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Brief Review of Processes

Learned During My 8 Week Internship

1) MIG Welding: Among the different metal joining processes, welding is most
commonly used. I learned during my internship how to adjust voltage and wire
speed for different thickness of material to be welded. Apart from this basic
maintenance of MIG machine. Most important part which I learn was how to
control hand position when welding at different angles and how to quickly evaluate
the quality of weld from the sound of welding.
2) Electrode Welding: A brief overview over electrode welding techniques. Learned
how to choose which type of electrode is to be used for different type of material.
3) Machine Building: This was the main focus of my internship. Understanding the
design and fabrication of high temperature ovens. From designing till final
assembly. Understanding the drawing and manufacturing small part every day.
Most important learning in first week was the familiarization with basic m/c
building processes i.e. grinding, thread making, cutting etc. Implementing these in
every task helped me to make more complex parts. Along with this with the help of
experienced colleagues I could learn how to use toolbox properly.

4) 3-D Drawings: Interpreting the drawings correctly and understanding the three
views in which part has been described was major learning for me. One wrong
observation could fail the whole part so for each and every task given I could
explore the drawing to imagine the part in a correct way before starting it. Brief
conversation with designers helped me to understand designing process in deeper

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