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Charlie awoke the next morning with Rosita next to him.

She was laid on her

belly with her head snugly nestled deep into her pillow. Her arm stretched across
Charlies chest as if to keep him there. Her dark hair partially covered her face
but wasnt enough to mask her beauty to Charlie as he looked at her and
recollected the night before.
He placed his hands behind his head and relaxed as she began to stir. Her hand
rubbed against his chest gently. Slowly, she opened her eyes and looked at him.
A playful smile crept onto her face as they looked deeply into each others eyes.
Good morning sleeping beauty, Charlie laughed.
Good morning, Rosita replied. Howd you sleep?
I slept well, he answered. Especially after last night, you were amazing.
You were too, Rosita said as she gave him a peck on the cheek.
Charlie began to move his head closer to hers and gave her a kiss back. Before
long, they were playfully fighting with their kisses whilst they laid there. He
started to show his excitement as a tent started to form in the covers. As Rosita
looked over at it, she laughed a bit as she pecked him once more.
So morning wood really is a thing? she asked sarcastically as she started to
pull the duvet down.
Yes, it is, its usually every morning. Charlie laughed as his manhood was
uncovered, Probably doesnt help that Im in bed with a naked hottie.
Aww, poor baby, she said in a seductive tone as she rubbed her small 34B
breasts against the tip.
She moved his long shaft into her cleavage and with her hands squeezed her
breasts together. As Charlie gasped, she started to pump her chest up and down
his cock, masturbating him with her boobs. Charlie could only lay back and groan
with pleasure as she fucked his cock. Her hold on him intensified as her tit fuck
went on.
Precum was oozing from Charlies erection. The scent of it seemed to make
Rosita go into a craze, wanting him to produce more of it for her. She continued
to move her tits up and down his shaft, wanting his juice to cover them; however
Charlie was determined not to ejaculate prematurely.
Seeing his stubbornness, Rosita slid her chest off of his manhood. For a few
moments, Charlie thought it was over until he felt a familiar surrounding. His
head was deluged in saliva as her tongue began to circle it, mopping up his
precum. He looked down at her as she started to take more of his shaft into her
mouth. He then gasped as she started to suck up and down his manhood. Her
hips wiggled slightly as she bobbed her head.
Charlie was in heaven with her lips wrapped around his cock and her tongue
flicking against the skin. After a few moments of watching her hips move, he
grabbed her legs and started to move the lower end of her body so that it was
positioned just over him. Rosita carried on sucking as she pressed her naked
body down against him. Charlie took a few seconds to admire her beautiful pussy

and inhaled her fragrance. He closed his eyes and started to slowly lash his
tongue at her labia.
Rosita started to moan on Charlies cock as his tongue pushed up into her body.
His tongue went deeper and deeper until his nose was squashed up against her
body. As it started to swirl, Rosita began to suck him ferociously, wanting to echo
the pleasure back to him. Charlie placed his hands on her backside and pushed
her down, wanting to get his tongue deeper into her delicate flower. At the same
time, Rosita was forcing more of his cock into her mouth until finally it was all in.
She started to deepthroat his cock whilst he ate her, making her gag every once
in a while. Lust overcame both of them and whilst Charlie carried on devouring
her, Rosita had to pause. Her body started trembling and her pussy began to
pulsate. Charlie was greeted with a new, sweeter taste inside her hole, Rosita
was cumming. As the waves of orgasm started to take over her body, she began
sucking again, trying to enhance her pleasure by having his big cock dictate her
As her orgasm came to an end, Rosita stopped sucking him and began to sit up.
Charlie on the other hand, continued to lap at her juices, wanting to clean out
every last drop of her sweet nectar. As Charlie carried on eating, Rosita began to
grind her hips against his face whilst she caressed her breasts softly. Her moans
filled the air, letting him know how well he was doing.
After a few moments, Charlie was finally convinced that he had cleaned her hole
of all her nectar. Rosita slid her pussy off of his face and began to move down the
bed. As she knelt at the foot of the bed, she grasped his cock gently with her
hand and sucked it one last time before making her way back up to him. She
placed a knee at either side of him and knelt there looking down into his eyes.
Reaching behind her, she grabbed his cock and started to move it up to her hole.
Charlie gasped as he felt his cock rub against her moist lips before finally
entering. Rosita pushed her hips back, impaling herself on his cock. She yelped
loudly as her pussy began to stretch around his manhood. She carried on sliding
down his shaft until she felt his balls against her ass. Rosita paused for a few
moments, enjoying the feeling of his cock stuffing her hole. As Charlie placed his
hands on her hips, she started to ride him.
To begin with, she was riding slowly, enjoying every centimetre and inch of his
cock. She wanted to make sure he was in heaven just as much as she was. Her
hands were on his chest whilst his hands aided her hips. Her pussy was coating
his cock in nectar, making it easier for her to slide up and down it whilst they
gazed into each others eyes. Time seemed to slow down as for minutes they
were completely lost in the moment. Rositas breathing was heavy and it seemed
as though she didnt need to be as vocal as her facial expression told him how
much she loved his shaft deep inside her.
She arched her sexy back, making her tits rub against his chest as she started to
kiss him. Their tongues entwined as she tasted her sweetness for the first time.
Her hips continued to slowly buck as Charlie moved his hands to her amazingly
round ass. His fingers dug into her soft skin as his tongue overwhelmed hers and
pushed into her mouth. He helped up and down his shaft quicker, making her
pussy slam down on his body as their passion began to explode.

