Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Consultant

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Inuka Kenya Ni Sisi! Limited [Inuka Kenya], a Civil Society Organization in Kenya, is the
umbrella body of the Ni Sisi! Social movement that pursues a peaceful, united, well governed
Kenya with equal economic and social opportunities for all citizens. The nationwide social
movement seeks to unite Kenyans to forge a collective identity to drive transformation in
leadership and maisha (livelihoods). Ni Sisi! is connected to a wide variety of grassroots
organizations and individuals to bring positive social change through participation in decision
Commited to the transformative agenda in Kenya and efforts to strengthen monitoring,
evaluation, accountability and learning (MEAL) in its programs Inuka Kenya Ni Sisi
Limited, seeks the services of an experienced Monitoring, Evaluation & Learning (MEAL)
Consultant to design, establish and implement a standardized Monitoring & Evaluation
(M&E) system.
2.0 Introduction
The Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning system is primarily aimed at enhancing Inuka
Kenya organizational quality control of its Programs and Projects. Inuka Kenya intends to
use this system to track organizational prgrams and activities
consistently and
systematically, for both accountability and learning purposes, providing evidence of the
value of our efforts and investment while also getting feedback to improve work and make
implementation adjustments as necessary. This system is also intended to help in gathering
information in a cost-effective and systematic way to meet the needs of different
stakeholders (donors, supporters, board, staff and beneficiaries) and those of our
programs/projects. The findings from the MEAL system shall thus be vital in enhacing the
quality of Inuka Kenyas strategies and approaches.
2.1 Purpose of the task
The main purpose is to work on establishing an organizational Monitoring, Evaluation &
Learning framework and system for Inuka Kenya. It is intended that the system shall be
pivotal in enhancing program quality, ensure inclusive decision-making, enable a learning
process, and maximize transparency and accountability.
The evaluation will seek to undertake a SWOT Analysis of Inuka Kenya s integration and
utilization of Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Practices in its programs and projects
and make recommendations. From the assessments, the Consultant(s) will be expected to

provide fundamental findings and recommendations that shall form the basis of designing and
developing a comprehensive, coherent, adaptable and efficient Monitoring, Evaluation and
Learning System and Framework including training [if need be] of staff.
2.2 Methodology and process
To achieve this, the scope of work envisages a process of :
Comprehensive desk review of documents, plans and programs
Consultation/workshop: The consultant/team will interact with Inuka Kenyas
departments and interviews with Inuka Kenyas staff, board members and beneficiaries of
Inuka Kenyas programs and projects.
Design/Development of MEAL System: based on feedback from desk review,
consultations develop the system and framework
Deployment and Training: Develop tools and instruments as required and conduct
training of Inuka Staff on the developed system.

2.3 Objectives of the work

In this regards, the consultancy has the following overarching objectives:
1. Identify and assess to what extent the Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning framework is
enshrined and utilized in Inuka KenyasPrograms and Projects; Identifying strengths,
weaknesses, gaps, constraints and obstacles.
2. To design, develop and/or align organizational MEAL framework (areas of
change/critical path ways, indicators & milestones) and system (tools, process &
methodologies) to meet Inuka Kenyas requirements. This will include defining the
institutional arrangements required to operationalise an MEAL framework and system;
the principal automated outputs (Automated management information system) that the
system should provide (and related to results, objectives, impact, lessons learned and
corrective actions needed/taken).
3. To train and mentor staff in MEAL principles and techniques as enshrined in the
developed Organizational Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Framework and System.
3.0 Expected Outputs
Output 1: The external consultant/team will submit the initial assessment documents in both
electronic version and signed hard copy.

Inception proposal and timeline on the execution of the assignment.

Draft report report reflecting an assessment of current situation on Monitoring,
Evaluation and Learning Frame work at Inuka Kenya.

Output 2: A Monitoring, Evaluation & Learning framework (areas of change/critical path

ways, indicators & milestones) and system (tools, process & methodologies) that meets Inuka
Kenya Ni Sisi! Ltds requirements.
Output 3: Trained Inuka Kenya staff on the adopted Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning
Framework and System.

4.0 Time frame

This task is projected to cover 60 working days. It is however expected that the task should
be finished within one and half months from the starting date.
Inception proposal and timeline on the
execution of the assignment
Report reflecting an assessment of current
Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Frame
work and System at Inuka Kenya Ni Sisi! Ltd
Draft MEAL Framework and System

5 working days of the commencement of
the consultancy
10 Working Days after delivering the
inception report.

10 Days after submitting the Assessment

A proposal on the institutional arrangements 5 Working Days after submitting the
required to operationalize the MEAL Draft MEAL System
framework and system
Final MEAL Framework and System
5 Working Days after submitting the
operational framework
Trained Inuka Kenya staff on the MEAL Within Five (5) subsequent working days
Framework and System
after the adoption of the Final MEAL
5. Competence Required:
Qualification and Experiences
Relevant academic background from a recognized Institution of Higher Learning in
Minimum of five (5) years of progressively responsible professional work experiences in
program monitoring and evaluation;
Previous experience in conducting similar work for Civil Society Organizations will be
Proven experience in strategic approaches for program monitoring and evaluation and
assessment of best practices and lessons learned.
Solid experience in monitoring and evaluation methodologies including quantitative and
qualitative approaches.
Conversant with development and utilization of organizational Monitoring, Evaluation
and Learning Frameworks/Systems
Familiarity with and a supportive attitude towards processes of strengthening
organizational M&E and reporting capacity.
Knowledge and skills
Excellent analytical, interpersonal, communication and reporting skills.
Excellent technical knowledge on Monitoring and evaluation of governance programmes
in Kenya
Mastery of written and spoken English.
6. Supervision:
Consultant/team will work under the supervision of Program and Operations Director

7. Application Process
Interested and qualified candidates should submit their applications, which should include
the following:
1. Detailed Curriculum Vitae with three references
2. 2-3 page Proposal explaining how they will implement the above consultancy
3. An example of their work in development of Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning
Please quote Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Consultant on the subject line.

Applications should be emailed to to reach us not later than
December 8th, 2016 at 1700hrs Kenya Time.

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