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Ten Points Each. Total 150 Points.

1. Connect the upper and lower figures so that the total number of objects is 18.

2. Compute: (1) 1513517(

(2) 6810121416(

3. Count how many different figures are inside

the box. Put the numbers in the (
(1) Rectangles (

(2) Trapezoids (


(3) Which figure has odd number of items?

4. One of the figures below is not like the other three, circle that one.

2015 Final

5. Draw the figures according to the instruction.

(1) Circles are 3 more than triangles. Draw the triangles above the line.

(2) Squares are 4 less than circles.

Draw the circles above the line.

6. How many triangles can you find in the figure on the right.

7. Henry has some coins that show their values in dollars

as shown in the figure on the right. If he wants to
buy a $12 pen, how many different ways can he pay
for it?

8. This year, Cory is 6 years old and Peter is 8 years old. How many years later
will the sum of their ages be 20?

2015 Final

9. Based from the patterns, draw figures inside the two blank circles.

10. Draw 2 triangles and 2 rectangles in each of the figures below.

11. Elaine invites many friends to her birthday party and all of invited friends plus
Elaine sit around a rectangular table. Elaine is counting her friends around the
table by counting the one sitting on her immediate right first. Lena is the 13th
person based on Elaine's counting. If Elaine counts from her left first, Lena
would be the 8th person. How many persons, including Elaine, are sitting
around the table?

12. In the figure below, draw a picture on the right side of the figure that is
symmetric to the figure on the left side.

2015 Final

13. Alice had some apples. She gave half of them to her father and she ate one
apple. She then gave her mother half of what was remaining and she, again,
ate one apple. Finally, she gave half of what was remaining to her brother and
she ate another apple. At that time, she still had 2 apples left. How many
apples did she have in the beginning?
14. From the below figure, can you move one match stick to another position to
make this equal sign valid? Write down the correct expression.

15. The four shaded figures below can be enlarged and used to cover each of the
squares below them so that the resulting figures would show a total of 4 crabs
and 2 turtles. For example, the second shaded figure can be used to cover the
first square below it and the resulting picture would only show 2 crabs.
Complete the other three. (Note: You may rotate these shaded figures to do
the covering.)

2015 Final

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