Chryseis: Book One - The All Loving Society

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A story about soul insurance and the actions we take in our lives

By Al Costa
Richard Galhagar is at the end of his life and he discovers his soul
insurance policy is gone. Unless he finds it, he is faced with the
alternatives of having to resurrect for the 8th time, or worse: ending
up in Gehenna. His search shows him a world far crueler than he
thought and a 3rd alternative he had never heard of.


- You cant be serious
- Unfortunately Sr. Its like I told you: if you cant provide proof of ownership of
that particular insurance policy, we cannot grant you full access to the
Chamber Area. I wish I could have other information, but thats the company
policy and
- (click!)
Richard did not want to argue anymore. It was obvious he was speaking with
some 0800 retard who probably was in her period or something and was laying
it all on him. So he just hanged up on the ladys face.

(Your karma increased by 2 points - rudeness)

- Damn!
(Your karma increased by 1 point swearing)
- Dam!... This time he did not end the word
Richards karma implant on his wrist, usually called WKM Wrist Karma
Monitor, could not be fooled nor it would ever forgive. Whenever Richard did
something considered evil or unlove-like like it was customary to say it would
increase his karma points.
Everyone had one of those: they were actually hard-coded in their DNA and it
would use bioluminescence to show on the wrist the karma everyone had at
birth and how that would increase as the person lived. Everyone was born with
100000 karma points due to Adams fault which carried on from generation to
generation. And as one lived and did good or bad deeds those points would
increase or decrease accordingly.
So swearing increased karma by 1 point. Being slightly rude (as for example
hanging the phone on someones face) would be 2 points. Killing would be
5000 points if done in self-defense, 10000 points if done in purpose, or 20000 if
done with cruelty. Stealing would be 20 points if for self-preservation, 200
points if for just, well, stealing, 500 points if done with violence. And so on:
there was a very strict table widely available everywhere to let everyone know
the consequences of their deeds.
However, society had reached a point where most of those really bad deeds
would be rare, but well get to that. Still, for Richard, he was not doing that
great, as he needed his monthly spiritual treatment or his dharma would drop
so low that it would take another life cycle to reach. Not that never happened
before, it was his 7th resurrection and even though he was doing better than
the others, there were still plenty of sins which would have to be covered by
the insurance when he would die.
And that was what the monthly Routines were for. Originally just
recommended by the insurance companies as a way to cleanse the soul and
improve relationships with fellow man, it rapidly became almost an obligation,
as insurance companies realized that paying for other peoples sins was more
expensive than they had originally imagined. There were the kids of the guy at
McDonalds who had to move into a public school ever since their father was
fired because of some complaintive customer. There was the cancer treatment
interrupted after the doctor prescribed a wrong medication and was sued by
the family. There was the wife who depended on the husbands income in order
to make ends meet and all of the sudden she was out in the street because he
was jailed after hitting some Richard guys car while driving drunk.

In sum, there were plenty of cases in which someone did something wrong,
creating a chain of events that god knows where it would end up. And that was
almost the sole reason why the soul insurance (as many called it) market was
born. So the Routines would encourage people to be better, to help your fellow
man, etc. All in order to avoid possible paying of damages of the relatives and
such of people accused of having committed something wrong. And the
insurance agencies made damn sure everyone would attend those sessions, as
they would offer such discounts at the prime paid that only a fool would not
take that offer. Worse, it was not unheard of clients receiving a letter from the
company which said they would return part of his money (of course never all)
in the next few days and consider the insurance null and void since the person
refused to do the Routines.
So Richard had every reason to be worried, as he was already getting old and
feeling the end of his life approaching. And lately osteoporosis was the name of
the game, as his teeth would keep falling out and any silly fall would mean
some bone injury followed by months of therapy. Many times he wondered if his
parents made the right choice when they only chose 20 years of life for him at
the moment of his birth. But they had their reasons. After all, it was his 7rd
attempt at life and they knew it. But this time he was quite sure he was going
to make it. Ever since his childhood he had attended people at the hospital,
either by just visiting strangers to offer them some comfort, either by
volunteering whenever there was some strike or whatever and staff was short,
and so on. He was an example for his coworkers, as someone who always
spoke the truth, who worked hard and avoided complaining no matter how low
the salary and cruel the boss.
Every once or twice a month he would visit a local shelter and hand out food
and other supplies for the needy. He was known for always lending money and
never asking back (which often cost him a penny or two), and so on. In fact, it
was a remarkable improvement over his past 6 lives, where his records showed
him as a rather cruel and vengeful fellow who had little to no patience with
human stupidity and would not think it twice to step over anyone who
threatened his plans.
So it was no wonder he ended up having to pay for resurrection, for another
chance. It was that or Gehenna. And the mere idea of going there was
something no one dared even think. Terrible, terrible place of torture. Some
who had dared look at it had literally gone mad from the horrors that there
abounded. Tortures and torments that the few who could speak of it always
described with expressions such as too harsh for words, cant even begin to
describe it, no word in the dictionary, etc. So, it was perfectly
understandable that everyone made damn right they would not end in that
And for that there were 2 choices. You could either resurrect as many times as
you wished in the hopes that someday you would get it right, or you could

purchase an insurance which would pay for whatever damage you inflicted
upon others during your life on the planet. The latter option was of course far
more expensive, but still preferable to those who had already lost all hopes of
ever being able to live a life with no sin which would enable them to finally
enter Valhalla. That was Richards case.
But he had no more time to spend today with this insurance stuff. He would just
call later, talk to another operator with a little more brain who would find his
record and set up his monthly Routine as normal. Right now he had to dress up
to go to work.
- Richard can I talk to you for a minute?
Mikes words sounded like trouble. Richard knew that particular pitch, and
instantly recognized that he was about to have to listen to some old baloney
about how he forgot to file out application BHH-0 and how that was detrimental
to his work. Not that application was important, it was just that Richards boss
was basically an idiot who seemed to like making everyones lives miserable.
Still, Richards patience was remarkable. Whereas many before had told Mike to
just shove it, Richard always listened patiently, apologized, and resumed work
as usual.
- Sure Mike, can I have a coffee first?
- Sure, take your time.
The morning coffee was the fresh start Richard needed and he would not miss
it for the world. So he sipped it slowly while reading some newspaper someone
had left it in the coffee area: Increase in soul insurance default means higher
primes, said the title. No problem, he thought. His insurance had an article
which impeded the company to raise the monthly payment no matter how
many people defaulted, so that meant nothing to him.
He had almost forgot to speak with Mike when he again shows up and says with
that irritating tone again
- Richard I need to talk to you
- Shoot! Sorry Mike I forgot! What is it?
- Lets go to my office
Well, here comes hell, Richard thought.
- Shut the door please
- (tlac)

- Listen, I have a meeting in 15 minutes and so I will make this straight and fast
if you dont mind
- Sure, I have a ton of stuff to do as well
- There is a problem with your soul insurance policy. HR cant seem to find it
with the company. They claim you just dont have one.
- Well, actually, I called them this morning in order to set up my monthly
Routine and hit the same snag. But I thought the reason was that I was just
talking to some dumb operator who could not find my record.
- Well, apparently no one there can, as they tried several times and nothing
- Well, what is the problem then? Its my policy, if they cant seem to find it
- ...problem is, Richard, that the company policy is very strict when it comes to
being a good person. You know that. That is actually the reason why this is a
non-evil company: that everyone is expected to be all-loving and thus there is
zero tolerance with non-loving people. Remember Johnson from acc
- you mean Johnson from accounting? Sure I remember. He was fired because
he lied in his rsum that he had been worked at McGrawth. I mean, that is a
blatant lie. But if I have or not a personal insurance what does the company
have to do with it?
- The question is not whether the company will profit or lose with an employee
and his personal soul, car, house, or whatever insurance. The problem is that
an employee which has no soul insurance clearly is not interested to be a good
loving person and thus is unfit to work at all-loving place.
- Come on Mike! You gotta be kidding me! You
- Richard, I have been asked by HR to let you go from this company
- What?? Are you for real?
- Unfortunately thats how it goes
- This is a joke, right. You mean I am being fired?
- I would not put it that way. You know the company has plenty of programs to
reinsert his taskforce in

- Oh come on Mike you and I know those programs are just to relieve the
company from liability when firing people. If this is some kind of joke, I sure as
hell do not find it funny.
- Unfortunately it is for real
- So, basically, I am being fired because the company thinks I lied that I have a
personal soul insurance that makes me a non-loving, evil person?
- I would not put it that way, but you know it is the company policy
- You saw many times my monthly statements, saw me paying it carefully,
saw me speaking with them!
- Yes, but all that means nothing if they just cant find your record
- This is unbelievable. I have worked for this company all my life. 7 years Ive
spent here and for some private matter which means nothing to the company I
am fired?
Mike did not say anything more. He just stood there sitting in his chair looking
at Richard fixedly as if saying All is said and done. Now just please leave my
room, as Richard continued to blabber basically those same ideas. Finally,
Mike just said I have to go now. Please dont make this any harder than
already is. Gather your things and once you are done go to HR in order to sign
your dismissal. You can also ask them for an especial program they have for
those He did not complete the sentence, as Richard had left the room and
was quickly walking to the exit.
As soon as he was out in the street he braindialed the same number so many
times he had called before.
- Thank you for calling Chryseis. Your call is very important for us. Please dial
one for
- (tut)
- Chryseis Insurance good morning, you are speaking with Erika, how may I
help you?
- Hi Erika, you are speaking with Richard. My soul number is 882-638-551-929.
- One moment please.
- Mr. Richard Galhagar?

- Yes
- How can I help you today, Mr. Galhagar?
Thank God, they finally found my record! Maybe I can ask them to send me
over brainwave and show it to those idiots at HR
- I would like to receive a copy of my soul insurance to my brainwave please
- Just a minute. Im sorry Mr. Galhagar, but you do not have any soul
insurance with us. Your record only shows a
- ..Again this bullshit? That it only shows a record of my speeder?
- Yes, that is correct. A Honda model
- But how come it does not show my soul insurance? I have had it ALL MY
- Im sorry Mr. Galhagar, but I can only inform you of whats on my brainwave. If
you want, you can connect with mine and youll see Im not lying.
- Actually, that is a great idea! Could you please?
- Sure! Just hang on please.
Erikas screen appeared in Richards vision. He could clearly see his Honda
record, his name, address, phone, etc. Some stuff that was private to the
insurance company. But no soul insurance record whatsoever. He just hangs up,
and decided to go to the companys office.
Mr. Richard Galhagar?, the lady called. Tall, young, and quite attractive, it
was just one among many like that which Chryseis hired to attend to his
customers. They would keep them happy even when after learning that some
small print or whatever would keep them from receiving their money in case of
an accident, as it is common among insurance companies.
Yes, thats me, Richard answered in a very unsympathetic tone. Clearly, the
ladys beauty meant nothing to him at that time.
- How are you doing Mr. Galhagar, my name is Rosanna and Im here to help
you. Would you please follow me?
- Yeah, sure

They went into a small meeting room among many in Exactas headquarters.
Richard had been in similar ones many times in the past, so he knew the drill.
- Can I bring you something, coffee, tea, water?
- No thanks I just want to get this problem over with
- Sure, please let me know your problem
- The thing is that for some reason your phone operators cannot find my file
- I have it here Mr. Galhagar.
Rosanna showed him a thick green folder which was typical of soul insurance
- Great! I see now you finally found my soul insurance policy! Now could you
explain to me why your operators could not
- Im sorry to interrupt you, Mr. Galhagar, but this folder belongs to the
customer I was just speaking with before you arrived. We do not have any file
regarding any soul insurance. We just have a Honda insurance.
- Fuck! What the fuck is happening here? Where is my goddam file?
(Your karma increased by 3 points swearing)
Clearly, Richards normal good manners had reached a turning point and he did
not care about karma anymore. Rosanna stopped for a minute, a little bit
shocked at the sailor-like language, but resumed.
- I would love to help you Mr. Galhagar, but this is all we have. We just do not
have any proof that you ever had any soul insurance with this company.
- And if I show you the huge pack of paid invoices for that insurance that I
- Do you have those?
- Of course! Why wouldnt I, since for YEARS Ive been paying that damn thing?
And now the company clearly is stealing my money!
(Your karma increased by 1 point swearing)
- I would not say that, Mr. Galhagar. Chryseis is a company which was founded
over 20 years ago and

- listen lady, Rosanna it is right?

- Yes
- If I bring you those documents would that help you find my file? This may
have already cost me my job, you know?
Rosanna either did not hear or did not care about Richards job comment.
Clearly she thought she was in front of a nut job. Still, she kept her cool.
- Of course. If you can prove youve been paying your monthly dues, then the
company will have to find it.
- Wonderful, I will go home right now to pick it up. Will you be here in say an
- I believe it will be my lunch time, but you can speak with any representative
at the front desk.
- I prefer if its you: I do not want to have to explain it all again.
- If you prefer my lunch time ends at 2 o clock.
- Wonderful, Ill go and be back at that time
- Sure, Ill be here
Richard left quickly, leaving a Rosanna totally convinced she was truly leading
with some crackhead or something like that. She had worked many years in the
company and that was the first time she had seen someone show up claiming
to have an insurance he never did. Oh well, she thought, as she moved to the
next customer: How are you doing Mr. whatever my name is Rosanna
- Mr. Galhagar? Are you there?
Richards landlord was knocking in Richards door rather hard. An usually soft
man, Dr. Fix was a gentleman and a good chess player. In fact, hed given a
good beating to Richard more than once, as hed drop by often to play, watch
some sports game on Richards Brainvision, or just chat about the weather. He
used to be a physician for the Royal Sports League, but he decided to quit in
order to speed up his aging process in order to either resurrect or go to
Valhalla. He believed he had a good shot, as he saw himself as a kind, all-loving
fellow, and many shared that view. He was already 19 and quite old, and
suffering from colon cancer, which many thought would take him to his long
wished for grave in a matter of months. So everyone in the acropolis held a

special consideration to him. Still, Richard was not in a mood to speak with
anyone no matter how old and respectable.
- Actually Dr. Fix, now it is not a good moment. I am on my way to the
insurance company
- Yes, thats exactly the reason why I need to talk to you
Richard immediately saw himself in some kind of twilight zone, distorted
reality, or the likes, at the mere thought that Dr. Fix could also know that his
soul insurance record could not be found. Gee! I may have already lost my job
and now this guy wants to give me hell for the same reason?. More out of
sheer curiosity than the will to speak with Dr. Fix, he opened the door.
- Sure Dr. Fix, come on in, but please make it quick as
- No problem Richard, I promise it wont take much of your time.
- Ok
- Sure, well, I really dont know really how to say this, so Ill be straight. The
thing Richard is that youve been a good tenant, always paid the rent on time,
never gave any trouble to either me or anyone else in this acropolis. In fact, I
think I told you Ive heard good reviews of you from some of your neighbors
- So whats the problem? I mean, if there is a problem!? Sorry to interrupt
- No problem. Unfortunately, Richard, I must confess there is indeed a problem.
Damn, this is hard to say Please Richard I see you as a friend, and thus I
would never think about hurting you and
- Thank you Dr. Fix, the feeling is mutual
- The thing, Richard, is that I have been informed that you do not have a soul
insurance and
- Wait what? This AGAIN? The problem is that they cant find it. Why do you
think I was just going there? And second what does it have to do with anything?
Gee, everyone today seems so interested in that policy that it makes me think
Im in a weird parallel universe or something like that!

Dr. Fix did not truly enjoy the comment, and his tone became a little severe.

- I dont know about everyone else, Richard, but with me I like to keep things
clear and straight and as someone whos been living here for over 3 years Im
pretty sure you know that.
- Sure, and I agree: thats my way of seeing things as well.
- Good, in such case you will understand that the liability I face for having
someone with no soul insurance living in one of my acropolis is way too high. I
can get sued if anything happens. They would have my head
- Sorry to interrupt you again, Dr. Fix, but I do not get what you want to say.
Can you be a little clearer? Remember I have a lot of stuff to do.
- Sure Richard, what I am basically saying is that since you do not have a soul
insurance policy that means you are seen as someone who is inherently evil
and you know that this acropolis does not allow non-loving individuals. So I am
afraid I can no longer have you in this premises. I need you to find another
acropolis and leave this one as soon as possible, if possible today.
- What??? Again this bullshit? First they fire me from my job and now you want
to kick me out?
(Your karma increased by 1 point swearing)
- I did not know you were fired, and Im sorry to hear that, Richard. But please
understand my point.
- No! I do not understand it at all! This is like the worst day of my life! First they
cant find my policy, then I get fired, now I have 24 hours to leave my acropolis.
What have I done to deserve this?
- Like I said Richard, I cant speak about your job, but MY point is that I cannot
have ANYONE without some kind of soul insurance, be it a true one like yours,
or a simple resurrection policy like mine. So its not with you only, it is my
policy for everyone in this acropolis.
Richard just stood there. He did not know what to say, think, do, be, whatever.
Long minutes passed with him looking at Dr. Fix and Dr. Fix looking at him, until
the latter said Im sorry Richard, I truly am, but please dont make this any
harder than already is. If you could leave the premises still today that would be
great because
- (slam)
(Your karma increased by 2 points rudeness)

Richard went to the kitchen, grabbed a bottle of apple juice, and started to
drink it straight from the bottle. He felt dizzy, overloaded, exasperated with too
many feelings of rage, frustration, questioning, doubts, euphoria, stress. He
asked himself what he could have done to deserve this. He tried always to be a
good fellow. He was on his way to Valhalla, having good reviews for his life. And
now his insurance record is gone, his job is gone, his acropolis is gone, maybe
hed have to just pay for yet ANOTHER resurrection, as at his age no insurance
company would be nuts to take his case. He tilted the apple juice too much and
it spilled all over his clothes. He muttered some bad words (Your karma
increased) and went to bed.

