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Dear Parents

We would like to invite you to our Christmas stay and play on Wednesday 14th December
at either 10.00-11.30 or 1.20-2.50. This will be an opportunity for you to come into
school, review your childs progress in their folder, see your child interacting at school
and support your child making a selection of Christmas crafts. The morning and
afternoon session will be 1 hour 30 to enable you time to complete four craft activities,
interact and explore your childs classroom, with them as your guide. We will welcome
parents and grandparents to these sessions, as we appreciate it is a busy time of year.
The last stay and play session was a huge success and the children loved showing off
their work and classroom to the parents who could attend.
We have compiled a list of key dates for the children in reception, including the date of
our Christmas party for the children. We welcome donations of food and drink for this
party. Please see the list in the class entrance, if you would like to donate something.

Key dates
8th December-

Nativity Performance Lemur (Mrs Tunstall) 10.30-11.30

8th December-

Nativity Performance Chinchilla (Mr Johnson) 2.00-3.00

14th December-

Reception stay and play session 10:00-11:30 or 1:20 - 2:50

19th December-

Reception party for the children (wear party clothes)

20th December-

Children can bring in one toy from home to play with.

20th December-

Children will have a visit from the Hobgoblin theatre company.

20th December-

School closes at 1.15

The foundation team

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