01. The only place that I ca
n see the transactions for the item is in Display Inventory Transactions by Item
and Warehouse tdinv7510m000. The most recent transaction of any kind shows a d
ate of 1/25/01.
Where is the 2/15/01 date coming from and why does Baan give me advice to count
Any help will be greatly appreciated!!
***************** End Of Article ******************
maris posted Message 4654 in Message Board
Dated : March 05, 2001 at 09:22:06 EST
Subject: Re: Fastest way to process a Sales Order

Thanks a lot!
Use of collect order type in my case is not the best choice, because there can b
e 100+ lines per order and up to 100 orders per day.
But that parameter eliminated one step!
: : Can you suggest me the fastest way to process a sales order.
The fastest way that I know of is to make use of the collect order type, and als
o make sure the parameter "Confirm outbound advice" is set to "No". You probably
(if location control is implemented) also want to sell from a non-location cont
rol warehouse.

***************** End Of Article ******************

John Crystal posted Message 4655 in Message Board
Dated : March 05, 2001 at 09:49:59 EST
Subject: Re: Erroneous Cycle Count Advice ??
The last count date in the item master is the latest date the item was counted o
r record created in any warehouse or location. There is also a last counted date
in the warehouse or warehouse/location record if you have location control runn
ing. This one is the one that triggers the cycle count request. If I can be of h
elp you can reach me at 936-597-5151.
John Crystal
Crystal Consulting
***************** End Of Article ******************
John Crystal posted Message 4656 in Message Board
Dated : March 05, 2001 at 10:56:46 EST
Subject: Re: How do we know for Purchase Order has been paid eventhough item has
n't been delivered yet (advance payment to supplier)
I'd sugest using two different purchase order types, one for the prepaid orders
and one for the normal orders. Then you could modify the existing reporting to a
dd the P.O. type as a selection criteria or create new reports if you have Safar
i or Crystal Reports or another report writer.
John Crystal
Crystal Consulting
***************** End Of Article ******************
Kim posted Message 4657 in Message Board
Dated : March 05, 2001 at 11:34:17 EST
Subject: Re: Erroneous Cycle Count Advice ??
Thank you for the reply. ILC is running.

I'm curious how many are using Baan Cycle counting orders because there is no wa
y that I can efficiently use them. I have created my own Oracle Report but am h
aving difficulty getting the correct date. Per my previous post there is no pla
ce in Baan that I have been able to find the soruce of the 2/15/01 date at the i
tem and that is what I am currently using for my report.
Do PO Recipts with the associated Inbounding to a location create the need for a
new count?
Do Production issues / outbounding from a location create the need for a new cou
I'm still mystified.
***************** End Of Article ******************
vaishali posted Message 4658 in Message Board
Dated : March 06, 2001 at 02:01:01 EST
Subject: Subcontracting-Receipt Qty is 0, not able to do Maintain receipts
In some cases when user try to do maintain receipts,System generates receipt num
ber & go to sub-session where user picks up POs against supplier; here system th
rows user out of the sub-session & maintain receipt session with receipt qnty as
'0' and backorder qnty. '0'.
The status of order remains at 'Maintain receipt' but if user try to take rece
ipt against the same order, orders disappear from the list of PO pending for rec
eipt against the same supplier.and user not able to make receipt for against thi
s order.please provide us some solution.
Thanks in advance
Vaishali Modi

***************** End Of Article ******************

Ben Van Loock posted Message 4659 in Message Board
Dated : March 06, 2001 at 08:35:23 EST
Subject: CYCLE COUNTING - storage units inventory units
in the session Enter Location Cycle
tdilc5110m000 you can enter your counted quantity in inventory unit and the syst
em will calculate the quantity in storage unit.
Does someone know if it is possible (f.e. by means of changing a parameter) to k
ey in the quantity in storage unit so that the system calculates the correspondi
ng inventory unit.
Or did someone made a customization to make this possible ?

***************** End Of Article ******************

Hitesh Shah posted Message 4660 in Message Board
Dated : March 06, 2001 at 08:45:42 EST
Subject: Summary reports available in Baan
Example of reports which can be had with this program.
Transaction Summary program is capable of generating good meaningful summaries a
nd column charts out
of any Baan transaction table of any size provided table templates are available
on PC. With demo
version table templates for 5 tables of B40Sc are attached. For further testing
users can request
more tables also. Professional version includes all Baan standard tables.
Reports once designed can be saved as schemes, which can be re-used in future. H
ere are some
Trends in Standard Production Costs
When production order is completed the financial transaction Production (SFC) /
Production receipt
is generated in table tfgld410. This is generated at the standard cost of the en
d item. This data
can be utilized in the program to generate trends. The program has the capabilit
y to treat the
Credit lines as negative figures. These figures can be had for item groups. When P
CS projects are
used, Production (SFC) / Receipt is not generated at all. Surcharges if any use
d should be taken
care off using cost price components.(Please see scheme production)
Trends in Actual Production Costs
When production orders are finished (ticst0201m000) then financial transaction p
roduction (SFC) /
Receipt is generated at standard cost and Production (SFC) / Production result i
s generated for the
difference between the actual cost and standard cost in tfgld410. In order to ge
t the actual cost of
production order for particular items in a period, it is necessary to subtract t
he Production result
from Production receipt value. As the item field in production (SFC) / Productio
n result is left
blank, it is necessary to get the end item for which production (SFC) / producti
on result is
generated. This can be done by a simple 3GL program like this in Baan.
|****************************** DECLARATION SECTION
table ttfgld410
table ttisfc001
long ctr
|****************************** PROGRAM

function main()
ctr = 0
select tfgld410.item,tisfc001.mitm
from tfgld410 for update,tisfc001
tfgld410.ocom = 222 and | This should be the company number in l
ive run
tfgld410.tror = tctror.prd and
tfgld410.fitr = tcfitr.prd.result and
tfgld410.orno = tisfc001.pdno
ctr = ctr +1
tfgld410.item = tisfc001.mitm
if ctr = 1000 then
ctr = 0
end if
if ctr > 0 then
There is no harm running this program from time to time. Alternatively there is
a way to bring the
end item from production order to which production (SFC) / Production result rel
ates using parent
child relationships on table production order tisfc001.
For better performance, 1st option is preferable. When PCS projects are used, t
hey have to be
Project like [ ] condition. Surcharges if any used should be taken
filtered using
care off using
cost price components.
Trends in Actual purchase cost - Item / Item Group wise
When goods are received from supplier or price is changed either from change pri
ces and discounts
(tdpur4122m000) or invoice is approved (tfacp1140s000), then Purchase/Receipt (a
t standard Cost
price) and Purchase/result (Standard Cost price
actual purchase price ) transac
tion is generated
in tfgld410 . Purchase result is not generated when the inventory valuation is Lo
t price in item
master. For lot priced items, purchase / receipts is only actual purchase price.
When purchases are
made for PCS project, then Purchase / Material costs and purchase results are ge
nerated on events
aforesaid. When PCS projects are used, they have to be filtered using
Project li
ke [ ] condition.
Thus Actual purchase price is the difference Standard cost and Purchase result.
Surcharges if any
used should be taken care off using cost price components. 'Credit' lines have t
o be treated as
negative in order to get the correct picture. For B40b or lower versions, specia
l care has to be
taken to filter out line 1 in calculations because of old table design. This rep
ort helps user to

understand the item wise purchase behavior and see it in relative terms with oth
er items. (Please
see ActCstPurTrndsItm scheme)
Trends in Actual purchases - Supplier wise
It is similar to above report. The only difference here would be that field 'sup
plier' and not
'item' would be row here. This data helps Purchase manager to measure the changi
ng patterns of
supplier relationships in financial terms. (Please See scheme ActPurTrndsSup)
Trends in Standard purchase cost
Purchase / receipts for FTP valued is the standard cost price for purchased item
s. This can be
aggregated to get the trends in standard purchases.
Trends in Material Consumption costs
Production (SFC) / Issue and Production (SFC) / Material costs (for PCS projects
) represents the
material costs. The item being issued is updated in tfgld410. This information c
an be aggregated to
get the material consumption trends. This helps Production/Purchase manager to a
scertain increasing
/decreasing importance of certain materials / inputs.
Trends in Sales - Item wise
If invoice details is set to yes then integration transaction sales/sales invoic
e generated with
type of sales 'Revenue' in tfgld410. The item sold is also included. This along
with transaction
date and debit/credit and amount in HC can be used to get the trends in Sales Item wise.
Trends in Sales - Customer wise
When invoice is processed in tdsls4223m000, integration transaction sales/sales
invoice generated
with type of sales 'Invoice Totals' in tfgld410. The customer is also included.
This along with
transaction date and debit/credit and amount in HC can be used to get the trends
in Sales - Customer
Contribution (Margin) analysis by Customer
When sales deliveries are made, the table tdsls045 is updated with sales amount
in FC , currency
rate , rate factor , standard cost price and delivered quantity . From this it i
s possible to get
the gross profit (Contribution) per sales delivery with the help of following fo
Amount * currency rate / rate factor - Cost price * Delivered Quantity
This along with customer data and delivery date can be used to get the Customer
contributions per

period. This helps the user in determining the relative importance of customers
and changes in its
pattern over a period of time (Weeks, months , quarters, half-years , years ) (
Please see scheme
Contribution (Margin) analysis by Item
When sales deliveries are made, the table tdsls045 is updated with sales amount
in FC , currency
rate , rate factor , standard cost price and delivered quantity . From this it i
s possible to get
the gross profit (Contribution) per sales delivery with the help of following f
Amount * currency rate / rate factor - Cost price * Delivered Quantity
This along with item data and delivery date can be used to get the Customer cont
ributions per
period. This helps the user in determining the relative importance of customers
and changes in its
pattern over a period of time. (Please see scheme itmgrossprofit)
Customer / Customer group outstanding aging summary
The user has to select the 'Sales invoices' & 'Sales Credit notes' for the selec
ted period range
excluding invoices with 0 balance. The document date / Due date should be select
ed as column while
supplier should be selected as row. In the 'analytical info' form the document d
ate should be
selected. 'As on date' should be date which is greater than any Document date/ D
ue date. The number
of days calculated should be given categories such as 0-15, 16-30 or alternative
ly 'A', 'B','C' etc.
Balance in HC should be selected as data field. This program will presuppose tha
t the balances in
the table are correct. (Please see custaging)
Supplier / Supplier group purchases trends
The table tfacp200 has financial period and document date both. Based on both th
ese one can decide
on the month, quarter, Half Year, Year etc. User has to select records with Docu
ment type 'Purchase
Invoice' & "Purchase Credit Notes' only for the period under analysis. Document
date / Financial
period can be columns while supplier / country /currency can be rows. Amount in
HC should be the
data field. Doing this we can get the Supplier purchase summary over a period of
ABC Sales Analysis
Customer Sales Analysis (ABC analysis) to see the composition of large/small/med
ium sales based on
invoice amount. (Please see scheme 'abcsales' on tfacr200)
Quantitative trends in Inventory movement
All inventory movements are recorded in tdinv700 in inventory unit for the item.

This can be
aggregated to get the net inflow / outflow of items over the period of time. Thi
s aggregation is
possible treating the transaction type 'Sales delivery' and 'Production issue' a
s negative and
keeping 'Purchase receipt' and 'Production receipt' as positive. With this repor
t, stores manager
can understand the trends in inventory levels over a period of time and can pred
ict deficit or
surplus for future.
Project code may be used if required. If all items in item group has same invent
ory unit, this
report can be taken item group wise also. The same report can also be had from t
dilc301 if ILC is
implemented and also from ltc102 if lot control is implemented for lot controlle
d items.
Quantitative Inventory movement by Warehouse
During a given period (range to be maintained in from to value for transaction d
ate), one can find
out what was the net change in inventory levels for items in various warehouses
from tdinv700. This
is more useful when many items are handled in many warehouses. This report helps
user understand
storage requirement for item by warehouse. Here again user has to treat the tran
saction type as
positive or negative depending whether it's receipt or issue for the warehouse.
If all items in item
group has same inventory unit, this report can be taken item group wise also. Th
e same report can be
had from tdilc301 by warehouse /location if ILC is implemented.
Quantitative Purchase / Sales distribution by Supplier/Customer.
As the quantity in tdinv700 is in inventory unit and relations (customer/supplie
r) are recorded for
sales/purchase transactions, it is possible to get the quantitative distribution
of purchases/sales
by item. If all items in item group has same inventory unit, this report can be
taken item group
wise also. User has to select the transaction type as either 'Purchase receipt'
or 'Sales Issue'
depending on the report required. The same report can also be available from tdi
lc301 if ILC is
Current Inventory on Hand by warehouse
The table tdinv001 stores the inventory for each item by warehouse at any point
of time. This can be
used to get a report giving the inventory of each item at each warehouse. The sa
me report can also
be taken from tdilc101 by location wise if ILC is implemented.
Current Economic Stock by warehouse
The table tdinv001 also stores the allocations, on hold, hard allocated and on o
rder figures besides
inventory on hand figure for each item by warehouse. These values can be used to

get Economic stock

for each item in each warehouse in spreadsheet format using arithmetic expressio
n and selecting all
these fields as data fields. The same report can also be had from tdilc101 by wa
wise if ILC is implemented.
Fund Flow Statement (Trends)
The table tfgld201 has finalized /non-finalized debit/credit balances for each l
edger account
(including ones with higher sublevels) for each period. The figures in funds flo
w statement is
nothing but accumulated figures of change in ledger balance as per funds flow gr
ouping. In Baan
there is no table where user can specify the classification of ledger accounts f
or Funds flow
statement. As the fund inflow and outflow heads differ from company to company,
the key users are
required to group their 0 level ledger accounts as per their funds inflow and ou
tflow groupings in a
new excel sheet. Following points may help classification.
Normally all P& L items are classified as 'Funds from operations'.
However major charges such as 'Excise', 'Interest','Dividends', ' Inco
me Tax ' can be a
separate group by itself.
All cash / bank accounts (specified as Contra a/c for any cash transacti
on type) must be
given the 'Cash' grouping.
If the user wishes to treat Ledger a/cs associated with bank a/cs like '
Uncleared Checks'
,'Anticipated payment' etc as 'Cash' only . Alternatively these ledger accounts
can be classified
as 'Working capital requirement ' generally or it can be given 'Anticipated Cash
' grouping
Depreciation (P&L) and Depreciation provision (B/S) to be classified as
Doing this, Funds flow statement will be accurate. Similar treatment should be g
iven to all other
Non-cash charges like provision for doubtful debts etc
When a P&L item is grouped separately as major outflow/inflow group and
NOT as 'Funds from
Operations', the Balance sheet ledger a/c associated with the same P &L ledger a
ccount should also
have the same group. As a corollary, if a P&L item is grouped as 'Funds from Ope
rations', then
balance sheet item associated with it also should be grouped as 'Funds from oper
ations' to get the
correct picture. An example will make it clear. Ledger a/c 'Interest' is P&L ite
m .But as this is a
major charge , key users want to see a separate figure for this on Funds Flow st
atement instead of
clubbing it as 'Funds from operations'. So it is classified as 'Interest payment
'. Now 'interest
payable' is B/S item associated with this 'interest' a/c. So it must be classifi
ed as 'Interest
Payments' and not as 'Funds from operations' or any other head.
Normally all current asset / current liabilities (like debtors, stock, c

anticipated payments, anticipated receipts, checks issued not presented etc) are
grouped as 'Working
capital requirement '. If however some current asset or current liability forms
major role in
working capital, then it may be classified separately.
For sublevels higher then 0 the classification should be "~~~". With thi
s classification,
summary program will understand that it is not required and hence will be exclud
ed from summary.
Preferably chart of accounts (tfgld008) should be imported in excel with
fields like ledger
a/c, sublevel, description, account type etc. Once imported, user should classif
y the ledger
accounts next empty column. In 1st row of the new column, its descriptive name s
uch as 'Funds Flow
group' should be specified. It should be saved as different file with company nu
mber (e.g.
fundsflow300.xls). And then the program 'Parent Child relationship' should run f
or a file (e.g. in
above case 'fundsflow') with external relationship.
In transaction summary, field name 'ledger account', master file 'fundsflow' and
master field 'Funds
Flow group' should be selected in frame 'Parent/ Master definition'. Using 'Numb
er classification'
frame, financial periods can be categorized as Quarters, months, half year etc.
Doing this we get
trends in Funds flow statement accordingly.
Cash Flow Statement (Trends)
The Funds flow and cash flow are same in normal circumstances except when there
are funds flow
transactions without involving cash/bank directly (e.g. issue of common stock fo
r purchase of fixed
asset). Here this differs in calculation approach. Funds flow is calculated with
'balances change'
approach checking the difference between opening and closing balance whereas cas
h flow is calculated
with 'transactions' approach getting the similar figures from transaction files.
Tfgld106 has
financial transactions related to entire company. From there, only 'Cash' transa
ctions have to be
selected for periods under consideration. Ledger grouping similar to Funds flow
statement has to be
done and used.
Customer GL Transaction Summary
The table tfgld106 contains customer value when the transaction relates to custo
mer. During a given
period user can analyze the ledger transaction (when customer is not blank and u
nderstand the how
the balances for each customer during the period under consideration and what is
its composition
ledger account wise. The credit records have to be considered negative in the ag
Supplier GL Transaction Summary

This is similar to above report 'Customer GL Transaction Summary' .

Ledger Dimension Distribution
The user may want to understand how the ledger balances (particularly profit and
loss types) are
composed off and how the same is distributed across the dimensions. For this pur
pose user may use
the table tfgld106 or tfgld202. If the user chooses tfgld202 then user has to fi
lter out higher
sublevel ledger accounts and dimensions using parent child relationships.
Income Expenditure Trends
The user may like to know how his/her income expenditure accounts are behaving o
ver a period of
time. For this purpose user can use tfgld106 or tfgld201. In either case user ha
s to filter out
Balance sheet ledger accounts and higher sublevel accounts (tfgld201) classifyin
g them as "~~~" in a
user created Excel file. This can be prepared period wise, monthly ,quarterly, h
alf yearly and
Dimension Balances Trends
It's similar to Income Expenditure trends . The user can use either tfgld106 or
tfgld202 for this
purpose. In case of tfgld202, the user has to filter out higher level dimensions
Supplier / Supplier group outstanding aging summary.
The user has to select the 'purchase invoices' for the selected period range exc
luding invoices with
0 balance. The document date / Due date should be selected as column while suppl
ier should be
selected as row. In the 'analytical info' form the document date should be selec
ted. As on date
should be date which is greater than any Document date/ Due date. The number of
days calculated
should be given categories such as 0-15, 16-30 or alternatively 'A', 'B','C' etc
. Balance in HC
should be selected as data field. This program will presuppose that the balances
in the table are
Net Change suppliers
Suppliers are important part of the working capital. If user can know the change
s in individual
supplier balances over a period of time due to changes in invoicing and payments
, he/she gets good
insight in purchases and payment activity, and can take well informed decisions.
The report should
be taken for all transactions / records between certain period based on the docu
ment date from
tfacp200. Further this document date should be utilized to classify the amount i
n HC as per the
calendar week, month, quarter etc. This report will give good insight into Suppl
ier invoicing and
payment behavior and required balance between them. Alternatively user can also
take this report
from tfgld106.

Discounts earned from Supplier trends

If discounts are important part in purchasing decisions, then this report from t
facp200 can be very
Purchases composition LOB / region wise
The user can classify the supplier in his/her own way according to their LOB or
region etc . User
can use this classification using parent child relationship and incorporate in t
he transaction
summary to know/understand purchases.
Net Change Customers
This is similar to report "Net Change Suppliers" above. It can be taken from tfa
cr200 or tfgld106.
Purchase Variance Trends - Item / Item Group wise.
The financial transaction Purchase / result indicates the variation between the
standard cost price
and actual purchase price in table tfgld410. It is important to understand this
variance in order to
have proper cost control and cost revaluation of purchased items. The user can u
se transaction date
field for the purpose of trends classification (weekly,monthly etc) and for rest
ricting the data to
the period under consideration. The field Item has to be used to as row. It is p
ossible to use the
item group using the parent child relationship. The credit records have to be co
nsidered as
negative. (Please see scheme purvariance in demo version)
Purchase Variance Trends - Supplier wise.
The financial transaction Purchase / result indicates the variation between the
standard cost price
and actual purchase price in table tfgld410. It is necessary to know from which
suppliers these
variances are generated for meaningful decisions in future. The report is simila
r to above except
supplier have to be selected as row instead of Item.
Production Variance Trends - Item / Item Group wise
Similar to Purchase Variance analysis report, it is important to understand the
variance in
manufacturing costs . However in Baan the item code is NOT update in tfgld410 fo
r the financial
transaction Production (SFC) / Production result . So the user has to update it
with a simple 3GL
program (specified in the report for actual production cost). As the domain and
field length of
order number in tfgld410 is different, it is not possible to use the parent chil
d relationship to
get the production item.
Ledger - Dimension wise postings for fixed assets for a given period

This report is possible from tffas020.

Book Value of assets / Assets group
In tffas020 all FAS transactions related to fixed assets are stored. Book value
till date is
represented by transaction type Investment and Depreciation. Depreciation has to
be treated
negative. In the Enum selection only records with value Investment and Depreciat
ion has to be
Inventory handling transaction type wise for a given period for each item
This report can give insight into quantitative behavior of the item based on ord
er type from
tdinv700 / tdilc301 / tipcs700. The issues / deliveries have to be treated negat
ive. Doing this if
we take the Row grand total, we get the net increase / decrease in the inventory
of the item in
inventory unit during the period under consideration. If the inventory unit is s
ame for all items in
a item group then item group can also be used.
Net inflow / outflow of item warehouse wise tdinv100 Warehouse Orders by Item
During a given period Inflow/Outflow trends by item / Item group (if inventory u
nit is same for all
items in a item group. NOTE : This is just as per warehouse order transactions o
Inventory amount Net change trends Item wise/Item Group wise
In tfgld410 Financial transaction receipt indicate receipt of goods and issue me
ans delivery of
goods. This happens at standard cost. Also inventory adjustment indicates increa
se / decrease of
inventory based on Standard Cost. In Enum selection only Purchase, Purchase (INV
), Sales , Sales
(INV) , Production (SFC) , Production(INV) , Warehouse order needs to be include
d for the
transaction origin. In Enum Selection for financial transaction, only Receipt, I
ssue and inventory
adjustment need to be selected. Financial transaction, Debit/Credit and transact
ion date be selected
as column. Financial transaction Issue to be negative and Credit records also to
be treated with
negative values.
The output you get for this report will show the increase / decrease in invento
ry value for each
item / item group.
Following need to be taken care off specially.
If there are items with stock valuation with "Lot price". In this case P
urchase/receipt is
at actual purchase price and not at standard cost price.
When PCS control is implemented, PCS transactions have different financi
al transactions.
When standard cost price is revised. In such a case financial transactio
n revaluation is

generated/possible for transaction origin Purchase, Sales, Production (SFC), Ser

vice order and
Warehouse order. In this case the output of this report has to be consolidated w
ith Cost price
revaluation report using Excel Consolidate feature.
Cost Price revaluation trends Item / Item Group wise
In Baan whenever Cost price is revised, lot of inventory revaluation transaction
s (in tfgld410) are
generated to make inventory according to the current revised cost price and to a
djust the
revaluation reserve accordingly. The transaction origin for this is Purchase, S
ales, Production
(SFC), Warehouse order, Service order etc depending on the module from which thi
s is generated. The
financial transaction is 'Revaluation' for all these transactions. The revaluat
ions from Sales and
Service order are negative revaluations. These transactions have to be treated a
s negative in the
report. Also value credit has to be treated as negative. Item / Item group (base
d on item) has to be
treated as row and Month /quarter etc (based on transaction date) should be cons
idered as column.
PCS project Cost/Revenue Trends
All transaction related PCS projects are logged in financial integration transac
tions (tfgld410).
These transactions give food insight into project costs and revenue incidence pe
riod wise. The
normal transaction origin are PCS, Purchase, Sales, Production (SFC), PRP Wareho
use order, Service
order. The project field is filled (non-blank). The normal financial transaction
s are Material
Costs, Operations Costs, Sucharges, General Costs (all these are costs), Result
, Transfer result,
Production (SFC) result (All these are cost reductions to be treated negative)
and revenue (revenue
to be treated as negative) . Project field should be considered as row, Month /q
uarter etc (based on
transaction date) should be considered as column. Financial Estimated /Actual co
st of goods sold
should be ignored as these are just set-off entry.
Examples of other reports, which can be had with the help of the Transaction Sum
mary Program.
tffbs101 Budget Amounts and Quantities

Period wise ledger budgets. Credits have to be treated negative.

Ledger dimension Budget distribution during a given period.

Tdpur045 Receipts

Item / item group wise purchases over period of time (Week , Months, Quarters, H
alf Year ,

Years) (standard cost)

Supplier / supplier group wise purchases over period of time (standard cost).

Quantitative (Purchased quantity * conversion factor to inventory unit) trends i

n purchase
by item / item group (if inventory unit is same for all items in a item group)
Tdpur041 Purchase Order Lines

Quantitative purchase trends by item / Item group (If inventory unit is same for
all item
belonging to that item group) (Ordered quantity * conversion factor purchase un
it to inventory
Sales Order Line History

Sales invoicing trends customer wise (amount * currency rate / rate factor)

Sales invoicing trends item/itemgroup/sales statistics group / Country / warehou

se wise

Item/item group sales distribution by customers/sales statistics group/country/w

Tdsls041 Sales Order Lines

Quantitative sales trends by item / Item group (If inventory unit is same for al
l item
belonging to that item group) (Ordered quantity * conversion factor sales unit
to inventory unit)
tdltc102 Lot Transactions for Lot Tracking

Item net inflow/outflow trends (weekly, monthly, quarterly etc) based on transac
tion date

Order type transaction distribution by item during a given period

tdltc001 Lots

Inventory Aging report. All lots created have the information about lot inventor
y (inventory
on hand) and when it was first received. Based on this it is possible to classif
y the inventory
based on how much old it is. Depending on the age of the lot and the item to whi
ch lot belongs a
summary will be prepared showing the inventory distribution based on its age. Th
is report is
possible only for lot controlled items.
tdilc103 Warehouse Order Transfers by Lot and Loc
tdilc501 Cycle Counting Orders

Stock discrepancies by item/item group (if inventory units is same for all items
in the item
group) warehouse/location wise.
tdinv120 Cycle Counting Orders

Stock discrepancies by item/item group (if inventory units is same for all items
in the item
group) warehouse wise.
tdinv150 Planned Inventory Transactions by Item

Inventory Movement plan warehouse wise.

Weekly/Monthly/Quarterly etc Inventory movement plan (based on transaction date

tdinv300 Planned INV Production Orders

INV Production plan by Warehouse (for a given period based on delivery date)

Weekly Production plan by Item / item group (if inventory units is same for all
items in the
item group)
tdinv310 Planned INV Purchase Orders

INV Purchase plan by

Weekly Purchase plan

ems in the
item group)

INV Purchase plan by

INV Purchase plan by


Warehouse (for a given period based on delivery date)

by Item / item group (if inventory units is same for all it
Supplier (for a given period based on delivery date)
Buyer (for a given period based on delivery date)

***************** End Of Article ******************

R.Yulia posted Message 4661 in Message Board
Dated : March 06, 2001 at 22:31:37 EST
Subject: Problem in inspection items
Hi all,
For inspection item there will be additional step : maintain approval. Plz corre
ct me if I am wrong. We can approve that item in 2 ways, which are :
1. maintain receipt, we choose in menu Special : deliverd=to be delivered or Fas
t approval, so the status will change from I to P. If we do this way, we don't h
ave any problems in inventory and status PO lines.
2. maintain receipt and then save, the status is still I. and I look in PO line
status is : maintain approval. So I do maintain approval, and that items are app
roved but in display inventory the items is still blocked and still locatin insp
ection. Eventhough the status in PO line has change to Print Purchase invoice. T
he items is stiil cannot go out from inspection location (I've check in maintain
location form 2, Outbound for inspection location =YEs). How can I get out this
items from inspection location ?
Or the 2nd way is the wrong way to process inspection item ?
I need informations for this, for your assistance thanks in advance...
Rudhi Yulia
***************** End Of Article ******************
R.Yulia posted Message 4662 in Message Board
Dated : March 06, 2001 at 22:36:09 EST
Subject: Re: How do we know for Purchase Order has been paid eventhough item has
n't been delivered yet (advance payment to supplier)
Thanks for your advice,
But I wonder about the order type. Should I change the order type for print purc
hase invoice is located before maintain receipt?
And how do we know about the PO that has been paid and hasn't ben paid. Any repo
rt in Baan can acomodate this things?

Can I have this information from all of you palls..

: I'd sugest using two different purchase order types, one for the prepaid order
s and one for the normal orders. Then you could modify the existing reporting to
add the P.O. type as a selection criteria or create new reports if you have Saf
ari or Crystal Reports or another report writer.
: John Crystal
: Crystal Consulting

***************** End Of Article ******************

prashant Singh posted Message 4663 in Message Board
Dated : March 07, 2001 at 09:06:46 EST
Subject: Re: Problem in inspection items
Hi ,
What you are doing is right.The next step you have to perform is - Generate Inbo
und and option as purchase order.All the item laying in inspection location woul
d come in receipt location or the location you have given priority.
***************** End Of Article ******************
bill posted Message 4664 in Message Board
Dated : March 07, 2001 at 09:15:38 EST
Subject: Re: Erroneous Cycle Count Advice ??
: Thank you for the reply. ILC is running.
: I'm curious how many are using Baan Cycle counting orders because there is no
way that I can efficiently use them. I have created my own Oracle Report but am
having difficulty getting the correct date. Per my previous post there is no p
lace in Baan that I have been able to find the soruce of the 2/15/01 date at the
item and that is what I am currently using for my report.
: Do PO Recipts with the associated Inbounding to a location create the need for
a new count?
: Do Production issues / outbounding from a location create the need for a new c
: I'm still mystified.
If I understand what John said, the 2/15 date could have happened because that i
tem was added to an order (sls, pur, or sfc) and the warehouse used had never be
en linked to that item before, so a new entry was added to tdinv001. If that wa
s the case it must of happened on 2/15.
***************** End Of Article ******************

Tim posted Message 4665 in Message Board

Dated : March 07, 2001 at 11:25:10 EST
Subject: Re: Delete Suppliers
How would you use the table maintenance session to delete a range of suppliers?
Would it automatically check for references and not delete the supplier or just
delete it with brute force without checking?
: You can use Table Maintenance session ttaad4100 to perform a delete range of t
he records in table tccom020. If you truly haven't used (referenced) the supplie
rs on any other tables in Baan, then they will be deleted.
: Good luck.
: : When we installed Baan 4C2 we migrated a large number of suppliers into Baan
that have not been used to date. I would like to do a mass deletion of all sup
pliers that do not have a transaction in Baan since our start up of December 199
8. Does anyone know where this can be done in Baan, or has anyone created a cus
tom job to do this? Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!

***************** End Of Article ******************

R.Yulia posted Message 4666 in Message Board
Dated : March 08, 2001 at 05:49:42 EST
Subject: Re: Problem in inspection items
Thanks Prashant,
I try to generate inbound advice with order type purchase order as u sayid but i
t shows no data found,and in tdilc1514m000 the item is still in inspection locat
ion and still blocked. I try again with order type inventory transfer, it works
but by this way we have moved successfully from insepct to location 1. Is it OK
? But I am still curious why I cannot go out the items from inspection location
Thx for ur advice..
: Hi ,
: What you are doing is right.The next step you have to perform is - Generate In
bound and option as purchase order.All the item laying in inspection location wo
uld come in receipt location or the location you have given priority.
: rgd
: prashant

***************** End Of Article ******************

R.Yulia posted Message 4667 in Message Board

Dated : March 08, 2001 at 06:00:12 EST

Subject: How to use reason for blocking
Dear all,
I have maintain reason for blocking, and I attach it in session Unblock Location
for All transaction. But I don't know where the description for that. I try to
block inbound in location 1. In theory it will show when we try to inbound to lo
cation 1 but I don't know where it will show up. Can u guys tell me,where it (r
eason for blocking)will use & show ?
For ur help, thanks
***************** End Of Article ******************
R.Yulia posted Message 4668 in Message Board
Dated : March 08, 2001 at 06:07:30 EST
Subject: Print Bill of Ladding
Hi all,
I wonder how to use Print Bill of ladding, because it will be searched for bill
of ladding number. From the best og my knowledge, the bill of ladding number com
e from in maintain receipt and we zoom in special menu. We maintain bill of ladd
ing there, is it right? But in that session, quantity doesn't automatically com
e from maintain receipt session. So we have a chance having mistake in filling t
his field.
Can sombedy tell me about how it is work ?
Thanks in advance,
***************** End Of Article ******************
Jeanne Ploshay posted Message 4669 in Message Board
Dated : March 08, 2001 at 09:17:56 EST
Subject: Sales and Purchase Contracts
What are the advantages of using the above functionality over just entering Sale
s Orders/Purchase Orders directly? We've been running Baan IVc2 since 1/99 and
we had what we thought were legitimate reasons why Contracts seemed like more wo
rk than they were worth, but we are revisting the possibility of using them at l
east in Purchasing.
Jeanne Ploshay
***************** End Of Article ******************
John Crystal posted Message 4670 in Message Board
Dated : March 08, 2001 at 10:15:36 EST
Subject: Re: Sales and Purchase Contracts
If you really do have a contract with a supplier for a given part using the Baan
contract feature will provide controls in the purchasing of that item. You have

effectivity and expiraton dates, min and max quantities, a fixed price for the
period. The contract also totals up how much of an item have been purchased over
the course of the contract for evaluation purposes.
You can also attach long terms and conditions texts to the contract one time and
the purchase orders issued under it will reference back to those T's and C's sa
ving some paper.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Missy posted Message 4671 in Message Board
Dated : March 08, 2001 at 10:37:56 EST
Subject: Add a cost Item Automatically and calculate a % for total order
On the additional order cost in baan, can I have an item added to each order and
the items sale price auto calculate a 1% of the rest of the items on the order.
..if so how? HELP
***************** End Of Article ******************
T posted Message 4672 in Message Board
Dated : March 08, 2001 at 19:06:01 EST
Subject: Multi Site DRP Baan ERP
has anybody used multisite DRP in Baan 5?
I want to use DRP between 2 logistics companies (each is in a different enterpri
se unit)
Has anyone accomplished this?

***************** End Of Article ******************

ian posted Message 4673 in Message Board
Dated : March 09, 2001 at 07:59:14 EST
Subject: Re: Erroneous Cycle Count Advice ??
The Generate Cycle Count Orders session uses the last count date in tdilc101. It
then checks tdinv000 to calculate the next counting date according to the ABC c
ode. If the next counting date is prior to the current date then a cycle countin
g order will be generated. The problem with the records in tdilc101 is that if t
he stock of an item is reduced to zero then the record is deleted. If stock is t
hen created in the same location for that item (a purchase receipt, shoop floor
order receipt or an adjustment) it will create a new record in tdilc101 but the
last counting date will be blank. Therefore the next time Generate Cycle Countin
g orders is run for that location the item will appear even though it has alread
y been counted previously.
***************** End Of Article ******************
DUMB DUMBER posted Message 4674 in Message Board
Dated : March 09, 2001 at 11:36:16 EST

We have observed that whenever an order has a specific Shipment Adress to a coun
try other than the client's own country, the VAT code used to calculate tax is t
he one defined for the country where the shipment is made to.
We have defined the same VAT code in every EEC country, only marking "shifted" t
he ones for countries different from our own.
To our knowledge, according to tax regulations in the EEC, the VAT code that sho
uld be used is that of the country where the invoice is adressed to, that is, th
e Postal Adress or client's adress. So, for instance, if a spanish client requir
es of a spanish vendor shipment to France, but wants to be invoiced to Spain, th
e VAT code should be the one defined for Spain, not for France.
Can you handle this through parameters? Is there another way around this issue?
We will be grateful for any tips.
***************** End Of Article ******************
John Roberts posted Message 4675 in Message Board
Dated : March 12, 2001 at 21:52:14 EST
Subject: Packing Slip &amp; Invoice ~ Backordered Quantity
This Scenario occurs when you have a sales order with
10 line items on it, and you ship 8 line items. The other two line items are no
t shipped at all. Sales and Marketing would like to see the other two lines lis
ted on the packing slip and invoice so that the customer can see that those two
lines are in our system, but that we will ship them in the future.
Has anyone else run into this requirement?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Ady posted Message 4676 in Message Board
Dated : March 13, 2001 at 00:31:21 EST
Subject: B50c: updating average purchase price
Dear All,
When will Baan update the average purchase price? I have done buying several tim
es but the avg pur price still 0 (I set it to 0 when I create the item). Thanks
in advance.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Michael Mac Sweeney posted Message 4677 in Message Board
Dated : March 13, 2001 at 07:18:41 EST
Subject: Logon of user that putaway items after inspection - BaaN ERP Inbound Pr
I would really appreciate anyones help with this.
I am having trouble finding the logon code of the user that is responsible for t
he putaway step that occurs after inspection in the inbound process for BaaN ERP
(the inbound warehouse order includes advice and putaway after both receiving an

d inspection)
I do
) it

see it anywhere in the application so instead I have been looking at the ta

- whinh260 creates a record when the putaway after receiving occurs and rec
the logon of the user that performed it. However (which I do not understand
does not create a similar record for putaway after inspection.

The goal is to be able to determine who putaway the parts after inspection.
(Note the advice step is performed by the inspector and then a warehousing perso
n maintains and puts away the advice)

***************** End Of Article ******************

BG posted Message 4678 in Message Board
Dated : March 14, 2001 at 01:26:02 EST
Subject: Re: Logon of user that putaway items after inspection - BaaN ERP Inboun
d Process
Look at inventory transactions by stockpoint, for the inspection location. This
will show who did the put away
: I would really appreciate anyones help with this.
: I am having trouble finding the logon code of the user that is responsible for
the putaway step that occurs after inspection in the inbound process for BaaN E
: (the inbound warehouse order includes advice and putaway after both receiving
and inspection)
: I do
nd) it

see it anywhere in the application so instead I have been looking at the

- whinh260 creates a record when the putaway after receiving occurs and r
the logon of the user that performed it. However (which I do not understa
does not create a similar record for putaway after inspection.

: The goal is to be able to determine who putaway the parts after inspection.
: (Note the advice step is performed by the inspector and then a warehousing per
son maintains and puts away the advice)

***************** End Of Article ******************

Eddy Croezen posted Message 4679 in Message Board
Dated : March 14, 2001 at 06:44:13 EST
: We have observed that whenever an order has a specific Shipment Adress to a co
untry other than the client's own country, the VAT code used to calculate tax is
the one defined for the country where the shipment is made to.
: We have defined the same VAT code in every EEC country, only marking "shifted"
the ones for countries different from our own.
: To our knowledge, according to tax regulations in the EEC, the VAT code that s
hould be used is that of the country where the invoice is adressed to, that is,
the Postal Adress or client's adress. So, for instance, if a spanish client requ
ires of a spanish vendor shipment to France, but wants to be invoiced to Spain,

the VAT code should be the one defined for Spain, not for France.
: Can you handle this through parameters? Is there another way around this issue
: We will be grateful for any tips.
As fas as I know you should always follow the goods!
So if your client is seated in Spain and the goods are delivered in France you s
hould use the french VAT-code?
I don't know what your country of origin is but if it is USA you don't have to c
alculate TAX anyway or am i being stupid?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Eddy Croezen posted Message 4680 in Message Board
Dated : March 14, 2001 at 06:56:39 EST
Subject: Re: Add a cost Item Automatically and calculate a % for total order
: On the additional order cost in baan, can I have an item added to each order a
nd the items sale price auto calculate a 1% of the rest of the items on the orde
r...if so how? HELP
You want to automaticly add an cost item to the order of 1% of the total orderam
ount ?
If yes; Yes that is possibly. I have a manual in dutch so i don't know if you ca
n read it, but if so i am willing to send it!
***************** End Of Article ******************
Eddy Croezen posted Message 4681 in Message Board
Dated : March 14, 2001 at 07:12:03 EST
Subject: Re: Company Calender and Planning Calender - How and why?
I don't see any difference on my system betweeen the company calender and the pl
Futhermore I don't use any session to update my planningscalender so I think tha
t if the session Update Company Calender is used it will update the plannings ca
the ZZZ calender is used if you are using calendars for each department but thos
e are not filled. ( so it's a default )
About your problem with the update session;
If i am reading your text, i think the problem is there is another session using
the calendar at that moment?
***************** End Of Article ******************
VJK posted Message 4682 in Message Board
Dated : March 14, 2001 at 14:35:02 EST
Subject: Re: Packing Slip &amp; Invoice ~ Backordered Quantity
There is no easy way to get around the problem you have, since, the Sales order
procedure is driven by "sales order line status" and the "procedure mask" values

In your case, I am assuming that the reason that you are not shipping the 2 lin
es out of 10 is due to the fact that those line items are not having sufficient
If that is the case(for which the following explanation holds good), then it is
not possible to have them printed on either the Packing slip(which is most of th
e cases the next step after Maintain Deliveries) or Print Sales Invoices. The re
ason being that the sales order line(s) did not pass through the stage of Mainta
in Deliveries due to insufficient quantity.
There are couple of plausible work-arounds. I hope they might be of help to you.
You can have all the lines printed on the PICK LIST(instead of Packing Slip), if
you turn on the
flag " Method of
Printing Items on Picking List" to "All
Items"(in session tdsls4100m000, form 3), all orderlines are printed regardless
of the fact if there is inventory or not. But as you might be aware there is a d
ifference in the presentation of fields between Packing Slip and Picking list. T
he downside to it is if the SO header or line is flagged with "Ship Complete = Y
es", then the system only prints the line items for which there is sufficient in
ventory(over riding the "All items" flag). Also, mind you, if the order step "Ge
nerate Outbound" is executed before the Print Pick Lists then also only lines wi
th sufficient quantity are printed.
You can set the flag Print Shortages to YES on the Generate Outbound Advise sess
ion, allowing the session to print both the Outbound Advise for the sufficient q
uantity line items, and shortage report for the insufficient quantity line items
. In that way you can have all the SO lines present in the reports and can be se
nt to the customer, although the same is not true in case of a Sales Invoice.
You can customize the sessions or reports to suit your needs, which is always th
e final choice available but in this case it might need a careful insight.

: This Scenario occurs when you have a sales order with

: 10 line items on it, and you ship 8 line items. The other two line items are
not shipped at all. Sales and Marketing would like to see the other two lines l
isted on the packing slip and invoice so that the customer can see that those tw
o lines are in our system, but that we will ship them in the future.
Has anyone else run into this requirement?
: Thanks
: John

***************** End Of Article ******************

ignacio aguerrevere posted Message 4683 in Message Board
Dated : March 14, 2001 at 17:40:57 EST
Subject: DRP Redundant Inventory

I have a multilevel bill of distribution with find redundant inventory on. When
I run DRP and Baan finds an item with not enough Inv in the 1st priority WHS it
looks for the next one with surplus. the problem is that it takes all but the sa
fety stock of the WHS with surplus.
Is there any way to make DRP take only the surplus inv (Inv - max)?
***************** End Of Article ******************
VJK posted Message 4684 in Message Board
Dated : March 15, 2001 at 15:27:14 EST
Subject: Re: Print Bill of Ladding
Yes,the Bill of Lading should be maintained in the "Maintain Deliveries(tdsls412
0m000)" session by zooming in and selecting 'Maintain Bill of Lading' session, o
nce all the preceding order steps before the Print Bill of Lading are complete.
You can have the deliverd quantity from the tdsls4120m000 session automatically
filled in the Bill of Lading by setting the Parameter "Generation of Bill of Lad
ing Lines" to "Automatic" in the session Maintain Sales Order Parameters(tdsls41
00m000). From then on when you go to the maintain deliveries session and zoom in
to the Maintain Bill of Lading, all the lading lines with the delivered quantity
are filled in automatically, there by reducing the chance for error(s). Mind yo
u though, you still need to execute the sub-session "Maintain Bill of Lading" fr
om Deliveries session so as that you can perform the Print Bill of Lading sessio
: Hi all,
: I wonder how to use Print Bill of ladding, because it will be searched for bil
l of ladding number. From the best og my knowledge, the bill of ladding number c
ome from in maintain receipt and we zoom in special menu. We maintain bill of la
dding there, is it right? But in that session, quantity doesn't automatically c
ome from maintain receipt session. So we have a chance having mistake in filling
this field.
: Can sombedy tell me about how it is work ?
: Thanks in advance,
: R.Yulia

***************** End Of Article ******************

DUMB DUMBER posted Message 4685 in Message Board
Dated : March 16, 2001 at 02:29:00 EST
: : We have observed that whenever an order has a specific Shipment Adress to a
country other than the client's own country, the VAT code used to calculate tax
is the one defined for the country where the shipment is made to.
: : We have defined the same VAT code in every EEC country, only marking "shifte
d" the ones for countries different from our own.
: : To our knowledge, according to tax regulations in the EEC, the VAT code that
should be used is that of the country where the invoice is adressed to, that is
, the Postal Adress or client's adress. So, for instance, if a spanish client re

quires of a spanish vendor shipment to France, but wants to be invoiced to Spain

, the VAT code should be the one defined for Spain, not for France.
: : Can you handle this through parameters? Is there another way around this iss
: : We will be grateful for any tips.
: As fas as I know you should always follow the goods!
: So if your client is seated in Spain and the goods are delivered in France you
should use the french VAT-code?
: I don't know what your country of origin is but if it is USA you don't have to
calculate TAX anyway or am i being stupid?

***************** End Of Article ******************

DUMB DUMBER posted Message 4686 in Message Board
Dated : March 16, 2001 at 02:42:34 EST
: We are told that you should always use a VAT Code that corresponds to the coun
try of the VAT ID your customer provides you with. That is, if your customer wan
ts to be invoiced to Spain and provides a spanish VAT ID, even if he wants goods
shipped to France, you should use a spanish VAT Code to report the transaction
to tax authorities. In our case, as we ship and invoice from Spain, that means t
he VAT Code shouldn't be "shifted".
So, the difficulty arises from the fact that if your client insists on being inv
oiced to one EEC country and would only provide a VAT ID of that country, how ca
n you report the transaction as corresponding to the EEC shipment country if you
haven't a valid VAT ID for that country? The only apparent solution would be to
report with the invoice country VAT Code.
We'd be grateful to have your opinion on that.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Joe DeMar posted Message 4687 in Message Board
Dated : March 16, 2001 at 09:26:56 EST
Subject: Producing Separate Sales Invoice for Each Packing Slip
Our customers have requested that we provide a separate invoice for each packing
slip. Currently, we allow a single invoice to contain many packing slips. Sin
ce the Print Sales Invoice session does not allow the invoice to be produced by
packing slip number we have not been able to respond to this customer request.
I am trying to avoid customizing the Print Sales Invoice session due to its com
plexity. Has anyone else encountered this problem? If so, how did you resolve
the issue.
***************** End Of Article ******************
joalrei posted Message 4688 in Message Board
Dated : March 16, 2001 at 11:36:33 EST

I need information about diferents valuation stock methods in c4.

Now I use FTP.
I suposse that average price is actualized when I process purchase order, and I
have cost with average price.How affect the process purcahse order and the cost
Thanks in advance
***************** End Of Article ******************
Anil posted Message 4689 in Message Board
Dated : March 16, 2001 at 13:47:02 EST
Subject: Re: Print Bill of Ladding
Set the parameter "Insertion of Bills of Lading Lines" to "Automatic" in RPL par
ameters, form 2 and set the "Generation of Bills of Lading Lines" to "Automatic"
in SLS(Sales Order Parameters, form 4) for automatic update of the delivered qu
antities on to the Bills of Lading document.
: Hi all,
: I wonder how to use Print Bill of ladding, because it will be searched for bil
l of ladding number. From the best og my knowledge, the bill of ladding number c
ome from in maintain receipt and we zoom in special menu. We maintain bill of la
dding there, is it right? But in that session, quantity doesn't automatically c
ome from maintain receipt session. So we have a chance having mistake in filling
this field.
: Can sombedy tell me about how it is work ?
: Thanks in advance,
: R.Yulia

***************** End Of Article ******************

R.Yulia posted Message 4690 in Message Board
Dated : March 16, 2001 at 20:38:36 EST
Subject: Thanks...VJ K &amp; Nil
Thanks guys
: Hi:
: Yes,the Bill of Lading should be maintained in the "Maintain Deliveries(tdsls4
120m000)" session by zooming in and selecting 'Maintain Bill of Lading' session,
once all the preceding order steps before the Print Bill of Lading are complete
: You can have the deliverd quantity from the tdsls4120m000 session automaticall
y filled in the Bill of Lading by setting the Parameter "Generation of Bill of L
ading Lines" to "Automatic" in the session Maintain Sales Order Parameters(tdsls
4100m000). From then on when you go to the maintain deliveries session and zoom

into the Maintain Bill of Lading, all the lading lines with the delivered quanti
ty are filled in automatically, there by reducing the chance for error(s). Mind
you though, you still need to execute the sub-session "Maintain Bill of Lading"
from Deliveries session so as that you can perform the Print Bill of Lading sess
: : Hi all,
: : I wonder how to use Print Bill of ladding, because it will be searched for b
ill of ladding number. From the best og my knowledge, the bill of ladding number
come from in maintain receipt and we zoom in special menu. We maintain bill of
ladding there, is it right? But in that session, quantity doesn't automatically
come from maintain receipt session. So we have a chance having mistake in filli
ng this field.
: : Can sombedy tell me about how it is work ?
: : Thanks in advance,
: : R.Yulia

***************** End Of Article ******************

R.Yulia posted Message 4691 in Message Board
Dated : March 16, 2001 at 20:48:36 EST
Subject: SO,Picking list , PAcking Slip &amp; Sales Invoice number want to be th
e same. How?
Hi all,
I wonder if in Baan can produce the same number for all documents below : SO, Pi
cking list, Packing Slip, Sales Invoice number. Because in our real practice bef
ore use Baan, we use the same number for all documents above. Is there any facil
itation or parameter that set this up ?
For your information, thanks in advance..
***************** End Of Article ******************
Arvind Patil, CPIM posted Message 4692 in Message Board
Dated : March 16, 2001 at 22:38:01 EST
Subject: Re: SO,Picking list , PAcking Slip &amp; Sales Invoice number want to b
e the same. How?
I think what you are asking seems to be not possible and not required also. A sa
les order can have multiple picking list, A packing slip can have multiple picki
mg list and a Invoice can have mutiple packing slip or picking list. Moreover pi
cking list and packing slip are 6 digit and Invoices are longer than that. May b
e you can give customer only one number and you cna have all tracking. I haven't
seen any necessity of having same number for these documents.
***************** End Of Article ******************

Yulia posted Message 4693 in Message Board

Dated : March 17, 2001 at 00:11:58 EST
Subject: Can Generate Outbound &amp; Release Outbound include in sales order typ
Hi all,
Sorry for many questions,
We use ILC. I try to include Generate Outbound & Release Outbound in order type.
We try to make SO, til step Generate Outbound it seem OK, and it shows in displ
ay sales order lines status, but after that in step : Release Outbound it can be
done. It always shows ' no data found'. So in that display line status is alway
s Release Outbound.
My question is : It will be correct if we include those 2 steps in order type ac
tually ? Because it can remind us for next step (if we don't use DEM) ?
Thanks in advance,
R Yulia
***************** End Of Article ******************
Vera posted Message 4694 in Message Board
Dated : March 17, 2001 at 03:28:22 EST
Subject: Automaticlly closing unused Baan
Do you have any idea how to write a program to monitor unused Baan license and a
utomatically closed it?
***************** End Of Article ******************
samuelpramod posted Message 4695 in Message Board
Dated : March 18, 2001 at 02:25:16 EST
Subject: Rebate Calculation Problem
While calculating rebate on following condions system is giving wrong data
our agreement is as follows
Customer and Item Specific
Quanty , Fixed Amount and Cumulative and Fixed amount on UNIT ( pcs)
system is giving a wrong calculated Rebate amount.
Any solution is highly appreciated.
Thanks Inadvance
***************** End Of Article ******************
J. Cronin posted Message 4696 in Message Board
Dated : March 18, 2001 at 11:45:03 EST
Subject: Re: Automaticlly closing unused Baan

: Do you have any idea how to write a program to monitor unused Baan license and
automatically closed it?
: Vera.
Check out this link. They have an application called CloseIdle which works with
Baan clients.
It's not perfect, but could be what you need.
***************** End Of Article ******************
J. Cronin posted Message 4697 in Message Board
Dated : March 18, 2001 at 11:51:59 EST
Subject: Re: Problem in inspection items
What you are doing is correct. Inbound from inspection is an inventory transfer
and not a Purchase transaction.
Also, In maintain locations you need to make sure that 'transshipment (in)' is s
et to yes.
: Thanks Prashant,
: I try to generate inbound advice with order type purchase order as u sayid but
it shows no data found,and in tdilc1514m000 the item is still in inspection loc
ation and still blocked. I try again with order type inventory transfer, it work
s but by this way we have moved successfully from insepct to location 1. Is it O
K ? But I am still curious why I cannot go out the items from inspection locatio
n ?
: Thx for ur advice..
: R.Yulia
: : Hi ,
: : What you are doing is right.The next step you have to perform is - Generate
Inbound and option as purchase order.All the item laying in inspection location
would come in receipt location or the location you have given priority.
: : rgd
: : prashant

***************** End Of Article ******************

Anil posted Message 4698 in Message Board
Dated : March 19, 2001 at 09:15:43 EST
Subject: Re: Automaticlly closing unused Baan
Starting from Porting set 6.1c.06.01 for Baan IVc and Porting set 7.1b.0
2 onwards for BaanERP, Baan provided a solution for stopping the idle bshells wi
th a time out mechanism.
Baan introduced a new resource called "session_timeout", which can be set in the
resource file(which can be set for all bshells or specific bshells with in a gr
oup or for specific users, in the $BSE/lib/defaults file). The value specified i

s the number of minutes the bshell can be inactive before it terminates itself,
followed by the message "Connection to server lost, please reconnect" sent to th
e User Interface.
For more details on session timeout please refer to solution# 110907 and for det
ails about setting the resource variables see solution# 110908.

: Do you have any idea how to write a program to monitor unused Baan license and
automatically closed it?
: Vera.

***************** End Of Article ******************

BaaN Fan posted Message 4699 in Message Board
Dated : March 19, 2001 at 12:14:47 EST
Subject: BaaN ERP RFQs
Hello everybody,
Two questions regarding RFQs in BaaN ERP.
1. In Booked Inquiry History by BP (tdpur1510m000) all prices are 0 although I h
ave registered several quotations. On the other hand sessions Copied / Deleted I
nquiry History by BP have prices. Is this a bug of the system?
2. When copying a requisition to RFQ the system automatically links suppliers to
items included in RFQs if it finds the item - supplier combination in the item
supplier information file. In item supplier information it is also possible to e
nter records of item group - supplier information.However in this case the syste
m does not automatically link suppliers to RFQ lines if it finds an item that be
longs to an item group a supplier offers. Is this also a bug of the system, is i
t parameter driven? The combination item group - supplier would work fine becaus
e then you do not need to maintain a huge table of supplier - item combinations
by each item but by item group.
Thanks in advance
***************** End Of Article ******************
John posted Message 4700 in Message Board
Dated : March 20, 2001 at 07:46:23 EST
Subject: Re: Can Generate Outbound &amp; Release Outbound include in sales order
The Generate Outbound Step can definately be included as
an order step on IV c4. One of my customers is using it
and it is working very well. I do not know if release outbound
data can be included in an Order Type as a step

: Hi all,
: Sorry for many questions,
: We use ILC. I try to include Generate Outbound & Release Outbound in order typ
e. We try to make SO, til step Generate Outbound it seem OK, and it shows in dis
play sales order lines status, but after that in step : Release Outbound it can
be done. It always shows ' no data found'. So in that display line status is alw
ays Release Outbound.
: My question is : It will be correct if we include those 2 steps in order type
actually ? Because it can remind us for next step (if we don't use DEM) ?
: Thanks in advance,
: Regards,
: R Yulia

***************** End Of Article ******************

Baanfan posted Message 4701 in Message Board
Dated : March 20, 2001 at 08:52:02 EST
Subject: Re: Producing Separate Sales Invoice for Each Packing Slip
I'm afraid customisation is the only way.
But it is not that difficult.
At the deginning of the function new.invoice() add the test
if tdsls040.orno <> prev.orno then
This will print one invoice per packslip per customer. If it is customer specif
ic build it into the test.
A Baanfan
: Our customers have requested that we provide a separate invoice for each packi
ng slip. Currently, we allow a single invoice to contain many packing slips. S
ince the Print Sales Invoice session does not allow the invoice to be produced b
y packing slip number we have not been able to respond to this customer request.
I am trying to avoid customizing the Print Sales Invoice session due to its c
omplexity. Has anyone else encountered this problem? If so, how did you resolv
e the issue.
: Thanks

***************** End Of Article ******************

G posted Message 4702 in Message Board
Dated : March 21, 2001 at 06:04:48 EST
Subject: Re: Can Generate Outbound &amp; Release Outbound include in sales order

In my site, we run sales order with this steps:


Print Order Acknowledgements

Print Picking Lists
Generate Outbound Advice
Maintain/Release Outbound Data
Print Packing Slips
Print Sales Invoices
Maintain Customs Invoices
Process Delivered Sales Order

: Hi all,
: Sorry for many questions,
: We use ILC. I try to include Generate Outbound & Release Outbound in order typ
e. We try to make SO, til step Generate Outbound it seem OK, and it shows in dis
play sales order lines status, but after that in step : Release Outbound it can
be done. It always shows ' no data found'. So in that display line status is alw
ays Release Outbound.
: My question is : It will be correct if we include those 2 steps in order type
actually ? Because it can remind us for next step (if we don't use DEM) ?
: Thanks in advance,
: Regards,
: R Yulia

***************** End Of Article ******************

Andreas posted Message 4703 in Message Board
Dated : March 21, 2001 at 07:11:50 EST
Subject: Error 606 on tiitm100 when archiving
I receive an error 606 Reference does not exist on tiitm100 when executing any o
f the distribution archiving sessions. The table tiitm001 and tiitm100 are prope
rly populated and have been check for consistency.
Can anybody help?

***************** End Of Article ******************

Cindy posted Message 4704 in Message Board
Dated : March 21, 2001 at 14:24:16 EST
Subject: Re: Error 606 on tiitm100 when archiving
: I receive an error 606 Reference does not exist on tiitm100 when executing any
of the distribution archiving sessions. The table tiitm001 and tiitm100 are pro
perly populated and have been check for consistency.
: Can anybody help?

If you look at the full message, it will tell you the company# that this error i
s occurring in. I suspect that you should be checking the archive company becau
se there is missing a relationship in the archive company in your tiitm100 table
***************** End Of Article ******************
Missy posted Message 4705 in Message Board
Dated : March 27, 2001 at 09:14:19 EST
Subject: BaanIVc4 Functional Notes
My company is looking to upgrade from c2 to c4. I have the changes of the techni
cal notes but need the functional change notes. Does anyone know where I can acq
uire these?? Does anyone have these notes? I need for Distribution and finance
. Thank you so much.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Manu posted Message 4706 in Message Board
Dated : March 27, 2001 at 09:41:22 EST
Subject: Change Prices/Discounts
After running session Change Prices/Discounts after maintain receipts sessio
n(tdpur4122m000) It updates Changes in Maintain
Purchase Order Lines(wholesale) Localization Data , but it does not update Chang
es in Maintain Purchase order lines(wholesale) fields "Open Balance", "Order Bal
ance", Why is it so. Can anybody help me.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Inder posted Message 4707 in Message Board
Dated : March 27, 2001 at 10:06:41 EST
Subject: Cycle Counting
I have done cycle counting for one item. I ran following
sessions. tdilc5210m000 Generate Cycle COunting Order
tdilc5410m000 print Cycle Counting Order
tdilc5110m000 Enter Location Cycle Counting Data
tdilc5211m000 Process Cycle Counting Data
Can anybody tell me in which table data gets stored after doing all this steps .
I want item & quantity information that how much quantity was changed .

***************** End Of Article ******************
Baan Guy posted Message 4708 in Message Board
Dated : March 27, 2001 at 15:17:44 EST
Subject: Re: Cycle Counting
I find the best way to review the results of the cycle count is in the following
" Print Inventory history by location "
Choose your date ranges
select order type at " warehouse order " from and to
select order number from 700000 to 799999
This will give you a print out of all cycle count results as per
your selection.
Note: all cycle count adjustments are considered "Warehouse Orders" and the orde
r number range "700000 to 799999" is reserved for cycle count adjustments.
Hope this helps
The Baan Guy

: Hai


I have done cycle counting for one item. I ran following

sessions. tdilc5210m000 Generate Cycle COunting Order
tdilc5410m000 print Cycle Counting Order
tdilc5110m000 Enter Location Cycle Counting Data
tdilc5211m000 Process Cycle Counting Data

: Can anybody tell me in which table data gets stored after doing all this steps
: I want item & quantity information that how much quantity was changed .
: Regards
: Inder

***************** End Of Article ******************

Damir posted Message 4709 in Message Board
Dated : March 28, 2001 at 02:10:09 EST
Subject: Baan documents (sales - manifacturing - purchase)

Can anybody tell us how did you resolve the following problem:
With which Baan documents sales informs manifacturing about the of launch the ma
nifacturing and by which document sales informs purchase what is necessary to be
Thanks for answer!
***************** End Of Article ******************
Damir posted Message 4710 in Message Board
Dated : March 28, 2001 at 02:10:27 EST
Subject: Baan documents (sales - manifacturing - purchase)
Can anybody tell us how did you resolve the following problem:
With which Baan documents sales informs manifacturing about the of launch the ma
nifacturing and by which document sales informs purchase what is necessary to be
Thanks for answer!
***************** End Of Article ******************
marlon sanches posted Message 4711 in Message Board
Dated : March 28, 2001 at 05:39:13 EST
Subject: Purchase Prices
Dear BaaN Users,
I am experiencing the following problem,
Some of my purchase invoices (on item level) show a different price as when I or
dered them. We do a automatic matching and from a accounting point of view every
thing is OK &#8211; meaning the complete order is booked and price differences a
re booked accordingly.
My purchase price though is not correct in my master data. This again means that
because of the fact that the price difference is NOT booked on item level I tak
e wrong prices in my production which leads to a wrong calculation in the CPR mo
I consulted the help and the solutions given proof to be insufficient. I need to
have correct prices in my purchase master data so that when updating purchase p
rices and standard costing calculations the average purchase price - based on p
resent stock - is done correctly.
We work with BaaN 4 and have integrated logistics, production, finance, sales an
d purchase (MRP).
Thanks in advance --> All possible solutions are welcomed

***************** End Of Article ******************

Ulrich Fuchs posted Message 4712 in Message Board
Dated : March 28, 2001 at 06:20:31 EST
Subject: Re: Can Generate Outbound &amp; Release Outbound include in sales order

The Generate Outbound Step can definately be included as

an order step on IV c4. One of my customers is using it
and it is working very well. I do not know if release outbound
data can be included in an Order Type as a step

Release Outbound MUST be included as an order step, since it

actually reduces the stock and posts the financial transactions.
As far as I now, it's the only mandatory step of the three
ILC sessions (Generate, Maintain, Release).
It is hard to give good advice on how a Baan system will react
in the ILC module if the version / service pack is unknown.
There was a major overhaul of the ILC sessions in BAAN IVc4 SP 4
and an awful lot of solutions before.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Chanarun posted Message 4713 in Message Board
Dated : March 28, 2001 at 06:59:28 EST
Subject: Limitation of Unit Price in Sales Order Lines
I have a problem with the limitation of unit price in sales order lines. Baan al
low me to input only 5 digits plus 6 decimal. It means the maximum unit price I
can input is 99,999.9999999 but my price is over than that limitation. How can I
solve this problem.
Thanks & Regards,
***************** End Of Article ******************
Chanarun posted Message 4714 in Message Board
Dated : March 28, 2001 at 07:04:43 EST
Subject: Do we have Excess Material Report?
Hi all,
I need the report show me how many item in warehouse that I do not need them any
more. I generate MRP and I know how many item MRP require, but I need the report
to show me how many and which item that excess in warehouse and MRP does not re
Thanks & Regards,

***************** End Of Article ******************

Merv Carr posted Message 4715 in Message Board
Dated : March 28, 2001 at 12:38:25 EST
Subject: Re: Do we have Excess Material Report?
: Hi all,
: I need the report show me how many item in warehouse that I do not need them a
nymore. I generate MRP and I know how many item MRP require, but I need the repo
rt to show me how many and which item that excess in warehouse and MRP does not
: Thanks & Regards,
Have you had a look at the slow moving stock report/inventory analysis tools?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Merv Carr posted Message 4716 in Message Board
Dated : March 28, 2001 at 12:40:35 EST
Subject: Re: Limitation of Unit Price in Sales Order Lines
: Hi,
: I have a problem with the limitation of unit price in sales order lines. Baan
allow me to input only 5 digits plus 6 decimal. It means the maximum unit price
I can input is 99,999.9999999 but my price is over than that limitation. How can
I solve this problem.
: Thanks & Regards,
Just thinking "aloud", but how about defining a "dummy" cuurency which represent
s e.g. 1000 dollars per unit?
***************** End Of Article ******************
BaaN Fan posted Message 4717 in Message Board
Dated : March 28, 2001 at 14:26:48 EST
Subject: Re: B50c: updating average purchase price
: Dear All,
: When will Baan update the average purchase price? I have done buying several t
imes but the avg pur price still 0 (I set it to 0 when I create the item). Thank
s in advance.
: Regards,
: Ady
BaaN will update the average purchase price after you will enter and approve the
invoice. It will update the purchase price based on the invoice amount
***************** End Of Article ******************

LSPLANNER posted Message 4718 in Message Board

Dated : March 28, 2001 at 19:34:47 EST
Subject: Re: Cycle Counting
Before processing cycle count data, print cycle count check report. This will sh
ow you which parts stayed the same, which increased and which decreased by locat

: Hai

I have done cycle counting for one item. I ran following

sessions. tdilc5210m000 Generate Cycle COunting Order
tdilc5410m000 print Cycle Counting Order
tdilc5110m000 Enter Location Cycle Counting Data
tdilc5211m000 Process Cycle Counting Data

: Can anybody tell me in which table data gets stored after doing all this steps
: I want item & quantity information that how much quantity was changed .
: Regards
: Inder

***************** End Of Article ******************

LSPLANNER posted Message 4719 in Message Board
Dated : March 28, 2001 at 19:38:44 EST
Subject: Re: Do we have Excess Material Report?
Print pegged records by group item. One of the drop-down choices is excess inven

: : Hi all,
: : I need the report show me how many item in warehouse that I do not need them
anymore. I generate MRP and I know how many item MRP require, but I need the re
port to show me how many and which item that excess in warehouse and MRP does no
t require.
: : Thanks & Regards,
: Have you had a look at the slow moving stock report/inventory analysis tools?

***************** End Of Article ******************

Chanarun posted Message 4720 in Message Board
Dated : March 28, 2001 at 22:18:54 EST
Subject: Re: Limitation of Unit Price in Sales Order Lines
: : Hi,
: : I have a problem with the limitation of unit price in sales order lines. Baa
n allow me to input only 5 digits plus 6 decimal. It means the maximum unit pric
e I can input is 99,999.9999999 but my price is over than that limitation. How c
an I solve this problem.
: : Thanks & Regards,
: Just thinking "aloud", but how about defining a "dummy" cuurency which represe
nts e.g. 1000 dollars per unit?
Thank you Merv Carr

***************** End Of Article ******************

Chanarun posted Message 4721 in Message Board
Dated : March 28, 2001 at 22:59:58 EST
Subject: Re: Do we have Excess Material Report?
: : Hi all,
: : I need the report show me how many item in warehouse that I do not need them
anymore. I generate MRP and I know how many item MRP require, but I need the re
port to show me how many and which item that excess in warehouse and MRP does no
t require.
: : Thanks & Regards,
: Have you had a look at the slow moving stock report/inventory analysis tools?
I have looked at Perform Slow Moving Analysi but it is not I need.
Thank you,

***************** End Of Article ******************

Manu posted Message 4722 in Message Board
Dated : March 28, 2001 at 23:53:09 EST
Subject: Stock on Previous Date
In session tdilc1513m000 "Display Inventory by warehouse and item" it is sho
wing me the stock of items of particular warehouse as on date. Can anybody help

me if i want to display the stock on some other previous day , how it wil be pos
because in this session it does not ask for date.
Thanks in Advance
***************** End Of Article ******************
CIBRES.COM posted Message 4723 in Message Board
Dated : March 29, 2001 at 00:19:50 EST
Subject: Performance Measurement ----The key to improvement
Performance Measurement ----The key to improvement
by Ronnie Bishop, CPIM, CPM, CIERP
Performance Measurements is the featured article for April at the CIBRES website
. The article can be can now be viewed online at
***************** End Of Article ******************
Peter Rademaker posted Message 4724 in Message Board
Dated : March 29, 2001 at 01:51:50 EST
Subject: Re: Stock on Previous Date
Try using tdinv6230m000

: Hai
In session tdilc1513m000 "Display Inventory by warehouse and item" it is s
howing me the stock of items of particular warehouse as on date. Can anybody hel
p me if i want to display the stock on some other previous day , how it wil be p
: because in this session it does not ask for date.
: Thanks in Advance
: Regards
: Manu

***************** End Of Article ******************

Gianni posted Message 4725 in Message Board
Dated : March 29, 2001 at 01:52:21 EST
Subject: Re: Stock on Previous Date

You can try to use session tdinv6230m000 "Perform inventory valuation by item"
: Hai
In session tdilc1513m000 "Display Inventory by warehouse and item" it is s
howing me the stock of items of particular warehouse as on date. Can anybody hel
p me if i want to display the stock on some other previous day , how it wil be p
: because in this session it does not ask for date.
: Thanks in Advance
: Regards
: Manu

***************** End Of Article ******************

Gianni posted Message 4726 in Message Board
Dated : March 29, 2001 at 01:54:12 EST
Subject: Re: Baan documents (sales - manifacturing - purchase)
Try using the MPS, MRP and PRP run.
: Hello,
: Can anybody tell us how did you resolve the following problem:
: With which Baan documents sales informs manifacturing about the of launch the
manifacturing and by which document sales informs purchase what is necessary to
be purchased?
: Thanks for answer!

***************** End Of Article ******************

Michael - IT Alliance posted Message 4727 in Message Board
Dated : March 29, 2001 at 05:44:00 EST
Subject: Re: Limitation of Unit Price in Sales Order Lines
This is a limitation defined by the input form for the session (tdsls4102s000 Maintain Sales Order Lines).
You can achieve your goal by modifying the form. A consideration is that the max
imum limitation of the domain for this field (tcpric) should also be checked.
I'm sure this will solve your problem.

: : : Hi,
: : : I have a problem with the limitation of unit price in sales order lines. B
aan allow me to input only 5 digits plus 6 decimal. It means the maximum unit pr
ice I can input is 99,999.9999999 but my price is over than that limitation. How
can I solve this problem.
: : : Thanks & Regards,
: : Just thinking "aloud", but how about defining a "dummy" cuurency which repre
sents e.g. 1000 dollars per unit?
: Thank you Merv Carr

***************** End Of Article ******************

Christian Burzala posted Message 4728 in Message Board
Dated : March 29, 2001 at 08:04:02 EST
Subject: How to change custumer in a sales order with lines already created
Hi Banners,
In some cases, we receive orders from a customer which is not the final customer
. A note in the order indicates that the invoice must be sent to another (or fin
al) customer.
OK, if we read well our order, we do not have any problem, but if the order is t
reated under stress, we create all the sales order for the customer 1, and oups
! it is not the good one, we are deleting all lines, changing the customer, and
creating the lines again.
Is there a way to change the customer in a sales order with lines already create
d ? without losing information for statistics.
Thanks in advance
***************** End Of Article ******************
Manu posted Message 4729 in Message Board
Dated : March 29, 2001 at 09:06:22 EST
Subject: New Fiscal Year
Our new Fiscal Year will be starting from 1st April 2001.
How the closing Balances of items inventory can be carried forward as opening ba
lances for the New Fiscal Year.
Seconly after changing the Fiscal dates in "Maintain Periods" . Our new dates wi
ll be 1st april 2001 to 31st march 2002. Suppose i want to see the report from p

revious year , will i be able to see it

Thanks in Advance
***************** End Of Article ******************
Manu posted Message 4730 in Message Board
Dated : March 29, 2001 at 09:10:28 EST
Subject: Purchase unit
Like Inventory unit which cannot be changes , i want that purchase unit can a
lso not be changed . Can this be done
***************** End Of Article ******************
Peter Rademaker posted Message 4731 in Message Board
Dated : March 29, 2001 at 10:13:12 EST
Subject: BaaN c4 EDI:Order IN (850) - additional costs
when receiving orders through EDI, the system doesn't add additional costs to my
When I go into the order, change something and then exit, the system does ask me
if additional costs should be added to the order.
Can anyone give me a clue about what goes wrong?
Many thanks
***************** End Of Article ******************
Peter Rademaker posted Message 4732 in Message Board
Dated : March 29, 2001 at 10:17:49 EST
Subject: Re: Purchase unit
You can easily change form 3 of the session tiitm0101m000 (Maintain Items) and c
hange the field pruchase unit into a display field thus not allowing to change i
Hope this is the answer to your question.
: Hai

Like Inventory unit which cannot be changes , i want that purchase unit can
also not be changed . Can this be done

: Regards
: Manu

***************** End Of Article ******************

Luis Cabrales posted Message 4733 in Message Board
Dated : March 29, 2001 at 13:01:14 EST
Subject: Warehouses in transit in BaaN V
Any body know what happend whit the wharehouse in transit in BaaN V, because thi
s type of warhouse dont exist in the types of warehouse....
***************** End Of Article ******************
Chanarun posted Message 4734 in Message Board
Dated : March 29, 2001 at 21:16:22 EST
Subject: Re: Do we have Excess Material Report?
: Print pegged records by group item. One of the drop-down choices is excess inv
Sorry, I cannot find Print pegged records by group item. Could you tell me where
is it? What is the session code?
Thank you,
***************** End Of Article ******************
Yulia posted Message 4735 in Message Board
Dated : March 30, 2001 at 00:57:00 EST
Subject: Re: Can Generate Outbound &amp; Release Outbound include in sales order
We already include Release Outbound as an order step. And we use Baan IV B40 c58
: Release Outbound MUST be included as an order step, since it
: actually reduces the stock and posts the financial transactions.
: As far as I now, it's the only mandatory step of the three
: ILC sessions (Generate, Maintain, Release).

It is hard to give good advice on how a Baan system will react
in the ILC module if the version / service pack is unknown.
There was a major overhaul of the ILC sessions in BAAN IVc4 SP 4
and an awful lot of solutions before.

: Yours,
: Uli

***************** End Of Article ******************

Chanarun posted Message 4736 in Message Board
Dated : March 30, 2001 at 05:26:55 EST
Subject: Purchase invoice not approved yet
I have an error message "Purchase invoice not approved yet" when I try to close
project but I already match/approve that purchase invoice. I don't know why it s
till have an error message. Please give me a solution.
Thanks & Regards,
***************** End Of Article ******************
Naga Prasad posted Message 4737 in Message Board
Dated : March 30, 2001 at 06:38:03 EST
Subject: Item by Warehouse Data
Has anyone on this list come across
tributes for different warehouses ?
warehouse data in BaaN )
If so, how has it been used and for
o how many installations would have
thanks and regards,
Naga Prasad

implementations which have different item at

(Thereby making an effective use of Item by
what purposes ? I am very eager to know as t
used this functionality of baan.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Juergen posted Message 4738 in Message Board
Dated : March 30, 2001 at 07:24:30 EST
Subject: Re: BaaN c4 EDI:Order IN (850) - additional costs
: Hi,
: when receiving orders through EDI, the system doesn't add additional costs to
my salesorders.
: When I go into the order, change something and then exit, the system does ask
me if additional costs should be added to the order.
: Can anyone give me a clue about what goes wrong?
: Many thanks
Just an idea
Maybe it`s depend on the parameter "recalculate additional costs"
in the Distribution -> Parameters -> Sales -> Orders
I think your parameter setting is "interactive". Maybe it`s work with the settin
g "automatic"
: Peter

***************** End Of Article ******************

prashant singh posted Message 4739 in Message Board
Dated : March 30, 2001 at 10:52:15 EST
Subject: Re: Item by Warehouse Data
You can use this funtionality to have diffrent planning
attributes i.e. if you maintain different safety stock ,
you have different lead time , or if you use different storage unit this funtion
ality come into picture.
While you generate any planning the item by warehouse attribute would be conside
red in place of default item attributes.
***************** End Of Article ******************
prashant singh posted Message 4740 in Message Board
Dated : March 30, 2001 at 10:56:24 EST
Subject: Re: How to change custumer in a sales order with lines already created
I don't think you have any alternate.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Kim posted Message 4741 in Message Board
Dated : March 30, 2001 at 17:47:38 EST
Subject: Re: Cycle Counting
I followed your guidlines hoping to see results for the month of March and 'No d
ata within selection'. The dates are good as well as the rest but is there some
other reason for no data? I know that there are many cycle count orders that w
ere performed. I thought that I had read a previous post regarding the temporar
y nature of the location type data?
: Hi
: I find the best way to review the results of the cycle count is in the followi
ng session.

" Print Inventory history by location "

Choose your date ranges
select order type at " warehouse order " from and to
select order number from 700000 to 799999

: This will give you a print out of all cycle count results as per
: your selection.
: Note: all cycle count adjustments are considered "Warehouse Orders" and the or
der number range "700000 to 799999" is reserved for cycle count adjustments.
: Hope this helps

: The Baan Guy

: : Hai


I have done cycle counting for one item. I ran following

sessions. tdilc5210m000 Generate Cycle COunting Order
tdilc5410m000 print Cycle Counting Order
tdilc5110m000 Enter Location Cycle Counting Data
tdilc5211m000 Process Cycle Counting Data

: : Can anybody tell me in which table data gets stored after doing all this ste
ps .
: : I want item & quantity information that how much quantity was changed .
: : Regards
: : Inder

***************** End Of Article ******************

Yulia posted Message 4742 in Message Board
Dated : April 02, 2001 at 04:18:20 EST
Subject: How to make an additional cost to be calculated in stndard cost price
Dear all,
Sometimes we purchase an item & we've charged for an order / transportation cost
(because of the location are far from ours). If we want that cost be included i
n standard cost price, but only for that transaction in that moment. But not inc
lude in another time (because no transportation cost exist). How can we solve it
Is there anybody can give an advice for this ? Thanks in advance.
***************** End Of Article ******************
John Crystal posted Message 4743 in Message Board
Dated : April 02, 2001 at 12:21:03 EST
Subject: Re: Purchase invoice not approved yet
You might check to be sure that there hasn't been another receipt against the pu
rchase order that hasn't been matched. If the matching and approval has been don
e check that the flag was flipped in the tdpur045 record for the purchase order
line and receipt in question.
***************** End Of Article ******************
John Crystal posted Message 4744 in Message Board

Dated : April 02, 2001 at 12:28:07 EST

Subject: Excess Material Report?
Excess inventory is "usually" based on usage history data, not just a snapshot o
f what items have no immediate requirements from MRP. Either way you'll need to
write it. Its an east report to write using one of the third party reporting too
ls, Crystal Reports or Safari.
***************** End Of Article ******************
John Crystal posted Message 4745 in Message Board
Dated : April 02, 2001 at 12:56:52 EST
Subject: Re: BaanIVc4 Functional Notes
Hi Missy,
Those notes are now several years old. I'd suggest that Baan might be the best p
lace for them or possibly Knowledgequest.
John Crystal
***************** End Of Article ******************
Missy posted Message 4746 in Message Board
Dated : April 02, 2001 at 15:53:45 EST
Subject: Invoice only when all shipments on an order are complete.
Do you know if it is possible NOT to invoice until all shipments are made on an
order? I tried the Invoice Method and that will still invoice even if the order
has a back order...
***************** End Of Article ******************
Suresh posted Message 4747 in Message Board
Dated : April 02, 2001 at 19:05:06 EST
Subject: Re: How to change custumer in a sales order with lines already created
Instead of deleting and re-entering, try order copy function. This will create n
ew orders and then you can delete the unwanted original ones.
Hope that helps.
: Hi Banners,
: In some cases, we receive orders from a customer which is not the final custom
er. A note in the order indicates that the invoice must be sent to another (or f
inal) customer.
: OK, if we read well our order, we do not have any problem, but if the order is
treated under stress, we create all the sales order for the customer 1, and oup
s ! it is not the good one, we are deleting all lines, changing the customer, an
d creating the lines again.