Years ago an unbelievable discovery was made by a danish scientist with the
name of Rutgen. Dr. Rutgen, while generating EHHW Extremely High Hyper
Waves, or electromagnetic waves with frequencies of over 9 million petacycles
per nanosecond, started to hear some noises which resembled voices. A little
fine tuning showed that those were indeed voices which apparently came out
of nowhere. Those voices seemed to speak in various languages, and it did not
take long for Mr. Rutgen to hear some speaking in his native danish, besides
english and french he also spoke fluently. They spoke about life and death,
about places they called Valhalla, Heaven, Gehenna, Hell, and so on.
Some seemed unbelievably happy. Others the exact opposite. Some had the
best intentions. Others were clearly quite evil. But all shared that frequency
and thus could only be heard when that particular one was tuned. Dr. Rutgen
was called a liar, a fraud, and every bad name in the dictionary. And those who
believed his findings and thus did not call him a fraud still insulted him, this
time saying he was disrupting time space, the natural order of things, that
he was opening a gate to an evil dimension, that kind of stuff. Dr. Rutgen
was finally killed by a UFO fanatic who hid in his lab all night and stabbed him
to death when he arrived to work. The fellow was considered mentally
disturbed and institutionalized, but found dead a year later: he had hanged
himself using his bed sheets. Dr. Rutgens research was banned as immoral,
dangerous, fraudulent, etc, and no serious scientist would dare touch it at
the expense of wasting away his career in a second.
However, Dr. Rutgens research was followed by some unknown scientist who
had nothing to lose: the type who had already realized that their inability to
kiss ass prevented to ever become head of the department of studies of
whatever, or the type who had just graduated and believed that they could
make it to the top. They found out that any good or bad deed would leave a
very discreet but nonetheless perfectly noticeable mark in the persons aura.
The aura in itself was not new: many times it was proven to exist, could be
detected and studied with simple equipment, thousands of studies had been
done on it, only to find that it had little to no value. But now it was a valuable
marker on how the person behaved. For, what was first thought to originate
from some equipment malfunction, some unexplained bright or dark spots in

the persons aura, those unknown scientists found to be marks of good and bad
stuff the person had done recently. Just like your thumb is swollen and red for a
while if you slam it with a hammer, the persons aura would pick up bright or
dark spots for some time after he had done a good or bad deed, and that
happened in 100% of the cases. But, again, if you slam your thumb many times
you risk deforming it permanently. In other words, there comes a time when the
thumb will not recover anymore and will remain forever ugly and deformed. On
the other hand, if you put cream on it on a regular basis, it may reach a point
where the skin is permanently moist and nice and its general appearance
improves. The same happened with the persons aura. After a number of bad
deeds, it would pick up a permanent dark spot, and the reverse also happened.
Finally, from matching whatever the voices recorded from that weird world or
whatever Dr. Rutgen had accidentally found were saying with whatever the
aura was showing, it became clear that those who had a bright one would end
at some very nice place, and those who had a dark one could either resurrect
or, under some circumstances, end up at a VERY bad place. As for the
resurrection, as soon as the aura with the same wavelength appeared at some
other body, it was found that it no longer had the dark spots it had when it was
attached to the former body, which was proof enough that resurrection would
somehow cleanse the soul, albeit at the expense of the person having to start
all over again. So, it was convened that the nice place would be called
Valhalla, the bad place Gehenna, and the aura, Soul.
Then someone had the most brilliant idea: what if you could reduce the time
the person was alive? That way he would have less chances of soiling his
aura and in case he was a little tired and fed up of having to resurrect, hed
know that this time would at least be shorter. That created the aging industry.
By carefully doping the human DNA with parts known to cause problems, that
person would live less years and thus his new attempt at life would be
shortened. For example, a DNA sequence known to cause cancer at the age of
around 15 could be used in order to force the person to live until that age only.
For that, each newborn babys aura would have analyzed and checked against
a known database.
If found, the parents would then be informed about the history of that
particular aura. That is, to what soul it belonged to, who were his parents in
former lives, what were his accomplishments, what his weaknesses,
expectations, how many times had resurrected (if any), etc. They would then
make a decision whether their child would live a long or short live according to
that data, the wishes expressed by that particular aura in its former life, and
whether they wanted that child to be with them for a long time or not (maybe
for example they were old and knew that they would probably leave that child
alone in the world at a tender age). So, a life expectancy would be calculated
and a number of DNA options would be given for choosing. The picked ones
would then be inoculated in a number of distinct harmless viruses which were
specifically engineered to carry those DNA strands. The viruses would be then

injected into the childs bloodstream, in a matter of days all the code would be
part of just about each cell in the childs body, and its destiny would be sealed.

Richard slept for at least 2 hours. But it was far from a sound sleep. It was full
of nightmares, worries, and he woke up more tired than he had started. Damn!
I gotta go back to that fucking insurance company!
(Your karma increased by 2 points swearing)
Richard was beginning to use words he had not used for a long time, if ever,
and his patience was beginning to show signs of giving up. He washed his face
and went to his file to find his documents. They were all there: the original
insurance policy, lots of proofs that he had paid the monthly fees, even a
business card of some guy called Matt Mcfarlough, who worked at IT. Richard
had no idea who had fellow could be, and his first idea was just to throw the
card away. He decided to keep it anyways: he would need as much paper as
possible to prove to those idiots his policy was real and also not null and void,
as the landlord had thought to be. He thought about knocking in Dr. Fixs door
and smearing those papers in his face, but he thought it would be best to first
go to the insurance company and at least reinstate his policy. He then would
return to the office and shove those papers in Mikes ass.
Traffic at this time was always a nightmare, and the fact some moron had
mistakenly driven his speeder over some store showcase did not exactly
improve things. Richard got his speeder and told him to take him to Chryseis.
When he got there, he was glad that Rosanne had not left for lunch yet: he
always preferred to speak to the same person, as otherwise he would probably
have to explain his entire story all over again for some other schmuck.

As he waited in the lobby, Richard took the time to read some of the companys
literature. In Greek mythology, Chryseis was the daughter of Chryseis, who
lived at a town near Troy. During a raid to the town by the Greeks, she was
taken as trophy by King Agamemnon, who later refused her father to ransom
her. But it turned out Chryseis was actually a priest of Apollo, and cried to him
in search of justice. So Apollo sent a plague which swept through the Greek
armies, killing thousands in a matter of days. Agamemnon was thus forced to
give Chryseis back in order to end it. Still, he would not yield to what he
considers his right as a king, so he took the fair Briseis from the hero Achilles.
This act offended Achilles, who then refused to take further part in the Trojan
War. This in turn put the entire war to a halt, as the troops refused to fight
knowing their hero would not back them up. So Achilles best friend Patroclus,
without Achilles knowing, decided to wear his armor to make the troops think
their hero was back. The ploy however did not last long though, as Patroclus

lesser fighting techniques quickly led him to his death, driving Achilles almost
mad of grief and making him decide to return to the fight. So, if Agamemnon
had not taken Chryseis in the first place, none of those tragic events would
have ensued: a fine example of how our actions may generate unwanted and
widespread consequences...
- Mr Galhagar?
A fine looking executive was in front of Richard. A perfectly cut suit, nice
haircut, the typical looks of success.
- Yes
- My name is Richard Wallace. I am Business Development Director at Chryseis.
Could we speak at my office?
- Sure, lets go
- Wonderful, this way please
Richard Wallaces office was not near. They had to take 2 elevators, go down a
long hallway, go through a coffee area, and finally up a small area. Richard
would swear they were at the top of the companys tower. They entered a
rather small office who did not fit the nice suit and looks of that director, but
rather looked like the cubicle of an accountant. Rosanne left them there and
left with the documents Richard had handed out to her, something Richard
noticed but could not do much as she left quite fast.
- Sit down please Mr. Richard
- Sure
- Weve been through your documents and Ive examined your case with the
utmost care and
- Yes, everything must be clear now!
- Well, actually, Mr. Galhagar, I believe we need further study on your particular
- What study can you possibly still need? I have the freaking documents
proving everything!
- See, Mr. Galhagar, that is the problem. We need our security people to look
further into them, as, please dont think Im saying is your case, but weve had
the case of forgeries in the past where

- Wait, you are saying that the company thinks all those papers are false?
- Again, Mr. Galhagar, thats not what I said and please forgive me if it looked it
that way. What I did say is that weve had cases, and again I honestly think this
is not your case, where individuals forged documents in order to claim
insurances they did not have and avoid going to Gehenna.
- In other words, the guy is so desperate that he believes hes going to
Gehenna that he will take the trouble to forge a huge pack of papers in order to
collect an insurance he never purchased?
- Yes, thats basically what happened
- Im sorry but thats ridiculous. Faking documents creates I believe 2000 points
of karma and there is no way anyone would enter Valhalla with that kind of
background, so faking a document to try to enter is just stupid. Besides, the
chances of someone knowing the LOOKS of internal documents of your
company in order to fake them is minimal. In fact.
- Im sorry to interrupt you Mr. Galhagar, but the fact is that there are even
gangs who specialize in this kind of thing. They obtain somehow copies of
totally legitimate internal companies of the insurance companies and they
create copies which then they sell to sinners who are basically going to
Gehenna and need a quick fix into Valhalla. And sorry to make this so blunt,
but thats what is happening lately.
- So it is not one or two cases, but a growing trend
- Im afraid that is the case
- So all those papers?
- Rosanne took them to the companys research system in order to be
- And how long will it take?
- Oh, its quick!
- Great! How long?
- Just a matter of a just few months
- A few MONTHS? Are you for real? I may not have that in my lifetime! I may die
in that timeframe and not go to Valhalla as I was planning!

- I can maybe ask them to make it quicker, but that is usually the time they
- This is ridiculous! You know what? Ive had it with your company. Because of
its incompetence I got fired this morning and maybe even out of my house! Im
going from here straight to the police, give me back my papers!
- Im afraid that is impossible Mr. Galhagar because
- What? You joking right? Those are MY papers and I want them now!
- Unfortunately they are the property of Chryseis and cannot be given back.
- Property my ass! Those were proofs that I had paid all my life and thus they
belong to ME!
(Your karma increased by 1 point swearing)
- If you read carefully into the policy youll see that in these cases the company
reserves the right to keep them as evidence of misconduct and
- Misconduct? Now I am a criminal? Man, this just cant be happening! What
have I done to deserve this? Why me? Im a good citizen and in my way to
Valhalla, I have
As Richard went on and on about what a good person he was, it was obvious
that Richard Wallace did not buy it. He was obviously thinking that he was in
front of one of those non-loving criminals he mentioned, who only deserved to
get their asses pounded in some rat hole of a prison. His poker face still could
not hide contempt for what he believed to be just another rat trying to get into
Valhalla without the proper qualifications. So, he just let Richard go on and on
in the hopes he would eventually realize his little show was not convincing
anyone and leave the premises on his own. It was that or going to jail. And
Richard could already see a couple of thugs from security ready to take him on
if he dared move a finger.

As research progressed into the mans aura, it soon became apparent that
there was a clear correlation between the aura and the consequences of a
persons actions. It was proven that the aura was affected by not only the
direct consequences, but also by up to seven levels of indirect consequences.
In fact, it was found that in some cases the aura would still be affected by up to
490 levels of consequence. In other words, a persons actions would affect his
aura negatively or positively for a number of levels, and each level could have
consequences which were vast and unpredictable. For example, if someone
complained because his burger was fatty, this could generate that the

manager, already sick and tired of the guy who flips burgers and only needing
a reason to fire him, to take that step and give him the pink slip. This in turn
could cause the person to default in his credit card. This in turn could have
some collect operator call him to ask when he would pay. This operator could
be already depressed at her work, and something so simple as the incapacity
of the burger guy to pay could be the last straw to lead her to kill herself. So, a
simple fatty burger could lead someone to his death, and that would definitely
show up in the persons aura.

And this was made possible only by market research. In fact, the level of
knowledge there was on ones life was beyond anything imaginable. The
market had knowledge on the time the person went to bed each day, how
much toothpaste he still had, how much money he made and where did it come
from, where he was located at all times, who were his coworkers, what they
thought of him, how was his last company appraisal, were did he eat last
time Nothing was left at chance, every possible whimsical piece of
information was controlled, a world where privacy was utterly nonexistent, the
ultimate gestapo society. The thing got so bad that even your fecal matter
would be analyzed straight from the sewage plumbing in order to identify your
diet and if you had eaten fries made at Wendys which were coincidentally what
some murdered had eaten the night he killed his wife or something. In some
cases, like this little could be done, as it is obvious ones crap is not exactly
something one would want around in order to have more privacy.

So, it was just a matter of days until the multiple databases could be matched
in order to find out what was the reason for the persons aura shining brightly
or looking pale and gloomy. At any time, the persons aura could be
investigated by going back to a couple of days of the persons life and studying
his actions against the reactions of the people he had somehow related to
during those days. For example, if X went to a bank to withdraw money and if
at that day the bank teller was mad, further research into another database
would show that it was because X yelled at the teller because of something
which yet another database would show that was a mere discrepancy in the
account. It didnt take long for people to start using that research as basis for
lawsuits. The police would ask a judge to order an investigation into a number
of databases in order to look for possible clues to why, how, when, something
happened which was detrimental to anothers well-being. So, an entire new
form of investigation was created which many claimed to be the reason for
falling crime rates. Indeed, in time a whole new way of life was created. Crime
was almost a thing of the past, as it was so difficult, if not utterly impossible, to
get away with it. In fact, a judge could order an aura analysis and, if that
showed signs of a serious and recent misdoing, chances were that you did
commit the crime you were being accused of. And, on that suspicion, further

analysis on multiple databases would slowly compose the crime scene until
there was just no way to continue with some bullshit story. In other words, it
would be impossible to create a lie when so much evidence was at hand.
Many thought of that new society as something good. Sure: you had basically
no freedom, as absolutely (indeed ABSOLUTELY) everything in your life would
be known at any given time. But then again you had no crime, and that meant
everything. Richard was one of those.
In fact, Richard firmly defended the notion that nothing was so valuable that
could not be lost in the name of living in a crimeless society. He believed man
had arrived at the perfect society, where being good was the norm, and where
you had to be the offspring of the marriage of a moron with a brainless chimp
(as he put it) in order to finally end up in Gehenna. In other words, he thought
that society gave you so many tools with which you could redeem yourself that
only those utterly incapable or maybe even willing would fail to reach
redemption. He would compare his time with society in the Buddha age: there,
one would have to figure out what he did wrong in order to correct himself as to
achieve Valhalla. Now, since just about everything you did was in full control,
you could use that valuable knowledge to see what you did wrong and thus
improve yourself in order to finally reach Valhalla.

At the sight of the thugs, Richard decided to leave the premises. Still, Richard
did not feel like checking whose side was right, and then he just left saying the
usual stuff hurt customers say: that he will consult with his lawyer (as he had
one), that he had an uncle who happened to be a judge, that he would to the
Better Business Bureau, etc. All that to an impassible Richard Wallace and his
poker face. As he walked outside the building, Richard started to feel really
dizzy. He realized he had not eaten anything yet and it was already late
afternoon. Still not believing what had just happened, he did however just
realize that he had not made any copies of those documents and now he
REALLY could not prove he had that damned insurance policy. Maybe he could
provide a couple of folders he had, he thought?
Then he recalled the business card he had left in his pocket.
- Matt speaking
- Matt Mcfarlough?
- Yes, thats me. Whos talking?
- Listen, you dont know me. Or maybe you do, as I have your business card,

- Excuse me but who are you?

- Again, we may know each other since I have your card. My name is Richard
Galhagar, hope that rings a bell
- Mmmm Sorry cant say that it does.
- Sorry if I disturb you Mr. Farlough, can you speak now?
- Sure, no prob
Matt Mcfarlough seemed like a nice person, Richard thought. Had the type of
pitch typical of people who are usually kind and with a good heart. Maybe this
guy can help me at last?, Richard thought.
- The thing is Matt, can I call you Matt?
- Sure. And you are again...?
- Richard. Richard Galhagar
- Well, what can I do for you Richard?
- The thing Matt is that I have a soul insurance with your company and they
cant seem to find it. I am desperate! I have lost my job, they want to kick me
out of my apartment, and now the only documents I had
- Excuse me but are you speaking about Chryseis Insurance Company?
- Yes! I understand you work at IT there! Its what it says in this old business
card that
- Im sorry Richard but I left that company many years ago.
Matt could not hear anything anymore. He just waited for a while and was
about to end the brainnet conversation when he thought he heard a sobbing
sound. Yup, sure enough, he could hear now someone clearly crying. And it was
Richard. Hello? Richard? Are you ok? Hello? Are you there?, Matt kept
repeating, now feeling sorry for that stranger who was obviously undergoing
some hell in his life.
- I just dont know what I have done so wrong to deserve this.(snif) You were
my last hope to get my soul insurance back. I am old (snif) and will die
soon and that insurance was my way to Valhalla. (snif) (snif) Now, I know this
has nothing to do with you, and Im sorry if I have troubled you. I will close this
connection. Bye!

