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Book Of


1The book of Norman, a disciple and

2 Do not be one with excuse and

teacher of the LORD Jesus Christ for

these latter days, for the benefit of the
remnant church of GOD the Father
and the Son, that I may present unto
you the plain truth; that you may not
stumble at fables and error, but see
the love which is granted you by the
blood of atonement which is soon to
come. 2 Let anyone who hath an ear,
hear what the spirit saith to the
people scattered abroad. 3. The time is
short and the beast is exposed in the
land. The Pope do now deceive you
Kings and all you religious leaders on
the face of the whole earth. He makes
war with you as a pack of wolves in
sheeps clothing and you see it not,
neither do you understand it. 4 Only
by the truth, you will find a way out of
your bundles, and by the prayers of
lambs and sheep you will come to
your light if you would only walk in
the narrow way. 5 Therefore seek the
truth and go in prayer and repent to
the one who has seen your sins and is
ready to forgive, for in the days of old
it was David who declared His mercy
that endures forever. Let not the
kings be deceived, nor let the image of
the beast prosper no longer over you,
but do that which is right in the eyes
of the Lord your GOD by keeping His
Covenant that never fades nor
changes, even from everlasting unto
everlasting has it not changed.

forsake the holy Sabbath for money,

richest or position. There shall a time
come when these things fail and your
heir is taken even as Esau sold his
birthright for a morsel of bread; 2but
Keep the feast, Sabbath days, and New
moons as with more sacredness then
those who are of the old covenant, for
it was sheeps and goats blood in
which they had sprinkled, but now we
are under the new covenant of
sprinkling;: 3 the fulfillment of the
sacrificial system in which we ought to
receive the full privileges of the
atonement of Jesus Christ on the cross,
unto victory over our sins in the flesh;
that we may be translated unto
immortality when He shall come, in
like manner as He left. 4 Therefore let
this straight truth prepare you in hast
for that great and dreadful day cometh
speedily as a thief, that you may be in
the seen distinct in the ordinance of
heavenly things, which are pleasing to
God, and not caught unawares in
worldly things that leaving you in

3 I seek your good and not for you to

parish, for this is the power of GOD,
that I may love my enemies and desire
them not to parish, that the true
enemy may be defeated in his course.
2Therefore it is not blasphemy, but
glory to the Father and the only

begotten Son, Jesus the Christ, that I

also may say by the life of His church; I
have come and write to you now to
give you life from your sins, that you
may have it more abundantly and now
the way. 3 Our Father in Heaven is
tired of food with no flavor and trees
with no fruit; and the side our
redeemer does hurt with pain for the
women of His womb; for they long for
the harvest of purity and to see the
fruits of their labors. Tell me friends,
which is good for you? 4 To be slaves
then die, or to be free and live? This is
what He offered you and many of you
know the very words by heart and still
do not believe. 5 For GOD so loved the
world that he gave His only begotten
Son, and who so ever believe on Him
should not parish, but have
everlasting life. 6 This life is in Jesus
Christ, and was in Him since the
beginning when He was the word who
proceeded forth out of the bosom of
the Father. 7 Ask for this life simply
and live. It is GOD who do work for the
mastery in you and not your works
that save you.

4 Now seeing that they labor for our

cause day and night without sleep, yet

we do sleep and enjoy our slumber;
even seeking to rest on beaches and in
lofty places, how can you say that
LORD delays His coming? 2By the life
that you live and by your actions you
do petition who you choose to serve
and do worship. 3If you withhold a
portion or seek to rob Jesus Christ of
your life which rightfully belong to
Him by the cross, then how do you
think to gain access to the door of
eternal things in excellent glory; 4was
not Ananias and his wife Sapphira
guilty of lying to the holy ghost? How
can we who say that we are of Christ

