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Majid Sohraby

Malcolm X How I learned to Read"

Mr. Professor Ronald Holland

English 101
March 07th2016
Reading for Freedom

An influential African-American leader, Malcolm X rose to prominence in the

mid-1950s as the outspoken national minister of the Nation of Islam under Elijah
Muhammad. He opposed the main stream civil rights movement, publicly calling for
black separatism and rejecting non violence and integration as effective means of
combating racism. In the 1960s, however, Malcolm repudiated Muhammad and the
Nation of Islam and embraced conventional Islam. Although, Malcolm background

related to criminal on the streets, but reading on prison twisted his way to
the brilliant future .
In addition, it is important to notice the Malcolm background as a victim of racism( since
he was four years old); encourage him to became a orthodox(Sunni) Muslim to fight with racism
in the United States by studied Islamic books in prison. Mr. Mohammad ideals at the 1960s was
very attractive for Malcolm to reading and following. So, his interest to more reading and
learning about Islam, in prison start and continuous after he came back from Mecca. Islamic
idealism were completely accordance to fight with racism idealism which was Malcolm looking
for, since he was younger. Without attention to the religions views, Malcolm had a high potential
of leadership skills which was hidden on him until he find his-self on prison. Reading, more and
more by enthusiastic way, step by step made him a real leader on real political world.

Majid Sohraby

Reading; book after book ,opened his eyes on to the new word. His attempting to learn
new worlds or improving his penmanship (p190.p1) by picking up dictionaries and books on
prison library and also reading more and more about Islam and history especially on Negroes
issues, clearly shows his credibility or ethos . He also was melted with intensely reading during
and after prison time "Let me tell you something: from then until I left that prison, in every free
moment I had, if I was not reading in the library , I was reading in my bunk."( p190.p7).
Except from Islamic books, the most important books he was study ,emphasized on
African-American history which was removed or summarized from the books and schools by
whites " I had never forgotten how when my class, me and all of those whites, had studied
seventh-grade United States History back in Mason, the history of the Negro had been covered in
one paragraph, and the teacher had gotten a big laugh with his joke, 'Negroes feet are so big that
when they walk, they leave a hole in the ground'. "(p191,192.p7p1). These kinds of emotional
reaction of Malcolm , obviously shows pathos in his argue. He also reminded to the
readers(audience) emotionally on many ways; how much revenge by violation had put on the
shoulders of African-American by whites. Even ,on the other parts of the world such as India
and China; whites by violation try to gain money and power for themselves without attention to
the human rights " The world's most monstrous crime, the sin and the blood on the white man's
hands, are almost impossible to believe".(p193.p2).
On the final of his article, Malcolm was trying shows to the audience his points especially
in Islam and fighting (by non-violation) against the whites which are based on the logical and
wisdom issues . Moreover ,he announced that he studied most of the philosophical material
,Occidental and Oriental . Thus , Islam by Mr. Mohammad teachings is one of the peaceful ways
for fighting against the racism and whites violation acts. He also, was trying to put a big question

Majid Sohraby

mark in front of the human rights which the United Nations are proposed to( insure the human
rights of the oppressed) minorities of the world by logical issues such as " skin game" and "civil
rights". He mention that America's U.N. Ambassadors ( at that time ) were not believed the
human rights at all because they show up " a skin game was being played "(p196.p1). He also
was challenged civil rights by this beautiful question" How is the black man going to get civil
rights before first he wins his human rights?"(p196.p5). So, all of these issues , emphasize on
logos which Malcolm used on his essay .
Considering Malcolm's argument in Learning to Read as a whole, we could see, he agree
with his blindness before prison and reading was only things which was changed his life . He
also agree with the Islam ideas by Mr. Mohammad teachings is one of the best ways to opposed
for black separatism and discrimination in the days of the civil right movement. Ability of
gathered evidence and show his intensely of reading and self-consciousness of enriching to his
goal to fighting with whites non-violently, which is the key to his creativity. This realization is
significant for innovation in a African-American and all races of the world .As a writer; he could
express his beliefs in a different way, and influence a different group of audience.
In conclusion, Malcolm successfully argue for his weakness before prison and his
strengths after that which biased on book-reading , with effective use of his personal experiences
as evidence, challenging United States , U.N. and whites who ruined human rights . Although he
was killed by racism but his way is opened for humanity ;for freedom .

Majid Sohraby


X, Malcolm. Learning to Read, Context of Inquiry, A Guide to Research and Writing at

the Bellevue College canvas,2016. 189-197. Print.

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