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Jonathan Rosen
Fuleihan, Dean (OMB); Emma Wolfe; Bill DeBlasio; Shorris,; Williams, Dominic; Santucci, Laura; PhilWalzak
Re: Glaser call
Monday, January 20, 2014 7:54:53 PM


Let me check, but it seemed to me, 1.5 billion as a pot of money.

Peter Ragone/
From: Jonathan Rosen
Sent: Monday, January 20, 2014 4:50 PM
Cc: Fuleihan, Dean (OMB); Emma Wolfe; Bill DeBlasio; Shorris,; Dominic ; Santucci, Laura; Phil Walszac
Subject: Re: Glaser call

Let me know on call. I'm available.

Is it 1.5 b per year? Can't be total that's only 300 m per year.
Sent from my iPhone
On Jan 20, 2014, at 7:42 PM, "


> wrote:

As jurisdictions needed.
Peter Ragone
From: Fuleihan, Dean (OMB)
Sent: Monday, January 20, 2014 4:41 PM
Cc: Emma Wolfe; Bill DeBlasio; Jonathan Rosen; Shorris, Anthony; Williams, Dominic;
Santucci, Laura; Phil Walszac
Subject: Re: Glaser call

Is it $1.5b over 5-years for the all school districts at the Governor discretion?
Sent from my iPhone
On Jan 20, 2014, at 7:26 PM, "


Toplines from call...

1.5 billion to be drawn down on timetable from jurisdictions as


needed. Guaranteed for 5 years.

Skelos won't give tax increase. Gov needs to Fund it through budget
or it doesn't happen.
Feedback gov has gotten is that you guys will push for tax increase
no matter what.
He said We should back off tax so it's not a loss for us.
This will be public tomorrow.
I did not challenge him on the votes bc I didn't want to give away
our budget strategy.
I told him there are two outcomes we get u pk with a tax increase
or we get upk with a deal on how to pay with the Gov (we'll fight
for our taxes to be included in that deal however it gets slicedwe're not backing off).
I told him We should talk about #2 as a path forward. We agreed to
talk on Thursday.
I'm taking off for NYC and will available on email, but I think this
crew needs to get on a call to discuss.
a couple of thoughts:
We need CFE out there this week assailing #'s
We need Shelly and IDC and Sen Dems saying they will fight for it.
We need community groups saying this is a litmus test for Dems.
This tax increase is important.

Peter Ragone

Dominic<>; Santucci,
Laura<>; Phil
Subject: Re: Glaser call
Let me know on call. I'm available.
Is it 1.5 b per year? Can't be total that's only 300 m per year.
Sent from my iPhone
On Jan 20, 2014, at 7:42 PM,
As jurisdictions needed.
Peter Ragone
From: Fuleihan, Dean (OMB)
Sent: Monday, January 20, 2014 4:41 PM
Cc: Emma Wolfe; Bill DeBlasio; Jonathan Rosen; Shorris, Anthony;
Williams, Dominic; Santucci, Laura; Phil Walszac
Subject: Re: Glaser call

Is it $1.5b over 5-years for the all school districts at the

Governor discretion?
Sent from my iPhone
On Jan 20, 2014, at 7:26 PM, "


Toplines from call...

1.5 billion to be drawn down on timetable from
jurisdictions as needed. Guaranteed for 5 years.
Skelos won't give tax increase. Gov needs to
Fund it through budget or it doesn't happen.
Feedback gov has gotten is that you guys will
push for tax increase no matter what.
He said We should back off tax so it's not a loss
for us.
This will be public tomorrow.
I did not challenge him on the votes bc I didn't
want to give away our budget strategy.

I told him there are two outcomes we get u pk

with a tax increase or we get upk with a deal on
how to pay with the Gov (we'll fight for our taxes
to be included in that deal however it gets
sliced- we're not backing off).
I told him We should talk about #2 as a path
forward. We agreed to talk on Thursday.
I'm taking off for NYC and will available on email,
but I think this crew needs to get on a call to
a couple of thoughts:
We need CFE out there this week assailing #'s
We need Shelly and IDC and Sen Dems saying
they will fight for it.
We need community groups saying this is a
litmus test for Dems. This tax increase is