Their tongues wrestled harder as her pussy recklessly fucked his cock hard.
Clapping noises began to fill the room as their bodies collided. Charlie
immediately broke the kiss and wrapped his arms around her back as he started
to thrust up into her whilst she thrust down onto him. Rosita started to moan
loudly with ecstasy as his long shaft filled every inch of her cunt. Charlies
precum was seeping from his helmet and into her womb as her muscles
squeezed his shaft.
Before long, Charlie moved her onto her back with her pussy still impaled on his
cock. He looked down dominantly into her eyes as he started to fuck her
missionary style. He thrust his hips powerfully, making his balls slap against her
ass hard. Rositas moans started to get louder and shriller as she came closer to
her orgasm. Charlie carried on sliding his cock in and out of her stretched hole,
wanting to feel her warm juices cover his shaft.
He placed his hands under her knees and propped them up slightly. Each thrust
became harder as she closed her eyes and screamed with delight. Rositas hands
clutched at her pillow as her body started to shudder. She started to cum,
making Charlie groan as he felt her warm nectar flow around his manhood.
Beads of sweat started to form on their bodies as Rosita rode wave after wave of
her orgasm. Her heart was pounding with excitement and she felt an amazing
sense of security with her lover.
As her orgasm came to an end, she laid there panting and letting out soft moans
whilst Charlie continued to pound her deliciously wet hole. He leaned forward,
letting her legs slide up onto his shoulders as he moved in for another kiss.
Rosita cupped his face as she started to passionately kiss him. His hips continued
to thrust deep into her as his tongue mingled with hers. Her pussy was clenching
and squeezing his shaft as he did.
Before long, Charlie started to fill to the brim, his balls started to tingle. He
shrugged Rositas legs off of his shoulders as he pulled his cock from her pussy.
Rosita propped herself up on her elbows as Charlie began to furiously tug at his
cock. His thick white seed began to spurt from the head of his dick and onto her
belly as she licked her lips.
Honey were home, a voice yelled from downstairs as the fifth and final string
connected with her skin.
Shit, its my mom. Rosita whispered to Charlie, Hide.
With her belly covered in cum, Rosita began to panic. She quickly grabbed her
pyjamas from the bedroom floor and ran into her en suite bathroom. At the same
time, Charlie started to get dressed quicker than he had ever done in his entire
life. Their hearts were racing and the adrenaline was pumping as footsteps
began to be heard. Rosita quickly scrubbed at his seed, getting it off almost
immediately before recklessly throwing on her tank top and shorts.
They both met in the middle of the room, looking around for a place to hide
Charlie. He was too big to fit in her wardrobe and as the footsteps were almost to
the door, he dropped to his stomach and rolled underneath the bed. Rosita
composed herself as the door swung open.

