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cssé T Register Booklet Serie: eiseries | TI) Number 2011 GENERAL KNOWLEDGE WITH GENERAL ENGLISH ‘Time Allowed : 3 ‘Hours | { Maximum Marks : 300 Read the following instructions carefully before you begin to answer the questions. IMPORTANY INSTRUCTIONS 1, This Booklet has a cover ( this page ) which should not be opened Ul the invigitator gives signal to| open it at the commencement of the examination. As soon as the signal is received you should tear the right side: of the booklet cover carefully to open the booklet. Then proceed to answer the| questions. This Question Booklet contains 200 questions. Answer all questions. AIL questions carry equal marks, 4, The Test Booklet is printed m four series eg. CA] CB] ‘See Top left side of this paged The candidate has to indicate in the space provided In the Answer Sheet the series of the booklet For example, ithe candidate gets [A] sertes booklet, he/she has (o indicate in the side 2 of the| Answer Sheet with Blue or Black Ink Hall point pen as follows A PBILCTEDI 5. You must write your Register Number in the space provided on the top right side of this page. Do| not write anything eise on the Question Bocket 6. An Answer Shest will be supplied to you separately by the Invigiator to mark the answers. You must write your Name. Register No, and other particulars on side 1 of the Answer Sheet provided. failing which your Answer Shect wil not be evaluated. 7. You mill also encode your Register Number, Subject Code etc. with Blue or Black ink Ball point pea in the space provided on the side 2 of the Answer Sheet. Ifyou do qt encode properly or fal to tncode the above information, your Answer Sheet will not be evaluated 8, Each question comprises four responses (A), 1B) (C) and (D), You are to select ONLY ONE correct fesponse and mark in your Answer Shect. in cage you feel that there are more than one correct Tesponse, mark the response which you ronsider tht best. In any cast. choose ONLY ONE response foreach question. Your total marks will depend on the nusnher of correct Fesponses marked by you in the Answer Sheet 9. In the Answer Sheet there are four brackets | AI B 1{ C | and 1D | against each question. To| answer the questions you are (o marke with Ball point pen ONLY ONE bracket of your cholee for Each question, Select one response for each question in the Question Booklet and mark in the Answer Sheet. If you mark more than one answer for one question, the answer will be treated as wrong. eg. ti foc any item. (B) isthe corre answer. you have to mark 38 follows (Al ci rol 10, You should not remove or tear off any sheet from this Question Booklet, You are not allowed to take| this Question Booklet and the Answer Shel out of tne Examination Hall during the examination. After the examination is concluded, you must hand over your Answer Sheet to the Invigilator. You, fare allowed to take the Question Booklet with you only after the Examination ts over. DO NOT TEAR THIS COVER OF THE QUESTION BOOKLET UNTIL YOU ARE ASKED TO DO SO +L, ‘The sheet Before the last page of the Question Booklet can be used for Rough Work. 12, Failure to comply with any of the above instruct as the Commission may decide at their diseretiot 13. For Question Nos, | to 100 sn all matiers and in cases of doubt, the English Version is firal 14. Do not tick-mark or mark the answers in the Question Booklet (TAMIL VERSION OF INSTRUCTIONS IS FROVIDED ON THE BACK COVER OF THIS BOOKLET | ns will render you Hable to such action or penalty F450] xxx [i | Turn over Tear here 3< | erng Qgreiile QoCogernew sairaraxAMiurert onpid evenly OPS sang) | GAGs APlrnayd X< 3 MART SoS Seung ( FIFA } 2010 Alper sauder cube crediy UTLeoe wT curity UTGAS aeflsculig 2 A) egéefiyr B) ¢. Qi. gemwrer CO) Gwenugrgye D) weurern, Who presented the FIFA 2010 song ‘Waka Waka’ ?. A) Shakira B) A.R. Rehman ©) Mayaraja D) Madona. Ose) ;2010 & UTPldvgraAles gui Geustens Cut gpi& smyeomoren 4b) A) gfouid B) Abe CO). Oseana D) pred. : The flood hazard in Pakistan during July 2010 is due to the flood in A) Jhelum B) Indus ©) Chenab D) Ravi. 2edGaCu Oufu ety e&6) gare aig 2 sheng 7 A) dv@uieer B) Gumtéséee C) + ggGyrtuur D) — yeiyuar. Which is the largest solar power plant in the world ? A) Spain B) Portugal ©) Europe D) Russia. 2010 ab gargéerer A. g. Thor siouGss alligg sere wppid seréeny geod Guipeut A) A..F. sere OgQuer wppd stisr sarGO Quer B) alls ond) C) ior etinincoswsis D) — Bamveto. oul Aapsigecorstr G. D- Birla International Award in art and culture category for the year 2010 was given to A) _V. P. Dhananjayan and Shantha Dharianjayan B) Vijay Shanthi ©) Padma Subramaniam D) __ Kalamandalam Krishnan, (708) {Turn over MART 4 Ysusre sPyscuOssSuctor Qisu Guile GHG obs awssler agagsie souopgistorg! A) Gymndr otgses B) Cgaupranfl repse Cc) aidlp segse : D) A) obdp i (3) QycinGin The newly introduced Indian rupee symbol is based on iH A) Roman script B) — Devanagiri script C) Tamil seript D) Both (A) & (B). . obs UssranG srages Oidw 7% ygovsaensaren ussrainctcs sess) a ctorgy 2 A) 1950-1960 B) 1980-1990 €) _ 2000-2010 D) 2011-2020. Which decade is declared as the ‘Decade of Innovation’ by the Government of India ? A) 1950-1960 B) 1980-1990 Cc) 2000-2010 D) 2011-2020. “ 2010 id qocrng. 6 ‘91@D) BOS UTgeMn 248) THT orig HeOL_GOUDS 7 A) fGur-y-AgahiGyr B) ured ©) Qgefeur D) aumadeon What was the venue of ‘Nuclear Security Summit 2010' ? A) Rio de Janeiro B) Bali ©) Geneva D) Washington. 2010 Gd Gurgefluguéaras Crud uflats Quorpeufler Cust steiner 2 A) SCout Lue B) GLa wmiGLaGed CC) AlfleévG_mut Serene cv D) ures engpGoudsetr. ‘The person who is not awarded Nobel Prize in Economics in 2010 is A) Peter Diamond B) Dale Mortensen C) Christopher Pissarides D} Paul Samuelson. 2.06 Bt Gy Sal Lib 2009 & pHs Go A) GurédlGur B) wrévGer C) GQ evsranys D) wopGymd. xxxx (1502) (or) ee 1. 12. 700K 5 MART ‘The mecting of the World Water Forum was held in 2009 at A) Tokyo B) Moscow C) Istanbul D) Nairobi. GdY apse oranda, shupgors abussle, ( 2010 } & 2 saFPusrpsdion weds, Ep GarGsatuc Qreoppe erg sflurengs > A) @bpaureflscon ag GQeiwien ig BY C.BL. Slenzenamr Glaiuden. mgs C) _ grés OGAg dH Guris sain Duyjd sGoleow 2 uGun BUSS srg D) Gludpist srginpSlerencn. Which among the following is correct with reference to recent ( 2010 ) Supreme Court remarks over criminal case investigation ?