Peter Ragone/

Toplines from call...
1.5 billion to be drawn down on
timetable from jurisdictions as
needed. Guaranteed for 5 years.
Skelos won't give tax increase. Gov
needs to Fund it through budget or it
doesn't happen.
Feedback gov has gotten is that you
guys will push for tax increase no
matter what.
He said We should back off tax so it's
not a loss for us.
This will be public tomorrow.
I did not challenge him on the votes
bc I didn't want to give away our
budget strategy.
I told him there are two outcomes
we get u pk with a tax increase or
we get upk with a deal on how to pay
with the Gov (we'll fight for our taxes
to be included in that deal however
it gets sliced- we're not backing off).
I told him We should talk about #2 as
a path forward. We agreed to talk on
I'm taking off for NYC and will
available on email, but I think this
crew needs to get on a call to
a couple of thoughts:
We need CFE out there this week
assailing #'s
We need Shelly and IDC and Sen
Dems saying they will fight for it.
We need community groups saying
this is a litmus test for Dems. This tax
increase is important.

Peter Ragone/


Wolfe, Emma
Re: Quotes from advocates/unions
Tuesday, January 21, 2014 2:56:23 PM

I'm cool
Who said no, jg?

From: Jonathan Rosen []

Sent: Tuesday, January 21, 2014 02:49 PM
To: Wolfe, Emma;
Cc: Josh Gold
>; Mike Rabinowitz
Subject: FW: Quotes from advocates/unions

Confirming you are cool with us putting this out from the campaign.pls read

From: Emma Woods

Sent: Tuesday, January 21, 2014 1:46 PM
To: Mike Rabinowitz
Subject: Quotes


We applaud Governor Cuomo for making statewide universal pre-k a priority in his
executive budget. But the money he is proposing is not enough for truly universal, full-day
pre-k and the afterschool program Mayor de Blasio has proposed, and does not guarantee a
dedicated funding stream at the level needed. In New York City, we need the tax plan that
Mayor de Blasio has laid out in order to generate dedicated resources for a full and secure
investment in both universal pre-k and after-school programs and our city should have the
authority to raise its own taxes to pay for the Mayors critical expansion of these programs.
We urge Governor Cuomo and the Legislature to pass Mayor de Blasios plan to raise taxes
on the wealthiest New Yorkers to expand pre-k and after-school programs, said the
Campaign for Children (not approved)

"The Governor is right to recognize that pre-k and after school are an essential investment
in New York's future. But unfortunately the budget he's presented makes it more clear than
ever that without new dedicated revenue from a tax on the wealthiest New Yorkers, there is
simply no way to make sure these programs reach all of our children, said Javier H. Valdes,
Co-Executive Director of Make the Road New York.

Were very encouraged to see that the Governor has prioritized pre-k and after-school
programs in his budget, as we know that these programs are essential for the success of our

children and working families. However, the funding he has presented is not enough to
expand these programs to serve all children. We need the tax plan Mayor de Blasio has laid
out in order to truly invest in our childrens futures, said Melanie Hartzog, Executive
Director ofChildrens Defense Fund New York. (not approved)

"We applaud Gov. Cuomo for putting Pre-K and after school front and center in the budget.
Now, we must work together to make sure these programs truly reach all our children. To
fulfill that promise, we need to find sufficient and stable resources which we can achieve
by giving NYC the ability raise revenue from the wealthiest New Yorkers as a stable funding
mechanism for UPK," said Hector Figueroa, President of 32BJ SEIU.

"Governor Cuomo is right to make Pre-K and after school a central part of his budget, but
the resources he has put forward are simply not enough to call his proposal 'universal.'
Giving every four-year-old the high-quality early education that studies show to be so
effective meansfinding new revenue, and the fairest way to do that is to give Mayor de
Blasio the authority to ask the wealthiest New Yorkers to pay just a little more in taxes," said
Camille Rivera, Executive Director of United NY.

I applaud Governor Cuomo for recognizing the critical importance of universal pre-K and
after-school programs for educational opportunity.He is right: we need the programs in NYC
and statewide. But the statewide money he is proposing doesnt even meet the needs of
New York City alone, much less the whole state.Therefore it's obvious that theLegislature
and Governor should give New York City the leeway to raise its own taxes to ensure
universal pre-K and after-school programs for all of New Yorks children. The importance
and feasibility of such an agreement are now in clear view thanks to the Governor's
commitment to these crucial programs, said Jeffrey Sachs, Director of the Earth Institute
at Columbia University and Special Advisor to the UN Secretary-General.

"The Governor has made a first step, but what he has proposed will not come even close to
true universal pre-k and after school for all New Yorkers. Albany has talked about fully
funding pre-k again and again for 15 years, but without new tax revenue as Mayor de Blasio
has proposed, there is simply no way to give our children the quality education they
deserve, said JonathanWestin, ExecutiveDirector of New York Communities for Change.

