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Zaria Foster

FCS 160
October 4, 2016

The Keirsey Temperament Sorter is the most widely used personality instrument in the world. It
is a powerful 70 question personality instrument that helps individuals discover their personality
type. Keirsey is based on Keirsey Temperament Theory, published in the best-selling books,
Please Understand Me and Please Understand Me II by Dr. David Keirsey. The Keirsey
Temperament Sorter is being used by Fortune 500, Global 1000, the US Government/Military,
academic institutions, non-profit organizations, and faith based organizations worldwide.
Accordingly, the Keirsey Temperament Theory has four basic temperament groups which
describes human behavior which is subdivided and often referred to as Character Types. The
four types of Artisans, Guardians, Rationals, and Idealists. The purpose of Keirsey Temperament
Sorter is to sort between four dichotomous pairs of preference, leading to results which reveal a
persons temperament and character type. My Temperament is the Guardian and the core
characteristics are that Guardians pride themselves on being dependable, helpful, and
hardworking. Guardians make loyal mates, responsible parents, and stabilizing leaders.
Guardians tend to be dutiful, cautious, humble, and focused on credentials and traditions.
Guardians are concerned citizens who trust authority, join groups, and seek security, prize
gratitude, and dream of meeting out justice.
I am the Portrait of the Protector (ISFJ) and my primary interest is in the safety and security of
those they care about their family, their circle of friends, their boss, fellow-workers, or
employees. Protectors have an extraordinary sense of loyalty and responsibility in their makeup,
and seem fulfilled in the degree they can shield others from the dirt and the dangers of the world.
Speculating and experimenting do not intrigue Protectors, who prefer to make do with timehonored and time-tested products and procedures rather than change to new. Protectors value
tradition in both culture and in their family. At work Protectors are happy in situations where the
rules are constantly changing. They cherish family history and enjoy caring for family property,
from houses to heirlooms. Also, they can find great satisfaction in assisting the downtrodden and
can deal with disability and neediness in others. Protectors are not as outgoing and talkative and
their shyness is often misjudged as stiffness, even coldness, when in truth Protectors are warmhearted and sympathetic giving happily of themselves to those in need. Their reserve is ought to
be seen as an expression of sincerity and seriousness of purpose. Protectors are willing to work
long, hard hours quietly doing all the thankless jobs that others manage to avoid. Consequently,
Protectors are happy working alone in positions of authority they may try to do everything
themselves rather than direct others to get their jobs done. When Protectors undertake a task,
they will complete it if humanly possible. Also, know better than any other type the value of a
dollar and they abhor the squandering or misuse of money. To save, to put something aside
against an unpredictable future, to prepare for emergencies these are actions near and dear to the
Protectors heart. For these reasons, Protectors are frequently overworked, just as I am frequently
misunderstood and undervalued. Their contributions and also their economies are often taken for
granted and rarely get the gratitude they deserve.