- A) ‘No’ to arrest any criminals B) ‘No’ to CBI inquiry C) ‘No’ to lie detector and narcotesting D) None of these, oider ( Hamla ) pamdons seine A) Qechenets ungienly genoa ares Geopyd Coibg GLAS UTgeriy gible B) siblppmigad GpdrAdanile 2pudPlew Quesesusberon meng dans C) wells, 2 Libtler crore GomiUsharer yslu gor Adléee (penn D) _ Qabpsct agieqdlace. Operation ‘Hamla’ means A) security drill conducted by the police and security agencies in Chennai B) "operation to increase the production of Amla in Tamil Nadu C) new surgical technique to reduce body weight ( human ) D) none of these. Y.V. Gig Qlioy Qudnller emow cubiFliledr gouteogre writ HaHecucLot 7 A) | Dr. Qibdlg qhaqm agen B) Dr. Sofi exe C) Dr. gh L. Gledeit D) slg. D. scungres. 502 (707) {Turn over MART 6 Who has been appointed as the RBI Governor after the retirement of Shri Y. V. Reddy ? A) Dr. Indra Rangarajan B) Dr. Dilip Sanghvi C) Dr. Vijay L. Kelkar D) Shri. D. Subba Rao. 13, 2009 b gedngibarer Qdsigrenhs send) uflene Quipeut A) pacer wein@L an B) Gio Conger C) gOS Aevevrit@ D) Bag gm Aloo: The recipient of Indira Gandhi Prize for Peace in 2009 ts A) Nelson Mandela B) David Cameron ©) Julia Gillard D) Sheikh Hasina. 14, Ucgud 1p Ugue Mace CungsH, Sp GanQssiuu Qatar EHiiGames { Garang furor Deo cous B5tsOG + ucquasT ucqué (yspei ) ( gyAlfiuit ) a) A MMSage 1. writgenn Gere b) — ayeugseit 2. Pgyreorngsi Gib ©) aDTh@ Gorrdocto : 3. és wlecn. ePipast : a b c Ad 2 3 B) 2 3 1 co 3 2 8 D) 2 1 3. “ «6 15. 16. 7 MART Match List I with List II corrcctly and select your answer using the codes given below : List I List 11 ( Books ) (Authors ) a) The Privileges 1, Martina Cole bd) Avtar 2. Jonathan Dec cc) Hard Girls 3. Dic Mathison Codes : a > Al 2 3 3 By) 2 1 ec) 3 2 3 bd 2 1 3. 2010 &, eis HreIg Bay WaiTLaest np Ged Geiongs > A) yo B) yeu C) wenn D) @@ymtur in 2010 which country changed its time zones ? Ay oOUK B) Russia ©) Canada D) Europe. @pdureder, 7 a GMDsTlasds cutlilesr apsdrdlener qpidenuiled gece. 2010 & Pigmiucigs. A) Qveinonitd B) werd CreSun ©) wee D) — guiteongy Commonwealth Bank of ... India in Mumbai. in August 2010, opened its first Branch in A) Denmark B) Australia Cc) Canada D) Ireland. roux [1502] ik [Turn over MART 8 17 Sp auagmik §— geil «= HBmQenpUTs —_ Lala, sain Gig satu gi. A) 29 giiye 2010 B) 29 @acutout 2010 C) 29 gerauf 2010 D) 29 Sugeuh 2010, ‘The ice cubes were first discovered in one asteroid on A) 29th April. 2010 B) 29th September, 2010 C) 29th January, 2010 D) 29th February, 2010. 18. Qidurelped Csag) s@7Suraldeo ma Quegdgiren prot joule purr flung giubs A) 10 wmité, 2010 B) 15 wis, 2010 C) Ll wmirs, 2010 D) Suits, 2010. Riyadh Declaration between India and Saudi Arabia was signed on A) 10th March, 2010 B) 15th March, 2010 C) Ist March, 2010 D) 5th March, 2010. 19, 2012 ab qaimgrarer gels Cumiigact pan@uip 2 citer A) evi B) Sele CC) gQgenev D) Aceh 2012 Olympic Games is to be held in A) London 3B) Beijing c) Athens D) Sydney. 20. QrAlurencud abdlysion grQachler obs HMO or GE oO ps oBlayenen GSwn e.qaursdiystergs 7 A) fear B) undlevgsretr C) Qlatiens, D) ubsomGgciy With which neighbouring country, has India created a joint river commission ? A) China B) Pakistan ©) Srilanka D) Bangladesh. vexxx [1502] 21 9 MART . Ucgue Ig Ucqud H GurgsEs, Lp GsrGssluc Geter EPwWiQscrors Garcia sfluren Senoug BersQeO : udiquiés 1 a) aw Geuliublenes lepoy db) Qadu wrdsiop Hepa, ©) pGenGuhls Asipay a) gBeneEymds Haye, @pigast + a b ec ad AY 3 2 J B) 2 oO 4 8 2 2 Dot 4 8 2 ucqué 1 Vorile), P wip T orp Tome). P wppx V wpa Derdud Ges oowrniins, sousleacu.Gaum, GevelGupBair Berens Pomel, T wind Vorgo. Match List I with List II correctly and select your answer using the codes given below : List I a) Isothermal process b) | Adiabatic process ¢) _ Isobaric process a) Isochoric process Codes : a boc a A 3 2 1 4 B) 2 3 4 1 oOo 4 3 2 1 pot 4 3 2 List I V constant, P and T change T constant, P and V change Heat is neither allowed to enter nor leave the system P constant, T and V change { Turn over MART 10 22. GO flay Gon Geuchhilesr Sp wHH God adaonsit cpenpBu 10 whyrd 40. Geer eon wAlcy A) 25-0" B) 125 Cc) 15-0 D) 30-0. If the lower and upper limits of a class are 10 and 40 respectively. the mid-point of the class is A) 25-0 B) 125 cc} 15-0 D) 30-0, 23, ‘Sipnéssoflan gai" A) Agibuyb B) s@srqyt CC) wgieny Di sle@peGad. ‘City of Festival’ is ; . A) Chidambaram B) Tanjore C) Madurai D) Tirunelveli 24, ulgue Ig uque Mera QurGsdl, Fp anQéacuxGorer GHuiGsencrd Asrain® efluren Ieocous CpidOs@ : ucgue 1 udigwé 1 . a) Cumgprudegpet 1. Qewbersul® bb) Aeéeoogrit 2. gardens oc) 2 debug 3. yensuilenes 4) tou 4. Sdvac.. SiUGaor : a boc a A 4 2 1 Bo2 3 2 1 Oo 3s 1 4 2 Do 1 4 38 4 xxxx [1502] (or) 25. 26. uw MART Match List I with List I correctly and select your answer using the codes given below : List 1 List 1 a) Bodinaickanur 1, Artificial silk b) Chinnamanur 2. Cardamom c) — Usilampatti 3. Tobacco ad) Cumbum 4. Biscuit Codes : aobocioa@ A 4 2 1 3 Bees aoe o 3 1 4 2 pol 4 3 4 Cw hs rch 2HugMEG oP sore usdlercs Perm sohgs uGoug A) Beuenretremn B) OsrpPosntis 2 pusdlgen ©) SX Gorenpgienp D) Geemnsgienp. ‘The largest contribution to GDP still comes from A) agriculture B) manufacturing industries ©) construction D) services, MeraugueutsoAe apse urge goon Neg upper unit > A) C.QyngGaruneréemfurt B) MG. @yrodepdigen ©) Kemogrgy D) M.S. stxjeceut. Who among the following received the first ‘Bharat Ratna’ award ? A) C. Rajagopalachari B) MG. Ramachandran ©) K. Kamaraj D)_ M.S, Subbulakshmi, soxxx [1502] (or) [Tarn over MART : 12 27. Gourd LLM Deir gcorulles: syorey ala goer reeflds A) 2g) aglacuigurs, Gastiixd 2)601 ouPiérsoo0 B) 2g oPatuqurer Deron cgens ghudloenc . C) 2g) sGlecusquires istrorips® Coupune gone gerbe cpg Ang Ds pore LG0 Bldreoripss Gaugurtgencr wrborgs. The net resistance of a voltmeter should be large to ensure that A) it does not get overheated B) it does not draw excessive current C) it can measure large potential differences D)__ it does not change the potential difference to be measured. 28. Udldé Gugmpdler spore usd) A) wiflurreer oye5i6) B) Gumbem seif) ©) MeMivenuictre sye46) D) GAGE sf The deepest point in the Pacific ocean is A) Mariana trench B) Tonga trench ) Phillippine trench D) — Kurile trench. 29. Apbocin. smbgrcoer aye : L GerGaranen Bybs etdaeny sjorencs sBleflngid I. G@Garanc Qose anddussHler sro GompsGd. Qube A) Twoppib Tl efluronaney B) [wpb Il geupranenny C) Lal gyanmés I peup) D) Iga yore Ia. Consider the following statements : 1. Glucagon increases the blood sugar level. I. Glucagon lowers the blood calcium level. Of these A). 