CBCPMonitor Vol12-N10

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•A3 Mindanao Peace

Institute holds
•B1 •C1
'The Baptism of The CROSS
seminar on Muslim- the Church' Knights of Columbus Supplement
Christian relations

www.cbcponline.net/cbcpmonitor cbcpmonitor@cbcpworld.net

Bishops against gay in

THE Roman Catholic Church rejected the gay
version of “Santacruzan” flower festival held
across the country every May in honor of the
Virgin Mary.
Manila Archbishop Gaudencio Cardinal
Rosales said having homosexuals dress up as
female saints during processions is “horren- Protagonist of Truth, Promoter of Peace
dous” and “defeats the real purpose” of the pro-
cession. Social / A6
Bishops against / A6
May 12 - 25, 2008 Vol. 12 No. 10 Php 20.00

CBCP to hold consultation on

Natural Family Planning in July
By Santosh Digal
THE Episcopal Commission on Family and Life
Apostolate of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the
Philippines (CBCP) is planning to hold a consultation on
Natural Family Planning (NFP) in July on the occasion
of the 40th anniversary of the encyclical “Humanae Vi-
Speaking to reporters, Jaro Archbishop and CBCP Presi-
dent Angel N. Lagdameo said the CBCP Permanent Coun-
cil discussed its plan to organize a forum on NFP in com-
memoration of Humanae Vitae, when the CBCP holds its
semi-annual plenary assembly in July.
The Permanent Council discussed the NFP consulta-
tion during its regular meeting held May 7 and tasked
the Episcopal Commission on Family and Life Apostolate
led by Pampanga Archbishop Paciano Aniceto to orga-
nize the event.
Chaired by the CBCP President, the Permanent Coun-
cil is the highest decision-making body of the Catholic
Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines when the Plenary
Assembly is not in session.
The Permanent Council that comprises 12 bishops rep-
resenting various regions of the country meets every
two months.
Pope Paul VI issued “Humanae Vitae”, on the question
of human procreation and unlawful birth control meth-
ods; on the feast of St. James the Apostle, 25 July 1968.

Sanctity of life at brink of collapse

Meanwhile, a pro-life group said there are visible
threats to the sanctity of life today that may lead to fur-
ther collapse if the people will remain unreceptive.
Ligaya Acosta, director of Human Life International–
Asia Region said the threats to human life and marriage
are handiwork of foreign governments like the United
States which lead the way in promoting artificial birth
Acosta recently talked on “The threats to the Asian
Family,” where she admitted that in every artificial birth
control program there is a considerable amount of for-
eign funding involved. CBCP-NASSA chairman and Manila Auxiliary Bishop Broderick Pabillo (center) gestures as he asks DENR secretary Lito Atienza (left) to undertake measures in protecting the
CBCP to / A6 environment against “irresponsible” mining at “The Forum,” a weekly media discussion jointly organized by the CBCPNews and CMN held at the Ilustrado in Intramuros, May 13.

Pope transfers Bishop Prelate optimistic of MILF-

de la Cruz to Kidapawan
POPE Benedict XVI appointed
on April 14, the bishop of the
GRP peace agreement
diocese of San Jose de Antique COTABATO archbishop Orlando B. Quevedo, ippines said the government talked with the He, however, acknowledged there is wis-
to the diocese of Kidapawan OMI, expressed optimism “the Moro Islamic MLNF and reached a peace accord in 1996. dom in continuing the peace processes with
in Mindanao. Liberation Front (MILF) and the Government “The MILF is now talking with the gov- the MILF “because I think the issues with re-
The Holy Father transferred of the Republic of the Philippines (GRP) will ernment regarding its own peace objectives gard to the MILF and the government have
Bishop Romulo de la Cruz of finally reach a peace agreement.” and then you have the Autonomous Region been mostly resolved in terms of technical
San Jose and succeeds He said he is aware of certain problems in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM) which wants committees and it is a matter of saying ‘yes’
Kidapawan’s fourth bishop that are internal to the peace process. to have a stake in the whole peace process,” to the major points that have been reached as
Romulo Valles who was ap- “The media have not looked into it but I he further said. in the issue of ancestral domain and that is a
pointed last year as arch- think it is a key issue, while others think the He added he learned the three groups were very crucial point,” the archbishop explained.
bishop of Zamboanga. issue is constitutional, I do not think so,” the reported to have reached an agreement to “I believe personally what the MILF has
De la Cruz’s appointment prelate said. He believes “it is really about cooperate. “I do not see that happening and been trying to achieve through the peace pro-
was officially published in the whom the government should talk with.” it will be difficult,” he explained. cess is much more than the 1996 agreement
Vatican on April 14 and an- Quevedo who has been archbishop of He suggested the three groups should ap- with the MNLF so it would seem to me what
nounced in Manila by Papal Cotabato since 1998 and former president of point somebody who would speak for the the MILF can achieve is good for everyone,”
Pope / A6 Bishop Romulo de la Cruz, DD
the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Phil- three of them. the prelate concluded. (Melo M. Acuña)

CBCP urges bolder fight vs child porn Mindanao dioceses to protest Widows, alternative for
declining vocations
THE Media Office of the Catholic Bish-
ops’ Conference of the Philippines
(CBCP) is urging public leaders and or-
ting bigger. It’s like the evil itself haunt-
ing our society today.”
Optical Media Board chair Edu
vs gold, copper mining FOUNDRESS and Superior of the Missionary Sis-
dinary people to join the battle to end Manzano, meanwhile, said authorities DIGOS, Marbel and Kidapawan Xstrata Copper made a survey ters of Our Lady of Triumph of the Cross (MSOTC),
child pornography. and non-government entities must col- dioceses of southern Philippines for the Tampakan Copper-Gold Sr. Ma. Violeta Navarro, believes her new program
Msgr. Pedro Quitorio, CBCP Media laborate with other sectors, the Church are set to hold a protest rally this Project after signing a 2003 accord would increase membership: to accept widows into
Office Director, said the Church is seri- especially, to combat the sexual exploi- month against gold and copper with B’laan elders who agreed to their fold.
ously committed to pursue its crusade tation of children. mining that displaces native explore the 300-square-kilometer In an interview with CBCPNews, Navarro said
against the proliferating child pornog- Manzano said he welcomed the reli- people. mining site for a decade. she will submit her new proposal to accept wid-
raphy in the country. gious’ sector’s efforts to stop child porn Efforts are underway to orga- B’laan is one of the dominant ows into their congregation to Archbishop Jesus
The priest said at a press conference but called on the law enforcement bod- nize a joint protest rally against indigenous tribal groups of the Dosado, CM, for due consideration.
Monday “the Church has no reserva- ies for more regulations to halt the un- the disparaging mining business area. “I believe
tions when it comes to matter like por- derground industry. in Kiblawan town, Davao del Sur B’laan leaders say the agree- widows may be
nography especially those that victim- The actor, who is also the country province, according to Fr. ment between them and Xstrata able to address
ize children.” anti-piracy czar, also warned that the Cornelio Toraja, director of Copper was made in a “dubious the decline in
Quitorio urged people to demand, sexual exploitation has reached a new Digos diocese’s Social Action way.” The agreement was not vocations from
“that ending child pornography be phase with the Internet as its distribu- Center (SAC). explained well and without young, single
made a top priority of the government.” tion method. The three dioceses are resist- proper consent. women,” she
“Even if we come from different po- The CBCP had been denouncing the ing the operation of Xstrata Cop- In the process, there have been said. Only those
litical agenda or culture, race or reli- proliferation of pornographic materi- per, the Swiss company manag- reported instances whereby who are free
gion, we have to be united and help als in the country and called for the ing the Tampakan gold and cop- tribal communities are divided from family ob-
each other to defeat this,” he said refer- banning of these materials. per mining project in Kiblawan. and dispute among them is loom- ligations will
ring to the need for solidarity in fight Both the CBCP and the OMB in July The Philippine Department of ing, according to Fr. Toraja. be accepted
against pornography which transcends last initiated the formation of an ad- Environment and Natural Re- The Catholic Bishops’ Confer- should Arch-
socio-political barriers that divide the hoc committee to address the influx of sources (DENR) upholds mining ence of the Philippines (CBCP) bishop Dosado
country today. porn materials involving minors in sex for the reason that increases the has repeatedly urged the national find merit in her
“This is a disease. This is a social and acts. country’s economy and it records and local governments to recon- proposal.
psychological disease. But more than a Movie and Television Review and the Tampakan scheme as one of sider large-scale mining opera- Widows / A6
disease, I think the phenomenon is get- CBCP urges / A6 24 priority projects. Mindanao / A6
CBCP Monitor
A2 World News Vol. 12 No. 10
May 12 - 25, 2008

Plenary indulgence
offered for Pauline Year
VATICAN CITY, May 12, 2008— tions are laid down: The faithful,
Benedict XVI is offering those apart from pronouncing their
who visit the Basilica of St. Paul own prayers before the altar of
Outside the Walls a chance to get the Blessed Sacrament, [...] must
a plenary indulgence during the go to the altar of the Confession
Pauline Jubilee Year. and pray the ‘Our Father’ and the
The indulgence was an- ‘Creed,’ adding pious invocations
nounced in a decree made public in honor of the Blessed Virgin
Saturday and signed by Cardinal Mary and St. Paul; and such acts
James Stafford and Bishop of devotion must remain closely
Gianfranco Girotti, respectively linked to the memory of the
penitentiary major and regent of prince of the apostles, St. Peter.”’
the Apostolic Penitentiary. Those who are not in Rome can
The faithful can receive the in- obtain the indulgence “if they par-
dulgence during the Pauline year, ticipate devotedly in a religious
marking the 2,000th anniversary function or in a pious exercise held
of the Apostle’s birth. The publicly in honor of the Apostle of
Pauline year runs from June 28, the Gentiles: on the days of the sol-
2008, to June 29, 2009. emn opening and closing of the
With the customary conditions, Pauline Year in any place of wor-
the faithful can obtain the indul- ship; on other days determined by
gence by undertaking “a pious the local ordinary, in holy places
visit in the form of a pilgrimage named for St. Paul and, for the
to the papal basilica of St. Paul good of the faithful, in other places

© Mark/epa/Corbis
on Rome’s Via Ostiense and designated by the ordinary.”
[praying] in accordance with the The decree also noted that the
intentions of the Supreme Pon- sick or those who legitimately
tiff,” the decree explained. cannot leave their homes can ob-
It added: “In order that the tain the indulgence if they “spiri-

Church moves to aid

prayers pronounced on these tually unite themselves to a jubi-
holy visits may lead and draw the lee celebration in honor of St.
souls of the faithful to a more in- Paul, offering their prayers and
tense veneration of the memory suffering to God for the unity of
of St. Paul, the following condi- Christians.” (Zenit)

China after quake Bishops to study Spirit’s

new gifts
MILAN, Italy, May 13, 2008—As the Church “In Hong Kong, we will do what we always back to normal.”
in China moves to help the victims of do in these situations: put ourselves in mo- Cardinal Zen presided today over a prayer
Monday’s earthquake, Hong Kong’s bishop tion to offer immediate help to the affected vigil for China and the Church in that coun- VATICAN CITY, May 13, 2008— coming from every part of the
says a key to disaster relief is a long-term population and spread the call to the Catho- try, in Milan’s St. Stephen church. With the encouragement of world.”
plan. lic community to collect emergency aid.” The Fides news agency reported that 40 Benedict XVI, the Pontifical The council recalled a similar
Cardinal Joseph Zen is in Italy, where he “This aid we will then send to China churches in the Diocese of Cheng Du were Council for the Laity is gather- meeting in 1999, saying the time
spoke with the press about the 7.9 quake that through Caritas and the Red Cross. It must damaged or destroyed by the earthquake. In ing bishops to reflect on “the that has passed since then has
rocked the southwestern province of Sichuan. be foreseen, as well, long-term assistance for the Diocese of Chong Qing, another 10 suf- ecclesial movements and new proven “fruitful for a deeper re-
Confirmed deaths are already well over reconstruction,” the cardinal continued. fered serious damage. Three more were de- communities as a gift of the Holy ciprocal knowledge and a
12,000 but thousands more are buried under “What’s important, when these kinds of ca- stroyed in the Diocese of Nan Chong. There Spirit.” greater awareness of the role that
rubble. lamities happen, is to not forget them too is still no report from the dioceses closest to The May 15-17 seminar will these various realities have in
Cardinal Zen expressed his sorrow at “the quickly, since a long time is needed before the epicenter, as communication lines still bring about 100 bishops to Rocca the work of the new evangeliza-
loss of so many human lives.” And he added, the people who live in these regions can go have not been repaired. (Zenit) di Papa, near Rome, to study the tion.”
movements and consider the The dicastery also noted the
Pope’s Nov. 18, 2006, exhortation “perfect continuation of the
addressed to bishops of Ger- magisterium of the Servant of

Cardinal Bernardin Gantin passes away at 86 many: “I ask you to go out and
meet the movements with much
God John Paul II in the thought
of Benedict XVI.”
The prelates will be accompa-
The pontifical council an- nied by representatives from 20
PARIS, May 14, 2008—Cardinal Bernardin Upon hearing of the cardinal’s death, Pope nounced in a communiqué that movements and ecclesial reali-
Gantin, a native of Benin and one of the most Benedict sent his condolences to Benin. He it “wishes to continue the reflec- ties.
beloved collaborators of Pope John Paul II, said in the telegram: tion on the ecclesial movements Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, the
died May 13 in Paris at the age of 86. “I ask God the Father, from Whom all and new communities as a gift Pope’s secretary of state, will in-
Cardinal Gantin was born in Toffo in the mercy comes, to welcome into His light and of the Holy Spirit for the Church augurate the seminar May 15.
Diocese of Cotonou, Benin, on May 8, 1922. peace this eminent son of Benin and of Africa of our times with the pastors (Zenit)
He was made a cardinal by Pope Paul VI on who, universally esteemed, was animated by
June 27, 1977. He spent more than 30 years a profound apostolic spirit and by an exalted
working in the Roman Curia as prefect for sense of the Church and her mission in the
the Congregation of Bishops, president of the world. ... In sign of consolation, I send an
Pontifical Commission for Latin America and
Dean of the College of Cardinals.
affectionate apostolic blessing to the priests,
religious, catechists and all the faithful of Plenary indulgence offered for

In 2002 he asked Pope John Paul II for per- Benin, and to those who will participate in
mission to return to Benin to work as a pas-
tor and missionary. The Pope granted his re-
quest in a letter in which he expressed his
his funeral.”
Benin’s government secretary-general Vic-
tor Topanou, speaking from the capital
Day of Prayer for China
affection and admiration for the fidelity of Cotonou said, “We have just lost one of the HONG KONG, May 13, 2008— the indulgence by uniting
Cardinal Gantin as well as his pastoral zeal great sons of our country and of the entire Benedict XVI is offering the op- themselves spiritually with
that led him to retire from the Curia and re- continent of Africa.” portunity to gain a plenary in- those present at the celebra-
turn to his homeland. The government had sent a minister to dulgence to those who partici- tions, offering their prayers
Because of his declining health he was Paris to accompany the remains back to his pate in the events surrounding and sufferings to the God of
forced to go to Paris to receive more adequate native country for burial, Topanou said. the May 24 World Day of mercy for the Church in China.
medical treatment. (CNA) Cardinal Bernardin Gantin
Prayer for the Church in China. “It is the wish of the Holy Fa-
In a notice to parishes, the ther that the faithful will more
Hong Kong Diocese announced and more yearn for and put
May 9 that at the request of Car- into practice the supernatural

Caritas ‘a bit freer to move’ in Myanmar dinal Joseph Zen, bishop of

Hong Kong, the Pope is mak-
ing a plenary indulgence avail-
virtues, especially faith, hope
and charity, and that they will
strengthen their communion
able to the faithful. with the Roman Pontiff, who is
in need of medical help.” Overwhelming To receive the plenary indul- the visible foundation of the
gence, the faithful should par- unity of the whole Catholic
Head start Church medical staffers are ticipate in one of the solemn Church,” the diocese said.
also traveling to the worst af- functions to be held May 15-25 Benedict XVI proclaimed
Local Church partners in fected areas to provide treatment
in the diocese, as well as ful- May 24, memorial of Our Lady,
Myanmar are providing food and to the survivors.
filling the customary condi- Help of Christians, a World
other aid items to 10,000 people Assessment teams have re- tions. Day of Prayer for the Church
in Yangon and Irrawaddy, ported back—and the situation is Those who are unable to par- in China in his May 27, 2007,
Caritas Internationalis reported. described as overwhelming,
ticipate due to sickness or other letter to Chinese Catholics.
That figure is expected to rise even for experienced disaster-re-
grave reasons can also obtain (Zenit)
to 40,000 people receiving sup- lief response teams, a statement
© epa/Corbis

port by May 14. Provisional fig- from Caritas Internationalis con-

ures put the relief effort at $1 firmed.
million for the first month. The One staff member, speaking

YANGON, Myanmar, May 12, land.

relief items are coming from
within the country at present.
The official death toll from
anonymously, said, “I was in
Phyapon, far off down the
Irrawaddy River. The bodies of
Pope to text message World
Youth Day pilgrims
2008—Myanmar’s rulers have The Church in Myanmar—
made it difficult for international though Catholics are less than 1% Cyclone Nagris is close to 32,000, human beings and cattle were
aid groups to help the cyclone- of the total population—provides with another 30,000 people still still in the water. We reached a
devastated nation. But Caritas an effective network for relief, missing. However, officials from destroyed village. We were the
Internationalis, working through Nicholson explained: “[The the U.N. and other organizations first outsiders they had seen. SYDNEY, Australia, May 8, a unique experience by using
its local partners, is “a bit freer to Church there] has limited re- already say 100,000 people died “To my eyes, which have seen 2008—This July, Pope Benedict new ways to connect with
move around,” said a spokesman. sources, but does have parishes in the storm and its aftermath. the Asia tsunami and the Kash- XVI will text message thousands today’s tech-savvy youth,” said
Patrick Nicholson told ZENIT and religious in the affected ar- As relief efforts continue to be mir earthquake, it was over- of Catholic pilgrims at World Bishop Anthony Fisher in a state-
that Caritas Internationalis has eas, which provides an effective hampered by the Myanmar junta, whelming. Nature unleashed an Youth Day, sending messages of ment.
not been able to send Myanmar logistics network.” some international political lead- orgy of death. Women explained hope and inspiration directly to Telstra has also provided tele-
as many international workers as That means Caritas ers have suggested forcing help how the waves took their babes. young people through the latest communications services for the
it would have liked, but the aid Internationalis, working with the on the nation. As our boat moved along, a body technological medium. Sydney 2000 Olympic Games
organization has “been able to Church, is able to get aid to some Meanwhile, Caritas of a small boy drifted past. World Youth Day 2008 and the 2003 Rugby World Cup.
provide technical support from of the millions of suffering Bur- Internationalis is doing what it “People have no drinking wa- (WYD08) recently announced The company will also pro-
its international team in mese people. can, and with its traditional policy ter or food or shelter. Children that its official telecommunica- vide digital prayer walls at event
Bangkok.” Archbishop Charles Bo of of working “before, during and are eating coconut shells. Dead tions partner, Telstra, will pro- sites, regional webcasting for
Caritas Internationalis is sup- Yangon said, “As a Church, we after” natural disasters. animals are everywhere. There is vide daily “inspirational” text catechetical events, interactive
porting the local bishops’ confer- are reaching out to the victims “Caritas had done disaster pre- a terrible smell. There were many messages from Pope Benedict, centers with wireless internet ac-
ence, which has fewer than 100 with all the means at our disposal. paredness in Myanmar before the refugees, living in roofless commemorative WYD08 photo cess, and green screen studios.
staff and volunteers working on At this hour of darkness, we are cyclone, so that gave us a head churches and monasteries. Help messaging, music downloads World Youth Day 2008 will
the cyclone response in encouraged by the show of sup- start,” Nicholson said. “That we has not reached them. We are and hosting for the World Youth take place in and around Sydney
Myanmar, a nation slightly port by our friends from abroad. work through local partners doing what is possible. In the last Day social networking site from July 15 through July 20. At
smaller than Texas and nestled There are urgent needs for food, means we’re a bit freer to move two days, we have reached out to XT3.com. least 225,000 pilgrims are ex-
between India, China and Thai- water and shelter. Thousands are around.” the starving people.” (Zenit) “We wanted to make WYD08 pected to attend. (CNA)
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 12 No. 10
May 12 - 25, 2008 News Features A3
Legislators will extend
CARP, bishops hope
MANILA, May 9, 2008—The adopt measures to make sure that
Catholic Bishops’ Conference of this other extension be its last—
the Philippines (CBCP) is hoping meaning, the effective comple-
that the government will extend tion of land acquisition and dis-
the Comprehensive Agrarian tribution accompanied by a real
Reform Program (CARP) for fur- start in delivering adequate and
ther period. sustained support services to
“If CARP is extended, it will beneficiaries.
be lasting legacy to the rural folk,” The DAR has estimated that
said Archbishop Angel N. CARP still needs at least P160 bil-
Lagdameo of Jaro, CBCP presi- lion for a 10-year realization of
dent. CARP beyond 2008.
Speaking to reporters at CBCP Bishops and their allies are pro-
headquarters, he said it is encour- posing through the CARP exten-
aging to note that many Senators sion the following reforms¯total
and Congressmen are in favor of ban on land conversion; bigger
the extension of CARP. fund for CARP; greater access to
“I am sure, our legislators will loans; gender-responsive CARP;

© Osservatore Romano/Pool/epa/Corbis
fulfill the need of the farmers,” granting protection to beneficia-
he added. ries; exclusive jurisdiction on
After the two-day (May 5-6) agrarian reform cases by the
meeting, the Bishops-Business- DAR; strengthening the Presiden-
men Conference and the Bishops- tial Agrarian Reform Council;
Legislators Forum, urged Con- creation of an oversight commit-
gress and President Gloria tee; and imposing penalties to
Macapagal-Arroyo to pass a law violators of agrarian reform.
that would extend CARP. “If CARP is not extended after
In a two-page statement, the it has expired by the end of June,
participants called on Congress we will see what could be done
to “act on CARP extension with a to cross the bridge,” Lagdameo

Benedict XVI: ‘Humanae

greater sense of urgency and to told CBCPNews. (Santosh Digal)

Academe incorporates
‘peace ed’ in curriculum Vitae’ as relevant as ever
DAVAO CITY, May 8, 2008—The She added that it is also neces- VATICAN CITY, May 12, 2008—In a society The Pontiff affirmed that “in a culture suf- themselves as they sense the extraordinary
Assumption College in Davao sary that while the young people that treats the practice of sexuality like a drug, fering from the prevalence of having over nature of what is achieved in them and
(ACD), an academic institution are still learning they already not just the concept of love needs defending, being, human life risks losing its value. If the through them. No mechanical technique can
managed by the Missionary of the have an idea on how to develop but also the dignity of the person, says practice of sexuality becomes a drug that substitute the act of love that husband and
Assumption Sisters (MA) is now a culture of peace especially here Benedict XVI. seeks to enslave the partner to one’s own wife exchange as a sign of the greater mys-
incorporating ‘peace education’ in Mindanao. The Pope affirmed this Saturday when he desires and interests, without respecting the tery, in which they are protagonists and co-
in their curriculum for the school Through that, Banayo said, “we received in audience participants from an times of the beloved, then what must be de- participants of creation.”
year 2008-2009. are forming responsible students international congress promoted by the Pon- fended is no longer just the concept of love After recalling the sad episodes that some-
ACD President Sr. Marietta who have high regard for peace tifical Lateran University to mark the 40th but, primarily, the dignity of the person. As times involve adolescents “whose reactions
Banayo, MA said the peace educa- and interreligious dialogue.” anniversary of the encyclical “Humanae Vi- believers we could never allow the power of display their incorrect appreciation of the
tion is part of their peace advocacy The peace training will include tae.” technology to invalidate the quality of love mystery of life and of the dangerous impli-
program here in Mindanao to in- lectures and activities that will The three-day conference ended May 10. and the sacredness of life.” cations of their actions,” Benedict XVI ex-
fuse in the minds of the students focus on peacemaking, under- Recalling that the encyclical was published Natural law, he said, “deserves to be rec- pressed his hope that young people “may
the passion to work for peace. standing the real meaning of by Pope Paul VI on July 25, 1968, Benedict ognized as the source inspiring the relation- learn the true meaning of love and prepare
Banayo said the peace educa- peace and interreligious dia- XVI highlighted how “the document soon ship between a married couple in their re- for it with appropriate sexual education, not
tion and training will be incor- logue. became a sign of contradiction,” and pointed sponsibility to generate children. The trans- allowing themselves to be distracted by su-
porated in the curriculum of the “We want our students to learn out that “it constitutes a significant show of mission of life is inscribed in nature and its perficial messages that prevent them from
high school and college students more about peace, we want them courage in reiterating the continuity of the laws stand as an unwritten norm to which appreciating the essence of the truth at stake.”
thus making a culture of peace in to understand the true meaning Church’s doctrine and tradition.” everyone must refer.” “Freedom must join with truth, and re-
the academe. of peace and see for themselves “The truth expressed in ‘Humanae Vitae’ does Nascent life, the Pope continued, “is the sponsibility with strength of dedication to
“If we really want peace, we what they can contribute toward not change,” the Holy Father affirmed. fruit of a love capable of thinking and choos- others, also through sacrifice,” he affirmed.
must involve our young people peace in Mindanao,” said Banayo. “Quite the contrary, in the light of new scien- ing in complete freedom, without allowing “Without these principles the community
who will someday become fu- Banayo also believes that tific discoveries its teaching becomes more itself to be overly conditioned by the sacri- of man does not develop and there is a risk
ture leaders of our country and through peace education the chil- relevant and stimulates reflection on the in- fice this may require. From here emerges the of being trapped in oppressive selfishness.”
city,” Banayo told CBCPNews dren will no longer be blinded trinsic values it possesses.” miracle of life which parents experience in (Zenit)
during the sneak preview of of the real conditions in
Hunghong sa Yuta (Earth’s Whis- Mindanao hence making them
per), a Mindanao made film by more socially aware and actively
the religious Brothers of the Sa- involve in peace advocacies.
cred Heart.
Report suggests Europe an ‘elderly
(Mark S Ventura)

Malampaya brings some continent’ in ‘demographic winter’

loose change for Palawan BRUSSELS, May 10, 2008—A new report pre-
sented to the European Parliament shows
more evidence of a “demographic winter” in
At present, there are almost 1.2 million
abortions per year in the E.U., making abor-
tion the leading cause of mortality in Europe.
between 2000 and 2007, portends demo-
graphic problems. Twelve million of the
added population, 84 percent, resulted from
Europe, where a decline in both birth and The figures are equivalent to the population immigration. The immigrant population
marriage rates have helped create an “eld- of Luxembourg and Malta combined. Nearly now stands at 27 million people, represent-
erly continent.” 18.5 percent of all pregnancies in the E.U. end ing 5.5 percent of Europe’s population.
The Institute for Family Policy’s report, in abortion. The report points out that there is no Euro-
© Niño Coliamco / ncoliamco.multiply.com

