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are __ * ‘ata thao’ hie de asi) BL 113119 slid ations a? < 4(N523) GD - 05 21/775-05 Ma s6: 8N466t5-CNH Lit néi déu Cac em hoc sinh than mén, Lam thé nao dé ndi tiéng Anh tréi chy Ia mét trong nhang van dé duoc nhiéu ngudi dang hoc tiéng Anh quan tam nhiéu nhdt vi sy quan trong cia van dé trong thdi dai ma tiéng Anh ld mét trong rat it ngén ngd dugc ding lam céng cu giao tiép pho bién trén thé gidi va trén cdc dién dan quéc té. Dé ndi dude tiéng Anh tréi chay, ngudi hoc can xdy dung cho minh mét déng co hoc tap va thyc hanh ding phuong phdp. Ngodi ra, ngudi hoc cing can co nhiéu né luc phan déu dé ‘co can ddm ndi” khi can giao tiép bang tiéng Anh nia. Do nhu cau phat sinh ty thyc té, Nha xudt ban Gido duc xudt ban tap sdch chuyén dé Lam thé nao dé noi tiéng Anh tréi chay vdi sy céng tdc cua cdc gido vién chuyén day tiéng Anh, dac biét trong linh vue day nghe va ndi. Ngodi ra, nhu thudng Ié, trong chuyén dé ki nay, cung co nhiing bai doc thém, truyén ngdn, tho, cdu dé, v.v... giip cdc em md réng kién thc va tang von tu tiéng Anh, Ching t6i mong nhén dugc sy déng gép ¥ kién, bai viét, va su ng h6 cia cdc em hoc sinh va déng dao ban doc. Thu tu va bai viét xin gui vé BAN BIEN TAP NGOAI NGU 231, Nguyén Van Cu, Quan 5, TP. Hé Chi Minh OT: 8323556 ; Fax: 8350983 E-mail: nxbgd @ NHA XUAT BAN GIAO DUC NOLTIENG ANH TRON CHAY? Khi hoe tiéng Anh, ai cing muén nghe va néi tiéng Anh tét dé c6 thé giao tiép vdi nhiing ngudi ngoai quéc noi tiéng Anh. ‘frong tat ca cdc sdch gido khoa cho nhiing nguti bat dau hoc, ki nang nghe — noi duge wu tién rén luyén va duge cling cé bing cac ki Wang khée nhu doc va viet. Thé nhung nhiéu ngudi hoc trong mot théi gian kha dai ma van cdm thay minh "khéng thé nao" hoa. “chua thé” noi duge. Dé gidp cho nhing ngudi hoc c6 thé dinh mg duge viée hoc cua minh va tiét kiém théi gian, ching tdi a néu ra mét sé kinh nghiém ma cdc ban cé thé tham khdo ahim ty rén luyén cho minh kha nang n6i tiéng Anh troi chay. Néu muén n6i mét diéu gi dé bang tiéng Anh ban can phai: 1. Cé ¥ muén va c6 can dam dé giao tiép Diéu nay lién quan dén yéu té tam li va van héa. C6 ngudi it ndi do ban tinh; thugng lang tranh va khong chi dong tiép xuic nhimg khi c6 dip néi tiéng Anh dé trau déi ki nang néi. Trong lép hoc, nhiéu ban khéng tham gia tich eye vao cde sinh hoat thye tap giao tiép. Nhiéu ngudi lén tuéi di hoe nhiéu nai, nhiéu thay nhung van cém thay minh khéng néi duge hay ndi chua duge, mac da kién thie vé tiéng Anh da cé kha nhiéu. Muén vuot qua, cdc ban nén c6 gdng thyc hién nhiing diéu sau day: a. Tao ra d6ng co giao tiép bang tiéng Anh: Dong co & day cé thé 1a thich hoc 6 mét trudng nao dé, thich hoc vdi mét thay hay c6 nao d6, thich di hoe chung véi m6t ngudi ban, cé dip tiép xtic va str dung tiéng Anh trong giao tiép, hay e6 mét viée lam cdn sit dung tiéng Anh dé giao tiép. b. Tham gia tich cy vao cdc sinh hoat trong Idp: Dau cho da biét kha nhiéu tiéng Anh nhung viéc thyc tAp noi nhiing chi dé théng thudng trong I6p van rat can. Trong thuc té, khi giao tiép, thong thuéng ngudi ta khéng ban dén nhang cht dé cao xa hay kién thie réng ma chi néi vé nhimg dé tai ai cing hoc qua nhu: thdi tiét, bia An va mon an, du lich, giao théng, sé thich, v.v. ¢. Khong sg néi sai ng phap: Chi cé cdc gidm khdo cde ki thi mdi danh gid ban vé nhing 16i ngi phdp, nhat la trong khi viét. Con khi giao tiép, van dé chinh 1a hiéu ngudi déi thoai ndi gi va ban néi nhu thé nao cho ho hiéu. Khéng may ai quan tam dén vise ban néi dung hay sai ng phap. Suy cho cing, chinh ngudi ban ngit nhu ngu’i Anh, ngyéi Mi, ... néi tiéng Anh cong nhu ngudi Viét Nam ndi tiéng Viét thudng mde rat nhiéu 1di ng phap. d. Tao ra nhdng co héi dé thyc hanh: Ban nén tham gia vao mt cau lac bé ndi tiéng Anh hay hoc nhém va thuc tap tiéng Anh véi nhau. Néu c6 diéu kién hoe véi gido vién ban ngi, trong cdc ki nghi, cde ban nén té chic di tham quan noi nay noi khdc vdi thay c6 dé c6 .~ '5i chuyén trd thodi mai bang tiéng An’. 2. Cé kién thiic va khdi niém vé dé tai muén noi Diéu nay lién quan dén ni dung noi. Vi du, khi ndi chuyén vé théi tiét, ban can cé nhitng khdi niém vé thdi tiét nhu: nhiét do, ndng, mua, ngay, thdng, nam, mua va so sdnh thai tiét khde nhau é nhiéu noi, v.v... Mudn néi vé ste khoé, ban can cé mot so khdi niém nhu: stie khée, dau 6m, bénh tat, khém bénh, viv... Duong nhu ai cing hiéu biét cde khai niém thong thudng trong 6 cuge séng thudng ngay, khong it thi nhiéu, theo Iva tuéi va kinh nghiém, dé cé thé giao tiép véi nhau trong xa hdi nhu: trong mot buéi tiép khdch, trong bia An téi, trong céng tde thudng ngay, hay trong mét chuyén di cong tac chung. Do d6, day khong phai la diéu ma ban phai tap trung nhiéu nhét. 3. Biét céch thé hién nhitng y kién, y twéng cia minh bang tiéng Anh Day chinh 1a diém mau chét cia van dé ma ban can phi gia cong tap luyén. Thutng thi ban cé rat nhiéu y dé n6i nhung lai khéng thé hién duge tron ven nhiing ¥ cia minh bang tiéng Anh. Nguyén do ciia tinh trang nay da duge nhiéu nha nghién ctu phan tich va ggi ¥ cach khde phue nhu sau: a. Ting: Khi noi vé thai tiét chang han, ban can phai biét cdc ti nhu: ndng (sunny), mua (rainy), gid (windy ), may (cloudy), nong (hot), lanh (cold), dm (warm), mat (cool), v.v... Dé néi vé suc khoé, ban can biét cde ti nhu: stic_khoé (health), khod’ manh (healthy), bac si (doctor), y tA (nurse), thuée (medicine), kiém tra stie_khée ( medical check-up), bénh.vién (hospital), v.v... Khde véi viée rén luyén cdc ki nang doc va viét, trong khi rén luyén ki nang néi, ban can phai cé sin tir dé c6 thé néi ngay trong ltic giao tiép. Ban sé khong co dd théi gian dé tra tu dién, tra sdch gido khoa hay tham chi thdi gian cing khong du lau dé cho ban cé nhé lai nhitng tit ng ma ban da biét hay hoc nhung khéng thé néi ra duce trong hic can ndi. Trai voi nhiéu ngudi lam tudng, sé tir nga cdn dé giao tiép thong thuéng khéng nhiéu lim. Noi chung, sé tit ngit hoc trong cde bé s&h gido khoa théng dung dén hét trinh dé “Pre- Intermediate" 1a du dé giao tiép thong thugng. Néu hoc theo sach gido khoa cia truéng pho thong thi chi dén hét bac trung hoc co sé la di. Von tit cia ban sé tang dan khi ban thye sy tién hanh giao tiép. Di nhién, khi ban trao déi vé cdc van dé chuyén mén 7 thi ban can phi cé nhiing tir chuyén mon lién hé. Thuong thi trong ede sich gido khoa, ngudi viét séeh da tinh truée cho ban dé dua vao sdch nhiing tit can thiét tiy theo chi dé, tinh huéng giao tiép va tay theo lia tui. Cae chii dé trong sdch gido khoa thung vé chao hdi (Greetings), trusng hoe (At school), trong gia.dinh (At home), gidi tri (Entertainment), mau sdc (Colours), do. lusng (Measurements), v.v... Sch cho ngitdi ldn 6 nhitng ché dé tuong ting nhu: chao hdi (Greetings), du lich (Travel), sinh hoat_céng déng (Community Activities), v.v... Cd mét diéu ban can Iu y 1a séch gido khoa do ngui nude ngoai vist thuong khong phi hgp hoan toan vdi nhu cau cia nguvi hoe Viet Nam. Noi dung cdc séch nay nham vao hai déi tugng chinh: nhung ngudi dang sinh song é mét nuée néi tiéng Anh nao do ma tiéng me dé khong phai la tiéng Anh va nhing ngudi hoe chung chung nao dé, khong riéng cho nude nao. Trong thue té, vide hoc tiéng Anh thay déi rat khae nhau tiy theo nhu céu ngudi hoc cin ndi vé nhiing gi, tay theo trinh dé van héa va tiéng me dé cia nguei do. b. Phan n@i dung luyén tap: Nén tién hanh theo ba bude: ~ NGi dung co ban: Hoc theo ni dung trong céc sch day tiéng Anh nhu da néu trén: hét trinh dé “Pre-Intermediate” hay hét cap trung hoc cg sé 1a dit. Van dé chinh khong phai 1a hoe cho hét trong sdéch ma 1A luyén tap tich eye theo hudng dan trong sdch - N@i dung nang cao: Cade sdch luyén noi 6 trinh dé nay thuéng sdp xép bai hoc theo chic nang ngén ngit nhu chao héi, cdm gn, xin 16i, déng ¥ hode khong déng y vdi ngudi khac, v. Ciing nhu da néu trén, van dé chinh 1a phai tich cye thue tap. Nhiéu ngudi lam tuéng rang Idp hoe cang it ngudi hoc thi cang tot; thdm chi e6 ngudi thich hoc mét thay mét trd. Diéu nay khong cé Igi, vi cde bai luyén néi can 6 sy trao déi gitta cae ngudi hoc véi nhau. Theo téi, mot lép hoc tit 10 dén 15 ngudi la li tuéng. 8 - Ngi dung chuyén sdu: Buée nay can cho nhitng ai dang lam viéc trong mét méi truéng sit dung tiéng Anh thuéng xuyén nhu: huéng dan vién du lich, nhan vién khdch san. nhan vién cée cong ti lién doanh, céng ti nude ngoai, cde nha khoa hve, chuyén gia ki thuat, v.v... Déi tugng hoc cén luyén tap trong méi trudng c6 st dung ngi dung chuyén sau ctia minh va doc thém nhiéu tai liéu chuyén nganh. c. Nghe hiéu duge diéu ngudi khac noi: Néu ban muén viée giao tip duge suén sé, ban can phai hiéu ngudi khde néi gi. Khi khong hiéu ngudi d6i thoai néi gi ban thudng cé khuynh hudng ndi sang dé tai khde hoac la théi khong n6i nia. Ca hai lua chon déu lam héng cuge giao tiép. Mudn dat duge trinh dé hiéu di dé giao tiép, ban can rén luyén ki nang nghe. Nguyén nhan cua viée nghe khong hiéu la do su khéc biét gida hai he thong am thanh cua tiéng Viét va tiéng Anh. Ban can phai luyén nghe cée 4m khéng c6 trong tiéng Vist nhu cde phu am nhu /tf, d3, 8, 8, J, 3/ va cdc nguyén am nhu /, wx, v, ov/ qua nhiéu dang bai tap khéc nhau trong cac sdch luyén nghe cé kém bing cat-xét. Ngoai ra, ban con phdi luyén nghe dé phan biét cde Am tiét nhe vi cdc Am tiét trong tiéng Anh khéng co 46 dai va manh gidng nhau nhu trong tiéng Viét. Thuc té nay thé hien trong méi tit, cum tit va trong mai cau. sls: 0 dus dy ©6 cde am tiét dai, manh, ng&n va yéu khae nhaw. Am tiét dai va manh | Am tiét ngan va yéu Canada Trong cdc cum tit dudi day, cdc ti in dim c6 dé dai va manh hon cdc tit kha: as sweet as sugar a cup of coffee Trong cdc cau duéi day, cdc tit in dam ni dai va manh hon cde tit khae: He went to the store I watched her do it. Trong thyc té nghe hiéu, nguéi nghe thuéng khong nghe hét cde Am tiét va tir cla moi cau nhung van hiéu duge ngudi néi bing each dodn y nghia toan cu. Noi chung, ban cén nhé cde quy ludt tong quaét sau day: {* Hon 90% ede danh tie ng Anh c6 hai 4m tiét duge ndi dai vA ! manh ¢ Am tiét dau (cabbage, English, permit, palace). 1* Hon 60% cae dong tir tiéng Anh c6 hai 4m tiét duge néi dai va ' manh 6 am tiét thi hai (pollute, advise, correct, permit). 1¢ Danh tir ghép thudng duge néi dai va manh 6 tit to truée 1 (blackboard, living-room, hairstyle, check-up). 1 Dong tit ghép bing mét dong tix va mot tidu tit (particle) thutng 1 duge n6i dai va manh & tiéu tit (come in, go out, take off). 1s Trong cum tif vA cau, cdc tif loai sau day thutng duge noi dai va 1! manh: danh ti, dong tir, trang tit, tinh tu, tir hdi (why, when, 1 what, v.v...), dai tix chi dinh (this, that, these, those). Khi noi, cdc tit khong thé hién riéng ré ma duge néi nhanh thanh cum. Trong méi cum, cdc tit thudng duge néi lién nhau, khong c6 ranh gidi gitta cdc tit. Ngudi nghe khong quen cé thé khong nh§n ra nhing tir minh da biét. Ngoai hién tugng ndi nhe va ng&n nhy da néi trén cdn 6 hign tugng néi mét s6 tit trong cum. . bewenen 10 Vi du: Susan bought a new sweater at Rex. I walked home in the rain. What did you buy at Rex? Stop it. Close your book. Stand uy Come in. d yp ‘ Wake up. Trp Andy e up It's a book, Write your aame. uv Yv Make a circle. Can he climb a tree? UY vv It's an eraser. What about you? VY Y wv What's your name? Yv d.N6i cho nguéi khac hiéu duge diéu minh ndi: Muén n6i cho ngudi khdc hiéu, ban cdn c6 mot sé diéu kién sau day: — Phat 4m duing va ro, chti y cdc 4m khong co trong tiéng Vist. — Mét sé Am tuy c6 trong tiéng Viét nhung lai kho noi do vi tri va cdch két hgp vdi cdc Am khac trong tit hay cum ti. Trutng hgp ro nhat 1a cde cum 4m di lién nhau. G dau tix c6 thé c6 cde cap nhu /pl/ trong play, /dr/ trong dream, /kw/ trong queen, v.v... C6 khi nhiéu hon hai phy 4m di lién nhau nhu /spr/ trong spring, /str/ trong string, v.v... GO cudi ti c6 thé cé nhiing cap nhu /ks/ trong six, /nd/ trong hand, /10/ trong health, v.v... Céch luyén tap cdc phu 4m di chung nay 1A nhaén manh vao tig phu 4m trong cde cum am. Vi du: Ban c6 thé luyén néi tix /siks/ (six) bang cach nhén manh hai phu am /k/ va /s/ 6 cudi tit. Ban cng c6 thé luyén theo 11 cach nay khi luyén bu cin /er/ va /e/ ~ Noi cdc am 1i6t maak va ohe ding chd. ~ Noi ede tit thanh cum én nhau; giita cde cum tit c6 ngitng. Vi dy: The teacher / has decided/ to give us/ some homework. I've got / a chemistry exam / on Monday / and a book report / due on Tuesday ~ Noi tuong déi ding ngit phap. Trong khi noi, ngi phap khong can dat mufc chinh xée nhu khi viét: nhung cdn noi dung nhiing van dé ngit phép eo ban. Ngudi Viét hoe tiéng Anh thudng pham phai nhing 16i ng phap sau day: © Khong phat am tan cing cde dong tit 6 ngdi tht ba sé it 6 thi hién tai don Vi du He goes to school from Monday to Friday. (N6i la Igou/ thay vi phdi noi la /gouz/) ¢ Khéng phat am tan cing cdc danh tit s6 nhiéu. Vi du I like weekends very much. (Noi la /wikend/ thay vi phdi néi la /‘wikendz/) © Khong phat am tén cing cdc dong ti quy tae & thi qua khit. Vi dy: I watched a soccer game on TV last night. (Noi la /‘wot{/ thay vi phdi néi la /'wotft/) © Khong phat am tan cing cdc cum tit nhu I'll, He's, v.v. (Noi la /ai/, /hi/ thay vi phdi noi la Jails, /hiz/ hay /hiz/) sa LD) ca WORD AND SENTENCE STRESS HHE KEY TO ENGLISH BRONUN Normally (théng thudng) when we say "I feel stressed” it means "I feel anxious". Stress (edng thdng) is a kind of wor- ried feeling about life or work. But there is another kind of stress (trong dm) that actually helps us understand. This other kind of stress is an accent (ddu) that we make on cer- tain syllables (dm tiét) and words when speaking English. In some languages, for example Vietnamese, people say each syllable with equal force (sie manh). But in English, and some other languages, we put a big force (stress) on some syl- lables and no force on other syllables or words. This can make it difficult for speakers of other languages to understand English that is spoken quickly. Of course, for native speakers (ngudi_ ban ngi2) it is not difficult. In fact (thét vdy), stress actually helps native speakers understand each other. So it is very important (quan trong). We shall talk here about WORD STRESS (stress on a syl- lable inside a word) and SENTENCE STRESS (stress on words inside a sentence). WORD STRESS Word stress (trong dm cia tit) is like a golden key to speaking and understanding English. If you do not already know about word stress, you can try to learn about it. This is one of the best ways for you to un:ler- stand spoken English — especially English spoken fast. Take 3 words: photograph, photographer and photographic 13 Do they sound the same when spoken? No. Because ONE svl- lable in each word is STRESSED (stronger than the others). PHOtograph phoTOgrapher photoGRAPHic This happens (xdy ra) in ALL words with two or more syl- lables: