CBCPMonitor Vol12-N02

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•A3 •A7 •B1 •B7

Pontiff says world Padre Pio’s body to be ‘Let no one Philippine Mining: A civil
stability “Fragile” exhumed, venerated touch the child’ society perspective

Bishops fear enforcers’

www.cbcponline.net/cbcpmonitor cbcpmonitor@cbcpworld.net

Activist for truth and

abuse of ID system justice
IF only for the benefit of the people, at least two
Catholic bishops see no problem with the re- “I CAN never keep quiet if there are ongoing
vival of the national identification (ID) system. anomalies and we should learn to value Truth,”
But with the current political situation of the thus said Episcopal Commission on Social Ac-
country, the ranking Church officials sounded tion, Justice and Peace chairman and Manila
their reservations on the military scheme. Auxiliary Bishop Broderick Pabillo over Catho-
Manila Auxiliary Bishop Broderick Pabillo lic-run Veritas 846.
said the credibility of the proposed policy would Protagonist of Truth, Promoter of Peace This was his reaction to a newspaper report,
depend on its merit and the people who would which described him as “militant bishop” at the
implement it. National Secretariat of Social Action, Justice and
January 7 - 20, 2008 • Vol. 12 No. 1 Php 20.00 Activist / A6
Bishops fear / A6

© Roy Lagarde / CBCP Media

FOR THE NTH TIME. Plaza Miranda once again hosted another flood of humanity as an estimated 100,000 devotees flocked the Quiapo Church last Jan. 9 for the annual Feast of the Black Nazarene. Police said at least two persons were killed and 44 others were injured
during the annual procession of the image around Quiapo. The conduct of the procession and the kind of religiosity of devotees tell of Filipino’s brand of Catholicism. Is there a need to look at popular piety vis-à-vis the work of evangelization?

Bishop to priests: Keep

out of politics, please
By Roy Lagarde Their sphere of involvement, he added, is that of
faith and morals, where they are also expected to
THE country is yet two years away from the criti- preach God’s Word and live a good life by example.

Church land already

cally important national elections, but the political Medroso stressed that it is vivid in Church’s
noise is obviously rising. teachings that priests cannot engage in partisan
And perhaps hoping to avoid repeating what political activity.
happened last polls, a Catholic bishop made an “Politics is also a vocation from God to those
early appeal to priests planning to vie for a public who are called. We priests are also called with spe-

ceded to agrarian
office to keep out of the political life. cific vocations and that is to take care of spiritual
Bishop Leonardo Medroso, chairman of the CBCP and moral things in life,” he said.
Episcopal Commission on Canon Law, said there’s “And that’s the contribution we can give to the
more to priesthood than being a politician if only people who are looking at us for that and not in
to serve the people. politics.”

He reminded the clergy that apart from politics, He said it would be ideal for priests to just leave
priests are also leaders but in another way and that political responsibilities to those who are charged
is being with Christ as his ministers. with them.
“There’s no more need to enter politics,” said The Code of Canon Law, canon 285, forbids all
Medroso, also the bishop of Tagbilaran diocese in clerics from entering politics.
Bohol province. Bishop to / A6 “WE have ceased control “As ours is a government
and possession over the of laws, we also have a
agricultural land which right to seek redress and

Lower marriage nullity cases in 2007 noted has been subjected to

that was what we did,”
Archbishop Legaspi ex-
plained. He cited the case of
THE National Appellate Matri- concurrence and for them to be The prelate said the number Leonardo Legaspi, OP a 30-hectare rice land in San
monial Tribunal (NAMT) re- executory. of nullity cases decreased over said in an interview over Vicente, Limbanan town,
versed 15 out of 111 decisions Archbishop Cruz, in an inter- the past few years. He, however, Catholic-run Veritas 846 donated to the major semi-
handed down by various view with CBCPNews said the explained the decrease “does not Friday morning as he nary which was subjected to
archdiocesan and diocesan mar- so-called “lower courts” screen send any message at all because downplayed media re- agrarian reform.
riage tribunals of first instance and submit approved marriage there are many couples who just ports calling on the “When we were to erect a
last year. nullity case decisions to the ap- separate.” He said some go for Catholic Church to give parish and provide for a
All the decisions rendered by pellate tribunal for review. He divorce or civil annulment and up its lands in favor of cemetery, we asked the
the marriage tribunals of first added annulment cases dis- other means distinct from the poor, landless farmers. farmer beneficiaries to ac-
instance are forwarded to NAMT missed by the instance remain nullity granted by the Church. He said they went to commodate us with less
chaired by Lingayen-Dagupan with the diocesan or Without going into specifics, the courts for redress be- than a hectare for the par-
Archbishop Oscar V. Cruz for archdiocesan tribunals. Lower / A6 cause the Catholic ish church and a hectare of
Church is registered as a land for the cemetery, were
corporation. “How, then, we able to acquire it? Yes,
can you limit the we got the land for the par-

Real healer is holy, doesn’t ask for money archdiocese’s retention

to seven hectares when
you have 74 parishes and
ish but we failed to get the
land for the cemetery,” the
archbishop said. He de-
BELIEVE and you will be fine, the special gift of healing from there are signs that a healing 20 cemeteries?” the prel- scribed the situation as
just pay your bill on time. the one who has not. ministry is for real or not. “There ate asked. “ironic.”
If you get that line from a “Meron nagkataon tapos nasabing are gauge to that.” Archbishop Legaspi Asked if the Archdiocese
“faith healer,” you better be care- meron siyang gift of healing so Foremost, he said, a healing said it was good the is- of Caceres received com-
ful, warned a ranking Catholic nagpupunta ang tao sa kanya. Meron minister possesses pious life. Ex- sue was brought into the pensation from the govern-
naman ibang ministrong ample to this, he said, is the late
© Denz Dayao / CBCP Media

Church official. media. However, he said ment, he said the Depart-

But how can you really ascer- nagpapanggap lang na meron silang Father Pio of Italy and Mother it was unfortunate the ment of Agrarian Reform
tain a genuine faith healer to gift to heal ,” he said. Theresa. story was associated offered P2.00 per hectare.
avoid falling into the trap of a There are some frauds out Cruz said that it is also sig- with the Sumilao farm- “We have to be clear in
fake faith healer instead? there, he said, pretending that nificant to note that within that ers’ case. He explained implementing our laws,”
According to Lingayen- spirits inhabits their body to cure holiness, humility always is their case was filed with Archbishop Legaspi con-
Dagupan Archbishop Oscar Cruz the incurable. present. the courts 20 years ago. cluded. (Melo M. Acuña)
But Cruz also has this to say: Real / A6
it is hard to identify a person with

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CBCP Monitor
A2 World News Vol. 12 No. 1
January 7 - 20, 2008

21 died violently for the Pope invites responsibility

toward creation
gospel in ‘07 VATICAN CITY, January 6,
2008—Benedict XVI is asking rich
and poor nations take more re-
sponsibility for preserving the
In his message for the World
Day of Peace, Benedict XVI em-
phasized that “today humanity
fears for future ecological equi-
planet, according to a Vatican librium.”
ROME, January 7, 2008—Twenty-one people the three deacons spokesman. According to Father Lombardi,
involved in ministry suffered violent deaths killed with him in Jesuit Father Federico “the Pope links a powerful moral
in 2007, including a priest and three deacons Iraq in June are four Lombardi said this on the most appeal to solidarity, on the basis
in Iraq. of the eight pastoral recent episode of the Vatican tele- of the recognition of a universal
The Fides news agency, of the Vatican Con- workers who died in vision program “Octava Dies ,” in destination of the goods of cre-
gregation for the Evangelization of Peoples, Asia. which he commented on the ation, that also takes the poor and
released the list of names of the dead today. The woman reli- Pope’s message for the World future generations into account.”
The group includes mostly priests and dea- gious, Sister Anne Day of Peace, celebrated Jan. 1. The Vatican spokesman says
cons. One seminarian, one brother and one Thole of the The priest said: “Until some that the Pope “invites dialogue,
woman religious are also included. Franciscan Sisters of time ago the theme of the envi- serious scientific study of the
“In recent years our list has included not the Holy Family, ronment could have seemed a problems without ‘ideological
only the names of missionaries ‘ad gentes ’ in perished when a hos- concern of the rich rather than the escalation,’ wisdom in the re-
the strict sense, but all pastoral workers who pital for AIDS pa- poor, of developed countries search on ‘models of sustainable
died a violent death, sacrificing their lives, tients caught fire in rather than those less so, for development’ and—with signifi-
aware of the risk they were taking by prefer- South Africa. which economic development cant concreteness—he proposes
ring to remain at their posts, rather than give The 35-year-old was instead an absolute priority. an intensified dialogue between
up their commitment to Christian witness nun had already “Regulating and limiting this nations on the ‘management of
and charity,” the news agency clarified. helped bring five pa- development seemed like a the planets energy resources.’”
2007’s statistics show three fewer deaths tients to safety. She luxury, a way of keeping the weak “Once again,” he added,
than in 2006 and four less than two years ago. returned to the flames for three more, but The complete list and the circumstances of in their condition of subjection. “knowing that we are created by
Last year’s list of 21 pastoral workers in- the roof collapsed before she and the patients the ministers’ deaths, as far as they are known, Now, the frequent disasters caused God makes us responsible before
cludes 15 priests. Father Ragheed Ganni and could escape. can be found at www.fides.org. (Zenit) by environmental disequilibrium him and other people, but we
strike with greater force those must also find practical ways to-
who do not have the means to ward the future of humanity in
defend themselves, and an aware- this our common home through
ness is growing of an irreparable the toil of reason and dialogue.

Almost 3 million visited Pope in 2007 impoverishment of the resources

of the weakest countries.”
An alliance between faith and
reason is needed.” (Zenit)

VATICAN CITY, January 6, Household, according to whom In 2006, the figure was day Angelus, in the course of

African saint
2008—In the course of 2007, 2,830,100 persons were present 1,031,500. There was one less 2007, there were 1,450,000 per-
there have been almost 3 mil- at the Wednesday general audi- Wednesday audience in 2007 sons who came to St. Peter’s
lion faithful and pilgrims that ences, special audiences, liturgi- than in 2006. Square—155,000 more than last

turns Oregon
have participated at public gath- cal celebrations and at the Sun- The figures for the traditional year. There were 442,000 faith-
erings with Benedict XVI at the day recitation of the Angelus. Wednesday audiences refer to ful who participated in the li-
Vatican and at the papal sum- There were 729,000 faithful the number of tickets distrib- turgical celebrations.
mer residence at Castel
The figures were released by
who were present in St. Peter’s
Square or in the Paul the VI Hall
at the 44 Wednesday general au-
uted without taking into account
the people who entered with-
out tickets.
Last April, a record-breaking
130,000 attended the Wednesday
audiences, and 250,000 attended
the prefecture of the Papal diences in the last 12 months. For the recitation of the Sun- liturgical celebrations. (Zenit)
inmate’s life
Olympics: fight against online sex goes upside down
PORTLAND, Oregon, USA, Janu-

for broader crackdown ary 7, 2008—From a windowless

cell at the Oregon State Peniten-
tiary, a Catholic death-row in-
mate evangelizes across the St. Josephine Bakhita
mingled with abnormal and Censorship has recently af- Under the new rules no movie world. trouble with the law before and
unhealthy thinking on sex” fected important movies. Some deemed pornographic can par- A former white supremacist, bore tattoos of a swastika and the
are targeted by the new anti- “steamy” sex scenes from Tai- ticipate in a festival. Jeff Tiner is now inspired by a words “White Pride.”
porno regulations adopted wanese director Ang Lee’s award- The authorities want to do humble Sudanese saint. He resists But, after reading about St.
yesterday. Vulgar talk and winning film Lust, Caution (Leone some “moral” house-cleaning publicity for himself, saying he Bakhita’s life, the condemned
suggestive language also d’Oro at the last Venice Film Fes- ahead of this year’s Olympics. wants only to spread far and wide man felt hope. “I came to under-
come under the new rules. tival) were cut. Greater control over online the story of St. Josephine Bakhita. stand that I, too, could come back
Producers of audio-visual Lost in Beijing, which won Spe- pornography has however raised He uses most of this time and to life, spiritually,” he wrote in a
material have three weeks cial Jury Prize at the 2007 concerns that it might simply be resources to support the 2006 article for the Canossian Sis-
to check their film banks be- Bangkok International Film Fes- a pretext for greater censorship Canossian Sisters, the religious ters’ magazine. “I could be res-
fore handing over or de- tival, was also banned after its and a crackdown on freedom of community St. Bakhita joined cued from slavery to sin and find
stroying the banned mate- theatrical release on 30 Novem- expression and dissent. more than a century ago. At one redemption and joy in the arms
BEIJING, China, January 7, rial or they will face penalties. ber despite the removal of 17 Press freedom in China is prac- time, Tiner had other priorities. of Jesus and Mary.”
2008—Mainland censors are go- The same rules apply to web minutes of footage of rape and tically non-existent. Mainland In 1993 in Springfield, Ore., More information is available
ing to exercise greater control pages that might contain lan- class conflict. media outlets can only get news according to court records, he on the Web site
over the Internet to bar scenes guage that is not explicitly sexual The movie tells the story of items from state-run Xinhua. And shot a man and disposed of his www.sainteds.com, by clicking
depicting obscene and porno- but just suggestive. Websites that two rural migrants who arrive any news that might affect the body in a remote area of the Cas- on “The Bakhita Project” in “fea-
graphic acts in order to protect offer downloadable movies have in Beijing searching a better life. social and economic system and cade Range. He had been in tured pages.” (CNS)
minors and young people who a month to register. After finding work the female the country’s stability has been
are too immature and lacking in According to estimates by the character is raped by her boss and banned.
judgment that they might imitate China Internet Network Infor- falls into a spiral that leads her Directives have been released in
them, according to Huang
Weiqun, an official with the State
Administration of Radio, Film
mation Centre in July last year,
the country’s total online popu-
lation reached 162 million in
into prostitution.
Producer Fang Li has been ac-
cused of releasing some uncut
view of the upcoming Olympics
ordering the media to “minimize”
any negative stories and “consult”
Vatican official proposes plans
and Television.
“Scenes that blatantly depict sex
acts, the process of which are
June. Mr. Huang said 70 per cent
of these were under 30 years
whilst 50 per cent were under 25.
copies on the Internet and for this
reason has been banned from
producing for two years.
with the appropriate authorities
before interviews can be conducted.
for reparation for priestly abuse
VATICAN CITY, January 7, very small percentage of clergy,”
2008—A leading Vatican offi- Cardinal Hummes said in an in-
cial has proposed a worldwide terview Jan. 4 with the Vatican

KC Insurance sets 3 new records in 2007 program of eucharistic adora-

tion to seek spiritual reparation
for the damage caused by the
newspaper, L’Osservatore Romano.
“We are asking everyone to
participate in eucharistic adora-

Insurance in force tops $66 billion—monthly, yearly sales best ever sexual abuse of children by
tion to repair before God the
damage that was done and to
Cardinal Claudio Hummes, uphold once again the dignity of
prefect of the Congregation for the victims,” the cardinal said.
NEW HAVEN, CT, USA, January insurance sales for December Clergy, said the initiative would “Yes, we wanted to think of the
2, 2008—Knights of Columbus 2007 exceeded the amount sold involve dioceses, parishes, mon- victims so that they feel that we
life insurance in force reached during the entire year in 1978.” asteries, convents and seminar- are close to them. We are con-
$66.1 billion at the end of 2007, “I am very proud of our 1,300 ies in a prayer movement to sup- cerned above all with them, and
setting a new all-time record, field agents and 130 general port priestly holiness. it’s important to say so,” he said.
Supreme Knight and Chief Ex- agents, who worked so hard and In a particular way, the initia- The cardinal said that only a
ecutive Officer Carl A. Anderson so effectively to help Knights tive will ask reparation “for the small minority of priests has
announced Jan. 2. It was the sev- protect their families and build victims of grave situations of been involved in sexual abuse
enth consecutive year of insur- financial security,” Anderson moral and sexual conduct of a cases. (CNS)
ance sales growth for the Order. continued. “Our founder, Father
“The year 2007 was a very Michael J. McGivney, believed
strong year for us,” Anderson strongly that we should provide
said. “Not only did we set a new every Catholic man with the
Beatification of Cardinal Newman
© Denz Dayao / CBCP Media

record for insurance in force, but means to protect his family from
it was a record year for life in- financial ruin by offering a
surance sales, which totaled
$6.564 billion. And December
2007 was our best month ever,
sound, professionally-run life
insurance program. The size
and strength of our insurance
“imminent” Vatican says
adding $864.1 million of new life program is a worthy testament
insurance coverage for our to his far-sighted vision.” VATICAN City, January 8, 2008— cause it would be very important
members and their families. Our (KCNews) Cardinal Jose Saraiva Martins, at this moment for the path of ecu-
Prefect of the Vatican’s Congre- menical dialogue,” Cardinal
gation for the Cause of the Saints, Martins said.
has announced that the beatifica- Cardinal Saraiva Martins also
tion of the great British convert revealed the beatification, later

Practicing Catholics now outnumber Anglicans in the UK and scholar, Cardinal John Henry
Newman, is “imminent.”
In an interview to be published
this year, of the parents of St.
Therese of Lisieux, Louis Martin
and Azelia Guérin. The heroic
LONDON, England, December 24, estimates for church attendance in Brierley insisted that the Catholic Some estimates put the number on Wednesday in the daily Ital- virtues of the parents of St.
2007—In the United Kingdom, 2006: 861,800 Catholics attended Church will experience a more of Poles arriving in Britain at up to ian edition of L’Osservatore Therese, who is now one of the
new research has found that ser- Mass every Sunday compared with rapid rate of decline within two 100,000, 85 per cent of whom are Romano, Cardinal Saraiva said most popular saints in the Catho-
vices offered by the Church of En- 852,500 Anglicans worshipping years. Catholics. But he said the failure of that among the most important lic Church and a Doctor of the
gland are no longer the country’s weekly. Dr Brierley’s study, based on fig- the Government to provide accu- personalities to be beatified Church, were proclaimed on
most popular form of worship. Peter Brierley, a former execu- ures obtained from half the 38,000 rate data on migration from East- “soon” is “the case of Cardinal March 26, 1944.
The Press Association reports tive director of charity Christian churches in England and Wales, did ern Europe since 2005 made it im- Newman, a relevant intellectual, Cardinal Saraiva implied that
that Catholic churchgoers outnum- Research who compiled the study, not, however, take into account the possible to include them in the and an emblematic figure of con- the miracle needed to proclaim
ber Anglicans for the first time dismissed the idea that Britain is recent wave of Polish immigration study. version from Anglicanism to them Blessed has been approved
since the Reformation. about to become a Catholic coun- which is likely to widen still fur- Attendance numbers have been Catholicism.” by his congregation, and will be
A study conducted by Christian try for the first time since the Ref- ther the gap between active mem- stable since 2000 for the Church of “Personally, I wish his beatifi- announced at the next
Research bases their findings on ormation in the 16th century. bers of the two denominations. England. (CNA) cation to happen very soon be- Consistory. (CNA)
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 12 No. 1
January 7 - 20, 2008 News Features A3

Pontiff says
world stability
© Alessandra Benedetti/Corbis

Shares ’08 outlook with Diplomatic Corps

VATICAN CITY, January. 7, 2008— tion to places affected by “appalling “Moreover, I invite the international noted the obstacles to peace in Congo Noting the work that began with the
Benedict XVI says diplomacy needs to natural disasters.” community to give strong support to and Somalia. Dec. 13 signing of the Treaty of Lisbon,
give hope in a world where security and “I am thinking of the hurricanes and these two peoples and to understand Given escalating violence in Kenya the Pontiff spoke of the process of
stability are fragile. floods which have devastated certain their respective sufferings and fears.” after the Dec. 27 elections, the Pope building a “‘European home, which
The Pope made this affirmation today regions of Mexico and Central Benedict XVI particularly lamented joined that nation’s bishops in appeal- ‘will be a good place to live for ev-
when he gave his traditional New Year’s America, as well as countries in Africa the plight of Lebanon and the war in ing for dialogue and justice. eryone only if it is built on a solid
address to the members of the diplomatic and Asia, especially Bangladesh, and Iraq. He gave special mention to the “The Catholic Church is not indif- cultural and moral foundation of com-
corps accredited to the Holy See. The parts of Oceania; mention must also be persecution of Christians and their ferent to the cries of pain that rise up mon values drawn from our history
Holy See maintains diplomatic relations made of the great fires,” he said. emigration from Iraq. from these regions,” he said. “She and our traditions’ and if it does not
with 176 nations. The Pope particularly mentioned makes her own the pleas for help deny its Christian roots.”
The Holy Father gave an overview of Peru, devastated by an earthquake in Asia made by refugees and displaced per-
some of the most notable signs of hope August. The Pope said Cardinal With Pakistan the home of renewed sons, and she pledges herself to foster Human freedom
and concern on the planet at the begin- Tarcisio Bertone, his secretary of state, conflict after the Dec. 27 assassination reconciliation, justice and peace.” Benedict XVI concluded his ad-
ning of 2008. visited the South American nation and of opposition leader Benazir Bhutto, dress with an appeal to a correct use
“brought me a firsthand account of the the Holy Father had a message for that Europe of human freedom, by founding it
Latin America destruction and havoc caused by the country. The Holy Father last turned his at- on natural law.
Referring to his May trip to Brazil, terrible earthquake, but he spoke also “I hope that all political and social tention to Europe, saying: “I rejoice at “From this rapid overview it ap-
Benedict XVI spoke about Latin of the courage and faith of the peoples forces will commit themselves to the progress that has been made in vari- pears clearly that the security and
America, giving special mention to affected.” building a peaceful society, respect- ous countries of the Balkan region, and stability of the world are still frag-
Cuba. That island nation will celebrate ful of the rights of all,” he appealed. I express once again the hope that the ile,” he said. The factors of concern
this year the 10th anniversary of Pope Middle East The Pope then turned his attention definitive status of Kosovo will take are varied, yet they all bear witness
John Paul II’s visit. The Pontiff returned again to a theme to Afghanistan, where “in addition to account of the legitimate claims of the to the fact that human freedom is not
“In the economic and social sphere, I he has given much attention: the con- violence, there are other serious so- parties involved and will guarantee se- absolute, but is a good that is
was able to note eloquent signs of hope flict in the Middle East. cial problems, such as the production curity and respect for the rights of all shared, one for which all must as-
for that continent, as well as certain rea- “I am glad that the Annapolis Con- of drugs; greater support should be the inhabitants of this land, so that the sume responsibility. It follows that
sons for concern,” Benedict XVI said. ference pointed toward the abandon- given to efforts for development, and specter of violence will be definitively law and order are guarantees of free-
“We all look forward to seeing increas- ment of partisan or unilateral solutions, even more intensive work is required removed and European stability dom.
ing cooperation among the peoples of in favor of a global approach respectful in order to build a serene future.” strengthened. “Yet law can be an effective force
Latin America, and, within each of the of the rights and legitimate interests of Finally, he noted continuing situa- “I should like also to mention for peace only if its foundations re-
countries that make up that continent, all the peoples of the region,” he said. tions of conflict in Sri Lanka and Cyprus, recalling with joy the visit of main solidly anchored in natural
the resolution of internal conflicts, lead- “I appeal once more to the Israelis and Myanmar. His Beatitude Archbishop law, given by the Creator. This is
ing to a consensus on the great values the Palestinians to concentrate their en- Chrysostomos II last June. It is my ear- another reason why God can never
inspired by the Gospel.” ergies on the implementation of com- Africa nest wish that, in the context of the be excluded from the horizon of man
mitments made on that occasion, and Benedict XVI lamented that hope is European Union, no effort will be or of history. God’s name is a name
Natural disasters to expedite the process that has happily almost vanquished in the conflict in spared in the search for a solution to a of justice, it represents an urgent
The Holy Father gave special men- been restarted. the Darfur region of Sudan. He also crisis that has already lasted too long.” appeal for peace.” (Zenit)