: Is there a way to change the customer in a sales order with lines already crea
ted ? without losing information for statistics.
: Thanks in advance
: CB

***************** End Of Article ******************

NG posted Message 4748 in Message Board
Dated : April 03, 2001 at 02:38:18 EST
Subject: Reversal of invoice in case of installments
Due to a wrong program personalisation, we are having trouble with VAT calculati
on in the final invoice for a sales order when installments have been previously
The simplest solution would require to "reverse" that final invoice, so we could
get back to the previous situation and be able to invoice again with a correcte
d session.
Does anybody know if there is a standard way to fully reverse that final invoice
Every tip is welcome.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Peter Rademaker posted Message 4749 in Message Board
Dated : April 03, 2001 at 09:31:56 EST
Subject: Re: BaaN c4 EDI:Order IN (850) - additional costs
You're right, however the parameter is set using session tdsls4127m000.
Changed the parameter, now it's working, but our users aren't happy whilst proce
ssing manual orders... Think customizing is the only solution. Anyway, thanks fo
r your help.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Michael posted Message 4750 in Message Board
Dated : April 04, 2001 at 06:22:21 EST
Subject: Invoice Installments

Do you know if it is possible NOT to invoice until all shipments are made on a
order? I tried the Invoice Method and that will still invoice even if the orde
has a back order...

Hi Missy,
Invoice Installments should work for this. This will allow you to suppress billi
ng until the full order line has been delivered.
They are slightly different in BaaN IV versus Baan ERP and as I am not sure whic
h package you are on I cannot go into detail.

Send me a mail if you need some assistance.


***************** End Of Article ******************

AC posted Message 4751 in Message Board
Dated : April 04, 2001 at 07:38:52 EST
Subject: Change location system
After chaging location system via tdilc0231m000 (Change Location System by Wa
rehouse) , is it possible to getting previous locations and it's inventories? .
After generating this session , my locatins which have a inventory is deleted ,
but inventories can view at tdilc1512m000 (Display Inventories by Item and Ware
house). And after this session, during the inventory transfer , system is gettin
g error messages ("There is no sufficent inventory).

***************** End Of Article ******************

Dave Godin posted Message 4752 in Message Board
Dated : April 04, 2001 at 08:52:38 EST
Subject: Re: Change location system
I feel your pain..You deleted the locations but the inventory has to be somewher
e.. so all of the inventory balances are still in the system in their old locati
ons.. You can get a list of old locations via an on hand inventory printout or d
irectly in the table tdilc101. We had a similar problem but our had to do with a
change to the unit of measure...we had changed the unit to IN but the inventory
was in the system under EA..we were getting the insufficient inventor message.
You may have to do manual inventory transfers to move the inventory to the new
location using the inventory transaction session tdilc1120.

After chaging location system via tdilc0231m000 (Change Location System by
Warehouse) , is it possible to getting previous locations and it's inventories?
. After generating this session , my locatins which have a inventory is deleted
, but inventories can view at tdilc1512m000 (Display Inventories by Item and Wa
rehouse). And after this session, during the inventory transfer , system is gett
ing error messages ("There is no sufficent inventory).

***************** End Of Article ******************

Dave Godin posted Message 4753 in Message Board
Dated : April 04, 2001 at 08:57:32 EST
Subject: Re: Cycle Counting
I use the enter data session and answer NO to process cycle count data..I then P

rint cycle Count Check Report to see the variances...afterwards I run the proces
s cycle count data session to make the changes final.

: I followed your guidlines hoping to see results for the month of March and 'No
data within selection'. The dates are good as well as the rest but is there so
me other reason for no data? I know that there are many cycle count orders that
were performed. I thought that I had read a previous post regarding the tempor
ary nature of the location type data?
: : Hi
: : I find the best way to review the results of the cycle count is in the follo
wing session.


" Print Inventory history by location "

Choose your date ranges
select order type at " warehouse order " from and to
select order number from 700000 to 799999

: : This will give you a print out of all cycle count results as per
: : your selection.
: : Note: all cycle count adjustments are considered "Warehouse Orders" and the
order number range "700000 to 799999" is reserved for cycle count adjustments.
: : Hope this helps
: : The Baan Guy
: :
: : : Hai



I have done cycle counting for one item. I ran following

sessions. tdilc5210m000 Generate Cycle COunting Order
tdilc5410m000 print Cycle Counting Order
tdilc5110m000 Enter Location Cycle Counting Data
tdilc5211m000 Process Cycle Counting Data

: : : Can anybody tell me in which table data gets stored after doing all this s
teps .
: : : I want item & quantity information that how much quantity was changed .
: :
: : : Regards
: : : Inder

***************** End Of Article ******************

AC posted Message 4754 in Message Board
Dated : April 04, 2001 at 12:28:31 EST

Subject: Re: Change location system

i am trying to "Change Location System by Warehouse" with old
"receipt" and "inspeciton" location, system does not generate any location for i
tem except 33 piece, so i cannot move any item to it's original location using
tdilc1120. Couse , system couldn't find any -from location. But inventory is sti
ll in warehouse.
: I feel your pain..You deleted the locations but the inventory has to be somewh
ere.. so all of the inventory balances are still in the system in their old loca
tions.. You can get a list of old locations via an on hand inventory printout or
directly in the table tdilc101. We had a similar problem but our had to do with
a change to the unit of measure...we had changed the unit to IN but the invento
ry was in the system under EA..we were getting the insufficient inventor message
. You may have to do manual inventory transfers to move the inventory to the ne
w location using the inventory transaction session tdilc1120.
: :
After chaging location system via tdilc0231m000 (Change Location System b
y Warehouse) , is it possible to getting previous locations and it's inventorie
s? . After generating this session , my locatins which have a inventory is delet
ed , but inventories can view at tdilc1512m000 (Display Inventories by Item and
Warehouse). And after this session, during the inventory transfer , system is ge
tting error messages ("There is no sufficent inventory).

***************** End Of Article ******************

Naga Prasad posted Message 4755 in Message Board
Dated : April 04, 2001 at 12:48:15 EST
Subject: Re: Item by Warehouse Data
Hi prashant,
Thanks for the reply. I was wondering as to how many installations of baan would
be available as on date which have taken and implemented this functionality of
baan. This was only for the statistics purposes.
Naga Prasad
: Hi,
: You can use this funtionality to have diffrent planning
: attributes i.e. if you maintain different safety stock ,
: you have different lead time , or if you use different storage unit this funti
onality come into picture.
: While you generate any planning the item by warehouse attribute would be consi
dered in place of default item attributes.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Old Baan Guy posted Message 4756 in Message Board

Dated : April 05, 2001 at 00:50:04 EST
Subject: Parameter Name
There is on Distri parameter which specifies the '# of days' to be considered fo
r on order calculation for SIC PO generation.Could someone please tell me what i
t is called.
Iam an ex Baan Implementor now into consulting.
Thanks In Advance
***************** End Of Article ******************
Kim posted Message 4757 in Message Board
Dated : April 05, 2001 at 13:59:03 EST
Subject: Re: Do we have Excess Material Report?
Print Pegged Data by Group Item is in Manufacturing under Project Group Control,
Group Planning, session #tipgc0410m00b.
***************** End Of Article ******************
baan guy posted Message 4758 in Message Board
Dated : April 06, 2001 at 14:12:27 EST
Subject: Re: Parameter Name
I believe that you are referring to the parameter
"time-phased order point" on form 4 of session tdinv0100m000
if this is set to "yes" then enter a factor and/or a constant that is used with
the items lead time to calculate the time fence for order generation
The Baan Guy

There is on Distri parameter which specifies the '# of days' to be considered f

or on order calculation for SIC PO generation.Could someone please tell me what
it is called.
: Iam an ex Baan Implementor now into consulting.
: Thanks In Advance

***************** End Of Article ******************

Ryan posted Message 4759 in Message Board
Dated : April 09, 2001 at 11:40:00 EST
Subject: Re: Warehouses in transit in BaaN V

: Any body know what happend whit the wharehouse in transit in BaaN V, because t
his type of warhouse dont exist in the types of warehouse....
: Thanks
Um, it doesn't exist. Good luck!
***************** End Of Article ******************
James Maxted posted Message 4760 in Message Board
Dated : April 10, 2001 at 11:24:48 EST
Subject: Simultaneous multiple input files for EDI
Is there a BaaN convention for having more than one EDI message sitting in the a
ppl_to directory of an EDI network? Can all the files associated with a specifi
c message be put in a BaaN defined directory?
For example, say our directory is called 351 for our network. Inside this direc
tory are all the subdirectories such as appl_to, appl_from, store_recv, etc. Th
ere are multiple folders in the store_recv directory that used a date/time stamp
to distinguish them. One would assume that some sort of similar mechanism exis
ts for multiple messages stored in the appl_to directory.
When the direct network communication session (tcedi7205m000) is run, it would t
hen process all the files in all the directories for the appl_to directory in th
at network. Is this possible? Or does BaaN only allow one message at a time in
***************** End Of Article ******************
DeAnna posted Message 4761 in Message Board
Dated : April 10, 2001 at 14:28:37 EST
Subject: Re: Simultaneous multiple input files for EDI
: Is there a BaaN convention for having more than one EDI message sitting in the
appl_to directory of an EDI network? Can all the files associated with a speci
fic message be put in a BaaN defined directory?
: For example, say our directory is called 351 for our network. Inside this dir
ectory are all the subdirectories such as appl_to, appl_from, store_recv, etc.
There are multiple folders in the store_recv directory that used a date/time sta
mp to distinguish them. One would assume that some sort of similar mechanism ex
ists for multiple messages stored in the appl_to directory.
: When the direct network communication session (tcedi7205m000) is run, it would
then process all the files in all the directories for the appl_to directory in
that network. Is this possible? Or does BaaN only allow one message at a time
in EDI?
You should be able to have multi messages setting in either appl_to or appl_from
. When you run the "direct network communications" session it will only bring i
n or send out the message for the network range you are putting in the selection
criteria. We currently have SC862's and SC830's waiting to be pulled in via th
e direct network session every day. We have two networks set-up currently on ou
r system and we have had no problems with conflicts of any kind so far.
***************** End Of Article ******************

James Maxted posted Message 4762 in Message Board

Dated : April 10, 2001 at 14:45:35 EST
Subject: Re: Simultaneous multiple input files for EDI
: : Is there a BaaN convention for having more than one EDI message sitting in t
he appl_to directory of an EDI network? Can all the files associated with a spe
cific message be put in a BaaN defined directory?
: : For example, say our directory is called 351 for our network. Inside this d
irectory are all the subdirectories such as appl_to, appl_from, store_recv, etc.
There are multiple folders in the store_recv directory that used a date/time s
tamp to distinguish them. One would assume that some sort of similar mechanism
exists for multiple messages stored in the appl_to directory.
: : When the direct network communication session (tcedi7205m000) is run, it wou
ld then process all the files in all the directories for the appl_to directory i
n that network. Is this possible? Or does BaaN only allow one message at a tim
e in EDI?
: You should be able to have multi messages setting in either appl_to or appl_fr
om. When you run the "direct network communications" session it will only bring
in or send out the message for the network range you are putting in the selecti
on criteria. We currently have SC862's and SC830's waiting to be pulled in via
the direct network session every day. We have two networks set-up currently on
our system and we have had no problems with conflicts of any kind so far.
Thanks for the reply! However, that is across two networks. Is it "wrong" to a
llow two messages to come in across one network? Say I'm company A. I have two
purchase orders of company B's product. Can company B not accept both of them
at once through EDI?

***************** End Of Article ******************

Missy posted Message 4763 in Message Board
Dated : April 10, 2001 at 15:42:31 EST
Subject: Usage by saling branch(Area) rather than Warehouse
I was wondering if anyone has ran into this same problem and what they did to fi
nd usage by area? Does the sales statistic do this? Help...
***************** End Of Article ******************
Missy posted Message 4764 in Message Board
Dated : April 10, 2001 at 15:44:31 EST
Subject: Re: Usage by selling branch(Area) rather than Warehouse
: I was wondering if anyone has ran into this same problem and what they did to
find usage by area? Does the sales statistic do this? Help...

***************** End Of Article ******************

BaanFan posted Message 4765 in Message Board

Dated : April 10, 2001 at 16:31:08 EST
Subject: RMA's in Baan 4
I am looking for information or experiences on how Returned Material (merchandis
e) Authorization has been handled within Baan 4. Most important is how anyone h
as come up with a way of receiving goods back and repairing them, including addi
ng labor value and materials, and then shipping them back to the customer, whils
t integrating the costs associated in to the finance module, without extensively
having to raise production orders etc everytime a return is executed, but at th
e same time keeping track of returns and possible serial numbers etc.
***************** End Of Article ******************
DeAnna posted Message 4766 in Message Board
Dated : April 10, 2001 at 16:56:44 EST
Subject: Purchase Order Changes in B40c4 - EDI 860 (Out)
In Baan's EDI User Guide (page 6-10), it claims you can transmit a cancellation
of a PO line by changing the order line quantity and then process the line as a
change. However, we can not access this order line quantity field once the PO l
ine has been received on. We would like to just zero out the backorder and send
the message that the PO line has been deleted (change reason code). Thanks in
advance for helping!!
***************** End Of Article ******************
DeAnna posted Message 4767 in Message Board
Dated : April 10, 2001 at 17:04:17 EST
Subject: Re: Simultaneous multiple input files for EDI
: : Is there a BaaN convention for having more than one EDI message sitting in t
he appl_to directory of an EDI network? Can all the files associated with a spe
cific message be put in a BaaN defined directory?
: : For example, say our directory is called 351 for our network. Inside this d
irectory are all the subdirectories such as appl_to, appl_from, store_recv, etc.
There are multiple folders in the store_recv directory that used a date/time s
tamp to distinguish them. One would assume that some sort of similar mechanism
exists for multiple messages stored in the appl_to directory.
: : When the direct network communication session (tcedi7205m000) is run, it wou
ld then process all the files in all the directories for the appl_to directory i
n that network. Is this possible? Or does BaaN only allow one message at a tim
e in EDI?
: You should be able to have multi messages setting in either appl_to or appl_fr
om. When you run the "direct network communications" session it will only bring
in or send out the message for the network range you are putting in the selecti
on criteria. We currently have SC862's and SC830's waiting to be pulled in via
the direct network session every day. We have two networks set-up currently on
our system and we have had no problems with conflicts of any kind so far.

Yes, you should be able to receive both PO's from company B. The messages are u
nique by the "bano" number in Baan. We have our incoming mapped in Harbinger as
the date/a control number. This makes each customers message unique (of course
along with that uniqueness is the relation info). When we send messages out we
use a reference number fixed part (see EDI parameters) "FF" combined with the da
te and we have the action on first message of new date "Start with 1". I hope t
his helps...
***************** End Of Article ******************
James Maxted posted Message 4768 in Message Board
Dated : April 11, 2001 at 07:22:22 EST
Subject: Re: Simultaneous multiple input files for EDI
: : : Is there a BaaN convention for having more than one EDI message sitting in
the appl_to directory of an EDI network? Can all the files associated with a s
pecific message be put in a BaaN defined directory?
: : : For example, say our directory is called 351 for our network. Inside this
directory are all the subdirectories such as appl_to, appl_from, store_recv, et
c. There are multiple folders in the store_recv directory that used a date/time
stamp to distinguish them. One would assume that some sort of similar mechanis
m exists for multiple messages stored in the appl_to directory.
: : : When the direct network communication session (tcedi7205m000) is run, it w
ould then process all the files in all the directories for the appl_to directory
in that network. Is this possible? Or does BaaN only allow one message at a t
ime in EDI?
: : You should be able to have multi messages setting in either appl_to or appl_
from. When you run the "direct network communications" session it will only bri
ng in or send out the message for the network range you are putting in the selec
tion criteria. We currently have SC862's and SC830's waiting to be pulled in vi
a the direct network session every day. We have two networks set-up currently o
n our system and we have had no problems with conflicts of any kind so far.
: Yes, you should be able to receive both PO's from company B. The messages are
unique by the "bano" number in Baan. We have our incoming mapped in Harbinger a
s the date/a control number. This makes each customers message unique (of cours
e along with that uniqueness is the relation info). When we send messages out w
e use a reference number fixed part (see EDI parameters) "FF" combined with the
date and we have the action on first message of new date "Start with 1". I hope
this helps...
Thanks for the help! In our case, our purchase order input files are all called
, 850.1, 850.2, ... 850.13. How do both messages exist in the sample appl_to di
rectory when they both want to use the same file names? Do we say 1.850.1 and 2
.850.1 or put them in sub directories inside the appl_to directory? Or am I jus
t missing the obvious? Thanks again for your time!

***************** End Of Article ******************

James Maxted posted Message 4769 in Message Board
Dated : April 11, 2001 at 09:02:28 EST
Subject: I think I got it...

If there is more than one message in the appl_to directory, the messages are app
ended into individual files, correct? In other words, 850.1 contains the messag
e header info for both message 1 and message 2 seperated by the ending character
(newline and carriage return I believe). This is similar to multiple lines in 8
50.5(sales order lines) where they are just appended to one another. As long as
the ID as the beginning is unique, BaaN can work out the details. Thanks for y
our help!
***************** End Of Article ******************
DeAnna posted Message 4770 in Message Board
Dated : April 11, 2001 at 10:19:18 EST
Subject: Re: Simultaneous multiple input files for EDI
: : : : Is there a BaaN convention for having more than one EDI message sitting
in the appl_to directory of an EDI network? Can all the files associated with a
specific message be put in a BaaN defined directory?
: : : : For example, say our directory is called 351 for our network. Inside th
is directory are all the subdirectories such as appl_to, appl_from, store_recv,
etc. There are multiple folders in the store_recv directory that used a date/ti
me stamp to distinguish them. One would assume that some sort of similar mechan
ism exists for multiple messages stored in the appl_to directory.
: : : : When the direct network communication session (tcedi7205m000) is run, it
would then process all the files in all the directories for the appl_to directo
ry in that network. Is this possible? Or does BaaN only allow one message at a
time in EDI?
: : : You should be able to have multi messages setting in either appl_to or app
l_from. When you run the "direct network communications" session it will only b
ring in or send out the message for the network range you are putting in the sel
ection criteria. We currently have SC862's and SC830's waiting to be pulled in
via the direct network session every day. We have two networks set-up currently
on our system and we have had no problems with conflicts of any kind so far.
: : Yes, you should be able to receive both PO's from company B. The messages a
re unique by the "bano" number in Baan. We have our incoming mapped in Harbinger
as the date/a control number. This makes each customers message unique (of cou
rse along with that uniqueness is the relation info). When we send messages out
we use a reference number fixed part (see EDI parameters) "FF" combined with th
e date and we have the action on first message of new date "Start with 1". I ho
pe this helps...
: Thanks for the help! In our case, our purchase order input files are all call
ed, 850.1, 850.2, ... 850.13. How do both messages exist in the sample appl_to
directory when they both want to use the same file names? Do we say 1.850.1 and
2.850.1 or put them in sub directories inside the appl_to directory? Or am I j
ust missing the obvious? Thanks again for your time!
***************** End Of Article ******************
mak posted Message 4771 in Message Board
Dated : April 12, 2001 at 00:06:47 EST

Hi friends,
In BaaN IV c4 , Items (to be inspected )are getting blocked in strorage loca
tion (Normal).
This is happining while receiving the purchase receipts,here the items
to be inspected are being received by storage location (this location is defined
in the session " Maintain locations by item) instead of the inspection location
there by getting blocked.
Is it possible to receive the items (to be ispected) in to the storage
location directly without getting approvals?
The storage locations are absolutely free for all transactions.
And how to release these blocked inventory other than GTM.
Any suggestion is highly appriciated.

thank you,
***************** End Of Article ******************
Jagjit posted Message 4772 in Message Board
Dated : April 12, 2001 at 02:09:14 EST
Subject: Help Urgent - Delete Items
I want to delete some items although those items have transactions in Purchas
e Order,Receipts. etc But still I want to delete these items OR I want if these
items cannot be deleted this should not be listed in Display Session Of Items .
I will copy it to another New Code. Can anybody suggest me the best Possible Wa
***************** End Of Article ******************
Sunny posted Message 4773 in Message Board
Dated : April 12, 2001 at 02:20:18 EST
Subject: Opening Stock
We have maintained Opening Stock of Items in session tdilc1120m000 Enter Inve
ntory Transactions By giving Reason Code as 999. We fiexed Reason Code 999 as O
pening Stock.

I want that can't Opening Stock can be entered in any field in session Maintain
Item Master Data tiitm0101m000 or another field should be created in table tiitm
Or Can anybody suggest me the best suitable session in which Opening Stock can b
e maintained.
***************** End Of Article ******************
CS posted Message 4774 in Message Board
Dated : April 12, 2001 at 03:33:57 EST
Subject: Sales Price/Unit in Item Data
I input wrong item default data. The Purchase and Sales Unit/Price in item defau
lt data that I input at the first time is EA but I want KGS. I clear all invento
ry and I can change purchase unit/price by using conversion factor, but I cannot
change sales unit/price. What shold I do?
Thanks in advance,
***************** End Of Article ******************
CS posted Message 4775 in Message Board
Dated : April 12, 2001 at 03:38:39 EST
Subject: Insufficient digits in sales/purchase price
I have a problem with the insufficient digits in sales/purchase price. My price
have more digits than Baan can provide. what should I do?
Thanks in advance,
***************** End Of Article ******************
Michael MS posted Message 4776 in Message Board
Dated : April 12, 2001 at 05:29:43 EST
Subject: Re: Insufficient digits in sales/purchase price
: Hi,
: I have a problem with the insufficient digits in sales/purchase price. My pric
e have more digits than Baan can provide. what should I do?
: Thanks in advance,

Shouldn't be a problem but the solution is a bit technical

This is a limitation defined by the input form for the session (Maintain Purchas
e/Sales Order Lines).
You can achieve your goal by modifying the form. A consideration is that the max
imum limitation of the domain for this field (tcpric) should also be checked.
I'm sure this will solve your problem.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Juergen posted Message 4777 in Message Board
Dated : April 12, 2001 at 09:33:27 EST
Subject: Re: Help Urgent - Delete Items
: Hai
I want to delete some items although those items have transactions in Purch
ase Order,Receipts. etc But still I want to delete these items OR I want if the
se items cannot be deleted this should not be listed in Display Session Of Items
. I will copy it to another New Code. Can anybody suggest me the best Possible
: Regards
: Jagjit
Hi Jagjit,
it`s theoretical possible to delete those items, but then you will lose the refe
rential integrity of your database and runs in big problems. Never do this.
***************** End Of Article ******************
James Maxted posted Message 4778 in Message Board
Dated : April 12, 2001 at 09:35:03 EST
Subject: How to use 1 EDI Purchase order file instead of 13?
We're running BaaN 4c4 and was wondering how the format of one EDI purchase orde
r file differs from the 13 smaller ones. It seems to be an option for incoming
EDI messages to accept only 1 file instead of 13, but I cannot find any document
ation on it. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks for your time!
***************** End Of Article ******************
Mike posted Message 4779 in Message Board

Dated : April 12, 2001 at 16:43:32 EST

Subject: Blank Availability Type message when entering sales order lines
Baan ERP
When we enter a sales order line we get the message: Calendar 001, 'blank' Avail
ability Type - Availability not defined
We have tried everything that we know with the company calendars. Does anyone ha
ve any advice.
***************** End Of Article ******************
John Crystal posted Message 4780 in Message Board
Dated : April 14, 2001 at 10:40:57 EST
Subject: Re: Help Urgent - Delete Items
If the items have transactions in the history tables the item master record need
s to stay in the system. What I suggest to my clients is to change the item's d
escription to something like "Obsolete item use 123456789 instead" or "DO NOT US
E --use 1234556789 instead"
***************** End Of Article ******************
Jagjit posted Message 4781 in Message Board
Dated : April 14, 2001 at 11:02:55 EST
Subject: Inventory Unit
For some reason we entered wrong Inventory unit. Those items have some trans
actions in History Table. We want to change Inventory Unit. Can anybody tell me
the best possible way , how this can be done.
***************** End Of Article ******************
John Crystal posted Message 4782 in Message Board
Dated : April 15, 2001 at 09:25:47 EST
Subject: Re: Insufficient digits in sales/purchase price
If i'm understanding your question correctly might you consider just changing th
e sales and purchase price unit. If you want your sales price to be 2.12345 / ea
ch but do not have enough spaces after the decimal point you can make the sales
price unit per thousand. Then the sales price would then be 2,123.45 / 1000 . As
long as you have the conversions set up for each to thousand the invoices and p
urchase orders will calculate correctly.
***************** End Of Article ******************

Leslie posted Message 4783 in Message Board

Dated : April 15, 2001 at 14:25:08 EST
Subject: Re: RMA's in Baan 4
: I am looking for information or experiences on how Returned Material (merchand
ise) Authorization has been handled within Baan 4. Most important is how anyone
has come up with a way of receiving goods back and repairing them, including ad
ding labor value and materials, and then shipping them back to the customer, whi
lst integrating the costs associated in to the finance module, without extensive
ly having to raise production orders etc everytime a return is executed, but at
the same time keeping track of returns and possible serial numbers etc.
: Thanks
I believe that the RMA is for returning goods that are not wanted by the custome
r, but not sold. I presume that the way to do it is to generate a sales order wi
th a negative quantity against the item.
If the goods are returned for repair, then this would be handled by the SMA pack
age. SMA has a very rich set of options to handle service.
The third possibility you mentioned is returned for repair and restocking. That
restocked product probably has to have a new product number, as it cannot be sol
d as new, but as reconditioned. In this case, the problem has to be to determine
the cost of and who pays for the repair. A credit note followed by a purchase m
ight be a way to return a repaired unit to stock. The credit note may be for the
difference between the purchase price and the selling price at which the item w
as sold.
All of my answer is based on company policy. Talk to Accountants/auditors before
taking decision.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Leslie posted Message 4784 in Message Board
Dated : April 15, 2001 at 14:29:31 EST
Subject: Re: How to make an additional cost to be calculated in stndard cost pri
: Dear all,
: Sometimes we purchase an item & we've charged for an order / transportation co
st (because of the location are far from ours). If we want that cost be included
in standard cost price, but only for that transaction in that moment. But not i
nclude in another time (because no transportation cost exist). How can we solve
it ?
: Is there anybody can give an advice for this ? Thanks in advance.
: Regards,
: Yulia
Hi Yulia

The standard cost table entry is usually set up semi-annually, and not modified
during that time. There is another table (I don't have the name, that provides P
PV values).
If there is extra transportation and the like, then add the transportation and o
ther charges to the sales order as another line item, and use text data for the
line item to describe what the charges are for.

***************** End Of Article ******************

John Crystal posted Message 4785 in Message Board
Dated : April 15, 2001 at 16:06:45 EST
Subject: Re: Opening Stock
Opening stock needs to be maintained using the tdilc session you mentioned so th
at the proper quantities can be put in the various warehouses and locations. Sin
ce you mention the ILC session I am assuming that you are using locations.
The inventory quantity in the item master record is the total of all the individ
ual warehouse/location quantities. The system maintains this field.
John Crystal
***************** End Of Article ******************
Prashant Singh posted Message 4786 in Message Board
Dated : April 16, 2001 at 11:05:55 EST
Subject: Re: Opening Stock
What you are doing is the only way to create opening balance.It's difficult job
but very important one.By
keeping a field in item master we can put consolidated
data but you can not specify different warehouse and locations.
While creating opening balance through the way you are doing
accounting distribution gets done at the same time.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Carol Schmidt posted Message 4787 in Message Board
Dated : April 16, 2001 at 15:50:54 EST
Subject: Customer Addresses/Delivery Addresses Within Sales Order Header
In session maintain sales orders "tdsls4101m000", for the fields customer and de
livery address, the data for each of these fields within the sales order header
always refer the current data found within sessions tccom1101m000 (customers) an
d tccom1102m000 (delivery addresses). Therefore, if a sales order is entered us
ing a delivery address code of 001, then months later, the data within code 001
is modified, the sales order previously entered and delivered, shows the modifie
d delivery address rather than the address as it was when the sales order actual
ly delivered.
Is this correct? If so, please explain why historical customer and delivery add
resses are not kept within each sales order record.

Thank you in advance for your prompt response.

Carol Schmidt
***************** End Of Article ******************
Tom Bacon, CPIM posted Message 4788 in Message Board
Dated : April 16, 2001 at 19:20:52 EST
Subject: Re: Inventory Unit
Once you have transactions in baan you can't change the Inventory Unit. You sho
uld create a new part with the correct Inventory Unit.
: Hai
For some reason we entered wrong Inventory unit. Those items have some tra
nsactions in History Table. We want to change Inventory Unit. Can anybody tell m
e the best possible way , how this can be done.
: Regards
: Jagjit

***************** End Of Article ******************

Tommy L. Bacon, CPIM posted Message 4789 in Message Board
Dated : April 16, 2001 at 19:22:45 EST
Subject: Re: Blank Availability Type message when entering sales order lines
Have you created the default Company Calendar. and check to make sure that Avail
ability Types are valid.
: Baan ERP
: When we enter a sales order line we get the message: Calendar 001, 'blank' Ava
ilability Type - Availability not defined
: We have tried everything that we know with the company calendars. Does anyone
have any advice.
: Thanks

***************** End Of Article ******************

Sharon posted Message 4790 in Message Board
Dated : April 17, 2001 at 02:17:47 EST
Subject: Re: Inventory Unit
It is possible to change the inventorty unit.
All you have to do is make sure that you don't have any inventory on hand/order/
hold and no allocations.
***************** End Of Article ******************

C.S. posted Message 4791 in Message Board

Dated : April 17, 2001 at 04:36:16 EST
Subject: Discount by Order
I have never use discount before but today I got the quote price from vender and
he give me a discount. The problem is it is the discount for total amount, it i
s not the discount for item line. How can I input total discount per order in pu
rchase order.
Thanks & Regards,
***************** End Of Article ******************
C.S. posted Message 4792 in Message Board
Dated : April 17, 2001 at 04:42:24 EST
Subject: Re: Inventory Unit
: Hai
For some reason we entered wrong Inventory unit. Those items have some tra
nsactions in History Table. We want to change Inventory Unit. Can anybody tell m
e the best possible way , how this can be done.
: Regards
: Jagjit
I agree with Sharon. You can change inventory unit if you clear all of your inve
ntory. You can check in Form 2 of Display Item Data.
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jatin kaji posted Message 4793 in Message Board
Dated : April 17, 2001 at 05:08:37 EST
Subject: Problem in Commisssion &amp; Rebate Calculation
I am working on BaaN IVb2 version. When I calculate commission and rebate the sy
stem calculated rebate for all grades / slabs even if the correct grade is one o
f the earlier. This results in wrong calculation of the commission / rebate.
For example, if my last grade is for 400 - 1000 units and the actual sale is 300
(i.e. in an earlier grade) the system still calculated rebate for all grades in
cluding 400 - 1000 grade.
Can someone suggest a solution to this problem?
Thanks in anticipation
Jatin Kaji

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Michael posted Message 4794 in Message Board
Dated : April 17, 2001 at 07:38:59 EST
Subject: Re: Customer Addresses/Delivery Addresses Within Sales Order Header
: In session maintain sales orders "tdsls4101m000", for the fields customer and
delivery address, the data for each of these fields within the sales order heade
r always refer the current data found within sessions tccom1101m000 (customers)
and tccom1102m000 (delivery addresses). Therefore, if a sales order is entered
using a delivery address code of 001, then months later, the data within code 00
1 is modified, the sales order previously entered and delivered, shows the modif
ied delivery address rather than the address as it was when the sales order actu
ally delivered.
: Is this correct? If so, please explain why historical customer and delivery a
ddresses are not kept within each sales order record.
: Thank you in advance for your prompt response.
: Carol Schmidt
Hi Carol,
I'm afraid that the table structure that supports sales order history/lines only
has a single field for delivery address - that is a code that is referred to th
e address table. On account of this changes to the address table will appear to
update the sales order history/lines aswell.

only way I could recommend overcoming that problem is by creating new codes
new addresses as they are needed.
can change the default address on the customer to make your order entry proc

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news


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samuelpramod posted Message 4795 in Message Board
Dated : April 17, 2001 at 07:54:37 EST
Subject: Re: Problem in Commisssion &amp; Rebate Calculation
While maintaining agreement you have to select the parameter
Rebate over Grade/Total as grade. Hope this helps you.
***************** End Of Article ******************
John Crystal posted Message 4796 in Message Board
Dated : April 17, 2001 at 09:31:39 EST

Subject: Re: Inventory Unit --Don't forget

One thing not to forget.
If you change the inventory unit of an item be sure to also run the "where used"
session under manufacturing routings to see if the item is on any bills of mate
rial. You will most likely want to change the unit there also.
If you run configurator you may also have generic bills of material, and if you
run MSP you may have bills of critical materials.
John Crystal
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DeAnna posted Message 4797 in Message Board
Dated : April 17, 2001 at 10:09:06 EST
Subject: Re: How to use 1 EDI Purchase order file instead of 13?
: We're running BaaN 4c4 and was wondering how the format of one EDI purchase or
der file differs from the 13 smaller ones. It seems to be an option for incomin
g EDI messages to accept only 1 file instead of 13, but I cannot find any docume
ntation on it. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks for your time!
I think you may want to use single file conversion set-ups. They are the EDI me
ssages that end in "S". They are harder to read until you get used to them, but
it is one file verses the 13 levels.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Chris Kiehl posted Message 4798 in Message Board
Dated : April 17, 2001 at 10:30:55 EST
Are you sure this storage location is not set up as an inspection location?
Check in session tdilc0110m000 Maintain Locations. If the "Inspection Location?"
field is set to "yes" then that's your problem.
If it is already set to "no" then I'm sorry, I have no answer.
-Chris: Hi friends,
In BaaN IV c4 , Items (to be inspected )are getting blocked in strorage lo
cation (Normal).
This is happining while receiving the purchase receipts,here the item
s to be inspected are being received by storage location (this location is defin
ed in the session " Maintain locations by item) instead of the inspection locati
on there by getting blocked.
Is it possible to receive the items (to be ispected) in to the storag
e location directly without getting approvals?


The storage locations are absolutely free for all transactions.

And how to release these blocked inventory other than GTM.
Any suggestion is highly appriciated.

: thank you,
: MAK.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Sly posted Message 4799 in Message Board
Dated : April 17, 2001 at 14:31:24 EST
Subject: Report showing dollars spent by suppliers
Is there a report that exist and will report the dollars spent by supplier for t
he whole range of suppliers during a specific period (i.e.: during JAN 01,2000 T
HROUGH DEC 31, 2000.)
Thank you in advance.
***************** End Of Article ******************
nld_ene posted Message 4800 in Message Board
Dated : April 17, 2001 at 15:50:32 EST
Subject: Re: Report showing dollars spent by suppliers
: Is there a report that exist and will report the dollars spent by supplier for
the whole range of suppliers during a specific period (i.e.: during JAN 01,2000
THROUGH DEC 31, 2000.)
: Thank you in advance.
When understanding your question correctly, I should say you take
session tdpur5401m000 as a base. A minor and simple customisation will give you
the output, requested. Every tools-expert makes it in appr. half an hour
***************** End Of Article ******************
ralf posted Message 4801 in Message Board
Dated : April 18, 2001 at 05:06:37 EST
Subject: Print Sales Invoices sorted by order no.
is it possible to print the sales invoices sorted by order number for customers
But we don't want to loose the functionality of consolidated invoices (see tccom
010.cinm). This field is used only by some customers.

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Sherley Martin posted Message 4802 in Message Board
Dated : April 18, 2001 at 16:04:41 EST
Subject: Supply Chain EDI
In Baan 4C2 with Supply Chain, an error occurred when receiving a release on a n
ew part. In order to correct the error, I entered the part number in the convers
ion in and out tables and created a contract. The part had a cum which I entered
in the contract. I approved the error in the edi session. Processed messages to
be received. The error still occurred again. My question is what is the proper
proceedure in correcting this error?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Al Smith posted Message 4803 in Message Board
Dated : April 18, 2001 at 19:54:24 EST
Subject: Replenish foreign warehouses-Tax issues-Invoices on Replenish Orders?
Has anyone had to deal with this?
We are bringing our Canadian operation into our organization. The intent is for
them to be a part of our logistic company. A tax issue has arisen regarding repl
enishment orders to the Canadian service parts warehouses.
Ontario collects a GST on goods at the time of import. When the parts are sold,
a credit is issued to our company for the tax collected. The consolidation team
is at a loss on how to handle this since no invoice is generated for replenishme
nt orders.
Finally, a question.
Is there a way to create an invoice for replenishment orders?
Could the GEO code in the warehouse master be used for this purpose?
Any suggestions or ideas will be greatly appreciated.
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CS posted Message 4804 in Message Board
Dated : April 18, 2001 at 23:41:27 EST
Subject: Set Mandatory Step
Can we set some field to the mandatory step? My point is to control user to inpu
t field "B" if he input field "A". Can I do like this? Please help and thank you
in advance for your help.
Thanks & Regards,
***************** End Of Article ******************
prashant Singh posted Message 4805 in Message Board

Dated : April 19, 2001 at 10:58:38 EST

Subject: Re: Set Mandatory Step
One way to set this is by field level authorization control for

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prashant posted Message 4806 in Message Board
Dated : April 19, 2001 at 11:02:44 EST
Subject: Re: Inventory Unit
The inventory unit can be changed by not only making the on hand on order quanti
ty to zero,but you'll also have to get all the field of inventory form(display f
ield) to zero i.e. qumulative qty. etc.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Steve posted Message 4807 in Message Board
Dated : April 19, 2001 at 13:43:03 EST
Subject: Co-products
Is anybody using co-products in a processing environement. We are currently havi
ng much trouble reconciling yield and costing reports for anything that has a co
-product. Example: No current reports show any costs being associated with co-pr
oducts. Any information about co-products is helpful.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Gunnar posted Message 4808 in Message Board
Dated : April 20, 2001 at 04:19:49 EST
Subject: Customer address with different invoice address
We have multiple site customers. These customers order from different sites. Ord
er acknowledgement should be sent to site A but invoice should be sent to headqu
arter. We would like to enter site A address, headquarter address and delivery a
ddress at order entry time. Baan only uses two addresses customer address and de
livery address. Customer address can be changed at some stages in the order proc
ess but not at all times. It is also time consuming and risky to maintain/change
addresses as part of the every day process. Does anyone have a good solution?
Gunnar Bengtsson
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dgodin posted Message 4809 in Message Board
Dated : April 20, 2001 at 09:19:32 EST
Subject: Re: Inventory Unit
We also found that we could not change the inventory unit after baan had recorde
d transaction history..THen, quite by accident, we discovered that we could make

the change in Engineering Data Management and then copy this over to the produc
tion item data (tiitm001). But this turned out to be a nightmare on elm street.
as you can see below.
so here are the lessons we learned the hard way..
1. Do not make any changes to a custom part with an actual cost price. - I did t
his and found that the actual cost price was not updated with the change in unit
of measure (and there is no session to do this)..the inventory in po
unds was changed to inches..the actual cost price stayed the same and inventory
went up $1.2 Mil (3 part numbers changed)..But on the bright side, I did get to
demonstrate my tap dancing skills to the plant manager. In the end I transferred
the inventory back to standard and now will do PRP whse orders on the three par
ts the rest of my natural life.
2. Remove all inventory before the change is made..I had a qty of 58 ea and chan
ged to 58 inches..the inventory "disappeared" but was still there..I found the i
nventory in tdilc1514 (inv by item/lot) It seems that baan registers inventory b
y unit of measure as well as location. I was able to "transfer" the inventory fr
om ea to in in the enter inventory transactions session and the (un)block invent
ory by transaction but it wasn't any fun.
3. Update the standard cost price after the change and make sure the new cost pr
ice is accurate.

: Hai
For some reason we entered wrong Inventory unit. Those items have some tra
nsactions in History Table. We want to change Inventory Unit. Can anybody tell m
e the best possible way , how this can be done.
: Regards
: Jagjit

***************** End Of Article ******************

Dave Godin posted Message 4810 in Message Board
Dated : April 20, 2001 at 09:57:20 EST
I just went through this problem.. I had a worker set up a number of new warehou
se locations. she accidently set some up as an inspection location which resulte
d in blocked inventory in the storage location. the first step is to maintain t
he location as inspection=no..from there you have 2 choices.. you may adjust the
inventory out and then back in again. may use the (un)block location by
transaction session. I "fooled" baan by first blocking the location using a rea
son code (even though the location was already blocked), then unblocking the loc
ation..this removed the blocked flag from the location.

: Are you sure this storage location is not set up as an inspection location?
: Check in session tdilc0110m000 Maintain Locations. If the "Inspection Location
?" field is set to "yes" then that's your problem.
: If it is already set to "no" then I'm sorry, I have no answer.
: -Chris:
: : Hi friends,
: :
In BaaN IV c4 , Items (to be inspected )are getting blocked in strorage
location (Normal).
: :
This is happining while receiving the purchase receipts,here the it
ems to be inspected are being received by storage location (this location is def
ined in the session " Maintain locations by item) instead of the inspection loca
tion there by getting blocked.
: :
Is it possible to receive the items (to be ispected) in to the stor
age location directly without getting approvals?
: :
: :
The storage locations are absolutely free for all transactions.
: :
: :
: :

And how to release these blocked inventory other than GTM.

Any suggestion is highly appriciated.

: : thank you,
: : MAK.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Gunnar posted Message 4811 in Message Board
Dated : April 20, 2001 at 10:28:49 EST
Subject: Re: Sales Price/Unit in Item Data
I tried to do the same in our system for an item and it worked even with custome
r order backlog for old sales unit. What kind of error message do you get?
: I input wrong item default data. The Purchase and Sales Unit/Price in item def
ault data that I input at the first time is EA but I want KGS. I clear all inven
tory and I can change purchase unit/price by using conversion factor, but I cann
ot change sales unit/price. What shold I do?

: Thanks in advance,
: CS

***************** End Of Article ******************

DeAnna posted Message 4812 in Message Board
Dated : April 20, 2001 at 11:46:44 EST
Subject: Re: Supply Chain EDI
: In Baan 4C2 with Supply Chain, an error occurred when receiving a release on a
new part. In order to correct the error, I entered the part number in the conve
rsion in and out tables and created a contract. The part had a cum which I enter
ed in the contract. I approved the error in the edi session. Processed messages
to be received. The error still occurred again. My question is what is the prop
er proceedure in correcting this error?
You could try changing the 'bano' number in the ascii flatfiles in your edi dire
ctory and reading it back in that way verses approving/process. Just change ban
o by one digit (i.e. 200104200001 change to 300104200001) for all lines and leve
ls (if using multi-level conversion set-ups). Be sure, of course, to delete out
the records that may have read in correctly if message had multi relations in i
t. Good luck...
***************** End Of Article ******************
Sherley Martin posted Message 4813 in Message Board
Dated : April 20, 2001 at 14:02:28 EST
Subject: Re: Supply Chain EDI
: : In Baan 4C2 with Supply Chain, an error occurred when receiving a release on
a new part. In order to correct the error, I entered the part number in the con
version in and out tables and created a contract. The part had a cum which I ent
ered in the contract. I approved the error in the edi session. Processed message
s to be received. The error still occurred again. My question is what is the pr
oper proceedure in correcting this error?
: You could try changing the 'bano' number in the ascii flatfiles in your edi di
rectory and reading it back in that way verses approving/process. Just change b
ano by one digit (i.e. 200104200001 change to 300104200001) for all lines and le
vels (if using multi-level conversion set-ups). Be sure, of course, to delete o
ut the records that may have read in correctly if message had multi relations in
it. Good luck...
: I guess I didn't explain clear enough. I want to know how to setup an initial
cum for a part when the trading partner is showing a cum. This causes a cum inb
alance even though a cum quantity was entered into the contract.
***************** End Of Article ******************
BMK posted Message 4814 in Message Board
Dated : April 20, 2001 at 16:00:15 EST
Subject: Re: Set Mandatory Step

that depends on whether you have source code or not or is it a custom session. i
f so you can take care of it easily in the program. otherwise you can some how m
ake the user enter field in second field. pleasee reply whether ou have code for
this session or no

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BMK posted Message 4815 in Message Board
Dated : April 20, 2001 at 16:02:58 EST
Subject: Re: Set Mandatory Step
that depends on whetehr you have source code or not. or is it a custom session.
it is easier to control it in the source code.
so please inform if you have code for this session or not
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LSPLANNER posted Message 4816 in Message Board
Dated : April 20, 2001 at 21:51:42 EST
Subject: Re: Inventory Unit
In order to change inventory unit you must create a conversion record under the
specific part number that needs the change. If you are converting from inch to p
ound, tell baan that 1 inch equals 1 pound. You will also have to make temporary
entries in "units by unit set" session. This will allow you to make the invento
ry unit conversion in EDM. Once this is done you can delete the conversion recor
d. You will still have to make all quantity conversions in the BOM structure. Th
e inventory unit is a "word" to baan and will not convert in the BOM using conve
rsion tables.

: Once you have transactions in baan you can't change the Inventory Unit. You s
hould create a new part with the correct Inventory Unit.
: : Hai
: :
For some reason we entered wrong Inventory unit. Those items have some t
ransactions in History Table. We want to change Inventory Unit. Can anybody tell
me the best possible way , how this can be done.
: : Regards
: : Jagjit

***************** End Of Article ******************

Al Smith posted Message 4817 in Message Board
Dated : April 21, 2001 at 09:58:50 EST
Subject: Transportation Module and Warehouse Orders.
If I'm reading this right, the transportation module will let you create repleni
shment orders through DRP for warehouses and generate an invoice for that order.
The invoice includes the tax for the warehouse's tax jurisdiction and hits the
financials as inventory transactions rather then sales.
Can anyone confirm this?
We have the transportation module but it isn't currently used. We are opening up
some international warehouses and need to comply with the tax codes for the war
ehouse's locations. I'm thinking the transportation module will do this.
***************** End Of Article ******************
ralf posted Message 4818 in Message Board
Dated : April 23, 2001 at 05:21:27 EST
Subject: can't print proforma invoice
I am on Baan IVc4.
After starting the session "print proforma invoices" (tdsls4435m000) I always ge
t the message "no data found to print".
I use an order type with the following steps:

Print proforma invoices - tdsls4435m000

Link advance receipts to proforma invoices - tfcmg6200m000
Maintain Deliveries - tdsls4120m000
Print sales invoices - tdsls4404m000
Process delivered sales orders - tdsls4223m000.

What's going wrong ?

Best Regards
ralf wingert
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Karl b. posted Message 4819 in Message Board
Dated : April 23, 2001 at 06:44:19 EST
Subject: Alternatives Items
HI everyone&#8217;s, Our Baan consultant told me that if we allocate an item (li
nked to an alt.) and it&#8217;s in shortage it won&#8217;t switch automatically
to the alt one. He says that it needs to be change manually in estimated materia

l. The only way it could works auto. Is when a customized item is linked to a st
d. is it true? If it is, what's the point of having this session? Maybe there is
a switch turned of somewhere in some parameter? Any help will be appreciated.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Simon Derrick posted Message 4820 in Message Board
Dated : April 23, 2001 at 07:12:33 EST
Subject: User Authorisations for Inv Transactions not Working
Hello Baan Fans
I have one user (out of 64) for whom the session Maintain User Authorisations fo
r Inventory Transactions (tdinv1110m000) doesn't work. I want to allow the user
to change order types only and despite logging out and back in again, rebooting
the PC, and converting to the runtime data dictionary (all of which I know shoul
d not be necessary) the user is still unable to change order types. I have check
ed the simple things such as the company number, username etc. I just wondered i
f anyone has encountered this before and if so, how did you resolve it.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Simon Derrick posted Message 4821 in Message Board
Dated : April 23, 2001 at 07:31:29 EST
Subject: Re: Alternatives Items
I think that the only use the alternative items have is that you can zoom from t
he sales order line and see a list of alternatives for when you have a shortage
of stock. We have been trying to work out how to deal with alternative BOM compo
nents for ages (without use of the configurator, of course). If you have any luc
k let us all know.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Simon Derrick posted Message 4822 in Message Board
Dated : April 23, 2001 at 07:42:21 EST
Subject: Re: can't print proforma invoice
Have you set the flag "Proforma Invoicing" to "Yes" in "Maintain Order Types"?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Keith posted Message 4823 in Message Board
Dated : April 23, 2001 at 11:42:56 EST
Subject: Re: Customer address with different invoice address
Hi Gunnar
We have exactly the same problem today and cannot find a way around it without c

ustomisatio. Would be pleased to hear from anyone who has a solution.

***************** End Of Article ******************
Mike posted Message 4824 in Message Board
Dated : April 23, 2001 at 12:06:23 EST
Subject: Blank Availability Type
We are getting a message stating "Calendar 001, Blank Availability TYpe - Availa
bility Not Defined.
We have a default company calendar and availability types assigned to that calen
We only get this message when we are entering sales order lines directly after w
e enter the item number.
If anyone can help, thanks
***************** End Of Article ******************
John Crystal posted Message 4825 in Message Board
Dated : April 23, 2001 at 20:00:17 EST
Subject: Alternatives Items ... a possibility
You might check with your Baan sales contact and ask if any of the work we did
n this area at one of their larger clients is going to become part of the Baan
ase product or US localization. At the time there was some talk to that effect
ut nothing definite was ever decided, that I know of. It wasn't everything you
re asking for but was a step in that direction.


***************** End Of Article ******************
ralf posted Message 4826 in Message Board
Dated : April 24, 2001 at 02:10:38 EST
Subject: Re: can't print proforma invoice
: Ralf
: Have you set the flag "Proforma Invoicing" to "Yes" in "Maintain Order Types"?
hello Simon,
I set the flag "Proforma Invoicing" to Yes.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Nikolaas posted Message 4827 in Message Board
Dated : April 24, 2001 at 02:49:10 EST
Subject: Printout code 128 barcodes with BWprint
We are trying to printout barcodes with BWprint. We need a user font that gives
us code 128 barcodes. Is there somebody who has experience with it?

***************** End Of Article ******************

Gunnar posted Message 4828 in Message Board
Dated : April 24, 2001 at 07:15:09 EST
Subject: Re: Discount by Order
I think you should go into session tdsls4225m000 Maintain Discounts by Supplier.
Use zoom in this session to go into Maintain Discount Parameters by Supplier td
pur0110s000. First field is Discount by Order/Line/Both. I think you could use t
his functionality. There is a lot of help in the help text.

: Hi,
: I have never use discount before but today I got the quote price from vender a
nd he give me a discount. The problem is it is the discount for total amount, it
is not the discount for item line. How can I input total discount per order in
purchase order.
: Thanks & Regards,
: C.S.

***************** End Of Article ******************

olivia posted Message 4829 in Message Board
Dated : April 24, 2001 at 07:22:22 EST
Subject: Re: can't print proforma invoice
: Hello,
First of all, you have to define invoicing methods in Maintain invoicing methods
2. Link the invoicing method with the customer in Maintain customers tccom1101m0
3. Run "Maintain Advance payment schedulles" from Maintain Sales order\Special
4. Print Proforma Invoice
***************** End Of Article ******************
olivia posted Message 4830 in Message Board
Dated : April 24, 2001 at 08:09:29 EST

Subject: Re: Discount by Order

: Hi,
It's a simple way to do that.
Run session Maintain suppliers tccom2101m000 and in form 4, enter the field Orde
r discount (this is a discount over total amount of an purchase order). Every ti
me when you enter a new purchase order for that supplier, the sistem will retrie
ve this discount percentage which can be modified.
Best regards,
***************** End Of Article ******************
olivia posted Message 4831 in Message Board
Dated : April 24, 2001 at 08:59:40 EST
Subject: Re: Print Sales Invoices sorted by order no.
Yes you can print sales invoices sorted by order number, but I am afraid that I
do not understand the last part. That field is "Invoicing method" and as I am be
ware, you have to link the code of Invoicing method by customer, in order to pri
nt Proforma Invoices to that customer.
***************** End Of Article ******************
John Crystal posted Message 4832 in Message Board
Dated : April 24, 2001 at 08:59:51 EST
Subject: Re: Printout code 128 barcodes with BWprint
If you just plug "barcode fonts" in the Google search engine it displays several
pages of places to obtain 128 and other fonts. There is a Baan whitepaper on ba
r code printing also.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Gunnar posted Message 4833 in Message Board
Dated : April 25, 2001 at 03:27:57 EST
Subject: Re: Report showing dollars spent by suppliers
: Is there a report that exist and will report the dollars spent by supplier for
the whole range of suppliers during a specific period (i.e.: during JAN 01,2000
THROUGH DEC 31, 2000.)
: Thank you in advance.
One way of doing it is to create your own reports using Purchase statistics with
in Distribution. It takes some basic training but you can create a lot of differ
ent reports.

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Chris Kiehl posted Message 4834 in Message Board
Dated : April 26, 2001 at 11:47:21 EST
Subject: &quot;Ship-to&quot; address validation
Does anyone know of any address validation packages out there that could be bolt
ed onto Baan (front end) or onto a UPS-type shipping system (back end)?
I'd like to avoid shipping product using the wrong zipcode or invalid street num
Thanks in advance,
-Chris***************** End Of Article ******************
Charles Gomba posted Message 4835 in Message Board
Dated : April 27, 2001 at 04:38:49 EST
Subject: Re: User Authorisations for Inv Transactions not Working
Just another simple thing to check!!
Is this user a "normal" user ?
Does the user have authorisation for tcmcs0142m000??
***************** End Of Article ******************
Jagjit posted Message 4836 in Message Board
Dated : April 27, 2001 at 09:09:10 EST
Subject: Process Delivered Purchase Order
If we run session "Print Purchase Invoice" only then Accounts people are able t
o "Match & Approve" that Purchase Order. But if we also runs session "Process De
livered Purchase Order" then Accounts people are not able to Match & Approve tha
t Purchase Order. Please help me Immediately.
In one P.O Purchase Deptt has done "Process Delivered Purchase Order" In that P.
O Accounts people are not able to do Match & Approve becuase it does not show Re
ceipt Amount.

***************** End Of Article ******************

ralf posted Message 4837 in Message Board
Dated : April 27, 2001 at 09:36:42 EST
Subject: Re: can't print proforma invoice

: : Hello,
: First of all, you have to define invoicing methods in Maintain invoicing metho
ds -tcmcs0155m000
: 2. Link the invoicing method with the customer in Maintain customers tccom1101
: 3. Run "Maintain Advance payment schedulles" from Maintain Sales order\Special
: 4. Print Proforma Invoice
: Success!
Thanks. That's it.
But it only works if the selected invoice method is set to collect = No (see fie
ld tcmcs055.ccin).
Is it possible to use an invoice method with collect = Yes ? Because I want to c
ollect standard sales orders to one invoice.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Vera posted Message 4838 in Message Board
Dated : April 27, 2001 at 10:40:33 EST
Subject: Global recalculate sales order line discount.
we are using a feature in sales order discount by customer and
price group and set a parameter of search on price and/or
discount based on "order date". When we have a discount adjustment, we want to r
ecalculate discount for all sales order
lines that have not been delivered.
Any idea???
***************** End Of Article ******************
Gustavo posted Message 4839 in Message Board
Dated : April 27, 2001 at 14:11:08 EST
Subject: BaaN and ISO 9000
Does anyone know if BaaN offers any module or software for ISO 9000 (Document Ma
nagement, etc). Any information would be appreciated.

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John Crystal posted Message 4840 in Message Board
Dated : April 27, 2001 at 18:02:30 EST
Subject: Re: BaaN and ISO 9000

I am not aware of any Baan module for ISO 9000 compliance. The thing to remember
about ISO 9000 is "Less is More."
The basis behind ISO 9000 is "Say what you do, and do what you say." The place m
ost companies get tied up in their shorts is that they say too much, go into way
too much detail.
For example say that you do incoming inspection on designated items. Don't get t
ied up in all of the detail of session numbers and field names maintenance proce
dures, etc.
One of my clients using Baan had an ISO 9000 binder that was less than an inch t
hick. More like 1/2" actually. And I've seen other companies of similar size wit
h multiple 3" binders chock full of screen prints, detailed work flows, maintena
nce procedures etc.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Raza Saudagar posted Message 4841 in Message Board
Dated : April 28, 2001 at 05:02:56 EST
Subject: Order of lines while copying.
Do you have any idea that how can we maintain the same order of index while copy
ing SALES ORDERS or PURCHASE ORDER either from the history or current order.
In our case whenever we copy an order the destination order changes its order of
index as compare to the original one.
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Arvind Patil, CPIM posted Message 4842 in Message Board
Dated : April 30, 2001 at 20:31:17 EST
Subject: Re: &quot;Ship-to&quot; address validation
You have followingoptions,
1. You can download the zipcode, city, US state file in a new Baan table and can
do validation against it. This will be bolt on to Baan and the validation can b
e checked during order entry, address maintenance etc..This is not difficult to
2. UPS shipping system itself does the zip code validation.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Trenton Whitney posted Message 4843 in Message Board
Dated : May 01, 2001 at 11:23:32 EST
Subject: Re: FIFO - Across Warehouses

: : Does anyone know a way for Baan to issue raw materials using FIFO over multi
ple warehouses (instead of the default warehouse)?
: : Thank you!

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Trenton Whitney posted Message 4844 in Message Board
Dated : May 01, 2001 at 11:26:38 EST
Subject: Transfer between warehouse effect on Financials
: : Does anyone know a way for Baan to issue raw materials using FIFO over multi
ple warehouses (instead of the default warehouse)?
: : Thank you!
Given the question that you asked I thought you might have a response to the que
stion I am looking for. I am moving inventory from a Customer wareouhouse(not o
wned by us) to our own warehouse(owned by us). There is value to these item bei
ng transfered. How does this effect Financial and where does it effect the Cost
of Sales equasion? I understand from an accounting positon what it should do b
ut I don't see how baan will do this. Any ideas?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Chris Andria posted Message 4845 in Message Board
Dated : May 01, 2001 at 14:06:26 EST
Subject: Purchase Price in tdpur030 and MRP
Is MRP supposed to look at the Prices by supplier and item table when confirmed
orders are transferred to actual Purchase Orders?
Currently all orders that are confirmed and transferred, come accross with a zer
o price. We are trying to incorporate our price book into the MRP logic.
Thank you
Chris Andria
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John Crystal posted Message 4846 in Message Board
Dated : May 01, 2001 at 23:38:39 EST
Subject: Re: Purchase Price in tdpur030 and MRP
The purchase orders should be pulling the price from the supplier and item table
if it can find a price for that item, with that supplier, effective on the PO d
ate (or planned delivery date, depending on how your parameter is set), for the
quantity on order.
The first thing to check is that the supplier on the item master is the one that
you have created the price list by supplier and item for. Then I'd suggest look
ing at the price list by supplier and item and see if there is a problem with th
e effectivity dates or quantities.

***************** End Of Article ******************

M B Senthil Kumar posted Message 4847 in Message Board
Dated : May 02, 2001 at 04:15:54 EST
Subject: Run number - Outbound &amp; Inbound advice
Maintain Run number for outbound & inbound advice(tdilc4010s000), the run number
will get attached to the login user. whereas any user can use the runnumber whi
ch had generated by other login user. Is it possible to restrict the user to us
e the run number which had attached to their login user only.
Please provide me the solution
***************** End Of Article ******************
Linda Holton posted Message 4848 in Message Board
Dated : May 02, 2001 at 12:56:12 EST
Subject: Re: Run number - Outbound &amp; Inbound advice
: Hello,
: Maintain Run number for outbound & inbound advice(tdilc4010s000), the run numb
er will get attached to the login user. whereas any user can use the runnumber w
hich had generated by other login user. Is it possible to restrict the user to
use the run number which had attached to their login user only.
: Please provide me the solution
You could set users run number as a default on those sessions and then pull sess
ion authorization on the zoom. It would be very important for the user to signo
n off license if computers are shared by other employees.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Clark posted Message 4849 in Message Board
Dated : May 02, 2001 at 18:27:15 EST
Subject: Re: BaaNERP Purchase Schedules
: is anyone using Purchase Schedules in BaaNERP?
I set them up in Baan 5b a little over a year ago.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Chris Andria posted Message 4850 in Message Board
Dated : May 02, 2001 at 19:32:54 EST
Subject: Re: Purchase Price in tdpur030 and MRP

Thanks for the info, I have done all that, this business object has never been u
pdated, so I am guessing its a bug.
: The purchase orders should be pulling the price from the supplier and item tab
le if it can find a price for that item, with that supplier, effective on the PO
date (or planned delivery date, depending on how your parameter is set), for th
e quantity on order.
: The first thing to check is that the supplier on the item master is the one th
at you have created the price list by supplier and item for. Then I'd suggest lo
oking at the price list by supplier and item and see if there is a problem with
the effectivity dates or quantities.
: John

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Wolfgang Grzywa posted Message 4851 in Message Board
Dated : May 03, 2001 at 02:51:09 EST
Subject: Calendar
we have a problem with the calendars. We are using al lot of calendars in a com
pany. For example:
normal office hours
Working hours morning
Working hours afternoon
Now the company will administrate statutory holidays. But we don't like to admin
istrate these days in every calendar.
Has anybody an idea how to manage this.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Marcel posted Message 4852 in Message Board
Dated : May 03, 2001 at 08:22:30 EST
Subject: Re: Global recalculate sales order line discount.
It's a parameter in "Maintain Sales order parameters" tdsls4100m000: <Recalculat
ion of Prices&Discounts> which must be set on Interactive or Automatic (I sugges
t to set Interactive)and which indicates whether session "Recalculate Prices&Dis
counts" tdsls4810s000 is activated after the session "Maintain sales order lines
". That session it's used if prices and/or discounts are recorded with the param
eter <Price/Disc. by order/line/both> on Order or Both.
: we are using a feature in sales order discount by customer and
: price group and set a parameter of search on price and/or
: discount based on "order date". When we have a discount adjustment, we want to
recalculate discount for all sales order
: lines that have not been delivered.

: Any idea???

***************** End Of Article ******************

Marcel posted Message 4853 in Message Board
Dated : May 03, 2001 at 08:52:58 EST
Subject: Re: Process Delivered Purchase Order
Your accounts people are able to "Match&Approve" a Purchase Order after running
session "Print Purchase Invoice" or session "Process Delivered Purchase Order" (
but not both). If you run the first one, and then "Match&Approve" ,after you run
the last one you will not be able to to run "Match&Approve" again for the same
purchase order.
Anyway with session "Process Delivered Purchase Order" among the other things yo
u update the average purchase price and latest purchase price in case that the p
ackage BAAN Finance it's not implemented otherwise this is done by running "Matc
: hai
: If we run session "Print Purchase Invoice" only then Accounts people are able
to "Match & Approve" that Purchase Order. But if we also runs session "Process
Delivered Purchase Order" then Accounts people are not able to Match & Approve t
hat Purchase Order. Please help me Immediately.
: In one P.O Purchase Deptt has done "Process Delivered Purchase Order" In that
P.O Accounts people are not able to do Match & Approve becuase it does not show
Receipt Amount.

***************** End Of Article ******************

olivia posted Message 4854 in Message Board
Dated : May 03, 2001 at 09:18:26 EST
Subject: Re: can't print proforma invoice
Indeed, it works, if the invoicing method it's not a collect one.
Proforma invoice is not allowed for collective invoices.

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K.Derrick posted Message 4855 in Message Board
Dated : May 03, 2001 at 11:54:13 EST
Subject: Warehouse order B.O.s BaaN erp

When my branch warehouse enter manual transfers and there is a partial shortage,
the order will advise the quantity availabe but the shortage quantity never get
s filled . No back order procedure. The order can go to history and the branch w
arehouse will never get the reminder. Has anyone done any work on getting B.O.s
on transfers?
***************** End Of Article ******************
S.Derrick posted Message 4856 in Message Board
Dated : May 04, 2001 at 07:37:40 EST
Subject: Inventory Transactions Authorisations not Working
Hello Baaners
I have a strange problem where I have set up one of our users to change order ty
pes in the session "Maintain User Authorisations for Inventory Transactions". De
spite this, the user still cannot change order types. Has anyone encountered thi
s before? and, if so, how did you resolve this.
The user has logged out and re-logged in and, as a last hope, I even did a "conv
ert to runtime" on General User Data. Neither worked.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Marcel posted Message 4857 in Message Board
Dated : May 04, 2001 at 08:48:48 EST
Subject: Re: Warehouse order B.O.s BaaN erp
As far as I understood, you want Baan to provide you a report with all BO's on t
ransfers. The system keeps all these informations in table tdinv100 - <Maintain
Warehouse orders by item>:
-kowt - transaction type (in our case wh. transfer )
-pqan - planned qty.
-dqan - delivered qty. dqan<pqan
-wrho - warehouse order
-wtst - transaction status (in our case for incompleted transfers, transaction h
as <Active> status, otherwise <Closed>.
So, I think it's no problem for your developer to provide you such a report.
: When my branch warehouse enter manual transfers and there is a partial shortag
e, the order will advise the quantity availabe but the shortage quantity never g
ets filled . No back order procedure. The order can go to history and the branch
warehouse will never get the reminder. Has anyone done any work on getting B.O.
s on transfers?

***************** End Of Article ******************

Marcel posted Message 4858 in Message Board
Dated : May 04, 2001 at 08:52:51 EST

Subject: Re: Warehouse order B.O.s BaaN erp

: As far as I understood, you want Baan to provide you a report with all BO's on
transfers. The system keeps all these informations in table tdinv100 - Maintain
Warehouse orders by item:
: -kowt - transaction type (in our case wh. transfer )
: -pqan - planned qty.
: -dqan - delivered qty. (dqan less than pqan)
: -wrho - warehouse order
: -wtst - transaction status (in our case for incompleted transfers, transaction
has "Active" status, otherwise "Closed".
: So, I think it's no problem for your developer to provide you such a report.
: Marcel
: : When my branch warehouse enter manual transfers and there is a partial short
age, the order will advise the quantity availabe but the shortage quantity never
gets filled . No back order procedure. The order can go to history and the bran
ch warehouse will never get the reminder. Has anyone done any work on getting B.
O.s on transfers?

***************** End Of Article ******************

Chris Kiehl posted Message 4859 in Message Board
Dated : May 04, 2001 at 09:46:29 EST
Subject: Re: &quot;Ship-to&quot; address validation
Yes, your solutions work well for zip code validation, but I'm looking for much
more detailed info.
For instance: We might use address "123 Main Street" as the delivery address in
our sales order, but the actual address might turn out to be "123 W. Main St".
Rather than return the package to us as undeliverable, UPS will make the correct
ion on their end. The problem is that they charge a small fee for this service.
I'm looking for a package that compares against the same database of addresses t
hat they use.

: Hi,
: You have followingoptions,
: 1. You can download the zipcode, city, US state file in a new Baan table and c
an do validation against it. This will be bolt on to Baan and the validation can
be checked during order entry, address maintenance etc..This is not difficult t
o built.
: 2. UPS shipping system itself does the zip code validation.
: Arvind

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M B Senthil Kumar posted Message 4860 in Message Board
Dated : May 07, 2001 at 09:17:50 EST
Subject: despatched qty should not be greater than ordered qty in sales order
In sales order , possible to despatch more quantity than ordered quantity. We w
ould like to restrict the user not to despatched more than sales order quantity,
Is it possible to have validation at Maintain outbound issue in order to restri
ct user not to despatch more than ordered qty.
Please provide solution for the above issue.
Thanks in advance
M B Senthil Kumar
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John Crystal posted Message 4861 in Message Board
Dated : May 08, 2001 at 22:21:50 EST
Subject: Re: despatched qty should not be greater than ordered qty in sales orde
To get what you want would require a mod to the software.
If you gererate the outbound instead of maintaining it the system will not recom
mend a quantity greater than the order quantity. But the maintain session allows
any quantity to be entered.
The same is true with sales order deliveries and purchase receipts, any quantity
can be entered. In the past we've designed mods to pop up a warning message tha
t the user was about to ship/receive a quantity greater than the order quantity.
We've done that rather than a hard block because there are cases where you may
want to ship even case quantities or receive a few extra pieces on a purchase or
der. Neither is a big mod but it does mean you now have custom code that you hav
e to address any time you upgrade versions.
***************** End Of Article ******************
John Crystal posted Message 4862 in Message Board
Dated : May 08, 2001 at 22:26:30 EST
Subject: Re: Inventory Transactions Authorisations not Working
Your user now has the "authorization" to do a the change via the session "Mainta
in User Authorisations for Inventory Transactions", but do they have session acc
ess? or could it be blocked?
***************** End Of Article ******************

Ron Terry posted Message 4863 in Message Board

Dated : May 09, 2001 at 14:45:12 EST
Subject: Past due purchase orders
Does BaaN have a way to find past due purchase orders from all vendors?
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Dave Godin posted Message 4864 in Message Board
Dated : May 10, 2001 at 08:39:21 EST
Subject: Re: Past due purchase orders
: Does BaaN have a way to find past due purchase orders from all vendors?
Baan must have missed the past due report. We created custom reports in baan to
show past due for selected or all vendors. We also created a report in ACCESS,
linked to baan via ODBC, that is an expediting report for all parts owed by a ve
ndor. This report is in a format suitable to fax to vendors, and is sent out wee

***************** End Of Article ******************

bill posted Message 4865 in Message Board
Dated : May 10, 2001 at 11:25:15 EST
Subject: Re: Past due purchase orders
: Does BaaN have a way to find past due purchase orders from all vendors?
Go to session tdinv1451m000 (Print Planned Inventory Transactions by Order) and
make a copy of the report
tdinv145101000. Using the copy, modify the output expression in the layout. Chan
ge the detail from 1 to < date.num() and change the to
not lattr.enddata and < date.num().
Compile and add to the session and run the session just for
Order Type = Purchase Order.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Boris Arce posted Message 4866 in Message Board
Dated : May 10, 2001 at 13:42:42 EST
Subject: List of Companies Using Baan
List of Companies Using Baan
I am going to develop a marketing list of all companies using Baan. The purpose
is to allow Baan Consultants to deal directly with companies as opposed to agenc
ies/recruiters. Please email me names of companies that use Baan along with any
other details you know like:

Industry, sales size, location, contact details, etc.

Try to submit complete details on company. Anyone that submits at least 1 comple
te company details can have access to the info I gather.
All I want to do is collect and share the data. I will do all the work and as th
e database grows and I collect more details, contact me and I will run free quer
ies for you (i.e. if you ask me what companies in California or Ireland use Baan
I will email you a list).
Please contribute.
Boris Arce
Baan Consultant
La Paz, Bolivia
***************** End Of Article ******************
Leslie posted Message 4867 in Message Board
Dated : May 13, 2001 at 10:01:03 EST
Subject: Re: Performance Measurement ----The key to improvement
: Performance Measurement ----The key to improvement
: by Ronnie Bishop, CPIM, CPM, CIERP
: Performance Measurements is the featured article for April at the CIBRES websi
te. The article can be can now be viewed online at
Information is there, but site is too noisy. (I.E, too much time on decoration a
nd useless information)
***************** End Of Article ******************
Les Satenstein posted Message 4868 in Message Board
Dated : May 13, 2001 at 10:05:53 EST
Subject: Freight Cost Recovery Bolt-on/subsystem
Have a requirement to match freight invoices to Sales Orders in an automated man
ner. Currently we have references in the shipping documents which do not appear
in the freight invoice. We backtrack to determine the SO, and the client. Since
the SO invoices are for large $ amounts, we want to invoice within a day of bein
g shipped, and then follow up later with shipping costs.
Oh yes, we do multiple deliveries against a sales order line. Ergo, reserving a
SO line for shipping costs only works partially.
We can build our own sub-application, but is there one that we can evaluate? We
are Baan 4C4 site.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Boris Arce posted Message 4869 in Message Board
Dated : May 14, 2001 at 09:56:31 EST
Subject: List of companies using BAAN?!
List of companies using BAAN?!
I am going to develop a marketing list of all companies using Baan. The purpose
is to allow Baan Consultants to deal directly with companies as opposed to agenc
ies/recruiters. Please email me names of companies that use Baan along with any
other details you know like:
Industry, sales size, location, contact details, etc.
Try to submit complete details on company. Anyone that submits at least 1 comple
te company details can have access to the info I gather.
All I want to do is collect and share the data. I will do all the work and as th
e database grows and I collect more details, contact me and I will run free quer
ies for you (i.e. if you ask me what companies in California or Ireland use Baan
I will email you a list).
Please contribute. I expect to have initial listing in a month as I am right now
receiving about 10-20 names per week. Thank you to those that contributed last w
Boris Arce
Baan Consultant
La Paz, Bolivia

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Jatinder posted Message 4870 in Message Board
Dated : May 14, 2001 at 12:02:08 EST
Subject: Maintain receipts
In session Maintain receipts user has entered wrong Item for a particular qua
ntity. For ex Suppose the item was 1235 for which the quantity was ordered but i
t was wrongly selected item no 1345. Can this thing can be corrected.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Jeanne Ploshay posted Message 4871 in Message Board
Dated : May 14, 2001 at 14:31:36 EST
Subject: Re: Order of lines while copying.
We had the same problem - it was very frustrating. It was several years ago but
I think I submitted it as a case to Baan and I'm pretty sure there was a patch

available that fixed it.

: Do you have any idea that how can we maintain the same order of index while co
pying SALES ORDERS or PURCHASE ORDER either from the history or current order.
: In our case whenever we copy an order the destination order changes its order
of index as compare to the original one.

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Jeanne Ploshay posted Message 4872 in Message Board
Dated : May 14, 2001 at 14:39:44 EST
Subject: Not able to determine Invoice Number
We have been running IVc2 for the past 2 1/2 years. We are now starting to use
Projects (little) and all of a sudden we are geting the above message when I try
to "Print Sales Invoices" (say "yes" to final)for some customized items that ha
ve shipped.
Has anyone else had this problem? I can't be certain that it specifically is li
nked to the use of customized items or not, but we are not having any invoicing
problems in the live company - only our test environment. (No customized items
have shipped yet in the live company although there are some being manufactured
even as I type this email!)
Thanks in advance for any help.
Jeanne Ploshay
Micro-Coax, Inc.
***************** End Of Article ******************
bill posted Message 4873 in Message Board
Dated : May 14, 2001 at 14:52:50 EST
Subject: Re: Maintain receipts
: Hai
In session Maintain receipts user has entered wrong Item for a particular q
uantity. For ex Suppose the item was 1235 for which the quantity was ordered but
it was wrongly selected item no 1345. Can this thing can be corrected.
: Regards
: Jatinder
Enter a negative line for the same item and qty and receive the negative line.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Sreenivas posted Message 4874 in Message Board
Dated : May 14, 2001 at 15:54:11 EST
Subject: Remove the Application Lock

Hi Jeanne:
We encountered this problem before, and it happens, when multiple users print sa
les invoices for the same range of orders, the application locks remain until th
e sessions are closed. Please obtain Baan Solution 154015 to have this problem r
For now, when you encounter this problem, please run the session
ttstpdellocks, using query search for the session tdsls4404m000
and when you find the record(s), delete the record that has the
"Keyname" (last 6 characters) same as that of that of the Customer of your Sales
Order and then you shouldn't have any problem in printing a definitive invoice.
I hope it helps.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Jeff Moon posted Message 4875 in Message Board
Dated : May 14, 2001 at 22:43:19 EST
Subject: Credit Card Purchases for Inventory Items
We'd like to persue the possibility of buying low-cost items (i.e. hardware, etc
.) not using a purchase order, but instead using a credit card. But we can't fi
gure out a way to put these parts into inventory to issue against production and
/or sales orders... Can anyone help?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Jeff Moon posted Message 4876 in Message Board
Dated : May 14, 2001 at 22:50:34 EST
Subject: Re: Maintain receipts
If you are lucky enough, you can catch the problem before it goes on to the next
step and go into "Maintain Receipts" and delete the transaction. Unfortunately
, if you have no further steps, you're stuck doing what Bill suggested.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Sergio posted Message 4877 in Message Board
Dated : May 15, 2001 at 05:57:16 EST
Subject: D96A EDI Setup
I'm in trouble setting up EDI using D96A standard.
How can I configure EDI to generate D96A frames?
How can I link EDI interchanges to Baan objects (f.e. DELFOR interchange has to
work with MPS)?
How should be parametrized a sales order type to work with EDI?
I'm using BaanIVc4.
I'll appreciate any help.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Ather Mian posted Message 4878 in Message Board
Dated : May 15, 2001 at 17:10:14 EST
Subject: Backlog Report
We are using Baan IVC3. Has any one written an backlog report in Baan. I am hav
ing a tough time trying to do that. Backlog fora given day can be expressed in t
he follwoing equation.
Backlog=Open orders + New Orders -Invoiced orders-Deleted orders
We have written a report that is based on the above equation but we can't seen t
o reconcile it with the acitvity.
If any one of you have something like that can you please share yoyour thoughts
with me.
All I am trying to do is get a backlog for a given day.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Scott Moorman posted Message 4879 in Message Board
Dated : May 15, 2001 at 17:42:22 EST
Subject: Re: Past due purchase orders
Print Reminders (tdpur4403m000).

***************** End Of Article ******************

John Crystal posted Message 4880 in Message Board
Dated : May 16, 2001 at 01:09:13 EST
Subject: Re: Credit Card Purchases for Inventory Items
Hi Jeff,
One question first then we can give you some ideas....what do you want to do wit
h the cost of the items? expense them at time of purchase? or put them in imvent
ory at a standard cost?
John Crystal
Crystal Consulting
***************** End Of Article ******************
Gunnar posted Message 4881 in Message Board

Dated : May 16, 2001 at 09:47:37 EST

Subject: Re: Backlog Report
We have the same problem both in purchase and sales. There are a lot of reports
available but they include open lines as well as finished. I think there should
be some pressure on Baan to include these basic reports in Baan standard package
. I guess your main problem is sales order backlog. We have created sales order
line reports for open quantities. I could fax you an example of the print out if
you are interested.
: We are using Baan IVC3. Has any one written an backlog report in Baan. I am h
aving a tough time trying to do that. Backlog fora given day can be expressed in
the follwoing equation.
: Backlog=Open orders + New Orders -Invoiced orders-Deleted orders
: We have written a report that is based on the above equation but we can't seen
to reconcile it with the acitvity.
: If any one of you have something like that can you please share yoyour thought
s with me.
: All I am trying to do is get a backlog for a given day.
: Thanks
: Ather

***************** End Of Article ******************

Jeff Moon posted Message 4882 in Message Board
Dated : May 16, 2001 at 11:28:11 EST
Subject: Re: Credit Card Purchases for Inventory Items
Thanks for the quick response.
Despite the fact that these items are not very expensive, our costing and financ
e people still want to see the cost of the items in the rollups. We have to put
them into inventory at standard cost.
Is there a simple way to do this?
Jeff Moon
Manufacturing Systems Analyst
135 Mt. Read Blvd.
Rochester, NY 14611
***************** End Of Article ******************

Bill posted Message 4883 in Message Board

Dated : May 16, 2001 at 11:59:37 EST
Subject: Re: Backlog Report
: Hi,
: We are using Baan IVC3. Has any one written an backlog report in Baan. I am h
aving a tough time trying to do that. Backlog fora given day can be expressed in
the follwoing equation.
: Backlog=Open orders + New Orders -Invoiced orders-Deleted orders
: We have written a report that is based on the above equation but we can't seen
to reconcile it with the acitvity.
: If any one of you have something like that can you please share yoyour thought
s with me.
: All I am trying to do is get a backlog for a given day.
: Thanks
: Ather
tdinv1451m000 - Print Planned Inventory Transactions by Order (Order Type - Sale
s Order)can be modified.