TEACHer, JaPAN, CHINa, aBOVE, converSAtion, INteresting, imPORtant, deMAND, etCETera. The syllables that are not stressed are “weak” or “small” or “quiet”. Native speakers of English listen for the STRESSED syllables, not the weak syllables. If you use word stress in your speech (Jdi ndi), you will instantly (edp téc) and automatically (¢y déng) improve (cdi thién) your pronunciation (phat Gm) and your comprehension (su hiéu biét). If you have an English teacher, you can ask her to help you understand word stress. Or you can try to hear the stress in individual words (cde tw riéng 1é) each time you listen to English — on the radio, or in films for example. Your first step (bude ddéu) is to HEAR and recognise (nhdn ra) it. After that, you can USE (dung) it. Two important rules (quy téc) about word stress: e One word, one stress sae et « The stress is always on a vowel. SENTENCE STRESS Sentence stress (trong dm ctia cdu) is another golden key for speaking and understanding English. With sentence 14 stress, some words in a sentence are STRESSED (loud) and other words are weak (quiet). Look at the following sentence: We want to go. Do we say every word with the same stress or force? No: We make the important words BIG and the unimportant words small. What are the important words in this sentence? Yes, that's right: WANT and GO. We WANT to GO. We WANT to GO to WORK. We DON’T WANT to GO to WORK. We DON’T WANT to GO to WORK at NIGHT, Now, you know that word stress exists, you can try to learn more about it. You should KNOW that S£Ntence and WORD STRESS are VERY imPORtant! HE IMPORTANCE OF SPEAKING ENGLISH There are 4 key skills when you learn a language: - Listening - Speaking ~ Reading - Writing Which one of these is the "Odd-Man-Out"? Which one of these is different from the other three? The answer is speal- ing. The other three you can do alone, on your own, without anyone else. You can listen to the radio alone. You can read a book alone. You can write a letter alone. But you can't really speak alone! Speaking to yourself can be “dangerous” because men in white coats may come and take you away. That is why you should make every effort possible to find somebody to spéak with. Where can you find people who can speak English with you? And how can you practise speaking when you are alone? At School Lf you go to a language school, you should use the oppor- tunity to speak to your teachers and other students. When you go home, you can still practise listening, reading and writing but you probably can't practise speaking. If your teacher asks you a question, take the opportunity to answer. Try to say as much as possible. If your teacher asks you to speak in pairs or groups with other students, try to say as much as possible. Don't worry about your mistakes. Just speak! 16 Conversation Clubs Many cities around the world have conversation clubs where people can exchange one language for another. Look in your local newspaper to find a conversation club near you. ‘They are usually free although some may charge a small trance fee. Shopping If you are living in an English-speaking country, you have 1 wonderful opportunity. Practise speaking to the local people such as shop assistants or taxi drivers. Even if you don’t want to buy anything, you can ask questions about products that interest you in a shop. "How much does this cost?" “Can I pay by cheque?" "Which do you recommend?" Often you can start a real conversation — and it costs you nothing! English Speaking Clubs Even if you don't live in an English-speaking country, there are often American, British, Canadian and Australian speaking clubs in many large cities. If you can find one of. these clubs, you'll probably meet many people speaking English as a first or second language. Language Is All Around You Everywhere you go you find language. Shop names, street names, advertisements, notices on buses and trains... Even if you are not in an English-speaking country, there are often a lot of English words you can see when walking in the street, especially in big cities. And there are always numbers. Car numbers, telephone numbers, house numbers... How can this help you? When you walk down the street, practise reading the words and numbers that you see. Say them to yourself. It's not exactly a conversation, but it will help you to "think" in 2-LINBNTATC 17 English. For example, if you walk along a line of parked cars, say the number on each car quickly as you pass it. Test your- self, to see how fast you can walk and still say each number. But don't speak too loud! Songs and Video Listen to the words of an English-language song that you like. Then repeat them to yourself and try to sing with the music. Repeat the words as many times as possible until they become automatic. Soon you'll be singing the whole song. Or listen to one of your favourite actors on video and repeat one or two sentences that you like. Do it until it becomes auto- matic. It's good practice for your memory and for the mouth muscles that you need for English. Above all, don’t be afraid to speak. You must try to speak, even if you make mistakes. You cannot learn without mis- takes. There is a saying: "The person who never made a mis- take never made anything.” So think of your mistakes as something positive and useful. Speak as much as possible! Make as many mistakes as possible! When you know that you have made a mistake, you know that you have made progress. se =i Riddle A man goes into a bar and asks for a glass of water. The barman pulls out a gun, and points it at the man. "Thank you' replies the man and walks out. What happened to the man? sdnoory poy unui oyy, czomsuy Notes: It always works - a shock as a hiccup cure appears to be an international thing. oe 5 18 BAI TAP REN LUYEN VOI NHUNG AU DOI THOAI NGAN aw KX = Sau day 1a mot s6 bai déi thoai tiéng Anh theo mét chi dé ma ban 6 thé ding trong cuge séng giao tiép thudng ngay. GOING TO A PARTY DI DU TIEC Khi di du mot budi tiée, ban nén can nhac nhiing diéu sau day: 1. Ban sé tré chuyén vdi ai? 2. Cac dé tai ma ban cé thé dé cap dén trong khi tro chuyén. Ba mau déi thoai sau day sé gitp ban cé kinh nghiém tg xi khi di du tiée. Trong mau déi thoai A, Dan goi dién thoai cho Kay dé héi cdc thong tin vé budi tiée va nhan loi mdi dy tiée. Trong mau doi thoai B, Dan dén dy tiée va chao héi Kay, ngudi té chic budi tic, va dua cho Kay chai rugu vang ma cau da mang dén. Trong mau déi thoai C, Dan gap nhiing ngudi khéch khdc trong budi tiée va ho noi chuyén véi nhau vé cdc ké hoach trong tuong lai. Trong cdc c&u chuyén cia ho c6 nhing lai dé xuat, nhén Idi, v.v... Ban cing nén nhé rang trong bat ctf cudc déi thoai nao, ban cdn phai van dung cde cdch néi khée nhau dé dam bao ban da nghe dung thdng tin do ngudi khde cung cap. Viée hiéu sai thong tin khong nhiing sé mang lai nhiéu bdi réi ma cé khi cdn tai hai nita. ‘Trong ba mau déi thoai sau day ban sé thay cde céch néi khée nhau duge ding dé c6 xée dinh thong tin duge nghe va hiéu dung. 19 20 CONVERSATION A (Dan calls Kay) Dan: Hello Kay. It’s Dan. I just received the invi- tation to your party. Kay: Can you make it? Dan: Well, let's sec. It's next Saturday night, 7:00 p.m., at your house, and the address is 201 Liberty Lane, Champaign. Right? Kay: That's right. I hope you can come, Dan: It would be my pleasure. Can I bring any- thing? Kay: Just yourself. Dan: Ok, I'll be there with bells on. I'm looking forward to it. Thanks. Kay: Bye. Dan: See you then. CONVERSATION B (Dan and Kay upon his arrival) Dan: Hello. Kay: Hi, come in. Glad to see you. Dan: (inside) Thanks for inviting me. I brought some wine. Kay: Oh, how nice. Let me take it to the kitchen. Go on into the living room. I think you know most everyone. CONVERSATION C (Dan and the other guests) Bill: Hi! How are you? Dan: Fine. How about you? Bill: Super! Let me introduce you to my niece, Claire. Claire, this is Dan. He works with me at the office. Claire: Hello, Dan Bill: Dan, this is my brother John's daughter, Claire. Dan: Pleased to mect you. I didn’t know John had a daughter? Where's he been hiding you? Bill: She's been living out East with his wife's sister. She just moved back. Dan: What part of the East, Claire? Claire: Boston, near the harbor. Dan: It must be quite a change - coming back here? Claire: It is, but I'm glad to be back and see all my friends Bill: Hey, Dan. Do you still play golf? Dan: Not as much as I would like. Bill: Claire plays. Maybe we could all play some- time soon? Dan: That sounds great. How about tomorrow morning? Bill and Claire: Sure, say 7:00, out at Harrison Park? Dan: Great, 7 a.m. at Harrison. Lil look forward to it. 22 Kay: (rejoining the group) I see you've met Elizabeth Dan: Elizabeth? I thought your name was Claire? Claire: It is. My aunt just calls me by Elizabeth. Dan: Well, I've not only met Elizabeth, but the three of us are off to the greens in the morning. Kay: She'll probably whip the both of you! Ha! Ha! Bill: Dan, could you pass me that newspaper? Let's see what the weather's supposed to be. Dan: Sure, here you go. Bill: Thanks. Claire: How often do you play, Dan? Dan: Well, this year I've only played twice. How about you? Claire: I was playing weekly in Boston ~ with my aunt, but since I came home, I haven't played once. Bill: The report is a humdinger. I guess the left- overs from hurricane Opal are gone Dan: So are you saying it is supposed to be nice tomorrow? Bill: Iam sure. It says it will be sunny and dry = perfect weather. Kay: Enough about golf. How's your dancing? Hey, Pete. Would you turn up the stereo? We've got a party going on! GHI CHU 1. ... let's see. It's next Saturday night, 7:00 p.m., at your house, and the address is 201 Liberty Lane, Champaign... Day 1a mét cach néi nhim xac nhan lai thong tin ma Dan da nghe, Sau khi néi diéu nay Dan c6 thé chdc chan ring théng tin ma cau nghe duge dung véi y ma Kay da néi. Néu c6 diém nao chua rd thi sé duge Kay lam ro ngay trong lic nay. Bay gié Dan da ném dii cdc chi tiét dé c6 thé quyét dinh nh4n 1¢i méi cia Kay. 2. Can you make it? Kay dang bay té hi vong ring Dan cé thé dén dy tige; déng thei cé.cling muén Dan tra loi 6 dén dy tiée hay khong. Dan c6 thé tra lai cau hdi nay bing nhiéu cach nhu “Yes/No/Maybe/ I'll see/...” Bang each héi nay, Kay t6 ra lich sy, khong muén gay stte ép va lam-cho-Dan cam thay khé chiu. 3. I'll be there with bells on. Dan muén ndi ring cau sé cé mat trong budi tiée va déng thai cung muén cho Kay thay rang cdu rat phén khdi duge Kay méi va sé cO mat dung gid. Thanh ngit “with bells on" dién dat y nghia phan khdi vé mét su kién nao dé va se c6 mat dung gid. 4. Can | bring anything? Trong hau hét eac tinh huéng giao tiép thong thudng, day 1a mét céch néi lich su sau khi déng y tham dy mot budi tiée. Cau tra lai thudng 1a “No, but thank you for asking." hay "If you like, but it’s not necessary." Da cho nguisi mai ¢6 tra loi nhu thé, ngu’i duge moi van mang phan déng gop cia minh dén budi tige nhu mot it hoa qué hay mot chai ruou vang, keo banh, mot goi khoai tay chién (potato chips), vv... ty vao tinh huéng thuc sv. 23 5. I'm looking forward to it. Day la mot cau bao hiéu két thie viée déi thoai. Dan muén néi rang cau sé khong quén viéc dén du tiéc va déng thoi té ¥ khong con gi dé trao déi tiép niva. 6. Thanks for inviting me. I brought some wine. Hai cau nay di véi nhau, céu sau bé tie cho cau truéc. Dan khong nhiing néi Jén niém vui tham dy buéi tiéc ma con nh&e dén mén qua cia minh 7. Let me introduce you to... , Trong giao tiép, viée gidi thiéu thuéng duge thé hién mot cach lich suf véi m6t sé cau n6i nhat dinh, mang tinh quy ude: Chin muoi chin phan tram céc cau gidi thiéu déu tuong ty cdc edu sau day: : “Dan, let me introduce you to Claire.” ‘Claire, meet Dan." Tén ngudi duge gidi thiéu duge néu ra dé hai bén déu c6 thé nhé. Céch nay cing néu lén duoc su binh dang cia hai ben. Thudng thi ngudi dig ra gidi thiéu se co them mot Idi gidi thich chi tiét hon. Trong truing hgp nay, Bill noi them véi Dan rang Claire 1a chau gai cia cau; va néi véi Claire rang Dan lam chung trong eo quan véi minh 8. What part of the East, Claire? Tiép theo phan déi thoai da thuc hién, Dan bay té suf quan tam cua minh véi Claire bang cach hoi thém mét cau héi téng quat dé co su hiéu biét thém vé Claire. Dan thém tén cua Claire vao cuéi cau héi dé ghi nhé tén cia Claire; déng thoi cho Claire thay cau quan tam dén c6 nén méi nhé Len co, 9. It must be quite a change ~ coming back here? Mot ldn nia Dan cho thay cau dé y dén Claire qua vide har thém mét cau nia va déng thdi tao co hdi cho Claire néi them ve minh, Néu Claire muén cho Dan biét thém vé c6 thi day sé la dip dé c6 thuc hién. Néu khong muén, 6 ¢6 thé chon lya mét trong hai cach: tra 1di cu thé hode tranh tra Jai cau héi bang mdt each nao 46. 