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The Secretary to Government,

Department of School Education,


Under instruction from my clients viz. :-

i. Matriculation Schools Correspondents Forum represented by its

President A. Jayapaul having their Office at No. 28, Navalar Nagar
1st Street, S.S. Colony, Madurai 10

ii. The Association of Matric and Matric Higher Secondary Schools

Managements represented by its Secretary S. Sundaresan having
their Office at B-46, 1st Cross Street, Maharaja Nagar, Tirunelveli

iii. Thanjavur District Matric and Matric Higher Secondary Schools

Associations represented by its Secretary S. Arulraj having their
Office at Kamarajar Street, East Street, Thanjavur 613 001.

1. That my clients represent various Associations representing

Matriculation Schools in Tamilnadu. I address this notice on behalf of
my clients in the interest of a substantial number of private schools
governed by Tamil Nadu Schools (Regulations of collection of fees)
Act, 2009. I issue this Legal Notice for your kind consideration to
resolve the unsettled issues pertaining to determination of fee
structure of private schools.

2. I bring it to your kind notice that without resolving many of the

contentious issues, the committee constituted under the Tamil Nadu
Schools (Regulations of collection of fees) Act, 2009 is going ahead
to determine the fees without following any procedure prescribed in
the said legislation and subsequently explained in the Division
Bench Judgment of the Honble High Court. Our clients Association
though mainly meant to protect the interests of the private schools,
it is not out of place to mention here that the private schools in
TamilNadu had contributed a lot for the upliftment of School
Education than many of the States in India where there is no
contribution by private schools.

My clients Association Schools are instrumental in producing

numerous doctors, engineers, scientists, teachers etc and contributed to
the growth of the country. Presently my clients are forced to believe feel
that they are treated like anti-socials forgetting their dedicated service to
the society.

You are aware that after the challenge to the Tamil Nadu Schools
(Regulations of collection of fees) Act, 2009 before the Madras High Court,
a Judgement was delivered and the scope of the said Act was discussed
threadbare by the said decision. It may be stated here that in Para 20 of
the judgment rendered in the said batch of Writ Petitions in W.P. No. 627
of 2010 and other Writ Petitions, the Madras High Court was pleased to
hold as under.

Analysis of the present Act

20. On this background, when we look to the committee constituted

under Section 5(1) of this Act, it shows that the initial function of the
committee is to approve the fees structure formulated by the concerned
institution. It is only when the committee finds the fee structure to be
objectionable and cannot be approved, then it will determine some other
fee, and the private schools will be asked to charge the same. A section
6(1) and 7(1) of the Act lays down the procedure which will be followed by
the committee.

a.The Committee has to call upon the private institutions to place

before it the proposed fee structure of the institution with all
relevant documents and books of accounts for scrutiny within the
period to be indicated by the Committee in the given notice. (The
Committee has already circulated the questionnaire to the
institution which contains details) about the fee component.

b.After the receipt of the proposal from the concerned institution, the
Committee has to verify as to whether the fee proposed by the
Private School is justified and it does not amount to profiteering or
charging of exorbitant fee.

c.In case the Committee is of the view that the fee structure proposed
by the institution appears to be correct, taking note of the various
facilities provided and that there was no profiteering or collection of
exorbitant fee under the guise of capitation fee, it has to approve
the fee structure.

d.In case the Committee is of the view that the fee structure forwarded
by the institution is exorbitant and that there is an element of
profiteering, the Committee has to determine some other fee.

e.While determining some other fee, the Committee has to follow

certain procedures taking into consideration the factors as found
mentioned under Section 6 (1) as well as Rule 3 of the Rules.

f.The determination of the fee as made by the Committee should be

intimated to the concerned institution and there upon the institution
has got a right to submit their objections within fifteen days.
g.The objections so submitted by the institution shall be examined by
the Committee. The Committee has to consider it objectively. The
Committee was not expected to reject the objection summarily. As
per Section 7 (4) of the Act, the Committee shall have the powers to
regulate its own procedure in all matters and it shall have all the
powers of a Civil Court under the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908
regarding summoning and attendance of witness and related
matters. Therefore, the Committee would be within their powers to
get the factors verified in respect of the claim made by the
institution, to approve their fee structure as against the fee
determined by the Committee.

h.The fee so prescribed would be in operation for a period of three

years and at the end of such period, it would be open to the
institution to make an application for revision of fees.

