SPM Bahasa Inggeris Tingkatan 5 Percubaan 2016

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Section A

[15 marks]
[Time suggested: 25 minutes]

Based on the message, we know that Lynn has to


call Lee before three oclock

purchase a new photo album
contact Irene at Lees Photo Studio
have her photograph taken in the afternoon


The phrase keep an eye means

A to open your eyes
B to guard the house
C to watch over the house


The most suitable headline for the news report would be


Doctor who discovered Nipah virus honoured

Encephalitis virus discovered
Encephalitis virus eradicated
Nipah virus is isolated


From the picture above, we know that the young boy was
A loving
B patient

C indifferent
D thoughtful


From the letter, we know that the residents of Taman Ehsan are
A rude
B upset

C joyous
D ecstatic


The word thrived in the extract means to grow

A slowly
B reluctantly

C successfully


Why did Malaysian Nature Society organise the Open Day?



To teach children to appreciate nature

To invite nature lovers to take walks
To collect RM10.00 from the public
To participate in the nature society

Making a simple salad

Place cut lettuce leaves into a salad bowl. Next add sliced
or diced cucumbers and tomatoes on top of the lettuce
leaves. Before mixing the ingredients with a salad tong,
sprinkle shredded carrots over the mix. Serve with your
favourite dressing.

Which of the following best shows the sequence in making a simple salad?

Place lettuce

Sprinkle shredded

leaves in a bowl


Add cucumbers

Serve with

Sprinkle shredded

and tomatoes



Sprinkle shredded

Place lettuce

Serve with

Sprinkle shredded


leaves in a bowl



Add cucumbers

Place lettuce

Serve with

and tomatoes

leaves in a bowl


Add cucumbers

Place lettuce

and tomatoes

leaves in a bowl

Mix ingredients

Serve with

Mix ingredients


Add cucumbers

Mix ingredients

and tomatoes

Mix ingredients

Questions 9 - 15
Read the following passage and choose the best answer. Then, circle A, B, C or D on the
answer sheet.
The Sungai Buloh Forest Reserve, the countrys oldest, is threatened by
development. A residents association, however, has

to convert the forest

reserve into a community park managed by residents. It is Malaysias oldest forest

reserve, and a treasure trove


trees, trails and wildlife. Better yet, it is not far

from the city centre, lying just between Damansara and Sungai Buloh promising endless
possibilities for


and walks, fishing and bird-watching, and just about any

excuse to get away from the citys bustle and gridlock traffic.
The Sungai Buloh Forest Reserve,
impressive acreage of 1,600 hectares.



first gazetted in 1898 with an

, today only 342 hectares remain and

even this is threatened by development. Some 405 hectares of this were


for a

botanical garden, but in 2003, residents in the area received brochures stating that the
Taman Botanic would be developed for luxury bungalows. Representatives from
residents associations in the adjacent areas, particularly from Kota Damansara, the
Selangor Polo and Equestrian Club, Tropicana, Bandar Utama and Taman Tun Dr Ismail
were against any plans to develop this green lung, to which they have become attached
to. Since 2003, they have


many steps to ensure that the forest remains as it is.

Although letters to state officials and the state government have not been responded to,
the residents are not ready to give up as yet.

A plan

C plant

B plans

D Plants

10. A
11. A
12. A
13. A
14. A
15. A


C of
D off
C recreation


C taken

Section B
[10 marks]
[Time suggested: 25 minutes]
Questions 16 - 25
Read the information given below and then, answer the questions that follow.

Questions 16 20
For each fruit, write the content and benefits.

[5 marks]

Questions 21 25
Based on the information given, which fruit is good for each person? Give short answers.

21Rina always complains of pre-menstrual cramps.

[1 mark]
22 Encik Bakar is having problems with gout.
[1 mark]
23Kathy dreads travelling because she suffers from motion sickness.

[1 mark]
24Chandra has been down with fever for almost a week.
[1 mark]
25 Steven sits at the back of the class. Sometimes it is difficult for him to read what is on the blackboard.
[1 mark]

Section C
[25 marks]
[Time suggested: 50 minutes]

Questions 26 - 31 are based on

the following passage.


When doctors told Jane Wilson-Howarth her baby needed surgery, she
feared his life would not be worth living. So, she left behind the consultants, the
needles, the tests and took him far away to live among the sane, baby-loving

people of Nepal. Here is her story.

David, my son was born by emergency caesarean section in a hospital in

Cambridge, England. I had returned from Nepal, where we had been living, for
what I had hoped would be quick, uncomplicated delivery. The first thing I noticed
when they pulled him into the world was a gaping black hole in the middle of his
face. Strangely, I wasnt shocked by his appearance. I was infatuated by the tiny
life I held in my arms. We later told his brother Alexander that elves could do the


fine stitching to repair the harelip

But things did not go well. David struggled to feed, he choked and slept a lot. I
could no longer hide my fear I knew that he was ill. We were back in hospital before
he was a month old. There we saw various specialists who meticulously catalogued
a long list of abnormalities. But they could not convince us that something could be


done to improve Davids quality of life.

He had blood test after blood test. Food supplements were squirted into a
tube that passed up his nose and into his stomach. These made him vomit. It tore
me apart watching the terror in his eyes. After days of tests and consultations, the
doctor told us among other things that David had holes in the heart, only one


kidney, spinal abnormalities and the fibres connecting the two hemispheres of the

brains were missing.