10. I'm glad to be back and see all of my friends. Claire da chon cdch tra lai edu héi cia Dan bing mét cau cing khong néu ro chi tiét. Voi nhing 1di ndi nay, Claire e6 ¥ mudn néi: “C6 diéu thi vi la duge tré lai gap gé ban cit ctia minh” va khong them chi tiét nao nia! Cau héi cing khéng bude cé phdi tra loi li do riéng tai sao cé tré lai; ma néu cé mu6n bé sung thém thi cing khong sao, 11. Do you still play golf? Néi vé cde sé thich, nhu choi cée mén thé thao, thudng 1A mot cach dé b&t chuyén voi mot ai dé. Khi mot ngudi thich choi mot mon thé thao nao dé thi nguvi dy sé rat thich thi néi vé mén thé thao ay. Day cing 1a mot each thudng ding dé chia sé mot sé thich chung. Bill khong nhing héi Dan vé mét mén thé thao ma Dan choi ma con hiéu ring day 1A sé thich chung cia ba thanh vién trong cudc déi thoai; va rang ca ba déu cdm thay thodi mai khi ni vé dé tai db. 12. Not as much as | would like. Dan cé thé chi tra lai don gidn véi "Yes" hay "No". Nhung bing céch tra ldi nhu trén, cu ngu ¥ mudn néi minh muén choi gon thém néu cé théi gian. Didu nay gitip cho Bill c6 co hdi trd Ini von lai dé nghi vao mét lic nao dé ho sé choi mén thé thao nay vir on nhau - mot léi dé xuat ma cé 1é Dan dang hi vong, trong hic cau chon lai dé néi. 13. I see you've met Elizabeth. Day 1a cach dé nhat dé tham gia vao mét cudc déi thoai dang dién tién. Cau nay can c6 cau tra 1di va c6 thé lam cho mét cude déi thoai dang dién tién ngung lai trong gidy lat. 14, Elizabeth? | thought your name was Claire. Dan vita mdi nhan duge mét thong tin gay cho cau su ngac nhién. C4u cén phai lam ro thong tin nay. Gach cau hoi di thang vao van dé. Ngudi con gai ding trude cau duge goi bing hai tén khae nhau va c4u mudn biét rd li do. 15. Could you pass me that newspaper? Day 1a mot 1éi yéu cau lich su bat dau voi “could”. Cé thé ding “please” & cudi cdu. Nhung trong nhiing tinh hudng than mat gitta ban be, c6 thé bé tir nay. Thém vao, cau néi sé trd nén trang trong hon. Cau “Please pass me the newspaper." mang tinh chat trang trong hon cau néu trén. 16. Sure, here you go. Loi yéu cdu than mat (khong trang trong) sé duye dap lai bing mét cau tra ldi than mat. Cau tra ldi ngu y ngudi tra loi cam t viée giip dé khong thanh van dé, va da lam cho ngudi dé xuat si yéu cau duce gitip cam thay thoai mdi. 17. How often do you play, Dan? Claire té dau higu quan tam muén biét rd vé Dan han. Cau héi khong mang tinh riéng tu, nhung cau tra lai c6 thé mang lai cho Claire mét it nhiéu thong tin vé doi séng riéng cia Dan. Dé tai 26 “golf” due ding vi duge xem nhu mot dé tai ma moi ngudi déu co thé tham gia. Tuy nhién ban eding nén luu y¥ ding bao giv khai thac qua lau vé mét dé tai khién cho moi y tudng tré nén can kiét. 18. How about you? 6 dang "How do you .. ai dé hoi mot sau cau tra n s¢ 1a mét cau héi ti’p theo “How about you?" hay "And Véi cach tra 1vi trén ban sé cho ngu¥i d6i thoai thay rang ban cimg quan tam dén y kién hay su chon Iva cia ngudi ay. 19. Enough about golf. How's your dancing? Cau noi nay cho thay Kay khong edn quan tam dén viée noi vé choi gow niva ma muén chuyén sang dé tai khdc. Rd rang la c6 Khong chi mudn biét vé kha nang khiéu va cia nguei déi thoai ma con muon ngubi Ay khieu va véi cd. Do cae budi tiée é nhing nude phuong Tay thuéng cé Am nhac va méi trugng thich hgp véi viée khiéw vo, cdch ni nay 6 ra kha higu qua dé thay déi dé ihoai hoc dé méi nguei doi thoai khiéu va v6i minh. BAI TAP Trong phan néu trén ban da c6 dip doc cde mau déi thoai cd ch dimg tiéng Anh trong tinh huéng tham gia mét budi tiée than mat do ban be t6 chue, vé cdch ting xit trong khi dy ‘ tham gia déi thoai trong khi du tiéc. lien quan dén bide va Di nhién, thy vao trinh dé sd dung liéng Anh cia ban va tay vao tinh hudng giao tiép, trang trong hay than mat, ma néi dung ctia cde cude adi thoai c6 thé thay déi 6 nhimg budi tiée khdc nhau Néu ban khéag biét ro thong tin vé budi tiée ma ban duge mdi tham A \ hoi ngudi mdi truée khi quyét’ dinh nhan ldi hay khong nhan Idi, va catch ting xt trong buéi tiée. Sau day 1a ba tinh hudng, ban hay suy nghy va tim cach tré loi esic eu hi cho san. 27 TINH HUONG THU NHAT Ban la hoc sinh/sinh vién quéc t€ va ban duge mdi tham dy mét budi tiée Halloween do Té chic Sinh vién Quéc té mdi. Ban rét mudn tham dy, nhung ban lai dénh mat thy mdi va cde chi tiét trong thu. Ban tra tim so dién thoai cia T6 chute Sinh vién Quic té trong sé Nién gidm dién thoai va goi cho Ban té chute dé biét thong tin. “Hello. International Students’ Organization? I'm calling regarding your Halloween Party. I received an invitation, but unfor- tunately I lost it. Can I get the information from you?" 4. Ban muén biét théng tin gi? Trong khi héi, ban néi nhy thé nao dé xde dinh vige ban nghe ya hiéu hoan toan ding théng tin ma ngudi noi d dau kia dién thoai da cung cap? 2. Ngoai ra ban cén muén thém diéu gi trong cudc ndi chuyén di¢n thoi? TINH HUONG THU HAI Ban nhan dugc thu mdi dy sinh nhat mot nguoi ban - qua buu dién. Ban da goi dién thoai cho ngudi mdi dé x4c nhan thong tin vé budi tiée, Hay tudng tugng, bay gig ban dang ding trude ella nha ngudi ban va mang theo mot hop banh quy. Ban nhan chudng cita va ngudi té chic budi ti¢e ra md etta. 1. Ban ni gi vol nguéi té chic budl Sau khi bude vao nha, ban nhan thy chua cé ai dén va nhan ra ban la ngudi khach dau tién. 2. Ban ndi gi dé lam cho ca ban va ngudi 16 chuc budi tiée cam thay thoai mai hon? 28 TINH HUONG THU BA Ban méi vao lam viée 6 vain phong cia mot cong ti nuge ngoai chi duge mét tudn. Ban va nguéi ban dai cila minh duge mai dy mét buéi tiée Giang sinh do Chi tich cia cong ti chiéu dai toan b@ nhan vién cia cong ti. Ban da dén chao ngudi té chute va duge dua sang phong khdch bén canh dé gap cdc khach méi khac Vita bude vao phong, ban tréng thay mot ngudi dan ong 1am cing phéng véi ban. Ban tién dén chao nguvi ay. Ding canh ngudi nay la mét ngudi dan éng va m6t nguéi dan ba ma ban khéng quen. Ban hay tuéng tugng minh tham gia vao nhiing viéc gidi thigu nhu sau: Ban: Hi, (Paul). Nguti déi thoai: Hi! Ban: I’m glad to see someone I know. Let me introduce you to my husband, Tom. (/ wife, Mary) 1. Ban gidi thigu chéng/v¢ ban nhu thé nao? Sau khi gidi thiéu, ban duge biét ngudi dan ba ding canh Paul 1a Truéng phong Nghién ciu. Tén ba ay 1a Joan ma nhiém vu cia ban va Paul 1a giti ede bao cdo cia Phong Nghién ctu cho cdc khach hang. 2. Ban bat chuyén voi ba Joan nhu thé nao? Mot khéch hang giti tang Paul mét cay but rat dep dé té long biét on: vé viée Ong ta sém nhan duge két qua cia Phong Nghién cuu. 3. Ban ndi thé nao dé Paul cho ba Joan xem cay but? 29 NAUNG MAU DOL THEO CHU DE GIAO TIEP THONG THUNG Anh phan Ot Bai viét nay nham gidp cho cic ban hoe noi tim biét va chon la cach ndi thich hop trong nhiing tinh huéng giao tiép khac nhau trong thuc té: edch néi than mat (injormal) va cach néi trang trong (formal). Trong khi déi thoai, tuy vao déi tugng va tinh hudng gine tiép du duge ma ngudi néi cé thé ding cach noi than mat ~ qua nhting « néi vdi mot tée do nhanh hoae pee hoan chinh, kay bo bét tit trong cau nhu: "Sorry, gotta go.", "Wanna beer?’, bv tif ngdn gon nhu: “Hi!” (khi duge gidi thiéu vai mot neu cho mét cau ndi dai hon nhu: "How do you do?". Nguve cach ni trang trong, ngudi ndi thudng diny nhimg eau dai, hoan chinh, cho thém théng tin vao cu noi nhu: “I’m afraid not.” thay ‘I’m not."— tuong tu nhu trong van viel. dung mt vai khic) thay i, trong vi néi: Ngoai ra, ban con phai hoc phéin bi¢t mot sé cau nor chi ding riéng cho ting cach noi: than mat hoac trang trong. Sau day 1a mét sé chii dé déi thoai thong thing trong giao tiép hang ngay: 1. CHAO HOI, BAO Hsu KET THUC VA THOAI (Greetings, Preclosings and Closings) THUC DOT Khi ban hoe bat ki mOt ngon ngi nao, bai hoc néi dau tién 30 thudng thudc vé chi dé “Chao héi” — mot chi dé rat cdn thiét trong giao tiép thugng ngay. Ban chao khi muén tiép xtic véi mot ngudi la hoae dé bat dau mot cudc déi thoai. Khi chao mot ngudi, ban thé hién viée minh da nhan ra ngudi ay va 1vi chao cia ban ndi lén méi quan hé gitia hai ngudi. Nhimg 1di chao thusng theo quy u6ée chit khong phan anh duge noi dung dich thue ciia cau néi thu té. Vidy: Vao mét budi sang am u, ban van noi "Good morning.” dé chao mét ai dé ho&e khi mét ai dé chao ban: “How are you?" ban van dap lai: e, thanks." trong khi ban chang cam thay khoé manh ti nao. Thutng thi lui chao duge dap lai bang mét cach noi tuong tu hay 6 thay déi déi chut tiy vao tinh hudng. Ngudi ta khong dot ngdt cham ditt m6t cudc déi thoai, ma thudng néi mét vai loi nham bao hiéu cho ngudi kia biét cuéc déi thoai da dén lic két thic. Trong nhiing cuéc déi thoai trang trong, nguéi Ién tuéi hon hay cé dia vi xa héi cao hon thudng 1a nguti dau tién bao hiéu két. thc déi thoai Trong nhing cuéc adi thoai than mat, ngudi dau tién bao hiéu két thtic déi thoai co thé 1a ai dé trong hai ngudi ndi. Khi néi chuyén bang dién thoai, thudng thi ngudi goi dién thoai sé 1a ngudi béo hiéu két thuc viée déi thoai, Nhiing li bao hiéu két thuc viéc déi thoai thutmg cé ndi dung céo ldi vi ban viée hay cdm on; cdn néi dung nhing léi két thuc cing gidng nhu lai chao héi, mang tinh chat quy ude. Nhig ngudi lam viée vdi nhau hang ngay chao tam biét vao cudi budi lam viée hay chic nhau mét cudi tudn vui vé. Khach duge méi dy tiéc thudng tim chi nha dé chao tam biét va cam on vé bifa an. Tuy vao tinh huéng giao tiép thc té ma ngudi ta bat tay nhau hay 6m hén nhau. Néu khong biét img xit nhu thé nao, ban hay quan sat hoac héi nhing ngudi khdc. Ban can nam ving mét sé quy ude trong luc déi thoai dé thuc hién viée giao tiép mét each c6 van héa va lich sy theo quy ude cia nhiing ngudi noi tiéng Anh. Sau day la hai mau déi thoai tiéu biéu. Mau ddi thoai thi nhat 31 thé hién noi dung chao héi trang trong trong khi mau déi thoai thi hai thé hién tinh chat than mat. 1. George: Good morning, Mrs. Green. Mrs. Green: Good morning, George. How are you? George: I’m fine, thank you. And you? Mrs. Green: Fine, thanks. 2. dim: Hi, Mary. Mary: Hi, Jim. How are you? Jim: Not bad. What's up? Mary: Nothing. CHAO HO! — Good morning. (Gap nhau lie sing) — Good afternoon (Gap nhau hic chiéw) = Good evening (Gap nhau lic chiéu toi) — How nice to see you. Yes, it’s been quite a while. - How are you? — How are you doing? Fine, thank you. OK./ Not bad, BAO HIEU KET THUC DOI THOAI __Trang trong (Formal) Than mat (Informal) — It’s been a pleasure. Yes, I've enjoyed it. — It was nice to see you. — It was good to see you. I really must go now. See you again. Than mat (/nformal) — Long time, no see. Yeah! — Great seeing you Same here. = Nice to see you again. — Nice to see you. Got to go now. See you aga 32 KET THUC 861 THOAI Than mat (Informal — Until the next time. Goodbye. - Bye, Bye. Take it easy. — Have a nice weekend. You, too. — See you later. So long. Take cure. 2. TY GIGI THIEU VA GIGI THIBU (Self-Introduction and Introductions) Trong ltie ty gidi thigu hay gidi thigu hai ngudi chua quen biét vdi nhau ban cdn ném viing mot sé quy uée giao tigp lien quan dén cdc van dé nay. Phan ty gi¢i thiéu va gidi thigu can néu ro tén va mot chit thong tin thém vé minh hay vé hai ngudi duge gidi thiéu dé lam nén giao tiép sau nay. Ngoai ra, cling c6 thé néu méi quan hé gitta ngudi gidi thiéu va ngudi duge gidi thiéu. Déi khi ban phai tu gidi thigu minh - trong mdt budi tiép tn, budi tige, hdi thao, hoi nghi, v.v. Vi dy: Lan: Hello, I’m Lan. I'm from Vietnam. Trong cach néi trang trong, thutng thi baa gidi thiéu ngudi it tudi véi ngudi 1én tudi hoac cp duéi vdi cp tran, dan éng vdi dan ba Vi du: Lan: Mrs. Green, I would like to introduce my friend, Minh, Mai: Mrs. Black, this is Mr. Lee, my friend. Nhiing ngudi dan éng thutng bat tay khi duge gidi thigu véi nhau. Néu mét ngudi dan dng duoc gidi thiéu véi mot ngudi dan ba thi tay theo sy Iva chon cia ngudi dan ba dé bét tay hay khéng. Trong lic bat tay, ban ding n&m tay ngudi duge gidi thiéu qua lau hay xiét qué manh lam dau tay ngudi kia. Ban cing ditng ndm tay qué hai hot vi nguéi phuong Tay sé danh gid ban qua cach bat tay ~ cch bat tay thé hién nhan cach va van héa cia mét con ngudi. 3-LTNDNTATC =~ 33 1. Lan: Is this seat taken? George: No, help yourself. Haven’t seen you before. Lan: I’m new in this class. What's your name anyway? George: George. What's yours? Lan: Minh Lan, but just call me Lan George: All right, Lan. 2. George: Good morning, Mrs. Green. This is my friend, Lan. She’s from Vietnam. Lan: I'm glad to meet you, Mrs. Green Mrs. Green: Nice to meet you. 3. George: Tim, this is Lan. She’s from Vietnam. Tim: Hi, Lan. Lan: Hi, Tim. TY GIGI THIEU Trang trong (Formal, — How do you do? I'm Minh Lan, from Vietnam. — How do you do? I'm George. | - Hi, I'm Tim. —Idon't think we meet before. | - Hi, I'm Lan. What's your 1'm Lan name? _ Nice to meet you. I'm Mary. | ~ Hi, I'm Margaret, but everyone calls me Peggy. Than mat (/nformal) — Hello. I'm Lan. GIGI THIEU. Trang trong (Formal) Than mat (Informal) TT like to introduce Mr. Green] _ [4 like you to meet Peggy. our guest. How do you do? Nice io meet you. = Minh Lan, Tim. Hi, Tim, just call me Lan. Hi, Lan. — This is Minh Lan. Nice to meet you. 34 3. NHUNG CACH XUNG HO (Address Systems) Nhing cach xung hé khdc nhau trong nhiéu ngén nga thé hién moi quan hé gitta nhing ngudi giao tiép vdi nhau. Trong tiéng Anh, nhing nguéi khong quen than nhau thudng goi nhau bang “Ong/ Ba/ Cé (title) + he (surname)” cia ngudi déi thoai. Vi dy: Dr. Jones, General Gregory, Professor Bell, v.v... Véi nhiing ai da quen than nhau thi cé thé goi tén riéng (first name) trong khi néi chuyén than mat hay trang trong. Thuéng thi ngudi lén tuéi hon hay c6 dia vi cao han sé 14 ngudi gi ¥ chuyén déi cach xung hé cho than mat. Vi du. Professor Johnson: Why don’t you call me James, Lan? Lan: AU right, James. CACH XUNG HO Trang trong (Formal) Than mat (Informal) Tuéc hiéu + ho duge dung trong nhiing giao tiép trang trong. Dr. Johnson / Professor Schultz Mrs. Jones / Mr. Green Ms. Newman Tén riéng duge ding trong nhimg giao tiép than mat thung ngay. Peter / Tim / Daisy / Mary / Alice Ghi chu: Mr.: Ding cho dan éng cé hay khong c6 vg. Mrs.: Dung cho phu nit da cé chong. Ms.: Dung cho phy nit cé hay chua cé chéng. Trong thé thao, quan doi hay trong mét s6 van phong, nguéi ta thuong goi ho thay cho tén riéng. 35 4. MOT SO TEN RIENG NAM VA NU Bang sau day sé giup ban phan biét dug mét sé tén riéng 1A nam hay nif va céch goi nhing tén nay theo céch than mat. [J ten aayas | Ten goi tt Barbara Barb Barbie Catherine/ Cathy/Kathy/ | Kitty/Katie Katherine Kate Christine/ Christina | Chris/Tina Christie Jean Jean Jeanie Patricia Pat/ Tricia Patty / Patti Susan Susie/Suzy Alfred Alfie Charles ‘Charlie Christopher Kit David Davie James Jimmy John Johnny | Jackie Joseph Joey Patrick Paddy Robert Robbie/ Bobby 5. CAM ON NGUOI KHAC VA DAP LAI LOI CAM ON (Thanking People and Replying to Thanking) Trong thy té giao tiép co rat nhiéu trugng hgp ban phai cam on va dap lai lai cdm on cla ngudi khae nhu khi duge méi tham dy mét budi tiée, c6 duge su gitp dé nao dé, dugc khen, duge tang qua, vv... Tuy vio nhiing tinh huéng khée nhau ma ban c6 thé img xit cho thich hgp. Tuy nhién, ban cing cdn ndm ving mét sé quy uée trong giao tiép bing tiéng Anh dé viéc tmg xit mang tinh van hoa va lich su theo quy uée quée té. Sau day la nhimg tru’ng hop ddi hdi ban phai n6i lai cm gn: — Nhan duge qua ming trong mét sinh hoat xa h9i nao dé nh sinh nhat, 1é phat bang khen, v.v... 36 — Ai do dé xuat giip dé ban thuc hién mét viée nao dé. — Nhan duge su gitip dé cla ngudi khac. = Nhan duge li khen vé mot thanh tich, két qua nado dé hoac mét lai chtic thanh céng. ~ Nhan duge mét Idi héi tham vé stic khoé. — Nhan 1&1 méi tham du mét sinh hoat xa hdi nao 46. — Tir biét ra vé sau khi du mét buéi tiée hay m6t cudc hop mat. — Duge phue vu (trong nha hang, khéch san, v.v...) Tay vao tru’ng hgp cu thé, lai cm on cla ban sé thay déi cho phi hgp véi tinh hudng giao tiép. Néu duge tang qua sinh nhat, loi cam on eda ban phai mang nhiing ndi dung sau day: - Lai cam on — Su quan tam va tran trong cia ban vé mén qua, va mét cau héi lién quan dén mét sé chi tiét vé mén qua nhu cdéch st dung, noi san xuat, vat ligu, v.v... Thye ra day la mét hinh thtic khae dé cam gn! — Doi khi kém theo Idi cém on 1a mét céu néi mang ndi dung khong can thiét phai cho qua hay mén qua rat bat ngo déi véi nguéi nhan. George tang cho Lan mét b6 hoa héng nhan dip sinh nhat ctia Lan. Lan: Oh, thank you very much. I just love roses! Are they from your garden? Nv . Lan tang cho Peter mét bite tranh phong cdnh Viet Nam nhéan dip Peter don dén nha mdi. Peter: It’s beautiful! Thank you very much, Lan. I’ve always wanted a picture of landscape of Vietnam. 