Tandag Clergy Natural law is theme of Pope’s

appeals to GMA to “state of the world” address
end militarization VATICAN, January 7, 2008—World peace Pope Benedict renewed his condemnation stan, where “there are other serious social
is possible only if it is “solidly anchored of terrorism and urged the world’s leaders problems, such as the production of drugs.”
in Surigao del Sur in natural law, given by the Creator,” Pope
Benedict XVI told the members of the
Vatican diplomatic corps in a major ad-
that to “prevent terrorists from gaining ac-
cess to weapons of mass destruction would
undoubtedly strengthen the nuclear nonpro-
Regarding Africa, Pope Benedict men-
tioned his “deep anguish” over the “men-
acing sequence of hunger and death that
dress on January 7. liferation regime and make it more effective.” is unfolding in Darfur.” He also took note
THROUGH a letter sent last De- Hanipaan Barangay Hall, Early each year the Roman Pontiff meets The Pontiff began his tour of the world’s of the turmoil in Somalia and the fresh
cember 11, 2007, the Tandag Buatong Barangay Hall, and oth- with all the diplomats accredited to the political crises by mentioning his trip to Bra- dangers of ethnic violence in Kenya.
Clergy appealed to President ers at their relatives, at Sto. Holy See. The annual address has become zil in May of last year. He spoke of his hopes Finishing his survey with a look at Eu-
Gloria Macapagal Arroyo to Niño, all of San Agustin Surigao the equivalent of a “state of the world” for broad and equitable development in rope, the Pope saw progress in the Balkans,
stop the military operation be- del Sur. speech, with the Pope offering a pan- Latin America. He made a special mention of saying that further progress would come
cause “as Pastors of God’s vine- Braving the rains, the commu- oramic view of world events as seen from his concern for religious freedom in Cuba, with a resolution of the conflict in Kosovo.
yard, we are deeply concerned nities of Kabulohan, Mike and the Vatican’s perspective. where Catholics will be celebrating the 10th He said that the signing of the Treaty of
with the plight of our brother Han-ayan, Diatagon, Lianga, After giving a rundown of the world’s anniversary of the historic visit by Pope John Lisbon, defining the basis for the Euro-
and sister lumads, who were Surigao del Sur walked 16 kilo- trouble spots, Pope Benedict concluded Paul II. pean Union, “gives a boost to the process
once peacefully living in their meters on barefoot, and settled that “the security and stability of the world Next the Pope looked to the Middle East, of building the European home.”
communities … now at the dif- themselves at Diatagon are still fragile.” To maintain a lasting noting with satisfaction that the Annapolis That European body, he said, can pros-
ferent evacuation centers of the Barangay Gym. The Local folks peace, he said, world leaders must recog- conference “pointed toward the abandonment per “only if it is built on a solid cultural
province in fear they might be of Emerald and Simowao, sitios nize natural law. “This is another reason of partisan or unilateral solutions, in favor and moral foundation of common values
caught in the crossfire between of Diatagon followed. Almost a why God can never be excluded from the of a global approach respectful of the rights drawn from our history and our traditions
the Armed Forces of the Philip- thousand tribal folks crammed horizon of man or of history,” he said. and legitimate interests of all the peoples of and if it does not deny its Christian roots.”
pines and the rebels as the mili- together at the said evacuation The Catholic Church will always defend the region.” As he wrapped up his address, Pope
tary presence continues.” center on November 21, 2007. the human rights based on natural law, The Holy Father expressed his “earnest Benedict commended the efforts of the
On November 1, 2007, the mili- Days later, the tribal communi- the Pope reminded the assembled ambas- wish that the Lebanese people will be able diplomats working in Rome and else-
tary arrived and encamped in the ties of Sudon, Panokmoan and sadors. For that reason, he said, “I cannot freely to decide on their future,” so that coun- where to preserve peace and security. “Di-
settler and lumad communities Manluy-a, joined the evacuees. but deplore once again the continual at- try can become “once more an example of plomacy is, in a certain sense, the art of
of Lianga, San Agustin, Tago and On November 25, 2007, resi- tacks perpetrated on every continent the peaceful coexistence of different commu- hope,” he said.
San Miguel in this province. The dents of forested areas of San against human life.” nities.” Pope Benedict met with the envoys in
said armed groups questioned Miguel and Tago started their The Holy Father welcomed a UN reso- Turning to Iraq, the Pope said with em- the Sala Regia of the apostolic palace.
the tribal community school exodus. The settler and lumad lution calling for a moratorium on the phasis that “reconciliation is urgently Giovanni Galassi, the ambassador from
teachers and children about the communities of more than three death penalty, saying that he hoped “this needed!” He called for an end to continued San Marino and the dean of the Vatican
presence of the new People’s hundred individuals or twenty initiative will lead to public debate on the bloodshed there, and issued a clear reminder diplomatic corps, greeted the Pontiff on
Army in their areas. In subse- nine families of Km. 22, Anahao sacred character of human life.” The same that the regime should “safeguard the rights behalf of the group, offering a traditional
quent days, movements and eco- Daan, took refuge in an aban- reverence of life, he said, should lead to of minorities”—clearly referring to the em- statement of best wishes for the coming
nomic activities of residents doned farm huts and makeshift move to protect the unborn. battled Christians of Iraq. On another hotly year.
were monitored and some were sheds of Parina, Anahao Daan, The Pope added that natural law weighs contested issue involving the Middle East, The Holy See currently has diplomatic
even restricted to go to their Tago, Surigao del Sur. Around against “disturbing threats to the integ- Pope Benedict implicitly rejected the pros- ties with 176 nations; during his speech
farms. Military checkpoints five hundred residents or sixty rity of the family, founded on the mar- pect of armed conflict with Iran, calling in- the Pope took note of the fact that the
were established in every entry families from Panamin, Madrid riage of a man and a woman.” He also stead for “continued and uninterrupted pur- United Arab Emirates had been added to
point of the different tribal com- and Lagangan, of Caras-an took observed with regret that religious free- suit of the path of diplomacy in order to re- that list in 2007. There are also special en-
munities. shelter at Caras-an Barangay dom is not universally accepted and that solve the issue of Iran’s nuclear program.” voys accredited to the Holy See from the
The residents of affected areas, Hall, Tago Surigao del Sur. The Christians and other religious believers Moving to Asia, the Pope mentioned the European Union, the Russian Federation,
after their leaders and elders number of families who evacu- suffer from discrimination and even vio- frightening outbreak of bloodshed in Paki- the PLO, and the Knights of Malta.
have conferred, decided to ated from the hinterlands of San lence in many lands. stan and the enduring violence in Afghani- (CWNews)
evacuate after experiencing the Miguel remains uncounted.
difficulties of inhabiting with As of December 5, 2007, there
the military. On November 19, are about 431 families or 2,575 cerned with the health condition Despite the ceasefire declara- take shelter in the Diocesan Pas- zation in the province of Surigao
2007, the lumads of individuals in six evacuation of evacuees since they are settled tion, a good number of our toral Center, in Mabua, Tandag, del Sur, be given an appropriate
Magkahunao, Buhisan, San centers in Lianga, San Agustin in congested centers. Upper res- evacuees are still in the evacua- Surigao del Sur, because the con- and immediate response, and
Agustin, evacuated to the and Tago, all of Surigao del Sur. piratory tract infections both tion centers due to the contin- dition has been the same. At “let the suffering evacuees return
Buhisan Barangay Hall and Despite donations from pa- caused by virus and bacteria ued presence of military in their present, the evacuees at the Pas- to their homes and live peace-
Buhisan Elementary School. rishioners and assistance from have been diagnosed by health areas. Evacuees of Panamin, toral Center numbered about fully, especially in this Season
Their neighboring communities the government, there was scar- professionals as the leading ill- Madrid and Lagangan, Caras-an 150 individuals or 25 families. of Christmas”, the letter con-
of sitio Tela and Yadawan fol- city of food supply. ness affecting 15 years old and already returned to their respec- The clergy of Tandag hopes cluded. (Rev. Fr. Jose Ricky F.
lowed and sought refuge at the The Tandag Clergy is also con- below. tive places but later decided to that the call to end the militari- Cortez)
CBCP Monitor
A4 Opinion Vol. 12 No. 1
January 7 - 20, 2008


Pastoral Challenge in
Popular Piety
“DYING for folly,” was how one newspaper editorialized the death
of two Black Nazarene devotees during the recent procession in
Quiapo. Referring to the same incident, a broadsheet columnist has
accused the Church of leading “many people astray by making them
believe in idols and sanctioning idolatrous rituals.” More criticisms
were heard over national radio and TV.
The media have just made a loud brouhaha over a traditional religious
event, or so some people of the rectories may say. But why even fault
the reportage or, worse, consign to a mellow whimper the death of two
individuals, and the victims lately of some fluvial processions that
seemingly have become as constant and as accepted as other annual
From the sociological perspective, these incidents may actually be
a barometer of the brand of Catholicism the Filipinos have after over
400 years of Christianity. Today, it looks like it is still down to the level
of popular religiosity. Popular piety is, of course, an expression of
faith. But “faith” is stretched too much in superstitiously wiping towels
on the Nazarene statue in supplication for some material blessings
even at the cost of ones life.
It may be very difficult to find the values of the Gospel in today’s
practice of folk religiosity, especially where loving one another is
eclipsed with personal survival—more so when the practice of
popular piety or, better, natural religiosity, does not enter into the
centrality of the Sacred Liturgy or the celebration of the Sacred
The Directory on Popular Piety and the Liturgy issued in 2002 by the
Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments
warns: “Form of popular religiosity can sometimes appear to be
corruption by factors that are inconsistent with Catholic Doctrine. In
Bp. Guillermo V. Afable, DD
such cases, they must be patiently and prudently purified through
contacts with those responsible and through careful and respectful May God bless your
catechesis—unless radical inconsistencies call for immediate and
decisive measures.” New Year
At the backdrop of the Second Plenary Council the Philippines (1991)
and the National Pastoral Consultation on Church Renewal (2001), the
practice of popular piety in the country tilts more to natural religiosity FROM Daditama—the Bishops, Clergy, Reli- responsibilities, that we will be able to right God.
rather than to authentic Christianity. gious men and women, as well as the Lay faith- the wrongs for a better future, that we will start Ours shall be a civilization of life and love.
ful in southern Mindanao—Greetings of Peace anew to rebuild not so much a “strong repub- (PCP II 253-255)
This indeed is a serious pastoral challenge. and Good Will! lic” but a nation under God. May the Tri-people of the
May God, who makes all things new, bless In 1991, the Church in the Philippines articu- Philippines¯Christians, Muslims and Indig-
your new year! Yes, may God truly reign in lated a vision of a people and nation renewed enous Peoples¯all work together for the wel-
your homes, your communities and work during the Second Plenary Council of the Phil- fare of all for peoples in truth, justice, love and
places. Only then will our new year be truly ippines. We do well to recall this at the begin- freedom. May the dominant Tri-sectoral
Dark Shadows on the Family happy. May we live in the whole truth and noth-
ing but the truth which seem so elusive in our
ning of another year.
A vision of a people and nation renewed. We
institutions¯Government, Business,
Church¯harness their vast human and spiritual
society. May there be more justice, not only for shall have to create a free nation: where human dig- resources for the common cause of nation build-
FOR a great number of families, poverty is a very heavy burden, the rich, famous and powerful but more for the nity and solidarity are respected and promoted; where ing where love and life prevails.
subjecting them to intense pressures, psychological, social, economic vast majority of our often marginalized citi- moral principles prevail in socio-economic life and The unique experience of Daditama for 2008
and spiritual. Seeking better livelihood abroad, millions of husbands, zens. May God’s love, present in everyone’s structures; where justice, love, and solidarity are the (communion of churches in the Ecclesiastical
wives, sons and daughters become separated. Many families are heart, conquer the evil of greed, apathy, and inner driving forces of development. Province of Davao), is now under the leader-
broken. Child labor is a serious social problem. The homelessness of division. May we all struggle and fight to gain We shall have to build a sovereign nation: ship of the Diocese of Tagum, with Bishop
thousands of street children deprives them of parental love and care our freedom from everyone and everything that where every tribe and faith are respected; where Wilfredo Manlapaz, D.D., at the helm. This
at the most impressionable stage of their lives. Their education is threatens life from the time of its inception. diverse tongues and traditions work together method of revolving the pastoral animation of
abandoned and sacrificed. It’s good to be back and to interact again with for the good of all; where membership is a call Daditama among the dioceses that comprise it,
our readers. In the beginning of the year, we to participation and involvement and leader- keep it constantly alert, alive and enthusiastic.
Materialist and consumerist values are also gaining inroads even cannot help but be forward looking with confi- ship a summons to generous service. This has ensured stability and continuity in our
among the poor. Mass Media and entertainment are filled with dence in God and in ourselves that we will be Ours will have to be a people: in harmony common efforts. We wish and pray for Bishop
subliminal secularist, sometimes erotic, images and explicitly able to truthfully recognize the mistakes of the with one another through unity in diversity; in Manlapaz and his pastoral team, all of God’s
materialistic messages that inflict heavy damage on Gospel values. past, that we will be able to humbly admit our harmony with creation and in harmony with graces for another fruitful Daditama year in 2008.
In such an environment the Filipino family is learning a new liberal
culture that dismisses religious teachings about personal, familial and

Real and lasting

social values as outmoded and irrelevant. Oscar V. Cruz, DD
Sadly, too, many people we look up to or idolize because of their
profession, skills, or charisma fail to be living examples of fidelity to
Christian life and commitment. Increasingly the phenomenon of wealth of the Views and Points
single parenthood is occurring, even as the querida system seems to
be tolerated rather than condemned.
Moreover, some legislators repeatedly attempt to introduce absolute THE Philippines still has some crystalline pinos held on and the former eventually left. bad government that makes them suffer the
divorce into our country. They do not seem to realize that in countries beaches, certain abundant seacoast and big Governments come and go doing good or most. There is nothing than a vicious govern-
where divorce has been allowed the institution and meaning of lands. They may be still considered as national causing havoc. But the Filipinos have always ment that really haunts and hurts, divides,
marriage as sacred has declined, raising many more social and moral assets. But the truth has to be said: As some managed to hang on. When affirmed, they impoverishes and angers them. It can be said
problems than ever before. Some groups, too, are strongly advocating beaches are becoming dirty and certain sea- flourish. When oppressed, they hold their that there are basically two instances when
legislation to allow abortion in certain situations on the basis of the coast areas suffer pollution, big land fields ground. When challenged, they fight back— their government in effect become their en-
“right to choose” and “reproductive health.” Yet these are no more are either left untilled on account of insur- to win. The same happens in time of natural emy instead of their ally, their curse rather
than “catch-all” terms that, in the clear language of international gency, or taken over by national or multina- calamities. When normalcy of nature is back, than their blessing. One is when there is too
conventions on population and development, really include the use of tional corporations with the farmers having they pick up the pieces and build again, they much government riding on them with un-
contraceptive, including abortifacient, means and even abortion. nowhere to go. improve their lot and look forward with hope. conscionable taxes, offending them with so
Wanting to prevent deaths form illegal abortions, they want to provide The country is in a way still known for its Meantime, during the ups and downs of many scandals, fooling them with one big lie
“safe” abortions. thick forests, rich natural resources and pris- the country, the Filipinos keep their songs after another. Two is when there is too little
tine environment, especially in Mindanao. and dances, have fiestas, tell their jokes and government working for their common
Advocates of this position wrongly assert that “a woman has total right These too can still be looked upon as national enjoy their laughter. And come what may, goods, providing public welfare, promoting
over her body.” They ignore the religious and moral reality that God wealth. But again, immoderate logging, irre- they will have both their joyful Christmas development.
created all of us, men and women, simply as stewards of God, we are sponsible mining and consequent environ- and their tearful Good Friday. It is said that It is not hard to see that the present govern-
to be guided by moral principles. mental degradation have become common Filipinos are like bamboos. They stand ment is precisely the one above in both in-
phenomena. In all these predatory ventures, straight, tall and proud. They stay close to- stances. It demands too much from the people
Indeed, with principles arising from materialism and secularism, a the beneficiaries and the victims are always gether for support and strength. They bend yet delivers less and less. It is very haughty
culture of death is gradually setting in, one that would spell the death the same, i.e., the powerful having influence with the wind to remain whole and intact. and so proud but it is deeply distrusted and
of Gospel values regarding the dignity and worth of every human and the helpless wallowing in poverty. Cut anyone of them and others will gradu- commonly disrespected by a great number of
person, including the unborn, regarding the very nature of life and But all realities considered, the Philippines ally appear and grow—and again stand the people. For the moment, the Filipinos
death, love and marriage, the family and its relationships with others. has still one distinct, real and lasting wealth, straight, tall and proud. pray, unite and act—in anticipation of its even-
-(The Christian Family: Good News for the Third Millennium, A viz, the Filipinos. Invaders came but the Fili- In their history as a people, it is mostly a tual dismissal.
CBCP Pastoral Letter on the World Meeting of Family, 2002)

Melo M. Acuña
ISSN 1908-2940 Shabu now peddled in
Issues and Concerns
CBCP Monitor
P r o ta g o n i s t of Tr u t h , Promoter of Peace
MOST Filipino overseas workers are reeling
Italian government. Others were subjected to to do so. Suspicious Italian authorities simply
Pedro C. Quitorio with the current peso-dollar exchange rate. Some house arrest. confiscate food commodities in case of doubt.
Editor-in-Chief opt to stay in the country rather than work As in the Philippines, the pushers succeeded How did they get into using shabu? One fac-
abroad due to the weak US dollar. It’s some- in penetrating the Filipino youth who could tor is loneliness or boredom. Loneliness sets in.
Pinky Barrientos, FSP Kris P. Bayos thing we cannot do away with. However, it afford. Should these youngsters fail to buy the This is one reason why some spouses get into
Associate Editor Feature Editor should benefit more Filipinos who depend on merchandise, they’re being utilized as couriers/ serious relationships while abroad. The other
imports. Sadly, this isn’t the case in our prevail- pushers. There’s a strong possibility shabu sold may be a different perception of Filipinos about
Melo M. Acuña Rosalynn Garcia ing petroleum prices. The oil deregulation law in Milan could have come from the Philippines. Italian authorities. They probably look at Ital-
Managing Editor Marketing Supervisor passed years ago failed to bring the expected The syndicates have been “too creative” in ship- ians as very hospitable to Filipinos, unlike
Dennis B. Dayao Ernani M. Ramos benefits making some sectors move for its abo- ping the merchandise mixed with sugar, others Singaporean, Taiwanese and Japanese govern-
On-Line Editor Circulation Manager lition. placed in their shoes and in some instances, in ments which seriously take drug offenders. Fili-
In Milan, Consul General Pedro Chan con- baby strollers. pino chaplains could very well help by way of
Roy Q. Lagarde Marcelita Dominguez firmed earlier hush-hush reports on the fate of Italian employers maintained healthy rela- counseling.
News Editor Comptroller 60 Filipinos arrested by Italian authorities due tions with Filipino overseas workers. Some even Now we can say we even have the guts to
to drug trafficking. In an interview over the leave their villas under the care of Filipino do- export our criminal elements to the detriment
The CBCP Monitor is published fortnightly by the CBCP
weekend, the former DFA spokesman said sev- mestic managers for months while on vacation. of well-meaning and hardworking Filipinos in
Communications Development Foundation, Inc., with
Layout by Denz Dayao

editorial and business of fices at 470 Gen. Luna St., eral pushers arrived in Italy and begun supply- Consul General Chan said Filipinos are the only Italy and elsewhere.
Intramuros, Manila. P.O. Box 3601, 1076 MCPO. ing shabu to Filipino workers from fast-food ones allowed to stay in their places of work. While government claims to have earned
Editorial: (063) 404-2182. Business: (063)404-1612. chains to high-end villas. The recent arrests made Italian employers doubt foreign exchange by leaps and bounds, it should
Email: cbcpmonitor@cbcpworld.net Shabu in Milan costs 300 euros a gram. Those their own Filipino employees. New arrivals are also take into consideration how overseas em-
Website: www.cbcpworld.net/cbcpmonitor with prima facie cases have been detained and being subjected to security checks. Filipinos used ployment has affected Filipino families in and
charged. Lawyers have been provided by the to bringing “pasalubong” may no longer be able out of the country.
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 12 No. 1
January 7 - 20, 2008 Opinion A5
Jose B. Lugay
Pope Benedict’s New Year’s Sr. Mary Pilar Verzosa, RGS

Laiko Lampstand message: a call for world peace— Love Life

the family as its foundation
POPE Benedict’s New Year’s message is a call
for world peace, naming it a divine gift. He
cation for school children.
The continuing family evangelization pro-
exposure on the youth, the CFM evangeliza-
tion methodology ceased to be relevant to We need to be Persistent,
Insistent, Consistent
emphasized the link between world peace cess consists of the CFM Unit Meeting Series the new generation. The OFW phenomenon
and the natural family as the foundation for that is a group of 8 or more families meet has produced one-parent families with
it. To the members of the Christian Family once every two weeks, held in the member’s unique problems that the past generation
Movement, this message strikes directly into
our mission statement: “We are a community of
household in a rotating fashion attended by
either the chaplain or the gabay couple. These
rarely experienced. There is much to do—
changes in our methodology, as well as a new Persons In Christ
families called to witness to Christ. Our mission is meetings are directed by a guidebook spe- approach to evangelizing the modern youth.
to be evangelized and to evangelize families and cially written by the CFM’ers themselves This is the time that we need the help of PIC—three letters that have been motivating, pressing and up-
communities through our family life programs.” specific for beginners and progressively more the parishes—especially those who have holding our commitment to the Pro-life Mission.
Our first meeting this 2008 of the newly complex topics, e.g. on the family life many resident OFW families. We hope that Unless we are persistent in reaching out to the girls and
elected Board Members of the Christian Fam- encylicals like Familiaris Consortio as well as the parish priests, who are averse to getting women with positive and effective responses to their situation
ily Movement, with the guidance of our Na- current social issues like the families of over- help from lay organizations, should utilize of unexpected pregnancy, they will be another number in the
tional Chaplain, Msgr. Manny Gabriel, was a seas workers. them instead. As the bible states, “the harvest increasing rate of abortions in our country—often suffering
re-examination of how effective our family CFM started with the social apostolate— is plenty but the workers are few.” If we have to the consequences of their poor choice just because they had no
life programs have been through the last 51 that is getting involved in the formation of follow Pope Benedict’s new year’s wish, that one to turn to in their time of distress.
years. These programs include the a) mar- NAMFREL and establishing parish coopera- is, attaining world peace by strengthening Unless we are insistent in stopping the culture of death that
riage encounter, b) family encounter, c) tives. In fact the livelihood projects run by the family as its foundation, all of us, the has created so much confusion, devastation and depression,
young adults program, d) sons and daugh- the cooperative of the Parish of the Immacu- clergy, the religious and the laity, that is, the media will continue to influence our youth to consumerism,
ters’ encounter, e) self encounter, f) tipanan late Conception of Cubao which started with People of God should work as one. May the moral relativism, secular humanism and hedonism. Some sec-
ng pamilya, g) discovery weekend and h) gabay a measly P15,000 is now valued in millions year 2008 be bountiful and full of grace to tors in congress, government agencies, and well-funded orga-
formation, I) services to the parish specifi- of pesos, considered the most successfully run achieve world peace through the family. nizations will further impress on the people that whatever is
cally involvement in pre-cana sessions for livelihood cooperative in the country. . For comments contact legal, even if immoral, is the way of life, claiming that popula-
those getting married and j) family life edu- With the advent of internet and tri-media joselugay@yahoo.com tion control and aggressive promotion of contraception, steril-
ization and abortifacients are the answer to poverty allevia-
tion and ignorance.
And unless we are consistent in projecting the image that
Abp. Antonio J. Ledesma, SJ, DD
To friends of the
we, as a Church, must be unambiguously pro-life in our words
and actions, we will be unable to evangelize our culture, bring-