1& Hare correct B) 1 & Mare wrong C) , Lis correct but I is wrong D) [1s wrong but Il ts correct. soo [1502] (704) 30. 31 32. 33. 13 MART Lar &)pbd Casseng 5c. QUUOSSIS spss A) vemmypére 2yoray B) cucsdfls Pleuccrtisofle Dpucres gla, Cc) aie aedlaci D) asrexiud Bye Which one of the following factors does not influence velocity of circulation of money ? A) Quantity of money B) Selling cost of business firms C) Credit facilities D) Business conditions. sUlperige gdaremf grep eLCung pfl&svuLi_gy 7 Ay 1947 BR) 1948 c) 1950 D) 1952. When was Zamindari system abolished in Tamil Nadu ? A) 1947 By) 1948 c) 1950 dD) 1982, GugouTercr wraucLased sips gd Gus Asmflors Osrisg Beds Damraing Qr5oug A) adlsg Opmple B) mapeis Oenpe C) FUG s Gere D) ig e@Qemfle ll . continues to be the family occupation in most of the districts in Tamil Nadu. A}. Paper thdustry B) _ Handloom industry C) Match industry D) _Beedi industry. 9G sarahdebg 24-96 wPlaeb Curg, sig 218 cainaxtler < to mere GapAlpg!. obs rainasien GrsatiseMes on Gee wg 7 aol B) 9 o on D) 10. xxx [1803] (761) [Turn over MART 14 34. 35. 36. When 24 is subtracted from a number, it reduces to its four-seventh. What ts the sum of the digits of that number ? At B) 9 co iL ; Db) 10, Grgulirela @peed 2 Corsini A) Mgwbnb Al B) Alwbpb Au C) Mn wpb AL D) Zn wip Al. Duralumin contains A) Mg and Al B) Aland Au C) Mn and Al D) Znand Al Cpdu Qordsre sys ghulig oiGurg > A) 1946 B) 1948 c) 1950 D) 1952. When was the National Interim Government formed ? AY 1946 B) 1948 °c) 1950 D) 1952, saiucr yagcrpermt Aggy csGonr@ Qgsriyorug 7 A) Apis saileng B) Abs proud ©) oloduc pilp amie agalQr ama @acflagn siblp wer QumBeit D) pat Goburg. “Kantyan Poongunranar” award is associated with A) best poem B) best novel C) the software which helps for scientific Tamil development D) urban development. sexx [1503] (ory 37. 38. 15 MART Usregacorcudpiet 2G LUE. 2 coorouTE UWETLGougy A) yur, Gurgwdciv B) ortetb 2, play Cc) NHg. KCI DI S-adGioreoflud wiretuGuc. Which among the following is a set of primary nutrients ? A) Urea, borax B) Epsom salt, urea ©) NHy, KCI D) —S-ammonium molybdate. uogue Ig Ucgud Meter GumGsé, FCp GanQésucQeier GPuUiQsenend Bsrain® sfurer Aeosous GEAsOSO : ucg.ud 1 ucagido a) uethurgy 1. SLdep db) Hlaspy sit 2. Bee 2. ao 3. GrGovduirss dd) ambny 4, eoenSeiv GHUGEaH : a boc a A 2 4 1 8 B)o1 2 3 4 ° oa D) a 204 Match List I with List II correctly and select your answer using the codes given below : List I List al Glacier qT Pothole b) Underground water 2. Cirque ©) River 3. Inselberg da) Wind 4. Lapies. Codes bo oe 4 A) 2 4 i 3 B) 1 2 '3 4 Cc) 3 2 4 1 D) 3 2 1 wy [Turn over MART 16 39. 40. al 42. Ay Gan Qaacr Germs ogi paprad Gunes Goreng 7 A) 068 allots Sjseent - Camder B) — pySlioiweuinneer ~~ curgmS) Qaredor_ner C) ASA Soper = udu D) wig) autor + = Spa gyrietr Cunt i Which of the following is incorrectly paired ? f A) Mattavilasa prahasanam - Temple B) Narasimhavarman - Vatapi Kondan ©) Vichitra Chita ~ Title D) Nandivarman = Battle of Tellaru. Dycrehler @ailtey AAMesr Apiuiren gy A) Sued BLOC Lusiey oD) B) Hitamc gl : ©) eC Cust afl D) Denne al). Newton's law of cooling is a special case of 7 A) Wien's displacement taw B)_ Kirchhoff's law ©) Stefan's law D) Planck's law. ; 2009-10 in qeinigd Leonel ( semen Quuncracier ) ssaipio A) 144% B) 10% C) 8% D) 11%. Annual rate of inflation of all commodities in 2009-10 was A) 144% B) 10% cc) 8% D) 11%. SSbAW Qbswrallets Eps gioco Inswir A) efigmt exsvevumds UCL ee B) sgredord la CY Ogagfeucrym> D) « Gwonredr, The first Deputy Prime Minister of free India was A) Sardar Vallabhai Patel B) Charan Singh ©) Jagjivan Ram D) Menon. socex [1502] (on 43. 44. 45. 7 MART UD apdouer ApsAermds. ser uperCow g Ser Camdp wy A) aden QL SA gid sHeMagid B) saat QL sPgubd Sempwy C) sean QLsPgud snore Pesero D) da Qiascha sPahlsgi ody da Qrasche swwrsajd QGseo. If the earth stops rotating, the apparent value of g on its surface will A) increase everywhere B) decrease everywhere ©) remain the same everywhere D) _ increase’at some places and remain the saine at some other places. UTéTuTell uencrudsor QeubPler sremouQdetipesrt A) uv @ByrGorembast B) 96GonGambact Ch aC CLnGampaet D) urdiecsr GEyrGwnGembscr Balbiani rings are found in A) sex chromosomes B) _allosomes C) — autosomes ‘| D) _ polytene chromosomes. seréCareiot srsinucom A) _Ussir, Geusiefl, ya who OQecieunis B) Qaueiefl, Yad, Glaciers wipit eSuumpedr C) cHumpaty, aa. Crore inppad OpLig ytr D) Ye), Qssueumis, Slumper wip se Terrestrial planets are A)” Mercury, Venus, Earth & Mars B) _ Venus, Earth, Mars & Jupiter ©) Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus & Neptune D) Earth, Mars. Jupiter & Saturn. [ Turn over MART 18 46. 47. 48. Qunig Worergycspers sPuougdlpmt > A) siainammome udsemd palo HIgTwugsre B) ably wmflows ob.96Aupre C) wsgreiles vgSndenrs oSepacugsdusrer D) galls asgutieranr Sysencrune. Potti Sri Ramulu is known for fa A) founding of Annamalai University 3B) creation of Andhra Pradesh C) prohibition in Madras D) separate Telangana issue, 2009-10 Gumgemrgny cotEAUd aSlpad o> senscusTougl womBPloore ectergs 2 7 A) 30g B) doug CO) Saw D) Gag. 7 What 1s the rank of Tamil Nadu in economic growth among the states in India during 2009-10 ? A) 3rd B) 4th Cc) Sth D) 6th. wrdle oi Commeuler Quirds epivioniseile, edzenet Gury syeopt Suwerrid Qeimenis > Ay BI e D) Bln ale al ole What proportion of members can Governor nominate out of total members in State Legislative Council ? A B) ° Ope ale ain aie D) 49. 50. 51. 52. 19 MART veils QySs Acutugnasele sramiuiGo sore Hypsle@ed A) giSGorgGonmesr B) — anfinenflgiMesr CC) afGoreneuratesr D) @GerrymeqeurMesr What is the respiratory pigment found in human RBC ? A) Haemoglobin B) Hemerythrin C) — Haemocyanin D) — Chlorocruorin. SEy GarGss0ucr ahs Oe S_reg sflurs Qur@becidosre ? A), ware ureopasit — sLgstt -B) Qpf vee — — sinwyf CC) se@rammoyi uren — — ayflugym D) auction a — seerayt Which one of the following pairs is incorrect ? A) Sandstone — Cuddalore B) Terisand — Dharmapuri C) Limestone — — Ariyalur Dd) Alluvium — Thanjavur sSABubHy Seamr eraudymier ge Sucp ey eocUengrs Pudldsouc Bar erg? A) 1892 B) 1909 c) 1919 Db) 1935. In which year was Satyendra Sinha appointed as a member of Viceroy's Executive Council ? : A) 1892 B) 1909 c) 1919 DI 1935, GiBsor sgderene kpsscin. gorGletr 2 sous geubaluclg > A) yy. ev. ov. aye B) Gode Oginne! oy. Ga Dy. wv. g wooxx [1502] [70r) (Turn over MART 20 Rourkela sicel plant was set up with the assistance of A) USSR B) West Germany ©) UK D) USA. 53. QSSw urgmeZOdp peor_apide YQU Cpr sD WSUBSsUULL sy6inO A). 