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Mighty Isles

Together Everyone Achieves More

Neel & Anupriyam



Chosen through a democratic process

Elections are held every year
Leaders will have power for 1 year
Leader makes sure everybody does their job
Leader also has to make a plan to get off the island

1. Anonymous voting done by everyone
2. Voting is to be done in the evenings around a fire circle
3. After each vote is counted, it is thrown into the fire
so it cannot be counted again
4. Enforced by leaders spokesmen
5. Those who disobey the laws will have to spend a day in
the jungle without any supplies

1. Nobody can commit murder,unless in the case of self
2. Nobody will disrespect others
3. Stealing is not allowed on the island
4. Everybody has to vote
5. Islanders have to listen to the leader no matter his
6. The leader also has to obey the law of the island and if
he/she breaks it they will be kicked as leader.


1. Children under 12 years old will have to work by collecting

fruits and vegetables in the island for 3 hours a day
2. Islanders 12-17 years old will collect wood, other
materials and cook food for everybody.
3. Islanders 18 years and older will have to build all the
infrastructures. They will also be responsible for hunting
and fishing for everybody.
4. If somebody is injured they will not have to work until
they have recovered.

The day the ship sank into the Atlantic Ocean
1st day of every month
Before a holiday everyone must work double the hours to
have enough resources for the next day

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