Pastoral Companion
ing the Gospel of Life, Love, Family, Sexuality and Fertility to

Archdiocese bear upon the mores, practices, customs and laws of our soci-
Here I will quote freely Fr. Daniel Mahan from his book on
stewardship “More than Silver or Gold”: We are called as follow-
DURING the holiday season in Cagayan de instruments for stationary walking or cy- Since August 2006, we have introduced in ers of Jesus to use our God-given talents and abilities to make
Oro, I celebrated the Midnight Masses for cling, as well as for weight-lifting. At the nine pilot parishes a Responsible Parenthood a difference in the world—to build a culture of life. We do not
Christmas and New Year at the St. August- rear of the house, we have also cemented an and All-Natural Family Planning program. have to apologize for our public stand on life issues, and no
ine Cathedral which was filled to standing area as a badminton court, which is being We include all scientifically-based NFP meth- Catholic should feel intimidated by the rhetoric and tactics of
room capacity. These have indeed been mo- patronized too by sisters and lay co-work- ods today for couples to have added options those in the other side. We must continue to speak out for the
ments of thanksgiving, recalling blessings ers. for an informed and responsible choice. The truth and for those who have no voice with which to influence
of the past year and a half. In early Decem- Along with standardization, we have responses from trained providers and couple- the political process, at the risk of ridicule and the diminish-
ber, I officiated at three ordination Masses started to organize our various ministries users of NFP have been heartening and the ment of our status in society.
for six new priests in their home areas—two under two general headings. The ad intra program has now been opened to all parishes. Above all, to be Persons In Christ is our primary calling at
in Mambajao, Camiguin; three at the Cathe- ministries, intended for Catholics, are coor- Despite skepticism from some quarters, we Baptism. And the rest of the Sacraments are available for each
dral; and the last one in Alubijid. Last year, dinated by a Commission on Faith and Evan- have always maintained that the program is of us to be able to live up to the name of Christian. Jesus
we also had five ordinandi—two in Claveria, gelization. These include the ministries of for responsible parenthood (not population challenges us to keep our priorities always in proper order,
and three at the Cathedral Thus the archdio- BEC Formation, Catechetics, Family and Life, control) and for NFP all the way (without any to seek first the Kingdom of God, to keep our eyes fixed al-
cese has been blessed with eleven new priests Youth, Liturgy, Bible, Vocations Promotion, mixing of contraceptives). The results can ways on the good things of heaven. The two great command-
since I was installed as archbishop on 30 May Mission Awareness, Hospital Care, Inter- speak for themselves, and we invite interested ments direct us to do just that—loving God above all things,
2006. Religious Dialogue, and Bio-Ethics. observers to visit our pilot sites. and respecting the entire created order as good stewards of
After a year of monthly meetings and con- The ad extra ministries, directed to any one As a member of the Pontifical Council for the land, water, the air and all living creature—especially
sultations with the clergy, we have now in need regardless of religious affiliation, are Justice and Peace, I joined the World Con- honoring and loving the human person, the apex of God’s
operationalized a standardization scheme for coordinated by a Commission on Social Ac- gress for Ecclesial Organizations Working for creative powers, made in His Image and Likeness.
the living allowances and social security of tion. These include the ministries on Good Justice and Peace, held in Rome in Novem- To respect human life then is to protect and defend the life of
all diocesan priests. This took effect in June Governance, Sustainable Agriculture, Ecol- ber 2007. The congress commemorated the the unborn child from the moment of conception. It is to ex-
2007 at the same time that we had a general ogy, Indigenous People, Enterprise Devel- 40 th anniversary of Pope Paul VI’s social en- tend pastoral care and God’s mercy and forgiveness to those
re-shuffling of pastoral assignments for our opment, Disaster Management, and Social cyclical, Populorum Progressio (The Develop- who have participated in the sin of abortion, assuring them
57 parishes and chaplaincies and two semi- Communications. Moreover, the commis- ment of Peoples). For us in the Philippines, that there is no sin so grave that the Lord cannot or will not
naries. Of our 114 diocesan priests, 9 are in sion includes services for particular sectors, the year also marked the 40th anniversary of forgive. It is to cherish the life of a person with disability,
seminary formation, 4 are in graduate stud- such as women victims of abuse, neglected the National Rural Congress called by the recognizing that within each person one can discern the genius
ies, 14 are in overseas parish assignments, children, the elderly, the mentally sick, pris- Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philip- and love of the Creator. It is to provide palliative and spiritual
while another 5 are working in other Philip- oners, migrants, and the deaf. Two other com- pines. care to the person who is dying, patiently honoring that person’s
pine dioceses. One of these is “on loan” as- missions have been set up to attend to Tem- In this light, CBCP has called for a Second dignity through the hour of death, whenever it might come.
sisting my previous Prelature of Ipil. poralities and Clergy Formation. We have National Rural Congress, starting with dioc- And it is also defending not only the innocent human life, but
Judging from initial feedbacks from both also started to organize an association of our esan and sub-regional consultations until the also that of the guilty who remains to be a child of God and
young and older clergy, the provision of so- parish-based secondary and kindergarten first quarter of this year. NRC II will culmi- worthy of His love and forgiveness.
cial security for everyone has been much schools. nate with a national assembly by mid-2008. I As Catholics, we are called not to keep to ourselves, and not
appreciated since this covers their hospital- With the dissemination of the Compendium have been asked to chair the central commit- to be content with our “private morality”. Rather, we are called
ization and retirement benefits. Indeed, over of the Social Doctrine of the Church, the archdio- tee in charge of these preparations. On a lo- to be faithful to the command of Jesus: “Go therefore and make
the past 18 months, two priests are undergo- cese has set up an ACCESS office (i.e., calized note, this year 2008 also marks the disciples of all nations… teaching them to observe all that I
ing treatment for cancer symptoms, four have Archdiocesan Center of Concern, Empower- 75 th anniversary of the creation of Cagayan have commanded you”. Let us go then in our persistence, in-
had fairly serious road accidents, while sev- ment, and Social Services). The office has de Oro as a diocese. sisting and being consistent Persons in Christ!
eral others have sought treatment for vari- started regular “conversations” with NGOs, It is with all these in mind that, on behalf
ous ailments of the heart or the lungs. We academe, and other civil society groups to of the clergy, religious and lay faithful, I ex-
are also taking care of three priests in their work together on common issues such as tend to you the greetings and gratitude of
retirement years in our House of Ars. poll-watching, good governance, and envi- the archdiocese for your prayers and continu-
As part of our health maintenance efforts, ronmental concerns over small-scale mining ing support. May the spirit of Christmas—of
we have set up in the Bishop’s House a physi-
cal fitness gym (near the kitchen) with some
activities in the upstream areas of Cagayan
de Oro and Iponan rivers.
Light, Love, and Life—remain with you
throughout the coming year. Benedict’s theme:
build Christ’s
Rev. Euly B. Belizar, SThD
Through 2008 and Kingdom of Light
By the Roadside beyond, pondering through Mary
By Dr. Jeff Mirus
SOMETIMES I think we human beings are gel Gabriel in Luke 1:26-38. When she is told Have we ever tried answering why we still
beyond puzzling. When a new year comes that she is to be the mother of God’s only Son, go through the motions of “democratic” elec-
we make resolutions (many of which) we she doesn’t take it passively. She says what tions when power can be acquired by money IT doesn’t take a genius to forecast Pope Benedict’s most im-
rarely fulfill. And, knowing that, we still do she feels. “How can this be since I do not know and fame? portant theme for 2008. In his first address of the New Year,
the same thing, year after year. We resolve man?” (Lk 1:34). But as soon as she under- Asking why compels us to listen to what he emphasized the need for the Church to find a fuller under-
to stop smoking, to avoid joining in gossip, stands that the nature-defying event is to be our unique Pinoy realities tell us about God’s standing of her mystery in the person of the Mother of God so
to write that letter to the editor, to live more the work of the Holy Spirit doing the will of Word that we need to obey if Jesus is to be that Christians can replace the contemporary darkness with
simply, to spend more time with our loved God for whom nothing is impossible, Mary’s made flesh in our culture and society. It was Christ’s kingdom of truth and light.
ones, to cultivate a hidden talent, to tithe to pondering ends up in complete obedience. only after Mary’s pondering that went from Benedict struck his theme in the first Vespers service at St.
my parish church, to pass from tithing (which “Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord. Let it listening to obedience that John the Evange- Peter’s basilica for the Solemnity of the Mother of God (that
is an Old Testament practice after all) to be done to me according to your word” (Lk list could say: “And the Word was made flesh is, the eve of the Solemnity, or New Year’s eve). He referred
Christian giving (the New Testament act, 1:38). The wisdom of the best Mother in (and and dwelt among us and we have seen his to “the dark evil of modern Western society” caused by a
naturally, measured only by “cheerful giv- of) the Universe consists in simply acknowl- glory, the glory the Father’s only Son filled “deficit of hope and trust in life,” affirming that this darkness
ing” from the heart), to read the Filipino edging that the Father knows best. Such a lead with grace and truth” (Jn 1:14). can be dispelled only by faith that “Christ is our dependable
Catholic (or, at least, to try to be one). Trouble would be wise to follow. The fifth order of the year is saying what we hope”.
is we seldom resolve to actualize our resolu- The fourth order of the year is focusing on mean and meaning what we say. I find it per- In responding to the darkness, the Pontiff urged Catholics
tions. the why and wherefore of things, instead of only plexing at times to hear some people say, to remember “the woman by whom the Son of God entered
So the first order of the year should be: I on the “what”, “when” or “how”. A number “Oh, I really want to be honest but, you see, the world,” the Virgin Mary, who “represents the Church’s
resolve to fulfill last year’s New Year’s reso- of years ago I remember finding a song that everybody does the opposite at the office. most authentic image: the person in whom the ecclesial com-
lutions. And, please, only those that I remem- I shared with a group of young retreatants: What do I do? I don’t want to be accused of munity must continually discover the authentic meaning of
ber (if I might hasten to add). “Hey you, won’t you stop for a while? Stop to see being ‘holier-than-thou’”. Or take a shady its own vocation and mystery.”
The second order of the year should be: I and to think: You’ve been running around. You’ve politician’s “I am sorry”. It’s a perfect example He developed the same theme in his first Wednesday audi-
must never make a resolution that I cannot been chasing a dream. What you want is the sky. of how destructive of peoples and societies it ence on January 2nd, encouraging the faithful to entrust 2008
put into action. I must resolve to un-resolve But do you know why?” is when words do not express what a person to Mary “that she may guide our steps in this new period of
any of the kind. One of the greatest tragedies of living is to really is saying. When words apologize but time the Lord has given us to live.” Referring to the previous
The third order of the year is: I must adopt make resolutions, fail them and never to know actions plot against perceived enemies, when day’s Solemnity, Benedict explained that the Council of
Mama Mary’s approach to life. Some people wan- why, in the first place, we do so. But this isn’t husbands and wives say “I do” but act as if Ephesus had confirmed Mary’s title as “Mother of God” in 431
der (even when they write); Mama Mary pon- true only to resolutions. It’s just as true to they “do not”, when young students prom- “to safeguard the full humanity of Jesus” while at the same
ders. “And Mary kept all these things, pon- our other solitary or collective acts. Do we ise, “I’ll work and study harder” but hardly time affirming that Jesus unites two natures, human and di-
dering on them in her heart” is what we hear ask why we have to keep tolerating destruc- work or study, when Christians say, “I do vine, in one Person.
from St. Luke 2:19, 41 and which, I suggest, tive vices and/or practices which include not renounce Satan and all his works and pomp” He observed that the Council was followed by a “veritable
should be what people hear about us who call only smoking or drinking (or too much but are wont to nurse resentments and ha- explosion of Marian devotion”. Hoping for the same result in
her “Mama” or “Mother”. Pondering is by no texting) but also being late to Mass, weddings, tred against others, truth is trampled under our own day, he urged Christians to engage the New Year by
means brooding, especially as described by birthdays or anniversaries by saying it’s foot. And God being truth, we turn our back asking Mary to “help us to be true friends of her Son and
Noah Webster, that is, “to keep thinking about “‘Filipino time’ and so is part of the culture”? on God. Small wonder then that his Son says, courageous architects of his Kingdom in the world: a King-
something in a distressed or troubled way”. Do we cease to be Filipinos when we are “You only have to say, ‘Yes’ when you mean dom of light and truth.”
Such is certainly far from what the Scriptures prompt or come even ahead of time? Do we ‘yes’ and “No” when you mean ‘no’. Any- Catholics seeking a New Year’s resolution can stop search-
say of Mary’s pondering. Her kind of ponder- try to search for reasons why we continue to thing more is from the evil one” (Mt 5:37). ing. This one will last not only for a year but for a lifetime:
ing is listening with both the mind and the be plagued by the so-called “culture of cor- The final order of the year is: Treat the real- Extending Christ’s kingdom through Mary until it illumi-
heart. It’s what we witness in that extraordi- ruption” when we all suffer the shame and ization of resolutions the way one regards charity. nates the world.
nary episode of her in dialogue with the an- the same the ill-effects of mis-governance? That is, let it begin at home.
CBCP Monitor
A6 Local News Vol. 12 No. 1
January 7 - 20, 2008

Priest warns vs. swindlers PPCRV reveals

nominees for top
on Black Nazarene day Comelec post
A CATHOLIC priest has warned said.
the faithful against swindlers that The authorities, meanwhile, A CHURCH-BACKED poll watch- They have agreed to submit all
may attack devotees on the feast said they would no longer let dog disclosed its two nominees to their respective nominees and
of the Black Nazarene in Quiapo anyone deploy donation collec- head the controversial Commis- then decided who among those
church. tors during the procession so that sion on Elections (Comelec). names they will elevate to the poll
Msgr. Clemente Ignacio, rector those who want to donate could The Parish Pastoral Council for body.
of the Minor Basilica of the Black go straight to the church. Responsible Voting (PPCRV) De Villa, a former Philippine
Nazarene, said the thieves oper- The Manila police are also brac- nominated lawyer Carlos Medina ambassador to the Vatican, said
ate during Mass and even in the ing up for the thousands of be- and retired Supreme Court Justice they also have sought for the nomi-
procession. lievers who will flock to the Jose Melo to fill the poll body’s top nations of erstwhile Interior and
He said a report reached his Quiapo church, where a throng post. Local Government secretary Joey
office about some people collect- of devotees are expected to attend PPCRV chair Henrietta De Villa Lina and Public Attorneys Office
ing “Mass offering” outside the the yearly procession. said Medina, head of the Legal head Persida Acosta.

© Roy Lagarde / CBCP Media

church. Police officials said they would Network for Truthful Elections However, she said, Lina was
But Ignacio said the Church is deploy all available policemen to (Lente), and Melo were chosen for eventually removed from the list
not collecting donations directly maintain peace and order. their “transparency and integrity.” because of his previous involve-
outside the church while the li- They are also hoping that this She said they already have sub- ment in politics.
turgical celebration is ongoing. year’s festivity would not be mitted their nominees to the Pal- In the case of Acosta, De Villa
“Collections are done inside marred by casualties as what ace only last month. said she is more needed at the PAO.
the Church with collectors in uni- happened in the previous years. “We hope that Malacañang will “Many suggested not to deplete
form and with identifications,” he (CBCPNews) consider them studiously… screen institutions with better officials,”
out also our nominees,” she said. she said.
The PPCRV is part of a search The PPCRV head also said they
group composed of the National are still searching for nominees to
Secretariat for Social Action of the fill other vacancies due to the res-

People’s hand needed to solve country’s ills Catholic Bishops’ Conference of

the Philippines, the National
Movement for Free Elections and
ignation and retirement of several
Comelec commissioners.
She said the list of other nomi-
CBCP President and Jaro (Iloilo) Archbishop “Feeding the hungry is one way of helping In a related development, Archbishop other stakeholders tasked to sub- nees will be submitted to
Angel N. Lagdameo said the solution to the the country solve its problems,” the prelate said. Lagdameo said Pope Benedict XVI’s New mit recommendations for Malacañang next week.
country’s problems would depend on the He said non-government organizations Year’s message was quite appropriate as it Comelec chairmanship. (CBCPNews)
people’s response and resolve to cooperate, such as Gawad Kalinga has provided the home- recognized the role of the family in achieving
help one another and recognize each other’s less with decent homes. “They need all our peace. “Within the family, its members get to
Speaking over Radyo Veritas, Archbishop
Lagdameo said there are no problems too dif-
support, especially those in need of formal
and non-formal education, employment and
efforts to reduce the cost of medicines,” he
know the meaning of peace,” he explained.
Peace is founded on one’s knowledge of re-
spect, justice and love. “Parents become role
Church stands firm on its
pro-life position
ficult to solve. He explained the Church added. models for their children and as such, the fam-
teaches everyone God will help solve prob- He stressed being able to address these ba- ily is the first and indispensable teacher of
lems provided we help those in need most sic concerns would bring hope to most Filipi- peace,” Archbishop Lagdameo said.
specially. nos this year. (CBCPNews)
THE Church will never change its ning and Development Inc. (The
stand against contraceptives, the Forum) said, should serve as indi-
Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the cation for the Church to reconsider
German Bishops Conference Secretary-General visits CBCP Philippines (CBCP) said.
CBCP president Archbishop An-
it’s stand on artificial birth controls.
The group also cited a recent sur-
gel Lagdameo said any survey show- vey by the Catholics for Free Choice
ing a public clamor for artificial birth (CFC) showing that 77 percent of
control support will not affect the Filipino Catholics that using
Church’s stand on the issue. condoms is “pro-life” because it
“Surveys favoring contraceptives saves lives by preventing the
will not alter the Church’s position spread of sexually transmitted ail-
and insistence in teaching the ob- ments like HIV and AIDS.
jective moral laws regarding the But CBCP Media Director Msgr.
dignity of human life and family,” Pedro Quitorio downplayed the
he said. result of the survey, saying that it’s
The widespread use of birth con- a “very remote justification.”
trols, he said, even with govern- Quitorio also belied reports that
ment support, do not change the ob- condoms prevent the spread of
jection of moral law on contracep- STDs. “It’s not true,” he said.
tives. In Thailand for example, he said,
© Roy Lagarde / CBCP Media

A United States-based organiza- the more they use condoms, the

tion yesterday said majority of more the AIDS become widespread.
Catholics around the world are He said that statistically, there is
backing the use of contraceptives, no proof that condoms can prevent
particularly condoms. the spread of sexually transmitted
This, The Forum for Family Plan- diseases. (CBCPNews)

