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Shipboard Main Manual (SMS) NORDEN (Chapter: Safety and environmental-protection policy Page ‘Document Part: Policies Subject: Alcohol and Drug Abuse Policy 1/1 2.1.2 1 Reference 'SMM-Doc-5.2.0 Alcohol and Drug Control 2 Company's Alcohol and Drug Abuse Policy ‘The entire crew must be able to respond to an emergency situation at any given time in order to protect the lives of those on board, protect the cargo and protect the vessel, Excessive alcohol use and any kind of drug abuse and/or intoxication will not be tolereted on board any vessels operated by Dampskibsselskabet NORDEN A/S. Mesters, Officers or Ratings who violate the company’s Drug and Alcohol Abuse Policy are subject to disciplinary actions and possible dismissal with immediate effect. ‘+ Only controlled sale of alechol on board is allowed, ‘+ Blood alcohol level must not exceed 0.4%e at any time. + Blood alcohol level must be zero for watch keeping personnel ‘+ Total abstinence for 4 hours before scheduled watch or work. ‘+ Total abstinence for 24 hours before arriving port must be observed + A total abstinence during the entire port stay i.e. from end of sea passage to commencement of sea passage must be observed, ‘+ Respect for local or regional regulations whether religious or politcal, e.g. Muslims and U.S. waters, must be shown + Unauthorised drugs are strictly forbidden on board (ie. drugs not included in the ship's ‘medical supplies). «+ Notwithstanding the above, it should be emphasised that itis the responsibiliy of each crew member to ensure that they comply with the Company's Drug and Alcohol Abuse Policy at all times. ‘The Master can at any time suspend all sale end consumption of alcohol on board if he deems it necessary. ‘The Master must inform all service hands (le. Pilots, Agents, Service Crew, etc.) relatives and passengers on board of existing regulations. ‘The Crew Department or the manning company will familiarize all crew members with the ‘Company's Drug and Alcohol Abuse Policy before they sign on. Estab. date 03.07.16 [Manualno. O07 Made by: JA Ship / Dept: Main Office Revision no.: 1 Responsible: Designated Person

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