Good morning sleepy head, her mom said in an excited tone as she hugged
Mom, what are you doing here? Rosita asked, You said you wouldnt be home
until tonight.
We had a change of heart and drove through the night, she answered as she
examined Rosita. Is everything alright? You look exhausted.
Im fine mom, Rosita chuckled as she knew exactly what had just happened.
Okay, well Im going to start cooking breakfast. her mom replied as she turned
to the door.
Rosita quickly closed the door behind her, allowing Charlie to come out of his
hiding spot. The tension was still there as they stood in the middle of the room
again. Charlie needed to sneak past her family now to get out of the house.
That was close, how did she not see me? Charlie asked.
I dont know but you need to leave now, Rosita replied.
How? I cant just walk out of the front door, Charlie answered.
They both looked at the window in sync. Charlie looked almost petrified as he
turned back to Rosita. She moved over to the window and opened it for him. The
breeze started to blow the curtains wildly as she stood there.
Meet me at the creek later, Rosita said as she gave him a kiss on the lips.
Will do, Charlie replied as he climbed out of the window onto the top of the
As Charlie began to move around the house, Rosita shut the window and sat on
her bed. Charlie couldnt believe what he had gotten himself into. A few minutes
ago, he was fucking the girl of his dreams and now he was looking for a safe way
to get down off the porch. Fearing that he might get caught, he decided to just
jump. With a mighty thud, he landed on the soft sheet of grass. For a few
moments, he laid there before remembering that he wasnt out of the woods just
yet. He quickly clambered to his feet and started to run towards the road.
The thought of Rosita consumed his mind. He couldnt wait to meet her at the
creek to continue their young relationship. The day just seemed to disappear
when he arrived home. The excitement of everything that transpired over the
last twenty four hours was too much for Charlie. As the day drew on, Charlie
imagined every possible scenario he could think of. His mind was truly running
away with him.
As the Sun began to set over the horizon, Charlie knew it was time. He threw on
some fresh clothes and set off to the creek. Thankfully, it was fairly close to his
house and he knew he would be there way before Rosita. He walked down the hill
slightly as if he was going to town before taking a sharp right turn into the
undergrowth. He fought his way through the bushes, hearing the water
cascading off the rocks and into a small pool at the bottom.

The creek had always been a safe haven for Charlie and the rest of his
generation, however it was only now that he admired the tranquillity and beauty
of it. He approached the pool, seeing the stars reflect off of the calm surface of
the water. His mind began to wander onto what was about to happen as he
looked deeply into the pool. As he stood there, Rosita followed his track into the
secrecy of the creek. They knew they werent going to get disturbed.
Rosita admired him from a distance; he was completely oblivious to her
presence. Charlie took a deep breath and turned around. As he saw the dark
silhouette of Rosita, he jumped slightly, startled by her.
She began to move closer to him, revealing her pretty little face to him. Her
smile was gorgeous to look at as always and with open arms, they embraced.
Charlie started to kiss her deeply as his hands moved down her back to her ass.
As he gave it a quick squeeze, they broke away from one another and started to
caress each other gently. Charlie paid close attention to her breasts and ass
whilst Rosita paid attention to Charlies chest and manhood.
Softly, they rubbed each other through their clothes. Their eyes never broke
contact with one another whilst doing so and within moments, they were kissing
once again. Even after the short period of time together, they were completely in
love with one another. Whilst kissing, they slowly moved down to the ground with
Charlie on top of her. They were ready for the next step for the second time that
Together, they pulled Rositas trousers down, her tight panties following suit,
revealing her bald, wet pussy to the fresh air. As the trousers and panties
wrapped her ankles up, Charlie admired the view for a few moments. They then
started to pull his pants down together, letting his cock spring to attention. The
bulbous head was already beginning to seep with his manly juices as it glistened
in the moonlight.
Charlie grabbed the base of his cock tightly and moved back on top of Rosita. His
hand held his cock still as he guided it towards her entrance. He felt the warm
moisture on her lips as her carried on pushing it inside of her. The warm flesh
around his shaft immediately started to squeeze him as he began to thrust.
The familiar moan hit Charlies ears as he started to slowly fuck her. Each inch
drove into her body and up to her cervix. Charlie moved his hands up under her
shirt and began fondling her tits whilst he slid his length in and out of her cunt.
Rositas moans and whimpers became laboured as her hole started to tighten
and her body shook.
Ive been waiting for this all day, she moaned in his ear as another orgasm
rocked her body.
Charlie carried on pounding her pussy. His animalistic instincts started to take
over and he wanted to feed her aching pussy his seed as it had been denied
twice already. His balls started to smack against the bottom of her pussy as he
knocked against her cervix. Her cum was making it incredibly easy for all eight
inches of him to slide in and out. Rosita raised her head slightly and moaned
loudly into the night as Charlie kissed her neck. They were both in heaven as
their bodies snapped together like a jigsaw.

