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Real Knife

A real knife could prove to

be very dangerous not just
to the person handling it, but
to others around them. If a
person was to slip or act
carelessly when holding the
knife, severe injury could

We could borrow a prop

knife from the drama
department in order to
reduce the levels of harm.


The church where we are

shooting our production is
close to a main road.
Members of our team could
get injured if a collision
occurred as we cross this

Make sure to cross at

appropriate areas, look both
ways and wait for traffic to

Tracking Shot

As the camera operator

walks backwards they could
possibly slip over and injure
themselves because they
are focused on the shot
instead of where they are

Check the path they are

walking before they film the
shot and also have a
member of the team walking
behind them to make sure
they do not fall.

Members of public getting


Amara will be holding a

(prop) knife and will be
covered in fake blood so if a
member of the public walks
past they could become
scared and possibly even
phone the police.

We could put up signs

around the shooting area
that clearly state we are
filming a project for school.

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