also do the same sin?? We have

become hypocrites with ourselves
with much deceptiveness. 5 This is
why I am commissioned to write to
you by the fruits of that same spirit
that you may have no excuse in your
mouths and be without fault before
the lamb of GOD when He soon shall
come. 6. I must warn you my friends
of this great snare, which is upon you
so that you will not be caught in the
snare. Satan is alive and well among
you and you have seen him at work in
the music industries and various
forms of entertainment and religious
activities in this world; but the
crowning act is to turn every heart to
a triune god, a foundation of three
persons that is actually one. 7 This is
the snare, that he will come as Jesus
had came, and do the miracles before
your eyes even as Christ; yet he will
lead you into all lies, teaching to break
the commandments of GOD Almighty,
that you may parish with him in the
lake of fire. 8 Jesus Christ shall come
in like manner as He left; yet before
the thousand years of investigative
judgment by the Saints, His feet shall
not touch Har HaZeitim, which is to
say the Mount of Olives. 9When he
comes with Angels as numerable as
the dew that is put together to see the
whiteness of the mighty cloud; 10
every eye shall see Him after the time
of the covenant and after the time
when the day and hour shall be given
from the Father of His coming; then
He shall come. 11 And when the Son of
man is revealed, the wicked shall be
destroyed with the brightness of his
coming and the scapegoat shall be
bound and his wings shall be clipped
from the east. 12 Oh eastern star, how
you were worshiped by the ones you
deceived, and now it is fulfilled and

your doom draws nigh. 13 you will not

enjoy the fruit of your labors, but you
shall also walk in your valley of death,
and you shall long enjoy the work of
your hands for a thousand years of
toil. 14 You shall have visions of your
torment in the blackness of the void
that the earth shall be; and you shall
smell the brimstone that consumes
spirits, and fire that burns wicked
souls until the sin is eaten up and the
life is no more. For your treason upon
the Most High, His only begotten Son,
the other worlds with its inhabitants,
and the Saints have filled your cup of
woe up gushing out and over flowing;
and you have exhausted all of your
remedies. 15 This time there will be
no mediation; for time has been given
and you did not repent, nor sought to
withdraw your negligence. 16
Therefore your music shall not be
herd in no place, and your kingdom is
weighed in the balances and found
wanting. Oh how is it rent from you
and has become the chaff on the
threshing floor. 16 Oh grave where is
your victory, oh death were is your
sting. 17 You shall be judged and not
acquitted, for you have no atonement,
nor defense to stand for you in the
most holy place on yum Kippur. 18 In
this case, it is not by lambs and goats
blood, but by the blood of a man with
out sin who shall cast the first stone;
for He Himself is judged by the Father,
and was found without fault and with
no guile going on before with griefs
and infirmities to pave the way to
eternal life. 19. Now that He has come
in the flesh by the same power in
which He was made manifest, it is
important that He knows you, and that
you grasp Him as the roots of a tree
that cleaves to the earth for life. 20
For when the day of atonement comes

you will be ready by His spirit in you

to receive His seal in your hand and in
your forehead. 21 In your hand,
because you will keep the Seventh-day
Sabbath and will not do any work
upon His holy day; you, your son, your
daughter, your animals, and not your
visitors that are the guest in your
houses. 22You will not go to the
market places to buy, nor will you sell
anything on this sacred day. 23You
will not kindle no fire upon this day,
but rather if you are hungry, eat that
which GOD has provided. 24 Did He
not give Adam and Eve a sinless diet in
the beginning of the generations of the
heaven and earth? 25 In your
forehead, because you do not keep the
Lords day with works only because
many nominal do this and shall surely
reap what they have sown. 26 Yet, let
ever person stand as an individual and
not lean upon another, but helping
one another in the honoring of GOD
the Father and the Son, that we may
be counted worthy to stand on the sea
of glass. 27 For if we keep the Sabbath
from the inward heart with sincere
love for our creator; then we know
that we are not far from the seal of
eternal life. 28 Therefore let us receive
the seal of the wise virgins and go into
the wedding before the door of the
most holy place is shut; and you will
be left in perfect darkness, not being
able to discern the truth that is freely
given you. 29 Let our eye be single
upon Christ Jesus in all that you live,
that you may behold this perfecting
and be changed. 30 For if the music of
the world and it forms has changed
you into their natures, how much
more easier is it by the power of the
Him who paid an unquenchable price
for our souls to be redeemed, that we
may resemble the image and like of

GOD once again. Therefore keep the

feast, the Sabbath days, the new
moons for we are at the open door of
the things to come; and if you agree
with Christ then keep His
Commandments and live.