“The Evolution of the Family in Europe 2008,” The fall in the European Union marriage pean Union organization in charge of family
is a study that was undertaken by experts from rate has also been drastic. In 2006 there were policy and calls for greater defense family.
several disciplines including demography, 732,752 fewer marriages than in 1980, a de- According to the report, there is a clear cor-
psychology, sociology, and family studies. crease of 23.9 percent. When they do marry, relation between direct assistance to fami-
Lola Velarde, president of the Institute for people are starting families later, with lies and the number of children. Countries
Family Policy European Network, said that women marrying at an average age of 29 and offering higher family benefit levels have
concern about the European family and its men at an average age of 31. This represents higher birth rates.
problems has grown, as evidenced by sev- an increase in the average age of marriage The Institute for Family Policy recom-
eral recently adopted European Union docu- by more than five years. mended several proposals to develop “fam-
ments. However, she said this action is In 2006, the report said, divorces numbered ily-friendly” government policies. These in-
“clearly inadequate” and family problems over one million—365,000 more than in 1980. clude making a “family-oriented” policy ap-
PUERTO PRINCESA, Palawan, they did not have jurisdiction but continue to worsen. Between 1996 and 2006 there were over 10.1 proach integral to all European Union laws;
May 9, 2008—After a long drawn the provincial government’s case According to the report, which was re- million marital breakdowns, affecting more recognizing and promoting family rights in
dispute over the local govern- received a favorable decision. leased to CNA, indicators of population, than 15 million children. all areas, particularly in child care and educa-
ment unit share from Malampaya “The court said the money be- birth, marriage, and family breakdowns have European Union households themselves tion; promoting uniformity between national
natural gas, the Palawan provin- longs to Palawan and not to the all worsened in the past 27 years. People are shrinking in size, with an average 2.4 family policies to avoid differences between
cial government, its two congres- national government who later over age 65 outnumber those under age 14 members per household. One in four house- countries; and establishing equality of oppor-
sional districts and Puerto filed an appeal before the Court by 6 million. Additionally, there are now one holds is occupied only by a single resident. tunity for all families to avoid discrimination
Princesa City can finally expect of Appeals,” Arigo explained. million fewer births per year than there were Even the population growth of the Euro- based on number of children, levels of income,
some “loose change” from the While the appeal remained pend- in 1980. pean Union, which added 14.2 million people or distribution of income. (CNA)
national government. ing, a compromise agreement
This was how the Vicar Apos- was proposed that both the na-
tolic of Puerto Princesa, Bishop tional government and Palawan
Pedro V. Arigo described the situ- settled for 50-50 sharing.
In an interview with
CBCPNews, the prelate said that
The prelate said the provincial
government agreed and was set
to receive 20 percent from the
Mindanao Peace Institute holds seminar
according to Local Government
Code, Palawan is entitled to 40
percent local government unit
original 40 percent and the
government’s share of 60 percent
will become 80 percent. When the
on Muslim-Christian relations
share amounting to P15 billion, actual sharing came, the amount
since the Malampaya Natural Gas to be shared was just P12 billion ZAMBOANGA CITY, May 10, 2008—A one- own prejudices against other culture and land.
Project began operations years ago. since the P3 billion was already month summer course on Muslim-Chris- religion. They were given a basic knowl- The immersion experience left an impact
“When money was already spent in the last elections. tian relations aimed to deepen a person’s edge of Arabic, Islam Teaching, the Qur’an, on the participants claiming their immer-
available, the national govern- “I was told for every election, understanding of other culture and religion Christian Teaching and the Bible. sion was the transformative part of the pro-
ment claimed the amount does P200 million was released to our was held at Silsilah Dialogue Institute from Classes were conducted in an atmosphere gram as it had stripped them of their preju-
not belong to Palawan,” Bishop two legislators and our provin- March 30 to April 26. of openness encouraging reflection, dia- dices towards other cultures.
Arigo said, adding that the na- cial governor and it happened Participants to the 22nd Basic Summer logue and sharing. Silsilah Institute is offering two more
tional government alleged the twice and as to the difference, I Course were 25 young men and eight Part of the seminar was a three weekend courses to complete its summer program.
money belongs to them. “There don’t know what happened,” women from Italy, China, Vietnam, Manila stay of participants to foster families. Chris- A special course titled Harnessing Youth
were two cases filed before the Arigo added. With P12 billion up and other parts of Mindanao. tian participants stayed with Muslim fami- Idealism Towards a Culture of Governance
courts, one was from the provin- for “sharing,” the governor was “I have attended many seminars, but this lies and Muslim participants with Chris- for Dialogue and Peace begins on May 18-
cial government while we, mem- jubilant in saying “finally, P6 bil- one month for me is the most novel and tian families. 24.
bers of the civil society, filed an- lion is coming as he called for his unique,” exclaimed Brother Simone Picollo, The foster families were located in the The Silsilah Dialogue Institute conducts
other,” the prelate said. municipal mayors to prepare one of the participants. different Silsilah solidarity communities of their formation activities in Harmony Vil-
He said their case was dis- projects to be financed from the The seminar was devised in a way to Caragasan, Lower Calarian, Sta. Catalina, lage, at Pitogo, Sinunuc, Zamboanga City.
missed because the court said windfall.” (Melo Acuña) make participants become aware of their Sta. Margarita, Paniran, and Sta. Cruz Is- (CBCPNews)
CBCP Monitor
A4 Opinion Vol. 12 No. 10
May 12 - 25, 2008


The scourge of child pornography

CHILD pornography is here—and quite for some time now.
While everybody is busy brawling about the anomalies of
this government that is doubly busy, too, doing a wag-the-
dog to distract the populace from falling further into the pit
of dismay, child porn producers are busy prowling the streets
for more and more victims.
Optical Media Board chief Edu Manzano reports of kids
(who should be attending kindergarten but are not because
their parents are either busy queuing up for a square meal of
rice or selling their kidney for a day of opulence) who are
brought by their very own mothers to pose as “talents” in a
porno film of sorts. Disgust is a very mild reaction to seeing
a 4 or 6 year old forced to do a sexual deviant act that normal
couple would not even dare. While adult pornography is bad
enough, child pornography is indescribably worse.
It is the market, which no longer hides in the closets but even
shouts in Quiapo and in malls, that dictates the course of child
pornography. And while it is presently getting insatiable, the
producers will be there to fill the “need”. Reports have it that
it only takes $10,000 for foreigners to produce a full-length
child porn film. And parents of child porn talents go home
seemingly well compensated with P40,000 after all is done.
It is cold. It is silent. It is devastating.
In a pastoral letter titled “Welcoming Them for My Sake”,
issued in 1998, the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the
Philippines (CBCP), says: “Our voices cannot be loud
enough, our words strong enough to condemn this evil
among us. The cries of abused children reach up to the God
of justice in a call for vengeance. We know that their lament
invokes compassion from the God of Love…And to those
who inflict pain and wound the innocent, our Lord has harsh
words: ‘it is better for anyone who leads astray one of these Francisco F. Claver, SJ
little ones who believe in me, to be drowned by a millstone
around his neck in the depths of the sea.’ (Mt. 18:160). The CfC controversy about the Devil
The blight of child pornography may be traced mainly to
poverty—the kind of poverty that has emboldened
Afterthoughts (to steal or not to steal from him?)
unprincipled producers, business and pedophiles. But the
evil of destroying our very own children simply transcends
the social impact of poverty. Virginia, there is really more I WAS home in Bontoc recently, and as I was learned later, though, that they had decided about telling them: “Go to the devil!”
to it than just the exigency of an empty wallet. leaving the parish church after Mass the last to stick with Mr. Meloto.) All these strange thoughts because of the
day of my visit, one of the parishioners He drew a parallel between starving quarreling heads of the CfC. The split among
rather rudely accosted me with this question: people stealing—or freely receiving help— them is most unfortunate. But whatever the
“Is it at all allowed to steal from the devil?” from the devil on the one hand, and on the reasons for it, a way must be found for the
Our responsibilities as Catholics “Daft!” I said to myself. I stole a look at my
interrogator—it was “the village philoso-
other, the miserably housed in squatter ar-
eas in Manila (which, he said, had horrified
work of the CfC to go on. And by “the work
of the CfC”, I mean what both factions say
pher”. I thought he was trying to be funny, him no end when he saw what passed for they are interested in: the spiritual forma-
MANY people confuse legality for morality. They think that
but he looked serious. Like the Sphinx, in their “houses”), the putative beneficiaries of tion of families, the housing of poor ones—
if something is allowed by civil law, then it is necessarily good fact. And inscrutable too. So I decided to play the donations of a pharmaceutical company these must by all means be done. But where
or at least indifferent. along and questioned him in turn: “Why do manufacturing “sinful” contraceptives. I dirt-poor families are concerned, I would put
On the contrary, what is legal may still be bad and immoral. you ask that?” didn’t think the company in question would their housing needs before their spiritual
But we should remember that since civil laws should be He answered: “Because you priests—par- welcome being classified as the devil, but ones. As the old Latin dictum has it (it must
based on the Divine Law as its expression or application, don my impertinence, your Excellency!—say then it was being criminalized by Mr. Meloto’s have been thought up by another village
then these laws tend to have an educational dimension. it would not be a sin to steal under certain critics, so I thought the man’s comparison sage), “primum vivere, secundum philosophare—
circumstances, for example, if I were starv- was quite apt. He found great difficulty in to stay alive comes first, to philosophize [or
Hence, we all have a duty to work for civil laws that are in
ing and the only way I could survive were to the reason being advanced to condemn Mr. theologize too?] second.”
consonance with moral principles. steal the food I needed.” I replied: “You’re Meloto’s efforts at helping to provide neces- I guess more spiritual persons than I will
What a grave moral burden rests on the consciences of our right. But why the devil?” “Because,” he came sary housing for the poor, supposedly, the vehemently say nay to that bit of folk wis-
legislators! The Second Plenary Council of the Philippines right back, “he is the one who has the ready use of evil means for a good end. That was dom, maintain that the spiritual must come
(PCP II) reminded us that “Catholics who are given a means in the casus conscientiae [a conscience how receiving money from the pharmaceu- first at all costs before the material. I’ll have
charge of public life (must) faithfully abide by the problem under discussion by moralists] that’s tical company for Gawad Kalinga projects no trouble agreeing with them—in the order
bothering me.” The man even knew Latin. was being caricatured. And he went on to of ultimate priorities. But in a situation of dire
Gospel and by the moral and social teachings of the
And he proceeded to complicate his origi- add in defense of Mr. Meloto that it wasn’t as and immediate need for shelter and food?
Church, given the parameters of religious liberty” 6. nal question with another (he hadn’t earned if he, Meloto, were profiting personally from I’m afraid I’ll have to say the physical and the
Catholic legislators are morally bound to follow the teachings the sobriquet of “philosopher” for nothing): the company’s donations. material will have to be attended to first. This
of the Church in their law-making activities. They should not “But suppose the devil freely gives me what That exchange occupied my thoughts all is what many of us who work in the Church’s
set aside the teachings of the Church when formulating and I want, so it wouldn’t be necessary to steal, the way back to Manila later in the day. The social action apostolate have found from pain-
voting on laws. can I in good conscience avail of his magna- man was right. If people in desperate straits ful experience. It is simply not the right thing
We have recently written that “everyone should be nimity?” His logic was impeccable (though I may steal, it doesn’t matter from whom they to do to talk about spiritual matters to people
still have to meet such a devil of magnanim- steal, saint or devil—although if I were asked, whose empty bellies cry out to be filled. Or
interested in knowing what bills are being considered
ity), so I answered: “Yes!” This, grudgingly. I would most probably counsel stealing from whose make-shift, open-to the-elements hov-
by Congress, what positions regarding important And not a little testily: “But what are you whichever of the two was richer! But if in- els degrade—and make hard the living of—
legislators are being taken by senators and getting at anyway with all those hypotheti- stead of stealing, the severely indigent their dignity as human beings and as chil-
congresspersons. In solidarity, civil society must cal questions?” “They’re not at all hypotheti- begged and were given help freely—again, dren of the one Father of us all.
articulate their support for laws, policies, and structural cal,” he shot back. And he explained how he does it matter at all if the donor is a saint or The parallel the man made between the
changes that will improve our lives in society and our was a CfC member of the parish and the split the devil himself? If I were asked by the beg- desperate need for food and the equally des-
political processes. It must lobby to defeat bills that between the group of Mr. Padilla and that of gars directly, should I tell them to beg from perate need for shelter came back to me with
militate against the aspirations of the poor, the integral Mr. Meloto was so painful to him and his the saint and not from the devil? But of this head-battering force. How spiritual can a
development of our people, the integrity of creation, follow CfC-ers, they didn‘t know what to I’m sure: If the saint were in any way reluc- family get living over a stinking estero or in
moral values in the family, the welfare of women, make of it. And neither did their pastor. (I tant to help, I’d have no qualms whatsoever Afterthoughts / A6
children and the young” 7 . Hence, we wish to commend
and encourage Catholics who have shown their Christian
spirit by volunteering their time and services to the cause of Jose B. Lugay
life and the defense of the family and family-related values.
A death sentence to kidney
We know that you have written to your Congress
representatives, affixed your signatures to campaigns, spent transplant patients Laiko Lampstand
time at rallies or dialogue sessions, conversed individually with
our leaders and above all, prayed to the Lord of Life to
continue blessing our country. Keep up your struggle. You THE total ban on kidney donations from population, there will be 100 to 200 persons confinement in the hospital for any emer-
can always count on the support and guidance of your bishops. non-relatives to both foreign and Filipino who will need kidney transplant. Also for gency reason (which is likely to happen at
Our Catholic educational system can give a substantial patients by the order of President Gloria every 1 million population, only 30 cadaver least once a year). There are about 4,500 new
contribution to the youth in their formative years toward the Macapagal Arroyo to DOH Secretary Fran- donors may be available. In the Philippines, patients being dialyzed every year in addi-
formation of right conscience. After the family, our schools cisco Duque III is a declaration of a death sen- our culture still find unacceptable to donate tion to the 6,000 or so already on dialysis.
tence to all end-stage renal disease (ESRD) the organ of a loved one. The campaign has While on dialysis, a companion member of
serve as stable formators of values.
patients, that is, if the Philippine Board of been going on since 2002—the donation form the family is always present as expected in
–”That They May Have Life, and Have it Abundantly” Organ Donation and Transplantation will being issued together with the acquisition of Philippine culture. The patient as well as the
A CBCP Pastoral Statement on the Defense of Life and Family, 2000 include this in the Implementing Rules and a drivers’ license. The response is so poor; companion will not have any productive
Regulations of Republic Act No. 9208, other- i.e., receiving not more than 20 cadaver kid- time to contribute to the family’s earnings. A
wise known as the “Anti-Trafficking in Per- neys a year. If living non-related donors transplant patient will still be productive and
ISSN 1908-2940 sons Act of 2003”. which comprise almost 70 percent of the cur- may be able to maintain his earning capacity

CBCP Monitor
The lives of successful kidney transplant rent source of kidney donation is banned, it to fund his medical expenses.
patients had been extended for many years— is a death sentence to about 8,000 Filipino There are only about 21 trained transplant
productive years which enable the recipient end-stage renal disease (ESRD) patients doctors in the Philippines, 15 of them were
Protagonist of Tr u t h , Promoter of Peace patient to serve their families and their pro- yearly. One may say that there is always the under the tutelage of the National Kidney &
fessions. Let us look at a successful kidney hemodialysis treatment to prolong the pa- Transplant Institute who are now practicing
Pedro C. Quitorio transplant operation last year, that of the tients’ life. Let us look at the hard facts. in different hospitals in the Philippines. The
Editor-in-Chief President’s Justice Secretary. He owes his life During the developmental stage of the cost of a transplant including that of the
to his driver, a living non-related donor. transplant technology, the hemodialysis donor’s will amount to a total of approxi-
Pinky Barrientos, FSP Kris P. Bayos
Associate Editor
Would the President have not given him this treatment had advanced to become a life-sav- mately P800,000 to P1,200,000. In addition,
Feature Editor
chance to receive a donated kidney? ing procedure for end stage renal disease the cost of maintaining a transplant patient
Melo M. Acuña Rosalynn Garcia The President, not so long ago commuted (ESRD) patients. Hemodialyis is the process with the medicines he has to take will also be
Managing Editor Marketing Supervisor death sentences to life-imprisonment of con- of cleaning the patient’s blood from all the about P5,000 per month unless there are com-
victed criminals following the stand of the accumulated toxic substances that normally plications. While there are about 6,000 po-
Dennis B. Dayao Ernani M. Ramos Catholic Church. More recently, she released would have been discarded by a fully func- tential transplant patients every year, from
On-Line Editor Circulation Manager from jail long-staying prisoners who reached tioning kidney. Successful dialysis depends statistics gathered in 2006, there were only
the age of 70 and above. With one burst of on the patient’s discipline in maintaining his 609 kidney transplant operations, 473 or 78
Roy Q. Lagarde Marcelita Dominguez temper, prodded by the press releases of kid- closely guided diet; the frequency of dialysis percent were from living non-related donors.
News Editor Comptroller
neys for sale, the President has ordered Sec- treatment (not less than two times a week) as And 181 or 22 percent were from living rela-
The CBCP Monitor is published fortnightly by the CBCP retary Duque to ban the donation of kidneys recommended by the nephrologists; the in- tives. The most prevalent disease associated
from non-relatives to both local and foreign take of prescribed medicines also connected with end-stage renal disease is diabetes.
Layout by Denz Dayao

Communications Development Foundation, Inc., with

editorial and business offices at 470 Gen. Luna St., patients in accordance with the World Health with the after-effects of the treatment. The Members of families who have hereditary
Intramuros, Manila. P.O. Box 3601, 1076 MCPO. Assembly of the World Health Organization cost per dialysis treatment is P 3,000. The diabetes are automatically disqualified to be
Editorial: (063) 404-2182. Business: (063)404-1612. (WHO). WHO supports kidney donations yearly cost including the other expenses for a kidney donor hence they have to source
Email: cbcpmonitor@cbcpworld.net from cadavers and living-related donors only. medicines and laboratory tests will amount their kidneys from non-relatives.
Website: www.cbcpworld.net/cbcpmonitor Laiko / A6
Statistics show that for every 1 million to P700,000 per year. That is, if there is no
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 12 No. 10
May 12 - 25, 2008 Opinion A5
Fr. Melvin P. Castro Nicolo F. Bernardo

Speaking of Mary Las Flores de Mayo Lifeguard

IT took the words of the Cardinal-Arch- we accept it or not, whether we have wa- month for us to reflect on the virtue of holy
bishop of Manila to make us aware and re-
discover the roots of the Santacruzan and
tered it down through time or not, we should
always return to its original meaning and
purity. After all, it was Christ Himself who
told us, Blessed are the pure of heart for they Conceived in Greece,
born in Rome
Flores de Mayo. Some took it as a condem- purpose: It is religious, punto y basta. shall see God. I often think that the reason
nation, which to my mind is understandable We all have our struggles, some more ap- why we find ourselves so hard-up in even
but they should also accept and humbly sub- parent others more subtle. The struggle for starting a prayer is because of our profound
mit to our Church leaders and to the Church sanctity will always be hard. Understand- sense of lack of holy purity in our part to
teachings. ably, among the many struggles in life will enable us to commence a conversation with THE “little child.” In Anglicized Latin, “foetus.” Without the
Hence, it is a non-issue whether or not the be for holy purity. And this applies to ev- God. We better re-discover as well the trea- clinical semantics it bears now, this word for the unborn was at
non-female but female-looking participants eryone—regardless of one’s sexual orienta- sure that we have in our confessionals. once a recognition of its humanity and vulnerability.
of the Marian procession are devotees them- tion or even, one’s state of life. One will I remember as well the words of St. Louis While the legal protection of the unborn seems a new civil
selves and carry in their hearts their own eventually fall into sin but it is another Grignon de Montfort who tells us that the rights issue, our abortion laws actually came to term from the
prayers and petitions to Our Lady and nei- matter to simply not to struggle at all. St. devil is always watching out for the Hail very cradles of civilization—Greece and Rome.
ther is it an issue that they sacrificed a lot Josemaria puts it wonderfully, we may lose Mary’s we recite. That each Hail Mary badly To be sure, abortion laws go back to the “mother” of West-
just to have their elaborate gowns for Our the battle but we should win the war. recited, i.e. to say, not prayed well, the devil ern legal systems, the Roman Law. Its provisions evolved and
Lady. Because the issue at hand is that this The Church never condemned anyone for gets it like a flower and tramples it under found their way through the laws of European countries, and
procession has Christian roots and signifi- one’s sexual orientation. What she points out, his feet. Each Hail Mary well said instead is later to their colonies like the Philippines. Our Penal Code and
cance and hence, it should be respected for among other things, is that it is always grave like a flower taken hold of an angel and Civil Code were among its issues.
what it is intended for, a procession in honor matter to engage in physical intimacy out- brought to Our Lady. For the Romans, what is moral should be legal, and vice
of Our Lady and also commemorating the side of marriage—homosexuals or hetero- Well, this month of May, as we literally versa. Ius in Latin means “law.” It also means “right.” What
discovery of the True Cross by St. Helena sexuals. It will be a doubly hard struggle for offer flower to Our Lady, let us also offer would be considered right is often the fruit of centuries of
(from which we derive the word, the former, yet in itself the struggle for holy her spiritual bouquets. Among these, we human struggle for a “human right”—the rights of the unborn
Santacruzan). purity will be the road towards sanctity. may include, praying the Rosary with our notwithstanding.
If our brethren are really that devoted to Holy purity, says St. John of the Cross, family, receiving the Sacrament of Penance The struggle can be traced in ancient Greece that shaped
Our Lady, the first fruit of this is to avoid is—as it were—the wings that will allow and Reconciliation, and a little bit more Roman values. Interestingly, the Greeks have the same word
cross-dressing, that is to say, for males to our souls to soar high. The struggle for holy struggle for holy purity. And remember, for “compassion” and the “womb”: “sprangena.” But there were
dress-up as women. And much less, should purity will always be a joyful struggle. It is it’s always a joyful struggle! two competing moralities, almost like today’s “Culture of
they do it within the context of a religious not a long list of do’s and don’ts but instead St. Teresa of Jesus, better known as St. Death” vs. the “Culture of Life:” the orgiastic Dionysian mo-
procession. Let’s not talk about rights here, a free embrace of giving up some liberties Teresa of Avila, puts it appropriately, Lord rality vs. the Apollonian morality of the philosophers.
this is about being true to the intended pur- in order to gain true freedom. spare us from gloomy saints! True saintly The Father of Medicine, Hippocrates (an Apollonian) made
pose of the Santacruzan and the Flores de This month of May, which we tradition- people are happy people. May we be among reservations on abortion despite its popularity in Greece. The
Mayo. Whether we like it or not, whether ally dedicate to Our Lady, will also be a good them. Ave Maria! Ad Jesum per Mariam. original Hippocratic Oath sworn by physicians reads: “I swear by
Apollo the healer…I will not give a woman means to procure abor-
tion.” (The same oath swears-off euthanasia.)
Hippocrates also cautioned women from using the contra-
ceptive pennyroyal, being toxic and could only be taken in
Sr. Mary Pilar Verzosa, RGS
Stepping out of
stringent amounts. That contraceptives could harm women’s
bodies was a concern even then.

homosexuality Love Life Since the Hippocratic texts form a corpus, it is not the work
of Hippocrates alone but a collection of treatises by his follow-
ers. This explains why there seems to be contradicting pre-
scriptions, and why in another text, Hippocrates supposedly
advised a prostitute to jump to abort her six-day-old embryo.
“ARE you ready for a changed life?” These him and living the life of a crippled man? the same load by embracing it? Truth is, Who really advises which nobody knows. But among
are the words of John Zulueta addressed to Could Christ be asking: ‘Are you ready for when we embrace our burdens they become Hippocrates’ texts, it is the pro-life Oath being given much
those who want to get out of the homo- a changed life? If I heal you, your life will lighter and more bearable than when we credence.
The condemnation of abortion and contraception go hand in
sexual lifestyle. John, Director of Bagong never be the same again. You will have to try to do away with it. In the same manner,
Pag-asa, a support group for men and work for your food; it will not be served to identify your cross and embrace it. Could hand through history, as many contraceptives were in fact
women who want to step out of homosexu- you anymore. You will have to move away it be loneliness? Sexual torment? Neediness? abortifacients, and both acts are spirited by the same anti-natal
ality and who is himself an ex-gay, knows from the pool side where you have com- Do not deny your cross. To follow Christ is mentality. Thus the Greek Christians, in Galatians and Didache,
forbid “pharmakeia” or “abortifacients” in Greek gynecology.
the difficult transition that they have to fortably lived the past 38 years of your life.’ to suffer and be like Him. Only when we
undergo. It is important that we who work The following message is not only ap- die to ourselves will we experience resur- And the Christians were never alone.
in the Family and Life Ministry strive to plicable to those in the homosexual life but rection—a new life. The French historian Paul Veyne (A History of Private Life:
truly understand what homosexuality is all to many of us involved in some form of Lastly, a changed life involves giving. From Pagan Rome to Byzantium) also observes that while moth-
ers in early Rome could bear only three children as evidenced
about and the struggles the homosexual addiction. John writes: Healing and change usually happens in the
people go through. Allow me to quote “Have we asked ourselves what is in- context of community. God changes us not from family illustrations, in a possible “three-children policy”
lengthily from his article published in their volved in being healed/changed? It means just for ourselves but to impact our com- that accorded privileges to the compliant, by the second cen-
newsletter because it is only when we hear life will not be the same. You can’t be doing munity, our society, our nation and the tury, we had emperors and subjects with many children. It was
a must, starting from the pro-baby edict of Caesar Ausustus.
them speak of their own experience that the things you used to do. You can’t be go- world. The sooner you give of yourself in
we can rejoice with them. ing where you used to go. You need to live order to change your community, the easier Jurists Celsus, Cicero and Ulpian also proscribed abortion
“We often ask God to change us. But when life differently. Are you changing patterns it will be for you to maintain that change. as murder. It was the Roman jurist Tertullian, even before
change seems remote, we either grumble and habits—sleeping, fun and recreation Remember, you do not manufacture becoming a Christian, who said “homo est et qui est futurus.” (He
is already a man who will become a man.)
or build a case against Him, particularly habits, texting habits like texting “sweet time. You spend it. You do not create a
when we experience the same temptations nothings” which can actually be seductive blessing, you receive it. You were not en- The Roman public was outraged by abortion. In an episode
again and again. I remember Jesus asking scheming in disguise? Are you willing to dowed with talents so you will be above written by Ovid in Amores, there is an angry comment of the
the invalid at the pool in Bethesda: ‘Do you change your choice of clothes, fashion style, the rest; they are meant to serve others. Romans to a courtesan who died after having one: “She de-
served it!” The satirist Juvenal wrote about rich Roman women
want to get well?’ Seemingly, Christ asked relational patterns and whatever you have One’s healing should reflect the character
a silly question since the man has been there been comfortable with yet you know is iden- of Christ, the Healer, to the world at large.” having abortions: “how often does a gilded bed contain a
for 38 years hoping that one day he’ll get tified with the homosexual lifestyle? The members of Bagong Pag-asa, a Christian woman that is lying in it. So great is the skill, so powerful the
the change to get into the pool first when it Are you willing to embrace your cross? Charitable Foundation, and Courage, a Catholic drugs of the abortionist, paid to murder mankind within the womb.”
But abortion laws could protect the women as much as they
gets stirred for healing. Why then would Embracing something requires you to support group for ex-gays, can be contacted
Christ ask such a question? Could it be bring it close to your body. Imagine carry- through Pro-life office – 911-2911. protect the preborn. Unlike the US Roe vs. Wade decision that
that the man has been used to lying down ing a load of books with outstretched arms. www.prolife.org.ph. They are available to give coldly absolved the State from protecting mother and fetus,
on the pool side having his food served to How would that feel compared to carrying talks, seminars, and counseling. the emperors recognized public interest in a woman’s preg-
nancy; that it was the task of the praetors, not just the parents,
to appoint competent and reliable midwives (“obstretices probatae
et artis et fidei”). In his article “Legal Protection of the Unborn
Rev. Euly B. Belizar, SThD Child in Roman Law,” Common Law professor Wolfgang

Things to discard (or modify, at least) to

Waldstein says: “That the child itself is regarded in its autono-
mous rights is shown clearly by the fact that, in case the woman

By the Roadside be proudly Pinoy and Catholic

be proved to be pregnant, she should be persuaded gently to
accept a curator ventris.” In Romanized Egypt, Diodor of Sicily
reports that any pregnant woman would be saved from execu-
tion as such would kill an innocent child. Meanwhile, the neo-
Phytagoreans forbid intercourse during menstruation and preg-
(Second of Two Parts) be used by our Pinoy genius to change our eration of and devotion to these heroes of nancy, as they believed this might harm the mother and the
realities into what they ought to be. the faith that is both Scripture-based and embryo.
6. Lack of practical love of country down to earth. One such example was how a Mothers gained praise for choosing herself and her baby.
Almost all decent and educated Pinoys no- 8. Overspending in celebrations Catholic I know answered a “born-against” Seneca, in his On Consolation to Mother Helvia, hails his mother
tice it. We have no lack of love for our fami- Need we belabor this point? Countless accusation that he was worshipping Mary as because she was not ashamed of her many pregnancies, nor
lies. In fact, we overdo it sometimes. But we number of our forebears, some with heroic he came out of the Wednesday novena to our did she attempt to destroy the fruit of conception.
have very little practical love of country. We intentions, tried to do away with some of Lady of Perpetual Help. Before explaining As to other preborn rights, the jurists Scaevola and Gaius,
could, in fact, easily sacrifice the interests of our extra-lavish fiestas, with no success. Cel- what veneration and devotion to Mary and argued that an unborn child can be instituted as an heir. As
country for the sake of family. Don’t we still ebrating runs deep in our Pinoy veins, partly, the saints means to Catholics, he said: Justice Jorge Coquia in his Principles of Roman Law in Philippine
remember how a military general who tried as social psychologists tell us, because we are “Brother, how did you know that we Catho- Jurisprudence explains, the status of the unborn at conception
to siphon out millions of dollars from the in an archipelago and islanders that we are lics worship Mary? Can you read our hearts being free was to be recognized even if at birth the mother
country’s treasury had a family member, a son, we can be given to excessive exuberance. and minds? Didn’t the Lord say in Lk 6:37, becomes a slave (“hi, qui legitime concipiuntur, ex conceptionis
in cahoots with him in a foreign land opera- There’s basically nothing wrong with that ‘Do not judge and you will not be judged; do tempore statum assumunt”). Further, a child is considered legiti-
tion leading to the son’s capture (still in pos- save for the fact that we rarely save for the not condemn and you will not be con- mate if parents are legally married at conception. So there is
session of the tainted cash)? And what about rainy days. And this is why our rainy days demned’’? The accuser apologized and left. poignancy at the moment of conception.
our local elite politicians—who are mostly have become too many instead of few and Such developments were carried in Philippine laws, which
from political dynasties—making our laws far between. The solution is right inside our 10. Believing that making money in any way tempered Roman Law with more humanity. In our Civil Code,
and putting them into effect? The continuing own culture. We only need to imitate or, for the family is beyond morality the unborn is given presumptive personality, for all purposes
poverty of the masses could be a concrete more properly, allow the Ilocano in us to get It’s often heartbreaking to watch and hear favorable to it, considered born (actual civil personality, al-
measure of how much love of country is gain- the better of our tendencies to overspend. hold-up criminals or girls caught in prostitu- though desirable, could not be given for civil registry rea-
ing on love of family. There’s no greater anti- Most of all, we need the Christlike in us to tion houses explain themselves: “I had to do sons.) In our Constitution, there is equal protection of the life of
dote to lack of patriotism than doing real, con- take our focus away from useless spending it for a sick member of my family”, namely a the mother and the unborn from conception. In our Penal Code,
crete ways and means of equitable wealth dis- to more meaningful liturgies in our feasts “hungry child” or a spouse who had to be abortion is considered a crime against persons—rightly, the
tribution and genuine land reform. that build communities and their commit- redeemed from hospital confinement. Might person of the parent whom abortion leaves permanently
ment to compassion, reconciliation and just we not also include politicians who rake in harmed. And in our Child and Youth Welfare Code, echoing
7. Making light of serious issues and prob- sharing of this world’s goods. huge amounts through ways rampant in our the UN Declaration on the Rights of the Child, it is stated that
lems system of governance? An offshoot to the “Every child is endowed with the dignity and worth of a human being
The biggest downside of being Pinoy? 9. Inability to explain or distinguish devotion Pinoy love of family, basically good, is our from the moment of his conception, as generally accepted in medical
What else but the vast gulf between our rich to veneration of Mary and the saints from basic determination to earn as much money parlance, and has therefore, the right to be born well.”
who are few and our poor who are many. idolatry as we need to live up to the Gokongweis or Thanks to the Catholic Church, in many ways “Roman,” this
The biggest upside? Our sense of humor with “Always have an answer ready when you the Ayalas. In the process and in more times civilizing legacy of good law endures at least in still civilized
which we try to weather all storms of living are called upon to account for your hope,” St. than one we turn our cheeks away from what countries. For to protect the right to life, down to the most
in an unjust country and an equally unjust Peter counsels fellow Christians (1 Pt 3:15). family members do, that may often escape “little child,” is what it takes to be civilized.
world. Unfortunately we could also have too Part of that hope is the one generated by the the law but not morality. We gloss over the
much of it even when and where we need to reality of the triumph of grace in Christian work of some of our sons or daughters as
be serious. Talk about cheating in (presiden- witnesses, such as Mary and the saints (to “entertainers” (a word that could cover many

tial, national and local) elections and you’ll paraphrase Karl Rahner). But alas, how many things but unfortunately also prostitution or
have countless text-ready and e-mail-end-
lessly-forwarded jokes. Talk about our ur-
Pinoy Catholics, as they do devotions, wip-
ing Mama Mary’s and saints’ images with
sex trafficking) in Japan or in some other for-
eign country, mostly because of the money.
Read the daily
gent need for truth, transparency and account- their handkerchiefs, could stand firmly The cost is heavy though. Lack of peace of
ability in public life and you get an
unprecedentedly high number of puns and
against relentless verbal onslaughts from
some non-Catholics against what they con-
mind and a gnawing “inside” are only some
indicators of a battered conscience.
church news at
wisecracks. Some of them, of course, have sider Catholic idolatry of Mary and the It often seems a big burden to be truly a
impact on their audience, but most have little saints? Standing firmly is possible only with Pinoy Catholic. But it’s a heavier weight not www.cbcpnews.com
impact on reality. The Pinoy humor needs to more profound catechesis on Catholic ven- to be one.
CBCP Monitor
A6 Local News Vol. 12 No. 10
May 12 - 25, 2008

