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{{Infobox horse
|name= Kathiawari
|features =
|country= India
|altname=Kathi, Cutchi, Kutchi<ref name=Hendricks>Hendricks, pp. 250-252</ref>

The '''Kathiawari''' is a [[horse breed|breed]] of [[horse]] from [[India]], originating in

the [[Kathiawar]] peninsula. Closely related to the [[Marwari horse]], and is believed
to decsend from arabian but theory that it cross between kathiyawadi local mare
and arab stallion is not acceptable as it can refuted logically and scientifically
though some of the points the two breed are matching it does not necessarily mean
that it is cross between the two.<ref> page 11-12</ref> the
Kathiawari was originally bred as a desert war horse for use over long distances, in
rough terrain, on minimal rations. They are found in all [[Equine coat colors|colors]]
except for [[black (horse)|black]], and are commonly [[dun gene|dun]] with
[[primitive markings]]. Breeding diminished after [[Indian independence|India's
independence]], and today there are very few Kathiawaris left in existence.
Originally used as war horses and cavalry mounts, they are currently used as
mounted police horses and for the sport of [[tent pegging]]. The [[breed registry]]
and annual shows are organized by the Kathiawari Horse Breeders' Association.

==Breed characteristics==

[[File:Humayun horse.jpg|right|thumb|This Marwari horse shows the same inward

curving ears as the Kathiawari]]
The best quality Kathiawaris are under {{hands|15}}; horses over this height often
appear coarse and deviate from the desired breed type. The breed is found in all
[[equine coat colors|colors]], except for [[black (horse)|black]]. [[Chestnut (coat)|
Chestnut]] is the color seen most often, followed by [[bay (horse)|bay]], [[gray
(horse)|gray]] and finally [[dun gene|dun]]. Many dun horses exhibit [[primitive
markings]], which shows a possible connection to the [[Tarpan]].<ref
name=Edwards/><ref>{{cite web|
url=|title=Breed Standards|
publisher=Friends of Marwari/Kathiawari UK|accessdate=2011-01-22}}</ref>
[[Pinto horse|Pinto patterns]] do exist, but are extremely rare. The breed has a
concave facial profile, with a broad forehead and short muzzle. The neck and body
are proportional and relatively short, while both the head and tail are carried
high.<ref name=Hendricks/> Although well-proportioned, many Western breeders
consider them to be lacking in bone in the legs. However, [[Lameness (equine)|
soundness]] is an inherent characteristic of the breed.<ref name=Edwards/> One of
the breed's most distinctive features is its ears, which curve inward to touch and
sometimes overlap at the tips. The Kathiawari has the most extremely curved ears
of any breed of horse.<ref name=Hendricks/> At some points in the breed's history,
breeders focused on the preservation of these curving ears, to the detriment of
some other, more important, physical characteristics.<ref name=Edwards/> Like
many desert breeds, the Kathiawari can subsist on minimal rations and water and is
more resistant to the heat than breeds developed in colder climates. As well as the
usual [[horse gaits|gaits]], the Kathiawari also performs a swift, lateral [[pacing
(horse gait)|pace]], called the ''revaal''.<ref name=Edwards>Edwards, pp. 160161</ref> They are known as high-spirited, intelligent and affectionate horses.<ref

They are quite similar to the [[Marwari horse]], another breed from
India,<ref>Bongianni, Entry 122</ref> having much of the same history and
physical features. The main difference between the Kathiawari and the Marwari is
their original geographic origin&nbsp; Kathiawaris are from the [[Kathiawar]]
peninsula while Marwaris are mainly from the [[Marwar]] region. Kathiawaris tend to
have slight facial differences from the Marwari, and are slightly taller in
general.<ref>{{cite web|url=|
title=About Indian Horses|publisher=Indigenous Horse Society of India|
accessdate=September 1, 2009}}</ref> The Kathiawari also resembles the
[[Arabian horse]], which contributed significantly during the development of the
breed.<ref name=Edwards/>

