2016.11.23 Responsive Records - Part 3

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Katz, Rebecca
Norvell, Wiley
Walzak, Phil; "jonathan@berlinrosen.com";
RE: pre-K questions
Tuesday, January 07, 2014 12:31:07 PM

"; Ramirez Ursulina

Looping Urs as well.

From: Norvell, Wiley

Sent: Tuesday, January 07, 2014 12:26 PM
Cc: Walzak, Phil; Katz, Rebecca; 'jonathan@berlinrosen.com';
Subject: RE: pre-K questions

Asking Wallack to assist answering these Qs.

From: Norvell, Wiley

Sent: Tuesday, January 07, 2014 12:23 PM
Cc: Walzak, Phil; Katz, Rebecca
Subject: FW: pre-K questions

Joshsee questions below.

Can you give us a hand here?

From: Mayor's Press Office

Sent: Tuesday, January 07, 2014 12:06 PM
To: Walzak, Phil; Katz, Rebecca; Norvell, Wiley
Subject: FW: pre-K questions

From: Erik Engquist [mailto:eengquist@crainsnewyork.com]

Sent: Tuesday, January 07, 2014 11:30 AM
To: Mayor's Press Office
Subject: pre-K questions

Hi press folks,

Im working on an editorial about the universal prekindergarten program proposed by the de Blasio
administration. I have a few questions:

1. Is $439 million a year the estimated cost of the program?

2. Does that include personnel costs and rent? What about busing?
3. What are the projected start-up costs like renovations, equipment, teacher training,
curriculum development, etc.?
4. Would all the teachers be UFT members?
5. Will all the pre-K classes be part of traditional public elementary schools, or will there be
some in separate space with their own administrations?

6. Is there an existing large-scale municipal pre-K program that could serve as a model for New
York Citys?
7. How long after funding is secured would it take before classes could begin? In other words,
whats the earliest the program could begin?

Please get back to me by the end of the day Wednesday. Thanks.

Erik Engquist | Assistant Managing Editor

T: 212.210.0745| F: 212.210.0799
711 3rd Ave., NY, NY 10017
eengquist@crain.com| www.crainsnewyork.com


Norvell, Wiley

Katz, Rebecca
Walzak, Phil; "URamirez@schools.nyc.gov"

Re: pre-K questions

Tuesday, January 07, 2014 9:56:03 PM

Can do.

From: Jonathan Rosen [mailto:Jonathan@berlinrosen.com]

Sent: Tuesday, January 07, 2014 09:29 PM
To: Josh Gold
; Katz, Rebecca
Cc: Norvell, Wiley;
Ursulina (URamirez@schools.nyc.gov) <URamirez@schools.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE: pre-K questions

Walzak, Phil; Ramirez

Wiley - can you flip this NIEER stuff to Downes in advance of Wallack call and also offer the guy from
NIEER who we are in touch with if makes sense.
From: Josh Gold
Sent: Tuesday, January 07, 2014 2:04 PM
To: Katz, Rebecca
Cc: Norvell, Wiley;
Subject: Re: pre-K questions

Walzak, Phil; Jonathan Rosen; Ramirez Ursulina

Defer to implementation team, but if ed writers are comparing a dedicated funding model to
an increase in state funding, May want to share the NIEER excerpt below:
Improving Public Financing for Early Learning Programs
Page 22: Financing Universal Prekindergarten in New York and Florida
The experiences of New York and Florida inform any discussion of funding large scale state
pre-K initiatives. New York was one of the earliest states to make universal pre-K a statutory
goal. Yet the state has had considerable difficulty making consistent headway toward
achieving that goal. Florida, on the other hand, rolled out a universal program in a very short
time span that enrolled a relatively high proportion of 4-year-olds but had low program
New York:
New Yorks Universal Prekindergarten (UPK) initiative began in 1998, the same year
Oklahoma adopted a universal approach. Unlike Oklahoma and Georgia, New York did not
include pre-K in the school funding formula or have a dedicated funding stream for pre-K
such as a lottery. This left the program subject to shifting political priorities in each years
budget allocations process. After an initial period of growth in districts with the most
economically disadvantaged families, UPK was flat-funded from 2002 until 2005. Expansion
into more affluent districts wasl imited. The 2007-2008 budget committed additional funds to
UPK, and a goal was set for universal access by 2011. That year, UPK served 39 percent of
the states 4-year-olds. Since then, UPK has battled for funding.

W. Steven Barnett, Ph.D.

National Institute for Early Education Research
Rutgers University
Cell:(732) 221-8002
On Tue, Jan 7, 2014 at 12:31 PM, Katz, Rebecca <RKKatz@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
Looping Urs as well.

From: Norvell, Wiley

Sent: Tuesday, January 07, 2014 12:26 PM
Cc: Walzak, Phil; Katz, Rebecca; 'jonathan@berlinrosen.com';
Subject: RE: pre-K questions

Asking Wallack to assist answering these Qs.

From: Norvell, Wiley

Sent: Tuesday, January 07, 2014 12:23 PM
Cc: Walzak, Phil; Katz, Rebecca
Subject: FW: pre-K questions

Joshsee questions below.

Can you give us a hand here?

From: Mayor's Press Office

Sent: Tuesday, January 07, 2014 12:06 PM
To: Walzak, Phil; Katz, Rebecca; Norvell, Wiley
Subject: FW: pre-K questions

From: Erik Engquist [mailto:eengquist@crainsnewyork.com]

Sent: Tuesday, January 07, 2014 11:30 AM
To: Mayor's Press Office
Subject: pre-K questions

Hi press folks,

Im working on an editorial about the universal prekindergarten program proposed by the

de Blasio administration. I have a few questions:

1. Is $439 million a year the estimated cost of the program?

2. Does that include personnel costs and rent? What about busing?
3. What are the projected start-up costs like renovations, equipment, teacher training,
curriculum development, etc.?
4. Would all the teachers be UFT members?
5. Will all the pre-K classes be part of traditional public elementary schools, or will there
be some in separate space with their own administrations?

6. Is there an existing large-scale municipal pre-K program that could serve as a model
for New York Citys?
7. How long after funding is secured would it take before classes could begin? In other
words, whats the earliest the program could begin?

Please get back to me by the end of the day Wednesday. Thanks.

Erik Engquist | Assistant Managing Editor

T: 212.210.0745| F: 212.210.0799
711 3rd Ave., NY, NY 10017
eengquist@crain.com| www.crainsnewyork.com


Ragone, Peter
Schnake-Mahl, Gabriel; Wolfe, Emma; "jwallack@childrensaidsociety.org";
"jonathan@berlinrosen.com"; "FuleihanD@omb.nyc.gov"; "emily@berlinrosen.com"
Re: Check in on working group
Monday, January 13, 2014 8:58:38 AM

----- Original Message ----From: Schnake-Mahl, Gabriel
Sent: Monday, January 13, 2014 08:53 AM
To: Wolfe, Emma; 'jwallack@childrensaidsociety.org' <jwallack@childrensaidsociety.org>;
; Ragone, Peter; 'jonathan@berlinrosen.com'
<jonathan@berlinrosen.com>; 'FuleihanD@omb.nyc.gov' <FuleihanD@omb.nyc.gov>;
'emily@berlinrosen.com' <emily@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: Re: Check in on working group
Can folks do a call today at 10:30am? Or 11:30am?
----- Original Message ----From: Wolfe, Emma
Sent: Monday, January 13, 2014 08:41 AM
To: 'jwallack@childrensaidsociety.org' <jwallack@childrensaidsociety.org>;
Ragone, Peter; 'jonathan@berlinrosen.com' <jonathan@berlinrosen.com>;
'FuleihanD@omb.nyc.gov' <FuleihanD@omb.nyc.gov>
Cc: Schnake-Mahl, Gabriel
Subject: Check in on working group
Looking forward to doing a check-in on this if we can make folks' schedules work -- Gabriel cc'd here
can herd cats
Thanks all!


Schnake-Mahl, Gabriel
Ragone, Peter; Wolfe, Emma; "jwallack@childrensaidsociety.org";
"jonathan@berlinrosen.com"; "FuleihanD@omb.nyc.gov"
Owens, Cynthia; "emily@berlinrosen.com"
RE: Check in on working group
Monday, January 13, 2014 11:30:48 AM

Reminder. Please call in.

Call-in number:
Access Code:

-----Original Message----From: Schnake-Mahl, Gabriel

Sent: Monday, January 13, 2014 10:17 AM
To: Ragone, Peter; Wolfe, Emma; 'jwallack@childrensaidsociety.org';
'jonathan@berlinrosen.com'; 'FuleihanD@omb.nyc.gov'
Cc: Owens, Cynthia; 'emily@berlinrosen.com'
Subject: RE: Check in on working group
This call is confirmed for 11:30am.
Call-in number:
Access Code:

-----Original Message----From: Ragone, Peter

Sent: Monday, January 13, 2014 8:59 AM
To: Schnake-Mahl, Gabriel; Wolfe, Emma; 'jwallack@childrensaidsociety.org';
'jonathan@berlinrosen.com'; 'FuleihanD@omb.nyc.gov'; 'emily@berlinrosen.com'
Subject: Re: Check in on working group


----- Original Message ----From: Schnake-Mahl, Gabriel
Sent: Monday, January 13, 2014 08:53 AM
To: Wolfe, Emma; 'jwallack@childrensaidsociety.org' <jwallack@childrensaidsociety.org>;
; Ragone, Peter; 'jonathan@berlinrosen.com'
<jonathan@berlinrosen.com>; 'FuleihanD@omb.nyc.gov' <FuleihanD@omb.nyc.gov>;
'emily@berlinrosen.com' <emily@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: Re: Check in on working group
Can folks do a call today at 10:30am? Or 11:30am?
----- Original Message ----From: Wolfe, Emma
Sent: Monday, January 13, 2014 08:41 AM
To: 'jwallack@childrensaidsociety.org' <jwallack@childrensaidsociety.org>;
; Ragone, Peter; 'jonathan@berlinrosen.com' <jonathan@berlinrosen.com>;
'FuleihanD@omb.nyc.gov' <FuleihanD@omb.nyc.gov>
Cc: Schnake-Mahl, Gabriel
Subject: Check in on working group
Looking forward to doing a check-in on this if we can make folks' schedules work -- Gabriel cc'd here
can herd cats Thanks all!

instructive to look at how far you've come.

Back in August, even before the primary candidates had held an official, televised
debate, the Daily News endorsed Christine Quinn, saying of de Blasio:
Additionally, his call for raising taxes on the wealthy to drum up hundreds of millions
of dollars annually to pay for pre-K education sells well but hasnt a chance at a
time when the next mayor will have to fight like hell just to preserve the status quo
for New Yorkers.
A few weeks later, the New York Times also backed Quinn. It praised de Blasio
mildly, but noted:
Mr. de Blasios most ambitious plans like a powerful new state-city partnership to
make forever-failing city hospitals financially viable, or to pay for universal
prekindergarten and after-school programs through a new tax on the richest New
Yorkers need support in the State Capitol, and look like legislative long shots.
Once a Mayor de Blasio saw his boldest ideas smashed on the rocks of Albany, then
De Blasio's opponents picked up this theme. In their final pre-primary debate, Quinn
said de Blasio's tax plan was dead on arrival at the state capitol, labeling it pie in
the sky. After de Blasio overturned all the handicapping and won the primary on the
first round, Governor Cuomo sat with the Daily News editorial board and, according
to the News, virtually shot down the possibility next year that the state would take
up a de Blasio plan to hike the city tax rate. Cuomo's re-election hopes and/or
designs on the presidency, the thinking went, made it all but impossible for him to
consider a tax hike. Soon, de Blasio's Republican opponent, Joe Lhota, took up the
line of argument that Quinn tried, calling the plan dead on arrival in a debate with
the Democrat. Through it all, de Blasio refused to consider a plan B or negotiate
against [himself].

That seemed like rhetoric at the time. It doesn't now.

Last week, de Blasio convened union leaders in support of the pre-K plan at the
same time as Cuomo held an event to tout a $2 billion package of tax cuts. Some
saw this as the two men taking one step closer toward a real groin-kickin', gravel-inthe-eyes-throwin', beer-bottle-on-the-bar-breakin' street fight over the mayor's tax
plan (which, you have to admit, would make for compelling drama, given their
political history together and the fact that de Blasio's lengthy reach versus Cuomo's
more powerful build create an interesting match-up).

Maybe that fight will still come to occur, but it was interesting that Cuomo's package
of tax cuts addressed property taxes, businesses taxes, estate taxes and so on, but
not the personal income tax, which is what the de Blasio plan would affect. By my
unsophisticated math, if de Blasio's planwhich requires some $500 million a year in
new revenuegoes through and Cuomo gets his other cuts he can still claim to
have cut $1.5 billion in taxes. And hey, it's not like a future Cuomo presidential
campaign is ever going to be able to claim that he transformed New York State into
a low-tax environmentjust that he lessened the overall bite.
What's more, Cuomo's recent tax proposals were clearly aimed more at upstate,
where the economy is worse and Cuomo needs votes more if he is going to
accomplish his perceived goal of trying to eclipse his father's widest electoral margin.

If Cuomo needs anything from downstate in order to achieve a stunning re-election

landslide, it's Democratic turnout, and that's where those unions who've jumped on
the de Blasio UPK bandwagon come in.
Strange things often happen in Albany: Good ideas (see pricing, congestion) die,
bad ideas (see stadium, West Side) die and things once thought politically
impossible (e.g., Mayor Bloomberg securing mayoral control of the schools) actually
occur. De Blasio's plan could still end up in tatters on the lifeless concrete plain of
Empire State Plaza.

But it's valuable to note that the conventional wisdom, which so often narrows the
parameters of political debate, appears to have underestimated the mayor, the
legislature or both. If everybody had listened to the editorial boards, or the governor
or Quinn or Lhota and written off de Blasio's plan and de Blasio, we wouldn't be
here. If de Blasio's first big idea doesn't get smashed on the rocks of Albany, what

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Wolfe, Emma
Re: Fwd: Pre-K
Wednesday, January 15, 2014 2:14:51 PM

J ro?

From: Josh Wallack [mailto:

Sent: Wednesday, January 15, 2014 01:36 PM
To: Wolfe, Emma
Subject: Fwd: Pre-K

I can't do this time but certainly go without me.

Begin forwarded message:
From: "Patrick B. Jenkins" <patrick@pbjenkins.com>
Date: January 15, 2014 at 1:30:50 PM EST
To: "'Wolfe, Emma'" <EWolfe@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: "'Schnake-Mahl, Gabriel'" <GSchnakeMahl@cityhall.nyc.gov>,
"'Jonathan Rosen'" <jonathan@berlinrosen.com>,
Subject: RE: Pre-K
Can you do Friday at 10am?

From: Wolfe, Emma [mailto:EWolfe@cityhall.nyc.gov]

Sent: Wednesday, January 15, 2014 12:10 PM
To: 'Patrick Jenkins'
Cc: Schnake-Mahl, Gabriel; Jonathan Rosen;
Subject: RE: Pre-K
Awesome thanks

From: Patrick Jenkins [mailto:patrick@pbjenkins.com]

Sent: Wednesday, January 15, 2014 12:10 PM
To: Wolfe, Emma
Cc: Schnake-Mahl, Gabriel; Jonathan Rosen;
Subject: RE: Pre-K

Will have a date this afternoon.