5 Now concerning the Seventh Day

Sabbath issue and the mark of the
beast. Many of you are ignorant as to
how you have come to keeping a day
in which GOD Almighty did not
establish. 2Lets say that you
established a day every year for a
family reunion, and this day was
decide to become a custom of your
family for generations to come.
Anyone who would merry into your
family would have to keep this custom
so that everyone would know each
other. 3 Then a man came along who
married into your family and began to
set another day and advertised it. 4
Would not this cause division among
the believer, and a broken heart for
the elders? 5. How much more is it
with Jehovah and Michael, who at the
beginning of time; set up their
righteous kingdom upon two tables of
stone and vowed between themselves
and by themselves, that this is the
standard and it shall not break. 6 Then
it was said, for if anyone should break
one of the least of these moral
precepts shall be guilty of breaking
them all, and shall be destroyed; 7for I
am the maker and creator of all things;
and I shall create all things perfect
with a choice of heart, weather they
will obey or not. 8 If Adam had a
choice in the beginning with Eve his
wife, then why do we ourselves
reproach them when we also have a
choice? 9. Dont many of your
acknowledge the Seventh day as the
Sabbath, but choose to partake of the

forbidden fruit? 10. Are we not now in

the same condition as they were;
when GOD said, Freely ye can eat
from all of the trees in the garden, but
from the tree of Knowledge of Good
and Evil ye shall not eat of it, for in
that day you eat of it, you shall die;
for one thousand years is a day with
the LORD; 11 and Adam lived nine
hundred and thirty years and he died.
12. This tree that you now eat from is
has a serpent in it that beguiles you
and do speak to you in like manner,
but he hides himself with camouflage
of sheeps clothing. 13 The 7th-day
Sabbath began at the foundation of the
creation of the worlds, and the
Kingdom Of Heaven is established
upon it by it many world. 14 Weather
it be the world with the seven moons,
or the world many inhabitants that
bare the perfect image of Jesus, they
are all knowledgeable to the 7th-day
Sabbath. 15 This is the church of the
First born in which He stooped down
form His heavenly throne to bring us
up to keep the law, that we may
inherit these most excellent things
forever. 16 Now that you know that
our Father and our LORD rule with
order, and have sat down to plan the
kingdom before they established it; 17
even to finish it. 19 What makes us
come to think that Jesus came to
abolish the law, or the holy Sabbath
that is as Holy as GOD Almighty
Himself with out question. 20 Now I
will reveal to you the cause of this
confusion and I council you to Keep
the Sabbath and all the holy days
regardless of consequence from man.
21 What eternal life have they to give
you, and what reward for breaking the
law of GOD can they give you in the
lake of fire? 22 For even this is the
love of GOD, shall they live in my