Bishops fear / A1
(From left) Dr. Hans Langendorfer, SJ, Archbishop Orlando Quevedo, Irmgard Icking, Msgr. Juanito Figura and Fr. Franz-Josef Eilers, SVD
Pabillo heads the Catholic Bish- of “upright and honorable men.”
THE Secretary General of the German Bish- cial management in Asian setting. He em- Most Filipino priests in Germany, however, ops Conference of the Philippines “The Commander-in-Chief and
ops’ Conference, Dr. Hans Langendörfer, SJ, phasized that it is quite different from what are there for further studies. But Abp. (CBCP)’s social action arm. her soldiers [should] first learn to
visited the General Secretariat of the Catho- is given annually by the Holy See to new Quevedo noted that there maybe someone “It also depends on how they are respect human lives, human dignity
lic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines bishops. assigned as chaplain for the whole Germany. going to use (the policy). It should and human rights,” Cruz told
(CBCP) last December 15, 2007. With him was But on the level of the dioceses, the impact Saying that the matter can be presented to not be abused so they should use it Church reporters.
Irmgard Icking, a representative of German needs to be felt more, said Abp. Quevedo. the Episcopal Commission on Migrants and for good purpose,” he said in an The government should also “do
Funding agency Missio. He also mentioned seminars organized for Itinerant People, Msgr. Figura also brought interview over the Church-run away with the mind frame that all
Dr. Hans Langendörfer SJ was received at lay leaders, like the ASIPA (Asian Integrated up the idea of the German Conference hav- Radyo Veritas. those who dissent against their
CBCP headquarters by his Filipino counter- Pastoral Approach). ing an office, either in Germany, or in the Pabillo also said that a clear law socio-political posture are necessar-
part, CBCP Secretary General, Msgr. Juanito Abp. Quevedo added that the BEC pro- Philippines, that would help in the prepara- is important in the military plan to ily enemies of the State and should
Figura. Fr. Franz-Josef Eilers, SVD, Executive grams under FABC are coordinated and sus- tions for intermarriages. He cited the lan- implement a national ID scheme. wherefore be eliminated,” he
Secretary of FABC (Federation of Asian Bish- tained by the Bishops and/or priests. This guage barrier as a difficulty in such prepara- “No matter how good a law is if added.
ops’ Conference) Office on Social Communi- has helped in strengthening Asian BEC pro- tions. the law enforcers don’t have the Government security forces sug-
cation accompanied the guests. Archbishop grams as faith-based activities, thus prevent- The discussion also touched on the joint political will, nothing will hap- gested the revival of a proposed
Orlando Quevedo of Cotabato, FABC Secre- ing the same from becoming ideology-re- programs between CBCP and the local gov- pen,” he added. national ID system in a bid to curb
tary General, was also present during the visit. lated. ernment with Abp. Quevedo saying that the Dagupan Archbishop Oscar Cruz, national security threats like the
The meeting, a friendly sharing of views He noted though that there is a need at the Conference is open to dialogue with govern- meanwhile, said the ID system communist insurgency and Islamic
and experiences; discussed the impact of grassroots level to be aware of BEC as a tool ment bodies. would be most acceptable and use- militancy.
FABC programs on Asia. of FABC. Msgr. Figura cited that the Bishops have ful if the ruling administration is Philippine National Police chief,
Abp. Quevedo explained that on the level Aside from BEC programs, liturgy and agreed on the principle of critical collabora- “trustworthy and dependable.” Director Gen. Avelino Razon Jr.,
of the Bishops, the Federation is very well migration concerns are other areas of coor- tion with government agencies, mentioning The people would also support said President Arroyo had also
known and its activities are well documented. dination that FABC extends to CBCP. the newly-organized Bishops-Legislators’ such scheme, he said, only if the shown interest in the implementa-
He mentioned existing programs intended Fr. Langerdörfer brought up the need for a Caucus, which is a forum for discussions and military leadership were composed tion of the ID system. (CBCPNews)
specifically for bishops, one of which is on more organized and stable Filipino chaplain possible collaboration in legislative initia-
leadership with focus on pastoral and finan- service for Filipinos in Germany. tives. (CBCP Secretariat) Lower / A1
Archbishop Cruz said there are ‘confusing’, the last thing he
Bishop to / A1 Real / A1
three reasons behind marriage should do is get married because
Another prohibition in the good priests than politicians to do program or family planning. He “…Because he knows that he’s nullity cases and they all refer to marriage requires very lucid rea-
canon law, entails that priests can- her task of evangelization.” said the government will pursue not the one that can really heal,” the “personality constitution” of son and deliberate will,” Arch-
not have an active role in politi- He added politics is the realm the population control in terms of he said. those persons getting married. bishop Cruz said.
cal parties unless the need to pro- of the lay and not of the clergy. “If the economics of less children, less The prelate also stressed that “There are people not qualified Another reason involves
tect the rights of the Church or to you have clergy taking political expenses while the Church be- never will a saintly and modest to get married, not because of people who suffer from down-
promote the common good. position from the lay, it is an in- lieves the primary reason for mar- healer will ask money or any- malice or ill will but because of right mental disorders and there
One of the most talked about is- dictment to the Church that she’s riage is pro-creation because ev- thing in return from the people their psychological, emotional, are many kinds of disorder as
sue last election was the running not doing her task of preparing ery child is a gift of God to the he nursed back to health. mental personality structure,” the listed in the manual of mental
of at least three priests including the lay to take their proper role in Church and to the society. Fr. Dizon Cruz said that if you see those prelate explained. disorders following the Ameri-
the incumbent governor of society,” he further explained. said he wonders what Governoir three guides from a faith healer, He explained important rea- can Psychiatric Association.
Pampanga, Among Ed Panlilio. The progressive priest from the Panlilio’s stand would be. you could be certain somehow. sons they consider in granting pe- “There are also those who suf-
The other priests were Msgr. Diocese of Imus said “it is very dif- Fr. Panlilio remains a priest “But even if just one of those titions for nullity as such as fer from sexual identity disorders
Crisanto de la Cruz who ran for ficult for Fr. Ed, at the end of the though suspended from his min- (guides) is absent, you better be people who lack sufficient use of and they come in two kinds,
mayor of Zamboanga City and day, to be at peace with himself, with istry while Governor of wary,” he said. reason in getting married, those women who behave and think
Fr. Ronilo Maat Omanio who the Church and with the Lord be- Pampanga. But, Fr. Dizon said Faith healing is a highly contro- who got married when they like men and men who think and
competed for governor in Occi- cause the question he will have to “just like any other priest, he made versial subject, and even some priests should not as they were pres- behave like women and mar-
dental Mindoro. ask is whether he is a priest who a vow of obedience, should there and lay pastors have been accused sured, coerced, trapped and riage, needless to say, is a het-
But unlike Panlilio, De La Cruz happens to be a governor or a gov- be conflict between what is being of making unscrupulous claims that threatened into it making their erosexual institution so to make
and Omanio failed to gain victory. ernor who happens to be a priest.” said by the President of the Re- do not stand up to scrutiny. decisions to get married im- them fit is morally impossible
The three were all suspended He said the conflict lies in the fact public and what the Archbishop Many say that where physical paired. because they do not,” the prelate
from their pastoral duties as a re- that as civil servant he is sworn to of San Fernando is saying, where healing does not take place, “When a person is confused and further said. (CBCPNews)
sult of their entry into the politi- defend the Constitution and the would his obedience be?” people have a need to try spiri- Activists / A1
cal arena. laws of the land and since these are “If politics is something he thinks tual approach.
products of men, they cannot al- he can contribute well, he must fol- But Cruz also warned that Peace. He said he has not seen a nothing wrong being alluded to
Priests needed more for evan- ways be moral. “He is a priest who low what Archbishop Cruz has there is nothing predictable broadsheet because he’s still in as “activist” because he seeks jus-
gelization has made a vow of obedience in been saying all along, be a layman about faith healing—except the Palawan. tice.
Meanwhile, Fr. Joe Dizon, head terms of faith and morals and instead of remaining a priest be- assurance of God’s love and care. “Yes, I am an activist for Jus- “In being an activist, there are
of the Council of Leaders of should there be conflict, where cause politics is a very important He added that the healing min- tice,” the prelate explained in Fili- those who get hurt by what we
church-based group Kairos Phil- would he stand?” Fr. Dizon asked. matter as far as the Catholic laity is istry is one of the greatest oppor- pino. He added the Truth should say and they definitely wouldn’t
ippines said “the Church in the He cited as one example the gov- concerned,” Fr. Dizon concluded. tunities the Church has for shar- always prevail regardless of who like any activist,” he concluded.
Philippines today needs more ernment-sponsored population (with reports from Melo M. Acuña) ing the Gospel. (CBCPNews) gets hurt. He further said there’s (Melo M. Acuña)
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 12 No. 1
January 7 - 20, 2008 Features A7

Pope, marking new year,

reiterates support for
traditional family
VATICAN CITY, January 7, “strict connection” to social board crowns in memory of the
2008—Ushering in the new year, peace. He quoted from his World three kings who traveled to
Pope Benedict XVI said attempts Peace Day message on the theme Bethlehem.
to weaken the traditional family “The Human Family, a Commu- Prayers for peace were offered
inevitably undermine social har- nity of Peace.” in five languages; in Arabic, the

© Alessandra Benedetti/Corbis
mony and world peace. “Whoever, even unknow- prayer asked that the world’s
“The natural family, founded ingly, circumvents the institution populations would “overcome
on marriage between a man and of the family undermines peace suggestions of violence and war
a woman, is the cradle of life and in the entire community, national and commit all their energy and
love and the first and indispens- and international, since he weak- resources to building a stable
able teacher of peace,” the pope ens what is in effect the primary peace.”
said at a Mass Jan. 1, which the agency of peace,” he said. In his homily, the pope said
church marks as the World Day The pope was not specific people should recognize that true
of Peace. about efforts to weaken the fam- peace is not merely the result of
The family thus constitutes the ily, but in the past he has spoken human efforts or political agree- who have trouble believing that should be welcomed in faith guages.
primary agency of peace, and at- out against gay marriage and ments. Above all, he said, peace Jesus is both God and man. “even without understanding “May the peace proclaimed by
tempts to deny or restrict family laws that give full legal recogni- is a divine gift that people need “At the ‘school’ of Mary we can everything,” he said. the angels at Bethlehem take ever
rights “threaten the very founda- tion to cohabiting couples. to continually implore. accept with the heart that which In his talk to pilgrims after the deeper root in men’s hearts and
tions of peace,” he said. Thousands of people filled St. The pope also noted that Jan. 1 the eyes and the mind cannot Mass, the pope expressed the inspire the whole human family
Later, at a noon blessing, the Peter’s Basilica for the New Year’s marked the feast of Mary, Mother perceive by themselves,” he said. hope for a “serene and produc- to live in harmony, justice and
pope returned to the theme of the liturgy; among the crowd was a of God. He said Mary can serve The mystery of the Incarnation tive” 2008 and extended New fraternal solidarity,” he said in
family and what he called its group of children wearing card- as a guide to modern Christians and Mary’s divine maternity Year’s greetings in seven lan- English. (John Thavis / CNS)

Padre Pio’s body to be exhumed, venerated “Allah” is only for

7, 2008—The body of Padre Pio will be ex-
humed and exposed for public veneration
authority to put the saint’s remains on public
Archbishop D’Ambrosio said that his plan
Muslims, Malaysian
during the coming year, the local archbishop
has announced.
The plan to exhume the body of the be-
has the approval of the Vatican’s Congrega-
tion for the Causes of Saints. He explained
that he saw a “duty to allow future genera-
official says
loved Capuchin saint has already encountered tions the chance to venerate the mortal re- KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia, De- laysia for a long time. There is
stiff resistance from some of Padre Pio’s liv- mains of St. Pio of Pietrelcina.” cember 24, 2007—A senior gov- no confusion,” he continued.
ing relatives, who denounced the plan as “un- Part of the reason for the exhumation, he ernment official in Malaysia has Che Din said that since Chris-
civilized.” said, is to ensure proper preservation of those ordered a Catholic newspaper to tians don’t use the word “Allah”
Archbishop Domenico D’Ambrosio said remains. Padre Pio, who lived from 1887 to drop the use of the word “Allah” in English-language worship,
that the body of Padre Pio would be avail- 1968, gained an international reputation for in its Malay language section if it they shouldn’t use it in the Malay
able for public veneration in 2008, for the holiness during his lifetime. wants its publishing permit re- language. In addition to “Allah,”
40th anniversary of his death. Each year close Thousands of people reported miracles af- newed, the Associated Press re- Che Din said three other Malay
to 1 million pilgrims travel to the shrine of ter meeting with the famous monk, who ap- ports. words ought not be used by non-
the saint at San Giovanni Rotondo. parently enjoyed extraordinary spiritual gifts The Herald, published by Muslims: “solat” for prayers,
The timing of the public veneration has including the stigmata and discernment of Malaysia’s Catholic Church, has “kaabah” for the place of Mus-
not yet been established. Church officials are souls. translated the word God as “Al- lim worship in Mecca and
apparently waiting for expert advice on the The reports of miracles attributed to his lah.” Che Din Yusoff, a senior “baitula” the house of Allah.
exhumation of the saint’s remains and the intercession multiplied after his death, and official at the Internal Security Publishers in Malaysia are re-
preservation of his body. devotion to Padre Pio continued to spread. Ministry’s publications control quired to obtain annual permits
But Pia Forgione, a niece of Padre Pio, has Padre Pio was canonized by Pope John unit, has said this usage is erro- from the government, a policy
initiated legal action to stop the exhumation. Paul II in 2002, with an estimated 2 million neous because “Allah” refers to that has been criticized for in-
In an appeal to an Italian court she argued people attending the Vatican ceremony. the Muslim God. fringing on the freedom of the
that the archbishop does not have proper (CWNews.com) “Christians cannot use the press. Members of minority re-
word Allah. It is only applicable ligions have also complained that
to Muslims. Allah is only for the they do not enjoy full freedom of
Muslim god. This is a design to religion, despite such guarantees
confuse the Muslim people,” Che in the nation’s constitution.
Pauline Year to put Tarsus in limelight Din told the Associated Press.
Che Din said that the newspa-
per should use the general term
The Herald, a 13-year-old
weekly, is in talks with the gov-
ernment to renew its permit,
ROME, January 8, 2008—Coordinators of the Armenians, one Syrian Catholic and one Today, there is only one church-museum, for God, the word “Tuhan.” which expires December 31. Che
jubilee year of St. Paul say that Turkey will Chaldean, is considering the program for the and it lacks a cross. To use the building for Father Lawrence Andrew, edi- Din said the publication’s permit
have a strategic role during the commemo- celebrations. liturgy, previous permission must be ob- tor of the Herald, explained the would only be renewed if The
ration, since Tarsus was the birth place of the The bishops already planned a letter to the tained and payment must be given to the civil newspaper’s usage of the contro- Herald stops using the word “Al-
saint. faithful of the various rites as well as a pil- authorities. versial word: lah” in its pages.
Benedict XVI proclaimed a jubilee year of grimage to Rome. “I asked Prime Minister Erdogan that ac- “We follow the Bible. The The Herald publishes reports
St. Paul from June 28, 2008, to the same date The conference has established contact with cess to the building, the only Christian place Malay-language Bible uses Allah in four languages: English,
in 2009, marking the 2,000th anniversary of Greek Orthodox Patriarch Bartholomew I of in the city which has not been transformed for God and Tuhan for Lord. In Malay, Mandarin and Tamil. It
the apostle’s birth. Constantinople and with the Syrian Ortho- into a mosque, may be permitted not only to our prayers and in church during has a circulation of 12,000.
An information bulletin about the year dox and Armenian Gregorian metropolitan Catholics, but also to all Christians; or that Malay mass, we use the word There are more than 800,000
said the Church in Turkey is preparing “with archbishops, in order to organize common the Christians might be able to acquire land Allah,” Father Andrew said. Catholics in Malaysia, whose
spirit and a special determination they de- ecumenical initiatives dedicated to St. Paul, to build a church,” Bishop Padovese said. “In “This is not something new. The overall population is 27 million.
rive from feeling ‘one’ with the apostle born as Benedict XVI has suggested. Tarsus the museum-church is not needed, but word Allah has been used in Ma- (CNA)
in Tarsus.” “The bimillennium will serve also to call a church where faithful and pilgrims can feel
According to Bishop Luigi Padovese, ap- the attention of the Church to the Christian at home and pray.”

Merger of seven Dominican

ostolic vicar of Anatolia, Turkey, “St. Paul minority communities in Turkey, making “The authorities of Tarsus,” he added, “have
can be considered the apostle of Christian them aware of the situation,” added Bishop mixed sentiments: They are aware of the im-
identity, in an era like today when any type Padovese. portance of the city for Christians; they are

women’s congregations
of religion can be embraced, in a moment in One of the first goals for Catholics is to proud to be fellow citizens with a first-rate per-
which the many paths toward God are ranked obtain permission from the Turkish authori- son. But at the same time, they show perplexity
on the same level.” ties in Tarsus to make a permanent place for and discomfort when it comes to handling a
The Turkish Episcopal conference, formed
by seven bishops, three of the Latin rite, two
Christian worship to accommodate the pil-
grims who will arrive from around the world.
situation implying religious tourism with spe-
cial demands.” (Nieves San Martín / Zenit) approved by Vatican
225 delegates to elect new Jesuit general superior
The delegates will be involved in the discussions. The Congre-
also address a num- gation will be opened on Monday morning at
ber of modern-day the Church of Gesu.
challenges facing the The first part of the General Congregation
order founded by St. will be devoted to the election of a new supe-
Ignatius of Loyola. rior to replace Father Peter Hans Kolvenbach,
Also on the table are who will be stepping down. Sources within
discussions about is- the Society of Jesus said that in the process for
sues related to the electing a new superior, “there are no candi-
society’s internal life, dacies or campaigns. In fact, it is forbidden to
including the dra- carry them out in favor of or against a particu-
matic decline in the lar Jesuit.”
number of vocations In order to prepare for the elections, a re- COLUMBUS, Ohio, USA, January maculate Heart of Mary in Ak-
in the West and the port on the challenges facing the Society of 7, 2008—The merger of seven ron; the Congregation of St. Rose
growth of vocations Jesus is presented at the outset of the general congregations of Dominican of Lima in Oxford, Mich.; the
in the East, especially congregation, allowing the electors to discern women religious has been ap- Dominican Sisters, Congregation
in India. which type of person and which qualities are proved by the Vatican, according of St. Mary, and the Eucharistic
The issues dis- needed in the new superior. to a news release from the Do- Missionaries of St. Dominic, both
cussed are taken from After a few day of discussion among the minican Cluster in Columbus. in New Orleans; the Dominican
petitions that any Je- delegates, the voting will take place by secret The official date for the foun- Sisters of Great Bend, Kan.; and
suit—regardless of ballot. For the first time in history, voting will dation of the new congregation, the Congregation of St.
Father Peter-Hans Kolvenbach,
whether nor not he is be done electronically. 110 votes are needed which has not yet been named, is Catharine of Siena in St.
a delegate to the Con- to be elected. Easter 2009. The location of the Catharine, Ky.
ROME, January 8, 2008—Today the 35th Gen- gregation—can send in beforehand. Some of The closing date of the Congregation has new congregation’s headquarters The seven communities cur-
eral Congregation of the Society of Jesus will the 225 delegates attend because of their posi- yet to be determined. The meetings will be and other ministerial depart- rently have 730 sisters and about
begin in Rome. During the meeting, 225 Je- tion in the Society, but most are commissioned held at the General Curia of the Society of ments also has not been decided. 500 men and women associates
suit delegates from around the world will to attend by their local provinces or regions. Jesus, located in Rome near the colonnade that The congregations uniting are: who partner with the sisters in
elect a new general superior to replace their Of the 225 delegates (not including the Fa- surrounds St. Peter’s Square. the Dominican Sisters, St. Mary mission in 36 states and in Puerto
outgoing leader Father Peter Hans ther General), 217 will be able to vote for the The official languages of the Congregation will of the Springs in Columbus; the Rico, France, Honduras, Peru and
Kolvenbach. new superior. The remaining eight will only be Spanish, English, French and German. (CNA) Sisters of St. Dominic of the Im- Nigeria. (CNS)
CBCP Monitor
A8 People, Facts & Places Vol. 12 No. 1
January 7 - 20, 2008

3 National Catholic

Family Bible Quiz slated

THE 3r d National Catholic Fam- ing families closer to God and
ily Bible Quiz (NCFBQ) is slated the Church through the Bible,
on January 21, 2008 with the the first Bible quiz that took
theme The Word of God in the life place in 2004 has now become a
and mission of the family. regular every-other-year event.
The 2008 Family Bible Quiz The CBCP-Permanent Com-
adopted the theme The Word of mittee for International Eucha-
God in the life and mission of the ristic Congresses (headed by
family loosely basing it on the Abp. Carmelo Morelos that
theme of the Synod of Bishops time); the Episcopal Commis-
on the Word of God. The theme sion on Family and Life (headed
shall define the parameter of by Abp. Paciano Aniceto) and the
questioning for the Bible Quiz Episcopal Commission on Bib-
which will revolve on life, mis- lical Apostolate (headed by Bp.
sion and family. Arturo Bastes) were the first
The upcoming Bible quiz ex- Commissions that supported the
pects a high number of partici- project which was carried out
pants. Aside from the increased and held successfully.
number of participants are the The overwhelming response
added Episcopal Commissions, of participating families from
namely: the Episcopal Commis- some arch/dioceses was really
sion on Liturgy; the Office on inspiring and moving. The first
Bioethics; the Commission on Bible Quiz clearly manifested a
Migrants and Itinerant People; deep longing and hunger for the
and the Commission on Social Word of God especially among
Communication and Mass Me- the families
dia. The second Family Bible Quiz
The National Family Bible held in 2006 involved the youth
Quiz is now incorporated in the who did an interpretative dance
Security and Exchange Commis- of the song Power to Unite. The
sion under the title POWER TO Episcopal Commission on
UNITE CATHOLIC FAMILY Youth headed by Bp. Joel Baylon
BIBLE GROUP, INC. The mem- joined and the number of par-
bers of the Board of Trustees ticipating arch/dioceses in-
come from the rank of the Phil- creased.
ippine Church hierarchy, priests, The Philippine Bible Society
religious and laity. likewise joined and supported
Initiated by Ms. Elvira Go this project. (Fr. Mike M. Garcia,
with the sole purpose of draw- SSS)

FABC to hold Southeast

CBCP Legal Counsel receives Papal Award Asia meeting on Women
THE first Filipino ever to receive such a pres- other Asian was a bishop who was beheaded cided in THE Office on the Laity and the plight of domestic workers;
tigious award, Atty. Sabino R. Padilla, Jr., le- for his role in the Church’s underground favor of Family of the Federation of situation of women in urban
gal counsel to Catholic Bishops’ Conference movement in China. the Holy Asian Bishops’ Conference slums; and the role of women
of the Philippines (CBCP) was invested with In the United States, less than eight people See. (FABC) is sponsoring a re- in the family.
the Papal Award of Knight of the Grand Cross have been given the award in the past twenty- T h e gional assembly on Women The upcoming assembly
of the Pontifical Order of St. Gregory in a two years. Court with participants coming from seeks to discover the various
ceremony at the Manila Cathedral last De- Founded by Pope Gregory XVI on Septem- upheld various countries of South East challenges 21 st century values
cember 26, 2007. ber 1, 1831, membership to the Pontifical the im- Asia. posed to family life; and how
Cardinal Gaudencio B. Rosales presided Order of St. Gregory the Great is awarded to munity The convention slated from these challenges hinder women
the mass for the occasion with Papal Nuncio, persons who have rendered exemplary and of the January 27 until February 1, to fulfill her role and responsi-
Archbishop Edward J. Adams, archbishops meritorious service to the Church. Holy See 2008 in Johor, Malaysia has the bility in the family with dig-
and bishops, monsignori and priests Atty. Padilla has been the legal counsel of and the theme, “Challenges to Women in nity.
concelebrating. the Apostolic Nunciature, the Bishops’ Con- A p o s - Atty. Sabino R. Padilla, Jr. the Family in the 21st Century.” The convention also aims to
Archbishop Leonardo Legaspi, Archbishop ference and the Catholic Educational Asso- t o l i c Dr. Zenaida Rotea of the help the participants learn how
of Caceres placed the insignia of the Papal ciation of the Philippines for many years. Nunciature from a lawsuit arising from the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of they as members of the Church
Award on Atty. Padilla. He is also legal counsel to several religious sale of a piece of land donated by the Philip- the Philippines (CBCP) Office can help uphold the dignity of
The highest rank, the Knight Grand Cross orders, societies, and congregations of men pine Bishops to the Holy See. The famous on Women is representing the women to confront challenges
is an exceptional award with only few people and women in the country. decision was published in the International Philippines. Other participating of the 21 st century.
have been invested so far. In 1994, Atty. Padilla’s law firm represented Law Reports and cited in the 1999 report of countries include Thailand, The Southeast Asian meeting
Atty. Padilla is the first Filipino and sec- the Holy See and the Apostolic Nunciature in the United Nations International Law Com- Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia, is a program of FABC Office on
ond Asian to receive the Papal Award. The a famous case which the Supreme Court de- mission. (Pinky Barrientos, FSP) Sri Lanka and Mongolia. the Laity and Family. The meet-
The four-day meeting will ing is held every three years.
tackle various concerns involv- Most Rev. Maria Calist Soosa
ing women. Participants shall Pakiam, archbishop of
discuss and reflect on diverse is- Trivandrum, chairs the Office on
sues, such as experiences of the Laity and Family of the Fed-
women in the workplace; im- eration of Asian Bishops Confer-
pact of materialism on women; ence. (Pinky Barrientos, FSP)

of the Archdiocese
of Cagayan de Oro.
After varying peri-
ods of exposure to
Members of Executive Board of National W omen’s League paid His Excellency, Archbishop Joseph Edward Adams, Papal Nuncio to the Philippines, a courtesy call last the different ministries and parishes throughout the Archdiocese of
December 7, 2007. (Standing from left) Malou Peña, Edita Caro, Zenaida Rotea, Ester Sta. Ana, Cely Malinit, Carol Bautista, Grace Padilla, Nene Malabanan. (Seated from Cagayan de Oro, six deacons were finally ordained as priests by the
left) Msgr. Hernando Coronel and Joy Govinta, CWL National President. Most Reverend Antonio J. Ledesma, S.J., D.D., in three different sets
of ordination rites held at different areas in the archdiocese. Rever-
ends Hawthorne Galas and Nicolas Basadre were ordained last De-
cember 3, 2007 at 10:00 o’clock AM at the San Nicolas Parish in
Mambajao, Camiguin, while Reverends Julian Guinit Jr, Domino Olango,
and Jobel Gulisao were ordained at the Metropolitan Cathedral last
December 10, 2007 at 9:00 o’clock in the morning. Reverend Ramon
Francis Burlat was ordained in Alubijid, Misamis Oriental last Decem-
ber 13, 2007 also at 9:00 in the morning. These newly ordained priests
will be celebrating their respective Thanksgiving Masses at different
parishes throughout the Archdiocese. The newly ordained priests are
now added to more than a hundred priests actively serving the arch-
diocese and will be assigned in different parishes of the archdiocese:
Rev Fr. Ramon Francis L. Burlat, Our Lady of Lourdes Parish, Claveria,
Misamis Oriental; Rev. Fr. Nicolas S. Basadre, Our Lady of Perpetual
Help Parish, Baliwagan, Misamis Oriental; Rev. Fr. Julian S. Guinit, Jr.,
Sacred Heart Parish, Anakan, Gingoog City; Rev. Fr. Jobel R. Gulisao,
Sta. Rita Parish, Balingasag, Misamis Oriental; Rev. Fr. Domino D.
Olango, San Antonio Parish, Manticao, Misamis Oriental; Rev. Fr.
Hawthorne G. Galas, St. Francis Xavier Parish, Initao, Misamis Orien-