3. The aforesaid procedure clearly shows that initial function of the

committee is to approve the fee structure formulated by the concerned
educational institution and the committee has to call upon the private
school to place before it the proposed fees structure of the institution
along with all relevant documents and books of accounts for scrutiny.

4. This is the very first requirement before proceeding to approve the fee
structure for the institution but presently not even a single institution
was asked to furnish the proposed fee structure, on the contrary what
was asked was the income and expenses statement for the past three
years which in no way would enable the committee to arrive at the fees
structure for the next three years, which is also not the primary
function of the committee. Unless and until the proposed fees structure
is received from the institution the committee cannot proceed to arrive
at a fees structure and any such proceeding can only become farce. It
may also be stated here that the fee ought to have been approved will
in advance to enable to schools a smooth functioning, whereas the fee
is sought to be determined at the last minute without even giving a
breathing time for the schools to work out the fee proposal and their
financial budgeting. Only because of undue hurry fee proposal could
not be decided in the proper perspective leaving the schools in a

5. I bring it to your kind notice that till date there is no procedure

formulated and codified by the committee and except the Judgement
rendered by the Honble High Court, which provide for submission of
proposed fee structure by each school before determination of the fees
structure by each school.

6. You aware that the entire legislation is an outcome of several

judgements of the Honble Supreme Court right from Mohini Jains
Case. The guidelines and frame work of the Act was inspired from TMA
Pai (2002) 8 SCC 481, P.A. Inamdar (2005) 6 SCC 537 and Islamic
Academy (2003) 6 SCC 697 Cases and the spirit of the said judgments
is not follow by the committee while deciding the fees structure.

7. The Committee in fact had taken unilateral decisions in almost all the
cases without providing any opportunity of hearing and the present
procedure adopted by the Committee it is per se not legal. The ratio
laid down by the Constitution Bench of the Honble Supreme Court in
Maneka Gandhis (1978) 1 SCC 248 clearly provides that any
administrative are quasi judicial decision arrived at without hearing the
affected person is illegal and liable to be struck down by the Court of

8. In Maharastra, the Bansal Committee looked into the very same issue
of determining the fees structure, but the combination of committee
included representatives of the schools and the said committee had
elaborately discussed the various factors to be taken into consideration
before determining the fees structure. The Honble Supreme Court had
only emphasized the determination of fee structure by each of the
institution and there should not be any profiteering by the institution.

9. Therefore kindly consider the following aspects and the rules may be
suitably amended forthwith,

a)To provide codified procedure before arriving at a fees structure.

b)To provide reasonable opportunity including right to hearing before

determining the initial fees structure.

c)Reconstitute of the committee by including representatives of the


d)To expand the factors to be considered for determining the fees

structure as elaborated in the Bansal Committee.

e)Constitution of the Appellate authority against the order of

Committee and keeping the proceeding of the committee in
abeyance till the Appellate authority disposes the Appeal.

Kindly communicate the decision of the Government in this regard

since a large number of schools of my client is being visited by Revenue
and Educational Officials as if in exercise of Rule 4 of the Tamil Nadu
Schools (Regulation of Collection of Fee) Rules, 2009. You may kindly
instruct your subordinates that any such visit would be in contravention of
the judgment rendered by the Honble High Court and contemptuous. In
view of the urgency the reply and decision may be communicated to my
clients at earliest preferably within two weeks.
DATE : 16.06.2010 ADVOCATE
1. A. n[aghy;>
nkl;hpFNyrd; gs;spfs; jhshsh;fs; rq;fk;>
No. 28, ehtyh; efh; 1 tJ njU>
kJiu 10.