- No, wait!
Matt had not chance to complete that phrase, as Richard had already ended
the connection. And now Matt was truly sorry for that stranger. Richard
Galhagar I have no idea who this guy may be. He did have my old business
card with my brainnet phone on it and he did know I worked at IT at Chryseis so
he must be legit. But what if its some kind of sick joke? No, that cry sounded
far too real for that. Plenty of questions ran through Matts brain. He could be
someone in real trouble who may end up doing something foolish and THEN I
would feel really bad, or maybe even accused of being part of it!

The brainnet was a network of brains: as simple as that. They found that there
were many part of the human brain that were basically idle most of the time or
had plenty of unused space which could store several petabytes of information:
not much for ordinary use, but better if used as a unified distributed system. So
everyones brain was connected to that network and everyones brain would be
used for all kind of tasks from all kind of people from all kind of places. Your
brain could be working on some financial simulation for some guy you have no
idea who he was, while you could be storing videos you saw with your eyes on
some other guys brain in order to watch it back later with your family. Also,
what used to be a telephone was now a videocall which would appear in your
eyesight: you could see the face of the caller and his surroundings, and in some
newer model you could even feel what he was feeling. That would have been
great in Richards case, but unfortunately the model he had in his brain did not
had that new feature. If it did Matt would have had known without a doubt all
about Richards misery and maybe could have hit the panic function that was
available for those cases. In such cases, the police would be called, and there
were many cases in which suicidal people were rescued, or where skiers buried
under avalanches, drowning, burning, etc people could be monitored to know
about the extension of their injuries in order to call the proper rescue.

If Richard had that function anyone who got his call would have had just called
the police or some help the needy type service and felt good about it, sort of
Ive done a good deed so common among those who feel a simple phone call
is enough. But that was not Matt. He was really a kind man, someone who tried
to genuinely serve others.

He found him in the gutter. Literally. He was covered in vomit and soaked in
rain, and could barely make a word that made any sense. The folk at the bar

had no pity whatsoever in just dumping Richard there in the cold rain when
they found out he was uninsured. Human junk!, Non-loving reject!, Allhating dump!, were some of the insults they uttered. Apparently all they cared
was the fact some noisy drunkard was being too much of a nuisance and
hurting the business, as he shouted stuff like theres no justice, Im fucked
and so are you, and similar bullshit. So they got tired of it and, after making
sure he had paid for all the booze (by just passing a skin sensor on his
handsense to get the money from his credit account), they just dumped on a
gutter which was right in front of the joint. That was what Matt was facing, and
for a second he honestly had second doubts if it was really worth to get
involved into that mess. But he could not walk out on anyone. It was beyond
him. Not that did not get him in plenty of trouble in the past: history has proven
time and time again the futility and dangers of helping the needy. But he knew
that helping others was the sure way to reach heaven. That because he did
not like the regular use of Valhalla. In fact, he said the name made it quite
clear what we were talking about, as Valhalla was really the Viking heaven of
sorts, where only the great warriors who had died in glorious combat would be
allowed. A place packed with Valkyries, or goddesses of war who greeted
newcomers making sure they had everything their hearts wanted. Far, far, from
the peaceful place he thought made any sense going after a typical life of
misery in this dimension. In other words, he could see little benefit in going to a
place of war after living a life which was war itself. His detractors said he was
just a freak, a radical: that the name did not imply anything and was just
something that came to be, and that he was free to use any other if he did not
like it. And so he did. He called heaven the same place everyone called
Valhalla, or others called Valhalla. But Matt was not alone there. He
belonged to a group which had no particular name. And since no one knew
what to call it, everyone started to call it canadians. And that was just
because the movement seemed to have started there, not because it was
limited to that place. In fact, it was rather widespread, although in a semihiding state because of the fact society did not like it: a place for outsiders who
did not want to fit in. So Matt was a canadian and, as much as he could, he
tried to hide the fact.
He was glad he had come in his car: no autocab would want to take a drunk,
especially one drenched in water and puke. And even the old models were
already smart enough to recognize a problem customer, so as soon as they saw
one they just did not stop. And Matts place was not close either. He lived in a
sort of collective farm in the outskirts of town, close if we considered the
highway that went besides it, far if we considered it was in the middle of
Richard woke up with a complete symphonic opera ringing in his head. He
could barely make out anything, especially where he was. He could recognize a
wood shack of some sorts, a fireplace with some wood cracking inside, a lot of
copper and iron pots, and someone too blurry to be recognized. He passed out

He woke up again in the very same spot: that much he could fathom. This time
at least the opera had shut up and he could think, see, and hear much clearly.
Enough to hear Are you ok? from a gal he had never seen before. She rose
from the seat in front of a table with some of those copper pans, wiped her
hands in her overskirt, and walked to his direction seemed concerned. Richard
could not make anything out of it. He could barely recall anything beyond
getting wasted in some sleazy bar and being finally kicked out of that place by
some 2 heavyweights with a very bad temper. Nothing after that. He just laid
there in the sofa or whatever he was been put on top of watching the girl who
in turn watched him back. She was pretty, but clearly too worn out for her age
Richard thought. He could not care less. He was more concerned about his
diabetes, which surely as hell did not appreciate the drinking binge he had
undertook. He asked for some chocolate. She came back with a cup of hot
cocoa. He drank and as soon as he finished he fell into a much better sleep.
It was early morning when he woke up again. It was raining softly and the smell
of wet grass was quite pleasant. He felt much, much better now. Apparently the
hot cocoa had worked its miracle and his glucose levels were back to normal.
For the 3rd time he looked into his surroundings and felt a mix of thoughts
arising from the place. Nice but rustic. Pretty but old dated. Cozy but weird.
Smelly but obsolete. It was clearly some wooden shack of a house located in
some forest with a large pot of something which smelled like garlic being
cooked, and no one to be around. He woke up to find out he was a little too
woozy still in order to walk properly, so he had to hold on a chair in order to
avoid a fall. With care, he walked around trying to figure out where the hell he
was, and then the front door opened.
- Good! You are finally awake! You slept for almost 3 days, my friend!
- Oh, Im sorry, Im Matt, you must be Richard correct?
- Howhow do you know my name?
- Well you called me remember?
- You braincalled me some days ago. Apparently you had my phone from an old
business card. Remember now?
The Matt fellow seemed nice and caring. Still Richard did not know where to
trust someone who had brought him into his house. Ok, he was drunk in a
gutter, but still weird that someone would care for someone else THAT way!

- Yees, I think I remember

- You must be wondering why are you here and where is this place
- Yes I.
- This is my house, Im Matt, as I think I told you, you called me and you were
apparently in a great deal of stress. Eventually you hanged up and I decided to
go where you were as I was concerned you could do something stupid and
- but how did you know where I was?
- Your brainphone, remember? They all have a tracking device
- Ahhh, you are right, stupid of me, you are right
- So I found you well, a little drunk (laughs), and decided to bring you here until
you feel better
- Thanks
- No problem. Are you feeling better now?
- Yeaah. Sure. So this is your house right?
- Sure, it aint much but is home!
Matt left on the table something that resembled a rabbit. Apparently he had
just hunted it, as he had an old gun in his back. He then took his gun and left it
on the table as well, and walked toward Richard.
- Jennifer told me he gave you some hot cocoa and you passed out right after
you drank it
- Im sorry, Jennifer?
- Yes, my wife. Oh! Im sorry! Maybe you dont remember?
- No, no I do remember, I just did not know who she was
- Shes my wife. We live here in this commune along with some friends who live
in nearby houses
- What is this place exactly? Im sorry, I do not mean to be rude.

- This is a commune of people who share a common religion. We opt to live

here in order to be able to live it and share it among ourselves.
- Are, are you, like canadians?
- Yes, thats one way to put it. Yes.
- Ok
- Hope thats not a problem to you?
Richard could not make out much from this all. He basically hated those people
and now he was among them. And, worse, apparently in a debt of gratitude, for
one of them had actually helped him. And, even worse, after a braincall he had
made to that weirdo! If only he knew that guy was a follower of that crazy cult,
he would have never called him in the first place. But then again he would still
be covered with puke in that gutter. Way too much information for a brain
who, according to that freak, had been off for 3 days or something like that. He
needed to get out of there.
- Well, thank you, but I think I must be going now.
- Now? But are you ok for that?
- Sure, sure, Im totally fine now. I I have stuff to do. I appreciate your help,
but I gotta go
Richard knew he was being rude as hell. Those people had maybe even saved
his life and he wanted to get away from them like they had leprosy or
something. But he just did not care anymore. He had recalled all the stuff about
the soul insurance, his lost job, his acropolis, all those years of paying those
rats at Chryseis, the real chance he would end up in Gehenna Heck, if those
freaks could not understand what he was going through, why should he care if
he was being rude to them? So he walked towards the door only to realize he
had not his coat on, and by the look of the rain in the window, it was probably a
cold, damp, day.
- Jennifer washed your coat. Here it is.
Matt got it from a hanger which was besides the fireplace and, as soon as he
handed it to Richard, he opened the door and walked out into the rain without
saying a word.
- I told you that guy was trouble. That nothing good would come of it.
- How can you say that? You know our religion says we need to help others not
looking for earthly rewards, but for a heavenly reward only

Jennifer did not say anything. She could not help feel mad at that stranger who
had slept on a couch of her living room, who had made her have to wash by
hand his puke, who had forced to keep watch on him with fears he could drown
on his own vomit, and who at the end had left without barely saying thank
you. And it was not the first time her husband had pulled out that stunt. He
had tried to help many in his former job, only to find out the one who were
helped turned him in to HR as canadian. Not that being part of that religion
was outlawed. In fact, the law allowed total freedom for all religions. However,
the law also allowed total harassment of any religion. In other words, religions
were allowed, but harassing religious people was allowed as well. And that was
because there was nothing the state would do should someone filed for
example a complaint for having been fired because of his religious beliefs. In
theory the company should be investigated and the state prosecutor should
open a case, but in practice none of that happened. The most the plaintiff
would get is 15 minutes attention and a file opened and closed right after. And
no one saw anything wrong with that. In fact, religion was seen in a bad light.
So anyone with a creed would be seen in a bad light as well.
And thats basically what happened with Matt. Once a very promising executive
at Chryseis, he had a top model speeder, a big house, a fat paycheck, and all
the gadgets and toys any grown man would love to have. But he also had a
hole in his soul that none of those things seemed to fill. A cancer which only
seemed to grow stronger as he went up in the corporate ladder, throwing a
metastasis whenever he received a bonus, a compliment from his boss and
coworkers, or a blinking eye from some aspiring secretary. But were those
same bosses, coworkers, and secretaries who turned their back to him when on
a bright day he decided to convert to that cult as they called it. In an instant
no one wanted to speak to him anymore. In a blink of an eye everyone was way
too busy to go have a beer with him. And in an instant he received a note
from HR thanking him for all his hard work and dedication, wishing him the
best, offering several reinsertion courses, a party to celebrate his leaving
and a nice view of the exit door.
And that was a dumb move from the insurance company. With the information
Matt had on the inner workings of the company, he could have the competition
eating at his feet. He knew all the procedures, methods, processes, etc. of just
about every part of Chryseis. After all, he had devise all their software. He
could have made a mint by telling the other soul insurance companies just half
of the stuff he knew about the company. In fact, under normal conditions, soul
insurance companies give any ex-employee a contract forbidding them to
speak about the company for a time no less than 2 years. In Matts case, this
grace period would probably be 10. And, to make sure the ex kept his mouth
shut, he would get a very fat check that could fulfill almost all his hearts
desires. There was enough money for that: the soul insurance market was by
far the most profitable in the world, a haven of prosperity in a world destroyed
by war, and a place where every living soul in the world would give an eye and
a leg to work. And that was the reason why Matts parents disowned him. They

simply could not believe someone would be that amazingly stupid to let go of a
job like that, at a market like that, at a time like that, and for a reason like that.
To them, Matt was obviously a non-loving individual who did not care about the
consequences of his actions to those around him.
But Matt did not seem to care. He was exceedingly happy on the option he
took. He had no second thoughts on the course he had given to his life. And his
inner happiness proved that he was either the happiest person in the world, or
the dumbest moron in the universe. Happiness which did not vane even after
his house was foreclosed, his fancy speeder taken by the bank, and all his
friends would not take his braincalls or return messages.
So, at once, he was out of a job, out of a house, out of a family, and out of a
life. But happy. And that happiness was increased when he met Jennifer. A
hooker. As simple as that. A junkie addicted to desomorphine who had been to
every treatment center there was only to be back on the streets and to the
addiction in a matter of months. She simply could not believe when that guy
who had been talking with her on a regular basis and trying to get her up in her
feet told her about his feelings. But she corresponded, and together they
started a new life. She at first did not trust Matts religion. She had seen what
wars had done and she believed, as everyone did, that it was because of those
antique creeds. But then she learned that all that was taught was just a lie. A
big, fat, obese, pack of lies. Then she started to feel the same happiness that
her new husband obviously had, and she then understood what it was to be a
canadian and to follow its leader.

Richard walked for what it seemed hours. He could barely make out the place
he was at. It looked like some hippy commune riddled with old shacks. It was
raining so he could not see anyone in those houses. That, if there were still
people who dared to live in those antiques. He had seen wood and brick and
mortar houses only in pictures. All the new constructions after the wars were
made out of polymers. Besides being unbelievable stronger than the old
materials, they grew by themselves, so a complete building would require only
10 construction workers at best. All you had to do was to pick up a spot, buy
the building into a giant block of some foul-smelling grey block of some
whatchamacallit, and put a plasticizer on top. The building would then start to
unravel and all you had to do was basically make sure it had enough plasticizer
in order for the chemical reaction to continue. After a couple of days, youd
have an entire building that all it required was the plumbing and electricity.
Under such construction ease, Richard could barely understand why would
anyone be so obtuse to still live in those caves or whatever. At the end of the
muddy road that seemed endless, he finally spotted a highway with some
autocabs driving by, so he took one and he ordered the computer to take him

As the cab hovered on the road, Richard could not stop think about all the stuff
that had happened. All his lifes savings gone and the real prospects of having
to resurrect an 8th time in order to avoid Gehenna made the loss of his job and
home almost bearable. After all, he could just get another job and rent another
acropolis. Maybe even buy one? Nah, he was way too old for any bank to give
him a mortgage, and he did not care to have one at his age anyways. And what
good did all those years of helping in hospitals did, if at the end he would
probably still need more good deeds in order to reach Valhalla? Was it really
worth the time he wasted, when what he really wanted was still out of reach?
Of course the warmth one feels from a sincere thank you! from someone
needy is indeed a good pay, but what is that when faced with the horrors of
Gehenna, or the possibility of an entire new life in order to try to reach
Maybe I am really a non-loving individual!, he thought. The karma display in
his wrist seemed to prove it, as it showed over 24 points for the past 2 days.
Maybe I am really beyond redemption, an eternal loser who will never achieve
to nothing!, Those thugs in the bar truly had a point: only a non-loving
individual would hurt its own body with booze that way, creating fuss and a bad
situation!, Could it be that I really never paid that insurance and that Wallace
guy was right?, And what about those people I mistreated? Sure, they were
incompetent, but they did not deserve to be treated that way, I am really a
miserable bastard!
He was still under those thoughts when he felt a payment being arranged
between the autocab and his handwallet: the sign he had reached home. He
walked out of the speeder only to find all his belongings out on the street being
picked by a legion of beggars and panhandlers. Clothes, furniture, personal
items, documents, appliances. Everything he owned making some low life
happy as it could be seen in his eyes the expectation of all the heroin he would
pump in his veins with the money made after selling that fancy chair, that huge
wallmonitor, those italian shoes, that fine silky whatever-it-is-I-dont-care. He
thought about calling the police to have those people arrested for plundering
through his stuff, but it suddenly became all clear when he saw Mr. Fix carrying
some of his bags and dumping them on the street in front of some very happy
- What the hell is happening here? What the fuck are you doing with my stuff?
(Your karma increased by 1 point swearing)
- Oh, Mr. Galhagar, Im sorry but I had to vacate your premises as Ive rented
- .. you rented my place? Who gave you the authority to do it? And to throw my

- As you know Mr. Galhagar the law allows me to

- the hell it allows you to dump my stuff on the street! Im calling the cops
right now and well see! Guard! Guard! Could you please come here?
(Your karma increased by 1 point swearing)
The guard came and from the look in his eyes you could clearly tell what he
was about to say and do.
- Yes Mr. Galhagar, how can I help you?
- Officer McWrath, Ive been just forcefully evicted from my home and all my
belongings thrown on the streets and are being taken by people! Cant you see
- Yes, I can Mr. Galhagar, but I believe Mr. Fix has done nothing illegal.
- What do you mean? Do you think is right for someone to get other peoples
belongings and just throw them on the streets to be picked by thieves?
- Well Mr. Galhagar, you see, the problem is that Mr. Fix showed that you have
no soul insurance
- AGAIN this? So what if I dont have it? What do you care? Its me who will end
up in Gehenna, not you or anyone for that matter!
- Yes, that part is right. However, that also shows that you are a non-loving
individual and as you certainly know that is not socially acceptable today
- Not socially accepted, but not illegal either!
- Well, if you think you have a point then you can file a complaint at downtown
and a judge will oversee your case. I can call central now and
Richard just turned and left the officer speaking to himself
(You karma increased by 2 points - rudeness )
Richard walked around for hours. He tried to enter a couple of stores to buy
some extra clothes (as hed swear that Jennifers job at washing away his puke
did not entirely cover the smell of it), but as soon as the cashier noticed he had
no soul insurance he would kindly turn away the sale under some pretext such
as the credit card not working, the system not working, the blablabla not
working, etc. Did not matter much anyways, as soon he got a message from his
bank saying his cards were blocked due to unforeseen circumstances, and of

course his manager at the end said that the reason was him not having a soul
insurance which automatically made him an evil, non-loving, non-caring
individual doomed to go straight to Gehenna etc etc etc
The same happened when he tried to rent another home, when he tried to go
to a hotel, when he tried to open another bank account, when he tried to fuel
his speeder, when he tried to sell his speeder, etc. As days passed it became
more and more clear to him that without a soul insurance no one would be able
to do anything under the sun as he or she would be deemed automatically
untrustworthy, non-loving, non-caring, individual. Of course, who in possession
of his wits would dare risk ending up in Gehenna? If being a all-loving, allcaring, all-good-under-the-sun individual is all it took to end up in Valhalla and
having an insurance would cover for any fault he or she could not be able to
compensate for then why the hell not? And if the person still insisted in not
having something so obvious under such obvious circumstances it could only
be because he had no care whatsoever for anyone (even himself!) and thus
only deserved the strongest contempt from anyone.
So Richard concluded that, yes, he did deserve everything that had happened
to him. I mean, between him and the entire humankind, who could possibly be
right? If EVERYONE saw him as a bad person, how could ALL them be wrong?
Yes, there was no redemption for him. All the reincarnations he went through
served for nothing as it was abundantly clear that he was not Valhalla material.
He did not belong with the group of all-loving individuals who unfortunately
happened to be everyone he knew and thus he deserved all the contempt they
could muster. By despising him and refusing to give him even a glass of water
they actually did a service to him, as that showed he needed to change. By
allowing him to go through all this hell they were actually being kind to him, as
that was his path for salvation somehow. By denying him the right to prove his
worth they would actually do him good, as that would only mean a waste of his
and everyones precious time.
As he thought about all that and days went by he did not notice he was back at
the shack he had been before and that he could not even remember how to get
back if he wanted.

