Kolb, D.A. Fry, R. Toward An Applied Theory of Experimental Learning (Cap - 03)

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‘fhe; (3) denial of ality and weflnessf the diagnostic phases to an extent ‘athe (a) prevents others fom further exploration (b) compulsively brates ‘lire formal ul geaulne progress and c)conssenily ects tonon-achive- ‘ment with great gull or ange. References Api € (90m ha bt nS of Ain ar ‘Age GU Ierntion Toy and Method. Reding, Mase: Adc Weey SE and, Seon (50) Theory Pre Sep Prtesn:Soey Ba ne ‘SCI st lle oa, HarmcndrurtPengen Book Vi Wt 5h ayo eer ae selcd' PR. Gi am KD. Beas (964) Frey Thar on Laborato erie Yor snd Loon: fom Wiky and Sons ‘kt 8 (econ Oran a, Tn: FP te MLCT dmepesan! Brot: Tory nd PratieSesiny Troi. ‘New York secre Book C= Lj, 6 is) Grnawana Ren New York: Apelten Cary line Now Yo ond onion in Wg ao Sino (80) The Some fe di! Cobia, Mas: MT. Pe Chapters Towards an Applied Theory of Experiential Learning David A. Kolb onal Fy Massachusetts nelle of Technology ‘The expeicnial learning model and its peastial counterpart, the aaion ‘esearch method, sre among the mos semital of the many contrition made bby Kurt Lewin and his arsociaterin ther ear work om group dynamics, Eom hoe auseame telshorstory mining method and groupe of te moat potenteducational innovations in hiscntury. The actionesearch sbethod proved a ul sppvoach to planed change steevesious nt nly install ‘Sroupstutalgo in arge complex organizations and community systems. Today this methodology forms the corerstone of most organization development fort, Te sndoig eh ofp aig es nl ay ating need gow a el of — \en/ Fuse. The experiential Iarsing od 4 ‘conelosions ofthis analysis are feduck (othe actor the experience fr theie luc in Ge () odiiation of tir behaviour and choos of new expenences. ‘Céant inscotived aa four-ageeyleasshownin Figure [Immediate concrete expec isthe basis for observation and rfion. These observa tion ar asia ito theory" rom which ne implcation for action an ‘edodued. Thre implications or hypotheses then serve as guldes necting create noe expences ‘eshups because ofthe practical face validity of the experiential learning model thereat beeaclatively itl serious set eeureh directed towards Understanding the dynamics of thelearaing process from his perspective. While the mode! has become a pivotal tol in aiting design and consling pace, ‘here bas hen ile atention given Co the exploration of how learning takes plve and why experiential earns techniques und elon enareh methods [fork For the patacveral ears have ben engaged areearch progam ‘ied at anawering hese questions. In this chapter we wil epor some of out adings nod conchsions from our altempys 0 explore the sient implica tions of te expert ning model. More aptly, we will sek 1 ‘aborate four npbestions of the experiential Isring press (Gd) The iteration of the cognitive and vcioemotional perspectives on arming (G) The oe of indica ferences i earning se (0) The concept of growth and development iabereat in the expviestia Tearing model (@) A model of learning environments that is commensurate withthe ex- petcatia arnag proces. ‘eaening aan lntgratedcopnltve and soco-emotonl process Sinoitsinceton and he scsi by Lewin, Lipitand Whit (1939) on ld, the Bld of ero dynamics bar teen Gomiated by soc motion praprive,e pespecvegeericdinalagemeanrety hens Fred and pochcaalyas Ava el th model of earng ead dung frou thor have ended fo pest emphasize laf ings an te Deron reonhies suc ators a , eaieaion ichn, on, ‘tccton,etrprtelprespion end conmouscatn, Even ham pecan’ asofioup nr conrad whims cpve sci such problem ‘Shingand creas (oGondon, Ie havea theca pled pat enphass ‘onemotonal motatcal tnd weal actors "Ta experi lering ode) howeve_ephses that leaning and Ange To rv the creat contcie totional.expercces with copie pomant‘conepoal ona tad wadentndiy- Tis rangi ‘hs telling oc abel of mediate eet apenens Levit {nd Doktor (97) hrve nse develpmentacognitve terminology to xpan (hte sooingmystal ase experince when ral To ‘eerund ie acuing procs we ms wdeatand noon the tors wich 3s exablthe person to gain contact with hie on experience Bat alo the cognitive processes which enahle his to make Sense of hie experience, ‘This insight is strated no etter than fo the sctal storia eveat that spawned it the escovery" of the T-group (te Marom, 1969), Inte summer (91946 Levinand hiscalaguay, mostnotably Rovalé Lipo Letand Bradtord tnd Kenneth Bean ot ou to dexgn anew approsch (0 lesdesnipand group

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