Daet boosts campaign Prelate calls for

hike of prisoners’
against abortionists meal budget
TUGUEGARAO archbishop cases.
LED by its bishop Gilbert Garcera and the ties of Daet and Basud were apprehended. Diosdado T. Talamayan, recog- In a related development,
clergy, the diocese of Daet has launched an Religious organizations, such as Couples nizing the plight of hundreds of Chief Public Attorney Persida V.
all-out campaign against abortion. for Christ and Knights of Columbus were detainees at the Cagayan Provin- Rueda-Acosta said she has al-
It has issued a pastoral letter entitled “Holy alerted and challenged to be actively vigi- cial Jail, called on the provincial ready instructed Cagayan
Spirit: Giver of life” which strongly con- lant as a month of prayer and evening pro- government for more budgetary Valley’s Regional Public Attor-
demns all anti-life means, such as euthana- cessions were conducted in several parishes. allocations to raise the current ney Renato Cabrido to visit
sia, abortion and the contraceptive mental- The diocese of Daet is emboldened with meal allowance of prisoners from Cagayan Provincial Jail more of-
ity. the words of Pope Benedict XVI who, in a P20.00 to P40.00 and bigger ap- ten and attend to the detainees’
Aside the pastoral letter, a series of meeting of Pope Benedict with the presidents propriations for regular medical concerns.
catechesis was conducted on the value of life. of Latin American bishops’ committees for and dental check-ups. Doctolero said the Commis-
In an entrapment operation conducted by the family and for life, said that “abortion is The prelate, through Mrs. sion is optimistic their requests
the Special action team from the Women desk a crime of aggression not only against the Letty Doctolero, Archdiocesan would merit immediate atten-
of Camp Crame, three notorious abortion- unborn, but also against society.” Commission on Prison tion.
ists or “manghihilot” from the Municipali- (CBCPNews) Bishop Gilbert Garcera, DD Apostolate’s coordinator, called “Now that the concerns have
on the Integrated Bar of the Phil- been officially relayed to the
ippines and the Public Attorneys provincial governor, I am hop-
Office to assign more lawyers to ing immediate attention would

CBCP behind Archbishop Cruz

extend the necessary legal assis- be given in due time, she said.
tance to inmates with pending (Sr. Felina Lagasca, FSP)

arrest warrant for a libel case filed by em-

ployees of the Philippine Amusement and
Gaming Corporation four years ago.
Rosales recommended P10,000 bail for the
prelate’s temporary liberty.
The libel case stems from a complaint by
BEC stores help the poor
address rice crisis
“We would like to express our solidar- 20 women who, as alleged by Cruz, served
ity with Archbishop Cruz,” said Catholic as “pitiful GROs” (guest relations officers)
Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines during the birthday party of First Gentle-
(CBCP) President Archbishop Angel man Jose Miguel Arroyo in Malacañang in
Lagdameo 2004. TWO years before the current available to the poor.
Some bishops are demanding fair treat- The women said they were hurt when rice crisis, the Basic Ecclesial Aside from rice, other basic
ment of Cruz’s case, which was just revived Cruz depicted them as “GROs” and de- Communities (BEC) Stores al- commodities including sugar,
by the Department of Justice. manded an apology from the archbishop. ready exerted effort to bring af- coffee, canned goods, soap and
Archbishop Oscar Cruz, DD Lagdameo said the CBCP has not yet But Cruz said he is willing to go to jail if fordable rice to the people cooking oil are readily avail-
made any discussion about Cruz’s libel only to call national attention to the “evils through the 14 bigasan outlets able at the community-based
THE ROMAN Catholic bishops are rally- charges. of Pagcor,” adding he will not apologize established in the different par- stores at reasonable prices.
ing round Lingayen-Dagupan Archbishop But he said they are likely to bring their for his claim that Pagcor made “GROs” out ishes,” Fr. Granwell Bitabit, This venture is coordinated by
Oscar Cruz. concern to the country’s canon lawyers. of its workers. Prelature of Libmanan’s Social the Social Action Center through
The prelate is embattled after a Manila “They will be the ones to give us advice.” Cruz maintained he never said anything Action Center Director dis- its arm, the Prelature of
Regional Trial Court yesterday issued an Manila RTC Branch 52 Judge Antonio libelous against the women. (Roy Lagarde) closed in an interview with Libmanan Development Foun-
CBCPNews. dation, Inc. (PLDFI), chaired by
CBCP to / A1 Pope / A1 CBCP urges / A1 This was made possible Bishop Prospero N. Arellano,
through partnership with the lo- D.D.
A former employee of the De- be swayed by the artificial birth Nuncio Archbishop Edward Classification Board (MTRCB) cal office of the National Food “It helps that BEC members
partment of Health (DoH), Acosta control programs promoted by Joseph Adams. chairperson Consoliza Laguardia Authority. The “Saradit na are trained to always take a pro-
was heavily involved in the the Philippine government as This, indeed, is welcome was also a panelist at the press Kristianong Komunidad active approach in life to be able
government’s population control these are also backed by foreign news for the faithful of conference. She lauded both Tindahan” (SKK Tindahan) or to anticipate problems and for
program. funding agencies. Kidapawan since they have groups for their efforts to fight BEC Stores spread in the differ- them to be able to act accordingly
During her talk she recounted She appealed to parents to up- been without a bishop for “the terrible crime against chil- ent parishes and served as the before a problem arises,” the
her journey from being an “anti- hold the provisions of the more than a year already, said dren.” outlets for the cheap rice made SAC head added. (Elmer Abad)
life” to becoming a “pro-life.” country’s 1987 Constitution, Adams. “It’s really our moral obliga-
She spoke lengthily about the which promotes integrity and For the last six years, de la tion to care for children and save Widows / A1
involvement of the US govern- protection of the Filipino family. Cruz has been bishop of San them from being sexually ex-
ment in providing foreign funds Imbong also explained to the Jose de Antique, in the Island ploited,” she said. She added that because of the vows of poverty, chastity
to the government if it will ad- participants during the Pro-Life of Panay. In August last year, the CBCP many difficulties, most parents and obedience.
vance the campaign on the pro- Forum at the packed CAP Audi- The prelate is 60 years old. President has organized an Ad encourage their young daugh- Navarro said that “for mem-
motion of artificial birth control. torium in Anda St., Davao City, Born in Balasan, Iloilo, he was Hoc Committee to combat the ters to find high-paying jobs bers of our congregation, [it
Acosta said there is a big de- their constitutionally guaranteed ordained priest at the age of proliferation of child pornogra- elsewhere. was] the attraction of the
ception that also accompanies the rights to begin a family, free from 29, and was appointed Coad- phy. It is headed by Ambassador “With the advancement in charism and inspiration of Our
population control program of threats, among other things. jutor Bishop of Isabela, Henrietta de Villa. (Roy Lagarde) technology, it gets more diffi- Lady of Triumph of the Cross
government. The forum was part of the ini- Basilan, when he was 40. cult to convince them to enter [that] drew them to join other
Atty. Jo Imbong, legal counsel tiatives of the Archdiocesan Mindanao / A1 the religious life,” she further dedicated women who share
Pope John Paul II erected the
of Human Life International also Council of the Lay Apostolate Diocese of Kidapawan in 1976 tions that cause environmental explained. this same spirit and convic-
talked on “The Architect on the and Integrated Movements with territories taken from hazards and destruction of Navarro was a schoolteacher tion.”
Culture of Death.” (ACLAIM) in Davao to educate the Archdiocese of Cotabato. peoples’ livelihood. at the former Immaculate Con- The MSOTC leads the Catho-
Saying the USA is the chief ar- the people on the promotion of The diocese comprises 11 At the 2005 Mindanao Mining ception College now known as lic Charismatic and Renewal
chitect on the culture of death, life and family. (With reports towns in the province of Forum, the bishops supported La Salle University. She left her Movements of the ecclesiastical
Imbong warned families not to from Mark S. Ventura) Cotabato; 3 towns in the prov- calls for Congress to revoke the profession in the mid 1980s and Province of Dipolog, Ozamiz,
ince of Maguindanao; and one Philippine Mining Act of 1995, founded the congregation. Pagadian, Iligan and Marawi
Bishops against / A1 town in the province of Sul- which allows foreigners to en- Dosado approved their reli- (DOPIM). Some of them serve
tan Kudarat. It is staffed by 27 gage in mining operations in the gious congregation in 1993. as family counselors and pasto-
“Gays should not be allowed because that’s procession,” country. The Missionary Sisters of Our ral assistants, while one is pres-
to participate in Santacruzan Rosales said. “You are destroy- priests, by 8 brothers, and 48
Sisters, with 69 seminarians in The Xstrata Company report- Lady of Triumph of the Cross ently a staff member of Saint
since it defeats the true mean- ing the purity of the devotion.” edly yields about 6.8 million tons (MSOTC) is a community of 49 Mary Theologate Seminary in
ing of the celebration,” Rosales “That’s horrendous. That’s an training.
De la Cruz had his seminary of copper and 8.7 million ounces nuns who dedicate their lives to Gango, Ozamiz City. (Wendell
said. insult to the Blessed Mother,” of gold annually. (CBCPNews) God and God’s people through Talibong)
He said Catholic devotees he added. training in the Notre Dame
should keep religious festivals Catholic Bishops’ Conference Archdiocesan Seminary in
Afterthoughts / A4
sacred and solemn at all times. of the Philippines president and Cotabato, at Saint Francis
“I am not angry at gay men. Jaro Archbishop Angel Xavier Major Seminary in one of those under-a-bridge “con- myself, it could be out of a desire The real scandal, I further con-
But, I am against what they’re Lagdameo also echoed the same Davao, and at the Institute on dos” that are the scandal of Ma- to make reparation for sins; or cluded, was not the money gotten
actually doing,” said Rosales. sentiment. Religious Formation in Saint nila? A decent house to bring up simply out of ordinary Filipino from the “devil” of a pharmaceu-
“We should keep sacred what is “It becomes more of a distrac- Louis, Missouri, in the United a family in—that’s an essential, I awa—something that I would tical firm, but the necessity to
sacred.” tion for people than an act of States. would think, for ordinary human think should come naturally to welcome it because Christians—
In the past, the cardinal said devotion. The prayerful atmo- Before becoming a bishop, living and, yes, for ordinary most of us. But for the real, unre- the saints—were not being suffi-
he refused to give blessing to sphere should be maintained in he served as parish priest in spiritual well-being as well. deemed and unredeemable ciently forthcoming with their
any parish that allows gays to all religious processions includ- Tacurong, Sultan Kudarat, Getting direct help from the devil? No problem, I concluded: charity. “I was a stranger and you
join the Santacruzan procession. ing in Santacruzan, he said. and as the rector of the Notre devil—the thought was most in- It would be out of sheer malice— took me in; I was without a roof and
He recalled once occasion Lagdameo said that dame Archdiocesan Seminary triguing. And another just as in- to wreck havoc on some moral you helped me put one over my
where he called the attention of Santacruzan procession is a part in Cotabato. triguing popped up to mind un- theologian’s inflexibly righteous head—and my family’s. Enter into
one parish after it allowed gays of sacred devotion in honor of No date has been set for his bidden: Why should the devil go certitudes! I should have asked the joy of your Lord.”
to participate in a supposed to Blessed Virgin Mary and it installation as the new against his nature and agree to my Igorot philosopher for his And with that bothersome if
be a religious activity. should be preserved as it is. bishop of Kidapawan. (Roy do a good deed? For a human, opinionated but, I do not doubt, holy thought, I fell into a fitful,
“I told them that’s not right (CBCPNews) Lagarde) redeemable “devil”, I thought to common-sense verdict? troubled nap.

Laiko / A4

The problem of kidney dona- ister all patients and donors who tion, that is, it is voluntary in na- the cost of the kidney transplant nizing not only for the patient years is sustained by utang-na-loob
tion is a supply and demand are beneficiaries of kidney trans- ture—”NO SALE” but only for operation. The kidney recipient but for the whole family. It is gratitudinal gifts. I am still sup-
problem and this exists all over plants from living non-related altruistic reasons, or the desire to knows that this is not a SALE of a more depressingly felt by close- porting her three children
the world. When the foreigners donors. This is the National Reg- help a fellow human being to kidney but an altruistic effort on knit family structures like that of through high school! It is not the
learned that they could get their istry which will be used for deci- extend his life. 3) explanation of his part to enable a Filipino fam- Filipino families where every- money that counts, it is the sav-
kidney donors relatively easily sions like prioritization of kid- the “gratitudinal gift” which ily to go on with their lives body with social ties to the fam- ing of a life—her life by the do-
from the Philippines, there was a ney donation for available ca- comprise the following: a) cash through a livelihood project. ily who celebrate together in nation of a kidney by her distant
mad rush to come here to be daver donors, monitoring of reimbursement for loss of in- As in all well-laid directives, church sacraments like baptism, relative and in return, providing
transplanted. Otherwise they laboratory examination, etc. come, b) health insurance up to abuse comes in due to the profit- confirmation, weddings, etc. is hope for the future of the donor’s
would have to wait in line for 5 In the case of the National Kid- age 65, c) Livelihood assistance, ability of sourcing donors through equal to a blood tie. It does not children!
years or more to get a kidney ney and Transplant Institute, d) Life Insurance coverage, e) An- brokers. Media’s sensational ex- surprise anyone of us Filipinos if Fr. Charly Ricafort, chaplain of
from a cadaver donor. Usually by while waiting for the DOH moni- nual health check up. All of these posure of kidney sale through one of these living non-related the National Kidney & Trans-
that time they already die. The toring unit, the selection and vali- are funded to approximately brokers have proven this. These donors are donating their kid- plant Institute and I, as members
mad rush was foreseen even be- dation of an acceptable donor P350,000 per donor. abuses have a direct impact on neys for altruistic reasons, but of the National Ethics Commit-
fore the medical tourism drive. followed these guidelines. Ini- The KFP has the obligation to those who have been undergoing other nationals who cannot re- tee would welcome any sugges-
The challenge to the Depart- tially, the Kidney Foundation of pay for all expenses incurred in the process regulated by the Na- late with our culture will con- tion to establish a group to help
ment of Health was to prevent the Philippines (KFP), which the process—the cost of operation, tional Ethics Committee—a pro- sider its sale. Gratitude in terms the living non-related donors
the violation of the anti-traffick- acted as the central monitoring reimbursement of loss of income, cess which even the CBCP repre- of support for the enrollment of improve their lives. Through the
ing law, R.A. No. 9208. The con- unit prior to the new Adminis- cost of periodic health monitor- sentative pronounced as morally their kids, help in times of need donors’ generosity and altruism,
trol system was anticipated and trative Order, set up the funds to ing, health insurance, and HELP right. Is it the knee-jerk reaction will always be part of the kidney recipient’s lives will be
these were the guidelines: a) Es- process and monitor volunteers IN ESTABLISHING A LIVELI- of President GMA to impose a 100 Filipino’s utang na-loob. saved. In gratitude, these recipi-
tablish a donor selection and vali- who will donate their kidneys. HOOD PROJECT for the long term percent ban on living non-related I pray for the relaxation of the ents will in turn reciprocate by
dation unit, The National Ethics With the help of the Hospital Eth- support of the family. Only these donors justified? What happens to LNRD ban. I have a first hand giving support to improve the
Committee and their correspond- ics Committee all donors had to qualified donors will go into the the lives of kidney recipients who knowledge to this traumatic ex- donors’ lives. If the donated
ing Hospital Ethics Committees, undergo: 1) Screening whether list for scheduling the donation have now been deprived of years perience. My wife was a dialysis money is coursed through an ad-
b) Establish the Donor Monitor- they pass the medical/health cri- for the transplant operation. The of productive lives not only in ser- patient for two years and eight vocacy group, the SALE aspect of
ing Unit which was assigned to teria, 2) the orientation program donor will be asked to donate a vice for their families and perhaps months before she had a trans- the exchange of gratuities will be
the DOH Bureau of Health Facili- for kidney donors—a complete certain amount over these tabu- for their profession and country? plant. Donated by a distant rela- eliminated. This could be done
ties and Services (BHFS). The understanding of the kidney do- lated costs to support a poor Fili- The death of end-stage renal tive, our gratitude to them for ex- above board by a registered com-
monitoring was designed to reg- nation program, 3) deed of dona- pino patient who could not afford disease patients is slow and ago- tending her life for another 9 ½ munity/parish advocacy group.
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 12 No. 10
May 12 - 25, 2008 Features A7


Biking priest arrives home May 18
DAVAO City—Biking-peace advocate Fr. Amado Picardal
is set to arrive here on May 18 finishing his 5, 000 km. road
bike for 56 days around the country. Upon his arrival,
Picardal will say a thanksgiving Mass at the Redemptorist
Church in Bajada, this city. (Mark Ventura)

Church gives aid to inmates

COTABATO City—Inmates here got help from the Arch-
diocese of Cotabato by giving them regular spiritual value
formation through Bible sharing and prayer meetings. The
inmates also receive other assistance such as the following
up of their cases in court. (Orlan Emberga)

Bibliodrama seminar slated

OZAMIS City—A 4-day bibliodrama seminar was held at
the Carmelite Retreat House in Malubang, this city on May
13-16. Organized by the Paul VI Biblical Center for
Mindanao, the event was aimed to deepen a person’s under-

© Vatican Pool/ /Immaginazione/Corbis

standing of God’s Word. (Wendell Talibong)

Alpha Omega hosts Pentecost celebration

BINMALEY, Pangasinan—Hundreds graced the
Archdiocesan Pentecost Celebration held here on May 10,
hosted by the Alpha Omega Catholic Charismatic Commu-
nity. Held yearly, the event is always observed on the sev-
enth Sunday after Easter. (Lucille Beumer)

Priest sees rise in enrollment at seminary

LEGAZPI City—The Diocese of Legazpi’s St. Gregory the
Great Minor Seminary expects an increase in enrollment for

Pope invites a rediscovery

school year 2008-2009. Fr. Salvador Nicolas Bilono III, semi-
nary rector, said he expects the increase to reach 15 percent
compared to previous year. (Jose Locsin Jr.)

of Baptism’s beauty
Disobedience results to decrease of vocations
MATI City—While the number of Catholic clergy is declin-
ing, Mati Bishop Patricio Alo said the blame should not be
pointed to others but on one’s self. He said the real reason
for the looming vocation crisis in the Catholic Church to-
day is disobedience. (Mark Ventura)
VATICAN CITY, May 11, 2008—Benedict XVI divine love in the world. the ‘we’ of the Church—are inseparable. The Cardinal: Use Internet responsibly
is encouraging the faithful to rediscover the “The Acts of the Apostles present Pente- Spirit consecrates the person and at the same CEBU City—Saying that Internet can be used for “good and
beauty of being baptized in the Holy Spirit. cost as a fulfillment of such a promise and time makes him a living member of the mys- evil” reasons, Archbishop Ricardo J. Cardinal Vidal called
The Pope made this invitation today from therefore as the crowning moment of Jesus’ tical body of Christ, participant in the mis- on the people to use the Internet responsibly. “While it can
the window of his study before praying the whole mission. After his resurrection, he him- sion to witness to his love.” be used to disseminate information, the same information
Regina Caeli with thousands of people gath- self ordered his disciples to stay in Jerusa- This consecration and insertion into the can also be harmful.” (Santosh Digal)
ered in St. Peter’s Square. The Holy Father lem, because, he said, ‘In a short time you mystical body of Christ, “is actualized
gave his traditional Sunday greeting shortly will be baptized in the Holy Spirit’; and he through the sacraments of Christian initia-
Learn Church social teachings by heart—bishop
after finishing the celebration of Mass for the added: ‘You will have the power of the Holy tion: baptism and confirmation,” he said.
DIGOS City—Bishop Guillermo Afable urged the people to
feast of Pentecost. Spirit, who will descend upon you and you “In my message for World Youth Day 2008,
find time to study and learn the Church social teachings by
The Pontiff first noted that Pentecost was will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all of I invited young people to rediscover the pres-
heart. He said that one way of becoming effective in the
an ancient Hebrew feast that became a Chris- Galilee and Samaria unto the ends of the ence of the Holy Spirit in their lives and,
apostolate is to learn the social teachings and be able to
tian feast on account of the Holy Spirit’s de- earth.’” therefore, the importance of these sacra-
understand its significance. (Mark Ventura)
scent upon Mary and the disciples in the Up- ments,” the Holy Father added. “Today I
per Room that day, 50 days after the Resur- Church’s baptism would like to extend this invitation to every-
Priest calls for economic relief
rection. one: Let us rediscover, dear brothers and sis-
IPIL, Zamboanga Sibugay—”Let us not wait until crimes be
“In effect, Jesus’ whole mission was aimed Benedict XVI said that Pentecost is thus, ters, the beauty of being baptized in the Holy
widespread in our province as a result of people’s despera-
at giving the Spirit of God to men and bap- “in a special way, the baptism of the Church Spirit; let us be aware again of our baptism
tion of the present situation,” Ipil prelature vicar general
tizing them in the ‘bath’ of regeneration,” who undertakes her universal mission be- and of our confirmation, sources of grace that
Msgr. Elmer Alforque said. He said people should help each
the Pope said. “This was realized through his ginning from the streets of Jerusalem with are always present.
other in solving the looming food crisis. (Antonio
glorification, that is, through his death and prodigious preaching in the different lan- “Let us ask the Virgin Mary to obtain a
resurrection: Then the Spirit of God was guages of humanity.” renewed Pentecost for the Church again to-
poured out in a super-abundant way, like a “In this baptism of the Holy Spirit,” the day, a Pentecost that will spread in everyone
Change from within better than changing form of
waterfall able to purify every heart, to extin- Pope continued, “the personal and commu- the joy of living and witnessing to the Gos-
guish the flames of evil and ignite the fire of nal dimensions—the ‘I’ of the disciple and pel.” (Zenit)
CEBU City—”Unless the government is changed within then
it is useless to effect any change in government,” said an
editorial of Bag-ong Lungsoranon, the official publication

Pontifical Council examining

of the Archdiocese of Cebu. It added the Church recognizes
the benefits of a decentralized government as it could be
managed well. (Joseph Suson, SVD)

plight of immigrants
PNP official backs Church fight vs. jueteng
NAGA City— New Camarines Sur police director P/Supt.
Rodolfo Llorca echoed the Bicol bishops call on the people
not to patronize jueteng. Llorca said he agree with the
Church that such illegal gambling should not be allowed to
flourish anywhere in their region. (Elmer Abad)
VATICAN CITY, May 13, 2008—Beginning council should be integrated into the various council, the full council consists of 26 prel-
today the Pontifical Council for the Pastoral areas of ministry that it undertakes. ates, including cardinals, archbishops and Church wants cases of child labor eliminated
Care of Migrants and Itinerant Peoples is The Pontifical Council is tasked with en- bishops from various countries, and 14 con- DAVAO City—The Archdiocese of Davao is taking a proac-
meeting at the Vatican to address how to spiri- suring that the spiritual needs of those who sultors. The consultors are also of various tive role through its pastoral agencies to end child labor
tually provide for emigrant and itinerant have been forced to abandon their homeland, nationalities and provide their expertise on here. Church officials recently consolidated their ranks and
families. as well as those who have none, are met. The the various aspects of human mobility with came up with measures to help end the problem of child
The full council will be meeting at the council’s ministry extends to a wide range of which the council concerns itself. labor in the region. They said the problem of child labor
Vatican from May 13-15 on the theme: “The people including: emigrants, refugees and Over these days the plenary assembly will must be addressed the soonest and the pastoral agencies are
emigrant and itinerant family.” displaced persons, foreign students, nomads, hear testimonies from people who work di- called to help in this endeavor. (Mark Ventura)
Cardinal Renato Martino opened the ses- circus workers, tourists and pilgrims, seafar- rectly with families in certain sectors of human
sion with an address that pulled together ers, airport workers, drivers, women and mobility. The testimonies will come from ex- Virgin of Penafrancia goes on pilgrimage to Bicol
many of the council’s most recently published children who live on the streets, and people perts who work in Australia, the United States, NAGA City¯Thousands paid homage to the Virgin of
documents. In his speech, Cardinal Martino of no fixed abode. Colombia, the Dominican Republic, Great Brit- Penafrancia as she goes around in pilgrimage to different
showed how the pastoral guidelines of the According to a statement released by the ain, France, Italy, Spain and Germany. (CNA) dioceses of Bicol region early this month. The pilgrimage,
organized in preparation for the 2010 tri-centennial celebra-
tion of Our Lady of Penrafrancia, stopped at the diocese of
Sorsogon last April 1 where it will visit various parishes

Church seeks rapport with gov’t until June 30. (Elmer Abad)