2. S. Re;juk;>
nkl;hpf; kw;Wk; nkl;hpf; Nkdpiyg; gs;spfs;
Nkyhsh;fs; rq;fk;>
B 46, 1tJ FWf;F njU>
kfhuh[h efh;>
jpUney;Ntyp.- 11

3. S. mUs;uh[;>
jQ;rhT+h; khtl;l nkl;hpf; kw;Wk;
nkl;hpf; Nkdpiyg; gs;spfs;
Nkyhsh;fs; rq;fk;>
fhkuh[; njU>
fpof;Fj; njU>
jQ;rhT+h; - 613 001


cah; jpU. nrayhsh; mth;fs;.>

gs;sp fy;tpj; Jiw>
jkpo; ehL muR>
jiyikr; nrayfk;>


vdJ fl;rpf;fhuh;fspd; rhh;ghf jkpofj;jpy; mike;Js;s gy;NtW jdpahh;

nkl;hpf; gs;spfspd; eyd; fUjp ,e;j mwptpg;G jq;fSf;F mDg;gg;gLfpwJ.
jkpofj;jpy; cs;s jdpahh; gs;spfs; midj;Jk; jkpo;ehL gs;spfs; (fl;lz t#y;
tiuKiw) rl;lk;> 2009d; fPo; eph;tfpf;fg;gl;L tUfpd;wd. jw;NghJ jhq;fSf;F
njhptpg;gJ vd;dntd;why; rkPgj;jpy; jkpof murhy; ntspaplg;gl;l jdpahh;
gs;spfSf;fhd fl;lztpfpj Kiwia kWghprPyid nra;a Ntz;Lk. Nkw;fz;l
fl;lztpfpj Kiwia eph;zak; nra;a jkpof murhy FO xd;W mikf;fg;gl;lJ.

jkpof murhy; mikf;fg;gl;l Nkw;gb FOthdJ rl;l tpjpfs; vijAk;

gpd;gw;whky; NkYk;; khz;GkpF cah;ePjpkd;wk; jdpahh; gs;spfSf;fhd
fl;lztpfpj;ij tiuKiw nra;tJ Fwpj;J toq;fpa jPh;g;igAk; gpd;gw;whky;
jw;NghJ Fiwthf fl;lztpfpj;jij eph;zak; nra;Js;sdh;. vdJ fl;rpf;fhuh;fs;
fy;tpapy; jkpofj;ij kw;w khepyq;fistpl Kd;Ndhb khepykhf khw;Wtjpy;
Kidg;NghL nray;gl;L tUfpd;wdh;. NkYk; mth;fs; jq;fs; fy;tp epiyaq;fis
khzth;fspd; ngw;Nwhh;fsplj;jpy; chpa fy;tp fl;lzj;jij jtpu vt;tpj $Ljy;
njhifAk; ngw;Wf; nfhs;shky; elj;jptUfpd;wdh;.

jkpofj;jpy; cs;s gy nkl;hpf; gs;spfspypUe;J vj;jidNah nghwp;ahsh;fs;.

kUj;Jth;fs;> mwptpay; mwpQh;fs;> kw;Wk; Mrphpah;fs; cUthfp
mth;fs; ehl;bd; tsh;r;rpf;F cWJizahf ,Uf;fpd;wdh;.

jkpof murhy; ,aw;wg;ngw;w Nkw;fz;l jkpo;ehL gs;spfs; (fl;lz t#y;

tiuKiw) rl;lk;> 2009 I vjph;j;J khz;GkpF nrd;id cah;ePjpkd;wj;jpy;
gy;NtW tof;Ffs; jhf;fy; nra;ag;gl;lJ mjpy; ePjpg;Nguhiz kD vz; W.P.No.
627/ 2010 kw;Wk; kw;w tof;FfSld; Nrh;j;J toq;fg;gl;l jPh;g;gpy; 20tJ
gj;jpapy; jw;Nghija rl;lj;jpid gFg;gha;T nra;J toq;fpAs;s tof;fpd;
rhuhk;rk; fPo;tUkhW>

