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1 mensaje
Omar E. Vsquez Chavarri <>
Para: Omar Eduardo Vasquez Chavarri <>

mar., ago. 30, 2016 a la hora 20:08

script for
#Dependencies: Powershell 2.0+ (required) 7zip (optional), SMTP server without authentication
#Author: Tobias Jrvelv - @jarvelov
#Author homepage:
#Last updated: 2016-03-02
## Config Start ##
$mysqlUser = "user"

#Mysql username

$mysqlPass = "pass"

#Mysql password

$mysqlHost = "localhost" #omit quotes if using IP

$mysqlDatabase = "mydb" #Name database you want to export
$mysqlCharset = "utf8"

#Change this if your server is not using UTF8 encoding

$sourceDir = "WPINSTALLDIR"

#e.g. C:\inetpub\wwwroot

$destDir = "ZIPDESTINATIONDIR" #e.g. D:\Backup

$sqlOutputFile = "mydb.sql"

#Output filename for dumped database (will be placed in root of

the zip file)

$mysqlDump = "mysqldump.exe"

#If mysqldump.exe not in PATH use format '"C:\Program

Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.7\bin\mysqldump.exe"'

$7zip = "7za.exe"

#if 7za.exe not in PATH use format '"C:\Program

$mailEnabled = $True

#Set to $False if you don't want an email

$zipEnabled = $True

#Set to $False if you don't want to compress the directory and

just move it to the destination directory ($destDir)

#Mail settings
$subject = "WP backup - "
$recipients = ""
$sender = 'WP backup <>'
#Smtp settings
$smtpServer = "localhost"

#Must be an SMTP server WITHOUT authentication

$smtpPort = 25
#Output directory name format
$prefix = "wpbackup_"
$date = (Get-Date -Format "yyyy_MM_dd_HHmm").ToString()

## Config End ##
#No need to configure anything below this line"
## Functions ##
Function Write-Log ($msg){
$logDate = (Get-Date -Format "yyyy_MM_dd_HHmm").ToString()
$content = "$logDate : $msg"
Write-Host $content
Add-Content -Value $content -Path $logFile
## Program Start ##
#Create log and temporary folder
$name = "Create folders"
$logDir =".\logs\"
$logFile = "$logDir$prefix$date.txt"
$tmpName = "$prefix$date"
$tmpDir = ".\$tmpName"
$steps = @()
Try {
If((Test-Path ($logDir)) -eq $false) {
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $logDir | Out-Null
Write-Log "Info $name : Creating log and temporary directories."
#Make sure $tmpDir exists
If((Test-Path ($tmpDir)) -eq $false) {
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $tmpDir | Out-Null
#Make sure $destDir exists
If((Test-Path ($destDir)) -eq $false) {
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $destDir | Out-Null
$status = $true
} Catch [Exception] {
Write-Log "Failure $name : Could not create temporary directories. Exception:
$status = $false
$steps += @($status,$name)
#Copy Wordpress installation
$name = "Copy files"
Write-Log "Info $name : Copying Wordpress directory..."
Try {
Copy-Item -Path $sourceDir -Recurse -Destination "$tmpDir"
#If copy is done but tmpDir isn't created, report failure

If((Test-Path ($tmpDir)) -eq $false) {

Write-Log "Failure $name : Path $tmpDir does not exist"


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