Floods, peace and order, poverty stalk Cotabato

COTABATO City— The recent floods in five North Cotabato

vs. ‘irresponsible’ mining towns have affected rice supply in the Archdiocese of
Cotabato, said Archbishop Orlando Quevedo. He said floods
have damaged the expected harvests and made farmers from
Pigcawayan, Libungan, Midsayap, Aliosan and Pikit uncer-
tain of their harvests. “The towns have been declared ‘ca-
MANILA, May 14, 2008—The then we are willing to testify if firmly enforce the lamity areas.’” (Melo Acuña)
Catholic Bishops’ Conference of people are really opposed to law against envi-
the Philippines (CBCP) is seek- mining or not,” Pabillo said. ronmental havoc. PNP official backs Church fight vs. jueteng
ing government’s cooperation Pabillo is the chairman of the Atienza, mean- NAGA City— New Camarines Sur police director P/Supt.
in the advocacy versus irre- CBCP’s National Secretariat for while, has welcomed Rodolfo Llorca echoed the Bicol bishops call on the people
sponsible mining activities. Social Action- Justice and Peace. the bishop’s appeal, not to patronize jueteng. Llorca said he agree with the
Manila Auxiliary Bishop “Sometimes they will make it adding that the part- Church that such illegal gambling should not be allowed to
Broderick Pabillo urged DENR appear that a consultation has nership will surely flourish anywhere in their region. (Elmer Abad)
Secretary Lito Atienza to forge been made among the people, but bolster government’s
an agreement with them to en- it would turn out that there’s no campaign for respon- Parents must pass on faith to their children as
sure environment is protected approval from the people and sible mining. legacy
from mining operations. mining would be allowed, it “It is never the in- MARIKINA City—Christian parents must pass faith in God
Atienza and Pabillo were both should not be like that,” he added. tention of the na- on their children as a lasting legacy, said Fr. Ric Eguia, par-
guest speakers in a media forum The bishop clarified that the tional leadership to ish priest of St. Paul of the Cross in Nangku, this city. “The
organized by the Catholic Me- Church is not against mining promote abusive greatest legacy parents can pass on to their children, more
dia Network (CMN) and the per se because of its benefits, but mining rather pro- important than education, is their faith in God.” (Santosh
CBCPNews held at Ilustrado in said the law for responsible moting healthy in- Digal)
Intramuros, Manila on Tuesday. mining must be strictly imple- vestments in min-
Pabillo said the main purpose mented. ing that will pro- Priest asks gov’t to free campuses of drug pushers
of the collaboration is for them He also expressed concern vide employment to OZAMIS City—Fr. Lanie Serino of the Ozamis Archdiocesan
to act as watchdogs in determin- over the extractive nature of hundreds of thou- Commission on Education urged local authorities to rid the
ing “social acceptability” in ar- mining and warned everyone to sands of families,” schools and immediate environs of drug pushers. Serino
eas where there are mining ap- be very careful about it. he said. Bishop Broderick Pabillo, DD said he will seek the help of the provincial governor and the
plications. Pabillo added that minerals “We welcome the local police to apprehend the identified drug pushers ply-
“If they (DENR) are willing should be conserved for the CBCP no less to be involved on fight more the abuses on our en- ing on pupils and students. (Wendell Talibong)
for us to monitor (the conduct country’s future use. He ap- the issues concerning mining. vironment,” said Atienza.
of getting social acceptability), pealed to the government to With the church’s help, we can (CBCPNews)
CBCP Monitor
A8 People, Facts & Places Vol. 12 No. 10
May 12 - 25, 2008

Consultation on migration Ipil prelature celebrates

jubilarian priests
in Asia to be held in Manila THREE red-letter dates of May
were celebrated by the Prelature
of Ipil with good cheers to its
continue to serve God.
“The vocation of priesthood is
an honor,” he said in reiteration
portance regarding migration in therefore we hope to finalize the agenda af-
three Diocesan priests who of Agustino’s message during the
Asia to be held in Manila on Au- ter we receive participants’ thoughts,”
marked their silver anniversary homily at the Eucharistic celebra-
gust 28-29. Ketelers added.
of priesthood this month. tion held at the Our Lady of the
The main purpose of the con- All presidents of Bishops Conferences or a Three Diocesan priests here Pillar church.
sultation is to share and analyze designate mandated with a level of author-
celebrated their 25 years in the The Prelature of Ipil, which
concerns, information and op- ity to represent the Bishops’ Conferences to
priesthood—Father Laure Helar covers 19 parishes, has 305,000
portunities among members in ICMC, such as the Chair of the Episcopal
of Kabasalan parish, May 1; Fa- Catholics with only 21 priests or
the region and the ICMC net- Migration Commission or other national ther Lito Cabatuan of Buug par- a ratio of one priest for every
work regarding important trends, structure for migration issues and others who
ish, May 3; and Father Andy 11,000 Catholics.
decision making and related pro- are involved in the care of migrants are to
Agustino of Diplahan parish, Diplahan is a 4th class munici-
cesses, said Johan Ketelers, Sec- attend the said event.
May 5. pality in the prelature. Accord-
retary General. Maasin bishop and chairman of the Epis- Bishop Julius Tonel of the ing to the 2000 census, it has a
ICMC serves and protects the copal Commission for Pastoral Care of Mi-
Prelature of Ipil, in his short talk population of 23,909 people in
needs of uprooted people, refu- grants and Itinerant People (ICMI), Precioso
asked the people to continue to 4,686 households. Roughly, 80
gees, internally displaced per- Cantillas; Cotabato Archbishop and Secretary
pray “for our priests and reli- percent of the population are
sons and migrants, with opera- General of the Federation of the Asian Bish- gious people” so that they may Catholics. (Antonio Manaytay)
THE Geneva-based International Catholic tions in 30 countries of the world, including ops Conferences (FABC), Orlando Quevedo,
Migration Commission (ICMC), in coopera- Indonesia, Jordan, Lebanon, Pakistan and OMI; and Jaro Archbishop and CBCP Presi-
tion with the Catholic Bishops’ Conference Turkey. dent Angel Lagdameo, are among those in-

4th Cebu Youth Congress

of the Philippines (CBCP) will conduct a high- “The voice of the Church is increasingly vited to attend the consultation. (Santosh
level Regional Consultation on issues of im- important in these debates at all levels and Digal)

to be held in July
Vigan festival draws local and THE 4th Cebu Archdiocesan
Youth Congress will take place
clearly, we empower them to act
with responsibility to issues con-

foreign tourists
at DECS Ecotech Center, Sudlon, cerning themselves, their family
Lahug, on July 12, 2008. and their community,” said Msgr.
This event will be held just Arturo R. Navales, PC, Cebu dioc-
prior to the World Youth Con- esan youth commission chairman.
gress (WYC) scheduled in Sidney, The invited resource speakers
NOW in its 16th year, Viva Vigan Jubilee Celebration, this year be- Australia, July 15-20. About 20 include Msgr. Dennis Villarojo,
Festival of the Arts and Crafts ing the 125th Year of Thanksgiv- youth delegation from Cebu are Coordinator of the Pastoral Plan-
continues to draw huge crowds ing of the naturales (natives) of planning to attend the WYC. ning Board of the archdiocese on
of local and foreign tourists to the Vigan to their special patron and The Youth Congress is one of Youth Spirituality; Governor Ed
World Heritage City in the Savior, Apo Sto. Cristo making the youth respond to the Panlilio of Pampanga on Youth
month of May. Milagroso. theme: “Cebu’s Youth: Reflecting Participation in Governance, and
Spanning a whole week, the fes- In 1883, Tres de Mayo was cho- the Compassionate Face of Mrs. Becky Pestaño-Smith on
tival features local culture and arts sen as a day of Thanksgiving to Jesus.” Youth and the Environment.
of which the Binatbatan and Apo Sto. Cristo to coincide with The theme is lifted from the “It is our goal that the youth
Longanisa Festivals and the Amaz- the feast of the Founding of the archdiocesan’s pastoral thrust for can have a deeper understanding
ing Heritage Race are but a few. True Cross by St. Helena and her this year, “Towards the 75th An- of the issues through the inputs
The high points were May 1 son, Constantine. niversary of Cebu as an Archdio- at the Congress. It is another de-
and May 3, Labor Day and the Also on May 1st, Labor Day, cese: Contemplating the Face of fining moment in our journey in
feast of Apo Sto. Cristo Milagroso Vigan honors her son, Isabelo de Jesus in the Bible.” the youth ministry that is about
in his shrine, the Simbaan a Bassit los Reyes—a nationalist who fa- “If we show them compassion to come,” said Navales.
or “small church” located in the thered the first labor federation by helping them understand things (CBCPNews)
Photo by Denz Dayao

southern end of Vigan City, re- in the Philippines. More signifi-

spectively. cantly, on the same date, the
Rev. Msgr. Roque Reyes, Vigan Catholic Church paid its respects
parish priest reminded everyone
that Viva Vigan 2008 is, in fact, a
to its Universal Patron, St. Joseph,
the Worker. (Fran Quitoriano) Leadership training for the deaf held
AIMING to strengthen their ca- ing-impaired awareness. The
pability and leadership, 46 hear- keynote speakers were special

Indigenous Peoples’ National Convention held in Cagayan de Oro ing-impaired teenagers from De
La Salle - College of Saint Benilde,
Manila, La Salle Academy, Iligan
teachers Ariscel Lobo and
Cathrine Friscia Alonso, both
from College of Saint Benilde.
THE Episcopal Commission on In- enous Peoples’ Self-determina- to the IP situations. to come-up with a statement which City and La Salle University, Talibong said two speakers
digenous Peoples (ECIP) held its tion.” Results that were reported per contained the consensus analysis Ozamiz City gathered for a DEAF used sign language during the
26th ECIP-IPA National convention Fr. Renerio Sabuga, SSJV, IPA region with the IP group first, then of the situations of indigenous Leadership Training from April seminar. They have the facility
simultaneously with the National coordinator of Cagayan de Oro the IPA came up with the follow- peoples. Issues on the National 24 to May 2. of language because they were
Partner IPs’ Consultation at St. Paul archdiocese welcomed the del- ing points: a) non-recognition of Rural Congress 2 (NRC2) partici- In an interview, LSU Special taught oral language since child-
Seminar House, Punta, Bonbon, egates. Ilagan Bishop and ECIP ancestral domains; b) mining as pation of indigenous peoples were Education Coordinator Sarah O. hood.
Cagayan de Oro City, May 5-9. Chairman Sergio Utleg, ECIP primary agent of destruction not discussed and the participants Talibong said “if hearing-im- Both Lobo and Alonso have B.
A total of 90 delegates including Chairperson, gave the opening only of culture and environment agreed to choose 3 participants per paired persons be given equal S. degrees in Education, passed
4 bishops, 15 priests, 12 religious remarks including the rationale of but IP lives; c) the National Com- region—one from the IPA and 2 IP opportunities, they will excel in Licensure Examination for Teach-
sisters, 24 lay workers and 35 IP the consultation-convention. mission on Indigenous Peoples representatives. their chosen fields.” ers and now pursuing their
representatives from 35 dioceses The IP participants were tasked (NCIP) and other government Most Rev. Antonio Ledesma, SJ, The activity was held at LSU Master’s degrees at PNU and UP,
attended the consultation and con- to do a workshop on the indigenous agencies became agents of mining D.D., Archbishop of Cagayan de Integrated School, Ozamis City respectively.
vention of partner indigenous peoples’ economic, social, political interests and other development Oro presided the afternoon mass. and chaired by Leo Angelo Some parents of hearing-im-
peoples’ representatives and and ecological situations, while In- aggressions that intrude IP areas The IPA of Cagayan de Oro pre- Cabasag, College of St. Benilde paired students and LSU students
apostolate workers. digenous Peoples Apostolate (IPA) and divide many IP communities. sented gifts to the bishops and faculty coordinator. majoring in Special Education
The convention theme was: “Re- workers were tasked to do the After plenary discussions, the other convention participants. Each day had various activities also attended the seminar.
newing Commitment to Indig- Church’s current responses related drafting committee was requested (Tony Abuso) with special emphasis on hear- (Wendell P. Talibong)

Msgr. Pedro Quitorio and Fr. Francis Lucas pose with the group behind The Forum, a weekly media round-table which is a “The Church Beat” was the lead of the two-day training on Catholic Journalism conducted by CBCPNews to its diocesan
joint project of CBCPNews and the Catholic Media Network (CMN). The Forum is held every Tuesday, 9:30AM at the Ilustrado correspondence from different parts of the country; at the CBCPWorld Training Center in Intramuros, May 7-8, 2008.
Restaurant in Intramuros, with special guests that discuss prevailing social issues. CBCPNews is the first and the only Catholic News Service in the country, launched in July 2007.

when he as a young priest, read the decree of the canonical corona- the Holy Cross in Rome, to the Order of Deacons by His Eminence
tion. Now, on the solemn anniversary, he crowned the sacred image Francis Cardinal Arinze, Prefect of the Congregation for Divine
of Mahal na Birhen ng Biglang Awa during the Reenactment of the Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments; May 1. In an audi-
Canonical Coronation using the very same crown that was used on ence three days before conferring the diaconal ordination to the
the day of her canonical coronation. In preparation for the event, the candidates the Nigerian Prefect emphasized the importance of the
permanent shrine for the canonically crowned image was renovated, Divine Office, the Holy Eucharist and Eucharistic Adoration, the
employing local skilled workers, architects and designers. The image daily meditation of the Sacred Scriptures and priestly celibacy. The
of the Virgin was restored by a local artisan bringing back the former Vatican Prefect, in his simple and unassuming ways, used analo-
elegant yet simple gies and jokes to transmit the seriousness of the subjects. At the
look of the image end of the audience Cardinal Arinze gave each candidate a book-
CELEBRATED. Mahal na Birhen ng Biglang- way back to how it let, a collection of prayers for various occasions; that he recently
Awa, 50 th anniversary of Canonical Coro- was 50 years ago published.
nation, and 30 th anniversary of canonical during her canonical
erection of Boac as a Diocese, Immaculate coronation. CELEBRATED. Sr. Elena Aguilar, Looc, Occidental Mindoro; Sr. Ma.
Conception Cathedral, Boac, Marinduque; Corazon Tabagan, Libmanan, Camarines Sur; Sr. Irma Bacsain, Naga
May 10. Twelve bishops and 11 priests led O R D A I N E D . R e v. City; Sr. Marianne Diaz, Guinobatan, Albay; Sr. Vilma Tomagan, Virac,
by Bishop Reynaldo Evangelista and His Christian Gil Golong, Catanduanes; Sr. Olivia Medrano, Canaman, Camarines Sur; Sr. Maria
Eminence Ricardo J. Cardinal Vidal cel- Archdiocese of Culaway, Minalabac, Camarines Sur and Sr. Evelyn Aguilar, San
ebrated the thanksgiving Mass. In his hom- Palo, Leyte, and Miguel, Catanduanes; perpetual profession of vows, and Sr. Fe Bista;
ily, the cardinal gave emphasis on the role other candidates to temporary profession of vows among the Daughters of Mary Mother
of Mary as intercessor to her Son. He also the priesthood of the Church Institute, May 3, at the Basilica Minore of Our Lady of
recounted his role during the solemn canoni- studying at the Pon- Peñafrancia, Naga City. Most Rev. Leonardo Z. Legaspi, O.P. arch-
cal coronation that took place 50 years ago tifical University of bishop of Caceres presided the thanksgiving Mass.
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 12 No. 10
May 12 - 25, 2008

‘The Baptism of
the Church’
© Alessandra Benedetti / Corbis

Message of Pope Benedict

XVI on Pentecost 2008
DEAR Brothers and Sisters, the Spirit of God was poured out in a her universal mission beginning from
Today we celebrate the solemnity of superabundant way, like a waterfall able the streets of Jerusalem with prodigious
Pentecost, an ancient Hebrew feast in to purify every heart, to extinguish the preaching in the different languages of

which the covenant made between God flames of evil and ignite the fire of di- humanity. In this baptism of the Holy
and his people on Mount Sinai (cf. Exo- vine love in the world. Spirit the personal and communal dimen-
dus 19) was celebrated. It became a The Acts of the Apostles present Pen- sions—the “I” of the disciple and the

Christian feast on account of what hap- tecost as a fulfillment of such a promise “we” of the Church—are inseparable. The
pened during this celebration 50 days and therefore as the crowning moment Spirit consecrates the person and at the
after Jesus’ resurrection. of Jesus’ whole mission. After his resur- same time makes him a living member
We read in the Acts of the Apostles rection, he himself ordered his disciples of the mystical body of Christ, a partici-
that the disciples were
gathered together in
prayer in the Cenacle
pant in the mission to
witness to his love.
And this is actualized
CWL to
when the Holy Spirit de- through the sacraments
scended upon them with “Let us rediscover, dear brothers and of Christian initiation:
power like wind and fire. sisters, the beauty of being baptized in baptism and confirma-
© Roy Lagarde / CBCP Media

treasures of
They then began to pro- tion. In my message for
claim the glad tidings of the Holy Spirit; let us be aware again World Youth Day 2008, I
Christ’s resurrection in
many languages (cf. Acts of our baptism and of our confirma- invited young people to

the Eucharist
rediscover the presence
2:1-4). That was the “bap- tion, sources of grace that are always of the Holy Spirit in their
tism in the Holy Spirit,” lives and, therefore, the
which had already been present.” importance of these sac-
announced by John the raments. Today I would
Baptist: “I have baptized like to extend this invi-
you with water,” he said tation to everyone: Let
to the crowds, “but he who comes after to stay in Jerusalem, because, he said, us rediscover, dear brothers and sisters, charity,” said national president
By Fr. Santosh Digal
me is more powerful than me. (...) He “In a short time you will be baptized in the beauty of being baptized in the Holy Josephine S. Gaviola.
will baptize you in the Holy Spirit” (Mat- the Holy Spirit” (Acts 1:8); and he added: Spirit; let us be aware again of our bap- Eucharist is all about loving ser-
thew 3:11). “You will have the power of the Holy tism and of our confirmation, sources of THE Apostolic Nuncio in the Philip- vice to another, especially towards
In effect, Jesus’ whole mission was Spirit, who will descend upon you and grace that are always present. pines urged Filipino Catholic women the poor and the weak. “This is one
aimed at giving the Spirit of God to men you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, Let us ask the Virgin Mary to obtain a to rediscover treasures of the Holy aspect that is often taken for granted.
and baptizing them in the “bath” of re- in all of Galilee and Samaria unto the renewed Pentecost for the Church again Eucharist. We always stress the Eucharist as a
generation. This was realized through ends of the earth” (Acts 1:8). today, a Pentecost that will spread in ev- “May the members of the Catholic meal, sacrifice, real presence, but we
his glorification (cf. John 7:39), that is, Pentecost is, thus, in a special way, the eryone the joy of living and witnessing Women’s League (CWL) rediscover neglect the fact that the Eucharist
through his death and resurrection: Then baptism of the Church who undertakes to the Gospel. the inexhaustible treasures of the also summons us to mission, to soli-
Holy Eucharist by approaching the darity and to service. Having re-
first tabernacle of history, our dear- ceived Christ, we are impelled to go

Antipolo Diocese to celebrate

est Mother Mary, the Woman of the and reach out to other people,” said
Eucharist. May she sustain you in your Manila Archbishop Gaudencio B.
commitment to her Son and accom- Cardinal Rosales, National spiritual
pany you with powerful interces- advisor of CWL.

jubilee of Canonical Erection sion,” said Archbishop Edward J.

He was addressing the members
There are more than 2,200 units hav-
ing 250,000 members who hail from
16 archdioceses, 55 dioceses, seven
of the CWL at the 50th National Con- Apostolic Vicariates, five Prelatures
vention held at the Manila Hotel, May and one Military Ordinariate. CWL
10-11. units exist at village, parish, diocesan
“In this important assembly, you and national levels.
reflect on the fact that the Eucharist is Msgr. Hernando M. Coronel, As-
truly the condition for our union sistant National Spiritual director,
with Christ and our mission on his said, “We are to show that we are
behalf. The Church’s life is nourished Eucharistic persons if we reflect the
by the Eucharist. In the Eucharist, we love of God in us to others. Also in
find the source and power to under- our current situation, it is ever im-
take our works of love for God and perative to work for justice.”
neighbor,” said Adams. CWL’s guiding principles has been
For the past four years, CWL has charity, work and loyalty since its
had the Eucharist as its theme. In 2004- establishment in 1919.
2006, it had the theme “Eucharist in Gaviola, two-term president, said
the life and ministry of CWL” that CWL are t o immerse them-
corresponded to its two-pronged selves in Scripture and the social
thrust—integral faith formation and teachings of the Church, so that they
empowerment of the laity for service. may commit themselves to lives of
© Denz Dayao / CBCP Media

The focus was on the spiritual forma- justice and charity, compassion and
tion of the members. hope, solidarity and peace. “Let this
For the biennium 2006-2008, the call to service empower us to be cata-
convention’s theme was “Living the lyst for change,” she added.
Eucharist in the Ministry of the CWL” Fr. Savino Bernardi, CS, director
which stressed that Eucharist is the of Apostleship of the Sea, Manila
basis of CWL’s all outreach pro- spoke on “Social impact of migra-
grams. For the next two years, 2008- tion on the Filipino Family,” while
2010, the theme is “CWL: living the Ms. Marie R. Marciano, president,
By Fr. Joel Francis Victorino ebrate its foundation anniversary. bilee celebration will be held at the Ynares Eucharist through Social justice and Mother Earth Foundation, on “Waste
A number of programs and activities Center in Antipolo City with the partici- charity.” and climate change.”
have been lined up to make this mile- pation of Archbishop Edward Adams, the “We ventured to look at the differ- At the end of the convention, the
THE Diocese of Antipolo is set to cel- stone in the life of this local Church com- Apostolic Nuncio to the Philippines. ent facets of the Eucharist and have CWL vowed to strengthen their
ebrate the twenty fifth anniversary of prising the whole province of Rizal and A Diocesan Pastoral Assembly is also come to realize we cannot plumb the work of evangelization and
its canonical erection on June 25 with the city of Marikina a significant one. being planned for next year to further depths, nor scale the heights, nor en- catechetical formation of its mem-
the theme “25 Taon ng Mabuting The pilgrim image of Our Lady of enhance the pastoral programs and mis- vision the worth that the Eucharist is bers so that they may live and wit-
Paglalakbay – Pasasalamat, Pagdiriwang at Peace and Good Voyage (the Virgin of sion of the diocese as it continues to jour- and has to offer. Indeed the work of ness their faith in the family and
Panibagong Pagsasabuhay!” Antipolo) has started to make the rounds ney towards its vision of being “a com- the Eucharist is social justice and community.
A solemn Mass will be held on June of all the parishes in the diocese. munity of disciples of the Risen Christ.”
25 at the Cathedral of Antipolo to cel- On December 5 of this year, a grand ju- Antipolo / B2
CBCP Monitor
B2 Updates Vol. 12 No. 10
May 12 - 25, 2008

May crownings of Mary

Mixed marriages and
dispensation from
canonical form
By Fr. Jaime B. Achacoso, J.C. D.

OUR son—we are an ordinary Catholic family—wants to marry a born-again Chris-

tian. Although our future daughter-in-law was baptized Catholic and is a very nice
girl, her parents have embraced a fundamentalist sect and her father is even a pastor in
their Christian community. Although her parents do not object to her marrying a
Catholic, they vehemently object to a Catholic wedding ceremony. We don’t want a
“born-again wedding rite” either. A relative has suggested just having a civil mar-
riage. What are the acceptable options for us really?
This query brings us to two subjects: 1) the so-called mixed marriages and
2) dispensation from canonical form.