1945 B) 1950 co 1962 dD) 1976, In the Parliamentary procedure of India, zero hour has been in existence since A) 1945 B) 1950 ©) 1962 D) 1976. 54, Fpadacineubeop sroeaiflers trig Ue gwelGe : L Giyeret. atta Tl. Aes Qwaeid Ul. wreerCLe@-CesidevGuntg diAgssp IV, grcflush omeumuiré guayio Qmubpsi oMuncrong Cate: Ay LAL IVI B) OLIV.W I ©) WIV Db) WMV. Arrange the following in chronological order : 1. Rowlatt Act Ml Khilafat movement Ill, Montague-Chelmsford reforms IV. Jalianwalla Bagh tragedy. The correct order 1s Ay WIV, tt B) LAV. H Ut © Wiivm D) UL IV 55. siblippm ges, NH 47 OBOgserene A) sed Hse sciefluT@uwt cusoy B) wyen7 EHS AprEnéveiy every CC) pratut.gamh Ese Gamubysgrt avsoy D) Gecrancn (rae SlainGsae aueny, sooxx (1502) (ror) 56: 57. 58. vox [1502] 21 MART In. Tamil Nadu NH 47 is A) __ Salem to Kanniyakumari 8) Madurai to Rameshwaram ©) Nagapattinam to Coimbatore D) Chennai to Dindigul Finan cudyet Qeushain very; Heo psauGeug og 7 A) edGenn goubsib B) yoor gaubpi C) amb A) Giroler Qoussio D) Qers@aren.. Which among the following was also known as Delhi pact ? A) Lucknow pact B) Poona pact Cc) Gandhi-Irwin pact D) Communal award. EPSaBIL spacer KLE 1 semen cehugy pis Ben B mk GioyBana seam. 1. Qg aifariacher Dada 2 cter Dads GDB sna, YB! wppid 2MGUngerserond sembd 2 soydlpgs Qeudpisi : A) Lobpib I eifluresrenau B) — Lwppib TT seupmeneney ©) Tail. Uscupy D) seu. I af. Consider the following statements 1 ELISA is a isotopic immunoassay. Il, This is used for the determination of small quantities of proteins and other biological substances. Of these A) 1& Mare correct B) 1 & Ilare wrong ©) Tis correct, il is wrong D) Tis wrong. Il is correct. SAG Srgdsonon Gefly. wesnGgrd Coerp A) enswirés Cartoy Qaeda B) anbscSlud Iie Ch yothfiiciy qpenpillds MMSASGS686 D) yey Blgdy qpenp. Sulphide ores are concentrated by A) hand picking B) magnetic separation C) gravity separation D) froth floatation. { Turn over MART 22 Spice oremrestwciler Qeusun® 50 &@ Gupp oo zi DAG uiesn 30 wis 20 wbpsb BEDE Coe | sede Cod um aiblip 40 74 ‘ yAiBlavir 4 30 65 egnafl 6 35 70 7 BPAwSHe Geophsursid 60% wAG@ven Guppy wncorestaencn syrsifhies Copssuleb 40% vsls@uais Qupp vremeuisGerr® gulGmaile Ao seid wrecrarischer geblgio reo 2 A) o 43% 50% B) D) Performance of students in an examination 41% 45%. Marks Qui of 50) 49 and above 30 and above 20 and above Subject Tamil 9 40 74 English 5 30 65 Aggregate 6 35 70 The percentage of number of students getting at least 60% marks in English over those getting at least 40% in aggregate ts approximately A) cc 60. A) ° 43% 50% 1956 1961 B) D) B) D) 41% 45%. Garam Qu Gquyda Qenowrracuw uBro og! ? 1959 1962. In which of the following ycars Goa joined Indian Union ? A) o xxx [1502] 1956 1961 B) D) FOr 1959 1962. él 62. 68. 23 MART Spasccoouppior ‘G@iGungurb' uZAMMécradesr gp AMust writ 7 A) wij woceeflus Fleur B) dig. ol. a. C) Session SipiioréerA D) afl. all. orev. gout. Who among the following was the editor of ‘Suryodayam’ ? A) Subramaniya Siva B) Thiru. Vi. Ka €) —Neelakanta Brahmachary D)~ V.V.S. Iyer. acid Qanslene® 21066 cove OO Betton A) QwCancvseiSust By LGyrGumevsi Slut CC) gquGenmevsoSurt D) eed grr redvdoSut. Kennelly-Heavyside layer is present in the A) Mesosphere B) Troposphere €) Ionosphere 1D) Stratosphere. Slo SGumt ga Supp ayia A) 1764 B) 1765 Cc) 1757 D) 1857. The baitle of Plassey took place in the year A) (1764 B) 1765 ©) 1757 D) 1857. adler weap a goure snryoses A) ft wreung B) gel wraun@ ©) amb) wraur@ D) fla oreurg. Acid rain ts caused by A) water pollution B) noise pollution C) air pollution D)__ land pollution. Ubered Compt ugouenjeus Corbneloseut wnt > A) gpamb Qyrarrmer B) upp CC) aligquereowetr D) adieu Gemperr. vooxx [7503] (or) (Turn over MART 24 Who was the founder of the Imperial Chola dynasty ? A) Rajarajal B) Parantaka )— Vijayalayan D) Aditya Cholan. 66. Yotietr omg 2 sCge0rs, A) 45 Geévellwetr ugemiaer B) 1-8 DéveSwedt exgimiecir C) 2250 BlreSlucér cugeascr D) 1950 PercSlucsr augriveat. The age of the earth is about A) 45 billion years B) 1-8 billion years C) 2250 million years D) 1950 million years. 67. “OewodlL Query cugwreond” ersipred et eire 7 A) seditgurt euguorenis wreérunis Siseores B) auf) Qeevey Cure 2 cher flag cupwrei C) seAnut ugurenid wry Ge eey Hiecure D) Gpdu agwrer pinmerd Stisers. . Disposable income is equal to A) __ personal income mirius subsidies B) personal income minus taxes ©) personal income minus transfer payment D) national income minus depreciation. 68. sare Cas sercllmars so OiuGsseyd. UGmofldesnyd ‘eeuTe coud’ 2 cores YES Esers set Abseurt A) lever cuca B) Gareflcs ©) GuSet D) évemiodhis Who first reported the presence of ‘respiratory centre’ which maintains and controls the rate of respiration ? A) Mislavsky B) Collip ©) Bayliss D) Starling. 69. 1979+ gainG HLA prod Zoo. FLL SOS GupSlu wmblevd A) Bayern B) gbbgp & smeigsir C) Bape autemonid D) sdlpprg. socex [1503] 70. 7, 72, 73. soo 25 MART ‘The anti-defection law was enacted as carly as 1979 in A) Kerala B) Jammu and Kashmir ©) West Bengal D) Tamil Nadu. 4.68. 9. Der Qo. Gangs aeget wrsMlaus sein Hispartect A) aun edtt wip Alfle B) Gmiew winx GwGie decir ©) Cgpése.cs wii Gromer. D) aladlesrdv wpotd Geveifets Double helical model of DNA was discovered by A) Watson and Crick B) James and Meselson ©} Jacob and Monad D) Wilkins and Levene. yodiilesr eqredl sire) A) 5517 gem B) llgem™* Cc) 38gem? D) 35 gem™. ‘The average density of the carth is A) 8517 gem? By) llgcm ©) 3gem* D) 35 gem™.. BOUTON erator ey 7 5, 11, 23, 47, 90, 191, 383 A) i B) 47 ce) 191 D) 90. Find out the wrong number 5, 11, 23, 47, 90, 191, 383 A) i B) 47 c) 191 Db) 90. @Qidwu spore Cafu Aymodyp Cameoumisygs Pro ( NREP ) ahs s,en® oP ysuuGPssuucrgi 7 AD 1978 B) 1979 Cc) 1980 D) 1982 1503) { Turn over MART . 26 74 75. 76. In which year was ‘NREP*( National Rural Employment Programme ) launched by Government of India ? A) 1978 B) 1979 Cc) 1980 dD) 1982. SARFAESI sb obs Cpréesgidare sypboeluigs > A) Ubig@éebengeow a. QUUDSS B) (Yasend shoseu GEmEUGES CC) PPsACLses &tOeuns : D) uidlesilesr caineomiiscner CewduSs. SARFAESI Act was introduced for the purpose of A) controlling stock exchanges B) regulating capital markets €) streamlining the financial system D) enabling the banks to realise their views. Epsacincudnist QO cperorb wrot HCL cen qorpssliGergy og 7 A) Geucud JILL B) RAC OC) syowdenencs sredey PLL iD) Gwenaim. Cutie ALL Which among the following was known as June 3rd Plan ? A) Wavell plan B) C.R plan ©) Cabinet mission plan D) Mountbatten plan. A, B wpgid C uadlle aereroutast: B.A wine E uggseutast; A, C wn D Dead cuefureraitact; D. A wbpid E Cprewurencutact oad, Qo wit uae 2cioreut, wedluranot, gona Cpteooubpest > A OB B) OE aooa DC. A. B and C are employed. B. A and E are educated. A, C and D are very rich. D, A and E are honest. Who is employed, very rich but not honest ? ADB B) OE a aA dD Cc. soc [1853] (or) 77. 