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1. Entering the

2. Arriving late to

3. Arriving prepared
for the lesson with
all required


On entering the classroom all students are
expected to precede to their desk.
If students are acting in an unruly manner,
then confident eye-contact will be used
alongside a non-verbal cue of raising a
hand to signal it is time to stop potentially
disruptive behaviour.
If the behaviour does not stop a direct
statement to bring attention towards the
teacher in a succinct, brief and calm yet
firm manner will be used.
1. If a student arrives late to class, they will
be reminded of the expectations on
students to arrive to class on time. An
explanation after class will be sought for
their lateness.
2. If a student arrives late to class a second
time they will be given a warning. An
explanation after class will be sought for
their lateness.
3. If a student arrives late to class a third
time they will be held back at the end of
the lesson (or a later arranged time) for a
minimum of ten minutes or the length of
time they were late (if longer than 10
1. On the first occasion students will be
provided with the resource and an
explanation sort as the why the resource
has not been brought to class.
2. On the second occasion the student will
not be provided with the resource and will
be expected to seek a solution how they
can complete the work without the

Students at a Year 10 level are expected to
enter a classroom in an organised and
efficient manner. Students should be able to
bring the class to order themselves and take
accountability for their learning. The
predictable nature of the start to class is an
overt agreement between teacher and
students of how lessons will commence.
Entering the class in a civil manner facilitates
the efficient use of class time and maximises
the time on task and learning outcomes.
Students are expected to be punctual to
class. Arriving late disturbs the entire class
learning. This has an effect on the lesson flow
and on-task momentum. Therefore, it is
important to teach students to be punctual.

It is important to teach students that they

need to arrive at class ready to learn. Certain
resources are required to facilitate learning to
enable active participation. It is understood
that students may forget resources but
repeated forgetfulness must be positively

4. Bullying


1. The teacher will acknowledge the
inappropriate behaviour and flag to the
student that this is not acceptable.
2. Following the lesson the student will be
counselled on the inappropriateness of
their behaviour.
3. If deemed necessary a restorative
discussion will be had between the teacher
and fellow student. The teacher will notify
appropriate seniors of the behaviour and
the actions taken.

Bullying is not acceptable. Every student and
teacher has the right to be in a safe learning
environment. By undertaking restorative
discussions students will be asked to take
responsibility for what has happened and how
their behaviours have affected others. By
escalating to superiors this signals the
seriousness of the behaviour due to the
potentially devastating consequences.

5. Using electronic
devices during class
when class
activities do not
require them.

1. Student will be verbally reminded of the

rules relating to the use of electronic
devices in class.
2. On the second occasion the electronic
devise will be removed from the student
for the remainder of the lesson.
3. On the third occasion the electronic devise
will be removed from the student for the
remainder of the lesson and the
coordinator/principal will be informed of
the behaviour.

Students will have clear understanding of

school and class rules relating to the use of
electronic devices. The teacher will advise
when their use is appropriate during class
learning activities. Use of electronic devices
outside of this instruction is considered to be
a distraction to both the individuals and
class learning.

6. Displaying
behaviour towards
other students and

1. The teacher will immediately acknowledge

the inappropriate behaviour and flag to
the student that this is not acceptable.
Following the lesson, the student will be
counselled on the inappropriateness of the
behaviour. If deemed necessary, a
restorative discussion will be had between
the teacher and student.
2. On the second occasion a restorative
discussion will be facilitated between the
student and the affected teacher or

Whilst the use of ICT is considered to be

appropriate in the modern classroom, clear
boundaries must be established to avoid
distracting other students from learning.
Students must be respectful to both teachers
and fellow students. All students have an
obligation to behave responsibly to protect
the rights of others. Students will be asked to
take responsibility for their actions and how
their behaviours affect others through
facilitated restorative discussions.

7. Behaving in a safe
manner during


During practicals students will be expected
- Tie all hair longer than shoulder length
- Ensure all loose clothing is secured.
- Wear PPE when required (as notified by
teacher at the start of lesson)

Students are expected to behave in a safe
manner during practicals due to the potential
risk of serious injury. Should students
continue to not follow the safety procedures
they will be stopped from participating?

Should a student not follow the above the

following steps will be taken:
1. Verbal reminder
2. If the student does not follow the rules
again they will be asked to stop what they
are doing and discuss with the teacher the
possible implications of not following the
safety procedures.
3. If the student breaks the rules for a third
time they will no longer be able to
participate in the activity.
8. Moving around
classroom in an
unsafe manner. For
example, running,
climbing across
chairs and tables.

1. The student will be asked to stop the

unsafe behavior immediately.
2. On the second occasion the student will be
coached regarding their understanding of
what the potential consequences are for
their unsafe behavior.
3. A third episode merits a further, educative
consequence, such as completing a
written report on the potential danger the
student could cause to others or
themselves by the unsafe behavior. This
should also focus on consequences of
choices as a general theme and how
making the wrong choices can have
harmful and impacts.

Students must understand their actions can

physically cause injury to others and
themselves. Students must always show due
care towards their own and others safety.
The teacher has a duty of care to ensure the
safety of all students; therefore, this extends
to an expectation that students have the
responsibility to behave in a safe manner.

9. Plagiarism of other
students work


The teacher will initially seek understanding
of why the student felt the need to engage in
1a. For minor cases - responding to the
explanation offered by the student
establishing learning expectations and put
agreed practice in place to assist student
to avoid repeat Behaviour. This may
include customising lesson plans to suit
individual students.
1b. For serious cases - the behaviour will be
reported to the coordinator.

Plagiarism is serious. Students are expected
to take responsibility for completing their own
work. By accepting this responsibility,
students will achieve comprehensive learning
outcomes designed by the teacher. However,
teachers must be open to student reasoning
behind the behaviour such as time
management difficulties, lack of
understanding of subject material, difficulty
keeping up or learning outcomes in class.
Practices should therefore be put in place to
help the student avoid such practices in the

In both cases a logical means for repeating

work will be established.
10. Student leaving
classroom without
permission during
class time

Seek an explanation from the student why

they were outside the classroom without
teacher permission. Provide a warning,
stating agreed rules and coach students
regarding safety consequences of leaving
class without notifying teacher. Also
explain parent expectations and teacher
obligation regarding student supervision.
On the second occasion a classroom
consequence will be given where the
student will be seated in isolation so the
teacher is can monitor the students
whereabouts more closely.
As this is an issue of student safety,
parents and superior i.e. coordinator or
principal will be notified of students repeat

Teachers have a professional obligation to

supervise students and provide a safe
environment. Students should work to
understand teacher concerns and
responsibilities regarding student
A fundamental element of teacher duty of
care is to know students whereabouts at all
times so supervision can be provided.
Students must understand both teacher
obligations and the expectations on them to
obey rules relating to their safety.
As this is a serious issue and a breach of duty
of care, escalation of the issue is warranted.

11. Damage to other
students property

12. Leaving the



Students will be required provide
reparation of broken property and if
required parents will be contacted to
provide replacement item.

Students will be asked to make sure that

their learning area is clean.
Students will be asked to stand up and
push their chairs in.
Students will be reminded of any out of
lesson tasks to be completed.
Students will leave the classroom in an
orderly manner.

Students must be taught to respect other
students property. This is to prepare
students for societal expectations.

By ending the class with a classroom tidy,

student will learn to respect their
By standing at the end of the lesson students
will be when reminded about out of lesson

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