Nkw;gb rl;lj;jpd; gphpT 5(1)d; fPo; mikf;fg;gl;l FOthdJ Kjypy;

cj;Njr fl;lzj;ij eph;zak; nraa Ntz;Lk; mt;thW eph;zak; nra;ag;gl;l cj;Njr
fl;lz eph;zaj;jpw;F gs;spfs; jug;gpy VNjDk; Ml;Nrgid vOkhapd; me;j
fl;lz eph;zaj;ij nray;gLj;j ,ayhJ. gpwF jFe;j fl;lz tpfpj;ij eph;zapj;J mij
jdpahh; gs;spfs; gpd;gw;Wtjw;F toptif nra;a Ntz;Lk;.
NkYk; Nkw;gb rl;lj;jpd; gphpT 6(1) kw;Wk; 7(1) rl;ltpjpfis
gpd;gw;w Ntz;Lk;.

i) FOthdJ jdpahh; gs;spfSf;F Kiwahd mwptpg;G nra;J jFe;j

Mtzq;fs; kw;Wk; gs;sp Fwpj;j fzf;FfSld; te;J jq;fs;Kd;
jhf;fy; nra;Ak;gbak; mij jFe;j fhyj;jpw;Fs; Muha;e;J
ghprPyid nra;J fl;lz eph;zak; nra;a Ntz;Lk;.

ii) FOthdJ rk;ge;;jg;gl;l jdpahh; gs;spfs; t#ypf;Fk; fy;tpf;

fl;lzkhdJ epahakhdjhf cs;sjh my;yJ gzk;gwpf;Fk;
Nehf;Fld; $Ljy; njhifahf cs;sjh vd;W rhpghh;f;f Ntz;Lk;.

iii) rk;ge;jg;gl;l gs;spfs; t#ypf;Fk; fl;lzk; epahakhf cs;sJ

vd;why; mjd;gpd; me;j gs;spfspy; kw;w trjpfs;
NghJkhdjhf cs;sjh vd;W rhpghh;f;fNtz;Lk;.

iv) FOthdJ rk;ge;jg;gl;l gs;spfs; t#ypf;Fk; fl;lzkhdJ

gzk;gwpf;fk; Nehf;Fld; cs;sJ vd vz;zpdhy;> FOthdJ jFe;j
fl;lztpfpjj;ij eph;zak; nra;ayhk;.

v) FOthdJ fl;lztpfpjj;ij eph;zak; nra;Ak;nghOJ Nkw;gb

rl;lj;jpd; gphpT 6(1) mNjNghy; tpjp 3 Mfpatw;iw
gpd;gw;w Ntz;Lk;.

vi) Nkw;gb FOthdJ fl;lzk; eph;zak; nra;ag;gl;lgpd;

rk;ge;jg;gl;l njhptpj;jgpd; Nkw;gb fl;lz eph;zaj;jpy;
VNjDk; Ml;Nrgid ,Ue;jhy; mth;fsJ Ml;Nrgid njhptpf;f
gjpide;J ehl;fs; fhy mtfhrk; toq;f Ntz;Lk;.
vii) rk;ge;jg;gl;l gs;spfs; jq;fsJ Ml;Nrgidia rkh;gpj;jhy; mij
Nkw;gb FOthdJ tprhhpf;f Ntz;Lk;. gphpT 7(4)d; gb
FOthdJ chpikapay; eilKiwr; rl;lj;jpd; fPo; ,aq;Fk;
chpikapay; ePjpkd;wq;fspy; gpd;gw;wg;gLk; eilKiwia
Nghy; mjhtJ miog;ghiz mDg;Gjy;> tprhuiz nra;jy;
Nghd;w mjpfhuq;fis FOthdJ gpd;gw;w Ntz;Lk;. FOthdJ
jdJ mjpfhu vy;iyf;Fs; gs;;spfs; njhptpf;Fk; KiwaPLfis
rhpghh;j;J fl;lzk; eph;zak; nra;a Ntz;Lk;.

viii) Nkw;gb fl;lz eph;zakhdJ %d;W tUlq;fs; eilKiwapy;

,Uf;Fk;> mjd;gpd; gs;spfs; fl;lz eph;zaj;ij kWghprPyid
nra;a nrhy;yp KiwaPL nra;ayhk;.