***************** End Of Article ******************

John Crystal posted Message 4884 in Message Board
Dated : May 17, 2001 at 18:17:50 EST
Subject: Re: Credit Card Purchases for Inventory Items
Hi Jeff,
I purchased a pair of your mixers years ago for a plant I was working for in Ill
inois. You make a good product.
You can always adjust them into inventory and use the reason code to direct the
financial transactions. Doing the adjustments defeats the purpose of using the c
redit card to avoid the P.O. transactions though.
What about setting up a collect purchase order type with the cost of zero for th
e items. The items would be received when the order was cut. Cost would be zero
so you could map the purchase result to be offset by the credit card expense. Yo
u'd have to play with that mapping a bit.
Another thought, you mat have already looked at, is to set them up as cost items
and get the cost into the production orders by using surcharges?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Boris Arce posted Message 4885 in Message Board
Dated : May 19, 2001 at 18:20:00 EST

Subject: List of companies using Baan

List of companies using Baan
I am going to develop a marketing list of all companies using Baan. The purpose
is to allow Baan Consultants to deal directly with companies as opposed to agenc
ies/recruiters. Please email me names of companies that use Baan along with any
other details you know like:
Industry, sales size, location, contact details, etc.
Try to submit complete details on company. Anyone that submits at least 1 comple
te company details can have access to the info I gather.
All I want to do is collect and share the data. I will do all the work and as th
e database grows and I collect more details, contact me and I will run free quer
ies for you (i.e. if you ask me what companies in California or Ireland use Baan
I will email you a list).
Please contribute. I expect to have initial listing in a month as I am right now
receiving about 10-20 names per week. Thank you to those that contributed last w
Boris Arce
Baan Consultant
La Paz, Bolivia

***************** End Of Article ******************

Max posted Message 4886 in Message Board
Dated : May 21, 2001 at 03:25:59 EST
Subject: Re: Blank Availability Type message when entering sales order lines
Add a calendar without specifiying the availability type. Blank availability ty
pe means without select anything for the field "availability type". This will s
olve the problem.
Rgds, Max
: Baan ERP
: When we enter a sales order line we get the message: Calendar 001, 'blank' Ava
ilability Type - Availability not defined
: We have tried everything that we know with the company calendars. Does anyone
have any advice.
: Thanks

***************** End Of Article ******************

Max posted Message 4887 in Message Board

Dated : May 21, 2001 at 03:29:02 EST

Subject: Re: Blank Availability Type
For the calendar settings, add a record with field "Availability Type" is blank
(don't select anything). This solve the problem.
: We are getting a message stating "Calendar 001, Blank Availability TYpe - Avai
lability Not Defined.
: We have a default company calendar and availability types assigned to that cal
: We only get this message when we are entering sales order lines directly after
we enter the item number.
: If anyone can help, thanks

***************** End Of Article ******************

Max posted Message 4888 in Message Board
Dated : May 21, 2001 at 03:34:56 EST
Subject: Re: Do we have Excess Material Report?
Create 2 customised reports:
- excess demand inventory report
- zero demand inventory report
The 1st report shows item with demand from table timrp021, it selects data from
table timrp021 and calculate qty by formula like:
Excess demand = demand - open PO - inventory on hand
The 2nd report list items qty with zero demand form mrp.
And the logic is not very complicated, an baan programmer can do.
: Hi all,
: I need the report show me how many item in warehouse that I do not need them a
nymore. I generate MRP and I know how many item MRP require, but I need the repo
rt to show me how many and which item that excess in warehouse and MRP does not
: Thanks & Regards,

***************** End Of Article ******************

Dave posted Message 4889 in Message Board

Dated : May 21, 2001 at 15:11:57 EST

Subject: Deleting a Zero Qty Receipt
I have a PO line that has been completely processed (aka at step "deleting line"
). This line has a receipt of 0, and I want to delete this receipt and the PO l
How do I do this in Triton 3c?
Thanks in advance!
***************** End Of Article ******************
Gunnar posted Message 4890 in Message Board
Dated : May 23, 2001 at 04:38:48 EST
Subject: Re: Deleting a Zero Qty Receipt
: I have a PO line that has been completely processed (aka at step "deleting lin
e"). This line has a receipt of 0, and I want to delete this receipt and the PO
: How do I do this in Triton 3c?
: Thanks in advance!
----------------------------------------------------------------Find receipt no in session tdpur4531m000 Display Receipts. You can go to session
tdpur4120m000 Maintain Receipts, call up receipt no and delete line with quanti
ty 0 for a non processed line.
Only solution I know for a processed line is to go to General Table Maintenance
in Tools. Call up receipt no in table tdpur045 Receipts and delete receipt. This
is not a good solution. You really have to be careful. Maintain receipt session
should not allow receipts of zero.
***************** End Of Article ******************
John Crystal posted Message 4891 in Message Board
Dated : May 23, 2001 at 18:37:28 EST
Subject: Re: Deleting a Zero Qty Receipt
If bringing up the receipt line in the receipt session and just deleting it won'
t work, which I am assuming is your case from your status flag, I would not reco
mmend deleting it in table maintenance. There are too many other tables/referenc
es that are involved, it's not just the tdpur045 and the tdpur041.
***************** End Of Article ******************
BaanFan posted Message 4892 in Message Board
Dated : May 24, 2001 at 11:47:25 EST
Subject: tdpur4404m000 Print Purchase Invoice
I have a type of purchase order, in its steps i have the sesion in reference (Pr
int Purchase Invoice)

Actually the purchase order is deleting line, when i try to reprint the purchase
invoice the messagge is: "No data within selection", I reviewed the subsesion t
dpur4531s000 in form 2, the field number invoice is "0" zero.
How can pass this? What was the mistake?
The procedure jump this step?
Thanks for your time.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Jo-Anne posted Message 4893 in Message Board
Dated : May 25, 2001 at 11:11:32 EST
Subject: Slow-Moving Analysis
The Perform Slow-Moving Analysis report shows annual usage. How is this number
***************** End Of Article ******************
Naveed I. Khan posted Message 4894 in Message Board
Dated : May 28, 2001 at 15:44:42 EST
Subject: Re: Slow-Moving Analysis
Dear Jo,
The slow moving analyis is based on ABC set up. Depending how you set up (Selli
ng price or Cost price). The inventory turnover is calculated by the system and
in item master items are marked as A, B or C item.
: The Perform Slow-Moving Analysis report shows annual usage. How is this numbe
r calculated??

***************** End Of Article ******************

Merv Carr posted Message 4895 in Message Board
Dated : May 28, 2001 at 17:49:50 EST
Subject: Re: Slow-Moving Analysis
: Dear Jo,
: The slow moving analyis is based on ABC set up. Depending how you set up (Sel
ling price or Cost price). The inventory turnover is calculated by the system an
d in item master items are marked as A, B or C item.
: : The Perform Slow-Moving Analysis report shows annual usage. How is this num
ber calculated??
I think you missed the point of the question fella, the annual useage (in the ab
sence of 3 months useage history for the item) is taken first of all from the "e
xpected annual useage" filed in the item, and after 3 months usage histroy is co
llected, is then sourced from the inv tables (tdinv???) forget which table exac
tly, I haven't got access to a system right now, but it is one of the inv histor

y tables.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Jose Luis posted Message 4896 in Message Board
Dated : May 29, 2001 at 08:37:18 EST
Subject: Re: Slow-Moving Analysis
: : Dear Jo,
: : The slow moving analyis is based on ABC set up. Depending how you set up (S
elling price or Cost price). The inventory turnover is calculated by the system
and in item master items are marked as A, B or C item.
: :
: : : The Perform Slow-Moving Analysis report shows annual usage. How is this n
umber calculated??
: I think you missed the point of the question fella, the annual useage (in the
absence of 3 months useage history for the item) is taken first of all from the
"expected annual useage" filed in the item, and after 3 months usage histroy is
collected, is then sourced from the inv tables (tdinv???) forget which table ex
actly, I haven't got access to a system right now, but it is one of the inv hist
ory tables.
The report of Slow-Moving Analysis takes annual useage from tiitm001.usab.
This field is updated with sesion tdinv4230m000 (calculate demand forecast by it
em).This sesion calculates it using the tables tdinv750 (by period) and tdinv760
(by warehouse) and depending on the forecast method of each item (tdinv4101m000
Moreover sesion tdinv4230m000 calculates and updates tiitm001.sfst and tiitm001.
reop if you select Modify planification parameters Yes.

***************** End Of Article ******************

bill posted Message 4897 in Message Board
Dated : May 29, 2001 at 09:19:23 EST
Subject: Re: Deleting a Zero Qty Receipt
: : I have a PO line that has been completely processed (aka at step "deleting l
ine"). This line has a receipt of 0, and I want to delete this receipt and the
PO line.
: : How do I do this in Triton 3c?
: : Thanks in advance!
: ----------------------------------------------------------------: Find receipt no in session tdpur4531m000 Display Receipts. You can go to sessi
on tdpur4120m000 Maintain Receipts, call up receipt no and delete line with quan
tity 0 for a non processed line.
: Only solution I know for a processed line is to go to General Table Maintenanc
e in Tools. Call up receipt no in table tdpur045 Receipts and delete receipt. Th
is is not a good solution. You really have to be careful. Maintain receipt sessi
on should not allow receipts of zero.

I thought receiving zero and backordering zero was the proper way to close a P.O
. line.
***************** End Of Article ******************
stefi posted Message 4898 in Message Board
Dated : May 29, 2001 at 09:55:12 EST
Subject: Replenishment Order Picking List
I have a problem and I thought one of you might help me. I defined a Repl
enishment Order with the following steps:Maintain Replenishment Orders Deliverie
s, Print Repl Order Picking List,.... So, I make a replenishment order, then I m
ake Maintain Deliveries and everything goes fain, but then, when I try to print
the picking list I receive the message "No data within selection". I tried many
times, but I can go further. This does not happen all times. Sometimes some line
s are printed and others stay in "Print Picking List" step. I think there is som
ething I forget to take into account, but I don't know what it is. If any of you
experienced this (or have any idea) maybe can give me some advice.
***************** End Of Article ******************
bill posted Message 4899 in Message Board
Dated : May 29, 2001 at 11:32:46 EST
Subject: Re: Replenishment Order Picking List
I have a problem and I thought one of you might help me. I defined a Re
plenishment Order with the following steps:Maintain Replenishment Orders Deliver
ies, Print Repl Order Picking List,.... So, I make a replenishment order, then I
make Maintain Deliveries and everything goes fain, but then, when I try to prin
t the picking list I receive the message "No data within selection". I tried man
y times, but I can go further. This does not happen all times. Sometimes some li
nes are printed and others stay in "Print Picking List" step. I think there is s
omething I forget to take into account, but I don't know what it is. If any of y
ou experienced this (or have any idea) maybe can give me some advice.
Do you use Location Control? If so, did you generate outbound?
***************** End Of Article ******************
AnilN posted Message 4900 in Message Board
Dated : May 29, 2001 at 15:49:50 EST
Subject: Re: Replenishment Order Picking List
Please verify to see whether the "Allocated for picking list"in the table Item d
ata by Warehouse(tdinv001.alpl) is higher than the avialable inventory. Baan cre
ated this field to prevent picklists from being printed when there is no invento
ry to be allocated. For a specific item, the cumulative qunatity on all picking
lists doesn't exceed the available inventory.
Depending on SLS-parameter "Method of printing items on picking list" or /RPL p
arameter "Items printed on Picking list" and whether or not the order(-line) has
to be shipped completely the system determines if the picking list will be pri

The next procedure will help you running less frequent into this situation:
- when ILC is active:
Define "Generate outbound advice" (tdilc4201m000) as a step in your order proced
ure prior to step "Print picking list"
- when ILC is off
Make sure you hard allocated the orderline quantity ("Generate hard allocations
" (tdinv2201m000) or "Maintain hard allocations" (tdinv2101m000)) before printi
ng the picking list.
Even if the above procedure is followed some times you might still run into the
same problem. This happens because every time an original picking list (no repri
nt) is printed "Allocated for picking list" is increased. After printing the pi
ck list, if you delete the outbound advise, it will not reset the "Allocated for
picking list" field in the table Item data by warehouse, tdinv001, although it
does for the on hand quantity. So, when you print pick list after generate out
bound/or maintain deliveries for another order, since the allocated for pick lis
t quantity is higher than the on hand quantity system does not print the Pick li
st, eventhough there is sufficient inventory. Under such situations, you can exe
cute one of the following options:
1. Run the "Rebuild allocated for picking list" (tdinv0251m000) session. This s
ession, will fix the corrupted "Allocated for
Picking list" field based on t
he data from Sales deliveries(tdsls045) and Replenishment order lines(tdrpl100)
2. Set the parameters in SLS and RPL to reflect the printing of "All items" on
the picklists(although, this wouldn't be a desirable solution, if you don't w
ant the picking list to be printed for insufficient quantities).
3. Wait till your on hand stock is increased more than the Allocated for pickin
g quantity or the allocated for picking quantity is decreased(this is done when
Release outbound advise or Maintain Deliveries is completed).
Please refer to the following Baan solutions for further details.
Solution# 2497
Solution# 81544
Hope it helps.
***************** End Of Article ******************
CIBRES posted Message 4901 in Message Board
Dated : May 29, 2001 at 23:20:09 EST
Subject: CIERP Certification Seminar> St. Paul, MN> Jun 20, 21, 22
CIERP Certification Seminar> St. Paul, MN> Jun 20, 21, 22
CIERP standing for Certified Implementer of Enterprise Resource Planning. The
certification ensures that the basic skill sets necessary to successfully implem
ent and maintain an ERP system are present. These people have the clear distinc
tion of having the best understanding of the people, processes, and technology t
o make ERP systems successful. Upon successfully passing the certification the p

articipant will be legally certified by the CIBRES organization to use CIERP aft
er their name.
You will receive two days of training specifically in preparation for the CIERP
exam which takes place on the third day. CIERP training and certification helps
to create professional implementers who can:
CIERP standing for Certified Implementer of Enterprise Resource Planning. The
certification ensures that the basic skill sets necessary to successfully implem
ent and maintain an ERP system are present. These people have the clear distinc
tion of having the best understanding of the people, processes, and technology t
o make ERP systems successful. Upon successfully passing the certification the p
articipant will be legally certified by the CIBRES organization to use CIERP aft
er their name.
A wide variety of people find the CIERP certification valuable for career advanc
ement and company growth. Some positions include:

Project Managers
ERP Team Members
End Users
Senior Management
Functional Managers
Help Desk Support

Benefits of CIERP Certification to Professionals

+ Understand basic concepts and designs of ERP systems
+ Recognize functional modules within an ERP system and their purpose
+ Organize the sequence of events in an ERP implementation
+ Develop ERP teams for an effective ERP implementation
+ Utilize effective transition strategies from legacy systems to new systems
+ Determine the best techniques and methods for performing data conversions
+ Establish prototyping and testing for reliable ERP installations
+ Identify the proper classification of a company's use of an ERP system for pro
cess improvement
+ Management of the process of change during and after an ERP implementation
+ Properly manage and utilize expensive ERP consultants
+ Organize and conduct project planning sessions for long range planning
+ Utilize TQM (Total Quality Management) principles for overall better performin
g ERP systems
+ Perform ROI (Return on Investment) calculations for ERP justification strategi
+ Understand the critical integration relationships between functional modules
+ Recognize how Internet technology is affecting ERP systems and important busin
ess process flows
+ Use important diagnostic and measurement techniques for tuning systems for pea
k performance
+ Develop a complete understanding of terminology used in the ERP industry
+ Publishing opportunities through the CIBRES organization.
Benefits of CIERP Certification to Companies
+ Streamline business process flows through the effective integration of people,
business process flows, and technology
+ Lower cost and faster implementation times
+ Ensure adequate return on investment for expensive systems
+ The capability to utilize ERP concepts and principles to facilitate and manage

complex corporate change

+ Create successful implementations and maintenance for ERP systems
June 20,21,22 (2001)
St. Paul, MN, USA
$574 for seminar (Includes textbook)
$230 for certification exam
Further information is available through or by their website
at or by calling 1-866-2-CIBRES (1-866-224-2737) 9am to 4p
m eastern time USA.
***************** End Of Article ******************
iBAAN posted Message 4902 in Message Board
Dated : May 31, 2001 at 02:26:42 EST
Subject: Re: Maintain receipts
: : Hai
: :
In session Maintain receipts user has entered wrong Item for a particular
quantity. For ex Suppose the item was 1235 for which the quantity was ordered b
ut it was wrongly selected item no 1345. Can this thing can be corrected.
: : Regards
: : Jatinder
: Enter a negative line for the same item and qty and receive the negative line.
Entering a negative line is not really advisable.
***************** End Of Article ******************
John Crystal posted Message 4903 in Message Board
Dated : May 31, 2001 at 09:57:46 EST
Subject: Re: Replenishment Order Picking List
Is there a specific reason you are printing the pick lists after doing the maint
ain delivery?
The usual sequence would be, print pick list, maintain delivery, then print pack
ing list. My experience is that the print pick list session increments the alloc
ated for pick quantity and the maintain delivery (or release outbound)decrements
I'm not sure what is happening to your table when the steps are done in the reve
rse order.

***************** End Of Article ******************
Simon posted Message 4904 in Message Board
Dated : May 31, 2001 at 11:57:20 EST
Subject: Commissions and Rebates - No Agreement Found
I have set up commissions and rebates module such that the Business partners (BP
)have been set up in relations and linked to agreements using session tdcms0130m
000. The fields used to link a relations/BP's to commission rates are Sold To Bu
siness Partner(here I input the customer BP) and relations (here i input Supplie
r BP), this is linked to commission rate. I understand this will allow the commi
ssions of a customer BP to be processed into a supplier BP account(to whom we ma
ke a payment to). After I run a sales order upto process delivered sales order a
nd finalize, I calculate commisions, but get error message Agreement Not Found.
I have check the Can anyone advise me where I am going wrong.
I have set the comm agreement search as Pr 1 Cust , Rel
Pr 2 rel and Pr 3 Agrmnt Grp.
Many Thanks
***************** End Of Article ******************
Simon posted Message 4905 in Message Board
Dated : May 31, 2001 at 11:57:44 EST
Subject: Commissions and Rebates - No Agreement Found
I have set up commissions and rebates module such that the Business partners (BP
)have been set up in relations and linked to agreements using session tdcms0130m
000. The fields used to link a relations/BP's to commission rates are Sold To Bu
siness Partner(here I input the customer BP) and relations (here i input Supplie
r BP), this is linked to commission rate. I understand this will allow the commi
ssions of a customer BP to be processed into a supplier BP account(to whom we ma
ke a payment to). After I run a sales order upto process delivered sales order a
nd finalize, I calculate commisions, but get error message Agreement Not Found.
I have check the Can anyone advise me where I am going wrong.
I have set the comm agreement search as Pr 1 Cust , Rel
Pr 2 rel and Pr 3 Agrmnt Grp.
Many Thanks
***************** End Of Article ******************
bill posted Message 4906 in Message Board
Dated : May 31, 2001 at 16:42:21 EST
Subject: Re: Maintain receipts
: : : Hai
: : :
In session Maintain receipts user has entered wrong Item for a particul
ar quantity. For ex Suppose the item was 1235 for which the quantity was ordered
but it was wrongly selected item no 1345. Can this thing can be corrected.
: : : Regards

: : : Jatinder
: : Enter a negative line for the same item and qty and receive the negative lin
: Entering a negative line is not really advisable.
Why is it not advisable?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Jimi posted Message 4907 in Message Board
Dated : May 31, 2001 at 21:47:15 EST
Subject: BaanERP Basic Setup
I'm looking for the minimium amount of steps/activities for the following:Sales
orders, Warehouse orders, Purchase Orders,
Shipments. Also, it seems that location control is embedded in these steps, do I
have to use location contol functionality??
Any help would be greatly appreciated
Thanks in advance
***************** End Of Article ******************
Simon posted Message 4908 in Message Board
Dated : June 01, 2001 at 04:37:22 EST
Subject: Commisions and Rebates
I have set up commissions and rebates. But each time I calculate commissions and
rebates, the error message 'No agrement Found' appears. I am trying to post com
missions of our customer business partner (BP) sales invoices to a suppplier BP
account (agent), from which the commissions can then be paid out. I have set up
the agreements using relations (agent) and sold to business partners (customer)
and linked them in the commissions agreement session (tdcms0130m000) with a perc
I have also set the commission search parameter (tdcms0100s000) as follows : Pri
ority 1 Customer, relation, Priority 2 Customer, Priority 3 relation, Priority 4
Agmnt Group.
I have also set the default relation by customer (tdcms0119m000) to commissions
and linked the BP to relation.
In session commission rebate parameters (tdcms0100s000) the parent commission fo
r child field has also been ticked.
I do not know why each time I calculate commissions I get error message 'no agre
ement found' can somebody out there help.
Many thanks.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Jeanne Ploshay posted Message 4909 in Message Board
Dated : June 01, 2001 at 08:25:13 EST

Subject: Commissions and Projects

Is anyone out there using commissions and (Little) Projects? My immediate conce
rn is how to handle "Commission Group" type agreements since there is no commiss
ion field in customized items.
If anyone things they can help, please email me directly for more details.
Thanks in advance.
Micro-Coax, Inc.
***************** End Of Article ******************
iBAAN posted Message 4910 in Message Board
Dated : June 04, 2001 at 02:33:16 EST
Subject: Re: Alternatives Items
Your consultant is right, Alternative Items are basically for PUR/SLS/PRP this a
re the main function of alternative Items. As you see your material Issuance is
getting a snop shot of you bill's and date driven as well meaning if you have tw
o sequence system check which one is valid and use items that are acceptable.
: HI everyone s, Our Baan consultant told me that if we allocate an item (linked t
o an alt.) and it s in shortage it won t switch automatically to the alt one. He say
s that it needs to be change manually in estimated material. The only way it cou
ld works auto. Is when a customized item is linked to a std. is it true? If it i
s, what's the point of having this session? Maybe there is a switch turned of so
mewhere in some parameter? Any help will be appreciated.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Michael ITAC posted Message 4911 in Message Board
Dated : June 05, 2001 at 09:23:47 EST
Subject: Re: BaanERP Basic Setup
Here is something very helpful to note - in most cases the absence of a step/act
ivity in a warehouse procedure is an indication to the system to perform the ste
p automatically.
Remembering that there are 4 basic types of procedures
Outbound Procedure
You will need Gen OB advice at least (even if you are not using location control
). You don't need any of the other steps (ie the system will release during gene
ration unless you put that there as a step)
Shipment Procedure
You can create a blank shipment procedure (ie no steps) that will cause the deli
very to be automatically shipped as soon as outbound procedure is completed.
You just need receipts - the system will do the putaway if you do not include th
e steps
You can leave this blank - the system will approve and putaway all inspection it

Transfers break the rules a little - you don't need the receipts activity in the
receiving procedure (ie you need gen OB advice at a min)
Location control is somewhat different in ERP vs B4. Location control is now at
the item level (check in Item Warehousing data) and only determines whether loca
tion info will be tracked for an item in location controlled environments. Your
transaction procedures are mostly independant of this.
Send me a mail if you need to.

: I'm looking for the minimium amount of steps/activities for the following:Sale
s orders, Warehouse orders, Purchase Orders,
: Shipments. Also, it seems that location control is embedded in these steps, do
I have to use location contol functionality??
: Any help would be greatly appreciated
: Thanks in advance

***************** End Of Article ******************

Gustavo posted Message 4912 in Message Board
Dated : June 05, 2001 at 11:27:21 EST
Subject: Ledger Account
In session tdinv1101m000 (Enter Inventory Transaction for Item), If I chose Inve
ntory Adjustment and I go to form 2 I am not able to change the ledger account.
Does anyone know why? Where can I configure this?
***************** End Of Article ******************
B posted Message 4913 in Message Board
Dated : June 05, 2001 at 12:49:42 EST
Subject: vendor Rating Baan ERP
Is anyone using the Vendor Rating System in Baan 5? If so, are you using objecti
ve or subjective criteria? If Subjective, can you give examples of how you have
it set up?

***************** End Of Article ******************

Max posted Message 4914 in Message Board
Dated : June 05, 2001 at 21:50:50 EST
Subject: Re: Ledger Account
First, the default ledger a/c for inv. adj. is setup in tdinv8150m000.
Second, to override the default a/c, you can specify it in tdinv1101m000, but yo
u need to setup the reason code for adjustment first and enter the a/c no. in td
inv1105m000. Once you select the reason code in tdinv1101m000, the ledger a/c f
ield of form 2 will be filled with the value from tdinv1105m000.
: In session tdinv1101m000 (Enter Inventory Transaction for Item), If I chose In
ventory Adjustment and I go to form 2 I am not able to change the ledger account
. Does anyone know why? Where can I configure this?
: Thanks

***************** End Of Article ******************

Max posted Message 4915 in Message Board
Dated : June 05, 2001 at 21:53:01 EST
Subject: Re: vendor Rating Baan ERP
Some of the
- Quality - Quality - Quality etc.

subjective criteria like:

complied with ISO
Line Reject rate
VCAR rate

: Is anyone using the Vendor Rating System in Baan 5? If so, are you using objec
tive or subjective criteria? If Subjective, can you give examples of how you hav
e it set up?
: Thanks

***************** End Of Article ******************

Max posted Message 4916 in Message Board
Dated : June 05, 2001 at 21:53:05 EST
Subject: Re: vendor Rating Baan ERP
Some of the
- Quality - Quality - Quality etc.

subjective criteria like:

complied with ISO
Line Reject rate
VCAR rate

: Is anyone using the Vendor Rating System in Baan 5? If so, are you using objec
tive or subjective criteria? If Subjective, can you give examples of how you hav
e it set up?
: Thanks

***************** End Of Article ******************

Jatinder posted Message 4917 in Message Board
Dated : June 06, 2001 at 01:09:52 EST
Subject: Wrong Amount
In one Purchase Order in one item it is showing Ordered Qty [Kg] and Price [
lts] 14.00 Net Rate : 14.1400 . Amount it is showing 0.7100 . Session is tdpur41
05s000. Why is it so. Please help me at the earliest.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Gunnar posted Message 4918 in Message Board
Dated : June 06, 2001 at 04:28:04 EST
Subject: Re: Wrong Amount
: Hai

In one Purchase Order in one item it is showing Ordered Qty [Kg] and Price
[lts] 14.00 Net Rate : 14.1400 . Amount it is showing 0.7100 . Session is tdpur
4105s000. Why is it so. Please help me at the earliest.
: Regards
: Jatinder
Check purchase data in tiitm0101m000 Maintain Item Data. Are purchase unit and p
rice unit the same? You can also check relations between units in tiitm0120m000
Maintain Conversion Factors.
***************** End Of Article ******************
B posted Message 4919 in Message Board
Dated : June 06, 2001 at 11:24:58 EST
Subject: Re: vendor Rating Baan ERP
Right now we are using the standard weighting from the vendor rating parameters.

Looking for examples of companies using the objective scoring scheme and how yo
u have it set up, specifically for quality, delivery, and quantity

Some of the
- Quality - Quality - Quality etc.

subjective criteria like:

complied with ISO
Line Reject rate
VCAR rate

: : Is anyone using the Vendor Rating System in Baan 5? If so, are you using obj
ective or subjective criteria? If Subjective, can you give examples of how you h
ave it set up?
: : Thanks

***************** End Of Article ******************

MM posted Message 4920 in Message Board
Dated : June 06, 2001 at 16:26:53 EST
Subject: Question on &quot;Back Order Qty&quot;
Hi !
I had a question regarding Back Order Qty.
In Purchase Orders, after a receipt is done, it is not
possible to modify the order quantity. Any changes required
have to be done using the 'backorder qty' field.
Is there a reason as to why this functionality
was introduced? Is there any functional reason as to why it is
not allowed to modify the Ordered Qty on a PO Line(instead of
the Back Order Qty) once receipts are done against it?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Hannelore posted Message 4921 in Message Board
Dated : June 07, 2001 at 03:10:52 EST
Subject: Inbound Advice problem - B40c4
We seem to experience a problem with Inbound Advice since we installed SP5.
Our locations have a capacity of 1 pallet (conversion factors specified in Item
Data). When we run Generate Inbound Advice for two purchase orders (not at the s
ame time) with the same item, same lot and same inventory date, BaaN sometimes a
dvices to put some cartons on a location that is already in use.
If the capacity of the location is 1 pallet, and we already have 1 full pallet o
n that location, no more inbound should be adviced for that location, right ?
Can someone help me ?
***************** End Of Article ******************

Hannelore posted Message 4922 in Message Board

Dated : June 07, 2001 at 03:14:42 EST
Subject: problem with Cost Price Calculation - B40c4
When I recalculate a standard cost price for an item using cost accounting, all
previous cost prices for that item seem to disappear.
This causes an error message when we run inventory valuations on earlier dates (
"Cost price structure not found on this date").
Who can help me please ?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Gunnar posted Message 4923 in Message Board
Dated : June 07, 2001 at 04:50:38 EST
Subject: Re: tdpur4404m000 Print Purchase Invoice
: Hello,
: I have a type of purchase order, in its steps i have the sesion in reference (
Print Purchase Invoice)
: Actually the purchase order is deleting line, when i try to reprint the purcha
se invoice the messagge is: "No data within selection", I reviewed the subsesion
tdpur4531s000 in form 2, the field number invoice is "0" zero.
: How can pass this? What was the mistake?
: The procedure jump this step?
: Thanks for your time.
This is perhaps to obvious. Have you checked order line status in tdpur4533m000
Display Purchase Order Line Status? It could be that there are more steps to per
form before you can print the invoice. I checked in our system. I got the same m
essage in printing invoices if I forgot one step prior to printing.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Gunnar posted Message 4924 in Message Board
Dated : June 07, 2001 at 04:56:21 EST
Subject: Re: problem with Cost Price Calculation - B40c4

When I recalculate a standard cost price for an item using cost accounting, al
previous cost prices for that item seem to disappear.
This causes an error message when we run inventory valuations on earlier dates
("Cost price structure not found on this date").
: Who can help me please ?
: Thanks,

: Hannelore.
We had same problem. Check field Standard Cost Price History in ticpr0100m000 Ma
intain CPR Parameters. Value is probably to low, e.g 1 year instead of 3.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Hannelore posted Message 4925 in Message Board
Dated : June 07, 2001 at 05:29:53 EST
Subject: Re: problem with Cost Price Calculation - B40c4
: : Hi,
: : When I recalculate a standard cost price for an item using cost accounting,
all previous cost prices for that item seem to disappear.
: : This causes an error message when we run inventory valuations on earlier dat
es ("Cost price structure not found on this date").
: : Who can help me please ?
: : Thanks,
: : Hannelore.
: Hello,
: We had same problem. Check field Standard Cost Price History in ticpr0100m000
Maintain CPR Parameters. Value is probably to low, e.g 1 year instead of 3.
: Gunnar
Problem is solved. History was indeed only 1 year. I now put 3 years instead.
Thanks a lot !!!
***************** End Of Article ******************
B posted Message 4926 in Message Board
Dated : June 07, 2001 at 11:52:14 EST
Subject: Vendor Rating Baan ERP- objective scoring scheme
Right now we are using the standard weighting from the vendor rating parameters.
Looking for examples of companies using the objective scoring scheme and how yo
u have it set up, specifically for quality, delivery, and quantity
***************** End Of Article ******************
John Crystal posted Message 4927 in Message Board
Dated : June 07, 2001 at 23:34:00 EST
Subject: Re: Question on &quot;Back Order Qty&quot;
I'll give you my educated guess, but it's only mine, I haven't heard an official
Baan reason for this.
In Europe, where the software was developed, the P.O. creation process frequentl
y generates a financial liability transaction unlike in the US where it is the r
eceipt of the goods that creates the financial liability transaction. Once you c

reate the financial integration records it's a real bear to change or undo. I su
spect that's why the back order process is used.
***************** End Of Article ******************
George posted Message 4928 in Message Board
Dated : June 08, 2001 at 10:23:52 EST
Subject: Commissions for Parents and Grand Parents
We are live in Corelli version, we have a requirement for commssions as below
If we attach an employee as relation to the sales order, we need the commission
to be calculated to the parent as well as for the parent's parent.
Is there any way we can do it through Commissions and Rebates module of Baan.
I tried it and it does not work. I do not know whether it is a bug or a missing
Could some one help me out
***************** End Of Article ******************
Boris Arce posted Message 4929 in Message Board
Dated : June 10, 2001 at 09:57:22 EST
Subject: I am making a list of companies using Baan
I am making a list of companies using Baan
I am going to develop a marketing list of all companies using Baan. The purpose
is to allow Baan Consultants to deal directly with companies as opposed to agenc
ies/recruiters. Please email me names of companies that use Baan along with any
other details you know like:
Industry, sales size, location, contact details, etc.
Try to submit complete details on company. Anyone that submits at least 1 comple
te company details can have access to the info I gather.
All I want to do is collect and share the data. I will do all the work and as th
e database grows and I collect more details, contact me and I will run free quer
ies for you (i.e. if you ask me what companies in California or Ireland use Baan
I will email you a list).
Please contribute. I expect to have initial listing in a month as I am right now
receiving about 10-20 names per week. Thank you to those that contributed last w
Boris Arce
Baan Consultant
La Paz, Bolivia

***************** End Of Article ******************

Linda posted Message 4930 in Message Board
Dated : June 11, 2001 at 09:58:51 EST
Subject: Re: I am making a list of companies using Baan
: I am making a list of companies using Baan
: I am going to develop a marketing list of all companies using Baan. The purpos
e is to allow Baan Consultants to deal directly with companies as opposed to age
ncies/recruiters. Please email me names of companies that use Baan along with an
y other details you know like:
: Industry, sales size, location, contact details, etc.
: Try to submit complete details on company. Anyone that submits at least 1 comp
lete company details can have access to the info I gather.
: All I want to do is collect and share the data. I will do all the work and as
the database grows and I collect more details, contact me and I will run free qu
eries for you (i.e. if you ask me what companies in California or Ireland use Ba
an I will email you a list).
: Please contribute. I expect to have initial listing in a month as I am right n
: receiving about 10-20 names per week. Thank you to those that contributed last

Boris Arce
Baan Consultant
La Paz, Bolivia

***************** End Of Article ******************

Linda posted Message 4931 in Message Board
Dated : June 11, 2001 at 10:12:53 EST
Subject: Re: I am making a list of companies using Baan
: I am making a list of companies using Baan
: I am going to develop a marketing list of all companies using Baan. The purpos
e is to allow Baan Consultants to deal directly with companies as opposed to age
ncies/recruiters. Please email me names of companies that use Baan along with an
y other details you know like:
: Industry, sales size, location, contact details, etc.
: Try to submit complete details on company. Anyone that submits at least 1 comp
lete company details can have access to the info I gather.
: All I want to do is collect and share the data. I will do all the work and as
the database grows and I collect more details, contact me and I will run free qu

eries for you (i.e. if you ask me what companies in California or Ireland use Ba
an I will email you a list).
: Please contribute. I expect to have initial listing in a month as I am right n
: receiving about 10-20 names per week. Thank you to those that contributed last

Boris Arce
Baan Consultant
La Paz, Bolivia

Hello Boris:
I would like to have this list once it is begun. Can I put on a shared list?
The New Piper Aircraft, INc.
Vero Beach FL
currently on 4b migrating to 4c4 by the end of this year.

***************** End Of Article ******************

kris posted Message 4932 in Message Board
Dated : June 11, 2001 at 14:03:24 EST
Subject: Best Computer Training Center In NJ

In article <>,
I am writing to you about the best computer training center in New Jersey. I am
attaching some information that I found from one of the best IT consulting compa
nies out there. They did a good job for my friends
In article <>,
"Jan & Theo" <> wrote:
> You asked me about hot IT fields
> In article <92qg6d$83n$>,
>>In your artcile you had asked me which was the best job for Indians and Asia
ns in the information >>technology field>
>>>We strongly believe that the best job for Computer consultants is in the func
tional areas of Siebel. If >>>you missed the boat in SAP...this is the next boat
that takes you to the isle of wealth.
>>>Infotech Research International, Inc. in New Jersey offer one of the best Sie
bel Consultant Generation >>>Programs anywhere.
>>>To contact them, call them at 973-463-1260

>>>Crestech University
>>>Enterprise Technology Education for the Global Village
>>>188 Route 10 West,Suite 202, East Hanover, NJ 07936
>>>Phone : 973-463-1260, Fax : 973-463-1265
>>>, Email :,
>>>IBM, Cisco & Siebel Partners.

We very strongly see and believe as per the

puter consultants is in the functional areas
AP program ,this is the next boat that takes
Infotech Research International, Inc. in New
Consultant Generation Programs anywhere.

market demand ,the best job for com

of Siebel .If you have missed the S
you to the isle of wealth .
Jersey offer one of the best Siebel

To contact them, call them at 973-463-1260
Enterprise Technology Education for the Global Village
188 Route 10 West,Suite 202, East Hanover, NJ 07936
Phone : 973-463-1260, Fax : 973-463-1265, Email :,
IBM, Cisco & Siebel Partners.
Presently , as per the market requirements and demand the best job for computer
consultants is in the functional areas of Siebel in IT field.If you are really l
ooking for the wealthiest future do not miss this boat.
Infotech Research International, Inc. in New Jersey offer one of the best Siebel
Consultant Generation Programs anywhere.
To contact them, call them at 973-463-1260

Enterprise Technology Solutions for the Global Village
188 Route 10 West,Suite 202, East Hanover, NJ 07936
Phone : 973-463-1260, Fax : 973-463-1265, Email :,
IBM, Cisco & Siebel Partners.

In IT field we believe that the best job for the computer consultants is in the
functional areas of Siebel .
If you have missed the SAP flight ,this is the next flight which takes you to th
e right destination.
Infotech Research International, Inc. in New Jersey offer one of the best Siebel
Consultant Generation Programs anywhere.
To contact them, call them at 973-463-1260
Enterprise Technology Solutions for the Global Village
188 Route 10 West,Suite 202, East Hanover, NJ 07936
Phone : 973-463-1260, Fax : 973-463-1265, Email :,

IBM, Cisco & Siebel Partners.

***************** End Of Article ******************

kris posted Message 4933 in Message Board
Dated : June 11, 2001 at 14:03:31 EST
Subject: Best Computer Training Center In NJ

In article <>,
I am writing to you about the best computer training center in New Jersey. I am
attaching some information that I found from one of the best IT consulting compa
nies out there. They did a good job for my friends
In article <>,
"Jan & Theo" <> wrote:
> You asked me about hot IT fields
> In article <92qg6d$83n$>,
>>In your artcile you had asked me which was the best job for Indians and Asia
ns in the information >>technology field>
>>>We strongly believe that the best job for Computer consultants is in the func
tional areas of Siebel. If >>>you missed the boat in SAP...this is the next boat
that takes you to the isle of wealth.
>>>Infotech Research International, Inc. in New Jersey offer one of the best Sie
bel Consultant Generation >>>Programs anywhere.
>>>To contact them, call them at 973-463-1260
>>>Crestech University
>>>Enterprise Technology Education for the Global Village
>>>188 Route 10 West,Suite 202, East Hanover, NJ 07936
>>>Phone : 973-463-1260, Fax : 973-463-1265
>>>, Email :,
>>>IBM, Cisco & Siebel Partners.

We very strongly see and believe as per the

puter consultants is in the functional areas
AP program ,this is the next boat that takes
Infotech Research International, Inc. in New
Consultant Generation Programs anywhere.

market demand ,the best job for com

of Siebel .If you have missed the S
you to the isle of wealth .
Jersey offer one of the best Siebel

To contact them, call them at 973-463-1260
Enterprise Technology Education for the Global Village

188 Route 10 West,Suite 202, East Hanover, NJ 07936

Phone : 973-463-1260, Fax : 973-463-1265, Email :,
IBM, Cisco & Siebel Partners.
Presently , as per the market requirements and demand the best job for computer
consultants is in the functional areas of Siebel in IT field.If you are really l
ooking for the wealthiest future do not miss this boat.
Infotech Research International, Inc. in New Jersey offer one of the best Siebel
Consultant Generation Programs anywhere.
To contact them, call them at 973-463-1260

Enterprise Technology Solutions for the Global Village
188 Route 10 West,Suite 202, East Hanover, NJ 07936
Phone : 973-463-1260, Fax : 973-463-1265, Email :,
IBM, Cisco & Siebel Partners.

In IT field we believe that the best job for the computer consultants is in the
functional areas of Siebel .
If you have missed the SAP flight ,this is the next flight which takes you to th
e right destination.
Infotech Research International, Inc. in New Jersey offer one of the best Siebel
Consultant Generation Programs anywhere.
To contact them, call them at 973-463-1260
Enterprise Technology Solutions for the Global Village
188 Route 10 West,Suite 202, East Hanover, NJ 07936
Phone : 973-463-1260, Fax : 973-463-1265, Email :,
IBM, Cisco & Siebel Partners.

***************** End Of Article ******************

kris posted Message 4934 in Message Board
Dated : June 11, 2001 at 14:03:37 EST
Subject: Best Computer Training Center In NJ

In article <>,

I am writing to you about the best computer training center in New Jersey. I am
attaching some information that I found from one of the best IT consulting compa
nies out there. They did a good job for my friends
In article <>,
"Jan & Theo" <> wrote:
> You asked me about hot IT fields
> In article <92qg6d$83n$>,
>>In your artcile you had asked me which was the best job for Indians and Asia
ns in the information >>technology field>
>>>We strongly believe that the best job for Computer consultants is in the func
tional areas of Siebel. If >>>you missed the boat in SAP...this is the next boat
that takes you to the isle of wealth.
>>>Infotech Research International, Inc. in New Jersey offer one of the best Sie
bel Consultant Generation >>>Programs anywhere.
>>>To contact them, call them at 973-463-1260
>>>Crestech University
>>>Enterprise Technology Education for the Global Village
>>>188 Route 10 West,Suite 202, East Hanover, NJ 07936
>>>Phone : 973-463-1260, Fax : 973-463-1265
>>>, Email :,
>>>IBM, Cisco & Siebel Partners.

We very strongly see and believe as per the

puter consultants is in the functional areas
AP program ,this is the next boat that takes
Infotech Research International, Inc. in New
Consultant Generation Programs anywhere.

market demand ,the best job for com

of Siebel .If you have missed the S
you to the isle of wealth .
Jersey offer one of the best Siebel

To contact them, call them at 973-463-1260
Enterprise Technology Education for the Global Village
188 Route 10 West,Suite 202, East Hanover, NJ 07936
Phone : 973-463-1260, Fax : 973-463-1265, Email :,
IBM, Cisco & Siebel Partners.
Presently , as per the market requirements and demand the best job for computer
consultants is in the functional areas of Siebel in IT field.If you are really l
ooking for the wealthiest future do not miss this boat.
Infotech Research International, Inc. in New Jersey offer one of the best Siebel
Consultant Generation Programs anywhere.
To contact them, call them at 973-463-1260

Enterprise Technology Solutions for the Global Village

188 Route 10 West,Suite 202, East Hanover, NJ 07936

Phone : 973-463-1260, Fax : 973-463-1265, Email :,
IBM, Cisco & Siebel Partners.

In IT field we believe that the best job for the computer consultants is in the
functional areas of Siebel .
If you have missed the SAP flight ,this is the next flight which takes you to th
e right destination.
Infotech Research International, Inc. in New Jersey offer one of the best Siebel
Consultant Generation Programs anywhere.
To contact them, call them at 973-463-1260
Enterprise Technology Solutions for the Global Village
188 Route 10 West,Suite 202, East Hanover, NJ 07936
Phone : 973-463-1260, Fax : 973-463-1265, Email :,
IBM, Cisco & Siebel Partners.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Steve posted Message 4935 in Message Board
Dated : June 11, 2001 at 17:08:36 EST
Subject: Inventory Balancing
We are approaching 2 full years on Baan 4c3......and use Mfg Projects to build o
ur Products....We have 3 controlled Warehouses
tied to our General Ledger ... The Problem...I am trying to discover is what: -- in this environment would cause the GL Balance to differ widely than the Distr
ibution Inventory report on a month to month basis.....Here I only refer to the
Materials Inventory Accounts.....WIP is another issue.
We have another company on baan who is solely a distributer and this does not oc
urr...... any suggestions on where I may find the root cause of this fluctuation
between our Distribution Ledger and our GL Ledger....

***************** End Of Article ******************

Ritu posted Message 4936 in Message Board
Dated : June 12, 2001 at 00:01:20 EST
Subject: Pending Purchase Orders.
I have to generate a session for to print pending purchase orders.
Can anybody help me in explaining the flow of data and how to check whether the
order has been executed or not.

Please gelp...Its urgent

***************** End Of Article ******************
Jose Luis posted Message 4937 in Message Board
Dated : June 12, 2001 at 08:35:14 EST
Subject: Re: Pending Purchase Orders.

I have to generate a session for to print pending purchase orders.

Can anybody help me in explaining the flow of data and how to check whether th
order has been executed or not.
Please gelp...Its urgent

Try with this:

If tdpur041.oqua <> 0 and tdpur041.dqua = 0
then Pending Qty = tdpur041.oqua
If tdpur041.bqua <> 0 then Pending Qty = tdpur041.bqua
I hope it will be usefull for you.
***************** End Of Article ******************
bill posted Message 4938 in Message Board
Dated : June 12, 2001 at 09:30:04 EST
Subject: Re: Pending Purchase Orders.

I have to generate a session for to print pending purchase orders.

Can anybody help me in explaining the flow of data and how to check whether th
order has been executed or not.
Please gelp...Its urgent

You can also look in the tdinv150 table.

***************** End Of Article ******************
V posted Message 4939 in Message Board
Dated : June 14, 2001 at 04:52:33 EST
Subject: Picking lists and ILC
If ILC is implemented and Picking List is printed AFTER "Generate Outbound Advic
e", when ONLY outbound data is printed in picking list?
- always or when parameter "method of printing items on picking lists" is set to
"Sufficient inventory"
***************** End Of Article ******************
K Srinivas posted Message 4940 in Message Board
Dated : June 14, 2001 at 05:16:45 EST
Subject: Ask your purchase dept people
May be your purchase dept people can give some logic for this.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Alamb posted Message 4941 in Message Board
Dated : June 14, 2001 at 06:17:05 EST
Subject: Re: Pending Purchase Orders.
one should not ask such a lazy Q. u must follow up yr dept. for the flow of the

***************** End Of Article ******************

Alamb posted Message 4942 in Message Board
Dated : June 14, 2001 at 07:23:54 EST
Subject: Re: Pending Purchase Orders.
one should not ask such a lazy Q. u must follow up yr dept. for the flow of the

***************** End Of Article ******************

bob posted Message 4943 in Message Board
Dated : June 14, 2001 at 11:30:30 EST
Subject: VICS Bill of Lading
Has anyone heard of the VICS Bill of Lading? Wal-Mart, Target, Sears, etc. are
looking for their suppliers to format their Bill of Ladings in a specific format
. Does anyone have this need?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Ritu posted Message 4944 in Message Board
Dated : June 16, 2001 at 00:25:33 EST
Subject: Back Order
I have problem in understanding the concept of back order.
If there is a purchase order for 100 quantity of an item and say 200 items are d
elivered against this order.The entire material is received and sent for QC wher
e 150 items are accepted. At this point BaaN automatically generates a back orde
r for 50 items where as there was a requirement only for 100 items.
How can I avoid the generation of this back order.
Please help ...Its Urgent....
***************** End Of Article ******************
Riaz posted Message 4945 in Message Board
Dated : June 16, 2001 at 06:11:06 EST
Subject: Re: Back Order
Hi Ritu,
You can go to 'maintain backorders. and delete the backorder.

In unique cases like these we have to go for a workaround.

: I have problem in understanding the concept of back order.
: If there is a purchase order for 100 quantity of an item and say 200 items are
delivered against this order.The entire material is received and sent for QC wh
ere 150 items are accepted. At this point BaaN automatically generates a back or
der for 50 items where as there was a requirement only for 100 items.
: How can I avoid the generation of this back order.
: Please help ...Its Urgent....

***************** End Of Article ******************

Andres posted Message 4946 in Message Board
Dated : June 18, 2001 at 04:35:45 EST
Subject: Euro conversion problem
When I have an item and the price is 0.5 Spanish Peseta and I convert to euro. W
hat append with this price and item.
Thanks in advance
***************** End Of Article ******************
Jose Luis posted Message 4947 in Message Board
Dated : June 18, 2001 at 08:23:34 EST
Subject: Re: Euro conversion problem
: When I have an item and the price is 0.5 Spanish Peseta and I convert to euro.
What append with this price and item.
: Thanks in advance
Please, give more details of the situation.
Is it a purchase o sales price?
In which sesion are you defining this price?
Which type of conversion to euro are you running? Triangulation, internal or ext
ernal conversion?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Gunnar posted Message 4948 in Message Board
Dated : June 18, 2001 at 08:54:21 EST
Subject: Re: Euro conversion problem
: When I have an item and the price is 0.5 Spanish Peseta and I convert to euro.
What append with this price and item.
: Thanks in advance
I am not sure where you discover problems but I guess main problem is exchange r
ate relation between Spanish Peseta and euro. 0,5 Peseta is approx 0,003 euro. P
roblems in purchase related to items with low purchase price per piece can be so

lved by changing purchase price in item master file to purchase price per 100 or
1000 pieces. Change values in fields price unit tiitm001.cupp to e.g. 1000 and
increase purchase price to price corresponding to 1000 pcs. You need to create u
nit 1000 in session Maintain Conversion Factors tiitm0120m000.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Andres posted Message 4949 in Message Board
Dated : June 18, 2001 at 09:43:31 EST
Subject: Re: Euro conversion problem
: : When I have an item and the price is 0.5 Spanish Peseta and I convert to eur
o. What append with this price and item.
: : Thanks in advance
: Please, give more details of the situation.
: Is it a purchase o sales price?
: In which sesion are you defining this price?
: Which type of conversion to euro are you running? Triangulation, internal or e
xternal conversion?
It's the same problem in purchase and sales price because when you run the inter
nal conversion all prices will be change. The session is tiitm0101m000
***************** End Of Article ******************
Gnter Th. posted Message 4950 in Message Board
Dated : June 19, 2001 at 03:03:18 EST
Subject: Re: Euro conversion problem
: When I have an item and the price is 0.5 Spanish Peseta and I convert to euro.
What append with this price and item.
: Thanks in advance
If you start the internal Euro conversion only the amounts in home currency like
cost price, sales price in the item data will be converted in Euro.
To convert the purchase prices you have to create a new EI-cluster for external
conversion in which the field customer/supplier related is no.
Prices and discounts wich are in direct contact to the supplier or customer like
(prices by customer and item) are converted by the external conversion for this

***************** End Of Article ******************

Jose Luis posted Message 4951 in Message Board
Dated : June 19, 2001 at 08:54:38 EST
Subject: Re: Euro conversion problem
The sales price of
this price hasn't
The purchase price
y are converted to
ll surveyor prices

table tiit001 is converted in the internal conversion because

of table tiitm001 and the average price have currency, so the
EUR in the last execution of the external conversion (after a
were converted).

I hope this will be useful for you.

***************** End Of Article ******************

gary posted Message 4952 in Message Board
Dated : June 19, 2001 at 09:24:07 EST
Subject: inventory still on hold after maintain approvals
Recently we have been having problems with items that get put on hold after bein
g received into a warehouse without locations. We have ILC turned on, but these
particular warehouses do not have locations defined. The process seems to work f
ine for items that do not go through inspection but anything that goes through m
aintain approvals ends up blocked. Has anybody else come across this problem? W
e are on IVc3.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Max posted Message 4953 in Message Board
Dated : June 20, 2001 at 01:41:01 EST
Subject: Re: Back Order
When you maintain receipts, you should be able to tab to backorder field and cha
nge the backorder qty to 0 before save the receipts.
If you still don't like the field to be automatically fill with backorder qty, y
ou can ament the program script by changing the default value.
: Hi Ritu,
: You can go to 'maintain backorders. and delete the backorder.
: In unique cases like these we have to go for a workaround.
: Riaz
: : I have problem in understanding the concept of back order.
: : If there is a purchase order for 100 quantity of an item and say 200 items a
re delivered against this order.The entire material is received and sent for QC
where 150 items are accepted. At this point BaaN automatically generates a back
order for 50 items where as there was a requirement only for 100 items.
: : How can I avoid the generation of this back order.

: : Please help ...Its Urgent....

***************** End Of Article ******************

Kris Verbruggen posted Message 4954 in Message Board
Dated : June 20, 2001 at 05:26:44 EST
Subject: Lot Pricing in Baan V
Has anyone experience with lot pricing in BaanERP? (B50b)
My sales orders integrations still just use FIFO for COS and not the lot price.
Where is the parameter???
Kind regards,
Kris Verbruggen.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Ron posted Message 4955 in Message Board
Dated : June 20, 2001 at 05:32:03 EST
Subject: Re: inventory still on hold after maintain approvals
: Recently we have been having problems with items that get put on hold after be
ing received into a warehouse without locations. We have ILC turned on, but thes
e particular warehouses do not have locations defined. The process seems to work
fine for items that do not go through inspection but anything that goes through
maintain approvals ends up blocked. Has anybody else come across this problem?
We are on IVc3.
Try creating just one normal location within the warehouse and this material sho
uld automatically be put there after maintain approvals

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Max posted Message 4956 in Message Board
Dated : June 20, 2001 at 20:51:57 EST
Subject: Solution - Producing Separate Sales Invoice for Each Packing Slip
In performance booster tcmcs0197m000, insert a record for tdsls4404m000 Print Sa
les invoice,
Performance Booster: Max inv. line
User: leave blank if applicable to all users
Value: 1
Booster Valid: Manual & Job Process
This will make single delivery printed on 1 sales invoice. I've tried this and
work in my company.
: I'm afraid customisation is the only way.

: But it is not that difficult.

: At the deginning of the function new.invoice() add the test
: if tdsls040.orno <> prev.orno then
: endif
: This will print one invoice per packslip per customer. If it is customer spec
ific build it into the test.
: A Baanfan
: : Our customers have requested that we provide a separate invoice for each pac
king slip. Currently, we allow a single invoice to contain many packing slips.
Since the Print Sales Invoice session does not allow the invoice to be produced
by packing slip number we have not been able to respond to this customer reques
t. I am trying to avoid customizing the Print Sales Invoice session due to its
complexity. Has anyone else encountered this problem? If so, how did you reso
lve the issue.
: : Thanks

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TF posted Message 4957 in Message Board
Dated : June 22, 2001 at 04:45:32 EST
Subject: Re: Using a Baan session via BW to start an application on the PC
: Many ways:
: - Using DEM (tgwms1140m000). There you define the application path. When you l
ink an activity to that helper application in tgbrg5122m000, you can define the
`specific file to open in field 6 Argument. If you are not implementing DEM to y
our customer, they are loosing it's great functionality.
: You will have many problems if the application is instaled in different window
s directories in each user's PC.
: - Try execute ttstpwordlink. There is another session for powerpoint. I do not
remember it's name. List ttstp sessions name and descriptions. There is no one
for Excel. This session looks for Word or Powerpoint path in the user PC.
: - If you want to make transactions in both directions (BaaN to Windows and Win
dows to BaaN) use functions in dll ottdllbw. One is app_start. Use bic_info6.1 f
or that object and you will have some explanations of it's use. Name functions w
ill tell you what they can do.
: Prerequisites: As a developer, no other that some short scripts and work. It i
s very easy. Results can be... You will tell us.
: Good Luck.
: : I have a requirement to start WORD, EXCEL, etc on the PC from a Baan session
. Can anyone tell me the name of the function to use, and what has to be in plac
e (co-requisites or prerequisites)?

: : Currently, as a developer, I have set Baan to start my text editor on the pc

after transfering the source to it. If I can do that operation as a developer,
then surely I should be able to do the other part too, (my needs).
: : Leslie
Use BW client 6.1 and add word and excell as print devices. Printing to these de
vices wil start word with the data of the report. (when configured correctly)
Hope this helps.
Good Luck TF

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Bob Barker posted Message 4958 in Message Board
Dated : June 22, 2001 at 15:01:25 EST
Subject: Re: Commissions for Parents and Grand Parents
: We are live in Corelli version, we have a requirement for commssions as below
: If we attach an employee as relation to the sales order, we need the commissio
n to be calculated to the parent as well as for the parent's parent.
: Is there any way we can do it through Commissions and Rebates module of Baan.
: I tried it and it does not work. I do not know whether it is a bug or a missin
g functionality.
: Could some one help me out
: George
We are on 5.0B. I am not familiar with linking to more than one level up (i.e.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Bob Barker posted Message 4959 in Message Board
Dated : June 22, 2001 at 15:05:28 EST
Subject: Re: Commisions and Rebates
: I have set up commissions and rebates. But each time I calculate commissions a
nd rebates, the error message 'No agrement Found' appears. I am trying to post c
ommissions of our customer business partner (BP) sales invoices to a suppplier B
P account (agent), from which the commissions can then be paid out. I have set u
p the agreements using relations (agent) and sold to business partners (customer
) and linked them in the commissions agreement session (tdcms0130m000) with a pe
: I have also set the commission search parameter (tdcms0100s000) as follows : P
riority 1 Customer, relation, Priority 2 Customer, Priority 3 relation, Priority
4 Agmnt Group.
: I have also set the default relation by customer (tdcms0119m000) to commission

s and linked the BP to relation.

: In session commission rebate parameters (tdcms0100s000) the parent commission
for child field has also been ticked.
: I do not know why each time I calculate commissions I get error message 'no ag
reement found' can somebody out there help.
: Many thanks.
You need to establish the Agreements in tdcms0130m000.
***************** End Of Article ******************
John Crystal posted Message 4960 in Message Board
Dated : June 22, 2001 at 16:49:17 EST
Subject: Re: VICS Bill of Lading
Hi Bob,
Go to this site, they are developing the "standard" and have all of the informat
***************** End Of Article ******************
KW Foo posted Message 4961 in Message Board
Dated : June 25, 2001 at 05:44:16 EST
Subject: Expiry Date
How do I extend the expiry date for a lot of an item ?
Note: Lot and Location control implemented.
KW Foo
***************** End Of Article ******************
Carol Schmidt posted Message 4962 in Message Board
Dated : June 25, 2001 at 08:13:21 EST
Subject: Cut and Paste Text from other applications into BaaN text editor
Can a user cut and paste text from other applications such as Word, Excel, Outlo
ok into the BaaN text editor?
If so, please explain how.
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Karin Espelage posted Message 4963 in Message Board
Dated : June 25, 2001 at 17:29:42 EST
Subject: Re: Inventory Balancing

I have seen this problem at many implementations. Frequent causes are:
- manual postings by finance users on material accounts
- incorrect integration setup or changes in integration setup (not everything go
t posted to the correct ledger account)
- incorrect inventory data migration when the company started with BaaN
- opening balances on material accounts which didn't match with the opening bala
nces in the inventory tables
Most of the time it's necessary to run extensive queries on inventory tables, in
tegration and finance tables to analyze the exact cause.
Karin Espelage

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Karin Espelage posted Message 4964 in Message Board
Dated : June 25, 2001 at 18:28:42 EST
Subject: Re: Cut and Paste Text from other applications into BaaN text editor
I think this is only possible if you use an external editor like Notepad, Wordpa
d or Word instead of the BaaN text editor.
To change the editor in Baan IV:
Go to session tttxt1116m000 "Maintain Text Group with external Editor" and simpl
y enter the text group you are using.
To change the editor in BaaN V:
Go to session tttxt1110m000 "Text Groups" and select another editor.
(I'm sure that this works on a NT system, I'm not sure whether it works on a UNI
X system.)
When you use one of these editors, you can use the normal Windows commands for c
opying (crtl+c), cutting (crtl+X) and pasting (crtl + V).
Hope this helps,
Karin Espelage
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Pierre Commandeur posted Message 4965 in Message Board
Dated : June 26, 2001 at 05:50:11 EST
Subject: Re: Expiry Date
Do you use Baan IV or Baan ERP?
With baan ERP it is a standard functinnality... you can us the lot date and ther
e is session to block lot if expiry date is passed.

: How do I extend the expiry date for a lot of an item ?

: Note: Lot and Location control implemented.
: TQ.
: Regards,
: KW Foo

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KW Foo posted Message 4966 in Message Board
Dated : June 26, 2001 at 10:23:18 EST
Subject: Re: Expiry Date
We are using Baan IVc4. Is there any similar function in Baan IV ?
KW Foo
: Do you use Baan IV or Baan ERP?
: With baan ERP it is a standard functinnality... you can us the lot date and th
ere is session to block lot if expiry date is passed.
: : How do I extend the expiry date for a lot of an item ?
: : Note: Lot and Location control implemented.
: : TQ.
: : Regards,
: : KW Foo

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PACKIARAJ-BAAN USER posted Message 4967 in Message Board
Dated : June 26, 2001 at 11:41:04 EST
Hai Friends,
I defined storage conditions for item groups and storage conditions for location
s.Condition type is PRESENT and mandatory YES for both.
When i am generating outbound advice the system is not generation outbound advic
e and "no data foung and no report was printed " error is coming.
To my knowledge the system has to generate outbound advice based on storage cond
itions of the item group and location.
please help
***************** End Of Article ******************

Fan posted Message 4968 in Message Board

Dated : June 26, 2001 at 12:20:00 EST
Subject: Re: Cut and Paste Text from other applications into BaaN text editor
Since the text editor in Baan doesn't use the Windows clipboard, you cannot cut
and paste into or out of a text field. You can't even do it from one text to ano
ther (though you can duplicate a text). The only cut and paste you can do is wit
hin a text.
: Carol,
: I think this is only possible if you use an external editor like Notepad, Word
pad or Word instead of the BaaN text editor.
: To change the editor in Baan IV:
: Go to session tttxt1116m000 "Maintain Text Group with external Editor" and sim
ply enter the text group you are using.
: To change the editor in BaaN V:
: Go to session tttxt1110m000 "Text Groups" and select another editor.
: (I'm sure that this works on a NT system, I'm not sure whether it works on a U
NIX system.)
: When you use one of these editors, you can use the normal Windows commands for
copying (crtl+c), cutting (crtl+X) and pasting (crtl + V).
: Hope this helps,
: Regards,
: Karin Espelage

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jim posted Message 4969 in Message Board
Dated : June 26, 2001 at 14:16:25 EST
Subject: Re: Supply Chain EDI
: : : In Baan 4C2 with Supply Chain, an error occurred when receiving a release
on a new part. In order to correct the error, I entered the part number in the c
onversion in and out tables and created a contract. The part had a cum which I e
ntered in the contract. I approved the error in the edi session. Processed messa
ges to be received. The error still occurred again. My question is what is the
proper proceedure in correcting this error?
: : You could try changing the 'bano' number in the ascii flatfiles in your edi
directory and reading it back in that way verses approving/process. Just change
bano by one digit (i.e. 200104200001 change to 300104200001) for all lines and
levels (if using multi-level conversion set-ups). Be sure, of course, to delete
out the records that may have read in correctly if message had multi relations
in it. Good luck...
: : I guess I didn't explain clear enough. I want to know how to setup an initi
al cum for a part when the trading partner is showing a cum. This causes a cum i
nbalance even though a cum quantity was entered into the contract.

I believe the way to set initial cums is to create a SCH sales schedule immediat
ely after creating the contract. You can also try to use the manual adjustment
of cums session. It's been a while since I've worked with SCH, but I think this
is how we did it.
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PACKIARAJ-BAAN USER posted Message 4970 in Message Board
Dated : June 27, 2001 at 02:04:55 EST
Hai Friends,
: I defined storage conditions for item groups and storage conditions for locati
ons.Condition type is PRESENT and mandatory YES for both.
: When i am generating inbound advice the system is not generation inbound advic
e and "no data foung and no report was printed " error is coming.
: To my knowledge the system has to generate inbound advice based on storage con
ditions of the item group and location.
: please help
: regards,
: packiaraj
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sastry DVRS posted Message 4971 in Message Board
Dated : June 27, 2001 at 03:47:53 EST
Subject: Generate critical capacities in constraint planning
Hai Friends,
I defined work centers as critical = yes.
I attached these workcenters in routing of a MPS item
I loaded workcenters in Constraint planning module
From Maintain critical capacities session when i press the GENERATE button the s
ystem is not selecting any data
From Generate Critical capacites session also it is not working
please help
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sastry DVRS posted Message 4972 in Message Board
Dated : June 27, 2001 at 03:48:06 EST
Subject: Generate critical capacities in constraint planning
Hai Friends,
I defined work centers as critical = yes.
I attached these workcenters in routing of a MPS item
I loaded workcenters in Constraint planning module
From Maintain critical capacities session when i press the GENERATE button the s

ystem is not selecting any data

From Generate Critical capacites session also it is not working
please help
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Jacques O'Connor posted Message 4973 in Message Board
Dated : June 28, 2001 at 09:19:37 EST
Subject: Copy Sales Order Lines
We have Baan4c3.
When copying a Sales Order to a new SO, the items are copied in alphabetic order
of Items.
Example: if old SO had Pos 1 Item D and
Pos 2 Item A
when copied to new SO the Items are Pos 1 Item A and
Pos 2 Item D
Is there a way to copy SO and keep the same Position order as the old SO number
Is this (re positioning) linked to the the Cumulate Deliveries option that can b
e selected (at the Copy SO session) that Baan sets the Positions in alphabetic o
rder of Items?
Thank You
Jacques O'Connor
***************** End Of Article ******************
prashant posted Message 4974 in Message Board
Dated : June 28, 2001 at 10:58:21 EST
I suppose for getting this,you need to define item by location first.
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prashant posted Message 4975 in Message Board
Dated : June 28, 2001 at 10:59:19 EST
I suppose for getting this,you need to define item by loaction first.
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Jorge Barahona posted Message 4976 in Message Board
Dated : June 28, 2001 at 12:20:34 EST
Im trying to find any information about EDI configuration in Baan 4 c4. I have pr
oblems setting up " Maintain messages suported by relations tcedi0111m000"

Any help will be useful at this point.

***************** End Of Article ******************
Louie posted Message 4977 in Message Board
Dated : June 28, 2001 at 23:07:21 EST
: Im trying to find any information about EDI configuration in Baan 4 c4. I have
problems setting up " Maintain messages suported by relations tcedi0111m000"
: Any help will be useful at this point.
: Thank
Is this for internal or external EDI

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Louie posted Message 4978 in Message Board
Dated : June 28, 2001 at 23:25:24 EST
Subject: Re: D96A EDI Setup
=Which translation software are you using. We are sending and receiving DELFOR a
nd DESADV and we are on BaaN lVc4
***************** End Of Article ******************
Louie posted Message 4979 in Message Board
Dated : June 28, 2001 at 23:41:15 EST
Subject: Re: can't print proforma invoice
: : Ralf
: : Have you set the flag "Proforma Invoicing" to "Yes" in "Maintain Order Types
: hello Simon,
: I set the flag "Proforma Invoicing" to Yes.
We use the final invoice for the proforma invoice. When using the session Print
invioces, select "No" for final invoice and you will get a proforma invoice
***************** End Of Article ******************
Juergen posted Message 4980 in Message Board
Dated : June 29, 2001 at 04:39:43 EST
Subject: Re: Copy Sales Order Lines
: We have Baan4c3.
: When copying a Sales Order to a new SO, the items are copied in alphabetic ord
er of Items.


Example: if old SO had Pos 1 Item D and

Pos 2 Item A
when copied to new SO the Items are Pos 1 Item A and
Pos 2 Item D
Is there a way to copy SO and keep the same Position order as the old SO numbe

: Is this (re positioning) linked to the the Cumulate Deliveries option that can
be selected (at the Copy SO session) that Baan sets the Positions in alphabetic
order of Items?
: Thank You
: Jacques O'Connor
Hi Jacques,
I think this problem was solved with solution 72092.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Cilla M posted Message 4981 in Message Board
Dated : July 02, 2001 at 02:56:04 EST
Subject: Wrong amount maintained in PO
How do I correct a Purchase Order (for Equipment item) with a wrong amount? This
PO's status is already 'Deleting line'.
If I use a purchase credit note to adjust this PO's amount, what adjustment shou
ld I do in Distribution module to adjust this equipment's cost? Is there any oth
er way to rectify this?

***************** End Of Article ******************

Marcel posted Message 4982 in Message Board
Dated : July 02, 2001 at 09:24:30 EST
Subject: Re: inventory still on hold after maintain approvals
: Recently we have been having problems with items that get put on hold after be
ing received into a warehouse without locations. We have ILC turned on, but thes
e particular warehouses do not have locations defined. The process seems to work
fine for items that do not go through inspection but anything that goes through
maintain approvals ends up blocked. Has anybody else come across this problem?
We are on IVc3.
You have ILC turned on, that means you already have inspection and receiption lo
cation( by running ses. "Change location system by wh"). You should define anoth
er normal location so after you receive and approve the item, run Inbound Moveme
nt (generate and release) and you'll find your item in normal location instead i
nspection one. Be carefull if you don't run generate and release inbound your it
em it's still blocked.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Marcel posted Message 4983 in Message Board
Dated : July 02, 2001 at 09:43:00 EST
Subject: Re: Expiry Date
: How do I extend the expiry date for a lot of an item ?
: Note: Lot and Location control implemented.
: TQ.
: Regards,
: KW Foo
As far as I know, the only way to extend the expiry date for a lot of an item, i
t's to modify it in tables:
ltc001 (one record)
ilc101 (one or more records, one for each location and warehouse)
ilc401 (if you have replenishment orders for which you have done delivery and no
w you have to do reception)
***************** End Of Article ******************
Gunnar posted Message 4984 in Message Board
Dated : July 02, 2001 at 09:44:33 EST
Subject: Re: Wrong amount maintained in PO
: How do I correct a Purchase Order (for Equipment item) with a wrong amount? Th
is PO's status is already 'Deleting line'.
: If I use a purchase credit note to adjust this PO's amount, what adjustment sh
ould I do in Distribution module to adjust this equipment's cost? Is there any o
ther way to rectify this?
One easy way to make correction is to enter a new line in purchase order exactly
as the first (wrong) one but with negative quantity. Make a receipt for this li
Enter a new line where everything is correct. Make receipt for this line. Rememb
er to match all three lines against invoice.
***************** End Of Article ******************
gary posted Message 4985 in Message Board
Dated : July 02, 2001 at 12:05:27 EST
Subject: Re: inventory still on hold after maintain approvals
We do not have any locations! No receipt, no inspect, no normal. That is the who
le idea. When we receive an item it goes straight into stock without having to r
un inbound at all. It works perfectly 99% of the time. However recently we have
noticed that several items that were received fine in the past have been stuck i
n a "on hold" status even after maintain approvals has been performed. I was loo
king to see if anyone else was running with this same kind of set up and had exp

erienced similar problems.

: : Recently we have been having problems with items that get put on hold after
being received into a warehouse without locations. We have ILC turned on, but th
ese particular warehouses do not have locations defined. The process seems to wo
rk fine for items that do not go through inspection but anything that goes throu
gh maintain approvals ends up blocked. Has anybody else come across this proble
m? We are on IVc3.
: You have ILC turned on, that means you already have inspection and receiption
location( by running ses. "Change location system by wh"). You should define ano
ther normal location so after you receive and approve the item, run Inbound Move
ment (generate and release) and you'll find your item in normal location instead
inspection one. Be carefull if you don't run generate and release inbound your
item it's still blocked.

***************** End Of Article ******************

CSK posted Message 4986 in Message Board
Dated : July 02, 2001 at 23:18:14 EST
Subject: Bar Code in Baan
I have bar code scanner which develop from PDA. So it can memory the data when I
scann. The question is how I can use this scanner with Baan. Do I need to custo
mized program, table or etc? Please give me some advise.
***************** End Of Article ******************
marcel posted Message 4987 in Message Board
Dated : July 03, 2001 at 11:22:00 EST
Subject: Re: inventory still on hold after maintain approvals
: We do not have any locations! No receipt, no inspect, no normal. That is the w
hole idea. When we receive an item it goes straight into stock without having to
run inbound at all. It works perfectly 99% of the time. However recently we hav
e noticed that several items that were received fine in the past have been stuck
in a "on hold" status even after maintain approvals has been performed. I was l
ooking to see if anyone else was running with this same kind of set up and had e
xperienced similar problems.
: : : Recently we have been having problems with items that get put on hold afte
r being received into a warehouse without locations. We have ILC turned on, but
these particular warehouses do not have locations defined. The process seems to
work fine for items that do not go through inspection but anything that goes thr
ough maintain approvals ends up blocked. Has anybody else come across this prob
lem? We are on IVc3.
: : You have ILC turned on, that means you already have inspection and receiptio
n location( by running ses. "Change location system by wh"). You should define a
nother normal location so after you receive and approve the item, run Inbound Mo
vement (generate and release) and you'll find your item in normal location inste
ad inspection one. Be carefull if you don't run generate and release inbound you
r item it's still blocked.

***************** End Of Article ******************

marcel posted Message 4988 in Message Board
Dated : July 03, 2001 at 11:37:57 EST
Subject: Re: inventory still on hold after maintain approvals
: : We do not have any locations! No receipt, no inspect, no normal. That is the
whole idea. When we receive an item it goes straight into stock without having
to run inbound at all. It works perfectly 99% of the time. However recently we h
ave noticed that several items that were received fine in the past have been stu
ck in a "on hold" status even after maintain approvals has been performed. I was
looking to see if anyone else was running with this same kind of set up and had
experienced similar problems.
: : : : Recently we have been having problems with items that get put on hold af
ter being received into a warehouse without locations. We have ILC turned on, bu
t these particular warehouses do not have locations defined. The process seems t
o work fine for items that do not go through inspection but anything that goes t
hrough maintain approvals ends up blocked. Has anybody else come across this pr
oblem? We are on IVc3.
: : : You have ILC turned on, that means you already have inspection and receipt
ion location( by running ses. "Change location system by wh"). You should define
another normal location so after you receive and approve the item, run Inbound
Movement (generate and release) and you'll find your item in normal location ins
tead inspection one. Be carefull if you don't run generate and release inbound y
our item it's still blocked.
Inventory on hold when you don't use ILC, may arise in 2 situations:
1) goods received are still to be inspected - and it's not your case
2) inventory is included in a cycle counting order - you should check it
In other order, check field "Inv. on hold" in following tables:tdilc101, tdinv00
1, tiitm001; may arise differences between quantities written in theese tables.
If there are, run session tdinv0252m000.
I hope this will be usefull for you.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Jose Luis posted Message 4989 in Message Board
Dated : July 04, 2001 at 08:44:08 EST
Some information about my experience in tccedi0111m000 (Maintain messages suport
ed by relations tcedi0111m000).
Before insert records c)Create a network (tcedi0120m000 in both companys:
Cod. of the network
Description of the network
2) Create relations between the companys (tcedi0110m000).



3) Create identification of relations by network(tcedi0128m000) in each company.

Net. addr.
4) Define EDI messages (tcedi4132m000).
Note: in tccedi0111m000 define tcedi011.prnt to Yes, so you won't have problems
printing sales invoices.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Bob Benton posted Message 4990 in Message Board
Dated : July 05, 2001 at 10:41:09 EST
Subject: Sales Order Line Quantity Rounding
We have discovered a Baan shortcomming that I'm wondering if anyone has encounte
red and has found a solution (other than a modification).
Currently,we price, sell, & pick our product by the each. Clients typically pla
ce their order in eaches, but are required to take a full bin (pallet). We pack
age the product in a bin (5000 each / bin). The same bin can hold many differen
t items with different quantitities of Finished Good Items per bin. (ie. 5000,
4500, 5500, etc.).
We have considered changing our sales UOM to bins, but if a client calls in with
an order in eaches (still very common), we still have to divide the each quanti
ty by the quantity per bin. We'd like to display the quantity per bin to the us
er in the Sales Order Line session so they don't have to go elsewhere.
We've considered the following options:
1. Using the Conversion Factors session to give them the quantity per bin.
2. Putting the quantity per bin in the item description somehow so they will se
e that after they enter the item number.
3. Using Bin as the Sales UOM, enter quantity of 1. The user can divide the or
der line amount by the price to determine the number of eaches / bin.
Options 1 and 3 are feasible, but both with limitations. Option 2, although tec
hnically maybe the easiest, may not be possible because of business requirements
of the item description field.
Anyone else found an easy way to get such information to the user in Sales Order
Line session (is there a note that could be configured by item that would displ
Any suggestions are most appreciated.
Bob Benton, CPIM
Business Analyst
Corporate Information Systems
Scholle Corporation
360 West Butterfield Road
Suite 140
Elmhurst, IL 60126
Phone (630) 993 - 7330
(630) 993 - 7400

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Jimi posted Message 4991 in Message Board
Dated : July 05, 2001 at 11:30:16 EST
Subject: Dist Warehouses/RPL Orders
What is the simplest way to setup replinishment orders for distribution warehous
es for the following scenario:
5 Dist Wh, each with similar products(PN). As customers pulls from the Dist WH h
ow should this be relieved? How should this be replenished? How do I keep a perp
etual inventory for these Dist Wh? How should I invoice based on the "pulls" ?
Thank you in advance
***************** End Of Article ******************
John Crystal posted Message 4992 in Message Board
Dated : July 05, 2001 at 15:58:28 EST
Subject: Expiry date changes and NOTE OF CAUTION
In Baan IV the way to change the expiry date is to do in inventory transfer for
that lot and location to the same location. During the transfer process the expi
ry date field opens up and you can change it.
NOTE: You have only changed the expiry date for that particular lot/loc combinat
ion. Any other inventory from that lot in other locations will still have the or
iginal expiry date.
ALSO: Baan IV uses the original lot information ONLY as defaults in setting up t
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Arvind Patil, CPIM posted Message 4993 in Message Board
Dated : July 05, 2001 at 20:08:03 EST
Subject: Re: Dist Warehouses/RPL Orders
Hi,Based on the information you have provided. This can be set up in Baan IV. I
don't see any complications.
1. Create one nettable warehouse
2. Set up 4 or 5 non- nettable warehouse and replenished form the central wareho
use or by any other as you want.
3. The inventory will be relived by sales order.
4. Baan DRP will generate the RPL orders.
Arvind Patil
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Dave Godin posted Message 4994 in Message Board
Dated : July 06, 2001 at 07:56:05 EST

Subject: Re: Picking lists and ILC

What version of baan ?
: If ILC is implemented and Picking List is printed AFTER "Generate Outbound Adv
ice", when ONLY outbound data is printed in picking list?
: - always or when parameter "method of printing items on picking lists" is set
to "Sufficient inventory"

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Simon posted Message 4995 in Message Board
Dated : July 06, 2001 at 09:42:39 EST
Subject: Lot Control Question
We have several small manufacturing companies some of which use Baan manufacturi
ng and some that do not. We are currently trying to design a new way to value ou
r inventory and we are trying to get as close to actual costing as we possibly c
If anyone has discovered a fairly accurate way to track the actual cost of a fin
ished manufactured item without using lot control then I would love to hear.
My main question is: Is it possible to operate lot control in Baan IVb without u
sing the shop floor control module?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Dave Godin posted Message 4996 in Message Board
Dated : July 06, 2001 at 10:40:57 EST
Subject: Re: Lot Control Question
My company uses projects and custom parts. Actual Cost prices are computed for c
ustom parts. I would have to refer you to our finance guy for more information
on how this works.
: We have several small manufacturing companies some of which use Baan manufactu
ring and some that do not. We are currently trying to design a new way to value
our inventory and we are trying to get as close to actual costing as we possibly
: If anyone has discovered a fairly accurate way to track the actual cost of a f
inished manufactured item without using lot control then I would love to hear.
: My main question is: Is it possible to operate lot control in Baan IVb without
using the shop floor control module?