JOHNIE PERACULLO JR, to the Order of Deacons at St. Francis Xavier
Cathedral, Diocese of Kabankalan, Negros Occidental; December 3,
2007 by Most Rev. Patricio Buzon, SDB, DD. The newly-ordained dea-
© Denz Dayao / CBCP Media

cons are seminarians from Saint Joseph Regional Seminary, Jaro,



golden jubilee of religious profession among the Religious of the Virgin
Mary, February 2, 2008. Most Rev. Honesto Ch. Pacana, SJ, DD, bishop
of the Diocese of Malaybalay will preside the jubilee mass at our Lady
of the Assumption Chapel of the RVM Generalate in Quezon City.
Officials and staff of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) led by Msgr. Juanito Figura, CBCP secretary general, pose for a picture after their
advent recollection at the Good Shepherd Spirituality Center in Antipolo City, December 14, 2007.
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 12 No. 1
January 7 - 20, 2008
By Sandro Magister gland, “the most influential phi-
B2 Updates B4 Commissions B6 Reflections
losopher in the world” according Bible Week highlights witnessing of ‘This is My Beloved Son’
to “The New Yorker.” How many and who can be Gospel values
THE birth of the child Jesus, The chronicle of this morato- godparents in baptism and
the feast of the Holy Inno- rium on abortion throws light on
cents, the Sunday of the Holy the manner in which the Church B3 Diocese B5 Statements B7 Social Concerns
Family, the feast of the Mother of Benedict XVI, of his cardinal Diocese of Novaliches Message for National Philippine Mining: A civil society
of God... In Rome, in Italy, vicar Camillo Ruini and the Ital- Bible Week perspective
and in Spain the recent ian bishops’ conference, is acting

Pastoral Concerns
Christmas festivities have on the political terrain.
found an unexpected, spec- This Church does not demand
tacular echo not only in the that only what can be accepted
Church but also in society as and understood by faith be made
a whole, even its most secu- law. But it is fighting resolutely
larized sectors. in defense of those norms that it
Family and birth. These are knows are written in the hearts
the two words that have re- of all men.
sounded the loudest, among Respect for the life of every
both Christians and secularists. human being, from the very first
Benedict XVI made the fam- instant of its conception, is one
ily the focus of his message of these universal norms that the
to the world for the Day of Church views as non-negotiable.
Peace celebrated on January The fact that there are non-Catho-
1, on the family as the “pri- lics standing up in defense of all
mary agency of peace.” unborn life is for the Church a
The Catholics of Spain also happy confirmation of the uni-
dedicated a day to the support versality of this commandment.
of the family, with a grandi- The Church of Benedict XVI,
ose Sunday gathering in Ruini, and cardinal Angelo
Madrid on December 30. A Bagnasco, the current president
similar mass Family Day was of the Italian bishops’ conference,
held in Italy, in Rome, last has thus looked very favorably
May 12. The next appoint- on the fact that a non-Catholic
ment will perhaps be in Ber- like Ferrara has taken the initia-
lin, in the heart of de-Chris- tive of launching the moratorium
tianized Europe. on abortion.
The Madrid gathering was Because in effect, this is what has
strongly marked by the happened. Ferrara launched his
Church. It unfolded as an im- first appeal in favor of the mora-
mense outdoor liturgy, pre- torium on abortion on the televi-
sided over by bishops and sion program “Otto e mezzo,” the
cardinals, and offered for the same evening as the UN’s ap-
observation and reflection of proval of the moratorium on the
all. The central moment was death penalty, December 18.
a television linkup with the The following day, December
pope, who at the Angelus, 19, this appeal appeared in print
from Rome, spoke directly to in “il Foglio.” The afternoon of
the crowd in Spanish. that same day, “L’Osservatore
On May 12, 2007, in Rome, Romano” published on the front
the square outside of Saint page an interview with cardinal
John Lateran was also filled Renato Martino, president of the
mainly with Catholics. But it pontifical council for justice and
was not the hierarchy of the peace:
Church that called and pre- “Catholics do not consider the
sided over that Family Day. right to life as something that can
It was, instead, a citizens’ be negotiated on a case-by-case
committee headed by Savino basis, or partitioned. [...] The
Pezzotta, a Catholic, and clearest example is that of the
Eugenia Roccella, a feminist millions and millions of killings
of radical secularist forma- of certainly innocent human be-
tion. Also speaking from the ings, unborn babies.”
stage were Giorgio Israel, a On December 20, “Avvenire,”
Jew, and Souad Sbai, a Mus- the newspaper of the Italian bish-
lim. The form of family pre- ops’ conference, gave its full sup-

‘LetThe Church
no blesses
onethe worldwide
touch the child’
moratorium on abortion
sented for the attention and port to the moratorium on abor- all in Rome next summer.” To ask death penalty, it is very logical emphasis to these words from only to the woman’s self-de-
care of all was not primarily tion, with a front-page editorial for two things from governments to recall the topic of abortion and Ruini, and Cardinal Bagnasco re- termination. And the Church
the one celebrated by the by Marina Corradi and an inter- all over the world: first, to “sus- ask for a moratorium, at least to stated the same concepts in the is no longer so timid and
Christian sacrament, but the view with Ferrara. pend every policy that provides stimulate and awaken the con- most widely circulated secular directionless as it was in Italy
“natural union between man On December 21, Ferrara an- an incentive for the practice of sciences of all, to help people to Italian newspaper, “Corriere after the catastrophic defeat of
and woman” inscribed in the nounced that he would be fast- eugenics”; second, to “write into realize that the baby in the della Sera,” on January 4. 1981, when a Catholic-spon-
civil constitution. ing from Christmas Eve to the the universal declaration of hu- mother’s womb is truly a human And these words were fol- sored referendum for the re-
An initiative that goes first day of the new year, in sup- man rights the right to be born.” being, and that its suppression is lowed with actions. During the peal of the law on abortion ob-
against the grain even more port of public financing for the With a manifesto prepared by inevitably the suppression of a same days, five hospitals in Milan tained just 18 percent of the
emerged in Italy, during the Life Assistance Centers (CAV’s) personalities of various perspec- human being. were given new “guidelines” for vote.
recent Christmas festivities: that help mothers who are tives, like Didier Sicard of France, “In the second place, it may be the application of the national The Italian Church is today,
the promotion of a world- tempted to have abortions. Italy’s Carlo Casini, Roger hoped that this moratorium will law on abortion, prohibiting instead, fresh from a victory in
wide moratorium on abor- In effect, during the following Scruton, from England, the Ameri- also provide a stimulus for Italy, abortion after the twenty-first another referendum in defense
tion, after the moratorium on days the Lombardy Region and can bioethicist Leon Kass, and the at least for the complete applica- week following conception (the of the life of the embryo, held
the death penalty approved the municipal government of new U.S. ambassador to the Holy tion of the law on abortion, which previous limit was at the twenty- on June 12, 2005. It is a referen-
by the United Nations on De- Milan supplied 700,000 euro to See, Mary Ann Glendon, “natu- claims to be a law intended for fourth week) and prohibiting se- dum whose success—accord-
cember 18. the CAV at Mangiagalli, the rally excluding any form of blame, the defense of life, and then to lective abortion in a twin preg- ing to a very recent study—was
It goes against the grain be- Milanese clinic that performs the and far more any legal persecu- apply this law in those areas that nancy in absence of real physical noticeably influenced by the
cause it was conceived and greatest number of abortions. tion of women who may decide can truly be in defense of life, and or psychological difficulties on Catholic self-identification of
launched by a non-Christian Last year at this clinic, the CAV to have an abortion” as permitted perhaps, thirty years after the the part of the pregnant woman. the Italian people.
intellectual, Giuliano Ferrara, was responsible for 833 births, by by the laws in effect in the vari- passage of this law, to update it These “guidelines” will soon be Reviewing this study is of
founder and director of the helping mothers in difficulty. In ous countries. in keeping with the scientific adopted by the entire Lombardy great interest for understand-
opinion newspaper “il total, it is calculated that all of On the evening of December progress that, for example, has region. ing better the Church’s cur-
Foglio.” And because it was the CAV’s operating in Italy have 31, interviewed on a widely made great steps forward in re- This last is another sign that the rent modes of operating in
immediately supported by saved about 85,000 babies from popular television news pro- gard to the survival of premature appeal for a moratorium on abor- Italian society: a society that—
the newspaper of the Italian abortion from 1975 until today. gram, Cardinal Ruini summa- babies. It becomes truly inadmis- tion falls on more fertile soil to- unique in the world, in these
bishops’ conference, But what does the moratorium rized the Church’s position as sible to proceed with abortion at day than in the past. Secular terms—keeps alive the char-
“Avvenire,” but also by per- on abortion propose in practical follows: a point where the fetus could sur- thought is no longer so unified acteristics of a mass Catholi-
sonalities of other beliefs, in- terms? Ferrara dreams of “five “I believe that after the good vive outside of the womb.” in denying human dignity to the cism in a context of advanced
cluding Roger Scruton of En- million pilgrims of life and love, result obtained in regard to the “L’Osservatore Romano” gave fetus and giving significance modernization.

Appointed bishop on February 12, 2005, Most Rev. Mylo Vergara was ordained on April 30, 2005, and
subsequently installed as bishop of San Jose de Nueva Ecija on May 14 of the same year. In this issue of
CBCP Monitor, Bishop Vergara talks about major concerns affecting his diocese: the ongoing implemen-
tation of social concern programs; the active participation of the laity in the various diocesan apostolates;
the commitment of family and life apostolate in addressing the issues that threaten family nowadays; the
ongoing formation of the clergy and his relationship with them; and the need to become credible witnesses
in a highly consumeristic environment.

Most Rev. Mylo Hubert C. Vergara, DD, MA, STD

How does the diocese implement its Gaudencio Cardinal Rosales was our Carlos Seminary to give a talk to our CERNS last August 18, 2007 at the Cen- Pondo ng Pinoy awareness and fund
social concerns programs? guest speaker. He expounded on the priests on the Compendium of the Social tral Luzon State University (CLSU) Gym drive program in all parishes and
In August 5, 2006, our diocese, to- Pondo ng Pinoy. It was attended by active Doctrine of the Church . On December 9, with a resource person from the Philip- parochial schools in the Diocese of
gether with the Diocese of parishioners of all our parishes as well 2006, we invited some lawyers from the pine Atmospheric, Geophysical and As- San Jose. So far, the awareness has
Cabanatuan, launched the YEAR OF as the representative students and teach- Free Legal Assistance Group (FLAG) to tronomical Services Administration been encouragingly improving as
SOCIAL CONCERNS at Freedom ers of our Catholic Schools. During our give some pointers on human rights to (PAG-ASA) who tackled the issue on many students and parishioners have
Park, Cabanatuan City focusing on clergy ongoing formation seminar from representatives of our rural communi- Global Warming. been saving 25 centavo coins for the
the issues of military abuses and the September 11-15, 2006 at Bahay-Pari, San ties during our annual celebration of Corollary to this opening and closing Pondo ng Pinoy National Fund. As to
problem of communist insurgency Carlos Formation Complex, Makati Farmers’ Day. We had the closing cer- ceremonies of the YEAR OF SOCIAL the Global Warming issue, some par-
7 Questions / B7
in our province. His Eminence City, we invited Fr. Joel Jason of San emonies of the YEAR OF SOCIAL CON- CONCERNS is the implementation of 7 Questions / B4
CBCP Monitor
B2 Updates Vol. 12 No. 1
January 7 - 20, 2008

How many and who can be godparents in

baptism and in confirmation?
By Fr. Jaime B. Achacoso, J.C.D.

I have always wondered at the number of or to whoever takes their place, and—
godparents at baptisms. On the other hand, in as a last resort—to the parish
there seems to be a shortage of them during priest or minister.
confirmations. I have also wondered just how 3) Number of Godparents.
seriously people take the condition of being Only one male or one female god-
godparent, such that people of quite ques- parent or one of each sex is to be
tionable lives stand as godparents in Catho- employed (c.873). Thus,
lic baptisms. What does Church Law really other persons actively in-
provide for this? volved in the Baptismal
rite (other than the par-
HERE we have a question that may be ents) can only be wit-
unique to the Philippine setting, owing nesses and will not be en-
to our extended family system and deep- tered in the Parish Regis-
seated padrino or patronage system—i.e., try of Baptisms as spon-
a system where “know who” oftentimes sors/godparents.
prevails over “know how” in the pro-
fessional or career ladder. B. Canonical Requirements
for Baptismal Godparents
Sponsors (or Godparents) for Baptism Although more often than
It is probable that the institution of not other reasons—e.g.,
godparents at baptism arose for practi- friendship, kinship or even
cal reasons, since in the early Church, socio-economic advan-
when a non-Christian wanted to convert, tages—prevail in the choice
he had to be presented to the Church of baptismal sponsors, the Code
elders by a known Christian who could of Canon Law actually stipulates ca-
be the guarantor of his good disposi- nonical requirements.
tions. Without going into the details, 1) General requirements. These are
suffice it to say that the concept of spiri- laid down in c.874, §1 as follows: To be
tual paternity was developed by St. Au- admitted to the role of godparent, a person
gustine, such that the role of the god- must:
parent was identified with some sort of a. be designated by the one to be bap-
a new spiritual generation. The canoni- tized, by the parents or the one who
cal regulation of this traditional prac- takes their place or, in their absence, by
tice can be summarized as follows. the parish priest or minister and is to person who belongs to a non-Catholic ecclesial order of initiation adapted by the conference A. Duties of Godparents
have the qualifications and intentions of community may not be admitted except as a of bishops and the special norms published The function of the godparent in con-
A. General Norms performing this role; witness to Baptism and together with a Catho- by it (c.851, firmation can be considered in two lev-
1) Godparents are desirable but not b. have completed the sixteenth year, lic godparent (c.874, §2). 1) What is prescribed in the canons on the els:
required. The Code of Canon Law states: unless a different age has been estab- baptism of an adult is applicable to all who are 1) Purely liturgical plane: This refers
Insofar as possible one to be baptized is to be lished by the diocesan bishop or it seems C. Canonical Commitments of Godpar- no longer infants but have attained the use of to his desired presence in the liturgical
given a godparent… (c.872). Thus, it is not to the parish priest or minister that an ents reason (c.852, §1). celebration of Confirmation mentioned
a requirement, even just for licitude. exception is to be made for a just cause; Aside from the general function to help 2) In the case of an infant, the godpar- in c.892.
Nevertheless, while a well-prepared c. be a Catholic who has been con- the baptized to lead a Christian life in har- ents—together with the parents— 2) Properly canonical plane: It is for
adult may not need a godparent, it al- firmed and has already received the sac- mony with Baptism and to fulfill the obliga- present an infant at Baptism. the godparent to see that the confirmed
ways sounds wise that, aside from the rament of the Most Holy Eucharist, and tions connected with it (c.872), the Code person acts as a true witness to Christ
parents, there be someone who receives leads a life in harmony with the faith stipulates additional functions of the Sponsors (or Godparents) for Confirma- and faithfully fulfills the obligations
the duty to raise the child as a good Chris- and the role to be undertaken; godparents, distinguishing between the tion connected with this sacrament (c.892).
tian, in case the parents are unable to do d. not be bound by any canonical pen- cases of Baptism of infants and that of The presence of godparents in Con-
this for some reason. The presence of alty legitimately imposed or declared; adults as follows: firmation is an ancient custom, as the B. Requirements for Godparents
the godparents is extra assurance that e. not be the father or the mother of 1) In the case of an adult, godparents old c.793 of the Code of Canon Law of The Code’s treatment of the require-
the granting of the grace of Baptism or the one to be baptized. should assist him in Christian initia- 1917 explicitly acknowledged. The actual ments for godparents in confirmation is
Confirmation to a child be not in vain. We can add here that the Code also tion—i.e. the process of preparation of c.892 gives juridic relevance to this cus- another manifestation of the canonical
But once the option is taken to have requires that godparents (together with an adult for the reception of Baptism and tom: As far as possible a godparent for parallelism of this sacrament with bap-
godparents, the following canonical dis- the parents) should receive instruction incorporation to the Church: An adult the one to be confirmed should be tism. In effect, the Code regulates the
positions relative to them apply. regarding the meaning of the sacrament who intends to receive baptism is to be ad- present. Just like in baptism, the pres- matter in a summary way as follows:
2) Choice. The choice of godparents and the obligations which are attached mitted to the catechumenate and, to the ex- ence of the godparent in confirmation is 1) Same requirements as for baptis-
corresponds to the adult to be baptized, to it (c.851, 2°). tent possible, be led through the several stages only highly advisable, but not absolutely mal godparent. To perform the role of
to the parents of the child to be baptized 2) Exclusion of Non-Catholics: A baptized to sacramental initiation, in accord with the necessary. Godparents / B7

Solemnity of the Lord’s Epiphany

Participation in
Protestant events
Father Edward McNamara, professor of liturgy at the Regina Apostolorum university,
answers the following:

Q: Is it correct for a priest to take Communities concerned, as well any appropriate blessings
part in a Protestant funeral by as for local customs which may from the Catholic Book of
doing a reading and being up vary according to time, place, Blessings (Directory, No. 121).
with the minister? Further, is it persons and circumstances…
correct for a lay Catholic to do Catholic clergy invited to be Can a priest participate in a
readings at a Protestant marriage present at a celebration of another Protestant funeral?
or baptism? — K.C., Melbourne, Church or ecclesial Community What I know is that Masses
Australia may wear the appropriate dress can only be offered for Catho-
or insignia of their ecclesiastical lics; and that rosaries (and
A: The essential line of re- office, if it is agreeable to their other prayers), mortifications,
sponse to this question, are hosts.” good works, etc., can be of-
outlined in the Ecumenical While there is no specific men- fered for these non-baptized.”
Directory published by the tion of a priest or other Catholic I believe that a distinction
Holy See. Referring to non- assisting at Protestant baptisms must be made. It is not pos-
sacramental Protestant wor- and weddings, the document sible to offer a public funeral
ship, such as funerals, it says: gives the following general Mass, or even a funeral ser-
“117. In some situations, norm for Catholic participation vice, for a person who was
the official prayer of a Church in Protestant sacramental wor- never a Christian, as most of
may be preferred to ecu- ship: the prayers and rites suppose
menical services specially “135. For the reading of Scrip- that the person had received
MANY traditions and genuine manifestations of and missionary purposes; initiatives in solidarity prepared for the occasion. ture and preaching during other baptism or at least had been a
popular piety have been developed in relation to with those who come from afar; whether Christian Participation in such celebra- than Eucharistic celebrations, the catechumen.
the Solemnity of the Lord’s Epiphany, which is of or not, popular piety has encouraged a sense of tions as Morning or Evening norms given above (n. 118) are At the same time, the pub-
ancient origin and rich in spiritual content. solidarity and openness; assistance to the work of Prayer, special vigils, etc., to be applied.” Catholics may lic rites are one thing and the
Among such forms of popular piety, mention evangelization; the strong missionary character of will enable people of differ- also serve as witnesses at other priest’s personal intentions in
may be made of the solemn proclamation of Easter the Epiphany has been well understood by popu- ent liturgical traditions Christian weddings as may Prot- offering the Mass is another.
and the principal dominical feasts; its revival in lar piety and many initiatives in support of the Catholic, Eastern, Anglican estants at Catholic ones (Direc- Most days the priest’s inten-
many places would be opportune since it served to missions flourish on 6 January, especially the “Mis- and Protestant¯to understand tory, No. 136). tion has no effect on the exter-
make the connection between the Epiphany and sionary work of the Holy Child”, promoted by the each other’s community The case of a priest assisting at nal rites except, perhaps, for a
Easter, and orientate all feasts towards the greatest Apostolic See; the assignation of Patrons; in many prayer better and to share a mixed marriage in an official brief mention at the begin-
Christian solemnity; the exchange of “Epiphany religious communities and confraternities, patron more deeply in traditions capacity is more complex and is ning of Mass that it is being
gifts”, which derives from the gifts offered to Jesus saints are assigned to the members for the coming which often have developed often subject to special laws ema- offered for a specific intention.
by the three kings (cf. Mt 2,11) and more radically year. from common roots. nated by each bishops’ confer- In this latter sense of the
from the gift made to mankind by God in the birth “118. In liturgical celebra- ence. These laws adapt the gen- personal intention there
of Emmanuel amongst us (cf. Is 7, 14; 9, 16; Mt 1, 23). The Feast of the Baptism of the Lord tions taking place in other eral indications given in canon would be no essential differ-
It is important, however, to ensure that the ex- Closely connected with the salvific events of the Churches and ecclesial Com- law and the Ecumenical Direc- ence in offering a Mass or
change of gifts on the solemnity of the Epiphany Epiphany are the mysteries of the Baptism of the munities, Catholics are en- tory to a particular country. praying a rosary except that
retain a Christian character, indicating that its Lord and the manifestation of his glory at the mar- couraged to take part in the Therefore we may conclude the objective effectiveness of
meaning is evangelical: hence the gifts offered riage feast of Cana. psalms, responses, hymns that a Catholic priest or layper- the Mass is infinitely greater
should be a genuine expression of popular piety Christmastide closes with the Baptism of the Lord. and common actions of the son may participate as a guest at than any other form of prayer.
and free from extravagance, luxury, and waste, all Only in recent times has the feast been rehabili- Church in which they are a Protestant funeral, wedding or Thus a priest may accept a
of which are extraneous to the Christian origins of tated, and hence has not given rise to any particu- guests. If invited by their baptism for any justified reason. request to offer his personal
this practice; the blessing of homes, on whose len- lar displays of popular piety. hosts, they may read a lesson This is especially likely to hap- intention at Mass for people
tils are inscribed the Cross of salvation, together However, the feast presents an excellent oppor- or preach. pen in countries where many who are not Christians, just as
with the indication of the year and the initials of tunity for the faithful to be reminded of their re- “119. Regarding assistance churches and ecclesial communi- he may pray for his own non-
the three wise men (C M B), which can also be in- birth as children of God in Baptism. at liturgical worship of this ties are present beside the Catho- baptized friends and relatives.
terpreted to mean Christus mansionem benedicat , The rite of asperges could be opportunely used type, there should be a me- lic Church. Likewise, any Catholic can
written in blessed chalk; this custom, often accom- at all Masses on this day, and homilies could well ticulous regard for the sensi- If invited, a Catholic priest offer his or her participation
panied by processions of children accompanied by concentrate on the symbols associated with Bap- bilities of the clergy and may read a lesson, preach and at Mass for a non-Christian.
their parents, expresses the blessing of Christ tism. people of all the Christian may also impart to Protestants (Zenit)
through the intercession of the three wise men and (Lifted from the Directory on Popular Piety and the
is an occasion for gathering offerings for charitable Liturgy. Principles and Guidelines)
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 12 No. 1
January 7 - 20, 2008 Diocese B3
Facade of the Good Shepherd Cathe-
dral in Novaliches. BELOW: Bishop
Antonio R. Tobias, DD