Emma Woods
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646-200-5303

C: 203-568-4780
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Ragone, Peter
Wolfe, Emma
Shorris, Anthony; "";
Re: Real estate and business leaders
Tuesday, January 21, 2014 8:00:29 PM

Can we take this off official thread please.

From: Ross Offinger [mailto

Sent: Tuesday, January 21, 2014 07:27 PM
To: Wolfe, Emma
Cc: Shorris, Anthony; <>; Ragone, Peter;
Subject: Re: Real estate and business leaders

On b:

Here's who I am shooting for:

Bruce Ratner
Eric Schmidt
Elizabeth Sackler
Gina and Tony Argento
Initial Real Estate Wish List:
Jed Walentas
John Zuccotti
Drew Katz
Will Zeckendorf
David Steiner
Stuart Suna
Don Cappoccia
David Kramer
Rich Richman
Gene Schneur
Steve Greene
George Klein
Marc Lasry's Hedge Fund Guys:
Eric Mindich
Dan Stern
Jamie Dinan (not Dimon)
Dan Stern
Dan Och
More to come.
-Ross Offinger
c. 718.344.8025

On Tue, Jan 21, 2014 at 2:35 PM, Wolfe, Emma <> wrote:
Looping you to:
a) discuss budget today with them to moderate/take edge off
b) preview next round of biz ldrs


Walzak, Phil
"Jonathan Rosen"
RE: Press Conference Tomorrow
Tuesday, January 28, 2014 5:42:26 PM

Yes correct

From: Jonathan Rosen []

Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2014 5:35 PM
To: Walzak, Phil
Subject: RE: Press Conference Tomorrow

Checking back in on this this is not happening, right? We rep Food Bank NYC and do some stuff
with United Way and they were in a tizzy that MBDB was joining them tomorrow.

From: Walzak, Phil []

Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2014 1:05 PM
To: Jonathan Rosen
Subject: RE: Press Conference Tomorrow

Will look

From: Jonathan Rosen []

Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2014 12:57 PM
To: Walzak, Phil
Subject: FW: Press Conference Tomorrow

Youre not doing a presser tomorrow on SNAP cuts or anytime soon? Not sure what below is about.
Pls advise.

From: Margarette Purvis []

Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2014 12:56 PM
To: Emma Woods; Jonathan Rosen
Cc: Triada Stampas; Josh Cramer-Montes
Subject: Press Conference Tomorrow

Hi Emma and Jonathan:

Do either of you know if a press release has gone out from the Mayor about a press conference
being hosted tomorrow?

The reason Im asking is because weve gathered leaders from all of the top human service
organizations to say no to snap cuts. When I imagined this I saw it as something to be done in
partnership with the Mayor. Ive been told that hes looking into doing it potentially tomorrow. In
the meantime, Joel has convinced the group that we cant wait and should definitely plan the press
conference without the mayor which makes NO SENSE TO ME if hes considering joining us.

So in a nutshell, I dont want to stand in the way of progress, but I also dont want to spin our
wheels when the most important voice on this RIGHT NOW is the MAYOR. Have you heard

Margarette Purvis
President & CEO
Food Bank For New York City
39 Broadway, 10th Floor
New York, NY 10006
t: 212.566.7855 ext. 2225
f: 212.566.1463
Twitter: @FoodBank_Prez

Join the conversation at

Food Bank For New York City Named NY1s 2013 New Yorkers of the Year

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to ensure that it is virus free and no responsibility is accepted by the Food Bank For New York City for
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Jonathan Rosen
Wolfe, Emma; Laura Santucci
Jed Walentas cell # per BdB email earlier about wanting to call him
Wednesday, January 29, 2014 1:10:46 PM

Will you let me know if they connect? Thanks.

Jonathan Rosen
BerlinRosen Public Affairs, Ltd.
15 Maiden Lane, Suite 1600
New York, NY 10038
t. 646.452.5637


Wolfe, Emma
"Jonathan Rosen"; Josh Gold
RE: Audio - Q & A after Rules Committee
Tuesday, February 04, 2014 6:20:04 PM

Is that accurate readout of what he actually said?

From: Jonathan Rosen []

Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2014 3:21 PM
To: Wolfe, Emma; Josh Gold
Subject: FW: Audio - Q & A after Rules Committee

Fyi re: SS..