: Thanks
: Simon

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KW Foo posted Message 4997 in Message Board
Dated : July 07, 2001 at 19:34:37 EST
Subject: Sales order line amount does not round up
After we apply a 5% discount on an sales order line item, the amount calculate m
anually should be 123.375 but the system truncated the last decimal - 0.005 and
record the amount as 123.37 instead of 123.38.
Is this some setup problem ? How can I rectify it ?
Thank you.
KW Foo
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chee wah posted Message 4998 in Message Board
Dated : July 09, 2001 at 03:04:20 EST
Subject: Print Replenishment List
I would like to know the Enocomic Stock and Inventory on hand in this session fu
nction. If any of you experienced this (or have any idea) maybe can give me som
e advice.
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chee wah posted Message 4999 in Message Board
Dated : July 09, 2001 at 03:08:48 EST
Subject: Print Replenishment Listing
I would like to know the Economic Stock and Inventory on Hand function. If any
of you experienced this (or have any idea) maybe can give me some advice.
***************** End Of Article ******************
V posted Message 5000 in Message Board
Dated : July 09, 2001 at 04:59:15 EST
Subject: Re: Picking lists and ILC
: What version of baan ?
: Dave

: : If ILC is implemented and Picking List is printed AFTER "Generate Outbound A

dvice", when ONLY outbound data is printed in picking list?
: : - always or when parameter "method of printing items on picking lists" is se
t to "Sufficient inventory"

***************** End Of Article ******************

Try this posted Message 5001 in Message Board
Dated : July 09, 2001 at 12:33:46 EST
Subject: Re: Sales order line amount does not round up
What you probably have is a display field set for two decimal places while your
rounding factor is set for three or more decimal places. Rounding factor is set
by the unit, not by the field, and can be set in Maintain Units (tcmcs0101m000).
Setting the display length of the field is a tools issue, I can't help you with
that one.
: After we apply a 5% discount on an sales order line item, the amount calculate
manually should be 123.375 but the system truncated the last decimal - 0.005 an
d record the amount as 123.37 instead of 123.38.
: Is this some setup problem ? How can I rectify it ?
: Thank you.
: Regards,
: KW Foo

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jimi posted Message 5002 in Message Board
Dated : July 09, 2001 at 22:07:27 EST
Subject: Re: Dist Warehouses/RPL Orders
: Hi,Based on the information you have provided. This can be set up in Baan IV.
I don't see any complications.
: 1. Create one nettable warehouse
: 2. Set up 4 or 5 non- nettable warehouse and replenished form the central ware
house or by any other as you want.
: 3. The inventory will be relived by sales order.
: 4. Baan DRP will generate the RPL orders.
: Arvind Patil
I'm using baan 5, how do i set this up??

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jimi posted Message 5003 in Message Board
Dated : July 09, 2001 at 22:14:28 EST
Subject: ship schedules

How do ship schedules in baan5 ?

Thank you in advance
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jimi posted Message 5004 in Message Board
Dated : July 09, 2001 at 22:14:35 EST
Subject: ship schedules
How do ship schedules in baan5 ?
Thank you in advance
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Carol Schmidt posted Message 5005 in Message Board
Dated : July 10, 2001 at 10:53:21 EST
Subject: Text Editor
Furtherance to my question posted on 06-25, I have chosen to use Notepad as the
text editor rather than Baan Editor. The '<' is used as a prefix to the followi
ng text to indicate that the text is internal; meaning not to print on external
documents. We plan to use the header, header text of maintain sales orders for
ALL internal text. Does anyone know of a solution to make all text inserted in
that area internal text by default?
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Jorge Barahona posted Message 5006 in Message Board
Dated : July 10, 2001 at 16:36:23 EST
: : Im trying to find any information about EDI configuration in Baan 4 c4. I hav
e problems setting up " Maintain messages suported by relations tcedi0111m000"
: : Any help will be useful at this point.
: : Thank
: Is this for internal or external EDI

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Sunny posted Message 5007 in Message Board
Dated : July 11, 2001 at 02:29:19 EST
Subject: Help Urgent - Last &quot;Sales Invoice Number&quot;
In session tdsls4404m000 Last Sales Invoice Number is stored in which table.

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Jose Luis posted Message 5008 in Message Board
Dated : July 11, 2001 at 05:27:05 EST
Subject: Re: Help Urgent - Last &quot;Sales Invoice Number&quot;
The last sales invoice number is stored in tabla tfgld017.

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sunny posted Message 5009 in Message Board
Dated : July 11, 2001 at 06:12:19 EST
Subject: Urgent - Not Solved Yet
I want to start the number from 9. I have changed it from 40 to 9.but even then
it gives the number 41 to Invoice Why is it so.

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John Crystal posted Message 5010 in Message Board
Dated : July 11, 2001 at 08:40:40 EST
Subject: Re: Help Urgent - Last &quot;Sales Invoice Number&quot;
Are you running Baan IV or V?

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John Crystal posted Message 5011 in Message Board
Dated : July 11, 2001 at 08:41:16 EST
Subject: Re: Help Urgent - Last &quot;Sales Invoice Number&quot;
Are you running Baan IV or V?

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John Crystal posted Message 5012 in Message Board

Dated : July 11, 2001 at 08:52:02 EST
Subject: First free numbers for Baan IV
The sales invoice number is stored in the first free number table which is a tcm
cs table. However you don't have to use table maintenance to change it, you can
access it from the Logistics Tables menu, then First Free Numbers, then choose "
sales invoice" from the drop down.
Be very careful going backwards in a first free numbers table. You most likely h
ave transactions recorded for invoice numbers 39, 38 etc. and could end up with
duplicate records or table locks.
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Bart Tromp posted Message 5013 in Message Board
Dated : July 11, 2001 at 10:46:44 EST
Subject: Re: Urgent - Not Solved Yet
The number of series can be defined in the sales parameters, tdsls4100m000. It i
s now on 2 digits, you'll have to change this in one digit. After this you can d
efine the 9 you want.

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Norbert Pais posted Message 5014 in Message Board
Dated : July 11, 2001 at 10:52:41 EST
Subject: Replenishment order security
Hi Guys,
We have been encountering User problems wherein unauthorised User has updated st
ocks of a Warehouse not related to him.
Is there some security system/setup whereby we can restrict a particular User to
a particular Warehouse/warehouses.
Urgent assistance required.
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James Maxted posted Message 5015 in Message Board
Dated : July 11, 2001 at 13:28:11 EST
Subject: Can you use EDI create/change sales order to map to an address code in
I'm using BaaN 4c4 and have a question for you all. I know there is room in
EDI messages 850 and 860 to specify delivery addresses, postal addresses, and li
ne specific delivery addresses.

However, there is no EDI entry for an address code, that is, to use the deliv
ery address code D01 to access the delivery address data stored in ttccom012 ins
tead of creating duplicate information and storing it in table ttdsls042.
It just seems silly to create 20 instances of the same data into that sales o
rder specific address table that is already entered in the delivery or postal ad
dress tables. Any ideas?
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Karin Espelage posted Message 5016 in Message Board
Dated : July 11, 2001 at 20:19:55 EST
Subject: Re: Text Editor
I don't know of any way to do that but if you don't want ANY header text on exte
rnal documents, why don't you just take the header text out of the external docu
That way you don't have to insert (<) it anymore.
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John Crystal posted Message 5017 in Message Board
Dated : July 11, 2001 at 23:40:12 EST
Subject: Re: Replenishment order security
This can be done by turning on field level security, but be sure that the troubl
e is worth the added security.
You can see who did the transactions in the wrong warehouse in the inventory his
tory file and do disciplinary actions based on those records. That's the procedu
re that I would pursue.
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Careful posted Message 5018 in Message Board
Dated : July 12, 2001 at 11:40:43 EST
Subject: Re: Sales order line amount does not round up
: After we apply a 5% discount on an sales order line item, the amount calculate
manually should be 123.375 but the system truncated the last decimal - 0.005 an
d record the amount as 123.37 instead of 123.38.
: Is this some setup problem ? How can I rectify it ?
: Thank you.
: Regards,
: KW Foo
Be aware that whatever you set the rounding factor to affects not only the sales
order, but also purchase orders.

***************** End Of Article ******************

try this posted Message 5019 in Message Board
Dated : July 12, 2001 at 11:48:16 EST
Subject: Re: Sales Order Line Quantity Rounding
: We have discovered a Baan shortcomming that I'm wondering if anyone has encoun
tered and has found a solution (other than a modification).
: Currently,we price, sell, & pick our product by the each. Clients typically p
lace their order in eaches, but are required to take a full bin (pallet). We pa
ckage the product in a bin (5000 each / bin). The same bin can hold many differ
ent items with different quantitities of Finished Good Items per bin. (ie. 500
0, 4500, 5500, etc.).
: We have considered changing our sales UOM to bins, but if a client calls in wi
th an order in eaches (still very common), we still have to divide the each quan
tity by the quantity per bin. We'd like to display the quantity per bin to the
user in the Sales Order Line session so they don't have to go elsewhere.
: We've considered the following options:
: 1. Using the Conversion Factors session to give them the quantity per bin.
: 2. Putting the quantity per bin in the item description somehow so they will
see that after they enter the item number.
: 3. Using Bin as the Sales UOM, enter quantity of 1. The user can divide the
order line amount by the price to determine the number of eaches / bin.
: Options 1 and 3 are feasible, but both with limitations. Option 2, although t
echnically maybe the easiest, may not be possible because of business requiremen
ts of the item description field.
: Anyone else found an easy way to get such information to the user in Sales Ord
er Line session (is there a note that could be configured by item that would dis
: Any suggestions are most appreciated.

Bob Benton, CPIM

Business Analyst
Corporate Information Systems
Scholle Corporation
360 West Butterfield Road
Suite 140
Elmhurst, IL 60126
Phone (630) 993 - 7330
(630) 993 - 7400

Another option would be to utilize the Sales Item text at the Item Master level
to show your quantities per bin per item. This way any time the item is used on
a quote or sales order line the Sales text will print out on the acknowledgement
s and invoices.

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Baanboozeled posted Message 5020 in Message Board

Dated : July 12, 2001 at 12:28:00 EST
Subject: Re: Urgent - Not Solved Yet
: The number of series can be defined in the sales parameters, tdsls4100m000. It
is now on 2 digits, you'll have to change this in one digit. After this you can
define the 9 you want.
There are several places to modify. First check in the Finance Module. Go to G
eneral Ledger / Master Data / Maintain last used document number by transaction
type series. Find the sales invoice transaction type. Make sure you have a sin
gle digit series defined and set the last used to '8'. Then maintain the sales
order parameters if needed.

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Markus posted Message 5021 in Message Board
Dated : July 13, 2001 at 10:06:54 EST
Subject: DRP-Replenishing warehouse
DRP does not consider other warehouses, that are defined in the bill of distribu
By description it should take quantities of warehouses with higher priorities, i
f there is no stock in the warehouse with the lowest priority.
But Baan only checks the first warehouse in the row, even if there is no stock a
Is there a special parameter setting ?
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Numpty Hunter posted Message 5022 in Message Board
Dated : July 13, 2001 at 13:01:05 EST
Subject: Re: Lot Control Question
It is possible to use Lot Control in Baan IVbx without using SFC... but you must
use ILC and make suitable inventory location adjustments.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Numpty Hunter posted Message 5023 in Message Board
Dated : July 13, 2001 at 13:09:27 EST
Subject: Re: inventory still on hold after maintain approvals
I concurr...
When using ILC common advice would be to maintain a Receipt, Inspection and anot
her (normal) location - Inbound and Outbound seems to work best with these minim
al locations.
Also be aware that Inbound from inspection must be run against the transaction I
nventory Transfer NOT against a Purchase Order...

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Numpty posted Message 5024 in Message Board
Dated : July 13, 2001 at 13:18:31 EST
Subject: Re: Vendor Rating Baan ERP- objective scoring scheme
: Right now we are using the standard weighting from the vendor rating parameter
s. Looking for examples of companies using the objective scoring scheme and how
you have it set up, specifically for quality, delivery, and quantity
Objective Scoring Schemes allow you to weight the rating based on performance...
without a scoring scheme objective measures are waited in a linear fashion. In
implementation I have found that users wish to weight early and late delivery (
as an example) differently. So...
2 days early produces a better result than 2 days late, which in turn is better
than 4 days - but 4 days is worse
I have found that any schema proposed will need to be refined in order to produc
e satisfactory ratings - but it will largely depend on what your organisation in
tends to achieve in terms of vendor rating results.
As an example


Values for Which the percentage applies

between 101and 999 days late
between 6 and 100 days late
between 1 and 5 days late
1 day late
between 1 and 4 days early
more than 4 days early

e.g. if the order is 6 days late,


the rating is 3

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Aniln posted Message 5025 in Message Board
Dated : July 13, 2001 at 17:26:16 EST
Subject: Last used document number by transaction type series
In BaaN although, all other order number utilize the "first free number" table,
Sales Invoices takes a different route. The Sales Invoice Number(also called Doc
ument number) is a combination of the Transaction Type and the last used documen
t number under that transaction type. So, tfgld0114m000 session is the place whe
re you can maintain the document number or the series.
Hope it helps
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randy posted Message 5026 in Message Board

Dated : July 13, 2001 at 18:59:27 EST
If you have the Baan IV c4 documentation CD, there is a detailed document there
on how to setup EDI. If not, try the Baan support website. There are many detai
ls necessary for you to know before you can complete the total EDI setup. The r
elation is just one of them.
Good Luck!
: : Im trying to find any information about EDI configuration in Baan 4 c4. I hav
e problems setting up " Maintain messages suported by relations tcedi0111m000"
: : Any help will be useful at this point.
: : Thank
: Is this for internal or external EDI

***************** End Of Article ******************

John Crystal posted Message 5027 in Message Board
Dated : July 14, 2001 at 09:28:18 EST
Subject: Re: DRP-Replenishing warehouse
Baan should cascade down the priority list till it finds enough inventory to fil
l the requirement. Are the priorities possibly set backwards? Zero is the highes
t priority and the warehouse Baan will go to first, then 1, then 2 etc. 9 being
the last warehouse checked.
***************** End Of Article ******************
John Crystal posted Message 5028 in Message Board
Dated : July 14, 2001 at 09:28:40 EST
Subject: Re: DRP-Replenishing warehouse
Baan should cascade down the priority list till it finds enough inventory to fil
l the requirement. Are the priorities possibly set backwards? Zero is the highes
t priority and the warehouse Baan will go to first, then 1, then 2 etc. 9 being
the last warehouse checked.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Lot Control Fresh User posted Message 5029 in Message Board
Dated : July 15, 2001 at 22:46:18 EST
Subject: Inventory Valuation Report By Lot Item
Hai, everybody :
I am a Lot Control fresh user. Still not very familiar with Lot Control yet. Nee
d your advise.

I wonder how to print valuation report for Lot Control as at previous month ?
As in Inventory Valuation By Lot Item tdltc0408m000 did'nt asked us to input a v
aluation date. It will always print out the current month valuation. Where I can
get the last month or last year figure ?
As in tdinv6230m000 Perform Valuation By Item, it will ask user to input a valua
tion date which means I can print backwards data but not Lot Valuation Report.
Please advise !

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ian posted Message 5030 in Message Board
Dated : July 16, 2001 at 03:50:36 EST
Subject: Re: DRP-Replenishing warehouse
The field "Find Redundant Inventory" in DRP Parameters needs to be set to YES.
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Fritz posted Message 5031 in Message Board
Dated : July 16, 2001 at 15:18:47 EST
Subject: Can't finalize invoice
We have two orders which on one line of each order the status is stuck at "Print
Sales Invoice" and we can't get Final invoice to print. We can do a proforma,
but when we try to finalize it tells us "No data within Selection". Any suggest
***************** End Of Article ******************
Jay posted Message 5032 in Message Board
Dated : July 16, 2001 at 16:34:03 EST
Subject: Re: Customer address with different invoice address
: We have multiple site customers. These customers order from different sites. O
rder acknowledgement should be sent to site A but invoice should be sent to head
quarter. We would like to enter site A address, headquarter address and delivery
address at order entry time. Baan only uses two addresses customer address and
delivery address. Customer address can be changed at some stages in the order pr
ocess but not at all times. It is also time consuming and risky to maintain/chan
ge addresses as part of the every day process. Does anyone have a good solution?
: Gunnar Bengtsson
Are you still looking for a solution to this problem? Submit a follow up to let
me know.
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Sathasivan K posted Message 5033 in Message Board
Dated : July 17, 2001 at 04:48:52 EST

Subject: Can Transport Orders be created out of Project Purchse Orders raised fo
r equipments?
The Purchase orders are raised thro Project Module for external equipments. Can
we convert the same purchase orders into Transport orders? If so where can we a
ccommodate the component codes of project element?
If any one knows please reply.
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BTRomp posted Message 5034 in Message Board
Dated : July 17, 2001 at 10:27:24 EST
Subject: Re: Can't finalize invoice
: Move object osls4404 in the update layer to and try it again. If
this works, then you know the bug is in this object.

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WCW posted Message 5035 in Message Board
Dated : July 18, 2001 at 01:57:53 EST
Subject: Print Replenishment List
I would like to ask about the replenishment procedure. i got two function not r
ealy clear. that is in the Print Relenishment List(tdilc2410m000) got two funct
ions. Let me confuse and don't know how use in database? one is economy stock
and inventory on hand. When i select the economy stock, it's print out the all
information basic by economy stock?
If any of you experienced this (or have any idea) maybe can give me some advice.
Thanks You
***************** End Of Article ******************
THORSTEN posted Message 5036 in Message Board
Dated : July 18, 2001 at 02:07:31 EST
Subject: KANBAN supply without inventory
i`am searching for a solution to be supplied in a KanBan system, without having
an own inventory. But how to book the parts from the partslist when there is not
hing in stock?

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Lovina posted Message 5037 in Message Board

Dated : July 18, 2001 at 10:44:49 EST

Subject: Training Material
Has Baan ever come out with decent training material (presentations and exercise
s) for BaanERP like it had for Baan IV ?
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Jorge posted Message 5038 in Message Board
Dated : July 18, 2001 at 12:39:03 EST
Subject: Re: Commissions and Rebates - No Agreement Found
First Im not Eglish speaker. so forgive my errors.
I implemented Comissions in one company.
The Commissions module have to be performed exactly, Im thinking you have not lin
ked Commissions group with your BP. When you generate the Sales order for a cust
omer for an article, the system doesn have all the information to find any agreem
If you like, you can send me screens of all your configuration.
I hope i could hepl you
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Jorge B posted Message 5039 in Message Board
Dated : July 18, 2001 at 13:18:23 EST
Subject: Limitations with storage Unit
Hi: Im not English native speaker so ill try to be clear.
I have a Row material wich its Inventory unit its Kg.
But this row material is an standar piece of steel and his lenght is 6.00 meters
.( You buy it in Kg, pay for it in Kg, receibe in the warehouse in Kg and in pie
ces, the cost is controlled in Kg too).
The problem is when you cut it, the first Manufacturing step give back a short p
iece of steel (spare) that should be storage.
I need to control the new lenght, weight and quantity of pieces.
What should be the storage unit for this row materail in Baan?
Is it a new code? Or should be the same article code?

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Jorge B. posted Message 5040 in Message Board
Dated : July 18, 2001 at 13:20:05 EST
Subject: Re: Limitations with storage Unit

I will apreciate any sugestions


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Jerry Navarra posted Message 5041 in Message Board
Dated : July 18, 2001 at 18:46:15 EST
Subject: Re: Lot Control Question
: We have several small manufacturing companies some of which use Baan manufactu
ring and some that do not. We are currently trying to design a new way to value
our inventory and we are trying to get as close to actual costing as we possibly
: If anyone has discovered a fairly accurate way to track the actual cost of a f
inished manufactured item without using lot control then I would love to hear.
: My main question is: Is it possible to operate lot control in Baan IVb without
using the shop floor control module?
: Thanks
: Simon
The lot control paramter needs to be set-up in two places:
1. The item master costing data. The lot price flag must be set to yes.
2. The item date by warehouse. The valuation method must be set to Lot Cost.
When BAAN does not have a source order to book the lot cost, which is booked upo
n 1st receipt into that lot it uses standard cost. With a PO or Production orde
r it will use that as the cost source.
What we do is set the purchase price in item purchase data and roll the cost of
the standard item (assuming you are not using FTP in another warehouse) then you
can cyclce count it in at the lot cost.
To check to see if it was updated goto whltc100 open the lot and check the secon
d tab. The cost should be updated to the standard cost effective when you did t
he cycle count or the purchase price if you purchased the item.
We are on 5.0b.
Hope this helps.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Jerry Navarra posted Message 5042 in Message Board
Dated : July 18, 2001 at 18:50:33 EST
Subject: Re: Lot Pricing in Baan V
: Has anyone experience with lot pricing in BaanERP? (B50b)

: My sales orders integrations still just use FIFO for COS and not the lot price
. Where is the parameter???
: Kind regards,
: Kris Verbruggen.
The lot control paramter needs to be set-up in two places:
1. The item master costing data. The lot price flag must be set to yes.
2. The item date by warehouse. The valuation method must be set to Lot Cost.
The parameters can only be set with no inventory on hand.
When BAAN does not have a source order to book the lot cost, which is booked upo
n 1st receipt into that lot it uses standard cost. With a PO or Production order
it will use that as the cost source.
What we do is set the purchase price in item purchase data and roll the cost of
the standard item (assuming you are not using FTP in another warehouse) then you
can cyclce count it in at the lot cost.
To check to see if it was updated goto whltc100 open the lot and check the secon
d tab. The cost should be updated to the standard cost effective when you did th
e cycle count or the purchase price if you purchased the item.
We are on 5.0b.
Hope this helps.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Boris Arce posted Message 5043 in Message Board
Dated : July 19, 2001 at 09:21:21 EST
Subject: I am making a list of companies using Baan
I am making a list of companies using Baan
I am going to develop a marketing list of all companies using Baan. The purpose
is to allow Baan Consultants to deal directly with companies as opposed to agenc
ies/recruiters. Please email me names of companies that use Baan along with any
other details you know like:
Industry, sales size, location, address, contact details, etc.
Try to submit complete details on company. Anyone that submits at least 1-5 comp
lete company details can have access to the info I gather.
All I want to do is collect and share the data. I will do all the work and as th
e database grows and I collect more details, contact me and I will run free quer
ies for you (i.e. if you ask me what companies in California or Ireland use Baan
I will email you a list).
Please contribute. I expect to have initial listing in a month as I am right now

receiving about 50 names per month so I can expect to have a good size list by a
another month or two. Thank you to those that contributed month.
Please no recruiters or agencies, I really just want to create a database and ne
twork for candidates.
Boris Arce
Baan Tools Consultant
La Paz, Bolivia
***************** End Of Article ******************
AT posted Message 5044 in Message Board
Dated : July 19, 2001 at 10:11:25 EST
Subject: maintain deliveries session slowly open
while other sessions quickly open.Why does slowly open maintain deliveries sessi
do anybody know
thanks for helps
***************** End Of Article ******************
Jorge B posted Message 5045 in Message Board
Dated : July 19, 2001 at 13:53:10 EST
Subject: Re: maintain deliveries session slowly open
Maybe is due to a low performmance of your data base or other kind of hardware.
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AT posted Message 5046 in Message Board
Dated : July 20, 2001 at 01:43:52 EST
Subject: Re: maintain deliveries session slowly open
: Maybe is due to a low performmance of your data base or other kind of hardware
Problem is not hardware and database, Bacuse fast open other sessions.
***************** End Of Article ******************
CIBRES.COM posted Message 5047 in Message Board
Dated : July 20, 2001 at 07:35:18 EST
Subject: On-line ERP test
Have you got the right stuff to pass the CIBRES ERP test? Find out by taking thi
s 15 question on-line ERP test. Results are automatically generated and sent to
you by email. The test is now available online at
***************** End Of Article ******************
Gunnar posted Message 5048 in Message Board

Dated : July 20, 2001 at 07:45:10 EST

Subject: Vacation sales order planning
We use PRP (Baan C4) in customer order entry to verify that we can ship as reque
sted by customer before we acknowledge order to customer. We never close down co
mpletely for vacation but some of our suppliers do for up to 4 weeks. Baan may t
hink it is OK to purchase items within requested time based on lead time in arti
cle master file but supplier is not shipping anything for weeks. The result of t
his is that we have quite a few odd problems each summer vacation period. Our sa
les people sell products without protests from Baan, the purchase dept gets no s
ignals before it is too late, production is disturbed and some of our customers
get their orders too late.
There is no calender in Baan for suppliers were you can enter weeks when they ar
e closed. Does anyone have a simple solution to our problem?
***************** End Of Article ******************
BT posted Message 5049 in Message Board
Dated : July 20, 2001 at 10:19:26 EST
Subject: Re: Vacation sales order planning
: Just block the customer for the period.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Jan Bosman posted Message 5050 in Message Board
Dated : July 23, 2001 at 07:31:17 EST
Subject: This is Proloq functionality
Hi Jorge,
is this only one item which you use in this way, or have you more of this? Than
you should be using Proloq, a Baan-extension, made in the Netherlands. I don't e
xactly know how to deal with this in standard Baan...probably via a new itemcode
good luck!
Jan Bosman
The Netherlands
***************** End Of Article ******************
baanboozeled posted Message 5051 in Message Board
Dated : July 23, 2001 at 10:34:18 EST
Subject: Re: maintain deliveries session slowly open
How many records are in the sales order lines / sales deliveries tables tdsls041
/tdsls045? There may be many records and that could cause poor performance. Y
ou can not depend on the performance of other sessions due to the varying sets o
f tables and indexes that will be used within each session.
check the baan support website using the session number and see if they have rel
eased a performance patch.

: : Maybe is due to a low performmance of your data base or other kind of hardwa
: Problem is not hardware and database, Bacuse fast open other sessions.
: tanks

***************** End Of Article ******************

Puneet Bansal posted Message 5052 in Message Board
Dated : July 23, 2001 at 13:52:42 EST
Subject: Re: Discount by Order
: Hi,
: I think you should go into session tdsls4225m000 Maintain Discounts by Supplie
r. Use zoom in this session to go into Maintain Discount Parameters by Supplier
tdpur0110s000. First field is Discount by Order/Line/Both. I think you could use
this functionality. There is a lot of help in the help text.
: Regards
In C4 this session is for the Block/ unblock of orders please provide the Correc
t session
: Gunnar

: : Hi,
: : I have never use discount before but today I got the quote price from vender
and he give me a discount. The problem is it is the discount for total amount,
it is not the discount for item line. How can I input total discount per order i
n purchase order.
: : Thanks & Regards,
: : C.S.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Puneet Bansal posted Message 5053 in Message Board
Dated : July 23, 2001 at 13:55:57 EST
Subject: Re: Discount by Order
: : Hi,
: It's a simple way to do that.
: Run session Maintain suppliers tccom2101m000 and in form 4, enter the field Or

der discount (this is a discount over total amount of an purchase order). Every
time when you enter a new purchase order for that supplier, the sistem will retr
ieve this discount percentage which can be modified.
: Best regards,
: Olivia
By maintain the Field order discount in tccom2101m000, we get the discount from
that supplier that much percent for all the materials from that supplier.
If we want a fixed amount as discount from the supplier based on total PO then h
ow can we get that discount.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Puneet Bansal posted Message 5054 in Message Board
Dated : July 23, 2001 at 14:46:32 EST
Subject: Goods Return for the RPL Orders - Urgent
We are using the Baan IV C4. we Use RPL orders for the stock transfers. And we a
re paying the Excise Duty for the Same while sending it. Now if Item that has be
en dispatched through the RPL Order invoicing has returned due to accident or so
me other reason,HOw we will return that item in the BaaN. Also note that Excise
Duty which has been debited, has to be credited for the item that was returned.
Please suggest the way for the Same
***************** End Of Article ******************
Puneet Bansal posted Message 5055 in Message Board
Dated : July 23, 2001 at 14:51:30 EST
Subject: D-3 Register for the Sales Return
WE are doing the Sales return of the goods dispatched.While doing this we can/ca
nnot maintain the D-3 Register as this is not the Mandatory.
But if we have to maintain the D-3 Register, What are the steps that we should f
ollow for the maintainance of D-3 Register.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Puneet Bansal posted Message 5056 in Message Board
Dated : July 23, 2001 at 14:51:44 EST
Subject: D-3 Register for the Sales Return
WE are doing the Sales return of the goods dispatched.While doing this we can/ca
nnot maintain the D-3 Register as this is not the Mandatory.

But if we have to maintain the D-3 Register, What are the steps that we should f
ollow for the maintainance of D-3 Register.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Puneet Bansal posted Message 5057 in Message Board
Dated : July 23, 2001 at 14:59:48 EST
Subject: Loss of Materials during reprocessing, received as Sales Return
The materials we have received as Sales Return, physically undergoes the reproce
ss and then it is sold out again. During the Reprocessing Some of the material i
s lost from the total quantity received as return. since the Reprocessing of Mat
erial does not overall increase the Production of Company as it production has a
lready been declared. So we cannot make the Production Batch for the Same otherw
ise this will increase our production.
My problem is how we will record the loss that occured during the reprocessing.
Please Provide some suggestions.
***************** End Of Article ******************
AT posted Message 5058 in Message Board
Dated : July 24, 2001 at 06:43:10 EST
Subject: Re: maintain deliveries session slowly open
We have got 36963 rows in tdsls041 and 37257 rows tdsls045 tables

: How many records are in the sales order lines / sales deliveries tables tdsls0
41 /tdsls045? There may be many records and that could cause poor performance.
You can not depend on the performance of other sessions due to the varying sets
of tables and indexes that will be used within each session.
: check the baan support website using the session number and see if they have r
eleased a performance patch.
: B.
: : : Maybe is due to a low performmance of your data base or other kind of hard
: : Problem is not hardware and database, Bacuse fast open other sessions.
: : tanks

***************** End Of Article ******************

gary posted Message 5059 in Message Board
Dated : July 24, 2001 at 08:23:45 EST

Subject: how to return items to supplier for repair?

We occasionally need to send a purchased item out for repair because it got dama
ged or was not caught during inspection. What is the best way of doing this from
a costing and inventory perspective? Our initial idea was to create a new wareh
ouse (nettable or not???) to put it into while it is offsite and create a PO for
a cost item called 'Component Repair" anyone have any better ideas?
Thanks, Gary.
***************** End Of Article ******************
John Crystal posted Message 5060 in Message Board
Dated : July 24, 2001 at 09:22:18 EST
Subject: Re: Goods Return for the RPL Orders - Urgent
Is there some reason why a transfer back of the damaged quantity can't be used?
Just reversing the warehouses.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Aitor posted Message 5061 in Message Board
Dated : July 24, 2001 at 09:32:34 EST
Subject: The status of the Purchase Order doesnt change
Hi! I am not Englislman so forgive me.
When I receive a part of the total amaunt of a Purchase Order, the status of the
Purchase Order obviously change, but it should separate in two different status
, shouldnt it? One for the receipt quantity and other for the pending quantity. T
his situation only happens when I select the Purchase Order for receive the pend
ing quantity. Could someone helps me? I would be very gratefull.
***************** End Of Article ******************
John Crystal posted Message 5062 in Message Board
Dated : July 24, 2001 at 09:42:09 EST
Subject: Several ideas
Hi Gary,
It sounds like you are on the right track. On the nettable/non- nettable questio
n I'd tend to make them nettable since you are expecting them to be returned as
usable inventory.
As far as cost you can map the cost of "component repair" into one account. Then
you have a choice of either expensing it immediately, put it to cost of goods s
old, or you could create a surcharge on material costs to offset the component r
epair and apply it to all materials. Most clients I have just expense it immedia
This cost is definitely something to be tracked as it is a result of problems ei
ther in inspection, manufacturing, or material handling and should be reduced.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Michael posted Message 5063 in Message Board

Dated : July 24, 2001 at 09:54:49 EST
Subject: What is exactly the cancelled amaunt in estatistic?
I have executed an estatistic and the cancelled amaunt is higher than the whole
invoiced amaunt, I dont undertand it. This is not the real situation of the firm.
What does cancelled amaunt mean?
***************** End Of Article ******************
ATTENTION posted Message 5064 in Message Board
Dated : July 24, 2001 at 10:25:48 EST
Subject: OUT BOUND &amp; Receipt Loc
During generating Outbound advice , it will also
pick inventories lying in RECEIPT LOC of Ware house
Is that right
It means we have to block all Receipt Locations
Here one more Question :
If we maintain a Outbound & give Receipt loc for
An item BaaN will not allow to use Receipt Location .
Please clarify its urgent
I need your thoughts & knowledge
***************** End Of Article ******************
BT posted Message 5065 in Message Board
Dated : July 24, 2001 at 10:30:40 EST
Subject: Re: The status of the Purchase Order doesnt change
Hi there,
You must confirm the backorder then tdpur045 is inserted.

***************** End Of Article ******************

ATTENTION posted Message 5066 in Message Board
Dated : July 24, 2001 at 10:32:41 EST
Subject: PHANTOM ITEM &amp; Inventory Transcations
Hi BaaN guys & gals
There is a Phantom item & its BOM containg 500 items ,

& Inventory of all Componets are lying in one W/h ( say X) now i want to Transfe
r Inventory of all those Components into another
warehouse ( say Y)
In Inventory Transcation , there is no option for " ISSUE MAIN ITEM / ISSUE COMP
ONENTS " how can I Tranfer Inventory of all Components to other warehouse
I just want to avoid Manual Transcation for all 500 Items
Help required
***************** End Of Article ******************
BT` posted Message 5067 in Message Board
Dated : July 24, 2001 at 10:38:59 EST
Subject: Re: OUT BOUND &amp; Receipt Loc
.In order to avoid no selling it must be possible to deliver the goods from your
receipt location. Also maintain outbound allows you to select goods from receip
t locations. If you want to block the stock from purchase, just activate the ins
pection functionality.
***************** End Of Article ******************
ATTENTION posted Message 5068 in Message Board
Dated : July 24, 2001 at 10:39:21 EST
Subject: Sales Quotation
Hi BaaN guys & gals
Purchase Inquries & Sales Quotation has different Status like NEW ,PRINTED, MODI
FIED , changed , RETURNED & also some ( like copied , deleted etc ) are for sale
s quotation.
Inquiry status can be viewed in DISPlAY INQUIRY ,
***************** End Of Article ******************
Attention posted Message 5069 in Message Board
Dated : July 24, 2001 at 10:44:09 EST
Subject: Subcontracting Without Manufacturing
Hi BaaN guys & gals
we are implementing only distribution & Finance , what will be the best possible
way to handle SUBCONTRACTING in this situation

***************** End Of Article ******************

Puneet Bansal posted Message 5070 in Message Board
Dated : July 24, 2001 at 15:15:32 EST
Subject: Re: Goods Return for the RPL Orders - Urgent
: Is there some reason why a transfer back of the damaged quantity can't be used
? Just reversing the warehouses.
The Material despatched may have not reached to destination because of some acci
dent and because of this there is loss of material during the transit( material
is in Transit Warehouse). now we cannot receive the Same quantity of Material as
was despatched. If we receive the transfer back the quantity that was actually
received then Rest of the quantity will remain in Transit warehouse.How we will
adjust that inventory.
Also we are receiving the material in the Destination ware house through RG - 23
D Which is meant for the Branches and Other Locations. The straight away transfe
r from warehouse to warehouse will not Return the Excise Duty Which was paid for
that material during the clearance
If you are still not clear Please ask in detail


***************** End Of Article ******************

JorgeB posted Message 5071 in Message Board
Dated : July 24, 2001 at 16:18:46 EST
Subject: Re: What is exactly the cancelled amaunt in estatistic?
Cancelled amount are , the lines in sales or purchase order that have been creat
ed but after that, have been deleted without any dispatch or reception (respecti
I hope this is all you want to now
***************** End Of Article ******************
Jorge B posted Message 5072 in Message Board
Dated : July 24, 2001 at 16:22:58 EST
Subject: Re: This is Proloq functionality
: Hi Jorge,

Actually i have aproximately 58 differents items with this features.
If you can tell where i can find Proloq info.?
: is this only one item which you use in this way, or have you more of this? Tha
n you should be using Proloq, a Baan-extension, made in the Netherlands. I don't
exactly know how to deal with this in standard Baan...probably via a new itemco
: good luck!
: Jan Bosman
: The Netherlands

***************** End Of Article ******************

JB posted Message 5073 in Message Board
Dated : July 24, 2001 at 16:33:09 EST
Subject: Re: What is exactly the cancelled amaunt in estatistic?
The purchase/sales order lines that have been created and after that, they have
been deleted without any receipt/dispatch.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Jayant Keskar posted Message 5074 in Message Board
Dated : July 25, 2001 at 04:41:38 EST
Subject: Re: Loss of Materials during reprocessing, received as Sales Return
: Hi,
: The materials we have received as Sales Return, physically undergoes the repro
cess and then it is sold out again. During the Reprocessing Some of the material
is lost from the total quantity received as return. since the Reprocessing of M
aterial does not overall increase the Production of Company as it production has
already been declared. So we cannot make the Production Batch for the Same othe
rwise this will increase our production.
: My problem is how we will record the loss that occured during the reprocessing
. Please Provide some suggestions.
: Puneet
You can set up a production batch in a separate series. Production of these batc
hes should not be included in your production reports. Batch series should be 99
or 9 depending upon the no of digits you use for series, so that you can exclud
e the last series for your reports.
To my knowledge the only other alternative is inventory adjustement tracked to a
separate ledger account based on reason code.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Simon posted Message 5075 in Message Board
Dated : July 25, 2001 at 09:17:51 EST
Subject: Re: Subcontracting Without Manufacturing
We have done exactly the same thing as you plan to do. We have set up warehouses
for each of our subcontractors written some sessions to transfer the goods betw
een warehouses. We use production issues and receipts in inventory control for o
ur production orders. You do not need to write sessions to handle this but it he
lps to get the desired paperwork. You can use inventory transfers into the subco
ntract warehouses and simply book the production receipt back into your own ware
I hope this helps. I won't bore you with the details of the session we have writ
ten but if you want to know, and you have a development license you can e-mail m
***************** End Of Article ******************
Puneet Bansal posted Message 5076 in Message Board
Dated : July 25, 2001 at 10:58:18 EST
Subject: Re: Loss of Materials during reprocessing, received as Sales Return
: : Hi,
: : The materials we have received as Sales Return, physically undergoes the rep
rocess and then it is sold out again. During the Reprocessing Some of the materi
al is lost from the total quantity received as return. since the Reprocessing of
Material does not overall increase the Production of Company as it production h
as already been declared. So we cannot make the Production Batch for the Same ot
herwise this will increase our production.
: : My problem is how we will record the loss that occured during the reprocessi
ng. Please Provide some suggestions.
: : Puneet
: Hi
: You can set up a production batch in a separate series. Production of these ba
tches should not be included in your production reports. Batch series should be
99 or 9 depending upon the no of digits you use for series, so that you can excl
ude the last series for your reports.
: To my knowledge the only other alternative is inventory adjustement tracked to
a separate ledger account based on reason code.
: Jayant

But what if that material is exciseable and my company has to pay the excise Dut
y of the Lost material
Secondly the Item code for the Finished product during the making of production
batch will be Same or different.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Rakesh Choubey posted Message 5077 in Message Board
Dated : July 25, 2001 at 11:09:10 EST
Subject: Inventory increases with the cycle Counting - Urgent
When the Enter the Cycle counting data And process the data we get the inventory
increased from the Present to Double but when checked in details about the inve
ntory in the session Display Inventories By Location We have two entries in one
locations but they have difference only in their Storage Unit. One of the Storag
e unit is the same the Container code. The item master has been checked it is fo
und that the Storage unit and the Inventory unit is maintained as required. The
Storage unit same as the container Code is not desirable.As i have noticed that
we can not change the storage unit at the time of cycle counting.
The new storage unit which is same as the Container code is reported to be in th
e same date as the date of cycle counting. and the other one in the some other d
Please suggest why it happens and how can it be resolved .
***************** End Of Article ******************
Ehab Sayegh posted Message 5078 in Message Board
Dated : July 25, 2001 at 15:16:15 EST
Subject: Email Reminders, Acknowledgments, POs as PDF files
We are glad to announce new functionality to our B2Email line of products:
Send Baan Reports as PDF (Acrobat),CSV (Excel),RTF (Word),TXT (ASCII) or BPF (BW
Print) files by Email
Visit our Web site to get a fully operational demo at <a href=http://www.nazdaq.></a>
- Ehab
***************** End Of Article ******************
gary posted Message 5079 in Message Board
Dated : July 25, 2001 at 16:56:34 EST
Subject: Re: inventory still on hold after maintain approvals

: I concurr...
: When using ILC common advice would be to maintain a Receipt, Inspection and an
other (normal) location - Inbound and Outbound seems to work best with these min
imal locations.
: Also be aware that Inbound from inspection must be run against the transaction
Inventory Transfer NOT against a Purchase Order...
we have been doing it this way for a couple of years now with no problems. Even
now it is only a few items that seem to create the problem. I can fix it with GT
M on ilc101 but the rebuild sessions recreate the block. The original idea for t
hese warehouses was to transfer inventory into or receive from production items
that would get issued via backflushing to other orders but since then items have
been purchased directly into them. Is there a way to block the purchase of item
s to a specific warehouse other than using field level authorizations?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Aitor posted Message 5080 in Message Board
Dated : July 26, 2001 at 03:03:01 EST
Subject: You can only confirm sales orders.
: Hi there,
: You must confirm the backorder then tdpur045 is inserted.
You can confirm sales orders using tdsls4125s000, but Purchase Orders havent got
any possibility aparently. Maybe,this action is not possible with Purchase Order
s, I dont know.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Lars posted Message 5081 in Message Board
Dated : July 26, 2001 at 04:31:27 EST
Subject: Re: how to return items to supplier for repair?
You could also create a production order (rework) with a subcontated operation.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Btromp posted Message 5082 in Message Board
Dated : July 26, 2001 at 07:06:02 EST
Subject: Re: Sales Quotation
Hi there Sancy,
The field tdsls002.lsta is only used in the following sessions:

If you want to see the status you can make a query where you select for instant
the quotation on status.
Hope this will help you further.
Bart Tromp
***************** End Of Article ******************
BT posted Message 5083 in Message Board
Dated : July 26, 2001 at 07:21:04 EST
Subject: Re: You can only confirm sales orders.
: : Hi there,
: : You must confirm the backorder then tdpur045 is inserted.
: You can confirm sales orders using tdsls4125s000, but Purchase Orders havent go
t any possibility aparently. Maybe,this action is not possible with Purchase Ord
ers, I dont know.
You start session tdpur4130m000, there you select (confirm) the backorder quanti
***************** End Of Article ******************
Michael posted Message 5084 in Message Board
Dated : July 26, 2001 at 08:17:01 EST
Subject: Non Nettable to Nettable - GTM?
Hey folks,
I am sure at least a handful you out there have tried or have been tempted to tr
y and change a warehouse from non-nettable to nettable using GTM.
Can you please post your experiences, cautions, issues with this.
Would greatly appreciate it.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Aitor posted Message 5085 in Message Board
Dated : July 26, 2001 at 10:05:38 EST
Subject: Re: You can only confirm sales orders.
: : : Hi there,
: : : You must confirm the backorder then tdpur045 is inserted.
: : You can confirm sales orders using tdsls4125s000, but Purchase Orders havent
got any possibility aparently. Maybe,this action is not possible with Purchase O
rders, I dont know.
: You start session tdpur4130m000, there you select (confirm) the backorder quan

You are right, its the session I need, but I have a problem,
I havent got this session in my standard menu, however I can execute it in tools.
If I execute the option "execute program" in the menu, displays a message sayng
that "I cant start this session". How could I initialize this session?

***************** End Of Article ******************

Jayant Keskar posted Message 5086 in Message Board
Dated : July 26, 2001 at 10:56:46 EST
Subject: Re: Non Nettable to Nettable - GTM?
: Hey folks,
: I am sure at least a handful you out there have tried or have been tempted to
try and change a warehouse from non-nettable to nettable using GTM.
: Can you please post your experiences, cautions, issues with this.
: Would greatly appreciate it.
We have done it a couple of times in the past and we faced no problems.
: Michael

***************** End Of Article ******************

Jayant Keskar posted Message 5087 in Message Board
Dated : July 26, 2001 at 11:35:52 EST
Subject: Re: Inventory increases with the cycle Counting - Urgent
I presume that this is the first time that you have done cycle counting after th
e change in the storage unit. What you should have done in the cycle counting or
der is make the inventory under the old storage unit (container code) zero and e
ntered the physical inventory under the new storage unit.
Therefore you have inventories for two dates. The inventory under the old contai
ner code is the correct inventory date as per the orginal Purchase/Production Re
ceipt. For the new storage unit the date is the date of the cycle count order.
: When the Enter the Cycle counting data And process the data we get the invento
ry increased from the Present to Double but when checked in details about the in
ventory in the session Display Inventories By Location We have two entries in on
e locations but they have difference only in their Storage Unit. One of the Stor
age unit is the same the Container code. The item master has been checked it is
found that the Storage unit and the Inventory unit is maintained as required. Th

e Storage unit same as the container Code is not desirable.As i have noticed tha
t we can not change the storage unit at the time of cycle counting.
: The new storage unit which is same as the Container code is reported to be in
the same date as the date of cycle counting. and the other one in the some other
: Please suggest why it happens and how can it be resolved .
: Rakesh

***************** End Of Article ******************

Chris Kiehl posted Message 5088 in Message Board
Dated : July 26, 2001 at 15:47:19 EST
Subject: Replenishing &amp; Destination Locations
Here's the scenario - I place a Replenishment Order. Both the Replenishing and D
estination Warehouses are the same... W/H 001.
If my Replenishing Location on Form 2 is Location ABC, then Baan will not allow
me to specify my Destination Location as Location ABC as well.
Is there any way around this? Strange as it may seem, I have a need for my Reple
nishing and Destination locations to be the same location.
-Chris***************** End Of Article ******************
JB posted Message 5089 in Message Board
Dated : July 26, 2001 at 18:30:08 EST
Subject: Re: Replenishing &amp; Destination Locations
I supose you have any reason why you need to created a replineshment order betwe
n the same location.
You can create a new virtual location, so you can do it.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Feira posted Message 5090 in Message Board
Dated : July 27, 2001 at 05:34:01 EST
Subject: How to use &quot;Seasonal Pattern&quot; for SIC item?
Hi All,

need to set items' safety stock according to a seasonal pattern. I've ever see
"Maintain Seasonal Pattern" session, but don't know how to use it.
have tried to fill the field "Seasonal Pattern Safety Stock", "Seasonal Patter
for Demand", & "Forecast Method" in Maintain Item Data session but it always f

ails to run the "Calculate Demand Forecast by Item" session.

Please somebody help me. Is there anything else to do to run this seasonal patte
rn safety stock/reorder point?
Thanks in advance,
***************** End Of Article ******************
Jos Dolmans posted Message 5091 in Message Board
Dated : July 27, 2001 at 09:21:59 EST
Subject: Re: PHANTOM ITEM &amp; Inventory Transcations
: Hi BaaN guys & gals
: There is a Phantom item & its BOM containg 500 items ,
: & Inventory of all Componets are lying in one W/h ( say X) now i want to Trans
fer Inventory of all those Components into another
: warehouse ( say Y)
: In Inventory Transcation , there is no option for " ISSUE MAIN ITEM / ISSUE CO
MPONENTS " how can I Tranfer Inventory of all Components to other warehouse
: I just want to avoid Manual Transcation for all 500 Items
: Help required
: sandy
Hello Sandy,
Possible work-around:
1. Make a positive sales order for the phantom (issue components) and deliver it
2. Adjust the warehouse of the components in the phantom's BOM (possibly collect
ively by ttaad4100).
3. Make a negative sales order for the same quantity and deliver (c.q. receive i
n the new warehous) it.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Saikat Paik posted Message 5092 in Message Board
Dated : July 30, 2001 at 05:50:24 EST
Subject: Re: You can only confirm sales orders.
This refers to ur problem. There is no session name " Confrirm Back order" what
is there is " Maintain Back order" i.e (tdpur4130m000) fro where u can confirm t
he back order quantity against that Purchase Order.

Regarding giving permission to that session. U go to following is the steps:

1.go to Tools
2.Click on User Management
3.Click on Authorizations on Session Authorizations
5.Click on Session Auth by Session(ttaad2131m000)
insert the data for the session "tdpur4130m000". The authorization indicator sho
uld read "Inclusive".
For all this u should have tools permission.
I hope this will solve ur Problem
incase any query pls feel free to contact me.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Excel Interface posted Message 5093 in Message Board
Dated : July 30, 2001 at 08:26:10 EST
Subject: Distribution Summaries
Distribution Summary
BaaN Excel Interface Summary feature provide various multidimensional trends wit
h graphs on Distribution as
tdpur045 Receipts
Item / item group wise purchases over period of time (Week , Months, Quarters, H
alf Year , Years) (standard cost)
Supplier / supplier group wise purchases over period of time (standard cost).
Quantitative (Purchased quantity * conversion factor to inventory unit) trends i
n purchase by item / item group (if inventory unit is same for all items in a it
em group)
tdpur041 Purchase Order Lines
Quantitative purchase trends by item / Item group (If inventory unit is same for
all item belonging to that item group) (Ordered quantity * conversion factor p
urchase unit to inventory unit)
Sales Order Line History
Sales invoicing trends customer wise (amount * currency rate / rate factor)
Sales invoicing trends item/itemgroup/sales statistics group / Country / warehou
se wise
Item/item group sales distribution by customers/sales statistics group/country/w
arehouses summary
tdsls041 Sales Order Lines
Quantitative sales trends by item / Item group (If inventory unit is same for al

l item belonging to that item group) (Ordered quantity * conversion factor sale
s unit to inventory unit)
tdltc102 Lot Transactions for Lot Tracking
Item net inflow/outflow trends (weekly, monthly, quarterly etc) based on transac
tion date
Order type transaction distribution by item during a given period
tdltc001 Lots
Inventory Aging report. All lots created have the information about lot inventor
y (inventory on hand) and when it was first received. Based on this it is possib
le to classify the inventory based on how much old it is. Depending on the age o
f the lot and the item to which lot belongs a summary will be prepared showing t
he inventory distribution based on its age. This report is possible only for lot
controlled items.
tdilc103 Warehouse Order Transfers by Lot and Loc
tdilc501 Cycle Counting Orders
Stock discrepancies by item/item group (if inventory units is same for all items
in the item group) warehouse/location wise.
tdinv120 Cycle Counting Orders
Stock discrepancies by item/item group (if inventory units is same for all items
in the item group) warehouse wise.
tdinv150 Planned Inventory Transactions by Item
Inventory Movement plan warehouse wise.
Weekly/Monthly/Quarterly etc Inventory movement plan (based on transaction date
tdinv300 Planned INV Production Orders
INV Production plan by Warehouse (for a given period based on delivery date)
Weekly Production plan by Item / item group (if inventory units is same for all
items in the item group)
tdinv310 Planned INV Purchase Orders
INV Purchase plan by Warehouse (for a given period based on delivery date)
Weekly Purchase plan by Item / item group (if inventory units is same for all it
ems in the item group)
INV Purchase plan by Supplier (for a given period based on delivery date)
INV Purchase plan by Buyer (for a given period based on delivery date)
Download Demo:
***************** End Of Article ******************
Excel Interface posted Message 5094 in Message Board
Dated : July 30, 2001 at 08:28:51 EST
Subject: Trends in Sales
Trends in Sales

BaaN Excel Interface Summary feature provide various multidimensional Trends wit
h Graphs over Sales rather Item or Customer wise.
Trends in Sales Item Wise
If invoice details are set to yes then integration transaction sales/sales invoi
ce generated with type of sales 'Revenue' in tfgld410. The item sold is also inc
luded. This along with transaction date and debit/credit and amount in HC can be
used to get the trends in Sales - Item wise.
Trends in Sales Customer Wise
When invoice is processed in tdsls4223m000, integration transaction sales/sales
invoice generated with type of sales 'Invoice Totals' in tfgld410. The customer
is also included. This along with transaction date and debit/credit and amount i
n HC can be used to get the trends in Sales - Customer wise.
Download Demo:
***************** End Of Article ******************
Excel Interface posted Message 5095 in Message Board
Dated : July 30, 2001 at 08:30:11 EST
Subject: Trends in Production Cost Summaries
Trends in Production Cost Summary
BaaN Excel Interface Summary feature provide various multidimensional Trends wit
h Graphs over Production Costs.
Standard Production Costs Trends
When production order is completed the financial transaction Production (SFC) /
Production receipt is generated in table tfgld410. This is generated at the stan
dard cost of the end item. This data can be utilized in the program to generate
trends. The program has the capability to treat the &#8216;Credit&#8217; lines
as negative figures. These figures can be had for item groups. When PCS projects
are used, Production (SFC) / Receipt is not generated at all. Surcharges if an
y used should be taken care off using cost price components.(Please see scheme n
amed &#8220;production&#8221; in Summary of BaaN Excel Interface)
Actual Production Cost Trends
When production orders are finished (ticst0201m000) then financial transaction p
roduction (SFC) / Receipt is generated at standard cost and Production (SFC) /
Production result is generated for the difference between the actual cost and st
andard cost in tfgld410. In order to get the actual cost of production order for
particular items in a period, it is necessary to subtract the Production result
from Production receipt value. As the item field in production (SFC) / Producti
on result is left blank, it is necessary to get the end item for which productio
n (SFC) / production result is generated.

Download Demo:

***************** End Of Article ******************
Excel Interface posted Message 5096 in Message Board
Dated : July 30, 2001 at 08:33:04 EST
Subject: Trends in Purchase Cost
Trends in Purchase Cost
BaaN Excel Interface Summary feature provide various multidimensional Trends wit
h Graphs over Purchase Costs.
Trends in Actual Purchase Cost- Item Wise
When goods are received from supplier or price is changed either from change pri
ces and discounts (tdpur4122m000) or invoice is approved (tfacp1140s000), then P
urchase/Receipt (at standard Cost price) and Purchase/result (Standard Cost pric
e &#8211; actual purchase price ) transaction is generated in tfgld410 . Purcha
se result is not generated when the inventory valuation is &#8216;Lot price&#821
7; in item master. For lot priced items, purchase / receipts is only actual purc
hase price. When purchases are made for PCS project, then Purchase / Material co
sts and purchase results are generated on events aforesaid. When PCS projects ar
e used, they have to be filtered using &#8220;Project like [ ]&#8221; condition
. Thus Actual purchase price is the difference Standard cost and Purchase result
. Surcharges if any used should be taken care off using cost price components. '
Credit' lines have to be treated as negative in order to get the correct picture
. For B40b or lower versions, special care has to be taken to filter out line 1
in calculations because of old table design. This report helps user to understan
d the item wise purchase behavior and see it in relative terms with other items.
(Please see ActCstPurTrndsItm scheme on BaaN Excel Interface Demo)
Trends in Actual Purchase Cost- Supplier Wise
It is similar to above report. The only difference here would be that field 'sup
plier' and not 'item' would be row here. This data helps Purchase manager to mea
sure the changing patterns of supplier relationships in financial terms. (Please
See scheme ActPurTrndsSup of BaaN Excel Interface Demo)
Trends in Standard Purchase Cost
Purchase / receipts for FTP valued is the standard cost price for purchased item
s. This can be aggregated to get the trends in standard purchases.
Download Demo:
***************** End Of Article ******************
Martin Biemond posted Message 5097 in Message Board
Dated : July 30, 2001 at 13:08:59 EST
Subject: Blanked Purchase Orders in Baan IV
We like to use the concept: blanked purchase orders. Anybody an idea how to do t

his in Baan IV? Is it possible to use Purchase Contracts for this?

***************** End Of Article ******************
Jagjit posted Message 5098 in Message Board
Dated : July 31, 2001 at 01:14:41 EST
Subject: Session tdpurl108m000
Secondly while running session tdpurl108m000
> Maintain Cenvat Receipts We are geting message
> "Purchase Order Line Item is not modvatable. Error 606
> Reference does not exists in select . In Item Master
> Data Localization Data Item MOdvatable = Yes. Why this
> errror is coming
***************** End Of Article ******************
D.V.Jain posted Message 5099 in Message Board
Dated : July 31, 2001 at 07:34:58 EST
Subject: Re: Session tdpurl108m000

Secondly while running session tdpurl108m000

> Maintain Cenvat Receipts We are geting message
> "Purchase Order Line Item is not modvatable. Error 606
> Reference does not exists in select . In Item Master
> Data Localization Data Item MOdvatable = Yes. Why this
> errror is coming

: Regards
: Jagjit
In Purchase order lines localised data it may be set to no

***************** End Of Article ******************

Dale Germain posted Message 5100 in Message Board
Dated : July 31, 2001 at 16:15:07 EST
Subject: Direct Delivery Sales Orders
Does anyone know what dictates if an item will default to Direct Delivery: YES
on a sales order? What parameter or field drives a certain item to default to "
***************** End Of Article ******************
Merv Carr posted Message 5101 in Message Board
Dated : July 31, 2001 at 17:12:41 EST
Subject: Re: Direct Delivery Sales Orders
Have a wee gander in the item master! Look for the field which says "direct deli
very from"

: Does anyone know what dictates if an item will default to Direct Delivery: YE
S on a sales order? What parameter or field drives a certain item to default to

***************** End Of Article ******************

John Crystal posted Message 5102 in Message Board
Dated : July 31, 2001 at 22:35:10 EST
Subject: Re: Blanked Purchase Orders in Baan IV
The purchase contracts work fine for this. The purchase order issued under the c
ontract would be the equivalent of the release under the blanket order.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Bambang posted Message 5103 in Message Board
Dated : August 01, 2001 at 04:14:50 EST
Subject: Simulated Cost Price
Hi All,
I would like to calculate a simulated cost price for manufactured item. After ca
lculated it using a Simulation Calculation Code, the result only consist of Mate
rial Cost. So, where is the Operational Cost?
Please anybody could help me?
Thanks in advance.
***************** End Of Article ******************
D.V.Jain posted Message 5104 in Message Board
Dated : August 01, 2001 at 06:30:45 EST
Subject: Re: Simulated Cost Price
: Hi All,
: I would like to calculate a simulated cost price for manufactured item. After
calculated it using a Simulation Calculation Code, the result only consist of Ma
terial Cost. So, where is the Operational Cost?
: Please anybody could help me?
: Thanks in advance.
You have to define the operation rates also for the Cost Price Calculation Code
used for simulated cost Price. Then it will consider the operation costs also in
Simulated Cost Price.
D. V. Jain

***************** End Of Article ******************

D. V. Jain posted Message 5105 in Message Board

Dated : August 01, 2001 at 06:37:58 EST

Subject: Re: D-3 Register for the Sales Return
: Hi,
: WE are doing the Sales return of the goods dispatched.While doing this we can/
cannot maintain the D-3 Register as this is not the Mandatory.
: But if we have to maintain the D-3 Register, What are the steps that we should
follow for the maintainance of D-3 Register.
You have to maintain Sales Order with order type of Return.
se Sales REturn, you have to maintain consignment by giving
er no there in session Maintain D 3 Intimatiaon.
then you have to process Production ORder with rework order
n again you have to run the session Maintain D-3 Processing

then in Central Exci

the sales return ord
field set to yes the

***************** End Of Article ******************

Dale Germain posted Message 5106 in Message Board
Dated : August 01, 2001 at 08:02:21 EST
Subject: Re: Direct Delivery Sales Orders
:Thanks Merv. The functionality is not outlined well in the Baan help manuals.
With more investigation I found the purpose for this setting. I had an item on
the sales order that always flipped to Direct Delivery: YES and I now realize t
hat it is because of a dictated quantity in that itm001 field.
: Have a wee gander in the item master! Look for the field which says "direct de
livery from"
: : Does anyone know what dictates if an item will default to Direct Delivery:
YES on a sales order? What parameter or field drives a certain item to default
to "yes".

***************** End Of Article ******************

Dale Germain posted Message 5107 in Message Board
Dated : August 01, 2001 at 08:02:29 EST
Subject: Re: Direct Delivery Sales Orders
:Thanks Merv. The functionality is not outlined well in the Baan help manuals.
With more investigation I found the purpose for this setting. I had an item on
the sales order that always flipped to Direct Delivery: YES and I now realize t
hat it is because of a dictated quantity in that itm001 field.
: Have a wee gander in the item master! Look for the field which says "direct de
livery from"
: : Does anyone know what dictates if an item will default to Direct Delivery:

YES on a sales order? What parameter or field drives a certain item to default
to "yes".

***************** End Of Article ******************

Attention posted Message 5108 in Message Board
Dated : August 02, 2001 at 07:28:42 EST
Subject: Item Desc
hi baan fans ,
as you all are aware that there are only 30 characters for Item desc in ITEM DAT
A , but we wnt to include complete specifications ( about 50 charcter long) of i
tem in purchase order ,
we donot want to attched TEXT WITH each purchase order for that
Is there any other way to attched additional information of Item specifiction ,
so that it may also appear in Purchase order
***************** End Of Article ******************
Andrew Larholt posted Message 5109 in Message Board
Dated : August 02, 2001 at 09:25:20 EST
Subject: HELP, I need somebody
I am an UK recruitment agent who needs your help. I am looking for a BaaN Funct
ional Support contractor to work with one of my major clients in Belgium. The r
ole involves heavy use of both Oracle and Unix. Good Rate, Low Tax.....&#8230;.
can you or somebody you know do this job?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Jay posted Message 5110 in Message Board
Dated : August 02, 2001 at 09:42:57 EST
Subject: Re: Item Desc
: hi baan fans ,
: as you all are aware that there are only 30 characters for Item desc in ITEM D
ATA , but we wnt to include complete specifications ( about 50 charcter long) of
item in purchase order ,
: we donot want to attched TEXT WITH each purchase order for that
: Is there any other way to attched additional information of Item specifiction
, so that it may also appear in Purchase order
: thanks
: Attention
I assume you are saying you don't want to manually apply text to each purchase o
rder for this. You can accomplish this by putting your 50 character description
in Purchase text on the item at the item master level. The item master gives you

3 types of text to use on an item, Item text, Sales text and Purchase text. Loo
k at the help if you need clarification.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Ryan Miller posted Message 5111 in Message Board
Dated : August 02, 2001 at 11:45:12 EST
Subject: Re: Non Nettable to Nettable - GTM?
: : Hey folks,
: : I am sure at least a handful you out there have tried or have been tempted t
o try and change a warehouse from non-nettable to nettable using GTM.
: : Can you please post your experiences, cautions, issues with this.
: : Would greatly appreciate it.
: Hi
: We have done it a couple of times in the past and we faced no problems.
: Jayant
: : Michael
Same here.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Lovina posted Message 5112 in Message Board
Dated : August 02, 2001 at 17:13:28 EST
Subject: Warehouse Transfer Orders in BaanERP
Is it possible to transfer Customized Items from one warehouse to another in Baa
nERP ?
Thanks in advance.
***************** End Of Article ******************
d v jain posted Message 5113 in Message Board
Dated : August 03, 2001 at 03:06:48 EST
Subject: How to calculate total shortage of Materials
can somebody tell how to calculate the total shortage of materials for a range o
f production orders. Suppose an item is available 10 pieces in the warehouse and
it is required 10 pieces each in 10 different production orders. It shows no sh
ortage against any production order.
D. V. Jain
***************** End Of Article ******************
Gunnar posted Message 5114 in Message Board
Dated : August 03, 2001 at 03:15:26 EST
Subject: Save defaults-Undo

We are on Baan C4 ASCII. It is possible in various sessions to save settings by

pressing -. This is described as save defaults. I wonder how I can remove or und
o saved default values.
Thanks for help.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Juergen posted Message 5115 in Message Board
Dated : August 03, 2001 at 04:33:40 EST
Subject: Re: Save defaults-Undo
: We are on Baan C4 ASCII. It is possible in various sessions to save settings b
y pressing -. This is described as save defaults. I wonder how I can remove or u
ndo saved default values.
: Thanks for help.
Saved default values can be removed with the Tools
Session ttstpdeldeflt "Remove default values per User".
This session is located in the User Management menu.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Mike posted Message 5116 in Message Board
Dated : August 03, 2001 at 07:40:41 EST
Subject: Re: How to calculate total shortage of Materials
: can somebody tell how to calculate the total shortage of materials for a range
of production orders. Suppose an item is available 10 pieces in the warehouse a
nd it is required 10 pieces each in 10 different production orders. It shows no
shortage against any production order.
: D. V. Jain
We had the same issues, we use almost 100% backflush and had no way of telling w
hat was clean to release to the floor. I had our IT department write us a clean
/Short report. It analyzes all of the requirement in the tdinv150 or whinp100 t
able depending on whether you are in 4 or 5. It then ties them to their sfc ord
er. We then apply the order status and sort the requirments out by order status
and requirement date. We then start pseudo allocating current inventory to the
the highest status first and working our way down to figure out what we can rele
ase clean for planned orders. The output is the clean orders and also what is s
hort by order to stop us from release. This report comes out as an asci file an
d the planners use access to sort it in a number of way to do their job.

***************** End Of Article ******************

bt posted Message 5117 in Message Board
Dated : August 03, 2001 at 09:48:59 EST

Subject: Re: HELP, I need somebody

: I am an UK recruitment agent who needs your help. I am looking for a BaaN Fun
ctional Support contractor to work with one of my major clients in Belgium. The
role involves heavy use of both Oracle and Unix. Good Rate, Low Tax..... .can yo
u or somebody you know do this job?
What does it pay? Can it be done in free time, Saturdays perhaps?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Attention posted Message 5118 in Message Board
Dated : August 07, 2001 at 01:21:05 EST
Subject: Sub Session tdilc4113s000
hi Baan fans ,
We have Implemented ILC , but when we receive material in Maintain Receipt, the
sssion is not moving into Sub Session tdilc4113s000.
As we all are aware that If ILC is Implemented then under " Maintain Receipt " i
t should move into tdilc4113s000 .
we require your help in this regard, kindly confirm is there any parameter , so
that that subsession can appear Automatically.
thanks in advance
***************** End Of Article ******************
Lars posted Message 5119 in Message Board
Dated : August 07, 2001 at 09:43:33 EST
Subject: Re: Warehouse Transfer Orders in BaanERP
: Is it possible to transfer Customized Items from one warehouse to another in B
aanERP ?
: Thanks in advance.
Yes, it is possible to transfer Customized Items from one warehouse to another i
n BaanERP. There have been several problems doing so, but BGS has released sever
al solutions to solve the problem.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Gnter Th. posted Message 5120 in Message Board
Dated : August 07, 2001 at 10:11:37 EST
Subject: Re: Sub Session tdilc4113s000
: hi Baan fans ,
: We have Implemented ILC , but when we receive material in Maintain Receipt, th
e sssion is not moving into Sub Session tdilc4113s000.

: As we all are aware that If ILC is Implemented then under " Maintain Receipt "
it should move into tdilc4113s000 .
: we require your help in this regard, kindly confirm is there any parameter , s
o that that subsession can appear Automatically.
: thanks in advance
: sandy
it depends on a paramter in tdilc0100m000 the paramter is tdilc000.sunu it shoul
d be "yes". Please have a look on it and read the help text.
I hope it helps
***************** End Of Article ******************
Don't We All posted Message 5121 in Message Board
Dated : August 07, 2001 at 16:56:05 EST
Subject: Re: HELP, I need somebody
: I am an UK recruitment agent who needs your help. I am looking for a BaaN Fun
ctional Support contractor to work with one of my major clients in Belgium. The
role involves heavy use of both Oracle and Unix. Good Rate, Low Tax..... .can yo
u or somebody you know do this job?

***************** End Of Article ******************

Saikat Paik posted Message 5122 in Message Board
Dated : August 08, 2001 at 06:11:54 EST
Subject: Status not changing in Maintain Purchase Requisition Header (tdprq0201m
000) from &quot;PO Raised&quot; to &quot;Completed&quot; automatically.
Hi BaaNFans!!!
We are facing a problem in the above mentioned session. The status of Purchase R
equisition not changing from "PO raised" to "Completed" automatically after doin
g Maintain Receipts against a Purchase Order. The same case is applicable whenev
er the back order quantity is zero and all the quantities are approved.
This is creating lot of difficulty in tracking the pending POs and Requisitions.
Please suggest at the earliest.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Linda posted Message 5123 in Message Board
Dated : August 08, 2001 at 12:40:12 EST
Subject: Re: Status not changing in Maintain Purchase Requisition Header (tdprq0
201m000) from &quot;PO Raised&quot; to &quot;Completed&quot; automatically.
: Hi BaaNFans!!!
: We are facing a problem in the above mentioned session. The status of Purchase
Requisition not changing from "PO raised" to "Completed" automatically after do
ing Maintain Receipts against a Purchase Order. The same case is applicable when
ever the back order quantity is zero and all the quantities are approved.
: This is creating lot of difficulty in tracking the pending POs and Requisition
: Please suggest at the earliest.
: Regards
: Saikat
We just upgraded to c4, you did not mention your version, however, we have been
told by Baan that they will not reset status on any type order i.e. Sales Order,
Purchase Order, Replenishment order etc. There practice is for us to follow th
rough with order. For an eg. in Sales Order if we delete outbound (our customer
cancelled order and we want to cancel item from order) Baan does not reset stat
us so that we can delete line. They want us to complete order and issue a credi
t - If we regenerate outbound material will re-allocate to line etc. This is t
otally unacceptable, but am not having good headway with resolution at Baan. So
rry to hear of your problems, just wanted you to know you aren't alone and if we
all continue to press Baan, this might get resolved to the CUSTOMERS satisfacti
***************** End Of Article ******************
Linda posted Message 5124 in Message Board
Dated : August 08, 2001 at 12:46:25 EST
Subject: Printing Pick List Sort
In 4b4 when printing picklist, their order for printing was by customer number.
Now in 4c4, we picklist prints in Sales Order Sequence. Anyone have same probl
em, is there a resolution?
Thanks, Linda
***************** End Of Article ******************
jay posted Message 5125 in Message Board
Dated : August 08, 2001 at 15:52:08 EST
Subject: Re: Sales Quotation

: Hi BaaN guys & gals

: Purchase Inquries & Sales Quotation has different Status like NEW ,PRINTED, MO
DIFIED , changed , RETURNED & also some ( like copied , deleted etc ) are for sa
les quotation.
: Inquiry status can be viewed in DISPlAY INQUIRY ,
: sandy
Your best solution is to have a custom display session created from tdsls002. Th
at's what I did for my users and they seem satisfied.
***************** End Of Article ******************
BT posted Message 5126 in Message Board
Dated : August 10, 2001 at 03:22:54 EST
Subject: Re: Printing Pick List Sort
: In 4b4 when printing picklist, their order for printing was by customer number
. Now in 4c4, we picklist prints in Sales Order Sequence. Anyone have same pro
blem, is there a resolution?
: Thanks, Linda
Hi there Linda,
The pickinglist is printed by order or by order or location. There was a fix mad
e that changed the sortcode from customer to order number. If you want to know m
ore detailed information, please let me know by mail.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Stavros Papadatos posted Message 5127 in Message Board
Dated : August 10, 2001 at 05:51:49 EST
Subject: Preventing Usage of certain Items in certain Warehouses
We are implementing baan in an environment where certain needs occure. We would
like to find a way to prevent the usage ocertain items in certnain warehouses. T
hat means that certain combinations of items and warehouses should be prevented
in Requisitions RFQ P.O. and Receipts. Does anyone ever faced a need like that b
***************** End Of Article ******************
BT posted Message 5128 in Message Board
Dated : August 10, 2001 at 07:37:34 EST
Subject: Re: Preventing Usage of certain Items in certain Warehouses
: We are implementing baan in an environment where certain needs occure. We woul
d like to find a way to prevent the usage ocertain items in certnain warehouses.
That means that certain combinations of items and warehouses should be prevente
d in Requisitions RFQ P.O. and Receipts. Does anyone ever faced a need like that

Do you use ILC?

***************** End Of Article ******************
CR posted Message 5129 in Message Board
Dated : August 10, 2001 at 10:10:26 EST
Subject: Re: Preventing Usage of certain Items in certain Warehouses
: We are implementing baan in an environment where certain needs occure. We woul
d like to find a way to prevent the usage ocertain items in certnain warehouses.
That means that certain combinations of items and warehouses should be prevente
d in Requisitions RFQ P.O. and Receipts. Does anyone ever faced a need like that
tdinv0100 wharehouse definition with an item with maximum 0,
only with ILC
test this. mayby a solution
with ILC
you can make / say that an item has a fixed location.
kind regards
***************** End Of Article ******************
Linda posted Message 5130 in Message Board
Dated : August 10, 2001 at 11:19:43 EST
Subject: Generating INV Production Orders
We have just migrated from 4b4 to 4c4 and when generating INV Production orders
in 4c it appears that Baan ignores the already on order qty., and places a new o
rder for same amount for manufactured item. This is NOT happening on INV Purcha
se Orders.
Does anyone have any information on a problem like this. Any help or input appr
***************** End Of Article ******************
Harry posted Message 5131 in Message Board
Dated : August 11, 2001 at 13:24:17 EST
Subject: Process Duty Payments
In session Process Duty Payments [Removal Type Non Debiting Register] tdsls02
01m000. When we press continue button it zooms to session tdsls0202s000 [Mark In
voices] but it is not showing any data whereas there exists invoices in that ran

ge of date. Why is it not showing any Invoices. But When we run session "Print D
etails of Process Duty Payments then it shows tdslsl401m000.
***************** End Of Article ******************
sids posted Message 5132 in Message Board
Dated : August 12, 2001 at 07:28:39 EST
Subject: copying sales quotation to sales contract in Baan V c
Our requirement is to convert succesful sales quotation into sales contract.Baan
V c documents says that quotation can be converted into contract, but on checki
ng the session "Process Quotations tdsls1200m00", the option section has facilit
y for sales order series only and no provision for sales contract. Is there any
other way to convert quotations to contract.
We are using Baan V c service pack 5.
If any body has any solution please letme know.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Gary posted Message 5133 in Message Board
Dated : August 13, 2001 at 14:02:18 EST
Subject: Items in Outbound Data without Run Number
We're starting to see some entries in Outbound Data with a 'blank' run number. I
t's my understanding that the Generate Outbound Advice requires a valid run numb
er be entered. I'm not sure how these entries with the 'blank' run number got cr
eated. Anyone have any ideas?
***************** End Of Article ******************
D. V. Jain posted Message 5134 in Message Board
Dated : August 14, 2001 at 01:50:13 EST
Subject: Re: Process Duty Payments
: Hai
In session Process Duty Payments [Removal Type Non Debiting Register] tdsls
0201m000. When we press continue button it zooms to session tdsls0202s000 [Mark
Invoices] but it is not showing any data whereas there exists invoices in that r
ange of date. Why is it not showing any Invoices. But When we run session "Print
Details of Process Duty Payments then it shows tdslsl401m000.
You please check the ORder line status, it may not be ready for Process duty Pay
D. V. Jain

: Regards
: Harry

***************** End Of Article ******************

Jose Luis posted Message 5135 in Message Board
Dated : August 14, 2001 at 05:47:58 EST
Subject: Re: Items in Outbound Data without Run Number
The only way I know to have in tdilc401 a 'blank' run number is using a "direct
sales order" (tcmcs042.coun = Yes).
After the sales order is inserted, outbound data sesion is opened and, when you
exit, the outbound is created and launched at the same time using a 'blank' run
***************** End Of Article ******************
Dave Godin posted Message 5136 in Message Board
Dated : August 14, 2001 at 14:17:55 EST
Subject: REport - inventory adjustment by reason
Is there a baan report showing inventory adjustments by reason code for a date r
ange? I don't see one in the distribution module and it seems like a logical re
port to have.
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Manish D posted Message 5137 in Message Board
Dated : August 14, 2001 at 14:37:49 EST
Subject: Shipment with past dates
We are receiving shipment details by an ASCII file. Most of the time we receive
details same day on which actual shipment/inventory transfer happens but in some
cases, we do receive details on next day. My customer wants to record and proce
ss shipment/inventory transfer on the day on which material is physically moved.
Is there any way in Baan where we can create and process shipments/inventory tra
nsfers with past date.
We are on Baan ERP. Thanks in advance.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Darren Phillips posted Message 5138 in Message Board

Dated : August 14, 2001 at 20:27:42 EST
Subject: Re: Shipment with past dates
This is the same way that our system works. we receive a daily calloff from our
customer in an access database file. Then use maintain planned deliveries tdssc0
117m000 to enter the shipment. Once these are confirmed the system creates the
sales orders and the inventory transactions(sales delivery) which have the date
that was entered in the planned deliveries session, it is part of supply chain
in 4c4 so should be standard in baanerp I guess.
For this to work in 4c4 you need sales contracts and schedules setup for the ite
ms.If you have an ascii file you could use exchange to populate the shipping sch
edule tables tdssc029/30 and use the automatically create planned deliveries ses
sion(tdssc0217m000) to create the planned deliveries.

: We are receiving shipment details by an ASCII file. Most of the time we receiv
e details same day on which actual shipment/inventory transfer happens but in so
me cases, we do receive details on next day. My customer wants to record and pro
cess shipment/inventory transfer on the day on which material is physically move
: Is there any way in Baan where we can create and process shipments/inventory t
ransfers with past date.
: We are on Baan ERP. Thanks in advance.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Patrick Van der Veken posted Message 5139 in Message Board
Dated : August 15, 2001 at 01:16:51 EST
Subject: **** NEW: Baan Community: ****
We are proud to announce the rise of a new website and Baan community:
With we are aiming provide an easy-to-use and no-nonsense message
board that can cover any
Baan related topic. Whether you are interested in the Baan business, Baan jobs,
wther you have have
technical questions or wether you just would like to be appraised about what is
going in the Baan World, is the place you should be!
The no-nonsense approach means: no banners, no flashy advertisements, no spam, n

o abusive messages. All

of many things most of the other Baan message boards seem to suffer from.
The web site uses state-of-the-art technology (Linux, Mysql, PSP, vBulletin) and
usage is
self-explanatory, altough the FAQ link on the main page will answer most of ques
tions you might have.
Registration is required but free so join up today if you are interested!
Please forward this message to anyone (friends, collegues, family, others) who y
ou think might be
interested in
Thanks for your time and hope to see you soon,
Patrick Van der Veken & James Gittins
***************** End Of Article ******************
Michael posted Message 5140 in Message Board
Dated : August 15, 2001 at 03:55:22 EST
Subject: Price on Manual Purchase Orders
Hi Folks,
Baan ERP allows the creation of Manual Purchase Orders using the Warehousing Ord
ers Session (whinh2500). Can anyone tell me where the purchase price comes from?
It doesn't allow an input as part of the creation of the warehouse order nor do
es it seem to register any purchase price at all?
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Michael posted Message 5141 in Message Board
Dated : August 15, 2001 at 04:03:51 EST
Subject: Price on Manual Purchase Orders
Hi Folks,
Baan ERP allowss the creation of Manual Purchase orders through the warehouse or
der session (whinh2500m000).
Can anyone tell me where if anywhere the purchase price for the order line comes
There is not an input field as part of the order line entry. In fact does it see
m to register any purchase price at all.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Michael posted Message 5142 in Message Board
Dated : August 15, 2001 at 04:14:37 EST
Subject: Purchase Order Types - Execution Mode

I have a question applying to Purchase Order Types in BaaN ERP.
I have previously setup a sales order type with execution mode "automatic".
This means as soon as the order line was created the order was released and ship
I have now setup a purchase order type with a similar execution mode hoping that
the same thing would be accomplished - it doesn't seem to work.
I am wondering if anybody has successfully used this field/functionality as it r
elates to purchasing?
Maybe I have a bug in the version of Baan 5 I am working with.
The greater issue is that I am trying to create a method so that once PO lines a
re created that they can be automatically received. The problem is that the rece
iving step is the one manditory steps in a receiving warehouse order type.
I call to the creativity and knowledge of our Baan community for any inspiration
or direction.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Carol Schmidt posted Message 5143 in Message Board
Dated : August 15, 2001 at 09:57:03 EST
Subject: Text / Customer Status
I am interested in anyone's suggestions/workarounds to the following issue:
We use the sales order header text area to maintain our INTERNAL notes related t
o each sales order. We also set our customers to a "blocked status" under certa
in circumstances. When a customer is blocked, inserting text is prohibited. I
understand the logic of this, but wondering if there are any ideas out there, so
that I can add this internal text while the customer remains blocked.
Thank you in advance for your input.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Anubhav Maheshwari posted Message 5144 in Message Board
Dated : August 16, 2001 at 05:02:12 EST
Subject: Transportation cost to item cost
How we can add transportation cost occured on a purchase of certain item but pai
d to some other supplier. Also this cost should add to cost of item i.e. avg cos
t of item or If it is lot price than cost of lot should get updated.
***************** End Of Article ******************
anubhav maheshwari posted Message 5145 in Message Board
Dated : August 16, 2001 at 05:06:16 EST
Subject: Budgetry control in PRQ
We r on Baan 4 C4 supply chain. Any baan expert can help me how to use budgetr

y control in PRQ. Please help me out.

