OUT 2016 31th Graduation Ceremony - Bungo Kibaha

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Republic of Tanzania Dr.

John Magufuli
Chancellor of OUT Prof. Tolly Mbwette
ceremony at Bungo-Kibaha. at

The president of United

greeting the former Vice
during the 31st graduation
bungo Kibaha - Pwani .

The Chancellor of OUT Mizengo Pinda together

with the Vice Chancellor Prof.Elifas Bisanda
welcoming the guest of honor Dr.John Magufuli
to the 31st graduation ceremony.
at bungo Kibaha - Pwani .

Dr. John P.Magufuli greeting Prof Msimba after arriving Bungo

President of United Republic of Tanzania

Dr. John P. Magufuli greeting the OUT Chancellor,
Honorable Mizengo Pinda after arriving at
OUT-HQ, Bungo Kibaha to attend the
31st Graduation Ceremony. at bungo Kibaha - Pwani

Andala Hebson Opiyo , one of the OUT

PhD student receiving his PhD degree
during 31st Graduation Ceremony at Bungo Kibaha

31 st OUT - 2016 Graduands

The President of the united republic of Tanzania presenting his

The chairman of the OUT council
Prof. S.Wangwe reading his speech the speech during the 31st OUT graduation Ceremony.
during 31st graduation Ceremony- Bungo Kibaha

Member of the
National Anthem



during the 31st Graduation Ceremony 2016

Some of the academic staff matching during the possession session at Bungo Kibaha - Pwani



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