- Richard?
- mmm?
- Richard, right?
- Remember me? I am Jenniffer!
- Jenniffer, who took you in when youwell, when you passed out at that bar,
remember now?
- Oh
- How you been? Matt was worried about you since you left and he prayed for
- No, no no prayers.
Jenniffer did not care. He took Richard by his hand and just pulled him to the
shack he had once been. He just followed like a puppet, too confused to realize
what was going on. There, he just sat on a chair she offered him and just
stayed there looking into eternity, away from reality, just mumbling incoherent
The next weeks Richard did not do much beyond that: just sit on a chair,
mumble incoherent words, sleep, and eat whatever theyd serve him. Jenniffer
seemed to be much calmer now and did not even complain when she had to
strip naked Richard to wash his stinking clothes (and this time do a better job
with the puke smell). Thus, little by little, step by step, Richard began to return
to planet earth. First his whimsical mumbling stopped, then his eye-in-the-sky
gaze slowly regained consciousness, then his shaking hands would stay still,
and finally he started to make some sense.
This time however he did not try to escape. And it wasnt because he did not
really have a place to go (even his speeder where he could sleep in had been
impounded as it was thought he could drive someone over with it), it was
because he realized he sensed a great deal of peace at that place. He then
recalled the story of Jenniffer and how she also felt that peace and that gave

him a place to finally start a conversation with her, as she was hanging the
laundry outside.
- Can I help?
- No thanks, I got it Well, actually yes you can. See that bucket with those
white linens there? Bring it over, will you?
Richard tried to bring the bucket and all he accomplished was to spill the newly
washed linens all over the floor as his forces left him.
- I am sorry! I am sorry! I spilled your clothes! I am such an idiot! Why cant I do
anything right? Sob! I am not worthy! I am despicable! I dont deserve
anything! Why do you treat me like that?
Jenniffer could only watch in sorrow as she saw this aged man cry like a baby
over a bucket of soiled clothes. This was the scene which Celene saw as she
approached with more clothes to hang. She had already heard about this
mysterious man which had appeared out of nowhere twice to live under Matt
and Jenniffers roof and which had created quite a stir in that small community.
For although everyone agreed he obviously needed help, some were worried if
that guy would not just be someone who only appeared to bring in war where
there was only peace.

As she watched Richard slowly walk into Jenniffers shack, she could not help
say to Jenniffer Some hell hes been through, uh?
- So it seems
- Do you think I should talk to him?
- About what?
- Dunno, maybe the reason why hes here?
- What reason?
- What do you mean what reason? Isnt it clear, considering the pasts of
everyone down here?
Celene knew what she was talking about. Tall, rather good looking (although
looking drained), kept her blond hair always nicely combed into a ponytail, and
came often to Matt shack. Considered quite smart in the community, she was
once a big shot exec at a major bank, but saw her career suddenly go down the

drain when, years after offering a good and honest work there, it was found out
that she had lied in her rsum about having finished a degree. And, despite all
the pleas she made about having a perfect record during all those years, and
the fact the job did not even require that particular degree anyways, it was
seen as an unfair way to enter the job and a liability on her ability to always tell
the truth. As such, she was promptly fired with no right to any severance
benefit. That meant that a fast job was required, but in all cases that ugly fact
would pop up and the job interview would be mysteriously cut and no
explanation would be offered why she was not granted the position. As money
started to run out, desperation took in and the solution she found was alcohol.
When that did not do the trick either, the next remedy was drugs into an ever
increasing scale of potency, and when money was too low to buy good, pure
stuff, the solution was krokodil and similar backyard junk which eventually led
to her left arm being amputated from the elbow down. Thats when she met
Jenniffer in the same whore house, and both ended at the commune, and back
into life.
- If you think you can help please go ahead. I really dont know what to do with
him anymore
- Ill let him rest a couple of days until hes strong and see if I can find a time
when I can speak with him then

The days passed and passed and Richard did not seem to improve much, until
finally one day he seemed much better, even going by himself to the porch to
get some sunlight sitting on an old chair, and thats where Celene found him.
- Nice day, uh?
- yes, really, ah?
- Celene
- Ah, sorry I remember having seen you around but did not know your name, so
I did not want to be even more rude that I am already Its that I am
worthless, you know?...
- Actually you are not - Celene said with a kind smile
- Thank you but you know its not true. Ive been considered by anyone as
totally unfit to live in this world, a freak of nature, an abomination, a
- Yes, that part is true

- You see? You agree with that too!

- I agree that you are unfit to the world, but that is actually a good thing
- What?... A good thing?... I dont understand
- It is not you who is a, like you said it, a freak of nature, an abomination,
but the world
- The world?... Sorry, you got me confused Richard said trying to create a fake
- What I am trying to say is that the world we live in today is a big false lie
- Lie? Sorry, again confused - This time there was no smile
- Richard, you said you did not know my name and thats perfectly ok, so I
imagine you dont know anyone here either correct?
- Well, I know Matt and Jenniffer
- But you may have realized that there are many other people around here,
- Yes, and I actually feel a little rude that, after several days living here, I still
dont know any of them
- Dont worry about that, as youve been in almost a coma when you arrived
and thus sleeping for the most part, and thus unable to meet anyone, but you
can if you want
- Sure
- The reason why I said that is that all the people you will meet came under
circumstances quite similar to yours
- Really?
- Yes. Myself, I met Jenniffer in ammm, gentlemans club, if you know
what I mean
Richard could not help fancying a smile, but he was able to control it and ask
Whoa! Thats intense. How did that happen? Not that its my business

- No problem at all. I was a bank exec and Jenniffer was an excellent

veterinarian, but circumstances in life led us both to thatplace, and after
having suffered much we ended up here where we found peace.
- Thats nice Richard said, as he really did not know how to reply
- This is why we say we live in a dysfunctional world, one which on the outside
looks nice and perfect, but in the inside is quite unjust and unforgiving
- Ok
- Each one of us had promising careers and many were firm defendants of that
world, until that very world turned against us for reasons which were almost
always silly and pointless and finally opened our eyes
- opened our eyes to what?
- To what I am telling you: that this supposedly great and perfect world is a
- I am sorry but I dont get it. Now Richard became serious You mean to tell
me that, now we dont have wars and everyone loves each other, is a bad
- No, I would not say that. It is quite good, but unfortunately not real
- What do you mean?
- What I mean is that it is impossible to have true love without forgiveness
- But in this world we do forgive
- Does it? Did they forgive you when you could not even buy a beer since you,
for what Ive been told, could not produce a soul insurance?
- They did not have to. Having no soul insurance is proof that you dont care
about the afterlife, and thus that can be construed as you being a bad person.
In fact, I remember a couple of times refusing to speak with people who did not
have them, and it turned out in both cases they were really criminals
- Yes, that is probably correct. That if you have no soul insurance, then its
because you must have something to hide, which can only be a past crime or
the intention of performing one now
- So? Is that wrong?

- No, it is not. Then by that logic you must be a criminal yourself

- I am not! I am not! Richard started to sob Why nobody believes me? They
could not find my record! And they kept all the documentation I presented so I
could not show anything to anyone!
- Sorry Richard, I did not mean to hurt you. In fact, we do believe your story
- Really? You do?
- Yes, but that is pointless. What is really important is that you are loved
despite even if you were a criminal, for that is the basis of our religion
- Religion? Ah, you are Canadians, right?
- Yes, that is one word to call it
- Sorry but I am not into that stuff. I respect it, but I dont need it
- Exactly like me: I did not buy it, nor I needed it.
- Then why are you trying to push it to me?
- Actually I am not and sorry if it looked that way. In fact, all of us were not
pushed anything, we all arrived at it by ourselves
- That is great. But I really dont see myself into any religion
- No problem. I just want you to know that in our religion you are loved despite
not having a soul insurance, and we wish that the world behaved that way

Celene got up and with a smile went to meet a guy with a beard who was
calling her. The next days, Richard started to do small house chores to help and
met some people. One was that bearded guy: Anton, who was actually Celene
s husband. Also tall, his skin was extremely white but his hair was quite dark,
looking like he was a chess board or something. Quite charming, he always had
a joke on the tip of his tongue, and one could see Celene loved him and
respected much and vice versa. He was also quite handy in barbecues, and
could lift impressive weights despite being quite thin and unimpressive. But
Anton had a terrible past, a thorn which was always on his side to remind him
to always control himself, to take a deep breath whenever things did not go his
way. A brilliant radio announcer, his program was known and cast to almost any
brain in the country, achieving such high ratings that he was actually studied
as a marketing case by a couple of leading universities. In fact, his outspoken

and lively way to speak made instant friends with everyone, and that seemed
amplified when a radio brainwave was in between. But he did not like to hear
no, nor had any patience with complaintive people, which unfortunately was
the case of his wife. So, in one terrible night when his wife was, as usual,
complaining about something, he lost his nerve and nearly killed her. The case
quickly escalated, due to him being a celebrity, and in a matter of days all his
contracts were cancelled, his bank locked all his funds, and the only reason
why he did not spent time in jail was because he did not have previous criminal
records, plus having a very capable (and expensive) lawyer which sucked all his
remaining finances. But the irony came when he, with no money in his pocket,
had no option but to look for shelter in a commune he had heard of once when
he was interviewing one of its members during one of his shows where he, as
many times in the past, made fun of it and its religion and beliefs. So, at first
he was seen with a certain and unavoidable disdain by the male part of the
community and with fear by the female part. But Celene did not feel
threatened by him and, despite not being at first minimally attracted to him (he
was really not a good looking fellow), with time respect became attraction and
finally true love, which was shared likewise by him.

So it was after one of those barbecues when, sitting in Antons backyard

bench, Richard decided to confront Anton.
- Anton, I have a question, if you dont mind
- Dont mind at all. Shoot.
- Some days ago I was speaking with Celene and she was telling me that in
your religion everyone is loved despite their deeds. Did I get it right?
- Yes you did
- My question is: isnt that rather unfair? Please note I am making this question
quite respectfully. It is just it seems to me that loving someone despite his
deeds is unfair to those who that person did something wrong, as it seems one
did not care about their hurt.
- Well, that part you did get wrong I am afraid Anton said with a smile
- So would you care to explain how that works?
- Sure. We believe that there is a law greater than mans that takes care and
corrects any wrong that person committed to his fellow man
- Hold on. That means you do not respect the law?

- No, we do respect it as well.

- But you just said there is one above it
- I did, but that only applies to us in our community among ourselves. With the
world outside, we apply fully the law even though we find it cruel and unfair
- But how can it be cruel and unfair, if it brought peace?
- Bringing peace does not mean it is fair and just. I can bring peace by just
killing everyone who threatens it
- Ok, I get it. But I still dont see why you consider it cruel and unfair
- Tell me something, Richard, why are you here?
- I am here because I am despicable
- And why are you despicable?
- Because I could not produce a life insurance
- And why could you not produce it?
- Because they could not find the records. I am sure you heard my case
- Actually I had not: I try not to judge nor learn what those who come here did
in the past. But I believe you. And do you believe that was fair?
- Well, really no. But thats a small case in a huge number of good judgements
- Yes, but even a small case of misjudgment its a big case for us. Its like
saying its just one small atom bomb explosion!. There can be no small case
when an atom bomb its involved
- I dont think comparing an atom bomb to my story is quite the case Richard
said with a laughter
- Well, in our religion, each soul is as precious as an atom bomb, and losing it is
just as dreadful
- Well, thats always nice to know and thats certainly appreciated. But that
still does not explain how can the people I did harm can be compensated

- Actually, they would if the entire world behaved like our community. Here,
whenever someone steps onto someones toes, the offended part does not
step back, but rather asks the father to intervene
- The father? Which father?
- Well, many call him God
- Ahh, ok. Sorry but I dont believe in that stuff
- Neither do we Anton said with a smile
- But you just mentioned it!
- I mentioned a father, not a God
- Ahh, ok. And whats the difference?
- Whats the difference? Many, many indeed. For example, a God punishes,
whereas a Father teaches. A God has creatures, whereas a father has sons
A God many times does not truly care or even love its creatures, whereas a
Father loves its children. A God expects its creatures to serve him somehow,
whereas a Father actually serves its children, as he knows that there is little or
nothing a child can do. And so on.
- This is the first time I hear that
- Actually, you and just about everyone else. And believe me that is the hardest
part to understand about our religion
- Hard why? Seems quite simple to understand
- Simple until you are faced for example with the dilemma you mention about
forgiveness being unfair
- Yes, it does some unfair. Actually, you said a God punishes and a father
teaches. That seems unfair as well, as many people dont deserve to be
taught, but punished with the harshest penalty possible. I mean, how can
anyone forgive a child molester, or monsters such as Stalin, Hitler, Pol Pot?
Sorry but there must be a point in which someone is just beyond redemption,
as forgiveness would be just unfair to those who did not do even one hundredth
of the evil things they did.
- You say? You should be the first one to actually say the exact opposite.
- What do you mean?

- Werent you kicked out of just about every place and everyone refused even
to speak with you
- Hold on there! You mean to compare me with one of those monsters because I
simply could not produce a soul insurance because of some clerk or database
- Yes: a simple, like you say database error, meant everyone thought you
were as worthless as a mosquito
- I find that truly insulting, in fact - Richard starts to move away, clearly
- sorry, BELIEVE me I did not mean it that way. Truly! Please dont take
offense, as no one honestly sees you as one of those guys. Stay and Ill tell you
why I made that rather offensive comment
Richard stopped moving away, and with a face clearly disgusted, said nothing,
waiting mostly out of curiosity for what was coming
- What I am trying to say it is that it extremely difficult for anyone to really
judge others. And you should know that better than anyone, as youve been
judged very harshly by EVERYONE for a mere database mistake which I do
- ok, but that does not mean we should allow injustices just because we are
unable to discern from good and bad
- And shouldnt indeed, and in fact the father does not allow the minimal
amount of injustice, as hes actually the most just person (or god) in the
- So if hes a god, which means hes all powerful and all, and a father, which
means that is as just as you mention, why does he allow horrible people to live?
Why does he allow such injustice?
- He doesnt
- Well, in such case hes doing a pretty poor job, as thats not what I see. In
fact, the only thing that brought justice was the society we live in, the same it
seems it is criticized by your people
- Thats because you cant see we live in a PROCESS, in a ROAD, not at the end
of it
- Sorry but dont understand

- Ok, Ill make a comparison so you understand. So bear with me a couple of

minutes. You know what tares is?
- Isnt it like a grass which is poisonous or something?
- Yes, more or less. Tares is a grass which is identical to wheat. In fact, it is not
poisonous, but edible. However, unlike wheat, it is bitter, so it is not used as
- ..and?
- Hold on Im getting there. Like I said, both wheat and tare are identical except
when they are fully grown and mature, so the only way to weed it out is to wait
for both to grow until they can be easily discerned. Otherwise you risk weeding
out real wheat by mistake.
- And how does that apply to what we were saying?
- Good people are like wheat, bad people like tare. Only after they are fully
mature is when they can be properly judged, as to not end up punishing good
people by mistake, which you must agree would be a true and real injustice
- So what you mean is that we need to wait for people to grow up in order to be
able to know who is wheat and who is tare?
- No, what I mean to say is that we need to let SOCIETY reach full maturity in
order to do that
- And how would we know when we reached such stage?
- When society LOOKS like wheat, but BEHAVES like tare
- And how do we know when society behaves like tare?
- Remember I told you tare is bitter?
- Yes
- Well, then you have your answer. When society looks like its sweet and
edible such as wheat, when in fact acts in bitter ways, such as happened with
you and many around here
-.. sorry but Im not buying, there is
- sorry to interrupt you Richard, but there is another final point you could
understand. Remember you said tare is poisonous, when I told you it isnt?