Disparity of Cult vs. Mixed Marriage

We recall that one of the impediments to a Catholic marriage is disparity
of cult—i.e., a person who is baptized in the Catholic Church or has been received
into it and has not left it by means of a formal act cannot validly contract canoni-
cal marriage with another person who is non-baptized (ref. c.1086, §1). Note
that in this case, without the due dispensation, such a marriage would be
invalid ab initio. Furthermore, the dispensation is not to be given unless the
conditions mentioned in cc.1125 and 1126 are fulfilled (ref. c.1186, §2). The canons
referred to for granting a dispensation—cc.1125 and 1126—precisely deal
with the conditions for the granting of permission to celebrate a mixed
Illustration by Bladimer Usi
A mixed marriage is that which is contracted between two baptized persons, Father Edward McNamara, professor of lit- tives regarding the mode of crowning. places a crown of flowers on Mary’s head
one of whom was baptized in the Catholic Church or received into it after baptism and urgy at the Regina Apostolorum university The May crowning is an act of popu- accompanied by a traditional hymn to
has not left it by a formal act, and the other of whom is a member of a church or ecclesial answers the following question: lar devotion in honor of our Blessed the Blessed Mother.
community which is not in full communion with the Catholic Church. In other words, Mother that is repeated every year. As After the crowning, the person lead-
this involves a Catholic and a Christian with a valid baptism but not in the Q: In the back of “The Rites of the Catho- the name indicates, it is usually done ing the event concludes with a suitable
Catholic Church—e.g., Orthodox Churches, many Protestants, Anglicans, Epis- lic Church” there is an Order of Crown- during the month of May, but in some prayer. If he is a priest or deacon, he may
copalians and Presbyterians; but not members of the Iglesia ni Kristo (who are ing of the Blessed Virgin Mary. My con- countries, especially in the Southern impart a blessing.
not strictly speaking Christians), Jehovah’s Witnesses and Mormons. cern is regarding organizing a May Hemisphere, it is performed in other Regarding the harmony that should
In principle, such a mixed marriage is valid, but it is forbidden without the crowning of the Blessed Mother. In the months especially in November. reign between the demands of the lit-
express permission of the competent authority (c.1124)—i.e., the Local Ordi- introduction to this rite (No. 8) it lists The custom of the May crowning fell urgy and the celebration of May, the
nary (c.1125)—who will only grant it if there is a just and reasonable cause the bishop, or a priest entrusted by him, out of favor in many places during the Holy See’s Directory of Popular Piety
and with the necessary cautions as we shall see below. In other words, with- as the minister. Can this rite be used for 1970s and ’80s. Recently it has made a says the following in No. 191:
out the due permission, the mixed marriage would be valid but illicit—i.e., crownings that are repeated yearly? Can comeback along with Eucharistic adora- “In many cases, the solution for such
the Catholics actively and with full deliberation involved in its celebration this rite be used by a group of laypeople tion, the rosary, and many other tradi- problems would seem to lie in harmo-
(the sacred minister and perhaps even the spouse) would be committing a wishing to honor the Blessed Mother tional Catholic practices that serve to nur- nizing the content of the ‘Marian months’
sin. with a crown for May? Is there a sepa- ture the faith and devotion of the faithful. with the concomitant season of the Li-
rate rite (even a semiofficial one) for May There is a lot of flexibility regarding turgical Year. For example, since the
Just and Reasonable Cause for a Mixed Marriage and the so-called Cautions crownings?—M.S., Cleveland Ohio the rite, and it can be adapted to many month of May largely corresponds with
The validity of the permission for a mixed marriage—and not the mixed different circumstances and situations the fifty days of Easter, the pious exer-
marriage itself, which would in principle be valid—depends only on the A: Actually, we are speaking of two dif- depending on whether the crowning is cises practiced at this time could empha-
existence of a just and reasonable cause. No a priori rules are given as to what ferent things. The order of crowning done in a parish, a school or classroom, size Our Lady’s participation in the Pas-
this cause might, the whole matter being left to the judgment of the Local found in the rites is that of placing a pre- or even in the family. chal mystery (cf. John 19, 25-27), and the
Ordinary. cious bejeweled gold or silver crown If the statue of Mary to be crowned is Pentecost event (cf. Acts 1, 14) with which
However, c.1125 categorically states that the Local Ordinary is not to grant upon a particularly venerated image of not already in a fixed place, an image the Church begins: Our Lady journeys
such permission unless the following conditions have been fulfilled: Our Lady. This is obviously done only may be set up on some suitable support. with the Church having shared in the
1. The Catholic party declares that he or she is prepared to remove dangers once or at least rarely. The area may already be decorated novum of the Resurrection, under the
of falling away from the faith and makes a sincere promise to do all in his or If the image is found in a diocesan sanc- with flowers, but those participating in guidance of the Holy Spirit. The fifty
her power to have all the children baptized and brought up in the Catholic tuary, then it is performed by the bishop the crowning may also process to the days are also a time for the celebration
Church; or his delegate, either another bishop or image carrying flowers and singing ap- of the sacraments of Christian initiation
2. The other party is to be informed at an appropriate time of these a priest such as the rector of the Marian propriate Marian hymns before placing and of the mystagogy. The pious exer-
promises which the Catholic party has to make, so that it is clear that the sanctuary. their bouquets at Mary’s feet. cises connected with the month of May
other party is truly aware of the promise and obligations of the Catholic Some images of national or interna- The rite may consist of hymns, could easily highlight the earthly role
party; tional renown are occasionally crowned prayers, and maybe an act of consecra- played by the glorified Queen of
3. Both parties are to be instructed on the essential ends and properties of marriage, in the name of the pope as a sign of spe- tion to Our Lady. Heaven, here and now, in the celebra-
which are not to be excluded by either party. cial veneration. In this case the Holy Fa- The climax of the celebration is the tion of the Sacraments of Baptism, Con-
Furthermore, c.1126 states: The conference of bishops is to establish the way in ther issues a special decree giving direc- moment when the one of those present firmation and Holy Eucharist.”
which these declarations and promises, which are always required, are to be made,
what proof of them there should be in the external forum and how they are to be
brought to the attention of the non-Catholic party. In this regard, the CBCP has Antipolo / B1
established that the cautions or declarations are to be made in writing by the
Catholic party and preferably also by the non-Catholic party, according to the form Pastoral concerns and Good Voyage. This well-
issued by the CBCP, and attested to by the priest who makes the pre-nuptial interview The visit of the late Pope known shrine to Our Lady
or by his delegate. John Paul II to the Philippines was also chosen to be the ca-
From the foregoing, it is clear what the mind of the Church is as regards in February 1981 underscored thedral of the newly-estab-
mixed marriages and—to a lesser extent—the impediment of disparity of his pastoral concerns for the lished diocese because of its
cult. In principle they are considered as possible dangers to the faith of the local Church. It also opened historical value as a center of
Catholic party and a foreseeable difficulty to the Catholic upbringing of his eyes to the actual condi- pilgrimage for thousands of
future children; thus they are discouraged. But if such a danger and difficulty tions of the Philippine devotees of Our Lady of
could be obviated—at least as an intention on the part of the Catholic party, Church which was character- Antipolo, and its being the
which is known and accepted by the non-Catholic party—and there is justifi- ized by a growing Catholic geographical center of the
able cause, then the marriage can be allowed. population in most dioceses, diocese.
particularly in the Archdio- Carved out from the Arch-
Dispensation from Canonical Form cese of Manila. diocese of Manila, the diocese
Granted that permission for a mixed-marriage has been secured, c.1127, §1 With the population of the started out with only 17 par-
stipulates that the canonical form—i.e., the expression of consent of the con- Archdiocese of Manila having ishes ministered by less than
tracting parties in the presence of a qualified witness (bishop or parish priest, grown to approximately 8.5 thirty priests. Twenty five
or a priest or deacon delegated by either of them) and two other witnesses— million in 1982, spread years after, the diocese now
is to be observed in mixed marriages. through seven ecclesiastical boasts of 54 parishes. There
However, §2 of the same canon states: If serious difficulties pose an obstacle to districts, twenty seven vicari- are now 75 diocesan priests
the observance of the canonical form, the Local Ordinary of the Catholic party has the ates and one hundred seventy serving the diocese, with the
right to dispense from the form in individual cases, but after consulting the Ordinary one parishes in a land area of religious priests numbering
of the place where the marriage is to be celebrated and with due regard, for the validity, about 2,800 square at 70. There are also around
for some public form of celebration; the conference of bishops is to issue norms by which kilometres, it became inevi- forty men and women reli-
such a dispensation may be granted in an orderly manner. table that in order to better gious congregations spread
The CBCP has issued such norms as follows: minister to the people, a new throughout the diocese that
1. The following are considered grave and serious difficulties that warrant diocese be created. help minister to the people.
dispensation from the canonical form of marriage, as provided for in c.1127, Thus, during his Angelus The diocese is now one of
§2: message in January 14, 1983, the biggest in the Philip-
a) Absolute refusal of the non-Catholic party; Pope John Paul II announced pines in terms of population.
b) Strong opposition of most of the close relatives of the non-Catholic the creation of a new diocese Of a population of 3.5 mil-
party; with the seat in Antipolo as a lion, there is an estimated
c) Danger to the good relationship of the parties; response to the pastoral needs Catholic population of 2.7
d) Serious economic damage to the party. of the people in the eastern million. The land area of
2. Whenever the dispensation of the canonical form is necessary, the Local part of Manila. the diocese is 1,828 square
Ordinary of the Catholic party has the right to dispense from it in individual kilometres.
cases, having, however, consulted the Ordinary of the place of the celebration Erection of Antipolo diocese Over the years, the struc-
of marriage. For validity some public form of celebration is required. The Diocese of Antipolo tures of the diocese have been
3. Once a mixed marriage is celebrated, it shall be registered in the book of was canonically established set and the various diocesan
marriages, in the usual manner (…). Likewise, the minister of the non-Catho- on June 25, 1983 during a sol- commissions and ministries
lic spouse shall be informed regarding the contracted marriage by the priest emn Mass presided over by have helped the vast major-
who solemnized the wedding or in whose territory the wedding was cel- Cardinal Jaime Sin, then Arch- ity of its Catholic population
ebrated. bishop of Manila, Archbishop under the able leadership of
Bruno Torpigliani, Papal its first bishop, the Most Rev.
Nothing is said of the kind of public celebration that should take the place Nuncio to the Philippines, Protacio Gungon, to the Most
of the canonical form, or whether it should have a religious character or not. Bishop Protacio Gungon, the Rev. Crisostomo Yalung, up
Thus, unless the Local Ordinary specifies something in the dispensation from first Bishop of Antipolo, to- to the present Bishop of
the canonical form, we can only surmise that a wide range of possibilities gether with a big number of Antipolo, the Most Rev.
would be acceptable, among which we can enumerate the following (which bishops, priests, religious and Gabriel Reyes, assisted by
Mixed / B7 lay faithful at the National Auxiliary Bishop, Most Rev.
Shrine of Our Lady of Peace Francisco de Leon.
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 12 No. 10
May 12 - 25, 2008 Diocese B3
By Msgr. Benedicto Aquino pose of setting up a Bahay Pari. How-
ever, seeing the need for a focal point
for gathering together the administra-
THE Diocese of Parañaque was erected tive and ministerial functions of the dio-
by virtue of a papal bull by His Holi- cese, the Diocesan Center for Evangeli-
ness, the late Pope John Paul II, on De- zation was built on the property. On
cember 7, 2002. The newly created dio- June 6, 2006, a thanksgiving Mass fol-
cese comprises all parishes within the lowed by groundbreaking for the con- ON BACKGROUND:
Saint Andrew Cathe-
territorial boundaries of the cities of struction was held at the Pater Noster dral. BELOW: Bishop
Parañaque, Las Piñas and Muntinlupa, Chapel of the Diocesan Center. It now Jesse Eugenio
which were originally part of the Arch- houses the Offices of the Curia and the Mercado, DD
diocese of Manila. The new diocese cov- various commissions of the diocese. En-
ers a total land area of 126.5 square visioned by Bishop Jesse as the hub
meters or 48 square miles. Its communi- around which the life of the diocese con-
ties are a mixture of residential, indus- verges, it was built and equipped to be-
trial and commercial districts. come the administrative as well as com-
The Augustinians were the first mis- munication and formation center for
sionaries to arrive in Parañaque. No- both clergy and the laity.
table among them were Fray Diego de
Espinar, OSA who started building the Diocesan Pastoral Assembly
church of St. Andrew. Later on, the Au- Preparations for the First Diocesan
gustinian Recollects took over. Fray Di- Pastoral Assembly began almost as soon
ego Cera dela Virgen del Carmen, OAR as the diocese was established. During
built St. Joseph Parish in Las Piñas and the years 2003-2004, the diocese em-
the Bamboo Organ for which this parish barked on separate consultations with
is widely known. St. Ezekiel Moreno the Clergy, the Religious and the Laity
was parish priest there from 1876-1879. on the development of a pastoral plan
The Recoletos did much to improve the for the diocese that is grounded on the
lives of the people, who were mostly current situation but moving towards
fishermen, in the three municipalities the vision of what the above-mentioned
that now comprise the diocese. Eventu- sectors want to be as a diocese.
ally, the fathers of the Congregation of The first Diocesan Pastoral Assembly
the Immaculate Heart of Mary (CICM) (DPA) was held in February 20-24, 2006 at
took over the two oldest parishes, that the St. Joseph Parish in Las Piñas City.
of St. Andrew and St. Joseph. They, in During the assembly, the Clergy, Religious
turn, built schools and improved or pre- and lay leaders, comprising over 400 del-
served the churches originally built by egates met to synthesize the vision-mis-
the Recoletos. The Diocesan clergy took sion of the diocese that developed after a
over these two parishes in the 1990’s. thorough and extensive consultation with
The Church of St. Andrew, which is various sectors of the diocese.
located in Parañaque City, has been cho-
sen as the See of the Bishop. On January Vision
25, 2003, the Church of St. Andrew was We, the local church of the Diocese of
solemnly dedicated and consecrated as Parañaque, envision ourselves as a com-
the Cathedral of the diocese. Three days munion of diverse communities, embrac-
later, on January 28, His Excellency, the ing and sharing in Jesus’ mission to pro-
Most Reverend Jesse E. Mercado, D.D., claim the reign of the Father, constantly
was installed the first Bishop of renewed by the Holy Spirit and accom-
Parañaque, on the very same day the new panied by Mary, our mother and model.
diocese was canonically established.
Growth of the diocese As a diocese, we commit ourselves to
The Diocese of Parañaque is composed proclaim the Kingdom of God by: 1) rec-
of six vicariates. Three of these are in ognizing the primacy of Grace and our
Parañaque City: Sta. Rita de Cascia with need for continual renewal
seven parishes and a national shrine (aggiornamento); 2) building BEC’s as a
which is not a parish, San Antonio de way of being church and experiencing
Padua with nine parishes and San Mar- communion (communio); 3) engaging in
tin de Porres with seven parishes and the integral evangelization of all, par-

Diocese of Parañaque
one quasi-parish. Two of the vicariates ticularly the developing communities, mon vision-mission for ourselves. ses of the programs are to be fleshed out ensure that Lectors and Commentators,
are in Las Piñas City: St. Joseph which the family and the youth (missio). 3. Responsibility (that is shared) – As by the different commissions and de- Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Com-
has six parishes and Holy Family which members of the Body of Christ, the Church, partments. On October, 2007, the DPA munion, members of the Music Minis-
has seven parishes. Our Lady of the Core values in spite of the varied ministries and duties Central Coordinating Council, under try, the Ministry of Altar Servers and
Abandoned, the lone vicariate in In order for us to fulfill our vision and we have, we all share in the responsibility the Direction Setting and Planning de- the Mother Butlers’ Guild carry out of
Muntinlupa City, has eleven parishes mission for our local Church here in the of proclaiming his good news to all by partment came up with organizational their different ministries in a spirit of
and one chaplaincy. Of the 50 parishes, Diocese of Parañaque, we hope to instill our words and deeds with love and fidel- charts for the Diocesan, vicariate and missio and communio. In addition to for-
chaplaincy, quasi-parish and shrine, 13 in our hearts the following core values. ity. At the same time, we are challenged parish structure of the diocese. mation programs for those in active par-
are run by Religious. There are 48 1. Openness to the grace of conversion to be “response-able”; able to discern and ish ministries, guides for the liturgy,
incardinated Clergy and 94 Religious, – Our life entails openness to the work respond to the “signs of the times” as seen Diocesan priority programs especially during Lent, Easter, Advent
20 of whom have parish appointments. of the Holy Spirit in our lives as a Chris- in the needs of the developing communi- In line with the Diocesan Vision-Mis- and Christmas are issued by the Com-
On December 7, 2004, one year after tian community, especially to the call ties, the family and the youth. sion and Core Values there are six pri- mission on Liturgy and Worship so that
the establishment of the diocese, Mary for us to leave behind our old ways of 4. Stewardship – Everything that we ority Commissions. True to the spirit of the faithful may experience a more
Immaculate Quasi Parish was estab- thinking, our old paradigms, and to have are blessings, gifts from the Lord. the DPA, some of these commissions al- meaningful celebration during these
lished from territory taken from the move towards a new way of being All our resources and facilities are gifts ready have on-going programs and ac- important liturgical seasons.
National Shrine of Mary Help of Chris- Church, a new way of loving and serv- from his Divine Providence. Thus, we tivities since the need for addressing the The Commission on Human Promo-
tians Parish, to better serve the pastoral ing each other. are not owners of all these things. On concerns of the sectors was felt from the tions covers three ministries: the Minis-
needs of parishioners. The Congrega- 2. Unity in diversity – As a commun- the contrary, we are mere caretakers of beginning. The DPA confirmed and re- try of Public Affairs and Advocacy-
tion of the Sons of Holy Mary Immacu- ion of diverse communities, we respect all these gifts for the good of the com- vitalized the programs of the Commis- PPCRV, which was very active in the
late administers the quasi parish. the diversity and richness of culture munity. We are challenged to live as sions. In addition, after the DPA, the pro- May 14, 2007 elections. The Social Ser-
The Diocesan Center for Evangeliza- present in the three cities comprising our faithful and trustworthy workers in motion of activities by the Commissions vices and Development Ministry, which
tion is located at Villonco Road, diocese. Yet, in spite of all our differ- God’s vineyard by the way we mobilize begins from the parish to the vicariate has programs such as Pondo ng Pinoy,
Muntinlupa City. The land and pre-ex- ences, we have one common faith in one and manage the people and resources towards the Diocesan level. This means scholarships for technical courses for
isting building was donated by the Lord and Savior, as expressed in one entrusted to our care. that commission on the parish and vi- high school graduates from poor fami-
Villonco family, originally for the pur- common way of worship and one com- The Diocesan Vision-Mission and the cariate level can bring about programs lies and the Mega Job Fair in partner-
core values are realized in a diocesan that answer their particular needs. ship with Caritas-Veritas Trabaho at
structure. In addition to the Adminis- The Diocesan Marriage Preparation Negosyo. The Diocesan Prison Minis-
tration Department, the proposed Struc- Program was conceived by the Commis- try is independent of the Social Services
ture of the Diocese is characterized by sion on the Family as a standard and com- and Development Ministry. Its on-go-
two departments which unify the pro- prehensive program for couples entering ing programs include providing inmates
grams and projects of the diocese to- the Sacrament of Matrimony. Currently in the three city prisons with free legal
wards the Diocesan Vision Mission. being piloted in two vicariates, it is a advice in the cases they are involved in
These are the Direction Setting and Plan- weekend in which couples who wish to and with the opportunity to live their
ning Department which provides the get married are accompanied by teams faith while in jail. The latter includes
general framework for DPA implemen- composed of priests and couples in the organizing liturgical celebrations, no-
tation. The units under it have the re- Catholic Engaged Encounter, Philippines venas and prayer meetings for the in-
sponsibility for creating direction-set- in their journey towards the Sacrament mates of the three city jails.
ting programs and for developing for- of Marriage in an atmosphere of reflec- The biggest group under the Commis-
mation guides needed in the over all tion and discovery. The goal of the week sion on Religious Education, Formation
task of evangelization. The Implemen- end encounter is to achieve a deeper un- and Catechesis are the catechists. Com-
tation Department is tasked with the derstanding of the married state and of posed of regulars and volunteers, the cat-
implementation of the DPA programs each other and the development of a life- echists undergo a year-round on-going
at all levels—diocesan, vicariate, parish long communication. formation that enable them to provide
and BEC. Specific strategies and empha- The promotion of Basic Ecclesial Com- catechesis for adults and school age chil-
munities as a way of life has always been a dren who receive the sacraments of ini-
top priority in the diocese. The Commis- tiation. There is a need for an on-going
sion on BEC ANIMATION started an insti- formation and education for laypeople
IMPORTANT FACTS tute for BEC formators in parishes as an aid to grow in their spirituality. A lecture
to the growth of Basic Ecclesial Communi- series on the different aspects of Chris-
Bishop …………………………... 1 ties. The first BEC Institute in the Diocese tian Life is currently being piloted in one
Priests: was held from September to October, 2007 of the vicariates. Theologians, pastors and
Diocesan ………………….. 46 at Grogan Hall, Redemptorists, Baclaran, lay leaders give talks once a week in the
Religious ………………….. 80 Parañaque City. The institute did not only different parishes of the Vicariate of San
Guest priests and provide participants with leadership skills Antonio de Padua. This program is for
Priests-on-loan ………....... 34 for forming BEC’s in their parishes but with adults, especially young professionals,
Diocesan Divisions:
Parishes, Chaplaincy a sound theological background on which who wish to deepen their understanding
Shrine, Quasi-parish ……… 50 Basic Ecclesial Communities is founded. In and living of the Faith.
Deacon ……………….……… 1 the spirit of communio, the 1st BEC Institute The Commission on Youth gathers
Seminarians: took place in an atmosphere of prayer and the young people of the diocese in
Theology ……………….….. 12 fellowship with other BEC members and youth camps and encounters. Through
Philosophy …….....…………. 3 leaders. web-based communication, the Young
Minor …………………...….. 6 The Commission for Worship and Lit- Adults Ministry under this commission
Regency …………….……… 5 urgy has a year-round on-going forma- disseminates information on activities
Catholics …………...... 1,269,122 tion program and the on-going forma- such as the World Youth Day and spon-
Population …...………. 1,381,000
tion for the various groups involved in sors Singles Encounter week ends for
liturgy. These seminars and workshops young people in each vicariate.
CBCP Monitor
B4 Commissions Vol. 12 No. 10
May 12 - 25, 2008

National vocations
convention held in Palo
Fr. Roberto Latorre

The Question Box

All one in Christ

(Questions on Ecumenism)

© Fr. Joel Francis Victorino

1. What is the Ecumenical Movement?
“The term ‘ecumenical movement’ indicates the initiatives
and activities planned and undertaken, according to the vari-
ous needs of the Church and as opportunities offer, to pro-
mote Christian unity.” (Vatican Council II, Decree Unitatis
Redintegratio, no. 4.) This decree will be referred to as UR. It can
also be called “ecumenism”, “movement for Christian unity”
or “movement for Church unity.”
THE Directors of Vocations in the Philippines delegates to appreciate their roles as voca- wherein all the participants showcased the
2. Why is there a need for Christian unity? (DVP) met for its 21st National Vocations tion ministers. talents of each region.
Christian unity is needed because the Church that Christ Convention at the Metropolitan Cathedral Bishop Luis Antonio Tagle of Imus, Cavite The convention began with the celebra-
founded, by its very nature, aims at the unity of all men in Pastoral Center in Palo, Leyte from April 21 gave a spirited talk on “Situating Vocation Pro- tion of the Holy Mass presided over by
God through the one savior, Jesus Christ. This need is strongly to 25. motion in the Philippine Context: Challenges and Archbishop Jose S. Palma of Palo at the Met-
expressed in Christ’s prayer as he was about to culminate the Hosted by the Archdiocese of Palo, 285 Opportunities” on the third day of the con- ropolitan Cathedral. A welcome dinner
paschal sacrifice, “That they may all be one; even as you, Fa- vocation ministers (directors/directresses, vention. and program was then held with the mu-
ther, are in me, and I in you, that they also may be in us,…that promoters and animators) from different dio- The fourth day had Fr. Roger Champoux, nicipal mayor of Palo in attendance to-
they may be one even as we are one, … that they may become ceses, religious congregations and institutes, SJ, Director of the Our Lady of Peace Guid- gether with a number of priests from the
perfectly one, so that the world may know that you have sent and lay organizations gathered for the bien- ance Center, sharing his insights and reflec- archdiocese.
me and have loved them even as you have loved me.” (Jn 17: nial event which was also attended by all tion on “Igniting the Flame,” a talk that fo- At the end of the convention the partici-
21-23) bishop-members of the Episcopal Commis- cused on the realities of those who are called pants recommitted themselves to deepen
Furthermore, the phrase “that the world may know that sion on Vocations led by the Most Rev. by God and the special skills they need to their roles as vocation ministers in contem-
you have sent me” shows that Church unity is an essential Florentino Lavarias, Bishop of Iba and head develop in order to respond better to the dif- porary times. Thus, the realization of the
trait of the Church’s evangelizing mission. Indeed, the scan- of the said commission. ferent processes of life commitment. vocation ministers, “inspired by the passionate
dal of division hinders the task of announcing the gospel to With the theme, “My Vocation: My Light, The convention also led the delegates into love of Jesus, our Lord, are called to be persons
non-Christians and to non-practicing Christians. My Love (Imaging the Person of the Vocation Min- group workshops and many moments of with HEARTS ON FIRE, united in living out our
ister),” the convention sought to focus on the prayer and reflection. Said moments, aside life-mission and charism as effective, zealous and
3. What are the main divisions among Christians today? person of the vocation minister. It was the from the valuable messages from the speak- joyful witnesses and role-models in the local
Throughout the history of the Church, unfortunately her first time that a national convention on voca- ers and homilies during the masses cel- Church, especially to the young, thereby enflaming
unity was undermined by various divisions. The most impor- tions focused on the vocation ministers. It ebrated, kept the delegates “fired up” and the Church with the spirit of service and bringing
tant divisions at present involve: was seen that the vocation minister them- confirmed in their task of vocation promo- about the evangelization and transformation of so-
1. The Eastern Churches, which consist mainly of some An- selves must be able to confirm and celebrate tion as a call from God. Thus, in the midst of ciety” (Convention Statement, 21st DVP National
cient Churches (e.g., Coptic church) and the Orthodox their roles, thus recognizing that there is only the realization of the participants of many Convention 2008).
Churches, which separated from the Catholic Church in the one Word and one Spirit that inspires them limitations and difficulties face, there was a At the closing Mass, Fr. Lito Maraya, Voca-
first few centuries and in the Eleventh century respectively; to pursue their ministry in vocation promo- prevalent consensus of being able to own the tion Director of the Archdiocese of Palo, en-
2. The Churches and Communities that arose from the Refor- tion and animation, especially among the task that they were appointed to. trusted the DVP banner to representatives of
mation movement in the Sixteenth century, such as the Lutheran, young people. Other highlights of the convention in- the host diocese of the 22nd National Voca-
Anglican and other related national or “free” churches. Speakers for the convention included cluded the tour of historical sites in Leyte tions Convention.
Bishop Pablo Virgilio David, the Auxiliary such as the McArthur Park, the Sto. Niño The next convention will be held in 2010
4. What about other religious groups, such as the Iglesia ni Bishop of San Fernando, Pampanga, who Shrine, Leyte Provincial Capitol and the San and will be hosted by the Archdiocese of
Kristo or the Moslems? spoke on the topic, “The Word of God and Bibli- Juanico Bridge. A special cultural night was Nueva Segovia in Vigan, Ilocos Sur. (Fr. Joel
Communities that do not have the basic belief in the divin- cal Models of Vocation Ministers” which led the also held on the last night of the convention Francis Victorino)
ity of Christ and in the Blessed Trinity are not considered
“Christian”. Examples of these are the Mormons and, in the
Philippines, the Iglesia Ni Kristo.
Moslems accept Jesus Christ as a prophet but do not believe
that he is the Son of God-made-man. Rather than ecumenism his redemptive mission. Since Christ promised to be with his Church 9. What can I, as an ordinary Christian (Catholic or non-Catho-
properly speaking, the Church engages non-Christians in a until the end of time, his prayer is effective. Thus, the Second Vatican lic) do for the ecumenical movement?
movement towards cooperation and goodwill, called “inter- Council affirms, “This unity, we believe, subsists in the Catholic Church There are many things presently going on in the Catholic
religious dialogue.” as something she can never lose, and we hope that it will continue to Church and in the other Christian Churches and Communities.
Freemasonry, which claims not to be a religion, actually increase until the end of time.” (UR, 4) Catholics believe that “the Of great importance among these are the ongoing meetings and
has a quasi-religious status since it possesses its own “hierar- entirety of revealed truth, of sacraments, and of ministry that Christ dialogues undertaken by authorized experts. There are also ecu-
chy”, religious symbolism and teachings about man’s rela- gave for the building up of his Church and the carrying out of its mis- menical activities in which all the faithful participate, under the
tionship to the Supreme Being. Freemasonry is not part of the sion is found within the Catholic communion of the Church.” (Directory, proper supervision of their respective pastors.
Ecumenical movement. 17) But the most important ecumenical activity involves our own
However, these convictions are not a hindrance to genuine ecumeni- personal conversion. “This change of heart and holiness of life,
5. What are the initiatives and activities that fall under cal activity because they go with the realization that other Christian along with public and private prayer for the unity of Christians,
ecumenism? Churches and Communities already form part of this unity, though in should be regarded as the soul of the whole ecumenical move-
The initiatives and activities that are covered by the ecu- an imperfect way, depending on the nature of each body. Furthermore, ment, and merits the name, “spiritual ecumenism.” (UR, 8)
menical movement, according to the Decree of the Second the Catholic Church recognizes that the Church can improve and modify
Vatican Council, are: some matters, in a sincere spirit of dialogue and cooperation that will 10. How can I practice “spiritual ecumenism”?
1. “Every effort to avoid expressions, judgments and actions lead to greater unity while always preserving what it considers as es- Spiritual ecumenism implies, in the first place that the Chris-
which do not represent the condition of our separated breth- sential. “Openness and mutual respect are the logical consequences of tian strive to have a consistent life of faith and prayer, identifying
ren with truth and fairness and so make mutual relations with such recognition.” (Directory, 36) himself with Christ’s ardent prayer for unity. He will then grow
them more difficult;” For example, in an address during an ecumenical activity in Ger- in the spirit of charity and humility, ready to acknowledge his
2. “‘Dialogue’ between competent experts from different many, Pope John Paul II expressed some of the positive elements that own shortcomings and to recognize the good elements present in
Churches and Communities... In such dialogue, everyone gains the main Christian bodies (including the Catholic Church) can contrib- the spiritual traditions of other Christians. (Directory, 63 a)
a truer knowledge and more just appreciation of the teaching ute to the other bodies and to the world. He stated: “Protestant Chris- Some practical consequences of this would be: For a Catholic,
and religious life of both Communions. In addition, the way tianity has enriched all Christianity with its religious songs, its great to “expound clearly, with charity and with due firmness the whole
is prepared for cooperation between them in the duties for the Church music and its constant theological reflection. The divine lit- doctrine of the Catholic Church respecting in a particular way the
common good of humanity which are demanded by every urgy, monasticism and the mystical devotion of Orthodoxy, as well as order of the hierarchy of truths and avoiding expressions and
Christian conscience; and, wherever this is allowed, there is its thought steadfastly nourished by the Fathers, are a treasure that ways of presenting doctrine which would be an obstacle to dia-
prayer in common;” benefits us all. With the abundance of religious orders that carry out logue.” (Directory, 61 a); Hence, the Catholic believer must first
3. Self-examination as regards our own “faithfulness to missionary and social activities, her Eucharistic devotion, her love of strive to have a solid foundation in the teachings and practices of
Christ’s will for the Church and accordingly to undertake with Mary shared with Orthodox, the strength of her Magisterium, and espe- the Catholic faith. “When speaking of other Churches and ecclesial
vigor the task of renewal and reform.” (See UR, 4) cially the voice of the Popes heard throughout the world, the Catholic communities... to present their teaching correctly and honestly.”
Church possesses her own gifts without which a Christian witness in (Directory, 61 b); The “elimination of language and prejudices
6. Would not working for Christian unity be tantamount to today’s world is unthinkable.” (Address, June 22, 1996) which distort the image of other Christians.” (Directory, 68 a);
trying to convert each other? Common prayer for Christian unity is one of the most important
Ecumenism is different from the apostolate “ad fidem 8. What is the foundation of Christian unity? means of practicing spiritual ecumenism. This is done by the
(Catholicam)” because ecumenism is about achieving unity for The ultimate foundation of Christian unity is the unity of God him- Catholic Church and many other Christians through the celebra-
the whole Church, while apostolate involves improvement self. Jesus revealed to us that God is One in Three (Trinity), hence there tion of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, with the use of
for individual persons. “When individuals wish for full Catho- is a perfect inner communion within the Divinity. materials which are prepared through a collaborative effort of
lic communion, their preparation and reconciliation is an un- By becoming one with Jesus Christ through grace, the Christian en- the Holy See and the Faith and Order Commission of the World
dertaking which of its nature is distinct from ecumenical ac- ters into the communion of God. Hence, the Christian is united to God Council of Churches. Finally, since formation is present in every
tion. But there is no opposition between the two, since both and, in God, is united to all those who are united to God (other Chris- level of Christian life, we must all be actively involved in “for-
proceed from the marvelous ways of God.” (UR, 4) tians), in what is called the “communion of saints.” The communion of mation in ecumenism.”
Furthermore, ecumenism is opposed to “Proselytism” in its saints is evoked by the scriptural image of the “mystical body of Christ”,
negative connotation of gaining sectarian adherents through which is identified with the Church of Christ. 11. What is “formation in ecumenism”?
manipulative measures, since true ecumenism is based on a The tangible foundations of unity in the mystical body of Christ can “The ‘objective of ecumenical formation is that all Christians
sincere spirit of dialogue and respect for the beliefs and tradi- be expressed in the formula, “One Lord, one faith, one Baptism,” under be animated by the ecumenical spirit, whatever their particular
tions of other Christians. (See Pontifical Council for Promot- the “one God and Father of us all.” (Eph 4: 5-6) This means that Church mission and task in the world and in society.’ So there necessar-
ing Christian Unity, Directory for the Application of Principles and unity will entail: Unity of belief in the revealed truths; Unity of minis- ily has to be a renewal of attitudes and flexibility of method
Norms on Ecumenism, March 25, 1993, no. 23. This document try in Peter and the apostolic college; Unity of sacraments or essential which will help form this ecumenical spirit.” (Pontifical Council
will be referred to as “Directory”.) means of sanctification. for Promoting Christian Unity, The Ecumenical Dimension in the
Just like the Trinity, the unity in these elements is perfectly compat- Formation of those Engaged in Pastoral Work, 1995, no. 2. This docu-
7. Since the Catholic Church teaches that the one Church of ible with a legitimate plurality. For example, unity of belief is open to ment will be referred to as “Formation”.)
Christ already “subsists in” the Catholic Church, would not the principle of the “hierarchy of truths”—making it possible that cer- Formation in ecumenism involves, in the first place, those who
fostering Church unity actually mean making the other tain apparently opposed teachings are actually complementary. Unity have the duty of forming others, such as the clergy, religious,
Churches or Christian communities into “Catholics?” of ministry is open to other forms of exercising the Petrine and Episco- catechists, educators, leaders of spiritual movements and ecclesial
The ecumenical movement is premised on the realization pal ministry, than the way it presently exists in the Catholic Church communities. The principal means of formation includes hearing
and conviction that the unity of Christians is the will of Christ (e.g., the synodal tradition in the Eastern churches). Unity of sacraments and studying the Word of God, preaching, catechesis, liturgy and
himself, as expressed in his prayer before the fulfillment of is open to a diversity of rites. the spiritual life. It is especially important to give an ecumenical
Question Box / B7
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 12 No. 10
May 12 - 25, 2008 Statements B5

Stop the reckless

experiment on
SINCE Sept, 2006 through 2007, thousands of Filipinos were
concerned with the reported discovery of genetically engi-
neered (GE) rice in US long-grain rice shipments to different
countries, especially to the European Union. Many groups and
individuals—teachers, students, religious, priests and bishops,
workers, farmers, government and business employees, and
others wrote President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo, the Depart-
ment of Agriculture, the Bureau of Plant Industry and the Na-
tional Food Authority opposing the entry and import of US

© WEDA / Corbis
rice which may be contaminated with the reported “unautho-
rized GE rice”.
Despite their best efforts to urge the authorities to act against
the entry of the said contaminated US long-grain rice and to
stop its importation, it has entered the country seemingly sur-

Christians and Buddhists:

reptitiously in 2006 and this year as US “cheap rice” imported
by the NFA itself in the midst of what media projects as “rice
crisis” (People doubt this crisis because a number of provinces
are known to have bumper rice harvests and it seems importa-

Caring for the Planet Earth

tion is resorted to so routinely by the government to the dis-
satisfaction of many local farmers whose harvests have not
been bought by the NFA.)