Kingdom that is perfect, just, and

according to this law. Even I keep the
my own law and am subject to it says
Jehovah. 23. So that you may know the
seriousness of the matter, If Jesus
would have broken the 7th-day
Sabbath, He would not be permitted
back into Heaven and the plan of
redemption would have been lost, 24
and this earth would have been
consumes curses and death to the
utter able measure. 24. This is why
we have both seen and heard that
eternal spirit speak and say to all
generations, I did not come to abolish
the law or the prophets. 25 If He did
not come to abolish the law or the
prophets, then why are many of you
working to do that very work against
the one in whom you say you believe,
do you now side with Satan; who shall
soon be destroyed by the special fire
prepared for him and his angels. 26
The Sabbath has been kept faithfully
from the beginning of our created
existence with Adam and Eve, through
the generations of Noah, Abraham,
Isaac, Jacob,27 and the twelve tribes;
the strangers that joined themselves
to the LORD going into the Saudi
Arabian dessert on the way to Jebel
Laws in Horeb, the Judean Christians,
the Waldensians, the Seventh day
Baptist, and at the end of the twenty
three hundred days of Daniel, the
Seventh-Day Adventist;28 and now a
remnant is preserved from them that
keep the commandments of GOD and
the Faith of Jesus along with the light
that has been passed down from
generation to generation. 29. It was in
the time that Jesus was with us before
He ascended into the Heavens after
stepping upon the cloud while the
Apostle looked gazing up, that the
Roman Soldiers were paid sums of

money by the Jewish priest to say that

they fell asleep on their watch while,
these apostles stole the body of Jesus.
30. It was these same Romans who
killed over fifty million Christians
during the time of the one thousand
two hundred and sixty years they
rained; 31 which is to say the forty
and two month of prophecy which is
written in the open book. 32 It was
this same Rome that overtook the
Greek empire and thought to change
the times and laws of GOD by their
Emperor Constantine Antinople the
Great who worshipped Amun Ra, as
the cross was in his shield and the
venerable day of the sun was in his
sights. 33 During the time of this
empire there was a council put in
order by this pagan kingdom that is
might become the worship mother of
all things for the defeat of its
competitors. 34 She live to get her
way, she stole to have gain, she
cheated as one who had no husband,
and she plotted as an venomous sneak
to attain her rule. 35 From this
kingdom came forth the Gregorian
calendar, the pagan festivals such as
Easter and Christmas, the new years,
and Sunday worship. 36 This
kingdom is with us till this day as the
beast that received a mortal wound;
37 but now that wound is healed
publishing peace and safety. 37. This
man of sin and mystery is now
revealed before your eyes; it is the
Vatican, the Pope, and the Papal
system, which is Catholicism. 38.
Being a catholic is not following Jesus,
but following pagan beliefs with a
Christ like twist. 39. If you want to
live in harmony with Jesus Christ and
desire eternal life; then I council you
to agree with the Angel of Revelation
and come out of her children of GOD

and be not partakers of their sins. 40

Sin is sin, whether you agree to hear it
and receive it as truth, or weather you
do it willingly; there remains no more
sacrifice for it. 41 This is why it is
better that you divorce sin and marry
the law that you may be one flesh with
Christ, even by His spirit; the only way
that whereby we receive our
inheritance as sons and daughters of
GOD Almighty. 42 For if we neglect the
instruction of repentance, our
marriage with sin remains valid and in
the course of life our covenant bare
witness who we worship and our
character is yet seen what we shall put
on in that great day; 43 but if seek
repentance and are baptized into the
watery grave with Jesus Christ, in the
name of Jesus Christ, then we are sure
of our reward if we remain faithful the
way of this true calling, for GOD has
said by the prophet Jeremiah that I
will give them one way. 44 If He then
gave us one straight line that we
should not waver, nor go a whoring
after lies and the things of this world,
then why do many of you try to devise
another way, to seek another doctrine
that is not your own? 45 This is being
willingly ignorant and is a sin above
them who do not know to Keep the
Sabbath and seek not the truth. 46.
There will be many before the time
shall come that will not know and
seek not to know, but will accept the
Sabbath truth before them with
excellent faith and earnestness then
them who do now keep it for they will
be forgiven much. 46 Therefore let us
take advantage of our own position in
the truth and seek to gain the ground
that was lost, to finish the
transgression, and to make an end of
sins, and to make reconciliation for
iniquity, and to bring in everlasting

righteousness, and to seal up the

vision and prophecy, and to anoint the
most Holy by our high priest in the
heavenly tabernacle by His own
blood.47 Surely if we love Him, we
will keep His commandments, statues
and judgments. Let us be wise with
ourselves as good stewards of the
heavenly courtship we have with the
Father and the Son, that we may
obtain the marriage in which we all
hope for and do pray. 48 For the
Sabbath was given as an invitation to
the wedding, and sign of loyalty and
obedience; even so was it given to us
as a Commandment for every.