NkNy fz;l tpjpKiwfspd;gb FOthdJ Kjypy; fl;lzk; eph;zak; nra;J

gs;spfSf;F njhptpf;f Ntz;Lk;. gpd;G rk;ge;jgl;l gs;spfis jFe;j Mtzq;fSld;
jq;fs; Kd; tUk;gb njhptpf;fNtz;Lk;. Mdhy; jw;NghJ Nkw;gb FOthdJ ve;j
xU fy;tp epWtdj;jplKk; fl;lz eph;zak; Fwpj;j me;j fy;tp epWtdq;fspy;
fUj;Jf;fis rkh;g;;gpf;FkhW Nfl;Lf;nfhs;stpy;iy. fle;j %d;W Mz;Lfspd; tuT
nryT fzf;Ffs; Fwpj;J ghprPyid nra;ahky; mLj;J tUk; %d;W Mz;LfSf;fhd
fl;lz tpjpfis eph;zak; nra;a ,ayhJ. fl;lz eph;zak; Fwpj;J fy;tp
epWtdq;fspd fUj;ij ngwhky; fl;lzj;ij jPh;khdk; nra;tJ xU fz;Jilg;G ehlfk;
Nghy; MfptpLk;. ,e;epiyapy; Nkw;gb fl;lzkhdJ filrp Neuj;jpy; mtru
mtrukh fy;tp epWtdq;fSf;F jq;fspd; fUj;ij njhptpf;f Nghjpa fhymtfhrk;
nfhLf;fhky; eph;zapf;fg;gl;Ls;sJ. fy;tp epWtdq;fspd; tuT nryTfis fUj;jpy;
nfhz;L mjw;F jFe;j fy;tpf;fl;lzkhf ,Ue;jhy;jhd;; Nkw;gb fy;tp epWtdq;fis
jpwk;gl nray;gLj;jKbAk;.

,e;epiyapy; Nkw;gb FOthdJ khz;GkpF nrd;id cah;ePjpkd;wk; toq;fpa

jPh;g;gpy; $wg;gl;l fUj;Jfis fz;Lnfhs;shky;> fy;tp fl;lz tpfpjk; Fwpj;j
ve;jtpj tpjpKiwfis tFf;fhky;> xt;nthU fy;tp epWtdq;fSf;Fk; mth;fspd;
fUj;ij njhptpf;f tha;g;G toq;fhky; jw;Nghija fy;tp fl;lzj;ij FOthdJ eph;zak;

jkpo;ehL gs;spfs; (fl;lz t#y; tiuKiw) rl;lkhdJ khz;GkpF cr;r

ePjpkd;wk; fy;tp fl;lzk; eph;zak; nra;tJ Fwpj;J Nkhfpdp n[apd; tof;fpy;
toq;fpAs;s jPh;g;GfSf;F Kuzhdjhf cs;sJ. NkYk; khz;GkpF cr;rePjpkd;wk;
fy;tpf;fl;lzk; eph;zak; nra;tJ Fwpj;J TMA Pai (2002) 8 SCC 481, P.A.
Inamdar (2005) 6 SCC 537 and Islamic Academy (2003) 6 SCC 697
Nghd;w tof;Ffspy; toq;fpa jPh;g;Gfis fUj;jpy; nfhs;shJ jw;Nghija
fy;tpfl;lzkhdJ FOthy; eph;zak; nra;ag;gl;Ls;sJ.

cr;r ePjpkd;w jPH;g;Gfs; midj;Jk; midj;Jk; fy;tp fl;lzk; eph;zak;

nra;tjw;FKd; me;je;j fy;tp epWtdq;fSf;F mth;fsJ fUj;Jf;fis njhptpf;f
Nghjpa tha;g;G nfhLf;f Ntz;Lk; vd;W $WfpwJ. Mdhy; FOthdJ
jd;dpr;irahf vt;tpj tha;g;Gk; nfhLf;fhky; fy;tpf; fl;lzk; eph;zak; nra;jJ
rl;ltpjpfSf;F KuzhdjhFk;.; khzGkpF cr;rePjpkd;w murpay; rhrd MakhdJ
Maneka Gandhis (1978) 1 SCC 248 vd;w tof;fpy; ve;j xU eph;thfj;jpYk;
ghjpf;fg;gl;l egh;fis tprhhpf;fhky; vLf;fg;gLk; KbthdJ rl;ltpjpfSf;F
KuzhdNjhL mJ ePjpkd;w;j;jhy; nry;yj;jfhjjhf nra;ag;gLk; vd;W jPh;g;G