3. Ba Green tang cho Lan mét buu dnh sau khi ba di du lich ve. Lan: Oh, thank you, Mrs. Green. But you really didnt have to. 37 © Da ban cé nhan 1i hay khong mot dé nghi mang ho mot dé vat, lam ho mét viée gi, v.v... ban cing phai néi 1éi cam on. Ban cing nén luv y, 6 cdc nude phuong Tay ngudi ta chi dé xuat gitip dé ban mot lan ma thdi. Do d6, néu ban that sy can duge gitip dé thi khéng nén tir chéi theo kiéu ndi lich su, dé ché ngudi adi thoai lap lai 10i dé xuat ldn thi hai hay tht ba réi mdi nh4n 16! — Néu tit chdi, ban noi: No, thank you./No, but thank you for offering. [Thank you, but I can manage it myself. ~ Néu nhan Idi, ban néi: Thanks for helping./ That's very nice of you. Thank you so much. © Ban nén cém on vé mot Idi mdi dit ban cé nhan Iéi hay khong. George: We'll have a party on Saturday evening. Can you come, Lan? Lan: Oh, I'd love to, but I’ve got to go away from the city. Thanks anyway for your invitation. Néu nhén di, ban sé phai héi thém mét sé théng tin lién quan dén buéi tiée. George: We'll have a party on Saturday evening. Can you come, Lan? Lan: Oh, I'd love to. Thanks a lot. What time does it start? And where? ® Sau mot bifa tiéc, truéc khi ra vé ban nén tjm ngudi t6 chite dé cam on. Lan: Thanks a lot for the lovely Saturday evening, George. Treally had a good time. George: You're welcome, Lan. Thanks for coming. © C6 rat nhiéu dich vu trong xa hoi ma ban phai cdm on cho dir ban da phai bé tién ra dé duge phye vu. 1. Salesgirl: There you are. Thank you. Lan: (taking the package) Thank you. 2. Doctor: the best thing for you is having a few days off and taking these tablets. If you don’t feel better in a cou- ple of days, let me know. Lan: Thank you very much. Good-bye, Doctor. Doctor: Good-bye. 3, Lan: Waiter is the bill ready? Waiter: Yes, ma’am. Here you are. Lan: Thank you. © Sau day 1a mét s6 tinh hudng khde can c6 su cd on: 1. George: Good luck on your interview, Lan. Lan: Thanks, George. I'll need it! 2, Mary: That’s a very nice blouse! Lan: Oh, thanks. It’s my birthday gift: 3. George: You're a very good singer, Minh. Minh; Thanks. I had a very good instructor. 4, George: How's your brother, Lan? Lan: Oh, he's pretty good. Thanks. Than mat (Informal Tim very / so grateful for ... — Thanks a lot for .. You're welcome. You're welcome. — Thank you very / so much for. T really appreciate it. Don't mention it. Sure. — That was very nice of you. - Thanks! Thank you. Don't mention it. It was nothing. What are friends for? Trang trong (Formal) Than mat (informal) — Thank you for trying. ~ Thanks, anyway. Sorry it didn't work Sure Too bad it didn’t work I'm sorry it didn't work out. ~ L appreciate your help, anyway. Perhaps you'll have better luck next time. Qua mot sé huéng din cy ihe vé nhing diéu cin nam ving trong thc hanh giao tiép vdi nhiing chi dé thong thudng trong doi song hang ngay da duge néu bén trén, ching toi mong rang ban sé tim due whiéu co hdi thuc hanh nham md rong va nang cao ki nang néi tiéng Anh cia minh Ti TTT ITAA) 5 fe Meanings of “PARTY” I ial 1. A political organization that you can vote for in elections and whose mem E bers have in the same aims and ideas. Ie Ex: The Communist Party of Viet Nam i 2 A social occasion, often in a person's home, at which people eat, drink, i talk, dance and enjoy themselves. | Ex: Did you go to the party last night? 3. A group of people who are doing something together such as travelling, visiting somewhere. Ex: We have a party of 20 people to Hue. The travel agent gives a 10% discount to parties of more than ten 4. One of the people or groups of people involved in a legal agreement or Toa ERE OS dispute ~ A speaker speaks briefly. I Ex: The contract was signed by the two parties. ~ No one talks too often. » it can be terminated by either party with one month's rotice. Everyone tries to bring into the discussion a girl : : or boy who has not vet spoken. You may wish to use your vacation experiences as the topic for a class discussion. Through your conversation you will discoy- er the experiences each person has to share. Notice that a ques- tion is a good way to bring a new person into the conversation. As-each-student speaks, one of your classmates may list the dif- ferent experiences on the board. Your list may look something like this A trip to Ha Long Bay A camping trip Our club activities English lessons A book fair Autumn festivals Here is a chart of standards which can help you with your class discussions STANDARD FOR A CLASS DISCUSSION Each student takes part by giving information, making suggestions, or asking questions. The |-A speaker talks only on the topic being Speaker | discussed. |. cia aaa oe eo eee aT SUOSaE 41 STANDARD FOR A CLASS DISCUSSION ~ A listener looks at the speaker. ~ A listener allows a speaker to finish what he has to say. ~ A listener tries to add to what has been said. ~A listener notices the persons who have not yet spoken. The Listener You can learn much through your experiences in class discus- sions. Remember to do the following things as you give your talk: ~ Sit or stand straight as you talk. ~ Look at your audience. ~ Speak in a clear voice that everyone can hear. When your classmates are giving their talk, remember: - Listen courteously. - Look at each speaker as he/she talks. Here are some tips te improve your English speaking skills. 1. If you are telling a story — Begin: with an interest-provoking sentence ~ Keep the steps of the story in order. — Use the conversation, if you wish, to advance the story plot. — Avoid tying your sentences together with and, and so, and then, and uh, but uh. ~ Build up in suspense. ~ End with a “punch”. 2. If you are explaining - Think through the explanation before you begin. - Keep to the subject. ~ Make your points in step-by-step order. = Use exact information. ~ Use diagrams, charts, or pictures if you wish. ~ If you wish, demonstrate how the subject of your talk is per- formed or accomplished. 3. If you are giving directions ~ Explain step-by-step order. ~ Tell the simplest possible route. = Give all the necessary information. = Use exact information = Use description when it proves helpful. = Use simple diagrams and maps if you wish. DO YOU KNOW? ARBOR DAY is the day set aside each year for the planting of trees in the United States. The idea of having that day was started about 1870 by Mr. J.S.Sterling of Nebraska City. He was much interested in having people plant trees to take the place of thousands of trees which the settlers in that state had cut down to build their homes and to clear the land. Every American state now has Arbor Day, but the date of that day is not the same in all states. . COLUMBUS DAY is the twelfth day of October. Columbus discovered ‘America on October 12, 1492. President Harrison aske the people of the United States to celebrate that discovery four hundred years later. It is a holiday for many business people. YX ‘here are splendid programs in many schools. ZW ee 0 that day. a sx 43 ELL} Pp GOI SY CHU Y VA TROYEN BAT THONG TIN TRONG LUG NGUO! KHAC DANG NOI Trong cdc cudc déi thoai bang tiéng Anh, ggi su chu y va truyén dat thong tin trong lic ngudi khac dang noi 1a mét diéu lam cho mét s6 ban béi réi vi chua quen cdch giao tiép theo van héa phuong Tay. Doi khi viée tg xtt cdn ‘em theo mt sé dng tde va céch ndi, tiy theo tinh huéng giao tiép: trang trong hay than mat. Dé gay su chi y ciia ngudi khdc (getting people’s attention) va dé cho viée théng tin cia ban khong bi dot ngét, ban nén lam mot cai gi dé dé ngudi khac chti ¥ dén ban. Thudng thi ban nén cho cho ngudi kia nhin vao huéng cia ban va ban giao tiép bing mat vdi ngudi ay trudc khi bat ddu néi. Tuy nhién, viée nay khong phai lie nao cing ¢6 hiéu qua. Sau day 1A mét s6 ing xit ty vao tinh hudng giao tiép. e 17 Trong m6t nha hang hoae evia hiéu L (In a restaurant or a store) Néu ngu®i phuc vu di ngang qua, ban dua tay ra hiéu, long ban tay huéng ra ngoai va néi: “Waiter” hay “Miss” véi mot giong néi vita du nghe so vdi tiéng dn trong nha hang hay trong ctfa hiéu. Khong nén bing ngén tay hay huyt s4o 4m i dé goi ngudi phuc vu trong nha hang. Con trong cifa hiéu, néu ban thay ngudi ban hang chua cht: y dén ban, ban c6 thé ggi su chu y cla ngudi nay bing cach noi: “Excuse me”. 44 Trong lép hoe (In class) Néu muén héi gido vién trong Iép mot diéu gi, ban c6 thé dua tay va ch’ dén khi giéo vién chi ¥ dén ban. Nhung néu gido vién chua chi y dén ban, ban cé thé dua cao tay vA goi gido vién theo cach: Mr. / Mrs. / Ms. + ho. Vidu: Mr. | Mrs. | Ms. Black, can I have a question? Hoe sinh cée nuée phuong Tay khong bing tay goi gido vién hay goi gido vién Ia “teacher”. GO ngoai dung (In the street) ‘Trit phi ban cé thé vay tay ra higu dé gay su chi y ciia ngudi ma ban dinh gap trong lic di duéng, ban khong nén hét to hay huyt séo Am i ngoai pho. Déi véi ngudi phuong Tay, hanh dong nhu thé duge xem nhu khéng c6 van héa. Trong van phong lam viée (In an office) Khi c6 nhu edu cn néi chuyén véi nguvi trong phong, di cita mé hay déng, theo phép lich su, ban van phai go ctta dé gay su chu y cia ngudi bén trong. Néu cita phong déng vi ngudi bén trong dang ban viée, ban nén giao tiép vdi ngudi dé mot cach nhanh chong, tranh gay phién ha cho ho. Ban cé thé tng xif theo tinh huéng thé hién qua mau déi thoai sau day. Mr. Black: (dang goi dign thogi, nhin thdy ban go cita va bude vao) Can I help you? Ban: Excuse me, Mr. Black, Mrs. Green would like to talk with you. Do you want to see her? Mr. Black: Sure. Ban: All right. I'l take her here in a minute. 45 Néu vige giao tiép khong dién ra nhanh chéng va khong c6 gi khan cp, ban c6 thé hen lam viée véi ngudi kia, tuong tu nhu mau déi thoai sau day. Mr. Black: (dang noi chuyén vdi mot nguai khdéc, nhin thy ban) Excuse me. Yes? Ban: —— (diing ngodi cia) Excuse me for interrupting, but could we make an appointment for late this morning some- time? I would like to go over the financial report with you. Cac truwéng hgp khac (Other cases) Doi khi edn giao tiép qua dién thoai, ban nén tranh khong goi vao gid an hode vao gié qua khuya (sau 10 gid dém), Diéu dau tien ban nén lam la héi ngudi d6i thoai xem lic 4y e6 thuan tién cho vige n6i chuyén qua dién thoai hay khong. Néu khéng thi ban thu xép dé goi lai sau. Mrs. Black: Hello? Ban: Hello, Mrs. Black. This is (tn ban). Are you busy? Mrs. Black: We're eating. Can I call back in half an hour? Ban: OK. See you. Mrs. Black: Yeah, bye. Trong lic déi thoai, ngat Ii ngudi khée lic nuvi gy dang n6i chua ditt cau 14 mgt hanh dong kém van hoa. Ban can phai cho cho dén khi ngudi d6i thoai néi ditt lai. Day la nguyén the “én luot” (urn talking) trong khi giao tiép vA gidp cho viée d6i thoai khéng bj 19n x6n do chua nghe nguvi khic noi hét ¥ da voi noi phdn minh. Trong thang may, khong nén néi xen vao hic hai ngudi khach la n6i chuyén, trit phi viée dy rat cdn thiét. Vi du khach cia eo quan chua biét 16 16i di trong eg quan ciia ban va ho dinh ra khdi thang may sai vi tdng ldu ma ho edn dén dé lam viée thi ban c6 thé néi xen vao dé gitip ho di dén duing ngi dy dinh. Vige ndm ving mét s6 nguyén tac trén sé gidp cde ban rat nhiéu trong viée tng xi v6i ngu’i nude ngoai. Chic cae ban thanh cong! 46 NOI TRUGC CONG CHUNG } (PUBLIC SPEAKING) For of the three elements in speechmaking — speaker, subject, and person addressed - it is the last one, the hearer, that determines the speech’s end and object. George Caleb Bingham Déi vdi ba nhan t6 céu thanh mét bai dién van — nguédi ndi, 8 tai, va nguéi nghe - chinh nhan t6 sau cuing, ngudi nghe, quyét dinh muc dich va déi tugng cia bai dién van. N6i truée céng ching (public speaking) 1a mot trong nhing giao tip (communication) c6 hinh thttc trang trong (formal) khéc vGi d6i thoai (dialogue) hay thdo ludn nh6m (discussion). Trong nhiing cugc déi thoai gidta hai ngudi, hay trong thdo luén nhom, vai trd (role) gitta ngudi n6i (speaker) va ngudi nghe (listener) khéng khde biét (different) vi ho thay phién (take turn) nhau nghe hoac néi ¥ kién cia minh. Cdn trong nhiing buéi ndi truée cong chting hay dién thuyét, vai tro gita ngudi néi va nguéi nghe khéc biét nhau. Ngudi ndi c6 nhiém vu (duty) trinh bay (present) mot dé tai cu thé (a particular subject) da duge chudin bi ki (well-pre- pared) truée dé. Con ngudi nghe c6 nhiém vu lang nghe sy trinh bay (presentation) ciia ngudi n6i. Nguéi néi phai ding truée nhing ngudi nghe. Khoang céch (distance) gidta nguéi néi va nhing ngudi nghe tugng déi xa (far) so véi khoang cach khi ngéi hay dting canh nhau chuyén trd hay thao luan than mat. Trong nhiing buéi néi truée cong ching, rét hiém khi (hardly) nguéi nghe ngat lei (interrupt) nguti néi, hodc khong dé cho ngudi néi tiép tuc trinh bay bai néi cda minh. 47 Vé mat ngén nga, khi n6i trude cong ching, ngudi n6i phai chon Iya each néi edn than (careful), trang tro: g, khong sit dung nhiing edch n6i nhw khi d6i thoai hay thao lugn trong nhém. Trong Khi hoc va rén luyén mon néi trude edag ching, ban cén luu ¥ nhing diém co ban va quan trong sau day: : 1. Ban edn nghien eitu, phan tich dot tuong nguoi nghe _, Vé ban chat, vige néi trude cong chiing la mot hoat dong nén lay ngudi nghe lam trung tam (audience-centered), Day 1a mét qua trinh (process) thu thép thong tin (information) va chuyén a thong tin cho déi tugng nghe. Viée ngaién evtu va ngudi nghe sé sitip cho ngudi n6i cé thé ty digu chinh (adapt) noi dung va edch n6i cia minh cho phi hgp véi déi tuong i Sau day 1a mot s6 céu héi sé giuip cho ban rat nhiéu trong viée chudnn bi phuong php va nghién edu déi tugng trude khi thyc hién vige néi trude cong chung: ~ Nhing ai sé 1a ngusi nghe toi dién thuyét? ~ Ngudi nghe mong dgi (expect) diéu gi tiy bai néi chuyén cia t6i? = pe fal nao la dé tai phi hop nhét véi nhing ngudi nghe toi né6i? ~ Bai n6i chuyén ciia t6i c6 mye dich (purpose) gi? ~ Toi can dua ra nhing théng tin nao trong bai noi chuyén cia toi? ~ T6i sé trinh bay cdc théng tin do tl Toi g tin dé theo phuong phdp (way) — Lam sao tdi cé thé gay su chi y (get attention) cia ngudi nghe va duy tri (maintain) duge su chu ¥ 46? ~ Nhitng vi du nado cé thé mang lai hiéu qua nhat (most 48 effective) trong bai néi chuyén cia t6i? — Phuong phép nao 6 hiéu qua nhat dé t6i sXp xép thong tin? Trong khi nghién evu (do research) vé déi tugng, ban c6 thé luu y dén nhiing chi tiét (details) sau day vé ngudi nghe: tuéi (age), gidi tinh (gender), trinh dé hoc van (educational level), thanh phan gia dinh (class), dan téc (race), tn gido (religion), quan diém chinh tri (political point of view), v.v... Tay vao tinh hinh thuc té ma ban e6 thé sit dung cdc chi tiét dé trong bai noi cia minh dé tranh nhing van dé qué nhay cam (sensitive), nhing van dé gay tranh luan (controversial) va dé néu nhing vi du pha hop véi d6i tugng, v.v... Viée nghién edu déi tugng cing gitip cho ban tinh truée duge nhiing thai d6 (attitude), tinh cam (feeling) va phan ung (reaction) cia ho d6i véi dé tai cia bai noi; déng thi cing gitp cho ban chudn bi duge cdc phuong phap néi thich