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Advantages of Bologna Process

1. students can combine knowledge from different fields, ie being a bachelor of specialty
master's degree can be completed on the other, with the result a diploma corresponding
foreign standards. This approach significantly increases the mobility of students, giving them
more independence in the selection of subjects
2. one of the requirements of the Bologna Declaration is to increase research funding. Also,
before universities is the need for constant updating of methodical support of the educational
process to strengthen its position.
3. among the advantages highlighted the strengthening of control over the quality of
education, strengthen communication and cooperation between higher education institutions
in Europe, and as a consequence, obtaining greater access to information, and the
establishment of a specialized credit system, on the basis of which is determined by the
"volume" of knowledge, would standardize education. This system must be on a plan to
provide clarity and transparency of education and significantly increase the quality and
competitiveness, thereby bringing to the US Department of Education level.

1. This system implies a reduction of class hours and increasing independence of students in
relation to their self. But will modern Russian student to use the free time, designed for selfeducation, as intended? Probably not. Thus, it may be undermined by the main function of our
universities - to teach a person to learn. The majority of students who stay only a bachelor's
degree, has a broad education, and, accordingly, broad-minded, so they can be easily
manipulated, because they have freedom of choice and, in fact, not. It is believed that
bachelors will be little demand on the labor market, however, this situation creates the inverse
position - it is likely that due to the bachelors will be able to solve the problem of shortage of
skilled labor in the country.
2. There is also likely to reduce the quality of education, in the absence of specific
requirements for changes in the content of education and teaching methods, to the erosion of
the structure of education, the loss of fundamental due to the use of credits and mixing as a
result of the freedom to choose a variety of disciplines and violations of the logic of their
study. In the light of the ambiguous and appears ever more increasing role as the primary
method of testing the control of knowledge.
3. in accordance with European standards, PhD - a graduate of the Master's. His knowledge is
usually lower than that of our candidate Sciences, who studied at the university 5 years and 3
years in graduate school. Therefore, in this situation, there are certain difficulties with the
unification of education sought by the system. But sometimes it is very important to take into
account the traditional features of education in the various countries, which have been formed
over the centuries.
4. there is a threat of mass outflow of brains and capital abroad when entering into a coherent
European space due to the high level of orientation to the West.

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