On Jan 15, 2014 12:06 PM, "Wolfe, Emma" <EWolfe@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Hey Patrick checking back in on this were hot to trot

From: Wolfe, Emma

Sent: Monday, January 13, 2014 3:47 PM
To: 'patrick@pbjenkins.com'
Cc: 'jonathan@berlinrosen.com';
Subject: RE: Pre-K

; Schnake-Mahl, Gabriel

You tell us!
We want to make happen soon. Looping a couple folks who are working on this guys
this is Patrick helpfully running traps on a potential pitch for us to get Bank Streets
support and/or collaboration on upk

From: Emma Wolfe [mailto

Sent: Monday, January 13, 2014 3:24 PM
To: Wolfe, Emma
Subject: Fwd: Pre-K

---------- Forwarded message ---------From: Patrick B. Jenkins <patrick@pbjenkins.com>

Date: Mon, Jan 13, 2014 at 3:24 PM
Subject: Pre-K
To: Emma Wolfe
Hi, all good. When can we set up the pitch?


Jonathan Rosen
Schnake-Mahl, Gabriel; Wolfe, Emma
Emily Walsh
RE: Bank Street
Wednesday, January 22, 2014 11:28:39 AM

Dont think so.

From: Schnake-Mahl, Gabriel [mailto:GSchnakeMahl@cityhall.nyc.gov]

Sent: Wednesday, January 22, 2014 11:28 AM
To: Wolfe, Emma;
)'; Jonathan Rosen;
; Emily Walsh
Subject: RE: Bank Street

Reminder here. Are any materials needed to email over to Bank Street?

-----Original Appointment----From: Schnake-Mahl, Gabriel On Behalf Of Wolfe, Emma

Sent: Tuesday, January 21, 2014 11:07 PM
; 'jonathan@berlinrosen.com'
'patrick@pbjenkins.com'; Emily Walsh
Subject: Bank Street
When: Wednesday, January 22, 2014 11:30 AM-12:30 PM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada).
Where: Call-in: (559) 726-1000;

Because of weather this is now a call.

Access Code:


Wolfe, Emma
"; Fuleihan, Dean (OMB); Schnake-Mahl, Gabriel
Re: Briefing tomorrow
Saturday, January 25, 2014 10:11:15 PM

They wanna do 11

From: Jonathan Rosen [mailto:Jonathan@berlinrosen.com]

Sent: Saturday, January 25, 2014 10:10 PM
To: Wolfe, Emma
Cc: Josh Wallack
; Fuleihan, Dean (OMB); Schnake-Mahl, Gabriel
Subject: Re: Briefing tomorrow

12 or 1230 ideal. But can make earlier work too.

Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 25, 2014, at 7:08 PM, "Wolfe, Emma" <EWolfe@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Great. Dean do you want to be on this?

From: Josh Wallack [mailto:

Sent: Saturday, January 25, 2014 7:08 PM
To: Wolfe, Emma
Cc: Fuleihan, Dean (OMB); jonathan@berlinrosen.com; Schnake-Mahl, Gabriel
Subject: Re: Briefing tomorrow

Whenever you need I'll work it out.

On Jan 25, 2014, at 7:01 PM, "Wolfe, Emma" <EWolfe@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Conference Call with Louann, Jim, Matt or some combo of them seems
For mid to late morning
What times can you guys do? (or some combo of you)
This is to brief them on UPK white paper and try to get a quote
I have to send them an exec summary once we have it as well per Judy

From: Louann Ciccone [mailto:cicconel@assembly.state.ny.us]

Sent: Saturday, January 25, 2014 7:00 PM
To: Wolfe, Emma
Subject: Re: Briefing tomorrow


From: Wolfe, Emma [mailto:EWolfe@cityhall.nyc.gov]

Sent: Saturday, January 25, 2014 06:59 PM

To: 'Louann Ciccone' <cicconel@assembly.state.ny.us>

Subject: RE: Briefing tomorrow

I can provide a call-in number for a conference call in the morning if that

From: Louann Ciccone [mailto:cicconel@assembly.state.ny.us]

Sent: Saturday, January 25, 2014 6:58 PM
To: Wolfe, Emma
Subject: Re: Briefing tomorrow

Do u have the ability to get us all on a call?

From: Wolfe, Emma [mailto:EWolfe@cityhall.nyc.gov]

Sent: Saturday, January 25, 2014 06:56 PM
To: 'Jim Yates' <yatesj@assembly.state.ny.us>; 'Matt Howard'
<howardm@assembly.state.ny.us>; 'Louann Ciccone'
Subject: Briefing tomorrow

Hi Jim, Louann, Matt

Spoke briefly with Judy this evening and weve made significant progress
on some outstanding questions regarding universal pre-k program
implementation in NYC, and wed like to brief you before its made public
to get your thoughts.
Possible for some combination of you to discuss by phone (conference
call) tomorrow with our team, mid to late morning?
Thanks as always,


Jonathan Rosen
Wolfe, Emma
Fuleihan, Dean (OMB); Schnake-Mahl, Gabriel
Re: Briefing tomorrow
Saturday, January 25, 2014 10:11:31 PM

Can someone send me the paper to read in advance?

Sent from my iPhone
On Jan 25, 2014, at 9:58 PM, "Wolfe, Emma" <EWolfe@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
Great. It's 11am tmw. Wiley josh are on if u can be on and help push for validation,
perfect. Gabriel will send u the info

From: Jonathan Rosen [mailto:Jonathan@berlinrosen.com]

Sent: Saturday, January 25, 2014 09:57 PM
To: Wolfe, Emma
>; Fuleihan, Dean (OMB); Schnake-Mahl,
Cc: Josh Wallack
Subject: Re: Briefing tomorrow

Sure. Let me know.

Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 25, 2014, at 7:08 PM, "Wolfe, Emma" <EWolfe@cityhall.nyc.gov>

Great. Dean do you want to be on this?

From: Josh Wallack [mailto:

Sent: Saturday, January 25, 2014 7:08 PM
To: Wolfe, Emma
Cc: Fuleihan, Dean (OMB); jonathan@berlinrosen.com; Schnake-Mahl,
Subject: Re: Briefing tomorrow

Whenever you need I'll work it out.

On Jan 25, 2014, at 7:01 PM, "Wolfe, Emma" <EWolfe@cityhall.nyc.gov>

Conference Call with Louann, Jim, Matt or some combo of
them seems possible
For mid to late morning
What times can you guys do? (or some combo of you)
This is to brief them on UPK white paper and try to get a

I have to send them an exec summary once we have it as
well per Judy

From: Louann Ciccone [mailto:cicconel@assembly.state.ny.us]

Sent: Saturday, January 25, 2014 7:00 PM
To: Wolfe, Emma
Subject: Re: Briefing tomorrow


From: Wolfe, Emma [mailto:EWolfe@cityhall.nyc.gov]

Sent: Saturday, January 25, 2014 06:59 PM
To: 'Louann Ciccone' <cicconel@assembly.state.ny.us>
Subject: RE: Briefing tomorrow

I can provide a call-in number for a conference call in the

morning if that works

From: Louann Ciccone [mailto:cicconel@assembly.state.ny.us]

Sent: Saturday, January 25, 2014 6:58 PM
To: Wolfe, Emma
Subject: Re: Briefing tomorrow

Do u have the ability to get us all on a call?

From: Wolfe, Emma [mailto:EWolfe@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Saturday, January 25, 2014 06:56 PM
To: 'Jim Yates' <yatesj@assembly.state.ny.us>; 'Matt Howard'
<howardm@assembly.state.ny.us>; 'Louann Ciccone'
Subject: Briefing tomorrow

Hi Jim, Louann, Matt

Spoke briefly with Judy this evening and weve made
significant progress on some outstanding questions
regarding universal pre-k program implementation in NYC,
and wed like to brief you before its made public to get your
Possible for some combination of you to discuss by phone
(conference call) tomorrow with our team, mid to late
Thanks as always,


Norvell, Wiley
Wolfe, Emma
Schnake-Mahl, Gabriel
Re: Briefing tomorrow
Sunday, January 26, 2014 11:07:52 AM

Fuleihan, Dean (OMB); jonathan@berlinrosen.com

On Jan 26, 2014, at 10:59 AM, Wolfe, Emma <EWolfe@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
+ Wiley
Wiley does broad strokes of what our paper is
Josh goes into more detail point by point
Jonathan to do intro and help with ask at end for validation
No dean for this call

From:Schnake-Mahl, Gabriel
Sent:Sunday, January 26, 2014 10:51 AM
To:Wolfe, Emma; 'jonathan@berlinrosen.com'
; Fuleihan, Dean (OMB)
Subject:Re: Briefing tomorrow

Reminder. Call in 10 minutes.

From: Schnake-Mahl, Gabriel

Sent: Saturday, January 25, 2014 10:46 PM
To: Wolfe, Emma; 'jonathan@berlinrosen.com' <jonathan@berlinrosen.com>
Fuleihan, Dean (OMB)
Subject: Re: Briefing tomorrow

Call in #:
Access code:

From: Wolfe, Emma

Sent: Saturday, January 25, 2014 10:11 PM
To: 'jonathan@berlinrosen.com' <jonathan@berlinrosen.com>
Fuleihan, Dean (OMB);
Schnake-Mahl, Gabriel
Subject: Re: Briefing tomorrow


From: Jonathan Rosen[mailto:Jonathan@berlinrosen.com]

Sent: Saturday, January 25, 2014 10:11 PM
To: Wolfe, Emma
>; Fuleihan, Dean (OMB);
Schnake-Mahl, Gabriel

Subject: Re: Briefing tomorrow

Cool. Sorry emails crossed re times.

Sent from my iPhone
On Jan 25, 2014, at 9:58 PM, "Wolfe, Emma" <EWolfe@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
Great. It's 11am tmw. Wiley josh are on if u can be on and help push for
validation, perfect. Gabriel will send u the info

From: Jonathan Rosen [mailto:Jonathan@berlinrosen.com]

Sent: Saturday, January 25, 2014 09:57 PM
To: Wolfe, Emma
>; Fuleihan, Dean (OMB);
Cc: Josh Wallack
Schnake-Mahl, Gabriel
Subject: Re: Briefing tomorrow

Sure. Let me know.

Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 25, 2014, at 7:08 PM, "Wolfe, Emma" <EWolfe@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Great. Dean do you want to be on this?

From:Josh Wallack [mailto

Sent:Saturday, January 25, 2014 7:08 PM

To:Wolfe, Emma
Cc:Fuleihan, Dean (OMB);jonathan@berlinrosen.com;
Schnake-Mahl, Gabriel
Subject:Re: Briefing tomorrow

Whenever you need I'll work it out.

On Jan 25, 2014, at 7:01 PM, "Wolfe, Emma"

<EWolfe@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
Conference Call with Louann, Jim, Matt or
some combo of them seems possible
For mid to late morning
What times can you guys do? (or some combo
of you)
This is to brief them on UPK white paper and
try to get a quote
I have to send them an exec summary once we
have it as well per Judy


From:Louann Ciccone
Sent:Saturday, January 25, 2014 7:00 PM
To:Wolfe, Emma
Subject:Re: Briefing tomorrow


From: Wolfe,
Sent: Saturday, January 25, 2014 06:59 PM
To: 'Louann Ciccone'
Subject: RE: Briefing tomorrow

I can provide a call-in number for a conference

call in the morning if that works

Sent:Saturday, January 25, 2014 6:58 PM
To:Wolfe, Emma
Subject:Re: Briefing tomorrow

Do u have the ability to get us all on a call?

From: Wolfe,
Sent: Saturday, January 25, 2014 06:56 PM
To: 'Jim Yates' <yatesj@assembly.state.ny.us>;
'Matt Howard'
<howardm@assembly.state.ny.us>; 'Louann
Ciccone' <cicconel@assembly.state.ny.us>
Subject: Briefing tomorrow

Hi Jim, Louann, Matt

Spoke briefly with Judy this evening and weve
made significant progress on some outstanding
questions regarding universal pre-k program
implementation in NYC, and wed like to brief
you before its made public to get your
Possible for some combination of you to
discuss by phone (conference call) tomorrow
with our team, mid to late morning?
Thanks as always,


Norvell, Wiley
Josh Wallack
Wolfe, Emma; Jonathan Rosen; Walzak, Phil; Soliman, Sherif; Schnake-Mahl, Gabriel
Re: tomorrow
Sunday, January 26, 2014 12:22:52 PM
UPK 1-Pager.pdf

FYIwhite paper is very close.

In meantime, attached is a 1-pager we should use in discussions, provided you dont
think its insufficiently lean.
On Jan 26, 2014, at 12:15 PM, Josh Wallack



From: EWolfe@cityhall.nyc.gov
CC: WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov; PWalzak@cityhall.nyc.gov;
SSoliman@cityhall.nyc.gov; GSchnakeMahl@cityhall.nyc.gov
Subject: FW: tomorrow
Date: Sun, 26 Jan 2014 17:07:30 +0000
This is for kleins person to get idc to validate as well. Josh if theres any way for you to
hop on the line thatd be great I believe this will be smoother sailing than the silver
team call.

From:Wolfe, Emma
Sent:Sunday, January 26, 2014 12:06 PM
To:'John Emrick'
Cc:Norvell, Wiley; Soliman, Sherif; Francesc Marti; Schnake-Mahl, Gabriel; Walzak, Phil
Subject:RE: tomorrow

Can everybody do 12:45?

GSM plz circulate call-in

From:John Emrick[mailto

Sent:Sunday, January 26, 2014 11:48 AM

To:Wolfe, Emma
Cc:Norvell, Wiley; Soliman, Sherif; Francesc Marti
Subject:RE: tomorrow

Would like to have our budget director on the line francesc marti copied here.
What time and number? Thanks.

On Jan 26, 2014 11:27 AM, "Wolfe, Emma" <EWolfe@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Might get into policy weeds a bit is there a wonk on your end that you would want to
join have to keep confidential until tomorrow
(or are you said wonk)

From:Wolfe, Emma
Sent:Saturday, January 25, 2014 7:24 PM
To:'John Emrick'
Cc:Soliman, Sherif; Norvell, Wiley
Subject:RE: tomorrow

Great we will

From:John Emrick
Sent:Saturday, January 25, 2014 7:18 PM
To:Wolfe, Emma
Cc:Soliman, Sherif
Subject:Re: tomorrow

Mid day is good on my cell2123630828thanks

On Jan 25, 2014 7:14 PM, "Wolfe, Emma" <EWolfe@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
Are you around late morning/mid day to talk about some good upk
implementation stuff weve got going?