6 Now concerning Daniels vision, the

two thousand three hundred days
shown Him in which the sanctuary
shall be cleansed. 2Let us follow the
unchanging history of our world in
order to match these things that we
have read up with word, to see the
fullness of truth, and experience it. 3
Are not these things shown in the
book, the great controversy between
Jesus Christ and His Angels and Satan
and His Angels? 4 When see the
pattern of the prophecies we are able
to declare the mercies of GOD; for
Moses saw the fulfillment of the
Messiah and was glad. 5Jesus
everything to us and we should lay
hold to Him at all times, never letting
up. The twenty three hundred days
are twenty three hundred years from
the time King Atraxeres gave his
decree to let Israel go up and rebuild
Jerusalem. 6 This degree took place in
four fifty seven B.C. , Which marks the
beginning of the two thousand and
three hundred days prophecy; 7 for
GOD has given us each day for a year.
9 The Jews had seventy years from
that time until the time of the stoning

of the Apostle Steven; 10 When he had

looked up steadfastly into the heavens
and saw the Son of man, Jesus Christ
standing on the right hand of the
Father. 11The Jews had seventy years
as a nation to finish the transgression,
and to make an end of sins, and to
make reconciliation for iniquity, and
to bring in everlasting righteousness,
and to seal up the vision and
prophecy, and to anoint the most Holy.
12 It was in 1 A.D that Jesus was born
in Bethlehem under the rule of King
Harrods, and then in 27 A.D. that Jesus
Christ was anointed by the spirit of
GOD that descended upon Him as a
dove, and he then prayed for His
people to be one with Himself; 28then
went for into the wilderness to be
tempted of the devil forty days and
forty nights. 29 Upon His returning to
the synagogue on the Sabbath day, he
read the mission statement of the
spiritual Kingdom that is not of this
world. 30 The Spirit of the Lord God is
upon me; because the Lord hath
anointed me to preach good tidings
unto the meek; he hath sent me to
bind up the brokenhearted, to
proclaim liberty to the captives, and
the opening of the prison to them that
are bound; 31To proclaim the
acceptable year of the Lord. 32 It was
then He began His works of miracles
of mercy by GOD the Father of us all,
that we may be heirs with Him in
paradise. 32 Are these things not
spoken of in the gospel of John the
Baptist, the greatest Prophet besides
his example? 33. Are these things not
also written in the books of Ellen? 34
It was in the year thirty one A.D. that
Jesus was crucified according to the
pattern shown in the earthly
tabernacle. 35 He is the center of all
the sacrifices and ceremonies, which

pointed to Him as the coming Savior

for the whole world. 36 When Jesus
partook of the Passover supper after
washing His diciples feet; 37 It was
then that he gave an representation of
both His spiritual body and his flesh
being broken for man, and His blood
being shed also. 38 And as they were
eating, Jesus took bread, and blessed
it, and brake it, and gave it to the
disciples, and said, Take, eat; this is
my body. 39 And he took the cup, and
gave thanks, and gave it to them,
saying, Drink ye all of it;40 For this is
my blood of the new testament, which
is shed for many for the remission of
sins.42 But I say unto you, I will not
drink henceforth of this fruit of the
vine, until that day when I drink it
new with you in my Father's kingdom.
43. On this wise He did not mean to
abolish the law, but it was by His
blood that we might receive eternal
pardon from all our iniquity and sins;
44 because enteral life is in Him to
give to all who would receive freely by
asking. 45 Then we would be able to
keep the unchangeable precepts
without fault nor stumble; 46 because
the sinless life that rose from the dead
would be in you, that you may not die;
because there would be no room for
sin as long as you kept the Sabbath
and the rest of the law. 47

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