The Protector is the least likely to seek positions of leadership since I may feel uncomfortable in
the lime-light. They are often seen as the people who do whatever is necessary to keep things
running smoothly. They do their best to prevent problems. Like the Provider, they can be
attracted to fields such as medicine, education or social service. In business, positions that
combine some type of social interface with time alone are best for them. If they choose technical
positions, they prefer ones with at least independence, such as electrician or photographer. My
personality correlates because I dont like being the center of attention in front of whole bunch of
people and it can be awkward taking a leadership position cause its nerve wracking to know
what to say first and trying not to stumble over words. I try to keep things running smoothly such
as doing homework and planning out my schedule and its best to prevent problems cause I try to
sort everything out first and not try to stress out or panic as much and be calm about the situation
Im in. For the most part, I like working independently and being in my own space without
anybody interfering so Im more quiet and reserved and its more as if Im studying the person
just to know what they are like.
When stressed, Guardians usually report being sick, tired, sad, or worried. The Protector is the
most likely to become excessively worried. Their highest skills come from preventing problems
and to do that one must think about what might go wrong and prevent it but, too great an
overload can trigger excessive worry. Being forced to face too many new experiences can be
daunting to the Protector and cause them to talk about potential catastrophes. Even under small
amounts of stress they try to seek to make sure everything is in order and regain harmony in their
environment. Protectors become overly focused on others and try to solve their problems by
making sure people understand they are loved and appreciated. They need time alone but their
need to help others may overshadow it. If Protectors are under high levels of stress they may lose
sight of their ability to create order. They may become very insecure about their abilities to make
decisions and struggle with following through with things. Protectors have a strong sense of
order but under high levels of stress may have a hard time keeping things together. Instead of
relying on others they may attempt to solve problems on their own, feeling unable to live up to
their commitments. They may experience a loss of control and even become impulsive while
trying to fix all that they see going wrong. When others see them in this state, it is important to
give them help and to lower their expectations about always being able to prevent every problem.
Until they release some of their control, they will experience high stress. That the Protector is
stubborn and has a tendency to ignore other peoples opinions. What will help and prevent these
problems is having rest, good nutrition, and treating themselves to peace and quiet will go a long
way towards healing their stress. Protectors would need to reconnect with their place in society.
They need to regain their faith in themselves and their ability to care for others. Protectors will
do their best to remove pressure from themselves to perform, and instead work on getting back to
their normal sense of structure. Additionally, they need to allow themselves some time alone to
regain their energy, but also focus on tending to the needs of others.

Protectors have preserving logistical intelligence. Protectors keep both people and things safe.
They dont like waste. Protectors will do whatever it takes to make sure there are no problems.
Protectors notice when people are not comfortable and will act to change the situation. Also,
Protectors strengths are in consistent, accurate, reliable dedication to work and family. They
remember facts and details the attention to detail and depth of focus and concentration can be
valuable. Personal loyalty and consideration creates harmonious relationships with others and
encourages practical achievement. Overall, they are down to earth, traditional, decisive,
organized, and trustworthy. Protectors dominant skill is managing sequential procedures or tasks.
They have excellent organization and cooperative skills. They search for practical solutions or
procedures to problems rather than original ones. Protectors spend most of their time working
towards a goal, whether task-completion, upholding customs, or helping other people. They take
great pride in their abilities to minister to their fellow people, even if they themselves keep their
emotions and needs inside. These goals of helping others are structured into regimented,
practiced roles, to help ensure success. I am adept at seeing the right balance, the best way to
make the world look good and feel good. This talent enables Protectors to make their world
reflect their inner self and become a place of security and growth in which others can feel at ease
too. Protectors also work hard to get the job done and they can be counted on the stay with it till
it is finished.
What seemed to fit about myself is that I can have a lot of fun with friends, but Im serious about
my duties and responsibilities. That I also agree with that Im dependable and trustworthy if
there is a certain task that needs to be done I can be counted for it. That Im very meticulous
about schedules and have a sharp eye for proper procedures. I agree that work is never a chore to
me, but it is a gift that offer to the world to demonstrate my skills and talents. In my relationships
I am able to clearly show how I feel about them. I am loyal and hard-working that I form
emotional attachment to the ideas and organizations Ive dedicated myself to. That I also take
support and apply it to something they believe will make a difference in peoples lives. That I
overload myself and that I am very hard on myself because I have a strong sense of
perfectionism and struggle to meet everyones expectations especially my own. Some
discrepancies such as believing deeply in the stability of social ranking conferred by birth, titles,
offices, and credentials. I rather have everyone have equal opportunities and not go by ranking to
see whos better than someone else everybody has potential to strive I feel like we should live in
a world where everybody can all be employed and everybody has a roof over their heads and live
in a world without poverty. They say were not outgoing and talkative as the Provider Guardians
but some Protectors can be outgoing and spontaneous once you get to know them I am more than
just shy and humble and its kind of frustrating when you try to converse with someone and that
hardly ever make small talk even though youre trying to make a friend. That it talked about that
my career involves medicine and education which doesnt correlate to the career Im taking
which is fashion design I would rather have an interesting career that I would make me happy
than basing off by how your personality type and have your career picked out for you.

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