78. 79. 80. a7 MART @UuGirgyerse. dragaucraupost he 2 Corashler srgllurGst A) Qué Gevotur 5) inneSkineens CC) whesfSuxb D) omaiscofer, Pyrolusite is the mineral of A) Mendelevium B) Molybdenum C) Magnesium D) Manganese. AgGeusl praflerd edpralspenss emtbso > A) parity B) upper cc) Agno Di awepn@. To which does the Indus valley civilization belong ? A) Urban B) Suburban ©) village D) Foreign. Ep aeirmausedie sy @lrslu spdude ei gsle Ape; sibessonrs sapiingneanpg ? A) peesuilaslut wep 296. phopur A wip Qword oon B) urgmexway, Hherpur d why Qqod cern CC) ungmepweip, ancim.d bg Uoec.S apenp D) , umprepossip, gdenpumt él wippsd ued apeno. Which among the following is rclated to the features of the Constitution of India ? A) Presidential, Unitary and Two-party system B) _Paritamentary. Unitary and Two-party system ©) Parliamentary, Federal and Multi-party system D) Parliamentary. Unitary and Multi-party system BID Leoerid STEPS srosrear > A). wach mace QGsGd Spr @ + wiaeflesr Essre enany B) ws.fler enscus Cor @ + s1ee Alpsuan Geddy onary CC) whaahesr mame Gorl@ + auflacfleer urges snouty + Spee coeuty D) — wdsefles emasue Gor @ + gels snouy xxx [1502] : on | Turn over MART 28 81 82. 83. 84. xexxx [1502] What is Broad money ? A) Currency with public + demand deposits of the public B) Currency with public + post office savings deposits ©) Currency with public + time deposits of public with banks + demand deposits D) Currency with public + derived deposits. . EC p SnMlrn QooraupHlad QpHw sySuoomnocny eL_sler os Mey urgmenosrp yslugns ohio Qlrdlu sp eduedlenw 2 Gaun&ss cuens Getiéyg 2 A) Uifla; 303 B) ulfley 307 C) Wiley 309 D) ifley 312, Which one of the following Articles of the Constitution of India authorises the Parliament to create new All-India Service ? A) Article 303, B) Article 307 C) Article 309 D) Article 312. adlpncgar Qorbe Heciunduersy Ay 18 ected ogy AS B) Dlotsb ogy AS CC) Slate egy Ad D) 14 ace egy AL. The total land area of the state of Tamil Nadu is A) 13 lakh sq. km B) 2-1 lakh sq. km C) 3:1 lakh sq. km D) 1:4 lakh sq: km. Cots SHact capsid updo Eset wae oss Conper aradd ad ConcrBlugy 7 A} geod Qyre Qyrser B) QorGgedigar ©) ~BeM Qprangracn D) YBamd EGarsgmacr In which Chola King's period was the practice of writing of “Meikirti’ started first ? A) Raja Rajan | B) Rajendran ©) Rajathi Rajan 1 D) — Kulothungan 1 E pasion oupHe ag Gaus Gs sGal levener 2 A) gols@ueed B) sosdilell gale slang Cl SpbasO D) Gaatt aeedGungl 85. 86. 87. 29 MART Which one of the following ts not an output device ? A) Speaker B) Computer monitor ©) cp : D)._ Laser printer. sla vai os Spool UPGu aPas @urger SEauGaugys A) adipeuss B) ssuey.@ uyeuss C) graing& ogee D) grammed soe Passage of waste product in the renal tubule is an example of A) diffusion B) osmosis ©) active transport D) _ passive transport. Dsoragacaudyct Equillew Qeniurar Aesseocro Qubplums sein 7 A) 1955 B) 1976 Cc) 1986 D) 1992. In which of the following years Citizenship Act was not amended ? A) 1955 B) 1976 Cc) 1986 D) 1992. Wsragacraupple seupret Blenemenu seronSweyd > A) abs orgy — — uaidls eb Sig oii gh B) amaciSifleSlenen — ALL Spy ©) GCagryciowd wrsBleny — — Qorgprefl D) @bdu Csdu @yrepard — Cosme Which of the following is incorrectly paired ? A) Vande Mataram — Bankim Chandra Chatterjec B) Partition of Bengal — Lord Lytton ©) Vedaranyam March — — Rajaji 1D) Indian National Army = — Netaji. vou [1803] [Turn over MART 30 88. whp aidifleniiscnen — aain@ — curg 2M renee OT DepssLUuGAedr pea A) gett ourtaat B) a pusPlurrenttaeit ©) Seagtiuestast D) empeiranec Organisms which eat other organisms are called A) consumers B) producers ©) decomposers D)__ saprophytes. 89. aiberduandy sug AN 96 Hye B) PG LUssUT GO Gwe @unesir C) 9G GeudumG QwerGungsi dD) g@w au @unGSH MS-DOS is the name of A) adevice B) an application software ©) an operating system D) ahardware. 90. Lietinysetflesr sug Crem lesen ystMalleugiiaaend enawrent UWeTGid ered A) onl Qéegrei B) Qaida — C) @wséaynad D) Qugses soraf. For dealing with qualitative data, the best average is A) Arithmetic mean B) Median C) Harmonic mean D) Geometric mean. 91. ureuddrmorg) Ligity Qed Om Liryoo wigs A) Brreugiiect B) — aSleviyFleotieci: C) yong ug wireei/UTPdeet DI uméieflunr. Palacontology is related with A) plants B) "animals C) fossils D) _ bacteria. 92. gw epasdiaficr anpses Heapeauyb UsruTgaeyd oSiMsgieontug, A) QerSoriaeTuds B) orgy oSucy Cc) pecutuds D) Qecieluc. xaxx [1502] 93. 95. 96. 31 MART The description of a society's culture and its way of living is called A) Ethnography (Inavilakkaviyal) B) Anthropology { Maanudaviyal } C) Realism ( Nadappiyal ) D) Classicism ( Chevwiyal } AsencMsHus ype Ase Curg Red Girse sat gencoray’ GHGSHLL yesr A) gies, 1800 B) get, 1800 Cc) Gu, 1801 D) gsr, 1801. “Dindugal Federation’ was formed during the South Indian Rebellion in the year A) April, 1800 B) June, 1800 Cc) May, 1801 D) June, 1801 Li test wbpo ueoquisech cmpairor qeclacnrad ueiuiGSssUUuESerper > A) ysiefiagteme Cs aiflie B) ugiUTia, Qeiws Ch unimadeais wennde oases D) Opsrede Diagrams and graphs are tools of A) collection of data B) analysis C) presentation D) — summarisation Bs sPleoren sail cuengengs Gemetong Gigs A) gffleveur B) wempreig@ gr C) ocverumd dD) sdlppr@. The largest share of mincral resources 1s accounted by A) Orissa B) Maharashtra ©) Assam D) Tamil Nadu. PH HaTSPled wHeeiGsrene 5,135,200. Qgy ag_sHde 12% any adldlasdier AwHisTo, Ha AGUS VG sinayaslen wisc@grons acres Qosew? A) 712,009 B) 7,10,029 Cc) 7.25.009 Db) 7.92,100. The population of a city is 5.13,200. if it increases at the rate of 12% per annum, what will be its population after 3 years 7 A) 7.12.009 B) 7,10,029 ©) 7.21,009 D) —7,92,100. soe [ Turn over MART 32 97. A. Y.3 gb Erbpramgea Yad sueT oFHTO HEOL_OUpp G\o A) cues’) B) ure eysSigtd Cc) smreigsit D) gpl. ‘The first Jain council was held at . in the 3rd Century B.C. A) Vaisali B) Pataliputra ©) Kashmir D) — Rajagriha. 98. gdwp Hp geldshenp why Gud gefl scromn 2 er.wgy A) MASER B) LASER C) TESTER D) MASTER. : An enhanced beam of monochromatic and coherent light is called A) MASER B) LASER Cc) TESTER D) MASTER. 