Although the earliest origins of the breed remain unknown, horses inhabited the
western coast of India well before the [[Mughal Empire|Mughal Emperors]] of 1536
to 1857. Beginning during the Mughal reign, and continuing during the [[British
Raj]], Arabian horses were imported to India and crossed with the native stock,
creating the ancestors of the modern Kathiawari breed.<ref name=Edwards/> The
Kathiawari may have also been influenced by the [[Mongolian
horse]].<ref>Edwards, p. 196</ref> Traditionally, noble households specialized in
their own strain of horses, naming their lines of horses after a [[foundation
bloodstock|foundation mare]]; 28 of these lines still exist.<ref name=Edwards/>
These noble houses selectively bred horses that could withstand extreme
temperatures and minimal rations, carry a man with weapons and armor for long
periods in rough terrain, and still be swift and nimble. They bred for wiry, sleek
horses that were ideal for war, and Kathiawaris were noted for their loyalty and
bravery in battle, often defending their riders even when wounded themselves. This
breeding was maintained until India's [[Indian independence|independence]].<ref

Although still mainly bred in the Kathiawar peninsula, it is also found in the
[[Maharashtra]] and [[Rajasthan]] states. The Kathiawari Horse Breeders'
Association maintains the [[breed registry]].<ref name=Edwards/> The Gujarat
government maintains [[stud farm]]s in eleven different locations; one in
[[Junagadh]] holds both [[mare]]s and [[stallion]]s and is tasked with preserving the
breed, while the other ten hold Kathiawari stallions that are used for improving the
local stock of other or mixed breeds. As of 2007, only about 50 Kathiawaris were
held by private breeders. Today, the [[Panchaal]] region is renowned for its
Kathiawari horses, often producing the most beautiful horses of the breed.<ref
name=Hendricks/> In early 2010, the UK-based Friends of Marwari/Kathiawari Horse
asked for donations of used [[bit (horse)|bits]]. These would be given to owners of
horses, including Kathiawaris, in India in place of home-made bits, which often have
sharp edges that can injure the horse.<ref>{{cite journal|
url=|title=Used Snaffle Bits
Requested by UK Group|journal=The Horse|registration=yes|accessdate=February
19, 2010|author=The Horse Staff|date=February 15, 2010}}</ref>

==kathi kshatriya and kathiyawari breed==

[[File:Kathi rajput horse with silver decoration, jasdan.jpg|thumb|horse decorated
with silver ornamenets owned by kathi kshatriya of jasdan]]

The Kathi are said to have given their name to the Kathiawar region and to be
mythologically descended from the Sura, an ancient race of sun worshipers found in
western India.<ref> People of India Gujarat Volume XXI Part Two edited by R.B Lal,
P.B.S.V Padmanabham, G Krishnan & M Azeez Mohideen pages 614-619</ref>
kathiyawari horse derive its name from region kathiyawar. There is no more
trustworthy account of the origin of the Kathiwari horse than there is of the Kathi
kshatriya themselves.kathi kshatriya have contributed well in development of
kathiyawari breed like rathore contribution in development of marwari. It is probable
that they brought mares with them when they migrated from the north.The best
horse-breeding district is Panchal in the heart, of the province, mostly ruled by kathi
kshatriya including Chotila, Paliyad, Anandpur, Bhimora, and Jasdan. Every
requirement to successful horse-breeding is found in the PanchAl, favourable soil for
the formation of the foot, hilly ground for the development of muscle, running
streams of pure water, most nourishing grasses, and a dry and hot climate. From
early times this tract has been visited by agents of Rajputana chiefs and others
anxious to secure the Kathi
blood.<ref>1884GazetteerByBombayPresidencyVol8Kathiawar page-97</ref> so
proud are the kathi kshatriya of their horse that they rarely sold
them.<ref>1884GazetteerByBombayPresidencyVol8Kathiawar page-98</ref>
captain Grant write in his letter that when kathi kshatriya were on outlaw, while
outlaws slept their mare watched by their side, and on hearing a suspicious sound
tugged at their owner's sleeves, and horses has been favourate theme of their
C.A.KINCAI PAGE:- 61</ref>kathi kshatriya are known for best horsemanship and
horse breeding.Kathi Kshatriya are horse lovers and they have Kathiawari horses,
which are known worldwide<ref> International Encyclopedia of Horse Breeds Page