Stop Charlie, Rosita moaned as her orgasm came to an end.

Why? Whats wrong? Charlie asked fearfully.
Nothings wrong, I just want to do something different. Rosita responded.
Reluctantly, Charlie pulled his cum covered cock from her hole. His shaft
gleamed in the moonlight with her juices covering it. The breeze began to make
the trees sway around them as Rosita turned over and moved up onto all fours.
She spat onto her fingers and rubbed the saliva against her tighter entrance. She
let out a deep breath as she felt the cold air blow against her asshole.
Reaching back, she grabbed Charlies hard cock and started to move it back
towards her body. Charlie watched as she pointed it towards her asshole, he truly
couldnt believe it. Rosita groaned slightly as she felt the head of his cock rub
against the entrance. Charlie placed his hand on hers as if to comfort her as it
rubbed up and down her asshole. Rosita let go of his cock and balanced herself,
leaving Charlie to put it inside.
For a few moments, he rubbed her pussy juice onto her hole to try lubricating it
more. He then applied pressure. His head pushed against her asshole, struggling
to budge it. A bit more pressure was applied before finally, it popped. The head
disappeared into her tight, young ass. Rosita let out a yelp as Charlie was
transported to a new kind of pleasure. Her asshole felt amazingly tight around
his helmet as he held it there for a few moments.
Slowly, they both started to work his cock in deeper. Each inch, they paused and
let out their moans as their new pleasure overwhelmed their bodies. This carried
on until finally, his entire length was inside her tight little asshole. Charlie looked
down at her, loving the sight of her hole stretching around his girth. His hands
rested on her hips as he started to work his cock back out. Rosita gasped with
relief before he slowly pushed his dick back inside her rectum.
Every push and pull began to gradually feel better for Rosita. Her asshole was
now beginning to adjust to his cock. Her groans began to flourish into moans of
sheer pleasure. Charlie started to thrust his hips faster as he felt her ass begin to
loosen around his cock. It was still incredibly tight but had a bit more give than it
initially did. Rosita reached back once more, holding her ass cheek as she
moaned with delight.
The tightness was beginning to take its toll on Charlie. It was much tighter than
the hole he had fucked previously and as he carried on pumping his cock into her
ass, his balls tensed. He started to move his cock back out but as he did, Rosita
grabbed the base of his shaft.
Cum inside me Charlie, she moaned seductively.
Charlie pushed back in so that his entire man sword was firmly inside as his
orgasm commenced. Rosita could feel his balls clenching and tightening against
her ass as his cum started to surge up his shaft. His seed began to flood from his
helmet and deep into her asshole as he pulled her hips back onto his body. Eight
jets of his cum filled her tight little hole to the brim. Rosita moaned one last time
in approval.

As his orgasm came to an end, Charlie started to pull his cock from her tight
asshole. Some of his excess seed followed as he rubbed his softening dick on her
pussy. Rosita knelt in front of Charlie, both holes well fucked and as she twisted
her neck, they shared one last passionate kiss as the moons glow created a
spotlight on both of them.

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