- Yes Richard was clearly a little bored

- Well, what makes tare become poisonous is actually a common fungus which
wheat is genetically immune to. This fungus is what has permeated our society,
but affected only the tare people, or those who naturally let it enter their
lives and make them poisonous. Those are the people who, although look like
wheat, are not only bitter, but now are even worse: they are poisonous
- And who are they?
- They are our rulers, the ones dictating the norms of our society, the ones
creating laws, regulations, etc which, under the false pretext of keeping peace,
harmony, etc. only promote dissent, discord, etc
- It seems to me that this father you mention cannot be a god, as a god
would be able to solve all those issues. He should be able to discern without
having to wait for both wheat and tare to grow, he should
- .. be able to give me a Ferrari whenever I wanted! Anton laughed Richard,
that is a childish way to see the world. That, if god is so powerful and so loving,
then there should be no evil and everyone should have whatever they wanted,
whenever they wanted, in any way they wanted. The fact is that the biggest
proof of something being almighty is by NOT having to prove it. When you have
to prove to others you are almighty then its when it starts to look weird. Can
you imagine how ridiculous a god would look if he spent his entire day trying to
prove this, that, and that other guy he was all those things? Thats when
people would NOT believe him. Thats why believing even when you have no
reasons for is the supreme paradox,
- Anton, could you help me with this please? Celene called
- Sorry Richard, duty calls, gotta go. If you want, we can continue this later.
- Sure, go ahead and thank you for the explanations
Anton went to help Celene with some firewood, leaving Richard to his thoughts


As days went by, Richard was invited kindly to do some chores around the
community, simple stuff he actually never had done before, and many he
thought no longer being done such as cutting grass or painting, as in modern
life there were robots to do that kind of thing. However, the one he took the

most liking was taking eggs from the chickens and taking care of them. He had
barely seen live chickens in his life: all the ones he knew were in the form of
processed protein in patties, puree, powdered, etc., so he could not help feel
amazed that they could produce something so big as an egg without, as he put
it, be broken in half when trying to push it out. Some of the eggs went into an
electric incubator, some were kept with their mothers, and some were just
eaten. He had never seen an electric incubator either, so he was at first rather
skeptical that in 3 weeks real chicks would come out of those seemingly dead
eggs. As days went by and he saw the eggs against the light, he was marveled
at the sight of the little chick growing inside, and he became increasingly
interested to see the day when they would hatch.

When that day finally came, he was rather disappointed that the process took
several hours, as he thought the chick would just break the outer shell in just a
big push and be out in minutes. But, as he saw the chick slowly putting his
beak out and starting to break the shell little by little, he was quickly bored and
decided to come back the next morning. Many chicks had indeed hatched, but
some were still trying to come out, and some apparently just died inside the
shell without having even made an initial hole as usually happened. He then
decided to help those who were still trying to come out, but Celene told him
- Richard, Ive tried that many times and it almost never works out, as
- Why? Its simple! Its just a matter of breaking the shell carefully! Ill show
you how!
In front of such lack of humility for someone who had never even seen a chick
before, Celene just shook her head amused, and let Richard figure it out on his
own. In his first try, he just knocked the shell in half to quickly expose the chick
inside, like one would do trying to make a fried egg. However, he found that
the yolk had not yet entered the chickss stomach, so, although the chick
would indeed come out, he would be dead in a few minutes. He then tried to
break the shell little by little using a pin. However, that failed too, as blood
would start to come out and the chick inside would clearly feel pain, as it would
tweet with every try. The end result is that the chick would lose so much blood
that he would also be dead in minutes, and that not even taking into
consideration the possibility that the yolk was also still outside its stomach. All
in all, a pretty depressing and frustrating experience, as Richard genuinely
wanted those chicks to come out, but it seemed the more he tried, the less
they lived. The best he could do was to crack the shell a little in order for the
chick to be able to move inside a little bit better in order to beak itself out of it,
but even that sometimes did not help either, as when the shell was too cracked
the chick would no longer be able to push against it. It was truly frustrating,

and, at the end, he just gave up and decided to let nature take its course,
hopefully for the best. Celene saw an interesting angle here
- Well, by now you must have noticed that its almost impossible
- Yes, it is extremely frustrating, as there is no way to see where the small
arteries cross the shell in order not to cut there. And its really painful to see
the chick tweeting in pain whenever I cut one by mistake. Finally, there is no
way to see if the chicks yolk is still outside even when looking through a light,
as at the end of the hatching period the egg is just pitch black.
- Actually, you reached the same spot I did when I first came here. The only
difference is I had no one to tell me
- Yes, yes, Celene, I get it. It was fool of me: should have listened to you
Richards tone was almost like he was making fun of Celene for just having to
warn him before, but she did not care
- Now that I think about it, there is quite an interesting lesson to be learned
here. Want to hear it?
- Sure - Richards tone was clearly that he did not want listen, but had no
choice but to. Again, Celene did not really care
- We believe that humans are like this chicks, entrapped by matter of which we
need to come out. Some of us are able to, some others we are not, and finally
some others do not even try. But only the first ones get to live.
- Interesting analogy now Richard seemed more interested But how did we
end up in there?
- I guess I can make another analogy with the Karma you believe: it puts us
into a shell which is as thick as the karma we have collected. Thus, the more
karma, the thicker the shell, and thus the harder to come out of it.
- Yes, but your religion has a father who I understand is all loving and therefore
could help us get out of this shell
- just like you just did with those chicks?
Richard did not know what to say.
- Its clear to me that, although some outside help can indeed be useful such
as the case when you just cracked the shell a bit, it is utterly useless when
trying to make the chick come out, as there is no way to know when it is ready
(meaning all the yolk is inside the stomach), or where there are arteries still
with blood crossing the inner part of the shell.

- So, whats your point?

- My point is for the Father it must be equally hard to help us come out of this
earthly shell, that many efforts from his part could lead only to us getting hurt
or even to our deaths. So, most of the effort we must do ourselves if we are to
reach what its today called Valhalla
- Oh, I see. Interesting observation, actually. But still a little depressing, as that
means the Father is not as powerful as we thought and can offer little help in
our salvation.
- Thats the thing, Richard, powerful is a common misconception. Matt for
example had one little girl before his divorce and I understand his child called
him superman, as she saw her dad as a superhero. Still, I am sure that if she
tried to see if Matt could fly as superheroes do and threw him out of a 10 th floor
window, she would be quite disappointed
- So?
- So, thinking a god should be able to do this or that in order to continue to
qualify for us as being god is rather childish. I think you actually had this
conversation with Anton before
- Yes, I believe I did, but we did not end up finishing it as he had to do other
stuff, so Im still unconvinced. It seems that then there is nothing I can expect
from a god, for anything I expect him to be or do will always be thought of
being childish
- Thats because you still see him as god. Like Anton I heard saying, moving
from a god mindset to a father one is tough. We dont really expect fathers
to do everything as we expect from gods: the only thing we truly expect from a
father and will not accept a no is for him to truly love us. I think if I asked
Matts little girl if she truly thought her dad could fly like superman, she would
tell us no, or dont care
- So, isnt anything the father can do to help us out of this earthly shell, as you
put it
- Well, and again making an analogy (as you see, analogies are my thing), if
you could speak the language of chicks, maybe you could tell it how to break
the shell easily, maybe encourage it, that kind of thing
- I get it, but in the case of your religion, how would that apply?
- Well, we think that the Father is extremely happy when someone wants to
honestly hear him and learn. I mean, what normal father, having the financial

means, would not want his child to go to the best school? If even a regular
earthly father knows the importance of education, so should the one up there
- So, what is there to learn?
- What do you mean? To break out of the shell!
- So do I need to go to his school in order to learn? Richard was obviously
making fun of Celene
- No, you can say the Father is a master of homeschooling: he likes to teach
everything himself
Richard did not answer, as he was clearly unconvinced. He just went back to
his daily task of grabbing eggs and feeding the chickens.

The next days Richard was invited for a hunt. The idea was to get a deer or a
boar, which were rather abundant in the woods behind the commune. And, as
Richard claimed he had never hunted (or even liked it), nor knew how to use a
gun, he was just asked to make some noise in order to chase the game to
where the people with the guns were. At first it was rather boring, with a lot of
silent walking in muddy paths among the trees. All of the sudden however a
boar was sighted, and quickly ran into Richards direction. He got scared and,
instead of waving his arms and making noise as instructed, he just started to
run away. The result is that the boar started to chase him, and it was a skillful
shot by Lucene which quickly ended its life. And, even though it looked pretty
dead, she still slit its throat to ensure it, thus covering her hands with blood.
Richard was impressed at her skill with a gun and her not looking the least
bothered by having boar blood in her hands. In fact, this was the first time he
had seen a woman hunt, as he always thought to be the thing of brute,
ignorant men. Lucene was quite pretty: in her middle thirties, dark hair, tanned
skin, dark blue eyes, and a smile which brighten the day. Still, even that smile
could not hide some pain in her eyes, some obvious hurt in her past that left a
scar no pretty smile could ever cover. Still, and even with that show of gore,
Richard could not help feel attracted to her, although the other way around
could not be seen clearly.
- You ok? She said as she got herself up after slitting the boars throat
- Yeah, sure, thanks That was an impressive shot! That thing could have killed

- Bah, not at all. They like to make such displays, but at the end they always
turn and run away.
- Who taught to shoot like that?
- My dad, why?
- Its just this is the first time
- you see a woman hunt? she said with a rascal smile
- Well, yes
- Ive been hunting since I was a kid. My dad taught me everything I know until
his death - now the smile turned off
- Sorry to hear that
- Dont worry. Hey guys, could you please get this boar so we go back? she
shouted and walked away
Richard could not help feel impressed by Lucene, and learned through Matt
that she carried a burden no one can unload her off from of thinking she
caused the death of her father. Actually, Lucenes father was Matts boss at
Chryseis, and since both also lived at the same compound, they used to see
each other quite frequently. And, even though Matt was quite older, Lucene
grew a crush on him which became stronger and lasted longer than expected.
But since Matt could not respond to her interests, she started to go out ever
more frequently maybe with the idea of making him jealous or just trying to
forget him. Her father could not agree to that reckless behavior, and that
created an increasing tension between both, which was augmented by the fact
her mother had passed away and she had no brothers, sisters, or next of kin to
interfere. So, after returning for yet another sleepless night, she saw from
behind a couch her fathers legs twitching into a seizure which led him into a
coma which finally meant his death after a couple of weeks. Since then she
blamed herself on his death, and no argument from the doctors that her father
was overweight, that he drank and smoked too much, that he was under an
enormous pressure from his work, etc., could convince her otherwise. Worse
was when the very same insurance company he had devoted his entire life
refused to honor his soul insurance on grounds that he could not take proper
care of his daughter and was basically leaving a wench behind (thus, an entire
wasted life), thus forcing him to resurrect (at least he did not end up in
Gehenna) into someone she would not ever meet nor knew who he was (and
who would not recognize her anyways even if she did find him). Her story
actually was the last drop in convincing Matthew that the entire story of soul
insurance was just plain wrong, and to start looking for another way. So they

eventually joined the community and that old crush just became a mutual
friendship and trust that even Jenniffer did not feel threatened about.
- Matt, - Richard said as they both were walking back home with the boar
sorry but I dont understand one thing about your religion
- Tell me and if I can I will help you
- The thing is that it speaks so much about love, compassion, forgiveness, and
yet does not seem to care about killing an animal
- What do you mean we dont care? You saw how Lucene even slit its throat to
make sure it was dead even though it looked pretty much
- Yes, that was actually a beautiful shot. However, it is still cruel and needless
- Needless? Why? We are not going to eat it?
- Eat it? Why? You could just go to a supermarket and buy meat
- And pay with what, since none of us has a WKM?
- You dont? Ohhh yes, I noticed. How did you get rid of it?
- Well, as you know it generates bioluminescence, which is basically a reaction
between luciferin and luciferase. Both are proteins, and I believe you also know
that any protein in our body is encoded in our DNA and read (like they say,
expressed) from time to time to generate more protein. So its just a matter
of preventing that particular strand of our DNA to be read, and in a matter of
days the WKM turns off naturally. So we take certain medications on a regular
basis to ensure that it stays off.
- But why? Dont think its useful? How can you live without it?
- That is the thing, Richard, it is not useful, and we can indeed live without it.
But of course you see that it is not as easy as being part of a regular society in
which everyone has it on and is checked on a regular basis for his karma, or
goodness levels
- But without it or without brainscans it is impossible to know if the person you
are dealing with is a criminal, or even worth to interact with
- Yes, it is indeed impossible, but we think those two things are just evil and
thus we reject their use

- Evil? Why? They are the reason why there is no more crime, wars, etc. How
can that ever be a bad thing? Are you saying they were not responsible for
those advances?
- No, I do recognize that they meant an enormous advance in our society, and
they indeed were responsible for no more wars, crime, etc.
- So? Hows that evil? I heard some rather odd things around here, but sorry
this one I will not buy!
- It is indeed a complicated thing, but did you not feel any better that you were
not scanned when you arrived here?
- Yes, and I appreciated that. Everyone has been quite supportive.
- Later we can talk about this. For now, I think its enough for you to
understand that the father wants the best for his children, but will not enforce
it as it happens in our society today
- I dont get it. It seems that both the world and the father seem to have the
same objectives, which is preserving the peace and to remove those who
jeopardize it. Am I wrong?
- No, in that part you are right. In fact, it is known for example that drug lords
do not allow criminals to operate in their areas of operation, as they call
unwanted attention from the police, and thats why in many cases its actually
safer to live near them as they keep regular criminals out.
- So, again I cant see the difference
- The difference lies into something called forgiveness. And I can actually make
a useful comparison. You may have noticed that selfish people are rather
unforgiving: you may have offered years of good service, and still if you fail just
once, that single failure seems to weight more than all those years. That a
single blemish on an otherwise unpolluted record is enough for render all that
record useless.
- Yes, Ive seen a couple or bosses that were like that: you could do the world
for them, but if you failed just once, they would forget all that and focus only
on that single failure.
- In fact, remember Celenes story: she worked great for years, and still they
could not forgive an old mistake of lying about having gotten a degree
- Yes, so I heard

- Well, then the opposite must be also true: the person who is able to forget
plenty of errors if the person only shows a single desire to improve yourself, or
if he can produce just one good deed. Then that single good deed takes
precedence and becomes more important that all those mistakes.
- And that person is the father I suppose
- Yes, you supposed correctly. He is able to forgive as many times as needed,
but expects us to do the same also. That is why we do not take into account
what the person did when he arrives here.
- So is that the basis of your religion?
- Well, I would not go that far, but it is the hardest part to accept. There is a
saying that claims that when the alms are too great, the beggar thinks there is
something wrong, meaning that we are so used to being denied forgiveness,
compassion, etc, that when we receive it abundantly we think there is a catch,
that we cant possibly be that lucky, etc. That is actually a huge mistake, as it
may prevent the father from actually manifesting that mercy.
- Why?
- Because it shows a lack of trust on the love of the father and a lack of desire
to actually connect with him as a child. It creates a barrier to his love.
- But, back to the boar, I still cant understand why people who talk so much
about love can actually kill an innocent animal.
- Well, that is actually a trend which has been increasing for the past decades,
which is to think of us humankind as less than animals
- We are less than animals. We kill for pleasure for example. An animal would
never do that.
- Never you say? I invite you then to see who orcas keep playing Ping-Pong with
their tails with dead penguins they are not going to eat.
-Well, havent seen that one. But we still kill much more than we need for our
existence. Animals only kill what they want.
- Sorry Richard, but again you are wrong. Wolves are known for example to
drive entire hordes of buffalo into cliffs during their hunts, eating just a few,
and letting the rest to just rot there. Orcas, again, are known to kill baby whales
only to eat their tongues and leaving the rest to rot
- Having seen that either. How do you know all that?

- Besides working with computers, I have a degree on biology.