==story of brave chetak a kathiyawari horse==

Kathi horse(kathiyawadi horse) are brave war horse found in kathiyawad region of
Gujarat. There are many stories of bravery, sacrifice, intelligance of kathiyawadi
horse.This breed was developed by kathi kshatriya. Kathi kshatriya are said to
preserved pure and refined kathiyawari breed like rathore rulers have preserved
Marwari horses.there are 36 different strains of kathi horse.kathi kshatriya were so
selective and precise in breeding and preserving these different strains & breeds
that even Arab, which is now considered to be purest & oldest breed of the world,
even they have only 12 sub breeds or families of the arab.there are no breeders of
the horse in the world who had bred & developed so many different strains &
families from particularly just one blood.this goes to show that the horse breeding
knowledge, technique and passion was so prominent and horse mastership and
horsemanship was very high standard in kathi kshatriya.<ref>Shri R.D.Jhala
I.P.S.Retd</ref>from the early time kathiyawari has been used as war horse in

rajasthan and Gujarat.<ref>Gujarat na kathiyawadi asvo-page300</ref> From the

early time kathiyawad has been visited by agents of rajputana(rajasthan) chiefs and
other anxious to secure the kathi horse.<ref>1884-Gazetteer by Bombay
presidency-vol8-kathiawar-page97</ref> Some of the famous horse of rajputana
was kathiyawari breed. There are many accounts which prove that there was large
demand of kathiyawari breed. A Charan woman, maa varudi ji (mother of Baru ji
Sauda, of whom Sauda and Souda Barhat are descendants), from khod village of
gujarat helped Rana Hamir; she used her own funds to supply him with 500 kathi
horses to use in the recovery of Chittor. After the victory, Rana Hamir gave the title
of Barhat to Baruji with 12 villages (including Soniyana, Aantri and Paaner). The
Sauda were officially declared Barhat ji for the Sisodia Rajput clan in Mewar.
Because of business of horse dealing this charan were called sauda (dealer). Sauda
barhat are from Gujarat who are also called parajiya charan( charan who live with 3
paraj of kathi
riod_1000%E2%80%931800</ref><ref>vishal bhai barhat</ref> Maa deval was a
horse dealer. She gave a mare kesar kalmi to pabuji. This mare was called kesar
kalmi, kesar is a name of sub-breed of kathi horses (there are 36 sub-breed of kathi
horse developed by kathi kshatriya) and kalmi was the name of pabujis horse.
[[File:Horse named shivbaksha given as gift to Maharana fatehsingh by Darbar shri
Nangbapu khachar of Paliyad(a kathi kshatriya ruler).jpg|thumb|Horse named
shivbaksha given as gift to Maharana fatehsingh by Darbar shri Nangbapu khachar
of Paliyad(a kathi kshatriya ruler)]] Maharana fatehsinghji of mewar heard about a
rare horse owned by nang bapu khachar a kathi kshatriya of paliyad (Gujarat). This
horse was kathiyawari breed and full black except two front leg which were white,
name was shivbaksa. This horse is very rare. Speciality of this horse is that it should
not be used for ridding and it is very good to worship this horse on vijaydasmi.
Maharana fatehsingh sent his servents and other person to purchase this horse from
nang bapu khachar. Nanag bapu said that this divine and rare horse should not be
sold . So nangbapu decorated his horse with gold and silver ornaments and gifted it
to maharana fatehsinghji. Maharana fatehsingh was so happy to receive such horse
that he invited nangbapu to his court and give very good position to him. Maharana
fatehsinghji made his royal dress to wear by nangbapu khachar. Mahrana fatehsingh
and nangbapu become very good friends. Maharana fatehsingh always used to
worship shivbaksa(horse).<ref>Darbar shree virendra bhai khachar, paliyad(present
prince of paliyad)</ref> and at last we will provide an authentic and well
researched history of chetak of maharana pratap. There are many different
accounts of which breed chetak belonged. Some of the historian has said that
chetak was Arabian, but we have not found any evidence that chetak belonged to
Arab. also there are no evidence that chetak was Marwari breed. Chetak of
maharana pratap was pure kathiyawadi horse has more strong point.<ref>Cetak's
breed was Kathiawari or Marwari, based on traditional accounts: Elizabeth Thelen,
"Riding through Change: History, Horses and the Reconstruction of Tradition in
Rajasthan", p, 60. D Space, University of