GE Rice Sold in Major Supermarkets

Message to Buddhists on the Feast of Vesakh 2008 Thanks to the relentless monitoring of Green Peace which
took samples from supermarkets and got them tested in a Japa-
nese laboratory. Tests show the presence of GE rice in US long-
DEAR Buddhist Friends, guiding criterion” (no. 7). The United Nations be marred by individual greed or hampered grain samples in Nov. 2006 and recently. On the first occasion,
1. On the occasion of the festival of Vesakh, General Assembly has declared 2008 as The by the interests of particular groups. Purefeeds, Inc distributed “Uncle Sam Texas Long Grain in
I am writing to you and your communities International Year of Planet Earth. As inhab- 5. On a practical level can we Christians major supermarkets like Shopwise, SM and Robinsons (Phil.
worldwide to convey my own warm greet- itants of the earth and believers, Christians and Buddhists not do more to collaborate in Daily Inquirer, 29 Nov. 2006). While it was announced by the
ings, as well as those of the Pontifical Coun- and Buddhists respect the same creation and projects which confirm the responsibility that NFA that Purefeeds promised to pull its stocks from the mar-
cil for Interreligious Dialogue. have a common concern to promote care for falls to each and everyone of us? Recycling, ket, a cursory visit to a branch of SM in Manila showed the then
2. It gives me much joy to recall the positive the environment which we all share. energy conservation, the prevention of in- ongoing sale of Uncle Sam Texas Long Grain This April,
relationships that Catholics and Buddhists 4. Preservation of the environment, pro- discriminate destruction of plant and animal samples of the Blue Ribbon Texas Long Grain was found “posi-
have enjoyed for many years. I am confident motion of sustainable development and par- life, and the protection of waterways all speak tive for GMO rice strain LL601”. Those of Riceland Arkansas
that this foundation will serve to strengthen ticular attention to climate change are mat- of careful stewardship and indeed foster good- Long Grain were found “‘contaminated’ by a still unknown
and deepen our understanding of each other ters of grave concern for everyone. Many will and promote cordial relations among GMO strain”. Both are sold at S & R supermarkets in Metro
as we continue to work together to build a governments, NGOs, multi-national compa- peoples. In this way Christians and Buddhists Manila. (Phil. Daily Inquirer, 25 April 2008).
better world not only for ourselves but also nies, and research and tertiary institutes, in together can be harbingers of hope for a clean, It was reported that “NFA Administrator Jessup Navarro
for the entire human family. Experience recognizing the ethical implications present safe and harmonious world. last month said that the shipment had been tested and certified
teaches us that dialogue fosters the desire in all economic and social development, are 6. Dear Friends, I trust that we can pro- as GMO-free by the Eurofins Gene Scan through the US Dept of
within the person and the community to share investing financial resources as well as shar- mote this message within our respective com- Agriculture” and that “the test results were also verified by
the goodwill and harmony which already ex- ing expertise on biodiversity, climate change, munities through public education and our USDA/Grain Inspection, Packers and Stockyards Administra-
ists, and indeed to reach out ever more coura- environmental protection and conservation. good example in respecting nature and act- tion” (To its credit, according to a reliable source, the Depart-
geously to others, ready to embrace the chal- Religious leaders, too, are contributing to the ing responsibly towards our one common ment of Agriculture has been insisting that no GE rice enter the
lenges and difficulties that may arise. public debate. This contribution is of course planet Earth. Once again let me renew my country and so Mr. Navarro was referring to a testing protocol
3. Pope Benedict XVI, in his 2008 Message not just a reaction to the more recent press- heartfelt greetings and wish you a Happy of US rice shipment. In addition, DA Administrative Order #8,
for the World Day of Peace, observed: “For ing threats associated with global warming. Feast of Vesakh. 2002 “directs that before any plant or animal is imported or
the human family, this home is the earth, the Christianity and Buddhism have always up- released to the environment, it must undergo a risk assess-
environment that God the Creator has given held a great respect for nature and taught that Jean-Louis Cardinal Tauran ment by the Bureau of Plant Industry, the Bureau of Animal
us to inhabit with creativity and responsibil- we should be grateful stewards of the earth. President, Pontifical Council for Interreli- Industry and the Fisheries Products Standards so that the po-
ity. We need to care for the environment: it Indeed it is only through a profound reflec- gious Dialogue tential risks of GMO products to health and environment could
has been entrusted to men and women to be tion on the relationship between the divine be reviewed.”
protected and cultivated with responsible Creator, creation and creatures that attempts Archbishop Pier Luigi Celata
freedom, with the good of all as a constant to address environmental concerns will not Secretary EU Rejects US-tested “GE-free” Rice
Green Peace, however, doubts the reliability of US tests be-
cause “since Jan. 2007, twenty-three (23) US-tested GMO-free

A Pastoral Letter of
rice shipments were rejected in the European Union (EU) be-
cause they tested positive for GMOs under EU
standards”.(Business World, 17April 2008).
Six days after Green Peace announced that the US “cheap rice”
imported by the NFA was found positive for genetically engi-

Archbishop Fernando
neered/modified (GE/GM) rice and asked the government to
stop its sale major newspapers have not reported any urgent
move on the part of government to do anything about this.

R. Capalla, DD
Rats Fed with GE Soy, Corn, Potato Show Health Damages
It seems that the authorities are not duly worried that there
are reported separate studies which show that considerable
damage to internal organs and blood changes occurred among
rats fed with certain GE soya, corn and potato (GM Watch Daily
These com- toral Statement of 12 April 2008 Schools under Fr. Julius Rodulfa; Oct. 2005; May 2005; June 2005; Feb. 2007 at http//www/
ments, which we told the City Mayor and the 3. The Office of the Vicar for gmwatch.org). The results of the said studies with GE corn and
we think are sin- City Council that under the guise the Clergy under Msgr. potato were concealed for years and it took court action to
cere but igno- of reproductive health and safe Martiniano Gorgonio; force Monsanto, the developer, to make public their findings.
rant, are not a pregnancy the Plan mocks paren- 4. The Office of the Vicar for The scientists who reviewed these animal studies point to the
surprise. We ex- tal authority, belittles the value Religious under Fr. Patrice necessity of “full scale tests on the influence of GE products
pected them al- of family, denigrates the virtue Picard, PME; over living creatures” before these are marketed. No such tests
ways. For today, of chastity, makes available all 5. The Office of the have been done on any of the GE food and food products im-
as in the time of contraceptives to children from Archdiocesan Council for Lay ported into the Philippines, much less on the said GE contami-
Christ and the 0 – 18 years old, and promotes Associations and Integrated nant of US rice shipment.
Apostles, the pre-marital sex and promiscuity. Movements (ACLAIM) under Nowhere in the world is GE rice legally marketed and eaten.
nature of fam- Because of this the Church can- Msgr. Paul Cuison and Dr. Mike Filipinos on this scale are the first to eat this untested, unau-
ily, procreation, not be silent but must object re- Manalaysay. thorized GE rice that strayed into rice crops which the US has
health, popula- lentlessly and courageously, On this point of effective pre- shipped to different countries.
tion and related whether She is listened to or not. paredness, our Christian response Is not the sale in supermarkets and other outlets of NFA-
matters are seen Our silence may be construed as and conduct must be according imported US “cheap rice”, found contaminated with GE rice,
and considered consenting to an immoral act to the following advice of the tantamount to the government forcing Filipinos to act as guinea
DEAR Bishop Rimando, Msgr. from a different perspective or, as which is dangerous and detri- first pope, St. Peter the Apostle, pigs in a nationwide haphazard feeding experiment? Unwit-
Vicente, Rev. Fathers, Religious the educators would say, from a mental to the moral and spiritual who wrote: tingly, uninformed and unsuspecting Filipinos are willing and
Men and Women, and Catholic worldview so much different and welfare of our people especially “Simply proclaim the Lord paying subjects of this GMO experiment. Who is monitoring
Lay Faithful: even opposed to ours. our families and children. Jesus Christ holy in your hearts, this? Who is in charge? Who is accountable for whatever harm
Greetings in the Risen Lord! Their view considers human life The City Council’s question- and always have your answer can happen to health, to environment?
Recently, and also not too long as pure matter. We say it is both able Resolution is, among other ready for people who ask you the Philippine rice varieties can be contaminated by GE rice in a
ago, some of our city officials and matter and spirit or, as our Cat- things, a clear wake-up call to all reason for the hope that you have. manner similar to what has happened to rice crops in the US.
newspaper columnists were re- echism says, human life is body Catholics—the clergy, religious, But give it with courtesy and re- What can happen to the poor farmers, to us, rice-eating Filipi-
ported as saying that the and soul, and we are embodied and laity. It is a serious and ur- spect and with a clear conscience, nos? What can become of Philippine agriculture, of the
Church’s moral teaching on the souls. While the body is created gent call for us to prepare our so that those who slander your economy?
family, reproductive health, by secondary factors through people for its implementation. good behavior in Christ may be Together with all concerned Filipinos, Lingkod Tao-
population, and related matters what is known as genetic evolu- For this reason we have to inten- ashamed of their accusations. Kalikasan calls on President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo to or-
are “archaic,” “antiquated,” “stu- tion, the soul is directly created sify our evangelization pro- And if it is the will of God that der the recall of all US long grain rice and rice products from
pid.” If the media report is cor- by God as revealed in Sacred grams, especially that part of our you should suffer, it is better to supermarket shelves and other NFA distribution outlets NOW.
rect, I must say they are right: the Scriptures. Hence human life and Pastoral Plan which is the moral suffer for doing right than for We join Green Peace in asking “the government to quarantine
Church’s moral teaching is syn- human society together with its education and conscience forma- doing wrong” (1Peter 3:15-17). the February shipment (44,000 metric tons or 880,000 bags) and
onymously foolish, obsolete, and legal, political, economic, cultural, tion of our People especially the May Mary, our Blessed Mother conduct a joint sampling (as stringent as EU standards) of the
outmoded. and religious dimensions are also young and the children. Towards and the Star of the New Evange- imported rice to safeguard Filipinos from the unauthorized
They are right because their governed by God’s moral laws this objective the following di- lization, guide us in our struggle rice.” We ask Secretary Arthur Yap of the Department of Agri-
comments, on their face value, which must be respected and ob- ocesan structures and offices are to make Jesus Christ and His culture to implement strictly and transparently its own Ad-
confirm what St. Paul had said served. hereby enjoined to make a con- moral teaching known and loved ministrative Order #8 regarding genetically engineered plant
centuries ago to the people of The City Council’s adoption by crete, collective, systematic, and because He is the Way, the Truth, and plant products and animals in order to safeguard public
Corinth in Greece: that he was majority vote of the Local Devel- implementable steps under the and the Life. health and the environment.
preaching the stupidity or fool- opment Plan for Children of supervision of the Office of the
ishness of the cross of Jesus Davao City, 2007-2010 has raised Vicars General: Devotedly yours in Christ, Sr. Ma Aida Velasquez, OSB
Christ (1Cor. 1:21) Who and His serious questions on the moral- 1. The Diocesan Pastoral Office Coordinator, Lingkod Tao-Kalikasan
teaching are “the same yester- ity and acceptability of its prin- under Bishop George Rimando; FERNANDO R. CAPALLA April 29, 2008
day, today, and forever” (He- ciples and implementing mecha- 2. The Office of the Diocesan Archbishop of Davao
brew 13:8). nisms and procedures. In our Pas- Superintendent of Catholic May 4, 2008
CBCP Monitor
B6 Reflections Vol. 12 No. 10
May 12 - 25, 2008

By Fr. Roy Cimagala

of media
CONSIDERING the confusing and dangerous stuff children are exposed to in
the press and in the world these days, the families should be alerted and
equipped to effectively handle the media for the good of everyone.
In the US and other developed countries, this concern is spreading and
appropriate initiatives, mostly private and personal, have sprung up. Though
things in general in our country may not be that complicated as in these
places, we need to prepare because we are heading toward that direction.
First is to warn everyone about the nature and purpose of the media, and their
potential to do good and evil. We need to go past our innocent, if not naïve stage,
insofar as our attitude and skills on how to treat the media is concerned.
Everyone should be told to be vigilant and discerning, because the media
today cannot anymore be treated as safe, neutral and impartial material.
They have become significant shapers of our thoughts and attitudes toward
life in general.
This is because a lot of factors go into their making and running, factors
that affect us not so much physically as definitely emotionally, mentally,
and socially. In fact, they can strongly influence us spiritually and morally.
The media nowadays just don’t report things anymore. They preach! They
just don’t give out data and information, figures and statistics. They form
our values and attitudes. They transmit all sorts of isms and ideologies. They
are now a dominant force in our culture.
Even if in a particular paper, they are just showing pictures of beautiful men Illustration by Bladimer Usi
and women, there already are tremendous amount of unaccounted values, good
and bad, being conveyed. They can powerfully affect our faith and morals.

Sent to proclaim the

I’m glad that more and more people are becoming aware of this disturb-
ing drift of our media world. Sometimes this awareness was earned at a
great price, as when a son has become obsessed with some harmful thing
due to a large extent to the media.
People are complaining that there are now a lot of junk and bunk in the

faith that saves

press, a lot of noise, inflated words and useless images. The news reporting
cannot even be done straight without straying into editorializing.
And in the opinion sections, people notice that many claims and argu-
ments, though flimsy, shallow and narrow, are unashamedly bloated to
sound like dogmas themselves.
Many opinion-makers play God, except that they express themselves very
poorly. Sometimes it’s obvious that they have deserted both logic and good Solemnity of our Lord’s Ascension (Mt 28:16-20, 4 May 2008)
manners in pressing their views.
The feedback section says hardly anything substantial. Some papers re-
ceive the views of the same individuals everyday. Their ability to present
others see and taste the same him go to heaven.” (Acts 1: 10- lay faithful too appear very
the general thinking of people is highly questionable. By Ricardo J. Cardi-
This is not to mention what we see in the other sections like lifestyle and goodness. After having taught 11) It is a gentle reminder to pious in church and then hide
nal Vidal them by word and by deed, the disciples that they were his or her Christian identity
entertainment where all sorts of unchecked stories and images clutter with
impunity. the disciples need to be not to stay for long staring up once out of the church? If
We have more or less the same observations with respect to TV, radio, THE Solemnity of the Ascen- weaned. In the maturation of into the sky. They have a mis- Christianity or the priesthood
and, of course, the Internet that’s becoming the most treacherous of all the sion is not an act of abandon- faith, the disciples must no sion to accomplish. They must is a matter of the heart, are
means of mass communication. There you can have porn and other danger- ment by the Lord of his dis- longer live by sight or by not tarry for long, or the Jesus we not reducing the heart to
ous stuff readily available even to kids. ciples, but a commissioning touch, but must now walk by who went up will come down a mere organ hidden behind
The families have to face this challenge realistically. It obviously requires to bring the Good News to all faith. Only then can they share and see them doing nothing the ribcage? Is not the heart
a lot of effort and resources, but it’s all worth it. When we organize ourselves the world. In the Gospel last the same faith with others. but staring at empty space. in fact, the identity of the
better, we can do more in achieving our goal and ideals. Sunday, Jesus promised the The post resurrection ap- This is a reminder to us who whole person, one that deter-
Family life should be nourished and strengthened with many and abiding Holy Spirit to his disciples in pearances of the Lord must are too focused inward in our mines the thoughts that we
practices, like parents spending time with their children everyday, having preparation for his ascension. have been anticipated events experience with the Lord with- think, the words that we say,
meals together, chats, get-togethers and praying. Jesus is going to leave, but he in the post-resurrection com- out looking outward to put the things that we do, the
Norms of prudence should be put in place. TV and the Internet should be will not leave his disciples munity of the disciples. Like into practice the experience. clothes that we wear, the
in open common rooms, never in bedrooms. Their use should be regulated, orphans. He is in fact sending the two disciples who walked The experience of the Lord’s places we go to?
especially when children are involved. them as missionaries. with the Risen Lord to presence in fact is sustained When supposedly Christian
Parents should closely watch how their children are taking what they read The ascension of the Lord Emmaus, everyone was ex- not by going after every ru- politicians distinguish between
and watch in the media. Are the children getting more responsible or more into heaven universalizes the cited to spread the good news mored apparition, but by sim- the private sphere of conscience
self-absorbed? Parents should be quick to give guidance, clarifying things work of redemption. From that the Lord has indeed risen. ply buckling down to the on one hand and the public
and giving criteria for judgments. then on, the work of Christ The apostles no doubt looked work he has sent us to do. Per- square, on the other, they rent
Family organizations should be fostered to better cope with the rising bursts out from the confines forward to the appearances, haps, the reason why we have asunder the inseparable link
challenges insofar as handling media is concerned. They can also influence of the physical parameters of that is why Thomas issued a news of apparitions every between morality and law. Just
the way our media are organized and how they do their work. his bodily presence in that challenge that unless he saw now and then is that we our- as a person who habitually acts
particular part of the world the wounds of His body and selves, who are supposed to contrary to his/her conscience
(Palestine) and becomes truly insert his hands into them, he spread the good news, have develops a distorted personal-
trans-historical and cosmic in would not believe. But the not been doing our job. Ev- ity, so does a state develop so-
scope. As true God and true post resurrection appearances ery apparition, therefore, of cietal distortions when it cuts
man, every work and word were not meant to be spec- the Lord or the Blessed Vir- off the link between morality
of Jesus cannot be limited to tacles for the curious. They gin or of the saints, seems to and public policies.
Bo Sanchez a particular time and place, were meant to be affirmations be a rebuke on us who have The ascension of the Lord
even when he walked among of faith, a faith, which, by its been remiss in fulfilling the is a reminder above all to us
us, but it is only when he as- own inner dynamics, must be great commission. bishops, who have been pri-

You can choose cended into heaven that the

apostles turned their atten-
tion outward to a world that
shared with others.
Our faith needs to mature,
then, if at this time, we are
Faith has so far retreated
into the private sphere that
there is now a clear di-
marily entrusted to preach
the Gospel to all nations. Let
St. Paul’s words to Timothy

to be happy awaits the good news of its

redemption, rather than in-
ward to their experience of
still looking for phenomena
to affirm our faith. We are
like the disciples looking up
chotomy between what we
believe and how we live. Even
some priests and religious
thus remind us again: “Before
God and before Christ Jesus
who is to be judge of the liv-
Jesus whose work has been to heaven, even if they could make a delineation between ing and of the dead, I charge
accomplished and needs only no longer see him. In the Acts their public persona as priests you, in the name of his ap-
I RECALL a few years back, I felt depressed. to be proclaimed. of the Apostles, two men, and their private lives. They pearing and of his kingdom,
I had a million problems! I had conflicts to deal with, a few storms in my The ascension represents dressed in white, reminded are priests insofar as they are proclaim the message and,
Catholic community, plus a number of personal trials as well. To top it all, our maturation in faith. Not them: “Why are you Galileans in the church celebrating the welcome or unwelcome, in-
my dandruff was getting worse and my pimples are erupting again. I prayed, only are we invited to experi- standing here looking up into mass, but once they are out sist on it. Refute falsehood,
“Lord, are you sure you want me to continue preaching and writing? I know ence the Lord’s presence, but the sky? This Jesus who has there shopping or dining in correct error, give encourage-
I’m good-looking (depression has a way of making me hallucinate), but now, having “tasted and seen been taken up from you into the malls, they would rather ment—but do all with pa-
shouldn’t You have picked someone much holier and wiser and more lov- the goodness of the Lord”, it heaven will come back in the not be known as priests. By tience and with care to in-
ing? is now our mission to make same way as you have seen the same logic, may not the struct.” (2 Tim. 4: 1-2)
As I poured out my grief before God, and as I felt His tender comfort, a
crazy question popped in my mind: “Bo, give me five reasons why you
should be happy today.”

Spreading the fire of love

“Happy? Lord, how can I be happy at a time like this?”
But the question remained lodged in my brain, and I couldn’t give it up.
“Well,” I mumbled, “my five reasons for being happy are lovely Lily,
sexy Sylvia, pretty Pamella, terrific Tanya, and gorgeous Grace.” (I was still
single at that time, so I could make jokes like these.) Fearing that lightning
may strike me anytime, I decided to become serious.
“First reason, Lord: You. We have a great relationship. You love me so
Solemnity of Pentecost (Jn 20: 19 - 23, 11 May 2008)
much, and uh, I love You sometimes. What a God! Second, I have a beautiful
family. Dad’s old and Mom’s (bleep!), yet we’re still together… Third, Msgr. Joseph C. Tan, PC was a fire of the Spirit and found the had come into the world to lay down his
despite it all, I have a great Catholic group. Fourth, I’ve got a fantastic job as holy company gathered inside in holy life for the salvation of all. Now he sends
preacher, writer, helping the poor… Can it be better than this? And fifth, I’m rapture as they ate their meal together. his disciples to do the same.
in love with this one girl. (Not five!) Pretty, sweet, loving, honest, and ST. FRANCIS used to visit St. Claire With great joy in their hearts, the It is for this reason that the Holy Spirit
insane enough, to go out on dates with me.” for spiritual direction at Assisi and was townspeople left and returned to their came¯to link together the disciples to
And before I realized it, my “lousy feelings” left me and I felt happy! often asked to stay for dinner. To this homes blessing the Lord. (from The the ministry of Jesus. The Holy Spirit is
You know, it worked so well, even to this day, I’ve decided to do this request, the good St. Francis often re- Little Flowers of St. Francis) never just an ornament in the Church,
daily. Before I go to bed, I recall five things that happened during that day fused. On one such occasion, the other Similarly, the disciples in today’s gos- but always the source of empowerment
which I want to be thankful for. It could be small stuff like, “Today, I watched friars begged St. Francis to grant her pel gathered together around the pres- for the application of the work of Christ
the sunset,”; or “A little kid put her arms around me today and that felt so the favor of dining with her. After ence of Jesus the Risen Lord. His pres- for the survival of the human race¯the
good”; or “My wife and I ate at Mcdonald’s ‘cuz that was all I could afford but some thought, he agreed that it was ence was made manifest not just to bring new fire of evangelization that is lighted
felt it was a candlelight dinner at Shangri-La.” the right thing to do. At meal time peace to the troubled hearts of his dis- anew on Easter.
Because of this practice, the way I see life has changed. Because from the the two saints sat beside each other, ciples who continued to live in fear and This Sunday, as we take the place of
moment I wake up, my antennas are up—looking for the five things I’m flanked by the other members of the anxiety about the future. His presence, Jesus’ disciples gathered for the meal
going to be thankful for. I’m no longer focused on the bad things that hap- Order. It was then that St. Francis be- more importantly, confirmed everyone of the Eucharist, the question we need
pen, but on God’s great blessings each day. gan to speak of the Lord so gloriously in their mission—to spread the fire that to ask is this: will the surrounding en-
Happiness is a choice. that an abundance of God’s grace de- Jesus began to lit in his ministry. Had vironment see the divine flames issu-
You and I have everything that we need for happiness. Happiness isn’t scended upon them all. It was at this there been no Resurrection, there would ing forth from our gathering to
“out there” but something that’s deep within us. We choose to be happy. We time that to the townsfolk outside, the be very little motive for the disciples to enflame the lives of many with the sal-
choose to make our lives great. monastery appeared to be on fire. undertake a mission in his name. But vation of God? Or are we simply keep-
What will you choose? People rushed to save the monastery because of the Resurrection, the mission ing the fire to ourselves so that we can
from being ravaged by the flames, but became compelling: “As the Father has use the flame for roasting at our pri-
realized that the fire they were seeing sent me, so am I sending you.” Jesus vate parties?
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 12 No. 10
May 12 - 25, 2008 Social Concerns B7
By Gemma Marin extravagant spending and carried out cial assistance of Pondo ng Pinoy (PnP) or monthly. First releases from the Fund the borrowers. Repayments per schedule
activities that were not supported with to launch a microfinance program. occurred in September 2005. are closely monitored by the motivator/
board resolutions. Systems, policies Skills training were provided from Learning from previous years’ mis- collector. Regular visits to collect loan
“PAG may pautang, sisipag ka… at hindi and procedures were, in fact, suffi- accessing to actual management of funds. takes, the MPC imposed stricter mea- payment and savings, and to monitor
puwedeng hindi magbabayad. Mahirap ciently written and in place but not Fr. Chito Estrella, PnP Coordinator for sures during pre- and post-disbursement projects are conducted. One-on-one con-
mapahiya, kundi di na makakaulit umutang” strictly enforced. Low morale among the Diocese of Daet expounded, “May of loan funds. Prior to approval and re- frontation meetings are also held to fol-
(“Once you borrow, you become hard- the staff translated into poor services funds para sa mahirap, kaya nga lang dapat lease, for instance, borrower-applicants low up the more delinquent borrowers.
working… you can’t afford not to pay. It rendered to members who, in turn, be- gumawa sila ng paraan para ma-avail yun. were required to submit several docu- As one whole organization, the man-
is so embarrassing not to pay. Otherwise, came affected by the deteriorating op- Kasi pag sila ang gumawa ng paraan, matututo ments, e.g., barangay clearance, endorse- agement sees to it that systems, policies
there is no way you can borrow again”), erations of the coop. Many of the bor- silang alagaan yon at palaguin.” (There are ment from the barangay captain, com- and procedures are strictly and properly
coop members Aling Emma and Aling rowers continued to be negligent in funds for the poor, and they must find munity tax certificate, and copy of bills enforced.
Emelita said. Not a few beneficiaries, in- paying their loans. MSSD-MPC resorted out and exert all efforts to avail of these payment. The applicants were also sub-
dividually interviewed, made a similar to legal means in dealing with a num- funds. Once availed, they will learn how jected to a background and credit inves- Looking forward to better lives
remark on the cooperative’s microfinance ber of its borrowers while its account to manage it and make it grow.) He tigation, and must be able to assign two Members were first told of the recov-
program funded by Pondo ng Pinoy. with Land Bank was restructured. added, “Sa microfinance, makaka-reach out co-makers¯one family member and one ery program of the coop during the Gen-

Microfinance saves a cooperative

Difficult years of the cooperative eral Assembly meeting in April 2005.
Maliliit na Sambayanang Simbahan What excited them was the opportunity
Diocesan Multi-Purpose Cooperative to borrow again for working capital for
(MSSD-MPC) was established on 01 De- their socio-economic activities, notwith-
cember 1991, and was registered with standing the more stringent require-
the Cooperative Development Author- ments, policies and procedures.
ity (CDA) on 31 March 1992. It was be- First-timers have been able to borrow
gun by 25 cooperators who were mem- amounts no higher than PhP10,000. Yet
bers of the Basic Ecclesiastical Com- benefits already abound. The additional
munities (BEC) to help alleviate the capital for existing businesses allowed
socio-economic problems in their them to purchase more materials or in-
communities in Camarines Norte. ventory in lesser cost. The interest rate
With an initial capital of PhP 2,500, the of 2 percent per month vs. 20 percent to
cooperative engaged in rice trading 60 percent per month from other infor-
and swine marketing, and operated a mal lenders was far more favorable in
consumer store. terms of paying smaller amounts of in-
It also embarked on a lending busi- terest. This then translated to higher in-
ness in 1995, and was able to tap operat- comes and savings. Availability of funds
ing funds from the Land Bank around has eased the liquidity position of many
1998 and from OikoCredit in Novem- borrower-families primarily in terms of
ber 2000. Earlier in June, it started a spending for their daily basic needs. It
microfinance program called the Urban even permitted them to engage in other
Program for Livelihood Finance and productive endeavors, settle past obli-
Training or UPLIFT Philippines funded gations or spend for the school and
by the Canadian International Develop- health needs of their families.
ment Agency (CIDA) and Raskov Foun- “Kung may pera, marami kang maiisip na
dation also based in Canada. Loan paggagamitan, kung ano ang pagkakakitaan
amounts began with PhP1,000–5,000 dur- at puwede pang mapalago. Kaysa naman sa
ing the first cycle, and reached as much walang pera…” (When you have the
as PhP150,000 in the next cycles. Interest money, there are so many ways to use
rate was three percent per month, pay- it, especially on businesses which have
able daily or weekly in amounts depend- the potential to grow. This is definitely
ing on the capacity of the member-bor- a lot better than having no money at
rower to pay. Common pur- all…”), shared Aling Angelina. Member-
pose for borrowing was to beneficiaries are now poised to take in
obtain working capital for ABOVE: The San Carlos Cooperative store. LEFT: The San Carlos Parish store.
higher amounts to, in turn, augment in-
economic activities like sari- Photos courtesy of CBCP-NASSA
comes to answer their daily needs more
sari store and piggery. Col- easily, and other social obligations.
lateral offered was usually Obtaining additional funds, although
chattel mortgage or mov- ka talaga. Aanhin mo ang pera regular member from the coop. The
small, has opened opportunities for the
able properties such as mo- kung hindi mo gagamitin para promissory note and trust receipt docu-
poor clients to work harder, live and
torcycle, television and other sa mahihirap?” (With ment was now notarized, while loans
earn better. On the other hand, MSSD
appliances. Savings or capi- microfinance, you can re- were insured by the Cooperative Life
remains confident about achieving fi-
tal was retained by the ally reach out to the poor. Mutual Benefit Services.
nancial stability and regaining commu-
member by deducting 25 What’s the money for if it As of 31 December 2007, the PnP
nity credibility. Indeed, the “crumbs”
percent of the loan amount can’t be put to use for the Microfinance Program of MSSD granted
offered by Pondo ng Pinoy has not only
for his or her account, plus a poor who need it most?) some PhP1.5 million working capital
rallied round on the crisis faced by a
monthly contribution of Given fresh, albeit di- loans to a total of 94 borrowers. Loan
struggling cooperative in Daet,
PhP100 each for savings and minutive funds of amounts were mostly PhP10,000 and
Camarines Norte, but it has also begun
share capital. PhP300,000 from Pondo ng below. Out of the 93 borrowers, only 13
to touch the lives of the poor commu-
Mismanagement of the Pinoy (plus a PhP100,000 were able to avail of loans ranging from
nities in the area.
MPC from the late 1990s un- loan from the Provincial PhP15,000 to as much as 60,000.
til early 2005, however, Government) by the sec- At post-disbursement, the cooperative
(Gemma Marin is a research assistant of John
placed it in the red in 2004. ond semester of 2005, does not deny encountering problems in
J. Carroll Institute for Church and Social Is-
The rice trading business and consumer MSSD-MPC set out again to better man- collection, especially with the La Niña
MSSD-MPC makes a turnaround sues of the Ateneo de Manila University)
store closed shop in 2002 owing to enor- age the microfinance program and the phenomenon since September 2007, and
The General Assembly meeting in
mous debts from its customers. Market- cooperative organization as a whole. which is seen to extend until June of this
April 2005 was a decisive moment for
ing of swine was discontinued follow- The program was exclusively for regu- year. Amounts due but unpaid as of end- 1
There are two types of members: regular or
the cooperative. A new set of board those with share capital, and associate or those
ing a disease which hit the area. Poor lar members, whether old or new, and 2007 totaled to some PhP135,000 involv-
members was elected. The new board without capital invested in the coop. On the
management of its credit and those with class A standing.1 The loan- ing 28 borrowers. Livelihood projects that other hand, the loan standing classification is
was then concerned about restoring the
microfinance operations was mani- able amount granted to a new member were particularly affected were fish and defined as follows: A – accounts with good loan
trust and confidence of members as well payment record; B – with past due yet with sav-
fested in delinquent payments by bor- for the first cycle was as low as PhP2,500. vegetable vending, palay trading, hog and
as other stakeholders in the cooperative. ings; C – with past due and no share capital in
rowers and consequently high past due Interest rate was leaner at 2 percent per poultry raising and dried fish vending.
One of the proposals put forward to re- 6 months; D – with delinquent record of loan
rates for the coop. Officers engaged in month. Period of payment was weekly Nonetheless, reminder letters are sent to payments.
suscitate the coop was to tap the finan-