hgp. Ngoai ra, trudc khi thye hién bai ndi chuyén, ban cing cdn nghién etfu truée dia diém (place). Nhiing cau héi sau day sé gitip ban cé mt su chuan bi truée: — Dia diém noi ban thyc hién bai dién van duge sip xép nhu thé nao? — Ché ngéi (seating) cda nguvi nghe duge bé tri ra sao? — Sé cé khodng bao nhiéu nguéi nghe ban néi chuyén? - Ban cé phai sit dung mt mi-cré hay khong? — Ban c6 phai dting néi sau mét bue dién dauhay khong? — Phén néi chuyén cia ban dién ra vao théi diém nao cia toan bo chuong trinh? - Viée thiét ké anh sang trong phdng ra sao? Ché ngéi cia ngudi nghe cé bi toi nhu trong mot rap hat? 4-LINDNTATC “ - Ban sé ditng ndi trén san khdu (stage) hay trén bye (plat- form) ké cao? — Khodng céch tir ban dén nguéi nghe bao xa? - Phan minh hoa (illustration) bai néi chuyén cia ban 1a nhiing thiét bi nghe nhin (audio-visual equipment) nao? Nhing ngudi nhiéu kinh nghiém (experienced) trong viée néi trudc céng chting thudng bé ra mot it thdi gian dé dén quan sat dia diém truéc khi buéi ni that su dién ra. ‘Trong khi néi, ban can quan sat (observe) phan ting cia ngudi nghe qua nét mat (néu khoang cach gitta ngudi ndi va ngudi nghe khong xa), ett chi (ngéi yén cham chu nghe hay ngdi khong yén), tra 1éi nhig cau héi ngdn do nguti ndi dat ra (déng y hay khong déng y), v.v... Tay theo tinh hinh thuc té ma ngudi néi c6 thé tao ra nhing thay déi trong phuong phép néi cia minh nhu ding nhiing vi du minh hoa nhiéu hon, ding nhing phuong tién minh hoa 16i cuén su chti ¥ cia ngudi nghe, cho nhing vi du lién quan dén ca nhan ngudi ndi, tam nging ndi dé gay su chu y, thay déi toc dé néi va cudng dé giong ni, nhc nhé ngudi nghe Ii do can chu ¥ ldng nghe, trinh bay truée bé cuc bai néi cia minh, v 2. Ban cén la chon va han ché dé tai ctia bai noi Déi khi ban duge chi dinh (assigned) mot dé tai da duge chon truéc, déi khi chinh ban 1A ngudi phai chon dé tai dé néi chuyén trong mét dip nao dé. Trong ca hai truéng hgp, ban can chu ¥ dén yéu té ngudi nghe dé tim dé tai cho phi hgp véi yéu cau, sé thich va su mong dgi ciia déi tugng. Ngoai ra, ban con phdi tinh dén sy quan tam (interest), sé thich (hobby) va kha nang nghién ctu cia ban déi vdi dé tai, dén muc dich va li do (reason) ciia bai néi chuyén. Néu van khéng nghi ra, ban cé thé ngéi suy nghi va viét ra mét danh sdch cde dé tai ma ban cé thé nghi, hoc tham khdo cdc 50 phuong tién truyén thong nhu: nghe nhitng buéi phat thanh, xem nhiing budi truyén hinh thdi su, doc béo, doc nhimg séch liét ké danh muc, chi s6, ca-ta-16, v.v... Thudng thi ban phai dau tu nhiéu thai gian vao viée tim dé tai va thu thap thong tin dé cé thé hinh thanh va phat trién (develop) mét bai néi chuyén truée céng ching. Sau cing (finally), ban can giéi han (limit) dé tai cho pha hop véi thi gian thue hién bai noi chuyén. 3. Ban edn quyét dinh muc dich chinh cia bai noi Cong viée tiép theo sé 1a viée quyét dinh mye dich chinh (main purpose) cia bai néi trude cong ching. Néi chung, mét bai noi truéc céng chting thugng nhim vao mot trong ba muc dich chinh: ~ Théng tin (inform) mét van dé nao 46 nhu trubng hop mét budi n6éi chuyén théi su. hodc mét buéi giang bai hay thuyét trinh trong Idp, mét tham ludn trong hgi nghi, v.v — Thuyét phuc (persuade): Trong trugng hop nay ngudi néi van cung cap théng tin, nhung lai st’ dung thong tin dé cling cé mét niém tin nao dé noi ngudi nghe nhim dan dén mét hanh déng cu thé. Vi du: nhiing ngui lam céng tac tuyén truyén, quang cdo va tiép thi, nhiing nguéi van dong phong trao, nhiing ngudi tranh cit dai biéu quéc hoi, v.v. — Gidi tri (entertain): Day la truéng hgp nhitng ngudi ké chuyén nh&m gitip nguéi nghe duge giai tri, thu gidn (relaxed) sau nhiing buéi chiéu dai (entertainment), cdc tiét muc ké chuyén (story telling) trén truyén hinh, truyén thanh, v.v... 4, Ban can tom tat § chinh cia bai noi Véi mét muc dich chinh da cé san, ban c6 thé nghi dén phan tom tAt (summary) cia ndi dung ndi, dé tif dé xdy dung dan bai 51 (outline) cia bai néi chuyén. Thong thugng phan tém tat nay rat ngan gon, nhu tén goi, sé duge sit dung trong phan mé dau (intro- duction) va két thie (conclusion) cia bai néi chuyén vA phan chia thanh tig phén nhé cia than bai. Dé phat trién phan than bai, ban can phan chia y chinh ra thanh nhiéu bude cia quy trinh minh hoa va bao vé y chinh cia bai ndi chuyén. Ngoai nhung diéu da néu trén dé gitip ban c6 thé xay dung va phat trién mOt bai n6i truée cong chting, sau day 1a mdt sé diéu ma ban cing can uu y dé ty rén luyén minh tré thanh mdt ngudi thanh céng trong viée ni truée cong chting: - Ban cén néu duge nhitng § mdi, sang hién trong dé tai cia minh dé c6 thé l6i cuén duge sit chit 5 cla ngudi nghe. Nhiing ngu@i néi gidi 1a nhiing ngudi co tu duy (¢hought) tot _va biét cach sit dung ngén ngit dé thé hién y tuéng (idea) cita ho. Ho e6 kha nang phat trién, khdm pha ra nhing y tuéng, nhing phuong thie mdi dé gidi quyét nhiing van dé tén dong cit. Ban cain dau tu thdi gian vao viée tap trung suy nghi vé nhimg bién phap gidi quyét cde van dé. Mét khi ban da gia cong vao viée suy nghi, y tudng c6 thé dén véi ban bat chot vao mét lie nao dé, nhi nia dem hay sang sém chang han. - Ban nén sdp xép § tuéng trong khi noi. Trong khi ren luyén ki nang n6i trude cong chung, ban cdn co thé phat trién duge kha nang sap xép ¥ tuéng thanh mot hé thong lé-gich dé ngudi nghe ©6 thé theo doi va hiéu duge ¥ cia ban. Néu ban néi lén x6n, ngudi nghe sé cdm thay khé hiéu va khé theo doi dugc toan b6 nhiing ¥ tuéng ma ban trinh bay. Té hon nita (worse), ho sé c6 thai do khong tich cuc la khong nghe va lm nhung viéc riéng tu hay trd chuyén véi ngudi ngéi bén canh (neighbor). Néu ban lam céng tac tuyén truyén, quang cao va tiép thi va ban cAn trinh bay mét san phém (product) véi cae khach hang tuong lai (potential customer) thi viée trinh bay lon xn sé khéng nhiing mang lai that bai (failure) trong viée thong tin ma con lam 52 cho doanh thu (revenue) cia cong ti ban khong c6 co héi gia tang Mot tac gia (wrifer) thuong cé nhiéu uu thé hon mot dién gia vi tac gid biét rang néu doc gid (reader) cia tae gid Ay khong ndm duge mot diém nao dé cua bai viet trong lan doc dau tién thi ho sé c6 eg hoi (chance) doc lai trong mot hay hai lan sau nay. Con mot nguéi nor trude cong chung thi vat va hon dé dam bao ring ngudi nghe hiew va nhé duce diéu minh trinh bay; vi néu nguai nghe bo s6t mot diém nao thi ho khdng thé nghe tré lai, tri phi ©6 suf gitip do cin nguei ni Cae ting cu vién Quée hoi khong thé mong cif tri nghe va nhé het.cac dé muema minh da trinh bay trong lic tranh et é mot dia phuong nao dé néu ho chi noi so qua cic dé muc dé chi mot lan. Nguoi noi truse cong chung can phai hoc cc phuong phap tinh bay y tuong theo chu dé, theo nguyén Ii nhén - qua (cause effect), thee phuong phap giai quyét van dé (problem solving), vv... va ho etmg phai hoc cach trinh bay phan téng quat (general) trude khi di vao phan cu thé, cach tom tat lai mét ln nia sau khi noi, vi nhi¢u phuong phap luan khac dé gidp lap di lap lai ¥ tuong khién cho ngudi nghe co thé nhé duge nhing ¥ chinh cia nguei néi - Ban can phai ren luyén kha nang nghién eu, thu thap thong lin. Dimg bao gio nghi rang ban la “chuyén gia” vé mot hay hai dé tai nao do dé réi khong céin tham khao thém thong tin, Néu khong nghién cuu tham khao thém tu liéu, chang bao lau tong khi noi ban > trudge “ean nguén” ngay! Dé viée ren luyén néi ng chung co két qua, ban can phai trau déi thém ki nang nghién ctu thu thap thong tin vé nhing dé tai ma ban thuc tap urinh bay Vao thu vién, ban can hoc cach su dung céc phiéu liét ké sich sach tham khio (reference), huéng din (guide), phiéu thu muc index) v.v watalogue), va dui loai 53 Ngoai ra, ban cing nén hoc cach lay thong tin qua nhing cuée phéng vin (interview) hoae viét thy cho nhiing ngudi duge xem 1a nguén théng tin (resource person) dé xin tu ligu. Cae ki nang nay sé giip ich cho ban rat nhiéu sau nay khi ban lam viée va phu ‘tréch nhiing cng tée nhu nghién cttu, béo cdo tinh hinh céng ti, ViVi. - Ban edn ren luyén each trinh bay § tuéng cia minh mét each c6 higu qua. Cé thé ban, da timg nghe nhiéu hoc sinh/sinh vién than phién vé thay c6 ciia minh nhu sau: “Thay/Co...... gidi vé chuyén mon cia minh that. Nhung nghe bai ging ciia ong/ba ay that 1a budn ngul” That dang buén thay c6 nhiéu ngudi rat gidi trong Ih vue chuyén m6n cia minh, nhung lai khong cé kha nang truyén dat kién thie va ¥ tuéng ciia minh mét cach thi vi vA ¢6 két qua. Ho da qua “lay thong tin lam trung tam” (information-centered) hon la “lay ngudi nghe lam trung tam” (audience-centered). Khi theo hoc mén néi truée cong ching, ban can than trong 46 diéu nay khéng xay dén véi ban. Ban cén trau déi cdc ki nang gitip cho ban cé thé dién dat tot y tuéng cia minh. Ban cing sé hoc cach lam thé ndo dé thu hut sy chi ¥ cia ngudi nghe bing vige thay déi cudng diéu giong ndi, digu bd, ké chuyén hai hude, va nhiéu ki nang khde. Ban cling hoc cdch tut chit dé ¢6 thé néi duge tréi chay va nhé duge nhing gi ban dinh néi Mét cau héi thudng duge dat ra dé tranh lun la: “Noi dung n6i hay each ndi quan trong hon?” Cho di ban c6 bao vé cho vé nao di chang nia thi ban cing phai cong nhan mot diéu: mudn thanh céng khi n6i truée céng ching, ban cdn phai biét cach noi! Va quan trong hon nifa, ban cén phai luyén tap nhiéu! Mong rang ndi dung bai nay sé giip cho ban trong viée hoe va ty rén luyén khd nang n6i truée cong chting. Chie ban thanh céng. 54 TIPS ON MAKING CLASS REPORTS When you prepare a report about something you yourself have seen, heard, or done, you already have all the information you need. Sometimes, though, you need to give a report on a subject about all the information you need, How might you which you do not ha get such information? Often your teacher, your class, or someone else gives you a subject for a report. Sometimes you choose your own subject. Here are some tips to help you: Choase a subject — that interests you that will interest those who will read or hear your report. — that you have or can find enough information about to make a good report — that meets the special demands of the occasion. — that is narrowed enough so that you can prepare and give a good report on it in the time you have Remember, your report will be interesting if it tells only those things about your subject that are likely to interest others and it will be easy to be understood if it keeps to the subject/topic it is expected and tells things in the order in which they happened 55 Your report will be interesting and clear if you put into it enough information about the subject. The following things can help you: ~ Make a list of questions you think your report should answer about the subject. Such questions are helpful: What subject would you and the class like to find out about? What are you studying in social studies, science, or other school work? What hobbies do you have? What interesting thing has happened to you or to someone you know? What trip have you taken? What have you tiade? On a sheet of paper, write the subject you have chosen. Under it, list the questions you think your report should answer. Find out whether the other students agree that your questions are good ones? They may suggest other questions they think your report should answer. Add to your list of questions any suggested questions that you think are good ones. Use also the table of contents and an index of a book to find more information about the subject of your report. Use a dictionary to find out the correct meaning of a word before using it in your report. — Make sure everything you plan to tell has something to do with your subject. ~ Revise your report, using these questions: Have I kept to the subject? Will each thing I told be interesting to those who read or hear the report? Have I told enough about the subject? Have I told things in correct order? Have I used only words that others will understand? Does each sentence say what I want it to say? — Practice giving your report at home. Don’t try to remember 56 it word for word. Just get. to know it so well that you will be able to look up from your paper often when you give it in class. — If you are not sure how a word in your report should be pronounced, look it up in a dictionary and practice saying it correctly. ~ If you have pictures or objects to make your report clear and interesting, decide when and how you will show them. Would you punish me for something I didn’t do? » — Teacher: Of course not. : Pupil: ~Good. Because I haven't done my homework. Teacher: /// . Peceeeee® 57 You should be aware that the person you are speaking to may h difficulties too, Therefore keep the following points in mind: 58 g __ TELEPHONING Tele] . x language which is not your own is not easy ave ~ Speak clearly. Use clear articulation and try to avoid diffi- cult words and long sentences if it is not necessary to use them. ~ Do not speak too fast. Keep in mind thatn to speak too fast when they speaks too slowly. many people tend are nervous. Hardly anyone ever - Confirm what you have understood. This is especi: ally important if the other person gives addresses or dates, ~ Be polite. Start and end the conversation politely. Try to avoid being too direct. In English this is often done by using “would like”. Compare: I want some more information. I would like to have some more information. ~ Be efficient. Make sure that you have prepared the call and know what you want to say and how you want to: say it in advance. ~ Know the telephone alphabet. This is particularly impor- tant if you have to spell names and addresses. You should also Know the names of symbols which are used in names and addresses, such as the hyphen and the tilde - Know frequently used expressions. - Listen carefully, so that you do not need to ask the other person to repeat information. THE TELEPHONE ALPHABET Telephone Alphabet A let Alfred B /bif Benjamin iG. Isif Charles D Idif David E fil Edward F Jef/ Frederick G Id3i/ George H Jext{/ Harry = Jat! Isaac J /dgex/ | Jack K /ker/ King L ell London M Jem/ Mary N Jen/ Nellie oO feu! Oliver P Ipil Peter Q /kju/ Queen R Ja(r)/ Robert s les/ Samuel T {ti Tommy U ful Uncle Vv Nil Victor WwW Pdablju/ William x Jeks/ X-ray Y /wat/ Yellow Zz Ized/ Zebra 59 SYMBOLS fede Example hyphen Clermond-Ferrand, France A : dash 33 — 39 London Road Don't look a gift horse in the mouth. tilde Sefiora Isabella Fernandez (When you receive something for tree, caret you should be glad and not question degree sign Calle Preciado: what-itis-worth:) 6 acute René Floquet "Don't look a gift horse in the @ grave Rue de Ramoniéres mouth” veminds us that when we d-umlaut Ziilpicher Strasse receive a gift we should be thankful apostrophe Ms. O'Connor and not wish for something better. at-sign jones@instep.c capitals U.S.A. lower case characters | p.l.c. Example Son: This shirt you gave me is not my favorite brand... Mum: Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth! That was the best they had. If you receive a gift and you question the value of the gift, you Homer: a Greek poot who probably lived around 800 to are "looking a gift horse in the mouth.” You are like a person who 700 years BC, whose EPIC pocis, the Iliad and has been given a horse as a gift (a gift horse) and you are looking the Odyssey, have had a great influence on in the horse's mouth to see if it is in good health. Western literature. According to tradition, Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth" says that you should not question or measure the value of something which you have Aristotle (384 — 322 BC): a Greek philosopher who has received for free. Homer was blind. had great influence on Westorm thought Example. Odysseus also Ulysses: in CLASSICAL MYTHOLOGY, Man 1: Here is your soft drink... the King of Uhaca, husband of Penelope, and leader of the Greeks in the Trojan War, noted Man 2: Oh, I hate this kind! for his bravery and cieverness. Man 1: Don't look a gift horse in the mouth! When you buy your own soft drink you can decide what brand you want. 61 Great minds think alike. (People with great minds think like each other.) When you and another person think the same thing at the same time, you might say "Great minds think alike.” Example: A: I was just thinking to call you, then the phone rang and it was you calling me! B: Great minds think alike! It is fun to say "Great minds think alike" because you are mak- ing a connection with the other person by saying that the two of you, in thinking the same thing at the same time, both have great minds. Example. A: I have decided that this summer I am going to learn how to scuba dive. B: Me too! I have already paid for the course. Great minds think alike! REI 1. Why is six afraid of seven? 