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24th November 2016

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29th March 2016

Dear Parents

Dates to Remember

Due to the new Health and Safety laws we hereby advise all parents
and caregivers that the school gates will now be opened at 8.00am.
The teachers only assume responsibility for your children at 8.30am
when classrooms are open. If you need to have your child supervised
in the morning safely please see our Before and After School Provider
SKiDs (advert in newsletter). Our Social Worker in Schools - Dina
Guirguis will be on hand to support students who do come early to
access available funding for children to be in SKiDs Before School

Ukulele Festival:
Saturday 3rd December

I took the 8 School House Leaders to Rotorua last weekend. We

visited a number of attractions some of which included the Redwoods
Treewalk, Lakeland Queen Lunch Cruise, Skyline Rotorua and Luge
and the Rotorua Museum. On our trip back we also visited Glenholme
School in Rotorua and Kiwitahi School in Morrinsville where the
students sang a few impromptu items.

End of Term 4:
Friday 16th December

Stinky Sulphur!
Clomp! Clomp! A six kilometre walk waiting to be conquered while droplets of
water bounce off my jacket. Aaaah! My body relaxes as I slide into the hot
pools. Whoosh! The wind slaps my face as I zoom down the hill on the Luge!
Tweet! Tweet! I saunter onto the bridge scanning the scenic view. BEST.
Weekend. EVER! By Shyla Kishore A4
Walk down the street
My feet ached invading the privacy of my converses. Bruising patches
scattered across my feet. Sweat beaded down my forehead forming a
necklace. We were almost there. So close. A skip away. My legs struggled
Liana Singsam A4

Athletics (Year 4-6):

Wednesday 7th December

Year 6 Graduation:
Monday 14th December

School Oce Open:

Monday 23rd - Thursday
26th January 2017

Term 1 2017 Starts:

Wednesday 1st February

If your child is absent from
school, it is important that
you make contact with us,
either by a phone call to
the school,
266 9487, email,,

through the school website

or with a note or medical
certificate on return.While
we will endeavor to make
contact with you, any
unexplained absence will
automatically be marked as
truant after three days, until
we are otherwise informed.


Fundraising Rae


If you or your whanau or neighbours have a child star6ng at Manurewa East next year, an enrolment package will need to be
collected from the oce or downloaded from the website and returned, with a birth cer6cate, ASAP. While we will be
accep6ng enrolments on day 1, it is preferable that we have the info prior, so as not to keep you wai6ng on the day.


If your child is transferring to another school, not an intermediate or middle school, please inform us so that we do not
spend 6me trying to locate them at the beginning of the new year.
If your child is not returning to Manurewa East School next year, and your uniform is not required, please consider dona6ng
it to the school so that we can lend to other students in an emergency.

Dance of Mythology
Skids run fun activities and have afternoon with the children. We
also help do homework and provide afternoon tea.

If you will be applying for some OSCAR/Work and Income subsidy,

we will need to apply as early as possible. If you are working (full
time or part time and/or studying; on sickness benefit; on CDA) you
may qualify for some OSCAR subsidy and pay as low as $3 a day
(conditions apply). We will help you through the process (even
submit the forms on your behalf).

On Monday 14th November a selected group of

year 5 and 6 students were lucky enough to attend
a dance workshop at Vodafone event centre. Four
professional dance students taught them about
creating dierent types of movement using their
body. It was a great afternoon and all the students
had a great time.

For any queries you can ring Hazel and George at 0800 900 754 or
021-278-4462. You can also email us at or We run
before school care from 730am to 830am and an after school
programme from 3pm to 6pm Mondays to Fridays.

We look forward to hearing from you soon!


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