Communication in The Past

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Communication in the Past:

Communication has always been a part of American culture; it has been

the most crucial part of peoples social life. Over time, the means of
communication has changed according to the times, peoples living
situations and advancements in technology. In the past, people used
smoke signals as a form of communication; however, smoke signals could
only send a few simple messages. As America changed and the population
grow people needed to send longer messages as well as sending them
further in distance. Therefore, people replaced smoke signals for letter
writing. People wrote letters to communicate with friends and family
separated by distance because it was the only way to communicate long
distance, at least until the invention of the telegraph in the 19th century.
The telegraph was invented by a man named Samuel Morse, hence Morse
Samuel Morse was an artist and inventor, he developed the first successful
electromagnetic telegraph system. He studied both art and electricity at
Yale College, after graduation he pursued a career in art. Samuel traveled
to England to continue studying art, on his voyage he overheard two men
talking about electromagnets. One of those men was Charles Jackson who
also studied electricity he told Morse that electric impulse could be carried
through long wires.
In the late 1700s and early 1800s the first telegraph was invented. The
telegraph system was a form of communication that transmitted electric
signals over wires from different locations to translate messages. The first
telegraph was invented by Claude Chappe in 1794, this telegraph was not
electric, it was a semaphores, or tall poles with movable arms, and other
signaling apparatus, set within physical sight of one another. Many others

tried to reinvent and improve the way telegraphs worked. However, Samuel
Morse was the only one who perfected it. Morse took the significance of
those facts found by previous inventors and invented a more practical and
commercial system.
Morse laid out three major parts of the telegraph the sender, the receiver
and the code. The sender opened and closed the electric circuit, the
receiver used, the electromagnet to record the signal, and the code
translated the signals into letters and numbers. In 1836, Samuel Morse built
the first telegraph system from Washington to Baltimore using cable lines
across the Atlantic Ocean. He used a set of signals that could represent
language in telegraph messages also known as Morse Code.
Within a decade, more than 20 thousand miles of telegraph cables had
crossed the country. The telegraph made it possible for other forms of rapid
communication. The telegraph truly changed the world because before
telegraphs, the country was very isolated from other regions of the world.
Most of the world had a limited amount of knowledge of national and
international news. By the end of the 1870s, the United States was
connected to a global telecommunications network that allowed for
relatively low-cost, communication. The telegraph was truly influential in
the growth of communication.
Communication in the Present:
The telegraph was the first major milestone in the development of
communication technology because it led to many of the things we use
today and its similar to techniques we use today. Expansion in this past
technology has made it possible for many of the things we use today, such
as telephones, radio, cable television, Internet, and mobile phones.

It was not long after the telegraph became a success before the next
progression in technology came along, the telephone. The telephone was
used to transmit speech electronically. Like the telegraph, the telephone
was a also wire-based electrical system. The telephone used the same
cables that made the telegraph a success. Unfortunately, it failed because
under-water cables did not have a strong enough signal.
However, there is one company that used the same technique but change
the type of cables used, that company was AT&T. These cables were made
up of several dozen steel wires, covered by copper tubes, plastic jackets
and armor, allowing signals to go through and be transmitted.
This improvement in technology amplified the signals being transmitted and
led to the telephone system started in homes across the world, a pair of
copper wires cables connecting from poles to be transmitted into homes.
Started by AT&T, which is still one of the most powerful communication
businesses around today. The technique that AT&T discovered also helped
develop cable television and helped launch the startup of cell phones.
Today in the United States cable companies deliver cable to over 60 million
homes. Like telephone companies, cable companies also use very long
cables to connect to television sets. Cable companies use antenna
amplifiers as a regular interval to boost signals to make channels viewable.
It was not long ago that this method changed and cable companies
switched from using antenna amplifiers to using digital boxes. This
allowed a better picture quality and less distortion.
However, another company has definitely introduced many households to
the future, fiber optics cable. Verizon has a new way of watching television
and its called, fiber optics. Fiber optics networks carry laser light
information signals, which moves as fast as the speed of light. It uses

hundreds of hair-like strands of glass to send pulses of light to carry data.

This allows data to be processed faster to your home televisions and
computer. In todays society people want any and everything faster and with
better quality.
Another major advancement in technology that most of America has
benefited from is the cell phone. Cell phones have evolved immensely
since 1983, both in design and function. This envolvement brought a whole
new meaning to the term multitasking. Cell phones today can do any and
everything from sending text messages, to emails, to uploading video and
picture, and most importantly downloading applications for everything.
Whether it is a smart phone or android phone people want it to operate at a
faster pace, because communication in todays society plays a major role in
the public and private sphere. Nowadays communication globally is at the
tip of your fingers, literally. There are a lot of different forms of technology
that has made this possible from Ipads, to Kindles, to the blackberry
playbooks and many more. Tablets, and wireless Internet has allowed many
countries to communicate instantaneously with the use of emails, text
messaging, instant messages, and video chat. Modern day technology
keeps communication constant; it allows people to express themselves with
a click of a button.

Question Response No Response a. Has there been any change in tariff of fixed
line telephone since 2003? Substantial Increase (10%) Substantial decrease
(70%) Constant (10%) 10% b. Has there been any change in tariffs of mobile
telephone since 2003? Substantial Increase (20%) Substantial decrease (80%) No
change (0) c. Has there been a change in nontariff barriers (quotas, import/
export licensing, inspection requirement)? Substantial Increase (20%) Substantial
decrease (10%) Constant (20%) 50% d. Has there been a change in barriers to
investment during the last three years? Increased (30%) Decreased (30%) No
change (10%) 30% e. Has there been any change in import duties on telecom

equipments? Increased (30%) Decreased (40%) No change (10%) 20% f. Have

these changes been beneficial to the telecom service providers? Beneficial (70%)
Not beneficial (10%) No effect (10%) 10% When the service providers were asked
to evaluate the sectors performance, 80% agreed that the sector has performed
better after liberalization. For 90% investment has increased and for 80% return
on investment has improved. There are substantial increases/ improvements in
competition (90%), technological advancement (90%), network accessibility
(90%), workers productivity (80%) and working environment (90%). All the
respondents agreed that the sector has experienced growth in post liberalization

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