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Sellabae Quosiion | Objecine Suzzosted Response Instructions La 110 Lizards are moving organisms (1) and itis difficuls to count directly che number of otganisms within a given area (1); they may not all be visible (1) 10) 1.10 Cutline of the markreleaserecapruce method: A sample of che population is capeured. (1) Each individual in the sample is smuatked in a aomshasmful way (1) and then released back into the general population (1) after an appropsiate length of ime organisms are recaptured 2a (1) the sumbee of marked organisms recaptured is noted (1) An estimate of the population is obtained by calculation using the following equation. (I) population = no. in recascured samele . in fst sample no. aleeady mixed in sscapraced exenele (1) 16) 1@ 1@ Cond 110 Las. when using the markreleasorecepeie method to estimate population size + Aa appropriate timescale for che populacion of macked and unmarked lizards co mingle. + Marking does not affect or harm the species! chance of sumvnal and reproduction. © Each individual inthe population has an equal chance of probability of beeing eaughe. Monitoring plan to keep track of the population Plan avisic to the site + twobsenve the situation, + te avsluate and determine the new co have discussion with the workers, managers and concession holder. To choose sampling sites and desermine requicemenss for sampling and monitoring. Review prvvious data calle 2 to get information on specific site peculaczie + to familar: lisaications oneself with previous Plan umber snd time of visi so undertake semgling + co trap, mark and release animals to secapnite and check aumbers of Iizaxds to okseme if thore are any new threats wo the population and tc make recommendations for di with these threass Analsze population dats cstimaes of lizard cach sampling time ~ t csublish database 20 chat information can be added to it and regular updates of the data to be population daca and other species information co asset cthen tbe ‘informed and participate in conservation effors, Any four steps | mark each, One cbjective per seep mate 1@ = [12 Tice of Graph Labelling of axes Apprcpeiate scales Plotting of points correctly Smooth curve Plotting of graphs 9 or more accurate points ~ 5 marks a eee 56 © «36 34 “8 3 12 “8 as

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