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Isla Del Coco

By Melanny Gutierrez

Overview of Isla del coco

Democratic Government
How Leaders are selected

Leaders are elected by voting

Leader of the island is in charge for only one year
The community is able to share their opinions about the Leaders that are being
Leaders can choose their representatives


Leader comes up with ideas for the people

The people in the community decide what ideas they like
People make the decisions
Leader encourages people to be a part of the decision making
Keeps the people informed about everything that could affect them
and shares decision making and problem solving responsibilities


No murdering /violence
No stealing
Discriminating another person for his/hers color, religion or sexual
orientation is not acceptable
No abusive actions will be allowed in this island
Deadly weapons are not allowed in this island

Enforcing decisions and laws

Police are in charge of protecting and enforcing the law to the citizen of
Isla del coco
Trained and experienced police men/women
Representatives can also help the leader enforce the decisions made
Leader will often remind the rules to the people


Citizen can begin working at the age of 15 and are able to retire at the
age of 60
Ages from 15-18 will be given work that is not very dangerous and hard
Ages from 19- 50 are given normal work no matter if its hard or easy
Working hours are between 4-6 hours each day, any more than that is
considered overtime
Safety rules of the work environment will be enforced in every job
Training is necessary for every employee
Minimum wage is $12
Days off are given (sick days, vacation)
Elderles from the age of 60 and up do not have to work

This is the end of my


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