Question Box / B4

dimension to theological formation in actually complementary, we can single outstanding is the so-called Traditional- validity of the Baptism of the following of the Philippine Catholic Church, Manila,
the different theological disciplines. out two significant agreements, one for ist schism (1988) involving Catholics groups: Lutheran Church in the Philip- 1995, p. 34.)
(See Formation, 3.) the Eastern Churches and one for the who rejected the liturgical reforms of pines (LCP), Philippine Episcopal In a meeting held in February 2007,
Churches and Communities arising from Vatican II and the authority of the Pope, Church (PEC), United Church of Christ representatives of the Church in the
12. What are the most significant ecu- the Reformation. The first, which took in the name of “Tradition.” Another area in the Philippines (UCCP), Iglesia Philippines expressed their concern
menical events since the Second Vatican place on 7 December 1965, is the “Joint of concern is the rise of Sects and so-called Evangelica Metodista en las Islas over the phenomenon of Pentecostalism
Council? Declaration of Pope Paul VI and the Ecu- “New Religious Movements,” some Filipinas (IEMELIF), United Methodist in Asia in relation to Church unity.
There have been, and there are now, menical Patriarch Athenagoras I to re- members of which are not open to ecu- Church in the Philippines (UMCP), Con- They saw the need in the Philippines
many ongoing initiatives at all levels move from the memory... of the Church menical dialogue. vention of Philippine Baptist Churches for ecumenical formation through bet-
which have led to a greater closeness the sentences of excommunication is- (CPBC), Presbyterian Church, Seventh- ter foundation in the doctrine and prac-
and understanding among Christians, sued in 1054.” The second is the “Com- 13. How is the ecumenical situation in Day Adventist Church. However, the tice of the Catholic faith. Cardinal
although many more things have to be mon declaration on the Doctrine of Jus- the Philippines? Baptism administered by the various Walter Kasper (the head of the Pontifi-
threshed out before the desired Church tification issued by the Catholic Church The Catholic Church in the Philip- Aglipayan groups (the main group be- cal Council for Promoting Christian
unity can be achieved. Aside from the and the Lutheran World Federation” on pines, through the competent authori- ing the Philippine Independent Church Unity) emphasized the need for “fun-
many gestures of goodwill on the part 31 October 1999. ties, is engaged in different areas of dia- or PIC) is considered to be doubtful be- damental ecumenism”, meaning a com-
of all sides, and a mutual realization that Unfortunately, there have also been logue with other Christian groups. To cause of lack of uniform criteria within mon Christian focus on the basics of the
some of the earlier divisive issues are new divisions that have arisen. Most date, the Catholic Church recognizes the them. (See Testera, F., Canon Law Digest faith.

Mixed / B2

are in fact those prescribed by the Span- to take place at all.

CBCPMonitor Name _________________________________________________

(Family Name) (Given Name) (Middle Name)
ish Episcopal Conference on 25.I.1971
and confirmed by a General Decree,
26.XI.1983, Art.12, §3):
1. The religious ceremony acceptable
2nd: Should the Local Ordinary grant
the permission, they might do well to
reconsider their absolute objection to a
“born-again” wedding ceremony and try
SUBSCRIPTION RATES Mailing Address to the non-Catholic (but Christian) party to secure a dispensation from canonical
and/or his/her relatives. form as well. Should they be granted that,
________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. A religious ceremony acceptable to then they just might opt for a “born-
The CBCP Monitor is published Phone No.: ________ Fax No.: ________ E-mail: ___________ both parties. again” wedding ceremony, realizing that
fortnightly by the CBCP Media Of- 3. A non-religious ceremony—e.g., a such a wedding would bring about a ca-
Mode of Payment civil ceremony before a civil authority. nonical marriage for their son just as well.
fice, with editorial and business of-
Check/PMO enclosed Cash Payment In all these cases—we should add— 3rd: If they really cannot accept a “born-
fices at 470 Gen. Luna St., the essential properties and ends of mar- again” Christian wedding ceremony,
Intramuros, Manila. PO Box 3601, (Payable to: CBCP Communications Development Foundation Inc.)
riage must not be excluded. they might opt for a civil wedding cer-
1076 MCPO emony, again keeping in mind that in
• Domestic ________________________ Conclusion this case it would constitute a canonical
1 Year Php 500.00 From the foregoing discussion, the (Church) wedding, with full canonical
Signature Catholic party (and his parents in this effects, and which—given the identity
2 Years Php 900.00
case) will have to reconsider the whole between marriage and sacrament for the
• Foreign: Asia PLEASE SEND TO: matter from a more fundamental start- baptized—would also be a sacrament for
1 Year US$ 55.00 CBCP Monitor, P.O. Box 3601, Manila, Philippines ing point: their Catholic son and his baptized
• All Other US$ 80.00 470 Gen. Luna St., Intramuros, Manila, Philippines | Tel (632) 404-2182 • Telefax (632) 404-1612 1st: They need permission from their Catholic (but arguably turned “born-
Or e-mail this at cbcpmonitor@cbcpworld.com Local Ordinary for the mixed-marriage again”) bride.
CBCP Monitor
B8 Entertainment Vol. 12 No. 10
May 12 - 25, 2008

Moral Assessment Technical CINEMA Rating Guide

Abhorrent VA - For viewers of all ages
Disturbing Poor V13 - For viewers age 13 and below
Acceptable Below average with parental guidance
Wholesome Average V14 - For viewers 14 and above
Exemplary Above average V18 - For mature viewers 18 and above
Excellent NP - Not for public viewing

Title: Iron Man Stark’s life is saved by fellow detainee wait is longer for the arrival of the Iron
Cast: Robert Downey Jr., Terrence Yinsen (Shaun Toub). Under captivity, Man suit. The action scenes are solid, but
Howard, Jeff Bridges, Gwyneth Stark finds time to reflect on his life and they feel a touch too thin on the ground.
Paltrow, Leslie Bibb, Shaun Toub, decides to build instead an indestructible Over-all though, the movie is a lot of
Faran Tahir, Clark Gregg suit of armor to escape his captors. Back fun stopping long enough for character
Running Time: 126 min. at home, he goes through a morality shift development to give it a good blend of
Director: Jon Favreau
Producers: Avi Arad, Kevin Feige and tries to dismantle his weapon pro- spectacle and substance. What makes the
Screenwriters: Mark Fergus, Hawk ducing company. His receives mixed Iron Man stand out from other action–
Ostby, Art Marcum, Matt Holloway reactions from his closest friends: loyal hero movies is the hero’s character him-
Music: Ramin Djawadi, assistant and occasional girlfriend, Pep- self. While Spiderman’s angst and moti-
Editor: Dan Lebental per Pots (Gwyneth Paltrow) is semi-sup- vation are rooted in adolescent insecu-
Genre: Sci-Fi Action portive, military buddy Jim Rhodes rity, Batman’s dilemma and motive
Cinematography: Matthew Libatique (Terrence Howard) thinks he is losing it come from revenge and Hulk’s drive
Distributor: Paramount Pictures and business partner Obadiah Stane (Jeff comes from rage, Iron Man’s reason for
Location: Los Angeles, California Bridges) is simply furious. Stark discov- transforming into a superhero is moral-
Technical Assessment:
ers a deadly conspiracy that would de- ity. He simply wants to fight evil be-
Moral Assessment: ½
CINEMA Rating: For viewers 14 and stabilize the entire world and realizes cause he wants to do something good.
above the destruction and violence he has con- Iron Man/Stark makes a good role
tributed through his weaponry. He vows model as a superhero because he is a real
to amend his life and fight evil. person with no supernatural ability or
Iron Man is one of the few action mov- gift, who decides to use his intelligence
IRON Man is another Marvel comics su- ies that actually have more soul and sub- and resources to save the world and rid
perhero adapted for the big screen. It stance. Downey attacks his character it of violence and destruction. The movie
begins with the wealthy 40-something with much conviction and blends humor shows how a person, no matter how
womanizing alcoholic and genius inven- and sarcasm with his crime fighting per- steeped in vice and materialism can
tor Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.), pre- sona. Paltrow and Bridges are gems that emerge a hero as long as there is a con-
senting his latest weapon, the Jericho provide the necessary sparkle to a some- scious and firm decision to change. Some
Missiles, to the Afghans. Unfortunately, times flat and boring screenplay. There themes in Iron Man, though, (like wom-
the terrorists are impressed and kidnap are some pacing jolts to some viewers anizing and alcoholism) and violent ac-
Stark to force him to build another dia- these could be a few too many. It takes a tion scenes are not suitable for the very
bolic weapon. Injured during the attack, long time to build up the story and the young audience.

Title: Ploning
Cast: Judy Ann Santos, Gina Pareño, Mylene Dizon, Eugene
Domingo, Tony Mabesa, Meryll Soriano, Ces Quesada,
Crispin Medina, Tessie Tomas, Spanky Manikan,
Ketchup Eusebio, Boodge Fernandez, Cedric Amit, Ogoy
Director: Dante
Nico Garcia
Dte Nico Garcia,
Benjamin Lingan
Music: Jesse
Genre: Drama
Location: Philip-

Buhay Parokya
Running Time:
By Bladimer Usi 110 min.
There are three missing articles in this Assessment:
cartoon. Find a fan, toy car and chicken
wing. Moral Assess-
CINEMA Rating:
For viewers age
13 and below with
parental guidance

BINAYBAY ni Muo Sei panahon. Sa kabila ng

(Boodge Fernandez) ang isla ng maraming karakter ay hindi
Cuyo, Palawan lulan ng isang nawala ang sentro kay
bangka upang hanapin ang Ploning. Pinatingkad ang
hindi mawari kung tao o bagay simpleng produksyon ng
na kung tawagin lamang niya napakahusay na pagganap ng
ay Ploning. Dahil illegal ang mga tauhan lalo na sina Judy
sinasakyang bangka, mayroon Ann Santos, Gina Pareño, Eu-
lamang siyang isang buong gene Domingo, Mylene
araw upang hanapin ang Dizon, Spanky Manikan at
Ploning sa isla. Sa kanyang maging ang mga baguhang
paghahanap ay unti-unting sina Cedric Amit at Boodge
lilinaw na ang tinutukoy Fernandez at Ogoy Agustin.
niyang Ploning ay isang dalaga Mahusay ang
(Judy Ann Santos) na noon ay sinematograpiya at
kilala sa isla bilang komposisyon na halatang
matulungin, masayahin at pinagbuhusan ng panahon.
misteryosa. Si Ploning ay anak Tamang-tama ang daloy ng
ng isang mayamang emosyon at timpla ng bawat
negosyante (Tony Mabesa). eksena. Maging ang mga
Siya rin ang masugid na simbolismo ay naging
tagasuporta ng nagluluksa sa napakaepektibo sa paglalahad
kalungkutan na si Intang (Gina ng kuwento.
Pareño) na siya ring ina ng Umikot ang Ploning sa mga
kanyang kasintahang matagal iba’t-ibang pananaw at
ng nawalay buhat ng pumunta konsepto ng pagmamahal
ng Maynila, si Tomas. Sa gitna depende sa karanasan ng
ng pagiging mabuting anak, isang tao. Si Ploning bilang
kaibigan, kasintahan, ay matiyagang nagmamahal ay
naging ina-inahan din si naniniwala na ang
Ploning ng batang si Digo nagmamahal ay nagtitiwala at
(Cedric Amit) na anak ng nasasaktan. Si Celeste naman
paralisado ng si Juaning (Eu- ay hindi naniniwala dito. Para
gene Domingo). Labis ang sa kanya, kapag nagmahal ay
kalungkutan ni Digo nang hindi dapat masaktan.
malamang may balak si Maaring nag-iiba ang
Ploning ng pumunta ng pananaw ngunit isang bagay
Maynila upang sundan si ang malinaw: ang buhay ng
Tomas. Nakakuha ng bagong tao ay dapat uminog sa
karamay at kakampi si Digo sa pagmamahal upang
katauhan ng bagong saltang magkaroon ito ng kahulugan.
nurse sa baryo na si Celeste Si Ploning ay wagas na
(Mylene Dizon) na diumano’y nagmamahal hindi lamang sa
may nakilala sa Maynila na kanyang kasintahan kundi
Tomas ang pangalan at ito raw maging sa kanyang
ay taga-Cuyo. Si Celeste rin magulang,mga kaibigan,
ang magiging susi ng lahat ng anak-anakan at higit sa lahat,
misteryo at lihim na itinatago sa Diyos. Ipinakita niya na ang
ni Ploning. Sino si Muo Sei sa tunay na pagmamahal ay
buhay ni Ploning? wagas, lubos at hindi
Isang napakagandang naghihintay ng kapalit.
pelikula ng Ploning na bihira Kapag iba ang pinairal, tulad
nang makita sa mga klase ng ni Intang, ay kawalang-
pelikula natin ngayon. katahimikan at kapahamakan
Ipinakita ng Ploning hindi lamang ang kahihinatnan.
lamang ang magagandang Kapuri-puri kung paanong
tanawin sa Cuyo, Palawan ang mabuting halimbawa ni
kundi pati na rin ang mayaman Ploning ay bumuhay at
nitong kultura at dialekto. nagbigay pag-asa sa sanga-
Buong-buo ang kuwento na sangang relasyon ng mga
umiikot sa maraming buhay sa taong nabubuhay ng payak sa
isang isla na tila nilimot na ng isang isla na tulad ng Cuyo.
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 12 No. 10
May 12 - 25, 2008

The Cross
A Supplement Publication for KCFAPI
and the Order of the Knights of Columbus
The "Pasalubong Awardees" during the Fraternal Benefits Convention held at Country Village Hotel, Cagayan de Oro City last April 12.

Fraternal Benefits
Conventions gain grounds
By Joseph P. Teodoro

THE fraternal benefits convention after five that KCFAPI is second-to-none when it
provincial sessions from the day it was comes to insurance coverage for brother
launched in Manila have already reached knights.
more than 400 fraternal counselor partici- The fraternal benefits conventions hosted
pants. With one more session to complete the launching of the SUPER SAVER PLAN.
the nationwide coverage, the activity has This is single pay ten-year endowment plan
shown signs that the objectives for which designed for seasonal wage earners and
the same was conceived have been achieved. those who appreciate shorter payment pro-
Sales activity has been noted on the up- grams. To date, the SUPER SAVER PLAN has
ward trend with the increase in the number attracted several members to enroll in this
of applications for insurance that were sub- unique plan prepared by other knights for
mitted and paid during the month of April. brother knights.
The first year contribution in the month of There is one more fraternal benefits con-
April was the highest so far during the year vention remaining to complete the project.
and exceeded the target during the month. This session will be held on May 15, 2008
Some area managers have observed that which is a day before the 7th Visayas State
the productivity level of their fraternal coun- Convention. It will be attended by about 50
selors posted remarkable increase during the fraternal counselors from the three Central
month. This is a product of their awareness and Eastern Visayas sales areas.
and better understanding of the different As usual punctuality and formal dress code
plans that we offer. (KC white barong, black pants and black
The activity provided the opportunity for shoes) are expected from the participants.
the key officers to meet face-to-face with Since this is the last of the seven sessions
some of the prominent members of the Or- nationwide, area managers Wilfredo E.
der in the various venues of the fraternal Lauron, Ireneo R. Guadalquiver and Eldito
benefits occasion. On some occasions these B. Nabong vowed not to be outdone. They District Deputy Reynaldo Trinidad, Mindanao Deputy Sofronio Cruz, KCFAPI Chairman Patrocinio Bacay, Executive Vice President Ma. Theresa Curia
members have expressed their agreement promised the best performance pasalubong. and President Antonio Borromeo sing the National Anthem at the opening of the Fraternal Benefits Convention held in Mindanao last April 24.

New KC Collegiate Scholars Sale of KCPAFI shareholdings held in Equicom Savings

Bank, Inc. (Formerly Anchor Savings Bank)
THE Knights of Columbus ceiving full tuition fee assis-
Philippines Foundation tance and P 4,000 book allow-
President, SK Alonso L. Tan, ance per year.
recently announced the 18 The chosen Supreme Coun-
beneficiaries of the scholar- cil scholars are: Mariangela
ship program of the KC foun- G. Bellen (Council 1000, By Atty. Rizal V. Katalbas, Jr. parties the sale transaction failed to material- compliance with the rules, Equicom an-
dation and the Knights of Co- Intramuros, Manila); Aprylle ize. nounced its tender offer in the newspaper of
lumbus Supreme Council. Gwyne H. Bolla (Council As a background, Anchor Savings Bank is a In July 2007, KCFAPI received an offer from general circulation.
This brings to 68 the current 6113 Lagawe, Ifugao); Aira thrift bank and a subsidiary of the KCFAPI. a new buyer, Equicom Manila Holdings, Inc., On 16 January 2008 ASB called for a special
number of poor but deserv- Faye F. Razon (Council 6300 KCFAPI is the majority stockholder of ASB (“Equicom”), of its intention to purchase the stockholders meeting the purpose of which
ing scholars of the foundation Sariaya, Quezon); Kathlyn N. for being the registered, lawful and beneficial said Shares from KCFAPI. To initiate the sale was to amend certain provisions in the articles
for the school year 2008-2009. Kiseo (Council 12730 owner of 29,449,206 common stock shares rep- transaction, a Memorandum of Understand- of incorporation and by-laws of ASB – i.e.
Accepted new KC Founda- Mandaue City); Paul Vincent resenting approximately 77.61 percent (the ing was executed by both parties on 17 August changing the name of Anchor Savings Bank to
tion scholars are: Angelo S. Bayona (Council 6400 “Shares”) of the outstanding capital stock of 2007. Thereafter, a Memorandum of Agree- Equicom Savings Bank, Inc. as well as to in-
Lorenze H. Cruz (Council Barotac Nuevo, Iloilo); Aicee ASB. The sale of said Shares by KCFAPI was ment (MOA) was executed on September 26, crease in the banks capitalization to P1.750
9118 Novaliches, Quezon V. Negre (Council 13156 originally initiated last October 2006 when 2007 incorporating the terms and conditions billion. During the meeting, the stockholders
City); Ervin John A. Cabrera Bantayan, Cebu); Czarra KCFAPI received a formal offer from a local of the sale as agreed upon by both parties. present were also informed about the sale of
(Council 8412 Caloocan Jeanne L. Inopel (Council company to purchase KCFAPI’s total Under the MOA, Equicom has offered to pur- the Shares by KCFAPI to Equicom and the ten-
City); Kaye Ziel D. Masagca 13770 Kidapawan City); shareholdings held in ASB. Thereafter, formal chase the Shares in the total amount of der offer to be made by Equicom.
(Council 4266 Virac, Maria Czarina T. Laguna negotiations were held between the represen- P243,900,000.00 (the “Purchase Price”) or P8.282 Anchor Savings Bank is now formally
Catanduanes); Melvin C. (Council 10467 Carmen, tatives of said local company and KCFAPI/ per share. As one of the requirements by the known as Equicom Savings Bank, following
Ilang-Ilang (Council 9015 Surigao del Sur); Melisa H. ASB. On February 2007, a Memorandum of Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) approvals by the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas
Bocaue, Bulacan); Niño A. Aratia (Council 14376 Agreement (MOA) covering the sale of sub- and the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (“BSP”) (BSP) and the Securities and Exchange Com-
Alegria (Council 7396 Calinan, Davao City). They ject Shares was executed by both parties. before the sale will be approved, Equicom was mission (SEC) for the bank’s change of name.
Asturias, Cebu); Jestoni will be receiving $250.00 fi- In view of impending sale of said Shares, mandated to make a tender offer. As defined, Equicom Savings Bank is majority owned by
Rolan D. Cordova (Council nancial assistance per semes- ASB called an annual stockholders’ meeting a tender offer is a publicly announced intention Equicom Manila Holdings, Inc., owned by Mr.
13156 Bantayan, Cebu); ter. on 16 February 2007 the purpose of which was, by a person acting alone or in concert with Antonio L. Go, who earlier sold his
Leslie J. Cambarijan (Coun- The Knights of Columbus among others, to amend certain provisions of other persons to acquire equity securities of a shareholdings with Equitable PCIBank to the
cil 7396 Asturias, Cebu); Philippines Foundation, ASB’s by-laws - i.e. increasing the bank’s capi- public company. It is an offer by the acquiring Sy-led Banco de Oro. He now assumes the
Marvy Karen M. Flor (Coun- which was organized in 1971 tal stock from P500 million to P1.250 billion. person to the stockholders of a public com- position of Chairman of the Board of Equicom
cil 13735 Malaybalay City); by Fr. George J. Willmann, During the meeting, the stockholders present pany for them to tender their shares therein Savings Bank.
Ilonah Jane B. Bacalso (Coun- S.J. and funded by KC Fra- were likewise duly informed about the im- on the terms specified in the offer. The tender KCFAPI is proud of this development and
cil 14149 Libon, Bukidnon). ternal, has already graduated pending sale by KCFAPI of its total offer rules are meant to protect the interests of the bank’s stockholders including the employ-
These scholars will be re- 341 scholars. (Denise Solina) shareholdings held in ASB to said company. the stockholders of a target public company, ees hoped to prosper under the new owner-
Unfortunately, despite efforts exerted by both particularly the minority stockholders. In ship.

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By SK Patrocinio R. Bacay By SK Antonio B. Borromeo

BC Holders Relations – The Big Difference! The Greatest Love

THERE was an insurance agent premium payments inside my phase is to ask the question, the customer and this can be We are on the final leg of the tion of my staff including my-
who was able to convince a mail box for you to pick-up, I “Does my product satisfy the achieved by: 1) Search ambi- series of seven Fraternal Ben- self. But after seeing and being
businessman to buy an insur- then believe that you are no needs of my customer?” Trans- tiously forever better solutions efits Conventions. The with our valued Fraternal
ance policy with a quarterly longer an insurance man, BUT lated into your own field of ac- to your customer’s needs for KCFAPI management team Counselors and Area Manag-
premium. From then on, the AN ORDINARY COLLECTOR tivity, there is a need to deter- they may change as the situa- will be in Cebu on May 15, 2008 ers, our sacrifices and pains
agent collected the payments OF PREMIUMS.” mine what is the best insurance tion changes. Some KC broth- a day prior to KC Visayas Con- eventually turned into fulfill-
every quarter until one day, he This is the challenge I post to plan that our customer that is, ers of yours may not know or vention. ment. I then asked, what is the
suggested to the businessman all Fraternal Counselors dur- OUR BROTHERS’ needs, rather can’t express what they want or We had been in Metro Ma- ultimate objective of doing
to place the payments in the ing the Fraternal Benefits Con- than what plan can generate the they don’t know what kind of nila, Cabanatuan, Cagayan De these caravans? The answer is
mailbox to save time. vention caravan. Are you a real highest amount of contributions insurance plan they need. Oro, La Union, Davao and Iloilo simple, we do it not just be-
Then one day, when the in- FC or just an ordinary collec- so that you can win a sales con- There is a need for you to edu- weekly. It is indeed a great per- cause we want to visit our sales
surance agent opened the mail- tor? Always remember, that test. We must always remem- cate them, define their expec- sonal sacrifice leaving our force nationwide, but for them
box to collect the premium pay- you project yourself to people, ber that our customers, our tations and teach them how to loved ones behind every week- to feel how sincere we are in
ment, he found another premium and develop their perception Benefit Certificate holders, are get the greatest benefit from end, sleeping in strange beds, our true commitment and
payment therein. Surprised, he on us. If you act and behave like the lifeblood of the Association. the insurance plan you offered experiencing delays in our genuine service.
asked the businessman why he a collector, your brothers will So, it is a must that we should them. This is customer inti- flights, finding snakes in the We hold this Fraternal Con-
bought additional insurance treat you as a collector. satisfy their individual needs macy. 2) Cultivate your human bathroom, etc. The very tight vention caravan out of Love:
from another company. The In our field of activity, there and continuously delight them connections. Intimacy is a not and hectic schedule of activi- Our Love of the Order, Love of
businessman replied “At the is a need to identify our custom- with our services. a transaction, a one-shot ex- ties, are really the challenges KCFAPI and most of all—for
beginning, I really believe you ers and once you have this done, Now, how do promises made change you forget after receiv- we face. Covering the archi- the Love of our brothers and
were an insurance man, but the second step will be to iden- become promises delivered? ing the applications for insur- pelago by land, sea and air al- families and the greatest of
when you asked me to leave my tify their needs. Third crucial The answer is “intimacy” with From the Chairman / C3 most drain the physical condi- all—Our Love of God.
CBCP Monitor
C2 The Cross Vol. 12 No. 10
May 12 - 25, 2008

