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Written by
Nadia Goodlet

Voice over 1
Fade in as introduction ends and library scene begins
Quote extracted by Allen Ginsburg:
I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness,
starving hysterical naked.
Poetry is the only place where people can speak their original
human mind.

Ext. Woodland Day.

Transition from Ezra in library to Dan and Ezra walking and
conversing about his work.
So hows it coming along?
Ezra sighs
(Quote extracted from On the Road by Jack Kerouac)

What is that feeling when youre driving away from people and
they recede on the plain till you see their specks dispersing?
You should be embracing Kerouacs words not diminishing them
Dont you see it Dan? I cant think let alone work in this
lifeless, mind-numbing place. Were surrounded by people who
dont know how to pour their emotions out anymore, were
vacant shells scattered in an abyss
Listen close Ezra
Extracted by Woody Allen
We all fear death and question our place in the universe the
artists job is not to succumb to despair but to find an
antidote for the emptiness of existence.

Int. House
Students having a round table discussion about Ezras work and
He was a flunk! Sure his stories are unique but the writing
Oh dont be so nave Leanne you know you could never produce
anywhere near as good work as Hemmingway
Yeah and if he was such a flunk then how do you explain the
countless readers hes inspired
Hemingsways work was simple and captivating you cant compete
with talent Leanne I would know
Oh? And what amazing work have you pulled out of the bag
lately which gives you the right to compare yourself to the
likes of Hemmingway?

Quote extracted by Allen Ginsburg:
Follow your inner moonlight; dont hide the madness.

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