Poseidon Island

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Its Godly here

By : Roshni

Island Map

This Island is ruled in a Monarchy leadership
Power is handed down through the Royal
family as a birthright
The leader will be in charge until he/she passes
The leader checks in on the progress of the

Laws are enforced by the leader, government and
Anyone who disobeys the law will be punished,
the severeness of the punishment depends on the
law that was broken
Taxes will be collected by the citizens

1. One shall work as soon as they turn the age of
2. No murder will be acceptable, if this law is
broken there will be a death penalty
3. If anyone breaks any law they will be punished
4. Citizens must obey the leader and rules passed
by him/her
5. Acts of violence or assault will be tolerated

Citizens are able to work as soon as
they turn 15, however its mandatory
that they start working as soon as
he/she turns 19
Citizens are excused from work if only
if he/she is injured, sick or if they use
their maternity leave


Poseidon Island Day, a holiday to celebrate the day Poseidon Island was founded June 3
Labour day - September 5th
Aaliyah day, to honour Queen Aaliyahs birthday - May 16th
Thanksgiving - October 10th
New year day - January 1st

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