From: Michael Whyland []

Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2014 1:28 PM
To: Jonathan Rosen
Subject: FW: Audio - Q & A after Rules Committee

Some audio on common core and pre-k tax (which I think is later). He was supportive of tax or said
that members generally are. Fink said he talked to 2 queens dems who were opposed. I think ss
knocked it down well.

From: Shaina Kaye []

Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2014 1:07 PM
To: 'Kerri Biche'; 'Mike Whyland'
Subject: Audio - Q & A after Rules Committee

Shaina Kaye
Speakers Press Office


Wolfe, Emma
Fuleihan, Dean (OMB);
Fwd: send here plz
Monday, February 10, 2014 4:51:22 PM

good job gentlemen

Sent from my iPad
Begin forwarded message:
From: Michael Whyland
Date: February 10, 2014 at 4:48:49 PM EST
To: "Wolfe, Emma" <>
Subject: Re: send here plz

I and the Assembly Majority Conference

have been advocating for universal pre-k
for 20 years. Senator Skelos' position is
unacceptable and we will not take a
viable option off the table.
On Mon, Feb 10, 2014 at 4:45 PM, Wolfe, Emma
<> wrote:
my understanding from judy is it was this:
I and the Democratic Conference
have been advocating for upk for 20
years. It is unacceptable that sen
skelos has [tried to] remove a
viable option from consideration.

Sent from my iPad

On Feb 10, 2014, at 4:42 PM, "Michael Whyland"
> wrote:
Working on it

I and the Democratic

Conference have been
advocating for upk for
20 years. The Governor
and the mayor this year
have advanced proposals
to accomplish this. It is
unfortunate that sen
skelos has removed one
of those viable options
from consideration.
Sent from my Verizon
Wireless BlackBerry
From: "Wolfe, Emma"
Date: Mon, 10 Feb 2014
21:13:54 +0000
Subject: send here plz


Wolfe, Emma
Re: hey
Saturday, February 22, 2014 6:21:46 PM

Yeah maybe we shd hold off.

Hope you're enjoying Europe!
----- Original Message ----From: Jonathan Rosen []
Sent: Saturday, February 22, 2014 06:09 PM
To: Wolfe, Emma
Subject: Re: hey
Sure. Is it Saul or who? A little worried that he will unintentionally go off message on stop sign gate or
something inadvertently unless he has airtight tps on that I can email to him and Whyland. He is
somewhat constitutionally unable not to screw up that kind of thing. I am in Paris still and only have
email at my hotel on wifi so text or call or I will check again in the a.m. I am six hours ahead of you so
going to bed now. Hope you are hanging in.
Sent from my iPhone
> On Feb 22, 2014, at 9:24 PM, "Wolfe, Emma" <> wrote:
> Wall Street Journal looking to do a piece that will either be about our screw-ups in the first month, or
if we have our way a demonstration of our accomplishments and pushing back on the press.
> We would like you the Speaker speak to the reporter. This is about a progressive getting things done
- sick days, municipal IDs, a strong fight on upk, handling more storms than anyone in history, a strong
preliminary budget, etc.
> Would you be up for talking to Shelly about doing this tomorrow?
> We could send you TPs and/or brief by phone.
> No matter what thanks as always....


Walzak, Phil
"Jonathan Rosen"
Ragone, Peter
RE: Jason Collins
Monday, March 03, 2014 10:12:15 AM

leMire would like to cover soething like this

-----Original Message----From: Jonathan Rosen []
Sent: Monday, March 03, 2014 10:11 AM
To: Walzak, Phil
Cc: Ragone, Peter
Subject: RE: Jason Collins
BDB off - what about him and Dante buying cheap regular guy tix up in the stands to watch and he
tweets etc. Big schedule commit obviously. Checking with Nets if they have anything else planned.
-----Original Message----From: Bill de Blasio [mailto
Sent: Sunday, March 02, 2014 11:25 PM
To: Phil Walzak
Cc: Peter Ragone; Jonathan Rosen
Subject: Jason Collins
Nets are back in bklyn tmrw -- first time since he signed. Do we want to do anything to honor him?
Cc'ing Rosen since he represents Barclay's Center
Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T



Wolfe, Emma
Unger, Katherine;;;;
;;;;; Carrion, Marco A.; Perez, Roberto; Norvell, Wiley
Re: Ethnic Community Meetings Plan
Tuesday, March 18, 2014 11:24:13 PM

looks great
pull in electeds like chin as appropriate plz
and if you are doing ccba - we need to tell shelly
Sent from my iPad
On Mar 18, 2014, at 2:16 PM, "Unger, Katherine" <> wrote:
Wed like to confirm with CCBA for recruitment so please let me know if we are good to
move on this.
Pre-K admission Ethnic Community Meetings Plan:

Pre-K Meetings convened by CAU/MOIA/DOE with Community Leaders .