Before he left, and he seemed to be in a hurry to leave, he said, The baby

has to have open-heart surgery soon. Well prepare for it immediately.

His words sank in, but I had already made the decision. David was all right. I


screwed up my courage and took a deep breath. But he is so much more at ease
away from here. We dont want any more investigations and long-winded reports.
No more needles or tests unless you can prove they will improve his quality of life.

He began to explain, but I interrupted. No. We fly to Nepal this Sunday.

On the day of our flight back to Nepal we must have looked haggard. David


looked beautiful despite the feeding tube in his nose, his harelip and his defects.
The Nepalese saw his soft-unblemished complexion and blue eyes. On the plane,

we had already entered sane, baby-loving Asia.

Back in Nepal, we ventured out every weekend and some evenings. One stroll took
us into a squatter settlement by the river where young mothers, surrounded us,
giggling, wanting to compare babies. How did you make such a beautiful baby?



Can he speak Nepali? I took him out of his pram to show him off and they said,
He is so handsome, so white, so clean! Their admiration was a forgotten delight
of having a new baby. No one in England dared talk about him or ask about him.



The peace and pace of Nepal was healing for all of us, and Davids tube stayed
in less and less. Sometimes I would slip it in when his appetite was poor, but I
wasnt convinced that it was necessary any more. He took a great liking to buffalo
milk and yoghurt and by the time he was three months old he was chubby. By the
time he was three-and-a-half months old he smiled. That was a milestone that 45
severely handicapped children often never achieved.


Things got better and better after this. His weight increased and he seemed to
be doing so well that we decided to take a break and head into the mountains. We


flew to Pokhara and, with two guides carrying all our luggage we walked north towards
the grand Annapura, through the deepest gorge in the world. Whilst I 50 gasped for
every breath, I could hear David amusingly chatting softly to himself. At
a height of 2807 m above sea level, we were short of breath but the holes in
Davids heart had stimulated him to produce more red blood cells to cope in the
thin mountain air.
12 When David was five months old, we took him back to the Cambridge hospital. 55 The
clinical staffs were amazed at how well David had done. They were astonished
that his growing heart had repaired the holes. He no longer needed the medicines
and he never had that open heart surgery.
Adapted from an article Mountain Baby in the Guardian by Dr. Jane
Wilson Howarth
26 From paragraph 2,
(a) Before David was born, where were his parents living?
(1 mark)
(b) When David was born, what did the writer notice about the baby?
( 1 mark)

27 (a) From paragraph 3, how did the parents know that David was ill?
(1 mark)

(b) From paragraph 4, there were a lot of problems with Davids

health. Name 2 of them.
(1 mark)
28 From paragraph 5,

what was the doctors decision after checking Davids condition?

(1 mark)

(b) what does it refer to?

(1 mark)
29 From paragraph 10,
(a) what did David love to eat?
(1 mark)


Paper 2
<Test Name>


Class :

Time :
Marks :

This question paper consists of four sections: Section A, Section B, Section C and Section D.
Answer all sections in this question paper.
(b) What had David done to be considered a milestone?
(1 mark)

Do you think it was wise for the family to take David up the mountains? Why?

(2 marks)
31. Based on the passage given, write a summary on:
what happened at the time of Davids birth
his development until he was five months old
Credit will be given for use of own words but care must be taken not to change the original meaning.
Your summary must be:
in continuous writing (not in note form) use only the material
from lines 12 to 56
not longer than 130 words, including the 10 words given below
Begin your summary as follows:

Jane knew things did not go well for David when.



Section D
[20 marks]
[Time suggested: 35 minutes]
32. Read the poem below and answer the questions that follow.

What Has Happened to Lulu?

What has happened to Lulu, mother?
What has happened to Lu?
Theres nothing in her bed but an old rag-doll
And by its side a shoe.
Why is her window wide, mother,
The curtain flapping free,
And only a circle on the dusty shelf
Where her money-box used to be?
Why do you turn your head, mother,
And why do the tear-drops fall?
And why do you crumple that note on the fire
And say it is nothing at all?
I woke to voices late last night,
I heard an engine roar.
Why do you tell me the things I heard
Were a dream and nothing more?
I heard somebody cry, mother,
In anger or in pain,
But now I ask you why, mother,
You say it was a gust of rain.
Why do you wander about as though
You dont know what to do?
What has happened to Lulu, mother?
What has happened to Lu?


Charles Causley

(a)Who is asking his mother about Lulu in stanza 1?

(1 mark)
(b)In stanza 2,
(i) How is Lulu related to the persona?
(1 mark)
(ii) What do you think has happened to Lulu?
(1 mark)
(c)In the poem, the persona is a persistent little boy.
(i) Why does the persona keeping asking his mother about Lulu?
(1 mark)
(ii) What sounds did he hear late at night?
(1 mark)
(5 marks)
The following are the novels studied in the literature component in English Language.
33.The following are the novels studied in the literature component in English Language.

Sing to the Dawn

Minfong Ho

Captain Nobody

Dean Pitchford

Dear Mr. Kilmer

Anne Schraff

Choose any one of the novels above and answer the question below.


Suggest one character in the novel you have read who you think shows bravery.
Briefly describe the character and give reasons for your choice with close reference to the text.
[15 marks]




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