99. Gurl, adi PloveeMesr hawt, 2 Sytachler EGObuvsedg0, uTengu syetset cupridlw A) Agee uum B) SjpboGguid Cc) a Plguucy D) | dleudpio. What is the name of the land donated by Pandiya kings to, the families of the soldiers who lost their lives in the battle ? A) Thiruvidaiyattam B) Bhrammadeyam C) | Uthirapatti D) Nivantham. 100. qpdacdamdple Qwsoid engrugers, actor Glu wwssuGio unger A) MnO, (Gntisater wr aée0v8 ) B) — KMnO, (Gur rdluis GuinomisGant. ) C) Ky Cr,0, (Gum cedluid oor &@EqnGot. ) DI KNO, (@urcméwid emp Gye ). ‘The oxidant used tn the (esting of alcohol in breath Is A) MnO, B) KMnO, ©) K,Cr,07 D)_—_KNOs. (or) 101 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. souxx [7802] 33 MART Identify the compound sentence : A) B) co D) As he was sick, he did not attend the class Though he was sick. he attended the class When he was sick, he attended the class He was sick, yet he attended the class. Identify the compound sentence : A) B) c) D) If I were a bird, | would fly Jam a bird, so 1 will fly Being a bird. 1 will fly Because | am a bird. | will fly Identify the simple sentence : A) B) c) D) He worked hard. but he could not succeed Climbing the hill 1 saw the dog Lalloo was so tired and he took rest While I was returning home | met Uma. Identify the complex sentence A B) co D) He was sick and so he remained at home: Though he was sick, he did not remain at home Being sick he remained at home His sickness made him stay at home. Identify the complex sentence A) B) c) b) We must eat or we cannot live Unless you dance well you cannot win The news is too good to be true Ihave nowhere to sit Identify the positive degree A B) c) D) Very few poets of the world were as great as Kamban Apple is costlier than mango Ravi is more intelligent than Murugan Tagore is greater than most other Indian poets. (76x) [Turn over MART 34 107. Identify the positive degree : A) You don't know him better than I do B) Very few animals are C) This is the most useless of all my bags is useful as the cow 1D) Australia is the largest island in the world 108. Identify the positive degree = A) My father is the richest man in the town B) —_No other man in the town is so rich as my father ©) Kolkata is bigger than any other city in India D) Kolkata is the biggest city in India. 109. Identify the degree Iron is the most useful of all metals. A) Positive degree B) ©) Comparative degree D) 110, Identify the degree : ‘The Eiffel tower is taller than Quib Minar. A) Comparative degree B) C) Positive degree D) 111. Find out the odd word ( adjective } A) invert B) ©) inversion D) 112, Find out the odd word ( adverb ) : A) successfully B) ©) successful dD) 113. Find out the odd word ( verb ) : A) nationalize 8B) C) nationality D) 114. Find out the odd word (noun } A) decoration B) ©) decorative D) xx [7502] Superlative degree None of these. Superlative degree None of these. invertebrate invest. success. successor. nationalist, nationalization. decorate decorous. 35 MART 115. Find out the odd word ( noun } A) oppose B) opposed C) opposite D) opposition. 116, Select the correct plural form of clock — G » clocks B) clock C) — clockes D) — clockies. 117, Select the correct plural form of swine — AY swiness: B) swins co swine D) — swineses. 118. Select the correct plural form of thief + : AV thiefs - B) thieves Qo thiefes: D) thier. 119. Select the correct plural form of medium — A) media B) mediems c) medias D) ~— mediumes. . 120. Select the correct plural form of wolf — A) wolfs B) wolves ec wolf D) wolfes. 121. Select the correct sentence : A) [hurt myself B) Myself hurt C) Iwas hurt myself Et D) Myself hurt. 122. Select the correct sentence A) She sells sea shells on the sea shore B) She shells sea sells on the sea shore c) She sells, sea shells on sea shore D) Sea sells she shells on the sea shore. ox (1502) (70%) {Turn over MART 36 123. 124. 125. 127. 128. 129, 130. 131 xxxx [1502] Select the correct sentence : A) He is an inemployed youth B) He fs an uncmployed youth C) He ts an enemployed youth D) He ts. a disemptoyed youth. Select the correct sentence : A) Ifyou work hard, you should passed B) Ifyou work hardly. you could pass C) If you work hard, you will pass D) Ifyou work hard, you would passed. Select the correct sentence : A) This is a most unique occasion B) This ts a more unique occasion . ©) This is a unique occasion D} This fs an unique occasion. . Find out the error : He ismy cousin brother A OB c D Find out the error : None was good No error A B CD Find out the error : She gaveme an one rupee note “A BC D Find out the error : Besides English 1 can also spoké c Hindt Find out the error : Alittle bird usually fly fast A BO oC DF Fill in the blank with correct Homophone : I went to the shop to buy some . A) floor B) flow ©) flour D) four. Pa 37 MART 132. Fill in the blank with correct Homophone : 133, 134. 135. 136. 137. His voice is .. AD horse B) hoarse c) hoarsed D) hiss. Fill in the blank with correct Homophone : My friends ............... the potato. A) peal B) peel ©) pale D) pill Fill in the blank with correct llomophone : has won finer victories than war A) Piece B) Peas ec) Please D) Peace. Fill in the blank with correct Homophone Abe smiled, when the warder unlocked the .. A) sell B) cell c) well D) heli Comprehension River Amazon of South America has the greatest flow and is navigable for two thousand miles. It is longer than Yangtze river. also known as the lifeline of China. However. the Amazon river is not as long as the Nile of Africa. The Nile ts the longest river system of the world. Which river ts known as the lifeline of China ? A) Amazon B) Nile ©) Hwang Ho D) Yangtze Comprehension : Napoleon was the son of an Italian noble man. He was born in the Island of Corsica in 1769. He joined the French army. By the time Napoleon reached the age of 26, he was already a General. In 1793, he supported the French Revolution. When and where was Napoleon born ? A) Napoleon was born in 1679 in Italy B) Napoleon was born in 1769 in France C) Napoleon was born in the Island of Corsica un 1769 D) Napoleon was born in Europe in 1916. ii) | Turn over MART 38 138. Comprehension : Interior deccraiion is not a modern invention. The Persians were the pioneers in making carpets. Akbar, the great Mughal ruler of India patronised this art. Even today we can see a few samples of mats manufactured during the Mughal period in the Metro Museum of Art in New York, U.S.A. Mughal period mats can be seen in A) Persia B) Tamil Nadu ©) North India D) New York. 139. Comprehension = Jesse Owens walked over to Luz Long's room to thank him. They sat in his quarters and talked for two hours about athletics, ourselves. the world situation, a dozen other things. When he got up to leave. we both knew that a real trendship had been formed. Luz would go out to the stadium the next day trying to beat him if he could. a Where did they sit and discuss a dozen other things ? A) Stadium B) Indoor stadium . C) Hostel D) Quarters. 