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*Ninoska Coronel

* Lorena Veliz
* Douglas Espinoza
* Hctor Cevallos
Please provide the following information regarding your
1. Introduction
1. About the company

ChiaLiv is a company that makes drinks based on chia

seeds, sweetened with stevia.
They have flavors like blackberry, Jamaican flower and
strawberry, on the other hand also they elaborate yogurt
based on cha seeds flavor of peach, mulberry and
strawberry since these are the favorites of the Ecuadorian
Our goal is to innovate in the market with a new drink
based on black tea and chia tea.
2. Description of current products
Cold drinks based on black tea are very common in the
Ecuadorian market, there are many varieties such as
FuzeTea, Nestea, etc. They are products that have
been sweetened with refined sugars which is not

healthy for people. The chia seed is little known in the

Ecuadorian market and it is for this reason that we
want people to know their many benefits, we want to
make known other more natural ways to sweeten the
drink such as the use of stevia, honey or organic
ChiaLiv is composed of the following products:
Chia seeds

Drink ChiaLiv: Drinks based on chia seeds

sweetened with stevia, blackberry flavor,
jamaica flower and strawberry

ChiaLiv Yogurt: Beverage based on chia

seeds, blackberry flavor, strawberry and

3. New proposal
Our proposal is based on creating a new drink based on chai
tea and chia seeds, naturally sweetened with organic
panela. There will be two versions:

Natural: Drink with black tea and chia seeds,

sweetened with organic panela.
Latte: Drinks based on black tea, chia seeds
and decaffeinated milk, naturally sweetened
with organic panela.
2. Hypothesis of the research
British nutritionist Madeleine Shaw explains that chia seeds
contain no gluten, are healthy and contain Omega 3,
antioxidants and fiber.
It can also be incorporated into any food or drink and does
not alter the taste.
When performing the market research we want to know
characteristics and preferences of consumers, determine
whether this product will be a viable investment.
We want to take that current trends are focused on natural,
nutrient-rich products and beneficial to health, so I came up
with the idea of marketing a product based on chia seed
combined with iced tea, which is what people are
1. The problem statement
To determine the perception and acceptance that would
have the product on the market.
2. Description of the problem
We want to create a new product based on chia seeds
combined with tea or milk, for this is necessary to make a
marketing research, to know if the product will be accepted
by the public, taking in consideration the price that
consumers are willing to pay, the presentation and the size
that are preferred by the clients. The analysis also considers
the best distribution channels.
3. Statement of research objectives
1. Primary objectives
Determine the perception of customers about a new
combination of chia seed and tea, through Focus
Determine the perception of presentation of the
product, through Focus Group.
Determine the mix of marketing for the best promotion
of the product, through Focus Group and surveys.

To determine if consumers are willing to consume iced

tea with chia seeds or milk with chia seeds, through
Focus Group and surveys.

2. Secondary objectives
Determine the target market of iced tea, chia seed and
milk separately, through observation.
Determine the price that customers are willing to pay
for the new combination, through surveys.
Determine preferences over tea, chia seed and milk,
through focus Group and surveys.
To identify possible points of sale like mini-market and
Neighborhoodshops, through surveys and

4. Research method (details of all the methods that you

are planning to use to gather primary and secondary
A research method is an instrument for collecting,
describing, analyzing and valuing market information to
make the right decisions in strategic and operational
Type of design and research techniques
For research this project, we will have secondary
information and different techniques to know the most
viable alternatives to boost the product.
The techniques that will be used in the project are:
Focus group
Blindness test
For market research we will use research techniques such
as surveys, observations, blind tests and focus group. We

will also use exploratory techniques to further develop

The information will be collected through surveys of ESPOL
students, supermarkets and citizens of Guayaquil in
general, and we will use the focus group technique and the
blind test to determine the perception of the product by

Focus group
Focus groups are smaller groups of people
who come together to give their point of
view and their observations about a
product this group of people is guided by a
moderator who helps them to
spontaneously discuss the topic to gather
relevant information for research .
The focus group will be realized with the help of people
between 20-30 years of age and of different sex, within the
university, with the objective of obtaining relevant
information about the product investigated. Let's give a
small sample of our chia tea in the focus group, and we can
ask questions like:
What do you think about the new product with chia and
species on the market?
Would they be willing to buy this new product with chia
and species?
What do you think about the taste?
What presentation would you like to have this new
product of tea with chia and species?
How much would they be willing to pay for tea with chia and

The surveys are a basis of
questions previously
designed and analyzed that
are made to a number of
people of preference more
than 200 who we call
respondents, these surveys will help us to have more
information about our product and similar products.
These surveys will target university students who are
consumers of supermarkets, both sexes, between 18 and 50
years. The purpose of surveys is to collect specific
information about this new product. Surveys will be
designed by multiple choice questions about similar brands
and the product investigated, preferences, prices, product
image, etc.
Observation is a technique in which people are observed
without contact with them to obtain information about the
habits and preferences we observe of these people.
blind test
The blind test is that a
homogeneous group of people is
chosen with whom a test of a
product of different brands is
discussed without them being
able to know which brand is each so as to be
able to have information without bias of conscience
that can cause that They are carried away by other factors.

The blind test will be relayed with 10 people between 18-50

years old from any part of the city of guayaquil, to be used
to know the reactions and preferences of the people before
a new flavor of tea in the market and to know if the
Consumers would accept the product favorably without
1. Secondary data (all secondary data, all the
details you can find)
Secondary data is information that has been developed and
is available to anyone, regarding the population and their
preferences on the INEC website.
About the target market
They offer CHAI TE CHIA, which contains all natural
ingredients rich in vitamins and helps the health of their
consumers, can be consumed at lunch, dinner and snacks,
at any time of the day can consume CHAI TE CHIA as a
Refreshing drink. That's why our target market is children,
youth, adults and people who have diabetes.
On the competition
For this product there are brands of iced tea in Ecuador that
are well positioned in the minds of consumers who are
direct competitors there brands such as tea fuze, nest,
tony tea, lipton, chialive, etc.
There are also competitors in brands of soft drinks like
companies that sell bottled water, companies that produce
soda, companies that produce juice, companies that
produce energy drinks.
2. Primary data
- Include the introduction of each one
of the techniques that you are planning to use (at
least 3 in this part). Start telling how youa re going
to conduct them, the objectives, etc

In order to obtain market information about our product, it

has been decided to carry out three types of techniques:
This technique will help to collect data through a previously
designed questionnaire, without modifying the environment
or the phenomenon where the information is collected.
The surveys will be done in the city of Guayaquil, north,
south, center and samborondon.
Questions will be asked about the price they would be
willing to pay, who know about Chia seed and help us
identify what our target market will be. Identify who would
actually target the product.
focus group
The objectives of the focus group is to obtain information
about the different opinions, attitudes and experiences of
our future clients.
This technique helps us to get closer to the future target
We will perform between 10 and 15 people, from different
places in Guayaquil: north, south, center or samborondon,
and we will ask questions about the opinion of the seed of
chia and the knowledge they have about this seed.
blind test
With the technique of the blind test, you can really know
what you think when you taste it. Especially when observing
the gestures that each person makes when trying it, and
thus to know that we have to improve so that the product is
chosen, whether in color, in thickness, in taste. How to
make the product catch the attention of customers. And if
the customer has never tried ah then after the test, they
want to choose it.
Will be made between 10 to 15 people, with two drinks:
chia tea and chialiv in drink.

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