The Diocese of Novaliches

By Rev. Fr. Gerardo R. Tapiador

History of Settlement When Gen. Manuel Pavia left Bishops ………………………………….................. 2

Priests with Diocesan Assignment:
On February 2, 1854, Feast of on October 28, 1854, the settle-
Diocesan ………………………………............. 40
the Presentation, General Manuel ment grew to comprise the nine Religious:
Pavia y Lacy arrived in Manila barrios at present: Bagbag, San Filipino ……………………………….............. 22
to serve as the 62n d Governor- Bartolome, Bagbaguin, Kaybiga, Foreigner …………………………….............. 12
General of the Philippine Islands. Llano, Bagombong, De Paro, Seminarians:
Having defended the child queen Camarin, Tala, and 5 sitios: Theology ……………………………….............. 2
Isabela II from the claims of her Kapre, Damong Maliit, Pasong Philosophy ……………………………............... 6
uncle Prince Carlos, he was Putik, Maligaya and San Agustin. Minor …………………………………................ 5
awarded earlier with the title of The inhabitants therefore de- Diocesan Division:
Vicariates ……………………………….............. 9
Marquez of Novaliches, a small vil- cided to form a municipio with a
lage 60 kms away from the city Gobernadorcillo: Presidente Entrusted to Religious Clergy …………........ 15
of Valencia in Spain. Munisipal, Teniente Mayor, Cabeza Entrusted to Diocesan Clergy …………........ 40
One of his first projects in the de Barangay and proposed to name Population …………………………................ 1.7M
Philippines was to establish a it in honor of Gen. Manuel Pavia, Catholics ……………………………............. 1.5M
penal colony where prisoners Marquez de Novaliches. Area (sq. kms.) ………………………........... 137.74
would be given lands and their In January 26, 1856, the 64th
freedom as long as they devel- Governor-General Manuel Crespo y
oped the area of settlement. Cebrian officially established the
When they cleared the area, they town of Novaliches. In the same
called it Hacienda Tala because it year, Archbishop Jose ecclesiastical district of what Fr. Horacio de la Costa, SJ,
was like a star that had fallen in Aranguren, OAR, sent the Novaliches comprising 51 par- noted with their establishment of
the heavily forested area. Augustinians under Padre Andres ishes was established with the Sacred Heart Novitiate that
It then attracted people from Martin to establish the first Bishop Bacani as District Bishop Novaliches was pagus novae lucis
Meycauayan, Polo, San Mateo, Church in the newly established and Fr. Gerardo Tapiador as Epis- or place of the new light.
and Montalban to form a municipio dedicated to Nuestra copal vicar. In 1856, when the first Church
larger community. Señora de la Merced. On December 7, 2002, the Dio- was founded by the
It was in Novaliches that cese of Novaliches was formally Augustinians, the parish was
Andres Bonifacio organized the established and promulgated originally dedicated to the
Katipunan. The first shot of the with the appointment of Bishop Blessed Sacrament and later to
revolution was fired on August Teodoro Bacani, Jr., as her first Our Lady of Mercy. The symbols
24, 1886, in Pugad Lawin, and the Bishop. He was formally in- of the Blessed Sacrament, namely
second shot at Binuksok, stalled on January 16, 2003 at the the Chalice and the Host, were
Novaliches. Good Shepherd Cathedral in also the symbols used in the
The Church was left aban- Fairview, Quezon City, where he original logo of the Quezon City
doned by the Augustinians for also appointed the first Vicar Gen- North Ecclesiastical District.
almost 35 years when the eral, Fr. Gerardo Tapiador; first The original village of
Katipuneros massacred Gen. Luis Chancellor, Fr. Jaime Lara; and Novaliches in Spain was found
and his soldiers and burned the first Economus, Fr. James Gaa. to be situated near Valencia
convent. When Bishop Bacani took a whose cathedral now holds the
Only in 1931 did the clergy re- leave on June 10, 2003, Most Rev. original chalice used by Jesus at
turn with the diocesan priests: Antonio R. Tobias, the Bishop of the Last Supper. The most impor-
Father Paterno Bernabe, Father San Fernando, La Union, was ap- tant treasure also found in the
Nicolas San Juan, Msgr. pointed concurrently as the Ap- original village of Novaliches
Hernando Antiporda, Father ostolic Administrator of was the chalice encrusted with
Francisco Santiago and Father Novaliches. He was formally ap- amethysts donated by Gen.
Segundo Alto. pointed Bishop of Novaliches on Manuel Pavia to their Chapel of
November 2003 and was installed San Miguel as a token of grati-
The Diocese of Novaliches at the Good Shepherd Cathedral tude for their support of Isabela
In 1990, the present area of on January 26, 2004. II, who awarded him the title,
Novaliches came under the eccle- Marquez de Novaliches.
siastical districts of Kalmana and The Diocesan Coat of Arms The light blue color back-
Quezon City. In 1994, the new When the area of the new dio- ground is symbolic of the La
district of Quezon City North cese was first settled as a penal Mesa Dam reservoir, main source
was established by Jaime Cardi- colony, it was first called Haci- of water for the whole Metro
nal Sin, DD. It was headed by enda Tala because the clearing of Manila and also represents the
Most Rev. Francisco Claver, SJ, the wasteland came like a star Marian character surrounding
with Msgr. Felipe Ocol as his Epis- from heaven. The star thereby de- the presence of the Lord in the
copal vicar. picts this original settlement of Blessed Sacrament.
In 1996, Most Rev. Teodoro the new Diocese. The Christmas The seven crosses on the miter
Bacani, took over the two districts star was specifically chosen by the represent the original seven vi-
of Kalmana and Quezon City clergy to signify that the diocese cariates when the Diocese was es-
North where Msgr. Alfonso was born in the season when tablished. The two crosses at the
Bugaoan, Jr., served as Episcopal Jesus was also born. The light two tails of the miter represent
vicar. In March 2002, the new shining from the star represents the two new vicariates formed.
CBCP Monitor
B4 Commissions Vol. 12 No. 1
January 7 - 20, 2008

Fr. Luis Supan Bible Week celebration

The question box highlights witnessing of
Questions on the Holy Gospel values
By Pinky Barrientos, FSP

Bible (Part 3) THE National Bible Week cel-

ebration which kicks off January
thronement and distribution of
bibles to military and police.
ebration. Likewise, short pas-
sages from the bible are also
joint activities for the Bible week:
press conference with partner
21 and culminates on January 27, In an interview, ECBA Execu- broadcast by the station. organizations on January 11;
National Bible Sunday; has the tive Secretary Fr. Oscar Alunday, In Calapan diocese, biblical Bible Reading and broadcast of
theme, “God’s Word: Source of Jus- SVD said various regional and coordinators gather this month bible verses on Radio and TV;
tice, Reconciliation and Peace.” diocesan Biblical directors are for updating of biblical activities. Bible Sale in PBS Bible Houses
1. What do we mean when we say that the Holy Spirit inspired The Episcopal Commission on organizing several activities in A Diocesan bible quiz will be and Major Bookstores; joint
the hagiographers (writers of the sacred books)? Biblical Apostolate (ECBA) their respective localities to cel- held on January 23 participated breakfast-fellowship at the Ma-
Biblical inspiration involves the following: (a) it is a posi- stressed in a statement the im- ebrate National Bible Week. by schools from the diocese. nila Hotel on January 24; Fund-
tive and supernatural influence of God on the hagiographers portance of discovering together “The dioceses of Malolos and Some dioceses (Calapan, and raising concert for Bibles for the
as they were writing, and ceased upon the completion of the “ways of personal and commu- Antipolo are holding family all dioceses in Northern Luzon Military and Police in the
sacred book; it is on this account that we say that God is the nity involvement of witnessing bible quiz in the diocesan level,” under John Paul I Biblical Cen- evening of January 24; Bible
principal author of the Bible; (b) the hagiographers were also the gospel value of Justice in our he said. “There will be a parade ter) who have active biblical pro- translation seminars; and Bible
authors in the true sense of the word, but secondary ones, and lives and bearing fruits in the during the bible week, on Janu- grams celebrate the whole month Caravan in Metro Manila.
God did not consider superfluous their personal intellectual mission of Reconciliation and ary 26,” he added. of January as Bible Month. First declared by former Presi-
capacities to express what He wanted to reveal—no more, no Peace.” Both dioceses will also organize In the Visayas, the Dei Verbum dent Ferdinand Marcos in 1979
less—through their writings. Thus, “all that the inspired au- Some activities lined up for the Bible enthronements in the mu- Biblical Center in Jaro kicks off as a way of encouraging people
thors affirm should be regarded as affirmed by the Holy Spirit” Bible week emphasize the theme nicipalities, barangays and other their Regional Bible Quiz this to read the word of God, the proc-
(Dei Verbum, 11). of the event. establishments on the same day. month in celebration of Bible lamation of National Bible Week
The Holy Spirit’s influence cannot be limited to preserving Pastoral letters from the dio- The diocese of San Pablo will Week. Participants are from also aimed “to develop moral
the sacred writer from error; nor is biblical inspiration equiva- ceses highlight the significance conduct diocesan biblical work- Catholic Schools of the dioceses character, personal discipline,
lent to the Church’s stamp of approval once the book is writ- of National Bible Week in rela- shop during the National Bible of Capiz, Bacolod, Antique and understanding and unity among
ten. “And the Church holds (the books of both Testaments) as tion to the 2008 Synod on the Week. Jaro. The Regional Bible Quiz our people.”
sacred and canonical not because, having been composed by Word of God focusing on the life Fr. Alunday said information will have its finals on February The annual celebration was
human industry, they were afterwards approved by her au- and mission of the Church. regarding the national celebra- 9. later moved to last week of Janu-
thority; not only because they contain revelation without er- The observance of Bible Week tion had been disseminated as The annual celebration of Na- ary when former President
rors; but because, having been written under the inspiration of in the diocesan and parish level early as July of last year. Bible tional Bible Week is being spear- Corazon Aquino took office. Her
the Holy Spirit, they have God for their author and as such focuses on concerns of justice, rec- Week posters have been distrib- headed by the Philippine Bible proclamation was further en-
were given to the Church” (Vatican I, Dei Filius, chap. 2). Fur- onciliation and peace in coordi- uted to the different dioceses. Society with the Episcopal Com- forced by succeeding proclama-
thermore, divine inspiration extends to all the parts (every nation with the Social Action Bible reflections inserted on bible mission on Biblical Apostolate tions of former President Fidel
word) of the sacred books, not only to those parts which di- Ministry, Youth and BEC com- reading guides have been circu- (ECBA) and other major Church Ramos and President Gloria
rectly deal with matters of faith and morals (Cf. Leo XIII, En- missions. lated as well. organizations actively collabo- Macapagal Arroyo highlighting
cyclical Providentissimus Deus). A Gospel Festival on National In Bangued, diocesan radio sta- rating with the activities. the importance of the Bible in
Bible Sunday will feature Fam- tion DZPA airs interviews in con- A primer released by the Phil- “molding the moral fiber of the
2. What principles did the Fathers of the Church follow as ily Bible Quiz, Family Bible En- nection with the upcoming cel- ippine Bible Society highlight citizenry.”
regards apparent inconsistencies found in the Bible?
On account of divine inspiration, Sacred Scripture has these
two characteristics—truthfulness and inerrancy. Truthfulness
refers to the agreement between what one says and what he
has in his mind; inerrancy refers to freedom from error. St.
John Chrysostom spoke of God’s condescension towards man-
kind—first, in the Incarnation of God the Son: God took on
human nature with all its limitations, except sin; then, in Holy
Scriptures: God seeking the free collaboration of the sacred
writers, counting on their culture, ways of thinking, and even
their limitations in expressing themselves, but inspired them
such that everything they wrote is true and free from error.
St. Jerome, who gave the Church the Latin translation of the
Bible, said: “If in these writings I find something which seems
to be contrary to the truth, it does not disconcert me, for I
conclude that the particular codex I am reading may be faulty,
or the translator may not have been able to render the text
correctly, or I myself may not be understanding it perfectly”
Question box / B7

7 Questions / B1

ishes and schools have started to plant pastoral experience and expertise help In our local Church, we call the Basic gram for your clergy in the diocese? my openness, truthfulness and sincerity
trees as a way of addressing this phe- shed light on certain issues affecting the Ecclesial Community, DAMAYANG Our diocese holds an annual 5-day to them have persuaded them to sup-
nomenon. whole diocesan structure. For example, KRISTIYANO. Members of our DK’s un- clergy retreat in the first quarter of the port our desire to centralize the funds of
in the planning of our main diocesan dergo three stages of awareness and par- year and a week-long ongoing forma- our diocese and have a standard living
How does the laity’s greater participa- thrust DAMAYANG KRISTIYANO (DK), ticipation: liturgical, developmental and tion seminar in the third quarter of the allowance scheme for all diocesan
tion in the life of the Church as envi- the laity is consulted in a greater degree liberational. Almost all the parishes of year. Aside from this, I send two priests priests.
sioned by PCP II being realized in your when it comes to what activities are our diocese have their own small DKs annually to the Assisted Intensive Re-
diocese? needed and what are not. They provide even in the smallest sitio. Compared to newal for Priests (AIR) program con- What is your take on the threat of mate-
In our diocesan structure, we have or- inputs for our priests on how to best the past years, more and more parishio- ducted by the Commission on Clergy, rialism creeping in our lifestyle brought
ganized a Diocesan Pastoral Council with implement our DK Program and which ners see and appreciate the value of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Phil- about by such phenomenon as global-
lay representatives from our 21 parishes also help the diocesan bishop decide on DK being set up in their respective par- ippines (CBCP). This will go on until the ization?
and three vicariates. They have key po- what course to take. ishes. As the DK groups are steadily time when all members of the clergy It is very important especially nowa-
sitions in the council as they actively par- A very important concept in any dioc- growing in membership and number, have undergone this program. There are days to be living witnesses of Christ’s
ticipate with the priests in the decision esan program is the “owning” process. this means that our people are seriously also a number of priests on graduate simplicity given this threat of material-
making process with regards to the pas- It would be very difficult to implement beginning to accept and own the DK as a studies in Canon Law, Liturgy, Educa- ism brought about by globalization. No
toral programs of the diocese. They are any activity if it is just imposed from way of life. tion and Business Management. Of one is exempt from materialism and
very much involved in the crafting, above. In our diocese, it is indispensable course, we also have a half-day recollec- avarice. We are all very vulnerable.
implementation, monitoring and evalu- to really make the laity together with How does the diocesan family and life tion with a holy hour during our However, if the values of the Gospel are
ation of key diocesan pastoral programs the clergy and religious accept and own apostolate respond to the threats against monthly clergy gathering. being taught and lived, there is hope
and activities. Their contribution ensures the program ¯ they being part of the very family and life? amidst these threats and deficiencies that
the trickling down in the parishes and in meticulous process of having to formu- One of the ways by which our Family How is your relationship with your negatively creep into our lifestyle.
our varying apostolates of the significant late and fine tune these programs be- and Life Apostolate respond to these clergy in general? There is an intensifying and disturb-
pastoral programs for Worship, Educa- fore being brought down to the grass threats is through an information and How will I describe my relationship ing obscuration of values prevalent to-
tion, Social Services, Temporalities, Fam- roots level. This process will ensure that formation campaign. In the parochial with my priests? After barely three years day experienced by the young that is
ily Life and the Youth. Though the chief we really have a participative church: and school level, significant catechesis of being with my priests, I feel “at being exploited by media done in the
decision-maker and implementor is still that everyone has a voice in any pasto- is given with regards to Church teach- home” with them. I am a very young name of profit. The Church and the fam-
the diocesan bishop, our laity’s serious ral program and activity, and that no ing against abortion, same sex mar- diocesan bishop but I try my best to ily must work together in order to con-
and dedicated participation is highly re- suggestion is so trivial so as not to be riages, and artificial birth control. adapt to the different age groups of the tinually and patiently form the young
spected and regarded. considered in the discernment process. In order to strengthen family life, we diocesan and religious priests who work to discover their Christian identity and
Our diocesan vision is “Isang tie up with church movements and or- with me. I try my best to visit them mission on earth. Each of us has a role to
Up to what degree do you think the laity’s sambayanang nagsasabuhay ng isang ganizations such Couples for Christ, Fa- during their birthdays and sacerdotal an- play in the formation of the youth. But I
participation should be especially in maunlad na Damayang Kristiyano, milia, Cursillo and the like to help us ad- niversaries. Sometimes, I play badmin- believe that the most potent and power-
terms of decision making in the local pinabubuklod at pinababanal ng Espiritu dress these issues. So far, we have been ton with a number of them who enjoy ful means of inculcating Christian val-
Church? Santo sa patnubay ni Apo San Jose. Our fairly successful on this. the sport. I am very grateful for the fact ues to strengthen their moral fiber is to
As co-discerner in the decision mak- mission is “Pagpapalaganap Ng that my priests respect and love me as manifest ourselves to them as credible
ing process of the diocese, the laity’s Damayang Kristiyano.” Do you have an ongoing formation pro- their father and shepherd. I also feel that examples of Christ in word and deed.
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 12 No. 1
January 7 - 20, 2008 Statements B5
A Message for the National Bible Week - January 21-27, 2008
7th General Assembly of
‘God’s Word: Source of justice, Chaplains and Volunteers
reconciliation and peace’ in Prison Service
November 27-30, 2007
Micah 6:8; 2 Cor 5:17-20
Bukal ng Tipan, Maryhill, Taytay, Rizal
Dear brothers and sisters, O man, what is good”, that is, is due to them, causes
The verse of Micah 6:8 is one of God’s saving acts, recited previ- division, conflicts and
the loftiest passages in the bible: ously, are precisely the standard even fratricide. The
“You have been told, O man, for the human being, who has insurgency that has
what is good, and what the Lord
requires of you: to do what is just,
faith in Him, the true God. What
God himself has done provides
been going in our
country for 38 years,
to show constant love, and to the inspiration for human justice, the deep political
walk humbly with your God.” fidelity and man’s whole walk in rupture and the per-
The people asked the prophet WE, the 202 participants—23 priests, 16 religious sisters, and
life. In the bible the “indicative vading economic in-
Micah how they can atone for mood” gives rise to the “impera- 163 lay workers in prison service—from 55 arch/dioceses,
equality are among
their sins. Do they come before prelature, apostolic vicariate and 5 religious groups and orga-
tive mood”, meaning, what God the signs that our
Yahweh with “burnt offerings” has done suggests what men and nizations, came together to the 7th General Assembly of Chap-
country is in a situa-
and “calves”, “thousands of lains and Volunteers in Prison Service from November 27-30,
women ought to do. tion of injustice.
rams”, “ten thousand rivers of This classic verse of the Prophet 2007 in Bukal ng Tipan, Maryhill, Taytay, Rizal, to share our
We have been long-
counting their trespasses against experiences and deepen our understanding of “Discovering
Micah is a fine example of how ing for peace, the biblical “sha-
God’s Word is really a source of them and entrusting to us the the Face of Christ Among the Prisoners”.
lom”, which does not mean only
message of reconciliation.” (2 In this assembly we were given the opportunity to under-
“justice”, whose moral notion is the absence of war or trouble but
very broad in the bible, extend- Cor. 5: 17-20). stand the meaning of the following:
the enjoyment of all what is
On God’s part the entire work - God has preferential option for the poor. This option is
ing to the total obser- good, a foreshadowing of the
vance of all God’s of salvation and reconciliation is grounded not on who the person is but on who God is;
dawning of God’s kingdom. But
already accomplished. However, - God is a benevolent God who desires fullness of life for all;
command- peace cannot take place unless we
ments, whose reconciliation among human be- - God is against poverty and oppression, injustice and dehu-
are fully reconciled to God and
ings is far from being accom- manized conditions;
essence is love to all our brothers and sisters.
for Him and plished. Thus St. Paul defines ap- - God’s love for humanity, the poor especially, goes beyond
Already within the Old Testa-
ostolic activity as “the ministry the moral disposition of the poor, whether they take advan-
for our neigh- ment, God has prefigured the rec-
bor. Our of reconciliation”, which may tage of those poorer than they are, whether prisoners are
onciliation of human beings with
last till the final coming of God’s repentant or not. Nothing in them (and for that matter, in
Christian Himself in not ceasing to offer
c o u n t r y kingdom. Following the ex- us), can diminish this love;
them His pardon. He is “the God
ample of St. Paul, Christians must - That prisoners, with few exceptions, are poor both materially
should be a of tenderness and of pity” (Ex
model of jus- ever be mindful of the “ministry because of their dismal, subhuman conditions in prison and
34:6). But the perfect and defini-
of reconciliation”, making great sociologically because of their marginalization from the rest
tice as taught tive reconciliation has been ac-
oil”, and the “sacri- to us by the prophets. efforts to be the architects of peace of society;
complished by Jesus Christ, for
fice of their first-born”? The among all brothers and sisters, - That to minister to the prisoners is to channel God’s benevo-
The fundamental element of jus- it is an important aspect of
prophet’s answer is that God’s tice is that it gives every person bringing them into full harmony lence, compassion and mercy; to enter the despair and hope-
Christ’s work of redemption. By
demand is not for more and more with God lessness of another and to allow ourselves to be affected, to
his/her due and what belongs to Christ’s redemption we have be-
offerings but for the doing of jus- him/her by right. Sad to say there be distraught, to be confused and even to be desperate. But
tice, the pursuit of kindness or we believe that our solidarity does not end in pain but that
is a glaring state of injustice in
steadfast love for our brothers our nation where so many Fili- this empathy will drive us to alleviate the suffering and
and sisters and the exercise of bring about healing;
pinos remain oppressed,
humble piety before the Lord. marginalized, destitute and de- - That we are called to be “heralds of God’s infinite compas-
Hence, God demands first of all sion and forgiveness”
prived of their rights as human
MORALITY from human persons beings who are equal in dignity The assembly provided us with information and insights
in the practice of religion. In his from practitioners on the many aspects of correctional sys-
as children of God.
reply Micah provides a perfect Perhaps it can be said that the tems, basic human needs, community engagement, human
summary of the teaching of the rights, and pastoral care to prisoners, and ministry to the re-
cause of injustice in our land
great 8th-century prophets: Amos, could be the way we practice re- leased prisoners and restorative justice.
on justice and righteousness, The assembly addressed the issues and concerns affecting
ligion, which is not profound
Hosea, on steadfast love, and enough, not touching our hearts, the prison ministry and the challenges and the struggles that
Isaiah, on faith and obedience. many of us experience as we minister to our brothers and sis-
consisting only in the observance
Moreover this verse gives classic of external rites. This is what the ters in prison.
statement also to the priestly through the redeeming act of In the light of the aforementioned, we declare:
prophets and our Lord Jesus pre- come a new creation, fully rec-
teaching in the Old Testament re- cisely condemn. We do well to Christ. The profound demand of 1. That many jails and prisons are not able to answer the basic
onciled to God as St. Paul says:
garding the “whole duty of man” this reconciliation is this: the sin- services that prisoners are entitled to. Most jails and prisons
remind ourselves what God, “So whoever is in Christ is a new
as found in the Psalms (e.g. Ps through the verse quoted above, ner reconciled by God cannot are overcrowded and the prisoners are abused. These inhu-
creation: the old things have
24:3-6; 40: 6-8 50, 7-15). render to Him a pleasing wor- man situations must be rectified. We will advocate and lobby
wants us to do if we have true passed away; behold, new things
This passage is not a rejection faith in Him manifested by a ship or sacrifice if he does not first for penal reforms and will continue formulating programs
have come. And all this is from
of liturgical rites and ceremonies of all reconcile himself with his that will address this deplorable conditions in accordance
genuine practice of religion. God, who has reconciled us to
in favor of the intangible virtue Only if we fulfill what God re- fellow human beings (Mt 5, 23 f). with the Gospel values and the local laws and the many UN
himself through Christ and given
of character. What it teaches For our country to achieve Standards and Norms in the field of crime prevention and
quires of us, marvelously sum- us the ministry of reconciliation,
clearly is that God has a total marized by Micah, can we elimi- peace or “shalom”, the elusive criminal justice;
namely, God was reconciling the
claim over the whole of man’s dream of our land, all Filipinos 2. That our present justice system fails to address the needs of
nate injustice in our midst. Injus- world to himself in Christ, not
life, touching on his moral rela- tice, a situation where human must learn how to reconcile with prisoners, victims and the community. We advocate that
tionship with Him and his fellow each other, forgiving one another programs, laws and systems be put in place to implement a
persons are not given what
human beings. Hence, no amount from their hearts just as “God shift of paradigm from punitive, retributive system to re-
of external offerings or elaborate no longer takes account of the storative justice - a justice that restores, heals and protects; a
rites, however great and trespasses of men” (cf. 2 Cor. justice that makes the offenders accountable for what they
splendid, can replace 5:20). But full reconciliation have done; a justice that provides restitution to the victims
man’s essential duty and will take place only when we who are most of the time ignored and forgotten by the cur-
obligation to do what is do what God requires us: to rent justice system; a justice that engages the community in
right and just for his fel- do what is right, to show con- facilitating the healing process, thus leading to the re-inte-
low human beings, to stant love and to walk hum- gration of the victim and the offender to the community;
love them with great ten- bly with Him. May Mary, 3. That we who, despite our limitations and countless prob-
derness and to live in “the mirror of jus- lems, are able to work to make God’s love visible. We offer
union with God in true tice”, intercede for various services through our Integrated Prison Pastoral Care
humility and the us so that our Program that support and nurture the prisoners’ faith, re-
spirit of obedience country will spond to their material needs and provide assistance to safe-
to all His com- finally enjoy guard their fundamental rights and dignity;
mands. the peace 4. That we can be of better service to the members of the prison
Should one of all community if we are united, equipped and encouraged. We
ask what is the G o d ’ s can do this by having better coordination, undergoing ca-
criterion or children. pacity and development programs and coming together in
norm for such fellowship, undergoing theological and pastoral updating
a life of jus- MOST and caring for each other;
tice, love, hu- REV. 5. That we are aware that much is still to be done to seek alter-
mility and ARTURO natives and better approaches in addressing the problems in
obedience, M. the criminal justice system.
the prophet BASTES,
Micah has al- SVD, DD We ask for the grace that our involvement in prison minis-
r e a d y Bishop of try that is rooted in God’s benevolence, be guided by a stead-
pointed to it Sorsogon fast hope in a transformed situation, a stubborn hope in a fu-
with the re- Chairman ture and a radiant hope in promised healing and wholeness.
minder: “You of ECBA- With the help of God, through the intercession of our Mother,
have been told,
Illustrations by Bladimer Usi
CBCP Mary, we consecrate all our efforts to this end.