140. Comprehension : Beverages or bottled drinks like Mirinda, Fanta and Pepsi contain chemicals which are harmful to our general health, Natural cold beverages like buttermilk and coconuts are cheaper and harmless. They make us healthy also Which of the following statements is correct ? A) Beverages are harmful to our health B) Beverages are harmless to our health C) Natural beverages make us unhealthy D) Natural beverages are costlier than bottled beverages. 141, Identify the sentence pattern : . Rama killed Ravana. . A) svo By svc o sv Dp) svoc socxx (1802) (yor) * © 142. 143. 144, 145, 146; 147. 148. 39 MART Identify the sentence pattern We elected him the leader. A) svo B) Svc ©) svoc pb) sv Identify the sentenc pattern, We visit our, relatives in vacation Ay syoc B) SVIODO ce) svc D) SVOA Identify the sentence pattern : My brother gave me a present. A) SVOA B) SVIODO ce) svoc D) SVCA Identify the sentence pattern He borrowed my book last week. A) svoc B) SVOA ©) svioDpO D) SVCA. Change the following Verb into Noun form : Collect — A) collecting B) collective €) collection D} collects. Change the following Verb into Noun form Neglect — A) negligence B) neglected ©) negligible D)__ negate. Change the following Adjective into Adverb form Deep — A) deepened B) depend ©) deepness D) deeply. Change the following Adjective into Adverb form Perfect — A) perfecting B) _ perfectful CC) perivctly D) to perfect. xxx | 1892] (roa) i Turn over MART 40 150. 152. 153. 154. 155. 156. Change the following Noun into Verb form : Success — A) successable B) succeeding ©) successor D) succeed Select the correct voice form and fill in the blank : A few reminders ............... to the officer A) have been sent B) will send C) is being sent D) be sent. Select the correct voice form and fill in the blank = You. if you disobey. A) are being punished B) will be punished C) has been punished D) will punish. Select the correct voice form and fill in the blank He remains unperturbed, even though he .. A) has defeated B) had defeated ©) has been defeated D) _ were defeated. Select the correct Passive Voice ‘The table can ....... . by him. A) lifted B) © be lifted C) lifts D) lifting, Select the correct voice form and fill in the blank : Let the poor ... Hehe A) insult B) insulted ©) is insulted D) . be not insulted. Fill in the blank with a suitable participle : ‘The teacher scolded the boy ............... in the classroom. Al play B) played Cc) playing D) was playing. vwove{ OE] (rex) 157. 158. 159. 160. 161. 162. 163. 164. xxx [1802] a Fill in the blank with a gerund He did not like .......c..00 Late A) to work B C) working D) Fill in the blank with a suitable infinitive : He showed me how ...... a fuse. A) tofix B) C) tobe fixed D Fill in the blank with a suitable participle = sick, he did not attend school. A) Be B) C) Is being D Fill in the blank with a suitable participle This ts a work already . .. by him. A) finish B) C) finishing D) Select the correct question tag Do this at once. ... 2 A) did you B) Cc) don't you D) Select the correct question tag Come home early, .....--. A) doyou B) Cc) will you D) Select the correct question tag : Your sister looks well. ? A) does she B) ©) doesn't she D) Select the correct question tag : Have some more rice. A) doyou B) ©) haven't you D) MART having worked was working. fixing having fixed. Being Was being. finished to finish. do you won't you. don't you didn't you. don’t she didn’t she. will you have you { Turn over MART 42 165. 166. 167. 168. 169. 471. 172. Select the correct question tag : There is a mosque in that street, ........ A) isn't there B) hasn't there C) didn’t there D) did there. Select the correct tense : Stephen Hawking .............. the greatest of the living scientists. A) is B) was C) had been D) were. Select the correct tense : All the students .. . the special class last week. A) had attended B) attended C) willattend D) would attend Select the correct tense : 1... .. this story since 10 O' clock: A) has been writing B) _ have been writing C) was writing D) have written, Name the correct tense form of the underlined words : When they went to the theatre, the tickets had all been sold. A) past perfect B) present perfect continuous ©) past perfect continuous D) future perfect. ). Select the correct tense : If you call me, I . to your help. A) will come B) would come ©) came D) had come. Fill in the blank with suitable article : Ramya has come without .........10... umbrella. AD the B) an co a D) noarticle. Fill in the blank with suitable article = The girl ate ....... orange. A) the B) an oa D) no article. xxx | 1502 | (701j 43 MART 173. Fil in the blank with suitable article : Kiran would make ................ better engineer than dottor A) the B) an oO oa DI no article : 174, FH in the blank with’ suitable article : The best way to catch ....... mouse is mousetrap. * A) an B) oa C) no article D) the 175. Fill in the blank with suitable article Copper is useful metal A, a B) no article ©) an D). the. 176. Fill in the blank with suitable preposition : The money was divided ............... the thiree sons. A) with B). between C) among D) for. 177. Fill in the blank with suitable preposition : Peter prefers coffee tea. A)- than B) from Cc) over dD) to. 178. Fill in the blank with suitable preposition He goes on Sunday to church and sits .... .. the boys A). among B) out C)' between D) of, 179, Fill in the blank with suitable preposition : Anoop came to school .... . train, A) on B) by ¥ C) through Dat. . 180. Fill in the blank with suitable preposition : He arrived .......-...-. February. A) at B) on cin D) along. vaxx [1503] (7x) | Turn over MART 181 182. 183. 184 185. 