2. What is a bachelor? 3. How many legs does an ant have? “9PUN ue se sures ay} ‘omy, “g “ouodue (sosstur) “sxpy saacu oym ue y “Zz “oUuTU - (272) IBIe - Uaaes asnvaog °T 62 TIPS Of ENGUSH “Get” is extensively used as a synonym for many other words. Although it is colloquially acceptable in many instances, it should be avoided in formal speech. 1. Informal: We hope to get a few more orders next week. Formal: We hope to receive a few more orders next week. 2. Informal: Our representative will get in tomorrow at 12 o’clock. Formal: Our representative will arrive tomorrow at 12 o'clock. 3. Informal: We are certain that he will get over his illness. Formal: We are certain that he will recover from his illness. POSSIBLE/ POSSIBLY ‘The words "possibl that they raise a question of logic. " and "possibly" are often used so loosely 1. Wrong: Is it possible to eat snake meat? Right: Is snake meat edible? (‘Edible” means that which a human can consume without harmful effects.) 2. Wrong: He came as fast as he was possibly able. Right: He came as fast as he was able. 3. Wrong: We can’t possibly have rain today. Right: Rain today is highly improbable. 4, Wrong: That child’s conduct is impossible. Right: That child’s conduct is deplorable. 63 PROFESSIONAL/ PROFESSOR The word “professional” now has so many meanings that care- ful speakers and writers must qualify it by definition. Basically, the word should be applied only to a person or thought that pertains to a profession. The word “profession,” how- ever, is almost as broadly used as “professional,” As days have gone by, the term “profession” was limited to the church, medicine, law, teaching, and the military, the term has been appropriated by almost every other group. Consequently, one hears of the “profession” of accounting, engineering, nursing, and many, many other fields. Questionable: He is a professional automobile mechanic. Formal: He earns his living as an automobile mechanic. Questionable: Mr. Johnson is a professional barber, Formal: Mr. Johnson is a barber. The term “professor” is often used loosely in speaking or writing of a person who teaches in a college. Actually, it should be used only for one who holds professorial rank — an assistant, associate, or full professor. It does not include those below (instructor and assistant instructor) or those outside (lecturer, etc.) the professorial rank. Wrong: When Jim finished college, he entered graduate school and became a professor at the same time. Right: When Jim finished college, he entered graduate school and became an assistant instructor at the same time. Nore: The above usage refers principally to the United States. In many European and other countries, private teachers of musical instrument and voice are accorded the title of “professor.” ee 64 MOT SO THULT NCU INTEENET THUONG DING ADN (Advanced Digital Network) - Thuong ding dé chi duong thué bao (leased line) 56 Kbp dé truyén dif liéu. Dutng thué bao cling giéng nhu dung day dién thoai (¢elephone line) hay cép quang hoe (fiber-optic cable) duge thué bao si dung sudt 24 gis, 7 ngay” trong tuan, néi lién tit mét dia diém (location) nay dén mét dia diém khae. Dé truyén dif ligu (data) véi tée d6 cao (high speed) can phai cé mét duéng truyén dif liéu thué bao. ADSL (Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line) - Mot duong truyén DSL (xem DSL trang 67) véi téc d6 tai len kha véi toe dé tai xudng. Thuong thi tée dé tai xudng ldn hon toc d6 tai lén, ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) ~ Day la mét hé thdng ma sd chudn (standard) chung trén thé gidi chi nhitng ma s6 (code number) ding trong may vi tinh, thé hién cdc chit cdi La tinh (Latin letter) viét thudng (lower case) hay viét hoa (upper case), ede chit sé (number), déu chim cau (punctuation), v... C6 128 ma sé chudn ASCII khac nhau. Méi ma s6 duge thé hién bang mét ki ty gém 7 con s6 trong hé théng nhi phan (bina- ry) tir 0000000 dén 1111111. Binary - Hé théng théng tin gém toan cdc chit sé 0 va 1 hay cdn goi la “nhi phan”. Ngoai ra, thuat ngi nay cing con thudng duge ding dé chi ede tap tin c6 chifa hinh anh va cde thanh phan khde ngoai van ban. Bit (Binary Digit) - Mét chit sé don gidn troig hé théng nhi phan; néi mét cdch khdc, hoac s6 1 hoac sé 0; don vi nhé nhat trong dit liéu may tinh. S-LTNNTATC 65 Browser - Phan mém (software) ding dé duyét (browse) tren mang Internet (b@ trinh duyét), dung dé goi cdc van ban (docu- ment) va cdc tap tin (file) hién ra trén man hinh (screen) vi tinh cua ngudi dang st dung (user). Hai bd trinh duyét Internet thong dung nhat hién nay 1a “Netscape Navigator” va “Microsoft Internet Explorer”. Byte - Don vi may tinh gém mét chudi cac “bit” thé hién mot “character” (ki ty). Méi “byte” 6 8 bit, doi khi nhiéu han 8, tuy vao cdch dém duoe sit dung. Client - Mot chuong trinh phan mém (software program) duce ding dé tiép xc (contact) va nhan (obtain) dit liéu tir mot chuong trinh phan mém may chi dich vu (server) trén mét_méy vi tinh khde 6 céch xa may chi dich vy. Méi mot chuong trinh client (khach hang) duge thiét ké dé két néi voi m6t hay mét vai loai chuong trinh server; va mdi chuong trinh server can mét sé chuong trinh client nhat dinh. Cookies - Nghia thutng nhét ciia “cookies” trong khi truy cap (access) Internet 14 mdt mau thong tin (piece of information) do mét Web Server giti cho chong trinh Web Browser ngu ¥ mot phan mém Browser eén duge luu Iai (save) va giti nguge lai cho may chi méi khi chuong trinh duyét muén yéu cdu truy cép thém. Cyberspace - Thuat ngit duge tée gia William Gibson ding lan dau tién trong quyén tiéu thuyét (novel) “Neuromancer”. Ngay nay, tir “Cyberspace” (kh6ng gian diéu khién) thudng duge ding dé m6 ta toan bd cdc nguén thong tin (information resources) c6 sin (available) qua céc hé thong may vi tinh. Domain Name - Khi céc nha quan li (keeper) Internet nhan thay rang néu chi don gin (simply) goi ten ciia ting may tinh thi Kho ¢6 thé diéu hanh (manage) véi qué nhiéu may trong hé thong (system); do d6 ho da phat trién mét cach mdi dé dat tén may tinh Ho thém vao cdc tit trubng hoe (school), t6 chite / co quan (organi- zation) hay tén céng ti (company) va mot tit dimg dé chi linh vue / mién (domain identifier) ngu ¥ may vi tinh thude linh vue thuong 66 mai (commercial): “eom”, gido duc (education): “edu”, hay mot ten mét té chite gi dé: “org”, chang han. Tén XYZ cia mot may chi cung cap dich vy Internet Unternet service provider=ISP) 1a “”, véi dia chi day di la “”. Trong nhiéu truéng hgp, trong tén may vi tinh con bé sung thém mét tif chi tén nude nhu “vn” dé ngu y dia diém cia may nay ¢ Viet Nam DSL (Digital Subscriber Line) - Mot phuong phap duge ding dé truyén di liéu qua duong day dién thoai binh thugng (regular phone line). Tée do truyén di cua mot dudng truyé éu nhanh hon su két néi dién thoai binh thudng, va nhiing duéng dan dén dau cudi cua ngudi ding (wser) tuong ty nhu cde day déng ding trong dich vu dién thoai binh thutng. Mét dugng truyén DSL phai duge cau hinh (configured) dé néi (connect) hai dia diém nhat dinh (spe- cific). Mgt dudng truyén DSL néi két hai dia diém tuong ty mot dung truyén thué bao nhung khéng phai 1a dung thué bao. Thong sé binh thutng cia mot dudng truyén DSL cho phép tai xudng (download) tdi 1,544 megabit (khong phai 1a megabytes!) trong mét gidy (per second), va tai lén (upload) véi tée dé 128 megabit trong mét giay. Hién nay dutng truyén DSL la mét bién phap thay thé cho ede dung truyén c6 dién binh thugng vi nhanh hon va it tén kém hon (xem ADSL trang 65). FTP (File Transfer Protocol) — Mot trong nhig tng dung (applications) dau tién duge phat trién dé ding trong hé thong mang ARPAnet va yan con duge dig dé giti va nhan céc tap tin trén Internet (nghi thie chuyén tap tin). Host - Gidng nhu ngudi chi nha (host) ¢6 tréch nhiém déi véi moi nguéi khach (guest) cia minh, mt méy vi tinh “host” cham s6e bait ev may vi tinh nao ghé vao tham quan hé théng cia minh. Vao nhiing ngay dau tién cia hé thong mang cdc may vi tinh, bat et mot méy vi tinh nao két ni vao hé thong cing duge goi 1a mét may “host”. 67 6 Ly ao JMB 0 0:00 00 8 THE HARE AND THE TORTOISE Ina street; | J it is crowded with traffic Ko Igy Wo And feet; fy cp buses and motors \ Little is known about Aesop except that i I'wish there were meadows y \ he was born a slave and that he was ugly, And lambs. y The houses all wait clownish, and witty. His fables were very In a row, That | go, | don't like the noises popular. They include “The Hare and the Tortoise,” in which a fast-running hare and a hear — slow, plodding tortoise run a race. The hare is 1 wish there were woods ill wi Very near. so sure he will win that he stops for a rest There is only one thing That | iove along the way. Meanwhile the tortoise goes ene aes eee fs on steadily. The hare falls asleep, the tortoise ; YY plods past and wins the race. The moral is There is plenty of room { 6: nthe blue - For castles of clouds +} that the slow but sure is bound to succeed. And me, too! Aesop: (dau thé ki VI trude Céng nguyén) nguyén la mét ngudi né 16, © chuyén ké chuyén ngu ngén. Nhing céu A COUNTRY CHILD My home is a house ‘And | should be lonely Near a wood For hours, (I'd live in a street Were it not for the birds chuyén cua 6ng khéng dua trén su that ma It | could! And the flowers. 3 3 4t did 8n rai 5 The lens are so cue, | wish that | lived nham truyén dat m@tdiu khuyén ran. Cac Oh aa ‘ Ina town — nhan vat trong chuyén cua Aesop la nhing fo wish that someone T 5 . oA nn nd Lived near. Sen owe | tramy con vat nhu rua, thd, cao, ga, Vv.v.. There is no one to play with A twinkling street At ail, That is bright he trees are so high « With wonderful colours, all; At night! IRENE THOMPSON Chinese Zodiac There are twelve animals in the Chinese Z ‘odiac. Can you find them i the puzzle? (The words appear in the - puzzle horizontally, - onally, even backward.) aS ej O Board Ox 0 asnaikda uh bzqiy i zigqfmh x f wnte aogs x e Tiger ur f pois oo s ter {) - joa t qo [S ib aroh Rabbit g Monkey Goat Snake ASTROLOGY AND ASTRONOMY Astrology (chiém tinh hoc) is the study of how events (suv kién) on earth correspond (tuong ting) to the positions (vi tri) and movements (sw chuyén déng) of astronomical bodies (thién thé), particularly the sun (Mat Trai), moon (Mat | a Trang), planets (hanh tinh), and stars (ngdi sao). Astrologers (chiém tinh gia) believe that Capricorn the position of astronomical bodies at the exact (8 2" ~ an. 19) moment of a person's birth and the subsequent (tiép theo) movements of the bodies reflect (phan anh) that person's character (tinh tinh) and, therefore, destiny (vén ménh). For many years, scientists have rejected (bac 66) the prin- ciples (nguyén Ji) of astrology. However, mil- Ra lions of people continue to believe in or practice (jan. 20 - Feb.18) Ke it, Astrologers create charts (biéu dé) called horoscopes (tw? vi), which map the position of astronomical bodies at certain times, such as when a person is born (duge sinh ra). A horo- scope is illustrated (minh hoa) by a circle (vong), called the ecliptic. The ecliptic is the Pisces plane (mgt phdng) on which the earth orbits (di (Feb.19 ~ Mar. 20) chuyén theo quy dao) around the sun in a year. It is divided into twelve sections (phdn), called the signs (ddu hiéu) of the Zodiac (cung Hoang Dao), which include Capricorn (Nam Duong), Aquarius (Béo Binh), Pisces (Song Ngu), Aries (Duong Cuu), Taurus (Kim Nguu), Gemini (Song Nam), Cancer (Bde Gidi), Leo (Hai Su), Virgo Aries (Mar. 21 - Apr. 20) Cy . 71 Taurus (Apr. 21 - May 20) Vad Gemini (May 21 ~ Jun, 21) TAD Comai5 Cancer (Jun. 22 - Jul. 22) Ke (Jul, 23 - Aug, 22) 72 (Xv Nw), Libra (Thién Xung), Scorpio (H6 Cap}, and Sagittarius (Vhdn Ma). Astrologers assign (chi dinh) every planet (which in astrology includes the sun and moon) with a particular (cu thé/nhdt dinh) sign, depending on (ty) where that planet appears (xud? hién) on the ecliptic at the time for which the horoscope is cast (dat ra). Each planet represents (miéu td/trinh bay) basic (co bdn) human drives (nd luce ctia con ngudi), and each sign represents a set of human characteristics (d@e diém), When astrologers designate (chi dink) a person as a certain sign - a Leo or a Pisces, for example — they are referring to the person's sun sign — that is, the sign that the sun occupied (chiém) at the time of the person's birth. The horoscope is also divided into twelve houses, which make up the 24-hour period during which the earth rotates (xoay guanh) once on its axis (¢ryc). Each house deals (co lién quan) with certain areas of a person's life; such as marriage (hén nhdn), health (stéc khde), work, travel (di chuyén/di lai), and death (chét), Astrologers make predictions (ti¢n dodn) by interpreting (dién gidi) the position of astro- nomical bodies within the signs and houses of the horoscope. Astrology is an ancient (cé dai) practice that different civilizations (nén van minh) seemed to develop (phat trién) independently (dc lap). The Chaldeans, who lived in Babylonia (now Iraq), developed one of the orig- inal (ban dau) forms (hinh thdi) of astrology as early as 3000 BC (trude Cong nguyén ~ Before Christ). The Chinese were practicing astrology by 2000 BC. Other varieties (cde loai) formed in ancient India (An D6) and among the Maya (nguoi da dé Maya) of Central America (Trung Mi). These people may have observed (quan sdt) that certain astronomical bodies, particularly the sun, affected (tae dong) the change of sea- sons (mua)and the success (sw thanh cong) of crops (ru mia). Based (edn ci’) on such obser- vations, they may have developed a broader sys- {1 the thong) by which the movements of «thr bodies such as the planets affected or rep- resented additional (phu thém) aspects (khia canh/ mat) of life By the 500s (shdp nién 500) BC, astrology had spread Wan tran) to Greece, where such philosyphers.