Jonathan Rosen
Norvell, Wiley
Josh Wallack; Wolfe, Emma; Walzak, Phil; Soliman, Sherif; Schnake-Mahl, Gabriel
Re: tomorrow
Sunday, January 26, 2014 12:24:34 PM

Is the budget math broken out in the white paper? Can we break it out here? Also
do we make the points on having the rooms and the teachers?
Sent from my iPhone
On Jan 26, 2014, at 12:22 PM, "Norvell, Wiley" <WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
FYIwhite paper is very close.
In meantime, attached is a 1-pager we should use in discussions,
provided you dont think its insufficiently lean.
On Jan 26, 2014, at 12:15 PM, Josh Wallack

From: EWolfe@cityhall.nyc.gov
CC: WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov; PWalzak@cityhall.nyc.gov;
SSoliman@cityhall.nyc.gov; GSchnakeMahl@cityhall.nyc.gov
Subject: FW: tomorrow
Date: Sun, 26 Jan 2014 17:07:30 +0000
This is for kleins person to get idc to validate as well. Josh if theres any
way for you to hop on the line thatd be great I believe this will be
smoother sailing than the silver team call.

From:Wolfe, Emma
Sent:Sunday, January 26, 2014 12:06 PM
To:'John Emrick'
Cc:Norvell, Wiley; Soliman, Sherif; Francesc Marti; Schnake-Mahl, Gabriel;
Walzak, Phil
Subject:RE: tomorrow

Can everybody do 12:45?

GSM plz circulate call-in

From:John Emrick[mailto
Sent:Sunday, January 26, 2014 11:48 AM
To:Wolfe, Emma
Cc:Norvell, Wiley; Soliman, Sherif; Francesc Marti
Subject:RE: tomorrow

Would like to have our budget director on the line francesc marti
copied here. What time and number? Thanks.
On Jan 26, 2014 11:27 AM, "Wolfe, Emma"
<EWolfe@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
Might get into policy weeds a bit is there a wonk on your end that you
would want to join have to keep confidential until tomorrow
(or are you said wonk)

From:Wolfe, Emma
Sent:Saturday, January 25, 2014 7:24 PM
To:'John Emrick'
Cc:Soliman, Sherif; Norvell, Wiley
Subject:RE: tomorrow

Great we will

From:John Emrick[mailto
Sent:Saturday, January 25, 2014 7:18 PM
To:Wolfe, Emma
Cc:Soliman, Sherif
Subject:Re: tomorrow

Mid day is good on my cell

On Jan 25, 2014 7:14 PM, "Wolfe, Emma"
<EWolfe@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
Are you around late morning/mid day to talk about some good upk
implementation stuff weve got going?

<UPK 1-Pager.pdf>


Wolfe, Emma
Norvell, Wiley; Josh Wallack
Jonathan Rosen; Walzak, Phil; Soliman, Sherif; Schnake-Mahl, Gabriel
RE: tomorrow
Sunday, January 26, 2014 1:27:22 PM

Do folks think this is sufficient to share with silver and klein so they have something to review, or do
we need a little more meat on the bones

From: Norvell, Wiley

Sent: Sunday, January 26, 2014 12:23 PM
To: Josh Wallack
Cc: Wolfe, Emma; Jonathan Rosen; Walzak, Phil; Soliman, Sherif; Schnake-Mahl, Gabriel
Subject: Re: tomorrow

FYIwhite paper is very close.

In meantime, attached is a 1-pager we should use in discussions, provided you dont think its
insufficiently lean.
On Jan 26, 2014, at 12:15 PM, Josh Wallack

> wrote:

From: EWolfe@cityhall.nyc.gov
; jonathan@berlinrosen.com
CC: WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov; PWalzak@cityhall.nyc.gov; SSoliman@cityhall.nyc.gov;
Subject: FW: tomorrow
Date: Sun, 26 Jan 2014 17:07:30 +0000
This is for kleins person to get idc to validate as well. Josh if theres any way for you to hop on the
line thatd be great I believe this will be smoother sailing than the silver team call.

From:Wolfe, Emma
Sent:Sunday, January 26, 2014 12:06 PM
To:'John Emrick'
Cc:Norvell, Wiley; Soliman, Sherif; Francesc Marti; Schnake-Mahl, Gabriel; Walzak, Phil
Subject:RE: tomorrow

Can everybody do 12:45?

GSM plz circulate call-in

From:John Emrick[mailto
Sent:Sunday, January 26, 2014 11:48 AM
To:Wolfe, Emma

Cc:Norvell, Wiley; Soliman, Sherif; Francesc Marti

Subject:RE: tomorrow

Would like to have our budget director on the line francesc marti copied here. What time
and number? Thanks.
On Jan 26, 2014 11:27 AM, "Wolfe, Emma" <EWolfe@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
Might get into policy weeds a bit is there a wonk on your end that you would want to join have
to keep confidential until tomorrow
(or are you said wonk)

From:Wolfe, Emma
Sent:Saturday, January 25, 2014 7:24 PM
To:'John Emrick'
Cc:Soliman, Sherif; Norvell, Wiley
Subject:RE: tomorrow

Great we will

From:John Emrick[mailto:
Sent:Saturday, January 25, 2014 7:18 PM
To:Wolfe, Emma
Cc:Soliman, Sherif
Subject:Re: tomorrow

Mid day is good on my cell

On Jan 25, 2014 7:14 PM, "Wolfe, Emma" <EWolfe@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
Are you around late morning/mid day to talk about some good upk implementation stuff
weve got going?


Norvell, Wiley
Wolfe, Emma; Jonathan Rosen; Walzak, Phil; Soliman, Sherif; Schnake-Mahl, Gabriel
Re: tomorrow
Sunday, January 26, 2014 1:30:57 PM
UPK One Pager.pdf

Attaching updated

On Jan 26, 2014, at 12:35 PM, Josh Wallack

> wrote:

And yes, Sophia Dean and I tag-teaming paper and i think we're basically there.

From: WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov
CC: EWolfe@cityhall.nyc.gov; jonathan@berlinrosen.com;
PWalzak@cityhall.nyc.gov; SSoliman@cityhall.nyc.gov;
Subject: Re: tomorrow
Date: Sun, 26 Jan 2014 17:22:51 +0000
FYIwhite paper is very close.
In meantime, attached is a 1-pager we should use in discussions, provided you
dont think its insufficiently lean.

On Jan 26, 2014, at 12:15 PM, Josh Wallack


Subject: FW: tomorrow
Date: Sun, 26 Jan 2014 17:07:30 +0000
This is for kleins person to get idc to validate as well. Josh if theres any
way for you to hop on the line thatd be great I believe this will be
smoother sailing than the silver team call.


From:Wolfe, Emma
Sent:Sunday, January 26, 2014 12:06 PM
To:'John Emrick'
Cc:Norvell, Wiley; Soliman, Sherif; Francesc Marti; Schnake-Mahl, Gabriel;
Walzak, Phil
Subject:RE: tomorrow

Can everybody do 12:45?

GSM plz circulate call-in

From:John Emrick[mailto

Sent:Sunday, January 26, 2014 11:48 AM

To:Wolfe, Emma
Cc:Norvell, Wiley; Soliman, Sherif; Francesc Marti
Subject:RE: tomorrow

Would like to have our budget director on the line francesc marti
copied here. What time and number? Thanks.
On Jan 26, 2014 11:27 AM, "Wolfe, Emma"
<EWolfe@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
Might get into policy weeds a bit is there a wonk on your end that you
would want to join have to keep confidential until tomorrow
(or are you said wonk)

From:Wolfe, Emma
Sent:Saturday, January 25, 2014 7:24 PM
To:'John Emrick'
Cc:Soliman, Sherif; Norvell, Wiley
Subject:RE: tomorrow

Great we will

From:John Emrick[mailto
Sent:Saturday, January 25, 2014 7:18 PM
To:Wolfe, Emma
Cc:Soliman, Sherif
Subject:Re: tomorrow

Mid day is good on my cell

On Jan 25, 2014 7:14 PM, "Wolfe, Emma"
<EWolfe@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
Are you around late morning/mid day to talk about some good upk
implementation stuff weve got going?


Walzak, Phil
Wolfe, Emma; Norvell, Wiley
Jonathan Rosen; Soliman, Sherif; Schnake-Mahl, Gabriel
RE: tomorrow
Sunday, January 26, 2014 1:44:05 PM

Shipping white paper to saul now, he will review, we will then do a call w him

From: Walzak, Phil

Sent: Sunday, January 26, 2014 1:32 PM
To: Wolfe, Emma; Norvell, Wiley;
Cc: Jonathan Rosen; Soliman, Sherif; Schnake-Mahl, Gabriel
Subject: RE: tomorrow

Lets move this around stat

From: Wolfe, Emma

Sent: Sunday, January 26, 2014 1:32 PM
To: Norvell, Wiley;
Cc: Jonathan Rosen; Walzak, Phil; Soliman, Sherif; Schnake-Mahl, Gabriel
Subject: RE: tomorrow

Terrific. Everybody comfortable with me sharing with silver folks and Klein folks?

From: Norvell, Wiley

Sent: Sunday, January 26, 2014 1:31 PM
Cc: Wolfe, Emma; Jonathan Rosen; Walzak, Phil; Soliman, Sherif; Schnake-Mahl, Gabriel
Subject: Re: tomorrow

Attaching updated
On Jan 26, 2014, at 12:35 PM, Josh Wallack

> wrote:

And yes, Sophia Dean and I tag-teaming paper and i think we're basically there.
From: WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov
CC: EWolfe@cityhall.nyc.gov; jonathan@berlinrosen.com; PWalzak@cityhall.nyc.gov;
SSoliman@cityhall.nyc.gov; GSchnakeMahl@cityhall.nyc.gov
Subject: Re: tomorrow
Date: Sun, 26 Jan 2014 17:22:51 +0000
FYIwhite paper is very close.
In meantime, attached is a 1-pager we should use in discussions, provided you dont think
its insufficiently lean.

On Jan 26, 2014, at 12:15 PM, Josh Wallack

> wrote:

Subject: FW: tomorrow
Date: Sun, 26 Jan 2014 17:07:30 +0000
This is for kleins person to get idc to validate as well. Josh if theres any way for you to
hop on the line thatd be great I believe this will be smoother sailing than the silver
team call.

From:Wolfe, Emma
Sent:Sunday, January 26, 2014 12:06 PM
To:'John Emrick'
Cc:Norvell, Wiley; Soliman, Sherif; Francesc Marti; Schnake-Mahl, Gabriel; Walzak, Phil
Subject:RE: tomorrow

Can everybody do 12:45?

GSM plz circulate call-in

From:John Emrick[mailto

Sent:Sunday, January 26, 2014 11:48 AM

To:Wolfe, Emma
Cc:Norvell, Wiley; Soliman, Sherif; Francesc Marti
Subject:RE: tomorrow

Would like to have our budget director on the line francesc marti copied here.
What time and number? Thanks.
On Jan 26, 2014 11:27 AM, "Wolfe, Emma" <EWolfe@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
Might get into policy weeds a bit is there a wonk on your end that you would want to
join have to keep confidential until tomorrow
(or are you said wonk)

From:Wolfe, Emma
Sent:Saturday, January 25, 2014 7:24 PM
To:'John Emrick'
Cc:Soliman, Sherif; Norvell, Wiley
Subject:RE: tomorrow

Great we will

From:John Emrick[mailto
Sent:Saturday, January 25, 2014 7:18 PM
To:Wolfe, Emma
Cc:Soliman, Sherif
Subject:Re: tomorrow

Mid day is good on my cell

On Jan 25, 2014 7:14 PM, "Wolfe, Emma" <EWolfe@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
Are you around late morning/mid day to talk about some good upk
implementation stuff weve got going?


Norvell, Wiley
Walzak, Phil
Wolfe, Emma;
Schnake-Mahl, Gabriel
Re: tomorrow
Sunday, January 26, 2014 1:48:27 PM
UPK One Pager (2).pdf

Jonathan Rosen; Soliman, Sherif;

Made one edit. Use this

On Jan 26, 2014, at 1:32 PM, Walzak, Phil <PWalzak@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
Lets move this around stat
From:Wolfe, Emma
Sent:Sunday, January 26, 2014 1:32 PM
To:Norvell, Wiley;
Cc:Jonathan Rosen; Walzak, Phil; Soliman, Sherif; Schnake-Mahl, Gabriel
Subject:RE: tomorrow

Terrific. Everybody comfortable with me sharing with silver folks and Klein folks?
From:Norvell, Wiley
Sent:Sunday, January 26, 2014 1:31 PM
Cc:Wolfe, Emma; Jonathan Rosen; Walzak, Phil; Soliman, Sherif; Schnake-Mahl, Gabriel
Subject:Re: tomorrow

Attaching updated
On Jan 26, 2014, at 12:35 PM, Josh Wallack
And yes, Sophia Dean and I tag-teaming paper and i think we're basically there.
Subject: Re: tomorrow
Date: Sun, 26 Jan 2014 17:22:51 +0000
FYIwhite paper is very close.
In meantime, attached is a 1-pager we should use in discussions, provided you
dont think its insufficiently lean.

On Jan 26, 2014, at 12:15 PM, Josh Wallack

Subject: FW: tomorrow
Date: Sun, 26 Jan 2014 17:07:30 +0000
This is for kleins person to get idc to validate as well. Josh if theres any
way for you to hop on the line thatd be great I believe this will be
smoother sailing than the silver team call.
From:Wolfe, Emma
Sent:Sunday, January 26, 2014 12:06 PM
To:'John Emrick'
Cc:Norvell, Wiley; Soliman, Sherif; Francesc Marti; Schnake-Mahl, Gabriel;
Walzak, Phil
Subject:RE: tomorrow

Can everybody do 12:45?

GSM plz circulate call-in
From:John Emrick[mailto:

Sent:Sunday, January 26, 2014 11:48 AM

To:Wolfe, Emma
Cc:Norvell, Wiley; Soliman, Sherif; Francesc Marti
Subject:RE: tomorrow

Would like to have our budget director on the line francesc marti
copied here. What time and number? Thanks.
On Jan 26, 2014 11:27 AM, "Wolfe, Emma"
<EWolfe@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
Might get into policy weeds a bit is there a wonk on your end that you
would want to join have to keep confidential until tomorrow
(or are you said wonk)
From:Wolfe, Emma
Sent:Saturday, January 25, 2014 7:24 PM
To:'John Emrick'
Cc:Soliman, Sherif; Norvell, Wiley
Subject:RE: tomorrow


Great we will
From:John Emrick[mailto
Sent:Saturday, January 25, 2014 7:18 PM
To:Wolfe, Emma
Cc:Soliman, Sherif
Subject:Re: tomorrow

Mid day is good on my cell

On Jan 25, 2014 7:14 PM, "Wolfe, Emma"
<EWolfe@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
Are you around late morning/mid day to talk about some good upk
implementation stuff weve got going?