l-Police-Academy-dominates-equestrian-meet/articleshow/28655702.cms</ref> We
can find many different account about chetak being kathiyawadi breed.<ref>Prime
minister Narendra Modi lecture at 32nd All India Police Equestrian Meet,Jan11,2014</ref> Some of the historian of kathiyawar(Gujarat) believes that chetak
was from khod village. But this historian has mistakenly taken account of rana hamir
as rana pratap. Chetak was from Bhimora village (a place of kathi kshatriya known
for its best horse) near
region is known for pure and brave kathi horses. Charan from bavdi village(near
Jamnagar)<ref>virubha gadhvi ( historian of charan)</ref> was given two horse
named chetak and netak as gift by kathi ruler of bhimora.<ref>Ramkubhai khachar
(historian and knowledgeable man)</ref> <ref>Rajendrasinh Jadeja, an equestrian
expert from Porbandar,</ref>This charan reached to chittor and expressed their
feelings to meet maharana pratap to sale this two horses. Maharana pratap came
to know about this horses. He came to meet this charan. He saw both the horse
Netak and chetak. Maharana pratap asked charan about the speciality of this horse.
So charan horse trader brought the netak and dug 4 pits on the ground, and buried
all 4 hoofs into the ground. And from behind charan made a whip sound, netak
jumped out with full strength leaving behind his all 4 hoofs behind. Netak died at
the spot and chetak was chosen by maharana pratap.<ref>Ramkubhai
khachar(historian and knowledgeable man)</ref><ref>Rajendrasinh Jadeja, an
equestrian expert from Porbandar,</ref>this is a well researched and authentic
story of chetak. Many such kathi horses have made their name immortal in the
history.such were the kathi horses. Today this brave kathi breed is on edge of
extinction due to hybridization with other local breed.

In the early 1800s, the Kathiawari was used by the [[Maratha Empire|Maratha]] and
British cavalries, and was considered superior to other breeds in this capacity.<ref
name=Edwards/> The use by the cavalry was maintained until the end of World War
I,<ref name=Hendricks/> but they are used little by the Indian army in modern
times, despite being a native breed. Many Indian mounted police units make use of
the Kathiawari.<ref>Edwards, p. 159</ref> The Kathiawari is also used extensively
for the sport of [[tent pegging]]. Annual breed shows are hosted by the breed
registry.<ref name=Edwards/>


* {{cite book |author= Bongianni, Maurizio (editor) |title= Simon & Schuster's Guide
to Horses and Ponies |publisher= Simon & Schuster, Inc. |edition=|location=New
York, NY |year=1988|isbn=0-671-66068-3}}
* {{cite book |author= Edwards, Elwyn Hartley |title= The Encyclopedia of the
Horse |publisher= Dorling Kindersley |edition=1st American|location=New York, NY |
* {{cite book|year=2007|title=International Encyclopedia of Horse Breeds|
author=Hendricks, Bonnie|publisher=University of Oklahoma Press|isbn=978-08061-3884-8}}

==External links==
* [ Indigenous Horse Society of India (IHSI)]
* [ Kathiawari Horse Society of India]

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