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Wind Text

Step 1:
Create a new blank document fill it with black, then use the text tool and type your text in white:

Step 2:
Press Ctrl+J and duplicate layer or duplicate the text layer (layer > duplicate layer) and
select that.

Step 3:Now go to the original layer and go to filter > stylize > wind, then use the following

options: (Wind From the Right)

Step 4:
Press Ctrl + F, this command will repeat last applied filter effect.

Step 5:

Again go to filter > stylize > wind, then use the following options: (Wind From the Left)

Step 6:
Press Ctrl + F, this command will repeat last applied filter effect.

Step 7:
Now we need to apply this effect to top and bottom of text. Wind filter doesnt have these both
So for apply this effect to top and bottom we will have to rotate canvas 90 degrees so go on Image >
Rotate Canvas > 90 CW" and apply the wind effect in the same way as before as from the left will
still be selected it makes sense to do it from the left, remember press ctrl + f to redo it one more


Step 8:
Repeat above step in 90 CCW

Step 9:
Use rotate command again from image menu and straight canvas and after that select both layers
one by one and go on Layer menu > Layer Style > Color Overlay/Gradient Overlay. using these you
can apply different color schemes.

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