Meeting Goals:
<!--[if !supportLists]--> <!--[endif]--> Introduce community leaders to the Early
Childhood Education team, CAU and MOIA.
<!--[if !supportLists]--> <!--[endif]--> Brief communities on the Pre-K admission
process, the extension of time, the expansion, and the resources available to their
communities to apply for pre-K
<!--[if !supportLists]--> <!--[endif]--> Answer questions on pre-K and the
<!--[if !supportLists]--> <!--[endif]--> Enlist leaders in publicizing and reaching
out to their community members about the enrollment process.
CAU will outline meeting flow with DOE.

<!--[if !supportLists]--> <!--[endif]--> DOE Early Childhood staff (and Enrollment
<!--[if !supportLists]--> <!--[endif]--> CAU staff

<!--[if !supportLists]-->
<!--[if !supportLists]-->

<!--[endif]--> MOIA staff

<!--[endif]--> Community organization and community

Venues: Community partners if possible. (ID DOE alternate space if needed)

Copies of language based pre-K admission materials. (Already translated)
Announcement of meeting schedule.

CCBA (Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association) can host the first meeting
for Chinese community leaders, at CCBA in Chinatown on Friday morning 3/21
(proposed time 11am). CCBA is a major Chinatown institution that has not yet been
public around pre-K and wants to be. Invite ethnic press.
Surrounding first meeting: Announce/Feed schedule of several additional meetings for
other communities over following 10 days to main press.

Rest of meetings could be pitched to ethnic press (in consultation with community

partners )

<!--[if !supportLists]-->
<!--[if !supportLists]-->
<!--[if !supportLists]-->
<!--[if !supportLists]-->
<!--[if !supportLists]-->
<!--[if !supportLists]-->
<!--[if !supportLists]-->

DOE and CH

<!--[endif]--> Arabic: Potential Friday evening

<!--[endif]--> Spanish: post-Somos (next week)
<!--[endif]--> Korean
<!--[endif]--> Haitian Creole
<!--[endif]--> Russian
<!--[endif]--> Urdu
<!--[endif]--> Bengali


Wolfe, Emma
Glen, Alicia
jonathan - can you send me and alicia cc"d here the MAS scrip that MBDB recorded
Wednesday, June 11, 2014 10:52:18 AM


Wolfe, Emma
RE: CPR statement
Monday, August 04, 2014 5:26:15 PM

Thanks VM

From: Emma Wolfe [mailto:

Sent: Monday, August 04, 2014 5:12 PM
To: Wolfe, Emma
Subject: Fwd: CPR statement

---------- Forwarded message ---------From: Jonathan Rosen <>

Date: Monday, August 4, 2014
Subject: Fwd: CPR statement
To: Emma Wolfe
Per my text just now.
Sent from my iPhone
Begin forwarded message:
From: Mandela Jones <>
Date: August 4, 2014 at 4:43:55 PM EDT
To: Mike Rabinowitz <>, Jonathan Rosen
Subject: CPR statement
Draft statement from CPR on Daily News analysis and DCJS data.
The Daily News analysis of summonses for petty infractions that shows Black
and Latino New Yorkers targeted at a rate 6 times higher than their white
counterparts is further evidence of the discriminatory impact of an abusive
broken windows-style of policing that is occurring overwhelmingly in
communities of color. The additional disparity in misdemeanor arrests, with 86%
being of Black and Latino New Yorkers in the first five months of the year as
shown in New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services data, only adds
to the clear body of evidence that minor, non-violent infractions are being
enforced far more heavily in certain communities. Commissioner Bratton has
said the NYPD must enforce the laws of the State of New York uniformly
throughout all the five boroughs, but disparities seen in the data contradict the
notion that this is the reality in our city. Its time to address the fact that this type
of policing is targeting our communities, just like stop-and-frisk abuses and too
often with severe consequences that deepen the divide between communities and
the police and inequality. We want the police to do their jobs, but selectively
harassing certain communities for minor issues while not others is not the way

and only distracts from addressing serious crimes and violence.

-Mandela Jones
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
Office: 646.200.5316
Cell: 914.610.0942

-Emma Wolfe
Sent from Gmail Mobile

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