Pag-aralan ninyong gumawa ng makatuwiran at pairalin ang katarungan

A Joint Pastoral Statement of the Dioceses of Cabanatuan and San Jose on Gambling (No. 1, Series of 2007)
Minamahal na Bayan ng Diyos: Kaya’t kaugnay ng aming inilabas na paggamit sa mga biyayang kaloob ng at huwag umasa sa swerte at kapalaran. ang daraanan ng Panginoon. Ngayong
Kapayapaan at Pagpapala sa Pinag-isang Liham Pastoral noong ika- Diyos, katulad ng kayamanan, Sang-ayon sa ating mga Obispo sa Adbiyento pinaaalalahanan tayo ni
inyong lahat! 25 ng Hulyo 2006 hinggil sa Jueteng at panahon at kalayaan. Pilipinas: “Ang isang bansa o Apostol San Pablo : “Ang pagliligtas sa atin
Sa pagsapit na muli ng Adbiyento at STL, at bunga na rin ng hayagan o 3. Ang pagsusugal ay pagsalangsang sa administrasyon o pamahalaan na kumakatig ay higit nang malapit ngayon kaysa noong
kaugnay ng ating ginagawang patagong pagsusulong at pagsuporta sa mga pagpapahalagang moral ng sa legalisasyon ng sugal ay sumusuko sa tayo’y unang sumampalataya sa Panginoon.
paghahanda sa pagdating ng Manunubos, legalisasyon ng jueteng, STL at sa balak sambayanan. Ito ay may masamang kalooban ng ilang indibidwal o grupo – isang Namamaalam na ang gabi at malapit nang
taimtim nating balikan ang paanyaya ng na pagtatayo ng casino sa ating kapangyarihang baguhin o wasakin pagpapakita ng kahinaan ng pamahalaang lumiwanag. Layuan na natin ang lahat ng
Panginoon sa pamamagitan ni Propeta probinsiya, malinaw at mariin naming ang mga pagpapahalaga at paraan ng iyon.” (CBCP Pastoral Letter, 1972) masasamang gawain at italaga natin ang ating
Isaias: “Linisin ninyo ang inyong sarili at ipinapahayag ang aming mga paalala at pamumuhay ng isang tao, at wala Naniniwala kami na hangad nating sarili sa paggawa ng mabuti. Mamuhay tayo
magbalik-loob sa akin; sa aking harapan, paninindigan para sa ating diyosesis: itong mabuting naidudulot maging sa lahat ang pagbabago at kaayusan sa sa liwanag… Ang Panginoong Jesucristo ang
kasamaan ninyo’y inyong tigilan. Pag-aralan 1. Kalakip ng kalayaan at karapatan ng manunugal o sa kanyang pamilya. ating lipunan, ang kaginhawaan at papaghariin ninyo sa inyong buhay…”
ninyong gumawa ng makatuwiran; pairalin tao na gamitin ang kanyang ari-arian 4. Tungkulin at pananagutan ng mga kaligayahan ng sambayanan. Subalit (Roma 13:11b-14a)
ang katarungan…” (1:16-17) Sa liwanag ng sa paraang nais niya ay ang tungkulin namumuno sa pamahalaan ang ang lahat ng ito ay masusumpungan Para sa diyosesis ng Cabanatuan at San
mga katagang ito at bunsod na rin ng at pananagutan na gamitin ang mga pagsasaayos ng lipunan at ang lamang natin sa matapat at sama- Jose, 14 Disyembre 2007.
aming pananagutan bilang inyong ito para sa kanyang personal at paghubog sa mga mamamayan. Hindi samang pagtugon sa Panginoong
Punong Pastol, minarapat naming pangkalahatang kapakanan. dapat manguna ang mga namumuno Jesukristo at sa mapanagutang +SOFRONIO A. BANCUD, SSS, DD
maglabas muli ng isang pahayag tungkol 2.Ang sugal ay mapanira at sa pagsusulong ng mga bisyo, katulad paglilingkod sa ating kapwa. Kaya’t Obispo ng Cabanatuan
sa isyung panlipunan na patuloy na mapanlinlang, na kadalasang ng pagsusugal, bagkus dapat nilang matapat nating suriin ang ating mga
humahadlang sa hinahangad nating mga humahantong sa walang himukin ang kanilang mga kalooban, ang ating mga pagpapahalaga +MYLO HUBERT C. VERGARA, DD
pagbabago sa ating sambayanan. pakundangan at walang malasakit na nasasakupan na gumawa ng marangal at prinsipyo upang higit nating maiayos Obispo ng San Jose
CBCP Monitor
B6 Reflections Vol. 12 No. 1
January 7 - 20, 2008

By Fr. Roy Cimagala

Church review
and outlook
IT’S expected that every New Year, people in different fields make year-end
reviews and projections of how the new year would likely be as far as their
interest is concerned.
The media is fond of this. But so far, this exercise seems to be confined only
to the political and business sections. At the moment, we are fed heavily
with all sorts of reports and forecasts in this regard. They serve a purpose.
Of course, the lifestyle and entertainment section cannot be outdone. In
this area, gossips are made to spill like rampaging lava from an exploding
The big difference is that instead of running away from it, many people
like to be buried by this molten flow of red-hot rumors and juicy blind
items. As of now, I’m afraid there is no cure yet for this lunacy.
I believe that this annual practice should also be done—and even with
more reason—in the area of faith and religion as far as these would be
assessable in their human and temporal expressions.

‘This is My Beloved Son’

I know that life is largely a mystery. Even if we are talking of ordinary,
well-known daily events, that mystery is hardly diminished. Well, our faith
and Church life are even more of a mystery!
But this does not excuse us from doing what is humanly possible to gain
some kind of control and sense of direction in our spiritual and Church life.
Yes, everything depends on God, but things also depend on us. Let’s do our
(Mt. 3: 13 - 17) Feast of the Baptism of the Lord, January 13, 2008 part.
If everyone is prodded to do an examination of conscience not only at the
end of the year, but in fact, at every day’s end, then some kind of review and
By Bishop Camilo D. “about His Father’s business”. He has to new life in God and ushered to a new
forecast should also be done in the bigger and higher levels of Church life.
Gregorio, DD move on and complete the divine plan way of living. We were made adopted
Like, how did a particular parish perform last year? And what are its
of salvation according to the Father’s children “in the name of the Father, and
prospects for this year? Any religious organization, diocese, and even the
design. He now takes responsibility of of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit”. St.
bishops’ conference can ask similar questions if only to infuse a sense of
IN the Liturgical Calendar, the feast the “salvation project”. He must now be Leo in his Christmas homily tells us:
professionalism to their pastoral work.
should come after the Feast of the Sto. ready for anything including Calvary! “Christians, remember your dignity!”
From there, more people could be better aware of what happened in the
Niño but it precedes it. Perhaps it is He must face His role as “suffering Ser- 2. Jesus’ baptism makes us realize our
past and of what are planned for the future. There’d be more sense of solidar-
providential—if at all to place in the vant of Yahweh”. own share in His salvific mission. We,
ity in our collective effort to be more consistent to our faith.
right focus and perspective that Jesus is Third, with His mission is His iden- too, as members of His Body are to con-
We have to overcome whatever awkwardness and amateurism we may
the Son of God who grows up to face tity made clear. He is the Son of God tribute to the “building up” of that same
still have with respect to our Church life. With the pace of development we
courageously the Mission of the Cross. and is aware of it! Everything in His life Body. We are to share in the “common
now have, this attitude is really and laughably out of place.
Like a multifaceted diamond, the Feast is ordered towards it. He is ready to live priesthood” which is to be prophet,
It’s true that the Church is hierarchical and its main thrust is on the spiri-
of the Baptism of the Lord draws us to and prove that “The Father and I are priest and king (servant-leader) for the
tual and the supernatural life nourished by God’s word, dogmas and doc-
many serious thoughts about disciple- one” (John 10:30) and “I cannot do any- salvation of others.
trine, the sacraments, etc.
ship and commitment to the Lord. thing on my own…I do not seek my own 3. Our identity as children of God
But it also has temporal and human concerns that require active participa-
The Baptism of Jesus in the Eastern Lit- will but the will of the one who sent demands that we, too, become “perfect
tion as much as possible by everyone. It’s more in this area that some public
urgy is the last of the three “epiphanies” me.” (John 5:30). as our heavenly Father” is. This call to
assessment of things can be made to generate wider participation.
related to the divinity of Christ. Won- Fourth, Jesus’ Baptism reveals His holiness is a responsibility before any
And the media can be a big help. As long as it realizes its need for continu-
der of wonders—the baptism of the Lord salvific mission. He is to be the “bread call to service. Baptism tells us to be more
ing formation, it can carry out this delicate function properly. This is a chal-
opens up to more “epiphanies” or mani- of life come down from heaven” (John “righteous” than the “Pharisees” and the
lenge for media to assume greater responsibility in Church life.
festations of Christ’s salvific mission. 6:51); He is to be the “light to overcome “scribes” of our own times.
Obviously there are differences of opinions, and even mistakes can be
First, at the Jordan we clearly see the the darkness” (cf. John 12:34-36); He will 4. Jesus calls us to an intimate sharing
committed. But it would be wrong if the media just focuses on stoking con-
concurrence of the Holy Trinity in the be “lifted up from the earth” to draw of His Paschal Mystery “for the glory of
troversies and denouncing mistakes and scandals.
mission of Christ. Jesus receives the everyone to Himself (John 12:32). He will God and of the Church”. Baptism re-
It has to do a more constructive and cooperative effort by making a kind of
“Trinitarian affirmation”. The Father be the Good Shepherd who “will lay minds us that the Cross is every disciple’s
running account of developments in the Church and going deep into the task
unequivocally expresses His love for down His life to the sheep” and to bring lot but it is through Jesus’ Cross that we
of making Church life more appreciated by everyone.
Jesus: “This is my Beloved Son in whom the “other sheep who do not belong to share in His Resurrection. We, too, must
It can do better than just announcing town fiestas or reporting the external
I am well pleased”. It was like saying: the fold” (John 10:15-16). be ready for “redemptive suffering”.
aspects of whatever events, good or bad, may take place in the parish or the
“Son, I am proud of you!” And the Holy Now, what are all these to us? “This is my beloved son/daughter in
Spirit in the form of a dove confers the The Lord’s Baptism reveals to us also whom I am well pleased”. The first part
It can, for example, make suggestions based on studies or wide consulta-
assurance that the “work” of Jesus will everything that discipleship implies! of that affirming statement will always
tions on how the continuing task of evangelization can be made or im-
come to its glorious completion! 1. Our own baptism reminds us how be there. God’s love will always be there.
Second, the Baptism of Jesus marks the we, too, are “graced”, how we, too, are But the last part: “In whom I am well
It can make their views known on how a certain aspect of the faith has
beginning of His Public Ministry. The God’s beloved, how each one of us is pleased” will depend on how faithfully
affected or will likely affect a particular group of people. Is there growth in
thirty years of His “hidden life” in “called by name”. The Trinitarian affir- we “put on” and “live” Christ to the very
the people’s spiritual life? Is there a greater sense of Church among them?
Nazareth are over. He can’t be forever mation is also ours. We are brought to end.
The media can do many things to deepen and strengthen our spiritual and
the “cute Sto. Niño”. Now, He must be awareness that we were “lifted up” to Only you can determine that!
Church life. If need be, they can hire experts or consultants in Church affairs.
An awful lot can be done!

The decisiveness of the Magi

A Gospel Commentary for the Epiphany Bo Sanchez

By Father Raniero
Cantalamessa, OFM
Love isn’t a
WE will closely follow the
Gospel’s account of the com-
ing of the three magi to
Bethlehem to find in it some
practical instruction for our
life. In this account the histori-
cal element mixes with the IN an old brown envelope tucked in one of my desk drawers, I hide my great
theological and symbolic el- wealth. I’m sure you have one of these, too.
ement. In other words, the This has become a special ceremony for me: Once in a while, whenever I
Evangelist did not intend only feel nostalgic or sad or happy, I open the old brown envelop and forage its
to report the facts, but to in- contents. I feel the material in my hands, read it, touch it, even smell it. I
culcate the things to be done, sigh a hundred times, get a few tears in my eyes, and close it up again for
indicate models for the read- another time down memory lane.
ers to follow, or avoid. As the I’m talking about letters and cards sent to me by my children (These are
rest of the Bible, this page too children adapted by ANAWIM, our special ministry to the poor and aban-
was written “for our instruc- doned elderly). Yes, when they were much younger and uncomplicated. It
tion.” is filled with beautiful unreadable lines like, “I lob yu, koya Bu.” Plus their
There are three different sketches of rainbows, flowers, houses, and stick men. The lines are crooked.
reactions to announcement of The English is bad. The paper and cardboard are soiled. But I’d rather keep
Jesus’ birth that clearly the contents of this old brown envelope than if I were given the paintings of
emerge in this account: that Michaelangelo or Da Vinci.
of the magi, that of Herod and Because Michaelangelo or Da Vinci didn’t love me.
that of the priests. Let us start These kids did—and do.
with the negative models, the manded by the public good, ized in them that is also found ried, they have set on the way; To me, this old brown envelope contains the most valuable artwork in the
ones to avoid. morally justified. From this among us. We know well they have left the security of world.
First of all, Herod. He, just point of view the world is full what is necessary to follow the environment familiar to Well today, I perform this ritual because I feel sad.
having heard the news, “was of many “Herods” even to- Jesus and, if the need arises, them, where they are known Yesterday, I invited my kids for a day out in a city. “Let’s watch a movie
greatly troubled.” He con- day. we know how to explain it to and revered. They have acted tomorrow!” I announced over the phone. But instead of hearing the usual
vokes a meeting of the chief Let us turn now to the atti- others, but we lack the cour- decisively, they have not hesi- shout of glee from them, I received their sad retort, “We can’t. We’ve got
priests and scribes, not to tude of the priests and scribes. age and radicality to seri- tated. If they had begun cal- exams on Monday…”
know the truth but to plot de- Asked by Herod and the Magi ously put it into practice. If culating, one by one, the dan- Ouch. Are my kids really growing up?
ception. Herod represents the where the Messiah is to be every baptized person is for gers, the unknowns of the But was it only yesterday when I picked up these orphans from their
person who has already made born, they do not hesitate to this reason “a witness to journey, they would have lost dilapidated bamboo hut in a mountain and transported them to Anawim?
his choice. Between God’s give the right answer. They Christ,” then the attitude of the original determination Without a mother or father to care for them, they were starving and could no
will and his will, he has know where the Messiah is the chief priests and the and would have been lost in longer go to school.
clearly chosen his own will. born; they are even able to scribes must bring us all to vain and sterile consider- But this June, some will be college students already.
He sees nothing but his tell others; but they are not reflect. They knew that Jesus ations. Gosh. Did I say college?
own interests and he is deter- moved. They do not run to was in Bethlehem, “the least” One last precious indication How can time fly so fast?
mined to cut down any threat Bethlehem, as would be ex- of the cities of Judea; we know comes to us from the magi. I guess all parents experience this sad separation when they see their kids
to the current state of things. pected of people who await that Jesus is found today “Having been warned in a get older, have friends, get married, and leave home.
He probably even thinks that the coming of the Messiah, but among the poor, the humble, dream not to return to Herod, But love is like that.
he is doing his duty, defend- remain comfortably in the suffering. they departed for their coun- It is giving oneself without expecting anything in return.
ing his royalty, his caste, the Jerusalem. They act like road We finally come to the pro- try by another way.” Chang- If I want to get paid, then it isn’t love. It’s a business opportunity.
good of the nation. Even or- signs: They indicate the way tagonists of this feast, the ing one’s life changes the way But I love my kids. And wherever life takes them, these precious children
dering the killing of the in- to follow but they remain im- Magi. They teach not with one takes. The encounter with can never be taken away from my heart. They live there, together with the
nocents must have seemed to mobile on the side of the words but with deeds, not by Christ must bring about a brown envelope I hold in my hand.
him, as with many dictators road. what they say but by what turn, a change of habits.
in history, a measure de- We see an attitude symbol- they do. They have not tar- (Zenit)
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 12 No. 1
January 7 - 20, 2008 Social Concerns B7
Philippine Mining: A civil society perspective
It can be said that the state
By Kawagi Fernan gladly relinquishes control over
its mineral resources in order to
(First of a series) boost investor confidence in the
country, thereby attracting more
THE current state of mining in TNCs, thereby boosting confi-
the Philippines can be said to dence even further and so on,
hinge on two things: the Philip- until the mining industry is op-
pine Mining Act or Republic Act erating at a strong level.
7942 and the Marcopper Mining The Act was challenged in the
disaster in Marinduque. Supreme Court, tying it up for
Each signifies the opposite ends years. Finally, in a famous non-
of the mining spectrum, the decision, the high court ruled it
former represents the best at- unconstitutional, only to reverse
tempt of the government to revi- its position a few months later.
talize the mining industry, the With the Act cleared by all three
latter, mining’s ultimate pitfalls. branches of government
The two are even closely linked With the Mining Act of 1995 in
by date; the Mining Act was place, the government saw that
passed into law in 1995, a year it would need a way to push the
later, the Marcopper disaster oc- drive of mining revitalization
curred. countrywide. This resulted in the
The fallout from Marcopper’s National Minerals Policy (NMP)
destruction of the rivers of Boac Framework.
and Mogpog, as well as the ensu- Considered as the counterpart
ing discovery of the company’s to Philippine Agenda 21, the blue-
repeated violations of the print for local sustainable devel-
country’s environmental code opment initiatives, the NMP
and the magnitude of human suf- Framework pushes Four Policy
fering captured by the media Thrusts regarding mining.
served to truncate the Broadly, they are: Protection and
government’s revitalization at- Rehabilitation of the Environ-
tempts. Mining: Solution or illusion? www.impactmagazine.net
ment, Promotion of Social and
As mines grew less profitable Community Stability, Preserva-
with the drop in global prices and tion of Options for Future Gen-
the backlash from Marinduque of the country’s total exports of business-related legislation, 60% Filipino) was seen as the purely pro-business consider- erations, and the Establishment
swept through the nation, scar- came from mining. In 1991, this the mining industry had input single greatest impediment to ation which gives a corporation of a Competitive and Stable Min-
ing away potential investors and number dropped to 8.87%, in 1992 into the crafting of a bill, creat- foreign investment in the coun- the right to “ease out” any im- ing Industry.
mines shut down, firms packed it fell further to 7.37%. ing what was in their minds a law try. pediment to mining operations. The National Minerals Policy
up and left. Mining had become The year 1993 saw 220 aban- that would help to remove the It should be noted though, that In almost all cases, these im- Framework can be considered as
untenable in the Philippines, doned mines in the Philippines. toughest barriers to mining, par- by definition as a “protectionist” pediments are people. Locally, the basis for all future mining
something that flew in the face The local industry was stated to ticularly those which prevented policy, it was written not as an they could be anything from actions, or an example of the ten-
of the RA 7942 and its author and be on the verge of death; how- the large, transnational mining impediment to foreigners but as farmers to fishermen to “unco- dency of the government to pass
primary proponent, President ever the role of the small scale corporations (TNCs) from bring- a way to ensure that Filipinos had operative” indigenous groups. extra legislation that will be given
Gloria Macapagal Arroyo. mining industry was growing. ing their business to the country. priority in their own country. Though not directly stated, it is lip service and poorly enforced
The mining act received some Gold production was their spe- However, in the minds of oth- To get around this ownership assumed that force of arms—via due to lack of both manpower
attention prior to GMA’s ascen- cialty, and the small scale miners ers, the act was seen as a clear issue, the Act introduced the con- military cooperation or “private and funds.
sion to the presidency but it was were responsible for nearly a and present danger to the na- cept of the Financial or Technical security contractors” aka merce- Yet both the NMP and the Act
in her second term—that atten- third of all the country’s gold tional patrimony, and the envi- Assistance Agreement (FTAA), naries—is allowed for easement. are seen to work hand in hand in
tion to the revitalization of the production at the time. ronment as well as in violation under which a completely (100%) The Act is particularly favor- an attempt to transform/ revital-
Philippine mining industry came Mining’s contribution to the of the 1987 Constitution. foreign owned company could able—or biased—towards Trans ize the minerals industry of the
to fruition. GDP from 1981 to 1992 averaged The root of this problem comes explore, develop and mine in the National Corporations (TNCs), Philippines.
The fast tracking of the Na- around 1.77%, and along with its from the creation of an environ- country. or large mining basically. While Through their encouragement
tional Minerals Policy Frame- export figures, proves that while ment appealing enough for for- Similarly the Act is laden with small scale mining has its own of the mining industry by way of
work was the most visible mani- mining’s contributions to the eign mining investors to pour benefits for companies. The applicable laws, the Mining Act capitulation to their most outra-
festation of the government’s country were not substantial, their money into the country. FTAA offers a 10 year tax holi- sees large scale mining as the pri- geous demands, and the passing
commitment to mining. they were notable. The vast scale of mining op- day for companies. It also ex- mary focus of mining develop- into law of regulations that solely
The industry needed rescue; erations requires enormous in- empts them from paying capital ment. benefit the TNCs, the govern-
RA 7942 and the National Min- the solution was through a piece vestments. Investors, by and taxes, and allows them to repa- In order to attract TNCs to the ment hopes to draw enough of
erals Policy of legislation, now known as Re- large, are wary of the Philippines triate, that is, to remove from country, the state must cede con- them into the country that it can
The current state of local min- public Act 7942, or the Mining Act given its history of social and the country and use it in their trol over mineral lands. TNCs pull itself from its perennial state
ing lies in an economic down- of 1995. Signed into law by Presi- political upheaval. The Mining own lands, 100% of all the profit and their investors operate on the of near bankruptcy.
turn. Starting in late 70’s and con- dent Ramos in 1995, the act’s prin- Act did not seek only to assuage and capital they make from min- idea that, in today’s market, only Relinquishing control of natu-
tinuing up into the 90’s, the en- cipal author was then Senator those fears, but also to remove ing. through easy access and complete ral resources to outside powers
tire global mining industry be- Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo who the very barrier that TNCs find Auxiliary mining rights are control over the mineral lands does not sound like a good plan.
gan to suffer from plunging min- had helped to create a bill that most daunting, the nationalist also granted by the Act to for- can they ensure continuing prof- However, the money involved
eral prices. The local mines were was looked favorably upon by protections present in the 1987 eign investors. These include the itability. One reason given for all but makes it an excellent plan.
beset with closures and the mining industry, and would Constitution. The law that stated rights to water and forest re- this is the boom-bust cycle of But does this stratagem ignore
downsizing. hopefully revitalize a stagnant that certain industry companies sources in the area of their appli- mineral prices, which can lead to Philippine realities? Does it only
The economic effects were evi- industry. (mining among them) could only cation, as well as what are known stretches of time where the com- look good on paper?
dent as well, from 1981-1990 14% As is the case with many pieces be 40% foreign (with the other as “easement” rights. This is a pany can show no profitable gain. (to be continued next issue)