Norvell, Wiley
Walzak, Phil
Wolfe, Emma;
Schnake-Mahl, Gabriel
Re: tomorrow
Sunday, January 26, 2014 2:01:27 PM
UPK One Pager (3).pdf

Jonathan Rosen; Soliman, Sherif;

One further small adjustment to 1-pagerhere per OMB. Lets use this version going
On Jan 26, 2014, at 1:49 PM, Wiley Norvell <wnorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
To clarify, what I just sent is one-pager for internal use by trusted allies
to help them validate the plan.
On Jan 26, 2014, at 1:48 PM, Wiley Norvell <wnorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Made one edit. Use this
On Jan 26, 2014, at 1:32 PM, Walzak, Phil
<PWalzak@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
Lets move this around stat
From:Wolfe, Emma
Sent:Sunday, January 26, 2014 1:32 PM
To:Norvell, Wiley;
Cc:Jonathan Rosen; Walzak, Phil; Soliman, Sherif; SchnakeMahl, Gabriel
Subject:RE: tomorrow

Terrific. Everybody comfortable with me sharing with silver

folks and Klein folks?
From:Norvell, Wiley
Sent:Sunday, January 26, 2014 1:31 PM
Cc:Wolfe, Emma; Jonathan Rosen; Walzak, Phil; Soliman,
Sherif; Schnake-Mahl, Gabriel
Subject:Re: tomorrow

Attaching updated
On Jan 26, 2014, at 12:35 PM, Josh Wallack
> wrote:

And yes, Sophia Dean and I tag-teaming paper and i

think we're basically there.
Subject: Re: tomorrow
Date: Sun, 26 Jan 2014 17:22:51 +0000
FYIwhite paper is very close.
In meantime, attached is a 1-pager we should use in
discussions, provided you dont think its insufficiently
On Jan 26, 2014, at 12:15 PM, Josh Wallack
Subject: FW: tomorrow
Date: Sun, 26 Jan 2014 17:07:30 +0000
This is for kleins person to get idc to validate as
well. Josh if theres any way for you to hop on
the line thatd be great I believe this will be
smoother sailing than the silver team call.
From:Wolfe, Emma
Sent:Sunday, January 26, 2014 12:06 PM
To:'John Emrick'
Cc:Norvell, Wiley; Soliman, Sherif; Francesc
Marti; Schnake-Mahl, Gabriel; Walzak, Phil
Subject:RE: tomorrow

Can everybody do 12:45?

GSM plz circulate call-in
Sent:Sunday, January 26, 2014 11:48 AM
To:Wolfe, Emma
Cc:Norvell, Wiley; Soliman, Sherif; Francesc
Subject:RE: tomorrow

Would like to have our budget director on

the line francesc marti copied here. What
time and number? Thanks.
On Jan 26, 2014 11:27 AM, "Wolfe, Emma"
<EWolfe@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
Might get into policy weeds a bit is there a
wonk on your end that you would want to join
have to keep confidential until tomorrow
(or are you said wonk)
From:Wolfe, Emma
Sent:Saturday, January 25, 2014 7:24 PM
To:'John Emrick'
Cc:Soliman, Sherif; Norvell, Wiley
Subject:RE: tomorrow

Great we will

Sent:Saturday, January 25, 2014 7:18 PM
To:Wolfe, Emma
Cc:Soliman, Sherif
Subject:Re: tomorrow

Mid day is good on my

On Jan 25, 2014 7:14 PM, "Wolfe, Emma"
<EWolfe@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
Are you around late morning/mid day to
talk about some good upk implementation
stuff weve got going?
<UPK One Pager (2).pdf>


Norvell, Wiley
Wolfe, Emma
Walzak, Phil
Schnake-Mahl, Gabriel
Re: tomorrow
Sunday, January 26, 2014 2:04:42 PM

; Jonathan Rosen; Soliman, Sherif;

yes, old one fine. splitting hairs a little at this point.

On Jan 26, 2014, at 2:03 PM, Wolfe, Emma <EWolfe@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
hope others were okay; that's what i sent.
Sent from my iPad
On Jan 26, 2014, at 2:01 PM, "Norvell, Wiley"
<WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
One further small adjustment to 1-pagerhere per OMB. Lets
use this version going forward.
On Jan 26, 2014, at 1:49 PM, Wiley Norvell
<wnorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
To clarify, what I just sent is one-pager for internal
use by trusted allies to help them validate the plan.
On Jan 26, 2014, at 1:48 PM, Wiley Norvell
<wnorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
Made one edit. Use this
On Jan 26, 2014, at 1:32 PM, Walzak,
Phil <PWalzak@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
Lets move this around stat
From:Wolfe, Emma
Sent:Sunday, January 26, 2014
1:32 PM
To:Norvell, Wiley;
Cc:Jonathan Rosen; Walzak, Phil;
Soliman, Sherif; Schnake-Mahl,
Subject:RE: tomorrow

Terrific. Everybody comfortable

with me sharing with silver folks
and Klein folks?
From:Norvell, Wiley
Sent:Sunday, January 26, 2014
1:31 PM
Cc:Wolfe, Emma; Jonathan Rosen;
Walzak, Phil; Soliman, Sherif;
Schnake-Mahl, Gabriel
Subject:Re: tomorrow

Attaching updated
On Jan 26, 2014, at 12:35 PM,
Josh Wallack

And yes, Sophia Dean and I

tag-teaming paper and i think
we're basically there.
Subject: Re: tomorrow
Date: Sun, 26 Jan 2014
17:22:51 +0000
FYIwhite paper is very close.
In meantime, attached is a 1pager we should use in
discussions, provided you dont
think its insufficiently lean.

On Jan 26, 2014, at 12:15 PM,

Josh Wallack
Subject: FW:
Date: Sun, 26 Jan
2014 17:07:30
This is for kleins
person to get idc to
validate as well. Josh
if theres any way for
you to hop on the
line thatd be great
I believe this will be
smoother sailing
than the silver team
From:Wolfe, Emma
January 26, 2014

12:06 PM
To:'John Emrick'
Cc:Norvell, Wiley;
Soliman, Sherif;
Francesc Marti;
Gabriel; Walzak, Phil

Can everybody do
GSM plz circulate
From:John Emrick

January 26, 2014
11:48 AM
To:Wolfe, Emma
Cc:Norvell, Wiley;
Soliman, Sherif;
Francesc Marti

Would like to have

our budget
director on the line
francesc marti
copied here. What
time and number?
On Jan 26, 2014
11:27 AM, "Wolfe,
yc.gov> wrote:
Might get into policy
weeds a bit is
there a wonk on
your end that you
would want to join
have to keep
confidential until

(or are you said

From:Wolfe, Emma
January 25, 2014
7:24 PM
To:'John Emrick'
Cc:Soliman, Sherif;
Norvell, Wiley

Great we will
From:John Emrick

January 25, 2014
7:18 PM
To:Wolfe, Emma
Cc:Soliman, Sherif

Mid day is good on

my cell
On Jan 25, 2014
7:14 PM, "Wolfe,
yc.gov> wrote:
Are you around
late morning/mid
day to talk about
some good upk
stuff weve got
<UPK One Pager (2).pdf>

<UPK One Pager (3).pdf>


Walzak, Phil
Fuleihan, Dean (OMB)
; Jonathan@berlinrosen.com
Adams, Marti; Ragone, Peter; "Ishanee Parikh"; Norvell, Wiley
looking at some #s on state pre-K plan
Tuesday, January 28, 2014 4:53:26 PM

Want to start pulling info together for ed writers/columnists/opinion makers and shakers on the
problems w state budget plan re: UPK.
Pls take a look at this analysis below

Here is our


Mayor de Blasio has proposed a marginal increase in the personal income tax from
3.88% to 4.41% for those New York City residents making $500,000 or more over the
next five years to pay for universal pre-kindergarten and expanded after-school

In total, the mayors universal full-day pre-k plan calls for $340 million annually over
the next five years, for a total of $1.7 billion for New York City alone. Earlier this
week the mayor released an inter-agency white paper outlining precisely how the
expansion of high-quality pre-kindergarten would be implemented.

Conversely, the state budget proposal released earlier this year calls for just $1.5 billion
over five years -- for the entire state of New York and with only $100 million
designated in the first year of the effort. This pales in comparison to the budget
estimate shared today by State Education Commissioner John King, who pegged the
cost of statewide full-day pre-kindergarten at $1.6 billion every year. The state budget
proposal also includes no additional afterschool funding this year.

It looks like Cuomo's budget increases by $100 million each year, so aside from, how the
question of the sustainability of an extra $500 mill in the budget every year after year 5, here
are numbers reworked --

Cuomos High-Quality, Full-Day Pre-K

NIEER says NYS should be spending $10,131 per pupil for high-quality, full-day pre-K [Source:NIEER
Yearbook, p20]
New York State Department of Ed says there are about 230,000 4-year-olds in NYS [Source:State
Education Dept Pre-K Memo, p4]
The max funding Cuomo gives is $400m extra in years 3, 4, and 5, totaling to $785 million/year or $810
million/year IF the additional $25 million competitive grants from this year continue.
2 Options for presenting numbers:

Cuomo can only cover about 38% of 4-year-olds for full-day, high-quality pre-k with the funding he's

suggesting// Cuomo leaves behind 62% of New York State's 4-year-olds.

$885 million at $10,131 per pupilCovers ~87,355 pupils for full-day, high-quality pre-k (far below the 230,000
4 yr olds in NYS)
$910 million at $10,131 per pupilCovers ~89,823pupils for full-day, high-quality pre-k (far below the 230,000
4 yr olds in NYS)
Cuomo is suggesting about the same amount of funding per pupil for full-day pre-k that NYS currently
spends on mix of half-day and full-day pre-k.
$885 million for 230,000 pupils$3847/pupil (way below $10,131 per pupil)
$910 million for 230,000 pupils$3956/pupil (way below$10,131 per pupil )
We would be spending less per pupil thanNew Jersey ($11,659), Connecticut ($8,388), Pennsylvania
($5,474), North Carolina ($5,160), Michigan ($4,422), California($4,136), Massachusetts ($4,058),
Ohio ($3,980).

Phillip Walzak
Press Secretary
Office of New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio
O: 212-788-2958
C: 917-455-8420
twitter: @ptwalzak


Walzak, Phil
"Jonathan Rosen"
Fuleihan, Dean (OMB);
RE: looking at some #s on state pre-K plan
Tuesday, January 28, 2014 9:05:27 PM


; Adams, Marti; Ragone, Peter; "Ishanee Parikh"; Norvell,

Use this version

Thanks Ishanee
Sorry, one quick fix -- redid numbers based on King's total spending of $1.6 billion.

Not sure if we have any more notes from King's testimony - Mahen couldn't find a transcript or vid yet
Mainly unsure of King's number for total 4 year olds in NYS or expected per pupil spending.

It looks like Cuomo's budget increases by $100 million each year, so aside from, how the
question of the sustainability of an extra $500 mill in the budget every year after year 5, here
are numbers reworked --

Cuomos High-Quality, Full-Day Pre-K

King said universal pre-k in NYS would cost $1.6 billion.
New York State Department of Ed says there are about 230,000 4-year-olds in NYS [Source:State
Education Dept Pre-K Memo, p4]
The max funding Cuomo gives is $400m extra in years 3, 4, and 5, totaling to $785 million/year or
$810 million/year IF the additional $25 million competitive grants from this year continue.

$ 1.6 billion total spending/ 230,000 4 year olds = $6,956/pupil

2 Options for presenting numbers:

Cuomo can only cover about 58% of 4-year-olds for full-day, high-quality pre-k with the funding he's
suggesting// Cuomo leaves behind 42% of New York State's 4-year-olds.
$885 million at $6,596 per pupilCovers ~135,172 pupils for full-day, high-quality pre-k (58% of 4 year olds in
$910 million at $6,596 per pupilCovers ~137,962 pupils for full-day, high-quality pre-k (60% of 4 year olds in

Cuomo is suggesting about the same amount of funding per pupil for full-day pre-k that NYS currently
spends on mix of half-day and full-day pre-k.
$885 million for 230,000 pupils$3847/pupil (about 55% of $6,596/pupil according to King)
$910 million for 230,000 pupils$3956/pupil (about 60% of$6,596/pupil according to King)

On Tue, Jan 28, 2014 at 9:02 PM, Ishanee Parikh

> wrote:
Redid numbers based on King's total spending of $1.6 billion.

Not sure if we have any more notes from King's testimony - Mahen couldn't find a transcript
or vid yet
Mainly unsure of King's number for total 4 year olds in NYS or expected per pupil spending.

It looks like Cuomo's budget increases by $100 million each year, so aside from, how the
question of the sustainability of an extra $500 mill in the budget every year after year 5, here
are numbers reworked --

Cuomos High-Quality, Full-Day Pre-K

King said universal pre-k in NYS would cost $1.6 billion.
New York State Department of Ed says there are about 230,000 4-year-olds in NYS [Source:State
Education Dept Pre-K Memo, p4]
The max funding Cuomo gives is $400m extra in years 3, 4, and 5, totaling to $785 million/year or
$810 million/year IF the additional $25 million competitive grants from this year continue.

$ 1.6 billion total spending/ 230,000 4 year olds = $6,956/pupil

2 Options for presenting numbers:

Cuomo can only cover about 38% of 4-year-olds for full-day, high-quality pre-k with the funding he's
suggesting// Cuomo leaves behind 62% of New York State's 4-year-olds.
$885 million at $6,596 per pupilCovers ~135,172 pupils for full-day, high-quality pre-k (58% of 4 year olds in
$910 million at $6,596 per pupilCovers ~137,962 pupils for full-day, high-quality pre-k (60% of 4 year olds in

Cuomo is suggesting about the same amount of funding per pupil for full-day pre-k that NYS currently
spends on mix of half-day and full-day pre-k.
$885 million for 230,000 pupils$3847/pupil (about 55% of $6,596/pupil according to King)
$910 million for 230,000 pupils$3956/pupil (about 60% of$6,596/pupil according to King)
We would be spending less per pupil thanNew Jersey ($11,659), Connecticut ($8,388), Pennsylvania
($5,474), North Carolina ($5,160), Michigan ($4,422), California($4,136), Massachusetts ($4,058),
Ohio ($3,980).

From: Walzak, Phil

Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2014 9:05 PM
To: 'Jonathan Rosen'
Cc: Fuleihan, Dean (OMB);
; Adams, Marti; Ragone, Peter; Ishanee Parikh;
Norvell, Wiley
Subject: RE: looking at some #s on state pre-K plan

Update from IP on this.

Redid numbers based on King's total spending of $1.6 billion.

Not sure if we have any more notes from King's testimony - Mahen couldn't find a transcript
or vid yet
Mainly unsure of King's number for total 4 year olds in NYS or expected per pupil spending.

It looks like Cuomo's budget increases by $100 million each year, so aside from, how the
question of the sustainability of an extra $500 mill in the budget every year after year 5, here
are numbers reworked --

Cuomos High-Quality, Full-Day Pre-K
King said universal pre-k in NYS would cost $1.6 billion.
New York State Department of Ed says there are about 230,000 4-year-olds in NYS [Source:State
Education Dept Pre-K Memo, p4]
The max funding Cuomo gives is $400m extra in years 3, 4, and 5, totaling to $785 million/year or
$810 million/year IF the additional $25 million competitive grants from this year continue.