(tr1é? gia) as Pythagoras and Plato Incorporated (hop nhat) it into their study (ughicn cu) of religion (ton gido) and astrono- my (tien van hoc), Astrology was widely prac- ticed i Europe (Chau Au) through the Middle Ages (thot Trung co), despite (mae di) the con- demnation (/én an) of such Christian leaders as Augustine, who became archbishop (Téng Gidm muc) of Canterbury about 600 AD (sau Cong nguyen ~ After Christ). Many scholars (hoc gid) viewed (rem trology and astronomy as com- plementary sciences (cde nganh khoa hoc 66 sung cho nhau) until about the 1500s (thdp nién 1500). At that time, the discoveries (khdm pha) made by such astronomers as Nicolaus Copernicus and Galileo Galilei undermined (lam suy yéu/xdi mon} some of the foundations (nén tng) of astrology. Since then, few scientists have accepted astrology as a science +, Virgo (Aug. 23 - Sep. 22) Libra (Sep. 23 - Oct. 22) Scorpio (Oct. 23 ~ Nov. 21) Sagittarius (Nov. 22 ~ Dec. 20) penta rel 1 Nguti xua (ancient people) va cée nha thién van hoc (astronomer) co dai thuéng nhin lén cau tric etia cic chom sao (con stellation) trén trai réi dat tén cho ching theo nhitng déu hiéu (designs) va biéu tuong khae nhau. Co nhiing chom sao mang tén dé vat, cde con thi va tén nhting vi than (god/ goddess) trong than thoai Hi Lap, v.v... Bang liét ké sau di gitip cho ban tim hiéu tén mét sé chom. sao thugng duge nh&e dén va nghia tiéng Anh tuong ung cua chting, CHOMm SAO | _TIENG ANH CHOM SAO | TIENG ANH Andromeda | Andromeda Gemini Twins Aries Ram Hercules Hercules Cancer Crab Leo Lion Canis Major | Greater Dog Leo Minor Lesser Lion Canis Minor | Lesser Dog Libra Scales Capricornus | Goat Lyra Lyre Cassiopeia Cassiopeia Orion Orion Centaurus Centaur Pegasus Pegasus Cepheus Cepheus Perseus Perseus Cetus Whale Pisces Fishes Corvus Crow Sagittarius Archer Crux Southern Cross | Scorpius Scorpion Cygnus Swan Taurus Bull Draco Dragon Ursa Major | Great Bear Equuleus Little Horse Ursa Minor Little Bear Eridanus River Virgo Virgin 74 = TuLS JADINS — ~ Vao nam 1984 ede nha khoa hoc da khém pha (discovered) thay tang khi ozone bi that thoat khoi khi quyén (atmosphere) cua Trai Dat trén ving troi cia Nam Cye (Antarctic). Ozone 1a mot chat khi (gas) co trong thugng ting khi quyén cach mat dat khoang ti 19 - 48 km hay tir 12 - 30 dam (mile). Lép khi ozone nay bao vé (protects) Trai Dat khéi cdc tia bite xa cuc tim (ultra- violet radiation) ctia Mat Trdi, la tac nhan co thé gay ung thu da {skin cancer). Cac nha khoa hoe nhan thay 15 héng (hole) trén tang khi ozone thuéng mé ra vao mia xuan va cit duy tri nhu thé trong vai thang, dé cho nhiing tia bic xa khong bi loc (unfil- tered) cia Mat Tréi roi thang xudng mat dat. Néu tang ozone bi hiy hoai nghiém trong, con ngudi (human beings) va cdc loai tht sé phdi déi mat (face) vei méi nguy hiém gia tang (increased risk) cia bénh ung thu da va cac tac dong xau khac dén sttc khoé. Viée tang ozone bi thing duge g&n véi viée sti dung chat chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), trong cée binh xit (spray cans) chita khi aerosol. Vi né luc (effort) nh&m lam cham lai (slow) su suy gidm khi ozone, viée cém sit dung cae chat chlo- rofluorocarbons da duge mét sé nude trén thé gidi dp dung trong dé co mot vai nude cia khéi Lién minh Chau Au (European Union) Tir "Ozone" c6 nguén géc tir tiéng Hi Lap (Greek) 1A “ozein" co 75 nghia 1a "ngiti" (smell), 1a mt chat khi giau oxy, c6 dén ba nguyén tit (atoms) trong méi phan tit (molecule), cong thite 1A Oz. Dé 1A mot chat khi mau xanh lam nhat (pale blue), v6 cing déc hai (highly poisonous) va nang mii héi (strong odor). Khi ozone s6i 6 -111,9°C hay -169,52°F, hod long 6 -192,5°C hay -314,5°F, va cé ti trong 1A 2,144, Chat ozone léng cé mau xanh lam sam (deep blue), va 1A mot chat léng (liquid) ¢é tit tinh manh (strongly magnetic). Khi ozone phat sinh khi cé mot tia lita dién (electric spark) di ngang qua oxy va gay ra mét mii hoi dé nhan biét gan noi may phat dién. Trong thuong mai, ngu®i ta ché tao khi ozone bing each cho mot luéng khi oxy khé va lanh chay qua mot may phong dién. Vé mat héa hoc, ozone 14 mt chat khi c6 tae dung tich cue va 1a mot tac nhan oxy héa tot hon khi oxy thong thutng. Ngudi ta stv dung khi ozone dé thanh loc nuée (purifying water), khit tring khong khi (sterilizing air), va tay tring (bleaching) nhiéu loaj thye pham. Trong khi quyén, ozone duge hinh thanh tif oxyt nitro (nitrogen oxides) va cc khi hitu cg (organic gases) do céc loai phuong tién Iti thong cé dong co hoe cdc nha may cong nghiép thai ra (emitted). Tuy nhién, khi ozone cé thé gay hai cho sic khée va c6 thé gay ra nhimg thiét hai nghiém trong cho céc vu mia (serious crop damage) 6 mot sé khu vue trén thé gidi. “MOON.SONG * There Is a star that rans very fast That goes palling the | We is all in silve : The tall std: =< “The moon tolls eldenty alon: Oat of breath. “pe Moon, dows he make you harry? & 76 a 1, Twenty-five years ago, on March 27, 1977, 582 people were killed (bj chét) when a KLM Boeing 747, attempting (co’ gdng) to take off (cdt cdnh), crashed (dam vao) into a Pan Am 747 on the Canary Island of Tenerife. 2. The Government (Chink phi) is stepping up (thuc ddy nhanh) its efforts to develop infrastructure (ha tdng kién tric) and industry in the Cuu Long (Mekong) River Delta (Déng bang song Ciu Long) this year, pressing on with a host of key road (truc duong chinh) and energy projects (ede du dn nang lugng) Among the top priorities (nhing uu tién hang ddu) is the con- struction (vige xdy dung) of a USD 1.2 billion gas-power-fertilizer complex (nha may lién hop san xudt phan va khi dét) in the southern most (mii ddt phia nam) province (tinh) of Ca Mau. Important projects include (bao gém) the power plants (cde nha mdy dién) in Tra Noc and O Mon, bridges (cdc cdy edu) in Rach Mieu and Can Tho, and a highway (xa /6) between Ca Mau and Kien Giang will start at the end of the year. 3. Aftershock (du chdn) shook Afghan villages after earth- quake (déng ddt) NARIN, Afghanistan (March 27, 10:20 a.m. EST). Strong aftershock jolted (Jam ndéy tung) mountain villages (lang mién nui) on Wednesday, setting off (khdi ddu) landslides (nhitng vy lé dat) that blocked (cdn duéng) relief convoys (cde doan xe citu trg) trying to- reach earthquake survivors (nhing ngudi séng sot). The United Nations (Lién Hiép Quéc) said the death-toll (sé nguéi chét) appeared (cé vé) less than first feared (lo sg). 4. Setting the pinnacle (dinh cao) in soccer (bong dd), the world's most popular sport, FIFA World Cup has brought memorable (déng nhd) and exciting (hao hung) dramas (mét loat cde su kién gay xc déng) to audiences (khan gid) all over the world for more than 70 years since the first event in 1930 in Uruguay. 17 The 17th FIFA World Cup has attracted (thu hut) the attention (su chu ¥) of not only Japanese fans (nhang nguoi ham m6) but also soccer fans worldwide (khdp thé gidi), as an unprecedented (chua ting cé truée kia) event in the FIFA World Cup history: It will be the first event in the 21st century, first in Asia and the first co-hosted (déng té chitc) by two countries, Korea and Japan. The event expects participation (tham gia) from more than 190 countries and regions in the preliminary round ivong loqi), the most in its history. Korea, Japan and France have already gained the right (quyén) to play in the final com- petition (cuée tranh tdi cudi cing). The preliminary round began in some continents (lye dia) to capture the remaining (con lai) 29 spots (dia diém), which were finalized (két thuic) by the end of November 2001. 5. BEIJING, China ~ Beijing has won (doat duge) the right to stage (dang cai) the 2008 Olympic Games (Thé vdn hoi Olympic), recording (ghi dugc) a landslide victory (chién thang) in the face of worldwide concern on (guan tém dén) China's human rights record (tiéng tam vé nhaén quyén). The Chinese capital prevailed on (thuyét phyc) the second round (véng hai) of a secret International Olympic Committee ballot (cuge bé phiéu kin) by receiving 56 votes (id phiéu), three more than the required majority (da sé) and 34 votes ahead of second-placed Toronto. As the estimated (wdc tinh) 200,000 revellers (nguwéi tham du cuge vui) who had converged (dé vé) on Tiananmen Square (Quédng truéng Thién An Mon) awoke to face day one in the lead-up to the Games, reaction (phan ing) to the decision (su quyét dinh) filtering in from around the world was mixed (hoa tr6n). In the winning city, newspaper headlines (tit Jén) matched the delirious (cuéng nhiét) mood of the population. "Smiles Everywhere, Joy Ignites,” blazed a headline in the Beijing Morning Post beneath a picture of a man spraying (xit) beer from a shaken bottle of beer. 78 r\ tite Jags LOD Os (1876-1916) Jack London, an American writer, participated (tham gia) in the Alaska gold rush (viée dé x6 di tim vang) and wrote about his experiences (kink nghiém). A collection (tuyén tép) of his short sto- ries, including The Son of the Wolf, was published (xudt ban) in 1900. London had a colorful life, during which he wrote more than 50 books and which included enormous popular successes as an author, experienced as a war correspondent (phéng vién chién trvéng), and two stormy marriages, ended in his suicide (tu ti) at the age of 40. Many of his stories, including his masterpiece (kiét tac) The Call of the Wild (1903), deal with the reversion (viée chuyén déi ngugc Iai) of a civilized creature (con ngudi van minh) to the prim- itive state (trang thdi nguyén thiy). London's style — brutal (tan nhdn), vivid (song d6ng), and exciting (hao hting) - made him enor- mously popular outside the United States. His works were trans- lated into many languages. London's important works (tée phdm) include People of the Abyss (1903), about the poor (nguoi nghéo) in London; The Sea Wolf (1904), a novel (tiéw thuyét) based on the author's experiences on a seal (hdi cdu) hunting ship; Martin Eden (1909), an autobio- graphical (tv truyén) novel about a writer's life; John Barleycorn (1913), an autobiographical novel about London's struggle (cudc chién ddu) against alcoholism (su nghién rugu); and The Star Rover (1915), a collection of related stories dealing with reincarnation (su ddu thai). 79 ~ a eg ce “White Fang” opens with a beautifully detailed picture of the Yukon. Two men, Bill and Henry, with a team of six dogs pulling a sled on which is strapped a coffin, are fleeing down a frozen waterway, a wolf pack in pursuit. At night, the dogs are individually lured to their deaths by a she-wolf. The two men are sitting around the campfire, seeing only the eyes of the wolves reflecting the light from the fire. Scared and frustrated, Bill decides one morning to go out with his rifle and three remaining cartridges. Henry hears three shots, but Bill does not return. Henry is left alone and night after night he feels the wolves 80 Bp Write 4 FANG “4 (Nanh Trang) Truyén Nanh Tréng mé dau bang mét bic tranh mé ta chi tiét mot céch tuyét voi vé vung Yukon. Hai ngusi dan ong, Bill va Henry, cing vdi mét bay ché sau con, kéa mét chiée xe truot tuyét, trén xe ct chat mét cé quan tai, dang chay nhanh xuéng dong song ding bang, duéi theo sau la mét bay ché s6i. Khi dem dén, ting con trong bay ché nhit vao ché chét. Hai nguoi dan éng ngoi quanh déng lita, chi tréng théy nhitng cap mdt ché s6i do anh lita phan chiéu. So hai va nan lang, mét budi sang Bill quyét dinh b6 di ra ngoai, mang theo sting va ba vién dan ghém con lai. Henry nghe ba phat sting, con Bill thi khong tré lai. Henry bi 66 lai ji mét con séi cdi m6t minh va dém nay qua dém coming closer and closer. Finally, one night, the wolves become so brazen that they come right up to the fire to collect their din- ner. Henry literally climbs into the fire and begins hurl- ing brands from the fire at the encircling wolves. At the last moment he is rescued as a search party looking for the dead body Henry and Bill were transporting. The famine is now over and the wolf pack begins to separate, little by little. She- wolf begins to travel with three males who are all vying for her attention, but she has no interest in any of them. "One-Eye,” an older, more experieuced wolf even- tually kills the other two males and the she-wolf's attitude towards him soft- ens. They travel the forest together, but the she-wolf is restless, looking for some- thing she does not quite understand. She finds a cave where she can give birth to her cubs. 6-LTNDNTATC khde anh cém thdy li cho s6i dén cang lic cang gan hon. Cuéi cing, vao mét dém, la ché soi tré nén tdéo ton dén néi xong vao déng lita dé vo ldy baa an téi cia ching. Henry nhao hén véo trong déng lita va bat déu ném nhing mau gé trong déng lita dang chay vao vong vay ché séi. Vao phit cudi, anh da duge citu béi mot doan nguéi di truy tim edi xd ma Henry va Bill dé van chuyén. Bay gid nan d6i dé qua di va dan soi bdt dau ra béy dan. Con séi cdi bat ddu cude hanh trinh vdi ba con sdi due luén tranh nhau thu hut su chi ¥ cua né, nhung con sdi cdi lai chéng quan tam dén bét eit con ndo trong dam. Con “Mét Mat”, s6i duc lita dan anh, nhiéu kinh nghiém hon, sau ciing da giét chét hai con sdi duc kia, va thdi dé cia con s6i cdi doi vdi né tré nén diu dang. Ching cung nhau di chuyén trong ring, nhung con soi cdi vin bén chén tim kiém mét cdi gi dé ma né hodn todn khong hiéu. No tim mét cdi hang noi né c6 thé sinh ra bay sdi con. 81 Shortly after the birth of the she-wolf's cubs, another time the Northland experiences another famine and all of the little wolves die except the gray wolf cub. This gray cub is much stronger and more active than the other cubs. White Fang, who is three-quarters wolf and one-quarter husky Before he is a year old, White Fang is captured by an Indian, Gray Beaver, who trains him as a sled dog. White Fang's life in the Indian village is any- thing but pleasant as he is targeted for abuse by an older dog, Lip-Lip. His