By then they were already arriving at the commune, so Richard thought best to
leave it for another occasion. The boar was actually quite tasty, and everyone
ate to his or her hearts content. The next days Richard did not see Lucene, as
he learned she was travelling away for some days. He really liked her, and
despite the fact that he was already too old for her, he did not see that as a
problem, as that was only internal: he did look like someone in his thirties. In
fact, he was even considering already that, if things went well between then,
he could maybe translate his consciousness into another body. It was an
expensive procedure and he could not see a way to pay for it as the banks had
locked up all his money due to his soul insurance problem. Still, he was
confident that he could somewhat unravel that problem, recover his life, and
maybe spend the rest of it besides that girl who was becoming the focus of his
dreams. So, he was quite happy when he learned she had returned, and tried
to find ways to meet her. The occasion appeared when he found her doing
some practice shooting behind some houses in the commune.
- Hey, whats up?
- Hey she did not look thrilled to speak with him
- Doing some shootings?
- Practicing. I am the communitys main source of food I guess She smiled, so
Richard felt an angle there
- Really? Thats great. But have you considered just purchasing the food at a
- You may have noticed that we dont have WKMs. Actually, I believe you had
that conversation already with Matt already it was clear she had heard the
entire conversation
- Actually, yes. It is just that I find this style of living so
- primitive?
- Well, I would not put it this way. It is just that
Lucene put down the gun, clearly prepared for a speech, and started:
- Listen, if you think you are fooling Matt, Jenniffer, Anton, etc thats ok but
please dont include me. You have no intention of becoming a part of this
community, but to just use it

until you feel strong enough to go back to your perfect world. The thing is that
we dont think that world is perfect and thus we took the option to just live
outside it. But from what I hear you insist in belonging to it and being a pawn of
the headmaster. I pray that you someday find out that you are just part of a
very evil scheme, but until then Id like to resume my shooting if thats fine
with you.
Richard was speechless in front of such a rude and unexpected comment, and
rather disappointed at the clear fact all his dreams about Lucene were just silly
teen dreams and there would be nothing between then. So he could not say
anything and just turned his back, leaving her to her shooting practices and
thinking he would not ever speak a word to her again.

The next days Richard spent rather annoyed at what happened, but still
pondering what Lucene meant by being a pawn of the headmaster. He found
that rather offensive, whoever that headmaster was, he did not feel like
being his pawn. He wanted to ask someone what that was, but could not
decide who would be the best person. He was given some chores in the
community, which he did with a good intention, as he wanted to disprove
Lucenes ideas that he was just a parasite who would just run at the first
occasion not caring who he left behind and at what state. So, he helped fix a
barn, painted a nearby house, cut the grass around others, helped collect
firewood, helped with the kitchen (made a stuffed chicken which came out
pretty good), and tried to do as many things as to remove Lucenes ugly words
from his head. However, after some days of incessant head pounding, he felt
he had had enough and needed to speak with someone. The person he chose
was Rufus, a nice but clearly not a very bright fellow he met during his barn
fixing days, who he thought maybe would understand what he was going
through. He found him sawing some wood to build maybe a chair or something,
as Rufus was an accomplished carpenter, and thus often called to repair the
shacks everyone lived at. In fact, Rufus owned a small carpentry shop which
made household furniture, employed a couple of employees, and everything
was peaceful and stable. However, he met once a company executive who put
in his head ideas of expanding, of hiring more people, or becoming as
successful as him, etc. Rufus head was turned, made several bank loans in
order to buy a bigger shop, larger machinery, hire more personnel, etc., and
switched into making corporate furniture, thinking that there would be a
market for his products. Soon he realized that was a completely different
market, in which the least bit of defect meant an entire batch of furniture being
sent back, in which there were large players who did not enjoy having a new
competitor in town and had all the cash flow required to sell at a loss for as
long as needed, and where there simply not enough orders to keep the
company afloat. Soon enough, employees were not being paid, machinery was

being repossessed by the banks (he could not see why, as they could not
possibly return it to the manufacturer and had nowhere to sell them), and labor
lawsuits started to pile up. His wife, who had been against the move ever since
the beginning, soon divorced him, creating yet another financial loss on his
shoulders, and he ended up with such karma in his WKM that no one dared
approach him for whatever reason.

- Hey Rufus, whats up

- Hey Rich
- Can I talk to you for a moment?
Rufus stopped sawing, got a nearby towel to dry the sweat from his forehead,
and said Sure
- I spoke with Lucene some days ago
- You did? Good luck he smiled
- Why?
- Lucene is a great girl, but she can be quite temperamental. I guess its her
Irish ancestry or something
- Actually, I did get a taste of her temper
- Well, does not surprise me. Shes pretty and thus guys usually hit on her, but
they soon turn their backs after they taste her kick. The problem is that she still
thinks she killed her father, and no one is able to remove that from her head. I
guess with time shell get over it and become a sweeter gal. Even then, her
Irish temper will still be there! Rufus laughed
- One thing she told me though which intrigued me: she said I was a pawn of
the headmaster
- Ah, that. Yes.
- Could you explain that to me?
- I dont think I am the right person for that. You should ask Matt. Or Celene.
They are the smart ones: Im just a grunt.

- Actually, I thought youd be more appropriate, as I thought you were quite

nice. After Lucenes kick, I am afraid of asking questions and being kicked
again, if you understand what I mean
- I do and I can tell you what I know. As for Lucene, I will speak with Matt, her
attitude is just not proper for this community and our religion, and her personal
issues cannot justify it
- Please dont. Its just not a big thing, and I probably deserved it
- Actually, here comes Matt. Hey, Matt! Could you please come down a sec?
Richard did not know where to bury his head, as Rufus explained that Lucene
could just not continue acting like that, that someone needed to remind her
about what this community and their religion was all about, etc. So, after
something like 10 minutes that felt like 10 hours, Rufus ended up his speech
saying Ah! Rich wanted to know about the headmaster. Could you explain it to
him? Matt approached Richard.
- Sorry if Lucene was a little abrupt. She is recovering from the death of her
father and thus she isnt herself. Actually, this is not the first time it happens: I
will speak with her and
- no problem, there is no need.
- , no, I insist, but let me tell you what she meant by headmaster Matt
started to walk away and Richard followed You know that in our religion we
follow what you call god and we call father, tight?
- Yes, that part I already got
- Well, as you know, the father is an all-loving well,..father
- Ok
- Problem is that hes not alone. Just like hes all-loving, there is a person who
is all-hating
- Hold on, the devil?
- Yes, thats how its known many times
- Ok, I got it Richard laughed Sorry, but I cant buy that. No fairy tales for

- Well, I am not asking you to believe it. I am only telling you what we call by
headmaster. Actually, I find that name silly myself
- Regardless on the name, it is just a fictional character
- Is it? Do you believe at least in the father?
- Yes, to an extent. I believe there must be a good character who keeps all
things together, much like what you follow
- Great. Now, if you believe in light and darkness, hot and cold, up and down,
yes and no, etc., why in the case of that good person you dont believe in the
opposite as well?
- .. ahh, ok. I get it. However,
- Richard. It is quite convenient to only see the good side of something and
just ignore the bad side. However, the world is made of opposing sides and all
those black, white, up, down, etc could very well be manifestations of those
- Like Ying and Yang?
- Yes, more or less. The theory of Ying and Yang claim there are two forces and
the counterbalance each other. We dont think they both are forces: only one
is, the other is just not a force.
- What do you mean?
- Ill give you an example. Have you ever seen a flashlight of black light?
Something which casts a black light which darkens the spot it is pointing to?
- No, is there such a thing?
- No, there is not. The fact is that light always conquers darkness, but the
opposite does not happen. You can think of opposing SIDES, but to think of
opposing FORCES is just silly. It is like two soccer teams which one always wins
because it has the best players, trainers, etc, whereas the other always loses
because they have poor players, trainers, etc. They can still play matches, but
after a while it will become quite evident that one always wins and the other
always loses.
- And what is the player of the headmaster in all that?
- We believe that hes the one in charge of the world we live in, and the one
dictating the rules

- wait a minute. That is absurd. We live in an all-loving society, and if hes as

bad as you say he is, then we should live in an all-hating society!
- Actually, we THINK we live in an all-loving society, when in fact we live in an
all-hating one
- What? Again, that is absurd, sorry but I am not buying. We do not have wars,
crime, etc. So how is that not an all-loving society?
- We already had this conversation, remember? I told you that drug lords do not
allow crime in their areas of business, so there is peace and no crime. Yet, I don
t think anyone would consider a drug lord as an all-loving guy.
- So, what would be a truly all-loving society, in your view?
- Not in my view, by in the view of the father. One, and again we already went
through this, in which there is FORGIVENESS. For forgiveness is like the
thermometer of love: the more you love, the more you automatically forgive.
I understand you took a liking of Lucene, right? And I am sorry its not my
business and I dont like gossip, but it was pretty apparent from your face
when she saved you for that boar Matt could not help hide a small laughter
- Well, yes, but she wasnt well, friendly
- Then you may have noticed she doesnt have one ear?
- She doesnt?
- Its actually pretty apparent and a birth defect from what I know, but you did
not notice it, right?
- No, I did not.
- That is because you, and again not my business, liked her. When we like
someone we do not note her faults: we FORGIVE them. It is like they never
existed. I am not enamored of Lucene, and although I agree shes pretty, I can
t help noticing her birth mark.
- So, again, what is the role of the headmaster or whatever in all this
- That, like I said, we consider him the ruler of this world and he made it into
something that LOOKS good, but FEELS bad. The all-loving society where
there is
- no forgiveness and I should know this better than anyone as no one had
any forgiveness or understanding on the fact I could not produce a soul

insurance and thus treated me like dirt. But always with a supposedly good
intention. Thus, the LOOKS of goodness, but the FEELING of badness
- Amazing! You understood it perfectly! Maybe the father himself told you that!
- What? No, I am not worthy of the father or any god for that matter speaking
to me. Actually, no one is. I appreciate it, but its just a simple conclusion
- Actually, we think different. We think that the father speaks directly to those
who are undeserving if he feels that could change them
- Thank you for considering me undeserving Richard laughed - But why
would he waste his time with underserving people?
- To make them deserving. You cant fill a cup which is already full. We also
went through that already. And sorry did not mean to insult or anything
- No prob. So what you mean is that the father always chooses the
- .. the losers, the underserving, the rejects, as those are ready to accept
him. You will see no Einsteins among us, as they are too proud to accept that
all their knowledge is basically Trivial-Pursuit-level stuff and thus do not want
to relearn anything
- So if the headmaster or whatever rules the world, then how is the father a
winner? It seems to me the other way around.
- The father rules Valhalla, which you agree is a much, much better place than
this world
- And who rules Gehenna? The headmaster?
- Exactly
- So he rules 2 worlds whereas the father rules 1? Still does not look like a
winner to me.
- Well, considering the quality of the worlds he rules, I disagree. He could rule
200 worlds for all I care, but it they all suck as much as this world and
Gehenna, its a lose in my dictionary
- And how then the headmaster rules this world?
- Through the WKMs

- What? You mean that this device I have in my wrist is actually a tool of the
- Pretty much
- Again, sorry, but this is absurd. This tool of the devil is what allows people
to relate to each other in an all-loving manner, just like the brainscanners. For it
allows everyone to know each others intentions, memories, etc, before
engaging in any transaction, and thus avoids crimes, wars, etc
- It is also a way to FORCE everyone to be good, as if you dont have those
you cant even buy a chicken in the supermarket and you end up being forced
to hunt in order to have something to eat, much like us
- Well, what is the problem with forcing everyone to be good? If thats what it
takes, then its fine with me
- Well, one can also whip everyone into submission much what it is done in the
circuses with tigers, lions, etc. And you must remember those were considered
cruel many years ago and thus forbidden. So how is it not cruel to force
everyone to be good through the use of a device?
- Sorry but I dont think comparing the WKM to the whip of a circus trainer is
- Is it not? Both force some entity to behave, to be good, right?
- Yes, but one does it by means of a whip, whereas the other does it
- by totally excluding the person from society and basically letting him to
starve to death. For thats what would have happened if you did not end up
here, or not?
- Well, I am not so sure of that. There are places where you can still buy stuff
without a WKM
- Yes, at something like 3 times the regular price. And with what money, since
all banks shut off ones funds as soon as something irregular is found with one
s aura, or like you, when no soul insurance is found?
- Actually, this was predicted over a couple of thousands of years ago: that we
d reach a society in which And that no man might buy or sell, save he that
had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name

- And that mark is the WKM, right?

- Actually, both the WKM and the brainscanner. The prophecy also said He
required everyone--small and great, rich and poor, free and slave--to be given a
mark on the right hand or on the forehead, pretty much where we implement
the WKM and the brainscanner
- Ok, suppose that there exists indeed this character you guys call headmaster,
and that hes the source of all evil and thus a natural enemy of the father. Why
doesnt the father end him up and thus end all the injustice, evil, etc which
arises from him?
- Well, it is an all loving father, so EVEN him he tries to forgive. And its not like
we are saints you know? If he was to finish off ALL evil in the universe, he
would have to include us!
- Wait a minute! I am not an evil person! I helped with charities and
- so do banks
- What do you mean?
- If helping at charities is a sign of being good, then banks are good entities, as
they all help with charities
- But they only do it because it covers up their bad deeds and because it looks
good with the public and shareholders! I dont think they do it because they
are nice, warm, and sensitive to peoples feelings!
- I could not agree more: what I am trying to say is that your example for
goodness is not proof enough: more is needed
- I never thought about it. Ok, I see it, there is a point, but its too much to take
for now. If you dont mind, I am going home to have something to eat and we
can talk about this later, ok?
Matt said nothing and Richard walked home, looking like someone who was
exposed to a terrible truth and was trying to digest it.


Richard could not help feel bad at what happened with Lucene: maybe indeed
she had a point and he wasnt the good person he thought he was? So, it was a
mix of feelings he had not felt before and was having trouble digesting. To
make matters worse, the osteoporosis really kicked in and made him unable to
perform his daily chores, which only made him feel even worse, feeling like a
parasite, as he watched everyone sowing, planting, fixing, hammering,
cooking, washing, etc. while he would just sit all day in the porch. He thought a
soul cleansing procedure and maybe a spiritual connection could be useful in
solving those issues: that he would get his answers there. In this part, having a
large karma on WKM and no soul insurance could allow him to get a
government benefit destined exactly to those cases. However, he still needed
to get to a GSC, or Government Spiritual Center, and the closest was far almost
a day by bus, so hed have to sleep on the street in order to be early enough to
get a number and start the treatment, which lasted almost an entire day. He
then recalled a fellow he had met named Maltus had an old speeder, and
thought maybe he could get a ride.

Maltus was a big, big man. In his youth, he had been captain of his schools
soccer team, playing as defense, as no player was tall or strong enough to drop
him. Actually, it was quite the other way around, when Maltus got the ball,
most likely the player who had it would end up in the floor. Sometimes a little
grumpy, otherwise he was a fairly nice guy who spoke little and minded his
own business. He used to be a doctor, a pediatrician to be exact, and worked in
several hospitals at once. That slowly led to a buildup in his stress levels,
something which at the time no WKM could detect. In fact, all models ever
since the beginning, besides the obvious karma, dharma, and other spiritual
parameters, kept a record of heart beatings, glucose levels, blood pressure,
and other pretty basic health parameters, as it was required by law in order to
keep the population healthy and prevent needless hospitalizations. However,
the law at the time did not require cortisol, adrenalin, serotonin, and other
stress-related hormones to be tracked, so Maltus could not see those were by
the roof when he, during a surgical procedure on an 8-year old, started to have
a seizure and ended up cutting the child by mistake with the scalpel. The child
was otherwise unharmed, but still with a scar on his side, so his family decided
to sue Maltus for medical malpractice. It was thought that he, being a doctor,
should be the most qualified person to see his own health and thus determine
that his hormone levels were wayward, and thus his claims that those were not
required by the law fell on empty. He lost his practice, his home, his girlfriend
at the time, and was forced to move into a shelter. There he met Anton, who
told him about the community and he thought he had nothing to lose, so he
moved there. He was still learning and did not understand or even agree with
many of the canadian philosophies, but still he was respectful and tried to learn
about them. Once an old patient found him living there and decided to give him
an old speeder he was about to send to the junkyard, so thats how he got
what Richard thought could take him to the GSC.

- Hey Maltus, how you doing?

- Hi Richard
- Listen, Ill go straight to the point as I see you are doing some stuff there. The
thing is that I need to go to a GSC, and as you probably know, the nearest is
too far away to reach by bus and be able to come back the same day. I was
thinking maybe you could give me a ride?
- Richard, I am sorry but I dont think its proper for me to help you with that
- Why?
- Its just that in our religion contacting the otherworld is just a big no, no. It is
strictly forbidden, and if I helped you in that, Id consider myself an accomplice
on something which is very wrong
- Why is wrong? Whats the problem in getting help for others? Thats what we
do in those centers, as you know. We contact the otherworld in order to ask for
- thats the thing, Richard. Getting help is always good, but only if you are
certain that the person trying to help you is indeed a friend and has the best
intentions for you
- Isnt it the case with the Routines?
- No, I am afraid its not. Its like you borrowing money from someone you don
t know. It could be an NGO, a charity institution, a bank, or even a loan shark.
Maybe youd be lucky and get it from a charity and find out it does not charge
you interests or you dont even have to return it. Or maybe you are unlucky
and find out that it was a loan shark who will send you to very large dudes to
break your legs if you dont pay back
Richard lost his temper and, since it was obvious he was not going to get
anything from Maltus, decided to spell it out clean
- It seems that everything I suggest around here is always wrong. The WKMs
are wrong, brainscanners are wrong, this society is wrong, now even the
research of Dr. Rutgen is wrong!
- Actually, I believe Dr. Rutgen to be a genius who found out something quite

- So, you agree with me?