$ 1.6 billion total spending/ 230,000 4 year olds = $6,956/pupil

2 Options for presenting numbers:

Cuomo can only cover about 38% of 4-year-olds for full-day, high-quality pre-k with the funding he's
suggesting// Cuomo leaves behind 62% of New York State's 4-year-olds.
$885 million at $6,596 per pupilCovers ~135,172 pupils for full-day, high-quality pre-k (58% of 4 year olds in
$910 million at $6,596 per pupilCovers ~137,962 pupils for full-day, high-quality pre-k (60% of 4 year olds in

Cuomo is suggesting about the same amount of funding per pupil for full-day pre-k that NYS currently
spends on mix of half-day and full-day pre-k.
$885 million for 230,000 pupils$3847/pupil (about 55% of $6,596/pupil according to King)
$910 million for 230,000 pupils$3956/pupil (about 60% of$6,596/pupil according to King)
We would be spending less per pupil thanNew Jersey ($11,659), Connecticut ($8,388), Pennsylvania
($5,474), North Carolina ($5,160), Michigan ($4,422), California($4,136), Massachusetts ($4,058),
Ohio ($3,980).

From: Jonathan Rosen [mailto:Jonathan@berlinrosen.com]

Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2014 6:30 PM
To: Walzak, Phil
Cc: Fuleihan, Dean (OMB);
Adams, Marti; Ragone, Peter; Ishanee Parikh;
Norvell, Wiley
Subject: Re: looking at some #s on state pre-K plan

This all looks good to me but defer to josh and dean on the numbers.
Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 28, 2014, at 4:53 PM, "Walzak, Phil" <PWalzak@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Want to start pulling info together for ed writers/columnists/opinion makers and
shakers on the problems w state budget plan re: UPK.
Pls take a look at this analysis below

Here is our


Mayor de Blasio has proposed a marginal increase in the personal income
tax from 3.88% to 4.41% for those New York City residents making
$500,000 or more over the next five years to pay for universal prekindergarten and expanded after-school programs.

In total, the mayors universal full-day pre-k plan calls for $340 million
annually over the next five years, for a total of $1.7 billion for New York
City alone. Earlier this week the mayor released an inter-agency white
paper outlining precisely how the expansion of high-quality prekindergarten would be implemented.

Conversely, the state budget proposal released earlier this year calls for
just $1.5 billion over five years -- for the entire state of New York and
with only $100 million designated in the first year of the effort. This pales
in comparison to the budget estimate shared today by State Education
Commissioner John King, who pegged the cost of statewide full-day prekindergarten at $1.6 billion every year. The state budget proposal also
includes no additional afterschool funding this year.

It looks like Cuomo's budget increases by $100 million each year, so aside from,
how the question of the sustainability of an extra $500 mill in the budget every
year after year 5, here are numbers reworked --

Cuomos High-Quality, Full-Day Pre-K

NIEER says NYS should be spending $10,131 per pupil for high-quality, full-day preK [Source:NIEER Yearbook, p20]
New York State Department of Ed says there are about 230,000 4-year-olds in NYS
[Source:State Education Dept Pre-K Memo, p4]
The max funding Cuomo gives is $400m extra in years 3, 4, and 5, totaling to $785
million/year or $810 million/year IF the additional $25 million competitive grants from
this year continue.
2 Options for presenting numbers:

Cuomo can only cover about 38% of 4-year-olds for full-day, high-quality pre-k with the
funding he's suggesting// Cuomo leaves behind 62% of New York State's 4-year-olds.
$885 million at $10,131 per pupilCovers ~87,355 pupils for full-day, high-quality pre-k (far
below the 230,000 4 yr olds in NYS)
$910 million at $10,131 per pupilCovers ~89,823pupils for full-day, high-quality pre-k (far
below the 230,000 4 yr olds in NYS)

Cuomo is suggesting about the same amount of funding per pupil for full-day pre-k that NYS
currently spends on mix of half-day and full-day pre-k.
$885 million for 230,000 pupils$3847/pupil (way below $10,131 per pupil)
$910 million for 230,000 pupils$3956/pupil (way below$10,131 per pupil )
We would be spending less per pupil thanNew Jersey ($11,659), Connecticut ($8,388),
Pennsylvania ($5,474), North Carolina ($5,160), Michigan ($4,422), California($4,136),
Massachusetts ($4,058), Ohio ($3,980).

Phillip Walzak
Press Secretary
Office of New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio
O: 212-788-2958
C: 917-455-8420
twitter: @ptwalzak


Mike Rabinowitz
Norvell, Wiley; "Wallack, Josh"; Emma Woods
Dan Levitan
Thursday, January 30, 2014 6:53:53 PM

-Sent by MobileMichael Rabinowitz-Gold
646.200.5308 (o)
646.342.3469 (c)
-------- Original message -------From: "Norvell, Wiley"
Date:01/30/2014 6:45 PM (GMT-05:00)
To: "'Wallack, Josh'" ,Mike Rabinowitz ,Emma Woods
Subject: RE: WSJ on UPK
Just one flag--Lisa has been trying to pry loose stats from the DOE on providers whose contracts
were pulled for fraud/failure. Has been an interest for her, so be careful on that front. Might be
trying to demonstrate that not enough quality providers exist.

Otherwise, yes yes yespls engage!

From: Wallack, Josh [mailto:jwallack@childrensaidsociety.org]

Sent: Thursday, January 30, 2014 6:42 PM
To: Mr. Michael Rabinowitz; Emma Woods; Norvell, Wiley
Subject: Fwd: WSJ on UPK

Guidance appreciated...

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Ramos, Anthony" <anthonyr@childrensaidsociety.org>
Date: January 30, 2014 at 6:40:52 PM EST
To: "Wallack, Josh" <jwallack@childrensaidsociety.org>
Cc: "Burke, Justin" <jburke@childrensaidsociety.org>, "Eckstein, Katherine"
<katherinee@childrensaidsociety.org>, "Buery, Richard"
<rbuery@childrensaidsociety.org>, "Weisberg, William"
Subject: RE: WSJ on UPK
Will you do that?

From: Wallack, Josh

Sent: Thursday, January 30, 2014 6:40 PM

To: Ramos, Anthony

Cc: Burke, Justin; Eckstein, Katherine; Buery, Richard; Weisberg, William
Subject: Re: WSJ on UPK

We should loop in upknyc and city hall before speaking more to her.

On Jan 30, 2014, at 6:14 PM, "Ramos, Anthony" <anthonyr@childrensaidsociety.org>

Lisa Fleischer from WSJ is doing a story on UPK and is interested in
speaking to us about our program expansion, how that came about and
how we were able to expand the program so quickly (finding sites for
program delivery, recruitment, etc.).

I spoke to her for a few minutes and said that she should speak to one of
our program staff members who was directly involved in the expansion
effort. She said that she understands that Josh is on the task force and
may not be able to speak, which may or may not be the case. I thought
Moria might be a good person for this.

Let me know your thoughts. She is looking to speak to someone

tomorrow afternoon. Lisa is someone we have been cultivating so would
be great to connect with her on this.

Anthony Ramos | Director of Marketing and Communications | The

Children's Aid Society
105 East 22nd Street | New York, NY 10010 | Phone: 212.949.4938 |
Mobile: 917.204.8214 | Email: anthonyr@childrensaidsociety.org
childrensaidsociety.org | blogs.ChildrensAidSociety.org |
facebook.com/ChildrensAidNYC | Twitter.com/ChildrensAidNYC

I'll gladly consider but as you can imagine, I am

also getting resumes from Mayor's office.
If it does not work out here there might other
opportunities at bigger agencies.
----- Original Message ----From: Josh Isay [mailto:JIsay@skdknick.com]
Sent: Thursday, January 30, 2014 10:31 PM
To: Chong, Bill (DYCD)
I am forwarding the resume of
and is applying to be Director of
Community Partnerships at DYCD.
is terrific
and I couldn't recommend her any more strongly.
Thank you for your consideration.
Josh Isay

resumes from Mayor's office.

If it does not work out here there might other opportunities at
bigger agencies.
----- Original Message ----From: Josh Isay [mailto:JIsay@skdknick.com]
Sent: Thursday, January 30, 2014 10:31 PM
To: Chong, Bill (DYCD)
I am forwarding the resume of
and is applying to be Director of Community Partnerships at
is terrific and I couldn't recommend her any
more strongly.
Thank you for your consideration.
Josh Isay


Seignious, Sandy
"Emily Walsh"; Rebekah Milford
Anna Greenberg; Josh Gold; Peter Ragone; Dave Walker; Chloe Mullins; James Hazzard; Laura Swartz;
Jonathan Rosen
RE: Survey
Tuesday, February 04, 2014 12:21:08 PM

Peter can do 11:00am or 2:30pm tomorrow

-----Original Message----From: Emily Walsh [mailto:Emily@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2014 12:01 PM
To: Rebekah Milford
Cc: Anna Greenberg; Josh Gold; Peter Ragone; Dave Walker; Chloe Mullins; James Hazzard; Laura
Swartz; Seignious, Sandy; Jonathan Rosen
Subject: Re: Survey
Hi all,
Possible to reschedule this call for tomorrow?
Jonathan could do 10-12 or 2:30 then.
Thank you,
-Emily Walsh
BerlinRosen Public Affairs

On 1/29/14 11:48 AM, "Jonathan Rosen" <Jonathan@berlinrosen.com> wrote:

>Running ten mins late but yes.
>Sent from my iPhone
>> On Jan 29, 2014, at 10:28 AM, "Rebekah Milford" <RMilford@gqrr.com>
>> Jonathan,
>> Just wanted to confirm we are all set for a quick call today at noon
>> Thanks,
>> Rebekah
>> -----Original Message---->> From: Jonathan Rosen [mailto:Jonathan@berlinrosen.com]
>> Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2014 5:48 PM
>> To: Rebekah Milford; Emily Walsh; Anna Greenberg; Josh Gold; Peter
>> Cc: Dave Walker; Chloe Mullins

>> Subject: RE: Survey

>> Only think we need 15-20 mins here.
>> -----Original Message---->> From: Rebekah Milford [mailto:RMilford@gqrr.com]
>> Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2014 5:47 PM
>> To: Emily Walsh; Jonathan Rosen; Anna Greenberg; Josh Gold; Peter
>> Ragone
>> Cc: Dave Walker; Chloe Mullins
>> Subject: RE: Survey
>> That would work for GQRR folks. Do we want to say from 12PM EST to
>>1PM EST?
>> We can use one of our conference call lines:
>> Thanks,
>> Rebekah
>> ________________________________________
>> From: Emily Walsh [Emily@berlinrosen.com]
>> Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2014 5:45 PM
>> To: Jonathan Rosen; Anna Greenberg; Josh Gold; Peter Ragone
>> Cc: Dave Walker; Chloe Mullins; Rebekah Milford
>> Subject: Re: Survey
>> Jonathan has time from 12-2 if that works for others.
>> ->> Emily Walsh
>> BerlinRosen Public Affairs
>> Emily@berlinrosen.com
>> 646-200-5310
>>> On 1/28/14 5:39 PM, "Jonathan Rosen" <Jonathan@berlinrosen.com> wrote:
>>> Looping Emily to schedule a quick call for tomorrow. A.M. is tough.
>>> -----Original Message---->>> From: Anna Greenberg [mailto:agreenberg@gqrr.com]
>>> Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2014 3:59 PM
>>> To: Josh Gold; Jonathan Rosen; Peter Ragone
>>> Cc: Dave Walker; Chloe Mullins; Rebekah Milford
>>> Subject: RE: Survey
>>> Thanks Josh.
>>> I'm trying to get a draft done by Thursday so we can field next week.
>>> Let me know if you have time to talk tomorrow morning. You can also
>>> review the NYS portion when it's written and give feedback then.
>>> Thanks!
>>> Anna
>>> -----Original Message----]
>>> From: Josh Gold [mailto
>>> Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2014 3:50 PM


To: Jonathan Rosen; Peter Ragone

Cc: Anna Greenberg
Subject: Survey
Jonathan & Peter,
The AFT is putting a poll in the field with a NYS over sample on
education issues including a large portion about early childhood
education and they have graciously agreed to take our suggestions on
language and questions regarding UPK proposals.
Anna, cc'ed, is working on it - so I wanted to connect you on this.
Sent from my iPhone


Seignious, Sandy
"Emily Walsh"; Rebekah Milford
RE: Survey
Tuesday, February 04, 2014 2:28:32 PM

Peter said he has to be a part of it. Can you let me know what time you are looking at?
-----Original Message----From: Emily Walsh [mailto:Emily@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2014 1:44 PM
To: Seignious, Sandy; Rebekah Milford
Subject: Re: Survey
We are rescheduling it for tomorrow. Waiting on a response about if Peter needs to be on it.
-Emily Walsh
BerlinRosen Public Affairs

On 2/4/14 1:43 PM, "Seignious, Sandy" <sseignious@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

>Is this meeting still happening?
>-----Original Message---->From: Emily Walsh [mailto:Emily@berlinrosen.com]
>Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2014 12:01 PM
>To: Rebekah Milford
>Cc: Anna Greenberg; Josh Gold; Peter Ragone; Dave Walker; Chloe
>Mullins; James Hazzard; Laura Swartz; Seignious, Sandy; Jonathan Rosen
>Subject: Re: Survey
>Hi all,
>Possible to reschedule this call for tomorrow?
>Jonathan could do 10-12 or 2:30 then.
>Thank you,
>->Emily Walsh
>BerlinRosen Public Affairs

>On 1/29/14 11:48 AM, "Jonathan Rosen" <Jonathan@berlinrosen.com> wrote:

>>Running ten mins late but yes.
>>Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Jan 29, 2014, at 10:28 AM, "Rebekah Milford" <RMilford@gqrr.com>
>>> Jonathan,
>>> Just wanted to confirm we are all set for a quick call today at noon
>>> Thanks,
>>> Rebekah
>>> -----Original Message---->>> From: Jonathan Rosen [mailto:Jonathan@berlinrosen.com]
>>> Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2014 5:48 PM
>>> To: Rebekah Milford; Emily Walsh; Anna Greenberg; Josh Gold; Peter
>>> Cc: Dave Walker; Chloe Mullins
>>> Subject: RE: Survey
>>> Only think we need 15-20 mins here.
>>> -----Original Message---->>> From: Rebekah Milford [mailto:RMilford@gqrr.com]
>>> Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2014 5:47 PM
>>> To: Emily Walsh; Jonathan Rosen; Anna Greenberg; Josh Gold; Peter
>>> Ragone
>>> Cc: Dave Walker; Chloe Mullins
>>> Subject: RE: Survey
>>> That would work for GQRR folks. Do we want to say from 12PM EST to
>>>1PM EST?
>>> We can use one of our conference call lines:
>>> Thanks,
>>> Rebekah
>>> ________________________________________
>>> From: Emily Walsh [Emily@berlinrosen.com]
>>> Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2014 5:45 PM
>>> To: Jonathan Rosen; Anna Greenberg; Josh Gold; Peter Ragone
>>> Cc: Dave Walker; Chloe Mullins; Rebekah Milford
>>> Subject: Re: Survey
>>> Jonathan has time from 12-2 if that works for others.
>>> ->>> Emily Walsh
>>> BerlinRosen Public Affairs
>>> Emily@berlinrosen.com
>>> 646-200-5310


On 1/28/14 5:39 PM, "Jonathan Rosen" <Jonathan@berlinrosen.com> wrote:

Looping Emily to schedule a quick call for tomorrow. A.M. is tough.
-----Original Message----From: Anna Greenberg [mailto:agreenberg@gqrr.com]
Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2014 3:59 PM
To: Josh Gold; Jonathan Rosen; Peter Ragone
Cc: Dave Walker; Chloe Mullins; Rebekah Milford
Subject: RE: Survey
Thanks Josh.
I'm trying to get a draft done by Thursday so we can field next week.
Let me know if you have time to talk tomorrow morning. You can
also review the NYS portion when it's written and give feedback then.
-----Original Message----From: Josh Gold [mailto:
Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2014 3:50 PM
To: Jonathan Rosen; Peter Ragone
Cc: Anna Greenberg
Subject: Survey
Jonathan & Peter,
The AFT is putting a poll in the field with a NYS over sample on
education issues including a large portion about early childhood
education and they have graciously agreed to take our suggestions
on language and questions regarding UPK proposals.
Anna, cc'ed, is working on it - so I wanted to connect you on this.
Sent from my iPhone


Seignious, Sandy
"Emily Walsh"; Rebekah Milford
RE: Survey
Tuesday, February 04, 2014 4:37:15 PM

Peter can do 10am. Can you please send me the dial in #?