KC Family is represented by “50” with

the father in a prayerful mode and the

2007 President’s
mother (in top view perspective) em-
bracing her children; and the Circles
dominate the logo as they represent to-
tality. In its effort to achieve its mission
and objectives of growth and stability,
KCFAPI’s contribution spans to benefit

the KC Family, the Order, and the Na-
tion in its corporate social responsibil-
ity programs.
Also during the event, KCFAPI theme
song entitled “The Hands of Love” was
first heard. Rev. Fr. Carlo Magno
Marcelo, from the Archdiocese of Ma-
nila Music Ministry and composer of the
2005 Jubilee Song, composed our
KCFAPI song that reflects the family
SK ANTONIO B. BORROMEO spirit and service orientation of our As-
The occasion served to kick off the
numerous activities dubbed Big 8 for
2008 to memorably commemorate the
Favorable economic conditions fueled plans. New Benefit Certificates issued internet access was also made available ies as well. For KCFAPI, our indepen- Association’s 50 years of fraternal ser-
by a strong peso and stable interest rates; on the US Dollar Supreme Plan gener- to equip employees and area managers dent directors SK Pedro M. Rodriguez, vice.
resilient agriculture sector and exports; ated the largest amounts of first year con- with immediate information, research Jr. and SK Guillermo N. Hernandez.
election-related spending; and, increase tributions with P31.6 Million or 38.9 per- and communication. These independent directors also head Looking Forward
in government investment in infrastruc- cent of the total First Year Contribution Employees took active involvement important committees enabling the As-
ture drove the country’s Gross Domes- Income for the year. in the preparation and presentations for sociation to have appropriate actions on For almost 50 years, your Association
tic Product to impressive growth rates Three of the Gold Series Plans were the launching of the Gold Series Plans to matters brought to their table. has been a reliable instrument in pro-
compared to previous year. Likewise, successfully launched last November: develop their appreciation of the new A team of Corporate Auditors directly tecting the financial future of KC fami-
growing remittances from overseas the KC Capital Accumulator Plan, KC products and to hone the skills of our reporting functionally to Audit Com- lies. To celebrate these successful years
workers boosted Gross National Prod- Assurance Plan and KC Retire Plus Plan homegrown talents. This activity further mittee of the Board is maintained by of fraternal service, the Board of Trust-
uct to substantial improvements over to highlight the preparations for the fortified their support in the your Association. And as an attestation ees and Management laid out the Big 8
2006. Golden Jubilee. Two-Hundred Forty Association’s goal to provide optimum of your Association’s commitment to activities to highlight the beginnings
Under such positive economic envi- Nine applications for these plans were fraternal service to our brother knights corporate governance, your and milestones of KCFAPI, to
ronment, I am proud to report that your received in a span of one month as of and families. Association’s Executive Vice President strengthen our relationship with our
Association performed commendably in year-end. The 500K Gold Series Club Employee rewards programs that rec- Sis. Ma. Theresa G. Curia was designated stakeholders and promote awareness of
2007. The year was in many ways a testi- was established with the members of the ognize good performance and contribu- as Fellow, Institute of Corporate Direc- your Association to all members, the
mony of the commitment of Knights of Board of the KC Group as pioneer mem- tion to the Association were continu- tors (FICD). Order and the general public as well.
Columbus Fraternal Association of the bers of this club. This is a way of show- ously implemented. This was further Your Association continues to faith- The Official Launching held Septem-
Philippines, Incorporated (KCFAPI) to ing that the Board believes in the sec- enhanced with awarding Perfect Atten- fully comply with all the requirements ber 2007 unwrapped the Big 8 for 2008.
provide optimum fraternal benefits to ond-to-none benefits made available dance to employees for distinguished of regulatory agencies such as the Insur- Jubilee Updates will be released
all brother knights and their families. I only for KC membership and they lead performance in terms of punctuality and ance Commission – the government through various media such as monthly
am deeply honored to share with you patronage of the Gold Series Plans of- attendance which your Association con- agency which supervises insurance op- issue of The Cross–Supplement Section
the performance highlights and achieve- fered in the advent of transition from siders vital in achieving operational ef- erations in the Philippines and annually of the CBCP Monitor, KC website, sou-
ments of our Association during the year. KCFAPI’s Golden Year into another 50 ficiency. As part of its corporate social renews KCFAPI’s Certificate of Author- venir program, newsletters and supple-
years. responsibility initiatives, the board of ity. The Association also complies with ment feature in major newspapers to
Tracing Our Roots Eight hundred sixteen active Frater- trustees also approved the Employee the requirements of the Bureau of Inter- emphasize your Association’s momen-
nal Counselors are now serving the Housing Loan Program, which is the nal Revenue, Bangko Sentral ng tous achievements. The KCFAPI Cof-
Before the establishment of the needs of brother knights and families of newest addition to the existing array of Pilipinas, Securities and Exchange Com- fee Table book and videography, a
Knights of Columbus in 1882, Fr. Michael 2,021 councils nationwide. employee benefits. Various employee mission Department of Environment documentation that highlights the
J. McGivney, our Founder, saw the suf- activities and health awareness lectures and Natural Resources, and Local Gov- Association’s history and milestones as
ferings and pain of a family that suffered Benefit Certificate Holder Focused were conducted to promote work-life ernment Units. testimony to the fulfillment of its mis-
the untimely loss of the only breadwin- balance, health and camaraderie not only sion and objectives, will be launched to
ner of a family. The widow needs at that The Association maintained its being among KCFAPI employees but with Corporate Social Responsibility the public towards the end of the year-
time all the help she can get. Fr. 9001:2000 ISO certified after the first Sur- those of the subsidiaries, as well. long celebration.
McGivney saw that the only relevant veillance Audit conducted last July 2007 As enriching the mind and body is not The KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS PHIL- Your Association will actively par-
answer to this continuing dilemma was solidifying its commitment to continue enough, your Association encourages IPPINES FOUNDATION, INC. supported ticipate in KC Family Day, an annual
for Catholic men to band together to raising its standards of performance and spiritual development and community 30 collegiate and one vocational schol- event organized by the Order partici-
help one another. That small idea started improving its systems to achieve con- service of its employees. A work week ars from Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao pated by brother knights members and
the spark that saw the beginning of a tinuous growth and stability and meet of a KCFAPI employee always starts areas. Twenty eight of them received full their families through games and sports
flame that started KC. applicable regulatory requirements. with the Holy Eucharist celebrated by tuition fee assistance and book allow- activities. KC-ing Galing, an all–male
The early Knights vow to help one The installation of the OR Wizard in Msgr. Pedro Quitorio III, KCFAPI’s Spiri- ance while three scholars received chorale competition scheduled on
another in time of untimely demise of a the service offices was successfully pi- tual Director or by visiting KC Priest- P10,000 financial assistance per semes- April-May 2008, was also organized by
breadwinner. They promised to look loted in the Cebu Service Office in line Scholars. Daily prayers, annual retreat, ter. Moreover, the Supreme Council in your Association for all interested
after the welfare of the widow and their with our thrust to provide quality ser- Lenten activities and weekly prayer Connecticut, U.S.A. also supports 36 col- brother knights and immediate fami-
orphaned children. This was later insti- vice to our Benefits Certificate Holders meetings are actively participated in by legiate scholars with semestral financial lies. By working in close coordination
tutionalized into an insurance program through faster and more accurate re- the personnel. “Eh, KC Pasko!”, an out- assistance. One of our scholars who suc- with the State Offices through these ac-
that has survived over 125 years. ceipting. reach program organized by employees cessfully graduated from the University tivities, we intend to strengthen the ties
When the first Council was established It was also during this year that the and in collaboration with Fr. Asis Bajao of the Philippines-Diliman, Ms. Mary between the Order and the Association.
in the Philippines in 1905, the insurance BC Holder Opinion and Complaint Re- of San Agustin Church, was held last Anne Jelli E. Gaza, won the Palanca The Fraternal Service Convention of
program was not given by the Supreme port Forms were instituted to help your December at KCFAPI’s Social Hall to award for Literature and another, Ms. field representatives will be held to en-
Council for reasons like Philippines be- Association know more about the needs benefit children of indigent families in Mind Shoiba P. Tecson, was awarded sure that optimum service continues to
ing too far out or too insular, and un- and concerns of the Benefits Certificate Intramuros. The children were treated academic honors during her school’s be provided to our brother knights and
known mortality experience. In fact, the Holders to allow us to serve them bet- with a puppet show about the nativity, Capping and Badge Investiture cer- families. The event aims to improve and
Supreme Council did not give Philip- ter. prizes for games were given and each emony. develop persuasion and servicing skills
pines a real Council status but only as a child went home carrying a Noche Buena For the year 2007, the Foundation pro- of our dynamic and dedicated field rep-
sub-council attached to the State Deputy Bringing KCFAPI Closer to KC Mem- gift bag. The event became a family af- duced 11 graduates and eight of whom resentatives. We have prepared a spec-
of California. bers and Families fair as employees brought along with passed their respective Board Exams tacular BC Holder Bonanza to express
The appointment of Rev. Fr. George J. them their children to interact with the with one scholar landing on 2nd place our gratitude for the continuous sup-
Willmann as Philippines Deputy after In view of your Association’s drive to Intramuros children. bringing the total number of graduated port and confidence from our valued
the Second World War marked the start deliver competent and quality service to 217 for collegiate and 114 for voca- patrons, where prizes will be raffled to
of insurance coverage in the Philippines. to all our brother knights and families, Finance & Investments Manage- tional. A donation of P100,000.00 was Benefit Certificate Holders with Golden
When Fr. Willmann established KCFAPI we continually work for a better rela- ment channeled through the Luzon Jurisdic- Certificates.
in 1958 with 64 Knights and Councils tionship with the leaders of the Order tion for the relief and assistance of vic- The year-long celebration will culmi-
contributing seed capital of P500 each or and made closer ties and working rela- tims of typhoon “Reming” in Albay and nate with the Grand Jubilee Ball which
a total of P32,000. After 53 years, Fili- tionship with the Church which in turn another P25,000 was donated to the Na- will be held in September 13, 2008 to
pino Knights started to enjoy insurance helped us reach out to our valued Ben- tional Shrine of Our Lady of Lourdes for personally recognize and honor indi-
coverage. And today, KCFAPI is a strong efit Certificate Holders and the public the repair of their Parish center. viduals whose invaluable contributions
pillar of financial strength that has a to- all over the country through the assis- The support of the KC FR. GEORGE J. have transformed the dream of Rev. Fr.
tal of P2.37 Billion in resources and has tance of Radio Veritas and the Catholic WILLMANN CHARITIES, INC. enabled George J. Willmann, SJ and 64 found-
already paid death and living benefits Bishop’s Conference of the Philippines. 31 diocesan-seminarians from various ing brother knights and councils into
amounting to over a billion pesos since The participation of KCFAPI during the seminaries nationwide to undertake an institution of success ready and able
inception. K of C National Convention in Cagayan Despite the downtrend of interest rates theological studies by providing full to continue fulfilling its mission.
de Oro City highlighted our commit- and the strengthening of the peso to the scholarship assistance and book allow- With the next 50 years unfolding be-
Fraternal Service Fulfillment ment to reach out to our brothers spe- dollar, our revenues before participation ances. Also, nine KC Council Chaplains ginning with these eight activities, your
cially those in Mindanao. of Benefit Certificate Holders for 2007 pursued their Licentiate/Doctorate de- Association is more confident to face
Total Fraternal Benefits Claims & Sur- Processing of the Member Information reached P51 Million. Fifty percent of that gree locally and in Rome. For the year the challenges in the coming years.
renders recognized and paid during the Sheet (MIS), a form used to enroll a or P25.5 Million will be enjoyed by the 2007 we were blessed to have two newly- Armed with renewed strength, a blend
year amounted to P146.6 Million from brother knight to a free Fraternal Acci- Benefit Certificate Holders as their share ordained priests and six seminarians of experienced and new talents, and in-
P150 Million last year. A total of P77.6 dental Death Benefit (FADB) amounting to the net operations of the Association. who finished their Theological Studies novations to be implemented, we now
Million Benefit Certificate Loans were to P10,000, was improved. Total resources of the Association and are now engaged in various pro- look forward to Unveiling Break-
extended to 2,894 Benefit Certificate hold- reached P2.37 Billion where 91 percent grams of their dioceses prior to their or- throughs in Celebrating 50 Years of Fra-
ers from P68.3 Million or 2,947 the pre- Talent Management is invested in safe portfolio. Thirty-seven dination to deaconate. The 5th Gather- ternal Service in 2008.
vious year. percent is in time deposit, 36 percent in ing of KC Priest-scholars was success-
Employee development and welfare government securities, 12 percent in sub- fully held last April concurrently with In Gratitude
continues to be your Association’s driv- sidiaries and another 12 percent in BC KC Tri-state Convention in Cagayan de
ing force in managing its 71-strong hu- Loans. Keys Realty & Development Cor- Oro City with a total of 36 KC Priest- We thank our Father Almighty who
man asset. poration, one of the subsidiaries, has Scholars attending. faithfully nurtures your Association with
To empower them with knowledge done well with the net income breach- His graces. And blessed, we prepare for
and skills, product orientation course, ing the P11 Million mark. Meanwhile, The Golden Jubilee the challenges we will face entering our
5S (Sort, Systematize, Sweep, Sanitize Anchor Savings Bank has successfully next 50 years of fraternal service in 2008,
and Self-Discipline) of Good House- been sold in the latter part of 2007 with we would like to express our sincerest
keeping and LOMA insurance educa- proceeds received in the subsequent year. gratitude to all who have contributed to
tional courses were offered to employ- Mace Insurance Agency, Inc. for its part make our 2007 a successful year –
ees in the head office and in the service made net income of P202,000. • Our Board of Trustees for their untir-
offices. An in-house Economic Briefing Investment yield in 2007 is 7.6 percent ing support and guidance throughout
by Dr. Emilio T. Antonio of the Univer- from an investment portfolio of P2.1 Bil- the year;
sity of Asia and the Pacific was also con- lion which increased from P2.0 Billion • Our Officers and Staff for their solid
ducted for the officers of the KCFAPI in 2006. Our operating expense ratio of commitment in achieving the
Total Protection Benefits provided to Group of Companies and some area 22.13 percent which is better than last Association’s goals;
Brother Knights climbed to P8.17 Billion managers. The event provided insights year’s 22.94 percent. • Our Fraternal Counselors and Area
from P7.91 Billion the previous year. on business interests and macroeco- Managers for their relentless efforts
25,736 brother knights and family mem- nomic indicators that proved helpful in Good Corporate Governance and to bring service to the members and
bers were provided P907.3 Million worth crafting strategic plans for 2008. WIFI Enterprise-wide Risk Management their families;
of Group Protection Benefits via the • And our Benefit Certificate Holders,
Council Mortuary Benefit Plan from Your Association is composed of nine our primary reason for our existence,
24,668 brother knights or P866.7 Million Board of Trustees who met regularly for their unwavering confidence and
Group Protection Benefits. every month during the year. These The year-long celebration of your support to the Association.
Your Association posted P81.3 Million gentlemen attended the required semi- Association’s Golden Jubilee was offi- It has been an honor and privilege to
First Year Contribution Income from nar on Good Corporate Governance con- cially launched September 2007 at serve as an integral part of such a tal-
new regular protection Benefit Certifi- ducted by an Insurance Commission’s KCFAPI Head Office, Intramuros. Dur- ented team of dedicated professionals
cates (BC) issued during the year which accredited institutions. Various board ing the event, the official logo of the cel- and fraternalists who are bound together
was 17.13 percent higher from last year’s committees were also formed to handle ebration was unveiled. The Golden Ju- in service to brother knights and their
P69.3 Million. The dollar denominated corporate matters within their area of bilee Logo illustrates heart-shaped hands families. We firmly resolve to move for-
plans and Special Plan for Elderly expertise. Independent directors are also as a symbol of love and KCFAPI’s offer ward to extend the best protection and
Knights (SPEK) BCs continued to be the elected to the Board memberships not to help the Brother Knight fulfill his benefits to serve you better.
most sought after regular protection only for KCFAPI but for the subsidiar- hopes and dreams for his family. The Vivat Jesus!
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 12 No. 10
May 12 - 25, 2008 The Cross C3
In proclaiming our founder a Venerable
Servant of God, Pope Benedict XVI has
given the Knights a great spiritual gift.
by Supreme Pope Benedict XVI has thus far blessed the portantly, he is also an unparalleled model
Knight Carl A. Church with two encyclicals, Deus Caritas Est of the virtues of charity, humility, temper-
(God Is Love) and Spe Salvi (On Christian Hope). ance and prudence—
Anderson Through these encyclicals he has called virtues that must remain at the heart of a
Catholics to reconsider the basics of their fraternal brotherhood such as the Knights
IN proclaiming our faith and to deepen their intellectual and and which must inform the life of each of our
founder a Venerable spiritual understanding of faith, hope and councils.
Servant of God, Pope charity. Each of us is called to imitate Father
Benedict XVI has Now Pope Benedict has blessed our Order McGivney as a man of Christian virtue in
given the Knights a with the new proclamation of Father every aspect of our life—both inside and out-
great spiritual gift. McGivney as “Venerable Servant of God.” side the council chamber. We should all cel-
On Palm Sunday, With this action the pope is calling every ebrate the important step that has been taken
many of us awoke to member to imitate the heroic virtue of Fa- in the cause for canonization of our founder.
the news that the Vatican had declared our ther McGivney precisely in terms of the moral But it is a celebration that brings a deepening
founder, Father Michael J. McGivney, a “Ven- and theological virtues. responsibility: A loyal Knight of Columbus
erable Servant of God.” Let us take Pope Benedict’s action to heart. must also be a faithful spiritual son of Father
In other words, the Holy Father had deter- When confronting the practical difficulties McGivney; not only as a member, but also as
mined that Father McGivney indeed lived a that can arise in our councils, whether in a man.
life of heroic virtue. membership or programs, let us recall the Near the close of our 125th anniversary
It is clear to the universal Church that Fa- fortitude of Father McGivney. Remember his year, the Knights of Columbus received a
ther McGivney is a model of Christian life. words at one point in our early history, “…the great spiritual gift from our Holy Father. Like
He exemplified the theological virtues of Order I was endeavoring to establish fell back all spiritual gifts, this new recognition of Fa-
faith, hope and charity as well as the moral almost lifeless but not dead.” Yet, Father ther McGivney’s holiness must be received
virtues of humility, prudence, justice, forti- McGivney forged ahead, undeterred from with both an authentic expression of grati-
tude and temperance. He demonstrated these
virtues amid the difficulties of his life as a
parish priest and in founding the Knights of
completing his task.
Surely, Father McGivney is an unparalleled
model of hope and fortitude in the history of
tude as well as a firm spirit of resolution. Let
us determine to have both.
Vivat Jesus!
Pope recalls Father

From the Chairman / C1

the Knights of Columbus. Perhaps more im-
McGivney’s ‘remarkable
ance and collecting the initial
contribution. It is a dynamic
relationship of trust and open-
“needs” of your KC brothers.
Always remember that learn-
ing or education is a never end-
We want you to know!!! DURING his April 19 homily at a founder, Father McGivney.
ness that grows as you continu- ing activity.
Mass for clergy and religious at “The Pope’s selection of Father
ally render service to your KC A person who preached that
brothers. 3) In addition, you he does not need anymore We would like to invite all St. Patrick’s Cathedral, Pope McGivney as a role model for
Benedict XVI made special men- today’s priests and religious is
must always remember that as training because he knows and councils to post tion of “the remarkable accom- enormously important for us.
Fraternal Counselors and Area understand everything is a
Managers, you must have the goner – a failure. It is hoped announcements or write-ups plishment of that exemplary “Thousands of priests are
American priest, the Venerable among the 1.7 million members
characteristic of sincerity, help-
fulness, enthusiasm, attentive-
that with this convention, you
will be more productive in
regarding their council Michael McGivney, whose vision of the Knights of Columbus, in-
ness and friendliness. As insur- your undertaking as Fraternal activities by sending your and zeal led to the establishment
of the Knights of Columbus.”
cluding Cardinal Egan and hun-
dreds of others in the Archdio-
ance man, always ask yourself,
“Do you play to win or do you
Counselors and Area Managers
and be ultimately successful.
materials to KCFAPI through Father McGivney’s cause for cese of New York.
play not to lose.” Your answer Let me end my talk by quoting kcfraternalservices@kofc.org.ph sainthood is being considered at
the Vatican, and the Pope de-
“Each and every day, all of us
in the Knights of Columbus look
to this will determine whether
you will be successful or not.
a passage:
“ Coming together is a begin-
or brod_lito@yahoo.com. clared him a venerable servant to Father McGivney’s vision and
Our convention now is part ning; Printing of materials submitted of God in mid-March.
Supreme Knight Carl A.
example as a guide to our work
of charity and evangelization.
of KCFAPI’s continuous devel-
opment program – aimed at
Keeping together is progress;
Working together is success.”
is subject for scheduling of Anderson made the following “At a time when our priests are
upgrading your skills and Let us all work together to KCFAPI. statement regarding the Pope’s
in need of our support more than
ever, the Pope’s promotion of
knowledge with the hope that achieve success in KC Frater-
“This morning, Pope Benedict Father McGivney as a role model
you will focus more on the nal.
reminded America’s clergy that for clergy everywhere is both
the ‘secret of the impressive timely and enormously appreci-
growth of the Church in the ated.
United States was a ‘unity of vi- We pledge our fervent support
sion and purpose—rooted in faith for his call to revitalize and re-
and a spirit of constant conver- new the Catholic Church here
sion and self-sacrifice,’ and held and around the world.” (KC
up as a prime example our News)

Dear BC Holders,
You can pay your insurance contributions and loans
through the following outlets:

1. Banco de Oro Branches

2. Philippine National Bank Branches
3. Banco Filipino Branches
4. Bills Payment Counter of SM branches
5. Cabanatuan Service Office - Knights of Columbus
Bldg., 578 Burgos Ave., Cabanatuan City
6.Cagayan de Oro Service Office - 3rd Floor, KC
Building, Capt. V. Roa Extension, 9000 Cagayan
de Oro City
7. Cebu City Service Office - 2nd Floor, KC Building,
36 Archbishop Reyes Ave. Cor. Molave St., Lahug,
6000 Cebu City
8. Davao Service Office - Knights of Columbus
Building, C.M. Recto Ave., 8000 Davao City
9. Iloilo City - 2nd Floor, Carolina Building, 106 M.
Jalandoni St., Jaro, 5000 Iloilo City
10. Zamboanga City - Room 4, 2 nd Floor, Park
Pavilion Building, La Purisima St., 7000
Zamboanga City

To all Fraternal Counselors

Get your allowances daily by opening an ATM account
with BPI.

1. Request from Financial Management Account-
ing Services (527-22-23 loc. 214) a letter to BPI –
Dewey Branch to instruct your preferred BPI
branch to open an individual BPI ATM account
for you under the APCS.
2. With the letter, go to your preferred BPI branch
and present two (2) valid identification cards (e.g.
driver’s license, postal ID, SSS, GSIS or Knights
of Columbus ID). You also need two (2) colored
pictures either 1x1 or 2x2 in size.
3. With your ATM you can withdraw your credits
leaving only P100.00 as your balance.

If you have an existing BPI account, just request FMAS

to prepare a letter to BPI – Dewey Branch to enroll
your BPI account under the APCS.
CBCP Monitor
C4 The Cross Vol. 12 No. 10
May 12 - 25, 2008

SK Reynaldo B. Castillo
southern Metro Manila.
He is presently the Treasurer and a mem-
first a member of Pagkabuhayan Council 7147
(BF Homes), then transferred to Council 8996
(W ind OW)
ber of the Real Estate Committee. Bro. Rene, (Sucat) where he was elected Grand Knight
since his election in the Board, gives his full in 1993. He again transferred and now a mem-
support to both the mortuary and realty op- ber of Council 11368 (Goodwill Homes 2)
erations of the company. Working 24/7 for where he was the Charter Grand Knight in
Holy Trinity, he helps in the promotion of 1994. Other positions held in the Order were
HTMC, through his parish, in the council, or as District Warden of District M-68 in 1998
in his neighborhood. and later on as District Deputy in 1999. He is
Bro. Rene is well respected in his area since also serving as Lay Minister of the Ascension IN celebration of our Golden Jubilee this year, we are pleased
he was Past President of the Goodwill 2 of our Lord Parish and the Vice President of to announce that the Association has relaxed the eligibility
Homeowners Association for two years. He their Parish Pastoral Council. requirement for installing a Council Mortuary Benefit Plan
would often bring in businesses for HTMC Bro. Rene was born on December 12, 1945 (CMBP): from 30-20 (minimum of 30 enrollees where at least
SK Reynaldo B. Castillo coming from his place or from the nearby in Malolos, Bulacan. He graduated at Far East- 20 are KC members) to 25-16 (minimum of 25 enrollees where
subdivisions. Relatives of departed brother ern University with a degree in Business Ad- at least 16 are KC members). Hurry, this offer is for a limited
IN 2002, Bro. Rene, was elected member of knights would contact him asking for assis- ministration major in Accounting. He retired time only—from March 1 to May 31, 2008.
the Board of Directors of Keys Realty & De- tance for memorial services. You would of- in 2001 as Taxes Insurance and Sales Account- FRATERNAL SERVICE TRAINING (FST) Schedule for the
velopment Corp., a subsidiary of KCFAPI. ten see him around the premises of HTMC ing Manager of California Manufacturing month of June is on 18 and 19, 2008 for Luzon Fraternal Coun-
Keys Realty owns and operates Holy Trinity visiting the families during wakes. Co., Inc. Bro. Rene and wife, Sis. Teresita, are selors in KC Fraternal Home Office and June 27 and 28 for
Memorial Chapels (HTMC) located along Dr. Bro. Rene has served three councils in blessed with 3 children who are all profes- Visayas and Mindanao FCs in Cebu City. (Gari M. San
A. Santos Ave., Paranaque City and is dubbed Parañaque City since he joined the Order of sionals working here and abroad. (Annie M. Sebastian)
as the biggest and finest funeral home in the Knights of Columbus in 1980. He was Nicolas)

Meet KCFAPI’s Professional Consultants

Atty. Sabino versity of Immaculate Conception in Davao. Atty. Padilla is among
the very few Catholic men, who has recently been bestowed by the
and Manila Bankers Life. He is currently the Chairman of the Man-
agement Committee of Asian Actuaries, which is the choice con-
Holy See as Knight Grand Cross of the Order of St. Gregory the sulting firm of various insurers and mutual benefit associations.
Padilla, Jr. Great for his meritorious deeds, the reputation and trust he has

Legal Counsel
inspired, unwavering loyalty and services to the Catholic Church
and as a good example for the community and country. Jaime M.
Atty. Padilla has been in-
Panfilo P. de Talag, M.D.
volved in the association’s le-
gal affairs since 1977 when Am-
bassador Oscar Ledesma be- la Paz, FSA, Medical Consultant

Since 2002, Dr. Talag pro-

came K of C’s second Philip-
pine Deputy. A partner at the vides his medical expertise in
Padilla Law Office, he also provides legal advice to various reli- evaluating benefit certificate
gious organizations which include the Apostolic Nunciature in the Consulting Actuary applications and claims. As
Philippines, the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines company physician, he also at-
(CBCP), Catholic Educational Association of the Philippines (CEAP), Mr. Panfilo dela Paz or Mr. tends to the health and medi-
Grace Christian High School, and various Catholic religious or- Pi has been the Consulting Ac- cal welfare of the Association’s employees.
ders, societies and congregations. He also attends to legal affairs of tuary of our Association for Doc Jim, as he is fondly called completed his pre-med course in
the Bank of the Philippine Islands and its subsidiaries, Ayala Land, the past 7 years. He plays a BS-Clinical Psychology from the Far Eastern University. In 1987 he
Cityland Development Corporation, and State Land, Inc. Atty. key role in designing the Association’s products by determining earned his degree of Doctor in Medicine from Our Lady of Fatima
Padilla is currently the Chairman of the Board of Directors of City contributions, monitoring its profitability as a fraternal benefits College of Medicine. He specializes in Ear, Nose, Throat, Head and
& Land Developers, Inc. and State Land, Inc. and is the Chairman of society and ensuring that it has set aside enough funds to pay Neck Surgery. Dr. Talag worked as General Practitioner at the
the Board of Trustees of Assumption in Iloilo. claims. Seamen’s Hospital in Intramuros and Healthkard Hospital in Makati.
Showing true passion in the practice of Law, Atty. Padilla earned Mr. dela Paz is a Fellow of the Society of Actuaries in North He had his residency at the Medical Center Manila in United Na-
his bachelor’s degree from the University of the Philippines where America. He is also a Fellow of Actuarial Society of the Philip- tions Avenue. Aside from his services in the Association, he also
he graduated Magna Cum Laude. From the same school, he fin- pines, where he served as President in 1984. He took his Bachelor’s serves as an ENT Specialist of Philamcare since 1999 and of Bautista
ished his Bachelor of Laws, Cum Laude. He completed his Master Degree (Mathematics) from the University of the Philippines in Hospital in Cavite City since 2000.
of Laws from the Yale Law School in New Haven, Connecticut. For 1961, and Master’s Degree (Actuarial Mathematics) from the State Dr. Talag is affiliated with the Philippine Medical Association –
his many accomplishments and contributions, Atty. Padilla has re- University of Iowa in 1964. Mr. dela Paz’s employment record as an Cavite Branch and is presently the Public Relations Officer of the
ceived numerous awards and recognitions. He received Doctor of Actuary includes working at the Office of the Insurance Commis- Philippine Society of Insurance Medicine. As a KC member, he is
Civil Law (Honoris Causa) from Aquinas University in Legaspi sion, Social Security System, Lincoln National Life at Indiana, USA, also active in providing medical assistance to other brother knights
City and the Doctor of Humanities (Honoris Causa) from the Uni- Hewitt Associates at Illinois, USA, Manulife Financial Philippines, and their family members.

His Eminence Gaudencio B. Cardinal Rosales, D.D. with the officers of Holy Trinity Memorial Chapels (HTMC), EVP-GM Carmen C. Flores, VP for Mortuary Operation,
Apolonia S. Dominguez and Lolita D. Ulit, cashier. HTMC is the funeral homes fully owned by Keys Realty and Development Corp., a subsidiary company of the Knights
of Columbus Fraternal Association of the Philippines.

KC Fraternal introduces its newest product offering—the

KC Super Saver Plan.

KC Super Saver Plan—Gold Series is a peso-denominated

single-pay ten-year endowment plan. The proposed Assured
has to pay only one time. He will, in as short as 10 years,
recover more than his contributions or an amount equiva-
lent to the Sum Assured.

The plan’s life insurance coverage is increasing. It starts

from 110% of Sum Assured on the first year and increases
uniformly by 10% of the Sum Assured every year until it
reaches 200% on the tenth and final year. The plan is
available for issue ages 1 to 75.

Super Saver Plan is ideal for our Brother Knights or their

immediate family members who have seasonal income or
earnings, such as members in the agricultural or aquacul-
tural sectors. The flexibility offered by the plan’s single con-
tribution scheme and small issue limit of P10,000 Sum
Assured make Super Saver perfect for Overseas Filipino
Workers. Because they, our modern day heroes; deserve
no less that the best.

KC Super Saver Plan.

Superior Family Protection. Plus Return on
your Single Contribution!
Build your own Benefit Portfolio. When you
want it. As you want it!

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