- No, I dont and Ill tell you why. If we go back something like 2 or 3 hundred
years ago (youd ask Matt as hes the biologist, actually I got this from him),
youd find a French researcher called Dr. Pasteur. He claimed there were
microscopic things called bacteria which were responsible for diseases and
invented a method to get rid of them, which was basically boiling them (thus
the name pasteurization). And, even though that theory had been around for
centuries, he was still called a fraud, exactly like Dr. Rutgen. Now we know
bacteria do exist and we are fine with it, but we still dont mess with them
even though there are many which are indeed useful, such as some which live
in our gut and help us with digestion. Again, thats what Matt taught me and
youd have to speak with him if you want further info.
- So, the spirits we speak with are like bacteria? Richard could not help
contain a laughter
- Exactly. Today thanks to Dr. Rutgens research we have been able to contact
them, like it happened when the microscope was discovered. Still, we dont
ask bacteria to help us, and thus neither we should ask spirits. They belong
to different worlds, so let them be.
- Again, it seems that everything I do, think, or speak is always wrong in this
community! It is truly frustrating!
- Richard, you and I come from a world in which just about EVERYTHING is
wrong, so thats unsurprising. And if it helps feel you any better we all went
through the same process when we joined this community. In fact, there are
still many things here I dont understand or even agree upon; So I agree its
tough and makes you feel like you can never do anything right. But everyone
still loves you and understands you, as we suffered ourselves the same thing
you are going thru
- Well, so you cant help me go to the GSC
- I hope you understand I am saying no because I care about you
Richard said nothing and just turned away and left Maltuss house. However,
he could not believe anything Maltus said. He had been in plenty of Routines
and in all cases they went great, having received excellent and very valuable
advice which meant great advances in his career, relationships, etc. So he had
no reason to believe any of Maltus words except for coming from some lunatic.
Also, the fact it was hearsay, as it was really Matts ideas, did not exactly help
with credibility, so he just dismissed the entire conversation as being
hallucinogenic, and decided to just go by bus and sleep on the street until the
next morning.

The night was long and he spent it on a bench at a nearby park, so as soon as
the sun was up, he got up with a very hurtful back (the osteoporosis did not
help much there) and he headed towards the line for people with no means to
pay for a Routine.

The lady in charge was surprisingly nice, the place extremely clean, the people
working there quite professional no one would ever think a governments
office could work so well, especially when compared to the public hospitals for
the destitute, where roaches on the floor and no meds on the shelves were
commonplace. He was served coffee, offered a place to relax (even the
magazines were new) until his time came everything was so great that he
even wondered why he had paid so many years for these Routines when he
could have gotten them for free at a, if not equal, even of higher quality.
- Mr. Galhagar? The lady was nicely dressed in a white medical robe, and
despite some acne, she looked nice and quite professional
- Yes, thats me
- My name is Maika and I will be accompanying you today in the Routine if that
s ok with you. Shall we?
- Sure! Lets go

Richard followed Maika through a long corridor and into the Chamber Area. It
was identical to the ones employed by Chryseis: basically a wide room with a
floor with a black and white checker-board-type design, a wooden place where
to stand located right in the middle, and headlights pointing to it. Richard knew
the Routines quite well, so he quickly went to the wooden stand, untied his
shirt, lifted one of the legs of his trousers, sat down in a lotus position, and
started to repeat Hao every second or so. After some minutes of this
repetitive mantra, Maika quietly left and let Richard alone. Richard did not
know how long he was there as no watches or clocks of any kind were allowed
in Chamber Areas, but when he felt purified enough, he pressed a small button
on the side of the stand, and in a matter of seconds Maika was back.
- Ready now for the next step?
- Yes, Maika, thank you. How long has it been?
- 4 hours and 40 minutes approximately
- Whoa. Very productive this Routine! Lets go now to the next phase, shall we?

The next phase was basically to speak with the spirit world. To this end, it was
required the person be previously purified. For this, time repeating the mantras
at the Chamber Area were required followed by a good bath in one of the GSC
s public baths. These, much to Richards amazement, were heated (some
offered by soul insurance companies were not, and the water sometimes was
freezing cold), soap, towels and even flip-flops to walk around were offered.
Again, quite amazing compared to the service being offered at public hospitals
where you should be happy if you ever made it out of them still alive. So, after
a long, relaxing bath (especially when compared to the facilities offered at the
community where he was living), he could not feel more purified and, thus,
ready to get all his questions answered by the otherworld. So, he left the bath,
dried himself, and with the cloaks being offered, he went to the Connection
Area. This was basically an extremely fast cycle generator and radio tuner.
Based on Dr. Rutgens research, the cycle generator created the environment
required to sync with the waves being used by the otherworld, hundreds of
million times faster than the ones used for example, by a brainscanner. As for
the tuner, itd pick up whatever spirit (called ectoplasm) was around and
listening at the time, and start the dialogue between him and the person, much
like a radio contact between an aircraft and a control tower. The system being
employed, a SyncSpirit 4000, was top of the line, and, again, Richard was
impressed the government could afford to offer something so sophisticated to
the outcast population such as himself, since even the one used by Chryseis
(which was a leader in the soul insurance market), was the 1500 model, whose
audio capabilities were less than optimal.
Maika called a technician who started the equipment. It took several minutes to
reach full speed due to the extremely large number of cycles required to tune
in to the otherworld, and soon enough, as it always happened, one could start
to listen to sounds which looked human. Some clearly happy, others not so,
and others extremely unhappy. The technician kept altering the frequency up
and down in order to sync with the voices which definitely sounded happy, and
when he thought he had found one, he started to ask the voices if one was
available to speak. As soon as one said yes, he left his chair to leave Richard to
speak with that ectoplasm in privacy.

The conversation was brief, but, to Richards views, extremely constructive. He

learned from the ectoplasm that it wasnt Richards fault, that nothing he did
was bad, incorrect, or anything like that, that he was basically on the right
path, and that he shouldnt really listen to any of the theories mentioned by
the canadian community, as they were well intentioned but just incorrect. The
ectoplasm could not (or did not feel like) telling Richard what had happened
with his soul insurance file, but it didnt really matter as he told Richard that
someone at Chryseis would call him soon, as they had found a positive
answer to the problem. Richard could not be happier at the news, and found
that he had done himself a great deal by going so far to the GSC, sleeping on a

bench, etc. He returned home feeling like a new man and ready to face the
obvious good news that lied ahead and his comeback to the real life.

- Mr. Galhagar? The braincall woke up Richard, and the fact it was at 8 AM
made it the more strange
- Yes, who is it?
- My name is Manika and I work for Chryseis. Can I speak with you now?
Richard quickly got out of bed Yes! Yes! Thats me. Please tell me.
- But can you speak now?
- Yes! I can speak now!
- If you are busy I can call some other time
- Listen, I already said twice I can speak now! If you have something to say,
please do!
(Your karma increased by 2 points - rudeness)
- Sorry to disturb you, Mr. Galhagar, but I was asked to look into your soul
insurance file, and if thats ok with you Id like to set up an appointment so we
can put a definite close on the matter
- I new it! Its just like the ectoplasm claimed! They are calling me because
they finally found the freaking insurance and they want to apologize. I will
finally get my life back and be on way to redemption!, he thought.
-sure! I can do it anytime! Today for example?
- Today I am afraid its impossible, as I have an internal course I must attend.
Do you have another day?
- Well, like I said, I can do this anytime. Tomorrow then?
- Tomorrow I am afraid I am still at the course
- Ok, so when is your course finished?

- Its a week and a half course, and ends next Friday. Today is Tuesday, correct?
So we can set it up for next Monday.
Richard was about to lose his patience with this obviously pretty stupid person
who calls people weeks ahead of being able to set up anything with them, but
he was able to control himself and agree to the meeting which would happen
after almost two weeks. He did not even bother to ask what the call was about,
as he thought it was pretty obvious because of what the spirits had claimed
during the Routine. So he just thanked and hanged up.
The next days he was extremely irritated, counting days for the two weeks to
pass in order to finally, as he imagined itd be, to get his insurance back and
hopefully his life also. He created every excuse under the sun to not do any
chores, spending instead the days wandering outside and basically doing
nothing. No one said anything as they realized those were pretty irritating days
for Richard, but it was clear they were not happy either of having among
themselves basically a parasite who helped with nothing.

So, when the day arrived, Richard dressed up the best way he could in order to
look minimally presentable, hoping that no one would realize the kind of hippylike life he was living. He just walked to a nearby speederbus stop and waited
long time until one finally arrived. And even though it was not going exactly
where Chryseis was located and thus hed have to take another, he thought it
was still better than waiting even more for the right one.

So, he was again in the same good looking offices he had been before, with the
same coffee, water, etc as before, and this time, hopefully, with a file and a big
apology with some kind of financial compensation or something similar.
- Mr. Galhagar? I am Manika, nice to meet you. Manika was of obvious Indian
ancestry, with the typical english packed with strong retroflexed rs which
made it a little hard for people not used to understand, but thankfully that was
not Richards case, as he had worked with people from Bengaluru before.
- Nice to meet you as well
- Have you got coffee, water, etc?
- Yes I had, and Id like please to get this over with Richard was clearly not
interested in coffee
- Ok, Mr. Richard, first of all Id like to apologize for what happened, and in the
name of Chryseis, state that this is not the proper way to act. In fact, this has

been reported to upper management in order to avoid ever happening again

- at this point Richard was not listening anymore to this obvious corporate
garbage and all he wanted was for Manika to stop her babbling and get to the
point. He was however able to listen to all that junk with a firm face, until
Manika finally ended
- So, Mr. Galhagar, I am here to say that, after extensive research into your
case, we have finally closed the case, as we have indeed found that you have
never had any soul insurance with us
- Excuse me, what?
- Its like I said: we analyzed your case with the utmost care, and found out
that indeed you never acquired a soul insurance with this company
- Excuse me, but I still dont understand. You mean that I came all the way here
just to be informed of what your company already told me several times?
- I thought youd like to hear it in person, that we have finally closed your case
- What Id like to hear in person was that you FOUND my file!
- Unfortunately that was not the case, as like I said you never had an insurance
with us, except for that
- Honda, I know! So, again, you make me come from far just to listen to this
(Your karma increased by 1 point swearing)
- Excuse me Mr. Galhagar, but I still think it was useful to make you come here,
as that is company policy which I must abide to, and.
- ok, so all the payment documents I gave your manager and which he
refused to return mean nothing, right?
- I am sorry, but what documents?
- Like I said, several receipts which prove I had been paying monthly all my life
the soul insurance your company insists to say I never acquired
- I am sorry, Mr. Galhagar, but I do not have any proof of payment in my file
- WHAT? I gave something like 100 receipts and you have NONE?
- Who did you give it to?

- I dont know! It was your manager, I guess! You mean to tell me that you
never saw those documents?
- I am sorry Mr. Galhagar, but as you can see in your folder there are no
receipts. Manika opened and showed a folder full of paper such as a contract,
internal memos, etc., but with no receipts of any kind I would need you to tell
me the name of the person you spoke with so I can contact him and ask him if
he did receive those documents you claim you gave him, as
Richard did not allow Manika to finish before starting a barrage of insults,
swearing, yelling, and what not with the basic idea that she was an
incompetent who just wasted his time and gave him a false illusion and hopes
of a happy end. The yelling took onto such decibels that Manika started to cry
and the companys guards were called. Richard was then basically forced out
of the building, where he still continued to yell and shout for several minutes
until he ran out of steam and decided to go back home.

In the bus back, his WKM said

(Your karma increased by 2000 points causing someone to be fired). He
then realized that person could only be Manika. Yes, it was clear she wasnt the
brightest person on the universe, but Richard could not help feel a little guilty
at the fact that, even though she was probably only following company policy,
she was still fired, when should actually be the idiot who had created such
moronic policies. He arrived back late afternoon only to find his dinner already
served but cold, which he did not eat anyways.

The next day, as he was going out of Matts shack and into his daily chores, he
nearly crossed with Lucene, who was clearly leaving the community, as she
was carrying a large bag. He thought about offering to help her carry
something which was clearly too heavy for her, but the thought of getting a yet
bigger (and this time deserved) kick stopped him. As he watched her walk
away, Jenniffer approached him
- Sometimes this happens. People who come here who do not really belong,
who are still too attached to their former lives and thus those strings end up
pulling them back
Richard could not help feel Jenniffer was actually referring to him and not to
- Are you referring to Lucene or to me?

- I dont know, Richard. No one can know what happens in peoples hearts and
minds. In the case of Lucene, she needs accept the Fathers forgiveness for
maybe having killed her earthly father, but in order for that to happen there is
a string she needs to cut, which is her being unable to forgive herself
- Do you think I have strings?
- Richard, I believe we all do. The idea is cut them day by day: our religion is
not a hocus-pocus thing where all of the sudden you wake up enlightened and
holy, but a PROCESS, which takes time as there are many, many strings which
keep us tied to the world: maybe many more that we could ever think. Myself
for example, I truly enjoyed using drugs, and maybe if you put in front of me a
syringe I would not hesitate in using it. Thats why many times the father is
obliged to keep us physically away from those things, so we can finally cut that
string and be able to return to the world
- You mean this community is not final? That there is the possibility of people to
return to the, excuse me, normal world?
- Actually, Richard, that is the purpose. This is like a hospital, where you come
to get treated until you are strong enough to return to your normal life Richard saw here a hope of returning to his regular life. Jenniffers words were
what the medic prescribed at that moment: the idea of getting his life back
But we are expected to not just get cured, but to LEARN to how heal. In other
words, to go back to the, as you say, normal world, but as DOCTORS, in order
to heal more people. In this sense, this is not only a hospital, but also a
school, where not only we get cured from the sickness of this world, but we
also learn about them in order to apply that cure when we are back in that
- But what if someone decides to just live the rest of his life here?
- Well, doctors spend a large (some Id say even the totality) of their lives in
hospitals, so myself I dont see a problem with that. But the fact remains that
there are plenty of sick people out there who need treatment on the field. Its
like a war: you can try to bring the soldier back to the base in order to heal his
wounds (and that is the best way to treat him), or if hes unable or does not
even want to go, treat him right on the field. That is the less productive way, as
there are plenty of bombs falling around. But, in all cases, the figure of the
doctor, the patient, and the cure remain.
- Do you think Lucene would return?
- Youd like that, wouldnt you? Jenniffer could not help hide a smile
- Actually now I dont know. It became pretty clear to me that for her I have the
sex appeal of a tombstone

- Dont fool yourself, Richard. You can do much if you just let the Father act in
your life. But for that to happen try to make his job easier and cut some of
those strings yourself. Im hungry, lets go have breakfast?
- So am I - Richard said, as they both walked back into the shack

Richard felt a little bit embarrassed at the fact he obviously caused the
dismissal of Manika, the leaving of Lucene, etc, and quite annoyed his Karma
increased 2000 points. He wanted to think that, given the fact he had no more
soul insurance, he would probably have to resurrect yet again (still much,
much, much better than Gehenna), so those points actually meant nothing on
his path to Valhalla. Still, he could not help feel bad for the girl, until he would
recall on what a retard she was and how her incompetence meant one of the
biggest disappointments he ever had. Richard thought this time he had truly
reached rock bottom. All his hopes and expectations were shattered by the
realization that the ectoplasm had given him a misleading information. Well,
he did say positive answer!, Richard thought, trying to convince himself he
was not duped by an obviously ill-intentioned ectoplasm who only wanted to
bury him more in the dirt, as this was possible. Worse was the feeling of utter
stupidity when he considered he had been warned by Maltus, but refused to
hear his words. Now all he needed to hear is that the over 4 hours he spent on
the Chamber Area were a waste again, not to mention an entire life of visiting
those places at least a month. Yes, it was clear that EVERYTHING in his world
was just wrong: these canadians, as weird as they were, had it right. How could
be so stupid? It was with these thoughts that Matt found him, and when he
asked Richard if he was ok, he only received a long, heartfelt, cry. Matt waited
silently and patiently for Richard to stop crying and, when he thought the time
was proper, asked what had happened. Richard told him the whole thing, really
opened his heart. He told Matt on how wrong he was, on how he should have
figured out it was misleading information when the ectoplasm was unable to
say what had happened with his insurance file. At that time, Matt interrupted
- Well, if it matters that much for you to know what happened with your file, I
can find it for you
- What? What do you mean?
- Like I said, if it matters that much for you to know what happened with your
file, I can just find that information for you
- What? Do you have that information?