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Kush posted Message 5146 in Message Board
Dated : August 16, 2001 at 07:24:27 EST
Subject: Where to post Localization (India)Problems
I want to know where to post Localiztion Problems. Indian Localization.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Jack Fitzsimons posted Message 5147 in Message Board
Dated : August 16, 2001 at 07:43:44 EST
Subject: On what logistics standard (APEX or otherwise) is tdpur5413m000 based o
Hi Folks,
Can anyone tell me what logistics standard (eg. APEX) the supplier reliability a
nalysis sessions (tdpur5413m000/tdpur5414m000/tdpur5415m0000) are based on.

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Michael posted Message 5148 in Message Board
Dated : August 16, 2001 at 09:19:40 EST
Subject: Re: Purchase Order Types - Execution Mode
For the record there is a function called direct processing located on the speci
al menu of the session tdpur4500m000 that does the trick. If the order type is s
et with execution mode "automatic" this processes the order.

: Hi,
: I have a question applying to Purchase Order Types in BaaN ERP.
: I have previously setup a sales order type with execution mode "automatic".
: This means as soon as the order line was created the order was released and sh
: I have now setup a purchase order type with a similar execution mode hoping th

at the same thing would be accomplished - it doesn't seem to work.

: I am wondering if anybody has successfully used this field/functionality as it
relates to purchasing?
: Maybe I have a bug in the version of Baan 5 I am working with.
: The greater issue is that I am trying to create a method so that once PO lines
are created that they can be automatically received. The problem is that the re
ceiving step is the one manditory steps in a receiving warehouse order type.
: I call to the creativity and knowledge of our Baan community for any inspirati
on or direction.

***************** End Of Article ******************

D.V. Jain posted Message 5149 in Message Board
Dated : August 17, 2001 at 07:06:06 EST
Subject: Re: Where to post Localization (India)Problems
: Hai

I want to know where to post Localiztion Problems. Indian Localization.

: Regards
: Kush
You can post it here itself
D. V. jain
***************** End Of Article ******************
D.V.Jain posted Message 5150 in Message Board
Dated : August 17, 2001 at 07:08:27 EST
Subject: How to reverse the released outbound data
Hi to all
Can somebody tell how to reverse the released outbound data against a Sales Ord
er by mistake.Or a return order has to be created.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Dave G. posted Message 5151 in Message Board
Dated : August 17, 2001 at 10:47:51 EST
Subject: Re: OUT BOUND &amp; Receipt Loc
I am using baan iv..I go to the maintain locations session under location contro
l and set the REC locations to outbound=NO (form 2)
: .In order to avoid no selling it must be possible to deliver the goods from yo
ur receipt location. Also maintain outbound allows you to select goods from rece
ipt locations. If you want to block the stock from purchase, just activate the i

nspection functionality.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Phil posted Message 5152 in Message Board
Dated : August 17, 2001 at 16:03:57 EST
Subject: Re: How to reverse the released outbound data
: Hi to all
: Can somebody tell how to reverse the released outbound data against a Sales O
rder by mistake.Or a return order has to be created.
Return Sales Order I am afraid.......
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Sreeni posted Message 5153 in Message Board
Dated : August 18, 2001 at 01:06:24 EST
Subject: Print Sales Invoice
We are in the process of migrating from a Mainframe to a Baan Distribution for p
rinting our Sales Invoices.
We want do the minimum of data migration before we print invoices from Baan for
our customers. What data ( tables) need to be populated in order to print a invo
ice with a minimum number of steps in Baan.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Sunny posted Message 5154 in Message Board
Dated : August 18, 2001 at 02:48:41 EST
Subject: Maintain Cenvat Receipts
In session "Maintain Cenvat Receipts" tdpurl108m000 wrong amount was enter for
one receipt number as a result Sr No For PArt 1&2 were generated and already mo
re entries have been done. Now how the value of that Receipt No can be corrected
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Jagjit posted Message 5155 in Message Board
Dated : August 19, 2001 at 14:35:32 EST
Subject: Help Urgent - Discount Level Not Allowed

In session tdpur4105s000 "Maintain Purchase Order Lines" when we press Save Bu

tton it gives message Discount Level Not Allowed. Also in session tdind0271s000
on field Line Discount when we zoom it gives message ask-enum.domain 'tdpur.dlev
' is wrong. This problem has arisen after installing Service Packs from 3-6.
***************** End Of Article ******************
bt posted Message 5156 in Message Board
Dated : August 20, 2001 at 02:37:13 EST
Subject: Re: Help Urgent - Discount Level Not Allowed
: Hai
: In session tdpur4105s000 "Maintain Purchase Order Lines" when we press Save
Button it gives message Discount Level Not Allowed. Also in session tdind0271s00
0 on field Line Discount when we zoom it gives message ask-enum.domain 'tdpur.dl
ev' is wrong. This problem has arisen after installing Service Packs from 3-6.
: Regards
: Jagjit
This is fixable, pleas email me.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Jagjit posted Message 5157 in Message Board
Dated : August 20, 2001 at 04:30:44 EST
Subject: For BT
: : Hai
Do you have any other Email address
: : Regards
: : Jagjit
***************** End Of Article ******************
Baan Fan posted Message 5158 in Message Board
Dated : August 20, 2001 at 06:56:29 EST
Subject: Calender Problem
If anybody has come accross the following error when trying to initialize/roll t
he actual scenario in B5 can you please give me some insight into what it is. I
am have looked at my calender setup and it seems fine - any help would be apprec
"Multiplier 2-D Calender Arrays too small. Program (cprmp110001) aborted"

***************** End Of Article ******************

Jagjit posted Message 5159 in Message Board
Dated : August 20, 2001 at 08:55:38 EST
Subject: Help Urgent - Discount Level Not Allowed (Still Not Solved)
In session tdpur4105s000 "Maintain Purchase Order Lines" when we press Save Butt
on it gives message Discount Level Not Allowed. Also in session tdind0271s000 on
field Line Discount when we zoom it gives message ask-enum.domain 'tdpur.dlev'
is wrong. This problem has arisen after installing Service Packs from 3-6.
***************** End Of Article ******************
latha posted Message 5160 in Message Board
Dated : August 21, 2001 at 06:03:14 EST
Subject: Re: inventory still on hold after maintain approvals
: : : We do not have any locations! No receipt, no inspect, no normal. That is t
he whole idea. When we receive an item it goes straight into stock without havin
g to run inbound at all. It works perfectly 99% of the time. However recently we
have noticed that several items that were received fine in the past have been s
tuck in a "on hold" status even after maintain approvals has been performed. I w
as looking to see if anyone else was running with this same kind of set up and h
ad experienced similar problems.
: : : : : Recently we have been having problems with items that get put on hold
after being received into a warehouse without locations. We have ILC turned on,
but these particular warehouses do not have locations defined. The process seems
to work fine for items that do not go through inspection but anything that goes
through maintain approvals ends up blocked. Has anybody else come across this
problem? We are on IVc3.
: : : : You have ILC turned on, that means you already have inspection and recei
ption location( by running ses. "Change location system by wh"). You should defi
ne another normal location so after you receive and approve the item, run Inboun
d Movement (generate and release) and you'll find your item in normal location i
nstead inspection one. Be carefull if you don't run generate and release inbound
your item it's still blocked.
: Inventory on hold when you don't use ILC, may arise in 2 situations:
: 1) goods received are still to be inspected - and it's not your case
: 2) inventory is included in a cycle counting order - you should check it
: In other order, check field "Inv. on hold" in following tables:tdilc101, tdinv
001, tiitm001; may arise differences between quantities written in theese tables
. If there are, run session tdinv0252m000.
: I hope this will be usefull for you.
As given above running the session tdinv0252m000 would release the inventory in
hold from the tables mentioned.We too have a IVc3 version but with ILC maintaine
You can check for the Items getting into hold in the

1.Item Master If Inspection field is mentioned as "Yes". since you do not go thr
ough the process of maintain approval, giving this field "Yes" might move your i
nventory to hold.
2.The Suppiler who supplies the item , in the supplier master has a field with I
nspection "Yes" again.
3.The order type defined for Purchase orders might have Maintain approvals as a
step defined.this would apply Inspection field in Purchase order lines as "Yes".
If this lines has Inspection as "No" again the inventory lands up as hold.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Jeanne Ploshay posted Message 5161 in Message Board
Dated : August 21, 2001 at 15:20:50 EST
Subject: Error Message tdsls2021?????????????????????????
Does anyone know the complete verbage on the above error message? It's one we'v
e never seen before that just started popping up when working from within "Enter
Quotation Results", when clicking into the "status field". We've never, even r
un across this before. Help!
Jeanne Ploshay
***************** End Of Article ******************
Juergen posted Message 5162 in Message Board
Dated : August 22, 2001 at 03:34:17 EST
Subject: Re: Error Message tdsls2021?????????????????????????
: Does anyone know the complete verbage on the above error message? It's one we
've never seen before that just started popping up when working from within "Ent
er Quotation Results", when clicking into the "status field". We've never, even
run across this before. Help!
: Jeanne Ploshay
Hi Jeanne,
heres the message that you are missing:
"Quotation already expired on %s"
where %s is a joker for the expiry date
Quotation already expired on 04.07.2001
***************** End Of Article ******************
CIBRES.COM posted Message 5163 in Message Board
Dated : August 23, 2001 at 22:20:41 EST
Subject: Business Ethics for the ERP Industry
Business Ethics for the ERP Industry
Is the feature article this month on CIBRES.COM
Learn how consultants and ERP service providers bend the rules and break ethics

in this unique ground breaking article.

It may be viewed online at
***************** End Of Article ******************
Boris Arce posted Message 5164 in Message Board
Dated : August 27, 2001 at 09:05:39 EST
Subject: I am making a list of companies using Baan
I am making a list of companies using Baan
I am going to develop a marketing list of all companies using Baan. The purpose
is to allow Baan Consultants to deal directly with companies as opposed to agenc
ies/recruiters. Please email me names of companies that use Baan along with any
other details you know like:
Industry, sales size, location, address, contact details, etc.
Try to submit complete details on company. Anyone that submits at least 1-5 comp
lete company details can have access to the info I gather.
All I want to do is collect and share the data. I will do all the work and as th
e database grows and I collect more details, contact me and I will run free quer
ies for you (i.e. if you ask me what companies in California or Ireland use Baan
I will email you a list).
Please contribute. I expect to have initial listing in a month as I am right now
receiving about 50 names per month so I can expect to have a good size list by a
another month or two. Thank you to those that contributed month.
Please no recruiters or agencies, I really just want to create a database and ne
twork for candidates.
Boris Arce
Baan Tools Consultant
La Paz, Bolivia
***************** End Of Article ******************
John Ryan posted Message 5165 in Message Board
Dated : August 27, 2001 at 14:30:30 EST
Subject: Re: output management software
: : What is the best output management software? We want to be able to create be
tter looking PO's and invoices etc. Also be able to add direct faxing capability
: We work with OPTIO. It's perfect. We also send automatically faxes when pickin
glists are printed, or when purchase orders are confirmed etc.
Can anyone recommend other products?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Jagjit posted Message 5166 in Message Board

Dated : August 27, 2001 at 23:58:24 EST

Subject: Asterik Signs - *********
In session Maintain Approvals(tdpur4121m000) it is displaying **** signs again
st Item Description & unit . Why is it so.
Please Help me ASAp
***************** End Of Article ******************
Jose Luis posted Message 5167 in Message Board
Dated : August 28, 2001 at 02:06:10 EST
Subject: Re: Asterik Signs - *********
Perhaps you have a wrong record on tiitm100 for the container internal code.
Review this table and the fields item, reli and cntr on tiitm001 for this item.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Computer posted Message 5168 in Message Board
Dated : August 29, 2001 at 03:11:11 EST
Subject: baan in thailand (thai languague)
***************** End Of Article ******************
Dave Godin posted Message 5169 in Message Board
Dated : August 29, 2001 at 09:08:27 EST
Subject: Re: Asterik Signs - *********
The system give asteriks when the part you keyed in is not found.

: Hai
: In session Maintain Approvals(tdpur4121m000) it is displaying **** signs aga
inst Item Description & unit . Why is it so.
: Please Help me ASAp
: Regards
: Jagjit

***************** End Of Article ******************

Arief Budiyanto posted Message 5170 in Message Board
Dated : August 29, 2001 at 09:46:00 EST
Subject: Re: How to reverse the released outbound data
: Hi to all
: Can somebody tell how to reverse the released outbound data against a Sales O
rder by mistake.Or a return order has to be created.
In Maintain Sales Order session, use Order Type with Return Order. The quantity
entered will be negative, although you enter it positive.
***************** End Of Article ******************
linda posted Message 5171 in Message Board
Dated : August 29, 2001 at 18:45:50 EST
Subject: first time with BOM
We just have set up Bills of Material and would now like to run
list for purchasing to order..when I set-up a production order
I only get a material list for level one items...I need list for
all items on BOM...I could use some quick training...
***************** End Of Article ******************
NEAL MATTHEWS posted Message 5172 in Message Board
Dated : August 31, 2001 at 05:29:40 EST
Subject: Charge for packaging in sch without using seperate item
We have a customer that we charge for the packaging against a specific item. We
have set the packaging up as an item and attached to the relevant sales contract
. However it appears that the only way we can get the packaging to appear on the
sales order and then the subsequent invoice is to add it to the despatch as a s
eperate item via a seperate sales contract. Is there any way we can charge for t
his packaging without having to add it as a separate item.
We are running the supply chain module of Baan IV c3.
Neal Matthews
***************** End Of Article ******************
Naga Prasad posted Message 5173 in Message Board
Dated : August 31, 2001 at 05:53:56 EST
Subject: Component not Valid in a sales order lines
Hi ,
I am trying to create a sales order line for a phantom item or Otherwise,which h

as components with inventory valuation Method is by 'Lot Price'.

I am getting an error of 'Component with Inventory Valuation of Lot Price is not
allowed.'at the time of saving the order line.
Is there any parameter setting or is it the functionality ?
When i tried for a component with FTP valuation method, there is no problem.
Any inputs are appreciated.,
Thanks in advance
Naga Prasad
***************** End Of Article ******************
BaanFan posted Message 5174 in Message Board
Dated : August 31, 2001 at 07:09:21 EST
Subject: Evaluation method
Does anyone have any idea about changing evaluation method from Ftp in Lot price
, taking in consideration that we already have inventory on items in disscution?
The system will not allow me to change this by runing sesion tiitm0101.
What happend if I change this setting in table tiitm001?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Mike posted Message 5175 in Message Board
Dated : August 31, 2001 at 10:49:28 EST
Subject: Re: first time with BOM

We just have set up Bills of Material and would now like to run
list for purchasing to order..when I set-up a production order
I only get a material list for level one items...I need list for
all items on BOM...I could use some quick training...

It appears that you aren't using any planning engine (MRP, MPS, ERP). Creating
a shop floor order will only give you a single level material list, unless you a
re using phantoms. Your best solution to get at the purchased parts to be order
ed may be to print a summarized bill of material. This blows through all of the
manufactured levels and sums up the common purchased items that go into that BO
M. It also allows you to put in a quantity that you need and multiplies that th
ough all levels to give you a total quantity required. You should be entering y
ou SFC on order quantity here. The best solution would be to implement which ev
er planning engine you have, it will do all the math for you and tell purchasing
what to order.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Sunny posted Message 5176 in Message Board
Dated : September 02, 2001 at 11:52:48 EST
Subject: Maintain RPL Order
We have maintained one Rpl Order . For that Rpl order Maintain Outbound Data
has also been done. Now user want to change Dest Loc on form 2 of Rpl Order for
that Rpl . Can this be changed.Please help me ASAP.

***************** End Of Article ******************
Iris Finkbeiner-Dumlu posted Message 5177 in Message Board
Dated : September 03, 2001 at 02:32:07 EST
Subject: sales discount cumulativ
How can I fix sales discounts depending on quantaty cumulativ.
Is it a question of the price parameters?
Ex. Customers contract: 10% for 1-10 pieces cumulativ, than 12% for 11-20 pieces
cumulativ etc.
Need your help.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Mohammed M S posted Message 5178 in Message Board
Dated : September 03, 2001 at 03:27:56 EST
Subject: Re: Evaluation method
Use the session tdltc0130m000 and tdltc0131m000
if the Item is lot item change to non lot and again to lot with Evluation lot Pr
***************** End Of Article ******************
BaanFan posted Message 5179 in Message Board
Dated : September 04, 2001 at 04:13:58 EST
Subject: Re: Evaluation method
: Use the session tdltc0130m000 and tdltc0131m000
: if the Item is lot item change to non lot and again to lot with Evluation lot
It's great ideea, but I am not able to see the result, becouse, after I change i
tem to non lot and try to run the session tdltc0130m000, the system gives me thi
s message: Error 100(Duplicate value)on tdltc004 and can't continue in this sess
ion. So I try again for another item and I verify before that if in the table td
ltc004 is any record regarding lot price structure for that item and is not, and
still system gives the same message. What's happend?
Further more, I have some obiections for this method:
1. The lot and lot tracking data are removed from tdltc001 and tdltc102.
2. If my inventory on hand composed by 3 lots with different expire date, in mor
e than one warehouse, what happend after running the session tdltc0130m000? As f
ar as I understand, inventory on hand is registered under one lot code (expire d
ate??) and in one warehouse (which is registered in tiitm001 for the item)
***************** End Of Article ****************** posted Message 5180 in Message Board

Dated : September 04, 2001 at 09:41:25 EST
Subject: Re: Evaluation method
This session only works if exist one lot ina a warehouse.
If exists two or more lots dont work
: : Use the session tdltc0130m000 and tdltc0131m000
: : if the Item is lot item change to non lot and again to lot with Evluation lo
t Price.
: Hi!
: It's great ideea, but I am not able to see the result, becouse, after I change
item to non lot and try to run the session tdltc0130m000, the system gives me t
his message: Error 100(Duplicate value)on tdltc004 and can't continue in this se
ssion. So I try again for another item and I verify before that if in the table
tdltc004 is any record regarding lot price structure for that item and is not, a
nd still system gives the same message. What's happend?
: Further more, I have some obiections for this method:
: 1. The lot and lot tracking data are removed from tdltc001 and tdltc102.
: 2. If my inventory on hand composed by 3 lots with different expire date, in m
ore than one warehouse, what happend after running the session tdltc0130m000? As
far as I understand, inventory on hand is registered under one lot code (expire
date??) and in one warehouse (which is registered in tiitm001 for the item)

***************** End Of Article ******************

Berry posted Message 5181 in Message Board
Dated : September 04, 2001 at 22:28:04 EST
Subject: Calculate Standard Cost Price twice a day
Dear All,
Could we calculate standard cost price more than once a day?
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Gunnar posted Message 5182 in Message Board
Dated : September 05, 2001 at 04:42:38 EST
Subject: Re: Calculate Standard Cost Price twice a day
: Dear All,
: Could we calculate standard cost price more than once a day?
: Thanks.
: BY

***************** End Of Article ******************

Gunnar posted Message 5183 in Message Board

Dated : September 05, 2001 at 04:45:47 EST
Subject: Re: Calculate Standard Cost Price twice a day
: : Dear All,
: : Could we calculate standard cost price more than once a day?
: : Thanks.
: : BY
We run C4 and can only update cost once a day for live items. Live items are ite
ms with inventory or planned movements. You are supposed to be able to update mo
re than once a day in later versions than C4.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Gunnar posted Message 5184 in Message Board
Dated : September 06, 2001 at 04:20:38 EST
Subject: Cash in advance shipment mistakes
We sometimes have sales orders with term of payment cash in advance. Term of pa
yment is just a text field. It does not prevent you from issuing picking list et
c and ship goods prior to payment by mistake. Does anyone have an idea how to ma
ke Baan stop people from making this kind of mistake? We are on Baan C4.
***************** End Of Article ******************
BARNy posted Message 5185 in Message Board
Dated : September 06, 2001 at 08:59:18 EST
Subject: Ship Complete
How do I allocate available material on a "ship complete" order, so the items ar
e reserved until all the items are in stock - ready for shipment?
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Diane S posted Message 5186 in Message Board
Dated : September 06, 2001 at 18:55:25 EST
Subject: Re: Cash in advance shipment mistakes
Our company is on BaaN3c. We ship a large number of cash-in-advance orders. We
have made it a requirement that when our customer service personnel put a CIA o
rder in the system that they manually block the order. This requires the credit
department to release the order, which is done only after we receive the money.
I have also created a report in our report writing software that keys on to th
e "CIA" term code and shows me each order that has those terms. I can then make

sure the orders are all manually blocked before the CIA money arrives.

: We sometimes have sales orders with term of payment cash in advance. Term of
payment is just a text field. It does not prevent you from issuing picking list
etc and ship goods prior to payment by mistake. Does anyone have an idea how to
make Baan stop people from making this kind of mistake? We are on Baan C4.
: Thanks
: Gunnar

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Diane Snyder posted Message 5187 in Message Board
Dated : September 06, 2001 at 19:15:49 EST
Subject: Invoicing one-time customers
When we sell product through the Distribution Module against our one-time custom
er account (the proper designation is shown in the customer record)the one-time
billing address does not show. Each time we use this customer number it is for
a different one-time customer, so we manually put in the right shipping address.
However, we are not prompted to put in the customer's billing name and address
. Occasionally, we'll bill a customer through the A/R module using the one-time
customer number, and we are always prompted to put in the billing information.
Is there something we can do to change in BaaN so we are prompted to type in th
e billing information when we sell product through the Distribution module?
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John Crystal posted Message 5188 in Message Board
Dated : September 07, 2001 at 16:20:22 EST
Subject: Re: Calculate Standard Cost Price twice a day
If you really have the need to update the standard cost more than once a day on
Baan IV the workaround is as follows.
After updating the standard cost, using GTM or other tools, you reset the std co
st date in the item master to the previous day. Then you can update the std cost
again. You can do this as many times a day as needed. The thing to watch though
is that you may get some strange numbers in the financials if receipts and issu
es are taking place at the same time.
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md posted Message 5189 in Message Board
Dated : September 10, 2001 at 11:33:50 EST
Subject: multisite EDI - pb of not recognizing Advance shipment notice in purcha
se receipts
dear folks,

i had setup a multisite edi and found that to be working ok with P.Os, P.O amend
ments etc between companies. in the sales company, the advance shipment notice m
essage x12 - 856 out also is getting generated. this message is also seen in th
e directory intended for the receipt company. however, after reading the incomi
ng message, no entry is getting recorded in the table tdpur400, interim table f
or purchase receipts. however in the sales company outgoing messages history, th
e record is getting updated as the message was read by the receipt company. the
message also is removed from the appl_comm directory after running the direct ne
twork communication session. any suggestions are welcome.
thanking you in advance.
with best regards,

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BaanFan posted Message 5190 in Message Board
Dated : September 11, 2001 at 03:27:57 EST
Subject: Re: Maintain RPL Order
: Hai
We have maintained one Rpl Order . For that Rpl order Maintain Outbound Dat
a has also been done. Now user want to change Dest Loc on form 2 of Rpl Order fo
r that Rpl . Can this be changed.Please help me ASAP.
: Regards
: Sunny
Try to delete outbound data with tdilc4211m000. You can only delete outbound dat
a as long as item have not yet issued by running tdilc4202m000. After that retur
n to replenishment order on form 2 and you will be able to change Dest. Loc.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Michael posted Message 5191 in Message Board
Dated : September 11, 2001 at 09:14:05 EST
Subject: Transfer Orders B5
Can somebody please confirm or
le to make approvals an active
I realize that this might like
you can include an inspection
nsfer order type.
The thing is that
1. I have ensured the item has
2. That there is an inspection

deny the following statement for me. It is possib

part of a warehouse transfer order process in B5.
a sound stupid question in light of the fact that
procedure as part of the setup of a warehouse tra
the inspection flag on in item purchase data
location in the warehouse I am transferring to

I can't think of any other factor that might prevent it.

Please only answer if you are absolutely sure - previous to actually trying it I
was 100% sure as well.

Thanks in advance for your help

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Jeanne Ploshay posted Message 5192 in Message Board
Dated : September 11, 2001 at 14:57:11 EST
Subject: Process More than one quotation to the same sales order
We sometimes have customers place a purchase order which pulls items from more t
han one quote. Is there a way to do this in BaaN via the "Enter Quotation Resul
ts" session so that all the items are on the same sales order.
Jeanne Ploshay
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D V Jain posted Message 5193 in Message Board
Dated : September 12, 2001 at 07:22:37 EST
Subject: Re: Ship Complete
: How do I allocate available material on a "ship complete" order, so the items
are reserved until all the items are in stock - ready for shipment?
You can do so by generating an outbound advice and not releasing it if you are u
sing location control.
D V jain

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linda posted Message 5194 in Message Board
Dated : September 12, 2001 at 16:32:11 EST
Subject: Re: first time with BOM
I really am green at this. Seems we don't have MRP (Material Requirement Planni
ng) or MPS (Master Production Scheduling). I couldn't determine what ERP stands
I was not here when this package was purchased so I don't know what the plans wh
ere on how to tell purchasing what to order..and then how to effect inventory.
Summerizing works but this does not place any items as allocated. So this is how
I came up with Production Control.. (which seems not to be the correct way to d
o things)
Any idea on what the plans may have been. Since we didn't purchase this MPS
or MRP??? Thanks for your help...again

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Michael posted Message 5195 in Message Board

Dated : September 13, 2001 at 04:13:55 EST
Subject: Re: Ship Complete
: : How do I allocate available material on a "ship complete" order, so the item
s are reserved until all the items are in stock - ready for shipment?
: You can do so by generating an outbound advice and not releasing it if you are
using location control.
: D V jain
I thought about this too but the issue here is that you will not be able to gene
rate partial OB advice for ship complete orders without changing the ship comple
te flag

***************** End Of Article ******************

BARNy posted Message 5196 in Message Board
Dated : September 13, 2001 at 09:00:39 EST
Subject: Re: Ship Complete
: : : How do I allocate available material on a "ship complete" order, so the it
ems are reserved until all the items are in stock - ready for shipment?
: : You can do so by generating an outbound advice and not releasing it if you a
re using location control.
: : D V jain
: I thought about this too but the issue here is that you will not be able to ge
nerate partial OB advice for ship complete orders without changing the ship comp
lete flag
My sentiments exactly.
Is there a way in standard baan????

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test posted Message 5197 in Message Board
Dated : September 16, 2001 at 01:20:55 EST
Subject: test
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Puneet Bansal posted Message 5198 in Message Board
Dated : September 16, 2001 at 06:35:06 EST

Subject: Purchase Orders

We are using c4. We have punched Purchse Orders and maintained its lines and Pri
nted Purchase Order. Now after being taken the approval for that order i can aga
in open the Purchase Order and can modify any field in the lines as desired even
after Purchase Order is supplied to Party, before the receipts is being maintai
ned against that Purchase Order.
Is there any way to lock the mdification after the purchase order is Printed.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Puneet Bansal posted Message 5199 in Message Board
Dated : September 16, 2001 at 06:39:04 EST
Subject: Backorder in Receipts
After we maintain the Receipts against a purchase Order we have a option to chan
ge the Backorder for the Purchase Order, thereby we can maintain the receipts fo
r that Purchase Order as much as wanted.
Is there way to lock it or is it the system bug
***************** End Of Article ******************
bill posted Message 5200 in Message Board
Dated : September 16, 2001 at 09:47:15 EST
Subject: Re: Backorder in Receipts
: Hi
: After we maintain the Receipts against a purchase Order we have a option to ch
ange the Backorder for the Purchase Order, thereby we can maintain the receipts
for that Purchase Order as much as wanted.
: Is there way to lock it or is it the system bug
: Puneet
That is how we close P.O.'s. We change the backorder amount to zero.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Jeet posted Message 5201 in Message Board
Dated : September 17, 2001 at 03:48:41 EST
Subject: Re: Backorder in Receipts
: Hi
: After we maintain the Receipts against a purchase Order we have a option to ch

ange the Backorder for the Purchase Order, thereby we can maintain the receipts
for that Purchase Order as much as wanted.
: Is there way to lock it or is it the system bug
: Puneet
You can make this field as Display if you do not want user to change it. This fi
eld is also present in Maintian approval.
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Carol Schmidt posted Message 5202 in Message Board
Dated : September 17, 2001 at 09:52:35 EST
Subject: Sales Order Blocking After Maintain Deliveries
A user is not able to modify a sales order that has had maintain deliveries comp
leted. This I understand and agree. However, a user is able to modify or add t
ext into a sales order after maintain deliveries (which I wish to continue to be
able to do). When text is created for a sales order that has already shipped,
the sales order credit blocks accordingly. Why would the logic of sales order b
locking apply to an order that has already shipped and been invoiced? If text i
s modified or appended for a sales order that has already shipped/invoiced, the
sales order does not block.
Thank you in advance for your prompt response to this question.
Carol Schmidt
Egan Visual Inc.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Jaione posted Message 5203 in Message Board
Dated : September 17, 2001 at 10:11:28 EST
Subject: Problemas con las unidades en Compras.
La situacin es la siguiente:
Nosotros compramos tubos y la unidad de compra que debemos usar son piezas (1 pi
eza de 6 metros), la unidad de precio de compra nos viene dado por el proveedor
en metros (1 metro tantas pesetas)y finalmente recepcionamos en piezas. Por lo t
anto tenemos un factor de conversin de 1 pieza...6 metros.
Ahora, cuando se necesitan tubos de diferente medida a 6 metros (7 metros por ej
emplo) tendramos que cambiar el factor de conversin y as constantemente.
Me podra alguien ayudar?
Gracias de antemano!
***************** End Of Article ******************
Joalrei posted Message 5204 in Message Board
Dated : September 18, 2001 at 00:51:22 EST
Subject: Re: Problemas con las unidades en Compras.
Nosotros lo arreglamos indicando en el texto de la orden de compra que las pieza
s eran de siete metros, y cuando se recepcionaba y hacia el factor de conversion

presentando seis metros, lo cambiamos por siete.

Esto nos pasaba al tener OC de seis y siete metroa a la vez, con lo que si cambi
as el factor de conversion de una perjudicas a la otra.
Tambien podrias jugar con poner factor de almacenamiento a siete, para que al re
cepcionar te indique qiue son de site metros, y luego sobreescribirla por seis.
Espero que te ayude

: La situacin es la siguiente:
: Nosotros compramos tubos y la unidad de compra que debemos usar son piezas (1
pieza de 6 metros), la unidad de precio de compra nos viene dado por el proveedo
r en metros (1 metro tantas pesetas)y finalmente recepcionamos en piezas. Por lo
tanto tenemos un factor de conversin de 1 pieza...6 metros.
: Ahora, cuando se necesitan tubos de diferente medida a 6 metros (7 metros por
ejemplo) tendramos que cambiar el factor de conversin y as constantemente.
: Me podra alguien ayudar?
: Gracias de antemano!

***************** End Of Article ******************

Charles Gomba posted Message 5205 in Message Board
Dated : September 18, 2001 at 01:23:05 EST
Subject: Re: Backorder in Receipts
If you wish to use back orders you can take the route of making the back order q
uantity field display only as already suggested. If you do not wish to use back
orders then you must set the parameter "back orders allowed" to "No" in maintain
PUR parameters - tdpur4100m000
***************** End Of Article ******************
Jaione posted Message 5206 in Message Board
Dated : September 18, 2001 at 10:54:13 EST
Subject: Re: Problemas con las unidades en Compras.
Gracias por tu respuesta,
de todos modos nosotros ahora hacemos algo parecido. Se puede modificar el facto
r de conversin para cada cambio de pieza en metros, si son pocos. El problema es
que aunque haya muchas piezas de 6 metros, se cambia cada dos por tres la medida
de la pieza por diferentes razones y no podemos estar constantemente
cambiando el factor de conversin. Lo de poner la unidad de almacenamiento 6 metro tenemos implantado el modulo de lotes.
No conoceras por casualidad alguna otra forma?
Gracias por tu inters!

: Nosotros lo arreglamos indicando en el texto de la orden de compra que las pie

zas eran de siete metros, y cuando se recepcionaba y hacia el factor de conversi
on presentando seis metros, lo cambiamos por siete.

: Esto nos pasaba al tener OC de seis y siete metroa a la vez, con lo que si cam
bias el factor de conversion de una perjudicas a la otra.
: Tambien podrias jugar con poner factor de almacenamiento a siete, para que al
recepcionar te indique qiue son de site metros, y luego sobreescribirla por seis
: Espero que te ayude
: : La situacin es la siguiente:
: : Nosotros compramos tubos y la unidad de compra que debemos usar son piezas (
1 pieza de 6 metros), la unidad de precio de compra nos viene dado por el provee
dor en metros (1 metro tantas pesetas)y finalmente recepcionamos en piezas. Por
lo tanto tenemos un factor de conversin de 1 pieza...6 metros.
: : Ahora, cuando se necesitan tubos de diferente medida a 6 metros (7 metros po
r ejemplo) tendramos que cambiar el factor de conversin y as constantemente.
: : Me podra alguien ayudar?
: : Gracias de antemano!

***************** End Of Article ******************

Eli posted Message 5207 in Message Board
Dated : September 19, 2001 at 02:22:23 EST
Subject: About multisite and sales order
Hello !
We need to know whether is possible using Multisite to do the next:
We have defined one logistic and two finance companies. We have made a sales ord
er. We want to divide it for the two finance companies - one invoice in first fi
nance company to bind with the part of sales order and another invoice in the se
cond company to bind with the remained part of order.
If someone knows let answer us as soon as possible !
Kind regards !
Elena Kostantinova
***************** End Of Article ******************
Eli posted Message 5208 in Message Board
Dated : September 19, 2001 at 03:35:51 EST
Subject: About multisite and sales order
Hello !
We need to know whether is possible using Multisite to do the next:
We have defined one logistic and two finance companies. We have made a sales ord
er. We want to divide it for the two finance companies - one invoice in first fi
nance company to bind with the part of sales order and another invoice in the se
cond company to bind with the remained part of order.
If someone knows let answer us as soon as possible !

Kind regards !
Elena Kostantinova
***************** End Of Article ******************
Attention posted Message 5209 in Message Board
Dated : September 19, 2001 at 08:48:30 EST
Subject: Outbound Priority
hi Baan Fans ,
As we can define INBOUND priority by Location in Location By Items / Maintain lo
cations ,
IS there any way to define Outbound Priority for Locations also , ( We are using
Outbound Priority = By location in Item Data )
thanx in adv
***************** End Of Article ******************
Attention posted Message 5210 in Message Board
Dated : September 19, 2001 at 08:52:26 EST
Subject: Transit Warehouse in DRP / RPL
Hi to all once ag,
One more Problem,
Is it necssary to define Transit warehouse In DRP / Rpl , Although during mainta
ining Bill OF dist. , you can leave the field of Transit warehouse Empty , But d
uring Generation OF RPL orders YOu have to define the Transit Warehouse ,
Is there any Parameter to set whether you want to define or Not
***************** End Of Article ******************
Attention posted Message 5211 in Message Board
Dated : September 19, 2001 at 08:53:22 EST
Subject: Re: Transit Warehouse in DRP / RPL
: Hi to all once ag,
: One more Problem,
: Is it necssary to define Transit warehouse In DRP / Rpl , Although during main
taining Bill OF dist. , you can leave the field of Transit warehouse Empty , But
during Generation OF RPL orders YOu have to define the Transit Warehouse ,

: Is there any Parameter to set whether you want to define or Not

: Regards
: sandy

***************** End Of Article ******************

Attention posted Message 5212 in Message Board
Dated : September 19, 2001 at 08:58:34 EST
Subject: Spl for Dear Yulia : Generate O/B &amp; Release O/B as as Sales order
Hi all,
Yulia : I am also facing the same Problem as you were wrote 21.03.01 , Have you
found any solution ,
Complete Problem is Like this
We use ILC. I try to include Generate Outbound & Release Outbound in order type.
We try to make SO, til step Generate Outbound it seem OK, and it shows in displ
ay sales order lines status, but after that in step : Release Outbound it can be
done. It always shows ' no data found'. So in that display line status is alway
s Release Outbound( I.e Not changed to next step , Since Outbound is Not release
d )
: My question is : It will be correct if we include those 2 steps in order type
actually ? Because it can remind us for next step (if we don't use DEM) ?
: Thanks in advance,
***************** End Of Article ******************
Arvind Patil posted Message 5213 in Message Board
Dated : September 19, 2001 at 18:08:17 EST
Subject: Re: About multisite and sales order
The finance company is avaialbe in on sales Order header only so if you want to
have invoice coming in different finance company, I believe it is not possible.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Attention posted Message 5214 in Message Board
Dated : September 19, 2001 at 23:43:57 EST
Subject: Difference betn BaaN ERP &amp; BaaN IV
Can any one tell me the diffreence Betn BaaNERP & BaaN IV

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BT posted Message 5215 in Message Board
Dated : September 20, 2001 at 08:31:13 EST
Subject: Re: Difference betn BaaN ERP &amp; BaaN IV
: Can any one tell me the diffreence Betn BaaNERP & BaaN IV
: Sandy,
I assume you mean Baan V.... There is a huge difference between the two, not to
be explained in two words....
***************** End Of Article ******************
Carol Schmidt posted Message 5216 in Message Board
Dated : September 20, 2001 at 11:44:15 EST
Subject: Modification to an Order Type Without Renaming?
Any solutions out there to be able to modify steps and blocks within an order ty
pe that is in use without having to change the name of the order type?
Thanks in advance for your responses.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Joalrei posted Message 5217 in Message Board
Dated : September 20, 2001 at 12:53:32 EST
Tenemos articulos cuyos costes en pesetas son 0,26.
Al migrar al EURO salen costes muy pequeos.
hemos visto dos opciones, aumentar los decimales o cambiar de unidad de stock, p
ero Baan no deja si ya hay movientos.
Alguien se le ocurre qie hacer?
***************** End Of Article ******************
George posted Message 5218 in Message Board
Dated : September 20, 2001 at 14:32:50 EST
Subject: Re: Commissions for Parents and Grand Parents
It is not calculating even for the single level. I mean commission for the paren

***************** End Of Article ******************

Rosalba Perez posted Message 5219 in Message Board

Dated : September 20, 2001 at 16:54:01 EST

Subject: Re: Problemas con las unidades en Compras.
Hola, esta muy interesante tu situacion y me gustaria darte mi punto de vista. P
ienso que la medida del tubo es una especificacion del material, no una medida d
e compra o de recepcion. El tubo de 6 metros es un articulo y el tubo de 7 metro
s es otro articulo diferente, los dos con unidad de compra y recepcion en piezas
Buena suerte.
: La situacin es la siguiente:
: Nosotros compramos tubos y la unidad de compra que debemos usar son piezas (1
pieza de 6 metros), la unidad de precio de compra nos viene dado por el proveedo
r en metros (1 metro tantas pesetas)y finalmente recepcionamos en piezas. Por lo
tanto tenemos un factor de conversin de 1 pieza...6 metros.
: Ahora, cuando se necesitan tubos de diferente medida a 6 metros (7 metros por
ejemplo) tendramos que cambiar el factor de conversin y as constantemente.
: Me podra alguien ayudar?
: Gracias de antemano!

***************** End Of Article ******************

Jaione posted Message 5220 in Message Board
Dated : September 21, 2001 at 02:22:58 EST
Para estos casos se cambia la unidad de estructura o/y unidad de ruta del articu
lo. Con lo cual, por ejemplo, en vez de sacar tiempos/costes para un artculo saca
para la unidad definida.
1un.......0.26 pts
100un.......26 pts
: Tenemos articulos cuyos costes en pesetas son 0,26.
: Al migrar al EURO salen costes muy pequeos.
: hemos visto dos opciones, aumentar los decimales o cambiar de unidad de stock,
pero Baan no deja si ya hay movientos.
: Alguien se le ocurre qie hacer?

***************** End Of Article ******************

BaanFan posted Message 5221 in Message Board
Dated : September 21, 2001 at 03:47:31 EST
Subject: Re: Transit Warehouse in DRP / RPL
: Hi to all once ag,
: One more Problem,

: Is it necssary to define Transit warehouse In DRP / Rpl , Although during main

taining Bill OF dist. , you can leave the field of Transit warehouse Empty , But
during Generation OF RPL orders YOu have to define the Transit Warehouse ,
: Is there any Parameter to set whether you want to define or Not
: Regards
: sandy
Hi Sandy
As far as I know, if you define Maintain receipts as step in your replenishment
order, you must define a transit warehouse otherwise no.
Still, if you define transit warehouse, be aware at delivered qty and received q
ty, becouse if there are difference, system will post losses to one of 3 warehou
ses involved depend on parameter set in RPL param, these means that in tfgld410
you will find among other transactions (replenism. order with issue and receipt)
a new transaction: repl. orders with inventory adjustment.
Hope it's useful!

***************** End Of Article ******************

BaanFan posted Message 5222 in Message Board
Dated : September 21, 2001 at 05:14:23 EST
Subject: Safety stock
Hi !
Session Calculate demand forecast by item is not calculate the safety stock (eve
ry time I run this session safety stock=0) but only reorder point, expected annu
al issue.
I realy don't know what's happend as long as I record in itm001 the following fi
elds: order interval, order lead time, safety time, forecast method, order syste
Any suggestion it will be helpful!
Thanks in advance.
***************** End Of Article ******************
jose posted Message 5223 in Message Board
Dated : September 21, 2001 at 09:59:30 EST
Yo tengo la unidad de estructura 100 uni para rellenar la estructura en base a 1
00 unidades , sin embargo el coste se basa en la unidad de stock, con lo que me
sale para 1 unidad
: Para estos casos se cambia la unidad de estructura o/y unidad de ruta del arti
culo. Con lo cual, por ejemplo, en vez de sacar tiempos/costes para un artculo sa
ca para la unidad definida.
: 1un.......0.26 pts
: 100un.......26 pts
: Pruebalo?!
: : Tenemos articulos cuyos costes en pesetas son 0,26.

: : Al migrar al EURO salen costes muy pequeos.

: : hemos visto dos opciones, aumentar los decimales o cambiar de unidad de stoc
k, pero Baan no deja si ya hay movientos.
: : Alguien se le ocurre qie hacer?

***************** End Of Article ******************

Jor posted Message 5224 in Message Board
Dated : September 21, 2001 at 11:33:07 EST
Subject: Re: Outbound Priority
: Have you seen the sesion tdsls4124m000?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Jorge posted Message 5225 in Message Board
Dated : September 21, 2001 at 11:45:34 EST
Subject: Re: Problemas con las unidades en Compras.
Le han preguntado al proveedor si podran comprar en mts en lugar de piezas (de es
a manera solo manejaran una nica unidad) As lo resolv en un proyecto y el proveedor
lo acepto, puesto que la pieza es una condicin del proveedor,ms no es una unidad d
e control tuya (tu manejas varios factores de conversin)
Espero pueda servir
La situacin es la siguiente:
: Nosotros compramos tubos y la unidad de compra que debemos usar son piezas (1
pieza de 6 metros), la unidad de precio de compra nos viene dado por el proveedo
r en metros (1 metro tantas pesetas)y finalmente recepcionamos en piezas. Por lo
tanto tenemos un factor de conversin de 1 pieza...6 metros.
: Ahora, cuando se necesitan tubos de diferente medida a 6 metros (7 metros por
ejemplo) tendramos que cambiar el factor de conversin y as constantemente.
: Me podra alguien ayudar?
: Gracias de antemano!

***************** End Of Article ******************

Arvind Patil, CPIM posted Message 5226 in Message Board
Dated : September 21, 2001 at 22:54:08 EST
Subject: Re: Safety stock
You need to define the service level for item. Please see the formual for safety
stock and ROP in the help. In the help it talks of value K. 66% of service leve
l results in value of k =1 or one std. deviation. It follows the normal distribu

So if you want to calculate the value of safety stock assign a service level.
I have not seen the demand forecast to be of much use as very often the value it
gives is very diffcult to verify. Instead I would suggest to right your some ru
les for arriving at ROP , safety stock. One example is say- expected annual issu
e calculated from Demand forecast and that from MRP will come very different. Th
e ROP and safety stock analysis is useful for items with indepenedent demands a
nd since an MRP item can be very well determined, I wouldn't suggest this.
Arvind Patil, CPIM
***************** End Of Article ******************
Arvind Patil, CPIM posted Message 5227 in Message Board
Dated : September 21, 2001 at 22:56:57 EST
Subject: Re: Modification to an Order Type Without Renaming?
You can very wel lmodify the order step and blocking through GTM. Just be carefu
l to take care of open orders. Once open orders steps are taken care of, it won'
t be issue. Remember system stores the order steps in deliveries or receipt tab
***************** End Of Article ******************
Baan Fan posted Message 5228 in Message Board
Dated : September 22, 2001 at 04:57:46 EST
Subject: error 2 (bdb_errno 2)
Hi baan fans,
when i try to update (tdpst0201m000) update purchase statistics
i am getting the error as
Fattal error: error 2 (bdb_errno 2) on tdpst000300 in db_update
Cannot continue in tdpst0201m000 (after.choice.cont.process)
how to over come this problem

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Siadige posted Message 5229 in Message Board
Dated : September 24, 2001 at 06:11:37 EST
Subject: EDI module Libraries
Hello everybody,
I am wondering that the functionality of 2 field in Baan IV EDI module in tc
edi0105m000 (Maintain EDI messages) session.
1- "Incoming Library" -----> tcedi005.sesi
2- "Outgoing Library"-----> tcedi005.seso.
This libraries is only a file like outgoing.dll or this libraries coming from a
table. How can this libraries can be created. Is it possible to write a new lib

rary. What is the relation between libraries and Baan sessions.

Thanks in advance
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BaanDistribution posted Message 5230 in Message Board
Dated : September 24, 2001 at 06:31:16 EST
Subject: Re: Spl for Dear Yulia : Generate O/B &amp; Release O/B as as Sales or
der Step
What version of Baan? If use BaanIV then this is a known problem. You can not ad
d release outbound to the order type.
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Chandra posted Message 5231 in Message Board
Dated : September 24, 2001 at 14:43:28 EST
Subject: Re: EDI module Libraries
These libraries are Baan DLL's. For the standard EDI messages the libraries are
created by BaaN. This is 3GL script which is in turn called by the EDI session '
Direct Network Communication'(tcedi7205m000). You can create the new EDI librari
es for both Inbound and Outbound EDI messages based on your bussiness process.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Attention posted Message 5232 in Message Board
Dated : September 24, 2001 at 23:34:33 EST
Subject: Re: Spl for Dear Yulia : Generate O/B &amp; Release O/B as as Sales or
der Step
thanks ,
yes , we are using BaaN IV C4 ,
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Siadige posted Message 5233 in Message Board
Dated : September 25, 2001 at 05:39:16 EST
Subject: Re: EDI module Libraries
: These libraries are Baan DLL's. For the standard EDI messages the libraries ar
e created by BaaN. This is 3GL script which is in turn called by the EDI session
'Direct Network Communication'(tcedi7205m000). You can create the new EDI libra
ries for both Inbound and Outbound EDI messages based on your bussiness process.
: Thanks Chandra,
i am wondering an other thing. When i send a message from number 300 company t
o number 301 company(using outgoing messages) at the same database, how the syst
em understand the destination company. Libraries is deciding for this process. H
ow can i define target company number on the system.
Thanks a lot for your help.

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Chandra posted Message 5234 in Message Board
Dated : September 25, 2001 at 09:14:51 EST
Subject: Re: EDI module Libraries
I think you are talking about Internal EDI. If this is the case, then first Inte
rnal EDI setup has to be done.
If company 300 purchases from company 301 then
In Company 300, company 301 must be defined as a supplier
In company 301, company 300 must be defined as a customer
In addition, the customer and supplier must be defined as affiliated companies.
The above customer/supplier has to be used to create EDi relations. This will he
lp you in directing the EDI messages to the correct companies.
Please go through the EDI User Guide (U7041A US)if you have any questions..
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References posted Message 5235 in Message Board
Dated : September 25, 2001 at 13:16:59 EST
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Reference docs posted Message 5236 in Message Board
Dated : September 25, 2001 at 13:18:31 EST
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Clark0429 posted Message 5237 in Message Board
Dated : September 25, 2001 at 13:21:12 EST
Subject: Not in Baan4, 5 has user management
Recommend you require change order logging.
This depends of course that proper DEM or user security is setup.
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Tom Horne posted Message 5238 in Message Board
Dated : September 25, 2001 at 14:02:48 EST
Subject: posting transactions in realtime question
I am attempting to migrate from 4b2 to 4c4. I am currently in a Win NT/SQL Serv
er 7 environment in b2. I have realtime integration posting set to YES, and it

works fine. After I migrate my test company to 4c4, this no longer works. I ha
ve to post integrations manually.
Baan support tells me that the removal of this feature is per Baan 4c.4 function
ality, and that no versions of 4C allow you to post in realtime. Is this true?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Siadige posted Message 5239 in Message Board
Dated : September 26, 2001 at 08:35:43 EST
Subject: Re: EDI module Libraries
Thanks a lot Chandra. I'will try it agian.
: I think you are talking about Internal EDI. If this is the case, then first In
ternal EDI setup has to be done.
: If company 300 purchases from company 301 then
: In Company 300, company 301 must be defined as a supplier
: In company 301, company 300 must be defined as a customer
: In addition, the customer and supplier must be defined as affiliated companies
: The above customer/supplier has to be used to create EDi relations. This will
help you in directing the EDI messages to the correct companies.
: Please go through the EDI User Guide (U7041A US)if you have any questions..

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BaanFan posted Message 5240 in Message Board
Dated : September 26, 2001 at 08:48:56 EST
Subject: Lot price
How is calculate surcharge on purchase price of lot item?
I want to purchase an item (evaluation method is lot price) with purchase price=
"a" and define a surcharge on that item ="b", so the lot price should be a+b and
the invoice value qty*a.
***************** End Of Article ******************
richard posted Message 5241 in Message Board
Dated : September 27, 2001 at 09:52:25 EST
Subject: Experience with Warehouse managment integrated with baan ?
We plan to install a WMS outside from BaaN with new functionalities and are look
ing for baan users who have done interfaces with BaaN (Purchase and sales orders
, inventories, general data ...).

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Luke posted Message 5242 in Message Board
Dated : September 27, 2001 at 14:09:59 EST

Subject: Overshipping in Baan 5c

Is anyone out there using Baan5c and requires an overshipping function?
How are you guys handling it without mods and without changing the original orde
r line?
Let me clarify overshipping, sales order qty is for 100 ft, once material is pre
pared in production it ends up being 102.5 ft and obviously we want to invoice t
he 102.5 ft. So far we found we can't do this in Baan5c.
Any thoughts?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Attention posted Message 5243 in Message Board
Dated : September 27, 2001 at 23:49:15 EST
Subject: Inventory Trans. for a Warehouse with NO location
hi fans ,
We are using BaaN IV C4 ,
hose warehouses which has
TRANS. ( of ILC module )
t found " & skip from the

& we have implemented ILC in a company , Now for all t

NO location , We want to use Session " ENTER INVENTORY
(tdilc1120m0000), But it gives a message " Location no
subsession ,

Since ILC is Implemented , we are not able to use TRANSCATION SESSION of INV mod
ule .
***************** End Of Article ******************
G posted Message 5244 in Message Board
Dated : September 28, 2001 at 02:43:10 EST
Subject: Re: Experience with Warehouse managment integrated with baan ?
We've done it! A lot of work, complex, expensive, but it works!
If covers transactions from SFC, PUR, SLS, PRP, ILC.
Our 'normal' users does almost all their work from the external WMS system. We h
ave about 3000 transactions through the interface every day!
If you E-mail me, I'll provide you with som more details...!!
: We plan to install a WMS outside from BaaN with new functionalities and are lo
oking for baan users who have done interfaces with BaaN (Purchase and sales orde
rs, inventories, general data ...).
: Thank's

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Eli posted Message 5245 in Message Board
Dated : September 28, 2001 at 08:05:15 EST
Subject: Problem in set of parameter in Distribution module
After closing purchase order, the system automatically runs the sessions tdilc42
03m000/Generate inbound advice/ and tdilc4204m000/Release inbound data/ at 11:59
:59 P.M., if these sessions don't have been run manually after closing purchase
order and the system generates next transaction:
transaction type: Inventory transfer, order type: Purchase order.
We haven't job processing.
What is wrong in settings ?
***************** End Of Article ******************
James posted Message 5246 in Message Board
Dated : September 28, 2001 at 08:46:19 EST
Subject: How can I issue sls order without depleting inventory?
BaaN IV - I want to be able to issue a sales order without triggerigna depletion
in inventory, is there asales order type or work around that I can use?
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Gunnar posted Message 5247 in Message Board
Dated : September 28, 2001 at 09:33:52 EST
Subject: Re: How can I issue sls order without depleting inventory?
: BaaN IV - I want to be able to issue a sales order without triggerigna depleti
on in inventory, is there asales order type or work around that I can use?
You can enter a cost item in your sales order line. Create an item with cost as
item type rather than purchased or manufactured. You can debit but you get no co
st of sales for cost item.
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Attention posted Message 5248 in Message Board
Dated : September 28, 2001 at 23:59:56 EST
Subject: Re: Problem in set of parameter in Distribution module
reply :
Check your Order Type , there may Be a " Collect order " = yes ,
Confirm also

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Riaz posted Message 5249 in Message Board

Dated : September 29, 2001 at 08:10:09 EST

Subject: Workshop items coding
Dear Baanfans,
We have a workshop in which servicing of vehicles is done. spare parts for this
workshop is issued through a warehouse. the problem is we have parts running int
o thousands and thousands. many of these parts are used once and then hardly bou
ght again for many months. my worry is if I give an item code for each item, the
n I would be left with thousands of obselete codes. on the other hand if I give
a dummy code and purchase such items against it, the purchase department wants a
history of all items purchased along with the price.
can someone suggest a solution for this.
Thanks a heap in advance
***************** End Of Article ******************
John Crystal posted Message 5250 in Message Board
Dated : September 30, 2001 at 20:55:11 EST
Subject: Re: How can I issue sls order without depleting inventory?
If your requirement is just to bill a customer you can cut an invoice directly f
rom the finance module.
John Crystal
Crystal Consulting
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Arvind Patil, CPIM posted Message 5251 in Message Board
Dated : September 30, 2001 at 21:00:08 EST
Subject: Re: How can I issue sls order without depleting inventory?
Use quantiy zero and bill the customer for amount required.
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Arvind Patil, CPIM posted Message 5252 in Message Board
Dated : September 30, 2001 at 21:05:33 EST
Subject: Re: Workshop items coding
Is there any problem with having those obsolete or unused item codes. The other
option is to customize it.
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Gabriel India Limited, Nasik posted Message 5253 in Message Board
Dated : October 01, 2001 at 06:42:36 EST
Subject: Unable to change Warehouse in Sales Order lines

In the session "Maintain Sales Order Lines (tdsls4105s000)" when we change the w
arehouse code and try to save, it comes out automatcally to Sales Order Header w
ithout saving the change. By default the system picks the warehouse code maintai
ned in Item Master for that item. We tried maintaining the warehouse code in ses
sion "Maintain Defaults by user (tdsls4123m000)" but that is also not working.
The most peculiar thing happening is that it is working fine in one company of t
he same Package Combination whereas creating problem in the other. We have check
ed all the parameter setup but nothing related to this could be found anywhere.
Can anybody please help us to find a solution of the problem?
Thanks in advance
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Brenda posted Message 5254 in Message Board
Dated : October 01, 2001 at 10:46:58 EST
Subject: Subcontracting - Yes or No??
We have a 'fitting', which is made up of several purchased items from our raw ma
terial warehouse that are sent out to be machined/glued and returned as a comple
ted finished goods item.
We want to maintain/track inventory levels for both the finished goods "fitting"
and the lower level items. I also need to make sure the inventory levels of the
low level items are reduced immediately when they are shipped out to the subcon
Is subcontracting the only way to do this? Can anyone provide another/simpler s
thanks in advance!!!

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Kaliyur posted Message 5255 in Message Board
Dated : October 02, 2001 at 06:10:19 EST
Subject: Exipry Date in tdsls1101m000(maintain Quotation)
1)In tdsls1101m000 (maintain quotations) session, there are one field "expiry da
te" ? what does it mean ? please clarify it .
2) By the meaning ,if the "expiry date" expired for one quotation ,and this quot
ation will be invalid , I want a clarification that which session or which acti
ons will be affected by invalid quotation . for example :whether does it affect
"enter quotation results " session , "process quotation" sesssion ? even though
whether does it affect "Production Planning or MRP Planning "?
If some one can help Please send me the details of the same.
Thanks & Regards

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Simon posted Message 5256 in Message Board
Dated : October 03, 2001 at 10:22:58 EST
Subject: Re: Exipry Date in tdsls1101m000(maintain Quotation)
The expiry date on quotations is the date that your customer must respond by. Af
ter this date you would need to review the quotation.
As far as Baan is concerned this date has only a small amount of functionality b
ehind it. It is mainly used to print reports on outstanding quotations. As far a
s I am aware you can maintain this date field for the entire life of the quotati
In MRP you can plan for quotations that are above a minimum success percentage t
hat you specify when running the system. You will have to check if this ignores
quotations that have expired.
In summary it's main purpose is to advise the customer when they need to respond
Hope this helps
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Simon posted Message 5257 in Message Board
Dated : October 03, 2001 at 10:27:55 EST
Subject: Re: Subcontracting - Yes or No??
Subcontracting is the best way to deal with this. It works perfectly fine, if yo
u can get your head round the theory.
The only alternative, which would be simpler but wouldn't give you the documenta
tion or Shop Floor Control history, would be to transfer the goods into (and bac
k from) a warehouse set up for your subcontractor. If you don't wish to use SFC
you could use Production Issues and Receipts in "Enter Inventory Transactions by
The choice is yours.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Robert Gahleitner posted Message 5258 in Message Board
Dated : October 03, 2001 at 13:36:46 EST
Subject: Re: Overshipping in Baan 5c
: Is anyone out there using Baan5c and requires an overshipping function?
: How are you guys handling it without mods and without changing the original or
der line?
: Let me clarify overshipping, sales order qty is for 100 ft, once material is p
repared in production it ends up being 102.5 ft and obviously we want to invoice
the 102.5 ft. So far we found we can't do this in Baan5c.
: Any thoughts?

We want to start with Baan5c next year, ans have this problem too. I made an enh
ancment request an have now the feedback that a Defect 201758 was created to imp
lement over delivery.
But cannot tell you when it will be ready.
R. Gahleitner

***************** End Of Article ******************

Luke posted Message 5259 in Message Board
Dated : October 03, 2001 at 15:02:49 EST
Subject: Re: Overshipping in Baan 5c
: : Is anyone out there using Baan5c and requires an overshipping function?
: : How are you guys handling it without mods and without changing the original
order line?
: : Let me clarify overshipping, sales order qty is for 100 ft, once material is
prepared in production it ends up being 102.5 ft and obviously we want to invoi
ce the 102.5 ft. So far we found we can't do this in Baan5c.
: : Any thoughts?
: We want to start with Baan5c next year, ans have this problem too. I made an e
nhancment request an have now the feedback that a Defect 201758 was created to i
mplement over delivery.
: But cannot tell you when it will be ready.
: R. Gahleitner
Thanks Robert, I'll keep an eye out for that defect number.
That sure is a good start.
Luke Jahja

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BT posted Message 5260 in Message Board
Dated : October 04, 2001 at 05:01:05 EST
Subject: Re: Inventory Trans. for a Warehouse with NO location
: hi fans ,
: We are using BaaN IV C4 ,
those warehouses which has
RY TRANS. ( of ILC module )
not found " & skip from the

& we have implemented ILC in a company , Now for all

NO location , We want to use Session " ENTER INVENTO
(tdilc1120m0000), But it gives a message " Location
subsession ,

: Since ILC is Implemented , we are not able to use TRANSCATION SESSION of INV m
odule .

Hi there, tested it, works fine. You need to ugrade.
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Kush posted Message 5261 in Message Board
Dated : October 04, 2001 at 05:38:15 EST
Subject: Maintain Sales Contracts
In session Maintain Sales Contracts (tdsls3101m000) when we go to lines (tdsls
3102s000) and when we go to Maintain Localized data for lines it does not go to
fields "Line Discount" & Discount Amount". So we are not able to Enter Discou
nt % or amount. Contract Type = "Special"
***************** End Of Article ******************
James posted Message 5262 in Message Board
Dated : October 04, 2001 at 14:40:16 EST
Subject: What's purpose of a Cost Order?
I'm trying to research order types and can't find any documentation. Our system
has a "Cost Order" order type, but I can't find out what it's purpose is. Thanks
to whomever can shed some light.
***************** End Of Article ******************
BT posted Message 5263 in Message Board
Dated : October 05, 2001 at 02:23:56 EST
Subject: Re: What's purpose of a Cost Order?
: I'm trying to research order types and can't find any documentation. Our syste
m has a "Cost Order" order type, but I can't find out what it's purpose is. Than
ks to whomever can shed some light.
Hi there,
The cost order type is only applicable for cost -and service items. When you def
ine this type, it means you are able to use an order type with only 2 steps!!! P
rint invoice and process orders.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Riaz posted Message 5264 in Message Board
Dated : October 06, 2001 at 08:39:02 EST
Subject: Re: Workshop items coding

Hi Arvind,
Thanx for the reply.
The problem with having obsolete/ unused items is it would be simply accumulatin
g into thousand and thousands of items and the list would go on.
I have planned to go in for a few thousand items and keep reusing the same item
codes after a certain period.
Please do send a line if u get a solution.
Thanx in advance
: Hi,
: Is there any problem with having those obsolete or unused item codes. The othe
r option is to customize it.
: Arvind

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Tanweer Ahmed posted Message 5265 in Message Board
Dated : October 06, 2001 at 11:58:12 EST
Subject: Sales Comission &amp; Rebates Integration
Hi everyone,
We are facing a problem while approving commision for a relation soon after appr
oving system gives a message (Credit Account Not Allowed) we understand that inc
ase of rebates it is updating Customer Control Account so no need to have credit
account at approving stage but incase of employee why it does not allow us to p
ut or link Credit Account??
Posting to finance is ok and even in integration table we can see the Debit entr
y only and we don't know it will credit which account.
we would appreciate if someone can give us an answer.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Erik posted Message 5266 in Message Board
Dated : October 07, 2001 at 08:55:40 EST
Subject: Re: How can I issue sls order without depleting inventory?
: If your requirement is just to bill a customer you can cut an invoice directly
from the finance module.
: John Crystal
: Crystal Consulting

: 865-769-7279
Invoicing directly from the finance module might be an option, allthough I can i
magine that a pruchaser wouldn't be happy then: no input for statistics and ofte
n a purchaser is not able or not authorized to follow financial data.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Kyrokee posted Message 5267 in Message Board
Dated : October 07, 2001 at 22:05:01 EST
Subject: Storage unit in BaanERP!!
I've been trying to look in BaanERP of how to define a
s from the inventory unit. Seems could not find one.
nv. unit as kg, but i want to make the storage unit in
i can see in both storage and inv. unit. Someone care
Appreciate it so much!!

storage unit which differ

I already define item A i
bag so that when i issue
to shed some light here.

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Simon posted Message 5268 in Message Board
Dated : October 08, 2001 at 11:13:09 EST
Subject: Re: Storage unit in BaanERP!!
I think that you may need to set the "bag" up as a "Package" in Package definiti
***************** End Of Article ******************
Kamesh posted Message 5269 in Message Board
Dated : October 09, 2001 at 06:49:31 EST
Subject: Inventory discrepancy
For a particular item in a warehouse, some errors have crept in during updation
of inventory transactions.
For example, I have an item whose initial inventory is say 50. A sales order is
delivered to the extent of say 20. The correct balance inventory should be 30 bu
t instead it got updated as 29.4 in tdinv700( Inventory transactions by item) re
sulting in incorrect inventory, the reason for which could not be traced. Despit
e the rounding factor of 1 for the item, it got updated in decimals.
Is there any way to correct this error?. The company is a non-ilc company.
Thanks in advance
Kamesh Kumar
***************** End Of Article ******************
Kamesh posted Message 5270 in Message Board

Dated : October 09, 2001 at 06:51:04 EST

Subject: Inventory discrepancy
For a particular item in a warehouse, some errors have crept in during updation
of inventory transactions.
For example, I have an item whose initial inventory is say 50. A sales order is
delivered to the extent of say 20. The correct balance inventory should be 30 bu
t instead it got updated as 29.4 in tdinv700( Inventory transactions by item) re
sulting in incorrect inventory, the reason for which could not be traced. Despit
e the rounding factor of 1 for the item, it got updated in decimals.
Is there any way to correct this error?. The company is a non-ilc company.
Thanks in advance
Kamesh Kumar
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Paul van Eijk posted Message 5271 in Message Board
Dated : October 09, 2001 at 08:21:01 EST
Subject: Re: Maintain Sales Contracts
: In session Maintain Sales Contracts (tdsls3101m000) when we go to lines (tds
ls3102s000) and when we go to Maintain Localized data for lines it does not go
to fields "Line Discount" & Discount Amount". So we are not able to Enter Disc
ount % or amount. Contract Type = "Special"
: Regards
: Kush
Set the field gross/net price on the sales contract line to gross. When it's set
to net you can only enter prices - not discounts
Good luck
***************** End Of Article ******************
Lierni posted Message 5272 in Message Board
Dated : October 09, 2001 at 10:18:14 EST
Subject: What is about Supply Chain and Euro conversion
I need some adress of some one who has a customer with supply chain and need to
know the consecuences of the Euro conversion in that module.

Consecuences of the changes of the phases of the conversion and the status of th
e contracts,shedules,shipmments etc...
Best regards.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Attention posted Message 5273 in Message Board
Dated : October 09, 2001 at 10:37:21 EST
Subject: Inbounding Problem
Hi Baan Fans
I have a warehouse with 3 Locations Receipt , Inspection & Normal ( Storage )
Normal Location Is Multi Item & multi Lot
ILC Parameter
Inbound for Free Loc = Yes
Inbounding for Unoccupied Loc is also = Yes
Location is Not Fixed
When we generate the Inbound Advice for an item First time , It work WEll & pur
the item in Normal Location
But when we make the location as Fixed for any other Item ,
Inbound Advice is Generated for " Receipt " To " Receipt " Location
Although the Parameter " Inbound for Free loc allowed " = yes
also check the same by creating some new warehouses & their location , getting s
ame problem
is there any other factor which affects It , Or it is mandatory we have to defin
e location for each Item in " Maintain Location By item "
Required Help urgently
***************** End Of Article ******************
B posted Message 5274 in Message Board
Dated : October 09, 2001 at 16:13:09 EST
Subject: Multisite Transfers Bewteen Companies with DRP Baan 5
Has anyone had any experience with multisite DRP in Baan 5?
We have 2 logistic companies, and we transfer material between the 2 sites. Curr
ently the only way to do that is to enter a sales order in one company for no pr
ice, and enter a PO in the other company for no price. Then ship from the one co
mpany and receive in the other. The problem is that this is sloppy and there is
no link between the sales order and the PO, and many times we ship from one comp
any and never receeive the goods in the other company, and there is no way to tr

ack that.
I looked into creating manual DRP orders, but it was not working. Bana Support t
old me that I needed to share the tcibd001 General Item table between the 2 comp
anies to make this work. We cannot do that because of some diffeneces in teh 2 c
Any suggestions on how we can make this process work between both companies?
***************** End Of Article ******************
B posted Message 5275 in Message Board
Dated : October 09, 2001 at 16:13:13 EST
Subject: Multisite Transfers Bewteen Companies with DRP Baan 5
Has anyone had any experience with multisite DRP in Baan 5?
We have 2 logistic companies, and we transfer material between the 2 sites. Curr
ently the only way to do that is to enter a sales order in one company for no pr
ice, and enter a PO in the other company for no price. Then ship from the one co
mpany and receive in the other. The problem is that this is sloppy and there is
no link between the sales order and the PO, and many times we ship from one comp
any and never receeive the goods in the other company, and there is no way to tr
ack that.
I looked into creating manual DRP orders, but it was not working. Bana Support t
old me that I needed to share the tcibd001 General Item table between the 2 comp
anies to make this work. We cannot do that because of some diffeneces in teh 2 c
Any suggestions on how we can make this process work between both companies?
***************** End Of Article ******************
JD posted Message 5276 in Message Board
Dated : October 10, 2001 at 09:38:11 EST
Subject: Re: Inbounding Problem
: Hi Baan Fans
: I have a warehouse with 3 Locations Receipt , Inspection & Normal ( Storage )
: Normal Location Is Multi Item & multi Lot
: ILC Parameter
: Inbound for Free Loc = Yes
: Inbounding for Unoccupied Loc is also = Yes
: Location is Not Fixed
: When we generate the Inbound Advice for an item First time , It work WEll & pu
r the item in Normal Location
: But when we make the location as Fixed for any other Item ,
: Inbound Advice is Generated for " Receipt " To " Receipt " Location

: Although the Parameter " Inbound for Free loc allowed " = yes
: also check the same by creating some new warehouses & their location , getting
same problem
: is there any other factor which affects It , Or it is mandatory we have to def
ine location for each Item in " Maintain Location By item "
: Required Help urgently
: sandy
Make the parameter,
Inbound advice for unoccupied locations only as "no" and donot fix the location.
***************** End Of Article ******************
janardhan posted Message 5277 in Message Board
Dated : October 10, 2001 at 09:48:37 EST
Subject: Re: What's purpose of a Cost Order?
: I'm trying to research order types and can't find any documentation. Our syste
m has a "Cost Order" order type, but I can't find out what it's purpose is. Than
ks to whomever can shed some light.
Reply: Cost order type is used to process items of type cost, cost items are tho
se which need not held in inventory and tracked but expenses are incurred in pur
chasing or selling them e.g. stationery, etc..

***************** End Of Article ******************

Jon posted Message 5278 in Message Board
Dated : October 10, 2001 at 10:35:08 EST
Subject: How is the easiest way to make a purchase order for services (like rent
Although it is not a usual activity, we would like to make purchase orders for s
ervices. I have just create a service article and when I make a purchase order w
ith this article (quantity=0), finally I have to receive this article (it is not
possible to omite this action). How can I do?
Thancks in advance!

***************** End Of Article ******************

Boris Arce posted Message 5279 in Message Board
Dated : October 10, 2001 at 12:51:43 EST
Subject: I am making a list of companies using Baan

I am making a list of companies using Baan

I am going to develop a marketing list of all companies using Baan. The purpose
is to allow Baan Consultants to deal directly with companies as opposed to agenc
ies/recruiters. Please email me names of companies that use Baan along with any
other details you know like:
Industry, sales size, location, address, contact details, etc.
Try to submit complete details on company. Anyone that submits at least 1-5 comp
lete company details can have access to the info I gather.
All I want to do is collect and share the data. I will do all the work and as th
e database grows and I collect more details, contact me and I will run free quer
ies for you (i.e. if you ask me what companies in California or Ireland use Baan
I will email you a list).
Please contribute. I expect to have initial listing in a month as I am right now
receiving about 50 names per month so I can expect to have a good size list by a
another month or two. Thank you to those that contributed month.
Please no recruiters or agencies, I really just want to create a database and ne
twork for candidates.
Boris Arce
Baan Tools Consultant
La Paz, Bolivia
***************** End Of Article ******************
Maria Tereaa posted Message 5280 in Message Board
Dated : October 11, 2001 at 03:46:00 EST
Subject: Re: Inventory discrepancy
Hi you ca try with this session
or tis session
tdinv0252m000 start with run program.
be carefull that your users are all disconnected
before using it
: Hi,
: For a particular item in a warehouse, some errors have crept in during updatio
n of inventory transactions.
: For example, I have an item whose initial inventory is say 50. A sales order i
s delivered to the extent of say 20. The correct balance inventory should be 30
but instead it got updated as 29.4 in tdinv700( Inventory transactions by item)
resulting in incorrect inventory, the reason for which could not be traced. Desp
ite the rounding factor of 1 for the item, it got updated in decimals.
: Is there any way to correct this error?. The company is a non-ilc company.

: Thanks in advance
: Regards
: Kamesh Kumar

***************** End Of Article ******************

Terry posted Message 5281 in Message Board
Dated : October 11, 2001 at 04:28:31 EST
Subject: purchase price and discount
Hi to everybody,
well I setup items with suppliers, proce and discount using session tdpur0101m00
When i create a new order to this supplier, the item price is the posted in tiit
m001 instead if tdpur0101m000
Why this?
can someone help me?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Terry posted Message 5282 in Message Board
Dated : October 11, 2001 at 04:28:55 EST
Subject: purchase price and discount
Hi to everybody,
well I setup items with suppliers, proce and discount using session tdpur0101m00
When i create a new order to this supplier, the item price is the posted in tiit
m001 instead if tdpur0101m000
Why this?
can someone help me?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Baanfan posted Message 5283 in Message Board
Dated : October 11, 2001 at 06:39:36 EST
Subject: Re: purchase price and discount
: Hi to everybody,
: well I setup items with suppliers, proce and discount using session tdpur0101m
: When i create a new order to this supplier, the item price is the posted in ti
itm001 instead if tdpur0101m000
: Why this?
: can someone help me?
: Thank's
: Terry
Have you looked at effective date and expiry date? If order date<effective date

(depend on Search for price and disc based on parameter in PUR parameters), the
system will always take the price from tiitm001
***************** End Of Article ******************
Baanfan posted Message 5284 in Message Board
Dated : October 11, 2001 at 06:44:28 EST
Subject: Re: purchase price and discount
: Hi to everybody,
: well I setup items with suppliers, proce and discount using session tdpur0101m
: When i create a new order to this supplier, the item price is the posted in ti
itm001 instead if tdpur0101m000
: Why this?
: can someone help me?
: Thank's
: Terry
Have you looked at effective date and expire date? If order date<effective date
(depend on Search for price/disc based on parameter in PUR param) the system wil
l always retrieve the price from tiitm001
***************** End Of Article ******************
BaanFan posted Message 5285 in Message Board
Dated : October 11, 2001 at 07:17:20 EST
Subject: Re: How is the easiest way to make a purchase order for services (like
: Hello!
: Although it is not a usual activity, we would like to make purchase orders for
services. I have just create a service article and when I make a purchase order
with this article (quantity=0), finally I have to receive this article (it is n
ot possible to omite this action). How can I do?

Thancks in advance!

You should try to make a collect order with 2 steps:
print purchase invoice and process purchase orders

***************** End Of Article ******************

Jose Luis posted Message 5286 in Message Board
Dated : October 11, 2001 at 07:41:17 EST
Subject: Re: Unable to change Warehouse in Sales Order lines
Hi baanfan,
Check if there is a reference in tdinv001 for the item and warehouse.
If you have modified this session, check the field order.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Yaya posted Message 5287 in Message Board
Dated : October 12, 2001 at 13:08:18 EST
You can define a service item in the ITEM MASTER DATE, service items do not need
to have receptions
: : Hello!
: : Although it is not a usual activity, we would like to make purchase orders f
or services. I have just create a service article and when I make a purchase ord
er with this article (quantity=0), finally I have to receive this article (it is
not possible to omite this action). How can I do?
: :

Thancks in advance!

: Hi!
: You should try to make a collect order with 2 steps:
: print purchase invoice and process purchase orders

***************** End Of Article ******************

Bonny posted Message 5288 in Message Board
Dated : October 14, 2001 at 19:57:19 EST
Subject: Re: Workshop items coding
: Hi Arvind,
: Thanx for the reply.
: The problem with having obsolete/ unused items is it would be simply accumulat
ing into thousand and thousands of items and the list would go on.
: I have planned to go in for a few thousand items and keep reusing the same ite
m codes after a certain period.
: Please do send a line if u get a solution.
: Thanx in advance
: Riaz
: : Hi,
: : Is there any problem with having those obsolete or unused item codes. The ot
her option is to customize it.
: : Arvind
One objective should be to standardize your potential solutions, making a new it
em code or avoiding that process may be just the solution for your purchasing de
partment. Wouldn't it be great to recognize that certain items are repeating?
they probably are.

Two thoughts. Is it possible to use the manufacture's part? Or could you begin
to classify items into logical groups. Brakes, bumpers, gas filters, so you coul
d begin to capture history on a small section of your products?
Baan has various data in the item master for sales and purchasing data that allo
ows you to group information. Sales statistics, commodity codes, etc etc, look
at this potential for grouping items.
Additonal information on the complexit;y and/or variety of you items might help
me explain or suggest solutions.
give it some thought
***************** End Of Article ******************
filly faan posted Message 5289 in Message Board
Dated : October 14, 2001 at 20:00:48 EST
Subject: Re: Inbounding Problem
: : Hi Baan Fans
: : I have a warehouse with 3 Locations Receipt , Inspection & Normal ( Storage
: : Normal Location Is Multi Item & multi Lot
: : ILC Parameter
: : Inbound for Free Loc = Yes
: : Inbounding for Unoccupied Loc is also = Yes
: : Location is Not Fixed
: : When we generate the Inbound Advice for an item First time , It work WEll &
pur the item in Normal Location
: : But when we make the location as Fixed for any other Item ,
: : Inbound Advice is Generated for " Receipt " To " Receipt " Location
: : Although the Parameter " Inbound for Free loc allowed " = yes
: : also check the same by creating some new warehouses & their location , getti
ng same problem
: : is there any other factor which affects It , Or it is mandatory we have to d
efine location for each Item in " Maintain Location By item "
: : Required Help urgently
: : sandy
: Make the parameter,
: Inbound advice for unoccupied locations only as "no" and donot fix the locatio
Did this suggestion work? I'm interested. A simple question, why doyou have loca

tion control on if you are not using it???

***************** End Of Article ******************

Jon posted Message 5290 in Message Board
Dated : October 15, 2001 at 02:56:02 EST
Hello again!
Thank you for your replies,
I have BaanIVc4 and when I use an article defined as cost article or service art
icle ("what is the diference of these, they are the same for me!"), then I have
to receive it to change the status of the purchase order despite the quantity=0.
If you create a new type of order with cost order=yes in tcmcs0142m000,you must
define the reception procediment, however I can create a new type of order omit
ting the reception procediment chosing the 5th field in this session, but what q
uantity passes to finance when we do the integration? I think that with a normal
purchase order it passes the quantity of the reception to finance.
thank you!!
: You can define a service item in the ITEM MASTER DATE, service items do not ne
ed to have receptions
: Regards
: : : Hello!
: : : Although it is not a usual activity, we would like to make purchase orders
for services. I have just create a service article and when I make a purchase o
rder with this article (quantity=0), finally I have to receive this article (it
is not possible to omite this action). How can I do?
: : :

Thancks in advance!

: : Hi!
: : You should try to make a collect order with 2 steps:
: : print purchase invoice and process purchase orders

***************** End Of Article ******************

Riaz posted Message 5291 in Message Board
Dated : October 15, 2001 at 05:56:32 EST
Subject: Re: Workshop items coding
Thanx Bonny, ur suggestions are excellent. I am trying out on similar lines and
shall keep u and Arvind posted.
Thanx once again
: : Hi Arvind,
: : Thanx for the reply.

