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Straightforward Intermediate Unit Test 6

A Complete the conversation with words or phrases from the box. There are three extra
words and phrases.
beach parties booked brochures cosmopolitan destination like a good idea
luggage much fun the beaten track paid range secluded too bad

Sue: So, have you decided where youre going on your honeymoon?
Pam: Well, not exactly.
Sue: What do you mean? Dont tell me you havent (1) _______________ your tickets yet?
Pam: No, not yet. We havent even chosen the (2) _______________ yet.
Sue: Why not? You dont have a lot of time left.
Pam: I know. I picked up some (3) _______________ ages ago and weve been looking at
them, but Brian wants to go to a really (4) _______________ resort with lively nightclubs,
(5) _______________ and a wide (6) _______________ of sports activities.
Sue: Well, that doesnt sound very (7) _______________.
Pam: I know, but Id prefer to go somewhere a bit quieter. Not off (8) _______________,
but somewhere with nice (9) _______________ beaches where we can go for romantic
Sue: Now that sounds (10) _______________.
Pam: Yeah! You know I want this holiday to be amazing. After all it is our honeymoon!

B Choose the correct word, a, b, or c to complete 1119.

(11) When did you _______________ your tickets?

a) book b) do c) pay

(12) No, you dont need to _______________ a deposit.

a) book b) do c) pay

(13) Make sure you _______________ early for your flight.

a) arrive b) do c) pick up

(14) Dont forget to _______________ the packing the night before.

a) choose b) do c) make
(15) Its so difficult to _______________ a good holiday destination.
a) choose b) do c) make

(16) Buy a map so you can _______________ your way around.

a) find b) do c) choose

(17) How did you _______________ your hotel?

a) arrive b) choose c) check out

(18) You can leave your luggage behind the reception desk after you _______________.
a) check out b) book c) pick up

(19) Can you _______________ some holiday brochures when youre in town?
a) check out b) book c) pick up

C Complete the conversation with the correct form of the verbs in the brackets.
James: What (20) ____________________ (you/do) tonight?
Chris: I dont know. I (21) ____________________ (probably/stay) at home and watch TV.
James: Why dont you come out with me? I (22) ____________________ (meet) Jack at
eight oclock.
Chris: What are you (23) ____________________ (do)?
James: Im not sure yet. Perhaps we (24) ____________________ (go) for a meal.
Chris: You (25) ____________________ (not/have) Italian food, are you?
James: No, I dont think so. We (26) ____________________ (probably/eat) at that new
Indian restaurant.
Chris: OK, that sounds nice.

D Put the words in brackets in the correct place in the sentences.

(27) As soon as he arrives, we leave. (will)
(28) Well stop and have lunch we get there. (before)

(29) You need anything else just ask. (if)

(30) Im sorry, but you have to pay before you can use it. (will)
(31) Ive finished this, Ill come and help you. (once)
(32) Ill tell you we get there. (when)

E Complete the sentences with the best verb form.

(33) Give me five minutes to finish this. As soon as I finish / will finish Ill help you.
(34) Im not sure which one to get. Ill probably / Im going to buy the cheaper one.
(35) If you want / will want to visit Madrid, dont go in August. Its always too hot.
(36) When Ive decided which resort I like I tell you / Ill tell you.
(37) We had a fantastic holiday. I think well / were going to visit the same place quite
(38) Come on! Well be / Were being late if you dont hurry up.
(39) Come on, lets go home. Im sure it will / is going to rain. Look at those clouds over

Functional language
F Rearrange the words to make indirect questions.
(40) are / I / they / where / wonder / ?
(41) when / arriving / you / do / is / she / know / ?
(42) tell / you / like / to / go / where / could / youd / me / ?
(43) Id / know / youd / what / to / like / like / eat / tonight / to / ?
(44) youre / you / tell / staying / one or two nights / me / if / can / ?

G Rewrite the direct questions using the prompts.

A: Can you help me?
B: I wonder if ____________________________________?

A: Do you have any flights to Santiago, Chile?

B: Id like to know ____________________________________?

A: How much does it cost?
B: Could you tell me ____________________________________?

A: When does it leave?
B: Can you tell me ____________________________________?

A: Is there a cheaper one?
B: Do you know ____________________________________?

A: What time does it arrive in Santiago?
B: Do you think you could find out ____________________________________?

Answer key

1 booked
2 destination

3 brochures
4 cosmopolitan
5 beach parties
6 range
7 much fun
8 the beaten track
9 secluded
10 like a good idea
11 a) book
12 c) pay
13 a) arrive
14 b) do
15 a) choose
16 a) find
17 b) choose
18 a) check out
19 c) pick up

20 are you doing
21 ll (will) probably stay
22 m (am) meeting

23 doing / going to do
24 ll (will) go
25 arent having / arent going to have
26 ll (will) probably eat
27 As soon as he arrives, we will leave.
28 Well stop and have lunch before we get there.
29 If you need anything else just ask.
30 Im sorry, but you will have to pay before you can use it.
31 Once Ive finished this, Ill come and help you.
32 When we get there, Ill tell you.
33 finish
34 Ill probably
35 want
36 Ill tell you
37 well
38 Well be
39 is going to

Functional language
40 I wonder where they are?
41 Do you know when she is arriving?

42 Could you tell me where youd like to go?

43 Id like to know what youd like to eat tonight?
44 Can you tell me if youre staying one or two nights?
45 I wonder if you can help me?
46 Id like to know if you have any flights to Santiago, Chile?
47 Could you tell me how much it costs?
48 Can you tell me when it leaves?
49 Do you know if there is a cheaper one?
50 Do you think you could find out what time it arrives in Santiago?
OR Do you think you could find out when it arrives in Santiago?


Unbelievable try my luck strong sounded resorts popular play it safe off the beaten track
inaccurate dissatisfied
hures against the odds a bit of a gambleLast year I took
_______________ when I chose my holiday
_______________. I was boredwith the normal
_______________ and wanted something a bit different so I thought Id
_______________ with something
_______________. After looking through lots of
_______________ I decided to take a risk and go to Borneo. Its certainly not one of the most
_______________ destinations, but I everything I read about the place
_______________ amazing. When I got there I realised that most of that information was
_______________, but Ihad an
_______________ time and Im really glad I didnt
_______________. Now that Ivetaken a chance and had a great time, theres no way Im going
back to two weeks in the usual resort. Next year Im going to go to Alaska!

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