To Presidents of Colleges. On Copyright Infringements and Frauds

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Description: This document addressed to colleges of New York.

Its aim is to reveal acts of

violation on copyright infringement and fraud, as well to eliminate consequences of what has
been done. In frauds have been engaged four persons. As a result to that all of them received
PhDs, work in colleges of New York and embezzle money what they do not entitled for.
To: Offices of presidents of colleges

From: Yeremia Maroutian

1319, E98 Str. Brooklyn, NY 11236
Email :<>

Dear Mr. President.

Below it is about massive fraud and Copyright piracy of my work in mathematics. Between the years
of 2010 and 2015 four persons by pirating my results have defended dissertations and received PhDs
from different schools of NY. Two of them have done that by publishing my articles in their names, and
two more others obtained it based on the same results even without publishing a paper in any magazine.
The articles I have titled as:
1. On the Shapley pre-value for fuzzy cooperative games.
2. The pre-nucleolus for fuzzy cooperative games.
The first article I published in 1987, in the magazine Mathematics in Social and Economic Sciences
of the Academy of Sciences of Lithuanian Republic. Two abstracts about results from the second article I
have published in an issue of AMS Bulletin from 1999. For this article, I have also a copyright certificate
from the US Copyright Office.
I know the name only one of those fraudsters. That is some Jacob Fuchs. This thief has published the
mentioned articles in two issues of the magazine Games and Economic Behavior (GAEB) (vol. 66, iss2
and vol. 67, iss1, both from the 2009). Fuchs in January of 2010 defended a doctoral dissertation and
holds a PH Degree issued him by a Game theory committee of North-Western University in Evanston Ill.
To cover up fraud that Fuchs and GAEB have committed, the publisher did not post articles in its eversion. That complicates finding of factual proofs for what they have done. The GAEB publishes only
restricted amount of paperback copies. Regarding this crook I need copies of articles that GAEB
published on his name. Despite of GAEBs refusal, what I wrote above is correct. My information comes
from trustworthy sources. It is possible, that the thief name Jacob Fuchs currently employed in your
schools math department.
Those thieves have defended doctoral dissertations and stole PhDs in no more, no less than in
fuzzy cooperative games. That is a concept entirely in pure, theoretical mathematics with highly
developed methods. However, one of them ironically does not even have a formal education in
mathematics. Sources state that he supposedly has only some degree in economics (it is not known
though, if that is an MA degree, or just a BA?). Could there be someone else who ever has achieved
anything similar? That genius should be boasting a lot about his natural, born talents in mathematics,
while actually that is just a talent for piracy, a talent for being able to acquire, and luck for having a
backup good enough for realizing them. Of course he also has been lucky to be tipped for arriving in a

profitable spot at a convenient time. That is all. Those are the qualities of that thief, and none of them
has anything to do neither with the mathematical science, nor with that PhD which has been stolen for
the economist. Right, exactly has been stolen for that fraudster. School that granted him this fake PhD
could be the NYU, in mid of 2013. And a cheap fraud like that has been committed in such a prestigious
school. Really it pays to be sorry for that. The described person should be teaching some classes in
economy. Teaching mathematics could not be for that dull head. Those talents never would add that
drug addict the necessary skills.
There are two others as well who after stealing fake PhDs teach mathematics in colleges of NY.
These again received them based on the same results, but without publishing a paper in any magazine.
Sources say that it has been the Columbia University what granted that fake PhD to one of them in fall of
2015. If that is so, then it is just hard to imagine, how by such an apparent fraud could have been
achieved the honor of having a PhD from there? To me it is an essential impact to that great schools
reputation. There again cannot be doubt, that this achievement too like in the rest of cases should be
ascribed to backups of this lucky thief.
The swindlers as a rule have been getting on incredibly fast tracks. It has been taking of them just
some two years to go on defense after being enrolled as postgraduate students. According to rules it
had to be lasting at least four and a half or five years. Therefore, it is another fraud, another violation of
educational standards. Why they do that, it is clear (because of fear for early detection and greed), but
how they get that privilege, thanks to what kind of qualities? Who allows them to do that? Each one of
these thieves will grab their employers extra one million dollars (it is known, that the salary surplus for a
PhD during the carrier of its recipient close to $1000 000). These so called doctors of mathematics will
spoil thousands students coming schools in future, to learn the precious science of mathematics. Instead,
they will be cheated by faulty and incompetent fraudsters.
According to sources all of the crooks employed and teach in colleges of New York. Please, do your
best to make sure, if there is anyone of them who works in your school. If so, then hopefully, you can
deprive that rogue of the job. None of those jackals who used to snatch and run away can be employed
in a school. I desperately in need for anything, absolutely anything about that squander and the fraud
what he has committed. Those villains should not grab money from a college. No teaching job can be for
those robbers. They dont qualify for that and hence, do not deserve it.
Your interference in this matter is very important. As of this moment, have been committed four
counts of Federal crimes. Four thieves have stolen my intellectual property. All of them currently are
holding fake PhDs. My task is to reveal facts about what has been done, as much as it is possible. For
that, I can rely only on power and honesty of people like you. You are one of those who can reveal these
violations. To the best of my knowledge there is no body holding mandatory databases about doctoral
dissertations. That is the reason, because of what I need your support for finding fraudsters. Only thanks
to people like you they can be revealed and prevented from benefitting of a work to what each one of
them relates only by a theft. I appreciate you so much for anything that you can do for me.

The mentioned articles I also published in Researchgate, where you can read them from my
webpage. Below are abstracts for them.


Abstract: In this paper we deal with problem of extending the concept of Shapley value on
fuzzy cooperative games. Have been considered games defined on sets of fuzzy coalitions that
belong to the cube [0, 1]^n. Formulated a set of Shapley's fuzzy axioms that generalize the
classical ones. Has been invented a functional defined on the set of all fuzzy cooperative
games. It is proved, that if X is the set of pre-imputations then the new functional gets its
minimum on a vector from X satisfying to fuzzy analogue of Shapley's axioms. For fuzzy
cooperative games has been obtained an explicit formula of Shapley pre-value. We have
proved theorems describing the fuzzy Shapley pre-values properties.


Abstract. In this paper we deal with the problem of extending the concept of nucleolus
on fuzzy cooperative games. Has been invented a new definition of pre-nucleolus for
fuzzy cooperative games. We prove that the newly defined pre-nucleolus on the set of
classical cooperative games coincides with the previously existing one. It is proved that
for separate classes of fuzzy games the pre-nucleolus exists and unique. The process
of finding the pre-nucleolus illustrated on an example of a concrete type of fuzzy games.
So, once again, I appreciate any information on copyright breach regarding these results.
For correspondence please, use the above provided residence address and email.

Thank you very much. My best regards.

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