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9th Grade Algebra

2016-2017 Syllabus
Boaz High School
Ms. Walker
Dear Students and Parents,
Welcome to my class! My name is Taylor Walker and I will be your childrens 9th
grade algebra teacher. I have heard wonderful things about all of you and look
forward to this year and hope I can make it great for all of you. In my class you
will learn to use critical thinking skills about the content you will learn and how it
will apply to real life. I also encourage the parents to work with me and help me
create a productive learning atmosphere outside of school. If you need me at any
time please feel free to contact me. There will be online resources available for the
students as well. I look forward to meeting you all and helping your children learn
even more.
Ms. Walker

Ms. Walkers Contact Information

Phone: (256) 593-8625
*I will be available any time on my email but my phone call hours are 7:008:00AM and 3:15-4:00 PM.

Class Information
The class will help prepare students for future high school classes. The class will
move pretty fast pace and it will place a foundation for next years math class. This
class will cover:
Foundations for Algebra
Solving Inequalities
Solving Equations
An Introduction to Functions

Linear Functions
Systems of Equations and Inequalities
Polynomials and Factoring
Exponents and Equations Functions
Quadratic Functions and Equations
Rational Expressions and Functions
Radical Expressions and Equations
Data Analysis and Probability

Materials they will need:

One 2 inch 3-ring binder

Wide ruled, loose-leaf paper
#2 pencils (mechanical or wooden)
Pens black or blue (NOT red)
Calculator, preferably a scientific calculator

Math Resources
These sites will be helpful for the students and parents when at home
Fun games
Solving One-Step Equations Games
YouTube is also helpful.

Grading Information

Homework 30%
Warm-ups 30%
Tests 25%
Projects 15%
*There will be a warm up quiz every day at the beginning of class

Homework is assigned every day at the end of each lesson. Its very important that
they complete their homework assignments every night because I will take them up
at random times. I will not grade for correctness of the problems I will just grade
based on the attempts and effort to get the answer. Homework is 30% of their grade
so it is very important that they do it.

Students will know the test dates on the first day of class, I will give out a test
schedule which can also be found on the class website. I will be available for
tutoring before and after school Monday through Wednesday.

Extra Credit
There will be options for extra credit so all students should take advantage of it
when given. There assignments will be given weeks in advanced so they will have
plenty of time to complete them.

1st Period 7:45-8:45
2nd Period 8:55-9:50
3rd Period 9:55-10:50
4th Period 10:55-12:15
5th Period 12:20-1:10
6th Period 1:15-2:00
7th Period 2:05-3:00

Algebra & Lunch
Off Period
Bus Riders
Car Riders

Classroom Expectations
Respect one another and the teacher
Be prepared for assessments
Participate in class activities

Be on time to class
Pay attention to the lesson
Ask questions
Work diligently

Absent Policy
It will be the students responsibility to ask for their make up work. If they missed
a test it will be their responsibility to schedule a time after school to make up their
test but they will only have two weeks to do so. If there was an assignment or
homework due then they need to be sure they complete it and turn it in within one
week of the due date. If not completed within the time listed above then it will
result in a zero.

Tardy Policy
First this will be a warning
Second this will be the last warning and 30 min detention before school
Third an office visit and the principal will handle the problem
**Please have your child sign this, along with you signing this and please date it
and send it back to me so that I know you have both read the syllabus and
understand the expectations for this class and also what your child will need to do
to be successful in the class. Thank you!

Student signature: ________________________

Date: _______________________
Parent signature: _________________________
Date: _______________

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