5 3 1 Notes

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5.3.1(continued) Use the standard normal curve to calculate probabilities.

The following problems are similar to the type done in the last class only they involve a
bit more work. For example, the first few examples will require some interpretation to
determine the probability. (area under the curve)
There are really four types of problems. They are when you are trying to find the
following areas under the curve.




The following examples will represent each of the types.
1. A normal population has mean of 10.5 and a standard deviation of 2.5. What is the area
under the curve between 9.5 and 10.5?

2. A normal population has a mean of 500 and a standard deviation of 25. What
proportion of the data lies above 540?

3. The distribution of weekly incomes for a group of workers follows a normal
distribution. The mean is $1000 and has a standard deviation of $100. What is the area
under this normal curve between $840 and $1200? (Note: This question couldve been
worded What is the probability of a weekly salary being between $840 and $1200?)

4. A normal distribution has a mean of 1000 and a standard deviation of 100. What is the
area under the normal curve between 1150 and 1250?

In brief, there are four situations for finding the area under the standard normal
Type 1: To find the area between 0and z(or z), look up the probability directly in the

Type 2: To find the area beyond z (or z), locate the probability of z in the table and
subtract the probability from 0.5000.

Type 3: To find the area between two points on different sides of the mean, determine the
z values and add the corresponding probabilities.

Type 4: To find the area between two points on the same side of the mean, determine the
z values and subtract the smaller probability from the larger.

5.4 Applications of the Normal Curve
5.4.1 Solve normal distribution problems
There is another type of problem that you will be required to do.
Notice, up until now, you have always been asked to find the probability,( or it could have
been worded that you find the area under the normal curve) and you were given the value
for X. In the next type of problem, you will be give the probability(or area under the
curve) and you will be required to get your X value.
It is a bit like you are working backwards.
The Steps involved:
Step1: Since you are given the probability, you will need to draw a sketch to figure out
the area you are dealing with.
Step2: Look up the area in your chart to get your z-score
Step3: Fill your z-score into the equation z

and solve for your X.

1. A normal distribution has a mean of 80 and a standard deviation of 5.
a. Determine the value above which 5% of the data occurs.

b. Determine the value above which 80% of the data occurs.

2. A normal distribution has a mean of 55 and a standard deviation of 7.

a. Determine the value below which 70% of the data occurs.

b. Determine the value above which 10% of the data occurs.

3. The mean cost to use a plane follows the normal distribution and has a value of $1500
per hour with a standard deviation of $150.
a. What is the operating cost for the lowest 4% of planes?

b. What is the operating cost for the highest 12%?

c. What is the operating cost for the lowest 60%?

Worksheet for 5.3.1
1. A normal distribution has a mean of 50 and a standard deviation of 4.
a. Compute the probability of a value between 44.0 and 55.0.
b. Compute the probability of a value greater than 55.0.
c. Compute the probability of a value between 52.0 and 55.0.
2. A normal population has a mean of 80.0 and a standard deviation of 14.0.
a. Compute the probability of a value between 75.0 and 90.0.
b. Compute the probability of a value 75.0 or less.
c. Compute the probability of a value between 55.0 and 70.0.
3. A cola-dispensing machine is set to dispense on average 7.00 ounces of
cola per use.. The standard deviation is 0.10 ounces. The distribution
amounts dispensed follows a normal distribution.
a. What is the probability that the machine will dispense between 7.10 and
7.25 ounces of cola?
b. What is the probability that the machine will dispense 7.25 ounces of cola
or more?
c. What is the probability that the machine will dispense between 6.80 and
7.25 ounces of cola?
4. The amounts of money requested on home loan applications at a bank
follow the normal distribution, with a mean of $ 70 000 and a standard
deviation of $20 000. A load application is received this morning. What is
the probability:
a. The amount requested is $80 000 or more?
b. The amount requested is between $65 000 and $80 000?
c. The amount requested is $65 000 or more?
5. A normal distribution has a mean of 50 and a standard deviation of 4.
Determine the value below which 95 percent of the observations will occur.
6. A normal distribution has a mean of 80 and a standard deviation of 14.
Determine the value above which 80 percent of the values will occur.


7. The amounts dispensed by a cola machine follow the normal distribution

with a mean of 7 ounces and a standard deviation of 0.10 ounces per cup.
How much cola is dispensed in the largest 1 percent of the cups?
8. The amount requested for home loans follows the normal distribution with
a mean of $70 000 and a standard deviation of $20 000.
a. How much is requested on the largest 3 percent of the loans?
b. How much is requested on the smallest 10 percent of the loans?
9. Assume that the mean hourly cost to operate a commercial airplane
follows the normal distribution with a mean of $2100 per hour and a
standard deviation of $250. What is the operating cost for the lowest 3
percent of the airplanes?
10. The monthly sales of muffins in the Richmond, Virginia, area follow the
normal distribution with a mean of 1200 and a standard deviation of 225.
The manufacturer would like to establish inventory levels such that there is
only a 5 percent chance of running out of stock. Where should the
manufacturer set the inventory levels?

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