: : The problem with having obsolete/ unused items is it would be simply accumul
ating into thousand and thousands of items and the list would go on.
: : I have planned to go in for a few thousand items and keep reusing the same i
tem codes after a certain period.
: : Please do send a line if u get a solution.
: : Thanx in advance
: : Riaz
: : : Hi,
: : : Is there any problem with having those obsolete or unused item codes. The
other option is to customize it.
: : : Arvind
: One objective should be to standardize your potential solutions, making a new
item code or avoiding that process may be just the solution for your purchasing
department. Wouldn't it be great to recognize that certain items are repeating?
they probably are.
: Two thoughts. Is it possible to use the manufacture's part? Or could you begi
n to classify items into logical groups. Brakes, bumpers, gas filters, so you co
uld begin to capture history on a small section of your products?
: Baan has various data in the item master for sales and purchasing data that al
loows you to group information. Sales statistics, commodity codes, etc etc, lo
ok at this potential for grouping items.
: Additonal information on the complexit;y and/or variety of you items might hel
p me explain or suggest solutions.
: give it some thought

***************** End Of Article ******************

Hannelore posted Message 5292 in Message Board
Dated : October 15, 2001 at 06:08:50 EST
Subject: Print Return Notes
Hi !
Our purchase return order type consists of 2 order steps : 'Print Return Notes'
(tdpur4411lm000) and 'Process Delivered Purchase Orders'. Since we installed ser
vice pack 8, we can no longer print the return note after entering a return orde
r as required in the order type, although we did not remove the session in 'Main
tain Order Types'. When we check the 'Order Line Status', only the 'Process Deli
vered Purchase Order' is present, not the 'Print Return Notes'.
Could someone explain how this is possible ?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Deena posted Message 5293 in Message Board

Dated : October 15, 2001 at 07:37:17 EST

Subject: Inventory Valuation
Please help me...
I am trying to make sense of the path followed by BaaN4c3 when performing an inv
entory valuation by item.
What tables / fields are used in the calculation?
If anyone has a quick guide to Inventory Control (using ILC) it would be a huge

***************** End Of Article ******************

Ian posted Message 5294 in Message Board
Dated : October 16, 2001 at 02:40:31 EST
Subject: Re: Inventory Valuation
The session works in two different ways depending on the calculation date used.
If the calculation date is the current date then the stock value is calculated a
s stock on hand (tdinv001.stoc) * standard cost (ticpr300.amnt).
If a date in the past is used then the inventory level is calculated by adding a
ll the transactions in tdinv700 for that item up to the calculation date. This s
tock figure is then multiplied by the standard cost to give the inventory value.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Giulia posted Message 5295 in Message Board
Dated : October 16, 2001 at 05:01:44 EST
Subject: Sales contract and order
I manage prices in a contract with a currency (USD), I schedule deliveries and g
enerate a sales order from this contract. So the sales order is in USD, but I ne
ed to invoice it using a different currency (EUR).
Anybody knows a way to do this?
Thanks in advance.
***************** End Of Article ******************
BT posted Message 5296 in Message Board
Dated : October 16, 2001 at 09:00:29 EST
Subject: Re: Sales contract and order
: I manage prices in a contract with a currency (USD), I schedule deliveries and
generate a sales order from this contract. So the sales order is in USD, but I
need to invoice it using a different currency (EUR).
: Anybody knows a way to do this?
: Thanks in advance.

You will have to change the currency in the contracts....

***************** End Of Article ******************
bt posted Message 5297 in Message Board
Dated : October 16, 2001 at 09:06:01 EST
Subject: Re: purchase price and discount
: Hi to everybody,
: well I setup items with suppliers, proce and discount using session tdpur0101m
: When i create a new order to this supplier, the item price is the posted in ti
itm001 instead if tdpur0101m000
: Why this?
: can someone help me?
: Thank's
: Terry
Check the effective date field. If all data is correct, you can move the object
opur4102 in order to see if the select is wrong in this object

***************** End Of Article ******************

Giulia posted Message 5298 in Message Board
Dated : October 16, 2001 at 09:22:31 EST
Subject: Re: Sales contract and order
: : I manage prices in a contract with a currency (USD), I schedule deliveries a
nd generate a sales order from this contract. So the sales order is in USD, but
I need to invoice it using a different currency (EUR).
: : Anybody knows a way to do this?
: : Thanks in advance.
: You will have to change the currency in the contracts....
Maybe I didn't explain well the problem.
I MUST keep prices in USD, in order to apply the rate only in the delivery step

***************** End Of Article ******************

Attention posted Message 5299 in Message Board
Dated : October 16, 2001 at 10:05:21 EST
Subject: Re: purchase price and discount
check the Qty / Amt up to which the prices were defined or check the effective d
ate for that .

: Hi to everybody,
: well I setup items with suppliers, proce and discount using session tdpur0101m
: When i create a new order to this supplier, the item price is the posted in ti
itm001 instead if tdpur0101m000
: Why this?
: can someone help me?
: Thank's
: Terry

***************** End Of Article ******************

Attention posted Message 5300 in Message Board
Dated : October 16, 2001 at 10:11:32 EST
Subject: Re: Inbounding Problem
the same was already tried by me ( Unoccupied location = No )
The same problem was there ,
anyway regarding you Question regarding use of location ,
I have given just an example
well regarding this Problem what is your suggestion , i have to define Location
By Item for each Item
: : : Hi Baan Fans
: : : I have a warehouse with 3 Locations Receipt , Inspection & Normal ( Storag
e )
: : : Normal Location Is Multi Item & multi Lot
: : : ILC Parameter
: : : Inbound for Free Loc = Yes
: : : Inbounding for Unoccupied Loc is also = Yes
: : : Location is Not Fixed
: : : When we generate the Inbound Advice for an item First time , It work WEll
& pur the item in Normal Location
: : : But when we make the location as Fixed for any other Item ,
: : : Inbound Advice is Generated for " Receipt " To " Receipt " Location
: : : Although the Parameter " Inbound for Free loc allowed " = yes

: : : also check the same by creating some new warehouses & their location , get
ting same problem
: : : is there any other factor which affects It , Or it is mandatory we have to
define location for each Item in " Maintain Location By item "
: : : Required Help urgently
: : : sandy
: : Make the parameter,
: : Inbound advice for unoccupied locations only as "no" and donot fix the locat
: Did this suggestion work? I'm interested. A simple question, why doyou have lo
cation control on if you are not using it???

***************** End Of Article ******************

zinan posted Message 5301 in Message Board
Dated : October 16, 2001 at 10:12:06 EST
Subject: EDI error messages
In Internal EDI we are trying to generate a sales order from a purchase order be
tween baan companies, but after completing a purchase order(tdpur4110m000) and p
rinting purch. order
(tdpur4401m000) successfully we get a message of (EDI Mess. was created) then we
run Direct Network Comm.(tcedi7205m000) we receive error messages "Organisation
s Not Correct(tcedis0060)"
and tcedis0068 meaning that there is no tcedi702.reno, tcedi702.orga.
We debug associated program script but we could not find a solution although our
EDI Setup is correct.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Merv Carr posted Message 5302 in Message Board
Dated : October 16, 2001 at 13:45:32 EST
Subject: Re: Sales contract and order
: I manage prices in a contract with a currency (USD), I schedule deliveries and
generate a sales order from this contract. So the sales order is in USD, but I
need to invoice it using a different currency (EUR).
: Anybody knows a way to do this?
: Thanks in advance.
I think your choices are a little limited in this regard. You can of course have
your contract in USD and your customer currency in EUR, the invoice will be in
EUR, but so will the sales order be in EUR. Your statistics against the contract
will however be in USD though.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Giulia posted Message 5303 in Message Board

Dated : October 17, 2001 at 03:55:30 EST

Subject: Purchase orders
Hi to everybody.
I have 2 items, with 2 different codes, that are two different packaging of the
same product (i.e.: item A contains a single piece and item B 10 pieces). I orde
r to supplier both items, according to my sales orders and production needs. The
problem is that often the supplier doesn't send exactly what I ordered (i.e.: I
ordered 30 PZ of A but they send 10 of A and 2 of B). I would like to receive w
hat they send (also the 2 of B) without modify the purchase order.
Is it possible?
Thanks in advance.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Giulia posted Message 5304 in Message Board
Dated : October 17, 2001 at 04:00:33 EST
Subject: Re: Sales contract and order
: : I manage prices in a contract with a currency (USD), I schedule deliveries a
nd generate a sales order from this contract. So the sales order is in USD, but
I need to invoice it using a different currency (EUR).
: : Anybody knows a way to do this?
: : Thanks in advance.
: I think your choices are a little limited in this regard. You can of course ha
ve your contract in USD and your customer currency in EUR, the invoice will be i
n EUR, but so will the sales order be in EUR. Your statistics against the contra
ct will however be in USD though.
Thanks a lot. So I suppose there is no way to generate an order in EUR from a co
ntract in USD. The only way is to manually insert a sales order with reference t
o the contract.
It's right?
***************** End Of Article ******************
bt posted Message 5305 in Message Board
Dated : October 17, 2001 at 04:20:47 EST
Subject: Re: Sales contract and order
: : : I manage prices in a contract with a currency (USD), I schedule deliveries
and generate a sales order from this contract. So the sales order is in USD, bu
t I need to invoice it using a different currency (EUR).
: : : Anybody knows a way to do this?
: : : Thanks in advance.
: : You will have to change the currency in the contracts....
: Maybe I didn't explain well the problem.
: I MUST keep prices in USD, in order to apply the rate only in the delivery st
That what you want is not the functionality Baan offers.

***************** End Of Article ******************

bt posted Message 5306 in Message Board
Dated : October 17, 2001 at 04:23:59 EST
Subject: Re: Purchase orders
: Hi to everybody.
: I have 2 items, with 2 different codes, that are two different packaging of th
e same product (i.e.: item A contains a single piece and item B 10 pieces). I or
der to supplier both items, according to my sales orders and production needs. T
he problem is that often the supplier doesn't send exactly what I ordered (i.e.:
I ordered 30 PZ of A but they send 10 of A and 2 of B). I would like to receive
what they send (also the 2 of B) without modify the purchase order.
: Is it possible?
: Thanks in advance.
Perhaps you can receive just 0.2 of item B in session tdpur4120m000.
***************** End Of Article ******************
chandra posted Message 5307 in Message Board
Dated : October 17, 2001 at 11:54:46 EST
Subject: Re: EDI error messages
Are you sure that Internal EDI setup is correct? Can you able to send/receive ot
her EDI messages between Internal companies?
The following 2 steps has to be done extra for Internal EDI setup as compared to
external EDI.
Let company 654 purchases from company 653.
1)In company 654, company 653 must be defined as a supplier; in company 653, com
pany 654 must be defined as a customer.
2) The customer and supplier must be defined as affiliated companies.
Also both companies must use the same application server.
***************** End Of Article ******************
d v jain posted Message 5308 in Message Board
Dated : October 18, 2001 at 04:35:27 EST
Subject: Re: Print Return Notes
: BaaN IV
i think Print Return Notes is not for teh purpose of PUrchase Order of Return ty
pe but it is for sending the goods rejected after maintain approvals. For that p
urpose u have to maintain receipts which it will pick as minus quantities.
D V jain
: Hi !
: Our purchase return order type consists of 2 order steps : 'Print Return Notes
' (tdpur4411lm000) and 'Process Delivered Purchase Orders'. Since we installed s
ervice pack 8, we can no longer print the return note after entering a return or
der as required in the order type, although we did not remove the session in 'Ma
intain Order Types'. When we check the 'Order Line Status', only the 'Process De
livered Purchase Order' is present, not the 'Print Return Notes'.
: Could someone explain how this is possible ?

***************** End Of Article ******************

Gunnar posted Message 5309 in Message Board
Dated : October 20, 2001 at 02:21:38 EST
Subject: Re: Purchase orders
: : Hi to everybody.
: : I have 2 items, with 2 different codes, that are two different packaging of
the same product (i.e.: item A contains a single piece and item B 10 pieces). I
order to supplier both items, according to my sales orders and production needs.
The problem is that often the supplier doesn't send exactly what I ordered (i.e
.: I ordered 30 PZ of A but they send 10 of A and 2 of B). I would like to recei
ve what they send (also the 2 of B) without modify the purchase order.
: : Is it possible?
: : Thanks in advance.
: Perhaps you can receive just 0.2 of item B in session tdpur4120m000.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Pankaj B. Pandit posted Message 5310 in Message Board
Dated : October 20, 2001 at 06:32:23 EST
Subject: Service Order Problem with Baan 4 c4
Service Order Problem with BaaN 4 c4.

When a service order is executed without using session 'Maintain Service order e
stimates', system fails to make inventory 'issue' entries in finance. It only ma
kes 'costs' entries.
It updates tdilc101 table but fails to update 'tdinv001' table thus displaying i
ncorrect information in the invenotry sessions. This problem is faced only in c4
version. C3 version does not have this problem.
A service order may be closed by executing the following steps as minimum.

Generate Service Order.

Report service order completed.
Maintain Actual service order costs and revenues
Release outbound
Close service orders.

In addition to the above sequence,session 'maintain service order cost estimate'

can be used as optional before completing the order to record the estimated ma
terials which may or may not match with the actual materials.
However, if session 'Maintain service order cost estimate' is skipped in the se

rvice order procedure, BaaN fails to make 'issue' entries in Finance when the ou
tbound has been released . So after the financial transactions are posted for t
he service order, system makes only the 'costs' entry in finance. This results i
n incomplete accounting because all the necessary ledgers are not updated.
In this case it also fails to update the inventory table 'tdinv001' while updati
ng 'tdilc101' properly.
These failures result in incorrect inventory information in the inventory sessio
ns and reports.
Currently this problem is forcing our users to execute 'Maintain service order e
stimate' session as mandatory.
Can anybody help?
Thanks in advance.

***************** End Of Article ******************

sameer parande posted Message 5311 in Message Board
Dated : October 23, 2001 at 00:46:12 EST
Subject: Distribution data collection/Bar coding
Hi !
Is anybody implemented distribution data collection modules for interfacing with
bar code solutions
pl. send doc or procedures if available.
***************** End Of Article ******************
SK posted Message 5312 in Message Board
Dated : October 24, 2001 at 04:36:19 EST
Subject: tdpur045
When matching invoice with purchase orders, we get old "completely matched" invo
ice onto the list also, i have looked in table tdpur045 and found field tdpur045
.stsd, which is different for those records in question.
I tried to change one, and it dissapeared as it should, but this is my question:
Is it alright to change the status from "matched" to "all approved" ????
It doesn't change anything anywhere or does it??????
***************** End Of Article ******************
Adam posted Message 5313 in Message Board

Dated : October 24, 2001 at 05:33:45 EST

Subject: purchase contracts
Hello BaaN fans,
My client makes purchase contracts for an item say X with supplier Y for a parti
cular project. On getting another project he again makes another contract with t
he same supplier for the same item at a different price depending on the size of
the project. I thought I could use Special contracts for this, but BaaN always
takes the first contract for the price when a purchase order is made. For manual
purchase orders we can select the contract from the field contract in header bu
t the problem is the purchase orders are not made manually but come through SIC.
How do I manage this? Any ideas?
Thanks a lot in advance.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Alisba posted Message 5314 in Message Board
Dated : October 24, 2001 at 07:03:16 EST
Subject: Baan Module for handling warranties
: Hi Friends,
: Which module in BaaN IV is suitable for handling warranties on the goods sold?
We need to carry out analysis of the data collected. Can Service module be used
: Thanks in advance.
: Alisba

***************** End Of Article ******************

Martin posted Message 5315 in Message Board
Dated : October 25, 2001 at 06:49:03 EST
Subject: Rebate on cummulative sales can be calculated even when the period hasn
&amp;#8216;t been finished
When running session tdcms1200m000 rebate is also calculated for orders in a per
iod that isn't finished yet. There is no selection (from period/year to period/y
ear) within the session to avoid this. Is that an intended functionality?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Martin posted Message 5316 in Message Board
Dated : October 25, 2001 at 06:51:07 EST
Subject: Re: tdpur045
Which list???

***************** End Of Article ******************

BaanFan posted Message 5317 in Message Board
Dated : October 25, 2001 at 09:17:54 EST
Subject: Re: tdpur045
I realy don't understand what it's your problem, but let me explain you how thin
gs are going on. First of all you can match partially a purchase order line (ins
tead 10 pcs. say 2 pcs).At this moment, if you take a look in pur045, on form2 y
ou'll see Stsd='matched' and on form4, Matc='partially', and in the same time in
pur046, Ttyp,Invn,Icom filled. If you approve this amount, nothing will change
in pur045, but in pur046, Pdat=mm/dd/yy, Apry=yy,Aprp=mm.
When you decide to match and approve the rest of 8 pcs., in pur045, Stsd='all ap
proved' and Matc='completely' and in pur046 you'll find another record with diff
erent ttyp,invn,icom.
Hope you'll find the answer!
: When matching invoice with purchase orders, we get old "completely matched" in
voice onto the list also, i have looked in table tdpur045 and found field tdpur0
45.stsd, which is different for those records in question.
: I tried to change one, and it dissapeared as it should, but this is my questio
: Is it alright to change the status from "matched" to "all approved" ????
: It doesn't change anything anywhere or does it??????

***************** End Of Article ******************

Hendrik posted Message 5318 in Message Board
Dated : October 25, 2001 at 11:24:39 EST
Subject: EDI, one network and many organizations
Is it possible to use many organization in one network?
I want to install one network for external EDI. The next step is to assign many
organizations. With the import of the EDI-data "orders" with several organizatio
ns, only one organization detected.
Does anybody knows this problem.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Puneet posted Message 5319 in Message Board
Dated : October 25, 2001 at 23:45:33 EST
Subject: Cost Item
we are using baan4c4. we use the cost item for all our requiremnets like renting

, transportation charges etc.When item is declared as cost item in the item mast
er the std. cost of this is declared to be zero or one. we use the purchase orde
r for these items(for zero quantity) then maintain receipts for the same.
My problems is for some items declared as cost items we get the Purchase varianc
e and there is difference in the ammount during the matching and approval of the
same. but for some items which are declared as the cost type this is doesnot ap
pear. I have checked it but couldnot found.
Please suggest where can the problem it be and why is it there and how can i get
myself right.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Riaz posted Message 5320 in Message Board
Dated : October 26, 2001 at 02:22:34 EST
Subject: Re: Baan Module for handling warranties
Yes, Baan Service can be used for handling warranties.

: : Hi Friends,
: :
: : Which module in BaaN IV is suitable for handling warranties on the goods sol
d? We need to carry out analysis of the data collected. Can Service module be us
: : Thanks in advance.
: : Alisba

***************** End Of Article ******************

Terje Lisether posted Message 5321 in Message Board
Dated : October 26, 2001 at 04:25:47 EST
Subject: Change order line text in sess tdsls4401
We have upgrade our baan from C2 to C4, after that we don't have feasibility to
change Order line text in session tdsls4122m000.
How can we open for changing text here?
***************** End Of Article ******************
EDI posted Message 5322 in Message Board
Dated : October 26, 2001 at 14:12:55 EST
Subject: Re: EDI, one network and many organizations

It is possible to use same network for

ppliers) depending on the proper setup
than defining a network) are required
u have taken so far? And are you using

different business partners (customers/su

in EDI. There are many other steps (other
to accomplish this. What are the steps yo
BaanIV or BaanERP?

: Is it possible to use many organization in one network?

: I want to install one network for external EDI. The next step is to assign man
y organizations. With the import of the EDI-data "orders" with several organizat
ions, only one organization detected.
: Does anybody knows this problem.

***************** End Of Article ******************

hendrik posted Message 5323 in Message Board
Dated : October 27, 2001 at 05:25:57 EST
Subject: Re: EDI, one network and many organizations
Thanks for your response. Ive got one datafile with several relation in severals
organizations. The question is, how detected Baan the correct organization in di
e datafile. In my example in each case only one organization is detected, even i
f this is missing in the message.
What is wrong??
: It is possible to use same network for
suppliers) depending on the proper setup
er than defining a network) are required
you have taken so far? And are you using

different business partners (customers/

in EDI. There are many other steps (oth
to accomplish this. What are the steps
BaanIV or BaanERP?

: : Is it possible to use many organization in one network?

: : I want to install one network for external EDI. The next step is to assign m
any organizations. With the import of the EDI-data "orders" with several organiz
ations, only one organization detected.
: : Does anybody knows this problem.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Adam posted Message 5324 in Message Board
Dated : October 27, 2001 at 09:45:37 EST
Subject: Help -Purchase Contracts- Help
Hi Baan Fans,
I am having problem in Purchase Contracts. My client makes purchase contracts pr
oject wise. At any point of time he has more than one contract for an item with
the same supplier.The planning for the material takes place through MRP or SIC.
My problem is when MRP raises planned purchase orders and when they are made int
o purchase orders the sytem takes only the first contract made with the concerne
d supplier. Can I solve the problem through Special contracts? The help says spe
cial contracts are made when when more than one contract is signed at the same t

Help would be highly appreciated.
Thanks a heap in advance
***************** End Of Article ******************
John posted Message 5325 in Message Board
Dated : November 02, 2001 at 07:34:50 EST
Subject: Re: Baan Module for handling warranties
We considered using Baan Service, but it would not do what we needed. So we are
currently writting new functionality to handle our warranty claims. We found t
here is no standard Baan solution that was 'elegant'.
: Hi,
: Yes, Baan Service can be used for handling warranties.
: : : Hi Friends,
: : :
: : : Which module in BaaN IV is suitable for handling warranties on the goods s
old? We need to carry out analysis of the data collected. Can Service module be
: : : Thanks in advance.
: : : Alisba

***************** End Of Article ******************

john posted Message 5326 in Message Board
Dated : November 02, 2001 at 08:08:56 EST
Subject: Changing Steps in Sales Order Type
I would like to insert another step into an existing order type. There are tran
sactions against the order type. I would like to insert 'print picking list' be
tween the steps 'print order acknowledgment' and 'maintain deliveries'.
Standard Baan does not allow this. Does anyone have experience using GTM to mod
ify an order type?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Alisba posted Message 5327 in Message Board
Dated : November 04, 2001 at 08:24:13 EST
Subject: Negative amount in Sales Deliveries
Hi Friends,

I need some clarifiction. Please help

The "Net line amount" in Display Deliveries(tdsls4531m000) shows negative amount
s in some of the deliveries(table field tdsls045.amnt) . This gets corrected aft
er PDSO.
Can any one tell me how this amount can become negative for some of the deliveri
Thanks in advance

***************** End Of Article ******************

Bang posted Message 5328 in Message Board
Dated : November 04, 2001 at 11:51:18 EST
Subject: Costing (Average Pur Price vs Revaluation)
Dear All,
I have confusion regarding costing in Baan.
I implemented Baan using the Average Purchase Price (with Inventory Balance meth
When I run the Calculate Standard Cost Price session, the system updates the new
cost price for all items including those that have been issued to Shop Floor.
It doesn't make sense for me as the Average Purchase Price is calculated for all
inventory balance excluded those that have been issued to Shop Floor. (It is no
t consistent).
Could someone help me on this matter?
Thanks in advance,
***************** End Of Article ******************
Alisba posted Message 5329 in Message Board
Dated : November 05, 2001 at 09:59:25 EST
Subject: Error while Generating Service orders
Hi Friends,
While Generating Service orders(tssma1273m000), after confirming recommended ser
vicings, system throws an error "Error 606(Reference does not exist on table tss
ma301). Cannot continue.
This happens only when Items are maintained by servicing(tssma1121m000). Otherwi
se it generates service orders. But here again I am not able to "Maintain servic
e order cost estimate" (tssma3170m000). It does save and gives a message "Tax co
de not found in Table Tax codes". I have maintained Maintained Tax codes in "Mai
ntain Tax codes by country"-tcmcs0136m000.
We are implementing BaaN IV C4 service package. Please help asap.


***************** End Of Article ******************

Alisba posted Message 5330 in Message Board
Dated : November 05, 2001 at 10:00:57 EST
Subject: Error while Generating Service orders
Hi Friends,
While Generating Service orders(tssma1273m000), after confirming recommended ser
vicings, system throws an error "Error 606(Reference does not exist on table tss
ma301). Cannot continue.
This happens only when Items are maintained by servicing(tssma1121m000). Otherwi
se it generates service orders. But here again I am not able to "Maintain servic
e order cost estimate" (tssma3170m000). It does not save and gives a message "Ta
x code not found in Table Tax codes". I have maintained Maintained Tax codes in
"Maintain Tax codes by country"-tcmcs0136m000. I dont know why...
We are implementing BaaN IV C4 service package. Please help asap.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Riaz posted Message 5331 in Message Board
Dated : November 05, 2001 at 10:12:54 EST
Subject: Re: Error while Generating Service orders
For the item you are entering in Maintain Service Order Cost Estimate, check if
you have given any tax code. The same tax code should have been defined in maint
ain tax codes by country. a common mistake is,the tax field is left blank in ite
m data, but actually in the tax table a record with a blank tax code is maintain
: Hi Friends,

: While Generating Service orders(tssma1273m000), after confirming recommended s

ervicings, system throws an error "Error 606(Reference does not exist on table t
ssma301). Cannot continue.
: This happens only when Items are maintained by servicing(tssma1121m000). Other
wise it generates service orders. But here again I am not able to "Maintain serv
ice order cost estimate" (tssma3170m000). It does save and gives a message "Tax
code not found in Table Tax codes". I have maintained Maintained Tax codes in "M
aintain Tax codes by country"-tcmcs0136m000.
: We are implementing BaaN IV C4 service package. Please help asap.
: Thanks
: Alisba

***************** End Of Article ******************

Arvind Patil posted Message 5332 in Message Board
Dated : November 05, 2001 at 20:01:04 EST
Subject: Re: Costing (Average Pur Price vs Revaluation)
As you must be knowing whatever cost price calaculation method we choose Baan al
ways work on standard costing. Whenever a cost price changes system revalues fol
1. Inventory
2. WIP
3. Purchase
4. Sales
and other transaction if you are using service or other package.
I don't see the problem the way Baan is giving you the result.
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Arvind Patil posted Message 5333 in Message Board
Dated : November 05, 2001 at 20:03:40 EST
Subject: Re: Negative amount in Sales Deliveries
PDSO do not change the amount in tdsls045. DO you have any customizations? It is
possible to have negative amount as you know in sales return or negative order
***************** End Of Article ******************

Arvind Patil posted Message 5334 in Message Board

Dated : November 05, 2001 at 20:06:51 EST
Subject: Re: Changing Steps in Sales Order Type
One can chnage the sales order steps through GTM. Remember to chnage the mask on
form 2 of GTM. The only issues will be open orders. You may have to change the
tdsls045.pmsk to set to "y" form "n" for open orders and the postion of the step
. As you have mentioned that you are adding picking list then the second postion
of pmsk should be set to "y" for open orders.
Rest of all should be fine.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Bang posted Message 5335 in Message Board
Dated : November 06, 2001 at 01:31:38 EST
Subject: Re: Costing (Average Pur Price vs Revaluation)
Dear Sir,
1. The average Purchase Price is calculated based on Inventory Balance, it means
that the system calculates based on all inventory excluding those than have bee
n WIP.
Why does the system still revaluate the WIP?
2. Can we do the cost price calculation without revaluation on WIP? Is there any
way to do this?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Alisba posted Message 5336 in Message Board
Dated : November 06, 2001 at 02:27:13 EST
Subject: Re: Negative amount in Sales Deliveries
Thanks Arvind,
This is not a case of Sales return or, negative deliveries. The negative amounts
against only some of the sequences(Deliveries).
We have only customised the "Sales cum Excise report".
And this gets corrected after PDSO
Please help
***************** End Of Article ******************
Jagjit posted Message 5337 in Message Board
Dated : November 06, 2001 at 05:55:00 EST

Subject: Purchase return Order

We have created a Return Order type "PR1" . In "PR1" we have defined order steps
Print Purchase Invoice,Process Delivered Purchase Order. By mistake we entered
wrong rate in Return Purchase Order. Now we want to change the price. How this i
s possible.When we try to delete it gives message "Receipts already recorded in
ILC Module". It does not allow to delete.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Jagjit posted Message 5338 in Message Board
Dated : November 06, 2001 at 05:55:02 EST
Subject: Purchase return Order
We have created a Return Order type "PR1" . In "PR1" we have defined order steps
Print Purchase Invoice,Process Delivered Purchase Order. By mistake we entered
wrong rate in Return Purchase Order. Now we want to change the price. How this i
s possible.When we try to delete it gives message "Receipts already recorded in
ILC Module". It does not allow to delete.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Jagjit posted Message 5339 in Message Board
Dated : November 06, 2001 at 05:58:16 EST
Subject: Sales Invoice (tdsls4404m000)
We ran session Print Sales Invoice. We found the wrong value . It has already
generated Sales Invoice Number. How the value can be verified before generating
Sales Invoice Number.
If we set option Final Invoices = "No" even then it is generating Sales Invoice
***************** End Of Article ******************
Attention posted Message 5340 in Message Board
Dated : November 06, 2001 at 09:20:33 EST
Subject: Indian Localization Problem
hi baan fans ,
we have Baan C4 version with IN3 localization ,

In this I am unable to change ASS. value in Purchase Order line

As far as i know you can change this value
Is there any patch for that , or any parameter
expecting prompt reply
***************** End Of Article ******************
Puneet Bansal posted Message 5341 in Message Board
Dated : November 07, 2001 at 11:41:00 EST
Subject: Re: Negative amount in Sales Deliveries
Hi Alisba,
The negative quantity in the line amount is due to the fact that the backorder
is made to be zero manually through the system. i.e, before the ordered quantity
is completely dispatched the backorder is made zero
: Hi Friends,
: I need some clarifiction. Please help
: The "Net line amount" in Display Deliveries(tdsls4531m000) shows negative amou
nts in some of the deliveries(table field tdsls045.amnt) . This gets corrected a
fter PDSO.
: Can any one tell me how this amount can become negative for some of the delive
: Thanks in advance
: alisba

***************** End Of Article ******************

Puneet Bansal posted Message 5342 in Message Board
Dated : November 07, 2001 at 12:16:33 EST
Subject: Re: Change order line text in sess tdsls4401

We have upgrade our baan from C2 to C4, after that we don't have feasibility t
change Order line text in session tdsls4122m000.
How can we open for changing text here?

Hi Terje Lisether,

BaaN 4 c4 doesnot stops you from text the text maintained for the order line dur
ing the sale/ Purchase orders even the Sales/Purchase Invoice has been made. But
if still the session "tdsls4122m000" doesnot allow you for the same you can sti
ll run the session "tttxt1100m000" find the text number which present in the sys
tem in the table "tdsls041" Form 5 corresponding to the Sale order line, then yo
u can edit the text from there
***************** End Of Article ******************
Alisba posted Message 5343 in Message Board
Dated : November 08, 2001 at 05:25:55 EST
Subject: PDSO problem
Hi Friends,
I get a message "Invoice header could not be written to finance for invoice ____
______"(invoice number) while carrying out PDSO. I have seen similar messages wh
ich say that "Invoice data could not be written to finance for_____" due to roun
ding off of excise duty and Sales Tax in "tdsls901" which has to be corrected th
ru GTM.
Can anyone tell why such I get such a message.
Saji george

***************** End Of Article ******************

VINO posted Message 5344 in Message Board
Dated : November 08, 2001 at 06:12:53 EST
***************** End Of Article ******************
Arsh posted Message 5345 in Message Board
Dated : November 08, 2001 at 06:31:48 EST
Subject: Excise Invoice - Indian Localization

During the first 1-4 days we make Excise Invoices at Provisional Rates . We get
the exact rates after 3-4 days. Now we want to update Excise Invoices with new r
ates. But Baan does not allow this . It does not update Excise Duty tables. How
the Excise Difference problem can be tackled. This is creating a major hurdle in
proper implementation of Baan. Can anybody help me in tackling this problem
***************** End Of Article ******************
John Crystal posted Message 5346 in Message Board
Dated : November 08, 2001 at 09:14:39 EST
Subject: Re: Help -Purchase Contracts- Help
Hi Adam,
It sounds like you are attempting to plan projects without using the projects mo
dule. Any planned orders from MRP or SIC will be anonymous, not linked to a spec
ific project. I don't see how even using special contracts will help in this sit
uation. Special contracts will allow more than one to be open but the project li
nkage will be missing from the demand side as far as I understand your question.
John Crystal
***************** End Of Article ******************
Puneet Bansal posted Message 5347 in Message Board
Dated : November 08, 2001 at 10:14:44 EST
Hello Vinod,
The costs such as freight, customs etc. which are indirect part of the cost of i
tem but that effects the costing of the item can be maintained as surcharges. th
e surcharges can be maintained item wise"ticpr1130m000" or the item group wise "
Care should be taken that while in the current price of the item, the price shou
ld be the basic price (excluding the chrges maintained as surcharges).
the surcharges can be maintained as fixed amount or the percentage of the total
I think this solves your requirement

***************** End Of Article ******************
Puneet Bansal posted Message 5348 in Message Board
Dated : November 08, 2001 at 10:32:54 EST
Subject: Re: Excise Invoice - Indian Localization


: During the first 1-4 days we make Excise Invoices at Provisional Rates . We ge
t the exact rates after 3-4 days. Now we want to update Excise Invoices with new
rates. But Baan does not allow this . It does not update Excise Duty tables. Ho
w the Excise Difference problem can be tackled. This is creating a major hurdle
in proper implementation of Baan. Can anybody help me in tackling this problem
: Regards
: Arsh
Hi Arsh,
This can be done thrugh the session tdind0104m000 "Maintain Cenvat Reversals" wh
ere the difference in the excise duty amnt can be credit/ Debit as per the requi
I think this solves your problem
***************** End Of Article ******************
Sunny posted Message 5349 in Message Board
Dated : November 10, 2001 at 03:56:37 EST
Subject: Qty Already Allocated Or Issued
We have not run session Maintain Approvals,When we try to transfer it to Rejecte
d Location through session "Maintain Inbound Data" (tdilc4104s000) Display Recei
pts(tdilc4515s000) it gives message "Qty already allocated or issued". Why is it
***************** End Of Article ******************
alwin posted Message 5350 in Message Board
Dated : November 13, 2001 at 08:29:39 EST
Subject: Re: Multisite Transfers Bewteen Companies with DRP Baan 5
This is not working in BaanERP till Corelli. DRP creates in a multi site structu
re still a purchase order.

From the Reger release a multi site warehouse order is created, but in this situ
ation you have to meet the rules:
share tcibd
use same item code on both sites
doesn't work for customized items
***************** End Of Article ******************
terry posted Message 5351 in Message Board
Dated : November 14, 2001 at 11:03:19 EST
Subject: thank's to everybody
Hi to everybody,
I solved the problem with your suggest
***************** End Of Article ******************
Jessie posted Message 5352 in Message Board
Dated : November 15, 2001 at 00:20:40 EST
Subject: Rebate calculation
I'm trying to perform the rebate calculation in BaanERP5.0c and encountered prob
lem ie. Agreement not found.
Hope someone can shed some light on this, as I'm not sure whether I've performed
the setting correctly. Thanks.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Jessie posted Message 5353 in Message Board
Dated : November 15, 2001 at 00:23:46 EST
Subject: Re: Sales Invoice (tdsls4404m000)
Which version of Baan are you using?
: Hai
We ran session Print Sales Invoice. We found the wrong value . It has alrea
dy generated Sales Invoice Number. How the value can be verified before generati
ng Sales Invoice Number.
: If we set option Final Invoices = "No" even then it is generating Sales Invoic
e Number.
: Regards
: Jagjit

***************** End Of Article ******************

Jessie posted Message 5354 in Message Board
Dated : November 15, 2001 at 00:27:32 EST
Subject: Re: Rebate on cummulative sales can be calculated even when the period

hasn&amp;#8216;t been finished

which version of Baan are you using?

: When running session tdcms1200m000 rebate is also calculated for orders in a p

eriod that isn't finished yet. There is no selection (from period/year to period
/year) within the session to avoid this. Is that an intended functionality?
: Martin

***************** End Of Article ******************

Martin posted Message 5355 in Message Board
Dated : November 15, 2001 at 03:09:44 EST
Subject: Re: Rebate on cummulative sales can be calculated even when the period
hasn't been finished
Baan IVc4 SP 8
***************** End Of Article ******************
Ken posted Message 5356 in Message Board
Dated : November 15, 2001 at 22:31:07 EST
Subject: Matching a Receipt with a Quantity in the tdpur045.mrbq field - How?
Baan Fans:
I am encountering a problem when I try to match and approve a purchase receipt w
ith purchase invoice. For some reason, when I go into the "Match Receipts" sess
ion, the purchase receipt is not shown. It appears that the culprit is being ca
used by the tdpur045.mrbq field being populated. From what I have seen, this fi
eld gets set when a receipt is processed in the "Maintain Approvals" session (I
The problem is, these receipts still show on our tfacp1432m000 report as uninvoi
ced. When we try to match these receipts in finance, the receipt does not appea
r. Does anyone know what must be done to get these receipts removed through sta
ndard processing or otherwise?
Thanks for your help in advance.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Bony posted Message 5357 in Message Board
Dated : November 16, 2001 at 03:27:15 EST
Subject: Sales &amp; Purchase Statistic
Dear All,
Is the Statistic modules able to handle complex reporting in flexible way?

I would like to create report for Item by Customer, Item Group by Areas, and the
combination of it.
By the way, what does it mean by Order Intake & Turnover?
Thanks in advance,
***************** End Of Article ******************
Puneet Bansal posted Message 5358 in Message Board
Dated : November 16, 2001 at 23:28:26 EST
Subject: Average Cost
There is field in the item master as Averae cost. How system Builds this average
cost?Is it the approved amount or PO amount? Is there any parameter to choose b
etween the two?
We are using BaaN IV c4
***************** End Of Article ******************
Arief Budiyanto posted Message 5359 in Message Board
Dated : November 19, 2001 at 21:09:15 EST
Subject: Re: Average Cost
This is Average Purchase Price.
There are 2 methods to calculate this:
1. It is calculated against Inventory Balance.
2. It is calculated against Purchase Receipt (Cumulative).
You can choose the options from the parameter "Method of Calculating Average Pur
chase Price" in PO parameters.
The APP will be calculated if you calculate the standard cost price.
***************** End Of Article ****************** posted Message 5360 in Message Board
Dated : November 20, 2001 at 07:40:38 EST
Subject: Baan Distribution
Everything you need to know about Baan Distribution
***************** End Of Article ******************
Peter posted Message 5361 in Message Board

Dated : November 20, 2001 at 19:22:39 EST

Subject: Re: EDI, one network and many organizations
: Thanks for your response. Ive got one datafile with several relation in several
s organizations. The question is, how detected Baan the correct organization in
die datafile. In my example in each case only one organization is detected, even
if this is missing in the message.
: What is wrong??
: : It is possible to use same network for
s/suppliers) depending on the proper setup
ther than defining a network) are required
s you have taken so far? And are you using

different business partners (customer

in EDI. There are many other steps (o
to accomplish this. What are the step
BaanIV or BaanERP?

: : : Is it possible to use many organization in one network?

: : : I want to install one network for external EDI. The next step is to assign
many organizations. With the import of the EDI-data "orders" with several organ
izations, only one organization detected.
: : : Does anybody knows this problem.
There a session 2nd from the bottom in master data set up, its the same in both
ERP and BAAN IV, if what l think you are saying is correct then your only hope i
s there, otherwise find a EDI consultant.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Mani posted Message 5362 in Message Board
Dated : November 21, 2001 at 00:25:10 EST
Subject: &quot;No Data within Selection&quot;
When I try to print an Order Acknowledgement(tdsls4401m000) and a Purchase
Order(tdpur4401m000) with the field "Order Line Types to Print" set to "Excl. P
rinted Lines", I get the message "No Data within selection".
The reason why I am using the above procedure is that I would like to prin
t all the unprinted Sales Orders & Purchase Orders. I have created some new orde
rs and then try to print, but I am still getting the same message. Anyone has a
suggestion or has faced similar problem would be highly appreciated.
***************** End Of Article ******************
bt posted Message 5363 in Message Board
Dated : November 21, 2001 at 10:33:54 EST
Subject: Re: Qty Already Allocated Or Issued
: Hai
: We have not run session Maintain Approvals,When we try to transfer it to Rejec
ted Location through session "Maintain Inbound Data" (tdilc4104s000) Display Rec
eipts(tdilc4515s000) it gives message "Qty already allocated or issued". Why is
it so.
: Regards

: Sunny
You need to run maintain approvals. The quantity is blocked on the inspection lo
cation till you run the session.
***************** End Of Article ******************
bt posted Message 5364 in Message Board
Dated : November 21, 2001 at 10:35:47 EST
Subject: Re: Sales &amp; Purchase Statistic
: Dear All,
: Is the Statistic modules able to handle complex reporting in flexible way?
: I would like to create report for Item by Customer, Item Group by Areas, and t
he combination of it.
: By the way, what does it mean by Order Intake & Turnover?
: Thanks in advance,
: Bon
It is possible what you want. You just need to define the right layouts.
Order intake are the orderlines, turnover is the processed invoiced orderlines (
type 3 of the history)
***************** End Of Article ******************
BaanFan posted Message 5365 in Message Board
Dated : November 22, 2001 at 06:53:06 EST
Subject: Re: Average Cost

This is Average Purchase Price.

There are 2 methods to calculate this:
1. It is calculated against Inventory Balance.
2. It is calculated against Purchase Receipt (Cumulative).

: You can choose the options from the parameter "Method of Calculating Average P
urchase Price" in PO parameters.
: The APP will be calculated if you calculate the standard cost price.
: Cheers,
: Arief
Hi guys!
You have a wrong ideea about calculating Average Purchase price. The APP will be
calculating by the system whenever you'll match and aprove the purchase invoice
(in financial) and it hasn't got to do with calculating standard cost price. Mor
e than that, the standard cost price is calculated based on APP if you indicate
that. For further information don't hesitate to mail me.
***************** End Of Article ******************
BaanFan posted Message 5366 in Message Board

Dated : November 22, 2001 at 07:16:44 EST

Subject: Re:
When I try to print an Order Acknowledgement(tdsls4401m000) and a Purcha
se Order(tdpur4401m000) with the field "Order Line Types to Print" set to "Excl.
Printed Lines", I get the message "No Data within selection".
The reason why I am using the above procedure is that I would like to pr
int all the unprinted Sales Orders & Purchase Orders. I have created some new or
ders and then try to print, but I am still getting the same message. Anyone has
a suggestion or has faced similar problem would be highly appreciated.
It's normal becouse when you set up the field "Order line types to print" to "ex
cl. printed lines" you indicate system to print only the order lines added after
printing the last order acknowl. Order acknowl. are not printed for those order
s for which the sess. Print order acknowl is not included in the order procedure
So, if you don't include this step in your order procedure, you can still print
order acknowl. if you choose the field Order line types to print as All lines.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Attention posted Message 5367 in Message Board
Dated : November 23, 2001 at 08:11:13 EST
Subject: ASS , Value Problem ( IN3 indian LOCALIZATION )
hi baan fans ,
: we have Baan C4 version with IN3 localization ,
: In this I am unable to change ASS. value in Purchase Order line during MAINTAI
: As far as i know we can change this value
: Is there any patch for that , or any parameter
: expecting prompt reply
: bye
: sandeep

***************** End Of Article ******************

richard posted Message 5368 in Message Board
Dated : November 23, 2001 at 10:30:42 EST
Subject: Module QMS
Does anyone use this module ?
We are using the location control and most of the packages.
We are searching for users who are using the module to validate the possible use

in our company.
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Bruce Thornhill posted Message 5369 in Message Board
Dated : November 25, 2001 at 23:26:50 EST
Subject: WARNING: Re: Baan Distribution
This site opens up a string of pop-up porn sites.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Volkan posted Message 5370 in Message Board
Dated : November 28, 2001 at 03:24:47 EST
Subject: Planning and Optimisation
Hi all,
Has anyone implemented any optimisation tool integrated with BaaN?
Do you know any?
All the best..
***************** End Of Article ******************
Volkan posted Message 5371 in Message Board
Dated : November 28, 2001 at 04:12:02 EST
Subject: Planning &amp; Optimisation
Hi all,
Has anyone implemeted any Planning &Optimisation tool like SAP APO or any other
with Baan?
Do you know any Baan company integrated any Planning &Optimisation program with
All the best.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Peter Rademaker posted Message 5372 in Message Board
Dated : November 28, 2001 at 14:51:53 EST
Subject: BaaN ERP EDI user guide
Being a BaaN IV user I want to help one of our relations to setup EDI messages o
n their BaaN ERP system.
Does any one know where I can find then BaaN ERP EDI user guide?
Or could someone having it in electronical form .....
***************** End Of Article ******************

Jeanne E. Ploshay posted Message 5373 in Message Board

Dated : November 28, 2001 at 15:41:58 EST
Subject: Copy text from a Word Document into BaaN
We have large blocks of text that are entered into a Word Document by our engine
ering department. This block of text must be included as text in any sales orde
rs for the same item. We are trying to avoid the re-typing by sales of this inf
o (duplication of effort, increased opportunity for errors). Any ideas?
Thanks in advance,
Jeanne E. Ploshay
***************** End Of Article ******************
Jeanne E. Ploshay posted Message 5374 in Message Board
Dated : November 28, 2001 at 15:51:56 EST
Subject: Re: Rebate calculation
Hi Jessie:
We are on Baan IVc2 and use commissions, not rebates, but my understanding is th
at 1. Not much has ever changed with the commission module so BaaN ERP and IVc2
should function in much the same way at least in this module 2. commissions and
rebates work pretty much in the same manner. In either case, good luck in findi
ng any "experts" out there! However, there is a contact at BaaN support, Stepha
nie Russell, who is the first person in 3 years who really knows her stuff in re
gards to commissions. So that might be an option as well. But in the meantime,
if you can give some additional details perhaps I can help.
: I'm trying to perform the rebate calculation in BaanERP5.0c and encountered pr
oblem ie. Agreement not found.
: Hope someone can shed some light on this, as I'm not sure whether I've perform
ed the setting correctly. Thanks.

***************** End Of Article ******************

khadar posted Message 5375 in Message Board
Dated : November 29, 2001 at 04:54:46 EST
Subject: Still Inventory on Hold after approval of pur. receipts
After performing the step of Maintain Approvals. The inventory is still in Insp
ection Location and the status is blocked.
If I do fast approvals through Maintain Receipts, it is doing properly.
(We are in BaanIV c4)
Can any body help to come out of this problem.

***************** End Of Article ******************

gary posted Message 5376 in Message Board

Dated : November 29, 2001 at 09:59:01 EST
Subject: Re: Copy text from a Word Document into BaaN
If the text is the same from one SO to the next for a particular item you could
put it in as sales text in the item master. That way at least you would only hav
e to type it once, maybe you could even make engineering do it.
: We have large blocks of text that are entered into a Word Document by our engi
neering department. This block of text must be included as text in any sales or
ders for the same item. We are trying to avoid the re-typing by sales of this i
nfo (duplication of effort, increased opportunity for errors). Any ideas?
: Thanks in advance,
: Jeanne E. Ploshay
: Micro-Coax

***************** End Of Article ******************

Karin Espelage posted Message 5377 in Message Board
Dated : November 29, 2001 at 14:59:32 EST
Subject: Change editor to notepad and copy &amp; paste
Depending on the Baan version you use, you might be able to change the editor to
notepad. That can be done by entering the text group you are using for sales in
session tttxt1116m000 "Maintain text group with external editor" (not available
in older Baan versions though).
Than you could use the normal Windows commands for copying and pasting.
: We have large blocks of text that are entered into a Word Document by our engi
neering department. This block of text must be included as text in any sales or
ders for the same item. We are trying to avoid the re-typing by sales of this i
nfo (duplication of effort, increased opportunity for errors). Any ideas?
: Thanks in advance,
: Jeanne E. Ploshay
: Micro-Coax

***************** End Of Article ******************

deena posted Message 5378 in Message Board
Dated : December 03, 2001 at 06:29:52 EST
Subject: Perform Slow Moving analysis by Item
Can anyone advise the criteria used for this session.
What is used to calculate 'Annual Issue" & "Inventory on Hand" ?
From what we can see it is based on only Sales Delivery (Issues) and Production

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Funky posted Message 5379 in Message Board
Dated : December 03, 2001 at 09:04:36 EST
Subject: Re: WARNING: Re: Baan Distribution
: This site opens up a string of pop-up porn sites.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Lok posted Message 5380 in Message Board
Dated : December 03, 2001 at 19:52:49 EST
Subject: Baan 5c - Lot tracking
Any body worked on Baan 5c -Lot tracking ? how does all level work ? Origin / wh
ere used..
***************** End Of Article ******************
BaanFan posted Message 5381 in Message Board
Dated : December 06, 2001 at 07:55:21 EST
Subject: Re: Still Inventory on Hold after approval of pur. receipts
: After performing the step of Maintain Approvals. The inventory is still in In
spection Location and the status is blocked.
: If I do fast approvals through Maintain Receipts, it is doing properly.
: (We are in BaanIV c4)
: Can any body help to come out of this problem.
: khadar.
If you are using location system, there are 3 types of locations: receipt locati
on for received items, inspection receipt location for those which are to be ins
pected and normal locations. Therefore when you received items in inspection loc
ation there are 2 ways to deal with approvals:
1 - Maintain approvals(QMS not implemented) session which approve all received q
ty or less and after that the qty remain in insp. location. You can't use this q
ty for consump. from insp. location. To transfer this approved qty to a normal l
ocation you have to make inbound movement with Order type=Inventory transfer.
2 - Fast approvals through Maintain receipts session which approve all received
qty( never less) and put it in receipt location. This means that you can use rec
eived and approved qty for consumption.
Be aware if you choose the last one becouse when you are using Standard cost pri
ce as Inventory valuation with Average price as cost price calc. code, you shoul
d match and approve your receipt( which modifies average price in tiitm001 and t

herefore you should run Calculate cost prices to change standard cost price) bef
ore consumpt.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Adrienne Piccattoli posted Message 5382 in Message Board
Dated : December 06, 2001 at 09:41:57 EST
Subject: Re: BaaN ERP EDI user guide
: Being a BaaN IV user I want to help one of our relations to setup EDI messages
on their BaaN ERP system.
: Does any one know where I can find then BaaN ERP EDI user guide?
: Or could someone having it in electronical form .....
: Thanks
Have you heard of a software called Knowledge Quest? This is a very useful tool
and contains all of anything you need to know about beginner to intermediate pr
oduct support for Baan. It is also fully searchable, cut-and-pastable, and prin
table. When it comes to very advanced support, I have found it more difficult t
o find a good resource to draw from.
As for your EDI user guide, it is one of the many guides which can be found on K
nowledge Quest. I believe that this package cost our company about $650, but I
find it well worth the money.
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Adrienne Piccattoli posted Message 5383 in Message Board
Dated : December 06, 2001 at 09:56:48 EST
Subject: EDI Error Messages
Has anyone compiled a list of EDI error messages? or, can anyone tell me if the
re is one in existence that I can access. I would like to make such a list, but
do not want to "re-invent the wheel".
***************** End Of Article ******************
Puneet Bansal posted Message 5384 in Message Board
Dated : December 06, 2001 at 12:40:29 EST
Subject: Re: Module QMS
: Does anyone use this module ?
: We are using the location control and most of the packages.
: We are searching for users who are using the module to validate the possible u
se in our company.
: Tahnk's
Yes We are in the going to implement it in a day or two. Every thing has been te
sted and found OK.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Puneet Bansal posted Message 5385 in Message Board

Dated : December 06, 2001 at 12:48:16 EST

Subject: Revaluation Problem
When we update the cost price of the Manufactured items. It generates the invent
ory valuation. As per my knowledge the system generated the inventory valuation
for any transaction as difference between the initial price and new purice which
has now been updated as new Std. Price. But is it possible that even though sys
tem has initial cost more than (>) zero but still the inventory valuation that i
s generated is based on the new Std. Price calculated by system instead of diffe
rence in the Price.
If it is so how can it be solved? what is reason behind it?
We r using baan IV c4
***************** End Of Article ******************
Puneet Bansal posted Message 5386 in Message Board
Dated : December 06, 2001 at 12:54:36 EST
Subject: Purchase Variance for the Costed Item
We are using c4 version. we have declared the Cost item for the payment of trans
porters and other rents. Purch. Order is raised for the same and receipts is mai
ntained. Since the cost items can have Std. Price as zero. Also for the cost ite
ms there should not be any Purch. variance but if the system generates it what c
an be problem
***************** End Of Article ******************
Edwin posted Message 5387 in Message Board
Dated : December 07, 2001 at 14:28:42 EST
Subject: Re: Baan 5c - Lot tracking
I do have experience with this so please e-mail me your address and I can send y
ou a good description of its functionality in b50_c.
: Any body worked on Baan 5c -Lot tracking ? how does all level work ? Origin /
where used..

***************** End Of Article ******************

Karin Espelage posted Message 5388 in Message Board
Dated : December 10, 2001 at 20:58:50 EST
Subject: Re: Purchase Variance for the Costed Item
You could set the integration up for that item, to post to the expense account f
or transporters and other rent, instead of to a separate purchase price variance
account. That way you have the amount on the right account.
The variance will still show on some reports in Finance, which compare logistic
and financial data (e.g. Variance Analysis).
For reconciliation purposes you'll have to find a way to separate this, if you w
ant to use these reports for reconciliation.
------------: We are using c4 version. we have declared the Cost item for the payment of tra
nsporters and other rents. Purch. Order is raised for the same and receipts is m
aintained. Since the cost items can have Std. Price as zero. Also for the cost i
tems there should not be any Purch. variance but if the system generates it what
can be problem
: thanks
: Puneet

***************** End Of Article ******************

Cees de Groot posted Message 5389 in Message Board
Dated : December 11, 2001 at 09:27:49 EST
Subject: No error description logged on a fatal error in tdinv0250m000
When tdinv0250m000 stops due to an fatal error there is no error description ava
ilable. Need a solution for this problem.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Tanweer Ahmed posted Message 5390 in Message Board
Dated : December 12, 2001 at 14:15:19 EST
Subject: Sales Returns
Hi Every One,
I have a query regarding sales returns, as all of us
urn is like a sales order having negative quantaties
ect the previous sales invoice through which we made
k between sales invoice and sales return order and i
anagement as well users.

know that in baan sales ret

and amounts. We can not sel
sales since there is no lin
explained the same to the m

The Finance director says it is not acceptable to him since the user can put any
quantity or amount while creating sales order lines for a return order. I am ju

st curious to know is there any way to select the previous invoice means (Return
Goods on Invoice) becuase as far as i know there is no way.
Could any one help me in this regards and if BaaN does have such functionality w
hat is the Logic??
Thanking in Advance
Tanweer Ahmed
***************** End Of Article ******************
Karin Espelage posted Message 5391 in Message Board
Dated : December 12, 2001 at 15:03:32 EST
Subject: Re: Sales Returns
Well - the user has to be able to change amount and quantity. You might get part
ial returns or damaged returns, where you don't want to issue the whole amount a
s credit.
There are different return scenarios but often the order is entered first, just
to give the order number as return authoriation number to the customer. Then the
credit depends on the quantity you actually receive back from the customer. Aft
er you received the goods back, you might still want to change the amount if e.g
. the goods have been returned damaged.
The link and reconciliation with the original invoice is only made in Finance la
As everywhere, there is always the possibility of user error.
----------------: Hi Every One,
: I have a query regarding sales returns, as all of us
eturn is like a sales order having negative quantaties
elect the previous sales invoice through which we made
ink between sales invoice and sales return order and i
management as well users.

know that in baan sales r

and amounts. We can not s
sales since there is no l
explained the same to the

: The Finance director says it is not acceptable to him since the user can put a
ny quantity or amount while creating sales order lines for a return order. I am
just curious to know is there any way to select the previous invoice means (Retu
rn Goods on Invoice) becuase as far as i know there is no way.
: Could any one help me in this regards and if BaaN does have such functionality
what is the Logic??
: Thanking in Advance
: Tanweer Ahmed

***************** End Of Article ******************

Arvind Patil posted Message 5392 in Message Board

Dated : December 14, 2001 at 20:03:21 EST

Subject: Re: Sales Returns
Yes you are correct Baan does not look back to original sales order. We have cus
tomized this in our place, where we can
1- Link credit to multiple invoices
2- Pick up the price from the original invoice
3- Check for quantity and item
4- Handles the drop ship return. Create a drop ship Purchase order with correct
5- Automatically link the original invoice to credit note in finance without any
user intervention.
If you have have tools resource then it can be done (even if you don't have sour
ce, we too don't have source).
With this customization we have a bulit a credit database that is usefule for re
porting and financial audit purpose.
Arvind Patil
***************** End Of Article ******************
Eddy posted Message 5393 in Message Board
Dated : December 17, 2001 at 05:29:53 EST
Subject: Re: No error description logged on a fatal error in tdinv0250m000
Don't you get an logging on the server? (Eventlog)
On the client-side you can check the errors in (if your using GUI) option dialog
by clicking on "show BW message window"
Check the clientfile "c:\baan\log\bw.log"
***************** End Of Article ******************
Eddy posted Message 5394 in Message Board
Dated : December 17, 2001 at 05:46:58 EST
Subject: Re: Purchase return Order
If you processed delivery you cannot change it! but if you make an delivery with
quantity 0 and backorderquantity 0 the line will be deleted.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Jerome posted Message 5395 in Message Board
Dated : December 17, 2001 at 10:46:57 EST
Subject: Re: Perform Slow Moving analysis by Item
The tables used are:
table ttdinv760

| item usage by period

| item usage by period and warehouse

***************** End Of Article ******************

Jerome posted Message 5396 in Message Board

Dated : December 17, 2001 at 10:56:03 EST

Subject: Re: Perform Slow Moving analysis by Item
The tables used for tdinv6220m000 are tdinv750 (item usage by period) and tdinv7
60 (item usage by period and warehouse).
These include sales deliveries and issues for production orders: as far as I kno
w, this cannot be changed.
You can only change the percentage parameters on form 3 of tdinv0100m000.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Jerome posted Message 5397 in Message Board
Dated : December 17, 2001 at 11:07:48 EST
Subject: Re: Distribution data collection/Bar coding
: Is anybody implemented distribution data collection modules for interfacing wi
th bar code solutions
: pl. send doc or procedures if available.
----------------------------------------------------------------We have implemented some DDC functions. We have only the doc which is provided
by Baan on DDC. If you have more specific questions, I'll be glad to help you.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Chris Kiehl posted Message 5398 in Message Board
Dated : December 18, 2001 at 11:15:34 EST
Subject: Fixed vs. Free Locations
I don't understand the purpose of "Free" locations. I am using Baan4C4. In sessi
on tdilc0130m000 (Maintain Locations by Item), we have always set up the locatio
n/item relationship as "Fixed". Whenever we would inbound an item from the inspe
ction or receipt location, the item would fall into this fixed location.
Why would I ever set up the relationship as "Free"? I've tried this and the item
never falls to that location.
Any explanations would be appreciated.
-Chris***************** End Of Article ******************
fathima posted Message 5399 in Message Board
Dated : December 19, 2001 at 01:57:46 EST
Subject: inv parameters
Dear Baan fans,

Can someone please tell me how the value of constant and factor should be calcul
ated in the last form of INV parameters.
Thanks in advance
***************** End Of Article ******************
Stephen Ruger posted Message 5400 in Message Board
Dated : December 19, 2001 at 10:58:14 EST
Subject: Re: Fixed vs. Free Locations
That is why it is described as "free". You are allowing Baan to decide where it
goes. This is usually used when greater flexibility is required in putting thi
ngs away.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Attention posted Message 5401 in Message Board
Dated : December 21, 2001 at 23:35:26 EST
Subject: ABC analysis
Hi Baan Fans
When we are trying to do ABC analysis in our company ,we are getting some number
s in Annual issue field of the report ,
For a new item it will pick from Item Data , but when the Item is purchased & Is
sue since last Three Years , Then what is the Formula for Calculating " Annaul I
ssue "
We are Purchasing Items in Two Warehouses & Then Inventory is transferred to Ano
ther Warehouses thru DRP RPL , In that case Which warehouses will be considered
For Item "Annual Issue " & what will be the formula (in ABC Analysis.)
AN urgent reply in this regard will be highly appreciated
thanx in Advance

***************** End Of Article ******************

khadar posted Message 5402 in Message Board
Dated : December 24, 2001 at 02:28:25 EST
Subject: Thanks, but small problem
our case is QMS not implemented. I tried earlier the same. If the fast approve
d from Maintain receipt, it is ok. But if it done through Maintain approvals.
It is approved but the qty is in inspection location. But I can not transfer fr
om Inspection location to other location, message "Qty blocked" is coming.
Please Advice.

***************** End Of Article ******************
Peter Rademaker posted Message 5403 in Message Board
Dated : December 27, 2001 at 04:49:02 EST
Subject: Re: BaaN ERP EDI user guide
Thanks for your info, yes I know (and use) knowledge quest.
However it is for BaaB IV, and the info I need id for BaaN V.
***************** End Of Article ******************
BHASKAR posted Message 5404 in Message Board
Dated : December 28, 2001 at 05:27:54 EST
Subject: Re: PDSO problem
: Hi Friends,
: I get a message "Invoice header could not be written to finance for invoice __
________"(invoice number) while carrying out PDSO. I have seen similar messages
which say that "Invoice data could not be written to finance for_____" due to ro
unding off of excise duty and Sales Tax in "tdsls901" which has to be corrected
thru GTM.
: Can anyone tell why such I get such a message.
: Thanks
: Saji george

***************** End Of Article ******************

BHASKAR posted Message 5405 in Message Board
Dated : December 28, 2001 at 05:34:56 EST
Subject: Re: PDSO problem

: Hi Friends,
: I get a message "Invoice header could not be written to finance for invoice __
________"(invoice number) while carrying out PDSO. I have seen similar messages
which say that "Invoice data could not be written to finance for_____" due to ro
unding off of excise duty and Sales Tax in "tdsls901" which has to be corrected
thru GTM.
: Can anyone tell why such I get such a message.
: Thanks
: Saji george

***************** End Of Article ******************

Billy posted Message 5406 in Message Board
Dated : December 28, 2001 at 12:24:29 EST
Subject: Bill Of Laden
I'm looking for help on using Baan's BOL functionality in IVc4. Also I'm looking
for 3rd party options. I'd like to improve productivity and accuracy, by minim
izing additonal data entry.
In additon, we would like to allow Sales/Customer Service, to inquire about tran
sportation data. For example, if connected to UPS can we access thier tracking
system or at least supply the tracking number for subsequent inquiry in the UPS
Also, of interest, is the printing of labels including customer data for items s
hipping, as well as labels for taging and identifying items shipped.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Erik posted Message 5407 in Message Board
Dated : December 30, 2001 at 13:13:31 EST
Subject: Re: inv parameters
: Dear Baan fans,
: Can someone please tell me how the value of constant and factor should be calc
ulated in the last form of INV parameters.
: Thanks in advance
: Fathima
This kind of questions can't be properly answered without knowing your complete
business process. These parameters have to be filled with values which represent
your throughput-times, logistic targets for the near future, intended flexibilt
y etc. Just try to translate your operational targets into your Baan-system and
find out what happens. When you have more detailled questions, don't hesitate to

***************** End Of Article ******************

Erik posted Message 5408 in Message Board
Dated : December 30, 2001 at 13:19:42 EST
Subject: Re: Still Inventory on Hold after approval of pur. receipts
: After performing the step of Maintain Approvals. The inventory is still in In
spection Location and the status is blocked.
: If I do fast approvals through Maintain Receipts, it is doing properly.
: (We are in BaanIV c4)
: Can any body help to come out of this problem.
: khadar.
Lots of ILC-problems related to the one you're mentioning were solved just after
SP7. So update to SP8 (9 is on its way!!). The records are to be corrected with
***************** End Of Article ******************
SUN posted Message 5409 in Message Board
Dated : January 01, 2002 at 22:12:50 EST
Subject: Re: Sales Returns
This functionality of Linking is available in Baan 5. May be later on when u thi
nk of moving to Baan 5 this may be one of the points. ( U can link it to a invoi
ce / sales order ).
***************** End Of Article ******************
sandeep posted Message 5410 in Message Board
Dated : January 02, 2002 at 07:59:54 EST
Subject: Re: inv parameters
these are similar to filed used in DRP /RPl or MRp it depends on the Delivery Ti
me of a item & constant is particular depends is some extra precution id require
d for that item in planning
***************** End Of Article ******************
Stephen Ruger posted Message 5411 in Message Board
Dated : January 02, 2002 at 13:28:53 EST
Subject: Re: Bill Of Laden
There are several ways to increase productivity in the bills of lading. Where a
re you experiencing bottlenecks? If you are physically printing them, then look
to the third-party packages that will distribute the forms directly for you.

There are also commercial tracking systems that will permit you to automatically
connect to the LTL shippers (all of them) both to track and calculate rates. T
hey will write (or already have) Baan interfaces.
The labels go with the solutions above.
Contact me and I can go into details after hearing exactly where you are hitting
Stephen Ruger
Lodestar Consulting
***************** End Of Article ******************
JAMES A BALES posted Message 5412 in Message Board
Dated : January 04, 2002 at 20:22:31 EST
Subject: Re: Past due purchase orders
: Does BaaN have a way to find past due purchase orders from all vendors?

***************** End Of Article ******************

JAMES BALES posted Message 5413 in Message Board
Dated : January 04, 2002 at 20:30:35 EST
Subject: ordersPASTDUE142351 465
: Does BaaN have a way to find past due purchase orders from all vendors?

***************** End Of Article ******************

JAMES BALES posted Message 5414 in Message Board
Dated : January 04, 2002 at 20:32:09 EST
Subject: Re: ordersPASTDUE142351 465
: : Does BaaN have a way to find past due purchase orders from all vendors?

***************** End Of Article ******************

DEFT posted Message 5415 in Message Board
Dated : January 07, 2002 at 04:51:41 EST
ZERO number has a weared processing in Baan, When Item


***************** End Of Article ******************
billy posted Message 5416 in Message Board
Dated : January 08, 2002 at 18:44:21 EST
Subject: Re: Bill Of Laden
: There are several ways to increase productivity in the bills of lading. Where
are you experiencing bottlenecks? If you are physically printing them, then lo
ok to the third-party packages that will distribute the forms directly for you.
: There are also commercial tracking systems that will permit you to automatical
ly connect to the LTL shippers (all of them) both to track and calculate rates.
They will write (or already have) Baan interfaces.
: The labels go with the solutions above.
: Contact me and I can go into details after hearing exactly where you are hitti
ng problems.

Stephen Ruger
Lodestar Consulting

I'll be contacting you,,,,,, Thanks for the positive feedback.

***************** End Of Article ******************
Miguel Zuiga posted Message 5417 in Message Board
Dated : January 09, 2002 at 15:22:21 EST
Subject: Baan V 50c sp6 - Sales order generation from sales contracts
Anyone that have experience generating sales orders from sales contracts in Baan
5 sp6, i havent been able to do it.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Adam posted Message 5418 in Message Board
Dated : January 10, 2002 at 01:36:50 EST
Subject: Maintain Receipt session takes too long to launch
Some BaaN users in our company experience exceptionally slowness when they try t
o launch the session 'Maintain Receipts - tdpur4120m000'. It almost like the ses
sion already hang or some sort. Does anyone experience the same thing or aware o
f the solution?
***************** End Of Article ******************

lars posted Message 5419 in Message Board

Dated : January 10, 2002 at 05:19:23 EST
Subject: Re: Baan V 50c sp6 - Sales order generation from sales contracts
: Anyone that have experience generating sales orders from sales contracts in Ba
an 5 sp6, i havent been able to do it.
: Thanks
Baan has decided to remove the functionality from BaanERP, because there were to
o many bugs in the software.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Lars posted Message 5420 in Message Board
Dated : January 10, 2002 at 05:21:56 EST
Subject: Re: Planning &amp; Optimisation

Hi all,
Has anyone implemeted any Planning &Optimisation tool like SAP APO or any othe
with Baan?
Do you know any Baan company integrated any Planning &Optimisation program wit
All the best.

Baan has developed several planning and optimization tools. Try BaanSCS Schedule
r og BaanSCS Planner.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Lars posted Message 5421 in Message Board
Dated : January 10, 2002 at 05:25:56 EST
Subject: Re: Rebate calculation
: Hi Jessie:
: We are on Baan IVc2 and use commissions, not rebates, but my understanding is
that 1. Not much has ever changed with the commission module so BaaN ERP and IVc
2 should function in much the same way at least in this module 2. commissions an
d rebates work pretty much in the same manner. In either case, good luck in fin
ding any "experts" out there! However, there is a contact at BaaN support, Step
hanie Russell, who is the first person in 3 years who really knows her stuff in
regards to commissions. So that might be an option as well. But in the meantim
e, if you can give some additional details perhaps I can help.
: Regards,
: Jeanne
: : I'm trying to perform the rebate calculation in BaanERP5.0c and encountered
problem ie. Agreement not found.
: : Hope someone can shed some light on this, as I'm not sure whether I've perfo
rmed the setting correctly. Thanks.
We had the same problem originally with BaanERP 5.0c. The problem was the search

priorities ind the Commission/Rebates Parameters.

Try with Customer/Relation/Item; Customer/Comm-Reb_Grp/Relation; Customer/Relati
on all depending of how you have defined your agreements.
***************** End Of Article ******************
RDB posted Message 5422 in Message Board
Dated : January 10, 2002 at 13:36:44 EST
Subject: Purchase Order Matching Super Slow
When we match/approve purchase invoices, the system takes around 4 - 5 minutes t
o return with the results. The sessions involved are tfacp1110s000 and tfacp1130
s000. We must have a flag set incorrectly or maybe there is a session or table b
ooster to fix this.
We knew eventually database size would be an issue as the database grew, but thi
s was the case with the very first purchase order. I don't think it should be th
at slow that early. We have been working with it for quite some time to no avail
. It has been slowing down more and more, but the very first purchase order we t
ried to match (at the time there were only 6 very small purchase orders in the s
ystem) still took almost 4 minutes. Most things in the system have good performa
nce levels, so I don't believe it is a hardware issue.
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
Ron D. Bailey
Chief Information Officer
The Bright Cheese House
478 Industrial Avenue
Woodstock, Ontario
N4S 8A3
***************** End Of Article ******************
billybaan posted Message 5423 in Message Board
Dated : January 10, 2002 at 18:57:19 EST
Subject: Re: ABC analysis
: Hi Baan Fans
: When we are trying to do ABC analysis in our company ,we are getting some numb
ers in Annual issue field of the report ,
: For a new item it will pick from Item Data , but when the Item is purchased &
Issue since last Three Years , Then what is the Formula for Calculating " Annaul
Issue "
: We are Purchasing Items in Two Warehouses & Then Inventory is transferred to A
nother Warehouses thru DRP RPL , In that case Which warehouses will be considere
d For Item "Annual Issue " & what will be the formula (in ABC Analysis.)

: AN urgent reply in this regard will be highly appreciated

: thanx in Advance
When you run the session tdinv42330mooo, "calculate demand forecast by item", yo
u can select the range of warehouses you want to use. We use all of our warehou
ses when using this session to generate the "expected annual issue".
Transferrs between warhouses are not included in the calculation of the new dema
nd forecast/expected annual issue. I believe only issues to sales, production,
and service orders are included.
This field must have data in it, to be included in the ABC analysis. This field
can be updated manually, for either Old Items that haven't any recent usage OR
NEW items, that have little or no history.
You will need to make sure you have populated the "Forecast Method" field in the
item master.
***************** End Of Article ******************
fan posted Message 5424 in Message Board
Dated : January 10, 2002 at 23:08:35 EST
Subject: Multi Logistic - Single Finance Setup for Baan 5c
Hi all,
Do anybody knows how raise a PO or SO in
Our problem is as follow:
Tried to raise a PO in Logistic Comp. A,
lly belongs to Logistic Comp. B. When we

Multi Logistic setup ?

but the warehouse for the item is actua
tried to save the PO Line, the error me

Question is: is it possible to have logistic transactions across 2 different log

istic company in Baan 5c multi logistic setup ???
Really appreciate your help guyz ...
***************** End Of Article ******************
Attention posted Message 5425 in Message Board
Dated : January 11, 2002 at 03:12:14 EST
Subject: Open balance in Sales Order
hi Fans ,
we want to block our Sales Order when Credit limit exceeds ,
We have set Sales order Ptr accordingly , but now we want to Change the Open Bal
ance of Customers
Cofirm What will be the procedure


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DEFT posted Message 5426 in Message Board
Dated : January 12, 2002 at 09:52:33 EST
***************** End Of Article ******************
Jay posted Message 5427 in Message Board
Dated : January 13, 2002 at 08:01:35 EST
Subject: Picking Slip
1)In tdsls045 (maintain Delievies) Table, there are one field "Picking Slip" ? w
hat does it mean ? please clarify it .
2) It's tdsls045 and tdpur045(Receipt), there are one field "Picking Slip" it's
Why this?
can someone help me?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Nate Grahl posted Message 5428 in Message Board
Dated : January 14, 2002 at 15:35:50 EST
Subject: Re: VICS Bill of Lading
: Hi Bob,
: We have the VICS Bill of Lading Forms ready to ship from lots of 50 to 5,000 a

nd beyond. These forms are the VICS standard forms. You can order from our secur
e site at

***************** End Of Article ******************

R Guru posted Message 5429 in Message Board
Dated : January 15, 2002 at 09:17:36 EST
Subject: Text conversion
We are using Seagate Crystal Software for writing reports. Can you pls. advise
me how to convert text value (stored under ttxt010) in to text in seagate crysta
l software.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Lars posted Message 5430 in Message Board
Dated : January 16, 2002 at 08:30:33 EST
Subject: Re: Multi Logistic - Single Finance Setup for Baan 5c
The message occurs because the warehouse used belong to a different enterprise u
nit. If you use multi logistic /single finance you should use the same enterpris
e unit in the two logistic companies.
***************** End Of Article ******************
adam12 posted Message 5431 in Message Board
Dated : January 16, 2002 at 09:38:38 EST
Subject: invoicing by order
Is there a method within Baan5c which will ensure that invoicing on a sales orde
r occurs only when all shipments have been completed on the individual sales ord
er lines for that order?
PS Please ignore duplicate posting on implementation issues
***************** End Of Article ******************
fan posted Message 5432 in Message Board
Dated : January 17, 2002 at 04:26:42 EST
Subject: Re: Multi Logistic - Single Finance Setup for Baan 5c
Thanks for your reply.

Fyi, we cannot use the same EU, because the warehouse is belong the another logi
stic company. The EU can not be used across logistic company.

***************** End Of Article ******************

richard posted Message 5433 in Message Board
Dated : January 18, 2002 at 08:49:30 EST
Subject: Re: Maintain Receipt session takes too long to launch
: Some BaaN users in our company experience exceptionally slowness when they try
to launch the session 'Maintain Receipts - tdpur4120m000'. It almost like the s
ession already hang or some sort. Does anyone experience the same thing or aware
of the solution?
We had the same problem.
1) You can put a default value for the user (for tdpur4120)
2) Better: change the start option of the session to 8.
And now, the session goes on immediatly.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Ken posted Message 5434 in Message Board
Dated : January 18, 2002 at 10:53:01 EST
Subject: Results of Check Sales Order and Issues
Baan Fans,
Does anyone know what the results of session "Check Sales Orders and Issues" (se
ssion number tdinv0255m000) are suppused to tell me? I ran this report for our
prodution company and received a report about 411 records long. It appears that
in almost every case the "Issued Quantity" is greater then the "Delivered Quant
ity." Does this mean that Baan issues more inventory then should have for the o
rders identified on the report? Do we need to do some type of rebuild?
I tried the help button but of course received the "Press the contents button or
[Z]......" Knowledgequest doesn't have anything either but a screen shot of th
e session and some minor details about each field (of which there are only two).
Any help would be appreciated.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Ken posted Message 5435 in Message Board
Dated : January 18, 2002 at 11:35:45 EST
Subject: Re: Purchase Order Matching Super Slow
You might try loading the latest objects (otfacp1110 and otfacp1130) for these s

essions from the Baan Support website. Baan Support may already have a solution
for this in place, as every so often customers complain about performance probl
ems with particular sessions. Usually the problem lies in the program script do
ing a full table scan.
You could also have a record count issue in tfacp200. If you have allot of full
y paid invoices, you might want to consider archiving them using the "Remove Ful
ly Paid Purchase Invoices" session.

: When we match/approve purchase invoices, the system takes around 4 - 5 minutes

to return with the results. The sessions involved are tfacp1110s000 and tfacp11
30s000. We must have a flag set incorrectly or maybe there is a session or table
booster to fix this.
: We knew eventually database size would be an issue as the database grew, but t
his was the case with the very first purchase order. I don't think it should be
that slow that early. We have been working with it for quite some time to no ava
il. It has been slowing down more and more, but the very first purchase order we
tried to match (at the time there were only 6 very small purchase orders in the
system) still took almost 4 minutes. Most things in the system have good perfor
mance levels, so I don't believe it is a hardware issue.
: Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

Ron D. Bailey
Chief Information Officer
The Bright Cheese House
478 Industrial Avenue
Woodstock, Ontario
N4S 8A3

***************** End Of Article ******************

Max posted Message 5436 in Message Board
Dated : January 20, 2002 at 04:12:32 EST
Subject: anyone have baanERP purchase schedule doc?
Dear all,
Could anyone help by email me the Baan V's purchase schedule user guide?
Many thanks.
Rgds, Max
***************** End Of Article ******************
David posted Message 5437 in Message Board
Dated : January 21, 2002 at 03:28:51 EST
Subject: Re: inv parameters

These fields are only used for items which are running the SIC planning method.
They are used to determine how far into the future the system should be looking
when calculating reorder points. If you have a supply time for an item of 10 day
s and your factor is 2 and your constant is 5 then the system will look 25 (10*2
+5) days into the future and check the economic stock on that date. If the econo
mic stock on this date is less than the reorder point in Item Ordering Data then
it will create an Advice.
Feel free to contact me if you have other questions.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Karin Espelage posted Message 5438 in Message Board
Dated : January 22, 2002 at 13:58:27 EST
Subject: Re: Results of Check Sales Order and Issues
Here is the part of the program script that describes in which cases a record is
1. the delivery quantity is less than the ordered quantity, but the delivered qu
antity is equal with the issue quantity of tdinv700.
2. the delivery quantity is unequal with the issue quantity.
3. the delivered quantity and the backorder quantity is unequal with the ordered
The program is checking for errors, following the logic that delivered quantity
+ backordered quantity should equal the ordered quantity and that the delivered
quantity should equal the issued quantity in the inventory history. The tables,
which are checked against each other are tdsls051, tdsls045 and tdinv700.
I would compare those tables for a specific example. One thing I could think of,
that might impact the result of this session, is archiving.
------------------------------: Baan Fans,
: Does anyone know what the results of session "Check Sales Orders and Issues" (
session number tdinv0255m000) are suppused to tell me? I ran this report for ou
r prodution company and received a report about 411 records long. It appears th
at in almost every case the "Issued Quantity" is greater then the "Delivered Qua
ntity." Does this mean that Baan issues more inventory then should have for the
orders identified on the report? Do we need to do some type of rebuild?
: I tried the help button but of course received the "Press the contents button
or [Z]......" Knowledgequest doesn't have anything either but a screen shot of
the session and some minor details about each field (of which there are only two
: Any help would be appreciated.
: Thanks,

: Ken

***************** End Of Article ******************

Numpty Hunter posted Message 5439 in Message Board
Dated : January 23, 2002 at 09:11:32 EST
Subject: Re: invoicing by order
: Is there a method within Baan5c which will ensure that invoicing on a sales or
der occurs only when all shipments have been completed on the individual sales o
rder lines for that order?
: Thanks,
: Adam
: PS Please ignore duplicate posting on implementation issues
Yes there is
***************** End Of Article ******************
Ken posted Message 5440 in Message Board
Dated : January 23, 2002 at 21:02:14 EST
Subject: Re: Results of Check Sales Order and Issues - Thanks Karen
Gee, you would think that you wrote the session Karen! Thanks for breaking down
the logic for me. Ever consider a job as a consultant????
: Here is the part of the program script that describes in which cases a record
is printed:
: 1. the delivery quantity is less than the ordered quantity, but the delivered
quantity is equal with the issue quantity of tdinv700.
: 2. the delivery quantity is unequal with the issue quantity.
: 3. the delivered quantity and the backorder quantity is unequal with the order
ed quantity.

The program is checking for errors, following the logic that delivered quantit
+ backordered quantity should equal the ordered quantity and that the delivere
quantity should equal the issued quantity in the inventory history. The tables
which are checked against each other are tdsls051, tdsls045 and tdinv700.