,Nj fy;tpf; fl;lzk;; eph;zak; nra;tJ Fwpj;J k`huh\;buh khepyj;jpy;

gd;rhy; FOthdJ fy;tpf; fl;lzk; eph;zak; nra;tjw;F Kd; gy;NtW tpraq;fis
Muha;e;J fUj;Jf;fis toq;fpAs;sJ. khz;GkpF cr;r ePjpkd;wkhdJ fy;tp
epWtdq;fs; fy;tp fl;lzk; eph;zak; nra;Ak; NghJ xt;nthU epWtdq;fSk;
Kiwahd fl;lzj;ij eph;zak; nra;aNtz;Lk; mJ ,yhg Nehf;NfhL gpwiu
Ruz;Ltjhf ,Uf;f $lhJ vd;W $wpAs;sJ.

vdNt jhq;fs; jw;NghJ eph;zak; nra;ag;gl;Ls;s fy;tp fl;lzj;ij kW

ghprPyid nra;J> Nkw;gb rl;ltpjpfspy; fPo;f;fz;l jFe;j khw;wq;fis nra;tJ

i) fy;tp fl;lzj;ij eph;zak; nra;tjw;F Kd; rl;ltpjpfis

xOq;FgLj;jp> tud;KiwgLj;jNtz;Lk;.

ii) fy;tp fl;lzj;ij eph;zak; nra;tjw;F Kd; mJFwpj;J tprhuiz

nra;tjw;F Nghjpa fhymtfhrk; toq;f Ntz;Lk;.

iii) Nkw;gb fy;tpf;fl;lz eph;za FOit kW fl;likg;G nra;J mjpy;

jdpahh; gs;spfspd; rhh;gpy; xU egiuAk; cWg;gpduhf

iv) gd;rhy; FO Nghy; fy;tp fl;lzj;;ij eph;zak; nra;tjw;F

vLf;fg;gLk; msTNfhy;fis tphpTgLj;j Ntz;Lk;.

v) Nkw;gb FO vLf;Fk; KbTfis vjph;j;J Nky;KiwaPL nra;tjw;F

Nky;KiwaPl;L Maj;ij mikf;f Ntz;Lk;. Nky;KiwaPl;L kDit
tprhhpj;J KbT mwptpf;Fk; tiu FOthdJ jdJ eltbf;iffis
epWj;jp itf;f Ntz;Lk;.

vdNt jhq;fs; Nkw;gb fy;tpfl;lz Ml;Nrgid Fwpj;J muRf;F njhptpf;f

Ntz;Lk;. jw;NghJ vdJ fl;rpf;fhuh;fs; elj;Jk; jdpahh; fy;tp epWtdq;fis
tUkhd kw;Wk; fy;tp mjpfhhpfs; ghh;itapl;L nrd;Ws;sdh;. ,t;thW
Nghjpa tha;g;G nfhLf;fhky; gs;spfis ghh;itapl;L nry;tJ khz;GkpF
cah;ePjpkd;wq;fsp;d; jPh;g;Gfis gpd;gw;wtpy;iy vd;gJ Nghy;
MfptpLk;. vdNt jhq;fs; jiyapl;L jq;fsJ fPo; mjpfhhpfis tprhuiz vd;w
ngahpy; gs;spfis ghh;itapl;L nry;tij epWj;j nrhy;YkhWk;. Nkw;gb
rl;lj;jpy; jFe;j khw;wq;fs; nra;tJ Fwpj;Jk; jq;fsJ gjpiy ,uz;Lthu
fhyj;jpw;Fs; toq;FkhWk; Nfl;Lf;nfhs;fpNwd;. .
ehs; : 16.06.2010
,lk; : kJiu tof;fwpQh;>

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