- Well, I dont have it right now with me, but I can easily find it
- What? And why didnt you tell me that before?
- I thought that you were no longer interested in that stuff I thought you were
enjoying spending time here and
- Matt, you should have told me this before! Have you got any idea on how
long Ive been munching my brains trying to understand what happened with
that? That was not nice, man!
- Sorry, Richard, but first, you already knew I worked at Chryseis, and I dont
remember you ever asking that for me. And, second, again, I truly hoped you
were beyond that. But if it makes you happy we can get that info right now and
then I hope you put all that stuff behind ok?
- Sure! Sure! If I could only understand what happened, I would at least sleep
fine and be able to move on with a new life. Maybe even try to understand and
accept better the father and all the theories you guys taught me. I already
have proof they are right, considering what I was warned and what at the end
Matt was not very convinced at Richards true commitment to this new phase
in his life, but still he did not feel well at letting Richard suffer for not having
that supposedly precious information. He wanted to believe that, as soon as
Richard knew the truth, hed be able to rest at ease and thus reorganize his
thoughts and emotions in order to face a new life away from soul insurances,
WKMs, brainscans, fake love, and everything else which were the tissue of
modern society. Thus, he went to get a couple of things in his home, and on the
way back he brought Jenniffer along. Richard did not really like that, as he
could not see why Jenniffer should be present for something which for him was
very private, but he did not say anything. Thus, the three headed for where
Matt said they would get the answers: an old shack among others in the

The shack was unimpressive. It looked like an old barn, where age left its mark
through the form of a crooked structure to the right. The blue paint was peeling
out, and the holes in the metal roof were covered with other pieces of metal
being help in place by mere rocks.
- Sorry but where are we going? Richard asked, trying to hide a laugh
- We are going to Chryseis. Isnt that what you asked?

- Yes, but this building is not Chryseis. Are we going to get a tractor or
something to get us there?
Matt did not answer. Instead, he just pushed the shacks door and revealed a
huge IT system inside it. It looked like a wall of crystals, each being actually a
server. They all blinked according to what they were processing at the moment,
looking like a multicolored crystal wall from a disco or something. Other than
that, no keyboard, screen, etc could be seen.
- Whoa! Who could ever think this was here?
- Actually, Richard, thats the idea. For otherwise by now it could have been
stolen or misused.
- Nah. There is no more thievery anymore after WKMs started to be used by
- We dont use them, remember? Matt smiled
- Ah, sorry you are right. But I dont think anyone in this community would
steal this
- Yes, I hope that too. But just like we dont use WKMs, the few criminals
around dont either, and those are the ones who would love to get a hold at
Matt said nothing and instead waved his arm and the environment, as he
called it, turned on. It was like a field force around them, a sort of transparent
and vibrating bubble which surrounded them and obeyed to whatever
movements did with his arms. Matt then moved then like he was opening a
window and, in fact, a window popped out of nowhere right in front of them,
showing a menu.
- Whoa! This is an amazing system! Where did you get it from?
- I designed it during my IT years. Now, lets enter Chryseis systems and see
what they got on you
- Youll find nothing: the operators already tried and failed
- I designed their systems, Richard, remember? You dont think Id look into the
databases the operators use, right?
- Ah, ok, you are right, silly of me...

Matt then got a small plastic tube which was sticking from the environment, got
a plastic cover from a small box next to it in order to cover the tubes tip, and
blew into it.
- This goes to a DNA analyzer which sends then my DNA information to
Chryseis servers in order for them to let me in
- But you dont work there anymore, so why would they?
- Because I have a mutant user there: it replicates from time to time so it is
impossible for them to track it. Otherwise you are right, they would just refuse
my entry
- But isnt it, like, hacking? Is it legal?
- Richard, Matt is only trying to help you, and actually risking his neck for it. But
if you dont like his methods you are welcome to look for yourself Jenniffer
said, clearly annoyed at Richards stupid comments and questioning
- Sorry, Jenniffer, you are right. Ill shut up then
- The screen changed and a typical Welcome to Chryseis. Please enter the
option desired blablabla menu appeared. Richard was amazed at how easily
and fast they accessed Chryseis systems, and a little annoyed when he thought
that he could have obtained the answers he so desperately looked months ago
without having to go through so much hell.
- Actually, Richard, Id like to first check on some corporate surveillance videos
in order to try to find out how is it that you got my card and thus was able to
contact me. Can I?
- Sure - Richard said, clearly uninterested
- Search in surveillance videos for business card
- Searching.
A video popped up. It was from several years ago and it showed Matt arriving
at his office and leaving his coat in a wall hanger at the entrance before going
to speak with the lady in the front desk. Seconds later, Richard arrives, leaves
his coat on that hanger too, and also goes to speak with the lady besides the
one Matt is speaking with. Matt then returns to the hanger and, as he is about
to get his coat back, the lady he was speaking with says something, he looks
back at her, and ends up taking Richards coat instead since it is identical to
his. Minutes later, Richard goes to the hanger and takes Matts coat, not
realizing it is hanged in a different spot and thus it cant be his. Still, he finds

Matts card in his pocket, reads it, and then puts it back in, unconcerned at
how it got there, and probably thinking it could be useful somehow.
EOF End of File, the screen showed, turning off the video and going back to
the initial menu

- So this is how I got your card! It was in the coats pocket!

- Is that true? Whoa! One would think that it was fate that you got my coat
instead of yours and thus found my card. Especially since I did not have that
many, as I was not in sales and thus did not really need them.
- Well, I did not find the card in your coat, as I believe I do not even have it
anymore. I found it among old papers
- Even more, it is remarkable that you decided to keep it, as many would have
just thrown it away thinking that, since it did not belong to some hot shot at the
company, itd be useless. It is indeed fate and
- .. well I dont believe in fate, but only accountable things. Shall we move on
with the video?
Matt replied nothing to the obvious rude answer, and he continued to look over
the video files. They contained little else of value: just the times when Richard
would have his monthly routines, would ask some information, make some
payment, and similar stuff. Some Richard recalled, some he didnt but it did
not matter as they were pointless, until the EOF showed

- Thank you, Matt, that was entertaining. But what I really need is to know why
my file was deleted Richard became increasingly rude as he went back to
the world, but Matt tried to see it as just the anxiety to finally have his answer.
- Ok, hold on a sec. Check customer file
- Name?
- Blow in the tube Richard - said Matt, putting a new, clean cover on the tube
he had blown in
- Richard barely blew a gasp of air into the tube and the environment said
Galhagar, Richard. Born: March 5, 2056. Single. Location unknown. 2 files

- Two files? One must be the freaking Honda, and the other hopefully my soul
insurance!, Richard thought.
- Soul insurance
- Loading. Soul insurance signed April 17, 2056. Full benefits against sin
committed by him to himself of third parties. Cancelled on October 19, 2078.
Not to be shown to client.
- Yohooo!!! Found it!! I cant believe it! The system even clearly said the
insurance covers third parties, so that lady and her son should be covered as
well! Thanks to this Matt guy, I can now go back to that company, show this in
their faces, and sue them for every penny they got!
- Reason?
- Unable to cover for benefits due to circumstances around client. Not to be
disclosed to client
- Show reason
A video popped up. It was fairly recent and started with Richard walking down a
road in downtown and stepping onto a bubble gum on the floor. When he
realizes that, he says Shit! Fuck!, as he tries to remove it from the sole of his
shoe, which is clearly of high quality. In fact, his fine clothing and his fast
walking clearly shows hes already late for some interview or important
meeting, and this is most unexpected and is further delaying him.
As he utters bad words, a couple passes by pushing a baby carriage with a
toddler of about 3 years age. The toddler hears Matts bad words and starts to
repeat them. As he keeps repeating them, the mother hears them and says
See what you did? You keep swearing so much near the baby that now hes
got a mouth as dirty as yours!. The husband replies There you go again! I can
t ever do anything right, can I? Thats why I told you I did not want to go out
today with you, as it doesnt take over 5 minutes before you start to criticize
me on something. And you know what? Ive had it with you: I am going back
home to call my lawyer to end this miserable marriage! He then turns his back
and the wife starts to say No, you will not leave me here, come back and talk
like a man!. He then crosses the road in front of a garbage truck, but the wife
does not see it and she and the toddler are hit by it and instantly killed. The
scene is horrible, and the noise of the screeching tires, the bones being
crushed, and the husbands cry make it all much worse: the kind of scene one
keeps in ones nightmares for months. However, Richard by then is far away,
hears nothing, and continues to walk fast to his meeting.


- WHAT??? You mean to tell me that all the hell I went through was because of a
lousy bubble gum?
- You saw it for yourself - says Matt, trying to come out of the shock from the
horror scene.
Jenniffer cant help looked shocked at the fact that Richard does not seem to
care that the video shows two people being run and killed by a truck, and
instead seems to care only about his own problems.
- I cant believe its true. I just cant believe an entire existence can depend on
something so absurd as a bubble gum stuck to your shoe!
- Well, thats why they called it Chryseis
- Chryseis? Sorry, but I dont understand. Or maybe I do, but I am just too mad
and overwhelmed about all this
- You may have seen it from one of the companys brochures. Chryseis was the
daughter of a priest of Apollo, so when she was abducted by a Greek king, her
father prayed to that god, who then sent a plague to the Greek army
- Oh yes, I remember having read about it on a brochure, but I still dont get it
- It is clear from their name they already knew that the unravel of events in this
world is so complicated and leads to so much suffering and problems, that they
make it totally impossible for anyone to obtain salvation. One could sleep
throughout ones entire life in order not to disturb anything, and still would
bring in a path of destruction because one snored one night or something
stupid like that Its just like the Chryseis story. Actually, there was a theory
about a butterflys wings in Tokyo being able to create a storm in California by
their beating, I think they called it Chaos Theory or something
- I still cant believe that I could be guilty of this. Was it my fault that couple
already had problems, that they were already in the edge of divorce? Was it my

fault there was a truck there? That the lady did not care to look before crossing
the road?
- No, you were not guilty of any of those things. But you were the last drop in
an already overfilling cup. Either way, they probably have their share of guilt,
and probably much larger than yours
- Richard Jenniffer says you dont seem to understand that two people died
there - Richard ignores her.
- You mean to tell me that the whole idea of soul insurance is moot, that is a
sham created just to rob people and offer nothing back, as life is so damn
complicated that even the richest insurance (like mine, actually), would never
have the funds to pay for a crazy and thus extremely expensive path of
- Well, I would not claim that, and especially in those words. It may actually
work, paying for your sins and thus allowing you to go to Valhalla. However, it
is expensive and prone to failure, as it happened in your case. Thats why they
nulled your contract, as because of your actions you caused the death of two
people, which the insurance cannot possible pay without huge losses. Should
you have not uttered two simple bad words, that toddler would have not
repeated them and maybe he and his wife would still be alive.
- You mean to tell me that I caused the death of those people but just saying a
couple of bad words? How stupid you think I am?
- Sorry you felt that way. But the insurance company thought you did and, since
they could not cover for the expenses of their sins, it preferred just to delete all
your data and throw you to the dogs
- Sorry, but a toddler cant have any sins
- Actually, he could be resurrecting from another very sinful life, so no one can
t possibly know. I could look into his file but I think weve seen enough.
- So, basically, here is no redemption, as a simple bubble gum can cause the
death of two people
- Actually, there is a 3rd way. And is foolproof and free
- No, there is no other way besides soul insurance, except maybe resurrections,
which they suck too. I resurrected 7 times and, even though I was getting
better, I was still too high in Karma by the time of my deaths. My parents even
shortened genetically my life as to prevent further sin, but that didnt work
either, as I had no time to build Dharma. So thats why I decided to purchase a
soul insurance, then the rest you already knowBut at least I can now say I

really hit rock bottom. When I thought that my life sucked so much that nothing
else could matter, then I find out that I am stuck with it as I will never be able
to reach the other And you know? The funny thing is that I cant even
cry anymore, I think I literally ran dry of tears, maybe that I dont care
- or maybe that you are finally ready to hear the path I told you that you did
not know about.
- Oh yes, that 3rd option you mentioned. Well, tell me about it, as I have nothing
more to lose, literally
- Yes, you are correct. It is one which actually requires an empty cup to
understand. It does not mix with other theories, and thus in order to be fully
understood and accepted, it requires a complete emptying of the soul, as it is
clear its your case
- Our religion believes there was a great man who lived long ago who was
actually the son of the father we speak about so often
- Yes
- He was sent here to pay for the sins we committed so that, through him, we
could be saved from Gehenna and reach Valhalla
- His father did not want his children, AKA, you, I, everyone in this world, to be
lost, as hes truly a father and no father would ever conceive the death of his
children and would do LITERALLY anything to prevent it. So he asked his son
who lived besides him to come down, live among us, and suffer in order to pay
for all the sins we (his sons) committed, and thus be saved from death
- Ok
- You listening?
- Im trying to. Believe me.
- Well, all it is then required is for his children to accept that offering and use it
in their behalf. Its like someone rich giving you a signed check with a blank
number you can put in any value. Many would think its a trick and would
refuse the check. Others, like us and hopefully you too, would think Hell, I
have nothing to lose anyways!, and would put some outrageous number and,

guess what? That check would then be cashed normally and with that money
one would pay for all the damages one did during ones life.
- Does that son have a name?
- Yes he does, but thats not important for now. What is important is that you
get to know him in order to see his offer is real, has no strings attached, small
letters, or anything of the like. And, as you may recall from other
conversations, that is actually the hardest part, as we are so used and thus
programmed to always have to pay dearly even for the silliest of things, that
we cant accept that all of the sudden we are offered so much in exchange for
- So thats it? As simple as that?
- Yes, as simple as that
- So how do I meet this son? What do I have to do for him to hand me that
- Actually, that check has always been there
- What? Really? Why?
- Because you are his son, and like I said no father would ever, ever, ever allow
any child of his to die, and would do the unimaginable in order to prevent that:
even ask another of his sons to pay
- And since it such a great offer, why isnt it employed by everyone? Are we as
a species that stupid?
- Maybe a little. But what we are mostly is tired and mistrusting after so many
years of living in this world where everything is so unnecessarily difficult and
cruel. We are like those stray dogs you see on the street who, when you
approach them, they shy away thinking youll beat them, as it usually happens
in their miserable lives. Then, if someone shows with a pack of sausages guess
what they do? They shy away and continue starving.
- So you mean to tell me that after all those resurrections and payments for a
soul insurance, there was a way out which was free and, worse, was in front of
me all the time?
- Unfortunately (or not!), yes
- I am sorry but thats too much to take

- Thats why I said it does not mix with other philosophies and thus requires an
empty cup to be properly understood
- No, what it requires is someone with nothing to lose to believe it, or with no
brain to process it
- Why no brain?
- Because no one with a proper mind would believe that anyone would be so
gracious and kind to offer something so great for free.
- Yes, and as I said thats the hardest part to accep
- .. no problem however. Now I have proof that the company did have my file
and tried to conceal it in order not to pay what was rightfully mine. I can now
sue it for all its worth and then Ill have plenty to pay for whatever sins I could
have committed and more!
- Oh my god I cant believe what I am seeing! Said Jennifer You freak! You
just saw two people being killed and all you care is about your fucking
insurance! You know what? I am starting to agree with that company, you are
just a selfish individual who does not deserve EVER to enter Valhalla. Because
for you its only you, you, and you. Until you dont realize that it should be WE,
WE, and WE, you may pay whatever you want, sue whoever you like, you will
NEVER be among the deserving ones! We took you in and all you did was
complaint, imply we are freaks who live in shacks, and generate dissent among
ourselves. Lucene was right when she kicked your butt, as thats what Matt
and everyone one should have done long ago. For all I care you may leave now
and never return, you crazy weirdo!
- Well, since now Jenniffer, you finally opened your mind about me, I have also
something to say: I think that there must be a catch here. That your
organization really wants is to have me to do chores in your shacks and
invented this whole thing to have me as a slave. But I WILL get that insurance,
now that I have proof of what happened, and to that I must be honest and
thank Matt. But you people will not convert me to this freak religion which tells
people that there is a third way they had never heard of before, even though it
was so good and true. You know what? Ive had enough of all this, I thank you
for all the care you offered me and the...mmmm funny ideas about a father, a
son, etc., but I will reach salvation on my own as thats what real people do,
and not depend on third parties for it. I know I am being rude but, also true to
myself, so with that I bid you goodbye. Richard turned his back and went to
the shack exit.
- Slam!

- Well, that was indeed rude. Extremely rude. I still cant believe he cared so
little about 2 people actually DYING, one even a baby, and only focused about
his miserable life.
- Yes, Jenny, but not unheard of. Actually, quite common.
- Do you think hell come back? I truly hope not: never trusted him and now I
cant help feel disgusted by his very presence
- Dont say that. You know we are required to forgive as many times as needed.
You yourself did not behave much different and if we did not accept you back
we would not be together today and maybe you would have ODd by now
- Yes you are right, but sometimes it is just way too hard. And I truly hope I
can forget soon that horrible, horrible scene. How can anyone be so selfish? No
wonder even the insurance company tried to get rid of him. Only the father is
able to forgive such a man. But do you think that the father will be known
eventually? That he will be loved as much as he loves us?
- No. There will always be people who will always refuse to meet him when they
realize that his light shows their ugliness, their bad deeds they desperately
need to conceal, when itd be much easier to just wash them away. As for his
love, it is not a 2-way highway, but rather a highway coming from him and a
goats trail when coming from us, as thats the way father and children in
general relate to each other I am afraid
- Its a pity: maybe the father had great plans for him
- Yes, but the more I see, the more I realize that people seem to almost like the
pitiful lives they have, for it is so hard for them to let them off their crumbs and
into a better life the father could offer them
- So what do we do know?
- What do you mean? Its business as usual. Richard is just yet another poor
soul and many others would come, maybe even himself again. Our duty is
clear: to always help and love despite this rather common outcome. Lets go
home, shall we?

Matt and Jenniffer smiled, turned off the environment, and grasped their hands
as they left the shack.

End of Book One

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