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From the following cumulative frequency distribution of marks obtained

by 22 students, calculate (a) mean, (b) median, (c) mode and (d) standard

Below 10 Below 20
of 3

Below 30

Below 40

Below 50

2. The means of two samples of sizes 50 and 100 respectively are 54.4 and
50.3 and the standard deviations are 8 and 7. Obtain the mean and
standard deviation of the sample of size 150 obtained by combining two
3. ShopperTrak is a hidden electric eye designed to count the number of
shoppers entering a store. When two shoppers enter a store together, one
walking in front of the other, the following probabilities apply: There is a
0.98 probability that the first shopper will be detected, a 0.94 probability
that the second shopper will be detected, and a 0.93 probability that both
of them will be detected by the device. What is the probability that the
device will detect at least one of two shoppers entering together?
4. In a shipment of 14 computer parts, 3 are faulty and the remaining 11 are
in working order. Three elements are randomly chosen out of the
shipment. What is the probability that all three faulty elements will be the
ones chosen?
5. Two stocks A and B are known to be related in that both are in the same
industry. The probability that stock A will go up in price tomorrow is
0.20, and the probability that both stocks A and B will go up tomorrow is
0.12. Suppose that tomorrow you find that stock A did go up in price.
What is the probability that stock B went up as well?
6. A quality control engineer knows that 10% of the microprocessor chips
produced by a machine are defective. Out of a large shipment, five chips
are chosen at random. What is the probability that none of them is
defective? What is the probability that at least one is defective? Explain.

7. The probability that a new product will be successful if a competitor does

not come up with a similar product is 0.67. The probability that the new
product will be successful in the presence of a competitors new product
is 0.42. The probability that the competing firm will come out with a new

product during the period in question is 0.35. What is the probability that
the product will be a success?
8. The southeast regional manager of General Express, a private parceldelivery firm, is worried about the likelihood of strikes by some of his
employees. He has learned that the probability of a strike by his pilots is
0.75 and the probability of a strike by his drivers is 0.65. Further, he
knows that if the drivers strike, there is a 90% chance that the pilots will
strike in sympathy.
(a) What is the probability of both groups striking?
(b) If the pilots strike, what is the probability that the drivers will strike
in sympathy?
9. An advertising agency has just installed four billboards on a highway as a
publicity campaign for a new restaurant. They know from experience the
probabilities that each will be noticed by a randomly chosen motorist.
The probability of the first billboards being noticed by a motorist is 0.75.
The probability of the seconds being noticed is 0.82, the third has a
probability of 0.87 of being noticed, and the probability of the fourth
signs being noticed is 0.9. Assuming that the event that a motorist
notices any particular billboard is independent of whether or not he
notices the others, what is the probability that
a. All four billboards will be noticed by a randomly chosen motorist?
b. The first and fourth, but not the second and third billboards will be
c. Exactly one of the billboards will be noticed?
d. None of the billboards will be noticed?
e. The third and fourth billboards wont be noticed?
10. Machines

A, B and C all produce the same two parts, X and Y. Of all

parts produced, machine A produces 60%, machine B produces 30% and
machine C produces 10%. In addition, 40% of the parts made by machine
A are part X; 50% of the parts made by machine B are part X; 70% of the
parts made by machine C are part X. A part produced by this company is
randomly sampled and is determined to be an X part. With the knowledge
that it is an X part, revise the probabilities that the part came from
machine A, B, or C.

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