: I would compare those tables for a specific example. One thing I could think o
f, that might impact the result of this session, is archiving.
: ------------------------------: : Baan Fans,
: : Does anyone know what the results of session "Check Sales Orders and Issues"
(session number tdinv0255m000) are suppused to tell me? I ran this report for
our prodution company and received a report about 411 records long. It appears
that in almost every case the "Issued Quantity" is greater then the "Delivered Q

uantity." Does this mean that Baan issues more inventory then should have for t
he orders identified on the report? Do we need to do some type of rebuild?
: : I tried the help button but of course received the "Press the contents butto
n or [Z]......" Knowledgequest doesn't have anything either but a screen shot o
f the session and some minor details about each field (of which there are only t
: : Any help would be appreciated.
: : Thanks,
: : Ken

***************** End Of Article ******************

David posted Message 5441 in Message Board
Dated : January 24, 2002 at 06:31:46 EST
Subject: Purchase prices for 1000 pcs.
We have a problem when entering and confirming prices on purchase orders for
small electronic components.
We purchase 1000 resistors for 132.Price per piece is 0.132
When we enter prices in our price books we are only allowed to enter 0.13 per pi
ece. The same occurs when entering a purchase order line for this item. When you
enter the line then you enter the price per piece and are only allowed to enter
0.13. This gives a total price for the line of 130.- which is incorrect. When w
e get an order confirmation from our supplier they inform s that these cost 132.
-. Again we have the problem that we cannot correct this.
How can we manage this?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Paul Eden posted Message 5442 in Message Board
Dated : January 24, 2002 at 12:27:59 EST
Subject: Re: Purchase prices for 1000 pcs.
: We have a problem when entering and confirming prices on purchase orders for
: small electronic components.
: We purchase 1000 resistors for 132.: Price per piece is 0.132
: When we enter prices in our price books we are only allowed to enter 0.13 per
piece. The same occurs when entering a purchase order line for this item. When y
ou enter the line then you enter the price per piece and are only allowed to ent
er 0.13. This gives a total price for the line of 130.- which is incorrect. When
we get an order confirmation from our supplier they inform s that these cost 13
2.-. Again we have the problem that we cannot correct this.
: How can we manage this?

: David
You can always do a conversion factor and then purchase these parts by the thous
***************** End Of Article ******************
Paul Eden posted Message 5443 in Message Board
Dated : January 24, 2002 at 12:32:32 EST
Subject: Returns with re-stocking charges
When you run a Return Order Type, it does not allow you to enter a positive quan
tity or value for a re-stocking charge. We only allow 2 decimal places for purch
ase prices so I can't just deduct the restocking charge against the item (price
too small i.e. $0.10 x 15% = 0.085.
Does anyone have any suggestions. I know I can add a normal PO type and enter a
negative quantity, but that is not really an option here due to process requirem
***************** End Of Article ******************
Paul Eden posted Message 5444 in Message Board
Dated : January 24, 2002 at 12:38:13 EST
Subject: Re: Purchase return Order
: Hai
: We have created a Return Order type "PR1" . In "PR1" we have defined order ste
ps Print Purchase Invoice,Process Delivered Purchase Order. By mistake we entere
d wrong rate in Return Purchase Order. Now we want to change the price. How this
is possible.When we try to delete it gives message "Receipts already recorded i
n ILC Module". It does not allow to delete.
: Regards
: Jagjit
You should in fact enter an additional step of maintain receipts, or print purch
ase invoices so that you have an opportunity to view the transaction prior to fi
***************** End Of Article ******************
Felipe posted Message 5445 in Message Board
Dated : January 24, 2002 at 15:11:07 EST
Subject: Re: Picking Slip

The Picking list is a report used by the warehouse to "pick" the products, norma
lly by sales order; the packing slip is a number that could identify multiple Pi
cking list going in the same "package".
Sessions tdsls4402m000 and tdsls4403m000
***************** End Of Article ******************
jenny posted Message 5446 in Message Board
Dated : January 24, 2002 at 16:48:44 EST
Subject: Re: EDI Error Messages
: Has anyone compiled a list of EDI error messages? or, can anyone tell me if t
here is one in existence that I can access. I would like to make such a list, b
ut do not want to "re-invent the wheel".
Hi Adrienne, you could try use session ttadv4151m000 to see list of messages/war
nings for tcedi messages.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Karin Espelage posted Message 5447 in Message Board
Dated : January 25, 2002 at 02:21:39 EST
Subject: Re: Results of Check Sales Order and Issues - Thanks Karen
Surprise, surprise: I am already one...
-------: Gee, you would think that you wrote the session Karen! Thanks for breaking do
wn the logic for me. Ever consider a job as a consultant????
: : Here is the part of the program script that describes in which cases a recor
d is printed:
: : 1. the delivery quantity is less than the ordered quantity, but the delivere
d quantity is equal with the issue quantity of tdinv700.
: : 2. the delivery quantity is unequal with the issue quantity.
: : 3. the delivered quantity and the backorder quantity is unequal with the ord
ered quantity.
: :

The program is checking for errors, following the logic that delivered quant
+ backordered quantity should equal the ordered quantity and that the delive
quantity should equal the issued quantity in the inventory history. The tabl
which are checked against each other are tdsls051, tdsls045 and tdinv700.

: : I would compare those tables for a specific example. One thing I could think
of, that might impact the result of this session, is archiving.
: : ------------------------------: : : Baan Fans,
: : : Does anyone know what the results of session "Check Sales Orders and Issue
s" (session number tdinv0255m000) are suppused to tell me? I ran this report fo
r our prodution company and received a report about 411 records long. It appear

s that in almost every case the "Issued Quantity" is greater then the "Delivered
Quantity." Does this mean that Baan issues more inventory then should have for
the orders identified on the report? Do we need to do some type of rebuild?
: : : I tried the help button but of course received the "Press the contents but
ton or [Z]......" Knowledgequest doesn't have anything either but a screen shot
of the session and some minor details about each field (of which there are only
: : : Any help would be appreciated.
: : : Thanks,
: : : Ken

***************** End Of Article ******************

kum posted Message 5448 in Message Board
Dated : January 25, 2002 at 05:57:35 EST
Subject: Single Item Master for a few companies
Is it advisable to share the table tiitm001 for multiple companies ?
Currently each company has it own item master, problems arise when too many same
items for different companies, users have to enter into the system for each com
In the item master, there is text number (item text, purchase text) which is ref
ering to tttxt010 table, do this table need to share when item master is shared
***************** End Of Article ******************
Paul posted Message 5449 in Message Board
Dated : January 25, 2002 at 09:21:04 EST
Subject: Re: Single Item Master for a few companies
: Is it advisable to share the table tiitm001 for multiple companies ?
: Currently each company has it own item master, problems arise when too many sa
me items for different companies, users have to enter into the system for each c
: In the item master, there is text number (item text, purchase text) which is r
efering to tttxt010 table, do this table need to share when item master is share
d ?
Why not use a replicator to copy a "Master" Item Master from your finance compan
y into each of your logistical companies
***************** End Of Article ******************
Munesh Bhat posted Message 5450 in Message Board
Dated : January 26, 2002 at 15:42:35 EST

Subject: Re: Purchase prices for 1000 pcs.

: : We have a problem when entering and confirming prices on purchase orders for
: : small electronic components.

: We purchase 1000 resistors for 132.: Price per piece is 0.132

: When we enter prices in our price books we are only allowed to enter 0.13 pe
piece. The same occurs when entering a purchase order line for this item. When
you enter the line then you enter the price per piece and are only allowed to e
nter 0.13. This gives a total price for the line of 130.- which is incorrect. Wh
en we get an order confirmation from our supplier they inform s that these cost
132.-. Again we have the problem that we cannot correct this.
: : How can we manage this?
: : David
: You can always do a conversion factor and then purchase these parts by the tho
: Cheers,
: Paul
Set purchase unit and price unit in Item master in 1000 pcs. You may retain the
inventory & storage unit in pcs. This would sort our your problem

***************** End Of Article ******************

Arvind Patil posted Message 5451 in Message Board
Dated : January 27, 2002 at 15:14:01 EST
Subject: Re: Single Item Master for a few companies
I would not advise you to share Item master, for simple reason like it gather so
me information like Invenotry, cist price etc and that could be company specific
. If this is an issue (big issue)- I would suggest to modify Baan Item master sc
ript and update the items in other company table in real time. This won't be a b
g modification, but certainly soem thought have to g into this. If you don't hav
e source then also it is possible to modify the Baan item master script(it is ti
resome to write that, but definelty is possible)
Arvind Patil
***************** End Of Article ******************
kum posted Message 5452 in Message Board
Dated : January 28, 2002 at 01:14:11 EST
Subject: Re: Single Item Master for a few companies
: : Is it advisable to share the table tiitm001 for multiple companies ?
: : Currently each company has it own item master, problems arise when too many
same items for different companies, users have to enter into the system for each

: : In the item master, there is text number (item text, purchase text) which is
refering to tttxt010 table, do this table need to share when item master is sha
red ?
: Why not use a replicator to copy a "Master" Item Master from your finance comp
any into each of your logistical companies
: Paul
Q. Is there such a replicator function in Baan ?
Currently we are using BaanIVc4, each company is defined as single finance/si
ngle logistic. We are using Finance, Distribution & Project Packages only. A new
item is needed to rekey into each company that we are having. It is very time
consuming and a lot of mistakes made.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Chris Kiehl posted Message 5453 in Message Board
Dated : January 28, 2002 at 11:51:16 EST
Subject: Replenishment List
I am interested in learning more about the Replenishment List function in Baan (
tdilc2410m000). I am on version 2B2 moving soon to 4C4.
It seems to me that the system will recommend filling any given location up to i
ts Minimum Inventory level (tdilc0130m000) regardless of whether there is enough
inventory of that item number to fill the recommendation.
Am I correct? If so, then I don't consider Print Replenishment List a very usefu
l session.
-Chris***************** End Of Article ******************
Karin Espelage posted Message 5454 in Message Board
Dated : January 28, 2002 at 12:19:34 EST
Subject: Change Format Code
I agree with Munesh and Paul - I would also try to change the units, if that sol
ves the problem.
Just in case it doesn't and you work frequently with prices with 3 decimals: it'
s also possible to change the format for prices to 3 decimals.
A description of the procedure can be found in the help text. You can find that
by going into session "Maintain Purchase Order Lines", opening the field help te
xt for the "Price" field. In that help text there is a link to the help text for
"Currency Formats". If you click on that link, you'll find a description of the

But again, I would try the other solutions first. Changing the format code will
affect every session and report, where that format code is used. I've done that
for a customer and it required some work. Thought I mention the possibility neve
-------: : : We have a problem when entering and confirming prices on purchase orders f
: : : small electronic components.
: : : We purchase 1000 resistors for 132.: : : Price per piece is 0.132
: : : When we enter prices in our price books we are only allowed to enter 0.13
per piece. The same occurs when entering a purchase order line for this item. Wh
en you enter the line then you enter the price per piece and are only allowed to
enter 0.13. This gives a total price for the line of 130.- which is incorrect.
When we get an order confirmation from our supplier they inform s that these cos
t 132.-. Again we have the problem that we cannot correct this.
: : : How can we manage this?
: : : David
: : You can always do a conversion factor and then purchase these parts by the t
: : Cheers,
: : Paul
: Set purchase unit and price unit in Item master in 1000 pcs. You may retain th
e inventory & storage unit in pcs. This would sort our your problem
: Munesh

***************** End Of Article ******************

Karin Espelage posted Message 5455 in Message Board
Dated : January 28, 2002 at 12:37:36 EST
Subject: Re: Single Item Master for a few companies
Yes, that can be done with an exchange scheme and the audit function switched on
on the tables, which have to be updated. The exchange process can run in a job
each night. You define one company as the master data company and all changes ar
e only allowed in this company. Running the exchange scheme will then carry the
changes over to the other companies.
: : : Is it advisable to share the table tiitm001 for multiple companies ?
: : : Currently each company has it own item master, problems arise when too man
y same items for different companies, users have to enter into the system for ea
ch company.
: : : In the item master, there is text number (item text, purchase text) which
is refering to tttxt010 table, do this table need to share when item master is s

hared ?
: : Why not use a replicator to copy a "Master" Item Master from your finance co
mpany into each of your logistical companies
: : Paul
: Q. Is there such a replicator function in Baan ?
Currently we are using BaanIVc4, each company is defined as single finance/
single logistic. We are using Finance, Distribution & Project Packages only. A n
ew item is needed to rekey into each company that we are having. It is very tim
e consuming and a lot of mistakes made.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Karin Espelage posted Message 5456 in Message Board
Dated : January 28, 2002 at 14:02:29 EST
Subject: Re: Returns with re-stocking charges
Have you tried using discounts? If you put in a discount amount that is higher t
han the negative purchase price, you'll actually end up with a positive value as
amount. You could enter a new line for the re-stocking charge, enter 0.01 as pr
ice and the re-stocking charge + 0.01 as discount. I haven't thought that throug
h and it might get to messy but maybe it's something to play with....
: When you run a Return Order Type, it does not allow you to enter a positive qu
antity or value for a re-stocking charge. We only allow 2 decimal places for pur
chase prices so I can't just deduct the restocking charge against the item (pric
e too small i.e. $0.10 x 15% = 0.085.
: Does anyone have any suggestions. I know I can add a normal PO type and enter
a negative quantity, but that is not really an option here due to process requir
: Paul

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Karin Espelage posted Message 5457 in Message Board
Dated : January 28, 2002 at 14:59:35 EST
Subject: Re: Replenishment List
Yes, you are correct as far as I know. It's only purpose is to signal if the inv
entory on a location falls below a certain minimum but it doesn't tell you where
that inventory should come from (other locations, purchase orders, production o
rders). It's not meant for re-distributing inventory between locations.
I've actually seen it used by a company once. That company couldn't use the manu
facturing module. They entered their finished goods as inventory adjustment. Whe

n sales orders are entered, the economic stock goes down, so they printed the li
st (difference between economic quantity and minimum inventory), to serve as pro
duction order advice. The functionality is somewhat similar to the "Generate Pla
nned INV orders" but it's on location level, and does't produce planned orders.
: Hello,
: I am interested in learning more about the Replenishment List function in Baan
(tdilc2410m000). I am on version 2B2 moving soon to 4C4.
: It seems to me that the system will recommend filling any given location up to
its Minimum Inventory level (tdilc0130m000) regardless of whether there is enou
gh inventory of that item number to fill the recommendation.
: Am I correct? If so, then I don't consider Print Replenishment List a very use
ful session.
: -Chris-

***************** End Of Article ******************

Hannelore posted Message 5458 in Message Board
Dated : January 29, 2002 at 04:00:07 EST
Subject: Generate Lot Codes
Hi !
For creating lot numbers, the parameter 'Generate Lot Codes' is on 'Yes'. We not
ice regularly that two identical lot numbers are generated the same day, for 2 d
ifferent items.
Could someone please tell me how this is possible and how we can solve this prob
lem ?
Thanks !
***************** End Of Article ******************
Ravindra H S posted Message 5459 in Message Board
Dated : January 29, 2002 at 06:24:58 EST
Subject: Re: Generate Lot Codes
: Hi !
: For creating lot numbers, the parameter 'Generate Lot Codes' is on 'Yes'. We n
otice regularly that two identical lot numbers are generated the same day, for 2
different items.
: Could someone please tell me how this is possible and how we can solve this pr
oblem ?
: Thanks !
This is a bug. You can to report to support center & get the latest solution fro
m them.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Jayant Keskar posted Message 5460 in Message Board

Dated : January 29, 2002 at 07:54:38 EST

Subject: Use of Barc Codes as Main Item Codes in FMCG Companies
Does anybody know of any FMCG company which uses Bar Codes as their item code (n
ot alternative item code)? and how do they handle data entry in such a case?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Halvor Nyberg posted Message 5461 in Message Board
Dated : January 29, 2002 at 10:03:26 EST
Subject: Print Packing slip does not print Delivery address
Some times the Packing slips are printed without Delivery address, strange.
The Delivery address is added as a "Spec. Del address" and exists in table tdsls
Usually this works. I have not found any pattern between differences in the work
ing and not working Slips.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Carol Schmidt posted Message 5462 in Message Board
Dated : January 29, 2002 at 17:18:35 EST
Subject: Sales Order Blocking Ater Maintain Deliveries
A user is not able to modify a sales order that has had maintain deliveries comp
leted. This I understand and agree. However, a user is able to modify or add tex
t into a sales order after maintain deliveries (which I wish to continue to be a
ble to do). When text is created for a sales order that has already shipped, the
sales order credit blocks accordingly. Why would the logic of sales order block
ing apply to an order that has already shipped and been invoiced? If text is mod
ified or appended for a sales order that has already shipped/invoiced, the sales
order does not block.
Thank you in advance for your prompt response to this question.
Carol Schmidt
Egan Visual Inc.

***************** End Of Article ******************

baanhelper posted Message 5463 in Message Board
Dated : January 30, 2002 at 11:00:59 EST

This is the case in many baan parameters. Zero value means 'parameter not applic
able' so the seting/check is ignored. But a non-zero value however small that ma
y be will make the parameter 'active'.
***************** End Of Article ******************
baanhelper posted Message 5464 in Message Board
Dated : January 30, 2002 at 11:06:09 EST
Subject: Re: Open balance in Sales Order
: hi Fans ,
: we want to block our Sales Order when Credit limit exceeds ,
: We have set Sales order Ptr accordingly , but now we want to Change the Open B
alance of Customers
: Cofirm What will be the procedure
: bye

I donot believe that you can modify the open balance for the customer in a strai
ght forward manner through a session. May have to use 'GTM'. Why do you need to
modify the balance in the first place? Can you clean up the open orders instead?
***************** End Of Article ******************
DK posted Message 5465 in Message Board
Dated : January 30, 2002 at 17:56:41 EST
Subject: Re: Sales Order Blocking Ater Maintain Deliveries
: A user
ext into
able to

is not able to modify a sales order that has had maintain deliveries co
This I understand and agree. However, a user is able to modify or add t
a sales order after maintain deliveries (which I wish to continue to be
do). When text is created for a sales order that has already shipped, t

he sales order credit blocks accordingly. Why would the logic of sales order blo
cking apply to an order that has already shipped and been invoiced? If text is m
odified or appended for a sales order that has already shipped/invoiced, the sal
es order does not block.
: Thank you in advance for your prompt response to this question.
: Regards,
: Carol Schmidt
: Egan Visual Inc.
I see where your coming from with the need to modify text after the delivery. O
ne way you could modify this text is to get the text number assigned to the sale
s order header and/or line via general table maintenance. Go to Maintain Texts
on the Tools menu/Text Maintenance. Find your text number and click on the "edi
t text" button. It should work for you...
Good luck!
***************** End Of Article ******************
Karin Espelage posted Message 5466 in Message Board
Dated : January 31, 2002 at 17:53:48 EST
Subject: Re: Sales Order Blocking Ater Maintain Deliveries
Hi Carol,
I agree, that doesn't make sense. It simply works that way, that each time, when
you make a change to the order, the system checks again whether the order shoul
d be blocked.
My guess is, that the possibility to add text after "Maintain Deliveries", was o
verlooked, when the order blocking functionality was added.
However, I don't really see a problem with that. When you have defined "Maintain
Deliveries" as blocking step, you can still print an invoice and process the or
der line, once you have gotten past the shipping, even if the order is blocked a
gain. Or am I overlooking something?
Anyhow, if this is causing serious problems for you, I would send a call to Baan
. I don't think there is any logic behind it.
---------: A user is not able to modify a sales order that has had maintain deliveries co
mpleted. This I understand and agree. However, a user is able to modify or add t
ext into a sales order after maintain deliveries (which I wish to continue to be
able to do). When text is created for a sales order that has already shipped, t
he sales order credit blocks accordingly. Why would the logic of sales order blo
cking apply to an order that has already shipped and been invoiced? If text is m
odified or appended for a sales order that has already shipped/invoiced, the sal
es order does not block.
: Thank you in advance for your prompt response to this question.
: Regards,

: Carol Schmidt
: Egan Visual Inc.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Zafer posted Message 5467 in Message Board
Dated : February 01, 2002 at 07:44:03 EST
Subject: supplier reliability tdpur061??
Does anyone know where the supplier reliability table (tdpur061) is updated. In
which session? (is there a parameter for this?)
Best Regards
***************** End Of Article ******************
Terry posted Message 5468 in Message Board
Dated : February 01, 2002 at 08:57:36 EST
Subject: DRP
Hi to everybody.
Can someone tell me where I can find documentation about DRP Module?
We use B4c4
Thank's in advance
***************** End Of Article ******************
Karin Espelage posted Message 5469 in Message Board
Dated : February 01, 2002 at 10:04:08 EST
Subject: Re: supplier reliability tdpur061??
Yes, they really did hide that well:
The supplier reliability analysis is updated, when you update the purchase stati
stic. In the PST parameters (tdpst0100m000), the parameter "Supplier Reliability
Analysis" on form 4 has to be on "yes".
: Does anyone know where the supplier reliability table (tdpur061) is updated. I
n which session? (is there a parameter for this?)
: Best Regards
: Zafer

***************** End Of Article ******************

Baan Student posted Message 5470 in Message Board
Dated : February 03, 2002 at 04:36:42 EST

As we know inventory valuation in Baan is done at Standard cost. It does not tak
e into consideration the actual cost of production or the market value.
Accounting standard recommends that the inventory valuation should be done at lo
wer of actual cost and market price.
In the finance side necessary adjustment can be made into the ledger accounts by
passing journal entries so as to bring the inventory balance equal to actual ca
st or market value which ever is lower.
So the
ut the
in the

inventory valuation in the logistics side and the balance in the finished
account will not match as the adjustments have been made in the ledgers b
way Baan system is designed it will value the inventory at standard cost
logistics side.

Is there any way that we can value the inventory in logistics side at actual cos
t of production or market price which ever is lower and also keep the standard c
ost intact.
Since it is a standard practice to value inventory at lower of the cost of produ
ction and market value. How we handle this in Baan?????
Is it possible to customize the product if source code is available?
Please help.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Bader Mansour posted Message 5471 in Message Board
Dated : February 04, 2002 at 12:46:08 EST
Subject: Email or Fax your Sales Acknowledgments/ Purchase Orders directly from
We are glad to announce the release of news versions of our B2Email products: St
andard, Plus and Mail-Merge
The new versions allow faxing in addition to emailing, multiple customer and sup
plier address books, electronic signatures and much more..
Visit our Web site to get a fully operational demo at <a href=http://www.nazdaq.></a>
- Bader

***************** End Of Article ******************

Greg posted Message 5472 in Message Board
Dated : February 04, 2002 at 18:14:45 EST
Subject: 856 (single file) message not including the &quot;PKG&quot; section
We are using BaanIVc4 with the AGS localization. Our SC856S messages are genera

ting, but they never print the "PKG" section. Has anyone ever seen anything lik
e this?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Karin Espelage posted Message 5473 in Message Board
Dated : February 04, 2002 at 22:03:42 EST
That s a very complex question and I'm not sure what exactly it is you want to ach
ive. Maybe you could clarify that.
Technically it would be possible to devalue the standard costs by using negative
surcharges (there exists even an additional controlling module, which allows to
calculate surcharges based on all kind of costs which have been captured in Fin
ance and update them on the logistic side.), but I wouldn t recommend it. As you a
lready said yourself you have to keep your standard costs intact. Besides being
used for valuating stock, the standard costs are also the cost of sales.
I would differentiate two problems 1) your standard costs differ from your actua
l costs and 2) you have to devalue your stock because the market price is lower
than the production costs
1) The standard cost for anonymous products should be as close as possible to th
e average actual costs. The difference between standard and actual costs are cap
tured by BaaN as production variance. If you have constantly significant product
ion variances, you might want to work on your standard costs, since they are obv
iously not very realistic. If you want to have different costs for each single i
tem or groups of items, you might want to work with projects or with lot prices.
That depends on the type of product you produce and is to complex to get into h
2) Obviously you can t use the market price of a manufactured good as standard cos
t price. Value adjustments to something other than the production costs, should
only be made in Finance. But beside the standard cost price, BaaN offers the pos
sibility to use alternative cost price calculation codes for simulation purposes
. It would be possible to enter the market price as a simulated cost price, attach
ed to a simulated calculation code. To write a session, that works like the inve
ntory valuation session , but allows to do a cost price valuation with these simu
lated cost prices , would be easy for a skilled programmer. This session should o
nly be used as a tool for analyzis and reconcilliation though. The standard cost
prices which are used for posting and financial integration shouldn t be changed.
For finished goods they should be the production costs.
As said before: this is really complex and depends a lot on your specific situat
ion. Hope I could give you some ideas. You re welcome to email me directly if you
want to discuss this further.

: As we know inventory valuation in Baan is done at Standard cost. It does not t

ake into consideration the actual cost of production or the market value.
: Accounting standard recommends that the inventory valuation should be done at
lower of actual cost and market price.
: In the finance side necessary adjustment can be made into the ledger accounts
by passing journal entries so as to bring the inventory balance equal to actual
cast or market value which ever is lower.
: So the
ed goods
but the
t in the

inventory valuation in the logistics side and the balance in the finish
account will not match as the adjustments have been made in the ledgers
way Baan system is designed it will value the inventory at standard cos
logistics side.

: Is there any way that we can value the inventory in logistics side at actual c
ost of production or market price which ever is lower and also keep the standard
cost intact.
: Since it is a standard practice to value inventory at lower of the cost of pro
duction and market value. How we handle this in Baan?????
: Is it possible to customize the product if source code is available?
: Please help.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Alan posted Message 5474 in Message Board
Dated : February 05, 2002 at 10:03:56 EST
Subject: How to update the purchase price in tiitm0101m000
Does anybody know how to update the puchase price in session tiitm0101 for a ran
ge of articles?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Alan posted Message 5475 in Message Board
Dated : February 05, 2002 at 10:04:15 EST
Subject: How to update the purchase price in tiitm0101m000
Does anybody know how to update the puchase price in session tiitm0101 for a ran
ge of articles?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Karin Espelage posted Message 5476 in Message Board
Dated : February 05, 2002 at 10:26:16 EST
Subject: Check out session tdpur0201m000 &quot;Global Update of Purchase Prices
and Discounts&quot;

Check out session tdpur0201m000 "Global Update of Purchase Prices and Discounts"
: Hello!
: Does anybody know how to update the puchase price in session tiitm0101 for a r
ange of articles?

***************** End Of Article ******************

Nico posted Message 5477 in Message Board
Dated : February 05, 2002 at 10:36:36 EST
Subject: Re: Check out session tdpur0201m000 &quot;Global Update of Purchase Pri
ces and Discounts&quot;
: Check out session tdpur0201m000 "Global Update of Purchase Prices and Discount
: : Hello!
: : Does anybody know how to update the puchase price in session tiitm0101 for a
range of articles?
If the new prices you want to put in tiitm001 are in another file (ASCII-format)
, you can update the prices with BaaN Exchange.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Ryan posted Message 5478 in Message Board
Dated : February 05, 2002 at 18:06:18 EST
Subject: Re: anyone have baanERP purchase schedule doc?
It's on its way to you
: Dear all,
: Could anyone help by email me the Baan V's purchase schedule user guide?
: Many thanks.
: Rgds, Max

***************** End Of Article ******************

ANTOINE posted Message 5479 in Message Board
Dated : February 07, 2002 at 01:35:54 EST
Subject: La unidad de compra y la unidad de precio de compra son diferentes.
La situacin es la siguiente:
Nosotros compramos tubos y la unidad de compra que debemos usar son piezas (1 pi
eza de 6 metros), la unidad de precio de compra nos viene dado por el proveedor
en metros (1 metro tantas pesetas)y finalmente recepcionamos en piezas. Por lo t
anto tenemos un factor de conversin de 1 pieza...6 metros.

Ahora, cuando se necesitan tubos de diferente medida a 6 metros (7 metros por ej

emplo) tendramos que cambiar el factor de conversin y as constantemente.
Me podra alguien ayudar?
Gracias de antemano!

***************** End Of Article ******************

alir posted Message 5480 in Message Board
Dated : February 07, 2002 at 06:56:07 EST
Subject: Re: La unidad de compra y la unidad de precio de compra son diferentes.
Un tubo de 6 metros no es lo mismo que un tubo de 7 metros. Ustedes usan un gen
erico que se llama tubo? Me imagino que el de 7 metros cuestas mas que el de 6,
y que al almacenarlo esta clasificado de diferente manera.
Por lo que te suguiero que des de alta un articulo que se llame tubo de 7metros
para que puedas tener el control de los articulos.
: La situacin es la siguiente:
: Nosotros compramos tubos y la unidad de compra que debemos usar son piezas (1
pieza de 6 metros), la unidad de precio de compra nos viene dado por el proveedo
r en metros (1 metro tantas pesetas)y finalmente recepcionamos en piezas. Por lo
tanto tenemos un factor de conversin de 1 pieza...6 metros.
: Ahora, cuando se necesitan tubos de diferente medida a 6 metros (7 metros por
ejemplo) tendramos que cambiar el factor de conversin y as constantemente.
: Me podra alguien ayudar?
: Gracias de antemano!

***************** End Of Article ******************

Mark Krucker posted Message 5481 in Message Board
Dated : February 07, 2002 at 09:23:57 EST
Subject: EDI
We have an EDI customer that requires an ASN for invoicing unless when we drop s
hip an item directly to distributor, then they require a hard copy invoice in pl
ace of the ASN, how do I accomplish this?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Ruskin posted Message 5482 in Message Board
Dated : February 07, 2002 at 16:44:00 EST
Subject: Re: EDI
If you drop the item directly to the distributor, does this mean that steps in y
our order process are different? If so, you could have the EDI invoice, based on
order type (there is a conversion of order types out - set up your order types
in tcedi4132m000 then link them to the EDI order type in tcedi2100m000. If your
order type is not listed in tcedi4132m000, then no EDI message will be generated
Alternatively, you could set the 'Print' option in 'tcedi0111m000' to 'YES' then

ditch the printouts you don't need (not the best option and will mean that the
printed invoice will have 'EDI COPY' on it).

: We have an EDI customer that requires an ASN for invoicing unless when we drop
ship an item directly to distributor, then they require a hard copy invoice in
place of the ASN, how do I accomplish this?

***************** End Of Article ******************

ANTOINE posted Message 5483 in Message Board
Dated : February 08, 2002 at 02:01:30 EST
Subject: Re: La unidad de compra y la unidad de precio de compra son diferentes.
S, pero con todas las medidas de tubo existentes:p.e: 60x60x2.5 ( medida frontal
del tubo, sin contar la longitud)y todas las posibilidades de longitud que puede
n haber, seran infinitas combinaciones.
No habra alguna otra solucin?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Baan Student posted Message 5484 in Message Board
Dated : February 08, 2002 at 03:38:29 EST
: That s a very complex question and I'm not sure what exactly it is you want to a
chive. Maybe you could clarify that.
: Technically it would be possible to devalue the standard costs by using negati
ve surcharges (there exists even an additional controlling module, which allows
to calculate surcharges based on all kind of costs which have been captured in F
inance and update them on the logistic side.), but I wouldn t recommend it. As you
already said yourself you have to keep your standard costs intact. Besides bein
g used for valuating stock, the standard costs are also the cost of sales.
: I would differentiate two problems 1) your standard costs differ from your act
ual costs and 2) you have to devalue your stock because the market price is lowe
r than the production costs
: 1) The standard cost for anonymous products should be as close as possible to
the average actual costs. The difference between standard and actual costs are c
aptured by BaaN as production variance. If you have constantly significant produ
ction variances, you might want to work on your standard costs, since they are o
bviously not very realistic. If you want to have different costs for each single
item or groups of items, you might want to work with projects or with lot price
s. That depends on the type of product you produce and is to complex to get into
: 2) Obviously you can t use the market price of a manufactured good as standard c
ost price. Value adjustments to something other than the production costs, shoul
d only be made in Finance. But beside the standard cost price, BaaN offers the p
ossibility to use alternative cost price calculation codes for simulation purpos
es. It would be possible to enter the market price as a simulated cost price, atta
ched to a simulated calculation code. To write a session, that works like the in

ventory valuation session , but allows to do a cost price valuation with these si
mulated cost prices , would be easy for a skilled programmer. This session should
only be used as a tool for analyzis and reconcilliation though. The standard co
st prices which are used for posting and financial integration shouldn t be change
d. For finished goods they should be the production costs.
: As said before: this is really complex and depends a lot on your specific situ
ation. Hope I could give you some ideas. You re welcome to email me directly if yo
u want to discuss this further.

: : As we know inventory valuation in Baan is done at Standard cost. It does not

take into consideration the actual cost of production or the market value.

: Accounting standard recommends that the inventory valuation should be done a

lower of actual cost and market price.
: In the finance side necessary adjustment can be made into the ledger account
by passing journal entries so as to bring the inventory balance equal to actua
cast or market value which ever is lower.

: : So the
shed goods
rs but the
ost in the

inventory valuation in the logistics side and the balance in the fini
account will not match as the adjustments have been made in the ledge
way Baan system is designed it will value the inventory at standard c
logistics side.

: : Is there any way that we can value the inventory in logistics side at actual
cost of production or market price which ever is lower and also keep the standa
rd cost intact.
: : Since it is a standard practice to value inventory at lower of the cost of p
roduction and market value. How we handle this in Baan?????
: : Is it possible to customize the product if source code is available?
: :
: : Please help.
Thanks for your ideas. I'll try and work on these lines further
***************** End Of Article ******************
alir posted Message 5485 in Message Board
Dated : February 08, 2002 at 07:39:00 EST
Subject: Re: La unidad de compra y la unidad de precio de compra son diferentes.
Comprendo, lo que tu tienes es un problema de dimensiones. Hya varios detalles q
ue debes de Ver.
Si estas en Baan IV puedes contemplar la extension de Baan Dimensions, que manej
a articulos por matrices de dimensiones.
La otra que conosco aunque no soy un experto es dar de alta todas las combinacio
nes pones el mensaje en ingles y tambien pones la duda en www.b-a vas a obtener mas respuestas
: S, pero con todas las medidas de tubo existentes:p.e: 60x60x2.5 ( medida fronta

l del tubo, sin contar la longitud)y todas las posibilidades de longitud que pue
den haber, seran infinitas combinaciones.
: No habra alguna otra solucin?

***************** End Of Article ******************

Karin Espelage posted Message 5486 in Message Board
Dated : February 09, 2002 at 08:37:41 EST
Subject: You're welcome..'s an interesting question....
: : That s a very complex question and I'm not sure what exactly it is you want to
achive. Maybe you could clarify that.
: : Technically it would be possible to devalue the standard costs by using nega
tive surcharges (there exists even an additional controlling module, which allow
s to calculate surcharges based on all kind of costs which have been captured in
Finance and update them on the logistic side.), but I wouldn t recommend it. As y
ou already said yourself you have to keep your standard costs intact. Besides be
ing used for valuating stock, the standard costs are also the cost of sales.
: : I would differentiate two problems 1) your standard costs differ from your a
ctual costs and 2) you have to devalue your stock because the market price is lo
wer than the production costs
: : 1) The standard cost for anonymous products should be as close as possible t
o the average actual costs. The difference between standard and actual costs are
captured by BaaN as production variance. If you have constantly significant pro
duction variances, you might want to work on your standard costs, since they are
obviously not very realistic. If you want to have different costs for each sing
le item or groups of items, you might want to work with projects or with lot pri
ces. That depends on the type of product you produce and is to complex to get in
to here.
: : 2) Obviously you can t use the market price of a manufactured good as standard
cost price. Value adjustments to something other than the production costs, sho
uld only be made in Finance. But beside the standard cost price, BaaN offers the
possibility to use alternative cost price calculation codes for simulation purp
oses. It would be possible to enter the market price as a simulated cost price, at
tached to a simulated calculation code. To write a session, that works like the
inventory valuation session , but allows to do a cost price valuation with these
simulated cost prices , would be easy for a skilled programmer. This session shou
ld only be used as a tool for analyzis and reconcilliation though. The standard
cost prices which are used for posting and financial integration shouldn t be chan
ged. For finished goods they should be the production costs.
: : As said before: this is really complex and depends a lot on your specific si
tuation. Hope I could give you some ideas. You re welcome to email me directly if
you want to discuss this further.

: : : As we know inventory valuation in Baan is done at Standard cost. It does n

ot take into consideration the actual cost of production or the market value.
: : : Accounting standard recommends that the inventory valuation should be done

: :

lower of actual cost and market price.

: In the finance side necessary adjustment can be made into the ledger accou
by passing journal entries so as to bring the inventory balance equal to act
cast or market value which ever is lower.

: : : So the
nished goods
gers but the
cost in the

inventory valuation in the logistics side and the balance in the fi

account will not match as the adjustments have been made in the led
way Baan system is designed it will value the inventory at standard
logistics side.

: : : Is there any way that we can value the inventory in logistics side at actu
al cost of production or market price which ever is lower and also keep the stan
dard cost intact.
: : : Since it is a standard practice to value inventory at lower of the cost of
production and market value. How we handle this in Baan?????
: : : Is it possible to customize the product if source code is available?
: : :
: : : Please help.
: Thanks for your ideas. I'll try and work on these lines further

***************** End Of Article ******************

Les posted Message 5487 in Message Board
Dated : February 10, 2002 at 18:13:55 EST
Subject: Handling Freight charges in Baan Vc
Has anyone got a procedure to pay a freight company invoice after goods have bee
n shipped.
In Baan Vc you can link a supplier to a carrier and the terms of deliver can den
ote carriage paid. The help implies that the suppliers invoice will come in and
it can be matched to the order. I have shipped the orders etc. but have had no l
uck getting the freight costs to get back to the order.
Any ideas
***************** End Of Article ******************
B.Tromp posted Message 5488 in Message Board
Dated : February 12, 2002 at 00:57:17 EST
Subject: Re: How to update the purchase price in tiitm0101m000
: Hello!
: Does anybody know how to update the puchase price in session tiitm0101 for a r
ange of articles?
You can use session tdpur0201m000 and select a range of items.
***************** End Of Article ******************

Doug Jefferson posted Message 5489 in Message Board

Dated : February 12, 2002 at 09:52:44 EST
Subject: Print Supplier Reliability
We are running 4c4 and I need to print the Supplier Reliability reports (tdpur54
13m000, tdpur5414m000 and tdpur5415m000) The supllier reliability analysis fiel
d is set to Yes in tdpst0100m000 (PUR parameters) and and update of purchase sta
tistics has been performed up through Dec 31, 2001. When I go in and run the re
port wide open or for one particular supplier / Item I receive "No Data" message
. Can anyone tell me if their is something that I have overlooked or if anyone
has any gudies on how this works. I need this information ASAP for our audit.
Thank you in advance for your help.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Kim Kunze posted Message 5490 in Message Board
Dated : February 12, 2002 at 13:01:55 EST
Subject: ABC code calc in a ETO environment with ILC
We are an engineer to order company. We do not use MPS or do we calculate deman
d forcasts. Baan has been running over two years and currrent version is 4c4.
Our ABC code calc is based on cost not sales or quantity. We follow APICS sugge
stion of 80% = A, 15%=B and 5% are C items.
I gathered the data for all items in our system. Currently A= 45% of the invent
ory value, B=18% of the value and C=37% of the total inventory value.
What am I missing? What happend to the 80-15-5 parameter setting by cost calcul
Any clarification will be appreciated.
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Karin Espelage posted Message 5491 in Message Board
Dated : February 12, 2002 at 16:41:51 EST
Subject: Re: Print Supplier Reliability
I already answered your email, but maybe someone else has the same question, so
I post my answer as well:
If you run the purchase statistic update (tdpst0201m000), then
Baan reads the information in the purchase history files tdpur050 & tdpur051), a
nd based on the data in these tables, he updates the supplier reliability data i
n table tdpur061 (as well as several other statistic tables). All the supplier r
eliability report sessions do, is printing the contents of this table. Please ch
eck table tdpur061. My guess is, that it is empty in your BaaN company or at lea
st doesn't has data for the year you try to print. If that is the case, I could
think of the following possible reasons:
1. The purchase history (tdpur050 & 51) has been deleted or archived for the yea
r you want to analyze. If the purchase history is not present in the production
company anymore, it's obviously not possible to update the supplier reliability

data in table tdpur061. Please check and make sure, that the history exists.
2. The purchase history exists, but the parameter "Supplier Reliability" in the
PST parameters was set to "yes" AFTER the purchase statistic update did run. If
that is the case, you'll have to run the purchase statistic update again, with "
Full Update" on "yes". Baan will then first DELETE any existing
supplier reliability data and purchase statistic data, and then he will rebuild
the data, based on the purchase history. Be careful if you have already archived
and deleted parts of the purchase history, and make sure, that you are not goin
g to loose any statistical data by running a full update.
3. The update session is not working correctly. I doubt that this is the cause f
or your problem, since you don't seem to have any data at all. Be aware though,
that there have been problems reported, with table tdpur061 not getting updated
correctly. There is a newer BaaN solution available. The solution number is 1198
96. You should let your system administrator check, if this solution is loaded o
n the system.
If tdpur061 is populated correctly, then it's difficult to find out, what's wron
g, without looking into your system. There are no known bugs for the print sessi
ons in the Baan knowledge base.
------------: We are running 4c4 and I need to print the Supplier Reliability reports (tdpur
5413m000, tdpur5414m000 and tdpur5415m000) The supllier reliability analysis fi
eld is set to Yes in tdpst0100m000 (PUR parameters) and and update of purchase s
tatistics has been performed up through Dec 31, 2001. When I go in and run the
report wide open or for one particular supplier / Item I receive "No Data" messa
ge. Can anyone tell me if their is something that I have overlooked or if anyon
e has any gudies on how this works. I need this information ASAP for our audit.
: Thank you in advance for your help.
: Doug

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Karin Espelage posted Message 5492 in Message Board
Dated : February 13, 2002 at 07:36:19 EST
Subject: Re: ABC code calc in a ETO environment with ILC
Maybe this: The ABC analysis values the average anual issue of the items with th
e cost price, not the number of items currently in stock.
E.g. you currently could have no A items at all in stock, but the average anual
issue of A items (expressed in $ and valued with the cost price) contributed 80%
to the total item turnover (average anual issue of all items expressed in $). H
ow much you've got in stock depends a lot on how "just in time" your organizatio
n is.
I hope I understood your question correctly. If not, bounce back with some clari
: We are an engineer to order company. We do not use MPS or do we calculate dem

and forcasts. Baan has been running over two years and currrent version is 4c4.
: Our ABC code calc is based on cost not sales or quantity. We follow APICS sug
gestion of 80% = A, 15%=B and 5% are C items.
: I gathered the data for all items in our system. Currently A= 45% of the inve
ntory value, B=18% of the value and C=37% of the total inventory value.
: What am I missing? What happend to the 80-15-5 parameter setting by cost calc
: Any clarification will be appreciated.

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Denise posted Message 5493 in Message Board
Dated : February 13, 2002 at 12:03:48 EST
Subject: EDI/Multicompany
My customer will be sending po's via EDI. He will be sending ONE file. I need
to create sales orders in one of 10 companies on my system. The data I need to
determine the company number will be on the file. Is there any way to evaluate
the file and create the orders in the correct company via standard Baan (without
customizations)? How do other companies handle this?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Ruskin posted Message 5494 in Message Board
Dated : February 13, 2002 at 19:28:17 EST
Subject: Re: EDI/Multicompany
Nope, you're going to have to customise this one. Once you start reading an EDI
message, it's imported directly into the company that is reading it. Switch on m
ulti-company will not work, as it is imported into the first company as a sales
order and if moved to another company, it will be raised as a purchase order in
the correct company.
What we have done on some sites, is created our own translation package. What ha
ppens, is the standard baan edi messages (much easier to use the defaults.edi, t
han to try to fill the tcedi501 table from beginning) are expecting around 13 fi
les. We receive a single file from our VAN or customer and then run a translatio
n process over this, to split up the files. During this translation process, we
can read the file and determine which orders go to which EDI networks (it also d
oes other things, like checking/removing command files, etc). I think you're goi
ng have to run a translation process over the PO that is received from your cust
: My customer will be sending po's via EDI. He will be sending ONE file. I nee
d to create sales orders in one of 10 companies on my system. The data I need t
o determine the company number will be on the file. Is there any way to evaluat
e the file and create the orders in the correct company via standard Baan (witho
ut customizations)? How do other companies handle this?
: D

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Puneet Bansal posted Message 5495 in Message Board
Dated : February 14, 2002 at 03:23:14 EST
Subject: Inventory not generated
We have c4 version of BaaN. In BaaN we have implemented the ILC, we have defined
the warehouse as nettable w/H and defined the inspection and receipt locations
for the w/h through the session generate locations. Now when we prepare the MRN
(Receipts) against any Purch. Order. and approve it system doesnot shows its inv
entory at the location (Insoection) so that we should be able to make the inboun
Can any one help me why is it happening? where am i doing the mistake?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Denise posted Message 5496 in Message Board
Dated : February 14, 2002 at 04:07:17 EST
Subject: Re: EDI/Multicompany
Thanks for the response - I'm glad someone has come across this issue. So did y
ou perform your translation after the file runs through the EDI software (we use
Sterling) - in a Baan script? I don't have control over the translation in our
company - I'm getting one file from the Van and one file from the EDI software.
Would you suggest just writing a baan script to read the file and write out fi
les in the separate directories?
-- Denise
: Nope, you're going to have to customise this one. Once you start reading an ED
I message, it's imported directly into the company that is reading it. Switch on
multi-company will not work, as it is imported into the first company as a sale
s order and if moved to another company, it will be raised as a purchase order i
n the correct company.
: What we have done on some sites, is created our own translation package. What
happens, is the standard baan edi messages (much easier to use the defaults.edi,
than to try to fill the tcedi501 table from beginning) are expecting around 13
files. We receive a single file from our VAN or customer and then run a translat
ion process over this, to split up the files. During this translation process, w
e can read the file and determine which orders go to which EDI networks (it also
does other things, like checking/removing command files, etc). I think you're g
oing have to run a translation process over the PO that is received from your cu
: : My customer will be sending po's via EDI. He will be sending ONE file. I n
eed to create sales orders in one of 10 companies on my system. The data I need
to determine the company number will be on the file. Is there any way to evalu
ate the file and create the orders in the correct company via standard Baan (wit
hout customizations)? How do other companies handle this?

: : D

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Denise posted Message 5497 in Message Board
Dated : February 14, 2002 at 04:07:25 EST
Subject: Re: EDI/Multicompany
Thanks for the response - I'm glad someone has come across this issue. So did y
ou perform your translation after the file runs through the EDI software (we use
Sterling) - in a Baan script? I don't have control over the translation in our
company - I'm getting one file from the Van and one file from the EDI software.
Would you suggest just writing a baan script to read the file and write out fi
les in the separate directories?
-- Denise
: Nope, you're going to have to customise this one. Once you start reading an ED
I message, it's imported directly into the company that is reading it. Switch on
multi-company will not work, as it is imported into the first company as a sale
s order and if moved to another company, it will be raised as a purchase order i
n the correct company.
: What we have done on some sites, is created our own translation package. What
happens, is the standard baan edi messages (much easier to use the defaults.edi,
than to try to fill the tcedi501 table from beginning) are expecting around 13
files. We receive a single file from our VAN or customer and then run a translat
ion process over this, to split up the files. During this translation process, w
e can read the file and determine which orders go to which EDI networks (it also
does other things, like checking/removing command files, etc). I think you're g
oing have to run a translation process over the PO that is received from your cu
: : My customer will be sending po's via EDI. He will be sending ONE file. I n
eed to create sales orders in one of 10 companies on my system. The data I need
to determine the company number will be on the file. Is there any way to evalu
ate the file and create the orders in the correct company via standard Baan (wit
hout customizations)? How do other companies handle this?
: : D

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Ruskin posted Message 5498 in Message Board
Dated : February 14, 2002 at 15:08:51 EST
Subject: Re: EDI/Multicompany
We actually wrote a VB app that interrogated the Network directories for the 'co
mmand.fil' file (every second). Once the command.fil file existed, it then proce
ssed the files in the ../appl_from directory (if any existed) and searched throu
gh the Inbox (using the MS-Outlook client), for any incoming messages (from the
VAN) and and if it found any, then searched through the attachment and split up
the files into the appropriate individual files. As it split the file, it used a
translation table to determine which network to send the file to. If the comman
d.fil existed for that network, it appended them to the ../appl_to directory and

appended any in the hold directory for that network. If the command.fil did not
exist for that network, it appended them to the hold directory only. Thus, any
network creating the command.fil file, would start the process and any network t
hat didn't have this file ready, would have there files placed in a temporary di
rectory, until that network was activated. Sounds a bit complex, but the whole p
rocess works automatically, with no loss of messages. We couldn't figure out a w
ay to make BaaN perform this feature, without customising the EDI process, or se
tting up a regular job, to interrogate the received VAN file...
***************** End Of Article ******************
Ruskin posted Message 5499 in Message Board
Dated : February 14, 2002 at 15:08:57 EST
Subject: Re: EDI/Multicompany
We actually wrote a VB app that interrogated the Network directories for the 'co
mmand.fil' file (every second). Once the command.fil file existed, it then proce
ssed the files in the ../appl_from directory (if any existed) and searched throu
gh the Inbox (using the MS-Outlook client), for any incoming messages (from the
VAN) and and if it found any, then searched through the attachment and split up
the files into the appropriate individual files. As it split the file, it used a
translation table to determine which network to send the file to. If the comman
d.fil existed for that network, it appended them to the ../appl_to directory and
appended any in the hold directory for that network. If the command.fil did not
exist for that network, it appended them to the hold directory only. Thus, any
network creating the command.fil file, would start the process and any network t
hat didn't have this file ready, would have there files placed in a temporary di
rectory, until that network was activated. Sounds a bit complex, but the whole p
rocess works automatically, with no loss of messages. We couldn't figure out a w
ay to make BaaN perform this feature, without customising the EDI process, or se
tting up a regular job, to interrogate the received VAN file...
***************** End Of Article ******************
Arvind PAtil posted Message 5500 in Message Board
Dated : February 14, 2002 at 19:55:06 EST
Subject: Re: EDI/Multicompany
You will always need a translator to convert external EDI into Baan format. If y
ou have different companies then create different network in Baan and direct the
appropriate files into appropriate network. EDI translator should be able to ha
ndle this. If you need any help in choosing EDI translator I can recommend one.
THe one softwae that we are using is almost 1/4th of the cost of Streling or Ha
rbinger (the most popular translator) and much reacher in functionality too.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Mani posted Message 5501 in Message Board
Dated : February 17, 2002 at 21:23:03 EST
Subject: Note:Insufficient Inventory available
When we enter the ordered quantity in Sales Order Lines, we get this message "No
te:Insufficient Inventory available". However, when we check the inventory, it i

s more than sufficient. Has any one experience this?

***************** End Of Article ******************
Mani posted Message 5502 in Message Board
Dated : February 17, 2002 at 21:30:18 EST
Subject: Postal Address problem
In the Sales Order Header, after inserting the Postal Address and then go the Sa
les order lines and save and exit. When we come back to the Sales Order Header,
the Postal Address has disappeared. Anyone has a solution for this?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Jim posted Message 5503 in Message Board
Dated : February 18, 2002 at 19:39:32 EST
Subject: Re: Note:Insufficient Inventory available
: When we enter the ordered quantity in Sales Order Lines, we get this message "
Note:Insufficient Inventory available". However, when we check the inventory, it
is more than sufficient. Has any one experience this?
: Thanks.
Usually this means you have over allocated the on hand stock
check econimic stock for item on item master
***************** End Of Article ******************
sandeep chatterjee posted Message 5504 in Message Board
Dated : February 19, 2002 at 20:43:55 EST
Subject: BAAN Distribution module consultant -Singapore
we are looking for BAAN distribution functional consultant
with Baan tools experience.
respond to
***************** End Of Article ******************
Juan posted Message 5505 in Message Board
Dated : February 19, 2002 at 23:55:08 EST
Subject: Cmo funcionan las Entregas directas?
Despus de listar confirmacin de una orden de venta se queda en estatus 3 "Esperand
o entrega directa" (no se puede hacer una entrega normal en la sesin de siempre t
dsls4120m000). Qu paso es el siguiente? y los siguientes? (No s si es esto lo que ha
y que hacer pero al crear una orden de compra con tipo de orden PD1 (entrega dir
ecta), no nos deja....aparece un mensaje:tdpur41012 "Ordenes directas no permiti

Me podra alguien ayudar? le estara muy agradecido.

Gracias de antemano.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Santi posted Message 5506 in Message Board
Dated : February 20, 2002 at 02:44:43 EST
Subject: No se encuentra divisa en almacen
Cuando intentamos grabar una linea de una orden de venta sale el mensaje "No se
encuentra divisa en el almacen 100".
Gracias por adelantado,
***************** End Of Article ******************
Monika posted Message 5507 in Message Board
Dated : February 21, 2002 at 00:50:02 EST
Subject: Anex
Hi! Does somebody know how can I add an anex to purchase contract in Baan IVc3.
Thanks in advance!
***************** End Of Article ******************
Pat posted Message 5508 in Message Board
Dated : February 21, 2002 at 02:44:35 EST
Subject: EDI Calculating order dates
Need some help in understanding please. We accept orders by EDI and are leaving
the planned delivery date and the planned receipt date empty. In this instance B
aan appears to look for the leadtime for the item and uses this to fill both dat
e fields. It ignores where we already have stock. Is this correct or is there
a way we can get it to only use leadtime date if stock is not avialable.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Lamont Leath posted Message 5509 in Message Board
Dated : February 21, 2002 at 04:53:42 EST
Subject: Warehouse Management
Would you please give me a detailed example of warehouse mangement and explain i
t to me the best you can. I am a little confused, it is for a paper.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Deena posted Message 5510 in Message Board

Dated : February 21, 2002 at 05:34:40 EST
Subject: Calculate Demand Forecast by Item
We are looking at the option of using Demand Forecasting (4c3)
I am hoping that someone is able to explain (as if to a child) the calculation p
arameters in and around the demand forecasting module???
I have all of the help text but would really appreciate a worked example.....
Can anyone help me???

***************** End Of Article ******************

Arief posted Message 5511 in Message Board
Dated : February 25, 2002 at 00:38:19 EST
Subject: Re: Average Cost


This is Average Purchase Price.

There are 2 methods to calculate this:
1. It is calculated against Inventory Balance.
2. It is calculated against Purchase Receipt (Cumulative).

: : You can choose the options from the parameter "Method of Calculating Average
Purchase Price" in PO parameters.
: : The APP will be calculated if you calculate the standard cost price.
: : Cheers,
: : Arief
: Hi guys!
: You have a wrong ideea about calculating Average Purchase price. The APP will
be calculating by the system whenever you'll match and aprove the purchase invoi
ce(in financial) and it hasn't got to do with calculating standard cost price. M
ore than that, the standard cost price is calculated based on APP if you indicat
e that. For further information don't hesitate to mail me.
Yes you're right. Sorry for my last sentence.
***************** End Of Article ******************
wimzii posted Message 5512 in Message Board
Dated : February 25, 2002 at 06:29:26 EST
Subject: How to delete booked salesorder history lines
What are the conditions to delete booked salesorder history lines?
I start the session to delete status 1 orderlines from tables tdsls051, but afte
r processing the lines still in this table.

The statistics is only updated for turnoverstatistics, (for orderintake and canc
elations all fields have the value " No" in the SST parameters.
Which other conditions are important?
Thanks already for your reply
***************** End Of Article ******************
Doug Jefferson posted Message 5513 in Message Board
Dated : February 25, 2002 at 11:36:27 EST
Subject: Purchase Statistics
I'm working on a project with our Purchase Department that requires the use of P
urchase Statistics. I've worked with the sales statistics quite a bit and have
setup a few basic purchase statistic reports that I need for accounting purposes
but now I have to help with the creation of more detailed purchase reports. My
question is this, does anyone have any standard purchase reports that they run,
(Purpose, output, use, etc.) I have a few ideas on what they may want but. Our
Purchasing department is new to Baan and is unfamiler with it's capabilities.
If not can you give me some advice on reports. The ones that I have come up wit
h are:
1. Supplier reliability (on time delivery, rejects, backorders)
2. # of purchases by each purchasing agent to determine trends (highs / lows, et
3. Purchases by supplier ($ amts, top 5, bottom 5, etc.)
Some of these I have ideas on what to use and how to capture the data but I need
some more help with this project.
Thank you in advance for your help.
***************** End Of Article ******************
BT posted Message 5514 in Message Board
Dated : February 26, 2002 at 04:07:06 EST
Subject: Re: BAAN Distribution module consultant -Singapore
: we are looking for BAAN distribution functional consultant
: with Baan tools experience.
: respond to
So, what do you want to know?
***************** End Of Article ******************
bt posted Message 5515 in Message Board
Dated : February 26, 2002 at 04:09:49 EST
Subject: Re: How to delete booked salesorder history lines
: What are the conditions to delete booked salesorder history lines?
: I start the session to delete status 1 orderlines from tables tdsls051, but af

ter processing the lines still in this table.

: The statistics is only updated for turnoverstatistics, (for orderintake and ca
ncelations all fields have the value " No" in the SST parameters.
: Which other conditions are important?
: Thanks already for your reply
Did you delete the salesorderheader and lines also? tdsls040, tdsls041, tdsls045
and tdsls048?
***************** End Of Article ******************
bt posted Message 5516 in Message Board
Dated : February 26, 2002 at 04:12:29 EST
Subject: Re: Inventory not generated
: Hi.
: We have c4 version of BaaN. In BaaN we have implemented the ILC, we have defin
ed the warehouse as nettable w/H and defined the inspection and receipt location
s for the w/h through the session generate locations. Now when we prepare the MR
N (Receipts) against any Purch. Order. and approve it system doesnot shows its i
nventory at the location (Insoection) so that we should be able to make the inbo
: Can any one help me why is it happening? where am i doing the mistake?
: Thanks
: Puneet
The stock might be placed in the receipt location, from there you can generate t
he outbound.
***************** End Of Article ******************
wimzii posted Message 5517 in Message Board
Dated : February 26, 2002 at 05:30:37 EST
Subject: how to delete booked lines from table tdsls051
Can anyone tell me what are the conditions to delete booked (orderintake) saleso
rder history lines. i have tried several times to start session tdsls5201m000 to
delete status 1 records from this table.
After processing there are still lines in the table.
I only update the turnoverstatistics, (for orderintake and cancellations all fie
lds have the value "No" in parameters SST)
Which other conditions are important
Thanks already for your reply
***************** End Of Article ******************
Marc posted Message 5518 in Message Board
Dated : February 26, 2002 at 06:42:19 EST
Subject: Re: Calculate Demand Forecast by Item

Well Deena,
What exactly would you like to know?
Ive quite some documentation/knowledge about parameters, demand methods etc. Mail
the questions to me and Ill try to answer them.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Italy posted Message 5519 in Message Board
Dated : February 26, 2002 at 07:21:01 EST
Subject: Re: Note:Insufficient Inventory available
Do you have ILC Implemented?
Do you print picking list?
If your session tdilc1514m000 shows you that you have enaugh free items you have
to check in tdsls051 (or 50, I do not remember if you have a wrong (insufficien
t) quantity for picking list.
Let me know
: : When we enter the ordered quantity in Sales Order Lines, we get this message
"Note:Insufficient Inventory available". However, when we check the inventory,
it is more than sufficient. Has any one experience this?
: : Thanks.
: Usually this means you have over allocated the on hand stock
: check econimic stock for item on item master

***************** End Of Article ******************

marc posted Message 5520 in Message Board
Dated : February 27, 2002 at 03:08:12 EST
Subject: Re: Multi Logistic - Single Finance Setup for Baan 5c
: Thanks for your reply.
: Fyi, we cannot use the same EU, because the warehouse is belong the another lo
gistic company. The EU can not be used across logistic company.
Indeed, it is possible to use a Purchase office linked to one logistic company a
nd receive in a warehouse belonging to another logistic company. However, I thin
k you should have a multi finance single logistic set up, since all EU are linke
d to finance companies!
***************** End Of Article ******************
Baan4-5 posted Message 5521 in Message Board

Dated : February 28, 2002 at 17:00:02 EST

Subject: DRP &amp; RPL
Hi All,
I am upgrading my knowledge from Baan 4 to Baan 5.
Where do we find DRP & RPL (Replenishment Order) in Baan V?
It seems that DRP is handled in Enterprise Planning as Cluster, what about the R
***************** End Of Article ******************
Lenny posted Message 5522 in Message Board
Dated : February 28, 2002 at 17:06:55 EST
Subject: Transfer between warehouse using DRP?
How do we do transfer items between warehouse using DRP?
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Eddy Croezen posted Message 5523 in Message Board
Dated : March 01, 2002 at 00:59:21 EST
Subject: Re: Purchase Statistics
*Supplier reliability
There is a special module for it in PUR. ( try for example tdpur5413m000 )
*About your other questions; It's not easy to get these things in one step on yo
ur report. What we do is print the basic statistics to a file and then run Excel
or Crystal Reports to get a nice graphic layout and summary's.
***************** End Of Article ******************
RNH posted Message 5524 in Message Board
Dated : March 01, 2002 at 03:12:30 EST
Subject: Consignment Stock with suppliers in Baan IVb2
Has anyone got a solution to setting up a consignment stock with a supplier? We
have a supplier who's stock is in our warehouse, but he owns the stock until we
use it. We send him a regular usage report from which he invoices us. Is there a
nyway of handling this is Baan?
***************** End Of Article ******************
reply123 posted Message 5525 in Message Board

Dated : March 02, 2002 at 14:54:20 EST

Subject: Re: Consignment Stock with suppliers in Baan IVb2
: Has anyone got a solution to setting up a consignment stock with a supplier? W
e have a supplier who's stock is in our warehouse, but he owns the stock until w
e use it. We send him a regular usage report from which he invoices us. Is there
anyway of handling this is Baan?
If you are using BaanV you have option to make warehouse as consignment warehous
e and that way when you do transfer order from suppliers warehouse to you wareho
use, it gets consumed against existing PO or new PO gets created.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Funky posted Message 5526 in Message Board
Dated : March 05, 2002 at 05:10:31 EST
Subject: Re: Transfer between warehouse using DRP?
do you want some to explain you how the module runs?
: How do we do transfer items between warehouse using DRP?
: Thanks,
: Lenny

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garry posted Message 5527 in Message Board
Dated : March 05, 2002 at 22:00:42 EST
Subject: Signals
Does anyone know anything about the 'Rescheduling In' signal?
Where does it get the date from?
***************** End Of Article ******************
mikel posted Message 5528 in Message Board
Dated : March 06, 2002 at 01:02:28 EST
Subject: Cmo llevar reaprovisionamientos con art.configurados?
ora hemos
e tenemos
sertar en

la sesin

el stock de un almacn externo de la empresa, para ello hasta ah

el mdulo "rpl" de reaprovisionamientos, pero ahora resulta qu
configurados con el configurador "pcf" y estos no se pueden in
tdrpl0111s000 "Mantener lineas de orden de reaprovisionamiento

Qu podra hacer para los artculos configurados?

Gracias de antemano
***************** End Of Article ******************

Baan User posted Message 5529 in Message Board

Dated : March 06, 2002 at 02:56:54 EST
Subject: EDI - History Of Generated Invoices
In Baan IV EDI we have tcedi7480m000 - History Of Generated Invoices. Is there a
ny equivalent session in BaanERP EDI.
Thanx in advance

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Karin Espelage posted Message 5530 in Message Board
Dated : March 06, 2002 at 10:14:01 EST
Subject: Re: Consignment Stock with suppliers in Baan IVb2
There is no standard solution in BaaN 4 for consignment inventory, but I'm using
a work around for handling supplier consignment. If you send me an email addres
s, I'll send you instructions for integration setup etc.
-------------------------------------------------: Has anyone got a solution to setting up a consignment stock with a supplier? W
e have a supplier who's stock is in our warehouse, but he owns the stock until w
e use it. We send him a regular usage report from which he invoices us. Is there
anyway of handling this is Baan?

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venkat posted Message 5531 in Message Board
Dated : March 09, 2002 at 02:50:01 EST
Subject: Re: Inventory not generated
when it is in inspection location, you have to generate inbound using 'inventory
transfer type'.also check whether you maintained normal location.
thissholu work.
: : Hi.
: : We have c4 version of BaaN. In BaaN we have implemented the ILC, we have def
ined the warehouse as nettable w/H and defined the inspection and receipt locati
ons for the w/h through the session generate locations. Now when we prepare the
MRN (Receipts) against any Purch. Order. and approve it system doesnot shows its
inventory at the location (Insoection) so that we should be able to make the in
: : Can any one help me why is it happening? where am i doing the mistake?
: : Thanks
: : Puneet

: The stock might be placed in the receipt location, from there you can generate
the outbound.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Ana posted Message 5532 in Message Board
Dated : March 11, 2002 at 05:49:04 EST
Subject: Re: No se encuentra divisa en almacen
: Hola:
: Cuando intentamos grabar una linea de una orden de venta sale el mensaje "No s
e encuentra divisa en el almacen 100".
: Gracias por adelantado,


No has especificado en qu versin de Baan trabajas. Si se trata de Baan ERP, este m

ensaje aparece cuando est mal configurado el mdulo EMM, por ejemplo por haber carg
ado los datos de una compaa a otra. Hay que tener en cuenta que al crear un almacn
se crea automticamente un registro en las tablas tcemm, y puede que este registro
falte si se ha realizado una carga masiva.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Ana posted Message 5533 in Message Board
Dated : March 11, 2002 at 06:07:10 EST
Subject: Re: Cmo funcionan las Entregas directas?
: Despus de listar confirmacin de una orden de venta se queda en estatus 3 "Espera
ndo entrega directa" (no se puede hacer una entrega normal en la sesin de siempre
tdsls4120m000). Qu paso es el siguiente? y los siguientes? (No s si es esto lo que
hay que hacer pero al crear una orden de compra con tipo de orden PD1 (entrega d
irecta), no nos deja....aparece un mensaje:tdpur41012 "Ordenes directas no permi
: Me podra alguien ayudar? le estara muy agradecido.
: Gracias de antemano.
El mensaje "Esperando entrega directa" aparece porque la lnea de venta tiene el t
ic "Entrega directa" marcado. Te explico cmo funcionan las rdenes de entrega direc
Una orden de venta de entrega directa consiste en entregar directamente la merca
nca desde el proveedor, sin que el stock pase por el almacn. Nunca se puede crear
una orden de compra de entrega directa sin haber creado antes la orden de venta
En Baan V, y creo que sirve lo mismo para Baan IV, los pasos para crear una orde
n de venta de entrega directa son:
- Utilizar un tipo de orden de venta que permita crear rdenes de compra a partir
de ella (se especifica en el Tipo de orden de venta).
- Crear un tipo de orden de compra que sea de entrega directa (se especifica en
el Tipo de orden de compra).
- Especificar en los Parmetros de rdenes de compra el tipo y la serie de rdenes de
compra correspondientes a la entrega directa. Tambin hay que indicar si la orden

de compra se crea automticamente (al grabar la orden de venta), interactivamente

o manualmente (mediante la sesin "Generar sugerencias de orden de compra para rden
es de venta).
- Marcar el tic "Entrega directa" en cada una de las lneas de la orden de venta q
ue se quieran entregar de esta forma.
- Una vez grabada la orden de venta queda en estatus "Esperando entrega directa"
- Una vez confirmada la orden de venta, puede ser necesario tener que confirmar
la sugerencia de compra creada para que se convierta en orden de compra. Esto de
pende de los Parmetros de rdenes de compra.
- Es preciso recepcionar la orden de compra creada. Esto se hace en el mdulo de C
ompras, en la sesin Recepciones.
- Despus es necesario procesar la orden de compra. Con esto la orden de venta que
da lista para facturacin.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Paul Eden posted Message 5534 in Message Board
Dated : March 11, 2002 at 12:34:50 EST
Subject: Re: Transfer between warehouse using DRP?
: How do we do transfer items between warehouse using DRP?
: Thanks,
: Lenny
Lenny, you need to use the "replenishment order" to do this. Are you using DRP /
RPL currently or are you investigating this module?
***************** End Of Article ******************
yaya posted Message 5535 in Message Board
Dated : March 11, 2002 at 16:23:38 EST
Subject: Re: Cmo llevar reaprovisionamientos con art.configurados?
Un articulo configurado quiere decir que es MTO osea Make to order, por lo que n
o puedes darlo de alta en re-aprovisionamiento, ya que no sabes con que caracter
isticas lo tienes que producir para tenerlo en stock.
Solo puedes re-aprovisionar productos que tengas en stock, que se puedan comprar
o que se puedan fabricar de manera standard. Y

: Queramos
ahora hemos
que tenemos
insertar en

la sesin

el stock de un almacn externo de la empresa, para ello hasta

el mdulo "rpl" de reaprovisionamientos, pero ahora resulta
configurados con el configurador "pcf" y estos no se pueden
tdrpl0111s000 "Mantener lineas de orden de reaprovisionamien

: Qu podra hacer para los artculos configurados?

: Gracias de antemano

***************** End Of Article ******************

baanrekcuf posted Message 5536 in Message Board
Dated : March 11, 2002 at 23:41:55 EST

ZERO number has a weared processing in Baan, When Item



Aduh elu ngomong apaan sih....i can not understand you lah....coba disusun lagi
kalimatnya yg baik (rephrase the question!)

***************** End Of Article ******************

baanvucker posted Message 5537 in Message Board
Dated : March 12, 2002 at 00:28:19 EST
Subject: Re: Note:Insufficient Inventory available
: When we enter the ordered quantity in Sales Order Lines, we get this message "
Note:Insufficient Inventory available". However, when we check the inventory, it
is more than sufficient. Has any one experience this?
: Thanks.

***************** End Of Article ******************

BaanUser posted Message 5538 in Message Board
Dated : March 13, 2002 at 13:42:55 EST
Subject: Cost Price Component Not Defined(receiving)
When trying to confirm a receipt, the message Cost Price Component Not Defined F
or Subcontract Item XXXXXXX pops up. The item does have a cost price component
(of type operations) in the item data.

Any ideas on why the error message?

***************** End Of Article ******************
Chris Kiehl posted Message 5539 in Message Board
Dated : March 14, 2002 at 10:26:57 EST
Subject: Cycle Counting
I am on Baan 4C4 using Location Control.
For those of you who use a daily or weekly cycle count rather than an end-of-yea
r physical inventory, how often do you run the ABC analysis? "tdinv6210m000 Perf
orm ABC Analysis by Item"
Once a year? Once a quarter? etc...
And what is your reasoning?


***************** End Of Article ******************

Flip posted Message 5540 in Message Board
Dated : March 15, 2002 at 02:30:47 EST
Subject: Re: Cost Price Component Not Defined(receiving)
Cost component in grouping data should be of type material or not applicable i t
: When trying to confirm a receipt, the message Cost Price Component Not Defined
For Subcontract Item XXXXXXX pops up. The item does have a cost price componen
t (of type operations) in the item data.
: Any ideas on why the error message?


***************** End Of Article ******************

Flip posted Message 5541 in Message Board
Dated : March 15, 2002 at 02:34:24 EST
Subject: Re: DRP &amp; RPL
RPL is a warehouse order in 5.
DRP in 5 is handeled with clusters.

Hi All,
I am upgrading my knowledge from Baan 4 to Baan 5.
Where do we find DRP & RPL (Replenishment Order) in Baan V?
It seems that DRP is handled in Enterprise Planning as Cluster, what about the

: Thanks,
: Bud

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KW Foo posted Message 5542 in Message Board
Dated : March 16, 2002 at 18:22:30 EST
Subject: Changing method of calculating average purchase price
Recently we notice there are two method of calculating average purchase price wh
ich are:
1. Purchases (cum.)
2. Current Inventory
We found that currently we are using the wrong method (Purchase cum.) all these
time. Now we want to change the method of calculation to method 2 (current inven
tory) but notice that the current average purchase price is already updated usin
g the first method which is wrong and cannot be changed now.
What can we do if we curently have a list of the accurate average purchase price
which should be used as the current average purchase price in Baan ?
Can we update the Baan average purchase price with the price list that we have ?
If possible, how should we do it and what is the impact of it ?
Please advice.
KW Foo
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Jayant Keskar posted Message 5543 in Message Board
Dated : March 17, 2002 at 05:43:35 EST
Subject: Re: Changing method of calculating average purchase price
I personally feel that cumulative purchases gives better results provided you pe
riodically run the session tdpur4225m000. Cum Purchases will give you better res
ults particularly where the prices change very frequently.
However if in your scenario if you prefer the Current Inventory Method, you coul
d calculate the weighted av price outside the system and update it to the 'avpr'
field in the item master and then calculate the costs. This will generate the r
evaluation. I do not foresee any problem in this except that you will ave to kee
p hard copies of all the relevant details for a period of time.
Another way to do it would be change the cost price calculation prioririties for
the cost calcularion code and set it to 'si' and then 'ap'. You could then ente
r your calculated prices as simulated prices and update the costs. Over a period
of time the average price will approach towards the simulated price. At that po

int of time you could delete the simulated prices. The disadvantage of this meth
od is that you will have to keep on calculating the average price outside the sy
stem and change the simulated prices from time to time. The advantage is that yo
u are not doing any direct table updation.

: Recently we notice there are two method of calculating average purchase price
which are:
: 1. Purchases (cum.)
: 2. Current Inventory
: We found that currently we are using the wrong method (Purchase cum.) all thes
e time. Now we want to change the method of calculation to method 2 (current inv
entory) but notice that the current average purchase price is already updated us
ing the first method which is wrong and cannot be changed now.
: What can we do if we curently have a list of the accurate average purchase pri
ce which should be used as the current average purchase price in Baan ?
: Can we update the Baan average purchase price with the price list that we have
? If possible, how should we do it and what is the impact of it ?
: Please advice.
: TQ.
: KW Foo

***************** End Of Article ******************

Lenny posted Message 5544 in Message Board
Dated : March 17, 2002 at 16:36:03 EST
Subject: Re: Transfer between warehouse using DRP?

: Lenny, you need to use the "replenishment order" to do this. Are you using DRP
/ RPL currently or are you investigating this module?
: Cheers,
: Paul
Hi Paul,
Currently I am investigating how to use these modules (DRP & RPL). I cannot find
any RPL module in Baan V. Would you please tell me how can I find this RPL in B
aan V?


***************** End Of Article ******************

Bud posted Message 5545 in Message Board
Dated : March 17, 2002 at 17:25:15 EST
Subject: Re: DRP &amp; RPL
: RPL is a warehouse order in 5.
: DRP in 5 is handeled with clusters.
-----Thanks Flip,
If so then how do we identify "Transit Warehouse" in a warehouse order?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Paul Eden posted Message 5546 in Message Board
Dated : March 18, 2002 at 07:31:27 EST
Subject: Re: Cycle Counting
You should only run your ABC analysis yearly based on consumption during the pre
vious year. You CAN run more frequently, but your required number of counts coul
d change, thereby changing your resource requirements.
: Hello,
: I am on Baan 4C4 using Location Control.
: For those of you who use a daily or weekly cycle count rather than an end-of-y
ear physical inventory, how often do you run the ABC analysis? "tdinv6210m000 Pe
rform ABC Analysis by Item"
: Once a year? Once a quarter? etc...
: And what is your reasoning?
: Thanks,


***************** End Of Article ******************

Paul Eden posted Message 5547 in Message Board
Dated : March 18, 2002 at 07:34:56 EST
Subject: Re: Cost Price Component Not Defined(receiving)
: Cost component in grouping data should be of type material or not applicable i
: : When trying to confirm a receipt, the message Cost Price Component Not Defin
ed For Subcontract Item XXXXXXX pops up. The item does have a cost price compon
ent (of type operations) in the item data.

: : Any ideas on why the error message?

: :


All of our Subcontracted items are posted as "direct labout" for Cost Price Comp

***************** End Of Article ******************

Flip posted Message 5548 in Message Board
Dated : March 18, 2002 at 23:18:04 EST
Subject: Re: DRP &amp; RPL
Only need to identify ship to and ship from warehouses. Steps linked to order ty

: RPL is a warehouse order in 5.

: DRP in 5 is handeled with clusters.
-----Thanks Flip,
If so then how do we identify "Transit Warehouse" in a warehouse order?

: Bud

***************** End Of Article ******************

DEFT posted Message 5549 in Message Board
Dated : March 19, 2002 at 04:52:47 EST
Subject: Re: Cost Price Component Not Defined(receiving)
Try:: ITEM master of the this item where message pops up
@receiving, ZOOM, and select CALCULATE STANDARD COST PRICE BY ITEM & I hope it w
ill be fine.
: : Cost component in grouping data should be of type material or not applicable
i think.
: : : When trying to confirm a receipt, the message Cost Price Component Not Def
ined For Subcontract Item XXXXXXX pops up. The item does have a cost price comp
onent (of type operations) in the item data.
: : : Any ideas on why the error message?
: : :


: All of our Subcontracted items are posted as "direct labout" for Cost Price Co

***************** End Of Article ******************

DEFT posted Message 5550 in Message Board

Dated : March 19, 2002 at 06:24:13 EST
Subject: Re: Note:Insufficient Inventory available
It means either a SALES ORDERS has been issued for this items from this warehous
e, even it is not yet delivered, it will be allocated,
a replinishment order has been issued for the item from this warehouse.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Carol Schmidt posted Message 5551 in Message Board
Dated : March 19, 2002 at 12:16:42 EST
Subject: Commissions/Rebates
According to BaaN logic, what are the differences between commissions and rebate
I understand that commissions are paid to suppliers and the rebates are paid to
customers...but are there other differences? For example: can rebates invoices
be applied as a credit note to the customer's open entries where as commissions
obviously cannot.
Any suggestions on where to find documentation on the differences other than kno
Thank you in advance to your prompt response to this somewhat evasive question.

***************** End Of Article ******************

B posted Message 5552 in Message Board
Dated : March 20, 2002 at 11:56:30 EST
Subject: Receipt Date on PO
We are on Baan5.b
On a PO, the system calculates the planned delivery date, which is the date we n
eed the product at our warehouse. SO, the printed PO shows this date
What we really need on the PO, is the date that the goods should leave our suppl
ier's warehouse, so they know when to ship this. On a sales order, there is a pl
anned delivery and planned receipt date (which uses the distance by zip code tab
le to calculate delivery & receipt date). I do not see this on a PO. How can we
handle this?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Paul Eden posted Message 5553 in Message Board
Dated : March 20, 2002 at 12:10:57 EST
Subject: Re: Receipt Date on PO

: We are on Baan5.b
: On a PO, the system calculates the planned delivery date, which is the date we
need the product at our warehouse. SO, the printed PO shows this date
: What we really need on the PO, is the date that the goods should leave our sup
plier's warehouse, so they know when to ship this. On a sales order, there is a
planned delivery and planned receipt date (which uses the distance by zip code t
able to calculate delivery & receipt date). I do not see this on a PO. How can w
e handle this?
Not sure about Ver 5 but in IVc we use a safety time from supplier. That way it
backs up the required delivery date by the safety time. Tricking the system, but
it gives a date that will work to get the goods delivered when you need them.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Dick posted Message 5554 in Message Board
Dated : March 20, 2002 at 16:54:51 EST
Subject: One Sales Order with several Term of Payment
Hi all,
is it possible to have an SO with several Term of Payment?
I need it because we create an SO with several items which have several Term of
***************** End Of Article ******************
MoniKa posted Message 5555 in Message Board
Dated : March 21, 2002 at 02:41:32 EST
Subject: Re: One Sales Order with several Term of Payment

Hi all,
is it possible to have an SO with several Term of Payment?
I need it because we create an SO with several items which have several Term o

: Thanks.
You can have diffrent date of delivery of every position on SO

***************** End Of Article ******************

Monika posted Message 5556 in Message Board
Dated : March 21, 2002 at 02:46:16 EST

Subject: Re: One Sales Order with several Term of Payment

: : Hi all,
: : is it possible to have an SO with several Term of Payment?
: : I need it because we create an SO with several items which have several Term
of Payment.
: : Thanks.
: You can have diffrent date of delivery of every position in

***************** End Of Article ******************

Carol Schmidt posted Message 5557 in Message Board
Dated : March 21, 2002 at 09:44:55 EST
Subject: Series and First Free Numbers for Replenishments Orders
Working in Baan 4c3. Upon initial set up our replenishments orders series as de
fined in the parameters was 'no series'. We now have the requirement to have a
one digit series to be able to differentiate between certain types of replenishm
ent orders. How do I execute this change?
In our test environment, I have changed the parameter to 'one digit' and then in
serted first free numbers for each series and then attempted to insert new order
s with each of the new one digit series, but unsucessfully.
Thank you in advance for your responses.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Bud posted Message 5558 in Message Board
Dated : March 21, 2002 at 16:43:02 EST
Subject: Re: DRP &amp; RPL
: Only need to identify ship to and ship from warehouses. Steps linked to order
Hi Flip,
Do you mean that we cannot identify Transit Warehouse (e.g: truck) in Baan V?
Then how do we know the inventory which is on the way (not yet received in desti
nation warehouse).

