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Lesson Plan

50-minute class
Subject: ERC
Unit: Visual Representations of Social Issues
Level: Secondary 3 Immersion
Group Size: 27 students
Guiding Question
How are social issues demonstrated/communicated through visual mediums?
Objective(s) & Learning Goal(s)
Students will be able to recognize social issues represented in various pictures.
Subsequently, in groups of 4, students will synthesize their knowledge into a Power Point
presentation, presenting their findings to the class.
Materials Required
Students: Pen/Pencil, Paper, library.
Teacher: Pen/Pencil, Paper, laptop/projector, library.
Subject Competencies
1. Uses language/talk to communicate and learn.
a. This competency will be developed through our class and group
discussions. Further, this competency will be exercised during their
oral/PowerPoint presentations.
2. Reads and listens to written, spoken, and media texts.
a. This competency is to be assessed through the students PowerPoint
presentations to their classmates. A good presentation will consider what
we have learned thus far throughout the unit. Students will elicit their
understanding of the guiding question through their presentation.
b. By addressing the guiding question of this lesson, students will recognize
the sociocultural values and beliefs that we have towards social issues.
3. Produces texts for personal and social purposes
a. Students will elicit this competency through their PowerPoint
presentations. By interpreting what they have learned throughout the
lesson they will apply this knowledge and demonstrate their grasp of the
guiding question.
Cross-Curricular Competencies & Broad Areas of Learning
1. Exercises Critical Judgment

a. Students will exercise critical judgment during our class discussion, during
their research time in the library, and through their PowerPoint
presentations. They will analyze, interpret, and understand the social issue
presented and how their pictures elicit a specific comment on this issue.
b. Students will form and express their opinions concerning this issue while
justifying their positions.
2. Adopts effective work methods
a. This competency will be exercised when students will be conducting their
research in the library. Effective work methods will be employed in order
to hand in their completed proposal by the end of the class.
3. Cooperates with others
a. Students will respect others in their group and act democratically when
choosing/researching their social issue.
4. Career planning and entrepreneurship
a. Cultural and social awareness has been the thrust behind many of the
guiding questions addressed in this class. Being able to recognize what a
social issue is should develop (or at least begin to elicit) some sense of
cultural/social awareness.
Step-by-step Procedure
Hook -15 minutes
Rationale: At this point, students are familiar with the guiding question of this
specific unit. In addition, students have already been introduced to the assignment
they must present; a handout of the assignment has been distributed to the
students already. Thus the beginning of this lesson will begin by going over the
handout and explaining in detail what is required from each group for this
Subsequently, I will be presenting my own version of this assignment in order to
exemplify what is expected.
Library Research 30 minutes
Students have access to the librarys resources (Books, newspapers, magazines,
computers, photocopy machine)
Using these resources and the time allotted, students will research pictures that
represent a social issue (see assignment attachment). Ideally, students should
spend about 15 minutes finding these pictures, and the last 15 minutes working on
their PowerPoint.
Proposal Submission 5 minutes

At the end of class, in the library, students must submit a proposal defining
what social issue they have chosen and how the pictures they have found (1)
relate and comment to this issue and (2) provide a considerable solution to this
social issue.


Students will be assessed on their presentation (see assessment rubric)

Teacher, peers, library, computers


PowerPoint presentation assignment

Assignment Instructions
In groups of four (4), you must create a PowerPoint presentation by:
i. Choosing one social issue among your group.
ii. Find at least four slides that relate to this social issue
iii. Explaining how the picture provides a comment about
the social issue.
iv. Finding at least 3 slides that could be shown and
considered as a solution to this social issue.

Secondary 3 Immersion Presentation Rubric

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