Thank you Ladies
-----Original Message----From: Emily Walsh [mailto:Emily@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2014 4:34 PM
To: Rebekah Milford; Seignious, Sandy
Subject: Re: Survey
I can. Thanks for closing the loop here.
-Emily Walsh
BerlinRosen Public Affairs

On 2/4/14 4:31 PM, "Rebekah Milford" <RMilford@gqrr.com> wrote:

>Can everyone do a thirty minute call from 10 to 10:30AM tomorrow?
>-----Original Message---->From: Rebekah Milford
>Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2014 4:25 PM
>To: 'Seignious, Sandy'
>Cc: Emily Walsh
>Subject: RE: Survey
>GQRR can only do from 10 to 10:30 am.
>-----Original Message---->From: Seignious, Sandy [mailto:sseignious@cityhall.nyc.gov]
>Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2014 4:25 PM
>To: Rebekah Milford
>Cc: Emily Walsh
>Subject: RE: Survey
>Good afternoon,
>Is this conference call confirmed for 10:30am? I need to cancel his
>meeting if it is on
>-----Original Message-----

>From: Rebekah Milford [mailto:RMilford@gqrr.com]

>Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2014 2:31 PM
>To: Seignious, Sandy
>Cc: Emily Walsh
>Subject: Re: Survey
>Based on the times Emily mentioned, GQRR can only do 10am to 10:30am
>Let us know if this will work.
>Sent from my iPhone
>> On Feb 4, 2014, at 2:28 PM, "Seignious, Sandy"
>><sseignious@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
>> Peter said he has to be a part of it. Can you let me know what time
>>you are looking at?
>> Thanks
>> Sandy
>> -----Original Message---->> From: Emily Walsh [mailto:Emily@berlinrosen.com]
>> Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2014 1:44 PM
>> To: Seignious, Sandy; Rebekah Milford
>> Subject: Re: Survey
>> We are rescheduling it for tomorrow. Waiting on a response about if
>>Peter needs to be on it.
>> ->> Emily Walsh
>> BerlinRosen Public Affairs
>> Emily@berlinrosen.com
>> 646-200-5310
>>> On 2/4/14 1:43 PM, "Seignious, Sandy" <sseignious@cityhall.nyc.gov>
>>> Is this meeting still happening?
>>> -----Original Message---->>> From: Emily Walsh [mailto:Emily@berlinrosen.com]
>>> Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2014 12:01 PM
>>> To: Rebekah Milford
>>> Cc: Anna Greenberg; Josh Gold; Peter Ragone; Dave Walker; Chloe
>>> Mullins; James Hazzard; Laura Swartz; Seignious, Sandy; Jonathan
>>> Rosen
>>> Subject: Re: Survey
>>> Hi all,
>>> Possible to reschedule this call for tomorrow?

>>> Jonathan could do 10-12 or 2:30 then.

>>> Thank you,
>>> Emily
>>> ->>> Emily Walsh
>>> BerlinRosen Public Affairs
>>> Emily@berlinrosen.com
>>> 646-200-5310
>>>> On 1/29/14 11:48 AM, "Jonathan Rosen" <Jonathan@berlinrosen.com>
>>>> Running ten mins late but yes.
>>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>>> On Jan 29, 2014, at 10:28 AM, "Rebekah Milford"
>>>>> <RMilford@gqrr.com>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Jonathan,
>>>>> Just wanted to confirm we are all set for a quick call today at
>>>>> noon eastern.
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Rebekah
>>>>> -----Original Message---->>>>> From: Jonathan Rosen [mailto:Jonathan@berlinrosen.com]
>>>>> Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2014 5:48 PM
>>>>> To: Rebekah Milford; Emily Walsh; Anna Greenberg; Josh Gold; Peter
>>>>> Ragone
>>>>> Cc: Dave Walker; Chloe Mullins
>>>>> Subject: RE: Survey
>>>>> Only think we need 15-20 mins here.
>>>>> -----Original Message---->>>>> From: Rebekah Milford [mailto:RMilford@gqrr.com]
>>>>> Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2014 5:47 PM
>>>>> To: Emily Walsh; Jonathan Rosen; Anna Greenberg; Josh Gold; Peter
>>>>> Ragone
>>>>> Cc: Dave Walker; Chloe Mullins
>>>>> Subject: RE: Survey
>>>>> That would work for GQRR folks. Do we want to say from 12PM EST to
>>>>> 1PM EST?
>>>>> We can use one of our conference call lines:
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Rebekah

>>>>> ________________________________________
>>>>> From: Emily Walsh [Emily@berlinrosen.com]
>>>>> Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2014 5:45 PM
>>>>> To: Jonathan Rosen; Anna Greenberg; Josh Gold; Peter Ragone
>>>>> Cc: Dave Walker; Chloe Mullins; Rebekah Milford
>>>>> Subject: Re: Survey
>>>>> Jonathan has time from 12-2 if that works for others.
>>>>> ->>>>> Emily Walsh
>>>>> BerlinRosen Public Affairs
>>>>> Emily@berlinrosen.com
>>>>> 646-200-5310
>>>>>> On 1/28/14 5:39 PM, "Jonathan Rosen" <Jonathan@berlinrosen.com>
>>>>>> Looping Emily to schedule a quick call for tomorrow. A.M. is tough.
>>>>>> -----Original Message---->>>>>> From: Anna Greenberg [mailto:agreenberg@gqrr.com]
>>>>>> Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2014 3:59 PM
>>>>>> To: Josh Gold; Jonathan Rosen; Peter Ragone
>>>>>> Cc: Dave Walker; Chloe Mullins; Rebekah Milford
>>>>>> Subject: RE: Survey
>>>>>> Thanks Josh.
>>>>>> I'm trying to get a draft done by Thursday so we can field next
>>>>>> Let me know if you have time to talk tomorrow morning. You can
>>>>>>also review the NYS portion when it's written and give feedback
>>>>>> Thanks!
>>>>>> Anna
>>>>>> -----Original Message---->>>>>> From: Josh Gold [mailto
>>>>>> Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2014 3:50 PM
>>>>>> To: Jonathan Rosen; Peter Ragone
>>>>>> Cc: Anna Greenberg
>>>>>> Subject: Survey
>>>>>> Jonathan & Peter,
>>>>>> The AFT is putting a poll in the field with a NYS over sample on
>>>>>> education issues including a large portion about early childhood
>>>>>> education and they have graciously agreed to take our suggestions
>>>>>> on language and questions regarding UPK proposals.
>>>>>> Anna, cc'ed, is working on it - so I wanted to connect you on this.
>>>>>> Sent from my iPhone


Seignious, Sandy
"Emily Walsh"; Rebekah Milford
RE: Survey
Tuesday, February 04, 2014 4:39:57 PM

Thank you
-----Original Message----From: Emily Walsh [mailto:Emily@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2014 4:39 PM
To: Rebekah Milford; Seignious, Sandy
Subject: Re: Survey
Thank you!!
-Emily Walsh
BerlinRosen Public Affairs

On 2/4/14 4:38 PM, "Rebekah Milford" <RMilford@gqrr.com> wrote:


>-----Original Message---->From: Rebekah Milford
>Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2014 4:38 PM
>To: 'Seignious, Sandy'; 'Emily Walsh'
>Subject: RE: Survey
>Let's use this conference call line for tomorrow morning at 10AM ET
>-----Original Message---->From: Seignious, Sandy [mailto:sseignious@cityhall.nyc.gov]
>Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2014 4:37 PM
>To: 'Emily Walsh'; Rebekah Milford
>Subject: RE: Survey
>Peter can do 10am. Can you please send me the dial in #?
>Thank you Ladies
>-----Original Message---->From: Emily Walsh [mailto:Emily@berlinrosen.com]
>Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2014 4:34 PM
>To: Rebekah Milford; Seignious, Sandy
>Subject: Re: Survey

>I can. Thanks for closing the loop here.

>->Emily Walsh
>BerlinRosen Public Affairs
>On 2/4/14 4:31 PM, "Rebekah Milford" <RMilford@gqrr.com> wrote:
>>Can everyone do a thirty minute call from 10 to 10:30AM tomorrow?
>>-----Original Message---->>From: Rebekah Milford
>>Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2014 4:25 PM
>>To: 'Seignious, Sandy'
>>Cc: Emily Walsh
>>Subject: RE: Survey
>>GQRR can only do from 10 to 10:30 am.
>>-----Original Message---->>From: Seignious, Sandy [mailto:sseignious@cityhall.nyc.gov]
>>Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2014 4:25 PM
>>To: Rebekah Milford
>>Cc: Emily Walsh
>>Subject: RE: Survey
>>Good afternoon,
>>Is this conference call confirmed for 10:30am? I need to cancel his
>>meeting if it is on
>>-----Original Message---->>From: Rebekah Milford [mailto:RMilford@gqrr.com]
>>Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2014 2:31 PM
>>To: Seignious, Sandy
>>Cc: Emily Walsh
>>Subject: Re: Survey
>>Based on the times Emily mentioned, GQRR can only do 10am to 10:30am
>>Let us know if this will work.
>>Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Feb 4, 2014, at 2:28 PM, "Seignious, Sandy"
>>><sseignious@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
>>> Peter said he has to be a part of it. Can you let me know what time
>>>you are looking at?

>>> Thanks
>>> Sandy
>>> -----Original Message---->>> From: Emily Walsh [mailto:Emily@berlinrosen.com]
>>> Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2014 1:44 PM
>>> To: Seignious, Sandy; Rebekah Milford
>>> Subject: Re: Survey
>>> We are rescheduling it for tomorrow. Waiting on a response about if
>>>Peter needs to be on it.
>>> ->>> Emily Walsh
>>> BerlinRosen Public Affairs
>>> Emily@berlinrosen.com
>>> 646-200-5310
>>>> On 2/4/14 1:43 PM, "Seignious, Sandy" <sseignious@cityhall.nyc.gov>
>>>> Is this meeting still happening?
>>>> -----Original Message---->>>> From: Emily Walsh [mailto:Emily@berlinrosen.com]
>>>> Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2014 12:01 PM
>>>> To: Rebekah Milford
>>>> Cc: Anna Greenberg; Josh Gold; Peter Ragone; Dave Walker; Chloe
>>>> Mullins; James Hazzard; Laura Swartz; Seignious, Sandy; Jonathan
>>>> Rosen
>>>> Subject: Re: Survey
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> Possible to reschedule this call for tomorrow?
>>>> Jonathan could do 10-12 or 2:30 then.
>>>> Thank you,
>>>> Emily
>>>> ->>>> Emily Walsh
>>>> BerlinRosen Public Affairs
>>>> Emily@berlinrosen.com
>>>> 646-200-5310
>>>>> On 1/29/14 11:48 AM, "Jonathan Rosen" <Jonathan@berlinrosen.com>
>>>>> Running ten mins late but yes.

>>>>> Sent from my iPhone

>>>>>> On Jan 29, 2014, at 10:28 AM, "Rebekah Milford"
>>>>>> <RMilford@gqrr.com>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Jonathan,
>>>>>> Just wanted to confirm we are all set for a quick call today at
>>>>>> noon eastern.
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> Rebekah
>>>>>> -----Original Message---->>>>>> From: Jonathan Rosen [mailto:Jonathan@berlinrosen.com]
>>>>>> Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2014 5:48 PM
>>>>>> To: Rebekah Milford; Emily Walsh; Anna Greenberg; Josh Gold;
>>>>>> Peter Ragone
>>>>>> Cc: Dave Walker; Chloe Mullins
>>>>>> Subject: RE: Survey
>>>>>> Only think we need 15-20 mins here.
>>>>>> -----Original Message---->>>>>> From: Rebekah Milford [mailto:RMilford@gqrr.com]
>>>>>> Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2014 5:47 PM
>>>>>> To: Emily Walsh; Jonathan Rosen; Anna Greenberg; Josh Gold; Peter
>>>>>> Ragone
>>>>>> Cc: Dave Walker; Chloe Mullins
>>>>>> Subject: RE: Survey
>>>>>> That would work for GQRR folks. Do we want to say from 12PM EST
>>>>>> to 1PM EST?
>>>>>> We can use one of our conference call lines:
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> Rebekah
>>>>>> ________________________________________
>>>>>> From: Emily Walsh [Emily@berlinrosen.com]
>>>>>> Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2014 5:45 PM
>>>>>> To: Jonathan Rosen; Anna Greenberg; Josh Gold; Peter Ragone
>>>>>> Cc: Dave Walker; Chloe Mullins; Rebekah Milford
>>>>>> Subject: Re: Survey
>>>>>> Jonathan has time from 12-2 if that works for others.
>>>>>> ->>>>>> Emily Walsh
>>>>>> BerlinRosen Public Affairs
>>>>>> Emily@berlinrosen.com
>>>>>> 646-200-5310
>>>>>>> On 1/28/14 5:39 PM, "Jonathan Rosen" <Jonathan@berlinrosen.com>

>>>>>>> Looping Emily to schedule a quick call for tomorrow. A.M. is
>>>>>>> -----Original Message---->>>>>>> From: Anna Greenberg [mailto:agreenberg@gqrr.com]
>>>>>>> Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2014 3:59 PM
>>>>>>> To: Josh Gold; Jonathan Rosen; Peter Ragone
>>>>>>> Cc: Dave Walker; Chloe Mullins; Rebekah Milford
>>>>>>> Subject: RE: Survey
>>>>>>> Thanks Josh.
>>>>>>> I'm trying to get a draft done by Thursday so we can field next
>>>>>>> Let me know if you have time to talk tomorrow morning. You can
>>>>>>>also review the NYS portion when it's written and give feedback
>>>>>>> Thanks!
>>>>>>> Anna
>>>>>>> -----Original Message----]
>>>>>>> From: Josh Gold [mailto
>>>>>>> Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2014 3:50 PM
>>>>>>> To: Jonathan Rosen; Peter Ragone
>>>>>>> Cc: Anna Greenberg
>>>>>>> Subject: Survey
>>>>>>> Jonathan & Peter,
>>>>>>> The AFT is putting a poll in the field with a NYS over sample on
>>>>>>> education issues including a large portion about early childhood
>>>>>>> education and they have graciously agreed to take our
>>>>>>> suggestions on language and questions regarding UPK proposals.
>>>>>>> Anna, cc'ed, is working on it - so I wanted to connect you on this.
>>>>>>> Sent from my iPhone


Seignious, Sandy
"Emily Walsh"
Rebekah Milford
RE: Tomorrow"s call
Wednesday, February 05, 2014 3:44:38 PM


From: Emily Walsh [mailto:Emily@berlinrosen.com]

Sent: Wednesday, February 05, 2014 2:48 PM
To: Seignious, Sandy
Cc: Rebekah Milford
Subject: Re: Tomorrow's call

Hi Sandy,

Does Friday from 11-11:30 work for this call?