***************** End Of Article ******************

Flip posted Message 5559 in Message Board

Dated : March 21, 2002 at 22:00:18 EST

Subject: Re: DRP &amp; RPL
You could look at ASN (Advanced shipment notice) or planned inventory transactio
ns by order (whinp1501m000). Should be easy to write an sql from the table if th
e info is needed by warehouse.

: : Only need to identify ship to and ship from warehouses. Steps linked to orde
r type.
: ~~~~~~~~
: Hi Flip,
: Do you mean that we cannot identify Transit Warehouse (e.g: truck) in Baan V?
: Then how do we know the inventory which is on the way (not yet received in des
tination warehouse).
: Thanks.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Flip posted Message 5560 in Message Board
Dated : March 21, 2002 at 22:09:47 EST
Subject: Re: Receipt Date on PO
: : We are on Baan5.b
: : On a PO, the system calculates the planned delivery date, which is the date
we need the product at our warehouse. SO, the printed PO shows this date
: : What we really need on the PO, is the date that the goods should leave our s
upplier's warehouse, so they know when to ship this. On a sales order, there is
a planned delivery and planned receipt date (which uses the distance by zip code
table to calculate delivery & receipt date). I do not see this on a PO. How can
we handle this?
: Not sure about Ver 5 but in IVc we use a safety time from supplier. That way i
t backs up the required delivery date by the safety time. Tricking the system, b
ut it gives a date that will work to get the goods delivered when you need them.
: Chers,
: Paul
Item supplier info could be used. Fields - Safety time and supply time. By defau
lt on Baan I think the delivery time should be calculated by the supplier and yo
u should only supply the delivery date.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Gunnar posted Message 5561 in Message Board
Dated : March 21, 2002 at 23:11:15 EST
Subject: Purchase order exchange rate update

We are
e rate
now an

on Baan IV C4. We have a lot of long term pos in foreign currency. Exchang
is updated in exchange rate table. Problem is that exchange rate is not u
for open po lines causing unnecessary exchange profit or loss. Part of pu
is posted as exchange profit/loss instead of purchase cost. Does anyone k
easy way to go round problem?

***************** End Of Article ******************

BaaN Veteran posted Message 5562 in Message Board
Dated : March 24, 2002 at 04:55:36 EST
Subject: Job Seeker
I am looking for a BaaN job opportunity in distribution and manufacturing. I ha
ve over six years of implementation experience in BaaN logistics. If interested
kindly contact me via e-mail at
***************** End Of Article ******************
Armin Oberschmid posted Message 5563 in Message Board
Dated : March 26, 2002 at 01:39:09 EST
Subject: Re: Purchase order exchange rate update
Hi, Gunnar.
I'm not shure if I have understood your problem correctly. But might be this sug
gestion helps:
In the header of your PO you have a field where you define, which date for curre
ncy exchange rate shoud be taken. Look for field help at this field.
good luck,
***************** End Of Article ******************
Dick posted Message 5564 in Message Board
Dated : March 27, 2002 at 17:26:33 EST
Subject: Re: One Sales Order with several Term of Payment
: : :
: : :
: : :
rm of

Hi all,
is it possible to have an SO with several Term of Payment?
I need it because we create an SO with several items which have several Te

: : : Thanks.
: : You can have diffrent date of delivery of every position in
: SO
-------Hi Monika,
But still it doesn't affect the Term-Of-Payment. We still have 1 TOP for that pa
rticular SO. I need to sell items with their own TOP (in 1 SO). Every item has a


***************** End Of Article ******************

Murali posted Message 5565 in Message Board
Dated : March 31, 2002 at 19:52:58 EST
Subject: Re: Series and First Free Numbers for Replenishments Orders
This problem is taken care of in c4 environment.You could ask for the relevant p
atch from support centre.

: Working in Baan 4c3. Upon initial set up our replenishments orders series as
defined in the parameters was 'no series'. We now have the requirement to have
a one digit series to be able to differentiate between certain types of replenis
hment orders. How do I execute this change?
: In our test environment, I have changed the parameter to 'one digit' and then
inserted first free numbers for each series and then attempted to insert new ord
ers with each of the new one digit series, but unsucessfully.
: Thank you in advance for your responses.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Carol Schmidt posted Message 5566 in Message Board
Dated : April 01, 2002 at 04:36:20 EST
Subject: Copying Sales Orders and Relations
When copying an existing sales order to a new sales order through the session td
sls4201s000, default relations (tdcms0140s000) are copied. However, if on the o
riginal sales order, additional relations exist, these are not copied.
Is the standard functionality? If so, please explain.
Carol Schmidt
Egan Visual Inc.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Carol Schmidt posted Message 5567 in Message Board
Dated : April 02, 2002 at 03:58:27 EST
Subject: Relations by Sales Order

We have set-up default relations by customer (tdcms0119m000)to pay representativ

e commissions. We also have created relations to pay commission directly to sal
espeople only under specific criteria and these have not been set up as default
relations because of the sparatic occurrances.
What I would like to be able to acheive is when there is a sales order in which
the salesperson is to be paid commission, the other default commission calculati
on (representatives) is based not on the amount on the sales order but on the am
ount of the sales order minus the commissioned amount to the salesperson.
Can this be accomplished through parameter settings?
Although we are not using Rebates, could it be accomplished through this module?
Other alternatives?
Your response is appreciated.
Carol Schmidt
***************** End Of Article ******************
Luis Cabrales posted Message 5568 in Message Board
Dated : April 02, 2002 at 08:34:23 EST
Subject: Cancel backorders of purchase
Hi, anyboby know in which sesion i can cancel the backorders of purchase in BaaN
5C ???
Thanks in advanced
***************** End Of Article ******************
Luis Cabrales posted Message 5569 in Message Board
Dated : April 02, 2002 at 12:44:33 EST
Subject: Re: Commissions/Rebates
The commissions are paid for sales agents of your company, and the rebates are a
gregements that you can establish with the customers, this are according a certa
in sales volumen and certain items and periods of time, when you calculate a reb
ates if you have establish link whit finance, you can calculate and print a reba
tes invoice, and you can discount this like a credit note....
Its very easy configure this two module, because its the same logical, the diffe
rence is commision are for an employe and the rebate are a discount for your cus
I hope this this little explanation can help you
If you understand Spanish maybe it will be easier for me
: According to BaaN logic, what are the differences between commissions and reba
: I understand that commissions are paid to suppliers and the rebates are paid t

o customers...but are there other differences? For example: can rebates invoice
s be applied as a credit note to the customer's open entries where as commission
s obviously cannot.
: Any suggestions on where to find documentation on the differences other than k
: Thank you in advance to your prompt response to this somewhat evasive question
: Regards,

***************** End Of Article ******************

Flip posted Message 5570 in Message Board
Dated : April 02, 2002 at 22:17:28 EST
Subject: Re: Cancel backorders of purchase
: Hi, anyboby know in which sesion i can cancel the backorders of purchase in Ba
aN 5C ???
: Thanks in advanced

Purchase order receipts. Change to 0
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Mani posted Message 5571 in Message Board
Dated : April 03, 2002 at 21:41:35 EST
Subject: Conversion Factor at the General Level
In the Maintain Conversion Factors Session, We are trying to include a new unit
LB(pounds) with Base unit KG but we are getting this message "Define conversion
factor on general level". Where do we do this?
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Flip posted Message 5572 in Message Board
Dated : April 03, 2002 at 21:49:14 EST
Subject: Re: Conversion Factor at the General Level
: In the Maintain Conversion Factors Session, We are trying to include a new uni
t LB(pounds) with Base unit KG but we are getting this message "Define conversio
n factor on general level". Where do we do this?
Both have a physical quantity of weight. This means it can not be item specific.

Setup should not include item or item group. Only specify base unit and linked

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Gunad posted Message 5573 in Message Board
Dated : April 03, 2002 at 22:45:29 EST
Subject: Calculating Inventory Valuation for Lot Item
I get no result when "Perform Inventory Valuation by Item" for Lot items. There
is only a message "No data found,..."
Please somebody help me...
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Flip posted Message 5574 in Message Board
Dated : April 04, 2002 at 00:18:58 EST
Subject: Re: Calculating Inventory Valuation for Lot Item
: Hi,
: I get no result when "Perform Inventory Valuation by Item" for Lot items. Ther
e is only a message "No data found,..."
: Please somebody help me...
: Thanks.
What is your valuation method and Baan version?
In 4 "Perform Inventory Valuation by Item" is done on std cost price and not on
Lot Price. Inspect valuation method in item master.
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Santi posted Message 5575 in Message Board
Dated : April 04, 2002 at 02:00:58 EST
Subject: Copy price books
I have many price books with a lot of item lines, and I want to copy this price
Anybody knows a session for copy price books.
Thank you very much,
***************** End Of Article ******************

Flip posted Message 5576 in Message Board

Dated : April 04, 2002 at 04:09:15 EST
Subject: Re: Copy price books
: Hi,
: I have many price books with a lot of item lines, and I want to copy this pric
e books.
: Anybody knows a session for copy price books.
: Thank you very much,


Group Duplicate
In Price Books go to Group. Select Duplicate. Select first record then last reco
***************** End Of Article ******************
Murali posted Message 5577 in Message Board
Dated : April 05, 2002 at 20:19:40 EST
Subject: Re: Calculating Inventory Valuation for Lot Item
I think you can use the session ' Print Inventory valuation by lot item(session'
Let me know.

: Hi,
: I get no result when "Perform Inventory Valuation by Item" for Lot items. Ther
e is only a message "No data found,..."
: Please somebody help me...
: Thanks.

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Jayant Keskar posted Message 5578 in Message Board
Dated : April 10, 2002 at 00:40:57 EST
Subject: Baan Supply Chain Solution
Have any of you used the BaaN Supply Chain Solution? I would be interested in an

y feedback.
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Mark posted Message 5579 in Message Board
Dated : April 11, 2002 at 01:04:05 EST
Subject: Purchase Requisitions
We are using Baan IVc4 and are looking to use Purchase Requistions. Would anyone
have any documentation on this, particularly in relation to the set up stage th
at they would be willing to share.
I have been unable to get anything substantiave from Baan.
Thanking you in advance.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Ali posted Message 5580 in Message Board
Dated : April 11, 2002 at 11:14:18 EST
Subject: EDI Outbound for External Suppliers
The internal generation of an 850 PO requires us to use the "otdpurdll4280". It
checks specifically for the affiliated flag and company values on the tccom020
Is there a different dll required for external generation? If so, what is it?
Thanks much!

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Puneet Bansal posted Message 5581 in Message Board
Dated : April 12, 2002 at 06:55:12 EST
Subject: Re: Purchase Requisitions
: We are using Baan IVc4 and are looking to use Purchase Requistions. Would anyo
ne have any documentation on this, particularly in relation to the set up stage
that they would be willing to share.
: I have been unable to get anything substantiave from Baan.
: Thanking you in advance.
: Mark.
Hi Mark,
We have just implemented the Purchase Requisition Module. I will be happy if i c
an help you.

***************** End Of Article ******************
saji posted Message 5582 in Message Board
Dated : April 13, 2002 at 02:26:23 EST
Subject: Re: Job Seeker
: I am looking for a BaaN job opportunity in distribution and manufacturing. I
have over six years of implementation experience in BaaN logistics. If interest
ed kindly contact me via e-mail at
: Thanks
hi fiend
there is a solution for you
u will defenitly get solution there

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Arsh posted Message 5583 in Message Board
Dated : April 13, 2002 at 07:07:24 EST
Subject: Sales Integration
Previously when we run this session "Post Integration Transactions To Finan
ce Transactions" Basic Value entered in session "Change Price & Discount After M
aintain Deliveries" goes to one Ledger Account say "A" and Excise Amount used to
go in another Ledger Account say "B" and Sales Tax amount used to go in another
Ledger Account say "C" . But what happened now is that the total amount of Sale
s Invoice went to one Ledger Account "A" (including B&C).
Excise Amount should have one in "B" and Sales Tax in "C". What can be the probl
em. We are using Baan4c4 & Indian Localization
***************** End Of Article ******************
Krishna posted Message 5584 in Message Board
Dated : April 16, 2002 at 11:45:11 EST
Subject: EDI-856
Iam writing a 856-PreGen for one of our customer. I need some guidelines on how
to go about Can anyone help me ???
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Chandra posted Message 5585 in Message Board

Dated : April 16, 2002 at 20:50:09 EST
Subject: Re: EDI Outbound for External Suppliers
There is no different DLL PO EDI message for external EDI. The same DLL 'tdpurdl
l4280' is used for external EDI except that there will be change in EDI set up.
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Lynxee posted Message 5586 in Message Board
Dated : April 17, 2002 at 23:08:56 EST
Subject: Procedure to exclude obsolete item in cycle count report.
I seek for help:
How am i want to exclude the obsolete item from appearing inside Cycle count rep
ort. I have use signal code block for obsolete item. It will block all trancti
However when printing cycle count, Item still shown. Is there any other way for
obsolete item not shown under report.
Regards and thanks.
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Darren Phillips posted Message 5587 in Message Board
Dated : April 18, 2002 at 04:13:33 EST
Subject: Re: Procedure to exclude obsolete item in cycle count report.
Remove the item in the warehouse you are cycle counting using maintain items by
warehouse tdinv0101m00. This only works if there is no stock of the item in that
warehouse and there are problems removing the records using this session if arc
hiving of inventory transactions has been done because of history inventory bala
nce field.
If you generate a cycle count for a warehouse it uses the records controlled by
this session to determine which items to cycle count.

: Hello:
: I seek for help:
: How am i want to exclude the obsolete item from appearing inside Cycle count r
eport. I have use signal code block for obsolete item. It will block all tranc
: However when printing cycle count, Item still shown. Is there any other way f
or obsolete item not shown under report.

: Regards and thanks.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Lynxee posted Message 5588 in Message Board
Dated : April 18, 2002 at 18:55:12 EST
Subject: Re: Procedure to exclude obsolete item in cycle count report.
Thank you very much you give me the idea and not only this session affected but
also another session from tdilc0130m000-item attached to the warehouse/location.
Thanks for your prompt reply.
: Remove the item in the warehouse you are cycle counting using maintain items b
y warehouse tdinv0101m00. This only works if there is no stock of the item in th
at warehouse and there are problems removing the records using this session if a
rchiving of inventory transactions has been done because of history inventory ba
lance field.
: If you generate a cycle count for a warehouse it uses the records controlled b
y this session to determine which items to cycle count.
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vaishali posted Message 5589 in Message Board
Dated : April 18, 2002 at 21:42:15 EST
Subject: Discount after sales tax
Dear Friends,
now our govt .has imposed entry tax on stock transfer is it possible ot calculat
e discount after sales tax.If any one has found any work around pl.tell me
Before Entry Tax
Basic price- of 22E
ED @ 16% on basic price

Less: Discount
Add: TNGST 20%
Invoice Amount


After Entry Tax






Less: Discount
Invoice Amount


Thanks & Regards,

***************** End Of Article ******************
mikel posted Message 5590 in Message Board
Dated : April 22, 2002 at 23:26:27 EST
Subject: What can I do when I deliver to a customer and I invoice to another cus
Excuse me for my English,
Sometimes we have to work with a customer, delivering goods and printing deliver
notes (after you deliver a good you cant change the customer). However, after pl
annig with this customer, you can invoice to another customer (invoicing to the
second customer instead of the first one)that works for the first customer for e
xample in a forfait operation.
How could I change the customer without using tables?
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Puneet posted Message 5591 in Message Board
Dated : April 23, 2002 at 08:29:53 EST
Subject: Re: Sales Integration
: Hai
Previously when we run this session "Post Integration Transactions To Fin
ance Transactions" Basic Value entered in session "Change Price & Discount After
Maintain Deliveries" goes to one Ledger Account say "A" and Excise Amount used
to go in another Ledger Account say "B" and Sales Tax amount used to go in anoth
er Ledger Account say "C" . But what happened now is that the total amount of Sa
les Invoice went to one Ledger Account "A" (including B&C).
: Excise Amount should have one in "B" and Sales Tax in "C". What can be the pro
blem. We are using Baan4c4 & Indian Localization
: Regards
: Arsh
the ind parameters that are set for the Cenvat Payable may have the same account
code as is there in the integration. Also for Sales tax you can check up the ac
count code maintained for the state and sale tax code.
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Puneet Bansal posted Message 5592 in Message Board
Dated : April 23, 2002 at 08:40:09 EST
Subject: Sales Return Order

We are using the BaaN IV c4 and localisation version of is5.
We are maintaing the sales order and perform the invoicing against the sales ord
er. But when we maintain sales order having Order type with return order as "YES
", the system while maintaining the localised data for sales order lines gives t
he error message as " Line Amount Not allowed".
Can anyone suggests why is it so? Please help as this is very urgent.
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Attention posted Message 5593 in Message Board
Dated : April 24, 2002 at 00:33:36 EST
Subject: Processed Receipts doesnot appear in Maintain Receipt
envoirement : c4/in5
I have maintained a Purchase order for Two Items , for One Line Inspection = Yes
, for another Line Inspection = No ,
Purchase Order Steps


Print PO
Maintain Receipt
Maintain Cenvat Receipt
Maintain Approval
Now After Maintaining Receipt for both Items
the status of Receipt Line for first Item is "p" ( Processed ) , since No Inspec
tion is required & for another Item ( for which Inspection is requried) , status
is " I" ( Inspection)
Up to this point everthing is OK & Acceptable , Now
As soon as I exit from tdpur4120m000 ( Maintain Receipt) , & again execute the s
ame session
the Receipt Line for first item status "P" (i.e for Non Inspectable Item), is n
ot appeared in tdpur4120m000 , While the data is available in table tdpur045 & a
lso showing records in Display Receipts.
While for another another Line ( i.e for inspectable Item ) , Line appear in tdp
ur4120m00 even after approval of material ( i.e even after status becomes "A" )
Therefore in tdpur4120m000 , all receipts Lines which appears has status either
"I" or "A" ,
So my Problem is :
why all the receipts line with Status "P" doesnot appear in "tdpur4120m000" ? ?
Std Feature or what ?

Thanx in advance
***************** End Of Article ******************
Attention posted Message 5594 in Message Board
Dated : April 24, 2002 at 01:24:30 EST
Subject: Re: Purchase Requisitions
IS IT ADDITIONAL TO BaaN IV C4 Std Module for Purchase ( i.e Purchase Control )
Is it related to Indents raised within the company to Purchase Items ?
Thans in Adv./

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vaishali posted Message 5595 in Message Board
Dated : April 25, 2002 at 02:40:41 EST
Subject: Stock transfer
Govt.has change the tax laws and now we have to pay 20% tax on stock transfer bu
t when we sell the same good we sell it with discount so it is loss to our compa
ny as we can take any any set off for the extra amount.
B.P- 6100
ed- 976
dis 1000
st 1215
-----But while stock transfer we have paid 1415 how to take set of for this 200 rs.So
it is loss to over company.
If any one can fine work around pl.inform me
Thanks in advance,
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Sergio R. Pimentel posted Message 5596 in Message Board
Dated : April 25, 2002 at 16:43:16 EST
Subject: Re: BAAN Distribution module consultant -Singapore

ns estamos procurando o consultante funcional da distribuio de BAAN:
com Ba
an dirige a experincia.
responda a Assim, que vo
c quer saber?
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sushma posted Message 5597 in Message Board
Dated : April 26, 2002 at 06:25:31 EST
Subject: Costing
We are manufaturing a item say X and we also import the same item X. Both have p
rice with significant difference. We want to maintain it with one code. But the
Qty we receive will be in one warehouse for Manufactured and imported in another
warehouse. Does the System provides any way to get the cost of the material war
ehouse wise.i.e. Manufactured goods are valued at maufatured price and Imported
goods at other price.
Since as per my knowledge, system will value each and every inventory on std. pr
ice.We can in no case maintain the price warehouse wise.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Flip posted Message 5598 in Message Board
Dated : April 28, 2002 at 22:42:07 EST
Subject: Re: Costing
: HI,
: We are manufaturing a item say X and we also import the same item X. Both have
price with significant difference. We want to maintain it with one code. But th
e Qty we receive will be in one warehouse for Manufactured and imported in anoth
er warehouse. Does the System provides any way to get the cost of the material w
arehouse wise.i.e. Manufactured goods are valued at maufatured price and Importe
d goods at other price.
: Since as per my knowledge, system will value each and every inventory on std.
price.We can in no case maintain the price warehouse wise.
: Otherwise
: Thanks
: Puneet
You could use lot pricing. (I suppose you are on IV?)
***************** End Of Article ******************
jp posted Message 5599 in Message Board

Dated : May 02, 2002 at 00:04:07 EST

Subject: Generation of purchase order from sales order
For sales order of type:Direct delivery,Purchase order can be generated through
subsession -Generate planned purcahse order for sales order (tdsls4240s000).
In this subsession ,Purchase order can be generated at a time, only for one sale
s order .
Purchase order cannot be generated for a range of sales order.
Kindly suggest how purchase orders can be generated for a range of sales orders.
Which are the sessions to be used for that?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Darren posted Message 5600 in Message Board
Dated : May 02, 2002 at 05:40:08 EST
Subject: Re: Generation of purchase order from sales order
tdsls4240m000 generate planned purchase orders for sales order
: For sales order of type:Direct delivery,Purchase order can be generated throug
h subsession -Generate planned purcahse order for sales order (tdsls4240s000).
: In this subsession ,Purchase order can be generated at a time, only for one sa
les order .
: Purchase order cannot be generated for a range of sales order.
: Kindly suggest how purchase orders can be generated for a range of sales order
s.Which are the sessions to be used for that?

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Bob Valentine posted Message 5601 in Message Board
Dated : May 06, 2002 at 03:56:59 EST
Subject: Order Types
In Baan 5b, what is the difference between COST & COLLECT Sales Order Types?
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Luis Cabrales posted Message 5602 in Message Board
Dated : May 06, 2002 at 14:55:39 EST
Subject: Re: Order Types
: In Baan 5b, what is the difference between COST & COLLECT Sales Order Types?
In the collect order, when you finish to input the data of the SO BaaN inmediatl
y procces the order and delivery the items.
In the cost orders you only can input items defined like kind cost.
I hope can help you


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Luis Cabrales posted Message 5603 in Message Board
Dated : May 06, 2002 at 15:10:15 EST
Subject: Re: Order Types
Collect orders, when you finished to input the data of the SO, all items will be
delivery automatically by BaaN
In cost orders, you only can insert items kind cost
: In Baan 5b, what is the difference between COST & COLLECT Sales Order Types?

***************** End Of Article ******************

Baan User posted Message 5604 in Message Board
Dated : May 07, 2002 at 13:21:03 EST
Subject: ECO Process
Has someone faced a situation where after there is an Engineering /Revision Chan
ge, can Sales Order that currently use older revision Items are automatically ch
In out business scenario, we have to manually go to each Sales Order to correct
the Item?.

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cgunadi posted Message 5605 in Message Board
Dated : May 07, 2002 at 22:54:40 EST
Subject: proforma invoices
Could someone explain the sales procedure/order type and what need to be set up
to enable proforma invoice printing?
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Collins posted Message 5606 in Message Board

Dated : May 08, 2002 at 16:45:07 EST
Subject: How to deal with ruturn goods from customers
My company is using BaaN IV. Can anybody tell me how to deal with ruturn goods f
rom customers, and what procedures shall we take in BaaN?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Flip posted Message 5607 in Message Board
Dated : May 08, 2002 at 22:38:19 EST
Subject: Re: How to deal with ruturn goods from customers
: My company is using BaaN IV. Can anybody tell me how to deal with ruturn goods
from customers, and what procedures shall we take in BaaN?
: Thanks
: Collins
Create a return order type and create a return order to receive the items back i
nto stock. Put stock in a non nettable warehouse if the stock has to be inspecte
d and should not be visible for planning.
You could enter a negative line on the original order if you would like the link
between the original order and the return order.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Stephen Clarke posted Message 5608 in Message Board
Dated : May 09, 2002 at 11:18:03 EST
Subject: Intra Company Transfers
We are having an issue when transferring inventory from one logistic company to
another logistic company within the same financial company.
Our main objective is to transfer this inventory from one of these logistic comp
anies to the other without any finacial impact other than decreasing the invento
ry in the primary company and increasing the inventory in the secondary company.
The inventroy value should transfer to the other logistic company withount any
one incurring any costs or revenue.
Is there anyone out there who can help me on this?
Thanks in advance,
***************** End Of Article ******************
Norma Pottenger posted Message 5609 in Message Board
Dated : May 10, 2002 at 17:40:09 EST
Subject: Re: Past due purchase orders
Aol Shop Direct purchase
order no. 145258186
There was a return on Item #14307 What is the status on this order? Batch: 23
17016 dated 4/02/2002

***************** End Of Article ******************

Bob Valentine posted Message 5610 in Message Board
Dated : May 13, 2002 at 05:14:30 EST
Subject: Re: Order Types
: : In Baan 5b, what is the difference between COST & COLLECT Sales Order Types?
: In the collect order, when you finish to input the data of the SO BaaN inmedia
tly procces the order and delivery the items.
: In the cost orders you only can input items defined like kind cost.
: I hope can help you
: bye
Yes, Thank you
***************** End Of Article ******************
Attention posted Message 5611 in Message Board
Dated : May 13, 2002 at 06:56:36 EST
Subject: Line discount is not reflected in ASV in tdind0271s000
Since we have recently migrated from b2/in7 to c4 /in5, therefore the procedure
for Order generation from MRP order has been slightly changed.
Now after transferring Order to Purchase Module we have to run one another sessi
on " generate localization details for
Purchase Order ( tdpurl201m005) to generate localization details for Purchase
Order Header & Lines . This is working fine .
The Problems comes when after generating Localization details for Purchase
Order , we want to include Line Discount for a particular line in Purchase
Order .
In our earlier version as soon as the line discount is entered manually in
tdind0271s000 ( Localization data for detail Lines ) , the effect for same is
reflected in ASV of Item.(ASV value is decreased by entered discount)
But now in c4/in5 this functionality doesnot work & ASV of an Item in
tdind0271s000 remains same as before entering LINE discount.
Please Note that this functionality is working correct for Manual Purchase
Order & also note that we have not maintained any ASV list for Purchase

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Chris Kiehl posted Message 5612 in Message Board

Dated : May 13, 2002 at 11:58:48 EST

Subject: Delivery Advice Shortage / Phantom Item
We would like to start using Phantom items in sales orders. When a sales order i
s placed for certain Manufactured items, we want to issue the components rather
than the assembled item itself.
However, I notice that when one of the components is not available (zero stock)
that neither the Manufactured Item nor the component item show up when running s
ession tdsls4414m000 Print Delivery Advice (Report Type Shortage).
Does anyone know why this report would omit Phantom Items or Phantom Item compon
Is there a parameter setting I can change to make these appear?
Any advice would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance,

***************** End Of Article ******************

Chris Kiehl posted Message 5613 in Message Board
Dated : May 13, 2002 at 11:59:32 EST
Subject: Delivery Advice Shortage / Phantom Item
We would like to start using Phantom items in sales orders. When a sales order i
s placed for certain Manufactured items, we want to issue the components rather
than the assembled item itself.
However, I notice that when one of the components is not available (zero stock)
that neither the Manufactured Item nor the component item show up when running s
ession tdsls4414m000 Print Delivery Advice (Report Type Shortage).
Does anyone know why this report would omit Phantom Items or Phantom Item compon
Is there a parameter setting I can change to make these appear?
We are on version 4C4.
Any advice would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance,

***************** End Of Article ******************

Puneet Bansal posted Message 5614 in Message Board

Dated : May 14, 2002 at 07:36:05 EST
Subject: Re: Line discount is not reflected in ASV in tdind0271s000
: Since we have recently migrated from b2/in7 to c4 /in5, therefore the procedur
: for Order generation from MRP order has been slightly changed.
: Now after transferring Order to Purchase Module we have to run one another ses
sion " generate localization details for
: Purchase Order ( tdpurl201m005) to generate localization details for Purchase
: Order Header & Lines . This is working fine .
: The Problems comes when after generating Localization details for Purchase
: Order , we want to include Line Discount for a particular line in Purchase
: Order .
: In our earlier version as soon as the line discount is entered manually in
: tdind0271s000 ( Localization data for detail Lines ) , the effect for same is
: reflected in ASV of Item.(ASV value is decreased by entered discount)
: But now in c4/in5 this functionality doesnot work & ASV of an Item in
: tdind0271s000 remains same as before entering LINE discount.
: Please Note that this functionality is working correct for Manual Purchase
: Order & also note that we have not maintained any ASV list for Purchase
: (tdind0153m000)
Dear Sandeep,
You might have maintained the ASV value in tiitml101m000 Maintain Extension to I

***************** End Of Article ******************

Henne posted Message 5615 in Message Board
Dated : May 15, 2002 at 06:40:42 EST
Subject: Tracking
Does anyone know how it is possible to generate a e-mail message to customers as
soon as their order left the warehouse?
***************** End Of Article ******************
G posted Message 5616 in Message Board
Dated : May 15, 2002 at 09:03:33 EST
Subject: Re: Tracking
: Does anyone know how it is possible to generate a e-mail message to customers
as soon as their order left the warehouse?
You could get someone to write one! :-) But to be serious, WHEN do you concider
the order to have left the warehouse?
When all Sales Order lines are issued?

When packing slips are printed?

When the items are loaded on the truck?
How do you handle partial deliveries on a sales order?
How do you handle partial deliveries on a sales order line?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Marc posted Message 5617 in Message Board
Dated : May 15, 2002 at 11:24:53 EST
Subject: Re: Tracking
Once you've defined the triggermoment, with Croko Reporter you can send an email
, automatically to your customer.
Croko Reporter is an easy to use Report generator, which uses Crystal developer
to design the reports, but will be at least 5 times cheaper then any other repor
ting software!
If you want to have some more info just email me
***************** End Of Article ******************
Olav posted Message 5618 in Message Board
Dated : May 15, 2002 at 23:40:41 EST
Subject: Re: Tracking
Hey, hey, I can tell by you E-mail adress that you've been working in Brattvg som
e years ago, correct..??!!!

***************** End Of Article ******************

ralf wingert posted Message 5619 in Message Board
Dated : May 16, 2002 at 04:20:46 EST
Subject: selling phantom items
hello baanusers,
we have a problem in selling phantom items. This items have the following BOM :
Item A (phantom)
Item B (non-phantom)
Item C (non-phantom)
If we sell item A in &#8220;Maintain Sales Order Lines&#8220; (tdsls4105s000) Ba
an saves item C in the table tdsls047. In my opinion item B must be the right on
The parameter tdsls000.nbol is set to 99.
We are on Baan IVc4, Service Pack 5.
Hope someone could help.

***************** End Of Article ******************

G posted Message 5620 in Message Board
Dated : May 16, 2002 at 04:30:47 EST
Subject: Alternative to Inventory Transfers
We re about to do a major change in our warehouses. Several 1000 s of items will be
moved from the existing WH to new ones. Because we ve used so many of the availabl
e 99.999 order numbers in Inventory Transactions, and haven t started archiving ye
t, we are looking for an alternative method to move these items.
Anybody got a proposal? We re on BaaN 4c4.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Marc posted Message 5621 in Message Board
Dated : May 16, 2002 at 05:21:14 EST
Subject: Re: Tracking
That is correct Olav,
Is your company still into Baan?
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Olav posted Message 5622 in Message Board
Dated : May 16, 2002 at 09:31:47 EST
Subject: Re: Tracking
Yeah, still on IVc4-sp6, next projects will be archiving and then I guess BaaN V
May the force be with us...!!!
***************** End Of Article ******************
Flip posted Message 5623 in Message Board
Dated : May 16, 2002 at 22:48:30 EST
Subject: Re: Alternative to Inventory Transfers
: We re about to do a major change in our warehouses. Several 1000 s of items will b
e moved from the existing WH to new ones. Because we ve used so many of the availa
ble 99.999 order numbers in Inventory Transactions, and haven t started archiving
yet, we are looking for an alternative method to move these items.
: Anybody got a proposal? We re on BaaN 4c4.
You could do a cycle count on the warehouses.
Allso there is a timestamp on the numbers generated so you could use the same nu
mbers if you are out of numbers. eg 109999999 could go back to 100000001.
***************** End Of Article ******************

Flip posted Message 5624 in Message Board

Dated : May 16, 2002 at 23:02:40 EST
Subject: Re: selling phantom items
: hello baanusers,
: we have a problem in selling phantom items. This items have the following BOM
: Item A (phantom)
: Item B (non-phantom)
: Item C (non-phantom)
: If we sell item A in Maintain Sales Order Lines (tdsls4105s000) Baan saves item
C in the table tdsls047. In my opinion item B must be the right one.
: The parameter tdsls000.nbol is set to 99.
: We are on Baan IVc4, Service Pack 5.
: Hope someone could help.
: Ralf
Try setting .nbol to 1. That should copy one level of the BOM.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Attention posted Message 5625 in Message Board
Dated : May 17, 2002 at 00:21:22 EST
Subject: Re: Alternative to Inventory Transfers
You can also use RPL orders to transfer inventory from one Warehouse to another

: : We re about to do a major change in our warehouses. Several 1000 s of items will

be moved from the existing WH to new ones. Because we ve used so many of the avai
lable 99.999 order numbers in Inventory Transactions, and haven t started archivin
g yet, we are looking for an alternative method to move these items.
: : Anybody got a proposal? We re on BaaN 4c4.
: ===========================================================
: You could do a cycle count on the warehouses.
: Allso there is a timestamp on the numbers generated so you could use the same
numbers if you are out of numbers. eg 109999999 could go back to 100000001.

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Ritu posted Message 5626 in Message Board

Dated : May 17, 2002 at 21:29:37 EST

Subject: changing the inventory unit of an item
An item was maintained with its Inventory Unit as gram.
A few inventory transactions have also been performed on this item with its
inventory unit as gram.
Now we want to change the inventory unit of this item from gram to
mili-litre.But the system is not allowing us to do so.
Please provide a solution for updating the inventory unit of this item.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Jayant Keskar posted Message 5627 in Message Board
Dated : May 18, 2002 at 05:39:37 EST
Subject: Re: changing the inventory unit of an item
: An item was maintained with its Inventory Unit as gram.
: A few inventory transactions have also been performed on this item with its
: inventory unit as gram.
: Now we want to change the inventory unit of this item from gram to
: mili-litre.But the system is not allowing us to do so.
: Please provide a solution for updating the inventory unit of this item.
: Regards
: Ritu
Inventory unit of an item can not be changed after some transactions have been r
ecorded on it. This is because all inventory reports would show incorrect inform
***************** End Of Article ******************
darren posted Message 5628 in Message Board
Dated : May 18, 2002 at 06:30:53 EST
Subject: Re: changing the inventory unit of an item
If you archive inventory transactions then should be able to change the unit. Bu
t you can only archive upto a date not individual items. And the inventory trans
actions are used for forecasting and slow moving stock sessions. Unless you want
to do something as drastic as setting up the archiving then just create a new i

: : An item was maintained with its Inventory Unit as gram.

: : A few inventory transactions have also been performed on this item with its
: : inventory unit as gram.
: : Now we want to change the inventory unit of this item from gram to
: : mili-litre.But the system is not allowing us to do so.
: : Please provide a solution for updating the inventory unit of this item.
: : Regards
: : Ritu
: Hi
: Inventory unit of an item can not be changed after some transactions have been
recorded on it. This is because all inventory reports would show incorrect info
: Regards
: Jayant

***************** End Of Article ******************

Flip posted Message 5629 in Message Board
Dated : May 19, 2002 at 00:47:32 EST
Subject: Re: changing the inventory unit of an item
: An item was maintained with its Inventory Unit as gram.
: A few inventory transactions have also been performed on this item with its
: inventory unit as gram.
: Now we want to change the inventory unit of this item from gram to
: mili-litre.But the system is not allowing us to do so.
: Please provide a solution for updating the inventory unit of this item.
: Regards
: Ritu
Get rid of all stock of the item.
Change cumulative issue in item master to 0. (In Tables)
This will allowe you to change inv unit.
Compare advantage and disatvantage as history of the item will be incorrect.
Alternative would be to use conversion factors or new item.
***************** End Of Article ******************
David posted Message 5630 in Message Board
Dated : May 21, 2002 at 03:55:36 EST
Subject: Re: Alternative to Inventory Transfers
: You can also use RPL orders to transfer inventory from one Warehouse to anothe

: regards

: : : We re about to do a major change in our warehouses. Several 1000 s of items wi
ll be moved from the existing WH to new ones. Because we ve used so many of the av
ailable 99.999 order numbers in Inventory Transactions, and haven t started archiv
ing yet, we are looking for an alternative method to move these items.

: : Anybody got a proposal? We re on BaaN 4c4.

: ===========================================================
: You could do a cycle count on the warehouses.
: Allso there is a timestamp on the numbers generated so you could use the sam
numbers if you are out of numbers. eg 109999999 could go back to 100000001.

Another possibility is dumping the tables into a text file - search and replace
the old warehouse with the new warehouse and import them again. This is assuming
that the locations in the new warehouse are the same as the locations in the ol
d warehouse and that the same items will be in the same locations.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Carol Schmidt posted Message 5631 in Message Board
Dated : May 21, 2002 at 10:12:17 EST
Subject: Partial Delivery of Sales Order with Consolidated Invoice
I have the requirement to invoice a sales order only after the last of many part
ial shipments are completed. This requirement is based at the order level as I
know that this can be accomplished at the customer level. Deliveries will be ma
intained as each shipment is made however my desire is to refrain from invoicing
until the sales order is complete.
The contract module is not an option because approximately 50% of our sales uses
configured items which the contract module cannot handle.
One of my options would be to use an order type that contains a 'holding' step a
fter maintain deliveries and before invoicing.
Are there any other options out there for consideration?
Thanks in advance for your reply.
Carol Schmidt
***************** End Of Article ******************
ralf wingert posted Message 5632 in Message Board
Dated : May 21, 2002 at 22:23:36 EST
Subject: Re: selling phantom items
: : hello baanusers,

: : we have a problem in selling phantom items. This items have the following BO
M :
: : Item A (phantom)
: : Item B (non-phantom)
: : Item C (non-phantom)
: : If we sell item A in Maintain Sales Order Lines (tdsls4105s000) Baan saves ite
m C in the table tdsls047. In my opinion item B must be the right one.
: : The parameter tdsls000.nbol is set to 99.
: : We are on Baan IVc4, Service Pack 5.
: : Hope someone could help.
: : Ralf
: ==================================================
: Try setting .nbol to 1. That should copy one level of the BOM.
Hello Flip,
If I m setting .nbol to 1 I get another problem with phantom items like :
Item A (phantom)
Item B (phantom)
Item C (non-phantom)
Baan saves Item B in the table tdsls047 instead of Item C.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Numpty Hunter posted Message 5633 in Message Board
Dated : May 24, 2002 at 06:12:46 EST
Subject: Re: selling phantom items
: : : hello baanusers,
: : : we have a problem in selling phantom items. This items have the following
: : : Item A (phantom)
: : : Item B (non-phantom)
: : : Item C (non-phantom)
: : : If we sell item A in Maintain Sales Order Lines (tdsls4105s000) Baan saves i
tem C in the table tdsls047. In my opinion item B must be the right one.
: : : The parameter tdsls000.nbol is set to 99.
: : : We are on Baan IVc4, Service Pack 5.
: : : Hope someone could help.
: : : Ralf
: : ==================================================

: : Try setting .nbol to 1. That should copy one level of the BOM.
: Hello Flip,
: If I m setting .nbol to 1 I get another problem with phantom items like :
: Item A (phantom)
: Item B (phantom)
: Item C (non-phantom)
: Baan saves Item B in the table tdsls047 instead of Item C.
: Ralf
This functionality works in c4 sp 8
Bom Phantom BOM A comprises
Phantom BOM C comprises
Sales BOM with upto 99 levels exploded includes
As expected
***************** End Of Article ******************
Mikel posted Message 5634 in Message Board
Dated : May 24, 2002 at 08:11:44 EST
Subject: How could I cancel a sales order?
My problem is the this:
If you deliver somenthing and then they return it to you you must make a positiv
e transaction of stock. But in case you are not going to deliver more...How coul
d I cancel this sales order to avoid a possible invoice in error?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Pep posted Message 5635 in Message Board
Dated : May 27, 2002 at 01:09:08 EST
Subject: Could I control different quantities (tipcs510.oqan)?
When we execute a PRP, we create orders in tipcs510.
If the proyect has a cuantity of 1000 in tipcs510 we have an order of 1000 (with
a relation of 1 to 1 in the structure), but how could we create different order
s with different cuantities for these articles? f.e. 10 orders of 100, or 4 orde
rs of 250...

Thancks in advance
***************** End Of Article ******************
Karin posted Message 5636 in Message Board
Dated : May 30, 2002 at 00:16:27 EST
Subject: Re: How could I cancel a sales order?
: My problem is the this:
: If you deliver somenthing and then they return it to you you must make a posit
ive transaction of stock. But in case you are not going to deliver more...How co
uld I cancel this sales order to avoid a possible invoice in error?
You could create a negative sales order line. If you "deliver" this negative li
ne the stock increases and if you invoice both lines you get an invoice with amo
unt zero.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Marc posted Message 5637 in Message Board
Dated : June 02, 2002 at 08:29:09 EST
Subject: Re: Could I control different quantities (tipcs510.oqan)?
You have to fill in the field maximum order quantity and set that to 250 (so Baa
n will create 4 orders).
Good luck
***************** End Of Article ******************
Michael Mac Sweeney posted Message 5638 in Message Board
Dated : June 03, 2002 at 00:06:38 EST
Subject: Pls READ - Im having an arguement with Baan support and would really li
ke your opinions
Hi Everybody,
I am having an extended arguement with Baan support and would like to get some f
eeback/opinions on the case in hand.
It concens a flag 'use phantom inventory' in B5. It relates to a scenario where
a phantom item is a component on a BOM and where perhaps prebuilt stock might ex
ist than can be used.
If this flag is switched on then during SFC order release Baan calculates whethe
r or not there is sufficient on hand of the phantom item to fulfill the order re
If there is it seeks to use this. If not it explodes the phantom in to its compo
The case revolves around the decision to use or not use non-nettable warehouses.
My case is that is economic stock calculation considers non-nettable warehouses.

I disagree with this on basis that non-nettable stock should not be considered
available for production.
I also referred to the fact that a v typical use of non-nettable stock is for pu
rposes of quarantining defective or rejected material.
They claimed they never had heard it used for this purpose - I thought it was qu
ite common ?
I would really appreciate any input and comments.
Michael Mac Sweeney

***************** End Of Article ******************

Flip posted Message 5639 in Message Board
Dated : June 03, 2002 at 03:29:03 EST
Subject: Re: Could I control different quantities (tipcs510.oqan)?
: When we execute a PRP, we create orders in tipcs510.
: If the proyect has a cuantity of 1000 in tipcs510 we have an order of 1000 (wi
th a relation of 1 to 1 in the structure), but how could we create different ord
ers with different cuantities for these articles? f.e. 10 orders of 100, or 4 or
ders of 250...
: Thancks in advance
Enter planned orders manually and confirm
***************** End Of Article ******************
Munier B. Allison posted Message 5640 in Message Board
Dated : June 03, 2002 at 14:35:44 EST
Subject: Visioneer One Touch 8600 Scanner Purchased on 09/06/2001
The Visioneer manufacturer requested a proof of purchase in order to replace all
the missing parts of the above scanner. The order number is 138685765 dated 09/
Please send me a copy of the proof of purchase to my current address at P.O.Box
241632, Los Angeles, California 90024-9432.
Munier B.Allison
National Writers Association
***************** End Of Article ******************
Khalid Khan posted Message 5641 in Message Board
Dated : June 04, 2002 at 17:30:59 EST
Subject: Training for SAP APO, ABAP, FICO, SD training now available is now offering training for SAP APO, ABAP,FICO, BW and

SD in San Jose (CA), Houston (TX) and Miami (FL).
This is an intense hands-on training for configuration and testing. It also cove
rs preparations for interview and resume. Experienced consultants perform the tr
Khalid Khan
***************** End Of Article ******************
Mani posted Message 5642 in Message Board
Dated : June 04, 2002 at 18:00:16 EST
Subject: Notes on ILC &amp; Lot Implementation
Does anyone has documentation on the implementation of Discreet Manufacturing, L
ocation & Lot Control in BaaN C4? If you do can you send it to me. Thanks.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Mani posted Message 5643 in Message Board
Dated : June 04, 2002 at 18:44:26 EST
Subject: Locations by Item Group
Locations by Item Group
Is it possible to define Locations in each Warehouse by Item Groups in BaaN C4?

***************** End Of Article ******************

Riaz posted Message 5644 in Message Board
Dated : June 04, 2002 at 21:29:01 EST
Subject: Re: Locations by Item Group
: Locations by Item Group
: Is it possible to define Locations in each Warehouse by Item Groups in BaaN C4
It is not possible. Only items can be given locations.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Mani posted Message 5645 in Message Board
Dated : June 04, 2002 at 22:16:16 EST
Subject: Negative inventory found for item &quot;xxxxxx&quot; in warehouse A01
I am implementing ILC and I would like to change the negative inventory flag to
"NO" and I get this meassge:
Negative inventory found for item "xxxxxx" in warehouse A01

What does it mean & how do I solve it?

***************** End Of Article ******************
Mani posted Message 5646 in Message Board
Dated : June 04, 2002 at 22:16:32 EST
Subject: Negative inventory found for item &quot;xxxxxx&quot; in warehouse A01
I am implementing ILC in BaaN C4 and I would like to change the negative invent
ory flag to "NO" and I get this meassge:
Negative inventory found for item "xxxxxx" in warehouse A01
What does it mean & how do I solve it?
***************** End Of Article ******************
yang sany posted Message 5647 in Message Board
Dated : June 04, 2002 at 23:04:36 EST
Subject: how to calculate expected annual issue
Hi,I met a problem.To get ABC analysis.I run tdinv4230m000,but no result come in
to being.please tell me what data must be ready. Why does the forecast method h
ave no effect ? Thanks for your help.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Gunnar posted Message 5648 in Message Board
Dated : June 05, 2002 at 00:44:10 EST
Subject: Re: Pls READ - Im having an arguement with Baan support and would reall
y like your opinions
: Hi Everybody,
: I am having an extended arguement with Baan support and would like to get some
feeback/opinions on the case in hand.
: It concens a flag 'use phantom inventory' in B5. It relates to a scenario wher
e a phantom item is a component on a BOM and where perhaps prebuilt stock might
exist than can be used.
: If this flag is switched on then during SFC order release Baan calculates whet
her or not there is sufficient on hand of the phantom item to fulfill the order
: If there is it seeks to use this. If not it explodes the phantom in to its com
: The case revolves around the decision to use or not use non-nettable warehouse
: My case is that is economic stock calculation considers non-nettable warehouse
s. I disagree with this on basis that non-nettable stock should not be considere
d available for production.

: I also referred to the fact that a v typical use of non-nettable stock is for
purposes of quarantining defective or rejected material.
: They claimed they never had heard it used for this purpose - I thought it was
quite common ?
: I would really appreciate any input and comments.
: Rgds
: Michael Mac Sweeney
We have used a non-nettable warehouse in the past for rejected items. Items coul
d have been returned from customer for credit due to defect. We credited item an
d put item in non-nettable warehouse. We then sent defect product to supplier as
king for credit or free replacement.
I think we also used non-nettable warehouse for rejected components received fro
m supplier waiting for decision what to do with components.
In either case we do not want to include items in MRP etc.
I think your response from Baan support is what I call B(aan) logic. B logic is
when Baan defends a point of view that is totally against the logic expected by
the user. Sometimes the support person just states this is the way it works but
they can not defend or explain the logic behind it.
Good luck.
***************** End Of Article ******************
darren phillips posted Message 5649 in Message Board
Dated : June 05, 2002 at 06:27:14 EST
Subject: Re: Negative inventory found for item &quot;xxxxxx&quot; in warehouse A
: I am implementing ILC and I would like to change the negative inventory flag t
o "NO" and I get this meassge:
: Negative inventory found for item "xxxxxx" in warehouse A01
: What does it mean & how do I solve it?
This item has a negative inventory so must adjust the stock of this item so it i
s not negative before you can change negative inventory parameter

***************** End Of Article ******************

darren posted Message 5650 in Message Board
Dated : June 05, 2002 at 06:31:55 EST
Subject: Re: how to calculate expected annual issue

: Hi,I met a problem.To get ABC analysis.I run tdinv4230m000,but no result come
into being.please tell me what data must be ready. Why does the forecast method
have no effect ? Thanks for your help.
For ABC analysis you use session tdinv6210m000 and setup form2 on the IV param
eter session

***************** End Of Article ******************

Mani posted Message 5651 in Message Board
Dated : June 05, 2002 at 22:34:40 EST
Subject: Order Types in Location Control
I am just wondering in a location control enviroment, are the order steps diff
erent in Sales return? How about the Purchase order type & Purchase returns, do
we have to include the inbound steps?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Numpty posted Message 5652 in Message Board
Dated : June 06, 2002 at 00:38:35 EST
Subject: Re: Negative inventory found for item &quot;xxxxxx&quot; in warehouse A
: I am implementing ILC in BaaN C4 and I would like to change the negative inve
ntory flag to "NO" and I get this meassge:
: Negative inventory found for item "xxxxxx" in warehouse A01
: What does it mean & how do I solve it?
It means you have negative inventory for the item in question in the warehous A0
1... All negative inventory records must be cleared before you can switch the pa
rameter... This can be done in a couple of ways... Inv Adj or cycle count to co
rrect them
***************** End Of Article ******************
Mags posted Message 5653 in Message Board
Dated : June 06, 2002 at 03:11:48 EST
Subject: Baan Supply chain module
I am interested in finding out about the Baan Supply Chain module. We currently
run Baan IVC4. Could someone point me in the rught direction please.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Darren Phillips posted Message 5654 in Message Board
Dated : June 06, 2002 at 09:04:06 EST
Subject: Re: Baan Supply chain module
: I am interested in finding out about the Baan Supply Chain module. We currentl
y run Baan IVC4. Could someone point me in the rught direction please.

We use SCH1 with 4cIV it has purchase schedules and sales schedules linked to pu
rchase and sales contracts. More EDI options, purchase requisition module and se
lf billing for finance. If you want to know anything specific just ask.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Robin posted Message 5655 in Message Board
Dated : June 06, 2002 at 11:32:34 EST
Subject: Return Goods Authorization
Is there a module in Baan to handle RGA's without creating a sales order type re
turn. I do not want to clutter up the sales order session with a bunch of open r
eturn orders until the actual merchandise is returned as many times you give rga
's to customers that never return the items. We are on BaaN ERP 5.0
***************** End Of Article ******************
James Sampson posted Message 5656 in Message Board
Dated : June 06, 2002 at 11:56:33 EST
Subject: Lot control for use in free trade zone
Does anyone know if you can use both location control and lot control at the sam
e time. We are implementing a Free Trade Zone and there's a small number of ite
ms that we wish to control by lot, but we are currently using location control f
or everything.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Darren phillips posted Message 5657 in Message Board
Dated : June 06, 2002 at 14:22:42 EST
Subject: Re: Lot control for use in free trade zone
: Does anyone know if you can use both location control and lot control at the s
ame time. We are implementing a Free Trade Zone and there's a small number of i
tems that we wish to control by lot, but we are currently using location control
for everything.
: Thanks
to use lot control you must be using location control.

***************** End Of Article ******************

Flip posted Message 5658 in Message Board
Dated : June 06, 2002 at 23:22:05 EST
Subject: Re: Order Types in Location Control
: I am just wondering in a location control enviroment, are the order steps di
fferent in Sales return? How about the Purchase order type & Purchase returns, d
o we have to include the inbound steps?
Yes the steps are different.
You need to specify the inbound/outbound steps unless you would like baan to do

the automatically. eg. Not specifying inbound steps, baan will generate and rele
ase automatically based on priorities.
In sales return the steps are the same but in purchase return remember to move t
he stock to the receipt location before returning it.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Mani posted Message 5659 in Message Board
Dated : June 10, 2002 at 22:23:02 EST
Subject: Error 606(Reference does not exist) in tdinv700
When I am in session tdilc1120m00(Enter inventory Transactions) and I am doing a
n Inventory Transfer from the Receipt location to another Location, I am getting
the following error:
"Fatal Error: Error 606(Reference does not exist) in tdinv700 in
db_insert (51)
Fatal error : Can not continue in tdilc1122s000 in DLL:
otcmcdll0100 ()
Error: tdilc1122s000: A not terminated transaction is aborted
Inf0: Baan IV C4 (SP 9)
Any Suggestion/Tip on how to solve this error?
***************** End Of Article ******************
rl posted Message 5660 in Message Board
Dated : June 12, 2002 at 01:00:07 EST
Subject: Re: Error 606(Reference does not exist) in tdinv700
: When I am in session tdilc1120m00(Enter inventory Transactions) and I am doing
an Inventory Transfer from the Receipt location to another Location, I am getti
ng the following error:
: "Fatal Error: Error 606(Reference does not exist) in tdinv700 in
db_insert (51)
: Fatal error : Can not continue in tdilc1122s000 in DLL:
otcmcdll0100 ()
: Error: tdilc1122s000: A not terminated transaction is aborted
: Inf0: Baan IV C4 (SP 9)
: Any Suggestion/Tip on how to solve this error?
Error 606 is ,when there is no reference
With ref to the case mentioned,pls check
from the receipt has been defined 'along
r ,in
'Maintain Locations by Item 'session.
It might refer here and if the reference
Hope it helps.

for the item being used in the process.

if the 'location' you are transferring
with the Item' you are using to transfe
not avlbl it would have thrown the err

***************** End Of Article ******************

S.PONMALAI posted Message 5661 in Message Board

Dated : June 12, 2002 at 19:09:39 EST

Subject: Re: Baan Supply chain module
We use SCH1 with 4cIV it has purchase schedules and sales schedules linked to p
urchase and sales contracts. More EDI options, purchase requisition module and s
elf billing for finance. If you want to know anything specific just ask.
How these facilities are provided in BaaN V ERP and which
is better BaaN V ERP or BaaN IVc4 with SCH1

***************** End Of Article ******************

New user posted Message 5662 in Message Board
Dated : June 12, 2002 at 23:23:50 EST
Subject: Order Types in Location Control?
Order Types in Location Control?
I am about to setup new order types since we are switching to Location control &
Lot Control. Can anyone share what is required in the steps:

Sales Order
Sales Return
Purchase Orders
Purchase returns

More info: BaaN IV C4

***************** End Of Article ******************
Igor posted Message 5663 in Message Board
Dated : June 13, 2002 at 06:12:39 EST
Subject: alguien tiene apuntes de baan erp?
Buenas , soy un estudiante de informatica de gestion , agradeceria mucho , si al
guien tiene apuntes o algo que tenga que ver con baan erp , que me informase.
muchas gracias a todos.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Luis Cabrales posted Message 5664 in Message Board
Dated : June 13, 2002 at 12:36:23 EST
Subject: Re: Order Types in Location Control?
You won't any problem, using the sames Orders types, only the diference is when
you deliver items, because you need use the following sesion
1.-Generate outbound advice or Maintain Outbond advice
2.- Release outbound
This two steps is equal at the sesion of Maintain deliveries

I hope this can help you


: Order Types in Location Control?

: I am about to setup new order types since we are switching to Location control
& Lot Control. Can anyone share what is required in the steps:


Sales Order
Sales Return
Purchase Orders
Purchase returns

: More info: BaaN IV C4

***************** End Of Article ******************

Mani posted Message 5665 in Message Board
Dated : June 13, 2002 at 18:41:12 EST
Subject: Converting Non-Lot Items to Lot Items
I am getting this message when I try to convert Non Lot Items to Lot Items in Ba
aN IV C4:
"Lot Code Series not found".
- I have already set the parameter , Generate Lot Codes - Yes
- I have selected the Series in Lot Numbering - Two Digits
-I have already assigned a free number for the Lot series
Any suggestions? Is the Conversion process for Purchase items and Manufacturing
items different?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Luis Cabrales posted Message 5666 in Message Board
Dated : June 14, 2002 at 09:05:10 EST
Subject: Re: alguien tiene apuntes de baan erp?
De que modulo te interesan, yo tengo bastante informacion en Ingles y espa;ol

: Buenas , soy un estudiante de informatica de gestion , agradeceria mucho , si

alguien tiene apuntes o algo que tenga que ver con baan erp , que me informase.
: muchas gracias a todos.
: Saludos.

***************** End Of Article ******************

D.V.Jain posted Message 5667 in Message Board
Dated : June 15, 2002 at 03:46:57 EST
Subject: Operation Cost not being picked up during actual costing
Hi all,
While calculating actual cost, the system is not picking up operation cost for m
anufactured items.
I spoke to BaaN Global Support, they say that the development is in pipeline for
subcontracting orders and for normal production orders, the operation cost will
be picked up only if the quantity completed field is updated in the table tihra
100 which we do not maintain; we directly backflush the material.
If anybody can help in this regard and guide me how to create a customised sessi
on for actual costing(if possible), it will be highly appreciated.
***************** End Of Article ******************
darren posted Message 5668 in Message Board
Dated : June 15, 2002 at 09:49:35 EST
Subject: Re: Operation Cost not being picked up during actual costing
We do not directly record the hours either but we have the operation costs becau
se we also backflush the hours.
: Hi all,
: While calculating actual cost, the system is not picking up operation cost for
manufactured items.
: I spoke to BaaN Global Support, they say that the development is in pipeline f
or subcontracting orders and for normal production orders, the operation cost wi
ll be picked up only if the quantity completed field is updated in the table tih
ra100 which we do not maintain; we directly backflush the material.
: If anybody can help in this regard and guide me how to create a customised ses
sion for actual costing(if possible), it will be highly appreciated.
: Regards
: D.V.Jain

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Darren Phillips posted Message 5669 in Message Board
Dated : June 15, 2002 at 09:57:16 EST
Subject: Re: Baan Supply chain module
: We use SCH1 with 4cIV it has purchase schedules and sales schedules linked to
purchase and sales contracts. More EDI options, purchase requisition module and

self billing for finance. If you want to know anything specific just ask.
How these facilities are provided in BaaN V ERP and which
: is better BaaN V ERP or BaaN IVc4 with SCH1
I know the schedules and contracts were in baan ERP but they were withdrawn in t
he last service pack as baan couldn`t get them to work properly. I believe they
intend to put them back eventually when they have them working. I have heard tha
t some companies that are implementing BAAN have used baanIVc4 and sch1 because
they need these features.

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Hannelore posted Message 5670 in Message Board
Dated : June 17, 2002 at 05:29:18 EST
Subject: Automatic Inbound from Receipt location
Can someone please tell me if it is normal that if we leave some goods at the Re
ceipt location, the Inbound Movement is done automatically at 23:59:59 ?
Thanks a lot !
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ian posted Message 5671 in Message Board
Dated : June 18, 2002 at 02:36:44 EST
Subject: Re: Automatic Inbound from Receipt location
When using the Release Inbound Data session there is field which defines which d
ate is used for the inventory transaction. The two options are Current Date or R
eceipt Date. Change this field to Current Date then the inventory transaction wi
ll take the date and time when the inbound data was released.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Ameen Wassif posted Message 5672 in Message Board
Dated : June 18, 2002 at 04:10:34 EST
Subject: Maintain Purchase Requisition Headers (tdprq0201m000)
Hello All,
In Maintain Purchase Requisition Header, tdprq0201m000, could not get into the l
When I click on the lines button, I get the following message, tcmcs00001 (Numbe
r too larg). When I click OK on this message, another one comes up, td sls41013
(Order series is full; order could not be inserted)
Checked the first free numbers for Purchase Order & Purchase Requisitions, serie
s are not full. Also I could not figure out what number is too large.
Any ideas would be appreciated.

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Saso posted Message 5673 in Message Board
Dated : June 18, 2002 at 21:35:46 EST
Subject: cosigment
Hello - anybody has any expirience with owned consigment in BaanERP?
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David posted Message 5674 in Message Board
Dated : June 20, 2002 at 00:13:12 EST
Subject: Re: Pls READ - Im having an arguement with Baan support and would reall
y like your opinions
: Hi Everybody,
: I am having an extended arguement with Baan support and would like to get some
feeback/opinions on the case in hand.
: It concens a flag 'use phantom inventory' in B5. It relates to a scenario wher
e a phantom item is a component on a BOM and where perhaps prebuilt stock might
exist than can be used.
: If this flag is switched on then during SFC order release Baan calculates whet
her or not there is sufficient on hand of the phantom item to fulfill the order
: If there is it seeks to use this. If not it explodes the phantom in to its com
: The case revolves around the decision to use or not use non-nettable warehouse
: My case is that is economic stock calculation considers non-nettable warehouse
s. I disagree with this on basis that non-nettable stock should not be considere
d available for production.
: I also referred to the fact that a v typical use of non-nettable stock is for
purposes of quarantining defective or rejected material.
: They claimed they never had heard it used for this purpose - I thought it was
quite common ?
: I would really appreciate any input and comments.
: Rgds
: Michael Mac Sweeney
Hi Michael,
As far as, your concerns about the phantom items, I think you have a point. As f
ar as using a non-nettable warehouse for defective material then Baan expects to
use blocking. This works for all warehouses and all situations.

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jp posted Message 5675 in Message Board
Dated : June 20, 2002 at 01:08:49 EST
Subject: Issue of lot controlled material in production order
We r facing a problem while issuing Lot controlled
We want to issue from a particular lot .So we used
ta" and tried to select the particular lot .But we
not found" and the cursor is disallowed to proceed

material to Production order.

session "Maintain outbound da
r getting message "Item /lot

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Luis Cabrales Rivera posted Message 5676 in Message Board
Dated : June 21, 2002 at 08:55:51 EST
Subject: Re: cosigment
: Only you need define two sales orders types
consigment replenishment
consignment invoicing
in the sesion tdsls0594m00 sales orders types
And define a warhouse type consignment owned , the consignment warehouses need a
customer. so if you need send items to 5 customers you need define 5 warehouses
When you need send items to the customers and this are in consigment, use the or
der type consigment replenishment, and use the customers' warehouse, this order
sales never invoicing...
And this items always can you see in BaaN, because are own, till this are invoic
When you decide invoicing the items use the order type consignment invoicing, an
d this never deliver items because this are sent with customer....
i'm sorry for my english, i hope can help you

: Hello - anybody has any expirience with owned consigment in BaanERP?

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Gustavo posted Message 5677 in Message Board
Dated : June 21, 2002 at 14:45:37 EST
Subject: Sales Order Steps
Can anyone please tell me what are the minimum steps for a sales order to be pro
Is the "Print Bill of Material" Session necesary to complete invoicing?
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sriram posted Message 5678 in Message Board
Dated : June 21, 2002 at 21:11:39 EST
Hi all,
I am facing a problem with cenvat. This is more functional than a baan problem.
For a supplier, POs created, does include cenvat receipts as a step followed b
y maintain approvals.
Now, this supplier doesn't need the cenvat receipts, since he is not in the exci
se duty net. Already the transaction is waiting for cenvat receipts. Now, I wan
t to skip all these transactions from cenvat and push them to maintain approvals
. Is it possible at table level? I tried changing the values in tdpur045 too.
But that doesn't work. Eventhough the purchase order line status shows the tra
nsaction in maintain approvals, it doesn't appear in maintain approvals. Hope m
y problem is clearly explained.
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Jayant Keskar posted Message 5679 in Message Board
Dated : June 22, 2002 at 04:02:51 EST
Subject: Re: Sales Order Steps
There are only three mandatory steps for a sales order
Maintain Deliveries
Print Sales Invoices
Process Delivered Sales Order
: Can anyone please tell me what are the minimum steps for a sales order to be p
: Is the "Print Bill of Material" Session necesary to complete invoicing?
: Thanks,
: Gustavo.

***************** End Of Article ******************

rl posted Message 5680 in Message Board
Dated : June 25, 2002 at 21:02:05 EST
Subject: Re: Converting Non-Lot Items to Lot Items
There is a session Maintain Lot ID Structure(tdltc0105m000).The series in Lot wh
ich you have defined in the parameter should have the similar series defined in
this ID Structure.
Hope this helps.
: I am getting this message when I try to convert Non Lot Items to Lot Items in
BaaN IV C4:
: "Lot Code Series not found".
: - I have already set the parameter , Generate Lot Codes - Yes
: - I have selected the Series in Lot Numbering - Two Digits
: -I have already assigned a free number for the Lot series
: Any suggestions? Is the Conversion process for Purchase items and Manufacturin
g items different?

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Edin posted Message 5681 in Message Board
Dated : June 26, 2002 at 01:43:30 EST
Subject: Re: Operation Cost not being picked up during actual costing
Actual cost's will be calcuating if:
1: In session tihra0100m00 parameter actual operation rates is estimatet rates.
In that case estimatet rates are tacken from session ticpr1150m000 for labor, m
achine and overhad rates based on actual routhing and record the hours.
2:In session tihra0100m00 parameter actual operation rates is Man and machine r
ates. In that case estimatet rates are tacken from session's tccom0101m000 for e
mployees (form2 hourly labor rate) and tirou0102m000 for machines (fild machine
rate) based on actual routhing and record the hours.
: Hi all,
: While calculating actual cost, the system is not picking up operation cost for
manufactured items.
: I spoke to BaaN Global Support, they say that the development is in pipeline f
or subcontracting orders and for normal production orders, the operation cost wi
ll be picked up only if the quantity completed field is updated in the table tih
ra100 which we do not maintain; we directly backflush the material.
: If anybody can help in this regard and guide me how to create a customised ses
sion for actual costing(if possible), it will be highly appreciated.
: Regards
: D.V.Jain

***************** End Of Article ******************

Gunnar posted Message 5682 in Message Board
Dated : June 26, 2002 at 23:03:25 EST
Subject: Re: Sales Order Steps

There are only three mandatory steps for a sales order

Maintain Deliveries
Print Sales Invoices
Process Delivered Sales Order

: Regards
: Jayant
: : Can anyone please tell me what are the minimum steps for a sales order to be
: : Is the "Print Bill of Material" Session necesary to complete invoicing?
: : Thanks,
: : Gustavo.
You can reduce that further to
Print sales invoice and
Process delivered sales order.
So the only steps you have on order level is to enter order and invoice.
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Mark posted Message 5683 in Message Board
Dated : June 27, 2002 at 02:41:09 EST
Subject: Maintain Outbound Data
We are running Baan IVc4 and have noticed that when using Maintain Outbound Data
a user can allocate more inventory than a Sales Order has been set up for.
Is this a bug in our system or a 'feature'.
Also any ideas on how to overcome this without modifying anything in Baan.
Thanks in advance.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Philip posted Message 5684 in Message Board
Dated : June 28, 2002 at 12:34:45 EST
Subject: Re: Maintain Outbound Data

: We are running Baan IVc4 and have noticed that when using Maintain Outbound Da
ta a user can allocate more inventory than a Sales Order has been set up for.
: Is this a bug in our system or a 'feature'.
: Also any ideas on how to overcome this without modifying anything in Baan.
: Thanks in advance.
: Mark.
This is normal.
When using the session 'maintain outbound data' , one can allocate more than on
the sales orderline. Normally this session is only used to correct the 'advised
***************** End Of Article ******************
Milind posted Message 5685 in Message Board
Dated : June 30, 2002 at 20:15:11 EST
Subject: MRO Solution
Can some comment on baan's MRO ( Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul)solutions ? I
s it a seamless application ( some version of baan ) or seperate software integr
ated with baan ?
Please give your inputs.
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me posted Message 5686 in Message Board
Dated : July 01, 2002 at 04:44:25 EST
Subject: PLS:Insert sales order lines for item without inventory-ERROR
Please give me a hint!
I have created a new company and set the paramaters. But when I try to insert a
sales order line, if I choose an item and a warehouse in witch I have no invento
ry, it close the session (Maintain Sales Order LInes) and takes me back to Maint
ain Sales Orders (tdsls4110m000). If I try to choose Lines again it gives me err
or. For companies created earlier I didn't faced this problem. They just give a
message: inssuficient inventory available, but I was able to save the line.
Could be something about a parameter?
Please help me. Thanks.
***************** End Of Article ******************
Murali posted Message 5687 in Message Board
Dated : July 01, 2002 at 23:50:22 EST
Subject: Promotional Contracts

I would like to know how we maintain Promotional contracts in BaaN Sales Module?
Thanks in advance
***************** End Of Article ******************
Marc posted Message 5688 in Message Board
Dated : July 03, 2002 at 06:31:07 EST
Subject: Re: MRO Solution
It is standard Baan service functionality, not an interfaced third party package
***************** End Of Article ******************
Ron D. Bailey posted Message 5689 in Message Board
Dated : July 03, 2002 at 12:32:00 EST
Subject: Re: Pls READ - Im having an arguement with Baan support and would reall
y like your opinions
: Hi Everybody,
: I am having an extended arguement with Baan support and would like to get some
feeback/opinions on the case in hand.
: It concens a flag 'use phantom inventory' in B5. It relates to a scenario wher
e a phantom item is a component on a BOM and where perhaps prebuilt stock might
exist than can be used.
: If this flag is switched on then during SFC order release Baan calculates whet
her or not there is sufficient on hand of the phantom item to fulfill the order
: If there is it seeks to use this. If not it explodes the phantom in to its com
: The case revolves around the decision to use or not use non-nettable warehouse
: My case is that is economic stock calculation considers non-nettable warehouse
s. I disagree with this on basis that non-nettable stock should not be considere
d available for production.
: I also referred to the fact that a v typical use of non-nettable stock is for
purposes of quarantining defective or rejected material.
: They claimed they never had heard it used for this purpose - I thought it was
quite common ?
: I would really appreciate any input and comments.
: Rgds
: Michael Mac Sweeney

I don't know how to solve your problem, but I have a great deal of experience wi
th the Baan support desk. I have had many arguements with Baan Support. As soo
n as they get defensive about any call ticket (and it sounds like they have on t
his one), it's game over. I have identified a Y2K issue and proved it to them,
requested a fix and they refused (I still have the letter of refusal). Your bes
t bet with this bozo is to have the call escalated to someone else then start ov
er. Many times the problem is centered around the lack of knowledge by the supp
ort person, or defence of their procedures (the "blame the user" syndrome). Esc
allation is most likely your only option. They will give you a hard time but yo
u have to stick to your guns and just keep repeating "I want this call escallate
d". Good luck.
***************** End Of Article ******************
amarpreet singh posted Message 5690 in Message Board
Dated : July 04, 2002 at 03:05:16 EST
: Hi all,
: I am facing a problem with cenvat. This is more functional than a baan proble
m. For a supplier, POs created, does include cenvat receipts as a step followed
by maintain approvals.
: Now, this supplier doesn't need the cenvat receipts, since he is not in the ex
cise duty net. Already the transaction is waiting for cenvat receipts. Now, I w
ant to skip all these transactions from cenvat and push them to maintain approva
ls. Is it possible at table level? I tried changing the values in tdpur045 too
. But that doesn't work. Eventhough the purchase order line status shows the t
ransaction in maintain approvals, it doesn't appear in maintain approvals. Hope
my problem is clearly explained.
Please change procedure mask in table tdpur045 to maintain approval (step no def
ined in maintain purchase order steps) & change step CENVAT RECEIPTS to e from y
***************** End Of Article ******************
amarpreet singh posted Message 5691 in Message Board
Dated : July 04, 2002 at 03:06:34 EST
Subject: Re: Sales Order Steps
: Can anyone please tell me what are the minimum steps for a sales order to be p
: Is the "Print Bill of Material" Session necesary to complete invoicing?
: Thanks,
: Gustavo.
1. Maintain deliveries
2. Process sales invoice
3. Process Delivered Sales Order
are the only mandatory steps for a sales cycle

***************** End Of Article ******************

RAS posted Message 5692 in Message Board
Dated : July 05, 2002 at 01:41:31 EST
Subject: Re: Promotional Contracts
Make use of Special Contracts in Sales Contracts Module.
: Hi,
: I would like to know how we maintain Promotional contracts in BaaN Sales Modul
: Thanks in advance
: Murali

***************** End Of Article ******************

JP posted Message 5693 in Message Board
Dated : July 05, 2002 at 04:28:52 EST
Subject: direct / indirect settelment on sales order
Does anybody knows what is the diference between direct / indirect settelment wh
en you make a sales order ??
What happen if you have a sales order with term invoicing, the customer gives yo
u an advance, you have to give an invoice to the customer, but you don't want to
recognize it as income,until you invoice the rest of the sales order.
How should I handle this in baan??
***************** End Of Article ******************
Sharnouby posted Message 5694 in Message Board
Dated : July 11, 2002 at 03:04:54 EST
Subject: Re: Maintain Outbound Data
: We are running Baan IVc4 and have noticed that when using Maintain Outbound Da
ta a user can allocate more inventory than a Sales Order has been set up for.
: Is this a bug in our system or a 'feature'.
: Also any ideas on how to overcome this without modifying anything in Baan.
: Thanks in advance.
: Mark.

In Maintain Outbound you can exceed the ordered qty.

In Generate Outbound you can not exceed the ordered qty.
So, We use Generate Outbound in normal cases
We use Maintain Outbound in exceptional cases
like return sales ( -ve ordered qty )

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Paul P posted Message 5695 in Message Board
Dated : July 11, 2002 at 18:47:27 EST
Subject: Re: Partial Delivery of Sales Order with Consolidated Invoice
If you're in BaanERP 5, you can instruct the people doing the invoicing never to
release sales order to invoicing until last shipment is made. This way, all the
shipments can be aggregated into 1 invoice. However, I can't think of any other
way to do it in BaanIV but setting invoicing method per customer.

: I have the requirement to invoice a sales order only after the last of many pa
rtial shipments are completed. This requirement is based at the order level as
I know that this can be accomplished at the customer level. Deliveries will be
maintained as each shipment is made however my desire is to refrain from invoici
ng until the sales order is complete.
: The contract module is not an option because approximately 50% of our sales us
es configured items which the contract module cannot handle.
: One of my options would be to use an order type that contains a 'holding' step
after maintain deliveries and before invoicing.
: Are there any other options out there for consideration?
: Thanks in advance for your reply.
: Regards,
: Carol Schmidt

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Noorulhaq posted Message 5696 in Message Board
Dated : July 13, 2002 at 19:24:55 EST
Subject: Conversion Factors

I have conversion factor defined for kgs to for a particular item. Also
there is conversion factor from MT to kgs in general level. There is no direct
conversion factor defined for MT and But system allows to use MT when
inv.unit of an item is Is it possible ?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Sathasivan posted Message 5697 in Message Board
Dated : July 13, 2002 at 20:54:14 EST
Subject: Lot qty Transfer
We are using BaaN IVc4. ILC/LTC implemented.
Is it possible to transfer some qty of a particular lot to another lot(new lot)f
or a customised item.
This is required to take care of manufacturing leftover.The inventoryis maintain
ed in Tonne and issue in tonne. When we issue raw materials of M.S Sheets,Rods,
Angles in particular size to a manufacturing item, there may be leftover with di
fferent sizes of these items.This left over qty remains in stock which cannot be
issued again for the same purpose since the leftover size is different. However
we can use the leftover
for other manufacturing items.
If we are able to transfer these leftover to different lots, wherein the lot num
bers will be with that item left over size, it will be easy to track and issue t
he different sizes to different manufacturing items.
We are not able to transfer materials from one lot to another lot. Is there any
solution, or work around?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Sathasivan posted Message 5698 in Message Board
Dated : July 13, 2002 at 21:09:17 EST
Subject: Inventory Transfer between locations
Is it possible to transfer a customised item from one location to another locati
on of the same warehouse? The solution is available thro Inventory Transfer thro
"Enter Inventory Transactions(tdilc1120m000)". But without using this sessions,
is there any possibility to transfer between locations of same warehouse?
The purpose is to get print out of the requisition before the item is transferre
d between locations. Since each locations are controlled by different department
s, we need to raise print out as an requisition documents.
Any solutions or work arounds?
***************** End Of Article ******************
NoorulHaq posted Message 5699 in Message Board
Dated : July 13, 2002 at 22:24:54 EST
Subject: Stop Generating Project structure for Blocked sales orders

Please help me for the following.
We wanted to stop the users to Generate Project structure (tipcs2240s000) for th
e Blocked sales orders. How we can implement this.
***************** End Of Article ******************
PB posted Message 5700 in Message Board
Dated : July 15, 2002 at 05:08:37 EST
Subject: Re: Sales Order Steps


There are only three mandatory steps for a sales order

Maintain Deliveries
Print Sales Invoices
Process Delivered Sales Order

: : Regards
: : Jayant
: : : Can anyone please tell me what are the minimum steps for a sales order to
be processed?
: : : Is the "Print Bill of Material" Session necesary to complete invoicing?
: : : Thanks,
: : : Gustavo.

You can reduce that further to

Print sales invoice and
Process delivered sales order.
So the only steps you have on order level is to enter order and invoice.

: Regards
: Gunnar
the steps that are to be maintained depends upon the requirement.
If the sales entry is to be taken into the RG-1 register then
the steps to be maintained are
Process Excise invoice Sales and
Process delivered sales order.
If the sales entry is not required in the RG-1 register then you can maintain
Print sales invoice and
Process delivered sales order.

Puneet Bansal
***************** End Of Article ******************
Bryan G posted Message 5701 in Message Board
Dated : July 15, 2002 at 14:20:46 EST
Subject: Blanket POS - Not Able to MEasure Vendor Performance
We are on Baan5.0b, and are using the purchasing module for all raw materials. S
ome C class items, such as labels, and nuts and bolts, we have on a visual syste
m, and are not using MRP. We basically create a PO line for the total quantity f
or the month, and as we need stock, we call the vendor. This is working fine. Th
e problem is that we are trying to measure our vendors in terms of delivery perf
ormance. We measure the purchase order line planned delivery date with the actua
l receipt date, so this blanket PO results in every delivery being early, becaus
e the date on the PO is the last day of the month.
This works fine with our MRP items, but with the items we put on blanket POs, it
does not. We create 1 PO line for the enitre month, with the delivery date = th
e last day of the month, and warehousing will receive against that PO line as sh
ipments arrive.
We tried using purchase Schedules but Baan does not support this. Any ideas how
we can get around having to create a PO line for each delivery and still be able
to measure vendor delivery performance?
***************** End Of Article ******************
Kuntu posted Message 5702 in Message Board
Dated : July 15, 2002 at 20:53:31 EST
Subject: Re: Lot qty Transfer
You can try doing this by using production orders of type rework.
: We are using BaaN IVc4. ILC/LTC implemented.
: Is it possible to transfer some qty of a particular lot to another lot(new lot
)for a customised item.
: This is required to take care of manufacturing leftover.The inventoryis mainta
ined in Tonne and issue in tonne. When we issue raw materials of M.S Sheets,Rods
, Angles in particular size to a manufacturing item, there may be leftover with
different sizes of these items.This left over qty remains in stock which cannot
be issued again for the same purpose since the leftover size is different. Howev
er we can use the leftover
: for other manufacturing items.
: If we are able to transfer these leftover to different lots, wherein the lot n
umbers will be with that item left over size, it will be easy to track and issue
the different sizes to different manufacturing items.
: We are not able to transfer materials from one lot to another lot. Is there an
y solution, or work around?

: Sathasivan

***************** End Of Article ******************

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