only protection is his mother, but shortly she is traded by Gray Beaver to pay a debt. When the gray wolf tries to follow his mother down- stream, he is recaptured by the Indian and brutally beaten, learning that. these men-gods are to be obeyed Responding to constant attacks from other dogs in the village, White Fang 82 Ngay sau khi bdy s6i con ctia con s6i cdi dutge sinh ra, mot lan nita ving Northland lai trai qua mét nan doi nia va tat sbi nhd déu chét trit mot con séi con long xém. Con séi-con long xdm nay manh va nhanh nhen hon nhiéu so véi nhing con soi con hdc. S6i Nanh Ti jai, ba phén la ché sé6i va mét ing la soi phan la chs Exkimé. Trude khi Nanh Tréng dhige m6ttudi, nd bi Gray Beaver, mét ngusi da dé, bat va hudn Inyén cho no tré thanh ché kéo xe trugt tuyét. Cuge song ctia Nanh Trdng trong ngoi ling da dé hodn toan khong cé gi thich thi vind la muc tiéu cho mét con ché lon hon ten Lip-Lip, d6i xit t6i Me no la su che ché duy nhdt cia nd, nhung chdng bao lau, Gray Beaver lai dénh déi me né dé trit ng. Khi con séi xém cé chay theo sau me xudi theo dong song, no bi ga da dé bet lai va bi dénh dap tan nhdn, no hiéu dige rang cén phdai tudn lénh nhing éng than ngusi. Do phi déi phd vdi nhiing con cho khde trong lang gains a reputation for a sav- age ability to kill other dogs. This reputation eventu- ally proves to be a liability. While on an excursion to Fort Yukon, Gray Beaver is tricked into selling his dog to a man named Beauty Smith. Beauty Smith, who is so ugly that his name was an antithesis, is partic- ularly impressed with the dog. Beauty does the cook- ing, the dishwashing, and the drudgery for the other men in the fort, where he is known for his “cowardly rages” and his "distorted body and mind.” Under Beauty Smith's tutelage, White Fang becomes a “fiend,” earning a reputation as "The Fighting Wolf,” living in a cage. He is taunted and tor- tured not only by Beauty Smith, but also most onlookers. As the sour- doughs crowd around to thong xuyén tdn cong no, Nanh Trang tro nén néi tiéng vé kha ndng hung dit giét chét nhang con cho khée. Sau cing, viée néi danh nay cho thdy la mét diéu bat Igi. Trong mét chuyén di ngdn dén Phdo dai Yukon, Gray Beaver bi gai ban con ché cia minh cho mét ngusi tén la Beauty Smith. Beauty Smith, mét ngudi cé hinh dang xdu xi déi lap vdi cdi tén ctia anh ta, da duge con ché gay nén mét dn tuong nhdét dinh. Beauty lam céng viée ndu nuéng, rita bat va lam tap dich cho nhang nguéi khac 6 phdo dai, noi ma moi ngudi biét dén anh v6i “nhitng con dién hén nhdt” va “than xdc va tam hén bi méo mo”. Dudi su gidm h6 ctia Beauty Smith, Nanh Trdng tré thanh mét “ké de”, noi danh lad “Soi Chién Ddu”, séng trong mét cdi chuéng. No bi khéng nhing Beauty Smith, ma con hau hét nhitng ké dung xem, khiéu khich va hanh ha. Trong khi nhitng ngusi di tim vang tu tép xung quanh dé dat 83 place their bets, he beats all comers. But he eventual- ly meets his match with a vulldog, who gets a grip on him so firm that White Fang cannot shake. Just as be is about to die, the wolf is saved by Weedon Scott, who slugs Beauty Smith and manages to free White Fang from the bulldog. Scott, a mining engineer, buys the wolf-dog and takes him back to his cabin. It is here that White Fang first learns about love and becomes civilized. With great patience and great care, Scott teaches the dog to trust someone for the first time in his life. When Scott packs to leave the Yukon, White Fang senses what is coming, escapes from the house, and earns a trip to the Southland. Weedon Scott's father is Judge Scott, and it is to his estate, Sierra Vista, in the Santa Clara Valley in California that White Fang is taken, Although mostly wolf by nature, White Fang 84 ca cuge, n6 ha hét céc adi thi. Nhung sau cting n6 gap mét déi thi ngang tai la mot con cho bun, ké da ngodm né chat dén néi Nanh Trang khong thé vung vdy duge. Khi né sdp chét, con sdi- duge Weedon Scott cu bang cdch ddm manh vao Beauty Smith va tim cach gidi thodt Nanh Trang khoi con ché bun Scott, m6t ki su mé,. mua con séi va mang né vé tip leu nhé ctia minh. Chinh noi dé, lan déu tién Nanh Trang biét vé su thuong you va tré-nén thudn héa. Voi su kien nhan bén bi va su cham séc nhiét tinh, Scott dé day cho con ché, lan dau tién trong doi né, tin vao mot ai dé. Khi Scott déng Gi hanh li dé roi khéi Yukon, Nanh Tréng cém nhén duge diéu gi sip xdy dén, no trén khéi nha, va thue hign mét chuyén di dén viing Southland. Cha cia Weedon Scott la Tham phdn Scott va khu dién trang cua éng, Sierra Vista 6 Thung ling Santa Clara, California, chinh la noi ma Nanh Tring duge dua dén. Mae du bén chat ctia nb phan allows himself to wscome domesticated, and even allows Weedon's two small children to caress him. But he does this only out of love for his master, and his wild instincts never leave him, as witnessed by the fifty or so chickens he kills in the yard. But all is soon forgiv- en when White Fang res- cues Weedon Scott after an accident on a horse. The gray wolf even develops a love-interest with a sheep- dog named Collie. One night when an escaped convict named Jim Hall breaks into the house to get the Judge for “rail- roading” him to prison, White Fang, despite taking three bullets from Hall's revolver, leaps on him and slashes his throat. White Fang is near death but is able to survive injuries that would have left other dogs dead. When White Fang was on his first excursion after his accident, he was greeted by his litter of pup- i, Nanh Tréng van dé cho minh duge thudn héa va con dé cho hai dua con nho ctia Weedon vudt ve no. Nhung no chi lam diéu dy do su thong yéu cia né d6i vdi chi, con ban nang hoang dé cilia nb khéng bao gia rai bé nd nhu da thdy, no giét dau khodng ndm muoi con ga trong sdn trai. Nhung tat cd diéu nay duge tha thi sau ddy vi Nanh Trang da citu Weedon Scott sau mét tai nan nga ngua. Chi si xdm nay con phat trién su quan tam yéu thuong dén mét con ché chan cttu tén Collie. Vao mét dém, khi mot ngubi th vuot ngue ten la Jim Hall d6t nhap vao nha dé bude toi vi thm phan da “téng” hdn vao tii, Nanh Tréng, dir dé bi ba vién dan tit khdu sting ngdn cua Hall, ugusi va can dit cuéng hong in nhdy chém len ctia han. Nanh Trang suyt chét nhung vén con kha ndng phuc héi sau nhitng vét thuong co thé lam chét nhiing con cho khde. Khi Nanh Trang di ra khoi nha lan dau tién sau vu tai nan, né duge mét lita chd con cia minh chao dén. Nanh 85 pies. White Fang lives on to play with his puppies in the California and earns the undying love of the Scott family through his courage and intelligence. The fami- ly, from that night on, refers to him as "the Blessed Wolf," but he remains what he is — three- quarters wolf — and can never be fully domesticated. Trdng tiép tue vui séng vdi li ché con cia né 6 khu dién trang California va cé duoc su thuong yéu mai mai ctia gia dinh Scott do su théng minh va ding cdm ctia nd. Tit dem do tré di, gia dinh nhde dén né nhu “Chi Séi Duge Ban Phuée Lanh”, nhung né van la no, mé6t con sdi lai ba phan tu, va khéng thé nao hoan toan thudn hoa duge. 1 h y e kj n ° m i 86 ak Lich SU MON BONG BAN Nguén gée (origin) cia mon béng ban chuta bao gis duge xée dinh ro du do la mén thé thao xuat hién chua lau, truée mén quan vot (tennis) va chua lau hon m bong ré (busketball) Vao nhing ngay dau, mon thé thao nay duge goi la mén quan vot trong nha (indour tennis), do cac si quan quan déi Anh (British army officer) choi « An Dé Undia) va Nam Phi (South Africa) vao khodng dau thap nien 1880. Cac van dong vién si dung cdc nap (lid) thing dung thuéde xi ga nhu whiting chiée vot (paddle) va cdc nut bae tron (rounded corks) lam nhitg qua béng (ball), cing voi mot day cac chéng sich ¢ gidta ban lam Ludi (net) Mot hinh thtic choi khac cing duge phat trién 6 Anh trong suét thap nién 1890 va duce biét dén qua ede tén nhu “whiff whaff” va “gossima”. Anh em nha Parker bat dau san xuat ra mot bo dé choi (kit) mon quan vot trong nha gdm mot ludi c6 thé cng lén 6 gitta ban, mot qua bong nho duge boc bang ludi va nhung chiée vot nhé. James Gibb, mét ngudi Anh (Englishman) dé Hoa Ki tham quan (visi qua bong réng rudt (hollow ball) lam bang chat nhya (celluloid) va bat dau ding logi bong moi nay dé choi mén quén vot trong nha véi cde ban ciia minh, Hin nhién Gibb da ding tit “ping pong” dé thé ed) vao nam 1900, da mang vé (brought home) mot sé hién am thanh do nhéimg qui béng cham vao ban va vao vot dénh bong. ‘Tuy nhién, mot nha sin xuat (manufacturer) cdc dung cu thé 87 thao ngu@i Anh tén la John Jacques da dang ki (registered) “Ping Pong” lam thuong hiéu (trade name) vao nam 1901 va ban ban quyén 6 Hoa Ki (American rights) cho anh emi nha Parker, nhing ngudi cing da san xudt ra mot bd dung cu mdi, ding cing tén. M6t nguvi Anh khdc tén 1a E.C. Goode, vao nam 1902 da boc nhing chiée vot gé danh béng ban trong mét lép cao su cé gén nhiing vién séi nhé gitip cho bong c6 thé xody (spin) duge. Mot héi bong ban duge thanh lap (founded) 6 Anh cing nam ay, nhung tén tai khong dén 3 nam, chii yéu (mainly) vi sy khéng ché cia anh em nha Parker lam cho céc dung cu chgi mén thé thao nay tré nén dat gid. Tuy nhién, mén thé thao nay da lang 1é lan tran 6 Anh va mot s6 nuée Chau Au, chi yéu véi cde dung cu choi do nhing nha san xuat khéc tiép thi véi tén “table tennis” chi cing loai. Vao nim 1921, mét hoi bong ban khée lai duge thanh lap 6 Anh. Tiép theo 1a Lién doan Bong ban Quéc té (the Fédération Internationale de Tennis de Table / International Table Tennis Federation), duge thanh l4p trong mot hoi nghi quée té vao nam 1926 & Berlin véi cde nude: Anh, Thuy Dién (Sweden), Hungary, An Dd, Dan Mach (Denmark), Bite (Germany), Tiép Khde (ci) (Czechoslovakia), Ao (Austria), va xtt Wales. Cuéc tranh tai thé gidi (world tournament) dau tién dugc t6 chute (held) 6 Luan Dén (London) vao nam 1927. Tit day cho dén Chién tranh Thé gidi lan ther It (World War I), Hungary da théng Iinh mén nay. Cae van dong vién hang dau (top players) ciia thi ki dau tién nay 1a hai van dong vién ngudi Hung: Maria Mednyanszky, van dong vién 7 lan doat cup bong ban ni, va Viktor Barna, van dong vién 5 lan doat cup béng ban nam. Tiép Khac (ci) va Rumani (Romania) cing 1a nhitng nude da cé6 mét vai van dong vién xuat sic. Higp hdi Bong ban Hoa Ki (The American Ping Pong Association) duge thanh lap vao nam 1930 nhung so hdi vién (mem- 88 bership) bi han ché (limited) vi chi duge ding cde dung cy do anh em nha Parker san xudt. Cé hai hoi déi déu nhau (rival organiza- tions) la Higp hoi Bong ban Khéng chuyén Hoa Ki (The U.S. Amateur Table Tennis Association) va Hiép hi Béng ban Quéc gia (The National Table Tennis Association) dugc thanh lap vao nam 1933. C6 ba nhém sap nhap (merged) vao Hiép Hoi bong ban Hoa Ki nam 1935 va hiép hoi nay duge déi ten thanh “U.S.A. Table Tennis” vao nam 1994. Sau Chién tranh Thé gigi lin thir Il, cée nuée Trung Au (Central European) van tiép tuc théng tri mén thé thao bong ban. Nhung bat dau tiv nam 1953 ede tay vot Chau A da thay thé ho dan dan. Mét yéu té (factor) cing gép phan vao viée néi lén eda cde ngoi sao (stars) Chau A la nhimg chiée vot cao su c6 nhimg bot khong khi nhé do Horoi Satoh cia Nhat dua ra vao nam 1952. Lép vé boc (coating) kiéu méi da lam cho vige dénh béng nhanh hon va gitip cho van dong vién cé thé xody béng tot hon. Céc van dong vien Chau A cing sang tao ra kiéu cm vot nhu cdm but (penholder arip), dang ngon tay tré (forefinger) va ngén tay cai (thumb) kep chiée vgt vao gitta, giup cho van dng vién c6 thé dénh bat ki ca bong nao, chi vdi mot mat vot. Ngay nay kiéu cam vot nay duge hau hét cde van déng vién béng ban hang dau thé gidi sit dung. Mon bong ban da tré thanh m9t mén thé thao Thé van hoi Olympic (Olympic sport) vao nam 1988 vi nhimg cudc tranh tai gidi don (singles) hoe gidi doi (doubles) cho nam va ni. CAC ki LUC BONG BAN OLYMPIC (*) GIAI DON NAM (Men’s Singles) 1988 Yoo Nam Kyu, Korea 1992 Jan Ove Waldner, Sweden 1996 Liu Guoliang, China 2000 Kong Linghui, China 89 GIAI DOI NAM (Men’s Doubles) 1988 Chen Longcan / Wei Qingguang, China 1992 Wang Tao / Lu Lin, China 1996 Kong Linghui / Liu Guoliang, China 2000. Wang Liqin / Yen Sen, China GIAI DON NU (Women’s Singles) 1988 Chen Jing, China 1992 Deng Yaping, China 1996 Deng Yaping, China 2000 Wang Nan, China GIAI DOI NU (Women’s Doubles) 1988 Yang Young Ja / Hyun Jung Hwa, Korea 1992 Deng Yaping / Qiao Hong, China 1996 Deng Yaping / Qiao Hong, China 2000 Li Ju/ Wang Nan, China (©) Theo Official Olympic Table Tennis Result 90 Wheii Father is Away from Home ... er the hunter bke you stew 1s ready fc supper, “but fir Faw you get the wate: and fiiewood for the night? The {have a surptise ge Is it some new uy moccasins? 5 / No, it is this little bag to { hang around your neck \ You now can carry the \ Sone knife your father uae for you.“ < Sana Heel like a man Watch what you when | carry my own \ Say, Little Fox. It is harder than j you think, knife. | will skin all the rabbits after this./ that? What was Do not be afraid. This will keep away everything bad. The medicine man gave it No, Little Fox. That is why| we can talk about them in y the winter. They are all People. Do they ever covered up in ice and go out on a cold snow. 92 My-husband —\% What help went for 30 days \. should we long. What should b4 © cong? done? Should the tribe send out young/ * Sie My father and all the other hunters are in a boat up the river a long, This is the greatest hunt \. = in our village! There's a ) Bons MUC LUC lot of fresh meat and Li Trang 3 Loi noi dau 3 Lam thé nao dé ndi tiéng Anh tréi chay? - Ti Anh 5 Word and Sentence Stress - The Key to English Pronunciation 13 = Dang Huy (st.) The Importance of Speaking English - Tan Hi (st.) 16 Bai tap rén luyén vdi nhiing mau d6i thoai ngdn - Cathy (bien dich) 19 Nhing mau di thogi theo chi dé giao tiép thong thuéng - Dang Huy 30 Participating a Class Discussion - Cuthy 4 Goi su chi y va truyén dat thong tin trong lic ngudi khac dang noi - 44 Tan Hi(st.) N6i truéc cing ching (Public Speaking) - Phan Ha a7 Tips on Making Class Reports - Cushy 55 Telephoning - Cathy 58 English Idioms — 7a Hi (st.) 61 Tips on English — Ng6 Van (st.) 63 #0 pieased that Mét sO thuat ngif Internet thuing ding - Ngé Van (dich tt Internet) 65 my, YOU could help A Town Child - A Country Child - /rene Thompson 68 “ Twas auayl when The Hare and the Tortoise - Dang Huy (st.) 69 Good chita! Chinese Zodiac - Biv Hinh (st.) 70 ee | Astrology and Astronomy - Ngé Van (st.) 7 Y nghia va tén cdc cham sao - Ngé Van (st.) 74 Yang Ozone ~ Tain Hi (dich tit Internet) % News in English — Dang Huy (st.) 77 Jack London - Tan Hi (st.) 79 White Fang — Phan Ha (bién dich) 80 Lich sit mén béng ban - Cathy (bién dich) 87 When Father is Away from Home - Cathy (viet kich bdn) 1 Muc luc» 95 95

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