Emily Walsh
BerlinRosen Public Affairs

From: Rebekah Milford <RMilford@gqrr.com>

Date: Tuesday, February 4, 2014 6:55 PM
To: "Seignious, Sandy" <sseignious@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: Emily Walsh <emily@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: Re: Tomorrow's call

My number is
Thanks, Rebekah
Sent from my iPhone
On Feb 4, 2014, at 6:52 PM, "Seignious, Sandy" <sseignious@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
No problem

My number is 212 788 3055

Have a good night.


Sent via the Samsung GALAXY S4, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone

-------- Original message -------From: Emily Walsh

Date:02/04/2014 6:33 PM (GMT-05:00)
To: "Seignious, Sandy" ,Rebekah Milford
Subject: Tomorrow's call
I am very sorry, but tomorrow isn't going to work.
Jonathan has had something come up for tomorrow morning and we need to
postpone this. I have a few times Thursday and Friday that would work.
Could we all hop on a call in the morning and get this on the calendar?
Send me your phone numbers and we will reschedule.
Sorry again, thanks for your understanding.
-Emily Walsh
BerlinRosen Public Affairs

On 2/4/14 4:39 PM, "Seignious, Sandy" <sseignious@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

>Thank you
>-----Original Message---->From: Emily Walsh [mailto:Emily@berlinrosen.com]
>Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2014 4:39 PM
>To: Rebekah Milford; Seignious, Sandy
>Subject: Re: Survey
>Thank you!!
>->Emily Walsh
>BerlinRosen Public Affairs

>On 2/4/14 4:38 PM, "Rebekah Milford" <RMilford@gqrr.com> wrote:
>>-----Original Message---->>From: Rebekah Milford
>>Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2014 4:38 PM
>>To: 'Seignious, Sandy'; 'Emily Walsh'
>>Subject: RE: Survey
>>Let's use this conference call line for tomorrow morning at 10AM ET
>>-----Original Message---->>From: Seignious, Sandy [mailto:sseignious@cityhall.nyc.gov]
>>Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2014 4:37 PM
>>To: 'Emily Walsh'; Rebekah Milford
>>Subject: RE: Survey
>>Peter can do 10am. Can you please send me the dial in #?
>>Thank you Ladies
>>-----Original Message---->>From: Emily Walsh [mailto:Emily@berlinrosen.com]
>>Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2014 4:34 PM
>>To: Rebekah Milford; Seignious, Sandy
>>Subject: Re: Survey
>>I can. Thanks for closing the loop here.
>>->>Emily Walsh
>>BerlinRosen Public Affairs
>>On 2/4/14 4:31 PM, "Rebekah Milford" <RMilford@gqrr.com> wrote:
>>>Can everyone do a thirty minute call from 10 to 10:30AM tomorrow?

>>>-----Original Message---->>>From: Rebekah Milford

>>>Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2014 4:25 PM
>>>To: 'Seignious, Sandy'
>>>Cc: Emily Walsh
>>>Subject: RE: Survey
>>>GQRR can only do from 10 to 10:30 am.
>>>-----Original Message---->>>From: Seignious, Sandy [mailto:sseignious@cityhall.nyc.gov]
>>>Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2014 4:25 PM
>>>To: Rebekah Milford
>>>Cc: Emily Walsh
>>>Subject: RE: Survey
>>>Good afternoon,
>>>Is this conference call confirmed for 10:30am? I need to cancel his
>>>meeting if it is on
>>>-----Original Message---->>>From: Rebekah Milford [mailto:RMilford@gqrr.com]
>>>Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2014 2:31 PM
>>>To: Seignious, Sandy
>>>Cc: Emily Walsh
>>>Subject: Re: Survey
>>>Based on the times Emily mentioned, GQRR can only do 10am to 10:30am
>>>Let us know if this will work.
>>>Sent from my iPhone
>>>> On Feb 4, 2014, at 2:28 PM, "Seignious, Sandy"
>>>><sseignious@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
>>>> Peter said he has to be a part of it. Can you let me know what time
>>>>you are looking at?
>>>> Thanks
>>>> Sandy

>>>> -----Original Message---->>>> From: Emily Walsh [mailto:Emily@berlinrosen.com]

>>>> Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2014 1:44 PM
>>>> To: Seignious, Sandy; Rebekah Milford
>>>> Subject: Re: Survey
>>>> We are rescheduling it for tomorrow. Waiting on a response about if
>>>>Peter needs to be on it.
>>>> ->>>> Emily Walsh
>>>> BerlinRosen Public Affairs
>>>> Emily@berlinrosen.com
>>>> 646-200-5310
>>>>> On 2/4/14 1:43 PM, "Seignious, Sandy" <sseignious@cityhall.nyc.gov>
>>>>> Is this meeting still happening?
>>>>> -----Original Message---->>>>> From: Emily Walsh [mailto:Emily@berlinrosen.com]
>>>>> Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2014 12:01 PM
>>>>> To: Rebekah Milford
>>>>> Cc: Anna Greenberg; Josh Gold; Peter Ragone; Dave Walker; Chloe
>>>>> Mullins; James Hazzard; Laura Swartz; Seignious, Sandy; Jonathan
>>>>> Rosen
>>>>> Subject: Re: Survey
>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>> Possible to reschedule this call for tomorrow?
>>>>> Jonathan could do 10-12 or 2:30 then.
>>>>> Thank you,
>>>>> Emily
>>>>> ->>>>> Emily Walsh
>>>>> BerlinRosen Public Affairs
>>>>> Emily@berlinrosen.com
>>>>> 646-200-5310

>>>>>> On 1/29/14 11:48 AM, "Jonathan Rosen" <Jonathan@berlinrosen.com>

>>>>>> Running ten mins late but yes.
>>>>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>>>>> On Jan 29, 2014, at 10:28 AM, "Rebekah Milford"
>>>>>>> <RMilford@gqrr.com>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Jonathan,
>>>>>>> Just wanted to confirm we are all set for a quick call today at
>>>>>>> noon eastern.
>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>> Rebekah
>>>>>>> -----Original Message---->>>>>>> From: Jonathan Rosen [mailto:Jonathan@berlinrosen.com]
>>>>>>> Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2014 5:48 PM
>>>>>>> To: Rebekah Milford; Emily Walsh; Anna Greenberg; Josh Gold;
>>>>>>> Peter Ragone
>>>>>>> Cc: Dave Walker; Chloe Mullins
>>>>>>> Subject: RE: Survey
>>>>>>> Only think we need 15-20 mins here.
>>>>>>> -----Original Message---->>>>>>> From: Rebekah Milford [mailto:RMilford@gqrr.com]
>>>>>>> Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2014 5:47 PM
>>>>>>> To: Emily Walsh; Jonathan Rosen; Anna Greenberg; Josh Gold; Peter
>>>>>>> Ragone
>>>>>>> Cc: Dave Walker; Chloe Mullins
>>>>>>> Subject: RE: Survey
>>>>>>> That would work for GQRR folks. Do we want to say from 12PM EST
>>>>>>> to 1PM EST?
>>>>>>> We can use one of our conference call lines:
>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>> Rebekah
>>>>>>> ________________________________________
>>>>>>> From: Emily Walsh [Emily@berlinrosen.com]
>>>>>>> Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2014 5:45 PM
>>>>>>> To: Jonathan Rosen; Anna Greenberg; Josh Gold; Peter Ragone

>>>>>>> Cc: Dave Walker; Chloe Mullins; Rebekah Milford

>>>>>>> Subject: Re: Survey
>>>>>>> Jonathan has time from 12-2 if that works for others.
>>>>>>> ->>>>>>> Emily Walsh
>>>>>>> BerlinRosen Public Affairs
>>>>>>> Emily@berlinrosen.com
>>>>>>> 646-200-5310
>>>>>>>> On 1/28/14 5:39 PM, "Jonathan Rosen" <Jonathan@berlinrosen.com>
>>>>>>>> Looping Emily to schedule a quick call for tomorrow. A.M. is
>>>>>>>> -----Original Message---->>>>>>>> From: Anna Greenberg [mailto:agreenberg@gqrr.com]
>>>>>>>> Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2014 3:59 PM
>>>>>>>> To: Josh Gold; Jonathan Rosen; Peter Ragone
>>>>>>>> Cc: Dave Walker; Chloe Mullins; Rebekah Milford
>>>>>>>> Subject: RE: Survey
>>>>>>>> Thanks Josh.
>>>>>>>> I'm trying to get a draft done by Thursday so we can field next
>>>>>>>> Let me know if you have time to talk tomorrow morning. You can
>>>>>>>>also review the NYS portion when it's written and give feedback
>>>>>>>> Thanks!
>>>>>>>> Anna
>>>>>>>> -----Original Message----]
>>>>>>>> From: Josh Gold [mailto
>>>>>>>> Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2014 3:50 PM
>>>>>>>> To: Jonathan Rosen; Peter Ragone
>>>>>>>> Cc: Anna Greenberg
>>>>>>>> Subject: Survey
>>>>>>>> Jonathan & Peter,
>>>>>>>> The AFT is putting a poll in the field with a NYS over sample on
>>>>>>>> education issues including a large portion about early childhood
>>>>>>>> education and they have graciously agreed to take our
>>>>>>>> suggestions on language and questions regarding UPK proposals.

>>>>>>>> Anna, cc'ed, is working on it - so I wanted to connect you on

>>>>>>>> Sent from my iPhone


Seignious, Sandy
"Emily Walsh"
Rebekah Milford
RE: Tomorrow"s call
Wednesday, February 05, 2014 3:47:31 PM

Thank you

From: Emily Walsh [mailto:Emily@berlinrosen.com]

Sent: Wednesday, February 05, 2014 3:47 PM
To: Seignious, Sandy
Cc: Rebekah Milford
Subject: Re: Tomorrow's call

Great, confirmed.

Same number.

Thanks to you both.

Emily Walsh
BerlinRosen Public Affairs

From: <Seignious>, Sandy <sseignious@cityhall.nyc.gov>

Date: Wednesday, February 5, 2014 3:44 PM
To: Emily Walsh <emily@berlinrosen.com>
Cc: Rebekah Milford <RMilford@gqrr.com>
Subject: RE: Tomorrow's call


From: Emily Walsh [mailto:Emily@berlinrosen.com]

Sent: Wednesday, February 05, 2014 2:48 PM
To: Seignious, Sandy
Cc: Rebekah Milford
Subject: Re: Tomorrow's call

Hi Sandy,

Does Friday from 11-11:30 work for this call?

Emily Walsh
BerlinRosen Public Affairs


From: Rebekah Milford <RMilford@gqrr.com>

Date: Tuesday, February 4, 2014 6:55 PM
To: "Seignious, Sandy" <sseignious@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: Emily Walsh <emily@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: Re: Tomorrow's call

My number is
Thanks, Rebekah
Sent from my iPhone
On Feb 4, 2014, at 6:52 PM, "Seignious, Sandy" <sseignious@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
No problem

My number is 212 788 3055

Have a good night.


Sent via the Samsung GALAXY S4, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone

-------- Original message -------From: Emily Walsh

Date:02/04/2014 6:33 PM (GMT-05:00)
To: "Seignious, Sandy" ,Rebekah Milford
Subject: Tomorrow's call
I am very sorry, but tomorrow isn't going to work.
Jonathan has had something come up for tomorrow morning and we need to
postpone this. I have a few times Thursday and Friday that would work.
Could we all hop on a call in the morning and get this on the calendar?
Send me your phone numbers and we will reschedule.
Sorry again, thanks for your understanding.
-Emily Walsh

BerlinRosen Public Affairs


On 2/4/14 4:39 PM, "Seignious, Sandy" <sseignious@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

>Thank you
>-----Original Message---->From: Emily Walsh [mailto:Emily@berlinrosen.com]
>Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2014 4:39 PM
>To: Rebekah Milford; Seignious, Sandy
>Subject: Re: Survey
>Thank you!!
>->Emily Walsh
>BerlinRosen Public Affairs
>On 2/4/14 4:38 PM, "Rebekah Milford" <RMilford@gqrr.com> wrote:
>>-----Original Message---->>From: Rebekah Milford
>>Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2014 4:38 PM
>>To: 'Seignious, Sandy'; 'Emily Walsh'
>>Subject: RE: Survey
>>Let's use this conference call line for tomorrow morning at 10AM ET
>>-----Original Message---->>From: Seignious, Sandy [mailto:sseignious@cityhall.nyc.gov]
>>Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2014 4:37 PM
>>To: 'Emily Walsh'; Rebekah Milford
>>Subject: RE: Survey

>>Peter can do 10am. Can you please send me the dial in #?

>>Thank you Ladies
>>-----Original Message---->>From: Emily Walsh [mailto:Emily@berlinrosen.com]
>>Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2014 4:34 PM
>>To: Rebekah Milford; Seignious, Sandy
>>Subject: Re: Survey
>>I can. Thanks for closing the loop here.
>>->>Emily Walsh
>>BerlinRosen Public Affairs
>>On 2/4/14 4:31 PM, "Rebekah Milford" <RMilford@gqrr.com> wrote:
>>>Can everyone do a thirty minute call from 10 to 10:30AM tomorrow?
>>>-----Original Message---->>>From: Rebekah Milford
>>>Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2014 4:25 PM
>>>To: 'Seignious, Sandy'
>>>Cc: Emily Walsh
>>>Subject: RE: Survey
>>>GQRR can only do from 10 to 10:30 am.
>>>-----Original Message---->>>From: Seignious, Sandy [mailto:sseignious@cityhall.nyc.gov]
>>>Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2014 4:25 PM
>>>To: Rebekah Milford
>>>Cc: Emily Walsh
>>>Subject: RE: Survey
>>>Good afternoon,
>>>Is this conference call confirmed for 10:30am? I need to cancel his
>>>meeting if it is on

>>>-----Original Message---->>>From: Rebekah Milford [mailto:RMilford@gqrr.com]
>>>Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2014 2:31 PM
>>>To: Seignious, Sandy
>>>Cc: Emily Walsh
>>>Subject: Re: Survey
>>>Based on the times Emily mentioned, GQRR can only do 10am to 10:30am
>>>Let us know if this will work.
>>>Sent from my iPhone
>>>> On Feb 4, 2014, at 2:28 PM, "Seignious, Sandy"
>>>><sseignious@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
>>>> Peter said he has to be a part of it. Can you let me know what time
>>>>you are looking at?
>>>> Thanks
>>>> Sandy
>>>> -----Original Message---->>>> From: Emily Walsh [mailto:Emily@berlinrosen.com]
>>>> Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2014 1:44 PM
>>>> To: Seignious, Sandy; Rebekah Milford
>>>> Subject: Re: Survey
>>>> We are rescheduling it for tomorrow. Waiting on a response about if
>>>>Peter needs to be on it.
>>>> ->>>> Emily Walsh
>>>> BerlinRosen Public Affairs
>>>> Emily@berlinrosen.com
>>>> 646-200-5310
>>>>> On 2/4/14 1:43 PM, "Seignious, Sandy" <sseignious@cityhall.nyc.gov>
>>>>> Is this meeting still happening?