186, 44 Choose the correct ‘antonym’ for the underlined word from the below ‘The utter simplicity of the subject was suddenly revealed to me. A) showed ©) explained Choose the correct ‘antonym’ for below = They had a special building. A) right ©) particular Choose the correct ‘antonym’ for below : Gandhi was meant for truth. A) falsehood cc) bold Choose the correct ‘antonym' for below We had to stop ever so often. A) rarely ©) always Choose the correct ‘antonym’ for below All his designs were authenti A) real Cc) conifnon B) hidden D) understood. the underlined word from the B) common D) good. the underlined word from the B) violence D) hatred, the underlined word from the B) frequently D) usually. the underlined word from the B) false D) audacious. Select the word with the correct prefix A) deordinate C)_— disordinate B) _ postordinate Db) — subordinate. options given options given options given options given options given « ” Ps 187. 188. 189, 190. 191. 45 Select the word with the correct prefix : A) unregular Cc) nonregular Sclect the word with the correct prefix : A) ensure c) enlive Select the word with the correct suffix A) shortful © careful Select the word with the correct suffix A) tireful ©) trery B) D) B) D) B) D) B) D) MART irregular disregular enter insure. workful ceaseful. urely tiresome. Match the following words given in Column A with their meanings in Column B and select the correct answer from the codes given below Column A a) blanked b) scan ce} diminish d) outdated Codes : A) 4 1 2 3 By) 2 1 30 4 co 38 4 1 2 Dp 4 1 3 2, Column B 1. examine 2. reduce 3. old 4. disappeared. (Turn over MART 192. Match the following words given in Column A with their meanings in Column B and select the correct answer from the codes given below : a b) ce) a Codes a A 2 BL a 2 pb 4 deter grim reminiscences chide 4 ‘Column A 2 3 3. Column B momo prevent scold fearful. 193. Match the following words given in Column A with their meanings in Column B and select the correct answer from the codes given below : b) e) a) Codes : a A 3 B) 4 ° D 3 Column A Greece USA Britain ‘Thailand bo 2 1 1 2 4 2 2 4 Column B Thai British Greek American. a7 MART 194. Match the following words given in Column A with their meanings in Column B and select the correct answer from the codes given below : a) + b) 3 [ da) Codes : a AY 3 B) 3 S o 4 D) 4 Column A quit queer amusing authentic 2 1 3 3 1 Column B strange real leave funny. 195. Match the following words given in Column A with their meanings in Column B and select the correct answer from the codes given below a) b) @ d) Codes : : a 7 a 4 B) 3 Cc) 2 D) 1 soxxx [T8OH] - Column A diminish negotiation bewilderment benevolent ey ee 2, Column B confusion reduce generous bargain. { Turn over MART 7 48 196. Choose the correct ‘synonym’ forthe underlined word from the options given below ‘The incessant rain was terrific, A) great B) loud ©) continuous D) hard. 197. Choose the correct ‘synonym’ for the underlined word from the options given below He had been summoned by the commissioner. A) asked B) called ©) sent D) subjugated. 198. Choose the correct ‘synonym’ for the underlined word from the options given below The door looks gleamy. A) bold B) lazy C) shine : D) fool. 199. Choose the correct ‘synonym’ for the underlined word from the options given below : Kumar walked cautiously. A) slowly B) quickly C) carefully D) easily. 200. Choose the correct ‘synonym’ for the underlined word from the options given below Iwas too young at 16 to be frightened by anything. A) surprised B) _ filled with fear ©) empowered D) in great joy. i a xxxx [Tl 49 (SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK ) MART | Turn over MART 200 [1502] 50 (SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK } 52 MART ogee | D Ea 2011 Qurg sao Qurgy ,uEleapid SeawPdocut Geior pyin : 3 wee | [Qos wAs@ustrseh : 300 Saws uPlwMsgapeor Sheee BMaysoyseren sever acs sig Seeyid GSW splayeor est 1. Giro oad Coney ge Copoprwow Gb usspoHp)s GanainGeiags. Epi, Opn serd Boysslr Rerjdmroued Powers senorenumat sh sya, Cognpeup sinssd cing. SaNgOprgian A|ysGiugenss Gotan sairareaiinen Oeby Bogyenples cmatipeog aomne SEses Bote GnienGd. spel Geoalogse olin cutos Fao 2. Qps Sets Apndiy 200 Sarrésenens Geeta Goreng 3. soon Slarranerien olen ustlssoyd. Toor SemaseHd eourer wAUGUeEst Daren eeu. 4, Sore Ssnen, [A] [E] som [D] cor gree, auflensaoMe 98d Out Qorong (Bair usagi Gy Gwe cpeoades scien ocigerpy unde) oBekremdugnys oer bps Sallesven olen bprcle ophGoe aeoubpcior Queso ediage oncenlee Geum OD. 2 emyeamors Ge oSetoreamtugnyh metg ales Gengiy CubSlossrs sisut sony Ae OmLu cio poraler Goamnd wsepsle Mp snaimisgcicary Fad sug age SD erouaNe G LAgICPEDENL Buco ee enc, GueisG a {BL (CIEDI 5. gieepen.u ufle) caiman GER URDBS emg Bos ggemaid sBbGAa! soLbgsior Gu sAle Saowt aye, Gnice oo. Gag Sempud lens precio Scqpe eae, 6 Sie eaieh oplbge ent. cers cin pprat gurg, etagsie ackarefinuenys sehurnd gpeoGs. chen bani cond uswasle = kngnen’u el et, Cea ie Go Onan cBusatanet Bia eee Sorte sealants snes pies Oa om npr annie 7 Edeepmels Ua eae Garaggret ee sppalenparua che hgreor @yeinna, utaps ponearhare xmndpeter Grandia Sao song. ogame Sp auien-u ubgipeens Eiealione esiagn ent GovemOo. Copsem chiyunener slim _ppnehe Ganet @BWGR ark palara yoo! allen. got Qeaargprsetiug® 8 alco “alegre. (Alby IC) bas ID) eg wranp legen OarainQang. fact Jeonaelle GG) ge, etka dn cus Gxt Gedy eden perce epage sine, Sous DaDse Gobi Untiunce clack Ge Gocalae Grosupras seAene Bunt ules athens Pegi ctone moxylibiadar se chek iou clun puteti opiaah anc Gelearob. augur Go ostctng G0) Ge, olen cmubpner CpiSnGee Cree Gore tmcpmua Corps oplicuemedt (aot sien Stale oApne om Oo oflurer sles acley eameohaenaes nga 9. shat gprdie” gaicane Gang! “cameipes gSile, [Al IDL IC] appt (BI een preve Star RacLane a stores, Ge Gaciadno clio uciha finer ellgucr aege en cu HEL HE niin Sa pale Si Go uhg Geno SasneSance fips acs. Goss pono Gaal Qe Simcoe SashCgoeo sim: dare efiae CoemG go Spucike pause Supucc nLuaigera she cen” gapiapin xsecGd esijockin Baad TB acues efurer Sacurah nosans shop Morea egipes ance. ogee (A) Bic) (dD) 10. fisaer cSems Opretaser ein udebmpyh soGar sep AlbeCan mung. Spicy Gpradlo wp Alarnp Gres enendin oyeovgl oder bprennGar Gpieys ani beng oO Oeiefde COge oamanar Say cogngies fae + Gotham sor point navieasaiureaho Os! O88 Sh omg paling Cae qihienk Spr couaney oad = tncy a oboe Gases 11 gobiaiect ecg cnicupse, champ Gprouke seh LaeaBve Gausopes eudunalaah 12, Gnbsams aides cermurag Sane Corareemu (padAGhed KLAgAERAEDHS & cherrs Epfigo ser aBapbe beng 13. Gene 100 Redan’ olonsedhe idle axel GerBbocul Gem efhrjesterer cegnur arene 14, Rang Aprecdé oSen.cow GH Gor, epi Gb anc Gae sings xxx [TS03] (or) wee

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