Godparents / B2

Farming in dialogue
godparent [in confirmation], it is neces- is a need for greater instruction on the sity for validity or even licitude) of hav-
sary that a person fulfill the conditions part of the pastors regarding sponsors ing godparents for baptism and (later
mentioned in c.874 [i.e., the require- in the sacraments of Christian initiation. on) confirmation; the maximum num-
ments to be a godparent in baptism]. Since most parishes now have short ber of godparents—i.e., two (of differ-

with creation
2) Desirability of the same godparent seminars organized for parents who ent sexes) for baptism and one for con-
as in baptism. It is desirable that the one want their children to be baptized, that firmation (preferably one of the godpar-
who undertook the role of godparent at seems to be the best venue for this in- ents for baptism); and the propriety of
baptism be sponsor for confirmation struction. We might add that the real making the real godparents (among the
(c.893, §2). godparents should be included in these many ninongs and ninangs) know their
seminars. Specifically, the following can canonical status as godparents; the re-
Conclusion be emphasized: quirements for godparents; the duties of
We can conclude by saying that there the great desirability (but not neces- godparents. ONE of the many programs of Silsilah for small marginal farmers. Like-
Dialogue Movement (SDM) is Dia- wise, a harmony farm center was also
logue with Creation for Harmony set up as a training ground for spiri-
Question box / B4
and Peace. It is an evolutionary need tual formation for farmers.
(Epistle 82). thinker, gave us this guideline: God this day, even by the most eminent men to address existing problems on cli- Through the years, the movement
In his letter to Trypho, the Jew, St Jus- gave us Holy Scriptures “to make Chris- of science” (Cf. Providentissimus Deus). matic change re-
tin wrote: “I would never dare think or tians, not scholars”, that “the Spirit of Galileo was right when, in the defense sulting to deple-
say there are contradictions to be found God who has spoken to us through the of his theory, he quoted a cardinal who tion of life on
in Scripture; if some text of Scripture sacred writers had no intention of teach- had said: “(in Holy Scripture) the Holy earth.
seems to contradict (another), I prefer to ing men anything other than what is Spirit is trying to show us how to get to Dialogue with
admit that its meaning escapes me; and I useful for their salvation” (Cf. Commen- heaven, not how the heavens operate”. Creation is an ex-
shall do what I can to convince those who tary on Genesis). Pope Leo XIII wrote If one day Galileo told his servant “Be periential ecologi-
suspect that Scripture is self-contradic- (on the occasion of the birth of the evo- home before sunset”, he wasn’t contra- cal active harmony
tory to adopt my approach”. lutionary theories): “(the sacred writers) dicting his heliocentric theory (whereby, approach of a spiri-
did not seek to penetrate the secrets of strictly speaking the sun does not “set” tual encounter of
3. Can it be said that Genesis’ account of nature, but rather described and dealt at the earth’s horizon): he was merely Life-in-Dialogue
the creation of the material world is er- with things in more or less figurative describing what appears to everyone’s with the Creator of
roneous vis-à-vis the data of the empiri- language, or in terms which were com- eyes every late afternoon. So it was with life that builds a
cal sciences? monly used at the time, and which in some biblical descriptions of natural process of creating
St. Augustine, a great saint and many instances are commonly used at phenomena. a healthy environ-
ment for harmony Escuela del Simbradores farm school in Baluno
and peace on the
earth and humanity. initiated a farm school called Silsilah
Farming in Dialogue with Creation Escuela del Siembadores in the moun-

CBCPMonitor Name _________________________________________________ for harmony and peace is an inspira- tain of barangay Baluno in the west
tion from deep contemplation of Fr. coast of this city. It has an Escuela
(Family Name) (Given Name) (Middle Name) Sebastiano D’Ambra, founder of Management Team which is com-
Silsilah Dialogue Movement. He in- posed of four farmer leaders, exten-
SUBSCRIPTION RATES Mailing Address ________________________________________ tuitively recognized the need for sively selected with moral upright-
small farmers to be trained so they ness.
________________________________________________________ may become conscious tillers of the The practice of Biodynamic Agri-
earth with dignity and compassion culture is focused among the farmers
The CBCP Monitor is published fort- Phone No.: _________ Fax No.: ________ E-mail: ___________ in caring for all God’s creation. as they also assist other farmers.
nightly by the CBCP Media Office, Mode of Payment Silsilah is progressively initiating Proper guidance is constantly given
with editorial and business offices at this program by providing farmers according to the stages of develop-
470 Gen. Luna St., Intramuros, Ma- Check/PMO enclosed Cash Payment with a holistic ecological active har- ment of their crops and socio-com-
nila. PO Box 3601, 1076 MCPO (Payable to: CBCP Communications Development Foundation Inc.) mony approach in tilling the soil. It munity intervention.
• Domestic makes available a humanitarian ex- An environmental plant scientist
tension work with appropriate tech- from Australia, Mr. Douglas Patience;
1 Year Php 500.00 ________________________ nical assistance, training and support provides technical assistance to the
2 Years Php 900.00 services to the farmers. program. He comes twice a year for
• Foreign: Asia With this program, a Harmony consultation and follow-up on the
1 Year US$ 55.00 PLEASE SEND TO: Farm Center was established in 14 development of its application as well
• All Other US$ 80.00 hectares of farmland located at Har- as conducting seminars and lectures
CBCP Monitor, P.O. Box 3601, Manila, Philippines mony Village of Silsilah Dialogue on this field. (Silsilah Dialogue
470 Gen. Luna St., Intramuros, Manila, Philippines | Tel (632) 404-2182 • Telefax (632) 404-1612 Movement to become a learning farm Movement)
Or e-mail this at cbcpmonitor@cbcpworld.com
CBCP Monitor
B8 Entertainment Vol. 12 No. 1
January 7 - 20, 2008

Moral Assessment Technical Assessment

Abhorrent Poor
Disturbing Below average
Acceptable Average
Wholesome Above average
Exemplary Excellent

Title: Desperadas ketball star Patrick (Will Devaughn).

Running Time: 112 min. Since all live within the plush family
Cast: Ruffa Gutierrez, Rufa Mae compound, the sisters know what each
Quinto, Iza Calzado, Marian is up to. Stephanie tries to arouse her
Rivera, Jay-R, Wendell Ramos, TJ busy husband’s interest but to no avail.
Trinidad, Will Devaughn With no success as a lawyer and unful-
Director: Joel Lamangan filled in her marriage, frustrated
Producer: Lily Monteverde Stephanie falls for the charms of James
Screenwriters: Roy C. Iglesias,
(Ryan Eigenmann), a lawyer who takes
Charlie Peralta
Music: Carmina Cuya an interest in her. Where will this rela-
Editor: Marya Ignacio tionship lead to? On the other hand,
Genre: Sex Comedy Isabella gets a marriage proposal from
Distributor: Regal Entertainment her longtime lover, Vito (Jay-R) but she
Location: Philippines refuses in spite of Vito’s gestures of pay-
Technical Assessment: ing her financial obligations. She gets
Moral Assessment: arrested for her bouncing checks. Can
CINEMA Rating: For viewers 14 and she win the court case and stay out of
above jail? Domineering, insensitive Patricia
flaunts her supposed “knowledge” of
Desperadas projects the lives of four half sex. This leads her gay husband to seek a
sisters (they have four different fathers) male mate and come out of the closet.
of different temperaments, personalities Can Patricia save her marriage?
and circumstances. Lawyer Stephanie Courtney’s boy friend Patrick becomes
(Iza Calzado) is sort of conservative and a born- again Christian and refuses to the story of each sister lacks develop- daughters have screwed ideas about sex will she change her immoral ways.
considered inhibited by her sisters. sleep with her before their wedding. ment. There are lots of materials here and marriage. Like mother, like daugh- Isabella also raises her daughter to be
Though married to Richard (TJ Trinidad), Wild and sexual, Courtney is angry and that can possibly be explored but the four ter. This sex comedy oozes sex from the materialistic as she lets her wear and use
a doctor of several years, she is still child- has second thoughts of marrying him. stories are all too crammed in just one very skimpy attires of the characters to expensive things though she is but a
less. Fashionable Isabella (Ruffa Desperadas is reported to be doing un- film. The movie entertains as it spawns the dialogue loaded with sexual innu- child. Patricia’s small son Peter is ex-
Gutierrez), a single mother to small usually well in its ticket sales and this is chuckles and occasional laughter but of- endos. Some people think that humor posed early to much talk about sex so
daughter Alexis, has a penchant for ex- to be expected since it has the drawing ten the humor is gross and the language can be projected only with crude or dirty that it colors his speech and his lessons
pensive things and lives beyond her power of very popular lead stars Iza vulgar. The female leads plug for cancer language which they consider amusing in school. Pre- marital/ extra marital sex
means so she resorts to issuing checks Calzado, Ruffa Gutierrez, Rufa Mae awareness at the end but this is remotely but this is not true. Some positive val- is presented as the predominant lifestyle
that bounce. Sexy Patricia (Rufa Mae Quinto and Marian Rivera. Not only do connected to the plot. ues, though, are shown like the bonding in the movie, contrary to our Christian
Quinto), married to Dave (Wendell they have pretty faces, they can also act The narration of the four sisters’ between sisters and the moral support and Filipino values. The sisters’ mother
Ramos) is a self proclaimed “sexologist” adequately and more. At times, the act- mother at the beginning of the film sets given when one is in trouble. There are ends her narration by announcing she
who gives questionable advice on sex. ing is exaggerated and probably inten- its moral tone. She glibly reminisces her however, more negative ones: Isabella has a fifth man, half her age. What val-
The youngest Courtney (Marian Rivera), tionally so, for humor. However, there four romances with four different men is not punished for her wrong doing ues would a 13 year old child absorb
an underwear designer, lives a liberated is hardly any character development. who fathered her four daughters. And because she gets exonerated on a techni- from this movie? A screwed way of look-
lifestyle. She is to marry the popular bas- Though the film is about two hours long, the viewer is not surprised that her cality. She has not learned her lesson nor ing at sex and marriage, perhaps?

Title: Katas ng Saudi at gusto na rin niyang

Cast: Jinggoy Estrada, Lorna magpahinga at manatili sa
Tolentino, Bayani Agbayani, Pilipinas ngunit maraming
Eugene Domingo, Vangie umaasa at nakikinabang sa katas
Labalan, Aaron Villaflor, ng Saudi. Ano kaya ang
Shaina Magdayao, Rayver
mananaig sa desisyon ni Oca?
Cruz, Julian Estrada
Director: Jose Javier Reyes Isang makatotohanang
Producers: Jinggoy Estrada, komentaryong sosyal ang
Charyl Chan De Guzman pelikulang ito. Naipadama sa
Screenwriter: Jose Javier mga nanonood ang kahirapang
Reyes dinaranas ng marami nating
Music: Jesse Lucas kababayan na parang ipinapako
Editor: Renewin Alano sa krus sa pagpapakasakit para sa
Genre: Drama/ Comedy ikagiginhawa at ikauunlad ng
Cinematography: Lito “Itok” kanilang mga pamilya.
Distributor: Maverick Films Nakalulungkot na maraming
Location: Quezon City, Metro oportunista at parasito sa lipunan
Manila na nagpapabigat sa dalahin nila
Technical Assessment: sa buhay kaya nga ba’t
Moral Assessment: tinatagurian silang “pag-asa ng
Title: Sakal, Sakali, Saklolo paglalambingan gawa ng pag-iyak ng Sakal, Sakali, Saklolo: nais lamang marahil CINEMA Rating: For viewers bayan.” Ang kanilang mga
Running Time: sanggol; nariyang makialam at mag-agawan maging “totoo” ang pelikula, kung kaya’t age 13 and below with pinapadalang pera ay
Cast: Judy Ann Santos, Ryan Agoncillo, ang magbalae sa pag-aalaga sa bagong apo; sinasalamin nito ang talaga namang ugali parental guidance nakatutulong hindi lamang sa
Gloria Diaz, Gina Pareño, nariyang maimpluwensiya ng mga yaya ang ng ibang Pilipino na pagtawanan ang kanilang pamilya kundi pati na
Director: Jose Javier Reyes pananalita ng bata; nariyang magselosan puntong pananalita ng mga Bisaya, at Makalipas ang sampung taon na rin sa paglutang ng ekonomiya
Producer: Charo Santos Concio ang magbalae tungkol sa madalang na libakin ang tinuturingan nating “pangit”. pagkayod sa Riyadh, Saudi Arabia ng Pilipinas. Seryoso ang tema at
Genre: Comedy/ Romance pagdalaw ng kanilang mga anak; nariyang Paki-alalayan lamang natin ang mga ay umuwi na si Oca Dimaano mensahe bagama’t hinaluan ng
Distributor: Star Cinema
mayamot si lalake sa pagiging masigasig sa batang manonood ng pelikula at ipaunawa (Jinggoy Estrada) na sabik katatawanan. Pinoy pa rin ang
Location: Philippines/ Barcelona, Spain
trabaho ni babae, at manibugho naman si sa kanila na bagama’t ito’y mukhang makapiling ang kaniyang asawa dating sapagkat nakukuha pa ring
Technical Assessment:
babae sa inaakalang pagtataksil ni lalaki. nakatatawa sa biglang tingin, ang ganitong na si Mercy (Lorna Tolentino) at magsaya kahit mahirap ang
Moral Assessment: ½
Mahusay ang pagkakahabi ng mga ugali ay sadyang nakasasakit din sa mga anak. Unti-unting buhay. Kung walang masasabing
CINEMA Rating: For viewers age 13 and
kuwento-buhay ng Sakal, Sakali, Saklolo, damdamin ng ilan. Bilang mga Kristiyano, nabawasan ang kaniyang katangi-tanging eksena, ito
below with parental guidance
angkop ang script at dialogue sa sanaysay. pinaaalalahanan tayo na ituon ang ating kaligayahan sa sunod-sunod na marahil ay pagpapahiwatig na
Pinatitingkad ng magaling na paningin kay Kristo na napapaloob sa bawat problemang naranasan niya. pangkaraniwan lang naman ang
sinematograpiya, editing at pagganap ng tao, at hindi sa kanyang panglabas na anyo Naroon ang mga kamag-anak na buhay ng isang balik-bayang
Sinusundan ng pelikulang Sakal, Sakali, mga aktor ang makatotohanang paglalahad o “katawa-tawang” pananalita. Sumunod, naghahangad ng pasalubong at trabahador.
Saklolo ang buhay nila Angie (Judy Ann ng pelikula tungkol sa buhay mag-asawa sa ang “good news”: Nagbibigay-pag-asa ang mga taong dumaraing at May mapapansing hindi
Santos) at Jed (Ryan Agoncillo) na sinimulan makabagong lipunang panglungsod ng Sakal, Sakali, Saklolo sa industriya ng nanghihingi ng tulong. magandang halimbawa:
noong Disyembre 2006 sa Kasal, Kasali, Pilipinas. pelikulang Pilipino. Nagmukha siyang estranghero sa nagkakagalit ang mag-asawa sa
Kasalo. May anak na ang mag-asawang Jed Bagama’t pawang mahusay ang pagganap Napatutunayan nito na hindi kailangang kaniyang mga anak at kapwa sila hapag-kainan, sa harap pa naman
at Angie, at ang tatlong yugto ng Sakal…, ng mga tauhan, nagniningning ang kay Gina maging malaswa o estupido ang isang nahirapang makibagay sa isa’t isa. ng kanilang mga anak at maging
tulad ng Kasal…, ay naglalahad ng iba’t Pareno bilang si Belita, ina ni Angie. Kung pelikula upang mabili ito sa takilya—puno Malamig sa kanya ang panganay ang kanilang ibang pagtatalo ay
ibang mukha ng buhay mag-asawa. sabagay, sadyang makulay at nakakagising pa ang mga sinehan sa ikatlong araw ng na si Ryan (Aaron Villaflor), naririnig rin ng kanilang mga
Mararamdaman na ni Angie at Jed ang mga ang kanyang mga linya, at “mabait” sa paglalabas nito sa Greenbelt sa Makati, mga naiinis naman sa kahigpitan niya anak, magaspang ang ugali ng
paghihirap na dinaranas kung mayroon kanya ang kamera—mga bagay na sinehang hindi karaniwang nagtatampok ng ang dalagita na si Cathy (Shaina balikbayang si Oca, minsa’y
nang ikatlong miyembro sa pamilya: nakadaragdag ng lalim sa pagganap ni mga pelikulang Pilipino. Magdayao), at nangingimi sa nagmura si Mercy sa galit, may
nariyang maantala ang kanilang Pareno. Ngunit isipin lamang ninyo siya sa Hitik sa kabuluhan ang pelikula; kaniya ang bunso na si Biboy pagka-rebelde ang anak na babae
papel niya sa binibigyang diin nito ang ating mga (Julian Estrada). Hindi pa rin niya sa magulang at mahilig makipag-
Kubrador at magagandang kaugalian bilang Pilipino: makasundo sa kaniyang inuman ang mga kalalakihan
ihambing ito sa ang pagpupunyagi ng mga magulang tungo pagbabalik ang kaniyang kapag nagkikita ang barkada.
papel niya sa Sakal sa kapakanan ng mga anak; ang tunay na matapobreng manugang (Liza Nagiging materyalista at maluho
bilang isang pagmamahalan ng mag-asawa sa kabila ng Lorena). ang mga nakikinabang sa katas
maglolongganisa at mga pagbabagong nagaganap sa kanilang Inakala niyang nakapundar na ng Saudi. Meron din namang
kagawad ng pinagsasaluhang buhay; ang paglutang ng naman sila at maginhawa na ang magagandang aral na mapupulot
barangay, at kabutihan ng isang tao bagamat ang kanilang buhay kaya gusto na dito: ang pagpapakasakit ng isang
makikita na ninyo kanyang panglabas na asal ay magaspang; sana niyang mamalagi sa Pilipinas ama para sa mga mahal sa buhay,
ang likas na galing ang pagpapatawaran ng mga magka- at mag-negosyo na lang sapagkat pagkakasundo at pagpapatawad,
ni Pareno bilang kapitbahay; ang pagpapakasakit ng mga nabatid niya na iba ang at pagtulong sa mga
isang artista. magulang sa kanilang mga anak; ang pang- pagpapalaki ng bata pag nangangailangan. May iba’t
Una, ang “bad unawa sa tumatandang mga magulang, at nababantayan ng tatay. Ang hirap ibang kuwento pa tayong
news”: May iba pa. ay naging palabigasan siya ng maririnig sa mga walong
bahagya kaming Gawa ng dalang kabutihan ng Sakal… na sariling ina (Vangie Labalan), at milyong Pilipino sa kasalukuyan
puna sa higit na naging matimbang kaysa tangay maging ang kaniyang kapatid na tulad ni Oca ay naninilbihan
katatawanang nitong kapintasan, minabuti ng CINEMA na (Eugene Domingo) at batugang sa ibang bansa at naghahangad ng
isinusulong ng bigyan ito ng markang PG 13. bayaw (Dick Israel). Pagod na siya magandang kinabukasan.


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