>>>>> -----Original Message---->>>>> From: Emily Walsh [mailto:Emily@berlinrosen.com]

>>>>> Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2014 12:01 PM
>>>>> To: Rebekah Milford
>>>>> Cc: Anna Greenberg; Josh Gold; Peter Ragone; Dave Walker; Chloe
>>>>> Mullins; James Hazzard; Laura Swartz; Seignious, Sandy; Jonathan
>>>>> Rosen
>>>>> Subject: Re: Survey
>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>> Possible to reschedule this call for tomorrow?
>>>>> Jonathan could do 10-12 or 2:30 then.
>>>>> Thank you,
>>>>> Emily
>>>>> ->>>>> Emily Walsh
>>>>> BerlinRosen Public Affairs
>>>>> Emily@berlinrosen.com
>>>>> 646-200-5310
>>>>>> On 1/29/14 11:48 AM, "Jonathan Rosen" <Jonathan@berlinrosen.com>
>>>>>> Running ten mins late but yes.
>>>>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>>>>> On Jan 29, 2014, at 10:28 AM, "Rebekah Milford"
>>>>>>> <RMilford@gqrr.com>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Jonathan,
>>>>>>> Just wanted to confirm we are all set for a quick call today at
>>>>>>> noon eastern.
>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>> Rebekah
>>>>>>> -----Original Message---->>>>>>> From: Jonathan Rosen [mailto:Jonathan@berlinrosen.com]
>>>>>>> Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2014 5:48 PM
>>>>>>> To: Rebekah Milford; Emily Walsh; Anna Greenberg; Josh Gold;

>>>>>>> Peter Ragone

>>>>>>> Cc: Dave Walker; Chloe Mullins
>>>>>>> Subject: RE: Survey
>>>>>>> Only think we need 15-20 mins here.
>>>>>>> -----Original Message---->>>>>>> From: Rebekah Milford [mailto:RMilford@gqrr.com]
>>>>>>> Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2014 5:47 PM
>>>>>>> To: Emily Walsh; Jonathan Rosen; Anna Greenberg; Josh Gold; Peter
>>>>>>> Ragone
>>>>>>> Cc: Dave Walker; Chloe Mullins
>>>>>>> Subject: RE: Survey
>>>>>>> That would work for GQRR folks. Do we want to say from 12PM EST
>>>>>>> to 1PM EST?
>>>>>>> We can use one of our conference call lines:
>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>> Rebekah
>>>>>>> ________________________________________
>>>>>>> From: Emily Walsh [Emily@berlinrosen.com]
>>>>>>> Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2014 5:45 PM
>>>>>>> To: Jonathan Rosen; Anna Greenberg; Josh Gold; Peter Ragone
>>>>>>> Cc: Dave Walker; Chloe Mullins; Rebekah Milford
>>>>>>> Subject: Re: Survey
>>>>>>> Jonathan has time from 12-2 if that works for others.
>>>>>>> ->>>>>>> Emily Walsh
>>>>>>> BerlinRosen Public Affairs
>>>>>>> Emily@berlinrosen.com
>>>>>>> 646-200-5310
>>>>>>>> On 1/28/14 5:39 PM, "Jonathan Rosen" <Jonathan@berlinrosen.com>
>>>>>>>> Looping Emily to schedule a quick call for tomorrow. A.M. is
>>>>>>>> -----Original Message---->>>>>>>> From: Anna Greenberg [mailto:agreenberg@gqrr.com]
>>>>>>>> Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2014 3:59 PM

>>>>>>>> To: Josh Gold; Jonathan Rosen; Peter Ragone

>>>>>>>> Cc: Dave Walker; Chloe Mullins; Rebekah Milford
>>>>>>>> Subject: RE: Survey
>>>>>>>> Thanks Josh.
>>>>>>>> I'm trying to get a draft done by Thursday so we can field next
>>>>>>>> Let me know if you have time to talk tomorrow morning. You can
>>>>>>>>also review the NYS portion when it's written and give feedback
>>>>>>>> Thanks!
>>>>>>>> Anna
>>>>>>>> -----Original Message---->>>>>>>> From: Josh Gold [mailto
>>>>>>>> Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2014 3:50 PM
>>>>>>>> To: Jonathan Rosen; Peter Ragone
>>>>>>>> Cc: Anna Greenberg
>>>>>>>> Subject: Survey
>>>>>>>> Jonathan & Peter,
>>>>>>>> The AFT is putting a poll in the field with a NYS over sample on
>>>>>>>> education issues including a large portion about early childhood
>>>>>>>> education and they have graciously agreed to take our
>>>>>>>> suggestions on language and questions regarding UPK proposals.
>>>>>>>> Anna, cc'ed, is working on it - so I wanted to connect you on
>>>>>>>> Sent from my iPhone


Jonathan Rosen
Wolfe, Emma; Josh Wallack
FW: op-ed we discussed from Bank Street
Thursday, February 06, 2014 2:26:02 PM

); Josh Gold

From: Patrick Jenkins [mailto:patrick@pbjenkins.com]

Sent: Thursday, February 06, 2014 2:11 PM
To: Jonathan Rosen
Subject: Re: op-ed we discussed from Bank Street

Heads are rolling. Unsanctioned piece. Will call

On Feb 6, 2014 10:40 AM, "Jonathan Rosen" <Jonathan@berlinrosen.com> wrote:
Jonathan Rosen
BerlinRosen Public Affairs, Ltd.
15 Maiden Lane, Suite 1600
New York, NY 10038
t. 646.452.5637


Wolfe, Emma
"Jonathan Rosen"; Josh Gold (
RE: Bank Street
Thursday, February 06, 2014 3:39:20 PM

); Josh Wallack (

Per PJ her boss is writing the counter.

From: Jonathan Rosen [mailto:Jonathan@berlinrosen.com]

Sent: Thursday, February 06, 2014 10:59 AM
To: Wolfe, Emma; Josh Gold
; Josh Wallack
Subject: Bank Street

Spoke to Patrick Jenkins. He said he is on top of scheduling working group meeting with Bank Street
but it is slow going. I pressed him on urgency.

I also told him we were really unhappy with the WNYC Schoolbook op-ed from the Bank Street head
start person today questioning the plan. He said he was unaware of it, asked me to send (which I
did) and said he would circle back.

Just keeping folks updated.

Jonathan Rosen
BerlinRosen Public Affairs, Ltd.
15 Maiden Lane, Suite 1600
New York, NY 10038
t. 646.452.5637


Wolfe, Emma
Jonathan Westin
Jackie Kessel
Re: Minimum Wage in today"s Siena Poll
Tuesday, February 25, 2014 9:30:45 AM

I will make sure our folks point out to reporters more (no fingerprints) if you can send over the quotes
as you blast them out
Sent from my iPad
> On Feb 25, 2014, at 9:13 AM, "Jonathan Westin" <jwestin@nycommunities.org> wrote:
> yep
> -----Original Message----> From: Wolfe, Emma [mailto:EWolfe@cityhall.nyc.gov]
> Sent: Tuesday, February 25, 2014 9:13 AM
> To: Jonathan Westin; Jackie Kessel
> Subject: Minimum Wage in today's Siena Poll
> Are you guys going to town with validators on the poll today? We'll only do in response to statements
but you're going to push out statements right? Cross-section of NYers from academics / experts /
business folk / labor folk / etc etc?
> Sent from my iPad


Kunal Shah
Rebekah Milford
Chao, Raymond; Anna Greenberg
RE: Polls Presentation at BerlinRosen
Monday, March 10, 2014 8:24:45 PM

Great. Will be here in the morning and available to help in any way I can.

Have a good night!


From: Rebekah Milford [mailto:RMilford@gqrr.com]

Sent: Monday, March 10, 2014 8:22 PM
To: Kunal Shah
Cc: Chao, Raymond; Anna Greenberg
Subject: Re: Polls Presentation at BerlinRosen

Thanks Kunal-- the presentation is still being worked on so we will probably have to email it to
ourselves and access it in the morning. Thanks!
Sent from my iPhone
On Mar 10, 2014, at 8:13 PM, "Kunal Shah" <Kunal@berlinrosen.com> wrote:
Hi Rebekah

Yes, if the presentation is ready, you can e-mail it to me and I can download it to the
desktop for you to access it during the meeting. Alternatively, the laptop does have
internet access, so if you need additional time you could also e-mail it to yourself and
access it via web in the morning. Whichever works best for you, Im in the office for
the next hour so let me know.



From: Rebekah Milford [mailto:RMilford@gqrr.com]

Sent: Monday, March 10, 2014 7:42 PM
To: Chao, Raymond
Cc: Anna Greenberg; Kunal Shah
Subject: Re: Polls Presentation at BerlinRosen

Thanks for coordinating, Raymond. I can send the ppt presentation to Kunal via email.
Will that work?

Thanks, Rebekah

Sent from my iPhone

On Mar 10, 2014, at 7:02 PM, "Chao, Raymond" <rchao@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
Hi Anna and Rebekah,

I am looping you two with Kunal, who is setting up the AV for the

Kunal says there will be a large screen with wireless keyboard and mouse,
will that suffice?

Also, would you coordinate how you will bring the PPT file, will it be on
thumb drive?

Thank you,

Raymond Chao
Scheduling Coordinator
Office of the Mayor
The City of New York
Office: (212)-788-7565
Cell: (347)-607-8325


Scola, Lindsay
"Stephanie Yazgi"
Matt Tepper; Katie Unger; Michael Rabinowitz; Josh Gold; Maritza Silva-Farrell; Jake Streich-Kest; Molly
Schaeffer; Norvell, Wiley
Friday, March 21, 2014 3:02:03 PM

Sorry all I was in another meeting. We will do this call on Monday. I will work out the details for
Tuesday event with DOE,

Appreciate everyones help!

Lindsay Scola
Director of Scheduling
Office of the Mayor
The City of New York
Office: 212.788.2962
Cell: 917.513.1690

From: Stephanie Yazgi [mailto:stephanie@upknyc.org]

Sent: Friday, March 21, 2014 2:14 PM
To: Scola, Lindsay
Cc: Matt Tepper; Katie Unger; Michael Rabinowitz; Josh Gold; Maritza Silva-Farrell; Jake Streich-Kest;
Molly Schaeffer
Subject: Re: CALL, ON EVENTS

Ok.... here is what you should clarify to move this forward. Doesn't sound like UPKNYC
thing so...
1) What is the message of the event/ white paper
2) What is vision Mayor's ofice/ Comms staff has for what it "looks" like
3) Intel from Josh Wallack (with help from Sophia Pappas)- Are there any model programs
or sites to visit to execute 1 & 2
Josh Wallack's number is
Likely needed on your call are City Hall folks (press, DOE, advance, etc) rather than ppl
from this side...
I would still like to do the UPKNYC call on Monday so please send me a time you could do

On Fri, Mar 21, 2014 at 1:58 PM, Scola, Lindsay <LScola@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Yes, we are going to release a white paper on pre k. Stephanie can you help wrangle folks that can
be helpful coming up with sites?

Here is my dial in number:

Lindsay Scola
Director of Scheduling
Office of the Mayor
The City of New York
Office: 212.788.2962
Cell: 917.513.1690

From: Stephanie Yazgi [mailto:stephanie@upknyc.org]

Sent: Friday, March 21, 2014 1:53 PM

To: Scola, Lindsay; Matt Tepper; Katie Unger; Michael Rabinowitz; Josh Gold
Cc: Maritza Silva-Farrell; Jake Streich-Kest; Molly Schaeffer
Subject: Re: CALL, ON EVENTS
So to clarify, we do not have Pre K sites... that generally falls under DOE or Matt Tepper
through his relationship wtih campaign for children so it looks like we need to expand this a
bit until it becomes more clear what exactly you all want/ need.
Please let us know what you mean by "Need a UPK site" means and what you want it to look
like then I can help you get relevant parties on the phone.
On Fri, Mar 21, 2014 at 1:50 PM, Scola, Lindsay <LScola@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
Looks like (literally found out as you were sending this email) that we need to do a UPK site on
Tuesday. Any chance you guys can get on the phone today? I can do 3pm.


Lindsay Scola
Director of Scheduling
Office of the Mayor
The City of New York
Office: 212.788.2962
Cell: 917.513.1690

From: Stephanie Yazgi [mailto:stephanie@upknyc.org]

Sent: Friday, March 21, 2014 1:46 PM
To: Scola, Lindsay; Maritza Silva-Farrell; Jake Streich-Kest; Molly Schaeffer

Lindsay wants to do a call with us to discuss some potential events we may be able to have
in the hopper and approved/ vetted by mayor's office standards ready to go for any upcoming
opportunities we may have to get him into the ield from March 31 to April 4
Lindsay... we can do Monday before 2PM. Anytime Monday AM that works for you?
We can use this call in:
Thanks and let us know.
Stephanie Yazgi
Field and Organizing Director
*Please add my email address to your contacts

Stephanie Yazgi
Field and Organizing Director
*Please add my email address to your contacts

Stephanie Yazgi
Field and Organizing Director
*Please add my email address to your contacts



Singleton, Jessica
Katz, Rebecca; Eric Gertler (EGertler@nycedc.com); Levin, Christina
Prim, Hayley; andrew@dcn.com; Jukay Hsu
); Parikh, Ishanee; "LSleeper@sbs.nyc.gov";
jonathan@berlinrosen.com; Scola, Lindsay; Hagelgans, Andrea; Walzak, Phil; Devora Kaye; Merritt, Jeff;
Sharma, Chandan; Eric Koch
ABNY Tech event Monday night
Wednesday, May 28, 2014 10:46:29 AM
ABNY TechNext Invite 052714 v3.jpg

Shameless BUT I hope/think this will be an interesting and well-rounded discussion. Please let
me know if youd be interested in joining!

Jessica Singleton
Digital Director @nycgov


Emma Woods
Parikh, Ishanee; DWoloch@bklynlibrary.org
Hatch, Peter; Adams, Marti
Re: Quote for BPL release
Monday, September 08, 2014 10:04:24 AM

Great, thanks!

-Emma Woods
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646-200-5303
C: 203-568-4780

From: <Parikh>, Ishanee <iparikh@cityhall.nyc.gov>

Date: Monday, September 8, 2014 10:01 AM
To: Emma <emma@berlinrosen.com>, "DWoloch@bklynlibrary.org" <DWoloch@bklynlibrary.org>
Cc: "Hatch, Peter" <PHatch@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Adams, Marti" <MAdams@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: Quote for BPL release
Hi David and Emma,
Please see quote from Mayor below. Let us know if you have any questions or need anything else. Thanks!
"From immigrant services to high-speed Internet access and literature programs for our children, our
libraries serve New Yorkers of all ages and backgrounds," said Mayor Bill de Blasio. "The extended hours of
service at Brooklyn Public Libraries across the borough will help increase access to these services for so
many families, and I am proud that my Administration and our City Council made this significant
investment in our City's public libraries."


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