Newsletter 11 231116

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Sandiway Primary School Newsletter

Newsletter 11
Wednesday 23rd November 2016 Autumn Term 2016

Inspiring Silver Medallist

Visits School!
We were delighted to welcome Pete
Mitchell who competed in the
visually impaired category of the
sprint cycling at the Rio Paralympic
games this summer. Pete, although
able bodied, supported his partner
on a tandem. Our children and staff
were riveted in our special assembly
and asked many questions. Pete
explained what his training routine is
like and what it was like to be part of
the Paralympic team.
This week our Spiritual, Moral, Social and
Cultural focus is:

Awe and Wonder

We have been discussing what Awe is
and have looked at a number of
wonders in the natural world,
enjoying a number of clips from the
BBC Planet Earth. We are working on
developing curiosity and inquisitive
minds. Throughout the week we
continue to show wonders from the
arts, history and Science
Thank you for two very positive Parents
Evenings. The feedback we have had
about using the school hall has been
largely very positive. If you feel that
there have been discussion points that
you did not have time or privacy to
discuss in enough detail please do make
a follow up appointment with your
childs class teachers.
It has been brought to our attention
again recently how many of our children
are using social media in the home
environment. We strongly urge you as
parents to make yourselves aware of the
apps your children are using and the
content of the messages they are
sending. Apps that have been

particularly noted are Instagram,

Snapchat, Whats App (most of which
have an age restriction of 13 or above).
Our children are also using group text
messages that have been set up by one
another. The content of some of the
messages are not always appropriate
and are often being used late into the
evening. Whilst our children are capable
of using this technology they are often
not mature enough to cope with the
emotional aspects that go along with it.
We continue to teach online safety
within computing sessions and a further
parents information evening is planned
for the New Year. See our e-safety page
on the website for more information
Many thanks for your attention to this
important matter.
We understand Father Christmas is in
huge demand at this time of year so we
are putting out a plea for anyone you
may know that would be happy to act as
the big man during our Christmas Fair.
Last Friday was very successful, down to
your generous donations. In total,
including the Year Six cake sale, we
raised a fantastic 405.35

Dates for your diary

(this week in red)

24/11/16- Y1 class visit to Delamere

25/11/16- Y5 class visit to
Techniquest, Wrexham
29/11/16- Brass Performance for Y5
parents @ 1:30pm
30/11/16- Y2 class visit to Nantwich
9/12/16- PTA Christmas Fair 5-7pm
12/12/16- Rec & Y6 theatre visit to
The Grange.
13/12/16- School nurse (Reception
children vision and hearing checks)
14/12/16- Christmas Dinner at
16/12/16- PTA film night
19/12/16-KS1 dress rehearsal for
Christmas performance.
20/12/16- Mr and Mrs Theatre
company Christmas Production of
Peter Pan in school.
20/12/16- Y3&Y4 Church service
21/ 12/16- KS1 Christmas
Performance @9:30am and 6pm
23/12/16 School Closes
10/12/16 Children return to school
Further dates will be added each
week. More dates are displayed on
the school website.
Neighbourhood Plan
Undertaken by Cuddington Parish Council

Neighbourhood Plan Policies

Please fill it in !!
You can do it on line at

Closing Date
Wednesday 30th November 2016

Make your opinion count!!

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